The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 23, 1849, Image 2

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Monday morning; april %>■
£S! r ’ Tn Tri- Weekly ti Fi-e pliant per
K W«U»H T— DoUan par mm, rmoi,
nodeanct. __ ■
irT-unna™ *» eameMly reqac.ia.l lo Irani in
k*r ;-I«bBfore sr. *., and as early in the day as
.heir fa Advertisements not inseilcd fora spec!
anl *»a.nablr b* chan«i crnil oniereJ oot
Advenitemeau sMsnbscnpuons to the NorthAmer
ic^Tanoiled State! Gaxeite, Philadelphia, received
and forwarded from this office.
8«« next p*B* ror. Telegraphic B«Wl<
For Local Blatter* see next page.
Lsttui Box- —The Letter Boxf has
been removed from its old situation, a window
Dearer the Post Office.
The new rooms oi the Board of Trade, in Third
Street, above Wood, opposite the St. Charles Ho
tel. are to be opened this evening for a public meet
ing. on the subject of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Railroad, to connect Pittsburgh with the great
West. Large subscriptions to the slock have been
made in Ohio, and a number of gentlemen from
that Stale are now here, for the purpose of giving
to the citizens of Pittsburgh an account of what
has been done in Ohio to promote this 'highly im*
portantwork. The invitation to the meeting U
general, and it is hoped that every Pittsburgher
who wishes to sec a railroad made to the great
west, and the great lake*, will attend.
Setup.—The ordinance of Allegheny, in relation
to us scrip, was received at so late an hour that
it did not appear on Saturday. It is published
10-day. It secures, in o.Qr-optmon, the speedy re
demption of the scrip of that city, without fail.
We see the Chairman of the Committee on city
property has offered the Old Basin property, in
this city, for sale. It is divided into twenty-four
lots, and will no douht bring a large fund iuto the
Treasury, all of wbich,*will go to redeem scrip-
We learn that the Treasurer has ceased to P*
out the city issues, so that the taxes will rapidly
absorb a large amount.
Maryland United States Senator- — Among
the names mentioned as Senator from Maryland
in place of Hon. Reverdt Johnson, is that of Hon.
John Wbthkrkd. formerly member of the House
of Representatives. Although we claim no ngbt
of interference m a mailer which concerns the
Whigs of Maryland alorre. and m whose judg
ment we have every confidence, yet we may-he
permuted to say that the appointment oi Mr.
Welheted to that high place, would give unalloy
ed satisfaction to the people of Pennsylvania, as
his able advocacy of ihe Tanff*tn has won
for him the confidence and respect of the friendi
of Home Industry in tbi« State. Although Mr
Wethered a district strongly Democratic
yet his great personal popularity carried him tri
nmphnntiy through a warm contest, and* while 11
Owgress he distinguished himself by his attach
ment to Whig principles and measures, and by hi?
effective of the tariff of 1542. The friendi
of Whig principles and of a protective land
would therefore oe pleased to see him m the Sen-
The “Journal” does not deny that it surreptitious
ly obtained onr telegraphic despatch of the Foreigr
New* bv lh« Europa, nor does It make the leas
apology for so dishonorable n transaction. I
merely tries to extenuate its owu »m, by som<
reminiscences of trausact'ons of which it allege
the Gazette is guilty, all of which occurred at
tine when we were not connected with the i>ffu:<
and of which we know nothing.
It gives ua pleasure to sav. Mr. Riddle is not
home, and ts not morally responsible for this
pass upon our rights, by hi* subordinates, nor
the contemptible justification which is attemptei
Assurance^—The Gaxeite, with oil the graces
of assumed innocency, charges the Journal with
stealing Us Telegraph news. One would suppose
from this that the Gazette never stole any thing
itself-—notwithstanding it is in a fair way to ro6 us
of about three thousand dollars,—Dispatch.
We shall require of the editor of the Despatch
to be more definite in his language, when it couples
the Gazette with robbery. Such insinuations are
an abuse of editorial privilege which cannot be
tolerated. The edttor says too much, not to say
more, and conveys an insinuation, the conse
quences of which, he might not be willing to face
A Smoke Consumer. —We had the pleasu
terday, of examining the model of a smoke consu
mer, patented by Daniel Carpenter, of New-Tork.
where it hos been put in operation, with entire
success. It consists, in addition to the supply.of
heated air immediately behind the bridge wall,.of
a succession of bridges, the dames passing -over
oqc bridge, and under the next, and sn onto the
end of the boiler; and the gentleman who showed
us the model, assured ns, that no smoke ever
reached the end ol the boiler opposite the hre cham
ber. and that tote flame was maintained from one
end of the boiler to the outer.
As a good *moUe consumer is a matter of ih«
last importance to Pittsburgh, we hope some ofoui
citizens will try it, as we understand Mr. Carpentei
is willing to come here, and fit op one consumer
for the purpose of testing it, without charging any
thing for the patent or his own expenses. Who
speaks first 1 His address is 14£* Nassau street.
New York.
Free Pittsburgh from us smoke and it will b<
come, for many reasons, ope of the most pleasant
inland lownA to the United States, aod Us growth
and prosperity, and especially the increase of fine
private residences would be proportionally rapid.
If any smoke consnmer can be fotfnd which will
answer the purpose* without fail, at all times,
smoke wiil be made a nuisance, and our manufac
toring establishment*, which now belch forth such
immense volumes ol gas and coal dust, will be
compelled to consume it, thus benefittiog them
*elves without annoying the public. The «avingcf
fuel alone would amply repay the expense, but
that is a small consideration compared to the comtort
ot the people of a great city.
Art Union at Phiijikulphia.—Tin.* is au as
cociation for the encuuragemeut ol the Fine Arts
and the promotion of a cojreet taste, similar t
the association in New \ ork.
Each subscriber of Dollars becoim
ber of the An Union for oue year.
The money ibas obtained u applied, lirst, to the
procuring or a large aad cosily engraving, from un
original American picturrf, of which every mem
ber receives a copy : and next, to the purchase of
Pictures, Drawings, or other worts of An, wuh
■ the funds distributed by lot among the
for that pnrpose
Thus, for the sum of Five Dollars, every mem
ber is sure of receiving s fine engraving (worth
alone the amount of his subscript,on) and the
chance of obtaining a hue original Painting, to b e
SELECTED DY HIMSELF from any public ex
hibition in the United States,
The first Monday in May annually, being the
time fixed by the by-laws lor the distubut
prues it it desirable that all subscriptions .
be received before the last Monday in April.
Oor readers will perceive that if they v-i-h to
avail themselves of an opportunity of ..blaming a
fine original painting, they roust subscribe this
week. Mr. Trevor.McClurg, will receive sutscrip
lions until the 26th tost.
“Tn z Ohio lUposiTOßr.’’—This paper, which is
published m Canton, Ohio, ban completed it*
year, and in mil owned and conducted k-y «t*
original proprietor, John Saxton, Esq. it is seldom
we see one person, io this country, retaining so
long the proprietorship of a newspaper. From
early manhood to green old age has Mr. Saxton
quietly pursued the even tenor of his way—diffus
ing abroad the savor of good principles, respected
by his neighbors, an honor to the profession, and
to the community m which he live*. He publish?*,
a Whig paper, of course.
“The Pxhkstlvasia CuLTiVATua, is a monthly
work, of thirty-two page*, octavo, devoted to agri
culture* It is an excellent publication, 'and we
trust it may abundantly prosper The pnee is
one dollar per annom. und u is published at Hams
burgh, by Fortes Co.
“Godky’s Unr's Boos ' for May. u illustrated
b . f oor stool engravings, and severs! wood cots,
musio, Sc, as well “ twenty-bo, page, o, ext,,
matter, malting seventy-two to «lb
_ : „ Slavei. —The people m
The faeid a meeting some
Shelby county, d *'reng resolutions against
dsys sinco, and po”f , , aves into that Slate
,ho of the resolutions brings the
ftOGd KettltUwky’ . the ensuing Legislature,
Object to the law
and ttfgM JtffenM to introduce a slave in-
PftOK SStf TO&K. - UITOV acts passed
Coriesponfleßee ofthApiiii&ttighGtxette. (coanmiZß nan Saturday.)
Nrw You, 'April 17,1&49. ' To incorporate the Charter’* Coal Company, in I
The horticulturist* of this-pectiou are in much the county of Allegheny,
trouble, in*coQKqbence of (lih loioafyearalo their To, locorporue the Erie eod W.terford Plank
. . ■ * noad Company,
garden*, by the {pat of the past feet day*. After Authorising the Governor to incorporate tbe
a mild season of sufficient length to develop® "veg- ReadvQle, Klecknervilla and Ediaboro Plank
elation finely, 4410 excite the warmest hope*, Road Company.
• fmat mry.n-A IS,Au , k To incorporate the Erie and Wattsburgh Plank
a frost ensued,##ftty enough to male thick ice, Comply.
and nip allHhe TJms: The greater part of the ex* To incorporate the Ene and Edinboro Plank
ou« are- with them much fruit of tbe Road Company.
more delicate,kind*. Authorising the Governor to incorporate the
* . . , MeadviUe Cambrdge and Waterford Plank Road
A newsjjpjultlion tanouf rife here, m what one
would suppose would be tbe last thitur—'Tbe fi- To Incorporate the Allegheny and Pennrville
nal resting place of mao. Cemeteries with names Turnpike Road Company.
, n.mM nfall To erect Millerstown, in the county of Perry, in*
lagubnooa and joyful, together with nsm« of aU tQ r hMd elecli ’ Q atfd di * rto 7
intermediate grade*, are now paraded before me To incorponUe lhe Philadelphia Hose Com-
theirgood qualities enumerated with the pany.
most elaborate detail- The beauties of air,, the Relating to a special election in Adams conn
landscape, the water and aU that pleases the gen To change the place of holding elections in tbe
oral taste, are ;tuily laid down, and as a final townships of Henderson and Todd, in the cooniy
argument, an estimate is made of tho rapidity with of Huntingdon,
which lhe oiwequiesof a friend can be aolemnixed- :
The Cyprus Hills Company announce that they te lhe Berwick Water Company in Co
have :succeeded in taking a company of ooe lumbia county.
hundred persons, by railroad, to their grounds, for Regulating election districts.
, ~ . The Granting privileges to certain citizens of Hano
hfleetl dollars, m the short Ume offwo hours. 1&e yer Ydrk &
troverey rests here, but the speculation is not To include partof Juniata township, io thecoun
ly of Perry, with Greenwood township, as an elec
tion district.
To repeal the provision of tbe third section ol
an act. passed 29th day of March, 1&15, entitled,
•‘An act enjoing duties upon the Attorney General
and for other purposes.”
