MEDICAL. GPP»t cube of uver complaint.' i>y h 4 OTirinxL only true, and genome Liver rub Bho*t Cuxxi. Ohxocoontyi, Va. I hlorcb litJih, lS4tt. M | Mr. R. K. Belltn: Deaf Sir—> taink lt * } ??J, to yoo and to the public genera ly, to mate that lh» been afflicted with the ldver complaint tor a toni time, and to badly that an abecas formed and broke whieh left me in a very tow atme. »« vin l , your celebrated Liver RUIr i*ii»s fftr Uy V Bh«n>, in West liberty, and rorommended to uu. i» my phytieinn, I»r. B. Smith, I eonriutftd >o givn *h« ‘ W tut trial. 1 purchased one box, beiuat vrOalthey are reeommrudrd, JHbjfui i. VEIL-PILL EVER USER; and after taking tour boxe > 1 find tbo diaease baa entirely leit me> aad 1 uin uot pette.lT will. C( „ /EMAN - Wesi'Liberty, March»‘iQ,ii-Ut Icernfy that lam pereonally aCHuajntcd with Mr Coleman, and can bear testimony "Uicirutiiofikie above certificate. A u HiiAkit The genuine Laver PtUi are prepared and .oid b> K E SELLERS, Vo S 7 Wood meet, «*d by intßetwociftra. , , „ TOVHE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and ged nine Liver POla ore preparedby RESeilera, and have hia name atamped in black wax upon the Jid of each box. and hi* rignatare on ib«*‘out»t«*' ZZf±»**'tn SuireSfß VbuWaKTB. Frtcnv * cohpound nm up wild ciikski. TH* CHEAT RttMXU* , . rf.utioS.Bore Throat. Nervoa.DeMi.- re. ami ellDtoeanc" of the Throat, jfreast and bunp«; the most ei feetaai an*! iperfy earn ever known for any of tba above diseav WidCherfy' m S?S?Unolonfer amen* those of doubtful Tbia oieaicine «• 2* fron-lbe thousands dniiy Utility. It of experiment, and now stands Importance hotwha For proof ofthe fotegom* ! denes of tu P"» * l * and ethraey or this modi statement*. and of tb® J* fow of | he mai r ihou eln*, the proprietor ll U presented to him by \ «* who hnvu better | men of the nrst ***£„,..nsilitv aud }u«iicr*lhan to rer- i s '« T^,‘S";S‘^ouUX' ..nnf from conw tenuous nnpa»«c* “When to ttie , rull , 0 { * uunp. o. comrury u. Hi.,, paitteolar tact, * _ . BT imi.«<.. coc.cos convtcti»n oi wafWI Z I,U ? iria special manner to; Ita truth, and Monti Mann*. ""i^'aEISTHEBOMF-’CERTIFICATES «« , ¥m*?cn* Of Ptruaosaat CoascuM**:- Srtlt AhOTnia v. , ,t, n t fc a « been us soccc»tful Therenerrerwxs a M Vt gw.,.,0'- IQ desperate eases Chem, U strengthen- the Compound Symbol j u | c ers on lit* tonus, po ' T " br “ other medicine. Ckx»tsb Co., Apnl 23th. IpW. „ rv.ny m- Dr. Swnyne—l**« cborr> has* l*en the mean* ».l pound B>‘ r^E of icJo-hi a JU*te void, which grddu *l,y^ W ,r.?r »Vmrfies which. 1 had recourse to, still resisted all *V e ™*r“ xh ji,Ued nil toe -ympti.inb ot v.t; £ time 1 had used «tx cvcr %vah u , my me, »ad now U beany »J““ “V information r«*!i-!c.ii.iK my would be happy WP* L. dorive toe benefit for eaae.that other «“*£[* Fo J truth of C;f. *U,r* which 1 am p eW Rash, Grocer, West Statement, l refer the medicine. Chester, wboml P* roB Mua-s-t. yoara» •xzes&s r^rSsSM 5/b«nble w*®*? feSTSSe yean eSee h» M| mpefWiW Cherry Same inflammation of foe Ttolently£aT «comparted wuh.a distressing Ltmge, end head, a Terr considrra-. cough* pern t f* T "^ c . imic ns from the long*, e*pe- ■ hywevor BlipbL At j cielW upon e V^VSa! my condition, but «»» Pw«Y I Oral I JJ*® "f rapidly going into eonsomp. , •oon convinced M d at length was kw e- i tkrn. I -grew ddlV ww* ' ak a!(Qt . c a w hi«p«‘f. «••'-'* j ly lung* Luring mi. j wU the exceeding nrenaration*and pre*cnptw*is rime 1 had Sthe tun,*, wor sr J u*t j but found no normiaded uy a dear :n-ftd in . hen 1 wee edvUed nnd > o( wnd lhaU tom prc;U ry. 1 mart eonfee* that p j au ll oganmt Zed against S&iggSSt emigre, fm unfo-t- , thote coming oatofthe n fejuwm ftn d preetic- of 0 " faith in the raying oi my j medicine, end having Dr . yhaw, one ot your , ftienoe, l commencediv nee. My dis-1 ageOU, e fe I w . b< S?«oot 45 months’ standing, con- j foulM , | however, ! reqoenlly U w /ftSttihTSe of foe first four or | considerable relief DO bii c speaker, 1 frequ'-nUy ui bottle a- my increasing strength, ami tempted that had already began thereby my enre ™ greatly to heel; In Uu» w * y I. 1( ,n Ce 0 f acting thus imprudently, retarded. l “^2Jf , o “tfteea.boules tolore Iwas per -1 had to nae tworrem Ueni a muc h smally fectltr reewred- t to made ** sound, but for number of bottles The By rap allayed the fever the above indtsereuo • Ul6V|l s B ,ing eoegh, pat a stop «h habit, took away from the lungs, and gave to the discharge of ma health. 1 hove deier- and the entile ey- ;r now. for tbo red offering ih» c *ran permanency or the pleasure. Dublin county, N. Important k Jlif '^!_„ ara tian of Wi;,l Cherry, 'Hiere is but one genome P fir»x ever offered to the and that l* Dr. SWA5 WA largely ihrouebout Uir . public, whieb hMtllffli'buw of Bump*; and all pre- 1 United States and.«J ‘ f Cherry We paraiions called by iho naw some deceptive ■ totbeirtiW. j circomataucea, tn order top r nee j mistake the jsaEtJfsffir 1 bi» SoillrSa and known virtue* ot Dr. the peat curate of wUd Cherry, person? BwuTue’a Compound by currency m would not be en lf*n V bv wealing the name of V> t!d “fictitious- nostrum* y JB in muni the nun* a r ssa •»> ».« .Co,eor Island Wood, itfj liberty «t; JAS TlloßN,s3M«ket .t, 8 JoHN MJXC ||- S. w -■ ISE." " TTSBaffwosa; A PECTOBANT u .upng “J ollltl p 0 |m» Strata u»u S'”; 1 "? iT ‘ i “‘*' l ■id tar. Irtirerf k> tee »*•■ “ , h .„, ui .kith: r PnptnieolybyDr® ALEX- JA^NBa ■gaaeyjg j . 7*J Fourth « SillsSPlsit JU iWpbl*, 00*“*” of which, Riter Sst sKTsss^SS-fi SSSb^Tsaig^ “« ta. to. huM ta ow ewe 081 6f “‘ ree tttDd V tl Wia tats lie* the mod eeereteflt* wonderfhl aueceaa. It hu performed within Ihe last tw«t few*, tattn than 100,000 rure* Of terere cises of disease; at least 15,000 were considered lnenraßla. It ha* fared the Urea of more than 10.000-chfldrla daring the two past seasons. 10,000 cototo *f Generml OeMllty and irthrefßcnoai Bnerr- Dr Ttnwsend’aSarsaparilla invigorates the whole system permanently. To ttuwa tot ttor mtucalar energy by the effect* of nadidMor iaiber*. tum committed la fovtb or the aieatttra bid alienee of the passions, and Brought on a tenoral physical prostra tion of the nerrotrt lysum, lassitude, want ofwmbltion, falurtng saasaiiont, prematnre decay and decta*. hasUn ißg toward* that fatal Atoaase, Consumption, can ba •• Urely restored by thto pleasant remedy) This Bank parllla to Bar nrperior to any * Invl&onating Cenltal, As it renow* and.tarlgoraus the system. gN** eetirlty to the limbi, aod;rtrcngth to the muscular system, la • most extraordinary degree. . ItOfuamplion Cored. l/umui’dxd Strtnflkn. Ooiunmption eon bt eorrtd. Bronchitis. QtosvupiUrK Liotr Complaint Coldt. Cffaghs, Jrtima, Spitting of moea, Jtfirusi t* tA* a Asst, ffsettc Flash, Fight Swrats, Hifartt or P rofost Cxyrcte rahma Pais fas li* Sid*, tfa aa»< fin cad cca hi writ SPIT Tine BLOOD. JTna Ttrk, Jfril MUU«T. Da. T-avnnfo-l emtt 7 .bf Hare that your Bare.)**- rllla bst fans Ortßsana, through ProTid soring my Ufa. i hart for UTmlpw a bad Cough. li bMSM Vktl Ui wwee. A.I last 1 raised Urg* quanti ties ifWW, had nlghJ B«*a “<* ™ f»* u J uiod tnl reiocsd, and 4td mi axpeol «• **»•• 1 only awl yen fimaparißa a short ttou, and Atr* has a «o*4fw/«l ehanieboaa*w«gh»la ss*. I*n uom ahla »3 walk all *nr tha oily. 1 ralao »• “* ** l«,sgb ><* loft toe. !«cn*ifl tea*U« that I cm IkaakfiJ Ike that* resxfts. Ttu wmU T7H. B.DBIELU U Colhoxias-o. Pciiale Bedldae. Dr. TowassnJ* flareapartUa 1* a io»*rWge aid speed j tore ft* laaiptant Camapuaa, Barmans, FroUf*Bs Unri, ar Faffing oftha Weak, Cwilniw, PJfoa, Loo tertbttt, or Whim, rtiwiwd er.dtfUitirllta«tru»- tUa, IttutlEiu* ef Ortas, «r tarolnatorr dlseharr* thereof and far tho g saaral prostration of iha oysua— au matter whether the mall af inherent «nu ii «um. prodaaed by tmr*l«rtiy, Olaon or anddent, Noikii* sa»K? iha nerteltailOssef tha fo®alo frsma, whlek to the greet •hot* ol lt wOJ aol be expected of a*. !• aJ£flf*ed«£ate eßa»re,W ““A aaru partbnaftd but wo «aa a»sn tho afflmed, that * «!drwdtefe*toe hireb»ea reported to ns. ThrannUa -berk ramllias hare boot wiUurat okUdioa. afUr a frw bottlaa af this haadlctao. hava boa hlemd with has. healthy efkprtag. . To Bolken aid BUntri Ladto. 'S=^psX- ShT U, u Ufa a oeruin prerentir* fa ■»* of tho SLrSaa and: horrible disease. to which ftmaU. are Xel at this tlcaq ofUfa. TMi Pfrtodssey *•*+ Sffjkr riMrolfHn kf wtaf tW* wdirtn. Nor lalt Uu rmlsabU fsr thoee.who aro approaching w*- maahopd. as It is ealenlated to aortst natare, bp quick eidu tho Wood a*d inrtoormtiag Ike system. lodeod, ,w 4. is luralusMe ftr ail the dolic»t* dioeo tea to which women an subject. h braces the whole system, renew* permanently the. uotlml eacntipo. by remortns the impurities of tho body, cm SO rer» iinx » may be presented. I A-al Bleasißg to neiheroaad Children. , I. lyih, safest and moot effectual medicine for purify- Inf Un ■y.tnm, .nd nlimnf npo. ebjli-tiinh Frr.r H hot. thitDollur uid child, nnrlehclh. Ihwl. thaw who hw thtnh llbl»dl.pon«hlo- hbhlfhlf 1 conrih«h.nt U ll pn.TOMdb.~M Ipin Sldhirtb-lh Cbdram B«. Crrop. B.nll llSodih. F.TL nwpondnttcy. HeMtharn, Vomiuof. pSnlhlh, lUck .nd tohb, Fdw Sd Id Rfhbtinf Ih. .ndMtlon. nnd cqn^b 1 "* “ enutina " hu .n ~|tul „n ™ mnlldon b. It b dw.j. Mft. «d lh * ' , „mI .ncnMrfnllT. "TT ft» I T* ?Z mndldnn. In »n>« * '«»• Cmiot °i 1 -”1 nsefuf Exercise In the open air, and light-fawl with dib nbllnlnn, win Jw.y. nnro. • «nb««4 ■»! ““ ficetaotn. feenotr Health. Gametic*. Chalk, ud m variety °l P' B P* r **? t l£?T 1 -_iiw i- wbn applied to tha fxee, «ry too*tpoiJ it Th*J eloae lhaporc of the eUa,• “J rrM, UUTB ana »«« r . exirraHura, u pilau tk" eouolananen ll r i,,, ,i . w hi e b import, tb« lnileMrfbttble «sS£r?