The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 12, 1849, Image 1

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ARMSTRONG *CROZER,Ccmmixsion Merchants
wuJ Dealers in Produce, No. SB Market street
Pmthurxb. ’ _ _ £*** .
». snsnsut. i w B. u*.ns.,
BUtfRPIELU & HAYS. Wholesale dealers in pry
Goods, Groceries, Bools, Shoe*, Pittsburgh muio>
fee lured articles, ke. t No. *2O Liberty street.'Pius*
burgh. . ; I* s .’ t
B'RAtJN k REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug*
gists, corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets; Pius
barga, Pa. / mdyi-)
cgurxms, I m. n. stow*.-
Q ROWN t[ CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers;
Ij and Commission Merchants, Nf. US, Liberty it,
PiUsburyh. Pa. I deftly;'
Ba. fahngstock & co,
_ * corner Wood
3U Wood ttreet PUUwirgli. _
Cl A. McANULTY A Co., Pd fording and Com
/• misfcion Merebania, Canal Bum, Piiuburgh I’a.
I _ mcha -
w«. o. »HWLHH| «. -.
ENGLISH A BENNETT, (lay Engti&h, GaJlarter
tr Co ) Whoicaale Grocer*, Oonunksion and For
war dm# Mercbauu/and dealers in Produce and Piiia
burgtiAlanu&cturc*, Wood at, becween tfd and
3d fUeeu. _ oc\l
GEORGE COCHRAN, Comralimon and Forwardjni
Merchant, No. 20 WoodsttteL Piuibaryh. mylt
HL.KE, (tuccessor ;o Morphr & Lee,) Woo) De*]>
. er and Commtaiiiaxi Merc hem, for the file of
iUne»lc*a.Woo)eft», Libert?, opposite 6th »t febl? • •
wx. hulo, Baltimore. r 'f
0, c. »4caifaron t mart j»-waansa, ) rnuaua. .. ?
HEALD Ac BUCKNORj Tobacco Commission Met)
enantt, 41 North Water si, A. 10 North Whlrves,
Huls._ . , uov3*>i(_
UAiauincxn •. • _ mwt *•*,
± 00-j Wholesale Orocrrwfow?
minion Merchants, mud dealer* in
Water, mod 107 Front streets, Pimbarnte. _ i uo*a
T OUN WATT, {tnctt»»r to Ewalt A Geßbart,)
•I Wholesale Grocer and Commi»*ian Merchant;
dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manofeeturee, eof
nerof Liberty and Hand street*, Pittsburgh Pa. JaiM
i Am i ftIcGULRK, (late of the firm of AlgfO And
J McGuire,) Merchant Tailor, St Charles RuUdmgs,
figd afreet, neat Pittsburgh. , _ •
1 AMES A. HUTCHISON, A Co.—Successor* to
—Lewis Hotchtson A Cil, Comniaeon Metefcants,
and Agents of the 8l Lows Steam bagar Refinery.
No. 45 water and M front streets, Pittsburgh.
Js. DILWORTH 4 Co, Wholesale GrocersfcPro
duee ud Commission Merchants, and Agents
for the UalanJ Powder Ca of N. Y No. 27 Wood it,
Pittsburgh. *
JOHN D. MORGAN, Whblesale Druggist, and deal*'
A er m DyoSiuis, Poinu, Oils, Varnishes, 4c., No'. 03
Wood street, one door Boots of Diamond Alley, Puts*
burgh. : JV l * ; .
James kerr, ji-, ft co- iroeeessor to Joseph a
Paris,) Ship Chandler*, 30 water tjrgyt oc3l -
JOHN H. hIELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer
ia Music and Musical Instruments, School Boou<
Paper, Slates, Rteel.Pans.Guilis, Printers* Cutis, and
Stationary generally jNo. Bl Wood iV Pittsburgh.' ,/
boughtor taken la trade. •ebpld- 1
JSCHOONMAKfcR. ft Co 7 Wholesale Druggist*,"
» No. 84 Wood street, PiuanargA
1011 N D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner Bth and Wood
t> streets, PittsburgA occj^
JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON. Booksellors, Printers
and Paper Manufacturers. No. 44 Market ati, Pill**
burgA . y jed
jobs rurro, atciuee note.
J- ft R.FLOYD, (late J. Floyd ft Co,) Wholesale
• Grocers, No. IMLiberty street. tepS
DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Ccmmisjlnn
Mci chant, and dealer jn Produce and Pittsburgh
Maaotiscutras. No. tH Water sL, PittsburgA jauitT
Y7* IEH ft JONES,Forwarding and Comnusaion Met*
IV Dealers ui Produce and Pittsburgh maim*
factored articles, Canal st. d£l ;■>
VesiiTiaa iron 'Work*.
LEWIS, n*T 7W.i. ft Co, manufacturers of all u*
tea Ear, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nalls of the best
quality. Warehouse, 54 wolct and 105 from st.
i«ni* t ‘ „
LS WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forwari-'
> lag and Commission Merchant. Dealer in Puts*
buzga hunnfactures and Produce, Nos. 31 Water su,
aariCdFroptu. js? .
jobs trciix. ias. d. ■'sox. wxj-tkb c. npa-
MeGfLLSft ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Comiais*
siou Merchants, No. 1W Liberty su, PittsburgA
jbS • . • .
VfUREHY, WILSON ft CO-flate Jones, Murphy ft
lfx Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, No:
Wood ureal, ___ novtSl
H. sixer, »»■« uotica, wa a. miScsu •>
Vf ALLEN ft Co- Conuaiasioo and Forwarding
JIJLa Merchants, Water and Front sts n between
tVood and Market jtt. JaKfl _•
WJL wwiTnl C. W. StCUTMTt.
MILLER ft HJCKETSON. Wholesale Groce rs>nd
Commission Merchants, No. 170, Pins*
burgh, Pa. jtn!4
VT HOLMES ft SON, No. 65 Market st, second
J.l ■ doorfrom comer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Depos
it, Bank Notes and Specie.
\Qr Collections mod on all the -principal a ties
throughout the United States. decl?
EOBERT MOORE.. Wholesale Grocer, RedUtfini
Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pimburpt Manul'ae
lures, and ail kinds, of .Foreign end Domestic Wins*
and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty strecti On hand a eery
large stock or superior old Moscogahela whiskey,
which will be told low for Cask. apl&ly
T> ROBINSON A Coy Wholesale Grocer*, Produce
Xv* *ud and Deader* lq-Piuv
N6.180 Liberty st., Pittsburgh
0 1 HA fTTET.t. 4 Co., Wholesale Grocers,
tv and Forwarding Merchants, dealer*
m Produce end Pittsburgh Manufacture*, Liberty si.
Pittsburgh, Pa, feud 4
T>OBT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer,
rV Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*,
No. H 4 Liberty st- * jyl*
u u. Minuwff, ••
i)EYNGLDB &SUEE, Forwarding and Commission
Xv Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal
ers in Groceries, Prod ace, Pmsbujgh Manufactures
and Chloride of Ume. . • •
TTwhigbeatprieea, in cash, paid at all tinea forcoun*
try rag*. Corner oiPetm and Irwin sis. JMfO
SMITH 4. JOHNSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer*
in Millinery Good*, Lace*, Hosiery and Fancy
Article*, No. 46 Market street, 3d door above Third st,
Pittsburgh. *
*. C. BflllVllr | r " ———
OHACKLETT A WHITE, Wholesale Dealer* in
O Foreign aAd Domestic Dry Good*. No. 99 Woodst
PiUaburgk. j )• - , ihbl^f
SA W, HARBAUGH, Wool Merchant*, Dealers
» in Floor and Produce generally, and Ponfox&ng
and Commission Merchants, No. &) Water st. Pitta.
burgh. _ *
o MfQl, BAGALEY* A Co., Wholesale Grocer* ait* l
O Pends co dealers, No. SO Market street, between fith
and North side, Philadelphia. _ _fc*Vo_
v. nrmusuß. insit bicbol*, kastlajto.
OELLERB A NICOLB, Prodnee and General £ms-
O mission Merchants,'No. 17 Liberty st., Pittsburgh
Sperm, linseed and Lard Oil*. _ .
Q F. VON BONNHORST, A Co., Wholesale Gro-
Cera, Forwarding and Commission MefchhqU,
la Pittsburgh llaiwfhctare* and WesteraPjro
dace, have removed u> their new warehouae,(old stand)
No. 35, corner of Front st. and Chaneery Lane. -
nor? * vj
n. ,w,o. •• •
It ROTH A SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail denier* in
. Boot*. Shoes, Trank*. Carpet Bags, A*., S.
o rper o( 4th ami atnhhftela sts, Ptusborgh, Pa. j*3
ntASSEY A BEST, Wholesale Grocer* and Commit
X *ion Merchants, and dealer* in Produce. TiOnW
Wood »y, fitubargh. . Pw
jobs e. wia, OAtns MfbuaitJß*-
WICK A hrCANDLESS, {successor* to L. A J. D
Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Commission Merchants, dealer* In Iron, Nails, jalas*.
Cotun Yams, and Pittsburgh Manofaetares genegaily,
torpor of Wood and Wstjr •ireeU, Pittsburgh-. /.
■\irEBT BOWfc2S—Comma rioa and Forwarding
YY Merchant, No. BO Front st. between Wood hud
Market street*. . fab34
WW. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Forms b
, ing establishment, No. 244 liberty sl, near the
canal. _ ___ mhrß
WW~VvILSON, Dealer in Wstehes,; Jewelry,
, Silver Ware, JSUfthry Goods, Ae., No. 67 Mar
ket sc
WR. MUBPHY, Wholesale and Retail dealer in
« Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north hast
corner of Market and Fourth sts. - saga
TKrBL YOUNG A Co.—Dealers in Ao.
VY 143 Liberty at r^T
wx. x'ctrrcnxoa. now. M'tnciiEoit-
W*. Swiwuu*. ——-• "
W 4 B_ APCUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocert, dea
lers in Produce, Iron. Nalls, Glass, and Ihtts.
burgh MahufscJuro*. generally,. 142 Liberty «,^Ptu*-
Watches. Ware,
W * «nd Military Goods, comer of Market and 4lh
sorots, Pittsburgh, Pa- N/B.—Watches and Clocks
earafaJlt repair ad.
VwViViJaih KMlTti. Manatectaror of Cotton and
YV colored Linen, Fringes for Dresses, A«4 Bfcwing
Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Merkel. J l ,'
deeXdtf. • r '
JOHN M. TOWNBEND,DnwwiwI Agpthßoary,
No. 45 Market •£, three doors above **♦
burgh,-wiH have constantly unhand a well scJnc'fd e*-
sortaent of the bestand freshest JiedieinsMvMeh be
will aeQ on the mon reaspnablffTcnn*. Physicians
*«4ipg prh«iptly aunnded tn,dn4*up
plted with articles they may rely tfpon as genuine-
T ll f~ Phyidrisns Prescriptions wllTbe aecnnudy and
neallT prepared from the best maieriais, at anythin/ of
he day or aiiii. v V 4 ' -
Also for ssip, a large stock of fresh and good jPdrfu-
TBE te p *B«Sgg] ,R,3Mi '
/CONTINUES to manufacture Motramenu, Btttial
ty Vaults, Tombs, Head Slones, Msmel IHeces* Cen
tre and Pier Top* of foreign and dame site mifrbie, at
a regnlarand übprase/f •
ed* of any desenptian- HesoUnUsashare of a belie
patronage. - aagfrdtf
B» T* Roberta, Jtt. D n ~ ;a '
/’YPTHALBOO SURGEON, will attend inthe ireat
\J mentof Diwasesofthe Ere.
Dr. R. has beat qagaged in this branch of the medi
cal professian for sateea yean, and baa eCndncted an
forth* treatment of disease* of the eye
•lona ter several year*.
Omen and reudenca, corner of Sandusky gt;' and
q^ywherry -alley, Allegheny city. , acOO
BPIKIS TiA n Poanh
'sUnearWobd—qoantities of Grech, and
Black Teas, done up in quarter,.-tiatf, and
pqV l ?, packages, ranging. fromfiO els.'per.pound
BjiW- 3yi .A. JAYNES, AgLfor Pekm Tea Co
flt tram, Auoxaa Stnoo. Chief of Police, Rbsasr
. • laß43a
w**£*i*„v-* 1
CKJLEMAS, HAILMA.N A CO continue to tuanu
) faciore MnnU Iron, Spring and Am Blister St«*‘i.
Plough, .Fork and Hi** - Steel. Rivet*. -.pike* and \\ ro l
Iron Nuts, all tizo. together v» ith r<>;<.-n amt HUpuc
Springs, hit Put, Taper and common a lira.
Having redui-ed the price of Wrought Iron Not; .
engine builders and other* using the article, '»ill hint
it to their interest to give this new brunch of Pittsburgh
mannfacti/re* their attention.
Loach trroinwii|j« and man-aim- iron <». .thrral term*
Warehouse on Water aml Fourth *t? id •'!" u
F*C«« MILCT rtTThßl'Htsllf PA.
IT KNNEDY, CMll.Ds A ro . ufacturer* ot vert
Iv, superior 4-4 Sheetings, Carpet Cham. Cotton
Twine and Bafting ;a.'tn-1v
Duquiint Hpriuf, Axle, Steel and Iron
CIOLKMAN. HAII.MAN A Co, manubrium* ol
I Couch and Fl.put Spring*. JUmmeged Axles,
Spring and Plough s»trel. Iron, Ac. Nairbou-e on
Water and Front •treetf', Pm»hurgn
Abo, dealer* mj Coach Tmniomgs and Malleable
Canting*. mtl^
NSICKMASTER, Ai-omUL*.*—Office, Fourth it,
» third door above Srmtlitield. south side.