Relative to Schools in Washington County.
Relative to the partition and valuation of tbe
real estate of Samuel Hunter, late of Franktir
county deceased.
To erect Phcroiiville, in Chester county into i
For the better regulation of the streets and alloys
of the borough of Schuylkill Haven.
A supplement to an act, entitled “An act to di»
mioish the number'Of justices of tbe peaee and so*
pervisors in tbe township of South Coventry, Ches
ter cooaty,” passed tbe eighth day oi March, ISI7.
To incorporate the Swatara Company.
Regulating streets in the borough of Indiana, in
tbe county of Indiana.
Authorizing Jonas Hassef to sell and convey
certain real estate.
Relative to the escheated estalea of Philip Mil
ler and Mary A. Morgan.
the directors of the Philadelphia
Mutual Insurance Company 10 wind up and settle
the affair* of the company and distribute the as
set* among the stockholder* and scnpholders.
Relating to the road* m East Bradford conoly
Chester countv; lo authorize the audilons of tb<
township of North Penn, to settle and pay the
claims of Edward T. Tyson.
Relative to the Mutual Fire Insurance com
nies and agencies of Matual Fire Insurance com
paniesnot chartered bv the State.
To incorporate the Susquehanna Cleartietd and
county Bridge company.
Authorizing the Governor to incorporate the
Mount Vernon Turnpike Road Company of Lu
zerne and Wayne counties, and relative to the e
leclion of judges and officers of Tarnpikes and
Bridge Companies.
To change tbe namesofMary Ann Loudenslager,
i GeorgeO. Loudensl&ger and Bartholomew G. Lou
denslager lo Lnndon
Authorizing the Governor to incorporate a com
pany to erect a bndee over the Monongahela riv
er at the fvrry of Jeremiah Davidson.
Incorporating lhe Citizens’ Insurance company oi
the city of Pittsburgh.
A further supplement to an act to incorporate
the Cumberland Val'eV Railroad company.
To incorporate the President and Manager* o
the Strattonnlle and Freeport Turnpike Road
To incorporate the village of Provideoee, in the
county of Lnzerne. into a borough
To incorporate the Hamsburgh Town Hall
Authorizing the qualified voters of Mau Chunk
Township. Carbon Ounty, to elect an additional
■tumble, and lo authorize the election of a ju*-
of the peace in Juniata Township,Blair Ccun-
ripe yet
Another old relic of New York, “forty year* of
nje,° will m a few day* yield to its fate, and be J
known no more. The City Hotel, long known a*
the fashionable tyouae, and enjoying a world wide .
reputation, has failed, and i* now to be converted
into an immense dry good* warehouse. Fashion
able society forty years ago, made this house their
rendezvous for balls and parties, and the roost de.
lightfalassociations of oor old citizens are connected
with the now antiquated house. The rush of popu
lation up town will soon Astor an ex
treme'down town hoose, and make the then lower
wards a mass ofwarehoufces.
The appointment of Philip Hone as Naval Offi
cer, and J. Prescott Half as U. 3. District Attor
ney, gives as near universal satisfaction as two
such important acts could hope to give. Both are
old and tried Whigs, of the Clay School, and able
men. Mr. Hone is a thorough merchant, and Mr.
Hall a lawyer, in whose charge the public business
will uot suffer. In the appointment of Collector ai
Bosldn, General Taylor has been equally happy
Mr. Greeley is a Whig, whose courage never faul
rs, and whose energies were never relaxed,
the darkest day*. He is a merchant in the true
rose of the word, and an eminently practical
Another swarm of California diggers left our city
t >-day IQ the Crescent City, (148 in ill.) for Cha
g-ea. The skip took out $175,000 in coin, of
which $150,000 were AtT the army, and went from
the Sub Treasury direct A gradual depletion of
the monster Is gojng much the commercial
public rejoice. • Moneyfcontinues very dear, and
people anxiously look ahead. The very late open
ing of the canal has kept back New Wk mer
chants, and complaint is made that the few buyers
here pay moderately, and buy sparingly.
The -‘barnburners,” with a dogged perseverance
that makes them bard to kill, have called a Stale
(Convention to meet M t tica. and pledge them
selver never to relax an effort until New \ork
steadily demand* “free soil.” The -hunkers are
*adly perplexed, and declare their determination
to maintain a separate orgaouatioo, and to pre
serve inviolate the “sacred lire of democracy
until its banner once more marshalls the unwash
ed to the -spoils " now so far from tWir grasp.—
The. oext Legislature, like the present, will
Whfjt wttboyt a shade of doubt, whether thrs feud
continues or not.
lii produce there » nothing new to notice
Holders of breadstuff* are willing t,. meet the
market at pjfsent rates, or come a shade under.—
A good deal of the floor and meal mat has been
-old lately, was held on country owners’ account, :
and they paid dearly for their opinion that
prints would Tire.
The d*Bi of the Rev. Dr. Power has cast a
gloom overate Catholics of ibis region. He was
m every Mby no hunor and an ornament io the
sad Ted prts?<3fon*ti which he was devoted. His
public abrttJms on charitable occasions never fail
ed \o draw Crowds, who now mourn his loss, as
oteU as the more humble beneticiane* to whom he
endeared himself, by attentions rendered at their
homes. He strove to excel in the practice of the
tinstian virtues, and none here deny that he suc
•ded welt. l -
FROM Mexico.
The New Orleans Delta has files of newspa
pers from the city of Mexico to the 29:h uli”
mo, and from Vera Crux to the ‘2d tostanl
We extract the annexed summary of their con-
The Senate of Congress had 'adopted ;be act
which had already passed the House of Represen*
tativea, authoriring the Government to negotiate
the instalment of on* million -and • half of dollars,
payable in May next, by the United States- The
measure was strenuously opposed in both Houses’
bot waa finally earned by* a majority of
The Monitor says it ia a triumph of the Administra
lion party over the SanUnistia and revolutionary
factions, and is calculated to strengthen the Govern
ment and maintain jwbho order.
The authorities <lf the State of Vera Crux bed
tkgunlbe collection of the tax, recently imposed,
for the support of the public schools.
Don Mariano Ayllon, in conjunction with the
Governor ai the Fede-al District and the City Conn
ell of the Cap.fel, is taking steps to render the Chal
eo canal navigable for steamboat* of light draught.
The Governor of Vera Crux hac ordered a
noissauee to be made oflbe Rjo Blanco, m order to
ascertain if merchandise coold be transported tn
steamer* from the coast of Sotavento to Osucarcm.
five league* from Cordova.
The Monitor publishes a decree whereby thr
Government invest. s*Bo,ooo in the purchase of
muskets, rifle*, and other implements of war. They
are to be distributed first among the national guard,
and then among tne frontier States of Sonora, Chi
huahua, Durango, Coabmla, Nuevo Leon, and Ta
mauhpas, in order to enable the inliautant* to pro
tect themselves against the Indians.
On me 1 6th ultimo twenty-five persons from the
United States presented themselves 10 the public
authorities tn me capital, in order to exhibit Ihe-r ;
passports. It i» unnecessary to say they were
bound for the gold regions of California- A few
days previous sixty others bad the
ettyot Mexico. The Monitor describes them as
bei n g-all on horseback, well armed, and apparent
ly decent-' 1 , , .
The question of the Protocol was broached in
the Senate tv Senor AJmnnle on the 16th ultimo
by a call made upon the Mint.try for Inlormetion.
The mutter hed been postponed to be discussed In
secret setsion. _ 4
The journals are still harpmg on Santa Anna, the
great majority, apparently, irrevocably opposed to
bis return- , , -
Senor Penary Cuevas had resigned the post ol
Secretary oflbe Treasury, notwithstanding the re
quest of President Herrera that he should retam it.
Francisco de Arrangois had been tendered the of
fice and bad accepted it . , .
The inanrgent Indiana in the south of Mexico
had been routed by Gen. AJvare*. according lo hie
.own aocounU, bot it was believed they could not
be enurely pat down without large reinforcements
n the Government force*.
The Legislature of San Luis Potosi has petition
ed Congress for three thousand moskels and $2O
000 per month, for the purpose of making bead a
gainst the rebels of the Sierra.
On the 26ih uH. imposing funeral cereraom
were pe firmed in Vera Crui over the remain! of
the Mexican* who lost their live* during the bom
bardraent of that city by the American forces un
der Gea. Scott The remain* were all collected to
gether aod interred in one of the churches. There
was a grand display by the military, bands of
raosic, the priests m full canonicals, orations, dir
ges, Btc.
Mr. John Ellert, who sailed from Now York tor
Cbagres, tome lime ago, has returned to Savannah-
Mr. Ellert says that be waited as loog as he thought
it necessary or prudent for the arrival of the steam,
ship California, for which be was ticketed; and that
during ail the time he was at the Isthmus h* dxd
tux an ounet of goU that bad come from Cali
The Boston Traveller say* "We understand that
a member of the Sagamore Mining Company, nam
ed Goldthwait, reached thisciiy this morning, from
'New York,on his return. This company, whose
members chiefly to Lyon, started lor Cali
fornia via f-ouu, some two or three weeks
since. According :o the statements of Mr. Gold
thwait the company bad reached Wheeling, (Va.)
when tpe disappearance of one of their number,
together with thh foods of the. company, threw
them into contusion. Some were disposed to con
tiooe the journey, others remained at Wheeling to
track the absconder, and a few thought it best to
return home- The defaulter is said to be the fap
uinof the company.”
The Cihcinnaii Allas of Saturday (tates ihnttne
steamer Jewess, on her last trip from Sl Louis (
brought back a nhmber of persons who had started
for California, to go by the overland route, ( and
“It is just beginning lo be discovered that this
going to California is not the hofyday business it is
generally represented to be. To persons of aro
marnio turn of mind—readers of the voyages of
Sinbad the Sailof-dt is DO doubt very pleasaol, at
their own fireside, to talk over the Relights of the
journey, the enjoyments of the camp, and the grat
ifying prospect of gathering gold by the handful
Dawfod bv the bnghU£pss of this view ot the pic
ture its darker shad#- are entirely overlooked;
and’these are, the fatigues of a long joorney, the
exile from civilisation, and the wasting away of
life under the influence ofhardships,privation, and
disease. It ts experience in these which 6000 works (
a disenchantment, and induces so msoy to turn
their faces homeward.'*
Cholbu. — (111.)*Whig, of the 20tb
alt., says:—Our city physicians report flve cases
of the true Asiatic cholera on Saturday last, all
of which proved fatal during the night and Son
For ihe election of township officer* in Lime*
•tone election district, in the county of Union, and
for the erection of part of Oliver township. ‘this
township m Mifflin township, ia the said county,
into a separate election district.
