THE HTTBBURGH GAZETTE' PUBLIStfKD BV WIHTEA CO PITTBBiafIUi SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 14. 1849. |J7*Tna Prmucßon D*ai Gazcrri I* published o*nV|Tn-We«kly, and Weekly.—The Daiiy is Seven Dalian per ertnara; the Tn- Weekly is Vive Dollars per '•anax&i the Weekly itTVo Doliariper annam, itrictfp • sdKvt. |]TAomttnU = t eame'tly fcqoerted to hand in ■h3f favors before A p m~ and a* early in the day w araoucoble. AdveniM-mrut* not iii«ei'.ec«’ '-■'O. Men Who are interested will do the lab >r o! opening the vein, which preaan'K .w tine & -urfnce appearsuce as My found :n the c-ouiitrv. Capt. Edward Jen nings is president c! the company Some very fine specimiiiaot copper Dave recent ly been taken from itNi new vein i mhJ on the Ea« gie river location. This formerly tielonged to the Id Lake Superior Company,but is .»ow owned by a new company, composed m port of the stockhol ders oft be old. Tbe facilities for reaching the-e mines the next season are to be increased. The Napoleon.which n now fitting up as a propeller, is a fine ms boat, and will have moat comfortable accommodations for passengers Tbe Independence i* undergoing re pairs, aod will bo ready to resume her trip* on the Opertrihg of navigation. These two ve-sels, run ning in connexion will atTord all toe accommoda tion needed for the business and travel above Saut Ste Mane. —AVv York Raiirwiti and Mining JoumaL Sews from California. The Baftiraore Clipper furnish?* a lejter from Mr. H. N. Harmon to hi*brother in Baltimore, dated San Frnncucj, February n.J r wh'cn give* the * lowing interesting tateiliicuce from'.bo mines: New discoveries are being made every day, t may tay,within the last month, tmtwithstanding the bad stale of the weather at (he digg mgs, a* they are called, new rnlnea have been discovered, stir* jUMtng all heretofore, in richness an d prolusion— and it u said that m these new places of deposits. bibs have dug and washed a thousand, dollars in a day—and this is not at all improbable, wonderful, or surprising, as it may seem. 1 saw a piece.of gold, mingled with white Stone, the other day. that weighed about 46 ounces, and was purchased by a navy officer for $5OO. Bwasrenllya curiosity, and as such intended for some institute in the Stataa . 1 have aeon other rare and beautiful speci mens of pare lump gold of an oval form, the size of an egg; some of these have been lately despatched to the States. It would seem a strange sight to yon to go about in the different stores, and tee all dealing in this p'ectous oddity of a leath er pouch held by one per Kin pouring out the dnti into a scale, and another with a vfrooa, nicely h#l* 1 analog It. Yea seldom bear the ofc-nn; gold dust is the circulating medium— although within the last month probably more thno g2od 000 in coin hare been brought here from barlow tor the par chase of the dust, by speculator'' l* '* noW •cU , °g for $l5 the ouoce; still the du*l it» the tender. Ow* iog to the inclemency of the season, there has been but little digging at the mines since the early part of December, but at some of the forks they hare been digging with great*ucce>s In about a month bence the excitement will >—ipn w ill an in* create ofaome 1,500 new of every nation; and they are still corning, all bound for tfrf mines—wives, children, and —to combat with toil,sickness, han!ahip*,and danger, m k*-o»re their fortune* That they may get, but with the bss of health to eojov it. It is «trnng« t.. s**e what Will be lendured—what suffering will»-? encouo tered —for the sake of this tempting da.-(. Within the last month upwards of 500 strangers have arrived here, and are fitting out. for the tnioei -and it is said that numbers beside* are on tbier way In different vesscU from Valparaiso. CalKo, and other porta. The town is literally crammed, and every house, private and public, is full. Where all get accommodated I do not Know; and if there are 30,000 more on their way [rom the States, 04 U is reported, it is difficult to «*;ty what will be done; Bat one thing tint ia for-imei-, provisions are plenty at present, that .is, ii . there t* reason yet to hoj e for it» temporary prolongation from tnooth to month. In Hungary, fire and sword are St.ll at work. In Cenirai Germany there are movements which shoiv a revival il the dream of nationality, and unmutakable haired of Russia. I which may lead tnsorpe m poitaotdemonstralious. an tp.nt coni one*, which promises to teach the King ol Naples anew le-«on, and Hol'nnd has Ix-en startled by the somewhat Midden deoth . I her sovereign. Frnnce alone, in the mid»l cf all iheßC things.'supplies the lighter mgredienld that are aecensary to qualify them Copceftsand Imlfe. nnd denuucia'ioo* against per sons suspected of republican tendeccie*. happily constiiuie the great business of that republ.u. THE -WAR IS ITALY The Sardinian* nave moved on Lombardy wiltt all the ardor they exhib.trd M»t year. Nrmce was deni to Radetsky. at Milan, that on the -l»t in stant the struggle, would wain (vttimem'e. His reply wai n proclamau- .t to hu *-j.dmrv that in a few monlbs tltey would lx* with turn, dictating terms in the capital ol Charte * A hurt. Ihe Sar dinian army, consisting ot titty or sixty mousand min, ha# commenced 'ls marcli. Toe King uc comnumes it, but wisely abstains from the com mand. This he ha* conferred on u Polish Irene rel. As a last act, prior to the commencement of blows, the Sardinian Government have issued a manifesto. In this they discard the doctrine that 1 Italy 1" to lie subject to foreign masters merely be cause certain power* n Iblf) chose to decide that : such should he her fate; while nt the same tune they dexterously point out that even if the : treaties of lb If) wore irreversible, th.e Austrian (rOvernment couid at uil event*, nave found no cl&un upon them, since Austria several years hack violated them reckie«*iy. and entirety in ine occu pation ot Cracow. Tne hearts «'{.U. me nn.l Tus cany are of course with Sardinia, hut beyond good wishes these stales i.Krlyioc intmte noth ing. Indeed their ia»h unciscipbired levies will do more harm than good Meauwh-'e every Ital ian cittxea in Lombardy is now htl e better tnan aa actual prisoner, (goaded by a.; me sign* ot their being tn a hostile country, where every liv idg crealdxe, man. woman and cniii! would strike them if they dared, the Austrians i-sne in each of the towns proclamations threatening to death the I firfet perspn who may make the slightest itidica : lion of sympathy for hi* advancing countrymen | Executions likewise still continue of nil who are found with arms- A more pitiable condtion than that in which the inhabitants are now placed, can 1 scarcely be conceived. Deprived ot every wea pon, and utterly helpless, the people who a year ago drove Radetsky precipitately before them, dare not now, on pain of death, appear even in their own streets after nightfall. A& lorg as this can be maintained, it will be ternbiy effective.— Should the war, however, by any p- .s-tM-ty' turn in favor of Cnarle* Albert, toe results ol the pent up vengeance that w ill then be let loose, muy form 1 a fearful chapter. During all this tune the Pope, tne King of i Naples atill devoutly at his leet. continues to send forth from Gaeia his wretched protests scams! fv |ry act of the Unman Government. t' n the other I hand Rujcod., the tnreign m tr«'or ot that Govern- I meat, has addressed a note t;» a- the European ' powers, pointing to the efforts made to induce the ! Pope to return to hisdiities. and to! tie lutlhal the I republic, which wm constituted only after his de ! fcertson of bis people, bad riot c-o' 1 ' hitherto pre served tlseir without anarchy but w •iiiout the possi bility of any of i-» calmnniaiors accusing it ot the “least reprehensible act" th>». however the English press continue to t \'k <>( th folliesaod “cn roes’" of the Roman 1 f-jvrrrm-ri*. and the genera] feeling of the coovrvi" v-» 'hi.