The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 27, 1849, Image 3

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hkportsd 6
Par tb« Pimhnrth P* °* M -
ARRIVAL OF THBi ■ t^AH 88l< *
6 T o«rl«nd K*pr... »<■“
Joans, N. 8., April 2^.
The Cambria h» arrived With
a, u» ,3U, and Uverpoot, «o the 14,h -t Th
VM «I arrived .1 hJf p«W» 0 ■ slodt "“'' d “ y
‘'STTxpre** «•
Tto Cambria baa 46 passengers for Burton. She
„iU probably react that oily .boul 1 o'clock,™
FriJaT She brings Cfty-lwo tbopsadd pounds m
consequence of the resumption! of bosuliliea
benaoen Germany and Dedmnrk, Whereby rbe
anppliea of grain Irom rbe Baltic havf been near.
|y aospended, the Liverpool martel. for Bread
atuffa, laat week, evinced some marked aymptoma
of reanfmation. The Infest qootalious or beat
brand! of Ohio door have advanced to 24025 a V
bbb Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wrrtero Canal,
24a; •our, 23a 6d. . , ;
WuxxT-U. 3. and Canada white
6a 4do6s lOd r wheel. 5a BdSSa 6d.
Coax—p quarter —Yellow 32a-white. 28a OdS
Coin Mian— P barrel—l3ol4a.
The aamq influence mentioned above hap con
tnbnted to ibebuainesa of the metro polilpSmatket.
Cotroa baa been dnll during the week, With a
farther decline of Ito i<Mp D>. ' nI '
The week's transactions amouut to only 22,000 J
bales, of which 500 were.laken by apecilaliyn, and i <
4,300 for export The cloning quolationn for l ri- ; ‘
day evening, were, upland ordinary, fflo3,d, L
middling, 4d.; middling to fair, 4id.; good fair, 5d ,
g00d, 5J051; choice marlta, 0081; Mobile ordinary,
34031; middling, 4041; middling fair, 41011.;
good fair, 41; good, 5; Sba Island ordinary w mid
dling, 7084; Our to gogd bur. 10011; good to air,
114015; ataioed, 408. ,
Pxavisions. —Beef has gone olf on retad only
Pork la in limited demend, with receding price*
for weatern. Bacon mid freely during lh= Week,
aupportiog 32a035a 8d for weatern. The market
i, conalderably reduced. Ham. ate dull, but
ahouldera brought the extreme price of 31. pcwt
TOTromxu-5 loua American aold at 31a 6d p
owu There waa a aalc of 1000 bbla rodla, common
et 3io3s Gd cwL
Laud has advanced 6a ? cwt.
Chxdb— fine quality scarce and the demand
Mokey—The news ol the blockade ofthe Germao
portaj’alermo and Venice, has produced numb fluc
luatiou in Conaola during laat week, bat the mar
ket closedfirm on Kndayeveuing at 92t. Exebequer
bills, 47050 a prem. Foreign exchanges, for three
moa., on Paris, 25f 50 eentimerossf Hambar|—
IS, 1134, 12£ Gold is 10,00 dearer in Paris lhao
it ia in London, and the general operations of the
last week have been full.
The revival of continental disturbance -has in
terrupted every branch of trade.
Further accounts from the United Stales and
India are anxiously looked for.
The general intelligence of hostilities haring re
commenced between Denmark and Prussia,
the Danish navy, in' attempting to capture sthe
fortress of tbe f*h iust. were Utterly
defeated, and a line of battle ship and frigate fell
into tbe hands of the Prussians. Tbe line of battle
atrip grounded, took fire, and exploded, with 700
soldiers and officers on board. j
A victory has been gamed by tbe Hungarian j
forces over tbe Austrians. Tbe latter tost 1300
P»n snd 24 pieces of cannon.
On the 7lh instant, Lord Palmerston received
cotice of the Blockade of Palermo by tbe Neapoli
tan Government. On the 31st of March, the block
ade of Venice oy the Austrians, was formally an
A despatch «»f tbe 3d inst., publishes that a.strict
blockade of the German porta of Camrain, Zeren
nmndie, Wolgsit Grits, Waldr, Stralseind and
Rostchoby Denmark.*,
Central Germany is in a state of confusion, ths
King of Prussia having refused tbe olTer of the
Imperial crown, made to him by the small major
ity of the Frankfort Assembly. • *
Renewed disturbances have arisen m Italy, the
people having gained a temporary traimpb in Ge
noa and Tuscany, and preparing to. resist further
encroachments oi Austria.
though quiet, is unsettled. „ The Pope
■till continues at Gaeta.
The King of Naples for immediate
opou Sicily, and has hitherto been restrain
ed by an apprehended rise of the Calabrians.
Fmnce ia tranquil, but parties are pieparing for
the (real election struggle. !
England is quiescent, bntwith less prospect of |
» revival of uade.
la Ireland, Duffy’s trial is proceeding.bat tbe j
jexuh will not be known till to morrow. |
In the National Assembly of the French Repub.
Uo, there are now 30 vacant seats in consequence
of death or resignation. More than 60 members
are confined by indisposition.
The appointmentbf Chaoganier lo the command
of the Legion of Honor will not be officially an
nounced until it is known whether Gen. Cavatgnac
will accept some honorable position.
Duchesne, editor of the Le Peuple, has been
sentenced to five years imprisonment, and fined
6,000 franca. De Leeclae, Socialist, baa been sen
tenced for three years, and fined 10,000 francs.
Le Presae eayajhat neither the French uor Brit
Uh Governments will take any part in the negoua
tiofis about to be opened at Verona, for the con
coodosion of peace between Austria and the Pted.
Jbe Constitutional* slates on the authority of a
letlflf from Banguingry balUe had
fteyn |fooght at Cartdania; bAween the Royaliat j
Chid; Pons Bucdetali and Cabrera, in which the
l«o Generals were killed. Other accounts say
that Cabrera who had been wounded ip the action
took refuge in a tavern, where he waa put to death
by the Emiguilap*.
A arrival on Tbiitsday with
Londoners, forming the firtt portion of the
English troops expected to arrive in Paris on a
visit to the National Guards: They wore received
With honor, by the authorities.
The Austrians and Italians have bad a bailie in
which the town of Brescia was destroyed, andlbe
inhabitants slaughtered, after a Beige of eight days ’ |
Brescia, or rather the ruins of what was Breach,
i, in the hands of the Austrians.
The town was bombarded for 6 hours, and the
were carried at the point of the
The inhabitants were driven into honses and
jmraad alive.
The Milan Gsieite. o( the 3rd inst, conisms a
jammliry of therevoll and xaploni of Bre«-Io.—.
u „y, small detachment, were drawn from \ elo
-a and Mantoa, In order lo rare the city from the
anarchy founded by the Camogga apd the Ranodo.
Raybanato marched to l*e city, and on the
30lb olu, set down before the'walls of the city with
3,200 men end abt piece, of artillery. Ho offered
tana, of arrangement, which, not being accepted
■i* divided hi. foreea into See detachment,, ehch
„f which attached otte.of the gate, of the ciy -
The artillery oT,jiio cibdel opened lla Ore a> the
•area moment. .fee yllaclttfv lemble, a. each
honsa w», takelSy Msavlt.. On ihe l.t Inal, vic
tory waa acuoinpilabed. 'The Concordia ray., the
Aoerf.n. aurzonnded the lown, «o Ihht escape
was impossible. The carnage was immense
‘ The Vienna journal. centre diet the ramoti of j
•General BimVdefeat, and the flight of U»» troop*-
It appears, 6fl* the contrary, that the Austrian j
•General, Paeknar, who was surrounded by a hostile .
jjopulation, haa thought proper to reaign bis com
mand aod phtce himself under ibe'protection of
aha Russians, |b Wallochia. Three other Austrian
Oenerala a:companied him. His troops were left
■Under the care of Gen. Zilliand- The Austrian
ft/rees at Cronstadt were abort.of ammunition
ggij* were preparing to return to Wallacbia
wtt , tiaggage having already left tor that pro-
T i oce General Beta was left ia the almost un
possession of the wtmle ot TransyL
raoin, antf-vn® P re P tnD ? 10 fck* Cronstadt, the
tat city in i bat .kingdom, whiofc te'still held by the
Austrian trooV 8-
lEELAND. 'i. ?«^iis^soSd«”*- T , |OMAg
The reporta o, r ihe PootLnwiupccwn of tart j 'r>'B^^„ f the Con»nt.t*»ioneti at Dublin, redurd » [(cry h.l! hoar daring lire d*r, landing Mil.
volnme of ntery mf I*l 1 * 1 dinlnriUeg- To kup''>“ old., ohoice.l Greenhow
vinneen oeor it. the nn*/» of d>“ boot. « rar f ° n< ' tor .ale in ihe Carden, lee Cream, and other re
*** , t, h „ Af-Mmuian'P im frestunenu furnished in ihe »aloon» .
of .Which teems with ovtt»ehce 01 exemp _ >J" Boque»P«‘*P at the shortest noucc Orders tor
Cince on the part .of the unhappy peasantry}*/ fpqnais* left w ihe wfaarf best, wul receivs pro“P‘
inland, who have undergone T o ®*
leted to lie civilised world, it will bn a gloomy
clergyman from ibe Parish of Conn'aught, says
bis whole district Isuow almost a wilderness. Out
of s populatioaof 12,000 foal 1 yean ago, scarce half
remain, so that creatures who still live and move
here may be termad either an accumulation of
dead or dying humanity, rather than a population.
The Rev. Dr. Cool, R. C; Prelate, died at Drog
heda, on the 6lb iast. Ue Was highly esteemed by
ail religious persons. ;
The Cholera is mslrinyjad havoc among the
troops quartered temporarily in Paris.
It is believed that the dampness of the weath
er contributed greatly to the devebpement of this
disease. Measures have been adopted for the re
moval of tbo troopa to more healthy quarters.
Letters froth Perpignan state that Count Moot
melin and his Companions had been betrayed by
a guide, whom he had largely paid to conduct him
into Calalooia.- He was taken to a French village
and handed over to the authorities.
A letter from Dablin, dated 9th, slates that pri
soners of Borokese arrived there under a strong
guard, Barbel and Albert are placed in the same
cell, Blnnqul flocci in another: Haspail Sobrier
aod Quentis in a third. The discovery had ju*t
been made that the club men bad organized »o a*
to act as military.
| j Letter, from Turm, of the Sth, announce that
General Ma»tora had (rombarded Genoa lor 24
hours. The city was on fire in secern! places.
A deputation from tho Municipality; waited on
him on the nth, requesting an armistice of 4a
honnt, io order to proceed to Turin, to arrange
for a capituation.
The Armistice was gtanled, and the deputations
proceeded to Turin, where they arrived on the Itfc
The triumphants bad ded from Genoa, with the
exccptioo of Areyana. The agitators, Accinedeua
and Mistellia embarked for Leghorn.
hiohlv IBPOETAHT news,
Terrible Riot In Montreal.
CiJfVELAjrD, April 25. 1949.
We have learned by telegraph that Ihete is ter
rible excitement in Montreal to-day, m conse
quence of ibe Governor General having signed
the Rebellion Loss Bill
The Parliament Hottte has lieen set on lire uud
•l Philadelphia, Apnl 25.
John Kreedley has been finally commuted for
trial {or the murder of bn wile.
