The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 09, 1849, Image 4

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    1 C*-V“ I'Thi
• •* ■ •,. . .T.i .■
C«uunpt>on. Concta, Cold., AMlima, Bronchitis, U»-
„ Con.i.lmiK. Bp,mol Bifficidty of
in- I’aui re th«- Side nnd Breast, PulpiUtion-of '
B.- Heart. InUueozu, Croup, Broken CW
• ■ t.mon. sw>re Throat. Nervou# Debili
ty. and all Drec-ste* of the Thronl,
Bream and bung*; the most ef
fectual and ejAicny cur©
r «er known lor any of
the abo'C discus- -
fIR.-SWAVXE’Sf ' .
Compound Byrupof Wlltl Cherryt
HThiK Iredreun- »• no longer ainoii* thou- of Annl*lM
SulltT Hl»aap»«ed ßW »V (,0m tllC U.O»w»n<lfdailt
C upon«U«* ud« nfoipfrimrm, -mil no-rf «ton«i»
S ,n af, “ “ ‘■* ,rOTnn " r "’O"
l, than any Other tut ‘ llr ‘ nc r ' cr
~r r rt l' r y*L-ciier;".y through tbn
UntiedVimr. nod Kurcpc. uml tW are few .<hm« «<
> bniwiiat .-ontiun wme remarkable evi
irnpona I-'nr proof or the lotcgoui^
denee o i ‘ vn i Qr and eihcacy of ttj.s rnedi
“*“l Will linen > few hr Hie inaef llino
r . , L n „.n , wlm-tt l.av- t*e«n pre»etiled lo lino 1>)
V™r r „ V-.aoi. . 1.0 l.nvt. hiiili-if
m, n ° ' ' ' „| rr .pnnwil>ilny Biul juiiu-o. tliari to eef
r.iTw* 1-K-w l.rrniree i< will do wnoirre.r a uvbr. uiul
M “100. uo L-fii-nrr. Such testimony prove* con
;|,Bi ii.'*tin>r»«n« excellence i» «-i<ldb’i«bejl
f r h. ~'ntvie tfieriK-and the Uittjitesboimole aulhori
“f , 1,., remn ion Tb«* uislsii lunrou- rebel U *<• .
whole triune liy Ilf* 0~. render* .1 a "»«« MKVIIKB . •
-Wheu me». wMmc .'““iTS!”.'Suw. d
Tolumenly l-nr leraino.,) “““ iheir
perneo'.ai f.el, .cel.■'«£«,e, io „ of
world!) inlere»'» n»d nurpo* laiioner Vl»
troll,. ..ill ™"j“:,:Kil; i .Vni
AxvTtrutt 'fWi or UtlJl been »* »u<;cemiAjl
There never w*» * rv ,,,r . 0 ' lFUf jjpuon, ns Dr J-yrayncS
m dc«peiaic c ** Cherry, ii mren«ihen. the
(toinpciiiiid '•yrup *»■ ()ta | u,<> ulcer-on lot long*,
system, end nj'prir* ‘ i.oWrr .potaesued by no
creamur m-w ~cft •
other meilMMne. ('hbctbb Co., April 3»lh, I'IS.
tVflf *«ir I verily Irelicve your Corn-
Dr * jra >" , yv.M ChnrTV liaa b€«n the mean* i»l
pound fytupoi a wincU. gr*du
■uvin-4 mV :ur - * with n aevere trough. Ih»l
allyClirM worf • winch l hnd rerouM&lo, mh:
rcM»ted liy ra>< . rxhilmed all the Nym|iiom* of
l „e,e-...e K.vety lUi-', I l.'e J
Pulnionaf) 4-1. * (1 my ooioplami me reused #0 rupui
io h«vcn«»euec - * t dt, jtnve up al. hopes oi
ty lh»i irirmL-o t j me | wa» rermomended louy
tny recorery \ jt.l no willi the mort kiap
your " l,r ' Blua iL Urutboitie had the ellccito loosen the
pyresuiv. Tl f'"^ loei m.ctonite freely, ami by U»e
cough, cauaint, , * r entirely welb and #m
time I bad u«d f, V nr xros mmy lire, and
Dovr»« h t, arl Vm eivc. any inforttiauon resneotin#my
would be happy Ur give > d< . HTe f( , f
Cun of u Wfdito M>n*u f.
