BY M AGNETttT TELEGRAPH. A TBLXQBAPHED For the Pittilrarfb Dally New Yoax, April 21. Daniel Leddy was killed, and two person* mor tally wounded by (ailing from tbe scaffold of a three story building. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. April 21 —P- M. Flour—The market <• steady bat not active; we note sales of western brands at St 00. Rye Floor —Sales at $3 S 7. Corn Meal—Sales at $2 00 per per barrel. Grain—Sale, of pnm. abiie wheaf, at 105 eta. per bushel; red at 9&01 03 et». at 31 e. per bushel. , 0 .., . Groceries—Sales New Orleans Sugar at 4 els. Provisions —Sales of western roes* pork at SlO 73 per bbl., prime, $S 10. Bacon—Sales bams sides, 5; shoulders 31. NEW YORK MARKET. April 21—P. M. Coiron —The sales of the week have been 10,000 bales; the market closed firm, with an ad vance of 1 since steamer's newt. Sales upland, 6(36*, for fully fair BJ, middling to fair, 7j; inferior, 6, ordinary, 0i; good middling, 7* Coffee—Sales of Loguayra, 6*. to the extent of 900 bags; Maraciabo, 9c, Java, doiL j Sugar —Sales of 400 casks Porto Rico, white Havana "Ho7|. Molasses-Sales New Orlean,al '2t>c. | Tobacco—Sale* of Maryland leaf at 4£iCJl Floor—The market i* unchanged. Grain—Wheat is in active request at full rales. Corn, likewise. fiJStock —Tbe market is unchanged. NEW YORK MAKRET. KOON REPOET. —► New York, April 21 Flour and Wheat are' nrm at yesterdays quo tations. Coltou advanced > from lowest point The sales to-day were over 2,000 boles. Provisions are leas buoyant. BALTIMORE MARKET. April 21—P. M. Flour—Sales of Howard street, at SI 37 per bbl. city mills, at higher figures: holders generally de mand Si 50 per bbl. Grain—Sales of pnme white wheat, at 104(3112 per W; pnme redj at 90(3100 c. per bu. Corn— Sales of pnme white at 43c; pnme yellow, at 000 Sic. Oats—Sales at 26(325c. Whiskey—Sales in barrels, at 201. cattle market. Beef Cattle—Sales on the hoof, at $S 371. Hogs—Sales at S 3 QOOSO 37. Provisions—Mess pork—Saies al Sll per prime, $9. Mess beet, 513 30. I xva.Lacin g Covrotmos for tux HaIB Prom the Olive Branch, oi March 7. ls4G. Htfezion Fluid—Mr. WULiam Bogie, !£2u Washing* lon street, is ihc inventor of tin* valuable vegeiabie composition. which w pronounced by many who have used il one ol ihc greatest eradicaiori of the (Unease* ol the head ever made u*e oi. We hav.« been cogai zint of its beneficial effects in some instances, and ear own cranium i* now submitted to ir* mflu'-nce. in ad* dmen to its cleansing and curative propertied, s ii give* a polish and glo«sy appearance to the htur. and con lriout*« an agTecable moisture, quite ualike that produ ced by the oils in general use. it he me wholly frrr tropt meh propemcfc. YVe can commend me artielo already, and snail *ay yet on re alter further trial. aplcdeodOt DR. S. M. SHANNON WOULD respectfully announce to the citizen* of Pittsburgh, that he wtil remain in this place a few days. His uoparalcUcd success m Die treatment of a large majority of iho*e diseases which have ever been regarded as incurable by ihr modem and more fashionable practice, has induced Lira to send forth this card to the afflicted portion ai mankind. He has within the last U! months imparted uisiructjcn* to sp wards o( SOW citizens of T ennessee, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Kentucky*, and Indiana, uinong then Physicians of nigh standing, and they all bear testimony of their entire satisfaction. He has also aoceeeded in giving permanent relief to nearly 3000 individuals, ample proof of which be can adduce. It is not pretended that the concentration of toe re sults of raedie&l research emanates from ODe author, tor be he ever so versed lit medical science, he would come far, far short of *o herculean a uui. Dr. 8. has been engaged since IS3C in selecting and purchasing all the popular and secret remedies which could be obtained in England, Ireland,Germany and the United States, from those persons who were eminently suc cessful in curing some one of the following diseases, viz:— Rheumatism, Dyspepsia. Sick and Nervous Head ache. Pams or Weakness in Buck and Joints, Paraly sis, Neuralgia. Spinal Affsctto*'« Epilepsy. Toqthache, Contracuons of the Muscles. Weak or Inflamed Eyes, Piles, Asthma, Cancer. Tetter. Frost Bite, Scrofula, Ulcere, Mereuria! Diseases of loog standing, Female Diseases, General Debility, Ac. For full Instructions for the cure of all aiseascs orig inating in, or eauaing the derangement of the nervous system, so that those who.receive instructions can urt with equal efficiency os himself, his charge is only ten dollar*. Dr 8. is furnished with certificates and recommen dations from the most intelligent mid respectable Phy sicians and citizens of every place at which be has had the pleasure of visiiing, which he uni! be pleased to exhibit to the inspection of any who may desire n. The ingredients used arc almost exclusively vegeta table, exceedingly simple, and within the reach of all. Persons afflicted with any of the above named dis eases, would do .well to coil upon Dr. S.. and If not ef fectually relieved, no remuneration will be required for his services. His motto is, NO CURE, NO PAY. Dr. 8. will remain daring his stay st the St Charles Hotel. Room No. 73. ar>!7 For San Francisco, CalLforfJa. TO SAJL FROM PHILADA. POSITfTELY JjgiW-ON THE SOth INST —The splendid barque iBSac RALPH CROSS, Hy J. Dav.a, rniut-r, haring the greater pert of her cargo on board, will >ail on the 2Dlh msL Tbo bulk of 4UU bbl*. can yet b>- taken if early application be.made. and a few more passenger* can be handsomely accommodated by applying on board at Pine Street Wharf, Philadelphia, ot i<> EDMUND A Duck St. Wharf, Ptuladelpma Cabin passage 6200, with liberal (are. apl?;d?i EDVCATIOSI MRS. A MISS GILLAND respectfully inform their fnends and the public, thev have procured anh removed their school to a roomy an,tl convenient boose in Laeock street, second dwelling cast ot Feberni sL, where they are prepared to lake a few boarders, as well as a lew more day scholar*, and where their ex clusive attention will re devoted to instruction in all the ordinary branches of English education. * Stranger* are referred to Mr Wm. Eichbaum, Mr. John RMcFadden and Mr. F. Eaton of Pittsburgh Mr. A. Shan and Mr. George Reiter of Allegheny city. apKkdtf SUNDRIES— 2500 ll.s Lard, in kegs and bbi«; 1 bale Hops; 1 bbLßolt Butter; s«t>o lbs Bulk Pori, rec'd by canal boat Brighton. ana for sale by r apis K ROBISON A Co • . PIG IRON—ions Mipenor Foundry Iron, for said by apld W|CK _A MjCANDLESS_ HEMP— 50 bales D. R. Hemp, just rec'd per steam er Caledonia and for sale by aplS JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co BULK PORK—4O7 pieces Hams and Shoulders, nov landing from itmr Pilot No 2; for sale »>y aplS ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. Front it WHITE BEANS—IOO bushels in store; for rale by aplS ISAIAH DICKEY A Co /CALOMEL —25 lb* English, 'yurt rec’d and for sale 6y BA FAHNES TOCK A Co. aplT corner Ist land wood st* RAD. SARSAPARILLA—3 bales Hondarus, jui received and for sale by aplS B A FAHNESTOCK A_Co ZAFFRE —150 lbs just rec'd and for sale by aplS BA FAHNESTOCK A Co COOPER’S ISINGLASS— Just rec'd und for sale by apl7 J .£l? Di .£ o AMERICAN rec’d and for sale by . ap'7 J KIDD A Co - /'TAMOMILE FLOWERS—Jost rec'd and lor sail by apt? J KIDD A Co STARCH —A good article, just rec'd and for tale by apt 7 J KIDD A Co. BRASS CANDLESTICKS— Just received, at the Ogn of the Plane and Saw, a splendid assortment of Brasa Candlesticks. o< various kinds For tale by ttp jj HUBER A LAUFM AN. 78 wood «t EOLL BUTTER —12 fresh Roll Buiter, rec’d and for sole by , ROOT DALZKLL A Co, aplC . Liberty st SAr.RW.ATU9 —100 bx« landing and in store; for tali aplfl ROBT DALZBLL* Co LOUK—4(TtTbla’Family P»®ur. for sale br _ RHEY, MATTHEWS fr Co now landing from steamer Dol r phin: for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. apie Front« FEATHERS —03 now landing- from sttnr Dolphin fot tale by apln ISAIAH DICKEY A Co^ LAWn_u bbl* No 1. now landing from tteararr Dol phin; for sale by apl* ISAIAtI DICKF.Y ACo BACON— 8 esla Shoulder*. ww lafxdmg frocd ttmr Dolphin; t**r a*l r hv mm * un * I JHALaH DICKEY & Co FI. AT SEED— an *fc* now landing trotti tte&mer Do phiai for »aie by apld ISAIAH DICKER 4Co EANS—23 *k*unall while now landing iroa «m iS’ h “ i by IM.AH DICKEY *Co CIUTTON —102 bales in more; for sale by ; ipm ISAIAH DICKEY Co •30,000 SCRIP WASTED IN exchange for Gold Watchc*. and other mefcfca dixe. at C 7 Market street, by aplb 7, EBULON MNSfcA WINDuSV GLa£s— 3nu 6xs aiaorteiTsixe* Wn dow Gla*», rer'd and for ** ; e by apt? SAW HABBAtGH SOAP— 10P boxes Mitchell'* extra Ro«ia Soap, ree d and for aale by ap!7 SAW HABBaUGH .LTPF.TRF, ?