A supplement to tbe act incorporating the Penn-
sylvania Coal Company.
A farther supplement to the act. eotitled ‘‘an
act to incorporate the Cumberland Valley Railroad
To repeal an act, entitled, "an act to ineurpt
rate tbe Erie and Ohio Railroad Compaov."
To regulate the taking up of lumber and fii
boats in the Ohio. Allegheny and Monongahe
vers and ttietr •rihntarie*. and to charge
:hute on Wi«e « Ripple, in the Mononpaheln
near Fredenckstown.
To incorporate certain tnisla under the
the Pequa Railroad and Improvement Company
To aulhor'Ze the Aud.tnr General lo r
the claim of Green Dorsey, and c. tni.auv
ter.als foroisfed on tbe Juniata diviv* r.
Pennsylvania can* l .
Erecting p-irl* of Savi'le an.i Jur at* Yuwn-hip*.
in the county oi Perry,min a septate •-!«-rt:< n .1 »-
tnrt, lo be called Perrv Election District. »r«l to
fix the places of holding election* >n
Township. Potter county, and m Pine *io 'p.
Crawford c-uaty
T» cooler on Mary Nmirb, late Mary Hot er. >t
Berk* county, the rights and privileges of *» child
born in lawtul wedlock.
To roofer mi Martha Irvin aod William Irvin
; the priv.Jegr* of r»er«oQBborn in lawful wedlock.
To extend to the Delaware countv Institute --t
Science, the provi*»ons of the art, entitled -an act
to prevent the disturbance of meeting* held tor t hr
purpose of religious worship," pasted April 2d
To authorize the sale of certain real estate in
the county of Philadelphia.
Authorizing the Heading Water Cotnpaay'to in-
crease their capital stock, and to borrow money
To authorize the School Directors oflhe borough
of Erie te borrow money
To incorporate the Wilkabarre Coal companv.
Authorizing the Commissioner* of Lancaster Co.
to borrow money
Relative to the Schools in West Marlborough
township. Chester county.
Relative to the courts and county officer* of
Sullivan county.
Erecting the borough of New Germantown m
the county of Perry, into a separate school dis
A supplement to an act, rllating to hunting and t
fishing in tb« counties ot Huntingdon, Carbon. j
Luzerne Dauphin, Mifflin, F-llr, Pilre, Monroe
and Bailer, Approved twenty-fourth March, 1848.
Relating to Monument Cemetery, Philuda
For the relief oftbe Somerset and Bedford Turn
pike Road Company.
In relation to the accounts of Daniel M Bowies,
late a Brigade lospector.
To repea a part of a farther (supplement to the
act erecting the town of Birmingham, in the
coonty of Allegheny, into a borough, and re
lating to the pay of the county commiaaioners
of Lebanon county, approved &tb April, 1843.
Providing for laying out a state road from Mii6in»
ville, in Columbia (county, to Conyngham, in Luz
erne county.
To incorporate the Odd Fellows Cemetery Com
pany ofPhiladelphia.
To authorize the Canal Commissioner* to sell
sad convey a certain lot of ground m Lancas
ter Co.
Relative to sales made by persons acting In a
fiduciary capacity
For the relief of Mr*. Murray and Mrs. Wolf, of
Lancaster county.
A supplement to an act, entitled u An act autho
rizing a state road lobe laid oat from Landis
burg, in Perry county, to Mifflmtown, in Juwala
To authorize the executors of Isaac Baugber,
deceased, to sell and convey certain real estate.
To incorporate the Wakefield Manufacturing
Co., ofPhiladelphia county.
To incorporate the Washington Hose Company,
of Philadelphia.
Erecting ports of Beaver and Mercer into a se
parate county, to be called Lawrence.
Incorporating the Reading, Lebanon ao{l Harm
burg Telegraph Company!
A further supplement to nn act incorporating
the T.tnU Schuylkill anrDSusquehanna Railroad
CorapanyTSlfcito ehange'fne name thereof.
To mcorporwßHhg'Tahing Creek Railroad and
Coal Company.
To incorporate the “Allegheny Inatitute and
Mission Church, in the county of Allegheny
To incorporate the Richmond Kerry Company I
Authorizing rise Governor to incorporate n |
Company to erect a foot-bridge over the Con* I
es’oga, at Safe Harbor, in the county of Lanca*-
l *To incorporate the town of Rochester, in the
county of Beaver, iolo a borough.
To incorporate the island in Coneraaugbjtown-
Cambria county, into a borough, to be called
Conemaugb. ...
To change the time ol the commencement of the
April and August Terms of the several courts ol the
couoty of York. .
To provide a more effectual and economical
mode of collecting State and County Taxes 10 the
counties of Chester, Franklin, and Adams; for in
creating and regulating the fax on dividends of
banks and saving# institution; and for requiring sup
ervisor* and schiol tax collectors in Lebanon coud
ty to give bonds.
A supplement to an act, entitled, “An act to au
thorize the Governor to incorporate a company to
make a lock navigation on the riv
er,” passed the 1 bth day of April, 1843.
To incorporate the Danville and Poltsville Tele
graph Company.
To Incorporate the German EvmgeiicaJ Luther*
an, John’s, Congregation, in the borough of Charu
To incorporate the St Joseph’s Hospital.
To retnslate the eapitaJ and extend the character
of the Farmer* 1 and Mechanics’ Bank of Philadel
A supplement to an act? entitled, “An act to in
corporate the town ol Newcastle, m the county ol
Mercer, and the town of BUirsville, in the county
of Indiana, and lor other purposes,’ passed the 3let
dayof May. Ib4l.
A further supplement to an act, entitled. An act
to incorporate the Beaver Meadow Railroad and
, Coal Company , , .
Authorising the supervisors of the several
townships m Clearfield county, to assess a special
tax for the payment oftownship debUinsaid coun-
iv. ,
Retaiiv- 10 the courses of Gunner s run.
To mcorjwraie the Presbyterian Congregation
of ißealiaville. Washington county, Pennsyhra-
Incoppomicf Uzb Western Insurance Company
of thec&y of Pittsburg, is tbe county of Alle
To ertepd tbe charter oftfaa Lancaster Saving
Relative to Charlotte street in the Kensington dis
tnct of tbe Northern Liberties; and vacating part
of Beacb street, in the city of Philadelphia; and for
the widening ofNoble street, in the county ofPhila
Relative to the cemetery afUnited American Me
chanics and Daughters of America in the county of
I A supplement to an act to authorise the Gover
nor to incorporate a company for erecting a perma
nent bridge over tbe rtver Delaware, at Stockport,
in Wayne county, approved tbe eighteenth day ot
March, 1916.
A supplement to the act incorporating the Penn-
sylvania Railroad Company-
To confer on James Kelly the rights and pri
vileges of a child born io lawful wedlock.
A supplement to the act, entitled ‘‘an act to au
thorize the Governor to incorporate the Glen
Hope and Liule Bald Eagle Ternpike Road Com
Relative to the legacy or interest of Daniel Hoff
man, under the will of Valentine Hoffman, of the
city of Lancaster, dec’d.
A supplement to the aclaoflBl2, 1829, 1932, air
thorizing the building of certain bridges in Berks
A further supplement to the aclesectmgtbe town
of Birmingham, io the county of Allegheny, into a
A supplement to an act, passed April sth, 1&19.
relative to tbe boroughs of Northumberland and
Milton, and for other purposes
A supplement to an act, entitled an act to au*
thorite the Governor to incorporate the Delaware,
Lehigh, Schuylkill, and Susquehanna Railroad
To annul the marriage contract between Daniel
C. King and Samh, his wife.
To incorporate the First Reform congregation of
tbe borough of York and its vicinity.
A supplement to an act, entitled An act to in
corporate the Lancaster County Mutual Insurance
Catnpany ”
To enable the Cbambertburg Insurance Cotupa
ny to wind up its affairs.
Extending the limits of the borough of Kittan
Relative to the farm of the heirs of Adam Camp
Authorizing tbe sale of certain school bous
i Lebanon. Montgomery »nd Westmoreland eou
A supplement to an act entitled “An act for the
relief and employment of the poor of the city ol
Philadelphia, the District of Southwark, the Town
ship of the Northern Liberties and Penn,’passed
the sth day of March, 1629.
A further supplement to the net incorporating
the Monongahela Navigation Company.
Supplementary to an act providing lorlhe survey
ol the borough of Frankford, id the county of Phil
To facilitate the collection of dsbts against cor
Authorizing the laying out of a State Road from
Straituuville, id the county of Clarion, to '.he Radge
way and Warren Turnpike Road
Repealing an act relative to roads and bridge*
inWaraaw township, Jefferson couaty, and for oih-
• purposes.
Relative to the estate of Emily Harrison, dec.
To confirm the title to certain real estate in lb«
•ity of Philadelphia.
To incorporate the Shrewsbury Wafer f omps
To incorporate the White brer Bridge Compi
ny . |
To incorporate the President and managers ot
the Spruce Greek and Phillipsburg Turnpike
Road Crnpany.
To authorize the Guardians of the minor ehildren
of David B Jaok*, deceased, tc »el: real estate au
thorizing the executors of John Kmgahory
rrhi estate; and authorizing Ann Murray u> im
prove certain real rstale in tbe county of Philadel
To incorporate the AUanlie and Uhio Telegraph
To incorporate the Fayette County Manntaetur
mg Company
To incorporate the Watts burg and War ren Rad
road tympany.
To incorporate the Heatbville and Beaver Run
Ra.lroad Company '
To incorporate the Pennsylvania Central Tele
graph company.
To authorize the Red Bank Association and
Ferry Company incorporated by the State of New
Jersey, to hold certatu real esUle in tbe city or
of county Philadelphia.
To incorporate tbe Moutr se and Railroad
Flank Rond Company.
A supplement to an aci en'itled "nn act u> en* 1
courage the Inrther development of the mineral
retounn of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
passed Apr! It th I bfb
Authorizing the Trustees ot the New School
Prenbyrrian Congregation of Hub'ersburgh. Centre
county and m- Tro-iees ot the Methods Kp:*<*n.
pa; Church C..»rk»' i.’lCj Mercer county, to **d ccr
laiTi rent estate *
To incorporate the Odd hrliow* Hall
lion of Koxl>orough, m the county of Philadelphia.
To auhtorze John Gilpin, of Armstrong couuiy
to sril and convey certain reai estate.
