' HAfiNEm-TELEGRAPB REPORTED ft tklßohaphubd *• »r the Pittsburgh Dsilf Om«u«. FOREIGN news, LtvorooL, April 7th. Cottos MiExcr—For a week aubcequent to lt,e departure of the Niagara, the Cotltfn fijivket Wn, ‘ dull, particularly for the lower an-1 middling qualities. The market has farther given wnjrjd per lb, but this week wo have bad a better demand lor consumers, and this decline is considered aa recovered,so our last quotations of 4id for Up land and Mobile i* reported low. (JHeoni, be cause of ii» scarcity, raised to Ttdf Middling Up land and Mobile iand Middling Orleans "Id per pouqd. The market is not buoyant, and, in fact, closes heavily, the qoantnv offering being beyond the demand. . The talcs, ending on the 30th ult., amounted to . y 6,010 boles—of which 2SOO were for speCaiotion, and SOOG for export. The business for five daya.up UJ the sth,was 31, bsO. The basis of'wtucli (1900) hto speculators , the balacco jo Liverpool. MftJttcxT.—Depressed in the some 'ttatc hut notioed. Price* have recoded. At Mark Lane, on Monday,- the transactions were limited. Untied Status wheat quoted. Sale* at Canada, 40*ies Al bert hare been well maintained, end the last *» ing price*, were three per ceats SOl—five per cents, 89.60. New Yorx, April 19—R.M fl The Cuoqrd steamer, Europe’, arrived at 6 M after a quick passage or 12 daya. Her ran from Halifax was made in 53 hoar*. The Europe bring* 90,000 pound* sterling specie. SILADELPHIA MARKET. April 19—P.M. Flour—T\t« steamer's news ha* unsettled the markets. . The market, with a moderate business, i* in favor of the buyer. Sales were mode at $1 67 for extra duality. Corn Meal al 82 00. Sye Flour at 82 75. '• prime white wheat at 105} prime ted, 91. Corn—Sales prime yellow. 54. Oats— Sale* at ©O3l, for superior. Ilye—»Sah?e ax 66® Whiakay—Sales at 20 cent*. NEW YORK MARKET. NcwYocr, April 19—F. M. Floor-Theforeign cow* has produced no marked change. Tha market i* nomlnstly as before, with tales o/ll&OO barrels of Wf stern St 84. 56 to 81 67 per barrel; sales of Genesee at $5 75 for prime quality.; is a good enquiry for.wbeal, for milling purpose*} primei red wheal is held at IUSf 0103 per bu. to 122. The market for corn is doll, with sales of mixed at 52053 c; prime ynilow at 5605%. for southern. , ProvlgioQ*—The sales are only for the supply of tbe regular trado demand; tabs of meas pork ox 810: pritod, 6$ 60. Lard—Sales in bblt 01:6061, Whiskey—Sales at 21c.—market actlyc/ ? • ■ • CoUjd—The market remalhsas lut qnolitd. Money Market—Treasury eoips,' IOS4* oew loan, Orleans Canal Honk 67; Canton NEW ORLEANS MARKET, * If Osuuns, Aprii'lGj’l&U). Count*—The u.arket today was ncUV*. The ■ales coxaprue 9,500 bales of the varioas ldnds; middling iu good middling, at j ‘ Flour—The sale* to-day iorapriw llttbjurel* of S3 752-53 bO per-ldiL V Craifr—The sales l7OO boshtilt prime yellow com, at 31c; prime wbilei at • Provtsi uta—Tho markH. i# dachaoked bov hos regard* prices or dcmAndi.,- Racah— Suleadf aides at SJ; should* rs 44. Tbejhi Jsa good.demand for lard, hut price* uie uaehabgeA ' ‘ Groceries —The market for sugar is dull, ws-th 3*, lnir, 4c, Freights ocUvej t=u ships up for Liverpool, wU,b CoilUcfyia- ‘ ' CT 'BALTIMORE MARKET. i * * April IJF—P. M. The Europa,* new* has unaeuled our market*. Olhiafj Was done. Breadttuffi are depreaaed. CINCINNATI MARKET. ; CiNcrfSATi, April 19—P. M. Flour^—The foreign news haa caused a heavy market; and purchase* have been made at a de cline of 6e per bbL, from previous quotations. Whiskey—Safe* io a large extent, at 14*014 . cents p -r gal. Provsikms—'The foreign news i* generally con sidered favorable, and ba* prodaced firmness m busiues Groc *.tfe s—The aiifrket unchanged both as re gards prices or demands. The sreatber Is nn.umafly cold. UtJ, IMEKGIAL RECORD" l U? | ALMANAC. apibie. L 14 Banijrtitoy, 12 Sundltf, lfi Monhky, IT Tue (Jay. 1* Wei'tniisdaT, 10 The |sduy, 811 Frtdpy. PITtriBCEUm BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE FOR APRIL i*s Kiarsualx. t. s. cum. ran. snrrros OrrtCF. PrrnuirßCH (iizrm:. ( , Friday Muri.ing. Apnl‘Jn. lft4U { The slate oi tbe mnrVei yesterday, wa* vern-n»lly more depressed limn lor some nine pa* l «tu< !' may trr by dra\ Mad ai STMi? PROVISIONS—Pr.re* rontiiiue mtboul aiierain’.n. urn) we u» ye-ierday. Mr Hams tic. Shoulder* 4«' Side* Sr. P to- l'ii> rured hoc round m sr. GROCER IKS—The market i* steady said unvaried as to price*. Sales ire effected at funner quotations: Sugar 4| to 2(c F to. N O .Mols»«es P ml. Coder :F to ecP to BUTTER—Continue* searce We quote t.a,r« at 12Jc V & FEaTAITRS—We notice fair 'uppna* tn market, am! the demtuul is about equal to ihe supply Saie* m |o|s o re taade nt lb ALB—;The prtcc* are -steady a- tor Common 5M1.30. XX SAid. cask* inolufled. * HEMP—There iv very hula in market H imn he quoted at SHOiSSUii ton. V'INEGAR—We quote *aJe* nt -to luc accord,.a: to quality. MALT —On account of aumcreavd western demand tbi* artjjfle ha* recently advanced m price We now quote sites at t>u 1 BROOMS—^Thr markei i- very i.are wua prices ranging frtqp 81.124 to StLSU F dor. COTTON—A goorl supply on hajic. un*l -*;es are el fected alOK?7c according to quality. DREED FRUIT—We notice sales of ISO ou of dried Apple* at 00c fr bu. £ For Califoivia.—Several hundred persons arrived here veiierduy bound for Cnhfoni'B. some from the Illinois and other* from the Upper Mm i»*ippi- K.verv boat which leave* here for St Joseph i» crowded with emigrant* —{St Lout* t'uio-t HoraiNsvu.l e asd Cvnibr-ulamj Ra ,- .iu>ap.- Tlj- peo ple of Chn*unn slid edjoimnv rounu ** b'ld a r«. road tneeiir.g on tlir tf4lU ult. anil adopieit r--*oluiioii* thai ttie vofnmi'sioner* open book* immedioteiv tor the subsciiptiou of stork to the rood Tin? lermiaus. Klk toit. a diitnnce cf Jb miles, a ,d it* h igbest rsmiuird co*> of conslrueiion Sim,ooo »* L non Movki —la the last ibree month*. ? Bi.non.OOfi •vonn ot' have arrived at till* port, and srehelJt i*«lc bv cur mcrctant* 90,Wi1l tisle* oi co t«»n. wt'r’i *3. a* much breadstuff*, and a iar j:er amount or other produce are held here, while th ere »* due from tbo country at least 82A0UU.twU to our nje rchant* mid our banking house* have invested, probadi ly 83.t*>'.ecnu«a tiiere is a smult t tnomii . i the Udependent Treasury—i.N \ True Sun THE WESTERN INSURANCE CO MPA- NY OF PITTSBCRRII. IN conformity with the "Act Incorporating the We*. tern Insurance Company of the City of l’lttsl urjh, m the County of Allegheny. ‘ approved tiie tSth t ay 01 March, A i). le4U— fiook* Will be opened for tbo *ub senpfion of the Capital Stock of sard Company, at the Mononraheiu House, in the euy of Fiastiurg'.i, on MONDAY, ihe dod day of APRIL between the boura of teu and three o'clock; and continued ai (be same place, and during the same tu.urs. from day to .day. until at least twen y-Sve hu/.drrd Share* *ha'l subscribed. Five Dolin’ • «:u ue rrotmwp r to be paid on each share, at the tur.e ot subsenumg. Bv-order of the Commissioners op4td3w2p JAMES LIP PINCOTT, Rec y. To Coutgaeei and Owner* of Good*. Prmie caaH. April 9. I ?49. OWING U> the extraordinary depression in the val ue of Western euireucy, v.