The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 21, 1849, Image 4

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tot oitxTwaoa* roa .
lnßoentt CtoOT. ' «“-
«««i<m. 8o.« Throw,»'' , ' i "
iy. tnd .11 th«««« »( '<■' J “™ al ,
Bre**tand bung* ibemortef-
Actual and «P r Cdy cu , re
eTCT koown lot, any of j
I the above the*®*- ~
Oompo«Bd Byrnp sjnong *„««• of doubtful
TM* “i&Srtied sway from the thousand* drnly
* oUlT v J «^n P the tide of experiment. and now stand*
ISB netted ®P°" L . n d la becoming more eivetisivr-
Ser preparndon ? e. —«»« -or
InpOIOBM I »aiwb effecu _ Fot ptoo( of ** foregoing
denentof P }^ lbe ralac * n <i efficacy ot Ur* tpeib
etaiexiDaiiis, sno tntert a few of the mai.y Uiou-
Bh ?®" hESbeen pte-med to him by
TcanectabUity-men who have hifiber
mranf >be &** 4itd justice- than to cer
°/ ® OT I3 SS -j 8 ...other a favor, and
ToluntarUy bear „ D 6 contrary to therr
pnTWenl«rfte».M>®^ , ‘®SS?, tc £ r „ common o<
Worldly interest* and jn m , pr c.n! manner to
lu troth, and . fc * ornl >u ii m,u
oniTsnal credence. T^^KRTIKICAIES
READ TWJJsPw pei»oa*»» OossrMrnos.-
Bnu. AnrßO C £sl2a*that ha* been a* »uerewful
There never wn 1 . a* Ur. 4 - w ** a *? l
&Sasv-Ti'«»“'a lungr
S'--rKSTbSS b-er P— * •
other oediclni-
Cntstsu Co. April s»th, IM'
_ . a,- t.verily T»«Uevo yoax Co.
ally iT« w wor **’ aU *IL. which l haxl recourse to.
£2Sed mil the rented** , T mt>u>ra* o«
Inaremminjt “ nUI tvnry iWnz I med rcemrd
Pulmonary Cntuumpu omptrum tnc rea*ed »® rapid
«h*«n®effecuft»»dm> P i( cup ail hope# o(
It that friend* a* ’■J® 11 \ wus recommended to try
mt rtCOTery At I dTd «o with tbemorthap-
ssfhsrta " b sa ,^s sy'isfs
oowu hearty » infortnetion rcspeflanS
rail bo hafTT «j■ a&? del ito the oenelt for
one,**' A' For the truth of the ■he"
urebase j, <u
Dr.Bwuyttu- Witltd fenerully, to olet
- ,CT «nd n dut» 10 o( rour Coetpottud »y
Sy humble teitimoiu tara» J,„, ,»,! ttttt ■ ””
SwvfM Cherry*. . Bom .~ l tnflamrpaiion of the
Jg^SMtod-to “JSttT dteueyuog
T®, __ which «M mccotap arrry consider*
and prescription*.
SS Thai trie*vmnc«P P lhe umo worse Jo*
but found
WHmington to make trial , h(ltl i.rpn prtju*
It wu of the h"l r ““' ° r Bvc
S 3
£22- Shi. «*»'jSS l Sf^othi f tl>a« imprudoittly.
Eided. In cooMduence fo bottle, before 1 ™Ef r ‘
rS?So«t-olyo« s ““„° U on, . ■""'VfS'h:
factlT rOrtored. 1 ha* . mode me found, hot tot
MlorofbotSo. would hrt| u d lhc
S£.«lndt.eteuou, The3yW , ,
S habit, too. fro» the lunw. »“ d ,* J”
to the dlKh.rfO or to.™ kcilth Ib.i.blet
Sefo.nd n« onure.y forth, furpow
tod offerin* thu c "“^ cJ with the - on «
pl DabE eoonty, N C.
Jmportanl ~ftv,,.:
Cis ££,s , d°Z Km. >•.»
paratloa« called b 5 UJtrtel cover of *cniie i.> -< i
Goes P« eot ■*“«* ”J r ’ r l0l jw« currency to«•j 1 ; •
eijeamatancefc w ore per *oj need »*»■-•’ l * ;
Kv a little ol’seHauoo- j> t , o uic o: the *e*> '
I* SiS; from the *£f IJ3 ewravio*• -ih Or
of\Vdd CUen7»
gw * e 4 compound ®X|op CTrtttni-r
SSi oot « ewlea*®""* lhe name n. W.M ?
JSSttiou* w>.vrom» aVi m muni th- »«"«
Cherry. fcn®*®?. A* uo i ieertred-
tf W* - - ;
■K-*iSlfi , tf , «* fV;:-
*-' v-:r ■■;
/Containing no ,"v.knn-*>nin*
Cl It b»» ">WN ivi-
HCROFULOItS HLMC ,»< ihcir t>-' 11 ' ’
md then he*l» them. HUO.INii. for tU' - re i»
It u rifhUy termed aL V' , that u »’.H no . l
or >r »r. «■«
benefit. I ‘, mvoWtn* the atmo-i
«U *!»■** of the ***■*: . dcc lare before heiv-.i and
ind r «pon.ibUity, LS,«iu.'-eneV.whe,,
taatDetinonecttaeh •
S^ at ie o ,w«w,thmihete.c U o I
“V* of ibe ben.-nia
<M»en, *. ooor o#e »l m every t)
aaftssss«» ■° r n '
»a agalin rHKKA
*^~ r » “’SSi <S “ m.n .="1 »• ,
»iT2iSK «>*“>' '«"•*■ -*■■"
Mm '""
u. M °» O'- ■” U, ' ; “'
fa*. T«*», CWW-'n, A»'»-
>£,«£» c.w, Sroiea a
p»ln in ih* Cjb«t
COLD FHCT— I r?.iT hkl r , orthe od»« ncco^j.a.
bs ®SS^st^pi^“”^ ,,u -"'
JBSZgS&t *»■“• “ “•“ '•'
: “-
“SS," tjW ‘r"'*» *“ • : '^’ , * , ' d
wwb»l»u»* Umxfcd ° atc ‘j A?lIE g MeALLISTKR.
rnt Pnneip*! Office No £3 Nona 1
AaUrOIB PnT**®*®** * I vv’ilcol, Ir. comer ofc
libaftrud Si Clair «** ,nl.o corner o( Wi »■“!
u 1 <| l i u and lha Di*io® tti ( Watnui and I’flnu
{££&£•£* »<C“f* e -ffiSl !swe ," Boi.mEtlU
Srbddoorfto® Second n. gmitb. L>nips«*»> Bt 1 '"
SftEtt *nd J W,« Mc :
mlny* l *™ l D N»8 ! goo, Monon**^* 1 * Our, >
S2v«fS *»*>•*,w Jo*”’
B bp«“ •• «i.o!s»»i« .jtW’
3(pE£Ss££H-3 !
pr^»^ 0 " {Jftiefit wbtea. w
fauMßUdn it* proprietor*,
SgStad fc«® ib* W» pr“*3.j Sg,»Eir*cTo^* ,r^
__ 7 l~'“‘“
Dr. W.P.
DIL W. P INLAND, of tkf Moo hl( I( ai a „ Veg
«ialphi», now oiler* to o( whicli. *<^ r
•tael* Prooi*® Piaster, lb'J »*nnfactorily e*-
Jeos expeneuca, *>«• b b affii»ted «vjih
tSfisbed. To all *°®«‘ Wn,nK r *c.drnio«<ij m»
t&d eZpeoaWt bandije* ■<> 1 g « he IIW nm failr<l
Kndta with For.»i e t-y
la «fbi*o« reUefor «“sS“£* 4 Market *t
L Wleoxjwmerof c * *
“ w"’* l “ * n, ‘ ’’■f“
*££*2., “ ■*»»“ ‘" d D '““°“' i B 'ST
a ' !rr u f T ? P^‘ par '
lt >■ iiU"tt»«". «»"“*" l ”« rB '.
ci \t*&- , L bf«tllinal wge«Me wucle,
ito&WcA 01 all 4-icWMO"
k Mrfwtly a natural, healthy
mllttai VOTtaBMaJJ™ «■ «^»*
llbpattf»cle«»ktw| ml rtng Jt *o<t gcd unytb.
Uft«kßetk OOtbe „ I V ae U«W Cberaial Of M*»«a
-’ Dr. Jiac* Jone»’ Ltlj
•h«Wi»»TK So*l betattW ami i*anj-
D ‘Lo.n-oo™ ««~pr «
■ sarsaparilla.
■ r
- F ,rmiU*c.
w t4 *
3r*r all of'"* ' ,h» borfi It u 0B<“ of ih* »*ry li'‘»l
4”* Vs?w”su A BKWCU.E3
>« »SS: ■>
J*«tr»nrU»*B» t by »tb«>r nwHieme. Au 4 ib
. ■:r rr .. K
|irf«n.rJ -i»««0 I” 'VI , ”«*
of iinrrc ea#P« 0 |,tm of mote
■ sa;yair">*”-““
■ a nno Drbilitr »J
-■ 0.000 *« t N „. oa . EnrrflT- .
W “ taTicoroto* the -hole
Dt . T „.„,04. ,{„ , k „. ,„, ,h., r
.r»lom gf mß dlein* or
« ““““ Ur of lh» .«•*■ »doll-o»
- uon »(the d»ttoui r d dM tlne, bwwo
«*>■* Sumpuoa. r« b« •
, ‘ r C.pdl.l,
moat •swrduwy
taaianpiton Cured.
Bro««l.f. Conf-np..... f-.-.r ‘"f'—®”
o««fT». Oitfh jn»mo. sr u "w ’/
0 f.too lo :«» L h.!!, EImA. -hy h'
nm, jC. 1.14. 3Uf *<-
b«j* «*4 «* k* wr, A
u^^3« r -p-“^,vnu
sawasscprta: rousts"
.rrJ"‘A-*■ •”**“ "■“ ’ “
tbufcfri tm »bM« r~i|»
T *" * b *w3! EOMEU* B C»ib«rt»*-fi- | ,»v
E"aft.™. .t "*»•■" '
--rrSrSbr.“—3 ■
t,b lbs nannul fr»Ja*- J|£o*t to< j rutl »(
lad*. u iSm*di*«»y eancurwt*
tfcMflr «d«» w M«k !* tb* jnm
(ibm el l* ..MKhegrttcal— «•
,r „ 'i»““w»" ~ iLSrS. jiici
tare* p«rfn*Ei*d bn* reoenW i* ■*• Tboa*an*i»
ttoadm!. ofWM W* 6 * wlthaal C.S;JI«--
- =***; wta, lftSS. rf"to toJSS!- -' ud ~'
s,-: ciusiffsA-ttr
Thto Bitmt of 8«aw«u“ r He
{^»»d l tn refrr«tt« rt- |^ ppr o»ohi*l tUi*
irho b** re I **? l v ,UV«/ U/k.“ ihoold a** 1 ** 1 u
eridcal ?vioA, ' fc, uf »f *•
Ufca I*. “ 11 *? * ffwtA-™ to *h!sh <*=»'" ar«
im-"”" Mj rllfcTW. P«l°'l —» *■ '•
nbjwl a» ° r rnUicns. Nor
W£ "..b/iwj zs-z'z££xr>
— -»
uou may b» prtTenwd.
J*. .yum. .ml "B.T'.f -f"
shislSm: u-^c-eee
r*” r lc“r*r:
fax s rcra.r sl . |t --
,ud in res«ltt>«v »!«• TuVrt.i t.wuiy -f i«'»
culatinn «‘ *•“ °f aw) *b« m«»t uw
ntPdidn*'*. “ *• ‘J' r, 7V f . raqnire «ny »tb?*
k ®oat *ur<T«*jf>'ll7. v Caatoi Oil or H*jre«»>a. >•
£»aV' *” 1 - th
K'idlST-i —♦ fe “ J e ~ J con
And llc®Uh*
eheek H.dteatt"™-* 1 "^-J tkln h, the
ed by di»e»»« <*» ..*_. , u c»»n production in
alkatie* u»ml It u well uis the garden t>l
:h , -!,««.■ to" « *
t„ o r,i« ofti. >-«£- b „,„ ,k. m.i -k" 1 "’
■r £s ,n:“& f 4 ‘-r*: rx^r.
• b»de« »nd 0„he« , fl e offipnnr of »•»-
bob' c bcicnb*. TWI«'T „ „„, . ft.. ..d
be.liby cirtblUlbb. U 1 ~. toiio-nr.,
Ikir driru ■»”»• “ lmp „„. .h. Ii '«■ b..b
-.■::/! the bloodl* n yB Uo», .bd ' h " r * *» P** 1 " lnd
ufuL If .b.k, bro *? ?, k bloom to tbe ebbed*. >od .
brillt»de7 l» : i r " ~L.r r. . „d ..peei.lly »p-"-
TbL u-U ‘•TiS. LO.e. » >b* ■""d
l.b kte''* 1 ; ar .re eenSbed n elo..
who Uk.» lb«lr'dO~pl""«" ‘Ti k " ■PP“-
Mtx •' d-l<l-noo. '7"
„,1 b...tif»l '“S' -do b... tried «. ...
■kid - See.epeei'l.- o,b,h,ed o'
TL”oL b “o”do^»o7di lr ‘
,1.000. F , o(lrr to the l.mliee.
Tbo,o 10. l 10..1.1C Dr. Tr.-o.oßd , .d.r.-p.r:.-.. n»
J£?Hy oriiod rt..r'«oir. jr.- *■—J
wtalu Ac, &e, end h»” our htiU *o 1
—uie* to the eonfplawu o( womeo. • r>' r
!^.,k h *Wo put oi* medicine, been. «u« the ?rrv
. r£: :,■;»* T- r -»'.
InCldeOl to female*.
.um.lrthiTdid not Inombor M,ilur *:; '
z £^Hoo.»»•*»>» - "»*
“ d “ITE: %IZT" -
ir, «uv row. or by thoon eipecun* to become m» r
Md oo. L Bo o«.roi o. ro> »“““
Hcrofola C»r*^*
Tb.» eerli ficate sooeWmely pw”« ,hl
it uupreeedeatod.
Three Children.
l»n. TovjriESD—!>•« 8u k 'l**'" v m C„ T L-emi <■
taforro you lb»t three *f b»T « af r " flc ,aent medi
Tkey *cre efllirtel 7 > „ e«r»y. fo» *
Ukeu oolp (Boi Wrtilrr
~«.» r 'V,;Sx
Td; < tV.T"s.~;->"““'> i"""- •* “ k *
.0. .rib. M r.10.01e Pk'r"^Vl'N.l's”d
A.0.,7. Ap,„U«dT p B ~ KI.MKND,,aP.«D
CAl'TlOrk. ul>
(,-lo| Id lb. dkkdl ...CCOM oo'l , ’ n, "f r m-k".hß -
Toerateod'* rt«M#i*itr*ll*. • nuin Win/9«r»«
fordß-rly A.rt.i,,
nil. Klmr,. Billon. Kkl» "I _ ,
to. Thry I'Bkk.llr pot It op , ou , , d ,
dr, ,ni .00.0 of Ihrto tt»*e ‘l'd' “”* C P
uwoiroto—iboy on ottly -»'Tl‘ l '“
(Would t»e erouled
Princtp.l ll«or. I« PULTON Str-L "»•
N y Eed‘llU| * t’fln 8 Hute rtreet- u
Nun., seed
l»ruesi*t- I .Uim»r„ . -1 s (i
Wfißht l -"- 1 A '“l7*,V 'I U.r J.f't' l'
I’pHfl Street. Al'iAJiV. i.n'l tv • »
p.t. *<* M-.i-i'* ■
W. .t Ic-'-e* *r.'l t-ie »
>• || .—jVrvoU* 'iKiU.rlr.* for :lui * .....i
not »>e iodurrcl !■> ta»'•»'•)' li;u<2-" V-‘
Hi»riuip*nll a *t anrt 01 '■' ,ur “ r : ,rr ' '''
Do not be det-eiml '•)' I’o.'.''[lJ,.'- Vi,.. .’,' ,
«nrt-e. and \hU t*o other {. TK; '•
ir.e>-To-»rn«u-tul** »<mJ -% Uk • > •»
R. E. SKW.KR.H. |,e..era | V\l.«.‘e*|iie * Ket«. W W
No 57 'Wood «trtrt. iiml D M t 1 KK . >
city. - .
7 BCROPBAS 7 '-’'e-‘' ’V ,n
For the Recovr'. - of Hririnn-.t ‘-t l ' * T ‘ r \ "j ' .
held REAL AS!* IH-K>t>NAl. 1--9 Al K . •■
Urtnemaod Arlrhr»t.o.. t>M.«Mnin-reiu . rod u a -i)
Other Debt*; Itr oi'r'i'E ,ur " .. * , 1 ‘
Britain. Ireland and tl'«' “i 1 ' 1 , .
Ihcreumo l.rlfJ-Bir.B, ail.) >euo.ilf -
chmw or Sale ot’ib*'■**ii*r , • /
RBFF:RF:Nt'K tuny l.e I ;.d on npp ”
Cburge (provided N,e live l» ■ (
cnnoajty,) VO n ..ft conipn* " '»‘
nnoieni't whtch onfUuined property t# ' , v (|
Also, ail llulel lo oiri ]<HMI liilv*- 4 *
have appeared l«ir i:.r pa«t f>" )<■■"' '•! vaJ, ‘ , • nl
i ie wapeprr«, addr- -ard n. Ilmr* »l l-a’-v a ■
kill ComtnUiil<-»ii" , ’« by ;-‘tlrr nr»- rn '
Reference* urt- pernt-ned t<. H«.n J iiafr'* 1 ‘ ~11ly '
JodKO Court of Cominoit )*.rn*. Ne*. N.-rk.
Freeland, Stuart a Co
ChM. i. t-o
W.'fcJ T Tup*i-o-t.
G R- A. Rickett*. Un
Kdwarf Jtchrotlrr. R*'t ‘ .ne.rjpa... Ohm
Patchin. Kaq FrcMdi-.-.i I atemn Bank n..Jn.o,
novit-dCm . .
The AHegl»e*»y Ctmettry.
AT ).e erru»t taceUtti? oi ihu.t i.rporua.i., !.• .) on
Uifi btli Jl»»l>i U>® •! p-ieon* were unaiu
-pip «OT«“».: h mrwKrfijss;r..
NaT'HaNILI. IB lI.MITL l M.ineftk
J B'lNJkr, Jr. BtiiTbi’ti'y bbtl of , h ,
Tlte O.tbun, ktutrlturtl pnn-.lrd lb' ~, r
Coinpbb 7 ... .vnry w;»P«n.». "...dmo,, 1 >».*
In ili«fiiynNo iTtNinif iii'i
Diciib *C.
I EXCHANGE BROKERS, &< i BOOKS MW, Ac. j M Kl)irA l'.'
«OLD W j \WY Y Y \Y.,”w W
H PARRY ha* invented a machine for wuWn| B•nk • r » ( ~«t.,h«t, 'l' 0 r • uro|> * ,s ’ ’n..* »>'i» l I ..... * „wn proprifw oit&r bn'
• «=?« •■>*» !»•«•»*-« ! BBAPrS.ACCBrrANCI.S. UOI.O MLVKR 1 « ! T"ZV % c .' “n '■• <•-, ,J, »f>« !■■•■■ > v..,». '
|,i,nii Ti i- v nrr now offer-d mr .air. ai the wore- ■ NOTES. UUAr » • - '*•'**' . f .. j <>Ml .. a ~ m- Pro- '
l ‘ _mi Part- s, o u 4 00. .No h.J Wood .treeL . AND HANK NCTI P> |.a *v~ :-wn »« or .t-«•'*[*■><'* J .. , ..^. O : .v *•••'
, • 7 ' ' COLLECTION S.— Drafw. Note* and Acrrptaiicr* n . , , ~. •- |\. . - 1 " .. I
j \,: v > •ur-r*-o «'a ’’orr.'a arc io ' a., wild ei- jiayalil*'hi any part oi tne Union, co .*-t nJ on .in- ; ]| ~ . - rif ■■ l .* r( , .. A ...
ran..-.,,,.. Tw) «• •*>>•* , on York. fuW.-M .nl B.!- I *■"' "" '
i m ’!-nr ro;'»!n.i:tiwi.ra*.-v trur.*pn?!e<l on 'Be uacr of > K\L HAM ■Ko- • H ’ . . ..a ; 1K» -« '- ,< -
• ,a, - nor—. vr.rtn’.K riiiuy ~ou. «» each, and »Uo. Uncinmi. ' At*--- • n ’
■ • , . no (an Lur They can or ' Nnv*. con««nnily :or *a-e. 1 ....... i,:--.- ;• . -
,11 i-oCmo.;'* It .-he up .nion of t»L -ho ' bANk N(.Tf>- -’„. . vrac.-.
Yv . ' Ta o! -n-.r ma. -u’.c» «.* < I'n.ted Males discounted*. s*,* ' * . A ino‘ j i}
\ k .„. 1U ..: an, wa* n uin m.-irro from 15» of F..r-:m ami AtnencutfOo-u and m:y • i oi« nan,.-
] 1 °‘ l “ . (.1 or ri.' n a ..a) w .. -mu. mr *>' a KU ft(t,rr So 55 Market street, between and 4th.
i ari <■‘tir minri a Inr y c at, hr inrrr a‘rri in me utnrr .so a- • ***
■, .i s%ork’'ii or wau-r or niu.e power, il eapr'llcnl ; Pm»liuryU. ra
. j-,,,. A'ork « .modi eon,:; . :c> '.Ur wulrr ot I
X ]K.»'-0 to uiv! unit y wiiKiUt C»-
ii" 'a- ir bi'u in Thry wi ' |p<;u,rf :-uT b ,ron.
•ui in to or>rr:il..ii: w..<-fr .uett: i* nol fufii-
!’• rr of «m i'V'
•ompwiied by cm t. «
H. I’AKH a' purr. <rou h Co v
\i. iu> \\ i.o>; I‘uui.urßh
Uaiprali 4i. bout' Sod* Aih>
T ’ II K »ul.*orilirf » ii p- po'-v rrcr i vinif ihrlt K®U Block
1 iir ii i- 'HPT vtii: ihfr Juniata.
Nl -Ih I'ld I. i.l J iiUVtin :irfi7.-.1 lit I'tiiliuldptiin
< .1 Mu ■ 111 Off. mi.' u* <1 ilir Baldwin and
L. •. v n; r.-i-il. ipry Brr iprrri'orr. prepared
p • i rj-r« 'llirT will trcrivr tlUTing tne win
, . ; iu..: • ;*. i . K ret a.uf M:|>piic% via N'« I U ran*
notrt \V i \l MITOIII'J.TKKF.
Mill .NT KAt.i.K 7RJI i nU--K«r citanmc w>«
Jmv mill li.iiip *lu*i-r», i.iv.r p.atr. Bn
h -ii i ini! .ilhtr '.vuri 1 |! i »pn|r, i.ikr« out nit “pot*
iin ,ni iri-io.'.vHi - i*»■ : r-iuli’u: ami <lurat'>
w-p- Ju*l P r.-ivnl unit 'Of «.»ir. WtlO-V
-*,. .. ic.u:. i.• Ji'llN U MOK(«AN.