Authoring me (Governor to incorporate the
Meai'i - •• r d Franklin Ptank Road Company
Au’.hnrii ng the Governor to incorporate tbe
MeadVdie, Adegheny, and Broken Straw Ptank
Road Company
Ti' incorporate the Pittsburgh and Steubenville
Railroad Company
To esiubiish a uniform standard for the men*-
I urement of bi'unmums coal, and aulbonxtog the
| appo.ntment •! a tri-od inspector in the borough
l of Lewistown
I To preserve and perfect the validity of judg
ments entered tiimn the continuance of appear
ance docket* of the county of Lycoming-
Relative to puymeot of seventy five dollars t>> a
disabled soldier ve io the estate of Daniel Reilly, deceased
To construct a turpikeniad Irom Columbia to
Marietta, in Lac< asier county
To incorporate the Pb»enix Hose Company ol
For toe relief of John Brotherlioc
To confirm and establish a certain Stale road it
the County of Beaver, and to vacate another para!
lei thereto.
>' iTT*'pond-n*e ofth* - Bitumen- Patriot
Washington, April 15, 1949.
The appointment by Mr. Secretary Crawford, of
Mr Lanman as Librarian of the War Department,
m highly commended by every body who knows
Die taleut*. industry and worth ol the appointee.—
Mr Lanman is « worthy member of the pre««s. and
in nn appointment, as well as in that of Mr. Hall,
the Register of the Treasury, the editorial corps
will see tnat justice, though rather slow ©f foot,
l>orhaps, is not to be altogether wiiheld, by this
Administration. from those toiling and delving
working men, who do more to keep parlies togeth
er. to spread light abroad, and to build up sod
make the great men of the day, than any other
class o r calling of men which ran be named. It is
time that this class ol men should be appreciated
according to their desserts, by the men at the head
of the fk>vernmenl, as well as by the people
Franklin, in the early days of the republic, waa ap
preciated by both, and by all Europe. The peo
ple, ol late, have taken up members of the-press
and elected them to Congress. In the last House
ol Representatives, there were at least five printers
and editors, to wit Mr. Henley, of Indiana, Mr.
Thompson, of Pennsylvania, Mr. Fisher, of Ohio,
Mr Barrow, of Tennesee.and Mr. Greeley.ofNcw
York, beside* others who had been editors. To
the next House of Representatives. Joseph K
Chandler, F.sq. late editor of the United Slates
Gaxette, and James Brooks. Esq. one of the edi
tors of the New York Express, have already beeo
elected. As ODe of the corps, Igo for the craft,
and it rejoices me to see this Administration nl«
ready conferring appointments of honorable dis
tinction upoo some of the worthiest of Us members.
What wonld the politician* of any party do, what
could they do. what would they be, in the range of
political eminence, if they had not the press to
support and sustain them' And how few of the
hoest and capable editors of the press, who toll
and wesr out their strength and means for others’
advancement, are ever rewarded for their labor*,
either m earthly goods or earthly honor*' It is not
one editor in every twenty who either makes his
newspaper pay us way. or is thought ol for one
honorable appointment, when the great men whom
he has helped to make great are advanced to pow
er. Our pood people are by habit, but ought not
to lie, less rendy to pay editors' bills than any oth
er bills And when n rare member of the corps,
who bv hi* sleepless nights, by the sweat of bis
brow, by toiling uud delving for hi* party and its
most prominent men, and by his prudence and
enconomy «nv«*s enough to exempt himself from
being colie I poor, and happens to be named for an
honorable appointment, how many there are ready
to cry out. "<>li. he is rich he ought not to have
any appointment' the people are not for him'”
For one. I have no patience with those who can
not appreciate the press sod those of its conductors
who have oonr the country service. I rejoice to
see that Gen. Taylor and his Cahinet can and do
appreciate the editrmal corps. I rejoice that wor
thy member* ol it have been appointed to honora
ble station* under the government. and l rejoice
that there i« a bright prospects that] Mr. Guila
her, of Virginia. GoUmel Webb, and Mr. Fuller, of
New York.Mr ' nllender,of Poughkeepsie, and Mr.
Morris of Philsdrlphia —all ofthe editorial corps—
are soon to receive distinguished marks of the con
fidence and approbation of this Administration.
Ill* related that the celebrated French diploma
fist, Tallyrand, would never countenance a blun
der, for be considered it less pardonable than a
crime. On Taylor and his Cabinet Ministers, in
making removals, have committed no blunder
thus far. The prospect is fair that none will be
committed, *o thoroughly is every step examined
before tin taken. ok Nrw Oautoics. —The latest accounts
from New Orleans represent the health of that city
improving rapidly. The Bulletin gives the fol
lowing official statement of the Chanty Ho*pi
lal, and says that not a stngle case of cholera
bad been admitted into that institution for two
Admitted of all diseases during the month
of March, 1213
Admitted of cholera 326
Died of cholera 243
Cholera originaiiogm the Hospital 100
Of these died 63
From this it will be evident that, taking our Im
mense emigration and u floating population n info
consideration, the sickness of the city and Its mor
tality has been much less than represented, and
by no means calculated to ereute the alarm it has
occasioned here-
Te* Wiathze *1 Albany, on Moo- j The Commissioners of the Coooty of Allegheny j
day, the weather was cold and disagreeable, with would respectfully call the attention of the public to |
domes of snow during the morning. Al Utica.. tto foU owlng tesoluboo* oftbe Board, of this date,
very cold, and snow two mebea deep; at »yraca?-e . _ < . „ m ;„. ~«(,.
cold, and snow several Inches deep; at Auburn The action of the Board on the premises,... con
snow on Sunday night and on Monday morning. j fidentiy hoped, will have the effect to allay the
al Buffalo, dear and cold; and at Troy, on Salur- j an xiely felt by the holders of County Scrip, and
day.qn.te a severe snow form. On Sunday mormng fnvtQi i hea i Vroui incurring any lots thereby:—
atßosion.the ice in ponds was thick enough to ' r ■ . K
beprchtldrep. A letter from Chntoo, N J. Apr,l , KrWr,.,-Tb., all Scrtp
jg. 1 dale by the Commissioners of Allegheny County,
“We are almort troeen up here to Jeney.—ce ' ah." tern , ” ,e C s '' ? f 6 , T i
8 inches thtek Inpt night, . J flower, ttlUettd - ' m"™- from Ihe 19,b day of April A. &O»«.
Tee peach tree, were aor m bloom, bo, near it. • “»"> P r '”! n ,0 P'J”*", 1 ° f £ ° r
We fear the fruit will be all killed." due the t amply, aud that holder, of ntd Scrip
In the immedia.e vtctmty of New York il ' who P^ 1 " m *J- “ r “V wnottn, thereof not te.
is though, Ihe embryobloraom. were no, sufficient- 'ban twenty-fivc dollar., reeetve therefore oo pre
ly dcelopedto .offer ntatertally. I »' ,h I ComratMiooer. office, a wmran
; | on the Couuty Treasurer, payable two years alter
Mb. Char —ln noticing the retttnTof the Hop. | *»'«■ “"r 1 aI lh = r " e ° fs
, T , , .. per annum.
H.pry U.y ,0 hi, homo, from hi. Tt.,l to New T , lal lb , rc .hall be and 00l-
Orleans, the Lexington Observer o! Saturday; lec(ed fur lnc yeaf lW y a County Tax of five
says I mill* on the dollar on all property, professions,
Alter spending Saturday and Sunday at Ash- ! trade* and occupations made taxable btrlaw, for
land with h:» family, he was summoned to Win-1 countv purpose*. Three mills of which shall be
Chester early on Monday morning, to fulfil ft pre- ; appropriated find applied to the redemption of out
fes.ional engagement ,n a great w.ll case which , slaudmc County Scrip, and tor no other purposj*
came ud for trial on that day in the Clarke Circuit i whatever Tl.u. with other available means, wi.l
Court. This ca*e, Joel Qni«enberry> wi!',’ in i enable us m redeem seventy-bve thousand dollars
which a large amount of propertv is involved, we at leasi.
learn by a letter from a Inend in Wm,-heater, waa . /. Thai, from and alter thi* date, no new
most ably and elalmratelv argued on Wednesday issuer ri ( 'ounty £onp shall be made.
and Thursday, by Hon. Clnlum Allan and Hon ; * JOrsEIMI T. MARKS, 1
Garrett Davi*. in favor of the will, ami by Samuel 1 THUS. _ / Commissioners.
Hanson. Esq. and Mr. Clay m oppo«;hon. The WILLIAM BENSON. )
upeeche* ol ail the gentlemen fully sustained ineir i .»innii**»otiers Office, April l«t, ISIM.
well earned reputation* aa forensic debater* The
speech ol Mr. Clay i* smd lo have been inure el
oquent than the one which he delivered in the
iame case lari fnll, and produced a line itnpre*
won. The jury failed lo find a verdict, and an
ather trial at the next terra of the Court w.ll b*-
The Second Assistant Postmaster General, Col- 1
Fitzhsnrt Warren, who has been appointed to !
the above named office, has, say* the Cincinnati :
Gazette, been the target at which the vindictive |
shafts of Locofocoism have been levelled tor some !
weeks. This bureau has the appointment of thou
sands ot Postmastejs tnroughout the country, and
Colonel Warren has proven himself a very active,
efficient, discreet, successful Whig, who ha* more
than once “headed the Locos in their plot*. The
important office winch he holds having been ured
by hia predecessor us a source of political intrigue
ami power, the Locos are thrown inu» spasm » at
seeing it in the bands of n gentleman whose pohii- |
cal shrewdness they have been tanghi to tear
hence the “barbing" si him.