-e leel constrairped u> require the pavtnent of Canal t? eight* in rs a rexto. ac cording to the bill of lading. For Peuuf* and Ohio Line—-CLARKE ft TIIA W “■ Union Line—HENRY GRAFF ft Co. “ D Leech ft Co’s Line—HAYS ft BLACK u Hingham’s Lin*—WM. BINGHAM. ’ “ Reliance Line—JNO. M’FADKN ft Co. - Pitt*. Port. BL Line—TAAFFE ft O'CONNOR apIO PORTORA INSTITUTE, *U KUHe.IT CITT, W'ILL be opened (T>. V j for the admission of young , Gentlemen on Monday. tbe 9th day of Apr. t Tsativ (payable in advance) per «e*»ion of 5 month*-. I English. Classical and Mathematical depart ment English department •• • Bto A limited number of boarder* will l*- rec-ived For testimonials. reference* and additional minrn*- lion, enquire of the Principal 1 W COPKLA.ND. A. R . Of Trinitv College. Dublin, Ex-Sizar, and tiurea'* Scholar from the Royal School of Kunukilien. . Federal si. near Robinson st._ _ __ ar3r.ii PAPER HANGINGS. HOWARD * CO., HESBRS. JAS 30. 82 Uoud Slrrel, WOULD call the attention of tbe-public !>• ihcir present stock of Paper Hanging*, whic b for va riety. beauty of iinlsh.durability and rheapno s. i* un *urj*a«*ed by any establishment in the tmnn. ' Besides a large and full assortment o' paper of their own manafaemns, they are now receiving a d ,r*. it im portation of French and English styles of Paper . Ung in*«. purchased by Mr. Levi Howard, ane of the arm. now in Europe, consisting of .Parisian taanafaetare, UMJOO pieces. 'London do S.WJO do Of their own manufacture they have luC.OOO pi* ces Wail Paper, and 12,000 piece*satin glazed Window Blinds, Ac. Messrs. James Howard A Co. have spared neither expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the eas !- ern wall paper establishment*, both in quality of man ofaetore and vanety of pattern; nod they are warrant ed th assuring the public that the) have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign and home ma tufac tnre, will be offered on terms as low a* those of east ern.manufacturers and importers. mcu27:iltf Eltsnilon of thsF’Briit'traov* arid Ohio Railroad. TO CONTRACTORS FOR GRADUATION AND MASONRY. PROPOSALS are invited for thr Graduation and | Masonry of the following de#« n&ed sections of tins road—the section* averaging 1. mile in ienjib— commencing tn me town of Cumberland: Section* 1, a.« 7 8 ana 111, Will be Jet, rmbraeing considerable rock work along the Potomac river bltlffs, and the ma wan* of several bridges oa Section Ist. Also, all the sections from 30 to 45, inelnsive, (exceplng aecuone S 3 an* 44.) beginning 28 mile* from Cumberland, aboot a mil* below the mouth ot Savage liven and termina ting at ibe saounivof the mountain. The work upon theie sections is heavy, containing much roe* exea v atio ns and two tunnels, each about GW foot l in length, and a stone bridge of tonoiderable sixe. The whole number of sections now 10 be let is 20. In the c °ur** o< the spring and summer npwardi 01 30 more heavy sections will be put under contract between Comber land and Three Forks creek. The recmmng sections between thosd pointsJand vther work beyond the Ist ter, will be let in the spring of 1850. SrxcmciTtons of the work on the 20 sections to be let, will be ready by tho 251 b of March Current, rbev win be distributed from tbe company’s office* in Bal timore, Frederick. Harper * Kerry, Cumberland and Washington Tbe Proposals will be directed to tbe undersigned, at No. 23 HANOVER » a3u *° re i and will be received until SATURDAY , J.h* April, inclusive. Before making bidthe line should be thoroughly examined, and the resident Engineer* will be in atteudmaee ibrreon, to give iwormnuon. Themost satisfactory testimonials will be demanded TTid payment* will be made in cash, reserving the t) trial:2o per ccnti until the completion of tbe contract i *n;4 most energelle prosecution of the work will be required. By ordeT of the President and Directors. f: 1 BENJ. II LATROBB, ttchSfcoedtapW Chief &ginerf. FOU SALE. THE light draught (teenier LOYAL * iki iJy HANNA, will be fold on raa*on*ble tdsSaraSßjjl to mi, U (he bow lie* B( the wharf. übuBkSHBB For term*, Ac-, inquire of JAB. KERR. Jr A Co, DS Water *u, trdtnf or O B. MILTENBF.HOKR- A fi EMINENT and experienced Pbyiietan from the Cut, of 20 yean itondinp. offer* to treat illcates o/n Delicate Nature with prorapuie** and *eerecy Hialoecel* in Buffalo and other iarße citie* haa been oroverbial. MU charge* an moderate, ami hi* rare! permanent. Old cb*m of Gleet, Ptrirtare, fula Floor Alima, Uheumaium, Ague, £yphili», or any cllroniC or inveterate cose* »olieittd. A cure warranted, or cbatre refanded. OfDCIL fti_*Clair atrtet, 2 door* fro® the Bridge Extracted. Adv»»e to the poor gratia. ' —Of. A- aoliciU the wurat ciae* of any di»ea*e In'p'uubotih to oil. * PIJ -1 1 - r - H. CHILDS A* CO., NO 131 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH. - - - - • ••• ITTDt'LD respectfully unite iho atteuuou of met ■ MR \V GOODS, J 849. W chum* »niun* tin* city io tneir very eiten-ivo TTENNEDY 4 SAWYER, corner Wood and Fourth nock oi SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consume K. , ‘X»00 CABKG OI- BOOTS AND BHOKS, ft Jurge roM*and stiver Watches, corapnstnß erery variety t.f Mens, Women'*. Mi»«e« Clock* of **«»T *b! '* we* and Children’- wc-r. of many new .tytes, and of mpe cflS?iP’.l5 r "HMI-Sf SMpLton,'“cl! Cap*. »J.ll ! rlor q»lni. >» -"""‘-T «»d .«y lr.de olhef articles ialb*» Uae—all of which tmvm< 1 ern : A large assortment of LADIES’, HISSRf", pnrcHasvd personally of Uie manokcturer* east, du- , AafD CHILDREN** BON NETS, among rJaiftholjL*|wlW«r, eipteaaljr for tto Sprm* FLO RKNCR BRAID. STRAW. SonrtantSyvoiTtaandJill dwriprion* of U>okm# Gl«**- 1 yUSCAN LACE, RUTLAND, BIRDS KVK da, of oar own manufacturing} oi eastern price* mhSJ 1 FL oaESCB, COIN A PEARL A. LAVI W, rj pRING BONNET RIBBONS, AcW R Morphy j n great variety* AJao, ARTIFICIAL FLOW* D ku now open a aapplv of spring Bonnet Ribbon*, MEN**, BO* S' AND CHILDREN'S h . , S?e"“d' , & U.l. L.ee. ..d Bit- PALM DEAI- HATS-M LKOHORN, fnrvt UUen Eosing*; Victoria do; plaid Muslins and PANAMA AND CARTON HATS. Jacofltts, embroidered Swiss Muslins, Ac*; b«mie» a | A {| nt which have been purchased direct from the large aaieruruJUl of Spring Goods generally, at north manufacturer* and importers, and selected wi,h ihr Last corner 4th and htarhet street*. I Q uno*t care, and which will be sold on *uch terms as Wholesale Room* up stair*. { to make It l*o interest of Western Merchants to boy ' I of os H. CHILDS A CO., I aw*lfc4*wSn9 131 Wood «Cztol j*OtATOE3-«) PORT OF PITTSBIRUI?. t LOf'AL MATTERS. ARRIVED. Michigan No, 2. Gilson. Beaver. Baltic. Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden. Hendrickson. McKeesport Caleb Cope. A. Murdock. WeiUvilfe Beaver. Clark. Beaver- Lake Erie. Gordon. Bearer Nomioee. Smith. Si Lorn* Zachary Taylor, Luca*. Wheeling. Clipper No 'J Itevol, (,'m. t'-onaighee, J H Lockwood St Joseph, Mo DEPARTED Michigan No 2. GiL-on, Ifeaver. Ba..;c, Jacob*. Brownsville. ’ AUanlii., Parkmeou, Brown.sviiie. Beaver. Clark. Ifeaver. Louis Me Lane Brownsville. Lake Ene, Gordon, Beaver. Camden. Hendrickson, McKeesport. Brilliant. Grace, Cin. Oindenlla. f'aihouu. Weeling. Allegheny Clipper. Beaver. There were 4 Jeet 9 inches m the ctiannei last S 33 6 an 5 22 9 00 S 30 0 40 h IS 0 41 5 17 6 42 5 10 6 40 S 14 6 44 even.og nt dusk, by pier mnrk. BOATS LEAVING THIS D,A \ Cmcmnali Packets, 1U A. M. Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M., ant! 4 P M Beaver Packets, 10 A. M.. and 4 P. M Cincinnati—Clipper No. 2. Fob Philadelphia. D Leech p rrrrivmg freight for gt. l'ltmt me appearance c her mo del. and fier "real power. v» e •.h-juld tS,n< n>c Win (■« It# rd to tak* j»hr i•to be pnniiiu u Jr. I l>\ tin w srth y friend. Capt W 11 Norto'i. \» ho .» s crutlrman m the fullest Bcn*« ir T7ie t'hn. l':ipi Wm s}io».p* new -icr.i wlirai t.oai IS rapid.