The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 23, 1849, Image 1

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    ■ , >
ARMSTBONO 4 CKOZKR, Ccrumitiion Merchants
and Dealer* in Pitnisee, No. » Market street
EUsHFIELD 4 HAYS- Wholesale dealer? in Dry
Goods* Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Pittsburgh manu
factored article*, 4c., No. 2JO IJ berry street. Pitts
burgh. jas
TbttAUN 4 REITER, Wholeiale and Retail Drnir-
X> aim, corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pius
bnrgfc, Pa. tnayK
CvLSJcaraoa. u , sumi'v
R* o ?^*. CULB ,f»T3ON, Wholesale Grocer
X> «cd Coßinlwion Merchants, No. 145,' Liberty s
Plttsborgh. pa. J ___ dc3lV
BA. FAHNKMTOCK 4 Co., Wholesale and R<
♦ tail Druggists, comer Wood and 6th m. >yi
B-SALKY a smith, WbotettUm
g? Wood lift'd Pitttburgh. I
CA. McANULTY A Co., Fot ing and Cora*
• motion Merchants, Caajl Basiii, Pittsburgh Pa.
f _ mcb2
j*kx> j. Bcntsrr!'
NGUSH A BENNETT, (late EhgUsh, Gallagher
♦ Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For
warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pun
bnrgh Klannfac tares, No. J 7 Wood t\L between vd and
M ocll
GEORGE COCHRAN, CoramwsioJand Forwarding
Merchant, No. 20 Wood street. Pittsburgh. my 17
HLEE, (tnecessor to Morphy A l*e,) Wool Deal
• cr and Commission Merchant, lor the sale of
American Woolens, Liberty, opposite fith «l febl7
wm. bcau>, Baltimore.
d. c. n’CAJoioH, jonji a. wmut, rrbuada.
Co««i«ioa Mer*
XL cnaiju,4l .Nonli WtUcr at, k ie North Wharves,
iSIFV * co, wh o s&^:
J°wX ■} VA i rr k‘ ,uc «“« t 0 Ewall k, GebLan,)
Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant,
dealer m_ Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, cor-
PL_ n y m>d Hand streets, Pittsburgh Pa. ja2B
8 MeGUlftK, (lale of the finnof Algeo and
McGuire,} Merchant Tailor, St Charles Puilding*.
yfanu street, near Wood. Pittsburgh.
JAMES A. HUTCHISON', i Co.-Succcun,
Lewis HuUjblson & Co., Commission Merchant*,
uid Agents of the 8t Loots Sieoin Sugar Kcbtirry
No. 43 water and 83 from streets, Pittsburgh.
_ Jaiq
1 S. DILWOBTH k Co., Wholesale Grocers, Pro
le • doce and Commission Merchants, and Agents
for the Hazard Powder Co of N. Y_, No ”7 Wood st
Pittsburgh. , a .j '
JOHN D. MORGAN. Wholesale Drurrist, and deal*
er in Dye Staff#, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac., No 03
Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley hu«
/ _ _ . . . / janl
JAMES KERR, Jr.. A Co., (successor to Joseph (»
Davu,) Ship-Chandlers, 38 Water street. ofM
Wholesale and Retail dealer
U in Music and Musical instrumenm. School Boor*
Paper, 81aie», Steel Pens, OuiU*, Primers’'Card. m,J
SunonarygcncraiJy.No. el Wood s;., Pittsburgh
IP* Bgg». bought or taken la uadiL
J. Sn?S™r C ° '
;t, Piualttrgh.
J D - UAVIS, Auctioneer, comersth and Wood
*treeta, ocl g
V ami Paper Manufacturer*, N 0 .44 Market st., Piiu
b-gg-_ - jefl
J ,OH ? £ u £?’ aiciuao ruJTu
i R. PLO)0. (laio J. Floyd & C 0.,) Wholesale
- -• LJbeny street. wspi
JAMES DaEZ EEL, Wholesale OrocerVccnmuswon
Meieham, end dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh
mancfaetorea. No. sM Water at.. PiOabnrgh"mnltf
XT 4 JONES, Forwarding and Cota mission Mer-
I ? Cal i rs »«, t rodace andPiU-'bargh nnum-
Ucturcd tfmeles, Canal Basin. ne»r ?ih «; <j^j
L...„ , Vesuvlßi iroa Works,
EWiS, DAI.ZEEL & Co., raonnlactarers of all ri
i-“* SkttU Boiler Iron and Noils of the heat
H janw' " arctoa * e » s4 wucr and 105 from w_
E s WATERMAN”WhoIesaIe Gricer, Forward*
. inlandCommtMion Merchant, Dealer in Pius
ooxghMhaufsetare, and Produce, Nos. 31 Water «„
ana cr c root n
JOEtB WiIrlLL, Jag. o, M'arri WiLmc an*>
M 4 Wholesale Grocers and Commi*.
ja? 00 Mftrchanta - No - W Liberty il, Pitubargh.
CO i tiale Murphy A
p°-) Wholesale Dealers m Dryxioods, No. 4y
Wood street, Piuaborfh.
T.*t TOOCS ’ '*■'*- Jt. irooca.'*
{VI AJAJiN aCo Commission and Forwardinjr
Af“r* Merchants, ater and Front su, between
» ood_and Market gts. Janfl
MII-I.FR A. iUCKETSON, Wholesale Grocers and
Commission Merchants, No. 170, Liberty;*!., Pius
—-“L": _ ” janH
\T HOLMES tc SON. No. 65~Ma'rkrt second
rUu V dOOT fnT ™ comer of Fourth, dealers la Foreura
and Domesue Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Depos
it) Bank Notes and Specie. '
ID* Collections mad on ail the principal cities
thiQßghoat the United States. dcel7
Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying
Pittsburgh Manafa?.
“H iuid* of Foreign and Domestic Wine*
and Liquors, No. n Liberty street On band a very
teh^h/ioM^r; r cL h M ™^ u ”'* ’?H7’
E"m?bb(. *
J.V* and Comniwfion .Merchant*, and Dealers in Pins
borgh Manufactures No leu Libert) .t, Pittsburgh.
- _ . jaalO
pUDEHT 4. Co., Whol '.ilo Grocery
,JL%, Commission anil Forwarding Met bants, dealer*
in Produce and Pnuburgh Manufaetnr-s, Liberty *L
Pittsburgh, Pil.
■pOOT a. CUNNINGHAM, Whole <aie Grocer,
JLV Dealer m Prodace and Pittsburgh Manufacture*.
No. 144 Liberty «t iylS
L. 0. axrtKIUM, ,
KEYNOLDS A SHEE, Forwarding and Oenmuaaion
Merchants, for the Allegheny R,tct frade, deal
e f^ er ‘s‘’. Produce, Pjtubnrgb Manufacture,
and Chlonde of Lime.
Tie highest prieeiu i'n cash, paid at all times for co
try rags. Comer of Pena and Irvin su.
SMITH A JOHNSON, Wholesale ami Re mil Dealer*
m Millinery Goods, Lace*. Hosiery aad .Fancy
Article#,No. 40 Market street, 3d door above Third si,
B. C. mUCTI.CTT, mm ■ VKTTX.
OHACKLETT Sc WHITE, Wbol.wlo Deiler. in
O Foreign ud Domestio Dry Goodt. No. sy Wood *L
PinsbcrKk. jbbinf
C tW. HARBAUGH, Wool Merchant#, Dealers
0« in Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding
and Commission Merchants, No. 63 Water >u Piu#
SMITH, BAQALKY A Co., Wholesale Grocer# and
PcDdoce dealer#, No. 223 Market street, between sth
and fth, North side, Philadelphia novfl
SELLERS A NICOL 9. Prodaee and General Cost*
mission Merchant#, No. 17 Libcny sl, Pittsburgh.
Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils.
O F* VON BONNHORST, 4c Co., Wholesale Gro
#3a eers, Forwarding and Commission Merchant*.
Deaiemin Pittsburgh Manufactures and 'Western Pro
nee, have removed to their new warehouse,(old stand]
No. *3| comer of Front st and Chaucepr Lane.
W. 1, ttOTll.
T BOTH A SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealers ir
Booti. Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ac., a. W
o rner of 4th and Snuthflela its, Pittsburgh, Pa. ja3
A BEST, Wholesale Grocers and Commit*
JL nott Merchant#, and dealers in Produce. No. 35
Woodsn, Pin# bn rgh, , paS*
IAZ'K'S £ M’CANDLESS, {successor* to i. D.
Vf Wtek,) 'Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Commioion Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nails, Glass,
Gotten Yam#, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally,,
sontar of Wood and Water »trrets. Pittsburgh.
*TXTI3T • BOWEN—Commission and Forwarding
_/f. Merchant, No. BO Front st. between Wood ana
Market greets. feb*4
WW. WALLACE).MiII stone and Mill Fnrniaa
• ing establishment, No. 2« Liberty at., near the
\Af W WILSON, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry,
ff « Silver Ware, Military Good*, itc- No. 67 Mar
kel«- _____ ___ _nor7
WB.. MURPHY, WLoleaale and Retail dealer in
a Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north east
corner of Market and Fontfh «u, nngta
topw. jno. a. u'cnkT. '
\|/’M. .YOUNG & Co.—Dealers in leather hides, fcn.
IT 143 Liberty at. ;dJIMy
jnc M’cuTunoa' -
. aosr. K’nrrcalwa
lX? tR- M’CtiTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers-den
/’ » len in Produce, Iron, Nails,Glass, and Pius,
wu&h Manufaetnre* generally, 133 Liberty si, pitu-
Ni- decs
UI W. WILSON, \V atches, Jewelry, Silver Ware,
, ?T « and Military Goods, comer of Market and 4lh
•treeti Fmaburgb, Pa. N. B.—Watebes and Cloeka
carefully repaired. dec4
SMiTIi, Manufacturer of Cotton and
fl colored Linen, Fringes for Dresses. kcj Sewing
adk and colored Cotton Fringes Tor silk and gingham
Parasols. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes,
made to order on the shartest notice.
DTObL corner or MaideaL*nc and William, entrance
No 83 William street, third floor, oyer Abner A Ely*’
store,No C 3 Maiden Lane New YoTk jylO
fMATIIiEW W PonrafTmid Miniature Pain*
ter * Booms, corner of Post Ofiice Alley and
'own street, entrance on 4th near Market.
TO\VTs‘SEND, Druggist aad Apothecary,
bnT»k^^«l^~* e, ,L * three doors abore Third *t. Pim
■orS^nTli- “•▼• constantly on hand a well selected as
sail! sell best and freshest Medicines, which he
•«a£r rctwnftble ,enni m*icians
t .v be Promptly attended tq, and sop-
SB*PhvJSS?W"S noon u jraointt,.
ny7|C will two accurately and
m k*’ « any hour of
ierj? 0T * * large stock of fresh and good Perfo
a regular and fair price ' 8 " *"“ iomaanc raarbu, ai
”»'». *«. fonuab
pairoaagfc- - . R ?Mkclu & ibare ©public
a»l V k^ n *Pg*gPd til toia branch of the Jnedi
c*ta£ijjW??t *£ Xtten T ean, » *nd ha* conducted on
sgteSisr tv;:" 1 "' 7 " ° r ° r "■■ '»•
s^girJterisrbj.°?^° f Wu ‘ iy . , ‘ „t
*KIS TEA STORK—N., ifPoirth
hear Wood—AU quantities of Green. nod
Teas, done up in quarter, kafir and
1 Jr"™?: Pacnyst, ranging from 60 tu. per pound
===- }U A. J-A t Nf%<- Art for PekiniTeiCo.
