The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 27, 1849, Image 4

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orirlaal, only trt»e> and genalna liver-PUL. 1
etifui , 'gygjj coat, Ohio county, Vo. >
March SPiM*49. )
Mr R.E.Beilor«: Deer Sir—l mink it > dntylotee
•ovon.ndm the pablilbkenere ly, to Mete Uim.l »*"
Kifflicted milt Id"' Cm ”F l iL n ‘ < l °'S,
io'bndly tn ebeerl famed end brake,
.«.• H.emk he.rd ol
roar celebrated Ul|f Wll. btinj for rale by A R
them-in Wnt ÜbrHy, and recommended lo me by
phVtlcfan, Dr. P,:Bpllh, 1 concluded lo (flee them
. rurjlrlel. i purehued one bon, mid foaod idem to
l>e jaJl wnat ibey at*: TUB BEST LI
VER rILL EVER ÜBED; and a/tct taking four boxee
) find tlie diteaae box entirely l«it ®e, and 1 am now
perfectly well. Re.peet/ally ,o»ra
:■ Wen Mnrtb«o.Urt».
1 certify th&t 1 am jersonally'eeqOauited wit* Mr
Coleman, ana can testimony to the. truth of the •
above certificate. . A R.SHARP
Tae genuine Liver Pills ire *nd sold by
R B SELLERS, N 057 Wood street, and b>* druggisu
in the two ciues.
TO THE t*UBLIC.--The original, only trot and gen
uine Liver Pill* ore prepared by R B Setters, and have
hit nT*"* itamped in black wax upon the lid o ( each
box, and hi* signature on the outside wrapper—all
other* are coamerfelll, or base imitation*.
upiQ ; RE 1 SELLER”*, Proprietor
«■» ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known tutdpo,;
X* tiltr Clergy mac of the Protestant Metbodut CkureJi
The uaderMpedhavior been afflicted during the p«'
winter with a oiaeiw oft ie : «tamach, eotnetime* pre
dociag mat pain lathe ft much for ten or twelve hoar
withoat intennisrion, and after hating tried varies*
remedies with littlcefffcct was furnished with a bouo
oflh D Jayne’s Caftnihau re Ualtsmi Tbube
cording to the direction*, And found invariably thatth.
medicine caused the paw'toabnte in three °r ,o “
ate*, and in fifteen or twenty ninute»e*erT uo«Mt
..■uiiion wuaiUrel, quieted. tU ”^” c
terwardtused vtbeßoverind«at«on*of rfe *FPr°“ch 0
m, or.hcuimua-wa "» Allo( , k ciiytlrtl
Fo, nle m Piu.bu,,t PIiKJ N 'fBA sToR
or nt Ra|il{m Remedy.
u the JfißfUAlUStt BALSAM OF
MPF discovered' hy thn detebraied Dr. Buchan, o!
fin,ton- England, and introduced into the TuiledStale*
under* theimmedite suparinUsodencfe of the inventor#
The extraordinary • access 1 of tht* medicine, in th.
cure of Pulmonary disease*, warrants the American
Acent in solicitmgwr treatment the worst possible ea
eh* that edn be found in the community—cases that *c«k
Mbef in vain from tny of the common remedies of the
day and have bean given up by the moat distinguished
nhviicians a* confirmed and mcurablr. The Hangun
iu Balsam has cared, and will care, the most desperate
of cases, ht* uo.ftttaek noitnmt. but a standard Eng
lish medicine, of kpown andeslabliahcd efficacy, ,
Every family inthe United States should be supplied
with Buchan’s Hungarian Balsam of Ltic, not only to
ooameracuhe cOtutumpuve tendencies of the clmoate,
hullo be used as a preventive medicine m ail ease* o>
r“. A. .pining Of blood, pain in the «idc and
S2t a.. i««., b roc urn,.
dffiiultvof bntMta*. beetle few, ntSbl e-tutu. .iu»ci-
S eeneruSSibitoT, eetbrne. GUttitt^ltoop,,,,
bottle, «iR. toll atree
and other evidence, showing the uu-
tfUtU pea. BMlub Bunted,, »«) t.
•unu£ tfrfcssassgiit * *,-
. St and Wood and. Wood and 6th Sts. mrrB
CONSUMPTIVES, be on your ouard.
TO* atUTimit *o* . , ,
i2,7ala ia 3. Side and 1»™“k *“£““? of
■iUaUoa,soro Threat
n - ano all Ih*eJuei of tjio Throat,
fereMlandbortg*; tot m«t ef
fectual oml *pedffy core
Over knows for any of
• the above di*e<*-
ea, U
* rrll n of Wild Cherryl
Oompo«”“ ”»‘“J' Hare ofdoabiful
Thl. oufcj* SJ?.w f4S thV Uraaearrd. daily
lllJ *‘*" li *
SauUia, aird !• beeorruog more n«n»>r
prepareiroa at mod,cure ovo,
k :
Importance boj/* ffectt p OT rfroof of toe foiegoiug ;
dance of tu pm.JSL Ifccasy of this U- i
-fo« of Ihe mat, Urea-1
<*>>•; "“ have hoop preaeoled lo him try
c .z
lify to facta, . g oc j, teititpony prove* con-
U T“*' r?h« i ealabliabed
SyTJiSio menu. I°S
SS» XaghUm
are, reader.. ll a mo.l agreeable
mr _-Birina fro® con»c»cnuoirs uapul*e«,
to toe truth of a thing, or
’^iffikSkohtestimony. Wm- contrary to their
P** SSV«ISmMd purposev coetce. conviction 01
worldty intertttt ana p« elf ft Xectnl manner to
JUSSSSrw - ri,ea"K
other medicine.
.Cnwxn Co., April 25th, 181*.
_ „ _ 'n««r*ir 1 verily believe your Com-
Dr Swrync— cherry tun bbeu die mean* ol
pound Syrup Of ™ £vere cold, which gradu
«ving my life- lcaa%a\o. wc „ rough, thni
slly f rew wor*e, »»w»^ wh^fa , had rreour « 10 , .all
re *uiedinlltbe eakibiied all me nymDiom* of
incrr**ing until my e -*" vcrT muw \ ir ie«f aeeinri
Pulmonary- «^! 0 “ p d U ““ increased .o rapid
-10 here no effect, an „ vsc n’ gave up all hope* of
,y Uint friends* try
my L U*J »° with the neu hap
yoor mvaiuahJe w^ 1 ctffet w looteu jhe
pry result*. T“^“ 1 ”\r eXtlcclo rute tTeely; and by Uie
cough, caoung ®*. -S i WB * rntifeiy well. &nd‘*m
time 1 had in' my life, and
now as hearty* m*u in r om nlitiu respecting my
would be hupprw iy the Unest for
ease, that otheren&e ) truth of the above
whlc hlam » j;° r cr Rush, Urooer, Wett
imminent, I re l ” J - wcliaaß d the medicine.
Bjy bumble leftimony three years since 1 sm ,
rap of Wild Cbcrr^., l 4 m flummation of lh« j
violently with a distressing i
Langs, w.bicn r; ; an d bead, a very considers.
•vaht P“ moeas fro® ihe Innga, espe
ble 4lieWg« Of however slight. At
dally apon **“|\££ al aJ condition, but wa» pretty
Omi felt bo «4« JfJJJ, go'mg imo coostunp
»“ Ltd .1 (engli »a» -MIC
lion. I g« w , 0f tpea k above s whiaper, «unh
|y able to waA ab<»ti of my tung»- Daring Uu*
was thoexcetwagJ" or ei>aration« And prescription-.
worse. Just
bat found norelief—bjs dear friend in
here 1 wa. S>*fnp of Wild Cher-
Wilmington wmak« m ont iy.| had been preju
ry. I most 0”™? unit Jam .011 againsi
diced again** p***" 1 “ j, J emperics, but ander
thow eomlng.ont oflb oro fe*aiou and practice o(
‘’lSfhi'SSdiKtaS Mlffi tltt "? ln? ° l “*
medicine, anaiaviag . r>r. Shaw, one of your
ageau, a *“"£*&* JJi or US moftlhV standing,oon
•»» was at ttou dme o f (oandi however.
*^ n f? ay h of tb* & r9t f*» r 01 tvr
eonsidersbleßlieffro tp <. akrr , 1 frequently at
bottle*. m nreaeb wim my increasing strength, and
tempted to P*“ C Uiat had already begun
®« b 7 r^?s^ my Cure was greatly
W of acting thu* imprudently,
retarded. fcfteen bottles before l wa*per-
Ibadtouse tweWe # mnch imaJlßr
haTe mado me sound, bot for
number of Bynip niuyvd it* icver-
Ihe above _ T distressing cough, put a stop
ith habit, ■■ » f T -,.ner from the lungs, and gave
to the di*«»*rS« ® “rTj eBl good health. 1 have defer
them and iMenu{w*£ rtte until now, for the purposu
red offering Ultf i with the permanency of the
srartsastt' 'fzzst
pleasure. M
Doblin eounty, N. C.
/mpittiu CouflOT clttrry,
There » hel 0 ?”?" 1 "” P f„it ever offered to the
and that is Dr- ® WA T**"’ largely throughout the
public, wtueß Dirts of Europe; *od all pro-
UnitetJ 8““»n»f d nISe of WiW Cherry
peretlon. eJled hv “ ,ovet ° ( “>“«
Keo pot oot * ta ? e “Sr“olive eorreocr to their .ole.,
ointomitettoCT, m order el 1 , nf .d mivtelc. the
Bf .Utile ,o,ule of the ff-nalM u
the jreet o( Wig cherry, perron.
Swarne**givehcarTeney to their
would not
“ficdlious nostrums hearfe mind the name
Swt- «*=«
Philadelphia;' . retail by.mJDEN A BNfoW
por nle Sk° l A
DEN, cor 8d ■fd,^® od t , n j U V t u gad Wood su; AVM
Co. cor Ist Wjd Wood, ,ose&3w Überry *t; iAS
TlioaN.63 Market st, B N MJTCH .
si Srs, -r ■■
.. A l-ECTOKA^w
SySscS?* Idial tbs law P***i aJ*
STcfitia thsir u *J^L|5J;/sJras2ladwed
*□ try other V?V*££* «* mKmably
guappomUdUL bestowsdby ths proprietors,
utistpatsd from ths high praiws . virmcroasJrr. ss
i, A ”JL. u,.„^dVh«h
■gsaty by - 7S Fourth si
doeS3dkirtf - ~
T\R.W P INLAND, of tho Medical College bf Phil-
DudpWiTaoVVftr. to foe p<M>Ue >“■»»*“*•%•
Stable Preffilim Plaster, the quabUe* of which. ancr
Sag and tried experience, hah been
tabßshed. To all women who mxy bo *®* cife “ **Vj
Prol.p.o* Uteri, or Womh, h «''"““‘S’ Sj
Blaster, guaranteeing a sure and »P« C<5 ) CQf |*^ l ~| h
* ffori space of from two to thee weeks, if ft PP li *“ w, * h
•are and resv—discarding all the coumlcssiustrumcnu
■nd eroensive bandages to long in use. This he feels
in stating, Inasmuch as he has not foiled
£* one caed.out of three hundred and fifty-three pa
****£. Rheumansm and Weak Breast or Back, at
relied ttere u oothioff lo eieel thu Pl«t=r
ruliel’oT effeating a cure- For sale by
eomcrof Diamond and Market st
Liberty and Bl Clair it*
l£*?2 “ «t and Diamond, Aile-
Dr J Bargnnt
gbeny city Denman and Diamond Binning-
Jacquea fo Co, ■ ten
' —^®gS?g2S3
aSAdfcr U. Prtt
st » Dy . A JAYVFP
|-ggfe^hogoT E r
00Tbs assorted No*. C. Yarn,
es Bsttugj 25d0 Candle wick;
. j. , Matthews aco
•*** r 4
P q a f o W flllEN D’B
comrotrro xxmapt or
jr Ml t**'amd BUtoiaf of lii Aft.
Th* mail eitraordteere Medicine la tha World I
Tkit Kttna i* f»I *7 '* 0“? UJt*
ttout ckteprr, fiui'r'ir, and wmatii rtr
mrriMT u any srS* It -**-.< uilkoat
The (mi beaofy end tar - ' -toHty of itts Ssrwpixills
over all medicines u, U while h erndieetes lh6 dt»
„„ U InrteoreU* the body Uis one of the eery bcrt
B»«r known; It att tnlr pm* e* the »kola system. and
strengthens Qw> parson, not tl * ‘mitt o*»ijp«r» cad pick
| loodt a power yuanaid by ab stber mcalcine. And la
loia lie* the grand-secret of lu wenderftal cneeeaa. It be*
performed within the Uat two years. more thna 100,000
ttirei of serere eases of dl—tac ; at least IS.OOO wen
considered Incurable. It has cared the liras of Don
than 11X0(10 children daring tha two pest Mesons.
10,000 ctaci ©t General Debility and
want of Irrreiu Energy*
Dr Townsend's Sartwnriße terigoratas tbs whole
syrtem permanently. VO thoee who hare lost their
mnseular energy by tbs sffacta of mediate* or iodises*-
uon committed in ye nth, or the ezeeasire indulgence ol
the Bastions, and brought on a general physical pieptra
tton'o/th# narrow syrtem, lassitude, want of ambition,
feintisf sensation* prsamlora daeay and decline, hasten-
Inf towards that fatal dteasse, Consumption, can be en
tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Saras
partite is fsr re perl or to any
Imyifformtims Cerdiml,
As it renews and tnrtgoretes tha system, (bras actlrlty
tu tha limb*, and strength to tha mute alar system, it e
most extraordinary degree.
toncnmptlcra Cured,
t/tecas* and Streafliea. Goasassetie* can it oersd.
jh-sncAitis, Connmptio*, Ldotr OcmplcvU. Ooldt.
Catarrh, Cowls, Artiste, tertihtf of Book,
Asrcness in Us Ghist, ffsctu Fmak, It
SaotU,.DiMemlt or FrpAut Expects
reticn, Pain in til Bids, less
.lees and as Is arid
JTss fork, April SSOLBiT.
Tmsub-1 rtrtiy belisra that year BaresM
rilla hvt beea thtmessa, tiiougb Pierldaaea, of sarin#
my Ufa. 1 hare.for sararalyaara had a bed Cough. •It
became waeee n&d wena At last I raised lane quanti
ties efWwed, had aight Sweat* and was raatly deblte
utad ant red need, sad did ant expert to Ura. i hdre
only wtl year BanapacfUa a dton tima, ud there has
a wnlmfil ohs&ga bean wxwnght ta aa lam tat «Ue
to walk all eras' the eity. I rain ae bleed, sad ay
coagh las left fta. Tea css waU toaftss that 1 ass
lhaakfU fir that* resalta
WIL KOSIiXiL, H Oatksdis-rt.
Eiosnfa Msdldw.
Dr. Twwasoad’htmapartUaisaeerarelgmaßdspeedy
sue fhr laateiasi CeasampUso, ftaireanea* PruUata*
Uteri, ar fafla* oftbe Womb, Oaotereaesa. Pile* Lea
senbma, stWkites, abstracted ae.diMeute-Meartren
lien, Ueaattßttea ef Urisa, ar tarel eatery discharge
thereof, end to ihs gaascel prettratfaa ef the system—
no "'iwf wbather the reach af iakoraai casm or cause,
prod used by inW«b*t'r> Omm «
has ba mere ttrprtete* thaa la livtMtef efWu
ea the hamaa toms/Parieas al udwa ami tort
tade. from taktu U, as tees become rebsss- ad fltD of
amt adn ia inceean. It ImmrflatMy etotanett
ih« msrTslessnM ef the fhaale Dame, which is the great
aaMS 5
SS MrtaSd b., no. U» dUaU.llxl
ef asses whan bare been witboat ahSdraa,
after nisi a A* beulsa af thia Urclaakls asdhfra,
Un boTbl—d OLh taa. knllh? oApiia,. i
T. Buboi Mi JgMTtod LUta. ,
This-Extract «f Bameoii&a has eea axpresaw ttre-
DMd is nfarcsse ts teals eempiite. No
who has reason to suppsaa she ts apnashtug (hat
critical period. • Tie ff*TV W_*wU U|ta is
uks it, ts it U a cartath ptaratuiTa. A* •*? « “e
somenss sad bsrrihte dbessas ta which tea tee ar.
sabjset at this das of Uih. This Mriodmaf U do-
Uftdfir sseeml years If Ner
U it Isa rahiahls to those who are *o
mabood, as it b eakalaied to assist aatare. by oick
ani&g tha blood aad lartforatlag the ayrtom. Uleed,
iUi sedteiae te Isralaabla to an the dalleate dteem
ms ta which women an subject. 1
It braces tha whole system, renews permaMatlT tbs
utaral energies, by remoring the faapandes el tha
body not so far u to produce aabae<joen*
which is tha ease of moat medicines taken to
<■—.u weakness and disease. By asing a faw bottles cH
this paay aerere aad pelnfnl saryteal opera
Uosa may ba pr*rented. 1
Great Blradng t* Blotihwraamd Childrwu.
• his tha aatot and a»at affitetuai nottietne for partf}-
*rrf tha sTsteta, and relterfag the ennsriags attendant
vppa child-birth erer dlseorered. Iswtrengthani both
tfimothar and child, praraets pel# and disease, in
ereaen and anricheetha food, tboaa who hare used it
think It la Indispensable. It is highly Useful both before
and after confinement, as it presents dunam ao«alaut
upon ehOdbirth—ta Coatirenes*, Pilea, Cramps. Swell
ing of the Fatt, Deepondeney. VomOtng.
Prto In tha Bafek and Loins, Fates Pates, Hemorrhage,
and te regalaUng th# seersttens and sqtulteing tbs cm
ealattea it has no eqod she great beauty of this
medicine te. It always sate, aad tbs mort delicate we
a mort auecsttfully. eery te eases req»lw any «th«
tn Isms a Utda Castor OQ. or Magneeia. te
esefaL Exercise in the open ate, and light food with
this otedldea r win aiway* ansara a tafa and ta»y eon
Beauty mad HesUth.
Ctaastics, Chalk, and a varlsty of preparation* gso*-
rtil* tfhaa applied to the fhiw, very «« sped ft
Sf&sbSr the pomof the .kfo. and
rhrek th. cirtolettoe. -hivh. -h.n eMore U eel
rd bv disesee or powder, or tho skis inflamed by the
alkalies used la »*pa beaudfie* It* own product*** lo
human &• DWaa“ as *«U es in ***~*** of
nch anddiUtamlr ttemd and , T * H 7*f ed . fl "
frea aetiv* sad healthy eirculation of the flulda dr the
of the pore, rich blood to “**2?tou£
that which paiau the countenance la the mdrtjgV.*-
■Ha bcautv -ItU that which Imparts the indescribable
:‘ta£rss «f j 2
com can de*Criba. This HeautT is th* offspring of ms
lere—«otofp»»d*r or ***P- "£***
Healthy dre Station, thers Is no baaaty. «f *••“1 “
f dras driven snow, if sh# pslav tad use eosißotiea
Uw htood Is thick, eeld sad lapur*. sh* b sot beas
tlful U shako hrowa •» rellow.sad there is pure usd
.Sve blood, H gtvws a rich bloom to aad .
bnlllaasy »tholr eyas that is fhseiasong. .
* ThSis why tho eoathoru, sad the Span
ish ladles, ari so much admind. Ledle* la the north
*ho inks hot Utti* exercise, or tn coafiaod ia close
rooma, or ktr* spoiled their complexion by tho appli
citon of dristarions uditurom, if they wish u rs
rain elasticity of step, buoyant spirits,
aud beaudftu eoaplsxious. they should w Dr
Sanaparilla. Thoosaeds who her* tried it, are
more are delighted. Ladies of .vary
i(«Uod. erowjl our oflle# daily.
Notice to tbc Ladles.
Thaw uuliaitatfl Dr. Tcnruevod’s Saroapartila. ha»»
Invariably Criled their stuff a rrtsl Rtm*4* fir Ft
males, te_ fltlj. sad kavs oopiea our biUs sad circular)
which re la tab to tho complaints of women, wonl for won'
-other m*a>bo pot up msdiriae, have,sine* ibe rreai
(uceess of Dr. Towueoad’s BsrseoariU* la eomplatnu
Incident to fraai**, rocomnwndsd theirs, elthough pr*
riouiJy they did not. A oamhor of those MUtures, Pills,
Ae_ aro Injurious to foaselet, ss they aggravate disease,
aud undermine the constitution. Df- Townsend i >• the
only end bast remedy for the numerous female com
plaint*—it ruroly, If *vvr falls of effecting s permanent
,-or*. It e*a be taken by the asoet delicate females.
eu «, or by tboeo exp«tia» u boeome mother*,
with th# greatest advantage*, as it pivpure* Die syetetn
sod prevent# pal* or danger, end etiwegtheus
wutfaer and ehibL Be carufblto gst th# geoume.
Bcrofalm Caitd.
This cerdfleaU conclusively proves that this Bara*,
partil* has perfect control over th# most obstinate di*
eases of thkßood. Three persons eurud la one boost
it uoprecodßnted. ,
Three Children.
Da. TownsHC—Dear Blr i I have th* pleasurs te
Inform you mat three *f my ehUdrma here been eured
of the BerofOia by th# use of your aeaUaot modiclna
They were afflicud very severely with bad Bors*; hsve
taken only four bottles; it took thsm sway, for which
I feel myself, under grvat obligation.
; T ° n C&AIN. Iofl WwffUMt
dpimloDs of Phyelcimaa-
Dr Townlfend is almost dailv receiving order* from
Physicians Ip diflbrent parts of thaDoion
This is to certify that wo, tho oodorrigaed. Pbysielaw
uf the City of Albany, have in numerous eesw Pk»«"b
pd Dr Togpasend's Sarvaparilla. and believe It to bo
" rth - “»'■ , ” ,u ” i,r *rp‘ l;s"D-
(L B. 881008, M. D.
Albany. April I.IMX ?■ E- EUIENdOBF. M. D
Owing toxbe great success and immense sale ol Ur
Townsend'S Saraaparilla. a number of men who were
formerly oar Agenla. have cotmneaqed making Saraape
ntia CstracU, Elixirs, Bitter*. Estrael* of Tellow Dock,
fee They generally put It up In th* seme shaped bot
.let, and earns of them have stole and copied o«T edrer
(isrnient*—they are only worthless imitatiomi, and
‘h'outd be avoided.
Principal Offlce, 120 PULTON Btrset, Bun Btdldint.
N Y ; Redding A Co, 8 Htate street, Boetoo ; Dyott A
Son*. 138 Nortl Second street, Philadelphia; B. S
Mance, DrtuntisL Baltimore j P. M. Cobeo. Charleston ,
Wnflit i v°-. lSi Chartres Street, N O.; 1(0 South
Pearl Street, Albany; and by alt the principal Drug
risu and Merchant* generally thro«ghdal the United
huim. West Indie* and ths Canadas
H. B.—Hereon* inquiring for this medicine, should
not be indufled to take any other. Druggist* put up
SarsaparillnA, and of course prefer selling their own.
Do not be deceived by nnv—inquire fo? Dr. Town
acrid's, and take no other. [!_/" Retnember the genu
ine riarsnparilla.” sold Uy the »oh* agent*
R.E.BELLERS, (iencral Wholesale A Retell Agent,
No. 67 Wood street, end D. M. CURRY, Allegheny
City. _ jelß
Cream dc’ Amanda Amere’, for shaving;
Cream a fi Rose, lor shaving;
Almonde Cream, do;
Hnperfme'Bouge.on Porcelain sundc;
rderunt teem bags, perfumed with Lavender, Angl
tsrre Mlel;
Bexaiifal powder pads, of *JI pattern*;
Itebossed toilet Imxea, containing fragrant extrsr
for the handkerchief; a scent bag,and toilet *p*p- so
able for present*.
Persian, or Chinese powder;
Indian vegetable hair oil,
(fear's oil, in fancy or common wrappers, (rdse *cci
Jones' Soup; Nymph Soap; Ro*e Lip salve;
.‘•hell soafc Sods Soap; together with a great variety
Of fine perfumery: ;ast received; fo, ralo hy
nvifl coAth fc *l»
TTOW K)ER IT LOOK Sand., Bristol and Bull,
r| formetiy pul their Saraapariita in small bottle*
holding a few ounces, bui Jince Dr Townsend's ha#
beeome known, and almost or quite driven their liuie
bwUies out of the market, they are noyv putting theirs
op in larger potties containing four litres as touch as
before Query! How much profit dm they make be
fore off of Iheir small boniest Was li honest’ And
since they lists reduced the strength is it honest to
pretend lh«l they are as good a* they were? Dr. Town
send commenced honestly and fairly—gave as much
medicine M he could afford, has made several im
pnrvemtnU, nod is determined to kvdp up the strength
and quality and will warrant that each bottle of nis
SampanßA contains more than four uoe* the quanti
ty of-RursspariUa end medical qualities, than any oth
er Preparation of Sarsaparilla in the market.
Sold by B. E Sellers, sole agent for HilUburgh, and
D. M. Curiy, AHegheny. feoD*
rk.KfcN'Xl r l'i-*.>—l4 boie. assorted kinds, for sain
T by ticC Co^
/TIiP.ESE—IOO bis ta store and inr sale hy
1 i den® iHAIAH ntnttt-'Y A
ISTAR'S BALSiAM—I2 dot just rec Vend ft
lilt by apO J KIDD A Co
MOLNT EAIiLK TRIPOLI—For cleaning wm
dowa and lamp glantc*. Mlvrr plate, lira**, Bri
tannia, and other ware, h rapidly lake* on nil spot*
and alaini, and reproduce* the beautiful and durable
loitre of new ware Jusl received and for *ule., lwhoie
•nle and retail, by JOHN D MORGAN,
ja23 Dru|nri»t
MR. SAMI* H. HARTMAN haring 10111 hi* inter
est m the co-partnership of Coleman, Hallman A
Co., to the remaining partners, baa this day retired
fromjhejirtn. Febniary Hi, IrUB-tf
signed, Agent for the manufacturer*, baa on hand
and i* conrtamly rrcaivtng a full aopply of the article*
mode in Pittsburgh and vtcmtiy. which he offers for
sale at manufacturer* price*. GEO COCHRAN,
feb'jo 2D wood it
1 NDIA RUBBER"PASTB-n'g”>* l » botiiesTndia"Ruh
. ber Pane, an excellent article for rendering boot*
and shoe* perfectly water proof, and soft as a piece of
cloth. One application of tbi* pasta is sufficient to
make them tmpemou* to water for 2 or 3 months, and
a perfect prevvuialive from the leather cracking.
Rer'd and for sale at the India Rubber Depot. No 5
Wood si, frb23 JAM PHILLIPS
MEDICAL BOOK S—Cooper 1 * Surgical Dicty;
Copeland's do; CTuverlius 1 Anatomy, Druett's
Surgery, Ferris on Cholera, Reese on do, Bell and
Stoke*' Practice, Urey's Jurisprudence, Grave*' Clin.
Lectures, Brodie’* do, BrotLe on Joint*, Magendte's
Phy*.. Neltgan on Medicine*, Pari*' Pharraacologia.
Blundell'* Midwifery, do on Diseases of Women. Mont*
on Pregnancy, Parker on Stomach Velpeau
on Breast. Dupareque on Utcrtts, Kramer on Ear.
Clark on Consumption. Coates' Pbp Med . Athwell on
ale*. Stewart on Children, Beil'* Institutes, Perei-
ra on Blood, Louis on Phthisis, flUiotson's Practice.
Duprcvtreis’ Sur.. Abernathy'* Work*, Phillips’ on
Scrofula, Maekentosa'* Practice, Bellard on Children,
Velpeau’* Midwifery, Eberhe’s Therapeutics, Bell 1 *
Anatomy, Clark on Femalei ; |larrl»on’i Anatomy,
Cooper on Dislocations, Condie on Children, Mi'ler'*
Pnn of Burgerr, ChurchiU’* Females, Dewees on
Children, do on Midwifery, do on Females. Dungiison’*
Physiology, do Dictionary- Lawrence on Eye, Pcrei
ra’s Maieir* Med , Wat»on'* Practice, Liston'* Surge
ry, Dunglttou'* Practice, do Materia Medics, Miller's
Physiology- Ram*botham'» Mid., Bartlett on Fever*,
Hope on Heart, Coiumbat on Females. Furguson’s
Surgery, Wiison’s'Anatomy, William* on Respiratory
Organ*. Abercrombie on Brain. Dui guson's new Rem
edies, Ac. Ac.
The above, with a general assortment of Standard
Modical Book*, ree d and for sale tow
mar* between 4th and Diamond ay
Diamond AlUy, >mccra Wood and S*mt\/Uid Struts.
nn n E. M. BIGELOW would respectfully
inform the public ih*l si hi* Factory
ican at all times be found a large supply
***** ™ BaroueUo* Bug
<tes, and all kind* of fancy Carnage*, equal in ele
gance and nestneis to any found In the East. Con
tract! for any number of Carriages, Buggtes-ead Wa
gon*. will be promptly filled.
All work of h>* own manufacture will be warranted.
Rsruzscxa—Col. R Patterson, R. H. Pauersoit. E.
D Gar la in. Esq., Robert Robb, Esq . C. L. Magill, Al
derman Steel ieoitf-'hn
Wißfi* rXIEISO;
PUBLIC ATTENTION i* *olictted to an entirely
new article of RAILING, made of wrougbt iron
nars. and soli annealed rods, or wire, and expressly
designed for enclosing pottage*. Cemeteries, Balco
uic*. Public Giounds. Ac., ai pnees varytug from 50
its to fIOO the tunning foot. It is made in panneb
furious lengths. 2J to? feet high, wtfti wrought trot
>o»t» IJ inch square. at intervening distance* of • lo
lUn-el if desired. the puinel* can be made of any
-leiebt. in coimnuou* span* of SO to GO feet, with or
without posts No exira charge tor posts
The comparative lightness, great strength and dura
nil, ty of the WIRE RAILING, the beauty of its varied
ornamental designs, together with the extrrmely low
price at which u is -old. are causing H lo supersede
.t.e Cast Iron Ranmg wherever iheir comparsuvr
incuts have been te-urd. For further particular*, ad
Agents for Patentee*.
Diamond alley, near Smiihfield st. Pittsburgh
Corner Front and Vine »tieeu, Cincinnati, 0.
\£J~ Orders from i'ituburgti for Alcohol. Putc Spir
its. Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will be promptly atten
ded to at lowe*tmarket_pnce mrhl6:dly
I) KCKiVfcD THIS DAY, at the new Carpet W are’
Ik house. No 75 Fourth street—
Rich embossed Piano covers I Plain Turkey red Chintx
do do Table do Flgd do do do
Worsted do do do j do Bordering,
Blue Damask; , Carpet Bindings,
(.irern moreen I
ALSO—Camps Gothics Transparent Shade*.
Scripture Views do do
Turkish do do do
Chine** do d-. do
Drapery Chine** do do
Moonlight View* do do
Landscape do do do
T (fOtbiPi do do
Cord and Tassels, Rolers and SiaU, Rack Pu lies.
Roler Ends
The above (iooiL are o( the nenest and newest
tiy|rs, to wlnru wr invite ihe aUention of our friend*
ind customers, and those wishing to iurmsh or re
plenish steam boat* and house*. <
' m „: W M'Ct.INTOCK
»| , CEMENT—The Proprietor would respeeifuliy
nform the public tnai he has now toe satisfaction lo
offev them a Cement, which will weld, beautifully nnd
durably, all article* afChina. FUrthen and Glassware,
Ornamenta Marble. Ivory, kr . without dts
them m the least; readermg them e* useful for
any purpose whatever ms they were before broken,
and notaffec ed by heal, water or air rvjj
Thu Cement is not Weakened in the leait when sub
jected to a strong dry heat, or when immeraga m h<”
water. The public have long since felt tho ntcessitv
of such an arueie. and in this their expeetit>»is will
be fully reafued, as it is applied without hekk and can
be used by a mild. The subscriber hue folly tested
this article. For sale by W W WILSON.
[.•mi comer market eaffdth *t*_
Manufseturer and dealer in all kind* of
AT In* Old Stand, corner of Southfield street and
Diamond aJlry. Pittsburgh. Pa, would respertful
ly call the atten ion df Country Merchants. Hotei and
'rieomboat Barkeen-rs, to a large and superior assort
ment of IMPORTED CIGARJ*. among which will i*
found the following brands, viz. Kegfe. Regalia, Cas
icilo*. 'Tinripe. La Norma*. Star Brand, Mmervu and
Dollar Regalia*, m, of wmeh wul bo sold a* low a*
cnii t>« had at any other t.ouse in th*- city
Also, eonsianilv on hand and for «3ie. a largo and
well selected stoek af Virginia, Missouri, and Fine Cut
Chewing Tobacco.
Also, Havana, Cuba and pommon Leaf Tobacco,
constantly on hand and for sale. noy3:dflro
ivjjSAYS AND REVIEWS —By Edwin P. Whipple.
|i 2 vola l2mo. '
Dick’* WoTks, including hu 10th Vol., ‘The Solar
System.' The 10 Vol* hound in s—sheep Ditto, the
b vole, hound in 'l and in 3
Htaekbouse's Histqry of the Bible, London, with hne
maps end plates. Octavo
Hebrew Bible, new American edition.
Burkin’s Notes sn ib« New Testament. 2 vols
new edition.
Macaulay's History, library style lirtßirf%fo
F'er sale by E- HOPMNS,
m< ,j,3o Apo’lo Itulldinja, 4th st
TI’nIoLKSALE DRY OOOIW—Wo are now rerei-
W vine a large slock of Spring and Summer Diy
Goods, selected with great care from the importer And
manufacturer*, and consisting of a fine assortment of
nil grades usually kept by Dry Good* bouse., which
we are prepared tofsell at such price* es cannot fail
to give satisfaction to purchasers.
City and country morchanu are invited to give u» a
ctll. .nd« our ttoclt «na_pncr« before P»r
cl,elM.wt.ccc- BHACKI.KTT * » H I .
tf9 Wood *t, two doors above Diamond alley
4fl Market street, can selJ you hosiery cheaper
than they can repluce them—having bought them at a
Urge package sale previous to the advance ut price.
They can sell you Straw Bonnets and Variety Goods
as cheap as you can buy them of Eastern Jobbers
Iforae and see. ®« haa
1 now open at his Wholesale Dry Goods Rooms,
uorth east comer ofdtlsand Market streets, Pittsburgh,
* full supply of fresh Spring Goods, including newest
styles of Prints. Ginghams, Lawns, Ac., and Invites an
cxaminatiou of his stock.
UUIUtINUUIt Ui Ills #4l—*#.
Entrance to Wholesale Rooms from 4lh street.
invites the uuuntion of buyers to hj* stock of the
above goods, of all the different qualities, 10
unshrintalne u the Welsu, and at much lower prices
Genuine Welsh Flannels also eonstantiy on hand.
Gauze and Bilk do, 4 4 and 5-4 do, for Shrouding pur
poses Also,
Home made Whip- Flannels and Limey*, constantly
on hand, at the north east comer of Fourth and Mar
ket streets. ' frt>s
SiIACKLFrrr A WHITE. UO Wood street, are now
receiving a fn «h stock of DRY GOODri, ofrecent
purchase, and fresh style*, patterns, Ac, which they
will sell low to the trade.