Abner Y. Ellis has been appointed Postmaster
at Springfield, Illinois.
April 26—C P.M.
Flour—Market steady but not active, m prices
there is no quotable change from previous trans
actions. Sales at W 00, tor common; for extra,
SI 75.
Grain—Wheat —Sales of prime red. at 100 eta;
mixed, at 102. Corn—Sales of prime yellow. 53c.
In other grama, l notice sales of rye, at ■>”. Oats,
Whiskey—Sales in bbds. at 20Jc.
April 25, 1819.
Cotton—The heavy ram checked operations to
Flour—Market firm, with good eastern and home
demand. Sales comprising western at 84 87.
Grain—Sales of western wheal, at 1020105.
Western corn, 03* .Barley. 57. Oats. 36037.
Provisions —Pork,.mess, SlO 310810 44 per bbl.
Lard doll, 6‘.* Bacott—Shoulders, 3*04 J, s!dr«,s.
Lead —The market is firm.
April 25 —P. M-
Flour-Sale* at $3,50. The market is bare.
Whiskey—Sales 41 14 1015 c.
Grain —There is'a fair demand lor Oats at 280
Lard—The salea-to day comprise 900 kegs at
Molasses—Sales of 200 bbls from the larfdmg at
22c per gall. __
1c49 | ALUAHAC. j
APRIL. 1 1_
21 Saturday,
22 Sunday,
23 Monday,
•34 Tue*dky.
2S Wednesday
25 Thursday,
sr Friday,
j*a. v< »»<u»’.r~ •'t. *■ clarex. jao- smrro*
.Ore-tdit. PrTTSBVKOti Gizrrrr. )
Friday Morning, Apnl 27. 1-4 M V
Notwithstanding the high stage of ihc water, and the
ehceting influence of the fine Spring weather—winch
ha-, at length. % mlted fl* —husines*. \ esterday, through,
out the town, was. id general. dull neither -lid the
wli*rf present anltnanou. but few boais having ar
We noticed a great msnt coal boats floating pa*
our citv, anil oirf friend* at Cincinnati and the pons
tow. may anticipate an abundant supply of ihi* «»»eti
FLOUR—The receipts by the river, yesterday
exceedingly light. Andthese the greater proportion
vra* designed for the Eastern market. Prices am ad*
vancing, and we POfe'|Rlet of 55 bhl*. on the wharf, **
bhl. A slight advance on the lowest figure*
has also taken place from store, and we now quote
sale*, by the dray load, at *U»oS3,<ai« V Lbi
GROCERIES—We.hAve no alterations to uoU<
der this head. Sale* of Coffee ft N O Bb
gar. prime si&He V'fi Fair StfSfc P fi> N O Mo
lasses *6d3»e * gall) Sugar house Molasses !*»
«*“• .
PROVISIONS—Af'the stork* are decreasing
tides under this h£ai are 6rm at,
without very hearjjv transactions Sale* oi Hams at
4®6ic. Shoulders <94Jc, and Side* i»' V th- C** l *
pncea.are. ot course; the difference lower. Sujjar ou*
red lUms Canvassed Hams 7J cl* per
fij. cash.
BUTTER—The tfeceipl* of Roll am increasing '*nre
oor la*t quotation!.' We qooie *»le* at Ilift'ilc per
BULK MEAT—Hog round, firm, ai HJc per pound'
CQrjTON Nothifif bti» tranapired mi th'* market
deferring notice The «tock in lighl and but lilt!*
changing hand*. The article i» firm at *> » ; —
We note aalea of middle Temie*»ee at Cjc P hi
I PIO METAI-— lajangmd, without an) ope»tion»o>
eonoequence. Sillqr* are not dupoaed to force ib- ur'
tfete upon the market, and purchaser* not inclined to
buy oven at the rates a* quoted. Hanging Rock at
ostf7, No 1. Allegheny SSS. Canal Iron P* r
tpn. d mos.
quote nominally at 2Uc without
,nle*. It is a perfect drug in the market
COTTON YARNS—The market it iteadv with a fai
demand. Stale, al ltle H <°< No. 5•» 1 “ wnh ih. u.
?al id.once on higher No., .nil S?. «1. Mil 0«'
or tor No. MO, MO. TO TO CantHew.ek 10c 1* 6-
T»,ne 2110 f lh| Corpel eh»i« l»* V lb, Coverlet earn
' grain
The following table »howing the not value in dt
and. cent* of Floor,; moat. Corn end Coni Meal at
respective pncee in Liverpool will be 01 mterei
produce dealer* apd formers. It *how* what the
verpool price* veil j net to the American shipper
Coetof wbrat. U American bushel* calaulaied >o ih
7$ lb*, incloding. freight* atUs per qr of
4; insurance, one month 1 * storage all .ending charge
and commissions; exchange lift
Free on bed In Liverpool. Free ou b'nl In*
bo. 36 the £bu 7U fl» • bu. 60 tt>» T bu. 10 &>•
gl 7* ?d 81 3-J 9-* JJ
1 03 7*lUd 1 33 »• 0«1
. i« e* 2d 1 «0
.o , . 0.1 113 U*' W
l op fc« Od 1 30 10* 4d
Coat of Flour, including Height at 2s dd per bbl. and .
« r one mpnib's sioraae, duty 2.- 3d. insurance
all commission* and land charges, exchange 108
avManh'rd In Liverpool Free on brd In Livdrpoo*
p JJ, liJ b. 1,1,1 m ft. V bbi iw> ft. v bti 100 ft.
- *u an ‘JO* (id Btf 33* 2d
t-d 27s nd 0 33 -W» 4d
• -Vra 9d 6 3« f\
‘jysllVl d 73 »>* Li
31. ixl 7 ou d7* 0.1
lu .32* id
Con of Indian Com, 6* American bushel*, calculated
C ?V n »tt or 400 lbs. including freight 3* peiqrandu
De?cen q t. dmy laperqr, one month's storage, in.ur
anc«. all commiaaioua and landing charge*, exchange
' -verpool
Free on b'rd. In Liverpool Frve
to # ’s:T's“?
£ „ “ «• 4*l 7W "
<® .. . &i> 3d 75 •'
JS .. >* « w ‘
*! .. 30. Oil
r Corn Meal, .Deluding duty S' 4Jd P v
00,4 fid i- bb! aa<l 5 p<*r cent, one month s si
ail eommJMtoiw aad landing ■ harg,
I Pichang* , Fre* on Vrd. In Liverpool
?fe & r «'« ■» *” b £i £ a ‘ r fli 1 " B ”
.gg ,*S S3SS
Michigan N(1,2, Gilson, Bearer.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville
Camden, Hendrickson. McKeesport.
Caleb Cope, A- Murdock. Well>ville
Beaver, Clark, Beaver
Lake Ene. Gordon, Beaver.
R Wigfatman. Woiham-on Chn-ler s Landii
Allegheny Cbi>per|Beaver.
Jas Nelson, Moore. Wheeling.
Lowell , Zanesville.
Cindenllg. Calhoun, Wheeling
Clipper No. 2. Devol. Cm.
Pennsylvania. Gray. St Louis
Robert Fulton. ,St Lorna.
WellsviUe, O’Neil, Sunfish
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Beaver, Clark, Beaver.
Louis Me Lane Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Allegheny Clipper. Beaver
Brilliant. Grace, Cm.
Peru. Calhoun, Cm.
Comet, Boyd, Zanesville
Dolphin, Hozleu, Cin.
Jaa. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling
North River, beau. St Louis.
Cinderella, Calhoun, Sunfish.
There were 8 feet, 0 inches in the channel li
ivening at dusk, by pier mark and rising.
Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M.
Brownsville Packets, 9 A. M„ and 4 PM.
Beaver Packets, 10 A. M~ and 4 P. M.
For Philadelphia.
D Leech Jc co’s. packet line—9 o clock P. M.
ZaNKSVILLK—I’er Loweli—r -huh paper. " ick
A McCnmllrsn. 1 t>x rignrr. 2 hb<U tot*. U Leech A ro,
17 k?* :t f l>bl» butter. D A <>rier: .'*> UI.U pork, i> do
lard, 2 hhds baron. I* Rankin, I t»t»l butler. l do bean-.
tilone7 T Morgkn, 2 til.l. eg** Ba?
aie\ A Smith: thl Ml- lit>. owner <>n bonrd. \ bbl egg*.
R Dalrell: :W6 pc* pork, t bid* llaxseed. I Hick \
WHUKUNG—Per CiederHln—l2 bt>U vmegnr. 23
ito flour. J S Dilwonh. 12 »k* barley. 26 do oau. R A
Campbell l box J Herben: I bx *»ap 1 do turner. I
bbl do. 2 *k» flaxseed. 4 do rye. T kg* isni. I bbl. U A
(iner. 10 »k» bar ey Bingham* l.ine. t bbl. lacingtion
A Roggen. __
For San Francisco, California*
. + THK undersigned, having just returned
j3ijJgX|ioia rnliioriua, purpose* chartering a faat
ve*»el 10 l>e desptuched at a* early a
day a« arrangement* can be made, and will lake pa»-
■mogers ai low rate*. if a sufficient number apply eoon.
The vessel in touch al Rio de Janeiro and Valparaiso,
for freah provisions 4c.
The route via Cape Horn bu* now ihe .iccided pre
ference over all other*, as the undersigned panned on
ht* recnm to ihe U S. upwards o( siuO pcnon* at Pan
ama and on me Isthmus, uunble to procure passage.
AK passenger* or companies taking passage m the
ship, will be furnished, free of cost, with a complete
.old washing machine and implements, such as he
knows to br the l est m use, having seen many cowh
and ingenious machines thrown aside, a* uufil lor the
| will
al»t> give each passenger accompanying the
1 , the benefit of hi* el pertrncr tn mining, ami
make known to them the mo*t productive
cold placer*. , . . „
No passage vriU be »erured unnl pa*.! lor. hoi
fr<l*bt or pasture, apply immediately 10
or HAYDEN * COALE, M S. Gay *u
ap-JoM4w—Mali. Am.
An Ordinance.
"An Ordinance for tfu payment of Inter** on our \
Cttv Scny."
WHKRKAS. "oim* tur.fter action i« deemed nece*-
*aty for the purpo^ - of guarding the holder* of
unall lumi 01 City of I‘nuburgh Scrip, from lo»a con
lequeoi upon it* having ceased to circulate generally
ai a medium of eichange. and who are unable to de
piire themaelve* of the u»e of *uch amount* a» are
now required, m order ihat it may be convertible into
bond* under the Ordinance of ibe 1-th of April, and a*
a large amount of the Scrip now in the hand* of the
••nunuruiy may be held tor an indefinite period if Ba
rred of il* ultimate payment, together with the *uter
' ibertton, therefore.