> progress. : » HT..I 'a ,il ;-r . jmprlul 1.1 u !.•« .1 !h'-m ami r «o wnnh' 4 com- dots. She is oi niartd'T a* ' Mir is .nirn.le.i for l:ie II . kii. ihe a.«ay» .» rruwded uiin pasrrngers. tor she is commanded by :u able of tu • :;c manifest oi the steamer Consign; e watch arr.ved here yesterday Lauded the. P.usi.ur.’h A 1 'i.,...rru« L.iierpr.w <‘o at M Jo*oph. m sale:* and :rll tnern < ;,n I liml . il. H Graff. 60 hint- V. J I‘ l‘a::..n ft • ... i: ! ; s i»M. Hainpi >n - »*» >.m*d peaene* i» »k* spp e«. :i do rag*. Von Boiiik”*i 4 ;o. o t'lt* leu'.rier*. H <>r«(f. 1 auvii. Cooper ft La v*: \ j• .. .Let »a»:is. CHi >r tut. trunks. H CUi.d ft co ST JOPF.PH —Per Consumer-u e*» - ‘•net.., J Jot ■l.m to hhds lot', y nx* ’1 I- - ft .1 T hh.l» lob. Forsvtli ft en .lh»> pcs ; o.x pul laurfeftU'i on nor;l0;il.b ? raoimr* Rhrj Mathew, ft C n Hbb « md*e. Cirtitf. L;.iLhv ft eo. I !. • eouon. A lionton II Ms *kl:i-{' W B Hoiinr- ft e., ; ,mo -i.es, fandet ter ft co l !>oi *u Clark A Thaw rii io u Hciof. WHEEI.INi.- Per / Tanor-l l-u ■ o :. Wm H Wj'.illinis. •-‘0 t.L- r..;t0.; .urn m.dlU.r s ft Smith. I 4 •.*» K.H»» ware Kli'Sile* ,V A.icr.i. pies. J J.iritH-. l.t !,< J.Hj.vm lu sk. ss„ . Wm Bmchan. 4U « K - ,l s Lamt-.rt A -n.j .m. ;«*< Mi.- rfour Id ,nr,i K t’n.id . A e.>. . • I .ox • d C--em««ii ft H.i Him;. I rm?-- It H l'v. tn- r 13 t-d!- p:i t K-r T C Hi . i> .• up;.,. Hme:.* . ; itNiINNVfI Per . b -i. .. . -d- •(*. . .s. i.kr, H Moire. 12 hij.L i ii»re..-t- pi Mur.., -I i • i.j -m- m : 1 UOX mdse I ;ur k-• A fh a i.n-l- i.-or, l- • Tanlle A OVi.„„or i>- ‘leiu;. i.r-c' II ,-rr skill*. ‘1 ) fur- 111 pi- i'J r - - I ..•• • ..... \ He--.- I. *4 i'liU mrnt D 10-ee h A ,• ft • ; « .-in;. '■ ft 1' IL'. v WHOLESALE D R \ tiOOIH l i. )nm k to., COSl.Ml«*lliM.R.-* AN !» IMf'uKTV.K -:u NKaaifT Stan r ARK low t\k» nu>; mwmsv, mh.-i* fc»tortmrnl o' >j>n. $ a.. 0 Sunmitr r, t ex hi In lr*l m the Wr*:w»rj» «I K.r’rctl HunJfd ' \w . J»u f;* 1* -l*cd ill r ••>; rr ,a> V* • ;;*■« from the rainu idurpr*. lu.i-ortcr., m:.: ,ir »ei»«!i..C u»'.«c u-d c lUi raj« rich I'r. IJW Ideari.rd .Muiiii'.r all grades. . -3' • .•«». 1 M .< • 4» starting rnfi-km,..! if? • ■ '<•: . -i. (ungbMin* i sdc* «.i.mm*i -oarf. aay - Brown Muslin. Alm>, f«ip« aril i'ici*. 1 '- •>' Bon.- I'owrn ! a ce«s Rit'Wiu*. M;i». S"- ' • ii-ri-Kc?. " (>«■:• Mjlituerv A rune* c'ota. i’a. mur re« L.irj.r Mo tirry ami (j.ove*, Ac Ac City and eouitiry merraanu wi inu! t;.nr «io< i 4* large ai.d desirable a« KaMern *;»• 1%
    H?.NhA Ni»S H*. or a September Nighi. nv nir suii.ci or i v Joli\«TU.\ k STOCK I'tA, ttplb'd.kwT corurf Markrt and m\ «'« HEW* II A nTS WT m. k jTt ?](.\ i' K TIIK I'I.ASK Wi> s\W *'o. Wood urcel, Pltuhnrgh. HIBKR AM) i.AI E\f.\N. Impor.-r dra - in Korrign and Dom-ai.r It AIID WAfiK. &i; iu v«r:el x 3 On a* mtonu n RAZOR-*. Ilm- r-'nnr, . such a* lx. OH a. Latc’ie*. H:nSr' am! Vif w« lor-", with every aril- e ;;«ua: 1 y ke. : Ilj-o»rr < We rnvr.r u,c HHrri.o -. o r I'-.i-penie r . ~.1 Mr, M! , gMiern'ly to our »*M.r.ii,r:;- r.i Toe. wn,-;. i.»v- \.r selerled wi;.*i great carr. and *!iiCH « e arc -le'-cnn!! od to se. »o a. to t l *' *a u' if.io *p'.' ti* T WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, .Yo 41 Mftriet street Pici.tintrgit, [’a. THOMAS PALJIEH, RESPF.CTHI.LY WUiOUI.rr-lli I I. i nr • »i»« a mock a« hr na» at pre-cni. Hr. can orirr o . 4> rnavtr». on * k*i tnoiWute term*. ai me oid c«i».i..*i, line—inrludiin; Counting-room. bed-, number. Ui.-'W' room. Parlor utid Ha.: Paper VVnii Bonier* scape*. Eire board Pnnu. Paper and Tia>npa*«n Window Shade*. Horn «i and UituW. Board*. W ri ting. Wrapping and Ten Paper, he i* abundant.) »np plied, and request* country merchant* and housekeep er* to call and examine liu assortment. • Rag* and Tanner*' Scrap* taken in trade ai ;ne highest pnce« d&wdmT Rooflog>~OaiTantied Tin Plat**. Till' subscribers beg to cail the attention m It.. '••-*. A replied* and owner* r>| Building*, to in- • > 8 i • 'itagc* which these piute* po»*r*« o ter u i • r n.> i'.jc »übstanee* hitherto uo-d lor roofing A - u U .- po*»en at once the ilghtne** of iron. wiin<. u li* .t) to ru»b having now been te.trd lor a. ye ' - . i lju* pan.ru;*f, both in it.’.* couniry run; . • u lio nm «ud.atc*. iron, z ::r or a M JICST. such a* Telegraph Wire. Uolu. ?n;ke* '• I*. V.'inr for Pence*, and ajiy other article whicn .. .t re'jojred. For Hoop* for Cast*, a* n substitute ~. Rope: lor Clotbe* lane*. LighUtflir Hod*, and .. .. .u: ot',. r npplicaunns. it will be found cheap and do * T1..-V would pnrticulariv can ottenuoii to 'be '■ • in zr 1 Wire for lences. it require* no paint, und * io rs- Al*o to Spike* and Bo u. the pret» .'» w :, .•, ,« of no mach imporiance, mai n \v;i. : ' rm ita, .i i.) ne not.ee of ail iao*e mirrened t,Wt il MoKKWIXtI) k CO.. Haieulee*. OCtat-dAwlyT M and If, Beaverji \ \« rk CHILLED ROm.s. TUB subscriber* having purehased the "ictutive right of H«rley‘» Paiem. (lately renewed , :ot tie manufacture of CHILLKt) ROUI>S. tc , sic prepared to supply all orders ul short nonce All persons are forbid infringing on .aid I’aie.,. a p3:dlm*w2raT UOLLMANS k OaKRI.miN CEO. W. SMITH A CO., INFORM their fnends and the public thatlhey hascr.i.«T having ja«t relumed from New York n new receiving :» urge fan supply of fresh ir f,r pared 10 supply Grocer*, Hotel*. Mramboat* »n-t f {lies with any quantity sn.l at any price ihr> muy w..|i. packea in *, i md I poui.d '' ‘ 1111 iers, 0 and 13 lt» caisy bole*. and in ha*» m 0.,. Retail Grower* are niv.o-d i«» ca l. <•* ru.i i.nd will *ell beitrrTrs.nl lyw,,f P'“ c ’ ur -' a!l -’ house in Pittsburgh . Oir slock of&ii® our.g iJyso->, am. Im perial Green, and Oolong Biart rca* are ~ie ,n the. American market .. Lovenng’s double lobned l«oaf, Crushed, and lul temed Sugars, at retail, or by the barrel COEFEfc* -Mocha, Old Got. Java, Lagmro. Si Do mingo and Rio Coffee., .elected by ibe most npe.-.-n ced coffee Broker id New York. Sweet spiced Chocolate. Pickled Cucumber, and Onion*. Fresh Peaches, put up .it their own )tu::« Malaga Kaistm, m '•! Ib-boac- ... , , N tI.—AH Dr. D Jayne’s Family Medicine* (or sale. dee»-dAwS A. J A t P»ha. WLO LES.ILE SHOE WlSMltl’Sii. BEPirBTTD F«’B THE PITTSPIkCH DAILY QAZETTi Conrl of (laarler 8«nlout. Present. Honorable Benjirt.u Patton. Presden' Judge an J William kerr. A**ocjate Judge. Tan dav was oectipKd w.t‘-> t ie ir s! .r tippling house cares. Upwiu«- Commonwealth vs. William Ferguson. Nolle Commonwealth v*. Cbailea Bdbeller. Nolle .'inmimu oaith v« Michael Portzer. Nolle Pro?. • immouweaith vs. Wi.,iam Thomson Nolle Commonwealth v- M. L.ilon Plea, guilty med th-rty-dollars and covi. Commonwealth v*. treorce Rust. lined lhirty-Q ve dollars and costs. 'oinmunwealiti vs CariM.ipber Hofer, fined iy*five debars and com*. Coiiimonu'c.siin v* Joun Stubbs. Verd.ct, no'. guiliy. but the defendant to pay tue cost-* Commonwealth v« Henry Ke.iry n-.t kU .}V ihe deiend.iDt In pav 1 yi* co- AJtnmonweilth v*. 'ieorg' Sprcul Verdi' l , gu.ity lined ti tv d.-iiars and oust* omm.'i.w-n;-n \« George N->.le >inm 'tiwer.ah vs. R..*ha McAr.inch Pies, !• .-.nl liiiriy Jo .ara anJ .►miii'-n -ve.il; n vs J.>nwr«lth vs N.