THE MTSBURtiH GAZETtE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE *• CO 1 PITTSBURGH* FRIDAY MORNING, £MB, 1., next Il< tor Tel»«x»P**« Far Local Matter* tea ■«* »»»•• LHTIMASOHIO ASD WIUO COOSTYI Ic pam.«.^o'S. H r.mbl'»tol of jg*"* 1 •event Election Di*tneu, mdistrict, r . Jane, IM9, to elect! two P er *®?V f „ mft 8t the Coon Delejrje* to » Coartty ConYerttio . to #t l 0 o-clk, Hoa»e on Wedoe»d»y t the B ,h T to be A. AL, to b»> tn “ ° c ‘ •apportetlby the party •* th whie* of the town* tXrncXt The thiptlPm excepted,l will lh^hoaf* of U and towntbip, between the to “'pQCT CAROTIIKRS," Cb-imaa of the Committee April 27, lfttt , - ■One who wined the memorial,” »PP*" to morrow. WtrmmoTon.— lfour reader* aie hail “ u< * dtlighted m reading the chapter abtot w ““*“ ■ „ we were, they will heartily Ihanlt tU Err P them inch a rare treat- : ’ j _ The “Pott” replica to Wo cannot detcend into that Adi . 0 it hat any thing better to offer «■ '» J * fen “' thall not fail to attend to lb . ln.=a*n« Z in nnnexlngtbe Lndepend ,he Bulled Sut«, Moje of [he £ rel ent dU “* “ Tt t‘°S b“■ * our knowledge of lb. membra of ihn Board, TL S Zp* and ben..oleo. 0n..... Ho, be fouod,.nd „ ibn, K« « £ Mrrira to the ? obbc. .1 l» tie, rimuld bo btwhly judged without »u,e u is a source of no tinall ff 1 * 1 melton, .pirit at iut «w.ltn nod tn £ P retobonto the We.t em “=3£i*srrr Eton tbe citizen. Allegheny °*”V' “ ef lhaie ■ “trn.r-r^t n X^“‘ *.-*200,000 » *£■ £ PeOP ' e ° f WcpTJ orrry. The Ordinince Which hU p«M!"“ rjL 0 ' WD hundred thoue.ud dollar,; in the bond* oftho city, in conformity wt* l * “ of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, P«s*d Ap irth 1819, haying nol le»«thm thirty yea™ rXb..u^ b y^"h“ A. atoct of tutid company, and prer.dod abm, that to .aid bond. bo mad. »PPb“ to that part of die Kid road lytn* n-tthtn the St... and that to director. of an.d company ogre, to pay A. onrten. ■">“«« to, on said bond*, until anch time a. the «...™ i, completed to the State hoe, or eo much thereof „ /nc adequate to that purpose; Provided sai be thrown into utarhet fint of Jane 1850. . . |K _ Afler the above was in type, '" v ' following appeal from op. af tr active bread, of the road. ’ tel it not go unheeeed. , Th. Ban. Koan snbecnpttoh [. not yet faU— „ffl to niton, of! .permit U“* 1^ SSr:s^ 'SSS^ESSS tr«l huh hut what tube amckly ifl ordoti to five to it 4* Mr isrsArs? s.'rX ■* doabt or contihgeacy. b.v. y„n Kay Se Co , » neat «i>PV ° f H: " ory En*land, b,T. B. Moucatoy,*. >wo on., with a portrait of the .tahot. by aH. Bailer, in Ehitodelphid It 10 told ll » tow price of 50 cate to paper Spdrn*, “»d 75 ctr. in maalin. Who will cot reed hlecaulay'* blo hialoiy, whan it can bo had ao cheap. For .ale by Me* ir»- Kay & Co- i: Xbo fiction* and indiscriminate pppoiition ot &. LocofitGO pt**» “> lbe.lndmmis.muon rt Q«. Ta-ruus. .■ cconin? the' Jn» inffiptation nl intelligent citizen, end .. u to .en3dcl)3««.o.iliS to Whigs The Mow to, mStork. of the Seymore Amencau, on the toe end on of-promote wWot rnised by the-Washington Union, end echoed by iu obodicot imitators, i* tolh« P ur P“‘ c “li would bo .trenje,: indeed, if * President, bound to serve Iho cofutrv, and honedly “do so, should consiifer bimsdlf nnl! "' '“ cb ° h ‘ vshonstonn Administration, just condemned by S?Sunuv, » to Hunk ill bis. duly to retain in of ten every incumbent appoint*! by thet Adtnmuv SSion, without reference to iitoess or unfitness worth or the want of it \. VTOO , m We are simply contending fcr Gen. TaYLons freedom—oot the freed©!® to act arbitrarily, pro wantonly. bat the freedom to act, in a. in other things, 1 with tola re ferente t,; and the pubitc W ‘|.| The” Union - would hsve him bound to ItoM whom he Ibond moffice upon hi. sMessm" iTlhn Presidency. BUI the public w,II reedtly ““1 th JL a]ready in office hsve no moro K xemX froto -rnaayThd. .how who appointed. Let he dene, HriMrtilna -toacoompliah *uch a result remaps j rw —ji and with violent aU SS’SnSpte moredjffieuT f“ Ad beheve's’iherenn- Uoa,» the pr»e° ~«,rtiaawhich it mast provoke ZSXSSFSSZ}” to honored, «o respected, to belated, AmeriSn be.rU, where CA * left any element, of ■oondoe**. P*s7 will judge the Administration Ur- 'itoWr, poiilicsl brawler now woald supply demand that This the coon ■**???■s!£ toto«id addlooxpeci. 80. try - ha» a 11 ridiculous than the solemn P 0^ B *,?* o^ journals affect, when, • lodigflttliott'y&pk . o iher atmosphere than to serve the noun «**■ I!, : FBOBX WMHWQTOS. CQRvtpotniVhes of ths PiOibargb Guette. WashikpTos, April 22, 1849- WehiTt Esllen a poo evil, that is lo s»y t n P° n qujel tidies. There is nothing of moment doing the greet holiness that ought now to eng*?® 1 attention of the head* of the new admini* lr * uoQ I refer of course to the hurculesn t«k of j the government, by the dismissal of tbo»e o . whose case. require~iL pension ot operation! consequent U P°“ f ! Imposed upon by .tat bar! I el-Senator WeaeoO. the editor moay of the-Demon".!. ». £od .emu, aad lb. r "uf a" I. W...0U .hall never u.^urite the faithful through hi. WejMll Md Foole " “■ <. - «'■We -1” au indefinite qom,u.y of matter upon ‘'proscription," aad such hke lop>«. hand, lo Mr. Foote, with a request that be will p, then aad pul them .ate the Uaiou ht. owe. The coatrivauce succeeded, and thus Mr. CUU had the satisfaction ol' usiag tbo columas of ot the surviving organ .of the part?, agaiost the will and in delUnce ol the hostility of Us proprietor Though sa l have stated above, nothing of con. sequence adorns doing toward, cleansing out the Augean stable of abuse end corruption, yet it •• ] „if to-night that change, are contemplated in ' three very important office* to wit: First Comp, troller of the Treasury, Third Auditor, and Com missioner of Pensions It 11 attegta that all th«e oOcer. are ioc.pacu.ted by age and the decay o, their faculties. What may be the fact tu regard to Mr. McCulloch, tho Comptroller, 1 don't know, bat ,1 is a matter of general notoriety, that the public interest, have sustained loss and injury in conse quence of the physical iu.bU.ty of Mr. Hogner and Mr. Edward, lo attend at all limes to th. dnues of their office* in person. 1 am happy to .ay that one real care °l . Uon ha. takenplace; Mr Harr,... Oeonp. Dam™;" hl , notified the new Regret that he reore. trot ,he Clerkship he ha. held m that office. There port t. that he wa. .boot to be auperceded by Whig from the Mime Male. brig " s * m pte. which it 1. believed will cot be generally tmre Led. A itory .. told ef « •“f”' clerk in the Navy DepaMment, who ha. been somewhat noted for the free and e.ey “ which he ha. regelated hi. ,t,enhance during the .emmer month., that he applied a few day. tor leave of absence fjr two month. The reply wa. in respectful term, that n wa. not now thought expedient to grant the application becace, before the expiration of the term, he would probably re ceive inde&nil. leave. The friend, of another on. about to be removed, plead for him that he the eve of marriage. It turn, out on inquiry tie ; ba. been in that utteraMing predicament for t« elve | ream The ladies «ny this '» • clear care, lor .ueh irTnougbtto be Visited with condign puni.h- I m e Q L A twelve veer', engagement certainly ! ought to be brought to an end. Mr. Benton and Mr. D,x have gone home. Mr. Benton will plunge at once into the thickeat oft e melee of politick conlroverey, now raging tniM» souri and there will, no doubt, be an inlere«}ng atirring up of the eloment. there. 1 have been told by a confidant of Old Bullion, that he Joe. no tntend to beard the pnmlavery feeling which -Mil eppeera U. be the prevailing rent,maul m ih.t State but that he will teach that the eriau .. P-M and .’hat the ,neat, on .. already tu the couree of declMon in CMilorn,. and New Mexico. The Senator accompanied b, MfV Bentom Hi. deeghter, Mra. Jacob., remain, hern for the pre aeut, but aa aoou as her health will perm,, of ,t. al.e will «el out for California, to join her hu.bcnd. w wont oot with Mrs. Fremonl. 1 General Dtx leevea the acvDe .1 h.a labors, ■ ccatea. and popu’.ariiy, with a p- >loued eoetemp for that adminiatration which has been publicly aiding,but privately con,end,eg with, during hu whol! term of service. Hemmed. » Uw before the Supreme Court of the me , and that of New York, aed though be due. »« couMdar that ha could compatibly with hi. la position undertake any bonne., before the pub ,c departments, be will .trend. ,o the advocacy of eIL. lor indemnity, before the Mexican Com * J IfWt *. liision, dow silling nere. Pot ths Pittsburgh Gasettt. perceive by yoor pap«lh.. .h. Cotnmuaiouer. of A.lle*heuy county beve reeved ofdve mill. o. tb. d 0.,., for county r . three OJ which shall he applied t > ibe purpose*, three ol w of P.tu redemption of toanty scrip- I°° J . burgh will levy .utx of atx null, on tbe dollar be sJe three, tbe School Lrecto,. m some »r tbe Vltdi four or 6ve. to teb.cb .dd tb. poori^“ J tb. .gg«g.te will exceed two per «"l r .u, of Mixtion in texrful »nd opprewtve. ll loudly for inveatigatiou, redrev, end It cuuot, it ought not to be coofiliu.d. Tbe ux payer, .re, 1 doubt not, wdlinfr'to be.r, however T^?“r.\”-:^?; Sw3 tSdooU., at once, the public bunleb»-the., ,b.Js7Wo'°het.xe.oflh.twtd forth, yet the year IWO. »100 for the year Si’ and *3,400 for the year IMS. eull qtill. „!?di Why have the collector, of the Sixth P A SeTCnth Wards of tbe same city, been per retain, or om.t collecting tbe entire caun -1 fhe «er 1819’ Why have tbe oulstand ! ‘U al dc^dVe" r c l county bit, to - 3SSS^s i SSS£ SS^SS.I'aoVS-V utucl toaUc out' bmtsarsi=!3Si-aa iraue of acrip ha. led to extravagance and negte of duty that ought not to be tolemed ?kTtt TttK M. E. CntjacH.—lq the New Jersey wafer enceofihe Methodist Episcopal church, on Friday, the resolutions of the last General Conference, res pecting the propriety of submitting to arbitrators the difficulties between the Northern and Sooth* ero divisions of Ihe church, relating iothechurc property, were presented by ibe Bubop. Tbe Baltimore nod Philadelphia conference., lo which lbe»e tenolmioaa ware aubmilled at their lata aea aioDJ, were unnnimoualy in favor of arbitration, and it ia’ preaumed fba New feraey conleranoa will niao concur Hk&oic WaLaluo. —In a lelter from Santa Fe Jtnuwy 12. lo Ibe New Orlanna Plaayune, refer ence I. made to lb. d,rearer lo Coi. Framonl . par in lb. Realty Mountain., and tha following aur pnaing fact ia staled Twenty d.ya baring elapaed, and no return of tha Fremont ainnad out btataelf. He arrived .1 dlaunca of 360 mile., to nine day., having walked the whole distance. Thi. i. near .bool 40 mile, a J*V. *“d <*k“« into conaideration ibe cireumalnncd. ol cold, .now and hunger, under which it wa. done, t. parbapa aoparalleled. f APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT COLLSCTOM OF THI CUSTOMS- Bela B Haskell, Waldoboroogb, Marne. Daniel Retmcka Kenaebank, Maine. WtUiam B. Smith, Meebias, Maine SU*VTTOM OF THI CUSTOMS- John R Abell, Town Creek, Maryland. William Coad, St. Mary a Rtvar. Maryland forr.iiAsms. Richard I* Wilaon, Chicago, llbooa. Ahnpp Austin. Lynn, Massachusetts. Nathaniel Wilaon. Lawreooe, Abraham Jonaa, Quincy, {Jinni* JuhuajM. Ackley, Ithaca, New York. Hon Mom Hawnom-Thl. ® nd * know you'll taka chapter of the venerable Mr. Owns a 1 behave yourself” In lact, the noble horse . cea of the Liie and Times of Gen. Wabhtwoto*’ . bad foU power 0 I Washington’s stalwart arm, ml.. ib.t accustomed treat on the i B power that could throw a horse upon hi* haun aorry » ml- jT 0l the : cb e, in . .ingle momenl, and .he aagaclonaan,. recurrence, line yeer, of Ihe Anniveraav, jled before „ force no t eaaily leaned nor B.rth of that Ural and gream* of our Preaiden , gfc tlell . ' The omiaaion we. owing to no weltmeu ot the le- | Among , he honwa were a pair ofbeaulifnl , / _ -nntributioni to the htatory of a past ; blood bays, bred at Mount V ernon from the ccltp boroflbeaecoambuno Dle d Mr. . braled atalhon Magnolia. There .borough bred, age, but to an indutpotltion whicn pro wt „, y,, „ u o flhe itablea, and alwaya drew Ihe Onau. from eiecuung hta pnrpoae m nine lor me , when paid her vmta in Anmyeraarv Hia purpoao waa only deferred, how- ; phll ,delpbia. One day, bm fur the courage and ever anTwe pl.arere ,h„ opporln. prerere. of W,X“d nily of apace ,n our column, fur 11, .0 plan, before phe were just seated in the coach. | our readers the following new Chapter, lately pUc- aD< j} amet Hurley. d Cbaeactkx ok w *ui- IBOTOn. Wherever Washiogtoo established a borne— whether temporary or fixed, whether amid the log huu of Morristown or the Valley Forge, the rresi dooual Mansions in New York or Philadelphia, or i his own beloved Mount Vernoo—every where or der, method, punctuality, economy reigned, an hohaehold. whether civil or military, was always upon a liberal scale, and was conducted with due regard to economy and usefulness. Ths Steward—Frauen, who kepi the tavern ‘ New York where Wnhufm took leave ' of £■* op deers in 1183, ™ the Orel Slewed » ‘7” 1 deck Francis »u s rare Whig m the . narv day, and attached no little importance to his person sod characterJrom the circumstance cl the memorable parting cf the Commandcran-chicl “th hi. old mid long-endeared ~mp«mon. “ urns having taken place at Francis’. Tsvern, in S was a man of talent end ■able taste iu the lice of his profession, hi the same tune ambitions, fond ofJispny, garbles, cf expense. This trodoced coo need difficulties between ihe President a “ f u one of ihe most devotedly ailached in him of all k°Tlra Expenses of th. President,»l M.nsto., went | settled weekly: and, upon the bills being presented, rate 3 »*u“SSSSS SV-V.l* » ; be conducted with due regard to economy and use FmcU wouli promine amendmenl, sueltb= »'“ w «k the U .. .cene would bo redacted GjU' puts the otew.rd retiring in tea™. and' « ?W.U, bn may diachargn me; bn mny till m . ■ will bm wbile be it Pre.tdenl ofthe l mind Staten. I have the honor u> be b,a Slewnrd, bil eaUbl.abment ahull be anpphed with | beat of every thing that the whole country SSasarfSKrSt SBEMtSS England recollection. , he It happened that a .ingle .bad wan . ‘“S" nelaware in February and brought to the I'hilaaet phi. market for tala. Franc, pounced upon^ 1 with the .peed of an oaprey.regardle.. o (]>"<■' i k.msrd that he had secured a delicacy that abo ' enh h‘e knew would be agreeable to the p. "'when the ti.h wa. .creed, Waahing'on.u-fecl . a deoarture from hi. order, touching the prov « oTmSe (or hi. table, and .atd » who «ood a. ht, po»l at ,hc the | tone; “the price, .ir r T hree, tnr , g d .tamtnered out the a'A* -Til*, it awav " thundered the chief. take it aw y. J u ahaS n ’tJerb. »d tha, my table ™ch « Sample of !