- epuntry is consequently one of hoitf u, t • ut th Excesses which they picture to ih-.ii-r'vr* o- the results of lia'iao liberation That f ' r« a - . ..rime* were to be expected from a pc rpte »-3 degrade opou their being deserted by a man wno tirst reu - ed the*'r hope* -tod ’aai; f*t Hvetn io do«y the Au». triaos. was lut v to hr «-xpee ed but s.t’.ioiigh ex pesses way yet be i.h-c'.! lor i“ r--e are certainly none upoo record up to the prose ir.a '.here ts no improvement. Treachery and *;a ig f 'ter »• til mar* bet progress. When 1 hist wmir the U el. eietle ! by the pe**ple to frame the conHitutioo. were *n;; aiUmg at Kremsier. alibnuih. ol o-wrse it was fee that they were merely tolerated mid ibat at any moment the Imperial ministers tnpi*ee them under ihe custodyof a regiment erf <:rngooiis. Since then the farce has been opemy sei *»*‘de On tho 7th of March a constitution ready made. was promulgated aud Rie Diet dissolved. It is true that superficially the jr vuur.n> of this constitution are Übertl eamigh. bui although l pro pose to give you a short summary of Us loading point*, (the document itself i* extremely ioog) mere is a rtrong reason trhich mates me feel it la scarcely wont, —h.l* Iu .i«* «o> If the thing wretv issued in good laiih.iU appearabtfs would bo. one of the moat important events mat cooui have hap* peoed in Europe, hut although iho V.euoese re ceived it with great joy, and even got up an ilium* tnatiOQ on account of t. ao uue wuo I.i* calmly Watched me course c.f in- reactionary g > comment* during the pa>t year ;ile!■ »r a moment deluded in’O the bolief ibat In err is the d-g Me-f intention ot regarding the new cuarler as h 1. tiding one. the moiueot it shall be found to pr-**-n: any .ruped:- ment however slight to the Einp-r * or of his gen erals. Tne adhesion on it«e pari . Austria lo the Frankfort Assembly, and u.e r,M.v. A au.>r. of the Diet at Vienna, afierward-tran-ferred io Kr-msier, which has just been broken up. were just aa sol emnly put forth as the present I'tuisliiutioo, and this will n the same wav be to-ed as long a* it may serve iu cajole the jwopie sod also the various |*oweri( of Eur-pe, and it will then with uncoocealed insolence be tossed to the winds. Even in the very protnulfr.tion ot tms document, lb* treachery which is inseparable .Tom evory act of Austrian n; e was sirtkinglv ex-tmpl hcd. N» jtooner was the c«-n«t.Union declared ;md the l>et suddenly dissolved than seyrrn! member', whose persem- were .nr.'dab’e wbil -thev were Ideputie*. were m«tan ly arresled '>n var.ou* cr.arge* ion nee ted with the liberal m°v«tuen'.s oi Ito past year Some lew ot their culleafi*-. w l . had become aware of the plot t.ifc. 1a..1 b;, t c i.miwror. con* trived to make their e-*car>e The following aro the chiel point* <■>• the const,* tutiqn 1. Pfirtical rights are lo lie .ndep-oiienllol rei>g ious creed.*. 2. Freedom for a'l religious *?<*!«: t'T dome** tic education. XnLonal schools l<> K e establisned. “The stale to have supreme control over the affair* of instruction aud education."' 3. Freedom of the press. So censorship ‘'Re pressive laws in be framed against abuses." *4. A law of nabeas corpus Inviolability of pn vate residences and correspondence. These privi leges to be suspended m case of war or of “di*tiir. bances in the interior of the country 6 Tbe constituton lonnply folk- to ail countries of the Empire. The whole' Euipir- to form one •ingle -area, without distinction in customs due* Or commerce. "A slave Iwenmes fr— on touch ing Au>tnan sub'’ All puiz-p* r pul before the law. 7. Diet, to conH>t of two bou>e*. to meet at Vi* enna every year. Tne upper non-** to c.-usivt of members chosen by tbe province* from the Provin cial diets. They must be -JO year* of age. and iti Certain specified case, most pay a» l-a*t ?250 per annum in dire :t taxes. The lower h ;u-c is to con sist of one deputy to cacti IOfI.QOO viuiv The qualification of voters to con*.»t m tn- payment uf annual tnxn* ranging from $1 -V) to $10 — according to tbe district. The voting - • > be piVie. Tbe mender* of the lower house are to receive pay mentjand they most be 30yearsofa?**. The upper house to l»e elected for 10 years, the ’ .ver for The siuiogs to be public, but eacn bou*o may resolve itself into necret committee. Ministers to have the right of attending the Diet nther in p-r -soo or by deputy, but not to vote ui..e»» they are members. In matters ofcivil and crmnnl ; Hinga fy and Austria to be legislated for by tn- r .-a-i, , Diets Provincial constitution of Lombardy ;nd Venice aod their relations to the Empire lu . c ur* j ranged by a apectsl statute. , y Each country of the Empire t/, Ire ni* I led by a lifulrr.ant, u> be nominate I i>v the urn- I peror. 10. Open courts. Judges to b= irn-u. iv-al/c 11. A Supreme Court to b- < ‘utc-j m decide between the Er. ; , o „: t .l thi provinces, and in case of ~t Ministers of the Empire and also ui cate* ol ireu tou. 12. Till this constitution and it,- organic laws to be consequent upon it shall he brought iato ac Don, decrees to be issued by the Emperor in coun- When it is observed from the above that the slate u lo have the supreme control over the public affairs of instruction and educatiooj lhat the mAst important clause* are t > be suspended In case of disturbance* >o the inte:io» of the coun try, Iso that the Emperor has on'y to lomeot a paltry police squabble in any part ol his vast and heterogeneous dominions to get rd of oil incon .vcnieoee ftom them ) and thai unt.i tne entire con stitution can be brought into operation the Emper or is to govern by arbitrary decrees, it will strike tnost j>er»on* thul the whole affair is merely a trick lo recover the absolute nower which wns given up last March only *n fright. Be this as it mav, how ever, the present example of the King of Naples, now in close brotherhood with the Emperor of Austria, wit! show the value of grant* of this kind from kings who are backed by troop*. The Cham ber at Naples a few weeks ago pu»*ed. by on overwhelming majority, a vote of went of confi jtencu in bis Majesty’s Minister*. The Ministers Still remain, and the Deputies were only not dis* missed t>ecauBe the city was well fortified and they could do n,o barm, permitted to tneet *pd amuse themselves, they gave the king an opportunity of challenging foreign powers to •sy that he was not keeping his word or giving ibe consiuuU.'Q a fair triaL Today we learn, how ever, that the mask has been thrown off and that ibe chsmbe/s were dissolved on the 13th instant, the Sing being evidently afraid to tolerate their existence under the. new exditement caaftfd by tbo advance of the Sordini cos into Lonfbordy Fiom HuSgary we are sti'l w-tnout •*• y reuable account*, an th*- Au-trian piper* are for- .den lo publisa anv news oti.e. ttum want i» luuw&bcd tbfcm by the Imperial C»r ner-la. Tre how* ever aood reis/i) to su». ec' that tne it-veraesol the Emperor * troon* B rr by n't means slight or hr frequent. Gfrour*e ii.udt cf the ht-pesof the >ardimana depends np.-n the successes of the Magyars, and it ,* «... u t ; -r\l*Cbari~. Albert and Kossuth have lamiy be* n -it con*ta it correspond- ' ecce. In the 'erectly o*’ !:••* nroclamatiops Wind* j uct-gratz :n Hungary wnM i ies K> rival RadeUkv in Lombardy. He ha* jum i*:tued a notice at Budu that ah inhabitants boding communication with the insurgents will be puf to Heath. At Vienna, also, arrests com mue under Mnr»hai Welden. Dr. FiscectT. a man who by bis modes t»on as pre-ident of the f irmepy existing committee cf public safety had preserved order and created confidence, has upon some unexpia.ued charge teen thrown into prisou. The English and Frenca admirals arrived at Pa lerruo frviri Napie* on the 6ib in*tan!. with such terms as 'ns K'ftg of Naples had tiy their meditation at length mm.e up his :n ,i ( | u> oder. Their exact nature has r.ot transpired, but according to the last accounts it was believed *t Palermo iliat ibey con tained some inifionaat ii-v' 4 M,.ns from the consti tution of l w ;'2. by wmch di- :• Lilian* are deter mined (o abide. T.iat soon ,> the case may also be inferred ironi t*ie iicm.- o' a crn*tnution for Sicily whicn tne Ru,; <>i Na pies accord. ng to the ' fashion ol Ins class, has ju«- j ir.|.«hed Tne Sin - jan* howe. er mamiaia their courage, and wi l cer tain v r.ol submit to be cheated. It is woniiy ol .remark that Uc instances of und Hungary furnistt examples ol glaring disregard of *oi**tnn pledges and nueient rights, on the pnrt of >he Kmtr ol Naples and the ii:nper.»r of Austria, whu-n me altogether without parallel. No London Cnart"ts eVe: maoilestcd n more lhorougb d -regard ol everything like law or usage than has been d’s played by these conservative monarch*. KRAMT I have mentioned lhai, in Paris, music and danc ing. pastry and fioe jewels are bringing the people back to h consciousness .-f their trae element U romains to be reen whether this will be disturbed by the movement nf Charles A'bert in Italy. A law lor the suppress:. <■ of the Parisian clubs ha« been passed in ine A.»*emb.y. bv a majiriiy ol l' l rui --'a. Iteriui mul we iimr lute . ; ihe proceed ,c- iu- a*-**i• i' 11 v. The *iute ol siege confnurK. but n is v.-ry mMco-nt imcn liial which bears ti:e s.ii'ic name «: • t’lui i Tuc coin'cinpii led ('••h'hru: ona ~t; |nc anir t ersury >1 l'iel’' i ii o! Marc'li were not i- uni.led l• y <.■ e .tuii»or:tic«. but thu was no more i-’.-m a iintural prccaulioo. and U|v: n l:ic who e (here so l appear* giv'd rea son lo hope lint! the loundni u ol rca! treedom if. lieriiiiiny !is» !*een peiHi&nei)t:y laid m ili:*quar* ter. !.i the pAiliaineiil at Frankfort the paohnble movements of Russia ure the subject of anger aud excitement. Ausina i* also readersd unpooular bv her suspected alliance with that power. Under these circumstances n motion is now being discuss ed for the offer of the herditary Impelled crowu to the King of Prussia, leaving Austria to ber seil, *-rctH9 likriy to l*e passed by a large majority. The King of Holland died on the 1 diti msiau!, ,n hi* f>7th year, of inttamalion of the longs, (or of the blood letting which was to save him for this seems to have been severe 1 He wuce ol Welling ton and was wound*-! Wr'-iiou. He a*»:ended the throne 9 years l-u.-L'. '. * lathers »h.l csfon 1 a-,d whe-i his lamer ..u-c nc ,« iuider*io. J t.- have nhcriicd J-O.ODd.dtM) In he marred, the • »>r of the present b.*iv e ti*» have n<( nu»--!i ■■ frr«‘ The i~ -« reij-ognl for l fir rrjH* • i •>>•• •.i !«w» la 'i;>r*rrh<*nd ■ r than ,1 Oiw>n i'. w«i» a ip'ii:- i rearfma. : f - b i| w .1 1 - ti ii oi,; l.,im :n «' • « -r,- 1 V* >u. <-ii (be scr-'Hu re*,! ; ■r'i'-c 26$ ag».u*i r — t. >—a result hd* Liken ".cry burin* ihr .*•’ u u: itu' .. un« the mu<«> u-nith are i'on*«antiy n 'r**. , rair-.>n to hrm* 'he (/ Ctiuron .!■•*> -re-puir Tnrv wrr n i le«« !. h .m three in num •** 1 :nr-l w«. an *_- t T»i A V»"-« C"* p ‘ • • »■ I ■' • I *a-)m in*J l;o.'y « iJr p » •• •: ~r. n: *e ;*l mam-*** il? »...,! 1 whom nt. Ueul>«rvei/ cn*u - vr t. ... • e ffroonJ (root ary n ter nod bn', iij It.'Ti'.' ■<;■■■• et vnn-m ha 1 . -v t>onsl«i‘ lhat In' "tuu mane a ~rl:n*fnrn' t an .. » I nfill But w:|<\ and if-.'.Hr (.U.n'.'l i-'i. .] n-x i-1 » copper ''ll ‘ TVe «. «'o|l -J Wn» 3r. feed ■>! \U rll *1 our»*' ij! w i.ctt upp .c.iMe -n . per • nrn-i : . tu* ..nnux i-jr i, and tn..« u-wl-r the •• .o i h- * j- w r.-,v • wmcti i* aXirden to sin '--q a war-ied „’«o lo di**eni.’ one w ncard n.m •ici-ms'e thr iv.-tu> .. nn ilean. and U.vb-i»l<*' set «>[ [>ef»-«av deier ! t:*.« ns ”ji nnid sj-enmen -4 t.» language ’ '.t; \ tjr [ir«i »«, w Inch carried n s> und wu irH that wan flight Both of theae dir ne* Ipwvrr w-b e.mimue to •mo:«ter, under the petrat-ige <*f the stale. t.> • he r , asreCUve flocks. The tinr i ea»e tn vuives !hf )sh op ol’ Exeter. A Mr Shore, who had nen. rmrtl under two locumbeat* the dune* oi a r-ertam Kpi«» < opil chapel, was repaired by the i’laaop. upon the death ot‘ the second incumbent and the npp.-.inu merit of a third, to get the sanction oi the new .Miner i.) bis retaining his office. This had net been re -I,"tired on the former occasions but Mr. Shore oev, ertheicss, complied, *l:br»ir ; .. wu« iev-d to mve r>een exneieJ merely i.e-in-c mat genttein».n ri vie .»s ot the Ib-h.-p win •..> ice i'g*ey '>n making tne dpii e iii.xi, I. iwc. ,cc. r.- «)• i,|>- pears candidly .nl'.ip ii - 1 ti do *o. lii 11- •i. f •'< 5 Mr - •).//- rf -r v clnujit; from Un -i; .p .n m«- i.,,..* ng J, y. j *uyajig that be. ft- PH.; t—*»-i» -.•wa.imr vain in t zpe»Matior, ot hrarir: ' Hint M r '-•lui.. a l i huve the Do'muntmn, dc»ia.irca: ( ourl. sidcc any cierygyman who lia» one- be-n m t .e Church of England -jan oev*-.- uliiiough. he may renounce it* doctrines and j■ -in i cuiirr »»-t ol l 'hn»- (tan*. escape from it.* discipline and th-> m«-qe c -me dissenting inin>Mert to c*cape from «iindnr persecution. The Bisnop of Exeter. h.»w-ver wn. -*»:til retain hti honored place ns a !-,•;»>r iq c House of I»rds and ;i chirj pr-.toiler : the i b>«- pet, and W:l perh»;>* moreover vote *i iim v«ry L.ii nil M. VgY V.aUKLT Tfie erowrnga/-iviy ,« i.n*, M evi na» --n > ia-ck cI hy M.c new p '!:t l-omp.ii'iiUO'i* oo me con- Imeot. but ttiore on* been no very »eriou» .ea. ! .!ii. < / euera' Taylor's inaug-.irai *pec-c bn* been rrc-i v ed win tsvnr unit lit* done g, .d. Its d'gmfied simplici.y and brevity commend il lo English tastes In the grain markei there ba» been >.Ule alter*- lion, but symptom* arc apparent that the do pretiion ha* reaeh- 0), bm tins week there up« pears lo have been a recovery. Tl.- Manchester market lor manaMrinredjgoud* tciuporaniv lost Us recent activity, bui mare is no r>—»oo lo expe<*t any cont'liued heavines*. Metal* tiave also been > Ai.iiy dull, but ihe-e too are again looking belter. C. nsota whi'.h a fortnight buck were 9-fj, are now The bulbon n the Batik remain* wnhm a ri. inn ofthe h gli*-«l ocnl .t im* ever n-a -hed. — ’I»o d«v* ago ainul *. I c,j 'J.,I {■. mca gold wa* r-c* ivert m L«in o-pect* of the p*jit« on the ir: ir-nd t.i excite rf'eat bop-** of the adv tn.-eii'eol "1 !i •• two former stale*, and as rrganls the Inlier there vc m* a a;> Icy of nn adjustment of the di«pu'e between ivo shad Fisukhixh —The fi«beriDen along th«> Deiawure have nearly given up ill hopes of a suc cessful vasoii. Thus fa/. »*v* lie Delaware Re« putdicaa. ;hry have labored untucessfully, Cre querlly louug tbe whole duy and night for batf a drizrn fish. Many wh i vi*ited the Bny, in order to Lave a wide scope and pursue their calling uiHi'- terrupUfil, have returned io their homer— ibe shad ore not ib«r« Wiiiq -Victoiit—The Whigs of (wdtimbu*. Ob.o, in a municp-i!, hnve beaten their opjionent* by alxjui J'iu tt,u\ ruv The vnlr Wn* large, aud the Louie st'Ai.iy -'-pht The Journal • a L* : The rejoicing in uwn iummi'h ibe Whigs is very grea', whim scarce a D.cnto,-* i* tn be seen 'u tbe Street*. The seep-re Id i‘u-*man ;a broken, and Ihe editor w«» sect, last night studying the dictionary, lu find language Ui etj-reas hi* chi gr.n. We give tbe returns below. pBXar.CM FtoiK—Prenar-i cy ; \y. Kniy. William itreei. N V . aud for sale by A Jayne*, No *0 Fourth street Tl.i* will be found a delightful nru cle of beverage iu fuuuiies. nnd paruceloriy ior sick room* HaZXß's Bruva — An unproved Cboeoiule prepars lion, beuig a cimbmaiiu* of Cocoa nut; innocent, m vigorriung and paiaiabio, lugb'y recoounended paruc nlarly for Invalid* Prepared by W. Baker, Dort-tick ler. Moss., and for sale by A JaYNKH, si the Pekin Tea Bxere, Mo. ?l> Foarth su me bit AQRICULYOP • L From Dow. mi; » Hum. Os tse Valve up Ashes, Live nc . ioa FKtrtT Tubes.—lli* well knowothat all v»r>eue* of frotu do not instore equally well in all *ee» liodi of 100 coon.ry. This has beta manly altrib- O'tJ to the climate; and it has not unfrequeot'y hap, rened that ft 1.-uil grower in one part ol the Middle plates, nearirg ttie quadi-s ct a particular fruit, as grown in another part, has obta.ned and fruited it; and upon it* not meeting the paus ta-Mowed up on it by toe fir*t grower, has cither counted the variety unsuited to hi* <-ii-ria;e fir Hasted the first grower as igncrnnt and deceitful. Sucn de rision. I venture to a*»er may fe'-quently have i>ecn iotind hasty ar.d i , m. , nrnis. Had 'ne n-cip* lent of the new variety received, a: tne same time an analysis ot the sot l m wrncli that particn .ir variety had been grown tr< perfection. ard app ; ied such knowledge justly to the miu in which hr was about to plant the result would have been very dif ferent. Climate. I think, w,!l be found to have very little j infli enee upon the Rood or bad qualities of a iruit inJeeu 1 am somewhat disposed to assert mat r. bss no other influence than that of lesrenu g or retarding maturity, as it is r«id orwurin. The ap plicution oi'special manures or com|«onenin ol *oil. by different cultivators within the past two years, by which oid vanues, or those noPbetore esteemed, have been improved and rstorrd. is an evidence that food, suited to the wants of the tree, was re quired m the soil; and not that climate had, aught io do w.:h its deterioration. As liuie or Us phospbora'es lurm a campeteot part c.( nil special manure* Ic r irim trees, 1 will, as per your request, briefly note some few m-taiires. umong many, where it* i>c;u tu-inl. and, again. where it does uot appear required. To give a complete l.»tol varieties uiut are nrl.-cleu l»y its presence m the soil would occupy moto room than dare presume upon. The Mil o' northeastern Urn-- as a wh .:<• .» deli neiU in June, that liottiiweste-n and souib^n'estern uioie or less ,a it. i>ut ,a nut nlwavs irhtun tne reach ol root* of trees, and. inercl.-re. a l will presently the rrn*.>n why v-me vane lirs requiring lime do not succeed .n localities ufieu ilemmnnatcil I.roestone section' The • Waxen.” ••Jlelmonl," or ‘ Gate ' apple —t >• it u known in Ulno t-v u l l these, and even more aaniea— succeeds fneiy in most ot northeastern i '.ini. In iiorinwesteru i Mno it will sometimes i»e li.uml good; 'mu is frequently dry-rotted at the core, deficient in flavor, ~nd often covered'wilh mou.d c.r fungus. A similar sia'emert u ill apply to the cen tral and southwestern part ol inc.'-tate. Tins .a accounted for Iroin the fu-t that in many section* of I tnes’one country, w irfe theie is abundance ol the tir.neral etghlern inches nr Icet below the surface, that j*ortion ol mm usua :y turned up by the plough or npade contains no bevood whnt may be Inuiul in ad soils trum decomposition of aheba, droppings ol birii- ire Ftr* iaci, too often overlooked, reconciles the query as to h iw a varie ty, which grows and matures perfectly un>ne place, doe* not equally well nt a dt*taii.-c often oi not more than twenty yard*. It t* simply tha’. nt it.:- dis tance ol'ouly twenty yard*. *he surfere - •>, * neut er the limestone suLsoii or ptrh.ip'i i* partly moor* pornled Willi it. B The '• Baldwin appitfs. so justiv erb i»raicd in (be Eaitern Stuir* and in northern New Y.-rk, tin*. ;.i Uh.o, been subject to a dry. bitter rot. rendering it of only a aecond or third . ate character. equal to “Pemnock." Experiments have been tred on a limited scale the past season, to remedy this by ap plication* to the sod in which the tree* grew. In one instance, where the tree sturd« ;u s.i id y soil, the simple application ot a hberul dressing ol wood ash es ha* rrsulted in rendering the fruit period, in another instance, where the tree stands in a oUv loam, winch ha* been well dressed vth barn-yard manure and sown w.lh piasic r and up *n which two year* since w*» sown a crop ot Hover, !a*t season turned under and the land cropt*ed With corn, then sowed to wheat, wn* thi* year sown with common sail until tne groun J was wnue ;i« urns the brsn'-h -e» of the trt*e extended. The resu t iiis been per* lect Iruit, where, for,three previon* year*, the bitter or dry rot had cx.iled The “Roman SMero.' upoji sandy «ods w,«n<>ut any *pec:u! appl csli m*. pro duces true small, knot cl. and ..ioiio.*-.! By the appiientiou ol hail a bu«tie of nine, to 4 tree of nl-out Hint* '.nches dnu-cier .Mtnink. the fruit ha* i»pen rendered perfect, la most putts A whs! nr»- designated '«* limestoße*., or wn.-rr. me trees stand in soil in wb.oh nine hold* a prom.- nei.l par-,, the variety ■* counted fwi.g th** best. The “Vandervcre’' t* a varety which l th.nk dei-ghls in a nco ul.uv.a! *-v: »» >t is in *u.-h •oil* tnut 1 have seen grown tne most perfect fru-t The ‘■Ruode island itrr.-mng "cia's-d by neor'y a'l as a variety to !>e placed in select !.*'», ha* noi proved a first clas* apple ui ftfl p'ace* in « rherr Uaio. sod. at Ibi* tone. in centra, •■nrh ern < 'mo deem it a > insult to place it:oi lot re "Uimended far ibe-r cuunrv is ’h- diver'ity 1 I anpenrßni-e iu this Iru t. g-own :a d.lte. rn: * ■ i* n h-.rir.ern Oti'o. that I n: • >ur» bv t lie vei:-e r. !r >u: ( *>nnecliCti'. wheic 'lie 1 »--er.oig .-r us« am-.i k ■‘e-l 1/*m «r***Js ol B.i* vane y, 4i- 1 • • luu.-i re*! ng the tr ie •* ii.-i to n>i v c ;»-en .iric.-'.ril Hav-ng u;»m mv founds two irrr» -n trrvrti-iig in l Me.and which were » .:b a ten rod* otc-v't c’.her snd sp pareni.y u;»ju a •im.'ir ,-.vnd> s-' \ the one (rtm mg s clear. perfe.H iru it. ;a»- other the c ned dull green or • mouldy Vd/iuty, I !a*i yt-ar sppoed wckmJ as*ir» to the Idlter. sad this s«-ds>n tne irud perfect eo » In ceatra! southern f.iiiM) nnd on tuo t«.ruers .u the OhuAfiter. twenty five year* *;»<■«•, ib.» wo* * one of very beat apple*. Al,4hi« t ine with tome exception*, it U diseanled In ihe oom FiUit Grower’s Report fur page 2S !> r>nr»*r <-f an orchard :u Must.nguni c uniy. a fn c»uioc soil, and (railing astloeaaever . Aud, ag.-un.of having found bitter rot in all orch ard* ot itu* variety which be bad visited, except the one at«'ve named and one other, wbiah latter ha* l| so appucA'iuo ol 1 wood ashes haviog frnfir«n* \ fliiapi* to a. I and in U'l. ir «f« r ,>**< , ins Iruii. ‘nil n ben grown in wbu-n have liaie i ns a romponeni. 1 nave louod ibe texture i,.u a» • hoe art] not a*-'n*p and sprightly *• when crown mi »andy loam Tne “Newiown I’.pp.u 'succeeds uvosi ufimi.-s t'iy in most of n.’rthwe-i-rti, central, nnd wuth western t 'hui were bmr is found. Instance* are known w-rt* ii no* not proved good in Ibe*- sec t on*, but !hcv have- when known to tne wrt-r. been ti!wnv.« traced to a want of bine m ‘.he so » In *i i* 'lrUi 'rn: ui umc. an application of fine or a ! l-ers dre«»ing wood aabrs hn* resulted n pc ilnc. ng gor«l truit. ('ultiva'ors vary in'h 4*io whether thi* V*rriy answer* best on wn«t ip* termed clav or on »andv toil. My own uloer ■••i»-;on l•*.* of Pr* t. Emmons of Ihe wood »f Inc apple, p-nr. A-' . a* published rn th- Horti-uf , 'uri*i .lor January) '.i*( \-*r tis* )>een pn-d.i-live uf much g-ml . Imt to enable cnluvnlcr* corrects t.i grow d.tlerrnt vanetic* to perlccbon. nn analy sis must be m-ide ofencn separate and distinct vn neiv irom wu-h the grower can d-i-oJr knowing !::• *o; w nat particular material » ne<'e**Arv l-' t»e applir-J ''ieaveHnd, * into. Krb hntuult. — We owe Mr bJUiott our sincere thanks fur tbe foregoing interest tig and observation*. We beg ibo*c wno are inrliued to underrate Ibe value of sjiecinl mitinrn* ( and a* mong the rest an editorm. triend in iio*ton. who, it we remember unghtly, Im* denoai.natcd c,ur own cHorla, and those ol Other* towards nwak-nmg of public interest to Ibe value of inorganic mea*ures ■ qijnrkcryineinnure .Mr. Klliotl’saccount <>l lh,e i direct and di*tinct re«mt -x|>erimeul* with lime, and W-xid u*he» Ar wu have before *mied we ' h .vi- no doubt that, m mne >••-* out where n vari ety of fruit, which riounahed in a given sod, f.ia ceasrd lo tloun*h and peifu.rt, fine Iruii ili-rc, ll * b-CAUSelbe soil ha* t.acomo destnut- nt tne necessary mmeml manores; and in nearly all *uch cis-* the plrot ful npplieaiiou of wood ashes a>>ne, or wood ashes and bme, will restoru the ; iiealty condition of ttie trees Our c irrespondout. in hi* remarks on in- «op» 1.13 b, David H Porter«•!*•-ted. i c .. d. '*t po*cd intluence of climAte on certain vnr.ein-*. »o j V JoM|ib IDtnrr received 121'lby doubt alludes to our own work on Irnit.. We' nuuu'er. 2A2 pfjft candidly own that we were wrong Wewurssa- >• Int l, i ijvul IL Pn*«.- r . r-• d 1 335 ' iisQed, more thdd a year ag ), that we hnd ml.iched J.rhn Ibiok* r- rc-vr-J 113,314 too much importance t<» the efienlß of cl unite mdc W In*! i; number. 249 709 U-noraling varieties, u.'.d accordingly re-wrote ood •• 1544, Francis U. Jjuui.k rctv.v-d IKIUO3 a'tered (in the etghth nnd subsequent ed-tem*) ad Josrpn Mari, c r- .-.v.-j 1 V 5.114 fist [Kirtion of the Appendix, etc ,in our work* On . Who'c number 'll A fjl 7 . fruiiß, relating to this subject. A large observation ! “ IH7, Fraocia IL Shunk rrceivni ’ Hfi.Ofil fl the effects of tbe coiitp-isitioa of soils, within tbe. James Itvm received Us i lb la«t iwo or three years, convinced us much of ■ Emanuel C Kc g-rt re.-etvci I | 2i7 wtmt we attributed U» climate was simply owing \ Wbde nun 1 er, Jb;i j“fi to a want of tbe necessary iinrgnntc, or mn.crol u ISIS, W. F Johnston received !'> \'U manures in the soil, mid. as w« are always ready' Morns Dongsireih received )0v192 to abandon a wrong cpin..m the moment it is plain Who'r nnmlier, i t.;*4 lo u* tnat it is an error. w« beg those who have > - - -».»■ - only Ihn nnrl-r ol work lo do u, Ibe ■ , m J ““ caK*? I *®; I I AK< j,.slice lo, ,b„ eorweUoo. . jV00.b,.,.' M, L,', At the same lime, we lh;nk rlimntc often has no , * srincAix* . iim r », elJirct upon the quality of n given Innt, though not ' n*i..cim, Ac. A r . uj*« :i tbe deterioration. Thus, tho lUbnton Pippin l Fruited ai n» *ii.>nc.i nonce, at low prices si ihe i* a fair and beautiful appie on (he Hudson, (»«*vr rs i nrricg. I'iiibb si rxst. is o'liaie or no value, enher m point of flavor Or j Witt. A. WAKU, Dentist, keeping quality, ns compared with tho same fruit fiKfgjffiwE Fe-u. rmrt. :i door* ai».rr |i in d *i gr>wn iti the colder climute of Maine; und ife corn- Uibc- hour* tiom u til. - pan son of notes with Mr. Allen, the intelligent pre- | rnt . _ • nlrnt of lho Sl Louis Horticultural lonely, hss W. 31. WrltfUi, M. D., Dentist, proved to U* that many of our finest fruits are only rtyJCk tivv.ct nnd te*.deuce u I'tales : io di'cnarxe Hi- doues of Ihe office, and deserving a qWniACliKr'Vlivp i* rivr m.m. ta*. ' fir 'ne n'rvc i» noroi.iaimii by the pa/»y. Au.«ojizrv Corsrrt ' *jw»wd. Officn arid rrtid-ice rn-*i do-r n. ih- Aluy . mchJU.iUlAwH*! ' or -, o flj t .e, Fount stroeU Fiii/l>ur-:!i (•luairuLri —Col. HUGH DUFF, of Ohio township,* Kara* tu-J- B. M'Faddrm F. It 1 no.. «!!> ire Hopported for ihe otßce of Bberiffl subject tn Uio i "•*' nomination of ibe Whig and Antinasouie Convonuon. j J U' A xentien»*« Pm*burgh. who li .d fallen r«to , inchJl:wfilT onm ! nn .men cedar after the “Ureal F-re. 1 sprnm-d l a candidaio for the office Of I , n - oUI with the paia A mend who had been using >'ienff of A'legbeny roanty, sabiect u> the decision of 1 xi a Fahn-sloes 4t Co’s Itnhefaeieiu and been ruted i..s approaching Whig a»’d Antimasonic Convention r Uheoinaii»m, gave him what remained m the boulc. . r„r nomniaung county UckeU CARTER CCRTIS. , hr* bm*. «u great'y *»oUeo, he was ! .um nrd, Pu sburgh, April It, IMOa—JAw f -onroletcly restored io hemih in twelve hour* and, . _ . _ rrmii from paia Tbl* is but one of a great nuoiber ol valtt - a l' • A.Ciiabltov will be sup ; ca4e s wliieb have come under ihe obsorvuuon of the ported for ihe office ol gheriffi subject u> ihe nomuifr Pretrared and «o*d by lion of ihe Anumasornc and whig Count? Convention, i P ro P ri6t * T 8 "P lll4 B *“‘ j^Hh?FIBTt MIK \ Co, marV-dAwiM j.mflTit Ward, pinwnaa. cornßr ]t t nnd Wood; also, eonmr Cth and Wood *w Ms*:—You wiU pfejuw slate that I will be a ! npltj candidate tor nnminatiOii for4l»o office of Pm'l—nota- 1 ’ r)-, ueioro our oext Whig sad Aatiihnsmu- c «uu:r BIAHIIIKD} Convention. Yours, Ac., '* | (hiTuesday evening, luUi in.;,, m Oakland, by Roy • SA.M’UFAHNKSTOCK. ID H. BWidfe,-1> O-. Auxaxpbb Uoaucia, Ewi- Jtfet lOuabeth township, Uagch, 23,151#. i vbaot, io Mus Caruxatifk Ldwasds, both of this City SPECTATUR PSSSBLTVASIA LEUIBLATIQS HARai'Ptsn \pH -* Met ot S o’clock. A section in an “Omnibaa® ban a .>oteincnt t ffive per ceiii. to Uu S" individual- wtio pay all . the taxes due lH'«* onudai the grealeat C uulu*i< n ni d d;.w.n;i r >o! ! i impest bie to give m.y . -r;» • • --.i •' v IV' - *a* done. •|:«*Uirrit ■ I II! • 'd-(l-ul nf the Coun- The jVciatf Home to an “oi.-.r.-l IV Board i u purchase Utc IVu:. 1 v.v ir,.uud al Keosiogton— y«juß 1:. u-'Vs Ua mol.un, iLt* Seoale wenl ml*' ixmiir.ilii'e ol ilie whole and look up the Appiypriulun l ■ H')I»EOF RtPI*SE>TA/nVE». The l'Ei»l«non rf this io i f ar l )’ iJu- samt df trie S-r.att •. ,br:ni r ennrumqg and n T-rtm.-ur- !« l .ti:tfudii , .eiil.». tiunov! vXctu.»ivt\ v tint il is hardly nt.-cNAiiry lo aUrinjil to "joutuaiiae " •In (act n.i uu' - could '/biuui iirn’ information or ■ sfarliou were .1 dene. m) iflucii is every thing coo fused • Tlie Hou«e concurred. i>y .1 voir ot 17 to 43, 1:1 Seonte amendment- lo 11-ebd! thr par lial restoration < I .he capital of the Bank of Penn- I »y ivanm. Mr Bui! •''fleet reported n -«*rc«. of re*ciuuoti: e.oiiipi n:ei)'r.rv lo th*- otficerr tro.n Petin-vlvania. who served v, iiii irni.i -r wit. Mexico winch were unnniir i-i\ no !*•' •Senate amemtaneule to the i it wmiuhti* Matt vi to court' ot ju»tioe. were t.ikcn up amt liie rjner lion recurring ii|»on the n providing tor lh< election ol an Audit >r G*-Gcr.'l am! Sitrv* yr Gr- ' ncral, Mr Lillie moved an jmetii.iM-i.| r ividintf lor ihe election of an A tnlii.»r ‘ Jem ra. Survey or < Jeneral, who ah nil serve ihr-«- winch was agreed lo without division. Mr Swarizwelder moved aneiidmrn' .:i«t alter the I*l January, lsso. the Board >1 Cmal CoibrniH'iunera shnll con*-i«t ot the*Au-Btor ' rene ra. and Surveyor General, and n eryneer who alniil be elected. •*, <>n ih- >cc>uni Tuesday uKJ ctober nc\‘.. said en gineer [m be President ol tin* Board, at u -ainry ol $12300 per ununiu. Tu.» wu*- negatived alter some diocitsaion An amendment upon Hie t.ii:. mahinj il i:npr.«..n ment for any miauth'-n/ed per*->n lo lm-p-cl whis key in Pti.ia>.V pn-i. war agreed to. The bill Uten p«*.«d 'cry reupcllu ii’ F IL 1.U.1'-TT The IVr.iunn m.i mo tr ■• l l' ,: '* CI Ird, j>a.«sed nd »enl to ine I. i-on another b.h Mr He'»zey yyt in a section me udou: the ,i -vecUuti ol - rail prov.-jous, The bill, however, Itemu an omn.Ou*. went back to the Senate to be amended aßaif A vole, tendering the :hnu:.•» o' tr.<* !!->uso to the Speaker waa passed Mr Bull.’lroui the Select Com:t> f>-e. nude a report upon the subject oi Shv.iy .:■ <.,«• Ter ritories, winch, on moduli. whs i..i c the in The Homestead Lieinp tou L/l wa- }.v-*cd. m wns also the York Bank b,.i The Genera' Reveuue l M ;l whs thtu taken up and considered. April H —lu o’ciock P. M. Both -ol l’ir L- gi-uture i>iv sid' i> *ev iido, and there t* m> kn >wi.g w,..n H-v will ad journ to night The Semite enraged in the rule sidemtion ol the appn pnnti.'n hut GOVERNORS, I’KKUIDK \T F. UEl»ll. TIES, «fcc, OK PEA NBVL V \MA. 17*V. t.'ct . Wi.nam Penr. Ipn»| ■ -u-v acti-d aa Gevern'-r ici .\nt.i-t ’ Thomas L iu-i an prev.n,; io.I l *-e«-iut»er. CoptaiQ joint hej .’y ■ ■■ vcru<_r t> February, 11<90 I resident and Council to Apn .6 h ! 0.‘3 Benjamin K.Hrnrr. L’epuiy t'r.iemuf to J*ep. Irntl-er. 1695. \Vi Lam Markham. Depu y (»l vm-r u- If n«: ber 3*l, i 694. Wit m>» Penn acted ng* n as j verniT io \o-« veailter i»l 1 "Ml Andrew H-uhillen, aa Uej»nty (» vern r t>.- i ci>. "rusrv IM3 IMwsrJ Shipj»en. I'reatdeßl cf Gounci: to hebru arw I7UI John tiva:i« Ik-puiy ifoveru :r februarv, 1 My. r. t>epuiy ••jvtrtK.r March, Sir Wi ;am h< ,t.., I’.srt. Liepu yu, i;a u r tc lune, I 7.'’. Patrick ' aortiun tJepu y ir.vvrun to June, irw. Jamea Logan l*re» j.-i.i jjd t.-*un« i to lone, 173-5 leorgc Th-max Brp>r James llaui i'O!!. l-«*pu'-, vrr;,. ri. Ori.-bur, 1751. Holiert Hunter Morns. !*j*u y -i.vr-mur lo Au gust IVih, 1 7!VU Wjll.nni Ilciov. Deptltv 'n’V"»- r I -th, 1 Vjj Jan.e* Ham ituo, baputy lijvr-ti.r Oclober 3i*t. i :ni J -hn I'euii son of Richard I'rnr. 0-putv lio- Verr.or t.. Mar .1711 Rt.'bard Pruu, Govercor t > Angus' , ' i Joitn I'euti a sc>-und Uin-*. L. .veru n t . Se;-tciu ber I 77«.< U'lmri-m le, I'rrfidt til -t i.xecuttve Coun<-.! 1 "77. Luepti Herd, ■ t j Nnv , l TNI. U*. ram M,*jfe '->.\ov I 7 Vi J An La. km-: n. J- u> fVt.. 1 7***< Renjat.iiii FranL..a, do. to M l . i 7s -1 Duma* M til l. :o lt»c diii)|.t.Ou oi lo«! uew tfon • *tmitr>n to ! ‘'.''.j •Tin to.v ..y 17W). Ui'L Them*. M ibtn clectrd rt-r'd 72JV Arthu:>' 1 ;airt:.t:! Whwf tnimu-r ::o :<‘J9 ■ 1 7*\ M !•: n rr«*~, •• i_-'i i 9 3UO I {• A Muli.ciiheri: rr> ••ivc;| Jt'.TQO tinnier :m.;no • r'sr'V Tliorna* .V •!! r f-.-r : \-rri ’ft) 970 i A Muhicn:*»-ra rrcr,v;,i 1 011 W- .<• u3l 1 7v*y. r'iom»« M Kenn • ,o«icd. rrc il '*.«U liime* Ro*« rocnvi*d Tj Wn-le no«r.‘.-r I *'« Tbom*• M’Krau circled re.--i 4*'■'7 !nine* i\u»« rec« ved l ‘ *CI" > \Vftol«* nuuiU-r, »V'iijiO i M.j. I'U‘>mn» M Kean creeled ft:* - l Whi-ie *•. 'yi'i I **•4"', Stfii'i: Snyder Heeled rree*»t»*| Jmne« Kt*»» received Julia rece.vrd 4 KJt'> Wu.,*e nmnlrer. 1311, Simon Snyder r e.-icj. re.r-ved .'<.'3l * W1...'- number ',7hO:i l, f.raon Snyder cV-.u-. 1 rccem-i M IW Iraa. Wnjcf r«<-iVf.J 2S.VW ’A'nun 'll .593 ]bl 7, \V:i iiuii FiiiJ.ey re< d 00.331 J-jwi-ti ifeieier rt-«rcived 3V.273 W'l.'lr uuml-T l*?0 rt .,.j r, 7 ., 0: , W.ln.m. I r*'i*i*.v.’,J 00 ’ Wbo.c | tu .. .er i;u,*)s i 12.1 lotin A Sm,i:we,c ifj, rr. 'd Andrew l»regc rr.-eivrd A|,2‘2| Whine llUlll!»-r, I’d IP IS3G, .John A. Sbultxe elected, in J 72,Ti1l John Sergeant received 1.171 Whole numkr 73nn| 1 V 29 I leorjic Wclf elected. receiveJ 7o^|9 Rilner received M,77^ W hole nunilxr, 129 .''Jo 1 Vlv. < »» ; nVI U A. Mulilviihurt received JO,'.**,, number, 200413 \N IvMINFNT and experienced Physirmn rrrm it Ka*t. of year* siandinp. offers io ers: • . o-o of a Deiieaic .\atorc with promptness ami *rcn-.- y Hl* >ueees* in Buffalo and other large cine* has l<*en proverbial. His charges a'e modern", mrl Old oates of Gieeu S.-n»- iuia, Fluor Albcvßheumatum, Ague, por any chronic or inveterate cases solicited A cure warranted, or chaise re'undrd i *rrrcr«. *t. Clair street. 2 door* from the Hr cl: ■Si Kltractcd Advice to the p*K>r *r«’ v N II l>r A. solicits the worst rases of aj.v disease >n pitt*horgh io call npM llv \ DJOI HKD SCHOOL MEETING -Tt.r n» oi ."\ ihe ‘Jd Ward, (Pittsburgh .J are rctjues'ril to ineri m tt>e First Baptist Church, corner oi Grant and Thtnt *trceti. on Monday next, the Ittih in«t . at TJ o'etock. I’ M.. io take into consideration ihe purrba*c ot a "ew sue. and ihe erection thereon of an rularced amt i> veniunied School Hou««. hetter adapted to the increas ed and increasing population of the Ward. H- S. MAGRAW. Chairman J J Rottciv, ) 0 _ M.. Timi.«. i «I-H FI EATON k CO are now opening t/ietr Spring *tock oi'Trtnmanir*. roiuming in part of Mm»- u. la and Dre*« Fringe*. t.imp*’ black nnd eol’d Silk hare*, black Flounce Laec. Button*, ltrid*. Bonnet Trimminga. pent*, Indie* and children* plain nnd fan cy Hosiery. Shiru lor men and bot a, Comb*, Jaory and oilier Fan*. Yarn, Spool Cotton. Needle*. Tape*. Rob t«.n‘. Pin*. A*. Ac . which tliry offer lor »alr. both wholesale and retail, at thirTriimmng Store G'JFourtn *treci. between Wood and Market. apll / CHILDRENS' CLOTHING—F II Lath* k Co. have received their Poring patiem* Tor Children*’ I/re**e». and are now reaoy to receive order* tor ma kinv F ancy Garment* and Embroidery. • i? Paiieriu for ludie* and children*' garment* 'old if do'ired A variety of garment* constantly on hand. Store 03 Fourth it, betweeu Wood and Market. m>n EMBROIDERY— Wonted pat'ems for Ottoman*. Piano Stool*. Table Cover*, Traveling Hags, with a great variety of *mai! pattern*. Also. Worsted* oi a'l color* and shade*. by the pound, ounce, or item, for taJe by ap!4 K U EATON A Co, rid Fourth >. 1 RTIFICIAI, FU)WERS— Material* for Artificial j\ Flower*, viz Plain n«»ue paper, ipotted do, Car* mine paper for coloring, Pink Saucer*. Leave* o' eve ry torin bud*, tin*, and callow*, can be ontumed at F H EATON A Co* Trimming ?n.*'c. a|'l_4 rid Fourth «t BACON —lUS pc« Bacon, landing from stmr Wellt vilie and for sole by *pl4 JaMKSDALZKLL. waier -t i 1 REES’ APPLES—2S bbU Ureen Apple*, iPar \ T Rttun*) and for *a!e by ap!4 JAMES DALZELL APPLFIS—S tk* in store and for *n!e by ■pH. JAMES DaLZKLL BACON SHOULDERS on consignment— in r«k* for »ale to elose the lot cpM _ M’GILLS A ROE X' u MOLASSES on consignment. for »a!r—?6o I • bbl»t ta> half bills. *p!4 M'OILLS A ROE WHITE BEANS—On consignment, for mlr low io dose the lot. apH_ MfiILLS A ROE HANS. \VK uavr a choice lot of BACON HAMS ot our » > own curing for *ale apU Mt.ILI.SARoE MA*'KKRKI targe No 3—41 bbU, which mi.l be *old low to close consignment ■pH M’GJJjLS A RUE A PPLE BUTTER-2 MO* f r c-h Apple Butter £1 rrcjtam! jorjnle apt 1 M'GILLS A ROE / iniNTRV IUCO.N-Wc l lU vr „ few rhotce U,i, of country cured Baron for tale *dU T \RlfcD PKACHKS AND APPLES for ,«i -•* ' n P II . _ M'UU.L SA ROE ROLL BtTTKF—.I M.!»; and 90 ha rer u per timr Michigan and for aaJe l»y _ *P H £ B CAN rii’.i.n UULI, BDTTKR— |0 bbla Roll Rut'er. ;a*i rrc d #"•1 for .a r hv apU J S DII.WCIRTH A <'o r l , Aft-rj) l,el, North Caroi-i Trtr for «nk by f J H PILWORTH it Co | iACUN-iOi.OO :i, p ri rnr Macon, bo* round, for 1 > »aie l.) «pM J A DIIAVdRTH A Co IT UI’A—SKI bale* Ohio Hop,, for anir by J ■ J s r>IIAVORTU A Co I Nol L«rd, fortalobT 1j «pU _ _ £f* DU.WORTH ACo ( l'^ NKR WANTtD-Eor 3 W M i.’T.Unrro. ,nkd V * Diamond A. rrc‘d per atmr Telrpmpn % 0 l <«BO H MII.TKNiIKKi.f-» . #f,U -7 Front ,i ( IOJTON-17 t>alai n arn?e. iur «al« b . 1 ' «P»* |>AiAH DICKTV A rAi All DKKI- 'i A 1 T * *Ot‘—4 *ks to arm <* J AltlX—l S:• L>.» jNo l, iy ,irn»p, for )lir . *3 IHAUM UICKhVAto r ' * * Harm and Shon'der* in urr.v* for ISMAI* DICKKS 4 Co Xfcfc.Kli— us< io arriT*. lot m le bv •** H _ Isaiah dm'kkv t Co H LANS-83 bgi «na,i whue. to a/rivc, for «&j e Ly “P l * IsalaH DICKKY & Co IKA Ji bit chc*t« H, irrirfd per c«>jal ai d )or '".V’? J & R KU)YD, Ronnd Char«b Hordmr* -r to June 'I'OUAOCO —is boic* Tanoo* l>mrul«, arrived pc» A cana; an? * I>r> A PP Ie *' Pcf «icani! oa.. a* do aTA do. ai bl><« do. p-T canal boat'.on ajnt (or aaie hj apt t JAR n.O\ D T VrHiJIH - ( -k. K«»r. P . r , V ., h . X II . tor »«.c ill JP'J J4H FLO* D Sa ALKRaTI S— t£i bbl* Sale rerun. i«r «alr hv k •* , ‘ U JiR FI (iY D I )LaRL ASH—3 tom P»mri Ash. in cask. tor *a> by x * ,,u /i n n.oYi) L’l.A I HhKS—-26 tk. now laadinr, for »a> hi 1 "i ,? ISAIAH DICKK3 ACo GJNsKNf#— J *k» in *U»r«; lor sale hy “ r? ISAIAH DICKKY A Co M", I’?-' 1 ' HARKIS »”• h„ „ d .'C"" °*™ “ M* dwtllmf h 0..., \Voo,t.' •««. • rtnrt iuuuu-. l.t TliiJ ..J.I .rijaß, I,’IHK Wtl-K-«UJOU |ti„ Dnrk,. X rinran.ri- to urn ve h> and for *«> on » r cornmodati .r u-rm* h) C A M'ANT'LTV A Co ’T 1 . 5 * Canal 1t.*,,, / IONSU.NT KWa VI Kl>-Kot t„. si,„r: M„|- v. d.ct, marked M q ' 'received per timnitr Mn mMigaan* bwu.rrof OKU U MILTKNHhRI.KR - a W.'-..- Kro-UM I>d Wood f O'f'b ISli—3 drum. Codfish, for »w« hv api - j S_DIL\VORTH a Co 11ACOX—liJOli tin Uaeou. lor *ale hr J> »p« ‘ J s dh,worth a co 1)10 IRON—4S tons Mercer Pie Iron, inr .»)•■ m “P l 2 J S DII,WORTH A Co I )OWpER—4W»° keg* fi|i»Ung Pomier, lixiOdo R ; . ± in magazine and for sale hy *f“ a J SDILWORTH A Co I^LSI-, —30.(KH) feci Fuse for blanung: for m> hr a P'- J S DIL\VQRTH A Co p OSIN fi(7A P-150 boxe* for .nie l.y it_ Uf »ts J S DII.WORTH A Co JAVA I'OFKKK—I4 hoga prme. lor rale .. ap ’- J S DIIAVOR l'i| A Co ( sK> PKaRLS. and i kr** LARD, ju.i received tr pfr .Learner Krie ami lor .nle hy “P l 2 J B CANFIKLD l« T RAPIMN4i PAPER—StaMI bundle., d.irer- .i > » * re*, of rupertor .junlily, which vre olTer for .u r •P'i RKVNriI.DSA SHKF ( ' Al> AND LETTER CAPKIt—fiUU ream* fa.r ;n v, ry line, for .a'e low. “ , ' ll REYNOLDS A SHI’K I ) JttNTl.Ni; PAPKR-400 ream., variou* .ue* , i," 1 ‘upp.-ie. kept eon.innlly on hand* by REYNOLDS A BHKK. a '. n corner pcun and Irwtn au Ss A i NIJ . P ,i 1 ’ K^—4oo ream " ° ( "Upenor '.juadu y a‘l C' 1 "»»!•••■■ wk«l« w. «u.l, tj‘o M-i, at lUc ,owcet prices. ,c *' 10 Raisins —o hi bx. mit Ratsm» ; IWqr - do do; for -ale low .o cio.e - ou.iguiiient by . “P'l 4AWES A HLTCHISO.N A C,. QOAP—HtJ hx» No 1 CJneiimatl So-p. for .ale low . . °P U . a HITt'IHSON ACo / IAMPHOR-10 bid. rebned. ju-t rer'd aul lor rale l,y HAFAHi\KATOCIi4C(., ' M>ll corner-Ui ami wood «i ( tlxH'KlfS IS J N UI.ASS—V 1 ca. c«, and *l,red. VJ ju*t Tecdlvcd and lor sale by n P u ii a Fahnestock a r„ c f O lAiAßX—cun.ocu corninon, for .ale !•> "P'l ....... «' MliflANT s’ALLRaTI S— 45 bi» puir. in »iore, ior »uie Uy O nptl ISAIAH DICKEY * Co, From it O TON K IMl’ES—SOObz.for .ale l.y O npll 0 )! (HUNT SA La RaTI S--I0 ca«k» Cleveland Salamiu« SUbxs I’ulveruid do, rtcc vrd aud ior sole by “Pll WICK A McCaNDI,I7SB I>ROoMs-4J do/ Corn Bro-mi. 50 d» exira do do J) (or sale by apll WICK A, ’ Tr»m; UtTANS-la bbl* Rtt|>enor while'•ews, YV ji*t received and for sale hr ' «l’il WICK k McCANDt.F.SS /'tHKKRiMiTS—.7O bx* lon* Havana Cfieeroot* (or 1-' •'Be by apll WiCK AMcCANDLESS MOl LD CAN lII.KS—IOO bit Cin’ti mould candle* __ for .ale i.) apll WICK k MoCaNPLESS MACii.N— 2WI pcs bog round e«ry enre.i. lor'.ale bv *ldl WICK A iIcCANDLF.Iia * I \ LASn-l?a ! 'X* SXH', Itv do lOxl'i do for sale bv VJ_ opu wick k Mcc.ys in,ess IYKARLS— 4 ezil pearls reed »ad for sale bv *PU. . WICK k McCA.NDi.EBB COR(.’ HINUS 00 :,!,:* for sale by it apll _ _ 'VICK A McCANDLEfiS LARD OIL—UI bbl* ior sale by apll J SCHOONMAKKR A Qo WRAPPING PAPER—aII sizes-Wre am . {ot J §,C HoßnMa ACo Malaga WINE—4S tir oaks sweat Malaga win* 6U DJdU bbl* dry do do, for .ale close con»i§iim James a udtchison aCo AUCTION SALES. Bjr John D. D*vli, ABcU Si. . ». 10 u'( o'*. 1 Kv Jir.» r,rr»*T \\.‘\niand M .. »o>.l. o.i a • •Jn u njc..;:i«oo A .*4,c a»»o:i nt.d \ L>»- * piece. 1. . e-.d. ! *tipe r d.irr: • if-irr gingham- ir. :• ur po:.-: ■ splendid prune* 1 and *urmuei ca*».iu-. :c paca.*, faiir> crav.* - ■ iacmg*. ho».et). c- -v< •*<>)'* legi><‘fn lidi.. • «. •; S Ms -on „ •: , - lure ! '<> .an o. No i ;.. - • No 1 shovel, .pid- • ■ A lirv m-d »:• .irr.i *• • • kitcheu lurm'.uff, ro.ume »!»• liigkl ISinLim g Lots and Dtvtlling lloust at A union. On Saturday afternoon, the lilh irst-nt 1) o'clock, will be *u.don the premise*, fi T-ry desirable butldtug lot*, *.iuaie on the vS esi side of street. & short div.aur* North of the Norm rotninuit. inibeeity of Al legheny. rim lot having a front 01 about Vti lot: and eiteiul.ur hack at>t ui TO feet. o,t two ol whien is erect rii a good two *.tory frame dwelling house, with back building. Term*—One-third caAii. rendu* in four equal anauai pat rnrnK, with-inteiem. Tit e iiidfpu'aLlc. aj.,l JOHN D DAVIS, Auct. Sale l')' catalogue of a targe and *uperb collection of Book*, fine Lon lon edition*, embracing standard author* on Architecture. Heraldry. Fine Art*. Natural History. Kiinnuolocy. Ant.quuie*. Hutory. Voyage*. Travel*. Ac. Ac., illustrated with engif vine*, many of them beautifully colored from nature, to take place at the t'nmrnemai Sole# Room*, corner oi Wood and 5,h ■tree:.*, o-i Thursday. J'jsuay and Saturday evetuugo, Uth, 13th and Utb .nst* at 7 o'clock. The above 10110-uon ur «urpo«*e« any one ever of fered m lht» city. mnoug«t which will bg found Hume** hi»ior> or England. S ro « iuljOj 1W) engravings, Bow ser t edition, puMi.ucd at 100 guinea*; the Bible, Mack !in * rd;-.,0i). -jut cp-rntlnl plaiv*. 4 vnl* folio, IsO gui neu.-. t’uv:er*‘ Am.iiia! Kingdom. - vol«, MW colored rfisuvilir*. Ac. Ac. For turther particular*, see catalogues and book* at tne Auction Rooms Sue j»o-i':ve. Un Saturday morning, Apitl Mtu. at IU o'clock, at the Commercial Sale. Room*, corner ol Firth tod Wood si*. w ,|| t.r fold A fir»: rule Hand *te*m Finnic, U inch cy ■ tndet. 4| ieet »trol r, *j thirty inch boiler*, each vs feet mug, fly wheel £7ui lb*. together with ibe machinery ihcreuntn belonging, which rnay bo examined on ap plication to Mr. M Cicliaiul, I. reman of Messrs, Knap 4 Totten, or at J Beck * pinning mill. Waikhmgtqm *t. Term* atsaie. spin JOHN D DAVIS. Auct Lessee and Blanager. Antjra *SD Stmjb Mi..iA>itit Last nigh: oi'he c:'gas”rnem of MRS W H. CRISP Triumphant success of the stomnnm'ulist. Mr W H Crt*p will appear m two characters. FAINT HEART N K\ KK WON FAIR LADY. Ruy Gomel -• • • ■ Mr Crisp Tne Durhes* Vn. Crisp. To conclude with the successful Drama of THE SOMNAMBULIST M*f:rT.r.«»* rdf C».. Rosombert I'-Otin '' Monday —Kr.uefil ami 'a*l appearance of MRU NS . H..CRISP, when wi'l he produced the Drama o( Vi “TORINF., or ' I'LL SLEEP ON IT " A RUNS A KFuN'S hATRA ANDI.AST PARTS’ • will ini- pinee on Friday, tnr Ihb in»t. Pa rent* r*i pup"* are inc*i i*- ti ui I y invtnd to attend. .1* nn nguinmiiiinn mi ! take place. The Polka and Polka Qiiadn.l*. will I e d.,nced by h s pupii*. Tho*e ln« f ie» wio received xc-eon iirket* uie re*prctfully in vne*l, end wth 'ie admi 1 . stl with ihe limit A. will be happy to «upp'V a- y vnai i; ’od.'-s, (hi* forff er scho t»r« »t>o iiieu pare,,i«.i woli t.cket- for th*l exening (.eiitietrien . uekrt.» tor •.c lio t.,r. i.ftl.u o-uon, Sl.tW F rosier.. I^ll The regnlfion relative to admitting iadie* withou iickci*. wi'l «!i ici \ f.|.*er\ -d on that evecmg I n Se'* will be I- a«l) on S\ ■ dnettlby. I llh ut*l. r I'HK M fISCKIUr.RS humus rriuo c J froot No 170 J. No* iTYand 17 4 Liberty *IP.t,. oiLt for *alcgood» fn o'i » '*JC'ir Mou»e Molanse*, li nhf ch \ our*? H . son Tm, 1 l*i do fin i> • * ,!'• r and Impruai Tea. (new 4" ■,> t. >'U an I'oA eboi'.fl (Jo * crop. 7*l do r:i !> ‘,i- I II and (j I’ do ) H>r 1.y% wtme Ufa/,; u- i.i« wiinc Hjrani* do; 4i« U(C• Pepper, *dt) do Alspice; Ihfbxi do do do .'K> balci Sicify Almonda, 10*1 In* Richmond robocco: 3u basket* Rordraui and Marseille* Olive o*l. 2PU bbu and 1 10 h/ MR aNo 3 large Mackerel; fl u llcnej . 1S»0 Ilia Cheese; 'JWO gniia vrinler ami spring Sperm Oil. MCO bleached north wn*i Whale Oil, lOuj - crude - •• do SfliOOCruiaud Sou» Pnncipe Serar*: aa»n»v»'i« jo '**•’ h pipe* Cojpiic Hra.i v!v, of ttnw brand*; ■J i'll.,euro.:* Jamaica S, irus; ') |i-pC» HoMl'M (,m. •A, .juaner cut* *up TencriiTe Wir.e, !*' do Mndeira do do l.ishoti do <0 do Ojiotlo do 30 do Sweet Mnlnga do 13 1 none, bl> : * do do 13 hlid< Cinret; IP qr cskt llaut Saoiern, 40 cn*ri «sp liordcHUi Claret; 30 basket* Champagne Wine? * doi *“pr Stotnnrh Bitter*; •Ji»j bb!» pure Rye Whiskey. from 1 to 5 year* old apll MILLBEA, RICKKTSON for *a ( e I- v l-.VA'I BICKr.i A r„ Warrtn And Cleveland Paaienger Canal racket— a I.Ut\V ’• “ —<>ck\n ONB of the atnive Pnrkei* leave Una\ pr i-verv drry ir*unila\• rj.-epieo: ai: roniipt-t.wuh t;ic Mail titneesfor Akron mid Cirvcfauo. nrnvmc ai of tlie.e p.!irPs iKiurri.itm ' >no or tnr f»iirirt« irave Wnrrrn tiailv a: a t ' I Jo Qr ' ft p nVC Ccnv.-r til lime in laico liic C K S LKmNtjVV'hLL A Co. Warren. 1 „ -M U l AM-011. do | l r 0 JOHN A C.UfiHKV. Arm, _ corner Water and SimUifield «(> 1849. Beaver and Krle Eiprtu Packet Line. R. O. I’AUKS. Braver. Proprietor. fl'ilK .icw end e:rg»ot Pai*rni?er ParkrL«, 1 Oept M U Jrilr.e*, I’K.NNSYI. VANIA, •• J H Ho£mtni, !• 'KK >'.RIK. •* M Tro*iy; !i io ma*p iiiPir rerniar tnp«, leaving Beaver after wo arm s: of the mormaf boat from PilUburgh. (I o'. r u ' "‘'d arrive m Eric in time for piusengen 10 *Bk e the rooming i>o«t.« lo Buffalo or upfe)e l^ke. Tteltru through lu Erie and ail Lake pom, ran he l.nrt Hr app'iraunn i 0 JOHN A CAUtiHKY. Ajft corner of Witter ami Smulifiehi «t> or UiJORGK KECK, under the 8l Charier Hotei WORKS. /■'VM.K.MA.V lIaILMaN 4, UO conuuoe to mtutit- V.-' Uiitutr Small Iron. Spring and Am Bit*ier Bute!. Plough. Fork uud IJoe Stwil. Rivet. Spike, and Wro'; Iron Nuts, all toecther with ('ou<-h amf Elipuc Spring*. hit I’ut, Taper runt common Axle* Having reduced the price of Wrought IrotT-Nuw, eiteirw builder* ami other* uvnr the anir-r, yvii! tt to their intercut i# give rbi* new brunch of I’imburgh manufacture. their attention. < nnrh ttimintinr* mid makaMe iron on liberal terms. Wmrrhou*r on Water ami Fourth *U ietwflhtf DOAUDI.VCi. MRS u:rr ». u.-d r-rpecifully S'tnoaate to her [ncnO» ami 'lie paliilc, Ut«l*ae t* now pre pared to »c on.lin'd* r IL-*uJenec, Second *trr«-i. i.rt ween M ai i et and Wood, 3d door front Wood iTrr-^i Reference* crehung'ed Prlrste Bosrdlpe, SIX or eight yout'K ee nlemen •wSnmg to obtain tioarilin > m ■ pnvuie family, may find accommo dation* in a i*w*ine»» part of the ettv. by magjn* timely l„ A IVKAI'KKVKI.r. iu Clojr ,? 7 ■pl.'l.d'li REYNOLDS k SHKF. HONKY STOLEN. T v 'l,r rrvin won nl,'if;l n -hti' ■ I.,i rr .rt, 1 ta-i i1.0.c 1. a tyo. a I’.i• * Hio* CoiUnullas .. ~t I. HMf* money, u: i.umcu,u, paper*. *4.aa'ik i j.i .he owner, v*n| rrtwrfi tie ..wk and pnprr*. or —nd i;»em to ihr -p.ta! Thu contNlm tor* i,rr requeued to meet at the UuuM or Trnde Koor..* nt tl\o hout named. JOHN UARPFR. Sec y. A FINK »eeond handed two FA.M.U.Y CAR. HIAfiF. and Harne»» ,u ■ «im: for sucking or laniily u»e n> eor.d ortler Appy immediately to I UOS. SANDERS. c-jrtir; F«t*UUert Dud Cherry aJ lf V A barcam m i( - t.e erpoclcd. ap!3:d3t* CtiI hIA 1* \\ Ari-H receiving, alu rgc assort* i mem of the cheapest gold and tilvcr Lever Watcii* e* ever offered nt ihi? city. Also, my ipriup not k ol the fiscalquanty gold ami ftlvnr Watches, Jewelry SUrer Wore. Military Good*. Lamp*. Ac. 4c WW WILSON. JM*L3 cnnteHih and Market (1* r IU) COUNTRY Mi KCiLtNTS—\Y. d. SJcupui, l, corner of Uh and‘Market Pittsburgh. ha* re ceived hi* first rupply nf Spring nud Summer Goods, and invite* merclia.u* to iook nt lii* mock. I*nee* tow Wholesale Room* up stair*—-ei.u-aucc Ciifii *t> ■> mch£l Jiflhrion Coil«c«, Cai|snibargi Pa.' T'HK nI’.MMKH tnu ia*muuon, wii! com mence on Wednesday, the Vd oi Msy next. hpU'd'll O li MOI.ASSiiS—3.> hid* S H UaUtir.l, landing O* from itmr Wmficld Scc.'.t and for *aie by anlli 3 Plantation molassls—c « i>b * pi mauon .Molairc*. .audnig from utmr Wtufieid Stott, and for sale by * A 1 MITCHjEi.T^EE, up!3 MO Liberty n CM/TTuN— :*fi vVe*t Conon. j far *a> Dy ujild \VKRT. BOWKN, 00 Front «r LINS.KED OIL— 2b bbln Iduseed Oil, for sale by :>pn_ ; WEST. BOWEN AT O S t’riAß—iQ hbdt old cron funr, for i> . *Blrby npl3 ■ WEST. BOWEN / rHKKSEJ—Wbirnow landing; forialetar ®pl3 ISMAH mLKKV i cVtWsi Hors-io tele, j.i 6,,, also, . r ~ " *V U W.UAll4lCK£\ STCo ' ■I ■ I'a, ■ V Dry oA a :a»oii»ui< tuple cl. and Man r* 1 ■. ft*a. Pa r . , .ill. ...» p.Jui 'li'linu, r-t pr .-h English . , «u*i> *l - » •. i> h.tttonv »hov . .j. • . on-. w.lli a vt- ■ mi molasses. i i uo-»c!ir>i>l and r. dpi.) London Boole ai Auction. JOHN 1) DAVIS, Aacl •Siram Engine at Auction. AMUSEMENTS THEATRE •C. 8. Porter. • - • W H. Cjutr. Ss-rmnsT Kvruvrj. AratL U Muster* Wood. Darien • • -by- W. 11. Crisp Mr. Dunn Mr*. \V H. Crisp. ■Min Cruisr QUADRILLE PARTY FUK SALK. STEAM BOATS. CINCINNATI'* PITTSBURGH A jIA J3L D A I L v PACKET LINE. npiilS well, known line of splendid passenger Steam 1 era u now composed oi the largest, *wnV»i, be* EnWbeJ and furnished. and most powerful bom* on the water* of the Weil Every accommodation and corn fort thei money caa procure aa* been provided for pas senger* The Kin I>er;i .ii operation lor fire ye Aft —b*s earned a m.d.o.i oi jK-ople w i.i.out the ir **i itjo ry to their person* The boat* will be at the foot of wood street t.ic day prrvioia* io «un«t, for the'reeep. uon oi froifjjit nnd the entry of par*, ngert on is* reen ter In ai. caw* the passage money must be paid in advance. SUNDAY PACKJET. The ISAM' .N FUTON, Captain Hemphill, wdl lean- fhuai'urgi. every Sunday tmmHng at iU obtlock, Whrr I hie rvrry Sunday evening at 10 r. n. Mr. jft>. | MONDAY PACKET. The MO.NII.NI .AHKLA. Capi. Stosx, will lea » e Pitts burgh rv>ry Monday morning at 10 o'clock; U heeling every Monday evening at JOV. *. TUEBDAV PACKET. The HIBKKMA No V, Copt. J, Kr »p wth leave Pittsburga every Tue*d*y morninj at 10 o'clock. Wheeling every Tuesduy evening at 10 p. *. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No t. ("apt. S. Dun. wit) leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at tit o clock. Wheeling every Wcur.eadar evening si 10 f. ■ THURSDAY PACKET The BRILLIANT. Capt (Luc«. wpi let.,,- mu burgh every Thursday morning ariOo'rloct; Wheeling evri) Thursday evening at iu ?. x FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt. Putt Dcval, w;,j iravo I*iu>burgb every Friday morning at 100-'cloek. Whee. lior every Fndtiy evening at 10 r. sc. SATURDAY PACKET. A The MESSENGER No 2. Capt Woopwm, w ill leave Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at !0 o'clock, WhceiiKi every Saturday evening at 10 t. m. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE OF CAN AL AND STEAM PACKETS, Iru euxsoow.) Leave* Pittsburgh dai.y, at 9 o'clock, A. M., and ax rive* at Glasgow, (mouth of the Sandy and Beaver Ca nal,} at 'J o'clock, and New Lisbon at Uj aaoie Right. Leave* New Lisbon at C o'clock, P. M., (tanking the trip canal to the river during the night,} arid ‘Marrow M 0 o'clock, A. M., and arnvi-a a; ritttburgu ai 3 P M. —Utas making a continuous line for carrying pas senger* and freight between New Lisboa and Pitts burgh, in shorter ura? and at le-* rates thnn by any other route The proprietors of this lane have tno pleasure of in forming the public that they have fined up two first class Canal Boats, for the accommodation of paatffngen and freight, to run m connection with thr well known steamers CALEB COPE and HEAVER, and connect ing. at Glasgow, the Pittsburgh and Cincin nati and other daily lines of steamers down the Ohia and Mississippi river*. The proprietors pledge them te:ves to spare no expense or limbic to insure com fort, safely and dispatch, and oak of public a (bar* of ihct; patronage. AUTHORIZED AG ENTS. 0 M. HARTCN. ) 8. AW. HARBAUGII, >««»•»“ R. IIANN A, A Co. j . l myilitf J. lURBAUGH ACo J new u.«»o«» NOTICE— aiearaer BEAVER, C. E. Clarke, mas ler, will leave after this notice, fi»r Wellsvilii* penetu al'y, at N o'clock in the morning jel3 SUMMKR ARRANGESIEHTS for 16*9. MONONGAHELA ROUTE. Only 73 Mile* Staging. Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baluraore and Philadelphia. ’ I'HF. splendid and fa*: running U S Mall .learner* 1. ATLANTIC, Capt J i’arkitisou, BALTIC, Capt A Jacobs; LOUIS M L.ANE, Capt E Bennett, are now making double daily trips iietweni PITJ'BBURGH AND BI«>WNSVIU.E The morning boat will leave lhd~Monongahela Wharf, above the Bridge, dally at 9 o’c'oek precisely l'a«»enger« will toko SUPERH COACtthlSai Browns ville, at 3 o'clock, P. .M-, and the splendid cars or Ibo Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, ut Cumberland, at 8 oalock, A AI., and arrive in Baltimore Uie note even ing, in uroe for the evening line to Philadelphia and Washington city. ,• From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, ouly 07 hours. Fare - 610.U0 From Piuahorgh to Philadelphia, only -ill hours. Fare st'.'.oO The evening boat will leave ai G o'clock, except Buu dny evening* Passengers by t 1..» boat will lodge on l.ourd hi .-uin 'ortali!** Binie Rnnun the firs! night, pas* over ibe luountnins the fo'lnvring day in Easirrn hotll Couches, and lodge the second nigbi in Cumberland PoAsetigcr* have choice of cither Steamboat or Rail Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and the prtvtlege of stopping at Cuinberla'rd end Baltimore, »nd resuming their seals nl pleasure. Coaches char tered to parties to travel a« they p>re«e. *• We make np ihe loads and w».y hills for the Coach es in the Pittsburgh offices, (in order to save time on arriving at it is therefore important for passengers to gel iheir tickets before going on hoard »t ii.- bout, at 041 office, Monongahela House. Water street, or 8t Charles How!. Wood st. Pittsburgh. up-Vdtim J. MKSKIMKN. Agent Pittsburgh ifc Xsoulswille P»eJLct Line* FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. rv The splendid new steamer . r y, m - ,y telf;obaph no i, kfetfjfetis Haslep, master, will leave for etxrv* ■■BEBEaBBand imcrmediate ports on Taes* day, 17th tnst, at 10 o'clock t. ». For fretghtor passage appt* on hoard, or to BITRBRIDGF. WILSON A Co ap!4 GEO B MiLTbINBE&GEIL. PITTSBURGH AND LOUIBVLLLE PACKET LIN h ,r-_j • j- n The new and splendid fa*t pacret*- ggf PaC TELEGRAPH No. 2, master, *riil,lea««- for CTnein aati and Louisville cm Sunday, the lfith inai t at it o’clock, A. M. Epr frrieht or passage apply on board. to‘ BURBRiDGE. WILSON k Co, or GEO B MILTENBERGER. apld Lomlavrllle and 81. Louis Packet Line. 1840. 1849. REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS «. The tiue fast mailing prmsenge I ]L | steamer ATLANTIS, kEfccSSfigjt Geo. NV. Wicks, master, will leave BBEBEBSOafor the above and Intermediate port* every Tuesday, at 10 o’clock, x. st. For freight or fnuanee apply on board, or to E. C KINO, No. 153 Com. Row, Loiu.Tille, REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS The fine fa*l running paurnser JLi**-*? Hrvmtt CRN. LANE. A. MePherton. muster, will ie* Te for above and intermediate port* ry Saturoov, at 10 o'clock, r. x. / Pot freight or passage apply on hoard, or to E C. KING, No IS) Com «;.ow. mar£-n*ier t w jj] | eav< mierm *' iiaie P° r L r /‘* hl or P"* 4 **, applj on board or io J!' ,i> "“ d^vT nu ' 8 jsy £ * onlay, Hie I3ih uuu a: lOo’c.ock, * . For freight or«ITly o’n board, or le epll J » B(n-LKKtBHO.A«ri,u: for st A.\n Missouri bivfh7" |Kf*v~ x f Pl«ndid pamenjer pa.'ici Co ' ,c> • ihr .1 u , ( sESE&xixv?*™ ° n **>> For Uc» K hl or pawajre apply on », Qftr d. cr t 0 * ?U PKTTKiRKW 4. Co, A r , FOR ST LOUIS. Is Ttlt 'Plmdid f«»t raanin .re.,,,,,, O’Neal. , ot lk , d*r. the Uih, .1 Hi oolo'o'l*, for freiehl or,. airplyo,, board, - ’ P " PK-tTKiRKIV a',; FOR CINCINNATI ~ ‘ - Thc ‘Pleotlid Atoo^a, , w Unr Uth um. ai 10 ~orUoa 'Vrdnr.rity for frr«h, w „,„ p p - i*RrncßK\V4Co.A,u for .stloctb; * 8 ■■ifl&iMSL 7 ] Rn * er J: muKirt ,^^wijV) ctxr tor the - «><• F °. t n [j l|fl,t or P a ”°* e ®PPJy o« hoard or m apU OKU B rWILTKNUK ICGKR Art jroRJUXESViu.j;. 5 lll6 *pl*ndid pa»»«»«ser »teanicr yteteggl Bovd. ma»tcr wiU leave for the m bcv«, uiiermetliaio porta thu day at 4 o clock, r. Uy poanjvely. J ' _For fought or pa»mgo, appfy wn l>ofir fr l 0 RECiI tAk PACKKT" t* Thc hue nenmer rr „ JENNY V? 4D ' ballarer, master. will » an . and over /uuf ' ? ,rwec, r Pnw •*-'T For freiffiu 1 ““''-fS ”=ry Tue.- .„ 3; ,r BAKER a FORSYTH. A,i., rpHf y'• * A aEB cil ST ISC fi' "" “ 1 olie.urc of JjlS? l"' ™ orders in th;*, hsanch a% W ,V„ ** pTB P* rt * 1 »» caruur* of ev«r\ - Iti ifl W . “1 con *®on light lcmm - tU following hoij- m!«« *W* New hnffinnd No 2, Brilliant I * ab * ,a « KJNU3LANDA SCOTT ??® , J? e w* V * r * Ac "Tb'ibdr 1 "-” *■"> X FLRY..»,T.t*awhe!Sl!M ufM *«jer®f JEW otiif Sooth and Wo*t_ a i^ ,W * P edlaM '**■ call and examine hia itoek %Wt * C W » •old at the lowest prieeai for s« t n ' w '»ch wi.l be Uutcca. Constantly #1 b*M* h S r approved accep- Ur,o ueoetaum for c i™ mMnfoerrmns, . or doontry trade -.r? irw, foriiff o ( Pnunh t .* v 0- BakKR, ap|o>4'i»n Branch ots, op naira. To Cohila H. - Philnrf«»nS>a OwaarraTAVoi.. OWING to the «,xtr« n «t; rT ”“s ßaH ’ 9 I>l9 oe ofVVoleru^ll? tnaryde P ,CM * on »■ ,he *»<- : SLACK5 LACK - . » (■m. M’FAOKN * 00, - Pon. 81. Line—TAAFFE It O’CON’OR. «!»0 T , sS s f wtncb l.’ ••* ,o '' , '* N**aitb, ** F«r Weiu *« u - “ me “ ra *' k '- . >v 4 M M 1 CIIELTREE, •* E,m ' ‘“WHiwstOo-