,a-s\ Urogjfi*'
MU >AMI. H IIAKTMAN psivmr »old bn iuirr
,i sbr tii p.ifiprr.p.l' <•! r- rioH... Hai.niau k
i I, , in '..'ii' r« miiniij'.c punnet* baa ’.Pi* day ictirril
n,iin in.- hrm. Kri.ronry lt>. 1341i-il
| >iT7'iu tt'.li MAM l-Ai'ti KI > Tbr under
-1 Aiii 'ni lb. m»nu<n<':urrr». ban on Pan^
amt roii«tai'i!v t.o-.vmr a tn" *«PP'T «' tbc nri.clc,
■ rule I'.tl*: i;; luf
.u r .nimuin.-Uirn- i-r.-T. i.KUOH HHA.V
r II lliiinuiueiu rrr . pi ,i r« |
Mjl A Rl lillFK I'A >TK- I i.otiW India Rul‘-
. ku txcf..t-.urb.;> «or rrnd.rtrf? bool.
■pr.u.y wiiirt ,»ruo'. 4-d «>«. u< H piece of
>i.rii?«U...i o! 111.- P'l-ll !• -ollio ion! W
ii .-tv i..u- to train mr Vor 1 moult.». and
•tc ..imr. r uoin •.in* n-mi.rr era- lung
.* .. ~' |. Hu''t>cr >OJ
Vs-tTS * JiH
[Uh'Al. bI» u K S-«'OO|WT • Surcioi. 1-nciy;
l M
„ NrVii-nn on MfHirmf*. P«r.*' Phnrmaoo'ocia.
• tei ,-. M ntwifr rv do on Pi«-a»e« of \N omen. Mont
«n Pr'Z'o*»c\. Parker ©n Btomnrh N rlmmu
l-.r.- .-t ln.l. r on Item*. Kramer on Mr.
f'T McJ ■ A»hwcl, ...
S'- IV 11• 01- t'liiMrc" H*-i:'» Institute*, Perei
‘on Wood Poor* on IM.Uum*. Klltoiron’* Practice,
nrrv'rrt*' Sui . Al>*rnn'M ’* \NoMf».
ro'tiin Vi»cltrTiio»n'» practice. Betlnrd on Children
pm..-. Midwifery. fe*erhe« Bell •
itnmv. '-'urk on Female*. Harmon * Anatomy
inor on Dia'oeouotie. Comite on i liinlren. Mi lcr
r.l S. re .rr- <-l.arcn.ll-. l>.»o- Ucx"- «
n do or Mnlwifen do on Female* l>nng!i»on
tor \ oo Dictionnrv. Lawrence on hye, Perei
utr.r.t Mea . WBl*on'» Practice, Ij.ton’. >uryr
i * Practice. do M« cr.n Medica. Miller
nocy RxMi»i<oihain » M'd . Barnett on revert
on HrHTt. I'olurnhai on Female*. Pursuin’
rv \Yi:«onVAnat«my. Wiln*m*on Rcaptrator
. Al-errromVte on Brtun. Pui g *'**' • Br *
An A-C
vr.m a Rf.eTftl aM.orin.-m o( Standard
° Vi l ID ri' * KM<! TV Wood »L
beiwpcii 4ih and Diamond ay_
r>u,™*J 9 ‘n, k.tvttn Wood on.t Sir<tO.
Uuir/mJ V M u , o tl.U\>> would rr»pcenuli>
.JO?* i i;unn the pahi.e >»*« ** hi* Kaeu>r>
a - 'jf-'ff .mi at all lime* he found » .a«ge '“I’P v
..• f ninU' larnape*- Hu*'
n, ,j • ki. |. .»i m”:>ry Ctttrntge*. equal in e.e
-' I mi ’,c*i..e.. HI any found Ui vt»e i‘<V
'ruci/* for n,n uuti. e/of Carnage*. Bujcßie* « »
l!i-rmi'<,»-i'w K I'mrrnotl K. H. Puller «Oi>, I-
H 0..!, 1. M«^*l
|i \riKVnON .4 'O nn <-n\irplv
r . . 0 . kaII lN<i. i“** <sr wtomh: iriui
O' V» .I'. mill fiprr««li
- 10113/?’. '>r»irirri?«. B«.«•*>•
(i.n i'u!*. Af . m i'f.i v»r\ lug from i"
‘’,,',' rool h.» m.ulr :t> [lantie
vi io i !••?' hi»u. won 'wrouiim i
trr. v»t u iprv?u|| C Oi’lir.i''' - *
Sr rjlta ci.utv- mr
1 • t , | r .,_ * r.-i.fii and di
r.KJ.KVIMM;. '.lt*- l-rauiy o! >\* *«
’’ l cnu»::i| .I''* 'W**'
■ lf.<’ Km. wliritvrf Uir.r I «(l:par:i
F<‘f lutUirr |.nt'iru.itf* ad
AlStriil* K*l l*»lriit<T».
. near Siu.vUUc -I l .
nrr Krorsi aii.l Vc.c Cinrmiu:i,t’
..... ((r , , ts |.pm 1\ •A. urc l ’ Idt A-colio.. Pure Spir-
Ky.-i.b'd W--iry w.i. I" P i '™f; : ;,* Ur "
jWi. T.iVl BWIAL -I Ca rpe.
I\ Nb Turkey red Chinn
; “ k " Jr ,^
I,me L>:ima«k. > ' ar ' ,r ’ ‘
’’al <O-<'nnip- fiothtc* Tran«pare..i Sn-.uc*,
vripm* Vi.». '»■ ••*»
Turk'* h do do
I' U itiev* do do do
l„„,e,yCbM.e.. d" ““
M..... 1 ~m Vie.. do d.,
i d “ Z So
Cont »■..! l'u»-e *.* and ?*.»'*• Ruek l u oe*
:i . t . n , |U , rirl , r%: „r«P, b_. „n• Hio - w M , UNTUCK
";. l \i,| lll .t|i> I-KJ.MII M FIR E HR*W'P
,-| v'c.NT The I’ropri' i'.r would
"57’ Z-X. TZ-S. lieuulHulll .0.1
.' ~r . i, 'r. oft'binu. Knniien nmt «,ia«awnre.
. t’f. ,n.»' * Mamie, Ivory. Ar.. without df
|r i r a*t. reticle ring them a* u*efuMor
•r, "rVli.e.o'i- roi weakened in the lea«i When *ub
, ’ , fv nr w..en immeraed in ho'
" j'' epul-'-’ v " '" ntr ‘"' rr ,VU U,e
- rl n HTii-'e ,n<l in Uif'heir eipeei:in<ei« w.
■ d L.H anp! ed without heat anil •*"
] , .“x ,i The lubaeriber haa (uiiv icp-.n
",5 Y,.:. Kb, -le by w w mfiv
«, corner m&rkei and *u> •>»
GEORGK W*™**'.
.. . r _ ( i ri,.«ier ill til kino* Of
TOBACCO, »i CFK», » j >» l^G»H»;iJ
A '•£& •’'•jmmS'bks
' r 1 1" •' 'c •,. «-ur**- *nd »oprnor oa«yTl
|'i:H I KI) 1-fttA Kf* whi-fi' "‘J; be
, iriri ,u Kctniin. l-»**
’ , Sorirni* f»inr Hrand. Miner** ami
•A t i.-li wil tin boI*! a» iow a*
1,-IT 'i r. r,
A.M. H.uai.» *'•<*'
\M> t;KVIK\VH-Hy W«i> I' Whipp*
llnrkn*'•• Noiv. ..n uir Vw Tcinmeoi u voli avo
'‘'.Mi.oulnv’* Jl*« '«ry. l:»»r»rr »‘> lr
l or -air ‘'V
W 1 S' 2!£ l
*’ . f. ' * fcB! i'i rr from ibe importer, and
. joi ~ .4 <• r h*»»timj of s fi o© a.««ortmr nt of
illMttuUr "•- • ••• • i)ry li.xxl* ho.l.ei. Wl*' l »
„ , (! rii<.< - •*«•' <urll j )rlt . P , a , mmol fai
l). .• Vr .7 •' lo pur.-lU.r'.
, ..i xnr. mkk.-ii*' r*- ! 7 iT " * J Z7£
l >» * »*■„•
nml v » n * ,Y ' M,O,JI o'
„or-l.' • » f Vil anti .Miuk"t •U'-'Mv I ilUl.urifh
’fu ! ,ui.|. , <>l >l’” '« I'l'-.u.1n.1!
1 V» <>l |*| ml , ~„v \r , UliU i»»
U, '
f”N >ll KINK \ i > 1.1. M.ANNKI^-W
„ ; ’< Vl'i.a *T’l<>,"oV i*b'OU<lm« pur
Hl.OVr Hl.lMl*. ..I
uji*l.nnl;ii' c a-. ' •
, tr „u.»r W-. i. »' A.--. . ini Ijir»««*y*' c<»n»l*f"ly
<M A<-K..vrrr»» I™,"
LJ rcocmnv . ~i, % ir . wliuli ibcy
win »rlt l»w r w j aamiii'' tlioi
M.-rchn u «rr r^uc.iru -o follf .
MOrk uid pn< c K - .
T R^NS^w^^ :^ of.“^ ! ’ K u-^^‘w^«r:K. m .
rent Window . n*“ • ’ inr to purct>««w.
. W e lb- al**" 1,1 W MVLIN’oUt'K
-• -nT.„'„,n uOLD I’KSS; au ilo COM. wlvcr
spoon*, ft do* parlor. office aud
1 - ■»; J,* Sol.. Uni.. »d G..
om-ri lock*. IW , . ...a-nd Silvm Hpociaele*. open
£ Thev,^*tthew 9 *c
BILL'S on KnfAa'id. Ire.and. ami Scoi.aml MJUfh;
any amount el t)ie Current Rnir« o<‘ Hn-liamr**-
Al*o DraJia pav&oie in any pan oi the Old Countnc*,
from' Al lo ilW*. a: U.e rate oi « io "it A Nm.iji,
w.lFotil dedurlmi. or di*crw..t t.v Jir>Hl KOIL.S
SI)N. kuropean umj Oenerui oJirr S’.'c »; "re
door oi wood
•r» iom abroad. ac-
4LLXJI ****** L „
m Korrinn arid Domsuuc Bm* oi Kxruancc, C>-r
-liLcaire i>:' I>-j>o*:le, Ban* .Nolr» nml ' ori.t-r t>f
3a and Wood nirrets. directly oppo-ue St I'lianr* Ho
tel . mar*-.! 1 /.
W otuo.
it - .u« lowest rales, t>v
36 «'.rr-l.
BILLS OK KXCHAN'Gfc->,>;!it rncl, on
New York.
Philadelphia, amt
Constantly for sale l»y N HoLMKS 4. SONH
•ep!3 35MarkrMU
TJAPKR IIANMNO? 4 I am now rec-vuii, direr
X itum ili( inmiuiaflii'f'* in New N «’ f k . I’liiiuile.-
nlna m d Hammore. a lurßi? ami wti;-elected a—orv
nirnl nf alUbr :»!«••> »H‘i irofl imiunvril *iyie«oi*a
an. glazed and common PAPI.K MANtilNiiS run-
ft cl —
n.ww piece* Ot Parlor ami 1 1 evo.
0 mm Hull ami Co umn.
uom •• Dniine-rooiti. chamber an.! oilice
r—which I would particularly invit- Uir arenaon
o*c ttavinc hou»e» 10 paper iu call and rxam.iie,
r Paper Warehouse ol ri. Hl 1.l •.
C* AKBCTHNoT Ita* cotumrnrr.l lo a c
large assortment of Fane) V A RIETY » lUOlte. „
ronufting in par: of Artificial-. l.n. e. Ho- ,
(ilovft. I rape. Lci»«e. Cantl-rics. Netting*. l.ace
Veil*, Pongee Handkerchief. cent* ‘nival*,
(ingham mid ru’lun H » ndkerc hf-t*. c-nt.-d |
-«rv.n K 3nk. Thread*. Buttons, Combo Ji-wr,ry. t. u'- (
;erv. Ac Ac Country and f.ty merchants arc »**-
tfullv mviinl to rail ami examine b» nock. I'o M
Worid ttreet. i-omer of Pmmnml aNev
jmulip>blko. Ya
T’HH rapid snide* which Hydropathy ha« made
unrein n troduction mlo thw country—the bri>-
Lam ami a«ioi i-»nni rtfecta or eo-U '* a ' , {
chronic »nd acute lii-emae* whn, rmplovct «r the
meihod o' th- rr ici-rated Pnesnu?. Imre removed troro
ifte mi d nt an inrdligaat and discerning public every
.article ot doubt a- to it* elhrac). ami gamed it um favor Considering the un-amfartory rrsuna
t.f remed-ei heretofore u»ed m tbr irrutrarnl of cluor-K
pomplamta. (complaint*. 100. which are increasing ev
ery year ) it mii‘l he a natnra; wi*h m aee the -t»crf««
of a meino<l bv which so many untortunol- -uUerei*
will be irred from Uirir pain* nml ii.fintutie*
Tie »üb»cnt>c.r having practised »uoce*»ru>.> mi
method lor .IgM* at hi; Mvdtopoitttr o-lnl. fh
merit, which ba« been considerably enlarged and im
proved in all in parts, and in every ie»p«cu irm" '
ready to recede and ac-ommodate patienu who may
choo*e to place theinaelve* under h>» care. »k-l. and
X |*hiop»burg. a.muled upon the left bank of the
,pnp.m- the inouib of the Urn Beaver, i- well known
or H« refreshing and salubrious atmosphere, Ita de
letuitt! UUicttiea* and Charming natural serm-rv «om
'inine every reiikii*iie u- reudor the aijoun. >■! ihe i..-
ralid Hgrecah e ami contributing noi a Imm to re-e«-
lai-iiah impaired hailh *nd phy*i:ai strength
The establishment. the tiral farted m u-« I niied
xtatc, contain* every thing, both for plea.ure and
eom.on, calculated 10 insure a speedy and happ) ver
tninaijon o: the aiitnenU oi the Patient
Person* wi-lmiß to avail themselve- ol the advanta
re» here Oilered. wili p ea*e artrtrrs. th« «n.-«e»ieeT
in >tlef. ipo-t pMd.'t stating as near a* po«.ihie the
nature of tlieir romptuiuL*. ill order lu deride and ad-
V,.e on ihr.t liti.«»- and eurahi.nt i-y the Htdioputht
ir'eavineiii. and *•*» whai will hr neee.sar- wr *■'
along, lor ifceir especial and i-cr-ona; u*e
* FDWARP Ai'Kr.K M l> I ropne nr.
Chi -psl-urg. 1 leaver county. Pa
lUrtaasrot - Kev'rt Kmkr..-. Armstrong, t H
C ark b»u do- Hon Thoma* Henry. Beaver la Pi
Hufk-r J’rot Cb IV-.-l'i'C';. I • ! - 1
y XJ,- \ ... «•’.!« Urv M H Jteeed. N-v A -= '
He* M Aim. I'rtnee-.iM,. NJ. V 1. " MC> " | . V N ‘*‘
\rw York I*' >■'!*«-Mr« W m H •’*
Connei l':d*burpn. A Htdw-’. Y~i ■ do
ST. (LAIR STRKKT. PlTT««fttoll,
I.u Vi' U K AND I’ M 11. A D Kl. r II I A
I ,ir. ii:.-tul'aut\ and i.ATi-'r-r\i.i-A
Head <1....t.r. for Boot. »»d Shoo..
. • •rc! V oa »:id MmlUtr .1
' tl , , .j. i, „• ;:u-.r tn-i’..i‘ a,..; y-LiK •• •
Nin'ii- u-n'Vil.n • finf lino'
cornet till and >inuhli'>d »i»
jj _7 r , Te I: ,g Trunk* Carpel liagv4' • »•
merchants would find it to their mtrfr.t to us a rai. vine. v,.-u n m_Ul*
k RFmMKTKR -The undefined haT.m adapted
A ‘ r . t »o ibe purpose of ascertainm* 'D-
I. “
.unnlv a!) whose buainesa may tequire it» n*e l ■"
convenient. and can !>e used wtbout duhculi).
a fiance t.rina sufficient to »how the process
conietnpiaiinfj corn* to Californio, wou. ■
wei 10 cal: and examine the instrument a* it n*
ery way calculated to protect them from fraud .■)
tmn f them at any Hint to aacrr'.a.n Uie value ol u>e
""i'rhlrd direction. and table, will he .uppl.ed grata
.tou.'y u. f''*"s l . ra- k.AKINS I r.ic, .Irrrl
m .H. rcr o' Joi.n H MrC.lm - Jo-voiy .lore.
IMI'HBI I RA kim Wi.oicic
1 tlurdworr. Cutiery Suddlr ry .A ■ 1«V
Wood .tree.. Fm.l»ur*h, arc now tui:y prop«*‘‘
a recent!) imported ttoc* o' HanS» arc. l
dTrr Tool». Ap to offer v«-n *ront
In H-trrn Mnrh.,,l., - ■" l “
'r.cni4ii> n.|v am nee* h .a t-v our ptederr.M.r.. .Mr*
.... l.ogan A Kennedy, w. Have lncr '**' > “
tacilmeV and purrfcft.e a.: our good, irom turn n »"
on tbe »tv br.i term. . .
Tip junior member* «»( the , U '.
auction .o .air., and teenng confident
~f*eiL<m. re.penmlly aolic.l a call from uil wh^m*>
W .t.;..* to or r.
rriJJK undcmlgncd offen for .ale a .upermr .n.clc
lof bnek for trending. made by h.» Steam 1 ” *
.mpro.rj machine, for -we he h«. oW.i.ich * P* 1 "";
and acree. to irivr purrtin»er« a written guarantee U, “
they .re .ironjcr. .nd -ill r«..« ftcl J:
l ~ im i„r, c ie.» moifturc or dampnr.. than mi. otn
cr hrirk. per.rung greater body and *up** n oc
and murh more •iurmbir in every rcpect. r»r 1 ™
i.mng .übjrrtcd to a pus.*ure of .rvern. ton • >
« b hand«<>me .mooth and even edge*,
they make a front equal »o U'C ai \ who
I hey have gtvent e g work*, and
have purrhnaed. A kin. can ,r • >
and nai.d*omr front brtrk. or.upcr
„,d .01,d pnv.h? hr,Oil, coo Otmun Ij-'^
!.ou«f 111 uir city
on namt un«l f r>r «ai<*. h lar** and
i,: \ ,rMl*»outi, on* l fr‘*»e ( ul
B „a t'flmtmm Leif Tobacco.
,1 f„r «»r miv3.il6n»
l, r . )„« iinli V<> , ’Thr Solar
t.ounJ :i. y—*>.rep lhc
,! .in 15* *' « lytlllJlHl Wtlll illie
Ituililmga. 4tli »'
uivii«J :i* eivr in
. l u»a 1T..;-* J«0
SIIAi-kl.iriT A. w HITH.
«, d.ior* ni«>» r Diamond ai
• u,r Hoorn* Itotn iib
Itn:■ k Note*.
U> llllkl- ;•> <*raec
IN TIM llfcl-*r MASNK.K
am in-
TRUTH 4 M"' »rr.
Birminß iiam, June 14.1*4 U 11
Blml»«h.m.[o..r Pltuborirli,] P.-
W orth'fltf*, <V/. 137, Woud sireet. ruttburgh.
\\ i; ,l y f-nsiantly k eep on hand o rood ae«ort-
SSL/oi War*, of our own manufacture, and
ngna Wboieaulc and country Mcr
r,.mr re-npectfully invited to call and el
ftiu i.e (n' ;nem»clvc». a* we are determined to act.
cheaper Unit. ha. ever before been offered to the put>-
' iV— Onii « «fh: by, accompanied by the ruli
-'ll v promptly attended to. frbtt
NfcW LAllP^fft-Received Uu» day direr; ir
it,e nmiuifneturer—
New •!).*■ Tapeitry -1 ply Carped, extra »u|»er.
do tio do do »uj»er,
<lo do
,!,* Mr,lasele. very cheap,
.to net) color* «uper Inyrain
»-4 and heavy Venetian
4-4 ; \ ni' l i-a do
A ~1 which va til be »old ml a adva-me. and
*ri I ic- a* low a« emu he pii',-hu»ei| in 'lie e aM
WMVlJVl'ill'h | riurlh «t
Rrutscli Carpe
from the vef, .l.r-Hi ene-oura**,
',''l , m/eel. imrardimely beside '{»*
occupies. •' From the lonx experience in the
Preauyter.a < llf , ltr <« please, hr hope* u> mer*
above „u* it-‘ )(| pu) ,. lC pturono«r.
j and kiuahmx to ord r. Rorkawty UaR
• Buieie*. and every drier puon m
S. lr * 'it. , v'/order, from aeventy-Bve dollars to
aVhih*'/."’' ' ' iMipWifl JOHN S<»U l M
Vuu“.n' ,lQr ‘°‘ i K “‘ b ‘
t *l’ W ILI.I A.MS, Draper ind Twlor. i>r** 10
T ' . AA , ilir mi/rn* of Pittaburvh and oilier*. 'lml tie
*■ ''l'. ' Qt hi* room* on SmiUifteid nrrei.un
i» nor* opt.uinr hif nnd beautiful a«aoruncnt
**''• T' t mere’.. Sauna. Piika.and other Verting;
, ■«.„), » u ch other article* aa are requited lor
U>f^ C ! m . wear Hi* cooda have been carefully »*•
fenilom newe.t and moat faahionable
a. well a. of eupettot quality. Ilf calumet.
7 Ution havin* iholf c.olhea made up i»®
r.n„.-wh,ol, C...M (Ml >° |M<I H“
I m«*i fe*n<l‘"u*
w M Ea«i aide of the Diamond, where Vemiian
tibuda of all the dltTcrent tizea and color*
are kept on baud or made ta order ofle
the latest and moat approved Kaiieru faab»
,oi)*,ol U»e shortest nouce and on the mo»
'* A*ao*lho cheap Boston roll or apllt Blind Triuiapa
«n[l paper Curtains of aJI the different »i*ea nnd
SKuioaKi -tor «U low forchah. OldVe.u
n»n Blmiia naiuied over and repaired, or token in part
SSwnl ii new B M WI&TKRVELT, 8,0
P Z™ n _ Al | woi- done with the beat material and
worktnanab> rj -nd warranted tn please thej»°« faa
tidioa*. IftW 1
Allejthtmy CTtT. Ao* . .
■\y SUJ^ l, ta J “ViS£u “Si‘
n v; 4 r..>u«-urt-
C r. 1
I r.
t»r c- e ■:u
, v-t' •» V
ra-. -* II
s»l. Agency for Sunn. * Clark*. Piano.
ji m- nr- uvi .».* • : ;
fjlrr ci pr....-.*!
At.M'-A tvnc
6 m : DC It* - •
•jctuon oi *bn krn ,- 8 *
H. KI.H-i K >o
#! J \V \\ ooil»'f !'*• *
\ J{ IDP above wi
A Sl‘LKMilUa—)r!u:. ■>
•_.! door :t:** , vp K:ftl>
N B —Tho«e who um m wa;u «>' * itiMruincnt
■ r<- t r*f»pctJa.iv sr vii* J^' , X JV,*,*V*!tV^liv
tn thf mu iiu *. nj>.: we t>t ■oli! ow
(rom Hi- La*: A-m'.d-: rr-r-iT.
l*urcri: munalinMiif wiinaiilt-.l to
rxrr »«. 0 m iin« rimmrv
I’H K »h!i*i::i!"'! bus been hjh omln! 1
!l,r *k.p o: I' \KIIARrS IM»*KuVI‘H Ml. .<>lH •
iNS. ii■* ili-f uMriu'-'i! ",»*1 ii'-'l 1-r.PPIP-l !-•
lari’ll .V. \\ )i ip, «r « iii* mriul. I n- un. i* '/’"'P*"
r<! rC' i! !*'■. i !*ul rout omv* M * "
„ sr.-oniaiifp Willi ihe gruerai Hr*irr iiml JpinaH''
invr riir ndt-d ib«* •rule *■ ‘He*** m*i runic U'* ut 4 1 a-”
vrn u miavp-. mu* inukut- n practical*:! m j»pru>ci*
tpon .tii’Hi uii* Uu.*n «r.i’.pn ■ i* l l'*‘ 1 lu '7
f hP r Hr r .or. it *« In'* " b improved ! % (>• «■»'• I'l' Ittf I> «irum-i-< up<-'i :> *•»»< ‘f'»‘ ' rn '"
uuimlv l>ronn*«l nniumi-ui'-il. 11 1
c :i Kitl*t r teiLiil nil.l un _ ir ]'
I» (Mil *o lliw 111 U' t.M'iH w
v<*o oim* i<'
' " H ' KI.KtU U.
A! i W W «*».!*• • •
ul. Hi 'hr 11rtl*- :i n>«**l
fur i: conii'iirx
/ i HKAT Mrsk'Al- N‘ ‘V 1 l. 1 '• - I ' «i: •- '*i'
Dn* ;u«i recci/cd ir*'in 1 •*' •»* '*' r
and • wreitie** man ute wjuiir-* > ■am* «’* < _
fouilli a» raucli room, awl i* “ >i*! ,,r ‘ n i ”’V
bamiaoiue pircr o' furnnurr li i- I'.rucu Mi)
bir wlirrr tile tarillfC or •IM'.I.’P I- mi 01-.rr-. l -:u e '
cppdtilKiv uc»t uiiU c* mpui’i. anJ O* *'on 1 •• »>•
room thuJi a nnall udriatno • Ihr '. ■< r mx.
band a ir-iimomkl of it* •up--rtorii> trom ' '•* ' r ■ •’
ird pinni«l. Mo*rhellet. in In* own l.nnd *■
»pc.:ad , ,U- IV i ■
nev /: A! J "• '' oodw. ..
•ing’« Pt*«o».
J L>r received and mr *
ofac.urer. r ,«v
IfVWI Konei i'> ' ; J »"d ~ K' JV "' 01 "'*' 1,1
11*1 I I i-irgai'i (iii'.vriaof furniture nod w
f lair »c » # ,
Aiw on hnnil in Hi ior »ti.< .ow .1 *c<<vicl -am, I i!
IC , r, a . S n. Mr W:«i.
Sol' - Ap'nt »f 1 1 ‘" k
IVini'ylvoriis ~1 W'»o<l «Tfi
o: fumin' r w ::n u’i ti'ifutlu' U"” •*« l1 t>ui:if.i»
iauoii* u.r Mi* u.i
OH(•<•*!•> Hir I I MI-U-. U • t r “ r 1 '
M ,Wi| > I'l I- » O l \ 11-'t.-. H' • 1
«ll vrr Be: 801 l I>
in.i received and lor »a <• i>v
jachl'J JuHN H M I u a-0..,i
Vocal Eiercltei
Pla:i lntlr, aUajH.-d to me " I '• • •
Of i« 'ftl. lUUf"' •* *•' ** "‘
»ih! fifrinau. • l.«-w ■
UtJ» p«« i' l C"«f-V l u;:|lpi1 ‘ ' l ' j*
i> ■fHici}’"'! I T' l "* ••> ‘ '•
JuM rrceiT-U. a »uppi> ut ih<- np'
,iuliii»Hcr*. ti) J'-'IN H »'•' LnK
■n<-li-aJ 1 v ‘ -
is4B. JSiL
KKA VKK AM" I.KVKI..\M‘ * *■•
. „. i-\ i l >I AS I r»>
~,-S \N ' W - c’»
/\SK- tr.p **•<*»-
l ) ilmiivl iv» rlf. ;;- «M» orr'.vr »••!>
.y i w;ia iQr M*ji ''
.1* ,U ?Uf '> 1
(OTt>.\ i.M H s«jV\ 1.i... "' r I V>rr;
/*{»'s A VLi»«. “ '
M,|U |K.:> IT UK.SC -Sun.:. U'.'-i*. •*"*' r ”
UKKVKK AVI. IHU "NK [J w,,. . ,r» h:-
1,,;.... ..I. T. ' *o K rt ~.M K« , ,♦ ... r, imv -u.-rr. tll1 «..« nirt.r I
’ ••;" - • . "’•••• . m.vtrnovr paiu»( >l-sr<'
" ! x-. u. 'if .J '" ‘* * »• '' • “ u; ,j- tnu r i jin'-« *« murii u»
u,,i ‘"jl': iil.A-’uVjrn (.roll! did U.ry «!»*«• !•«••
|fc\,• v,\ ( ' ' "’ , ' , ral|l \\ H* ll iMMlt'l' And
l*K«.» r I’n- if-;. "" „ 'ti- rrt: >■ » ; ill l ' 11
m am.,.m.% v , -.z..»••>*<■ u:rcwi "*" h
Vn”“vv -7 ‘r-KU* l - •»»'•"* *'•' "• ' ''***** is ° u “V"“j’ vri*l '■«-
»*:• rvri-. lUOir..n< 111 - « "* w . f(u k-H- Uii th<* Mr»:i«Ui
-V- .--.1 '' '" r ' . u , ‘‘ irr " ~1 8l '.oitlc t>: w
'''i , ’-urm-.r>i u.» ' 1 " *'■*'. ' ih« . lour nm--.
u >w r . vv: > "*
j, ► t.l) i* AilK- A » o !1
JUH.\ A C M <*H»- ‘ A •* «' Hiii r
i' M Kff'l * <'■' 1
M KnHu.iU a. d k. His ii 'i" l
){it\ * Jt l' uuiu. (*»:•« r*tl. J'h,
\S i' Mu. au. Siiarn ■ !*:».
D i* Matuc-**. I'n «-u I’ft.
R W ('ohm: Helium %'■*
r | l llE Fn»pn«-u>r» o: ui'» l ♦<*<»* nvr I'*" 0,1
1 ami m»: UTWHUI p-ci»Kr. u '
,<n ' u " l ' "Tr'iToWKU. *<-.•
Wairf .trrri,
|U >iil *\fHiX <1 UOUIM.
VJ S*.UII. Cliarle* *i. ltaiian«>r-
lTarndf-n a. co.
p u'r a<»uu».. omc
HaSKUI-N * 1 u foxuuue '<■<**">« p*T>
,|Hk| ri)lß a..,y p*n<>; I,r< -ami. Iflai.U ><■**»••*
gfilCU air. upon :ti»- inn*: .'•mu*. w-m
U.ual pii.irUuvMV ami mt-nl.on to the want- wi.l f
fon Jr mn .> K tH«i> " - -jo “- i «- uf
W robbed 1 V Uir iwimimie “'nil'll* mill m'r-*. me
portv aa «rr take charge o< U.nn the mom.-iii u>c
port liiciiim .vi-*. ll> u " ,r
tpairii ilietn **ri• u*»ut «nv i-> me r ‘ 1
We .«y thi« frareia.y. a* we dely ‘-it oi out |u.
(tra to «liov* Oini they were detained I- hour* m
Liverpool, whuM Uiouaam'i' ol other* were Ue.i
nioutna, unu- they rouul 1 >*■ *' Mll “ •*►<***' <• ■ r ['‘ '
tJIOOUt*, un,», * .
CII 2 P tale, winch too fre*4un.i.y ]’f ~s <" rif v , ( u '
\Ve ni'.r.ii.l to perforin our emit’H,".. houort-M
whut it may, and not nd a- *»• *i'«* rn.e »»t «•
«riUa o-lttrT ofierrv—who e : -j,er prpnnncd not i
when it •u'ird their convenience
DnfU druwti at PmaUuiKh lor any »uin iftmi
XIOUI. p.y.t.l* .i.ay ofilir i;i.,>'iii.-,». U*',** '
~„,i bjir'and. Scotland ami W »!e«
land, Ihnr.a josllUA HOHtNsoN.
Luropenn ami tmnrfKi Arch
( h , Fifth »ireei o”c d~>' u '
A N D ' A HI NIT t\ A H KK I M »M
.i ~, wnU'-'-'f' UmiC i“ r.-1r i■
,V '" ; "j‘a BK..UN
SU.NURU>— iw * lr '"‘ i ' T '
(.anpowdrr |.,*js
•am liaot prim-'
,\o. Uulo Oi.t Juva do
*&» l*"*' 11 1,1 tIH 1 ’ in '
16» |, hl |. u«w ,-ro,. N n >•-«-
','*!* nou'« r ‘lo
-r.--. ? rr.n Rk---: X3i> l.l* Bum--. Rm- .. :
l«i la« mniiutaeiumt Ml*Mrco. w»fi<>u» umi* -
lire. Ciw-l luX'Jl.-o.
10 " u , u “
iv! ;.x* -Xl'll Ui'lnv Ul»«» 511 .lo null! do;
:W«1 k-k*‘ ix«'<'» ,rd • Nni! ’ i ' la '' :uk * l ‘ fruUl *'
'f«Kl pou"' 1 " 1 ouo'i \ nru. a««orn*» . ’
Together *"<’ nuV'or'sr,!'- t.\
~i r, th* «■'«<• v ‘ K •'••or-1.
mhl« 1 «'» l -‘ : ' rr ''- ' ' * .
«7TlirNM> _.-ALIKUK\IA
r >
; tC , b< V;“M “r <1 nU«I..-.h- - I
r‘c S , wJrr rvcr t— i-U from u»y other'.' 1
panm'-tii »o p*'rO'-‘ <» »**•» “''Y r*?- 1
u ‘ e,,^ r .’ r r 7J tr JI.FFKII."<)N I>.\Y!<
ly'ot tlio uoovc Kifle* Jd»l ircrived-lcr ini-- at
~ ufnruiu Oulbli"* KiiaUii»bmcnl, No 5 \\ < •»! -t.
c ISi’i;>
/ CALIFORNIA RLBUKR (/OUl»v-Ju»i r-u-t'
( y icinp BUexct.. *) officer co.l-, Vi |-r. l*a
V*,'“.l herd Boot., UUta.Hnc
..f Tank* 0 and I'd galiouß each; 60 ounip"'..
1 do/ Uu. kaU Money H-U*. I do <>
i Lmbnc d-> do ’lnc atwve good* lor ».ii« til Ute t
! '"“ScSi*"”* X “ i *
patent Gold Wanhern.
1. t R'ioNs corns vo t'nli'nrum • nn be mrm«lir.t with
* J« B iriitP<l 1 lolil Wn.her llul h.i» >rl *■-<*>*
IM . ro .luce«l to the |»uMtf 'Hie w«»:lu i* only tf-•
i Kiin be iinrk«*il in # trun« u i'cc<—«ary Ai«<».