Vn i^ l^®JP,n d«nt Police Office,
INFOURTH STREET.—pom mining Maris
-5^ AioEaiun Stxxi* Chief of Po | ice^ | RoEMT
- i-; f -ir
ft 1| ii aI IT GAZETTE. ‘
T OOKING GLASS. Maaafacturm. Hn j vv'holcmi*
jLi dealer* in-foreign fcnd'tlonii^ii.-Vurinr f;on<i
Wcitrm merchants,. Pedlar* and other* are mvnfH
lo roJI and t xamine l&eprices and quality 0 | ÜB , *J»k
as with our present iricreased'fneilitie* m manm-u-iur
loe and purchasing, wo think we can aiftr a- Vn-.i
inducements Jo buyer* o« any other hou- <?/ j
IX Mpenor 4-4 Sheeting*, Carpel Cluuu, Colton
1 wine and Batting. join v
uaqncuu ind lroii
C°.ss*&; "> a jS a
w » r ' hoo “ -
p £ ao ' dealc « inl'Goach Trimmings and Mallral>le
gffEL I_. oetiu
N ?wS^ MAS S^ , a A^.l ? a f A,, “ <s ® c *l f°»nh^
Xl* third door above Southfield. aoaih aide
Conveyancing of fell; kinds done with the rren*
ca *s »nd legal accuracy., 6
Title* le Real Ac. o'
W* Wholesale (Imi
. Becufflng DimlJera, and Wtne and Ligu.
oterehaau. Al*o, Importer* of Koda A*h and Blench
ing Powder, }»o. IMJ Liberty street, Pitishurgh, Pa
tUroecns 18 and
QX STEWART, roftnofacinrer of Heavy
SlurtmgK, Ciicckftf 4c., llel>ecea ?ireoL citv c(
8 T K A M il O A T AO ENT*
—SggSattrtfl’ omci above .M. Auu 4 Co.
octnl No. 42 Water Kt%L
J« FranXlin Fire insurance Co of •
T'kIRECTORS-Charle. N. Bancker Tu W
A* g7Jv,Vgr*
Bo„., 1W a. juorrl, P..,,™;, AJ<>lpho K
• Ctarle.O.
,d .to, Mpk > L e r^i“ io ' s
Rual i
Temporary Loans
liav‘"uLd' u ' n '^ rPO r r "' I °"- * °’wlu»re,'Vy
•nddoSir. rd *»° r r ne ?‘ 1,,0n toax hundred tbous
cflladJhr 7 fire > ,he " l >V *ffort.n B evidence
and °* m * ara,,ce ’ *** 'well a* the ability
and disposition «P n»ee« wnl, promptness all hab.lmU*
>3?r l : dl s' _ Office NE corner Wood autfad it*
■ I m*ll i ■ df >-^B B nt at Pittsburgh tor the Del
id virfnl t ttfe^u l sur^ ,cc Company of Plata*
lf eyeS- "W and merchandize
rip V on ’ ?“* AlonneKisks upon hull* nr
££Jos» of vessels, taken upon the mosi favorable
:J?ru£? in Ae Warehouse of W B Holme, A Bro.,
w »i W 55f r ’ nc “ r Marke * street, Puuburrh
h.hmimTV“ rac * eM °f 4“» Company mice the es.ub
uhmentof thei Agency ;ut Uu* city, wuh ibc prompt
for h bb^ aUt> ' V , llh xr l lich ever ' r > '“‘atm updn th£a
forJou has been adjusted, fully warrant the oreutin
[ inviting the cor-hdence and patronage othis mends and
the community atlarge to the Delaware M. S. Jnsu
aucc Lompany, while it hjl* the additional adYimnrm
I * lst j luUog “ooo* tile most flourishing ut PhilmfeT
“ Bm P le i , by the
2“°' *J* ehaner U constantly increaii J. as
DreS «f ,h W > per ‘ OH ,n ? urcd k <» share ot the
f h ® company, without involving kimuianv
reJpoiaiLility whatever, and therefore as posnessme
lure^dl 1 ,Uv '»“< l of uv.ry obniiou.fciH
lure, and ui lu mo., unreclivu form. " ov .J
■I. E pompur,, ur North Asunri turouih
luduly uuthorucd Aroiu. the .uUrenh.r Mltr.'o
o.oio pomurrcmuid hmjuril lu.urer.oe on prop.rry
Su3S™.T ,, '‘ , ‘ 4 ™ ■lup«eu u P ,, ) P u,e > c';:
* Charles Taylor,
Ambrone White,
Jacob M. Thoma*.
John K .Nrff.
Richard D. Wood
Wra. Welsh.
Fftunca Hoskens
_ S. Au«un Aliibouc,
h ES „ u. u - tui, ' t ' iN ' ‘■"•t
P«rp<-lu«i. and from tu tuslj standing, i n „. a™, le ' c i
ansplo mean*, and avoiding; rtsk* of m Sua hai
anlou* character, il may bt* conaidered a* odrrinc am
pie Security to the public. * t \y f» JoN^S
At U>e Counting Room of 1 Atwood. Jones A \V Q .
tcrjiiul *rn:ir»ireiu» PiUsimxgii. tonyi
Pifli iiio aiEHi iitsciujcii.-
froiecUon liuiinuite Co. of Hanford, Conn
C, .i" , OHAHTKHED in 1C25
•h I,un y i> -«W<*"-A.VD SL'RPIAS
J KLISU—The oudererpned, having oeei, ap.iouKeu
Agent of the I'rotecuon lnßprojice Co , win take risk
?“ ? r Tf ny , the Ci,y and **««")•, and on shipment*
by canal, and the mers and (akeri.
Arthur G Coffin,
Sara’l W. Jones,
Edward Smith
John A. Brown,
John While,
Thomas P. Cope,
Samuel F. Smith,
Samuel Brooks,
_ mchjfrdgw office Ntl Vll Wood #lreet
I TI U^ C P Ufcß - ** as bctt " appointed Agent" pro
A i ° ra,C u ll^ ra,,rr y*®pwi>- of North Amen, a,
•nd will issue Policies and artend to Uie other buaiue..
of the Agency, at the •snrehotwe of Atwood, Jone* A
if 0 . a Plh» W,M P JONHS, waters
c. a. u.umiuwtt . ' , », vr
No. a» South
BEGS to Inform the .rad* and dealers generally, of
Pittsburgh,thaKhey navemade such arrangements
witn the Virginia maiiutacuirers and the Grower* of
the >V eat, \\ est Indies, auu mher places, u* will moure
a large and constant supply of tW following Ucscnp
tloru of Tohdpco, which wii, b« sold upon as accom
modating: terns as any other house m this cnv or else
where, and all goods ordered from them will be Wltr .
remed equal to representation:
Havana; Sl Domingo; Conn.; 1
Yttro; Porto JUco; Penn'a; U«ed Leaf to
c“bfi • „ nln,J k Florida; j b.cco,
Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven
dish, with a large assortment of other popular brands
Ond qualities of pounds, ss. So, 12a, Us and Xtx, Lump
ss, 0, as and lUs Plug; Ladies’ Twut; Virgmta Twi*l
«-> sweet and plain, In whdle and half boxes, wood
and tin. together with every variety of article belong
ing to the trade. jellkily
HAAS, RE fill A Cl).,
r,^«r„*l yu S c S?J?l* ulßeed < HontACo-j
Particular attention paid to the sole of aJI kind* of Pro
duce, and liberal ttlvancesmade ou consignments
L. It. A Lo. li&Te leave to refer to—
Mrasra R. A Co. t .
“ McGill A Hoe, J ***u»bnrg h.
'* Reed, Parka A Co., Beaver;
A Covode, Wellsvillc, O.
Boawell Marsh, E*q. Bteubenvilir-, O
B. Brady, E»q. • \
W F Peterson, Esq „„ ,
Messrs K Crangle A Co. > Wheeling. W
** Gill A Stout, J
. OsWj', Bndscpon, n
Gonmiuion Mereimnl and Forwarder,
ID* Particular attention paid to the purchasing of
oituty article of Prodace m this market. Also to tit/
forwarding of Goods generally. Refer to
Messrs. John Swasey A Co,")
f * Martin A Stockwell O.
S. C. 'Parkburst, Esq. )
Ltppincotf A Co.
Kier A Joqes, >P»tubnrefa, pr
English A Bepnett, j ~. -
Commluloaand Fotwkrdlug ttcrehaat.
C_ So. 28 wood *i«, miSßPir , E
OKTINUE9 to transact a general' jortuniesion bosi
“c**» MpeciaUy tn Uie purchase aod sale of Ameri-
? a “^ ,Lfa s. lur . ei «nd Produce,, ar 4 m recemn?utd
forwartuiK Ooodi consigned ts hi* A * A|fem fot
Jl“ n % Jnres \ he »£. *«, e sr .Mantly suppled wub
f nc '^ 1 * rt * c,e " of Ftttiba? Manufacture at the
~'CAar/.~ - ——
1 > <“ c ° nd
Frail ana CheeM rer [' l Fo ° ' F1 °“'’ d
C<> " ,,| ' n, " C, ' , ”' 1 M "
■Mr Hmxv' Y Ohiir V i m p, l ?f 1 b. k , Mr - «• “iltby. and
- —— • **. rmsbnrgta. ieb-d:<m
Iron, H'iU*, Cotton Y.ns. as Pittsburgh
Kanufaetnrei generally, *
»o. 10 wocrp_*r**rT, m-manac,, r*
commission merchants
For the sale of Produce gcoerully
_ C js«Srfr v “ c " m * d * ““
Tranaportatlon to tlie ErsT.
iToasKY k COPLiAi
Qommiuion arid Pc rwarding Agents.
G.jL HABTON, PiUaburi ;h, ml! receipt produce
• febll/-d2m DAc
; R. T. LEFiCH , JR.,
'lmporter and Dtnlrr in Foreign and Domastie
Sodllery -Hardware 4. carriage Trlmmlogs,
So; ld3 VVood iL| Pittsburgh, Pa.
IS DOW receiving his Bpri, is supply of Good*, nnd
invito the attention of S tidier*, Coaehmnker* and
Merchants to hi* siotik. It has been bought upon the
best terms, front tho best source*, and he therefore
fcdi confident of dicing al> le to atTord satisfaction to
ait who may favor bun witJ t a call. mr htridtiin
Jcncu>o3, 46 Mark-it tercet wishing to close their
atock of Variety Uoo<l » previous to their removal, will
toll at wholesale their stock of. Combs, Button*, .Nee
die*. Thread*, Pint, J- *welry, AC., at co*L S. Aj. wilt
remove on April 2d, to No ffl) Market at. mch27
«annr. w*. r. jnaav
ITAkDY, JONF: j a Co, (successors to Atwood,
Ar~, 1 *** A Co.) C omffiJßiion and Forwarding Mer-
Pin.h in Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods,
rntaburgb. Pa. • |jjehJJ7
niviri tout Hoda Aih.
£ t brand *** «*ke«) ja* Mospratt A Sons’
•ale bv 1 cc‘d per steamer Brooklyn, and for
,*IB vV A m mitcheltree,
' . 100 Liberty at
W ,M. TlMm.l.v' '
W}'»a!rr s p a *
ILL Id■ »mt .1]
ne»s entrusted to him in Butler u *
counuer. I’a Rrfrt lo r * n, ‘ Ann-'rom
J.WKPStfs? u > r .-^
fen 1™ 7°
£.£“■ '°' M ""t fepo-u.c,,,. .cino.lcden,.^
C»riffi. T ‘tv ll0 E; " m Bcii * So ”- °“ m ‘- Hiun-h *
=££ r i*-.*"‘- H»r». I>q . Wiltort & Dan. no
AT LAW Otfirr removed i*» Fourth
.«i^^!l l * e ‘ Wern *■“! Grant atrrei
T\r\Lip r i IMM ' ll * TTWELt.
m S > KUT ' ,,L ' aHrtf ’‘ r >' »»■ Law. Ofiicei on
XJ Sini!ht,.-ld. between 3*i und 4ij, »i».