Mercbai.u arc requested to call and examine iheu
stock and prices. fobf
1 TRANSPARENT SHaDUm—Jast received and for
sale at W M’Ciituoek's new Carpet Wareroom,
No 75 Fourth su a handsome assomacut of Transpa
rent Window Shades, st very reduced prices, to which
wc invite tbc attention of those wishing to nurub**e.
febl4 __WM p CLINTbCK
i DOE. BUPEUIORGOLD PENS; 20 do com silver
I & Table and Tee Spoons 0 dot parlor, office and
other Clocks; 10 jo* assorted Solar Lamps and Gas
Chandaiier*; 10-dol Gold and Silver-Roeeucles; opeu
ing jiwl for sale by mchJM W W \\ ILi*O.N
SUGAR, Ac —215 hhds fair to prune N O Sugar; itw
bbls assorted Nos Loaf Sugar, 420 do Molasses;
for tale by A Co
Bankers, Exchange Brokers,
COLLFCTIONS.—Drafts, Note* and Acceptance*
payable in any part of the Union, collected on tne moat
favorable temu.
EXCHANGE on New York. Philadelphia and Bal
timore; also, Cincinnati, l<oui»Yille, Saint Loim and
New Orleans. constantly lor sale.
HANK NOTES Note* on all aolvent hank* in the
United State* discoonied at the lowest rate* All kind*
of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought
and sold.
Office No. 55 Market street. between 3d and 4th.
Pituburgh. Pa. octds
BILLS on England. Ireland, and Scotland bought
any aipounl at the Current lime* of Exchange.
Also, Draft* pavahle in any pirn of the Old Countries,
from XI to XIOOU, at the rate of «to the L Sterling,
without deduction or ducount. by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, European auu General Ai«r. office sih «t one
door wt‘i of wood. im*U;U
in Foreign and Domeatic Bill* of Exchange, Cer
tificates of Dcposite, Bank Note* and Coin, corner of
3d and Wood nrccu. directly opposite St diaries Ho
tel. _ maySSdly
Bank Notes;
purchased at the lowest rale*, by
»ep!3 _35 Market street.
New York.
Philadelphia, and
Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES A SONS.
*epl3 .15 Markets!.
PAPER HANGINGS—I aru now receiving, direr
from the manufacturer* in New York, Philadel
phia ard Baltimore, a large and well selected atiort
ment of all the latest and most improved style* of st
un. glased and common PAPER HANGINGS, con
sisting of—
-10,000 pieces of Parlor and Fresco,
Hi Ml •• Hall and Coiumn,
1 Iu.WX) Dtuing-rootn, chamber and office
Paper—which J would particularly invite the attention
of those having house* to paper, to call arid examine,
at the Paper Warehouse of S. C HILL,
apt! W 7 wood it
Cl ARBI'THNoT ha* commenced to receiv-e *
)» large assortment of Fancy VARIETY GOODS,
consisting in part of Artificial*. Ribbon*, Ho
siery. Gloves, Crnpc. Leisse, Cambric*, Netting*, Lace
Veil*, Shawls, Pongee Handkerchiefs, genu Cravat*,
gingham and cotton Handkerchn-U, corded Skill*,
>ewing Silk, Threads, Button*. Combs, Jewelry, Cut
lery, Ac. Ac Country and city merchants are res
pectfully invited to rail nod examine his stock. No tvf
Wood street, corner of Diamond alley mchtffi
H’HK rapid *'ude« which Hydropathy ha* made
1. since it* introduction into tbi* country —toe bril
liant and asioi'tshmg curative effects oi cold water in
chrome and acute diseases, when rraploied after the
method n‘ the celebrated Pncsnm, hav* removed trom
the mi d of an intelligent and discerning pubi c every
panicle of doubt o* io us efficacy. and gained it uni
versal favor Cotwdennc ihe unsaitsfaetory result*
of remedies heretofore used In the treatment of chronic
eomplainu, (compiamts. too, which are increasing ev
ery )oar.) it must be a natural wish io see the success
of a method by which so many unfortunate sufferers
will be freed from their pains and infirmities
T’ e subtenner having practised successfully thu
method lor eight year* at hi« Hydropathic establish
menu which has been considerably enlarged and un
proved in all ns part*, and in every iaspect, is now
ready to receive and ac tommodate patienu who may
choose to place themselves under his care, skill and
rtulipsburg. situated upon the left bank of the Ohio,
opposite the mouth of the Big Beaver, is well known
for it« refreshing and salubrious atmosphere. Its <W
ligbtful quietoes* and charming natural scenery, corn
in rung every requisite to reader the adjourn of the in
valid agreeab e. and contributing not a little to nr-«i»-
labluh impaired h allh »nd physical strength
The establishment, the first started in the United
States, contains every thing, both for pleasure and
comiort, calculated to insure a speedy aud happy ter
mination of the ailment* of the Patietu
Persons wishing to avail thcmrelve* of the advanta
ges here offered, will please address the subsenner
by letter, (post-paid,) stating as near as possible the
nature nf their complaitiu, in order to decide and ad
vise on their fitness and curability by the HydiopaUuc
treatment, and also what will be necessary for them u>
take along, lor their especial and personal u*e
EDWARD ACKER. M D Proprietor.
Phiiipsburg. Beaver county, P*
Rarrai>cra Rev’d. KilUkelly, Armstrong; Y D
C ark. E*q do: Hon. Tboma* Henry. Beaver, Pa.; Dr
Barker, do; Prof Ch Elliot. Pituburgh. Pm. LU.
Perkins, E*q Ohio; Rev :* H Sneed, New Albany,
Rev M Al rn, Princeton. N J, T L. Staitou. K»q ,
New York; IX Ch Winter, Phiiipsburg Wm. H. Me
Connel Kaq. Pituburgh; A Bidwcll. K*q.. du.
uaj j cm atrrayan raou
And is now receiving a fine suortmr>n<i
Which he u prepared lo make to otdr
And in t a e latest Fashion
Head Quarters fur Boots and Shoes,
lort.«-f ol lot,ill, and Hmnnfield streets.
PrTTsecuiiH. Ps.
Utv, I in# >• it ttic.r :nrtujt siul llic poblii x< i.
pmlly. to thrtr spin- *,J new »lrv-k. ctHisisline «l mens,
srtunrn* . bov« . and children* wear ol v»-n
variciy, •mutable !,,r ihe season, and at prirc* lo *oh
in> limn A •-pteruiid srticic <>( nomr ma.'.r wors.
•ut’D as grituemcn'* hue Rt.ou. uulirt, iu.* and
ciuidrrua hue work I’irasr ra:', and eiau’livc tor
yourselves TROTH A SC» > IT,
corner 4th end stimUih-nd »i»
N P —Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, to Ac , al
ways on hand and low for cash
Country merchants would find it to their i Merest to
give a* a rail when visiting the city m It 14
IMPORTERS ano Wholesale Dealer* in Foreign nnd
Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, riaddlery , Ac . t 40.
Wood street, Putsliurgii, ar* now fully pro pared wifii
a recently imported stock of Hardware. C. jtirry. !*nU
dlery. Carpeii'er*' Tools. Ac . to offer very gr*-at in
ducement! to Western Merchants, as in addition >•>
the many advantages had hv our predeo -.ssors. Mo
st*. Logan A Kennedy, we hsve grsatK i ncreas-d our
isciliues, and purchase all our goods from first bands
on the very best teirus.
The junior members of the firm devote their whole
stlriiUou to sslcs, and teeling confide nl of giving sat
isfaction. respectful:) solicit a rail fr »m ui! who may
visit thu market ueh'Xi
T'HK undersigned offer* lor saie a superior article
of bnrk lor building, made by hu Steam Press,
improved machine, for which he he.s obtained n paienL
sinl agrees to give purchaser* a w mien guarantee ihat
they are stronger nnd will resist I r»*t and wet weath
er and imbibe less motsture or da mpnr** than any oth
er bnok. possessing greaier body and mpenor texture
and much more durable in eve.ry ru*|>ect, eoeb 'trick
being subjected to a peeasure of several ion*, and pos
sessing a handsome smooth surface and even edges,
they make a from equal to the best front brick
They have given ihe greatest sausfaouon to all who
have purchased. A kiln can be seen at my work*, and
specimen at the Gazette office
Those having supplied themselves tor their building*,
and wishing handsome front brick, or tupenor hard
and solid paving bnrk. can obtain them
Birmingham, June 12,1&49.
Birmingham, (near Pliubargh,jPa.
rtcrcAwsc, So. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh
WILL constancy k e«p on hand a good nsaon
Rnr tneni ol W ate, of our own manufacture, and
VA3P aupct.orquai.t) Wb>lc*aic and country Met
ehan'.s arc mpcrtfuli y invited to cajland el
untne for ihcmselvea, a* w-, are determined » *ell
-neaper than has ever before been offered to the pah
Order* *ent r,y mail, ucompanied by the cash 01
"’vwfrj'nr- wii be jirainpily auended to. fob« 3
Xj K\V 1 Alt PE Keceived Qu* day direct from
IN the raanuluciurer—
New styie Tapestry 3 ply Carwts, rxtra super;
do do do do super,
0u , 110 Brussels Carpets;
do Brussels, very cheap, do
do nrtt colors aupe T Ingram do
4-4, 3-4 and heavy Venetian do
4-4 3-4 and 5-o common .do jo
All of which will be sold ut a »mall advance, and
will guaraiiie-- as low CRn be purehaaed in Uie east
W M’CLINTOCK.76 Founb st
coach making.
FROM the very liberal encourage
menttbe subscriber baa received amca
be baa located himself in Allegheny,
llU * induced him to take a lease, for a
of ypam. on the property he now
occupies, m Beaver atreet, immediately betide the
PreabyterianChurrh From the long.eipericnce ID the
above buamesa and a deairct* please, be hopes to raer-
It and receive a share of public patronage,
Now on hand and finishing to order, Kockiway Bog
gles, open and lop Buggiea, and every description ol
Carriages maJe to order, from seventy-five dollars to
oighlhunaret (aep3-dto JOHN SOUTH. _
Tha Alleghany Oametsry,
AT the arruaJ meeting of the Corporator!, held on
the f.tli m«t, the following persons were unaiu
motaiy le c.ccted Meoagers tor the ensuing vean
THOMAS M. HOWK, President.
J. Pm***, Jr . Secretary and Treaaorer.
The annnal statement presented the affairs of the
Company m a vory prosperous condition Their office
in the eily i» No. ‘J7 Water street. jeW
j venitian bund manufactory
Kami side of the Diamond, where Vemtinn
Hlmds of all the different men and color*
kept on hand or made to order alle
the latest and most approved Eastern fa*b«
iom», at the shortest notice and on tlm mo*
reasonable lerin*.
Also, the ebrap Boaton roll or tplti Blind Tia-nipa
reney and Paper Curtalus of all the different sizo* and
patterns, on band and for inle low forcash. Old Vem*
uan Blluds paiiite*' over and repaired, or takrn tn part
payment lor new R M WKSTERVELT, Prcr’pr.
N. B— All wot* done with llte beat material and
workmanship, and warranted to please the moat fa»-
udioos. auglO-dly
Allegheny city, Ang. 10,1&4&
aAirotoax, rmaatraaii *m> \riaiLCis.
Ofllee atib* Exehaags, Baltimore.
REDUCED RATES.—The charges have been redu
ced on all Messages to or frots Baltimore, Pitt*
burgh or Wheeling, and a corresponding reductioi
made on all telegraphic detpatehea forwarded from Bal
umore West of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Itstßi.—The charge for a telegraph despatch too
from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and wheeling, is 45 e«*m
for the first len words, ana 3 oent* for each addition*
|p» No charge is made for Use address and sigt i
Until the completion of the booth Western Line x
Telegraph from Memphis, Term., u> New Orleans. de»
patches can he forwarded to Mcthphts by this route, am
mailed lor New Orleans. rail
BOOKS '’llBlo. &c.
XTfrTW' PUBLICATIONS—K»«*f on tlf the Union
J\ of Church and Slate: by Baptist W Noel. M A.
1 rol 18ir.0.—8L26 An enure edition of ilu. work
wn* sold in one day, on >u publication m
frt.m Margaret Smith'* Journal, in tire Pro
vince of Ma«»arhu*en« Boy—l«7b-». I vol. limo tic
Hoyt 1 * Poem*.—Sketches of Life and I<aml*cape. by
Rev Ra'ph Hoyt—new ed. enlarged—with illustrs-
IU jii‘ I’irno *l.OO
A Cateebi»in of the Steam Engine, illustrative of the
scientific pru-eiple* upon which its operation depend*,
and th- i*radical detail* of it* structure, in it* applica
no* 10 tni;c>, mills. *tearn navigation. and railways
wuh v»nou« *u?ge«tion* of improvement: by J Bourne
C. K I vol ISrno Tic.
Cheevcr • Lrruire* f»n'lie Pilgrim's ProfTe**—new
I ed PJroo. Price reduced to ft 1 40.
1 Tie «'nxto>-*. a Family Picture. Parti, lie.
Franklm'* hiir. iilu*traied Part* IV and V. KncJ* Hi*w»ne*. by Prof. Tv ! rr—lthno. For *aie
by mcb-.M \ R HOPKINS.dth «.
Sole Agency for Sunns fc Clark’* Pianos.
JUST IIKcEIVKB and openine, a
loi of rirgam Piano*, troin (be
celebrated factory of Nu:»n» A Clark,
f I « I PN Y„ comprising 6<4 and T octave*,
with emporium improvement*, both m mccbiuium and
exterior. po**e**ed by rto other*.
ALSO—A fine selection of Chickenitg : s Piano*, trora
0 to “ octaw-s. H. KLKUKR. Sole Agent.
at J W WoodwelP*. <1 Third *t
N R. The above will be sold at manufacturer* prij
cc*. without any addition for freight or expense*.’
marll) Journal and Cbrciucle copy
A SPLENDID assortment
flESjffiNKgany and Rosewood Piano*, just &„
isbed. Uiese instrument* are madeof
I I ■ I I* the latest pattern and best materials
and will be *old low for cash by
F. BLUME. 118 Wood street.
2d door above Fifth.
N B-—Those who are in want of a good instrument,
are respectfully invit-d to examine these before pur
chasing eUewhere, as they cannot bo excelled by any
in ibe country, and will be sold lower than any brought
from the Eu-t Al«ojum received, two piano* of Ham
burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior u> any
ever sold in tin* country octlEl F B
THH subscriber has been appointed Sole Agent far
UNS- a* manufactured and and perfected by Messrs.
Murrh A While, of Cincutnau. The usual compass
and extent being but four octave*. Me**r* M A W.,
in accordance with thfe general desire nml demand,
have extended the scald of these instrument* to and
even £ octaves, thus making n practicable to perform
upon iliern any music written for the l lano or Organ.
Tne exterior, also, ha* been much improved by placing
the body o! the instrument upon a cast iron frame
beautifully bronzed aud ornamented, rendering it at
once a most elegant and extremaiy desirable anic.c
The price i* put *o low a* to bring it within tne reach
of every one to obtain a perfect musical instrument,
and. at the same iaic, a ina*t elegant piece of t'brni
taie for a comparauve trifle 11. JvLKUER,
At J W Woodwrir*
ha* ju«t rerajved from Europe, and for sale, nn
i enfirely new invention of Piano Forte, called the CAB
; IN FT PIA.Nu FORTE, which possessing more power
and sweetness than the square riano, occupies not one
fourth a* TTTvch room, and is a much more showy and
handiome piece of furniture It is particularly desira
ble where me saving of space is an object, being ex
ceeding!) oral and compact, and occupying no mare
room than a small tide table The subscriber has m
band a testimonial of its superiority from the celebra
ted pianist, Mo«chelies, in Li* own hand writing.which
may be inspected H. K LEBER,
oc I*7 _ At J W Wood well's
Chlckering's Pianos.
JLr*T received and for sale at man-
ufsciurers price*, tuiktkx.v new Piano
Fortes 0,6 J and 7 octave*, of the most
11*1 | • elegant patterns of furniture and with
the late improved scale.
Alto on hand and for tala low, 3 second hand Pian-
Sole Agent for Thickering's Piano* for \Vc»trrn
Pennsylvania. SI Wood street. mars
Xi o( Suincn- r. with an introduction and tmllmni v»-
nauon* for the Piano Forte, at performed in all hii
concern in the United States by Henri Harz
Military Polka, by Henri Hen,
Comic Po. Vi. “ *•
Stiver Beil Polka, *•
Just received and for sale by
such 13 JOHN H MELLOR, At wood ft
Vaptl Extrelsts
AND SOLFEGGIOS, with an aecompamment for the
il Pian-ioric. adapted io the warn* of private pupils,
or classe. in vocnl music Selected from Italian,
French and Gcnnau composers, by Lowell .Mason: 76
lirge page* of closely primed mu«ic. containing 106
rxerc,*e« progressively arranged Price 7i ceuls.
Ju«i iei*ovett. s «u|iply ot ibe nl-ovr, direct from the
pubiisuer*, by JOHN II MELLOR.
mchtf -j wood st
i S4S -
Cana. Packet—SWALLOW, Capi Ford.
- OCEAN. Capt Waiter*
ONF. of ihe above Packets leave Beaver every day.
(Sunday* cieepiedl and arrive next morning at
Warren, where they connect with the Mail Stage* fot
Akron tnd Cleveland, arriving at each of the*e piece*
©afore night. One of the Packet* leave Warren daily,
at 4 P M-, and arrive Beaver in ume to take the
mo. mug steamboat for Pittsburgh
COTES A LKKFING WELL, Warren, ) Pronri| . r .
jtl B TAYLOR, ’ - jrropmra.
Titaocwii io ihi u*sa i.t »uitt uocaa.
Packet— PwwTi.rssu, Capt. Jeffhee,
Tu-komirn. Pollock,
L*s* Kora, *• Truby,
•' •• PaTTotvi*. “ Brown;
- - Fau-hioa. “ Bayer.
The above nr w and splendid P-v*»encrr Packet» h»ve
eoiniiK-need runuiug between uEaVEK AND,ERIE,
uj.ii w ~ run regu.ariy during ihe season —one t»oal
!e«vmg Erie every morning at *> t> clock, and one icav
i*» Braver every eveoiug. immediately after me srri
vu. oi lae »teaiuboat Michigan from Pittsburgh
r..„ hoar* are new and comfortatu) (uriJi»hcd. and
wm ,un through in tarty hour* Passenger* io any
point no the Lake*, or to Niagara Fall*, will find tli:«
rout, me most comfortable and expedition. Ticket*
vli rnue b mail port* on the Lake can i>e procured by
a,.pi) Mig io ihe proprietor*
REED, PARKS A Co. Beaver.
JOHN A CAft.HKI . Agt Pir-mrgl,
cor Water and Siuithlieid -is
IV —Ja* C Karnaon. Butfaio. N V
O M Reed. Ene. Pa.
0 C Wick. Greenvilie, Pa,
M Fariana and King, Big Bend. l’t.
Hay* k Plumb, nharpsburgh, Pa,
C Maian. Sharon, Pa;
D C Mathew*. Pulaski. Pi;
Jt W Cunningham, New Oaatlo, Pa. jyl
f |' UF Proprietor* of iln» Line have put on New Stock.
J. »n<l nrc prepared to forward parkage* of ait <ie
• rnpnon* daily, at the lowril rale*.
Water »treel, Pittsburgh.
ROBINSON A ItUF.HNf. B‘i South Ctiariei »t. Baltimore
' "harnden A CO'*
PuMDgtr and Remlttaoe* Offle«.
jrfT* HA.SRDEN ACO continue to Imng persons
fmm any part of England, Ireland. Scotland or
jUflCWale*, upon the tno*t liberal terras. with then
usual punctuality and attention to the want* and com
fort ot emnngranu We do not allow our passengrr* to
be robbed by the swicdhng scamps that infest the sea
port*. ai we take rbarge of them the moment they re
port tbemsrlvr*. and »ee to tbrtr well being, and de
spatch thrra without any detenuun by the hrst shipt.-
\S'c tay Uu* fearlessly, as we defy one of our pastern
Cr« to show mat they were detained 49 hour* by u» in
verpool, wluUt thousands of others were detained
mouths, until they could be sent in some old craft, at a
c U 2 p rate, which 100 frequently proved tbetr coffin*
\Vn mtond to perform our eontracta honorably, cos'
aiiat >t may, and not act as waa the case last season
«ruh ether officers,—who either performed not all, ot
<mrn it suited their convenience.
Draft* drawn at Pnt*burgb for any sum from £1 tc
tltiuu. payable at any of the provincial Banks in Ire
land. England, Scotland and Woles.
European and General Agent
f»M Plf*h nn* door Inins Wood.
J A IIRoU'N would re«peri
lly lulurm the public, iliai he
rep* on hau.l nl hit xnnd on (he
rex tide of 1 tie* Diamond Allr
bcny ruy, a complete a«*ort
lent of Vciuuau Blind*. al»e Vc
imn Shutter* are iu«dc 10 or
ient the be*t itjlr, warranted
]aal lo auy in the fiuied Stale*
is Blind.* can be removed with
.l the aid of a ‘ctrw driver
laving purchased i h ♦ xock,
loot*, and wood of ibe cabinet e»-
lbluhmrnt of Hnra*«y A M’Clel
ind, I am prepared to furmsb
.ieir old customers, a* well a«
.b. buW.c «. I.rgr, will. cv.ry thing in ihmr Imr
A, „'S N ° Av “’ J,,r '"' DROWN.
SUNDIUES- WO package* fresh Tea* Y. H)ton.
Gunpowder and Imperial;
'Rju bags prime Gr**en Rio Coffee, 60 do I.agcyra
do, It) do Old Java do,
26 bar* black I’rpner. 10 do Pimento,
100 hhds new crop N O Sagai,
O<H bbls Plantation Molasses;
50 do Sugar House do
30 uerce* fresh Rice; 160 bis Ilanch
160 bxs manufactured Tobacco, various brand*;
20 kcea Gedge A Bro. 0 twist Tobacco,
jo “ 8 Herds' “ “ u
10 •* PUuburgh plug “
160 bit 6xlo Window Glass; 60 do lQll‘2 do.
300 keg* assorted Nails; lit casks Saierutus;
6000 pounds Co non Yarn, assorted Nos.
Together with a full and general assortment »f arti
cle* in li>® Grocery line, on nanda and for sale by
J k R FLOYD. Round Chureh Building*,
mlilO Fronting on Liberty, Wood and Mirth x*
lowing 11 an extract of o teller from ihr Hon
Jederson Davis, t'. S. Senator. late Colonel of the Mis
sissippi Riflemen, dated 7th of November, 1347, and ad
dressed to the Ordnance offirc:—
“The nlle* which you issued to the regiment l had
ihe honor 10 command in Mexico, are worthy of the
Highest commendation. I doubt whether a* many pie
ces were ever i**utd front any other Ordnance De
partment *o perfect in their construction and Condi
non In accuracy of fire they are equal to the fineat
•porting rttlea. Their range, I think, exceed* that of
the old patient musket, and tboy le*« often mias fire,
or want repair than any other amail arm* I hare *een
u»cd in service “
:jo of the above Rifle* just received—for *ale at th<
Cultlornia Outfiung Establishment, No 5 Wcod it.
tnchiM J A ii PHILLIPS.
/ ja Camp Blanket*, 20 officer coau, 12 pr» Pants,
la pair* nett lined Mining Boots; 12 Ulhmu* Uags, J
water Tanka, 8 and 12 gallon* eaoh; 50 canteen*, |
ga!>on each, I dox Buckskin Money Belts; I do oiled
cambric do do. The above goods for sale ol the Cali
fornia Outfiung Establishment, No 5 Wood *L
racho4 J t II PHILLIPS
Patent Gold Washers.
