MEDICAL. - - 4f riAß DISCOVBHTI I COafOBJD SfBOP OF WILD CBKBEY. mniin ConKb»fcoJ'KA»lhroa, Bronchm., l.iv- S ! pm ,n S BW.. Difficulty of BresuV . er iSTWSi afc Si/c ..d uwau F.lpiu.. W .,rf S* Heart Inflorwwu Croop, Broken <-o»- • iiulUm.Soni Throat. Nervous Delhi i ty ana all Disease* of the Hiroai, ureastand Ijuiir*; Atmostef- • fectnol "and spedcy cure i ever known for any of the above diseas es, i» ' DR. SWAYN'F/St Compound Byyr»p of Wild Charryl Thla madicuie is no longer among lho«e of doubtful _j a _ |tbfpfl««ed.awav from the thousand* daily ISached upoalhe pile of experiment and now stands UftM ia rvpptaiion, i* becoming more extensive ihwn any other rrtparauon of medicine ever Moduced toz the reliefofsuffering man Ilba» been introduced very generally through tb* Hoited Btatea oa<l Europe, and there are few town* of Importance but what contain tone remarkable rvi des«a of iu good effect*. For proof of the foregoing gtcte<aedtt,.ana of the value and efficacy of th:* tnedi fip# the proprietor wjH insert a few of the mar.v thou gh? tealimonials which have been presented m him by menoCthe first respectability—merfwbo have msher view* ofmord responsibility and justice. than in* tify to facts, because U witt do another a fhvor. and themselves no injustice. Such testimony prove* con eltt*«vel>MbatiU surprising excellence i* established! by iu intrinsic merits, and the unquestionable authori ty of public opinion. The insUtntaneou* relief it af fords, and the soothing, influence diffused through the whole frame by its uae, renders it a most agreeable remedy for the afflicted. remember: • “When men, acting from conscientious uapulxei, voluntarily bear icatlnfouy w the truth of a thuig. or pafUc alar fact, such taaiunouy. being ‘® *“ r f s •~^.^BCsSK2rs Thsto never w»^“ T ' r ’ ! ' t i b , i „ ll ,oprion. e> LX m Clie.r?. n lie SyrilP ars 1D hrnl nicer, oil me lull*.. £SS r,ck Wood. 1.0w.r e»ej tty no other mdihcinc- ChwtxrCo.. April *2sih. l«d*. T>r S‘ t; 1 yoor ' c “"‘ of Wild’Clmro ha* Wn the .means ol l' ou . nd I catirht a scvcnTeold, which griulu *?.»*£•*worse. auendwt with a sever* couch, that •“T*^ain*«,wmrdiei which 1 had rocMw to, » .11 6U tbc r,.nr cxhlbtled m the •pm.totus of KSS-I'« Er.-ry thing I medsccued tofaave a*eff«L and my cwoptamimcreMefi »o rap.d \l S?»l fß » Mtuyw.l, gave up -mil hopes of mr .Loser* Al Xhi*.tune 1 was reconunendedlo try ld.dsownih the most hnih The fir* bbUie had U» effect to loosenthe £* ~ cuunc me to expectorate freely; : and by the ■SSf httd aJi fix haute*, l was entirely tttll, tod am bow as hear.? n tn»n a* 1 ever »V ** «| .life, aid jwould b« happj to Gj VB an >* ‘'Uornuiboi. rtutßecung t*y Va*e. that ouiot may dertre the benefit tor ■ ' mh ~VS2£VEL Wonderful Cure cf a i\itthodi>t iifsnuttr. n, Rwarne—Dear Sir: I toot * <lebl o{ *ramude dae JfjSlTlSj U> the afflicted generally, to offer SrhKle testimony in favor of your Compound Sy Cherry. Some three year* Mime 1 w.-n* attacked with cold iutd Inflammation of the f£?i™ ucoiupou.o.l will. a-diiutui.ig "ff iho bre«l 'U»I U«i. a *«>T con-.ijar.- k? <ri offensive mucus from the lungs, osj■*> ?£,'[ X"o b “‘ p U ™ " ““ l?.rt mclVfrimi. pn-paruuon. ao.l pre.cnpi.ot... ume .ua * rowinc all tlte Ume woriu. Just 'lieraVwaaadvtLraml • by a dear friend ip W IT, "i? Xiao tti.’l ... your Syrup S »*„, ~ rr l rtu.tcci/r-lto 1 prrviou.ll I UaJ Uu . ss KSdiSlySut violin. 10 ll.t ptu.V. wou «ul praetlc. ol £-dSH“£Ss?£.;i'::: to haol; in this way. d<mbi.e«, my cu-'s » a 8“ >• retarded, la consequence ol ar ung .hu« pn -ru.l. nl.. fbtdm ure twelve or fifteen boule* uefojr I w* per fectly restored I hav<L p‘> quoum), a ifturhsmu.irr number of bottles would -huv«*rnmli! run '■»unJ, but n r the above indiscreuon. The Syrup allayed the isl. habit took »w»7 ll,e d.«:res»ut« cough, pat a . .top t» the discharge of matter ,ru " l * ‘ • ft'. them and the entire syvtetn good b-tiltb J.l av .1 le . red offering tht* certificate now. toMhe purpo.s of bciuc perfectly watufird with l ho permaneiu-y u. t r cure. ituJno *• that 1 feel P-rfe-tly well pleasure. * - Dublin county. N C. , Important Caauon — Road.' There l« but one genuine preparation of \ViIJ Chcrn'. and tbal'ii Dt Swat** I *, u.o first ever offered u> lh pttbl c, which haa been Mid largely ihrouaheui ihe United Slate* ami P« OI f "JJII peratloft* called by the of Wild Wihrrj bar. L> pot oui ....Co M*.»" ■" circumstance*, in order u> 51 re i urre 1 I Ur a little observation, no person Dead mistake the rJnmnVtos. It. l,i»- SLlaped will. . boooufo. .tool UkeueM of William Penn thereon, also. '* V signals ue: and a* further --tunty. W« £ j> r - Swmytw wtm.ead.ledhcrn.ltcr »o ju to dutiful*. J hi« preparation from all otUr* No*. >t ’> wu» n-t or , tins great earuuve projxrti. • *»«• *'»"' VV l’ *‘" uc *, „ Swiyna'a t ompouml tfyrup o. ihl Cherry, per»o«i. would not be tnideavornu u> gtve currency to the r 1 “ticliiiflrila noxtnuna- l*y naute 01 Wih. ; OUerry. Remember, olwa>« hear in .he mum. ol Dr SyraV'C. and be licit t***; ■ r d Pnneipul Olfice, corner l^ llth and Race utecef Pl anJrclil **N'>'V DLN.cor 2d and Wood ««. 0 A f A , Co. cot lat and!Wood,-a»>d bib and W ood »t«, IVM Uarttct #1; S J'»N’KS ls '. l .;*. t^ !v A JUNKS, Cor Hand and > ■'"» »W. JOHN AliPt-H- . ELI., Allegheny city, and ;»y all r*ppen:ti..e» m K medicine. _ V M’ALLISTCR’S OINTMENT,* Cu»\T VIM XL V» .ull!.< •R\. or otaer .Mineral Mi hi miUr u» < au*- ... EXTERNAL HORE* . SCROFULOUS >KI N DISEASES, J'UJ SONOUS WOUNDS lo iliwvj»»ricc their putrid mauen, • ““u # £”rVhiiy“li“m j AI.:. lIEAUSG, for ■- teorcely a dueu.c external or t..utntxl. Oral il wj 1 no. bettoSt. I hatre u.eil It f"> ttr- l= «l MXteei. yrar, for all diseaaei of the clte*u tiivolvlui Hie uinro-i danyot ontl napotniltiliir. ini 1 .IreSrr l,Ar. ue.venand man. Unit nol to oil. nine I*. r -«M It. »»*t wkar ■ the patient win wiihin'Ute r.nclt of mortal uenit. 1 have bad pbynctuftd learned in tbe nrofo.sion. J have ministers Of iho go»p*:, of lit * ben«*i. «i -dartnen, lawyer*, gentlemen of trie highest nrudmon.- U d malutnde® of the poor u*e it In every vam-ty of wav and there ha* been but one voice—one. nruversm r o ‘« «tX-“M'ALL!STKR, YOUR OINT.MFa.VT * B |uSaJMATISM—It remov.-s almo«t immediately the inflammation and *w,*iiiiis. when the pain erases (Kaad the directions arouud this box ) HEAlkAClfU—Tbcsalvr lias cured person* of the head-»rbe of twelve year. standing, and -who mAh rnrular every week »o that vomiting took pine* L -VK ACHItyTOOTM-ACIIVi. ami ALUK IN ItHfc. FACE are helped with like #ucre.«. SCALD Hi*AD —We have eur-d ease* that MiuaJ.y defied every thing known, a* wr.i a. the ability «.f fii teen to twenty doctor*. One man told u* he Imd-pem g3OU on bis children wilhoo nny bmeit,.wn«i a few boxes of Ointment cured them. TETTER—There n niitntng better for the cure of Tdlter. . ~ BURNS—It i» one o-fttie bc*< tatngi in the world lor PlLES—Thousand* are yearly cured by itu* (hut menC It xxvxa fail* th tfivt»S. reltdiTor the ITT" Around the box are direction* for using M Al lisur't Ohvment/of Bao/ula. hirer Complaint, Erystpr- Uu, TtOa,'Chiliia>ru &aid hFtatl, Biff* Ep«. Quincy. Soft Throat, Bronchtloj, .VVr*iui .\jftr,turns. Pains Du cauo/lU Spin*, Htad *eh‘. nMhuu »; Btafntu. Ear aeh* Burns, Corns, all Dueoiet *J :*« Skin. S« f » l- 4 /". ■la, 4-C-, SmiUnf ofthi LtttUn Sorts, RJuumaxyvu, c out Feti, Croup, o’ Bh)4rii lirrast, Tooth • adu,wSttuinlßtFaet f^i.^( COLD PKCT —Livei'VStnplalnt. patn In th* Ehesl and Sid«, falling off a? ft** hair..or Hie othar nceompa nir-a cold feet (This Outtmem iMhrirtte remedy ) Ji i* 0 *otc *tgn of di«ead% l ki havn ••old leet CORNS— use of tht* Ointment will al wavt kcfcP corns fTCrttrftro«Mi U ' People need never be troubled with tbeoi-U they use it fr.wiuentiy Thi* Ointment t*Aond wr any p«rt of the ii.yly qt Umh* when inthuned; Liatiwelwi it shou .i br nap lied ofteiL ... , CAUTION—No Ointtaeut WtH l*« genuine unim, the liaise of jAMVtt McALI-ISTFaR is wnuen *rith * pm on every l&beL . . For *uJo by my Agent* in ail the principal eiue. and “*“* U ""“ 1 ““'jaMBS MtAI.LISTKR, Sole Proprietor of the *t»oVe medicine. E - principal Olfice, No & North Third ilreet, Pb.l adelphta. pR|CK C E.\JS FF.R BOX. » ■ Asaim n PriraacEaH-traun A Reiter.* roraer of. liberty and Si Clair *tr, and I. Wilcox. Jr, corHer o t Market *t and the Diamond, ai*o corner of 4tb and Smilttfield ala; J II Caa*e!.earner of Walnut jad Feaij ita, 6lb ward; and »old at the bookstore in Hlßitluield aiTad door Crom boeond si; m AJiegbeojr clly by II P Hehwartz add J Sargent; by J (J Smith, Druggist, Btr nuQgham: D Negley, luui libenr; H Rowland, ( -Mc ; lleeSport J Alexander A Hon, Monongohela City; N B Bowman A Co, and J T Kocet*. Browusvillo; John Barkley, Beaver, Fa; are wholoaie agent*. feW7*deodly . A “ifHONO EVIDENCE mat &r JAYNE’S fcj[- A PBCTTOBANTi* *uperi«rt® T 1 other remedie* for iv-*. iWjMiympttnn, Btoacbitu, Aithiuh. ao<other Pulmo "MT rff- t * u "* l I* that the S&ms person* who commenced the B*e of it b their frmilid* »«* *go still prefer it to all other remedies of the kind; and where any have been toduoed to try other preparaUoa* they bate almuet invariably been is receiving the benefit wtueb was rcamnably , riKffr.twi from lbs high ptaiw* bestowed by the proprietors, , har*returned to tac aw °f Jamas’ EuiCToinn, a* a tamtAt that has never foiled la rei.eve thca t and which probably never had iueoanl in arrestii* putoonaiydiswe*. , ,t SS3i-tf Dr. W. P. IxU«nd*a Premlan PlMthr. DR. W P. INLAND, of the MelUchi Collcea bfPhil-. adelphia, nowofcr* to U>e public hta ludtan Vcg--- etable Premism Plaster, the qualitica of whieh, aAcr long and tried experience, ha* been sauslM'only es tabUiheiL To nil women who may be afflicted wub Prolapxta Utcria or Fallen Womb, ho recommend* his aiaxter, wnarameemg a sore and speedy dftre tn the •hart space of from two to thee weeks, if applied with can a£d reel— discarding alt the couftUeaamstrument*- and expensive bandage# ao long tn nee. This ho feels conscientious In staging, tnairoueh as he haa not failed in one ease out of three huudred and fifty-ihree pa- U< Al*o for Rheumatism and Weak Breast .or Back, at tended with pain, there is nothing to excel this Plaster in affording relief or effecting a cure- For €hlo by iTwUcoj, eorner of Diamond and Martetwt Brian & Reiter, u Liberty aod-SL CiaMu Dr J Sargent “ Federal stand Diadsond, Alle- Jtlqnes u Denman and Diaonni Btnning ham. li-imra ABE CAUTIONED AGAINST USJNG xoheos peepabsd obalkT rrifTCY are not aware how frightfully injnrioas ft la to I |Hn—how coarae ; how rough, how allow, yeJ - if* ui (Unhealthy the *kw appear* after aring prepar- chalk! BefideaitU Injurious, containing a lorga wltSfe'sm uK-w’fuT-E' 1 ;; innocent, telng* purified of all ’deletcrioai .SSfflSSffa^w SffiiS eiaar. 