•T^ [*' KANKI.N, Attorney r.»d Coan*e(lor at Law
if and Gntmjuai-innrr for the Htnte of l > enn«yivam»
1 Mo . (Inter of Pmxhurjtli.)
Hon \V Forward. Hamo
jonA M.U'r. MOandics* A M Clarr, John K I'arkr,
otaacli* A Semple. Mthird A Km* , r j.j j y
roRN’EJ AT LAW, Kourii atreeu between
and Grant. jaW-dfim
A TTOR.VEY AT LAW, Fourth meet, near Grant.
XX .... jßlrdly
W H - ROBINSON, Attorney at Law. ha* re
pM * moved bu office to the Exchange Ruiidmtr*, St.
Llair «t . next door to Alderman John*. njiTly
Oj r «J-' »»b»crUHT. ti> addition to 1.,« own
mamifartuntiff or Hot*, bn* made arrange-Jfc
r r mc “ u^ ,lh Better 4 Co.. uh™Kl®ft
futuonablc hatter* o/the city ofNtw y or fc > f or a „
-lor . U pt. ly oi tus extra fine kit 11.,u.
received a few cu.c*. C rntJcmci: nir be -uurtl -vnli n
venr rich am! beaiiuiu'hat t.y K at ‘,r« n.-w Hat
Foar^h 11 ., 10 "' S “ ll “f‘ c,d ‘ lrcc ‘- t-rr’oinl door Miuth ( ,f
roorth, wuerr may t>« round n erciu *,«,.),• ii_,.
n . *P f 01 his own manufacture. wnc».c*u'r ana r.-
Hals nrndr 10 order on *hon iiot. C e
i1,W?,43» 41
Wi.OQl >43
fil ,583 25
3«.MH -J7
A rf'COHD i CO.,
“ fllhion.M,
TV»BTi<-rr‘i^~ r ,VW F 'fi h S,rr "’-
T* A ,“ T J, Cl LaK j.ii.l te our RrUii Trade.
7 cnJemc,! can rrl >' ujv»-! nft inuf t|„., r jiatu and
woaKMA.vsmj*, of Hie LXTtsr rrti.E arid at tin - tuwicrr
• M<rcha ; ,S *'' t n,rrt,, ““*« by Wholesale. are
respectfully mvitcd to soil mid examine our Stork „»
we can nay with confidence that as re*ard» onsijrT
and t-aira. u will not suffer m a ven-, '«.,l
house m Philadelphia. * J
subscriber is now r- reivmf from Uicmai
CilT of New Vork. achoire SWL
‘ a P* anU fashion*, m rroai vanT
t) and very cheap. wholesale and retail S
n< " l3 Smith fie.d M^d’dSrWtl^Mth
r* CAUFI-KNIA HATS-1* dot setter
Hats. revived am , fftf . nk^;
ttb* M'C< l l< 1) <t
, _____ corner .iin ami \\ (w d ,[<
rs sl \nu^Sf , * 5 “ ,03i9 POH 184 u.
JJ •“ U'ROiU wili uitrodfce on ’•aiur. 'tS
"• >f IiATS oft
t V ®*M , UOl * nral * u P rr ;or i,at. nr e mv
to call at corner ofhth and Wood streets mart
MED] (I A | it
imp6rta ( .t TO the
Dr. Kone’i Celebrated Krnmlies.
JACOBS R(.r>K. Ihe dues yrr.-r ard *olr
±J jmrior o! mon ui.iJ i, p
tenter, and alio the mvemor ot ■b •• , r , J
m.iil for lua.imj in. I.unirv
<-nromc dt*ea»cK. \«-a« ji .i Ul l, , h _, *> * urro '
■ “ ,d " *
ty oi 1 emu) l vaiua, and ror .Jiirtv yrnr* sine,- i
cL‘f,S'or‘r”,i h 'l'“ Vr K’ ,5 *“ 0 " «»<1 U«-
cancni of remedies thereto 1 ‘
Through U>e unc oDi.m tnflaune luV
wm,hi. PropbyiartK- Sy rup uml other i'»f In*'ri rnril'i o .'"
ne has Rautf.l «;> uiinvi.riirj niwimr. ‘
drcudful and fam; m, i adiei ' Tu'ir p '•'rime
*e\<jraiJ<l Atfue, hever. on k jm ]» ctirru Kr\
hw. and ail those obstinate dt -easer nei-u'm'to ’ '
Indrcd every fonu 6i dura . e vuu'.hr. ,n' r ‘
of hi* remedjemto which itv maMlly ‘ --mt 1,-
n»e of one compound oc.y r of t i,. . ' *‘ r
wah Physiological Law. tin In ‘‘ ‘JV
* ** *"rSveiE
(joideii Uhl. u adiruiieri by'diefeeurn-' h "‘
!iar pronertie* adupuid n. /ema,r i-uiTem.
satisfied that a hare tr.aJ ls , 0 *£»»«
ha.- been said m [he u .„]• la or 'hr „„w * h
The adiirtrd are in- /it*. 110 upon th/a.-i , i
proo„rj- Utr.u.l onr o . u,< D.,,.,,,,-. 1 1 ,» nup[l ,,.h “ d
ad. tailed account or « aPh rrm rdy ami , s a» D ',rat.o f
hor sale by the fo. 'owir r imni a .
Drugeuu ihrougho it ,be ( -onn>r J mc, ‘
i ?;'’S, 0O ‘ ims ' krr 1 * Wood ]>,;..|, ut ,■
J l.ilowii.eii.j, , li Mdrk. ■ -r
»*»»■“« T,,
roump.f.; ’
Juo fcjlum. Limr,,, V tti ,^ T .. ’
T Adam* Ueav cr ..
C°hfd ! hP x ixtiikfiuk am. nitMTi.
y hi.u-h« ,„ 1!# , or , inir d ,. lre .._ d
W.ih a severe p « llt in u»e mJ. and cnc.i. ucr on,L rd
vr <h a d - co. I was induced. upon ,
r^Td l, "£" d '“
a)l w ho *eek to prolong thru i,v«*» I
”“ ld ‘ U,V '’' ,h ' ■•'"fl". Taylor', B.i.a„ <rf U «r-
? r "' . , , JAMK* OOWAX. Ud B..w.ry
i» medicine facilitnie* crpcrloration. reduce* 'r
ll\il *•“»»« «w-g | h.a , idma'- be cor.a.dered
sf/^^ Pr ? , * a : aU^ n '° r thc curr "Kl prevennoii ol a,'l
en V l ' ,h .* C,lc * 1 a,, d Lung*, and ahould be rc*.o i
ed to. even alter these disease* nave resisted the W
sL^. ,n M ,eB . In to* pfacucr or Im* Old and very tr.
•pectable physician, ibis Bai»am ol L.vrrwort has at •
qu.rcd At enviable reputation for iu virtue* u« *upr.
nor to thiu of the abmidau m» o- ihr da» a*
wo* the rhnracter and probity o( uf inventor to 'thu
of quacks and emptnes
(iO.WMPTJON CUR KD —My „on h,v„ ;£ „ Vlo .
lent cold, turd to e „u V h violently ! ra.*.n* uuao JieVol
duck putnd matter ami t, O cou.d not turn over
liL ,rP ? Wea kne ‘* iir '"amfe-ted every *ymn
-1 ‘■“UMtmpucn. For *n year* he bhd
been subject u i;,- wnmu 111. pi.y.icinn* Mr«,rs
Vrrmoule i , aiJ 0c
w. £°? n U ' r ’i el 1 was determined to try Dr Tuv
lor'i Balsam Overwore and strange a, ,„J an
pear, this me. betne has fully restored iu* heaiiu
w ... GALLON. M Noriolk •treet
T™ d /■; '-'"“Tirti t*y J ~i W00*!.,, j
1d ., UlC i( d ’ d lar *' l Hi II Hniyßer, cor M,rt.einnd
11 C “' iUMt 'y “■ Fncc rcdui r.t
.'-V*-- jaa;
Jaynes* Expectorant.
r. _ Salxh, Columbiana ro , (J.. Anr. I*4. lr-li
t R. D. .JAYNES: Dajji Sia.--1 feci bound io >uu
/ and.lie afflicted public, to avail myself of ttiisnp.
V rnuntty of giving publicity to the e«raordinary eiferts
of yaur LJ pec to ran; on myself Havuie ben, afflicted
for lever* I years with a severe cough, hectic lever
and us concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed
to linger Out o short but miserable existence' until trie
full of 183D,asrben, being more severely attacked ami
having resorted to all tny former rnmedics. and uir pre
scripuons of two of tlie most respectable pity «ir,rin» in
the neighborhood without dertving any bcncht. or Ujc
consolation of surviving but a few day» or weeks ai
larthest-rtwher, «»>•■ last gleam of tiopo v» about u,
vanish, I pad recommended to me your Expectorant—
and blessed t y that Being who d<w:s al. thing* m the
u*e of the pi. ~n*—aad contrary lo the * xpee taUons of
my puysimarn and friend*. I wu* mu ir* dn, « rsi.H
(root my b>d <ud wo* enabled by the »i u bottle, io
attend to m> bu-uirM. enjoying since better hvnlili than
I had for ten y -r, r» pfe vtou*
Kcprctrui. ,- vo,™. A,- , j„. w. Patu.l.
For Fill,burg It, ui Uio F.-ltui iru Biorr, Tl!
Fourth .lr«rt. minß
ly sanatory, balsamic and tome projrrtie* of tin*
Vinegar reader it faj superior iir Cologne water for
tho ordinary purpose* of the toilet, surpassing the lat
ter in its perfume. It prevents and remove* pimple*,
tetter and.hspenty of the skin, it refreshes and whiten*
the skin, rendering ;l sort and smooth. It correct* the
clammy and bitter taste of ibe mouth, imparting a trr*b
and pletMam breatlf. h cleanse* and whiten* the
teeth, and hardens the gum* For all the above pur
pose*, it ig used with water in «uch Df<*;.orticn may
be found most agreeable Hy irihii.riig'ii lynl running
it on the it will remove ii.-adarbc L applied
instantly t«a born or bruur. it wit! i-vemuaily iirrvrm
morubcauin It correct vinun-c air. and guur»niie.
from coittngiou) it i« therefore very u*etui for porihi-g
and perfuming apartment*. For *u,e by
R E SELLERS. Whoir«it,r Druggist,
mch3f. S 7 tVood *trect. FittAjiurgli
Or. HcL*lU tn Tennessee.
I'HIB U to certify that I purriui>ed one vnd of Dr
lioLane’t Worm Speeibe. some two mouths ago
*itd gave to a son of mine «omr seven year- old. iwo
leaspoons’fult, tutd althougn tm- mnoum may
urge, fot 1 have no doubt but in.-re wm upwards of
rwo n.'WksgS whuot jtnAAcd from him, measuring
'rom ase notxler of nu uich to two mciins mug.
Ronsv Creek, Carrol co Tcnn . Doc yy.
Columsls. Jnn. -nli, l"41i.
Mr R K. stcller*;— Vour Vermifuge Inn *oid »»;i.
and has byn high.)' spoken of by all who hav* u...J
K. From Uie success attending the administration ot
your Vermifuge in every case I have heard ot. I am
cunhdrot J cm, 5 ,.!l more during the coming «en«on
than 1 did ls*t 1 will be glad to receive unotiirr >up
ply of 4 ors gross. t ours, re«pectfu ly,
(Extract from Idler j R FARTER
Prepared'and sold try H K. SELLER,'*. b 7 Wood »t,
and sold by druggist* generally, m Piiunurgii and Ai
tefrkh y • jute
j ** a vkatisa.v. g. r pm-sran <• so a. bobi.vjhct.
o. etii!7:dCm'
1 5'J StronJ i | r e r l,
' RT LOl'lt*. MO
T.UE sifbtcnbcr ha* removed hi. Wholesale lirr,ee
ry Store to the corner of Hancock *trret and Ai,e
ghei iy Wborr next door lo ib* Perry House
A. PRlL—Just opening. large and *e.ccie.l n**on
ment ot hue WuU hcf and Jcwrlrv. win, h will
he so Id a* cheap a* ■„ any „«her e.taMi-l.mcut in IhJ.
or.tho Eastern ciut».
