The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 19, 1849, Image 1

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ARMSTRONG a. (i FtOZKß,Comnusrmn Merchants
and Dealers in Produce, No. :U Market street
Pitui.urtrh. | • dee®
». a. ncwrtKUi
BU*IIFIKM> A HAYS. Wholesale dealers in Dry
Goods, (Jrocrne*, Boots. Shoes, Pittsburgh tattnu'
factored article*. Ac., No. att Liberty street. Pitts
burgh _
rinreci prac?!. qeorob uutxa.
BRaUN A REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drag'
/ptt*. corner of Übeny and Si. Clair »ueeu, Pitt*
borgb, Ha. n.ayld
crunmox ' js!”a” aru»ws.
I> and Commission Merchant#, No. 145, Liberty i
Fuuborgh.J'a. . dcniJy.
Ba. Fahnestock a wholesale ami Re
« tail pn3 Wood andfeih »a._ jyl
B— GALEY A SMITH, Wholesale Grocer*, la and
gJ Wood street Pnubnrgh. __
Cl A. MeANULTY t Co., Forwarding and Com
tusaion Merchant*, Canal fi&iia, Pittsburgh I'a
.. _ rnctai
jnt a. isousn. - - - .
JAMES i. Elgrain.
Tj'NGLiail i DENNETT, (late English, Gallagher
1-J f C°-) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For
warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Puts*
burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood si_, between vd and
3d streets. ocJl
GEORGE COCHRAN, Conunioaion and Forwarding
Merchant, No. 30 Wood street. Pittsburgh, my 17
HLEE, (successor to Murphy 4. Lee,) Wool Deal
• er and Commission Merchant, for the sale of
American Woolens, Liberty, opposite Sih st, fehl?
\vn. huui, Baltimore.
A. 1. BCCIJWi, DWItD OKALD, I p. .. ,
D. C. M’CAJUtOS, JOOH A. WASnUL t «««“•
Ht*ALD & HUCtCNOR, Tobacco Cdmmiiilon Mer*
chant*, 41 North Water tt, & 10 North.Wharret,
!u.llh otarr, bouxt rncrrr,
TSAIAU DICKEY &. Co., Wholesale Grocer*, Cora-
JL Biiaium Merchants, end dealer* in Produce, N 05.56
Water, end 107 Front streets, Pittsburgh. . novlj
JOHN WATT, (successor to Ewalt A Gebbart,)
Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant
dealer in Prodnee and Pitubnrgh Manufacture*; cor
ner of Liberty and Hand street*, Pittsburgh Pa. ja£o
JAMES'9 MeGUTRE,JIanj of the firm of Algeo and
McGuire,) Merchant Tailor, St. Charles Buddings.
Third street, near Wood, Pittsburgh.
JAMES A. HUTCHISON, A Co.—Successors to
Lewis Hutchison A Co., Commimoo Merchants,
tnd Agent* of the St Lotus Steam Sugnr Refinery.
No. « water and OS front streets, Pittsburgh.
JS. DIUWpBTI! A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Pro*
• duce and Commission Merchants, and Agents
for the Haxahd Powder Co. of N. V- No 37 Wood st
Pittsburgh. ja3
T OHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, and deai-
O er in Dye Studs, Painu, Oils, Varnishes, Ac., No. S 3
Wood street, one door Sooth of Diamond Alley, Pius
burgh. _ janl
JAMES KERR, Jr., A Co., (successor to Joseph G.
Dayis,) Ship Chandlers, D 8 Water street oc3l
JOHN li. &IELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer
in Music and Musical Instruments,' School Boos*.
Paper, SUtes, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers’ Cards, and
Stationary generally,No. 81 Wood au Pittsburgh.
ID* Rags bought or taken Intrude.? . • neplfi
J&CHOOKMAKEa A Co. Whotffsuin' '
. No. iU Wood ..reel, Pjmlunft.
lOHN D. DAVIB, Auctioneer, Comer filh and Wood
«treels, Pittsburgh. _ ocuj
JOHNSTON A eTOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers
and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market sL, Pitts
“BL J. 6
tOHB SLOTH, nmmi tuim
JA EL FLOW’D, (late J. Floyd A C 0.,) Wholesale
• Grocers, No. in Liberty street sepd
JAMES DALZEI.It, Wholesale Grocer, Centmission
Met chant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh
Msnufaemres. No. iM Water st, Pittsburgh, janlfl
TT" IEB A JONES, Forwarding and Commission Mer-
J\. ehants, temlers in Produce and Pittsburgh manu
factured oracle*, Canal Basin, near 7th st , • ddl
, VkiuTius iron WorkL
EWIB, DALZELLA Co., manufacturer* of ail li
fe* Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron aad Nails or the best
quality. Warehouse, 54 water and 105 (rent st.
janltl ;
B WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward
» mg and Comaisaion Merchant, Dealer ill Pitts
burgh Manufacture* aad Prodnee, Nos. 31 Water »t.
and 63 From ai. >37
joua srciLL. tas. o. s'«rll wstrsa c. so*-
\/I cGILLS A ROE, Wholesale Groeeri an<i Coomns-
°° We,Tl * tt,lu ' No - 1W Liberty st, Pittsburgh.
MURPHY, WILSON A CO., (late Jones, Murphy A
Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, No. 48'
vyood street, Pittsburgh. dov22
M. ALLEX, AI.F.Z. HIMWM, WTdl'x. jaWCsT”
VI AuLljj A Co, Comauiftion and Forwarding
ML* Merchants, Water and Front st*. between
Wood and Market ns. jujtO
M® 1 *: c. w. BJortTSow.
ILLRH A BJCKETSON, Wholesale Grocers and
Commission Merchants, No. 170, Liberty st, Pitts
burgh,_Pa._ ‘
N HOLMES A SON, No. S 5 Market, it, second
• door from comer of Fourth, dealers In Foreign
ano Domestic Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Depos
it Bank Notes and Specie. .
, lls Collections mad on ail the principal cities
tbsohgboui the United Stntea. decl7
ROBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying
Distiller, dealer in Produce, Prftaburgh Manufac
turns, and all kinds of Foreign ahjfc Domestic .Wine*
and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty streeir^rOn*hand a very
large slock of superior old Moa&gahela whiskey.
W *U'eh will be sold low lor cash, !►/"; -aplfiily
soßun koblksoii, “ a. aoßisson.
R ROBINSON a Co,Wbole»aieiQioce/*, Produce
* and Commission Merchants, add Dealers m Pitts
burgh Manufactures, No. lbb Liberty st/P.tuburgh.
*■_ jaaltJ
IkOßh.Kl DALi£fcIL.L A Co., Wholesale Grocer*,
Commission aad Forwarding. Merchants, dealers
in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty bl
Pittsburgh, Pn. -febai
RUBT, a. CUNNINGHAM, Wholes&lo Grocer,
Dealer m Produce aud Pittsburgh Manufactures,
No. 144 Liberty *u . jyU
U o. SST^OLte,
RKYN 01*1)9 £ SHEK, Forwarding and Commission
Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal
er* iu Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures
and Chloride of Lime.
The highest price*, in cash, paid at ail timet for eoun
try rags. Comer of PeiJajuid Irwin sts. jan23
SMITH A JOHNSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers
in Millinery Goods, Laces. Hosiery and Fancy
Articles,No. 46 Market street, 3d door above Thin! «i |
Fimbnrgh. ! npov
DttACKLETT A WHITE, Wholesale Dealers In
O Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. CO Wood si.
A. W. IIAKBAUGII, Wool Merehxflis, Dealers
Os 1“ Flour and Prodace generally, and FWstfarding
and Commission Merchant*, No. S 3 Water at, Pitts.
MJTILt BAOALEY & Co. Wholea&le Grocer* an 1 *
) FrrHlncc de&ier*,.Not233 Market meet, between sth i,
and Ota. Nortli »ide t Philadelphia. dwtB
t. acLtus rrrmutsE. rcma jacsaUilCAXTi^ni.
O KLIiKRS & iNICOLS, Produce end General Coro
-0 taiuion Merchant*, No. 17 Liberty »u, Pittsburgh.
Kpcrm, Lituced and Lard Oil*.
6 F. VON BONN HORST, it Co., Wholesale Gro-
Oe term, Forwarding nnd Commission Merchant*,
Dealers is Pittsburgh Manufheuires and Western Pro
dace. hare restored to their new ware house,(old stand)
No. 3A, corner of Front si. and Chancery 7-*n* -
nor 7
tsuth. t-cr. scott.
BOTH & SCOTT. Wholesale and Retail-dealers in
Bodta. Shoes, Trunks. Carpet Bags, S. W.
o more) iih and Braitbflelo sts, Pa. ja3
T'ASSEYA BEST, Wholesale Grocers and Comaii*-
A ston Merchants, and dealers in Produce. -No. 36
VVood tu, Pittsburgh. -• -pa£3
■JOBji S- WICX, jtf llnMm.
W(succeasors lo L 4 J. D
TT Wick,) Wholesale Grocers. Forwarding and
Commission Merchants, dhslers in iron, Noils, Glass,
Cotton in ms, and Pittsburgh Manufactures rehsrally,
of Wood and Wa»«r .vetts* PttabtfflTO.
WtST BO WEN—Co -nmiMlon and Forwarding
Merchant, No, SO Front st. between Wood and
Marhei streets. ** feblM
WW. WALLACE, MDI stone and Mill Furnish
• ing establishment, No. 24i Liberty ct, near the
eanal. „ _ • mara?
W<v WILSON. &aler ih Watches, Jewelry,
t Silver Ware, Military GoodivAc. No. sf M> r .
Set a. ' nor 7
WEL MUBPIIV, Whole**ie and Retail dealer In
• Foreign and Domestic Dry (foods, north cut
eomer of Martel and Fourth »u. angSl
wil tovko. _ ...
WM. YOuNG ft Co.—Dealer! in leather hides, ft*.
143 Liberty st- ,4aS-ly
WA R. M’CUTCIfEON, Wholeiaie Grocer*, de»-
• lera in Produce, Iron, Natls,Glas*, and Pitt*,
burgh Manufacture* generally, IS3 Liberty *i, Puu
bareb. d«i
YY • and Military Good*; corner of Marketand 4th
■treeu. Piusburgh, Pa. N. B.—Wale be* and Clock*
carefully repaired. • <lec4
Virlt.i t A~M"dmTH.~Manntaenget of Cotton and
YY eolored Linen, Fringes for Dreaae*, Ac.; Sewing
80k and colored Cotton Fringe* for (ilk and gingham
Parualu Gimp, Mohair, and SUk Bullion Fringe*,
made to order on the abarteat notice*
Bnu, corner of MaidenLnoe and William, entrance
No B 3 william street, third door, orter Abner A Klyi 1
(tore. No fed Maiden Lan«~ New York jy lo
M Al ' fllEW Wll-Sfiifi. Portrait atTifKiniaturePaio-
AW. ter. Boom*, corner of Post Office Alley and
Founb street, entrance on 4th nearMniket.
dtctt-dtf. '.‘J ;
JSK JL/TO WN SENUTLt Jpgieit*»d Apotaeoary,
J ’°-4* i ilarket it, three Jobrt shb?e Third el. Pitta*
ourgn, will bavo eoititanify on band a Well (elected a*»
"•«“«« best and ireabeat Medicine*, which he
wtu sett <ra the meet reasonable linn*. Phy«ician»
*? —*i£i ®™ er S, w iU be prompUy attended to, and sup
dSWu 1 n, rtl, ,«Su KnnlM.
Pbynetan* Prescription* accurately and
,°. Af ““ *“ *■ “r h,ar 01
I Aiio for tale, a l«ry» Hock of fleck iuid rood Perfa.
i “•TT 1 . ; ■•_ )*ni
C o ™?*; ssfc tetess!
tfe and Per Tcpa'of foreljn and dome*iie tanj-ble 11
1 a regular and fair pnee. -
I N. B.—Drewinyi for aonnmeau, farnUh
ed, of anj de»cnptioa. lie toliciu a ahare ofpoWk
; patronage eogi-dlf
I . U. T. Roberta, .
