The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 25, 1849, Image 2

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rmtx Frmrcwtt Putt GxzmU pjibiUM
dHjT Tn-Weekly,and Daily U Se«n
Ddl*r» pet *fiM raj Use Tri-W ce kly u» Five pet
twniSj fS Weekly U Two Dollar* per annum,
-- See m«Xt page for Sew*.
' per Loeil Kitten next page*
Lcrm Box. —The a Ged'*U letter Bex” has
removed from itt old eimauon, a- window
surer the Poet Office.
Pedblvaxu. a® Ohio Ramoso. —In calling
to the speech of Mr. Roberta, which may
~be found in another column, we desire to any a few
words, not on the importance of the subject gener-
that is conceded, but on the pressing neces
sity that exists for immediale action, 'li a pears
the citirert* of Ohio propose to connect the ma
ny roflroads with our State line, at a*potnt conve
nient lo.Pitlsburgb, provided t« vnU pledge our.
ttlou tovuet than there; and they further tell u*
• that ifit isnotin oar power to do bo, tjitt they will
... be compelled to seek an outlet elsewhere- TU*
v is a candid end business like offer. $ remain s for
"ns to decide whether iu terms Ore fair t|o d reason
able. No one will say Jiat the forty! fif® °
this great system whiclfcU is allotted 10 _tbe srge
cities and Allegheny, aid co
of Beaver, are more than their faM*
work, or beyond their ability |K
tog conceded, il «m>to. *
Itave pablio spirit enough for the ...
grow to comprehend .1) iu Import. «««? 1
for we truly before that opoo our course now, the
fOtsxe destiny of OQioXJ depends.
If ws suffer the net work of railroads m Ohio to
the ses board by any other channel, PittSe
■ bargh wffl speedily lose her proud pr&rminetic*.
' limostoolW The power of lumbers end of
gggrqjauon moftt be brought to bear upon it. If
insectscan, ea they do, erect and even
continents,, surely we can make forty-five miles
of tailioedj but then must hfelp. Every
body’s mitp mutt be accepted. Greater depend
ence most be placed in the vaat aggregate wealth
of the community, than in that of a few individc*
'ala' Subscription* for single shares should be ac
• cepled, and every body solicited. The work will
assuredly pay Well, but if we abonld built it, and
■ever afterwards derive a cent of dividend, it |
would be money well expenned. The increase
of }■"«"»*«, and the advance of.real estate would
amply compflP** ta us. Let ua make this ?oad
while we have the prospect of connecting
tt at the State line. If we defer till after others
are made to Wheeling or Steubenville, it will be
little use in making one at all
Tbe Post, of yesterday, speaking of the Factory
Biotera, complains that *lhe law which made their |
coodtiel ponjihablo was old andrelmost nbsolele!"
Wo agree with the Post, that the law which
protects peraon end properly from violent sssanlt,
ie somewhat old—aa oid as civilization at least.
In the particular of Its Is fairly obnoxious to
the haired df those, in general, who have no faith
in any thing but what is new; while its provisions
render it specially obnoxious to those who like
not, whether old or new, eny thing winch obstructs
the very largest liberty or license for themselves,
Aragh quite ready to coerce and restrain their
Mighbors. It is not often, however, that this class
ftttd an advocate and apologist in an established
newspaper. We know bat of one other instance'
beside the Post, in the wholo world, and that is
the paper of Monsieur Proudhon of Paris, from | t
■ which the Post appears to derive inoat of its ideas-1 i
We marvel much that the Post does not give ut- t
terance to the same complaint of the law under | '
which the incendiary, Simmr, Was sent to jail I (
That, too, is old; so are all the laws which consti- I
lute civilization, protect the fruits of industry, and I
preserve society. They are all old, but not so 1
nearly obsolete aa the Post seems to suppose, and
we may fairly infer, wishes, it is true that, in
- some cases, a call for their exercise does not fee- 1
j... .qaently arise. In our favored country, it is seldom I
' that any portion of the people ore so lost to a sense 1
61 the rights of others aa was . manifested in the I
case of the rioters, whose cause the Post so warmly 1
espouses. U is, untattmately, more, common, but I
still comparatively seldom, that individuals are I
found so base as to become midnight incendiaries; I
hence the occasion (bribe enfcrtement of these I
laws are hot seldom needed. It does not fellow, I
however, that they pro tberefore'Obanlete. They I
still exist. And notwithstanding the preachings ill
the Post, they soil exist in a community determine^.I
to enforce and preserve them. And it is a very
grave question for that community to consider
bow fer the more frequent occasion for their en
forcemeat of late is nltribnlablo to moral incondiar
ism. If Ignorant and thoughtless, in some cases
depraved people, are daily taught that rucb men ]
aa Moorhead, Avery, and others, are monetere,
who have wrung their wenllh from the blood, and
■ unrequited toil of tho anlTering masses, ia Ibere not
' danger that they, or aome of them, may undertake
to revenge tbemaelves by incendiarism' Why is
it that insurance lo our midst is generally doubled,
in some cases trebled, an 9 in others rendered im
possible! These ore questions which most force
themselves opon every one, wilhont distinction ol
parly; and to those interested we, for the present,
leave them.
The Post draws a parallel between the violation I
of the law io relation to “ahin plaaters- and the
(kctoiy case, and in fartheranea of da
oua wort of leaching the poor to hale the
rich, occaaioa to aay, that “lew, were not
mada for Ibo rich." We hare no defence lo make
for the violation of law in. ady cime. The Post
may harp on that itring witboot let or hindrance
from «. Bui we protest againM the trensoo lo
our inatitdtionj which teaches that any class is
above the law.
The Post says that the depreciation of the Scrip
has done more injury to business than would fifty
factory riots. L estimates the injury of riots quite
too lightly, and with characteristic flippancy; bul
we are quite willing to concede that the riots cf
themselves would have passed away with but
little permanently injunous effect, If it had not been
for the inflammatory appeals of the Post against
the decision of ihp jadge and jury. Uis the doc
trines taught, the hatred constantly Inculcated,
which renders the Post one or the worst evils that
aver a long suffering community was inflicted
with. .
For the Pittsburgh Gasau
The loss of confidence in the City and County
Scrip, aod the cooeeqaent refusal of most person*
to receive U, have seriously embarrassed our bus. -
iioSeruWms. To attempt to trace the ev.l to us
SSeZoMmdeavor to ascertain by whose agency
uSsLeen brought about, would be a mere was *
of time and patience. Nor will it serve abetter
purpose to dsrell upon, or brood over, the presen.
caiDe&tUm of what has heretofore been deemed a
souodtnd good enrrancy- The only certain way
to surmount difSefclttes, is to grapple manfully
with them, and continue the contest, without inter
minion, until they ere wholly removed out ofthe
mv and oo longer interrupt our progress, iuir
it tetfan of th« right king, anil that to which our
peoplo vfll generally resort,-in the preaanl enter-
- encouraging to know, that tho oommonily
win auction only tuch meMtpei, baee tor their
object rt» menu-oca and jnnrvatwn cf the
pl.t iad CnJtl Ilf At city. Too great a sacrifice
can hardly be made, for the thorough protection of
■ tieso all important.principle., na.n wound indicted
on them would not only aenoualy affect our varied
and complex internal., fcr year, la come, but deep
ly iujnrn the reputation and .tending of our hn.i
us* mu,wholher conatdered in theirtndivtdnal
or aigrecale capacity. The honbr and dignity,
tharelbnnofPiltaburgb, ahould bo regarded by her
cidaena generally,—whatever their peraogal view.,
or prime opinions—a* tacred and
Each and every holder of Scrip, ,should be plac
ed by the dty authorities, on a perlec* equality.
TOic person who h** but five dollar# ol this mon*
er, inn* mnch entitled to aecnrny tgninal loan or
depredation, aa hia neighbor who may have on
hand n hundred or a thooaand time, that amount.
If indeed, Uy preference be admtsaable, the
poor mu, on account of ho atraitened drcnmitao
* cea m.y be anppoud to have aoperior clnima to it.
Peraona inveated with antbonty,delegated to hem
by this community,will aUowtbeview fitted,
to hate its properinfluence oo them, m their offi
cial deliberations. . ,
When the outlay of individual, or corporation,
exceed, their income, they ore,. obeioualy, on“tho■
nod to rain." The expenaes incurred tor cdy im
provements, during thelnat have been
mocb greater, than the stale of the wly trenaury
would joabfy. ltia a miatakeu and r0 f‘ ,0 ” , ..i”
er L, contract debt*, which we are unable to liqui
date: ud auch a couraa must, tooner or later, m
f-jyi -t| who puraue it, iphopeleea bankruptcy.
Ittherefore, that pur municipal autbomlea
“S bv preaent ua painful experience, to
dUfdihei'r rcaourees, aolhatlAeir rtenptr htn-
• SShf a® Thtre i
r i ywnf JW pigfa and pointed id
no <nwU» jawrikaiion i* indulged, that the
■ !s&;***■ ,g.
Kemajkacl Bolomon V- Roberts, Chief Engi- I E-ROfll EUBOPE.
new of AiSoiift gad; Pcnuylvcma Rail Bond w « *•»>» •»» «««elw« of «*> eomspoo-
Company, (it lh* Roil Road meeting, held ib th« H““ ofth, New York Commercial, lo present
Roomsof the Board of Trade, at Pituburgb, oa «or reader, wtth aa uieUigible detailed acoouat o'
Monday evening April 23d, IM9 : lb ' " enu m Europe, up to the of
Th rough- the klddCetSof the ®oardO ' Gorrsspondcner of the N Y ttomnierciai Advertiser
1 of Pillaburgh, wo ore ftovr, assembled la their new
I room., -which are openediln eight for the finlum, _ Loauo-v. April 5, 1549.
for the purpee of bolding a public meeung to The abdication of a Kmg, and the creation ot an
ptomote thrconKnidUoli of the-Onto mtd Penn- Bmperor, are the tiding, by thl. packet. Italy ..
iylTaoia Beil Road ”to rSmneel thi. city with the crushed Charles Albert, her champion, after re-
I w-w* 1 ' j signing hu throne, is a refogeo 10 France, and the '
IV* : , . D i io e could occupation of the Piedmonteae capital by Radetx-!
" There i*’ object u> whsc _ oro Unpor- ky *» only averted by the mediation of the British .
fir* be allied, more appropriate or more impo i
Mback bone" line of 164 Such is the news of one short fortnight,
.« t>iVt*Kr.«»h ia ' Maatfield, by Massillon and more remains. The Central parliament at
one continnoua, united char- Frankfort base voted the imperial crown of the
. frfiih no irreat rivers to cro«J iathe inland German Empire to the King of Prussia. The Si
ter,ana i through tho heart of ’eilinnshave rejected the fraudulent terms offered I
Ihfrit-h wheat legion of Onto. them by the King ot Naples, and me boldly nwniling
ReMfuint Unmn it will give you the shortest an attack of bis mercenaries upon Palermo. Fire'
ijy momi nd and by Fort Wayne, the abort- and sword are still ravaging Hungary, where the J
ill td Cbirflg o -, which is the capital city aod Kmperor of Austria would be defeated but for tbe ,
-C * tnral outlet of the mighty empire of the north aid of Russia; and, lastly, there has been a great!
Qa . Ffpm Pittsburgh to Chicago the rail road battle in India, which has resulted in ihe utter
‘distance Is somewhat less than 500 miles, and roat of oar Sikh opponent,
bevond that point we may already itndy the italt —tub Austrians in yncmioKT.
progress of ttt*coq»m t .lowa, and Mlnesoia, and Tbe ha]iaQ dljmstroQfc
“Hear, the tread of pioneers; The Sardinian army, consisting of about 10,000
/. . Of nations yetlo be." men, under its Polish general, Czauowalci, and ac-
I BvWroute througitßellsrontaine and Indian- compamed by the king, Charles AJbert,;leftTnnn
.polLthg distance Irota lillaborjh to St Loci, . fortnight ego. At the »nme time the Austrian.
*ll hi 630 miles, by Kline intenMdiate between advanced from Milan to meet them. Bolh armies
the lake dod tbe river, rente., and piercing the arrtvhd simultaneously st the bank, of the Ticmo
central pnx!»-of lodienaand IHlnma. which separate. Lombardy from P‘edmo»L The
The Utdiaonpoll. line to- So Looi. will »ave plan of the campaign is not known, but Charle.
about ten per cent, in distance over that through Albert seem, to have hoped to surround Radels-
CincinnntiViarge trama have been subaeribed to ky with a hostile population m Lombardy, while
the slock; nod the work, ia begun. the rapidity of Radetsky . movemenl lowartU To-
Beside, this, our lino intersects three rail road nn wan .uch a, to render this impossible and to
routea to CiDctonali, all of which are favorable, neceasitato a retrograde march on the part of the
aod one, via Msest Vernon and Colombo., very Piedmontese to prove"' the" own
abort. We lake advantage of the road, already Bedetakyl. paawtge of the Ticmo t.
eoo.trt.eted aod eonttroelmg. rtmomg from the «ud ./have btreo f.vorod by a d,v.„„n
Ohio river to Lake Erie, and tending northward under a General Ramonno, by wheni he .hon'd
to New Turk and Boston, and we tap them at the have been opposed, having d.ugvn^crolt,-diaper
point, best autted to turn the,, trade and travel «=d. By other portion, of the no
to Pittsburgh. Wo will thus eot off the trade be- was bravely attacked, and not wilhoet pa
lirLi- ,h. lake vantage; bat on tbe whole he made ht. paasitge
But ice; and .lotm* and fog. obatrncl Ihe lake. ” u o| Mareb under lhe
aod them, with drooghl the i“ J “e pec- « of N „varn. and alter a,
plo ,re every where mektng for railroad. , throe la>wd morniog nd
nrtt&cial, perennial which ore worthy of the . hour ofUle „,. ht eotirwly and hopelessly
old motto of ‘wemjrer paratus, fo f ,le V “ de fe„; d , h em. His iLphic. were twelve cannon,
ready ;stad while thejr are no, Witbout to ud and belwe( .P 2 000 and 3 , 000 prisoners
the changing aaaaona. they combine the u howev „, w „ , e vere 100 of hi. ofl.
the sea, bird With the enao and safe!, of a private h>vloJ td | ed> wh de the Sardinians lost
Li- r z>„ Utt-o-k , n Maos- two generals, sixteen staff officer* killed and woun
:Tbo. length of our hue from Pittsburgh 10 Manfr * nd ffom , 000 to 4ioo o men. Churle* Albert
Held to 191 mile. ;48 miles,or but.hubsmo™ ,h»n ded- , Q bavo fo „, ht with the-tno.l
one foOtnh of which.wiU be m Peousylvama, ana and by tome of his troop*, es-
Ut tbejgmding and bridging oj wh.cb >^ ||y lho9e Savoy the most unflinching
oy and Beaver counties, the people of these coun- was shown. But a large portion cf tbe ar
lies are asked to provide. d roy V as corrupted by a cowardice, or disaffection
If ypo do this, Uta people of Ohio art' a / d lhe eiangbter 0 J those that remained true was
to medt yon at the Stale line, and Lo eontlnae the , B aroemab | c „ d „«les. swrriSce. De-
V ,k to MsosSeldc It you do ML they Will . >« ~ d obl ed 10 -n y , Charles Al
look U, Pittsburgh, but troll coooen on h<= "Orth abd , Tu „„ son Victor
with Lake Erie anil with the contemplated rad Duke of Savoy, who had fought srdeally
road the lake shore, and oe thei ao «b,£ t „ „ d ’ a he hl , m „ ; „„d leaving
toe Baltimore rail road, erasing tOO Ohio river 7 for „ bo „ s lart effort
at Wheeling, or some point below it. had made , h 6 repalred for .heller to
In matter, of business, plain .[weeb in Ma „ al Ues, and ha. since arrived in Pam.
this is the Dlain troth. Tbe gentlemen from Unto. , _ , > ,
who are here to night, are prepared lo tell you Meanwhile the new King, \ ictor Einauuel, had
this, ■ They are prepared lo 101 l von of the large no ctwice bul lo conclude sn. armi.nce with R«-
snnrfwhicL thrmlgn their eaenionm . nave beer deisky oa las own term.. Throe were, that the
subscribed in Obiof to the Ohio end Pennsylvania Sandman, .hoold foilhwilh dirbiind 10 ror| » ol
RadJ&ead, and which will be diverted in ovherdi- Hungnnans. Pole, and Lombard, belonging to
ralionsff yon dokiol do year part. It you hto tneir army. Radetrkv agreeing to elicit tor ihew
ihem to retorn tiotoe empty handed, the neaawtli men aa entire amnesty trom the Eiuperor of Aue
Sl!”itbln™vlnche upin your friend, to the that 20,000 An,.,.an troop, .bould occupy part
We,( who prelhr, what they call tho v Pntshurgb of me Piedmomroe territory, and thal the stroae
B ii rio.J»i!r.ll other linea Hold of Alclsr.dna .hould be garrisoned half by
BoMoae one may say, “arail road can never Piedmoeleae and half by Austrian forces; that the
he mado along the Lake abore, for the Erie and Sardinian troops should immediately evacuate
OhiolUdl Road charter ha. been repealed.” 1. u Modena, Plaoensa and Tuscany; that the Sardin
tree, that by tbe mist atrenuoo, and uoilnng effort. „u fleet should gnu the A drt.tic, whither it had
ofthh friend, oftbe central route in Peun.ylysma repaired for the anpport tol Venice, and that a
it, repeal wa, effeeled; and this wasdun. becauae prompt andl dorablo.peaoe shouL be eohcluded so
the Banner waa free from taiation, and because .oon ea us ba.u could bo arranged. A heavy con
we togged for bheatlliog itoie to cet oor work tribution for the eipenaea ot tbs war is also lo be
under weigh. Whoever re,-.ts upon lhe hop* that egseted.
Hist ctafler, ia ap amended form, tfill not here- During these events, confasion and terror reign
after be re-enacted, leans upon a broken reed, anti ed al x Ufin . At first me disasters were denied or
is mistaken a* to tbe course of lesislauon oo ibai d i 9cre diied. but tho apprehension that Radetsky
subject. This .at icast is my deliberate opinion, forthwith march apon lhe city soon became
It must come before luog, and, uoless we arc up u n(VerM l, and the British and French Miomera
and doing, it will come before we ftre prepared were soUciled lo proceed Jo his camp to ex?rt their
for it The energetic and eolerpming roeu ol the j„fl o eDce for the miy 8 protecuou. When the real
oorlb may yet tend their iron arm around our RCCOUII t of all that had happened reacted the As-
Qorthern border,tad seize thai rich western prize rage, grief and despair alterfiately prevail
whiehis by naliuc our birth right. c <]. and found vent m wild council* or ferrous re-
Nothing can-tfompensale for neglecied oppor- c ri mi nat:ons. Tbe term* of the armistice were dc
lunitie?. Evctf ithinc w pron«wed to well directed nouoce d, but the slrong words were not supjmried
enterprise. Out positioD is unrivalled. But we by strong hearts, and a proposal to raise the people
may be enchained by New York upon the nor'h. r „ und \ 0 retreat with the Notional archive*
and bv Marylnnd'upoo the south, and then, wc. cm- t 0 (i POoat fom»d no substantial response. From the
zen* of the Keystone State, will have-ol nature tirst ihe cause of independence had been weaken*
but ounelves to blame. Bail Roads oiiaoge tbr e d by faction. Had n been ach.eved,both aristocrat*
cottrseof trade, and wu must have OUr Rail Rond ond democrats knew that tbe strife would then be
or vve most lose our trade. brought to a crisis among themselves
Ohio ta the fire* agricultural State in the Union. A t length it was announced that Radetsky ha.i
Her population*i» now about two millions. Mo*>l a proclaras* on that ho did not o-me to seize
of tor territory, particulnrly its aorthern and west- U pr, D i«rnrory hoi to dicnUe a-p A-r—c Ihe hngl -sh
era portions, is admirably adopted to the construe- aod Frencti munsters were nl>o to have
tiofl of Roods. Those already made in the obtained som** modiiiraimn of t i« rms of tbe or-
Siata'have proved highly profiiable Our hnr mistier.’ The yoanz K'm enterevi tbe n:y and icx-k
beginning at Pittsburgh, leaves the. Ohio river at t^e to n.<- eom>titiU'-m. New m'r.i-ters w« rr
I-Beaver,the earliest practicable poiutjind crossing appointed, ccnatsiiug of li '-’.'-e v -'°“ "an pie>if«u*t>
l the ; Ohio Canal ht Masidlnn, the emporium of tbe been the fnends ot peace, anisng whom wus the
I wheat trade, traV«¥se* tne most pfodneuve part ol Abbe Giobern. Mo.t of the drmorratiß party dis-
Ihe- It lithe best possible route for the in- appeared and Brofferio, their leader, fled to Lyon*
terfe«ta Of Pittsburgh. It opens a country now. jhe parliament wa* then prorogued tor n lew day*.
'traversed only-by common rondr, and having to give time for measure* to be concerted, wheth
morosurplas products than exist on any other line er is will be called together again to perform the
This we have Aown bn former ocCa*ion«,and we chiral duty of pronouncing on the armistice, ap
art Drtpared to show it still more fully now by tbe p eQrs t 0 be doubtful.
most reliable this point, we» dial- The step taken by France during this crisis has
lenge the most thorough invesligatioa and tho most been to deel.nre that, under no eireum*taoces. will
netd comparison*. The more thoroughly they are a h e permit any seizure or cession ot Fiedmoniese
made, the mote clearly will it appear, thnt the ,-mton—and a* lhe Austrians iiavc evidenily
route of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Rond is never had any ir.lenlion of that kind, the declare
tbe easiest to construct,’nod will be the best when non may be vei'y safely made. The interesting
.constructed, of all possible line* to connect the point willbe to see what France w.ll permit wan
Rail Read systems of the two State*. regard to Rome and Tuscany. Both those states
Oar l.nt n.Di'rmm Pittsburgh by Beaver, and pa* have declared themselves republics, m consequence
sine through a nch bitummou* and cannel coal of the fight oftheir respective rulers, jnst as France
field ia Beaver oounty, enter* Ohio in Columbiana declared herself a republic upon the flight of Umis ,
county passes by Salem, aod through Canton, the Philippe—or. indeed, oo stronger grounds, since
county towu Of Stark county; and reaches tbe the Italian ruler* deserted their subjecti without j
Ohio Canal at Masailhra, th« far faru d wheat even a show of violence having been offered to
mart of Ohio,in the short distinbe of 101 miles The aid or consent of France in placing
from Pittsburgh. From Massillon'to Wooster, the these recreant parties back upon their thrones,
county seat of Wayne, is twenty four miles ; and would be an appropriate sequel to the recent mea
frtJm that point to Mansfield, in Richland county, aare ofOdllion Barrot, of suppressing tho clubs of
•s thirty nine toiles; making lbe whole distance Paris ia virtue of his power as chiefof.lbemims
frora Pittsburgh to Mansfield, a hundred an«f sixty try of a repablic which owes ita existence to
four mile*. We connect at that point with tbe 8 contest for the right of political meetings. j
Rail Road now in use to Sandosky city, and an- j As to the ulumale terms lo be impot-ed on Pied* ,
other nearly completed to M.-unt Vernon and New- j mo nt, there in no reoson to apprehend they will te
ark- and the various Rail Ronds projected beyond ; ver y severr. Tne present King, who is now 29
Mansfield are so numerous that it ia hard lo make t ye ars of age. roamed seven years ogo the daughter ,
.Selsclioo between tlicm. "f lb" Art-b Joke Regmer. of Anslrla, who was \
'This road will add vastly to the wealth and cer „y nf L unbnrdv when the civil war broke out.
oODUlation cfPittsburgh, and increase and cheapen There will be no disposition, therefore, lo subject
tha agricultural supply of the uuroerous articles h Jm t 0 indignities, and Austria, moreover, is with
needed daily for the food 0! its citizens. It will O ot the -mnllest wish to interfere with Piedmost
onen the interior of Ohio, and the boundless empire whose closed neighborhood to France would ren*
ofthe west and north west, as an unlimited roar- (for such jeourae of policy highly indiscreet Her
Iret for the consumption ofPiltsbargh manufactures sole wish is to keep down the rest of Italy, and
all reasons-of the year. The locomotive u tbe Piedmont being now powerless lo inierisre with
JtearobdW that cannot be stopped by dry weather I her in that object, she will be quite ready toconciU
in summer nor by cold weather in winter, and ; ate France and lo gam the applsuwe of the Eng-
L directly to the consumed door. t lish House of by a great show of forbear
-11/ md wish, ol an early day, to hear the soond j an oe and magnanimity towards her fallen oppe-.
of ita whistle as it starts, like the east wind, on its j De nt
- lha weB . you must now put your own i Meanwhile many savage scenes may yet take
•boulders to the wheel If yon wish to turn the tide place in Lombardy. od «f the excitement caused
nf western travel which now sets northward to by the advnnce of the Sardinian army, tbe city of
Fria eastward throngh Pittsburgh, you roust Brescia ha* been tempted to break into revolt, and
”” n 7VJ’ Your rivals «n the north, and Radetsky will soon exact his usual unrelenting
voitarivala on the south, are pushing on with new ,« aQ lue*. Tbe fate of Venice also would now ep
r#«w»led pear lo he scaled, although tbe defence which this
Baltimore • begin* to sra* B lhe Alleghenies; eity has made from the first against her Austrian
Wheeling offers half a million to secure her terrai* masters, has excit«i ■ sort of respect for her peo
nos and soeads half as mdeh ino/ building her p i e which may even induce France and Englandto
vast bridgeover the Ohio river, to-attract the Rail- kc that she has moderate terms,
roadsof Central Ohio to her point of crossing. Among the conservatives in this coontry the de-
What Wheeling does would more than prepare t feat of c nn rles Albert has been received with un
-your road for ihs iron rails from here to tbe stale ; bonn-led joy. The fact that he is the only potentate
lW for you have oo need to bridge your mighty | Italy who, after having yielded or pandered to
river, and is hot Pittsburgh wealtbjJr than Whee.-! lhe moV ement tor independence, has uot proved a
mg’’ At the state 1 ne the men o®hio stand rea-; is this great offencr; and there u cnn-c
-dy to meet you, theu’ delegates arAere 10-mghl to q „ efU i y B( , opprol.noo* epithet which Lords
tell you this. ? ,o ' i d « n > Brougham and others consider 100 bad for
You need So more legislation. Ohio and Penn- | him His disregard of tbe treaties of lBlu which
gylvania have both granted you the most liberal j Italy in «rrfdom to Austrians a crime of tbe
laws. The lcgi-iaturo of Peansyl»&o‘» at ns late , deepest dye, althoagh, as he pointed out in bismani
sessioa, anxious to promote the immediate prose- j disregard of those same treaties by Aus
culion of the work, has granted uSttl! that we have tn# and Russia in the affair of Cracow, a few
Mkei yearB gince. is to be looked upon as perfectly pro-
Tnoro will bs uo irsosblpmet from Man.flsld to p„. Tbs fset Also. th.l .ho Grand Doko of To.- , u „ of sns cancLODm,}
Pltubargb; arid the cities of Pittsburgh and Alle- C anv, the King of Naples and the Pope, twelve ... , A „» ,
Fhany are ssch sothonsed lo sobsqribs 8200,000 to monlbt ,incs, openly dosl.rsd for ths indepsod- A supplsmsnl lo so s ct, sotiUsd An sel lo .
Uio slock of oor railroad, sod soyljpnds Ibnl they anrt o! lla | y , i, regarded ns e thing lo be forgiven iborile lhe Governor to mcorpornte the Tioge abd
may issue for the porpose. nro declared free from and forgotteo. Wheo they repud.nled lhe snored Elmirs Plank Rood Company.
Splodal taxation. The Ohio and Pedn.ylvamn Rail- i rea tie.^oflSlS, they merely did K) in terror and A supplement to an net, entitled An net lo ea
rned will be to Pittsbnrgh wbut the Peun.ylvnnin In complying with the popnlar cry they labltsh an Academy at Brookvtllejn Jefferson eoun-
Railroad will be to Phdndelpius.'aid ml unpreje- had no ihoneht lull that of preserving themselves ty, and for other purposes, approved tne 13tli day
nersous who have exam.netl ine are : w h,i e ib o popular will wal in tbe ascendant, and ol April, I sJ**. .
amlre of the truth of Ibis fact. Our line combine, . of their subjects if it sheuld olttmalely A further .uppleoieo to «u net, enutled -An act
tSdwntW. of connecting os both with the : posome advisable. It wa, reserved for lhe wicked I" incorporate Ihe Delaware County Insunmoe
west and with tbe lakes; it does not touoh the sun g lnj j 0 f Sardinia alone to hold hto posaesstous to Co.. „ ,
if vS", nod is free from all the vel.tioo. 0. , he * eaJ . To repea the ae ol 23d March, 1603, so far a.
legislatto"- “ To remove
atrVple, ' ! her in ISI2, sad ■ the'7'“* b “" £ i To [ivovido fo, Ihaereclioa o, a home 10, the cm-
m,lrad« are profl.sbjeMhey know tow ; la of .S. week to re-’ "" C ° U “ T ° f
£7°?'x£, , sr; ,os
and “n, thTboar. o. Peons,lv.oie, .»d thetwo of the, r respective nations, ,o be Gu.b
main springs of modern eiviliialion, an. , lb<! bearer, of .uch an offer to a peopto ■ n . „„„„ rucl . dam i Ithe Klsklrnfaetss' river
° e perhaps eoms one may say, -this I. dl very well, i "T 'lT** “ d
bnl the hme ooproptJom? nod this movemenl | de, have em- >8" ?'‘S““ n Co ”'“V
ought 10 ho postponed to a more convenient seas- „, L, for Palermo to easuie the pro pt . «.’t Turttriktl B * "'hißanboroogh and
■abf” There are one or two ctrcugtstances which 1“'““ |“^ eol ofSteily of the eo.eorrenoe of Taropike Road Company to bor
we might wish wtre otherwise, but they do not Pr-nce and Ehglan.l in the recommendation ol sub- ro t> . „ , k ... D ,
affect tbe ments of oor railroad; god such as the mta>ioll , 0 , b o condihoo of tbe King of Naplea.— _ r b “ J 8 n^toahl'T'S', ‘
lime is, it is tho time when this question has to be wb j,to r lba d i,aster* in Sardinia will damp the Baul - Cre “ “„ “ “ T' B ? bI S, ,nB “JV , “ i and
mot. The gentlemen from Ohio, fho are about to , f h Sicilians and thus induce |hem lo re- 1 j? co ?!j ,, IL” "“? % b ?'^ * I” 1 * b,l 2?' ov ' r
eddressyoo, Will lell you why ihiSrsw. Tbe sob- thrir dele,mioehon, remain, lo be seen, the AUe?beoy over at Emlentown, to Venango
are made then-, the pledges nre given blh ocoounls there was not the smallest , „ , . ,
there, the rsilrosd lidejmnt the flood there, that ts 0 I stlcS a re.ulh TBb entire popolation of T° change the Marion Greens, a vologteer rifle
the tide that leads offtofbrtisne, the tide ibnt bears were as one men. Instead of resorting "", m ,f a 4 con, ‘
Upon ita bosom tMweallh of the Wed; sad, if you demonstrations, land talking, onjost spo P aay to l ” d ' M Guarda ' , .
repel it front thoThores of Penn.ylv.nis, it most denunciations of one another, the whole m^r l
gnd will K ek an outlet in another direelioa. rflhe people, unlike tho liberals that have “■"«*. 1 ” dr ' lllUV0 w *““» U» Charflers Coal
. l f our pledge* rather than y°ar money aro what . ' croahed in other parts of the world, have . . .
a-wanted now. Our preliminary surveyi are cf'cn- . from the first an attitude of determined j of Gray * Fwry Rood
pleted, oor local,on ,s began, bo you wUb it to ata> , tbei , enyrnpt and mnrdemns op- ° i ii FT** o
be gone on with, or do you wish it to be stopped! . „^f d a t the same time have manifested e | “""i" 0 ," nr rio™_ in it?*’ 18 “‘tf “PP"'" 1 '
F 0 "" 0 ” °> Ena -
S!v* done SrdHtS the calmest times Of the wav » ra " d Bntdlord, bonding the Southwark Rad.
, h *whfer,hTy^ -hEV. been ,
to the with nproschoa egninst ou, I 10 J" B*"'"* 8 *"'"* "f'ht. Common.
Ma. Dick, the eminent philosopher end author,
ilia said, expresses his intention of the
United States, during tho approaching summer or
The English Government stand solemnly pledg- I To incorporate the Reserve township, Allegheny 1 inemsMg in all cases the act ot tbe Postmaster
ed to support the Sicilians in their demand for the ! county} a borough to be called the borough of Do- : Geotßu. All ihe action d tbe three Assistant? to
constitution of 1812, which urat promised them by qoesne; to erect the town ofTarentum, in Alle- > Postmaster Gereral is subordinate to his,* their
the King of Naples; which be has always treated gbeny county into a separate election district; and i own tenure cf office bcingaubjeet toms wiIL The
as 60 much waste paper and which be now denies to regulate the *treet« and public grounds in the language of the act of 1525 is. that “there shall be
them, (substituting a constitution according to hi* borough of Girard, in Erie county. _ , ; «* u,, hßhcil at the seat ot ih** or the
own fancy.) apparently to the great gratimeataoa of To incorporate the Werreo and Pittsburgh Tol- j United State* a General Post Office, Qttaer the d»-
all those English Itgialalon who are mo« vrhe- Company. , I rec,l °" ° f » G ' n ' t ’! ; lh “
meat in their ejacul.tions again.. Charla. Alhert To prevent the opening of street, or publ'e roait. ter Gentral .hall appoint ht« Aaaltfamtß. b
for hi. rapture of trealias. Among their other through hartal grooatls, and tor the protection cl ‘he .hall establish Post Ofltces and appoint Pwsl
tnanifesloes the Sictlians have cattsedlhe cemeteries and graveyard. „ ”» :h P>“ c ? ” ,b “ 1 , “P«"" l ° h ‘ m
tution of 1813 and the thing now offered to them ; To incorporate Ihe Me.dv.Ue and ■ 'apedtem A'c, 'and that he shall give tus A.ns
toba printed by aide, so that the world I Plant Road Company. „ , ";o 1 os.iaasler. and aU other penaras whom
may jadga of the good faith of Britain. Tim ,To extend the charter ot the Lancaster BanL. .he shall employ, or who may be employed in any
recognition of Ihelr independence .1.0. which Authoring ihe tfevernor to .occrpor.le the ,ot the departments of the .General Po« Office,
look place Issl year, is held up as an illustration of perrysville and Zeiieuonle Turnpike or I instructions relative to their duty. It Beiogob
the extent to which we «re disposed to sacrifice Road Company. D , • viouriy , mprarhcable fcr any ooe head or hand
implied pledges when their execution becomes in- To vacate Lag Lane, >n the county ot Pmln- to discharge all these functions. Assistant* ta the
convenient; and not only have the Sicilians now to , delnhia; relative to Niles and Forbes streets, >a the Postmaster General have been provided by law,
complain of being abandoned to their fate, but they i city of Putsburgh. w hnm he a PP olnt *' aD<l aU who * e acls re^Qire bu
have also been made to suffer by the direct inter- | To exieod tbe charter of the UaaK of Uwlcwnre _ _>anet'on.
ference of the British Government against them.— ! comity. . . t. U * are induced thus particularly to slate the
Some months since they purchased of one of our I Resolutions relative to an amendment <>i the law upon the subject, because we perceive, in other
large steam companies two steamer*, for which I cou'liiution eleeuak of judges by the people. papers than the one from which wc made tbe el
they gave about ill 00 000, intending to have them j Fur the sale of the Williamsport nod hlmira tract referred to, that some misapprehension exists
fitted as vessels of war, and although their equip- railroad. outlie subject .—Nat.lnul.
meat was not attempted in our ports, the contrax-t Regulating e’e.-tion districts. 71.~
being merely for their delivery at Palermo, as any Fur the regulation and continuance uf a system * * or * cg st.,
ordinary vessels sold under the usual commercial ofeducal on by common school* , ESS* opposite me Pittsburgh Bank. Office
forms, one ottbem has been detained by our Gov- To extend the charter of the Monoogahela Hank (£rj>sEssE»pN hour* from 9 o’clock to u AM-, and
eminent and theluher, wbichjhad prevtouslvsail- 0 f Brownsville. |rom o'clock ioS p, M. *epU-1y
ed. will very probably be stopbed m route. To mcorpornie tl»«* Temperanccville and Nobles- ~ ~ oTi/vT BIDDLK, - Dentist-*
That Lord Palmerston feet* grievously the pc- (own turnpike or plank ond company. , KkJgpiSja* RK.MOVKDio a new thrfce story brick
sition in which Great Britain now stand? toward* To extend the charier ot the Franklin 1-unk o i (JJrtttSsßEk <m Smilb6eltl ** rML °ne door below .
the Sicilians, there can scarcely be a doubt, and Washington, hi the county m Washington. Sixth »treet. Teeih inserted from one
had be bean properly supported he would have A supplement 10 th"»et,
gained honest troatinent for them willioul the ling Turnpike and Plank iwad Uonipume*, up j or , w t, ape ol ihe (are.
slightest difficulty. But the London press betug proved January 26ih. 1849 , n h.—»• xtraned with liule or no pain,
on the tide of the/eactionary powers, as well as Toincorporate the Beaver-Manufacturing i om- iveayrd IVnh permanently saved by plugging, pre.
the House of and a large majority of the p aU y, in Beaver county. veiling she moth ache, which i* much bener than cu-
Commons, the King of Naples knew that he could A further supplement to an act relative‘‘tu the tl,ll>ou< p ° 1 apathy' ° T
pursue his course with comparative unpmuty. It Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital, passed Apr.l r 1 a t „ _ _
will be said, perhaps, that be this as it muy, Lord mb, 1845” DIED
Palmerston should have resigned ratherthan have T o change the mode of granting 'Tavern L,ccr.- the inst . CATBMrj( j Asgi
become a party to what he knew to be a breach m the city and county ot Pui add.phu. U,.. uUax-i v.uuxhier of Willuun and Francis Manin,
of public faith; bnt our bad faith has, 1 expect, been For the relief ol Boyle, Hall and Boyle, late con- ajr| , n nd 20 day?
rather of a negative than of a direct character, so tractors cn the North Branch Canal; and re'aung . (i ( |a;i< . ra | Wl | t lßke u, ,B day, at ‘2 o*elock
that it may josl admit of being whitened over to a ifa o Mutual Insurance Company, in Warren U(lhi . j rwilt , lic< . of ber falhefj on Beaver street. Al
sufficient extent to exonerate a Minister for con- CO Doty; and relative to Allegheny Cemetery. ■
tinuing to hold-office, especially with the belief Authorizing the Governor to incorporate the ‘ 1 •' .
that he may still do the betrayed parties some good, Wysauking aud Wapposening PJank Road Com- PBOTECTIOSI
which would be lost to them if his opponents were p an y. THK FKOTI-CTION FlttK AND
injiower. At regards the precise character of all To incorjwrale the Meadville, Hartstown, and -ffijffyl'ffli N{ARINF: INSURANCE COM PA
that has token place between our Government Greenville Plank Road Company. . NY OF HARTFORD, CONN,
and Naples and Sicily, we are, moreover, in some To authorize the .School Directors of Mount Plea- Uitj btxrsd ui 1845.
degree, ignorant, the diplomatic documents on the sant township, Weslmorelaud county, to assess. tfspual Pmck, Annual Provision*,
subject not having yet beer published; nnd as I addiUonul taxes for purposes; to mcorpnralß i and «uip.u» mnd ( .. nn . n i of.
have more faith in Lord Palmerston, both as rc- ihe Kinamgton Steam Navigntinn Company; rela- .'^ l lo l^ > i hc%V e mSt a i e». to c m d*ut Umcimmii, Ohio,
gards intention and intellect than in Htiy existing t, V e to school taxes in Allegheny county; to change , Com p any j, 0 f long standing, and well known
representative ot'the old school of politicians, lam ihe uame of Frederick Kuntz; iclativc to the do m ; lbto jghom 'the United Stales for it* solvency nod
still disposed to hope that the past may be cleared 0 j Barner and Johnson lor damage*, io authorize : p r r.aipt |*ayment of lo**e»—having tncuizrd aud twt
up in iome measure, and that even the future may the Rev. George Morton u> *ell certa n real e-taie, il<-J. in ib* ka j , * l^ c,lo “ e 6 UAX^un.uos*
nol|l>e no disgraceful asfpresent appearances would to'aothonze the Court of Common Plea* i*l Wc-t for which ure on ihe tile* of
seem to threaten. moreland county to appoint auditor? io c xaiu-ne *t iiauiord and Cincinnati.
With respect to the recognition of Sicilian indo- the accounts of Thomas L. Drum; relative in txni- • r „ r p,av*urgh agency of ihi* office »m originally
nendencc last year, it is to be admitted that such a on canals and railroads in this Commonwealth; t.- lt ,. ; i, y Mo-«* Atwood, . and wa,k
recognition doe* not necessarily imply an intention authorize the Treasurer of Cgrbon oouoiy «o p«v aej *e«-
to aid tbe country so recognized by acting a* un over certain taxes ! »on 'o e?cupe loss hy the tire nf tiKh April, tr4s.
ally in a war for its defence. Committed, howev- p Q r the relief ol Wm. Johnston, James H*’pburn, : j. ft?cllC y now reorvamzed under the charge of
er as we were previously to the Sicilians, the uid E. G. Hryimnn ; in- undesigned, who , wl '' ' T * pr * l \ p fc ? ppl . l s. a l t !f. n, ir io’?'
step in thtn instnnen was nalcnlntcd to eadtolhe For the relmf nf Wm Keelnt XX! &l' wnMhn'lSt
nfernneo that aid would be ntTorJed; and the tie- To e neon rape manufacturing operations in Un» .n“ ;",,]; V *" b ( ,ood.',W»rr. m'.a Merchandisn n
lertion therefore is m the last degree cruel, how- Commonwealth- ' ' lbr peril* of Marixz a' ll ' lai.*so Naviostiok, *t
•ver it may be softened down by special pleading. To restrain corporation* from issuing obligations ft- rim en: raic* of pietm-un
.•tleemnble olberwae than io gold or silver, or in , oifice ai M H. BROWN A
Wellsborough Cemetery Com- j laWAnCe °°
naov and relative to the collection of taxes in I ' *. ! l —.-
Ws.htng.on nnd Lnwrrnc. counties. t ° rr ';.;,f.'i ST»''uT
To incorporate t'.e Bank of Danville. jrt’ \RATF. PROPOSALS will t* received »i ini*
Aulhcrizmg the ttovemor tr> incorporate a com* Office umit 3 f» ! el«ck. P it on Tczbdai. ih* Ist dny
pany to erecl a toil bridge over Big Beaver, at New- „ t r x , ( (~r mroihhing matrnai* and executing
purl, u* the c- utilv -f Beaver. w..ra at me Unued Stele* Marine Hospital, a. io
To mewpornte the Penn M.mng nnd Smcl'ang ' Wo „_ Por mu ,en.i. nnd
Company* ctn utice Iron i*iair way. and Iron Ruling?, coo'or
lL-*ol«itions rela'ive io Mr A*« '> h.tney * p<an mit> , , 0 p| in « sn u *prcibe«tioii* io he ie«u ai ihi«
of con-'niclu.g a ra.lroad from Lake Michi-an to o(1 .,„ Bolder* will utate taepnee per H»
me Pdcfitr Oc-dn 1-aixti'o aSd GLAZiso.-For furnishing material*
A Mii.olemeiu to an set reUtive IO the veadrra am' exveuuns toe Painting and Gl >ung Bidder* wilt
A .upplemen ~. , n t?- W.,h aiate price per i«*oi lor pai|iung and zloxing. according
of mineral water?, and an act relntive to the « a»n tn ..y Banner*' Book of Price* ** Glass to uo
ingion Coal Company. 1-7 ?her.ll s rnle* id r»-Hi es- q UOU ~j ih;.'* n»-**. and near of all deieeu.
tate'lo the anSsUtuti.'ii ol executor* and 'ru*ieoa > O ,-cc*«ful Koltiera will be required loenier into con
when plain.,!)’ to p.r..Uon .n the C«urt of Com,nun - Jn'd g~d 'b-nnht^pe,.
Pies*, and for other pirpo«ev -,„.i ctM Surveyor of r u *»ooi».
To incorporate the Sn*qnehanna K.ver, nnd '
No«h nnd West Bmncb Tclcgrnph Co vS?l“"?t "a^.“ P ‘“ T W..,s,n
To authorise the Cans. Lmrmii**t , ’n***'* io e l - (jl , ura „ ce r, >m p*ny «u he held at the Monon
and convw certain real estate ufleo the rratikhn * House, on Tuesday. May in. A D 1549, ho
lme of the Pennsylvania Canal, to allow the - rII t h«* hour* of icn and iwe o’clock, lor ihe pur-
Frankiin Canal Company to construct ara Irond . m,** v f e-ectihq imriren Direeior*, to wrve ui>m the
Smg°r ume to L.tlnm.n, „f cts.m, nn L
ih« Coaneaut line; auJ relating to an election di»- m . t%ior , or| TH<)A. K LITCH.)
I met i 1> WICK, VUoiaa.m*e
A further supplement to an act, eutitled<“ An act di-el MILLER. ) _
! authorizing the < fovemor to incorporate the Mill g on Thxiwday next. 461 b Inst.
Creek and Mu e H*ll Navigation and Railroad . HA|>TON 4 PHILLIPS’ NEW LIFE PRE
| Company.’ passed the “ik February. 13-5. anJ in Ij gj. VHR. a most important invsntion for llie n«e
j relati.m to Orphan* Court deed*. oFnaswnijerw and oihor*. tn »hip», sieamhosM, ic
I Auihonzinc the Governor 17 incorporate ihe n»e of a »«.w life Preserve, by Me**r»-
I V f ~ |. i l’iank Road O’uuwov R.i..,.,u mi l Pin.lip*, of " a?tunglon county and Pitt*-
Meailv ilie imJ Merc«.r ' . • , . t, ur -„ bid* fair io be c'a«*ed among The ireaieit
To exempt property to the vaux- ol three hundred for the preservaoon of life, (rom the pent*
dollar* Irom levy and sale on execution nml di*- (>( lt| , known to , Jlc p Q t>i, c . The Life Preserver*
lre*s for rent. : winch have hcrriolore beer! invented, previous to ihe
To Incorporate it* borond. of Wkiwh.ll. .a Ik* . unprorwaMt, h “” I’™",'*
roaatr of Ph,l,d-lph,=. mlnuc ... .be borona!,s of jrts »r » Wkrid» .d-
Brownsville nnd l n-ontown, in r a» cite «nn.t.% in v( ,. i;wte » ~i u.r new L.fe Preserver are fully id torth
relation to the publication of certain nut'ce* in a .,j ul .„j e k „owu, u u coalidentljr believed that ii will
Norumberlnnd •'cui.lvf relui vx* n E'evctitli *t. , oU nil io an-wrr tulimrahly ihe purpoie* for which
MoyamenwnF.l'hliadotphia . onntv, nnd In orrlvn „ maaaW. m«l «. ■;* Jn
election dtstticln. and relnuvn u. the Ltfro.o.sof .U .fmilnr inrrn.ion^
the Delaware, Schuylki.l, Lehigh aud * usquepan- ,\ pot-on nctrug one oftheee Life Preservers can-
Ua Railroad coropaoy. ,-*• r-. frurn hi .v to our boudred lh», in addition to thmr
To confirm the title of certain real e-latc ;n per *oii. and fioai four persou* ui the water, without
John Cnr.wrwhl.and Isaac Cartwrath. of Lainrae .n.k...5. nnd r.i. mkc an o.hc. po.tuon on tl, wmer
Joun ° p p-,-r WmirT e \ctin wun the brad and shoulder* etiUreiy obovo ih©
cnonty. to confer authority upon Peter Wl,lUr
guardian of the minor children of Geo. Wingard, .j- iC 0 „|,.. j„-r.on. save the face, t* enclo»ed by an
deceased; nnd providing for tbe appointment i>! a I|ldlJ Lh e »s, parts of which are inflated, ena
trusfee m the place of John Kerim deceased, i..u< m.* -.voarer to float in an erect, or sleep in a re
relative n real estate* of Christian Knea-s, p«*ture, or will, paddles which are attached,
reunite >c«i *■•*»**■ nrc-i l,,imri; at tar rale of three mile* per hour. Hla
of Alfred Dunbar, and the Fatrhtil estate in ihe ? ;, M1 ln krpl ~„u rt. |r ry , and tho heal of The body i»
county of Philadelphia, incorporating the Pittsburg w UlJl warm and comfortable, when
and Wheeling Railroad < onipany, relative to ihe fl oBt , ut „n the waier ui coiA»i*-eaiber.
manufacturing of iron wuh coke and mineral coat; n me above Life Tr-server* ju»t rac’d and for
ndtt.tvc io Ihe claim, of H F- Atktos sod i.avtd «ls «o- l»d,. Roboc, Ucpou hj * L[pB
Bomu* . aud excepting certain suit* from the. . -
operation of tho nci securing the rights ol mar* | An Ordinance.
ned women, and relative to the cieric »I the -A» O. .hrtan* for t!u payment of ha*rt* <m our
C.mrt of quartes Se»*i<>n. tn ih / ' C’mn'v of 1 Inin- City .Scrip. '
. , „ rk. ik h xi. t’oiirt of\ork i-"ti. I- \\' Ht.RKAS. *onir further ucticn i.« deemed neces
delph.n. jnd 10 Ihe Lrpb yy >|t{) ior Uio P urp»»'- 01 guarding U.e bolder* of
ty. »ma'l *uin* oi (4iv of Pittsburgh Scrip, from lo»s con-
Reiative to certain school districts in Jeiicrson, ui*on h* iiaving reaua to circulate gen. rally
Indiana Cambria. Westmoreland. Bis -, t'arbot' n . ;i medium of cxehaugr, and who arc'unable to de-
Schuvlktil. Bedford.'Chester. Delaware. \Vn-h:rg- «nr- m-m.riT.-* of the use of such amount* « are
ocnu)iki . HUl.n'v. i.ow re*iuirrC. m order ibat u may be convertible uito
ton and Northampton counties, rdati*- «*> '«PP-J bol) . s u ‘ n(lA lbe o rJlMBuCe o fU»e lsU. of April, and u
ing the several »<-sooi* of the LoinmonwenUh u ~b a .miuum of the Scrip now m the hand* of ihe
the State map; and providing for a pubbe h.iih l ot i,rnui>iiy may be held lor an indefinite period if as
schoo., and for the education of c-omred children. *ar-<i <*i it* ulumate payment, together wiu the iaier-,
in the city of PlLsburgfo lunal.c.* ni.o t*i Br it orUaincd and enacted by the cilizena
A snpplemcat lo an act ret i i 01 Pitutiuri'ti. in Select and Common Council* assem
drunkards; lo ponish Aldermen and justice* ol the bie ,, -phuffrom snd after the lets day of April, A D.
peace, . 1-tv ail interest ol »ix per ccol per annum shall be
Authorizins the partial restoration of tbe capital P „ uon i«*a«-« of ihe city of pu:«burgh of the de
of the Book of Pennsylvania IReoctved Apr,, »- -s, ,»o anh whteb^.e.
not 10 days—not yet approved | mem -oi itxc*. debt* due io the city, and ihe «urren-
To incorporate tne Titusville aad Cxiopertown (J( , f i>( ~c rx ,ncmf*. ,\ud u *ba;i be ihe duty of nil
Plank Road Company. cuprum u> lurunh voucher* to ihe City Treasurer for
To ore vent tho Ldlinc of deer at certain seasons s i unouai* .hitc»i allowed by them on Senp.
i- , „ . w.»<*•* ' Sac. 'J. Be o ordained Ac . That ihe Finance Com
,n In ion county, and relative to marriage eel. II hypoibe.ats .nr •'<>««• be10,. 8 -
cate*. • | ( , R Bit City a* hey may derm proper for ihe pur-
To prevent the destiuction ol hsh in .•ertain p ,,. r n f *u*iai'uitig ihe creait of ihe city, and paying
stream* of tnis Commonwealth, extending the tn- necessary expense* of the city government and
power* and privileges ol the Health Insurance Co . int-ra»t on the debs
ofPhtl.flelj.hia; and direcung the Audiu-r tjiiaersl
to give certificate* of ihe’ claim* ul . . I „■ im» ordinance, be and ihe same arc hereby
nnd Henry D Peltnkru for'sen ic*. pcriormed in , rrpt .„^,]
organizing the volunteer ngimenl* trom th:* Mule uroinrird nnd maned imo a law in Council*, tbi*
in ih* ManranWar *AJ<I day ol April, A-D IM'J.
vtlLne of Last Birin,n 8 h.,,„ „„„ „ , A'.es. BOBKAtT hPKN.GHT, Bre. , I C
boroogh; fixing the place o( holding r.action* in HARMAR DENNY, S. C
Plum, Fattou and Indmna township*. Almgneny j«,ii\M*-or Cierk s. <• ap24 d3t
county; relative to licensing hawker* aud per* nr- ■ k AD—ton pig- -oft l«-*u, i*> ,’rnrr per *unr Penn
and fixing iho standard weight ot oat*. *vi\a:iia. for -nh by
A supplement to an net entitled an nci to extend n ap.v
' the charter of the Western Uank of Fhiladi*iphta. 1y t ARI. ASH—L> > -
[Approved the 7th day of April. 1816. J- " ,r —-
More effectually to preservo the public gruraJ* i jKMb SKED-> hh!*iu-i rec’d and ftr *ai.-b>
and public buildings of this Commonwealth. A 1 w’* _B A.. Al i NK^ A -.l_
To create a sinking lund, and to provide lir the - - pnfASH—2ou *>uncf*ju«i r'.-;-‘.l nnd i«.r
gradual ai d cnJrl "n exiioguinhlpent of the debt ot |( , upJ-> B A FAHNK-i t CH:K It U.
the CooimuTiW-in.-li. . i*At'<iV — tfO r-k- n-'m* couiilrv cur'-C bacon, ju-t
To exempt irem taxation (except tor State aud j luidj . it >i|hJ |or , ft , f by
road TMiroosr.. the house for tne employment and ; j s DILWORTH A C
support of the [*K.r m the county of Schuylkill, and I _
for pther purpose*. j
To revise the unliha ry*u*m and provide for the j
training of such only a* shall be uniformed. [Rec’d .
April 10—not ybt nppmved | j
For the relit:l\if certain soldiers nqd widow* if[
sobli'-r* of the revolutionary anil Inman war. j
F.if the relief of William Ghandier, and relating !
toThe rri'nie of pn-’kinc nnd landing bet-1 nnd pork j
[Received April hi —no» yet nppr.’ved ] |
To incorporate the Rio None Turnpike
Road Company.
Incorporating the Allegheny Saving Fund Com .
puny. [Rec'd April 10—not yet appro*ed.| |
A supplement to an act. entitled 'An act relative ]
to tbe organization of court* of justice,' passed ]
April 14,1834.
Declaring certnio creek* public highwuys, re- i
lating to a claim of Bingham nnd liock, rein ,
ting to the culvert* in Richmond, in the coun- |
ty of Philadelphia, nnd ihe O'-
oey Cla*sical Institute, in the county of Philnde!- '
Resolutions relative to tl* army oflbe l nftvJ
States, natives-or citizens oi Pennsylvania, who
disUngutsbed themselves in the late war with Mex-
In Hungary ike Austrians continue lo experience
serious disasters, and slaughter and pillage are
heard of on all sides. But for their Russian allies
it seems preity plain that ihe Imperialists before
this would have t een totally defeated. The a-*t»
tance thus given, however, which is quietly tolera
ted by Fraocc. renders the ultimate success ol the
National pnriy almost hopeless. Kossuth i» al
tiio head ot 50.0 f io men. and an early buttle be
tween an*! Jehactucli is looked lor. The for
tress ol Comoro «i,.l hold* out
irroi o» :'.m nv,“.> ——
Bern, the Polished general, who i* ol the head
of it divuioO of Hungarians, seetn agtun to have
performed some characteristic prodigies, ahhotich
he has lately suffered a heavy reverse. Having
driven 3000 Russians out of Hermaodsiadt. he
plundered and quitted the town; bu* was afterwards
attacked by au overwhelming force; and although
he himself escaped, five of bis Polish officers—all
persons of rank —were it is said, captured and
hanged by the Russians—murders of tbia sort
when performed by the servants of a despotic
monarch being all en regie according to the pre
sent political view* eotertained throughout Eu
rope. '
At Frankfort the Central Parliament have at
length voted the Imperial crown to Ihe King of
Prussia. 638 members voted on the occasion, and
the majority was 42. 243 refused lo vote-
The dispute between Germany and Denmark is
still unsettled
The trial of the conspirators of the 13th of May u
ended. Bari*** and Albert have been senleoeed t<
transportation for life. Blanqui 10 years, Sobner
years. Raspai! 0 years and Flotle and Queotin tt
Louis Blanc and Cauesiderr who are still in
London, or at least •'«t of hranee. have been con
demned par continuance. In their case the sen
tence we* also transportation.
Our new* from India is that on the 2lst of heb.
Lord G >ngh attacked Shere Singh, who was rap
idly mcv,n:; towards Lahore, and routed him at
rr.r.y j,.*iut, taking a great portion of hi* artillery,
hi* amunition and the whole of fusstanding camp.
Tue Sikh* ha.! .'lO.OOO and 33 guns. Lord Gough
23 000 men and ?6 guns.
Th* Cevtiui. IUiUtOAi-. —The following are
the proceeding* of ihe meeting in Philadelphia, in
relation to the Central Railroad, referred to by our
Philadelphia correspondent. We quote from the
North American. The elilonal article referred to
we could not nod room for
David S. Brown, Eeq. was called to the (Tu
unJ Washington Butcher E*q. appointed Bee
The following preamble and resolutions were
offered and read by Samuel C. Morton, Esq.—
HHuretu, The Directors ol* the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company have made known to the Board
of Trade, that the amount of stock heretofore sub
scribed and now available is not sufficient to com-
plete the Railroad to the point ot junction with the
Stale road at Hollidaysburgh.
And whereas, The said Directors have declared
their intention of suspending any farther contracts
on the line until sufficient funds are obtamedfrom
subscription to complete the same, without re
course ur borrowed capital.
And \ohereas, The Board of Trade fuljy appreci
ate the importance to the trade and prosperity o
Philadelphia of an early completion of this impoi
lont enieronse. Therefore,
Resolved, That prompt and energetic measures
should be taken losecurelhis object.
Resolved, That in view oftbe general public in
terest involved in the execution of this enterprise
it is right that it should be prosecuted not only with
private fund*, but that our municipal corporations
that have not subscribed, and moneyed institutions
generally, should be solicited to lend their aid.
Resolved, That with a view ol combining oil in
terests in the enterprise, it is expedient lo call a
general public meeting of the citizen* of the City
and County, lo assemble at an early day, to take
such measure* as may effectually and promptly
fill up the amount required, and that the organiza
tion of said meeting be entrusted to a committee of
twelve persons.
Resolved, That a Committee of eight citizens be
now appointed to make a personal application to
all the moneyed corporation* of the city and coun
ty, and urge upon them the policy and propriety
of lending liberal aid to the enterprise.
The resolutions having been unanimously adopt
ed, the Chairman in accordance with th** wish ol
the meeting, appointed, with its approval, the fol*
lowing gentlemen, as the Committee lo organize
the proposed public meeting —Messrs. Samuel C
Morton, Rirhard D Wood. Win. D Kelly, Sami
Megarge, James Page. Newcomb R Thompson,
E G Datinl P B Snvory, Richard S Dale Hen
ry White, Thomas Ailibone, Elliott CresKin, Jnu.
Welsh, Spring Garden-
The f.llowirg gentlemen were also appointed
the cjn;n:• tee in wail on moneyed instlintiou": —
Messrs. Tuomas P Cope, James Foawt, Joseph R
IngersoH. Richard D Wood, Charles McAllister, J
Pemberton Hul.hison, William S Smith, Algernon
S Robert*.
After some desultory discussion, daring which
several encouraging statements were made, the
meeting, on motion, adjourned.
Relative to premiums on fox and wildcat scalps
is Forest und Jeiferron counties, and lor other put
For the relief of the heirs til James Caldweld,
deceased, and relative to the hour* ol labor in
manufacturing establishments. (This i* the sup
plement lo toe i«-n hour fo.v uni (.-.rented to the
Govern*-r uot l the Iffth < ! April, .n.d not yet ap
To provide for the ordinary expenses of the Gov
ernment; for the repairs of canals and railroads o:
this Commonwealth, and the adjustment of other
claims due by the same. [This is the Gmerul Ap
propriation bill and to avoid ihe Inclined Plane mid
complete the North Branch Canal.
*“An act for the relief of Isaac Padding, Jr., sap*
plementnry to the act incorporating the York
Saving Institution; and relative to the *rnp >«-
sued by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation c.-mp-i-
ti y.
Resolution relative to the construction ot the net
oflßth February, 1844. •
Resolution relative to providing a permanent
home for the Indians.
Resolution* relative t i the auctioneer account
of Patrick McKenna.
Resolutions Providing for ihe payment of wit
nesses in attendance before the joint eoaim'tpK* ap
pointed lo examine into the management <<u ihe
public works.
Resolution* relating to international exchan
Tits Genoal. Post bma—la copying inn
our paper yesterday from a respected contempt l ™ -
r y m the West a passing tribute to th# political
merit of Col. Warren, the Second Ass.*lftnt Pos,-
m aster General, we inadvertently overlooked the
statement, in the introductory part of it, that the Bu
reau of which be is the head “has the appoioliym
of thousand* of Postmasters throughout the couu
, try." This is altogether aa ertor. The appoint- 1
.k* prime, on coiisigwnrnt. awl
I, ARD-10 M>i« N.« I. :w dodo, for -»'<■ by
!j np v J _S DII,WURTH Co
I‘\RIKU Ai’PLFd*—9l)o bu prime dried m
) nor-. ami lor »aV by
■f)t»TATHK‘ s — oo <k« iie«hnnnock nntl blue poiatoe>
I ;u*i r-« rive»l and for by
SUGAR 4fc MOLABSES— ICO hhds pninr NO
Mi(ar vOO bbl' took bblfcl rrr'il and fur
,„ir by W A M MITCIiKLTRKF.,
npiA No ICO Lilxrrty si
JOAF SUGAR—39 bbl* (Louiriann Rehnery) in
j -lor-- ami fur *a!r by '
WHISKEY <uo bbls Whiskey, in store and for
sole by np*S WA M MITCHEI.TREE
Y4 T lNKS —Fori, Madeira. Lisbon, and Sweet MoU
VV cu •'or sale by the rmk nr In quantities to »mt
purrhisrM, by ap43_ W ft. M MITCHELTREK_
Foreign and Domeitle Llqnon.
i GOOD assortment of Foreign and Domr-'i l ' l.i-
J\ tjuur«, in way«on tiand naif for sulc m i|uamst«e-s
to *mt i>urcua.»cr«, by
(N LO KUHN* is requested to cnM for a small box,
T bri.uijit by 5 B Monongnhela. pay chare** :n»d
u U it .iivav. GKO it MILTKN BERGER,
B ‘•7 Front »;
SUGAR— 30 hhd* Sugar just rec’d, in **or« »nd for
, nift by Bit W HARUAI’GH.
gpnj, 53 water and 1 1M from »t
\1 ul a**SKS—UW bbls N O Molasses, jum landing,
l\l (f t sa-e t.v st>4i riftWHARBAUGH
aKO- 10 l>bi* prime Leaf LarJ, m store and for
; t .v a P 3S Bft W BARUAUUH
M" ai'UFKFL—**i bl»l« N*» 3 Mackerel, in store, for
sjl-by n|.« 6 A W HAHBALGH
HAfioN —llor round, in store, (or sale by
uKd HW uarbauoh
.. ey - -
SUNDRIES— 4 boles Cojton; 22 bgs Feathers; Bdo
Ftaxsecd. 4 No 1 Lard, landing from steamer
Euphrates. tor rale t>y ISAIAH DiOKEY A Co,
uiiVi * Front tt
CtOITt t\ l2ti bales m Htott*. for talc by
to enoosuiß.
JC JENKINS A CO*> S. W. corner of Chestnut
t ami Xwelnh streetSj Philadelphia, intending to
: nonfine theni'elseseielosively to the wholesale TEA
; i, u «ine«s. orrr.a roa sans their Tea and Grocery Store,
; i C ii»«: nml established bustriesa. This xioce is exun
* vriv known, is peeu isr in tu arrangements, und has
I commonly been pronounced the most complete of its
urtil m the cay. if the eonntry—located inat/op
, uleiit portion of the city, the most eminent citixeas are
: among it* patrons. It is believed that a batiness so de
| sirubli; i> seldom to be dispoed of. I aplMtdSt
r'MIF. COMPLETE WORKS of John At Mason, D.
A D, m 4 volt, with portrait Edited’by his son,
Lbcrrc7rr Mason. Just published—for sale hr
ao-ri R HOPKINS, 4th at
]\UlluD APPLES—C 3 Uhls tu store and fur safe by
) ap-ii TASSEVjt BEST.
l JOTATOItf —50 >ks ut store and for sale by
t aptt TAS3EV A BEST
AILS—IISU kegs, assorted sixes, for sale by
apio Tabsey - a uian
CUESNUTS— SO bush on hand, *
fonaleby -op* - TA&SCT 4 BEST
By-John D. D»t lh'A«Qoutti
Household au. i Kueiir.i r ,ai AuMOK
, Pnday \| . “in.. *t ( <. ..vioek. attke
s*c,,:pb 5 * c,,:p b Hill H-m- ••••: « murth m-.i Gram -trerU,
will beso'd. ili- • . -tuck <>« l'nu»»-ltiiM ftuJ kitchen
furniture. bar tur r ,*. future*. Ar. tunuiK which irr
1* feather :n!<i bedtime. irobc. hui-tm »rii.-<.
chair*. tnble». work nnd *n.i, >'nndii.
Ur clrWk. tiirp*• I<«tr ■
u I>\Vljk Aiun.
Stoei of Fancy u..-/ .'v ') (• I'n/ (roods.
Ou Thursday motnutr.. Ap’tl nl, m ic o'clock, at
the Commercial Sale* Roam*, lOtuct of Wood mid
Fifth »treet*. will be i*old—
A large assortment of ire*i> and *• moitable staple
and fancy Pry Good*, hddiii whim arc—««prrfine
cloths, tweed*, cawimirr*. j* an*, cutintmdes, drilling*,
■tik and lasting coat anil vi-*t button*, Coatei »pocl
cotton. Mwing'aiUt, w Ime, black, crimson ami fancy
bdkfa, Parage shawl* nmi Hearts, splendid plant sien
na*, dress silk*, French end American Ciaghnms, su
per print*, de Inina spiT.dul piunrd t twos, awt** tnua
jin*, cashmere*. bleached atth brown muslin*, earn*
brie, dam oak table Huh*. *in«jrry. glove*, rib
bon*. bonnet*, fancy articles. Ac
Groceries, <.iu*»ware, Furniture. Ac.
Young H) »o-i uni and Imperial Tea*. \ a manufac
tured tobacco, milt l and sftmnng No l palm soap,
Novels, spade*, hay and inaiiuic tore*, w rapping pa
per, band boze*, mackerel, herring*, tkad. Ite
A large and general assortment of household and
kitchen furniture, cooking nose, transparent window*
bLind* with filter*, carpeting, Ac.
At 7 o’clock,
Ready made clothing, cutlery, hardware, gold and
silver watches, splendid i rench IS day ebony fine gilt
and. inlaid Hock*, violins, accordeons, boot*, letter
and cap writing paper, Ac. ap2<
Leasee and Ilaiiager-
A emits zkd Stags BtAttAora-
fir?- Last night but one of MRS- FAHREN’Senrraje
ment. Mr. W. H. Crisp a* Crewrford, m EUen Ware
ham. Mr. Furrrn as Hspllca. 'Glorious Bill.
Wzc’tzsniT ETxsurn, Afsil „
From which the fashionable novel jnst published n
Mr. W. H. Crisp.
Mr. Arched.
Mrs. Farreß.
.-Mik. Madison
To coneludr with the new mlitary sketch ofthe
CnpL Wurohom-
V'llcn \V urebam-
SnpUe* Mi. Farren.
Anilreas Mr. Rome*.
Gaward Mr. Dunn.
M*daline. he child of Ihe Regiment Mr*. Farren
To-morrow —AUelgrtha, or the Frutu of a *mgl
Error _
Fiafrar., iitutm Wood axoMauitt, PmsHtra-AU,
CONTINUE to manufacture all kind* of COFFER)
smith Work
Steam Boat* built to order.
; Special attention riven to steam boat work.
Have on bands a One ossortmeniof Copper and Bra**
Kettle*. Tin Ware.Ae 4c. steamboat Cooking Stove*,
Portable Forges, various size* - a very convenient ar*
ucle Tor steamboats. California emigrants, or rail road
We woald respectfully invite steam boat men and
other* to call and »e* oar articles and priees before
purchasing elsewhere _
pleasure of announcing the arrival of a new and
splendid assortment of Pianoa, from the .manufactory
of Jonas Ch.rkrrin?. Boston—among them a magnifi
cent Rosewood full (irand Piano Forte. 7 octave*.
Al»o, a superb “quart Piatio Forte, 7 octaves, carved
rosewood, of tap style of Lost* XIV, with a variety o'
7, <i and 6 octaves, to winch the eQeatioo of purcp'
ers Is retpectfally solicited.
Sole Agent for Chicfcering’s IHano Forte* for West
ern Pe rmtylT»ci». epB3
For Bon Francisco, OtU Tortil«>
i,Qj> TflE anderaigned, having just- returned
jOSnfNfrooi California, purposes chartering a fut
ypfegL»n)ling vc»*cl 10 be despatched arms early a
any as arrangements ean be made, end will lake pas
sengers at low roles, If a sufficient number apply soon.
The vessel la toaclt at Itto de Janeiro and Valparaiso,
for fresh provisions, 4c.
The route via Cope Horn bos now the decided pre
ference over ull others, as the undersigned passed on
ht« return vo the U. 8. upwards of 3)00 persons at Pan
ama and on u>e isthmus, unable |o procure passage.
Afl pa«<rucer« or companies taking pussage in the
«bip. will be furnished, freo of cost, with a complete
.old wusbme machine and implements, such as he
know* to be ibe test in use, having seen many costly
and ingenious machines thrown aside, as onfil for the
He will also give each passenger accompanying the
expedition, the benefit of his experience in mining, and
will also make known to them the moat productive
go>d placers.
No passage will be secured until paid for. Pot
freight or passage-, apply immediaieiy to
JAMES 8. WETHEKED, 2 Herman »L,
or HAYDEN 4 COALE, S 3 8. Gay si.
- upS&dSw—Bait. Am.
Notice to the Holders of Scrip.
FOR SALE, and payment received in the SCRIP
issues of the city of Pittsburgh—
All that valuable property' known a* the OLD BA
SIN LOT, situate on Grant street opposite the Court
House, and founded by Grant street, Firth street, Dia
mond alley and Cherry alley.
This property has been divided into twcctt-foc*
highly eligible building Lots, which will be mid to the
highest and best bidder, at public auction, on SATUR
DAY, MAY 6th. 194 b. m front of the Court House
Tubus—OOe third in casb. one third m nix months
nnd oik third in twelve mouths, with interest from tbs
dify oi mlf.
Uy order of the City Council*.
ap2l:dtd Cbm. Committee on City Property
Cuy dailies copy.
For Greenwood Gardens.
THE new and fast running steam boat TIIOMAB
SCOTT, leave* the Greenwood Wharf Boat, at tho
Pplnt, every half hour daring the day, landing at the
garden gate.
A fine collection of the choicest Gieenbaase Plants
are for sale in the Garden. Ice Crctuns and other re*
freshmenis furnished in the saloons.
Uoquets pat Bp at the shortest notice. Orders for
'' Boqnets, left at the wharf boat, wiil receive prompt at
tention. ap2l
EXTRACT OF COFFEE—An article which is' ra
pidly coming into use as a wholesome, nourishing
.and de'icious beverage, being toon: nlfcasant and pal
•amble than common Coffee.nnd fareneoper, Os asmall
paper costing only ten cents, will go ns fnr os four
pounds cf Codee. .Mrtnufsctnred by
JOHN S. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sold at wholesale by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co,
corner of First and Wood and Sixth and Wood streets,
Pittsburgh. »p2l
XJEW BOOKS—Dr. Coventry's Work on Epidi
X\ Cholera, its History*, Cause*, Pathology and r
Philosophy of Religion, by J D. More!!, A M
Boarne’s Caiedbism of the Steam Engine.
Chamber’s Cyclopedia of English Literature, 2
octavo, fine edition, steel plate*.
Chambers’ Miscellany of Useful and Entei
Knowledge—lo v«U, 18 mo. Illustrated.
Advice to Young Men, by T 8- Arthur, gilt
“ ** Young Women, *‘ *• “
Elements of Meteorology, by J. Broeklesby, JIfTA
Proveros for the People, by R S. Magoon.
University Sermons, by Dr. Waylaad.
French’s ilulsrgn Lecture*, for IMG-? —‘The Gtnes
of Holy Scripiares for unfolding the spiritual life a
men.’ 1 vol, t*vo.
No fi Franklin s Life, illnstrated.
Received this day by R HOPKINS,
ip24 ;j Apollo Buildings, 4th
R _ bbis fre»ti*\V"R Roll
rec’d nnd for sale by J B CANFIELD.
apSI Water si. bet Smithfirld und Wood
DRY APPLES—SO »k»Dry Apple*, n prime snic!
for sale by ap34 WICK A M CANDLKSS
PEARL ASU—I3 bblf rec’d and tor sale by
j bM fresh Roll Butter, now landing, tor sale by
ap24 ISAIAH DICKHY' A Co. Front *t
LIUUORICE BALL—3 coses in small sticks for salt
LARD OlL—lo bbls best qnality. )u«t rec'dand fo
sale by ap2* J SCHOONMAKER A Co
SWKKT.OtL —5 basket* beat Salad Oil; 5 cases
Flask Oil, very fine; for sale by
REFINED BORAX—S cases jan rec'd; for sole by
ap/4 J SCHOONMAKER A Co, 24 wood at
COPAL VARNISH—£OO galls best quality, la bbls,
4 bbls and Kegs, for sale low liy
MUTTON HAMS—3 boxes Mutton Hate*, in store
and for sale by JAMES DALZELL,
sp24 water «t.
DRY PEACHES—266 bush just rec’d and for safe by
FIASTOR OIL—I 7 bbls per North River, lor »aie by
BIUCK-UO.OOO in Birmingham, for sale by
POT ASH—4 e»k* pnma, for saiahy
IALAX SEED—3S bush for sale by
BEANS— 10 bbls while, for sale by
SOAP —10 Lx* Ca«tile, for sale by
quality, for sale.
MALT —IGOO bush iresh Barley Malt, for tale by
T ARD AND BUTfF.h—7 kV Cart and ~ 6 bbt
fresh W R Roll Bolter. juti rcc’d and tor sale by
KOLL BUTTEII—’ i bbla fretlfr for sale bf
ap»\ S F Vt)N BONN HORST *Co
WELT PUt'AlOEt— W bTT* liafcna Sweet p * u *
toe«, In prime order, in ttore and for »jue»y
■mil OEO B MIi.TENBKRGKR- * 7 . F ™ a '* , -
•frlSlfr-lObbi* new No Shad; JO {**£',!s■
£ 10 do do No 1 Salmon: JO do do No * Mackerel,
30 do do No a jfo, j».t ..
TTtOBACCOiBS bi« W »<*«£** 6co; 50 60
1 Bu»~H A 110b * ,U^o \VN°A SjJLBB^TBON,
MS Liberty »t
•~T —~ .. .•t.mrmr io*t rcc'd and for talc by
,BRIAOEAT _ i , i>VA T K SALE—AB etcellent
ll A iS2f.l*LiTiMA fcr «» <" fro kon«A
“5.0.t suo-orill b. .lid for SIOO.
“Jd,« No. 57M.rk«n. __ : .pO ,
TTrATCtfES AND JKWELRY—A rplelidid assort*
W ment now opening, at the Watch, Jewelry and
Military Store of W WAVILSON,
a pjq comer Market Snd <ib >u .
CARBONATE AMMONIA—SOO Ibtfresh, jut rcc’d
u »„<! for salo by J BCIIOONMAIKB A Co
•ale tn ' BROWN Sr CUfBKJ
•ptt 1W
'JB2L JBi. iSmt
rpHJS well known line of splendid pstfseuger Slcum
-1 era is now composed of the largest, swiftest, bet
fijtished and lumisheX and sost powerful boats on th a
waters of the West. Every accommodation and eon*
fort that money can procure, bos beenproVided for pas
sengers. The Line has been in operation for five years
—Uus earned a million of people without the least inju
ry lo their persons. The boats'will be at the foet-ui
Wood street the day previous to starting, for the recep
tion of freight and the entry of passenger* on the regis
ter. In all cases the passage money must be paid it,
The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, srUl
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning ui ID O’clock.
Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 r. *.\
May a>, 1847. \
The MONONG AHELA, Capu Stoxx, will leave Pitts
burgh every' Monday morning at 10 o’clock; 1 Wheeling
every Monday evemrtg at 10 r. X.
The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capt. J. Kusxvxcm, wilt
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning ul IQ o’clock.
Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 r. m. •
The NEW ENGLAND No. -2, Copt. S. Dun, will
iare Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at Hi
’clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 10 r. a
The BRILLIANT, Capu % GAscx,wiJl leave |*itu
burgh every Thursday morning at
every Thursday everting at 10 r. u. ’
The CLIPPER No. 2, CapL Pus Duval, ViU legvo
Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o’clock; Vt h*c
itni every Friday evening at 10 r. M. , *
•C. 8. Porter.
...-W. H.Cats?.
The MESSENGHR No 8, Cnpt.\VocnrWAjm, will leave
Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at !0 o’clock;
Wheeling every Saturday evening at 10 r. g. , ■ "
- Essssssa
(VIA olabcow,)
Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at 0 o’clock; A. M., kfrifar
rives at Glasgow, (moutii-of the Sandy and Beatfer Ca
nal,) at 3 o’clock, and New Lisbon ut 11, tamo night.
Leaves New Lisbon at 6o’clock, P. XL, {making tha
trip eanal to the river during the night,} and Glaiqow
/U i o o’clock, A M., and arrives at Pinsborgu w 3 P.
2tL—-thus makytg n continuous tine for carrying pas
sengers and freight between New Lisbon and fiat
burgh, Ut shorter tiuio and at less rates than by any
other route. , '
The-propneton of this Line have the pleasure'of m*
forming ihe public that they have fitted up two first class
Canal Boat*, for the accommodation of paaucngCTf and
freight, to run m connection with the well kdfiws
steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and connect
ing, at with tpc Pittsburgh
omti and other daily tines of steamers dowtincDhu
and Missitsippi rivers. The proprietors pleJgtf
selves to spare no expense or trouble to insure coni
fort. safetv ami disputes, uud ask of the pahtioa *h»;«
of then P’ wron jJfpr HOlUZEl) AOE NT9.
G. M. UARTON, i pnuhnrrt, .*
v H-HANNA. 4 Co. «• 1 New Lisboa
xytlstf J. HARBAUGH 4Co { Wew UM»oa
NOTICE—Tbr steamer BEAVKfLC. E. Clarke,maa
ter, will leave uAtt this notice, for Wcllsville panotti
ally, atflo’clock mUiemonang. I*l3
Ott'ly 73 Niles Staging.
Via Brownsville and Cumberland to tlahimore and
TIIF. splendid and fust running U 9 Mail steamers
ATLANTIC. Capt J Parkinson, BALTIC, Ofpt A
Jacobs; LOUIS M'LANE, CaptE Bennett;.ore uov*
making double daily trips between
The morning boat will leave the Moftoegahaha
Whurf, above jhe Bridge. daily at S o'eloek precisely
Passengers will take SUPERB COACHES at Browns
ville, at 3 o’clock. P. AL, and the splendid cars ot tne
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at b
o’clock, A. ML., and arrive in Baltimore the same even
ing, in time for the evening line to Philadelphia and
Washington city.
From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only 39 hoar*.
Fare «KU»
From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 boon.
Fare 819,00
The evening boat will leave at 6 o'clock, except Sun
day evenings. Passenger* by this boat will lodge on
board in comfortable Slate Rooms tho first night, pass
over the mountains the following day in Eastern built
Coaches, and lodge the second night in Cumberland.
Passengers have choice of either Steamboat ot Rati
Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, qfed tho
privilege of stopping at Cumberland and
and resuming their scats at pleasure. Coachaaehar
terrd to parties to travel as they please. ).
We make up the loads and way bills for the 'Coach
es in the Pittsburgh offices, (in order to save time on
arriving at Brownsville,} it is therefor* important for
passengers to get their tickets-before going on board
of the boat, ul our office, Monongahela Hqpsei Water
street, or Si Charles Hotel, Wood st, PitifbWgn;
«P&dom _ J. MESKIMEN, Agent
Pittsburgh 4 LouiiTtllO'.Paelwt Lin*
.jv . - The splendid new cummer
1 TELEGRAPH No. 1,-,
IffStSfeißQ Ilaslep, master, will leave fof.above
HBSSBX3B&Band intermediate ports oil ’ Sun
day, £2d Inst, at 10 o’clock s. St. ,{ - S'
For ft eight or passage appl» on boards of-to
juega*- The now and splendid faaipaaseo-
No.S, "
t mn.ter. will Iccvo for Cincin
nati and Louisville on Sunday, the ISth Inst, at lu
o'clock, A M. For freight or passage apply oq bunnh,
aplS '■
BEcn-i.n wmi-T tacxxr anwm
Pittsburgh and hockingpukt.'
w The ? teomboat
1 pilot no. 2,
•wSpSBffJS .Cam. J. N. Shank, lenve* Pittsburgh
■■MBsSaßDevcry Tuesday, at 3 o'clock, P. aL,
for EliiabethlownyCapUna. Banfi?h, Proctor, Bare'*
Lauding, New Mariincville, Sardis, Sitieraville/TuePt
Landing, Matamora*,-A- Sheet'-* Landing, Vanelate,
Newport, Cow Crrek, Marietta,. Point liarmar. Par
kersburg, Belpfe, Little Hooking and Iloekiairticrt.
RsTrasisc—Leave* Hockingport- every Thursday,
at 3 o'clock, P M Marietta on Friday, at 4 A. M .
flatting the principal part of the above towns and
andingt on Friday, before night K
By me above arrangement, tbs boat will be' able 10
lay at Piusbargh.ou Sundays, and keep tbpt day a* 11
should be. i
The pnblio muy depend upon this boat comuming in
the trade during the low water season. .apS&Lm
LoQliville And St. Itonla Packet |tln«.
1840. O 184&*
The fine ftul miming passeugc
fl* ''ii-.irJp Btewaer ATUkNTIS v ,
Geo. W. Wicks, l^sv«
■■BMEnBBUror the above and iuleanetfttttc pons
every,Tuesday, at in o’clock, *. u.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
E. C. KING, No. lOd Coiflu'jßow,
r f. The fine fait raamng ptusensar
'jT,. ,J}| Veorncr GEN. LANE.*
A- McPherson, will leave for
above and intermediate port* eve
ry Satnrcav, at 10 o'clock, r. «. • >
For freight or passage apply on board, orto
K. C. KING, No IS3 Com. Bow,
nmrb-d&n LottisviU*
n | - The new and light draught pa***-n
■ It, . . |r & rer steamer LAMARTINE.
Duncan, roaster, will leave for above
and intermediate landing* on B&tur
day next, 21 «t inst., at lOo’eloek. a. M.
For freight or passage apply on beard, or to
_ajrA> PETTIGREW A.Co, Ayt*.
neal HUDa^ antftl ,U}am * t
McMtDen, manor, xWI perfoim
tfffiWlaslSßuhgr regular trip* between Pittsburgh
Wheeling and Bridgeport She will leave Pittsburgh
on Tyednevday and Sntarday. • •
For freight or paaiage, apply on board. split
FOR ST. LOUIS. ’" •r.
The fine fast, running steamer ;
_ Calwell, master, wi!ri^4*df ur above
■BBBSS&tßSaitdfiutteraediaie porta on’Friday, at
10 o’clock, a. 1
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
nnn, > The light dranght rteomet
l fir?D& HAI tr COLUMBIA}
Green, tua»ur, will leaw gf shore
■ISBESKItHand intermediate porta oo Jrnday, at
10 o'docS. *. H. r
For freight or p&aroge apply on l*o«a. °*U>
tor MAaitrrrA and zankstille:
The *plemll^gug^W>Xeame*
LnjhptjWaSy Boyd, master,'will leave for the abor*
and Intermediate port* thi* day, Wed-
" for Nash ville.
IB»*PTWs£ft Hazletl, master, will leave tor above
lntermediate port*- on Saturday,
at tO o'clock, a.
F ° r Jr“"" afc.H bro,
' The rpleadtd tiearwr.;
0 w Kbberl ' BUutej, will leave to*
above and intermediate ports on
Wednesday. I«h tn*L 1 . .
Tor freight or passage apply on bo*r& * a»l7
■—’ nm NvTiKKLfS'O aNd'&tjKtcthh *
j,.w The See steamer • ■ •-
mh&y#Bvl Qeorge Calhoun, muter, will leave
■tore *od intermediate pert* on
Monday* and flraruaya, at 10 a x ,
For freight 9* ©a hoard! ' «pl?
H>R MARIETTA ASlTjgyiißßVilXE. “
ifTS*v k The fin* steamer
PILOT No. 8,
iwfiTrriTTnff Kttrn> - toaster, will )entd tor above
irimren inwuiuid Intermediate ports ibis day, i?m.
For freight or passage apply on board. 1 apt?
jf rv The splendid new steamer
_Jgss£|Rsf» W B Norton, masier r wfll leave for
”Fen*p fSSrmai the above and Intermediate ports on tost, at A o'clock, rx. “r«
ror freight or passage apply on board, dr to
a« fl PETTIGREW ACojArettt,
jf*ipiar~ tv The fine steamei’v - '*
igTisgrtitf JENNYWm,
c Gallagrr, muter, will run uiru
"Mfffct, wookl, jmck« bmSC; k"?:
b,.,h »nd ZanesviUß—k»ra -rs,' !
diry. For freight apply to Too.-
Kotl W,tor'«t
tw) ftnithfiflld »tre«u. ' ra^i ’' Hiwccn Wood
r -. . ... » apt
r. Mnktfnl
Mwto ■ whtlen], and i.
Oo<rf,s “" mriff£*,q;V
■ectfoad for
necd&y, u 4 o'clock* F»3l.
pu**ge, apply oo boml.