Ai* o—A large lot of variety store Watches and Jew
elry, i u very low price* Fun jewelled 1 v karat Hold
Lever ». a* low a* thirty-five doiSa f .
. _ W \V WII-SON,
me WO «orner 4th and market su
j T MK r p. zriszz,.
:h,* day .1..W1T-.I by »|.l ~nIL„, A ,l„ 4 Rh?,' leg TH k
riist''", ,7;:™; r; r pur - 1 M fer ~" f ,h ' —< *£-*22 l?sj “
* awssrii / “jssrs r?
m:u F rhkV" U '
Eras?--iirfS f=tta
ha» i>L. n w “ ot, ‘ aTanjremem or the Hon»e
!^-r P Ourlu o^j' ,W h rt h of
«lU>“ InT >ub
”“' , ‘;'i !“ I "n , l »kJbk a,. marbat aßbni.. .anrad
A"i,uZ7Z 'Slp.r.l'.d m ,he w,y ” rwi " e *- *«-
wi|“ “'“i" lh ” P"f bay u> it„ „y
,a a°" I?"'P*"- “ d ° n P*« of thaS
‘ , , rcndrT ,h, ‘ Hotel worthy the continued
P ThTnnr^ ft ! , '* , L rn ' r,ri ‘ anil ,hr P ubl ‘ r *r^"«r»Jly
bH^S 1 , nl h "' ’' ,o " •»«
oSsiEsr* .
, n “ea;f'„ w ««on of tba Hoata arill «|.
Ihfch w, , ttt ,’ h ' Car ftnd SWMbfl*’ Undine
S oSrJI T to OJ,d frora Hotel, free
rrb:unry‘ 1-49
Co-Ptrlncrih Ip.
The *u'.«cnhe.r» have this day associated themselves
in iar nara- of RHFY. MATTHEW* A Co. for tbe
f>n rpo«.- or tr*n*nrune a general (Jrocrry. Communion
ur .l Forwarding Rii*ine«». ai the ptantl of the late firm
of Friend. Hh**y A <V>. when* they will l,« pleased to
receive iu«* juuronace of the customer* of that house
and our friends. CEO RHKV.
w ejilfeep , *»' ur '‘ lo recommending n> the confidence
of our friends and mow ot Friend. Rhrv A Co , our
successor- in business, RhcT. .Matthews A Co
TNK co-partnership heretofore extaung between the
•üb-rrihi-rr. in the nntne of Conatablc. Burke A
('*•. is thi* day dissolved by mutual eonwr.. Mesi-s
Hurke A Barnes will settle the business of the eon*
c-rn. for winch purpose thev are authorised to ttae the
name mme eonrem NaTH A NIKI. CONSTABLE.
KIj.MI nd nrHK>..
Hie uru'rrMgned have thi» day associated themselves
in the name of HI R Kh A BA R NES. for the purpose
of manufnetunn* Fire Proof Safe*. Vault Doors. Ac
Ac. ; at the Hand of the late firm of Constable. Burke
± ( o . whrre they will be pleased to receive the pa
tronage ui the customers of that house and ihmr frtetida.
In retiring from the hrm of Constable. Bnrke A Co ,
I with Hincerc pie»«urr recommend Messrs. Burke A
Barnes to itie* confidence of my friend* and the public,
THE {ilirtiicrsn p so lone muring under the firm of
M ( ord A King. wu by mutual eon*e,it dissolved
on the I«, mM . •)•!„• liunnm. will he clo*«-d at the old
stand t*’ .ittier nt it*. u*ro* the name of tiie finn for
that purpose Being de« ir ou* to have our business
closed w,th a* lnu,- drl«) a* po«sihi r * e would re
spectfully request those indebted to call and settle
Iheir account* JOHN D M'CURD,
JOHN 1> \rvoßl» tisvms wociVd with bun hta
J.roiUer Jamr. AFi’ord. under the sty.e of MCord
A < o . win continue the Hat. Cnp nnd Fur business ta
i it» various branches. wholesale and n.-ta.;, at the
nid stand. i-otiHT ol Wood and 6th street*, wh»r« they
»c jcit a rnminuation of the patronage so liberally b«
Stowe,! on tne Old hrm JOHN D MCORD
rNretmne from the old and well known firm nt
.1 M l «.i.l A King, 1 most rrspectfily recommend to
tne pano.ifticc nt the public ray successor*. Messrs
M cord A tin jaS- H. D. KINO.
r J T UL pnr*nership of MIKFHVALKK is tiua day
A ve,t hv mutual consent The business of the
-me il’ln wi.l be settled H Ut. J. R. MLRI’HV,
* ittsburgii, J -;i hi j| jfrjr
NoTl.'rf- If,e w„i . oiitmue u.e Wool
• ni'.i-es. ~j a : ;eni ] lo tll( . mj,, OJ vVooicn f.oods at
;,M " ill IL LLE
1 'loin Ibr firm o; MurnbrA Ix-c. ft.ike
nrai piri-jrr i;t rf-ommendin* Mr H i.©r lo ibc
' Uiilinr-ncf oi my inrmi. *mJ u>« public
I Jan 3H. IM‘J. J R. MURPHY.
r | Hh iui'«i'nwr« imvc ibis day a«»ocinie(i Uicm-
X v.-ivr» uig-ibcf lor itic purpose of irsnmcuni; a
w . *v u " u ,r ‘ iU * Hry <»ood* ami Grocery bu»inc««.
a. .No oppose Seventh »m*ct. under The
sly •• mid hrm r: m>HF!KI.D4 HAV>
I iiunurrh January I I Ms
U> Kiv* T« 1 u U [., , ,"| 1 ‘‘ u,u ’ uter * n,ul lJ ‘ c pul*'ic sue mviicd
c/.!i.. U .“' , " 1,,^ rrd p«rui«*r*fup. und.r Uu-Imu o'
• * AI(• K ,v AIKINSON. and wit! parry on ihr Tin
i-opprr and Shrotlron Wiire najiutortory
i\ :i '‘ k ' u m L llU, ‘? , “ all "» iTan'-np. at tlip old
'tri..d or l in H S'*nne, hirst near Wood
I urirr ■r ntiniiion to «i.*aint.oni wnri
•PMK I’ \ HT\ KKSHII‘ w, i K H.„
l 1.r.-n V-.! !.> -.1.. .Iralll 01 U , t narl.
" b7-ld JAMK.S 1.A11.H1.1Y AOmiM
I 'V'. V J
±«a '•fi>rcT\. I roilu'-r and Comrni««»o!i
Jcrjn,. ur.Ufi Uie firm oi J S OILWUKTIi
“ J. ? djj.worth.
J.f nir i. t-J«
( 10*P'AUTNKB8IUP-.\Vni W.tfhavi-.*
V ''•*>' ■•‘•'•O'-!-'"--! w,;h hsm. Ji.Un K ,MVa, IP . tho ka
i w .. ; af{Pr |, f . ror ,j u « t,-d U tbrr
'" u "* *- Lo WHJJA.M MtISG,
JM* R mvi-nk
'i'ci.t. ““ I“a’ ” f i'’ 6 " “""T*"-- "/uSSui
Wafldei,ni(• ol a Pilgrim m :t.c Shadow of Mount
Biam. t,> uro B Chervrr H I, -Mount
vJe'Jni'u-*! l u C ul Plymouth, ,n New
Kt. C-and 1 tiiOn Hppnmed irom the original volume
'.aiSriAr -■ *
I i. r ‘7 : *r ! '' rr “* nf ■>«><'' f'Mrr: p.l.ird by
J H If).and. »i u iu»:u-,. 0 | Mr. FoM.-r :1 . a |,re B .-u or
a * I 1,1 JO,lll f; ' l 'TPur.l— new ra.-nin
10. - ,t u-. 1. n-i-l S.-Jioo JhKlli* hir u: r a. n»\v
prir-- l-y K1.1.1t J’p I A KNf.I.ISH 7» \V„ O -' .1
nirir.l bet we.- ,1 Ua at-d Ihammid i.llpv
\ AM) I'AMFOHM » |> j y
rcon- »• i r " " lr ? ‘ u f’ r,,,n * Court ot Or
lii-'i)iir l in..rmauon on :nr iubjrtM oM| lr <;o lt | M m * U .
fcJid <«titcr v •■iiM-ir u.uttrr u. w„cr C «, W llU<niltli
Ju' l>r,ne “ P rarl ‘ rai and
Iso-r' i' T ■ i" 11 "' ' Ak '
inemTeV.'r r~ ra .)?lt!'‘ Ln " or,l,a ' I'ompriung tin- prom-
ai, P Rl *». the mute from Port
cn reoon. of cVf" ' 1,11 (ro - <:u: From the oft
-«,X ' “ ,lJ Mk| ' Tmarr: I .01.
mZI’L-fl';"?""?, 0 ”" 1 ' k ' Ui. h.i no.
”' d L ° r ‘: "Tl. EoI E,.n,o,ii',V. t ,„„„t„. u :
VS*’;' u •jwr c.irt,™,. , nd . N . r „„*, Vru.i
Ex.itormi: Exprdmon t„ the Rocky .Mountain* 4c
aiidViHir U — I*Vi)" 1 p»mo * si”*'* 1 1 " 010,1 Church
J “;;:;:;: , '’' d I,k r mufkins,
_ Apollo Uctltlmg*, 4th *t
U..rk, K i ixrry. Xenophon’s Work*, Tinitus
uj.t,,,. ~, i try Way.and.
rv 1 ,ir u ' a, ’d Time* of Ph.iip Hen
.r o ! ,• ' r> ' l,roV( T'"- ‘he Propie
"-opnuny, or majuicsmuon of (rod m
r , oi J Fowdl B UI[0 „, Ban, Christ is
.... k' I,". ‘ 'HOrvru, import und modes, The >;jU-
I'ri.j;. *s ureVt-r* - W CC d rf S *' CCIUreM 0,1 IMcnill'*
'. ‘R’ , oifroraUn. Mid”™'!,'
K' rilT t r \lr" S f Fit.ha. „f ,|, c
' . I -'»- •( F*tlo.; fot „k bv
El.i.llirr* KNtil.lSH. TV wnoil '
J.L -itc inquiry, beuig an attempt to *lmw the uUiitv
Newuhain o'?
marl ' J ‘" f ~,ir 1 f LLI.IU'IT A ENGLISH,
ry wood *t
ifci. P New York Ts e r , 7 lal /o rm ' 1,5 lla n>cf A Uro
si.unVaf h ' A k ; h,t Ljfeor Beiijunuu Fraiiklm. con
t.ublie-L i AuU, ‘“°» r «P‘ , y. and a narrative of hi*
inJendid •• e,»i '*| rv ! < p ',*’ b> ' l * lc Rcv 11 Ha*ung. Weld,
• In, h V numerous exquisite design«,
, ork i'nrited mi the octavo lurm on su
|..rhl,e p , ,pt:r, !M.m Void mid lrg,|, tl . , V pe l, will l-e
1, n\'!. , , C, , (rl,: ~ , - a f al W cent* coni, ami issued
“‘*i . Will tie received byex
-1 ‘"teiv atter it* publienOon Part-l«i met
.‘".l it»r -air t.y ‘
r orner market ajid ilrt *t<
\I A ,“!.‘- AV S "I7"RV OF ENG LAM U—From
i~-1, 11 -- Vo11
bou A,,,; - At
b > j -
bv Zr , l Jf ' ° r Pral,khn “Pbrnduiiy embellished
b 4 •• * <•«»“• r.
Pirtormi History „t >j,g| all d. up t 0 thp rrljrn
(es »gr 111— complete in 4 vm*. octavo Ulio illistra-
ju.t rrccived l,y
K imPKfNS,
Aptdlc Buildings, 4th »t
YJA( ai i.a\ s illsn»R\- op,i. a .v;j. voi_ ji
F,„.v IVl, ‘7' Works. Yol
The H!", l „‘rr“ril‘ lU,,if ’ l ' Cd ' - P' Lrl! ' H a,,d HI.