Colonel Warren is from Inwa, where he per
formed good service The Galena Gazette thus
•peaks of him
• Fitzheory Warren, ot low a, bat been appointed
A&siatant Postmaster General. Mr. W. has been
known as an ament Whig for severnl years, and
trom the amount of abuse which he has
received, we inter lhAt he u> a tnun not lo bt* tr.fled
with. As a candidate F*r Whig Elector he ran the
highest of&nv man on the ticket. He i* not dost •
tilte of a back-bone, a very necessary article m
ibeae days for a man in any office, and especially
in that lo which he has been called. He wnl be
tound to be a most shrewd, induftnuus,
minded man. who will di-charge ki.* duly u. IUI
great discrimination and le.ule-.-nc**, and with nr.
flinching determ.nal'on i • -übserv.- the pnti.c
good '
Steamboat Ai'iileni - L>«* . i Like —We '
learn from the \azool‘ity Democrat ilinl on toe
night of Hie 2d mat, a collision u*-cured on l tic
Vazuo river, between the steaml>oat'* Patrck
Henry and Fawn—the firmer descending. the
latter ascending—which resulted m the »ermn«
injury of the Fawn, and the loas uf life ot the I hird
engineer The guards of the Fuwn were lorn off
and the gentleman'* cabin considerably crushed
The Patrick Henry .mmediaieiy went lo the a?
si Stance ot the injured boat, and secured the Ireigb
which wa* east ov«rt>o\rd by the collision —.Vi.-
Orleans Picayune
Annexation in Canaua. — A Montrrulrorrespon
dent ol the N Y Express. sav»
•'i have spent cr-nsiderable tune a- n ipeciuer
in hruring the debates m pari.ament I have n..n
pled tree'y wi:h or mroilwr*. lim Burpr-sed t-i
hod the prevail-m; •cut.inen' not only me
ieadmg members ot toe Hru«e I'M a »<> ammiz hr
indnential iiihati.’unl* > decidedly bt' .ir < f an-
nexation t.i the I nied Stair*. \of
psity question o! t-oin *.dr*. !-ui i-irt.rti ar y ■
t onrervalii e» are insist c.amorou* I,if ;t I i.e
general impression tnal il thev ■imuld ■ annex
rd they would come in t > the I mon »• I brer Stoles
v x Upper. Middle and Liwer I'unada
ik-lera I* Texaa —We learn trom a ;»‘
letter ot s valued trirud. dated Browns',..e, ».;u
Apm. ibattbr devastation crealed by < hoirra n
that v.trail). ha* for once exceeded common tu-
mor. lu M atatu- >ru. out of a population of seven
thousand, one thousand have fallen victim*
to tne talai ■ polemic, and there are now not
over five ib/msaml remaining in the city All the
towns on the R.o Grande, from the mouth up to
Mrer, have beru terrib.v v:*.led by tho scourge,
gqd it was (eared that it would >isit every town
on the nver Brazos I aland aud Point Label have
suffered severely In the neightoroood of Bro'vn*-
vtlle. the disease bad materially abated.
The Polk administration rem> ved hundred* idJ
hundred* of merefv on n,-count ol tn»-'.r
political opinions and tlie ••diU-r c>i me W j»hit g
ton Union, who ft.l the wt» le wa« lh«- Gc.v.Tiimcr.t
organ nev»;r uttered one word «gaui«t the poi . v
but. on the contrary, dany ext..tied .n griirri.
terms all the acts of the adnunistrat on a* ein.>
oently patriotic and w;»e li was tn* dm;v u,:d
bourlv busine** lo applaud every thiiut d"i.e l-v
the Administration
A very’ predy old gerHeman lodeed. to step inr
ward now and preach agn.n»l partisan proscrip
tion, under tic t retence ihat he ha* been alwav*
and consistently op'vjsed to it — LeuuvilU J; "■
When our fldg was unfurled from it*
Tampico, an aged Spaniard was heard mvi
with lugubrious earnestness, aga.nst the pertinaci
ty with which that flag bad pursued tut inrtuneA
In broken English he excn.ined. I was the Soon.
i*h consol m the L<oui*nna. when dal flog he was
raise, and l got to Pensacola but *oun dat flag he
waa over me derc. I lived den in dc Tnxas, tmt
dat flag follow me dvre. Say* 1. Igo where dai
flag never come. 1 come to Tampico hut here is
dal flair agam. I believe if lgo tj the dev;! .lal
flag will follow me derc
Manifest*. Bill* Ist-iing, Contract*. ttc Htnni t,
HANU BtU.*. LA EELS, CKETtni' \ TX*. < MECr.*,
roucizs, Ac Ac ,
Printed ai the »Lorte«t notice, ai low pnc.-v hi me
des© trAXiTTK flrnc*. Tm«D stievt.
WM. A. WARD, DcnUit,
BSSBiSigat Prr.n street, 3 door* above Hand *t
office hour* from w uli 3
I T Lr mchdl
W. M. Wright, M. D., Dentist,
■l-Mwy Orncx and residence on Fourth (t.,
flSSgfflgr opjKißitr me Pittsburgh Bank. Office
(nTfvßTfr hour* from 9 nVioek io li A M . und
J.T-T Irnm a o c iork tui PM. *ep!4-ly
Improvtment* in Dentistry.
DR li U N T‘KA K.NN. late of Ho«ton, u prepared to
manuiacTurr amt *et Hi ucx Trim in whole and pun*
01 tet«, upon Suction or Aunn«|dierir Snclion Plate-
Tooth*rh* iTRAO IN r:vz him te- » here ihe nerve i*
oxpo«e<l dlßee and residence next door m die May
or * otfiee, Fourth street. FitMiurcn
RkrrETu-J H Sl'Fadden.K Jt haum
Pbkhich I.xho\ Si „*a. i'repnre.t ny J W. Kcd)
Willis.o “Uen. N . und lor iiilc I.) A Javucx. N<>
70 Fourth slK'cl Hu. will he lound » delightful urn
:!e oi ueveruge >n laiinlir*. and j.urn-'ular.y lor *i«-k
}Ui»R » Bk<>ma -A :i improved Chnrnlate prepari-
Tr*orttim< ami high: •' recoinm-mln) pari;"-
for iiiculid-. Prepared t>y Hager. Do'cli" «-
l* r> Mho . uml lot »u)r l»y A. JAYiSKS, at tlj'- Frkm
Tm Store. >o ?b Fourth »t lurhH
—Tno« VaEnk*. K»<i., of Baldwin
tow n*hi p. .s,ii n- Mipi'ortr.l r>eft»tp the Anlimaaou.c
and Whig Conveniieii lor ihe position of candidate lor
(bounty Communoner Baldwin Township
apll* wtcT
IT7“ Bo unit T C Waiuh. k«j . m Kina hr ih Borough,
will be supported, hctorr th- approaching Annmaaonir
*• ,i Whig County i/o-veiiunn. for lu.mmation a* «
.-ond.d.l- lor » '■or of I jjl.i.luro_ toy
aplf'dAwtcT \N insi nr Old t.uumu.
PnoTtuitrotißT —Thr Whur« of Allegheny comity
wdl urge the oJaimv <>('W.M J MARKS, for a nomina
tion to iw» office " l ,he coining County Convention
Mr M i« a good Whig, mid i» every way competent
to diichargr the dune* of the office, and draerving a
nomination t.y ih- pany Uocvn
* nirU-0 ii./tAw ti*T
rtiiKßtmt-n —Col 111 (.11 DIT-'F.of„p,
wli hr nupportrd tile nthc’ ol Sheri li, m'-jeel to ihc
nomination ol die W lug anti Alitima«uuir l on. cut .on
rochai:w<J‘T __ 0,110
SHaairTALn--•! nn a candidate tor the oftre of
Sheriff of A’legbcny county, inl.iect to the den.ion of
the approaching Whig und Antitunnii.n l .p'ivnl:n:i
tor nominating county ticket. CAK IBKCIK 1 IS
Suth Ward. Pittsburgh, April ‘J, I*49—diwT
*iHE«irr*i.rT -C.*pi W a i’-iuelton will be iup
ported for the office of Sheriff, tabtcci to the noiaitin
uori ol ihc A :tini’i*onrc mid Whig C-ounlT Convention,
marfi-diwifT Kiohth Wabp, Pmaatrauu.
Vt FDiTt’ii: ou Wl '- l’'ca*e »t*<e that I will be a
candidate lot uonuuauoti lor the office of Proihonom
r>- i.ct'oro our neii'Vl.ig and Amimiwonif County
Oonrention Yt>ur«, ftc
Elizabeth vowuflup, March,«. lrJ9
I’irraßVHiiH, ApHiLiil, IMP
Tlie ciu/f"‘ *M»* b Ergb a »' J Allrghriij are ip-
upeeu'ully r..|ue*leJ to attend a uireiii*, at 7* o'clock.
THI , IVX S„>., Nr'* ..( ifie
IKmid of Trade, eu.iirr of Thir.l and 'V, M | to:
unnee on Third *ir-et, opposite St. Chnrk* ai
winch lime "'ll be la,J bctoro - ou ‘“ui’ii iiiiAp«unf
...lo.mnuon l.y C'""-""" ' ht >""" »"P
, .micmtnl "i 1"' c0nd,"..., and pm-P'Ci* "I dm til.. ■
and Pennsylvania Bail Road Company, in relation 10
wliai Kt been done in Ohio, and vrtnt n requir-d lo
don- m rennaji»«nta, to »ecurr tl.e early < -mirur
non of a work *o to toe future prosperity of
JNO. LARWILL, Wooster, O.
H. B WELLMAN, Maa.illon o
7. STREET. Salem. 0
OVin FINNEY, Rearer, Pa.
THUS. BAKEWELL. Pittsburgh
Director* of O. A P. R. R. Co.
/inNT'NI'K t. ■ mfinuincuif nil kind" ot OuPPKR,
lioat* bUllU‘> OfdT
v,„»cini atirMiMon given to strain i>obi work
H:ive on !mnd< a fine amirtment of Copper and Brn«*
Kmfi. Tm W <r<*. Ac he Steamboat Cooking 9tov>-»,
p..r'a',ile I'nrtTr,. vorioti* *ne»-a very convenient nr
uc - for «tra<nb>»al*. < migrants, >»r rail road
r °V&*w.->iiM rrsperuully .nvite «trnm boat men and
(UDrr, 10 cn! 1 and ter ,>ur article* and price* before
~U r .-n»«.n« -i.ewh«;_ __ “P-l
T( ill\ H MKI.LOR. No -I Wwl street. ha» the
t J >. mu r-<H announcing 'he JfnUl <■( a new mid
'I of Piano*. from the manufactory
o- Jo’i-i. Cluc»crm*. Boaton —amonf them a maijn 6-
it K.'"-wood full Grind Piaw. Forte. ' octaves.
A,.0 i .uperb aouare Pnnn Forte. 7 octaves. carved
rosewood, .(the «tyl« XIV. a van-ty 01
7 ai«l fl o-iavr* t'> which the ittenuoti of purcha*-
f[. if respectfully solicited
<i,>K A«ent lor lun Kpruiß'* Piano Forie* for W<rM
(m iv i.mylraDia *P‘ , °
(IHFVSK— 4 c-»i jum ft'il and for »mi** by
V FanuU «'*rnaif- u.iaMr for one l«o lior«l,
A.-p.; 31 s., MuiK'-i «■ .
\1 ' ATVHJ * .Wl> JJ WH.RV-A (pki.did ar».,rl
\\ ~ * llljrr , ■, { i: tn. Wutrli, Jr-wrlry ■»«
MmrfciM nnd 4il. *t«
l £: ri
sK.SMONof m*-Grand Dmstot
1,1 l*a . W,;i n- h-iii ir. Hit rny 01 PuuiMirjrh. 01
\S'r-,itir-«dar '!i«- -JO a ul the (Mron. Foarth »L, abov.
