THE MTSBimiiH UAZEITE. PUBLISHED BY 'VIUTK A CO PITTSBDIIUUi FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 20. 164®. ira-rSTpinwcMH Putt Gxzsm i* P ab *“^ aod Weekly.—The D*il/'* nadvene t. M « PHILADELPHIA SOUTH AMJJ- Ic a Advenieemew* imd«ub«npuon» » T lean and United State* GtueUe, Philadelphia, reeel and forwarded from line oSfire. n«zt p»B« tar T«l«Br»ph ,c »•■«»■• Por Local Halter* ■•« » ,xt PMl** L.CTTSE Box—The ■•G*t*u Later Bex.- b*» been removed from Us old sttusuon, a win ow nearer (be Post Office. lo our paper, yeHterdoy morning, we gave ou readers ibe Foreign News “telegraphed exciusin ly-foribe Pilfburgb Geiefle." may be imagined, tber when we fouod ihe samei iden tical despatch in the “Commercial Journal, an purporting to have beeu despatched tor per. A* wc do not wish to have ourselves triafle rediculous by claiming “e*cla».ve inteH.g eß leas wo are ijoitc certain 0/ it- nor to .near l pense without enjoying the benefit, we r iVn* Jouroel became oCcur aMpueef ■> re * e, " < ‘ ' b ' ”'7 contract to furmsh ua, and .. per, with .ho copy, to »>■«=»" ” >-“' d W " U ' ▼aluable consideration- , w » nir,... If.. surreptmeusly obtained*» «■“»“ ' and appropriated wholesale lh ° Journal ,t was «•« bo, ‘° rab per *”' could hove committed, particulurly wheel a eon .idered .hat we P-J I°™* for * U '‘ Wabnvo reason for behoving that .1 was not de .parched Cot the Commercial Journal, and thr ,1, Element 10 .bat effect .» onlrnc. How il *. obunned Son. ibis »««, we have aol yel asoe lained, but shall utc nil necessary means .0 ferrel II oul, and to prevent the recurrence of such ap *' propriation of our property m luture. Tbi Folatcm News by the Europe, though seemingly fevonlbft.lo the peace til Europe, wiU j scarcely be satisfactory to the American public, j Tbe struggle for independence m lluly, with which , it waa.impossible not to sympathise, it vdbuld ap- , pear, is, for the present, crushed. Our telegraph lo despatches speak of the abrupt and decisive termination of the conflict between Sardinia and Austria, and of the complete prostration and abdi cation of Charles Albert. This is not so explicit a. might be wiahed, as we are left tn some uncer tainty a. w the fact. 01 the case. But we infer that a decisive bulllc has beer, fought and lost by tbe Italians. This living the case, nothing, in tbe opinion of our telegraphic ,'orrespondenl, stands in the way of " permanent prosperity " but the Danish quarrel. The poor Italians mny think differently. Tbe "order that reigns in Warsaw is not exactly that which they desire. The leaden rule ol the Austrian must be for ever baleful to them. Bat we have, in the absence of all details, no disposition 10 comment further. We cannot omU tbe occasion. However, to reiterate the wish that telegraphic reporters would confine them aelvea to facts, and ienvo us lo draw oor own in ferences. It may be Ibal. the prostration is not so complete, and that ibe.obslncle. lo what our correapondeot deems a «salisfdctory adjustment of continental difficulties,” are notan farffemoved as he suppose-, and we fervently hope that such may turnout lo be the [.,«. We consider the continuance of the Austrian in Italy as by no mean, desirable, and should be ve.y well eontenl to see him driven out. In the meantime we must bear the suspense as be.*: we may. nil lb, bring us somelhmg like ino irtuh. Thb u PosT.'' —We are that thus* supposed tbe cession U the encourage- , ment and vindication of lawless ontrage and not was caused by a chance < 1 senuncot m ibe edi tor, are doomed to bo mist lien. Foronrown part, wn have thought that it waa but a little flinching trout the exasperated public tenement caused by the burning of tbo Union Cotton Factory, and that me destructive doctrines which have character.- ixed tbe Post more than any other paper In Amer ica would again be put form whenever pub ic opinion had, resumed ns n-n.l A hit tie not .mended—bol salt letting out tbe editor's bent, appeared in that paper on Tuesday, which sufficiently shows that we were not mistaken—that the snake, though scotched, is not kilted, and need, but a very l.ttlc sun.hmo 10 enable it again to .pit us venom upon the comma* nil. which harbor, :t. The retimed we allude u>, ocean, ia s aotice < I'lhe Examine,. For though the cd.loroft.e Po*ianno. consts lenlly with bis superlative d.gmts*lnany way ao tice bo trifling an advent ss that of the “ Mercury, ' into his own district, he makes np 6r the neglec by special attention to the progress and prospects of.'Jhe little Loeofoco sheeLs m the neighboring town,; meting out hi. good words and wishes ac . casing to the measure of their respect,re merits. The Beaver Star, we lesra, codes to him m m iateroved form. The Cndu Seolioel has change* proprietors, sod the incomer, have the Post . bg. mfhhes. But the higtesl e.ilogiums of .he Post aje reserved lor the Washington Examiner. Bui We must hens let the Post tel! d- own story really rejoiced io hear tbat the Exnmiljjlr ,a ln W .°^,Vedpro, ;r roo,coad,i,oe ouo U,» «7n„re u, mdepeodem lone, Sncorropuble choree,er. Tbcrcus DC>mou*Jg -coa»ervaUßin. n (which w unother Dame for l«Wf alismj about tbs Examiner It is « rodicnl, propfe*- ■itc sheet,—bold, fearles-. meompromising. Maj U, audited coed,.clora live a thousand vear. ~ ■No mousing eona.ry.uan. " There Mon.iter ] Proudhon atauda reyealed na fully as though Jbe oonfeasiou hud been made la a thousand word. *No mousing conservatism:” No, nothing but ,de kestnlion. War at heart, upon all existing relation, and institutions. Openly, at drat, to be aure. upon .those only which are weak nod Idas! able trfde 'fend ihsmselyea Hence, property and its rlghta are drat attacked, under pretence of defending the righta of labor— a. tboogh ilia yery bigbeal rigbl of labor waa nol to gam and enjoy property. '. Bat we bad no ioteuuon to nrgoe ihe matter, nor pur- OOM waa merely to .how that tho Post, thongb for silenced, at.ll u. most peau l«Dt and destructive leolunenla. Not conleDtc with the firebrand, wb.cb .. ha. already thaown into the commaoity, .1 bn. awaiu the opportunity when it cun be done with safety, to oommen.fe the work again. Already, by b.s presence amopg us, and by the vehicle which his paper affords for .bier aad equally perverted minds with bis own, ha, this miserable imiiator of the monstrous ex halation! of France indicted n greater .Injury upon our cilice tbaa any physical calamity .imuld havo done; yet, not content with the almost irre puable mischief which be baa already indicted— DOC awed by the' scorn which ho almost every Where meets, he has tbe audacity to proolaim hi. lotted of all conservatism. 1.1, bn. -.nolbcrnama for federalism," by wb.cb me Post me.a.AVhig principles. Be so. We accept the dedmuoe. ■ We were for a long h.c n versa to (rive tinn a party character. lsßiigh codsiqu. that a. a we bad every imag gem. and bqf very Co lose by that course. I. is true, as Ibe Poal aava, tbat the Whig. deal., to P™™ «■' ?*■>■»- ration, and the liberty rrguW Sy fo”, » d lbe jeapecj for law, which have been banded down 10 ua by our illustrious lorefnthere. But while Ihia ji irre of all Whig., it is also true or the great mass oftbe Democrats also- • Tbe Amencao people are, -what tbe Post *0 much deapiaea. emlneelly m»,rrvor,w The «!■ rampt to make French jacobma, social!.... cOmmrn mu. or of them w.U signally fad. The bad pa'tdona, envy, bate a.d bloodthlrstmeri which oJcdaionaUy take posac.sion of the French —sple and make them demon, rather than men, .w incomprehensible to tbe Anglo Saxon mmd.- Bred for a Ihouaand year, ia tba aru ol aeUgovera ment—iff the right, secured bjr the Magna Chart. _trab«* corpus, trial by jury, and repreri.qf.hnn _,hc very iualincta of .bo Sura are conservrilve r I.wand order He dc.p.aes tba despot,am ol many M moob«U..tof^tba few. Indurinon. end earnest in the acquisition of property, he la Joaalliao. bkc bis kinsman over.the we- i ,«tnicwbalphlrs“ l “ i ''“ d “l* 1 "' ‘ -imriec. without much complnmt, tel When, little pi S* aermusly invaded,’^whether *™ whether by the dirgu fir. of ,he incendiary. , tii lhal its Pori m rengonheo *" •> „ >obet .penfihought" bo very aure “V***™- riith which it ha teo” *“ “jjT ~_ ... j.- \ __ Tw- ~~.Q t mu- OOAP—li 4 bx* Palm Scsp. lauding tro— Th* tlll A greater amount of I to follow, and lo ov.iwku >-/ *' «, zA. G,IZ 4,,r>. g pimp LuiLZ. W Z Yet, ba* in I ““ /j”g ft LTttU ««.*. legnlalum no Performed by the l>U Lap.loß.re -Hater, Scott, Hubbard, nod Marun now ««reed ,k, Scm«m <m U* fir* T*tsJ*y of, ahowing that every city m .be Slate .. Wbi«- ; TTONEY DEW STBUP-I. bbi. thaa wu over previously don. la one *»■<>» m lfuy „n» of .hen. Would g,.« on. .he. Mhere ,A,™„.* of U. I Or* : They are named, a. <bUow:-Bu,Wo. Reefer ' r “ p ' '“"‘“.‘i"”" °T A *fira LaL«LI Ihiß Btate. More than five hundred acu were we re not to wait for him lo die. botto posh on, and anwary, «w * 6 . , Q n , *rhenecia<ly ■ - ™ nMaed mine n > ,h. m rtf m „,k imr^„nnce . We i try and save themselves. this mournful cov- »f AprU. 1649. Aubarn, Syreca*, Oswego, l-aca. S'” 0 ” / a ’ , , t l * o r j ma 1 enanl had 10 be kept. But let me not anticipate The following is a bat oi Acts passed by tie Aibany. Troy. Hudson, New Brooklyn, find a list cf them in the Pluladtlphu » e »enw Sufficient for each d»y t» ‘he sorrow | ate c f lbe Legislature of this Stale. Nev- i remarlcB lhe PbUadrlpbia American, was never king five or six columns, in fine type. We ro®* thereot er were so many betore paused st a single *«v • , t u_, , n ih«? counties raenee their'publication, and will continue them -‘At night Kerne's party encamped a few h'ind- s:on They number 52a in all, and perhaps 100 , '’ . . ier aggregate - ... .. . , _„j shall r«d yn f d* Irom Haler », witu the intrnliou. accord* 0 | uiese are omnibus bills, embracing, on average, throughout toe State there nag from day to day until they are finished, inglo Taplin.lo remain where they were until the nave a dozen btils on different subjects Some numbt , r of Whig Supervisors than were ever c them,altogether ta our next weekly ; relief should come, and in the mean lime to .ive are not y el approved by the oVefQOr ’ 1 sen a t anv one previous election. will be foetid interesting to every cilixeu. who • upoa t j, o4e wbu ha j d e(J an j upon lhe weaker lhe divorce bills wui not be, those which were a m will learn from' it what our LecisUtare did during ! ones as tney should die With this party, w-ere p n **ed early in We sess.on having become law- QEKERsL TAYLOft Win team trera it warn oor )re i the three brother. Kerne, Captain Cathcart. McKie, bv the operation of the len day rule, without n.s , f„« Caivss. the seenOQ, Information that is 1 j Andrews, gtepperleldt, and Tapim. I do not B ,goarore. Those divorce b.lis which were nol . Bi Mas. E W. Foots from the thoss of matter pubbshed e P | jj DOW tri at I have got all the natuea of this party, presented to the Governor ten days before the ad- {.' or whom 1 inmphant shout* now *' r * rreasof legislation • i ‘‘Ferguson and Beadle had remained together journment of the Legislature, will lie over, aqd For whom' Irom every height an « T; -holiah imbtiaXratmnff* behind. If the evening Rohrer came up aod re- not beooroe laws except by the operation of the Qicne dealing ocr the lreetn9n ■< esr Among uiem is an act to adi'ertiain* mained in Kerne s party. Haler learnt afterwards three day rule, alter the meeting of the next Le* The “notes omnipotent to cr.eet ailogetlfec, *o that the officeis w o r from some of the party that Rohrer and Andrews i gitlaiure. i ’Ti* he, the Chief! tin, vnwa and brave parades tiiay save themselves tte trouble. A sma Whn^TVl i ...i ;n « next morning and died. They 1 RekliVe lo lhr tf4tat< . of James Coleman, de. . 'Tu be. who tnumphs b “ l 1 ’ *V '*• . . - tnn all liable to service, and who »ay they uior bydies. , . ! With wreaths immortal twme tax irsu rromoanv • Haiti - party cotii nutd on. After a few aours , T the • Metbodi«l And let the starry banner uow, do not a volunteer company. Hubbard gave out. According to the-agreement Authorizing the Trustees!a >he Thal o er hmi waved in yonder he.d The Cotanren Sctool I* >l» «-orjan.2- b(j w>> Jic Wi(h , QC \ „ MU |J thureh. .a .. borrow money. , Ak)|l bo bunJ mo „ m yielo- . be given him. They him a fire and gathered . To authorize w»e Humane Fire Engine Lompa- lt lhere > hall tell the Conquerorb tame, him some wood, aud then left him—without turn ny, of the co inty of Philadelphia, to sell certain The unsullied honors of hia nao.e The - i og their heads, as s*y». to look at b.m as | real estate. Columbia's Petnot, just and true, Ihry went otf j beclariog the streets and alleys in certaio addi The praise of freemen is his due^ “About two further, Scott—you remember i i, on « u> the town oi Danville, m ( ’o.umbia goouty. As Cincinnati firm, yet >an him; he Used lo shoof birds lor you ou the iroutier public highways. l"Or honor ai'd his nauve —he gave out. He was analoer of too, W l»o , Supplementary to an act. entitled ‘‘An act to , Pbe sbnung steel in }>siJe lie (rev.. conveuniiteil against waiting tor ear i other. The j tne title ot the Iren. Greene lk-neticihl The steel defeat that neter new. survivors did tor trim at they uad don' 1 'or llul*- ' Society, of tho city and comity .'I Pluladelphm, to ; Thu« when the nob.e eec was one, bard, and pusrH-d on. certain ground rents.'' passed tne ‘dMh day ol Tne tiattle lougbt, the vu.lory wou. "In me ol'lcrnoon .Ik; 'wo Injiaii U-'V- went M .reb. IMS. . Tno *..»«•■>* """"I In P , - a ''' w *' *, '“ blessed be these Lry* —and hei.sro mgnt- To authonzu Francis W. Hushes to sell and ( lame ? undf.dmg laure.s wreataeo Jail met Godev wifn the rebel. He had gon* 1 on convey certain real estate. . In war. the t.tueftain loremo-t m>o , with aii speed The b. ys gave him the news— Supplement to the net. entitled “an act to in- . a warrior, taough no tnnn <•! blood, He tired signal guts lo notify hi*ttpprotten.& ll^fr corporate the Equitable Lite Insurance Company. ’ | n peace, the tiv--rmg nHimi s will heard the gun« and knew tbe crack ol our rifles- j incorporate me Sl|Anne s Widows' Asylum ' Proclaimed lhe hen' honored st. I and lelt that rchef had come. This n.ghi was the 0 , Philadelphia. Nor weal, noi wo e'er caused brow first of hop- and j-ay. Early in the morning, w-ilh | i‘ or m e rel.ef <.f George W. I’atton. ; To any but ms God t.' bow ( the first grey light. Godey was in the traii, and A further Mipplcment to an »'-i to eosbie the To Hun. his krvrni pr«\er herai-ei. soon met Haler and the wreck of his party slowly Governor to appoint Notaries J’ublic, and tor otfi« His high and holy name j>rm*ed. advancing- l near that tr.ey all cried mgeiher like er purposes. When war's ensangu ned dree; was oer, C hildK*n—th«:*e men ol iron nerves and lion hearts. Auth.-rucing tbe payment to Mr*. Jane ( And peneeful nmlrit t K vi:an ve >-hore. wnen dangers were to be laced or hardship* '*< be widow ol Franci* K. Shnnk. deceased, of a cer- , * * t . * * conquered Tr.ev were at. children m tins mo- IBUI balance of the unininl mi I ary <*l the •<"* Eg- Behold ou yot.der Oislant ;ln.n meni of melted heart* Succor wn.* *o<>n dealt out ecutive. . Amid the trampled and l; r sia.i. jp!o to llic*e few fir*t met. and Godcy wth h a relic!, Relative to the claim of J. W. Hammond , fumoved the conquernt Lreticroi slan », isolL BUTTER— lit bid* tv K ire*h Roil Uuurr, and accompanied by Haier. who turned back, her* Regulating Turnpike and Plank Road Uouipn- ' A nd points tl}c war and e' tt *;-.‘imiianoj ju’«t received per »tmr Kn- and riedlv followed the back trutl m search ofthe Itvtog nies . . The warrior*of Uoiumbu flv; ipiy }U r \ NtjEl_-J> and the dead, s'-attered m the rear. They came a. Mipplemeut lo the act. entitled “an net to m- Resolved to conquer or to die. , iReaM CHKi->K- uuu i.i* ;u«: o<• u ." llJ ' u , r .. ‘.*' e to Scot; first. He was vet alive, nnd t» *nved' corporate the village ot' YinmgsvsHr. in Warren j And 1C see yonder Eagle sweep i>y spin ___ R i.A.N . • They came to Hubbard next he was dead, but co «imy," approved the 10tn day of March, b-t?- J Majestic through the azure de<*i-. t \ iiTATOFJ*—Uisibiuu per meuiner Voiuwwai;, mr std! warm. These were the only one* oi Halers To aulhiir-ze llannati F. Jones and Elizabeth, Hear h.tu in heavenward flgfcl, »»ir Ijv nplfl Kitr.V. MaTI’HKVVj* Ac ( » anv that had been ie:t. , F. Chambers to -ell or d.spore of certain reut , pmebum the veteran warrior’- imghi- / ioTTU\-'»t> bale per amr Do.psm'i. to? tv “From Kerne', party, next met. they icnrnl the eslatt . , he paused above the firld. f ■ KHKY deaths of Andrew* ai,«l Roiirer; and a Ictie fiirlber Relative to Harnsburgh Portainouth. Mount | And saw the foe* ol freedom v<ld. y > AVON —to.uwi it>« aa'wrl'* I llaia*. >i-lei un'l r>hoal on. met Ferguson, who told ’diem that Beadie bail j o y AII J Lancaster Kauroad Company. t When hi'iiieward -pec! hi* rapid way , er . f or ga > |,y KHEY, MATTHEWS A t'«* died the night before. Ad the living were tound— T,» confer on Elizabeth Anderson, ol Greene j To tell ‘he triumph* 'Ttnui ds\ apl j, and saved—Manuei among them—winch kicked coun ty, the rights and privileges cl a child bora in l Tinne <ye was nx-d on l.ianer nun -f-vniRD FRIIT-IWU naih UneJ Reache*, 'joo ao like a resurrection—and reduces the uumiwr ol | a wfu! wedlock. Than rose fom tiaitie a louil a- wa.n,, _Ls Jo Apple*, for »ale hy the dead to lea —'Hie Imrd of the whole party p or repeal ol the twrntv-lhird section 1 1 the Now wear the inure - Hu.u na»t won npiv RMKY. MA IT UK tv RA ( which a few day* before were scaling tlie mouu- ael uicorporntirg the Pbiliulclphln amt West Chrs- ’ Virg'o-n 4 bruv c an-1 iml.*e *oi ( \! < >l- mu l.i I* inn tm inn ioaZ coper rage i lam with me, and batt'ing with me elements twelve ter Turnpike < W ,th \v« ep nc eve n.ii ecin mj uUI 1 p< nmr Con-tguee. ioi »u.c uy thousand leet in the uir. Relating to inve.-iigulicn* into the alfairs ol A native oi thy own lair Istid. »piu RHI.V , M aTFIIK" >A i « “Godev had accomplished Ins mission for the banksor saving* m*iiiu:ious applying to the -eg - -" WouM threw fu* w.dum ow ry wre* '■ i yUER'‘KINS-(t pack* Deer Skin*. 6Jo Iftar Jo people' a further service had been prescribed h.m. lalufß t or 1 Thy star oer lighted way beneath. 1 ±) lor .ale hy uplf RHEY. MATTBKWS kCo that of going to the (amp on the river, at the base Tu incorporHle lbe , [n cr,c.wi Telegraph Lorn* , N or rich, nor datzu.g they bear. • , I(|a)fra _ |U() ; ti Rlo Colfw ,u*.rec J ..,d .or of the great mountain, to recover the most valuable pany . Nor fragiance vweet »p-n ‘-e »if j WJe , broVY.N a CU.tiKTt 1 soN ot the baggage, secreted there. With *ome Mexi* a furtner supplement to an uct mulled “An act Bm from a grairlul heart they r,*e a pu* I-Ueri) »t cans and pack mules he went on, and th.* is the lo inoorr>ora t, r Hie Trustee* ot the Fire Association , Like odor* lo nulumal *k es TOpa_ls uair- prune VV-.ieni N VorkiHopn 14 laki vet heard ol him of Philadelphia." passed March tweiiiy-sevrntb, - • • -* f-l j 0 Ma**achu»eu» Jo, »n -loie »id for «»"■ tfy \Wn? Mart.u and Bacon, all on im W». A. **«»',?;**«;{** BROW N k CLUBER^N fjol, »nd brmgi>( S«*l b ‘" J»* To »l borne lie .«Kr !,,..orrr lo >«rw _ f&S&taL P '”* r y , £TA« CANBI.KS-ie H- 5'- «•' Cuolie- ,«« re arrived at the outside Puel-lo on the LiUle Colorado- niOo ey v-n temporary onn ; t 1? mrntlt O cn.ed md i-.r ink M Provisions lor tne support, and noree* for tbe tram To enable certain parties lo confirm a partition , t m aplti BKiiW .N k< l ..BKR I 4 -' eon. were leil ti-r me otters wno |.relrf»ed >o EL. Where we* were, reer,,.,'..? ~me -Bensih. 1, I (K-Jev J»*a «el Wes. wouiJ have reiehej lhe l.uie I o-b„' la» Haler came eh lo relieve n.v apxielie., auJ iiJ well in >o dome, lor 1 wa, wooiol up lo We pom of ,eumg oul , ? .m When Godey return. I .ha I know from linn all ibe circunulance, jiiHeienl J in detail to understand dearly every t.nug it wd! not be t.ece--ajy to let! you ““Y lUin S ' ur ' tber. Tmt have the results, and sorrow *ncu*h m reading them . |H - -Etvuing-How rnp.d sre the change* .1 Me A few days ago. and I wn* through anow u w. ,«vage U V.l-U, Inn upper Del NorU-Sure-- ,„g lhe cour-eof the fr. ran river :n more »,. «■ „,h will —no Ulanket to one freezing nuihl.— l bed -old my Iwo lo the l lah f.r he'n i, inv n eri—uneeßam al whnl uiou.enl of the highl we Jhe muacd by lhe Indian n«e I—doubtluVrrv d„ul,lfa,, whelher 1 -hould , ve, ,ve vou or friend, ana n. V.w la™ «aled l,y » -cmfonabie 6re, al me |..r.u.n S mV own a-nnak 10 vou in me cennu.iy ol rr.vbmj you— , French eliunre of Ba'z.v on .be lahle-a wi -red an lit of me dt oiuuibu* ta-t-re me -*•-« *ng m *Af-*tv to th« f««»ng *t«nn wuho-.t ••You wit': w:sr. to know wnat effect tn.* -erne. ' have r»t»»ed ihrougti nave had op-ui me. lo ~er*on. none. Tee destruction «I my psrtv. not tie loss of friend*, arc cause* ■- 1 gnei but . aye DOl been injured ID body or mind --Uhaie . ei, •tr.tined. and severe,V taxed, but nriihrr hur. , have -een cne cr the an .. nur • tl ve wav in s.rerg irame*. 't'-aog mind-, and *i -u oeart* . but. a* heretofore. I ,m 7 ~n d, hurt 1 believe that the retnenwraiKe ot Ir . no .... « .yvi-rr o: rr*:«tance wq> d...v* ■ tie desire k> '« * ut *- w appropriation bill provides for '.he pay ibe interval on the State debt in current ,ds. instead of the depreciated curreucy hereto cfo much complained oC It also authorizes . id relief .note* to the amount ol >«e Already out, which latter are to be called id td destroyed. htAl suspends lbr„lbe period of threr years the clause o! the old act, by wmen $50,000 o those notes nre to l>e destroyed every three ißontbi This tnfcasure, it is said, wi.i save the Suite 5”0. 000 to S'/S,OOO pet annum in interest. A new revenue bill, it U estimated. wiil bring the treasury from $2OO 000 to $->OO,OOO from :B not heretofore drawn upon. A provision t* made for tne completion ot the North Praoch Canal, and. for avoiding the mciuf ed pUfif'ot Philadephia. under ! Provision, la also made for asirttingluud for the payment of the state debt. Mai Dasaitt—We bad the j>l«asme yesterday of welcoming thin gentleman home. We are pleased to see that he is in the etijoymonl o| good With afler the arduous duties of hia impor tant position m the Senate. We learned from hut that the liability clause i* nut in the General .dab ufactoring Law, «nd that incorporations under it aro confined to certain specified objects, s i< h as cottdn, iron, woolens, <Scc. We are indebted to tha attention of the Hon Ktc&xJiD M. Youso, Commiaasicner of the General Ladd Office, G>r a copy of his recent annual Report accompanied Willi an Appendix eonlanmg übehu «ntem«nl»oriho deposition ol the Public Land for All purpose*, from iho K-minciieemeol ol fb‘ land sy-item np to January 1, U>ls. From the Nnuoual tnirlhgenecr 1 Col. Fr«m<W»t »nd hli Pnrtjr—Fwrfber onjl Final Account*. We rtHUiye ibo extracts from 01. PremoDt» Letters, prefacing them with some bneideseriplion ofthe localities made memorable by disaster. lor thfeinformauon of those who have not recent map *U i* kiiowukbul Ihe great Rocky Mounlaio chain. with a get:«fal direction norm and soniU. out a branch towards the southeast from between tbc beads of the Arkansas and the Rio del Norte. na#tbi- brtyish form* the dividinc ridte between iMTut-fer valleys of tbesi two river*. *cd between ttie bead waters oi tne Red river and the del Norte, and having accomplished these purposes it subside* disappears in the plains ot Texas. The big h ett pail of this branch cba.u, and the governing (Ajecrsin it-lo travellers, aru the Spanish drtt made known to American geography by the tSeo young Lieut. Pike. These Peak, are about ii north latitude 37* deg., and west longitude l irom London 105 deg, and about on a line longi tudinally with the pueblcm ofthe Upper Arkansas (distant from tbetn naif a dearee, and in sjhi They are seen td a great,distance and are guiding ob teento travellers. Tne road to S«nU Fepassesbnow these peaks, and crosses the chain about iwl oeg tte\ south - CoL Fremool passed above them. * eiuered the valley of the Del Norte bish up a«x»x the Mexican *oSjUement% and ftb,We \! Wc 1 s-;,ck ‘ ade. aud intendSd. lo follow the Del Norte lo ii> head, aod ercM the great Rocky MountaiA chain through 8 'me pa« lt, erc to be bund. He wa.- ■ therefore. *• to speak, going mio the ljrkyi H" 1 ‘mountain into the gorge ot two mention* and at a great elcvuiton, shown by '.he fad orihe great pvere which issues from the opposite -ides, ot the Pocky Mountain* at that t»art-the Arkansas aud Del Norte on the east, the Gruad river fork ol the Colorado of the gulf of Cahlorma on, the west It was at this point—the head of the Dei Norte ( vhere no traveller had ever gone Vlure. that Co* FremonUntended to pas*, to survey b>» }*« hoe across the comment, complete hi# knowledge o. Ihn coaotry between the Mississippi F«- cific. and crown the labors of long exptordlu*«s b> showinglhe country b-tween tire great river and the great, sea to be lababiiaide by a civ.hxed peo ple and practicable for n great road, and that on Lcveral lines, and which was the best- He cad Seen reyernl years engaged in this grea. ..mor and wished to complete it. It was ine besii.n.oe ofDccember that he crossed the chain from thr valley D ?' Nj ”rj and, allbou s h llle, Wllh M« fail bebef 01 1. »■ hunter, and traders at the pueblos. the RUtd. aclu sive whom he there engaged. that he would go throuirh. He was provided w.lh every mini, to carry the men lo Cuhiornia, aud with gram to carry all the animal, across all the mountain* into the valleys olThe tributaries ol the Great Colorado of the West, where the snows would be Ijlht, wood and grass sufficient, game abundant, anllbe hard ships of the expedition all surmoual.d and le.i be hind. In two weeks he expected to be m these mild valleys. Unhappily, the go'dr “""“ill these two weeks in gelling lo ihe head oftr I*l Norte—a distance which only required lour or live days oltravcl.-n, Col. Fremqpl showed in com ing bock. This was Ihe enuse ofme Ural cslaiu II I -the loss of the horses and mules. The -am. guide consumed twenty two days, when sent ?he party lor relief, m making me distance which Col. Fremont (with U-odey, I’reuss, and a servant, wilhodl a guide, on fool, in colder weather, deeper snows, and half Tarnished, made in six. That »■» Ihe cause of the second and irrepara-le cal-mi.y the death of the men. The immdiati-sceutf of suffering in ibis great di>- aster. where the ascent o. Ihe great mountain was (breed and its summit sealed, must have been about north latitude 3b,. and wes. longitude fro,n Lon don 101, the elevation above twelve thousand lert and the time that of dead winter Lbr.sliTl-s From ibis point the noted objects.—-Pike • Fen and the three Parks, would bear about t V L nnd the Spanish Peaks about E 3. b Wllh Ibis notice of localities to which a mourn fol ,merest must long attach. *f -extracts from the remaining and final Idler, from CoL Fremont. The first of these ,s dated -Taos, New Mexico, Feb. 6. isld - After a long delay, which had wearied me m the poinfcof resolving lo set out again my.e... ._d.h S , Lavnal lasi reached me fr>m my ill-fatedl part). ■Mr. Vincent Haler came in las. high, h.ivm, the night liefore reached the Little Colorado -.tile' ment with three or lour other.. Including Mr King nnd SB. Proulx. * we have dost eleven ol ““'-firencea, since,l left them, are briefly these sn far a. they came within me knowledge nf Mr Haler: I .ay briefly, because lam now uiiwifong • ft , j- iHS G McU« 'Our obtloary de to force my mind w dwell upon the de£ l “ ° \ pftrt menl,conU.n s m.s muromg.tbe announcement basbeen suffered. ! need reprieve from mrritle of , he Mniur proprietor oMhe Arguv ' contemplations. lam absolutely a " l ° n '; h ” d 0 nnd untl! recently one of "* editors, Mr. John G thiifpersislaoce of misfortune—tbia tracces* on of M<>Une Though he had been lor *onu- um«- calamities bo care or v.gilaoce cf rame i nader he hod been well en-ngr. cpuld foresee or prevent . uim | Wlt b.n a few weeks, to attend to his , “You will remember that l had lett ; duUe s, aod for the l«*t day or two. hod seen, r,I u» l (twenty three men) whet l set off with Godey cOßfcldf . rftl) j v better, as he had been n.or- r..«n- Prea.s, and my rervanttn search of bJog anti .uc* j fjrtab , c lhßn for »o m e time previous. ll* »«■» cor. with direction# about the baggage, and w.tnoc- . QnH artt Bmo ne»t our compositors nnd . 0.1 cupation sufficieat about it to employ them tor three r u , ihc-r work through the day befnr- -e. or four day.; after which U»ey were to tollow me Wllb out thinking that they were so •**.» 10 ’down the river. Within ihat lime I expected rebel ( j- atber i e , B . Hut during the night hn d-«e-t»e from King's party, if it came at ail. They remain- 1 , attended with great general deb>bi v , ‘"'- ed «ven day. and then Marled, their want pro- • . anAt]me d an alarming aspect, and he 'bed vUiooa about exbaurted, and the dead mule, on #uo fiw yeMerday morning, the we.tern tide of the great Sierra buned under acquaintance with Mr. McLane wus imm •now. , r . , I meDCf d after our arr.val in this city during the “Manoe}— (you will remenber Manuel —a Urn* , “ w , n , er . T liough of so .hort continiiaxicf 1' lien Indian of the Cosumne inbe, in the val‘ey ol P (jf KUl r„ :le nl duration lo cause us d-ep the San JosquinJ—gsve way to a feelings ul des-j lbr „ „ has beea thus broken off. and to pair after they had moved about two miles, and u> th „ hc „„ a genllemau of a kind and L«cd Vineent Haler, whom I had fell in ™- nature, and that nnble.l work ol G,„l-nn mjnd to ahoot him. Failing to hud detth In *“ m ,„ In consequence of the sad event Ihe Ihel Ibrnt he turned aud made his Way back to the [ y „ o 0 0 f the Argus wss omitted yesterday, camp, mte-ding to die there : which b- doubtless ' wIU y, lh „ .fiernoon. To-morrow nfiernoon soon did. ‘ . . . and iherealier it will appesr as usi al. “ThfcOarty moved on, and «l ten mile.. U ise Mc Laae was one of the pioneer, tf he gave Si—threw away h.s .nkei-.nd. a , w^„rn an d as moat of those connected Sw huWred yards further, fel.-.ver ml. u,e snow - lhl , will attend bis funeral th - aod died. Two Indian hovs—traolryi .en ofMaa r ouf pßprr ~, ,».omv morning ■ Pr uel were behind. They came upon him .011.-J i ■ |„, qnaniity of reading . . u.rr llim op in his blanket, and buried him in the now lhl „ y u , u a L _ lFA«hn* flaw.. on the bank of the river. .... 1 * »■ “No other died that flay. None the next ■ OFFICIAL. “Carver raved during the night In# imaginwio.* 1 norilvTM pvTS BY THE PRESIDE n wholly occupied with image, ot maaything# which 1 APPOINTMENTS B\ it he fancied him#elft, be eating. In ** ®T re ‘ n « .1 Prescott Hall, of New Vork. ijljA ! he wandered off, and probably won died. Hewat . of , hB United Stale# lorthe »ouibern d.nrut ..1 --w °°“Sorel ua°ibi. day (the fourth from the campi * °cu a r| c s Bingham, ol Alabama to be Mar-of laid down to die. They built him a fire, nnd Mu- . lh# United State, for the southern Utslnct nn, who ifrasifl a dyma condition, and *now blind, j bamv j ihe vnlb him. There two did not brobably j James ccott, of Indiana, to b« Keg la»l till ln« u e * l morning. That evening (l thin* ! office al Jeffersonville, Indiana, d wn«) Hubbard killed a deer. okfickju or t»k cv.-toiis. ■They travelled on, gelling here and there a to Collector for Ihe Jfe.-.t CTouae, bot oolbing else, the deep snow 10 the va - . r D< P >• ty haviog driven off the game ,i° s'luei J Pelen, lo be Collector for the d.-tnet “The Mate of the party became desperate, and 1 «..<uuu I brought Haler<o the determmaiioa of breaking it ; of n Tnawlev u» be Collector tor di# !“ ,n order to prevent them from living upon each ( Benjamio Ha 1 ’ “ | other. He tol/them that he had done aU be could j tn:l of AfJ* nh 1 Naval officer for the J-ir.ct for they bad no other hope remaimug | P-niip • than the expected rehef-aad that the best plan , of V»'» r N aval ' ulicr lor me dis wastoacaUer,aod make the boatoftheir way.uach Robert n. a. he onuld, down the river; 1h.., Ih, hiuraelC-lf he j tnct nfNn“ Surveyor lo- Ihe district was to be eaten, be would, at all events, be tound | Manuel J. »-rarc travelling when he did die. This addras. had u, ofNew Or,ean,_ sp.rKETA K Y OF •effect. They accordingly separated. • j APPOINTMENT “1 lira. r.. “With Haler continued five others, Scott, Tub- 1 THE TREA-LKt. bard Martin, Bacon, one other, aod the two Cot- ' , w crecketL to be a Commissioner to #u umue Indian boy*. ! the New Cuatom House, New “RoKrer now became dewondenl and atoaped.. Haler reminded him of flits family, and urged him . io try and hold out for their aake. Roored by | JQB prlJTTl®o ‘tihs-‘Appeal to bia lendereet affecucns, the on- BILL MKaW. CaRW. Clßt fbrtokaie man moved forward, bn' feebly, and Mantfutt. Bill* L*yl* ll g) w . c . r J. au ext. toon began to laU behind. On a fulher appeal t u Aft n sill*. c “ 4c ’ • This name vru pntMd Proa* u> <mr lart-lt » tni j P7 11 »t*Wl ten both .way*. « «*’ _ l-fl , , ..r ■ t*rll I •J nnve tti\ ,-rei • hu.i nnve t.< Jo;k>*'ibe‘<>*l '■"* . ‘ ' .-now- rspd:v. aid 1,1 * ,n ' ... a lid in tmii letter* iroin borne, ntiu a u > i ) •Yn'ew'i*paper. Bl ’ d «*'•'< wr '^ r ' ',ap* Uim.tM.avr n • ocrapa.ralnn.l sa labors aad enjoyment*. 1 have* t • M-f- Maybew & La. ngneuitura, y*Kr*ao»>*. r.qJ«lmfttao,to >k.p a.e . rnmr.l . V b in? machine, and to Mes*r* H >c . L-„ ri^4<ll , requesting them to forward t-> me >• • 1 * two run*, or act* >’l nun alone*. I J* aod Uir atriculturji in.lrunvt..* ana meu*. autumn fram New \ork».tt* »l t,y the time 1 arnvc there. \ our amva. in Ajr. will complete all ibe plans (Tneae extract. .» ralatron to Col Ornm<>. . . ,n -tcided are given to eonrntdicl me o, »f. M .id ed .uppaatron of fold projects 11 " 1 , “ ' ' ,V» -1 end to the other, no, dot t * t ' * ol minia? the leant into If. calculation whin h ,el Mmsourn on the 21-t of October law. nUho»«>i£ nulhcnttc report, t.ronihun hv L.ettl. Ken'eo t navy, were 'hen ,n ml the ncw.pnpen. and in.l, ' ttl /trintory ,1 l 1 ■ —t *odey ha. no- ta*. H- did not ,jcceed ,n recovering anv of the •>•«**' camp firm.lure. Every thing «, hint ett ep fe“ word ,• ,» hr. depth of the mow made ,1 bl“ Zr him .o'each the camp a. the the men had left tbr l -aagsge Amidst lb*. I bad the good b.rtune to .nvr my lir* t ctforgw. !„ IveCn.y .r«nlt-.b. .Inut.l.r one wh.ea yon naclied—and that wa* about ad. -.Savt* rt. Ftbruary\“- * o! homed movement., and in I, '" i '*'''," or I tael a norry alt ntnrted together. I nan only wrle*a i.n/hi .ny that I am well, and moving on to California 1 will leave ktanta ho thl. rvirn- ID *c I hsvc received hero Iron, the ortirers every cvitilv and attention in . he,, power, and hsvc W.shntgt*"' hd - I **" «” J" f,A Spanish gentleman no- been engaged lo go to suitryneryii. and pnreba.e males lor me- I" Ki^^w» *>■ long known, and presenting nothing new lo *top for " ■ therein cneuiioned For ttie rrhrl ol Eluabelli Fraiio*. Ti) authorise ttie trustee* of lb- eottgrettaliou uf KiruU Creek Church, m Helieiu towaab.p. \ orl county, to »eil certain rral e*tn!e Relative to Justices of the Peace lor the counter o( Washington and Mo-tromery To incorporate the \W*l Ph.UdeipLta Hall As sociation, in the county -/i l'li-lailelphta. To incorporate the L'l.daiocrsburg Water P aQV A supplement to an act erecting Heuryrbuw. it Lbe county of Centre, into n borough Relative to the eatur of the late Thomas Reeves. Jr . of Philadelphia. A supplement to net authorizing the sale o! real estate in Luzerne and Columbia counties, and Jor other purpose*, paused the UHh ol April, 1M H . A supplement to the act. entitled ‘ an act l«> in corporate the Will atu«(K>rt Bridge ( ompsny. m the county of Lycoming. and ior other purposes To incorporate the Fecamp buU [« ~v , Company - Hi - M ■ on*. »' To author ze tne Porye.. and Town ccuno bo( r , r .. „„ od.c |*n .1 • "•* *V<\w T ? the t».ro»«i. ul Freeport .« me county ct Arm „»«* an pKAOHi:*-** no.r. ex-m s u Ul ..y. ; or^ a i.-L, strong. l*. pmvid-* : --*-iip notiw ; v ' - l “"" ‘ ■ 1 api To ,-otr nue ,v* *»r»<!ti.»i'i»c laiuli c n wnwii ' . 1 , \.*v.k K-i . »i Fla.d wm ; / nU'I.A N TKA •• IV La.t rxt.a hue lor «air t' to ,oti..fiue . . u - ** 1 »'v» 1 * •1 I , ,-, u J IiWIU.UMS pur. hn-e money * due .•me < *>mmon« rai.h lo « p ■' .-•• .ji-i'oc— ■-• J •' Ilw Kstrmhns «tre-l nnd W-'tr street. 10 , ...j n j..< t'o v. • •i... to ■!,-i-- t"'"*' 1A V A I'uLKKL-to bjs O>l l.ovr mmeul. i"f A” u,e trough. ( Bruch v.iic. ieflerm.n com, tv and 10 j Im. .nr, :wi•>lT •' J ( . j b WlUJAilr dec.*re I'ie width tbereo' Wtoed 1 r |'A MI.K S ALT —• Pr.)V dinit Hr me p.»jn<erl rt cprta-n .-'a:iti» 7'- • i t■» «-e:i. I»- cus 1-. 1 To aboim :r.e c- .... c. me r..y »ad ‘ ' K ‘ u ; s ‘ ; , nPM tAv.m..<v,. , lf ,cMwtt. n>t sale t. .-mnty ei Lancaster, nuo the Mnvor « court of the , - t ouiiY , „ .... . oin .nauon »» « [( ap|!J City of Lancaster . ( . a ndid»tr ior menu-er o( 1 ' c '* • r *** |ttll ' 1 ikl' Klut it- -1 rasei tor »ai« Uv T" !or tr.e payment ol certain late.r , >p i?d.*wicr x ," '** J J,isi J D WILLIAMS ,1,, till t, : I,- works and for repairs on the si.edrtiv eonnty - " ers on the pub. ' -Ihe v\ * * f . < * ( * ueaaxm . \ /~1 a \ DJ» hoses Spem. to -to *t«r; 30do5*tea *aole - . . will srye the c-aim» ..I V\ M J <- Oll , enuon ’l, r :i c. JU co Ehusbi-rzh Upped; .or .a'e by Krcctmc the trwnartp 01 Laa*. .n the county] uon lo lß i. odire at he * , BT ' com r K -t r .,( »pt* J D WILLIAMS 01 S.-huylk' I. into a separate eiecttou district. IMrM i« a r<o«i \'W " ( . iiric-rniiK a 1 )(ri‘ — l*x>’tk» lit Potaiyen. ree’dper ••esmef A *upplement f> an act. entit’ed “an act to .c ju> iwsinr da..c* -- , WltfcN , Covart 1 D->.ptun aud for sale by K KOBl!*f>.N k <’« .corporate the Lvkens Valley Coal Company, m | »|.lv 3 t’ ls JW Liberty ti l.*auphm couotv Pennsylvania and to j • - u , , ltllo township, iC I N HRlLs—tri°o Lard ... kr*. sad bb-*. I bale ..^ n nt of a in Huneadnle Wayei.e eoui. 1 s«n;mi.n <> Mt *..» 11 " 1 h tnl f t ; O Hops. 1 bh. Bolter. *«lb. Bo.k Pori, reed r I wn. tx .i»i*jwvried i*»r me orr.- • ..1 . . • „ , {.» caua. t «>ai Brorbio.i. mu lor sute b> . n,.imi.cior> . o.m'uom. . ~( l. it KoHISoN i Co Knt-i l «jd "an 10 nutnoriM ibe .•jmmmmor.rf of Huntingdon ''ounty l«> borrow money j Aumonzioic ibe (rovefoor to incorporate tt-e | Coudenporl and Weinmiic Ttank Komi .-ompu- j , To liie Tr*-a>ur«-r .>t lt>c i-nu.i'.y f'f We*tmoreiand lo refund i«j It Andervm u.r sum ol tweulY-tive du.laf*. paid t.- *oid Treasurer under a mistake. A Mipplement lo an act ol loin April. IM.> and ihe act ol W3d January. authorising the erac- J lion of a I’oorHouar m Somerset county i To view and lay out a Sum road (mm Carroicb- j arislown. Greene county, to Mcpeliandstown ,u j Fayette county , , | Erecting rbe township* <' Butler and Frai.y >r. | me county of Schuylitiil. into separate election dm tricl* ; A ut:i*>r;x:ng me (JomnmMoncrs of Schuylkill: county to *el| certain real eataie. Relative lo the; Scnuy'km Bridge lowpany al Pottatown. Montgomery County. A supplement t>> the uct .ncorporntmg l&e Potts vil.p Water (Company uppruvrd on the 111 ft of April. 1 S3t. To autliorne me Adjutant (renerul lo !urni.«b arm* to the Waynewburgh Dragoon*. Extending certain auct-m laws lo Greene conn ty. To incorporate the to develope the Mm rrai Resource* ol the l nited State*. To coufer on Marv Ann Hall the right* and prv lieges of a omld t*orn in lawful wedlock. To furnish the Weal Lebanon Artilierv Compa ny and the Columbia Guards with field pieces. Defining the place lor keeping 'be records of the Deputy Surveyor nt tiie County ol Greene. A supplemeal to an act lo incorporate the Pre«i dent and Managers of the Morrison Cove Turn pike Company. BReistiag >o the estate of James Wilt, late nt the borough ot York, deceased. To incorporate ihe York Gas Company TgXA*.— Ravaget <•; Chol*ra.~ The steamship Ya*-ht arrived at New (irleans from Da! vcslon, bringing dates lo the 4th mst The Galve»toa Li vilhan, of the 4th in*L, say* The accounts of the progress of the choicra on the Rio Grande are still very unfavorable. A letter lo o genfeman of thu city, Irom llra ao* Santiago, dnied March ‘iG *ay* that out ot » white population, estimated ut only me hundred and fifty *oul*. thirty-tour have died of cholera m twenty-live day*. Al Brownsville, the letter says, one-half of the population have died. Among the vielimt are John riin*ey. (a car|>enler,J John D. Chamberlain, John H. Byrne, und R. Bracken bridge —the insf not of .cholera —all formerly ol Galveston. The writer say*—“While l have been writing, no less lima three more have been summoned to appear before iheir Creator, via Capt. Young, of the steamship An»on , a Mr. Kase and George Grey, from Houston." From the Galveston Newt we gather the fj! The fallowing deaths occurred on board tbe Mc- Kinney, on her trip down to Brazos Siru* Cool ard. clerk , John Byrne, bar k-reprr , Seni. U'Neill pilot, and Peter Johnston, carpenter. The cholera uad been very severe at the Mouth, but it had almost entirely disappeared. Browns ville was healthy. While at Matamoras, tbe chol era raged with extraordinary violence, tbe deaths alone lime I*lll g-ns many bs seventy a day. but bad decreased to about thirty, according to tail accounts. The cholera m very severe at the Brazes On Tuesday. U'" u '-, there were 11 dratba— Capt. George I'-.nnrr, of G*|veaton, died there ID a lew hour* Wccl.plhe following item* from tbe Lavaca Herald of Friday, the 30th ultimo On tbe night of the 23d, a child of Dr L. Crook rite s was attacked with cbolera; on tho 24th, Mr*. Cronkrtte was attacked, and died thgt night; on the 26th. Mr G. S. Teacuck was attacked, and died ; the same day two negro children belonging lo Mr. Troy were attacked, and one died , on ibe 2fjtn a daughter of Mr. S. 3. Givens, aged 4 yean, was attacked ; the raine day another negro child of Mr Troy’s was attacked—making acvsa at tacks and four deaths in four days. Since Monday there had been none until Wed nesday afternoon, when -Mr. Segui was taken, and died yesterday. Mexican Claims. —The Board of Commission- j ers appointed for the adjudication of claims of 1 A-merican citizens against Mexico, a« stipulated < m the laic treaty to bo paid by the United States, ; assembled yesterday, pursuant to notice, at the City Hall, in this city, Hon. Guo. Evaaa, of Maine. ! and Col. R. T. Painx, of North Carolina, beipg , present. Tbe Hon. Calxb B. Smith, we under* \ stand, is expected lo arrive in two or three day a, j when the Board will be full. I After the organization of the Board, with tbe usual formaline*, it waa announced ti at tbe sittings would be held daily, at 11 o’clock, until further notice, for the purpose of receiving motions, applications, or papers of any rort, connected with the business of me Board, but tbal no coses would be taken up until the Board should be lulljand roles of pro ceeding adopted and made kuown. Tbe room occupied by the Board is in the w«st wing of ibe City H*ll, on ibe upper doo i.—Nm lnttlliftnct*, April 17. vw «M. Wright, a. u., D«u(Ut« OTARCH—W box** I'etrl Simcit, ju«l tee'tl and fo j:»j r< m.I o" Fouiih t\ . %81 , ~y , p iy BROWN A Cl, i.HLK PsON^ 1 '' ll'g /'* LASS--I*A« I.I» 4U»i do lOtl* «»« do Ioxt4i UjTr? fTy 1,011 r *. <* •' *lt iw> <lu TiV. 'Aj do»her . for mi-by U - LL - J - r "inn l■> ™ -<.i l M «■»•" .y 6 F vo.N bU.S.NHoRST A l'« lmproomtnli In Dmlliirf. I I*aV KAKK. s —>> doz i«,r Mir i.y I DH »• " >n.Ain'i»iM'i 11 tpl9 S K \UN UUNMIoRST A u j *•) *' * „ l ‘ n t l !f, ll "v'iu.n P;»ICN - I>ROOMS - IIW dor for ml- bv | oi «•:* up..., jm. 0 iiMvn. XJ »[)!» SFVuN HONNHoRST A^<‘o ‘ " -••' ’ rl ' ‘l'>-r iK- M») a Al’PLlV —100 burn lor i*> of I:r;si- 1) ..... s ,-v„nim.nmi.^u.« j tUnn- Ji. l o" a 9 /, , _,, „ . ... _o'r. •>*•-,! I', J W Kr ■!, V *P*' J N N 4.-d 1<" *»'*• >•) A J 1) nr», No - k l> —i. toll. u *<•:?« lor »«ir «>V ! JSrlMi.-n no, «... ,r „„ -l a J-..(rhuu; ar:o ap ,„ * F VON ByNN HORST A. C. nr ol berorase in iaun-.e*- • ,1 “ l " . t y ACUN—4IHJO U»n country Jl.cojv. just r* i room* . . i'•tor oMr nrritarn* x 5 mved aud lor *aie by >l ., n^t;n l u ;n . , Bpl t, aKMBTRU.NO fcCaOZKtt I »I«lrami'* »nd painoMc. m*-i )j. .-.dom-iMicd part.-- AK U-» No l > er '< s WtJ {ot slJe ’a? or .uv..»l. 1-rrpHr.d'... V li. io<. Dorr be- I A J*£ ‘ ARMfSTIIOSO APHOZKR l£r Ma»« A J M > *‘^* k,n ' ' TruSior.. No TO Kuurtfc •« '* elll4 MIKR.rVALn • t am » Jiftriltf Ct A 1-ii.01., - ' tr.f dtC:»IOI! I'f .:i,»wf,ir ('onv'it.on iaK ITR <'l RTI j ■„ ,-t w me •:..uniy 1 iVui, I’lTnoiaan ln»iV ;i»l. I Y„n-K „ .r.- uSn- ol pro.honoin uur -'J >\i:ic aid Couni ,o i Uui' A • AV . -j :- V.)u»<-.r, «r-*n.n r Mv |hk;.. I'h.rJ U -rJ .J T- ’-Be H-.i'-i <>: >• imlm IK. i"1 *»: Sr ho- i l)ir r .-ort to of llir wii'O W'f woi.-.i, t;irr^ior< ni*<-»uiB Uif ' 'Am Mack*-) K.lw..ri! H Da;. \ y A Maiir n Man.- I.)"- l. Harper. M " l^w.v W V M Hun It' r , H'-urr l am! *--1 -!*'hn 1» \Vm H " h. in) I >mnia« M Marmui j K r<tn Ml'.' ;«ir- 'Via Chapman. i ( Ai'nm'i - * m ' - * Monlooih. Hugh M Vlnn-: Hand Hun **r. •*iiniue Hn.r l i .**orq*- Shefflcr T|jt>* Joh.»«io. :olui M', . [) Ruigfi (>ror,,r K Curran, i*mv.ut|fh Al'fi'M l"i9 The .iiurni o' (Ur I't.ird \ ol ;hr cuy «*< *'»“»• *! ; nr'! on Momiai ii'X*. Uie »'(3 of April 7» o'CiOc*. I* M . al me Public Scbool Houae. in *» <1 Wart, in onirr run ;nr of opjfHOii rnav I' Ilia 1" rr i t ion l>. Ihr MiPjnrt above set Cor'B JOHN M yIKWAS, | JOS \V LEWIS. ! runs Hamilton i RoIJT .MOORE. JO- M'Cl. Ll.ol OH, i AM) M M,wn.(l. ; »'.ii-0--i u>« Apr.l Iri, For Son FrnncUco, California. , f * n K u.tder»igi.ed. Diving joat returned .*VPI?A) ,,OW "iornta. purponM. cUarierliig A fa»t vc**rl to be oe?|i iwaeii at a* eurly a J, 1 «7IT-f*ntfen:ri,\» can be and will takr paa fn s; :„ w ra i, if a uiffiriei.' number apply eoon. Vll'r tr-iri m lounii m Rio ile Janeiro ami Valparaiao, lo" 'f* . AC _ ji. ",i i ,ipr Horn lit. U'MV tbe decided pro ... j,,. , -,-t i\ • iiiwn. u» :Ue undermined pa.ied on ' t\ »n iu i"‘ 1 * upwind* of mWM per coin nl Kan irt.» ..■ 11 .<ii i •- I*"«inu*. unable i« procure paMOge Mi iu'.»c:igcr. or. rompuiiii* UMi'g pita«Hfi* >be ith., veil mrm.lted, ireo os com. wuu u complete . o ld waging macliiue and tmp.emenu. aiirh *• "c j Know* to Pc me i e.t m u*r, bavin; »eeu many coally | and t.urn.ou. machine, thrown unde, a. unfit lor the aim ca< n pa».enKrr accompatiyin* the _ S °\o P oa»««ce v..: i,e .e.-ured until paid lor lot TkRASS IIANDI.FdJTIOv.*-Ju»l rv-ived. at m< or pa«Micr. upp.) mimrdtaiely 10 ; 1) »i;n of the Plane ami ?*uw, a splendid iworm*n * jAMk>> W KTUKRKD, tl German at.. of»ra»*Candle«uck»«>l vanou* kind* For ««'•• t,' or it A 1 DIIN A. OUALE, tU Si Uay «t. | ap!C HUUKR k I.A I KtUN, T* wnc.-i «i apdOdtfw —Uali Ain - LAND FOR. SALE. THK »üb»cnbcr ofli»r» nt private «n!-. one nundred Z ~,,1 i»rmv Hire* fir-t rairLA.SU, m P<um o aLKRATI H— 100 l»l« Undine uml iti .'on- or *s. , v ./n»lup« AUrelirr'y county. propcny ol Ut.vid i.y aptfl KOB'l - DAI.ZKI.I. * Co-.a. '• ‘l»« »»“ lf " rh '^. h ' ' i 'LOUH— <O V-our.'ior male nv :,“v!Si*s\l''rr_«.» *"«>. * 1 - m:i gt „*\',.l cuiii raumi ihe balance DE< 8. £. SHANNON Of the Hind •' •'' •' timbered, iinn the whine wo.l *up- -arroULD respectfully announce n> the < msT” * *•- .«»l fovomrnu cohm-. ot • yy Pliubur|b . u»ai he will reman, ... •>..* place a .(ckkl c* “’g n,,,i *' l,am - l “ rr, “^ r hou "‘- *‘ ni,k . | C v« day*. Him onpttfaleUeil success in 'lie irrs'incnl iiouir., <' •• rio. 4c •uiiß..i« on sjeli a farm There \ ol g |* r g e majority of dinea-e. which >."«■ e' - * 1 „ good - '-v ,r,u 1 !um . eu ‘' L - 1,11 been regarded a» incurable by the modern ami more ;&«• mniiK- andn: . ’• nr «• i:i he t ' ve'i to me lUfc |„ oll^\,|e practice, has induced Imn to send forth ourcha*et Our i.j.i the por’-hn*-luon-y m ill ■<* . r - ij,„ CQr d to the afflicted pdruon ol mankind He has nuired in hand -m makmt 'hr ii> r.. and the balance . wuhlll mc , all \. 2 months imparted instruct, ns jo up •retired on in- n»n-i b> '"""I morunge. f“r -m- i ; W(inljl .joug c jtuin* ol Te„nc»»c«. Virginis. Snrtb time at may l-r a.-r.-d ... I >-r lur.h-r par icumr» 3oulto Carolina. Kentucky, and Indiana, among mijoire n( oon 1-4 m 1 , U ‘ l ' .i;’ “ ! then. Phystciarn of hif h standing. ami ihp all bear subscriber on ib- prem.— s,\ M t ha. OJUN tc.umony of their enure sau.iartiom HeUm ad.o Plum townmhip. Apr I Vti IM9-wdin • »ucceeded in Riving peruiansM relief to nearly JlwO IVuiiVATE AM MOM *t- !**' I' ■ Ire»ii, just ree'U iii.lit.duals, ample proof of wtn.Mi lie can adduce. / UKBOSATK AMMO Ik NMAKt J R4C# ! Uit not pretended that the c mcenirauon of the re- V_/ and for male JS-I , u „, of medical rcaeareb emanates from one author apSO _ _ _ _ i lor be be ever mo versed in medical science, he wou.d W,jii|S'U !»OUA— Sooa. for >u!o by t come tar, tar short ol »o hetcu.ean a ia*E. Dr. S. has anJli J SUHHJNMAKKR ACu i been elllf a*eJ sirce m meier llnK and purct.a.i,,,, ali the [lopuiar and seorci remedies which could be OUNDRH-- 4 * 0!S ’N^ltiN.MhAT—d3 bids r ied o t,tained in England, Ireland. Oeyyiany and the I.'nited S Applet; 6do Walnut.. >•>!. Mut.ruU (loon. P„t- (tQfa , ho se persons *rho were' eminently suc «.,A (leer hk. u«. Out ten k. Bee-\t nx and m curuK *ome otic of ihe lollowmg diseases, f ’ "br apwi> | cessrui in » • TLTMK..- AXUINI..O U - a . .... ]M Manilla luJnfO. ,u«i r '‘ \\J! ... H , . I ... 'seuralgia. Spina. Alfscuo-s Epilepsy. Toothache, •IrtO J -uIIuO.OIAkKIIiL,. “• J;“"‘,„fs, t MuKl,kW«Uorl»«un.dK ( e.’. Piles. Amdi»A Cancer. Tetter, frost Hue, Scrofula. L'lccrs Mercurial Uttoases of long standing, Female l>.bi:ar. *«. For full instructions for the cure of all disease* ong inalini m, or rausmg the deraugemem of the nervous system, so that those who receive insiructlon* mu an with equal efficiency u hinuelf, hi* charge it only icu dollars. Dr A. ts furnished with certificates and reconimm dstions from the mint intelligent and respectable Thy tictans and cttiiens of every plaaq, at which he has had the pleasure of visiting, which he will be pleased; to exhibit to the inspection of any who mny desire it. The ingTcdieau used are almost excessively vegeta table, exceedingly simple, and within the reach of all Persons afflicted with any of the obove named dis eases, would do well to call upon Dr »*, arul if not ef r'retnally relieved, no remuneruuon wll he requiic-l for h:* aervicea. His mono is, NO CURB, NO PAY £)r. B. will remain dartuf hi* stay at the St Char's* Homl, Room No. 73, «pi 7 K MI’KPH\ hai ju.t rrrnvctl l.y F.xpreo. a YY • full iw«0l of w,dr one -llltl Alw. IOITIf ~,v hniidaotnc Her age* and Nil Titaaea. for lad.ra ,:h *■>-• -m-mc,, ... ap*) ouap-i I** »:'**'* v An Variegat'"' l . ’•* 11 ,or * ttle ll ' ° 0 fll Jl) WILLIAMS »» • • Dog Pound. A WHITE I'L l’. WU..-H me o * uer cun hear of by _ appjyliH-anhooffi,- * P W.d* CHFFSK- 60 boica | rune I'rcunt Cher *i, *'<' J and for.ale by. _ •*» >* W..AUHUOH RY fbLTT IW Ua >lrv Ponchea, buab do, old, HO do do ApP-na. in store: for aala by H KWAIAH i>icKKV A uo. Froottt NAILS— *50 keg. Nail*. a«*or'rd .n «ot* and for aale by apao J AM E® DaLAKLL Tobacco-13 ordg.. i*>« Tobm-^. .ia«d inr and for apJO JAMES DaI.ZELL JASPERS PU G— ]-*> hn Jn»prr‘« Ualumorr Plug Tobacco, lai.Jinc ami ftr na..' ov ap*u j aMKS DAI.ZKI.Ii Books for the subscription op stock m itie I'lUirn* Inasrauce cotnpni'y of Pittsburgh, wi.i be opened ii> the Room* of ttie Board of fiaile. on lh< &r»t Mondat of November next. Jt IUo c.oct, *. K- Wm Larimer. Jr " ood*. \\ m it M’Ciure. Joeepit Plummer, S M Kier. Jonah Kmf, Joaii Shrnd. Alex. Roseburg, and H D. King, apiy-dtNorl Comtni»*ioopn MILITAHV^NOTICBr A CONVENTION oi ail Commi»«ywd Officer* m *iilin)r within the eonnty, and of Uie Fir»t Brigade Fifteenth L'lVfion P M . wilt be held at the New Court Houae, in the city of Put>burgh. mi Wednesday, the tKh day of May. IMS. at ID o'clock. A .M , for the pur -1 pose of nominating candidates lor me office* otaßttga* '■ dier (i«nem, Brigade Inspector. 4c. j tt plV:dU4w3tß MANY MILITARY MEN 1 ' Yonghlo|hen} r Coal Lands. '.Z7. T?ROM 3U ’lO IMI ACRES --f Yoagtiioghenv Coal P Lauda, about twenty mile* from Pittsburgh, will be aotd on advantageous term* The title i> indispu* lal.le The dam aud lock* on that river wul be com pleted in about three mtfutbs ' If application be made early, a Coal Bonk, wiin en tries and roouia sufficient lor Uurty digger* to work, a good railway, and ten bonaca will be ottered on lease Enquire of editor of (.alette. 1 apl&.dfit Dividend. A DIVIDEND ofKifty per «hare ha> been dr dared on (hr .tock of The Atlantic and o:,m Td- Company, payable on demand at the office of Me-sr* Palmer. Hanna k Co., Puuburffh. \VM M'KEK-Treasurer A. «. O. Telceraph Company* V.M KKri.Mi oi lac t>iocknolder» wnl t>« he’d at the oil.e- or the Company at J o clock. P M. on 1 jmriuin t. ii-» awii n:«t. hi *vi.irh time ihe charter, and a roniruct with ihc Patentee*, iinether witn other i-n- L*m«M t>u»inei>, vtiil be igl-mitted for th» tr action, aplbtd J K MUORHt'.Aff lhe*‘t._ 11' RAPPIN* • t’AI’KR—»OU ream*, u »upeft.)r nru- W ue U»1 rr-rV p" *uur Lair Erie ami lot -u.c J H CAN FIKI.D. Wau-r nr-r>. !)fi\vecn and \s not! uuiU ior »a.e t.y S K Vi iN l>l >NN HURsT A C. •5 Nr* York I'sirv for -a) j [. wii'.h.' PIG IRON—l'ims «up«tior Foc.vlrv Iron, tjr mlc hj apl- ICK 4 M X M '.a r. I) II llrmf ju.l rrt u prt for ’.he office ol Bl I.K I’liUk -II- riff.'' Ilwn- and Sf.-uldf r., now ;ar. !m" irum .Uru i\!»l .V* ti. tor »ulc ■ y a,.|- 1>A1A»I IUCRt.Y 4 Co Fr •: I \I r IUTK UKANS—IW tmii't* ;n *niri*. lor -a « by \Y HAIAH UM'KKYi i 'Al.i i.MUI.-SJ l!i< Km t«i> ;t!»l rrc'il and lit »aif V_ t y II A KAHN KS fUi'Ki » o. All S ARS A I’A Rl U .A—3 baiei Hondut.i* ;u«i , f-crived and lot wic by ZA Fl'rtK —ISO .!>» ,u»i rrr’d ami lur »aJe !■;. i r i- H A KAHNK3IOCK A Co UORKYI MOSEYII MONEY 111 Il| li | i*K riTISBI. ROM. A 1.1 .hG II \ Y Cl \n >U V\ and COUNTY Si Kll'. wuulr.l in ri.'hnn<«- lor i.loth*. I'aaaimerra. Voting* ami Trim inmj. v KOIHNSuVS CM iTII S l‘u*< K Building* t-orucr FVh and Ww*l *!• aplrdJt CuITO.S -l* bale*, now lauding Jrnm ccaiii-r L>ol pmn. tor Hale by IdAIAH DICKKY 4 C.i. KATHKRS—«I «k* now landing iroin »tmr I‘nlplun. . tor sale by apl? If'MAM liICKKY Alo • LARD —u M>l» No l, now lan ling (rum «ieai»- r I*f>l phui, for ikoi* by apiT ISAIAiI DiCKl.'i A < o BAOO.V— fc c«W« r»»ile» and .Shoaider*. now , a mini from »irnr I‘nlphin, tor anle by apl« ISAIAH DII’KKY 4. Co I’I.AX SF.KD— iW »k* now land ng trotu »teaiaer Do.- i* plun. (or »a)e L) upls ISAIAii I>ICKF.\ A <.■»' B” t-.ANS — £1 aka amall wtuic now landing irom aunr Dolphin; for aale by CIUT rON-tiW tißidt u\ Horn; for »alc by - b[.l« 18A1AH LMcKKY A Co |90,000 SCRIP WANTED IN exc&kngi* for Hold \Vatche», and other mercbaii clue ai tf7 Market «ireei. by ■ pi- ZEHI’LON KINS*F.V _ ■\\riND-.t\V'liLAB8 —bxi a*»oriei utei* Win \ Y dow»», rec'd and for »a e l>v ttp i? stWHARBAI'UH SOAP— 1(H) boxea Miiehella extra Rostn Soup. re.c'd and lor »ale by apl7 SAW HaRB'LUH SALTPETRE —'W kejtt'Rcbned. iu«t ree d and lor ■ale by R A KAHNESJOCK A t'«, □ pi? corner l*t and wood «U CtASTILK i*UAP-l» ca*e» MaueiUee, iu»t rrc d , and lor »aie by aj>l7 U A KAHNEB l\>CK A Co JAMAICA (HNOKR-Vbbu ,u»t rre'd mid lor >aie by aj-17 HA FAHNhNTOi'K AO-i CIUCHINKAI Ju»: reed and for .ale by j uol7 J KIDD ACo POWDERED OAMBOUF.—Jti»t rreeived and for ,ak. by kpi7 J KIDD A Co ttuuPKR rl ISI.MiLASa —Jo*t reed and for »aJe by / bjil? i KIDD ACo MERTi'A.N I^INOLAS!*—Ju«» rec'd ami for told by apIT . J KJDD A Co / IAMOMII.K KLOWhlls*—Ju»t f«c'U anti fur »a)i »,y api: J KIDD Jt Co ROI.LBLTTKR~riI>*.h Koli Uuttrr. in.l a.m tor »•!« uy ROHT DALZKIL 4 Co. aplO _ Librr'.y *l 1 Bf JohaS. Darli, AncUonMTi l/trgt Stool of Drv f7«-c->. < - ■ months erodiU On Monday nwrni.« v-t at l*» o'clock, it ihe Commercial Soli » H,u>n • • orner o: Wood tad Piftv, will b» •o .l.oi: • • r-dil of *lir«oo month* Oil :-.1l «um* over »luO, for up, :• •cd endorsed not- A !anm ausoritr-i* of fre«n and seasonable »t«p|* 1 and lanry Ur> n- ■ • eh arr—•uperfine c'oih’. tweeds'-’- • • • hi*, fin* bsmo, dc U.«s CROmrr-- , :« dr*-*> •»;»« buck -o':' • varctv. splendid pruned raninnc bleached u 1 ■- - •• nnm. mdt<o lnuc chr-i • • ->[>*• lt . ni t. fancy cravats. • •: liu:» cap*, button*. *• Groceries. (ib-'ware. Furnrtuw. Ac. Voane Hywn an* aud luip*"i»i T»-a«. Va. n»mia*- Wn( lokac « > ; fancy toilet and shaving -»ap. No l pn.m soap. *u*ar hoo« molasses. starch. W !«>*• l-emona, -diore.*. spade*, forks, stova.-w S*mre«. A.- . A large and general a-sortroent *ll household and kitchen furniture, gla*»«:»rr A.- At * •»'. 10-» Ready made clothing. cutirry van* <y goed*. Ac. aptd) SpUtulul Paru made Ham-l Clod, Gold and Sil ver Watehd, inlaid Viohns, Books, sc~, at Auer On Saturday evening. Apnl 21. at “1: w trwth Commercial Sale* Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will lie aold, without re-erve . . A large collection of valuable books, among which arc many scarce wors., standard ediUon* m various deportments of literature, tarutly and pocket bibles, bluni book», letter and cap writing paper, ac. 1 -plendnTblack marble Pari* made 15 day mantel oi-mn e'.ony 6™ pit clock., t*nl*W »..■ 'I,’ wuli mid mlud Mood*. * DeauU'ul anisic, fold and -tlver watchea. 4 r,OI ""jOHN D DAVIS, AO.. Leasee and Manager Acrihti aSO Sttaob MaJtAoaa- BENEFIT lIP MA?TF.* W A WOOD. Mser.ihcem Bin The wondertul Hog Neptune. fir«t uoirot U.H Jones, or the Spectre by Sea and Land Fatt.AT Kvsxiso, Arilt. 20— itlU. JtiNFH. OK TH* Srmst BY t-KA *>o La.vd. B, : ; Jo'ev »/• Wood HoreyJono* M r P™ o ' Widow I,enartham •• - Mr* Madison, Miss Cruise. Triple Hori.pipe. by the Masters Wood. THE H>Rfc>TUK BUNDY, or tb« L> n o or M uMiniii I Mr. Wood. \ubri -Mr. Prior. | Bertrand- Mr. J. Duun Master W'ood -Mis* Poner Mr * Madison To morrow evening—The popular Actress, MR. FAKKYN' w, I make her first, beinf eu usied f<-' 5 nißbts. To sdd to u.e ctfeci of lorn.ancn*. Mr FARRK.N S service* have been seca X'LW —At ZKUILON KINSKY'S. 8T Mar ± * do« T **ry high back Shell Tuck Combs ,t •• medium “ •• iow •’ piam high •• narrow beaded top “ 50 fancy top Buffalo «0 gross com P Horo. Mi doi shell side, assorted si res w riooa com hor« Side; 3 doi shell dressing do; 1-J <lox Buffalo do do; 4 do Imitation do do. 50 do best Ensliih Horn, 0 do S» S 9 hue Ivory, extra utc. 16 do s do do, in boxes, W gross S fcnu do do, ldo comb Cleaners I HAAC WILLIAMS. Merchant Tailor, reipecifully 1 announces 10 hi* cu*totner» and the public lha. he ha* removed h*« estabi.ihment from the Monongahela House in the store nn r*mitnfieid meet, lately ort upi ed bt John T Whitieii a* 1 dr/ goods store, where be •. prepared to s' rvr lus customers with work made in •t, e r .IT,t and most ushionable style. aplC:dtAp«4_ OOLDI OOLDtt GOIsDtU GOLDIUt TDK *uh»cTiber wnolesale manufacturer of Jr->»* KI.RY nvne« wholesale dealers and pedlars tro c nr Sootn Hint WH-also, country store xeepers to ralf aud eisimnc h« *toc« of Jewelrv. wmch will be • Old at tnr lowest price* for cash or approved accep •.ance* t.'««»*iamly on hand and manufacturing, a larre assortment suitable for city or country trade. K. <i A. BARER, corner of Fourth and Branch it*, up stairs,. aptfl d»m Phdadelpbta^ MK4 i.KKT weald respectfaHy announce to her triends and the public, that she Is now pre narril to accommoda e boarder.. Residence, Second Street betwee,, Market and Wood. :W door trom \S ood tree-. - KnerrT-eei riruanyed f|MIK t-ÜBSCIHBh R:* navinr removed from No. 170 X No». iTJandlTl Liberty street, Oder ior sale good* aTIO u>ws. in •tore and now iandir.g, »n .£u l ag* pnroe Cotfee.xiew crop; 41) old government Java Coffee 1 in -,bd» prune New Oceans Sujur; i)tn» Plantation i-,!V - *t( James Sugar liou»<-Mi>!-i'»c», i*o nf el» 'i oung Hyson Tra; 4U do Gunpowder and Imperial Tea: 1 new I 4U co CbuJan Powchonr do i cr °P Tu do ratty bx* H and OP O' 1 J X* b*a white Brrril Purar; HO his white Havana do, to bgs Pepper, SO do Alspice; IUO boxes Mustard, In * and I lb cans, lun do Malaga Bunch Raisins: 30 do do do do. in layer*, Uikfbxs do do do jo ut " do do do Sii c»ks Zante Currants; 10 bales Sicily Almond* Ino in» Kichmotid Tobacco; jo baskets Bordeaux and Marseilles Olive Oil; •JOO t.bls and 110 hfbbi* No 3 large Mackerel. 9 •• Honey, 15M> lbs Cheese; fl« 0 galls winter and spnng Sperm Oil: Htti •• pleached north west Whole Oil, two crude “ “ do 300 uoo Crux and Sous Pnnripe Segnr*. jn.UCU Havana do •JO hi pipes Coin me Brandy, o( various OiAiidr, J puncheons Jamsiea Spirit* " pipes Holland l*m: * JO quarter csks sup Tenenffe Wine; 10 do Madeira do •JO (Jo ljsbcil ‘do 40 do Oporto do 60 do Sweet Malaga do IS Indian bbi* do do 15 hhd» Claret. SV or csks Haul Saateru, 4n C asrs sun Bordeaux Claret; 1 jO baskets Champagne Wine; J doi »upr Siomach timers; xOO bol* pure Rye Whiskey, from l to 5 years old tp VV V MILUER A RICKKTSON J D WILLIAMS j AM K> A HI rCiIISON A Vo fuiiirr l«i ami woud »u H A FAUMCSTOCI MR< 4 M I<S iiII.LAM) respectfully inform ibeir fnerdi i.nd the puMir. ihev hare procured and rrmovrd ihe.r .cnool to a roomy and convenient houw in l.nrorK *irrct.! dwcllui? e**t o( Febrraisi. wher- they are prepared to take a lew boarder*, a* wr I a» a 1 • w nn'P\- 'lr y scholar*. and where ihoir ex r u»'i»r atieiitit' i w>i' be devoied to instruction in ail Ihfe ordinary brauche* of Jann.ii edocanon Stranger* -tr • rcfeired u>Mr 'S m. Eichbaum, Mr. John H McFaddm and Mr F. Kaion cf Pmsburyh. .Mr A Shetland Mr l.eor** Keiter of Allegheny ciiy. uplGrdtf Ti il EaTON a CO. are now opening their Spring r • Mock of Trimming*, consisting m part of Man m* and Dres* Fringe*, Ui»np«, blacx and col’d Stlk black Flounce Ballon*, llnda, Bonnet Trimminr*. cents, ladies and fbtldrens plain and fan cy Hotter) , Sbiru lor men and boi s. Comb*, hory and oihrr Fan*. Yarn, Spool Cotton, Needles. Tape*. Bob bins. Pin*. A*. Ac., which they offer for sous both who esale and retail, at ihir Tnmmug Store, 03 Fourth Street, between Wood and Market apl* For San Franeleeo, California* ! _ TO SAIL FROM PHILADA. POSITITELY JSsfivfiN THB *A!th INST—The aplendid barque BmcRaLPH CROSS, Hy. j. Dam, mauler, haring iiir creator pari of Her cargo on board. wiS »au on me •>iH'»nin- The bulk of 4W bbU. can yet be taken if earlv application t« made, and a few more pa»»enger» cun 'be Undwinely accommodated by applying on board at Pme Street Wharf. Philadelphia, or u> KDMLNDA-SOIDSRACo, lX>ck Si. Wharf, Philadelphia Cabto paMairo S2OO. with liberal faro- apl'tdst OIL MF.AL— **• • Oil Meal, per eanal boat ILber •"> to, „■ hardaUGH ISAIAH DU KEY A > o it inosluik. colM , - .I'una.k table >1- 'u :ie* nv>e pai *. h'-;>jos, bonnets. amusements. THEATRE •C. B. Porter. ...\V. H. CWf REMOVAL. BOAB.DIHO. EDUCATION. LINSKF.D Oil.—OT U . p*rc«ual lx>«t Hi ."l !■>' “'" 4 6 {v h A rb*L^H_ L.r«»l CI'BED HAMS AND BEEF-»u-.Ev.„, S 4 Mwifi Bl' H»im. very choice, £ lc» do do Dn i w ir"- . c ;r ,u “ gasagar* BACON— 100.000 lt>« Hnn»,s*Je* Shoulden, in „ * * f-j< PORK—7 bbi* *n »'©r« * a ‘ l for » ultf h ) _ _ . BELLEHB ANICULS Fl.\i: KLOCR—» lil*U of excellent quality, ja»t re ",”d" “ d b ' b> ' SELLERS fc NICOLS . u,n,M -50 No I, jo»t recHl and for «ale t.y AKirun. SELLERS * NIOULS / uH'STRY H.U’oN-'V« have a few rlioic** ton nf v, c,.u:i rv cufeJ Uacon for sale STL ILL* A RiH i vim 1j I'EAt'liLd aM) A PPLES U>t \j ~,H M’OU.LSft, ROE_ R(i|.l. I'UTTKR-3 bbli, anil ill hi* Cheese, just r ,.r'iJ |>rr stmr Michigan and (or tale by a ,,M JB CANFIELD Kol.l. BUTTKR-IO bblt Roll Butter. )\t*' »«••«! !,.iJ ip' *alr |.y_ apU _ I S OH.WORTH A i\. 'I'AK- 30 obli North Carolina Tor, for tnle by 1 npH J_S DtL WORTH kCo 1> Ai’ON-IlHOi lb* prune bacon, t-oc round, for > *aio by aplt J S DILWORTH k Co I I' 11*5? —‘.HI lak» Ohio Hop', for «alo by £ L apl4 J S UILWURTH ft Cu lARI) —U! bbli No l Lard, for tale by j up 14 J 8 DtLWORTrt ft Co OWNER WANTED— For 3 hhd« Tooacco, mkd Dtamood A. rec’d per »tmr No 1 LEU U MILTiINIiERUKH, api4 ST From »i DRIED aPPLKS— 'iSO bu»n juai arrived, for tale by _ nnU RHKY, MATTHEW* A Co Cl RKA MC H EEsE—bxs jaet n?cM per *unr Lake J Erie and for aale by J B CANFIELD, apl‘l Writer st, between Smilhfield and Wood CtoDFISHi —it drums Codfish, (or iH* bv / aplV ,1 S fiILWCfICTH ACo U. .\\OLA&AKr>—vi bbia S H Molasses landln* from *tmr Wiufield s*cott and for saib by ap!3 JaMKS PALZELL. v>H»rn PLANTATION MOLABSES—<»(» U»Js Flotation Molnttes, landing from stmt WinficM Bcott, and (or tule by W ft M MITCHELTREIS, apl3 160 Li berry u CtOTrON —.IS I.alet e* nl Wen Tennessee Ootlan, j for «aie by upl3 WEST. HU\7IJ(, S 3 Prom M lIN'SEED OlL—*3 bbU Luuecd OU, fut **le by j .pia west. Bowen No >IUAR—io bhds old crap for 1 nic by api_3 WEBT. BOWRV Dentin. Corner of Fourth * and Decatur, between Market and Ferry meets sepJJ-dlyia PRJnTlni» PAPER—Having the exclusive agency tor tlx? tale of the Paper, (3. U. ft C P. Mark la. Proprietors) we will be constantly ■uppiie i with oil too different «*•• of »uprr or quality, which we offer at the lowe .t regular pure i. rlVnolu* ft *hee, foW4 cotnai Penn end iiwtn ata BOATS OTSGOIATI * PITTSBURGH .AAA OAILV PACKET LINE, rp-ms ««u kn«wßiu««J 1 era t* now -compoaed of the infs ) h 6n.*hed and funuahed, and most * koW *'fsi' uoll d com , water. of the Wert. E~ry tt ?£ tor that money can procure, ha* \>t cn . ' The Line ha* been u> ot -U. carried a milhonot of person*. Tb« U»w- ' * for lh e reerp \Vf>od rntrret the day prevwm* o «.nron«. . £ tion of freight and iho entry 01 p»'«' l X vr I ter la alt eaaea the pa-**ajtr money mu* . P [ advance. GUSDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON. Capmm HempUi.l, wm Pittsburgh every Sunday al roov.oc*. V> aeeling every Sunday evening at U 1 r >.■ May «,>S47. BOSDAT PACKET. Tbe MONONOAHKI.A. C»;n >•! loaf® bu'gh every Moudaj rooming at 10 o’e.oc*; ’’ beelUH every Monday evening at lb r ». TUESDAY PACKET, The HIBERNIA No *, Capt J kuvtrc.r**, win lenve Pittsburgh every. Tuesday morning at 10 ©clock; \N neelutg every TueadtH’ evening at 10 r. m. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No- 4 Ccpt S. Dr* a, wtU leave Pittsburgh every W ednesduy moruiat at 18 ©Mock; Wheeling every Wednesday ev-iui.g at 10 m THURSDAY PACKET. The BRILLIANT, Capt. Oaaca. leave Pitu burgh every Thursday rooming at 100 e Wheeling every Thursday evening cl iu r «. FRIDAY TACKKT. Tbe CLIPPER No 'A Capt Pus* Drv*.fc, will leave Puuburgh every Friday morning at W© clock; « be«» licit every Friday evening a. I’.' t «. SATURDAY PACKET. The MESSENGER No a. Cup;. Woodwaiip. wih leave Pittsburgh every tjaturday morning at 10 o’clock; Wheelm* every Saturday evening at 10 p. KPw 'IISBON AND PITT>HL'RGH DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND F fEAM PACKETS, ffiar ,s4Q - ma (via oLamou’,) Leaves Piiubargh deny, at 'J o’clock. A AL, and ar rive* ol Glasgow, (mouth ol ibe Sandy and Beaver Ca nal 1 at 3 o’clock, and New Lisbon ai 11, name night. Leaves New Liston at 6 o'clock, P. M-, (making tha trip canal lo Uic nver during tbe nighM and Glasgow el 0 o’clock, A. M., nnd arrives at lnuburvh at 3 r. ar thus making a coaiinaoes line tor carrying pas sengers and freight between New Lisbon nnd Pitts burgh, jn »bortor liroe anil st less rstes than ,>y any oilier route. , -. Tbe proprietors of this Lane have the pleasure ol in forming the public that they save fitted up two first class Canal Boats, tor ibe-neetMnmodation of paxaeugers and freight, to run in connection with the well cswWD steamers CALEB COPE mid JIEA VF.R. wnnejrt wg, at Glasgow, with l’itul)iir : :« nnJ Lineto !2i Had oilier dally „t.c* ,( ►:* inter., down Uie Oluo Riul Mi»>«wpp‘ rivers. Tt,v piopr.stuis pledge idem selves to spare no -xpenre or trouble to insure com fort, safety and dispatch. h_ d a -k 01 lire pub .c a »bai t oi their patronage AUTHORIZED AGENT:'. G M- HARTI.N. I iViturgh S. A W HARBaI’MI, < “ * R. HANNA, k < © } New L sboo iy,l.i( J HARBAUOH k Co. i NOTICE —The steamer REAVER, *' K. Clarke, mas tt, wilt leave after ibis notice, for A'elitville panctu lljTj at » o’clock in the m*»i iiinj. _ _ . ca«i6fe.»»ga. SCSI HER ARRANGEMENTS tor 1849. MONoNOAHKLA ROUTE. Only 73 Miles Staging. Via Brownsville and Cumberland to tialumore and Paila.t«-'pu-a T<HK splendid and sail :u uiing l > M >' m-amecs ATLANTIC, Capt J Parkinson. TALTIC, Capt A Jacobs; LOUS M LANE. Cap. F, Dennett, ere now making double dai'y trips between Pittsburgh and brow ille. The rooming boat »i!l leave the Mrroongahcla Wharf, above the Budg* dniit at s <> dock precroely. p-*»encer* will take SUPERB COACHES al Browns ▼ille at 3 o’clock. P M , and the splendid ears o( tbe Baltimore and Ohio Rn.lroad, at Cumberland, at 0 o’clock A M., and arrive in Baltimore the snme even ing, ia ume for the evening line lo Philadelphia and Wa-lungUMi city. . From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only - l hour*. Fare From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 4b hours Pare 81‘i.OO Tbe eve nine boat wtll leave at 0 o’rlock, except Sun day evening* Pas»rtigcrs by in,* boat will lodge on board in eom'onabl* Slate Rooms ibe first night, pass over ifte mountain* tiio following day in Eastern bnUt Coaches, and lodge the second night in Cumberland Passenger* have cbo.r- of either Mcaroboal or Rail Road between Baltimore and Phundelphia. and the privilege of stopping a. Cuinberla. d and Baltimore, and resuming their seal* at p.ensure Coaches ebar , icred to parties to travel us t:»ey p'ea«e _ We make up me loud and way Uni tor ibe Couch ‘ e* ui the Prnsbargh oflict-s, U» order to save ume on arriving at Brownsville.i it i* ibereiore important for pHMcr,cr, In s« lh,,r teloro SO.".* on lo.tJ of tbe boat, at our office. Monougaiir.H House. tS ater i streeL or Ft Charles Hotel. Wood s«. Pmtburih. apJMdot J MEFrfIMEN, A£cn^ pltisbttrgh A LouiivlUs Packsl Line FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. _ The splendid new stenmer ■ TELKURAPH No L Haaicp, roaster, leave for «t-v» u,termed,otc pons on Fur.- day. ‘Aid inst, at 10 o-'clock *. M. For freight or passage appl - on board, or to * BURBRIDGK, WILSON A Co. apUf CEO B MILTr'NBERGER. PITTBBURCH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LINE The new and apicndld faun paawJß- PaC TKI.F.GRAPiI No. a, nau and LouuvDlc oil Sunday, ilie 15tb insL, at 10 o’clock, A. AI. For freight or passage apply on board, BURBRIDGF. WILSON A Co, or GEO B MILTF.NBERGER- - -- ■ ■ Louisville and Bt. Louis Packet Line. 1840- 1849. REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS The fine fast tanning pasiengr , steamer ATLANTIS, d&St&EtS tieo. W. Wtck*. master. will leave the above anil intermediate ports every Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, l. k. For freight or passage apply on board. or to K. C KINO. No. lfcl Coin. Row, Louisville. REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET FOR ST LOUIS . The fine iwi passenger - {{**.. J gteamer <«FV l-A-N'K. A MePherfon. rca«trr. wiii leave for above and uncrmrtlmie poru eve ry Saturday, at in o'clock, r *. For freight or passage apply on hot'J. or to K. C. KING. No Isa Com. Row, Louisnlie FOR CINCINNATI AND I-OU-^VILLEt __ The new and light draught passea- rer steamer LAMARTINE. ■gjWrvdßSaa Duoran. ma«.ier. will lease tor above und mtermcdtsle lancing* on Satur day next *lst tnst., at 10 o'eWk a. x For freight or passage apply on bonnl. or to R _ PL-TTIURKWi Co, Agls. FOR WHKEUNG AND BRIDGEPORT. _ i The neat and substantial steamer . HFDSCN, WafegSflfi McMillen. ma-mr, will perform BPjBOBSBBber regular trip* be'-.veen Pittsburgh Wheeling and Bridgeport She will ;.-ave Pittsburgh on Wednesday and Saturday. «. For freight or passage, apply on board eplU FOR ST. LOUS . . The 6ne fast ruirm r Meaner Calwell, master, wii! leave for abovo ports on Friday, at lit o'clock, a. *• For freight or passage apnly on bo- ~ or to apttt _PETrK»Rfc\V_A Co. AgU. FOR CINCINNATI. -, r , . The light draught s'eamer ft HAIL t-Ol.lMtiiA. Oteen. master, wil, . avc rot above lutonnedtsie por:« on Friday, at to o'clock. A. ss. For freight or passage apply on board, or to _apl9 PETTIORKW A Co. Agts FOR MARIETTA AND ZANI3VU.LE. Tbe splendid paste.'ger steamer l COMET, U«M3fi>Cp Boyd, master, will leave for the above ■jggggQQgg and intermediate ports this day, Wed nesday, at 4 o'clock, r x. For freight or passage, apply on txinrrl. ap!3 ’ FOfl AtfHV'II.I.L- K The fine light drau-ht steamer DOLPHIN, »s?pgT7iM Hailott, master, will . ; ave nr above SnMBCSBBSand intermediate por t on Saturday, at »0 o'clock, a m For freight or pasrage, apply to opts J W BITLF.K. A BRO, Agu FOR ST LOL'IB h, Tne *pi and Hi »traiu<r .jC2?USI FAIRMt 11 NT. JgjjtfviggßG 'V hborrt, muster.. wi'.i )*tirc for IlfiiSifiSaHßihe above ami port* on Wednesday, leth mat. For freight or passage apply on licu.:d. ap!7 FoIHVHEELINg ANX> SL.N FiSH* j~xr*tr~ ja The fine stjamer trtSSCggjSlGvotjTt t't-uoun, tm*.ter, wtll leave BHhmUUi'ot above nml intermediate pom on Mondty* and Thursdays, at 10 x st Pot* freight or passac', apply on board. apl? FOR MARIETTA AND ZANESVILLE. ' XVSw- a. The fine steamer ; 11. ~ ** PILOT Noli, ifcißAjjffig; Karns, tnaver, will leave. for abora intcnuectaie ports this day, 17th. For freirh’ or na««<er apr'\ no hoard ap'7 FOR 31' i .n us n The tplcne . new steamer . ]C~, ** JaMKs .VILLI,\GER, W U Norton, master, will leave for IwfiffiHtjißKfSaUto above and mienneOiato pons on Tuesduv I Tin ui»U at -1 o'clock. ? «. 1. For freight cr passage apniy on board, ot to "»■« A Co, .Vann,* Ar.utLJVK /ANKSVILIIii PACKET /TV**- [v The Luo iienmcr U» AJwntfT JENNY LYND. C Gallagtr, master, will run a re*- weekly packet between Pm*, burgh and Zanesrulc— leaves Pittsburgh every Tae»- dsy. Tor freight apply to • BAKER 4, FORSYTH. Agls, - . No 41 Water it B.StILTRHBERfiEa «... _ _ Forwarding and Commission Me r c N °- 87Fr °'“- Clark Wanted, ¥S"iw7 si *“ in * >• _ , 'tt^aw7 G d ‘ s, °" *PfiT *■ ei M«k„ m. Uqlprau,’Ble.chlng ~ (Chloride of I-im.e i ■ »hL i S Wfl ]* r#h * Te received (direct from A*^.Js“°,*Y taTer, > afre * h *«pp'y »< »i»o »££; article, which theg vriH kli m tho lowest ®mket price for cosh or approved hill*. * os-?** - .. WA M .MnVIIKLTRKK 1? I ?' ERS , 1 * No t: Uoo^~*tre«l *>•: Ammjot the ,ale nr l> Townsend-. kUne Sar*apamt» f ba» just received •;!*> doze? ofltl Great Spring and Sum Ker Mefltein- ‘ Porchasers shoatd recollect that B K *e!ler« i. , for, DM Can, , or a”.,^ CTnr.Ar tereivtim. a |»rrw« » ‘(Si: ’ 8ll, “ '' : *''' q Ml'illr5 o oUdf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers