HE iTiTSBURIiH GAZETTE. PUBLISHKI) HY WHITE 4. CO FITTSBUUOni TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 17. 1349. fUTTux t’m»c*au D*.:-t Cixtm* la published DaSy,Tn-We«kly, snd Weekly.—The Daily i. Seven Dollars per annum; the Tri-Weekly is Five Dollar* per .Mum; the Weekly is Two Dollars por annum, muUjr n {ryAwrarmiE* (are earnestly requested to haml m ,h the North Amer ican and United S*wtv« GnreJt*’ Philadelphia- received and forwarded IrOm tins otfn' # \ Ses asxt psp< for Telegraphic K«wi. Por Local Matter* see next page* LrTTEfi - Hot.—The* "Gai.ttf Ifiter Hot,' has been removed from Us old situation, a window nearer tbc Post Office. Prof. Stephen*' reply u> tho \ktl article of ProJ. EUiOtl will appear to morrow morning. Cox. Fuqiomx—Our render* will find the letter of-this enlerpnmug officer ol lßnlling mteresl. CaUFOß.tia Emiußamts —A letter in the Si L’u * Republican- ttates that upwards of 2,000 erai« grant* are DOW congregated at Independence and Sf. Josephs, preparing lor the plain*, which they will not enter upon lor some weeks yd. h>r the want of grass. Mules are plenty at about per head. Pittsburgh Company is at St- Josephs, al well- Ttrr Sevan b.v. w. known mont MY.ro woaltior. »■ «»*■" '" >*“ V"r, ihan h«» boon mpeneneoJ »mco la.l FttJ»V- Sat urday and Sond.y war- oxlromoly cold, and vow torday mornloir lb« «!<»>"“ »” fro ”" “ h, ” J " u, iro a matjock to dig II up. A corrcpoudonl notice. il> oflool,. and nuggaWa MOM aonreo. ol aoasotalioo for umao who liewnil-ll.e low of Uieir oxpocled crop, ol fruit. No doubt .uoli ocourron. ce. are permitted lor wire and [irud.-nti.il purpoees in the economy ol n atari- a. wet] a. ot Provtdeuce- We will give his arti>’le iti our next. PxoscKtmoh—The letter ol otir W ashington correspondent, in tepiv to some strictures c,l the “Uoioo,’’ ia relation U' proscription, is to the poiut t and ought to cover these unmanly complainants with confession. They ure the victims ot tneir own policy, which was originated, and has Wen acted upon by themselves, with » rigor pertcctly ferocious. Sheer justice, it nothing rUe,Jdenmad* that they should he judged by their own rule, and be made to leel ail ita effect*. The Whig party *■ also Mnotly entitled to share largely in the honors and emoluments ot office, because the individuals composing it have, on account ol their, politic* Opinions, heeu pruscnWd or a loug series ot years When ibey.buve had their lull share, we shall hav« no objection Ur make an equal division, or aj.pom men solely on account »>i capability and homely without any reiermce to iLeir polit'cal opiuioti* It is a pleasing thought at this tune, while tin Whigs are Wing restored to their just rights in W administration ol (Joverumenl, tuat the party :iu given the most lucontrsUbie -evidence that then is not patronage enough in the hands ol the Gen era! (Jovernrnent tocorrupt it,ur to make it nwervi for one moment from n* political integrity. John Tyler tried this, and found to his tuttoiiishmeut and lasting mortification, that he was, with all the pat ronageofthe iT-jverniiieut ni lus command, so weak as to he contemptible. Tiie few, who bore the name of Whig, lie was able to bribe from their in* tegriiy, with rare exception*.' uru now in the Locd fcwn ranks, and whether u ihe one patty or the other, they are political'; d<*nd, nnd receive tl\e quiet but withering scorn ol the great mass of the people of nil parue*, w :io ever admire jwlun-a! is* tegrity and consistency. In of the sickness of one hand, and ibe unavoidably detention i f another, we are una ble to finish tholreport ut lii«’ Resurrectioa (”ase.— We hope to furni*h a full urci»int l< -morrow. FndM SEW YORK. Correspondence ol the J'llUhurgh Gazette Nsw York, April 12. ISC'. The ‘‘general impression ’ that the Whigs had carried New York city has Wen abundantly found correct by the returns. We have an out and out Whig for Mayor for 20 months, 14 out of lb a»ais« tant aldennea, and 13 aldermen. All the minor office* are ours, and we have adopted ibr new charter. The new act makes the Common Coun cil a legislative body, with triennial sessions, nnd vest* the administration of the government m the Mayor and various departments, the same a* are possessed by the general •'overarueot. The new system wiU give energy t-> all branches, and make (his city as well governed f r the future, as ii ha* been disgracefully managt-i lur the past. There is every pro*iie'-t M a grand fatal strain boat accident on Monday The Thomas well said to be the fastest Wat in the world, will not I*l the steamboat Alida pan* lirr on hot trip to lWr» moot- The Powell doe* not moan to race, but her captain has her on the way* to day, greasmu her bottom, so that she can do her Wsl Ruth boats have made 22 miles aa liuur. and some ‘‘time wiJ be made, that will stand ns-pruminrnily m steam boat anoala as the race ol • Eclipse and Henry’ among the “turfmen,” Something new has a! last been discovered i the musical line, being nothing less than au eh gtutt large organ on wheels and intended to sc peipede tbe travelling hand oi menageries. he' churches liave a tim*r instrument. aiidrfhe sclimi mi'at succeed, and ultra't numerous ‘‘quarter* to the pockets of the showman. .s i the mosf attractive character and the organ th largest “peripatetic' now m the held. Thebe !J< is Mr. H. Erbeo, who is weii known in thailin l The famous burlesque upsii the communist ilw trines of Fourier, has been offered to the theatrical people by Burton, and “the right to labor’’ fully de monstrated. Under the new system, the old and discharged valet claims to continue Ins labor*, sorts of tradesmen assert itie.r right to jsrnuln- and refurntah all thing?, the whole larce winding m the comic attempts of a victim t<> escape from a den list who claims a targe sound tooth as Ins shore oi the right* to labor. Several local leading commu nists arc substituted lor the French itramatu yet' smut, and the audience is convulsed with laughter* A nother demonstration i* to b» made upon the shopping parlies m Market street. Madame IJ. who has the iniUtoery department ol the ladies of the Iron City so cioseiy at heart, is hero and hft> been seen inclose conversation with fashion* ble milliner* of Broadway The inference that “loves of hats” and “sweet, pretty collars and ker chiefs,” will soon be on ike way west. is aoon to be in demand for ‘ pm money" and no tunc is to be lost in giviog warning. The Episcopacy of the M. E. Chtircb has been in seaoidn two day* at Newark, N. J., present tbe venerable Bishop Heidmg. Morris, Waugh, Ham* tine and the pious and bumble Janes. Among the business before them is a new hymn book for the church, which will be adopted. The conferences of this region and the east bav»* l>een attended with remarkable real, and nothing con \*z mar* prosper ous than the affairs of the church nt this juncture. A bench of Bishop*, such a.* now preside over this church, gives ample assuran ■ that fide lily i« the watch word ol the bijmb'e members oi the l»ody National church we have none,but one more nation al in its characteristic* and better adaptation to mir institutions than tbe M. E. Church, does oot exist. In markets there is no marked change. The re duction in the price ol breadstuff* has brought buy ers for export into tbe market in-such an extent that shippers have realised a handsome advance on freights, full «nc third on flour. In Pork and olher barellcd meat* the change is not marked. Another tight season has come upon the money market and forcing down stocks. A buoyant feel ing, however, is still held, nnd a large advance of fered for stocks ahead. The Sub-Treasury has $2,400,000 to-night. lull one million it is understood will soon be pm afloat by Mr. Meredith. This, add ed to the coin uow insured on loard the Cunard boats, must soon create an abundance of money. Nrw Ohleanm, April 10. Fatal Steamboat Accident —Extrusive Robbery the River — V.kulera Abating—the Wheadier—Cotton Market, fieri The steam tnw-l«sai Champion, plying On the Mississippi, burst her boiler ye*terdny,opposite our ojty, killing the engineer and tli/ce firemen, besides injuring some others The booking office oi Mr P.hachard, of city was entered ye*trrduy Morning and robbed of a itox containing six thousand dollar* in money, nnd note* to the value of two hundred thousand dollars. Mr. B advertises the stolen property, and very liberally proposesthai-tbe thiefor thieves may keep the moo ey 'if they will be kind enouvh to return ihe note* and other valuable papers. No due has yfcj bc.n had to tho robbar*- ■The Cholera ia fn.il abating; case, ore now few and of a mild form. The waters of the Mimaa'Pl" erei abating Vdthin Ihe past three dnya there heve been aold forty tbouannd bnlea of Cotton; pocea Beady and i *Breadst«as and Pronaiona doll. The weather is mild and eeaeonable. FROM WASHIBGTOS. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Wa*hwotoj«, April 12,1349. Quite a list of appointments has passed to-day. oimmenisof regis ters and receivers ol land offices in the States of Missouri, lowa. Wi*cou»mand Illinois, were made- The names of all the parlies will probaWy appear a pr.nt. and be communicated by telegraph before my communication by mail will reach you There s-ere no appointment* ol Postmaster* by the Pres. ideal, so lur a* 1 could learn, out of the Stale pt New York, and in that State Mr. Perrtne was ap j>oinied for Rochester, and Mr. I'atnard lur the city ol Hudson Mr. Meredith i* exp-cteJ to return bvaighl. Aid will take up his rennlroce in llie spacicu* and beau tilul budding erected by Mathew iit llair Clark, Kt«q , former Clerk or the H..u-e m Representative-. • l i- supposed that thr aiiiinßlcl collie’ll over the principal Pennsylvania appointment*, not yet de cided upon, will be resumed 10-morrmv Proceed mg* have been suspended during Ins absence, lor obvioug reasons. In the lueuu time, *onie Hue !.u*ine*s has 1-ren doing interesting Penn*ylv»n.*n« Henry Pt.rn-r R*q., son or nephew ot ex-tluvernor Porter bn* beeu dtSmiasedfrom the chief c'erksh.p ol me ludiau bureau,and the place conl-rreil ii|Hin Mr t jiuptwll who lias been i'hiel t 'lerk ot t‘T I for the pa*t four years Mr C i« » yraJnste of West Point, ind'it is said wm a cla-s iiihl« -f tlol. BaUB, Thiasavea him A son ol ex 1 »jvern>*r WolfM* also neea diamissed, or as some «av transferred Irom the Indian bureau, in Ibe War Ivparlnieut. to the 2d Auditor's Office. Mr Wallace I'hirf.Mes senger in the War Department bn- In’iiu d -ennry ed lor having left hi* post o! duty in-t lm.. Ih-mgti upon ien» e, and gone into the bu-ine*« ~t eleotion- Pennsvlvauia tor I'amand Butler ui month or so on a stretch. A Pennsylvanian suc ceed* him. And last, but not lea*t. it is generally understood that Mathew St (.Ta r Clark, the amia ble, humorous and popular Oerk ol so insnv Whig Oloogressc- hai ..llered Ibe 'dace t>ixt!i Auditor, now occupied by Peter t» Wa.shmg ton, E*<|, one ol the most nn}>opu!ar men in W&eb ington. Tins Auditor is stationed iu the Post Ul'» five, and In* July is to supervise the accounts ol the 17.000 Deputy Post Master* scattered ovet the United Skate*. ! wish to du Mr W no injustice, and llwrelore wemark that ms UDjMpularuy ib'e uot ari-e from his conduct as a public officer, aad that I U-lieve he has made j very got'd one *.« tar as iidehly and attention to duty ure (“oncemed ll i- charged upon him, luwever, that he ii.ts been shittneluily proscriptive ,n lusc.urse. Mr. L. W«* iingU'ii. a nepnew or son d the above, has also been invited it. resign a clerkship in tin* State Department. His 'bit rs, like tho-e of Stubh*, the late Disbursing Aficnl. who crammed Charley logeraoit lor In* indecent and most despi cable attack upon Mr. Websler. are of a conndei.* tiai r llaracter. and »mc i ua . aunol, be properly discharged by one not in the -]>e'.'iai confidence of the Secretary of State. And old Jimmy Mnber. : tile keef-er ot Hie ptibii'i grounds, na» been x>bbged to v&mo-. — Jimmy is an Irishman, nnd i- generally l.keJ but 1 Lucy it u pretty m4mi -t to most person* ol taste in arboriculture, or the l>e»jlilul art of ocia menliug grounds, that Jimmy possessed few q*i »b -fications for the po*t he held, ll ha* been giveu to Mr, Ilouglass, a prole-sional tlonst I>o not underaland by any means, that these are afl the change* that have been made waum the pn*: day >r two. I m nt; m ti,r-m mere. ,• by way of example. Houser that tilings nre pmr on s* rapidly aa could Li expected, and as modi ;.r.- greas is uiaJe each dayinib.- ;:reut-cheme i.f polit ical reforuiaiioa and reparation a* is cuu»istei;t with ajudicious regard to propriety Some of the 'ii—oit tented Whig* were induo-d lu een.-ure llie enw eminent for dilalorui'**-, and pointed to ih-- re sult* of the Connecticut elotltmi as pn.ol if:e impolicy oi leuii>onzing wuh implacable anu re lenUtßK political for**. But old /action the mm band, can point to New VorL*. and a»k to wbi b to Ur attributed tl** total route of lho enem enemy there, where no u»e htu* been iuad • , the public patmuiige. By the way, the roumr --I ttie I'oioo m to the New V->rk election tins given rise to the anxrrtioit thu(*Mr Ritchie, the organist ol tbr Ji- ceased A dnum uraWn, has Actually gone „v>t that "dclf eUl'lt* of iliccluiiafiri and aljol tiomsls" llm [ J ..trnt»urnrr-> ! jr Mr K.iUh.r mi eotmmlifd Luii«cif to llir oflhe Bartu ar ers’ ‘ aiididat«f, and urped «h good Democrat i-fiold, liie liunkf-is mill* up.»n h«m, wiifii i’irw York found i.irt thr iSiiididutr recoiiiDjet ded by lue Falne/. wa* a jfe-ti.onl fanatic, m fav.-r ul Van Burou and iney deuounced bira, repudiated him. scratched bmi Iruui Uie.r ticket, laughed to scum the Father’s advice defeated bun, and wdb him all ‘umon and harmony Wamu.no ruN, April I ,'f 111 A few words more up >n proscription In in letter of rhe 4th instsnl, del«-ndiug the rr*;*»i,-,bl officers of the adm:Ui»trnt,M i ir-jm the char* - ( hesitation and dilalorinrvj m jthe gr-al du:y making -uch changes in tatß •»- *» under the ic.:-n,i government as justice to Hie whole people nnd a due regard to Ihe interest* ot the pubhc pe-r pointed mil lo t>e necessary I look occasion l.- *av tbnl during Ihe present m -nth u much long*-! h»t of new appointmeuls in the jns-t office department might be expecleJ than Ihe last brought furili be* cause‘“Mr. NVurren had now got ins hand m aud wa« in the way to as*-eruim more speedily llittn at tirsi.” Here was an ortusstou of a lew word* oe* Ce.ssary lo the sense 1 meant to say, 11.ut Mr. Warren had informed hun-elr ol the routine ol frusme** in hi* bureau. and wns nou m the -.vsy to ascertain more speedily Uisu at first, the iif.rs sity of removals in cures where ' barges (1 negli gence, malfeasance. t>r general unfitness were made, as well o« the qualifications of person* re commended for appointment The I’nion extracts my remark* upon this head, and make* them the mbject of a paragraph under the title of “The axe in motion." Since the tuneful organist of the late administration take* exception V? my idea* of the policy which should govern the new adnuuistraJmn in respect to patruoage. 1 will favor it with tome remmuccnces of the conduct oi its own party uj»on the advent o! Gen Js>-k*c*n 10 power, just twenty years ngo i Mr Adam*, it i* well known, wa* never in any • strict orDse of the term, a partisan. Hi# ad-nous • (ration partook of the cs*l of his personal churac' \ ter. liberality toward* opposing parlic* m llie 1 bosom of hi* own country; a just. lirui, and patriotic attitude towards foreign natiou«. Though no man •had suffered more from Ihe malign.ly nod bitter* ■ i nds* of partisan conflict, he left ,n office ,>r appoint, ed to office such men us Charles J. ll nnd would never listen to the rrproentaicm. of those, who urged him to wundraw hi* pa'ti,i, ~,, a i least hi* open and bitter and p«v*onni He refused,'though even the department* .o Washing ton were crowded with them Bui Gen. Jackson came is, with professions of extraordinary purity uaj diMiterestedneM on bis bps. He began In* executive career by the miserable attempt to indict indignity upon his predecessor, m refusing to make lb? ordinary call of respect and courtesyUjwn him fSdon afterwards hi* purlizaH* began lo insist on the d< Ctrine of proscription. The Telegraph, under DilflGreen made its appearance as the ’organ. ’ It wn- the first to a**ert the njiothegm that Mien Jackson would reward In* friends and punish lus encmie*,*’ and very soon the.cry wu luken up by tLe liUDgryfpack which followed Gen. Jackson ■ heels. Ruthless, indiscriminate proscription was the order of the days A -most umtivng illustration of the spirit of that famous proscription was given me by a well known Whig politician—well known to every body who Jia* ever b.-en to Washington tn an offiui.il capacity —longer nnd better known to the editor of the t ’nioo than lo me. Tin* gentle man possenoea such atitblenud attractive manners as Vo lie the common friend of meu of til parties. PrevtoiM to the issue of Ihe edict of proscription the employe* of government at [be capitaJ, were happy on all occasions to iudulge in chat with our Whig friend. But be remarked that they soon be- ' came shy,- They had beeu informed that even acquaintanceship with a whig was sullicirnt to render tbeut suspected. He understood aud enter 1 ed into their feelings, and told them to save them ' •elves if possible from the jackalls of party, by cutting bn ofquj blow over. Mjujy look his njv.ce, bul f.-w found •a/biy in ibeir discretion. The poor geuUrmen were content to pas* their friend on t}i*• avenue wuh a cold wave of the hand and occasionally on a dark night to go round to hi* quarters and lake a glass cf punch with him But they f,i: i.y d'Xens and scores under tup axe of the headsman, and their foie was announced U> them m the ..at of re* tnovals daily appearing m the 'Telegraph," the organ ot the new democracy. So much for the liberality and humanity of democracy as General Jackson and his successor* understood it. and so much fur the practice ot the past twenty years. It was only six inoalhs ago. that the particular patron ot the l nimi. .J.miiiey Folk Ihul was. under took a proscription, worthy t.nly of the ml,uncus spint which an mated the detestable .Spanish Iff ■r llir utihoiy ol UiJ.tig m liu.- ;iij n ol »iavr-rv ;»mon it :i |re C prop,.- an.] Vrr Iree ternary. Ui». man. m the mere insolence Dd wanlonnew, ol power. distmsaed hundred* of xrellent. capable. and Ju*thlul pubhe olGecrv d*- P rmn * them on the eve ~| winter. ol mean* ol the supporting themselves ami the.r Unniies. The l nma had no perception then o| the horror-, ol proscription, on Uie contrary.n c.iiid hardly find language luUonie rnnwh lor m panegyric* upon ihe narrow mimic J bigot who commuted the.- outrages agamM the *en-e of ail ('hnslend oin. ihe enlightenment ol the sue and the Ireedom 01 cor. •ctctive and opitu in Bui let all such thing* pa»v 1 he people have d* creed a relormotiun n-t only in re«j»eei io puU.c measures, but public men Proscription can only la* proscribed ia u th irough and effectual manner, by depriving the beneticiarien ol prowcriptiou ol the advantages it lias given theyi. The good work is gome on and 1 trust wit! not end until the >‘.piM>«iiiou to what has been cu-led “derm-carry. lor Ihe last twenty years *hnb li.iv • received nt ie««i 0M share with ,la advocalei o' |otl,h, honor- and euiploym-ii's 1' n- understood that Mr I’larke »i„ id's- toe otli. eof sixth and.tor now held bv Peteriie«l \e»icrda\ have a ' ierii made lll.d there :s II probabdil \ <>t cinei-. llliin-ri' ant. \* iio ii 1w , , col now niei,l-.o; Auiont ibcit ■ however, t mav I- • -laird i« ihe I o.hi )isso mer liidiji, ..1f,,, 'he ' 'Io,-, Clerk i-I IVn«,.!n tub 'min 1.5.1 't:r rs i I lhe t'ale n i ai d ' ieui is' Lard 1 'dice.. M „,l t *„. F.rsi tiomplrolter. The 1 •iiion ha« iceuieJ w.tli art.cl* a nnv*' If.e rle, li„o. oeseei lung i .rueru, Tayur to thr -w Imn sa-il into the ar:n« n e clem.- r, ;• p\ wnv ol ridJiug housed ,v a omue.'Uin with Hie w lug party, which they assume must be irksome and do-.i/r-e able to him. 1 .- i,>i oi uj |„>iii(ii)eui. wf.,,". it• pears in nearly every u-»ue oi the Vm. VV'K.w uuist begin to sjt.sry them that :nc\ „d*e sum. chance ol be mg era titled. .1 u\o s Latter from Col. Krtmoni Letters have even rece vti.i irom i' •' 1..-m.'i 1 covent'.’ ihe tw i months trom tasr Ui the 2nd ol Febmarv th..; i;was n.-t heard of, and giving lh<- terrible event, .d ‘ha: lime fm-y are written from Tuo* anJ Saii'h Fe. New Mei and addressed to Mrs. hmumt. at Wasmiigton, and. to her absence, itor :i was deemed prwbui-le that she tmciit nave set olf to t 'id.ionna, by .« ,i before they coiiij iiir.v*- ■ t > Senator Beuion. .il.l IQ his absence to WMumii v'arey Jones, Lj.j The letter, came Irotn St. Lou.s hist inch'., having l*een brought to that puce Mr St Vr un. Mr*. Fremont, fortunately, was gone Senator Benton had delayed m» departure fir Mtsvmri. eoiiti.ieiil that letters were on the way. and m in, hands uc have seen the origina'*. and we propose t„ g,vt extracts in the order ol tio ir da'es The hr>i c dated ‘Tao». New Mrsico, Jam.ary 27. 1 >4 ' 1 write in you Irotn me house , (our good [fiend ('arson. This niornmg a iup of cluxt Lie wa brought to me whiie iu bed To an overw, r:i, overworked, fatigued. am! sinrvtm; traveller these little luxuries of in*- world offer an interest wh a in your coinf'rtuble r»oinc..i:» ml (*••»,b> i.r•. ,u to conceive 1 have now the itnpleasant lush r.| te|; future, with pi ui« lor u .h 1 nm Already ia < i-p.. ed.. hir the ni nd turns Irom lb*- scene,. ! nave w t lie.ssed and the still,-rug* we nave endured, .is ciriif rnl -ruist- ti i* dn- l" y. and to vour fit her slid On U r I V. o i’ |. -.lend o| w. nll ne i. .- . W le ter. When youi* way to l abion. "V""- v.-i. v. t.rud ’ll lh- fk H » V''lli »•! \jvnn 'it '«iik up-ear good r.iulro .H|J I'lie ImnJfril i.nd lr. r|y I■>> . I nhrheii inlen.lrd Uj nupi-»rt ■•• ix the i> iwi'f part* oil lie i rra lid ri Vl*r * f r;' .»x• 11 e« * e>lug. A! I'u'Uv 1 liud r-ngHir-'L u-r, let. .wn a. -ITi W had rjrent *'»uit- ! •* 11 1 v Ijvi* yr ir- "« >on b»e trapping iiiijrnui pm ;n .if the K, • l. v M.oiot; i “The error ■our «-X|*edili Ver :--«u from the . s .crrj .Sl/» ./run- one o| I jie li.gu*- rnont rugged, and impracticable M ( .id ihe K MuuuUiii range*. inu'-cesmblo to trappers and hi, lers. even in ruunner Arm** ihe :•<>■ xit ti elevated rung' - our guide '-'inducted n-. and ■ :» mg »l il real I'llltldeU'-e 111 lII.* IDHII - KtlnWed; \* e piea-cd ward* Willi f.ilai r* - dution i. y, aioug tne river imUwin* iue «ii"W wan idr-a. breast deep hr the mule*, mid la;..rig ir*-«! •• luMsn'v • >a ll.e m.,;iui , . The i-i- ;d whs exiraordinarv At H.e wm me.' i, i jflhe day (Wiweru one and tw„: the therm-u. e. ■ Kdhreoheii ■ *lood in Ihe .hade of a tree in ••». aeey, and l nnt wan n la Vornthe Ju V. I to* sun * i and h moderate breejre Judge . ! the it gi> the storms' “We press-d up towards t iumm i. Hi- ar ' > 0,0,111 vioiign Tn«r neti. writi-n i,/vr iitc deepening n< wr rt«r usd .n Imr nr live ,|.i o ni « r n •I■ «• i-.lrv With lb- Mjrvivnr* |j... ,„,ny this struggling itiiJ < iuiilj.iitf b' ■ n l,ml wr t • aj- w ‘ 1 ' '•’* "'V f <*'’ r " V' Though wn'.ien wih r :,,, ,j, I ed l tic naked i.Jge* wim n b>* .tls.vr lue . ; > ' v •'ii'l ■•oiiiiiifj i, , eve m* —l'ie mnii rr-. nl'iijr ir< >m the t.mlrere.l regd.n. and w'i,. ■, (,>rni the .in dng I *” ; ‘l r<< ' r P l ' m"f sceres ami (i.e ,Jetn u m ... it . heights between the w i*-*-- tn • AtJanl-: mid Pa **dl ,r> ° ,tl 'i’*h Cr this mgiit s paper ..ml u,.|.i be cific ocean* A..mg i'ie»- nn. i l»»*«(f hfn il fi .roi9 deferred (ill our next ail waiter, ami ike rag ng w.,,.i swerp* wit>i rr- inorseiCßa lury 'filour tint attempt l.i cru- •we , *"> "i » v '"" siitnii:- oiitn S' re ; o'.,r ■« !«.-,» Mil encountered ti uiry sn->w drive., [.'m k *' 1 ‘ J "'* * h.gti.k», through the mr Ify vmler.t wind iiml -i win. „ ,ib -- - ■ - . jecta are visible ■ nly al a short d,»ijf'.r. ami OF Ft Cl A 1.. were driven bank ttaviug some ten or twelve men , ~... ~ .. ~.,. .... variously frozen—face, bauds, or feel Tim r u ■<}«• " 1 IKKf 11 •!. \ ; bring Iruzrll lu death here. niltl .‘end : !