\v.. d n;:lM MAM i Pl' k'A.NDM. G »
on rri-id. a good -.rtiri*- and
tv,,ja _ TASHKY A HKST _
/ .0
V_' loi »»<*• t/Y
7 VUIH I* Al’fl.l"'-' l ' bb
].; «p-.u
nuTAT'ir I *-* 1 V • .:i «r r- su.l ..r »a r !>
[ J % ' v . a TASSKV A hkst
N'Ail.S-'iSO k«V». atoned »<»r «*lc '•?
,p-ri PASSK\ A Uf.ST
AI'MNIAjW i.LASr l —iou bi«. a«voriftl “re«, Ire
V T Cilv i'.. t.atiJ ;i!id lof talf '-jJ
tore a:.d for .ale by
L'olM ,\SH-v:» Mff * mak«>3 w n.g n *i«r
S »n.liu: .» - !■< apCJ \_Bh> T_
1 >«u.t. Bl'TTl K— l<« t»r.ii t«c'<J fot talc t>»
lv ~,-i I'AtfSKY k. HKPT
XoiiCf io ihf h.tulm <f PittiUurgh City >crty.
TN , •ti.ionnr ' . h vur-.>J Senior. of lit* Onlitiu/t
I o- 1-1, A;.n . l-V.* > -.>i» .uidrf*ijncd
foR*'IIV M'HII’ lor loon:- and Mon
• I<u, 4 »,* Ji ) -jr i*i. ) I<.i property »old.
.. h-rr-’V nw-i. that 'hr .Bid
• uowr oi lor iii t’orporate
i.• v wi l > :v« , 'ur<h. >»( Uie dmominnUoaa
o'. . " r* '. * e Tin** LHl.urt
Ku->.<-r ... nr . li'-ti'iy ihn i'hv Honda,
-at. jir'ir.i 0011. '.nr lath day ..f Apt i'- IW. a', the
u , r l;l ~ ~,. , r „! f— f unnum. «n: ai any tme heteaf
■i i- ...'ii. (i to ;i.* ho.dtf of ho.det* of Cny ?*crip, in
.am. o ii.!* Hundred Dollar* anil upward*, areorlinf
i>* of Uic ordinance ol the above dal*.
* R JOHNSToN. City Trea»urcr
rj'in <*nM\n**|ONKß* of Allegheny fount'- avail
I ut-m-"- ti»e rnriie*: npfiotiat.i'v to mfortn
nr o! Counlv Mcnp. tbai ;br Hoard have under
r«A*id<-raiKKi the adoption ol measure* for the prompt
t-d< nip; .mi oi .-very Oollar of Scrip issued heretofore
a . .;-v.,on of ria lint agamsl e..umy. and the
''omit. !• r* now jpve assurance* Lhai m the rour«e
Ol » «-A 1a,.'., t.---: ve* of the Boari* fur the speedy
w or ••ui>.,»urij. ;o reneve of th
J vMV > l . Clerk
•.■••• ',nw i- -h > >. i r> u»rre amt choice ai
I- • i>! •»>* RIM » AND M MMER OOODi
d whinore man rare il'irma ihc la»i ter
lih" .New York uni Philadelphia market
'ii rs'-inc a <rea: \aneiv of time" every rti
iMi hr ia - <-«i a; d nio»t l'*«ii»> , aai>ie *;yV». an
;p.-ii'ii>n uf t \ Bavin* t>e-n houipti a. the K *ST-
U i TH >NS m a irreai reduruon iroia me rei;u
ware enat> e<l -ji offer irta! uidufrittmii
»--u thefrtur*- r»*jwrUuil\ uivie toe atirttunu of Uv
Miiuhr u> Our ler.m* f»( our ability
• ui.* ,n ever} article they may wi»
«>ur ii•«»• To ’-he -ndie« »r would e«{w*cialiT corair
out »’oeS »!
(JR*** Sin?, u' winch w> ha\e a very
tK f. „ii>l hrauiifal rn«*onm-nv of the 'ai-«n M»te» and
La:-:z* Dr*** Mf*o»iin d« l.nw*. Poil de
Cti.rvf Mil. iinrn am: mntjair i.u*ire*. J*«»r.ed
!,».*■>« j nr mm l,iwn», Fouinrn*. itfw atvle Barege*,
KckT ttfi. French **•<>eh Gwiehaim Urn*-
ri.iiu" m jieat variety Ac
New »t) «• Bonneta. very cheap
i ’»!' Ft <•« fk« -—t >1 the >«tc«t »tyle» and >up«
I*i r >A v--rv ititf' und handtotne tiock oi
«n:«. o. mmo>i rvi v »' %> ■md a { unit tv
Siii'vL*—A Ituiormi':.t oi «punf and *ut
Sbnwl* of all style* and pno
Fti.»«n Cl itu»- A good *upply of «up«v French,
l'.mrliih American (Noth* and C«Miro#n*». to which
we would mriia the attention of person* needing »uch
ALSO— A toll and general *apnlr ol Shirtms Check*.
Ti'kinp*, brown and blanched Moalina. Tame Linens.
SUceiiiiK*. Diaper*. Cntnhric*. Drilling*, summer Uood*
ujrii* and boy* wear, J «conrt*, Mull*. Swi*«. Nan*
»ook«. Nanklui, Pnnu, limehann. Crape. C/ape Lore,
l.'ravai'. Clove.. Howry. HiUU, Veil*. A< Ac.
i’rr<()h« vrmhing to buy by who e*ale, *hould call
at.J ciammr nur 'took. »i »ui price* are *uob to
make it tbeif inWeii to buy
AI.KX.ANDKR k DAV, 75 Market u.
a pVl nonhw.-r.i corner ot tne DMinondQ
police to the Holder* of Scrip*
IVIRSALK. and payment received m the SC ill i'
* imu'i erf the city of Pittsburgh—
AII that valuable property known a* the BA
SIN LOT,'ituatc on <»nuit «ircrU opponte the Cour
H,>u«r. ami bounded t>y tiranl ureev, Futh -to-ei, Dia
m.x'd allc' and Cherry al.ey.
Thu pnif-riv tm* been divided into*»ou
lucbly rlltrtnle iiuudmt; Lola, which will be »old lo the
niifheat 111(1 bell bidder, m public auction, on SATL’R
-I,A V. U'a V sth. IMfl. in irrmt of the Court Home
Trw*—One third in n*.n. one third m *.I tnouiln,
and one third in i\»«-tvc month;, with uUen«l from the
dav ni Wile.
liy urber ul the City C.miinl*
f JAS U .MI'RRA\ ,
:«pli!:itd Chin Ikimmitier on t it) Property
Onv dailies copy.
Settcui Mncrtx * Titian W*nt Pi sue School.
T thejßonrd of School Director* »i the Third Ward
Hi-- City o! Put-burgh :
Ctvn.Fr'VN— The undrr«t«ned would respectfully
boM ing auction 01 the Hoard of School Directo
what they believe to be the prt .-rftl wnli ut the Citt:
ol the ’i'ii’rd —a change of locution m the School He
We wiulil. thcrrlorr, sujjreM‘lint you appoint a
tor a public mertinc of the citizen* of the ward, thi
eipfe«woti ul npiuton may be had a* to the prop
ol puijcha*-uf a more central and «uiinbir «|i
public School Mouse. muimuch a* the condition
one no" in n«e w ux that a rcniovrtl nmy >o
conic u matter of necessity Wc think the end
the titttr tor m-tioti
Wm Mack'-y.
Pi A Madeira.
L. Harper.
G W ;r,"
Henry l.imiteM.
Win H Wlnti.iv.
Jaccfti M'Coi.i«l* •
(■ Adamt,
Hugh M Ma*t. ,
s.muf' Matrd.
Tn.v Joim-iou.
D drove.
(ieorge Kodgrrn,
I’lttuhnicti April 9. lr-lU
Edward K Day,
Msmn Lytle,
M \V. Lewi.,
P H Hunker.
John D Due ►. __
Thom#' M Marshal l
Wm Chapman
James Mont»«ui,
Diiviil Hunn
licorje Slictller
John M tiUltc,
li.lin Rodger*.
R Currun,
I'm: r.-urni ot tli- Third Ward 01 ill** <->iy of Pm»-
1 wm! mr.-i on .Monday ucrt. ihi* '-Id oi April, ft!
*| ftVlnrk, P M.aitbc Public School Hou*e, in said
Ward, i:i order that ihe npreanon ol opinion may b<
b id Ai rcla ion i» tin* «ul')rci above »'! forih
JOHN M qi'K'VA.S |
jiW W LEWIS. |
ROUT MOORK. ' l>ifr«torj
prii M». I>»S
For K>an Franclico, California.
v TIIK undersigned, having just returned
* 'al-rorma.. purpose* ehanerlng a faat
vc-.H 10 bo despatched at as early »
day n> Hffuii'cnieiiU can bn rnaxle, and will take pan
• ertgrr. allow n«lc. if n efficient number apply rooii
Th*- '<> n>u« ii at Rio dr Janeiro and Valparaiso,
i,ir (n:sh ptuv*.tu»*. Ac
The mute via Cnpr Horn ba« now ihr decided pre
nTci*i->- i'v r a niner*, as the undersigned pa**ed on
I,h n-a.rn to m- 1 upward* of 20UU person* ai Pan
uuin ami on u«c Uittmur, unable to procure passage
All |«3«»enenr» or companies taking passage in toe
, .[, p, wi;i i> -i-'rnished, ireo ot co.t, wuh a complete
t „:,l ta - .- - ;unc and implement*. »uch as he
knows w> '<e "ic 1 r*t m a»e, having seen many eostly
and inprrteu* ::iv.'bines thrown aside, as nnfit lor the
, putjx 'e
He will al *° ft lTr eaeh passenger accompanying the
j c xpediuo. . me iieucttt of his experience in mining, and
. will u!»o in»*" known to them the most prodoetlre
j gr. >1 p sens.
| .Vo passage will be secured until paid for. For
irciftu or p:i«*ace.. apply immediately to
T JAMES S. WRTHKRKO. U German *t.,
. | or HAVDEN * COALE, 63 S Oar *»
‘ [apSQ-dSw— Uait. Am.
By John D. Dart*, Ab«H«bm>«
Catalogue Sale of Cl itimg, Ift.
On Tuesday rn«.rning, apm ”-t:i>- m; tu o'clock, at the
the Commercial Sale. Room- corner oi Wood and
Fifth street*. Wil< t.c ou n <-r-dil of ' u day* on mil
■nmi over SIBO. for approved endorsed paper
A latte »avoic<‘ of Clothi ty. Dry Good*. Ac . com
pn»mg —10 doi ci-' h. tvre«,t. n,..i Mimmrr coau. j
e u ca-nm- T jn.l Valencia ve*i«.
2? - >uD' - rn-j'h r•. «u\- r\ drilling and
eottonade punts, Mrmnii*, fancy and hickory shirts,
IS piece* mper w«»., d>cj i -n.-i t.' .1 b-
S *• oitra Lon loii hruwii d«.
Plain and Fancy n,>-rc. ui>4 s.-Uniettt,
yeans, eottonade*. drilling*, -u. :.n.l lasting coal and
vest buuna*.
Also, 'JOu piece' wi.iie e:m. •• .a, and fancy, all silk,
pocket bdkfe, 20 pc« line brow n uiu.iai.
Catalogues mil te rrndv and yrooJs can be examin
ed on Monday up2l JOHN D DAVIS, Auct
Ijarge Stnel of "Dry Goot!.* on Utre« trtoiUhj ertthi.
Uh Monday Ap'>i ‘i'ld. nt 10 o'clock, at
ih* Commercial Sale* Room*, rnmn ot Wood and
Ki/th street*. will be on a c"*<lh of three months
on all sum* over SICK), tor approved endorsed note*—
A large assortment 01 fuid »c**onabl* staple
and fancy Dry flood*. among which art —superfine
cknli*. tw«d«- cassirnrres, saiinetu, jenns. ginghams,
de lorn*. cashmere*. alpacas, splendid plaid vtennas,
dre*» silks, black satin, silk hdkfs and shaWl* in great
variety, splendid pruned lawns, swiss mosltns. eol'd
cambric, bleached and brown muslins, damask table
linen, indigo bine checks, super prims, ladies robe pat
tern*. foucy cravats, hosiery gloves, nbbous, bonhets,
(,ni- cape, buttons, sewing *»lt. Ac
t 3 o cloek,
Groceries. Ola‘*'*are, Pumilure. Ac.
Young Hyw>n and and Imperial Tea*, Va. mannfac
lusrd tobacco. Spoimta Segura. Spauisb leaf tobacco,
uncy. toiiel and shaving »oap, No 1 palm toap, «ogar
boo--- moiaasea. starch, 14 bote* Lemons, shovel*.
• pndea, fork*,'iove, store biturer, Ac .
A larg>: and general a»*ortoient of household ana
kucbrn luruuure, glarswnre, Ac.
Ai 7 o'clock,
Ready made clothing. cutlery. vanety goods, Ac.
Leasee and Blanager
Acnvc *.m>Staqb Manaoeb-
jjy- Srcnr.d appearance 01 MRS FARRiSN, who'
engagement i» liimn-d 10 S nights Mr 'V. H. Cnsp 1
toe Stranger Mr Fnrr-11 a«Don Ca-ur LegtUUia
Kvaxijto, April 23
Mr. \V. H Crisp
Mr Dunn
Mrs Farren.
-Mita Porter.
Dance :-y Master Wood
; u de with the celebrated Comedy compressed
iulo3 «ru, entitled
Donn-i Oirvia Mrs Farren
Donna Laura • Mi** Porter
Victoria ■••• Mrs Madison.
Dun U:i-sar Mr Farrm
Dim Julio Mr. Prior.
i, a. p<-r 'Mr Archer.
Cariu. . ... Mr. Roys.
{K/-In preparation. the »*-w and successful play 01
Remorse. written expressly for Mrs Farren. and per'
foim-d l>j" nrr with dtsungui«lied npprobauon. Also
Ellen 'V * bjihajs.
The Sltanger-
Mr- Hullo
The Counte**
For Greenwood Garden*.
THF. new and fast running steam boat THOMAS
SCOTT, leave* ibe Greenwood Wharf Boat, at the
Point, every hall hour during the day. landing at the
garden gnte
A fine collection of the choicest Greenhouse Plants
are for stie in the Garden, lee Creams and other re
freshment* furiuilird in the *aloons.
Boquets put up at the shortest nouce Order* for
Boqueis. Irfi at the wharf boat, will receive prompt at
tention <*P«l
OF COFFEE—An article which is ra-
Xj pidly coming into use a* n whotesoßie, nourishing
and ile iciou- (leverage, being more pleasant and pal
„tab,- than common Coffee, and far cheaper, as a small
pap. i count: only ton cents, will go as far ns four
pound* uf Codce. Manufactured by
JOHN S MILLER, Pitubunrh. Pa
Sold at wholesale by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co,
comer of Fimi and Wood and Sixth and Wws»d streets,
Pittsburgh apdl
MALT— IbOO bush ircsb Barley Malt, for sale by
LARD and BUTTER— 7 keg* Lard, and 6 bbs
ftesh W R Roll Butter, just rec’d mid lor sale by
a P vi j b Canfield
■ » bbls Creels, for sale by
IV ap-il
S\VFJ-:r POTATOES—3U bbls Galena Sweet Pau
lo*-*. in prune order, in store and for sale by
\p*l GKO B MILTENBERGER, 87 Front it
FtISH— 1« bbi* new No Shad: 10 do do No l Hemnr
lu do do N<> 1 Salmon; 10 do do No * Mackerel
.10 d.- do No 1 do. ;ust ree’d and for sale by
«p3l JOHN WATT, Liberty it
IMiBAFCO— 25 bis W H Grant * s’* Tobacco; 25 di
Ru—e!i i Robinson * s'» do, for *ule by
a p«l . 145 Liberty st
/'tAKBONATK AMMONIA-5110 lbs fresh, just Te>
and ior sale by J St'HOON MAKER A C«
ap’JO __
ASHING SODA—2SOO ib* Sal Soda, for sale by
Apples. 6 do Wilnoti; Fox, Muskrat, Coon, Pos
sum. and Deer Skins; Ginseng, Beeswax and Flaxseed,
ior >*ie by a;rs> J SCHOO.NMAKER A Co_
NUTMEGS AND INDIGO—«jO lbs Nutmegs; Ici Indigo, just received by
\i " R, MI RPH'S has just received by Express,
VV . fu'l usmormetit of wide blk *ilk* Also, sot
very handsome Beragei and Silk Tissues, for ladi
Ureases, at northeast comer 4th and Market sts.
SOAP— it bis Castile, -’do "'andia; 2do Almond; 3
<]u Variegated, 75 Jo No l Rosin, for »&le by
BROOMS —Htu dot Pomeroy’s eitra, lor sale by
Dog Found.
A WHITE Pl'P. which Uie owner can bear of by
»ppl\ ing at th:« office ap&fcdSl
CIHEESE- 50 boxe* prime Cream Cheese, ree*d end
J for .ate by apXU W HARBAUGH
DRV FRUIT-00 *k* dry Peaches; 200 bush do, old;
100 do do Apple*, in store: for**aie by
SOaP— If* bx" Palm Soap, laadingfrom i
New England and for sale by
ap‘i(> JAMES DAI.ZRLL, water si
HONEY DKw’sYRUP— I2 bbl» iionoy Dew S
yrup. lauding from stmr Genoa mow n and for sale
■V" - AILS—2SO keg* Nail*, assorted sizes, in store and
i> for »a)c by aptin JAM KS DALZKLL
1 TOBACCO—I 3 keg* Gedge * 6 twist Tobacco, land*
inr and for sale l.y apjl JAMES DaLZELL
JA>Pt.R‘S PLUG—IS bx*Ja«per'» Baltimore Plug
Tobacco, landing and for sate by
Books for thk subscription or stock
in the Imurance Company of Piuabtirgh.
*t;l be opened ■ n the Room* of the Board of Trade, on
fir»t Monday of November nest, ut lOo’clocl, a. M.
Wra. Lanroer, dr Robert Wood*,
Wm. B. M’Clarc, Joseph Plummer,
S M Kier. Jonah King,
John Shenfl. AJox. Roseourg,
and H D. King,
Voaghloghenj' Coal Laadk
FROM SO 'l*o luu ACRkS of Yoagfatogheny Coal
Land/, about twenty miles from rittabanb, will
be cold on advantageoni terms. The title ii Indispu
table The dam and locks on that nver will be com
pleted in about three month*.
If application be made early, a Coal Bank, with en
tne* aud room* sufficient for iturry diggers to work, a
rood railway, and ten bon»es will be offered on leane.
Emjoire of editor qf Oaaette. aplßidCt
A. A O. Telkgrtph Company.
AMF.ETING of the Stockholders will be held at th«
office of the Company at 3 o’clock, P. M., oi
Thursuay. the sot h in»t ,at which pm* the charter, ant
a contract with the Patentee*, together with other tm
portant business, will be submitted for their acuon.
aplV ul J. K. MOORHEAD, Presjt.
\\* RA PPIN<» PAPER—<JOd reams, a auperior aru
YV <-le. just recM per stsnr Lake Erie and for *ai
by J H C Aft FIELD. Water street,
apl!J between imith&eld and Wood
ROLL BUTTKR-lti bbls W R fresh Roll Br
just received per >imr Lake Erie and for sal
Cl REAM I'HF.KSK—dot) bn just rec’d and for
j by aptil__ 3 BCANFIEI.
POTATOES- llUtl bUi>ti per steamer Colombian, ft
sale by ap!9 ItHKY. MATTHEWS A. Co
CtOTTON— 90 bales per sunr Dolphin, for sale by
/ aplt» _ _ RHEY, MATTHEWS ACo
BACON- t£oqu lbs assorted Hams, Sides and Shoo
fers, for talc by RHEY, MATTHEWS ACo
DRIED FRUrr-IVOO bush Dried Peaches; DOO d«
do Apples, for sale bv
MOl. ASSES —11)0 bbU Plantation (oak copeeragt
per Mns> Consignee. lor sale by
DF.F.R SKINS -fl packs Deer Bkin*t6 do Bear do;
mr sale by apia RHEY. MATTHEWS ACo
RIO COFFEE- Iho Rio Coffee.just rec'd and lor
“pH' 143 Liberty si
UOPS--1 •’> b*n * Wratern N York Hops; 16
d.i do Matsachuiciis do, in .tore and for sale by
OTAR CANDLES—Ib bis 6's Star Candles, just re
-0 ceivrd and for sale by
L"TAKCH— 20 boxer Pearl Slatcb, just rec’d and for
GLASS— 1«X) bis UUO; 4t*> do ninth fioO do 10x14:
100 da 7x9, tin do 34x3V, sheet, for tale by
apl9_ _ _8 F VON BONN BURST ACo
HA Y RAKES—3O dor for sale by
BROOMS 100 doz for sale by
"T \RY APPLES—LOO bash for sale by
CIORN— 75 bush tor sale by
LA RD—6 (ibli, j kegs for sale by
BACON— 4ixxt lbs country smoked Bacon, just r«
eeived and tor sale by
LARD —*J 0 ken No l LarJ,lß»t roc Maud for sale by
CRAB CIDER—IS bids for sale by
apty _rhey, Matthews a cq
HAMS—I2O Virginia coredT for sale by
V apIV J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood •»
P E 7f b “ h ’“"’ r y d«“l^ams_
QUULAN TEA -lThi cte.u
T A is 9ALT_SS
R Tfi ?^_ U>r "‘ P '^ '’!lP WILLIAMS
R IC S s“ vi -* ™ -‘^ilUi.