Conveyancing of all kinds Join* with the greatest
care and legal accurncy.
Titles te Real Estate examined, Ac ocUU-ly
W' ' 4 M MiTCHFJ.TRKK, Wholesale Grocer*
, Rectifying lhMtll-rf. and W,ne and Lujuo,
Mitrrhunu. Also. Importer* of Soda Ash and Blench
ing Powder, No IW Lil-env *irret, Pittsburgh. Pa
TT AWILToN STKWAHT. manufacturer ot Heavy
|~| Blurting*. Check*. Ac, Ilcbccca street, city of
Aheffbetiy. novtfi-dJy •
I (TAL,_!> r KA -M H DAT Ali tMS
fbolcaalft and Ue
bdeih ft*. JJi
Jt Grocer*, Is and
The Froniiin Fir* Insurant r Co. of Fkikultlphui.
7*\IRECTORS -Cbnrle. N Hanckcr, Thomas Han.
1 / Tobias Wagner. Smnuel (.rant, Jacoiiß Small.
Gdc. W Richard l . Mordecni D Lewis Adoiplnr E
Boric, David S Brown. Morn* Patterson
Camr< N itA*.eit:«. President.
Chart*}* <». llanckrr. Sei-n-um
Continue to ruuke fnaurunee. perpetual or tunned,
oa every description of propeity m town or country,
at rales as tow as are coiimsip.m with security
To Company have rr*rrved a large contingent Fund,
which wuh their Capital and Premium*. -ufeJy trvest
ed, afford ample protection to the assured.
The assets of the company, on January Ist, Wi us
published agreeably tu ati act of Assembly. wor a*
fellows, viz: *
Mortgages SI t>47,4J« 4.
Real Estate • > • W.T'.M ; ;
Teroporarv Loans - . vti.fXtl r>
Stocks 61.5:0 i .
Cash, Ac IR-lM '
31,32i5,4»a 7 i
Since tlieir uicorporauoc, a period of 111 years, they
have piud upward* of one million tour bundled t ious
and dollars, losses by Ure, thereby affording evil ence
cf the advantages of insurance, as well a* the a unty
and disposition u> meet wuh promptness all tiaiu tiles.
marl>4ly Office N E corner Wood ami ad *ts
JOHN FINNEY, Jr., Agent at Pittsburgh lor the Ik l
aware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phiia-
Fire Risk* upon building* and merchandize
of evelj* description. ami Mntmc Risk* upon liu I* or
cargoes of vessel*, taken upon the tno*i favc-abie
D3T Office in the ‘Warehouse of W. B. Holme* A Bro
mTffT Water, near Market street, Pituburgh
N. B. —The success ot tlm Company *inee the * stab
lahmeni of the Agency in this city, wuh the prompt
ness and liberulity wuh which every Haim u|x>n them
far loss ha* been adjustrd. warrant the af< nl in
inviting the confidence and pntrouAgr nl hi* friend ■ and
the community a: large to the Delaware M- S. ln*u
ranee Compauy, while it has Uir additional advantage
as ait uisuiution among the most It numbing in Phi.ailel
phia—un having an ample paid-m capita! which I y the
operation of it* charter is constantly increasing, u
yielding to each person insured hi* due share <» the
profits of the company, without involving hun in any
responsibility whatever, and mere fore as |wis*»- -»m,;
the Mutual principle dive-trii ol every n-u
lure, and in us most attractive form i. ,4
lnsamnce t'oiupany of North America, tu tough
X llsduly authorized Agent, the *uu*eritior. od- r? lo
make permanent aud liuutnl Insurance on propniy.m
lids city ami its vicinity, and on *tupinrni* t,y Fu
no! snd River*
Arthur G Ooffuu tTarle* Toy lor.
BaZD'l W Jonc*. .Ambrose Whilr,
Efhratd SauUi Jacob M Tij«.ihh-
John AYllrowa, John K Ned.
John White.- Richard D Wow
Thomas P Cope, Wm Weith.
Bamuel F. Smith, Ftamc* llo»Keji*
Samuol Ilroos-, S. Au-sttn A..jooc:.
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the l oiled
States, having hoe a chartered .u 1794. its chut «-r is
perpetual, aud from it* high standing, lon£ expert -nee,
ample toeaxu, and avoiding at; r;»k> of an <-iirn hnz
axdoug character, it may be eoiiMdrred os titferiu. am-
ple necunty to the public. W I’ JO.N:^
At the Counting Room of Atwood. Jonc* 5 Fo . W a
ter ami Front street* PiriMJurgh ni v 5
FroteeiloQ inwrance Co. o( UanJenJ, lona,
j hL’N'lV—The undcrfcigued. .laving been njip. .ni-o
Agent 01 the Protection Insurance Co , \vil. bir n‘k *
oa property m 'Jie city and vicinity. aud ua »:.ipi .eni*
by canal, tuiU the river* and lakes.
Office, No IS7 Wood sif.rl
r | v HH lia.« i<«rn uppomi'id pro
A lem. oi tin* lusurauce Compuiiy of .\i»Wli Aim r» u.
and v\ lil i»*ur- I'oil-’ l**» uwil aHr ml in ;nr . Ihr i liu- ..r --
of Uir Acvni'V. u: ihr vvurtiiiiuw nt Ai«* nod. J>«>. i A
Co. ' ujila UM l* Ji i\!>-. v\ iii.- M
No. 60 siuuih Wharves,
BEGS to lufonu the • • • > and dealers ucn«*rn j‘. oi
Pittsburgh, ibtiUhe)' :..i ->.• made »ucti ajrang >'incnui
with tlie Virginia manumt. urers and Uic (»row. r» of
Uie Won, \\ esi ludie», uu, >.< hrr places ui wir i..iuir
a large and consuiut oi tin: loiinwing d<-> irtp
uons of Tobacco, whu o wh. in- mid u|ion u- u. oin
motluting term* a* an) uiher iioo»c ui u-.» miy »i 'L»c
wherc, and all goods ordrrrd irvm Un-iu w,;, l'<- vur
routed equal to reprcsenuiiuii.
Havana, Sl Donuugo, Conn . t
Vhraj Porto Rico, Penii'n , -Scrd Le» to-
Cuba; Igumi; A Florida, J oa< c<
erlebratcd Aroiuauu Mag Cw«"ii •
dish. With a large assortment or outer popular hr a:U-,
and qUaiiurs oi pounds, 6s. s», lii. It*, and L tmpi
6s, 6,(54 aud Ills Plug; Ladie*' Twn>t, V infiiua I aim.
&«., sweet and plain, in wliolr hhU hnii Loirs, wood
asd tin, together wuh ever) variri) o: artieic Ik; ong-
Uig to Uic irudc. ;elh- .>
(Soccrnsor* 10 lined, HurJ & Co ./
‘articula? auenuon paid to ihr *a!r of nil <md* oi Pro
duce, and Liberal advances made, nn ruuMgAnirr u
L B. A Co. have leave to rnor in—
Messrs R. Robison A Co i p ,„.. llri .
*• Mctidl A Roe. 1 Huu ‘’ tt 'S h
Reed, l‘ark« A Co , Heaver;
*• A Covode, VVrlnviile. <»
lioewrll .Marsh, E»q fsirultenviitr. O
St. Brady, Esq. | -•
W F Peterson. Ksn 1 .... ~
Ucn R Craagk *. Co. " v “
*• tJiUAMouy I
•• Rhodes A Ogieby, Bridgeport, O
CommiuioD Scrctiant and Forwarder,
ft?* Particolar attention paid to the purchnsli < of
of any article of Produce in this ina/kri Also t.. the
forwarding of Goods generally Krler to
Messrs. John S»wascy A Co, )
Martin A S-Cmeumnu. O
S C. Parkhurst, Esq 3
Ijppincott A Co. i
Kier A Jones, VPitubargh. Pa
English A Bennett. ) _ mart ddm
Oommlnlon and Forwarding Herchnnt,
CONTINUES to transact a general Bum
ness, especially in the purchase and sale of Ann-n
-can Manufactures and Prodace, and in reeeivmp und
forwarding (foods consigned to his care. A* Agent lor
the Manofaetares. he will be constantly supplied with
the principal afueies of Pittsburgh Manufartnre MUir
lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments
axe respectfully solicited. U 7
MEKCIIANDIHH BROKER aud (.Ujimrnssion Mer
chant, No 35 South Front street, (second atory.)
Philadelphia- . IC?*Gooda purchased, packed,,
and shipped to order. Wool. Flour, Grain, Dried
Fruit and Cheese received on consignment and -u>r
nge, with insurance obtained.
Bell A Son, Mr. 11. Higby, and
Mr. Harvey Cbilds, PilUhurgh.
Iron, Hsili) Cotton Tarns 4 'Pittsburgh
Manirfactarea genernlly,
no 10 woop stkkiet. rnrsm: nan. r*.
For the sale ofl'rodnce genernlly
rn* Liberal advances made on eonsiyiinient*.
Transportation to the East.
CommiMioß nod Forwarding Agtnls,
a M. HARTUN, Pittsburgh. will rrceipi PrtKiurc
jotttg East feMS-d’An D. A ('
— rTiFTleech, JR.,
imooTUr anJ Ikalrr »» Fornfii and Donusltf
Saddler? Hardware 4 Carriage Trimming*,
So. 1 33 Wood ■«., PUt.burgh, P».
I 9 i^r,*i'bfll"/nUono? r S«‘“r P . P iu,d
taji «r Stag »ei' *“ S®’" 1 "& c 4 ‘““ “
ilwho d»y fcTObimwiili . oc h^.de®
”‘ h “* W
.Mk of Variety GooA. Urerr
tel) at wholesale U»e«r stock of Con»l»»> ' „
die*. Thread., Pm.. Jewelry, Jte.. «i coat »•* •»
i etnovc on April 2d. io No 0!) Market **•
*.*. uaaui. " wit r. doai%
Hardy, jo.ves *. Co, i»u.c.-e«or» io aiwooq.
Jone. A. Co.» CoimiHMion nod Forwarding Mer
chants, dealers hi Puuhurifb Manufactured Ooou*.
PUUUarfb, Pa. _ mcblT __
BEANS —UO tLI. and SO »k» white Deans, Just rte'd
and for aale t>y mch£i L S WATERMAN
No 117 Soulh Vk ai r
Boston, Mass
Haller, F<t
■TITII.L f»l*v» ottrnd to rollections arvl ail oitiei )>u<i.
\Y ne*« entrusted to him in Butu-r amt Arm tr.n.g
cotinue* J’a Refer to
JAR Floyd. Liberty vt )
W . W \Va'..acc. do j
June* Mar-atill do , Fuishursii
it]\ Kav A t o . W Oo>l *t. j jan*
II SW LirZER. Aiuirncy at Law. otfice hi *t .
•I • oopo.:test Charles Howl. Fm-burgh. w, a:.«i
attend prompily to Coliccijon*. m W a.iungton. F.v,ctie
and Orem.counties. Pa.
B;a. k-iock. Bel! ACo . i
t'hureh 4 Carothcra. >Pm»burrh
1) T Morgan. )
EJ -HENKY, Attorney and Foui.ce,lor ~t Law
. Cinennali Ohio Colleeuon* hi r*ouui«>ni Ohio,
and in Indiana, and in Keniueky. mid ,-ur.'-
ftillv attended in Commissioner for the Suite ot iVnu-
for taking Deposition*, acknowledgment*,
RxrutTo- Hon. Win. Bell A !>on. (7nrti*. Church A
Oarother*. Wm Hays. W illock A Duv., i»t£3
A rroRNEY AT LAW Utlu-e removed i,. Fourth
s\ street, be'vrren Siniihfieid mid tiranl street
i*wk* i>fsu>c. i usaaisKiN sxwrt t.
DUNLOP a SEWELL, attorney- at Law, Other- on
Smilhfield. t.etw ren !hl .and *t*
JOHN H RANKIN. A Horne v ami Counsellor nl Law
and Couuiiis«ioner tor the Mate ol Pennsylvania
l.ont*. Mo . 1 1 ale of Pittsburgh )
K *FKhji\cx».—Fitifciiurgii Hon W Forward. Hump
ton A. Muler, M'Candle** A M'Clurc, J»>hn K Parke,
Ul*hcll* A Semple. M'C-ird A King. je 14 1 1
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth -trert. between
Smithhcid and Grant. julh’-drtni
ITORNKY AT LAW. Fourth street, near tiranl
Yir O 11 ROBINSON. Attorney at Law. Un* re
>V * moved other to the Fuchangr Building *, St.
t'lutr «t . next drnir to Alderman Johns nplTly
HATS. i:A[ , B ANJ) BUNN ets.
Hi THV. subscriber, in uldtuon to hi* own
manuluctunn- «»f Hut*, hit* made arrange- jDJ
with Mr«r* Bebee & Co . (the mo*t®Nk
fa*ltional,le liniler* ol the citv ol New \ ork.i fora reg
ular *uprly of his extra fine Silk lint-, ami hit mg’u*t
received a few case*, ccntlcmen can he suited with u
very-rich and benutuu 'hat by eailmg at in- new Hal
and Cap Store. Smithbcld street, sr.coii.l dnor sou in of
Fourth, where may be lound u grrut variety oi Hats
and Clip* of hiFt/wn manufacture, wholesale ami re
tail Hats made to order au short notice.
4” DI'CORD * CO.,
|Succe»sorh to M’CoW A King)
Fashionable Hatter'*, 1
(Jorru' of Wood and F\fth
PARTICULAR attention pn.d to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can reiy upon retting their Hal* and
Cup* from our establishment of the sect vaTusiai* ami
wontmoamr. of the latcjt btilk*. ami at the low nr
riucKa. 1
Country Mcrchanw. purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully invited to unF and examine our Stock, as
we can >uy with confidence that as regard.* iguaUTT
and rxic'K. it will not suffer in a compun-oii with any
house hi Philadelphia. lebl7
4 HATS, CAPS AND Ml fFS- The arfnv
subscriber m now rcce.vmr !roft the OBSlg
city of New York, a choice assortment
ot Hal*. Cap* and Muffs, latest fashions, in great vipe
ty and very cheap, whole-ale and retail
novlJ Snmhficld si, ‘Jd d,voi *ouih nl Lh
r-rn. CALIFUIRNIA HAT’S Vi dor wuirr piooi
Imc ulmiritlH Huts. ,U.t teceited and bit -ale t,
.M ( i 'KD A t‘o
teb-/: corner ith und W ood »i*
I S M'CC>KI> A ('o wUI inttoduc eon >atur- / M
March !hl. the Spring -ty’.e ol HATS
ITio-c in wam>vt a neat and superior hat. are lov-.tcd
to call at corner of sth and Wood streets mart}
Ur. Kose'i Celebrated Krmedies.
DR JACOBS HUSK, me discover,-r mil so.e pro
prietor o; the«c rno-t popiHur and !ie:,rficiui nr>-d
-ic me*, and B.*o the inventor of the rr.rbralrd inslru
nicni lor mdutmg tilt- Lung*, in effecting a cure ol
Chronic di-ean**. »'«> a stud,••not mu: rrmnrni pin ...
nan, Doctor Piiy*ic. and ~ a graduaie me 1
t> of Priinsv ivarua. and tor :hirtv year- -ino- im- ocen
engaged the mvesuzation of Ui«>*a*r and me app'.i-
T'hrougn Hie u«e ot In* indaiine lube In conned on
with In* Propliy men. S\ run ami ouir t ot !u* rcnicdH?*.
he :;a* gi,:n-d an unparalri.e:l eminence in curoig
those- dreadful and fatal toaJarfn-«. Tubercular Con
-umptii-n. t'ancer-. sf**tofii!ii, Rheumatism. Astlnnn.
Fever und Ague. Kev~f* ol ail kinds. Fhmuie hTrvsipe
,a*, and all Unite obnlillale disrates pec u.ui r to fulua .••f
Imleud eve-y form ol .Jjecaae viun-li-. under the u-e
of his remedies, to wine a humanity i* Ur,r not t>y Uir
u*e of our cnmpoui.d or.:.', lor that i- incompatii.le
wuh Pay sunogu-a! lu»w, but by the u-e of hi* rema
die*, adapted ui and pre-cribrd ti>r each peeu.iar u>rm
t Dr. Rose’s Tonic Alterative Piii*. when used ura in
variably acknowledged to t>e superior to an oilier, at
u purgauve or fiver pin, inasmuch us they leave the
bowels perfectly free from rostivenevs: ns also hi*
«.olden Pi;!* is adm.ued by the laeuity lo po«*r.s iw-ru
liar properties odnpn-d to leumlr diseo**t, but l.emg
sMit-fird thru a trim i* -utlie.rut to e»ui.n*h what
ha.vdirrn -aid in the mind* ut the rno.i *keptiCßl.
The afflicted ure invited to ea,i upon the ugeni, and
procure (gratis; on.- ol u.e Doctor « pamphlet*, giving
u dei.,,>ril :i> i-r-niil i>: r-iich remedy and ii* uppm ui:on
1- or «u.<- I>s' the ftd’owtmr ngr*n« a»wr!:u«by tuvst
Lraiy(l*l» lb* e null I
J S<-r oihiirui*r A t'o 24 Wood tir'-et. Pittsburgh,
J M Townsend. druggist. 45 Market si
A tier kb am • lirar the P O A I legtiem ■-. >.
Jus Barkley, Dan.i.gioit. 11.-aver I'uuni). )’»
J no Elliott. F.nuou Va.iet.
I' Adam*. ib-ti-. i: r.
i ov Ut-di y
/ Mil i.ll. PAIN !.N THE >IDK AND i UKSI’il
RED' —Having n tor long buie in <-u
W.lh ii «fvric p:»ui iii llir •id' and < best. u." rompa in" >i
with a dry coitgn. I win induced. upon me urgent »u i
i-ilulio-i <da :rl.ii. lo 1>• I'niior* Ba.»ani oi l.i.ri
won. and I must nay this meilicnir Ima answered it
puriKJi* uJm.riif.,y M) distress w»» produced by n
severe nun. nnd wm no gtcal that it wa« with dlthru! j
I i-ou d •wallow my lood Inured. 1 uni satisfied U..«** mu * i have terminated in Consumption, or some
lat&l diiru-r. iimi it not burn cured by ibis judicious
nu-dicmr To u.: who »eek lo prolong the,; ntr*. (
would adi i»«- Ui«* u.-e ot !>r Taylor’* Balsam of Ijver
wort JAMES GOWAN. ISO Bowery
I'iuv medicine facilitates expectoration, reduce,
ver. restore* strength. and mar l>e considered e« » su
perior preparation fur Hie nif mid prevention oi n,i
discuses in the Ctir»l and Lung*, and should lx resoi i
cd to, rvrn alter the*e disease* have resisted the u*u-
remedies In llir procure of ihi« old and very n
'portable physician, tht* Hui«ani ui Liverwort nu« a
juirriJ ait enviable reputation for its virtue*, a* »up
jor to that oi the abundant nostrum* ot the du>. i
w«a the character and prob.r, ui ii> n irmur i,> that
of quarks and empiric.
CONSUMPTION CURED - My .on having a V,..-
irrtl cold, used to rough violently, rinsing quaadtir. of
thick putrid mattrr, andtmai) he count not turn ott
111 t,cd. (run wi-akm-a* 11»* rmuiilesled rvrr> «ymp
torn of POPbfiDod consumption. For Ml year* hr hud
heeu subject to llir a.tlimu Hi* physicians, Mi-sir*.
Vertuoule A Ander*«[i. ■>:•>-) In »m incurable, un-1
mud soon die. Vrt ] win dricrtniniM to try I)r ’l’a, •
lor « lial-atn of I.ivrrwr>ri..ainl etrangp an it tuny ap
prar, this ntrdirtnr has lully rtmtorrd mi health.
SOI’HIA (jA1.1.l 'N, 14 Norfolk »tre. t
Sold In J*ittn!>ur(flt l>y J B Morjran, y;i Wood m , J
Townwnd. 45 Mjtrkrt «t H Smy»<?f, cor Market and
lid »u , llenderMin A t'o, 5>cny «t Pncr rrdon d
to SLSO |«T lintlN- jb‘A.
Jayne*' Expectorant,
SiLJtM, Coiunitnatui ro .(» , Apr. tM, tWI
DR I) JA\NFJ*" Btall SIX —I Irel bound to you
and tin* alilir ird puliltr, lo nvail my«rlf of tin* o|»*
portuntty of giving pulini-tty to the i*xUuordinary etln t*
ot yon r 1 Liprr toranl on tny«r it Hawinc hrrn utllim-d
fur »rviral yrar« with a ncvrre routfn. hrrticfe\-;r
and it* eonromiinnt dt-M*n-r« uni! *rrraed only donm-d
to lingrr out a short but intseralilr existence, until the
tall of 13U9, when, being more ■everrly atlnrkr.i, and
huvphg rrsoned to all m> tormrr rrmrdtes, nnd the pre
scriptions of two of the most reapcrtublr physician* in
the neighborhood without deriving any I>cnr6t, or u.r
consolation of surviving but a lew duy* or wrirk* at
fanhrst— wheir tin- lari gleam of hope was about to
. vmush, I had rrcpiariteiided to me your F-xpoctoroui
and blessed by llial lieing who does all things m the
use ol th-- inrans—ami rotitrury to Uie expectation* ol
my physicians I was in n feu* days raised
trout my bed, nnd was enabled by tin- u«r oi u bottir. lo
ntlend to my business, enjoying *tnce bolter health than
I had lor ten years previous
Respeetlutly yours, A r , Js* W. E.rrit.l.
For mile in Pittsburgh, ot the Pekin Tnu Store. ~ri
Fourth street. murtU
li, ly nanutury, balsuimr and loiiir pri.i-ertir* ot inn
Vmegnr render it lar superior to C-oiogue water tor
the ordinary purpose* cl 'he toilri, *urpn»<nig the ii
ter in its perfume. 11 prevents and remove* pimp l **,
tetter and asperity ot the »km. it rclrrahes and whitens
the skm, rendering u soil and smooth It corrncla tin
clammy and bittor taste ol me mouth, uupimmg u irr.h
nnd pleasant breath It clcuu«es and whitens lb*
teeth, and hardens the gum« For all Hie nhnve pur
poses, it is Hard with water mi such proportion as uiny
be found most ogrecuhle By inhaling it and rubbing
it on the temples, it will remove headache ii appln-d
iiisianiiy to a barn or bruise, it win eventually prevent
mortification It correct vitiated uir. and guaranties
irora contagion; it i» therctom very useiul lor puniung
and perfuiniHs apartments. For sale by
H K SKI.LKRH. Wholesale Druggi-t,
Btch-ll b* S\ ood strret. pituburgh
Dr. UcLane In Tennessee.
r I'IHB i» »o certify Uiat I purchased one v>4J of Dr
Jl MoLaho’* Worm Specific, some two mouths ago
aud faeo to a ion of mine, some seven years old. two
leaapoon* full, and although Uu* am<v>ul may uppeur
-argOi y*t 1 have no doubt but mere waaupwardgof
nvo tbocbako wooxs possod from turn, meoaunng
■root as* Quarter of an inch to two niches long.
Rona's Crook. Carrol eo Term . Dec *7, IM7 jo'J4
CnLfMßt v Jan. hth, I^4B
Mr R. K Sellers:—’i our Vermifuge ha* sold well,
and has Peru higlty spoken of by till who hava usrd
it From the success uticuding the udmiuistration of
your Vermifuge m every ra«c I have heard of. I am
confident I can sell more during the coming •eason
Uiun 1 did lasL I will be glad in receive anothet sup
ply of 4 or 5 gross. Your*, resjMtctfully,
[Extract from letter ) R CARTER
Prepared and sold by IL E HELLERS. 57 Wood »t,
and sold by druggists generally, m Pittsburgh and Al
leghny juiW
jss a. TxaniAP l r oxo a bobuimj*.
TOinvtmMNu t tuaiiissins heeciuhts.
No. I 5 a Second street,
rorh27:dtlm* ST. LOUIS, Mfl
fIMIE subscriber ha* removed hi* Wholesale (froce
ry Store to vJiet corner ot iiancot k street and Alle
gheny Wharf, next door lo the I'erry House
_ iuch*i7.dtf_ JOHN F FERRY
APRIL —Juslopcnu.g. ;i large .ind selected usson
roent of fine Watebes and Jewelry, which will
be sold as cheap as m any other establishment in this
or the Eastern ciUes
Also —A targe lot of variety store Watebes and Jew
elry, at very low price* Fu.i jewelled 16 karat Gdlil
Lever*, a* low a* thirty-five dollars
mch3o comer 4th and market st»
Dtfiol atlon.
I • ulimttHmt* tit uie ram- < t Friru.!. A
wa* in.* liny. Ji-*olvriJ !-v muijsl ron.«'-ni
«ri„ *<-11.r- un- l>u*in»*«» ■ Hi- roiin-r'i. tor wlili-li jun
i>r>lk ,i juilioruri' 10 u»r Ui«* immr Si tar 6mm
pdim.R R I'lUhMi
<.m RHI Y
Ft 1 - jar) * !'»:>
Co-Pa rtnersh Ip.
TV «t> '•«* r hnv tm« iljy n*»<nmtr«J un*m» ,, tvc
in inr name or KMKV-.M.VrrHKUSA V. . mr it
j>u r|>o«i- of iraiimrtmr u iseneral t.roi'< ry. rorami*‘ , nii
and Forwardm* Humh.-*-. m thr «la»4 oi -hr !:•(.• firm
or Fririi.l Kh-y A Co . wlmr- tW w.’i l>- I'K-a.-d ><*
rrrnw ■ ii*- pmrotiair or th' - ' iiMomer* or that in>ui«-
a-xl our .rn*ml« «i«» KHKV
LKVI MA i’l’llKW >.
February T. I>U>
\\> ukr |>'f-a*nrr m reromntrmlinc lo the eoufid-'m— ■
or our irieml* and of Friend. RW AOn our
sui rr«*or» in l<u«tti>'<.>. Klmy. MaUlievrf A l'#. i
Dissolution. i
T’HK co jmnnrrwuii !»«• r«>i..fv.r- r vi.l.i-r Vlwer.) 'he
»üb«iTtt*fr» I'l ihr li'imr of CmiMablr. RnrSr ,V '
Co .I- rhi. JHV dl./oivi-.t M mutual '•i>n»Oß!. Me»*‘« ;
Hurk.- A liar ne* will «-ltlc Dm l.u.itir** u*ne
i-cm i.o wt.irn |>ur!•«»<• rimy are amlion-.-.i in u*r ">r ,
name ..i r..- , on.Trii SA TH AM FI. CuN AKI I- :
».DMi M) iiniKK i
The Ul'Jrr«||jiidl have till« llwV B*«i>einl<-d tin ill .rive. |
in the name of HI RkF A UaKNKS, lor the |'ii r |*o»e ,
nf tnanuiacturiu* Ftrr ['roof Kuir*. Vuulr lloor*. A■' j
A r , hi the *l»rtU ol Ute late firm or Cnii«t:»hlr Huri'-j
A Co . Whore ItH-Y win V plr.i.e.l |o reeetvr ill" !"l- j
tniiingi' o! tin - ni <lomer< »i tlial hotuu*<i n<l ibei r friend* |
HUM l'Nl> Kl.'iOi K.
Tl 11 i.M A> HaHNLS j
lii retiring irutu the tint) or t"on• ut! o. Itur k»• A 1 t»
I wah •an pre pleasure rrrumniro.l .\|r**r» Burkr A
Barin'.; u, the ooiihdrm-e ol mv frmn.B am! tlx- pulai.
Krt» U. I*4t* XATIIAMKI. i tiSSTAHI.F.
Dlnoialton. . j
'MIK pnrtiKr.ti j* «*o lout uml*- r tin* t*rm «>r ]
'rilKpanm.. , _ -
X MVoril A Kiiil*. wai* i.)- iinuut.: -in
Oil Lite l«l itlM Tlf l’U»llie»» XViil l.e :il tli»
.luml (4- wither ol us. u«mir thr name oi the tinn lor
that purpose Bring Je«m>u* 10 nave out l<usm'-««
clov'd with ns lull) 1 dcluy ns po*»iMr we would f“
spectfully request ihn«e indebted 10 ruJ! arid *u*tt!c
iheit acrotinu JOHN l) MVOKO,
jai>- II D KlNti
JOHN 1) MVUKU tiavnig witii :i
l-roUnT Jal»c* M Turd. umli'i U"- '<
* to . will poiitinu- ihe Hal. I'np
ail iU variou« brnnclirt. whol.-Muc anil rc.Jui. n. Uie
oltl «iaiui. corner ni Wood and i'll) •irre;*. uh< re vru >-
v.lini h oonunnniion o: ttir piiironucp eo no
•lowed on Uie old aim JOHN L) M mill)
)*-*- JAMKS J» MVofll)
IN rruiuia irom Uif oi.l and wci. known hrm oJ
.M Toni Al Kmc. I ino»i rp*p«*fir :v recommend u>
tin* |ulrona«r 01 ilie public my »uccp*‘oi». Mri»i*
M v'ord A Co jad- H l> KiN<«
JMII' MI Ri*ll\ A I.F1! .* mi* H«»
laic lirm wi.i i>c ►«* itlo J H L* - e J K .Ml Kl* 11 %
I'ui'iiursh. Jan Ml. 1-4 W H UT
NoriCF Inc ufJ.TMjiic.l . -nuui.o- n- W<
i.u*.(».•»« a' d anrn! lo me mlc r.r Women 1......)..
Uir old tlajio II 1.1. K
Nbaeklrtt i While,
IV It %'l,.'U|K JOUHF.RS !«* " .-•»! *.,crl u,| Uir
) ..on ,vi ,r> lW .loot O! A.MKRI
«7,- < u, | ‘ VN \Ni' h'Hl HANK V i.ih ill' now revemu*
• 01 iu\ and u».- pubit.- I a \' r ' |,, ' n ' 1,1
I’ut.iiurgli. Jan :ii> 1-4 U J K >lt Ui‘l(\ I . r „ ,* V** l ‘*' niiem .!»
Tl I K "»u :>«cnl'<T» ~h« * ihi< rin% »*«<* them, j t 'o lr n. Vr*iri-w!ifcUe7.u>* l «" uw
“• .or th- r mp.,..- - ; „ nw . ~ ~ ~ ;iril r „ m .
wUo.r.i .• an.l frlhl. Dty »ml t.rv„- (t
a: N.J V.-J l.ib.T!\ S-venti. i- .1 ■ j .. „ lV <x \ r | (r ,,,
»1 -r :wid Ur til tit 111 SHHKI N.»II t \ ' |r, .-1. |•, T r- ■ . . . . m^rr , rinitu Suiumer
t*itl»l>urgii, l.l.Mt* ! | rm \v In«ii ljin-n* Tailor*'
NH -l )ur old i Ustlomr i • .md ill, ;• j' <e nrr jiivuni i •| , r,wii l . ~•>» , :,r,\ ;• ■. ~i i , a ,-., r .i >urriiiii;* „t v»n
5: o :.^. ART? * KU . SI . I .M’* ... .. . JA.tIKK AV. WOOD WELL,
n in ■ n vtru »» niiiui
.11 oilf rn n nil \oli q u f Furniture,
£■*^ai Ft: it^ K^j\| . **■ y*'i' t|^^^ °"t 1 ll I | u^u |^„"' l> | f r | Sr ,r K Vi »a rT * 1,t,l ' U
T’HE PA KTN KKSHI!’ o) W*. A K llm i»;i .. „• ' r,4f V""*"'
-1 t.rtn di«.oivr.l !i) llir .!rsth ..t O'li-- :, *" v mml Uf« rl.-r\
il.f n.icre*; ol Wm lUy«. Jr ,u»sml mui :
VO.J on ■■■.. r pr.-mi»p« o:. V.r
I! A \ L '.1... duV VMiJi !h
-u.\ '•lu-.i.-v JtMeph. limJei Ui- firm u : J S IHLXVnKTII
nJ > nu.woini!
> dav n»n» mini Wi'.li luiU. JOIIII K .V tu.,r :n> ,
finu <>l UUI Vnu.K i.ig. WILLIAM MUM
)nn& 1 M i II M' I M
NKW HOt »i, »•, *i,m , pr,.,!. ..i
the I j(e ami Time* or Jullj; tlunwiu, '.y it-.- Hr
l»eo. Cbccvrr. I> il.
Wanfleritiif. or a Piicrim ~i the Xtndotv i>l Mnu:
Diane; by tiro UChrcvrr. 1> U
The Journal o/ the hicrimt ni i‘n mouu>. in V*
Ktifflund. hi lliVtl. Krpnnird irntn ihc «mi; .. i. m „u,
witlt tusloricai and .oca
principle* ami |<r»oc
>Coolid '‘ilittain
l>> t.eoree U 1 u.
Itapttim. with rrfrrrnre to n« mi port min >m
K.twnrd lim-hrr. t) U
J I. K).h"U. wild limn f ol Mr F
and a ' ontj>uiii»ii b , Joltn Hi"-|>p'< r-
I'll* »l>ovr, •* i.irK** >lo< l u
torii-u., Mi'iSicui 3!i<l Si'bou-
Jim--, by u.i.iurr a
r-unvn. Ml* J a: In* S.iprrm* Cnu-'
rifou \ruli an A,‘|>cnOl*. inr rri-*-.i ,im. i >m
Tlir Mm.un, lusi't n |'(.v
lu-tnirinr*- jruid'- in nil ji. .-1111* r"‘-m
rr*io<i* I.) L)T An*inl J’ro: i>' (*> K n
if«r i Voi, I'llCCf A'..
Nolr* oi’Travf. in I'a'iloriiii*. r<>m|in«in; :i.- im
i l lea turr « i>l tlir n>u tT) . n !«n tlir -nu
1 .ra .rn worm, .'lii. lo >nn <’•* Krmi! » >r f|.oru i>' I'oi Frrmyni u :i.J Mm him»r< I
sOO paijr* _ i*-
The California (luiJf- Hon,. ih
nif'l worn, lojfriiirr with Col f-'fim.iu .
urrrtunt ot l California. Bin) hi* Nnrrn;.
Kxpioruif Kip»‘«lmon 10 llie Kooky <»u it in
wnh if map*—l vot -»«. jinji'-r ."••<•
Rev Bapti*! W .Nor'. Work on the I i
and Sian—l voi, lifmo gl/i'i
du»i f r<•«•!vrj hy
R lit >l‘k IN
Apoiio Hui'U.’ t :
lit m »K> Lilirur. item,in.*
'•)• Krv ' ' Sjmrrt . \riui;Wion - Walk
Work-. I m-i»oii.' |p> Wj) N..:.,-..
Hi»ior\ m Kn'humfi.iJi l.itr imil I mi»-* «i 1’i,,,,;. Iln
l\. 1 Hf of Rrv Ik iri Un;i. l’ro\«ti.« ol mr r
OI -Mai{fw>ii, Tlieopiian) . c,[ niuiiiif^lJlion nl 1n..l n
t'bn«i Mrinciir< of J ho'*** ■ iiu i wm. H k rt. in • •; .«
a;,. l>y Ty*K, HaptiMii. ,t. import ui.d imxlr.. I n- '-i.i
<).e Kingdom, V vm* I'hrf vi-r n l/i on . n
l’mcrr««, rhrever'* WuruiMinc* of a h'-riin m
Atp«, Ander*nn'i [Jontemi* i ointiiu' vfotU*r,.
rompli.hmi-iiu, |,ui.i day. of Klt«ha. VVofii-n <■
Rr volution. Ijy Mr* Kli»r, I.ilr of J'oHok.fir s
KLUllTr* KNfil.lsH L v *«»l
Hi, Man mA<tNKrri>\t—ii» i.ihimt io iii»pn«*i<>it
ale inquiry. bruif; an rtiftnpi io »now ibc y
of it* application for the rrinw o' nolfrrmg, t>t W
Newnbam. K«g . autuor of ••The nitlurn c
of Mouy and Mtiui. ' rit Tbe lird « ork on tiu 1 <ui>.t et
put,u< fil'd Km tu.r f>> KLLIO IT A KNM.iSII.
lllßfl* ,y wikh) -i
L IKK OF FRANKLIN liiimrtiird-iri mur-f or
publication in Die »ocui< form. u> lUrp'-r A Mio-
Uirrv N»*w \ork. The Lite of Hciijamiii Flunk mi <»»n
ti'imi; of hi« Autobiography. mid a narrative lit*
public Me and. •vrvirra, by the Re v II Mature* Wed.
‘plrtididiy rtnl.e li«bed by nuaieruu* e t i(Ui*ite <lc«ii; u*.
I'V John 0 '.Unpinan. engraved in tlie bitir^t :>i
an The work n pnulcd in llir ortivn lorm, on »u
pcrhnr paper, trout bold and legible type. It wm i.*-
c.oitiiddrd in eight pant, at ¥."> ernL« earn. ami i»v.i».J
*( tinr! intr i v in• Kadi part will l.<- received t*> >j
pre»« immediate!y after it* publtrniion. Hurt In >it*t
received uud lot *air hy
corner market and Jd •'.«
Iti*! nr.-e-ioi, ol Jarnr* II • Vul I.
I'll-- Hl»l«if\ o' AlrXitndt-r ll.r (,r> j! by • ,\b
boil, wim ntup mill ruaraving*
Tlic Hmtnry of I'harW Uic Fird <>i I-' Jn
eon Abbott—i-lcpu-i riigrnviiiK*
Hm|i-ri l.iif- of Franklin,> r,i,1,. i.i*fn •
l‘> liuinrrnu* rxquinKc .lcM|{in fc.No 1 •Jiiom- |(
• r rompMr.l m r numbers
Piclonul History ui Fniciuinl. dp to r.-n’n i 1
0%. tgr 111 —rodlplrle ID < vult, oi'UVo 1 Ml illu-ir.i
ju*l received by
‘ lioimrfK 1 I’lmbomou. W<>r*.. \ oi
Franklin • Ini'- llluiuraied pan* 11 nml 111
Tbr History ol Humilxn Lite i'arlliai(iiiui' »v J" I ' l b
Abbott. Illustrated title, map ami ituitn-rou* rim ra
ving». .
Adlrr’* (.rammer and Kiiclmli Diciiouury. octavo.
Story of I.Ullr John, mnu the |'re*n<-h of M l' J- •
Arlon, orU"- Cir.-li ol Life A collection ol Thu f
ami Observations, m ale 1 .Ik. Miri
ihc World ,
Harl'« Komaino- of YaeLtinj;
Arabian ,Ni*!it< Kniertauiin.-nt*. [ ,u .. • uuii.lhuoii
splendidly illustrated. o V() u, |
Ju«l rreeivrd by K HlM'h INS.
N-l-A! Apollo Hall Jin *1
NKW BOOKS-flaicry or Mary Hum, or '.•oi-
Uy Jacob AbUm, Willi ftngravini;*
History of Knn' I'harlr. the Fir*i of Kne!»".l Hv
Jacob Ablndl, will, riifjruvia*.
History ol Alexander Uir t.rrut. Ry Jacm Ai- ! <>u,
wuh eiiifruviur».
History of Hannibal the ('uiinuemniii Uv Jn <»l-
Abboil. wim ciiirravnn;*
Received un.l lor rule by
febsn .-or market ul il ,’lsts
Apollo HumJintr- -im ->i
■VTKVV BOOK! 1 —Oregon and California in I'-d' by
J Qtnmi Thormoii. (me Judge i»t the Supreme
Conn nf Oregon. and corresponding member ol Un-
American Institute Wuu mi uppcndil. including re
■'riii and authentic information on ihn t «< the
UOt.D MINKS of California, and other valuable nmi
ter oftniercsl to the emigrants, etc With illustration*
and a map. In i«u volume*.
Raphael. or page* of inn book of life at twcul) by
Alphonse do ls.-tnmitnc, author ot tli« *• IhMoryoi t*m
f.irondm*, or Personal Memoir* ol the Patriot-* o; me
Frrnch Revolution ’’ etc Ju»t n-criveil and lor *:iie
by Ji j|i \ST* >N A STOCKTON,
mchlt corner market and ad »ta
MAR or PBNNS\ I.YA.NIA— Constructed fM.iii i no
County Survey* authorized by me Stan-, ami oili
er original document* Hevi*rd unit unproved under
the supervision of \V«n. K Mom*. Civil Bngineer, upon
data procured in each county, under authority ot ihr
Legislature A tew copies ol ’tin* large and splendid
Map received tint day mid for aale by
Book tellers, ear market aud 3d its
MTIIt> ion< and widely known a«
t---- lit i<u.' oi Hit- itlo4*t eoinininiiom m the city of
Haa.mi.r-' !i«* r'-i-mlv undergone very ellrn
■uve uU-i i*ii l ii* kii'l improvement* An enure new
wiin; hn* tiren mM-ii. rontuimng numerou* and airy
:i*f nmirtineur*. and ertrriMve haltung rooina
The Iji.iir. department ha* alto been completely
r. nrtHmr.x] «mil lined up m a ruoi-t unique and DcanU
: m , b- Itin- wniiif nrr j-. cement of the Moose
a.i« -eeii r'Miio.te i-d wim j <m*lp rye on the puff of
ittproprietor*. tew-tnl* the comfort and plea»ur» of
iii--ir (<u«-*t>. huil wairti t;ipy confidently a»iu*n wait
eiia.irnije rornpiu urn ivnn any Hotel m the Lmt-n.
lii'-ii iJim' ;vi n.*:n. :,e supplied with every »ub- wit i-irur \riurli !hr market afford*. «erved
n;> a *:t 'e. wine t*> the way of Wine*. 4 c ,
lliev will lull In* hu rpil*«ed
In eom!u»ic>n tf.r proprietor* be* to »ay, that nothin ft
w .a be .oil uiiduue on tneir part, Hud mi tiie part of their
»»»i.uun-. id rend,-f Hu- Hotel worthy the continued
pair. man-' »i ttinr ire-td* ami inr public generally
The price* mr board have ui*o hern reduced to the
foliow-inu r ito**
l.iulie- Ordinary
N B Tne Hutfiruee Wagon of the House will al
ws. • he i.iui.i! m ti'm um! Htcajrbmr. Landing*.
"hn h .vi.i .•iic.vev i.aiccatfe lo ai|d Iron tbe Hotel, free
*h • rce may'ilf
it'avf-n up -k>\ a*i> st ct.Ata st»., ptmtaoKSH, P*.
,ut>*erii-er having n>Mimed the manage*
I'uui'ni \. ami or will tie at alt urne* prepared
in an on. mod ate them iii ad Umrgs dcsirabio in a well
r.'Fii nirct Hnir. The llhuimi i. 'row hem* thoroughly
te|m,rr.t throughout, ami new Furniture added, anil no
limn* will *.e .pared u> miitv the Richanpe one of Uir
v.-rv b,..t Hotel, m the ei.untrv
Ttt** uadrr siirnrd ifully solicit* a continuance
nt ti>e vei. ntir ral (i.iirmuitr the Hou*e ha* heretofore
ronxhk or ko'.btii a\j -kaxi rnihPTv pittxhvri.h
MTIIK ►utio-riloT r-»)u-cviu]:> uimouncr- dm'
hr In,« :i.,« hi- new mol rjrelleni Hotel
lorihr ii'.'oinnioitHiimi nr' nivni. r». l><mrrterK
and do- puhor wh'-ra::, Tt.r ru>u»r and lurniiure
ii'i’eai'rr xml no pni'i., or r X|o*n«r have tn-on
«l>iiro(| to rciwlrr ii iiur oi ini- mori romformbit- atul ||..tri. tio- rny
Tltr • urit'f t i* ilri'Tiim rj to d, -rfx <*, hud iber*
tore -‘olii'ii* n «!ir.r-' n( puMir patronage.
o'tll .Hi JAi'Aili Hul tIH. Hroprtrior
lilul»KtitK N T S A V K D l
JOHN 11. MKLI.OR. (sole Affcnt for
Cbickenujr'* Piano Forte* for Western
Fenn.yl vama.i No ?l Wood ntre*et.
*• * 1 I * Pittsburgh, ha* receivrd and now open
for me hclnwmi! octant assortment. direct from
the inanuiartiirt. mi Mi ('hirkcrinjr'a (Huston) prices,
Our Rosewood »evcn octave Piano Forte, carved hi
<l n* *••>• i 'urnneri sn.l. at iwemy-fivr ernt*. the mo»: elegant and rich style of I,ouis XIV
euamnirt.! .1 • gn-jil a* any that run hail in the Opr Rosewood carved seven octave, new and ira-
I'lac--. a! ,i:• t pnrr or no chanrc No rhargr for proved wale
uan • porta non cr I'itirtace 10 and from the cars. One rosewood Piano, octaves, pew scaict
:»|.i •i-.’iii WAHHINC.TON EVANS One carved,!.
_£ wc> ' round corner*, fl octave, new scale.
'J’lll VlJti.iNiA Hi i n-. 1.. on Hafiironri* cri'd. ne»r
to pa:foii.j:f ini«" e*'i»t'.i»hrm*ni-ihrv will fn>d the
rtnmi'N* clean and »«!<-••. and the Tame it* vre.l lur
otmv r >t h m wm 'i ou RrH amd nrrii srs
OPPOSITK i %i• Until <>i tbr L‘titled Stale*, Phil*
il-i.r,.-, M PUPK MITUHELL.
mnrtn Proprietor
hind and made in order
hum) cannoi tie exceeded by
xvri«iern c.iuimy Prison*
do Wei 1 ti> tiv.- me n r».„
!.• aim:, pie-.e >.<
wi»ti'iiK i<> ;•»/
J ’Tcir a k r.‘i.-. '
Hurt'rt Kta.|r,.-
K-miW.h i-iio-r
I rur I ji.
NUI40 S .l!l\ Cu 4,1.. •<!>►. -
-1,1. Wiiii p'o.-t, Hn.r <• OUI cor«r»,
*’ M.-.lto/ntiv K.M V.n- T! 4ic
■t'l.m; ISriff
4. Uiwf •!..
I wOui* XIV (J.M.r.
Tea Pm«<-.
IWt f
A *rr-v i» re•
Chocolate, Cocoa, Ac.
nl lT*-n<-h c'lio. ...ute, Prrpar
Hroens. l>>en-j Shell*. A r
miners. v» n<> woo '<l pufUiaki-
iVrrriil' vt:
'min*"i.U !ln- iiiiovc
.mi wnii hi* nain*-
.!•; V )<( ali. llh>
it K ■ •*</*? A •-it ' 'hm
\\ M Tf H IM M- R. Ih.rr iir«'« r Mum.
<m mutril It.tllU.KVi S.lliril..\jf
Wrought an«l < a«t Iron Railing.
r |' l, | V ! Ul ' i,u ‘'
14. S Kn
d A. •-Kill ..) I
Leeching, ('upiilug and Bleeding.
Ki; Nnn({|> i„ M K t
, N.> f i.-(i •: M . • er n \\ «X>l find Simll.
•.mu". h •i<-rr„111. J! 'ill r K It. .-H •
t im»»t . 'y r«*< , ttm»nrn«t io(h'- j»h y •i«*ibii> lam
tn«-« mu! m\ iHinri ;;nnii» nul patron* Mr K II
•ill '.viirtliv <>. pir.nm-iifi
MenuUrlureil Tobacco.
k> il\« A «npe ; ,or ‘Wivi
, M A Hut.n • II
i|.. ili. iVnr. A. I |d rwoo»1
II ,|o J Ro!..
5* h- -1.. .)«>
ii .1.. ■!.. Win [huvv.n
-'I rt-. I Wiii-i r •
* I. Al'.l'TMl
■i tin I. T Di i- ■
.1.. K Mu i
•J do Kairhil
Jil«! Milling !r«-in • •
t <viJ pm-k'H. n?i-l for «uli
Ml aU> iu rKNnß.vro.
41 iini’n tvntcr «i anti 1C north wrn*rr* - «.
Ph i In ilrl |>|ija
M' A\CKA'”H'Kri*TnUAiVU -iH\i hf-'.Ji-t:
A S'>i> * i *w' 11 ><> lump •
T.i nu.: lix* VV •• :>»lr rU■! ■ hjh-i»>r 'Hi'dlii . imp*
V, I ,swti.( .• • i« “
, -ii •• (,»i mry A. Kitv-'.-t l* A '
a . ‘ ■*> Dupom ,«Jr .1 I'.ar-i
. M» Mi Uo.i
t-i l,;iv.'tl'lirf [.nil.i-r 1 V .V <1- |ihi(T
Jon l.tii.lwttf Irom a:nl i.n ; ;«ir >■)•
nr. \ i i« r.i ,- Kn*ii * Tn
It N tvatrr »l sail »'• N harvr*.
VV. AJ. iH.K SN, lloot Hin»tera.
\1 r K. :i' <• .i..i riit'ac**' i ’ the nl«*ve liu-inr**, cuniri
<n \\'<><w| HH<l 'l II ill PiiKliu/gh. where
\v>* utr pr. p.itr.l 'n tin :tn\ •» u. k i oil r lin* Willi dr.
patch \W niii’nil mom work per.nuallv. and »ati‘
lie.i.m Win !••• irivcii 111 j.-cutd it- iicajncw» ami du v
illnuK Bonk- ruled in my pmuirn uml bound *ub
■'luntiHiij Hook •in iMiiniii i' ur uni i nnk« hound run*
lull*, hi u»pnin-.l Name, put nil hnnl;. m cm l»llr^
I'lio*. lucvr woiii in our ini'; uir invited 10 cull
i'rio-» |«w ni) .I*'! f
CtAI.F MVINr. », .Ini vrninm* Fle.ill Calf Skill., ;
i iv li e nrii.*i»- A lew dozen* Philudelphi:
Skint, iiuin ilir inaiM. ni'i.ii) ..I 11 M i'ruwtnr.l, u
wtirll ;nr ;>U- ll:■ Unit ll..lkrr« i- invited Ju*
rrei-ivni and ini »ale SS Wll.NhiA Co,
,«•••; 11 1 lil.erlV *t
VI W >1 M'( 1 .1 V[*i *« K*• No ■jJ'ciorib -irrei
ran l.r |> hilvrifllM ..I .Up llo) I*l \r:
vi i ami Thj.*-ir> Cmpei-., atr.t • ••* Al««. Hru*
.cl* . .imi ..ij. mid tine lug rum Curpci*. of *U|
.tv |c« ' cju-jl.ltc. n<nl m emineello:i inn alway. I.
l.iuinl Tahir I,mCia.l.c, L»<J(— ■ lluma.k*. Mo
rer'i. (1., I . TiAc. all 111 Ii we cull ill
iiuftilion (11 Hie nil Idn ' uug'J'i
UAVINI. .old mii cure - to 1- II I.KAVT, WH
B v,cv* u. cin-ini! nur i»M we hereby *.,•
i™" ,k "Ki"''v”l'"lM.KfTKK. ' For Cliroml..
111). I‘ulNUhX Ih K ri*. |IK eclrbrme.l liu/.urd Kille Powder, m krg«
I'.ii.l/urgli, Aur t’-ii.W' J keg*. qunrtrr. and rinv lor »aJe i,y
' letil l J S IHt.WORTH 4 C.&l ifTwntkJ
(t H I.RAVr, Wtioir.i.u- I.IIIITI, i.ntiiim**ion an.l | .
.iniiiig .Men •i.t-it N" <1 M mcf «i aahf i Jtl uapr&tl’a Patent go<la A»la
UKLI. AXI) UHASS WJI'NDRV. , 1 i I.) r'ASKS ju*l received per stemnei. Ivanhoe
A 4 AFI I .TUN, lie:, uml itra*. Founder, tin* re- -»l i and St Cloud, and for «alr t.y
J £3 liui.i mill I'.imim tH ed r lIMII.-.. at hi* old -Mod. ; W* M .MI rCHKI.TRFK,
! where hr WiM l.e pir ~rd In .rr hi. old eu.toin- 1 mrliH |6l| |.,b«ny *t
I 'no re'n, Sleiiiolumt. ami Hell* nl every miae, Irom HI I
: lo I li.ihki |a>uud., e u*i I com puiierii. d Uie uio.i appro <- , 1 HIDK, A l '* [) |'J|*ATH hR, Mororco,
,eu modei.. uml wurrmued i- ■»( Hi- f'-'.i malrnin. ,1J ■ F, J uUn * x 'Jf? !^t Über, Y •««CC have
i Mm-.m \\ uirr C.miner. Kmlmg. Ar . logc | rrce.vod ihr.r SKIUNU STUCK of goods, com
1 Me r will, rv,Ti v ,.r..iv«.i Hra.a il required, l pminfj a large of article. m uinr [me to
|tu r ’.ml i,nd nm.hc.l in ncHtr.t i.mnnef ih«■ aHeiiuon of pureha»e t . „ mvtted.
i AF it nr propnei.M ci U*»eii» Am: Arrki- j mehia _
i ricN Mrrm.. *o ju.ti)-eelrl.ruled ior i :.** redm imn ol . HOTICE. ~
I "■ i>.ort,,.,rry Tlic llo.r. a„l ■ *IX prr.on. inJrbird lo u, e E «.u ol VVilli.a, Mo
, ■••'tj.e Imdnf loin at »i, tune. .ujui) Kitigbl, dcccaacU, or u» the lale firm* of W Me
: PIIINTINO PAPKH. . K, "* M * • a,KI 'y™ ‘'lcKniflit & Son. are notified
r | 'll Km, rinvmc U,r .V(~y l-< low. wllkool umh., dol.,- u,
i. M-lii.igtne Fruiiiiic Fupnr oiam w amteiienwve ; ROUKRT M KNH.irr.
jiuper umwii Uii. vie uni). wii * In* at ii I time* wed .np- iJIm Admim»tra, or of W McKmght. deed
P red witli the ditrerent .tie. of paper or *upenor quail- > A RTlSTt*’ MATERIALS— Ju.i reo'd and ror ‘u.e -
ly. wltieh wc odcr it ilie .owe»i regu ar price*. i xi. 60 yardi aruoolh Ccuivacs,'J7 inch,
Any »iir orquaniy wt I lie msiiulticlured to order al , VU •• a u 30 “ '
.hort non.•>' UK’iNUI.ItSA SHKF-, ! 30 « t. ..
ja> (mi corner IVeu and lr win | ID *• •• ..
1M»lA KFIIBKit CiA)TMIN<i iu«t reeeivi-d lor me 1«> doz C»mprea*ibl c Tube*, of oil color., Fr
Cililornia I'JtpcdiUtm. a complete sawirtmeiil of 1 mchlß j KlDliA.<’o
bum KlicUc t'loilmix. ut price* ramting irom M. 4» to i lira »»r«ria
,l U,e i A URL lo do bouaework One who tl.orouglily
dec‘2o rr ‘" ° ,>0 j 4. il PHU.I.II'S underatann* her bu*ineaa. and can (five gooo re
- - ! fentncea, oan bear of a permanent »iiuauon, at lair
Jt‘ST KECKIVKIF-Three nmir ol U»o»e *o ;u»uy | wage*, by applying «t ib»* office mchUidif
celebmied iiumltureti I'tnmu. u»ud eoti»iantJy hy , _ UIL . ' "IZ.'T” .", .u ’
Li*t. Tliulberq and omrr fifeut perloriner*. together , I A PPLLS-AOO, hu>:u 4. ru »d - Ap;pie,t,n More
u,iUi a latgeaatortarrnini ro-wood and manogiuiy, j 4/ and lor aaie l,y mrl.JO > A W JURBAUII
of my own manufacture The above arc t\aRIS GREEN—Iu cunt woe,;uat rcc'd and for
warranted tn be perfeei ui every re, P e ® l ! X tale by U A FAtiM&TOCK 4 Co,
told low for caah F BLtAlt- mebafi corner lit and wood *u
dec lb No lia Wood at, 3d door from Wt |
great in vex tios:—valuable"! ISCOVfrIRY'
Patevt Ssrrarii JavcaET I*l. 1519
Patent crav-irver ezUnnon TaUts. SoJot x BuretmJ,
Hook Cme.i. Writing Dcstt-
TABLES far aurpsasuwevery oilier tn
x »cfino» OI ibe kind now extant. They pan lx ex
tended trom ten io twenty-five feel. »"<< wlicn cloaed
t!i>* leav.-i are ail comiuucd inside; iliejr are made to
all «ue« and shapes, and are admirably adapted '"or
steamboats. Hotels, and large private families. lenit
ln!L~« l . el ??f d " co «ptei® centre table.
SGFaS AND BCRKAU&—These articles are tnval
aablc. particularly to tbose who with to econo
mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment in to a
parlor or »ming room. *» they can be opened and .but
at convenience, and when shut, the bedding is enclos
ed. A great saving in room and rent All the bed
stcuds when closed form a bcaau/ol piece oi immiurc
for s parlor or sitting room , m
HOIJK CAshS—A ncut ami useful article for pmlor
or drawing room.
WRITING DESKS—For law other*, counti of room*,
and other otiiees; when opened u most convenient bed
■Mead, when closed h perfect De*i and Library alone
is visible.
81.75 per day
All Uicsc article* need no recommendation the
benuty of the whole is. they nre warranted not io get
out of repair It will be lor > our interests to call and
eziiinu’c the articles, at the manufacturer's store. No
Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition U> the above
advantage*, they are proof against hue*
AN D now opeiung, a spiended lot 0
Piano Fortes, irom the celebrated firm
of Nunns A Clark. N V It consists m
I I « f | “part of the following
One elegant Rosewood Gi octave Piano, with carved
moulding, top and plinth, projecting front and curved
gothic tablets.
One rosewood Piano. t>J octave, elegant and plain,
with Coleman’s celebrated .Eolian Attachment, a su
perior instrument
One Rosewood 6 octave, round corners and octagon
legs One do do do
One rosewood Piano, square corners and tegs
These Pianos hnvr improvements in the mechanism,
m stringing snd covering of the hammers, possessed
Iry no others in inis country, and are at nnce the lioi
a* well al the cheapest Pianos that can be bought
Al-SO-An eb’giint lot of (.‘bickering’* Piano*, from
7 io *1 oi laves, pooscssmy nil the Jatest improvements,
at redneed prices
ALSO—(due elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano,
7ociares. a uew invention. HENRY KLKBKR,
fi»bj-tf Aid \V Woodweil’s. 53 Third st
Two •• pnnnel “ 0 • - ••
The above are all from the manufactory of J Chick
ering. Huston, of the latest styles of furniture, and with
the nrw and improved scale.
•1 Rosewood 0 octavo Pianos, from the taunuiacinry
oi H Worcester, New Vork, formerly oi ihe firm of
Simian. Worcester A Durham
•J rosewood Goeiave, Gale A Co., N Y
1 rosewood ft} octave Piano, made hv Hncoti A Ra
ve,,. New York
l Mahogany G o< uvt Piano, made: ,n Ball,more, and
led with tne io» sate by ihe owner, for cash nr m eg
change for Pittsburgh manufactures, or groceries ioitj
»<"« mr •« country store Price «UJ ]*:«>
JAYNE—Thi« ecn t fie«. that immediately alter
h.n mg Bt'.riKled my brother who died of consumption
oi March, I wa« taken -ick with the Consumption
or Liver Complaint, and reduced *o low won the
ilisea»i- ilist lor lour years I Wus untune io attend to
iu> business, cituer at home or abroad, being lor the
mo»i time confined to my led During ihe above peri
od ot time, j had expended (or medical attendance o
regular Phi*.nan* ami medicines, to ihe amount of
iMtxi. without ri reiving ai.y benefit therefrom In
Julv. IMS. 1 commenced taking Dr Jayne’s Medi
cines. and have lakeu them more or ica* ever since,
ami believe that it was by persevering m their use,
thin I cun now truly say that I have completely rcco*.
ver-’d rny health 1 believe that Jay ne'» Sanative Pills
'in.l hj|wcU>rHnt arc the best (amity medicines now in
I n-.,,1c in >*[• i.ngficid. Otsego county. NY. and
. any on a miuacr and machine shop in that place,
.i:.J am not interested m any manner in me sale of ihe
iil.ove medicines, mid make this ccrtih.-ate lor the hen
eh- those nilli,.ted ELIJAH EATON.
M" • K tie :tl; N \ . S.-pl IA .»•!
M.\M F.U'Tt RED T«)HAiVu-.Ji,e .an-Tiber
would cull ihe aitcnti.m ot l< e m, .trade and
,!rar« genera,;-,- '<> io.lowing :.r . l ot. iccos.
I N t Ms R W t' V
i j.tmr.,,
::! z
i “ Pun,am
•-* I ’ Kot.eri. A 5,-»on .„
~ f o-e:ir Hun
h I Johns A Lewi* is,
J i Warwick, *upr 1»,
b i Henry A Jame* s*. L* and ?•.
Pitt Jlaclilns >Vorka and Faundry,
f UlIN' WRIGHT A Co., are iirrparrd to build Cotton
O and M ooleti Machinery ofeverv de*crtpucn »uru
if Cardlug Maenii*-*, Mptmuo* Praiooa, tW»der«.
Drawing brume*. Railway Head*, Warpera, Spooler*
Dre*»utg Frame* Loom/-.. Cant Grinder., ic Wrought
Iron Shafting turned, a;.' me* of C*n Iron. Pulltr* and
Hanger, ol the late.t pattern*, »iide‘and humi Lathe,
and tiMii* ol n: kind. Ca.tiugi of .'very de-rr.";iun
!urm.liod on -hurt Part-ru. made , 0 „ r ,w iof
Mill Grating Iron Kaj.imr Ac. Sii-inii Pipe ior i,r t,
tug Fuciori-** iii: Iro V\ ,ndo w > and ;an»y t'«
gener-i'iv t>»drr« .c:i ki :l„- \\ urehou*e .if J
I aimer i to. -'.feci. iviii have prompt slier.,
i' ,V J II Warner. Strut.env,;ii- 'nnlN
Penn Slnchlne Shop,
H WIG HT.M AN’-.Manufacturer .><»•! kind* nr cot
• ton and woollen innrlani-ry. Allegheny citv Pa
Tne anovr worn, t*uut now in full and .ucrrWui op.
eruuou. I am prrpoAl 10 execute order* with d.spat. h
K.r u.i kind, ol machinery m uty line, melt as »
picker- grinding mac lime,, rajiwnt *,
•1 raw ing frame*, .prerter*. titro«*il- loom*. wnobn
cnnlv.lonl.le or ingle, k.r merchant or munirr work,
itru.e.. Ac . »tnl«- and htlml iatl.e, rind lonUm gvn
eral A., kind* ui viiaiUjig made 10 order, 01 piair- g.v
-r.l lot grajuit- lactone* ur nn.., „t rett-0m.,. r cliaree to- Kenned). Child- A Co . 11. li
A i o . King. Pennoek A Co . J ,< \ (irav
MA WHJTKA CO, wo.nd respectfully iniorin
. the public lliat they i**ve rreeled u*kop on
l-acock. t>ciween Federal und sirecu iSiey
arr now tunkmg and are prepared lo receive order* lor
; e.erv iWr.pnon of vnuclr*. Coache*. Chariot'*, lia
rourbe*. Huggtev Phwion*. Ac . Ac , which from ihnr
long experience m the manufacture of the nl>ore work
ami the lacilitic they l're| confident tliey arv
e,.’lined'lo do work on me mud reanomiM- term- » uh
* :t.n*r wanting artirle* m then line
Pnyi.ig po/iiculnr attention lo the nrWtion of mate
rial-. and having none hut competent workmen, they
Intvu no heaiinlnm in warranting tn.-ir wore We aak the aiicntion oi Uie lo ir.;» uiiiu. r
N U Repairing done in iltr l.e.t lononcr. i.iid on U.e
mo*i reasonable term*. )a -y ) ’.t
O rn\ invur- utc itiiemn noi t.u> ei» in m» e xteiuive
1 M-»ortmenl nt above Good-, embracing every i, uninv
up lo vrr) fmc. and trom the celei.ratcd mnnuiario
rie* of France Purrim-iug !li*-»e good, from utr
. eommiiaioii merchant* «r nceni. of the manuiacio
rerr, ho t« enabled to sell them at die low c »l p*>«Mhln
i>ricc» Also, olive green and mvuible green Cloth*,
very cheap: wool dyed hilt do, luid French Briu*h
and American CASStMKKKS. black and fancy Ink
' mid farter .atm VESTINGS, gentlemen'* atlk p..c*et
Itaiulkcrchirl», black and funcy Cravata, linen pocket
Hdkl«, L nder.hirt*, Drawer*. Ac .at the north en.t
.''in mi o! 4th and Market •trret..
V''hole*ale Room* up stair*. feh^’O
Mononcahela LlrerVStable.
ROBERT H ha* opened
large «ta!.ie on Ftr«t *t. running through
i\ ?\ 10 Secon ' l "l> between Wood and Smuhhcld
k,if 1 *n -»t tbe r«nr of the Mononcahela Hou*r
w.ii, an enurely new stock of Horse, and Carnage* of
th-- i e»i ounlity nndlatr-M *iyl e *. Hor-.e* kept at’live
rv_m fhcjievt msnnrr jy-idlv
CTKAM HO AT CLOCKS—7Tavtng~co7tcTuded m'-^l
o otf f»ur entire .lock of Kirke'* Marine Timrptrce.
wc now offer to tell them m lower price* iha.: ihev cun
be bought at any hou*c in Pituburgit or ci.ewt,. re
ea-ior wa-.t Reiug the only . «tab!i-be<| agent* n.-rr
for ihc-e clock*, we have the largcai mid Une.i a«*uti
nieni in the city Call and see.
Rrmetniiet, we are not to he under«old
DLAKFA t.'U , .Market itrret,
ocUi rnirance on north »td-’ o' the Diamond
; m**c umn.
MANUFACTI’HKRS ol xprin* ami lilmrr Mf-H
plough «iecl, -tirrl plough v* in|(», cnat'h a.-d Hi|i9
'• in- «|*rinpv haulin'*ml .r..n , t |,d i].-ai.-rx m mail
. ocxim**. tirr ■*n>?in<* lum k .-. un.l i:o:irli inmininxa
i Urnerally, romcr oi R..«* and From *i«. I’uuPursh
_ frb{ ’
Jl 8T IN TI.\IK--Anoilier lul of l*i«tol» *uHa).lo lor
ihc I'nlifornii •crvior, jii»i receivrd.
Al*o, in nrnvc on Hie 16111 inxi. J>y Kxpre**, a n«ai
I umJ linmly nui’tc ol (“onol.lti Oold -caica, wbidi <•».
rj void nuiu-r ought lu Uav.\ and lor »aie b)
rnrncMih and mnrkri m
SincetJu Deirbpemtnl of ths CaU/oriux OoU TV err,
No 75 Mawtrir Prrrs*tnu»H. •
Have re*dved on SELLING OFF the.r large
s:ock of DRY GOODS—the principal part m
which have latciv t»»en purchased*! the largk Aui--
norr Sales m Philadelphia and NcW \oih, at a tre
mendous anJ unparalleled sarnficcl
We have made such a Urge redaction from our reg
ular price* that we will uowseli a large poruou ol our
good* UKIA'W COST of imponation The ear y at
lentinn of buyer* i« i-ivited to ohoice high coloml
goods adapted u* the Calil'omia Trade.
Pla.n nml figured OameliuniCashmerea and delaines
silk*. ; all price*.
Very superior brochia fig’diSupcr cloak cloth*, an -eo
and watered bik silk* j lor*.
Superior repunuure Miks.jFreitch merino*, all colors,
»ik and i-ii.orfO. ;Bln.'S liomboxine*.
Super Mark juK«y ( »ro d«j|Croa.« barred and striped
Rliin alpacas,
Vi»«:Uf and mantilia ti!k« |Brocliu fitr’d and strip'd do.
tie si (junlity, {Jenny Lind plants,
Par*: »asui», (,;* anJ Hue!Victoria l.yonese cloths,
blk s-iiii». I very nch.
Lamartine uun rarnnoi Icober# i-toibi auJ cameii-
Super Kill warp ulpaoa| an lu*tre-
Splendid pttuJ lout: »nawi«. A lew brncha lontr »hnwl«.
Splendid terVen shawl*.' the finest wr have over
from N York auction*,! wrought to thi* market.
1 great bargain*. I now to lie *old at grea*
Plain nnd embroi'J tbibet bargain*.
shawls, all color-*. jSuperfine ami common bro-
StJlt frnixr remarkably! rha square »hiwls,
French >-!oih< from the celebrated -Johanv'" itiauu
factory For beauty ol finish aud permanence otwrar.
the#-- cloth* have no *u|»erior, a few piece* eitm fine
jet biuck and olive canton beaver* and other heavy
cloth* lor over coat*, twilled French cloth*, raanufar
lured rX|ire.*»tj for cloak*. French and American ea»-
• nnt-rr*. «up« r wen of England do, »uper Freucbsa
un* for ve*iing», tly: l<e*t imported. Flam and fancy
velvet and cashmere vesting*, merino '•lurls nnd draw
••m. Italian cravat* linen cambric and silk hdkl* uo
*iery and giove-*.
Inah linen* he«l loci'cloth shinme, mu»Uns, bleach
cd and brown muslin* of good Quality, remarkably
low unkings. cbeeka, domestic aud imported gink
ham*. scarlet. yellow and white dauneU. a large lot
very cheap; a iarge lot ol white and cro*«harrcd coon
try flannel*. cheap; browr Rnd bleached Barnsby table
linen* and table cloth*, Ru»*lj and Scotoii diaper* and
towelling*, rnunett*. Kentucky jean* and tweed*.
An usual large stock of blanket*, direct from the
manufacturer*, some of which are the best ever exhi
bited. nil of which will he closed out nt unparalleled
low price*. In addition to the above enumerated
goods, our *tock cnmpri«e« a very large and complete
assortment of almost every article usually totind in a
dry irood* store, nnd a* they have been mainly pur
chased at the casern factions, hence the late groat re
duction of price*. We are enabhrd and determined to
soil them off at great bargains.
Whole** 1 * buyer*, country merchants, tailor*, and
the public generally are respectfully mv,.cd to ail eai
ly examination. Bargain* shall be given.
ALEXANDER A DAY. 75 Market st,
tVb" N W corner of 'he Diamond
RECEIVED THIS Day. Carpeting and Oil Cioihs
oi the la;r*t and rno.t approved pattern*. ami at
prices 10 run purchaser*, anil cheap as can b« pur
chased m any of the Eastern cine*, comprising me fol
lowing vancue*. —
Extra Royal Velvet Pile I'arpet*.
A.iminister Carpel.*; any «i 7.- hall rooms or vuaj
Tapestry do t.hule*.
Hup Royni Brussels Jo Tape»iry -lair carpet.*,
Extra *up 3 piy do Brussei* do do
Superfine do Jo I'h-milc Rug*.
Extra sup ingrain do Tufted do
Superfine do u<> i<ru«*ei* do
Fine Jo no Chemilc Door miu;
do T uiied
4-4. 3-4 A iTape-iry
Damask do Sjjecp *ktn do do
4-1. 3-1 A | iwi d Ve- f2M Emb’-ed Piano eover*
m-tiau do b-t do Tuble do
4-4.3-4 A | plain da do t 4 wool do do
Colton Ingram Jo b-4 worsted and linen do do
do Venetian do Bra** Stair Rod*
“-4 cotton Druggi't
1-4-4 woolen do
English Tabi,- f»il oothv Diaper do
(iertnan do do
?-t Floor Ow cloth*. Snow-Drop Napkin*.
7-4 do ,:o do Crimson P!u*h
It-1 do tin do Purpie
do Maroon
4-1 do Jo do Carpet Binding;
Sheet Oil of newTraiup’nt Window Shade*
Tapestry pattern*, cut to (if
| [To the above, wf are constantly receiving ourSprmg
Stock of Carpet-, ot l Cloth* and Steamboat Trimming*,
to wtnch we invite the atien'ton i»l all who wi*h io fur
ni*li thetr house* or steamboat*, us wc will be aide Id
od-i aiKnJ* n* low a- they can be purchased in ihe
E*»t. and of the ridiest and iatr»i style* Cail anil ex
amine our *ti>ck before jnirrha-ing e,*ewh--re Wurr
liou-c, No ~S Fonrih »t incii/l IV M fI.I.NTOCK
7*Ae Large-tl, ( 'hrayrst and uuut Fa.ihu/nabU Stoel
of t i&hlf, tuLiylr.! tj itt i,t!rmtns Synnj? n- ■'
>u turner IFear, ut msi rrcrirtitg ,u
r PHK Proprietor of the. above establishment would
X r**pecilully inform hi* noinerou* customer*. that
he ha* ;u-l returned train the Eastern e.ilie* wttli the
most splendid a*xortineii; of ,:ood» in hi* Inn-, that was
ever brought to tui-city .< ou»,.rising ail that i* now
fashionable, elegant nnd Cheap in Cloth*. Cansimere*.
Ca«hmereu». Dr.ip I)<- Etc ami every description ol
cotton, huen and woollen Summer Stutf*. Sturt*, t'ra -
vai*. -Ildkf*. Su«pender». Ac., of tits newest styles;
which, together witn hi* very targe and lasluonahTb
•lock of ready-made CloUutig, he i» prepared to offer
at hi* usual tow price-
Country iltf-’hanu mul all who par*
cha%p lanre! r «re purtn-ulartv in nirii ui cai midei
amine ih- 1 'l*.i i i« Jfi"iir*«!ly the >uiand
nui-t l-i*ji.oi.i.i , ■ • . ncr*»! utlra',icn ha<
Urilrr* tii ifi' 1 I.ti «r itj I >i« '•lreuii'il i t ihr niD-i
i»«lti«>n»f>ir runnier n-nl ilini aoilmig may I‘<: wiuuim{
in *n»uri* inr iii-u r»t a iid i.r«i «i) ir oi r’liuinn A een
ilrinnn who hi»« hs<l prriii riper enci* m U»e Ka.uern
rinr'. nu« ’u-eii niiili'O 10 ur e>! at>in*nnnj n <
RY GOODS, (M Hit* mon approved *iylcj and pat*
u-ras, lor iii«* SPRI.M, i>F f —in. coii»i-ntic m part 01—
Fancy :i"d plain Kns:’)«h. American. and French
Straw; Florence. Rutland. Pe-ln! m.iT other plan', and,
time* Rice. Jmin I uni Loop and Hov '
al Milan rile* Hr uni HnNNKI'S.
Rich French Lace.
Fancy nn-; inain l.iti.p, A c A.-.
Fain } Isn«ii! Mraar. <>imp. Leghorn, iut«l other Mi*-
■r«‘ and Ininntt' HATS
I’miuiiik. Mmniln. l‘n,m Lii;, Sira"' and
oiticf Suiuiner.MA l.*v I’ortnrn mid boy
Houom ui« P. ti i Hr.‘-on*.
Bonnet Si\», F
wer* 4,• Ac Ac.
Straw Bon n't Warehouse, bj Market street,
N O *ai MAKIUri' MTRKKT- Have received by r«-
cent inipor’ntion* the follow: :>g Goods. viz-
Six carton* Thfoet Shaw *, of vanou* qualities,and
colon Fifty dozen “Alexander's ' l»c#l quality Kid
t Dove*. together wuh a Rood assortment <u roiu silk,
l.i-fr intend. G.ove*. for ►pnnjr'rode.
Rich ktu.iidiug/aimifiii turnover Collar*, cheap Cni
'lnr* 3'K> pair rmbrinaered Cuff*, from 50 rt« to IH.lfi.
.Mourning Co;.at* n crrnt variety Dctiu I .nee Veils,
inr create*: assortment ever offered I'V u* French
n:.d l l Fruit*. Hoyle* Emit*. small figum*
and mu color*. *m*l. p.aid Ffenen Gmghnnt*; British
Furniture Chintz whitr *alm l).nnx«k Tu'-lp ClotltH.
Linen Damask n. * and 10.&, (.recit Ucragea,*
hiark Gm* dr nhiiu-JVk Cravat*. 3J to 40 inch, the
tic*t good* imported, l*ur*e Twist: linen ramhne and
linen cambric Ifdkl*. from 14 to S'2.stl; Wlntr Goods,
»ocli a* Jaconet*. I,awn*. M:: 11 ujid Swt'« Muslim
bgured and p»aus I.acr*, wime and pol'd Tnrlatanc*'
kr.Ac. ’
We air-in the daily receipt of NEW GOODS, and
Invite the attention ol purchaser* to 00r extensive
stock. iVh‘d7
at DRY goods HUIj>K of w. R. MI'RI’HY,
North Karr <\>rmik 4th and Mabxetsts., Ptroßi'Bou.
PERSONS winning Dry Goods will please take no
tice that the a hove house ha* commenced recei
ving it* NKW SPRING GOODS, and invite* the calls
or regnnr cii«unurM uml t>uyer» centrally Good*
will l-e odr.n-d ai low price*, and purchaser* will have
a targe u< d chO'ee a«»oriineni to select from
Country Merchant* and other* are invited »
examine the assortment in Wholesale Rooms,up stair*,
where n l*rgr assortment of Pnata, Gingham*, ami
good* generally aru now opening. mart)
Dry Goods Jobbers,
W \\ UOD STREET—WouId eatl the attenuon
i.a of Merehant* to their large »toek of Domestic
and Foreign DRY GOODS. ju«t receiving from the Im
porter* an<l Manulhi Hirers, and which they wiU sell
si very low rate* for cash or approved credit.
Our stock it now ful: nnd complete, and well worth
the attention ofbuyers, a* we are determined to «cll
at such extremely low prices as cannot fail to makr it
a strong inducement for merchant* to make n hill wuh
u* ux-JdM
;nu* r QCt&a.
vi'r* ihc oticmion ol house keeper* and thote
about commencing House keeping, to hi* a; •orimruui
shove Goods, *ocn as—
Quilt* and Counterpane*, white and colored:
Ticking* and piilow-cane Musun*.
Sheeting*. from one to three vard* wide,
Table ftupen and Table noth*.
Towelling. Towels and Nupktn*.
Funuture Print* and Ountif
Scarlet Oil Chinu. lor rursm
Super printed for quilt*.
Kmbnudered wi-.«tow cuna,n Muslin
Striped and barred **
Rod Blankets, alt qualities and sizes;
A supply oi ltic*c Good* i» conslantSy kepi on hand,
and will nlwny* be *i.ld on the most favorable term*;
ol north eo»l corner 4ili and .Market *ll febtM
Vhirttnc Muslin* and Irish Linens.
Ill* r Ml Kl’H\ mviic* the particular attention of
W , tho*e wanting the alcove Good*, to his de«irable
stock, consisting oi the best make, from the most ap
-8 roved manuiacturcfs, and th« latter warranted pure
ax - He lms ju«t reeejvcd ao nddinonal supply, and i»
offering Shirting Ma.ltn* of a lupenor quality. ai a
very low price Also,
MheeLng and Pillow-chsc Muslin* ,
Diaper* and Crash,
Table Cloth*, Towel* and Ndpkl"*,
Blanket*. (Quills, 0-OOi.irryaite*; and
Housekeeping Dry Good* generally
LADIES' DRESS GOODS—Such a* French Merinos,
Paramettot, plain and fancy Du |»ouie new
style* just Alpacas, Ac
The season being far advanced, all thcscGooda wiii
be *old at ppcfl* that cannot fall to please
ITT" Wholesale Room*np stair*. jmnli
VO. do MARKKT STRKKT, wUI ronuoue their
great semi-annual sale of DRY GOODS, for 30
day* longer, during wtiich tuns their extensive wtmle
laic Room* will be thrown open to their Retail Trade
a* heretofore A A .M. ACo , knowing mat they are
selling Dry Good* of every de.enpnon from ten to fii
leen per cent ie«» than ever belorr, do invite every
person iu want of dry good*, or who may be lu want,
to examine and purchase iro® our «oc*. at the lowest
wholesale rßt<»
Our great object m reducing stock is 10 make room
for Spring (Joods, n being oar intenuon h> exhibit m
March the largest aud the richest slock of Dry Goods
ever offered by any one house in America.
We sha.l conuuue the. sale of our Bieached and
Brown Muslin*. Tickings aud other Demesne Good*,
ai oar former low rate*, notwithstanding the recent ad
vance ol id per cent upon the same m eastern markets
Patent < rru.ituiir.ii Galvan* Balter? and Patent
In-ruLitrd PoLr.i for M.ed*al and other pnrpotss,
THIS i» the imii instrument nt the kind that hasevor
been pfe«enicd m Hus conn try or Korop* for wd
real j»u rpo*e*. and is the only one ever known. u> man
b) which the galvanic fluid can be conveyed to the fan
mm C-, e. the ear. the brain, or to any pan of like body
eiUu-r externally or internally*, m a definite genua
at rerun- wuhpat shocks or pain—with perfect tatety
and ottnn'vtth the happiest effect*. * '
Tin* important apparatus i* now highly aaprovOdo l
by many of the most eminent pbyaiciiut* of this coun
try nnd Europe, to whom the a (Hi e led and othor* whom
it rany concern can t*e refern-d Reference wtll aJ*o
be given to many highly reapeciabio cmzens, who have
heon cured bv menu* of thiainoit valuable appargtu*
ol *ome oi the moss inveterate nervous disorder* which
coaid not be removed by anv other known mean*.
Among various others, n aas been provciT to be ad
mifuWy adapted for the c « re 0 , o,e toliowmg di.eaaea.
nv nervou* headache a„d other di-ea*c» oi the brain
It a with the* apjjaruiu* alone that the operator Can
convey the magnetic fluid with ru»o and safety to the
eye, to restore *ight„ or < ure amnarotas; to the ear to
reftore bearing; to the tongac and other organa, to se
store *peeeh; and to the various ports ni die body, n»r
the cure ol chronic rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or
no dolourrux, paraly»is, ar pnUy. gout, ehorea or St.
Villi'* dance, epilepsy, wemknns* irom *prajiiv tome
diaeaaes peculiar to leitiaj**, comrocuon of '.hr hmba,
lockjaw, etc. etc
Right* for surrounding eoantiea of Western Piu, and
privilege*, with the instrument, may be purchased, anj
alto lented for the cure o< di*ea«e*
hhitl in*trU'-non* will Im given for the vartouaattend*
IXU lo Iw used lor vartouß <iiscu.te.v and the h«*t man
ner fo: operating (or the cure of tho«e di*ea«* wliral
so he fully explained to the purchaser, and a paiujihlet
put uuo hi* hand* exprcsjriy for ihe*c purno*es, care
fully prepared by the patenter. Fmqaire of
oetßi-dly S Vine M, Hituhurgfi.
'Super eameliau *ilk shawl*
Rovaraible Cocfc,
render* turbid water mire by
removing all substance* nolaolufile ui
water I'he croton water in N. York,
although clear and pure to the eyo, yet
wlu-ii it pa-sen au hour through this
fiiicniig cock. ».iow* a large deposit
impure •übstances, Thl*
ii the case more or lets with u>l hydrant water.
The Revcr-iMr Fiitcrer i* nest and durable, and i*
not attended with the mronwriienee incident to other
Filtorur*, as it is cleansed without ;"*iug deWtched iron
die water pipe, by merri* turning the key or hand)-,
from one side to Urn other By this easy process, the
course of water l* changed, and a!! accumulation* fo
onpurc substance* are drtv'-i off’ almost instantly,
without unscrewing the Finer. H h!ki poMeaaea ths
advantage of being a stop cock, and a> -uch in many
cases will hr very convenient and economical.
Itenn be attached whore there is any pressure high
Or low te a cask. tank. iu>.. Ac. with cn-r To be had
Dt'tlie »ole Agent. W. W. WJLHON,
octl7 corntv of Fourin a»d Market »t»
THE attention of tlie public i* respecuui.y ra'lgd to
the following certincAte*:
M*. H Eajun*—Having tested a quantity of Gold
weighed by your Areometer. 1 find the result prove*
your instrument correct, and recommend the uan of u
to thoae going to Caiilo/nij. a* the best method for ob
taining the real value of Gold. Re*p yours,
J B DUNLKVY, Gold Beater.
Ptitahurrh. March a. Ida.
PrmmfiaH. March 7,1543.
Ml Kuaijo--Dear >.t. exanun«*ij the "Areo
meter.^manutariured at your room*. I do :i«t hesitate
;o commend it to the u*e oi those gentlemen who are
about removing to California in -eared) of Gold.
It give* a clo*e approximation io the specific gravi
ty of metal*, and will '-eruunly enatue Uie ndvei. Hirer
u» kacerta.n wnen In* pl.vr- is i n-Ming I ,<>;<]
maria Yours, reap’v. J H M *3.INTOOK.
T’HK CLINT*»N PAPER MII J». aituamd at r*u-üb«n
-vilie, Uhlo, having been Milurgej and improved,
ami at a very great expense Added new nnd the moit
improved kina of machinery". i* now prep .red to man
uiaoture uil kinds of Writing. Printing. Wrapping ami
Cotton Yam Paper*, Bonnot Board-, «V<- . equal io any
in the Eastern or Weaieru ooamry.
The undersigned haring ihe Agency of th« above
Mill, will keep constantlv on hand a large supply ol
the different kinds of Paper, and will have an) nun
made ui order at short notice -4. c. HILL,
ja3b H? Wood street
AdHaid Jo do
10 4 wno! crumb riotiit
Stair Linen
t>-4 table do
Pine a'Dil Cedar Ware Manufactory,
No BT. coKvnf.MAß*rr isu Fifth tsrs., PtmaitsaH
T’ UK subscriber ke-p* (.oii»’.:inUy cm hand, whole.
-ale ami retail vri iow tor ca.*h—
Wash 'lhibs. i Barrel Cliujns.
Batli Tubs. ('hum*,
Horse Buc*e(«. | Half Bushela, he.
All Other Kind* Ware m In* hue made to order
).ias-dl) SAMI KI.KROf>F.N
-1 tos ton* 31 cash currency, or 4 mo- app'v.l b! |*
i iou» of upward*. Jo jinr. C ino« iio. imeryni ■»«!•
■lort Por ill** «u|M>nor guainr 01 tin* i/r«ujiJ we jeicr Ui
mo and soap man blur surer* m' ilu» *uy cem-i al-
UMi liberty m
Diaphragm Kilter* for Hydrant Water.
Y pointed I.ivirwuoii! Hosyfrn A i!o.
Agen'.« lor Uic *»!«. oi Jenuuitf p
m DiupriUitfin Filler, for the efj
ff% ties of I'iUsbutgh and Allegheny.
fur Waller M Gib-tf'!. .'HU Itronilway ,
W OtLlO, IM9.
\Vr have beenheitijr one of the above article* at ;he
ofSoe of the Novelty Work* for Utreo month*. an trial,
urn! reel pr-rfeolly raUstied that u i.h u umlii: nivnmj.Mi,
ami wre take pleasure In reeotnmenrfinr themtui n use
ful article to all who love pure water. Unler* will be
thankfully received and promptly ereruieit
ocllS I.rViNG'iroN. RiHHiKN ft To
r I , HK subscriber, m offonng i»r *aj«- u iiaod.*oiur .01
1 01 N'uuns A Ourk'-. York.) a*i<t Oluek.-r
mi:* tBo»ton.) I’nuio*. Would direct attriuion to vte
fiurt that iu* is the on.) p.iu e in Lie W r.i wucr.: ;n<-
uislruuieats of tnrse IM 0 maker* cui )>r Tied «nle try
side, and where. non«<Hjuentl). it, correct idea of iie-ir
qualities can be loruieu. I u. - -nii-cnlM r bring auitnu.*
to tr»i their relative mrnt*. and having lor a number ol
year> performed upon Uir ihano- ot Nunns A.Clurk.
has lade 11 uuo use ioi the m*t twelve tnoi.Uis, u Chn k
eriuc Piaim. m order to trt it* durai»iiu ; Ami 6tn- *»
a* an secompati) ment to u.c voice. Tin* l’miai ui*>
now be seen and rxaminrd ,r. ; ;( s rt«mi* He 1, »
i-oufident of lu< ab'luy to cive s. rompi tmt knd .rvlia
bie opinion on toe subject.
A linndeome lot of new I’mnot will hr opened in s
few day* K KI.KttKH.
JceD At J W Woodwcl, •
o aDdlf- iiak.sess, thi \k am*** hip .man
O l-FAt It )K \ i'lir tuiiM-imer Utica ifu* meu.iid
t>. mforitimg hi* Irieiid* ami Uie ;>u).,n, 11 general Hint
n-' iia* tne lari(r«t »tock 1.1 she following named an.-
C.e. of hi. H*n .n.ninm,.... rny-Saddlcs, JLr
nr*j. I rii-iss and t\ tup«. .u ,n w men lie wii! warm in
to t.e uimie 01 the nest maicriil h:h! ny t:n- ben inr, b
nmes in ADr?heny county Bein'- iletonainr.d in -rti
In* manufacture* souiei.i u i< iow.-r tn.ui nna tmen uerr
tfiiorc sold t>> anv »iim!nr •••mi (r-'irnen: m ihg ( . l( -
hr would invite*on» m need of Uie al«v.: nume,i
article* to tus warehouse, No -.'41 l.ib-rty street, opjo,-
sue Seventh. AUo baud* mad.- m order for machine,
ry. ocuw-ly G. KtiRDY.
TMIK ?rcond Sesmoii 01 i;,i» |:>*a;u:io >. uudei ;ue
J. rare of Mr. mid Mr*. Goriinax for tin- prose-.t
aeadrnuc year, will commence cm :nr lust »i l cnro.i.
ry next, 111 the same buituing*. .V. .Vi l.ii.tny street.
Arrangement* have been made hy winch Ihev
be able to fur»i«h young ladies uci.ijie* -iqual to any
in the West, lor ohtiimnig n l'.mK;.;,, Clt-vi
eal. and flriiamcntxl eductaUon A full course of p,„.
itsopbical aud Ciienurai Lectures ivni ;>c aeitvou-d
during the winter, b;u»tr:ue>J by tippu.'ain*. The
oartroents 01 Vocnl and instniinnudl .Mu<ic Mode-n
languages. Drawing and I’aintuig, wu.eac.ti be under
the care o: a compeiem Pmlr-nnr By e| o « ntnfmion
to the moral and Inielleetuai improvement of their pu
pils, the Principal* nope to un-tit a ctmLnuaMon of che
liberal patronage ihey have hl'iierto enjoyed For
terms, see circular or apply u> Uie Pnticipaia.
Tp I jOSS IX P! K£U RIC K S=TftV r . vmg
J. been appointed *ole .Vgenu by the tuanulhetiimv,
lor the sale 01 the ce.ici,rated l’hirnix Bucks, -re
now prepared to 61! ordec* for any ijuarmiv, ai
cash, per l.tiuo. For the ooimtruciH'u 01 fumacca or
oil kinds, these bricks have ucru pronounced uy • um
peleni judge* a, neing ~ip,.r i „r 10 h ! miter fin- bricks
now in nae. CA M NILT \ A Co. OuiuJ Ba« ui
MANCV.\trri r RKb '
'.O J t»x« si do MGalVrat* S*; d
do Putman and Is. fi do Jolt* Kactxr ou u; j 0 }{,,.
bert* A Stson M. 45<‘o llciir. .1 Janies Ih an-l •-«. 11l
do John* and lewis' l*, .Ido Warwick roper I* 7 or*
Steward Si.
'l'6e*e i ooacro*. einbrar mg *onjeofthe mo«l ui ir
itc brand,, on consignment, and win tie
IMPoRVKO dikiv 1 1 in Ivi run MaNTFactf.
RERS—Tb' »üb*crt!'-r* tor rir’imtre :,n
porters of Juiues Musprati A Thhia’ So.ta A»h Un inn
murii'l. are now imd wu. comniue 10 U- iaryi-;, .„j,.
plied with 'hi* relrbrulrd brand, wjne i Iliey will J,|
at Ibc lowest marke! price hn n; appruvt-o •
Ihc) reicr to the g!a*i anti soap maiiuiaciurer. r
this city generally re*pecang tae t ( uiiniy.
-1 dry in a rtnumhmg town, wuh I'att.-nis, To-;»
Ac , all ready for busmej*. wm ue sold on acccnnrm
daun* terms, or exdiangr n»r Duo o. good*
au rxrelleni opportaufty -o a young maa
with fmaii capital to < omnicnee ibc iron Fouud.v ~u .
sines*. Enquire 0/
Bc&Je«i CooklnK Stoves. Urate* dtc
MAItHHALU WAI.I.AOK* i:»>. Ko«,„i , h '
corner Librrir and \S 00,l nn-cu, marmjHcmro
and otier lor uile Plauorm. Floor and Counter Seal
a( the Himt improved tjuniii)-; Cooking Stoves, (bt wo«}
411,1 roei, Mon--, ni various .u e ., i'arlot
i-onnson (irate*. llmlow War., fcp Tfirv
mamifarture '.be Kitchen Ktiugt:. wnich has , tl
general satiMiai'Uon io those having u in u*e
whi. u :*.ry wou.'il , nvUe att< ; /
Hi-- citizen* arid U»r pubtie generally octxT-d (
assortment mi f..n, k (V< r r |rl.f«t,-.l '
tnclure, anil superior lo ail other* u, „.e a, i4W , *
churches, .teambonu. factories. d-.r c !l,„<,'.
private bolls, ami u> an omer u , e , where s vacuo ►«£
and brilliant light is desirable. ***’
Al»o,Girantlciir», JHtll l.anteru* t ■i.ndelnbrsa fij n > ..., Ctumniev t *'
Ua» Chandeliers, from one i.. r...,r A w '
W 'V 'VIUSUN.jfI markw fct
Hard ware—Cheaper than EVeri
ItJi.AA, \S IIXJ.V alu, ImjK>ner» aad
J Dealer, 1,1 lUrd*are. < ui!rry and
]•£) Wood street. above FuUi. have now j n «mr '** ‘'°
ckmp auii well K.o. vj „o 4 |( ||„ itv ’ '*' ''O
• of pur™ inUorope. unj »t, ir i ,
who have been in the Uabll 01 going K*., „
larly reour.trd 10 call and look urouirh oi,,’’.w? r i' CU '
we Jdemiy behave tfcey w,h »„*,bS ei^".
E : ‘iEESrl'T
E ;" rA lor MI ihe eon.iruchini ,1 I I',
I‘neo ea. 75 co.k lor loop. ip y, °f
nniecd tune month* u»c. Order* lor * eUar 3
Bolivar Brick. will be eieea.rj a, rn) pe, MV"* 1 ?*
“J. b pbT * j uvv *Ssd3ass c
.. Kensington Icp, Wnrfc.
p vets; Manure Forks; »do<J^rt*2A«L J<to *
do Socket do; A*e», Umcbeu, AJattS jw^ so
JJellova, Vices, Ac., for sale a? m*nufto; l 'iK$ :i ? l . ck, '»
by aovß GKO COCHRy^MS^J^
i.» n.* cekwan
W \ .M Mill JIEL ntKK,
IH« bberiy *t
Ist nrnr U'rwMi »irr. i