All M *l,l '• *'’* 1 , nmt,a l the Carthagiman by Jseob
Al.l.„„ Illu-Umnl „, Ul , rro „.’ r „ fr ,.
A »» d Kn E i..„ t.ttn.n
I .U.'ri.UMl t " l, ‘ " lrr;„]L„! M I J C „
n,L " v *-n,,,,.
,h. »'*" «■“'
Hurt'* Ronin'ii-e m \ nrhinn.
Aral.i,in X.gniA Eovnanni..-'
•Ideudid.> mn.traie,]. ,
Ju*t n coved b)
Apollo Hull. 4th ‘I
J«(•«?/ ' Abb * ,: ‘ W rV k° f Queen 4» Scots.
ii Y* Ju l’ Abt,,m ' w ‘ffl
II .tor; (.1 hmg flmries the Firsr. <>i England Bv
Jaeoti Abm>u, with engravings
w.Vh* ,nrV Alcxn ' ,l,, ’ r die (.rcat. By Jacob Abbon.
■ with engraving. ’
Hi.b.ry offlsm.ib.ii the Fstihagimsn By Jacob
Abbott, wuti engravings
Received and for sale by
*" " _ ior inurke: and
X'l.W BooK?t-.Oregon und Caiiion.ia ui l?4'. b,
.1.1 J l <u!!,r, riioriiton. late J-uiigeot the .*»uprcme
ouri in Orngon. and eorre.pnn-’ing or the
American Institute With an append.*. mr udmg re
<7!i "'tormnuon on me 'Ubji'Ci ot the
■“UI MINES va! ii all; c mitt
ler of n,.crest 1o „ lr Cllllirryll , E Ptr u -,th I'lu.iration*
and n map In two volume*.
Raphael, or page, ol me book of lire m twenty by
Alphuii.t! dr Lemaniin- author o: me Mi*toi'y oi the, . Mrmo , f< l>MllP |» alrt<> ta or the
r renrh Revolution " or Ju.t ,n e.vr.l and lor sale
Jnll.N?ru\ A jt'J’OFKTU.N.
rac,ll l , r murkei mid ltd o*
VI A I’ OF PENNSYLV.ANIA-Foii«rueted from the
m ' *>«'"•/ Survev* nulnoni.ed r.y the >tale. ki,.l olli
er ongnmi doi-uirient- Revised and unproved under
the sujn-rvisio:, \\ m . F. .Mon,- F,v.l Rnginerr. upon
i * Procured in each county, under authority of the
legislature A (rw ropie* ol this large and spietidid
■M»|i rceeived this day and to( «aie i,y
Booksellers, cor market and id »i.
Meoaxjni «»r rxxs *xr> ft. rrmauaea, r*.
m , »üb«nber hivmr as.unted the manage
” r "i nr . t M ,! ' lou s eatohlUhrd and popular Hotel,
I‘uliii/- ?* pfel ;“' IJ >* aniioonce* to Traveller* and the
n !i™n^ ,II,T V Lhat wUI be «t all time, prepared
rrrtlaWSTf U 5? '£ &li dewrab| e * » weU
w! Ho,x*i; d ,h° h “" ™ e » rth '
or\hJ i?l'v H*""? respectfully solicit. « coi,tlnu«iic
recc.y.rt J l" ur °'"S' >»■ House bus berelofot
rccr,vrl THOMAS OWr—
_ Proprietor
. . i’.up 0 ' 7 *! 11 AJn) aß ft-’ rr rmn, rmmaa,
nth subscriber respectfully announces that
JcM.?* ha. now opened hi* new and excellent Hotel
on j „ “ U, f »ee«n«nodauon of travelers. boarders
and tl e poblir generally. The bouse and furniture
npw . ft"d no pains or expense have been
n| a .l^u fru f er “ ? lle to* most comfortable and
p Hntp, ‘ thp city.
* uUcn,,pr l * determined to deserve, and there
fora solicit*, a share of public patronage
ootM-dly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor
100 PER CENT g"i VED I "
HE VIRGINIA HOTEL, on Baltimore street, near
the rvpo:. t utnlx-rland. is now m complete order
.VI the r-eepuon utltl accommodation of the public.
Person* ,n search of ease and comfort, will do well
to patronize this establishment—they will find the
chamber* clean and nice, and the Table a. w c || f nr .
t..»bed a* any in Cumberland, at twenty-five cents,:
guaranteed as good as any that can bo had in the
pmce. at any price, or no charge. No charge for
transportation ot baggage to and from the cars.
SE^* ri P PnCRTn ft"® nrTH STS
i i i TK late Bank of the United States, Phtla
KhaeklcU k White,
T)in ..MODS JOBBERS. <W Wood street. ask the
4/.. ll “ I “' OM 1,1 Merchant* to their stock of 4MERI.
LAS AND FOREIGN DRY O<X>DS, now r'rnvin*
direct from fi r -t hand* reeemng
*ca«o < !r , , > !"| ,r r , rcul ' ,r o 1" t>r * t (food* during the
* p!! • ’' V rV ° Un * “ lH ? e ,bare °< tH«» r attention
.. A “. T * alcl> l,ley Cft, ‘ foufiUentJy assure
thri'<un-'k ' All ‘ &!ld i: 10 lh '* lr to examine
' nv " irr * ° f ~rw *'v ie
fioixl. 1 l, ‘' B,, irnrrr«. 1 loth*, Summer
Trinumi U< c “' 1 A ,u,r I ruah Linens, Tailors'
Trimming „„j bn-w.. u„«l blenched Sheeting, ofvan
ra,‘ * mart
ijiodern and Antique Fornitore,
S 1 <l. Thied Stumt, Prrr«BC£«H.
A large and splendid
»«*onmrin of Furniture.
«uunbie lor SicamUuiti,
Hotels nnd private dwei
ijngt, constantly on hand and made to order
, ' rT ( ,cn > t B,ork 0 " Hand cannot be exceeded by
ar) manuiurtory m the western country. Persons
wislun? to purchase wnu.d .Jo well 10 give me a call
-!^!.',7, i - y rnr '“' ' ha,l,,,o ‘* c - p«t ol
Fete ft ret,;. Buffet Klaqce;
J.out«\|\ Lhitirs. IJucn, Khiabcth chairs,
"Hi ; Fru, ‘ Table*.
I/OUI* XV ('otnraoder;
tremti Mahogany Ued«:rad*. Piano Stool*.
*’ *<>fa« With Piush and Hair-cloth couori:
,Mniiojrany Kocstar Chair*-
4«i dot I’urior , lo ’
' do
j?'!'*.' Diva,,. 4 pa,r pfrr Tahir,.
15 rr.nrb.r lop l>rr..u lf Bureau*;
“ U ardrohea, - Secretaries and Book ru.ea
inam.r .o|. Waah Stand*.
i pair Oucniann,
" pair ranrv Work Stand*.
I*'*" •■"‘""'"■m o< rhKin amiolher
lurmturr 100 rmmeroue to mention
„lp" llo * , ■ fcnomhml on |ho .bon„, nouce
and on th*- most reasonable term, declS
Chocolate, Cocoa, *e.
?r n 'n' " , ' d „ hWh >-l'oooln«, Propnr
riv. « r ’ , Brnmm - ro<,oa Sheila.
■ I i, 1 r ljm * n,ld '■«»n»unirr». who would purchase
l * y* , ' r ‘' of Cocoa, free from adaltrnuion,
morr nutrition* man ten or coffee, and », quality un»ur
u,«- subtriber rrromturnd> the above articles,
Hr. nU Urn :Ufr ' 1 * nd damped with hi* name.
I i l *? Ur , mn:i ~,d ' r°,“ Pa * ,r - ** dehcaie. palatable,
! “* d „ * BUUiry dnnk»for invalids, convalescent*, and
ou e r*. nre pronounced t.y Uie mod eminent phyaiciaas
«up- r'or u> ary oin«r preparations Jlta mu lafurturvs
a. t) • on «*,e. it, any quantity. by the mo«t re
»P-ct.,., .. ameer* m the eastern citie«. and by then
! rr'l riA 1 Bo«tou. June* Menace
. ft to Marttord. er>iu); Hussey k. Murray, New Vork’
i.nnt A Motif. Philadelphia, Tiioouu V Bnnidige, BaJ- I
I and Kfl,o« k Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. |
i 'V Al. “KR UAKKR. Dr>rcbe*ter Man* I
, J-or»Mle|. Y a „^ t BAGALKVfc SMITH, A*u
' rnn, VV ro " fil " Bnd c »*t Iron Railing. I
I I I I. Bui.Tr, her* t.r* leave to inform the public that !
1 Uray have obtained irnin the Bast all the late and !
! r ‘*™*“* f- Iron Roiling, 1,0,1, for „“."t !
retnrtene, Prr.on* wishm* toprocure hand- j
ome patient, ivi.l please rad and nuniinr. and judre '
<>r ihem.e.i e. Hailing vrtll be furnished at the abort- I
e-l notice and m the beat manner, ai m c corner of
l run; ami Rebecca streets. Allegheny city
Capping and Bleeding.”
V to M R. DeUny >—
, No jo Filth mnspi. between Wood and Snmb*
dph l Frp.h Icpchpß received monthly—attendance all
nourv Reference. the* of Puuburrh, Alle
gnrny and Birmingham. * '
I most cncrrfßuy recommend to die phyiiciano, fora
men and an niy lormer friend* and patron*, Mr K U
-Norn* it* i.ruig thoroughly acquainted with the bin
ne«* and worthy of patronage
HaiiDfMtared Tobacco,
I f'cmrj- ft Royster * superior tweet 5 ips;
lU &> do M A Butler's •• u,
I IK lu Uo Pner ft Harwood'* - “ 5 •*
*' Jo do do -10-“
1 Li do do Penrl ft Harwood M “sftjh"
' H do J Robinson •• [pj >.
i* hf do do
£1 do do Wra Un-Kin •• < ..
I » ilo T Wright • <• u
do (i A tidrrson •• *• „ «
1 « do L T I>adr'. - .. * ..
i In |{ Moron s ».
| K RatrUJf >• •• ]b ..
! Ju*l Hull. „!; iruni Steamer and packets, and for talc
°>' UKAI.D. Ht'CKNOR ft Co.
-II I'nno water m and Ml north wharves.
Manuk m turkdtobacco-so bx hf p .W.
_ ft *s>n - superior sweet lb lumps.
.3lwin t- U rbtter Old superior sweet 5s lump*
3fl Lawrence Lotuer 5s ••
i.i-ntry ft Rovi'cr “3**s* “
" Dupont (dr la Rirrr) “ 5. *.
1" • McUod =. «, u
ti •• Lawrence Lotuer "Ssftfl«nlujr
Just landing from steamer, and for sale by
: 41 N water *t and Id N wharves
j . _ _ Philadelphia.
Wl W. ft j. UlißNN,,Book Binders.
h ure still •jufsecd in the above business, corner
or Wood ami Ilnrd streets. Pittsburgh, where
we are prepared to do any work in our line with des
patch ,\\ r uiirml to our work personally, and saa«-
lur;n.iiwi,:|,.. f ir ni 1.1 regard to Its neatness and do
Hltink Book* ruled to any pattern and bound sub-
Manually Book* m number* or old book* bound cure
nUly orrc;>airrU. Name* pm on book a in cili Ictiew.
Thoar ihnl have work in our lm c arc invited to rail
trice*. _low my-tbif
/tAI.F SKlN'S—jt) doi (frnuinr Frenrh’Valf Skm*. a
\J very fine nrtirlc A frw dozen* Philadelphia
»*m«. from the manufactory of H M Crawford, to
Wch the atteiiuon oi boot maker* i* invited. Jiwt
received and for **•<• by \V YOUNG A Co,
14.1 liberty »t
A T w MT'CUfm>cl»,-S.. 75 Pounn
XA. can be iren a tplendid variety of »up Royal Vel
%rt and Tapeairy Carpet*, latest «tyle». Also, Bru*.
