The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 17, 1849, Image 4

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Cootumruon. Coo-jh*. C 0 { Bn-nU,-
ct Cowplwnl. * VnYteea*!. Palpiuiu°» ot
on-' ‘pr*sn- c ‘ "
~7, r k:u>••'■!> f**i a”) ‘ ,l
Hrrup<» r WU* l Cherryl i
ComP® n ** d B, \ f-r • tnor ? lbo»- ofoouMful
Thi« n»e3><*“"* “ 1,0 ‘. ‘ , fOW uk* ihouvnuW dnl'y
utility 4 Tin>r , IV . km.l now «ui>dt j
launched 0P „ |! fC oinii>< wo/- exusrtrive-
Kin her ir. r*pu‘ ftJ * v* nrrtmrauon «f medw iar «ev - r
ly tued than any ™' r . man.
prodwred for the , rr . Kcnrtaily UitOn«h U.-
’ II U. Vn-1 there are l«w 10w... o.
United State* ond K» p*‘ , otnr! remarkable.rvi
importance but ' rh * - y vt proof of u.« \oivgviu(
denee o« amt eficacy o. "
statement*. and « f •''* 1 f w Q {tb« m*ttf,lUu
eve. at pmpn-or x I pj< . K(llcll u .ldJ»
•and t* ‘ ; -'i’? ,U ! ,! :. W !!iS'‘v- l oen fbb have tudb*'
men Oi u-- fi'" ” and ju«»cr. U»w» '
vte*» n.-.fn I. •!’ _ 1 , < J^ li do lU ,oUief * ot » •"
ufy U ‘ tart- ’ -ul. ir.ti«»ny P rwl 'X£.j
ibemiei-p* '»o i.-,'* "< „-Trriienvf ■*
olo»tv-iy. 0»»i "■* ‘ un ' r ‘* u.-ou-LiUonabie aitfhon
by IU. mem-, aw- ai>ivieou< '■“•W'T 1 *
iv o( pi'biip -pi'"‘-‘ 11 ‘ ,nsruf«d ««#£££“
“When wen. «*""& !f<,n tro th of a thin*, or
voluntnmy bear •.■•-"‘lo- '■ ~f lU! , rmimirv totSer.
partirumr <*ct. -oer.-fi* *•»»«»'jew’d *>'
vroiWiy ii«tvip*t* «***• r,\. ;i . a manner to
UMHIU. nuti Y |!t p>. - Murul Max»n
univer«i\i credem-- .. l - l k HH' A■ •-
JJtvA.L> I •* m taat
.-Mbr.-I. -v*
There r»-.vcr«a* • ~.> n. ( lM .,«iiu». ,l> l,r .
l 0 deaperaie •,> . It it.
Compound Sy'*’'" aU-»r» on IU- Umg>
v,! ' 1
crenuoif new m
other tnedmine-
, April
• r l vcr'• >' l»*Urvr vour Com-
MTin?»ny l,,V - *;“lcc<l Will. >* ►PVrr.! cough, that
allncr*’'* s . which I bail t«scour*ote, »ub
faulted tlu '., ir, "^ w . irxniMtrd ail u.r »ympUim» ol
inereMi«« » a ’|; " uor . fcvery thing 1 tried weinc*
tfnlmo« ar > <lan*amp , nV rompmminWTea-ed Ml rapui
to have n« etfcc.. .M jnvM-li. gave up all hope* ol
ly that friend* a* w £ ' , wu , recommended to try
my recovery A*, j u) r 0 with the mo*l Imp
year inv»lu*r>le y , u! cSccl to ioOmii Hie
pyresults , '' f^i,r .. x .,raie «uiJ by U»e
cough, coniine n "\. WR . entirely well.aiui am
time l bail u«*-d *•* l ‘"‘ _ , fV ,. r Vu mmy life, ami
now an hearty :« 3*’ , ; ,t«rnmUo:t renneoUUg my
would be happy «* * lt> .p-rive Lie benefit for
cose, that other ‘ ... f lSt . u { the above
which l wn 1,0 R’V.,.. twcr Rush, West
. gauemeoL 1 rvjer >*- , ; .| |V .J the oiedicttlt.
CtotcrJUw”' 1 l , '“' J.w. acMUI
„ j Cure of a jUdWisl Mints Ur.
Wonderful t-u J a debt of gratitude due
tJ, e atflu.-ted generally, u oiTcr
t» yoa—«“* adcay (llVOro i your Compound •
S/hßmbte«.umoH> u.‘ £ c Voyeur* mce t ™
mp of Wild I W' n ' 1 j B!l d inflammation or the
violently • aulU * ilh „ .listrcr.mng
Lungs. which Jd uend, a very fonaniera
oourV pan* ut muc uf from tm* l»ng*. «*l£
bl« diacUargt. of °« cU ' wealher , tu.Wcvrr rtfcfat At
OlaJlr’ttpon -i?Li uiy condition, t ut was pretty
firetl feVtronlnrm ) ;r . t o coiifuinp
toon convince'’ > . a nd at luneiii was •caret
lion. 1 P* cW or«»-»k above atvLwper. -urh
l T able to -walk “ V tie»« 01 mv .un«». Uun».|; t)i.«
wu aUO '„ a , ld p rv «npuou 9 ,
uote 1 f.*d intd v all the umc wow. Ju»t
but fouud no' , lirl „' ri r . rrU aJe«lu dear fpi-nd .n
km 1«« "O ■‘ :?,„ P -,;'”..u,Svr U |. m WlMChnr*
WUittWKton to m®*';' , au My l hail been pre>u
ry. I »“« CO: ''‘:'', n r,L and > "" *UU aptunsl
diced against pa." ’ n » “ .. „f eß it*i but under
those coming out ot me® _ rof[ . M „ m ami pm dee
standing y ottr < ' l ' J » tsiiih in the ? fo ?
medicine, and aavt-V in Shaw. one of your
fnurf., 1 fanhw.lh ;“' c y c "„« ll „j l u uee My*»-
«enu, a few w>u.e«- m on:tis' standing, con-
JL. nl Un» uinf, to! b0w.,.,,
104 a. nily .1 »•«. ; ... of in. n.->> 1-*' «' s *''
oonniderubi. :• i, f _ r .p-nkr-.r. 1!)
bottles. But ..... ~ic'ea‘*iiu; •»renKttj, ami
tempted to jmich x ‘ lu vr .‘ Ml .;« unt bad already Jnrguii
thereby ruptured tho«- , ny cure wo* greatly
to heal; in lbi» »'">• 1 ' ~ neuire thu* unpru-ieutly.
retarded. In rnW'-'l''’ ~o u lei before 1 was pet
1 had u» use twelve a much-mailer
• fcelly restored I ha® J tf uiad ,. m ,. sound. bu: »»
number of »>ot.:e . •<•, . -.ymp aiiated the lever
the above indi-crruo'. roufilt. put a Mop
tab babiU took ««»? ** and n»«
l 0 the dwchartr- of •«*» _ heaiUl i have dder
them nn«l tne r-.ttre kl - «l,e pur |>o* -
red oflerma th-.- c-rtt l ' ,l ' ( ,| j, c rut«:tciic yoi tire
pteaauru ,
UuliliH rountv >
h*V* u »‘
There i* Ijtji r ’ ' f,j.i ,-vcr i» Uj>
ami lliat i* Dr. >w*' '«<>•’ ihrouihoul ll»«
pubiie. wine:. »'»• '"T u( K„,rnp«- *i*3 •«' P*’'*
Ltuird Staißf and 1 \Vi,.l Cherry imvc
uamUO"! CHt.'-<1 !l ' ~r <>l •OIIIC
been pot ooi *•'.*•'* u ’ i ‘; r . k r-. •• •
eiredm»uincc4. ' n r '\ ..,.r»f>'i need mistake •i<e
Uyalml* 0 , ->*"rva »oukol oie fctittrit- .>
genouie :roin me !J ‘ ' c; »v;m '.he
enveloped »'ith u , k |*©. Ur. "" *
Ukencs* o! W *i lll,n me portrait o' Dr
signature'- "nJ ft* to' • .• 10 distinguitu
bis preparation fM,,n . .. .' .-,.1 •<»,;,-vn v(iis»e * <>! Ut.
the great eurnitvej' , ‘>^' ! ' • j Cherry', |wi»on*
SiwayTir’* campon" . • - ;■ currency "» ""‘ic
would not t.e 'odeurntn.. - j iinl , nc \Mnl
‘•fictitious r-\ '* « mind'til-* name
unerry - :. fhr i
ol Dr ?*waT*<e. ana • « " , !a i and Ra<*e r.'.re-.-.r
Other, corner ... -a
Philadelphia . . Al |, rI »• Dl'.N tc !*N'» A
Co, cot liUiid Aoo| t.,.,cn> •«: JAS
M..ri'-. %. JOHN Ml HH-
A JONKS •'*" r-«pe< :n-..'e d-u : er» in
KLI.. A!'*;cu»-•«>* ' ' 1 •• "•I
M“}LL !5
y I( )<r\i h ' j in-,.iNAi.
l' «**' :•«■•''•;. /, ;,os i.,>KA:-t.-.
S&CROFI l.oi r* ' „ „ , jmind roM -e.
ana then h‘ u.-'■ UCAI.l iur liter
li o r.ifh’O I'-Miie.i ‘ 4 i[ri , . mat .t wnl not
scarcely a d;--u-r toe - • |hV tll u*eu •. '«r- tor
benefit. I hn" °* M .„. , . uinwi danger
all diaeafe** o' t' ir I ,, rt heaven trul
and rerpo»“ mu, l' R ‘ | ~.>rf •.,» hrm-fit warn
man. that n»« i'* 0 ‘" u ,, uio'tal UK-iii*.
VJje pauaftt ' Vll ' wu ' l ' '‘ ’ <t ' ( . . mr protV«eion l
I have b»d ;it:y xi * L-mef. a!-
have minwwr* 1,1 " UII n.uitevt -nidmon.
dern.en, lawyer?, p'^t;tr M • (| n ~ee»y vurie'y ol
and maltU“ dp * ol u,< ‘ t’ o ,* .....-.-(jiip
voice »aOriog— M ALCI
lUGOOW” . n'.mo'i immediately
lUIEUMA nSW—H r it* w ,he pain <-ea»ea
ihe indamm*u on ftnll 1 I>OI )
(Read lb« direcuon* nround * „ r>o .. 0 f me
' 1
\ hn . VO uif‘tsJ loOlJ l' ,uc ' -
HS£?S»hk\\,» A... ...n mro-b
defied every ,n P k,lo ' B 11t ho h>»'l
teen to twenty • . u , n irw
8300 on hi* children w.thou »
boxea of Oinuneni cur*-1 l<(f ~v , rurr . 0 r
TETlTEtt—Ther- n ««' •*•'%»
Tetter , ..
BURNS—It >• nr ‘* " •“ l '
Bnm*. . cured by u»i* <>*o»-
01LES— Thousands nrr J -/ u . f ,- Hf , )|C p.les
menl. |iimv*a tau* m w u y:ie MM-
U - Arouud the h«X jr • Comf)l/l i nt . £n,»r*-
listtr'»OinOnenlJot itrofuin ■ Q u ,„ey.
las, Tet&r, OnJiiom, bra. 4 Hi**,**' . ;jIJ .
AV«rh>oar, BeuneADw. • ''^ 7 * ' Oeainai'. &>' arhi.
*a»*</**.* Spine, Head oeAr Sgrf Ufll p ,„.
Bums, tov«- jf R^umnu,m
via, 4-e • e/ ly f- . firru'*, T^t A
otli F«i. U-oup,
: l« ™“ rf r 1 "
v v»rry w «£.
•= *•
on every lahei .
par sole t/v iny Agriit*
wwull. U» Sl “ c JAMiy MrAUJXTHR.
’• ni me otiove medicine.
S °l“iM“rNo f Tlur.' «r.el. '".it
(J - Pnnctpa. OlScc, N
adeipUia- _ 2 - L *p\ r< I’KK BOX
PRICK 2Jt. iA . Rrllrr i-urner of
A'olSTi :s PrmutiHOH vVileox.Jr .ornerob
Überty and ( 'li ur ,v * mol ,d *al«. corner of 4th nud
Market si and Dtamoi» . of NVftlnu , Ul ,d Penn
Smithfitld su, J H ■'£ ,„Kikeiote m Smunto.d
»u,«bward; and mid at W f^My eiiy by 1 P
,1,3 d door (rom S«‘-ond st, * UrofSiauUtr
tW.;. *££**• >**
Baxklay. Beaver, 13. arc n-• - •
fetoS7-deodly h x-
A l >^rrOß - A f N 2 BrnJThitM, s Bid other Palwo-
,* fwn . -hoeomweueed the
nay rfeeUoM.niiid th ,UH prefer it to U 1
tna of it ffl S» e, r l 1 . I h»»» beeriioducrd
yjtharrvovdw* ‘ ha v, mwit unruMj b««
to try other P**E3sri£ benefit »hieh wa. r«iou»bl,
tojppoenied u» receives by it« proprietory
and have retom« 4 w , ud them,
a remedy taet ha* o*™ ' rfe ,m— pulmonary dieeaset
• pp*,biy ..... na, “ d ““ “
P Tnpirrf «»« ‘•T »' O J ‘ T ;.;,£X JAINIH
by 7t{ pourtii rt
declOd&wtf .
. > .[a , and R*'*'’ f
«>ttice. °
Dr. W. P w «£* bl , (XnTI.V
aJ^ph.a.uowoU e r*^;i.f« i^of wh|chi tlVer
etablc Premiam l U I e*-
>«o< and tried expen-nee. Im*. >■•£“ wtth
tabßsbed. To all women w ,* reconunend* hi*
Prolap««* tteria or /, ’ ru j y cure in die
plotter, yuaranweme a «“« “ Mri ! k , if applied w.:h
-toon ■]>««uir roui.cW mUruim'ni.
care and reel—ducar uir „ Tins he feel*
and expensive ba|U l-<«: „ Ut ha* uoi faded
conwienuou* m «ai <• -.-. i ui d 6tt>-direr |.«
m one care o«l u' "■••
oent»- --...1 Wrak Brea»t or Back- *i-
Al«for Rheumau. J^‘ »* xcc , tUi „ p|„ w
tended witn pain, U>ei c , trt i. ■ y QJ fal< fo y
",‘ l “ m > ,ell ' f “ '“ft*»„„J u.J «Ukel.>
L Wilcox, comer oi in»“* v a rn-i. in
Braun A Reiwr. “ l^b^n^ J 'J Diamond, AUe
0r J Sargmit “ Fedemt - «
« IVuman-ndlh^ond
bam. -
riMIEY are )•«■!•
I uie »km ipp«-urt aher o»mg prepar
love and , (i , ...Vru.av container • targe
pared chalk. t*'* l "
TiS«™»’ rt'«Y™Lt'S™
QoJmc»i tt ® d,l, { n ?: n - while; at die »*m«; time arrnij
alabaster, clear, U'» 3 u no i> and uueoil*.
a, a cosmetic ou the akin. ®«‘ chemist-el Mats*
Dr. James Anderwa, 1 b Uy .
ObMettt, MJ».s beaauful and n«jp
wuiw, 1 fiod *» P°**7; ” nmocriii wiuie 1 ever susv.
i! CKsfe Ute
°4^ ua bM ciMi “* l wS‘kS?i*iNnL»* y
° Of tk4 Art.
T^^loX«rTil?sic rM In tC, Wnrld •
The BotiU* Uu r;
s"iiS^o» u 7*
' li. a J a power pwaaeaaad bp « otb«Tmedi«ne. Ae'"*
lav’ lira lie *jrandaaeratof tta w.adrrtbl .»eeeea H bja
performed ruble tba laet two paata, oora ttam IOOMm
Jo,;, of *eeere eud of dlaaua; at >e~t 15.000
'rr.uaidcred ioeotablo. It kaa aaeed the Urea of moia
f.uu 10.000 children dorinf the t»o peel »e**>ni.
10,000 c**ce •( General Debility «ad
want of NerroOe Bn*r|T.
Dr Towneend'.SerrepenlL in-ifonlm the whole,
.yptem permenenily. To * h ® leu Un»
.. 7 ..«...1»P bribe effect* of medicine or lodLrere
rion committed® youlb. or ibe eiee*eire
ilpx puflODi. end btpnAt on mf'ttnl phye.cnl prneir,
ut die n.rrctf* ly«W Ipert-id* o{ Mabluotl '
feintm4 eenretion*, prrmntore decey end decline, berteo
lur u.-erd» Ihel felel dleenre, Con.ainptton een be .e
Un-ty mlornd b f ihl* plereent remedy. TbU Sene
penlU u fer »nj>*rior to eny
lorisontUg Cordial, •
At ii renew* end mriforulet the »y»tetn. pI»M eeuniy
1,, ii.o lioib*. end »ircnflh «•> lb* inuwuUr ryilero l» •
m-»i * uraordmary deyroe
Counamplion Cored.
U«ren« end Cowoption ten >< «r«d.
SrencMiw, Coeremptw*, Lxvtr OrmplawU CoU*
Oetnrri, CwJUw rietbmn, Sptttiv of BlM€,
serc*MflsU* Qlul, BtcU* Tbuk, Hifhi
datAta, DHUadl *r Prefim ffowto
. rsrioo, P«i*i*ti* 50*. **,*«*«
liu ad m l« iciie
5» York, April 2SG.M7.
Dw Tetrrtszns—l wily bebnr* Uttl your 8*n«»-
rQle a., baan tba ataaru, tbtOLjk .>ef=<
■ap Ufa. I kart ftp aaraaal Paata bad a bad Coa,i. It
aaaaa -d waHm it la* I:
Hat edliuad, bad attfu «ltiUa, and waa ftaatlp daatb
laud anl raduead, add did »l aapael u Baa. I her.
a alp aril jwar BMaapaaU* a fbaal tin* add tbata baa
a weadiirfpl weaapbl la ma. lam low able
to walk dll BTer lhe eltp. I relae oa blaod. aad up
=a. - T.a aaa -all toaplaa tba, 1 u
iHcsWti f*c tbeee renlm
Tear obft&fpl nmii.
WB. &U»BLLsU Oetbertee-el
Vestal* Bedleise*
««Ti far 1 triple El CiuanMi, t %unU.*rr,
Oiori or rmSsttf oflie 'Woab. CotlniM*. l.e-
or WWlee. ebetteeted e»,di«*alrll»njtre*
d.o, lntendEaLeaw 1W» «
ibtVoot aod for Iba piatal paaijadaa of tie ap.trm--
ll matter aebtdur tba ™lt «|~»k
i-a°Lbfl 0 efl
m J e from It, el et» become robnrt end fed ol
sirsasasis 5
H’,: bS^i^'r
To Hoiben end Serried Kd»4le*.
TW»' Extrnei of fiemferill* b*a
vered in reference toteel* cngipleinu. Ho femef*
zrfzzrt s-iarr- *s^^
ltl which women ere lobjoet.
u brece* the "bole rcn **! P*" 0 *"' 6 ' 1 ! ’J*
i.di-r.t by remoTin« tbo Impentlv ‘b.
body, not « ftr«teul«tii4** » P/!ifV w, t ‘T‘ U f"
Which U the ee*eofao« modictooeubee foj
f«m»le By u*iaf * Tew bold-. *
ihi* medicine, meny eerere end pelnfl «ur»icel
iiom mey be preronted.
,J the .y.tenv end relieTinf lb.
1 ehiid binh e*er direorered. It “* U k
thVmr.ther end child. P«T’« au P 4 *" i
end enrirhw the food, th~ "h« be*« Z Jl
think U i* indiMMi(treble. U U brybly twelul both
», maMal. - » P™«»“ dl ~“ “"jfr
“hildbirtb-in Cortireoren Pile*. Crmnon
P* f .u- Pa«> Deeitoadenev. Heertburn, Aonutinr.
srp£%sJ" ; SS':S
Co. cur*. "S°aS w«rt«*T ° f preparation. «•”;
■ ■; ■»•> —yrvs"** *
• h * J “ “A£sJl' nSSJuII.SXp “
o ..t>« eaa ««*“* *“* if u»r« i* Brt • fr*« »“d
s r -r-'-' d
“ ,uL iTimT' rinJ btaan “ •»• tk ~“ “ d ‘
irtiilncp IP *«'»“ tb. 8, ..-
Tbi. i. wb7 lb* K-lfi tb. north
l»h t»dt*«. »r* *e »«« _ or *r* coafievd in elo**
' h " “t: j.“. £'*s .<*
rat. .la.ti.t.7 • f T« J'SJf .WdS. Dr. TW
■-■•< k ~”* ,fcie "K ta -
„*,... r,..1--8" ,
Hioflrr to th* k«dle».
T mat loiuia Dr To-Mcnd'. «.~|»rul*. >'.'•
in> artablT called tbetr »tn(T • rri* Rtn**f t° r
TJ„ A? Ac. and b.r. Mpiad «»r t>.lU tud orru .n
Khw U> »b* «m.pi*inu of »«d*o. »« ‘ *' r .
»bo ptii up medieioa, biT*. nuico in* f
rare, at Dr. T,£n..n.t'. 1 ",.““
t.erd.nt 1» ramlaa. recaontnad..! altbonil ■ ■ '
~,, i»}» they did nca. A namhar oftheea lUxtur**, l i*.
ir_% y. Ml » famalaa, a. thn T
d-ssk aarrs jzzrsm ■:!
"'rv'^' yi: r b%V
nr ca*e. or by iboaa *ip*etin* w b**om« mother*.
£M?rsy: ira&ra
,hi, and chili Be cnnfnUn «•> *b' •“"“
■ if» in the worid
gcrofnla Cwrwia
7 b.rar.Heat. conel.clclf P?"”
parilla haa perfect central oeer tba tanaiob.unate
Ea.o of tbelllood Three percou. enred In on. he...
„ cwld
It., Tcnn».raD-D.I. Bir, I »■«• pl.a.urr to
Mn children hn.n
litl.trra von »H <W" escolUnt medicine
l tel mjraelf uadar fT*»l oMit>Jj®*a
Y,> “?BAA^W- U cLuW. 106 Woo*ur-*t.
Ooinion* «f PbTnlel****
U, Tn.n"'o u atoo-t OaUf ° rf *"
r £bXv pb,-.-
of STAT- p ~'i
, Anrtl 1 ,Sf 7 f~l SSSASir ‘ »
Atbaujr. April •. 18<*- r - ‘ •
jiriM'iji*. ‘ and
O..U| to the ire«* ='“
rule, filitdra, F.aiHnU *;
Ve. Tb.p gtoemllp put It op to the
J-», »~1 tomeofibea b*»« *lol* *ml e
u.»w«nt»-<h«y nr* ouly wortbl.a UnluUunA *ud
*lmoM u lroided.
I’riricipn! Oaer. litf KULTON SUMI, Sao
N y |trddlnf A Co. 6 Bi*t* «ue*U Bo*to“; *
. IK N'irth Bacuo4 nre«t Philadelphia > .
Me,.. 1) ’ hi* 11 Hi. B*Uii»«*rfl . P Si Ca>hee. Cn*rlr*<‘' l > •
& cl n»i cwr-. s o »o&
p„ :irl Strret All-VT • *»•! by **• tbr
V ri«-* »m! Mrrr.uitU *t-i.eraK» t'.'-nif
\Se»t lnlJ-* *'"l '"• 1 *"“• *'
<s{ person* for 0n« reedn'ine, ninuid
not be imloced 10 take any nUirr DtukkkU pu; up
Stnr»apuri!la*, awl ol ' (,<,ur * c l ,ref,,T » fa '-' r ‘' wn -
Uo noi he de«*eiV*Ml *<y f ‘" I>f
and take no other. - r--iiu
mr •‘Townsend’* hareapanilu.' i<r ui- »olf utni'i.
R K 'tKLInKKS, (ieneral Wliolr.Hle A K-iajl Ajccnt,
No 5' Wootl firecL 6lkl CL’RK\, Alleiflieny
city. * ir jn -
ECBOPBAS aoehcy,
For U e Recovery of Dormant »n.l W itb*
hrk KF.AI. aVd PERSONAL MTATK u.r set-
Urnisnl and Arbitmtion of Commercial. Tradu.* und
olhr f Dehu. Serum* Pat™** ’Of I nvonUun* >»<.»■<
Jlniim, Ireland, and the Colonic* and Depr..dr„Mr.
thereunto belonging. and NcdotiaUiiß ° r ur ‘
cha*e or Sale of the «arne. . ,
TVEKERKNCF. may l>e «" application fr-e of
IV charyr. Iprovtded the motive i» not Hurt •”
cuno-uy,) to a coniprirui< “•’ v * nJ *°J
uaiiir- ui which‘unclaimed property i* Handing.
AUu, rin Hidei to out lu.OO« ndvetb.iemein* wine ■
ha* e appeared lor the pa.t to ) e;.m m vafioo* Hnu»h
nrwipoper*, Bddre*»ed to Heir. M Law and »eit of
im Coimnumc*uon» by letter are reoue»u-d in l><‘
U* Broadway, New tor*
Reirrence* are pentu'ied to Jon Charle* P IMiy,
j Judge Coart of Common P!r«» New York
I Freeland. Stuart ACo
I Cba*. CarUidge ACo
\V A J T Tapaeolt
(J. R. A RickatU, h»<t
KcNrahJ Schroder, Keq . ijfin n«u, Ohio.
A Patelun, E*q.. President F Bahk, Uuflalo.
— : " ~ flia ilie|h«ny Cemetery.
AT *.be annual meeuii* of the Corporator*, held on
ttie ttii ■»«-, tne following perwna were unatu
■ut n weclca Mar,.«rr. lot ,n« e.jalng r e., ;
' THOMAS M lIOWK, Preiident.
J.Fl«a«r, Jr . Secretary nnd Trra»Brei.
The jmnpal atateroeul presentedthe “»>'■ ot iu«
Cofflp**y »« a fer Y proaperoo* condition, rbeir oihc«
BUhe CltyJ* No STWuer iirrcL ***
mcainr * c
OOLO wtiHßßi. I"' _». HOLBsa * MM, '’!x T Bw i-l-BucATioNs-B—r i»»-1 DILLEV’S BifilCiL fils KitKACTOK!
TT PARRY ha* iiivenird a maelnuo for w&ahinff B•»k « * • « Bicb»#|« Broker*.] [X ,- (’horch and Sure t>y Ba(Ui«t " No>-i M A 1 to., owing from (.eorp- I . on'*'.'- I■■ i
Gold, for tv inch in- na* made application for a l > vrt r,iiEo*-SIM An entire edition o' -i * work: I ;; k . IOVV „ proprTi'ir m»hr Kx
pbent. They ate now offered for lale at the w»rr- NOTES. DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES. GOLD. SILVER j, n ol . p ( j aVi n ‘ n puoi,cnti«*n u»ru o the importance of mo Pa*u fr- i:Ti,r ;u r ' FI
nt>u«e ol Parrv. Scot: 4Co . No. 103 Wood ..reel, ANDBANk NOTES | -.n-• |rom Margaret Smith'* :r,r V.°" pare,,; * ,
Bitieburgti COLLECTIONS—Drift*. Noif. -‘and Acceptance* ' >jd,» a clin»en* Bay—lf*""- 1 - 1 1 '-* ,no f FjJ'sim OrrwK. A run). scp* I
Adventurer* :o California are in*itn! tnca., and ex- payable u» any par', nr the mon. collected on the ino«t Hoyt* Poem* —SkeH-ne*- m l.*ie a”' >’>' ■ y R My Dear Sir—Y\ uti 'f "'P"' “
mninf lhe*e iabor-»avmg macoine* They are vimp'e ■ favorable terira i R r \ Rmou Hoyt— nr« e.l en ary - ith " j j, ru , u re I addre*. you ni re I'lt''’ ,vr ‘"'
lb their conamirtion. eaai.y transported on the Hack «»(*i EXCHANGE oft New y or* . Pimadr.phm ati.t llai- j lirnn <1 <«> 1 I nave [n-ivi-tl from your mva ua'-e lam ..xiiur >.
iOulc» or tioraea, weighing eighty pound* each, and ' umof. al«0. C'liu-i'u n'.i. Loui*t e Sa.nt Lo«*.* mid i Catec'iiM.i o; urn i-ienro Km me. 11 uairuuv.- <>> me j | a ., iV ;,-u P daughter. i>* " - ,J •*l l *• *-*t» r
enn l«e put in operation in tan hour The y ran be i New Or! e tin*. eon*tail'. > tor *m r. M-.riititi -pm h , ,j., r t upon wli.rii *'.* up'- r » 1 "■ Jl ‘l lr i i-oiiii.g water turned into i.e, i,<■». u nr t ■ 1 *]“
: fil rd wun prori»iod« It t« 'tie opinion of lho«e alio i BA N K .NOT hi* -- Non-* n.i mi -o.» -nt tiaiik *.n the . , .j,r i rne*,[ .inn. *o' :’•* *’' '' lrl •’'' I 't' * tpp'.i uj wr j, ,-adm. no lUal a rrow.i :«■ .»"''• •* •" "
1 lutve teen the tnai ot otie of Ure»e mu< hine*ol ama!ie«i ! U.m* d Male* di*coo:itrd ni the lO’vr.t tutr* A 'lk.nJ- lB Ul . k „. * -team navi/uUon. and laiiwat i, I lofr i IM . |,ou»e to iciLrn the cau*e n ■ ' r " ,Tr,|lM *
rile, that two iuci. wil. waoo Uje um.erai trom Isu ol Foreign and Ainerntjut oold a i.u Silver l on- limitht v „, lUt , IU . m .inprovi-tii' ■ t J Uourne j lorr tj Pf t *.ott»ea iiunder, nnil ..m:* >p:r..J on ' ■
| u&*bri! of «ainl <»t earth in a day. wniKiut the to*** ol a mu! ■old > c K l* u t i n<' *V , oa; ve. and *lir «i* earned und uid ‘•p**" * 1
particle ol Uie ouneiai Tfiet cm, t-e increased m uxe ! fitlice No Si Ma[»*t strrrt, i.rntrrn ,«l arid liu. ■ ( . ||r , yrl ,• ,» , x.<«• I’> mmi * l t •*«:'•'»*• |,rW , yi | toon relicved lrutu tier pain*, und *-'•' '
I And worked In wnser or mule power, tf eipeo.n.'. ( Put«l-urgl». Pa n- :-o , i *»,*... i'i • - f.;u' rd to *1 I* l . j 1 roUid laueti.' and was *cKm m **ert
The i»i«rran>r« work Without going m<h** w at-r o( ] - w ....... .. I Tor i'.tih'i h I <if. * I’.utu'e l'u'. I wa« »< aided to » Sn-tel iroill the '.*f. of I'" -t"u.
Or u*g el|H>»ert to »et. and \ ••* Miout ell- ! ► - ORk«lWai k.X Oli AN Ok. Kruiik ~, , Lnr. . ..-t> »;e.> • U *'id \ Liir j mMre than han her t lie-: .i- ' t -ou.l ii-'d'-r I-
I*ngetM.g their liealHi They »„i re, 4 mre !.• t a tma.. ; 'piu- s «« Irar.auiL andl !s*oi.a,,tli Uiughl t ‘ X ' 4fm . i)n H»e »iniu der an,l i.iru-n i wa« very deep
Arena, ol water, ud ran *«. « !lo ,r mtarni. : D an) amount at use t urreni Rate* o: Ki, nan ft. ri »e, -lVn.,» I-or «hie ■ )ronl Uir ar . t i ll>ur . * »•>-» ■
. and •• •*>* hr put <hio, aXiuii where there .. uo t *ud. : Ai-u». Dratt- pavatilP in an> part ol the tdd Countnc., tJ ....-t K>' Jl’h I \r*. 4Ui H .[ % ’Hi- *..r.- hea.ed np.d > . d >' "
! drn; whl.-t to »a«li .n the u.uaj w«t from A 1 t« at the m-e o. Mto me i Merhijg. ' • ' ' ' non of the rau-c.e.
I' of »|,C S'i.l t inter* :u.m -.'.road. I.'- witl-out dedurUou or dneouii! !•> JUSHLA RUBIN- \\ u.d'.v \\ ,*he. ni) dear *ir i„i**.ui u. • •
. d..ii.j.allied bycaaa. will l»»- pron.pflv h..ed S< >.N. l-.BTi>pean jnu General Agent, otfire ill, *t nne nughi, a'Ucir
H PA Rlt Y. at Pari 5. Scott A C«. • , door wet ot wood. octlstt i mi, . our*, rr*pe, :
JVIgJ-dU No 103 Wood »t 1*111*1.1,. Cl, , l.m I l*t >M h.R‘f'
Miupratt A honP Soda Aih
rl''HE 'Ulis.Ti'.er* UT> now rrenvinr th--ir Fall *•!***• k '
J. of ttii* a-.ove 1.. .K le. Him- ve 9M .|«. r,i the J Uli.uta. '
Medallion I. < • n.ivi.ui ariiveit at Philadelphia
gild Ha: UniOl U;c Stephen Bald * in and
Leila. *llOl. yr* iru. ii,et are. -.herrtore, prepan-d
to rcc«i*-i orderx ll|e\ W,.. iririir ilunlit tile w in
ter and *prm. i > ,*ol >*i • upp.i**,. uu N*‘ w I u.eau*
nuvi'l tV A M MITCHh.I I'RKK
MOl NT h.\i. I. K TKIHitU- f-or ■ leimni' win-
*i!vf r v ' 1, r»»% Bri
tannia -Uul oi'-c: wy-- |l laplJI) ;»Lcs out a 1 ’ 'P‘' : -
tn.l -lmn- s'm! r.-; rii.'m. i-. Hie l»«*>tut;*vil am' Jurat, o
lu-irr Jn,: rr,nv<-.l wiJM *re.*W'
«ai<- ami rciu,.. i , JOHN V MORUAN.
mill Drucci’i-
MU SAMI. H HARTMAN Uavinp -01. l In* m-T
f«l in ilir po oi Coinraii. Huiiman Jt
Co . lu the rrmniiimfi partm-rn. lin* lhi» Jay rrltr>-il
from itif firm FVhmarv IH.
Ijirisui Hi ilt m'a.M h Afl'l KIS The
-*ifti,r*«l. Aki-i.i !.)l In'- inaiiulHc-iuffr* ha- "« I'-*'"'
mul it i'on»iai!i!y n-ceiv'itc a mil -uppA of .h- ■ f 1 •* '
limOr- m i\u-Mircl, null V. ,t\ which he iitlei* U-r
uKmu-A.-mf-r- <. i:<> CuCHRAN.
Icl'-.Hi *’ * l
MM A id. m;i K l'A> lb- l *ro- l-..uie* ludiu Ru-
Ufrl'**'.- »ii • xpC '■!>: nr. ••if tor frn.l-m..} i-t*.;.
11l ..nof* prUro > |.| u u . ItllJ »«■!! U 5 H ft
Otb a,.;.. i.l |*«‘«« lo
itk-- Thrin in. ■ • [\i(ni. i” w inn :*»r - t>r I month'. a uO
,r lu.iia HiiM-T l*M>ot! No -
KeeM imd toi *3.>*
Wood •*
Ml' l-1«' \I • II no K? ■ I'mip'i ■ bn IV.
I'iineliiiiu • «!<’• Crnvffliu-' AiiMoni', l>rueu«
Hur,rn Frrri* n.oi-n». H-.-r on do. Ke-lftu.d
l*ru. ii. r. JuP-prudence. l»ravr« Inn
Uctiui«t>. hiu.wr * Oil. Uroa.i* wu*, Magcndie’»
Fi.yv Sc.«iMin>;r.i,. Pliarm-corno,,
Hlumiel!'* .Mid* •', do <.I. l>»i-a«r« oH\ ui#m. Muml
rornery kr r on K-omarh \ eif£*u
mi llrra*l, Ihin-wijue on I l*-uk. KiallnT
i.'iaji. Cou'Utni'. iPii. ( * h;i» Vop Med . AMiwd.
tVnitiio*. SifWKU on i'Ui.Jl>" « Innuule*. Perr -
in on Wood. l.wui*on I'lillii***. E.iiot*on'» I’rniicr.
Duprr}ire*» ?*ot. Atwsr .nft> ' Phiiiij’x' n.i
Seroiu'.a. Mnrkrninni » Practice, Bci.ard on l huilm.,
Velpeau > Mnl'vttcry . * TWempouUCa. Brli «
Aimtoniv, Oark on Feman - *. liurnron « Ar.ntoiu).
Cooper on l , i*'Ocauuii»>. Condic on Clu.drcn Mi rr .
Pnn OI ChurrhU; * Fr-nuilc* l>e» er« on
Cmldren. do m< MiJwii'cr> ,do on Friuii.o' bung.i
J»jiv nolO(i y do Uu'lifinai . . l.swrrlicc »i. K> r I’rrn
ni Malcua.Mrd - '\ m*ou'« Vneuvr. 1.-lou • J-ur S .
rv. L'u".g.i*i*n « Pracln''' JoMnei.a Milicr ■
PM noIORV, Kuli>»U>UlJun » IK.-’.lrU mi Fevr|»
Hope on lleei l . Cu.ujunai or. IVnui.e- Farrumn •
Surgery. U ilpoh VAi.iiuuny. W illmni* on U<*pir*nir)
Drja.-m. A:>ereroinuie on Ura.u l)i i t iw. » -it* Krin
edir». ir Ac.
rii. ai-inr w ..Ji a ceuer*. a-
Medic*. Hi
Yl 1.10 IT A K.Noi.ISH :«» Wood-I
lidwri ii A:ti and Ihainu'id ay
Diaxivi'l •‘tiUHtn >W O’l.f >'-»rU
■ 1: M IIUJHI.nW «»U.J r-rcu. \
Krtim.v Carrm/c*. Harouri-* Bui
*>**. And all kind* o'" limey «:ain*<e«. rsua -it e.c
Kuiicr and lu an} . i die *'•**' *•**'■
vracu for any niunher of UaM.H*-•, ir» aad Wo
gun». wil. i»c prompt.) li-.pJ
Ali work ol lu» own mmiiLli luff wi.i l.< \vaf:»Mr».
HirumP- ■»'»■ K Paiirric:.. H II Pa: -f-o *
1) (.AAAaiu. r.. s Ko.'*-n I «* l- >'«*•■ A
derniau Mc'i ’r'-.'ti
1M BI.U Al-IKVnuN i. -ouc.ied u. an '"i.rr,
new urtic.r "I HAll.lM. in*.ir u . .>rou*
.1- .(jjlird lot 1 lo»irv Collatfe*. I'etlirirnr*. Ha.t ■
uni. I'uMir tnutiud- J', alpncc* '*I>IW Hum.
prill, U> t U»J 111.- tun I.ujf oul U » >i*»dp .n panne
01 vaiioo !*■:>«!!»«. v» I* 4 /<n *' ; ti w»‘»u*n: it.
pn«l- 1 2 in- n -«pi.ire. at :» ;r r' r l * ll - "'‘- 1 11 ' '* * l ' ”
10 icet If drored uif panne- c-n "•»* 01 «
tinf Ul. n. ri.ii;:nu..u. .|>HII» .. r " •'
wilttoiil po*t. >o <■ I ir» i-iiaror mi po-l.
Tiie comparnl; wr i: clime**. ureal »trenr 'li af
bully ul Uo- vs IKI. KAILI M.- U>P t.raun m; it* * - HP'
OmAJln-Ua. llci.'li* :uj:*"ilirr >» i'.B ; i.e e lit'torn ‘O'"
price which ,• -Old. »i* Chiiliun i! I" «u|er,ed.
l!ie r».i I run Ha. wh'r'V't ihor eompat at. r<
menu have t>crn ir-ied »or further partirnU r>
[> ariuu'.i h r > ic at xml lilie .d *i I ili». if«
i oi.ier Final anJ V,/-e .if'l-. .min i, O
t)rOrr» !r«->lll V rt ■■ lor A foui' • 1 u"" ■
H»«-Of KPCU.-d W- !-*•
,|r<l to :it IQWr.I ii.atUr! pro- 1 a 4 ' '
vjw.>:fvM> mis da'i
K hon'f Nu T-. Kouf-.h *-rrf
Rich -mtvo.-r.l P,niH. <-o»p« !’;*.-iTorkc, (•••)<
\\ or<it*<i 'lo l<» i *<>r*-«f > t
Rluf l):iinii*k ‘ 1 »rp'-' H> 1 ‘ n *
« ni.ip* (jolh.c* Trm«V ftf ' r,: ** h ' ,Ur '
>pi:;.;uie View* -Jo •>"
Tnr*»ri Jo ■’'*
Drai*rrv rhiii«-»« Jo Jo
Ntooi.imn: V(»*«•* J"
I,an<l*pi»t , «‘ J<> 1,1
li.-xn..-. -'o
ford mid iiTf.v Kuirtt »nd MhU. Kntl
n.. 'r K»iii*
Php- tatovr i.ooJ. ... Ul r.- »i.d •'
«i) r. to«i. ...»••••• \Uf m'--. ' <• ’ •
And cu«if»iupf v “'‘.l too**- w,*,. 'ir 'u iui...»>* o
•Ir-081 *''d '‘
\\ M < 1 I N T' 'K
"l “ v, ki.i » "'i* I’KI'MII W KIRK lU“>‘K
»l . iT.M KNT 1U" wou.J • 1
offrr U'fin » 1 >■*«'" ' wn!r '' "*'• u '
du'al. . a. jn.r.-• M ( i. Uniin, '
j»Undr..<*n'. :i n,ri,u. MmrU-. Ivory, ir wuhou. -I •
reMWing U."®*' ‘‘ r
m;V whiurvfj t»» U>e> »'rt t/'U-r*- «<ro»r
and not »ir«-f •••!!•)• heat wnierotair
Tb.- Ccw •: - not wraarned i" ill* .*»»« vrl.rn *u ■
l-ctrd to ■ >ir.' i dry lifV.. or wtien titirorfrU u. "eft
wairr ‘|'hf <c )*av’ tone tf't iftc r ft r *. s
of M.rh • ir-f -no .» t|,-. thelr Mp0ru....... «»:.
h . u J t ,v, Ti.f .uli»criber he-> m..\
Of* u«ro l ’> “ 1 • ~ W W Wll *d >N
Uii» a mete ho» *»'«“ ->> W V, , , . ...
ia .)y corner markfi and *“
Manufariurrr an.t.lraier in all J.""'*
At ni* 01,1 Stand Hifnrf 01 SniurtOrnl l * n
Diamond 'T, V* . would «-iprci u
!T*.«lMh*BS'rn.»«n m Om.iry Merchant Hon •>..
R rtn7o*iDarkr«pT». * lance anil tu\*f t M r «.»•«>
mentor IM l*i >HThi* t '!<. AKs imon« wim-h «i. '
lOU'I.I 111- lu.'fV*. -US 1-ruHil*' VII t-r»Clr. H' , enii!l. a
irlloa. rnt-jpr. I.n Nnniw.Stur Bnu.d. jl
Dollnnßr K H:...* ab <>l »•»■*«>» W " 1 br .old u. lo •
can lJ had a: nny ««:.«■ r ».«««• »••»«'■ C ‘‘V
A’«o, con«-«n< .on Hand uuJ lor *#.<■. “ •* u ' *
tv.-Ii •••lecwd »m:k o; Vinjiii.o. Mi*«ouri. and * * *
i'lif«-mf Tobacco
Ai*t>. Havana, Cuba and l oii.monUai 1 o -
coit.ianlly on Hand and lor nov-i.u •
Essays and rkvik\vs-u>- w«-in p. -c
■i voH I Vino . i T w
Ditk’a Work*, incljdmr In* l ol * l Vo • *,
Sv«utm’ Thr 10 Voi* Lound m 4-aheei> U.Hn
J Su.ckfii’Ui'-' Uieimy olll.'- Hibl' l-0n.1.»n w.n.
mips and tVlavo
Hebrew El.Uir. rr-A American edition
« Nni<-» «n me Trttomrwt »o'
lirwediUftii .
Macaatn)'- I!,*torv. library »»yl*
For *al« 1
isthoi.oai.k uky I'uuiis-Wr »»■ »»* ••;
Good,. -rleclrd wjtli sreui cnfc inipoiu-. i
.ad r0,».,.u..« of a ,
till gradei uiunlly *H»x by Dry
wr nr*- |'inpurr<] to *ell nl «uoh prttte-* B r
“»-r; tsars-*- vr; ■
•nan they can replace ll.e.ri ~*»«vi»k l>onghi ibcm ..
'l'CMill NTKI MKKiHA.Vri<-'V K Mur"
I "l run >Y" Ury 0""d- "
„i,il, "... ror,."f of-lib M.rk ri .urru. in-;
. ,»ii "fire."
»Mie« of I'rmi* liniKbami, Lawn.. At . HU
rl |^?UH.ce U iw\vbJi«»Je Ko'-u*" lr«‘“ <’>* »‘ r * ' 1
1 n!linfWHM 01! Smilhficlil sireeu uii
'* no ' «» Hotel a large and beautiful aaaoritneni
oruunua-v, flrl M afo required far
together 1H» goods have been carefully se-
I retiunm m, newest and meat fashionable
I ke , ’ . w*n as of ■‘Uperior quality His customer*
i “ll, ltJ upon having ihelr clothes nude up in a
manner which cannot fail to gratify the IMJ- of.b.
j mini f»»udn»o«
‘ THB btab, op tiikwkbt
w A Karl side ol IW Ihamond. where Venuian
i minds of all Uic didrrrnt sues and colors
are kepi on hand or made io order atie
,r y,e latest and most approved Kastem tjmh
r, jon»,al the shortest notice and on the inos
*0 ! " “n”b‘p Bo.ton'roll or .pl.c Blind TroD.pd
“* I „i„,i paper Curtains of all the diffoteut »m*« and
• I oo Knd nod far raid low far dd.h old V eni-
| P alle i r ,i;J < i. oalnied over and repaired, or taken in part
. -oY*i7 at I*KHK»Rt*OLD do eomsbryar , nan fl U WESTERVELT, ProT>r
audTeatfpootia Bdm purlor.oir.c.! and jo nB wilh the best material and
>?■-« z «*;:-** - «« • >—» , r
_ ,'L W . w “d ,ON j “ttoodor
i:\SHKi.NKABI.KFI.ANM-I-fI—'* 1 —'* H . V| '“.
L ! :t,r .M.mioi, ..«i.uyr.i» hi* > "■
U..U.T sti./d*. ol a>. lit'- «juul,n“*. •»»*« ’■
un-bfn *„L rn» the Wc Mi Brul til miirh lower pm
l.eiian.' WFinim-!» «:«. eon«iontly mi t
Uaui. and S.k do 4 I and 5-4 do. for Sbroudmr
po»c. Alao.
Home White Flannel, and Un«ry* rornihin
on b4»d, at ::,r i.ortn ca»t corner of rourtti min • i'
feet «irmi»
SHAt'M.rrr \ wurn-. UP Wood Mrrcl. are n
rcce.vMi* « uc»h iWli 1.1 DRV GOODS* of re.
purcbaw. »nd It-m. »ty,r. c'.ueni. \r , whirl. u
Mr7cU° J to Call and '***•"'"
ttock and p
T4RANH|*ARKNT SHADFS-Jum received and fc
.ale at W M Gmhu k'. new Uarpet Wareruon
S/. 75 Fourth -a. “ handaoine u«mißMii of Tran-|»
rriit Window Shade.. at very reduced price., lo wine
*»* .nvite'lie attention of tho.cwi.hinf iorW''h*“'
Irbl4 W MCLi.NTbfK
OVUAK 4c —al* had l '“l BaLSaM-I. do. ,»i >ot'd '°>
§£‘ o r' l^ O ‘ *lj W- H •* J “®
[4 bDi*. utorted kind*, tor *•
iLLA.'S Ckaa>-H 1 ( AOW **u A.* H*
in horrifii mid Domnin- Bn * ol F.irtiance. t’er
lifirtura of Deposit, Bunk Note* and Coin, corner of
3d And Wood -ircem. dirrcily opposite Si/ Chane* Ho*
itl. _ iuay>dly_
i purcliASed ul in- i,iwt*i raici, nv
1 ,N Hoi .M ICS k SoN^,
1 aepH 35 Mnrkci-rrfcl.
I IiILLS OF KiCUAXOi-.-iißhi Cher*- *».,
; Jj New York
Philadelphia, and
Coni»mut;y foi amis bj N HOUMKS A BON^.
»epl3 r,6 Matkri hi.
I)APF.R HANoINi.S—I Kill :.•>» rr. civ.iii; dir - c
(mm Uie manulafiui.M- m Ntw \nrk Ptuladel
ji(un ii, d Hmliuiotr, a iu d wm) raiectod A*»ort
mein ,m all llir .alc»l B'.d uuwl intproyfd »iyif» ol *a
im, )*lMied m.d couunoi. I’AI'KK ''Ou,
-islinc cl‘—
lii.lXA) inucc* o’ Pa'lor m.d I’frsco.
lO(KUi Hull and Coiumn.
|ii.OD Ihnmc-rouni chimfcfr and odiff
conmtme in piifi ni Ariiiirinl*. t.acf H"
■ irrv. 11cu> r*. Ciapr, Lri*»e. Cm itn*: **»., La*'
Wtl*. MmwL, Jlnii»lltiT' , liii* * r U■ i•- <• nv:r.
Kiini.aiii and fu'iii’i H ini'Ac rr * r»r<?r*t f'k.i' 1
»e*v,C Sitk. Thrr.t.i* Uu'.ton.. C«n:r*«. Jewelry. Cu:
irry. A. Ar Couniiv and <•■!» irridmm. ufr if
i-coiiU'-v Ktviled in mil and examine tin INo s-t
V\ iuni • »rr<*i. corner of liiatunnd iinev hu'li'. I ''
A|K>Ho Hu.lduiß*. -t' l '
Bunk Note*.
ijift—wluoll I WLuld (latueuiur.y uivilr llie nl'riiliot
Uio*f liavmt hoiisrs lo paper, tu call ar.d cXKm.iic
ilu* Paper W«rfhon»f o. S C HU.I*.
'l ArtUrtHM'l’ ).»- cotrnn.->
_.■# lufßr B««<'rUUfin u! KaOi
I’lliUl'>Hl H<
'UK rap'd !< hvd:ivrit!iv '•
•inr** i’.» mirudut iron into t;i.» ■ innnr) -- tim l'f'
and a*ioru»!iin* I'lirn'.ivc r tlecu i’i coid water
mine •ml acute <!i*ca»c«. wn«-n Mf.pln>ed aim '•!
o( ihr rr'ir nr»iml Pn«*»nii/. h»» e remcn c* tro
• ml;.d ill a.I intelligent and di-rcming pullin' rvr
nn-le of d<ml*l tel lo It* efficacy, M-d framed it UI
r»at tnvor ('umidfn:'.- ill* - u.i«ati*lartoiv reati
rrnirdiea lierntwow u mm! hi trie irraimi’iit o! on ton
tnpiauiu. iruiopia.m*. 'oo. winch are itu-mum* r
\ rm | il niu«; l*c a aaUira. w Ktl to »e.t tile auri'C
« ipetiiiid liV * ‘noh -• unfitriunale Miffere
], p >'red <>rn tn r pn. - i I illrmilir«
Tre »uli*fnl-i-i iiavuiK »urc«-»»fßii> H
rllioU lot fii;!'- )rur»»l In* Hydropathic
r m, «nirl) no« |.c**ii f\»r.»nlrri»biy and I
I■ 11r. ami .0 every re*|>ei l. i» :i>
r-jilv I” rrcr.vp wiJ :»> •oniiuoJatc (mum
h00«f l« vr • U'.ilf Ini
;>p.»*ilr lII'- mouth 01 the Blf IP-uvri. .» wr i am)’
ir r,« refrr«n.iig ar.l rmlu. -u>u» utiix»*ph»-re ii« ■
quirlnr*- aril charm, r.e i.ntum. *. -n't) ru
mi'.f everv r<*«,ui».tr in render the mojoum o< u»r
u..d airrcea!i e. and irouirniuiimc not a nUir to re
impaired b ttiift and phy M-ai •irrur.a
'III'- c*'.a:*..«hniclit. in'- lu»l »;ajlr.l m i,.« l:.-
|'rr*ou» wi»Uinß u> avai> inrtu«c« i»l Wi' aJvmi
•e» hrrr odrred. «n’ f>'ra*r miilirw ft* » uf.* rri
, \ .rttrr iJ'o«t paid i ■ulu'.i’ «' near a« pn««iMe
■ihtur*- iri their rump.amt* in order in dreideand
vi*e mi ibeir tune*- am] .'uratnliit t\ .n<- HlJiot'ui
irraunetit. and a.*o wtia: wni hr uri-e»*af) ini rim
•air b.kiK. :or ttir r 'i|ii'Ci». and pefoua. u»r
KIJW AkU.M'KKR. M D Proprietor
Pbi ipanurf. county l*i
HiVKiLM iv -Kn .1 Kn.iiriiv AHiutroiti; \
t'ilL !-»», nil Hun TtHMUa- He « Uraltl I'a .
Bark*! >'n Pro; Cl. V-no*. l\iubur#h. I’a I
p.-lii i». V>s H 1.... > H >"*ed New A l-a
H.-s M a:*:. »•••!. 'ion N 3 rI. <ia:u.n »
S.-\v 'ion O' ‘'ti "’ Plnuiiabura Wm H
Conor Pi'i»''U:HMw-l l'--*i u.
r. ( LAIK *TftKfc.r, I'lTThßfm
N 1. U I uKK A \ D ]• II ll.Al<M. I' H I
or rut'. wi' u ir\ and >nm
U i,,i ~ lie I* preparrd lo mue tu older
IN Till-'. I.l>T MANM R
Head Quarter* for Boot* and Dhoti
-.c*. i - }!''rn -V itt
’,' u ..... TRt I HI i ?**'< > I :
. iii<! Smith li* m
N H T’,ve..n< I>a *• A r A
*yt on i.ui.U rn.nO .nw tor < »«u
I'ou.rrv rtiprcnann * i»u 0 UnO u to uif.r i t r "**t t°
ivp u» ■ ti.. when Vi» tins in' , 1,1 Il * __
V|t hX»MK rt.H f l'« al»der»tp{<ir«l
,1 n ,:,»irutunn to l!i<- j’UfpO»P 01 »»c«- [to.lll .1* tU
n,,rifi<- ravin Of vaJue of gold i« now pr-pnrrU to
v ai who»* t'Utin'u n>«v "''l'l'f n* u»<> In-
COt.VPIIIPIII. P»« be U*cO WllftOUt liltl.OUll}
■ufficifiit u> «lto« H*e proee»f
J’rfmih» coincinpia'ling gom* to ('« i lorn.a. won! I J"
«p: rail and ri amine '.he :n«trumpnt. a* u i* »> cv •
r r\ w:,v to protect them from hand I'f'n*
.n.iii ttirm at uiiv uni'- U> ■ •oeria.u tl.c value o; tu.-if
•ic .1 J.fpcljon* and tat. e» ’*,.l l>p Hupp... .5 $i s.u
xaMI’K.I. BAKINS. I’l*loll itrppi
In. traroi Join. H M'Kiifpri'. Jewp,n_.U.
I M t*f >K I I:K> !>■!«: Wr.o.p.u.p JWlen u. K'-feij-’i *nJ
i I>, ll,p. tic Harilwrufp t'ntVrv Srxld.rrv. A r 1'« v
I.AW IUI.’V pr'-J'Afol •'
ll>rit»«if 'Cm.m . ■»>
;«p oflrr *rr) ?r'' n!
ii»- mm i 4>lvnntaff l.xti;. our prr<l<->-«-««'r» M
A K«v -icitv <*«■ !i 'i v•* rmatlv .ncrr**-**! ‘
i',r« l« I'.J purrlllff tl<> OU r ! ruin r t fl:«.
piilaburifU. •
m"\W.irn! U Me
T • j: ...r mcm.-erix of nr (if® devote *• f *' ;i " e
, -.r'.no.i V" *ale« and fen confix!** i.l <•( f.v. J •*'■■
• in.-uon. reaper iiu il >• aoirnt » cm) from a.. win* may
, « n.i m«r*ei. nielli
TMIK unxier»iK»ed offer* lor ante a «up*-n«.r ar.r>«
..i brie* lor building. made by hi* Sieani F>e»*.
improved machine for which he i.xx* obtained a pa'enl.
■ ini agree. 10 ifivr purcha»eri a wrilirn funmnue :b»i
tln-y arc monger, and will rr*t«t tr*nl ami wet wraili
rx «rul iin' i:•** ,r»» inc*i«ture or daiupne** than any mn
rr i,ru*k. pc*»*e**ing irfn'rr l>o*ly am! «nj>« , rior irrur*
and much more datable in every reaped. m. 'i i. k
l,ring «üb;crlr.J 10 u pte*»urr ol aevcral Inn*, mid (*>••
a hai:<lMiroe *mooOi vurt'arr and in"i ed.:*-.
Uiry mnkr a fi«• ■•; to : 'e»l front urn t
They have given me greateM *au*lticnoti ul wim
have purriia-e,l A kiln r H n tie .reu ul my won* .i" 1 - 1
-j.e.-illi.Mi ul trie (.a/etir other
I’lioae havmc »upp!ieil them»riv*« lor their bni.d'U*.
nnd [i ixtnUoilie trout Mu« or tu pet ic i ha "I
mill |'U< in? I.nrk. ran obtain innn
imao i*rk<;<*.
Uirming Hum. June It*. 1-4" if
Dlrmlnsliam |Utar Plttaburglx,; Pa.
Wartkouse, »Vo. 137, Wood ttreei K I‘itttbhrgh-
W | [.Leonniuiiiy k rep on hand a poo.J a**of I
n,rin ol Wara, ol our own iiianuluriurr and
»upet>of quxtl.l) VV holcaalr and country Mer
chaM* are roipcflluUy .uv.tcU in rail and e x
amine for Uiria«el*e». a* *t are determined u> »ell
cheaper Ilian ha* aver before bee* ottered lo the pul*-
Orderi ariit by mail, act ompamrd by Uiec.afi or
e'tv reii-rence. will t* promptly amended m. f*-hvi
VKW CAKI’KTS -Received thi* da, .:,rec. 'rum
Uie fnanuiaflurer-
Nrw «iyl« Tupe»iry 1 pi) t’urpeta, erua vuprr
Ou do <J<) do «upr|,
,10 do Ui u.*rl» On i pe i«.
do Rrua*el», very rheap do
do mb color* »uprt Ingram do
4-4. 1-4 and heavy Venetian do
4.4 n ; ami i- «;oimnofl do do
Ail of which wilt be «o!d m a tinali advaarr. and
will guarantee u« in v. uv . ,in t.e pure baaed m the >• ail
.reUr " ' f ' 1.1 NTOt'h. 75 Vourll. •!
I Ilii'J the .cry lil.erai encourage
accamea, i» Weave! “rirrct. .turned,ul.-lj’ <ti«
From iltr ionx riper,r.nre ,
'• l u*u,c»» and * d * l * P lca **' h *’ ho P«* ‘‘ t,IUCI '
V«nJ receive a ..I puhl.o patronage.
'.«« unhand and fuuahin* to ualrr, Itocfcaway l»uf
, f Ln and mp Uuggica, and <r>r,y deaenpuoti of
• •«rtit nunaroi 11
eitT. Ann- 40. *****
Bole Agency tor Nuiiui* Cl.rk’a Plano..
Jl'M' Ul ‘ KIVI !> and opening a
's:::;:. s°sx
|| | J*N y,. oompr:*i..» I. r>t .111.1 • (Vtavet.
with important improvement*. '‘«:ii -n niechanmnx and
exterior po»*e-«d hy no other*.
*i fine ae.eeuon ol C hickennt « I utnwa,trooi
*I„T octave*. H KI.KHUK. bole Ai{> n'.
al J. \S *Voou ii e.:r-. -J 1 lord »1
\ i; The above will he -old ai manuiaeturrr« prij
cf ». wdtioui am addition mr I'reivht or expense*. l
marld Journal and copy
A bPI.KN HID ■'•‘■ortiueiit |
F a,, y hl ihano-. juai ,
laheil. Thcae ui.‘ - rnineni* are made nf 1
| I V | | » ihr inie«t pattern ntd h»-*i ni.iienau 1
and will hr -nill low for I*l*ll hy
F HLI'MF. lit! Wood atnmu
V.t Joor above I'lfih.
S U -Tho»r who are in warn ■>: n aood m»trumeQL,
arc 1 enpe. tiui v invit-d to exainnf U»e»c before pur-
< i-vviirri- a* *),ev r-a.-m-t -o exeelled by any
in th- eoui.’ft uit l wi': in- low. rthan any brought
from the Kj< A-*o iu»i r>*<*en**><l. two piano*of Hun
burst) uiaiiii’c. W...T* i- dtu aupenor to any
rver *ni.l *n *.:.. • ■•*... • • J) F J?;
rpHt. *uo*>:tri'-r ii.i* n. en •|. l .c*u-i'd **o.e Axenl tor
I me vale cl CaKIUKI Ivu'l.uVl.R MI.IX)I>E
OSS. a* tnunufar! and .. m j * neeied by Me**ra.
Murrii A wtilir. <*f I '..n-uiii <:*. T,.*- u«ua[ eorapa.a
and exieiii beiup hut lour .*rtnv. « \lrw* M A W.,
111 .cconJaner willi the general .l* *tre nml demand.
■ have extein'ed Ike aeale ol hc»o ..inrumcnl* to 4J and
'even 5 octave*, ihua iiiaki v it pra.'iiCHi. e fli perform
upon them any mum: wntu n lor I r ’ into or Orjfan
'I he e 1 tenor, al»o, lnta been uiuelt Httproved l>y placing
the lody ol ilie ifitiruiixei'i upo . a caat iron iranir
iiraut.f'ulxy l.romed and cl. rciKlernig il at u mu»i c.egani and ejirrii.. \ de*irutiio art., .e
I’lie piiee tv put »o low a*:*' >** 1 ■ • . 1 wiihii: the reach
I very one in oLta.. u periect iiimxcai inamnnem,
■td. 4; il.e name ttmr i m*.-: .1* '.mi piece 01 lunti
ij.* 'or a .'mii|ura':iviiiili II KI.K.WEH.
,v 1 j V\ \S 00.1 wcii *
'HI..AI M'Mial. V<» 1.1. t i - 1-m •Hi'*' ri(»ci
Uf ■. I,f» i’.:i ~I 1 I '-Hllcl ihc ('Alt-
INK! I‘l N>» 1 I >H r rnorr powrrr
I,l,irri.l ir.- v.,oirr !’i-r.c' kul OIK!
lain’.. *• mu.-,, in <1 ■ a muru inorf »lit>w) mid
bum!u»nr vr- .i iurtt.iuf!• I: .* l'a:’ culni)> Jr.ira
t/ir wi.cft* ui«* -nv.ii.- i -i'". • • :x . oLjrft. l>Ki:i|s rx-
ted piitni.l. M 1
may :.*• .n*pe, u-J
C Uicke ring’* Plano*]
J l reeeiv .*d 4 .d fur «uie ut man
ut.icM.r--. tntuTui new I'iano
Forlex 0 l-t and oi lave*. 01 Ihr mo*t
II V I | 1 eiegani jiait. rn* u. iuriu*ure. and wiin
•.lie .ale unproved
,\,*o on hand a;.d fu' >an low ; •ennui haixu P 1 •»r»-
O, JOHN H MKl.l-dK.
?*olc Aflen’ tor I " kei. sir » I'.U’iOi 'or Wealerti
Pennayivama. -| U no.: .inn mur*
N' F.W Ml'>l'' HN IIKNIU II Kit X-The I u*» 110-e
of Summ* r w..n nil in:roduet..»u amt hixxu.iulva-
I .allOll* lor ll.e P.ifxl lull**. 0* jTllollllcd ... 4... lx.a
, o. eef t» ;.1 tt.e l . . .• : "la 11 « -•> ilcixt; Hell
U'« It:
an-, -k... ;
\|,:. :in .u ! • 11.
Snr-ii* 1-o.kii
" II MKM.oll, -I wouJ «i
>ortl Kiertlict
' s ls - Jjjst
i:* KK A.Nl>i' l. K Kl. AMI l.!\K vi* WA K R K.N
I .1 ... f*„. Al.l.U'V >'»P
im-KAN »*«.,.« \V»ilrt«
/ k S l (/' "if lliivf lv*v IU-avrr rv<-r) J»> ,
l ) ,'u. .!uu riri-pv**tl- »ud uri rc m* x i inonmi* »l
ii ■* , ii< - rr .ws »\;b lor M n*. si»<r* lor
Ah lu'i »n.' ■:* al r<U » «.Mlir«r p.H.-
ucu.l. H.Y.U-- r- if* "«-.-• *”• "
>: V M «• '>•
n; !!•••».-r •! ’.llf.' 10 !i»Wr ‘*>f
~{ loi ritWLur,!,
Il l- A tM I IM.V. hl.l. W .n- V r ,„ f ~
*1 II I A > l * >K. \
,„„ h ~, i hi ; * ■ k i r.>K7Y w»i n.«
J-m i-\ r«»s*>! i-»vj ' v - J<-d:'-
I't h ronofk,
l.m Tracy,
l“k» f - . • Hrowr..
Th* *'pw »u*; «(>inicli<l I* i ««*•«;: Vnrk efj b***
- i.i 'ant '—-••»'■■■■ !!K\\ l-.K aN’D.KKIK i
« . ru:. rr«a,H. . .I'll.-IS ill- out b<»iil :
rk ; {*'Mi*- ••-nint.o4’ .■nirKirv*’fA'Wri^*«aiTf!r
I ‘..hi . ii r * ■•■ x Bi •! . • m nr '•■ !jf... »;■*- J. a/ “I
lift F*. » It. fi-1.1 tn.«
r. I, . . .1 r I|H 4, i.u. 1 •<-*> i»
a ' por*» f>.: '.n" l.nK' - »». ■••• ti-n-'Urr.l [ y
[*>••>' «u Uir l*akr.
r»>uu tr.r no<l mu. or
I 1 Pi
f ',.1 1, r f>rc>ji»:« »«>r«
B)- :.n
J i tftN A I' \l l.Hh \ Ax'- I
cur U , - • - , • »u. : . • •
f-. J 4. r Harr ... >' :.i . \
. M Km-U. Kr - rN
C \V,r» lir.-r- 'v r [‘•j,
M}• ar ami anU kinr. U.c IV*.■>' Pa.
iia>. Al* uciii, -liar. '».ur*ii. Pa.
\\ t Ma asi.Su.n->,,, i'b,
l» r P-"i».%k'. Pa,
R Wl'u' ■ ihjaiti -V l ’n
FOR «'l M lo. Kl. a,s u iso Il'-oRK. AND Till-
K* - I FKV • t I :*.**
'I’HK Trup, n«t» di :i-' I-.: - ,-u; i>:i Nrw Stork
I ti.U *rr ; -(.nr.J -u r*. -- >! , kuf —n l *.i de
PatMDCtr and Rtmliunc* Office.
HA.NKDKN a I'u U) upiijr {-«.r»oi'« 1
J%ftyiroia wiy pen o( K«.#-*• **d. if-.iiirt N-oiianJ or upon ;ne il»- mi )<*nnv wi’li tl.rii 1
u«nal punrioeinv and ettrntton 10 ttir w»m» ernl cni
tori «>i rtnmif'ntui* "’«• Jo t:oi a. ■ >%» «irr pß»*«m,'V« if
f.r ro*»iM il i>> mr “’•'icd.uiff ‘l amp* Uiat mle»t '-hr %ra
pwfU. »« «r !*»•• • uarirr ol u -in ■ !>«• m-nti-iil me) fr
purt liicmw..' 1 iml *<*c l<> - I<--1f amMe-
Xr nv Un* a* w- .lrh unc of oilr pa**cn-|
t nt 1.1 »now Ui-> wc ilriamril 4“ l»our« !'■ «■> mj]
Ijvcrpooi. Uiuu»*nd» i‘l i-.uer» were tlrin. * d
nioiuii*. ui)i<> uw;. i-ul-1 i.f »<;ii . wmr old rraii. *1 »
; ih<*ir rottn*.
iionoruWt <'o»i
•uil'.o |.rrionii nu’ '■m.i
Del. ,ir»wi; at I*. :t« :*u '*t lor a:.y *mn from illo
£ lixbi. !•»>.«i-»i II nil', (.1 in'- J.pivmrial Umiki in lie
lu.nU F‘.<.»r 1 sarjtl, T-c-miaml nml " Hr.
A MX A HIM -T W \m k>*)\j
J A HR" N wouM
-<•[>* on Us il l a I In • •Imlil oil 1 U*
•r«l »,ur in itr Lhamo.iJ. AI ■ •
»»n> * r<• ui|' '«*Ir* n»*Ofl
. nl ol Iti.ii.U #:.«i Vc
uan Mnitirr* art- mill*- to or
•r 111 Urn 1.r.l «l) r. warrant i'll
|Ujl to nm .11 me I'iiiiim! Sialr*
.. Miami* run l>r removed "Till
ui ;!*•• Hid oa »cr<*w driver |«urc!iu*e<l I li c •loi-11.
niK ai i '»ood of li»r r*lnlirl e«.
.lilutniieni oi Httmaay A. M'lllel
iii.i. I aw prepared ui idtu.Oi
. ;iici oil) ni«*inincr*. a* v>e■ I u«
n „, )WN
SUNDRIES l>*f vutw Ur ''' Truv-V ll)*o»
OuiM'owO'T U'lJ 1 in(>* - r.nt, .
3UO jiruii'' <■ f""’' 11 R'° 1 ©riff. J° I. uy fu
U«. I" *lO ' H'l J'"' l * Ju
k'rpjtor; tU<lo I‘imeuin,
Ml hH-.v , N u So^af.
'..i Jo r'UKii’ Ui’U-- Jo
fli i,rrrr• irr« . Kir- '"l* Hum'll Ramtw
l Jit Im maiiuirn'lu rvil r»l>u >'('<• v hiioui
W let* 4.***Jk« * Hro biA- 10M..'. .'
|U •• * IlftJ*'
Hi •• Pill«t»urnli plug
lill li» HxlH Window 50 Jo lux Udo
BPO kff• ■•l‘onrJ |Nail«: Ittraik* Halerniu*.
>AKi pound* V i>Uon Yum. No*.
Tnuriiipr wnh a lull anJ frrnrrui n»vinmein m am
• I P , ii r lmr, on liaiid* mu'lor »ai* !■>
J -V R n.nVD. Round I'liurrh Huildmß*,
IB I'rnming on '[.ilM-rty. Wood nnd Suth «t«_
Ar’-VnrNt.’i s cAi.iri'KNiA Tim mi.
\\ itlW .„ p Mh rfrari of a iriw from U.r Hun
|. i|rr»on Im- * l ** Senator, lair t’olourl ol Hip Ml*
.i.mppi K M - it. I *th of November. I ■’•IT. km! »i!
j r r.«ed !•> u.e I c other -
• Tim t.llr. *lnrU >ou lu U.r i»- |t ini. i.l I hud
ilie tumor lo i oiLiimml in Mr *n o, >i>r wottti, i.l the
eoimnnulniiKii I doubt whether at many |>m
CP, wrrr r vrr !«•«• li ITOIII Hliy Oli»» f OriilUUirr De
partment *«|»rrir.i ... tnnr emutruetn.ii ami eoi.di
non. In accuracy lire 'tlM ate c.,uul to the hnoai
• ponittK riit'-i Their miutT I ih...h. exceed* mat c.i
ihr old pattern inu*iet. ami th> y le *» oflpiimjt lire
JU of llm ul>u .<• H.rle« ,u»i Iru » WP«» luf »ak ai il.o
I'miiloriil* Wuibm.e L«iat iisi.mri.i. No U W r ui | 41 .
CIALIPUKNIA Ul UKHt I.UUW Ju*t received.
, > Camp Blanket*, -jo coat-, lv pr»
» 3 uwri nrit hnrd .Mining Boot*. IV Mhnun Uo««; :i
water Tank*. ® und IV gallon* raj-h; 50 ranveen*. l
r »|ion each; 1 dox Huck»kia Money Hell*, I do Oiled
cuabno do do. Tb* al>OY« good* tor »aie at the Cali
■oraia OttifiUttg balabliahment, No i Wood *t
!ncbS«_ _ J k H PHILLIPS
Patent Gold Washers.
IjFRPONS going lO Caiifonuu < an l>« <urm«lie>l with
' J| ie i,p*i patented Oolil W«»b**t Uni im yn been
.ntroduced »o ih«* I'iit»lie- The wnghi .1 only tA U»« ,
and ca» he packed m a Uunk it ner.-Mary AUo.
liaftt Pick* an« l older Tool* uwd m l ilitonua. The
a L vc will l*c «» lJ *“» l^K nl ' * l remomi’.-le trrini. al
llA\“* t.KTTVS,
No r.l Market u
1 MIKNCH MkJU.NOU AT i‘i IST -Smith k Jobuaon
n « Maiket street, will «-U for the t/ilunre of the
;“_ BOrt at coat, thrif » U5C * yf Fr, ' n< “ Mermo*. eompn
..a* «he most cbo.e, .-oiur. Now > o Uf umeU,. C
rure banrwn; dce - -
VrKLVKI Klltf>‘»> - Ju »' '•' d “» Zeodum Kin-
V iev‘V 67 street.
’ JU pa oolotcil Veirel Ril'hon. a**ortea color*.
•• e»hrot<i*tT < 3ire P ; “’?* w,dt t* l *^-**
The jceiiuiue L>u !«). «ill rv er produ. e the -ume in
ktiultatirou* relirl and nuoUiini;. cooling m lh«
rate* ■>' Scald*, Plica,
Tlir Cmintericitk uo »• alter under what iiamf< they
mav aooear —atway« irritate. and increase the pam
I. Edward P Holme*. of Chatham. Melvin Bridge,
Commtna county. N- V , have been ethicied with rhru*
mnttaui m my Wreaat, fret. and all over my body, lor
t jyears. »o that 1 couid not aland. and win cured hy
e ai'olicauoiikOi'DaJley’s Magicai Pain Extractor
DmUy Sir—l cut my finger vmh a ropprt nail,
poisonous nature of which caused my arm to swell
. i nairierabiy, with constant shooting paint up n> the
moulder. A large .welling taking place at thearm
jii wim increasii'R pain.! became fearful oi the !/«•»•
i.w |n tlu. extremity your Pain Extractor wn r<-
com.-net.di-d to me and which l was prevailed upon u.
try The r.msequencc wn* that it afforded me aimo-t
instant rrl.rf and m tim-e Jays 1 wai <:u
rrd JOSEPH IIAKRWN, N'-w ork,
eort'.rr Rroomr and Sullivan it*. Sept S. Ir-K
NoTK'E -11. DaLLiir :s Uir inventor oi tb.s invalu
able remedy, and never ha« and never will commutu
cute in any living .a ln-the aeerot of it* combination.
Ad Extruder*, therefore, not made and pul up b
him. are baae counterfeits.
Paorairroa's DtroT* —U 3 Broadway, New York;
•235 Chestnut atreel, Phila. vfcf ,
I JOHN D MORGAN. Genera- Depot; Dr WM,
THORN, Agents for PimhUrKh.
})ailry‘i A nnnai (^urt-AU,
Cure* hamors. spavui. i|uiitor. 6"“**- P«U-«v.l,
sores, Kali*, and bytuses. Pamphlets, coutauiuig cer
tihi-aieioi re.pednide parties, may be Imdon applica
„ L J»HS D MOBli*S,
Agent, Pittsburgh._
uovli Jlyn
pul*e, hacking cough, genrral wrakne«». r
sleep. variable irregular *
nains betwcrn the shoulder blade-, behind. _ «
I'sk-A i-uaLi Sr«rTJK* hit Const Coughing (
iuklh day. Hubby muscles, Urocral debil.ty, great ,
shortness of breuth on going up stairs, ascending a i
hill or walking but>a little f»*L puise always al>ov< 1
on<* hundred. for weeks together; drenching cold ,
swe»i» toward* morning.
Calurrha'. t'oits umpiio;: <nt like a i-oji.inon
i nurrli or rout, but about the period when that -It—
ra»r urualiy is eip«-cicd to subside, 'c-me hi the synip
torn* arr. aggravated The cough i* more iroubc
tome, especially lyinr down Ttirrr i* no fixed
prim in the chr«l. but difficult breathing. which i«
worst on lying down The appearenoe of thr exp«;-
toration. i» copiou*, h changed from a thick
yellow rnucu*. to a thinner substance. It is very un
pleasant to the patient, and emit* an unpleasant smell
when burned his o( an uniform appearance, and it
probably a unlture of pus auil mocus. a* on mixingjit
with water part sinks and part ivrun* This disease
aiay occur in any habit or at u>y age. and i* charac
terised by the pecu.iaritT of the cough
The Ha.aani of Liverwort effects the cure ot hi'm-
Mdiou* disease by exiK-ctoralion. mioth* and heals the
■ arclrJ lane. (■ aeva, fcuL \Vl,e,.var Ihi. md.-
cine has l.ccii used, we hear ot Hi nicccii. hor tbir
iron >ears .t has been before the public, and tins been
morueghly tented for all compla.nts of the Lotif*. and
I,*- prov.-J iiseli superior m raeni to any thing m use.
We ting hi fe.vr hundred* of testimonial* from pnysi
can*, the pros, clergy, and those who have been CU
icd, but ail.we desire .« to cab the Hlteimnn of iho af
flicted. mid'lor their own good they will iry .t
Look out lot counirrieiu ' Aiwa> - observe ibe sig
iiaiu.c, -(ieo T«) lor. M I)." on the engraved -abel.
and pirparrd at the Wholesale llepol T'l Beckman
..reel. New Yolk
-o.d n. PilUO-urgh bv J D Morgan P i W.x.J J
j fowuseod. AS Market .i, It r*iny*rr. cr M.iiS-i and
>* *f. Henderson A Co, i Übert, »! i'nrr r-duced
, to tipper bottle mnr -
T'.i- «oii»<*ntier ha* in
i.utul wtiuiiq.winch
•' vi.KUK
_V J \V NVowlwpU’*
irJ (:uin li».iu>'
I jjwirtl V a»<>n Ti.
cwntH.miix loti
i crilU
v , ... Ui- UI-.IVI-. .lure. •.!>«■
J< > H H MKt.I.UK.
-1 *t.O<l
HA KAHNKSTUCK At O -5* I’i.euuiomc ot Cougl
. Itai.alu has u great advantage over many olhe
Couth preparations, at iu pleasaui taste permit* » b
u-cJ without inconvenience Hut ns v * i,,< a *
Halsaiu consist, in the ot ns < urc e hsv
known some ol the most de»perhle cougb*. some i
wtueh had been running •« lor a considerable .curt
Hi ui»e. y icid almosi immediate!) to .1* power
In .ui'li weather Cs we bare bad 'he )>a
winter every one .. e to late rold.' u-Ki* grei
** Wei fen mid undue exposure lo the—incleuie :,r V ol
Ibe leather o'ten isysibe mundauon hac^mg
r "\\e*Uave numerous .•erlihcaies of .cures wb. eh ,t
I,it. p. r'onned. many *f wtneb are trom person* ot ih.*
~,;j „ p ,d me tie.gbi-orhood. anti they are a sufficient
reference without *aymg another word in it* "*\(>r
I'repnreil ind ior sale wholesale ami irtaii. by U A
K sMNKBTtWk A * *' e0.',.. o. Wood ....I U^st.,l
VS..od -r,j I. ti Si. ma.iJ ..t.vJ*
jone*‘ Nvtnph PoaS'i H*vsr I- P «aJv<*.
1 .«!»*•■ v>*p .*» M>ap, UK-' '* m a fc rral v,r-r, J
j ~| u«. 1 ■ o
cor 61)1 A wok s •'.*
j Akhi
U ..-p-f .if*-:. I’iiuonrtb
K' -111 Smj.N A HUtH.NI.
y.* J*vuUi t'ha .? • •' iJai :ui.uri'
r jHTiiTuirHj not ai , ot
K.ur»>|wan aii.i (pcnorkl AiriiU
tilH «irr»i n 't .irt-.r n#inw \Vrt«4.
HuW D<ih> 11' Lt MK - Sanda, Brulol ai.J Bull,
lormerit put ihetr yarsapartUa in small ikhi.c s a few ounces, but since Dr Townsend i has
neemne known, and iituost or dmrn theit btue
'..allies out of U.c market, they arc now putting their*
on i.i larger bot'les eonvainmtr tour tone* at tuueh as
l eior- tiuery How mueb proht did they make be
tore off of thnr small bottle. 1 W»* It boncsf And
since in-i nave n-di.i'e.: tto- *«rengn. i* '* 10
pre-end Uiai ti.ev a/e as good a.ihwy were t>r Town
send i oinuief.eed honestly and tair.y -gave as roues
medic me a» be couid afford, has made several inl
and v ,x-u- a.-.d wirfnvit*
staraapar.t'ia cuutam* more .ban tour times in*' -;uan>..
iv ol >ar»iiparil'a 'nd mediea: .juuiil.e*. iu&ii »..v oili
er preparation ol >Hr*ap«nllm in the iniirke:
>o.di.) K. L Seller*.'Ole agent no Inw-uren xud
l) M t'.urry. Ai eghruy
>opcrfi>K- llo'igr an r-.*: .uiiili, • <»
[<c4UL:u. powder puC-. *>( p«ueni».
hmtiOrxJ toiicl t.oxe«, rotiuinir.fc 1 f»«r-%:il Ml.'tr.i
fot u»* hundkeerbiet ;* wt:-'!->m i " , » 1 -<•*!••• v ■
a.hc tor present*-
IV-man. or »'&»-■ *•«« pnwjr...
In*.in ve.rv'.f !<* fc* t i”--
0.1. .a I* n » of common wrapper* ;'r>sr ’■ e.:-
i Pulmonary Balaam.
Messrs, rkkd a cutler—i frei u 4 duty 1
o«r 10 my fellow creature* t° nate wmeuimg
i more n-.peeuitr your Venable Pulmonary Balaam
! S.nce l ftr»t u«ed rite Uaiiam. aboat eievcu >eii« n*o.
I the nippy effect of which I then (rave un account o>. 1
tiuvn umi irv.'rm *evere rompiautu mil attack' it inv
tuna*. one * few dav» «ne«, and in every immure I
Have u»ed tnc BaUum ulono with corapleie and ;«• rim l
iurce*» It ha* effected rolioi u»>! ourv ma ve ) tew
Jayv li i» certainly a aafe medicine 1 d>‘ not
ilmi it * it; cure a died con*unt(>uon. but l belt-vr u
w.UtKiin nmuv ca*e« » preventive am! prevention..»
tjr-ucr than cure. I do therefore, tor the love ot my lei
low mru, Miinc»uy reromnicud the u*c ot thi* Baunin.
,>inkll polmonnry complaint*. I am couitlCi*l ipat n
.:♦)■■ been the mean* of pr**crvms ray life UKUtll nay.
iii.Boitou June 10, Hi BENJAMIN PAEfiypf'.j
i For tale by U A Fahneitock, A Co comosJura «nd
-Stood and al»o corner wood and 6lh J a * u
;-U. A. Pa us «**«** - ) Au - ‘"'•■Y
I'jl. L. FjuC***wi, URiiuburgb. .
tui.-W. Pinantoc. l . J-l .
Drag Store In th» pttf of
New York.
ri'IIK undenijrncd »r* extensively engaged “> u > e
I \\ holcaale Drag bo«inet* at No. 4l> Jot.n street. ui
tuc city of New York. end prepared to luppiy
UruciidJ and cesntry Merchant* with Dru««. t aim*,
o.l*. Dye-«toll*, Feregn end American Iclumery.
kian .er. A «-•» E Minder'* Chemical*, tot their own
nuorjuoa) at** eJI other article* in then line o: t-u«i
-oes*, nr a aupeho et low u tho cen be pur.
tttasol to thi* cr any eaetem eilf. . . ~
New York, i eblfi It A. i AU V if? f(K.k A '
GRATEFUL fot the vciy liberal encouragement I
have received lor4o many year*. 1 have deter
mined to enlarge my business eoiuidrrai>ly Having
engaged a competent Foreman. 1 will be enabled 'o
bif ail order« promptly, ami do the woik m our n*ua!
style amt at Mir price*, and a»k the attention ol mer
chant* ajid eituen* io my large slock ol I PHOl.i; } K-
K\ UOODS and lied*, Msara**** and Bedding, t-ur
tai.i Material*, Damn*** and Moreen*. Corn ces, Frin*
ee» Bordering*, Turrets. Spilt and Hosier B inds uud
every article usually kepi in an establishment ui u»e
kind Orders re»pecliuliy solicited aud prurnpil) m
tended 10
N ll—Carpel* made and pul down.
' mcb3l _'VM NUULK
AMKIIICAN telegraph company
•B*LTi*vaa, rirrewtaon xsd wnutuho
011100 althe BalUiaorc.
REDUCED RaIVS —The charge* have been rrdu
red on alt Message* to or from Baltimore, I’m*
burgh or Wheeling, and m ewrre*|>omluig inlui u-t
made on all telegraphic despatches lonranic.l iron. IM
umore Weil ot Pittsburgh. Pa.
fcUrm-—The charge lor niclecrapb despeici. o>
from Baltimore, Pittsburgh “"' 1 " heeling, n " '»'•
lor die br*t leu words, and d cent* lot each aUo.i.o ...
Qj- N» charge is mndc tor the addre«« ami *.i."j
1 L - nlil the completion of the South \Vr»ietn l* 1 '
Telegraph from Memphis, Tetum io New ur.eon*. -e
pmche* can be forwarded to Meuipln* by tin* route, m
Bisd'nl for New Orleans ,f
* • piRTXKRJHIIP' ....... *.
HAVING Hill day a*.ociai«d innine'se* >-S
m panner*hip. und« rme him and> l O , M . Ktt
Woobnoeaa, lor ihe inunulaeiutc o • •
so.i.uMuu.d ii.cuuiui 'w to futai%K , lv „ rilrr ,
riTT. Where thev «r« P r P tll ;llPlt lU)c with
wholesale and mail an uiu
promptness , ,* ar ,,emer»’ order • arc mv
nr-H™ ter “ uo “*
fity nt Allcehenv. Peb I. »-4>i dom
paper Ilanffftaca*
T-j A VIN ° n Sew Yo"h. Pluladelp’La" and
iS-imou-., » large
Muptoved style*, iy which l will be cita-
Ac., and iu» Pattern*, tunuJUUicods with
, W..LI
a, U.O.* d.urui, u> hsvt Lh.u hou.r.
?,,i lhc latest .tyie* ot pwper. to cau and
pkp r m. iv stock, before purchasing elsewhere
'VS liiwo" the way rrom the La.t, *),«*>piece.
- ri old »aun Ulared, and common Paper Hanging*,
f K, P h 1 can sell price* ranging from 12| et* to f
which 1 can > £ a. HJU WO od »t
piece me ,* _...
Baton Bmoklngi
UaVLNI. iu»i completed me rebuUdingofour »moke
we axe now prepared to receive meat,
.moke u m the roost merchantable manner
“°Thelhouse* »« Sued wnh aU the modern improve
,„j are capable of contoiamg dUt>,lWO lba. each.
I ne«£_»evenui »t
Li bbl* Lovertng** Double Refined Loaf, Crashed and
Pulverized Sugar*, jo*t ree'd and for sale at Uie Peki
Tea. Store, TO Fourth itrcet, by ~varvo
*nov«B .
ROIL BUTTER-- IU bbl* ire«h. ju*t ree'U and lor
~lc j.m: AHMS'I'ROWi l ,-ROZBU
CIUTTUN Y aRN —Ul>CilW lb* assorted No* C. Yarn.
,c Chain. 4o . Inhale* BaUing; Uftdotandl* wicl..
'“'“iiSK-, b iArrH£w. * c
FROM an impure HTATK OP
Scrofula or Kins'* Kvtl, Kl,,Olrrontttc C.n
i,rou« Kniptioii*. Pimple* or Pu*tu!r« on ihr Purr.
Blotch*.. Brims Chrome Sore Buis Worn or
Tc-ier scold Head, I.nlartrement and lam of the
Bo,,,'and Joint*. Subitum I'lcel*, Syphilitic 3j.hf>-
tom. 'se,alien nr Lumbago. and Ui*e**« arßins
i"”m an injndlciou* n.c of Weary. A*cile, or Drop
►y, Hiponure or Imprudence miefc. Ala©,
ConiUiutional Pisordrr*. _n
In thi» nrepuraiion arc »trongly coiiceniru
„.|W< lull nl»o by Phy*Ki*n*. that H baa received
,l„, u„ q u«i,fie.l r.e«m'»=n;hj™ ",
f,r 7 p *r"° r ,o
variott, compound* bcuring the: name of
Dtrca.e* have been cured, *ueh“ *™ J‘"'“jji
tn the recor-l. of lime pajLaiid whalit
done for the thoo.and. who Weuenf it, a »• *
or .Join* toMhr million* »ull auflennj and itrurtluif
wiin di.raae H punfira, rleaiwea, and
the fountain »pnnj« of 'ife. and i»fu»e» new vtfor thro •
out the whole nnimnl frame. v ,,„, .
The followm* .uikmx and, a* will be »eea, penna
nt,it run* of an m> derate caae of Scrofula. eommenda
itself to all *.ini.«riy afflicted.
Socntpoav. Conn.. Jan. L, 19*0.
Mnssr* *A>b». Gentlemen—riyropoth) for the alllic
io.l induce* mo to inform >nu or the remarkable cnre
ctfcried by your Sarsaparilla :n the Case of '“Y *J 18-
-‘he war severely afflicted wuk Uic scrofuia on differ
nit puns of thr body the gland* oi the neck were
rreatl> enlarged umi her .imb* touch swollen. After
suffering over a )r#r ana finding no relief from the
remedies used, the di-ease attacked one leg. and be
low the knee suppurated Her physician ndvt*ed u
should ho laid open, winch wm done, but without any
permanent benefit In ibia .ttu.mon we board ot. am
were imlueod to u»o Sands Sarsaparil.a The first
bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev
ing her more than any pre*citptioit she had ever U
ien and before she hud used »u bottles, to the Mton
ishmern and dehgot of ber friend*, she fouud bet
Health uuite restored It is now over a year since the
eure wa« effec ed. and her bealtii remains good,show
ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the
system Our neighbors are all knowing to these
lacu. and tiling very highl/ot Hands’i
Vours With respect, i, v w ii. t
Fxtract from a letter received truin Mr N. \N - Mar
ns. a gentleman well known m Louisa county. Va.:
••Gentlemen— l have cured u negTo boy of nune with
your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with r-erolum,
and of a scrofulous family ...
••Yours truly. N u HARRIS.
"Fredericks Hall. Va., July 17. lWf< "
Saids' —lt seems almost unnecessary
to direct attention to an article so well known, and ut
deservedly popular, ns this preparation, but P» ucn “
often who wimi to use the extract oi are
induced to try worthless compounds hcamij the uaine,
but coniaiaing little or none ol the virtue oi this va a
»ble rooi. and we think we cannot confer a greater
benefit on our reader* than in directing their attention
to the unvern*. mem ot tnc Messrs Sands in
i-oluniu Thr bottle lias recently been enlarged to hold
a ousrl. and those who wish, a really good article Will
t, no coiicenirs'iid in lit.* all the value of the
root The experience „f thousand. has proved tis ef
h. aLy .i. - urmg thr various diseases for which tt U
r. commended, ami ut the present time more than atty
Other ii.-rtiab* tins ...r Jicnif useful, m preparing the
»y,u-m lot a i image ol season - Home Journal, i^ept
Prepared ;tnd ion! w:iulr*a‘.e and retail. l>y A B i
D 'A\U'* l>tu.’gt*te Hi.d CUrini.t*, l«> Pulton afreet,
~,,r i„ .r of Williiim. New York Sold »l»« by l>m*-
,(«!• generally throughout the I'inlet! Hiale* tnd Oruia
da« prier *1 (•'! Hortle. *ll lUltlrt for SS
irr-For imr in FMUtiurgh. wboie«ule.aml renal, t»y
R \ F.\HNK>Tt>i'k. A ‘'O. corner of Wood and
Front «t«. n »o. coiner of Sixth laid Wood »t»; t*y 1..
Wll OA J f corner of SmiHifieid and Fourth *t*.
:ti d "at*" nf Market »t and the Diamond; ai*o,
I y KOVVAU!' FKN UKKii'H, cor Mouonga'la Hoow.
J[ I,r Viy The unprecedented lurrMi winch ual
•ter lei! :tie Ut* of tne
, 1..- vnr.utu iorm- «nira uiuu.m;. ol the
"irne*,' I. :i» 'unlurrJ Ihr l«* Call »Uoa«
ri.<* .• vrra'tirr which uuit*» uur f»U and
•rfkilf r mouth*. I' niw-tr* * fruitful »ourcc of
COLD" AND i.Ot.Ulfcv
Thr*- n t.M'.rcl-a. are .ml U.e yierurMii of UiH fell
I-V qucc'lon.' l.Lw Mali »«■ .up U>« teMayci m
hr I.uii’ tinw »!-all wc Cl-1 clear ol wir coughs ““
oh1«* i« of Ttial importune- to me |»uUnc.
io/r.,f o! oilr I—t known i-i'iien*. vvho have clwmi
.urnii-r p«iwrr« The*.-. with a* o* le«
utnouv iron- JOTpart* ot ttie rounii)ltott
\1 lu.i.-n ul lie Ac., u. ? c-Jier will. rojiiom nos
wf have rintHHliwJ iu pamphlet form, and may he D*u
✓miii oj any of our asoiui throughout the country.
have tieen uaeii Wl Ihi* city.
•.ftrougtiout the United Stale* emi£aiied&, and we eba
•einte any man to point out a
* 31.N01.F. INSTANCE
which, when lafcrn according to direction*, and be*
fore the lune* had become fatally disorganized, it hai
ever tailed A pKRFFXTT CURE
Wnv. then, need ;he artlictcd hesitale* SV hy resort to
l„e ir,i«cratile nostrum*, gotten up by tins owauidivid
aais u ler the assumed name of romr ce >l>rfttei pby
sician. and puffed into uotonety hy ccruficaies < . p or*
(d-i« eau&ilv unknown’ Wliusi a medicine of
i« to be bod, who&c voucher* are al home,—oar Height
pop**—many of whom it ho*
In order dial tin* invaluable medicine Stay be placed
sritlun the reach of ihe poor **\ w« hav*
pat the price at .. ! .-i > '
ia*t or.r halt uir u*n»l cott Ot COOghßedlpiSCfr it U
lor tiy our aecuu m-Hrariy evecy.lownand.vilUge
sv-r ibe «<-■). who art- prepared to five ftU; icijwnU*
uon rtlanrc u> it. T SALrTKE,PrppricW^
Broadway, gitflttWOttOMa
DR. KDWARD A<”KKR, take* this mea'nk’of re
luming hi» thanks to hW friend* Mid thn public i
in, i) le extensive patronage be ha* received, awl of in- j
forming them that he hat lately erected a large and
—eil constructed building, for the exclusive purposes
location, ai PtulUpsburgb, Pa., on the Ohio river, oppo
«ite die steamboat landing ul Heaver. where be i* ready
in rt-rcivr patients »• hoarder*, and treat them on Hy
dropatbic principle*. In addition to his long expert*'
cnee, and the great soccers which ha* heretofore at
irudcd ini treatment of paueuu committed U hi* care,
be na* now the additional facilities afforded by an ex
ier.»ive builamg erected exprcsily for the purpose, con
taining commodious and airy rooms, and tilted up with
every necessary apparatus for bathing, and (Adminis
tering the treatment to the utmo»i [•611661 and comfort
of the pilient. Phitlipsburgh is* most delightful and
healthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and af
fords fine anu wholesomo water. Dr. Acker assure*
inoito afflicted persons who may place themselves un
der hi* care, that every niicniion shall be paid to tneir
cm,non, and as an a*«urance of the substantial benefit*
10 be derived, he points with confidence '.o the Hun
dreds who have been yermanoiniy cured at lus estab
lishment. The Water Cure leu»«« no injurious effects
behind, a* is 100 when the case with those who have
been treated on the old system. It removes the dis
ru*e, invigorates the system, protects from the danger*
incident to changes ot the weather, creates a natural
nnd active uppouie. and imparts vigor to the digestive
power* Term* or treatment and boarding rca«unable
l or further particulars inquire tit ibe establishment, or
address the proprietor si Philtipsburgh.
We have been informed by Mr*. Bo*e of a cure per
(turned on her by I)r» Jayne** Alterative,
prove* it* «upenor:ty over every other remedy ol the
k.nd Jibe ha* been atHicied lot the Usiiillccn year*
wiih N fclCßUSl£2> or W HITK SWKLUNtiS, aiicmlrd
wuh ulcemuom ami enioiiauon of variou* bonci.du
r>n< whicu time mtiny jmecihuve Ue«-u discharge Iron
ilir .roauil Kune u! uic cramum, from both bet anna,
netl hand*, uud irom both leg*, and from the <riY
Uv"lie. and Ifum >h< .‘i»!lil knee l«-«.dr- [>*•.
uui- r i'- lf - >•: h-r (■••J'o.i, 'vliieh hut. ' ilh-’ i
Ju:.rr,.! ilir in l *' i rtm »«• iii i'll y •
ol th,- lime. Iter r=. , • n.i ve’’i- About Hue
*l n, try [Jr J.iynr'. Aifr-<. u
... . i-Jn'U, *.
ut.-r> •> U> tiuul, wii.ic al ill.- «nwi' nine Jic r gcu-i a t:>-»ilb
!ini l-rcuini- I’uirijilrlrl)’ rr.lmpJ. »u lliHl .lie l'«l» W-.rl:*
W Il.iif" IDJ»U She Uni I flmc »]ir (OUllliCl)Ced l£: u-<
ui Un» truly » wuab.* [irrpmnil - ,. m al Eve Fort.
Foi lurthrr •niuriuui.oii i..[u-rc id Ali* Ki>«e, N« 1*»
I'lll.rf *i I'iniMlcliiki*
! «<r iii IMt-l.urgn, »; lin* I'KK I N I’EA J-1 * 1 RE,
Fu‘.:tJi si unit IVoiij j\3
DR. niWNHKNU* >AK>AI’AKJLLA.—iII ili.irth
juM received ol Ur INiWturnd’-, >ar**purdii», liir
moil extraordinary ine.ln-.iie m the world! Tlu. I-j
l< act in poi up in quart br>;ilc». Il is six limes che*(*er.
pleasanter, and warranted superior lo »ny sold H
cure* disease without vomiting, purging, sickening m
debilitating the paUcnL
Looa opt ros lMrr*Ttoie —Unprincipled persons have
copied our label*, and pul up incdicuio in the tame
shaped bottle. See that each buttle bu> the written
naiure <*( R. P Townsend.
K. E_ HKLLF.RS, Drugrui, 57 Wood «treel, between
Third and Frurlli. i* Dr Townsend’. only wholesale
• ltd retail agem fur |’iu»t.uii(h. ot whom the genuine
urtii ir i'in be had.
D M Carry ha« been appointed tt.c .ole agent for
Allegheny city, ol whom Uic genuine article i on be
bail. . *r 4
I,N(LS.—Send la in all tU multiplied forms
whether in that of Atng s Evil, enlargement* n the
gland* or bonus, Goitre, White Swellings, l-hromc
Rheumatism, Closer, diseases ol the Shin or bpme,
orol Pulmonary Consumption, emanate fropa on*
and tho same cause, whicn i» a poisonous principle
ooro or less inherent m tlic hiiman system. There*
fore, unien this prinetple can be destroyed, no r»di*
cal care can bo elloctcd, but it the principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed, l care
mast ol necessity follow, no matter under w hat lona
the disease should iminilest llsell. Thu, therefore
is the reason why JsTaa't Altkratitk i* so am
versaliy successful in reatunng so nuoy taalignant
diseases. It destroys the uru* or principle frout
whicn those diseases have tbetrerijpn,by entering
into the circulation, and with the blood tt conveyed
to the minutest fibre, removing every particle ol
i disease from the system. Prepared and sold at Mo.
| 8 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Sold at tho Pelun Tea Store, Mo. 71 Kotmh stree.
Pittsburgh mehSl
tsJO. 2 SLACKKREIL—-TO r'< in stave fox tale low
Xv » otoso eoasignmrm, tabl JaADaXULL
AOHEATtCuR, tb* orttfw*l uu(a*jT &m
%ad (nuiniiifr rffl' £r«par«d usd told Sy U K BEL
Mouii' TiCToirtr. W««a»of*Uinl Cu ,
July IJUJi, 1847.
Af» R E. StUtn A»ea** o/duty loyouud tne afflict**
mdscaiM lotdd ar humbie testimony m fawr of yo«r j«tfy
celebrated Liter ful* t Hate deterred du>&{ eo for fan,
iiihermfc to Dary Crockett’* w*®, “W *ure yoa are right,
lh«o go •head.” Mo*i of the auiy preparation* of eifpnm
uid quack*, lauded i« u>« tiKi, b*»e «uuk wto oblimctaca
yourLf»?r Pib hart bwooffrrrd i»> the public, tod, indeed,
l behee# they wi!i -lunne u.cmall,” ai the) «r» jiwl -wfcai
vuu rcpretcut them lo be 1 Hate been afflicted with Litu
fjotn try >o«n(.: s«te •uffe'ej much, employed
axxuy iuui>tui |d>y»ici*u*, to »h<>m 1 pxid much Bunny; bn
. k»i uiucti beca touiiici utd pUywckcd tlmoalio death;
**l »uud sji h«, uil tiuitty given up ** incurable. la
I S>l T I ■ aj induced 1,. try ) ou r Ln«r Piili, UOT
W U.L. bill ,1 » lurti ,J uow infflciel.l urteep me clear
of ]>u ■ in Uie Md«. ami ell lt»e o'ber «} mpti'an. for at I colt
Id uujulha Your Pi! > art iUu lb* bc«lcaliwxt*c I »trf used;
beiug Quid, aul griping or git nqr nceb wekneii at the (Com*
ecli. mu £..« m, inurh 1 have kept Uica IB S)| StWd
fur 0 me 7 yeast, told hunJredi of bole* *nd hire MT«t
beard * tiug r rotupiAjki uii«r«l by any «nc who ha* used
them. T’ltj bat, tapercedc.l almost every other pill IB ihl*
utigtiburhuud. lud in , ,t> u i I tune will banish them til.
t4ro**tly (lt»m i ill pc rum uecdiag physic,
whether W Liirr («tß|<l*Jii> ijr Hiitiaui I COS*
»idrr thru: far iu[»ngi io l ilLjukl ur th# blue Pill, Bcspset
fatl; j««rjL J L UoUIU
tAUTfOi I ! —A* there ir< oilier Pifli before the piblu
caulks Liver PilL, ptnua* * ha wealths tiKNUINC&oid
Aik for and take no ether llisa LboM prepared tul sold bl ft
E SftLilCHft, N>> S 7 H uod it urlvtco Third end PraKk
Sold t>y Ur C**tiL, F ifth >Pud, DSI Cunt, AiWjbeay
ei«y. «*5
Great English Reme4y.
i:ti>R Courtis, Colds# Astnuia uni CootnmpdoaJ
lrEat aND l>**LV REMEDY i'or the cureaftha
above diseases, ii ilie HUNGARIAN ftAIAAM OF
LUFF, discovered by .the celebrated Dr. Budm, of
Loudon. England. mid introduced into the United *»■#»■
under the immediate *upeniUcisdeucs of thq inventor.®
The eiUAortiuiary success of this medicine, inti
cure u( Pulmonary di«m*c4, warrant* the American
Agent in soliciting for treatment the wool possible ea
se- that can Uo toutul tu the community— cues tbal teak
relief tn vain from any t>l tlic common remedies of lha
day. and have been given up by Uiejnoit distinguished
physician* a» confirmed and incurable. The HangUli
«n Balsam its* cured, and *ul oh re, the moat desperate
of Case*. It l» HO qaack n.mnmi but a I ISO dare Eag
lisii medicine, of known and established efficacy*
Every' family m the Piutcd State# should be supplied
with Buchan # Hungarian Balaam of Ltfo, notour to
eounterturt the consumptive tcudencie# of the olira*».
but to be seed a# a preventive medicine ia all cooes or
colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the aide «"d
tmtation and aorenems of the longs, brochftis,
difficulty of breating. hectic fever, night sweats, emkai
ation and general debility, asthma, infiueaxa, whooping
cough and croup.
Sold in large bottles, at £1 per boule, with fall direc
tion# (or the restoration' of health.
PeraphloU, containing a mass of English and Ameri
can certificate#, and other evidence, showing the an
equalled merit# of this great English Remedy, may bo
obtained of the Agents, gratuitously.
For sale by B A ftAHNESTOCK * o<h comer of
■l fljid Wood and Wood and ttth Us __ mart
I'SOM the Rev ASA SIiINN, a wcU known andpep
y uiar Clergyman of the Protestant Methodist Church
The undersigned having bccnaflUciedduriagtheliUst
winter with a disease oflhe stomach, sometime* pre
duemg great pain in the stomach for tenor twelvoftOV*
without intermission, mid after boring tried various
remedies with littleeffeet.waj furnished with a hocU
, ot Dr D Jayne’s Carminative Balsam. This be-osctlac
cording to the directions, and found invariably thatthis
medicine caused the paiu to abate in three or four min
ute#, and in fifteen or twenty ralnuteseyery uneair
•eitßution was entirely quieted. The mediome was af
lerwardsused whenever indications of the approach of
pain were perceived, and the patn was thereby prevent
ed He continued to om the medicine every ov*tm*g_
and pomeumes ip lm ■ morning, and in a (law week*
health was to far restored, thsi the suJerer was reliov
ed from a large oppressive pain. From AI
penencc, therefore, he can confidently recommend D
D Jayne'# Carminative Balsam, as a salutary ttedlout
for di*«a«es c.fihesu>mae:i ami bowels. A BHmWD
Allegheny eltyjT3l
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA 8TO&
7U Fourth street, near Wood, and also at ihcDrug
jUnreofH ftSCHWARTZ. Federal streei. Alleatreuy
tiituciimiits, &o.
l ' UUAR A.ND MOLASSEB-57 hhds prime N08»-
ran to bbis N O Molasses; to arrive and tor sale
on landing, by _apll C H GRANT, 41 water at
G< I AJ ts—l«Vrs bilO. 180 do 10x1* do for saJeJl
PEARI^S- csks'pearls reed and for sale bv
s;t ,-oßc;nsfis-mrr.ib,. ! a.i. IMe< . AMPLEas
L A “pn UU^'"
WRAPPING PAPER—aII sixes—lOOD reams, for
»*!e by apll J 3CHOONMAKEB ACo
MALAGA w'lNft'Au qr **** »»«« l Malaga wine,
30 India bbis dry dodo, tor mUcilow,u» elo«
consignment,^/_apll JAS A HL fCHISON A Co.
T>.BI.F. CLOTIiS— Ljii,n.
i'NGLiSH PRINT9 —doper 4-i“purpiieandoiher
\ styles ot Handsome English Chunws, tost opened
*' •^"‘■"'’ir^PEaTDAY
TVkk \ .si t. m F.r^E—44 bxs ium rec'd for sale by
I ( , IB CANFIELD. W'aier street,
I between 3m»nheld and Wood
X T AIL!*—6O kegs Nails, assorted sires, Oltptuurt A
1\ Son’s brand, landing and for sale by
j., a™ , JA^,IE3 daI.ZEI.L, Wmr
D ALKRATU3-«'c»k< pul recM ORaHiT
('IOTTON— tv '.mi,". Tunou, f.t by
' >bM CUG RANT, 41 water St
BROOMB— fid dat extra Coni, 3> do cloth, (oi sole
~y \ v » 1 D WILLIAMS, 110 wood «
POTASH —® c»k« PotMh, funding und I'OT «ulc low
10 clou ron.ignintni, hy
OICILY'EJat'&RICE—iJaa rec’d and for sale by
sp» _ J TtIDD ACo
SHKKP r*KINS—IS dozen, fine arlicla,jost rec’d.and
for s*'e by j apfl J KIDD ACo
V MFTHICaN SAFI- RON—Just r«cM tad for saleby
A sp9 _ J KIPP fe Co
SPAM>U SAFFRON—Just rev d and for sale by
■l* J KIDD A Co
MACE —Just rec’d and for sale by
CVrEaTi TARTAR—OOO lbs just rec’d and/or sals
j by BA FAHNESTOCK,* 00,
mnh2* coyncr Ist and Vrdod sts
bbis - Scorehings. recKt anh ior
sale by rnchl* WI- K Ajd>CANDLES3
S SALTS —‘1 tons in store end for ssle br
DRIED bush Ohio helves, for sal*
DRIED APPLES—SOO bush, * prime sninle, for sol*
mch24 _ _ M-GILLS A ROE
WHITE BEANS—On consirnmeni, 2UO btuh.
mctdM _ M’CILLS k ROB
'1 LASS—MO brs axil) Glass, for sola by
ROLL BUTTER—6 bbls fresh 801 l Bauer, lor sale
REFINED kgs Retned Borax, for sal*
SS. ALMONDS—» baxm Almonds, for sale by
_ . mchifcJ WICK A.M'CAN'PLESS
ALSPIi'E —40 bags Abpice, for sale by
CtHEESE —3500 lb I extra Creom; HWb do Western
i Reserve, for sale by mehSd _i D WILLIAMS
IKMON SYRUP—lidoz superior Lemon Syrup, on
j band and for sale by mehStt _ J KIDD A Q°_.
BALSAM COPA VlA—ia) lbs on hand and for sale
by metcirt i KIDD A Co
Satiable for California leniw. Also,
i.jr*o** 0 ** zi^ u ' M T“r^r
1 >t'LK MEAT—IS casks Hams, la street Dickie; 965
Jj nieces Bulk Shoulders, Just rec’d and for sale by
i K-t NUTS—^s« iks Pea Nuts, just rec’d and for »a
by mchad HARDY, JONES A Co
1) FA NUTS—23 sks Pea Nuu, just rec'd pet stestn
rr Telegraph No 2, and for sale by
me 1,27 14t Liberty si
BtlA NS —25 bbls small white, lor sale bT
mch27 J 3 DILWORTH ACo.
RICK AND MOLASSES—'*) Uereesßice; libbls
sugar House Molasses, landing this day from sir
Chief Justice .Marshall, and for sale by
uicbtO Round Churcb Buildings
I)OTA>H A pure and choice article, always on
hand and for sale by
Kj k, ..k by me 1.27 BRAUN t gElT>^t
Alcohol— u übi, m'd .nd
■J.LAX SEED. 100 bbU ,««
mc|ul7 Al waterjnd
T>OLL _ i.uYprim* up
d10R.,.-Ad VHAJIBAt’GH
C‘ UAH (M'RKD HAMS- -lb iimu. *Pgg« »«cl»
O rec'd and for sale by HARBADOH
GUTTA PERCH A - Lathe U» nJ ?i,?/
just rri-d and toTnafo by W W WILBOK,
n.chv; corner 4tb and Market sis
BKaS'm-IO bbl. w hile Jfoa*»;
by mch2/ MARU^, J°NE9 ACo
IFMONri— 105 bt < Luciiuiii, in store and for sale by
j liehSD uaKDY, JONES_A Ca_
XTT'ANTFJF—Bn Hr y. Corn Ry and Wheat, for
YV wluch tne hut'.nM marsn price in cash will U
oLS by •*' *■ * H*RD*OOIL
mch-ti >1 water andlDtCrdat si
i v r tKM.—To* highest marfco* pxiea rn eoab.will be
YV osid for me ditferr.m grades of Wool by
Ai OsUatrtn BvCdiags, Bdst., near Us Past Q3ct-
Ono \Qpertitfn of llltncv, or 1e55,»...,.•••• jO 50
Two insertions vnthoutattentionv..«••»••••• 0 75
Ttuue • " " 100
One Week ‘ • *
Two Wwn
'i' l "" " - J S
. .7“ ‘ 1 60
I lire® “ “ **’**
U* Longer advertißements t<> same prop®-. qq
months,without iltoraLo***’*
biach sdditionasl square lor 6 months, •••••• jq ®
Ono square. 0 jnonthu. rencwable “ l qq
E,ch fo> '* 30 OO
Two squares, b months, re ........ 8 00
Each additional Bqaare, 6 ■*° a 1 ' rxrMtMt
WIB.KJ.T OB Ttll'WSkK 1 -
0 "' 31
k... on., orjc, 6 »
“ ’’ .. 0B « yeas, daily & 10 00
~ ». stx month* " 00
...tixtiTi n »*m.
r« mu*-. "
„ m Tkxta, '* . iod