* rVPTHALMIC SURGEON, will a«eis Wt&treai
' v/mem of Diaeaiea of the Ere. •
■ pi- SL ha* been engaged la this branch of the
Profetilon for *lxteen yean, and ha* dondacted *a
-CiytDilihment for the treatment of of the etc
- '**®**Jor aeraral yean. ■ •
.rOfrtcx and realdeqea, corner of Sandoaky at and
Btrawbeny alley, Allegheny city. *cG3'
PUB «tp near Wood—Ail. quantities of Oreen. a»d
P>Bfc Black Teas, done op in qaartcr, half; and
N Con 1 ™!!;, Mwi-
SuJ? I®’AW)a 1 ®’ AW)a^t * 1 « Chief of Police* Roiarr
• laifl-d3ui
• 'attnl Boda Aitu -
Q'TOASKS ‘tUla** makera) Jim Mosprali A Son*’
£ I brand, just rac’d iieaiuer Brooklyn, and lor
iale by W 4. M MITCHELTKKK,
_ jaw ‘ 'No l«i Liborty *i
af >’*** *»*«>-
lOOKINO ULA.9S Manufacturer*, and Wholesale
i dealers lit foreign and domestic Variety Goods
Western merrtiams. Pedlars and others are uivurd
to caJI and examine the price* and quality ofoor Mock,
as with nor present userensed .facilities in manufactur
ing and purchasing, we. think we can offer as greai
inducements to buyers as j*ify*-x>tlinr house west of the
Mounlnn*. _ jas-ly
KENNEDY*. GUILDS a til),, Manufacturer! ot very
superior 4-4 SheeUngi, Carpet Chain. Couba
Twine and Batting. jo3o-1y
Dnqueini Spring;, Axle, Steel and Iron
COLF.MAN, ' k. Co, manufttrlarar* of
Coach end Elipu'c Springs, Hammered Axle*,
Spring and Plough Steel. Iron, Ac. Warehouse on
\V aief and Front ttreeta, Pittsburgh.
Also, dealer! inj Cbach Trimming* and Malleable
Casting!. octlV
XT BICKWASTKR, Auutnati—Office. Fourth sl,
, third door above Southfield, sooth side. (
CoQYeynnemg o( all kinds done with the ■greatei
care and legal nceeraey.
Title* te Real examined, Ac
TIT A M. MJTCUELTREE, Wholesale Groceri
TT • Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and I.iquo
Merchants. Abo, Importers of Soda Ash and Bleach
i"tg Powder, No. 160 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, I'a.
HAMILTON STEWART, manufacturer of Hear
Shirting*. Checks, Ac., Rebecca street, city o
.Allegany novlS-Jly*
OrriCK soon M. Allkh A Co,
No. 4«l Water street.
The hranihn Fire Insurance Co. of PhtlaJelohm.
T\mKCTO«3.-Ch.r[ e , NBuncker. Thomas Hart,
sM w B*V''^ D V, J H niuel •* ftcob R-Smith,
faeo. W Mordecai D. l.ewn, Adolpho L
Bone. DavidS. Brown, Mor»*Patier*on
■ Charie, G.
n -. ( i^.^ eto j aJlß insurance, perpeiusl or limited,
on overy description of property in town or country.
u ™‘“ M ‘ow u are consistent with seennty
6 a large conun*eni Fond,
Which with their Capital and Premium*, safely invest-
M i *"Ort ample protection to the assayed.
• v.i i 4 *?* ll ot “® company, on January Ist, IMP, as
published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were a*
fellows, vir
Mortgages *1,047,438 41
Real Estate W,75M 83
Temporary Loans • 90,(xji 85
Sfi“ *w»«» ‘
UMh, Ac. 31. KM J 7
u . . , . , 51,3«,4W 71
since their incorporation, a period of 19 year*, they
upwards of one mlilioa £oar hundred thooe
/ * a” 1 10,,e * b y fi r®i thereby affording evidence
ci the advantages or insorance, as well as the ability
ana disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities
« .. J - Gardiner coffin, Agem,
Office N E corner Wood ana 3d ita
J Jt.,Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del
w *ware Matnal Safety Insurance Company of Phila
tdeiphik. Fire Risks upon buildings ana merchandize
of every description, and Manne Risks upon hull* or
cargoes, of vessels, token upon the most favorable
terms. ,
JL/" Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes A Bro.,
» »j 3? Water, near Market street, Pittsbargh.
N. B.—The success of this Company aince the estab
lishment of the Agency'in this city, with the prompt
ness and liberality with which every claim upon them
for loss has been adjusted, futly warrant the ngeui in
inviting the confidence and patronage of his friend* and
the community at large to th* Delaware M. S. Insu
rance Company, while it has the additional advantage*
Wan institution among the mom flonnshingin Philadt-l
phta—as having an ample paid-in capital, which bythe
operation of its charter u constantly increasing, a*
yielding .io each peraon insured his due share of the
profits of the company, Without involving him in any
responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing
the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious fea
ture, and In its jnost attractive form. nov4
lntorance Company of North America, inrough
A a* duty authorized Agent, the subscriber, ofleri io
make permanent and Limited insurance on property, m
this city aud as vicinity, and on ahipineuts by the Ca
nal and Riven.
Arthur 0 Collin,
Stun'l W. Jones,
Edward J»nmh
John A. Brown,
John While. •
Thomas P. Pope,
Samuel F Smith,
Samuel Brooks,
Charles Taj lor,
Ambrose \\ kite,
Jacob M. Thomas.
John a. Ned,
Richard 0. Wood,
Wrn. Welsh,
Frames Horens,
H. Austiu Alii bone,
„ „ . ARTHUR U. COFFIN, Pres'L
Hknvt D. Shkuxud, See*y.
This K the oldest Insurance Company m ibe United
State*, having been chartered tn |Tv4. Its charter is
perpetual, ana from its high Handing, lung experience,
ample means, and avoiding all risks of an extra haz
ardous character, it may be considered as offering am
ple security to the public W. P JONKS,
At the Counting Hoorn of Atwood, Jones A Co., Wa
ter and From streets Pittsburgh. ma}'s
Protection lntnrante Co. of Danfort, Conn.
} FUND The undersigned, having teeu appointed
Agent of the Protection Insurance Co., will mae risk*
on property in the city and vicinity. and on liwpmcuu
By canal, anil the river* and lake*.
Office, Nu. l¥7 Wood street
r |’HK yt'USCKIUKK bas been appointed Agent pro
A Urea, oi the Insurance Company of North Amenrt,
uul will issue Policies tuid attend to the other business
of the Agency, at the warehouse of Atwood. Jones tc
£°- apW \VM. I’ JuNKs. water si
c. a. x>a.v*Jim»wiut, i. naasum **.*«.
No. 59 South Wharves, r„..i No. II? South Water it.
BEGS to inform llio i rude and dealer* generally, of
Pittsburgh, ihdl they nave made such arrangements
with the Virginia manulacmren and the (.rowers of
the West, West lndios, ami other places, as will Insure
a large and constant supply of the following descrip
tions of l'obacco, which wiii lx sold upon os accom
modating terms as any other bouse in tin* city or else
where, and oil goods ordered (rom them will b« war
rented equal to representation:
Havana; St- Itomingo; Conn.; "i
Yarn; Porto Rico; Penn'a.; ASeed Leaf u>
Cuba; Igmni; .4 Florida, J bacco;
ALSO—Branch’* celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven
dish, with a large assortment of ether popular brands,
and qualities of pounds, As, Ss. 12), 10s and Lump;
6s, S, Si and 10s Plof; Ladies’ Twist; Virginia Twist.
4c., sweet and plain, in whole and ball boxes, wood
aad un. together with overy variety of article belong
ing to tno trade. ' jelOdly
wool, fLoukawd produce.
(Successors to Herd, Hurd 4 Co-)
Particular aciemiou pud to the sale of all kn-da of Pro
duce. and liberal advance* made on consignment*.
L. H. A Co. bare leave to refer to—
Meiiri R. Robison A Co. >
■< McGiU 4. Hoo. i
" Reed, Park* A Co., Beaver,
** Laor*on A Covode, Weilrrille, O.
Boswell Marsh, Esq. Steubenville, O
8. Brady, Etq. |
W F Peterson, Esq I . ~
Mom K Crauglc 4 Co Wheoilos, V "
“ Gill A atom, ]
u Rhode* A Ogleby, Bridgeport, O.
Packer of pork and beep,
Commiislon Herchant and forwarder,
fry. Particular attention pud to tbe purchasing of
of any ankle of Produce in thi* markeL Also to the
forwarding of Good* generally. Refer to
Me**r*. John Swasey A Co,*>
** Martin A 9tockwelJ >Cinciunati, O.
S. C. ParkAarst, Esq. )
Lippmeott A Co. ~i
KlerA Jones, >Pirtaburgh. Pa.
English A Bennett. ) mari):d6m
Commlulon and Forwarding Merchant*
• *a to wood nmnwH,
/IONTImJES to transect e general Commisatoo busi«.
D**»i especially in the purchase end sale of Ameri*
c»n alsnUfactore* end Produce, end in receiving end
forwerding Good* eonaigned u» hi* cere. A* Agent tor
tbo Menweetures, he will be constantly supplied with
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Mumfkeiure »t the
iowe«i wholeeeie prices. Order* end consignment*
exe respectfully solicited. 497
CAQpr ~
N°n3t-fn 3 t-f Fronl ltnfot i l«eond itory,)
Ptui«d e |ptia. purchased, packed, trmared,
and .hjpwd u> order. Wool, Flour, Oram, DrW
*» d
RaTEaxsca—We, Bell <fc Son, Mr U Hubr and
Mr. Harrey Cbilda, Phubwh. feiffin,
wuolksalb grockbV
Iron, SiUi. Cotton Tarns *..Pttuborsh
Hannfactarea gencrsllT *
SO- 10 woon rrskjtr, I’lrrmßcasH V*.
For the isle of Produce generally.
IQ* Liberal advances made on coutirnmeuta.
transportation tolhe East. “
Commission and Forwarding Agents.
G.M. lIARTON, Pittsburgh, will receipt Produce
going East. /ebllMliho D k C.
Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domretu
Saddlery Hardware & Carriage Trimmings,
Ho. 133 Wood st., Pittsburgh, Pa.
IS now receiving bis Spring Ktpply •' Good*, aad
invites tha otaniion of Saddlers, Coachmahers sod
aiercbanutoWs stock, libasbeeu bought upon tic
best terns, from the best sources, and be therefore
feels confident of beiaf sble to sfford ssiisfsetion to
all who tasr favor him with m call. me luPidCm
Jouwo.v, 40 Market street wishing to close their
stock or Variety Goods previous to their removal, will
seU aTwhoiesaJe their stock of Combs, Button*, Nse
dies, Threads, Fins, Jewelry, fee., at cost, S fe-LwiH
remove on April tfd, to No 60 Market st meh77
*"*. BAH*. W “- T ' <OS, ‘ ,
HARDY, JONES A Co„ (incceuor# to Atwood,
Joaea h Co.) Commiuion and Forwarding Mer
chants, dealer* )n Putsbargii Manufactured uotua,
PHUboigh, Pa. mehtf7
ATTORNEY at law,
UtllUr, }\i
abo attend to roljrrt.ons and all other b 0,..
,r'" 1,1 n " ,w "" j
J 4 R Floyd, Liberty «t i
W W Wallace, do 5
J. a . m l‘r ! I I’.H-.honrl,
Ka) 4 Co . \i rvod *t j
T II S« KITZF.R. An „ a „ , u .
tl , oppomr., Chnrlc* n.-p’l. ntutxirth. w.ll
•lit.ia promptly lo Coilrcuo,,.. Wtt.hmiton. F.tvrtir
an>M<rrrn commen. Pa
J-. WARY. Attorney and Counreltor at l,nw.
i. Uncuinau Ohio Collection* in Southern c ihio.
ln and in Kentucky, promptly and mre
(u I) .nri.dnl Ui rom, :h, U,- of 1V.,».
Aclc'*’ r la * m K Deposition*. arlrnovrledgriieni*.
Kxm T\>— Jlon. \Yra. Bell 4 Son, Curu«. Church A
Carothrr*. H m .Hay*, Emj. l\ iljock A Hnvi* n-tf
TTOUNKV AT LAW Office remove.! io Court!,
street, between Smith find and Grunt »trect
Jamks , nurx.i -cwku.
T \LNLOp 4 RKWKL!„ attorney at Luw, office* nit
-*-/ Sttuthjield, l.etVeen Id ami 4th *t*
JOHN II RANKIN, Attorney mid I,'ounviior ut
t»nd Commissioner for lUr State o: Pennsylvania
51 l«ouis. Mo . {late ol Pittsburgh.)
RarraascKa.—Pittsburgh: Hon \V Forward. Hump.
* n A Miller. M'Candlew 4 M'Clure. John E Parke.
Bi*»r!!* 4 Sc4nplr, MT'ordA Kmr jrii |y
ATtORNF.N aT LAW. Fourth street. between
Smith field mid Gram. jalti-dilin
ATTORNEY a r LA'\ . Fourth street. near Grunt.