£»£™ U£ £i blood li tblei. told “> , " pU 1i , %5l l‘. can ud £F X “‘ • Ub todlirn “bWi «£W «“ •kr. uk. bat Unlb «xoreiM, or monhid la tloaa k. n cpotlad their completion by the appll '“MlUrrS S d.U, Udle. of ...rr nation. ero»d oar offlee daily - Notice to the Ladle*. Thi»<* tnet imitate Dr. Townsend i Baraaparlllv !»■*» invariably railed then «»ff a f««l loT T* Mi*. Ac, At- and hava copied our bill. and circular which rdata* to the complaint! of women, wor l for wore -oU»r men who put up medicine, hare, •Inee the fr-ai tdeeexa of Dr. Townsend 1 . BareapsrlHe t* complain!, incident to femal-e, recommended Ihelra althoufh pr« rtoiulr they did am. A nnmher of theee Mixture*. Pi.t*. ic!we inViotu to female* «- they diaeaae. • the casAuttaa. Dr. Towsaend . w the „olv and beet remedy for the ammaraae female com oit inti—it rarely, if over MU of effectiM.a pemaneui * core h can be taken by tke mart delleaie female*, m aoy eat*, or by thoee expaetifif ta become mother*, wllb lb. ««etart advxntagee, u ft pteparee the .rawm and prevail pain or danfer. and *tr««t|»n* both mother and chifiT Be earefal to fet the genuine. AcrmfnJa Cued* Thii eertlficata eonelnalrely proves that u»» Berea partlla haa perfect control ovar the meet obeunate die ms«s of ibh Blood. Three pereone cored In caa i* unprecedented. Three Children. * < D*,-Tot?Ki*Jn>~D«ax Sir * I have the ptaeeurc to Inform yo* that three ef my children haw been enreir. t . of Iha fjcrbfalo by lb. o.a of roar They wore afflicted vary aeverely with bad Bores , hav# uhfln only four bottlei; it took Hem away./or *bieh- I fad myself tinder great obligation. >' Yours, reepect/nlly, ISAAC W. CRAIN, !06 Wooatar-rt. Opinion* of Phyalelan*. Or. Toiifttiendu elmoat dailr reeeiviot ordere from Phrelelan* In different part* of tba Union. Tfcii l* to certify that vye, tb. onderalynod. Phyilciaaa of tboCitf of Albany, have lo nnmeroM e»e» pranertb «d Dr. Towmend’i Sarsaparilla, and believe it w be ““ fu " pn, r,*?'ifS'usa; “tf J. WILSON, it o. R. R BRIOGB. »L D Albany. April 1,180. P E-JIIJIBNDORP. M- D CACTIOIf. , ftl Owlng to the freat aueeeaa and Ibumm* •*!• °* u r. Towniend'i Saraaparill*. a number of men who ware formerly our Arrau, have commenced ralkinr oarvapa rilla Extract*. Elixir*, Bitter*, Extraet* of Tello* Dock, kc. They generally put it up in the aame .biped b«v dea, and iobi of them have atola and eopttd oar adver- Yieemettta— they ar* only wortklcm Imitation*, and thbuld bo avoided. principal Office. »» FULTON Btr#et,-aun Bolldlnt N.Y.; Redding 0 Hiate street, Bolton; DyouA Sons ' t 32 North Second auevt, Philadelphia; 8. B. -Hanca Orucriit. Ualtiißore, IV M. Cohen. Charleitoii; 'WrichlVco. 151 Chxrtrv* Street, N. O . 105 South Pearl Street. Albany . and by all tlic principal Drug ttgu, and Blerthaul* gesvrally thr-aihonl the 1 Suica Went Indie, and Ihe Cauadu. NiD.—Persona inquiring for Uni medrdioe, ahoold not be induced to take uny oUier. Drpggui. put up SartapariQa*, and of course prefer lelUug ibeir own. Do not be deceived by any—inquire for Dr Town. »end'», «p»l take lio other. i£7~* BUoruerfiber the fenu me “Townaeml l * Sarsaparilla, r aold'hy the sole bkcuu. R-E.SELLERS, General Whoioanle h Retail Ayam. No. 57 Wood atreet. and D. M. CURRY, All' (rh<-ny etty. • }«"/; niSB PKBFinKUY- . i’ Cream tie’AmuM'ls Amcic , r..r ahavitif, Cream a la ILikc, ior yliavir.g, Aimonde Cream. t.-Townsend'* bu bedbme known, and almost or quite driven their little bollie* oat of the market, they are now poumj; their* op in larger bottle* containing four time* a* much a* before. Query! flow much profit did they make be. ford off Of their small bottle*: Waj it honeai! And since they have reduced the strength i* it honest to pretend that they are a* good as they were’ Dr. Town send coihmeneed honestly and famy-»-gnve a» much mddteme as h« could afford, ha* mode several tm prdvemCAta. and is determined to keepnp the etrencib and qaoUty and will warrant that each l bottle of hit Barsapanila contain* more than four time* the quanU ty Of Sarsaparilla and medical qualities.than any oth erprepatatioubf Bar*aparUl4 in the market Bold iiy H. & Seilers, sole agent for Pittsburgh, and p: Jtl. CltiTy, Allegheny. _ _• _feb la ' -t4 bfcl*, aisorieiTfind*, for sale ISAIAH DICKKY A Co .^teghcny. ty W;: ;. '<*&> H PARRY ha* invented u niaclui.e for washing . (sold, for which he bu mgde application for a patent. They are now offered for tale at the ware house of Pexry. Scott A Co- No. Urj Wood street, Pittsburgh. Adventurers to California are invited to eall and ex amine Uiesr lubor-vavjng machines. They are simple ; m iheu construction, easily transported on the back of mules or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, anti ; ran be put in operation in half an hour They can he - fined with provisions. Jt i* (be opinion of those who nave seen the trial of one of these machines of smallest ■ sue. that two men will warn the mineral from 150 bushels of sand or eanh la a day, without the Inu of a ; particle of the mineral. They can be increased in sue ■ and workrd by water or mule power, if expedient The operators work without going into the water or being exposed to wet, and conaeuuenUy wiibout en dangering ibetr health. They will require but a small strratn of water, and used the whole season,* and euu be put into operation where ihrre is not suffi cient water to wash in the usual way. Pnee of smallest sue 836 Order* from abroad, ae computed by cash. w ill be prmnpUy filled. H. PARRY, at Parry, Scou fit Co'*. febd-dlf No 103 Wood »i. Pittsburgh. MuaprsJuTdt ' Hoda Aali. r TMIF. subscriber* are now receiving iheir Fall stock X ol the above article, three vessels, vuilhe JiutiaUt. Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Leila, shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared to receive orders. They will receive during the win ter anJ spring regular supplies via New Orleans. 1 novlff W Jt M MITCHF.LTREK BALSA- MsaIe by tp! J KIDD k Co MISC§MNEOUS. GOLD WASiTERS. Mount eagle Tripoli—Kor'ciennmg wm ddwi and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass. Bri tannia, and other ware. It rapidly take* out all spot* and status, and reproduces the heiinuful and durable lu«trr of new wan*. Just received and for sale, whole sale and retail, by JOHN I* MORGAN- IaffI Drnggi«t. NOTICE. MR. BA ML. H. HARTMAN having sold h»* inter est in the co-partnership of Coleman, Hailman A Co, tn the remaining partners, has this day retired from the firm. February 19, !W9-if tjmsaukoil MANUFACTURE?* The under signed, Agent for the manufacturers, has on hand &ud is constantly receiving a full supply of the articles mode in Pittsburgh and vicinity, which he offers for sate at manufacturers prices. GEO COCHRAN. fcbSi M wood »l 1 — N’Dl A RUBBER PASTE—"I grossTottle* India Rui ber Paste, an excellent article for rendering boou and shoes perfectly water prool, and soft as a piece ol cloth. One application of tin- pasta is sufficient to make iliem impervious to water lor V or 3 mouths, and a perfect preventative from the leather cracking Ree’d und for sale a: ihe India Rubber IVnot. No 5 Wood st. ieb‘23 J A H PHILLI I’B MEDICAL BO O K B—Cooper's Surgical Dirty, CopeJund’s do, Cruverlius’ Anatomy, Droett’s rurgery. Fern* on Cholera. Reese on do, Bell and Stokes' Prarure. Grey's Junsprudener, Graves' Clin. Lectures, Brodie s do, Brodie on Joints, Magendtr's Phy*.. Neligan on Medicines, Parts’ Phurmacologia. Blundell'* Midwifery', do ou Disease* of Women. Mont gomery on Pregnancy, Parker on Momueh Velpeau on Breast. Dupurequc on Uterus, Kramer on Ear. ihark on Consumption. Coates' Pop. Med . Asliwell on Female*. Stewoffapu Children. Beil's Institute*. .Pern ru on Blood. Louis on Phthisis. Elliotaon's Practice, Duprevtrei*' Pur., Ahciumhy’s Works, Phillips' f ,u Bcrofuln, Mackemosu * Practice,.Bellaid on Children, Velpeau's Midwifery, Eberlte * Therapeutics, Bell's Anatomy. Clark on Females. Harrison's Anatomy, Cooper ou Dislocations, Condiu on Children, Miller's Pnn of Surgery, Churchill's Females Dewees on Children, do on Midwifery, do on Females. Dunglison * Physiology . do Dictionary. Lawrence mi Eye, Perei ra* .Watson's Practice. Liston * Surge ry. Dung;i*mi'« Practice, do Materia Mrdica. Miller's Physiology*. Rtunsboihuin * Mid.. Hartleil on Fcvrrs, Hope on Heart, Columbiu on Females. Furgusou's Surgery • Wil‘on'**Anuiomy, W ii,mms on Respiratory Organs. Abercroinbie on Brain. Dm gioou's new Rem edies, Ac. Ac. The above, with s cvuml a-sortmem n Mandard M.-d.eOl Bouk*. tee U uml lOr sale low F.LLluri A ENGLISH. T 9 Wood *t Jnur - iitfiwesu till mu] Diamond ay BICKLinVS CJRtliliP BiXI'FICTOBJ, liumit’ut jittry, Lnr«.. »W and Sltreu. , i*_ M. BItiKLOW would respeettully fVS inform the public that nt lit* Faeiory call a i all limes be tound a large *upp.y gicr, njid uil kinds of laney t’armcc*. equa. m ele gance and na%uiess to any found lu Hie blast. Con tracts lor any number of Carnage*, Buggies and W a poos, will be promptly fined. All work of ma own manufacture will be warranted. Hncmru,—Col U Pnttrrson, R 41. Patterson. E D Lazzaro. Esq., Koec-r' Botih, Esq . C L >1«gill. Al dotman Steel tetiStt-Jm WIRE KALLING. BKCI RED BY LETTERS PATENT. PUBLIC ATTENTION i« solicited lo an entirely new article o'’ RAILING, made t .f wrc.ughi iron bar*, and sou annealed rods, or wire, and eipressjy designed lor enclosing Cottnge*. Ccmeirrirs, Balco mrs, Pulilir G loonds. 