PERSONS going to California can be furnished with
the best Patented Gold Washer that ha* yet been
introduced to the public. The weight u only 'is lb*.,
and can be packed in a trunk 1/ Decenary Also,
light Pick's and other Tools used in California. The
ihove will be sold on the moat reasonable terms, al
mcbl7 No 81 Market at
' 40 Market street, will sell for the balance of the
season at cost, their stock of French Merino*, comprt*
fiur the roost choice colon. Now is your time to sc*
cure bargains
VKi.VbT RIBBONS—just icceived at Zeouioci Kin*
nry'n, 07 Market street,
JO p* colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted colon;
jo • black
r- embroidery Gimp, tops wide Plato. Ac.
T> "k. SELLERS. Dna*i«,
|t. Sole Areol for lie ,»le “IPr JfT. ”
nine Saraaparßia, baa just received 200 dozen ol thi
Great Spnng and 9umEer Meuiuuie . . .
Purchasers should recollect that BE *. .11 „*_ nv
lor PilLburfh, uul D M Cnrtr for
THE followtnn from G«orfe B. • th*
well known propncior of the Ripre**i *P ca
ii.cHof ihtf importance of llie Pain Kxiroctor to cv
_ Kxpbkm Orrcv Albany. Sep'- 1
Mb. PtLltT My Dear Sir—With feeUu*» »>"
dinary pl-a Mire l address you in relation 10 ine bene
l have rec -vi ii from your invaluable Pam hiirac.o
Lately, u.y lif'e daa#nier, Oyearsold. bad a piiru'-r
of boilirg wale ' turned into her boarnn; her scream*
were dieadful. sothata crowd instantly gathered i*c
fore the home to earn the came of the terrible scream*
I lore her e othea asunder, and «oon spread on your
»alve. and she vu earned and laid upon a bed. p-I'V
wu»«<n n ~e l eved from her pain*. uDd aoya "Ma. 1 Ivei
ae if 1 ft old la if h.” and was aoou lu awret sleep. b'>r
was scald a to a blister from the lop of her shoulder
over mo e ’han naif her cheat, and round under .lie
arm* On the ahoulder and breast it was very deep,
jet from the first hour, »bo complained only when n
iva* drosed. The sore heaied rapidly,and there u no
contraction of the muscles.
With manv wishes, my dear sir, for your success in
the sale of this mighty article,
] am yours, with reapeet.
The genuine Dailey, will ever produce the Mine in
'tamaneona relief; and toothing, cooling effect in ihe
*rvere*t caaes of Burn*, Scald*, I’lle*, fcc.
The Counterfeit*—no n auer undtr what name* they
may appear—alwaya^rritau^and mcreaae the pain.
I, Edward P. Holme*, of Chatham. Melvin Bridge,
Columbia county, N. Y., hare been evicted with rheu
matism In my breast, feet, and all over my body, for
»• lyeara, »o that l could not aland, and wa* cured by
' •PP'-...n.0MH1 1^.D M. i U I^rgo,
Dailey: Sir—l cut my finger with a copper nail,
poisonous nature of which cauaed my arm 10 awell
. ramderably, with couataflt shooting pain* up to the
• hoaJder. A large swelling taking pluce at the arm
jiu with increasing pain, I became fearful 01 the Lock
jaw. In till* extremity yoar Pain Extractor was re
commended to me, and which I wa* prevailed upon to
try. The consequence waa that it afforded me alrassi
instant relief, and is three daya I wa* completely cu
red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New \ ork,
corner Broome and Sullivan sis, Sept 8. lBio.
NOTICE—H. Dull*! ia the inventor of this invalu
able remedy, and never has and never will common!*
cute to any living m in the secret of its combination!
All Extractors, therefore, not made and put up b
urn, are base counterfeits.
Paoraicroa’a Dxeors—<ls Broadway, New York;
£l3 Chestnut street, Phil a.
JOHN D MORGAN. General Depot; Dr. WMJ
THOHN. Agent* for-Pitubureb.
Dolby's Animal Gain wu Curt-All,
Cure* humor*, sparin, quittor, greaae, poll-evil,
sure*, ((all*, and oruitet. Pamphlet*, containing cor
u&caie* of respectable parties, may be bad on applica
tion to JOHN D MORGAN,
Agent, Piusborgh.
novls dlyis
O Quick pulse, hacking cough, general weakness,
roller »leep, variable appetite, irregular bow all.
paint betweeu (he shoulder blade* behind.
!irvai.UßU( Srurron* or CoitMamos. —Coughing -
right and day, flabby mmelei, general debility, great
shortness or breath on going up stair*, ascending a
hill, or walking bat a little fast, pulse always above
one hundred, for week* together, drenching cold
sweats toward* morning.
Catarrhal Consumption come* on like a common
catarrh or cold, but about the period when that dis
ruse utuaily t« expected to subside, some af the symp
tom* are aggravated. The cough l* more troobl-*
tome, especially when lying down. There is no fixed
p:un in the chest, but difficult breathing, which is
worm on lying down. The appearvmce of the erpei*
loration. which is copious, is changed from a thick
yellow mucus, to a thiuner substance. It is very un
plrasant to the patient, and emits an unpleasant smell
wnen burned It Is of an uniform appearance,
probably & mixture of pus and mucus, as on mixingpt
with water part sinks and part swims. This disease
•nay occur m any babtt or at any age, and is charac
terised by the peculiarity of the cough.
The Balsam of Liverwort effects the cure of this in
sidious disease by expectoration, sooths and heals the
affected lungs. It never fails. Wherever this medi
cine bos beeu used, we hear of ils success For thir
teen years n has been before the public, and has been
thoroughly tested for all complaints of the Lungs, and
ha* proved itself superior in merit to any thing In use.
We might give hundreds of testimonial* from physi
cians. the press, clergy, and those who have been cu
red, bai ail we desire is u> call the attention of the af
llicied, and for their own good 'hey will try u.
Look out for counterfeits ‘ Always observe the sig
natuic, ‘‘tieo Taylor, M D.," on the engraved label,
and prepared at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Beekman
street. New Vork.
Sold m Pittsburgh by J D Morgan 93 Wood si; J
Townsend, 45 Market si; H Srayser, cor Market and
3d sis; Hcndersou A Co, 6 Liberty it Price redoced
to *1,50 per bottle. mart
BA FAHNESTOCK A CO.*B Pneumonic or Cough
# Balsam has a great advantage over many other
Cough preparations, as it* pleasant taste permits it to
be used without inconvenience. Bui its value as a
Balsam consist* in the speediness of its curv. We have
known tome of the most desperate coughs, some of
Winch bad been running .n for a considerable length
of une. yield almos' immediately to its power.
In such weather at we have bad during the past
winter, every one is liable to take cold, unless great
precaution* are used
Wn feel and undue exposure to the inclemency ol
me weather often lay* the foundation of shacking
cough, which needs a quick remedy to prevent serious
We have numerous certificates of cure* which it
hn* performed, many of which are from person* ui this
city and the neighborhood, aud they are a sufficient
reference without saymg another word in its favor
Prepared aud for sale, wholesale and retail, by B A
FAHNESTOCK A Co, corner of Wood and Island
Wood and uth *u. marl3-diwS
Pulnoßarr Btliaia.
MESSRS. REED A CUTEER— 1 feel it a duty I
owe to my fellow ere am re*, to state something
more respecting voor Vegetable Puimouary Bui stun.
Since I first used the Balsam, a boat eleven year* ago.
the happy effect of which 1 then gave an account of. I
have haorseveral severe eomplaint* and attacks at my
lungs, one a few day* since, and in every instance 1
hare used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect
success ll Das effected relief and cure tu a very few
day*, ll l* certainly a safe medicine. 1 do not know
that it will cure s fixed consumption, but 1 believe i*
wi.i no in manv case* a preventive, and prevention n
bede: than care, I do therefore, for the love of my tel
iOw men. earnestly feeomnieud the u»r ol tin* linisam.
ut Ll pulmonary complaint* I am confident that tl
ha* been the mean* of preserving my life to this day.
Boston June 18. '4tt. BENJAMIN PARSONS.,)
For sale by B A Fahnestock. A Co. comer first and
wood and also corner wood and Oih. ;al9
A. B. licit, N. Y City
II \ Fmißcrrocx, 1
U. L. FuißnTocft, VPmabargh.
G. W. F^bshtoc,.)
WhoimU Draf Store In the City of
Hew York*
riMIE undersigned ua extensively engaged in the
X W fiole»slo Drug business at No. 40 Join street, in
the city of N«w York. and are prepared lo supply
Dratntt* and country Merchants wilt Drug*, Puiuia,
Ola, Uyp-stnfls, Foreign and American Peifumery,
dan or, A'cni k Mander's Chemicals (of their own
m|oi’.allnjj| til other article* ia their line of busL
aeu, or * esjwrio a* low aa they can be pur*
tha*od in ilii* or any caatem city.
New York. 11 A RAU*RRTOCyfci'
GRATEFUL for the veiy liberal encouragement I
have received for so many years. I have deter
rtuned to enlarge my business considerably. Having
engaged a compcieni Foreman, I will be enabled 10
011 an order* promptly, and do ihe work in our u»ual
,i)!r and ai fair prices and ask ihe attention of met
cbuiiii and citizen* lo my large stock of UPHOLSTE-
K\ HHiDS and Bed*. Mattresses and Bedding, Cur
iai.i Material*. Damask* and Moreens Corn'cea Frin
ge*, noidenngs Tassels, Split and Roller B mu* ana
every article umally kept in an e»iacli»hment of the
kind Orders respectfully *ollctled and promptly at
tended to
N H.—Carpet" made and put down
mcbai WM. NOBLE.
HAVI.NO this uay as-ociaied themselve* together
in partnership, ond. r the firm and style of A. A J.
Wivipnocss for the manufacture of TIN, COPPBR
ANU SHEET-IRON WARE, on the corner of Robin
son »trect and the t onal, in the Ist Ward, AuuouxxT
cm, where 'hey are prepared to funuah L> OTder,
wholesale and retail, all articles m their iioe with
Foundry Inimnings, Carpenter*’ order* are so
licited which will receive immedieto attention,
fity of Alle*h«iy, Feb. 1, l»4o.—^flm
Paper Uaa|la|i,
HAVING purchased at .hrte of the largest Faeto
rie* in the East, (New York, Philadelphia and
Ua imore ) a large assortment of the newest and most
unproved style, of PAPER HANGINGS.BORDERS,
So., and made arrangement* by which 1 will be ena
bled to procure all new Patterns simultaneous with
.heir appearance in the Ea*.era market. 1 would in
vite the attention oi those desiring lo have then houses
papered with the latest style* of paper, to call ond
cin mine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere.
I have now on the way Irem the feast, 2UJJOU piece*
of t.oiJ. Sanii tilazed, and common Paper Hangings,
which 1 can sell at price* ranging from eta IoW 9
piece inelilS 8 C Hll.U K 7 wood *t
Bacon Smoking.
HAYING just completed the rebuilding of our smoke
bouses, we are now prepared lo receive meat,
and tinoke n m the most merchantab.e manner.
The houses ore fitted with all the modem. Improve
ments, and are capable of containing 300,000 lbs. each.
KIER A JONES, Canal Baain,
PRINTING PAPER—Having the exclusive agency
for the sole of the Mill Grove Priming Paper, it*.
IUC P. Markle, Propndto *,) we will be constantly
supplied with all the differe.ii sues of superior Quality,
which we offer at the lowest regular prices.
( c bQt comer Penn and Irwin so
PROPOSALS will be received for raising Wlom
railroad iron, sunk In Allegheny river, d miln
abov* Kiuanninr. Also. HO ton* 4 miles above Free
port, or i mile below Hit!** Sail Works, between th«
Island and Salt Work*. The whole to be delivered or
the wharf at Pittsburgh.
,„7 J BCHOONMAKKR A Co, *4 wood «t_
Uuspratt*' Patent Soda Ash.
