The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 24, 1849, Image 2

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    THE fiTTSBUKGtt GAffill&i
' llTTaa ptrmtntßß u pabUahed
Dulr. Tn*Weekly, and Weekly.—The Dculy is Seven
Dollar! net » nnnm j ihe Trt-Weeßly Lb five Dollars per
the Weekly i* Two Dollar per annum, ttrutly
n adcm*. ,
nyATiwimim ue earnestly requested to hand in
ietr favors R *n and as early in the day as
tfraeticable. Ailvettiicmeata not Inset ted fora w<>
led ««"»" will invariably be charged until ordered out
Advertisements 4nd subscriptions to the North Amer
ican and United StatesGaiette, Philadelphia, received
and forwarded from Util office.
Bee next page tot Telagraphle Hawa«
Per Leeal Matter* m« next page*
Box.—The "Gazziu hater Bax, n has
been removed from ila old situation, a window
nearer the Post Office..
Tux Gctxaai. Majcufacturimo Law. —This tin*
portant Act ot the late Legislature, will lie found
in another column. We publish from an official
copy, for which, we are indebted to the attention
and polltenea* of Gov. Jonarron. Some persons
object to it on account of the limited number of
objects to which it a confined, but if the low proves
to be of general utility, and acceptable to the peo
pie, aa we think it will, it will be e«*y 10 baVe
other objects added by. the Legislature, from ume
to time. '
The following telegraphic topeieh cee received
Apnl 23, '49. J
.o *•<***» l
The Europ j , ri advance
rtW-.-r u»c~ "
mero«Tjooni«J hav. no arrangement. whatever
“ —<■ “g&SmoSraoN. Telgh. Rep.
From this, Ibe public will see* that we have not
100 severely characterized the conduct of Mr-
RiddleV subordinates, during hi? absence, in sur
reptitiously appropriating our property to its use,
aud in &!*ely declaring it wtu “despatched for the
The Post has a column setting forth, and com
plaining of the iqjary and insult which Mr. For
ward has met with from the Whigs, and promising,
that if he will hut return to *ht» old Democratic
friends, they will not only gladly welcome him,
but also aid him in avenging the indignities heap*
ed upon him by false "Whigs. The Post further
predict* 'bat Mr. Forward will accept the invita
li<sh, and before .long wheel again into the “old
Democratic line, which be should tie ver have* lert
and where his abilities ahd virtues, were acknowl
edged and honored.”
Now let us see what sort of appreciation of Mr.
Forward's “abilities and virtues,'' the Post manifests
to begin with.
In the very article be ton: ui», Ihe Post says tbi
Mr. F. speaks with “tin effect more creditable to
hia abilities than to his political honesty." In other
words, that he does not himself believe what he;
with so much eloquence enforce* upon others
That he La not honest! Of a p e;r with thi* ?ort
of appreciation at Mr. Forward’s -virtues" is the
prediction that he will shortly be fbunJ a fellow
laborer with the editor of the Post, because the ad.
ministration did not‘give him the Post Office ot this
city. The Post in this assumes that Mr. Forward
is only with us for the sake of office, and that if
that is denied him, he will soothe back is the
ranks oftbe party bis departure from which, nr
cording to hts new friend of the Post, was so tilde
creditable to his political honesty' And where he
will no doubt be expected to bring the whole tore*
of his “abilities and virtues' against what the Post
(singularly enough, in what isa tort of eulogiem
of Mr. Forward) calls the “migtiiami Toritf of
1812,” of which this virtuous and able man, the
Post acknowledges, is the noibor' A fine prospect
Mr. Forward has before hib in the Democratic
ranks, certainly; and a singularly adroit negotiator
for his passage there the Post ba» proved Use!/.
Now, for a little Whig estimation ofMr. Forward
We believe that his Tarili is the result rf Ins hon
est convictions. That be most fervently believes
all that he in his speeches advocates, and that
whether he obtains office or not, that be will still
be Whig. At the same time we lake occasion to
say that if office is ha be the reward of distinguish,
ed, efficient, and laborious service iq Ihe caure of
Whig principles, no man is better entitled to ilthab
-Mr. Forward, and we should be rejoiced tn hear
that the administration had conferred upon him
some post commensurate with his great merits
and services.
from washisgtos.
Conespondence of the Pittsburgh tissue
Washington, April IS, 1919-
The state of the weather excites much popular
dissatisfaction. The oldest. inhabitants agree thnt
the subject should receive the intention i*» the
press. The mercury, dunftg the whole of the past
week, and at the present time, bos been und is in
most wonderful proximity to the freezing point, oc
casionally falling a little below it. Thie morptngthe
whole community waked up m a driving snow
storm, and has not yet censed giving expression
to its indignant astonishment thereat. The worst
of U all is, that the fruit is believed to have been
nearly all killed. The peach and cherry trees
were In'fuU bloaaom, hereabout, and the intense
severity of the season has completely destroyed
the hopes of the orchardists- *
There is a singularly profound lull in the po
litical world. The attention of friends and rppo
nenU of the administration seems absorbed tn the
elections about to lake place in the different states.
The Uoion here is endeavoring tu keep up a show
of opposition, by harping upon removals and ap
pointments. But nobody seems to give much heed
to' its zealous hotai'ies on this topic, every one
feeling Him ihe laclie. of party «m.elh,ng
of Ihe .on. Hi. leaden ed.tor.alr, .0 denunciation
of what the editor choose. to term proscription,
amuse no parties more than those who Jeel that
they msy be the neat subjects ot tho reformatory
process now commenced.
Hod. Waller Forward, ol your ciiy, arrived
here to-day, aa 1 hear, though 1 have not seeu him.
Ex-Senator Dix,of New York, lakes lus final de
parture io-morrow. He intend* lo return to the
practice of law, which he had begun under flat
tering and favorable auspices, previous lo but be
coming involved in ihe meshes of polities. it is
but justice lo Geru lhx to eay that he possesses
oqo of the most vigorous mlellerta in the country,
all the emanation* of which come Tenth with the
peculiar charm derived from courteous moaners,
and a bland and gentle disposition. Whether he
will return to public bfewill depend,in a measure,
ttpon'tbe turn events may take in determining the
internal organiratioo of the democratic party
It is said to-day that the gallant and popular Ma
jor Lally, who gained such his conduct
m command of the large escort which guarded
the train that was, last July, sent up from Vera
Gmz to the relief of the suffering army of Gen.
Scott, has been offered the highly responsible ap
pointment of Engineer ol the great Naval Dry Dock,
now building at Brooklyn. The prerent incum
bent <s Mr. engineer of nigh reputa
tion, but who, having in bia employment and un
der his direction and control, some seven or eight
hundred workmen, is alleged to have brought the
power and Influence of his office directly to beer
upon the elections in New York and Brodklyb last
fid 1, in favor of Cass and tbe subordinate candi
dates,! JThis is yet a matter of rumor, fi is not
positively known that the offer has been made to
Major Lally, or that he would accept it, if made.
Be aide the high reputation which be in
the fieldsjof strife, bis name stands high aa a prac
tical engineer. He waa surveyor to the commis
sion, lor the .determination ol the nortbsrasiern
boundary, settled by the treaty of I $l2. He weJ
brevettedto a colonelcy lor his gallantry in Mexico,
and, since hi® return, has been married ui a daagb
ter of Hon. George Evans, ;of Maine, formerly a
Senator from that Stale, and now Commissioner
on the Board for the settlement of Mexican claims
' It is said that the appointment* for tbe New
York Custom House ore to be forthwith made.—
If so, ibo Philadelphians will be pul off for a
week or so longer. Junius.
Thx Fwbt.—On Saturday night there was a
■irons north-west wind, sky overcast, atmosphere
n jw, thermometer, m open exposure in tbe
neighborhood of Louisville. tfJ, no hoar frost.---
None oftbe fruit was injored. On Sunday night
.wvL* «as cleatr dry wind, thermometer X. lit
*e L taJ frS. Ail of the Ihht bad •«.