- l P t r'». guilty led th.rrv dminr* and c- »:? orntnon wealth v* Arlr.ur Ws,,*,* Plea. kuil Fined thirty dollar* :uid •• Allegheny City Scrip. Th-. li-av hscats... Mr Kotjinsoc. Presioei.: 01 me • >«-.ect t‘* ur. U.. CAN. - M , ia..ed tnr n.eel.c.g >.r ier Ti.r minute' u. pre v. ins m«eting v. err rrnd and ad«)p:rd.ai :e*diC,g» rrisl.ve n, tar :' .y t>cnp werr . t mh li •11 .1 >..• set d«- uut . -oi'ine a.-ti'in should i* id rarr.ed. and .tie (‘ns.rroan then read an ord .nee providing lor tar preset*, emergrnev The proceeding* are !->» lengthy tor put' cation 10-Utgh'. We wiii give them .a lu.i m Ic-morrow’* paper, uud for the pre«rr.t w .1 c >nte*it ourselves n h me following »vt>o;»*i*. wfticn emoodic* me :a u tne whuie 'Jrd.n.it. lb- vacant mnd m toe Lnamond, wmch r.uf be r ided .i.tiforty lot* .vul w. : i/f-ng. :i« v* rat.u.a 1 one hundred and twentv Ih'ww *1 «i.at• Tint fo.een acres ot ixu I. bet >o«a>;i»j L; ttio c - ty oi Ai.ogr.env .»rv>wt. r.« Nr * >n’» island, *o,J. r.e r*ttiii»tr'i vi u- ol wh--a i.inny ;iio<..r»iul Til»( i ::y Treasurer l'<* sulhor zed l.> |>'iy x I(' r*-de**-mns :t Tr>*- Chairman slated that the am mat of the .lebteJnes* wf Allegheny city was sW'iO t OOO. iw* jodred toousand dollars of' wfoch were expend tor tii- Water Works. which wdl t*c ti u*hed Ju.y and ..cr.ediaCeiy begin tu pay an .:ilrrr*t 'he '-ap tUexpended Toe ported vivenry Jl : tu be.nvii.lk Comim u.' —A! a oiect.i’tf of tdl Board o( Trade, held Thursday im- fo*:h .nsL. ,e t mim uaaied gent »*men were apjuu nt :J I'T’ejaie* fo the Rn. Read Convention. I* be >;i 'U the .;.!>• o( Steubenville uo Ur ■ .< . . power l*> add to their number !L Craig, C H. Paulson, S. McCia.n wn .ii .toer, Jr., Lecky Harper. J. W. Ruben* .. and Loomis. •-r r-fl!'** —It has been morrejily "i iti •evtirai of tr.e papers, that Si.tium has confessed that he fft fire to the Glass Houses m Baynrd*- towii. and the houses ou Water street where Mr. Hays was k.lied ■ He has aimp'y acknowledged that he whs guilty of raustug all the tires for which he was condemned. Whnl a horrible load of gu.lt for so young a man to iabor under : How vitiated must the inind have been, nod how dc l prnved the resolution thatcott'd coolly give to the harries so Urge an amount of property Let u# hope that the trying ordeal of thirty years of soli tary coufinemetH will purify bis heart, and that if he lives again to breathe the sweet air of liber* ly that that time which will have silvered his hair and wrinkled his brow, will have made him a more e*limab ! e member ot society than he has hitherto proved. Cocmtkfei r Notsj! Mr. Joseph Murphy is tu town, erg.iged n teaching the art*ol detecting counterfeits. He undertakes to show any one how a counterfeit may Ik* detected,’even though ho may have never seen a genuine note of the snme hank. Tins would Mirciy be worth the small sum winch he charges, and from tho repiesentations made to us by many gentlemen who have learned the art from him, we feel assured that ho promises no mom. ihau lie can perform. Bee advertisement m anotheaeoiiimn. MaYuk's Om<;E, Pi rr«Bva jail for thirty day a, is, the most confirmed drunkard* who has ever appeared before the Mayor. TttEaT»s-—Master W. A. Wood lake* hi# benefit to-maht, when the play of the Dog of Montarges and Bdl Jones, or the Sceptre by Sea and Land will bt pmealed. _ LIST OF LETTER* . JUic'n Hct jo. Rmtel.n F.inckMuUttruiU W REMAIN INO in i he Pltuhnrffh Potl Office fronilh" | M«*on Cap! Tel MuHey \ sT<*nr<*e Wp U: of Afn io Uie 13th of April. le-19. Per*or» Nov Marpt»> Jri»i U ieii-ud callim{ for Ueaer., will pirate »#r ibr> ire advenite-J- Mas»ey I»r a tl Mnrrev Jeremiah 'V Ladiea’ List. • M»r»h ? I! Murphy J-hi' *1 r»rflt J*»h . Ma- von Wrii Murpuy Janice M il;i " m 'Jr Mc»»non l _ .Ma cy Cour.iJ Moron Mi ;uf imj Job • M liartxr. r'arnh ‘i ftonneuiu anJe * Uran4ent»orirl.yd-i May Join, Moraa,. J-'T MillrUi: A.i-'i i Bur;ram. >u ran HorUman l-'r aiice t,ii»Mii ! -Mai iopt>v Win II Mo-iax ia J■ ■ *ii• Mi •* * ,c T ~"' "* lUuniiini. Caro, eUoye Kicanii* line** -'J Mr* t .Mercer A Koly.tr- M- :n» \\ m Miivne .II I v Uca:y. S J M,.« liriid f'iiza!” 'u lirooltc Mr* (*eo , *'tri Mo re K i-«Tt M, die- " n Krar. Rachel )io»,r durum Kuril* K'uai'eih ’ Mean* J or. j. M-*orc >Rin , jr. D Mi-rhc,. rVi-mo BriitorJ (' Mri K'a’li-j I'tinariiiC Hjii:* .Mana Melun J r; , Mun»hi>..er ll'i.n Miu he! Jid -'M I'ntßar,! JY»u tir.iji-v Ht.rr.-rll Huree*- M tuurc. M«--..ftoiu » i f,-on'- \<’.Mi-ier J> *ej i Bi. un».r;. Uaiheßrasum) -• CamVHorle Klleu ; Myr. J.ico ■ M-.-lleii M* : '*R«o*r HiaiiaK.iii 'iruilc'i l.ri-.- -- llutler Sara). f> M ver* Siun Biurk Ann Hr:ii.«irup i: .Mr* Dutlrr Mary A Buiion An ■ x M Bu'in A Tnt'UDAY. April l u - At-oTrromfc.t, MrtAlreo. Max' 1. Adam* K!»ra A Ten. Mary ar-t C M'H id" r.eorgr \t Rnl.u'k Win M'i.ttatn A dr'w Campl-d, I.Hl.c.lnCurk ROl-* t ou<'ii A MYa u.ster David M AT;■ ‘ll > Win J Cameron '■‘ary AC.arke Saran Si Creighton Sarah MYabe USi M'Wi,barns Piirr.M k,,mey M.chnei Cameron MroJi.o Coca ley Catharne Jane MV*.I Ai.rri J .M'.MuMrr TiiomnsM'Ki an Mr Carp-mer June 3 Collins Fiu ibdh Crrver Mary ~MOi .. Artn..r M 'Yrthun Fa: M'l.ahey Casey Mary Conk Churlotw I'rowiev Jane M'Carney Win tick M'(irn:!r\ Jt.li ChircM Onvr Cope!. 11 K.uabcihCuru* fie be cm D , M'ChtoJ ess A;ei Moparic Jonii M'Lnn is IWnard D M'Culiurn A *" * M'OroiU JVnrk Ddany Marv Dexter Mar) E Dougan Abigail . M Canny Daniel M F.ghe Patrick .MYracsen James Denim Fllnao*-m Doohan t'&l.ienneDuvull Laura D | M'Cartncv Win (i.M lieary Patrick MD maid J. >. B i M Cany C MNiore Mr M'D-unid Ji* M Baton Mary II Kwalt Jane Evans Maria M'Culiy John F .M < iner Sami W M IV.mild (>ren S F MVormuck A .M i.iil Rev a T Mbo aid VS m T Fetter Sutsn Fium Amelia Forsyth Julia M l.e .n John M'D-nald Wm Filiev »*aiii> K-J S-loTrer Jane 1 reed M M Mias ; M C«y Joseph M'l.nne (icorve M'Dcrmitt Chas Fulton Sarah 1 , M'Cutchm David M’Pherson Wni McFarland A I. (i ' M'C •minek JLi M 1 .nus, 11 Ju-nes M'F->rlin Oeo W Gilchrist Rebec- Golding Eleanor < .raharn Eli ra C. ; M'Contiutjhv J S M'Comiark Ji.tic m-J s Good Ann Jane Gribtnn Jane M'Cc-y Joseph M.Milieu I* A 'V (iiDsoii InuaCrtn lVnlsn Grovenor r amh Ount A F M.*s H Nf! Janie* Newgant R.]cti«rdNes'm Menii 4 Haddock Mary AHarman Nancy Herrick MarlhnM S'"-!'' Mra Nabte lliecdore Co U Hai*n Martha Hums K J -Mu* Hill Mary E • Hul Marv Hitt Mrs T> Hn.dma" Harri-t over John O'Connor Thorans O linen Thomas Hall Marv A Hay Jane 1. HoskingLMr* U l>oiiiirii .Mich- Orb rn Charles JO riuir Din) Hall Cei-i'.ia Hays Jane Hcugh ,,e, 3 o Jirien John J Orcurt David i Hu mi! ion Sarah A Slays I.yd 11 Howard F.li/a Owens K Orr John jr 3 0111 Wm A Hamilton K.u'blhHuys Surah J Hughes Rt»*e O'Donnell rkatd Eiuab Hi H Malonev F *-n M.ll kie Kllen Merry. Ann .Mum llflri.s Muioy I'nuierine -JMidf rd Ann Mam . Juba 3'turphy Meleu V Miller Hannah Martin. Cath.-rt <-Murphy Fra-^ Ann M Murshai:. Jane -xMurpnv Margare Miller Mary J Mason. Khodn A Murphy Mrs . Moorhead A-n >' May. Jane Murray F.iiiabelh.M rn» Dorothy .Metseaheimer.SitMyors Ruth Morrow Ja e M M'Carrv Mary C M'J.aughhn Mary.M't'ready Mary F. M'L'jslin Pnsciila.M i«>«i Sarah M'Cready Marg’t ; M C eliand K*te M'Cn Owen Margaret Olmstead Ann M O'Dotial Sarah O'Rriati Saran A Ostiur.i Jane Pnufr«m Ji*e Pope Nancy Piter Lucinda I*ee >e* ?*-.reh P wei. lanaheUi I'laiikmloii Ki a J IVrun* I'arom e Pr.ce Mary Ann n j Ke*d lcrip n Rjpimrd J \lri Ru-h»rd»or J R '>< Redirk Mm: > amllouhwd Mary Mr* t ? KeeJ A H e l) Heed 6 H Mr* S 1 S»:erSel»! l"ih: . r-«.u tii Marguret *huttlr*wofin 6a- Srm! Naiii‘% **n ilgr ■ t-ir* rill M i »iro >e.. >M »« Mee-e •‘man Smi y Margaret ynßHi' i.,./kJi«ihSirr.i'iit MorgareiStr.d ti J:> :i* Mritiii Kuii.y Snmii Mr* Ro» Pn.’