4 e., al pnecs varying from 50 rents to 53,C*i Hie running fool It is made in pamiets of various lengths t*i u> I feet high, with wrought iron t>o«*.s li inch square, at ii.lrrventttg diManre* i»l 0 to 111 n-ei. If dv-iret 1 . me pannels ran be made oi any height. in continuous span* of 59 to bU feet, w-lh or without post* No extra charge tor po»t* The rotnpurauvr .igtitnr**. great mrriif’h and dura bility of the WIRE RAILING, tbe beauty of it» varied ornaiuenial designs, together with the extrr mely low price at which '1 1* «ord. are causing U to supersede ii.r Cast Iron Rai mg wherever their coit.rmruiiv mern* h'nve been ie*-ed For further particulars, ad jri*. MARsIiALL A BROTHERS. Agent* for Patentee*. Didhiosic ai-ry. near Southfield st. Pittsburgh •ei)jr-.»j:jm FLETCHER, ALC 01181 ASD PC BE SPIBITI Corner Front and Vine atreets. Ctneumaii, 0. tr-r Order* frotn Pmsburgu for Alcohol. Pure S; ir -1-aTßawor Rectified Whiskey.will be promptly attru deil to at lowest market price. inehfs:dl y H' - tCKIVm THIS Day, at the new Carpet Ware house, No. 75 Fourth street— Rich cmbo**ed Piano covers Plain Turkey red Chintz do do Talle do Fig’d do do do \Vor*tee of the nche*t and newe.t 10 wlm h we mvtte the attention of our mend* and cuMomcrv and lho*e wi»hmg 10 (urnirh or re w M . c|lvTO);K f‘ i? \s ki.i.l.tiMe S PKCMII M ' FIRK PROOF »J , CF-MF..NT —The Projector would re*perifully inform the public Hint he ha* now me Miti.faci.on lo offer them a Oenirm., which will weld, beautifully and 1 darably, nil nrticle* ofChina. Fuirlhrn and OloMW&re, Shade*, Ornament*. Marble. Ivory, Ac., without di*- Gguring them in the lea*i; rendering them a* u*efnl for otiy purpose whatever u they were before broken, and not affee ed by heat, water or air This Cement i* not weakened m the leant when »üb* iccted to a strong dry heal, or when immersed in hot water The publir fiave long *ince fell ttte nece»*iiy of »uch an nrticle. and in thi* their expectation* will be fully realized, a* it i* applied without heat and can be tuea by a child. The *ubaeribot bu fatty teited XbSJ,.,,- W WWtLSJI.V j a 23 comer maiket aflu gth »u OBOBQfi WBVMAB. Manufacturer and dealer in all £indr of _ TOBACCO. SSOFPB AND CIOAB.S* AT hi* Old Stand, corner of Smilhfiela afreet and Diamond alley. Hamburgh, Iv rail the aucnuoti of Country Merehsstoa Hotel and Steamboat }fcukerp~rs, to a large ami superior u*«ort mem of IMPORTKD CIGARS, among wlueh will be found the following hmnd*. vti. Ragle, Regalia. t a*- tello* t’nnr urn, l.n Norma*, Star Brand. Minerva and Dollar Regalia*, all of which will be *old a* low an can be had at any other l.ouw hi the city Also, constantly on hand uitd for «aie. a large and well -elected »toek of Virginia, Ml**oun. and Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco , . . Al*o. Havana, Cuba and Common lx-al lobaoo, cnn*tantly on haml ami lor *ale. nov3:dhm Y ; WAVS AND KKVttiWS-Hy Kdwin P Wh.ppie. Dick’* Work*! including hi* ICrth Voi . ‘The Solar System.' Tlie Id Vol* l.onnd in 5 sheep Ditto, ihe 9 vol*. bound in -J and in 3 , . Stockhouse'* History of me Bible, London, wnh nne n&p* and plaiea. tietavo Hebrew Bible, new edition. Barkitt’i Note, on the New Testament: 2 vol*. Bvo. new edition. . rT “ K HOPKINS, rachao y _Apol|o Huildinga^thjii^ TTrUOLKSALK DRV GOOIrS -We are now recef VV Vine ft lorgr B tock of Spring and Summer Dry Good,, .efer.ed with great ere from the tmportrr. aud manufacturer*, ami co.msung of a hne assortment of oil grade* u*ua'.ly kept by Dry Good* house*, which we are prepared to .ell m *uch price* a* rannoi tail to give *au«faetion to purclm-cr*. City mid routnn merchant* are invited to give u» a enll and numme our *mck mid imcr. belorp pur -5t0..n« SH*CKI.I-fr*: « HITS. K i>o Wood »i, two door* al>ove Diamond alley mchtU rpO COUNTRY MERCHANTS —Ssrrn A Joowos, i 46 Market street, can »ell you hosiery cheaper than thay can replace them—having bought them at ■ lar«-package *nle previou* to the advance in price t hey can ull you Straw Bonnet, and Variety Good. m cheap u. you can buy them of Eft'tern Jobber*. Cmn c »ud’.ec. - “" h '° rl COL'NTKV MERCHANTS—'W. R- Motrin h«* bow open at hi* Wholesale I>ry Good* Room*, north east cornet of 4th and Market streets, Pittsburgh, a /all supply of fresh Spring Goods, including mwml style* of Pnuts. (iingbama, Lawns, Ac-. and Hint** examination of hit stock. Entrance to Wholesale Room* from 4th street. mchkO ?>C/ UNSHRINKABLE FLANNELS— 'V. R. Rm" invite* the attention nfbuyer* to hi* stock of the above goods, of ail the different qualities, * a|d >® ”C M uiUliriiiVabir *» the Welsh, ami al morh lower l’5 ,ce 'J Genuine Welih Flannel* also conatanlly on nan . Gauze and Silk do. 4 4 mid M do, for Shrouding pur pose*. Also, , Home made While Flannel* and Liniaya, eon»ianily ou hand, al tbe nonJi can eorner of Fourth and Mar ket «treei*. (el, o BTEW em>DR.“ SHACKi-KTT A WHITE, W Wood street, are now receiving a frekti dock of DR \ (jOODS.of recent purchase, snd Irrsh styles, patterns, Ac , which they will »eli low lo Uie trade. . . Merchant* are reqocded lo call and examine thrif stock and ptices. _ Transparent sAades-jusi received and rot ■ale at \V M'dlnlock 1 * new Carpet Wareroo.o, No 75 Poorth *U n handsome assortment or Truuspa rent Window Shade*, at yen reduced price*, to which r f“bi> it * ' ho, 'j'w h M'y3i*cK'' I'ODraiSuPKEicBOOLU PENS;SO do coin .ilvor IZ T»blt uid Too Spooo,. » doi Porter, Office ood other Clock*: 10 do* assorted Solar Lamp* aoA Oa* Ch and alter* 15 do* Gold and ing y*d for iole by meh2B W w WILSON g\]o a ft, Ac.—3tfi hhdafair to prone N O Bng»r. >® EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c. I, HOL.KEB 4b BOVS, Danberi, Eicltaage Brokers, NOTF-S,DRAFTS. ACCEPTANCES. GOLD SILVER and Bank notes. COLLECTIONS. —Drata Notes and Accentstnees parable in any part of the Union, collected on the ino*l favorable terms. EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore; also. Cincinnati* Louisville, Saint Louis and New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANK NOTES —Notes on all solvent bank* in the United States diacoonted at tbe lowest rates All kind* of Foreign and American Gold and Stiver Com bought and sold. Office No. 53 Market street between hi and 4th. Pittsburgh, Pa. oct23 FOREIGB EXCHANGE. BILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount at the Cbrrent Rate* of Exchange. A)*o, Drafts payable in any pan of the Old Countries, from Al to AlOOO, at the rate of 86 to the £ Sterling, without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON. European inu General Agent, office slh st one door west of wood. ocilstt aU*xn X£AMAR-1 Ikowoap AIHK KBAHER * RAHH. Bankers and exchange brokers, dealer* in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange. Cer tificates of Deposits, Bank Notes and Com, corner of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles Ho- WESTERN FUNDS— Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Bank Notes; purchased at the lowest rates, by N HOLMES A SONS. srplS 36 Market street. BILLS OFicXCHANGfc-sight Clicckrou* New York. Philadelphia, and Balumore, Constantly for tale by N HOLMES A SONS. sept 3 35 Market si. MISCELLANEOUS. PAPER HANGINGS —I am now receiving, dir re from the ninnufueturers m New York, Philadel phia at d Baltimore, a large ard well (elected Assort ment of uli the latest and most improved *iYir* of sa tin. glazed and common PAPER HANGINGS, con sisting of— lti.WiC piece* of Pnrlor and Fresco; IUhOO " Hull and Commit, Id. UK) " Dining-room, chamber and office Paper—which I would pariicularly invite the at'euuou of those having house* lo paper, to call and examine, at ihe Paper Wart house of S C HILL, apU H 7 wood *t Ci ARBUTHNOT ita* commenced to receive a large assortment of Fancy VARIETY GOODS, consisting in pan of Artificial*, Ribbons, Lace*. Ho siery. Gloves, Crape, Cambrics. Nettings, I*ace Veil*, Shawls, Pongee Handkerchiefs' gent* Cravat*, gingham and cotion Handkerchiefs, corded Skirts, ?*ewing Silk, Thread*. Buttons. Combs, Jewelry, Cut lery. Ac. Ar. Country snd city merchant* are res pectfully invited to rail and examine ius stock. No &4 Wood «ireet. comer of Diamond alley me bid WATER CURE ESTABLfsHMTEST, PHIUPSBUKG, Pa. T'HK rapid siiirtr* which Hydropathy has made since its introduction into this country—the bril liant ami *itoM«hing curative effects oi cold water tr chrome and acute iii»caae* when employed after ib« lethod o' the celebrated Prtesmu. hnve removed lroi h- ml d of an inielligent and discerning public every •nriirle ol doubt ns lo ns efficacy, and trained it uiu rersal favor L'onf a method hv which so many unfortunate sufferers will be treed from their pains and infirmities I'r e sut'senher having practised successfully thi* method tor eight years at hi* Hydropathic esiublisb ineiii, which has'neen considerably enlarged and im proved in all ns parts, and in every respect, is now ready to receive and uceommodair patients who may choose to place themselves under hn care, skill aud Phiiip-bury, situated upon the left bank ol the Ohio, opposite ihe mouth ol iho Big Beaver, is well known for its reire*nijig and salubrious atmosphere, it* tie lighuul quietness and charming natural seeuep - , com bining every requisite iu render the sojourn of the in valid agrerab e. and contributing not a Lule to re-es lahlish impairiM h- alth and physical strength. The establishment, the first started in iho United States, contain* every thing, both for pleasure and comfort, culculaied to insure a speedy and happy ter mination of the ailments nl the Patient Persons wishing to avail themseive* uf ihe advanta ge* here offered, will please addrr** the subscriber Ly ietter. tpost-paid.l staling a* near a« po«*ible the nature oflhetr complaints, in order U> decide and ad vise no thrir hmess and curability by the Hydioputhie treatment, and also what will be necessary for then] to take along, lor their especial and personal use. EDWARD ACKER, M D Propnetot Philipsburg, Beaver county, Fa. Rxrx&ahcEs Bev d. Kil.ikell,, Armstrong; Y D. C ark. Esq. do. Hon. Thomas Henry. Beaver, Pa. Dr Burkrr, do. Prof Uh FJuot, Pittsburgh, Pa I. C Perkin*. F-*q Ohio, Rev S. 11. 