MMhM plum.-and cherfic. were frozen nnd itill-
S.“we P «oWK». wo. ‘t l ”’ ,h » “PP 1 ' 3b ' o, '
'ere killed-' One variety of apple., the Jen-
SS ynlin bloom, .nd th» ban ofnonree e»-
«it zlwayz doer. Tht. timflneM ofvege-
Sfon’kVvri? valuable quality of > bt
Iff 9 NArfhero Spy wi« «1» F°' ro ,er r T ” hl “ bl '
■ The Northern gy uar |, (ll || into aa the
7“ nrt “tolfpfUtem-nre now but juat budding
lh ' oltaT T "
lietiea.—io»a»*» r . 17,
Correspondence ofth& PittsburghC%raue- ,-.v Jr ■“-•
• -j“ XwY"» T A fra|fr l6lg. 43 A ; Tojacoinua*iuiniF*cn3JUHß orauLTXDBS
' The newt by the Eurepast Halifax,gave aa imi ‘ s *? T,r,s <'o*»o?*wxaOT. •'
10 •T? ■»—.« a,., -
unexpected. tnslead of a troubled political atmo»-_, ln G tnera t met, and u u Aere&y
phere on the eominenVonegreal source maatd by ths authority of tk* tamo, Thai at any
is silenced, and ail will wood be well. The Popf *j m ? hereafter,when any fire or more person* may
.„ , ... .... _ 1 .. M , 0n of de«re to form a company under the provisions of
will hare Utile trouble in obtaißtng P 0 this set. for the purpose of carrying on the raaufac
hia temporal power, nor will the Danish quart i, lQre woo jj eQj co u oni fl BX| 0 r silk goods, or of
or the troubles pf Austria in genera*, bring on a iron, paper, lamber, or salt, in this commoowealth,
- , and ahall have subscribed as capital stock lor that
ar oiftny duration. , casual bor- P ol ?®*® * * a ® not less than twenty thousand dol-
Money has grown much easier, an lara, in socb shares as they may have agreed up
| rowers are not rate" op with interest. irst asa 0C) not less than fifty dollars ajshare, and actually
1 (taper has been passed at eight per cent, and the paid in to such persons as they may have appoint*
I * ", , , little food paper. Stocks ed to receive the same, the one fourth part of the
banks throw out rerf nr #domi- “P 1 *® 1 Block 80 subscribed, it shall and may be
are up, and the feeling of bopfc P® f P lawful for them to sign and acknowledge before
nalet "°nie officer competent to take acknowledgement
R here and at Washington, declares that of deeds a certificate in writing in which shall be
Humor n connection »‘ >lte< * corporate name of said company and
Samuel 80 w . |a fn objects for which it has been formed, the a
with Mr. Biddle and the United Mates ttanit, is to moqm of Jt< slock lljbftcri hed, the amount
stablish himself at Washington, and act as broker actoally paid in, and to whom paid; the number 1
V United Stales Government. No man stands i aod value ofthe shares, into which said stock has
° rUl . j _ iJ.»Aiu-m.l,Min«ool i been divided, the residence ofthe subscribers, und
higher abroad, nor could anOlh 8 the number of shares subscribed by each, the name
disposition of stocks, should the government be I o f the county in which the chief operation* of
obliged to resort to another loan. * l b* company are to be earned on, ihe term of years
I, caud fell 10 inlcrcl a numaron. c 1... of | r*'lh e . ITO i,„ ra „ m c0.1n,,,. .»J k
, number and names of the directors who ahall pro
readers, to know that the postal troubles am not | V[BibQalJ y manage lhe airaitB of iaid co mpany uu
over. Ail letters, for lhe comment, upon which lid the next annual election, the said certificate
live cents was not 1 pre-paid, Were left behind by ihe "hall be recorded in the office for recording of deeds
Viairara vestardav at Bostdn'and this, too. UDder ~ u lhe co^ l V 10 "f»«* l »« business of the com
. Niagara, yesterday po , « pany 1* to be earned on. ns aforesaid, in a suitable
pretence that the'United Slates Government has lo ke p. y or lbat p Ur p oaei and a copy of
a right to five cents aa inland postage. If the Bri- ahjd certificate, duly certified by the recorder of
ti.h GoT.rnment la not Uablo lo oa TDr the inland ead county, under hia aeal ef office, ahell be Sled
, 10 the office of the secretary of the commonwealth,
postage, common hon ty and the said secretary upon the receipt of the said
ular inland rales in the tax upon letters sent to a <y)py gjujj en | er iherecn and upon the ori
gort of departure. A singular fatality atteuda our a j lo rela i ne d by the company the
pofet office, and the sooner thjgrbole system is day aQ( j date of the filing of the same, and shall
modernized, the better for the pfirpie. Moreover cause a true copy of said certificate lo
Mr. Ellsworth, our Minister to Sweden, has be al leHglh in a gu , tob i e book to be kept
D not been simply re-called, be has been dismissed. bu office fof {hal
The excuse he gave of smuggling to oblige a lady Sect 2 Fof every 9Uch certificate, so filed ia
was true, but ha also smuggled to a great extent lbe office ofthe secretary ofthe commonwealth,
on bis own account. His free trade Q o* ion# j ru “* the parties filing the same shall pay to the sccre
ning to excess, have disgraced himself, and the lar y f f or UIC 0 f , be commonwealth, odc hall ol I
diplomacy of the government. . one per centum upon the capital stock of said |
Another legion of goW hunters lelltc-day lor the- company, payable in five annual mstalmeuts. the
mines. In the Falcon. Since Ihe fever broke ou whereof ahall be paid in one year from the 1
here, no leas than seventeen thousand persona time of filing said certificate. I
have left from the Atlantic coast, and the tide not Sect. 3. When the certificate shall hate been
checked yet. A few straggle back, but they are ftnd filed M the pertoos who
of it kind who have not the nerve of pioneers. 9 g a |j baTe 9lffne d and acknowledged the same
The steamer’s news has given renewed buoy- and BUCCeBaorSi 9 ball, for the term agreed up
ancy to the cot on market, nod prices are higher. no{ lo exree dihg twenty years from the tiling of
Flour is dearer, and holders firm. The delay in HUcb carl j|j cal * > j n o fi Ct . of lhe Secretary of the
opening the canal has reduced the *tock, an e Coinmowealth as aforesaid, be a body politic and
fecteil an advance of o£l2jc per W>l. p ruia 18 in * corporate in foci and tn law, bv the tmuie stated in
active. Provisions are unchanged, but holders foch by that name have soccesnon
show no disposition to sell largely. The steam* BDd be 0 f 9U j o g an d being sued, and shall
er's letters wifl bo delivered in the morning, and tbe j f naroe capable in law of pur
the market will soon take a decided aQ “- chasing, holding, and conveying any real or per-
Half a million of dollars came by the ship, an go na | csl6te whatever necessary or convenient to
ol a gQpd round sum lo follow. c ennble the said company to carry on the business
or operations named in such certificate,not exceed
ing two thousand acres.
Sect. 4. The stock, property and aifairs of said
' company, shall be managed by not less than rive,
nor more than thirteen directors, a majority 01
whom id all crises shall be citizens of this state,
who shall respectively br stockholders therein
anil who shall, except a- provided in the rirsl sec
tion of this act, be elected at a general meeting of
the stockholders lo be held e( such time sod place
annually as "ball be directed by the by-:aws cf the
company.o! which timeand place public notice shall
Be given fo* ai least two successive week* next
preceding said general meeting, and election, in
at least etwo newspaper* printed m the county
where the operations of the company shall be car
ried on, if so many fire printed therein, and if so
many are not printed therein, then <o papers Hav
ing circulation in said county, printed 10 an adjoin
ing courny, and the election shall be made by such
of the stockholders as shall attend either in per*
or by proxy. All elections shall he by ballot,
and each stockholder shall be entitled tn ns many
votes as he owns shares of stock in sai , cotnptny,
but no person shall in any case be entitled to
more than one third of the whole number of vote*
lo which the holders of all Ihe shares m the capital
stor k of such company would be entlUed, no stock
holder .females*iding within ten mile* ol
the place appointed for sach general meeting or elec
lion shall vote by proxy, nor shall any person vote
ns proxy for more than two absent stockholders —the
person* receiving the greatest tinnier if votes
Rl any such election shall be directors, and when
nny vacancy shall happen among the said direct
or* by death, resignation, removal from the state
or otherwise a shall be filled for the remainder ot
the year in such manner a* mav be provided by
lhe by-laws.
Sect. 5 In case a shall happen at any lime
that an election of directors shall not be made on
the day designated by the by laws, the company
fir that reason shall not be dissolved, but it shad l-e
lawful on any other day within me next succeed
ing sixty days lo hold sd election for directors in
such manner as shall be provided by rani b? laws
and all acts ofthe director* .n office «t the time of
such omission lo elect shnb be vnl«l «n,l b-nd ns
upon the company until their successor* sre elec-
Correspondence ot the Pituuurgh Gazelle
April 19th, 1849.
The steam ship Europa, with twelve days later
oewj haa Brrired, bm owing u> vbe derangomoii l
oithe lines, the news has failed of reaching ns at
ibe present tune. Yesterday a most remark
able day for the season. Snow storms. such,as we
rarely see in the middle of Winter, having preva.l
- the whole day. Great fears are emertamed
that ibe fruit crop is entirely destroyed.
Notwithstanding the storm, a.large meeting of
the principal citizens of Philadelphia took place at
the rooms of the Board of Trade, for the purpose of
adopting measures to Advance the completion of
the Great Central Rail Road, which is at present
an engrossing matter here, as well a« at Pittiburgh.
It is truly to be hoped that our corporate bodies (a*
well as individuals) at both epds of the line wid
come forward and subscribe to this work, so vital
to the prosperity of entire Pennsylvania. The
Preamble and Resolutions l enclose herewith, as
well at an nble article upon the subject, from that
most able and reliable Journal, the North.A merr
can. Philadelphia has been doing a very large
trade this Spring, and when she shall havi opened
to her a daily communication with the valley ot the
Ohio, there ia au judging of the extent of her com
mercial greatness. She rhoold. therefore, strain
every nerve wndpanct* her connection u iih P.ut
burgh as rapidly ns possible.
Money here and m New \ork,
is becoming much’bower, and »n a short lime :t :*
thought, money w4ll be comparatively plenty
The Banka, wc nrii told, are discouniing largely
The Atlantic and Ohio Telegraphic Compiny,
have declared a dividend, tor the last quarter, of
July cent? od each share of which is equal
to 12 per cent, a year.
Thera is nothing definite as regards the apr»o nt
menu for this city. It is generally supposed th.|
Mr. Lewis will be the Collect >r.
The freqnent acU of Incendiaries in your city
has induced the Philadelphia Insurance Compa
nies to relinquish liieif agencies at Pittsburgh.—
This is to be regretted. You most endeavor to in
fuse more energy into your Police, in order to fer
ret out the villainous author* of these outrages, or
real property will not be worth holding in your
otherwise orderly and prosperous city
A failure ha* recently occured in this v,.-iinty,
which has caused much convention. It is ihat
of the Bjght Reverned Bishop I>»ane, of New Jer
sey, who feds for some three hundred thousand
The Bishop established a Male and Fe.
male Odjlege at Burlington, a pon a large scale,some
f eW yeslj stnee, upon which it is said be has ex»
expended large sums. • He is besides,
ln other respects, and probably did
not appkciate sufficiently the value of the almigh
ty dollaff. He has made, I am informed, an assign
ment of'his property, which will, however, only
pay a small dividend on the amount of his indebt
edness, His wife has an income of some tea
thousand a year, leflttf her former husband, the late
Mr. Perkins of Boston. Whether she will reliu’
quish this in order to pay off the debts of her pre.
scut husband, is’a matter of m«ch discussion
among the Cbnrejr going portion of the community,
who think she is bound to do so.
, When your Telegraph Lines Ihall have beea
completed to New Orleans, the communications
with that city will beAMirely by the western route,
os i am informed by several of the prominent Edi
tors and Merc bants of tffet’city, lhaf they are per
fectly disgusted with the Atlantic line. “They say
that some tunes a despatch from New York is sev
eo or eighxday* on US WBy k .and is anticipated by
the mails, the same despatch, transmuted
u, two different paper*, wilt very often reach one
paper two day* before it does the other." It is
unfortunate for them that they have Mr. O'Reilly
connected with their j
The books, of t|ie Hotels here present theVame*
of quite a numbor or yoar citizens. Mr. McKtb
bin, yoqr lale Postmaster, uxik possesion of the
Merchants Hotel, on Fourth Sl, a few days since,
on which oceaaion bfcgave a very
to a numerous party of friend*. We have no
he will keep ad excellent House, and as he
baa many warm friends in Pittsburgh, will of course
receive a targe short of patronage front your di
MacaULat and rife Quaxzzs- —It is stated in
the London papers.that a deputation from the
Quakers had an interview recently with Mr Mac
aulay, upon the eobjeciofhis notice of William
Penn, thinking that justice was not done to him.
After a long conversation, the deputation failed in
proving soy of Mr. SSacaolay’a statements incor
rect. It is also said that among the authorities of
Mr. Macaulay to prove his estimate of Wm. Penn's
character, was aa extract Irom the proceedings of
the Society ot Friends, where they expel Penn for
courUer lUf cxrmpUatuxt, and afterward* re-adnut
him on his submission.
Fatal. Mutaxe— Oo Monday afternoon last, a
yonng man about 17 or 18 years of age, named
Hootch, went Into the store of Messrs. McConnell
St Reed, of this place, in the temporary absence of
the attendants, took fc drink of what he thongbt was
ws'rs. but which happened to be laudanum The
quantity taken, it supposed, from the marks on a
tumbler io the store* to have been near half a runt
His friends thought him intoxicated, and did not
suspect the truth until the hexl morning, when it
was found he could not be awakened. A physi
cian wes seat for, by whose exertions he was suf
ficiently aroused to tell where and bow he got the
fatal draught. He soon relapsed into a stupor, and
in a abort time breathed his last. —Kittanning Fra
* .Tmrt’A&soncto Powdl —The StateiLegislatore
of New York, at us recent session, made one or
two material amendments to the “ act ia relation
to pardons,'" one of which provides that a concise
statement of the applicant’s case must, before tbe
granting of the pardon, be furnished (ho governor
by the district attorney of the county in which the
crime may he committed- Section 3 makes, also,
a very important and jddicious amendment, as fol
1 Notice of such application, unless In tb« opin
ion of the governor! justice reqnires that it sbslP
be dispensed with, shall be published for four weeks
in the State paper, and also in the county paper,
printed fo or nearest the town In which tbe con
viction was had; oodia cases of crimes commit
ted ia thd-oity of Hew York, in a paper to be des
ignated by tbe having respect to . tbe
largest circulation.®
The sum of j£soo. has been granted to the suf
ferers by the late fire in Sl John—the previous
motion of£,'being considered too lafga an
amoanfgu but liiUo suffering had ensued.
SECT- 6. There shall be u prewdent v>i tfu* n *
psny who stisll l* designated from tne d-re.-tor- <
ol the company, and shall l-c elected or
such manner is shall be provided bv i'i- by > ‘
and there shall aUt be a treasurer and secret iry, «
not of the rnmUr of directors, who .ha!! m ibe
first instance V?- appointed bv the d:rertori to serve 1
until the next annual election, a- wl..cb elect., a
and anr.iialiv thereafter, tuev shall be tleetnd by
the »tockholder* ut such manner as shall be I'n
vided by the by-law*, and shall Hold their office*
respectively during the pleasure "l the
ers.4»ui may l*o removed for enure to l>r a««igned
in wTU'iia by the director., and entered on tne m n
utert of ihcr proceeding*. quo «ny vac.iticv m the
uffiev u! treasurer or secretary. i’** ‘■'•C' l
the directors until an election shall l>e had f>y the
stocknolders-tbe per*™ 9 appoinied u. receive thr
amount paid in ou the stock subscribed as provided
in the first section of this act, shall pay over tne
amount so received to the treasurer or to such oth
er person as the directors may designste. and the
said treasurer before be enters upon the duties
shall execute a bond with such securities as may
be deemed proper bv the directors, conditioned for
the faithful discharge of hi* duties, aud to account
for all moneys, book*, paper*, and effect he may re
ceives* such treasurer,which bond ahailbe renewed
annually: yrwuicl, That nothing herein ronlain
ed shall prevent the offices of treasurer and secre
tary being filled by Ikfl same individual if the
company may so desire it.
Sec. 7. The capital stock of the said company
shall be called in and paid in money, at *uch
times and in such proportion* or instalment* a*
the directors may require, of which public nonce
shail be giver,for at least two succe«si*eweek« next
preceding the t.meor time* appointed for that pur
pose, in the newspaper* hereinbefore designated
and iT any stockholder shall neglect to pay such
proportion or instalment, or any part thereof, at
the time or lime* appoinied, he, she. or they rhnil
oe liable to pay, Ut addition to the amount *o call
ed for and uopaid, at the rale of one per cent per
month for the delay of such payment; and if the
same, and the additional penalty, or any part
thereof shall remain unpaid for the period of two
months, he, aim, or they shall, at the discretion ofi
the directory, forfeit to Jbe use of the company all
right, tide, and interest in, and to every and all
share or shares, on account of wlucu such default
in payment may bare been made , or the director*
may, at their option, cause suit to be brought for
the recovery r£ the amount due, together with the
penalty of one per eent per month, as aforesaid
in the event of a forfeiture, aa aforesaid, the share
or shares so forfeited mny be disposed of, at the
discretion of the directors, in such manner at may
be prescribed by the by-laws no stockholder shall
bo entitled to vote at any election, or at any gene
ral or special coring of tbe stockholders, on k whose
share or shares any »uiix!menl or arrearages may
be due and unpaid for tbe period uf thirty days.
Sec. 8. The directors of such compaoy, u ma
jority of whom shall form a quorum for the trans
action of bu«iaess, shall keep minutes of theirvoles
and proceedings m a suitable be kept for that
purpose ; they ahull have pother to make such by
laws a* they shall deem proper lor the manage
ment and disposition of the stock and business af
fair* of the company , anbjeet. however, to the
revision and approval of tbe stockholder*, and not
inconsistent with tiw laws of this commonwealth,
and providing for the appointment, and prescribing
the duties of all officers, ugeots, factors, artificers,
sod other person* that may be employed, and for
■ carrying oo f»ll kinds of business within tbe ob
jects acd pnrpoM* of such company ; bul it shall
oat be lawful for aoy company to u*e any
part ofita capital slock,or other fund*, for any
I" bispkmg purpose* whatever, nor in the purchase
1 of hn/stoek in any other corporation, nor shall the
r company make loans to any stockholder or offioor
of »iud comply. qr '» »»y ° ne "““"'r ° r
us own stock.
Sec. 9. The stock of such company etzli be
deemed personal estate, and shall be transferable
m a suitable book, to be kept by tbe company for
that person, or by attorney, duly au*
, thonxed, in proaaaoo of the president or treasurer;
1 but no share or shares shah be transferable unlil
r all arroare, or previous calls thereon, ahail have
i been fully paid m; or the said shores shall have
i been declared forfeited for the non-payment of the
l calls thereon, to the manner hereinbefore provi
. dad Provided, Tngt no such company shall com
t ropneo operations until fifty per cent- of the stock
l subscribed shall be paid ail the stockholders
• itj'any company, incorporated under the pruvit
• tons of this act, shall be jointly and severally lia
j blq, in their iodi vidual capacities, for ull debts and
i contractu made by sycb company, to the amount
b remaining uopaid op tbe sharps of stock by them
respectively held, until the whole aiucupt of Ibe
capital stock, as fixed and limited by t£e said com
, paay, as in ibis act provided, shall have been paid
r in,and a certificate {hereof shall have been made
j and recorded, as ytetcrJxii m the following sec
• lion. ,
Sec. 10. The president and directors, with tbe
treasurer and secretary of every company incor
porated under the proviaions of ihu* act, wnhin
thirty days aferthe payment of the last instalment
on the first half of the amount i f capital stock, as
fixed anil limited by the company, and pt each
subsequent instalment, shall make a certificate,
stating the amount uf tbe capital »o psid in, which
certificate shall be signed by said president, treat •
orer secretary, and a majority of the director-,
and' verified by the oath or affirmation of said
president and treasurer, and they shall, within the
said thirty days, cause the said certificate to be re
corded in tbe office for recording deeds, in tbe
county where the chief business of the company
shall be carried aa as aforesaid.
Sac. 11. Every such company, incorporated
as aforesaid, shall publish for two successive wedkx
in (he month of December, annually, A the news
papers before mentioned, a nonce or statement
showing the amount of it* capital stock subscribed,
the amount thereof actually paid in. and the amount
of its debts as they severally existed on the last
day of November, immediately preceding, which
notice or statement, shall be signed by tbe presi
dent, treasurer, and secretary, under oath or offir-
Sec. 12. In case of the diasolution, failure, or
insolvency of any company, incorporated oeder
the provisions of this act, ail debts due or owing
to operatives or laborer*, for services performed
for such company, for any period, shall first be
provided for, and paid out of the effects or osaets
of said company.
Sec. 13. At each and every annual meeting of
the stockholders of any company, to be held aa
hereinbefore provided, the president aud directors
for the year preceding, aball lay before them a full
and complete statement of the affairs of the com-
pany for the twelve months immediately preceding,
exhibiting under the variou* appropriate heads,
the amount of mouey received, and from what
sources, the amount disbursed, and lor what purpo
ses, the amount ol the debts of the company, and
the balance remaining with tbe company
Sec. 14. Dividends of so much of the profits
of any such compaoy, as shall appear advisable to
the directors, shall be declared in the months of
June and December, annually, and paid to the
stockholder*, or their legal representative*, at any
lime after tbe expiration of ten days from tbe time
of declaring the same; but the said dividends
shaft, in no case, exceed the amount of the net
profits actually acquired by the company, su that I
the capital stock shall never be impaired thereby,
and ii any dividend shall be declared aud paid,
which snail impair the capital stock of said com
pany, tbe directors consenting thereto, shall be
jointly and severally liable, in their individual ca
pacities, for all the debt* of the company then ex-,
tsling, and all that shall thereafter be contracted:
*o long as they respectively continue in office
Provided, That if any director shall be absent at
the ume oi declaring such dividend, or ahull ob
ject thereto,and shall, within the lea days above
named, file a certificate ol his absence or objec
tion, in wnUng, with the treasurer ot tha company,
and cause a copy thereof to be recorded m the of-
fice for recording of deeds in tbe county in which
the operations ol tbe company are carried nr. as
aforesaid, he shall be exempt from said liabitity,
except as stockholders.
Bee. 15. That within thirty day* after the dec
laration of any dividend, by any company, incor
porated under the provisions of this act. the
amoiiDt of Slate lax, to which the stock of such
ipany maybe liable, shall be paid into the stab
treasury, and a statement, under oath or affirma
tion of tbe Presidentor treasurer, of such dividend,
shall be communicated to the Auditor General.
Sec. 16. The copy of any certificate of incor
p./ration, recorded aud filed in pursuance of this
act, duly certified by tbe recorder of the proper
county, to be a true copy of such certificate, shall
be received in all court* and place* us evidence
of the incorporation of such company, ii (he said
certificate shall conform to the provisoes of tin*
See.. 17. Person* holding stock in any such
company, a* executors, administrators, guardians,
or trustees, -hall uol be personally subject to any
liability, a* stockholder* of such company, and the
e-taie* and funds in the hand* of such executor*,
administrators, guardians, aud trustees, shall be
liable, in their hands, in' like manner, and to the
same extent, aa the testator, or mleMate, or the
wurd.or person interested in such trust fund,would
have been, if they bad respeciively beeu living,
and competent lo act, and held the lame slock id
their «wn uame*. Provided, That nothing herein
conlamed shall be construed aa aulhortziug invest
ment by trustees, executors, or guardians in such
Sec. 18. Every such executor, administrator,
guardian, or trustee may represent the shares of
stock in his bands, at all meetings and elections
of the company, and may vole accordingly, as a
Bee. iy Whenever any compaoy. embraced
in the provisions of ihia act, shall desire to call a
meeting ot the stockholders, for the purpose of
increasing or diminishing the amount of the capi
tal (lock, or for extending it* business, it shall be
the duly of the directors to publish a notice. sign
ed by at least a majority of them, in the newspa
pers hereinbefore mentioned, at least three »gcce»-
sive weeks, and lo deposit a written or pnnled
copy thereof in the pros! office, addressed to eoch
stockholder, at his usual placed residence,at leasi
two seeks previous to tbe day designated for
holding filch meeting, which notice shall specify
tne object of meeting, the Ume and place when
and where such meeting shall be held, the amount
to which it is defied to increase or dinuoisn in**
capital, and the bu-incs* to which tt is proposed
in extend the operations of the company
Sect ll ai tne lime and place specified in
.be notice provided for in the preceding section,
stockholder* shall appear m person, or by proxy,
representing not less than two-thirds ot all the
shares of the stock of the corporation, thsy shad
organize, by choosing one of the director*, if pro
-cut, and if' n< t then one of the stockholders, as
chnirman of the meeting, and some person
a- -ecsetarv. sod the chairman shall appoint two
of the ntnefchoioer* present, to act as teller*, when
they shall proceed to & vote ol those present, in per
son or by proxy, as provided in the fourth secm.n
ol ibis aei and if on cauvas-ing tbe votes given,
ii shall appear, that the holders of two-third* ef all
tbe ab&rr* composing said capital, hare yjged m
favor of increasing or diminishing the amount of
,he .-api! i! -lock, or of extending Us business, a* the
case may be, then, and not otherwise, a certificate
of tbe proceeding* shall be made out. showing a
compliance w.ih the provisions of tin* act —the
amount of tap.iai actually paid m, the
which it is extended—the whole amount of the
debt- and liabilities of the companv-and the amount
lo which tne cxpiial snail be mcreuted or diminish
ed; which ceri.ticßle shall be signed by the said
chairman, secretary, and tellers, and verified by
their respective oaths or affirmations. The said cer
tificate when so signed and verified, shall be record
ed, and a certified copy thereof filed in the office of
the Secretary of the Coaunooweallh, os provided
m the first section of Ibw act; and when. *o re
corded and filed the espilal stock of such corfior
stion shall be i.created or diminished to the
amount *pecified m >uoh certificate, and the busi
ae*s extended according to the vole of tbe stock
holders, aa aforesaid.
Sect. 21. Every such company so increasing or
diminishing its capital stock, aa aforesaid, shall
have power re receive and bold such real estate
as may be necessary or conremeDl for the object*
and purposes of the corporation, and ao more.
Sect. 22. The total amount of the debt* and
liabilities of aoy such company, shall never ex
ceed three limes the amount of its capital actually
paid in; and if any debts or liabilities shall be con
tracted, exceeding said uraouol. (be directors and
officers contracting the same, or assenting thereto,
■hall be jointly aud severally Ijjble m their indi
vidual capacities, lor the whole**amount of such
dxcr. 23. in any action brought to enforce an
liability, under ihe provisions of this act, the plan
lifts may include as defendant?, any one or moi
of me stockholder* of such company, claimed I
tie liable therefor, and if judgment be given in favc
of the plaintiff, for bis claim, or any part ihereot,
any one or more of the stockholder* so made de
fendants, shall be found to be liable, judgment
shall tie given against him or them, the execution
upon such judgment shall be first levied on the
property of such company, it to be found in the
county where the chief business of the company
is earned on, aod in case sucl-"oroperty, sufficient
to satisfy the some,'cannot be found in said couoty,
the deficiency, or so much thereof aa the stock
holder or stockholders, defendants in such judg
ment, shall) be liable to pay* shall be collected ot
the property of such stockholder or stockholders,
on the payment of any judgment, as aforesaid, or
any part thereof, by one or more stockholders, the
stockholder or stockholders so same,
shall be entitled to have such judgment, or to
much thereof a* may have been paid by him or
them assignod to him or thorn for bis or their benefit,
with power to enforce the same, in manner afore
said, firel against the company, and in cate the
amouut so paid by him or them shnll not be col
lected ol the properly of the companv. then rale
ably against the other stockholders, if any such
there be, originally liable for the claim on which
such mdgmeni was obtained; but no stockholder
shall lie personally liable for the payment of any
( debt contracted by nnv such company, unless suit
for (be collection of the same shall be brought
agsui't such company, within nr years after such
debt shall have become dae.
Seer 24. It 'l*ll be the duty of the directors af
every »ucb company, to cause a book to be kept
by the treasurer or secretary thereof, at the office
or principal place of business of tho company,
which shall contain the names of all persona, alpha
helically arranged, who are, or wbo shall, wttfim
one year, have bpen stockholder* of such company,
showing their place* of residence, the number of
shares of the stock held by them respectively, and
the lime when ibey respectively became the own
ers U.preuf and the amount paid on such shares,
and the lota! amount of Jhe capital siook paid in,
which book jih.ti:, at the end of the year, be care
fully preserved in the office of the company for
future refori uce, and shall, during the usual busi
ness hours of the day, be open for the inspection
of all portion; who may desire to Inspect tke same;
and any and every person shall have tn'e right to
make extracts from such book; and no transfer of
stock shall be valid for any purjK>se whatever, ex-
cept to render the per-nn to whom it is transferred,
liable f>r the d»*Us of the company occordisg to
the provu*ui » "f this act, unUl u *b«,l hove been
entered therein as required by this section, by an
entry showing by and to whom tbe same bos been
transferred, such book shall be prima facie evi
dence ol tbe facts therein stated in favor of tbe
plaintiff, in any suit or. proceeding against such
company, or against any one or more stockholders;
and if bay suo.i qpmpaay shall neglect or refuse to
keep such book, or to mate cs cause to oe nfadb,
any proper entry therein, or bhaO, 6n applijation
made It any director or officer thereof, neglect or
refuse t 1 exhibit tbe same, or lo allow extracts to
be taken therefrom, as hereinafter required, such
company ahajl forfeit and pay jo the party aggriev
ed, fifty doilais tor each and pvery day it shall so
neglect or refuse asaforesaid, recoverable by said
nartv as m other cases of claims against such com
f?ec. 2.*. Special meetings of the stockholders in :
afly such company shall bp held at the request of'
the president, or at the request of any number of
stockholders, representing not leu than one-fourth
of the whole number of shares in the capital stock
of such company, giving at least two weeks pub
lic notice in foe pewtpapereheieirbtfore mention
ed, of tbe time and place designated for bolding :
the same,and stating specifically tbe object* of such
meeting, and foo objects stated in euch notice, and
no other shall be acted upon at such meeting, nor
shall any business be transacted at any such spe
cial meeting, unless a majority of all the shares in
foe stock of such company shall be there represent
ed, but foe meetingmav adjourn from time to »im«
or until such majority shail be present,
3io. 26, The legislature reserves tbe right to
amend, alter or repealffoistart in such manner,
however, as shall do no injustice to foe corpora?
•ora. but ‘(oeh omeodmentoJalieraticns or repeal*,
•boll not tike away or impair toy remedy given
tgniast any company, created in pursuance of tbe
provisions of this act, its stockholders or officer*
for any liabilities whico shall have been previously
Inc aired.
Speaker of tbe House of Representatives.
Speaker of tbe Senate.
Approved the seventh day of April, one thou
sand eight hundred and forty-nine
From tbe N. Y. Courier, of Friday morning, we
take the following, received by that paper by Elec
tric Telegraph from London to Liverpool, and re
ceived just previous to tbe sailing of tbe Earopa.
LuSfbon. Saturday, April 7, 1549 >
19 o’clock, A. M. )
The Parts correspondent of the Times of this 1 l° incorporate a Company to erect a Bridge over
morning rays, at a large meeting of tbe Committee I Ike Little Conemaugb, at Johnstown,Cambria coun
of tbe National Assembly on Foreign Affairs, held ; l T* approved tbe 11th day of March, 1844.
on Thursday, an animated discussion took place on ' Supplementary to an act passed the IGth day of
the offer made to the King of Prussia, by the Diet ; April, 1829, incorporating the Presbyterian Cou
nt Frankfort —on the Armistice in Piedmont—on j gregalion of the Associate Reformed Church,
the attitude assumed by the populatioa of Genoa, j •*> the borough of Butler, in the county of But
and on the refusal of the Proviniona! Government < l°f
at Palmero lo accept the proposition offered by the . To continue and exteod the charter of the Bank
British and French Adofiral*, but no definite reso- of Montgomery county.
lution on any of those subjects were adopted. An act declaratory of the Igurth section of an
The French Government have received a tele- act supplementary to the charter of the Penn
graphic despatch announcing the arrival of the ex- . sylvama Railroad Company, approved March 27,
king Charles Albert at Bnyoone. | lßib.
Letter* from Metz, Macon and Dijon state that I A supplement to the act entitled ‘‘an act tomcor
several regiments, which, on tbe renewal of bostil- ; porale tae city of Allegheny; regulating street* in
itiea between the Austrian* and Piedmontese, had \ ’he city of Pittsburg, and authorizing the'.Town
marched toward* the Alps, by order of the Munster ; Council of Monongahela city, in Washington coun
of War, had received counter'orders, and bad re- j l y> ,(1 collect whartbgr.
turned to their original quarters. i To annul the marriage coutract between Reuben
A special tram had arrived on Tbarsday even- H. Haywood und Catharine, hi* wife, and supple
ing, with 250 Londoner*, forming the advance inentary to existing law* m relation lo recording of
guard of a division expected m Pant, on a visit to deeds.
tbe Parisian National Guards. They were receiv To extend the charter oflhe Iloneadale Rank,
ed with much honor by the authorities of Boulogne i To extend the charter of the Farmers’ Bank of
and Amiens. Bucks county.
The Herald say* that considerable importance , To extend the charter of (be,Colombia Hank&nd
is attached by the Pans papers to the supposed sc- > Bridge Company.
ceptauce of the Imperial Crown hy the King of! To authorize the Western Telegraph Company
Prussia, on acrouut ol the modification and compli- t construct line* ofTelegraph Wires through Penn- |
cation of such an act might occasion in the poijti- ] sylvsma. 10 a direction irora Baltimore to the Ohio
cal relations of Ei!rope. i river.
Tho accounts from Italy tend to show that a rap-1 A further supplement to the act incorporating the
id action in favor of order is setting in. | Philadelphia and Reading Railroad.
Genoa, warn, however m great agitation. t ~
The Pans paper, Naltooale, says, it was pro- j Kb Coseicsiv* Evxdkmcx -The llm-mon Fu-ta.-
b«ble tb.t a Republic would be proclaimed there I ,oThe tar. we h'll’/lrr"
on the Ist instant. The English Consul hasorder- I .U/rn avrr-r gvmg anv credence 10 them. Bm from
ed the guns o! the English ships to be brought to ux- nmnrrou* rr»p«riab'e irsitmoiuaW ol th<- virtues
bear on the town, and had originated a signal i ol u,e Hyperion Fluid, with which we have been la
communication with the shin*. voted a perusal, we were hk.lined to make a irial of
-tv- i- L- . . . * thr «nine. being confidently assured that il it did no
The IMol of hraaee return, ahow Ibal the ,„od „ would do no harm, and ,he re.alt wa. th.i .1
lreasurv balance has fallen otT 13.000,000; Ac- j termini) pave io tli* hair u more heuiihy and luxuri
con ms current increased 9,000.000; notes in nr- l am rro win, and coinpkMv c en:i»ed ihe *km from the
culation iccreaaed 3,000.000 in Parts, 1 - million ! MUM " iml dnud-uir \V e Rre assured that it u almost
in the Provm.-ea. ! c “" r °' I'Ol’l”—. and • proven
-rv. . fsi. .ii . | unit to me tier turning prey. |i i» purely compounded
Ibe l.hampers intended to propose. the 0I ve *riat>.r extract*, and «afr in u« application
Chronicle, an address to the King, urglog him 10 j Fnrsa ei v apiM -odf.i L WILCOX
retract hut conditional acceptance.
The second edihon of the Cnronic!** says that
the people ot Genoa bad seized the Governor and
imprisoned hint for endeavoring to quell the in
surrection. When the steamer left, the drums
were beating to arms.
Ten*. 2d.— Letters say that Radetzaky has pro
mised mat he will not occupy Alexandria.
• Hambtoci, A pnl 3—B P. M.—The German troops '
have been ordered to move northward from
Schleswig to support, in case of need, the Holstein
forces The head quarters are now at Redsburg,
and the Holstein and Badea troops, to the number
of nearly 20,000 men, are stationed at Apurade
and Hadedsleben
Bsbxjs. Apr,l 3.—The Times says the result of
the deputation to the Kmg la quite negative, and
lite answer is a present refusal, not. however,
shutting out the prospect of an acceptance here
after, in case of certain contingencies
Southampton The Peninsular and Orien'al
Co.'s steamer “Sultan." Capt. G. Brook, from Con*
stammople, has arrived. Her dales ol sailing are.
Con*tantmop!e, March 20; Malta. 27; Gibraltar
April Ist. She brings 13 passengers. Tite Sul
an" experienced ftenvy weather more or less out
wards and home She brings 9S package* specie
ralue XI00.000; 565 cases raisins; 39 casks wine;
md some cases tobacco, are amongst the freight.
fcoimM-’ES hioh wmiur)
A suppleaier.t in an act entitled ‘An aci re
lating to the lien of mechanics and other* upon
buildings," passed the sixteenth day of Juue,
To extend tb»- art of fifteenth March, 1917. in rt
Nation to obstructing Big Brokenairaw Creek, in
Warren county, and to authorize Daniel Benin* t<>
construct a dain tn French Creek.
A supplement to an act to incorporate the Brad*
ford Railroad and Coal Company.
To extend trie charter ul the Commercial Bank
of Pennsylvania.
l*o reduce the capital of the Girard Bank.
A ulborizing the Governor to incorporate the But
ter aud Mercer Plank Rood Company.
To annul the mamago contract between
Martha Forseman and Thomas M. D. Forseman.
To annul the marnage contract between John F
Hunt and Noaffus, his wife.*
For the erection of a boom in the Snsqtiebanna
River, at or near the borough of Lock Haven. Clm
ton county.
To incorporate the President and Managers of
the Susquehanna and Bald Eagle Flask Rond
Resolutions providing lor the payment of the a«
mount due to special messengers, for serving writs
of election to supply the vacancy in the twentieth
Senatorial du>tm*(. and Also in the coumy of
A supplement to an act emitted “An act enabling |
the Governor to incorporate a company for mak;sg i
an artificial road from the State line, rear the town
ot Emmittaburg. m the Stale of Maryland, through 1
Wayneihurg. Greeoea>Ue, and Mercerburg, to in
tersect the Cbambersburg and Bedford turnpike
road, at or near the eu»t end of McConnellsbury,
approved the twemy-ninth day o£ January, Ibl 6.
To authorize the Governor to incorporate the To
wanda Creek Flank Hoad (fompatiy
Toopea bcheetz street, m the district of South
wark, in the county of Philadelphia.
Authorizing the Court of Quarter Sessions, of
Beaver county, to vacate certain streets and alleys
in the plan of lots hud out by Stephen Slone in said
To prevent the coatiauance of liens m the coun
ty of Snll’van by the revival of judgment* in the
county ot Lycoimng-
To incorporate the First Welsh Independent
Corgregationai Church, m Pike township. Brad*
ford co .
Relative to the Courts of Wayne county,
A supplement to an act pas-ed the 15th day ol
March, IM7. entitled ■ an bc( for the erection of a
new county out of pans of Lycoming, to be coiled
To incorporate the Hamsburg Manufacfenng
To incorporate the president and managers of
the Tunkliannock Creek Turnpike Rood Com
To repeal an act paised the 11th day of Aprri.
19t&, entitled “an act to encourage the further de
velopment of the mineral resources of the common
wealth of Petfbsylvaoia*
Authorizing the Governor to incorporate the In
dian Orchard and Lackbowaren Turnpike Hoad
Ttropen and extend Ann street in the borough
of Petersburg, in me county of Perry.
A further supplement to an Act to incorporate
the Athena and Rhipa Railroad Company, and
lor other purposes passed the 17th day of March,
Relspve to the records of the District Court, of
tke city and county ot Lancaster, and fbrotber pur
To confer upon Michael Steller, Matilda Carter,
Henry Clay West, Oliver Wambold, Sarah Bams.
Catharine Cole. Mary Ann Heitzler and Catharine
M*Vev, the rights and privileges of children born in
lawful wedlock.
For extending the charter of the Farmers' and
Drovers' Bank ol Wnyoenburg.
Vesting in the Uurgrsa and Town Council of the
borough of £ne and their <occt-»sors, the title uf *
certain tract of land; providing tor the election ot
Auditor* in the borough of Ene; and changing the
of' bolding elections in McKean township, m
le county rfarte.
fcrr„ regulate and grade the footways in the
qpper ward, Germantown; and relative to the
Strattonville and Freeport Turnpike Road Com
Appo.orng romn.iasione'S lo run ami mark
the diviaion line between Lycoming and Tn-ga,
ami HUir and t'ainhna countie*, and relative in
tixiog the corner ol kdutna Cambria and Clear
field, Berks and Schuylkill counties.
Relative lo realestate.
Relative lo certain Jnstices’ dockets and treasury’
record* in Warren couuly.
Authorizing the Governor lo incorporate the
Union Turnpike Road Company of Wyoming and
Luzerne counties.
A supplement to a? act entitled “an act authoriz
ing tbe Faculty of Pennsylvania i ollege to confer
the degree of Doctor ot Medicine. 1 ’ the sth*
dayol Mvcbi IMu.
To incorporate tbe Philadelphia and Wilkeabarre
Telegraph Company.
To extend and continue tbo charter ofihe Bank
of Cbambembnrg
Relating lo the real estate of the late Mary Eliza
beth Bacbe. and Daniel Hoffmsu.
To exempt the poor house of tbe city of Alle
gheny from taxation, relative to the safnno*' of tpe
riirvctort of the poor df York cdun{y, and to re
gular the tenement of paupers m Delaware
To authorize the Auditor General to settle the
account of Joseph K. Saeger; and to authorize
John Forseraan to institute a suit against Lycoming
Tp Incorporate the congregation 0 f S:. Vincent
de Paul, in West PhiladeipHa.
To incorporate tbe tomekiln Turnpike Road
To extend the charter of the Lank of Norjheot
To Incorporate thp Ttiqkhannock Creek Turn
pike Rond Company.
Relative to Amber, Carnac and Broad streets, in
the county of Philadelphia; authorizing the trustees
of the Sepviva estate, lo pay claims Tor baildmg
bpdgeaj extending the annual appropriation to tbo
ggrioulturai society of Philadelphia, and relating to
the overseer* of the poor of the townships of Phila
delphia county.
To incorporate tbe Upland Manufacturing Com-
To confirm Jonathan Aahton tbe title to certain
real estate; confirming the title to real estate In
Cumberland county; and authorizing Joseph Buck
waiter to sell a certain achool house and lot iq
Chafer county
Antborixmg Mordecal R. Moore, Tho*. F. Show
eft, Charles Weiss, Samuel J. Work, and Wm. W.
Work, George Chorpening. guardians oft he minor
children of Wm, Fayman, Joseph Horner, commit
tee of Wm. Horner. Joseph Godfrey, and Michael
Reed, to sell and convey -certain real estate; rela
tive to certain deed* of trust, affecting the interests
of Catharine Beaoingbore, and Eliza Ann Hodgson;
to enable William Futcber to eiecute a mortgage
; tn validate a certain mortgage executed by Aaron
j Dew aid; authorizing George Arcolanus to convey
| certain real estate; and empowering the commissio
ner* of Mercer county to sell certain real estate and
I to lerrow money.
i To annul the marriage contract between John
Nicholson and Ellen Nicholson, his wife.
| To annul the marriage contract between Thomas
Elhcott and Mary, his wife,
j For the protection of Miner*, mechanic* and la
; borer* in certam counties.
■ JM'ppleroent to an act. entitled “aa act authorizing
1 the laying out of certain State Roads, and for other
; purposes," passed the 10th day of April, IS2B, and
j a suppleiiieot)to an act to authorize the Governor
A pp'iilemmi oi Pittsburgh. w!io had falleu inio
an open cellar after tur a: Fire." sprained hi» an
cie «r> sereny thnt h« tru anable 10 refrain from cry*
in« out with the pam A friend who had l>een dui>(
H A Fahnestock 4. Co's Rubefacient and been cured
of Rneumau*m, gave him what remained in me bottle,
and although hia litnb waa greotiy swollen, he win
completely restored 10 bealtii in twelve boors mid
Iree t from pain This is but one of a xreat namher of
case* which have come under the observation of the
proprietor Prepared and *o’d by
! corner iat and Wood; also, eorner Oth and Wood its
O. W. BIDDLE) D«ntlit>*
KaS&lttt REMOVED to a new three jiory bn<-k
HuTTrl'# on Smithfield street. one door below
'— r Sixth meet. Teeth inserted from one
to an entire set, on the > action prin -iple, with a i.eau
tiful repreaeman n of thonatural (rum—restoring ibe
orurtna 1 sttape of 'he f«-e
N' U —Teeth extracted wfh htt.e or no pain
Decayed Teeth permanently «aved by plugging. pre
veiiim • the moth ache which u much better than cu
f:»ir r. though li should be done 1 . five aunties, or
evil lusUinly apitrly
On me 3d Annl IM9 n f Phnlers, on the fartnof On.
Vicks. on the Sli*«i«*ippi. Jnim Grmum son of Jam««
and Martwei Mor'tt't n'low-rSi Clair. Allegheny
ro-inn.P*. ored-jn year* 1 mo i*hs and 2S dava
T f J 4 NKINf* A Ct), S W corner of Chestnut
•) . and Twe fill aireel*. Philadelphia. unending to
eondne themselves eic uaively io the wholesale TEA
n .-loe*.. orrsa foa sals ihcu Tea and Grocery Store,
• ea«e and r»i.iint«hed business Tins store is’ ex'en
•ivelr known, h peeu-tar in its orrn-'geinenis, and hn
common It b-en prorioaneed the most complete of n*
tmd in the city, if not in the cotrmr) local - d m a" op
uiem ponon of the etry, the most eminent eiuien* nre
anionr in patrons It is believed that a business *o ilr.
sjrsb.e i« seldom to be dispo ed of artil d3t
rL FT my bed and board without provocation, my
j wife JOANNA All persons are forbid trusting
lift on my account, a« 1 will pay no debt* •« contract
ed apiM wrif T _ WMM'CI.KI.LaND.
r 7' , HF. COMPLETE WoRKS of John M Mason, D
1 D. .uAvoi., wuh ponra L Edited by hu son,
Ebeuesrt.Maaon. Juat published—for sale by
___ *P«3 _ R HOPKINB, 4lh it
'VJ' E W BOOKi?—Dr Coventry'* Work on Epidemic
11 Cholera, .ts History. Causes, Pathology and treat-
Philosophy of Keiieion. by J D Moreil, A M
liourne's t’aierhmn of the Steam Engine.
Chamber'* Cyclopedia of Engliao Literature. 2 voia
.vmvo fine >'tli'ion. -teel plaits.
Chnuibets' Misreltany 01 I'vfol anil Emeniunmg
Know.nlgp —lu 12 mo. Hum rated.
Advice lo Your# Men, by T S Arthur. gilt
“ " Youn# Women. “
Elements of Meteorology, by J. Hrockleshy. .M A.
enffTu ring*.
Proverb* for the People, by E. S Magoon
L’ruvrr«ttv Sermon*, by Dr Waylaad
French’* MuNean for 1546-7 The binei*
of Holy Scripture* for uaioidiug the spiritual life of
m--n 1 vo’. -vo
No d Franklin'* Lite, tllaairated
Hr.-en-ed ihi* d*v f
___ _ Apollo Building., hh »t
ROLL B 1 rn-.R —6 bbU fre*h W R Roll Butter.jam
Msfl’rt »nd lor *Hir by J B CANFIKI.I)
•ip'it Water #t. bet SombfirM and Wood
DR \ APPLKS—-e4) »k» Dry Apple*, a prime article,
tor .ale by ap?4 MTANDI.E?}*
PI'.ARI. ASH —P !»h!i irc'il nud for »aJ« by
J tm! Roll Muller bow lending. for sale l«v
lARDOIL —10 bbi* best quality, ;ust ree d and to r
j .»ie hy apt! 4 J SCHoONMAKKR A Co
SWFF7T 0i1,—6 baskets best Sulad CKX; 5 pn»e*
Ha«k Oil. very fine; Mr «ale hy
IKjE'OKICK RACL —S in small sucks, ror sale
j i.y a,-34 J ftCHVJONMAKER A Co
RJ'.FINKU BORAX—S cases just rec'd, for sale by
apM J SCMOONMAKER A Co. VI wood *t
C'IOP.M. V AHNISH—6Ui grails best quality. m bbl»,
j ( s'id keg*, for sale low by
Ml. ri'ON HAMS—U biles Mullen Haas. ;u store
and for sale by JAMES DAL.ZELL.
.|)*4 ' water at
DRV PEACHES— SBJC bush just rec’d and for sale by
npV-1 11ARJV. JONES A Co
CAASTOR OIL —l7 bbl* per North Rirer. lor sale by
EUJ CK 1 411.000 m U.liningbtua. lot sale by
Pt iTASH— 1 c.k. prime, for sale by
tM.AX SEED—hush for tale hr
HKANS —iohbis white, tor sale bv
St iA P—loins t n.tile. for sale by
quality, for talc.
Fiktist. BxnvKKt Wood *sd NUbkxt. Prrrtßriwn,
CIUNTINL'E lo manufacture all kinds of COPPER,
muih Work '
Steam Bouts built to order
Special I'.icmiait Rivej to ueam boal work
Have on hands a fine assortment of Copper and Brass
Kettle*. Tin Ware, Ac Ac Steamboat Cooking Stover.
Portable For*e«. vnriou» sizes- a very conveutrttl ar
ticle for steamboats. CuUtorniu emigrants, or rail road
\\ p wodM rpspeetfnl'y taviie *team boat men and
oihers to call ami »oe oar articles ami prices before
porrliasme elsewhere
JOHN •(piyuiio, No! si Wood slftai. hai ihe
plcuun* of anhoonctng the imvil ol n few u.d
splendid auonioent of Piano*, from the njanufaciory
»f Jonas I'hicketinr, lloston—among them a ttugn &-
Ttii' Hosewood lull Grand Piano Pnrte. 1 octave*
Also, n superb squire Piano Forte, 7 octaves, carved
rosewood, of ibo style of Loan Xl V. wnh a variety of
7. anti 8 o-vave*, to which the attention of purchas
ers is respectfully solicited
Sole Agent Pskrto FeOe» far VS'cn
•m iVuf.ylviio.a '• _ apiO
(NHF.KSK-4 c*ks C'heeae. just rrf.l and for tala by
h jnnly Carnage. •.uitablc for one or two horwt,
, i mu.lertt Myle. and ro*t 8450 will be sold for 8100.
jkppiy ai N<* M ayC
WATCHES AND 1‘ WEv.Hy—a, apieadid a»ion*
merit .iw* openrjf, at tbs Watch. Jewelry *ud
Military Siore "f W W WILSON.
npy3 f orprr Market and 4it. »u
soars of teupebasge.
Ayl ARTERJ.Y SESSION of the Grand Divi.ioo
uf r* , wall ire held.m the city of Pittsburgh. on
'Vednr«duy il>e', at the Odeon, Fourth it, aboTe
Wood _apgl SAM J PICKANDS, G S
CtHESNETS— ‘JU bu»h on hand, a good nrticic, kua
DRIED APPLES—69bbIi in .ore and for tale bv
POTATOES— 60 «ki in More aad for tale by
NAI 13—250 krgi, auorted ttzea. for aale by
W"” INDOW GLASS—6OO aAOfted urea, Iron
City Gian, on hand and for talo by
SODA ASH—96 c*kt Steel's make, 88strong, in Store
and for tale l.y _ _np-23 TAPBEV A BEST
HQLL BU i-f-ER-lti bbii tie d and for aale by
•p«3 jASSEYV^J
By John D. barti, Anrtlonseri
/ o“f j Staple l)n? Good*.
Thartduy it- . i a. Apn ut to „'ek»ck. at
the Gomiucrr.u >i.<» Koom- rorucr ol Wool and
Fifth »trvci». sv' . ..«• <old—
A large assortment of fre* h and «tap|e
and laucy Dr* Good*. »mn _ -vhirta are -.upertpic
Cioih*. ■ - > ..’inaad.-s, 011 iu iglt,
*1 k «ml luM.ri!! .. :U • •. C.isir- .pool
roiton. sewing Mlk. « r. ]. m-k , i ~u .on »-- ! 'm„cj
bdkf*. Baraga sliawl* .uiO ••■‘fuUid |>Uid Vien
na*. drer- Mika. Fmi<-;i .«-.•< ahi. .-i; a., i.mgincu*. su
per punt*. de lain* •]> -u*;.u pm,'ni i »wu». <wi» moc
brie, dninatt linen tab> ri.’ i;«. ho-ier). vloves, no
bon*. tonuel*, fancy arneics Ar
~t 2 o'clock.
Groceries. Glassware. Furniture. Ac.
Young Hyson and and lm|wnal Teu«. Va. manufac
tured tobacco, toilet uod shaving -oa(>, No I paimsoap,
shore!*, «pade«, hay and many-.- toft*. wrapping pa
per. band box***. marker-.. ..»i ring*. -nad. Ac
A large ami generut a*««>rii>ictii m h.wschold and
kitchen furunure, cocktc- -loir. ir.ui«parent window
blind* axmre*. rarprtu.e A.' '
Ready mad* clothing. cutlery. hmJwire. guld and
siLer watcUc*. spit nii/»! I r-» < pony hoc gilt
and inlaid .•!...•!«. vtoin*. I- ...iu. on*, booi*. letter
and cup writing paper. Ac. ap'd!
Catalogue Hole of Clothing, t[c.
On Tuesday rooming, Apnl 24th. at to o'clock, at the
the Commercial Sale* Room*, corner of Wood and
Fifth sireeu. will be *old on a credit of WO daya on ail
«uius over f 100, for approved endorsed paper—
A large invoice ol Clothing, Dry Good*, Ac., coin
pricing—lo doz clo’b, tweeds and -uraruer coat*;
8 ‘ naini, cashmere and Valencia vests;
-Jd " super camurocrr, satinet, drilling mul
eolloiiade pant*. Mrmmac, fan?y and hickory shirt*,
IS pieces super wool dyed blai\W Cloths;
5 '• eilra Loudoa brown do
Plata and Fancy canwmeres and tweeds, satinetu,
jean*, cotionades, drilling*, *ilk and lo»ti;ig eoat and
vest buttons.
Also, Six) piece* white. ctira*on, and fancy, all silk,
pocket hdkfa, SO no* tine brown muslins.
Catalogues wiß be ready, and goods eon be examin
ed on Monday ap2l JOHN D DAVIS, Auct
Lessee and Manager C. 8. Porter.
AcTtnc *st> Siaob MaNAfiia 'V. H. Cstsr
CU* Third appearance of the talented Actress, MRS
FARREN Triumphant success ot Lucretm Borgia
Mr Karlen a* :he Puke d'K*te
TciMiur Kfisiso, APhjL 24
Duke J 1 Rule •••
Lucreliu Borgia • • • •
Dartre -• -by-
To conclude with the elegant petite comedy of
Col. Ferner Mr Prior
Bernard Mr. Archer.
Clarissa Mrs. Farren
To morrow evening— Kllbx Wiasasx, or Love and
Duly, with ibe new and rpinted sketch of the Child of
the Reeimeni
For Ban Franclaco, California.
THK uhaersigneri, having jast returned
fyppfolrora California, purposes chartering a fast
3fcsgj6, ,,t tl>!U! vessel to be ucipatched at a* early a
ony a* urrangcineutK can i>e made, anil will take pas
senger* at low rule*, i- n .uifici-n; number apply coon.
The vessel to touch si Rio oo Janeiro and Valparaiso,
for fresh provision*, Ac
The route vin Cape Horn hu« now the decided pre
ference over all ottiers, a* '.lie undersigned paised on
hi* return to th'’ U s 8 upwurd* of <OOO persons at f’an
ama ami on the Duimu*, unable lo procure passag-v
All passengers nr compame. taking passage in the
ship, will t>e tunitsbed, treo ot cost, with a complete
sold washing machine and lmpiemrni*. such a* he
knows to be toe I oji in use, hiving seen many costly
and ingenious muuhino* thrown aside, a* anfit lor tbc
Ho w ill al*« give each passenger accompanying the
expedition, the'benefit of uis eiperience in mining, and
will also make known to them the most productive
go d p acers.
No passage will be secured until paid for. For
freight ot passage, apply immediately to
JaMK* $ WKTHKRKD, 2 German si.,
or HAN DUN A CUALE, S. Gay at.
ap2o.d‘2w Unit. Am.
Notice to tlk« Holder* of Scrip.
FOR SALE, and payment received in the SCRIP
issue* of the rny of Pittsburgh—
Alt that valuable ptopeny known a* the OLD BA
SIN LOT, situate on Grant street, opposite the Court
»tou«e. and bounded by Grant street. Fifth street. Dia
mond ailry nnJ riirrry alley
Thi< property has been divided mm TWXTrt-roca
h;uh‘) clign le bmldipg Lm«. whi-h will be sold to tbe
highest and best Dtdder. at public auction, on SATUR
DAY. Man sth, le-t' l . in from of the Coart House
Tehm-s —One third m cash, ono third in *ix months
and one third in iweive muiilhs. with uitercst from tb<
oeder of the City Council*.
tp2l:utd i hm Committee on City Property
City dailies copy. '
For Greenwood Gardena.
THE new and fast running steam boat THOMAS
SCOTT, leave- the Greenwood Wharf Boat,at the
Point, every baif hour during the day, landing At the
garden gate
A Sue collection of ihe choicest Greenhouse Hi
nrv for *.i!c m the Garden. Ice Creams and other
fresnmenu furnished ut die saloons.
BoqncU put up st the shortest notice. Orders
Boqueis, lr A at ibe wharf boot, will receive prompt
EXTRACT OF article which is'ra
pidly coming into use as a wholesome, nourishing
and denciou* beverage, being sore pleasant and pal
atable than common Coffee and far cneaper, u a small
paper costing only ten cents, will go as far as four
pounds of Codec. Manufactured by
JOHN 3. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pi
Sold at wholesale by B A PaHNF.STOCK A Co,
corner of Firsl and Wood and Sixth and Woodstjeeu,
Pittsburgh. ap2l
MALT— 1000 btuh tp*»h Barley Mah, for sole br
LARD AND BITTER—? keg* Lord, and 6 bbt
fresh W R Roll Butter. just rec'd and far sale by
Roll butter-:
SWEET I'OTATOEy—3tI obis Galena SweetrPt
ioc». in prime order, in store and for tale by
aptl GKo B MILTKNBERGER, 97 Ftent i
t'JSH —M> bl*]» n>-w No Shad: 10 do do No t Herring;
10 do do No J Salmon. 10 do do No g Mackerel;
30 do do No J do, just rcc’d and tor "ale by
ap-21 JOHN WATT, Liberty at
T'OBACCU —25 hx« VV H Gram'* s’a Tobacco, 25 do
Ru»*ell A Robmaon't s’« do. for aale by
ap'2l __ _ _ 145 Liberty at
CIARBONATF. AMMOY.A-500 lb* freah, jnat rec
/ and for aale by J SCHOONMAKKR A C*
\\7 ASHING SODA-25tin Iba Sal Soda, for anje
Apple*, lido Wanuta; Fui. Mink rat, Coon, Poa
amn. and Deer Skuu, (jinteng, lV«swiu and Flaxwcd,
for ante by ap-JO J SCHOONMAKKR A Co
N' UTME* JS AN D IN I)IG<V-2no lb« Nutmeg*; 1 caao
Manilla iuiiigo, just received by
\\7 R MURPHY naajuai received by Fapreat, a
*> , iu.t a«Hor mr-ii of wide blk Stika. Alao, tnmc
very hamlMiine Beiagt'*and Silk Tiaanea, for ladiea
dmae«, ul ■lor.hruat corner 4ih and .Market sta
SOAP —d bx» Castile, '2 do Candi a; t) <Jc Almond; 3
do Variegated, 75 do No l Roam, for -ole by
«»»*> .... JD WILLIAMS
BROOMS —100 Ooj Pumeioy* extra, for ■%!« hy
_.._*pa°. ... _ JD WILLIAMS
D«i Found.
A \V IIJTE PUP, which Uie owner can hear of by
4*._. a PPLy»««_“IUd» office. _ _ ap3o:d3i
CHEESE- SB boxes prime Cream Cbeeaa, rec’d and
for »ft> Uy ap-20 _s A W HARUAUGH
DRY FRUIT—iII) tk« dry Peaches; 800 buah do, old,
100 do do Applet, in More; for aole by
»Prt> DICKEY A t>, Front at
SOaP —tir bxi Paim Soap, landing from ('paster
New Euglaud and for rale by
_ ?P*' _ . _J AMES D f water it
HONEY DEW SYRl'p—i* bbla Lioney Dew St
rap, loading >ytu Germantown and for tale
b y a£*[ JAMES DALZEU.
‘iLTAILS—-.’50 keg* Nail*, assorted »«», la Mori and
i> for sale by_ ap2o J a^L»ALXeLL
'POBACCft—I3 kc<» Gedge hta twin Tobacco land
1 ' n*. an * .nr ~v i.y apnu J AMES Da I*ZELL
JA>l‘r.R -PM *— la bx. Ja.per'i Baltunore Plnr
Tobacco, lanJing and lor aale by *
Hooks for the subscription of stock
In the Cituen* Inaurance Company of Pittaburah
will be opened in tbe Room* of the Board ofTrade on
the firn .Monday of November next, at IQo'eioejr M
Wni. Larimer. Jr. Rot»ei\ Wood#, ’
Wm 11. M’Clure, Joseph Plummer
S M Kier. Joaiah ’King,
John Aiet. Roaohunr,
*nd U. D, Kia* 8
TongUogliti,; Qoel 1,.-,..
.’ROM SO I'U IOU A .^& V () , Y„r.*“,„* ay c»,
r Land". Iwenly otilea from LB w,U
“ d lerau Th. ,iu.
pMc'o i» ,Hi ~T" w " « "=>■
i m AtTvi”* y •
'A T ‘V- 4 s ‘ , ® t ‘knolJer» wm lie held at iht
.l C< ‘ ra I ~l,|y »< 3 o'clock, p. M , 01
‘ «“**> ’ ll ‘* l»M .ut '▼hieh lime the charier am
noriinM 6 * WlUl ,ta * «o?rther wun oihei im
p w »lt be subnuUcd for their turnon.
apl9:W J-K.MOORHKaU, PreaH.
VV, 7 RAPP|N<. I'aPEH—tioii rram», a »aperio’ in,
» » dc, JUBt ree d per itnir Lake Ene and leu laii
y J HCANriEl.rv\V a , c;w *,,
_ *P >& between S jitfifirV a>,d Wood
jjoll *”.bVw
I* I'lA* W H fre»li Roll Hauer,
ju.t : t ceiTed i*er >um Lake Ene tud for aaJe by
C..!l lu . ... . J UCANFTELD
ClifitSL—stW bii jim rec'd and for tale
' b )' *pi# j b canfield
POTATOE3-14U0 boih per meamer ColumitoA, ft
1 tale by aplP KHEV, MaTT*VJW9 iCo
COTTON —W bales per iiu Dolphin, for sale by
TkACQN—Lt),«AU yb* a&sortcl Hams, Sides and Shoo
U» otrl, tot s*l« by RHKY, IIATTHEWS kCo
DHIEO FAtJIT—I2OO bash Dried Peaehe*; 300 d(
do Apples, for sale by
MOLASSRS —100 bbls Plai)tt\ttuu {oak copeeragi
per rtrar Oouafftiee. fe' «ale by
DEKR SEIN&—4 packt DparSkiiw; odo do
*o;»ilehy apis RHEV, MATTHEWS ICo ’
RIO COPFKK—Iuo <k» Rio CoiTc-c,jvuHeo-'d aodfor
HOPS-"i4b«ir. VVcitem N York HmTii
do do Ma«»acLaJciU do, m »tor* and f or h "
STAR CaNDLES—JO bi« s’« Slat m
ceived and for a&ie by ' * “*» l* l **
* pl - 9 - BROW^Vjtcu^BeftTSON
STARCH—i? 0 boxes Rb»H Oi-.-u '
*' l ' b -Z—W^gtoww
Pf doi toi sate by
8 P VON k
jigSt l jSt
rpHIS well known line of ipiendid passenger Steaa
-1 era is now cotapoacd of .the largest, swiftest, be*
finished ami furnuhed, and most powerful boau on the
w aters of the West. Every accommodation and com
fort that money can procure, has been provided for pas
setigcr*. The Line has been in opemupn for five yeari
—has carried a million of people without the least inju
ry to their persons. The boats will be at the foot of
Wood street the day previous to starting, for the recep
tion of freight and ine entry of passengers on the
ter. In all cases the passage money most be pain in
The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain UemphilL wdl
le.»ve Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock;
Whrciuig every Sunday evening at 10 r x.
May 29,1W7.
burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'cioeki Whwlinj
every Monday evening at 10 r. x.
The HIBERNIA No. 2, CapL J. KuxSTKUO, will
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning al 10 o’clock,
Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 p. ■.
The NEW ENGLAND No. % Capt S. Dxax, will
•ave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at W
'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 10 g M
Tbe BRILLIANT, Capt. Gascx, will leave Pitts
burgh every Thursday monuug at 10 o'clock; Wbeekag
every Thursday evening at 10 r. x.
The CLIPPER No. 2. CapL Pass Duval, wiQ leave
Pitnburgh every Friday morning at lOo’clock; Wbee
bur every Friday evening at 10 1. a.
The MESSENGER No U. Capt. Wounvaas, will leave
Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at 10 o’clock;
Wheeling every Saturday evepuy at 10 p. n.
,84 °-
Leave* Piiubo/gh doily, al & o’clock, A. M., and ax
rives at Glasgow, (mouth of the Sandy and Beaver Ca
nal,] at 2 o'clock, and New Lisbon at 11, same night
Leaves New ihslou at C o'clock, P. M-, (making tha
trip eonal to the river during the nighty aud Glaiwow
at 9 o’clock, A. M., and arrives at Pittsburgh at 3 P.
M.—-tha* making a continuous line for carrying pas
sengers and freight between New Lisbon and Pitts
burgh, in shorter time and al less rates ihaaby any
other route.
Mr Farren.
• • Mr. Oxley.
Mr Prior.
..Mr* Farren
-Master Wood.
The proprietors of this Line have the pleasure of in
forming the public dial they have fitted up twofiryt class
Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passenger* and
freight, to run in connection with the well known
steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and eonneek
ing, at Glasgow, with tha Pmsbargh and Cmei* a .
nail and other daily lines of steamers down the C /a j 0
and Mississippi rivers. The proprietor* pledge \n e jjj
selves to spare no expense or trouble to iuaar' .
fon, safety and dispatch, and ask of the public x~ ( hsrr
of Inca patronage.
G M. lIARTLN, i _ K .
8. AW. HARBAUGH, } n •'rtmrgh
iyll:tf J. HARBAUGH * Co. \ Lubon
NOTICE—TIie steamer BEAVER, 'j. E Clarfcu, max'
ter, will leave otter this notice, for Wcllsvillopanntu
ally, at 0_o’clo«k ui the uonuni^
Only 73 Mile. 8 Ugino.
Via Brownsville and Cumberland to lid rim ore and
THE splendid and fn*« vuiuu «ir U S Mall steamer*
ATLANTIC. Cspt J Park uison, BALTIC, Capt A
Jacobs; LOLIS M lANK, Vapt E Bennett; are now
making double doily trips i>iw o en
The morning boat v<jh leave iba Monojigabela
Wharf, above the Bridge, daily at 8 o’clock precisely
Passengers will take .jUPKRU COACHES at Browns
ville, at 3 o'clock. P m„ anti the splendid cars ot the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at 9
o’clock. A. M-, a'.id«rnve m Baltimore tho same even
ing, in ume for the evening line to Philadelphia and
Washington ctty.
From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, oulv Mhour*.
P»re v
From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 hoaira.
Fare Buy#)
The evening boat will leave aIC o'clock, except Son
day evenings Passengers by this boat will ‘*>dg* oa
board in com'ortabl* State Rooms the first nl ght, pas*
over the mountains the following day lit *■’-“« lets built
Coaches, and lodge the second night in Ctun'>eriand.
Passengers have cboice of either Sieanib'jat or Rail
Road between Baltimore and Philadelpb j®, and the
privilege of stopping at Cumberland atr J Baltimore,
and resuming iheu scats at pleasure. C Caches char
tered to parties to travel as they plestse.,- >
We make up the loads and way billa for the Coach
es in the Piusbargh offices, (in order ij (ave t>w,« on
arriving at Brownsville.) it is therefore ipmortanl for
passengers to get their tickets before going on board
of the boat, at our office, Monoogr.hela Hwse, Water
street, or St Charles Hotel, Woof', *t, Pitubrirgp
Pittsburgh * Lonlavuia Packet Lina
Fv *pl r sndW new •learner
iIL ft . , TELEGRAPH No. 1,
master. will leave {or abava
nrtrrmedUio port* on Sun
day, i22d inat, at 10 o>efe«fc a. m.
For freight or passage appK on board, or to
/fisar* (y. The new and splendid futpanen
i Ik ger packet
<6ggSS«t TELEG’AAPH No. 2,
■HBBSSBBMason, master. will lean fbrCinoro
nan and Loauville on Sands /, the Mth »»«> t at )«
o’clock, A il. For freight or passage apply oa board,
- tre»h, for rale by
A^'* tUl ' “ d 8 ‘ I*o«U Packet Lin..
»v The too fast Urania* patsenge
the above owl tnlennMlßte ports
every ruesday, all 0 o'clock, a. at. • *_
For freight or passage apply qu board, or to
B. C- KING,-No. 1&3 Coin, Row,
Regular-saturday packet fob st. Loins
tf\s*n*~ The fine fast running uucnnr
Jfa-fcwJ? steamer GEN. LANE,
A McPherson, master. will leave for
MEBBSSBBUie above and intermediate ports eve
t y Saturday, at it) o’clock, r. u. '
For freight or passage apply on board, or to /
E- C KING, No 153 Com. Bavr,
fr<***~ ik, Th<r new and Kffbt drought pa*«n
llh.lwnnc * rT LAMARTINE,
Duncan, toaueit will leave to» above
intermediate landings ,oa Batnr
d»y next 4i»t last , »U 0 o ! elock,A. B.
For freight o; pas»age apply <hj board, or to
... PHTTKiREW A Co, A gt*
lCza Th " , “'atiSsr u " ,: "“"
McMillen, ma.ler, w2l p
■■■■HHCBBfoer regular trio* betvr',*„plr,.k„Lk
Reeling ai.d Bridgeport Sbewill l< ja *“
Oia\\edua»day andSaiarday naanargii«> g ta or pu.age, .pply on po.rj. .pis
Tbc Sne running stammer
jfesg£ C»lwti L
pom on Friday, at
10 o'clock, a. x.
For freight or }*uag e npplr 0D board, or to
* PlO PETTIGREW 4 Co. Ait*.
1 FOR'oivciNNATl. ~ s —
Tlle *‘ght draught itenmer .
Gree”, maatcr, will lca»e for *josr4
■BWaHßandmtenncdtau) pom on FtuU y , at
p “" s ' tps&ssUp ra
FOU marietta AND ZANESVftLfeT ’
80 74 t roaster, will Leave for the abor.
■BBK&ttl end imertnediat e pom this dxy, Wed
r r • »>e«day, at 4 Otloek, r. aa.
For freight or ply on board. aptb
for Nash villk r "“
flWw* tv Tbc fin# lighj draught tteamsr
Hufon, mower, will lews for aboro
uuermcdiaie pom on Saturday,
A *.
at 10 o'clock.
The tplemKd siramrr
ilk rairmol’NT.
O W Kbb»rt, master, mil leave tor
■BBBaUUAath# ahoy*- and mtennedhue portion.
Wrduesday, irib mat.
Fox freight or passage apply P n board. apt 7
/jVJ-ar - k The fine •teamer
*Oj3JXM§tGeorre Cslboun, master, wtiV /eaw
above a/>d Intermediate port* oa
Mornl »\» and Thur Mays, at 10 * it
For freight or passage, apply oti board. *piy
{f'Cfm b. The fine wramer
1 ulm-,? PILOT Wo 2,
_ Karn».raa«ier, wiM. teav* fo t
rotennedtat**. port* ik 44 4 aT vxh
bor (retfht ox apply jii boat/. *p*7
FOR *T. LouRT"
/pro- (a T 1" •PkfdM IT' "tamer,
UfcßVaJa? w R rES W "-LINQEB,
“,'l"™"',»' 1 "™"',» MW, will leave for
TWe,. We,“‘ l“n>aa
- l Z‘,T em °' kowd, or to
PLT. fcRRW t Ca »..,I,
No 4l 'tVßiaf tf
~ 8. B. AGENT, ,
~ uutKWonted. --
W .^TS^^ 0 ””* Mtn “ “ Fkcleule u ,
? neMo d? ° < ™ i ' S “"’ ». Maii",^’
noiprmtli* dr«aehlafVs=Sr .
mn „ v •». (Chloride of Ltmr » #W<W r »
'T’liE sobeenben have receml/ 1 eC Ci
1 die mana/actnrer») afresh m D^ C «r^u rec ‘
«WWd article, which thef T dJ P J!?L °f ft® ,•*<>»»
® a, * t *^P r *c®/o r cash or ow ®»t
T A^—‘ -r^-s^v
Tuesday packkt.
For frcij»6v ox paatoge, apply to
. 3 W BUTLER A BRO, Agt.