2fin# M theaame fcmeuustmg *. Thaikia. making It wft aa4 tmooth. jStt C demutof Mun ' -hw'tiraayat “After analyzing JonM’ SBSSffl*»poweswathe mwtbeaauft^aad^to rfifcfiMmerim* innocent wtuifllcyer taw. I . tty- use to all i; SSutSKT price, 35 centi.t i ” o> nft s aa‘' DB. TOS««BJID'» • covronvs xaraicT or 1 SARSAPARILLA. (fonder mad Illttrimg oftki Ago. The n»»t extraordinary Jdedicine la the | Tku ZitracS it pm op •% Q*»trt' BallUt Hit of Utut dueptr, plenfrttr mad Karredted nr perior it amp «fS« It iritieul oranting, putwa ng, ncitsuy or U* Parent The greet ‘beauty end *Ujf"*~iortiy of this Sarsaparilla evrr all ether medicine* is, U. • while it eradicate* the db «a*c* it invigorates the body- it Is’bae of Lha very best SPRING AND SBH?SK HEDICWEB Ever knows; it set «aly purr's* the whole system, esd itreugthens the pervmxftnt it e -niei-ntie, and nth I lood e power poasiSSu by oh other medicine, And is tai.« lies the grand secret of its wonderful success. It has performed within tin last two yean, more thus JOG,OOO rurm i>f sorere cases of disesse. at least 18,000 were considered incurable. It has stTeU the lives.of more then 10 000 children daring the twd pas: seasons. 10(000 coses of General - Debility and wool of ftervon* Energy. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorate* the whole eyethm .permanently. To those *ko hart lost ihoir nuisculdr energy by the effects of tpedlbne or indiscre tion committed in youth, or the ei&ttsiv* indulgence ol ;»<- j.essionst and brought on a general physical prostra tion t>f die nervous system, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensations, premature decay and decline, hasten ing towards .that fatal disease, Consumption, can be en u r -Ijr restored by thu pleasant remedy. This Sarsa pax(lls is far superior to any Inrigoruting Cofdlal, A« It renew* and inngorate* the system, glses acbrlty 1.1 the limbs, and strength to the niUirular syitem, ta a most ritraordinary degree. f , tonsamption Cored. Situate and Strengthen. Coniamtutn can b* turtd. Hranckitit, Contnmptie*. Lirtf 6'ettptamt. CoLdt. Catarrh, Cought. Ankwea. Spiling of Bloom, Sorenetiin Us OAsrt. Hecniflttsk, plight Stotalt, DiflcnlX or Prqfut ICxpitZo rmUon, Patn ta l£s Side, ksot ,)ua e ad taa Is eared. SPITTING BLOOD. Jft» Fork, April 2SRLSt7. Dx. Tewirexjn*—l rerCy baliaru that your Saraaaa rflta bitsiß the means, through Providence, of aanrg ay tfa. 1 knra tot aarutralyear* hud a bad Cough. It beeuaa versa and tram At lari ! raised large quu J tleaafUved, bad sight Svaau. and was greatly dabl'i tatad uvd reduced, usd did tot axpeci to Uva. 1 ho ■ ealy Mid your OaraaportDa a chert dam, and there hss awbudvrOl ahnsfubvaaVTuagblia ma. laaaewau.e to valh nil stir the adty. 1 raisa ue bleed, aud By seegh >ra laft ea T«« can wail imagiua that I 11 ihaafcJti Nr than rcnlta. Veer abodisgi aurruv WM. K.DS3BR.L. » Oathsriae-f u Foaalc Gle«Uela«. Dr. Tenmd’i BoaupaHlla is a cvruraigi aud saeed r a era for Issipiaut Cans ns ptl on. Bmirensoss, Pr>(a*ct t L'lari. or efthe Womb. CoaMrsaes*. Pile*. Len ecrtlußa, ot Wbllsa, ebatruawd didiflealt-Memua.v boa. Ineontlnanea of Drtna, er inreluatary ditehar|s therooC aad for the ganarul praoraWeu ef the tystsa - so natter whether lha resell ef tahareal caose or ccasai, prodaced by imgularity, QlaasaWf aeeidant. Notbuj caa be more torprlsiu tbau it* iiarirorating efVe.s an tbo bo man fraoe. ruraeea a| weahnass and lass ode. ftota taking II at net haeeoiu robnst full < t ’.-nergy under Its toineuee. It iauaudiately coustrrae's ths :>;rrelesroesa ef the female frame, which is tbs fr»»t :>aiu of Bcmnnusa II will net be expected ef ut. la rasas cf to deUeats a nataia, 0 aablbit carti&caias ri cures performed bat we eau sours the afflicted, thri San Jr* J* of cases has# been ruportdd to oa Thousands sf cases whsre families hare b»«a without ebildran, after usings Itn bet lias ef thia iuraluahle tasdleiar, sere bees bluseed with the, healthy offspring. To Oolben aud Hurried Ludies. T>is Sxtrucf cf Sareaparißa has boeu expressly pre pare J in reference te female complaints. No femai. »So has reason to suppose ska is appreaehiug thsi tibieaj period, ■ Tbs tvni of Ufa* Iho old aegis*; 1.1 nt« It, as it b a eartain prarustfru hr may of the iittmarooa and horrible disease* to whlah frails* are subject at this time oTUfh. This period aaey kt di Uf ed far uvtrml j tar* kg vaigf Uis medicias. Nor (j it lass Taluablt (hr those who are approaching wo manhood, aa It Is calculated to aaaln as tare, by quick emng the blood aud tnvtxorating lha system. Id deed this medicine is invaluable for aQ lha daliesta dieea *•• to which women er* subject It braces the whole system, renews permaecailv tbs natural energies, by removing the impurities o( the body, not so far ■timalmUbg a* to produce tab»e<|iieu' relaxation, which is the eas* of most medicines taken foi female weakness and disease. By Using • few bottk* m this medicine, many severs and painful turgieal m-nr* tions may be prevented. Great Blessing tv Hothert and Children. ' It is the safest sad most effectual medicine far purify ing the system, and relieving the coffering* sliendani upon child-birth ever discovered. It strengthens both the mother and child, prevents pain and disease, in creases and vnnCheithe food, those wb» have use.! n think it ta indispensable. 11 Is highly usefu I bot h before and after confinement, as it prevents disease* ■ 1 ten■ 1 ant npsvn ehndhirth—lb Coativrnefs, Piles, Cramps. B’•ril ing 0/ the Fact. Despondency, Heartbarn, Vonutuig, Pain in the Back and Loins. False Pains. Hemorrhage aad in regulating tbe secretions and eqaalixiog the cir culation It bus no eqnul The jrr*at beauty of this medicine is. it It always safe, and the most use A most *BcecssftiUy, vwry few case* raqutr# aoy other tnodlcinc, in soma a Utile Castor. Oil, or Magnesia, is uieluL Exercisa In the open air, aud light food with this medicine, wit! mlwayi ensurs a safe and easy con- SocmenL Beauty and llfalih. Coametica. Chalk, cad a variety of preparation* line rally In us*. when applied to the fhne, eery aooa »|«vj| tt of it* beauty. Thee eloe# the pore* of the akin. atui cheek th* circulation. which. when Qatar'* i* not thwart ed by disease or powtjer, or lb* *kto inflamed by the alkalies used in soaps. b*auofle* iU own production 10 the " human face Divine,” a* well a« in the cardan id nth and delicately tinted anil variegated Uoeeri A ( lira clqH healthy circulation of Ike Cold*, nr the «Mtr*t«s of the pure, rich blood U> the extremltr**. ii that which paints the countenance in th* arm cnjtu site beauty. It la that which impart* the indescribable thade* and flashes of ioeelieea* that all admire bnt sou can describe. This beauty i* the offspring of as twre—not ofpeitdsr orww- If there la not a trea and healthy circulation, there la no beauty. If the lady it (klr u 4mu snow, tf aha and na* eoasedea. and the blood la thick, eald and impure, aha ta not beau tiful. If aha ha brown or yellow, and there i* pur* and active it gives a rich blooy to the cheek*, and a brilliancy to thair ayea that ii fascinating. This is wky the southern, and especially the Span ish ladies, are *0 raocb admired. Ladle* In the north who take but little exercise, or* are confixed in close mom*, or hare spoiled their complexion by the appli cation of deletenons mixture*, jif they wi*b to re yam elasticity of step, buoyant apbita, sparkling *y*a and beautifbl complexion*, they should use Dr Town bend’* BarsaparitU. Thousand* who her* tried it. ar* more than satisfied, are delighted. Ladles of errrr nation, crowd our office daily notice to the Ladies. Those tn«t imitate I)r. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, hav* invariably called their stuffs great Rtaudy fa - Ft maitt, 4c, 4c., and hafe oopied OUT bills and eire utar> * hich reiatß* to the cotsplainu of woman, wor t for wore —other men who put up medicine, have, since ths rr*a< success of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla in eompisitiLs incident to feraalsa, recommended theira, eithoogli pre vioosly they did not. A eimbsr of these Mixtures, Hill*. Ar.. are snyarioa* to famaiaa. as they aggravate dincur, and underolna the constitution. Dr. Townsend's i> the only and boat remedy for the anSutrosa female com plaint*—it rarely, if ever fails of affecting a permanent cure. It can be taken by tke moat delicate female*, in any case, or by those expecting to become mother*, with the greatest advantage*, a* It prepares the »3 item and prevent* pain or dangsr, afld strengthens Ixith Biutber and child. Be careful to gat the geouin* Ctcrofaia Cored. Thu certificate conclusively prove* that this . u *rs» panlio haa perfect control over the tnoet obstinate dia «*«ra of th* Blood. Three person* cured is on* Imoss it uuprecedeDted- Three Children. Da. Totraxt.wp—Dear Sir : l bava the pleasure to inform you that three 0# my children have been rured of the Bcrufula by the use of your excellent medicine Tli«y were afflicted vary severely with bad Sore* . a*t* luken only four bottles , it took them away, for * inch I fuel myself under great obligation. fours, respectfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Woosterst Opinions of Phyaicimna, Or. Townaeud is almost dally receiving orders from Physicians in different part* of the Union. Tbi* is to certify that we. the undersigned, Pbyalciao* ><f the City of Albany, have in numerous cases pretcrib ml l)r Towuaeod't Harsaparllla. and believe it ii> bs uo* of tha most valuable preparation* la the market 11. P. PULING. M D J. WILSON. M. D. R. B. BRIUGB. M. D Albany. April l, 1617. P E. ELHENDORP. U D CACTIOIT. Owing to the great aucceas and immense sale of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, a number nf men who were formerly our Agent*. have commenced making Sarsapa rilla Extracts, Elixirs, Bittnra. Extracts of Yellow 1 '-Kb, kr.., They generally put it up in the same shaped bot tles, and sout* of them have stole and copied our a.lvor Uscmoute—they are only worthless Imitations, and should be avoided. Principal Office. ISC FULTON Street, Sun Building. N V ; Redding 4 Co . 