8h rd, New Albany; Rev. M Al-en, Pnnreton. N J . T L. Station, Esq, New York. IV Cu Winter, Phitipsborg, Wm. H Mc- Connel hUq Fmstiurgh, A Bidwell, Eaq. do mchiti SAM’L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, EXCHANGE BI'ILD I X ft * ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, nas i car arre rnxd t ao * N F. W YI'RK AND P II 11. A D Rl. FH I A And i* now ret emus a tine a*>oruncui m CLOTHS, CiSMUKBfiS AND VEBTLVGS, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND STYLES, \S inch he i* prepared to make to order IN THE BEST MANNER Aud i n the latest Fashions nisrlil . lUkd Raarten for Boots and Shoes, Cornet of 1- ourtb und Suuthfield *treei*. PrmßcuoH. Pa. wffii* TKiTH A SCirrThavin? commenced IL\i j tn»- ltooi and Shoe burine**, null rUtwnole.ale anrf retail. would respectfully n)l£, ihv, • me o' ihcir fnend* and the publn «• <> trails. io their • (■icin'ld new Mork. cotnosrin;' ui tnr:.*. women*' bov*', iii,**r»' unit childrens wear of every r*nciv, -uititolr f.;r the sea*on. and at price* ,10 suit lin- 'inir* A spendi* article of home made work. eiitKirvn* hoe worn (’lease call nml examine lor your*elve» TRUTH kW'urr, corner tlh ami Smithfield »i» N. B —Traveling Trunk*. Carpet Dag*, Ac Ac . al way* on band and low for ca*b Coutnry merchant.* would find it to their interest to give u* a call when Tuning the city m_hM LOGAN, WILSON A CO., IMPORTERS ami Wnoie*ale Dealer* and Domestic Hardware, Cutlery. Saddlery. Ac , 1519. Wood street. Pittsburgh, are now fully prepared with a recently imported itock of Hardware, Cutlery. Cad die rv, Carpenters Tool*. Ac., to offer very great in ducemrnu lo Western Merchant*, ** in addition lo the many advantage* had by our predecessors. MA ,i*. Imogen A Kennedy, we have greatlv mcrea*ed our luciliUo*. and purchase all our good* from fir*t hand* on the very t>e*i term*. Tne junior members of the firm devote their whole attention .o »alr», aud feeling confident of giving sal- Kiuction. respectfully solicit a call from all wtio may vuit this market mchtSl BRICK FOR SALE. THK undenigned offers for »ale a superior article of bnclt (or building, made by his Steam Pre*«. improved machine, for which he ha* obtained a patent, and agree* to give purchaser* a written guarantee that they are stronger, and will resist frost and wet weath er and imbibe let* moisture or dampness than any oth er brick, po»sc**ing greater body and superior tenure and much more durable in every respect, each brick being subjected to a pte*«ure of several tons, and pos sessing a handsome smooth surface and even edges, they make a front equal u> the best front bnck. They have given the greatest satisfaction to all who have purchased. A kiln can be seen at my works, aud specimen at the Gaiettc office Those having supplied themselves tor their buildings, and wishing Handsome front bnck. or superior hard and solid paving bnck, can obtain them. ISAAC gregg; Birmingham, June 12, IS4B. if BENNETT 4 BROTHER, UPEENSWaRE manufacturers, Birmingham, [asar PUtabuirgli,] Psu Warehouse, So. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. wyv WILL constantly keep on hand a rood as*orv ffMfe/mnni ol Ware; of our own manufacture, and wjnp supenorquality Wholesale and country Mdr chants arc respectfully invited to rail and el amine for tticmsclvts, as we are determined to sell cheaper than has ever before been offered to the pub- U 7“ Orders sent by ma.l, accompanied by the cash or env reference, will be promptly attended to. febtf3 v* kW I’AKl’hT^—Received this day direct irom the mimufaetorer— New style Tapestry 5 ply Carpets, extra super, Jo - do do uo super, do •! (Jo very cheap do rich ci.lots nupei Injfrain 4-4, 'M and heavy Venetian do 4-4.1 nrtd 6-d comraoA do do All of which will fie wld at a small advance, and grill guarantor u* low as can he purchased in the east ,ec*2s W M’CI.INTOCK. 73 Fourth at COACH MAKING. FROM the very liberal c neon raja men! the subscriber has received since aSßv' he has located himself in Allegheny, EgSfefoK* has induced him to take a lease, for a ’ffY* ~ t . ini of year*, on the property he now occupies, in Beaver street, immediately the Presbyterian Church. From the long experience in the above business and a U pleue, he hopes to mer it and receive n share of public patronage. Now on hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Hug ties, open and top Buggies, and every description m ”SSfS*JS!K" ■ The Allegheny CsmsUry, AT ’he srnuaJ roeounjr of the Corporators, held o tbe aunuit, the following person* were unniL mocsiv is eieeted Managers lor u.e tiiM iii year mwC y THOMAS M- HOWE, President John [«}*seu^ CA ROTHEIIS. NATHANIEL llwr.MK*. VSHLSUN M’CAN LLK&S. JOHN H SIIOENHEBOfcR, JAMES R SPEER, ■ puinn Jr., Secretary and Tremaurer. The annual statement presented the affairs o( ibt fnmninv tn a rerr nrosperoui condition. Tl.oir offtci m SE al>* '» Nu ASvaier Itrecl. ,«I!1 TH k STAR ?p the WEST . VENITIAN BUND MANUFACTORY Kait side of the Diamond, where Veniuan Ulinda of all the different sizes and colors kept on hand or made to order afte the latest and most approved Eastern fa*h« lollt im the shortest notice and on the mos re AUo*tli'e 'cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa- i n4 i paper Certains of all the different sizes and patterns, on hand and for saJe low foretah. Old Vent- L„ niinds painted over and repaired, or taken m part JaymenUor P new R M WESTErVeLT, Pro’pr. 1 A voi> done with the best material and workmanship, and warranted to please the most faa udiona. 10 IRIC , aoflO-dly Alleghany e«r. An*. 10, low- AMERICAN TBLBOBAPH COMPANY, «ALTiaoa*, rrmsonen airo wu**Lnro. WESTERN LINE. Oflee »t the Euhiagr, Baltimore. * -j-v kducED RATES.—The charges have been redn rV ced on all Messages to or from Baltimore, Put*- burah or Wheeling, and a corresponding redaction made on all telegraphic despatches forwarded from Bal umo™ WMlofVilubuijll, P». charge for a telegraph despatch to or from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Wheeling, it 45 cent* for the first ten words, and 3 cents for each additional No charge is made for the address and signs* U T?BtU the completion of the South Western Line of TelegraphfromTHemphia,Tsnn-u>Net Orleans,de*- Bttcnes can hefonwdea to Memphis by thisfoote, and ataßodlor New Orleans. fill BOOKS. "PSIC, &c. VrF/W PUBLIC ATJONS-Eway on shell* Union of Church and Stair: by Baptist " • Noe.. M. A. 1 vol. I!hro.-SI.CS An entire edition of thi* work Vll »old m one day. oft it* publication lit London! Leave* from Margaret Small * Journal, in the Pro vince of Massachusetts Bay—l67P-#. 1 vol. ItJmo .jc Hoyt's Poem*.—Sketches of Ule am! Landscape. by Rev Ralph Hoyt —new e«J enlarged —with illutlr# non* ICrao, ftl.tki . A Calecauni of tlie Steum I', illustrative oijhr teirntific principles upon winch tt* operation depr-d» and the practical detail* oi u« »truciure. m a* appln.a non to mute*, mills, *ieam navigation. and with vanou* suggestion* oi improveoier.i: by J Bourne C. F~ 7&c. Cbeever > Lecture* on the Pilgrim * I rogr«»» new ed. 12mo. Price reduced in PUW The t'axton*. a l'»muy Picture. Part I l ' c Franklin'* Liie. il)u«trated Part* IV and % I‘ JICI 25 .. .* 'Histone*, bv Proi Ty'er— Pinto. l-or -ale by ,ncMM K HOPKINS. 4th >t. Sole Agency for X anna ft Clark's Plano*. JUST RECEIVED and opening a loi ill" elegant Piano*. Irom ;hr celebrated factory of Nunn* A Clark. || r I |»NV. comprising fl. Oi and 7 octave*, with important improvement*, both in mechanism nod exterior. po**e«se«l by no other*. ALSO—A fine selection ot Chickering's Pianos, tr*»m 0 to 7 octave*. H. K LEBER. Bole Agent. at J. W Third *t. N. B. The above will be sold at manufacturer» pnj without any addition for freight or expegße*.' marlO Journal and Chrruicle copy piasoT A SPLENDID anaortment gany and Rosewood Piano*. ju*i n,. iihed. These instrument* are made 0 f I | V I | * the latest pattern and best material* and will be «old low for rash by F BLUMB.Ua Wood street? 2d door above Filth N'. B.—Those who are in wan! of a good instrument, are respectfully invited to examine these before pur chasing eliewberr, a* they candol be excelled by any in the country, and will be sold lower than any brought from the Hast AUojust reertved, two piano« of Ham burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior lo Hit)’ ever «old in this country. oct23 _ B. NEW INSTRUMENT. THE subscriber has Deen appointed Sole Agent for the sale of CARHARTB IMPROVED MKLODK ONS- as manufactured and and perfected by Me«*r* Murch A While, of Cincinnati. The usual compa** .HUli.ll O. »i mu, vinv.uiiuti. * .... —w«..., and rxteiU being but four octaves. Messrs M. A VS . in accordance with the general desire nnd demand, have rrtended the «cale of ibe*c instrument* to 4f and even 5 octaves, thus maki> g it prncucable to perform*- upon them any music written for the * tarn* or Organ The exterior, also, ha* been much improved by placing the body of the instrument upon a ca»i iron frame beautifully bronzed and ornamented, rendering il at once a most eiegant and extremely desirable article The price i* pul »o low as to bring it wtihn> Ihe reach of every one to obtain a perfect musical instrument, and, at the same time, a in»*t elegant piece of furm inie for a comparative trifle H KI.FHKR. At J WW.mdwei . /iRKaT MISICaL .NOVBLf’T-Tlir •uns'cr.i-r \J hai ju*t received from Europe, and for «ale. .in entirely new invenuon of Piano Forte, called me i'AII JNKT PIa.NO FORTE, which posse-mg moir pnw.-r and sweetne** than the square Piano, occupy* but ouo fourth a« much room, and is a much more showy a>id handsome furniture li i* particularly denia ble where the saving of space is an object, bring ex ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying no more room than a »mali side table. The *uli»criKr has ;n band a testimonial of its superiority from the celebra ted pianist, Moschelles, in hi* own hand wnung.wnioh may be inspected. H. KLEHV-R (>C £7 At J W Woodwel.'* ChlektrlngVtiano*. J I'ST received and for sale il mil ufacturer* pnc«>, THirrun new Piam Forte*. 6, flj and ? octave*, ol tue moM || ■ | | " e.pi>Hia pattern* of furniture. and with the late iinptove:i .rule. Also on and lor title low. 3 second h&nJ Plan* ot JOHN H MEIXOR, Solo Agent for Chu-kenng« Piano* for Western Pennsylvania, rl \N ood street. tuarfc VEW MUSIH BV HENRI HKKZ-The I-a*t Ro*e Xl ofSuminr r. with an inirodueiion and hiiiiiant vs nation* for the Piano Forte. a* oenonurd m all l.m oouerris in Hie l u.tfd Stale* t>y Heim Her: Military Polka, by Henn Herr, t omic Po-ka, Sii ver Bell Polk a, Ju*i received and for sale by mchia JOHN H MEI.LOR, -1 wood it Vocal Exercise* * ND POLFFU.OIOS u*nh &n •ti-omptutunri.l for ibe j\. Pian-nmc, ndapietl i« 11t** wwu ol private pupiH, or n. yo<-u1 intuic >r.ecipd from Itn.ian. Krencn tn*rin«n rompovr* (>y I.ot*eli Ma*on: “<> lame page* ) JOHN M. Ml.LLOß mcnsa -i wood n TRANSPORTATION. aSED, PARKS 4 ©o’*. PACKET LINE. 1345. jfij£ BA FAHNESTOCK A CO.'S Pneumonic or Cough , Balsam ha* a great advantage over many other Couch preparations, a* it* pleaaaot taste penmu it to ... . lu«eii without ineonvenieuce. Bui it* value a* a REAVER ANDCLKVF.I*ANDUNV..vis. WARREN B aUam c-oiuiklmii the speedinessof us cun- We have Canal Packet— SW ALLOW, Capl. hord. : tonic of the most desperate coughs, tome of “ " OCEAN. Copt Watters which bud been running .n for a considerable length the above Packet* leave Beaver every day. of jj rjr y i e id almo*'iimned.ately to it* power, l J iSundayi excepted) and arrive next morning at j [( #uch weftl p Pr 0 , hove had iMßing thr»past Warren, where they connect with the Mall Stage* for w . [([cr everyone is liable to take cold, unless great Akron and Cleveland, arriving ml each of these piacri , prP< . 4U \ lon , are u *ed netore night One of the Packet* leave \\ arrett daily, ■ Wp , )ppt ftnd um ) ue exposure 10 the inclemency o( at JP M. and arrive at Beaver in time to take the, Uie wpalhrT 0 f lc „ i sy * Uie foundation of a hacking mo. lung neamboat for Pittsburgh. __ couch which needs a uuick remedy to prevent serious COTES A I.KFFINUW KI.L. Warren. | j* ro[>n , f ,. rP , u , t ,. ol B TAYLOR, " V We have numerous certificates of cure* which ii ■ ... • ha« eerformed. many of which are from persons ui vbH OKAVER AND KRJK PACKET I.INE , ci;v^tn d the neighborhood, nnd they are a mffieicit! THBofuti to rns lsie is roarv hoc cm rrirrenee without say ing another word in it* favor - artal Paeket-Pr.NNxTLVsMA, Capl Jcllri-, j-,epnred and for sale, wholesale and retail, by B A - •• Teles as pu, " ; FAHNESTOCK A Co, corner >f Wood and Island " " L**s Kata, 1 ruby, k. 1 and Oth si*. marKl-dAwS •• •• Pktto.tis, “ Brown, . •* Falchiox. Sayer Pulmonary Balsas*. The above new and splendid Passenger Packetshave -a fpSSRS. REED A CUTLER—I feel n a duty l comnmnced running between BRAVER ANII.ERIE. , jyl ftwe y, my j eßow creatures, to state something and wli run regularly during the season—one bout more yaur Vegetable Pulmonary Bnlsuin. leaving Ertc every morning at 8 o'clock, and one leav- | g mpfl j r „ nie |j t (, e Balsam, about eleven year* ago. ib# Braver every evening, immediately alter Die orri- fta ppy etfecl of which l then gave an.account 01. I vat oi the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh | several severe complaints and attacks at my Tl.„ boat* are new and comfortably furnished, and, lungs, one a few days since, and in every instance 1 wm ,un throuun in lorty hour*.' Passenger* u> an) ! utP d ihe Balsam aiono with complete aud perfect point on the Luxe*, or to Niagara Fails, wilt and ibis | , llcceU- j, rtll , C (fccted relief and cure in a very few route the roost comfortable aud expeditious. 1 ickei# days, it u certainly a sale medicine. I do not know through to all port* on the Lake can be procured by [ rare a filed consumption, but 1 believe n to the proprietor* ' will be in many cases a preventive, and prevention .. R KKD, PARKS A Co, Braver. ; Qum rum Ido therefore, for the love ol my ir.- JOHN A I'AKillh'i. Agt Pmsburrh. | ow m en, eurne«ily rerummruil the u*r of Du* eor uier and Sniahfieul »ts ~n au pulmonary complojiu*. lam confident ilmi r. r»—Jas C Harrison, Buifalo, Nl. j j, M )(PPn ib e mean* of preserving my liir 10 uu* dny. C M Reed, Erie, Pa , Boston June lb, •»« BENJAMIN PARSONS., | CCV\ ick, Oreenvtlle. Pa: I p,, r ~y jj A Fahnestock ACo corner first and M'hanand and King. Big 8.-;:d Pa wo.-d fliui mi so comer wood umMiUi. julV Hay * A Plumb, Sbarpshureti. I’a. • . VS’C Malau,Sharon, Pa, 1 li A FitrsnTun.Y A. B. lid!., N V City D C Mathews. Pulaski, Pa; 1 U. I. haHSESToci. R W Cunningham, New Co«ile, Pa. jyl > (». \V. FattiriSTOc. ) WboUiale Drug Store In tbe City of Sew York. TMIE undersigned are extensively engaged in the 1 \\ holesulc Urng bqiineas at No. 49 Jot n street m |he city of New York, and are prepared to jupp v Urugf’sts and cogatry Metehama with Drug*, Pamu, i>is, llye-nofls, For* gti am! American Pe-fumery, *U:t er, A e«««r A Mender’* Chemical*. iof Uietr own ra(ocjtlor | tcP all other articles in their line oi busi aen. of a ‘.quality as low as they can he pur* «ba*4d to ibis or any eastern eily. N-iw Vork Fetid U A K*if » r»r<>CK A f BURKE * CO’S FAST EIPRRBN FOR CUMBKIU.A.ND, BALTIMORE, aNI> Till- EASTERN CITIfo. 'I’HE Proprietors of »hi» Line have pul on New Stock. X and ire prepared to forward portage* of ml dr* sertpuans daily, at the lowest role* J.C BID'VHLL, Agent. Water street, Piiuuurgh ROBINSON A oet3l OT South Chorle* it, Baltimore. HARNDEN & COa PuHßKtr and Rcnilttane* Offloa- HA>RDKN A CO continue to bring persons any pan of England, Ireland. Scotland 01 JSSlKWale*, upou the moil liberal lerma, with then : usual punctuality and attention to the wonts ond com* fon ol emmignims We do noi allow our passengers to lir robbed by the swtcdling tcunpa that infest the sea- as we take charge of them the moment tbry re port uiemselve*. and see to their well being, anti de spatch them without any detentiun by the first ships.— We aay this fearlessly, as we doty one of our passen gers to show that they were detained 4- hours by us in Liverpool, whilst thousands of other* were deuuned months, until they could be sent ui some on! cratl. at a ch 2 P rate. w h'fh 100 frequently proved their rodin* we intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost what >t may. and not act ns was the. rase lost season, with ether officers, —who either performed not all, oi when it suited Uieir convenience. Drafts drown at Pittsburgh for any sum from XI to £lOOO, payable at any of the provincial Banks in Ire land, England, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON. European and General Agent. (*bt Fifth street, one door lx»l«>w Wood. JLLLB6HRNY YESITIAN BLIND, ANDi.ABt.NKT WaRERgOM. J A RRONVN would respect lly iiiiAmi the public, thai be eeps on hand at bis .mud on the rr»t side of the Diamond, Alls heny city. • complete taon tent of Vcniuan Blinds, also Ve ilian Shutter* nre made to or nr in the beat style, warranted luat m any h: the I’mtcd State* i* Blind* can he removed wuh mi the aid of a screw driver laving purchased I h o stock, join, ana wood oflbc cabinet es iblisbmenl of llomsay A M’Clel nd, I am prepured to furnish ,ieir old customers, na well as ihe public at Inriie, wuh every thing in their line. A*ency, No h Wood street, Pituourgh. inrhw J A BROWN. SUNDRIES— LOU packages fresh Teas—Y Hyson, Gunpowder nnd Imperial; JQU bags prime Green Rio Coffee, M do l.aguyra do, 10 do Old Java do; ■JS ba«s black Pepper; 10 do Pimento, ISO blids new crop N 0 Sugar; GO4 bbls Plantation Molasses, SO do Sugar House do 3U tierces Irrsb Rice; ISO bis Hunch Ran-in*: ISO bx« manufactured Tobacco, various brands, •jo kegs tiedge A Bro. fi twist Tobacco, 111 “ S Herds’ “ “ “ 10 " Pittsburgh plug iso bis Hill) Window Glut, SO do lUjl3 dot ,'too kegs assorted Nails; 13 casks Soleratus] SOUO pounds Cotton Yam, assorted Nos. Together with a full a ml general assortment of arti cles m the (iroerry line, on hands and for sale by JAR FI.OYD. Round Church Buildings, mh 10 Fronting on Liberty, Wood and Hijin *ts Brunei* Carpel*; do do WHITNEY’S CALIFORNIA RIFLES-The fob lowing ta an extract of a letter iroin the Hon Jrßcraon Dnvu, L . S Senator, late Colonel of Hit* .Mi«- maaippi Riflemen, dated 7lb of November, H*47, and ad dressed to the Ordnance office ••The rifles which you issued to the regiment I had the honor to comrannd in Mexico, arc worthy 01 the highest commendation | doubt whether as many pie ces were ever issued from any oilier Ordnance De partment so perfect in their construction and condi tion. in accuracy ol lire they arc equal to the finest sporting rifles. Their range. I think, exceeds that of the old pattern musket, and ihoy less often miss tire, or want repair lhau any other small arms 1 have seen ased in service " [Signed,! JEFFERSON DAVIS. 30 of the shove Rifles )u«t received— for Sale at the California Oath ting Establishment. No 5 Weod si. mchtM J k. H PHILLIPS. CALIFORNIA RUBBER GOODS—Just received, ! 3fl Camp HlankeU; 2U officer coats; 12 prs Pants. 1* pairs lieu lined Mining Boots; JU Isthmus Bags; 3 water Tauks, 0 and Id gallons each; So canteens, j gallon each; 1 dox Buckskin Money Bella; i do oiled cambric do do. The above goods for sale at the Cali fornia Ootflting Establishment, No 6 Wood si mch34 J * H PHILLIPS Patent Gold Washers. PERSONS going to CaWfomta can he furnished with the best patented Gold Washer that has yet been introduced to the public. The weight u only IS lbs., and can be packed in a trunk If necessary Also, light Picks and other Tools used in California. The above will be sold on the most reasonable terms, at HAYS A GETTY'S, inch 17 No 01 Market si FRENCH MERINOS AT COST—smith A Johnson 40 Market street, will sell for the balance of the teaton at cost, their stock of French Merinos, compri sing the most choice eolors- Now is your time tose cptb bargains _ _ A** U \rELVt;|' RIBBONS—Ju*i received atZeouion Kin- Y ter’s 07 Market street -30 ps colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted eolors; 30 ■* black -u u u B “ ombroidary Gimp; 10 ps wide PI tin, Ac. deed MEDICAL. KF. 9KI.I.KRS. Dr»cm>t. No *• ' Voonr was *oon leliewed irora her pains, and »a> * "Mu. 1 tee I r, • ii | could laugh:* - and wiu toon m sweet sleep >ne was scalded 10 K l*lt«ter from the lop of her shoulder over more than liall' her chest, and round under ||r nmi* <>n the shoulder and breast it was very deep >rt irooi the hrM hour, »h« complained only when n wa* drr*sad. The Mire healed rapidly, and there i» no i-oiurxeuon of the muscles. Wuh many wishes. my dear sir, Cor your surces* in me sole oi this mighty article. I am your*, with respect, ÜBO. K. POMEROY THE TEST and NO MISTAKE' The genuine Dailey, will everpToduce ihe same in stantaneous relief- and soothing. cooling effect, in ihe severest case* of Bums, Scalds, Piles, &c. The Counterfeit'- no i alter under wbal naine« they may appear—always irritate. and increase the pain TO THE PUBLIC . I, Edward P Holmes, of Chatham. Melvin Bn dee, Columbia county - . N. Y.. have been etfbcied with rheu matism in ray hrra*u feel, and ail over my body, for » iyear*, so thai 1 could not stand, and was cured by r application* of Dailey’s Magical Pam Extractor " EDWARD P. HOLMES. Dailey: Sir—l cut my finger with a copper nail, poisonous nature ofwhich caused ray arm to swell r a-idrrahlv. with constant shooting pnins up to the • no-iliirr A large swelling taking place at the ann ul with increasing pant, 1 became tearful of the l.ock :,iw In tin* extremity your Pain Extractor was rr com.-neiided lo me. and which I was prevailed upon to iry The consequence was that it afforded me aunast ..mam relief and in three davs 1 was completely ru ,.d. »OPEPH HARRISON,New York, corner Broome and Sullivan sts. Sept S I 'M". NOTICE!—H. DaLUCT is the luvenior of this invalu able remedy. &r.d never has and never will commnni ate to u tty living m in the secret of its combination! All Extractors, therefore, not made and put up b are base counterfeits. _ PioputKTwr* Depots—4ls Broadway. New York; tTlff Chestnut street. Pbilu. JOHN L) MORGAN, General Depot; Dr WM, THORN. Agents mr Pittsburgh Dalirti'i Antmal Galvanic Cttre-Au, Cure* humors, spavin. qumoi. grease, poll-evil «>rc«. gail«. und bruise* Pamphlets. containing cer iibeaics oi rc«peciaMe parties, may he hod on applien u„„ io JOHN* D MORGAN, novli-dl) is Agent. Pittsburgh. O FECIAL SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION JN quick pulse, hacking cough, general weakness. rr»uc«s sleep, variable' nppeuie, irregular bowels. pam« between the *houlder blades bemud. Imv*i.l:bl« STMrtoxis nr CoNsrvnTtox —Coughing n-gnt and day. flabby muscles, general debility, great shortness of breath on going up stairs, ascending * hn.. or walking but a little fast, pulse always above one hundred, for week* together, drenching told *weai* mward* morning Catarrhal Consumption comes on like a common catarrh or cold, but aboat the period when that dis ease usually is expected to subside, some of ihe symp tom* arc aggravated. The cough I* more trouble some. especially when lying down. There i« no fixed pain in the chest, but difficult breathing, which is worst on lying down. The appearence of the expec toration. which i* copious, i* changed from a thick 1 yellow mucus, to a thinner substance. It t« very un pleasant to the patient, and emits .an unpleasant smell when burned 4t i* of an uniform appearance, amPl* probably a mixture ofpu* and muejas, a* on mixtngjii with water part sink* and part swims. Tins disease may occur in any habit or at any age. and is charac terised by the peculiarity of the cough The Balsam of Liverwort effects tne cure of tin* in sidious disease t-y ciprrmration, sooth* and heals ihe affected lung* It never fails wherever thi* medi cine ha* been used, we hear of ii* success For thir teen years it has been before the public, and has been thoroughly testy! for all complaint* of the Lunga, ajid hn* proved iiself superior tn mem to any thing in use. U p might give hundreds oi testimonials from physi cians. Uje press, clergy, and those who have been cu red. hot all we de*ire is to call ihe audition of the of dieted, and for their own good they will try it l,onk out lor counterfeit* ’ Always observe the sig nature.-Geo Taylor, M D." on Lhe engraved label, and prepared at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Beekman street. New York Bold in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan »3 Wood si, J Townsend. 45 Market *t; H t*myser. cor Market and 3d st*: Henderson Jfc Co, 5 Liberty si Price reduced to $1,50 per bottle. mart A CARR. GRATEFUL tot the very liberal encouragement I. have received for so many years, 1 have dner minfd to enlarge my business considerably. Having enguged a competent Foreman, l will be enabled io nil .1 order* promptly, and do the work nt our u*ua: al yand at fair prices, and ask the attention of mer chant* and citizens in ray large stock of UPHOLSTE- Ki GOODS and Bed*, .tlaitrasses and Bedding, Cur .ai., Mat* rial-, Damasks and Moreens,Oormces. Frin ge*. Hindering*. Ta*»cl». flplii and Holler B tnds. and ev.-ry article usually kept in an establishment of the kind. Orders respcctiulty solicited and promptly at- ,N B. —Carpet* made and pul down. „„ hJi WM. NOBLE PARTNERSHIP. XCHESON WIKPDHOUSK A JOHN WOODHOURK UAVING lhi» day associated themselves together in partnership, and. r lhe firm and style ol A. A J- W.widhocsk. for ihe manufacture of TIN. CUPPER AND fIIIKKT-IRON WARF, on the corner ol hobm son »treet and the Canal, in lhe Isi Ward, AlAKuiiKtry citt. where 'hey are preprr'd io furnish to ordej. wholesale and retail, all arucles in thetr line with promptness. Foundry Tiunmings, and Carpenters’ orders are so licited which will receive immediate attention, ruv of Allegheny, Feb. I. lr-49 —dOm Paper Ranging*. HAVING pnrehased at three ol the largest Facto nr* in ihe East, (New York, Philadelphia and Bai. imore.t a large assortment of the newest and most improved styles of PAPER HANUiNIiB, BORDER.**, Ac., and made arrangements hy which 1 will las ena bled to procure all new Patterns, simultaneous with thnr appenruitce m the Eas.era market. 1 would in vite the Btleimon ex those desiring to have then houses papered with the latest styles ol poper. io ca.l and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere 1 have now on the way irom the East, 2U,UOI> pieces of Gold, Smlu Glazed, and common Paper Hangings, which { can sell ai prices ranging ft ora 121 cts to *2 V pa-re inchlf* ri C HU.U c 7 wood «t Bacon Smoking. HAVING rust completed the rebuilding of our smoke houses, we are now prepared to receive meat, and smoke it in the tnosi merchantable manner. The bouses are fitted with all the modern improve ments, and are capable of containing 3tt),ouo lbs. each. KIKKAJONKS, Canal Uasin, PRINTING PAPER—Having the exclusive agency for the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Paper, ifl. B A C P. Mnrkle, Proprieto**,) we will be constantly supplied with ail the different sixes of superior quality, which we offer at the lowest regular prices. REYNOLDS A BHKF, fe1.94 corner Penn and Irwin *ts PROPOSALS will be ruceived for raising 22U tons railroad iron, sunk in Allegheny river, o miles above Kiltaimiug. Also. 140 lons 4 miles above Free port, or t mile below Hill’s Ball Works, between the Island and flail Works. The whole to be delivered oo the wharf at Pittsburgh ao7 J SCHOONMAKER A Co, 24 wood »l Mnsnratts 1 Patent Bods Ash. THE subscribers are now largely supplied with the attove celebrated article, recently received direct from the manufacturers, ina New Orlran*j per ships Jaue H Uliddeu, Caro-ino Nesmith, and-Far West, which they are prepared to sell nt the lowest market pr,c„ ca.h .. *PP'»”“‘ l j l ;- MITCIIEL TRl J E, ICC Liberty st N 11 -Titer will receive next month another ship ment ivia Philadelphia) per ship Globe, mid thencefor ward egular mipplie*. . OUaCEaNE WORKS. rim.KMAN, lIAILMAN tCO coimntie to null. (/ locort 5.n.1l Iron. Sprit., .nrt Am Bll.ur Sler-. Ptao.h. Fork mid lloa »«•!, Spi... *nd Wro-r Iron Nal.. «U u««. los-lbcr will. ■ u “ l «4nrtmr» hlf Pah Taper and common Axles. * reduced the priee of Wrought Iron Nats, engine builders and others using the arllcie, wil find ,t io |heir interest to give lhi« new broach of Pittsburgh manufactures Uicir attention. fonch trimmings and maleable mm on tiberal terms. Warehouse on Water and Fourth sta febClVtf Boarding *Wanted, IN a pnvate family, for a Gentleman and his Lady who will furmsb tus room if required. Locauon in First or .Second Ward of this city Address J. 11, Box 01. Po*t office, and give name and location, which Will he attendrdjo_ ap* 1 Xndaca'PeJ'APEß I 1 1 »et, a viewer the Battle of Monterey; l “ « Cerro Gordo; 1 •' '• ' Buena Vista; Feu de Paris; Chase de Lyon; Garde Franeaix; 1 •• col C Auvergne; The above is suitable for papering large public rooms, just rec'd direct from Ports, and tor sole at the warehotud of ap'J 8 C HILL tIfKAP receiving, alarge assort ) raentof the cheapest gold and silver Lever Watch es ever offered in this eity. Also, my spring stock of the finest quality gold and silver Watches, jewelry, Biiver Ware, Military Goods, Lamp*, Ac. Ac- W W WILSON. apt 3 comer 4th and Market sis a OACON—iojUQU ibs prime. Bsucca. hog foanfL fot |ssala by ap}4 J 8 DUAYO*XM fc Ofr U MEDICAL. POR THE Rdu'>v . /EAT cfnjfoPALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMJ'I’RB sf £ATK OF THE BL.OOP OH HABIT OP THE SYSTEM, VIZt Scro'ula or Kmc * Kvil. Rheumatism. Obstinate Cnta neou* Eruption*. Pimple* i-r PustoJc.s on the Faee, Blotchcßile*. Chrome Sore Eye*, Ring Hera or Tetter, Scald Head. Enlargement and Pain or the Bone* and Joint*. smbl»oni Ulcers, Syphilitic Bymp totus Sciatica or Lumbago, and Disease* arising irora an injudicious use of Mercury, Aictteeor Drop sy, Kipo«ure or Imprudence m Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorder* In this preparation are strongly concentrated all yte Medicinal properties of Sar»apaKlLH, combined with the noil effectual aid*, the mod *akitary production*,, the mo>i poicnl *impln« oftbe vegetable kingdom; and It hat been *o fully irsteil. not only by patient* them *c’ve*. but n!«o l.y Phy*u-iain, lhat it ha* received their umjualifind recoinmcnduiion and the approbation of the pohlic: and ha* e*tahli*bed on t ■ own merit* a reputation lor value aud efficacy fax superior to the vunnu* compound* bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Di-ra*,-« have hem cured, such u* are not famubed in the record* of om«* past; and what it ho* already done for the Umo**nd» who have uied it, it is capable of doing for the mil iom oiiil suffering and straggling wan It punti’-*. ol*ati*e*. and strengthen* the fountain spring* v( life, and infuses new vigor thro’- out the wiioir annual frame. ANOTHER CUR K OF SCROFULA. • The following rnnkinc and, a* will br »een, perma nent cure of an luvetcrnie t tv>e of Scrofula, commeuds iloelf to ail niiniiurty alhicted'. SofTijpnßT, Conn.. Jan. 1, 1645. Meters. S»sw tJcnnenien—Symputhy lor Ihe affile ted induce* me to inform >ou of the remarkable cure effected by yoar Sar»«pariUa -n the ca*e of ray wife She win tevetely afflicted with the «croi'ula oil differ- ent part* of the body the gland* of tbe neck were grently enlarged and hrr limb* much swollen. After sutlering over a >enr and finding no relief from the remedied used. the ili*ea»e attacked one leg, and be low the knee • uppursted Her physician ndvi»ed it (hould be laid open, wbieh w«« done, but without any permanent benefit. In tht* sltnation we heard of, and were induced to u*C Pa»d*‘ Sarsaparilla. The fir*' bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing: her more than any prescription »he had ever la aen, and before *be had n«ed six bottles, to the aston udtment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. It is now over a year since the cure wn* effee ed, and her health remains food, show ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated fromihe system Our neighbor* are nil knowing to thesa factr. and think very highly of Sands’ Sarsaparilla. Yours with respect, JULII’S PIKE Extract from a Inter received from .Mr. N W. Har ris. a gentleman well known in Louiso county, Vo,:. -fientlemen—l have cared a negro boy ofmine with your Sarsaparilla, who wu* attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. -Your« trulv. 'N. W. HARRIS. -Fredericks Hall, Va.. July 17, IMS.’’ SamW SA.its.srAim.LA.—lt seems almost unnecessary to direct attention to an article so welt known, and so deservedly popular, as this preparation, but patients often who wish to u*e tbe extract of SaraapartUa, are induced to try worthies* compounds bearing the uame, but containing little or none of the virtne of this valu able root; and we think we cannot confer a greater benefit on our readers than in directing their attention to the advertisement of the Messrs. Sands in another «oluran. The bottle has recently been enlarged tp hold a quart, and those who wish u really good article wtll find i-onceiiuaied in this ull the medicinal voloo of the loot. The experience flf thousand*ha* proved its ef ficacy in cunug the various diseases for which it is r, commended, and at tbe present ume more than any other, perhaps. i» this medicine useful, in preparing the »y«iem for a change of *<;atou.—Home Journal, dept. lt4 “- Prepared and sold, whoirsale and retail, by A. B- A D SANDS. Druggist* and Chemists, 100 Fulton street, corner of William. New York. Sold also by Drug gist* generally throughout the United States and Cana das Price 81 per Hottlc, six Battle* for jTy-por sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, by B. A FAHNESTOCK, A CO., corner ofWpod and Front su.. also, corner of Sixth and Wood sts; by L. WILCOX. Jr., corner oi rtnmhfie.ld and Fourth sis. und also corner of Market *1 and the Diamond; also, by EDWARD. FF.NDF.RICH, cor Mononga'la House. feblt-Tlil ‘ ; SALTER’S PANACEA! '|M THOSE SUFFER!Nti WITH DISEASED 1 I.UM.S—The unprecedented 'uccess which haa uended Die use of the OINSENO PANACEA a all the various forms which irritation of the lungs as i(true*, hat induced the proprietor again to call atten tion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION, rise ehai—nbh* weather which marks our fall and vi :’.r r month?. i- alwny* u fruitful source of COLDS AND COUGHS. if neglected, are t>ut the precursor* of lh»t fell destroyer COFUMITTON. fhc quf«:.on, then. how shall we nip the destroyer in '.lie bud! sow itiiall wc get clear oi our cough* and jld#’ i.« of «•;:■») importance to the public. THK GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY l will be found ill the GiitM-ng panacea. In proaf of OliJ 7 , P havr from time 10 lime published ihe certificates « lo, then, need the alUicled heailateT V> hy resort to the mi*-ruble nostrum*, gotten up by urn own indrvid* aala u ler the assumed mime of aomc cu Orated phy tirtan, and puffed into notoriety by certificate* c. par* ton* equally unknown' Whilst a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY In to be had, who*e vouchers nrc ut home,—ofcr neigh* bora, —many of whom n has SNATCHED FROM THE UB A VE. In order that tht* uivaluat.le mcdicuie may be plaeed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we hava put the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, last one holt the Usual co»t of cough medicines, it is [or salc by our ageuu in nearly every town and village uver the we*t, who are prrnured to give full informa ion relative to it T fIALTF'R, Proprietor, Broadway, tniciiiiiaii. Ohio. HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, 0 r»t;u.(p«Bca«JH. bicavxc c<» . r». DU. EDWARD AOKF.U. takes tin-, means of re turning hi* thank* u> his irictids and the public for the extensive patronage he lias received, and of ill forming Uirm that he ha* lutcly erected alarge and ••cli constructed building, for the exclusive purpose* of hi* WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at his old location, at Phillipsburgh. Pa., on the Ohio river, oppo site the steamboat landing at Heaver, where hois ready to receive paiietu* as Hoarders, and treat them on ( Hy dropathic principle* In addition to lua long experi ence, aud the great *uccct* which has heretofore at tended his treatment of patten)a committed is hi* care, he ha* now the additional laediue* afforded by an ex tensive butldiug erected expressly for the purpose, con taining commodious arid airy room*, and fitted up with every necessary apparatus for oathmg. and ddumis teriitg the treatment to the utmost nenehi and comfort of the patient. Plullj|isburgh i* a most delightful and healthy village, cony ofaceca* by stexunboats, and af fords fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assure* those afflicted person* who may place themselves un der hi* care, that every allc-itUoii shall be paid to their comfort; and as an assurance of the substantial benefits to be derived, he. points with confidence to the hun dred* who hnve been permanently cured at his estab lishment. The Water Fare ,cuv.» no injurious effects behind, a* i» too orten the case with those who have been treated on the old It removes the dis ease, invigorates tb«‘ *y *icm, protects from the dangers incident to change* of the weather, creates a natural and active appetite, and impaftu vigor to the digestive power* Term* of treatment and boanliittr reasonable. For further particular* mouire nt the establishment, or address the prupricior at rhillipsburgh. n.ig-JGil DH. JAYNEiB ALTERATIVE We have been infonnffd by-Mrs. Rose of acute per formed ou her by Dr. Jayne’s Aitaratlwe, wtnch prove* it* superiority over every other remedy of the kind flhe ha* been afflicted for the last sixteen years with NKCKOSKB or WHITE SWKLLINGB, attended wiih ulceration* and eufahauou of various bones, du ring which time many pieces have been discharged rront the itoutui bone ol tha, from both her arms, wrists and hand*, aud from both legs, and from the IcA fcroral bone, and from the right knee, besides painfni olcci* on other port* of her person, whietrti*v« baffled the *k>li of a number of the nto*t eminent physicianso( our eit—during most of the time her suflisring* have been exciuiaung and dcp'orul.le About three months since siic wls induced m try Dr.>3)nc'* Alterative, which has had an asioa.rtt.ngiy happy ctfret upon her, bv removing all pain and swelling-, and causing the ujeeis in heal, wh'le at the same turn* her general K-alth has become compictcly rcib.rcd, mi that now weigh* £S M>* more than «lie did before sue cormaeticed the use of ihi* truly vamablt. prrpat>on.— Eve. Po*t. For further tniwrtnauon, .-iqu.rc of M:*- Ro*c, No. 12S Ftlbeil *l, I’hliUdr.lpli.a. For Ale in P.tuburgiT?*t the I’HKIN TEA BTOUE, 72 Fourth si near Wood. near Seventh it DR TOWNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA.—SO dozen jteV received of Dr. Townsend'* Sarsapanlla, the mediciuc iu me world! This Fa ll up in quart battles. It u su times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It cures disease without vOtmung. purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. Look out ran ijirraTtora.—Unprincipled persons have eopted our labels, and put up medicine in the same shaped bottle. See that each bottle has the written sig nature of 8. P. Townieud. R. B. BFLLERS, Druggist, 57 Wood street} between' Third and Fourth, i» Dr. Townsend’s only wholesale and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine article can be bad. D. M. Curry ha* hern appointed the sole agent for Allegheny ctiy, of whom the genome *omcle can be htul. ap4 SCROFULA AM) M.'KOFULOUS SWELL INGS.—4>crop la in all its multiplied forms whether in that of Aing'o Evil, eularaeiDCDU o tbfl glands or bone*, Court-, White Awellings, Chronic Rheumatism,Canser, diKoasct of the bkiD or Spine, or ol Pulmonary Consumption, emanate front one and the sumo cause, whico is a poisonous principle more or less inherent in the human system. There* fore, unless this principle can be destroyed,no radi cal cure can be eflectod, bat tf the principle upon which the disease depends, is a cure mutt of necessity loilow, no matter ustfor what form the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore •IS the reason why JaYRE’s ALTEBATIYt ii so nni versaify succesaiul tn removing so man]) malignant diseases. It destroys the virus or principle!Trout whten those diseaara have their origin, by entering' into the circolation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing cvcnr particle oj disease from the sjstem. Frepared and sold at No -8 Sooth Thifd Street, Philadelphia. Sold at tbe Fekin Tea Store, No. 73 Fourth streo. Fltadargh i , meh3l "VTtfc 8 HAGKEHEL—79kUm store and for sale low M.»kr»k fou jasRALZELL . GROCERIES, &c. O WAR AND MOI.A3SE9-57 hid, prim. N’o .vf yar 'dWlt.Nrt Molastrs; to arrive and fet »*»* on landing, by aj>i l oli GRANT, 41 water at G'LASS—nJbi* 8r ItCl: 0 _ doToxisf"do"tor saJa by apll WICK Ik McCANDLERS i)LAltl.S —4 c»ks pearls read and for sale far apll 'YL C J?J k _ !k il‘ CAND ‘I ES ?_ SCORE MINGS—do bbls for sale by *" * upU WICK A McCANDLEBsv LAUD OIL —lo hldi lor sale by spit J SCHOONMAKKR A Co lATHAKKIMs I’AVER —all *i2fi-|i>oo Kama, for VV »«:eby apll J SUHOONMAKEK ACO Malaga vs IN E—43 i*r c*k* tweei Malaga win*, 6o lui'aa bbls dry do do, for ia!e lom, io close by _opll JAS A HUTCHISON AC« r l WBLK CLOTHS—Linen, bleached ami brown, for J. sale. • aplO C ARi»UIHNOT_ LAUD oil —it bill* m *ivrr Miul inr Ra eby aplO _ JAMES AHU TCHIsON ACo I 'NGLISII FRENI'S—Sppe; 4-4 purple and other styles ot U&nd«ome English ChiOttes, just opened ' ai ;o Market street, northwest ccr of the Diamond. up* ALEXANDER * DAY tIKEA.VI CHKKSE—44 bit just reed and for sale by ' J H CANFIELD, Water street, ap9 betvrcen Southfield and Wood N All -S—6o kcg» Nails, assorted sixes, Oliphant A Son's brand, landing and for tale by apD JAAIKS DAI.ZKLU Water at SALERATU9 —6 csk* jast ree'd and tor sale by ap9 _ C H GRANT C COTTON—W bales, various grades, far tale by j aps C H GRANT, 41 water st del extra Corn. 30 do cloth, for sale by »pj> i DJYIILIA-MS, st_ fhOTASH—3O c#ks Potash, landing and for sale low X to close consignment, by apil 6 JAMES DALZBLL SICILY LIQUORICE—Just ree d and lor side by , ipU J KIDD A Co SHEEP SKINS—IS doten, fine arucle, just ree’d and for sole by ap9 J KIPP A Co AMERICAN SAFFRON—Just ree’d and for sale by spy ✓ J KaUDACo u PANISH SAFFRON—Just tee'd and for sale by spy J KiDDA Co MACK —Ju*i ree'd and for sale by spy ... J KIDD ACo PRINTING reams, various sizes, foil supplies kept constantly on bands by REYNOLDS* HUES, corner Penu and Irwin its Ctrtlj.DßENf*' CLOTHING—F Tir"KsTO-i A Co. j hive received their Spring patterns lot Childrens' Dresses, aW ore' now ready to receive orders for ma king Fancy Oarmeuis and Kmbroidrry. Valient* for ladies and childrens' garments sold if desired. A variety ofgannenu constantly on hand. Store Oil Fourth st, betwecu Wood and Market apl4 _ LA RD—IS bid# No 1 Lard, for sate by ap U JSDILWORTHAOo OWNER WANTED—For 3 hhdi Tobacco, mkd Diamond A, rec’d per soar Teiegrapn No 1. IiEO B MILTEN BERGER, apH 87 Front si DRIED bosh jusi arrived, for tale by apli HitEY, MAT I'HEsVS ACo CfODFISH— 3 drums Codfish, for sal* by > «PIV J3DILWORmCo_ Sll. bbls S H Molasses, landing s from *tmr Winfield Scot! and for salo by apt 3 JAMES UALZELL^walewt TTLANTATIoN bbls I*l.Qtaiiou X Molasses, landing from stmr Winfield Scotl, and lor sale by W A M MITCMELTREE, apui ltai Liberty st ttOTTON— M bales good West Tennessee Cotton, y for sale by uplll WEST. BOWEN, VO Prom st LINSEED OIL—SS bbli Linseed Oil, for sale by apia . WEST. BOWEN NO SUGAR—IO hbds old crop N O Sugar, for . sale by apl3 W EST. DOWEN WE have a choice loi of BACON HAMS of our own curing for sale. apt 4 M'UILLS_A_ROK \ 1 aCKEßEl's—Large No 3—4 L bois, which will t>o AX sold low io close consignment. ap )4 M’QILLS A ROE ITLE BUTTER—2 bbls frert Apple Better, Just . ree’d and for sale. apl4 M’bILLS A ROE BACON SHOULDERS on conrifrnm^Dt— lo oak* for sale to clo»e (he lot. apH CIHEESK— Sfl bn now landing; for sale by i oplJ ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, From st TTOPS— MI boles in store; for sale by ri ft pi3 & ISAIAH DICKEY* Co ■^yOOL— 1 sk* per canal boat Waihmjgon^Jo^saJe tIOTTON —17 bales to arrive; for sole by / apU ISAIAH DICKEY * Co, Front st I^’KaTHEBS— 63 sks to for sale by 1 apH ISAIAH PICILBY *Co WUOL —4 sks to arrive; for sale by _apl4 ISAIAH DICKEY * Co rARD —14 bbls No 1; to arrive; for sale by . j »pU _ _ IHCKEy*_Co_ BACON— 3 C»k« Hams sod Shoulders U> arrive; for sale by ap!4 ISAIAH DICKEY * Co FLAXSEED —U 6 b«s to arrive; for sale by apU ISAJAH DICKEY* Co npEA—ys hit' cheats Y H, arrived porcanal. and lor I sale by JAR FLOYD, apll jßaond Chnreb Ball dings TOBACCO —55 boxen various brands, arrived per canal and for sale by apl4 _ Jjk_R PLOYD SUGAR— *JU bbls Loaf Sugar, for sale by apU . . J fc R PLOYD T> ACON—27S pieces Shoulders; S*4 do aider, *73Mc ll Hams; arrived this day per canal boat Washings ion, and for sale by apl4 J A B FLOYD AP PUSS-160 bgs Dry Apples,per steamboat «do do; ill bbls do, pel canal boat Washinztofu and for sale by _ 'apll J * R yl-OVP 171 BATHERS—4 aka-Featners, per canal boat w »»b -. ington. for sale by apl< JAR PLQVD SUNDRIES— 50 djziZiiic Waapoourua; xuu pava* Cheever’* Fire Kiddling; 200 Hiekory Broom*; 200 Tow IJnrn; 200 barred Fhaunel; on eoxuignmeuvand for »a)e by hf bi» m r r«uuu; lOOqr *' do do; for sale low to close consignment by opll JAMES A HUTCHISON A C* SUNDRIES— 300 bbU N O MoUaae*; 15,U0i> Bacon, bog round; 40 bbla Urge No 3 Mackerel; 16 “ '• »* 8 do in •» “ i Salmon; 25 “ pure Flucaeed Oil; 160 dozen uew Corn B'ooore; in mdre and for mch n JOHN WATT, Liberty “ CAMPHOR —10 bbl* refined, Jaal rec’d and for sale by U AFAUJfKSTOpKfc Co, apll corner Ist and wood »i C" "66PER*sTISINOLAS?—24 (Uoi, iheetoad shred, just received end for sale by apll » A FAHNESTOCK A Co SEG A R 5—200.000 common, for sale by apU _ _ C HGttANT SALKRATUB— U br» puWiu *ore;for»al« by apll _ ISAIAH DICKEV * Co, Front STONE PIPES—2OO bis for soli by ‘ * __ apll _ , C H,GRANT \r u OH consignment, f?L**kr?® jN. bbUi 182 half bbls. apU M’fIILLS^BOK WHITE BKaN»—On contigumenl, for. sale low to close the lot. apH UrOlLtfl AROE_ URICK—oO.uOO “Phoenix” nroß «np»* ; nor article, to arrive by canal gndfor Mja on ae coramotlauas terms by C A M*ArfUETY : ftCo ' apli| ' CfiOfiißfillfl CIONSIGNKK WANTED—For 83 Mid* / dies, marked “M. U n received P« *t*fi** r . ™°* nongohela. Inquire of OEO U MILTENBESGER •pl 2 tffgWU »>_ JJEARL ASH—3 ions Pearl Ash, p« M •“* M " c< ; S&JStb‘X POW HER—20Wkegs Btssuug Powder; IflCOdo Ri “d f VfiL^MßaA°=- ,c« F.» HoVp-rto <« aWu t C b.». p. CSKS PEARLS, and 3 IK w LABD, )o*U«e«!,ed 0 1.MU.1 Lie E.I. ..S fQr /^TcaNPIKLD TI'RAPPINU PAPER—SOJO boodle*, nsnw o*mr«. . r. one yOi, »•••«••*•«*•»• 6 03 Fire 00 „ ~ " i one jeaf.daily&wechly, 10 00 „ ~ u ‘ six month* ° 00 r„, so a.«, wf t.v:::. s o Z „ „ U\ Tar**V “ w*4M.« lOq „ , f u Thins AOBtht/WsMM Slq MOILLS AROE