THE subscriberi are now largely supplied with the
above celebrated article, recently received direr
from ihe manufacturers, (via New Orleans! ner snipi
Jane II (Hidden, Caroline Nesmith, and Far West
which they arc prepared to sell at the lowest marke
P n..o ft., ch o, .ppro.rf b.U.. MITCHELTRKE .
w n They will receive next month another ship
ment (via Philadelphia) per ship Ulobe, and thencefor
ward egular supplies- *P a
no[ FUAN HAILMAN a CO. continue to raanu-
I , facture Small Iron, Spring and Am Blister Steel,
plough, Fork un.l Hoo gw«U Rly«u, Bpiko. udWro’l
Iron Nuu, nil «uei, logother with Conch uid Klipuc
Spring,, hlf P*l, Tnpcr hnd common Ajrlcn.
Having reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nuts,
engine builders and others using the article, will find
it to iheu interest to give this new branch of Pittsburgh
manufacture. Ihclr attention.
Couch trimmings and tnoleable iron on liberal terms.
Warehouse on Water and Fourth sis. feb(fo-lf
Bearding Wanted*
IN n private family, for a Gentleman and hit Lady
who will furnish his room if required. Location
m First or Second Ward of this eity. Address J. B ,
Kox 3). Po*' office, and give name and location, which
will !*«■ attended to ap-i
-1 i | k>i, a view of the Battle of Monterey,
l - “ “ “ Cerro Gordo;
1 •• ** u u Buena Vista,
l •• •• u Feu (j 8 Parts;
1 •• - “ Chase de Lyon;
1 “ *• Garde Francalx;
1 •* ** “ col C Auvergne;
The above is suitable for papering largo public
rooms Just roe’d direct from Pari*, and for sate at
ihe warebousd of apt SC IULL.
R£aP~\V ATCH receiving, alarge assort,
meat of the cheapest gold and silver Lever W atch
es ever offered in this eity.
Also, my spring stock of the finest quality gold and
■liver Watches, Jewelry. Silver Warc. Military Good*,
Lamp*, Ac. Ac . .WAV W|L&N.
apl3 eoraef Onand Markefro
ACON—IO,OOO lb* prime bacon, hog round, fox
sale by ipU J S DILWOKTH *Oo
pbom as in pc be state of
Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta
neous Eruptions. Pimples or Pustules on the Pace,
Blotches, Bile*. Chronic Sore Eyes, Bing Worm or
Teller, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the
Booes and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symp
toms, Sciatica or Lumbago, and Diseases armng
from an injudicious use of Mercury, Ascites or Drop
sy, Exposure or Imprudence tn Life. Also, Chrome
Constitutional Disorder*. „
In this preparation are strongly concentrated ail the
Medicinal properties of Bab*if*kll*, combined wHh
the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions,
the most potent simples of the vegetable Kingdom; ana
it has been so fully tested, not only by phnents them
selves, but also by Physician*, that it has received
their unqualified recommendation and the approbation
of the public: and has established on ia own mortis a
reputation tor value and efficacy far superior to the
various compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla.
Diseases have been cured, suoh as are not furnished
Ip the records of lime past and what it has already
done for the thousands who have used it, it 1* capable j
of dolor for the million* sail suffering mid struggling
with disease, It qleanses, and strengthens
the fountain springs of life, and fn fuses new vigor thro 1 -
out the whole animal frame.
The following striking and,' as will oe seen, perma
nent core of an inveterate case of Scrofula, commeuds
itself lo all similarly afflicted: '
Sorrurosr, Conn., Jan. 1, 1843.
Messrs. Sax®*: Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflic
ted indacea me to inform you of the remarkable core
effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my wife.
She was severely afflicted with the scrofula on differ
ent parts of the body: the glands of the neck were
greatly enlarged and her limbs much swollen. After
suflering over a year and finding no relief from ihe
remedies used, the disease attacked, one leg, and be
low ihe knee suppurated. Her physician advised it
should be laid open, which was done, but without any
permanent benefit. In this slraauon we heard of, and
were induced lo use Sands' Sarsaparilla The first
bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev
ing her more than any prescription she had ever la
■ en, and before she had used air bottles, l« the sston-
tshment and delight of hpr friends, sh« foiuui her
health quite restored, it is now over ft yeaf since the
care was elfcced, and her health remains (voA*show
ing the disease wm thoroughly eradicated frdm the
syitera. Oar neighbor* are all knowing to these
fahu, and think very highly of Sand* 1 Sarsaparilla.
Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE.
Extract front a lcuor received from Mr. N. W. Hor
ns. ft gentleman well known in Louisa county, Va.:
•Ge itlemen—l have cured a nerro boy of mine with
your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula,
and of a scrofulous family.
“Yours truly, N W. HARRIS.
“Fredericks Hall, Va., July 17,1348.”
. Saxos’ SABsiraaiLLA,—lt seenu almost unnecessary
to direct attention to an article so well known, and so
deservedly popular, as this preparation, but patients
often who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, are
induced to try worthless compounds beating the oame,
but containing little or none of the virtue of this vain
able root; and we think wo cannot confer a greater
benefit on our readers than in directing their attention
to the advertisement of the Messrs. Sands in another
caihsm. The bottle has recently been enlarged to hold
a quart, and those who wish s really good article will
find concentrated in this all the medicinal value of the
root. The experience of thousands has proved its ef
ficacy in curing Uie various diseases for which it is
r> commended; and at the present lime more than any
other, perhaps, is this medicine useful, in preparing the
system for a change of season.—Home Journal, sept.
Prepared and sold wholesale and retail, by A. B- A
D. KAN DS. Druggists and Chemists. 100 Falton street,
comer of William, New York. Sold also by Drug
gets generally throughout the United States and Cana
das. Price 81 per Bottle; six Bottles for 85
ity For sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, by
B. A FAHNESTOCK, A CO., corner of Wood and
Front su., also, cornrr of Sixth and Wood ns; by L.
WILCOX. Jr., comer of Stmthfield and Fourth su,
and also corner of Market si <utd the Diamond; also,
by F.DWARD FENDKRICH. cor MonongnMa House.
LUNGS—The unprecedented success whieh has
(tended the use of Uic
n all the various form* which irritation of tbe lungs ai
tames, has Inrftwed tl»-propn«oragam.ti»caU-httet
tion to this
The changable weather which marks oar &□ and
vuUrr months, is always a fruitful source of
riicM. If neglected, are but the prtcufaor* of that fall
ieatroyer, *
Hie question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer in
the bud’ liow Khail we get clear of our coughs, and
olds’ Is of vital importance 10 the nublitf.
».ll be found m the Ginseng Panacea. In proaf of this
re have from tune io tune published the certificates of
ior can, of £W beat JuwJVti citizens* who hare export
erred ns curative powers. These, with a mas* of les
•iiiiouy from all parts of the coontry.—from
M.nuters of the Gospel, Ac., together with copious noj
ice* from the
s*r have embodied ui pamphlet form, and may be baa
crabs of any of our agents throughout the country.
have been used In this city.
througOoni the United State* and Canada, and we cha
leture any man to point out a
which, fehen takeu according to directions, and be*
re the lungs hod become fatally disorganized, it baa
rer failed to
Wcy. then, need the aifticied hesitate! Uhy resort lo
the miserable nostrums, gotten up by un< own Individ
sals u ler the assumed name of some eo ilv-eied phy
sician, and puffed into notoriety by certificate* f, par
sons equally unknown! Whilst a medicine of
i* to be had, whose vouchers are at home, —our naigh*
bore, —many of whom it has
In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor a* well the rich, w» hav*
put the price at
lust one half the usual cost of cough medicines, it i*
(or sale by our agents ui neatly every town and village
over the west, who are prepared to iive full informs
joii relative to iL T. SALTF.R, Proprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
ruu-UfsBOXOH, suns co., rs.
DR. EDWARD ACKER, takes ihu means of re
turning hi* thanks to In* friends anil the public
for the extensive patronage he has received, and of in
forming them that he ha* lately- erected alarge and
—ell constructed building, for the exclusive purposes
location, at PhUilpsburg h, Pu~ on the Ohio nver, oppo
site the cieamboat landing at Beaver, where he is ready
to receive patients ■■ i*oardcr», and treat them on Hy
dropathic principle*. In addition to his long experi
ence, and ihe great success which has heretofore at
tended hi* treatment of patients committed is his rare,
he has now the addiuoual facilities afforded by an ex
tensive building erected expressly for the purpose, con
taining commodious and airy roams, and fitted up with
every necessary apparatus for bathing, and ddmirns
leriitg the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort
of the patient. Phillipsburgh is a most delightful ond
Wealthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and af
fords fine ana wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures
those afflicted persous who may place themselves un
der hi* care, that every attention shall be paid io their
comfort; ana a* an assurance of the substantial benefit*
to be derived, be points with confidence to the hun
dreds who have been permanently cured ut his estab
lishment. The Water Cure leav#* no injurious effects
behind, as is too often tha ease with those who have
been treated on the old system. It remove* the dis
ease. invigorate* tbe system, protects from the dangers
incident to change* of the weather, creates a natural
and active appetite, and imparts vigor to the digestive
power*. Term* of treatment and boarding reasonable.
For farther particulars inauire at the establishment, or
address the proprietor at rhtllip*burgh.
We have been lufonned by Mrs. Ko*e of acure per
formed on her by Dr> Jayne** Alterative* wtuch
prove* iu superiority over every other remedy of the
kind. She has been afflicted for the last sixteen years
with ulceration* and enfohatiaa of various bones, du
ringwbich time many piece* have been discharged from
the irontai bone oi toe cranium, from both her arm*,
wrists and hands, and from both lep, and from the leA
femoral bone, and from, ihe right knee, beside* painfnl
ulcer* on other parts of her person, wmeh have baffled
the skill oi a number of the most eminent physicians oi
our citi—during most of the time her saffertng* have
been excruiaimg and-deploruble About three months
•luce sbe was induced to try Dr. Jay no 1 * Alterative,
which has had an astonishingly hippy effect upon her,
bv removing nil pain and Kwetlmgs. and causing the
ulcers to heal, while at the same time licr general health
has become completely restored, so iliai she now weighs
<3 lbs more than she <ud before «be commenced the u*e
of this truly valuable prepaiion. —[Fat Eve Post.
For further information, inquire of Mrs Rose, No. IS®
Filbert si, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
79 Fourth sc near Wood. -jy3
near Seventh si
just received of Dr. Towmeud’t Sarsaparilla, the
most extraordinary medicine in the world: This £x
t' act is put up in quart bottle*. It i« six limes cheaper,
pleasuuter, and warranted superior lo any told. It
cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or
debilitating the patient
Look ottt ram übtatmue*. —Unprincipled.persons have
eopied our labels, and put up medicine ui the same
shaped bottle. See that each bottle has the written sig
nature of 8. P. Townsend.
ICO Liberty it
R. E SELLERS, Druggist, 57 Wood sued, between
Third and Fourth, is Dr. Townsend's only wholesale
and retail agent lor Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine
article can be had.
D. M. Curry has been appointed the sole agent for
Allegheny city, of whom the genaine article can be
had, af4
INUS.—Scrol- la in all iu multiplied forma
wbetberin that of Aing’* Evil, enlargemeoti o tbe
glands or bones, Goitre, White Swelling*. Chronic
Rheumatism, Canser, disease* of the Skin or Spine,
orol Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from ona
and the same cause, which •* a poisonous principle
more or lea* inherent in the human system. There*
fore, ttnlen this principle can be destroyed, no radi
cal core can bq effected, but if the principle upon
which the disease depend*, is removed, 1 care
muitol necessity fbllow, no matter under what (ora
Che disease should manliest itseli. This, therefore
is the reason why Ja^rk 1 * Alterative if so uni
vemlly rtceexslul ia removing ttrmsny malignant
diseases, it destroys the vires or principle from
wtuen those disease* have tbeir origin, by entering
into the circulation, and with the hlood i* conveyed
to the minutest fibre, removing every partieleo!
disease from the syitem. Prepared and told at £lq.