WO. H. ROBINSON. Attorney at Law. han re
« moved tin office to the Exchange Build,nr*, c-t
Clair *t. next door to Alderman Johan. aplT.y
A THE tuh»cnber. in addition to hu own
JM manufacturing of Hat*, ha* made arrange- /fit
wuh Messrs Hobue 4 Co.. ithc mtnt®*sa
fashionable hatters of the city of New York l for a reg
ular supply of hi* extra Hue Silk Hat*, and huvmgiu.t
received a few cases. gentlemen can i,e timed with a
very nch and by calling nt hi* new Hat
and Cap Store, Smithheld street, second door nouth of
Fourth, where may be found a great variety of Hats
and Cto» of hi* own manufacture, whole*uJe and re
tail. Hat* made to order on short notice
4H>COH J> a. CO.. aWttWw
(Successor* to M'Cord 4 King) IE®W
Fashionable Ratten, Bplo
Comer of Wood and Fifth Slrrxt*.
PARTICLT-AR a:*en(ioo paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and
Cap* from our establishment of the best m-iteri* lx ond
woaxiaanmir, of the Littn ern-sa, and at uic lowest
Country Merchant*, purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully invited to sail and examine our Stock; as
we can »ay with confidence that ns regard* i.’rsLiTT
and roica. It will not buffer ut a compansou with any
bouse in Philadelphia. feblT
subscriber is now receiving from iheWM
of New York, a choice assortment
of Hats, Caps and Muffs, latest fa*hiou&,ui great varie
ty and very cheap, wholesale and retail.
_novl3 StntthQeld st. ‘Jri door south of 4th
rrj. CALIFORNIA HATS— 1- dot water proof
im California Hau. just received and tor sale b>
comer sth und Wood su
M'COJU) 4 Co wil; introduce on Sutur- / fl
day, March 3d. the Spring style of MAI'S
Those In want o: a neat and superior hat. are invtird
to rail at corner u.' j:k anil Wood street* man!
Dr. Host's Celebrated Rtmedits.
TAR. JACOB S ROSE, the rlr«eoverrr anil .ole pr-n
of ihew most popu.ur and !- r,en<-,al n,crt
icinea.iood also the inventor of ihr em-braird nuiru
ment for inflating the Lungs, in effecting a cure «,■
Chrome discares. was > student of that etnlnr..; pi,.
eian. Doctor Physic, and i» a gradume of me t ,'uver*i
ty of Pennsylvania, and for Munv year* .mcc na.« n
engaged in the investigation of disease and the conn,
canon ofremedic* tnerrto
Through the uee of hie inflating tube, in rntin/vnon
with hi* Prophylactic Syrup and other of m* rained,,-,,
he has gained an u.-ipuraJciied eminence m curunj
those dreadful ami lam! imuadie*. Tubm-uiar Con
sumption, Cancer*. Scrofula. Rheumatism, Asterna
Fever and Ague. Fever, of all kind*. Chronic Krvsipe-’
la*, and all those obstinate dtsrn-e. j>eculi:ir :o iemaii *
Indeed even- form of dtseaee vans«he» uuder the use
ot hi* remedies, to which humanity is hen—not by the
use of one compound orny, for Uiai i« larompauble
wuh Physiological Law. t,u: by the u »r of |„. rrin< ,.
die*, adapted to and prescribed for earn neeuiiar form
oi disease
Dr. Rose’* Tonic Alterative Pill*, wtien u*e,l are m
variably acknowledged u» t.c superior to nl! other, a*
: n purgative or liver pill. ina*muni as they lrav» i#e
1 bowel* perfectly free from convene**, a* al«o hi*
Golden Pill* i* admitted by Uie laeuny u, ( .«v.»e«* pec-u
-liar properlie* adapted U> temaie di.eiu..., ~u ; .
•almfird that a bare tnai is sufficient to e«txb;,.n tv/iat
has been said in the minds ol the mo*t skrpnrn.
The afflicted are invited to raJl upon the ige>,«. an ,t
procure fgrau.joneoi the Dortons uampnlet-. gn-mg
ji detailed oceount of each renirdy and it* jpj..n-at»o:i
For sale by the fol owing agent*, a* w c ;r iu |,y mo>t
Druggist* titroQghoui Uie country
J Bcboonmnker 4 Co. *24 Wood urm Piti-!.urrh
J M Townaend. druggist, 43 Market -t -
Lea A Beckham, - near the P O Allegheny mv
Jo* Barkley, Daritugton, Beaver couniy. Pa
Jno FdUott, Lnnon valley, -
T Adame. Beaver,
novllMl f
/ H>L*UH. fAIN IN' Tilll MDK AMI .'IIK.-m
RKD’—HwTinc a lor limjj ume t-en, tti«trc
wail a teTrtc pain HI Uic wdc ami ci t r»i, nrroinpumrd
Wllh a dry COUR b. I wu. miliirril, upon Uir urgent «o-. •
citation 4/ a Ir.cnd. lo [Jr Tauuf < Ha;*nm o; l.ivrr
wort, and 1 mu»t ray ihi« inedjrtne ha« nn«wiTrit a*
purpoas admirably My .li.irc»» wn« produndsy «
ae»err bun, and w»» to great Uiaui wa» wim dafn-udr
I couid swallow my food Indeed, 1 ain »au*fied u.i»
diaeaae munthii»r irrnmiaird m ilomuiiupnon or <omr
fata.l dueaae. bod a noi Been cured oy ihi* judicious
medicine To all who see* lo prolong iheu live*, I
wouid ndvtse-the use of Dr Taylor * 01 liver
wort. JAMKi* I.OWAN. 4a«J Uowery
Thu medicine facilitate* expectoration, reiiurr* f K .
ver. restore* strength, and mav be considered ms a »u
-pcnor preparation iwr the cure and prevention of ail
diseases in ihe Chest and Lungs, and should be rent
ed to, even after these diseoses have routed the u--
al remedies. Jn the practice of this out un.l vry
• pectable physician, this Baisam of Live rw «n t,a> n .
quired an enviable reputation lor its virtue*. a* -
nor to that of tho abundant nostrums of tite Ua>
was the character and probity o: it* invert.*! „ t j,..
of quacks and empiric*
CONSUMPTION CCRKD—My *on n*. % ...
icnt cold, used to cough violently, rai».*.jj tie* ..
'hick putrid matter, and finally hn could i...: i , uv «i
i.i bed, from weakness He manifested eve- -ymp.
!nm of confirmed consumption. For«ixyei . tie intil
i/ecn subject to the asthma. Jits phyMcm. dc»*rt
'• crtuoule &'Anderson, said he was n.-., <l*, and
•nu.t soon die. Vet I was determined 10 ir-. itr Tay
tor ■ lialsam of Liverwort, and strange a* .. may ap
peir, thu medicine has fully restored his lir.tLiiu
SOPiUA GALLON', 14 Norfolk street
Sold In Pittsburgh by J L> .Morgan, PJ Wood si. J
Townsend, 45Market si, H Smyser, cor Market and
3d su; Henderson k. Co, 5 Liberty at. Price reduced
to 81.50 per
jaynea’ Expectorant.
Salicx, Colunibiuna c0..0.. Apr. 24. |P4I.
DR. D. JAYNES: Dxai Sti;—l Teel bound lo you
■nd the afflicted public, to avail myself of dn* op
portunity of Jiving publicity to the e.xtraonimary effect*
of your Expectorant on myself Marine be-n afflicted
for several years with a severe couga. hectic f-ver
and its concomitant disease*, and seemed only doomed
to linger out a short but miserable existence, until the
full of 1839, when, being more severely uiim led. and
having resorted to all my former remi-dte*. ui ibe pre
scriptions of two of the aioti respectable pn> ..,-iaus in
the neighborhood without deriving any bn.r!,,, or i] lft
consolation of surviving but a few days or week* at
ianheit—when the lust gleam of hope wa. about to
vuiush, I had recommended u> me your Kxj.. tornnt—
'out blessed by that Being who does rti; tin.-* m the
use of the mean* —aad contrary to the ations of
my physicians and friends, I was in a few days raised
from my bed, and was enabled by u<e use of a bottle, to
attend to my business, enjoying since better health than
I had for ten years previous.
Respectfully yours, Ac., J*s \V .Fornix.
For safe m Pittsburgh, at tiir Pekin Tea Store, 72
Fourth street. mnr£>
ly sanatory, balsamic and tonic progenies of tnu
Vinegar render it fur superior to Cologne water for
the ordinary purposes of the toilet, surpassing the Ist
ter in its perfume, it prevents and re.iooves pimples,
tetter and asperity ol the skin, it refreshes und whitens
the skin, rendering it soft und smooth It corrects the
elaouny and bitter taste of ibe mouth, imparting a fresh
and pleasant breath, it cleanses and whitens u.r
taeth, and hardens the gums. For all the above pur
poses, 11 is used with water in »ucti proportion ns may
lie found most agreeable. Hy mimting n anil rubbing
it on the temples, it »itl remove In mlm-li*- If uf.pb.-.t
instantly to a barn or bruise, it wii, eventual:-, iir-vm
mortification, it correct vitiated mr, and gmirhntic*
from contagion; it is therefore very useful for i-nr>ti .-ik
and perfutninx apartments. For «nle by
K E SKLLKKM, Wholesale Dfilgpist,
07 Woo«i street. i‘ii:»i>ori:ii
Dr. UcLane In Tcnntme.
r rms u U) certify that I purchased one via) of Dr
X llcLaae 1 * Worm Specific. »oine two mouiln o<o
and give 10 a »on of mine, aome »fven ) <■□?« oi l uo
leupociu fall, and although the amount inn/ appear
largo, yn I have no doubt but them waa upward* of
rwo TaocaaVD wohjo pa»»c<l from him. measuring
'■tom cam quarter of an inch u> two inches lone.
Bona** Creek, Carrol co. Tenn , Dec 27. I**47 j*vl
O CoLCMen. Jan. mb, l-'V
Mr. K K. Heller*:—Yonr Vermifuge has sold wrll,
and ho* been high y »poKcn oi by ail who have used
>t. From the sueers* attending the of
yoor Vermifuge in every caw I have heard 01. I am
confident 1 can toll more during ibr coming snsnn
l ** an * d'd !■*' I will t>*> rind to receive another <tip
ply of« or 6 grot* Yours, reipecifa'ty,
[Extract from Inter j R CARTER
Prepared and .old |. y u K SELLERS. 57 Woo.l *t,
and sold by dniggtsi* generally. ui Pittsburgh and Ai
*• r - I'ITTiUV OCO D BlimN'OX.
nnnn; »no.T MAa * PITTMAN * CO.,
. ° 15 a Second »troel,
mcnS7:d9tn* ST IXJIJ | S m ( ,
ritliK subacuber has removed hu Wholesale timer.
JL ry ***®rc lo the corner of llaiu-ark „ren un.i Abe
gheny Wharf; next door to the Perry House
APRIL opening. a Urge and a'itsoM
mem of fine Watches and Jewelry which will
be aold a* cheap a* in any other establishment in this
or the Eastern ciuea.
AI«o—A I«r*e lot of variety (torn Watebe and Jew
elry, at vrnr low pnera. Pu:i Jewelled | 3 karat*.-id
I severe, *• low s» ituny-five doUara
corner 4ih and market »u
r PH F c<vparlnt > r*tiii> urreloicn* rxi*;,!!* ' (■••.vrrri Uir
1 *ur'*rfiJ)«rr« m ihr >..imr c f Fri-ml n*n , v A C«».
wn* ihi* ilny di*»4>lf«*il v. inaiuai pon-m c.rn Rhry
will »rui>' ’hr hu«mr«i '.hr roncrrn. lor vrtiici. pur
pn«r h<' i« nmtiorixri] 10 u»« the untnr ot'ilir 'nin
<;ki> nurv
fVbruarj ?. IMS
Tli<* *ub«mt«<‘n* tu»\- 'in* Jay a»»onul«*ii ih<*in«-.-lvM
i'i 1 In* iiainr o: KH K , . M ATTIIKW? A. Co . u.t the
|>on*o«i- 01 ir«ji*urune a (Jrnrrry. Cnmitt »«mn
a"ri FnrwnHir’j; llu*.- -*• hi ill" Hand ol the !m- firm
of l ricniJ. Rh'-V .V rv , w iirrf thrv wili in: |i.«u»rd m
n-i-c-.vr t}*» pntrn<iNt><* c.i ilir cii-‘!omrr< o( llinl ?iou.'c
»riJ rtur irifii.N t.KO UIiKN.