-.l*t Be it ordained and enacted by the citizen*
A Pintburgli, in Select ami Common Council* assem I
bled, That from und alter the Ifcta 'lay ol April. A U
1849 an interest of »a per crnl. per annum shall be
paid on »l! oithe citv of Pin*..uririj of ihr de
nomination of one. iwo uml ttirce doUars. » h.eti i-ter
e«l atiall lie allowed at an> mor h-reafler on Uie pay
ment A Uio, -r del.U duo to the nty. awl the surren
der ol said certilieate* And it sliall be the duty of all
eolleciors to furnish vouchers to ttieCiiy rreosurer lor
all amount* ol interest ailowod by tbeoi on Scrip
Bbc 54 Be ii ordained. Ac , That Uie Finance Com
mittee be authntisedio hypothecate any nock* belong
ing to the City as they may deem proper for the pur
pose of sustaining the credit of the city, and paying
the neeeasary expense* of the city government and
interest on the dct.i
Bac. 3 Bo it ordained, Ac . Thai so much of any or
dinance or ordinance* as tuiy conflict with the pro
visions of this ordinance, be and the same ate hereby
Ordained and enacted into n law in Council*, this
33d day ol April. A. D ledU
Attesi ROBERT Fret (. C Fbosus. Clerk C C
HAR.MAR UK.NM. I'r-itji t
Job’s Major. Clerk 8 C d:lt
Nonee to the holderm of Pittsburgh City -Sen;«.
IN conionsitv with the 2d Becuon of the Ordinance
of the of April, 1 **49, directing lire undersigned
f to negotiate FOR CITY SCRIP. the Bond* aud Mon
ratrea onndividnnls held by the City for property told,
i*AßS’“—public notice ia hereby given. Uiat the said
obligation* will now be disposed of for the Corporate
issues of the City of Pittsburgh, of the denomination*
of One, Two and Three Dollar*
Further notice is hereby given, that City Bond*,
bearing interest from ibe l-th day of Apr it. IM#. at the
rate old per rent per annum, wpl at any i<me beresi
ler be issued to the bolder or holder* of City Scrip, in
•n«n* of One Hundred Dollar* and upward*, according
to the orovitibos of the ordinance of the above date.
apil S R JOHNWTON. City Treasurer.
- ~ DR. 8. M- SHASSOS
"i 1-1 1 6 _ 45
Sit 0 4b
6 lu 6 47
5 S M'
6 7 6 49
5 d 6 60
5 4 6 61
WOULD respectfully sitnounce to the citizen* ol
Pittsburgh, unit he will remain in this place *
few days. Ill* unparulHled success in the treatment
of a large majority of those disease* which have ever
been regarded a. incurable by the modern and more
fashionable practice, has induced bun to send forth
thi* card to the artueied portion m mankind. He has
within the isst 12 month* imparted iiisuucuciis to op
wards ol 2UW ciu/ta* oi Tennessee, Virginia, North
and South Carolina, Kentucky, and Indiana, among
then. Physician* of high standing, ami tl.-> a.i hear
lesiimony of their enure satisfaction. He Un* a»o
succeeded in giving permanent mlief to nearly JtM'
individual*, ample prool of which he can adduce
It is not pretrnded that the r oricriitrabon tfl the re
sults of medical research emanate* from one author,
lor be he ever *o versed in meUiritl science, he would
come far. far short of »o ben-uiean a tas*. Dr. S has
been engated since 108 m »eleciing ans-purclia».ng
all the popular and secret remedies which could be
obtained m England. Ireland. Germany and Uie l nited
Stales, from those persons who were eminently suc
cessful in curing some one of the loilowmg di*ea»es,
Rheumatism Dyspepsia. Sick and Nervous Head
ache Pams or Weakness in Back nml Joints, Paraly
sis Ncora'ina. Sptnai Atfsctio-'s. Epilepsy .Tooihimhe.
Contraction* of the Muscle*. Weak or Inflamed Eyes
Files, Asthma, Cancer Teller, hro.t Bite, Scrofula
l iter*. Mercurial Diseases of Ion? standm?, female
Diseases, General Debility. Ac
For full instruction* for the cure of all diseases ort?
ioaUne In. or causing the derangement of the nerv-'--
system, so that those who reeetve instruction* can
with equal efficiency »• himself, hi* rharge is only
Ur** i» famished with certificate* and recommen
daUonVfrom the roo*t .Jileltigent mid re.peeuble Phy
,icmn» ami citizen* of everyplace at which hr ha.
had the plenaore of ri.mug, which hr will be plcaaed
to exhibit to the ni*P'-«-uoo oi any who may detire it
The* u.- <i are almo«t exclusively vegeta
table, exceedingly aiuipio, and within the reach of all
Perxon* alflioied wi h any 01 the above named di*-
ca.e«, would do well lo call upon Dr and if not ef
fectually relieved, no remuneration % r ' < V?j7
for hi* •ervicr*. Hi* motto i*. M) NO lAt
Dr. S. will remain «lttnu| hi* *tay a the St. Charle*
Hotel. Boom No. 73.
ROOflng.— OalwM»i*ed Tin Fl»»ee.
TH E *ub*criber» he)? to call the attention of Builder*.
Architect* and owner* of Building*- to the mirny
advantage* which the*e plates poura* over all other
metallic aabaunrca hitbetto used for ** ; **
they pete** at once the tjghinea* of iron. without u*
liability u> ru«t, having how been te«ted for *c*crel
vrart in mi* particular, both in tht* country and ut hu
rope. They ire lo*. liable to expan.,on
non from *uddeu change of the atmo.phrre than com
mon uu Plate-, iron, me, or any other metal now u.ed
°' ,U “ l *"I.'ix“B'.MORKWOOD* CO ,
14 ami 1C B<-over .treet. New York.
The patent right l«>f 'hi* article having been »ccured
for me United tttaie*. ail parue* latrmgmg thereon
either by importation or oiherwne,
rpHK undermined have errrted work* in the riiy or
1 New York, for the purpose of "" U 'V.
clea of Iron, which ii i* desirable to PRUTM. I rHOM
BUST, »weh a* Telegraph Win-. Bolt*, »mke«. Nm *-
Wire for Fence*, and any other article which ma\ m.
required. For H«o P » for Cask*, a* a .absliiuie for l.nlr
Rope; lor Clothe* Line*. Lightning Rod*, (in.l n host »i
Other applications, it will be round cheap and durable.
They would particularly fail niseiiiiim 10 he Gaivani
ted Wire for fence*, u re 4* no paitn. ana will not
AUo to Snike* and Holt*, tlie pre.erv.uon oi
wftiel. 1* of »o mart) importance, that it will eommenu
it*eli to the notice of alf Uio«e
GKO U .MOttEWOOf) «t CO.. Patenters.
oct3o-diwlyT 14 and Ifi Bearer *t. N Sork
fin, 7§ Wood street. Pittsburgh.
tyi MKK AND LAL'FMaN. Importer* and dealer
H *" d “>“»•“ " in ™ A “ E :,;:
nITTt. varieties. are now prepared to sell n« low am
on reasonable terms as can be purchased el*e»hcic
SVasoh.* SIIKAB!*- RAZORS. Hon-,
SC,^ SU iVUk« Kutcbea, Hinge* ami Screw*, uwe.ibe
auch aa Locks, U *uaily kept m Hardware Storm
with every 0 J <j ttr p c nlcr* and Mechanic
We invite the a foiel ,. o fTooU, winch have bee
generally to «“*** which wc are deiennu
“* towT
„ r - - , p.pfflß W ARK HOUSE,
No il MKR 4 '
ThKaPECrFI'LLY announce* 10 his friend* ‘
ehauo, ou VOT nodai»l» hl ,
.d RtHiid on M.rk.i *“" 1 ’ Dmiro
room, Prrfor and Hiul Pape Transparent
scapes. Kin-board PrmU ’„*! £ niler i> Boards Wn-
Window Blind.., in u,«!.tan,ly -»l
--nrcRnnU -d
Jr. lo c.ll *od rinminr hi. tr ,J ( . » ih.
».(■ nnd Turner.’ Brni|i. '*^" ll2 ,
V’ir'inh's FOR THK SLTISCRirriU.N OR sfOCK
T4°?die UHf n.’ In.ur.ncc Company ofßn'.hiirsli.
■P, ... ... Room, of lb. Bn.iJ ofTr.d.,o»
nSi fiond.r o( »i IhoVloel, - »
““ IVe Urhi’r, Jr Rob.,. Wood.,
Wm B M’Clore, Joseph Plaromer.
*z m Kicr Joatah King,
Jnb.SborilT Aloi-Rombor,.
arid H. 0. King,
ylfcdcrovl (SimaiuioMti.
tjr irto H>«
;ii* ltd
r. :d
:n»n (id
kjtoktd for nfx prrmnntßH daily oabtttv
Cholera —A* the most contradictory rumors
respecting the cboiera. are flying about through
lawn, and many My that several persons have
taken it and died in Pittsburgh, though the pit
pen say nothing abool il. we deem it our duty to
lay a plain alaiemeot of the fact* before the public.
/Vo person has aW of ekoUra t« this toicn. erept
Cl f<v who brought Uup the river u-tlh them. Oil
th>* our reader* may rely with the utmost confi
What, more than all other things, has alarmed
many, is, that cnTucsday night, a comn, contain
ing the dead body of a moo, who i* supposed 10
have died of'this disease, was thrown over .alo
the Metbodixt burying ground, in the Seventh
Ward. The coffin, falling on a tomb stone, was
split open, and the dead body rolled out On W ed-
Desday night, the corpse of a man, wrapped .n a
blanket, was thrown into the same grave yard, and
all who lived near were, of course, alarmed- It is
thought that these dead bodies were brought op
on some ol our steamboats, and taken ap by night,
so as Dot to Jeter passenger* from travelling on
As>.cj-u- s.nd Battery— Hugh Heivy, a de.-k
band on the ‘•Diadem,” came before tho Mayor
yesterday, and complained of the second engineer
ot the "Diadem," who, he alleged, hod commillcd
an assault and battery upon him. by sinking him
on the head with tho barrel of a pistol, and threaten
ing lo blow hia brains out. His forehead was cat
and bleeding, and considerably swelled. The
engineer was arrested, and held to bail to answer
tho charge at the ȣxt Court of Quarter Sessions-
A drunken raau entered the wagon manufactory
of Mr. McKee, on Fifth street, yesterday
and commenced throwing stone* at the persona at
work there. Un being turuedout by Mr. McKee,
he went over to Alderman Morrow'* odice, lo
enter a complaint of assault and battery against
McKee. The Alderman, however, turned lh«
tables by sending the complainant to jail.
Hospital. —We are glad lo learn that the Coun
cil* passed, on Wednesday night, a resolution
providing medical attendance, and a temporary
hospital for those who may be attacked with the
There i* not, it i* true, any probability that*
even if that disease should come here, it would bo
very violent. The chances are all the other way,
hut still .1 is best to be prepared.
Had such a resolution been passed a week ago.
the life of the unfortunate raftsman who died yes
terday, would probably have been saved.
People dislike to take any one into their houses,
who is tailoring under u very severe diseases, and
it i* useless to expect them to do otherwise.
Life Presea vers. —Some eight or ten men, with
Ralstort A' Phillips’ newly invented Life Preserv
ers on, were swimming about yesterday :d\emooo
in the Mouongabela Raver. They towed u rat 1
about, which was covered with people, arouod m
fine style. The whole upper portion of their bodies
were out of water while they were swimming, and
when they came out, not a single drop of water
had peneiraled the Indian Rubber clothe* in . which
tbeir persons were employed. The raft which they
towed was composed ot a few hoards, laid over
India Rubber bag*, and it* buoyancy was mo*t as
A very large crowd witnessed tbi* novtJ spec
cle.and seemed highly diverted by the amusing
lotions of the unpracliced swimmers.
We are under obligations toOaptain R,. C.Gray,
of the splendid passenger steamer, Pennsylvania,
l.>r Nt. Lorn* papers in advance of the mail. The
Pennsylvania made one of the fastest trip* that ba 8
ever been known between this ami Louis.
Tune io St Louis: five days and eleven hours, and
back in five days and twenty one hours. This is
what we call tall running, aud in addition to that,
she had about four hundred tons ol treight. Her
officer* report no sickness on board.
Tooth Ache —We happened to call a few days
ago in the office of Dr Middle, Dentist. un Smith'
fieid street, where we *aw a large glass jar. which
bold* about a peck, tilled with carefully cleaned
human teeth, which the l»oclor had drawn from
person* suffering from tt.e ache. They
weigh several pounds, and as wr looked upon
them, we could not help thinking of tho aggregate
amount of suffering which they had caused frotn
that “hell o'a disease ”
Thkatus. —To-oigbt Mra-Farreu takes ter beo
etil, when ahe appears in a tragedy and two com
edies. a Janc Shi-re" is first on the list, to be suc
ceeded by “Tune tries Ail." and to conclude With
the “Child of the Regiment ’
Mrs. Farren has hitherto been very succenfu 1
in drawing largr houses, nnd to-night she wtll
doubtless have a very crowded one
Wg were very much surprised, as woll a grieved
at seeing, the other dav. an announcement of the
intended resignation of Mr Darragh our able At
torny General.
We found on inquiry that it was false, and arc
at u loss to know how rumor originated.
Mub.aUtt —Tne business \*f the Mayors L)l
-hi*« is decidely decreasing. For the iast two or
three weeks, very few persons have been arrested,
and very tew complaints entered. Yesterday
morning, for instance, not one per*on appeared at
the morning watch returns.
“M'Lasx'* I.iveb Pill—ln offering ihi* medicine to
the pu!mc. the proprietor* are wen t«»rr that they
h*vr to eucoumrr * hostility generated by the oouni
les* t m;>o»it)£-n* wnicli have been palmed upon the
public under l.le rbape of potfUl medicine* Wo are
convinced, however, ihai it is only necesiary io give
their remedy a trial to place it in public estimation far
strove all mediciu mniir of the kind ever offered to
the public li it the invention of an enlightened, ex
perienced and learned physician, who for many yeat*
u»cd it in hi* own pm.-uce, when its greal »ucce»« in
duced him to offer ii to the public at large For *aie at
uie Drug Store of aptl J KIDD A t <>
FncmioM.i *ir Hcok M’Coatru k. . will he »up
[Hjrled for the ofhee i.f Prothonoiary. *ubjeci to d>e de
ei*i«n of uie approaching Anttmasomc and Wing Coo
vonuou, by aplUiwtcT* M**T Waioa
CoKMiasiuNta —Tuo* Va*.ics. , oi Baldwin
township. A* ill be tupporicd t••fore the AnU(na*onic
and Whip Dortveniian lor the ;k>*iuoh o( candidate lor
County Commissioner Ballwin Towsauir
Psotiiosotabx —The Whig* ol Allegheny county
trill urge the cla.m* of WM. J MARKS, for a itomma-
Uon to Uu* offiee at ihe coming County Couveution.
Mr. M. i* a good Whig, and i* every way competent
to discharge the done* of the office, and de»rfving a
nomination by the party Ai.Lßdircrv Coßvrt.
me h'Jlhd.'h&w I t*T
Hntan-r*.I.TT —Col DI'FF. of Ohio lownehipi
ill be supported for thr office of Sheriff, «ul>ject 10 tho
animation of the Whi* and Antunasowe Coneeimon.
mchtfl.wftT Ohio.
Sp' the offic-
_-»UKmr»ALTT I am a candidate for the office o(
ihenff of A'lrjbrny county, tubject 10 the dectaion of
lie approaching Whig an(l Atjtiraaionic Convenuou
ur nominating couniy ticket. ' CARTKR CL- R Tli-
Hixth VV iriT, Puuhurgh. April! ‘i, tHO—dAwT
SMxairFAtrT Capi 'V. A. ChaM-tos will t>e »up
ported for Ui** office of Sheriff, «abjeci 10 the noann
uou of ilic Antimaronic and Whi* CounlT Convention
toari>:dAwtfT Ktotmi Waed, rirr*B«oH
Mb Kiln* —>oll will pteaoe »tate that 1 will b*> a
cojiditlatr n*f nomination for the office of Prothonoia
ry, I'tiorg our next Whig and Aniimaaoiut' Couniy
Convention. V(<ut», Stc
I'JuabfUi township. March,2sl. 1818
ILT Robsbt C Walk kb. K«n , oi‘ Riirabrlh Borou*h,
ill be Mipported. before the approßchin? Annina* o ” l ''
>d Whip County Convention, for nomination a
uididate lor member of l/eßulaiur*. by the
»p!7:d±wicT \Viiios or Out* tur*rrrM.
JOHN li MELLOH, No “t Wood street, ***
pleasure of announcing the arrival of u new hh
spleudid assortment of Tunoi. from the manufactory
of Jonas Chickennc, Boston —amnn* them * ma *"’ u
rent Ro~-wood full Ursnd Piano Forte. 7 ocuvr*
Also, a superb square !*inuo Forir. 7 octaves. i*arv»
rosewood, of the style of Louis XIV. with a vsfetv 0
7. and 8 octaves, to which the attention of purcnu
ers is respectfully solicited
Sole Afirnl lor Cluckrnng* Piano Forte* lot
em Prnn*>iv»nla.
WM. n ICAITI. lk *£ atiisW''
Film «t . xktwekk Wood *xb M*i*ni *!^i»pv'h’
CIONTINUK to manufactory *1! kind* C
uriiiti Work
Strain Born* tiuilt to order
Sjircial nitonnon given to *ieai» boat wora „
Have on hand* a fine anonmnut of Copper ““
Kciile*,Tin Ware, 4r Ar Steamboat Cook mg Ptovr*.
Portable For*... nrn. -u-. - a .«rT cop»«o‘r»t »•-
Uele for airambuau, California emigrant*. 1,1 r “
cotnpaniet , „
We would re*peetfiilly invite ateani boat nr ,
other* to rail and ,re our article* «t*d before
purchasing eltewherr. ... !
Kottee to the HolcUra of Be*’ | Pv
IWRSALB, and payment received in Uie .tiur
1 U«»e. of the city of Pm»burgb— m nn*
All that valuable property known »■ the r
SIN LOT, ptuiup tin On»nl itrMt. oW»'"' a?
lloqm, and bounded by Oram ureeU 1-‘IUi * ,rr,t > u ‘“’
mond alley and Cherry alley.
Thi. property na. been divided into rw mtwm*
highly eligible building which w ‘ 1 a*Tt'R
bijrbeal awl be.i bidder, ut public auction.on; SAi l k
DAY, MAY Stb. is«, .n .root of the Court Houro
TanMa—One third ui c a.ti, one third in »ix month*,
and one third in twelve month*, with tntere.t from the
day of *aie.
BT order of the City
ipaiultd Cbm. Committee on City Property
SEW GOODS, 1849. ! “ Tba i l™6hk
KFNSKL\ 4 SAWYER, Corner Wood and Fours* - . Facluwvety for Pasteuger*
street. ttf( . now receiving direci from fcrM hand*. : JjV -p..:ngCft—The Boat* of ihia Lioc will leave
ai.rer«UK-k m Fancr and Yan'-ty Good*. including 1 fidtw. at 9 o flock ti night
Cif.-k. of Pvri' variety, cold and .liver Watriic*. Kentucky-Capt U Trilby, Monday, Ann! 10.
Je-.rrlry. Frer.rb Print*, Coma-. Uook» and B' e ** 1 Ijoaisiana—Capt 3 PThompson. Tueaday l >
(»:. vr» and Ho».er,. Suapendff*. Guu Cap*, and , Indiana— P Burkey, Weduerdtiy. 1'
oii.-r artirie. in their line—all of which having "e*« Ohio—A Craig, Thursday, 19.
pi, ichoked p-rsouiwlv ol the manufacturer. ea*L du- Kentucky—H Truby, Friday, 2B
• • ilie last winter. eiprewd) lor the Spring trade. Lotuaiana—J P Thompson. Saturday *1
wi I he «old wholesale at a »mall advance on c«>*t Indiana— P Burkey. Sunday. 22
i'o .»utiv mi in „• n 1 d<-pi-iii't>L»*i“ oi Looking Ola**- Ohio—A Craig. Monday, 21
r*. of our own raanulactunog. at eastern price*. mhiO Kentucky—H Truby. T ue*day. 24
I PRISfJ RONNFT RIRBON’S 4e-W K Murpny Louisiana—J l Thompsonrdnr«da> -*
W ™ lN< ' BOVNLr Indiaou-P Burkey. Thursday, 26
O haa now open a .apply of spring Bonnet iu ohio-Capi A Craig. Friday, 27
ol new and hand,erne «y»e«. ai Trilby. Sa.urday. *>
new*trie fig .! Neiu. Lialc p I.oui.iana-J P Thorap.on. Sunday. 29
Line., Mging*. Victoria do. s For p „.age apply to W SCTCH.
Jaeoneia. embroidered Mari.. Mu--in. * ; Mouongaliela Hou-e.
lar<e a*«onment ot >prmg Good, generally or D LEECH 4 Oe. Canal Uaain
east corner -sth ami Market street* v
Wholesale Room* up «tair* __ “* ...
v ISWtOM»C-.n ZEBt-U>N KINSEV*. *7 M..- . Jkfjgmfg 1849. WS-jBSSiI
ket atreet— ! g^SESSdSSS
j d " TP 2ei lB m h ‘ ck s r eli Tuik Lo,ut>v | PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND
-* “ ■-.line.
•it piain high i)
30 fancy lop Budaio rp JIK Proprietor* of tht* old e*iabh«hed ami popular
W “ ?**““ " . . h -i| «uir assorted m- . 1 daily luu*, consisting of SIXTEEN first do** Canal
» gross com Horn, •» dor J dre «, m g do; ' Boats, owned by themselve* ami running m conttee
«*, »J gro*« com hori Sidn. ur do* beat ; unit with the aleam boat* BEAVF.R AND CALEB
Iff dot Buffalo do in; 4do Imitation ' im do COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
English Horn, «doM«S 6ne Ivor.. 1 o b transportation of freight and nansenger*. on the
>do do, in botr-. lffpos* fine do 00, l«« opening oi Canal navigation. io* on the Peim-
Cleatier* - - syivania and Ohio and N. York canal* and the Lake*.
t' H KATUN ICO are now opening their .-Pting H. M FITCH A Co, Cleveland
„ stock ooimsung m part of .Man* HI DWELLS BROTHER,
•ilia and Dre«* Fringes. Otmp«. blaeV and rol d •'\< Agents, Beaver
blmci Kb.iiuc Lace. Boi,o.„. HniU. 80. »« J. C. BlrfWKl.E, Awnt.
Trimmings, genu, ladie* and children* _plain anu mart - Water atreet. Pittsburgh
*w -ass-
Xic.r.;Lol,U,uo,T,»n.,ng«or,.c a Fo«nh BIDW E L L & BROTHER.
Ilrrfi. bolweor Wood mod Mmrket.___ “ P POlTVardinS HfTtIMU,
TTIV Sl'KlSi. UIIOLW— A- A. Mmmoj *. Lo . » BEAVER, PA..
«o Mmrkel .u~U mrm i»* * f «!.»««* W, Pol.
...nmhun. 4 „rgh anJ S™ L™ vm Et», a.ul for ,«am
Pmu*’ ftoiioli i mml.™., Lioon.. Ribbon.. T 00... tlMj <W CaUb C °T r - .
uilk* Shawl. (iloves. Hosiery. and a general o»*on- Having purchased the large and sub-tanual NS nuri
menl’o’f Goods meii-iT Hoot ;usl built tor the Monongahels Packet*, have
>T vtv pi\cv AN’I) VARIETY OOoUS-A: ZEB- with the addtuon of a Warehouse, the mo*t ample ac-
N LU)N < 'Urke. street eomraodatnm. -or receiving and torwardmg, and
* i.w v’.i,. «*'il 175 *et* twist ami pledge their utmo»t attemtoii, promptne** and despatch
Bts ™r "ZSZ-,-* rr,y °"r~-
for dresses. 10 .nr hail Brushes. a*«*U. l«i irro fine
t,lk Vest Bu'ion*. n *-'d. tWb do do pli wd pl»j«'' d »-
•iSdor roAc wood Ha.r, 4 do \S a*lut.gio.. do.
I do Barber* do, ’l fro F)*h Lines. tisb Hook». Lira
:iek. Ac ... Warren and Clereland Paaaenger Line.
JGWKI.RY. Ac -30 gold lever W ‘“f"'’*' * Canal Packet—SWALLOW
itched lever Waieitr*; 10 do Lepme do. 10 hne dia- .. .. _oCKA.V
raond Finger Ring*; I do* &»r gold >e*i and ron v> Hof ihr above Packet* leave Bcnverevery day
Chain*; 2do do Guards; Breast Pina, rin<i*r N‘ n ß , (Sunday* eicepied) and arrive next morning at
Ear Ring*. Ac , ... . Warren, when they connect with the Mail Stages for
O LOVES, 4c -»*> dot i.adic* Lotion Olove*. a*» . Afcfon an d cievelaud, arriving at each of these place*
.TOO do do lanlc Thread, fancy top, Ar., 10 do g before night (hie of the packets leave Warren dail)
*tlk Glove*, l<J do do kid do, 50 do ladle* kid, a«» d, i a{ 5 p arnV e at Beaver in time to take the
do do fancy top ulk _ . uu morning boat for Pittsburgh.
bx* Cotton 75 p- FaperMu*!... rib ed MB TAYLOR, do | rr °‘
Percussion Cap*. ‘JUU <«* drc* \S hu.ebone do, lOOdo* JOHN A CAI ; G HEY. Agent.
Ivory Coral)i Pressing Comb*. Back Lomu*, 4i *• rorncr Water and Smtthheld *t*
t XU'LARD '‘ll.KS- New Mvir Kouiard Bilk*. n ve- Pittsburgh and Blairsvllle Packet Line
kSS2S?«f~ ttezsm '»«•
npl> aLKXANDKR Jc DA i rpHK public mt respectfully tnlonned that J M.
r.i.i ilii vhl' MrRCHANTS-W R Mcrpht. 1 MARSHALL 4 CO b..r fnri
II u U)INr«• • Pittsburgh. has re- -plcndid Packet Boau to run during the miwii. be
eeivrd'ht. br«t supply of Spring and Summer Ooods, tween Blairsville and tin* boats to be tow.
IVI mv,«f Sercffnla to Lk at ht. .lock Pr.ce. ed by three horaea. and every effort made to accom
auu »n«n« modate passengers.
.»le Rooms up suur«—entrance from 4th *t. Dutnriw.-Boat* will Ptlliburgh/very
hok.ale Room* up t Monday, Thursday and Friday, a: / o clock.
jnctittl . r From Blair.ville every Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Saturda.. at 7 o'clock, a. m.. «nd arrive
at PiUftiureb the same (lay A two horse Hack from
Indiana will meet the boat at 2tait«burgb. both on up
ward and downward trip—putting passenger* through
from that place in one day
Freight ior the abov- Line will be received at the
iiou*e of' the Boatmen'* Line, by Jno Farren k Co ,
wtio are our authorised Agents. A.I Bright received
,iee ol <-nmmi*«ion* J M MARSHALL k Co
JN<> FARRKN k Co. Armi*.
Canal Basin. Liberty *l, Pittsburgh
A Hack leave* Uiatr«viile for Youngstown on the
ur rival of' the boat - return* to bom in morning Fare
rrom Pm*burgh to Youngstown dV—received at orticc
of Boatmen * Line through apP'.dflm
MR* A MISS UILLAND re.pectfully inform their
mend, and the public, thev have procured anh
removed their tchool to a roomy and convenient nou«e
ni Lacork un-el. «ccOtid dwelling e»»t ol Femsrai *t
wbef> they ure prepared n> ul«- a lew hoarder.. a
well a« a lew more >Uy «chonr», ami ■n p t' meir ex
cluwve attention will i>e devoted lo matrueiion hi an
tile ord.nary br-mche. of Fnig'i.b education
stranger, are retcired i.'Mr W tu L.cUhaum. Mi
John H MrFadd.n and Mr F F.ainn cl Piiubtirgh
Mr. A Short and Mr George Reiter 01 Allegheny city
tLpIU Jtf
St OF pittbbcrrh.
IS conformity wnh the -Art Incorporating the \N r*-
tern Insurance Company ol the City of Piiuburgh.
, hi the County of Allegheny. ' approved the VWU da\ -I
Marcli. A. D 1-4V—liook. will |.e opened Tot Urn «uh
ienpuon of the Capital Stork of .aid Company, bi the
Mouonxmltela Mouse. m the city ot Pittsburgh. on
MONDAY, ihe rid day of APRIL. hetwern :r»e
hour* ol ten and three o'clock, and conuuued at the
*am« niare and during the «amc hour., from day lo
day until at iweu y-five hundred Share* .hall
have :,ern »ul.*crihed Five Dollar, will he rrqutrep
to he paid on each .hare, at the time of mb.enbm*
Ur order oi the Commissioner*
,pi JAMKS LIPPINWrr. Sec",
T' H K subscribe r. wholesale tnanuiaciurei ol J K\k •
Ft R* -lvite* whole.air dra.era and pedlar* tra
ding South and V\e*t-alao. rountry -tore keeper, to
ca.i and examine km ‘took ol Jewelry. which wnl he
•oid a; '.he Sowe.t pner. lor ea-h or approved accrp
tance. Connitniiy on ham! oil a
,Mor;mei.' -ii.'.an e mr city or country trade
■ A ' V V. (. A 11AKF.R.
' ' ' U I'
\|ACAIXA\ > F-M.LAND--Cheap ectimi. ... one
IYL volume, ful. bound nail hound, and papet •"over.
Price. 40 cent* n«.i upward.
Anu Hatj-er. line edition .n "1 vo.«, J -u
Gesrtmi. 11-1-"* and hngun lexicon
Testament, th.rd ration. r-uml. with ,arge addition
. |C Juil ;>U !' 1-0' *'» r ’•>'
It H* >P K I N V A p**i <’ Ibi d.*g>. U'< -I
«£•/' on * D * I,IST '
I>n»if t Corner Of Fourth
I T 1 1 beemur, between
Market tnd'fVrrv »t>eei»
To CoailS»*«* *n<l Ownin of Good*.
PrrmvMH. Aprils* 1-49
OWING 'o lli*- extraordinary depreamoTi >n Uir va
ui- oi VV««irrn currency, we leel ronmaiiicd to
require the p»> meal of Canal frenrl.u m e.a refcto, ac
(*onlmr to inc Ul. 1 of ladni(f __
For £tan'a and OMo Line—CLARKF. A THAW
Uwoo Line—HF.NKY (-RAFF A Co
T) Leech A Co‘« Liae—llAYS A BLACK
Bingham'* Ijne—WM BINGHAM _
Reliance Ijne—JNO M’FADKN A Co
Piu* Pori. Bt. Line- TAAFFE A O’CONNOR.
l M ,>ll VILI>«
of Philadelphia.
1. w FUltntXrl*.
ol Pitunurxl*
Aud General Comtuluton Merchant*,
So MmiT St«ct. between Eleventh irnt
Iwpiilli .ml. PHILADELPHIA
T'ilK .übscnber* bog leave re«pectfuitv u> acquaint
tlieit friend* and the pßCiii: that Uiry liatr u'*o
c,sited them*e,*ra in Philadelphia. >or me purpo.r ol
uiuifHcuiig • General Qoromtaamn Du»me«». and uu»i
that long rxpenenee wul v-cufr lo itn-m
fair patronage /
IT7“ Particular attention w(K be given to fca.c* ol
Klwud Produce ffeiwrally: and any purcnn.ei m
*• 'jrsw
REFERENCES—The merchant. of Pittsburgh gen*
ortllv Sprinter * Whiteman. 4 Amltnon.
Cincinnati. Ohio. M D Newcomb A Bro . W H i.Lf'ou,
• I x-w-i* Ruffner J»* Todd. Loui.ville, Ky . trow, Mr-
Crrcry A Bar*»dole, St L»>ui*, Mo . Hewitt, Nouo* A
t:o W A Violetu New Orleans, l.a . Gill, Ot.ietl. «•
Noyes. M’Gregor A Mortis. New York, W R lhu " , P*
»on A Co. J‘>bn Tier* A Co. Peter .Marseille*. DM
Jone« lien) MtHtgan A Bun. Pbilad'a. *pl> :lm__
wii ai. is sA L fcl u’u Y oood's*.
Cti Makksi Sxairr.
ARE now opening the niDi! extensive and varied
a»»..maent of Spnng and Summer (food* ever
exhibited .n the Wc.icm country, compruiug upward*
at Kleveu Hundred Case*. purchased m enure parka
ee» from tnc manutadurer* importer*, and large auc
tion .ale., by one of me brm ividing m New York,
who i* cou.taiitlv .ending u» the newel and mo.t
la.hiooabie good. 1 lie) name in part—■
list ra»e. rich tfp<"‘g I'f.iit*. j 30 ea.«t » M d« lAinr;
■it - Lawn* and Mu*im» W " . oiioit and huen
l*i •• bieacned Mu.i,n»,ali J
nades, i W • col d Mu.luus
In •• sorting Check* and - Uipka* Cotton
dome.Uc Uiagnum., | *de* and Mimraer Stulla
•JSO " Brown Mu.on*,
Vl*o ca*o« and*nge* of UonneU. Mower*. Ca
re., Ribbon*, Silk*. Shawl*. Bcrege*. White Good..
Millinery Article*, Cloth* aud Ca..imeres, Linen*, Ho
•iery and Clove*. Ac. Ac.
City and country merchant, will tim! Uteir Mock a*
large aud desirable a* Eastern Mock*, and an einnu
nauon of their good* and price* cannot fail to con
vince all tiinl with their undeniable advantage* and
facilities they can compete wrrn ast Ka*te*!» Jobbm.
ThJa fact ha* been clearly demonstrated to hundred*
of lltctr patron* who formerly purchased Ea*t. Their
•took will alway* Be found complete _ B JL'.
ItMBROIDKRY" Wonted paueru* lor Ottoman..
|j Puuio Buk>l», Table Cover*. Traveling Bag*, with
a great variety of *mall pattern* Al»o, Wurvted* ot
all color* and *Uade., by the pound, ounce, or *kein,
for *aJc by *pl4 FII KATUN A Co, O‘J Fourth .1
Wholesale and retail, ai the
OEKIN TF.A STORE. 70 Fourth "treet, near W ood.
1 Pittsburgh —The aubscriber having ju»t returned
from New York, t* now receiving a larpe fall supply
of fre*b GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, trom the New
York Pekin Tea Company, selected with great - are for
retail sale*. Our Mock being now heavy we „r<; pre- 1
pared to supply Grocers, Hotel*, Steamboat* and r am
'lie* with any quantity and at any price they may wi»h,
packea in l, | and l pound package*. sib nit cnm.-
tera, 0 and 13 lb catty boxe*. and tu hall che.l*
Retnil Grocer* are invited to call, a* we can and
will *ell better Tea* at lower price* than my uthrr
bouse in Pittsburgh.
Out slock of line Young Hy.on, Gunpowder, nnd Im
penal Creen, aud Uolonc Black Tr>i* are Uie beM
the American market „ ,
Levering’* double leftoed Loaf, Cru*h«<l and iu.-
verixed Sugar* at retail, or by the barrel
COFFEES— Moehn, Old G«v. Jnva. Logmi-t. St P--
mingo and Rio Coffee*, selected by Uir mo.t expetirn
ced coffee Broker in New ork.
Sweel Spiaed Chocolate. I’lctled Coeumbir* ard
Ooiona, Freah J'uachca, put up m their own juice
Malaga Rat. tn». .n lII* boxe*.
N 0 —All D« D Jayne'. Fannly Medicine, for .ale
*uli.cnbert having purcha.ed the rxclu.ive
right n( Harley'. Potent, palely renewed., :ot the
manufacture of CHILLF.D HULLS. Ac . me ptrpared
to supply all order* at •ho’t notice.
All iicrann* ore forbid infringing on *md Po'etti
WOULD re.pecifully mvue the attention of met.
chant* veiling tbt* city to their very rjitii.m
»toi'k ol SPRIN(. AND SUiIMKR HOODS, con.i.ueg
cotnpruing every variety of Men'*. Women *. Mi**r*
and Children’, wear, of many new »tyle*. and of .ulte
rior quality, adapted to country and city trade.
A large aiaortment of LADIES’, MISSEi*’,
m great variety Also, ARTIFICIAL FLOW*
All ot which have been purebn»rd direct froot he
manufacturer* and importer*, and teleeted with
utmost care, and which will bo *old on «aeh term*a*
to make it the inlerct of We Mora Merchant* to buy
of u*. H. CHILDS A CO.
meU&dAwthnß Ul W ood .treet.
INFORM their friend, and the public thatthey nave
no longer any connection with tbeu >
ment In Penn *treci, known a* the Pituburgh ,Browcjtl
h*Tin* removed theu enure buaine.a to the rUIPi ff
WiBWERY, in Pla *wml «TlBm jrB
gfeggj* J&i.
Dili K<imi- .‘Uni Line
T’llK. i’ropnrti't ot tin* well known Loi*- of I'anul
1 Boat*. t* now prepared lo transport IWiwn
and Freight vo ail on .he t nr l-jun.ion. New
\ ork Cm'iaU uud the Lake*, upon tlir most favorable
term* and wtin dr*t>airli
Thi* Lme rum in roimertion with the vtrnra torn*
BEAVER and CAI.EU COPE. between lY.Uburgb
and Beaver A M Reed’. Line of »trntn boat* and vr,
.neTrov and Michigan Ufce
Boa. bur on ihc New \ ork canal
C .M REEL. Proprietor. Erie Pa
Indwell A Brother. Agent". Beaver
W T Mather. Agent a. J .Mesknn'tiN Pa«»euirer
Oftre Mouun«ai>tin House. Pittsburgh
i ’dNSIGN f!KS \V l" Mala.n. Sharon. J F. A S Hull.
Sharp*tmre. Smith A Downing do J H Piummer.
VVr«l lirrenrilie. Wick. At A tJo. do, \S m Henry
Harutown. Hivw A Sunn... Buffalo. Barrier Gibb* A
i'o •*anJu»ky, ja» A Armstrong, Detroit. Kirkland A
Nrwl.errv.Sbr!.o)eau. MVlurr A ttil :um. Mllwoo
k,e Ki-an Mutter A Dutton. Racioe. Juan Jl Kmtie.
“ \ Wi,r. Vi A Co. >.-w York _ lifvT
aM i.-r'* edition r omainnur alt Uf mallei, veit.anm
e. «• W.« I and 2 nf the London edition, ein
t.eli,.lie,J a p«Ttra.t o' Uio au’.noi-* '• oi« in one
P, CV nn.tivie. ■'"C A urge «u|tp»v ot -he hlkiv.- rr
cetvr.l and lor *».< bt JOHN H MKUAIII.
mehi” k ! w<x>d *t^
paper, hangings.
flo. 81 Woud Street,
WOULD call the anenuon of the public to their
present stock of Paper Hangings, which for vu
netr, beauty of finish,durability and cheapness, i» un
rurrassed by any establishment in the Union.
Beside* a large and full assortment of paper of their
, own munoinciure, they are now receiTinra direct im
portation ofKmirh and English styletofPaperllHrtg
; mgs, purchased t>y Mr. Lett Howard, ono of the finn.
i now in Europe, consisting, ©f
• Parisian manufacture, ilylwpteeea.
London do S.CUO do
Of their own manufacture. they hayc 100:000
Wall Paper, and I*ooo piece* satin glared Window
Blind*. Ac . ,
Me«*r« Jame* Howard A C-o. have spared neuher
expense nor labor in their endeavor* to nvml the «-a*t
ern wall paper e*jnb)i«hm«n*, both in quality of man
ufacture and variety of pattern; and they are warrant
ed tn BMonng the pablte that they have lueceeded
The whole a**ortment, foreign and home manufac
ture. will be offered on term* a. low a* tho.e ot east
ern manufacturer* and importer* tneh37-dtf
."tucrctor* to Ho**ey. Hanna A Co t
tu Foreign and Dome Mic Exchange. Ccntlieate*
I ~(• Depo.ite, Bunk Note*, and Spec,-- Fourth 'treet,
nearly oppo-ite the Bunk of Put-i-urgh Current tnev
I ney received on drpo*itr-!*it.'h: Ch«-ek« (or .ale. and
| colleruon. made on ne«r:y all the pnrnpni |.ou,:* -n
I the Fnited Stale* *
! The higheM premium paid lor Foreign anti American
I Gold . ,
A>lvan<-e* made on consignment* or Prnuuce. »h.p
ped Fai.‘ <’» überal term* a l’-
" j. c. P. SMITH, •
ittornry and Connullor at Law,
Will give particular attention to the colleet.on of
Claim*, and all money rceetved. .hall be remitted
without delay ~ . u
RxeaßßSCK*—Hon. R Coulter. ?upreme Dench. Pa.,
Me**r». Lyon, Shorb A Co S' l.oui*. Wood, Abbott A
Co Phtlad a. Jnn H Brown A Co do, Mr Charle* H
Welling, do, Kno. Mahoney A Co New y ork. Lhiltru
den. Bit** A Co do; Baugher A Baltimore,
W F k A Murdoch, do. l-ove, Martin A Co. do. Mr
John Falconer. Me-«r* Loren*. Sterling A P‘»“*
burgh. F»*r»vthe A Co do; Uampum, Smith A to. do,
Mr I. S mcUtftbdihP^
Vr* v »-U'i <-«*Li5S
rpHK *re«le«;aml bost variety ever offered m tin* city
1 before—made on ihr moat approved Ku»ierii t>lon*—
ai d mnetfßrb'onahle Eaairtn patterns Mid color*. Mto
nr made to order of all »ue«. and at till price*.
Country Merchant* and other* are invited to cal and
erouiine the above for themw»lve».a» all wll nc *oid
wiio-eaale or rets.), and a liberal deduet.on made
rrholemir purchaser*
\ \ rMINKNT mini experienced Physician tim 1 '
. » i 4*l. oi'W year* Handing. offer* to treat »!-
0 Lleiicmte Nature witii proraptne** ami *ccre' •
’ll- meres* 111 Radio and other large riu ■
1,.- . ;.rovcrlnn\ Mi» elmrce- are moderate. a I '
e.n ■« permanent Old <“*e* Gleet. Stnrtui-v
Ul . , | mar Albui, Rbeutnau«tn. Ague, Si phili-. • • ■
, . . llf inerterme case* *©lieited
* warranted, or chattfc refunded
.in- i« SI ('lair itrrci. ‘.Moor* Iron the
T,-e , Kjtfii.'ted. Advice to the poor grm;-.
\ A *olic»t!i the worn cast* of mu »!i«c
1,0r.1. locoll. W" 41 V
liotlea to the Public.
\iri- hereby uoufy our mend* and correspondent*
\V »t home mtnl abroad. ibni we will i-oi. t *»**
ast cibci'M.wa.xcks, receive freight from any 0o»t for
urhirhJ Newton Jone* i» agent.
w “ ,r a J„ JKMODES A Al.rOllN^
— 4 KTTRt 15l AIT FLOW HRS—Material* tor Artificial
A Flowens vir: Pimm UMoe paper, spoiled do. Car
mrne paper for coloring, Pmm Saucers. Leaven of ewe
rv inrin hud*, trpv and callow*, cna be obtained at
F H KATON A Co'« Trimming Store.
„ n l4 ' . Fourth tl
lUraiim cm,
WILL he opened (D. V.) for lie admission of yourt
Gcmlemen on Monday, the Jkh day of April.
Tk***. IP") • ll ' 111 advance} per tettum of Smooth*
Knrltnh. t'la*»iea and Mathematical depart-
Kjigli«h department i
A limited nmnher 01 hoarder* will be received.
For teauraontal*, reference* and nddmonai uifoi
non. enauire of the Principal.
Of Trinity Oollece. Dublin. Fjc-Sirar, and O U ‘
Scholar from the Royal School of £niu*killcn.
Federal *t. near Rr.tnnson tl. affhdt
■JOHN KK.LLY 4 00, i*uceea*ort to Robb.W i“«*
l) brenor 4 Co. late Merchant Tailor*.) No. UM
CIIKSTNXT Street, above Jbud. Philadelphia, beg
leave to inform their friends and patron* *hai they
hove received ibe latest SPRING ANDSLMMLR
FASHIONS, with a large a**onment of Now Style
GOODS; comprising Cloth*, Ca* time rev Vetting*, Ac.
of every description • all of which are of their own un
nortsuon, having been carefully selected m Pans,
London, Ac . . .
fTT Strangers vimimv PhiladeJphm. are respectful
ly mailed to call and examine their exteutive nock.
INDIA "RUBBER PA9TK-Ju.i a pro..
I boltlo. of Rubtici Pule, a *up<nor oruclo. hißlilp
Impomnt u> porwo. lb-1 -I«b lo k«P u«ir icol dr>
II prevents the le.toor (too onte»i««, ul >UI }•-< *
polish 0,0, il For ..1= Ok lodlo “t,?. 01 '
No 5 Wood ilroou “"5 J*BFUILUES,,
For tht Tran-rvortatum of I-rag/ato and from
Tupaiaa Bsibime, Philadelphia
Taarrs A O’Cosmb, Pmabargh.
THIS old established line being now in full open*
uoa,lhe proprietor* are prepared with their anal
extensive arranremenu to forward merchandise,pro*
lure Ac to and from the above poru,-on liberal terms,
with the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar to
their mode of transportation so obvious, when tran
shipment on the way is avoided
-AH coasirnmenuby and for this line received. char
ge* paid, and forwarded in any required directions free
of rLrre for commission, advancing or storage.
No interest, directly or indirectly, 4 "
All communications promptly attended to on applica
tion to the following agents.
THOS. BORBIME 379 Market st, Phriadelphia.
TA AfTE A O'CONNOR, Canal Busin, Pittsburgh.
O’CONNOR A Co. North st, Baltimore. j mchdt
ML >*»•
For the Transportation of Merchandise J 1 ®**®*®
Good* shipped by this Line, are earned in tour
section Portable Boat*.
THK*ub*cnl>ert having made arrangements m eaae
of a want of *iate Traek* at Columbia. to have
their good* forwarded over the Railroad* m car*,
a* to avoid the detenuon that ha* heretofore occurred
for the want of Track». Shipper, will had this to their
advantage No charge* made for receiving or •hip
ping. or for advancing oharg®*- All good* forwurued
wub despatch, and on a* reasonable term* a* any oth
er Line JOHN FA.RRKN 4 Co,
corner of Canal and Liberty »t, Puuburgb.
P H. FRETZ 4 Co,
365 Market »t, Philadelphia.
Crawtord At Chamberlin, Cleveland,o.) propr**.
R (J. Pares. Bearer. Pa \
nriUK Line will l>e prepu eil on the opening of navi
i gai ion. to irnnsport freight and Passenger* from
PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on
ilir Canal nml Lake*.
The fa<n)ine«i>f the Line are unsurpassed in number
lUaliiy am! capacity of Boat*, experience of captains
imi eixirirm* y or Agent*.
One Boat leave* Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
unc in ronurctien with l&e steamers
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of &r*t da*
Steamer*. Propeller* and Vet*eL on the Lair*.
Ac rut* —R (i Park*. Beaver, Pa.
Jesse Baldwin. Youngstown. Ohio.
M B Taylor. Warren,
Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna,
Wheeler A Co, Akron. “
Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland. O
sear* A Griffith. Buffalo, N. Y.
Office, cor Water and Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh
Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2—Capt. Gilson.
LAKE ERIE, “ Gordon.
T'HK above regular and well known Beaver Park
ets, bave commenced making their daily trips to
and from Beaver, and will continue to run between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as
follows: — . , „ , , ,
Michigan No. 2 leaves Pittsbunrh daily at » o elock.
A M.. and Beaver at 7 o'clock, P. M Lake brie
leaves Braver daily at 3 o’clock. A. M-, and Pittsburgh
at :j o’clock. P M.
These steamers will run in connection With
R tj Parks' Express Packet Line, for Erie;
Taylor A Leffiingwell’s Warren Packets,
Union Line ot Freight Boats for Cleveland;
Clarke A Go's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line F reight
R (i Parks daily New Ca*lle Packets.
CLARKE. PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agenu.
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh,
vsicbnt c °r Water and Smithneld sts
gfeggni lm jgygi
binohams* transportation line
Joh* Btne'uu, Tiio*. Braotu*.
W*. Bixoiiam, Jacob Doct.
Conducted on ■mol Sabbath-keeping principles.
I>HE Proprietors of this old established Line have
pul their a lock in the most complete order, and are
thoroughly prepared to forward Produce and Merehan
di»<* 10 and Ifoin the F.astern cine*
We trust that our long experience m the carrying
business. and aealou* attention to the interests ot cue
toiner* wti! secure to us a eonunuanee and increase
Oi the phtronage hitherto cxiended to Bingham's Lute.
Our arrangement* will enable a* to carry Freight
with the utmost despatch. and our price* shall always
be as low as the lowest charged by other respoaatble
l '\Ve tia»e opened an office mNo !<} Merkel *a»el,
betwee..4th and sth su. Phiiada. tor the cottTemance
Merchandise will be received and fcr
wnrded. Fuut and West, without any charge tor for
wardl.ur advancing freight, storage or eotnraiMion.
Bill* of Lading torwarded. and every direcuon
nronipUv ullended !o.
P AJJr..., or .p|.lv tp » « BINGHAM,
i Canal Basin, cor Liberty A " a> ne «ta. I itt»bur*h.
i No and, Market street, Phiiada.
1 JAMKJ* WH.9-ON. Agent,
No lti North Howard «treet. Baltimore
] „ IC h-.»i No l« West Mreet. New York
) Pennsylvania Canal dt Rail Road i£x
preaa'Faat packet Line,
ißxclunvely forl’osscngcni.}
THE troll lie arc respectfully mlormed that this lane
will commence running on the lVth inst, and con-
Unne throughout the Season.
The boa tV are new, and of a supertot class, with en
larged cabins. which will give greater comfort. Tho
can arc the latest construction.
A boat will always be in port, and travelers are re
quested to call and examine them before engaging ptut-
dollars through.) One ofth/boat* of
this Line will leave the landing {opposite 0. S. Hotel,
corner of Penn street and Canal, every night at nine o
clock Time days. For information, apply at the
Office, Monoogahela House, or to D LEECH & Co
inch IT Canal Basin
For the Transportation oc bmgbt 10
BUSINESS on the Canal being now reaumea. toe
Proprietor of the above Lino respectfully uHorm
ibe public that thcr are prepared to receive ami for
ward Freight wiui despatch. and at lowest rale*.
Thoy would also call the attention of shipper* East
ward to the fact that the Boat* employed by them in
transportation, are owned by them and commanded by
experienced captain*.
Shippers of Meal m Balk will find u advantageous
to -hip by iki» Line, a* the subscnl«ers have made ar
rangement* at Columbia to have *uch freigh* lor Bal
timore handed directly frout boat* to car*, thereby *a
■ vmi: warehouse l>ar.d!i"«
: Freight i.i Philadelphia goes clear through m the
No Chjrv- made lor rrrnving *hipnin* or advancing
•barer. KIKR A JONki* Proprietor*,
Canal Ba«in. Seventh «lreel.
AttKNTS John A ?haw. Cincinnati, U ; Joo Me
•u, oush 4Co Halumore: Ja* Hlcel 4 Co.. Piulftdel-
Franci* A Thoroat. Columbia nicliJl
Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
(Exclusively for P»»»enuer».)
THK public arc re»peelfu'ly informed that thi* Line
will commence running on Monday, Itftb March..
The boat* of thi* Line ate of a wperior cla»*. with
enlarged cabin*, which will civc greater comfon u»
A l>o»l will alway* he in port, and traveler* ure re
uuealed to call and eianime ihein heiore engaging pn»-
liiufe bv olhiT route. Tney will leave the landing, op
posite the U S. Hotel, corner Penn .trect and Canal,
every I COLLARS THROI 1.1 l
Time— 3 l Days.
p t , r information, apply nt ihe office. Mnnonauhela
Hou»e, orto D LEECH A Co. Cnnal Basin.
lj _TUe proprietor* of the above Lane are now
building an additional lane of Packet*, lo run a* above
on or about June I*l. in connection with the 1 mn*yl*
vama Rail Road from Lewyrtown lo Philadelphia. At
that time a packet will leave every mornuu = ven *
me Tune through, *J| day*. mchl "
reliance portable boat CINE,
/ 1 ooDS carried on ilu* Line are not trambipped
( T between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being car
rJed in lour «ecUo.i Portable Uoau over lord and w«-
irT ._, o shipper* 01 merchandize requiring careful
handling, th.# i* of importance No charge mode for
receiving or ihipping. or for advancing charge*. All
gnori* forwarded with dispatch, u i.l on a* reasonable
irrmv a* by any other Line
lrrm 1 JOHN M'FAUEN h. Co,
('anal Ba»m. Penn »(. Pittsburgh
JAS M DAVIr* & Co.
marl £J7 Market A W Commerce it, Philo.
JOHN McFADEN it Co. Forwarding and Corot
on Merchant*, CanaJ Uuain, Fenn *l, I‘iiuburgh.
JAMES M DAVIS A Co, Flour Factor* and Coni
Mon Merchant*, tf/7 Market and 64 Commerce *t
IL/* Advance* made by either of the above on r
Wool ami other merchandize consigned to thee
aal<\ _ . . __ ra ”-- , . :
Merchants* Transportation Lin*.
TO rUtLAPtLFVU *!tP BRLTtaiin*.
TIME Canal. nod Rai' Road. >•««"* now optn. tnd
lit rood order, we are prepared to forward all
cimU of merchandise and produce 10 Philadelphia and
Baltimore; with ptomptnr** sod de.patrn, and on as
sni >rm, .. .»y «!»■ £».■ McANULXY t Co
Canal Baom. Penn *u Pittsburgh.
AoEm-CHARLK3 KAVNOR- ‘2‘lulelflii*.
mf ->7 MORRILL A Co. Baltimore
For Mairsville, Johnstown, Holuday slmrgh, anu
ail intermediate places
Um- will comiuut lo carry all Way Goods
w-un thru asnal despatch, and at fair rates of
(f 'ao*to»— 1 C .A. MANULTY A Co, PiusHttlgh.
P U Wakefield, Johnstown.
John Miller. HoUidaysimrgh.
REfKftKT<f'T.» —James Jordon, Smith A Sinclair. Dr F
Shocnherser. R Moote. John Parker, S F Von Bonn*
horst A Co, Wffl Lehmer A Co, Jno M’Devitt A Bros,
Pntxljurgti, John Ivory, Sumit, Mulhollan A Ray, Jno
Oral! A Co, Blairsville. mchS7
Beaver and Kr»e BxpMii Packet Llnl I
R. 0. PARKS, Beaver, Proprietor. ?
T\HK new and elegant PaMcnger Pocket*,
NIAGARA, Cop* H H Jeffne.;
Porain* a daily Line between Beaver and hne, have
commenced ninmng, and will conUaae during ibe »ea
ron 10 nmke thmr regular mpo, leaving Beaver afar
the arrival o< the morning bool from Puukurgh, (1 d>.
Hock r w ) and arrive at Erie in lime Cor pauenger*
to take the morning boat* to Baffalo or up the Lake.
Ticket* throngh to Erie and all Lake porn, eon
hod by application vo JOHN A CADGHEY, Agt,
1 v eorner of Water and B©ilhfield«ti
under the St Charles Hotel
SAX ERATUB—S 3 bbl» Salen&u, for ule by
H 0! rt ?ES, LOTS,
808 Aerea Coal LMd fci *•*•»
Sm; tlgbn the Monongtbela riTcr.fcboai lOmiJf*
sad Smile* above third Ltxthjin
the immeui-te ne,ghbothood of Hcsara Lyon * Short,
and Mr. John Herron** purchase. TW« fine body of
Coal will be sold at the low pnee of $33 per acre—one
third in hand, balance in fire equal annual payments,
mahout interest. Title indisputable.