CANDLES-d boxes Sperm; lOdoftan 30do8»a
-rme; fib do Pittsburgh Dipped; for safe by
I'Vft tlTOEd—sks HI. Potatoes, rec’d per steamer
X Dolphin and for talc by R ROBISON A Co,
aplB l&i Liberty at
ig» i&tJSL
mms well known lino of .plendid pnuensee Stejun
1 er. ’ now compoeed of
Cubed ul »» * ow *j£ii!?!SlPclS?
w.ter. of the We.n Every
fan Urel money can procnm, Pea
■eager,. The tine ha. been in operation for
—ha. carried a mtUioa of people wilhoal
n .« the!, pereoa.. The U -HI *> .1
« ood street the day previous to starting, for the re «J>*
turn of freight and the entry of passengers on the reel*-
ter In al? eases the passage money must be paid io
The ISAAC NEWTON. Captain Hemphill, wtH
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 o clock;
Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 T *-
May 25), lt*47.
The MONONGAHELA, Capt. Sto.vx. will leave Pitt*,
burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'r.ook; Wheeling
every Monday evening at 10 r. jt.
lERNIA No. S, Cojtt. J. Kusntltn, win
. mryh every Tuesday monung at 10 o'clock}
Wbeeimg every Tueada* evening at 10 r. jt.
The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. 8. Dub, wUI
•ave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at 19
’clock, Wheeling every Wednesday evening ai 10 r u.
The BRILLIANT, Capt. dues, will leave Pitt*
burgh every Thursday morning ai 10 o'clock; Wheeling
every Thursday evening at 10 r.
The CLIPPER No. a, Capt. Pux* Duval, will leave
Pittsburgh every Friday morning at lUo'clock; Wbee
hot every Friday evening at 10 r. M.
The MESSENGER No a, CapL Woocwaan, will leave
Pittsburgh ever)' Satnrday morning at 10 o’doek;
Wbeelitu every Saturday evening at 10 r. m.
,h4 “-
C. S. Perrier*
W. H. Csasr.
Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at 0 o’clock, A. M-, and ar
ri vea at Glasgow, (mouth of the Bandy and Beaver Ca
nal,) at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at 11, nao night.
Leaves New Lisbon at fl o’clock, P. M., (making tha
trip canal to the river during the night,) and Glasgow
at 8 o’clock, A. M , and arrive* at Pittsburgh at 3 P.
M—thus making a continuous line tor carryinrna*
aengers and freight between New Lisbon and Pitts
burgh, in shorter time and at lea* rate* than by any
other route.
The proprietor* of ihi* Line have the pleasure of in
forming the public that they have Sued up two first clasi
Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passenger* and
freight, to run in connection with the well known
* learners CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and connect
ing at Glasgow, with tho Pittsburgh and Cincln
natl and other daily luje* of steamers down the Ohio
and Mississippi rivers. The proprietors pledge them
aelves to spare no expense or trouble to insure com
fort, sufeiy and dispatch, and ask of the pubLe ■ shard
ot liictr patronage.
C, M. HARTON, I W.t.hnraK.
S. kW. HA&BAUGH, j tt,bßf,h '
R. HANNA, k Co. 1 Naw Lisbon
iyil:tf ) HaR-BAIGH A Co. j New Lisbon
NOTICE—TIi'- nctur-cr BEAVER, C.’fc. Clarke, mat
ter, will leave after Una notice, for VVeUivillepuncoi
at 9 o’clock the _ jd3
Only 73 Hllei Staging.
Via Brownsville aad Cumberland to Baltimore and
Philadelphia '
npHF. splendid and fast running U 8 Mail steamera
I ATLANTIC, Capt J Parkinson; BALTIC. Capt A
Jacobs; LOUIS M'LANE Capt K Bennett; are now
making double daily trips between
The morning boat will leave the Monongahel*
Wharf, above the Bridge, daily at 8 o’clock precisely.
Passenger* will take SUPERB COACHES at Brown*
Title, at 3 o’clock. P. M., and the splendid cars 01 tho
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at 8
o'clock, A. M., and arrive in Baltimore the same even
ing, in unie for the evening line to Philadelphia and
Washington city.
From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, onlv 33 hours.
Fare 610.00
From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 houra.
Fare-- 814,00
The evening boat will leave ai 0 o’clock, except Bun
day evenings. Passenger* by this boat will wage on
board in comfortable State Rooms the first night, pass
over the mountains the following day in Eastern built
Coaches, and lodge the second night in Cumberland.
Passengers have choice of either Steamboat or Rail
Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia- and tha
privilege of stopping ai Cumberland and Baltimore,
and resuming their seat* at pleasure. Coachea char
tered to parue* to travel as they please.
We make up the loads and way bills for the Coach
es in the Pittsburgh offices, (in order to save tima on
arriving at it is therefore important for
passengers to get iheir uckets before going on board
of tbe boat, at oar office, Mononnheia House. Water
street, or 8t Charles Hotel, Wood st, Pittsburgh.
apS:d6m J. MBSKIMEN, Agent
Pittsburgh * LoatavUle PacAet Lima
, _ . _ „ The splendid new steamer
igrrlllfinl Uaslep, master, will leave for above
•■■■BHBBand intermediate ports on Sun
day. 23d inst, at 10 o’elock x. M-
For r,« lS h, or A C
The new and splendid fast patsen-
JSsfatat *“ P “ I )SIEOBAFH No. %
master, will leave for Cincin
nati and Louisville on Sunday, tbe 15th inst.. at 19
o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board,
LoniiTiUt and St. Lonli Packet Line.
It*©. 1840.
m , - The fine fast tanning passenge
. fCTT-Bl steamer ATLANTIS,
kWLAeHKP Geo. W. Wicks, master, will leave
■■■HKSlfißgfor the above and intermediate poru
rery Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, a. u.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
£. C KINO, No. ISO Com. Row.
regular Saturday packet for st. lows
- . The Gee fx»i running pataenget
i ![**■. Jjl tteunsr GEN- LANK
jgSßntfrttflft A. McPherson, master, will leave for
■■BOKsSßlhe above and intermediate porta eve*
Saturday, at r. k.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
E. C. KING, No 153 Com. Row,
. The now and light draught passea*
■ fTT , ger steamer LAMARTINE-,
ImflLrtUlHl Duncan, master, will leave for above
■■HIHCHHfe nnd intermediate landing* on Satur
day next 21st inst, at 10 o'clock, x. *i-
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
—.. . The neat and substantial itetmer
MBWOgwy McMiUen. muter, will per Tot a
regular trips between Pittsburgh
Wheeling and Bridgeport She will leave Pittsburgh
on Wednesday and Saturday.
Pur freight or passage, apply on board.
.fUTjx The fine fast ronnui^steamer
jißbgteflß Calwell. master, will leave for above
|MBRSHBand|mtennediaie ports on Friday, at
10 o'clock, a. *.
For freight or passage apply oa board, or to
apltf PETTIGREW k Co. Agts.
The light draught steamer
ySSHBBaI Green, matter, will leave for abow
■■■■Qlßßuid mtermediate ports on Friday **
10 o'clock, k. H.
Por freight or pottage apply on board, or to
_apl9 PfcrnGßßW ft-CuAgU
The tplendidjgatreyer steamer
UhAMJA’ Boyd, matter, will leave for the above
ana Intermediate porta this day, Wed
nesday, at 4 o'clock, r. m.
it or passage, apply oo board. ap!B
The fine light draught steamer
MSggBgUP Haalett, master, will leave for above
■■■■ESHQand intermediata porta oa Saturday,
al >0 o'elock, a. a.
For freight or passage, apply to
pob st coins.
n *. The splendid steamer
MBOTBffIP Q W Ebbert, master, will legte fir
BBBHBMHBIhe above and intermediata p'jrts oa
Wetineuiay, 19th inst.
For frelghtor postage apply on board. ap!7
tNFRdr r
The fine iteamer
_»BQ2s*_Georfe Colhoon, nutn, wifi leava
above and intermediate pom on
Mondays and Thoradnya, at 10 * m
For freight °r passage, apply on board. apt?
■ | •. The fine steamer
,rl . 'i* PILOT No t
mPoHEMI Kama, maaier. will leave for above
■MBHBSfiBand intermediate pom this day, 17th.
For freight or passage apply on board. apt?
The •triendtd new steamer
■ A James millikger,
Mj&lmgtß W B Norton, carter, will leave fo
■BHKBHMthe above and intermediate port* oo
Tuesday. 17tb mst. at 4 o’clock, l■ «.
“For freight or poaaaxe sppfY on board, or to
ip|6 PkITIGRKW It Go, Acrrrta
The fine steamer
■ jenny lynb,
VfcfS&Bi c mute, will „m u e
■*Ss*“®* u, v vnteklj nuk*, Knut piS.
bnryh end Zace«vtlle—leavev Pmehargti every Tart
day. For freight apply to * 7 *2**
"Eft 11 No <1 W,i r , ~
B, Ss^ a “' 1
ClerJrWiua'tedT~ *»* - •
W A t and rc
«cba>37 8 *' Apply at 03 M * rtet
Rnipmty BUMltlag> ow d t .
(Chloride of I-nny j ,
"“Ally received (direclftna
A the manaihctorarst a fresh <opply of the above
celebrated article, which theg will *«u at tbblomui
mailcet price for cash or approved bills. ;***
P OLL IIUrrER—3 bbbj and 40 has Cheese, itm
MX we'd per stmr Michigan and for sale by
Roll butter-w bw* aou Bami, j art
_*od for »«ie_by »pM JS DILWOBTH *Co
TAR— .10 bhl» Nonk Cwolioa T»r, for file by
■P I4 . J 8 DIiWQfeTHA Pr.
/IRKAS* CHEISE—SS bxa jmt reoM per iHf i-i.
>plf Wfciet it, between Bmithfield mdWoJxj-,
' ■»« wnmialtoß