F-hrutiry W‘J
" <■ In*'- |>!ra«ur<- 1-1 recommending to the r00d.!.-lire
oi onr friend* mid iho-.- oi Friend, RbcV * <Vi . our
‘lieirHMir. hu*in<-«-. K:,r\. MsltheWs A Co
I‘ ,! « JAMKS woods
Dlsaol utlon.
r l' 11 h co-fa r:nr r,lnp !»*• r--t»>fr»r*- r n»ung be*we<* n *tre
1 subscriber* m ihf imhc of Constable. Burke A
*■'" ■i* thi* dnv di-solvd t■ y mutual corner:. M-cvt*
Burk-- A Borne, will .r-i.ethe bu.-one** nl tin' con
eerr. -ur ivh.rh puipo*- iroy nre authorised 10 u-- ihe
iiuuir oi the uinnrru N.\ Til ANI Kl. CONSTABLE.
tihimas rarni>
The undersigned have itn- day :i*-ociith-d them..-Ives
in the name oi Bl K Kll A lIA RN KS. lor tin- purpose
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safe*. Vault Door*. Ac.
Ac . ni the *tnnd oi :h- late firm oi Coustnbir. Burke
A t o . where they will t-e pleased to rereive the pa*
tronapo of the customer* «: that hous-; and their friends.
In retiring Irom ihe firm of Cnnsiable. Burke A Co,
l with eineere pleasure recommend Merer* BuikeA
Banie* to the confidence nfiny friends and the public
FHj J». 1 -SU NATHANIEL constable
I'HK partncrelrp so long easing under the firm ol
.M’lord A Kmc. was by mutual consent dissolved
on the 1»t in«t The business will lie elo*ed at Die old
stand bf either ot us, using the name of the firm for
that purpose Being desirous to Imve vur business
closed with a* iiule delay as possible wc would re
spectfunv request those indebted io rail and settle
their account* JOHN D M’CoRD.
jo** H D KING
Co-Partners hip.
JOHN D M’CORD Having associated with i.. «n Uis
brother James M’Cord. under the «-.) ;/• u f M'Cord
A Co . will continue the Hat. Cap and Fur business in
all ns vurtous branches, wholesale aud retail, ut the
old stand, corner ol Wood and Ath street*, where they
solicit a continuation of the pnironugr so liberally be
stowed on the old firm. JOHN D M'CORD
JN retiring from the old and well known firm ol
M’Cord £ King, l most rrspecu'ity recommend to
the patronage of the public my successors, Messrs.
M eord ACo jn > If D KINO
T'HF. partnership of M I'Rl’H V A LEE is ihi* day
dissolved by mutual roniem The business of the
late firm will he settled H Lee J K MIRPHY.
Pittsburgh. Jan 30. 1-4 V H LF.F.
N’OTICE—The undersigned will rontmue ihe Woo!
business mid attend to the sale of Woolen Goods. a;
the old stand K LEE
In retirintg from the firm ol Murphy A I lake
great pleasure iu recommending Air II 1-ec U> the
confidence of m) friends and the public
PiUaburgli. Jan 3JU-4V J R MURPHY.
r PUK subscriber, ha*. tLis day a*»oei:i:ed them
-1 selves together for me purpo-e of TnM*icti’»s a
wholesale arid retail Dry Good* tnd i.werv business
at No that Liberty, opposite Sovrrrli .trrel, umln iu«
Style and firm of Bl SHFIELD A llAi.s
Pittsburgh. January I. IMP
N B—< hir old customer* and ihe public or- ,n /iter)
to give ua a call
YI/ r M B !*CAIKK and »:opt JA,M KS ATKINSON
X\, ha*** entered partnership, under the firm of
SB. AIFK A ATKINsn.V and will carry on ihe Tin
Copper. nnd Sheet Iron V\ are manufactory
Also Blaeksmiilung m an its t*ra:;cne*. at the oid
• land ol Wm B Sc».:r. First «ireet. near Wood
Particular ntirnbon *-:v-n to steamboat work
THU PARTNEK-mi' Of WM a r H*t* hav ,ig
1 been .li**olve.| m,- .tenth or ,>,ir n: ihr nart-.ien
;he it;iere»t <n Wm Hav*. ir . in .'ml nrm
eni»ai«ung Hide- Lea irr >*iu». Hi. A. ivi
l«b:-ul JAMK.I LAI'I.IILIN. Admi-.Mtramr
l HAVE IK. ,t«> «*..,.- ; aie,! w,.h ror ih e ‘,v •mp e •
my 'f.-.ti-r J.-ep'i. .im! r-ne ttr, n of J S DlLWoitril
k \ n J S MLWi'Ki i|.
January l. I->U
day asswciuied w.ui L.iu, Joan U MVane. ti,
hnn nf Wm Young 4Cu WILLIAM N'tirNri** 6
• "' w JNn » \m SK
"V / , 9 I ' ,K^.l * rc;ure * 0,1 » Progre** and
1' die Life and Times u- John Uunva.i, !>v the Rev
(»en. Cheever. LD. ‘
Wafidems* of,, P, irr.m ,n the Shadow or M.. an t
Hlan< . by Geo B t he-.-, p I)
The Journal of tnr iMcr.nia ut I'.iimmi*. ,„Nr»
l4ir«i-0.:..|6». K«.tea ucn. „, uf
with fiiMonni ami ot •» , ,u«lra..!.•!(■ of j.rn<n;. ,r
-pr-ieipc. and ;M-r»cMi« »-y f.rotc- H <'hre* r r |i o
SeconJ cdit.oli
ttapctrii wih ref*re.
Hilwtn nee* J, I,
I.ll* urn: forrcpo- ■of J„t. Jo.i-r r.J.:rj
i HR) land, » in «»f Mr pr
and a companion. l-s Joh-i >hrpp«fcj—. n rW r<in loh
rh* above ruti I Mr er »i.>n Ul Theological,
torwn., Medical ami x-noo, Ikxi*» jo' -o r «i ,ow
price, by KU.JoTIA LNI.USIi, :»
mar.; brtvvr.-n 4m -t u,.l Diamond a,';, r
Thorn ton. late Judge ot iur dupr.-nic o« ur i i>• Ur
egon with an Appendix, tm-tudii.,. rr. r.,l a lu
’' ir " u< ' '"tnrma'.on o: , it,.- »..b,r,- t of I>o tj ,\|.
am! either valuable mailer of ,„ir-rr, t Ull . , , IIU
*iJn'umrft>ii, illu.tratmn. and a map; •> vo<«. I .urn
The t.o.d S<-rkrr« Manual. bong
m.trucijre guide to a,, per.r>,,« en, l grai...g .oil,. <o .,i
rr gm:,.- by 0 r Aiistrii. Trot ot i.rolot) K mf. «of
.lire. London t vot panrr %ie
Note, of Travel m (*»,i<ornia. Uie i.n.m
.nem Irauifc. 01 u,e couatry al-.., the ,© u ; t . nom l i.ri
l.cttvenwol’tn,Mo, l« Snu Lhrgo. Ca. From the off,,
cm r'pofu ut <’ol Freinoni and Mat Kmorv I vnl
»IKI page. asc- ’
The California Guide Bo*k. rmnpniinr Uip a »t na
med work i«,ru,rr -run Col Fremont » (
account of Upper Cunio nun. and m- ui ir.c
Kipiormg HipoLuon lo the Rocky Mountain. Ac
wilt) t map*--1 vol.-vn jiap-r 5' c
Rev Huptt.t W Noel , Work on the Church
.1 State -I VO . l-.hao. »
J tut received by R. 1101 I.' VS.
- mctl!W A polio IJuiuL...- • 4th at
I )0«)K. . BOOKS" Kdgar'. Variation* ».■ Tonery.
• ' !, y Rev i. spnrrv, Xenophon a Work- Tantu*
l tuver.ity Ser.ona. PydV.r . \at uia i
'"T.i or
-I Mncoor. Thrnph.ny or tmua/e.tauor. ot
Chri.t, Memoir* of J Konili Huxto-i. Hurt. Cm.*! I.
all. t.y lyag. a* tinpori and umdr., The •ud
•l.c Kingdom. -i vote Cheeper a lecture* nn Tt unui .
Frogre*., Cheever » Waudmng. of a T.I/nm' i.i thr
A!p* Aoderaon * Uume.tir i onatiiuuon. Modern Ar
eomp uhtccm., Ln.t day. ofWtaha. Women of the
Revolution, by Mia Kile', Ltle ol Tnllok lor .ale ht
marlti KLLIOTT k KNtiUSH. Tt wood .t
Human magnktism-iu ci ai „,« t « d..pal».on-
Ute intjuiry; Iremg an niietnpi u, «h ow uU i, ty
ol ttt appljeauon tor m« of .utTentig, by \V
Newubum, hag . author of "The reciprocal influence
af ltodr -,,c Th, work thr .ohjoc,
puhli.ahed. For .ale |.y KU.HITT k UNfil.lSH
m,1,1a TV wood »l
L IKK OK FRANKLIN, lllu.lrated-ln of
pulilicaUon in the aoeial lonn. by Harper A Oro
them. New \ ork, The Ijfe of Benjamin Franklui con
it.ui.i'of hn Autobiography, and a narrative of hi.
public l:«e and, t.y the Rev H. lla.umr. Wr.ld,
apletididly rtnbe.ii.hed hy numerou. enjoi.ite design.,
uy John lj L'liapmun, engraved in ihe highcat »tyi r of
art The work it printed in the octavo lorrn, on au
perhne paper, from bold and legible lype. It will no
completed in uigtn parte, at «5 cenu each, and i-aued
nt brief interval.. Kach part will be received by ei
prr.. immediately after it. publication Tart I.i ju.t
received and for »ale by
■' l corner market and ltd »m
the acecmon ol Ji.nte. II —Voi I.
The History of Alria.nler the lireut by Jacob Ab
bott. with map and engraving.
Tue Hi.iory of Chorle.i the Ktr.t of Fjigland by Ja
t 01. Abbott—elegant engmving..
Harper'. Infe of Franklin .plrndidly rmbclb.hed
by iiumermn exqui.ite de.ign._a,No I. cent* To
*e eompieted m S number*.
Pictorial Ht.tory of Fuigland. np to the reign of
Cn. tjr lll—eompiete tn 4 octavo. I.'HKI illu.lra
ju»t r<*reirrd Uy
u*i rh«imrr.' Work*. V.. 1 u
Irnnk i. >. • I.ilo inuMralr.J ~u n, |J ttm l |j|.
I Ur- Hi»n»r> ol IlimmU, m- . nril.aammn. l,y J i <.J.
AMx.ll IJ iii*i r u .-.1 li lie, iiihji uni] auin-tou. cm r»
AJicr'« liiiiimiiM and I'm;
n--11. liiu«tr«lrcl
.Vlon i.f ll.r -if,-I- A rnlVrNnil of Ttm'l'
and Ui»*cf vuiioiiv in >t«-.j , lr am i
:l.r Worid
ilun « Koinaiii'r m aruin.j,*
Arabian hjiuruinitiriii?. iraimUiitin:
i|>lemlnUy ulu»irair,|. -j von. | aiuo
Jo«l rrcnvcd l.v
XJ h.W KOOK.*--HiMrry 01 .Muf. ~ S' «.
.1. » Kv Jurol- At>l»>u, wiiii cuifruvime■
II.MOI) nf Kin* Ctli.fjV. |hf f,r*l ol' Uy
Ali'xdt. will! rmffnirmp.
Mittory nf A Wni.d-r ih-Om-bi. Hy Jan.t. Al r.oti
null nug ravine*
A| , J'*J[*o- <‘l -hr r : ,i;hH r ,M IUI . MyJacl.
k-l/tf ~„f k ui»
V’KWRnoKS Orrgon and fafiformu m IS4-, i-v
Ll J IJUii.n ' .air judcrul Ho Rll|>rrmr
< nun ot Orntfon. huh poirr-iioii iiit inrint>rr of Uir
Amenraa Insuiutr \\ up n}l mill. .nrJudinjf c
rcnl Uljd .lillirlil.r uiK.fUjuUfj,, „„ llic <>l ll»<*
C,(JLU MIM* o. Cluurma. ami oilier valuaHe t.mi
irr of 11 lierr»t in Uie eiiiigranu, nr Willi n.unralion*
ami « map. In iw„ volumri.
Raphael; ot pagr« of lue Honk of life si r.veni> l*V
Alplion.e ly'-nianuir, auilmr of Hie ''lln'i-ry ol Dio
iitrouUiaU, or l'rr*o<>ui MruioiM of tire I’jiriuM of Die
l irnch Revolution," rir J u »i reeeivcit umJ for *aie
rorner raarkri »ml M ■!»
MAI* Oh' I.Y A\l A— r«u.-ri!i-i-J from ilw
Ooumy Survey* uuuiuri/.ed Ij y Uit- Suic. nnd oin
f t original Jocumnii* anti unproved under
ihc xuprrvutnii 01 Win. K M»r 11«. O, vil Kutfinrer upon
Uuta procured n. each county. iimlcr aullionry ol the
1./Cl'ifcJuiurr A lew cupir* ni thu and «pl<-inlld
Map (|,i- day nnd tor talc l»y
Oooktellcr*, cor mxrket and 3d «U
roGo aim tecoton, pbopbistobs.
MTHIB establishment long and widely known as
beinp one of tile mon commodious in the city of
Baltimore, has rerently undergone eery eiten
■ ire alterations and improvemertts. An entire new
wmg ha* been added, containing numerous and airy
*!o*pj;ig apartments, and extensive bathing rooms.
The X*daie«' department has also been completely
reorganized and fitted up in ■ mow unique and beauti
fui rtyle In faet the whole arrangement of the House
baa been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
tbe proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of
the,* Guest* and which they confidently assert will
ebaUenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
1 heir t*U“e will always be supplied with even sub*
Mfinial and luxury which the market affords, served
up in a superior style, while m ihe way of Wutea ka
tbey Will not be surpassed.
In eonclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing
wui i.e left undone on their part, and on the part of their
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy tho continued
™ 'heir mends and the public generally.
The pnres for board have also been reduced to tho
lollirwmg rnle-s
Ordinary. $1.73 per day.
(•entlcmen'* " I^o
N. H —riir Haggng.- Wagon of the Hoaae will aJ.
wa/a be l.iund at ihr Oar and Btcaotboat landing*,
which will convey baggage to and from the lloiei. free
M COB: *Tk 0F AXn ! * T rLjk tH srs., FTmacann. pa.
The «uh«erihiT having n*«unied the manage*
mrtn nf ihi« long e«t:ibli«hed and popnlnr Hotel.
IV.. 1 rr *P cc,/ul| y announce* to Traveller* and the
Public generally, ihai he will be at all ume* prepared
to accommodate them m all liung* durable in a well
regnlaie.l Hotel The House .. now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no
pain* will be spared io make the Kxchange one of (he
verv be*t Hotel* in ihe country
TTte undersigned re»pecuully »oliciia a coniinuance
of the very liberal patronage the House ha* heretofore
C ®*J K * " F FOC *™ AXt> «t*TT mretv mrußiou.
tflw l. T” Fj ,ü bscnl*«r respectfully announces that
jgJk“ e * IM now opened hi* now and excellent Motel
for the necoinruodatjon of travelers, boarders,
and ilie public generally The house * n l furniture
arc entirely new. and no nainsor expense have been
roared to render it one of the most comfortable and
pleasant Hotels in me city.
The subscriber u determined to deserve, and there
fore soiicils. a share of public patronage.
ortH-dly MOW! HOUGH. Proprietor
THE VIRGINIA HOTKUon Baltimore street, near
the Depot, Cumberland. i« now in complete order
for the reerpuon and accommodation of the public.
Persons in search of ease and comfort, will do well
lo patronize this establishment—they will find the
chambers clean and nice, and the Table as well fur
nished as any m Cumberland, ai twenty-five cents,
guaranteed as good as any that can be had in the
place, at any price, or no charge. No charge for
transportation of baggage to and from the cars.
jaifidvm Washington evans
cn*s?rrr rr » rrwm roerrn a»D rtrrn m.
late Bunk of the United States, Pliiia
\J delplita M. POPE MITCHELL,
Sharklelt & While,
DRV GOODS JOBBERS, M Wood street, ask the
attention or Merchants to slock of AMERI
direct from fir-i hands. ,
Receiving regular supplies of first goods during the
season, und devoting ■ large share of iheir atiention
to Eastern Aun.oti «o,r< they can confidently assure
buyers they wii: find it to their interest to examine
tin' stork
Ju«t received large invoice* of new »iy)e Dress
Hood*, Fancy I'nn’i. t'a.rimeres Cloths, Summer
o<mii« I.u-r». \\ hiie Uood*. Iriin Linen*. Tailor*'
Trimming* and brown and bleached Sheetings of van
ou* brands marl
So dtrn and h nll qnt Famitnre,
-3, Tlfiap ST4£ET. I’tTTlßrasil.
liriCV constantly on fiand and made u> order
Tlit- present mock«m hand cannot he eireedcd by
any manufactory in the western country Prraon*
W:«lt::t* tn purchase would do well to (fire me a call
a> lam determined my price* mall please Pan of
the .lock >'oll6l*l* lil-v
fete a Trte. Buffet Ktaije-e.
Ij>ui. XIV Chair.. Queen Klrzabeih chair*;
Te>. Pove Fruit Table*,
Toile’ I'aMe*. Louis XV Comtnoder;
Fre.'H-n Mahotr*tiv Bedstead*. Piano Stt»o.»,
00 »o!a» vnii Pm.ii and Hair-cloth eovsra;
MaJingany Chair.,
Hi doz Parlor do
'IP - Fancy do
25 centre FaMe*.
20 pafr Divan*, 4 pair pier Table*.
15 rnajble top Dressing Bureaus;
“ Wardrobes - *ecretane, and Book ease*;
•Jf> marble top Waaft Stand*;
1 pair Ottoman*:
P pair fancy Work Stand*; 1
A very large iiMonoeiit of common cha.r, ami other !
furniture too numerous to mention
I ' C*« Work. , nd p. un4ry .
* , . _ “ J rrTTsarßGii r« #
Chocolate, Cocoa, Ac. , JOHN WRHiHTACo ...
" Baker’. American and French Chocoiatc, Prepar- J and Woolen MachmeVy air,,, • ,UJ,d C ° Uon
ed Cocoa. I oco. Pasta, Broma. Cocoa Shell*. Ac 0* Cardn\g Mncfuur., FranT^t - "'!“ Ch
|*i) mereaan:» am: consumera. who would purchase , Frame.. Railway M. w. ' S . f>cc t ,r *
i the t«r»i produce <•: Cocou. free from aduit-renon, • L>res».ng Frame., Ixinm* Cord Ur-ndrr. P t? '
more ruUttiouo :nan or coffee .and in un-ur- , Iron SharW turned, all «ire. ofiJ, | 1*1,0,* “*'J
iSErasa: ’rrr.XLr h r
Hi* lirotns ai.u l (K«. Pa«lr. a. dr.,catr, pu>atanir, furnish-d on .non none- ii.,, , er ' dr-ei.
mul .aaiui y dank, mr .nvai.ds, r0.n1r,,,,!. and Mi.M.eriring. Iron Ka.n-tg Ac" 'ZV
••Jier*, are piOfiout.ccd ly the idmi eminen: physician* »ng Factorie*. Cn*t Iron \\ in,|.>w S a .n -„T/ ' r h ! nt '
*upenor to a.ny other pr. ( .aralion. Hfc manufactures tinea cnirruilv tir.ter. i-n IT is w J f * n ** y ‘
urea.wuv. on wile. ,n any quantity, by the mo.t rc- PaimrrA Co .' l.iberty sirre-L w,ira,,..* r, ’ b<MMe 01 J>
rpe.-table grocer. >„ ea.tern cmr*. and bv men tton. have prompt atte,,.
agent* Hnwes.t.ray Aco, ot Boston, Jame. M B.ince : Refer us Bluck.tock Bell A. Po tt- *« ,
A co. Hartford..Cou,,. Ilu.vyi Murray. New Vork; <'« ,<; K Warner John lew,7 *JX K Moorchead A
t.rant A >tone. Philadelphia. Tnoma* V Brundige. BaJ- CAJ H Warner • SSo “*' ttsburgh ;(i
;iniorr. and Kellogg A BenurtuOnctnuati. Ohio. A w . ianJo
WAI. fKK IiAK.KR, ISorche.ier Man TT wimSt.’i v *l. ach,n * gho >- ' '
JKor.ale by augdl BAtiALKV A SMITH, Afit* I. H o,Vi«i J ■, or'all kind* of eot-
Wrought and Cait Iron Railing! ; The at.ove^wooT'i.c.T^To'w'‘T| V: | Al, ? ff ‘ rll> c,t)r, f * a
HMfK .übir fiber, .-eg leave to iniorm the puht.c that ; eraiiou. | am p r ,.p arrtl f 0 .-xecui^ lrT, M,cc 1 e V fui
I iite\ uuve obtained imm the Ka..t B !; me i a te and for all kind, of mar nme r cul <>rdrf * "ithdupateh
’urnioimMe d.-r-gn* for Iron Hailing, both for hou.e. picker*, .preader., e ßn |. e rtll n‘T. ’’'T, ‘, U ‘' h a * w, ” ow *'
md Per*.,.. w,.hmg n. procure band- dr.wmg W a „,e.. i, Ml ‘’- nt,,w,, * v *-
«.me patrern, win plea,e can Bl ,d and judge card*, double ..runr,- i,,,',,, l'x»n*. woolen
n»r them*e.lve* Railing w.ll be luriushed at the *tiori- ; ran c jack., Ac »nde ~,ul J'• ,‘ n ' ° f r , ou,llr > work.
e;t nonce and m the be., manner, at the comer of era, Al, kinder ml,Tnl ‘“!
Craig and Rebecca *lfreu, A.legheny city rn for gearing factorie. of mi'.l. J S*v
*“Ca.d>f A I-AMONT k KNOX
Leeching, Capping and Bleeding. * r ° • King. Permock A Co., Ja.v a i„., k ’ ,e 1
KU NtkRKJS. (Surce*»or to MR. Delany ) NEW COACH S' » ' „
. No 56 Ktrtn street, between Wood and Suiilfi- *ixea»»«» ®TORY,
held Fresh leeche* received monthly—attendance ail A 1 A WIIITF* , ... Tj
hour. Rei-rcno- the p h> ~C i an. of Pittsburgh. Alle- M. the publ,c iitev o h'a d v r ' , * pec ‘’ l ‘“fonn
gheuy and Birmingham. l.acoek. between Fe l i t • erected n *nop on
I moil cheertail) recommend to tho phy*miaita. fam- are now making omlTeTr,^!!!.. : ' n '! du * k> ' ,trr?u ’ l ‘ ,p y
iiie. and all my former friend* and patron*. Mr. K B. every de«cription of . '*'‘„ 1< L r '’'’ r l Ve ord< (t *r
Norn* a* Imtng thorouguty acquainted with the buai- ruuche*, Burgte. I’ha.u.i,. x'J Lo ? 0,,e '‘' 1 -hanoiY Bn
'•c“* and worthy ol paironAge. long nnen.nA, ’ >k ’ ® ,c '* which troni their
- -«:'r P _ __M R. DKt.ANy_
Manufactured Tobacco. enabled to do work on the moat re a «..n„i.i_ , 1,55 #I ?
j Q BXSLentryA Ro) ster'i superior sweet 5 lps: llm»e wumttig article* hi their line erm* with
*-*0 25 do M A Butler'. •• •• it, •• I'aytng particular attention to the ,
:,j :: |
25« lo do I’earl A Harwood •• •• sAlb ” therefore ask the uftemitni of the nubirc ?k° flt " 6
H do J RoMiiMMi •• •• 16, - N B Repairing done in the K 0 ltm matter.
5“ Qf do do •• 5 •• mo*t rensonuhlc trrma *U'iier. and on the
2U do do.Wm Ilawson “ “ j -• t -- jaSFtf
77 do (J Andrruin •• - •• K.J put mv ne» the mtention of hut cm to h,s .non.;.*.
» do I. T 1k.,1, . ..... , ...orimeot of .b„„ oml.rne,„« ev.X
5 do R M.o„„ . - « " !"P “ ”>r S'">. *"d from Ido ooledrLS I
» do Rau-htf - ■■ 11, ■■ »"• «< lr&nce Parch..,nf Ur.., .ood.
J u»t landing from steamer and packet*, and for sale I Cl,mn u«'<m merchant* or ageuu of the manuSem '
t*y HFLVI.B. BIuKNOR A Co. i ,lc *• enabled to sell them at the lowe« no*SL
41 nonh water »tand 16 north wharve*, pnee* Also, olive green and invisible
J«N Philadelphia wool dyed Wk do; gad bZu,H
s ”” bxzzzzr."™!:
25 “ Gentry A Rovs'er -aaAAs “ c r^ f o ' and Mnrket street*.
» - Dupont ide la Eure; “ 5, « . Wholesale Room* up «iatr*. feMO
10 McUod B. •• BXonongahola tlrtrr Rtahi.
25 “ Lawrence Ixittier “B«Afl*plur «?\ _ ROBKHT H. PATTKRSON h.V»». a
Just landing from steamer, and for sale by large stable ou Fi r , t ~ rulminT
HKALD, BUCK,NOR A Co, CTTA * ,1, l>e.w C e, and
4i N water « and 10 N wharve*, > «t... lit the rear of the *
Philadelphia. »« «*urel r new „ock of Horae" ! ,OU *°l
W. ds J. GLENN, Bookbinder*. S^,whVtt ty l,, ”‘ * ,yle ‘ Horse* kept
WK are still •luragrd 111 the above bualne*., corner X otaiuicr. iv\Mi»
of Wood and Th rd street*, Pituburrh, where OTF.AM BOAT CLOntfs 7~T~
we are prepared to do any work in our line with dcs- O off our enure .tockof KirkeT vf Cone, “ ded 10
natch We ntier.d to our work personally, and satis- we now offer to isll them m i n J Marine Timepiece*,
fhetton will be given u, regard to tu neaLUs. and du. be bough, any ho„ “ £ t «o
ra.txi.ty. ......"L, 1,1 fHUburgrt or elsewhere.
Blank {looks ruled to any pattern and honnd sub- for these clock* thT^ntt 1 * . here
Manually Books in namber* or old book* bound care- merit in die citr. Call am, r ® e,t ft,ld “ nc,t assorv
fully or repaired Name* put on book* in gilt letlesa. Remember, we are not to be n nd^«.m
KV, u., b.„ ~,,1 « BKAlfVr*.., ~r « ,
do. ,oou,„-'C.irKSrr'. —^—^-52221.
which the attention of bool makers i* invited Just “** c JOUA » oinaa
received and for sale by W VOING A Co, . arv-r.. ,J!.? SKa A 4CTQO, • 9W **
|r '* 7 I4il litmrtv *t of spring and bli*t«*T «te«sl
A T W to M'OLINlSnlk s, So. 76 hourtii street, | •'oach and el,pj
J\. can be seen a splendid vunety of »up Royal Vel- l Icabfe CMiinsa d ,ron and detUexs la midi
vet and Tapeatry Carpel*, latct style. Also. Bnis- ~ uerml . v f ,IU «PA «nd<*«M?h tnmiiunga
»e>., J plys and sup and fine Ingram rnqwia, of sup *, c a ,ieraJl >. “Mw*. and Front au„ PuubawL
»!>lr* and ttuulities; mid m connection c»n always l>e I - . . . . _ febfi
~”"“ ?m - , * 0 - *“*'• | «:"™f' b l ',:ii^o,d by -^sr" k ,L"'‘'
TTAMNG sold our enure .tuck to f II Oa*!rr, with "Y gold num-r ought to have; and for rale by * H V'
i» a view to cioniig our onl»« we Hereby do- 1 VV W WILSON*
it for him the patronage of ail our frx-ud* and eua- 1 mchlJ corncj* 4th and umrtret
lorncr. ROW Pui.NUKXTER . "uirket st.<
Apollo Buildm**. 4iii «t
i !Vti...,«r>- ~.-ta
KtctLi l, of SI C
Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, ISIS
Cl H GRANT, Wholesale Grocer. ('otnmiuion and
'• Forwarding Merchant, No 41 Water si, a*j-j
A FULTON, Bell and Brass KcuiUrr ho* te .
Pei I'uiU ami commenced l>u«mri* at lus old »tuj|d,
wnerc be wil* be pleased to see bis old custom
rr* and friend*.
Apol c. Hui:. lit! <i
Church. Steamboat. and Bell* of every size, from 10
to 1 UK*) |x)uiid*. east from pAii<-ni* ol the most approv
ed models, and warranted !•* I>e ui the best materials.
Mineral Water Pump-. Gountrr*. Railing, Ac , toge
un i with rvi-ry vur rty of Hra-s f:ntmg*. if required,
turned and [»m-hcd m me n<-nie*i manner
A F is the side proprietor ni Dssmit's AKrt-Arrat
ti'*n Mctal. so justly celebrntrd lor me reduction of
fru'iion in niurinurry. The Boxes and Composition
canJ*« had oi him at all urnr* jdSOly
ttilrvrrtlter* having Uir exclusive Agency for
1 selling the Fuming Pupcr of a new and mensive
paper null in tin* we jiuty, ml' be at a:l umes wed »ur>-
p led with the different sizes or paper of superior quan
ty, which we rider at the lowest regular prices.
Any tire or qua-tty wr, he manufactured to order at
short notice REYNOLDS A BULK,
. _ corner Perm and Irwin sts
t RL’BBER CLOTHING—Just receiver! for the
■1 Celliornia Expedition, a complete assortment of
(sum bdasttc Clothing, at prices ranging from #6,50 to
for suit of coat, pants and l&t For sale at the
Indin Rubber Depot. No 5 Wood it
JUST RKCKIVBD-Three more of those so justly
celebrated Hamburgh Pianos, used constantly by
List, Thaliierg and other great performer*, together
with a large assortment of rosewood and mahogany,
of my own manufacture. The above lottraments are
warranted in be perfect tn every retpedl, and will be
sold low for cash F BLUME,
deeifl No us Wood it, #d door from wh
GREAT INVTWTIdN'-VALUABLR ' ISCOVERV' Sintett D*mbj*Mofth» Catytrnia CfM Ffvrr,
P» t ~„ J/TT Lt. 1»4». ALMAKDBR * DAY,
r . et y rxiension TaUi *. Sofas, Bateaus, So 75 Makict Stmtt. PtmscaoQ.
,l„ Cms truing DtsJu. XJAVE resolved on SELLING OFF their large
mill , riflt* OF WROUGHT IRON. XI «tock of DRY GOODft-thr principal pan ot
I 'UK TABLES far surpassing every other ui- have lately been purchased at the L*bg« Acc
iVj'.ltioll 01 '^ e kind now extant. They can be ex- Ttott S*t*M in Philadelphia and New York, at alre
tended Irom ten to twenty-Cve fret. and when ctoaed mendou* and unparalleled sacrifice*
the leaves are all contatnrd intid-; they nre made to We have made such a large tednetimi from our reg
ail sue* anu shape*, ami are admirably odamcJ for ular price* ihat we will nnw sell a larrij ponion ofour
Steamboats. Hotel*, and large private families, fern- W**' BELOW COST of importation. 1 The early at
m«r7r?o . a??. ce »tre table tentlon of buyer* i* invited to ehoieij high colored
\ ,^ A *- AND UITKEaL'S- -These arurle* are invaJ- I foods adapted to the California Trade
oa!,!e. particularly to those „ho wish to eeono- : LADIES PRESS GOODS,
raise room, and conven h sleeping apartment into a i Plain and figured CaraelianiCastmiere* and de liunea
parlor or sm.rtßrooni. a. t m -y. ai , be ope-'d'uid shut .«!*% allprices.
at convenience, and when shut. u,r bedding i- eru-lo*- Very superior hrochin fip'd!Super cloak cloths, all co
ed. A great saving m tooui and r-nt AH ibe liej. and watered bfk *ilk«, | tore.
Meads when clo-cd form a beautiful pin-,* of lurnitore Superior repnnnurr silks,(French merino*, all colon,
Wk ami colored. Hlaek bombannes,
atMK LASKS—a n-ai and useful article for parlor Super black «io**y Gro de-l.'ross barred and Btnped
ot drawing room. Rhtn sag*, alpacas.
Vt RITING DESKS- -For law others, counting rooms, Vise tic anJ mantilla rilk*.|Broeha fif'd and strip'd do,
and other othcc., when opened a most convenient bed- ****' quality. jjenny plaid*,
stead, when closed-a perfect De»k and Library alone Pare sunn*. blit, anJ blue Victoria l.vonese clouts,
M V* b '* , blk«tun<. very. neb.
All these article* need no recommendation Ute l-amartiae satin merino*. Oobrrg cloth* and cmraeli
beauiy ot the whole it, they .ire warranted not to get Super silk wnrp alpaca an lusiret
out oi reptur it will Ue tor your interests to call and luslraa;
examine the article*, at the manufacturer’s store. No
KJ I bird street. Pittsburgh In addition lo the above
advantages, they are proof against bog*
AND now opening, a splcnded lota
IfaltoM Forte*, from ihe celebrated turn
llßpflot Nunns A Clark, N. V. It consul* in
• ■ • I I ■ pan of the following:
Otic elegant Rosewood GJ octave nano, with carved
moulding, top and plinth, projecting front and carved
gothic tablet*.
Piano, OJ octavo, elegant and plain,
mill Coleman's celebruted .Kolian Attachment, & su
perior miirument.
One Rosewood C octave, round corner* and octagon
teg*. One do do do
One rosewood Piano, square corner* and leg*.
Tb'W Piano* have improvement* in the mechanism,
in stringing and covering of the hammer*, possessed
hy no other* in iru* country, and are at once the best
a* well a* ibe rhcaped Piano* that can be bought.
_ ALSO—An elegant lot of (.'tuckering’* Piano*, from
- to 0 octave*. possessing all the laietl improvements,
at reduced price*.
ALSO—One elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano,
7 octave*. a uew invention. HENRY KLKBER.
leb, - ,r .. AiJ W Wo©dwell'*.B3 Third at
JOHN H. .MKLLOR, (sole Agent for
Piano Forte* for Western
IT # Pennsylvania.) No. 81 Wood street,
i- . , “ Pittsburgh, hu* received and now open
sale, the tuliowmg elegant assortment, direct from
lh.mui»f.elory.,iMr.cluck e riiiir. (Uo.rml pnc,
‘s°? W °° d """ °ni« Pi.„„ Pone, c.rr.,l
the most elegant and neb style of Louis XiV
One Rosewood carved seveu octave, uew and im
proved scale
One rosewood Piano, 64 octaves, new scale;
One “ carved, 0 “ •* *•
Iwo * round corner*. 0 octave, new scale.
Iwo pannel “ a - .*
The above are ah trom the manufoctory of J Chick
enng, Boston, of ihe latest style* of furniture, and with
the new and improved scale.
IRoiewwd ft ociave Pianos, from the manufactory
ot H. orcester, New York, tormerly of the firm of
Stodan. Worcester A Durham
U rosewood 6 ostave. Gale ACo N Y
1 rosewood 0* octave Piano, made by Bacon A Ra
ven. New t ork
l .Mahogany 0 octave Piano, made in Baltimore, and
efi with ine fo* sale by ihe owner, for ca*b or in ex
change lor Pitul.urgh manufactures, or groceries suit!
apt* tor a country Price *3OO ,a3O
, , .* Olat immediately after
~ 5 . , n>) brother, who died of consumption
o VlvV rimo, V* Mrk w,lh lhe Con-ummion
nr I K° m , pla : nL “ nd wit ' rr<Juced *«
disease, th. ( tor four year. I was m attend to
m> business, either ai home or s broad, being forthe
nni.t ume confined in my bed. Dunng tie above pert
od of time I bad expended for medical attendance o
SKJ 1 •LX y r- Un ' ttMd ***''*”- to the amount Of
, r * ce ‘ vin * »ny benefit therefrom. In
Jul>. 1045, 1 commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi
«J‘tC*k > h V" lakcn diem raore 0f ie *» evef since,
CVB lh *' WU L by in their use!
that I can now truly »qr that ) have completely reeo-.
vrred my heoUh | believe that Jayne’s Sanative Pills
and Expectorant are the best family medicines now m
I reside m Springfield, Qbo-go county, N. V.. and
carry on a furnace and machine shop in that place,
and am not interested in any manner m the sale of the
efiTm.r m*• a ',"‘ U,ake ,lwe lor the ben
Mam facturkd tubacco-tr.
wfutd ea,. me atiention of ihe city trade ar>d
r^V“" y ‘ brands Tobaccos,
, .i .iorrandtoamve, being ron..gnmemj di’
tn |irr"i"' llllJ UC,Ulrr '' ” e '* 10 ,pll east- < bis R W Crenshaw S*,
| Janie* Madison lia,
■*l J s*
33 | *• Mirabean
M j " 1>;
| •• Roberts A Sisson s*;
** 1 <>*car Burt s*
* I John* A l*;
3 I 11 Warwick, sopr U,
t " »'■«'•> A June* s*.’ Is and 6.;
hbit ls waterman
For California. H,u»»JU«»|wd„,l„ k „. hall
± Kegs, .juartrr. und can*, for sale by an
" <•1-’ J > 111 I,W( )RTII ,v Co, 97w00d si
Muiprstl'i Patent Sosla Ash
•202 k. ~“ h "
100 Liberty st
wm. Torso * do..
Dealer.* in hides and leathrr.
Shoe Finding., Ac . No |« Lahletv . Mor ? fa *’
just received thr, r SIMUNU STOCK o? /oST' Jom*
prising n large assortment of armies V
Whicn the attention of purchaser* i* invited *'*' ! °
A. , notice.
Knl'rhiTr‘ U,IC, r 1 ’v 0 lUuu «fWm» ra .hfc*
K,,.,h.*'aXa w ie
to p«y, »l,hm, f u ,:h"d.l«, ,P' 4 ““
mchli.dlm Ada,,,mi, .tar if H® jiJKuf^l.VM^c'.l
A A'd.„d
ii. *0 yard* smooth Canvass, 27 inch
3O - '
«!0 •> 4»j ••
lOOdoi Compressible Tubes, of oil color*, by
_ mchl» j kiDU A Co *
. c.n WANTED,
A GIRL w* do housework. One who thoroughly
/a. understands her business, and can give goou re«
tcrenees, can hear of a permanent situation. at for
wages, by applying at this »moc tnehHtdy
DRIED APPLES—oisi busti dried Apples lu store
and Ibr sale b) lurh-JG .* A A JIA^BAL'GH
PARIB GRKIvN- l*» cans uue. jusLfec'd. and fox
sals by ll A FA RNmToCK Jc Co, i
raehtf cosher lit and wood it*
Splendid plaid long shawl*,) A tow brocha long shawls,
3plcedid_ Wken shawl*,! the finest w have ever
trom N York auctions, brought to thi* market,
great bargains; i now 10 b« sold at great
“lain and coibroid thibetl bargains,
shawls, mil colors, Superfine and common bro-
Silk friflge, remarkably uha square shawls:
c “ fu Pi 'Super cornelian silk shawls
French cloths from the celebrated “Johany” manu
factory. For beauty offinish and permanence of wear,
these cloths have no superior a few pieces extra fine
lei black and olive cation beaver* and other heavy
cloths lor over coats, twilled French doth*, minufac
tured expressly for cloaks, French apd Amerioan eas
straores, super west of England French sa-
Un* for vesting*, the best imported. Plain and fancy
velvet and cashmere vesting*, merino shin* antidraw
ers. Italian cravats, linen, cambric and silk bdkfs.ho
siery and glove*.
Irish linens, best long cloth shining.muslins, bleach
ed and brown muslins of good quality, remsrkaoly
low; uckinga, checks, domestic and imported ging
hams, scarlet, yellow and whitejlanncli, a large lot
very cheap; a large lot of white fcndcrossbarred coun
try flannels, cheap; brown and bleached Uarnsby table
linens and table cloths, Russia and Scotch diapers and
towellings, saunett*. Kentucky jeans and twoeda.
An usual large stock of blankets, direct from the
manufacturers, some of which are the best ever exhi
bited, all of which will be closed out at unparalleled
low prices. In addiuon to |hc above enumerated
goads, our stock comprises a very large and complete
asaoiuneniof almost every article usually round in a
dry goods store, and as tney have been mainly pur
chased at the e&seru auctions, hence the late great re
duction of prices. We ore enabled and determined to
sell them off at great bargains.
Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and
the public generally aro»respectfktlly invited to an ear
ly examination. Bargains shall bo given.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market «,
'fhS N W corner of the Diamond
RECEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths
of the latest aud most approved patterns, and at
prices to suit purchasers, and cheap as can he pur
chased in any of the Eastern cifes, comprising ihu fol
lowing vaneues:—
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
Aixmimster Carpets; any stxe hall rooms or ve*|
Tapestry do tiljuies.
Bup Iloyat Brussels do Tapestry stair carpels;
Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do
Superfine do do Cbemtle Rugs;
Extra *up Ingrain do Tuftod do
Superfine do do Brussels do
do do Chemite Door mats;
Common do do Tutted do do
4-4,3-4 A J Tapestry Adaioi't do do
Damask do Shdfcp skin do do
4-t. 3-4 A | twl d Ve- DM Emb sed Piano covers
iieuaa do 6-4 do Table do
4-4.3-4 A |'plain do do 0-4 wool do do
Coiton Ingrain do 0-4 worsted and 1 men do do
do Venetian do Brass Stair Rods
""*4 cotton Drugget; 10-4 wool crumb cloths
IS-4 woolen do Stair Linen
0-4 do do 6-4 table do
English Table Oil elotbs; - Diaper do
German do do do do Crash
*-4 Floor Oil cloths; Snow-Drop Napkins;
'•4 do <lO do Cnmson Plush;
o*4 do do do Purple do
3-4 do do do Maroon do
4-4 do do do Carpet Binding;
Sheet Oil Cloths, of newTranaput Window Shades
Tapestry pattern*, cut lo fit
| IT" ihe alwve we are constantly receiving our Spring
Stock 01 Carpet*. Oil Clotns and Meamboat Trimmings,
to we .nvitc the attention of all wfio wish lo fur
it:*h t;.i;r house* or steamboats, us we will tic able to
offer rood-a* .ow a* they can be purchased in ihe
East, and ofthc richest and latest style*. Coil and ex
amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere Ware
house, No 75 Fourth .1 tnch'.O W. M'CLfSTOCK
Tkf Largest, Cheapest and mast Fa.*kionabL StxJL
of Goods, adapted to Gentlt&ien's Spring and
Summer Wear, is just rrceimng at
Tt HE Proprietor of the aimve establishment would
respectfully mtomi hi* numerous customers, that
e has just returned from the Eastern citlea Vtth the
most splendid assortment of goods in his hue, that waa
ever brought to this city, comprising all that is now
fashionable, elegant and Cheap in Cloths. Casstmerea.
Cashmerett*. Drap De Eta, and every description 01
cotton, buen and woollen Summer Stuffs. Shins. Cra
vat*. IMkf*. Suspender*. Ae., of the newest style*;
which together with hi* very large and fastuonaole
rioek o; ready-made. Clothing, lie is prepared to offer
a! his UiUai low priees.
Country Merchonu, I'ontraoior*. and all who pur
rh«-e ,nr V 'r-:y nrr p»ri!.-ii.srto in sited 10 ra I and el
“I ■ ll “ WIH.-N itt-.-'d-dly the largest and
ino-i ia.*n mo sine in me put. and gi.-at attention ha«
In t n pu.d to rei it up suu.vile in t i? wlio c»n!e trade
Order* in the Failimng lm* exermed in the most
la»tmmJtoie manner, and mat luiiiung may be wsnnng
to ensure -fir newest and t-es! «!>-.e 0: rotting A grn
-1 lonian who ba« had rreat exper nice m the E.\»ieru
riiie*. ha* been added to the total.lishment
mrlr.'l d.iin
NEW 1100 US
R . H . P a'~L M E R ,
_ assortment of STRAW AND MILLINK
RY GOODS, of the most approved styles and pat
terns, for the SPRING OF InII, consisting in pan of—
Fancv and plain English. American, and French
Straw, Florence. Rui.and. Pedal and other plain and
fancy Braid, Chinn. Rice Jenny (and, lx>op and Roy
al Milan edge Braid BONNETS.
Rich French Luce,
Fancy ami plain Gtmp, Ac. Ac.
1-ancy Braid Straw, Gimp, Leghorn, and other .\fis
*cs ami Infants’ HATS
\ anuma. Manilla. Leghorn. Palm Leaf, Straw and
other Summer HATS, tor men and boys
Bonnet and Plain Ribbons.
Bonnet Nuns;
Artificial Flowers, Ac. Ac Ac.
Straw Bonnet Warehouse, 95 Market street.
’ A. A. MASON dTcO- ’
NO GO MARKET STREET—Have received by re*
ernt impomtioti* the following Good*, vu
Sn carious Thibet Sbuwis. of various ijuamies and
colors Kilty dozen “Alezandcr'i ' best ijuulitv Kid
Uiove*. together with a good assortment of roi'd nlk.
thread, and cotton Gloves, for spring trude.
Rich standing, straight turnover Collars, cheap Col
lars. 3'io pair embroidered Cuff*, ftom 50 ct# to $1.25
Mourning Collars in gjeai variety. Dctui Luce Veil*,
the' greaicsi assoruncut ever oflrred by us. French
and English 1 4 Pnnu. Hoyle's Prims, small figures
and fasi rotors, small plaid French Ginghams; British
Furniture Chintz, white *aun Damask Table Cloths,
Linen Damask. 6, a and lb-6; Green Betages; Gems
black Gros de. Rhine Silk 'Cravuu, 3U to 4fl inch, the
t>e»t gootls imported, Pur*e Twist; Iman eiunbnc and
linen eambnc HdW*. from 6* to #2,30; White Good*
such a* Jaconets, Lawns, Mull and Swiss Muslins'
figured and plain Lnces, white and coi’d Tarlotanes’
Ac. Ae. ,
Wo are in the daily receipt of NEW GOODS, and
invite the attention of purohasars to oar extensive
NEW spoxng~go6ds.
Nornt East cobkk*.4tji ass Maker m., Prm*uEoH.
UKRSONS wanting Dry Goods will please take no-
I. tice that the übore house has commenced recei
ving ii* NEW SPRING GOODS, and nwiirs the call*
oi regu or customer* and buyer* generally Goods
will be offered at low price*, and purchaser* wul have
a large ami choice assoittaent to select from
ID - * Country Merchant* and other* fire invited to
examine the assortment t« Wholesale Rooms, tip stairs
where a Isrips assortment of Prists, Gingham*, anti
.goodsgenerally are now opening mart
Dry Goods J ob b * r i
NO " GOD STREET—WouId call the’attenuon
of Merchama io their large eio*k of Domcsuc
and Foreign DRY GOODS, just receiving from the Im
portrriand Manufa- turtr*, snd which they will sell
at very low rotes for cash or approved eredn.
Oar stock it now full and complete, and well worth
the attention ofbuyer*, ts we are determined to sell
at such extremely low prices as cannot fail to make it
a strong inducement for merchants to make a bill with
°* t*ch3l
House keeping goods—w. r. lumiiT -^
vites -he auenuon of house keeper* and those
about commencing housekeeping, to hi* assortment of
above Good*, such os
Quilts and Counterpanes, white and solored,
Ticking* and pillow-case Muslins;
Fhesltliff*, from one to three yards wtJn.
Table Diapers and Table Cloths;
Towelling, Towel* and Napkins;
Furniiuru Print* and Chintzes,
rtrarlet Oil Chtntr. for curtains,
Super printed Chintt for^oilis:
Embroidered widow curuujj Muslins;
Striped and barred
Bed Blankets, all qualities and sizes;
A supply of these Good* is couttantly kept on hand,
aitil wit) always be *oid mi the most favorable terms,
at rfnrtb en»: comer 4th ami Market st*. - febiM
bhirung Mnsllns and lriab Linema.
VA/ R- ML invite* the particular atteimon of
» V . those wanting i)m? above Goods, to bis desirable
■lock, consisting of ibo best make, from the most ap
proved manufacturer*, and fhs latter warradted pure
flax —Hr ha* jn«r rceejved an additional supply, aud it
offering Slurtmg Mnsitu* or a superior quality, at a
very low price Also, ;
Sheeting and Mashtu;
Diapers and Vnuh,
Tabic Cloths. Towel* and Napkins;
Quilu, Counterpanes, and
Housekeeping Dry G«od* generally
LADIh-S' DRKSB GOODti—Sheh as French Mennos.
TMrtßKbr*»-g»«n Mjt-iwax. DvLai/ies, l*ome uew i
style* just received,) Ajjiaca*. ftc. n
The season being far advanced, all theaoGoods-wili
be sold at prices tbai cannot foil to please.
Ip-Wholesale Rooms up stair*. janlS
A. A. MASON * CO.,
'V'O. fiO MARKET STREET, Will ronunoe their
11 great semt-annuai sale of DRYGOODS, for 30
day* longer, daring wfiieh um« thetr extensive whole
sale Rooms will bo thrown open to their Retail Trade
as heretofore. A. A M. ACo , knowing that they are
selling Dry Goods of every description from ten to fif
‘•3e*Jpcr cent, less iha» ever before, do invite, every
person m want of dry goods, or who may he in want,
io examine and purchase from oar stock, at the lowest
wholesale rote*.
Our great objectin reducing stock Is to make room
fbr Spring Good*, u being anr intantion to exhibit in
March the largest and the richest stock of Dry Goods
ever offered by any one house -in America.
WV shall continue the sale #f our Bleached and
Brown Muslins, Tickings and other Domestic Good*,
■t our former low ratea, notwithstanding ihe*reeea( ai?
l4 per cent upon the ia«c in eastern ptarketa.
VOL. XVI. NO. -217
Patent Graduated Galvanic Pottery and Patml
Insulated Poles for and ether purposes.
TIUS is the only instrument of the kind that has evrr
been presented m tins country or Europe formod
ical pjorposes, and i« the only one ever known to man.
b) which ihe galvanic fluid can be conveyed to the bn*
man eye. the ear, the brain, or to any port of the l«odv,
either externally or internally, in % definite genua
rhis uuj>onani apparatus i* now highly approved of
ur rmin< ‘ nt Physicians oMhia eoun
lQ "&>«“*«! Olbcg whom
it may conrernran be rrferrei! Reference will also
be given 10 many b.ghly r-.p.-cuMe nuxens. who ha«
beeneured by nreaiw of this most valuable apparatus
Among vanou* oiher,. „ ' b „ 1
m,r.Uy .dopmj i,.r u.,- cur. ,1.
viz: nervous headache and other <!i. 0 f .k« k r -i„
It U Wltil thl, .pp.t«., ulour Un,, n,, op ., IMOt „„
corivuv Ihu nugn-tir But.l wuW ,„j Lf.-K to tho
nfu. to MM or rum uronuto,,,; u
restore hennng; to the tougue mid other organs, to re’
•mm .[.emit; .nd lo Urn ~,rt. „| U.J l.oty,
the cure of chrome rheumnUsm. asthma, neuralgia, or
tic doiotfreux, paralvata, or palsy, gom, chorea or Sl
Vnu's dance, epilepsy, weakness ir..m *prnt:;v some
disease* peculiar to females, roiuraction oi u,e hmbs
lockjaw, eto. elo '
Rights for surrounding counties of Western Pa, and
privilege*, with iho instrument, tnay be purchased!, and
also tested for the cure of diseases.
Full instruction* will he given for the vnnous ohetni
cais Id he used for various diseases, and the best man-
DPf operating for the cure of those diseases will al
so be fully erplsincd to th- purchaser, and a pamphlet
put into ins hands expressly tor these purposes, care
fully prepared by Oie patentee. Enquire of
• octl3-dly s WILLIAMS. Vine st, Piiwburgh-
H«Taralbl« FllUrlnsr Cook, ~
Which renders turbid water pure by
-CSJfgi removing a!! sulxtanoe* not solable in
//Sgljigft water. The croton water in N.-York,
clear and pure to the eye, ret
1 t\%35W0 w when it posses on hour through tii«
filtering cock, shows a largo deposit
'Trips' impure substances, worms, Ac. Thi«
u p a"c more or less with all hydrant water.
The Reversible Filterer is noux and durable, and u
not attended with the tuconveiuonce incident to other
rtlierer*. os it is cleansed without being detached froir
Ute water pipe, by raendy turning the key or handL
from one side to tho other By this easy process, lha
course of water is changed, and oil accumuiatiou* fo
impure substance* are driven off almost initantly.
Without unscrewing the Kilter It also possesses tha
sdvantage of being a stop ror.k.and as such in many
cases will be very convenient and economical
Itcan be a’tached whtre there is any pres*uro high
or low ta a cask, tank, tub. Ac. with esse. To be had
of the sole Agent, W. W WILSON
__!*lL . corner of Fourth and Market sts
THE attenunu of the public is respectmuy called to
the following certificates:
Mx 3. Elxxxss—Having testetl a quantity of Gold
weighed by your Areometer. 1 find tho result proves
yotw instrument correct; and recommend tha use of U
to those going to California, as the best method fbr ob
taining the real value of Gold. Reap, yours,
« w L „ J. B DUNLEVYi Gold Beater.
Pttuburgh, March 9, 1549.
„ „ I'nTSßcstfu, March 7, 1549.
Mil Exxt.vs—Dear.'tir: lluving examined the "Areo
meter,” manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate
to eommend it to me u*e of those gentlemen who aro
about removing to California tn search of Gold.
It give* a close approximation to Uie specific gravi
ty of metals, and will certainly enable the adventurer
to ascertain when his placer Is yielding Gold
maria Yours, resp’y, J R^M'CUNTOCK.
13HE CLINTON PAPER MILL, situated at Steuban
ville, Ohio, having been enlarged and improved,
■nd at a very great expense added new and the moat
improved kind of machinery, is now prrp ,red to man-
ki'id* of Writing, Printing, Wropptagand
Cotton arn Papers. Bonnet Board*, Ar., equal to any
in the Eastern or Western country.
undersigned the Agency of the above
Mill, wt!) keep constantly on hand a large rupply of
th* different kind* of Paper, and will have any *tta
made to order at short notice. 8 C. HH.l^
j* 3o . , «7 Wood street
Pine aod Cedar Ware lauulaclory,
i-tu Ftrra Sra.. Pittmickojl
'PHE subscriber krep. con.tan-J v <. u hami. whoie
rr:al ■ Vir >' 1,,w !or ‘->wh
Wash Jub*. j j Barrel Chums.
Rath Tubs. stuff Churns,
Horse Buckru. | Half Bushel*. Ac. "•
AJI other kind* Ware m tu* line made to ordc
ja3s-dly >ASIHI KRiiC.-KN
T AS. Ml'i'PKAT'r A SONS'PA n:.NTrs*u.\ Vrirf—
U 1 tosion* 3| casn c-urri-ncy.<>r t mo* appijJil;,
o tons or upward*. >4 do pur. <1 mo* do mI . - r ,| a u.
'led ( P*or the-upenor rjuautv cusaranu w« rater to
ihe B-t** and soap manuiacturers of mi* -ny <.-nerai
■T VV A M MlTrflf-./.TR * j-;
d<c4 lilt) liberty st
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water.
• lll r-r.ijy tU;U ap
-1 poimro Liv.jigston. R<,ggp-i A Co
, ..A , „Sol* Agcnu tor me suie'oi Jcunuig's.
uICIII Di.iprangm Ki.lrr, h r thr ni
Jjt liesot Pct:-I)urjn and Ailegh-.-nv.
JOHN Giifeu.N, Ar.-nt,
VW tor Waiter M Gibson, 31D Ur. way ,
,J» ‘ Oscl 10- I M -
offi • rT® Cn "“VI ***° ve *racl- .at tU*
Office of Uie Noveity \\ orks tor three inuniii* trial,
And feel perterily sau-fitd Hint n l4 n useiui 1 -mioi *
sod we take pleasure in recoiutnen.lmg mern . • .-, ' u ”o!
fill arucle to ail wno i«v>- pur-w:ii,. r ()rd,-r- :
thankfully received and proretpiiv -z<— me<l C
. ocllft LIVINU'sIO.N, Kih.gVln > ih,
T_.„, , Advertiitm«iu.
’HE subscriber, m i... .„. c n h 1,... ..... In ,
htstnimeuis of these two make,* UilJl
tide, and where, rnnsruucuiit n i-orrc, • .u ~i
qualities can t>e loniied. The «uh«. Tiber Nemr .I'-irious
to test their reJanve merits, and Having i„r a n <
vears performed upon tt.r Piann. c: Nunu* v F ark
hs* tade., , m o use fo, n,e last twelve iiiuoth*.'. < -lij.'k
!-or&dem oT u
bie opinion on me lui.j-vt * ‘ ,a ’
A handsome tot of new Piano* be op.-i.rd m a
- dcc "- . Atjlv
cle* of his own manufacture in Uu* env—a-.,t, J u'‘
nr**, Trenka and Wfcip*. al. of which he
io be made of the best materia, an,t u v the be.i
antes in Aflegheny county Ih-mg determm.-d u, »eU
y ”rrf,v,°r, r t: r
Site Srve„m , wr ; >0 - - M4 Liberty atrccL oppo
site seventh. Ai«o. bands made to order for m .chinT
O ocUMy () KERRY
academic year, wt;; --oitimmr,- on r./,, 1 !!,-
ry next, in the same bui.iimg, \ 0
Arraugeinnu* have S.,cr -t vr ’ „
he able to funn.iii •, ,>ime aJ,e. ,1 ' '!' J Wll)
in the West tor obfumuv a ,«r ”, 1- lo **7
cal. and wn.anienttw ed«.-a;.o • v V
li»ophicul and Ix-ctuwl’' V r V
during the wmi-r. i.iu.trateu „y‘ H |.parai£ "-lCd‘ d
porunents of Vo,-ai and! M u ! lf l0 !i o '
Languages, Drawmg and wo. men’ .- under
the care ofa competent Prow*,,, i... , under
SI?Th n, °n al Btld ! lUr: " ,, ' , “ a! Unprovemrnt or -nc.rTu
pils, the Principals hope to merit «,on,l‘“
üboral p.iro n « 0 ijy 0 „. ;
pHQfNIX PlKßllßicKsCrkS— „;„W
i been appointed *oie Agent* by -i,r ?*
for the .ale of the celebrated ‘-iWntx Bn k J ••V«
now prepared to fill order, for any qua,, • \i # -i
cash, per 1,000. For me -“v.i,
ail kinds, these bnck* nave been pro»,»«„<• “,[ ny com ‘
petent judges as being superior to aif ou.c-r Ur-- bricks
my™' ° A “•■‘•'U’l.TV i io. C,„.l «£***
Manufactured n>Bßk. , i>- - •
■|)|bi. Lamartine £ #5 u« ,\|irai,e : , u 5* vq
uo rutmarfSsflnd f; an do Jolt* Rury,-r5.
bert.A Sisson ss. 45 Ib-nr-. * J aWr .
do Johns and Lewis' I*. J do Warwick
Stewardß* ,ftM ' ' • ,3ts
rhesso robsccov cint>ractng ?oun- ur ib r rnu-i 'avur
r. brands, on cor.signm- iit, unit wi ■ >,e . , - tJ .
lose, by de«-U j. > u \, ' M UaN "
rMPORPEU DIKE- I'l'limi Mil. WvM
1 RERji-Tbe .«l»cm,rr., iVi«,
porter* of James .Mu»prm; A >imi rv>ila a- "" ,m "
market, arc now and in,, continue to ne tt ?" r ,of U,< *
plied wnn tin* celebrate,| brnmf. ihr* wM*. U ’ii
st the lowest market price lor c»,i, ur ,' .
They reier to the u a». ...jtf.
thi* City generally respecting tn.; * :i< ‘
. w i m .Mrn:»u:i.ntEi--.
A dry In a flourishing town wjti |‘,nir.i l '-p U V*
Ac., all ready for busme** i, r .0,.- ~ ' " ,0 *-
dating terms, or rxciwngc'ior !'•> «>r <u-10,,u, f 0 *
This offer* an excellent „
with small capital m-Tommeni-e me Iron Foui ri * R * n
Uness. Enquire ol ' [ ’ u ‘
. ice, '
Beales, Cooking Stove*. Grate. 'i; L - -
and offer for sale PUtlorni. Floor and i 'ouiite “^ <>tUTe
of the roost unmoved, luutnir*-,.,, - r s‘caJe*
and coiii; Eg? >tove. («' various ..‘j. t’ ‘° r WootJ
common Grates, llo.iu.v Ware Ae'vr * and
manufacture the Kr-cnen Kan-/,. ,; iey iumx^
general satisfaction io tn««e „ avl(l ,' ' , suentt
which they would,-i', j;i> . J 1,11 of^
the ciliscns and U»- jiao n- -r .. " C 1,110,1 ol
PATENT >ui.AK LaKi, ~A w r C .
as*orUijrnl o; i ' .V : Vu . All
tuciure. and to :«l, i.i.iun. * *' " , ' l ’ ’
churrhes. ‘tcambuatn. ';ir-., Jnr | rt v ’ J "’ •• i-MJted
prtvale nails, ami to ,iH ,ii|„-r '* •'■'* and
and bnlliant lignt n deura -ir **"" " ' nr *P- sole
Aisa,Gtraudoics, Hal. |..,ni. r- , .. ,
-Shades, Wicks, Ch.uiue." i . ■ . a: " le ’ , *' fl '-Ltol*cs |
Ga* Chaudcber*. irom our ~ ~ A-. Also,
JLi Dealer* fn Hardware i u-Jr u "holes.-,: e
I* Wood street, above jy IHI lla w , ' >i,dai »*'y No
Cheap and well started .u>c« oi l’i ’ - Vcrv
since the decline oi price- m Et, r „.' ' V' > ““forted
are determined to - r . ««.rrespom|,n?‘ a ,"“ w-.-n. tj.- v
who have been m i, n ot toirte 5 !.- -'l r rr,,
larly nmnestetl to call and loo* U L ar " P*n« u
we conhdenUy betu-ve tncy wi, ,ou -' 1 °«r «iuck.
oert ' " 4 ‘ v ‘ - l; -*r vxptau-e..
ORTaISAL tjioEiVTiffHn - • ,
pxPEiutNciii) J „d_"“*A >Qiica*.r
Jh millions, since IMS. pro*u n< .‘“ . V v ‘‘ ‘ ,l a Laff
passeff for durability hi the r. „ , ' '** unsur-
Purnocea. Pnce #*zi.75 cash L f
anteed nine mouiiis use Order ,
Bolivar Hrickg wtu be rlr< ,-. [ Ujr * »*«uni ouamv
tired, wtthom
is nffw forsale at u,e : ' ,r «*r*i UuaJity
nal liaain,by , .• * VV„nfff» l a .
*aep6nf - y J A ' *'Lm:I A RKN,
iO SocVwdv; A ... ll.Lr.'.n, U .T!“
felloe Vi, e ,fS’Vor rate ft
by ; üßuoosS!ssjS"i^;