-a'-eiii >lo e Mary I. >t; Sii-»r tl Turner Mr* I'honipMjn FnE>- !'» . IV I 4*l , I ur ri -V.■. ■•«* R iv. li rr Tt.ueuer Mery M \ . ' \J‘ \ »».Jer. Wul.aoe \l, nr r» » W in'mnrt 'l»r> llWutr U B \V*.irr» I’e'.y W :*m*ol. Su»»" 'iite V ../a: eih \\ ,- c \\ »..ii L-. i-L-eil. V\ n.v ‘-u’.be'.ne \V»* im'i A(:i'* M , tun } M,»i Wit.iiaor* Cb«r \Ver;» timcinir .-ler* l- VSeru Bn d* Wane K-u»D < u.i< • >cb<*r.n« Ztmoitnr En*» M:m« Franca* M.aa Ka'.a OantJaman'a Lift. A \„{.ou n-oi*- AununJn H Vpl'icgair Win A T Andrrw* Roi.fr: Air • \\ H A f’’ l* P AmJrr»on **atiiur. Ail.''* ,m, f«* Ail'! h AUlrnon ;.IHH Ay-v. l.'t A Ai -nc-.y «.ro'1 ll 4i- Joh: 'I lIIv hr 11 c. -J 8.-.hn v* i .am liar..lll J H aektuorc u ll'ande.i A- !fd Unro«- Joan lii Kiraar-1 Drunk* R <• llvfl j 401' 4 Blak r Luther C Uroae- John () baioioar Char.'* bu gUajn W(luamßryan •'tiarir* j lirrarr rYV 2 IV i.ifion Thomajbroaey David i Btr-owi Wm K Broadwr,. < .mi*• Bairioan Hl. B-nary Ro'.eri Br'w>k»<» N lUi'iin.i. >.fnf;p H.a'l Kot.rnJ Brook * ><>ta:i Uaror* Join q Al'.M.: W.n Junr Ruahin* lloii) ’ Hrnllir J.inn HuydTbomi* Burke Ed "«r J Hen'iv Jtti.r* Mo li* J Jonn Mu 'her Job” 2 iU K II |t:..w:i Burnt-si ‘-A T Mr: M»r-,r llowdar. B •* Burn* Mir-tad :Ir. ■ mt.-i Basking Jitinea borjfoine Jo*tiua | K- Jurr.r« B«' ■! M A Mwi>r Hee.arJ j Ilf »:iy Tbotnn* lU>> J l r*» t". Hur’.* Hi »nn ! K' l.ler Jo*.ii Hoy> D. ..-t Bye.., Joarph llf< a li.rtn Uo« ilf.: J -tn*» Bucuana.i Kobef'. Mar Jon jfrnwri H ll C •«»• t Jem-* i'iuvi luii- tl Cooper K . ,j v |. \\ r»i John ® Cowan f»am'i M 2 i.iT-on l.'l (‘«el’ha«W L CourlneV Roher: i *.,«• • Jaotri Coeman J H Cownn John Car UTI N M Citller Wa.ier Cordr. John B t'*,,.r-rr l> il Copr* Jmnr* I'unimi .a* Hu*h ,al or. Jam-* H l um i> Ob tiii M Curint Ctiar riot i irary Fair.r* < otir»<*r Sohn Hrur> Irirr Jmi 2 ' i»o|*»r Itimiu. Cu*'.* Il'nry K ('mrk John D Cooper L ‘ C Cuiver ii D D*u«n Tho* P IVrrnott Charle* Downer Jam'* W pavi* t.rorar LVvinnry A Capl Dolan Fu rick Djr.ton Ur i iJipji e H Dowde John [)#. ey D IV iMion Prter DouchrMf Ueorte [)jrid A>iardrr Dilon Jamr* H D«itoho» Tho* t Aiireil Di a*i« J Piea«on Kohert Drydrn Thomai l>avi» S Diek»on Mirhoel Drummond John [Vavi* l*S l)ortryHem)er*onDuffy rd Da»'i* Ro'-ec • Dor*eyT oa K Du'hrlil John Dr;n ir>K John Dowua John DaffOrorfr De *rtl rr Aler Doibi' John l>u»r Horace JV-'IC John H Douflaaa U nhai - Dunhatn F"'l rk • . .13 Frederick oir Dunn Ai 2 J' hn Ponrili Jamr* DunlapJ" • i t 1 .1 'lm Doonn'e Joseph Dunl»p \\. >1 1 r v. Lain* H D-v»-» Joseph Dunning M .. 1; FSA Co Down* W W Duncan V. I i,.,r John DoliumanKru'c* Abunbarr D K - ■ •* ami E iiluncN K,:rrhy I ■ H E*py Thoa J* E 1 moie . . I . \i,m E.mrr John E Mon W -in Kyrno'-. I ho* Eirner Pr rr K.vam Jonu p.jrji J kiej John Evan* W iniair. E’-nl Chirr* M Errreli Mailu'w Lh'Vam Evan Evana Darn .il a. »ihcr A m •' ..n :. in.* eik. : wn u.ade Au.Mi, Mar/ tirogan Mary ; MFeelcn W m l> M K Ro'ert Kemp Margaret Kerr Marcumt Kmougii Manra'i Kilgore Nancy Mar Ve.uti Rci-eccaW Fay Levi Ft»h Wi.ißm Forbea George Fmrin&n W A Field George Foimngel Hen a pawcri’ George Field C U Poirtuan Marun I'alpar Mr Finley John R For’iea Jnuu 4 Faw eii An'hom Kl'iiey John K Konuii W C Ferau*nn Hattil FluKr Joint F««'er Robert IVitrer Joel Fla-megan FC Fi>f>:lt JIIA Co F»ninon A>l H Flower Geo Doct Frtrn John F,milev rtaml F.rtnr'g I) H Ffniri* David Fife J F Fort.ifi W.lliatn Firtr.v FA Kinky Joint Forayin JA Jr I'uc.i I'at’rk Fulton Jaine* ,icr Joint Jr G'tnn Limrlea Gregory AIN (•< IT:!* Jnaepit Goodwin Win a Graff P Ct - A n Good no N C Gregory Abner W (■» ;ach' - r John Go»h-ig Her.ry Grace Wnj aio Ga' achun AlpliinGorm-n Hv Gregg Jnm-« i.e‘«on A Gow David Graham Jam'i (;el»oii J x me« Gould P Doct Graham lien, (ia'iitHher Hebert UouUI Jnine* S' Graham W Gardner Robert Gou'U Kami Gray Valentine (Jaull A'eir Gorhat David N tiiuy John tnven John R }* Grrany Cor re m«Gr»y Jan.e* H..U Dan I Huto'lt.n* KG lln»itpir lOhu i |{tre j Jaioet R Heath John 11<_•-1 1; ■ • \ <’ ||,n< I>n 1 1 1 l" Hicr'n- Joaeph Hopa- » John F llaiaoltcr Jacob RHerabev Hy S H'-ctti * A .M Hanley Hugh Henducki Jr Wj’-Hope W II g Hnnnen .‘ 4 aml (’ li»m Hott N H Haminond \V H Henry Robert Howard John MnjV'-r Dunl Hn;i) A'e 11 H ibnuid D*nl IlnnnuiiA <>rahnAHi* Jo»r;-h lluu'liin*'’" Wni Harper John Jliclmrd* Charle* llcbler S-tml Hnrtlin George Hill A F Humphrey Jno \V Hustle* John Higgut) John Hurt lame* llnmbertou Satnl Huuglnud John Huiion John Iron* Timm 2 lrwnj Aleir 2 Irwin DavtJ Imbue J K Irwm John Jack William Judge Tltoi Jnhn«on A Harr Jitmei George JeryginaMr JohitMW Geo A Jehu David Jetiklu* UJ Jutnuou John \\ Jeukin* Ilenj Jeffrey Jamer 3 Jutmaott Ralph Jrnningt Benj Jerri* Stephen Jones Keeae Jurey Jame* Johnaon \V F Jooet Joint D Jonc* Robert . Kemp H Kerr William Kmgabury C P Keeney FieldingHKerr Alexr Ke»»tck Moaei Keeney John Kelly John King D C Kenton Anhur Kerr H Ke»c»dden Dmnl Kennedy Rnbt 2 Klinefelter Jacob Kin»ey Thoi Kendall H R Ridenour Fi'cy Kirkpatrick Geo Keller Abraham Kinsey HamilonSKing Robert Kcr*haw W L King Joaepn C Knapp Martin G Krepa Michael Ltffrrty John Litile William Leech James Langadale Mathi- Ijndeay Junes 2Leech Franci* aa Lyon All P Lewie Butler Larkin George Lowry Ebeneier Leitner Geo \V Larimer J jun Lytle Henry Loclt&ri D H ' Laughey Ldwd Lynch Frauen Loomis Hy J Lawrence Jamea Lynch James Logan A ex O Laachlin Milo Lyo- Oeo W I/oilo* William Leslie James P Lo-dy John Lo. g Joseph W Leahy J bn Lyon Geo W Locewoed J D Lewis S f* Lucas Payne Lightner Juo Leonard Michel Lowry John Lipman L J Lewis George Leonard J W * M M>iz* Thoraa* Mullen Wm Horn* Booj W M Mayo Edmund Peier Muller I) SUwy Seoul * Malta Aafutla M»ni* Bicbaid 0 M'Ai.ub) I*di>c.-kM'l.-..• i Me, !)• Palmer Robert Poll* Stephen Per nr Henry Pa«f Phivtna Patter Andy Puttarn: A W Pnltnrr fic'> W I’■ o«*l**r W N Pettigrew Jiunei P.irker Mtlion |'o*ril Win T Phelps Ktlwartl P.i'krr K.i*ha Pnmo .Nbilj'. W PUnlt|*« KdAurrt Prf le» Jnmri 2 Provo-t I' A Phi'li: . Robert Pr?i;;conl J.. 1111 Prruii’i Win Pludinm J> sepb Pru*e Pn'chard J *>-pli f’n'liV I’ H Peiro Win Pntrlmrd Ariliur Porter John Paten Join Pry r James Pride Henry Peitteord David Pierce Patrick Rulsb-n A Phimjiaßpinfian Luc us RidtPc K Rev Ramsey \;rdico Rohnerts Richardson Jn» R»-u Andrew Hoaen Henry Richard* David Key Wr-siev R bert< Kn * K b nsu.i Oii.ej Rr.ckh g Km ARowmndJ hiR Robinson Jaine* Rati Is 1 t ,M W Rowland Kvan Rolu son N P Ralston Robert Rollings Joseph Rodgers D-vid H Rankin James (J Rmm M •»fihw Spe»r« Srvtnoel Sau-.drri Adim "* ;Jr ji \V ,lm-n Spe err John sounder* trap!}' TS-\ u .it !*na V Spargn Scoll Heirs of Moi r- I h'-o'i 8 -ii- I‘hariej A Jam"* IM.urr Sir %•••:;« David Scnlt A-drew Smith T A v r r.» \V m Scotl Alexander Smith W \V S.er ;'■£ Jeitiea 8 Sctjiil l John Stm ft Hr.ftcT! st-veami M-eftar, Si'irn A l' Mlllln Serfa StaiF >rd K’-d'X Scull Jnm"« S S tn ' " Wi'iiam 1' Slr-.c jM-ntt Jaiiirt smi'.n El ;an Macp Jutin Seiin-ri* Jacob Simtft t.eo.je f; S'r.i.iurd Mtnm'l Seannr Wiil.am Smnh II II Sirvriiamt Jo*Tiua See* (»rertf *■ \V Smii-i W i»h';r. A S:fr::i»ou Sum i jvir.drt* Sun h l'h»i'r» sr-war: John Sondr r« Wiu son h Thninaa st »*- ~»on Joftn Soper Tnoma* Smith Rohm stow Edwird H Shaw T \V Sitt'tn Thnma* Sir aunt I Imina* Show Painci Samson s'amuoi S'ui.ha Jnni“» H Shears.i Jamn S * aibrooit Rich'dl* nl* Francis Shun* i' •'ittv .r Robert sinarapher 1) Sheppard ** M Sm ii H'.i.'ri Sio-.t K«t«ert B 1 teri««=*e M Sweeney Amlrc-v Shei'Ucdsam' T Sm-m \S i i»m *w,-etiey Edward Snrprr I'homa* Si*np»r>'i (‘i'»rlr« Swu-ev Rsjfnr Sheppard J- Im IS'-msenm David swri« Jerrimali Si.rrwnnd I..ft.i -p*-.*r* i‘ H >wi7'./ At>r m« \tr»*rv ’■‘per .WloipU su’lr.n J it«ik f« |{..i er. "i«» • w.c I jiv s-vacet Hroi-en S*uni.rr w s s.i, iva’i s ri.ii V- m f sir.imt R.i ..ara s* c* Janie* -.tie • s- ;i Wm T I'» <>f B T.tomp»'t Wm rnon.B* ■' i• J To> o'T»u»Hri.n r r -a. w u Tiyior Wti«f J iuri. Joit ' lit ,mps J-mfi Tay or W H L W lit mpt Wm r*» o(OaviJ I Janie* Tboinpiou Jo-i-po I »v :or Thotru* 2 Tofnri J econ i iioni (>••'■; Jon , Tfc p* iu ? Kf fo rebar:.. Wm Fliotiipjoi. Ft •* l'« monger I l ' i-i i'l logger.* .Niicnaei l u ■ ■■■ j Hei.r> V Vanandcr " m Va-wtor.i Ma'tiewYrr.noi. KJw \'Biol' , rfKj' i Jai-OliVaiifirO* Herman W \\ |! f outJi Jv« W hi' J oil n \S ; • ti-t I hoifiw B \\ i ker Jjn.'i 1' W l.r.r A • a . M W . i *m«on A> x* \\ yr*» A Kr».J \\ I.W Jt. **••!. I' ief 2 Win U:;.ouV\ir. W y Ti.«*« W War- Jcli *o K t'Xk'iU iW tr ll Wf * J . .. . \\ I *fli. T II »\ ... •if Ml lOl’' (itu W. <• • I'r .... .. \\.;.nn 1'11..1C- u WI. r Atlarn W r,.f Kf v pt’ft ‘i Woo.J ' rr k Wr i >im; ! VV m W J-iniK R W J o «r..n Wf. o’ Wuii iif.W »nr Wooijumd A \\ . n W <*• : 1,-s V* .. \l Whiinrt John!! Wmrrn \Vo««J ' lam Whit Ji.eenn Wi.Ml.fdA 'VN'U:'l,|'o Wmimorr G W il*on Sample IJWootlrii Hy Wlaesen Hepiy 6 Wccla John \V«:x M \Vru»e~JoDn MTcTi'aof WniVy Jamr« Win rnrn M Wiii Jonn 'i \Vph« - » i A rx't \\'!.ite<*eo il \Viihln»oi*A B«rr«\VriCli' H*i-ry \V',;ie WtMcr R Wrnimen J W Wngtii Henry C H lute Lmh Km W;nier J*>h;i y \\ Kk linni i‘ L Y Veunf A Venn* PrJer InUltli, PiuootfS F.;]o »mpm#«ii. No 2, l-Oilg*l.* 1 . So ID, I. l»uqonrj« Trm No 177, 2 L>a> spring No) <7. *J Pir»i-urrh • “ • No <2, S.ini o 1 Ti-rapi-Tb:tp. Sur ot Mopr Liiv >o''-*TpfH. Uu»»«u:a l>v >on< I>rt < \\)i. H [j ’’ Ri;. I‘ M Pmr iiTv't Pi’ r»nir»n. A • r. i-i'.l TK.\N."PORTATin.\ Me KIPItK*S PACK KT LISK, FUR I’Hll.Ai'l.U’Hl A \ Ml M.VI.TIMOR 1 i «;>i H Tru l '* Monnv. A;i*i !'• t'api J V 1 i'ofnn*on, f‘nc*.::iy l? Ini'imi i— P [turkey. Wedne»dny. Is Oliio— *i I'rmit. I'hur»it->y 10. Kentucky M Tmhv FnJnv. *?<. lx>uiw»na—i P Thomp«on Saturday, 21 Indiana - 1’ Buriey. >unda\. ?j Ol„,v_A frn’j Monday. 'll Kentucky—H T>ui*y, Toentay 24 I,o'imni’i- l I’ Thompson. U cdneaday. 2i 1.x1.a-.n —P Ilurkry. T>>urundav v 9 For pa«*age unity 1° f*LTCH. Mnnoiurnli*- h Hou»p. aplS nr !) t.F.Vm A >*■» I'rni "n«m J&aL is-u>. gfeajga Warren and Cleveland Pauenger Line. Caha. I’ucsei -SV\ ,\l.Lo\V Oi'K \ N ON Hof ihe hliovi* Piv ke;* I rave Be aver fvrrv <• n y eiropifdi Hi..! ii>rsve lien morning m W i-rrii, when th-y < omi-i-i wuh the Mai! Smau* lor Akron .mil i irvnnuil, arri»n>e ai fu"li ol ini-rt pum hrinre i• i'i«!«uni; o' >f X IKKN (i-»i fm-i i anal Rosts owned tiv nm! ruiutuiv o. rif > ,re ii.m wilt tne fir-inn !.(*«•« LkAVLR AM> CAI.hH I'OPl, are enabled to ntfrr nnri.ua' mI :»ci ill* < for the irnii»porin:,oii «>i freitl I aim |>n***MirM- on ilie open; - i s of l'null nn { Iga ion to a 1 - point* on 'lie I'rim vv ivama and Ohio mid N nrk ea al» ami the Loft*. F M FITCH A ■ « Ir'vtianJ. HIDWKI.I.A l!KOTill R. A:-.,'it- 15 av't J. C. IH'i'VKI.L. Atrtn. mart Water urret. I'iiui.urr h. BIDWELL & BROTHER Forwurilini Mrrclianu, nr..\vi k p \. AgtUls for the Putsimrgh a«d( 'Uvriiind i,tiu, Pitts burgh and t'rtr Lin* rut Ene and fur slrunx Loots Urovrr and i'aLh ( 'ops. Havu-r purrt.u»rd 'lie 'in;'r ami Ru'otai.Lial Wharf Horn iii*i dii 'or ilie Nit. .oi.g.ili'i» I’m-netß. have « ■ 11■ I’.r :i-'!i:u.n of a Warr!iou««*. h- n.o«i ample ac- Ciinim.ultl inn for rrr*MV,ng imd lorwntn ng, anil [i.edge u.eir utmost ntiemion, |irnnipiue»» ami despatch in r<)iiMsnm<*!,ir io u.' if cure. u.ul reiy on .n« ir m tends for a 'rial in .i r. ■' i i )< BP O Pittsburgh anti lilairevllle Packet Mae ly4y - mm* 'I'HI-. public »rc r». lie ami I' rit -i-- n- u i.i. o -m* . ril ii) three in»r*e». ai.d cv-r, eilort ma to u; , ÜBl . njo"nie pa»»engm. [)trurgh ev»ry Monday. Tuesday, Thur*dsy and Friday, at J o'e,ocs, r m From Itlmr*?'! <• e>|£—putUng paite.nger* through from that place in ».ne m.y. Freight ior ihr ahov i.imp mil i>e received at the home ot iho Boatmen'* Line, by Jno Firren A t*«*. | who are oar authorised Agent*. AH ir> tght r'lh/ 1 ra-n-*pvrtaiurn oj *"Vn%M*a. Pi .w»i*r:d estabisbe-i L.ir.o tu»w -ii lo.i npera -1 con. ibe proprietors nre prer-tred wuu ..lei.- el ten*; v* 1 arruiuTCiOCr.‘A U» to 1 warn Nun- n sad is* . pro duce. Af to and *'rofn the oi»o*f port*, or ’ll.era; n-rin*. wmt me regularity. am! «.“.ei ■ pern to iiinr tn<>if «•: tnin»pnr:ndon -ooOv.au-, when ira: - -i» i«i ni the wav i* avoided. Aii consignment* by anJ for this line received, char irr. paid. and forwarded tn any required direction* free of i-hargr for commission, advnncmjj or storage. No interest, directly or indirectly, m Mmimbpat*. A 1! communications promptly attriided to on appuca- Lon to the ioliowing agents: THUS* BORBIDGF. Market at, Philadelphia TAAKFF. A OCONN< )R, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. O’CoN.VtR * Co. North at. Baltimore. meb-.H Uu ATJI B .1 S 1 LISE. JS& !m;i - gas&a For vi*- Tr« isrortatian of Men-nunui*e <*c-l-*-«-**»* PITTFHI RGH. PHILADELPHIA. A HAI.TI.MORE. Good* ‘li’pp'd •• i uu* J-i r***. are earned m four* R«ctir»i Portable Knau 'IMi K ‘ub»cniier« having made arrar.cements lu case | of ' imhi o:‘ -'Hie Tiu»g* si Columbia, lo have iheir co.*forwarded over the Rni!r in cars, so nv :n avmd tnr dt-icniton that ha* heretofore occurred for itr vcari of I'nirk ■ Shippers wt(.£nd this to ibeir advuriHjre No charge* made for rkr itviag or ship pine, o; ior •( charge* All foods forwardrd wi'.'i despatch. and on as reasonable tertft* as any oth er l.iin JOHN FA.RRKN & '•nr.irr of Canfli and Liberty si, Pittsburgh. P K. FRhTZ A Co, mchai dijm "A 3 Market Philadelphia. 1549. ja INION LINE, OK THE PEIVS'A AND OH>L CASALS. Ciuwfohi. A CiiAMßßaux Cleveland, O. / n ii. !■.»<., .IV i I’™!’” I inr wul be prepa n] on ihe opening of navi i cation m fnn.por fright ami Passenger* from I’iTl-Bl Ri>H ii.nl GLhVLi.A.N L>, lo any point on t!*c Cana! mid Lake*. The inemiie, ot me Line lire im»urpas«edi:i number, nua.i!) n u! rjipac.t) of Boats, rspenenro of captains, ami e:lin' ;ri til .VgtuiU. 'in- Boat ''av'ii Pittsburgh snd Cleveland daily, run m.ig 111 rnnnr. ’i.in »UD t’l" Me»mcr» '..tsK KKIL A N ! i MilHl'l AN", Between l : i ut.urgh an.l BcKver.-i.U a ine of £rtt class jtifKmer-. I'fope.lcrs and Vc*-els nn the i i>kcs. Act-rs—R i. Park-, Beav r. Pa \ j.-«ve H iidsvi", Vou-igstown, Ohio M H I u\ ior Warren, “ C.’us I'reiiLss, Ksxenna. “ Wbeeier & Co. Akron. “ Crawford * < hatnberlt'i. Cleveland, O Scars &. Grit T-th Bulfalo, N. V. JOHN A CAL’OHKY. Ayeat, miice cor Water and Southfield sta. Pittsburgh. raeh'Ji ly braver packets. Sirnm.*r MICHIGAN No. a--Capt. Gilson. I.AKKKUIF, “ Gordon. ’III' ai ove rreumr at- I well known Beaver Pack* 1 e.«. has - rnmincnocil mak nc their datiy trips io u *,l from Ilr»T ui.il »i:i roriti" ue to run between Piu*i.ururgh dai’y it 9 o'clock y s: and Meaerr ni 2 o'clock P.-AI. Lake tine .e-i-/e* Beaver Pony at - o'do-.k a. .\L, and Pittsburgh at I o'clock. P M. ;■ i'v ou-mur'* wi'l run ..i counectirn wuh K (. Parks’ Ktprea* Jacket Line, for Kne; I's) ior K Ijeffii'ikwell'* Warren Packcls; l in v; Line of Freight Bouts ior I lerrland; t’lurk e A Cos Pittsburgh and Clevctan J I>.nc Freight Brmi- K ii Park* daily New Cawle Packets. i'I.ARUK. PARKS A Co. Bearer. Agent* JOHN A. CAiLuHKY. Agent. Pittsburgh, •ii'-iitt cor Waii-r and rtmilhfieid stj BINGH AMS’ TRANSPORTATION LINE Tu<*. Ja CO3 Dm*. > ou -ire: kc* r>in? principles. if :tiu uid '*;abi.-uc : Line have J..HS BISiIUV, _ , ;»!'( .> ;ae mo : Cwaif. '•lu orir.r. and 4*f lipr"iur:.i w- ;'or*unl I’rnduce aad Merchan- \l t hum ;i ui our lOnq . it-cnetice ui the carrying «nd rcu.cm* aucnlioc :o Cic ti.iereit* of cu»- loin':*. will vcciitr lo us a rontmumire mid inrreaae, o> 0i» paiioiixge tiitncr o extended lO Btnchani’* (.me Our urM'i.'finruii wn. ei.aoio o» lo carry Freight with i*je uuuo"i dc»|ialtit. aiul oor price* *hal! n,way» to- a« .on* ;ac iuwrn cnarffrd by oilier rtsporuible \\ - iiar«* opened in oiliec in N'o I? 3 Market ticuvfc-.4;b a,hi .an »i*. I ti. «Ja. for Ui«* Coiirer:i*n<*e •>' «U (>[» r> P-i»ii;< * a'.i Merrhundiff v> ; if rCi'f.vfit »!id for waTii-'O. I.a *. ..;i I" f: .rS- > i * any Chare- fnr for 'ijvv.i . m 5 iV'-irb! 'loraifr or comm ••wn B. • ••' lortvardfi mil ever)’ direction *>j-t ) »' -• !f <1 'O \ WM IMNfiIIAM. U .1' , >- «’«, l > n«»’>ur*l». li! vj lIa.VS \ |M »* K. No 1 <1 0-:'>V Agent. \i:.. \W«t N'» Aork Pfluuiylvuila Canal Jt Rail ftoad~kx« jireaa Fait f ; RU\I HTTSIRoH TO i’IiIDADiXI'HIA 4. UAL- 1 iMoRK. I&xcluAtveiy U" l*u»ir.i!(;cra. ( r T'irKpul»lip arr reaped 01.-. informed that tlua Line 2 wil 1 remind'd runniiif on '.lie IUUt mat. and cod* .0' Hi roue Itoul ifle St*a»on. The Boat* tire nrw. and of a nupenor c.a«v wiih en- l ;/, l. Wll. gr«l«iCf COlllJOft. Tbe rir* a»- h:--i driMruruon \iHiat'Ai- i.‘\> uy» t.c ui port, riud iraveicra are ie que-led In call n.id rumine Idem Irci'ore pits* ilie i*o!'»r« ttirotigh.) One oi'lhe hoa’» ol i'jv' me a.nh..t* |npj>o*ite L' S Hotel *t eel ami > ana everT uisbt at nine o’ >i ii»v • ror uj.piy ai lie ; »>.- „ H.m**- or in U LEECH A Co Ch;ikl ItiMil KlSJl'3 PORTABLE BOAT ro I* 1111 .ADKLI'UI A. H.\ LTIMORK ft NKW YORK H' M.S •• :*■? -'it t=.<- < i j! ii'-mg r.«\v returned ite l'tn;TirkM f '.ln 11 1 ovf I.me P-»pe’ t fully inform me puLt.te in a*e |>irpare>l lo rt-retve ajitl for* w»''l |'f- .41.1 w i in «'.e*pumh. ru .l a! Irtwr«i ra'e*. Ti tv v»«'uiil a.to on : :1k u'.'m'ion of «ntt*j»er» Fa<«t* v*»r: •<> :;*• :.f ;inr ;:ie IV cinp'nyeit by them in ■r4 ;i-;>•){ u;i'n- hr j; •>-,vin-.| ; y .!,<■ *n :m-l eumniandrd by >|i» r« Vl>• r i 'ti. V »v:' tin t it ail vsiasrou ti.i-c i.-1 .!n< • y '• m ton:* i cur-. ihrr»t>y «a Ku'igiu io flui goe* c>ar ihfnufli in th JO'* i N< :g • itia.l,.- for rrrciv... 3 «lrp:>!'i|j or advancing Ki! I( .1 J > • i S Proprietor*. A<.i:NT?-'oh» A >’.nTv > i rm. an. <>; Jno Me t'n. ->u ■: It A Co pv’Htvre. J ■«« Sn** t A Co , Pnlsdel j'tiis. Frai-cn A Thoma*. Colombia meh.n PKJiNsYLVA*3» 1A CAAAI. * rt.. ttw \>>9, 1849.4^-631 EXPRESS FAST I’ACaLTUNE, PtUsfrtri’h to TKilaarljihui and Baltimore. , Lie u* Vi-'y for Po«»*peer« ) THF nr* rr«prc ,<: u informed that.this Line w : . . .mini* c* r.mi’intf on Mo> I.me are of a superior cla**, with eu.urcr*! ••ai»-u*. which wi!: give greater domfort lo p»ivngi-r« A **u *v • »'i i n \vn\s be in port, and travelers are re i;o- >tcl :o *•:>. * a *t <■ xnnune ihriii before rngaffing pa** »4ire by utl.rr rom** They will lea\e the landing, op pose the l' S iin'H corner Penn street and Canal, every :• = j»hr at !• o'. 1 * *•( FAKE—MN F. HOLLA RS THROL'OH. Tom —3j Days. For uiforinauon, upply at (hr office, Nlonoogahe! Ho.iM.orto D LKV.CH S Co. Canal U-iHin. N H —The proprietor* of the above Line are no' Mi. I ding an additional Lfe of Pn eket*. 'o run a« ab-i\ on hi iihoiii June l,i. m oom'cctiou w.ih ihe Prnnsy i'»n:a Kai, Knad iro-n Lew.mow . in |’|ii'fti'el;i'ia A: (hat Uitie a packet wi i >nvr every tuorning and even me Tntir through. *Jj >in» » mcuifi RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, 1849. her ,: 1■ ■ li.ltl‘P«r , *r; '’l l»( tlrlClia.illl/r. iii-rr'VH'A imlll.an»-I. i*hia asu i*i rrsni.-m;I (iuu|)S fan-*- i ni * hi« l.inr aT noi irunthippi ,r-e.-'.iu,. l*ni :i i; •' r -:i »•<'>• No cr.nr.-c mt 5e fo rr c.--, v .l - < f ’ o *ur ml. a;f i:i-> i:i ,i rt!:v A o»i« :->rw i. r,!"ii •' i‘ '• a-il on n < frtoonabl :erim us l’> r.- yi',!!-: I JOHN M'FaDKN A Co. CVm! Ba«in. Penn m. Pitialnneh J AN M UAVIS A Co. marl t!S“ Market 4 M Oommorcc »t, Plula JOHN MeFADKN fc Co. Forwarding and Commit noil Merchant*, Canui Danti, Fenii it, rV.tiburgh. JAM !•>* .M DA VIS A Co. Flour Factors and Contnti*- «i.. i M'-r-'rtu:.*. tA!? .tiarkn and £1 Commerce «'reet, pr..:a.ic pmv mml |1 r' Ail vmicei made by n tiicrof lli- above m t-'»r>irr, Wool ami other tnetchmid./e consigned to them tor Ml • in-i'l i gfeaggga |S49_ Hlerchauu' Transportation Lins* via I'L.nNnVi.Vania u.sai.a kaii. koads, T>' PUIHUIt.-HU AND B*' i:.U -St fl’linrarnLi, ai.d Kail Read- :t-*~ open, and 1 ~! vooit ord* r. *vc m. prcj-areu !•' forward all I ;d» ofa*c:i-!]a’iisi*.f n- ’ pr.n'uv to rhi.a.ie’pbia and II i.Umi.rv, w.ih plomp'ri. i* a J itch atci., uud on at rood u'tmJ Mi ti: :■-v r I.i » C a '.f ANUI.TV A Co- Cana. l-t* nn »L Fiit*-.urcb. A6MTB-CHARI,-> KaV.N'oK. !'!■'tts.iCipoia. mrt? K< >S I-. Mt) KKII.L *« ■ ’ B» !- i no re 11. W C. BID'VSLL, Ucavrr ] S 41) nikitciia.vr»' wav kukiuiit Libit. For U .ur*vi ;r. joli..»t«wi». lloUntu) suuigh, aud „11 Hiirr'i.rdi.ve place* |,me wiH con ..mir to c arry nil Way Goodr. I V nil :n>-r u-uai de*pu;eti. and at fjir ratef of A M'AM '.TY A. urzh Rim:si ~rs , 'nrae • Jordon, e*uh A Sinclair Dr F jHioeiibergrr. R .Moors, John Parker. > F Non Bonn* hor*' A Co. \k *n le*hcner A e*o. Jo<> M Devi;! A Bma, John Ivory. Suintt. Mulhollan A Ray. Jno t,r i(T A 1 o. Ulaifav.t'e. mshd7 is 49. UtßTtr and Erlt Ripruit packet Line. It. U PARKS, Leaver. Proprietor. Tin: new anil degiu: l'j**encer Pnekrla, i. N 1 A<« *R A. Cai'l H H Jeffrie*; Pennsylvania, LAKK. ERIK. QUKKN CITY. “ JMcHalli: Forming n duly Line between Beaver and Krie, have commenced rvntimc and will continue during the «ea mjii to make tii- n re-uiut inp«. leaving Beaver af,er the arrival ai the morning boat f'ctu Pi tsWargb, (l o' ctock. r u) and arrive .it Krie in limr (or psuaergera lo take the mnrtvug Loan io Buffalo or at* (he L&ko Tickcu ilirough 10 Knr and all Lake port*, e*m bi bail by application :o JOHN A CAUtiMKV. Aet, comer ot Water and Bs9 bbU Solemn, far tale by «fU ; t B FLOYD tea Aereo Coal i*an4 fe*S*l*> OITUATKDon the MonongahetaTlvefiApOAt I6nn!e» t 5 from Pituburrh and 3 mile* aboTe third to the immediate iictgfcborfcopd of Alcoa ra. Lyon A.Snortw and Mr. John Horton'* parehiue. Tblf fine body 9t Coal will tx- sold at thr low price o( 83fJper metC 11 OO® third >u :>*rd. botooee u> Lve equal annual payment*, vrij'-ont Title indiiputaVio. Location tTMjr good —cjn'.m b-r iurpaj*ed. For further particnlaft enuu.tc ni S ItAJ.SI.EY, who hu* a draft Of *ohl pery R*M«lri'ce 2d «L below Ferry, Mr Adam*’HO* • N li iti«»r team r.i coal on thi* Intel, abou< fin attire the low*“i, oi etcelleni *l tt ** l *7*_ jvtpvdtr »■ it COUNTRY nKSIDESCKFOR^itBIfIIK cpj lo ACRES of GROUND. situated neariho jjjg Pittsburgn ami Orreusbnrpli Turnpike, 31 mite* •i*troa ihr city, find adjou in# the Allegheny Cem etery, on winch i» creeled a large and well fitu*h«fl two rtiory brick Dwelling House.together with Rafale*! carnage buuir, Ac. There u al*o on the prctniM* A large variety of fruit tree*, and a spring of annual CX« eeli-ncr contiguous to the dwelling. ja!3 WM YOUNG. 143 Liberty »t Valuable Real Batato for 9al«> THE subscriber will sell, at private sale, that vain* hie Propenv, on me Fourth street rood, adjoin!of hi* presort residenro, and give possession immediate ly Thrro are about TEN ACRES OFCHOICE LAND, ia a high stale of cultivation. The improvement* an a Jorge nod well finished brick D'*VKLLINO HOUSE) a superb Darn, and other onl building*- Adjoining the dwelling is a running Fountain and n good Pump, which fitrnishe* * constant supply of excellent water. Tliero is a variety of Fruit Tree* and Shrubbery on tho premise* lithe above described property il not sold soon, it will be rented for a time Also, for file, a large LOT. on Pennsylvania A venae, at the end or the baard walk. Imjuire-of e ptdfhn DAVID BEELEIL y W |B>hl» Haal E»«*U far g>l». TH E Trustees of the •Western Theological Seminary havine decided to sell, on perpetual leaie> « pop lion of their property in Allegheny cut, offer on Tery favorable terms, from 30 to fill Lota of different A warrantee title will be riven A plan of the lota eta be »cen at No. L 3 Wood strtet. For particulars, enquire of either of the tutdetslcsed Commutee. JOHN T. Ieitt twn story InJcJr lilt! dwelling bouse, situate on Lacoclt street, a few doors above Audsrsou street, Allrglieny city, contain* i g five room'*, ball and and wash house—covered with slate. Pleasantly located - quire of F.U'iU.ND WILKI SS, y ct apl'itf near 'be head of woind si Ttlntblt Property for belt. IS THK NINTH WAUL) OK I'nTtiBUROH —Sot* rr»l l.oi« on BoJdwix and Liberty street*. in the 9ih Ward. feet i>y luO. and adjacent the proposed depot of the Central Railroad. For icrroa inquire of CHARL.BB B. SCULtY, or JAMKSCTUARA, Burke's Building, dill it MFROM Ist of April next on reasonable terms, to food tenant*. six comfortable two story Brick* Dwelling*. with ect!ft>e. vaults and back build ing*. situated on Robinson aud Cratr streets, Allerba ay city, Enquire of gVVEITZLK A REED, »iars:dtf Olfico Third st, opposite St Charles Hotel FOR SALE. MA FINK two story lines House, pleasantly situated on the hill directly bacK of Mr Andrew Watson's property, o*-ar Pennsylvania avenue, in-- nouer and lot will be sold very low for cash. For further information apply to D W. fc A. 8 BULL, Attorney* m Law, 4th street, betwcou Southfield and O f npl3:tf STORE TO LET. MTO I.LT, for one or more year*, the three sto ry Ur ck Bubding on Wood street, and adjoin, mg the shop and store of Kot>en H. Hartley. Th- two upper »ioti,es have been filled up m a dweL Imp hou*<■, and may !>c »ti.l *o occupied ji' a leuaiU w.-nrs mrtr.Vttf • \KvII.LK B CRAIG. POR SALE, i ON frrora'ne lerms- \ L-*. of Oround on the south ' side of I'enn stree., near Hie MonoiifaHcJa river, irontmg -t) f--*[ on J'l-i.n ttirct. nnil extending 110 feet in deptn n» u• mif Williams. Po-Jid , -*ioii given immediately Inqaire of jni M liU.l.s (c ROE, {J4 Liberty at * B Lots In Blridrtnglxam for Sale* 'I’HE sub»cnb«.r oir.r»i.i »sle lour very desirable l outldiiig I on, siiua'c on Carson street, between Cr.ug and .lEKee *treet», in the Uorough of Uirraingj ham These lot* tireirei m front and lou fc> i deep to a *A) feel alley Title ittiii*put&lita. and a potUap only of the purchase money repaired at time Of sale. Fbr further particular. npp,, io WM. BAKK'VEI.!- Ailorney at Law, Bahe»r.il'« Buildings Grant at MTO LET—A large brick Dw*"Ui< House, ■unable for two families situated oa Federal ureel, Allegheny, übove Mr. Graves’ store. •Vniy to . f{ LEE,, fchtS) Liberty st, opposite ath TWO HOtTSfCsi AKD“LOTS~P6h SALId Jed, TWO LOTS o.t uAivr-.r street. mine city of fc~- AH*-gneny. above mo upper l oifnnons, on « nick “ erected a frame bonding, two sione* High, suitable, ’or two small tenement* Tit* mis are ench twenty icct hi mini t>y one iiu idre- l et deep and run bark to s street forty reel wirt*- l"iie hiuiiling* on the pro •ti.ee* win i>u. a very bamlsotne mi rest on Hie invest menu and me property whl be »old cheap lor eush. Apply io U Sprout. CieriFs olLce. U. S o» to _ nnygb KAV ACo FO&. r PKN LOTS, icn oy r.u nuiated on the higher l ground. a"il iruii mg nn Uio wide Nortu Common* m the Vuen& Viaia Kxiension TeriOa S7uu, cuaJt JA.ML3 RuWNjHJN, WM o>H. ROBINSON*, Idinga, St Clair st FOB. SALK; • AFARM »itnate *n «ihar-.ier*Creek, in Robm'OQ io«K»tii|i, a iioui fi/e tmie* fcom Pnuburgh. coa«Ji« Umir.s £-0 aoea. wiih ibe allowance. Kauairo of W, u'H. KUUiNSON. Aiiomey tu Law, Kxihungtt Hat'duigl. C.lair ft ’Jti Bolt'-' Scotch ISottom Ltnd lbr Bate. . ' T'EN ACItKbOI* LAND, situated lit Heebie* town* *bip. on the Mononsaiirla, three taile* from Pin*, ‘’unth—m !ou to sun purrlia»ert. For further panic, ulaia appiy to Henr> Wood*. :»d «i. or to , A WASHINGTON, novtW-dlf 4tn, above Stbillifietd at ,Si"‘WAREHOUSE FOBa'A'ui-Thc .lll,.;rfbcr jSjjl oilers (or sale the three story brick Warehouse on Wood street, occupied by R. Tanner* Co. *|M7 WM. WILSON, Jr. VALUABLE REAL l-STATPoN PENN STREET FOR SALK —A Lot of (irouud situate on Penn •treet, between Hay and Mnrbu-y streets. adraining ine house ami lot now occupied 1., Rtenani Edwards, hiving a from ol U 4 (eel. and in depth I*o feet, will be miIJ on favorable term*. Title ujceieepuoitable. Efl* quire of 0 u LOOMIS, 4tß M.near Wood. iw’tMl-dtf 4 DESIRABLE But'dri* Lot m Allegheny city, fa jTi. voratuy t.,caied. i. s ir. »i-oui half an acre, and ' i.l be -old on accommodn'inc ‘erma. Inquire of fewl J ll WILLIAMS, lluwnMri. a--. FOR RENT—A rixnti m Utc seeo-iu •to:y. No, jyi/ja Wood .ireot >«a» &retnwoo(TGard«n> ‘ 'T’Hi*' del.* iii ui Summer Hr ire at is now open for the 1. fecepi on of Vinters lee Cream*. Fruu, Nutt, Confectionary. and »H the good tnn-g* nature and art can produce, wrll be served up in this beat raanner.la me Sa!o'*«- The Tea Table will be ep etui at 6J o ctk every evening Conducted on Temperance principle*, and closed on Sunday. Bouquets of the choicest Flowers put tip at tbo abort* ctLPOpre A large eo'lectton of the choicest variety of Green* house Pistils, Dahlias, and Annual Rowing PlauD,for Tne new steamer THO* SCOTT will be ready, in a lew day*, 10 run t'roil ute l’omt lo tae Garden. "P 4l J McKAHS*. HEDICAL *. SURGICAL UKm*?" No ca, diamond allbV, r V few doer* below Wood street, Ip? V market ? ou. uuowa, Mating 6eea rrfuiaiiy cilucaicil to uxe medic* protessioa, and been for *ocj® tipi* in general pracuco, now coaHnef tii* •ueuuon lo iht I realms cl of Ihote private and delicate coni puuiiH ‘ft which bis opponnulueg aid peculiarly qosldv to nut)/ tt treatment of Uio»e time lie ba* bail raorr pricum *
      ccdy, permaaont and »aUAfacioryNsipt-io all afflicted with delicate disease*, and all disease* 'ariainj tte«l from _ _ * Dr Brown would inform those olllicted wuh on*»V t diseases which base become chrome by tune Oi •»! ftrnvatcd by the use of wiy of the pommon uoiuumsoJ the day. that their ooraplmuis can be radically &ud thora oughly cored; he having given his oore/ol attention to the treatment of surli ca*«s. and succeeded in huntireda of 11HUU1CC* in curing |-xson» of iodaimnation of it. neck of the bladder, an-t kindred diaesjcj which often r—ult from those cates where oita«* have cotuicneS tln-m to nopeicts despair. He particularly inviteTimS a> have been long andtmsucceruuily treated bv othew t<» consult hint, when every satisfaction will bt m... them und Ihuir cut. >re,U: