The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 26, 1849, Image 1

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A and Dealer* in frodaee, No. -ti; Slaf *«_ ««*«•:
Pittsburgh*. • ! . _ _ 0- • —, ~.
• , »> « iiaj*.
Wholesale .denier* ui Dry
R "i Boot*. Shoe.. ®i*bMsH »">■«-
banth. _ _. . J. ... ‘ ,a - > : .
»|r« CtuiGl BKITJ!^
B*RAirN4*RErrER, Wholesale and Retail Brit*-
*iu». comer of Liberty and St Ojumumu, Pitu
b4!W ; : JH*
ccnnenos. ' * l mows.
OROWN •* CULBERTSON. WhMetale Grocery
f> and Conmiignon Merchants, No. 145, Liberty #l,
ftnsbargh, Pa- ; *<WH£ ,
BA.. FAHNESTOCK h. Co„ itf bplesale ptii.R**
# tail Drugging cornet WoodandG th _» i*.
IgaUsY~* SMITH, ld.ftnd
80 Wood street Phiiburgh. ; " v ;_ *. .. ■
A- McANOLTY & Co., Forwarding' end Cony
• miuion Merchants, Canal Basin, pin#bargh^ra.
Daqne«n« SCe«* *dd trod
/"10LJ5MAN,'HAITIAN fc.Co, rtaoa&Ctnrcrt of
\J Coach and Khptic Spririgi, Hawtnetpd Axles,.
Spring and Plough Sind, Iron, Ac, i\ iitaouit on*
Wamr and From meets, PlHdrt»rg)‘- * . , ..
Also, dealers in! Coach Trimmings ud MallenW#
thkmkador woopii'rrrsßUßGH,
CONTINUES to manufacture. Monuments, Burial
VaaUs, Tombs,Head Stott**, Mantel Piece*, Celt*'
ue and'Pier Top* offcrelgn and domemc raarhltsf
s rernlarandftur price. ► »■■■<-"
N. b.— Drawing* for monuments, vaults, Ac. furnish
edj of any descftoOoa. lie solicits a sham of opblio,
patronage j. attgtl*dtf_,-
tm, a. woum, rsjtzs i. sensttu
ENaUsSraTIiENTiErT, (Ute'Enjl'ui;. TiiiitFtef.
* Groenrs, Comrnwrton and For
warding Merchoma, and dealer* in Produce and Pin**
burgh Uanoihcrdm, No. 37 Wood *t., l»*ircecn Mi and
9d *Ueet*. . oelJ
GEORGE COCHRAN. Commission aud Forwarding
Merchant. No. SV» Wood strocL Pittsburgh. itj£l'•
HAMILTON STKWaRT. maintfaclorer ot; «b»77
BhirtiiJg*, Check*, 4c- Rebecca ■ tr f* l L c, ‘* r ,
Allegheny. . novlAJly »•
HLEK, to Murphy 4 Lee*) Wool Dcai
, er and Commission Merchant. tor the s
American Woolen*. Liberty. oppose stb *l
wji. uuu>, Baltimore
*. j. st-ciaua, KDv?*Rr» ukalx>. ( Philada *•
D. C. OS’CAiftsUS, JOITK A- O'ABXXi. _ j . .
SKALD & BUCKMm. Tol-acco •
cnaau, 41 North Water *l. A 1« novSMf
‘*IiAIAH "otCZM, BOBttt OTCZKT. J*, - *
Iha IAH DICKEY 4 Co-, Wholesale Grocer*. Com*
Water, and 107 Front streets. PiUsbargh. no? 8
CANFiKLb,\lat* of Warren, Ohio,) Comrai*-
•I *ion and Forwnrcuig Merchant- and wholesale
dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Batter. Pot and
p—ri aMtr. and Wettfstn Produce generally, Water
ireet,ietweaa'3nilihBeld arid Wood. I'ilt*haTgh. . ap3
J“OHiT WATT, {successor to Ewaitdc (febban,)
Wholesale Grocer ainl Commission Merchant,
dealer in-Pfodube and Pittsburgh Manufacture*,, cor
ner of Liberty jnd Hand *lTeeta,_Piu*bnrgh Pa. jai#
J AMES”B McGLIBE, (iato of the firm ofAlgeo and
MeGuifeJ Merchant Tailor, St Charles Buddings.
Third street, near Wood, Pittsburgh.
JAMES A. HUTCHISON, It Co.-r Successors to
Lewi* Hutchison 4 Co., Cummiicion Merchant*,
■nd Agent* of the St , Louis Steam Sugar ReiiitCry.
No. 45 water and ta front street*, Pitubujrglu
janj * . .'
Jft. DILWORTH 4 Co., Wholesale Groeyrs, Pfo
• duce and Commisiuou Merchant, and’ Aherns
tor the Hazard Powder Co. of N. TU 1 No. Wood st,
Pittsburgh. _ _ .
T OHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, and deal
|l er in Dye Stuff*,Faints, Oils, VaTtusne*, 4c-, No. DU
Wood stlfeet, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pfß*-
bargh. __
JAMES KERIL Jr., 4 Co_ {successor to Joseph U.
DaViaJShip Chtnvdler*, 3fl Water street. ocUl
JOHN 11. MELLOIL, Wholetoie and Retail dealer
in Morie omfMastcol Instraioem*, School Bool*.
Paper,’Slates, Steel Pen*, yuills, Punier*' Card*, and
Stationary generally, No. Hi WoodsL, Putsluugh.
Rags bought or taheu tu trade. ' sepli
JSCHOONMAKER 4 Co- Wholesale Druggist*,
• No. 24 Wood »tre«t, Pittsburgh.
JOHN D. DAVIS, Aucuouecr, comet sth and Wood
streets, Pittsburgh. . * j ocis
TOHNSTON 4 STOCKTON. Bookseller*, Printer**
J «<n<t paper Manufacturer*. No. 44 Market sL. PtU 4 *
jOHJt ILOID, aiCUAEI) suite
J 4 R.’FLOYD, (late J. Floyd A Co-) Wholesale
• Grocer*, Ko. iW Liberty street. »ep3
JjtMVR DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Cemmisafon
Metehant,and dealer in Produceund.pHubugii
No 24 Water *l., Pittsburgh.!; JgjUp ,
JOHN M. 'TOWNSEND, Druggist aid ApoUietthry,.
No. 45 Market «u, three door* above Third *t. rttli*
burgh, will have constantly on band a-well selected a*,
eortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which,he
will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians
...mtiny orders, will be promptly attended to, aud sup*
plied -with articles they may rely upon as genuine..
Hr#- Physicians Prescription* will boaccurately >tod
uSuiy prepared from the best material*, at nuyiiuarof
ad day or night . , ' ' - rvV ; .:T^v. t
Alsdfcf said, 4 large cock of fresh and good f’erfo>
mery. __ _ i*iH
17' IER A JONES, Forwarding anti Commission Mer
lx chants, Dealer* in Produce and Pht*burgb manu-
UCtured oruclea, Canal Basin, near “tft »C dift
KENNEDY, CHILDS A CO., Manafkemrer* of very
superior 4-4 Sheetings, Carpel Chain. Cotton
Twine and Batting. jnatHff.
Vesuvius Iron Work.**
LEWIS, DALE ELL A Co„ inanuiaciaxtrs of aIL»J
-l ges Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron anil Nruls of the best
quality. Warehouse, &4 waver and 11)5 trout *L
T a WATERMAN. Wholesale Grocer, Forward
-1 j t inr and Commission Merchant: Dealer in Piit*-
and Produce, Nos 'JI Water u,
and C 2 Front r- ' W
LOOSING CLASS Manufacturers, anil Wholesale
dealers In foreign and donie»bo~>Variety Good*-
Western ncrctuuiltt Pedlars and others are untied
to and examine the prices and quality of oar stock,
at with OUT present increased faeUliies in manufactur
ing ? n| l purchasing, we think we can otfer as great
inducements lo buyers a* any other house west Ofthe
Mountains. _ _ jaiMy
iohs ycrr i- js*. n x'oiu- walteb c. rot.
McGILLS A ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Commis
sion Merchants, No. Liberty ft, Pittsburgh.
MURPHY. WILSON A CO, {late Jones, Murphy A
Co.) Wholesale Deaiere tu Dry Goods, Km. 4?
Wood street, Pittsburgh. ‘ .novttt
m. sLLXS, At.**, arnica, wm it. stwea.
TIC ALLEN A Commission aud Forwarding
jV| . Merchants, Water and Front it*., between
Wood and Market sis. jiuiC
wat wr, |>|ni l a -w. sicsxxsos.
Mti.V.f'h RiCKUTSON, Whole* aleGrocer*and
Commiiuon Merchants, No. 170,, Pitu-.
burgh, Pa. .
ftTPH KWW 11-SON, portrait aud Miniature Pom-;
ter. Rooms, corner of Host Office’Alloy and
Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market
decthdtf •
XT H™ MF-S A SON, No. 53 Market second
ill « door from corner of Fourth,.dealers hi Foreign
ana Domestic Bills of Exchange, CemhcatcsofDcfos
iL Bonk Notes and Specie.
Collections mad on all tlje principal ciOe*
throughout the United States. ■ decL
N BUCKMASTEH, AnDkßMSS—Office. Fourth »t-,
• third door above Smithfield, south side.
Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest
can and legal accuracy. -~j .
Titleste Seal Estate Ac. _ OCi3My
Independent Police OIHc«.
-XT°- loa P'OURTU STREET.—Committing Ma*i»-
L*i trate, ALDKEXan SnxL. Chief o< Police, Roasirr
HUCt ___ _ ialG-d.lm j
H>T,Robmi, Bf< D.,
ShPTHALMIC SURGEON, will attend io the treat
ql menlof Diseases of the Eye.
X>r. R. has been engaged m Una of the medi
cal nrofeaiion for sixteen years, aud has conducted an
establishment for the ireauueut of diseases of the eye
alone (or sevarai yean.
Oma and residence, corner of Ssuidusky <i and
Strawberryalloy, Allegheny city.. __ , ectU -
firo PJSKIN TEA BTO&E.—No, ri £purth
KJfIJ »t, near Wood— All quantises of Green and
Black Teas, done up tn quaner, halt,- and
poana packages, ranging from 60 cts. per pound
iljsa jyi A. NES. Agt. fof.Pekin fed Co. -
I'kOßEilT MOORIJ Wholesaio tirocer, Rectifying
ft DiHiller, dealer in Produce. Pittsburgh Manufac
tures, ud i/l kinds of Foreign uad.-JtameiUc Woie*
Sul Liquors, No. 11 liberty street. 1 Oil hand * very
lartro stock? of superior old Monongahela whiskey,
which will he sold low for cash. aplany .
wSSrioMXwV ' ' wjcu. *. bobwsoh:
t{ M ROBIJJHON dt Co., Wholesale Uroceis, Produce
K f • »3Unu»si(M Merchant*, uitd Dealers In Pittt
0 55ii , uL3EK?si'ii« Lii^rtr'.L,
ETrodoco »u.l Pnuburgh Mauu/Mluit., Liberty «.
tfimbqrgli, IV
No. Hi liberty «. ? i
TjKYNOLBSA SHEE, Forwarding *od CommiiMoa
1C Merchant, for the Allegheny fUvei'Twj*•
ers in Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manuiuciures
and Chloride of time. . „ . .1
Tie Ugfecnprice,, in ch, p«U «11“ u '»" &r
try rap, Corner of Penu and lrwui *u- ,
SMITH & JOHNSON, Wboleaftfc wrf Retail D«h*er»'
in Millinery Goods, Luces, Hosiery - aiu|_‘ ?u^ c ) r
Articles, No. 4fl Markei street, 3u door above Tturd st,
Pittsburgh: »p 33
Ac. siucaLtar, . . Titus, k. wntra- ,
QHACKLBTT ft WHITE, Wholesale Dealers lr»
□ Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*. No. tfti Wood »t
piosborgfi- j feUTif •
S' A W. HAKBAUGH, Wool Merchants, Deakf*’
jj. u> Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding
■mi Commission Merchants, No. si Water «t.j Pitta.'
SMITH, HAUALtiV ft Co . Wholesale Grocers .
produce dealers. No. SSI Market street, between sth .
and ftb, North side, Philadelphia. k pots
t" rarrnriiga. •ioaa menuu, MAkrtiSD,'.
Sgf.T.y.Rfl A NICOLSj Produce and General Com*'
I mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty sL, Pittsburgh,:
iinsepd end Lard Oils. _
cT. F. VON BONNHORST, ft Cb., Wholesale
□si cera. Forwarding and Commission Merchant*;-
Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufacture# and Western Pro
duce. have removed to their new warchouse,{old stand)
comer of Front iu and CUtthccryXjuie. »
w. J. TKOni. t. ». SCOfT. -
•PBOTH.A SCOTT, Wholesale «nd Retail dealers i(v
X Boots. Shoes, Trunks, Carped Dags, Ac., '"S. W l
o mer ol4th and Smilbfieia su, PhGuurgh, Pa. jn3
A BEST, Wholesale Grocers and Commit-
JL tloi) Merchants, and dealers iir- Produce. No. S 0
Woo(UwFta»baiTfli. pa£L
W.~ W \VILSON, Dealer ui : Wausbes, Jewelry,
* ouver Wan, Military Goods. Ac-, No 57 Mar*
*«:«V , nov7 ‘
• ™ ira - D WTCX, DAVID aCCVXUUaS-
A M'CANDuESS, (successors U> L. & J. D
*:YV Wickj Wholesale Grocers. Forwarding and
Commission Merchants, dealers m iron, Nails. Glass.
Uonod Vn/ns, arid Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally,
f>iWVioi! and W#tet -irects. Piu*bar*n.
%] ltE&t BOWKN —Commission ami Forwarding
■YY Merchant, No. 90 From si between Wood aim
Marketj&nti. febiil
tW \y, WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Furnish
, iSg establishment, No. 2M Liberty si, near lb#
R. MURPHY, Wholesale and Rcuul dealer in
« Foreign and Demesne Dry Goods, north east
goria-r of Market and Fourth sts. aagtU
pwiL Tocito. nru. a. is’cinru.
YlfM. -YOUNG A Co.—Dealera in leather hides, te.
itt 14.1 Liberty n. ' _ _
Wm. ntcTuitos. ~~ no*?. n’cmcaxos-
W.A K. M’CUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, deu
• lera In Frodace, iron. Nails, Glass, and PtU*.
burgh Manufactures gcudralfy. 162 Liberty si, r*tl»*
burgh. dec2
WVV Watches. jewelry, ifiiTer Wure».
• and MibtarTGood*,cocue* of Aluxketaad,4Ui
Wreels, Pittsburgh, Pa. ,N. B.—Watches and Clocks
Carefully ri*pmrr»i _ i If: _J*pc4
Yl/ iLLIAJtI SMlfri, Manufacturer of Cotton and
YY ' colored Linen. Krinees/afJDresses,Ac . P<*wmg
Silk and colored Colton Fnnge-rfor silk mid gingham
Parasols. Gimp, iMolmir, nud Silk .liuiUon Fonga*,
made to order on the shortest uotice.
Urojut. corner of Maiden Lane and William, entrance
No P 3 William street, third floor* over Abner A Elys’
store,No 65 Mtridru Uuir New York jylfl
■ \Tf &. M. MJTCHELTREE, Wholesale Grocer#
i_W • Rectifying Distillers, ami Wine and Liquo,
Merchants. Also, Empotteb of Soda Ash and Blcach
'ing Powder, No. I£o Liberty street, Pittsburgh, I‘a.
iitSSrCBSIt Omrs aaova M. Amur A Co,
■gßaSifiMl octal No. Water street.
i rsDEaisiTY.
-Pke'p'ranHin Fire Insurance Co. of Pktlmlclphia.
"■ \IRKCTORS.“-Charles N, lloncltcr, TJiodk lltn,
jL/|Tbbias Warner, Samuel Ueqm, Jacou R. Smiih,
qßc|WTttchards, Motdeeai D. U-wu, Adolpho K.
• Brown, Morris tfattcraon. „
' *1 CnxELX" N. Basclks, President.
Charles 0. Bsncker, Secretary.
Continue to make lotonmca, perpetual or limited.
ob overs doftriptioA oC. propeiiy . ui or country.
at rates as low os are doiisistejll tOiih secacity.
To CompunyJifTe reserved o large conungemFurfd,
whleLwitb tpeitQapiuil and Pretonnn*, safely fnvesf-
atnplo protection lo the k*s tired.
Tm**4cU of jio company, on January Ist, 1549, os
agreeably to an act of Assembly, were as
Temporary Loans
: . Bi,as.«9y 71
• Fiiipe licit incorporation, a period of 19 years, they
itove paid upwards of one million foot hundred ibons
and dollars, josses by fite,thereby affording evidence
cf the advantages otinsatance, as well as the ability
and disposition to meet with protriptnes* all liabilities.
J:oail-dly Office N E corner Wood and 3d su
JQHN FINNEY, Jr., Agent at Fiusbargb for tile Del
aware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Pluia
adelphia hire Risks upon buildings and merchandize
of every description- and Manne Risks upon hulls or
cargoes df vessels, token upon the most favorable
rilr~ Ot&ec in the Warehouse of W. U. Holmes A Bro.
N 0137 \S'au.T, near Market «ireet, Fm.iimrjth.
N-U-—The soere** of this Company ruicc ilie estalv
lishmem of the Agency in this cay, wub ibe prompt
ness and llboThlity with which ever) cl turn upon them
for loss boil been adjusted. fully warrant the agent in
utntlng tbecoo&deoce und patronage of ms friends tuul
tiid community at laxge to the Delaware M. S. Ln*u
rpfccc Company 1 , labile It boa the additional advantage*
as’on institution among the must nourishing in Philadel
phia—as hiving aa^ginplcpaid-in capital, winch by the
operation of iu eUtnar ut coustamiy increasing, as
yielding to each pcnft&jnsurcd bis aue share ot the
protits of the company,-tfAjout Involving him ui any
responsibility wbauvoy aa possessing
the .Mutaal princjple'diveated'of every obnoxion* fea
ture, ladlnluiitpat attractive,fona. nov4
' A> v: ~
rpH£iii*Qraa£»C«ninanyof North Amines, utrongh
X itAdttly aaftionieif Agcmtj'Uio tafescriber, oflerc to
muk« portnfiitcui ami lunittdliuunince an property, in
ihU ciiv.oSid'lia Yiemiiy,da«i on shipment* jby Ihe Ca
nal ano'Riveri.
Charles Taylor,
Ambrose White.
Arthur fiTCoffin,
Sam’l W’Joc&a,
Hdwanl Smith
John A. Brown,
John White,
Jacob M Thoniai, *
John R. Neff,
Richard £h Wood,
Wto. Welsh,
Frames llosions,
9. Austin Alii bone,
Thomas P. Copr,
Samuel P. Majih,
Samuel Brook*,
Hr*BY D Buebkeko, Seo'y.
Thisi* the olden Insurance Company u> the Uuiied
Sutn, having been chartered m 1794. its charter 1*
perpetual, and from u* high minding, long experience,
drnpJe mrfnn», and avoiding nli ml'of au extra hax
irdotu character, it may be considered a* offering am
ple security to the public. VV. ?J*. JONE&.
1 At iheCoumiiig Koom Of Atwood. Jone# * Co., Wa
fer oiid Front streets Pittsburgh. asyh
'roleclion lninrante Co. of Uariford, Conn.
j FUND.—The umletMgued, having been appointed
Agent of the Protection insurance Co., will take risk*
On property u\ the city and vicinity, and on shipments
- iv cnnas.und ibe river* aiul lakes.
Office, No }S7 Wood sireel
(j'tHE »L itbCKIUtK ua« hceii appointed Agent pro
i lero 6! (he huomnni Conipui) ol iHund America,
and wit! i*«ue i’oUci<» asd aiiend t» ibeoii cr Uimuiti**
Of ihe Agc'ic'", ol 1 tit' warehouse Ol Alwooii, Jour i.
Co. , up la \VM l'.Jti,NF.\ water <t
c. a. uastarcuwco, > uuijllho tut.
tobacco cuaiuisxo'raEßCHAsm,
No. 59 South Wharves, i_.J No. 117 South Water sL
BEGS to luform the .caJu and.dcalers generally, of
Pittsburgh, that they ante made such arrangement*
Wtlh the , Virginia Dtauu|aciurers and tiie Growers of
the West, West indies, auu other places, as will insure
a large And, eoustani supply of the following descrip
tions of Tobacco, which win be sold upon a* accom
modating terns as any other bouse in this city or else
where, and all goods ordered from them will be war
rented equal to representation.
Havana; St Domingo; Court; )
Vara; Porto Rico; Penn’a.; >Seed Leaf to-
Cuho; Iguuu; A Florida, j baeco;
• ALSO—Brunch's celebrated Aromatic Slag Caven* i
dish. With U large assortmeat of other popular brand*, I
tuid qualities of pounds, sft,5 ft, ds, 12s, 10s and 32*. Lump; |
&*. 0, os and |(js Plug; Ladies’ Twist, Virginia Twist j
Ae., m eci uml plain, in whole and hull boxes, wood I
and un. together with every variety of article belong
ing usitieirado. yelCdly
. (Successors to Rted, Hurd ft C 0..)
Particular attention paid to the sale of all kinds of Pro
duce, and liberal advances made ou consignment*
L. R. A Co, have leave to refer to—
Messrs R. Robison’A Co ) p, tl _ bllT - h
“ - McGill ft Roe. 5 P‘U»burgb.
Reed; Parks ft Co., Beaver,
a Lawson ft Covodc, WellsvtUe, O
Boswell Marsh, lAq. Sleubeimile, O
S. Brady, Esq. 1
W F Peterson, Esq 1 W IU v
Messrs R Crangle ft Co. " baling, Va
>* Gill ft SU»t»C J
** Rhodes A t>gleby, Bridgeport, O.
Commiuion Alerttiant ami forwarder,
P~7» Particular attention paid lo the purchasing of
of any article of Produce in this market. Al«o to the
forwarding of Goods generally. Refer to
Messrs. John Swasey A Co. 1
“ Martin A Sioekweli >CineinnaU, O.
P.-C. Purkhurst, Fjuj. j
Lippincott ft Co. )
Kier ft Jones, VPituburgli, Po-
English A Bcnnnt. ) tnar'idfim
Gonunisalon and Portvardlng Hercbauu
so. ‘JO wool) rr., rirmßtaou,
CONTINUED to transact a general Commission busi
ness, especially in the purchase and sole of Ameri
can Manufactures and Produce, and in receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned Ur his care. As Agent for
the Manufacture*, he wilt he constantly supplied wnh
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the
lowest ; wholesale prices. Orders aiul conugnmcnu
are respectfully solicited. >97
MERCUANDIriK BROKER and Votunussiou Mer
chant, No. 35 South Front street, (second story,)
Philadelphia. (JjTGoods nnrehased, packed, insured,
and shipped to order. Wool, Flour, Gram. Dn*d
Fruit and Cheese received on consignment and stor
age, with insurance obtained.
Rkfuesscx»— Wm. Bell A rton, Mr 11. Higby, and
Mr Harvey Child*, Pittsburgh. icb-dbin
IrODt saili« Cotton Yarns Pittsburgh
01 an of act area geueraUy,
.bo. 10 wood - rraarr, Ptrrsni nun, rx.
For the sale of Produce generally,
in* liberal advances made on consignment*
(■QA-dftwfltuT i
Transportation to tine East.
llOatßT & cornu,
CommiMion and Forwarding AgcnU.
G M. HARTON, Piwburgh, w»JI receipt Produce
r "' f Ean. feblB-<ma
R, T. LEECH, JR. i ,
hnvarter and. Whaler *n Foreign tuul Domat™
fiaHrfler? Hardware & Carriage TrinmiDgi,
*!. 1-11 Wood it.,PUtibwgh,Pa.
. **■. |f :C j-i. SnrjuK fUpply •• OlKld*, and
T 8 now Ooachmakers und
1 mvUeothß M^aUWi 0 fet poa lk9
Merchant* • * t l #0Br ee». and M therefore
T°i-SfS‘SS« A^>?^^KL: *S
V*. «A*DT W»- f. JOBSS
Hardy, jones a Co., («ncc«w«*
Joues A Co.) Comioiiium and Forwanufig Wer
ehasta, dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufactured Good*,
Pitutarfbr Pa. ‘ mchi7
attorney at law,
!Jitilrr. Pa
WILL aUp attend locoilretion* and other haw
ne«« cHtru«te<l to him in Butler and Arnt*tri>u»
counts*. P»- to
j.t A Floyd, Liberty m j
W. W. Wallace, do l
Jamet Marshall do ? Pittsburgh
dJy Kay A Co., Wood si. ( j*n7
JR SWEITZER, Attorney ar Law, office 3d *t .
a opposite At Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also
aticml promptly td.Collections, in Washington. Fayoue
and Green counties, Pa.
Black-stock. Bell A Co., Y
Church A Carothm, >PitNl>urgn.
D T. Morgan, 3 »el3dly
ijl J HENRY", Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
|js Cincinnati; Ohio. Collections m Soothern Ohio,
ami m Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and curr
tdlly aueuded in. Conusissionar far the ?mte of fVmv
sylVania. for taking Depositions, acknowledgment*,
Ac, Ac.
Rurut to— Hon. Wra. Bell A tV»n. CurtU, Church A
Carothen*,_\Y'm. Hays, F.*q . Wilioek A Davis.
_ ''jTOjcrrrffiefiKT
ATTORNEY AT Law. Office removed to Fourth
Street. between Sraitlifield and urant stTret
TYUNLOP A SEWELL, attorney at I jiw, Offie** ou
\J Smithtiold, between 3d and 4th *t*.
JOHN H.HANKJN, Attorney audCounsellor at Law
and Comnfisaioner for the of Peimsylvanjfi.
Louis, Mo,, (late ol Pittsburgh )
RumuNCßs.—Pittsburgh: Hon *W Forward. Hnmp
on A MtUer, M’Cundles* AAPOlfitc, Joan F. Parke,
Bissau* A Semple. M'Cord A Kind- jel4 l y
A TTORNKY AT LAW. Fourth -tr.-ct, between
■t\. Smultfieid and Grant. ;aISS-dom
ATTORNEY" AT LAW. Founb street, near Gram.
WO H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Low. has re
. moved his office to the Exchange Buildings. St.
Clair *t. next door to Alderman John*. up 171 y
hats, caps and bonnets,
THE subscriber, in addition to his own
jW manufacturing of Hats, has mode arrange- JEW
™ QktsenU with Meisra. Beliec A Co n (the
fashionable hatters of the eity of New York,) for a reg
ular supply of lus extra fine Silk Hals, and having .iusi
received a few coses, gentlemen cun be sailed with a
vet)' nch and be&uuiuYfiat by culling ut his new Hat
ana Cup Store. SmilhLeM street, second door south of
Fourth, where may be found a great variety of Hal*
and Cdo* oi his own manufacture, wholesale aud re
tail. HaU made to order on short notice
$1,047,40? 41
W,?*4 w
Oil,ool 83
(Successor* to M'Cord A King) CShBL
•%, Fashionable Ustler’s, :
Comer of TUixaf a.u<l JPtjlh Strutt. ■
PARTICULAR auenuoa paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon grtunx weir Hats and
Caps from out establishment of the best junonui and
wounaSShir. of the latest ctileb. and at tnc lowest.
Country Merchant*, purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully invited to «al. and examine our Block; a*
we can say with confidence that us regard* qexun
and fuck it will not suffer in a comparison vntli any
house in Philadelphia fcbl7
HaTB.'CaPS AND MUFF*— Thej«?& k
JOB anhacriber is now receiving from the CBS*
of New Y’ork, a choice assortment ■r I ®®®
of Hats. Caps and Mud*, latest fashions, in great varie
ty and very- cheap, wholesale anti retail.
c-ng CALIFORNIA HATS--PJ dox water proot
I aB Cnllfortiln Huts. )u»t received ami tor sale bv
ieh27 corner util aud Wood >t*
/ g M’CORD ACo will introduce on Sotur- ; Q
March 3«] the Spring «i)le>'t
Those in want of a neat and superior nat. are invited
tti eal| at corner o> .‘mi an.l tV.iod »trcci* uiard
Dr. Korp’s Celebrated Kcmedirs.
TNR. JACOB S. ROSE, the d.*, overer a... 1 »«> pro
I / pnetoe,of these most popular aud beuefirial aieni-
Icine*. and *'so the inventor oi the cei. nrated in-ini
liient for induting ttie l.aag*. ,n riferuug a rare of
Chrome diseases, was a student of that cement ph> si
nan. Doctor Physic, and I- a gmUoaie of itie Lin verm
tyof Pennsylvania, and tor dirty year* since bos been
engaged in the investigation of disease, and ihr appli
cation ot remedies tlirreto.
Through the use oi hi* induing tube, m eounection
with lu« Prophylactic Bjrup anil .nlier <>r m* rcmedir-.
he has gained an unparalelled eminence in curing
dose dreadful aud fatal maladies. Tubercular f an
sumpuiin. Cancers. Bcrofuis. Rheumnuuu. Asthma,
Fover and Ague. Fever* of all kind*. Chronic Erj *'pe-
Ins. and ail those otistiusie ditease* p- cuoa; io frnia ,r.
Indeed every lorm of disease vaiusnes under tnr u--
of his remedies, U> which humanity is heir—not by the
use of one compound ouiy, for Ui»t is incompatible
with Physiological Law, but by the use of his reme
dies, adapted to and prescribed tor each prcutiar form
of disease.
Dr. Rose's Toiuc Alterative Pills, when used are in*
variably acknowledged Jo be nupertor to oJi oihex. as
a purgative or llvfer ihiltauch as they leave the
bowel* perfectly free from os stsr, his
Golden Pilj* is admitted b\ the faculty to possess pecu-
Imr properties odapted to lenialr bat being that a bare trial is sutlicirnt to establish whai
has been suid in the minds of the most skeptical.
The alflicted nre invited to coil upon thr and
procure (gratis) one ot Uie Doctor's pamphlet*, giving
a detailed accsunt ol cacti remedy and its application
For i>*)c by the ful'owmg ogrnu, *« well a* by m*>‘t
Druggists tlirougbOut me ewuiiir)
J Bcboonmaker A Co, k 4 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
J hi Towinrod, isu Id Market st u
Iwu A lirvahuin, " near the. P O Allegheny c,;y.
Jus Hartley, Dnrimtruia. Beaver county Pa
Jiio Kiiioti, Eiuion Vailey, “
T Adam*. Beaver, "
; HKD’—W»vmg a (or long time been distressed
with a severe pant in Uie side and ehevt. accompanied
with a dry rough-1 wi< tndneed, upon the urgent so i
citauou u( a irluitd, to Dr. Taylor's Balaam of Liver
wort, and 1 mu<t say this medicine ban onwnrd ,u
purpOft* odpitrabiy My distress was produced ny a
severe hurt ar.d was no great thnttt wa* witn difficulty
1 rout! twa!!ow tny lood Indeed, iam siiusbed tm«
disease moot have terminated in Consumption, or »wtnt
fatal disease, hod il not been cured by tins judicious
medicine To all who seek to prolong tticir live*, I
would advise the use of Dr Taylor’s Balsam of Liver
wort. JA.MEr* IRIWA.V 420 Bowery
This medicine lucmiates ripcciortuum. reduce* le
ver, restoresntroi gth, and mav be considered a* » «u
-penor preparation lor the cure iuid prevention of sii
diseases in the Cfcesi and Lungs, and should he reso-.t
ed 10, cvrn after these diseases have resisted the u*u
at remedies. In the practice of this old and very re
spectable physician, Uii» Balsam of Liverwort na* •
q aired an enviable reputation for it* virtues. u« supe
rior to that of the abundant no-tjum* of tbfe do>. its
was ttic character and probity of it* u. vrtiior. to that
of quack* and empiric*
CONSUMPTION CURF.D —My *on having u vi.j
lent cold, used to cough violently, raising qaa&uije* of
thick putrid main i, und finally he could not lam over
la bed, from weakness. He manifested every symp
tom of rotihnnc.i consumption. For six years he had
been subject to itic aeliuna. Jits physicians. .Motr*
Vermoulc A Anderson, said B' was incurable mid
ruuit soon die. 't •t I was determined to try l>r Tay
lor’s Balsam of Liverwort, amt *trange a» ,t may ap
penr. this medicine tin.* tuiiy restored his health.
SOPHIA OALI.ON.H Norfolk strr-t
Sold In Pittsburgh d>' J D Morgan, tf3 Wood ft, J
Towiueud. 44 Market «t; If Smyor, por Market and
3d its; Henderson A Co. flljitcny st. Price rvdnrird
toSKif) per hottlo ja26
Jaynes' Expectorant.
Samcat, Colnmbiana c« , O . Apr IM, JMI.
DR D. JAYNEB: DaARSia;-l '-el bound to you
aad the alßieted public, to avail my *elt of thi* op
portunity of giving publicity to tin- extraordinary erfeets
of your Expectorant oiiuiytelf. Having been afflicted
for srereral years with a severe cough, hcp.Uo fever
and its concomitant dtssuisrs, and scctacd indy doomed
to huger out a abort but miserable existence, aatij the
fail ol laifii, when, being more severely attacked, und
haring reported to oil my former remedies, and the pre
scriptions of two of the most respectable physicians in
Ihe neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
consolation of surviving but u lew days or week* ai
farthest—when itx- lust gleam of .hope was about 10
vanish, I had recommended lo me your Expectorant—
and blessed by Ui'H Being who does ail tilings in the
nan of the mean*-- aad contrary lo the uxpeciation* of
nay physicians nnd friends, I was in a few days raised
from my bed, and was molded by Uie use of n bottle, to
nueud to my business, enjoying since better health than
] had lor len years previous.
Respectfully yours, Ac., J as W Kvtill
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea r*lore, 7if
Fourth street. mans
ly sanatory, balsamic and ionic properties ot tni*
Vinegar render it i*r superior to Cologne water lor
the ordntary purposes of the toilet, surpassing Uie Ist
ter in its perfume. It prevents amt removes pimpV*,
teller ami u«pefity 01 the «ki». it rclrrabe* ami wtuieu*
the skin, rendering it soil and smooth It eurren- the
clammy and hitter tnetr of ihr mouih, imparting a lre»h
and pleasant breath. It amt whiten* ttie
teeth, and harden* the gums For alt the shave pur
poses, u tt used with water in sueh proportion as may
be found moat agreeable liy inhaling h uml rubbing
it on the temple*, n will remove headache li applied
nistaJi'.ly to a horn or hrune, it will eventually prrvmi
niartifieaUon It eorrrnt vitiatrd air. ami guorutiliei
frum contagion; it i» therefore very useful iu< purifimi?
and perfuming aimrtmrut*. For sale hy
H K SKLLKR&t Whoin.uir Druggist,
j 7 Wood «uert. Pittsburgh
Dr. floLans In Teunesses.
I*lllB i» Ui certify that I purchased one vial of Or
McLane** Worm specific, »«>ine two month' ago
tad gave to a son of mine. same seven yeas* oltl. two
te&M’OO'U full, and although tlir amount may appear
ione, y*t I have no doubt but there was upward* oi
t»o nuoun wuuna passed from him. taea*uritiß
*10(0 oca rruomr oi ou inch u> two mcliee long.
Rom 1 * Carrol eo Trim . Dee «7. IMT. j«M4
C-ou'ZUc*. Jan. >*th. 1 r'ln
Mr It. K. Seller*:—Your Vermifuge ho* mid writ,
and bo* been bigliy spoken ot bv all Who bay* used
iL From the success unending tin? ndiniDiitration oi
your Vermifuge in every ra«e I have heard of, I sin
confident l cuii sell more during the earning *ra«on
than 1 did last J will he glud to receive another *up
ply of< or 0 aros*. Yours, respecuuby,
l ßilrtct from leurt.j R. CARTER
Prepared and sold by K K- SELLERS. 67 Wood »t,
and sold by drugguis grnrraily, m Pittsburgh and Al
leghny ja£J
lit- t llatMwß fc’V.’nfrvts* oxo »- Boaia-o*
No ti 2 Gerund street,
rochtfiidtlm* ST LOUIS, Mu
T'HE subscriber Uo* removed Ins Wholesale tiroee
ry Store to the eoruer of Hancock street and A be
gheny Whan; next door to the Perry House.
_ mcha7dtf John f perry
A'PRIE-Josiob, nt»g, a large and selected iiS*ori
tnept of fine >\ urbes and Jewelry, which will
be sold tt cheap as In aityblher establishment in Hu*
or the Eastern cities
Also—A large lot of variety store Wait-lie* and Jew
elry, at very low prices Pail jewelled 1$ karat Held
Levers, os low as thirty-five dollars.
mobSO corner 4ib and market ns
ryvHK co-t»armrf*hip heretofore ettaung between the
I subsenberv in the name of Friend, Rhry A l'o.,
was this day dissolvedby mutual consent. Gen Rb.*y
will settle the buviuess of the concern, for which pur
pose be i* authorized to use the name ol the firm.
Febtuary 7, l»4sf GEO. RJIEY
The subscribers have this dayassoctatcd themselves
in the name of RHEY; MAITHKWB A Co., for tfle
purpose, oftran*afltf»(f**eoe*i»G/ocerf. Commission
and Forwarding Business, M the «tand of the Inte firm
of Friend. Khey ACo , where they will be pleased to
receive the patronage of the customers of that btrude
and out friend* GFX). RHEY .
February 7 lt*4tf WM EBBS.
We take pleasure in recommending to the confidence
of our inyuds and those of Friend, Rbey A Co . our
•uc4rs*tH9 in business, Rbey, Mauhflws A Qca.-ii
fei.y _ _
Dissolution* f
nriHEeo-partnershipbMetofoTotlWtni hetjreen the
1 «übsenbers. in the name of Constable, pbrke A
C.i.ii this day dissolved by mutual cortdMß. Messrs.
Burke A Barm*» will settle the ba»ine*v of'the con
cern tor wlueh purpose limy are authorised tOkMe U»e
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLJa
Tii a undersigned have this' day aanomaied themselves
in the name of BURKE A BARNES, for the purpose
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes. Vault Doors, Ac.
Ac., at the *tand of the late firm or Constable. Burke
A Uu.. wbore they will be pleased to receive the pa
tronage of the customer* or that house and their friend*.
In reunng from the 6rm of Constable, Burke A Co .
1 with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke A
Barue* to the confidence of my friends and the public.
febl.'l-dtf _
rTIHE partnership ao long ejuting under the firm df
JL M’Cord A King, was oy mutual consent dissolved
on the I»t nisi. The business will be closed at the old
stand aitlier of us. using the name of the firm for
that purpose Being deairoiu to have our business
closed with as hule delay ha possible, wo would re
spectfully request those indebted to coil and settle
their accounts JOHN D. M’CORD,
jaiw H D. KING
JOHN D M’CORD having associated with him his
brother Jume.* M'Cord, under the style of M’Cord
A Co., will continue the Hat, Cap mid Fur harness tti
an iu various branches, wholesale aud retail, at the
Old stand, corner of Wood and sth street*, whor*.they
(elicit a condonation of tbc patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old firm JOHN D M’CORD.
ja* JAMES 9. M’CORD-
IN retiring from the old and well known firm of
M’Cord A King. I most respectfUy recommend to
tbe patronage ot the public uiy successor*. Messrs.
APronl A tx>. jaii" H. D KING
jambs wilsun*
South held *u 3d door south ot *lO
rpHK partnership of MLRPHY A LEE i* tin* day
X dissolved by mutual consent The business of the
late firmi'yvili he settled Jl J R. MURPHY*.
Pittsburgh. Jan 30, 1?4» H LER
N’OTiOE—'The undersigned will couunue the Wuoi
l>u«ine»% and uueud to the sale of Woolen Goods, at
tl.r uid itoad. H. I.EFI
In retiring from the firm of MunmyA Lee, 1 take
crent pleasure in recommending Mr. H. Ur to the
confidence oi my fngi>ds und Uie pubUi'.
Pnuburghj Jan. 3tkl«4k __ JR MI’RPHY
lUiE subscriber* Itave Uus day associated ificflc
»clvr« together for Hie purpose of transacting a
wt.olrsn.e am) rrtaii Dry Good* and t.rocrn t-auncss,
nt No ‘All opposite Seventh itreet. under uie
*l) le u ud firm of BUSH FIELD A HA YS
Pittsburgh. January 1.154 b
N. B—Our old cusuuucrs ami the public arr invited
to give u« u rail j*i> .
have entered uito iiaruicrship. under the firm of
St'AIFK A ATKINSON, and will carry on the Tin.
Copper an.l Sheet Iron Ware taanuiaotory
Also. lU..rl*iniUuiig in ail lU litarietics, at the o.d
sta&d oi Y\ ui B. Scone, First *irect. near Wood
it aiimuoii nven to steamboai work
fpHK P.\RTNEKBHIP ol W* A R H*rs having
X been dis-olvnl liy the death or one of the partners,
(lie interest or Wm. Hoy*. Jr. deceased, in -aid firm,
cnnsi-tiiig or Hide*. lx*ulher. >lm» 111; A. be on ,iir pr-iui*e* or, ibeJsia m»i
iVii*-ui J A M fc> LAIGHLIN. Admini«trator
IllA% l. 'bi* il»y associated wait me .n the wh*ir
»a.e i .roeerv. rroduee and Uommission husiness,
111) tnoiriei Josepa, under Uie firm of J B DILWUHTH
January l. t ~49
CulPautkßrsuip —\N m Y oung ha viug uni
) day a»s<H'i,aed wnb him. John R M'Cunc. the lea
llier hu»i!ies< will hereaitcr be conducted or»Jrr the
firm of \\ bi. Young A Co WILLIAM Y«R.NG,
jail. 1 ) JNO If MiTNT.
N KW’ IMNIK^— Piignm's Progress and
the l-iic and Tunes ol Joan Uanviu, by the Rev
Geo. a Cnrever, D I).
Wandering* of a Pilgrim m ihe Httadow oi Mourn
JUauc. by Geo BChevver D 1)
Tbe Journal of die Pilgrim* si Phmi»uth, in New
England. m ItilM Reprinted from the original volume,
principles ar il persons, b\ (ieorire H Cheeeer D D.
second editim.
tinpii»m w itli rpirtfn. BU> it* uupoil and mode* !•)
Edward lifp. a-r, I) U
lull* ami Correst-onitenee ol John Foster, edited ’>>
J K Kyimul, v i.h uouce of Mr Foster as a preacher
and a coci|>ui..oa. b) John Sheppard—new edition
I i»e above -*-Lh a large »toe* of Throiogieal. Hi.
tonca:, Medu 41 and School Kooks, tor »aic at low
I'r..- by L1.1.10T F A ENGLISH. 79 Wood »t,
roar i beiweco 4tli si and Diamond alley
Thornton, late Judge of the Supreme Court of 1 ir
egou—w.tli :.,i Appemfii, including recent and »u
Uitn.ic information on the *ub,ert of the (fold M.ue*
and other valuable manor of interest 10 the . migrant,
with tiujin -.ii, 1 lusuiiwon, and a map; 2 vols, I2mn
The 1,0:.I Seeker. Manual, brmf a practical and
uuUfucUve gu.ilr to al> persons emigtaJiug U> the god
regions hy D T Anated, Frol, oi Geology.'s COl
, lege, lyimdou l voi.paner 25c.
Note* of Travel in California, comprising the prom-
• -irat Iroijre. ot ute couatry, also, me route Iroui Furl
l,rnrenworth Mo , to Sau Diego, Cal. From the or!.-
eis) reports 01 Col. Fremont and ,\Uj Emory. I voi,
trO<J pages. 25c.
The California Guide Book, comprising the ,a*i
med work, logeUier with Col Fremont's Geographical
aecount of Upper California, and hi* Narraiive of m«
Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountain*. A, .
wr.ii 2 map*—l vol. ivo, paper fine
Rev Bap list W Noel's Work on the Union ol Church
and .State—l vol. l2mo. Si 25.
Apollo Huildiux*. 4tb >i
Ju«t received by
Homo*’ BO«lKK”—Edgar's Variations of Popery.
by Ke7 1' Sparry; Xenophon’s Works; Tacitus'
Work* l nirer»rty Sersons. by Waylsnd; Natu-a:
Hisiin- *,f Enthusiasm. Life and Time* of Philip Hen
rv l.i e„i (irv Henry Venn Proverb* »l the people
01 Msgnn),. Theopnany or mouilr .lanon of God m
I'lii' l ’. Meinoli • «,i J Foweil Buxton. Bun. Christ 1*
all. by Tymj. Baptism, ns import and mode*. The ,viid
die Kiugdmn 2 vols Cheever 1 * lectures on Pilgrim's
Proe«<»* Cheever’s Wanderings ot a Pilgrim in me
Alp«. Anderson's Domestic 1 onsutuuon. Moderate
eorop’ishmeiits, day* of K’ubn. Women of me
Hevu.titioii, by Mrs Elle'; Lire of poLok, lor *uir by
maria ELLIOTF A ENGLISH. TV wood .1
HUMAN MAGNETISM—It* claims to dt*pa**i<»i
ate inquiry; being an attempt ui show ihe utinty
of its application lor the rebel o' sudemig, by w.
Newnham, K*q, auihor of “The reciprocal influence
of Body and Mind." etc The best work on the subjo- 1
published For sale by ELLIOTF A ENGLISH,
maria TV wood
LIFE UK FRANKLIN, lilu*tratcd— In course ol
publication 11F die social form, by Harper A Bro
thers, New \ ork, The Life of Beigamiii Franklin, cun
sisUni: ol hi* Autobiography, mid a narrative of hi*
public I lie and services, by the Rev H Hostings Weld;
splrndidiy mubelltshed fcy numerous cxt;uisHe designs,
by John G Chapman, engraved in the highest «iyir oi
art Ine work is printed in the octsvo form, on s>i
perhne [.jjiciv iruin bold aad legible type. It will be
com, in, -l m eight parts, at 36 cent* each, and ' is*urd
at brief intervals. Kuril part will be received by ei
pre«* munedioiely after it* publication. Part Wt just
received and for -ale by
, corner market and 3d «t*
the urcessioitJU James ll.—Vol I.
The History of Alexander the Great, by Jacob Ab
bots. wiln map and engraving*
The History til Charles the Firsl ol England by Ja
cob Abbott— elegant engravings.
Harper'* Ijfe of Franklin: splendidly embellished
by numerous exquisite dc*igu».jNo I. 25 emu. To
be completed in b numbers
•Vtonat History u( England, up to the mga ‘*l
G»- «ge ill —eompleie in 4 vol#, octavo 13IMI illustra-
ju«t received by H HOPKINS,
feltA Apollo Buildings. 4th *t
Chaimer* Posthumous Work*, Vol. 5
Franklin's Ijlr. lUusiraW parts II and 111.
Mir History of Hannibal the Carthaginian, by Jacob
Abbott lliysiruied utie. map and numerous engra
Adier's Gramnicr and K.ngiish Dtcuouary, octavo.
Mory of Little John irom the Prench of Si C Jea
nrll Illustrated
Acton, or the Circlr ni Life A collrcuon of Tho*t*
mu! (ibser vatiAis, designed to demiealr Life Man und
me Worid
Hart * Rumunce of Yachting
Arabian Night* Entertainment*, Liuie'* iranaiauon,
splendidly illustrated. 3 vols, 13mo
Ju*t received by R HOPKINS,
febtt Apollo Hall, 4th «t
NEW BOOKS- History of Mary tfarm of Scot*.
By Jacob Abbott; with engraving*.
History of Ring Charles the First, of England By
Jacob Abbott, wtth engraving*
History of Alexander the Ureal By Jacob Abbott;
wifh engravings
History of liannibal the Carthaginian By Jacob
Abbott, with engraving*
Received und for sale by
fcbZi cor market and 3*t*
NEW BOOKS— Oregon and Calnomin in IME b)
J Ijainn Thornton, late Judge of ibe Supreme
Court of Oregon, und corropondmg member of the
American institute With an appendix, including re
cent and authentic information on the subject of the
GOLD MINKS of Calnomia, and other valuable mat
ter of interest to the emigrants, rte With illustrtuonn
and a map. In two voiumba.
Raphael, or pages of the book of life at twenty by
Alphonse tie author of the “History of tho
Girondist#, or Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of tho
French Revolution,” etc Just received and for oaJe
mch!4 corner market and .‘ld *t*
MAP of PENNSYLVANIA— Constructed from the
County Surveys authorized by the Slate, attd oth
er original document* Revised and improved under
the supervision ofWro. R. Morns, Civil Engineer, upon
data procured in each county, under authority of
Legislature. A few copies 01 this large and splendid
Map rereivrd tins day and for sole by .
Booksellers, cor market and 3d it* 9
06 * ARD t*tf***os, nonuroit. \ ,
pttTHIS emabluhmeni Jong uid wiJely YaowfcLjM
Pfl* e, , n f oue of the most commodious in the
Balamore, has recently undergone very* extea-■
uve pJieratiott* and improvement*. An enure new
wing has been added, containing numerous and airy
apartments, and extensive bathing room*
The Ladies' department has also been contplejely
reorganized und fitted op In a mo*t unique and oe Butt-
Oil style. In fact the whole arrangement of the- House
has been remodeled, with a single rye on the part of
the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of
tbeir Guests, and which they confidently assert will
*hallenge comparison with any Hotel in the Uninn.
■ Their table will always be supplied with every sub-
Mania! and luxury which the market adonis, served
up m a superior style; while in iha way of Wines, Ac.,
they will not be surpassed.
•I 1 . 1 oonc i U4lon 'he proprietors begiai>ay, that nothing
will be ten undone on their part,htrt bn the paTt tff their
o»wtjama. io render this Hotel wdnbVHMUS&USOed
patronage oftheir friends and the C4
The prices ior board have also bqtn tcdttfMlftpo,
following rates;
Ladies’Ordinary, f 1,75 perday^T* 1
ÜbnUemcn’s “ ijso f >m “
N. R—Thfc* Baggage Wagon of the Housg will ite
wavs be fount) l gi the Car and Bteamboa> Landings,
which will to and /com the Hotel, free
of charge. **„ _ inayblf
od*HW or rasa a,vd »r. 014 a us., ottsbuwii, px.
S ,Thc. subscriber bavmfe assumed the manage
item of this long esuabtlfflbd and popular Hotel,
respectfully announce* to TrsveUerm and the
that he will be m all umeg prepared
to aritomumdiue them in all thiugs desirable in a well
regulated The House 1* now being thoroughly
repaired througfcpgL and new Furniture addfed, ana no
pains will be sodraKo make the Exchange dge of the
very best Hotels in thAtoountry.
The undersigned teapfeUpltv solicits a continuance
of the very liberal p&tronnjr* the House has heretofore
received. THOMAS OW9TON,
febbdlf Proprietor.
coat** op roußTic *.vt> oratt iiinu. nrnraerbou.
A|A THE subscriber respectfully announces that
Kfll** has now opened hu new and oxcclleru Hotel
the ucrammodation of travelers, boarder*,
and- tha miblic generally. Tbe house and furniture
are entirely new, and no nains or expense have been
spared tt' render it one or the most rom/onable and
pleosanrHotel* in the city.
The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, a share of public patronage.
ocULQIy _ JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor
‘ 1 • 0 P B U Clt’jg T SAVED f
THE VIRGINIA HOTEL, on Baltimore street, near
the Depot. Cumbesdaßd, is now,in complete order
for the reception ami aocomoiodatioiv M the public.
Persons iu search of ease and will do well
to psixonize this establishment—they tbe
chamber* clean and niee. and the Table as Wdtbiur
r.ished gg any 1.-1 Cumberland, at twenty-five coma,
gugrantetel as good as any that can be bad in the
place, at any price, or no chargr. No charge for
transportation of baggage to and from the cars.
VlUTl!f> stf ATfis'HiFlfl&L,
caaxvy itt ,'Brrwtsn rcromi sxd nrra sre.
OPPQWTH late Bank of the United State*, Phila
marts/ Proprietor
Shafklttt 4 While,
DRV GfHIDS JOBBERS, M Wood street, ask tbe
attention of Merchant* to their stock of AMERI
direct from fir.t hands.
Receiving regular supplies ot but good* daring the
season, and devoting a large share of their aiteution
to Eastern Auction sales, they can confidently assure
buyer* they will find it to their Jntrreat to examine
iher stock “
Jtisl received, large invoices 01 new style Dress
Goods, Fancy Prims, Ls*»nuric» 1 .otlis, Summer
Goods, lut-cs. White Gihkls. lrt*n Liiien*. Tailor*’
Tnommp and brown and blenched Sheeting* of vari
ous brand* mart!
Dodoro and Antique Fnrnltnre,
sU, Tmui Sruxar, I‘mwcxnß.
/'WBI A large and splendid Atfi*
■Hp r «.Mjrtmrm«f Furni.ure.
JL suitable fer
HBBI Hotels and private dwei
liar*, constantly on hand and made to order.
The pre-oat stock 0.1 hand cannot l»e exceeded by
any manuisclorv .n the western country Person*
WisHiug to purcli.x.*e wnuiil do well i<« g,ve me * call,
an lam deiermioed mv prices siinii pies<e Part of
the stock consists in--
Bud.- - . Etaqci
IxiuisXJV Chau». F.lizabeUi rtiair*.
Tea Pny*c Knnt Tables.
Toilet Tables XV I'emmodet;
Fre.neh Vlnooganv 8.-«l»teads Piano S*ioois,
• SII sotaa with Plush arid Hair cloth covers;
SO Mahogany i'ha,r«,
40 tiox Parlor . do
“ Fancy do
2S centre Tables;
SO pair Divans; 4 pair pin Tables,
IS maruie top Dressing Bu. '-aus.
•• X' * *»ecreiane» m,l Book
a mari.ic top Wash **u»rdv
I prur (Ktumsns;
pair fancy Work Stands;
A very large assortment 01 rommon chair* ami outer
funmarc too numerous to mention
jiy (ileaa. Boats lurui«he<l on the shortest notice
and on Uiekoost reasonalde terms derli
'Chocolate, Cocoa, Ac,
W Baker 1 , American md Frtmeh Chocolate, Prepar-
r« 1 r«ro«. I’ncoa Paste, Bromn. iVnii Sheds 4*
r?H) mrn'ha in nnd cunvuiiinr*. who would purchure
J. U>* t>r»t product* ol l'io- i'hiiu adulteration,
morc'imiriUt/u* than tea ot foffer, mid ,n nuality unsur
passed, the tui.wnber recommend* the above article*,
manufactured nv tuwvelf and stomped with tua 'tame
Hi* Bmn.a mid t'oeoa Pu»te. at deUvaie, palatable,
and •a.dtaty drink* lof invalid*, convair**'nu, and
©tQers ate pronounced by the noil cramrai jib;, cciair*
superior to any inner preparation* Ht« manufactorr*.
are alwoyt on tale n anv quantify. by the non rv
ipeetahlr g-rocc* ,n the eastern fine*. ami by Uieti
ajfpnU, llawci r«rs\ 4 to . or Boston, Jauir. M Buuer
4 eo, Hoittord, Conn, Hu*kt 4 Murray. New York.
Uranl 4 Stone. Philadelphia, Tiioma* V Bnitidlge, Bal
linaorr, and Ke.iog* 4 Bennett. Cincinnati. Ohio
Wal/TKR OAKKR, Dorehe.trr Mat*.
For *ale by au#3l UAQAUhY 4 SMITH, Agi-
Wrought and C»et Iron (tailing.
njMIK *uf»*crit>ert be* leave U) inform ihe public that
1 they have obtained from Uie hast a.) the lair and
(o-ihionaidv dr«Rii* lor Iron Railing, Ixjth lor house*
aud ceru*ierie« I'trum' wi«lire( in procure hund
»omr pattern* will piruse rail and rlmmnr, and judge
Cor tfccin«elw« Kailinq will i*e (urnishe.d al the •burl
e«i notice, and in the be*l mtuinrr. s' the corner of
Crair and KcMrcuaUecU. Allegheny riiy
aurw-dn V A [.A.MONT k KNOX___
Leaching. Cupping and Bleeding.
Kit .NORRIS .Surrc«*nr to M R Delany V—
. No 56 Firtn tirret. between Wood and Smith,
held l'r<-»n m-n. . received monthly—attendance all
hour* Reteri-nre. Uic I'D) uuiiljij o! I’lUit-urgU, A lie.
yhrii) cuid llinoiaßtiaii!
1 mo»i rrcomineml to the phy'irjoriv fam*
iU«k am) a.i un former fn**niH and patron* Mr K. H
N'irriJ at hemp thoroughly ac«iuaimr<l with ihe i*u»i
ne»* art-1 worthy nl patronapr.
uiarP’-l f
Uannfhetnrtd Tobacco.
JO U«miU) A Hxn»irr < «up«riur S !p\,
■K) a ill, MAlkiicr* • il
ly lit io Pnci- 4 Harwood'
'.'l ilo do do
ilo do IVnrl 4 Harwood
I < do J Rot-mnou
5“ hf do do
£J do do Wra Dswvin
Id do T Wn*hi'»
V do C AmW.nn
V do I T Dadr't
S do K .Marou *
h (jo lUicntf :ti "
Just lauding Hum slrunirr mil packets. ami for *i*l
41 north water it and 16 north wharves,
;riN Philadelphia
A Son * sopennr *wM ib lump?
70 ball lii? V\ ctn-icr uiu superior «wrets* lump*
l.swrenrr l/Ottirr 5*
•i 5 Gentry A Knvrvr •• hlb ••
•jt) •' Dupont lu Kurt-) '• b*
111 •• Method )>*
Uwmn'r • 6»H- plug
Ju«i lun.ling trutu Meuntrr. ami for *«lc by
41 N water •( and ttt N wharves,
W. A J. OLBNN, Book Ulndera.
WK. an* 40i) engaged m the above business, cornet
ol Wood &uiTn»ril siren*. Hamburgh, wlirre
we are prepared to do an) work in our tine with de«-
putch We. attend to our work permiiaHy and satis
faction will l>r given in regard to n« neatness mid du
IJlank Books ruled to any pattern ami bound <tib
stanu&lly Books in Humbert or old book* bound ratr
(uil) or repaired. Name* pul on book* in gill letter*
Those lliat have work in our line ure invited u> call
I‘rire* low mr'dUtil
CALF SKINS—'» doz genoine French Calf Skin*.«
rerv fine article A few dozen* PhUadsiphi.
Skin*, from the manufactory of 11 M Crawforu, t<
which the attention of bool maker* it invited, Jus
received and tor tale by W YOPNG fc Co.
jrtT7 143 liberty *'
a'TMV M. XrtON > l < (iCh ,l s. No 75 Fourth tirrei.
./X can be teen it tplendnl vanety of tup RoyaJ Vel
vet and Tuptutry Carpet*, siyles. Also, Hrus
»«•!*, a ply* and tup und fine Ingrain Carpets, of «up
style* and qunlinc*. and m connection can always be
found Table Linen*, Crashes, Dlnpen, Damatka. Mo
reen*, Oil (hot In. Ac &e , to all ol which we call ihr
attention of the public. amf-tt
HAVING wild opr enure nock to l' II Ueant. with
a viow to cKrxmg our old buslnes*. we hereby Mi
lieu for hint the p&irouuge of all our friend* ami < u«
Pittsburgh, Aug 4th. IMH.
C”t H GRANT. Wholesale Grocer, Comnnsaion and
y* Forwarding Merchant, No 41 Water «t unit*
A A FULTON, Bell anil Hrti»« Founder, hat re*
fg built and commenced bonne** at hi* old stand,
where be will be pleated to tec hi* old cuuotn-
and fnenda.
Cbarch,Steamboat, and Dell* of every tur, from 10
to 10,000 pounds, cast from pattern* of the matt approv
ed model#, and warranted te be of thr best material*
Mineral Water Pump*, Counters. Hailing, Ac., toge
ther with every var-eiy of Brats Casting*, if required,
turned and finished m the msaiesl manner.
A. F. ia the sole proprietor of Babhit's Atti-Atthi-
Tton Msrrab, so justly celebrated far the reduction of
fricuon in machinery The Boxes and 'h>mpn»iu«n
can he hod nfjum at all utnea. jaw ty _
rpHK subscriber# having the exclusive Agency for
X selling the Printing Paper ol a new and extensive
paper mill in thi* ridtnity, wiJi be at all inner wed tup*
plied wuh the different suet ot paper ol Mipenor quali
ty, which we offer at the loweat rcgu.ur price*
Anjr size or quality will be ruunulaciurr.d to order at
abort notice. REYNOLD* A SHKK-
jaU 0m corner Penn st*
INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—Ju« received for the
Cilifornin Expedition, a complete assortment or
Goto Klarna Clothing, at prices ranging (rout *AiO to
811,54* tor suit of coat, pants and bht For tale at the
India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood *t
deetfft J A H PHILUP*.
JUST RECEIVED—Three more of ibose so justly
celebrated Hamburgh Pianos, used constantly by
lu*l, Thalberg and other great performers, together
with a large asaortment of rosewood and mahogany,
of my own manufacture. The above instrument* are
wan anted ta be perfect in every respect, and will be
sold low for cash P iILUMR
das 10 No U* Wood si,*! door from Ufa
Pati-vr SRcraa® Jixchar i«t. 1549.
Puttr.t crct*Uv*r Qtgnhan, . TbHe*. -So/iw, Buwm,
Book Cater, Wrriitig Datk*.
/TBS TABLES far-ihrpMsing every other tu
'A vendon ot the kindAow extant. They can be cl
tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when doited
the&ayei are all contained umde; they are made u>
all shape*, and are admirably adapted for
Steamboat*, Hotel*, and large private (anoiile*- form
ing wlieh closed a complete ceutrr table.
BOFAS AND BUREAUS—Tht-w axurlc, at, luvat
uable, particularly to those who wbth to ecowo
uuae room, ahd convert a sleeping apanmeut into a
parlor ut lilting mo pi, a* they can be opened and *hut
at convenience, Old when shut, the bedding ts enoloa
ed. A great sanrTg tn room aod rent- Aii the l»od
itrad* when closed lagm a beautiful piece of forahure
for a parlor or silting rtkjm
BOOK CASES—A neafc*»4 useful article ior parlor
or drawing room. x
WRITING DESKR—Forlaw oßtee*,counting room*,
office*; when opened a roostconveruent bed-
Steadjvvaea dosed a perfect Detk and Library alone
i* viiiblef* 1 '* “
All lhpV need no rccoitunondaiion: the
beauty oftbe whole is, they are warranted not to get
-opt of <*Btti!r,' If will be for your interest* to call and
eXATiingsW-MUcbi*’ at the manufacturer’* store, No.
raTltiidVireet, Pidshurgh. In addition to the above
tliayA* proof against bug*. __ .
• ywb now opening, a aplended lot o
Forte*, from Uto celebrated firm
ACIa/lt, N. V consists In
I) V ) ' iVphrt of the following:
One eleggyit Rfoowood 0| octave fiano.wuh carved
mouldtug. lOpJlßd plinth, projecting from and carved
gothic tablet*. .
One raewdbd Piano, Hi oclayr, elegant and plant,
with Coleman's celebrated Alnlian Attachment, a su
perior instrument
One Hfffffwmaifimurr rouml corner* and octagon
legal ( bie do do do
OoOfoiewond Piano, square corner* and leg*
Tbettf'J'lattoi have Improvement* In the mechanism,
in stringing tmd covering of the hammer*, poweiued
by ndtoiler* In tiu* eouatry, and are at once the best
■ a wfill a* liir cheapest Pianos that cat! be boaght.
Al>iO- All rlegum lot of Chtckering 1 * Piano*, from
7 to il oi taresj posaes«uig *l] the latest improvemema,
at reduced price*
Al-HO—fine elegam roaewoodCubinotOttuid Piano,
7 octave*, a uew invention. HKNHY KLEBEU,
febl-u AtJ W \Voodwell’*,B3 TWrt «t
JOHN H. MKLlsOft, (aole Agent for
f.’hickermg’i Piano Forte* for Western
Peun*ylvan|a,J No. di Wood ttreet,
■ I*l V* Pittsburgh, ha* roeelved and now open
for sale the following elegam uaaorttmut, direct from
the nt&nuißciory. *1 Mr. Cluckering’* (Boston) puce*,
One Roiowood seven octave Plano Forte, earved in
the most elegam and rich style of Loui* XIV
One Rosewood carved seven octave, new and im
proved scale.
One rosewood Piano, 6| octaves, new scale;
Outs ’* carved, t> •• *•
Two •• round corner*, d octave, new acaie.
Two u pannei “ 0 *• “ •*
The above are all from the manufactory of J. Chick
eting, Boa ton, of the latest style* of furniture, and with
tbe new and improved scale.
U Rosewood 0 octave Pianos, from the manufactory
ot M Worcester, New York, formerly of the firm of
Stodurt. Worcester A Durham.
tf roirwood 6 ostavr, Gale A Co., N Y
1 rosewood f»f octave Piano, made by Bacon A Ra
ven, New York
1 Mahogany 0 octave Piano, made in Baltimore, and
lett with mr fo« sale by the owner, for caah or in ex
change for I‘tUahurgh manufactures, or groceries *uitj
able for a country store Price 8300 ja3l>
JAJNE—Tbi* certifies, that immediately after
having attended my brother, who died of consumption
in Marcb, lr*4S, I was taken sick with die Consumpuou
or Liver Complaint, and ww reduced so low witn the
di»ea*c, that for lour year* I wax unable to attend to
ipy busiurM, either ut home ur abroad, being for the
Stoat time confined to my bed During the above peri
od of time. I had expended for medical attendance o
regular Physicians and medicine*, 10 the amount of
SJW, without receiving any benefit therefrom In
July. Ib4d. I commenced taking Dr. Jayne’* Medi
eine«, and have taken them more or tea* ever since,
Slid believe that u wot by persevering in their use,
that 1 can now uulv say that J have completely reco-.
vexed my health. I believe that Jayne's Sanative Pill*
and Expertoruiit are the best family medicines now in
I reside m Springfield. Otsego county, N. Y„ and
earn on s furnace and machine shop in that place,
and um mu iniereatrd m any manner in the sale of the.
above meaicinei. and make thi* rrrtihcsie tor tbe ben
ch! ni ih<>sc afflicted ELIJAH EATON
Spr.ngheid. N Y . Sept 16 1-4? i a 4
MANI FAi rL TOBACCO—The *ub*enher
woalti call Lite attention of the eity trade and
deaiers generally, 10 the following brand* Tobaccos,
111 store and 10 tmi- whirh beine consignment* di
rect from manufaeturers, be ta enabled to sell at eaat
cru price*
EC* | his R W Crenshaw S*;
7b l James Madison be,
-I j Lamartine 5,,
"El | Miraheku &«;
iCI i I‘uuiam S* and I».
lj j Kiucft. A *sj>*on 5*
Mrar Burl 4*.
« f Johns A Lewis 1 »_
If' Warwick. »upr l«;
4S ) Henry A Jamet 6a, la and ttt;
'«■>« L.s waterman
Pitt llachln* Works and Foundry.
rtmtaracn. r*.
JOHN V» RIGHT A Co., are prepared 10 build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery or ever, deacriptma, such
»» Cartlrng Machiues, Spinning Frame*. Speeders
Drawing Frame*, Railway Heada, W’arpera, Spooler*,
Dreaaing Frames Looms Curd Gnmler*. Ac Wroughf
Iron Stiurtmg turned, ail ure* of Can Iron. Puihe* and
Hanger* of the latest paitems alide and band Lathe*,
and tool* of ah kinds Coating* of every description
furnished on snort notice Pattern# made \o order for
Mil, Gearing. Iron Kaih/ig. Ac, Steam Pipe for heal
ing Factories. Ca*t Iroa Window Hash and fancy Cu«-
nii-s cmer.liy Onler* left si the Warehouse of J
Painter A Co.. Liberty street, will have prompt otutu-
Refrr to Uisrk-toek. Hell A Co„ J K. Moorehea.l A
Co , L K. tt arncr. Joan Irwm A gons, P.utburirti i.
t: A J H Warner. SlroU-nriile lanl!)
Penn nactiine Shop.'
HWIGirr.MAN— Manufacturer of ail kind* of col
. UM, and woollen maehmrn. Allegheny cll) . p a
tnr atwvr work, being now in full and .uerettfol on
rrnl.on I am prepared tn ejeeutr order* with ditpatrh
tor a., kmd* oi machinery hi my Hue. *ucb *« willow*
pirs»>rv *prradrr». caril*. grinding mnrhnif*, rtuwuy,!
dratttnr trarar*. «pre<lrrt. ihn>*siit, looms, woolrit
card*, double otwncie.ior merchant or country work,
tnuk*. jack*. Ae , .tide and hand Inthr* und tooii in pn.
rrai. A.i kind* of thsiiing miule to order, or plans civ.
en (or gearing faciorie* or mnl* si rcs.ouubie chaive.
RUM to—Kennedy. I'hml* A Co , Ulacktioek. l/rij
A to . King. Pennor* ACo . J«» a Gray
MA. WHITE A 1.0., would re*p*ctfully Intorm
. ike public that they have erected a -hop on
uncock, betwren fedend ai d Saudu.*ky ttrcetv fher
are now making and ar- prepared to receive order* ,or
every description ol vehicles, toarlw*. Chariot'*, Ba
rouche.. Buggies, Phwtono. Ac.. Ac , which from their
loin: experience in the manutacture of the above work
and the facilities they have,they leelcoubdeut they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable teniL- wtd.
those wanting article* tn their line
Paying pnrtirulHr attention to the selection of mate
rials. and having none but competent workmen they
have no hesitation ut warranting their work \V<
tnereiore a.k the aitennon of the publu- to th„ ,'oauer
N H Repumtig done in the bi-vt manner and on the
mo«l reasonable rerrn*. jaathif
k’’ n.t utvites the attention of buy en to hi* eitent.te
s**orMii-ni of above Good*, embracing everv ouatitv
up to very fine, and from the celebrated m-mnfseti*-
'e. ,n France Purchasing there goods
• »rutn;«*ion merchams or agent* of the iii:ii,a.ucui
iei., i,c ,» enabled to sell them at the lowest t>..**jlilß
i-tiee. Alto, olive green and invisible gr«Ooth*
»ery rhemp; wool d\ad b[k do; and Frcn.-I, Bnunh
>.inl American CAfstMMEREH, black and f.i. lk
--..1 mtiey tattn VEBTIN(». gentlemen'. ..ocket
• luiidkerchiet., black and faucy Cravats lium pocket
i.uis, liulcrthm*. Drawers Ac., at the norm r**i
. ur;ier ol 4th and Market itrects.
Wholesale Room* up flair* f.-U2O
HononKaheU Livery Stable. '
r_n_ H PATTERSON has opened
ZjjjySlhe large tuble on Karat «t, nmnmg through
CT7\ to %u between Wood and Smuhtield
, 1 *’* • IH lhe rf:a f of Uae Monongaheln House,
with an entirely ne w .lock of Horae* and Carriage! of
the I.e«t quality and latest styles. Horret krptatlive
ry in me b.*at_ manner Jyffdiy
STEAM BOAT CLOCKS— Having concluded to fell
off our entire ,io C k of Kirke'* Marine Timepieqes,
we tiow oner in *«l! them nt lower pnees than they #iui
be bought Bt any hou«r in PnuburgO or cisowhkre
ea*l or west Being the only CMohhshed agent* here
lor these clock*, we have the largest and burnt ay-ort
mnni in the city Cal! and see.
Remember, we are not to be undersold
BLAKE A CO , Market street.
entrance on north side of the Diamond
irasc jonis, j o ns v. qaioo.
JONES dfc ariGo,
\IANUFACTURERS of spring and bl„n: *t ce ],
Ui plough steel, *teel plough wtngt, couch i. d elirf
tie simags, hammered tmn axle*, and drab m ntall
b-able eaatiuga, fire engine lamp*, and roach Minimises
generally, corner of Rot* and From *i« , Pittsburgh
t«b» ’
JI’ST IN TIME— Another lot ol Pistol*, suitable for
ihe California service, just received.
A l*o, to arrive *n the i sth m*t., by Express, a neat
and tiiunl) article of Portable Gold 'calcs, which ev
ery gold miner ought to have; ami for sale hy
mrhllt corner 4th and market ns
For California*
I'H L celehraieil Jiarard Rifle Powder, In kegs, half
keg*, quarters and can*, for sole by
fubtn J S DII.WORTH A t.'o. g?wood tt
Rluapratt’s Patent Soda Aah
000 ' u,t received per Menmera ivajihoe
jC\J and St Cloud, and for sale by
idu Liberty st
Shoe Finding*, Ac.. No. 140 Liberty street, have
just received their SPRING STOCK ol roods coin
prising a large assortment of article* in their line to
whteh the attention ofY'Orehorer* is uivned.
ALL person* indebted to the Estate of William Me
Knight, deceased, or to the lute firm* of W M>-
Knight A Co., and Wbl McK.ught A Son, are uotibcd
to pay, without further delay, to
uichOdlm Adminirtrator of W Me Knight dorM
Artists- m athrlAls—justVee’d *„dYor »i—
-■<u yardi smooth Canvass, 27 mch
•Al •• •« 30 - ’
T* u 0 “ 3<l -
it ••
too dor Compressible Tubes, of oil colol I *. by
mchlO j kjdDACo
| A GIRL to do hoasework. Uue who thoroughly
A undersUii * her business, and can give good re-
Ifcrences, can hear of a permaneui utuauon, at latr
Uy applyjxtg at tint office. mcM4:.m
1 T\RIEID APPLES—6OO buah dried .Apples, 111 store
1 X-X_and for sale by meudfl 3 A *v HaRBAUUH
: DARIS GREEN—ID can* true, ju»t rer’d and for
\ Jl *alo by BA FAHNESTOCK A Co.
j meh-j* corner Ist and wood sis
Ou California Gold Pntr,
E 9 4* DAY,
rIXKT, Pimtomen,
SLUNG OFF their larje
IDS—U»e principal part 01'
reti&sed at the uses Arc
j 3 apd New York. at a tns
Sincrtii* DevekjpencTUiOf 1
No. 75 MaSiar'6l
MANX resolved on SEI
•took, or DAT OOO)
:U have lately been pun
rros S*us to PtaiaJelpU:
tßesdoaa and unparalleled*
We have made coeVa far
alar prices that we wiU nov
goods BELOW COST of it
lention of buyer* is ioviti
goods adapted-iojhe CaJifoi
LaDHES due
Plain and figured Cazbelian
silts, .
Very superior brocfila fir’d
and watered talk idika,
Superior.repannure silks,
bik and colored,
Soper black glossy tiro de
jUsn silks,
ViscitS and monlilla silks,
best quality,
.fare satin*, bik anil blue
inrcTedoctjoa fr«oi ®ur reg
wKiia Urge portionpfoar
importation.' The earty at*
ikT to choice high cplored
irrua Trade.
Cashmere* and, do iaiaes
Super ctoalr cloth*, Kl «°*
French merinos, ell color*,
Black bombazines;
Cross barred and striped
Brocba fig’d and strip'd do,
Jenny Lind plaids,
Victoria Lyoneoa cloths,
very nob.
Goberg elnins and cameti
an lustres.
blk Jftms,
Lamartine tatjto merino*,
Super «ilk warp alpaca
Splendid pi aid long shawls, A few brocha lonj shawls,
Splendid terkeri shawls, ihe finest we have ever;
from N. York auctions, -bronchi to this market,,
great bargam*; now to !« sold at great
Plain and embfoPd ihibet bargain*,
shawls, all colon, Superfine and common bro-
Silk fringe, remarkably cha square shawls;
cheap; c Sopereameliansilkshawia-
French cloth* from the celebrated “Johanr" numo*
factory. For beauty offinisband permanence of wear,
theae cloth* have no superior, a lew piece* extra fine
jet black and olive casum beaver* and other heavy
eloths for over coat*, twilled French cloth*, maoufac
lured expressly for cloaks, French and Amerieati cas
simeres, super west of England do, suser French sa»
tin* for vestings, the best imported. Plain and fancy
velvet and cashmere vestings, merino shirts and draw*
era, Italian cravats, Uaen, cambric and ailk hdlefs. ho
siery and glove*.
Irish linens, best long cloth shirtlng.mnsllns, bleach
ed and brown muslin* of good quality, remarkably
iuvr; tickings, checks, domestic and imported ging
hams, scarlet. reUow and white flannels, a large tot
very cheap; a large lot of white and erossbarred coun
try flannel*, cheap; brown and bleached Baritsby table
Unehs and table cloths, Russia and Bcotch diapers and
to writings, sadnem, Kentucky jeans and tweed*.
An usual large ttoek of blankets, direct from the
manufacturers, tome of which ore the best cyer exhi
bited, all of which wiQ be closed out at unparalleled
low price*, lit addition to the above enumerated
goods, our stock comprises a very large and campiefe
ossotuncol of almost every article usually found in a
dry goods store, and as they have been mainly pur
chased at the easernancuons, hence the late great re
duction of prices. We are enabled and determined to
sell them oo at great bargains.
Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and
the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear
ly examination. Bargains shall be given.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market st,
fr l>h N W comer of the Diamond
RECEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeuogand Oil Cloths
ol the latest and most approved patterns, and at
prices to suit purchasers, and cheap at can be pur
chased tn any of the Eastern cine*, comprising the fol
lowing varieties;—
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
Aixmuuster Carpets; any size hall rooms or ve*3
Tapestry do ÜboJe*.
Sap Royal Brussel* do Tapestry stair carpets;
Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do
Superfine do do Chemile Rugs,
Extra sup Ingram do Tufted do ,
w opcrfine do do Brussels do
Flue do Jo Chemile Door mats;
do TuAed
4-4, 34 A t Tapestry Adelani do do
Damask do Sheep skin do do
4-4. 3-4 A ) twl'd Ve- 14-4 Emb’ted Pipno covers
neuan do d-4 do Table do
4-4,3-4 A | plain do do 6-4 wool do do -
Cotton Ingrain do 6-4 worsted and linen do do
do Bras* Stair Rods
164 wool crumb cloths
Stair Luten
do Venetian
■M cotton Drugget;
144 woolen do
6-t table do
English Table Oil cloths; Diaper do
German do
94 Floor Oil cloths; Snow-Drop Napkins;
7-1 do do do Crimson Plush,
64 do do do Purple
64 do do do
4-4 do do do Carpet Binding,
Sheet ihl Cloths, of newTran*p‘nt Window Shades
Tiipestry pattern*, cut to fit
I [To the above we are constantly receiving out Spring
Stock of C«cpel>. Oil Cloths and Steamboat Trimming*,
lo wbichwe invite the attention of all who with to Tar
nish their bouses or steaml>oau, as we will be able to
nder goods m low a* they can be purchased in thfl
Ka*L and of the richest and latest styles Call and ex
amine nor stock before purchasiug elsewhere Ware
house, No 73 Fourth «t mchXl \V. M’CLINTOCK.
The Largest, Cheapest and most Fashionable Stock
of Goons, adapted to Gentlemen's Spring and
Summer Wear, u just mrimng at
THF. Proprietor of the above establishment 4rouhl
respectfully inform hu numerous customers, that
he has just returned from the Eastern cine* with the
most tplendid assortment of goods in his hee. that was
ever brought to this city, composing all that is now
fashionable, elegant ana Cheap in Clotbs, Cassimeres,
Cashmeretu, Drap De Ete, and every description CU
i cotioe, liaen and woollen Bummer Stuffs; Shirts, Cra
vat*. Hdkfs, Sospendere, he., of tha newest styles;
which together with ius very large aad fashionable
stock. of ready-made Clothing, he is prepared to oflet
at bit usual low prices.
Country Merchants, Contractors, and ail who pur
chase largely, ure particularly invited to -ball and ex
amine the nook, which is decidedly the largest and
; most fashionable in the city, and great attention has
been paid to <<-i n up tatianle to the who'esfile trade.
Order* in the Tailoring line executed in the most
fashionable manner, and that nothing may be wanting
to eu«ure lhe newest and best style of cutting. A gen
tleman who ha* bad rreat experence in the Easterp
ciues, has been added to the estabUshmenL
assortment of STRAW AND UILLINE-i
KT GOODS, of the most approved style# and pal->
tera*, for the SPRING OF consisting in part of—J
Fancy and plain English. American, and French*
Straw; Fion-iice, Rutland, Pedal and other yilain and
fancy Braid, China. Rice, Jenny Lind, Loop and Roy-*
al Milan edge Braid BONNETS.
Rich French Lace;
Fancy and plain Gimp, Ac. Ac.
Fancy Braid, Straw, Gimp, l*egbom, and other Mi*»
te*' and Infants' HATS.
Panama, Manilla, Palm Straw and
other Samnter HATS, for meu and hoy*.
Bonnet and Plain Ribbons,
Bonnet Silk*;
Artificial Flowers. Ac. Ac Ac.
Straw Bonnet Warehouse, 95 Market «trert
NO «o MARKET BTREKT—Have received by ro.
ernt unporationti the following Good*, viz-
Stx carton* Thibet Shawls, of various qualiucs and
colors. Fitly dozen •• Alexander'**’ be*l quality Kid
Uiovr*. together with a good assortment of eol’d silk,
Li*le thread, and cotton Glove*, for spring Unde.
Rich standing, straight turnover Collar*, cheap Col
lar* :ti*> pair embroidered Cuffs, from SO ct* to 81.35,
Mourning Collars in great variety. Derm Lace
the greatest assortment ever ottered by u» FTeneh
and Futg!t*h 1 4 Print*: Hoyle * Prints. *tnall figures
and fast colons: small plaid French Uiughatns; Bnush
Furniture Omni, white aaun Damask Table Cloths,
Linen Dama*k. fl. 3 and 10-&-, Green Be rage*. Gents
black Grot Oe Rhine Silk Cravats, IfcS to 40 inch, the
best good* intported, Purse Twist; linen cambric and
linen eambnc Hdkfs, from til to While Goods,
such as Jaconets, Lawns, Mull and Swiss Muslins
figured and plain Laces, white and col'd Tariatangs*
Ae Ac. 1 »
We are in the daily receipt of NEW GOODS, afid
invite the attention of purcbosars to our extensile
stock feldff
Norm VUar coanag 4rlt *ao Maaarr sts., PirmoauH.
PERSONS wanting Dry Goods will please take no
tice that the above house ha* commenced recei
ving it* NEW SPRING GOODS, and invites the cil*
of regular customer* and buyer* generally Good*
will be offered nt low price*, and purchaser* will have
a large and choice assortment to select from. *
lf~7* Country Merchant* and others are invited to
examine the assortment in Wholesale Rooms, up stairs,
whom u targe assortment of Prtulo, Guiguamt, saa
goods generally are now opening mare
Dry Good* Jobbtri,
NO uv WOOD STREET—WouId call the attention
of Merchant* to their large stock of Domesdo
and Foreign DRY GOODS, jum receiving from UlO lm*
porters and Manuiacturcrs, and which they will sell
at very low rate# for cash or approved credit. £
Our stock ts now full aud complete, and well worth
the attention ofbuvers, a* we are determined to sell
at such exlrcmelynow pnees as cannot fail to malje it
a strong inducement for merchants to make a bill with
us iach3t.
House kbfjmno goods—w. r. movut* in
vites the attention of house keepers aud those
about commencing house keeping, to hi* assorunrht of
above Goods, such as—
Quilts and Counterpane*, white and colored,
Tickings and pillbw-case Muslin*;
Sheetiitr*, from 000 to three yard* wide,
Table Diapers and Table Cloths,
Towelling. Towels and Napkin*;
Furniture Prints and Chintzes,
Scarlet Oil Chintz, for curtain*, ‘
Super printed Chintr. for quilt*;
Embroidered window curtain Musitfl*,
Slupvd aud haired
Bed Blankets, all qualities and sizes;
A supply of these Good* is constantly kept oq hand,
and will always be «old on lhe mo«t favorable lejma;
north east corner 4th and Market st*.
~aiiTrtlna~SoallnVsud Iritit Linenii
WIL MUIIPHY invite* the parucular attenuan of
• those wanting the above Goods, to hia deaitable
stoek. consisting of the best make, from the most ap
proved manufacturers, and the latter warranted pare
flax —He ha* )o« received an additional supply, and is
offenug Shirting MutUns ot a superior quality, at.a
very low price Ai«o,
Sheeting and Pillow-co*e Muslins \
' Diaper# and Crash;
Table Cloth#, Towels and Napkin#;
Blanket*, Qoilta, Coanlerpanesi and
Housekeeping Dry Goods generaily.
I. A DIES” DHKS3 GOODS—Such a* French Menuos,
Paremeiloa, plain and faney De Laiaes, (some new
styles ju*t received;) Alpacas, Ac.
The season being far advanced, all these Goods will
be sold «i price* lhat cannot I ail to please.
(E 7* Wholesale Rooms up stairs jontS
NO. 60 MARKET BTREET, will coatinqe'their
great semi-aaiiual tale of DRY GOODS, frr 30
day# longer, daring which time their extensive Khole
sale Rooms will he thrown open 10 their Retail Trade
as herewore. A. A M. A Co., knowingthat they are
nelltitg Dry Good* of every description from ten to fif
teen per cent les* than ever before, do invite every
person in w&nt of dry goods, be in wfint,
10 examine and purchase from our stock, at the fewest
wholesale rate*. !
Our great object in reducing stock is to makff roam
for spnng Goods, tt be#g our intention to exhibit in
March the largest and the richest stock ofDry Goods
ever offered by any one bouse In America. j.,
We shall ©ontinue lhe sale of oar BlekehsJ and
Brown Muslins, Ticking# aud other. DometUe Goods,
, at out (nrmcr low rates, notwithstanding the receni ad
vance of IS per cent upon the same in easter&mhxkeia
VQL: XVI. no. 223.
Patau Graduated Oahamt Batttn and Patent
Insulated Poles fir Medical and otAerpurpoatn
THIS is the only instrument of the kind that has ever
been presented in «bi« country or Europe tor med
ical purposes, and is the only one ever known to man*
by which the galvanic fluid can be convoyed to the ho*
man eye, the ear, the brain, or to any part of tho body,'
either externally or Internally, in _ a definite genua
stream, without shocks or pain—with perfect safety—
and often with the happiest effects.
This important tpparates 1* now highly,, approved of
by many of the mast eminent physician* of this gggp.
try and Europe, to whom the afflicted and others whom
it may concern can be referred. Reference wfll also
be given to many highly respectable citizens, who hava
'been cored by means of thlamoat valuably apparatus
ot lame of the most inveterate nervous disorders which
could not be removed by any other known tnea&st
- ’Among various others, it has beetsproved to be ad*
mirably adapted for the cure of the following
vu: nervous headache and other diseases or the braiol
1 fils with this apparatna alone that the operatOT'ean
coovej lha magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the
eye, la restore sight- or cure amaurtrsas; to the hat to
restore hearing} to the tongue and other organs, tom;
store speech; and to the vinous pans of the body, for
the cure of ebronJe rheumatism, asthma, ttearafgta, or
tic doloureux, paralysis, or palsy, aota, chorea or Si
■Vita's dance, epilepsy, weakness from spraiqa, some
diseases peculiar to females, contraction of the thriba,
lockjaw, etc. elo.
Rights for surrounding counties of Western Pa- and
privileges' with the instremenl, may he paVchased,and
also tested for the cure of diseases.
Fall instructions will be given for the various Cbeml*
cals to he used for various diseases, and the best man.
, ttar for operating for the core of diseases will al
so be fully explained to Uie purchaser, arid a pamphlet
put into nis hands expressly for thaso purposes, care
fully prepared by the patentee. Enquire ot
_®ctKMly 8 WILLIAMS, Vine si, Pittsburgh.
Rsvsriibls Ftltorln* Cook,
J 1 Which renders tnrbid water pure by
/Mgs, removing all substances not soluble m
//fHBSft water. The croton water in N. York,
elear and pure to the eye, vet
when it passes an hour through this
filtering cock, shows a large deposit
impure substances. worms, Ac. This
u the ease more or less with all hydrant water.
The Reversible Filterer is ncul and durable, and is
not fittendod with the inconvenience Incident to other
Filierera, as It is cleansed without being detached from
the water pipe, by merely turning the key or handL
from one side to the other. By this easy process, the
course of water Is changed, aim all accumulations fo
impure substances are driven off almost Instantly,
without unscrewing the Filter. It also possesses the
advantage of being a stop cock, and as sueh in maay
cases wul bo very convenient and economical.
lecajj be attached where there is any pressure high
or low ta a cask, tank, tub, ate. with case. To be had
of the sole Agent, W, W. WILSON,
ocil? comer of Fourth and Market sts
fTTOE attention of the public is respectnuiy called to
X! the following certificates:
Ma. S. K*um—Having tested a quantity of Gold
weighed by your Areometer, I find tho result prove*
yogr instrument correct; and recommend the uso-of u
to those going to California, as the best method for ob
taining the real value of Gold. Bess, yours,
J. B. DUNLFIVY, Gold Beaut.
Pittsburgh, March 9,1849.
Ptrasuaaa, March 7, ISfr.
Kb- Eaiiks—Dear Sir. Having examined the a Areo
meter,” manufactured at your rooms, 1 do not hesitate
to commend it t* tho use of those gentlemen who are
about removing to California in search of Geld.
It rives a close anproxiinatioa to the specific grevi
l ty.of metals, and wul certainly enable the adventurer
. u>/ascertain when his placer u yielding Gold
knarU Yours, reap>y, J. R. JTCLLNTOCK.
THE CLINTON PAPER MILL, situated at Steuben.
▼ille, Ohio, having been enlarged and improved,
add at a very great expense added new and the most
improved king of machinery, is qow prepared to man
ufacture all kinds of Writing, Printing, wrepping sad
Cotton Yarn Papers, Bonnet Boards, Ac., equal to any
in the Eastern or Western country.
The undersigned having the Agency of the above
Mill, will keep constantly on hand a large supply of
the different kinds of Paper, and will have any size
made to order at short notice. 8. C, HILL,
j«3O 87 Wood street
Fine and Cedar Wart XanoXaetory,
No. 87, caanzs Mabxct ahs Fins Sts- Ptnucus.
rpHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, whoie-
I sale and retail, very low for cash—
»Vash Tuba, i Barrel Chums,
. Both Tubs. I Staff Chums,
Horse Bankets, j Half Bushels, kc.
AH other kinds Ware in his line made to order.
I to 5 torts 3| cash currency, or 4 mos. appHrd bills.
6 tons or upwards,do mos do, iruerest ad
ded. For the superior quality oi this brand,we refer to
the glass and soap manufacturers of this city general
deck __ _____ IflO liberty st
Diaphragm FllUr t for Hydrant Wat«r.
m THIS is to certify tHfct I have ap>
T pointed Livingston, 2 Roggen A Co.
Agents for tlio tale of Joaniog 1 *
Diaprahgm Filler, for the d|
ffi ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
ttfiA for Walter M Gibson, 349 Broadway,
fP Oct 10, IMS.
We have been oaing one of the above articles at the
office of the Novelty Work* for three months, on trial,
and feel perfectly tb&t it u a use&ti/wvaatioii,
and we take pleasure in recommending them os a use*
fui article to all who love pure water. -Orders will bo
thankfully received aod promptly executed.
Advertisement. \
rfE subscriber, In offering for sale a hind seme tot
of Nunns A Clark’s, (New York,) and Bhicker*
uig-* (Boston,) Pianos, would direct attention to the
fact that hi* is the only place in the West where the
instruments of these two makers can be tried side by
side, aud where, consequently, a correct idea of their
qualities can be formed. The subscriber being turnons
to ten their relative menu, and having for a number of
year* performed upon the Pianos oi Nunns A Clark,
bus tadeu into use for the last twelve months, a Chick
ering Ptartb, in order to try its durability and 6in ess
as an aecompanyment to the voice. This Piano may
now be seen and examined at his rooms He feels
confident of hi* ability io give a competent and relia
ble opinion on tbe tubjyct.
A handsome lot of new Plano* will be opened in a
few days. H. KLEBER,
_ <le<* At J W WoodwelP*
UFACTORY.—The subscriber takes this method
of informing his friends and the public m general [hat
he has the largest stock of the following uamed arti
cles of his own manufacture in this city—Saddles, Har
ness, Trunks and Whips, all of which he will warrant
u> be made of the best material and by the best meeb
anicsin Allegheny count) - • Bcuig determined lo sell
his manufactures «omething lower than lias been here
tofore sold by any similar establishment ir, the city,
he would invite persons in need of the above named
article* to his warehouse. No. ’J-14-Libeny street, oppo
site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine-
VT- octfKMy. u. KERBY.
THE Second Sessiou of tins Institution, under the
care ot Mr. and Mrs. (josnoß.v, for the present
academic year, will commence on the first of Februa
ry next, ui the same buildings, No. 5*J liberty street
Arrangement* have been made by wtucb they will
be able to furmsh young ladies facilities equal to any
in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Classi
cal, and Oruoraeotal education. A fall course of Phi
losophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered
during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The dr-
Caruneou of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern
anguages, Drawing and Painting, willeach be under
the care ofa competent Professor. By close attention
u» die moral and intellectual improvement of their pu
pils. the Principals hope 10 ment a continuation of the
liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For
terms, see circular or apply to the Principal*.
josXi-dlf r
/HCEMX PI BRiCKS—The subscribers nanor
been appoyued sole Agents by Urn manufacturers,
or the sale of ihe eetebraled “Pbccnu Bricks," arc
now prepared u» fill orders for any quantity, at •’.'l,
c Vu* Pf r * ,I,WU- P or construction of furnaces »»r
all kinds, these bricks have been pronounced by com
petent judifea ajbeina superior to all other tire bnekt
now m use.. C A M’ANULTY A Co, Canal Basin.
Man u p a ct u red' roMßpo -
>0 ♦ bxs Lamartine SJS do AXirabean sa; ks
aunan 6s anil Is: A) do Jo!fc Rucker 5«, is do Ro
berts k Bisson it; udo Henry k dames 6s and |u
do Johns and Lewu’ Is; 3 do Warwick super Is; 7 bxs
Steward 8a
There Tobneooft, embracing tome of Uio non favor*
ile brands, ou consignment, aud will be told low 10
close, by ' dec» L 9 WATERMAN
PATEHT SODA abut ——-i
RERjJ.—'The subscribers. being the exclusive im
porter* of James Muspratt 4 Son«> Soda Ash for this
market, are now and will continue to be largely *uf>-
plted wuh ihi* celebrated brand, which they will tell
at the loweit market price for cash or approvedbills
They reier to the glass and soap manuiacuiren t
tint city generally respecting tbd quality.
_novt _ __ _ ICQ liberty »t
dry in a flourishing town, with Patterns, Tools,
A*., alt ready for business, will be sold on accommo
dating terms, or exchange for Iron or goods.
This offers an excellent opportunity to a young m» n
wuh small capital to commence the Iron Foundry t»u
siuess. Enquire of
deed. _ I*l pen Wood itreeL
. Scale*) Cooking StOTca, Qr«.t«»r*,c. —
MARSHAL]., WALLACE 4 CO., Round Church
corner Liberty and Wood streets oaau&ciure
uul offer for *aJe Platform, Floor and Counter Scale*
of the rao&l improved quality; Cooking Stoves, (or wood
and coal; Egg Stove* oi variou* acre a, Partor anrf
eommoa Orates, Hollow Ware, Ac. Aal. Tftcv al.n
manufacture the Kitcheu Range, wtuch has riven » ni .v,
general satisfaction to those having it In use. tA •» «?»
which they would re.pectAilly invfto the attenSon ll
the citucm and the public generally. *l™°!,°'
Patent solxh lars~uaSi>s,.=—
assortment of Cornelias A Co's celchran‘<f I rr! l * IVO
factnre.and superior .o rail others ui “CI
churches, steamboats, factories, dwelling nn Kl!J'“
private halls and to all other uses wfiSft r p h B A“ c
and brilliant light is desirable. che *P’ ,%!a
Also,Oirandoles, Hall Utnterns Can delab
Shades Wieks Chimmes Cans fcnmmcJSE
Gas Chandeliers front ono tofour lights A *°>
i “ 4 y w WILS&N.'w m ,.k„ „
H»fdwwe—Che«B««- ih.» ~
T * CO_ Importer* and \Vhole»*i«,
, * m HQrdwarc ' battery and
i'Jti Wood street, above Fifth, have now inatoli?’ No
cheap and well wlected *ioei of
«.nce the decime of price* ta Kurope,
are determined u> sell correspoadinrjy low m k V
w. «2dcnd, beiioTo they will uyfuioi,'^^^
E mUhoirS? Sp* l On QUO aod a hair
l ?^v proronnee Itii article unsor
d^ 4blli ‘rinU e con*imeuo« of aU kinds of
(ot load, of 10 M, cuarj
Bohvarfii?Jk« £!*' ortJcr ' i f<w a Mcond aualuy
" tJ 1 * 1 ? h® «*ec«cd u CB par fit* lr ••
Sttaxamcc. A. stock of the fim qaalny
1 ? u f ot ~ e M warehoawi, ‘Stein’s W hart, l Ca.
nal Bum, by j SHAW MAGLA&HN,
_J*f*k*j Kcnalnyton Iron Works
SHOVELS, Ae.—so do* Spades and Sho
vels; 40 do Manure Fork»;tßi daQraurSltOTelj:®
to Socket do; Axes, Hatchets, Mattock* and Picks,
flclloTva, Viees, Ac., lor sale ai manufacturers prices,