•—' -® Refined, )usi rac'd ami lor B A KAHNKS IOCK k. Co. i-orncr Ist and wood sU | S A £‘«bV s J»pl7_ % SOAP — IS cates Marseille?*, Just rec*d 8 and forjalc by oplT B A FaHNRSTK>CK ft Co M "TaAaICA GINGER— ju»; rrr’d anil far talc S J by *pl 7 Ll A FA HNKSTOi'K ft Co COCHINEAI/—Juv rrcd and tor «»le by apl7 J KIDD k Co POWDERED (jAMUOGK -Ju*t r*cm*d and for °aJeby *P‘" JKU)DJkCo_ At: MTvAE—M 0,1 Meai > P° r canal Hiber- r«m«d 00*1 tot b y rWO1 _ S k w lIAR_BAIKJH_ LLNBKKD OIL^ 2O Liimeed O*-, per canal boat Hi t*nua, received and for HARBAt Glj §TTn an prnpn H \M3 AND HEKfr-*W ic* E» *n» H»m» very choice, a 7 ic* do do Dn- ASvifiS C H ia li rec : d Iron) Cincinnati and Beef Round*, choice, ju» .... , r-nu l viprii a fortaleby oplO fr_hLLERS A. MCOL3_ ( “ ib ; X> «moke ho«M a,ul c A sjS^RSfctflCOLS M^^K- 7 Z%&LS ; I^INEFLOUR—S 5 bbl« of excellent quality. ju m re | -C ~jjed »ul tor..,- by | T a OA-NPIEUD, (late of Wwwn,.Oiiu»,)Jg«»J*; I V • lion and Forrraxi tag Merchant, *l«l p°, “ 2 5 . W^fJ treat, between guuthfie'.d end Wood! Pittsburgh. ep3 COMMERCIAL RECORD. IMS I ALfIAHAC. APRIL. | _ 21 Saturday, 22 Boaday. 23 Hoads?. 24 Tuesday. 25 Wednesday, 26 Tbaradiy, 27 Friday, PITTSBVEOfI BOARD OE* TEABK COMMITTEE FOR APRIL. ?x * MAMHSLL. T. ». CIAIIE. JBO. Hnpros. „ . orrirK Pnrsßcmou Giori, ) Monday Morning, April Zi, 1649 \ <>a Saturday, the weather lierame mnrh milder, than n had beea for many day. paat In the aAemoon the gathering cloud* presented indication, of ram, and the probability is that we shall, toon have it in mfficieui quantity to rate our river. From the united influence of the .mall number of nr nvah. the derangement of our currency, and the laoquid feeling which u«iaily % ext»ts with regard to business transactions on lb- closing day of the weok. markets presented a le»* lively appearance than they bare ex liibued lor mint days FLOI R—The receipt. t»y were very hvi.i and we have to advance our quotation* of price- : r small lot- on 'he wharf to 83,4 b hbl A large amoun ! of rreuibl along the river is wuiling shipmeni. i.ui honl er* are detrtred irnin sending it b> the low price* here GROCERIES—The market i* steady andrffince* m ail kinds continue firm Sales of sugar si 4| t.i 5{ fc N O*- 2e&3(J gall Ooffe*-. 7|tf-c Pft PROVISION—A good home demand at former quota- We note sale* of 20.(100 ft*, ai tor ham.* be shoU'der*. 4c and aides 5c V, & OlLS—There u a lively drmand ror hiueed und lard We quoio *nle» m linseed at G6®6oc Lard ai >r Sperm, ble«ched. 81.JU. do unbleached 81 25 .10 la.: 81.25. and.whale 05 gull FEED—Braq u firm ai -®&c ami .bon- n 14ffl-F DRIED BEEF Regular aalea o. the nerce are made ai ft APPLES—We quale tales atTSiSISSr ¥ bbl record ing to quality condition LUMBER—Dry is scarre in market, without an' change in pner £.-iie« ai $11£?22 OATS—Are scarce in marker, whh a brisk daman.l Regular sales at ti“sr:>h: F bu SALT —.Moderate saW at 81.37 hbl RICE—The market i« hare Sales i,y the tierce n ft. by the. bbt ai XtftSr ft GRAlN— a very light supply ot all kind-' in market, and a brisk demand Oi wheat there is none offering, hut n may be quoted at 7Ue \Ve Ilo if «*],•. ->f 150 bu* of Rye m 50c Corn is scarce at Tic phu is estimated that there were in store, at the vnnou: pom on Lake Michigan, at the latest dates, two mil' lion bushels of wheat, and eighty thousand bbl*‘oftlwur Of this. 030.000 bushels of wheat, and 1“.000 bids flour were in store at Chicago on the Tib of April. Th-tr were also in «iore at Chicago, waiting shipment. 25.1)00 bbis pork and 4UJO IjbL beef Tin: llhnot* and Michi gan canal was to be opened for navigation on the loin The New York letter oi Tuesday evening, m the Philadelphia American, says Freights are steady. Cotton i* taken ai Jd. heavy goods 25a: Corn >Hd m hulk, and sjdm bags, and Flour 2s lor luvrrpool. To Glasgow jt)s for heavy good' id Fl ur 2s 3d Nothing doing for the Continent Exchange i« fanner to das. ibe t>*-«i mils ronunand April 17. Sub-Treasury lunda— Receipt $<>6.276 34 Pay roents 21.404 93 Balance 2.147.JUU 4V The Philadelphia Sun oi yeMerdav «ay» The Money Market has become somewhat easier and the Banks am discounting raihct more treelv Balt. Ajncr The 10l lowing is a eoniparairvr statetneni «i the sup plies to market from the Schuylkill and Lehigh mines, from the opening oi the navigation to the 13th ms: . du ring the last two yoars. it wili lie eeen ttist iiicr>- n j falling off oi nearly tUi.UdO tana 104». 1-4- ions 1511.03U.15 tM1.55-15 !i.7vd.(£> 19<>17f4 iu.4s?,il Reading Railroad SchuyixilljCanal Ixtrugh Canal • Totpl * -N Y Trib. 171 T-5.11 171.CM.H CorroS an u TuVacco ST*rEitß\r Corrov T.->ba»vo Stock on hand l»t Stpi IS4- •••• 37.401 14.5&1 Received month Septrmber- 57 7t>i 1.664 l\> do October tail* Do do 'November- • 115/>O7 J Do do Kabruary 161.104 t Do uo March 170.f»“d 3.-^ Do on Ist to tub April 3ti..'nt> Do on tfth April • Ml.>l4 Fix pored 'Jib April 2.95<» Otixj Do Previously 755. 11V*—75n.07517Jk?»-17.1fc?j Stock on hand not cleared — N.O 801. The fallowing are the changes wtrch huve recentlv taken place in the Nova Scoua Tantf Insert —Com. wheat, rve. Indian corn, barley *ai* nee ground and ungrounil. buckwheat uiiground. bar ley meal, rye dour and meal, oar meal. Indian meal, buckwheat meal. Insert under the 20 per eeut li*t—boot*. »nocs- and >ther leather manufactures. The Philadelphia J-edger of to-day, says —'The out door discount on first rale paper is now from nine i<< twelve per cent The t|&nk.v are however, doing n good business. and will, at the eud or the current Unit year, make as large dividend*, a* ‘at any ttrae during the last three or tour year* VEW COMBS—At ZEBL'LON KINSEY'S, 67 Mar- J.Y ket atreet — { dox very high back Shell Tuck Comb*; 3 “ medium “ Vi " low “ 24 “ plain high 1J “ narrow beaded top Stl u fancy top Buffalo “ 10 •* plain “ 20 gross com. Komi 30 doz shell side, assorted si tes; 30 gross com hora Side; 3 doz shell dressing do; 12 dot Buffalo do do; 4 do Imitation do do; 50 do best English Horn; • do 8 S S fine Ivory, extra me. IS do S 9 do do, in boxes; 12 gross 6 fine do do. 1 do comb Cleaners. aplfl Fil. EATON A CO. are now opening their Soring » stock of Trimmings, consisting in part of Man ■illa and Dress Fringes, uimps. black and col'd Silk Laces, black Flounce Lace, Buttons, Bnds, Bonnet Trimmings, genu, Indie* and children* plain and fan cy Hosiery, Shin* lor men and boi «, Comb*. Isory end other Fans, Yarn, Spool Cotton, Seedles, Tape*, Bob bins. Pius, Aa. Ac., which they offer for sale. t>oift wholesale and retail, at ihirTrisuning Store, 62 Fourth street, between Wood and Market np!4 View FANCY AND VARIETY ZEB ULON KINBEY’3,.«7 Market street 100 prs fine China Vases, ass'd; 175 sets twist and cut velvet coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpel Bag*; 20 do do gent's traveling; 100 gross fancy suk Buttons, for dresses; 10 dox Nail Brushes, ass’d, 100 gro fine blk Vest Buttons, ass'd, 250 do do gilt and plated, do, 25 doz rosevyood .Hair Brnsbea; 4 do Washington do. 1 do Barber* do, 3 gro Fish Lines. Fish Hooks, Lime rick, Ac JEWELRY. Ac. —50 gold lever Watches; 50 do de tached lever Watqae*; 10 do Lepine do; 10 fine dia mond Finger Rings; 1 dot fine goid Vest end Fob Chains; 2 do do Goards; Breast Pina, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Ac. GLOVES, dox Ladies Cotton Glove*, as* d. 300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, Ac.; 10do gents’ silk Gloves; 12 do do kid do; SO do ladies kid. ass'd, 10 do do fancy top silk. VARIETY GOODS—76 pkg* American Pins; 3MI bxa Cotton Cords; 75 ps Paper Mnalin; f«ttl t OOO ribbed Percussion Cap*; 200 gro dress Whalebone do; lUOdo* Ivory Combs; Dressing Combs, Back Comb*, Ac. Ac. •_ *P® FOULARD BILKS— New style Foulard Bilks, a ve ry handsome article for spring dresses, and at ve ry low prices, just received at No 7$ M.irket street, northwest comer of the DiAmond. B pß ALEXANDER A DAY rjMJ COCNTRY 'MKKCHANTS-W; ft Mrarity, I. earner of 4th and Market sis, Pittsburgh, has re ceived hi* first supply of spring and Summer Goods, end invites merchants to look at his stock. Pnces low. Wholesale Rooms up stairs—entrance from 4th *1 mchlSi . NEW GOODS, 1849. KENNEDY A HaWYER, comer Wood and Fonrth meet, are now reeeivLng direct from first bands, a lares stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, including Cloaks of every variety, gold and silver Waichek, Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, Hooks and Ey#*, Gloves and Hosiery, Suspender*, Gun Caps, and all other articles in their line—all of which having "een purchased personally of the manufacturers east, du . nng the last winter, expressly for the Spring trade, wiu be sold wholesale at a small advance on cost. Constantly on hand, all descriptions of Looking Glass es, of our own manufacturing, at eartern prices- mh23 SPRING BONNET RIBBONS, Ac -W R Murphy has now open a supply of spring Bonnel Ribbons, of new and handsome styles# Also, new style fig’d Nells; Lisle Laces and Edg ings; Linen Edgings; Victoria do; Muslins and JaconeU, embroidered Swiss Muslins, Ac , besides a large assortment of Spring Goods generally, at north east corner 4th and Market streets. Wholesale Room* up stair*. apC EMBROIDERY— TVowed patterns for Ottomans, Piano Stools, Table Covers, Traveling Bags, with a great variety of small patterns Also, Worsteds of all color* and shades, by the pound, oauee, or *kein; for sale by ap!4 F H EATON lx Co, 62 Pounb si VfeTIFICIAL FLOWERS—Material» for Aruficial /X Flowers, vis; Plain tissue pkper, spotted do, Car mtoe paper for coloring, Pink Saucers,Leaves of eve ry form, bud*, tips, and callows, can be obtained at F It EATON A Co*i Truummg Store, apl4 03 Fourth si VTE'V SPRING GOOiJS.—A. A. Masov A Co., No. GO Market street, are now opening -id cases and packages of iplendid SPRING GOODS, curapntint Lawns, Muslins, Bereges, M. de Luine*. Umgham*, Prints, French Cambrics, Linen*. Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general aston ment of Goods- metaS7 T | lK -WESTERN INSURANCE COJIPA- BfY OP PITTBBVRRH. IN conformity With the “Act Incorporating the We*. tem Insorance Compauy of the City of Priuburgb, | in Uk! County of Allegheny. ’ approved the tfiili d*f of Mirth A D. l»4b—Book* will be ooened for the sut.- senpuon Of the Capital Stock of said tympany, at the Monongaheta House, iu the city of Pittsburgh, on MONDAY, the 23d day of APRIL. le4o, between the hours of ten and three EAJIS —23 bgl small whits, to arrive; for sale by i) SfH ISAIAH DICKEY ACo PORT OP PITTSBURGH 1 Bufi | rets. d e' 0 46 6 47 6 43 6 49 6 50 6 51 ARRIVED. Michigan No-, 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson. McKeesport Caleb Cope, A. Murdock. WellavtlU? Beaver, Clark, Beaver Lake Ene, Gordon. Beaver. Zachary Taylor. Luca*. Wheeling Allegheny Clipper, Beaver. Cindenllo, Calhoun, Wealing WelUville, Poe. Sunfish Hibernia, No 2. KJineitdter. Cia. Telegraph. Nd 2. Mason. Lutmv.ile Tuscaroru. —. Cm. Monongahela, Tr-tone. Cui North River. Dean. St Loum Euphrates. Calhoun. Na*iiVi,.r Niagara, Cox St Louis. Pennsylvania. (/ray St. Loins. DEPARTED Michigan No 2. Gilson, Beaver Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. AllaDlie, Parkinson. Brownsville. Beaver. Clark. Beaver. Louts McLorir Brownsville. Lake Erie. (cordon. Beaver. Caraden. HeitdrckMin. McKe*—|>ort. Yankee. Kountz. Zanesville. Messenger, No 2, Woodward. C.n Isaac Newton. Henjplnll Cm Telegraph. No 1, Ila2iep, L/nmvilli* Hamburg, Caldwell, Louisville Lamartine, Gormley, Sl Louis Allegheny Clipper. Beaver • rormantown Bugner, St Lou;-. There were 4 0 inches m the channel tvenlnp at dusk, by pier mark. 5 13 5 11 5 10 5 s 5 7 5 0 S 4 BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY Packet*. 10 A. M. Brownsville PaekeL*. S A- M.. and 4 P M. Beaver Packets. 10 A. M.. and 4 P. M. For PmLADKL?HJA. D Leech & co's. packet line—9 o clock P. M. Cincinnati—Monongahela Wheeling—Z Taylor \Y«* rrgret lo learn that Captain V I*rari 01 mi ruy. died r>n the upward trip of Hie Diadem, at F.v sn-vi.le Indiana. oi cholna IMPORTS BT RIVER CINCINNATI -Per Isaac 12 ! (irarf .V -o. I pckg hvok , Stnnr- A Sriumon. ‘25 bb.s puik. Reynolds .) She*. I m ih<*< I) Leech A -,>. «*', pkg* patlern-. A \ Hr.uir). ti» M.J« ' ird »i, Tao:* A O'Coim rf-bhu egi * VA m Dyer. 5 i>x«. 4 hd * U A Buhnestack. I I'X books Hit'.'* A Black | ht. 1 I if: bbi. Wm Bingham. *2.» hbds 'boulders. 2t nhds bacon •?! i.t* do. Jn.i Oner 1 i hbris Mbit co < 'lnrkc A. Thaw >' obi* egg#. 1 trunk J Orahnrn Per Mount Vernon- »- niid« inba.-f • >ii hhds >nonld ■ers. VI ie» limn* ‘lO hbi, lard mi \\ ni 11.ngham. 25 nlids bacon. Taaic A OO.mior. to nlor innl •*■.. J Schoon mak-r A ro, 4 tibi< hmns. *2 keg* Lire). F*i») ,h A Du i ean. 7 hxk bacon Hampton. Smith A Co M bbl» diced peaches and apples, j bag* rugs 1 bol inr* Bsgniry A Smuh. 7 bbU Cm seed. ,\i t iruiti. I ' t>dl» .e atn-: Ji o A B.iy a rd. 12 sks wool. 1 pc kg. Baker A F nrsytn 47 bln* linseed oil. J \V Butler A urn Per Peru—‘2l hhd* baron Tame A <> t >tmor. ‘JO l.b;s l«rd mi. hnd* sugar >e.ier» A Nn o,« l- t-hl* whis key. R bi Bell In r«k- bacon J.McFaden A ro. 5 nhd« sugar Rbey Matthews a > u ' sic <-»«k». Wood A Hugh* I bbis molasses. V hhd» sugar 1 bin do F Ae«- ehlcinaii; 55 lo Du comm. Kme Pen nock A co. II b * cctioi.. Kennedy Childs A ro oucsks bacon Clark A Thaw ISM- runs* ‘A. b> Is sugar till* tobacco. J Wilson. lCw «ks pointers p S M»l' rd ZANESVILLK-I'er Wnkrr-4- - 4-ask. UicuM. DDri'li A i'O 5 bis. Baker A Forsyth 7'i rm« wrapping paper Wick A McCandless. b nhtis ‘obarrn. \\ Bingham 245 mis shot's a brai . : ‘r < ot i do eggs \V ••Krosoin is Wt*LT«." and if .M» MucUls had but been governed by the above inott ■, he might nnve sa ved money nnd him*ell imicn physical suffering, but rend the following letter dated April 1 tth. I—l - Wjn Shields. » rr*pertatilc lurmrr oi mu v.cin ity. was taken ill. railed in a Dt>cior who uociored imu for Dysi'epsia lor one \ rui. but he Min g'M worse Hr then discharged h.» Donor unit pmd imn tuiriv dollar* He then got a via. of vouf Nermnuge. anil one Box of Sanative PC; s. and "> me u-e of m»*-e med icines ICOstmg Oi.:> stl cents' !.e >lisrli*rged. lie «ny *. at least one thousand worm., nnd m iwy weeks was •o improved m health a« to attend o hi. business, and ha* been in cood heu.m ever mire, and «»v» Dr Javne's and r-nuat. v» I‘.' • h>. ■ Si nd e a souud man or bun W.M. B PLAN. 1‘ M , To Dr ]> Jarne, Plum a! Port \V...,am. ..c that hr has removed ht. establi.lunenl from :Se Mouongnhc.a House, to the store on StmiAhe.d streei. late.y occbpi ed by John T W bitten as a dry goods siore. where he is prepared to serve h;s customers wr_n work made ui the latest and most lithionabie sty.c aplfi dup24 " GOLD! GOLD!! GOLDIH GOLD!!!! f|MI fcl «ut>sc ribrr. whole nine man ufacturer of J KW- X ELRV, nv;te* whotrsaic di-a.ers and pedlars irn- Oing South and West—n.«o. rauntr. store ii-epefs to call and examine hi* -loci of Jew*irv. which win t.e sold at the ,owe>l price, for a»n or approved a-ce|K lances. Constantly on hand nod rnaiiurnrtunng. t large assortment suitable for city or country irade l.fitfit 47,i(*i 11.MMJ— i..aa< -m-w i»^6 K 'i t BAKER. corn-r oi Fourth and Branch «t*. up sisir- splO-.di in PiniHd- oii-a PRKSHPIRKtKAS, Wholesale anj r-tui 1 . at me T)EK!N STORE. 7t» Fourth street, near VV©od, X PitUburgh —The »ul>»< riixr having ja.i returned from New York, is now receiving » large f«H supply of rreaft'CißKEN AND BLACK TEAS from the. New York Pekir. Tea t'ompany, selected with great care (or retail saJea Our sioek Ixmg now heavy we are pre pared to supply lirocerv Hotels, Steanit-oats and Fam ilies with any t|oanuiy and at any price ihey may wish, packed In i. 4 and 1 pound packages. sib :m cams lera. 6 and 13 lb catty boxes, and in half chesu. Rriail Grocer* are innicd to call, h* *r ran and will *ell better Tea* at iowrr* lha-) any other bou*e in Pittsburgh Our stock of fine Young H y *or . Gunpowdr r. and im perial Green, and iVdong Ll.ark Tr»» are the li'., ■l , toe American market Lovcnng’* doub!»- refined l.oaf. t’rtt*hcd, and Pul verized Sugar*, at mat!, or by the barrel COFFEES—Mocha. Old Gov. Jnv*. l.agu.ra. St Do mingo and Rio Caffe***. «ei<*rted ny me rno.t expei,Sli ced coffee Broker m New York Sweet Spiced Cbocoiatr. Piet.ed Cucumber* and Onion*, Fresh Peacbr*. pul up 111 their own ;ui«-e Malaga Rai«tn*. in i m boxes. N H.—A-i Dr D Jayne’* Family Medicine* for *aie. dcct>-dAwS A. JAYNE> Mrs MARSH S NT,W ’.novel— Mordaum Hal: or a September Nigut. by the author of • Two old men * tale*." "Emilia W yndnsiu, “Angeiia," etc Jost rec d by JOHNSTON k SI’oCKToN, api6:dfcwT corner Market and .Id it» NEW HARDWARE STORE. SH.N OF THE PLANE ANDBAW Vo. 7 8 Wood atreet* Pittsburgh. HL’ISK.K A.ND.LaL’FMaN. Importer* and deaier* ll*Foreign »nd Domestic MAUDWAUK, m a:l its vaneue*. ate now prepared to sell a* low and on aAetutottubic term* it* can be purchased elsewhere We solicit our friends, and the public generally. 10 call and examine our stock, which consist* m part of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PEN K.MVKS. SCISSORS. SHEARS, RAZORS. House Trimmings. *aah as Lock*. Latches. Hinges and Screw*, togi-tncr with every article usually kept in Hardware Stores. We invite the aileiitinr. 01 Carpenters and Mechanic* generally to our assortment of Tool*, which have been selected wtth great eare. and winch we are determin ed to *etl *0 a* to give satisfaction aplfdAwT W A L C PAPER WARE HOCBE, Ao. 47 MarL't xtrtri, Puuburgh, Pa. THOM Afi PALMER, RESPECTED LI. •> -nnounces to he friend* and cus tomer*. that he I; 11* had ill no pa*-, period .0 exten sive a Stock a* he h;>« at present. IU can offer touur chanera, on vkuy mode rate term*, at the o.d e* ed Stand on Market wit!. * most every artine U; h.« line—*tncludjng CAiniuu*- room Bed-rhnmber. Dimng room,-Parlor und Ha- r’aner Wi.h Borders. l«antj scapes, Fire boaril P'lni* Paper *»d Transparem Window Shade*. Bon and Binder- Board*. Wri ting, Wrapping and Tea Paper Ire m nbunda..t;y *up plied, and request* country merchants and houseseep eri to call and examine hi* asnortmeiit Rigs and Tanner*' !»cripn laneri in iradr at th* bigbefl jmrp« nichil d*w:imT Tin Plate*. THK subscriber* beg in call the attention o< Builder' Architects and owners of Buildings, to ihe many advantages whicfl these plates poisems over ad oilier metallic substances hitherto u*ed for roofing. Ac , ■« they po**r«» »l once the lightness of iron, without iti liability to rust, having nowbeen tested for several yean in On* partirniar. hold in tht» roamry and in Ku rope. They are i©*« liable U> expansion and contrac tion from sudden ciiange of We aimospbere, than coin monsiin plates, iron i «c. or ujiy other metal now used for roofing, and con« quentJy form a mueti belter and lighter roof; rcquirm ,< tar less frequent p pair*, whilst the firsl cost is hui u trific more A full supply, of Hi from 16 to .'lO W («., con stantly on hand and .nr «ale by (,KO B MORKWOOD A CO.. U an-i Id Beaver "ireet, New York. The patent nghtfor un« srucie having been secured for the I'mted Slates. uiJ parues infringing ihareon, diner by importation or otherwise, wifi be proaet-u -led. oct-’KudAwlyT Rt'ST PROOF IRON THE nndor»igned hi*e creeled work* in the city ol New York, tor the ftjrpoie of Galvanizing *ii irn clou ol Iron, which it i*ye/r AU.KSBEKT The Committee of Finance having bad under consi deration lijc subject of making provision for fundiiig ami providing lor tn- r-denipUon the City S-np. make the following Report Wiir-i the rnpid growth <•( our city i v coa-.dertd, i <1 the ‘act Ui .t -.MHini ihe last ten >-arf tnc tM>pulati.»n css more than d*- »t n.ann that tner- i* noout I'u , Hundred Thousand iX-.m r» ol >c • .*«u<-d But wn-n the pub:i> ar- injonJi'-d ihat ’■)>' •irgcs: p.,r‘ioo Ol till. Scrip was issu-i to construct, v ■ magmlicen; Water W- rk- I), h are n<>" u-ariy*,- •'••frmi'- inor- ii!an •utLci*-iii to pay iiiterf'l u; on .-.r Which r. venue. tOßetliet; With cit\ tuxevl» !••• 'if •-d lor i.i' i ' Cempiion .th- Scrip. !tiu» ariordmir a . rkt *is K.urce :h--’ may l- mi in any conungen > v. there P'-rtahuy i. do gcM>d reaaon lor >u *uddeu a<*. i-rrciatH.M Tlm .V-anern J,ibcrue« ami Spring liar d- i Whipr \Vt>r*« i-.n-trurted in “44. ai a ci-l of two Hundred and hny thourand dollar*. Imve been *uppl)- m* the cmreti. Lh-uicta wun walrr at a iuw rate, mid i>,.-jTO''<-j* irom water inr hit- already a.- nn»«t il (mi • nureiy reimbursed Hie amount of capital id'd in it>« ” m-trunion In llir wairn it mnniiii***- ii' Ui<-., r«*j>ort. alter »peakine ft lt>** unpf* irrk». «n> --It i* m»t uiirm tnm m*n yr'iri. «-r ir-v--ii at nio-i, ■ .nd !>) :»-• Divriru for Mr • rrci.on wiil Lr fpaid to them, and UJat inr> itirr. d'Tivrd trom iii< 11 win k*. if it bf tbuusiii «« to tiicm. w..l pay :i\ the muiitcipa. upK-nv* the District* " \\ ny should not our wtL' eijtnT-ly »ucces«tu! ’ Ilf dei.vrd. 11..1 • •.11y -uliitirml In r-dc.-m m n few J• 11 r« ihe »TUirr .-Mir of *cnp. nut lb- in« tiic tnuri.r i pal ' XpeilMt .!(' lh.' city Your roramiilf' would ijaii. wnmni- nit a rctrou. It tu.'iii .»( expenditures 1 11 .-very dcpurunrtit. u- tar is no*»i uir. tn.'UiiJ i .*id economy •homd hr oh»et red \V ah lh >i. indiiip adoption .>t inr follow mj (Irdiirune. which wi f cntiiiiicmi. we hrhcvp ihe credll or nur A-n Chdxnanct for tht f muting and redcmjnwn af City Scrip. Stc 1 H>- ii ord.uncd and enacted Iry Uic citizen* of Allegheny, in Scjci t and I'nmmon founcii* a»*emb!ed. That irutn and mirr the adopuon of thin in terest at the rii.- o. six per cent per annum shall lie al lowed on ai. scrip ,».ucd ny ihn city, said nilerc»t lo be nfcoumcd lor lo the bolder oi the *cnp r the time U .- luudcil or i.-dermed >kc a Tnnt lor ;lie purpose of lurlh.-r convenience i« tier, hv lUlhor.ird and required i<. i««ue certificate* ot imi- city io a:i *uch holders a« may demand Uic . in.c. ,n amount* not !>•«* than and mat Mild certificate. UiO* loued lie rccc.vai-ic Oj ill taxes and due* io me' city o. Allegheny They .hail he rrdeeinan.r i„ ten ye;n hearing a:i mterr‘l ot -ix per cent |»er a .mum, payable srini-imnunhy Ht the »’.:y Treasurer*. ..rat the Ban* of I'enriay ivnma. at the nty ot Tin I adept.. a. on the hrst day* of July and Janu ary in each and every year Sk« 3 Tui; the nub. cfrdn. revenue anil corporate properly ot tne cay lie. aml 'he same nr' - hereby sol emnly pled £rd tot the icdenipnon of ihc i eruhratr* hereby uutbonxed m be issued, and l-a uic p ivineut of Sr. S Thu the r. iiiMiat-'.- on I‘ity t’roper-y he an- Uior./cd. and nr- hcrct.y do.-cied. to cnu»e to l>c mul plan »ui)miite»:. .mil :..i_« to he <0 by' MU teei.j aml to advertise f..i a pat..ic sair there.-! in the m.irKet house, on the sum da/ of May next tne piece of gtoutid ai the , () w. r p«it ot tne c.ty between Bunk Lane and A leR tier,v i.vct known n» Nelson » UlU' d. *uTl purcha-'is. and »r, >ji>- »timc '■> the Inchest ind l-e«t l.,dder», r'.'.'ivine in payment therefor the li mes of the city. .*i gold and «,,m. one third of «nid purchase mo yi. t,- pmd m hand • third m «.i, and the ha .ace months, wnh iiilete‘l Mi 4 I the A**e»nor« ot city line* he aridities ht- here' re.|u red to ievv mi itidinontii tax oi two no l- upon the donar or; properly taxable ny law tor cits, the pn-ce. a» .-tsaid a.i.Miona, tux. Ur ge t tier -s itn me proe.--d* »| hr • a,c ol property provi- ded for ,i. in.s ordinance, lo nr pn.n into the city treas of the ci.s scrip any purpose whatrver oi irventy hvr ir...a»a:.v| m>.!ar». and in rllv kiwi* m »un>* '<•»• than < ri f'JrfnmiMf . iwh.ivui.' !>-n? t n* jief cent per nr. -urn. paj tier ~[ :i,r c,iv IV Lurrf ..r -.1 :m* Hu-.k ol J'«m n*v vnn.s. in :he tir*t •!-,>. of Juiyunrt (-‘omtmitcr. • ii■■ion y ol '.linn 10 ue«J nod ilr*-t»y :i ' »uiO ril\ .1 ri)■ .*»• piiy hr p»ul i"lli :I■ ** • i:y lrrß»u -ry u ml- 1 ; :/ie .a : .iiiii* of tn.« i.rrt I Court of Quarter tteatlona. WO&NI.tO SESSIO.V Saturday. Apr.l -L 1549. Present. Hon. lienjani.n Patton, President Judge, and Sami. lones. and Wra. Kerr. Associate Judgrs. THK ZIMMLKLKt: CASK Mr Heidelberg stated to me that nr had only now Seen aide to agree with the counsel ,'Mr Magehan. re' t ) the course which would REMO V AL. be proper lor them t> pursue ;n tins ease The Court would reeone.'t that Ziumiertee had already been conv.-sed of murder. but owing to some in formality in ns summoning <>l the , nry. a new ir u. had l>een granted and the ca«e had .a;n over unt . the present term The euutisc. t.r prisoner had now agreed to rrier ibe case, under the An of Assembly to the derision of the Court U|>on Ibe evidence which hud been formerly submitted M'UILLSfc ROE LOCAL MATTERS. Uiry ;if>■ h;u*!i'* the Com- roonwex.tti. t,> piylhe o'Ms o' the prosecution and to stand con,milled tintii the k-i;lcu« should be complied w:l;i Heury )iiitUs convicted of larceny, was sen tenced to ji.iv a tme ol f'i eeuls to the Common wealth. t tie expenses of the proaeculion. and to le conhned in Uie Western Penitentiary, tor tne term three years The tiourt then adjourned tul Monday morning t ten i> clock Tut: Firm or S aivk A; Atki>»*j!« n«* rrcent been lormed tiy Mr. Win. R Scaile, who has for many years Seen weli and lavorably known aa* u worker tn tin. copper, and sheet irfto, and Captain James Atkinson recently >1 the Steamer American Eagle- and long known a* one of the moat popular v'UMminders on the Western was ters. They have n.-.w extended their busmc-M 10 aa to include black «uiitßing of any k od, but mote particularly an connected with steamboat*. They are prepared in runn*h anything in that line at tne shortest n.-in e. They ulso are engaged in build' mg stranib >-os from the keel upwards, and many which they have already built, maintain a high reputation o the aeveral trades to which they l*e long In |• r*ail ol tin*, we need but refer to the Fort FiU drogned firthe Allegheny river the Pitser M.ilcr. fir cotton trade. Arrowhee. American Kogn . Cornet Arc CompauKs, < r and we hope .t umjr continue Yesterday morning there weie only three person** bei.-re * aptun Herron, aud us maav ou Saturday while the Mayor of Allegheny has had no employment in that line for some days. UxtSTßAnon oi thk Sabbath —Two negroes anesled on suspicion of larceny, were playing all day on Sunday at '• All Fours,'' in their ceil, m lh< watch house. By the President of the United Btotes. in purwance of law, I, JAMES K. POLE, President of the United States of America, do hereby declare - _ - ■——■ . and make known, that public tales will be held at the ETPHff.ta PACKET LISK, nndermenuoned land office* in the Stale of WISCON* FOB PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, SI.N, at the period* hgreuuiter designated, to witr _____ Rxciasiveiy for Passenger* At the land office at the Fall* of ST CROIX river, IfTP —The Rn,t« nf ihit Line will les.e commencing on .Monday the fourth day of June next. ** - - follow*, at 9 o'clock at night: for the disposal o. the public land* situated within the Kentucky—Capt H Tniby, Monday. April 1«. undermentioned rowmntps and part* of Township*. Louisiana—Capt J P Thompton. Tuesday 17 VIZ Indiana—P Burkey, Wednesday. I'' North of the Bate Line, and W tat of the fourth prtn- Ohio—A Craig. Thnrtday. IP ctrvt/ Kentucky—H Trubv, Friday. 20 i l^)tu*iana—J p Thompton. Saturday. 21 f rucUuiiii: lewn'iny :wemy,five. and townsnip* Indiana—P Burtey. Sunday. 22 : wpiiiy • *ix, iii;n j. thirty thirty-two. ol range Ohio—A Craig. Monday. 23 »evcniren Kentucky—H Truby, Tuesday. 24 Fractional iown*n.p« twenty-live .and twenty-Mi, Louitiann—J P Thompson. Wednesday. 2S und lownsmps one. ihmy-two. ami thirty-three. Indiana—P Burkry. Thursday. 28 oi range eighteen Ohio —Capt A Craig, Friday. 27 Fractional lowi.-mp t-.venty .* v x. and township'* Kentucky—H Truby. Sa'.arday. 2S twrn'.y-inne. dnnv '.nree. und ihirty-iour, ot range Lomiiana— J l* Thompson. Sunday. 29 nineteen * ' For passage apply to W SUTCH. Township* tti.ry- three, thirt) tour, and thirty-tivc. of ■ Monongabela House, range iiventi i. aplfi or D LEECH A Co. Canal Basin Ar no: »*vs r_*i c. commencing on Monday, the l nurd day oi September next, for the disposal of alt the ' /f lO 4A i lB4 y St e .tr.» I PITTSBURGH and clevbland quarter-quarter »eetion*. at not les* than five dollars j T TIVTTT' per acre, eicept the section* and part* of sections, if I lil 11 i l *. any. covered by those mining lease* which shall not be I nNI TH _ PF vsjRVI VaNf a determined by the day hxed for the commencement of IWJ THE P!ENNB> I ANIA AND OHIO CANALS, me public .ele, .ccordan,-, wiih me provi.ion. of T*H K Proprietor, of til. old en,b ~hcd ,„d popular u.r an. approved ombr rn.rd dev of Mereh, etghleeo J- daily lute eo,.,„imj of SIXIT,hN Cra, rl„, Hundred und tortv-seven entitled * n ari in orene an ! Bo* l *- owned by themselves and running in eonnec additional land .Linrt in the Territory of WISCON- i “ n p * ut ‘ lhc ‘‘'V", AND CALFUJ m.bor,h OR* _ ... J C MDWXLL, D. W Town«nip« fiH.n-en. fifteen. ‘ and uxteen, of range Township* twenty. twenty-one. and twenty-two. of range three Township* nineteen ’wentv, twenty-one. and twen ty.two. of range lour Township* nineteen and twenty, of range five. Tnwn«hip« eighteen nineteen, and twenty, of range Townahip* eigiitcrn. nineteen, and twenty, of range Township* eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, ot range Fractional township eighteen, and township* nine teen and twenty, of range tune Fractional township eighteen, and townships nine teen and twenty ot range ten Fractions! township* eighteen ami nineteen, and township twenty, ot range eleven. Fractional township* nineteen and twenty, of range Fractional township twenty, of range thirteen, lyutds appropriated by law for the use of sehoolt. military, ami oilier purpose*. win i>e excluded from the talc* The otfering ot the above mentioned land* will be commmtccd on the day* appointed, and proceed in the ordet in whieh thev lire advertised, with a,l conve nient despatch, until the whole shall have been offer ed. and the sale* ihui closed. But no sale shall tie kept open longer than two weeks, and no private en try ot any ot the land* w ill be admitted until alter the exp'ration ot two week* (~vrn under rav bend hi the city of Washington this twenty-*evenih dny of February. Anno Do nun one ihou*A"d nun! hundred and forty-nine. Bv me President JAMES K. POLK. RJ' MAKD M YOUNG, .ommissioner of the General Land Office rpHK public are respectfully informed that J M. To the PnbUc. I MARSHALL A CO. hire fined oat new and The lands embraced in ibe above proclamation are splendid Packet Boats to run during the season, be* located principal:) on and adjacent to the Mississippi t ween Blairsville and Pittlburgh—the boat* to be tow and Si Cron rivers Those designated as mineral, by three horses, and every effort made to accom* are extreme;)- vaiuablr. beemuae in addtuon to the (aodate passengers. copper and other ores lound m them, they are well will leave Pittsburgh every watered, and have ready access to market, cither to Monday, Thursday and Friday, at 7 o’clock, the South, by the Mississippi river or to the Last, by r M From Blairsville Vvery Monday, Wednesday, the waj ot me lake, and me several Unes ot coinmu- Thursday and Saturday. at 7 o'clock, *. and arrive ni'-suon that connect therewith. at Pittsburgh the same day A two horse Hack from Valuable umber and at; other necessary requisites Indiana will meet the boat at Saltsburgh. both on up* for bmldmg and smelting. are lound In great abun- ward and downward trip—putting passengers through dance an.l oi ibe finest quality The climate is heal- from that place in one day. my and pleas mi- the cold being rarely more intense Freight for ibe above Line will be received at the than i i the northern pan ot New \ork —and many of house of the Boatmen’s Line, by Jno Farren A Co., the lunds are exceedingly 'eru e. producing a.I the who are our authorised Agents. All frright received gram* and vegetables mat can be laiseu in Massa- tree of comratsaions J M MARSHALL ACo rhu-etu ornormeru New \ ork JNO FA RRKN A Co, A genU, Map. showing me localities oi the mines and other , Canal Basin, Lioerty st, Pittsburgh va:uu: ie iitbirmation relating thereto, derived Irom the a Hack leaves Blatrsvllle for Youngstown on the geoiogicai survey. Ac , wmch cannot be embraced in arrival of the ’mat—returns to boat in morning Fare this tinei notice, will be prepared and deposited in the iron Pittsburgh lo Youngstown Sti— received at office laud offi.T at !*t ‘ f viX ,of in»pecu©ji ss early as prac* 0 f Boatmen t Line through. ap9:d6m liral'ie s.rftire me ■ ommeneeineui of the public saies - - -- - PITTSBURGH AND EUIE LINE. Notice to Pre-emption Claimants- » 1849. USssrf »l„p» above enumerated, It required to eatablnh the ■BK3BI name to the »s!m»euon oi tin and receiver ol tile proper .and other, uml make payment Iheretoi i« •oon a- pru ..oab.c aster M-riiif ttua notice, and be (ore n( 'i.p tanJ» erabra' inr the iract claimed. Olnei * lie *u. li .laim Wl.l be forfeited. RICHARD M VOLNIi Cosiiui. *i(»ne: o< ine lienerai Land Office Old Ettabliibed Line. ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. rpHE Proprietor oi thu well known Line of Canal Boat*. i» now prepared to transport Passenger* and F> eight to ailpoint* on the Kne Exteaiion, New York Canal* and the Lake*, upon the moil favorable term* and wiU> despatch. Thu run* in connection with tbe (team boat* BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between Pituburjb NOTICK. anil Bearer. C M Reed'* Lane o( «teatn boat* and re* KALI.?* tJ» CROIX - »e.» on tbe Lake*, and the Troy and Michigan Lake The stai'» oJvrrii*r*d ai-ove to !•* held at Uir land oi Boat Line on the New York canal. jur r » ou tr I i ipru it ft til tilt unit VI DUUI i-l tit tin tllv ~ t- .. t wi • ' - tire »; tne - > Si laoii Rirr f „n t), r roiiTii C M REED. Proprietor, Erie, Pa day or Jm an.: "!•- :n.h: .la' oi >t}-TKMin ikii. Bidwell A Brother. Agenu, Bearer Ad; no; i.r hr.ti. n i t hi«< in--,, orgamr- W T Mather. Agent at J Meakimen'* Pauenger ri | ouioi art «f t =iw In »:<. ■•! ' i:;g .11 ;!i<* Sta’e 01 W;» Ofßee. Uonongahcia houae. Pittsburgh ■ .*>:* a;.o -n- .and ottn ■ : :n»: par* m tne |>rni*.r' CONSIGNEES- W C Malan. Sharon, JE A S Hal!. o: MvrfMjr* nnTiiiK ’-ern aliened io b- rrmoed 10 Bh*rp*burg. Smith A Downing, do; J P Plummer. .' »rti* :r 'in :ui>J utirr :n.r.''h Jiy of Ju'« -%Y e»l l«reeuville. Wick. Achre A Co. do, Wm Henry, itfx' t- sr ■ i.i Congrra*. approT'O Mareii 4«! IH'J Harutown. Davit A Sultoii, Buffalo, Barner. Gibb* A B\ 1- Pre.,,i<-t ; L TAYLOR Co, Senduakv. Jim A Armstrong, Detroit, Kirkland A Rtt'HAKh M 'il’lNt. Newberry. Shebot gar., M’Clurr A Wil lam». .Mllwao- i'onit!i.-«ini:rr ,>f :n- t.*T,ere] l.snd Orti-p kie. Knap Murley A Dalton, Racine. John H Kinxie. Mar- a U-t" lt*wv\* Chicago. A Whrr -T A Co, New York. af>3 ■V'lll MttHit.i.rK' ,*v,| tinovrd ,r„!«i No i:u rTAcmAS-S-ilistoßY OF ENGLAND— Bui- I N.'.t iry and 1:4 l-Oerty '.-reel, offer lor saiegoods !▼ I irr't c-duion. containing all the matier. verbatim a. -.i i.iw« :n a-irt now .sliding vir et literatim of Vo * l ami "J of the London ediuon. em * Coder new crop 1.e..-..i,cd with a portrait of the author— t Volt in one. o•'»1*v <• r n me"l Java 'otfrr Pricr. . <,mp;cic. St'c A iargr .Uppiy oftne above re , . . nr H i- Np* (Irlfi-ii-ium «ei red «nd !Of IBC tIT JOHN H MKLLOR, i.V. uu.. r a “ano.rMo..MV 8 me id- _ SI wood »t lui •• S: James Sugar House Molasses, tl-uhfcb Young Hy-on t'ra. 1 4‘- do and Imperial Tea. 1 new An c:n Cliu an Powrholig Jn (crop. Tti d«. cAt->• I-x* 1 H arid ('• I 1 do li»i be* shut Hr “*il Sugar •a hi >*ti 1 11 iv ana do preaeM §W- igmga,**. Jr va 1,. 1.1. P-WK-, m ■'«“? <* a»“b,J“r.»uity ulokWHa, u «... K*i t»oic« Mm-ari in * and iHi »un'a*«ed by any esiabluhment in Union. 11*1 do M* >(i Buni'ii ttuitin. ’ B*»ide. a lar*e and full uwnmem of paper of theit M do ' ilo do o„ ,c uv-- own manufacture, they *r-now recelYtn* a direct tin* do Jo Jo ' '“ 5 "" |>onatidii of French and £nglt*h style* ofTMtt Hang •mi r •• Jo to do m*«. purchaaed by Mr Leri Howard. ane of the firm. !.n» L'»,l.. Ml. Sir .1 y A IniuTiili. "»»“ Kur°l». colj.i.dl., ol . u hnioid lotiarro I’aniitD manufaeiure lO.Onn pieces. w Bordeaux und Mar*eiitr.O-iv* i>u London do 5.01 W do •Aim-' i-n u m i.i.i. \n 'I Oc thru own manufacture they bare 100,000 piece* * y •' * tloupi ia*i .i.»'ciire»e " ' Wall Paper, and 12,U0U piece* «atin flared Window aLr, » -Tin n ail.- .or-n* srwt,, c>, B.uuia,4r in.) •• i.ipd.'-.p., r,orin 'w* f \\ ii«,r u, Me»«r» Jame* Howard kOn hare »parcd neither IiKM rudr . .. jj,, expen*e nor labor in their endeavor* to riml the ea*l- Ji; imi'rui «ml niiii I’nnoiiwi S-e«r. rfn P a P rr eatahliahment*. both in quality of man* m, I),/,na j 0“ *' ufarture and variety of pattern, and they are wurrant v n r.!-'. i of ae Hrii'dv of vannu* brand* 1,1 ••‘‘irutf the publir Uiat they hare *uccecded. ' * iipo • Jiuimru Sn'nt« The wtloiC a»*ortmeut. lorei*n and home manufae l 'it*tet'lloi'it d c‘.n U * * ;ure. will !>r offered on term* a* tow a» tho*e of eaat -u'"u-Trrr r*k* *up l>ueruje Wine ern “oouaeiufet* and importer*. mch??:dtf In ' !., Madeira Jo wittaui lustre* iia.via wit * hut , Ul i.,,pon do PALMER, lIANSA * CO., tu do ihxirlo Jo iSucee**or» lo Hu«*ey. Hanna & Co ) :,o do Sweet M«ia#a do T)ANK KRS. EXCHANGE BROKERS. and dealer* Id lndtaa b’,.» do Jo J J m Foreifi. and Domeatic Exchange. Certificate* ljtind»t urt, Ytiqteak* Haul Siutnu ->fDej>OMie. Ban* Note*, and Specie—Fourth tireet. to earn • >u.i Bordeaux Claret, nearly oppo*ite the Hank of Pm«i>ur|h. Current too „i ou*nei« Champagne Wine. ney received on depo»tte—Sight Check* for »ale. and ■j ,| Ol iu , ir xomach Bitten, collection* made on nearly all the principal point* in ii.J pure K>c Wnuke) tfotn Ito 5 year* old the United stale. # o!i MII.I.ERA HICKIJTSON The tugheai premium paid for Foreign and American Cold A CARD. Advance, made on conatfnnienu of Produce.itnp loHN KKI.I.V ii«) . t .ucce..or* to Robb. Wine- ped Eat. aon liberal apd brener A 10. tale Merchant Tailor*.) No 1W i r n snl’l'U CHESTMT >tree: above Ti-ud.* ... **' j* ’ leave to .'>rni ui*.r fr.end* and patron* that they A HOT DC V Q. Q d COQOUIIOf fit liQW< nave j the :«e.i SPRIN'i AND SL'MM tR f. T LOl'lS. MO. FASHION- win. a tarye a»«onmem of New Style Wul |ive pamoular attention to the collection of l»een earemily wlecicd in Part*, Raraar^cioi—Hon. R Coulter. Supreme Bench, Pa., Loudon, A c Meetri Lyon. Short) 4 Co. St Lorn* Wood. Abbott A llj- >ir- ■ t-T* Fhuadelpbia, are reepeettui- Co'piulad’*, JiTO H Brown A. Co. do, Mr . Charleo i*i» ,(r 1 call Bud rxamine iheir ritenuTr *ioek Wellm*. do, Mahoooy ACo New York. Chme ni> > <.»m dpn Bli»* ACo do; Bauehcr A Orendorff Baltimoi 'M7IA KiBHl-IK I’ASTK-Ju»t receiv.r.r, k rro«« WF* A Murdoch, do, F-ove, Martin A Co. do. M loino* ot RuMirr Paalr. a »U(>mor ururlr, tiijhly John Falconer. Meaar* Lorcnx, Sterling ACo FiUj ijinrtai.i to |>er»on« ilia wuh to keep 'iinr vet dry l*ur|f*i, For»>the ACo do, Hampton, *mith A Co. d< preti.i:- - - i-.vt «r !t.m r ■ acting m,,i m : ;ik<- i Mr 1 S \\ Merman, do. mcli*** ■non ■ -.t.- «i the li.dia Rubber Depot. ■i uvrr .1 I \\ 00. l Ml - l J 4 H PHILLIPS HOARDING. ir .(.ci-uuily announce 10 her public. lhai »he it now pre- f*-i1 tu arcOmmodo <■ K>«id>*r« Hemlem - **, Second rprl ; . cl - Al . r , „:ij \\ ood, dd door from Wood TANSKK8 1 OIL* vbnutiir RLtSDR “V, ~ re * , k . . . . . . X before—made on the non approved Eaaiern plana— on, -J onntanily on Hand Oloachod and nnbloacl, (lld m „„ f „ hlo „|, te K,„,„ andcoloii. Alao ad wiiit.t and 'puns Aparin F.iephani and W bale ili. THK eHEAP BOLL, or IIOSroN BLIND, on hand AI.O, l.«hi rol.;rd «>l.clrd N « W h... Oil, or m^r „d or ,„ d a, all pH..., ,tt i! A-rsriV MAi’HI\»'RV-Th* lllhl . ri . Country Merchant* and other* arc itmicd to call and l’A TF.iN T OU. h‘ ’* M A V‘' N . ~ M - exatiunr the above for theraeelvea, qs all mil br told «" am no. j,.p U i lo "Wi j*" ■' wholeaale o, reta.l.and a d.dn.ti.n mad. 10 m anv uuautitv. mncnini*tj, tnanui«ciurer», xc , are , , , . JSq«ea«ed to rill and examine the article, t'eruficatea who, 1 e “ , « P“"h«er* of u» elfirai’v ttjul •upenonty over a I other otla, from 401 l> aevernl 01 our modi <- * tensive maiiuiaciurer*, are tu oar Al.i.K\A, NhKDLKiv ajrt *i 'CI and £1 nm:h wlmrven, near Cheititui «t., febld-eudUtn Philadelphia OREM & HOPKINS, iLaie John M Urtm k Co.) } N. W u>b>>k Market a.xe Chablxs Smm, HALTIMOJIK 11*ol'I.D unarm Merchant* and Merehant Tailor*. VV unit they nave lined up the floor* over their Tai loring and Clothing department, lor the tale by the piece of Cloth*. Casitincrc*. Vetting*, Tailor*' Trim (iii ntrm, ami all article* adapted lo the trade. ]*he lib* rial patronage licitowrd upon liiem, in this department »i then huameiA, ha* induced them to en-afgo their warehouse, lo enable them to meet their Inareaaed irinlr, Oncol the partner* who hai had long expert f.irc in bu»»ne*», will drvotr hi* whole Unir lo pur* c-ha*mg; and buyer* may rely upon finding a large Mork of whatever i* ino»l deurnble of European and American manufacture, the: money can procare N-w t.lotb room* wul be opened on the lit March. Kniraiicr on ( harim street fehabeodUm^ PORTORA IBfS'iPlTlOfK, «u COKRtI CITY, XI MM. be opened (D V ) for the admission of young VV (ienilrmeii nti Monday, the Old day of April Tkßxa, (parable in advance) per aeasion of 5 months English. na«ncs! and Mathematical depart me in ... 834 English department SIO A limited number of hoarder* will be received f\>r tr*liinoiuai*. retrrrnce* and additional inlorma' linn, enquire ol me Principal W COPELAND, A. H , case s M de Lame; H ■■ |.awns and Musltn* 35 - eottoo and linen 1W - bleached Mu*ltns,all j Gingham*: • grades, i 30 “ ooPd Mualtnat 4u •• shirting Check* and j ?7 •• Bipkas Otnioa domestic Ginghams, \ ade* and summer •JM) •• Brown Muslin*, ” ' Also, cases and packages of Bonnets, Flowers, La , rr«, Ribbons, Silks, Shawls, Berege*, White Goddi, ■ MUimery Articles, Cloths and Casstmerfis, Linsirk, Ho siery and Gloves, Ac. Ac. i City and country merchants skill find'thetrstock a* ! large and desirable as Eastern stocks, and an exami nation of their goods and prices Cannot'fail to con vince all that with their undeniable advantage* and la.-iiitir*. they ean compete wtth antEsnsaN JoSBXit. , Hu* lai-( has l>een clearly demonstrated to hundred* I of their patron* who formerly purchased East. Tbeir i stock will always be found eampletn. np7 ] Notice to the Public. WK hereby notify our friends and correspondent* at home and abroad, that we will not. itanaa Al»t cikUDJUTfJtcxs, receive freight from any Boat for which J. Nowton Jones t* agent. aplt RHODES A ALCORN. MACAULA Y’S ENGLAND—Cheap edition, ui one volumq full bound, halfbound, and paper cover*. P rices 50 cents and upward* Also, Harpers’ fine edition to 3 vols; u full Gesemus' Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament; third ediuou, retired, with large additions, etc. Jnst published. For sale bv ap7 . R HOPKINS. Apbi'o Buildings, 4th »t TRANSPORTATION LINES. PITTSBURGH POBTABLE BOATUHE For the Tranepmtotv/n of J'rngktto and from. PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE. N. r “ YORK, BO9TON. Ac. Thomas BaaaiDOß, Philadelphia. Tsarnc* O’Costroa, Pituburgh. THIS old established Line being now in full opera tion, the proprietors are prepared with their u«ual exieuMve arrangement* to forwarfl merchandise, pro duce Ac to and from the .bore portion liberal term*, with the regularity. despatch and safety peculiar to their mode of transportation so obvious. when tran shipment on the tyav u avoided. , Ail consignment* by and for ihta lute received, char ge* paid, and forwarded in any required direction* tree of charge for commission, advancing or sioragc. No lute real, directly or indirectly, in steamboat*. All communications promptly attended to on appuca uon to the following agents: THOS. BORBIDGE3TB Market at, Philadelphia. TAAFFE A O'CONNOR, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. O’CONNOR A Co. North «t. Baltimore. meh« BOATMENS’ LINS* 1849. JjWSfl£l ■CBESSfiSi For the Transportation of Mercnandisc net ween PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA. A BALTIMORE. Goods shipped by thi* Line, are earned m four* section Portable Boats. THE subscribers having made arrangements in case of a want of State Trneks at Columbia, 10 have their Roods forwarded over the Railroad* in cars, 10 as to avoid the detention that has heretofore occurred for the want of Trucks. Shippers wui find this to their advantage. No chanres made for receiving or ship, ping, or lor advancing charges. Ali goods forwarded with despatch, and on as reasonable terms as any oth ' -ne JOHN FARRKN A Co. corner of Cannl and Liberty sL Puuburgb. P K. FRKTZ A Co, ,165 Market si, Philadelphia. mcba4:d3m 1849. UNION LINE, 9 C BrDWXLL, Beaver ON THE PENS'A AND OHIO CASALS. Ceawtoeh A Chamht»i.i7» Cleveland, O J R G. Paxis. Beater, Pa \ pTO P rt - THIP Line will be preps ed on the opening of navi gation. to transport Ireight and Paasengcr* from PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on the Cana) and LaJce* The facilities of the Line are unsurpassed in number, quality and capacity of Boats, experience of captains, and efficiency of Agent*. One Boat leave* Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with to*- ■trainers LAKE ERIK AND MICHIGAN Between Pittsburgh ami Beaver, and a line of first ela* Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lalces Aoxtm—R G Parke Beavrr, Pa Jesse Baldwin. Youngstown. Ohio M B Taylor, Warren. •' Cvrus Prentiss. Ravenna. Wheeler A Co, Alcron. Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland, O Sear* A Griffith. Buffalo, N V. JOHN A. CAUGHKY, Agent, Office, eor Water and Southfield ns. Pittsburgh. tnchSLly _ _ BEAVER PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. 4—Cupt. Gilson LAKE ERIE, Gordon fItHE above regular and well known Beaver Pack* X eta, have commenced making their daily trips 10 and from Beaver, and will continue to run between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as Michigan No 2 leave: Pittsburgh daily at 9 o clock, A. M., and Beaver at 2 o’clock. P. M Lake Ene leaves Beaver daily at U o'clock, A. M., and Pittaburph at 3 o’clock, P M These steamers will run in connection with R G Parks' Express packet Line, for Erie, Taylor A LeffitngwelT* Warren Packets; Union lane of Freight Boats tor Cleveland, Clarke A Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight Boats. R G Parks daily New Castle Packet*. CLARKE. PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh, mch3l eor Water and Smithfield *t* »aeaiB49.gfciia BINGHAMS’ TRANSPORTATION LINE jiiun BmoitaM, W*. Bi.vqham, Conducted on stnci Sabbath-keeping principles. THE Proprietor* of ibis old established Line have pul their stock in the mo-l complete order, and are thoroughly prepared to forward Produce and Merchan dise to and from the Eastern cities. We trust that our long experience m the carrying business, and zealous attention to the interests of cus tomers. will secure to us a continuance and increase of the patronage hitherto extended to Bingham * Line. Our arrangements will enable u» to carry Freight with the utmost despatch, and our prires shall always he at low as the lowest charged by other responsible Lines. We have opened an office in No Market met, between 4lh and sth »u, Phliada, for the convenience Produce and Merchandise will be received and for •arded. East and Went, without any charge for for rarding. advancing freight, storage or commission. Bill* of Lading lorvearded, and every direction prompts attended io. Addse'*s. or apply to W.M BINGHAM, Canal Basin, cor Liberty A Wayne sis, Pittsburgh. BINGHAMS A DOCK, No Inland 270 Market street, Phi-ana. JAMES WILM)N, A gen'. ’ No 122 North Howard »treet. Baltimore WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, Bichiil N" 10 West street. New York Pennsylvania Canal A Rail Road Ex- prsn.Past Packet Line, «tei^ilB49..gßgLfift. FROM PITTSBCGH TO PHIDAbELPHU A RaL- TIMORK. tExclnsively for Passengers ) rrtHK public are respectfully informed that ihi* Line I wii! commence running on the 19th inrt, and con tinue throughout the Season. The boats arc new, and of a superior class, with en larged cabins, wtuch will give greater comfort. The r> are the latest coosimcuon A boat will always be in port, and traveler* are re quested to call and examine them before engogme pas sage elsewhere (Fare only nine dollars through.) One of the boat* o this Luce will leave the landing (opposite U 9. Hotel comer of Penn street and Canal, every night at nine o’ clock Time day*. For informauon. apply at lh< Office. Monongahela House, or to D LEECH A Co KIER’S PORTABLE BOAT LINE, For the I'ran.po. iau«>n the fact that the Beat* employed by them ir transportation, are owned by them and commanded t>) expenrnced captains. Shipper* of Meat in Bulk will find it advantageous to ship by Uu* lune. a* the subscriber* nave made nr rangement* at Colombia to have such Ireigh* lor Bai umore handed directly from bout* to car*, thereby sa vine narebouse handling Freight n> Philadelphia goes through in th< boat*. No charge made for receiving shipping or advancing Barge* KIERAjitNES Proprietors Canal Basiu, Seventh street AGENTS—John A Shaw, Cincinnati, O , Jno Mi Cuiiough A Co Balumore; Ja* Steel A Co , pcimidr phta, Franci* A Thoma*. Colombia mchdt PENNSYLVANIA CANAL* H. HtM'<3, mam EXPRESS FAST PACaET LINE, Ptiisburgh to Pkiiodeiyhui and liahtmvrr. (KiCiUsively for Passenger* ) THE public are respectfu’ly informed that Uu* Line si 1 ; romrae”ce running on Monday, 19th March The boa:* ol this Line arc of a superior c.ass, with enlarged cabin*, which will give greater comfort to pause niter* A boat will always be m port, and travrjrr* arc re quested in ca.i and examine them before engaging ps*- sugc by other route* Tney wi.i leave the, op posite the C S. Hotel, corner Penn street and Cnnui. every tught at 9 o'clock HAKE—NINE DOLLARS THROUGH Day*. For information, apply at the office. Monongahe House, or to U LF.F.CH A Co. Cana; B-i*m. N B —The proprietors of the above Line are now building all additional Line of Packet*, to run as above on or about June Ist, in connection with the Pennsyl vania Rail Road from Lewistown to Philadelphia Ai ihat time a packet will leave every morning and even ing. Tune through, 3J day* mcMO _ RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, For the transportation ol Aicrctidniuzc. BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH (T OOD9 earned on thi* Line arc not transhipped y between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being car ried in four section Portable Boa's over land and *a ter—to shippers of merchandize requiring careful handling, thre is of importance .No charge male for receiving or shipping,or tor advuncuiK charge* Ah good* forwarded with dispatch, and on as reasonable terms as by any other Lane JOHN M-FADEN A Co, Canal Banin, Penn st Pittsburgh JAS M DAVIS A Co, marl 237 Marker A 54 Commerce st, Phila JOHN McFADEN A Co, Forwarding and Commi •ion Merchants, Canal Baain, Penn st, Pittsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS A 00, Flour Factors and Commit non Merchants, 337 .Market and 54 Commerce street. Philadelphia. marl Advances mad* by either of the above on Flc Wool and other merchandixe coniigned to them tale; _ marlff 1849. Herchanii’ Transportation Line. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL A RAIL HOADS, To ?hiuotlfbu ass baltusoix. THE Canal* and Rail Roads being now open, and in good order, we are prepared to forward all kinds of merchandise and produce to Philadelphia and. Baltimore, with promptness and despatch, and on as good terms as any other Line. C A McANIiLTY A Co., Canal Basin. Penn st, Pittsburgh! AoK!cr*-*CHARLEa RAYNOR, Philadelphia. rar37 ROSE MORRILL A Co. Baltimore 1849. HERCHANTS' WAY FREIGHT LINK. For Blairsvtlle, Johnstown, Holltdaysburgh, and nil intermediate places rtIHIS Inne will eonunuo to earnr all Way Goodi JL with ihmr usual despatch, ana at fair rates o C A MANTLTY A Co, Pittsburgh. D |i Wakefield, Johnstown John Miller. Hollidaysburgh. Konoco —Jamc* Jordon, Smith k Simviair. Dr F fihoeuberger. R Moore. John Parker. 9 F Von Bonn horel * Co. Wm l,cbmer A Co, Jno M'Llevm A Bros, Pittsburgh; John ivory, Sumit, Mulhollan A Ray. Jno Graff A Co, BlmriviUe. _ mch37 SSajgjS* 1849. ggemm Beaver and Krl« Btprto Paeltei Line R. 0. PARRS. Beaver, Proprietor nnilK new and elegant Paa.euger Packet*. 1 NIAGARA, Can H H Jeffrie*, PENNSYLVANIA, " 1 H Hoffman; LAKE ERIE. ' yj r “ s Tj QfEEN CITY, • J McHallv: forming a daily Line between Bearer and Erie bar commenced running. and will rnntiiur during the ten .IhlomaketUrirreeularmpa, letmnj- Bearer .fie the arrival o( the monung boat from Pi.i«borgh, (1 o clock r. u i and arrive at Erie in time for paa.ergei to lake ibe morning boat* to Buffalo or up the Lake. Ticket* ibrough lo Km nnd alt Lake port., can h had SripWM***"" 10 JO,,N A CAUOHEY. Act, comer of Water and Stmih field its or GEORGE KECK, a pj3j Q under the St Chartea Iloiel g ALERATU9 —33 bbli Saieratua, HOUSES. LOTS, FARMS, &o 969 A eras Coal Land Cor Bala, SITU ATED on the Monongahelariver, about 16mile* from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon A Short, and Mr. John Herron • purchase. This hue body of Coal will be sold at the low price of 833 per acre—one third in hand, balance in five equal annual payments, wiihoat interest. Title indisputable. Location very good—cannot be surpassed. For further particular* enquire of S. BALSLEY. who has a draft of said pro perty. Residence 2d it. below Ferry. Mr Adams’Row. N. B There i* another senm of coal on this tract, about CO feet above the lower, of excellent quality iTJfI dtf 9. B. COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOB RENT. MlO ACRES OF GROUND, situated near the Pittsburgh and Greenaburgh Turnpike, 3* miles from the city, and adjoining the Allegheny Cem etery, oil which IS erected a large and well finished two story bnek Dwelling House, together with stable*, carnage house, Ac. There is also on the premises a large variety of fruit trees, and a spring of nnn«n«i *t. cellence contiguous to the dwelling _J- 13 iv.v. YOL-Sf;, lU Übcnr .t Valuable Real Estate for Sale. THE subscriber will sell, at private sale, that valua ble Property, on me Fourth street road, adjoining ois present residence, and give possession immediate ly There are about TEN ACRES OFCHOICE LAND, in a high state of cultivation. The improvement* are a large and well finished bnck DWELLING HOUSE, a superb Barn,and otaer out buildings. Adjoining the dwelling is a running Fountain and a good Pumn, which furnishes a constant supply of excellent water. There is a variety of Fruit Trees and Shrubbery on the premises Jf the above described property is not «o!d soon, it will be reined for a time Also, for sale, a large LOT, on Pennsylvania Avenue, at the end of the board walk, inquire of apltd3m D_AVID BEELER. Valuable Baal Eatate for Sale. THE Trustees of the Western Theological Seminary having decided to sell, on perpetual lease, a por tion of their property in Allegheny cur. offer on very favorable terms, from 30 to $0 Lots of different «!»*« A warrantee due will be given A plan of the lots can to seen at No. 129 Wood street. For paniealajo, enquire of either of the undersigned Committee JOHN T. LOGAN, ALEX. LAUGHLIN, MALCOLM LEECH, H CHILDS, SAML. BAILEY. At a very low Rant. MA TWO mory Brick House. on Federal su, one door above ibe northwest eorner of the North Common, Allegheny—wide hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on the firm floor. Four rooms on ad mory, with a finished ante. Possession to he had immediately. Inquire of JE 1 1_ OK° B MILTEN BF.RCER, B 7 Front st Valuable HaaJ Batata for flats, THE following property in the city of Pittsburgh, and near the borough of Manehcster, on the Onto river, is offered for sale on accommodating terms: 3 Lou (beutg suh-diviuou of Lot No 4G9 in the plan of the city of Pittsburgh,] having tK> feet front on 80- venth street, by *iu fcot to Strawberry alley rear Grant street. 10 one nrrr Lou fronting on an Avenue, & feat ide, running from Beaver road to the Ohio rivei. aiJ imng Phillip*’* Oi Cloth Factory. For term*, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY or JAMES O’HARA, Burke'* Building, 4th «t. Lot on Liberty Street for Lena*. ONE LOT, 4‘J feel from on Liberty street, by 110 feet to Brewery alley, nearly opposite Wen street, and convenient 10 the Monongahela river, wilt be leas j ed for a term of years. Enquire of CHARLES B SCULLY, or JAMES O'HARA, • _febd-tf _____ Bnrko’s Budding, 4th il MFOR RENT.—A con vented two story brick dwelling house, situate on Laeock street, a few door* above Anderson street. Allegheny city, contain* mg five room*, hall nid kitchen—cellar and wash house —covered with slate Pleasantly located—ac quire of EDMUND WILKINS. Ltber.y st apiatf near the bead of wood »l Valuable Property for Bale, 'HE NINTH WARD OK PITTSBURGH —Sdv il Lot* on Baldwin and Liberty street*, in the ’»ni, U 4 feet ny IDO. and adjacent the proposed of the Centra 1 . Railroad. For term* innaire of CHARLES B. BCULt-Y, or James O'Hara, Burke'* Building, 4th it MFROM In of April noit, on reuon&bie terms, to good tenant*. six comfortable two story Brick Dwelling*, 'vith cellar*; vaalu and back build* mgs, situated on Robinson ami Craig street*, Aileghe ny city. Enquire of SWEITZKR 4 REED, mnrS:dtf Office Third st, opposite St Charles Hotel Turn. Bi.ubah. Jacob Doeg. FOR BALE. M AFFINE two story Unck House, pleasantly situated on the hill directly back of Mr. Andrew Watson's property, near Pennsylvania avenue. me bouse and lot wii! be sold very low for co*h. For further information apply to D W. AA. S BELL, Attorneys at Law, 4th street, between SrnithfieJd and Grant. ap!3af BTORE TO Let. MTO LET, lor oue or more years, the three sto ry Building on Wood street, and adjoin ink the sbop nna store of Robert H. Hartley. The two upper stones nave been filled up a* a dwel ling house, and ma> be *ull so occupied if a tenant wishes. me UAt if NEVILLE B. CRAIG. ON frvorable terms— K IjO. of Ground on ihe south wde of Perm rtrec., near ifie Monongeiicla river, fronting ?0 feet on P<-i.n street, and extending UO feet in depth to an a ley A) ft wide; a most desirable looa uon either for private residences or for manufacturing purpose* Enquire of J SCIIOONMAKKR 4 Co, icbid No i!4 Wood st Property Its Allegheny City for Sals< THE 'H KOBINSON. A'.ty at Law, rit Clair »t »r oi Jas f{i>U|.\S**N. on iheprenuaea. mv.7;d4wt:T M COUNTRY SEAT TO LET—A two “story Brick Dwelling, with acres highly improved Land, suuat-d in Oakland, to let from Ist April next. hardy, jones 4 Co, febit- 44 Water street MKUR RENT—For one to three year*, from the firm o( April next • large two stoned brick Dwelling Hoa«e. pleasantly situated on the bank oi the Ohio river, adjoining the borough of Munches, ter, with about four acres ol land, out buildings, fruit trees, Ac. Jcc Apply to joh MA LARUK and we.l finished Room, second rtory, on ilie corner of Wood anil Third streets, above-.he Kichange office of "m H William!*. Possession given irnmedtairly. Inquire of jai M'lilLLS k ROK. il>l Liberty »t MIS-tN<* —A large Box. directed 10 W R Murphy> fti:i«bur*u H vtu.* taken by a drayman from the Canal Uasm store o- W R Murph), to Lave it at M'Kee * grocery store, corner of Ist and Wood streets, but wa» noi delivered, a id il is suppo-ed has been left by anstiiLe a; mui" mner nouir. The drayman's laco t» known by the person who gave nun the boi, but Ins oame and reside l re nrr not known m<*vM MTU l.Kf A large uric* Ltwc. House. •unable lor two families, situated on Federal ♦ireet. Ader.neuy. above Mr. (.raves' store. TWO MOUSES AND LOTS POa BALE MTWO LOTS on B-aver street, in the city o Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on which ts erected a frame building, two stones hich, suilabift for two small tenement*. The lots arc each twenty feet in front by one hundred feet doep, and run bark to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on the pre mises wi:l pay a very handsome inurcst on -u.i purchaser* For further panic* .ar* nppiv m llcur. W,*>d*. lid st, or to a washinuton, novil-dif -Lb. above Bmithfield at MW ARKHufSt FOR SALE—The subscriber offer* tor sale th«* three story brick Warehouse nn Wood »tr*c*„ occupied by 1 R. Tanner A. Co. apt? WM. WIUON, Jr. \r’ALUABLE' REAL ESTATE UNFENN STREET V FOR SALK—A Lot of Ground aituate on Penn ♦treet, between Hay and Marbury streets, admitting the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards, having a front of *JS feet, and in depth 120 feet, will be sold on isvorablc terms. Title unexceptionable. En quire of C <>. LOOMIS, 4th si, near Wood. o«i\n-dif 4 DESIRABLE Building Lot in Allegheny city, fa- A vorably located, in sue about half an acre, and *i:i be sold oil accommodating terms. Inquire of >eb6 J D WILLIAMS, III) wood at FOR RENT—A room in the second stoiy, No. 851 ar> Wood »treci j«-j9 THIS delightful Summci Retreat is now open tor the reception of visiirrs Ice t'reams. Fruit, Nuu. Confectionary, and »ii the good thing* nature and art can produce, will he servrd up. in me best manner, in ' t mood alley, Pittsburgh. Pa. The Doctori* olw&Y* u . home. • No euro no p*y. TO LET. FOR SAXK, JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co To Let* Liberiy «l opposite sth FOR BALE, FOR SALE. For Sale. Greenwood Garden.