Ki*»d—cannot be surpassed. For farther
enquire of A RaLSLEY, who has a draA of «aid pro
perty. Residence 3d si, below Ferry, Mr. Adam* Kow
N. R There is another team of coal on this traot.
about tit) feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
jjrtKkdtf S'. ®v
mio ACRES OF tiROUND, situated near the
Pittsburgh and Oreensburgh Turnpike, 3) mil#*
from the city, and adjoining the- Allegheny C#n»-
eiery, on which is erected a large and well finished
two story bnck Dwelling House, together with stables,
carnage house, Ac. There is also on the premises a
tarre variety of fruit trees, and a spring of nnnsual ex
cellence contiguous to the dwelling.
jal3 WM. YOUNG, 143 Liberty_sl_
Valuable Real Ratal* far Baa*.
THE subscriber will sell, at private sale, that valua
ble Property, on the Fourth street road, adjoining
hit present residence, and give possession immediate-
I y • There are about TEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND,
i high state of cultivation. The improvement* are
irgc ami well finished bnck DWELLING HOUSE,
a superb Dam, and other opt building*. Adjoining the
dwelling is a running Fountain and a good Pump,
which furnishes a constant supply of excellent water
There is a variety of Fruil Tree* and Shrnbbdry on
the premises If the above described property is not
sold soou, it will be rented for s ume Also, for sale,
a large LOT, on Pennsylvania Avenue, ai the end of
the board walk. Inquire of
Valn*bl« E«»TK«turtbr liiV.
TIHE Trustees of the Western Theological Seminary
having decided to selL on perpetual lease, a por
tion of their property in Allegheny citr, offer on very'
favorable terms, from 30 to fit) Lota of different sizes
\ warrantee title will be given. A plan of the lots can
be seen ai No. IS Wood street.
For particulars, enquire of either of the tmdersirned
Committee. JOHN T. LOGaN,
At *iT«rjr !ow H»nt.
MA TWO «lory Brick House, on Federal
one door above ibe northwest comer of the
North Common, Allegheny—wide hali, parlor,
dining room and kitchen on the first floor. Poor rooms
ui< 2d story, with a finished attic.
Possession to be bad immediately. Inquire of
apt I GKO U MILTKNBERGER, 57 Front »t
Valuable Rdal Eatate tor Bal*
T'HE following property in tlie city of Pittsburgh,
and near the borough of Manchester, on the Oruo
river, is offered for sale on accommodating terms:
3 Lou (being sub-division of Lot No 4flß in the plan
of the eity of Pittsburgh,) having ;W leal front on Se
venth street, by sMU feet to Strawberry alley rear
Gram street.
10 one acre Lou fronting on an Atonne, ® feet
ide. runnmg from Beaver road to the Ohio rivei. so
loing Phillips'* Or Cloth Factory.
For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLV,
Bnrke’s Building, 4lh «t-
Let oa Liberty Street for Leeee.
ONE LOT, 42 feet front on Liberty street, by 110 feel
to Brewery aUey, nearly opposite West sn-001,
and convenient to the Monongnheln river, will be leu
ed for a term of years. Enquire of
febO-tf _ Barke’s Building, 4tb «t
Tslusblc Property for Sale.
ern! Lots on Baldwin- and Liberty streets, in the
tftb Ward, 24 feel by 100, and adjacent the proposed
depot of the Central Railroad. For terms inquire of
marllfcif Barke's Bail ding, 4th st
a FROM Ist of April next, on reasonable terms,
to good tenant*, six comfortable two story Briek
Dwellings, with cellars, vaults and back build
mgs. situated on Robinson ana Craig streets, Alleghe
ny city. Kuquire of SWEITZBR A REED,
marS.-dtf Office Third Ft, opposite St Charles Hotel
MA FINE two «tory Brick House, pleasantly’,
situated on the lull directly bask of Mr. Andrew
Watson's property, near Pennsylvania avenue.
The boase and lot will be sold very low for cash. For
further information apply to D. W. AA. S. BELL,
Attorneys at Law, 4lh street, between Smithfleld and
Gram aplffcif
MTO LET, for one or more years, the three sto
ry Bnck Building on Wood streoi. and adjoin
ing the shop and store of Rot*ert H. Hanley.
The two upper stories have been fitted an as a dwel
ling hou»e, and may be still so occupied if a tenant
wishes. mch2£tf NEVILLE H. CRAIG.
1 pohTsale,
ON frvorable term*- K Iy». of Ground oa the sooth
«lde of Penn stree., near the Mononguheln river,
fromuig £0 feci on Penn street, and extending 110 feet
in depth to an alley 20 ft wide; a most desirable loca
tion either for private renideure* or for manufacturing
purposes. Enquire of J SCHOONMAKKR A Co,
feblC NotMWoodst
Property in Allagheny City for Bal*.
T'HE subsenber* oiler for sale a number of choiea
Lots, situate to the Second Ward ; frouting on tha
Common ground, on easy Venus. Inquire of
W. O’H. ROBINSON. Auy at Law, St Clair st
or of J AS ROBINSON, on the premises.
myl7:dAwu‘T __
Brick Dwelling, with acres highly improved
Land, sitnaied in Oakland, to let from Ist April
next. HARDY, JONES A Co,
febti- 44 Water street
MFUR KK£«T—Forone to three yeur*, from the
first of April next, a large two stoned brick
Dwelling House, pleasantly siuiuied on the bonk
oi the Ohio river, adjoining the borough of Manches
irryAvitu ahoui four acres of land, oat buildings, frnii
irees, Ac Ac. Apply to
To Lot.
m.\ LARGE and well finished Room, second
story, on the comer of Wood and Third etreets,
above the Exchange office of m H Williams,
Possession given Immediately. Inquire of
jafi M’GILLS k ROE, IM Liberty at
IfVISfING—A large Box, directed to W R. Murphy,
JYi Pittsburgh. It was taken by a drayman from the
store ofW. R. Murphy, with directions to leave it at
McKee's grocery store, corner of lsi and Wood streets,
but was not delivered; and it i* supposed has been left
; by mistake at some other house. Tno drayman'* face
is known by the person wha gave him the box, but his
name and residence are not known. roehtff
mTO LKr —A large tme* Dwelling Home,
mitable for iwo families, mtoaied on Federal
«treet. Allegheny, shore -Mr. .Grares’ store.
Apply to H. LEE,
feb23 _ _ Liberty si, opposite slh
two Hotf¥£s~Afti> lots for balr
TWO on Bearer street, la the city o
813 Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on wiuca
ijerected u frame building two stories high, suitable
for two small tenements. The lots are each twenty
feet iu front by one hundred fee' deep, and run bars
to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on the pre ;
mines will pay a very handsome interest oa the invest.
input, and the property will t>o sold cheap lor sash.
Apply to U. snroul, Clerk's office; U. S. ar to
uovsS KAY k Co
'T'KN LOTS, iM lect by 170, situated on the higher
JL ground, and fronting on tho wide North Commom
Ui the Hueiin Vista Extension. Term* g7no, cuh.
'.hthkSra Office. Exchange Buildings. St Clair n
A FARM situate #n Cbartier * Creek, m Robimon
township, about five miles from Pittsburgh, con
taining 'iHJ acres, with the allowance. Enquire 01
\V. O H. ROBINSON. Attorney at Law,
ap3:dltti Exchange Buildings. 81 Ctaix st
Scotch Bottom LaniTfOr BaleT
ritKN ACRES OF LAND, situated In Peebles town-
J. ship, on tiie Monongahcla, three miles from Pitts
burph—in lou u> suit purchasers. For further partic
ulars apply Ur tienry Woods. 3d st, or to
1 novtW-dtf Southfield si
M WAREHOUSE FOR SALE.—The subscriber
oders for sale the three storv brick Warehouse
on Wood «ireet, occupied by R. Tanner A Co.
t pl7 WE WILSON, Jr
FOR SALE—A I,oi of GroCnd sitoaie on Penn
street, between Hay ami Marbury streets, adjoining
tlie house and lot now occupied by Ricbaru Edwards,
having a front ol 'ii feet, and ut depth ISO feet, will be
sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En
quire of C. O. LOOMIS, 4ih st, near Wood,
A DESIRABLE Building Lot in Allegheny city, fa
vorably located, in size about half an aere, and
will be sold on accommodating terms, inquire of
febO J D WILLIAMS, _UO wood si
FOR RENT—A room in the 'second story. No.
Wi vfl Wood street ja2D
Greenwood Garden.
THIS deligbttul Summer Retreat is now open for the
reception of visiters. Ice Creams, Frail, Nuts.
Confectionary, und ail the good things nature and art
Scan produce, will be served up, in the best manner, in
' the Soiood. The IVa Tabic will be spread at 64 o'clk
every evening
Conducted on Temperance principles, and closed on
Bouquets of the choicest Flowers pm up at the short
est notice.
A large collection of the choicest variety of Green
house Plants, Dahlias, and Annual Flowing Platts, for
The new steamer THO 3. SCOTT will bo ready, in
few days, to run from the Point to the Garden.
■py . J.MeXAI.N.
few doors below Wood street, to*
DO. BROWS, having beea
regularly educated to the medtea
profession, and been for some tint
in genenu practice, now eonfinea
his attention to tho treatment of
those private and delicate comj
plaints far which his opportunities
and experience peculiarly qualifv
him. II years assiduously devoted
to study A treatment of those complamta,{dnrtng which
tune lie has had more practice and has eared more pa»
uenis than can ever fall to the lot of any private prae*
titioner) amply qualifies him to offer caaorancea ol
speedy, permanent, and satisfactory ©are to all afflicted
with delieatr diseases, and all diseases arising iherr|
Dr Brown wduld inform those afflicted with private
diseases which have become chronic by time or ngj
mvated by the use of any of the common nostrums of
the day, thnl their complaint* can be radically aad thori
onghly cured; he having given his careful attention to’
the treatment of such eanes, and succeeded in hundreds
of instances in curing persons of inflammation of the
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often
result from those cases where others have consigned
them to hopelfcss despair. • lie particularly invites such
as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by othen
to consult him, when every satisfaction win be given
them, and their eases treated in a careful, thorough and
intelligent manner, pointed out by a long experience
study, and investigation, which it is impossible for tbos
engaged in general practice of medicine to give an
one class of aDease. >
•• [T/" Hernia or Rupture. —Dr. Brown also Invites par*
sobs afflicted with Hernia to call, as he has paid parti tv
alar attention to this disease.
CANCERS also cored.
Skin disease*; ah© Pi' i, Paliy, etc., *peedily cured
Charges very low.
N. D-—Patient* of enh uz living at a distance, by
stating their disease in writing, airing all the symp|
toms, can obtain medicine* with direction* for ate, by
addressing T. BROWN, M. O, post paid, and euclo*.
No. 85, Diamond aQey,o{rppalts J tho ' arerly
House. ~ .
RaiciUTtSL-D». Brown’s newly diaeorerad reme
dy Cor Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy for
that painfal trouble. It never fail*-
Office end Priaale CouaaMM H“»»% N °- 65 Di *‘
mend alley, fttuburyii, Pa ™ Boetotla alway. al
a. home, ' .
No cure no pay. declO
C°TJS N-9< ‘ 'T 'ffi.'ififenl
B ■ssssasssafftr* 1
aplS •.
' .^on