Utftn Pick" »»i't Ollier Tuoi* u*t-a in r-.lilorma. Ihe
llbov. will be *«d on the ,no *[^*^ u * > l, l lr r jr^-
tIM-llI? N °
I'TrVncTi MtKINUtf AT A Jebi»on
,jfl Mntkel .Intel, will sell tor the htlunrr ot the
atf«*t. thrit Hoi'* ■>( French M«-rino.. roiupri
"*,“h, o.».l cho., c rulont W>• lj. •»-
cure t.ariP»in» I *' ' „
VKLVt.r KU»iM.»iSS-J«*‘'ec ciyrll ji Aeuuio.i Mn
,-v'a Martel unset,
tit) colored Velrel Ribbnu. MMinrJ color.,
i! rinWoulcry Gimp. l«P* *«« ‘"tun. Ac
F.I THK*'* * >FT' rE A f
Vk [>.; m liearSf— W.--
"'op// ?..Y"U‘-K''V
w.' -s-r pro.Uf-- ’lie *•
m «THV« -I’.'! mrrrn-- lar v»i.'
i "i i «.■■■■•■" UrJjr,
r jm ~i'u"-v N V • ha' I .* t.f-n-:Hi*-Trr» wi!!i rh-u
-v ws»»t. >• “ : - J ov ''* ,B >' I°'
v . .-nf> ii-J V »*tnn KxuarJof
' ■' '* V.l>\\ AlUi 1’ ll' <!.'l »•'>•
J )ite . v S r-I cut M,, «•'=■ a ' "PI" r ’
r.aiu-f oi'wtm-h « r > arm
' i- >ill\ wan r-i>i>*l*nl pin;. * UP >» '
| \ 'T I' * u ,1 ‘ *■
' polluliruJri 11l
1 if. TV- •
yo;ir Pnm Kl'mrlt.r vva« re
u. ai.d vvmrh I w;«- [*f. •». •-.! upo:i It
.•ti.-f* \vi< it n[}<»ril«*<l jn>* a me* 1
u.rr— lavs l wac rompirw.y cu
' j i !•» | i-ll UAIIKIX'N. N w '.wrk.
» iiv-i'i' oi il* (.•oiiitiiiianon:
,i' Vj r-,! :*«f- u! 1101 made mnl put upb
1 "|'‘koi'"K » Uar-i;'- \
i • -trrri. Pluln
'joHV I) MItKI.AN. ( •encral l)opo‘. l* " M
THOK.V Afrnu ">r lMt«our«U
]J:iUry> Akmiuu UiiiVtinu- Lttrf-AU,
’ „, 1!1V n , lui; ui'. Kr-;i-o. poll-ovs
*/irf U > ,r irnl' , » l and l>rui«r« VampM'l* -•onmihmc > PI
: , :u,.r 1.:.s 1..-., Mii\ nail on apptfi
tl1 " ~ jnil> H Mi »Kt ■A N.
110,1 ~ , Arrni. r»»n
. i cl i i m. vYMrr<»\ts m n'Xsi'HrnuN
S pu!**-. I.WI'IMT I'lH'*". fn-rtt. «'r»kur-.
... . rr . tl.'VVf.V
1 I \T LI I ■ ■.*_ ?*»Mr!OMS «•> M*-i !•»> • -*.(>u»rinn~
, ‘u. ~:.1 CfV. II.U ■ V ».U‘- -■ trUh-.y <T-»X '
i'll rmu j? r». n»«-'-ndin# «
h l'i f’f wnHmc I.u( a lull-- »«l. puiv. uiwny» tii-ovc
Uo4tM. W ’I TIT lIL' tl 111 P U)W
,i., ( rli or Mild tiii* alM.ul Mir |.'*rn>.l wtiru
it . U) hu »<jiiii- oi Uic »y inp
!|m Ti'* .» mor- umiM-
Mi"'* c «[»'•<• in V si.-. '>■«« Tfcrrr i. ..0 filfd
ihr , hr-:. l-u- .lilT.rut l>rrnilmif!. wliiolii*
Ur.l 01. Iy MIK Vi" uppparcnce »l M" Ml**;-
lomc" v.u.<li .« ropinm. •» cl irotn • »■
SKi, ■!<.. 11l a 1111111111 ..W.MW- n 1- vny 1111-
• , lut . oiv.eril. mini nulls an unpl'-amlll «mf.
Ivi.cit burned It 1‘ »*' un.iorm »p|*:urt..icp. am«J
nM,j).,l>l» a ra I'urr oi pus and mucuv. ur <m mixmgV
r Sri i .a.L pan *w»m« l'»H*
any MI- O. 41 a:.y ■**. a,,.1 .» rhontr
. . i ‘,v 'l.- i ir;- lir con* n
thf mo
siiiiou* 1 Jpf ciorj.ion. *ooi..* ' irtt '
, , j. ~,.V r r r I;:» »N;:crevrr ilv*l»phl
'I'!! . B V„, . k |. u .*il Wf Irsrof '« sucn-s. Jo'UlU
' ' .rur» n r-.a* iifiof Vie pul"i— n.i'l '.a* hfei
,1 :<ir a" rt.raplnu.:* p ' :i '', tl l , -U » Vi illr
, '" r "ol iruimi'ii.-i* lr««l [’!>) •'
ll > VP l>P< II .'U
(if 100 ill
■d j'd wp Jr* f'- ■. : ■ i - l
fsv .1 IW r
lit t\'- 1110
\ r.MINt K A < «> •' l , i.n;m» n ’C t
n- l' r:»*u 'a»' c P«nniH H >
•i.' ir<“i’ti viit-n'''" !*>•' Vh-,l, ‘ a *
ii i Hir * wrili i ' ufv " ell IV
,W« >'■' , ““- 1 *"»'*•»' '«"S h *-,
U 4 !■■■« ««..«
\ 'nil limin' imin<-oiuir *> inii«|»> cr
.in n w. r.i* Him ':*»* .>■'
Vv' i <,-i nn.i uiklu** u» '»hr 11:l ' rmc
' o: a h
jj.’.'wUi » » * r-.J.cdy
invc iuiiiitou- .■.■riitvdo .-ur-«li«
i. c..... c»m. ...c:., r ; n '
u . ,1 •!,- 5-.<• *^ii■ *or!i»«>J- ir (
crc-K ' - w * *•
rret'jn-.l u I :or «n.* " n '
V MINI -T' » K l «
. | it .HKIO
i,u.(• s \
ti . Hi*' "i - ‘j
e,S |- • S ,„..n -on-.. l..|> *a *r : var
•)! fi.;c ppf rv u 'ij\j' A l' N I'->”l'»< KA• tl
AW-.. -
Pulmonary Dalian..
KKK.Ii' A V.T Tl.hK-l ie*i 11 * d *^ T
owr ',.) m\ icltovr creature*, to nntr *oiini.iinK
i.K.rr rr,n-<iii,e tout Vepeunle I’u.iucmary U-«.hh
~ ,• I lif u-e<i me llnifcOin. about eleven ycnr» »n .
; n V ..u ( .pv ■ <•! wiucn l t:.eo *ave nn ;wa..i »'; *
ve im.i H'Vi'rm .r.trr complaint* Util u.ta' »» •“ " .
' ri irw duY* a'ltCC anil ill every .u.’.rtm 1 1
~,r 1U..!.<« w„h ....npl.l.
,- c „ ll till. etlrclol reliel and rttff I I * *rrt -
I_. . h,* < nuuniv * -sU* l ,lc * ,
l * a Y roil«U«n','Uoll. but I benevc n
»•!,, oc .n mutt) < »»«* a preventive. am
i»r tie rHi *n cure, IUo there lore, lor Ho- : "' r '' ‘ <i(|i .
,o\v wen, ennie.vl) rrr oli.nic ml tar i: -' ()|u| |(
hi a., puiiioinury eouipntiiiv. I a' ll , v
i tjsaspb -
Knr »a.e 0. H A l aUii'-«lo< ». A " ( . g
I wooil ui.*l <»■**' . orioT w»o.l and <>t"
.1 A }• »li •*»«*" *1
•,«.>* **■ ci »'“ r
■IMIK »n^,., r »r,l «r« J'F.TIUVIn
J Am-«i <* NuiMer » U«nic»iM •< **■»
. «.|wno ...J«nly .■ -M «™ * I™"
| v 'w'w''i , \“‘i« v e ‘*»™
J \ HU< >W \ wonM r-M ,< ‘ r:
i R tTFFI'I to* uh- v*iy aortal .•ncounnceniew l
” llr «ik«o( I VIHII.'-I K
in mid * , “ 1 I vX
SS^^*2S»-"» «*■-
t".l'i. dually .lii.i-lidil ai.j Liraii.iiUl, m-
iI, r Uiamiinl. Ai
.„i ni'-iii ill »uin*ii) A 'l i - 1
A muivA*. mtt&sic wm w.u*un«.
Office at tlie Exchange, Baltlinort.
I) « \ n-> -Thr charge* have Ixm r'<iu-
K .1 »,. « ,oor ,ro,n U» l, » n,orr - lll: *
or" Wl.'rriu.i;. «n<l “ corre«|>oinlmK rru ‘" u«*»
■„«& on an mnn l-a -
W No it made lor It. ..l"r*« «™t
tin' •"
bAr-r 5
I tn»ile‘l *or New Orr-*'*
W.KiDnoiNt- lor ‘I . • ihe i-onter I*l Kot.;n-
IK“> VV . AK ,;, UaTil. ,UUMitNT
.on *ucri auJ ihe ’ o lunoi-li U* order,
nit. win-t'- i 'j' .'mir'f ni mcir line atrJ»-
I* 1 "’ iuotnjiuir»* , |' at3 «.iiiet«" ordvrt :ire ro
. tWo .urnuoiu !
' ;v '"
r„-r ‘ ' w.«c«iw
I 1 I AVI - N< ’ ( .N«w urk, i*lulua« iphia iiml
< ! i.l rif» *ll _ Ml(l!Qth | (.1 ill* lll'Wf *.t UJIJ OlOlt
: H... m.»'* ~A | *KU UA.V.IM»>, UUKDKKr*.
uuyrovr.! “V 1 "' i»y w liirh 1 wi,; ~e r,ia ‘
S . a..‘l - ,-ev/ Pattern*. »nnullHiteou* tviui
i..ed hi pr*"’ o '* eni market. 1 would m
i <•«). tli•• ir :1I „« C defiant; to have thoir hou»e*
"'"‘'“Vu, nTh« ;«Mft u< P“P*'- to fad and
*• -I i jiupereo ' u pup-h»«mr claewhere
i*. i |;>e »*> ~'c w „y rTom the Kurt. VU.WXJ piece*
”""'1 | 1 o.aisdi and common Papci HniiEt"**,
»ii- ,u! (.0.1., .a ' . ~n c,.*c ,.* ranging (Uitti IK|l rt» to P
*h | mr.'iti i* K Hll.U f~ wood rt
Utcon Smoking.
HI VIM» ,u»i* omi>let«*dme relnuumic or our Kinoke
spaced lo .reeve meal,
,°’ r l Vll uic ii.o.t metcunmau.r manner.
“ ,l !‘. ~ . ur- luted wun nil n.c modern improve-
U *’ nnJ are eupulii* oi fontumihg U**. eiuh.
Hicin«. and B * MfcK *, Canal liiwin,
_;is Broadway. New York
,a;. t to ’*ke uulrsa g'
•« *> •'* .* 'H’tnioii *rf«r
A K I!r.1, N \ 1 '-Y
w»dr »ncJ i>ui Nu j. [ K
,or ,iJr 11 *< **■
iva *u>re, 70 rounii sued, b>
, . ~..Trvil -10 ju*l "o'«l ««d i.m
L)l>lX WLTn.rt aMs<TKONI | k CUOZKH
k, sale Oy *' ''' - -
.h m 10 800 lb» a»u>ried ISO*. C, > «rn,
Ce£L'£.‘w< MIC wy* wk.
fo. »■> .110*«' a*'"" liaTTKKWS k Co
f ??re or add diseases arising
™n »s wren" state of
fr t °”k bi.ood Oil habit of
. f r lm..- . Fvil. Rheumatism, Obstinate Cola-
Srro f uia or K nif. ' p u *uile» on the Race.
neouA Kruptio -{| c Sflfr Kyc*. Ring Worm or
totche*. • tKlareenienl and Pain of the
jo„“ Stumor,illcer., SypWiue Symp
, o Lumbago, and Dt«a«* amtnf
u-m». >< I* 11 mcof Mereory. Ascttesor Drop-
Ki‘p "mi o, impr-d-aoc „. LM*. Al«>, Chrou.
o«'iui,i»uo,.«l '“""‘"‘-I,, concentrated ,11 the
In thi« prepurat *4 aß «apaWl-la, combined with
Medic mu prop*™ / • mo , t , a | B t»ry productions.
*' r ii.mpk* of the vegetable ktngdom; wd
: no. finubjJ
"o.J. of ,« pa.l nnJ wh.l ..
dour forthousitnii* nrio hn-e n.rfi n, P lm _
ofOoo.B for il,e m.11i0,,. mill .oH-nn* UUI KnnuW
,al ,UK,.r It purifir., clcan.c. tutd
",c"oiu,.:,i„ .pn.,q. of i,fc. onJ iutuß, non
mil ihe ivhnr muimo 1 frame .
ti.f loi .nviiir sTikfie ami. as will be seen, porma
,!r- i.f cn-e of Scrofula, commeud*
ItM-.l ill all ►un.lNf S iilflltMrih
SoiTHHiar. Coon-, Jan- *• lB ~i
M,» (ientiemen—Sympathy for the aline*
...Jitcr. rar ... .liforn, von of the rem.rk.M, core
• rteeinl t.% \our <nr»Apuri.;« mi the case of m) wife.
Stic wu» (rvrreiv altiicted with the scrofula on differ
k nurls of the body. the rlnnd* of the neck were
n n-nil\ ci lafK’i'l and her limh« much swollen. Alter
?ailrrine over n year amt finding no relief irem the
remedied used. the disease attacked one leg. and be
m* the knee suppurated. H«r physician advised it
si.mild be ’aid open. winch Wo* done, but without any
nrriiißiiei't t-iiefit. In tbia situation we heard of, and
We e nd. eri to use Sands’ Sarsaparilla- The OrM
p r mlu, -d ,i decided and favorable effect, reliev
’ Ki-r inner -liftn any prescription she bad everta
lJl.„haml li.-fnre she housed six bottles, to the aston
mhmenl arid d-light ot her friends, she found her
"ti -c restored It i* now over a year since the
rme Vis effee ed. anil her health remains good, show
niF the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the
“’* / Our neighbors aw' all knowing to these
f u . ,v mid th.nh very highly of Vand.’ Sarsapnj l^
Yours with respect, \ w^tax-
Kx tract from a letter received from Mr.N. W.Hai
u.• i.,icnimi well knowu ui Louis* county, Ya..
r‘men-1 have cured a negro boy of mine with
". r .,p.„l'fc wb„ -tucked „.th SC.of.lA
'^ o, .\^K. n . N IV.HARRIS.
..™». lo »» Artclc •■> —ell ““ “
. eservc.l v I'OtH' Rr. a« this preparation, but P* Uon “
T, ivh.. wi*i. lo u-r the extract of Sorsapartlla. are
V'oecd -o try worthies, compounds hearing the name,
im.uced • > p (([ MOaC h L i, c virtue of Uus valu
.■ui eon i'» ... j wf . cannot confer a greater
c readers 'hau m Greeting their atieuuon
" 1 -... riiicni 01 the Messrs. Sands in another
U \ , . t *r„., Tl.\ i.nv le hu« recently been enlarged 10 hold
'**-* 11 n . .• , W [ lo wi«h i really good article will
' !’ * r V , a « V-1T m,-.-cl nr tin- all Hie mcdi. <nal value of the
■“ ' °-e V 1 -Km-.' of thousands ha* proved its ef
; vnriuu* disease, tor which it is
mil pjrscnt time more than any
r,, 1- \ liie.lieinc useful, inprepanng the
*\ i.-m ii r u .•hiuii:" or .. a.on —Home Journal, Sept.
1 t’fnii'rd .»iul »<> ; J wiioleW'- ami retail. by ABA
n .\M)' l>ni--ri.'« and Chrnmia, 100 Fulton street,
( ", ol \\ NrwSork j*<*ld also by Drug*
"nirougiiou: ’h* rn tr«l State* and Cana*
'‘i»\ i'ri.-e Jl |>'( Ho" 1 ' mj tUlllr* lor 85
,_.* >n ltl |»,u»i»urt:h. wt>oie»nle and retail, by
ii a FMiNtan-iH-K. » <•<>. » , Wood *1 d
.• . %1 . a ; w r orner oi'SuWt ““d "°od »ts; L.
WIU'O.X Jr corner of Southfield and Fourth «a*
■ (,;•/» ropier of Market «t and the Diamond: al*o,
i’.'V.iVu A K h FKNPKRIOI.oor Monongula House.
[ i l \i,i .-Tlie unprecedented success which hag
• a • u»e of mr
• .iwNt; panacea
, u . r , 1( [. Wll .*h irritation of the longs a»*
* .iiifi i Uio proprietor again to call alien*
r , .... wruil.r.r w’.ur-h mark* our Wl »n»
\ i«*a l, Ti«y» n fnriHit «*arce of
COU*SANL> «‘Ol IiHS. ...
n.i-c arc Kai tbr precur«>r» of that »U
rt>M ? MPTION.
<1 -tinll we tup the deatroyer ta
"umtf <« fr'i c!#ar of oar eooghi and
'" Tnn'riKn.NV’rSi.^'SraiEOV
. um i , n jbe (juneiig I’anncptt. In prtwf of ini*
' ''l,«umr piiMi.lirf ihc ccnificoic* °<
“* ‘ t , cttuon«. who have expert
ourauJ.- Thow. whh a ma*i of ie»
( i.i jwri* of iftp country.—from
s, '‘iw. ot ihc t.o.pcl. ke.. together with copiou. noj
“jul K.SAU* OPTHK .
„ rn UKi.«l in pamiihlci lorm, and may b«
,• > or our orr.iii* iftrouftioui UiecoonUT.
i t'.oaiiO'U iftr l uitr.l and Canada, and we cM
, vs-tiich whf-n lu.m a.-eordmi, lo directions, nod bo
,. “lie 1U..11' liu.l fatally, H bu
Whv. u.- it, need <bo aKhcird hcaitate* >V hy roort la I
~c uu*'* ruble uourum*. gotten up lay uu< o»n maivid
k‘ U Jr r -hr A*»umed name of tome eo «r*r*ie'l pby-
puffed into notoriety by certificate* c. per
,« ;o he hnil. who**; voucher* are at home,—oaf noigh?
I Kaara mHIV of whOtH I! hft»
I &or». ni^ AT( ., n . u> F koM THK (JRAVE.
I, order U»»t tlu* mvaluahle medicine may be placed
wthJn me reach of l ,oor “ weil neh ’ haT#
,a. tar r"",jfj l . LY FIJFTV CESTB,
onr null'ihe u*ua! ro*t of cough medicine*. lit*
«alr hv our «:4en»* m nearly every lown and Tillage
. .k . wTio are prepared lo rive foil infonaa
t’\'e lk .,vr u, u T SALTKR, Proprietor
1 ‘ ‘ Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
I*it. LLLI'aBI Bo U.B&A VXR CO , HA.
DK KDWaKD AOKtR. lake* ihu mean* of re
luriiniK hi* thank* to hi* friend* and the public
.or uir Fji.-m.ivr patronage uc ha* received, and of in
io, miuv Hi'•>» ihJitiehu* lately erected a large and
...... ~o „ »i ru i-ie«s imiUUiig. lor Ihe exclu®tve purpose*
\\ A I‘KR Cl KK KSTAULISRMENT, at hi* old
i-hiltip-hurgh, Pa., on the Ohio nver, oppo
,|U.‘ l)ir « rumlroal landing nl Heaver, where he ta ready
10 receive jmtioii- u* boarder*, and treai them on Hy
dropathic pnnnpi<‘*. *»> addition 10 hi* long expen
mce. and ihe great *uece»* which ha* heretofore at
iruded hi* irenmieni oi paueni* commuted i* hi* care,
he bn* now ihr additional facihuc* afforded by an ei
lei *tvc I.mining erected exprcasly lor ihe parpo*e, con
innitnc rommodiou* and airy room*, and luted up with
, even- uere»*arv apparatus for bailung, andiddium*-
I terms ihe tr.-auu.-ni 10 the utmo.t i.enefil and comiorl
lofme i ntM-TU Phtllipsburgh na moat delightful and
i -iraltliv village, easy of acre** by He*mboal», and af
| lord* fin- iind w holesome water. Dr Acker assure*
I litoM nlHicmd permon* who may place ihemee ve» un
hi* ,-nrr mat rvery aiienuon shall be paid lo their
comma: nod a* an aawranec ol ihe substantial benefit,
to he derived, he pomw with confidence to ihe hun
dred* who nave, hern permanently cured al hi* e«iab
luhmenl. The Water Cure leave* no injurious effect* u* I* 100 often ihe ca*e wilh tho»e who have
r . ire.wd UO the old ll remove. ihe dl.-
«' e in v v.irate* me -> «uun. protect* from the danger*
' dent in eliang'-* o' die weather, creates a ualural
und acuve niipeuir, and imparl* vigor lo the dtge*UV«
novvrr* r.TMi* nl intnimenl nod boardiug reasonable
Kor mriher particular* inquire al the enlabUnhiaeol, 01
».|dr.-«- me proprietor ai Philhp*burgh.
Wr intfr i»e.-i. i.itocnird by Mr* Ro*e of a core per
lo,mrJo„h. r b . Or. Juj-ue’i AU«r«tl»., witch
nrt>vc» a* tuper over every oUier remedy of the
L.n.l ua* been uH.eied lor ibe ia« ailtcen year*
w.vli N I-.UIU tt?En or Will I’K SWELLINGS, attended
wlib uiceraiiOH* and enloliai.oit of varioua bonea. da
r i,s winon unio uuinv piece*have beeu diacharged from
•tic aonia; oi the cranium, from both her arm*,
wrt«i« nn-t Imii-i-. and noui boih leg*, and from the left
none, nml irotn >i«t right kuen, trcaide* painfnl
Ulr. . • on awn-r of her pcraoti, whieh’huvc bathed
i'r- •* .. o; :» uumkr >f tin- iuo4t<nmuenfphy**ciahaol
o'u'. e i n>; in.'>; *i the ante her have
l i-fii el' iu n..ns wd Ji-jtior&ble Auoul Uirec month?
«.nre rhe wi» mduct-d jn try ih Jnyne'a Alternate
wu;i h f.j- l.nd on a«ioan«li.ugly happy rtlort upon her,
. |.y ri-mi'> oil jurn ana *wr|ling-. and canting the
i Hire'« in win I? nt ;lir «ame time Uer general health
;m» eoiup'rtrlv re*h*rrd, h| ihai »!ic not* weigh*
! /.'■ "•« ill'-- • nu i <tie did l.n'orr »Sc commenced ilu- u*r
! of ihi»t*»l\ vu ml»n prcpanon—l>ai f'O't.
I 101 inrun ta: (•nniu.on .;n,-jirc of Mr». Ro*e, No 12S
j 1 Fin inle'in l .burgh, at Ihe PKKIN TEA STORE,
TU Fonrtn m ,r? Wood. _ Jf 4 _
Dr. rowNSKN I>'S >A RSAPAKILLA —GO doiei
jii.i received m l>r »ar*nparhla, thi
tuo»i eiiraonlmiuy medicme m the wi>riJ: Thi* Ux
i uct is out up in iiuartboitie.. It i* nx uiu« cheapei
pleasanter, ami warranted superior to any sold. 1
cure* <H»ea« w.Jtoui vomiting, gur&mif, aickening o
Loilaocr ri» SstranoM -Unprincipled per.on.hav
copied oar label*, and P«t up medmmo in the .am
»lia|ftd bottle. sre that encli bottle ha» the written uf
nnluie ol S. I’. ToW 11 »Ctill.
tt h* HUI I KRft bru<si4t. 57 ooti »u«el, between
Third 'mml Vrir'n..'» «Ur
s„d aged (or I'matiorgh, o'
ar 'lj r lia* c.crii appointed the a*dr agent f °k
Aliijtor r.ty, "I -rhum “re .ru«l.«hbJ|
»«s .a Urn of A,n B '. EvJ, «£«““'
sad the “ * ; ’ l “...tern There,
S”°uelOTth".' priecpl» w h ' dw/rojnid. no radi
„ cure ten he etleelcd, be! ,f Abe pneciple epon
M C i .K- /4,.f.aae depend*. t« reraosed, v core
matter coder whatlorm
-borLmieslitad!. Thin, therefore
« the reason whv JaThl’s A.LTKRATIT* ll «0 urn
rrraillv iur.e<nnt\jl in removing ao many malignant
: di.eaae» K destroy* the nru* oi pnnerplo irom
: whicn moae disease# have tbeir origin, by entering
mtu th.i circulation, and with the blood ia conveyed
** lo the minutest fibre, removing every particle of
| dlTCa w from the system. Prepared and mid at No.
1 s s,outh Third Street,Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. Tt fourth atroe.
•vro. 'i mackeKe£-v»* 'y m iid're ini-ftr ode tow*
io clo»e conugnanni f#W JAB DALZBii
AQREaTCURK, pcrfbmad by the original and ooly trot
tn <j genuine Liver fill, prepared tod hU by B, hi SfcL
Mouu' FsCTOAt, W«*w>r«laad 00., 1V(
July UAh, 1$«. l
jff» K S. S*Otn>— AKnssofdutytoyoosudtbsaaktsd
•nduco a: u>»J4 d< humble tottmcaj in C*** ®f voter juriij
-»»itd Liver P»'ti 1 h*»* daltrrvd doing ao for jturs,
.dh< to Davy Cruckstth maxim, *bs «« yoturv right,
th«o to .head." Mo.l of th* many preparations of etapima.
tcJ uaack*. lauded « lb* tki*», ha** »uak into übJnTouamee
roui Liv-r Pi-t* barcbeuolUnd to U>« pablle. and, indeed,
. b*l:.,»'>n*y will ‘-»urvns them aU," as lb«j art jail what
, ou ; ,n *»iit ib*to :o be I ha** been afflicted with Lire*
obji, amt f, OSD ml youth; h»e* suflared «»pljy»d
aaar tmiueul t.hpuiaa*, lo whom 1 paid ®uch mosey; ha*«
«,! lx,a ,©anud tad phpieked altnurito dtati^
*l.,„iru sor o t.»■», aad anally pn» up as laettrabk. U
iKki-: l <r u mducnl io i/r your Liver rills, aad 3003 <sOf
IV ELL. < >o* hot of wtaeh ii now tatfteittrt la X**p Bte'gldar
A p«u w th* ud«. aad all ib* other lyaptooa. fat at ta*<
t 2 mouth,' Vottf ran areoiso lb« best cathartic l «*er usad*
®emg mad, aoi griping or giving mueh rickata attht Abo
*eh, but {ii* to* dip'll relief 1 bar* tepj tbamiß Button
for t> w T y«ar>, k>M hundred* of torn, aad bars ww
heart! ■ unfit eotaptaiat altered by any on* who baa need
them. They have superceded almost etcry other pill ia this
■cighborhood, cad ia a short da* will banish that aD.
rtfuenly recommend lb cm to all persona Beading pbytM,
whether filr Liver Complaint or Billion* d Section*. I con
sider them fhr»upenor to Calomel or th* BhtaFilL Rcipsat
fully your], i L MoftU*
CAUTION*—As there are other PiQj heibre tha public
CALLXS Liver Ptlla, person* who want th* GENU! Nfiahoald
a*k lor had take ao other than thoaa prepared aad told by K
E SELLERS, No 57 Wood-ox. betweea Third aad Fourth
by Dr. CaJIIL, Fifth Ward, D M Ccarr, HUghray
Qreat Eafllfb Ramady.
FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! Ths
GREAT AND ONLY RKMKDT for th® core ofthu
above disease*, tt th® HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
IJFK, discovered by lb® celebrated Dr Buchan, of
London, Euglaud. aud introduced into tba United States
under ihc immediate superintendence of the ihventorJß
The extraordinary success of tbiJ inedieio®, tnia.
cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American
Agent is soliciting for treatment the worst poaalbt® ea*
ses that can be found :n the community—casev that seuk
relief ut vail) from any of the common reined tea of tb®
day, and have been fiveu up by the most ilisunauiabed
pliyaictana Hi confirmed arwl ini-.nraiiln. The HunfUTl
an Balaam has eared, and will car®, the most desperate
of cases. It is no quack nostrum, but a siandaru l&BC*
lish medicine, of known and establinhed efficacy,
Kvcry family in the United States shoold bo supplied
with Buchan's Hungarian Balaam of Life, tioienly to
counteract the consumptive letulouciea of Alie
bat to be ated as a preventive medicine ia all ease® 6f
colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in theaidevmd
chest, irntuuon and soreness of the lungs, broobitls,
difficulty of brcaang, keciit' fever, night sweats, emaci
ation and reneial debility, asthma, lonaeuu, wnooping
cough aiuf croup.
Sold in largo bottles, at 91 per bottle, with full direc
tions for the restoration tf health.
Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Ameri
can certificate*, and othsr evidence, showing the un
equalled merits of this gnat English Remedy, may be
obtained of the Agents, gratuuoush
For sale by B A t AIINESTOCK A Co., comer ol
st and Wood and Wood and iih sis. mart!
I • -
I MtOHlihe Rev ASA BHINN.a well known and pop
P ular Clergyman of theProestauiMethodiriChareb
The uudervigncd having heel, afflicted during the past
winter with a disease otihe stunach, aoinelimes pm
dui uiK grow pain in the slomachfortenOT twelve hours
without imermission, and after having toed ,r " , 0“
remedies with little effect, was fur--bed with * bout*
ofDr II Jayne*" Cartnmaave.Balsan; TW* he «»ed ad
cord ink to the directions, and found nvarlab.y toaltna
medicine caused the pain to abate mittrep or foarnua
utcs» and in fifteen or twenty mtnaesevery tmeag
sensution was entirely quieted. The uedlcme was at
terwunis used whenever indicaUonsolthe approach ol
Dolawcic perceived, and the pain was ttarebjt ptevoxU
cd He continued to use tho mediema every cverung
and somenmes inthe morning, and m a tew weeks
health was »o far restored, that thr suffe-er was raJtev
cd from a large amount of oppressive pad. From e x
pencucc, thcretons, he can eonfldeully ncommend D
U Jayne's Canninudve Balaam, as a aaluriry medlctfl
for diseases ofihestoniach and bowois. A oHlfilvlJ
For ,□ Pnuliuijh ,1 lh«
72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also oitheDrttg
■ Store of ti t’RCtIWARTZ. Federel neert klWtwsx
- iO bbl* N D 10 .iriro iaitrule
m lLdlx, br .pH _C h gbaNT,
Q LA!i a % m b ”
, E ARLN-, « i .»lto«.to
s coßca.NU S ao-bit.m,i rrMc cANs S ,
I? 1 ;“u 0I^lUhb ‘'_ ,Or i"ci?SnN5 l AAbmAC«_
v’rrRAPinNG PAPER—uII eixea—looo
-a r At lIIA WINF.—42 qr c«ks aweet Malaga win*,
C LOT 118—-Lm. n^.nJb^^fo.
L A "p D .» ''‘“•^•A^CH^NACb
»' n ° nIW "IIraAN'’D?RTDAV
I TT&ZSI CHKkBE —14 bxs'just rec’d'an'd folWe try
( J B CANFIELD, Wawr striM,.!
x_y .pg between Bmtthfield and Wood
Nails— so N«i«, »««>rted »ixe*, oLftham «
| f S “zL.L iv.t.rj,
__ BP»_ __ -
COTTONS b 1«, T.ri...
POTASH— i»'c*k* Poi*»h, landing and tor ttje tow
by MME 3 p^Lifßlifc
O ME£P SKINS—Ij doxen, fine «
JY toi .<l!c by *P» J KIDDtm
gPANISH SAFFRON — Ju#l «'d •jdjjyf'**'*
"*'■> <°< T JBCl)tt .
Si h2 a nomer HI mi wool «»
Cuioß'CHlNaS—73 bbb ScorctuE;
taie by mchli fc-
D R S£ EACHES- *"!! ,h ° l, »roiES’«Sog‘
b “ ;I '° ul w , roK r rM.c b lsDi;^.
Ri, 1 ; 1 - BL ™£r“
R E u F r ‘ NEC ' “°^ ic - a % R g^SSbLE^'°
*u,'l£ 0 * DS ~*‘ b **wfcSAoANE&
E' its AM COP A VIA—ISO lbs on hand anjMbr **|*
by rach-in JKfDD&Co
P7*TOLS- duvable for California senriee. Also,
..dW. i!k u, ayjp^flßr
B“‘ Uli MEAT —15 c.U. Hnnit, *»■’»“>* ““
p,e«. Bad. Shoulder*, I™™*
PEA NUTS —85 *k» Pea Nuts, JO»t roc»d per steam
mch*7 1 H 3 ÜbcrtLft.
B^^' bbla ' maU _ w j> SKwJfck* *_
Jt\, Sugar House Molasses, laud-ng this dmjr.Ao® « u
Chief Justice Marshall, ami tor sale^f^
mch33 Round ChatalllftiMlgL-
O'? ASll—A pure su'd choice snide, on
hand and for sale by ..j, * gfITEA
L/ tor tale by meh*7 BRAUN *
A U S'S , '' U .
SKEI>-iw'lbis just^^b A UGH,
* m « h »
T>OLLBUTTER-ll bblsprime RaU Bu‘«r, put op
XV in cloths. received and tor HA RBAUGH
mchtf7 n _ t*?. '. ■■
p ml MiRCHA-Ulbi “‘"^wfLSofi'" 1 "
R? N8_1 “
’’mJi.-w _ Kl»»leidK£lMfroM«
W- wdon inll i»
naiJ lot the ujlforcM grade, o( .
<aa Qastiu Buiidutft, 3d tlej ««r iA» Pori Qfiet.
One insertion of lllines, or less,,*,*•*••■•vfO 60
T'wo insertion* withoutalterattonsj,**, •«•••► H 76
Three " "
One Week *' “
Too Week. •• "
Thro* •• - “■■ J“
OneMonlh, " - i.*«***ss*«j2
T-o “ " £ “
Three “ ** W * 1 60
(FT* Longer advertisements In ssmo projWitk’^.
One scaare.G months, without altomiionu.4 Jv 00
<> .< jj .« *♦ u '. ■ ,i,v 4A 00
Each oddilionasl square for months, 00
One square,6 months,renewable at OO
Bach additional square for IS months.w*w*«4Q 00
Two aouares, 6 months, OO
Bach additional square,6 months, •'.ttr***** ® ®
I WUKLT on TU’WHUt IK ;DAI%Z *A*****s.
One square. 3 insertions, •••<GO
•• eieh additional insertion/**** 37
luiivta 'CAmni. :
Five lines or less, one year** ® ®0
m « <• six months,.6 00
»* " « one year, dnt!p& weekly/ lu 00
>• “ •• six monihr n, _' * ».a 0Q
.. AnTxnTtsxmirre !■ •srrtkA7r
For 20taes, or less. One iaseTtiqn,V.i«. iff «JS O Vi
U " “ Two, *?>• y 7)
*• *«• « Three, ( »W . i q,,
Three months, % ig
•c’a and tor •nitnO/T/