8 flute street. Boston . Dyott * Kona, 13U North Second street, Philadelphia. X. S. Dance, Druggist. Baltimore , P M. Cohen. Chsrl»»r. n . Wright 4Co . 1M Chartres Street. N O . I')' South IVirl Street, Albany and U ull the r ri«H|.v D- *r gnit» and Merrlwits ginerah* ti.ruuj*,t:.r I ->i*d Sla:r*. West Itidtea and the I'aas-li. S. n.—Peraoiis inquiring for Una medicine, should not be induced to take any other Dmirgiat* p,j> up Sarsaparilla*, and of course prrf-r ». ;;u;* thci’ Do not be deceived by any— r'-jUTc u« Dr l.i-.vrt ■end's, umi lake no other H. v * R'*nn-ftii..- r 11. (tu . itic “Townsend's SnmapariJln.' **>i<l !>> ’h>- */>ic R-E-SELLKRB, General H'hnl.-anlc A Retail Agent No. 57 Wood street, nnd 1). M. Cl UHV. Al Vcticnv city. r -jr, | EUROPEAN AGENCY, I F«r the Recovery of Dormant anti Improperly W'nh- I held REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE. th~ ilement and A rbitration of Commercial, Trud;ni- um] Ollier DebU; Securing Patents for Invention* in firent Britain, Ireland, and the Colonic* and Depcndri.t ie» thereunto belonffiug, amt NVgotmticg for the Pur chaw or Sale ofihe mmc REFKRKNCK may be i a<! on application free a( phanfe. (provided the rnoiive 1* upl ibai ol mere cummty.) 10 a List comprising no vanli of )s,fltMi name* in which unclaimed property is «tn«diini Al*o, an index to our lu.iMj nifver'.ujemenu which have appeared for the pan oo yean m vnnou- British new*papv». addrc.e.t xo H, ir> hl j, aw h ,. x , kin. Communication* by leitrr are reiiue*ied lo be post-paid. RK.VNUM FABIAN, „ , Broadway. New Vork. Reference* are permuted i 0 lion Charles P Daly, Judge Coon offemmon Pl-ai. New York. Freeland, Sluart X Co Chos. Canlidge A Co Vf. k. J. T. Tap*colL G. R. A. Rlcketta, E*q. • ’NEW GOODS. Eflward Schroder, Ciiirinna t l, Ohio. I OHACKLKTTA WIIITKW Wood itreet, nre now Pres,<3e, ‘ l 1 tltchin Dank, Buffalo. O receiving « fre«!i »io«-k ol DRV (.O«>DS. of recent . . purchase. ‘nd fresh styles, paitrni*. Ac . winch they i TM* Allegheny Ccincleryi will »ell low to the trade. AT the annual tueeUns of the Corporator*, held on Merrha t* are reqursted to call and ftamine their the 6th tint, the following peraoan were unani- stock and price*. feb* T BANsrARENT!<IIAD t S-J..,,.™,^l M df„ JOHN BISSELIZ E, President, rale ot \V M‘Chniocfc'« new Carpet Wareroom, JESSE CAbSthFUP. No 75 Fourth *t, a handsome assortment of Trun*pa- NATHANIEL 1101JIES rent Window Shad**, at very reduced price*, to wh^ch WILSON SPCANDLESS 'Manager*. w c mviir the attention of those wwhing to purchase. JOHN H. BUOKfIUERGI-2R( - - cI,U W M CUNTOCK IAME9 R. SPKER, } 1 ;,■) DOZ. SUPERIOR GOLD FENS; SO do com *Uver J. PuntXlf Jr n Secretary and Treasurer. lw Table and Ten Spoons: 8 doz parlor, office and The acnoal statement presented the affair* of the other Clocks; 10 dot aMorted Solar Lamps and Get Company inavonrpro*p«rou» condition. Their office Cbamtaher*, 15 dot Gold and Silver Spectacle*; epno in the elty « No. 97 Water atTcei jeia mg And fur sale by mehaQ w W WILSON /TRKEN Ai^J’LKS—M bbl.t, assorted kinds, lor sain - - ' ' _ JjTbf deed ISAIAH DICKEY ACo O UGAK, Ac.—Uls bhd* fall to prime N O Sugar; teo Y’SsiiflSir —niTh ZZ „ „„ x,* ~ r~ ._ bbt« assorted No* Loaf-Sugar; «D uo eueyVithewsao. ! miscellaneous. Hi. 1p r . G h OLD W ASHERS. 1 • 1 r h ‘'* ” mnrhtne for washing <ot be „a. made a pp:,c»;-0,. for a J ,, > sr '' ~ow "I'-n-d :o r « 3 .e a: ;,.e «-nrr - >«'»•: At'*' Nj 1«. J .;,ce;. !urrr« rr, nt> :o ri: 1 n’li! *J. v .. :(llxnon j; i;r >v" r ! ' s • ulii) p ( , u . j< ~ in.,| l-«r Tli- . . i:l Tl'ir H' rjp. .llfnl ‘ '" ;o Uir w»:rr or’i"”. 1 .- o '. '!. n *!.r a " ! ' r tu,r,J 'ncM-lio v teu^oi:. rtfi,- * w *'" rp :« not niifi- <i,r *.£ Or^-V ,rom ..nrot,.’ „r , p , ■ * Son„> Soda A<l) 1 ~7.!'“ ~ ' , ' :, rr‘ .”r ' “»» wmi».rh««l I-’i’-i: i'i i, .-'j°, f !*«•'» ; -i..i i!- > r r^ C ,!‘ IV . ' l!lr ’*"• rr ' 'lumnj tht- Win- T.l ' v.x N.-.V dr . EOM -' W •'t M MJTCUJTKI'K Mut NT I.AM.K TR| i'Ul.l—Far v.r-.u.v^ :l rnp Ji11.,-., j,;, m ., H, 'rw w' !llf ' Z ‘ilur.i"i'c -air u;vl rrawi. v J<»H N U .MORI. A N l>ruc«i»t M„ NOTICE. R H ]|.\Kr\iAN having »o.J ii,. ,!;v t *MMTSr..T.n,j» cr Co mu.-. Hn. im.n A ' cf». l>n >m.< k<.ii >,a.m i- aoll Kk> I Ac.-. 1 to- :(i.- manuiit. -urr fc’ <i .• fi>i -run Ilf H 'u'. -nr*l» V f'l Itli.r. - • ;I v h.' i.rf.-r. :;■> (.1.0 O tern; A N j NUIAHI Hunt i'ASIK- I H, Kr, M mik! :V., T. i-i-.«l SufC',> Frr-.- o.i In- •• n« „l; -i ».r. > . Jur.«|»rii.;« l.iavr, r I.< i lufr- Hroilo - . ... I)rc «;,«• ~1. Jo.. |». MuL'r;'.;,.. . 1',,,;- I’l.Bniuo-o li U lo' > \i. !\\ :. r- r . ! I :i*rtt«r . n U „!!)• r u \|„ cnmr:. . an. . I'ii.ri .... Vr,;,.-™ rr, or IVrun. Kuni.r oi. Far i :,rk on 1',.!,.-.!.,.;.,-; non'-t i*..,, M< J . A Kc-liiar* vra-»r: ■ >., l\:. Ifc-, > ii.Mj.uir. 1*,.,,., S' '••• »**««•» i M„ I’hiluMV Kluow,:,. I'riip;., .• [)upf''. ■ ir.. >ur. A' Wm. !■»,.! ~ S< ros.i ;i. Mac-kf.m.-i. , Pru. ~r i , V. |>r. iu . Moi\Mirr>. Ki.iT.iPt Th.-rv* ltc. it. .. . r' lur^. m • M.ii/.rn .V \' U i ’'a -'•'/ -! I ,V ' r ln, ':,I„Y 1',,.!,.. Mm,-.., Vr.n. , Aio-n L 1" [VXhZ'. •!.«■ I .:.u J« l. : !»•• f |.r,„v. V, j JAM 1MU1.1.10 !'• - i I i.L.i-i i I \ ! .‘M.1.1-H :>» U BlliKLiars IMKRIAIjI. MAM.FACTUM, / / .1 -v HWi n,J .ynW.,,. - J'l'Z ;; tr v Kl ; • m.v ~ I„Kr .. • , nHI- , f 1 T .!*.' ‘i n l.. '/•»«. I • h- ;) ’ . ).,>! , \ WIHK KAILINU. I.S !.ri I L Ks I'ATI.NT pi >!|.h .-xl'ilAn.'N .. I r,i ... ~i : rr ~ •• Nc I, UIKI.KA I I\ t ■ n’ 1 ” • mitsllai,i. .\"iiKinin i!' LOWEM. FI.KTCIIKH ALCOHOL J\D P L K K SPIRITS IP“ (m>r. irou. im A.rohc. Purr $;• . i'-. Raw or R-C'itir.l W luekey.wi:, i, r prompt.v v.rr .Ir.l to owe*- market |mcr _ mmIS.II. ||r< Kl VM> rmfl»AY.‘a: lUr »r« Carpet W arc Rim Kami cover. ] PU,n Tnrk-v rej Chut" do do Tah.c Jo Fled ,1.,' .... U Omni Jr, ,j„ Uo Bordcri-i* Hiu--, llnma-t . • I’nrprt AL>U —(‘amp* Gothic* Trsnuparrrr Smut--* rtr View. .Jo Jo ,io ,).i ''Line** Jo .1,. ,io Drapery I'limo ..o u<» MoOniiiht View | ,lo Uml.ripc do .So Jo Ford to.: Tiuh'.ii. Koicr* an.l > r- Ram I*.| Dr* Rf>,-r F.::<I« ,T »ar“ W Mvi.ivri M'K Jli Uii.i.iivirr I'KKMII M II if H PHnnJ . •'HMhSr n- Propr,r-„r wnu.d rr.p.-. ■ nlOltll puft'ir Unit l.r HU. HOW tlir t o. otfcr rtiefii a i 1.1. winch w.Ji we j. t.eau:. .. . ... .v. !t. ur:>>- ••• hm'imia. Ka>;h-n,ii ~'nir Sti.l lif nine;.-*. Mai Mr. Ivory, A r wnhotr J.,- (tiruruiif Utetl. in ;j»r rendering Ific>ll a« u»r!u for any purpn.e wlmrrvi r tt« wi.-\ were l.ctnre !.Token, and '.fit art- *• i y heat, water or it.r Tin* Itftt weak-urd M. 11..- t'lt.l wl.ev , ut) .Ttfi) ■(. -I C rlrv ijrn!. or wli-n -nmier-Mi . . hot w.ter n.- ; j.. <*, . e i- j .ae t> oi *ut h at, .i. xc'c. 4i"! r. ti. « tlieir wi . !,c Ittl.) rra:,/.-j. h* i' n e.l without heal am! ran l.e u'fd a Ti, r .ul.*crib«r ho* fully tr-ted 1;..* ;tr:i.- For *u .• W\V\Vll>'>N turner market am) lui«:. (iKOKOK WKVjIAN, Manufnrtutor nn.lJrarr mall kind* oi TOBACCO, SKIFFS AND CIGARS. VI In* Oh! S.iii.d .".rnrr o' r* .tree: .ml iimmon.l It! • Pm- t.tintl. Pi. .e-pe-Mtu*. : y ril 1 . Ihe n'l'Mi ..>.l n; Count, v .M'r.'H»lrt.> H.ilr I h|>o He;,,,,Dark.-per.. ", •. tnrtr- ~-iJ -upenor u.«wl in-,.: .[ I M I'Uli Cl D i 'll. A Rrv umnn; wl.i, i. vt,|. 1,. - «. v l.r ,".l. , f » ..eir. Ke K »-i. 1 ... e ... I ,ii Norma-. j-iar ISrnotl M ' r m ~J ID :.!f Kr;,' o hM of wt.oli w, : I ' . in; Tohurro A... 1Dvi,,,,,: I', ,|.i, t)-..i Coin,non Deal To'-., ro him! lor in,- nov J .1t.,., J/">A'| " A'Jll It I! V | KW S- Hy D.lwiu P U Di--k . W or»- 1,,. Uni. V..:, ‘The i r 'txein- It.r 1(1 Vo,- l.otu-l in .v-,l,ecj, , t ,r Stn-kt-u-e U,r I- I,'it Hurk M''» No if* »n tii e \.-w Tf .tainrut i v,».« -wo ic w edition Mamulny't lli-lon'. Ix.rnrv »t) ie For «oie i.j R M< »PK I \ - i . mrh.3l Apollo* U . -t U’I!OM>AI.F. OR S (HK)I)S- We arr now rr.-,. ..use h Jarre itoek ol sprma an.l Sumine.r Dr, ,00.1*. mm, ,• f-J with (treiu . arc irom Hie nupor;. . * „ :.i iiannDirlurer*. mill <joi,*:*ti,ir or a In.f ,i*ronnifi,i oi i:l itr.tJe* u*uul!y kept l.v Dry (,oo.l* hou*r». wn., n a-e up- prepuroj to »cil ul *uet, prier* „» fa’ii.m i.... u rive *„ t, *'a ,* tion to purchaser* imiinr e.*t-wnerf. SFFACKDFriTA WHIM . 1 W\\ ood «t, two door, tihovr Ihanioi.i! • y ,limit, I'Ufot NTKV MKKCHANTS—s**mi A 1 4(1 Market utrert. run *rll you ln.*iery -n- Uinii they tn;i re|Jnre them— luiririg l.ourlit ilien. m i. Inri,’e packac'’ *ule prrvioua to the itdvnnee m prie.- They ran *e,i you jriraw Boiineli mid Variety i.ood* a. flirap ii* you hu> them oi Kaiterti Jtx ~. r« - t'oilie ali.l fee. iueh£l TdCOIVTRV MKK CM A NTS— W R Mrirm i.>« 1. now open at l,ik \Vholr«ale Diyl/ooJ. lUi.xn.. north ra*t rortier of 4ih and Market itreda. I’»tl»i,ur<h. a fui: tuiinly of Jre*h SprinK Doiklk, inrlu.lme n,»eit *1; .r* of Ftim« (iinirhoin*. Daw i:«, Ae . and ;n vik • an riani.nai.oi, oi hi* Mock l.nlrani'f t.» Whole.aJe Room* from 4th *uret I ’ \*-n Rl \ F AtIDK FDA.NNF.DS— W K V.ariiT V,' lII' I Hr- 'hr 0< huyrr* to lII* .lock ol llir ai-ove itoo*i-. of a;: thr ilidrrem tjuphlira, aunl 'o t«• a. un-hn.ikm- ■■ .i* the Wr>h. und at murh lower pro r. (. ent,ine W.'.li Flannel. m«o roiotanlly on 1u.n.l (ftiu/r and >i k <lo. 4 4 and i-4 do. tor Shroudßij pur po»f - Aletr. Home made While Flanncl«-nm! Ltu»ry«. con*ianily on hand, til me north east corner of Fourth and Mar ket KtreH*. |rl,6 | KK’HANGE BROKERS, 4c, 9. HOLMES £. BOOTS, Dmkeri, Exchange Brokers AM* f'tULX** !S * NOTES, DRAFTS. ACCKWA.NVES. oou> SI VKR AN» HA.VK .NUTKS ' COU.Ft'TION«-!>rVn No,-, %„,1 . in anr pan 01 itir l mo:,, -ol crtrtl on u )C la oruli t wm* h.VHA\(ihon N-w \,n. I’hiladi- . tua wnJ Ual •MiH.r*. a.-O. mm,. Lou:»vi.'c. Suin'. |,oui« a „j hank \otfs l'u i-i Murarl •;rr> FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Bills »„ iiisini iir ~,„i s.-, iiOo , bt *f> I »' UK! I wpi t Kh-.-s m Liriiaiiiff. ir”;" IUJCS HUMEK ’ ETiVv KIIA.IEH A. KAIIM, “ A,i * BANKKR-'J AND KXCHA.NJ.K dra'ctj m 1 orcui, and l)c, (ne «i; r |5 ; ., 01' l'.i,'ha-*r (Vr Üb.-aic „« Dc|h.,.u-. Hank N,,.. » „„i f 0„. JdojHi \\ 00,l strreu. op 5 >«Mlc * Cb.r!r. Ho nm ',-is<j| v yyKSTKUR KURDS— Indiana. purctiax-d m : ut iowex rai<-«. ;>)• ~ N JUiLAIKf* * sons, :V5 Murki-t *iri-ct. EXCHANGE—* l? tw Check, oil , lUlumorr, Uincunuy for »«> by N !M U..M J-* A SON* ,g|,U I 'lutiry Vi. 1 T::c MM'ELLA.NEIM "pArKK lIAM.IS..S-I am no* r ,. ( .,., v .. . *. inTiuo:™'" IK-Mi-C I. i!:, ri..-.. „>'•-• lUnrruVr.l s a . mi. i. in.-.J in -1 c 0mm..,, I'A ;■ hK HA V. I M..v .-on V.T I nmMlt* -., .1 ■ tit- Hn.y - lH.M„ r .roo,;> 7iV-« „>„! o;l.i r l - n-im-ii I\\ Oiii.i pm; i.-uitir \ mvu<* ;u- ;ii u,,,, ~ . 1,1 l, ‘ iv " l -' h »y- W pajK-f. 1o r U.. m;,I rminm.- „ !Wl! , , -■ W„„,| ,1 ( 1 AKUI ! H.'Scll' h.<« ••omninn.-rd io - IV .- n V lari:- ii'wnmctu 4 ,r K;,,,. v \ a Klim i,ini|n ••01-.... J>xr: ~l A'Mk.a,. kilco-v I. ~..-. (1,,. \,.i. 1114 .* | ti . Wi.*. Mliiwl- i'Oi!<<“* I! ll ml t r nil If | m-1.1-v l V«. ... Vi-uiMim uni) cx.’ Hii».u**rrh . ..nlp.i M.nV •‘■‘lk- rh r lid nop.. Cum-,.. Jfwr.rv. r,:i. WATKII Ct RK KHTAIII-ISIIMRNT I*'Mil K- 1 "'"I 1 u,.» w tin-n urr m< JV ... *'r-"CrV.M u x,:u‘i;,"; r Vu'iV m.drr. » .dr* rnlll . . i<- (i i.r ii- mrhi- (!■ Mir Pitun.i ■ i 1 f . nr<W io m-,1 Mm \KI»A' K) H. pVropnruir I'ti. ;■»' -re IJf-i, \r r 4 .., u . , j., R ».r tilM-w Rev ii He v. AriiM.'oiif \ I) 1 ■ ‘ K»<) 'l«i III!' T! i. 11 •’ r \ |w«v-- f , |• > Ha’H-r cl-■ Pm 1 c'h I- .<*• kitl.l.urifn. Pi 1. > t'-u. -1.. s 0n... U. > - H •..•r.-.i 5...„ \ R-‘ '< A. -I, l-r H J I I. v., : 0i [ v * '»<•'» l> r '' • - Pin .(•‘••ii'u Win H M- K~; IMi.U-,: A SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ST. CLAIK STHKKT, PITT S ill RU 11, N l w ■> ‘i i; H a n l> r n I ; aii] i rii i a l LOTUS. 11KSIIIKKKS ASD t ESI I MS. or niK m a: ir\ and i.a rj„-1 >r\ u..s. ;n t:;> m.-»r manm.k H«»d (Quarter* for Qvoti and Shoe*. H -Trnye ,n K Trunk., t'urpet Hat;.. A,- A,-, a. t.'ou .:r> iriTrtiaiin wuu.d firui :o ti, r .r , (0 U 4 a ‘ 11,1 wn "‘ ih' «-iu m lilt TO CALIPOHSIANK. HDoMfri KR - f ne un.ier.,cam' u .|,p-e,i »(>»-r16«• or vu.ue ol^po.J i. now preparr.i to • upf v a., wliow '.ui.ii, *, iniiv require u .e |i ••ooveniert. and . an |.e U«r.| Without llHilfUltl . a l{ ! a:n-r .u ftf le n 1 tc. .how the pro.-e»« n *»v rn!-ululp-1 l>. |>rn(>-<-i Ui**m from tr B ud M r,ia in* ilirm m tun.' -,i a«c-t:r : ain ttir vn.ur o' ilirir an.! la" e. •*,;! \, r .upp.o-d yf-;u :ou. -, to j-ur ’ ' -AMI IX F.AKIN’H I'mon «-rcr' mX- Dr. II M- Faden'. Jewe r; ~„r . LOGAN, WILSON *. CO., IMP(*K 1 y KS and Wi oie.u.r IVa er. Fore c „ m„i i Ihmrr.tir Hanlwarc tutlrrv A,- ISO S ~.,J ,ir-ri. Pm.nurirn. are i--.w i„,:y prep,,,...) w .i!. a tee-iii'v ,m(K>rtf.l *:m-k oi llurdwart- , u t,r,. >oJ !-t. tnrpentrr. T<k»... A, . to r.if.-r wr. C r.-;,. ■U' • loei.l, \krvt«r Merrill, !., ». • I.e ir,4. , o,u,,,ia«r. n.Ji,, nur pr„|, , e, Mll . Me* *•» l/<n<nri A K e nurd \ w« tiav- <rerit,- •■rre,..,-,| .me.. purrha.r a:, nur C ..t,d. Imhu dr.- fta:,.;* “ , '“' l aovmnii.uj BRICK FOR KALE. 'I’HK undereiy.,-.! ..tier* tor -,.. r a ..-.f.e m,J iirrree* n, giv,. pgi.-nnm.f, a . mi* ' rid and •uprn.ji i* i:. ;r r *e*-in|f u ...rtaff jin| ..n, < -p'-'MlUrii flt The otll.M* .. , . l>AAi: UKK'tft. _ llirtnirif hititi, June |-j 1-4- u BENNETT & BROTHER, ARI MAN L FACI'L'RDKrt 1 tsirmlugham near Pittsburgh,| Pa. Vntrehoutr, Ay, I;J7, Wood street, Pittsburgh. Mr)VVli.LeAa»tsmly keep or. ban-J a goo.] C» ;nr ” 1 01 ' v » r «. of out own manufacture. and aupenonjual i> Wboleaan* anrl coumrj Mer chant* arc ropcrifufiy mvited to call m d ei amine for Ihcmaelvn.. a « we arc determined 10 «eH cheaper that: l.aa crer before brew offered to the pub !D“ Ordrra »ent by mail, accompanied by me ca*h or cm referrnrr. will Ik* promptly attended to fr’iiii X T KW CARPKTS • Received „y lrom 1." ihc munufaciurer - Nrw *tyle Tup, cry 1 ply Carpel,, rip, ,upe r d" Ho Jo do <op „ ' d " „ d “ Uruaael. Carpel,, do HruwK'U, very cheap, 110 do ncthrolnr. » U |>ej h-eram 4-1. ‘.V | and Jirnvy Venetinn ( j u 4-4 a-4 ami ymnuioa ,| 0 Jo All or Which wt »b- M,|.| 0 , a , rool | uJvaflPr _ nnd wm guaruri <-r n- low a. r,n t>r pnrrhasr<| m the nil * ri I& U M Fourth •( COACH MAKING. hß*'M the very liberal encourage men the subscriber ha* received since gjßScTflßwr be. husloeaird himself in Allegheny, ha* .mlunetl him lo take a iea*e.fore “"term of year*, on the property hr now occupies, in Denver street, immediately beside the Fre«byterian Church From the long expenenre in the ai'ove business and a desire ta please, hr hopes to mer it ami receive a share of public patronage, Now on hand-and finishing to order, Rockaway Bug firs, open and top Uuggics. and every Hescnpnou ol Carriages made to order, from seventy-five dollars to •■xhthunaret I*ep3-4jfl JOHN SOUTH ‘The tilt* - !' whii. li )ou i*mie<l 10 tin* rrjyiuml | Itu«J lh« honor to rommuml m, ; ,re worilij - m the liigbc*l comiiivriUuium | aoul'i \vln-inrr ut many pm cc» were ever tl from any rnlxr Ordnuncr De partment *o perlm t in ibrir romuruninn ami roi.ili non. In occurary ■>< (ir p mry an - ••ijunl to the fine»t • porting nlle» Their runar. I taint. rxreeiN tiiui of the old pattern ntUfkei, ami they Im mini nm< tire, or want repair than any other ouihll nrm* I harp urea Blonongahela House Tailoring Eitab* u«sd in rervice." ltahment. (Signed,] JKKI’KRSON DAVIS ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, beg* 10 ini form the nuzrn* of Pittsburgh and other*, that be i» now opening at hi* room* on Smilhiirld *irrei, un der tin- above liotcl. a large and beautiful assortment oi Cloth*. Casatmrrrs. Satin*, Silk*, and other Vesting*, toKrther wnh *orh other article* a* are required lor gentlemen'* wear. Hi* good* have been carefully »e- Icrtrd, and are of the newest and roo*l fa*hionable itylr. a* well a* of *upenor quality. Hia customer* may depend upon having their clothe* made up tit a manner which cannot (ail to gratify the taste of the man fastidino*. ap‘l4:ly THE STAR OF THE WEST a VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY Eut aide of ibe Diamond, where Veniuan Blind* of all the different uzes and color* re kept on hand or made to order afte the late at and moil approved Eaatern fash» ™ ton*,at the thoneit notice and on the moa reasonable terra*. Also, th# cheap Bo»ton roll or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Curtains of all the diffotenl size* and patterns, oa hand and for sole low for cash. Old Veni ttan Blind* painted over 1 and repaired, or taken in part payment (or near R M WKsTiiRVKLT, Pro*pr. N. U— All »oi« done-with the best material and workmanship, and warranted to please the most fas tidious. auglO-dly Allegheny city, Aug. 10, IB4S. WIST AH'S DALSAM-n: doz just reed ami ;or sale by ‘ *p5T J KIDD A On >TE'V PI'HI.ICATIONS—F>*av <m> iik ihr I n.on l of t'burrh am! Stair by lta,v.i«t W Noel. .M A. 1 vo, Pinto.— SI tiS An rntif- edition o< :hi« work »'J‘ '• i*' on** <iav. on its publication ,n Loodo P L,r»\ -* :rum Marcur* ; Smitn - Jounia.. t:i th- Pro yinrr oi M#*‘arhusr>i* IV.-in?-- pjii, • 7.V Hoyt * Pm-m- -<ir-'.fsr» O’ Fur an, I .under nit by Rrv Ra!r., ii>>): - ,i-w , , am-b~wi'n n .i*tra- Vu'M* I-•!'•* fl.Ht •u i.ank« ii. u.p A.. »|.-d< Knvr * lui't ...a-trait I hif* IV :md V Parj 25. Tar.tuF Historic* M Pro: Tv -r limn. Fo- sale by inriij-t H In :|‘M \S Pn >t Sole Agency for Mnniit ft Clark'i Pianos. JI'ST HI! I!|'. I !j .-i:i*t .rtjr h v.- , I'm o- imm the ITs nFt!™ wi!n itnponnoi miprovrnr:' 1 - 1 op, ir. nit-rhatiiora amJ clirnor ] i y mi r- AI.Mi- A fin a:J W Woodwrl, k -dTlur.l «t N H Ibr above %r ~ .„,(j »: iniinu lii rtutrr> pnj ccs. xviinout miv luldmo:) ,or r rr-1 if lit or ripeuae*. - ; inarm J"urimi ami iT.ffn.rir copy Kentucky, iMu^oun, Hank Notes, A SPFFN IHI) inonm-ni jßfcSarfEHgß ami Uo-r W omJ Piano*. ;U «t f»,. I f O y* f I Tiir.r iiisirmnemi arr ma,b 0 j 11*1 I ■ the Jatr*i pattrrn ami be: minmu'. and wi,l !•*• *o J low for r.i-li i>v l' HFL.MF. ili Wood sircci, '-ii door above Fifth. A 1> I ho*- who arr ,n wan; oi n i*ood instrument, arc r'i|>r,rii ,y mvn-il to rnimn.' these before pur r liasuu’ r •'•»linr us rimnot be excelled by any 111 the country, ir il «£.; :,g d ,-r dim, an) brousbi from the Kjim A.*olll-1 r- . -iv-il two piano* of Ham burim maautiicmrr wurriu.u-d t.» l,r superior to>inv ever *o ,1 ii i:n* , ,hi. ’rr , .y.l y {| Philadelphia, and r |’HK •ul-u-iiti.T if:. ■. -i;nn. .•,! niy Acriit (or l :lip .Hi*- t»r CAHIiA R r** IMi'KO\ Kff MKI.oDK “V"*-"-? “ , J !**<*«« “1 M—r* iin it fe " riiir. m i i!ic„.'iiiii Inr u*usi rompu-u KiiJauMitiiniiri.v: mar ..<■ ujv-. Mn.n M 4 W.. i:l il' I'lili.ittirr 'Villi Hi*- JJ• rill. .'•■.lie l.ilcj tlrliuilil. •’ a Vl> *• x i<-u-!« il ill** -i n,r ni '.ft* M- ii.«truinp!ii.« lo 4J anil . v.-:; j uciuvr*. Ilia* rnuki n il prurticul*.** 10 |ierlonu iipi. i mi) imi«n‘ wriv.rn in- :,ir I inno or < iipn I i i '*• r u>r ha« i>rr n nun- ft unprovrij |.y pi at* mg :lip t'Oily i>i :iic ii.Mrumrin u (>• >*> u nt.; iron framr •’*' u u' n- 1 • I'Ti'iiird amt cn urn* : nM-cWing ual Tlic I'uit i* |*ui «o i»w :i« ~ r win ,i r .. 11 MI **lra 1. VVKI |•, 1',.. . f1 ,. ( . r INI I I‘IAM'HIHIK « ... i. j--' morr pow!| hiui.Wmi.e jiirn-o: iur 11■ ari- |i - i>«<:*<• u Ji'-mra- Xj\Ti£T : "V 1 *"'"«« r ‘- room .Uaii i »in:: ~ ,i : ; i- | ►i/’.'m-mlht || l |! > ” , |n liuiiJ a i-i . •n|.:u>. . i>oiii t•,c ,•,.(»! ra . ini pmn.-l. M.i-rhr,:' • n !:. ov* i wnlim;.whirl) 111*., Ir nrl ‘* i ' A' J \\ Wood wr j. • Jl ' ,| r " 111 '<>f -all* at man i • « itnj'r* P | l ' , '" 1 ' ' , " :ufm,ur '' Hml with Jo.t.N H MKl.Lul! ’ ,l, ' \'.''-'l' Nl: ' l,K,;z - T),r ' Ru-<- M... „r. i . , j- r . " fI \ N j! , ' < ‘ ! *, 1 w 1" ■■ ’ •"■■-.mjia.i.tti.-ni ii.r (L<- 111 ' •' 1 '• 1 ''n.|u|i,>iT,. • i .v»w i Mu-on ‘<i ir *" > :'• - -...• • . * hrt Jrf.*<** l>r 'IT f. "••• '■ «r--| |fi' )*>:•■•• '■ I-IMU* . I|-I Ir<•-i v »• >: ~ u | f „, n lbo u: ’ B > J'lir, II Ml 1.1.nH. * j WIXMI «t RKKD, PARKS 4 Co'i, PACKET LISE. IS-KS. **KA\ FR AM)' U'VM.aSI) f.i.u I’.. AU.OW t'ni.i Ford. ‘ •t. K.V \ i ..j W., / VSV -r •■„ a „.. r I*.,* I*^,.. • i .•«. f > .lay. F "u v. i. - r *'• i i'>'. i a- ri .r ur » : immuri* al t&r Ms;. Mj;r, |<,; ■<nvr \\ itr rrn .la.i \. UI'ANIR AM) I.Hif. l'.\i Kf.T LINK rII kill »tl I 111 • ItlK \ , ll'ilkk r««-kiM. i‘ivwnm.l i'ni lJ• ifnon, IkXI.I. H.A ' 11, H'l.iOl't : I m K* ru- %. ' 1 I'fyioma llnnrn, | ya 11 i: i.>. >n i | Tt-* kliovr W Bill. »|I e;..].,' I 1:, , t -r J'arkrl. havr i roiiin.'-riri «1 mnini>< In".*-.-..,, HJ.AVj.H AND Rl | » ■•! ■.» j Our < :.,r umj . • om- boat ( TKtll’H A -riiTl .? VV, _«- N.-.V P. I B 1 EXPKKSS J I-OR Ct MIiKRI.AM) UAI.Tl\| f )K f. AND Tilt ' hAMKR\ , || ||> 'I’HK ProprirUir* oi a,. 1.,...- i ia y • ;. u; .<n %,.»• < lo<>s I !TV|B - ' KI.L. Ar-n:. i Pulmonary Daiian.. '' ~r' '"* r ' Pti'.f :*ar*h ' \j|l'>SßS KKKI) A iXTI.KK-l irr, u » j b . r I R-M.INVON A isukiim; tj>l owe to ..,)• Imlow <“ rr*:u rr», ,o mtr ** ' l*urir« Bmumorr. Iftnorr rr.peetiiitf )imr I'ulimmirv Kul^iji, HAR.NDKN A. i'll . Nih , «* I ftr»l u*»3 ibe Balaam al-oui aicvm :u>«, Pmaacngcr and Remittance Office ' iinj«j»y cilcrt of which I ihri, pure an ai-emn-i | ASX. IIA.SRUKN A i'll rn- . |Qf , ! "*" Bull wvew romplmni. nml .'.Ur,. m im U«U-. |. ul ;ru.,K ; iii,.! v’-ni,,!,, tn ; *‘ ,cce »* !; *»« effected rebel ftii.l cure in uv-il r* fori <>i rntitujrHiiu Ur m. m.i um.'w our'n' i! *' '* r<,rt *uiny ■ medicine ido 4 ~,u l.r ("Musi i.y !ii». IW |, ,| | r * : taai awi.lcu re a fixed consumption. Im 1 I \«* 15 r .„.... w. ~,r : r,' t l ' vt 1 .* »»»««•”• ,*~i i>«« »■*« •• port :iinn«'-.'. mi,: , ~ , , Vr . 1 m'tief’.mm curr, |do Uieroiore, tor Hie mvr 01 n.) 1. : • ••n:r 11 •> u: .1 ( " S J U ."' ! 131 j .«>w nirti. r«rtie«ily recoinnieud u„- UM . <.| in.. ,i \Vr .«> (111. Ir:iri»-««iy. n« .4 r'u'-'s' ,^, r ", J*' ’j* *' in »>' pulmonary •■omplamu imn confide mu, ,t *cr» lo •imw inai '.U' »- rt 1. • >i« ° Ur I''*"*' | tina lircii llie lUrniM 01 preserving lit) m,- t» :...« ;,y Liver,**/ svhi «! thi,o,‘ i'*. I Uo»Um June Hi, 4«i UK.NJA.MIN I‘AK.mA' i jiii.i iiK.) „ u ' r J Fi*t »nlr !,)• u A 1.. » r i»i •: • rn J p rair. wl.. 1! . rn;u. •. v (1 * V 'it' '** " and n, *° cornel wood and ixli \N> I'ili-nd «o r-rl.,rm rVmVV.mT™ ">'''•«»•■ U A KallAimvX. ) what 1 raai. ami m,-. 11.1 i| KaUAOttoci. >PilUburyh. G. VV. FaMNDiTor.J Wboleiala Drag Store In the City of N»w York. r |MH'. umlerairurd are extenaivrly cTii'itiey.l m i|. t . NV boleaale Drag bu*iuea« at No. la Jol n n, the city of Now \ ark, and arc prcparcit to ntj.piv Drucrtata an«l ceßnu7 Xlcrchanta witn |in :« I’h..k< Oil*. Fort gn ami America? lv inmm, Aes-er h Wat-dcr'a rbeum-a..*. mr uiv:r o«n mioraliojiJ ac. J all oilier amdra in thcit line 01 .-iki. aoia,o/a iuptno.;aaliiy a< low ai tlirv can pur ilia*sJ in tint or any eaaient otty. Now Vork. Keblrt U A F AU v KS 1 1 u K A ■ * Willi ••ilie: oifirr t• wjirti 11 «mlrd llit-ir <•<>>; i enicii'r Urail* drawn m ii i.loun. ;>n)itt>k ai n, i„- ~f l> land. Kn(tUml. Sri'lland eum U „i, . v a RniHN^o.N. r * b ‘ ,I ''‘•i *trr«L <>>.* -l.M.r w'o^i. AIiLEUHBKY VKSITI,VN ULI.VU. A.N I) i AHl.\|; I' S\ .Vlt.M HJ.\J ' J A lildiU N w „u„l ie-prri. ’!/ 'uu.rm pul.i;,-. Hi:.: hr *«■»*• Oil hi, 1.l 1,1 I,;, I „„ Jj.uiuond A 11r - hi .*! V-i,i:,h n ul«» \ - JU.,, „r.- u , rin lm- (. .1 i,. >rorr '* • ■ • mi', ,n it,- I „nr,| Male* t U-f a Tf-'W ,lmr[ •t» »„■( wikh] of i.,r c'al.inr'i'r,- '■'••""eui oi H.-unnii i A M C, r ,. Agciir ),NoJ \Vo<'»l 'if r <-t, I'i t,f,u r •-U ■nrhdM J A HRIIWN SI'NDRIF-S lIKI |nrk»»r. Ir-.|. Tcaa- V Myaon. liuiijjowilrr anil Inijtrrnii, •JIW* pi ini' - ii Km Cnfr r. .Mi do (.•jniV ra do; HI do Old Java do. ‘£i bac» black I'fpp'r, Hi do i'niii-mo IJ.I hli.l« n-w crop N (> Sursi. . i«>l id,:. Plil.ilatl.m M do tfucnr llftu«>' do 31) tirree* ifr»n Rice, 101 l bi' Hunch Haiinu, lio |i*« inn'iiilartcimd Tnt.ui ro, vuriou* brand*, •Jil kcga Oil*** A Hro B iwi<i Tohncrn HI " S 11l •• l*m«l'ursb plus “ l.Vi bx* -111 l Window. .'.il do 10x12 do, 3W> ki*u« naaorird Nails, la c-uak* Salcruiuai Soon pound' t'oiion \ am, a«>orinl No« ToßHhrr with a fuM and jroncrul n«*orlnieni of am rlr« in Urn t.rorrry lnn\ on hand- uu.l lor aain by J A K FI 11 VD. Round Oiun-I. Buildings, mhHi _Kronintj{ on liberty, Wood and Ruih its WHITNKVM I'.M.II'HKMA KIFI.KS - The'toJ lowiri)' i» an i-UMPi of u irtn-r rrom th«« Mon Jrtlrrton havn. V * Senator. ime Colonel ofibe Mi«-'-ircii. cui.'d 7ih of NovcmLrf, l->47. muj uU dre*«cd io iin' Urd. u ,«■** office - Hi l of the above Rifle* ju»! r-e«ivcd for »»!*» at tlio California Ouifitmg Lsinblmhment, No 5 Wood »i rnchtM J A 11 PHILLIPS. C CALIFORNIA RI’BHKK GOODS--Ju»t received, j > Camp Ulaiilieu, 20 officer coat*, IV pr« Panu; iSpsutu tirii linrd .Mining Boot*. 13 Uthrau* Bag*; 3 watrr Tank*, h and 13 ration* rneb; 40 canteen*. t gttl on each, I dot Money Beii«; Ido oiled cambric ilo do The above good* for mile at tlm Cali fornia Outfiuiig Kstabhshment, No 4 Wood *l mch3i_ J k H PHILLIPS PF.RSONS going toOnlin.rnia r nn tic formatted with the be»t Patented Gold Washer tiim ha* »t bo eu introduced to the public The weight t* only a? ll,*, ■nd can be parked m a trunk if nrce**ary Al*o, linttt Pick* and oilier Tools used m California. The above will be »old on the mum faaonuble tenu*. ut MAYS A iiKTTVa,' rochl7 No Ot ,Markct«t French merinos at a Jotuuoa 40 Market «trcrt. will tell lor the b\lnjico of the tetuan at coat, their stock of French Mention, compn* ting the moat choice color* Now is your ume to »e -■?are hart»»n» dec!3 YKLVK’I' fUUUON.H—Ju*t rcs-eivni ui Zeuoiou'Zmi »ey’*,G< Market *ucc(, 30 p» colored Velvet tliMwin, a ’sorted colors; 3u •* block p •• embroidery (jimp. ii>p« wide Plain dec! 1 ” i BOOKS " USir. &c. A l'«’m'li]-i:j dt :.v Sir.-.iti t nr.., ustra'avc of the • Iri-tion hi l.’li.i »f ring* l'iaiio«, from M. KI.KMKR. >(•:>• Agent. PIANOS. NEW INSTK[’.MK.VT, .1-' h'ki.iiikh^ Chlrlttrlnc'i Pianos, !1N II Ml '.[.OR. -1 w0.,.1 .1 Voral Kxrrritti TRANSPORTATION. >''.Vn>ruj hn!.-a!'“j. Ws;,ph, I „ *1 11 t'A \ 1.1 'K. \ f 1 >trami»oa; l’»*»P|llfr | • to aj| 4-i .■ tv ,j, hiij tn; I.U*-** ..f *J Si .it tnr l.«ir ian ... procured Uy Ht r.U l*zlU<A IV B- «V r JttllN A fll i. i;! •, \.. i- u „ "*• a-i m« h-w Vu r> « . „ \ > t M Be.-.j K, - I*. r f W . » I.:. . r : . |' a . M »-*r.:iM.| , 1; ,• K .i,- |J lk . II v. . A i -*utfii* >„ur;-..ur-zi;. Pa • \A f Majan.S.mron Pu l» f Mi.w» •'•r ; . torrnf J not a I, or i"' a'iy «um from A] u 'f :< inl Ban k « n. |rt Patent Gold Wash era. MEDICAL BILLET’S ffIiGIOL PUS EITBACTOR: THK following from i.cofx- I’. I‘omrroy. K*, . lhi> _wrll known proj-r:rtor of U.r Kipro**. Fpr’aM l fot iljwifof Uic itnporinnrr of fJio Pam Kitraciof lo rvi*r) parent F.rraF«> < srrics. AH'H’tv. S<*pi 1 .Mb Mv l*ru > r-Wnh 'rr mg« of no or liman |<i.-a«ur- I . „ u ir o tlir l- i« Hi I ha vo fn-i . ,-j : r((ln ~.j. ~ vrx'ual.t- Pain Ki'.fac 'or . i;,., I.'ll.- .Uuelil-r. il v-nr» <Mil. hud ft {‘truer OfbOli. ■ -vi.l -r In r.,. ~ . i; ,| ir , l.oaoni; N'r *i' f''ikill• “n 1 r a Ma I'--- » ■ -W f"««n !/jr i..p i,i he-r «I" a lift Wi:i, m»-.\ '.v <•»>> }. 1 “miI.ROY THE TEST .V u MI^IAKE' ••Vi . .••.n-f pfiKJr.r.- • :r I.nin Tite (fPIIUIIH- l)\ »laninncou» rehri ni.d »ootnitiL;. rooim* ~, ln< wvcrrn! ram*« oj' Ruri* S>-an!« P;: P « hr ™l r,l :5 ou " tcrl>,l *~"° ' “ Urr ultJ 'rwhHi Mini,,.. may appear— ujway« irrr.aie ami increase *r.c »i> TO THE PU/JLfC ' , r - Edward I* of t'riaihmn. Mrlvm HrnW Co.umlnu county. N V . Imvc t-crji eitt.cic t) wr;; r^,."u .' m my ► reaM. if* i. uml a,: nv«-r iny y or *o tiiat I rnuiii not »iaii<3. ami wu» i- U t* *i t.\ '• appljculii , ni< i»l Dallev « Vajjiru, |> a> }.• x . fl|( , 7 V.dward p.* Dni.**y Sir—l cu’ my finder witn a copper „ a ,; pnnonou* nature 01 which muted m\ arm n. «w C il < /t«i'lernl>ly, with e»n«:aui thootimr pam- up i u . 1(r *nouid«r A lari;*' «wrll n£ liilmy pjH'-r a: iv arm , witti i!H-re»»inc pnm. I liccrwne tearful or :ii*- l.or*. com.Tleillicit to in*, urn! which I wu« nrr\ai:»•<} upon to try The oniivijuriicr wit* ihul it annule.i me a,m«.t itt> taut relief. ami m three Jay- I *«• cmii-. \ , u red Ji>SKJ'H HAKHISuV V w \ „'ri i orner Hronme and Str.tvan *t<, ?*« pi » i *•■!- NOTh K-H D* LLKt l« tlje m \ entur of tui* : u.u ah e r**iucdy ; ami never ha* anil ::»v*-r tvi ' roimnuiu cate to ttnv iiviin* in in the *eer*-i or :t- c nin.i” a ; l ' Hjiriif'.nr*. iHfr«*ir»r«*. not muJc m.J ;>u; up Lp him. nri* l<a»r rounw:<*it» PaofbiKT'ias I>K.“irr«—lls UroaJwur. New York; 235 <ir**ri. IMula. JOHN L) MoR(,.\N. <«futrrsi. Depot; Dr WM, THORN. Aif«• n l« tor l':!:»!>uri<h DalUy's Amrrui/ (/aJranir Curt-A/L < art*« liumnr*. «pnv:n. ijuitto'. ?rrii«r. pol!-<*v;l. K'l i*. urn] cotiininnu; < rf ufiru c« oi re»|*rc;iii"r jiun.f. imh\ i >r > bail on ujipnra- JOHN Li Mußi.aN, Aircnv l'in«i>ursh. ioTl6-dlyu c ri'Vi.Ai. nr niSM .mitiun O <-i>H I k pu;«P. lurklll* rOwCil. to h rU< V\VU» nf-. Isf*l.l:bls ■•\iinms of i'omi wnf\iu»;:i.ri: null' mid day lluMiy nm»« i*-«, i;rar-ru. *• i>is*. ••pMti «l)onnr«« *u t.rraui on sum* up •inirv hjo'okl.jii,’n tui;. or Wuk.liK I'Ut H nil:.' (HI »r aAvii', . >!',.»».• one liundfi-d. tor lo;rlliPr. drim'liiitf cold I'a'.iirriiul t'ornumpiinn romc o'i ili» a < ■•tn: > ion raiartii ur <•<> i| i.jt i.nout iiic p.-riml wiffn | l(l , ra«r uiua t- rxpri-trd to -u xlc •<■!!'• (/• i:i •»\ • torn. H.‘r* acrruvaicd Tiic rum’ll v* inora :»• *on»r, wlim ilo'.rn T!irr<- i« (m.'i in thr ctir*:. Put dirtirtlit !• r«- :■ Un rt;' wor»t on lying down Tlir »p|>o*rriior • loraiion. winch it ropiou«. n ct-air ypl »uv inui'ii*. lo u thinnr-r tuPt'ancr pvaiiuni lo llie pHii/-!ii. ami emit. mi u'liHrKM: wlipii liurncil hi« <ii an iiniiurm appcarnm e prol.uMy u tnif.urr ofpu* and mm u*. wnli water port Mtik« ttn.l part twuu* , nii) occur m any lnu,.i or at any agr, leri-ed i»y the peculiarity of Lhc i-oiign I'nr Itaianm of Liverwort cffcct-i in« ~u r, . o' • nlioo* Sty * ip’-clorittion, mollii and lera k ?* I*-«1 lUllgl It lit: Vcf lan* Win fryer till'" lord. Ni.- lilt. Imt:: U«e,|. we l.rur of ji. »uc.r*. 1„r ui.r -!l “ has ',-rri i.efor-* tue puf,.«e. H n<l i, it W^n Hioro-.g'.;y ir.i-d fur ad .-i.mi'l.,in;, of iln- l.u: *•. an.i U r in .;,i; hundred* r, it »;nnniiiul» Irom pin • pr-«. r md Mm.- tvrn h.-- :1m od h nil far i,’m-i Look oui to: rou' !l i» vry i. *'••»<! 'hr-/ vv... • -r M I) ' on mr 1.1- U ;* ! ]•'« }>>»'-•! 4- -k: N, tv ink in !•’. J I) Morvn y.j u „ Towi.-rnd li Muriel*:. HSr-i\*er. p of \j 3t: bl «t». HemJermn 4 l.’o j l.t ( »rriy «i J'ricr to sl.£H per t.oti.e „ Ha fa mnt.s n >ck a i'l I •» p: I uiliotlir Ci r ( ‘outf'i • liiiKAm bus it itreat ii.lvai'iin’r mri iiihi'V < outli preparation*. u* in pVa-a.i; 'we [•••ritcii* i: to l.e u*cO withotn ;nrt>itvrnienc- Hu; ii, yj ue nt a Billaani i'Oll«i>l' Hi ’ll" apeedinp** of (11 f'- Wp (live known Mjinr o( ll.e moM i|e.|>rrme rough*. *011100: VYlnpli Ii ail been runiitii|> .11 lor it roi,\.cleml.o ie|,i;(n of ur-cr, > ir;d aiino* imino.liute.v to il» jtmvrr In *urb wfnthc-r c* wr|.m,- >,.„l ilu:.n< :ti- pa*i wiMrf. every tine i« liabir In iuke ooltl. uule-a rr*u! prrojiu'.jou* nre used We; irel and undue ripmiire 10 thr iiii-lem-ric Hie often la»« ilie r.»u 01 « b«. wtneh iirrd« aiju.e* reiiceit, u> prevr: : *e We bavo nunterou* rer;.f,ea|e« of c ure* waieli bu* j efortncl. mm.) *'f (lieit are from pef*..,i « :tl th• <-i:> ami H.r .jjl.i-orhoiei. iiml i .-y nre * ..1 re.lefr n e w.limul xu\ nq l oilier tvobl <n ll* 1 «vor F.UI S l !>TiV‘K 'x V.T' r„ , r , '7'.Vf’ i !n!j* U: !li.*U *«. nurl,c:.Mv> Hi>\\ IhiKS IT LOOK - Sand*. Hri«t<i! u tunn'T y (mt :ii*-1r j*nr*Mj'uri.!:i in *inu., liutil.i'S a !<■ .v outirr. i.ut 'infr Ur Town | , ;m» i» , eoiur lnowii arid vino‘l or ijtntr iinvrn Ufir ,ii;ir uul 1. 1 the Wars iJi«-v are now putlis: •; '.!i-ir i>i' in laricr Ixinlc* rnntinnnii' lour i ni-< a* ’nuci: ,*« Ijorn’ How in urn ;»r<»t> i did they n..iir !.«• • mis ull oi itn ir Mnal. lioi’i"-,* \\». hon-• ' And »; vr they hire reduced the itr' - •'tc’li u u , |*rriri.d tuui :1»«*,• nr-- a* -ood a* in- . Dr Jowr *cnd cutiuncr.i cd hour*:.}’ and lair > - irave a* much mrdi' as he moal ulFnrd. ha* nmiJr »c v ru! in. prove menu. and n deicnnm-d •« up the •ir-nfin and •]u«i<r\ u...] wi.! warrant ' c*.-n hull;.- m Sar*d|)ar.t,s contains iuo;e :hn . iogr lime* .*u 111' i ty o( >ur»upun.,.« and n.ruica iju.t :i..m ..nv uili or preparation ol a n. ii.c in . r * r t **••1 «) K- Y. Sc, CM. M,ir U..c,;t Irrr IV. M ui-i. Hf.d I) M furi\ A:.r,.ne ; „ ..,.J a a K-.- v •, .•iiprrtinc Kottgr.oti )’••* Ki. r u:; k rni l.ap*. pc::ci.:r tertr Mir), powacr pu.fv of «.l [;a; -rnt. iwniunvtl id;.cl U'ip«. 'rajrri.-: . ft*' i:ic tiiiiH'ke'ctucf; a : Ih*k „• .< i<> t *,.j i' Ip for pirMtnu. I’niiai: or Clu:ir«c powJrr; 11.- .in U*- .ir t u.l, .:. fa if y or coitmon wi »;:p« r • . r.;i< ".ji' ?<oa|i; N> mpn Xiap, Ur.*c 1,, p «a. vc; Virl »o4ji, Nh!« *<.ap, U>t'-.uef vr ,a « c’t a vmi* i •>/ fii.c prruU.en u-. .«<• vrU. (or mi r l/y 13 A K A o .it full A -a- -• •« A H llcii- N V • y A CARD. GRATKFI'I. for ihe very .ilirral cnemirug-m'iti I have received lor «o m*nv y.-nr., I )i BV .- «ioirr mined lo enlarge my bumne*. .• lUv,;,* engaged a competent Foreman. J will Ur riiH‘.-i>-il Ull ml order* promptly, ami do the work in our u>im style ami at fair prior., md u«lt ih>- iHtentmii .■< m , oli a n|. ami oiu/on. i.> my large «(ork of V I‘Hi »!.•' I J »n I.UI U>s KJI.I lied*. ,t|uiira*v- uml Heddirig.'i'uf uu.i Mule r in:*. I)uina*k • an<l Morrcn*. For tree«. p r ,„ yc«, Kmdrniig*. Thmplv >plit and Kol>r II md. m.,1 0 VO-y arlie.e o*uall\ k-pt mail r*lut>li»hinriu <•( u,,- kiln l (Inlet* rv*pi clluiiy solicited and prumpil) »i N 1J -I'urpri* made uml pul down. AMERICAS TELKORAPD COMPASY CiJ.TiJ*I'KK, JITTinUkOK ASU WIIKEUSQ WESTERN LINK. Office at the Eiohange, Baltimore. 1 Y KJJI CKI) RATK>.—The charge* have been r«-.hi -LV cod on all Me»*hge» to or fmm Halnniore. Pi:;, burgh or Wheeling, ami a corresponding injuring made cm all telrgTßptuc despatches forwardr.l inmi jj n •. luuore West of Pittsburgh. |*a. KaTßl.—The charge lor u Mcgraph despatch to nr from Huhimore. Ptiubunth ami Wheeling, t « eent* for Ihe hr*t ten words, ami 3 cent* lor euch n.iun .word. JE7* No charge i» made for the address ami Mgnu- Until ihe completion of the South Western 1.. - Telegraph from Memphis, Tetin.. to Nrw urieun- ,i. •• patches can he forwarded io Meni|iln* by Uiu rouir, .>mi mailed 'or New Orleans le || PARTNER SHIP. ACUKSON WuuUHiH M-, A JOHN WOOIMIt>I>k. HAVING this day tt*>ocmicd thcmsrjvr* tcm-iftcr in purtnrtslup, uml> r Ihe firm and «i\ Ic oi A. .A J Wuotntucmt for 'he manufacture <•( I IN, t“c> I'I*KK AND SIIKKr IKI>N WaKF- on the corner or Kolnn •on street iuid ilie Fuiml, iii ihr l-i Ward, Au.*uhkxt iut. whrrr ilie/ urn prepared io !'timi«h tn order, wlioirmte and retail, ull article* m their line with promptness Foundry I rimming*, and Carpenter*' order* are >o. limed, wmeli will receive immediate attention. Fiiy of Allegheny, Feb. 1, 1-43 dtsm Paper Hangings, HA VINO purchased at three ol Uic target Facto rie* in the Ka*t- (New York, I'luiudeipSa am j b»i iCiior c,l a large a*»orimeiil o(4he newest and most unproYrd style* of PAPKK HANGINGS, UOROERs &.C.. and made arrangements by whic h I will be ena bled io procuro all new Pattern*, simultaneous wuh ihoir appearance in the Fas.em market. | would m- of tlio*e desiring to have ihcn n ouv , papered with the latest »tyie* of paper, to rail and exurainc my *tock, before purchasing elsewhere I have now on the way (ram the hast, »M«i piece* of Gold, t<ttun Glazed, and common Paper Hangings which (can sell ai price* ranging Horn Iki »-i» piece. rocMi 8 UIIIU-. W(K) ., Bacon Smoking. HAVING ju»lcoinplet«l the rebuilding of our »moke boueen, we ure now prepureJ u> receive ami vmokc ii in the mo»t merchantable manner The houie* are filled with all the modern improve ment*, ami are capable of conuuning inu.OUU lb*, each KlfcLß A JoNKfl, Cuuul Uux.n. ja4 near Serenih «t LOVERINCi’S DOUBLE REFINED SU<;aß«_3) bbl» Lovenng'i Double Refined I,o«f, Ou.Jirti aim Pulverised Sugar*, jusi fee'll and for sale at the PeSi Tea Store, 70 Fourth street, uy iwfrtS ....... A JAYNT.o ROLL BUTTER—IO bbl* fresh. juai rec'd and for ■ale by feb!7 AR&ISTKONu t CROZKH C‘ IOTTON YARN—W.OUU lbs n.aoried No. C. Yarn, J 0. Cham, Ac., 160 bales Baiting-, WdoCamlle mrk for sale at lowest market by mcLSS R MATTHEtVSACo MEDICAL. IN QUART BOTTLES FOR THE REMOVAL * PERMANENT CI'RE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD.OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZi Scrofula nr King * Evil. Rheumatism. Obstinate Cuta neous Eruption*. Pimple* or Pustule* on the Face. U!oi<-hr«. ililc*. Chrome Sore Eye*. Ring Worn or T'-Ui-r. Scald Head. Ki tanjement end Pain of the Bor.r* md Jnmt«. Stubborn Llcer*, Syphilitic Syrnp toir>. >ciuiica or Lumbago, -and Diseases arising from an injudicious u*e of Mercury, Ascites or Drop *y. Eipoure or Imprudence in Lite- Also, Chronic Ci>i:*mutir»wil Disorder*. In ''u* preparation are strongly concentrated all the Med."ina propertie* of Saiuapajull*. rorabmrd with •be nu,M ‘ □Vciua. aid*, ihc most «i»iuiary production*. Uie inn»i fviien! ».tri|'n-<« oi me vegetable kingdom: ijjid it liar I- e.. *o *u,,y tested. noi only by paUettt* them* i ui n.*o l>y l’ny»iciai:«. that it h*i rrceived ti.e.r t.Mjun I .fi e,j reroiinncndiiiion and the approbation »i toe pu'ini* ami ha* established on i.* own merit* a reputation ior va.ue ami efficacy far *upenor lo the : . umpounde the name of Sarsaparilla. Dt-e-i*. . have cured. »ueh a* are not furmthed :;ir ord* of nine pajit, ami what it ItS* already noil-- ior tae thousand* who have u*rd it, it is capable oi i.toing :or the inil.jorif still fullering and struggling w-i.ii .!;»-• a|i purific*. cleanse*. and strengthen* t:i-- ic>imt-i i n *p r , Cfc of 'ife. and new vigor thro 1 - ou; Me w noie ii.inna, iruinc. ANOTHER CURE OR SCROFULA, it 11 .(>» ni." *tr,lci')g and. as will hij «en. perraa i.ei't cure ol a:, mveiernte case of Scrofula, cotwneud* tto it.i > ) ftllticied: .. . Stu-THihUT. Conn.. Jan 1. IMS. • '•r-mtcmrn-SvmpntLy forth* arthc .r-.l* -- m inltmn ym; nl the remarkable euro r:frc:c l | by your Sarsaparilla , U e C a»e Q( my wlle . Mi.- wo* -everety ufllu-ied with the scrofula on differ .•lit put* of the trodr: the gland* 0 , ( t, e JlPck woro gn-ai > enlarged and her !nn!i> much »woUcn. Alter • utl.-ring ovei a year and hading no relief irom the remedies u-cd. the tli«ea.*e attacked onrt leg, and he low ihc k.-ic- mippurated. Her physician advised n d be laid open, wlirrh wa* done, but without any *»«• rvimnhear fit In tin* situation we heard of. and were induced it, U-C Sand.' Sarsaparilla The first boi:> produced a derided and favorable effect, reltev iiiir her ninrr ihuj any prr-c 1 iption she had ever ta k-- i. and t,eiorc »ljr had u«od mi bottle*, to the asiou .*hm>-..i ai;J dcl.ghi ot her friends, she found her Uenhli i|a,;e rcvuircd li is now over a year since the cure w„* rtf,-.- i .l, and lirr hruiill remain* good, show i"» thr ili»r:uu* wa* thoroughly erudicated from the »> M. ni <)ur neighbor, are all knowing to these lari* unJ umii very highly of Sand*’ Snnaparilla. Vour* with respect, JULIUS PIKE. Eumct from a inter rcrrtvej from .Mr. N. \V. Har ris. a geutl. iiiiin well known in Louisa county. Va_: •i • Put.erne.i —l have cured a negro hoy of mine with \our wu. at.uckcd with Scrofula, iiiiil oi n ■•rrcKiiioui tairuly UK on iiiiXi.'iirjn Tti> I'rrrirrick* Mall, Va., July 17. 1--H. su* Sausa pabilla,—ii seems almost unnecessary 10 i]ir<*ci attention lo an article so well known, and so dci-rr\‘-.ity ;-opu,*r. a» this preparation, hut patients (jite-i who wi.;i tu iiM- the extract of nre induced to try worthies* rompoujidt bearing the. umne, | t'Ut ■'tieiß M'tJc nr none of the virtue of this valu- -oot, uj,J we 'limit we cannot confer a erealer ••-ii'lii in: uu: render* lit An in directing their uilenUn. m the aJvi r.i-rni'-ut of the .Menars. Sami* in another column. i'he t'O'i.e rerrntly been enlarged to hold n<i 11 >* r : . i> •'<! .ho*e •.* im w,*U a really good article will • i-Irn.;**»! i i l:n« nil the niedk inal vii I le of the; ro.n. I'in- riper, .n -of ii.ou>ai. >» has proved a* rf hrn.-, I!! '•unng ■ .r .-iirlou* dl*eu«Ci» fo* which it 1* r- ciiiiitiiei.oed. .uni tt: ilie pie* e m time more than any oilier. per!i.ip«. .. :)hj medicine useful, in preparing the • a,r a change ot «-ea«on —Home Journal, Hepi. ’ ; : i;. r hi..,i Prepared am! sold wholesale and retail, by A B A 1' Druggi*!* and Cbrnum*. JUU Fulton street, r«r:i.-r ot William, New York Sold also by Drug* C:»:* e'-m-r-.ily throughout the t'r.ited States and Cana- ‘i * I'.'i' -SI per Ho tile; «ir Hattie* for S 3 L./*l or »h o in Pittsburgh, wholesale ond retail, by P> A F.\ lINI'STot'K. .V CO., corner of Wood and Front •:« . ii'ao. corner of Sixth and Wood atm by L. W||.t‘u\. Jr. <uni-r of Sntitblirld and Fourth *w. ami n «<• ' •.r .—r of .Mnrk-t *t ami the Diamond; also, :>) I I'" AKO FEN DKRICH, ro£.Mononga'ln House. fiALTEK'S iiNSENG PANACEA! »•" in.-si. 1 i.: ntiS - - SUFFERING WITH DiS EASED Flip unprecedented success which btu GINSENG PANACEA vir ou« ii.rut.- vvlii. h irrilu-on of the Myigs as* mi inductd tus proprietor again to call alien. WONDERFUL PREPARATION. r;,e ■ 1:0' i nb r- wi-nther which marks our foil and •n.ti' T mouth*, i* ui»va>* u fruiu'ul sourre of colds ami coughs. rtf'-, if neglected, are toil thr preeurrors of that fell f;r i}ii-«tion. thru, how rhall tv- nit> the destroyer in ’ ucf how nhall we ret rlear of our coughs and ' - <>: v.u. importance to the public. THE i.HKAT AND ONLY REMEDY *• .i i - ' ,i ;Im- (Panacea. In proof of this *- iik\•• ir»m iitnr Id published the certificates of lurr. . i,: ;uir known citizens, who have expert* • i-r.i r.- cuintive |>ower* These, with a moss of tes ; ••.iiouv irmn ull part* of the country.—from i YI.IMCAI. MEN UK THK FIRST STANDING, M n.»:- r» o' iic Oorpei, 4c., together with copious noj ’ Jol RN’ALS OF THF. DAY. *■ . iinuoiUeii iu pamphlet form, and may be had <ru:.* oi any ot our ueetiis throughout the country. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES Bave U.yn a»c«s m tin* my. niuI'SAMJS AM) TENS OF THOUSANDS t nrout'imut tbe United Stale* ami Canada, Mid we ch*" en^'-uny man to point out a *” SINGLE INSTANCE n w hich, when taken according to direction*, and be fore the lung* bad become family disorganized, u baa aver tailed to KKFKtT A PERFECT CURE. VS ny tftrr:. nerd the arthetrd hesitate? VV by resort to ti<- mi— rake nostrums, gotten up byur* owaiDdivid oui- U Jrr the a«jumcd nainu of soate co .f>rato-J phy iai:. !»nd puffed into notoriety by certificate* c per il n* cijunl'v unknown’ \Vhii«l a medinne of I NFARALI.Ki JID KFKICACV 1* to !•*• bad. whose voucher* ure at home,—oar naigh t>ur«.—many ot whom it bus SNATCHED FROM TUUGBAVE. hi order that tin* invaluable medirme may be placed a r.luii the ream of the poor a* well Ute nch, we have put the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, lust M.e linn :ii*- ummil co»t of eoui?li medicines. it u («>r -n> •■> our a-eitLn in nearly every town aih i village r u.*- wpk, who are prepared to jive full- in/orma- Broadway, Ciiicuiuau, Ohio II VDROPATIiIC ESTABLISHMKHT, /IKU.tmtI'BCJH. ULa VKB CO., PA. 1 \K KJH\ AKI) ACKER. take* thu mean.* of rr -1./ tuning hi* ihanks to hit friends and Ihe public !«>r the extensive patronage be ban received, ana of in* forming them iliui be hat lately rrreied n large and ” r ; '•Mii.trurted building for the exclusive purpose* <>t in- U ATKR fI'RK Ks» T A H M KNT. at hu old lorai.oi- .1; l*hdli|>i.l>ur j>h. l*a., on the Ohio river, oppo* • in- me strainboat landing at Beaver, where hei* ready l " r ‘' l'»tie"t* it. boarders, and treat them on liy •irirpiiii.n principles. lit addition to hi* long expen riK-.-, and me errut .ueeers which lias heretofore at* leaded iu« treatment i»l patient* committed t* hi* care, lie hn* now Uie additional facilities afforded by an el • '.*ive building ercctod expressly for the purpose, con- UMini; commodious and airy room., and fitted up with <-v.-r> necessary apparatus for bathing, and ddimais i' img the irruunem to me utmost bciiedl and comfort o' me ;.Ht,eiu. I'lnlhpsburgh i» a most delightful and i. , ;xiUiv vnmgr. easy 01 iu-cc*s by steamboats, and af mrds hue and wholesome water. Dr. Acker uasuros iiio-e uHlictod pcr*ous who may place themselves un der Ins rare, that every mieuiion shall be paid to their minion, »txl a« mi as-urunce oi the substantial benefits to :-e derived, lie points with confidence to the hun dred. who nuve been permanently cured ut Ins esmb ■ •lim.-nt riie \\ ater t.’urr ieov«« no injurious effects '."•tinnl n. .. too oitrn Uie case with Uiosr wno have 1 >i treated on Hie old system. It removes the dis ease. .nvigorao s me sy stem, protects from the dangers MH i.ieui to changes of die weather, creates a natural diid .1. ■ i ve unit imparts vigor to die digestive power. IVtiiK <n treatment and hoarding reachable for iu ri it. r pnmruhtrs inquiro at the establishment, or iidurcs. inn pioprieior at I’lnlUjuburgh. aucvtel im JA \iN U'B ALTKKATIVii. Ac hare been -niormrU by Mrs Roue of a core ner im rued on her by Dr. Jayne’s Alterative, .is snt.cfK.ray over every oilier remedy of Uic kmU Mic lias been atllicied lor the la*t «uieen years ~ : “ “ ", «• HITE SW.XLI.\U^“JSh W ft a.ccraumi. nml cufoi aiion of various bone*. ,| u r <l4wb.chl.ltlr many pwee* have been discharged from .!»• romai aouc of tiic c rumum, from both her arms, .*i *.• huU hands, and irom both legs,and from Uic left *- i of;», bone, and 'tom ifa< fight Vricc. I.rsuip. |..i'i’fnl '•n uhi'-r |i:*ri* or her p-rso.;, winch t,«v, -.s-Meil •• " um ,>{ lb'- ni'.-t c.iu.iM-nt phy* • .-ins or >n tic 'm«t of the time her> «• i u «. i-.< :uu! .ir|i,A!>ou; llir-c mmnh> • «.. induccu to try Dr. Jayne's A.Vrutive • v iv .„ lUI * n ~' n ou ’kingly huppy cllrct upon hot, ' in • '’ i a !i 1010 “'id cawfiijj the j • »“I •i'-ai. wii,, e at mosamr rmic her health '■ > i-i !*"" [! ~ini ’’ ll ' l,:, )' rc - ,u ’re < l, *o that she now weighs *, i ‘ U ' Jl > riir ri d r'pfofr 4 .ir commenced iac u*e » «/,- vajUlll 'h.pri.pat,o».-l>ai Kvc Po*L Hose, No. Its, * iii'cit si, Philadelphia, .J.? r *®.' e Put-'bargh at Lhe PF.KJN TEA STORE, • i I-onrUi st m ar Wood. ] \R TO NVNSHND'S SAKS AI'A Rl A./ just received o( Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla the nu.ii extraordinary mi d.cme m the world' TUis’ki l act i.put up in qunrt bottles. It is six times eheaper pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold, it cures disease without vomiting, parting, sickening or debilitating the patient. 6 Look oot roH fHirsnoKS.—Unprincipled persons hare c °P lcd labels, and put up medicine in the same shaped bottle. See that each bottle has the written sur nature ol tl. P. Townsend. W.M. Nom.K U. Iv Skl.Lt.K3, Drogrisi, 57 Wood sued, betweei llurd and trurili, i» Ur. Towusend'* only wholoson *ml retail agent for Puuburgh, of whom ihe gcnuim urticle can bo InuJ U. M Curry has been appointed the sole agent for ! Al’r -beny city. ,*f whom lite genuine aruelc eon be j KUtL'LA AM) SUKOKULObS* aWKLL )3 I ISCi^.—Scroi-In to ail iu multiplied forma whether tn that of Aing'a Kvi], enlargements o the glands orboncs, Goitre. White Swellings, Chronic Rheumatism, Causer, diseases of the Stun or Spine, oroi Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one and the same cause, which is a poisonous principle more or less inherent in the human system. Thefts fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal core can be ctlccicd, bat if the principle open which the disease depoeds, ia remoied, a core must of occessitj-follow, no matter oedor whatlonn. the disease should manifest itacU. 'l'hU, therefore |> the rcasoo Wb, .Um’i Ai.Ttn.Tivt 1| tonni "easily successful in romoting to many nulitnaM n destroy. lit viroa or prutciplerrom wbico those diseases hare thclroriml br ehlens. into the circulation, and with the blood is eonum!! to the ntinotcst 6bre, removitt, diaeaso l>om the systeit. «' « South Ihird Street, PbilidelpEa. d . W * PtS^h I'’* 1 '’* T “ Stnr '' No - W -ree. -t , mch.ll N(». i MACKEREL—7O I •/ m uore ud for solokTw f obl JABIhkLZBIi j PaCTuar. W«tmut»laad t 0,. IV » • Jui) IW7. ’I , Ut R. E. StUM:—k wriM ofduiy to you *nd lb« afflicted induces ma to add ay humbl. tesUaony u, tav.f of your lurtlv eelebrated Liter Pill*. 1 have deterred J.mie k> iur xrarl tdhermg toDavy CreehttCs maim*, -he .ur, job , r , ,go ahead. Must ul u.« many preparntiuu. ot tanirni «d quacks, lauded to the *i>*i, ha»« »uak nil., uhl,. IU o\ JtK , rourL'v-r PiJ» have been otlered i.> the aod. indeed ' Oellet, tl.ey ».ll ‘-.linn, .»*«, ,||," a . u, eJ ut , wh> ; r«t represent them to be [ hi.« be«-vi alCx-red Livrr -mnpiiuui f,o« m , yuuin. , uire niilch wy eluent phy»ir,.»n,, i., n|,..ut | ,m,j Kiich m ., nry; ha> , e«"“ v« , “ I; t.mct, aud'u.allyjnei, a, . mU f.bJ*. 1* if tL. 1" )- 4P I-.*., NKmI SOO.V (JOT iSmbiiu vT'iv ‘ 'V •> !~I _i. * uyr * >'■> are uau U,« bc»l entr>.«rii< l rt. r used fi^r'r. -* * “ B,uc, ‘ r * l, “ ? h * r * kept iheoj iu taj .tor, for 6 .r 7 years; «, d h uuJrT o. „C and hat/n.vIT ‘Si,?rr d b ’ “■ rt ““• j for U..r o, B.G.™, M, "«» Bl« P.ll, iui£“. CAtIT&H-A. ,h., PiIU J!, o’*'* 0 ’*'* caltkb Lir*r Pill.,pendtu who "(nIUreOEJVIirTESi Sold by Dr. Fifth IFard, U « Cc«* T , Allejlwa, • ' . Great English llemedy. FOR Coughs. Cold*. A*thma uml Consumption' The GRJ-1A T AND IINL\ KKiMKDY for the cure of the diseases. Is the HL'NGARIA.N UaUAJI OF LU E, discovered hy the relebraird Dr Huchau, of London, K-nslami. and introduced into the United States under the imm.-djuir superintendence oi the inventor kJ Ihecxff'ttonlimiry success of tlu« medicine, tn U< » U J!f , 01 Pu ! ,ao,mr > ‘Lsetuna, warniitu the Aiuerican Agent ir solictiiiig tor treutntnii the worst possible ru ses that can be found in the community—ease* that aeuk reuet in vain from any oi utc cotmnuu remedies of the day, and have been g,veu up by the most distinguished ii. BElsuti .a, L . ur , lfcr mo „ 1 l ' *l aa< ' k ; 'o-irum. but a standard tbie* Ua!i medicine, of known and estal.hwtted edicacy. ‘ «-io, VC t« > ‘f 101 yU,< ' l Slatc * l " - supplied wtth Duel)an • Hungam,, oi lute, not oi.H to counteract Uie consumptive tmidem-n-,. ol pUusale. but to be used as a prevenuve mcdnmtc iu alt eases ~f cold., coughs, ap.u,i, ff Of blood, puin iu the and i h r L i! m V u r “ nU «»'•»«» .Of tue lungs, bructiiiiv, dnficult) of treating, beetle fever, mvhiawcaL. emtu-.- co^hTte al dctMU,y as,btmi ’ niduenra. whooping Sold in Large bottle*, a , 9l prr i>ou . ei mlh fuU Jirco . Uons tor the restoration oi bealih. Pamphlets, coiuiumng a umuof ntid Am.-r. can ccrtificmes, and oih.-r rvuirii. .' ' .|,„ w u E i,,. equalled inertia oi this emu Kn c ',-i, K.-m. di ,n,n b 0 obtained or tin- Agfius. u ' It l ll I tou - s , !'>' “ PAIIMI-ilHi-k .(- L'O, con.rr of si and Wood and Wood I'.nlnui «t« marS DiI.JA¥SK’S CAliaiNATi VE BALSAM ROM the Kcv ASA Mfi.h N, a wdl tno vvn and pop A_ alar Clerg\mun of U.- Puueeta- ; Nt, tiiorii-t I’liurch The undersigned having been amo-icd during the part winter with * disease ot'.he stomni ii. somcuutes pro uuciiig great p.un m tlir • '.imat h for nor twelve liours without iniermißjion. and aitrr hawit<TTied vnrwus tcmedtrs wub liibe clle. t, v, u> tann-iied wuh u bt-uie of Dr D Japie*«UanTiina:iTs Ha!«Hin. Tun ~e UMed ac cording to the direction.*, apj iqund that tins medicine caused the pain to a.'-.ue m thiec or 'bui min ute*, and in fifteen ortwemy nnnuicscverv une.a*y leasdtion wu cnurely quieted. The uicdicmc was at* lerwurd*uud wacuever indication-OI the aj.pioachof puin were perceived, and the pain w... iherel.y prcvefl* ea. He coimaucd u> use the medicine every eventnir-', and sometimes n> the uuiiiung. and m a f-w weeks health was so far restored, that the • mlcn r was rHiev cd from a large amount in opprckMve pant, i rout cl peru-nce, tberciore, ho cun eonfj-b-T, r-cousuic id 1» U Jayne's Carminative llaleam. a- a -*i;Mar> medio,, for disease* nt thestoinai l; mui tcwuis. • A SHJN.N D N. W HARRIS. l- * Ai.ej; Ueny e.iy .<•, 11 For s*ie m i*ru...nrgh at tne I’KKI N I'KA stfuß • * rouriu street, nearvV.Hnt, mm u ,. 0 , u&e ki ru , -torenf M y MilWil{ ■ / L,|.-v C'ren„ ny __ iVc, O UG A U AND MOLA SS KS—37 hlid« prime No Su- O gerf • b bin* N t* Mi.ias-.cs, in umvc unit lor sale on landing, hy npll f II GRANT. 41 water st GI»ASS —I4J hxi -Xtr*. 1-s.i do lUx IV do' l'or"sa!eTy »PH IVICk A MrCANDIdJJS Ik F.A R 1 -S f c*kf pearls reed uml lor *aic by ispll WICK A Met'A N DI.KSS SCORCHIN(iS‘-6«1.1.i* tor rale i-T- " «PU WJCK A- .M<-CA.NDLKB« LARD OIL—IO bhU lur sale by apU J SCHOON.MAKER A Co IXTRAKPI.NIi PAPER—uII ni><—lt mu reams, for » f sale apll J s»CHOt >NM AKER A Co MALAGaSFJNK—^ I'i qr esk* sweet Malaga wlua, 30 India bills dry do do, for rale tt>\v, to close consignment, by apll JAS A H UTCHIf*ON ACo IH.K Cl.O rilfs— I.nmn. bleached and browu, tor i- •aif- «pm C ARHL'THNOT LARD OIL—3 bids in ‘lore and for «a*e by . »pl° JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co i'NoLISH PRINTS—Soper 4-4 purple and other J style* of Handsome English Chintzes, just opened at 73 Market street, northwest err of the Diamond *P# _ ALEXANDER A DAY Cl REAM CHEESE—44 br* just rec’d and for snip by / J HCA'iFIELD, Water street, kp£ . tietweeu Smtthfield and Wood —3O kegs Natl*, assorted «tze», (Jliphant Jt i.l Son's brand, laiidiug tun I for saie by “hU J AMES DALZKLL, Water «t Q AI.ERATUS—6 csk* just rec'd and tor sole b* P __«p9 CM GRANT CiOTTON —rO hair*, various grude*. l«r sale Uv t C H GRANT, 41 waters! TkROOMS—3O d»z extra Com; -dOdn cloth, for sole X) by opy J D WILLIAMS, H« wood *t POTASH —liO csks Potash, lauding and for sale low to close consignment, hy f'tiSl-.MPTION ap9 LIQUORICE—Just rrr'i) and lor «ale lit’ p *P y JKIDUiCo HELP SKINS —l5 <Joz«n, fine article, just rec'd and O for »a'e by np9 _J KJDDft Co AM I'.iUCA NS A l-1' KUN Ju»t,jec‘d and for (ale by *I’ y J KIDD ft. Co O PA NISH SA FF KON—Jusi rec’d and for gain Liy O “I' y J KIDD ft Co MACK— Jus; rcr'U and (or «alc by „.»P° J KIDD ft Co CIKKAM TAKTAR-000 Ibg }u«t rrc'd and for sale * b y B A FAHNESTOCK ft Co, mnb ‘ corner l*t and wood sis v "l i-i iuiu wuuu vm SCORC UlNuS—73 bbls Scoroinaj;*, mr’d and tor mckl4_ _Wh'K_ft AI'CANDI.KSa O SALTS—S tons ui store ami for *ale by O. nicluM RoilT DAL3SKLL ACo DRIED PEACHES—SOO bush Ohio ha ves, for «»ld mcfcM M’(JILLS ft ROE T \R!ED APPLES—4OO bath. a prime article, for sale -L' mch« Mt.II.LSAKOK WHITE DEANS—On consignment. am bush. tncmM _ __ M i.ILI.SA ROK GI.ABS— UUbxs 3xlo Glass, for sai* by ®c b — WICK ft .M’CANDLESS l)OLL DITTER—4 bills fresh )tol’ Rutter, for «ale ±L by mcfissi WICK ft- APCANDLESS KEPT NED BORAX—<• kg» Refined liorox. lor sale tncnal WICK ft M’CANDLKSS sSALTISk, I'ropneiofj SS. ALMONDS—JU bags Almond*, for sale by WICK ft M’CANDI.ESS ALSPIi'E —10 bags Alspice. for *iC~ by mch:tt WICK ft MVANDLKSS CIHKESE —3500 lbs extra Cream; luCt) do Western J Reserve, lor sale by lucbai J D WILLIAMS LKWO.N SYRUP—I 4 doi superior Lemon Syrup, on hand and for sale by inch:M J KIDD ft Co BALSAM COPAVLA—ISO ib* Oil ! ,uml ami for *ale by mchaa J KIDD ft Co PISTOLS- Suitable for Catifornm service. Also, Troy Scales and Weights, Magnifying Glasses, *£.!»>• mch* \\ \V \VfI,SON I )U.K MEAT—IS cask* Hams, io -weet pickle; W. 4 J.A pieces Unfit Shoulders, )un rec’d and for sale by *“«hafi HARDY. JUNKS ft Co Plv.\ NUTS—4O tks Pea Nuts, jpsi rec’d anil tor »n by mrliHO HARD\ . JONES ft Co PI.A NUTS—4S sk« Pea Ntits, jasi rec’d per steam er Telegraph No *, and for »ale • y IHtIAVN ft Ct i.BKHTSON, , | ,fhs7 US Liberty »t BKANS —*5 bbls »to all while, lor kale toy » c b47 j s Du. worth ft Co RICK AND MOLASSES-*) ue-esßjce; 15 bbf* Sugar House Molicj.e-*, In ml ne -hi* day from »ir Chief Justice Marshall, ami ioi «air ; y mcbZl POTASH— A pure ami choice ar.icie. alway* un hami mill lor sale by mch27 UR.U N A REITER CIARUONATK UK A.M.MONI A— i cn»i neM mi.l /_!'cr tale by m< W 7 iIRA ■N A HEITKR Alcohol— is i.i.u fec’tl ai.d for -ale by me!**? ’ hilal N A REITER SKKD—IUUI.bIi ju*t rrc'U .mil ibr sale' by ’ S ,Y \v JIaRUAUUH, mch47 6J water nnd tot front >t ROLL HL’TTKR—II bt>l» prints Rod Duller, pul up ui elow« recetTeji and (or sale by mch*7 H 4 \v HARDALOH SUGAR CURED iIAMS —Hi Urrec*. ■ primo article* reit'd and for *ale by st" HARBAU'GII • roeba? G 1 U’TTA I‘KRCII A—Lmiir Band's, Gutla Perch# r just ree d and lor »aJ«* f.y W W WILSON, nieKsf? corner 4th and Market *u BEANS — 10'Ulil* while Ucuns. m »iore and for s&ie by iticuS? it aKDY, JONES A Co LKMONn— 105 bta Umun>, m *toro and lor a&ic by uicid/7 HARM , JONES A Co WANTED— Hurley, Com, Rye’ and Wheat, for winch ibc hi<).r.t tnarift price in cash will |>« paid by A vV HARR A UGH, •ndiSC water and ItM frontal Wool.— n.r hnin-si market price' m cash win pui.l lor me imTcrent oracle* of Woo) by | SAW HAKUAiroii PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PLBUSHKD DAILY, TM-WEHKLy i WFFkLv tt AlE* a OF ADV K RT vai m o One insertion of 121, n0., or 1e«,r... «0 SO ’i*wo inaertiona wahout-iUention. .. ' 079 rh«o '• << , oo One Week - TwoWwki w II!. 2 SO Three “ .. „ **!II!I.VI 3 W One Month, • ■ ~ •} 00 Two «« '"’111... 6 00 Three “ *. ***J 790 DD* Longer ad.erti.etnent. id One square,6 month., without alteration,.** JO 00 ** 12 “ « 15 00 Each-edditionasl touare fors months, ...... 5 00 « •< 1. JJ “ 10 00 Oneicoare.6 months renewable at pleasure, 15 OO “ 1 «* fn .. ’ 44 u a)00 Bach additional square for J 2 month*.. 10 00 Two aotiares, fi months, re'wableat pleasure, 30 00 Each additional square, (• months, 8 00 VYIKX.T OB TBI-WSIBIT t« DAttT fArKBS. One square. 3 insertions .•.••••••$1 60 “ “ each additional insertion, 37 bc«**m csltna. b Fite line, or lew, one year.- 6 00 « » << sis months 600 »< «i u one jredr, daily fit weekly, 10 00 it it u six months “ “ qr iDTitTtna** I ■ i* wxxaiT nria. For SO line., or le*., One insertion, 50 w “ " <f Two, “ “ •' “ Three, •• Qy *' » « TfcrttßOtUhe, *4g MEDICAL JAMES DAI.ZF.r.I, , JaR FIAJVD, Round Cluirsh Building*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers