The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 13, 1849, Image 4

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Couumoptior. Coarb*. Cold*, Asthma, Bronenius. I.iv
ei Complaint- SpiUmt; Blood, Difficulty of B/raiti
iii}:, Fain m xb* Sulr and Breast. Pttlpftaiion of
Ibc Heart. Intluetua. Croup. E)rolr«n »‘on
«*injltOTi. Sorr Throat. Nervous Debili
ty. ami a.: [)i-cn*e? ot the Throat.
-Breast anti l:un*«; lie most ef
fectual &r.d *pe«ly cum
ever known for any of
lljr above ctiaen*-
Compound Syrap.of Wild Cherrj*!
Thu medicine i» no lomrer nn.ou* tho*e of doubtfu.
DUlllV li aw "’ (rnm lhf thousands dany
launched upon the tide «f rrj.c.rmient. nud m.w OamU
hither in reputation.« uiorr riir,,,,,,.
ly uaed than any other preparimmi of rnedieme r*er
produced for *e reliefof «uffrn»c man
lUtaa been irtrodin-ed verr rencniliy through Uu-
United Stale* nod Korop*, and there are few town* m
ttnDOrtanCe hotwhnt contain no me remarkable <•»!■
donee ©f its food rffecu. For proof of the foregoing
statement* aiut of the rntue and efficacy of this inrtli
ente the proprietor will insert a.f--w of the tuany thou
«*nd testimonial* winch have been prewnted io him hy
men of lb* 4r*l re«p- riabillty~tnen who hove higher
viewi of mdrai responsibility and justice, than io cer.
iif> - to fart*, because ll will do another .a favor, and
themselves s-o injustice. Elicit ie«Uroony proves eon
clusiTe'y.itfrrt surprising excellence is established
by its lutniis.o merit*. am! Urn unquestionable nuthory
ly of public opinion The m»tanlaneou* relief 11 af
fords and u.e soothing mllonnce diffused throngb ihn
wholo iramr by ns l«*\ render* it a most ayrrealne
remedy for live ulfli<-t*-d
“When acting from conscientious **P U,W ‘“;
voluntarily bear tr-uniony to the iruth 0 to their
uartiealar fact <u<h «-itm«ry, being contrary to their
pimcnmi *• , roerre* conviction of
worldly mure.i. .i.n i'“ r " r „, k,
troti, .1.4 ,|„ P r „ Muon,
universal credence —*' "™' u ' _ii.*w »Tts
READ Til K HUMP i KR riH( A I fcM
cr« or
Tl.oro novnr wo. n a. Dr rrw.y.iu'.
or du.poror,- „ .ir.njtl.r... n, r
Comporrnd Syrup ..Vi,,,,,
So nr. .io*. l»«*'' 110.-0.W.0 ly no
other medtrme.
Cukstxß Co . April 23th. l?4r
Dr «w.y»e-Dcnr Sir 1 verll> telwye your Cum- I
j of Willi Cherry hn* hccn the mcim> oi
pound *yj*v , coueht a severe cold, wlucii i
wuh * eoach - u,h ’
'"' which 1 hud recourse u,. ,
TewatcU « « exhibited nil the ..yrnpiotno m
iCS«r:ion. Every thing I -em*4 :
* i .*! no effort and tny complaint increased rapid
“ frlet’iU os well nr myself. Rave up all h«pe> of
AI this unie 1 war rr.cmnroendrd to try
” 1 if « w,,t. hap
’ “osol.s I’ll.' Ml * ■'"•' "* J lb ''
rooia.raurioa .-“'‘I” 1 "'* ""I'l ““
lime I bob osrf ... 1 wo, c-ntirelr wr-1-. ud ow
LOW o. MI o o.„ 0- 1 rror «a. la ray
w001d4,, iwfv to >•*'!■■ »-> ."totmoiion tcniocimrmr
00.0, tho. oil, or .uSorrr. may Jrrivo the Wll««t for
•hid lam ku (traiffu:. hot th<- truth of the above
SSiT. rolo B . 1« «“»■ «7«'. W '“
ObestcrdAv of wuotn 1 purchased lhe medicine.
KenpapuWy yours, J urn Moua^J*.
WWm* ■’ Cun 4 c. Mohadia iVmtdtr.
Dt Swarnc— l>ar Wtt 1 tot » Seltt <tf d«
» Too-.nd »'>u« in to utoto H“” r * U >, >° off,.
2/U*«i« toUtonT '■“ toor of yon. Compound !.;•■
raiofWihl Ohirry Soto lktoyr».«>toe 1 „ ~
yiolomiy ouaeked will, iolil and mU-mua«U' n of ..,e
TSSrVtol. ww Kcor-toiuol wuh « bmnt
pain t, to I>renal and licftn. a vary con-tori ■
bwSlacnaipo ofotfenfiac-moons from to '»"?*. o»F»;
o Lly noon nbanpo ol nroitoi, howonoi .Into M
“wf 3\no allsaPom »y condn.on, l.ul w«. prc.l)
ooou I'onvir.'od inai I wi rapidly ;*» tnn.nn.p
frn* ilailf araakat. and al .cn B Ui waa .oar.-o
-1 tookcaadina "ontnor. of my tor.. »nn'H! in
r [ lnvd mod noon proparauo... and pnkcnpuoin.
bm ton* .... ,oi,of-'ernw,ns all to uma worn. Jail
I wuh • J-i*rd fl’i'l persuaded I-., a dear friend i<> In uto-“'»> “ T«" *> "f ' Vl ' d i ' t '*
rv I inuil eowaa. '-bai pitvion- y I bod boon pia.-a
dioed ap.un.l pnionl n.odlonlo*, nod I am at.!' apan SI
iota Smimr o«l of to band, otompanaa bo, nodal
.undmn yo'.r ol.lm. In to profn-ian mid pracuco ol
inodittlio, and bavinK impnod *“*"* fj?: y
• frou/thc use of the finit four or fin
rESsi { zi°X Y £i
tody fa.ln rad. I baan no ~»««. a mnab irnl ar
number of bottle, would buee mode at -mind. toil .or
the al.oyc unlttcntlioo Hio t-yyup ailnyod to ,o\- r
,ab bablt, mob away tba di.itosun; c 00,,. pn. a .top
U. tin diacharge of .oattat fro, “ 1 ”i, o'*.?
Ibam and Hie -mire ayalam boalth I lto.. dal, t
rod odortne mi" cambcalc ont.l now. lot tin
nl"being .....bad win. to ponnnnenoy o, to
onto, ini mm tot I foal patfeWy “a, I odor , witt
, Ktv 1 l* Jontya.s _
pleasure. __
Dublin county. N C.
IrnyurtMit CouSujh—K'jul' R*a*L‘
Tlia*m I* l.m one preparation ot Wild Lift./
V nd U,.! id Dr Fwamii:*. wm fir*t ever offered u* n e
public. •-«•»« *0"1 u,e
I'M.ted SwftM .i>.i Pr-
Parana... caJ'.rd - -a.- =»,»- P» l ‘*--
ocen put ou« ‘•'W o:
eirrum*li«n'-rw. i.: *: ! *' u Te "| v , • ‘
II it uillwa | »n' . *- ....
By a tittle •>«" ."'T': *4,"V“
ceiiuinn from Uie ln.»e 1 :lr '‘ " ie iji.nui !• .*
onaalnitod wub .b. aa-.'a. ttaal . .«me«W. to
I,.anas, of W.iioun 1V,,.. In-reml, »..o. [h, »wny„o .
..gnaluw and a- tor.:,or w«nitty, to P«r«»tt »• »'•
Swayna onto." a, to di.ttnp,,,-.,
U. prop.fiuon toot-. Saw. « d at. ■« M
U,o aroal opr.U: ,v piopor'.. * .„,o .noon rlllUt- „1 1 r.
Sway nc’» r.nrn;i,u„d Syrup ol Wud t.P'-rty, p* l-.‘ ■*
w.iuid not he einlcnvi vk J< lve <:alT ''"' l 'f ‘f
“beuuoua nootruma ■»> ainu.’ic 'n‘‘ n-uiie «<■
Ulin<;. T nil.ut Uii. l.a.aie
°V U nn?lto^®“' d “'"'' aad llaaa .utaat-
Philadelpliln. , ... . K - r)i.-\ jt.S( UV.
For «ie wi.otr.ale ami , s-.-i-r, n'V v
inedici'i'* _ -
I ’ , E , , r 'V£: >" 't » wcn*>A>. «-»>•-
V«un‘ «*H‘ \i"K< >KIN l.lSKAf^tS
scarcely n ai-eii.'''<*• •• •• j v|r.-nh yr:ir- i..r
U«iie&i- ***'','' u * *. ' ‘ :‘i- tiunos - . unn>:-r
all diaeaae* «• d** v»'heave:. and
and re«pcWMl.ilUj , *'»* 1 ;. |H| Cll {tttv . Ul w u-n
wulmi th- mu-a oi'mun.u meant .
I .... had !n°bc,'rt. ...
skskss-s** I*+% -**s
and multitude* ot the poor u it ••• - >
R removes almost immediately
U, e SLatioo and swelling, when me pain ceaaca
(Read Uie directions around the box t
* utfituACHE The salve ha* oured pencm* oi .he
year. .tandii.R. and who had u
reSar every wrH, «that vommne too* plate bA H
cured i-we* that # «-u W I,
drheitcvcry tint* *»«*■"• a * weil “* ]'* r
tr ,„ 10 iwentv ducuir*. one raau "•!•'. u* he had*,* i-
hi> children wMbou aay l-'i:efn.
boxr. 01 Mliitmem run-i Uiem
TKri’Kß n. '.- - m vh.i'S hen- ».»r Ui rure
BI.'RNS- Uuone o’ '.he o«-«i thins
Born*. * . . ~. ... . ,
IMl.KS—Thoo**ifl» ar«- ><-arly . ure.i .5 ><>•
mem It an kk tans m sivnu: mr Irm
irr Around lb- ‘»ox are ,t rectum* :<»» '
i,>ur\ Omtmntjv’ tero’mfl 1.-rf' * Lnuf
lat Tell". UuiWo n -Solid Head. &•>' >!/*'•
Sore Then* 1, BroaefciM'. .V<m.w» A/Vrum 1. * *•*■' iJ ;'
„,««,/tht Spin*. Htad arU. ,tu Am*. 1*
Bunn. C9TIU. <*U bntau- aj tx* A>ki. So'tlnju rirn
via dc, .Sir<db«< ot tn> Umto. N^o.
FtUt.aud Fut. C-ou)>. Si rtUel li-okt’t Tool* l
arkf. Jr«* Faet ' S f* ;
OOLi' ;l>ivrr Couip dHt. ptun m 1.. e ' n--..
»-d side, fal of lU< huK, or ihe inner u< '•'■mpn
i,r«ouMfcei. iTht.- Uimntem ..the ( true rewejy ,Jt
ia a *urc airn oC d»«ca»r 10 nave com « tu.
CORNS-—oecmo°n al “*« 61 'O' Oi.vnrrnl w;i. a.-
w»v» keep from erowm* IVop.c rtrrd n-vrr
troubled vrtifi tnem ,1 ihey tfee .1 ir«,o«miy
art- Thu l>i"ttnem t« e°«d <of any pur.ot .ne ~i...\
or limlrn when inflameft. in *ocne ca—• ’f »’•••“" *'
* |,| ’ >l ArriON-Nt» Oimment wiU »*e cenuine unle».it..-
name oljAMvi* MrAI.UI?TKJt .< *nr m vmh a pen
°"y. Ap«- "■ “ !1 U|C r ru,rip * l
lOWU.I. L!lr L Sl:i:t ' uMK MrAI.I.ISTKR.
(‘rnnri.lor nf. ill. nl.ov. mrdicii.
|D- Rn„r,p., Ufc«. N. * SotU.TW"* 1 >»►
■Jplpbi.. a-evts I'KK non
Aossn ts rrrr a a Wilcox Jr corner or
J Alexander A Son, Mononxaheio City. N
. Co, and J T Ho s ... B,o,vn.„llo, John
Barkley. Beaver. 1*«. are wholesale agent*,
a BtBONO EVIDKNCK util Dr { aY>L J t
A BronS, A^'rnlXd
pinont wto owmeueed ih*
BSstsx pas
fourth «t
deerDdAwtf '* \ _ _
Dr. W. P. Inland** premium Plaater.
DR. W. P. LNLANI) Of the ,M«‘OK-al Lo»«*e tif *£‘J*
?S«p.u* Plena Of Fallen Womb. he rreommeud. Urn
almier, jruaraiiicciu* a .arc and core m me
■hort apace of from two u» thee *rec*», u applied wi.Ji
elre ud fett— oli tun ccuiuic^initnuneuia
and cxpeawve ao long In «*. Thl* bef«J»
eoiuttemiou, in Mono.. Inounueli »■ lit ka» ‘ ol
in ont tk,e oul of tlirre liouilrtd and art)-lhrec pa
(or Khroranli.m nnd Weak Uttn.l or Book, iil
ronrlrf with pin. thorn >■ nolhwk >" «t“' ',‘s “
m affording relief or effecting a cure r r f
1, Wilcox, corner of Diamond *«d Market *i
Braun A Reiter, • Liberty and *1- Lin if * w
x>r J Sargent “ Federal *1 and Diamond, AUe-
Jacquea £”&», “ Denman and Diamond Binning
arc uoi aware bow fr£gbuu!Sy iiyunon* u i*w
thetkin —bow coarae, bow roagb, how willow, yet*
loir and unhealthy ibe ftLtn appear* after prepar
paJ»dob*lk! Dc»id«r» iu* mjunou*.<!oiuaiulug alarge
<ju#r»UtY of beautiful vegetable article,
whinhwecall purified of all dcleienou*
perfectly a luUttrn l, healthy.
qj ufioWs and. at ** Ume «unj
alab pater, c «', .‘ it soft and imooih.
a* a coameuc practical Chemiat of Mas«a>
Dr. Jainea Jone>‘ Spanl.b Lily
oboaetta, •aye- After beautiful and natn-
White,? 6nJ .tp««««‘ l wUw Uw M w 1
rai, ami al the game am i wc y,
oertaioly-can conMuenu^^ y pneb, .25 ceflu ■
OOAf-i» bn
DU. towid\>»
*Jrr»spr nr
ffo+ter s*d of tkt Aft.
The rarwii mlnenliw' 1b tka WorM ’
TVu r.ttroet is T* 1 */ '* Bottle* if u n
f,-, T - cJUape'. pl*o4*r'tr omd «•
otrlor to otaf «r&’ /• af , wtUsai
or ftcKi*V ,, u/ tk*
The frwU beaittf and fur'Vtarity of this S»r*»p«ri!U
o f,r «£ other metlieiaei U, U • while tt eradicate* the <iu
eoeo. it lortAurotea the bodt It ii one of the *ery bed
Kvrr koowp} it oet only pur a* the whole ryutcm. and
•tr<-nclhciu the perooo, bat it e -out arw. p*rt and n<-*
l loud a power puesened by bo other medicine And t»
mi- lie* the grand tecret ef iu wonderful luccesa. ft ha*
pcrformod within the Lost two jeon, man than 100,<xn
ear-* <>f levere cose* of disease; at least l,\0O<) »»ra>
coii*idere<l ificnrahie. It bu saved the live* of more
than IU.OOO chDdren dnrutf the two past teasoti*.
10,000 cosea ef General Debility and
want of Itrrrons Energy.
Dr. Townsend'* Sarsaparilla lorigontn* the whole
■fktcm perHianently. To tho»« who have lost their
muscular enerry by the affect* of aedteineor tsdncre
tma cornmittea in youth, or the eseeasiTe hidnlgene* of
ibr end brought ob ■ general physical prostra
tion of the aerroue eystam, lassilado, want ofambition,
fainting eaasetions, prams to re decay sad decline, hastan
me inwards thef fatal diseasa. Consumption, cau he en
tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. Thb Sarea
tiarilU i* far saperior to any
Invigorating Cordial,
At ii renew* and invigorate* the.system, give* activity
to the limbi, ami »tr«nrih to the muscular system, ii t
most esUoutiimary degree.
' Conaamptioa Cnrrd.
Uironse and Strengthen. Cononvtption earn be cured.
Brmckitie, C'enri&iptiea, Liner Conpieuii. Colds.
Catarrh, Qo syfs. Asthma, SptUtnf of Blooa,
Sorcnc»t fas the Ghost, Hectic Flush,
Smeats, DtSeult or Frofust Srpetto
retica, Fein in Us Stic, knot
its* end sen hi and.
As York. April SBfi£4*.
Do. Tcmcaßtu—l verily bellova that your Sarsapa
rilla ksu boon the means, through Providence, ef faring
tny Ufa. I hare for savenl yean had a bad Cough, it
become worse and wssto. At last 1 rotted large i{ashii
lies eftcoed, ked night fhrenu. and was greatly dekill
toted *<ti sednced. and did net expect to tire. 1 hare
' enlr seti renr SartapariUft a short tiisa, and there has
a woediivisl cbstgahocn wreaghiln no. loa now able
te wsih bl evai, the eity. I raise a# bleed, and ny
cough las ItA a*. Tex son wall tmigtne taxi I oa
thashfii fVr ihese reswlta.
Tsar chedicsl unuL
TTK. AUtaSLU tt C*ik»iif-«*.
Pejmola Hedfcioe.
Dr. T swssend’i SarenpariUa b atOTerelgi aid «poei_j
cure f*r Isciplcnt Ceos ant ptlea. Earrennets, Prounni
Uteri, or Palling of the Womb, Ceetiveissa, PUesTLoa
eorrUmt, er Whites, ebe&aateil er,dJQcnlr Uen|tr>f
Unn. iDcatdnsttee of Urine, er inreSaitnrv discharge
thereof, and tot tha general preetndae of tna syttsa—
no matter a bather the tesalt eftxhersni cause or couier,
produced by Irregularity, Ulisxj er accident. Nothing
can b* more surpriaixg thu its larigoraticg efocii
the hoctsn fhas. remans ofi waaknees and lass!
indo, ftom taking It, at enca beoeae robun and fall c(
fecrrgy ender {uinfiaenca. Il IsmsdUuly eoanieracu
ih» aer 'elemea of the female fttco. which i* the great
tecta of Rerteasesa It wiU aot b* eitvecud ef ua Is
eases of «o tjelicste ■ nsisra, to exhibit csrtldeates of
rcroe }>srfortae<i bat we <ns insure the sfllctcd, that
Cjodreds of eases have been reported to on Thousands
of cases «h*r« fandUea have busn without ehildron,
Oar uring a few bottlee ef this Invaluable medicine,
hare been blamed with in*, hsalthy offspring.
To Hatiien lad HurTied Ladles.
This Extract of SanaoariQa has been uxpressly pro
posed in reference to tamale eomplaists. No female
who bos reason to ssppeso she is approaching that
or Idea] period. “ Tie tm of should neglect tc
mb* It, u U b i «nrt«fn prwTcndTe for any of Ike
nemeroaa ofld horrible diseaem to which fesoie* ore
robjeet at this dm* of" Ufa. This period may h« i*-
laytd fir several years by uctng Isis wudicim*. Nor
is H lews rminoble tar thorn who are approaching wo
manhood, as it is calculated to assist natsro. by quick
suing the blood and Invigorating th* system. Indeed,
lius mediates is invaluable for all the delicate dtsea
!'•<• to wbirh women are subject
It bm.'rs the wbole system, renew* permanently the
.ci'.jrsJ -uergtea by removing the impurities ef lh«
body, cot so fa stimulating a* to produce subsequen*
relaxation, which is the ease of most medicine* taken foi
female weakness and disease. By using ■ few bottles u|
tbit medicine, many severe and painful surgical opera
non* may be prevented.
Great Blessing is ITlotbrr*sad Children.
' Ii is th* safest and most effectual medicine for purify,
li.f the vyiiexn. and relieving the suffertnri attendant
upvt ehdd-litrih ever discovered. I: *irergthen*
the mother rad child, prevents pain and iln'in' in
erf**#:’and enrichesthe food, thoe* »h" h»*e use.! it
think ti is indispensable. It it highly utrfu I tmi.i t.efiir»
and after confinement. Oi u pravunts disea*es slUuda:;
ujHiii elii dlrtrt^—ln Coauvenea*. Piles. Crami>a Swrl!
Inf nf the Feet. Despondency. Rrarthurn Voinitinr,
Pafn in the Back and Loins, False Pun*. Hemorrhage,
end in regulating the socrelions and equalizing the ctr
rujaunc it has bo equal > The great Scanty nf this
medicine is. it is always sofa, and the most delicate use
h non laccesefallv. very few eases r> quire any ntti*f
medicine, io mim a Utile Coster Oil. or Magnesia, is
ntefuL Exercise in the open sir, and light food with
this madictae, *IQ always ruim > safe and easy eon-
nesxnty and Ilralth.
Cosmetics. Chalk, and a variety of prop.rvtton. gsaw
rollv tn u«. when applied to the face, very sooo spoil it
of its beauty. Tbsy dose the pores of thv skin, and
rbrek th.cjreuimuon. which, when nature is not thwart
,-d hy dissass or powoer. or the sktn inflamed by the
alkalies used io soaps, beautifies Its »»« production iB
.be • human face as well or In the garden of
nr S and dclieaiely un«d and vanegate.l flowers. A
fr-r. acuv* , B d healthy ptrculmtion of the fluida. or the
rt*tii«me nfthe pure, rich blood to the extremities. >s
wbieh paints the eonntenance in tb« most eimti
sitr t eaatr It t* that wnleb anparts tue inde-enbahie
shades aad flashes of loveliness th»: all sdmire. but
none eon describe This Seautv Is the offspring of %*-
tare—not of yswdsr or soap. If there is no. s free
healthv ctreulatioa, thsro «no bsauty If lha lady It
fair ai drivon ‘f P»“*« ‘ ad ««■"**«»
and the blwodls thick, csld and impure, she U not
tifuL If tbsks brown or vsDow, and there *s pure and
activ. blood, it gise* • rich bloom to the cheeks, and a
brilliancy w thstr ays* that it fascinating.
Thu is w+i» tbs southern, sad especially the
Ith ladies, ara so ouch admired. Ladies in the north
who taka but little sxsreisn. or ara confined in dote
rooma or ha»« spoiled tbetr comnlaxton by tha appli
cation of deleterious mixtures, if they w«h to re
g..B elasticity of sup. buoysut spirits. . ( .arkU B g eyes
toil beautiful complexions, they should use Dr T.wn
tend s Sartapanlla- TTiousacds who have tried tt. »ro
C i„r- than satisfied, are delighted. Ladies of every
ttalirii, crowd «ur offiea doily
Notice lo the L.ndir*.
Those Inal imitate Dr To* o*«nd » Sarsaparilla. bars
in* inibly egjled tb«ir »luff» /r*«t Rra*dy Jo' Ft
naif i, kc. Ae- ud eopl*J our bill* and circular
• inrh relates to tbe eomplusts of women, »or I for worr
—<-t)ior men who pot op medicoe, here, •idci* the ffrr»
surer** of Dr. Towß**nd'* SersapanlU is complaints
in< ideal to feataJ**, recommended cheirt, although pro
ly did not. A negiber of three Mixtures. P.lls
.tc.. ar» injuriool to female*. as they aggravate d*»«***.
and undermine the constitution. Dr f owaamd’e I* the
and bell rented/ for the nooamui female tom
,, rarely, if erer fell* of affoeung » permaonn
, „ rr |, C ts be taken by the noet delicate frtnelM,
ib »R>- rs.r, nr by those eipeeUon to become mother*,
with the grnatost advantage. " “ «'' e »)
«nt prevent* pel a of hanger. asd lUenjtnrD* !►*»! b
UMitnnr and child. Be care/olto jet the genuine.
4crofnltt CorrJ.
Thu rerii ficate conclusively proves that thu Hatss
parill* has perfect control over tbe taoet obetioste cita
rases of tbe Hlood. Thro© paraoa* cured 10 on© tunus
1* unprecedented.
Three ('hildrfn.
iia Tovtcscip—Daar flirt 1 bare the pleajure t
uif.’TU] rou tb*t three of my children bare been cored
•if ibr g'eroful* by the uae of ywtir nerheot medicine.
They were afflicted vary severely with bad Sores , bars
t ikru only four bottles .it took them *w t y, for which
1 feel myself under great obligation.
Youra, respectfully,
Opinions of Physician*.
t>r. Townsend t» rlmosi dally roeniri&g orders from
Physicians in fllflcrrct porta of tbe Union.
This is in wiftify that »«, the uuderttgnod. Phyaiciaas
of the City of/Albany, bare in numerous ease* prescrib
ed l»r Townsend's Sareapanllv and bsliete It to he
no* oi the most valuable preparations la the market.
tt. Is. BRIGGS, M. D
Albany, April 1. JMT P E ELMKNDORF. M. D
Owing to the great sueeees and immense s*le ot Dr
Townsend's Saraparitls. a number of men who were
formerly our Agents, bare eommenerd making Sartaps
rills Extracts; Elixirs, Hitlers, Extracts of Yellow Doe*.
Ac. They generally pul it op in the same shaped btit
tin, and some of them hare sttdt and copied our adrer
lisement* —they are only worthlsn imitauoca. and
should be avoided.
Principal Office 12C FULTON Street. Sun Budilnr.
N Y . Reddfng A Co.. 8 State street Boaton , Dyitl A
Son*. 1311 North Hecuml street, Phdadelpbia . JJ. R
f 1 ts>s«.s-■. Dfipsi*!. llsitmuire . I’ M, Cbarleitoo .
Wnclit ACo . r;.l Chartres Strcrt, S 1; 10b South
fenrl Street, Albany, and b» ill tlie ynuiij-s' Drug
gju, sod Men bant* c* serai!) tlmi.j il p,e I’uiled
flairs. W<-«t Indies an 1 I’-m Cit.s.iis
N- H —Person* inquiring for tin. medic, n ©, should
no; be induced to take any other Druggist* put up
Sarsaparilla*, and oi counm prefer oeiim* their ewi,
Do not be deceived by nny—inqu-re for Dr Town
send's. and take no other. l£_/” '.he genu
me “•Town*<*nd’» Sarsaparilla.*' sold by the sole naents
R. Iv SELLERS. General Wnolewaie A Brian Agent.
No. 5? Wood nr eel. and D M <'UKK\, Ajicftiieny
rity. _ jetfi
For tl.c Recovery of Dormant rum Improperly With,
held REaL AND PERSONAL i>l ATK the Sr;-
tlrmenl and Arbitration of t'ommerrmJ. Tnnbai}. ami
other Debin; l-ennit Fatrni* lor luv-ntion* uiGrent
.Britain, Ireland, and the t'oioii'e- and D*'pn.detwics
thereunto belonging, and Neyouating iuf the Fur
chaae or Sole of the «iune.
RKFKRKNCT- may >,o ! od on npplirruion Tree of
rh»rgr, (provided the motive is not that of men
runo.stry.) to n List ronipri«tin; upward* or li.issi
names m which uAlntm--d property is •■tiindiiig.
Also, on indri to our lli.oon ndvet;.eernent« wlnei.
hove apjieured tor the post M jeurt m variou- Brilish
newspapers, uddreiert) m Heir* t*t Low and next o'
km Communication* hy litter arc requeued tube
Ilrondwsy, New Ydrk.
Reference* are permitted lo Mon «'hnrlos P Doiy,
Judge Court of Common Flea*. New York.
Fieclaml. !*taan A i'o
Cha* Cartlid(f« R Co
YV A J T TnpseotU _
U. R- A. RieketU,
Kdward Schroder. E*q.. Cinr.tnnaU, (Jhio,
A Paiehuu Fx].. pTOudrnt Fateimi Bank, Buffalo
* novJl-dtlm
Tlie Aliggheny Cemetery.
AT the annual meeting of the Corporator*, held on
Ihc ‘lift But-.tfto foliowtuiL pci»ons were unaoi
mobiiy tc ciooiei Maxtuera.ior the enaoing year:
J. Finn, Jt., Secretary and Treasurer.
' Tho-aftooil statement presented (hr nffwir* of ihe
Company in a vory proaperoua Condition Their office
lit the eity u No- 3? Water alreet. jelff
APl‘l J H tdd*. «»sorted kind*, for natr
\Xbf nee ' ISAIAH DICKEYA 0©
/inmSV,—lOli bg* 111 ftore ami for *ala by
der*» deck ISAIAH DICKEY A Co
• a *J nv ' > ' n ,n “ r!,!,| '‘ 'or wunhins
• Whir*, ... ..u, 1..:,.!. tt }H H,C*Uon for f
1 r - r > a * r '‘- ,w )-»r »ali-
I iti* •urcti
: »>»I ■*• 1 itr* ««»
n. ti-r.f ron.-m.-1.0-,
n.ul'‘« of r.rutf j
!••• pm
tii *.| |>*i.n .me - , . -
tiHTr MI,. r.. 0,,,. t.,,..,.' ,
..i'-:i.i,r. Tl,
ha. I an liolir
;iH w«rM i.> >,
I I>l- n ; >.-r«|or« rhi*n» H'l
'in' ri> •*. •
'! £ h--.r he* :o TKry
- i • .1., >■' |.„ “
I'r < f o' inia le>. ► Uio--v
•nr| njilcd by cfi» i. v». ■ 1... ri .„„ x ; .
n-nc,w.,<k‘.. v ■
rj,,,,. « u »P r »t« *-».».• »oj» A.h.
' V 1 r rrv r-i' a - I’ . ,’.nlr:p\ .1
s m mitVmk! thkj:
M'HNT K.U.- - [•:!', ,LJ- •or; W,-
ilun- aa,; ~ .„ V rr M*., Ill'-
tfci <V''"u lIU o 'f < " r warr T *»T'**l V tJikft (in' lij -piL*
• u«,r.- <v :i> tv -.var. J .., t ■». it lor . wrio.t
*il,r rcla,: - JOU.N U MUKtrAN.
K SAMI. H JIAKTMA.N i.uvi:;- . 0 ,: 11. i;-.f
p,; •" :;,r o' Cmchm.u. Ilai m-.; A
¥*■' *" par!..«T. U. r-s.r-iJ
from >lir ti'in 1-Vl.rua:\ IP l-fi-.i
pirisHi Hmi'.MaM lAc-n }(f.> - Tin- iin.l.r
i -iKia if. Ac«-!it it, c •. (l .,!,uiai-iurrfv mi. . *,«,„■
uml i, run Mipji.y ei i.iMri.c.r.
ITU'c m i ill km argil in mi Yu ,m; w jin ii >' odcr« ; UI
' il> hi mauuiiiriurei, ~t ~. <,|.u oh'IIKaS.
|MUA Hi KIiKK I’ \- l'K-1 cro-« 1.0 ti.. - I R„ ■
u.;u: »!ior« [‘rrici i v wu:--r limit'’. irtti »mi u< » |iit-c<.:
i .OUi • >:;■ a, ; ,i -il**. i ol :u . |tn>'« !» .ulftrifiil to
:#»r ni.^-r
p-rt- ■ |T-V.
K>v'<t m.J ini -.1I; .l,u K:«* ’■< r I wpoi. \o •
" -1 J A II IHll.l.ll’>
MKl.ll-Ai. ii M•• 1. s'. |,.-r - >,,r. ~, l„, n
». <>l»c:ai .1 « ■ <.>l vi 1,. Ai.a.uci.
S K' » '■« J’rUc ' 11 1 • • } -JT -]<ru"!t !H ’• 1 I r»( v«-« I'm
l.fc lurc-i. l!ro«1:e . Lroil.* >•" Jei |. N) nfeml i ,
lU.tldeU’* M’lriwtfr- <.n f)- -.r t.. . W.nilr Mini 1 ;'
fornrrv *'•> I‘iik*• i < >ininin'ii \ e-petm
’•I Hr-ii.-. | lii;>n re<; ~n ( Irfii-. Knilli-" n-i K, ir
'lnrV o:, n. i'p-jic. J’op Vie.) A»liw.-'. ,i..
:rn« < Wr.rlii. |»j,,.
' V| ' ;< "U 1 j«• ■ • ■":l*'*: mpl t>r< t h■'r|r<--
Vfij-ruu'* . Kl'.-t • Th.-r, }lr ..
Anatomy. l. urn €■■■ Kerns'- Hmn.nn. Amtinm.
i'oo|«-: on |)i« na;;.>i:. Co „hi „i, riii.dfr\| ... r
l’r :i Cl Surci-rA I'lnin >.| • . , . 1
>'hi : ilr#f’ do o . M.d W’i'r’, >l.. -11 l I
do Ujci.iuia r • l.nwrnirr nn , (l
tu'« M ninrn Mr.l \\ • , on . !*• ae ;tn\ ’ 'r . », M ..
Du’ »' • l‘r;i , ,;<» Mairrm M-<: \, ...
I' £>>»,<►' y Ki.m*> .'tn ,-u j Km*: .- j v . i
*u rjr rx . W\ jrr■ \ U ■ '-mu* oi \
'rt '.:- A'-rf-TOin -r I.rui' L> . t ,»d'. ■ (••*[!• II;
•d: •• A- 4c.
1 I J.l' • M A l .'.I .r.JSH Vi V'. ii,,
■ • ••■■■■• ■ i.;. . hmi... .i .
bimu\m,ui:j u l 3} .I u n 111) in
<• 1C t•• U„: r !. ,\| w
1 ' u\ 1.1. Tl MO* I’.Vl I
1)1 HI.IC APM \ I In.N »„
JE :.c'v iir’.ieic i'i K\i!i\(, m
■*’. Uifiut no.’. \v ilr-H rc.irc- Irtr \
'!• o' 'I ’ U iKI r. ,li- .. .
i:. i;
ALr(III t) L nil Pint Sl‘IK I T X
fill A
K! Vh [> fnT'i Pa “i tn.’ nrw far,.-- U m. ’
Cr n »jnKo-—'l IVn'-ii •I’nm Tu ' ’.' :■ <1 < i
H u” Iwhi.h<i «' irp- - Hi*i’
A I.SO—l(»oihir» Tr !..«;•»r-•'•m.
* i rri[ilMrr Vti'W- • *1"
Ci.nrt, do •:
I'rj;wf) i liuu-'k dn •!"
V.ovv* tlo
r.m: u>d I-...
Rn.-r Hi...-
Tt. a..ovik <.e
' , r : u mi : .• k
I II t\ 1 :..••<>■ : - l K K>:!: M i 1 111 IK<M >|
J . I.TM> \ r ■ -
. ' ; \ r.-n /r.i. ,i • < .ip i d without Ir's; f" ' 1 > '
• ii-.’d i , a eMui. T:-- •ul.*<-rib«r ha* '-i ■
r... art.r - For «t > \VWW|l.**n.\.
ct-rncr mark-" in' L" • ■*
NlHtin'oriprer Ihd ib-aier in ini ktiHl*
r n-.s '»•■! Sin.,.l .'•• r-:--r -:.•*-*•• sm.
V -RMi'J- k.-A, 1.. t U< < '.in i :'r •. Ho:.
i\in>i;|'i |>i "i ,\ K - ...i •>.« * -*
• .)- * ;. , • tpe 1. i v. 'lll .- Ilr:i';d
l H>l... r KrgO i*. I. " •' : -1. •*. ’ “■ d I* •'«*>' “•
L'.-m ir.l "i ’> M.s-oui! ;i;'.u 1 ■ •• 1
I,r«, a J 1, .. > ' J
1 ■'-“vO < AND KI’VIKWt Hv l-.dwin F Wfsi•
1 j • vir* I'-bno
11,. i, ,Wm t «. I. ! '. f h., :tn» V.l . 'The So :i
.'lll ]'(i- Mi ’. ... ..00r,.l . ■/ -lirep JIMIO. Ir,.
imp* ii ':d p. u'.es *•' 'u
|l-‘>r-W i'xbx- !i.-w Ani'Tieiif. ,on
Hurt.:: * Nn:c* tv. .ir N-W 'if»• umr-u: i vn:« ■
r w edttio’i •
Marauiiiy’* HiMory n’.rurv *•>>
Yor -o!r l.y « HOPKINS,
mrlijll Apr- in Butwling*. 4t:> •
U'IIULF-SAI-F. l'H'» \\c hr- ~!■ w !■'...
v .lig H ..irge tlrx l u‘. Sin Hi: i'"
', ul-c:«d w.'ii Cf *l ■ fmni 'h** "i‘l'vri. -- ii.,n
.ii grades u»uai »»*f-1 b> D’ V O-iml• h'»i'Wi'
•a!, and riu.iiiue om smelt :iml t*ri«'»** !'*•
wu'-r- SHAt'KI.I.TI' A V\ HI H.
’ './« Wood •'.. ''vil ilnr.t- li>.*'<- Ihaiiioiul a. -V
'lift I'dl STRY MI'.FMHaM'S- Semi A J":is
-1 '.«• \Urkel sir--:, uu .m-mr> ■ h'-ac
na;, ijie ■ r- nn rrp'aer ih-m -iiav.m; ''<>ugh: .li’ in m
I 'ir . ''an *r.. ;on■m tu w tl«*iiit-:« nml V «net y * /on.!
'-t' xfu can b u > Ui'-ni i»: F.n-tern Jobber.
Otn- and sec. me litCl
I’O Milt srm \IKR“ HANTS-'A R Mmii'H) nv
now open nl n,» W holr*u <• Uryl.ood* Room
nnPil cii.t rnrner of Ith an-' Market »irert». FlUabuirh
i hi'l nipj voi u-rsli .'ii' t»o'»<l*. me lulling if w. »l
-tyic ..r |*r(<■*w timtimms. Ac and mvif' an
"r»ni. u»,. r «inrk
F.-i>rhj..-- i ( , W:. .c-.i c Room* from l:u t:rr<M
»* :>c' Y '..VtiiU- h w r pr,.-.-
I.a :,•• - , cn g l nud i-4 do. for tSi f'l.i l :. :llf | it
po-s A
Mooir* inn •• Y -;tc V.huicm and L.n-cv«.
•n uo'id a: inc , rr 0 | J-.,0 rth au-l Mar-
IVI nrs-o j*-b6
NKW (iOOl)H.
Srf.M'Kl IXI .V UItI l I „ :r> U ( . ,«| .;ri nre now
frrrrvi-.ff H fi-mh .:rv*fc ol t) II S I .«>( UIM. ol r>- cM
Will ictl ll»W \'< Uir
Mrr.'h" u .1 rr r«-«|i.ennj to fa;: *»<! rurtimr the if
nofk and pn<e« mt^
r pK.AiN>IM KKN'I’ SMAi)t'.S Ju.t r-<-iT.-«l amifcu
J. **!«• nl \N M 1 .•nice* « ii- w I’arpr: VVurrrixtiu
.No *6 Fourth «U a handsome s.*«or,ip-:m of Traii»pn
rrni Window Shade*. m vrry reduced price*. to wh.rti
wr invite the attention ol Uiotit wi«nnii{ to tmfrhiw WMCLINIUCK
1 »VIX>Z SLTKKM.’R (iOI.D I*I'„NS; Vt) do com mlvrr
1 Tal»l« ami Tru Spoon* 6 <for parlor, office &lllJ
other r.lnek*; l»> dor aawrtcd Stfiti Ijimpt anil (,i.
i‘Uutnluiirr*, lsdnxGoM and Stlvrr AorciacW, opr,,
m# and for »aie hy W VV WlLmjn
STJI/AR. kr —V'l5 hbd» fair in pnmr \ O t<u B ar. l
axorlr.ii No* Iai»I Sugur, >Ui
| lor t&ic by mb*- KIIKV. MAT!*HKW* 4 (j«
Bankers, Exchange Brokers
AV' f>.iU.EM i,
N'nT-<.nRA}TS.Ai'<”KITANrJ>: f ,n| p kii V VP
AND HANK Nirri > '
•:<>).LKrrio.Ns-Ivlina. Nni... Urr , ,
*t . > ■“ '“•>• < ■ :u- i ..
m iho«c wjjn
r. n’ .inn' r.;
} ihMi n.
< trill’•• No .-Li M;.|.. • .1f,.,
I’ 1- ■ -M'll. I’j
UlU> 1..,1,- , ..
1 ) ii..;. mnmji.: ui<: i otr.-m K :j: , , i
A .(■ Dr..,”,. „ .. r I- . ,*■
(■'•■Hi 11 10 I|l»*J, nl ’!ir r:i!r- ( , a’,.,,., ,
n ~ „ 7 * r.*i>e-
I)A\!.LK> A.N D tAi'HANi.l’. UKi»KKK> ..... ,- r ,
1 )«<” I it.’ii". ami l*oine»:.i’ [i, .« u j*., ... '. f
i. r. rh. * •» Ifc-TV.-iv Ha k Sin,, i.
A. Itni W .;rrn«. d.r-"..h ••f-j* i t<< ..
< >lllO.
Kou'.u'- v v.
Hu i No’r«,
puf<’i.u<rd H’. ’. .e ,-nlr*. !.v
N lii'l.hl S A SAiNn.
Plinadslpini. inni
Coi (or -. y N IHH .V SnN'^.
M Markri *l
I*Hl LM , '»IU'H(i. l' A '
f j')U n;.. I xiii.lo wnn n ilydrojia!! v im» ,| U j,
' : ' l " - 1 "Plhvr -llrrl-'w’nrr’',..,
1 11,... .mu’- il,.c»«r win.n rnii'i.iv.-.l alo-r n.r
::,1 ‘ ■ l ‘ ”^ p n« n.d dj-i 'T , c j.ijm,,. '..v.'r,'
[••i'i., ip. w.! 0.,:.i it• ,i» ctlii ai-1. it ia, if.i ... uu ,.
' *:■ order -i ! a ’
• ' ti,..i it;iO i urai„. • j,-, tjv J, <>(•
f.iJV, ,\i:i/.\t KMC >1 I*°i*xV. r " ,Vu:
F-t-t IttiM KS H.’t ,’ K.,’ ,k Li f r A,’,,'.-Vr,!
N I >V \ <i H K A N l> r H I I. A ]t J. I f il : A
"1 IM l. lll.'Tyl A! I l"i AMI i n.- ,•
N I id i:t." I M \NM.K
lltail UlUllel, fii Itool • mill Sliuc. -
' . ..1-1, *•
TO I Al.l FOR \ l A NH.
1 ...” - I' I- -X .•... , r .•”. \ I<y
. I • .V I 1 • \l,r«r:
, r -a li. \v r It I f. . ,
I , . f.... J \ I " 'A Ui i• K • )!•
M r.-4>. i V.i-f-v
. .-.M" - •• i.v.p.,r< ii.i-vl* .1 •’ t <• I KUUti:, . >
m f.. i-i,-,.’. ;
ki n* A r i Ia• ■ i ; k; ».
;uc*r I’lt la b itrjj h , Pa.
<Attr /:<«*-•"■, .*l.l. 1.17. ftrrrl' irh.
- ipr * :!; ni. ,'u'fTri !-cff>rr n tiS’r rti" in : h p pul/-
N l a i ,\Ki'KJ> )(>-<'• ivc.i iu... . rium
.%••« • I .» pi , i\i.• iua >u|n-r.
n» 'if' llfb.*ci» I'liri'rli
iln Hru»«~i* v»*ry iin np, <j< (
r.<• h .-<>rr.r- «upri [ urn.:, .Jo
IMIa.l \V :i . ■.«„ ,lo
1-4. '• '• ii •! .Vn fOmtn-i.i iln .Jit
> of '.il'i' ii !”• *'>•! j' u mn;i ' ailvanrr, urn)
A. KUHfHllll* .1- »* • - ' •ii f.r J.llf r ii»c.| I,) i;,|. r ;Kt
■>:. \\ v . n li K. 7J 1 „
j i.-'V • ;<■■■ .."ri,
... 1„ n-nvrr ‘lffl. i---. !•■ ihc
. ........ .. I rum ;u- 10..< • ip-t - ,n '..,e
„ . .... and “ dr*.r- l “ l" eA ~' 11 ' b'V' ' l,lri '
•,• .•••c v'f u »uar*-ni puUi-r paimting
’ (,h i.«.hl an.l ><> "rd< r. ftm i n u ) !<j<-
/ . . (»•>,- n io;> llaaKif. iii.l rv.-fv .ic-cf :n,cit. ■>’
■ .■ ih.m|( u> yril' f. In*'" ncvcmy-6 .(_• :i>ila-«;o
l.i-Kt.l.ii <nrr.i
Monon(r»hel« Home Tailoring E.lob
-8 lUhment.
I i VAC WILLIAM-*. Draix-r m-cl Tinier '"-fi u. :iU
I ' :..m It.. .■ iu.vl'm.i".r S h other.. »*. M
,7 ..-v ...iff »t lu‘ rciiim* f>n Simthlirlil «:rr.'„ un
]'. i' I ,i.. i**..• vI Ifitr ;. » nr'/*- uri'l l.rautifol ti-<>nll..'n!
;,i , .niiA other W.i.i.r.,
UIK.-U.rr w,th fit' ll «>"" f n* rf.juirrrl for
K-mlrro.-.!-. wnr 111. l.avt- li.-rn rr»r-ni|t>-
< -i.j itml ufr (if i!ie nr wen: ami mini
, ■i.« wt‘' b* of Mipcnor qonluy Hi«rn«tomrr«
mV- .Ir-c-rml ujK.n liaimg dieir clo'hri mnrlr up u> a
init'iiirr winch caiirioi fail u> Erauiy the laatr of ihr
inokl fk*Uili«ni». ai>V4:l y
w j-jj*) Mtlf ol tnr Uianioml. wli.-re Vriuliau
IJliml* of mi Uir Jiflcrtm »<lr» umJ rolor*
nr> tcpl >m Imiul .a iiiuJb ui oulor alio
itjc lairM ainluioai approvcO ia»h*
ion*.at me *lcoriei«l noin i; ami on the mo*
n-a»(inu!/lr irrm*. .
A «o Uir ,-i.ra,. Uo.ton rot. of *pnl Uinul 1 ftui»pa
.. „ ni | pßprr Corlmn* «f •*!( the different *!/.«« ~ml
nam-n>**<“‘ h»u>d m.dioi »aio low lor<-o*ii Old Vim.
tun Hlnids |.*uilcd over r«puM, of ... pan
povnieuf lor new. KM V\ b.STKRYKLr. Iro pr
% It —AH wiif* limit will the U-m mawnal un*l
wortmanahip and warranlcd IO plra-- Iln mel la*
UibiiQi uurtodll
AU-irhrny niy Au* Hi lo4e
Nr.w rrHi.jf ATjr>\?
or - -iß'ri: 4.*■ i* M«tr: -oj W V-- M A
l VO: 1-Jirc. 1 • An i. .tii re n <' »'m<
Sol r ARfiicj' for Auinit AClnrk’i I’lanoi.
•''' 111 • 1 * \ I’’ - :m.! oi'rniijtf h
»an .mi-irMu: unc-m .-ur ••• .>• i:.> • ..uuniui and
A l.'M \ !, ■«. «->!<• • Lr- , .}■ <
I. 0 ~ <>■ l >v-« II Ki : !IKK A.-.'i;!,
11l J u \\ ri'>ti» • -- i I'r.ifil «|
S I » 'o7i- win It toiil iii 11..111U' 'i iufr r-. (irij
■ m. i. 'lil > .tddiuon sor iT'-iirii'< -r tj; r *
niiil" J'urual and <'! •'■Min'!'
■ * • » S * 'lll- >air.i pHii.-ru an.i t-rsi niai.-fiul.
r FI.l/M'K. It.’ \V<l,„l -ir-..;.
i .uif a’Tvr Fnili
nn r- »("' rii' •. .t. . r:-iJ tr> ri.unifjr lie*.? i.riuiv par
'•llii-.ui' • •'• r. a- ;,i.-) ran..ol 1 ••*rr.,ri! pv an)
‘. ,l “'r • *<* ■ an.-. •. I: y ~f<» a li •
!>il ri in m .■ it »':i"'i;|i • ;<« 1 • •wprnor ’n nri v
'"* r: ,o '-' ' < ;’i-;h- -I [■' II
r !'HK -I' • ' t -K i—. f *. So >• Areii! for
1 uip «u:c i*A Hlt,\ K I"~ i ui'KnVKfl MKUJDK
(•N>. a- iii.muid •li'-o;’ iiml n .. id t.y Mrnur.
M 1... .1 A U|l... o. 1. I . u.u.l! COUlJiu*.
H 1,.! Pif.-n: 1..., IS. ■ K ; ... M & W
i.i iii ■•iirilanrr « .::» ’ ji- c-nrr <!• ..r- mi domaml.
i,J '" 1.dr.l :b- ..-n •• rv 1 in-. |, lf . in< J
*'*' " ■’ 0< 1 a v c«. tiiu- sunk ,• (>r«r • «!.!•• io perform
up. .: ihrin an) niu.-i. »i... „ . : I iuiiu oMli^in
i.i- <j: ;h.' imiiuii • i ... ..n m no 1 || I frum?
I I’l-: <■''•i-.UH u:nl ,1. . i rir .. u in-lo
I - r [nil •<> i..w a. ; will,. flfi.- reach
a •••> . • -,ii{.ar , •! II *K| 1 |>HK
JjHI IT Ml'll.Al. \II\I! Il lIK r.J.i r
’* l i•' ' ’ I 1 ’.. i! • • c |l- • ~r IllUir |>n Ar |
;• M r.
A *•< i:: U-t: .j n: : ,• „.. v : ... • , ;l . j | VW .
..... , . '-UN il >l j.i.i.i * K.
F. '•v'Mi n. -| \\ .1 ‘ '* '
lv. Ml *1- r.\ II; Mil ,iKK/ r, .. 1.,.. K ,,.,.
i: f\\ . "K
II l illi K *. C'O's KAsT K Vl*ilK>H
i, Mhrubbrrv. Kvtr*
Trees, Ac. «r.
I m:...... ■ .. i o:J. t- •
I’aiiengtr and Kr in I(I a ti< « OSlca,
ffX HA..NKUI-..N A ' ■ • •• .- r «.
iMjft-..."." >„>•i" l ’i.' l
a 1A ! 11N iT U HI K ‘ij \f
■a';* r.'v.'tv.
\ UKl]> 11,0
',1,.! jl- ‘ti• ii ■) Java u«.
i• lick I'- M • I. 1.. . .1 l\,n- ,:o,
!j• i■ *a i icv S I > -1. It.
t.: 'MI •J • ISii •i !, JUi-m :
| ,>ii |i x* m u mi •»!•' ) i imi-' it. var."«t l f uii'l *,
iii * nk ‘ > ll'i'u;.
10 • I*. :s A'.n f-« , i ;> lII*
i 'I 11 4 “Xt' l \\ imlnw (i'll‘< .MI Ift 1 It i
iim ki'i’ti amorloi Nai!*. I'J (■«*»» ri' n .
~c](iii pou' * ' ' mlloii Wrn. ns*oric<'. V"-
Ti-.'--ilier wiiii a mi. aiiii uru< aewtiiiit . : n- am
.n 'lit- l' •»<'"'•. ime. tut Jiari J* an : n r •
JAR n.nVI). Hemll<l r-.on 'i Hu ■ i e*.
in. in rmniic5 on latterly. U no*' .if J S > m u«
W .„•* ii H •'.nmiAHi.f,, >U.-r 'ii-
J. I*v • « > Senator, in.f ~r
..• lull'-ir i'll ialfij Till o! Novcmif *. l-K. n>\-
|t,-».i-.l '.it i c Ur.: .im e olfi" e>
• I in' r • «’jt ’ at,.. II niu ;<»u«l o II: •> ri r. I. at I 1,.ul
" ' C>l •'•iit'ieil •, l>AVl>
I'.’iniHi au Un°!i:i..:;'l -U : ' -', m , ,' V , (vio.l'.ti
no ti-M - A • 1 I'’S
C.M.iIuKMA K L K uuuli- ju.r f ,f. ivrd.
;• Caii'l' Uliinu u. .'i •• • .•* H.* 1 I. |f. I’uuU,
1- [tit:r * nr:i imr-l Mm t; I'a' l '- 1v ! ! itm J
wiiit Tank* unit St* ri'lin!* m. h. .'.n r a ii.tih. |
i:ol'on ••urli. I ito< Hui k»kin {if,:*. | it« nilnl
. aroi'fH* Jo * ,,oV, ‘ no«n'» .in t.i.f ir u.t Uuii
.orini* Ouitiung 1 JlalinHini- ii'.*>«■ - V. -t
J A Ii IMlil.l.n-M
Patent Gold W’aalicra.
1\ I' H»N!* 1 Hlif.tmn —mt— wr■, ■ 'n-il iviiit
’ I Pa'l-HH (.Old tut" h,. , r - I'-. „
mirodnf <1 »l' r I’ublic The *- (In n <>i,.y •„» ||..
..till i ai. i-< (»*»<■ k**'t m a ;> nr-aimi
ii.v. J a* i.i-ri'rv's.'
No Itl Mutkt'i *1
H l-N ill M 1 -K1 N< >3 A 1 < I - A Johnson
H 4., -If'-t will f.I lor Urn t.Catur ,n il,.
*raiu»it nt rn*l. Ilir.r >Uw*k <»t' Kt* . h M-nnn*. >- v cnf>r:
dug the mo»i chon-'- . ol«>r« S"w >* ruur ti om in »r
V' M. V\ - 1 ft Il» Ji.»i icc • -.'‘i A. Ar union Km
Mi) vir.\U..C dr*-,.
JO i>6 roioP J ' ' *’< 1 K H.(>’ a '"I l* -J i mull,
‘UJ • Murk
s >» rmbroMerr f»trn|- l«p« wM. plain 4
BOOK'S. 1 liSir. kc,
»in M irtfarci >rn.ui * Jou rim., .m i." l“n*-
r IV V»
•f< I K I '' l‘ KI'«S. 4Ui -i
• *• '.pi no mo re
• u<- o i>M i ilu r i.H< iq
!'••• 'im ;)(.• r. ca
ll. KLKHf.K. 1 ‘ ’’
-Ai J W Wornl-n-cil*
Chlrkerlug 1 , I’lunni.
f"i:\ II •! 1.1.1 .< •K, -i «-o.
\ ora] Kitri !>«•
" - -i i rr-r :nnii :1m
: 11 N II MI.IJ.OR
I.t : !M . „
-v\ M.|j iw , (•
<>ri W r-,.- v. ,
I’ vm t i m
i:- h.i N'M'. A | t . ►khM
r: f .11:1 ( At.- - .. 1,-t.iunof-
r .1. . W -wni. u '*l K..m-ny A ,M C.r
1 I "in j>r | ui'tl in ;ur .1.
I'M • V II
T'llK •«; niviif rrom l.rorir*- K I’oti. ro.. }
W- k •!«»%• :: proJ>rir ><>i t>( tj.*- Li y.... . - .
■ i»r in. ii'-r g- Urc .I'xj;i la:; r ■ ~ -
Kirir««(irr | '‘r:. \ ; i s*-;,
Vs I'aI.IRA M j I>r :i r r—Hr li . ..-, o i i
- I adorr?* ;.ca n rci»!i . .. tm* i
I .’ill . ?<(•••!■. .0 i>om jour’. ■ A . • -
Lair . in v r- Uaujh'.rr , r ,,*. . . i • .1 ;
o' '-<>i. n; iv.i'-r liirtiri l iiiro hr* . • ‘ •
.rani die
• v "
T' - ""■•i'.ii:.c \ w; . r
•■'‘i ■•HFirtMi- ;,m: «oul In t < K . ronliei: rii.-*-; Ilt
o! Hur :p. <r:i.,; v |>,; ri j | _ | .
I'll.- i'iHriiiTifii- no r niter un«J»r wlia:,..
111:1 '■ in-* reuse Uir j, ajn '
, 1 K,:w ' f ' : I’ Holm.-, ot rnHUiam. Mc.v.n lind t
' ‘M'nitiiJ routity, \ \ . have kn, rilti.-i-,' wvh
■ mv »rra«i. Icrt, an.l a.; y .-«r my bo,h. „.r
ir... Uul I <• <>u <1 no* >i;id wn< rurrm
* u|'|' n iiUotih of Dalle)'« Macim. |.; Ilr . l( ~,
KIWARP p ll<M.NtP.r-
L>» ,tv Sir—l col my finger M | !ft „ | t ,.,
ii.ii nature of which raum] MiYnirn in
*1 <i «iile r:ii''\. 'vuh conalani »bnotin>f paiu|>
• hoa.'icr A arjjr iweil.nj ailimt j.liu ra; um- , tat .
,nl. wii.i ii <• itu *. iiif pa hi. I Per hwr lea r lu. «.r i iir j.
>!li.ii'-firlr<! '<> ill'- aril wi.ii-Ii I (ip,, r
*i<u fr. --I. ♦ml lii-,f Jwn« com'. -
-l IiAKRISo.V N-.v ■ „
corner Hr -'min- ami »u' .van -u, S»-pi *• |-1 -
V»TM F.' -II 11 a I.!.XT u tin* inventor of tin* invu.
aMr remedy, ami l,r vrr ho« ;t:i it ii*vrM»,: comma,
rate to air. :;vm< in tit tlic -cerrt of tu tininliinn-.oi
•Ait Kjttrncior*. vnm-lorr, not muilc u<iO ;m; up l>
Uiui. uri i>a*r c.ouiiirrti-it»
Fboi-iuetok s DkM-—ll5 Broadway, New York
t£ls CkeHnut rtrer:, Ftniu.
JOHN D. MORGAN.' General Depot, Dr W.M.
TH<>lLN'. Atrruls lor i’msliur^li
DaiLn/'s Annual <iaivanic Cure-Ail.
I urr* hutnnra. »pavm. <|u>ltor. prraio-. |ioii-r'.:i,
»orr‘. zaii*. ami oiu>*r* Pamphlet*, rontajuitii; r>-r
-fi- * - <>; re* peel a... c ;>ui: ><• mn\ '-r unit on ujifuru.
_ JtiHN D .MojtGAN,'
Mivi.j <!| vt» A(tem. 1 1 ::u*Gur^ti
sVMrm.MS i>F fONsi'MITION -
* ' l|'ii' k |iu!«r. hurlrii.t; muirh. w-ti m-. *.
r. * rep. varmMr a;•(»«- u!»•. coao -.
i-iu.- 1 -tw.-ru thr •lionldrr I ; a<lr-- I,ennui
I * I UIUI "K t'liNscMl-I 101 - I'nuith 1.;
: a;.c| May Hub!.)- tnu«-|e«, ifrcrra- >li-inli:v. er- a'
o; urr.-ith on roiuif up naif*., .w-nd'm; u
mi or »a i ntf Inn u ii'i> t.,*t. pn’.e ulwny. a
■•m 'or we*. to-nj,-; .1 rr- r j,; t;< i i.'u
‘W»i» inwards uiormiip
t’utarrlia. Consumption rnn.e« on tile- u comm m
■ lU.arrn nt rolil. but about Hie pcriml wiirn >:
■ •a*e nuta'ly i* i ipc"iril in *u' *ni e |M t j.
loin* Mir aazravutrH Tin* couzli i* more iron! '•
M.nir, c-pri .a.,y w:c iicm, Tlirr.. i. „„
p. 0.. ,n r.nM, l,u : I |i rrll).g , wi...-„ ..
.vorit on ivr.t-; down The (i|>|>rjir«*iii-r n( ih.- ripe >.
tuTJlion. ivmih i* t-optom. ,« churned 'roui it :m it
pkiKin: to •!.- pain - itt. mid «in.t- i.n
wli<*ii i uni.mi |; c«i m> u inorm .m«j -
(.rolmlily it m.riurr o; pus and Kiurm, mi imxuill
wult water |ui rt «ii’f. • ;n.ti pun »wimr. Thu tin?...
•fu \ cu'. nr a>./ tiuLit or *! any agr, ;» ••Inirn •-
i' -ml !-y in.- p.' of the coueli
I'io- MiiNtnn nt l.niTwnrl rifreit the . u r .- u( tin - it
* dioti* tinea-' ; v e I !'»•<•'.Om'.lOii. sooth * ami lira.. ; , K
a.l- tml !: n- vr; fit;-- Wiirr-v-r
• in.* lif-t. w- nn, of n. Pu'l. r-
•I- |.| lure lUe pu.Nir. I, P ■ „
■ roni: h! v Ic.irC ii t ;i!l <• p! :u it I» of tli>- I .tl ny* ml
•' • ■ m. iri.■ jive !iumlr<*<l« o' i**»>'inoi:iar< from p|,-
• *. pro.-. . :-r-.'V. nml Mkim* w r>» hnv i,
'nil ml wo i!o*irr mlo <•».. ihe nito'itinn t : i| )o .--
it'ij, Uli'l lor Kiel r own pi**] .'a- )' Will irv '!
i.rtrii'o.-{,ro lav'nr M D on i|i<* rnrr*w,| r«« • i
ii im] prrparoil »i it,e Whoieori.- brpoi. T.J 11.--k m ,;i
in PitiAiiuntu uy J D Mi -rgii . «i j
To •» n*-nd. 45 MarVe’ v I! - 4 ur. ~<-r rt,r Murk-' u-il
:! *t J ; lfrruler*on it ('<». 5 Liberty m price in!u> d
’.o f 1.60 per bailie mar.*
B.\ I AllN KSTt>CK .V rf' 'v Pneumonic or Con ; n
• liui-.nn 11 iv» n great .i.lvunimje- over ninny <u: -r
i ou<i i'repuriiijoii*. «» r,» j..r-u,um ;u«; r ;>rrinii> n .o
u*'-d i:ie ) ., lv . i.i-i.c (iui
Ha.-am . .him-:, m <m- «[-<-.] •:* M oi .:..ur- W e li < . -
A11..-,I uu.l l.crn rnuinni: .:i :<>r a .Oerab.e ,c:-y „
ol ..i - .<• .1 a.nifi.: immrij,av \-u n. r.uw ■;
In *u> i weather B- we hnv- .ml durum 'lir
j-ri-rna'.in >* ar- u«r.i
Wei ten i.'ni undue expo-ure in the im-u-inenev n
womli- r tillpu ;«)« lh*• toumliUn.ii .•! a mtrlii C
I f'Jfll. \* I|.| !; :ie.«|« tt !,„;<• k Trine.*y 1 i (.term! «rn> .J
-W•• I* a Vi- numrrou* rrri.lir;iir* <1- i-urr« wr;;rn .!
many I*l wmrn an- ’n>m per»«>!i* -n
I'i r(>a r- I hi ,1 ((,r *».r. whr-iet*ami man. [,v II \
r.\ HM-.ST- H K t Cn. .-orm-r 111 \V«WHI atm |.Ui,|
Aimil mbit’ll .1, inn r I n. \ w -
Ht'W lull - IVLOitk S.unlv |ln<,..i a.,,1 ||„
lorm-rn pin Un-if Sar*nji:ir:iln hi •ihi. 1...1,,
■<» .11- ( ir A I,u •• -.m-r Hr Tovv:,. l -i„i . r, „
■■••• omi- Known ami or i|j-tr driven l!u-ir <:l
--• -ml in.' nun-1, lOci nre now jiutiiuir iKei
“i 1 in lare'-r 1.0c.1e- 1-011111./Him lour tune* ;i - rnur n
-r-„,r y,.erv H.. *v »>ur n orm. 1 U:.| Ihry
• :: V • • M1..1 I. Mir, 1 W . ;• ,
• i."-.' li«v.' r.'ilni .-.I Ui- .:i-iig;|i non-.,-
I n-irn.l ::,ui V 111- a- grunt 0- HirDr 1..-. Y
:, vl diu-raparilla and -jic.tlr ai .iil 11.-v '.non 1111. 1-I1
K t. rf.
, Atretic-
H-.uc. o-i 1
jn.wucr pu't •
.M-ri:, fl i a ,
iMil'l . V.-<-'.»l
|U «• ( I •
rv»;i .Nvmpa Foap, R*ut 1. n
-i.'-li Smlo «oup, w.'i, 4 git..l i*"r
’ '.Jif |t> riii|iK'i>. U-. ;rn . vod. (of >a>e 1.1
H A FA!lN<>Ttx‘K A tt*
liv i<l , t,. • 1 we. „ •
Pulmonary Baiiaiu.
KI.KD X riTl.hK-1 :rr ,1 « ,lu’y
more r> your Vcgetui'i* Pu 11m .ar\
'.iir fiHppy fill " : 111 Winch 1 Ih-n puvc in Iti-r.iui
ruvr tiuii «'-Tt-ra: icvef comp'iun'* umJ nMurv
mvf u*r-il \tir alone wilft uml ;•<
1' !in< ••tl-clrO rcHei and iuri
urr a hie-i i-onsimipnoii I 11*11
,H’n . a«r« a preventive, und prev.*n
eun', I .!•> liie ri»roie. -or the Cl II
tary rnnii’nii.:* I ,im I'milnc-' : m*'
•in |rt 1 HI..NJ K\| t N r.UIMi.N-
A L. llcll. .X |
it A I *l.scrtoci. > •
il. 1. 1 AUMaiTiKt. >l'm*i>urgn.
U. \V. KAri.irnTiHr.J
VV liolcitlt Draff Store In the City of
Mtn York.
MMIF u.iu'r:»,g'icd nr- i- xie'.iircly .0 U>'
1 V\ ho:i«u,c Urns; butltiiK* No. 41/ »irei 1. :
I’m cay 01 New Ycrtr, u:rd ere |.r.-i>nfc<i to .
U'uemit iiul cetoirr Merchuiiu wnu Urun-. Puni.i
■>.», Uyr-»uiji, Fereifu uiui Amcrwni. IV lumen
♦liner, Aecer A Mimlsr'i Chemical». 101 Uieir uw
u,| 01 .anon) iw 1 &U oUier m iheir one 01 i-u«
km 0/ a «uperio a* lowa* '..'11 - ' ea.i Ucpur
taisoJ in ihn or any cntlrrn eiiy.
Now Vork. I-el 16
t 1 UATI I l
l I I. ,v P-.
•imihp tn.o i'i:i/fii« in 111 > iai rc »:o«- *m l I' li'l I.
Hi i 1 i 11 iir> iuiil Hri!». >luiirA»»«:« ami UcUdu n. '‘ui
. Maicn.i * D im.i«» * umi .Mofccnt, 1 i>rii ccp, 1- rn;
H«>filrr.i:K i. lu-sri*. aixl R«.i rl5 i-d« am
t. ni Onlrr" rcnpeiimliy »onciirU anil prornpi.i ir
iuj j a 1 > i: s a!.tkka rivi:.
We nave i.erj. . iiiorinnl oy Mrv Ron o' a cure per
fo’ine*! on i:"i ' v Ur. Jayne*# Mteratlre, w!i:r|i
i’r»ve» u -'.ii'.T.ority over every i.uic r remedy oi the
AM KBit»» TBLEURAPH OOMPASV. ’s£'". Wl‘nl!‘ "\\
I'irrsßik»u *.sd wdnsusu w .. „ L . T|l | rn«i
Ofilcfl ..the ititUn'tt, Baltimore. ' >.!7y
I ) IJH.OED - The chutecs have ki-n ;2‘ h- i-i* «n.l "tun >'('»« niiri'itmlf
K -ed vu ..l M e ,««n m ..r from UaU.mor-. IVu- ‘ 7 ~rf ? h-, V , "J 1 f"
■ urU or \\ Uee.m*. and u eorreSK».di,. K rcduct.oM ‘ Wl
inaiie on all ie.e«rn|iliii yle«p;itrhc« lor.vnrJed ftom ttsi’- . h „ ■,, V , . " 1 ‘'
m..,c «V,i o(hUu,lu.W “ V nv 'r, p,,y o:
K>nc« 110- rliarce lur a tej.-ernph dr*pn:.M . c t .. uu , , : . ~r . .v , „, rtn , h ,
l min H.t -..more. IMmbursili ami \\ hvcliini. i» 4A „ , rc 4 . )r . wi i ."bvi tr> i>r } IVI .a tr •• ■
lor llie tirxl icn word*. aaul TJ cents lor each addiUonn. _.i. ~, ~ i. i - t . V» - r r.«
* ll •I. ..a - n..u nin . rtfert upon her.
[r y* No rhnnfp it made lor the address and wijna- ”1-1 »•-* v.-u At'in-' 'atn*- • inVi rr srv-Tiiu !-, *'n
i ntil ihe completion of the South Western !..««• 0! |
THe«r#ph irotn Memphis. I fun .10 Nrw Or .emu. Ur». ; . :ru|v j,.,.,.,, ... . a , j. vr .. . ran forwarded to l.y Uu# rou.e and | Tw ftrlb V f mo rm*Uou\ .mntire ot Mu'. Uoae,x\«Otf
muiol'<>' Vw Drleaiu. _ '«* > t *l, Philadelphia. •
PAIITNKUSIIIP. | t^ rßaiciß PitUd.uruh. u Uie PKKINTEA 8TOR1;
Afin>oN WooDllOL'sr. A. JOHN WOODIItH Si:. 1 >»yo4nh n near W,»s| Jy^
niUl.Sli Uu. dny a.tociui.d Uicms'-i vc, locrtUtr ; piR TOWNSEND’S SAUSAP A R 1 Li Ji.— so dole 11
■I, pHr:nrrsl.ip, umi- r Uic l.rm -fyir 01 .UJ 1 J_/ jast received of Dr. Tira-ifcnd’s Sar*aparill'tt, 4 4lir
\v • sr.. lor u.r- intiauiarmrr ..1 I IN. ' t'» I I.K 1 u .on extntofdinary in the world! TWaTii-
AN \) >ll Kl-:i‘ LKuN WARE, on xlo- ••ornci ... Koinn- . uQ| i# poi np m quart hollies. li.» «u umes ehefitrr.
»-i . iui.i tin-t’annl. in tif l»: »' urn. Ai.i k..h.-\\ plr**amrr. and warranted mpertor to any i»6ltf> It
i.n. I'li' tc 11 <«• y arc prepurrd to lur.usii 1.. nrd-r. cure. dieca»e wiUusut pureine. rtrhentT';; or
wiio.o»a.c and retail, ml article* in Umir .me. Willi dHiiiitaUnc the palienL
jiromptucH*. . . Dooa otrr rob ljnt*ru>M» —l'iii>rmrip.ed person* have
Kuundry rriinm.iiy;*, and (.urpenter. oners arc »0- ■ copied our lubfci*. and pul up iiinhniie in liie iuu»ie
iinied. wmi ii v, ill irerlve 1 mmediale auniiioit. shaped bottir. >cr U»ut r.a«-a Uoit.e hu> Uie wmteU ritf
-1 itv 01 Alieci.en 1 , I'm I- WJ ' lulll ] nature oi S. i*. Townsend.
U. h. SKId.EKS, Dru<«is;. •>“ Wood street, i.etweni
Thiril uud FcufUi, .* Dr. iowi,M-n.r* oiii)' wl.o.esaie
mid relnii uiteii. Inr IMI-lnirgii. m wioin Hn- nr.ituuie
c:*.i in* 5
0 .M t urrv !; .• Uie soie a<*'itt Jor
AHc|r|,«.„y 0 , ;h.' I** ■ —.ll -IU. .C ffl It I.C
had apt
u\ hoi I. IA .Oil >' KOKLLUt s MVKI.I.
li3 LViS.—riero! I. m all .Ut multiplied forms ;
whether in that id Atug'a'., enlarzoniencs u t.*r ■
fi«no# «»r hone#, l i'utre. White pwillini’*. l >r'»n-» - j
iheumatiam, Cr-nser. disensr# uf the or Spine, !
or oi I'uituynary Consutiiplior. emanate from *Hte
andtbe an iffe rausc, which is a poisonou* principle
more or lc« inherent in tne humau iy»t«:ui. I'bcre*
fora, unless tin# principle can be destroyed, no radi
cal cure can ho eflccleU, but if the principle upon
which the disease depend*, is remoied, a care
must oi necessity IV>| low, no mailer under w hai lona
the disease should tnnnHwaiitrcli. 1 his, ther.Joro
is the reason why J ms t s A i tI-Kativk ii so inn
romulU' succesalu! m renidving so many malignant
aiseaset. U Uestruy# Uie virus or principle trout
which those diseases have tbc-ir ungin,by entering
into the nrcuMUon. and with lti« hlooo is comeyet]
to the minutest lihrc, removing every p.irlitln ».f
uiscmse iron, the system. Prepared and sold at No
i; >ouUi Thiru Atroct, l'hi!adfilph«i.
>old at the Pekm lea Store. No. ?i Koarth sue*
PilUburgb 8n5b.1l
NU. ii MACkEREI(—76 IU in store and for ««V
to tdosc consignment febt JAHnni f j
i li —Caipcl* made and ]• uv down
paper lUnglngi.
U\ Vl N(i {*urch«‘*-d "t ll,r « r 0< ' l ‘'’ l »'X*st Kacui.
ri«-» in ilia Kit'i. \N<w \ orlt. Ftuiauclphia amt
It,. Tinorr ' a hint'- •.i«*<iruncnt m the nt«<.| mid diu-i
.mi'ruv.d <tylr» <>' TAI'KK lIA V.l N« 18. hOKUKHS.
Ac -«nU maclr ur t siitjemriil* by wl.mii 1 will l»e run
bird u' rnorure »ll new I'mirm*. »iimi]inneou« \vuti
ilimr nppeurunce m the K»«.*tii marKct, i would m
»m- the 'uiiciilnni oi U«o*c UeMruiK H> have their house*
piit.rrc.l with the laic»t *i>.c* of paper. to cui; a,.c
riutiunc my au*ci. nelocc pun Inning elsewhere
J nave now on tin: wu> iroiu llic Kail, 20,(011 pieces
ui (.o.d, Sami nail coiuiuun Tnper liangm*;.,
ttlucn I can «ni «t price* tannin;; from 114 ru'lo 82
mcnli S t: Hll.L, .«■? n
Bacon Smoking,
HA \ IN«* J Ufcl completed ttie rebuilding of our smoke
inm.-rv wr arc now prepared to receive tue&l,
mni .mote >i in the most ajcrcLanUiUc manurr.
I u- ii.niMs* are UUed with all tlie modern improve
in'-.H*. ami Bre capable of conimniug JUH.tXO ib». cui l.
KIKK Jt JuNKb, Canal Ba*.n.
ja l near Seventh «x
1j bl>l» lAivcniiß alXiuble Refined lai&l. Crushed aitu
Culveruzinl Sudani, just rcr'd an A lor *.«le at llic Teat
I'ra .‘‘lorn, 7n Fourth street, by
ROI.I. bln* (ir«h, ju*» rtr i! and |..f
sale liy fch 17 AKMSTKOM; A CHuZKK
CIOiTON YARN—Pi,Uai lb* a«*orlrd No* C \ am.
rth Chain, Xc , Uo bales Usiune 2& do > 'audit wul
Inr »alr at loweal market rale* by
Son. iCa or K. - J'vi . RH-uina Mm. |i|-<t;i mr i\ua
:iomi« kri,; -.m .. I'.n ;• -■ • r oi- nr Fa.-r
Uiotift-- Hi tf«. Cnri-nio —ore Kye*. Riuv Worm or
I'enrr, .-0..,d l.'eml. K .-arcement ami I'mn 01' -.Lr
Ik -M’- a 1 .1 lo;n;« S111:’ <>r:i l !.-i-i *. Svphmuo S' mp
n* '--ih’ a rir l.umtnigo. anil D'*en«e« ari-ms
>ri>ui all u *e of Mereurv. A -one* or !*rup
••• l.ipo'iirr or lni[.nj.lom c;n Lile. A.m>,
L’ :n;- prrp.ininon a: - eminivy rniior'iirnted nil Ure
M. i.'-mn properi.o-Sah- * -arii.i,*. oombnird Willi
;,1 iUu-i elleotua in-- '|.- liu>-1 ,m 1! In r / produr l, Da*,
i- uir.-i - hi :ti« ■ I'l-ialin- kui<i!oni am!
:m- ••"•11 -n :u. . -mi ot;lyl>\ parent* them
" ••’ •■ M: -v-n l'!iv»i- ui.n. tn«: ii ha* received
r v:..,iiii ,!.■ 1: i--! ,- niiic - - ion ami me approbuuoii
Hi' I'll-. ' I. •! ' I* r .- H ~ l:-ii o - 1 I,OWIi 111 c Til« a
"-p.iu:n,;i jv ,;e n:id --iftrary fur «i.perior to ihe
‘■mu- , i,■ 111 11/. .ir-.iiy ;iio nnine or Sar«uparn a
-■ o»r . ; . a w . 0,1 rci -irvu ui».i:o not funnthcd
tu- r-. in, 1 . (,f | n„j V at n hn« already
I-- -or in- 1 nil*:,; wno have u«ed 1:. it 1* rapnMe
'ii 1..., 2 -,>r -,. r in, r 1, : . «uderun: un-i -t’.rajreiniß
«.,n i..--i»- [; ;n;rip«-«. i- inan-e*. n:.d v!rrn)rtlirii»
lul -lie. and miuse* l>■••A• viflor thro'-
. ;> N ' 'Tlil-cl kk IIF SCROFTLA
r>l "(IT Crt-r.. Ja-. I 1-4'
"*•'**: •"•, in r»:»• hy (or •!!•• nlliir.
"rf • ■' f>rn '' v, "‘ ' r '" rf»niii!fni>li* CTirr
.t!‘V-r-d lur ..Tp'a. i „r. iltlf-r
-•h'-r-i ;. or ..hf were
■ 'Mr.-' .'•« Ti j.-n .v.r.r e -. Afvr
i:l-f ■"'''•'"l • ' : •'•I--.!.'- iiu n-.,-l from nip
•IN' -V - ’.;;e <il-P:V"- f’uripcl j lr - | r
■w •i>"piin:<*H Hrr ;'hvcir:st. :i-lvi.«d n
tm, 1 !- aid i>p<-■. -x ;j<-n wa« !-u! a-,v
•■■ir u!ilui • . '•) iim >j»i »a|'iiri‘!a. The lir*;
“'’ • 11|M r, ‘ ’ : ■*>! j-ri! «. r biv:>f, u> n«ton*
;,,J ■ " ,l ,i: ;,,, t iri'v.d*. ‘lie foiiMi] (irr
•u.rr.i i. : ’ ;itiw over n y»•«r Miice I;:■>
■ ,;r ertfr ed. .t: i! :■ r '!i rrmu.ii* gitod, ‘ljow
>’• i’.. c -a -.i* i.ic’uayic 1 / ernd;«'a',r<l from (he
► V.r. 11l '*irr tu-l-i ? ::it; VI kl.OWiUf 10 l!if<e
• 'i"'i vn useh.y of Sa id*' Sar>apuni;a
Wur. *un rrsp.-,. JILtfSFIKK
» X .r..m rev. iv,-d from Mr N W Har
! , H (Jeiiu.'iiiriji Wt I kiicu-i; ron.-ty. Va.:
"i .rnilru.cji 1 liar- rured a r«» boy of niuir wiih
'uur vino *ii* mark'd wi;n rk-rofuln,
nnd 01 n «crofji,>n.« faro,.) .
••f our* -.niiy. N \V HARRIS.
I '* 0. r.< kt Mu::. Vn . Ju v IT. !-i- '
>*n;- » 11 «rnn» s.inmi unn^rr*gury
lu •!-1• >•: u 1 >tir, it) a:i iir'ir> »o we,; kM)'.v.i. nnd i<>
iirrvc.Jiv i'<niui«: »i« :hi« prcj'iir:ii.i»r:, !>u: pmi-nu>
o:;>‘u who wi«it u> »-c tin; riirnfi oi Sur»a;i:irilia. ar> -
.?»1 u•*•*<! '.o uy 'a (i. t•■>(* *•. c<jiiipi'u:ui» ;!n»
’ IU ' i.. .t w oi ihe v.ju*< uu.« vftiu-
w- think we cmiiioi cooler u creuier
,n '\r.-c'. -ii* ibeir attention
:.i m.v« r.*ciiif:.: 01 M< »*rs Mniiis in another
’■> '‘i'- 1 ' f ■ ottiv im« recently e marged lo hold
:i ■,u<tri > and llio-v a :.o Wi-ii ,i rraM f>un<J article will
tl t in .-i ■ .ra . d ito.* a.' iji.- t:u tli. ,:>al vs'lir of tire
i • j;>- • r : ..Hi',in :» ha- pr<>vr»l it* ef.
*“ • i '.'i '! v;i:ni.. diseases .or which ii '?
-a • me-.:,.-in- u.-'iu.. in prc|>arui?'t:ie
1 " -• 1 -••i'.j:: ll</inc Journal, Sept
1 »V!io r»m!r and ftsaj' .-v A H A
! I ' \ Mr-. !I- ~1 -n..:. Mu F.:.U> , *: r e-l.
" 1 1 '• '> • \ XV 1h -o I Jrt; if -
i: •• • v.• .■ ra ;!in; ui'ij• • ii.• I ti tr-u S’liii—. aiuJ t'ana
'ta- IV" •V;• r H.-t* :,x Motifs :i»r *A
.a— i'i I* wn<r*.««r.nrt retail, bv
' 1 \ l l N! S] I " K :» in .•on.-- Woml and
••oriiir cm ~n hi ai'<l Woo*) n». by ).
11 .i (>\ I * r r • 1 Sm • l.r c) timl Fourth »t*.
‘ : i ■ tl •- v • i I'll tinned. alio,
I.M'A ' |’|, F; Nl»rUl> H ''or MonotHjn'ia House
S A L I F. ll'S
I" ril'V •'l'i-TliiiSi, WITH DISKASKD
1 r . - n-.; •• c- iti'-.-cl sti-rcs* which baa
(i;N"KN(, canaoi a
■A<r\lF itn I. 'HI-.I’AR A 111 ‘N.
’ * •.< • 111 r-h rk« our fall and
• <■! I’ - \N I)
'ti In. m. mVn' of mi 1 iKsr -1 andinu,
-r.-r- <■ -1« o -;« .A .- ;..iret uef W ll.i I ./pious nr**
! 111' R \ <IK TUP DAd'
•*- .hi' - in:-.••)•.• ii in !'H"ii|iiiirt lunn. icut nmv be had a i -ii cur »{"'■:« i ii—juu nnui hip country.
" I Hi ii. >A NI >S AM) 1 KNS lif Till'CSANl/S
.UfonMiiU' mi- I'l.i’.-d -M .41,.1 i.amida. ami we ,ha
mf i'l l mil;. ;o pom - , out a “
tVn- Uirll, i.e. 4l lire ftlllK-teit heilint. • V. b y re*on to
t-1- niK- rali.e 'io«iruin- tmtcii u|i uy m: oxb nulivid
in u l*r the a*«iimej name r*( *oine rn if-tate . phy*
»•,. ;i...l f'jlli •! i «ln i.ciorn:”. !•)• ce 'Uricela' i per
l. • linknnv.-i' W in*.!.. :,e ol
i MMK.M.M I.Ki< Tf-Hr^CV
'Jirf. -lIIIUIN ()[ Wl»(>lli I)
>V\ IVHI D I Ki ;M THE i.K \ VK.
.ir i ;n ht. , e , cry town aii'i viliagt
m. «;io aic pd jut full u.forma
;o I SAI.TI-'R. Rrrtpni'Sor,
ttruiidwuy. L'lnaiJiiau. Ouo
I \K KIIWAKH M'KER inkr% :!,,, mean* of rc-
J 10 hi« irn.l t|.- public
W \ IKK KK ►•'TAMI.ISH.MK.NT. hi In. old
,i. I'll. l’n.. oil Ui** I >lno r..ef oj’j'o
■ . i<' .•< a: lif.t v<• r. lie ft'm i» rend v
•'■ir-i i; <••• h> Hdil,i.o-i m in. ■; cijien
.* r*• ni in 1 1 -« wuit'j Im* iuTi ioiorc ai
:i •lumri.i o' ;nt:n'i,u t-i>iiiiniUrit i.« cn carv.
iii* .nddi .nn.i. Nil i.,lies i*lL,id*ril ii\ un rl
■ •ii d v—i> :or m«- narpixc. ron
‘ iiiiii *!•■, r-*o:-i«. .-uni Lrr.i u|> wnn
t>; t i:ii. lor (MN'iiit, and iluiiinm
i :n-£j; mid c oimor!
a mom di-m;li:iud und
r'riuutKuii», unit a:-
Ur. Acker a<»ur«»
'I iir l .’I.- .«*•'ti
i- U>» ..ilr:; .-'.' Mom h ’ll) rm{
•JC-. ..-.1 ..sir... I’. : mini r» u c diS
- nr •;< in. f ruv. -rum ;i.c dH.,grr.
. > i.i Mr wcuwirf. creates a ..alum!
• mi- - »>! ■ ;«in.- 1 : is:•>><«illuu r.-a>o!i»i. -•
ui Uir -• •iaijlHhineiii, or
l>rw|'t,i;.or u. l'lij..ip>Mir>;ti.
WM. Noill.i:
Moftfcii' KiCrwET Wfitiaoffui.d to f.
July l!Hfc, |vV '' (
Mr R. £. SfUtn - A wtue o 1 duly u >oo «*!
taduffim* to add n»T li-un:..* tuiuaotiy *, Gm-o, ..r , ullr ,
celebrated Li»« PjlLi I hare Jetei ml doraj m» kr InrJ
adhering to Duty I'nx-ictt'i eatim, -b* iur» «>„ #r . ",
th*c*i> ahead.*' .M«t.l of !l.e ituiuy preparjLMuj ,n
u. I Lmled to u„ liner cuak inio .4tn » J MII ,,
r T “ r f* l *• ,r l»«a odrruJ U* the |.ui>ilr aud. unj--«d,
1 Viun* Ifcry will •• > unn> Uu tn all, ” ».« tfiey oi « jt».| w |„i
Jon them to b* i b»<« btra alSieied willi l.urr
'" n l >:,» f. ..>n u,* jutth. lio»r aodr.'cd uiuih,
'tu J• . .n.' r.i »Inui I j>n»j ninrS io>c-> ) . ).*•«
•i-tuttf J *ii.l pHyiickeiJ sUsmtio d.»t»..
‘.'V' up s» m<-ur*b!r U
\\ *** ri J’rtb, amt J>oO.\ t H> I
,t „ ‘ •>* •> « * in- !i i luArirnl luki'piMr.ui
P-* iu I.• titjc *ud *ll rh, „:l.rr fjmp'.'-ci.v loj *1 :««•!
. 4 t!,« \ , I*. fc ' 1
' J, ‘ 1 ~ jr » - I »trr
•i • i . »vi cr C r,,iueh <Mte« »Uxii
l “ l 6»J« wemuej, „(.!• | |, — l
fcr 6 , , 1 l,Br * k*p»»i.«u a trv Ujr«
■—•i i “ j ,"7
, ~. -jv * <il, ‘ mlri.j bt ui *»i,r <t !xi l,*t
a«i tiiv.rii.Zi j “‘ ,HrcrJr » l »»rry oih*r pill iu ilm
r»f *.*‘* J fc»HUh lb«(n *il.
U L,.,r !V « 1>V~“- I’")*"-.
ss; 2=- ' < ■“ «■. -r.'jjsr
c.VuD *" '>»’•' IMb wi. L
L SELLERS. Xu u- v? P rT l** rrd "'J «'U ») H
ji r i-«l,. '**’ *' l>T '* rT u Thud *e«i Kui.rih
4°“ t ' ,,h » v < -..., ilk,*.,
th*No »*. HIA.MOND AI.LKV, i
/Sgfc lew door. below Wood street, to*
tiaT "‘ Il^ fn
liUC, .';'" a '° treatiucnl^of
lo -tudy A treatment ot those i-ompiamls.iilurini' which
un.e be ha* had more practice and „&* ctm -d morr
items than rot ever lai! to Dir lot of any pnvil te prac
titioner) amply qu»l.&« him .o offer wnonutce* 0/
•predv permanent, ami .Miamcory cure u, all a/lhcle 4
wuh delicate disease*, and a;, d. «•**., arum* there*
frt'Qi J * *
Dr Brown would inform those alliictcd wan privaia* which 1.-i*« brcom- chrome by nme or arJ
crnvaied hy the o», of any o; the common nostrum. o 1
liie day, that their compiuiisu ru« |>e radically mor
ouirbiy cured, he having given in* careful'i; 10
the treatment ol rue h raies, and succeeded n, imndr-i 1
01 m-tancri* in curing poreon* of inSammatioi. y,*
ifox of ihe hi udder, and kindred winch often
re.ult from those eases where others have con-nurd
llinti to liopelc 1. despair. Hi- particularly invites «ueh
as have been long and'ully treated n> ottiera
to con*nlt him. when every *ati*factrou will n c civen
tiicui, and Uicir cases treated m a rarvful.uiorougii tuid
intelligent yiannrr, poime-l o-j< t.y a ;ou| eiperu-.nce
sluilv. and invr*tjg.ttjoTL win- 1 n !* impossible fo r thos
engaged n: general piacuer 01 medicine iodise an
one class of disease.
ID*Henna or Rupture —D* brown »f. ( > invite* pe>J
»oa.‘ .Itn,r;e.i \V|-Ji :o c i.i, as n-; ua . paid panic* nUe.itmii to tm* disease
e o: .x-ron. a. commends
CA.\tiKK> also cured
Sun diK-a«e*. also IV 1, my, etc , speedily c tried
Charges very low.
.[•non *ho had ever ta-
N M.—Paticm* of f’lh S«r l.ving at n distance, hy
slam.? their disease m wru.nir, giving *'i the .yrapJ
loin., nui ohtn-:i medicinrs w,tU dirfeoiious 10/ Use, by
ailUre ising 1. DROWN, M D, post pan', uml ritcloi*
»?* fee- t
House C, opposite th« • «r«ny
RHhVMaTtML-Dr. Drown s newly discovered reme
dy ror 1, a speedy all(J cortlull frmedy lor
that painful trouble. h never fails
Otfice uml Private Cou.u'tmg Rowa*. No. « Uta
moitdoJc), Putslj'irgli. IV The Docn.i 1. uiwuy, at
_ ILTNocure no pay. * d MW .
I_, „ Great Ku*ll«h Hem«a r .
?iVmiVhnvn-Cu..sumpuo.i! Tim
. (»RKA I AND DMA RKM KI)Y lor the*r un- or'ths
;\ u,p m noarun\i ur
.11 u discovered by m,- c, crated Dr. Urn-bun. ~1
LouUnn, Kntmunl. and .ntrodu.-.-d into the Cmted States
under the inun.-diaic cupeniurr.ueneo 01 the inventor »
rhe euraor.Unnry success of Uu* medicine, in lZ
euro 01 I ulmnimry diseases, warrant* the American
Amentia soi.cuing for tr-iatmciit the worst possible ro
se- that cun lie lou nd in the eomiuunity—ciut'-s that »<•«*
r-uri I 't vain trout uny of the cotr.ioon moedir. 0 i the
«.u> . ;md ulive t>< en ij. vr:i up l »y the moat distinviu-n.-d
jihyir,a:u a.- eontirnu-il and incurable The Huneun
un Uumun Ui cured, and wjl, cun-, the uwhi despnrala
of eases It i. no unuclt nostrum, but a standard l‘uv
.:s:i medicine, of known and c imidi-d.-d rthe u-v
Kvery mimly in the Limed S-nie* siiounl be
wi.a Buchans Huiifranim BuHam of l.tfc. ,ku only to
four-tera-une consuinpuvc Umdciuie. ot mo cduiau
:iui:o he usrd as n prrvenpve mrdieme <-i all rn-rs ~}
cold., coußbs. sp.iuny ol blood, pain in the side and
chest, nmuuon and • soreness of the lun?», broeluu.,
diilieu.:. 01 tm-HUng, heeuc lever, mght swmits, -aiar,
ui.oll and genera. dciuUty, asthma, mllunua. wuvai.u.,
etiag.i utid croup 1 6
Sold .n ianjr totiles, at Jl pe r botHe, with mil d-r-e
Uonn lor the restoration of health
Pamphlets. cmiL-umiiß a mas* of lingnsh and Amen
-an crr-Ticau-x, and ouier evidence, me un
u in. Mis ol L:.s great fchltflisli Rcio-dy, uiay ./a
i>. rnint-ii ol the Agonts, irratmtousiy
„ F ", r?" I”' “ S ’•AIINKSTOCK A Co, corn,,
fl uni V\ ood wul \V ood and «th *«. mar-
t 'ROM the P-v A>A SIII.N -N, a well mown anil pop
i Oirrg.nnno, ti,. Protestant McUu» Oburcn
Ue vud-nuf.ird having 1 co; aillletexi .turuii; the pma
wn t« r ;i e....-.isr. Ol the s.omacU, runm-umrs on,
din- it? Ktcit p ..11 in me -toiuai n («> r ten or twelve houn
w :r»o«.t .nirrmisMon. amt aider having ..1 v,i,iu»
r r niedi-« with i.ttir- rifert, wj, luriisshed WHU s l-mfe
in L-r D Jayne*-Uai initiative BnJrtuias Ttie« be used nr
1 ‘ 1; _) tin- Uirccuotiß, uml loond invariably that in *
iv iciii.- t unse.ll ute pain to a-.aic >u ihrrr or lou, in -,
'll • i.'.d ill dltet 11 or lw ~ty ininuir •»• v , i j uri"«-y
-.-. w-or: wh.s euurelv nuien.d The medic,ee wa «\.
tr. .vatdsuseti whenever .nun aLansoi the uepioach ,',f
imin wvif per'-r .ved, and tin. pam win thr re by pfevnii-
He continued 10 us- Uie inedieinr ever/ evening
iWie'tfUTSTPrm-A^nommmnorrfrty TvtfemnnT-q‘r>
D Ji: sn. (in rmi native lltt i«am. u* aso in.sry mc.iir it»
d *t*-r 1 , ' ,Ue s-.oinac i and nowels A 3UI.N .ND
A lie* hen/ >nv . )> it
for *a le ; n P:i;sl.ur*h v 1 the P KKI N TKA sTUK
VVi—J, slid ». so s l lb cl Jl ne
> .0111 V >CHtVAIM Z. K; deru. nr re,. Ai-tgn-u.
a-.- :,.p in., in
ir ou; eottiflt* <Hi.!
M.'.'V’.) tt( 'I KDY
CUthA.U I'ART AK- (*oi» it<» ju*l r«i J u«U iui « ,i.
> ‘ V ii a i*ah.n^'l‘h;k&co,
mnli£i corner t*l mid \vood->n
Oi'i >Urili.N4.S -
k> **i- by
. iu< uy |
I \ HI hit I'HAC II H>— .'<oo im«h Ohio ha'vrs, for «anu
1J mehiM M frll.L:* A KOK
I vRIKD APPLET—■wuou«fi. a |irun« nm-’ie. for *alc
XJ n.cuiM M011.1.-i 4. RUE
—our ati(h-
\\T H f PK UEANi*—(tn i onxiffninent, 2Mj Su^lt.
uir umy'll
■ ncii, we have
f-t(> bi% -iio (ilar*. for *nle by
HL ITER—> oima irmh Roll iiut'.er, for *aJr
Vi) tncli-AJ \\ ICK 4 M CANDLEdS
I ) KFI.N hD DORA \— * 11;» Refined Ilorax, for mlc
J.V !•> mciii; 'VICE 4 MCA.N'DLESS
S-'" Al.Mlt.Nl.*>—At siaa"* Almond*, tor naioi>y
A LSPU !•*—4o bag* Alepier, (or #aJc by
CUIEESE —ll<* rura I'rraiq; !!*■ n bo \Vc»t«rtl
i Kererv-. for -a.e i,y uu-ifAi J 1) VVILL4AM*
il-.MON SA Rl P 11 doz *a[>crior Lrtnou Svrup, on
i um'.U mid ;or .iuc t.y luenil. J KID It 4 to
J) A I.S A.M LOPA V I A -Hu il>s on liaml and for n»l«
1) l*V . . J KIDD 40*
I}LsTOi>- Soiiai'.c for C.vifornm tcrvicc. A-«t,
I roy Seme* mid \\ eniite. Mairn»fvwiif Gla*»«!>,
4r . by nu-nA> V\ \V WILS*ON
I > I'I .K MKA J' -1S '•ask* Hum*, in r" e<*t pivklc; OUT*
X) pieces Ba.k jtisl rrt' i mul for <a.le by
■nchtid MARIA . JUNK.** X Co
1) 1-1 A MTS— -ll »ks Ten Nuu, ju*t rce'il iw.d km »:i
by im-UAIJ HAjIDY. JiiNK.stOo
PEA \LT>—Oi -ki Pm Nuts, just rrC'd |>or uemn
er I'ei•• r»pfi .No - i. mid i>r *mr i.y
n,r ' l -7 141 Liberty M
BHa N>- -.o ‘jLii* •.vUiic, lor «ult* by
n*< J s DU.WORTH * i'«
Rick and ueiceskicc: übt..*
■*u|{ar Minin' .\|oiu.**o*, nuuEnj dm dxy from sir
Chief Ju*uce Nmr'unil, mid lor sale t.y
I)<>TA>H-A pure arul cnoicr uru<'ic, aiw»y» o' l
hmul iui.l tor tale l>v * __
u>'-h27 HKAI N Jt BEITF.K
LIVRHUNATK OF AM.UU.MA— I ra»k rrc'«l *-
/ li-r »ale t>y men*? UKAI.N A RKITKK
4 —iv bid* reo'U und for *aic Oy
i\ mend? HIIAL N A ttl'JO-K,
IM/AX :*KK£V—[fO l)U.“ jn«t rcc’i and lot »»•'«
1 m & \V HA RBAlltill,
mead? .»> wntcr and iW SJ _.
RUU. Hl'rrKß-ll l.i.i* [.rime Roll OuUer, pat up
in clulb* received urn! lor uie t>y
mcli-'T s k. W HABBAI'GH
SK.AR Ct'KKi) HA.M.H—Hr ti.-rcvn' a prime anf-lr.
rue d Mid lur »oie !.) rt A. W IJAttUAUIsM
GUITA J'Kiim \—l,mhe Bands, oi' Outta PctcUb
;u.l rr.- d „I;d !>t »»l>: Uy Vf W WILSU.N,
inclia? ct.rnnr 4Ui nod Market *i*
BKA.V*-H> tii.'.a wtiiif Beaus, in stofv and for *a.-
!•> rori.a? MAKiJV.JU.NKS At’o
llfcj BA. Lemon*,'in Store and lor «air by
J lii. na? HARDY, JO.NKB aCo
WA.N i’KD—Haney, iforii, Hye and Wheal, for
wlia'li uie iiivtiol market price id eoali will be
Al water and 104 from at
Jiaul by
1 » - far nu: , if«i j-ncc lb cam will tn:
W |>ui'l ;*»r it»c iuifcf> u. 01 Wool by
*ucajfli >• A- w HAHJIAUQI!
•’L ii-Ml.'i - rjUWKFJvLV 4 WIiKKJ.V
Al IA4: uozciu J/uiUingl, 3* tuar ti. Pott OrtJc*.
K A T k-S Off A D VBHTISIS U, i utiri Lmu ol 1 i liO»‘«, or )csa.... A)
[ W>. W tl 1i;0 76
On. H <■<•» ‘ 1 •' ... 1
One Mouth
fl-/’ l.ougfr nrivcrliaetnriUa in «<»»n<s prttyo" 04 "' 1 - ■*
aioitlht. wiUnnU aH^ratf' l '
tjrh addilionan) *tnurc l<• r
Uoe *qujf« > (t months, re n'wabl* at J*>
•' t, ji .. <• • '"l
12aehaddtiional»qn&rrlor 1 2 wool**
Two square*.C tnoOtbr. "• «v*bU?at pleMurc, JU On
i'-lacb additional square, t> i.mfitiis, * ’ •'
wkkklt on THi-wein-t i* UA,tf
Onu squar*. 3
" '• each additional insertion,.»«. —•* 37
y.ft lint* or less. one 7«**»■
.. *u month*
I -ii ~K. ~r le*>, One .nXTUiIo, fJO to
I'wo, " o n
Three, “ • »U V
« Three bobUsi, J hj
liKOlMitiii, 4cc.
rf.-'i) and mr
< \vm:k a m-candleh*
ions i;i liort- and for *aie by
ROUT D.M.ZK!.!. A. to
Round CliMfr-n U<nitlh;« *
«W> year, daily J* 1U
til months