, J I’ l )'* and «up and fine Ingrain Carpel*, of hup
V* , * nrt «iuiilitie«, and in connoclioii ran ui-.vav* be
lound Table Uneus, Craahe*. Diaper*. Damiuk*. Mo
f mi Cmiha, &r Ac , io all of which we call ihe
ntirntion c.f rl, r public aupjy
A * INC *old our ruurr «toi-k to C 11 Giuirr, with
lorlouu* our old bu»mt-v*. we b.-reby *o
!*' u lor in in in r piiifoim*r of all our friend* and r u »-
,oro ' >r * KO IV PUINDKXTKR
A ur . 4tb. U*ta
(] 11 '‘KA.vr. \Vliolc»j*ie iJrocrr. Commi-iinn ami
\J* hor.vnrUim; ,M err limit. No 41 Water *t a«W
[& A I't‘I.TON, Hell uml Hra»« Koun4«r, b*« re-
CT *""‘ l B '’ , ‘ nmimnirwl ui In. oi.l Mumi
li«* will !.«• plea»«*tl lo ice tu« old rumuu.
and inemli.. “
Ohuri.ll. SiL-itnibosu, nod Bril* of every *izr from 10
caM ,ro "‘ «'ibe mo.t approv
rilniodd. mid warranted t» t>v of Ulc heat material..
„ • 1 ""T J I Water 1 urap*, Counter*, Kiulmir, Ac . luae
trnZ l u\Vf Ty Ctt,Ul ‘S»- !( f(|Uirrd,
lurnsd unt! fiiuthrd in the neatrM manner
r,il. £''r* ]e r pr :r f M a™.at™.
us .\!kt*!_ «u> j u *Uy etlrl.rated i« r the reduction of
ffK-Uon ,n machinery The Boae« uml 'nuumnJ
cati lie had 01 uiui at all tunc*. (y
I ith «ul.-« nU. f . i, a , iu4 y,,, ciriu.ive Aeru.u for
pune7mi'li*i! m r ‘? Un * ‘‘“P" of “ and ritrmnve
’»■ a™"
°d?L J t 11 IMUI.I.IPs
I I.ST RKc’Kl \ >'l> — Thrre more of tho»* ko iu«ry
l'm,,o*. need C«m».anUy
■ .<<oaUjrrß ami oUer great performer*, together
la *trgp B*n<u[ij|riu ot rosewood and mahogan),
it) own ntnnutneiure The above iitftinmicni* are
l * I ‘* in every reapect, and will t, P
told low for rath F BUT/JE.
“**B No lia Wood at, fid door from Sih
rjIHK TABLE^f^H?^^
iheleavo**nA.ii tWe pty*fiTe feel, and when closed
«H sizes *
Steamboats. Hot?!. “SaurablT aiapied for
Sofas and BURBAtiK—Sff - . , ,
liable partieulartv are taval
miae room, and cZnnvZU " ,h ” °““ > ~
s sssrs? z m!
t, “r— "”•-:?*">=» ■bpmbotefeina D <ado*
..ead7w S ,;.e e “.Td ?oto ''£* *” <l , renl - *"•<>' *«l
-for a parlor or .iiUn. £££ "'" n,U °<
orKofr^' 1 *"*>* <°' P^'°r
is £X Pdfelße.k and Library atone
beouiv of Ae*sphrtS.'i n 1? <1 ao " recommendation: the
Hfff™J?r h “JS, ‘V th / 7 arC not to jet
erlmlne P ,k. .J. K™* 70nT *«WMatt tO e«li Kid
s™"* ,he *nieles, « the manaUeturer’s stoic. No
Sr^:i r 7h U v P,lt,bl,r£h / In “>*«“?2 Uwabore
advantage*, they are proof against h Q «.
n, AND J low owning, a splended tot o
*)“° Fw ?s?. Ctom lbe celebrated firm
lift 1 11 ® f Jf u 7 n ? * c NY H consist* in
■* *» 1 1 part of the following
One elegant Rosewood S| octave Piano wnh carved
“itoubki*'" 1 ‘ ,l ‘" U ' l P'OIMUPS (roared e.roS
aletant aod plain,
pe;?o, C Sl:Se.l"" >r * ,J jEo "“ >*■
ie2* stt* 6 °i?"' r “ od “™ n “ d “'-p””
ThrZ?p W0 ° d l f iM ?’*'l aare corner * and lege,
in Z™ J 1” improvement! in ibo mecbaniem,
“ f *" d 5» w “* of “» hammer.,
L r u"! m “ u ootmtrjr, and are at miVlhe be.t
At or, the fboape.l Piano, thal can be bought.
- m a7eT An " I 'F“‘ lot of Chickerlng'. Pianos from
? el ?** m roaewood Cabinet Grand Piano,
frM “ ° ew Camion. HENRY KLEBER,
febt-tf At J W Woodvrell’s, 83 Third at
rk ° t HN H WEU'OH, (wte Arem for
dVHB| Chickenrif >a Piano Fortes tor Western
IT ft TnPi^y l^l *’' So - &l Wood street,
tor *al/> in. iii plU,,bar K Jl - b ** received and now open
the mMofieiSl 0 ai n ißr e a * M,rtme " t - dlrec > from
vi l; r7 ' ll Chtckennfi (Boston) prices,
I ,K? n * R °*f *’ ood " cven octave Piano Forte carved in
anil nc , h ,l * le •”■«•>• XIV.
One '°“’ ood c . r ’^' "™ “‘‘l '
;• round corner*, fl ocuve, new wale
-imT 0 l. P*nnel « « « .. u '
ermV 5 5, , &Tt , ( rom manufactory of J. Chick-
E ! t*" 1 ‘V I " Of ftimiiuro, mi wuh
me new and unproved *caJe.
1R „ AL f^ o:l * UJID and roi Blxlm Low
*r m w ood 6 00,11 v * from the manufactory
s^«ssa,?sja * r *• ■^
a row-wood o octave, Gale ft Co., N y
yen. r New C Yor? ° CI * V<S Pi " 0 ’ mado b * Bacon * R»-
-»SSW.S.“ S’
.MW ; ‘
.1 JAYNp A, t^ ATON I? certificate to dr
"L?"T SZ b '7, „“4°k o, c°*{ b '&“ ,h '°
IMS, I £l'y"?° MedU
I reside m Springfield. Otsego county N Y .„h
cvry an a furnace and ra.etuSe «w"n Vha.
and hiq not interested m __ “ inßl P*aee,,;r mok ' •£&&s*;&■
SprmnS.M, N Y , Sept. 16 IS4« LUJAU K^J U,V
IJU J bxa R \V Crenshaw 5-
1 ! * J Rn,M Maili*on 5«;
”• f “ Lamartine &«’
:;! 1 Mirabenu 5,;
'?} i - Rutnam U aud i«
i - Roberts 4. Sisson ss;
| * I <*car Bar! 5,,
i " f 1 4 Lewu U,
, •» I ~ Warwick, *upr u
f«b?* “ James 5. ..
| Pitt Machine Work* and Foundry.
: - - CP
pressing Frames, Loo an, Card lc ?’
Iron Shaflmr turned; ai, ofCwt gh j
Hungers of ihe latest naiu-m. ‘ lr ° n - Pollies and
and fool, of all E "fiS ““H” 1 *-* ,h '*-
fumiahed on ihort notice I’atiern!. mV 7 deMJn P ll °P
Mill Goanaj, Iron rE. L“K“ '•>'
Str * W"«S2, ".ItLIT^L
c. *. j h. K«*,aa *>“•
, H. J.»*
! £
! r" v r"- SK
drawing I nun r i «n««d.,£ '.V railways,
1 o u^o r V D i"e fo?m^“ , r loo ‘ n ‘-
I mule*.jark* 4c .iTd*. arv . r , mc ”f ilinl o r country work.
!‘. , "caa»‘s#iE
M.VS‘AXTS'I •” t >™
"«7 of »eh, P o l„s, Co«heTcS^?^?!”l!“ ,
roucoco, Uu„g,„ PWlon., t, *T tSKf' V J'°‘
lon* oxpenenccin rhu n r mi m •*«*
and the facilme* they have = li>OVe w °rk,
therefore ask the .ttc.uon u ? elr w °' k - We
N B. R«*pnirinr<tonc t£ith/S«t P m bllCU>tiu * matlcr
mo»t reasonable terra*. St mß,mcr - and on the
___ - jaStMf
O rirr mvtic* the attention of boier. m k 1
a»«orttnent of above Good* .mk,” 10 klse *ten»ive
»P .o V'n 600. LS V. ' s”nr q.ulKy
ctimiuis.jon mcrcham. or^Lnuif^ - ’ ""
r» r«. he m enabled m .-n ,kM5 m lhc m*onf«ctu
iiod American CASoIMERRs kV a . Bnusb
and fancy ra«, n VKtfnioiß b “ k •"«* fancy; blk
llnndkerchief«, cJavr^i 141 *
HJkf», Lndernhiru. DrawJJJ aS V.*!t ‘ nen f°* k#l
corner ol 4th and barker ttrSti 1 nor “ oa,t
Wholesale Room* up stair*. , h2n
i.r ? « , u <,„ ISf.oSL h " 7'"" 1
with an entirely new stock of House,
the best Carnap,
ry in the best manner ’ Horses kept at Uve-
mem in the city. Call and lee*”* ° J fiae,t u, °n-
R “™ l ' r ' *' ■"TOM u> be'ond.nold.
ocllii * BLAK-L A CO., Market itreeu
- - entrance on north side ortho Diamond
l t£i r cm.r r,MJi ~ A,,olher lot ot ~ulflU - ■uitibie for
the California aervice, >u*t received
Also. 10 arrive on ihe 15th inn bv |.'r»™
“i?s d Lr rlc °h i ’T‘ bi ° u °’ id '««!«, «-h lC h n cT M
rry fold miner ou*t)i 14 have, and for .ale U
eomer dth and market «u
For California.
■'III-. Pdcliraird RJi, Po«-de,, k „, h^.
, kcji*. quarter* and cui, for eajr b v S '
fc,,U J S OIHV..RTU t 4 „
BI aipratt’i Patent Soda A.h
202 “‘/S Ivanhoe
vv ft, Al MiTCHELTEKt;
ICO Libcny st
Finding*, Ac., No. 143 LiberivTtrp!^^ oo ’
just received their SFOING STOCK of httVe
rr il*l! s £ lar * e a * ,ortme o‘ of article* in Jei^^ne 0 '! 1 '
Wh wide atlpflt on of purchasers la inStS
. , , SOTIOE.
Kaijlu 1 li., olid We, MoKmrhl i ° W *■';
10 p.f, without further Jclu/, U? ' “
mehldullm Adnun.«ir.i<ir of
A £^. M .£S£ L *- J “' -«'d«.r
•** “ y * pd ' ,nK *»h Cany***, *7 inch;
S.. :. a 30 *•
J.. .. ;; m••
'°i,^u C °"‘ ,n, “ ll ' lc Tul >'*, »”•! eolo". I.r
—"' hl ‘ JKlDfaiCo
A„,_, wanted,
CiIRL to <lo hoQMwork. One who iboronirhJv
underaUn » her bu»inc»«. im| can cite good n>*
■ereoccs. can hear of n pcrmanobi manuan, *j fur
wage*, by applying at tbu office. meb I4:dt<
. A ‘ »j» nor*
and lor *nir i>y mrhM -* * * uaRUaUGH
PARIS ORKKN 19 c-»n» true ;U .i .*<.<4 ud , or
“•te* vorn«f ui and wood it*
t&s California Gxdd Fever
)EB 4 DAT*
$ racer. PiTTsidon,
HILLING OFF thci* l&rn
ODS—the principal pan of
irehaned a t the l*eoi Ado
Ja and New York, ai * tre
trfe redaction tram ear reg>
rw tell a firye poruon of oar
importation, The eajTy ai
led tor choice high colored
No. 75 Miuir Si
TTAVE resoleed on 8E
-EL nock of ORT GOO
wsieh h»T« lately been par
nccr Saxc hi PhUadelpbi
and unparalleled;
We have made inch a Ik
alar pncea iHi we will iur
geode BELOW COST of i
tendon of buyer* 1* invit
good* adapted to ibe Califoi
Plain awl figured Cornelian
Very ttperior brocbia fig’d
and watered btk 'llka,
Superior repannure ulka,
blk and colored,
1 Cashmeres and do lames
alt prices,
I Soper float cloths, all eo
, French mennos. all colon,.
Black bombazine*.
Cross barred and striped
Drocha fif'd and strip’d do,
Jenny Lind plaids,
Victoria Lyonese cloths,
very rich,
Coberg cloths and cameli
an lustres.
Soper blaek gie*sy Oro de
luua silks,
Visette and mantilla silk*,
best quality.
Pore satin*, blk and blue
blk s*uns,
Lamartine satin merinos,
Super silk warp alpaca
lustres; |
_ , shawls:
Splendid plaid long shawl*,]
Splendid terkeri shawls,]
from N. York auctions, j
freal bargains; I
Plain and embroi'd thibetl
shawls, all colors,
Silk fringe, remarkablyj
,|A few brocha long shawls,
j the finest we have ever
, brought to this market,
■ now to be sold at great
I bargains,
Superfine and common bro
cha square shawls:
Super cornelian aJk saa wls
" gentlemensTgootm.
French clothe from the celebrated ‘VohhnT” *•
factory. For beauty of finiah,and permanence of we
theee cloth* have no superior; a few pieces extra fit
iV.w k ol,Vf Jftaveru and other heav
cloths (or over coat*. twiUeiFrench cloths, maaufac
mred expressly for cloaks, French and American eas.
suneres, super west of England do, super French sa
una for Teaunas, the best imported. Plain and fancy
velvet and cashmere vestings, merino Hum and draw
ere, Italian craTata, linen, cambric Snd nlk bdkfc ho
siery and gloves. _
Iruh lmea»,b«*i I any cloth shining, muslins, bleach
f„ d ““ A"* 1 ™ or good quality, remarkably
low, ticking*, check*, domestic and imported cine*
bama, warlet, yellow and white flannel*, a Jorge Idl
ery cheap; a targe lot of white and crossb&rredcuun
try flannels, eheap; brown and bleached Borniby table
hnena and table doth*, Russia and Scotch diaper* and
towelling*, saunetu, Kentucky jeans and tweed*
An tututl large *tock of blanket*, direct from the
manufacturer*, tome of which are the best ever exhl
piled, all of which will be closed out at unparalleled
low pneea. In addition to the above enumerated
good*, oar stock comprise* a very large and complete
assortment of almost every article usually lound in a
dn' goods store, and as they have been mainly pur
chased at the easern auction*, hence the late great re
dnction of once*. We are enabled and determined to
sell them oil at great bargain*.
Wholesde buyer*, country merchant*, tailor*, and
the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear
ly examination. Bargain* shall be givon.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 73 Market «,
. leb 7. N W comer of the Diamond
vr | E f ) TUI S Bay, Carpeting and Oil Cloths
oi the latest and most approved pattern*, and at
pr.c„. to ..I, .sfeb.^
tomS »>«
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpe^;
T.«£ , .5 ,UU * ter Cfcrp f U ’ “y *‘ ze h *tH rooms or vc«J
Tapestry do übule*. *
Bup Royal Brussels do Tapeatry stair carpets;
Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do
Superfine do do Cbemile Rugs;
Lrtra sup Ingrain do Tufted do
Superfine do do Brussel* do
nc do Cbemile Door mats;
do do Turted do do
4-4.3-4 A J Tapeatry Adelaid do do
, . P? I ?*** do Sheep skin do do
4-4,3-4 A | twIM Ve- 12-1 femb’.ed Piano cover*
ji do Table do
4-4,3-4 A l plain do do 9-4 wool do do
Cotton Ingram do <M worsted and liueadodo
do Veneoau do Bros* Stair Rod*
s-4 cotton Drugget; 19-4 woo! crumb cloths
Li-4 woolen do Stair Linen
27 do do 6-4 table do
Enghsh Table Oil cloths; Diaper do
German do do do do Crash
T* floor Oil cloths; Snow-Drop Napkin*; '
7-4 do no do Cnmson Plush:
do do do Purple do
4-4 do do do Maroon do
do , do Carpet Binding;
Sheet Oil Cloth*, of newTransp'nt Window Shades
1 ?P«»Gy patterns, cut to fit
KTo the abeve we are constantly receiving our Spring
. lock oi Carpets, Oil Cloths nnd Steamboat Trimmings
to which we invite the attention of ail who wish to fur
nish their houses or steamboats, as we will be able to
Off-I toodi «. low a, ihoj esn be poroho«,d .n ihe
Ean, and of the nchesi and latest styles Call and ex
araihe our stock before purchasing elsewhere Ware
hou*e. .No 73 Foanh st mch23 \V. M'CLINTOCK
Hu Largrst, C-heaptst and mast FathwnahU S*xU
of Goods, adapted to Gentleman's Spruig and
i>ununer Wear, ujust melting at
UK Proprietor of the above establishment would
respectfully inform hu numerous customer*, that
ne has lust returned from the Eastern cities with the
most splendid assortment of goods in his line, that was
ever brought to this city, comprising all that is noW
fashionable, elegant and Cheap inClotha, Ca*aimerea,
LMhmereits, Drop De Etc. and every description <rf
coaoa, linen and woollen Summer Stuffs; Shin*, Ora
vats Hdkfs, Suspender*, Ac„ of tho newest style*-
C v h > loKC ? eT w ‘ th J? U ’ery large and fashionable
stock of ready-made Cloth,ng, he w prepared to oiler
at hut usual low pnee*.
Country Merchants. Contractor*, and all who pur
eh**e largely, are particularly invited to caU and ex
amine the stock, which u decidedly, the largest and
most fashionable in the city, and great attention has
been paid to get a up snitable to me who-esale trade.
Grders hi the Tailoring executed in the most
IsshiotiaMc manner, and that nothing may be warning
to ensure the newest and best style of cutting Aren
rlriSr M b Wt, ? h *’ h J!. d s real fIf * r >n the Eastern
cioes. tuts been added to the establishment.
mch-.1l :d3m
UY GOODS, of the most approved »tyle» and pat
terns, for the SPRING OF IH&. consisting in pan of
rancy and plain English, American, and French
Straw; Florence, Rutland, Pedal and other plain and
fancy druid. China Rice. Jenny Lind, tx>op and Roy
al Milan edgo Braid BONNETS 1 *
Rich French Lace;
Fancy and plain Gimp, Ac. Ac
Fancy Braid, Straw, Gimp, leghorn, and other Mu
ms* and Imams’ HATS.
l-'kkorn. Palm 1.-af, Sirav, »„J
other Summer MAI’S, for men and boy*
Bonnet and Plain Ribbons;
Bonnet Silks;
Artificial Flowers, Ac. Ac. Ac.
Straw Bonnet Warehouse, 95 Market street
„ A. A. BASON * CO*.
0. CO MARKET STREET—Have received by re*
eent importations the following Goods, vtx;
Six canon* Tbibei Shawis, of vanons qaaliues and
color* FtAy down “Alexander's’’ best quality Kid
Gloves, together with a good assortment of col’d silk.
Lisle thread, and cotton Gloves, lor sprint trade
Kick standing, straight tomover Cellars; cheap Col
lar*. 300 pair embroidered Cuffs, from 50 cu to *1.25.
Mourning Collars in great verjeiy. Demi Lace Veils,
, aaaonmcm ever offered by us French
and English 4 4 Pmu, Hoyle’s Prints, small figures
and fast colors; small plaid*French Ginghams; British
Furniture Chmtx; white satin Damask Table Cloths;
Unen Damask. 8. 9 and 10-* Green Be rages, Genu
black Oroade Rhine Bilk Cravau, 32 to 40 inch, the
* aodß im^ rt ® d ’ P«"e Twist, Unen cambrie and
linen cambric Hdkfs, from 8* to *2,50; White Goods
«ich as Jaconets, Lawiu, Mall and Swiss Muslins
Qgured and plain Lace*, white and coPd TarJauaes'
We are tn the daily receipt of NEW GOODS, and
invue the attention of purchaser* to our extensive
iT l * J *° “*«»«■-. Prrrocaoa.
L) .• u 8 wonting Dry Goods will please lake qo-
I. lice uiat the above house has commenced recei
ving us NKW SPRING GOODS, and invites the calls
e “ ,u> “ cr * layers generally. Goods
w II be offered at low prices, and purchasers will have
a large and choice* assortment to select from.
tCT* Country Merchant* and others are invited in
examine the assortment m Wholesale Rooms np stair?
whero a large assortment of Prlau, Ginghams and
joodsjenenrtly are now opening. mart
NDry Good* Jobbers fe
°.W WOOD BTRKKT—WouId call theWmion
,aTf * BttHsk ° f Dome « tic
Foreign DRY GOODS, just receiving from iho Im
porter! and Manufacturer*, and which they will sell
at v e r>- IoW rate, for cash or approved cmL
thfUttStSi ftt 1 * nd com P ielp . well worth
£'”■ We *«enmned to .ell
°T priCß * ** cannot fhil to make it
a auong lndooetnent for merchants to make a bill wuh
. . rach3l
GOODS—W R. Mtrsrar In
▼lie. the auenuoo of honae keeper* * nii tho.e
•w.Ol commencing hou.e keeping, 10 bi> u.orimem of
above Good*, such a*—
Quit* and Counterpane*, white and colored;
Ticking! and pillow-case Muslins,
from one to three yard* wide;
Tkble Diapers and Tabic Cloth*,
Towelling, Towel, and Napkin.,
runuture Print* and Chintzes.
Scarlet Oil Chintx. for curtains,
Sujjer printed Chintz, for quilt*,
Embroidered wr dow curtain Muslins;
Striped and barred •• '•
Bed Blanket., all quaiiue* and sizes;
A .apply or'the.e Good, is constantly kept on hand,
and wul always be Mid on the most tavor&bje term*;
at north east corner 4th and Market *u. frWM
Bklrtlß| lituliiu and 'lrliti’Liii.a..
WR. MURPIIY invite, the particular attention mi
• tho.e wanting the above Good*, to hi. desirable
•took, confuting of Uie best make, from the most ap
proved manofactnrer*, and th. latter warranted pure
dax.—ilo ha* josi received an additional .apply, and I*
offering Shirting Mualia. of a .uperior quality, ara
very .low price Also,
Sheeting and Pillow-ca*e Mu.lin*;
Diaper* and Crash ; '
Table Cloth*. Towel, and Napkin*,
Blanket*, QollU, Connterpane.; and
Housekeeping Dry Good* generally
LADIES' DRESS GOODS—Such a* French Mena©*,
Paraaeuo*. plain and faney Do I-alne*, l tome new
style* just received;) Alpaca*, Ac.
The season being far advanced, all these Goods will
lie sold at price* that cannot fail to please
fp-Wholesale Rooms up stair*. janlS
XTO. GO MARKET STREET, will continue their
i.l great semi-annual .ale of DRY GOODS, for 30
day. longer, during which unic their extensive whole
sale Room* will be thrown open to their Retail Trade
a. heretofore A A. M. A Co., knowing that they are
selling Dry Good* of every description from ten to fif
teen per ce.nt. less thau ever before, do invite every
person in wont of dry good*, or who may be lu want
to examine and purchase from our stock, at the lowest
wholesale rotes.
t>ur great objeet in reducing stock m to make room
for Spring Goods, it being su( intention to exhibit m
March the largest and the richest .lock of Dry Good*
ever offered by any one boose irr America.
We shall continue the sale. of our Bleached and
Brown Muslins, Ticking* and other Domesuc Goods
ai our former low rates, notwithstanding tb- reeetuV.i
, l5 per cent npoa the same m el, ten. ml?ke«
ratnu Graduated Gaivtmtc Bmttmw mud iW»f
uj„'“ b * “"■"Tod »U» S
ehhw •it.JISiU 1 "®, r * in ’ OT w “7 purtof the Mr.
•tmua, withom “ f dc^a * la feiuL
snd otan or p^&_ ~ wllh P«rfc«t sainty—
Thij jmnn? . happiest effect*,
by * p P‘ r * la » l * now highly approved of
try and
rn«7 e« c wd «he« »hoa
be jjveaiomanvki_M» r^!. rml I _? efer «n« Will also
been cured bT^neS^L^? e<Mib,e who bare
of some of tlwj u " i m<m T *io*hle apparatus
could Dm be K etCmc disorders which
Amour vanou. W oth * p kao*n mean*.
Durably adapted for tbT’euJ'S*®? R ro, '! ed "*» ■**
m: nervous headache ..“Tl u f lh ? following diseases,
ft is with iUi< ™ brmia *
convey the marneue IlniH m lho operator can
eye, to restore atgbu. or ctmT” 11 CMe lnd “fo*y to the
restore hearing; to tj e ton^.. aJo^ ttro * 4 *’ to the ear to
store speech; and to the cr orjam, to rej
the cure of chrome rteunumL P^il f *e ***7' **
ue doloureiu, paralysis, or r>,iT„ MUBa *’ oettralfta, or
V.tu s & «*««• « *.
diseases peculiar to females, * P ’7 mi ' wmB
lockjaw, etc. etc 1 OOWr,eUD ® of the limbs,
Right* for surrounding coon ties ofWM,.«. ,»
privileges. with tie mstromem, buy tie P *7 *° d
also tested for the cure of * par «based,and
Full instructions will begtVen for the *»w«~ v
cals to be used for various llscaJL **«•*-
fo ' «r'■“« <° r *• c«™ iffy
. MtljJly a WILLIAMS, Vine ,!, Piu,h«, t
Rmnlbl, FUtfrliur Ooek. ‘
A ™ E puripviNo water.
Wired render, tnrbid reeter pore b,
/W2j-£\ removmjoll ,abn«ace« not lolnblo ,n
j/tfSaP w«ur. The croton water in N York
clear and pore to the eye, yet
VwW ?! hen il P l **® B •*» bo&i through tii
\Slag r filtering cock, shows a large-deposit
• . impure substances, worms, Ac. This
■£. c S* e raora or leM w»* all hvJraat water.
'l®*' ***'wwWeFUterer is neat ahd durable, and U
TT 1 ’* 1 * lhe 'JL e^\,aienco incident to other
Mlterersths it is cleansed without being detached from
walef PfP e > b ,y merely turning thekoy or handl.
from one s«de to the qther. By this easyprocess!**
eourse of water is changed, and all aecomubu£» fl
rapare substance* are driven off almost instantly,
wiUiom unscrewing the Filter, ft also possesses ths
K° f Bein * a * top “ nehin Amy
cose* will be very convenient and economical.
~l [ ™'..b s »K«hed where there is any pressure Ugh
Wi * 1 ca 4k * ““k. «b, fce. with case. Tfo be had
of the sole Agent, W. W. WILSON,
.v ?® U J_ _ _ corner of Fourth and Market sta
TtaSS.'ISC: “ »•" -
row uutnuwQi correct; and recommend the om of It
to iho« going to California, a. the beat methods ob
taining lac real TaJoe of Gold. Bam. youra,
r»j . . „ A.®; DUNLEvY, Goto Beater.
Pittsburgh, March 9,1949.
_ PriTMuasH, March 7, 1949.
Ma EAUN*—Dear Sin Having examined the “Areo
“e‘e*» ““'‘afactared at your room*, 1 do not hesitate
to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who are
about removing to California in search of Gold.
u give, a dose approximation to the spccifie erari
y or metai*. and will certainly enable the adventurer
to ascenam when his placer la yielding Gold.
m&rU > oars, resp’y, J. H. hTCUNTOCK.
Tl irT , Ct,lSTOil PA.PB& inn.l/
PA - ?^ R *'IILL, situated at Steobeo
viile, Ohio, having been enlarged and uaprtred,
“““ at a , T ? r) '/ T ®* t sl P« n » addedtiew and the moat
improved kind of machinery, it now prepared to «■■■
Cotwn \ am Paper*, Bonnet Board*, ic., canal la aar
in the haaiern or Weaiern coanlry "
v^'Jl?‘i° r “ pled h * , “» lh “ of tha above
ke '£ "““““y 00 band a (arje enpifr of
dideieat kinda of Paper, aad trill bale any alia
made to order at abort notice. g. c. mi.i.
* * 87 Wood itreet
Pine and Cedar Ware Bannfaetorr,
M t“ CT *” ■**, Pm*.™*.
I tik. subscriber keeps constantly on hand, whole-
A * ale anil retail) very low for cash
W„h Tul„, . B.n.j ctamu,
S h „ *1 S'* l ChunuT
\ ~r * *L ß u<' k e I Half Bushel*, Ac
A i *ther Kinds Ware ui his line made to order.
V 1 100 urn. d| cash carrency.or 4 mos. appTdflila.
de,i ‘ L-I ! !! r up " ar,U ' d ,° P ar - 11 mo » do- interest ad
i*‘ J L,/ or ‘T -“l wr >or quality of this brand we refer to
l e plans n.»,| «oap manufacturers of this city ffenenU
*>• , . Wk 41 aUTCHKLfREE,
Uoc4 - 2 _ l6O liberty si
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water,
■f rHIS is to ecro/y that 1 have ap
-4 g o "* 4 Livingston, Roggea a Co.
Agent* for the sale of/enninr's
M■ ■ Patent Dinprahrm Filter, forthecij
JM ties of Piusbunrh and Aileahenr
( JOH& GIBSON, Agent,
tßt ri. r y V illCr W Ulb * on ’ 349 Broadway,
-\W. Oet. 10, |®4B.
0 r!° l ’ ceo on* ofihe above articles at th*
Office of the Novelty tVork. for three momhl™
“3 Sr k f ,iUJ,fied lhat “ ia “ uwAvenK;
£, ® “Ve pleasure lu recommending them as a aae
fui article to all who love pare water
r «.ived „ d > ™“ i»
miiL’ , A dv«rtHom«nt.
«iJL u a * ’ and Cblcker
fi* , T ”“ W *oonnon to tib
■u«rlmS, " „7fl, h P ‘”°! ln ““ wl >''» tlto
“jjr“5 '■ , " , * ,re " * M'* .tde by
,T7 • ™„c c ,,d„ oflhc i
lo ini ih, , * , lormt:lJ rue subscriber beingtuixiou.
U) ri( ibeir rclniivr menu, and having for a number nf
ia<|p <!n ' , , r,UCll Up ° U v Fwui °* ofsunna 4 Clark
ermi Wa„n , lhe last lw * tve months, a ChS-’
nord<,rlo *ry i« durability and fimeu
a»anac.-.,m t , a ll yrn cmioth e voice. Thi. PrnuT^
- CCfl „„ At J W Wood weft’s
S °FA ™«MK-aJC^vmp man
J",,J*" ■““» °< U>e fSlomn, f,S
clri ol hi. own manufacture in Un* ciir-Sadnu 5™
no*, Trunk, and Whip., ail of wh/rhL ’ Hw '
1 r%fyn^L
s ~™".’ss: £s„° y r * b r“
Arrangement. hare been made by n
be able u> iurm.ii young ladies fucilitiM U }' / lU
in the W«i. to f obtaining . thorough
cal, and Ornamental education a* f,.n^VH*?* l '
U.ophical and Chemical U “tore, wi utT? f
daring the winter, illo.iraied by aonaraml d r£ e ? d
partmenu oi Vocal and lustrum* SS 4 ®*
Language,. Drawing and Painting wiHe*eh’»i l^5 ra
Ua care of a competent Professor 5 ’ ?.! , ach Qnder
to the moral and intellectual close attention
“K* « ‘pp'r »
now prepared to fiUorderi for FJl ®nil Bncks,*’ are
3fta: k - Tzazr. f
my3U A M ANULn 4 Co, Canal Basin,
Pen, 4 Sisson 5«: <1 do ilenn A 71.. C* 10 do **-
&£?;* £
nT'lZ' J° l " , '''0.. "“hnuanj «oioo of Iho mo,i r.,0,.
ponjr. of Jamo.‘ Sodd J.IKJS?'
m«rkn, .m now nod will e< , imnM , £ t™(l mi!
plied with Ih,. celebrated brood, wbichiw’SJii" 1 !:
Uu. ci|y generally refpocmw the o^tS? 1 1
160 liberty *t
ie lifJ.rf 1 ou "* b j n S witi Pationu, Tool*.
1,7 - . {oT bu>i «**. will bo *old on aecoHmi
daung term*, or exchange for iron or rood*. BU V*
inu oner* an excellent opportunity to a vom,. __
wuh *mall capital to commence the Don
lines*. Knquireof vwuoary bn
aeco I* near Wood ctnet
M Seales, Cooking Stowes. Orats, *
ARSHADL, WaJ-laCE k Co!* IS,S £*’ .
comer Liberty and Wood street™
and offer lor .ale Plattorm, Floor MdSwSS'Sf?'*
of the most improved quality, Cooking Stover
•and coai, Kgg Siov*. of various aiz£ W< **
common Orntea, Hollow Ware Ac %?f lor
manufacture Uie Kitchen Range Vhieh h» r “* y
general .attsfarlion to those navuur i. fir* fflVeu * 0cl »
which thry would rr.pecubliy t nV?i« tt !" “**’ w “!J of
the ctuaeua and the public ireuemiio aUc nu°o of
pATK-Vf nOI.AR LARff ! m{R =i -51 , £i>!_
X assortment of Cornelius k Co's r*i7»" e f ,cn “’«
laeture.and superior to ail other.. *' el,n * te<3 mann
churches, stcimboats, factories. ,r„.li- U4 ** “ d *P«*d to
private halls, and to all othe? pub '* c “Od
and bnlllant light u deau-able ** b ■ cteap, la ia
9 h A .& u r^
”'WsyssnsteS? iSi »s
cheap and well selected stock of •‘ore a very
■Mice the decline of 'price. lLot?*?.?*' 1 *? o ™*
are determined to self corresponding , Ud ,he r
Who have been in the babit of £ojJf p° W Merchant*
lariy requested u, call and loof iwJL*^" ** Y° J >artlc ® J
pxrKR“?<CT;D Au UaiCKS.i
-Ei million*, S, nce Hir, ’ 011 “ lr,ai ° r '*'*« « J * b ®lf
passed for dnrabdfiJ • . f rom>un< ’* ,b,J • njf,e »«*ur.
Funiaer. IJ o fa f'iuiy m uie roiutraciion of ail kiud* of
«ST„ P,,w «O.Ja b«h far load. oM» M.
Eiir.dr'“7M ra r «»"$
L w. w, ui „a k , srra?!: &•*,£&
~«! m W <Uf * uic al tl)r n srrlMiose, ‘Sloan'a H'borD Cm.
lwf Hawn, by j .HUW UACLAJt£N
_ BI P 6: ' f KensingtonJron Work*
SPADEs, ?t|!oVFJ-i*. AC —5O do* cCT
vela; 4l»do .Manure h'orfca; «0 do Grain Shoselarm
do Socket do; A*e«. Hatchet*, ••
Hollow., V.«V to, «V ,£XK£J“™ *«•,
Uy novid o£O