•«* *•■< JZ Francis tremblingly obeyed, *nd tb« Jim th - season was remored untouched, to be speeai ly d“u,vTU the gourmand, id .he, dirk brown man, b bo n «ny t ■■<- u yet po«e»f J ot stnM. great o entitle him n ** compared w>ib t fabolous buiory. uni The Ch>el CooL gloried >n the i.eaunr ucety of i»*«* W.leben. Tnder '“‘l »«°«d*c.rthe r I)r « these paruou^r. Sere was no arrest of judgment, .or judgement anil ''Tbe'stl-waid. and indeed ih« whole hou^ b ° ,< J| :# sr •■r«.-!i ! p ir»n“c r T 1 .u 7 a., o, *z£ri>z^ required nome helfdonen upron. end napkin. ° o ' of number, ll »•» .erpnling Ibe order end bne that wn. observed m ro bu.lUng • *oene. H» underling, dew .n nil direefion. to .Teeute hm or dOT, wtaiTe he, Ibe gre.l mn.termpmt, .eemed m poJeu Ibe power of übiquity, nnd to be every «h«re at the same moment- When the Slewnrd, in .now-while apron. ailk ,hort. nnd nlockieg..nnd bntr in full powder,plnced Lhe finl dish on tbn Inb'e, the clock being on Z £"ke of four, conned “.he Inborn of Keren- Ttrr-sr:, ’T'SSi Dinner, the Chief Cook retired 'on* l " hie toilet fee an ereking promenade. Hi. perquisite. from the Z p.of IhJ kilcbeo were from ore to two hundred dolUrt e year. Though homely in pereoo, he l.v ?.ted the most ol there Urge .red. upon dress ln making hl. lo.let,hi. linen we. of uheiceplmn.. ble quality end whiteoeio, then bleek .ilk .horu, d iu q w.i.icoula.diuo stockings, rhoe. highly p-J -i.hed with largo buckles covering . coo.ider.hle part of lb. loot blue doth roe! with velvet collar Sod bright meld buttons, a long w.lch chain dan. Shoe from hi. fob, a cocked hat, .nd gold headed “ a “| completed the grand costume ol the celebra ted dandy%r there were dandies in thoae dnysiof lh Th™ , .mySd ki the'ci.ief Cook invariably passed oulal the front door, the Porter making a low bow r„^rorh7X ,u^V J= up r £ SS- EFS *r restore fanhionablel "did moat congress e. Many were a uS. surprised on beholding so extraordinary a oerson.go, while other, who knew him woald ftLel and respectful bow, that they migh receive in return thu dilute of one of the mo.l £,tohed genUemen nnd the veriest d.ndy uf near ly SSmon.—John Fagan, by birth a Hes sian. tall and burly in pereon, was an ed coachman In every reaped- H. Ihe mechamsm of a carnage,and conld uke to pie ces nnd pnl logelher ngain all ihe parts, shou J he meet with any accident on bin rend. H ihe Presideni tlie whole lour of ihe then l n.led Stales from Portsmouth to Savannah, in Ihe while built by Clnrke, ol Philadelphia, without Ihe slightest accident or mialortune happening in ro return Clarke was in nttnnd ance to learn the success of wb.l h, deemed hi. hiulerpiece of coaohmakmg. No sooner had Ihe homes P slopned. ai the door of the Presidential Mansion than Ihe nniious umchmaker was under ,he tody of the while chariot, humming every the bony f , „d critical eye. till Fagan tox‘"All right, Sir. Clarke; all ight, no. .bolt or screw sumed ,u_ a long n *“ t ’ « over the devil # own road#. The Shied mechanic now found h» hand grasped In that ol tb. Presldnnl, who eomplimen.ed h,r upon hi. workmanship, **“™« 1 ,. h “ been sufficiently terted in a fntl runty bH mad#. Clarke, Ihe hmpp«»t of m* l ° to u%?.uc«M M onhe W S charK the P**? 1 ® , it l J k!5 «eeived from the President XdT-haarash- »' lh He was an ucessWo .muker, hi. mearahaum nev er being out of bit month, excepting nl meal, or on the coach box. , The ttable* consisted of ten coach and saddle Sn __. _ nd the iwo while chargers, a uoacbmaa. fn™ wo grooms. Of the Charger. one u. 0.; ,y rode by Ihe “T«lt^Sixteen »“.* S'"!;. » lim fir., * «- ulUry. the waving vere tod hlblt of ■ sex : hnbit veryhnnoying lo hU V ™ ~ master in hprsem.n.hip, preferred 13 'f' ” ly possible, especinlly when, during bit Stalnr day’s rtde, be would meet with carriage. contain, mg Udlßa,!il being customary wilh them lo order birmJSmt-n u.‘mop nnd lei down lb.,r, .Itot the Preside nl might approach 10 p.y hi. com- PU Tbe°mher chafer wu named Jackson, from .tie he Mtior and the nn little amusement oftbe chief h d the brilliant cortege of gtllnnt cavalier. with which b«w« sllqndcd- Ja«k*°n «• * ■ n f* l J • °i niirelv white, with Sowing mane and ull in «1 -hpat*—'. mounted, moved wilh month open, champ ing the bit. hi* nostrils disieoded, and hi* Arab !± Sin* flre. Washington, disliking a fretfo. fj 9 D “ rode this fin* but tmpemous animal, ® JSlTtta. doty w*.,0.~, op president when on borsebsck, hnd hnd OW* OFFICIAL. tbe fiie* ti\.~ . ma bridle. The coachman, of course, sntl»wertea» on hit box. The affhgbied animal Hared wildly about him, and was in the act of springing tor* ward, when Hurley, perceiving the imminent dan ger with a prcaence of mind equalled by his cour «re grappled the animal around the neck, and aSndhia furious and maddening plunge* clung to him. and *o encumbered him ' with ihe weight of a heavy roan that the passengers in the street were enabled to come to the rescue, when the bridle replaced, and the carriage drove off. The President was much gratified when inapec ting hi. .table, ut Pbiladelphta. They were lug. an’ roomy, and every thing in end about then m Ihe moat perfect order the grooming oflhe ho, ■es .uperb, ,uch ~ the modern, can have no tdei 0 * Punrtii-aJiry —Waahington waa 'he moil puncr taal of men. To thi. .dm.rableqnalilv and tbeone MO «IW admirable of nama at four o clock aad re tinny to real at pine at all wa»if, tb„ areal man i owed bla beina able to accompbab inch mighty la bor. during a long and illualnoua life. He wa. punctual in every thing, and made every one punc- I about him. , , Duriuß bis memorable journey through the he bad, before setting ofT, arranged all the ;he whole route; the femes the inn*, the ,t and departing Irom each, were •d. and punctually did the white 1 chariot arrive ..all appointment*except when | prevented by blab water of excewvely bad lead. V Hi. punctuality on lb .l-lona journey ..tom.bed every one. The trumpet.' call of the cavalry hnd ceaaed it. echoe. when a videlta would e aeen coming in afcfullapeed, and theory reaound ar and wide. "He', coming"' Scanty ' h / rtilleryraen uulimber the cannon, when the order would be given, "Light your matchea, the white jr of arriving duly calcula •hanot is in full view . , Revolutionary veteran, hurried 'r 1 ™ *“ d ' r [lone ooce more to greet them beloved Chief Thev called ,1 marching to *nd », the dear glorton. old tellow. would overtake their netghtor, and friend., they would My Pu.h on hov, if you Wish lo see him, lor wc "ihMo’knol can aarare you lhat he .. oevc. behind lime, pul alwaye punctual lo the mo h"'wa. Ihu. lhat Wa.hmgton performed hi. emorable tour of the I'nited Su.le.-e.erv here received with the heartfelt homage that the we veneration, and gr.utude of a whole pen. Ie could be.tow, and there t. no doubt yet living .ray head who can tell of the lime when he allantlv rode lo ew village or tun ou the long emmered route to hail the arrival ol the chanoL m J join m the joyoua welcome to the Father ofb punctual in jMf ihia remarkable man nearer Woe. To,h ''"'' , he thenlre or the ball room ba repairedl precieely .1 the appointed lima. The manager of ihe ihealre waning on .ha Preaident to raqna. him to no™ mnnd a plny.waa aaked, "A. whatnme, Mr Mm nail doeayour curtain r.aa' Thu manager re abed ‘Seven o.akmk la ihu hour, bul ol comae the cnrtain will no. rme your Excellency a nrnvnL The Proaidan. obaerved. -I w,l ba punc.u.l a,r. .o .ha lime, nobody wane a amgla mranen l lor me. ] And, aura enough, proc.aaly * l lh h form ofWa.hinston wa. lo enter the * ta « I bog. amid .ha Ihu acclamation, of the audience and ' h 'n”he doma. h uc P .mng'amanlaof the PreetJ™"* l ?h“rrta‘;rr."hr, , .'nd d a d ndad ul . i :”£ i o. ba public occa.ion. lha company ™ within very ahort of each other. and departed . Ihe name manner.; The Preaidant .a paeelaal ,d every body, and every body became puncln tta the gmal .-tonal J *V?' lh ' 4,h lh °' J “ h l J.d c, Kdof February, the salute from 0 Mark* street fSth street) anooj.ncodlho* of the levee. Then wa. -ten the v .ner.ble_corp. j of the Cincinnati marching to pay lhe, J J , d . then Preident General, who received them at head i ;zL r < .he learned punrtuTmy from Ihetr General m the ',‘me. that med man's .0.1.;" fr, the thunder peals of Col. Prtx lor s ... Market nonndera caused the windows to rattle ru Market | Zta. than thr. venerable body of the Cure,rural. Cere in lull march for rhe head ‘V""''™- , A tine volunteer corps, called the Light lntanlry rom the umed light infantry of the R '’° u ““°* r Jj rrmy. commanded by Laf-yette. mou.Urd a go. d ,f honor al hendquarlers during the lever, on the rational da,-. When ,1 was about to close, the rot Idlers, headed by their marched with trailed arras and noiseless step“ a soot where huge bowls ol punch had been pre ,0 pared tor whan. rt“=> . deep carouse with three hearty cheer, w the health ol the P,as,deal, the street, the band, -rock up the fa'orUe sir, forward wtu the word, and the levee »a Tfo'd time, are ch.aged, old mnoaersioae.'.T roe we have become a mighty empire ta extent, wealth and population, bol where, Americans. is the spirit of 111. the glonou. and immortal apin' that dignified cod adorned the early day. of the re public nnd the age of Washington! Shad ,1 declmr and die among It. 1 Swear on the alter ol your liberty that it «bal! live forever Long year, have elapsed since the Reccolac noni have been offered to the pubhe. la ao.wet to numerous inquiries why they have not bee" published in book form, the author beg'> l«"> '» kuerve, that h.tnag no view, a. to profit, I desirous that Iba prtvale memotr. ahonld go « the of the people to the cheapest aad most dllto practicable. Most liberal offer, have beeo made to pobh.h the Recollections m two volumes, with fine ettgravmvs from the font origi nal, at Arlington House, viz, the Provtnc.l Co o nel in I—2, by the elder Peale; the rented General and illustrious Farmer, of Moual Vernon, ha. relic of Houdon, 1 1S5, the splendid equestrian Portrnt by Trumbull. 11 190 J end the Pre.idanlof the L Stairs, ithe best poeailbe likeness,) by. Sharpies. ■rath In this form the work will be here, ilrl pub '*Thn work ml 1 also contain the private lettersi of the commander-itvehief to hi. -tep son and aid-dc camp, John Parka Cualis. tthe f.lter of the authorJ jurrag the whole of the War of the Revolution, also the parental lettera of Waahtngton to the ao ihor hi* adopted ton, when a student at college m t 796. ’97. and VS Neither the Revolutionary noi Paternal leiter* have ever been published Ifit haa appeared to any that the Recollecting have embraced particular* too minute, the author i apology ia in vinous letter*, received both from a home and abroad urging him to oraU no detnib however minute, or deem any thing trivial thu related in the smallest degree to the I'fe and cha racter of Washington. It n somewhat remarkable, yet *uch i» hiatop that, when all of the public life and action* of • great man have beeo published to the world. Um world invariably demands the private memoirs Mankind wish to learn something of the private life, habit*, and manners of the individual whose gre’nl public action* have oommandvd their admi rauon whoae illuatnou* public service* have won their gratitude and love. Voltaire, in speaking ol Sir Isaac Newton, laid, “Doe* the gtenl Newton eat like other men?’ - The labor* of America's di*ungui*bed hialonaci have given to hi* country and tbo world the hit and action* of Washington, as connected with thi age in which he flourished, and the mighty event* thereof in which he bore so prominent and mut inous a part. It baa Iwcome the honored duly ol the author of' the Recollections to lift the veil that always conceal* the private life of a great man from lbe public gaze, and to ihow the Pater Patn* amid the shade* of domestic retirement, where, if the boaom of hi* family, on bi* farm, and at bt» fireside, triendship, kiDdneaa, and hospitality *bed their benignant lustre upon hi* latter day*. The premature and groundless opposition to the I pre«m Administration by “Free Soilon" doe* not, I however, include all, and ladeed perhopa only few, J of those who, even on that ground, opposed the election ol Uen. Taylor to the Presidency. The New York Evening Post, for example, chides the waspish and premature assault* of •'The Union upon the Administration in n manner which must command the respect of right minded men We cite the closing parngrap* of Us article upon the subject- — Nat. Inltl. “But, suppos ng ib»t ihe Washington l mon was In a position lo complain of proscription, it is «•* factually de-'roying the force of its complaints by beginning belore there Is anything to complain i>« Considering the legion of offices which U is the duty of tho President to fill, his forbearance thus far has been conepicuons; and, whatever may l>e I his course hereafter, thus far the Democratic party have no rcssou to complain of injustice. “He has made but few changea, and most *»i those hnv* been, in our judgment, decidedly ed • vantagenua to the public. When the public ser» r vlcr ~ threatened, it will be lime enough lor the Union to begin the war, but even then, we woul« | counfK-i ilist journal to legvu the complaining '< those who can do il With some show of consisteo cy, and wuh proportionate effect. “it would be a little more graceful, too, in a pa per which has oncetcon me official organ of the Government, to show a trifle less of anxiety about the distribution of its offices and patronage; and >f the Union has no fault to find with the pnuclplc* of government which the pew Administration has adopted, it had better suspend any turther attacks until u has. By so doing, it may be able, when the occasion arrives, to exert some influence against them; and if the proscriptive example of the late Administration should be adopted by Gen- Taylor, it* comments might receive some atten tion." Tui N*.rtosAL Monuaxjrr, to tbe'Father of b»s country, at Washington* had Us foundation com pleted on Friday last, and the laying of the marble of the stupeadocs colnmo has already commenced. According to the Intelligencer, the mighty struc ture has a moot substantial and workman u«e 1 basis- fiEi fiOQTK TO CALIFOBS I^' StnaU cf Magtllsn —The Coontrj a "f \ ‘ habitant*. —A* the 3trails are to bo * B°°® M Navigated by oor Teasels to California. ujg account of them by Capt- Morrelt- m hi* of Voyages. publitbed in IS3?. m*Y *»« inlere | mg. Ho had been six times through this P as# The Strait* ;rre aboai 315 miles ib ' I couree forming an elbow, or two lanne. Towards e and West, U become, hilly and parts of it reKimblmg the scenery of the Hudaon ' The country i« well peopled. I ' e4f sni often aim... C.p. Morrell a»o". “n I Indian. on honmbnck , and towards k .an. ! Ibo western he we. visaed on ‘ hor ?. by ”,°7 r . h ’j I a thousand, who were very peaceable and friend lv About 120 miles from the eastern entrance is Port Famine, so named by the English Navigator. „bo, in 15SS, rescued the only survivor of a colo- IV of 400 Spaniards. who had settled inero in L &91 lo form a nucleus for protection toi the Spam* !,h commerce. The place wa, named Phll.pvd e, in honor of the reigning monarch of Spain. unfortunate settler, were left without sufficient provisions, and did not pay sufficient attention to their crops. When the piece was visited by Cav endiah. he foond only one individual alive, whom he carried to England. AU the rest had perished by famine, but 34. who tet out for the Kio de la Plata, and were never again heard of. , Had this colony been composed of such men as • e emigrating from New England t ’ our wilder so far trom sofTertng famine, they wou.d jve converted Patagonia into a fruitful country, Q d Ph.lipville would have ialime become a large tiv. h baa a fine harbor, abundance of htb, ante, ot wild celery, and the finest treea 1 ever aw ; oak, beach, and cedar. 5 to 7 feet in diame sr Some of them would make fine masts for me-otoaiUe ships The valleys ?re ckrthed in uxunaul verdure. The clover fields of Penn sylvania. if suffered to go for a few reasons un oowed. would alone furnish a parallel. Capt Morrell visited the ruins ot Philipville ,nd says the lint erected by the Sp«"'»' d « ” b “' ■lightly decoyed, and wilh mile mbor could be re paired and would command the strait*. The Cap* tain made an excursion into the country o which he gives an interesung account, lo the night they were disturbed by a loud roanng.wbic he afterwards discovered was the South Amin Lion. _ PrmBCBGH a*d hkr Judiclsby.—Tho city . Pittsburgh has been disgraced daring the P** vear by a auccession of Riots and Arson*, reo er Ing the lives and property of the citiMOß insecure and unsafe A few demagogues have encouraged the spirit of lawlessness, at least so far as ra>nceros ,be riot*, and attempted to defeat the ends of jus tice bv denunciations of the Judiciary. It giyes us pleasure to note that Judge Patton, the talented President of the Quarter Sessions, was equal to the crisis, and by h,s cool, manly, and energetic administration ol the laws, has made e ““P'« those engaged in the riots, burnings, and libelling, which cannot fail to huve a healthful effect upon the morals oftbal city for the future. We have, at this distance, narrowly watched the P»°8”J i of events in Pittsburgh durrng the winter, and we cannot forego this feeble tribute to the worth of a man who has thrown himself foremest in the breach to stem the tide of misrule that threaten to break down the wholesoraeUrner. erected to check the encroachments of the turbu lent and 10 rebuke those who, U sinister pu:po «*, would encourage or wink at-thetr violations of law and order. lu.lge Patton will have hi. re ward not only in an approving conscience, bu m the admiration and confidence of every g icn —Crawford Democrat. The Ttato fn- the " a . rt,k “."""'.'ll of the foiled State*. It aaya “All the Slate*, all partis and all prolc.lona, ’.r”'" b °' d " Jj'w tgiiota lo the held.lhua proving that Teaaaand Mexico belong not more to this or that Slate than to all, ami exhibiting also a pledge lo lh * " orl * ° f the terrible unanimity with which the Loioo J l ’ on future occwoß.. promote >tt V™"** "‘o, ,od*’ Tbc Mexican war ha* opened the eye* °l thoae who used to close them m wilful darknew. The remarks ol the Tunes would contrail bl. wily -on,. n[ the opinion. u gave of the md.lapf character o, oureotjr, when the war bra. broke out. Jenny Lind a retirement from the »“ J ‘‘ doption of a .till higher department ol art—the aaered oratorio— n aaid to have greatly increaaed her popularity ut Eoglaad. She i. hading a new claaa of auddora. She la reported lo have con traded aa engagemeu! recently of a more imlema and permaaettt character than any lo vehich ahe had been accitalomed. and which will probably reaull in her taking up her reeidence m Englaod kir hfo, after her return from a Tiail which ahe ia about to make thi. apnag to hcr'nalivc laud. Pltorotraariiv. —Such improvement have re cently been made in Photography in Europe, tbal il la ex [reeled Ibal ibe natural colon of object may yet 1* produced by Ibe tun I ray. upon paper In Phlladelpbia. nlao. Mr Langenhcim hna ao im proved upon an Engltah gent'oman'a plan (Mr Talbot) of talcing daguorreotypea upon paper, that it la now done with an accuracy that la aurpriaing, ,a about a minute , time. Any aubsetiuenl num per may be taken wilboot any aitltng at all. and may be c .lured like a water color painting ea Manirw in aojonrntng for aoi Dublin, making preparations lor hi« trip to Ament He intend, to «tul from Liverpool, by the .hip Ne World, M the end of April. He .ueceeded a sbt tune .toco to the Caalle Lake di.u lery, a eery val uable property, but sooner than have it employed in making whiskey, he broke up the concern, at om.tderable loaa to binnelf. leuing part of it a. a corn null Hi. health I. quite re.lored. Shawms Rat lxo. da—Tbi aupennlendenl o the Na.liua and Lowell Railroad ha. advetttaed for 1,000 young and thritty elm trees, for the purpose, it i» understood, of planting them along the line of the road The idea i. a good one, and wa hope eventually to see it extensively mutated. A meeting ol the friends of Emancipation, held Lexington, Ky, on the 13th indent, wa. ed uced by the Hon. Henry Clay and the Rev. R- JOB pniNTISO. HILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, JWtmiYe.ii, nxlU La-lint, t'orueoa., Lore blank, JI*BH ■" l «, LABSL*. CKBTinCITS*. CJIXCIa, ihiucib, Ac. Ac.. p, HieJ 81 thf ai.fmr.r notice. ul low price, at the .iris OrrtcitTniab rtßirr. ImuroremeAM In DentUUy* DR M o STKARNS, late of Uoaton, if prepared to mattuinnure uml «et Buici T*«tu m whole and part* Ol ifH. upon Suruon or Atmo«ph«nc Paeu«™ Pla ‘** " T.wtiiach« reman is nvx miscte*. where the new l» • xposrd office and remtdrnce neil door w the May a, . office. Fourth street Puubnrrh |U»fi t«—J n M’Fadden. F ft. Fa ion. jal9 I'niMH V I.kmos >*c«Aa.—Prepared by J. W . Kelly. .... turn. N Y . and lor »alo by A Jarnrn, No “0 1 siufin -'-rw'-t Hu* will In-found a delightful art rlr ,*f i-/er»i*c m fmuilir*. and particularly lor uck ro, |Ua**'* Ban** —An improved Chocolate prepara ion being a ecrolntiaiiou of Coroa nut innocent in* vieoratine and palatable, highly iccommcuded partte ulatly fnr invalid* Prepurrd by \V Baker. Dorchea ir.r Main and lor aale by A. at the Pitkin Tea Store. No. 70 Fourth «i _ INSURANCE 1 _ THK PROTECTION FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CQMPA- NY op HA ttTFORD, CONN. Cfii rmitfi in IS4S. Capital Stock, Annual Receipt*c§nd '"aluV'K* promptly paid ■' lhc General Agpccy Of- (V, r °iK e Western State*, located ai Cincinnati, Ohm. t> T» i l “or lonj standing, and well k««*» throughout An* United State, for >» «£«*> ™ d . prompt payment oi lo»»e.-having luamlandki fled, to Che satisfaction of aU concerned.ovei^A«oo urae, amounting »« *• WIH w h “ 0 * orDoLL*a*,'tbe‘mcripie for wWen »r« on the hl« o« r Foreim. '"•“ r *“",C«np*»«>. “S“ The agency is receive applications and .•Kro,™, » w -ii .( M, M... 14. h.J bin .h. »■£«£■ t£S IX.SBOE DAMAUF. BY FtRK berii governed uy the above motto, he might have an- fyar&onse.a, Uwelltuga, A«- with the con- LrVb*.‘:tos? j "Ssr*- "'"T c * b ' o^.a^xsu-.ssr} stfii-™ “fss ur."*?*, J \.dmsnolbim. WM. U. DEAN. P M.. ' J o i*it the United SUlo* Marine Hospital, aa fof- ,n pmhurEh 1 »“ ‘he '“w’aoroOT 1 aos Wow-For fnrnisbing m*tailai» and ,/plnh .Tree near" Wood. feblT-dAwS ’ exeC nung Iron Stair-way, and Iron Ruimga, confer -70 Fourth UTe«t.Jt_a« _ ”**““7* pI4M and specifications to be *e*u at thi. rocvrt Co>Wuaio.xtß—l will be a candidate lot u.' o ffl ro Bidder* will state the price par lb. fi?ee Commissioner, .übjecuo tl.e dec.-.Ji. Px miN- a.d GvaH««.-For fnmlihtng materWa °?ihr Anumaaomc am! Whig Convention. and ereouyng l !* e F*untiug and Gl.tiag. Bidden l 1 of *!.*/> dfwtcS GABRIEL ADAMS w pnC e per loot for painung according ap/7 d* ... ft, ••Fitubnrgh Painieta' Book of Price. ” tilamtobc ,- u . Hn«s*T Csiumiaai, of Plum township, w.ll oe |fa ihvcktmss, and claar of all defect*. nnorteu for the ofice QI Prouiouotary, .übject t« the Succe »»ful bidden will be recced to into con decision of the Whig and Anuoaioiuc Conven ion trgeti and io give good «?ourity for the fiutWol per -07 WtUis* torm noce 1 hereof i.B.OUTHiIUs I p aiHid d#*. Surveyor of Cottoma. w. M. Dm Dentlat* Orrtcs aud reaidenre an Fourth "t. ttSS&j* appotiic the Pituburgb Bank. Office hour* from tf o'clock to 1- A M . and tram 1 o'clock 106 I*. M »epl4»ly - 6. wTSIPDI-E, D.nlUt— REMOVED to a new three atary brick fWPHKBBk on Bmilb&eld *\rcet, one door below MJT IITI T g«xth itroet. Teeth maerted from one id an enure aet. on the inctiou principle, with a beau uful repteacniatim of the natural gum—rcMortng the original ihape of the face j 5 n._’|’oeth extracted with little ot no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently anaed by plugging, pre ii,e tooth ache, which ia much better than cu ring >u though it abouid be done in bvr tmmUV cren iimamly. ai> * * * Notice to Stockholders. ; —_ S^ C Bp"?T L ”™*'"'^ h ' 0 ' A MKETINO o( Ihe of It. W«,i e n. cen ii whole amount ol tafd «ock be paid and ! fw*eo the hour* of tan and tare o’clock, lor the nu»- w *fd. un h , ttw Treaaurer proceed to receive mis of electing thirteen Directnra, to aervo uamthe lh L withoat coercion. will aroid the penally i gp2idml R. MILLER. ) “‘I"!''' B Si" PLUM^ ss»’ is? u “ ir^’i-sww' SOTICE* I , N UNP.I -0, 0. SSI ” u ‘”i?l“'o?CSb'i~SSS' ,„.. rveeaaity of an immediate and thonmso » uenuo “ to eiraaiinaaa aboat their premise* . __ altv j£rsr»^.rs^£«; orUmeoroih.-rpur.Mne atrm* hiahr-at Attention 10 thu nonce i. conwdeml oi the h * ft * importance to --rrn riuun. a. a committee. will be pointed whore du»% it will be lo call on e-ren boa | Wider, and return ihore to the * Mn > ® r fomnd. for a nniranee upon whore premtaea filth may be JOHN MXiILL, Chairman S C . Chairman of Sanitary Committee For Bin FronoUco, Cfcliforni** The superior Al Baltimore built bnr W* jMk praV, will Irme for the above port on or fsEaK about Die OTih May She will br fitted out with superior accommodauon.. lor pai-enger* t * eln * "SJIJT, 7;,', one of the be»t vmmli in Die port of Brtti m.»rc rare .miu.emei.u are offered for perron* wabim; m mifnif l*or rrtjuhl or pasture, ma*e early ap ° Zao ANDREW ARMSTRONG, cauonto No 56 South *t, Baltimore a|)27:diw—Bait Affl O ECOND SL'PPLV—W R Morphy, at nonheMt cor- S , I>l. .»d Mnrkn h»no- o~n 1.,. supply of spring ami summer G*oda, and ha» a **l®'* “inment of Drew Good* ot newe« MylM, and .“nple of every kind, all of which will ht to\A low &P ' " CII.K AND LINKS LUSTRS-W R MWJ.W k“ S Urrf « lot o' 'kof *"> Jo.trol.lo Rooioof U.o tou*t approved *hadea. _ “ , ,'rifKN ML»LIN DK I.AINK-W R Morph, bu I" J r r * b " S’' i the*Mhmn»b«f »h«de; al*o, vr McCANDLKM . ,ooJ popor.. J,f > t MeCANDLra? ap‘2~ M OWDKRF.D~SALARATIJ9-4 ch »«P-™' 1 lot ImUT., *■>■» I MrCANDLE33 To Rent* A TWO siory bock J««lUng bouK, pl?*»“"V £fc m oil.nd, »-ilb I" *<■■>•* » f "f -w,n b f rrntnl quit** >' appbrsUon made_unn>" ([ockl order, in A vture :tiitlt'or »al« I’V 1 ' abd-*i w-'n* '• Skbbv V Xj . “ N; ' CBOZER /-IHF.R»E-ail>l< P,Wcr™iCb.f«,J« l ”“ 1,n » , and for «ale b' SAW HARBAUGH D”’$ >PPLES-1 “s* wha*ba?gh y . PPI F<_4-.* bi» )«•» l«»din* frera MeaoirT A “ d bT sA W HARQAUGH hp2V _ i—W t<-< A. Sbav supr Sugar Ham -0 end loi va'f tv stwHABBAUO H /'IANDI.EB—Io Iwxei Siearine Candida, a superior L article. just rec'd and f«r ’*»•*>> HaRBaUGH apiv _ pujuß-i b-iujj- t&r&s&ss |>W«> »vis‘ TC " c “ h p ‘“ l VV .be ST.dc.ofWooL M BAUGH ap27 ?- • „ - To che~Honora&U, the Judge* Cmn °f fl’Z ral Quart* 0/ <** “ nd t" I rpHFptW""®^^”* l -*' ol ,l " “»” ,hl P‘ o< B *JJ' T ™.»dLo-«rSl Cleir. in V?™.djd I i kw .h.-weih that your petitioner hath provided ra «r™»Si.L "““fr“^r n m'E “ oibct., *x'.T.'“'.b.”?ou vSr, r P ”McdtT-.“* >««»“•» k ” p Houte of Entertainment. And your peuuoner. duty bound, will pray. We the subscribers. citizens ol the townships -foreaaid, do certify, that me above peuuoiwir is oi rood repute for houeaty and temperance, and is wel £S.,d7.fiv,ih bo»» room end convenience, fu. h .nil lodging of .Irenger. end n.vel “.h" B^r"-EV'r 6 r* M'Annliy, Jotepb M’Clurg. U Ginller. Wm c owen. Ja B,i-dT, Wm *i1...», Jon«b“ >«"f- A,.diewUi»n •P' 1 -—. >MF. mbernben err receiving end oder lor •■lf el low rates as follows. viz:— 1 100 packages V H. Imperial and G P Teas JOdbit* Rio and Java Coder, vSO okas 5. lit, l lump; 16 and 5 a spun 1 obacco. CO nhds O Sugar. tfl>« bbla O Molasses. IP bbla assorted .Noa Loaf Sugar; li do Tanners Oil; lc do Lamp Oil; ““ K\«;" k No r ;. » end b, in and bfbbl,. nw bxa Liebcc scale Herring; 30 bxa white Pipes. us l,r» Pepper. 10 do Altptce, i raau Cassia. SoS lb. C0.50n yarn, aaa'd Nos; Itf) bale. Batting it) bxa Palm Soap, 50 do Toilet A Vanegated d . lO do Stareh. 50 do Large Raiains; | 10 Pales Almonds, V 5 do Palm Nuts; •HI d«> E Walnut*; 20 do Fill>ert*. -aGu bg. ground Nnu. 15 bg. Spiced Lbocolnn , 3 rases [jquonce, iStaai Principe and Regalia Sugars. 40 gross Cut mid Dry Tobacco. VOdoi Bed C»ds; 15 bxs Rock Candy 15 bxs Sperm Candles, 20 do Star do. I csk Ombre Madder, deeroon* Indigo. ■i cases Cloves; l do Nutmegs. 10 hble Whiting; 5 do Chalk; 50 dox.Buckets, 4000 lbs Saleratua. «) bx« line cut Chewing Tobacco; Common and half Spanuh Cttar*. apsjo opposite 8t Charles Ho|el_ t) B I F f' Bß,N<^lbl »^ l, AMittDL^ LABS-1W 1,..-gl» ld„A IS do 10, U do, 70 d< epi" "" '*‘ r by 'VICK A MrCAXDLf3S_ S*H5« “* N “ TM \^OK I :|ca>'DLKBS. P* ARLOR AIR BALLS-** doi P'arlor Air Balls, splendid article, of assorted sixes, just received • me lndj. Rbbbvr Depol. No 5 PrmßcaoH, April 26i£TlMfl. T N store ami lor sale—6o bales MOSS, by I ‘ S RCHOVKR, HO Second street Jl ST LAIN DING —tun ton. Hanging J~lt Pig >™n; audfor a.leby apffl S_»gHROYKR a 1 t)T OF CASTINOS for tale cheap for eaah by A‘-,p« r* SCHUVKR, ltd See.iiiit t: I jffvville and 20 adjoining aew by al'*> 9 SCHOYER, UO SecoDJ ON 60NSIUNMENT-A lolof HMA iMkct. for ■*<' low by »P» _?..?5 H .?Uir- I'JIU IRON —1? ions pif iron, a superior artiele.for WRAPPING VAPF-R-MJ ra. cro«m. m-dioi d0.,bl- er,^m>»j it c AiraLESS / i'oXp— X» bx* N« 1 Cincinnati Soap for **>* by S ap» WICK a McCANDLMS \NDt K 4 *—7S In* Cincinuau mould candle*. f< l 0" '° hJ WICK * McONDLESS * I MON'D'i—lB *k« 8 9 almond*, for sale by A ..Vi WICK « MCCANDLE39 BONNET BOARDS—*7 pou bonnel board*, for «lVby u U3 w{ t C K WcCANDLRRS IMOCOLATE l*i-fcKAjKc^lDuii ■Kjt;\V BOOKS—Complete Work* of John M Ma*ot V’viw HlUie: ' br BrrJer Warfare oTN York, by W W Campbell Here a Lillie and There a the author* “Line upon Lme, end Precept opon-rreeepi Memoir* ofroy Youth, by A I» Lamartine. lltuurnted Li/e of FrankUn, partj^ fcjid for wle by JOHNSTON 4 STOCKTON, #D ojj comer TTnrd and Market *u MR. HARRIS’ AGENCY AND INTELLIGENCE OFFICE—Mr. laaao Horn* bas removed m* Ajrency and Intelligence Office and Generall Coounia non banner* IQ No. fri Wood street, above « •«• An thrax's Hal Biore, and nearly opposite the Si. Charles Hotel, where be will be happy to jee and serve hi. mend* and the public generally-. Mr Harris Weeps all the Pittsburgh daily and weekly- and quite a variety „t eastern, wctlern and foreign newspapers for sale, apttf __ it ; aNTF.D—A good School Director f< W ble neifhborbood in ifcc country. -mart intelligent boy fa work m an offic W1 «l to ran errand* through Uie city. Alio,, pli «»eral wholesale and retail ilorei, warehoa tel* and with contractor!, farmer*, 4c , fa good laletiacu, warehoa** men, bar keeper*, c< men, bottle rv and for a number of farmer*, l*b< boy*. 4c Ac Money borrowed and lent, and all kind: of annclea attended to promptly and tor moderate etiareea, by ISAAC UAHEIS, alhu new Agency am Intelligence office, 3D Wood at, op mitv SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW SPRING GOODS A. A. MASON & CO. .iritßKT-WHOIiRBAIdS ASDRBTAIL, OXK PRICK J-TOHE- Sit*, no JURKBT gTRB* . , hMt , Florae. Dnn.i.Me, Rm.fl. .*1 Ite»*V. »«*- "■'■•■■*- A. ■'*”« “w^^~^;>*sis’ l> , ssris"“l'is' ss :”.ir j; » ,■ w tSS£& *L». r~h>t ai«. *•«>« s, lk . :S!'J.r,r •£.«£ s:.,rr,”rSL', ; :-. «r« • ; v &»&** *.. *.~ Z£Z2£'J32 ■-"-- " ""■ , ”“ 1 *' """" 1 ‘•’SKggSVStUt'IUcBS. TRIMMING.*. Ac - Their .loch conn ■>' P or '*’ Ti.-ue*. V alienee*. French and 1-jiK»i*h « Fiv« HtMUiKO Kr..» *“ U eW*nt Iwerdu, Bell Ribbon* cambric and lawn Hdku, s?.r*iiS **“•• ?X& : "KSu&li-O I'ARASOI.ETTS—M*I. *~tM £.?. .iXdu.e.. I>k. • «'•.,»» Brocdr.T.ile ; J*“' p u .^„ u „ d of rwr «n«in» thw bell market of hue Saiin anti CamelloQ d «ix Humirrd Pince* e. t”-« --.d ru U «i> le* Jncou ; caaumfrr*,Vr-iinff., Summer Sliiffa,Tw«d», i (Waiidict—l;-m-li.i -v- -. » i . . Alto. Flinnola* Chech*, counterpane* L Humlffd P.rcc* *•"> rh JI J “iNQIUMS. CIUN+Z. PRINTS. Ac-More than tinhorn'. Alpaeca*. Orl**i*»« Flo’" l-» ne " ‘-'nchamv , t Jj l^ udrrit ,rf the beat «yle. and of every vm- Ch «m. ‘i . s. *, t new »>'"■» Ai»o, , , o« all the well known and approved bUek tfSK tor «hr‘awV *“ * C ° C SteTif Bleached Mwdia* 300 hale, brown dO,ofev* Lour and Square may alway* depend, from the Rreat SHAV\ LS—Ca^me- e, Th V oaQlon Crap*. f Jffi e , o ftni* e*tabUahinmt,ofobtawiM the cho.ce.t Shawla, ( * fo * wool Plaid, Grenadine and , the reasonable pner» Th- ayatcui o Silk. Berate,Sewii'R SU*. |ooa mpicES adopted by tlua eMabil.hment, a* wed Mualin de L.ami Vielona ih». lf oNK PRICK SVbThIM, having met with «cb , WHITE GOODS-Cunbne^J»c“«'J^ v r “ ■ u « ru ,V?.ro r !h.l iht .ab.crib«r. .n .A.blrt ... of- ChectA Linen L»»M. UoneJ IHn.lmA M«n et .m ji lh , tefcrr ipnrke.l u .nch nle u eu ■onl m, in i' „ n,.- SS ful w pee perfee. ..u.fne, on Merelmnl. (Tom LINEN UOODE-jHmntoA sh«l- .11 f~ »f «“> *” JJ*9oN ACO • K tpa7idlmi* to - »to « « | übN.NETS-A complete .uomnenl or LPin. » , AUCTION SALKS. By JoB» D. P»Tt». twHcaur. Jfrpi-j at Auction. Oa Saturday evening, Apnl 291 tl f 7 A,^°^d* l Flfih I . _ Commercial Sale* Room*, corner of W ooa . ni|L v PACKET LINE. 9 of valuable booka, embracing i ug w#) , known Uno of iplendld paa«a«f Steam r^3r°.r. f 2s-« ; . ~ =ssis i «wg.sgfe aag^MHeSSßnfeaE roue or twuborK» ...... . 1 wivanre. ipi7 JOHN D DA' li. Aact GEO A BERRY , SCKOAY PACKET. fbiuthoU a«4t Kvthm ,al Aum>n. ISAAC NKWTON, C.p.-n On Friday morning, April 17ib, .1 lb » clock, »■»' p.naborgb rro.'lock, Whoe* The Duke of Gloucester • p„j eu lin» every Friday evening at 10 ?. x. Jane Shore ». Madison ' Udy Almm • V.'. ««!«•. Lassos. '• NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGU DAILY LINK TIME TRIES ALL na - A ' OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, mo. we—jenaa, iSS'W..:::-"" ■s£?*'■ JaBOL ft&gSr-ai THK*CHILD OP THE REG! J[ I f ; l*,,*, A. M_ *n4 a. Suplicr , . Mr pQnn. : rives at Glasgow, (mouth oflhe Sandy end Beaver Ca • Gurnard ; ''' n „^ ent . M rt . Fstnea na l,) a i 1 o’clock, and New Lisbon el 11, aaruo night. Madeline, >be child of «bs *?£“*“ cttWlce T n ihis , u«vc« New Lialon at Co’rlock, P. M., (making *** 10- To morrow rvemns—r»r« ■«» Q UOL . lo river during ibe night,) and Glawow p \T »e/oy _ a P*° . other route. .. Vm oftt'\-n GINGER 3U bx» pure Ground Ginger, The proprietor* ofthis Line have the pleasureot ut*| ftWbv WSG w"cs* McCANDLESS , thi public that they have fined up mo fim slmaa . >J. "L CanelDoau,for the accommodation of passciigera mad C, ROOM) NUTS-00 .k» Ttnni-.»- t GromA Nai»l 10 mn in cnnoyclion wild Ihn well known T iot *al<- by apOS WICK A McCANDLEJS CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and connnot . QOAP AND CANDLhj ta „ m „ o («iarar« ( and oldar daily lmaa ol nyainen down Ida Cjdw 10 beat Pittsburgh bra >MITCHELTREB : and Mississippi river*. The proprietor! pledge Ujew pnee* by B P a> .. - : M j Y e» to spare no expense or trouble to maur e pom TkPARL STARCH— Id by. in "I O ”“J JSfj J* ' ,on 7 “ ft,J “ d dl "P“‘ i - “** of p " b '“' a P W A «»" TLHEL^...(^P-'>»^ rI|OIUZED AGENTS. W KARBAUHH : Kkbaryb. HA a”s“‘ i ‘Bl B wiIABBAUGH C my On/ >_ Now Luddd T ARD-SO bbl. No 1, t'cA f< ” NOTICE —Td. Mnnnini P'eaVKJ ic. E Clnrta. mnn _ a&aa "tjsmsssv" *sr \ ’ SARSAPARiUII^TT^ •^‘B.^SSSSSSSSS^ b and,, .a,, by ' Tin. 'Cr.Llte L/USbiLS*!? ln'n°m?w - ap'Jd corner lat ana wooo„_ . Philadelphia. Imau MfVUS—frMbaiost reeM and for aaie by • mHE aplendid and faat running U S MaR fttamera RUSH MOSS—-b= in. io.i "^ ahNBSXOC k ACo , I ATLANTIC. Capt 3 Parkinson; BALTIC Capt A ._»?<» . •— — Joeob*; LOUIS ai l LANE, Capt F. Bennett; are m»w S°.Mra\% “nSdST^MO^SVRLE 1 EAD—SOO pi S . C.*"’. wKf.rfbttjTS.nyTl jj by »P=->B JAMES A HUTCHISPN Ato . wi]| S tjp Eß i COACHES at Browns aFMP— 100 bale. Miaaouri dew rotted Hemp, for , TllJ i Bl 3 o’clock, P. M., and the splendid ear* ot the •ale by ap» JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co_ Halumoro and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, ai a .. 0 i A*»«*ES—l« bbl* Plantation Molaaae*. in »tore o’clock, A. M-, and arrive in Baltimore the M°Rod hv ;&i*,inumefor the evening line to Philadelphia and . n « JAME9.A HUTCHISON ACo Washington city. , , _. _ *P. "' . d u , f From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only 32 hour*. t>*CON—s cak* Hama; 9do Shoulders; Bdo Sides; Fare.- SIW» D » «■*« »" a Ta'&S A HVTOHISON ACo ! ?. » 111 AG A WINE—IS India bbl. twom Union The cycnins bciuwUllnnvn nldo'clockjonoptßun- NiVini® „ jsggTs 2 -! SL™: M'iiSfu . SSJIS.'SKSS £ 1 r a drab colot, rec’d and *alo at the . pg„engen luw choice of either Steamboat or Rail boJte of «!«?._ J> HPHIVUfSt* 22215_. ' ReJd between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and the SUGARS—I2O hbla imall loaf; 11« do'privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore. R enuhed; 70 do powdered, in store and for tale by I and reaumlnMbeir seats at pleasure. Coaches char lfc /AMES A HUTCHISON A Co «red to partiTa to travel as they please. in 24 AaenuSi Louis Steam Sugar Refinery ' We make up the loads and way bills for the Coach.- *P” Agenwo .re - i-winihe Rttabarsh offices, Im order to save time •«>. OLDEN SYRUP AND S. H. MOLASSES—BO bbls at Brovroavtlle,) it is teerefore iapOßani fi»v (j Golden Bytup; 18 hf do dc, do; Sten «l kegado; to their tieketa before gomg ou ho.^l '-•■•aleby ep2fi JAB A HUTCHISON ACo I al onr o flj cej Monongaheia House. M ate* Charles Hotel, Woods^^iiuburgb. TSOUNUHTPIO HETAU-SOO loot Sboroa Furnace i S.S3, ot SI Co. rVJSinmM "i. F.o« jn-7 Melol, for ul« from I 1“, fy*A 9IIITH '. - J.MESKIMENjAr. • , apgO _ BAGALEY A 9MITH_ , p Ut>b— ygj* *. bovlmill* Pacfcat Ll* ,« FRK9H TEAS—IM hslfehtm Yopns HywnTMJ;, FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. 60 do do Powcbony Tea* all thl« «prißg*»i»(w* : Tbe vpltfMUdnew«tumas laiiftii. frt'h and line flavor, row landm* from canal, i 4P*]~7fc TEtcioek 0 > c i oe k A. M. For freigb*. o r pasaaco apply on board, ,o, ,aJo by u. 33 B A PAUSES fOCK ACo , 0 BURBIU'iK.e: WILSON A Co, or 1 xpß CEO p .tULTENBEROEB. Hvn POTASH —200 ounce* jart Tte'd w* l for «ale I bj B A FAHNESTOCK ACo , ■xouua v /mui ucur uiww prrreßUß'jH and hogkjlngpurt UiCON-SO c.k. prime, e«red b.poir. )U« ( '*' h '‘““‘piLOT No 5, B .no ror.., » J9DILWORTH . c *_ ■ Ce PIJ ,, -uudur, . for Klixabeth’ flwa, Capline, tlunfUh, Proctor, Bar > Landing, Ne w Martliutille, B*r.rdja, SUteratUle. To e l V „ I Landing. MjuamoTas, A- Sbee.:’# Landing, Vane*** DRIED APPLES— **> bu prime dncU m ! Newport,‘Jow Creek, Marietta, Point Mannar, Pa •ton- and for *a> by wnDT ,, kerabarjr, Belpse, Little Hocki) lit and HockintpC n _ap2s A“ ulu . n 2iL- ; Rum *m&—Leave* every Tb« rada POTaTOF- 3 "*»to ttf and bln* potatoes, at 3 o’clock, I*. M Marietta ou Friday, at 9 A. 1 ,u.t receded and for .ale by „ i paaalns the principal pan of tho above lot /ns at -Jk r C *' ARMSTRONG h. CROZF.R landing* on Friday,before nijrtn. —z'■ ~i~ ;- Z HZ mV*! Bt (he abate arrangement, ibu boat will b»able SI’QAH dt 810LASB®*—!® hbda prune * f :iUay atPiUahorgh on Sondaya, and keep thai day a. sugar- 600 hbl* 1 ale by w A M MIT^; UGX/riiEA, The pnblto may depend opot* thia boe i eoatwamg oils . No ICO Liberty St Itvt> daring itm Low water aeaaon apSfclm r a re»p«*cl*- AUO) a (food LOAF SUGAR—» bbts (Umitiana Refir ,nJ f " bT W It M MITCHEL- LoolirUle tad St* liooli F soket Lln« 1640. .1641 REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET Ft® JT LOUI |w Tb', fine fast mnniaffpMMßg r- . (CrriSk nevr.tT ATI JINTIB,» tT7 ISIS—Port, Madeira, Lisbon, and Sweet Mata*' mnHftlP °«° •W. Wfcka, mastor, will lee VY * n . for sale by the cask or m quantities to salt t ■■■CBCHBUbr \be above ar id intermediate poi br apiS WU MrfCHELTHEE 1 every Tuosdey, at to o’clock, a. u. 3 T _ ' • * “ Foe freight or fAwaae apply on board, or to Foreign and Qoweattc Ltenova. 8 1 r c. KINO, No. 153 Com. Row A GOOD assortment of Foreign and uomestte U- - marS-dGm LoouvtlU nnois, always on hand nndfOT sal* in qnantitieal st mr ait porcha«t». by , REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET FOR ST LOL ~ ,n& W& M MITCHELTREE 1 The fine liuit rounu,* pawn, — , JTV Th at earner UKN. LANK *. Cl UO KI’HN M .refluested to call to* a small box. 1 jtfjCf/gfSS A. McPhers* n. master, will lr»v<* l S-Sf^ s - B - SiaSShKKKEr Ti ■ '* p,m '' s,K r '? n ' t For “ >*£*£NolScom'Ro», Loan Till AMUSEMENTS. ABD-W bbl, Nb 1. M SUGAR— 3D fekds Sugar juat reeM, in atom and for: »*IQb T HkW HaRHAUGU, *&2£ 63 water and 104 front «i ltmT Hiri-iVR-^il.EirrtahW - in6iniois7ji?.i FOB wherein.. j.nd ■IBIOGEPOK I' liOlXßlrrr > riNiriKLli > The nm and tubitMlial steal XV r*cM and for aale by J B CANFIfc-LUi & HUDSON, .pill Water .t, brt SmUhield and W Mlo o> e iock, *. *. epi4 J - k For freight or patsttge, apply to • rt . /-IOPAL VARNISH—Ctt gall* be*t quality- Inbbta,: ap!B J\V bOtLKR * _i— NMAKERtc . i - l . ■ ■■ ' Mondiy* and Tbnraday*, ml 10 * * . tx by PKACHES—2OB ba»b Jon reo’d aoAfor tala by \ For (reigbi or passage, app'y 00 601 , * ■ DL5i habpy,JONES t Co I rIgULAHZANESVILLE PVJtfET O.U-, jai.oICS.-mSA .. .nirK-HO.OOO in BinnlMbuo. for ulc by ■" «'»«« (RICK Rh2y, MATTHEWS ACo ' tun,!. »nd Z*nrrnllA-lr«"" 1 .luburfb ..try P >'»^.‘&. lt » o T T » J A ( No 41 Wat. Fla \ seed—aa bwh rot by 8 FVONBgfomOgST k C» r%EAN9—IO bbl» wbite. for I lie bV ~ |5 *r>24 » FvON DONNH >£« EEBOKAL. M“ b 'SS eb ' rwaztluig and Cotumuiior chant, ba* mooted to No. W From, between ,,, . and Smlthflf 'jd tfftata- , a IIOKLEIt 8lO&l*Bjitr clarkWaited. ONE THOUSAND COZEN SICKLES, of TXrA'rfTED—A Yoon* Man in a whele,a] e « qoftlin, for >aU W .ail Dry Goc i* Su>n. Apply at 68 Mark apafcdA, SPANG A CO. 1 rjeiiSfcdi t SOAP— 10 bu CastUe, for ufe br ■ »ptt 9 P VON BOWWIbRST t S T K AM. _BU ATS CIHCIKHATI * PITTSBURGH TUESDAY PACKET, The HIBERNIA No. 2, C.apt J. KusiriLTM, WUI save Pittsburgh every Tu' ulajr morning ul l® ® clock; Vheebng every Tue*d*»* evening at 10 r. *•