• I. 1 .1 a-i KK f mu lei were already lying el»oui t tic curnp nre* -- A arou [’ iI u . (• , I)M ~,,P X i«l. 1 •. ng 'i tuauls. nod beuliugdown n road. ort«en« u U-r '.it’ll the d-”p snow, we loreed the ament in dr-n mr«; of ti»e driving m.". ~ , summit* of the sierra, where the sweeping w.nd- ■ i ... i , ~r ' s ' ,lf r • 1 'he kep. .k. ...Jw1,.,.;,- V ' Tti ■ I"'; „ could not live Below in the limbered reg,on, the Public \l.-ney« at Ka ‘^' e Pesie'Ver 01 j, r «,r oouia no. «nl nlK.nl, jl.o -now I* „ t u „,.‘ ,1 doop is.n Aoij»i, ond, as I lirv froze, one would l«e seen t< > t'lur > • 1 Shares P. I l;*hc dim. n, l n - Pensi.,,, Arem 'Vc °° forebodings Vru muy be sure v.e tsmirjsird it cmnal.. ' duo “* m ‘ wnh the (.dimtmas ofhome, nnd made warm wis| t irittn e* lor \oiir happ nras Could you have looked n • lo Agnpn'i glass for a lew luomenis only lioberl Miiis, Ol llie Distn. t- of Culnmlmi, [q be reioemberlhe volumes o( Blackioue’sCumropnl A refuted id the erection id the ol ilm Patent which I took from your lathers library when ». P j nfiitHmlilii'f. were • .verlooktngil at.,or Inend Brant's*They made ; my (ihriatiuas "e mu clients I read them u> |,a«« W . PI. W ftj. |» M Uentisi, the lime, and lo kill ibe . onscioiisiieM ol ioy aiiuu ; virru e m>.i re-,.] rr . c , ,h „ ! g, ,u. lk oftee * A loti of U»« Colorado of Lho Gulf of Cali for ii .a. J irnn! •>'J" n J* ' L" 11 A aa ** ’ 1 ,rora io oiock io3 KM. scpM-ly j tJ-M. (-eruinly you rt,«v ropp©« that n v hr-d Uw | ,rss on* wii. lie welt .'^embciv.l. The pany lor relief wine cone, we nl ine camn occupied ourselves ,n removing f,e ba**.** f : ,«J equipage down the side of the mountain u, ttie r.v. « r ;n the vaJkv. wnich v; in a ir W d»y> Now eame r>n the te,Uu -n waa.ag tor pi* return of the relief party Day after.lay paM*,? ar.J no newt from mem. .Snow felt almost lur n „* 0 , •V .ft the mountains Tne *p,r u ot the ..-amp *rew L:lo was i »in* ilntwrin to wrm Had not rensoi.* beyond themselves t, | (Vr _ r ,ue Lvd down in tne trio! and froze to deatr. In a sunshine day. n ,,.i»«ed away.and no ud, net from I lhr -wot lor rebel ! x-nnr oppressed with anx,etv weary of deV-v „„ d determined to co ir,)*e ~.iii n sean -i ol tin* absent parlv. and ,n M-an ii ol rend ,n the Men,«n j uwarn that our ,n New \„ r ‘ n eujrnyed :u with lire Spanish Ci„bs ’ H mi KWr*} t !, ° "»• « |vv nil ur, atrd the mountains where we wr-r »..J p,-..!.* n-ariul ll», i:.r, .K,n B „.,J h.» I,»J lx-<-n oil bv 11,*,,. | no i»W hicm , h ,. rnll rmi'loyed und,., | ,n, p,! * l '«w v ' ' h ir.jUUftmns lo ii.ih.w me m three Jay.. | ( j , w „ lbr r;V , ef W|li| , , |iw| . party, chhmh,,,; ~ , b>dey. m, y., unr nephew. Hrensv and Saunders -olored servant WV . .irne.l our arms and jrrav W tw.. .. r three '.»)« In the '.-It II inter: he ,*> unrnand u | in '•enll'ttleri the n a> .,, hint onlv prov.-inm h „ A ,„ w ipeab arid a»j y, „ nvr p. tind- o[ «,ig 4f > r , man !’ I faded n> meet Knur iny inientmn was to male the Me*.Ml, settlement m, the Colorado " " ,I,Ur «l “* H.e Ri . del Norte, about ha,f a d-eree above Tuo,, v yuu wdl see ,( „ ri mv ■ and thence *e„,) bar k th* speediest reliel pos-.ble to lb* pnrtv under VmeetnhHW ••Oil the VI-.,0il do utter (he ramp we camr upon klr.-M, tra I of Indiana-two lodgra with a conxuieraMe limner ut aummU Thi'* «! : d not le«*en uur unoaMiir'iloronr ..nq-al.-Mrni i.eopV Thr I tuiiait trail, whirr «v tell „p,>„ , t turned mid w.-iit down the river an.l we i ,||owc.l it. i> n 11..- hiui day uI,.T leaving the vamp, w«- -tir t-rtM-.l an Indian .»> tr.e ire ..l th.- m.-r Hr pr.jv n 1 lnh ' ,>l ‘ :< Oran,l ila,, rlurt.whom wr Ind |<>riiirr!\ hn-un and t.- I»rhavri| toward* u» .a a lr.rn.llv manner. We «>•,. n>ni.t-d m-nr Ihrm hi fight Pv 4 a r:tl* my :uy t.irtiiketa, and proniived r- w»rd* when we Hu.iiM get m.! ar.-vn-lr.j m, ||,.« | n di-»u tn go wkh Hi 1 • iTUnlr to ,|„. Kio ( .etfement. iti-l I :-ik-r wnn h:j» t.-iir nt !, « hor-r- lo r.irrv our l.tt r t>atfjf:u»r Hir horaea u ere o. *ernbly poor, and ohi d only g-t al./iiq nt h iiou wu!L\ i'n the nrti day .the -.ixiii o! c>ll r proitre-*» we ‘tit the Indian iodje* iale and travelled only ->oiiir •x or ■even mile*. AUutt «un«et wv d.-.cv,Vert?- remauia were v.u.es.x or right index u'.-ve. near ther.ver. i '" i ‘ 1 11,, ‘ l: l' ’• - .rr.ed |lie~e three with iia. down t-ti \ hi. rV ~u . I. fie I'oior.td ■, wt,.eh we re.i. lied liie !..i.rtii ,|„t Hiteru-ar.ix, the leii'u i|ut !»*.*vin^ tlie iii.iitutani* IotV.UK travelled thr-uiKli -.now' • , '. inmdred and •>:xfv n-4r% i ii|Kut tin- | e.itiK wl.-eh r:,ni, ,j |.. H | i ».-l .mi yom fie rump u* an nmp.rau m Had 1 reinvne.i there, wailing the return id p.x.r Kh k s -e ..lit ~! Nov ;..trty every limit .1 tn mint hare peri-l.ed -The tiiuMiiti* utter re.teli,n; the L.U.r t.Vdur..,!'• Puei.io. irorxea and Mippuor. not (■eing Inere t iodey mid I rode on to the IHo Hondo, nnd tt.en.-e to Tj'« id-out twenty J;ve index, where we found Wlial U e neejrd uud f:r |ir-\t I m m. 11-. ' , ]e| W:tn tour Mex„ rtil x. it, rtv iior»e* ~i mu [mmvi-moqs. *rt i.til on n> return U Hie relit t ot Vm.-rnthslrro |*anv I heard Iron him , u Ulr . Lillie I'oiorado I'u--!.;.- w 1... li in- rem-hed in,- swm l).iy h»* iei't rrn*. ami i.re«.«* d 0:1 the iwxi in. ri».u*. 0,1 liie way he receded »r. rv.ii.n ul eichl or Icn lnjr«es Uirru-.i ,oer In a.ml.yUie orden ol‘ Major iJeal!. m the .irmv . oiumr.iiding ofTn-er thie northern dirlrvi ni NVw Mexico Fr.’in turn 1 rtve.ved l he orter ■ •;'rerrv n,d m rut power, and «nch n.'ln.u a*'iitiui, .■ i, ( . w.ix aide render Some ftnr»e«. wind, lie n ~j j«»: recovered Iron in- I'lahs. were l.vired to in. and In- tt>< Ironi 1 he vidr\.le|,«rtin£T.t w 1)1 pmv.-s. win-:, l . miii i.u.e nr, I mw-lmre nv. | :i u d nu S*‘!l 111 lilt* nwilil ol Ir.eiiiU. Wall , Owi-ni Muxw* .1 ;<( •!{< |;jthiT-Ul tiW. , .1C ti ,i» a ni'T'Haul mid > onlra Mr i‘>f U.<- lr '}.« ! riMnn.il wtti tiic-.* ~,.i mJv* 1 itnir-y aunr- r u ,* n..i ic cr»-nr\ ii-r rue 10 h,m. -,n i rftiDi.iiK (.'*•• i,..n i.j i ~ ;1 , lit return-* w.i.\ i,..- mm Vn i^is;r.cj ! ripr.-t 'uni "« W » J.l v ' Veiling, the Ji *«l m.*,| j:,i ; :tl » ivis it-.- ! 7U- ‘ Sa v l.' v>*tir la! ikt Hint !!>«*«>• are mv pian« i.»r Ihe |uiiir«- •'AI it*.- oi K. umarr ;ti*>Jcv hav.im uni Ucfc al tlr.it liinr- I airail »ei out for CnliloriuJ tak ing Ihr vmtbern »>»nte-ti.e oij route— t.y tM Bio Al.ajo tne Pnvi dr! Norte. tlie«oti'li «tde of the iMj entering i’nh:-.rnt« l>« ADcel..*, and .mm«*»!:;U«*ly U» Sm»» l-ranciWM. expecting to get there .11 Marcii, ami hoping f..r your arnva; m Apr:! it .? the rir-l tone l have an olj mail Put cannot hen* l n-iu- ! -till! nim-f mpnlly. taking w:i!i me mu 'i p .rl "i my partv The survey' has been iid.ii term pled up to Hi,, p ini | , , rr y ~n i * • ’ ui.r bnr 'rr-,1 •on~- nii vr.v A »• •u ;m a t>-r rem-ii n - it j \v illi .! I •»,:»,! it lrn m/e l • draw tip a map an I r-p rt o| the ■ ■rMuitrv i - nur ofitr aal plan. Vmr la Ihrr Uuw* that (»..* t« an i.».)ea of *rrti! de-ire wi li me Ail mv ote>er pinna rmiHm entirely tin atiered A home m ( anh.rnu n the tint •and thol will He ready 1.-r y..» ,n Apr . "/iMiir -Mr m ’.ram au.l AtiHrey who ,'U.»t arrived tntni Santa Ke. ,\t ; t~d to ae«- nie. I had the t^ralittcalmu to leant Unit St. V ram «<•[■> on 1 ir- .m Santa beon thr loth oi fe'.uraryior St. !*>■).*. »o 'aai hv it mu I »h«ii nave an >• «r'y and sure ~p|H.r . tun.tv ■•('•eodifte yon my ; rtter*—the ~ne l i,.,w write and other* alter '.i»e return of Mode} mj up to nnr departure tor t muc.rniH J..eut. Heme iett Sattiu Pc an tn« wav lo t 'al. forma on the Pth o( this monlr. Me proi-nhly i-arned mi w;|li lum ttitv leUrr* that nmrht imve lr at Santa Fe tor me • .Vtno/.iy t t- .. M s - i r(lrr as-nti.e, » .•■urn i, tom, V, new* from 'mdey. A gnatdered n tor m.'Hi'n n.'iit ri.u’ttry. « .:‘i Put !m,r ura'.te . , ;> .j and nle»led u.-ttn hn-t.ie Ind hua l aill nil 1 toil*! y warl.it*; to hear I rout my |.., r ty. and Ml iiomh iineHvnea- at 1.1 ttieir lute M\ pro M-n tffi i f i**iti ii.geiher and ~u.H mv n l.-ci..-c tnn\ n.i ve a imd f-'lec i Wh-i, wo ot eit Kue » Imnunuitr pmv Him i-ii, !<-• v.id to me //• f-U > . I .r :n- nrfM. lv ro .in hr-i B „,| burms |Vrnn K,-. |f.| e r York. RVM.iv,v. IST , OFI >*! T ™lUS i s ' ' ,n Ptu«bOTffi» Pott Oißee from the l«i of Apr; * the lishof Apnl. IMS. Peraon. cautug for i .euer*. wjjl pirate *av they ■ re advertised Ladle*' List. MraAlfro. Mary L Anf..n, Mary A-lain* 1... r» A..-n. Marcaret i* , w .. n . u Ja >*• Brandent-urtLyda • lnrair,. .•"wan Itor.Uuaj' Fra'.acaHrteham Kliubta . > iu-njO’l ce Fi-anor llncxt M Mr* i> J •' l ““ Brook- \ln Geo. 1 ii *‘i r ? e ‘ Boyic .Janua Bara* K’uabetto U-dtord C S{ fl Bradier .*.sharuießar«. Mauid* 1 Keara baza Bradlrr Harnett Boreea* Msrgaret Hi .i'*»■-) <'*tn'eßra««.nij--r Cadi'eßnrke Kiien i B ara Kiua !!raden 1.-iuec But'er Saran (. Ann liranairup K Mr* But.cr Mary A | M Bunn A M Anuity Patrick M |.v a i • j.he-; M Bride George M Rabork Wm M Kl't.uu \u.tr w .'rCaliuuT David M Miiiun Wm J MT-abe R B M'W.llmm,. JWr.M Knmet M„'h«i .'U-aJI AncH J 1 .M (-ami Arthur M't'arthuu Put- MCar.--v M (.'anile) Win nr* M't.'airv | M Cand r»« McSparren Ji.lm irt.m... li.-rnard 1 'I l sJluin A C S M'linnt/ Patrick v l .V arlh >' M Fighe Patrick M'Crtiekei. Jame* ! M Cari ifi Wm Q.M t.eary Patrick ,M Ltoniu.l J.,im > MVany 0 M'Gorr Mr M iJomlJ Ja» M fetter John I' Mtirier Sam W M Douaml tiren > r.,l«ry < all, • |< - t ■ [-a UJu .i iM.or.nark A M tiitt Rev A T H'm T I „!»*,-V'r,h * J * ;,r M M M *« , M Uaa John MTXma..l Urn is . '1 i'oy M Imne (•cure*- Mlierntilt I'hii* i, . i,r Hr:,r , . M Cutciiin David M'Phrr*on \\ ,11 .Mr Parland AI. , •j ‘ r ‘ r ' 4l " lui Jjut « M tVmnirk Jt, .M'Gau*on Jaiurn M'Farliu tier. W t -t.*un I ,•> •, 1 ' ' ' JM: jHlir . M Cousujfiiv JohnM (.{utston J S irt'onmrk John 1 io*r M ('oy Joseph M Mtllen F A \ ‘ m... M'Feeien Wm D M’Klhein Robert ■' i,"r’".''i Ym'. I ||"| , ml,vl" l "' l s'"i , "u'' N-wmm K,rb«,.1.N.,k,, Urn, » ''«> H.f.Mr. T> 111":? Hi,„ lt , "" I*° * J, Mi, , Ov- r .l„nn t. t'onuor Thoms* ORnen Thoma« Ham,**r,!. k! m M „ ••««»» mrM.eorgc U Donne.: iHb rn fhaxle, Ju Ha,r Donl Haimiio'i Lurmh j p'' •**' * O'linr., Job,. J Orcuutbn.d * Iliniilioii Mi. IIU ctou4 f,jJ ' °.^’ U R a Urr John > r hS . Hi.i .M Jhi.c Ormst-m Jirur. Orr.Marsha.l übn M s * | O Daugherty Jai-JOliver R j"*'" | j P | J. k Anr.e r Jenk , . j PaJincr Rolwrt I’otti Str|)lir.. Kemiv Hemv ! Ja. k'OH Ann Ji,im!i ‘\t ° J-me« AnnM t" j Pa*r J'liiirm, I'aitrr AnJy Puttaud A W i Jrrtrrt R, 5 A,UI ! r " 1Wl " (WN P.m S "~ J«U-. ; ’ fi ; Parker ii.Uun Powell WuiT Pltelpt Kdua.J KaurMtr. l--„ i ki . ~ ' Packer PUjal,a PnmoNath'MV Phillip* Faiward K. l- i.-,. A k ' „ \ t 5 '‘ rfl . Kert M-rktret ; Pret..-* «. | Wr A Phill.p. Robert K„oiMhm ' k * * '•'* ’ K gOfC Nanry I P'-'"rord j„l„, Preaton Wm Ph.dmm Jo^ph | Pea.r Pritrhard Jnjrph Polltk ’J' JJ Uu'!..,a "an), A | ir , , i,, ' re \ V Pnirhanl Arthur Porter John lemoi. A-„ 1. xl ’ ** r ’ A " Wl 1 u »•'“ i Phl.-i. John PryurJainM Pn-I- Henry ‘ ' ,ic towutl l.ookar.i I i/at, th ] Pf-itirord I>nv,.J Pirrre Painrk :l\ K - Kl , *’• ''enx. Ann ] Ration A P'lil'ip- Refchart J.i„iii. R.Jdlr K Rrv ' - ''Vun! i?" ,ri 'u' ‘‘ '' r M A,l \ Karnrev \t,.l,re Robhern lidinel Rirhanl.on ■I .'-M, v " ll,1 ""' h ; s''* :i.“ d " w Ko.fn H,-I,ry Ru-hurJ. Ihivul ..J ' X ,RrvU... ir v RoI’HI.UII (Hun v. "o. |bm|| hi, R Rohin.onJ.i,-, V J,.; I, 11 ■ ' J. 1 '- '■,»rh.„] A„„ r : Rum,. M U j Kul ini-,,1 \|' - y::: '•‘■'-\!:zi u r.T 1 gsrSsr.. K'r ; Mantalei ,J..na Kol.rru H RobnumiJJ vi ~ ” ’min Rollejtiin ?( M Rvan Win •j . ~I M ' ' '■ ■' M tt.'l Prpudv Mart K; Renlun t 1* Kmvurnur.d John Reed Rmuh !1 ! V’ l Hint k'|- "V , 'S V" BIJV S, “ ' i * Rhooe. Vi, It Ml \unhi, Vl\a-. J«a..h J..,« |He John Rudolph Ben; ILr n* rdlTi' s*,,u .... *a t Rec»r J-f.vi Rvmj i' M n — i K I R Hl . ir ... I ... ° I >aumler« Henry .Matthew 5jH-er* Samne; * ' r i iwr 11 Morirare* I Saunder* Adam Skillrn W'mia-n **(*enrer John lUrntru.' Am, M U'|u,-,, N*r,, < > Bri.n >ara'i \ j launder, Imply T>l) unic J-aac V Snargo Metinm \*c«U Heir* or SSoi.e.Timo.! S Eleven* Oharie* A 1 Janie* Sini'h tJtuufit St- vein Uavi l I Scott Andrew Smith T A Steele Wm Scott Alexander Smith W \V S'etliue Jame* •v-hoil John Smith Robeit Mi- naei V-nvi 1 a l* Smith StatTa Mutiord Fred k -tcott Jamrt S cmirh W,u,am l Steele Jaine* •<00:1 Jamei Smith El j*h John ■en» Jtcol) Smith George 0 Su-doford Sniuu I "eanor W illiam Smith I) II Stevenson Jo«Jma 't«r* t.eor<- W Stnnh \V»m m A Stevenson Sum . Sotidrr* r.ec'ge Sinnh Charles Stewart Joh '•nndrri Stn.th Thoma* Strven*on Join' SoperThoinai Sanili Rnhert Stow Fklwnnl II Shaw I' \\ Smith Thomas Stomim 1 Iton.a i Pnijic* Minii»oii Samuol Stubba Jame. 1) Shear >■ James Smallbrook Ri<-n’d.Sull« Francis Simble Robert Stonesphorl> Sheppard S M Sm-J Robert Stout Robert B Shee I jJmuinl Sirtßer Isaac M Sweeney An.l/ow -nenhenl Sain’i T s,n ß j) William Sweeitev Kilward Simpler Thoma* S.iopson Chiule* Swasey’Rocer Sheppard John .Nstinrlcion DaviJ Swrt* Jerrin.ai, SI.--rwood Jonn Spear* Oli Swart/ Abr sJnrai .Mr«ir« Speelman Adolph Sutten J Sigsfoe* Robert Spottewood Kdw Skunner \V s SpeePJame* --.ili.ian Hu'tie i S.i-.th WinTho* Sp-er Samuel Sutton Ricturd Sves James Win C I l.ainpbeh l**b-,ia(-,ark Ho.- I'ourh Mary A ! l aimrou Mary Af.arie B Cre.chtoii Siarah ! t ain-ron Mr.Jno t'ockicy I'ailiarno Jan- ! > arprmrr June a t'oii,,,, ;j, t’r-ver Mary > *>-y Mur-. t’ook riiaroit- I’ro’.vxv Jane 'mi>i • (i .v- i ope i in K!i rune UiCuri.t Reberca D I^l>piiitf W»/y Douran ALm-ish M..wH K:,'ai«*ih l-iuukimon F.r ~ J Peri.--.- . r „-. \| -r> Vi . >. ..!■ \Vi y'Oi* j'm.'.tt fu'.oi Ma./ara: Mi.r, Th<.Ti;>*Oi. '•! »rtha '»' >' I- Mr, T:.oitit>*on » r*., * a '’ ‘.T I'-.: f. A-it, r*- H IWou*!. l'iiarln-: M . r . V V Vj . .Ti-'a e I , V, • , r •• A!j \ r.vl, Rrl-. raW U a. «co 'l.:.fiva\V!,,:mor- Mir\ rWtnlr B B W a Irr. I’.iu W .'.isiim.if KI./I.M-U W :ir>- Mnu.ilu U i.jn , |j./ui»«;ii\Vhil<* i'»ilirnn^ u Ar.k's Wi;*>.i 1-; Mim Wauuioia 1 l.ar \\t.. l niuruntr U ,„y 1. Mra!. u.Ur L V* r f.. Ha...'a \\ I. ilr i nr alfli. ?* J 0.,-.c Ai *r % \ •«r ij M a \ ..Ik Vm- L z nir.i. t.s t \|,s. | ra. Urntlcmen’i Ltil A ■ <>•: 1,-rtr t* Aikinun Jsi •* ]l \f»p|rcalr Wm A,.-, V\ . i* A Mm: . i'ii >« X AriJrr *'* Kot*r rl >-• !■ i) A ndr tioii Saii.uel A..i;« W ii, A..K1.1C1 v: II Ainlrrsoii W J A«..r* Amirf*' A :--j I. Andenon John Ae-.| IV Ii r a,. C. K r,- 1,.-,!!,- Amiiu.o OofKe A irr, J|.'. . A U p.' ; u‘« UE l! Jo« U •J* " \ I-.-. I u. I„a‘ Urrc.s ;i J.. K lt«.~ MM r llrcivr.H.r-mt lla \*iu : U**» wid < Jooii;-- Mrtnv.i Junri Ret Un -Hjiuut-. li-f* Kot>-ri Hrowr Uamr.Juha B>iui«u IwaJp'-yH Mar -s lul.t) M H fi * Hr,.lni W i Kiirun. J IlinrWmr.rr 11 Alirr.i llur ow John Bi K-i<’li»r*l Brook. R(i Hun-r BUkr l.uirtrr C Biomti Joint (■ t'4»/les Uinytiam Wilti&mHrv an Oh»i I*** ttortrr *’ W -i li]niii c toiill»ttiuiuUi.»u>) o*>id t<-«wg<* K«t<-iiian 11 B* it« ry Kol-rrt Brook» (. N liwumi, l,eor<- Hint Kolwrl J Ktrw.l > Solan U«ro*. J.»t... AB»u.r VVni Junf Huth.nf llfitry B<*aiiir Joint Buv.l t'l»w*ir» l«aa-‘ U I'ooprr !•' I'ni* Mi'Nr r.Kip-r Tr,.v,;i, Ca.irii iViu< ' hi*i m: Aie i t'i> e Dharn-* L Courtney Kober. ''anweil Jamci < o'eniHii .1 II iV.wb'i fohn ''ari**n > \f ' '••i-r \V»ht >:<>rtt-!I John H 4 Wtn I or i!l«- Win (. i a.n Uriel i •> nns Kn.mm.'t Crumley John I'di.l ie Ju .r r.,| j am ,, Cr«KiK«i t »nk» John tDnlw-i W K CocnimlloT J H Canipucir VS'i;. V ronnor Dentm •> Crtx-n Henry i H*n ) HCooutock AJ * t'rorv Jamri i'hr•» Jame • M Cook Thom*4 Crook* Clark B i‘ft»dw:• k i'*i arleaCook Frankim H Crumbly Wiu CSriioti (> 'V Cook (ieorpe Curtl t Nifihols* Chn»e ■' H a Condon J*mn ('iilberiaott Mirlil i .i- ttMl J N Coiinrr K S «'.irry David '—•pp--* I> U I'npri J»mr. Cummin** linen iMa-,!.-!. J»m-* H Cou.K. Pair, , M Curl.*. tfharlr. or i-.i.r 1 -1: *. rk Dh.hOh H*- ; 1' li Dowilt* Jnlin 1 > W l‘:niiti l*r’*■ i Dougherty l»e»t*e I)* Airt'tiUrr 1' ion l«oi-« U Dunnboc Thu* 'J lm,-. Allied !••«. 1 Dnimhue H*ri,*r.l I)dv.-J l>ic»*im K< i '•* i ’ Dr) den Thorn** Dum. ' 1 M.. hue. Drummond John !)*>.» 1 S M*.,.'. , . Ul Dully KJ war.l l)*ii‘ R»' i" Dor.e) T h D.iftielil John IVminig Dm.l Do--*u« li.ti,, Dull (jrori’e Driwi:.. .A . r Dorvi Juil'. Duk- Horae- I>cii.n[( -M'h'l B l*,n ( -, a .* W.-.,. D.Hiniirt, I k Doing hredn..S u.r 1 ’.i.u Andrew -j Duiimif Juli . IW-'i. Jam * Dunlap Jo«euh iJeford Win Liooiiiti* Jor-eph Dunditi Wid.arn IV wy l.fc'ii* H Do»» Jo-. Dunn.ua Huai. D-reim P *- A i .i Itown* W \\ i'uncai. Win v Dc*ert John Dohumanl in es ADutibarr Irani K J.irii.-r r*uni. I d « Until- N KllerUy Jonii I .do-W II f.«pvTho*> 1.11 mo ie Tin.* Ki- 'i'f M’Hi Klm»r Julib MJiott Will* j■< ! Muu rim* J-.in-c Kvtn» Jotin > I -y Jt>. l Yaii* Wiiitan. I <• • '' > ■ rrer M in. w !.!• >«. (;, I * V I •• ' I ‘l| \v 111. ..»H F( r l.r « ( I .-Mi: A h -'.I < • „i - ] ~i:,,n? r |P Urn l r«w/-p / I ,-.J 1 H I’oi ’-man M .ti ini , Mr IV- Jomi It ) ..t!.,. j,,),,, i w fjv-'i S ' ■ I K h..f.\ f, \V I- I' ••)<«•« “ 'i • iV-Ji. r Rhlmti Ir-•• ' I.' ' '.I ['(• r nr* \ ili J||A Co I ,«.ii K.r: \ riel) Jotii. ' -'n."- I' H I ram-i* D»v,.t ! "j-vu. W iti Ja Jr Fuell I'ai'ek *.i ■ -■ * 1 ‘ii*' 1 ' - <•< f rrsfl F I.*. A II i N (' i«rt" ory Al-nar VV (• b! 1 mi;l** - r .lnhii i.olmij H-i.r/ i.r»or Wiil.si., i Ai(ii.iiinii"'i ll\ iirprif Jntar* lujw llnvici llraliaiu Jnmri * ••<>:* J .m«M i.«ii.M l‘ Ikx't l>rahani B«u, 11 1 at; li *f It "I-' r■ 1 •«'n M Ithi>-«N iirtham W i ft*»**•-11 ii0.,1.1 **Tnl limy S’atrrtifir ' •• • r'l ii S «.'ruy John O i v>- i t..i* ;l< I 1 • i r -i v l i:u»(irny Jamci iiil.liu.i ' I • » 1 I»i- • J (ifulirirlu J&i I) (it’iinorr llii.h.. N i-r> (!rii>woM C Rev •( II - J iinftiiln John Mark t.ii.-vrsll l.nlinlu Amo* I. iin filirii A li 4.f*r) i.rorgr T (jlmiiajr Rarru-k IT&omn* MreeuJarob (.umbartJohn A liuxii t Hnmi in" J * *•* 1 1 < 'T'-ok C . Ililinei Amlirw lU'i K'« ii«r«l lln » J uiii .. Hull John M.ti I• iltmk.n* K (» Multiple John 'i Hah • I * R 11 ‘■ • J>• ua A ' Hai • U-i >' ' j ••‘•-fJj Hopkin* John F Hnicriirr ; a-1 Ip I! 1 1- !-, II . S ItopSnii A M 111 ii' 1 ' H ■ ’ ll' pit' k•Jr W (I llojie \V II J I<* men ** . '« Ho.l NII 11 am mar.: A il il Koheri Howard Jolm 11 tipper Imh. •, .Mm Il'iMmrJ Dam HaiinaliA Jip-'-j.ii llulrlitinpui Win 'Harper John 11 •• bar il* » ’i.iiiet Ilublet Siirnl Hafibe lirorge Hi iI A Humphrey Jno \\ tluetii'* John Hi?f i>i« J.iliii llurlJumei Hmaliefioii Sanil John Humoii John I Iron* Th«» 2 Irwin A.-xi Icahj llavij I ml.ue J K Ir a Joi> , Juk William Ju.Ue lima Jf*|iii!wii 4 Mmr Jainrt UnHf J’ M. Johnson li«o a Jehu UwnJ J •-ii a i ita C» J Iolin«oii John VV Jp-likm* H' It; J-riri- v J amr* ! Jolinmn Ralph Ur plie , Jpliet K'rir Jure} Juin-a J'/Initou \S I Jonri John U Jones Ruben Kemp li Krrr \\ ilimtn Kmg*bury »' r Keein-> I nJtn< llKcll An-ir Kcaau'k Motet) Keen- > uhn . K'-h) Juan Wing U C Ktiiiuip Anlnir Unf II Hevadilen Uan! Kennedy KoM K‘-.;,rteUer Jamb Kiinry T).f>« keiuliii II K Widenour l-i»r) Kirkpatrick l*eo Keller Abraham K.n-e) Hataii'uiiSKing Rohm K«r«hßw HI. K<«r J" •i-ph 1 Knttjiji Marim i ■ K re|»a Alicli«*n l.mJ-r * " »■’• 1 ' 1 '•»" t Jl.r.c-|, f'IUMCK ... *'•«’" I' Duller I .in kin 1, l-.wrv IJ.enr/ri I-oli.«r Uro \\ L.iruiirr J j.m J.vh« Jinny l-cn l-art f> H M'V.I 1.. l)r|| KIBI.I ll Hv j l.'twinicr Jan**"* I.i ii.'h Jatui* I-oga.i A l *-!!, I. .M il<> l.y tin < .co \N I-o[iu< William J«turi I’ l^uird > Jub:i I .on* J U v|.)i \V i J. J alt 11 l.\oilG**nU I ■•■rkw.y.,l J D !-• !*> I-«tM h] ' J|,O ! Mi-l.iwiy Jvl.n .jnn». I j ' r-ii <,e*rrr I-rouaM ) V\ M \t»a« Muii«n Wit. >!.»• L4zoan ior Charles Thus Henry T TrffiWß Taylor Waller „ TiuHi John Thompson James Taylor W il T.sd«il I. W ’Hiotnpsnn W'tn Taylor David Tidball James Tbompaou Joseph I avior TliumaiTotuei Jacob Tbompsou John Papina Krnrsi Tobann ffiu Thompson '! h„» T&nUingrr Peter MirhaelTunncy Henry \anander \\ tti Vanhorn Mathew Veonoii EJtv Vandrrpool JarobVautieck’ Herman W Wubrooth Jonah White John Wintry Thomas & Walker John V White A"d’\* 2 Wilder Ja« Ward John M Whit re John Wigbunan Mmi Wahl Nafl William* J WTicoi J K Warner l.ewii U William* Robert Wilbary Jo« 1* J Wood Ps'riek William* Kvan MWilliamson Airi Wore k Reed Wilson Jaek'on C der i Worneek Win WVson Wm Wily Thos W Weinmn A Wilson Sam! Wilkinson M J 2 Ware John Wilson M. lar .d rWr.-u I) Wed* Kdwin Wilson r l< WoUlen. mil Webber Dr WiDoh Clinlo- Woai.-r Adam Well* Rev pher. a Wood Fre.i * We) miin* AVm Wilson James R Woods Joseph M Wnliin Washing-Wilaou James Wood James ton A Wilson Joseph Wood Kdsvui M VVhltnry John i Warren WoodWUl.am W bun Joseph Wil«nn l>eo A Woodward i«ru Whitmore (J Wilson Sample II Wooden II) Whi*«en Henry S Wecla John Wnj M While John Wiinian Michael Wotley Jairrt Wtulrmen M Wilt John •1 Womull A'n r White (Jeo H Wilktnaon&BarnsW'rnfht Henry While Walter R W'rmimen J W Wnrbt Henry C Whoa lCall Kin Winter Inbn PMtrburgh Ihicampment. No f. Allengbrny l.odge, No 4V; Niagara Fife Corapao) Capt *tram boat Geneva, Recruiting Sergeant; t'owun Sun. . M a Anv (ieiltlrltiftii in I'lluburgb, t.awrencevilie Dtv Son* ui Temperance N.v ¥'. I, Fon Duquenue Div Sunn Tein No 177, Day-Spring No H 7. Pittsburgh •* Nu ts Son* of Temperance, Star ol Hope Dlv Sons Tern, liuyuula Div Sun* Troj SaML ROSF.BURU l' M Pair uiv;, It, Pittsburgh. April Isih, l*4U On ihe 15th uni . Chalk* liaxtjjjrv. m the 4JJ year 01 ait age Tlie funeral will lake place tint morning ai Ino'rlk iioin bit laic reuJeme on I’snn »;reet. belWteti !.*». i'u«t aint Pine, nth Ward Tbe Irteodt o( ihc family arc in I'lleJ lo anend the funeral i *ll the Idiii March, near Wnahmgion, D C , <,f <-on tuiapi on, Julia Koai.v.oa, dr Allegheny my, ton 01 Samuel and Janr Kulnnsoii. mrnieny oi Slnppcnsburg. U7* RoßKat C WaLKtR. K* cauyet i.e taken if early npplicanon be madr and a few more paa*e'ivr-n ean be bandaomely accommodate J hy applyin- ou hoard a: Pine Street Wharf, Philadelphia- or to * KUMI'NDA SOIIDKRACo.. Dock Bt. Wharf. Philadelphia abm j*a»age SUM, wuh liberal taip i.(.17d~i . 3IIBLALD. A TRAVELING BAG AND TRUNK, the prop-ny of J Kuher, the former having ihe nuiue wi.itrai in lull, the imualt on the bra*. on the ad, when let: by permission ai a wholesale more ■*., Saturday lasi The ownrr being a lolul siranger. ha* hcen unable to t,ud oat the place. It i* rarnetil) revetted that the pro »>t,rioi oi the tmre will tend inlonuaijoii to C Unit " elb Good Intent Inn, l.ihctiy street, who i« auuion cl to pay whatever ihuy he demanded for ilie recovr '* aplTtfdt* OH. S. JH. hUANNOX WCt.M) re» ( .ecuuii) announce io the ritwen* oi i'MTkburgh. that he will rruinii) HI |htx place a ,r " day* Hi-unparulelled tucceaa in Hie treatment oi a Drre niHjorny of iho— iJiaemiei whuili h*v r ever • *ren rtgaril.'d aa mcuruble by the .nmlero uii.l more -innoiiat.ir practice, haa induced Utin to wid i o nu >l'.* car. u. me Hitncicd portion ot mankind. He ha* w.ihi.i the .ast Ic inontba itapaited murucii'u, io an ""‘“""S' *,,,5, .on i aronnu Kentucky, and Indiano. among ll.ca Bliy-iciana oi l llg U »Uii.dm K , sin! Ui'V all hear leauinoiiy of i.i-ir enure ratintiu-tiun f!e ho> uDo •ucceeded in giving permanar.t relief to nearly :«wu individual*, nuiple proof of winch lie can adduce J “ " ot Uml the ourentrat.on of the re lulu of medical re»earch emiriiMtei from one auitior lor 1.0 I,r evor mo verjod m . c ,o nft wvoW ' come far, fur short of *o bere u lc 0 n a ta*« Dr S. i Orr,, rns.joJ door |K>I l„ ,ol e , ,i„ s , n j all the (mpular and .ecret remedie. whh-li cou-.l Im outatiicd in Kiigland, Irclund, Cennany and the I ~,i, ,i State*, from those peraona who were eminent!) *uc ce«sfu| .11 curing 9U11.C (me cf the following d. Rheumauam. D}»p,p„ a . Steir an d \crvou* I a< ue, Pum* ot W oukiic •* m Uack und Joint*, )*<*rn;\ • y. Neuralgia. Spinal Affaeucna. Ep.lep.y, Toomnchc, taction* of the Mu*c!e< Weik or liiilamed Eye- I'ir*. A*Uima, Cancer. Ttii-r. Dt 0 »i I'u- s.-iciau' \ iicrrunal Disease. ;01 , . Frtnu c Dtacoaea. Ue.ieral Dctuluy, Ac For full instruclioa* for the cure o( all d..e a .r* or.*- UtnlmV Hu or cuutiug tho derangeuirnt of the ner , uu , ayitera. to that tho»e who receive mMrucUoti* r„„ art with equal athciency oa himoclt, In* charve u only ten dollar-i Dr S it furmabed wuh cerntKuie. and recnnnn-n dauoni trora the most intelligent and respectable puv tic.ant and cilitcnt of everyplace at which he hai had the pleasure of viiiim*, which he will W pleaned lo rxhibu to the iii.pretion oi any who may detire i< The ingredient* used are nlmo«t ei«-h»»i?e\y Ve ,j,. 18 talje. eject dmgly simple, and wulmi the (each u f all rerjoiu afflicted with any oi the above named di» ea»ei, would do well to call upon I)r S and U uot et fectually relieved, no remuneration will |, r renu.red aor bi- tere.ee. Hu motto m, No t’UKK, N(j Pa V Dr S. wdj remain during bit nay at the Hi . Hotel, Room No 7*l. atil' I * TIIK COURT or COAfiJoN-pa.USoaiieifce* 1 ny Cuunty, January Tarm, isutf, No. 1? Commonwealth I'enna ] tlx Kelauone ' i , > i ommitsion of Lunacy, Juinri IP Wharter. , March lU, 1«-19—FvmJ Account n f n-„. „ , and Tbomas M'Eweo, „[.k Kel»o ier, hied ami cuobrtued nui end ih* «•* i*« discharged (rota ibe trust, l»on>qytiu* htk io iiinn id tin* Weekly hitibDKh ?i 0,1 '* ,re, ‘ msec c,„.. i. .h—„ “■* ,h> '.««° ion«rmcJ • b'olaitl, bccoum „,n i„ (i Mn .11 limber dmie. u “ d d ' h ‘' ««.J Luii.Uc, ou Mouj.y tu l»M. Kn.» 4, M,i ■**» "f M*X. AD i epl7.w3iT lIIRaM miift? d ; L'-MBHOIDKKk-'Vortiea pai-r/n* for Ottoman*. IIMNDOW rl a-w , **KAal HULTZ, Frothy. | Pwiu BUM ,u. Table 1W,.. h.Teiui* Bag* wt,h \V dow ‘?. *® JU *'*• a*aorl«*tl \iie» w,,, 1 “ W ral * raa;i patterns. Also, Worsteds of ’ . 7 ' ttc ** ■*»*! for sa'e by 1 k'lcuMii and shades. It the pound, omiee. or skein, ____S i W HARBaUHH lor »*ie by apH EATON h Co. titt Fourth si 1 » anncui. nA)WKK»-ii>MW« - br' mum sate hy a[i i ? St w HARHiltnil /a Flowers, vii Plain Utsue paper .potted do. ('.ar.' O A.LTPETRE—«j *„. u t i ■ m»nr paper for coloring, Pitt Saucers LCiirti of •?«. O sale by if\ «V lorm. budr. tips, and callow, ran be obtained at apl? B A FAH.NESrOCK * Co. F H EATON fc Co » Truntmn# Si«r comer Ist and wood its ipU 4* Fourth u '•loriu Ran, \V M U AIDTiON SALES’ if ~ *“■* i F.t.rj a oath. K.nh .ir„„.«,, i '•' "'~ >J **} .-ufren-v- lor ct*b pT,t;:’;y.\*'•/*' * ir[ '_ar»—/T| pr» fl*' df-«» »)iln, 1., a , toOc pane; i ■uper !rv a lacing* intiip «:i «:-•» mere*. in pr„. & r. i -•* unuip, Funi.iute, 4r 111 l-iiiri ic-iih* * » ir» i«*baeco, th) I'Z* -p-itxii vm„u. i ,i.| l j, Vu manufactured tobsreo. I- m« \,i i bouae tiioituisea, A anil "-'ipi ~ ~• -'•■'(•ii-iii household aud kiiriieu In fn. In rr. I-. .a, •. -mi, . *i.*rr tut arc*, desk*. Ready mu. l.T>, »ls:iunt I’, r The Manager Iras the honor or announcing MRS W H l'Kls tulhl immediate!) ,n the Ea*t TiiUij*T Kvilvizm, Aran. IT— LONDON ASSURANCE Ifanie .Mr W. H. Cnip Sir Mareoun Counley Mr Archer. f has Counley Mr Prior | Murk Meddle Dunn Lady liuy Spanker Mr* W. H Crisp. orii'c lliHiiws) -Miss Porter Danre -by-- -Master Wood. To conclude with ihe laughable larce of SKETCHES IN INDIA. I‘oni Tape Mr Dunn | Sally Scragga--Mus Cruise To morrow—Cluri, or Home, Sweet Home. CIASTU.K SOAP—I 6 rasea M&rveillea, ju»i recM . and tor -Mile by spIT H A FAHNESTOCK A Co JAMAICA <• I Nil EK—t! t>bia jun re*''il and for sale > ) -l‘> : B A FAHNESTOCK A Co /UK HIM. \|. Jutl (T il ami lor sale by ai-lT J KIDD A Co 1 >uv\'DKKi.l) I.AMUOCE-Jusi received and ior A wlei'l »|'IT , J KIDD ACo / M'UI'F.K - l>l N< -1 .A SS - Ju-1 rec'd and for sale oy V. *l’ i: _J KIDD A Co 4 Mi-'RU'A N iSINOI. ASS - Jun rec'd and lor suit ■A l‘> »i>IT J KIDD ACo /'AMr > W ILK h I.OU ER>--J a»i rec 'd aud for sale V/J’) _J*pjT J KIDD A Cl. SIARCH - A good artu lr, just rcc d and for sale l-> HP T s KIDD A Co Wickham C J. Y Young Peter Initials. HACoN- 10,WW ll>* piioie Bacon, hog round, for tale by apl4 J S DILWORTH A Co HOPS— ‘At bales Ohio Hopt, for tale hy «PH J S tULWORTH A Co IARD I*J bb.* No l Lard, for sale by J “l‘U i S DILWORTH ACo / \W.NER WANTED—For d bhds Tobacco, mkd \ / Diuinond A. rer'd pet *Unr Telegraph No 1 GEO H MILTENUEUGKU, “P u *7 Front at D HI 1.1) A I’PI.ES -a o bush just arrived, for »ule by «I»»H RHKY. MATTHEWS A Co / IRKA M ''lll.t^K—ss bxs ;u»[ rec d per «uur Lake V_/ Knc and lor sale hy JB CANFIELD, apld \Yatet »U between Smitlilien) and Wood (t* >I)FIM||— 3 drums Codfish, for s iU l.y J "P ia . _ _J S DILWORTH ACo sJ 'ii- Molasses—a j hbta s 11 hioias.e*, unJm, tj. (rorn stmr Winfield Seoli and for sole by - V. u _ _ JAMES DaLZEI.L. water «| Plantation molasse»-«i.i* n nmi«m Molasac.*-. landing fiom stmr W’mlield Scon, and ,or •’»*« »*y W A M MITCH KI.TREE, “P l 3 160 liberty »t / 10l TUN-36 bales good Weti Tenncaace Cotton V.' lor sale by upl3 WIST. BOWEN, 50 From st JINSEI.D OIL ‘il hbU L.nseed (hi, iot hud* old crop N O Sugar kjj 11. sale hy apl.J WKS’f. BOWEN CIIIKESi; 5h hx« now landing; for sale u.y . ’ ISAIAH WCIiKY A Co, From e-, HOPS— lu hale, .u sture, for *alc hy -‘P 13 - . ISAIAH WOKEV ICo -yy-oon-. b„„ w.. hl „ K , ou , fo ,„„ —■ y Jt R FLOVD / IUITO.V-,; „,^ ow - , ii- 1 *!!.. L**AIAII WCKEV A S. From „ L- fa thers, m .l ,„ lc -- ■ r “ ,H ISAIA H HICKEY 4f. w n o JA K Fl.i 1 1 U, Raund Church Huildmvt U »«- v.n^rT f ~d^'.,nwArpTr A- “«“! and for sale l.y ttr u JARFUovS an hhl, W, > oKaf (0I * , M . JAR FLOVD Sh dSH do S.drs, 'gTJdo imi snft “ ,rt ’ eJ ,h “ boat Washing, 'on.andtorsae l.y _ aplj JAR FLOVD Dry Appic. •teamhoai; 1-do ior.-i • lbU Jo -canal boat Washington, and 8,0 uv »P« 4 J A K FLOYD THERB—4 -ks Feaiher*. per canal boat W»U- X. iiiglon. tor sale hy apl4 JAB KLoYD riHFAF WATCIIIS-J,., \J Oieniol ihc cheapest mU and «lvrr Uya- \\ aich c* *ver offered in my AUy my spntl g tlotk 0( a, c fr^ ett quality gold aad ft!** w *»cu«a, Jewell) Ware.MlhUUJI Lumps Ac Ac w VV l WIU^N, coruef and M»rket «i» OKU* W. SMITH * OOn iNFOILM iboir Irurnd* and the public Lhalthey bava Ho lunger any conireriion with their late establish ment In I’cun iireen, known u* :bc Pittsburgh Brewery, having removed ihcir enlire bu*ine«* lo ihe POINT UKKWF.KV. m P1 Mlbvht, corner ot 4th and Mattel sh>. Pittahurgh, ba* re ceived ln« hr«t supply o! Spring and Summer Goods, and riviir* weichaui* lo look at Lis atoi k Price* low Wholesale Room* up stairs- entrance from 4lh at By John D. Davt N A«eUoai«r. - ,*■% flag »-ik ‘ftswla >-.0 Kai«i vieirna*, l»Oie» 4* \ir c*>b*ner«i, »n.l wuOinv ho v ■. .viu.f l*. ribbon*, •■hoe •-[‘rtUnr clotlil, ca»«i A. T !t.ri ■ e,. ,1 i I -iivcr watches, cul *■•l *"°J. Ae. apl? AMUSEMEM& THEATRE Lease* end Uanager AiTi.lu *.ib Snot Ma.Vauxi C. S. Porter. •'V H Uaitr l.;i»i MjiMoi London Assurance •Mr IV. H Crnp in the character of Dazzle KXPRKkS HACKKT LIflK, FOR PIULADKLPHIA AND BALTIMORE, . Exclusively for Passenger* —Tlie Boata of this Line will leave ,v.n at U o'clock at night Keutucky—Capt H Truby, Moudav, April 16 Louisiana —Capt J P Thompson. Tueuday I? Indiana— P Burkcy, Wednesday, IS Utuo—A Craig, Thursday, ID. Kentucky —H Truby. Friday. W Louisiana—J P Thompson, Saturday, il Indiana—l’ Burley. Sunday. W Ohio--A Craig. Mifnduy. tCI. Kentucky—ll Truby, Tuesday, U 4 l-ouisiana— J H Thoinpeou. Wednesday. 25 Indiana—-P Burkey, Thursday. S 3. Uluo—Capt. A Craig, Friday, at 7 Kentucky— M Tniby. Ba.unlay. Ha Louisiana—J P Thompson, Sunday. 29 For puKsage apply to W SUTCH. Mononeahela Hou-*r, apl*> or D LRECH A Co. Canal Uaua VTFW COMBS—At ZFBLLON lUN9EVS, 61 Mar i> ket street— | doz very high back Shell Tuck Combs; :s medium " V low •• plain high li narrow beaded lop 6o lancy top UutTaio ** lu - plain tsi gross com Horn, 3u dor shell side, assorted si zes; 3o gross com hora Side; 3 doz shell dresaing do; 111 doz Buffalo do do; 4 do Imitation do do; 60 do best English Horn, tl do S S S hue Ivory, extra size; Ifl do J* Bdo do, in boxes, I*4 gross fine do do; ldo comb Cleanera. t piodo store, whore he i« prttyfcreiTto serve his rusiomers wiilt work mudn in the inie-ai ami most fashionable style oplQ;4 MRS MARSH'S NEW NOVEL—Mordaunt Hail; or a Sepieml>er Night; by the author of ''Two old men's tale.*." "Emilia Wyndbani,” *■AnlreU•, , * etc. Just rec'd bv JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, iipUi.dAwT corner Market and 3d »t» I>RASS CANDI.KS'riCKS-Just reeMved. m me J ) h.|.n oi tne Plane and Saw. a splendid nosorimeul oi Braa» Candlestick*, of variou* kinds. For sale by apt# lIUHER A LAUFMAN. Ta wood «t ROLL BLTTKR— It! fresh Roll Butter, rac’d and for sale by ROUT DALZF.LL A Co, aplfl Liberty si SA I.KRATUS—IOO bxs landing and in Mote; fot sate by upia RuBT DALZEI.L k Co OIL MEAL—t*d «ks Oil Meal, per caual boat Hibcr, nia. received ami tor salp by aplfi SAW HARUAI till lI.NSKKU —db Linseed Oil, per canal boat llt- J lirrnia. received and for sale by spill SAW HA&BAUUII SUGAR CURED HAMS AND BEEF—SO tea Evan* A Swill S C Hams, very choice, Z 7 tc* do do Dri ed Beef Kouud*. choice, just rec’d fromCiucinnau and for _ japlS SELLERS A NICOLS BACON —lUU.UOU lh* llama. Sides and Shoulders, in tuoke house and in csks, pTOSe qualm-, for aale by _*pie SELLERS A NICOL 9 MESS PORK-7 bbl* m store and for tale by aplft _ SELLERS A NJCOLS tMNE FIAJU R— 3h bid* of excellent quality, just re ceived mid for tule l.y SELLERS A NICoI.S LA Rl> Oil. —lO bbl* No 1, ju«t rec’d and for sale by »!*IO SELLERS A NICOLB Cll'l NTRY BACON— We have a few choice lota of J country cured Uacun for sale »M| MHifLLS A ROE DRIED PEACHES and APPLES for tale. J*P»4 __ MtiILLS A ROE_ ROLL BL rTLK- ’i bl>L, and hu bxs Cheese, juat rec’d per suht Michigan and lor tale by apl» JB CANFIELD ROLL BUTTER—IO bbls Roll Butler, jqsi rec’d and for sale by apH J S DILWORTH ACo TtAR—3O bbls North Caroliuu Tar, tor sale by A »pl 4 JBDIL WORTH ACo ■ , STEAM BOATS CnfCIBBA'n dfc PITTSBURGH iiSifc .fifc DAILV PACKET LINE. rpHIS well hqowttilqe of splendid pasjeager Sieua. i' er* is sow composed of iba lnrgeit-swiftest, bes finished and furnished, and must powerful boats on t&a waters ot the Weal. Every aeooßUßodatisa and cob fort that moueT can procure, has heed provided far pas. »«-uger» The lint h»» oeemn operation for five yean nu» carried a million of people without the least bye* rv to their persons. The boat* will be at the foot of Wood street the dayprevtoo* to starling, for the recap* Hon of freight snd the entry of passenger* on the trait* ler In all cases tbe iia****-'- money must bo paid IS suvanre. SUNDAY PACKET. ' The Isaac MiWTON, Captain Hemphill, will ie «ve Pittsburgh evrrv Sun.lsy uiurmm; at 111 o’cloek; Wheeling every SuuJa} cvoi.mr at IU r u May va, ISI7. SUNDAY PACKET. The MuNu.v. aiikla. t'apt srt..-nt, w,ii leave Pitt sburgh every Monday mornt'ir at ttf o'clock; \Vhoeling every Mouday evemug at lu r. m. TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBKKNIA No % J Kin era yes *etli l-ave Pittsburgh every Tuesday ino ruing at lo cTdlpck- Wheeling every Tuesday evening at IDr. u. * WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NK'V ENGLAND No. Si, Capi. a. Dzav, will l-avr pnwburgh every Wednesday inoming at IDs o clock, Wheeling every Wednesday evening at )bp. m THURSDAY PACKET. The BRILLIANT, Capt. GasCK, will leave pin** burgh every Thursday morning at 10o'clock, Wheel ia* t wr> Thursday evening ui I>| t*. K. FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. si. Cape l v ass Dmi, wilUeava Pittsburgh every Fnday morning at lOu'cloefcj Whee* lint every Today evening at 1U ku. SATURDAY PACKET. Tlie MESSKMIKB No si, CapL Woudwskds willllsave Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at lo oMlOok Wheeling every Saturday caning at 10 r. M. NKW IJKDoN AND DAILY UNK OF CANAL AND STEAM. PACKETS, -jgga frtA st-asdOW,} leaves Pittsburgh daily, all) o'clock, A. M.,nnd ar rtves at Glasgow, (inouih ot the-Sandy and Beaver Ca nal,) at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at W> same night Leaves New Li»LUbllo■ third ot tiie ll patronage. AUTHORIZED AGENTS. G M. HARTCN, 1 SAW HARBAUGH, JnwttaifE tt. HANNA,*C O . l w ... ajyil tf J iL\HBAL r Gll AOo J ««W LiabOft. NOTICE—The sieamer LEAVER, CR. CUrta.-nua ter, will leu ve after this notice, for vV ellsvillo paoeta ally, in tbe morning. jelS _ ■■ ■ ■ BCSMfiR AB.HAJSGBMJEffT& for 1840. MONONUAHKLA route. Only 73 Mllei Bta>| D (. Via Brownsville uud Cumberland to Ualriroore and • Philadelphia r I'HK splendid and Inst running l 5 Mail steamers 1 ATLANTIC. t'apt J Parkinsou; BALTIC, Cmpt A Jacob*; LOCIB M‘LANI-1, Capt K, Bennett; are now making double daily trips between i PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE, The morning boat. wfU • leave the Montsaffhela Wharf, above the Bridge, daily at S o’clock preettblr Passengers will take SUPERB CO A C UE&tX Browns ville, at 3 o’clock, P. the splendid can oi tha Baltimore and Oliio Kailroail, at Cumberland,; at 9 o’clock, A. M-, and arrive in Baltimore the tuns even* in*, in tune tor the eveniug line to Philadelphia and Washington city. Prom Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only 22 hours. , Fore f 10.00 Prom Pmsbargh to Philadelphia, only <0 hours Fare SW,OO The evening boat will leave at 6 o’clock, ejcepdSun day evening* Passengers by this boat will lodge on board in comfortable Soaie Rooms thr Urn night, pasa over the mountains the loliovring day in Eastern buili Coaches, and lodge the second night in Cumberland. Passengers have choice of either Steamboats!- Bail Road between Baltimore nod Philadelphia, «hd tho privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore, and resuming their scats at pleasure. Coaches char tered to pn/ur* to travel as they please. We make up the loads and way bills for (he Coach es in vlte Puutiargb offices, (in order to save on arriving at u is therefore important tor passenger* to get their ticket* before going ofl board of thr boat, at our office, Monongaheia House? Water street, or i-t Charles Hotel, Wood at, Pittsburgh apiulllru J. MEHKIMKN, Agam Pltuburgh M. Louiirllli Packet T-f Pr-i FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. >w The splendid uew steamer i TKLKOHAPII No, 1, nwcEMfltt Hnslep, master, will leave for *bor* mtemediato porta o a Taaa day, l?lh last, at 10 o’clock a. U. For freight or passage appiv on board, or BuftBRJDOE, WILSON & Ca apl4 GEO B HILTENBfiftGEIL PITTSBURGH AND LOUI9VILUi2 PACKET LINK iv The new and tpiendld fartpawen f Iw Iri.nrfr ffeT packet, _J2SsS523b_.. TELEGRAPH No. s. srTSS"° o “'r u r;,'., w 'r'si GEO B 4ULTENBERGER. : i«is UTUIe **• *••«*■ p*ck*» tiß.. 1849 ‘ I*4®. REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET TOR ST- &OUIS k Tl»o lino I’ml mjuiiog puaento I JMihUilhV *‘P«ner ATLANTIS. W Wick*, mMler, will )eava d»e aboT* *nd uuermwliato Mrti every Tuesday, at 10 o’clock, *. M. For freifbi or rasiaro apply on board, or lo t E. C\ KJNO, N 0.453 Cora. Row. Looivtui*. REGULAR SATURDAY RACKET FOR ST. LOUIS jv The &ue (jut rimnin* Mattwer [Jk- | V Tf -JS mamer UEN. LaNR McPherkon, nailer, wilVletve for above end Intermediate pone eve ry Saturday, at 10 o'clock, p. h. c” v For freight or passage apply on Loan!, or to K. C. KIXO, No 153 Com. Row. LonirnJla tor wabasii 1 n ° a lf * l Bta "* ne»da)’, the 1-th mm, at lu o'clock. * m Fbr freight or pioaatt, apply to _ IT UfcX) U MILTENBEBOER^Aip FOR ST LOUli <+&**» K Tlio tplendid iieamer llkjo-jrfi „„„ . FAIRMOUNT, AV Kbbcrt, muter, will |e«te (or For freight or paaaaye apply oir board ,p|- TOH VV HKKLLNG AND SUNFISM. MM** K Tt,e fine «teamcr ijf- f- -nff CINDERELLA, eor p P CwOicroi*, muter, ‘♦i3 j #tTe ■■■"“■■for above and Moiidiyaand Thoredaya, otlO * m *** * wn> ®° For freight or pmago, apply oo i,p 17 FOR * «S3Hfc'hi ,k "WI lox for ih„ J.V, tko. 17lh itlU.i " "C d“" PO, “ “° «■'• l-OK MARIETTA ANII RANESVIIiE.'' •**»■**— The fine iteararr FOR ST. LOUIty k The Rplcndnl steamer MU . n SCHUYLKILL, i —gecaattßa >» »' ilUasts, enjutcr. will UmUioiiU and ititnnnediaic pom this day Ittth mat, at « o'clock, r *. For freight or paaaorc apply m board, or ttTf . •P ,s _ _ -.-FCTTIORRWA'C^Ayta FUR NEW ORLEANS, jftztcw* tv, The fplendid •(earner . - Uk-4 ffff Jj Winfield scon:; Alex. Devioney, m»w*r, will leave abovt and Hrte mediate! porta Uiia day, lGih mat, ai 10 o'clock, 4 s P For freight or pa*sage r apply on board or « ' _ apld cm ' FOR ST. EpDIS. ; , /rtroy- The »nlcn4i*luew v JA.MI7S MIIXINOiSL ' v B NortuL, maifffr, will. JAftre far above and iu*-raedi*» ppru on t- l r ' , ‘ ,hw * { ’* l *o'vlmA,r a. ‘ f 7 w Fur freight or paitage apply on board, or to *£ls YVmpHF.W A Co, Agema RKgULAB XANESYILLE PACKET. ifiTm -(v The fits sunnier LiV, ALlffiar JKNNYLYNB, mnsler, will ruo u a rer war*l f: fm ckej betWtt* Pini