8 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Sold at theTekin Tea Store,No. 72 Fourth stree,
Pittsburgh wthSl
NO. 9 MACKEREL—7O h\t ut sis'* uf for % low
to dose consignment, fob* r £b
SUGAR a!ND MoljkS9K»-47 fchds'p Hlk6 KOSo-
K»r; • 0 bNs N O Mola«*e*; la arrtvs anti-fur aal%
uu lanaing. b) •, apt! l' il GRANT, water »t
Gl LaSS—if'l bit UU do*fUxl3 by
r apu WJQK A MqgAjhVLKaS
liKAiU-S —1 e*k» pearl* feed auiFfocsale by
1 aplt 7 i\>lCK fc'Mj^ANDLESS
.‘COKCHINtiS-tiO l'bl» for sale i»y
O upll WiCKI A*i*CArtDLKS> •
UID OlL—lu bt.ia for sale by
H,’RAPPING PAPER—aII sixes—irfco ream*, tor
VV »a,e by apll J BCMOONiIAKRU ACu
MALAGA wink—l2qresksfSEeet Malaga wine.
bo India bln* .ify dodo, for tale low, to close> apll JAB A HUTCHISON AC»
'rABLK Cl.( ’Tils—*n. b!eached l AtMbrown, for
1 sale. a|jiu . U ARHUiaXur _
LAHD UiL—*i bbiiiO alorr aud lor su e i>y
tplb _ Ja.MKB A 111 TCII!>ON AOo
ENoLISIf ’-{-4 purple and other
•tvlesof lined»arae English OhiuUcs.jQ*l opeaed
a; .5 Marxel street, northwest ccr of-lbe Diamond.
C' Kh.i.u tll Eh^ti —4 1 bx< ju»t icc'd and for sate by
J £ CANFIELD, Water street,
apO between Smith field and Wood
NAILS —sc kegs Nails, assorted «hes, Olipbam A
Son's braud, laduing and for sale by ,
ap9 , JAMBS Water «t
SALERATUd —(I d*ks just rec’d hml lor tale by
sp9 ' GRANT
IOTTON—e9 bale*, various grades, fer tale by
j ap9. . C U GRANT, 41 water »t
BROOMS— -50 Com; 20 do eioth’,* for sale
by a P 9 *jj DWILUAIUS, 110 wood »i
FOTASH— i-O ciks Potash, landing and for
to dose cousiffiuneot, by.
SICILY LIQUORICE—Just ifec'ifand for sale by
ap9 J KIDD A_Co_
SHEEP SKINS—IS dozen, fine article,just rec'd and
for sale by ap9 J K 1 UP A Co _
AMERICAN SAFFRON—Just rrc'dand for sale by
SPANISH SAFFRON—Just rec'd and for *alaby
ap9 . 1 J KLDDA Co
MACE —Just rec'd and tor sale by
ap9 J KIDD A Co
PRINTING PAPER—ICO reams, various me*."full
supplies kept constantly cm bands by
apll corner Peun and Irwin »U_
C" 'tHILDRENd' 'CLOTHING—F~iI'* Karoa~A Go.
J have received their Spring pauerut for Childrens
Dresses, and are now ready to receive orders for mm
fciog Fancy Garments and Embroidery.
Patterns for ladie* and childrens; garment* sold if
A variety of garments constantly on band j
Store (12 Fourth si, betweea \V9Od and Market
apll •-
LARD— 12 bbit No 1 Lard, for sale by
*pl4 J 8 DIL WORTH ACo
OWNER WANTED— 3 hhds Tobacco, mkd
Diamond A< rec’d per Rtrar Teiegrapa No I.
Y ttp l4 H 7 Front si
DRIED aPPLES— bash josi urnred, for sale Uy
apL2 RHEY, MATTHE »V t» A Oo__
CIOOFIBH— 3 drums Codfish, for tala by
j yia J st DILWORTH fc_Co
SH. MOLABs'eS—23 bbts 9 H Molasses, landing
• from simr Winfield Soon add for sole oy
_apl3_j, _ JaME» DAL2ELL, water >t
JT Molasses, landiug from sunr Bcotl, and
for sale by W A M MriVfiELTRKE,
__ apl3 100 Liberty si
CIOTTON —33 bales gond West Tennessee Colton,
/ for sale by WEBT. BOWEN, 90 Ftom si
LINSEED 01L—23 bbis Linseed Oil, for'sale by
apl3 w E»T- DOWRN _
NO SUGAR—Ib hhds old crop N O Sugar, foi
. sale b)f apl3 WEST. BOWKN
WE have a choice lot of BACON HAMS of our
own curing for sale, apll MXiILLB A ROE
i j ACKEREk-Large No 3—41 bbls, which will be
iVX sold low to close consignment.
APPLE BUTTER—i bbl» l're»h Apple Bolter, ju»t
rec'd and for tale. ap!4 *. ROE
BACON SHOULDERS on eonsijftuneJU—U) c»a»
for »ole to clo*o liie loi.
CIHEESE —66 bxa now landing; for sale by .
> »pl 3 ISAIAH-DICKEY A Co,_Froat si
HOPS —10 bale* in store; for sale by /
WOOL* —l sks per canal boat Wsjhington, for sale
CYOTTON— 17 bales to arrive; for sale by
J spl4 ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, From st
F’ EaTHERS—63 sks 10 arrive, for sale by
*OOL—4 sks to arrive; for sale by
LARD-11 bbls No 1, to arrive; for sale by
BACON— 9 csk* Hams and ShooJden to arrive; ior
sale by apU ISAIAH DICKEY A Co
Fi.AXSKKn —20 bgs to arrive; for sale by
ff'EA —*25 bif cbesu Y 11, arrived per canal ahd tor
1 sale by .. J A R FLOYD,
apU ' Reund Cbnrch Buildings
TOBACCO—W boxes various brands, arHved per
canal and for sale by apl4 JAR FLOYD
CUAR—2U bbls Loaf Sugorv/or sole by
BACON— -474 pieces Shoulder*; 2»4 do Sidesj 473 do
Hams; arrived ibis day per canal boat Washing
ton, and for sale by apl4 JAR FLOY D
pV’LKS—iai) bfs~Dry Apples, per steamboat* dr do
do; 41 bbls do, per canal bool Washington, and
for sale by apH J A R PI.OVD
•BATHERS —4 sks Feathers, per canal ooai ». - .u
-ingum. for sale by apM JARFt O t
SUNDRIES— 50 d-u Zinc ivmnuimrui-,
OhecYcr'" F'ire Jitmliing; aw Hickory Brooms; »«j
Tow Linen; &JU barred Flnuucl; on coiuignioeui anil
for sale by apO \1 s* _
BED BLANKETS —1 ca«e t5O pair*) tsou rtian»ci»,
be by G 4, ux pounds, ribbon, bouuii, received ih>»
day on consignment from the manufacturer, and for
sale by ap7 H LEE Liberty #t. opposite sih
OTATOF3L-600 bush to arrive, for sale by
apU __ RHF.Y, MATTHEWS k Co_
BaCON —l Oh pc* Bacon, landing from simr Well*
villa aad for sole by -
I apl4 JAMES DALZELL, water it
GREEN "APPLF,S—iKS bbls Green Apple*, lPa£
mains) landing aud for sale by
DRIED APPLES—S*ks in store and ter axle by
SANDPAPER —600 reams of superior quality: all
tho different numbers, which we are enabled to
sell at the lowest prices.
RAISING— SO bf bxs M R Raisins;
100 qr " do do; for sile low io
close consignmeuCby
■pu . JAMES A mJTCmaoy A Co
SUNDaiES-fftio bbls N U Molasses;
15.00 J Bacon, hog round;
40 bbls large No 3 Maekerel;
15 •• “ “9 do
1(1 “ “1 Salmon;
US “ pore Floxaeed-Oil;
150 dozen new Corn li'ooms; ia store and for
sale by rochll JOHN WATT, Lißtrty si
CAMPHOR— 10 bbls refined, jun reo’d and for tai«
apl l corner Ist and wood si
COOPER’S ISINGLASS—*4 cases, sheeVind »bred,
just received and for *ate by • ;
SEGARS —itoojiou common, for sale by
SALKRATUS —43 bx* purefth store; terdate by
STONE PIPES—2OO bx* for sale by , •
apW _ _ _ CTCORANT
Nu. SioLAsSEs on consignmeiitrTw'^filo—7so
• bbls; 123 half bbls. apl4 M*GILLS,A ROE
WHITE BRANS—On cormenment,foraaie low to
close ibeiot. *pl4 M’GiLLS A ROB
17IR$ BRICK—SOJJW “Phoenix" Fire Brick, a sup*-.
r rior arucle, to arrive by canal and for sale on sc
commodatmg terms by C A M’ANULTY, ACo
apl2 _Can*Jßa*in
C'tONSIGNF.E WANTFOJ—For 23 bu Short Mid
) ille*, marked *‘M. Q ” received per steamer Mo
noorabela. Inquire of GEO U AULTKNBERGKR
apl'i S? Prom «
PEARL ASH—C loo* Pearl A»Cm caii, for
Pic; IRON—IS ton* Mercer Hr Iron. for rtf* *>;
POWDER— «M>kef* BU»liug Ppwder, IOOOdo Ri
fle do, tu miuraziue jnd for **le by _ ,
I?U9K— 30,000 feet Fa*** for blaiung; forjjjjf
• tpW J S miAVORTH fc Co
ROSIN SOAP-150 bole* for *ale by
»pia 1 J 8 Dlt WORTH 4. t o
JAVA COFFEE-15 baft prme, to*** 1 * . „
np|2 _ J S UU.VVOKTM_A Co_
X CSKS PKARLS. and 5 k«s» UABA J“« mm**
0 p« a .««ncr Eric «.d '^VaNFIKLD
WRAPPING PAPER—SOOO handles, afferent
xe*. of «uperlor quality, which w* offer lor *aic
low aptl RKYNvLDS 4SHKK
PISTOLS' Suitable for California acrrTee. Aim),
_T" > yS c. lc , TUMST
BULK MEAT—tficaak* Ham*, in aweet pickle; W 6
Place* Uul* Shoulder*, ju*t ree d and Jor »*le L>>
achjpi HaRDY,_£ONKS 4. Co
ISA NUTS—SO Pea Nat*, ju«r ree ; d anifiur * «
l)v mcli'JO HARDY, JONES A Co
PEA NUTS—tfi »k» Pea Nnu, ju*t rec’dper »tenu»-
er Telraraph No <■ and for «ale by
mcha7 145 Liberty »t
Aidu tiatim Sutidingt, 3d iL, near (A* Pot I (ML*.
Ona insertion of I2linet, or leas,... go 50
Two lnacrlioaa withotitalteraiion*,... 0 76
Three '• “ <• i oo
One Week “ “ .......... 1 60
Two Week* “ <• .......... 2 60
Three *• *• •• „ 3uo
One Month, <• 4-00
Two " <* 6 00
Three “ ♦* 750
O* Longer advertisement* la tame proportion.
One square,6 month*, without alteration,... 10 U 0
" '• 15 " « “ .... 16 00
Each addition**! sqture for 6 month* 6 00
“ *• « .IS •• 10‘00
One*qnare,6 month*,renewable pt pleamre, 16 00
" “ 12 “ “ “ 20 00
Eachadditionilsqaarefor ISmocth* 10 00
Two aonarc*,6 month*, rc’wqbleat pleakore, 30 uo
Each additional square, 6 months, ,#*w...... d uti
witciT on TUi»trxxxi.v <ss tuitv tana*.
Ono aquaro. 3 insertions, 50
“ " each additional insertion,..l,.... 37
icniuj cars*,
Kite line* or leaa, one year, g
" " " sou
“ " “ on « jew, daih» & sickly, \0 00
“ “ " six month* 00
iounisnifn n -vimi pun.
For 20 line*, or less, One insertion*.., JO 50
“ 44 44 X wo * , “ ON
“ “ Three, « ' c *y 1 0,,
“ " " Tbr». «,g«a; | jjj