M oruitTj . i fe«l n deUl ot fcralUude due
Df “ WB n dTdnty i “ Uie alfiicttil generally, to ofl«-r
S/K!S , «V4v -
rup of N' -id toll! oiut ilifliutinaudn of the
violently aua f wL7 with a .Imping
Lunge, wluch «»• *ndl»e«lj- a v«*y cou».dura
cooeh, v*tu nffe i.iv-mucu* from tftr lurtffA M|n-
»hgbL At
Ciully lMJut my condition, bat wus pretiy
firvi t I,H
•oon coi-vitu’f* 1 l ‘ R ‘ ker . uml til length wm van c
uon. I Cr' v ; W T , aprok obnvr a whisper, «u<-h
!y üblc l '\^H.r»caUestofn.y.luu R t. Dunn ? lit.*
Wft , tb.: •■if*™' * ■ t n T rp«ruUoe« and prevenption t.
Uiuc 1 h«»l ir>« d van J , lKe lime wowc.
bui louiri uo rP -“ r 'r‘ K ; . Dcrfluudcd by a dear friend in
here I w..*udvim . dr gj- t up of WtldUhcr-
WUmii.yiou to . prr viou»ly I hail been preju
ry. I mum CIHII; *«-tfid lam sUll againm
.ticed agonal pa en . mlh n f cutpencs. but under
tboae ‘ J\o ihr n»d praouce ol
.tanduig > our cluim } t ftUllrk[J lhP raying of my
medicnu . and having . o! ' sbaw. one of your
friends. . .» use Myths
agents, u tew*bottle'. or . J 5 m ft n tti» -«ianJimg,rou
«a»e war at tliat uine « e airdr* i found, however,
aequeudy U U-a- dee itmt ic*tr or five
considerable rend fr “ \ lj( . MH ,hkrr. I irequeuily ai
bottlea But being "f j. h ,-iMtsiug ..redßUi, and
tempted to tlmtbad a.reaiTy begun
thereby ruptured U^ u - m-y cure was greatly
to henl. iu lhi« way. ‘ e f antrftc ilms imprudently,
retarded In consequ ‘ l>rforr \ wai. per-
I had U. use < a muc.H smaller
fecily icrtoml. I |>» ,r , J- e ItKl J e , nc sound, tn.t-for
»»f bottles wou . nlla y p<l lbr
the above tndtsmreuoii. 5 K . oUlfh pu , g gmp
~h hab.t.took uwny the
W the diacharc** oi -j k#te „ct«.-r
-them mi- until ior “»c l*urpo- *
cure, mid now ' ! ' 3l 1 leM 1 .^ Kv . j. p Jos.r>*Jl
pleasure. , ;
Dublin couniy. N t
l,nttoria nl Rpmil
/m/wrb; iue p rc pafat,on ..1 " iUi Cuerry,
Lulled Smw. 1.1." - u P" n , o( ,Viid
".roll",.. "> ~ ; c „vrfo,- 4".' f'-'i” 1 "
rut ..m »>' *y“" t , llreir 5a1.... I
circamswnce*.‘U or.le. |lC[ .j lli; siuk- :he 1
By » liiilf l.Oll- Hit J.WUI* '• I
rename irom the ihsc. r* ' -..privni- with Ibe I
enveloped with a U :; ,,HUt t U ‘’• U i>r" Sw.iyn.- -
likeue*- uf NNtSuain 1 cm uit r «.»• • o; j,,
CaVr wtiarxr^;
Swayne « Compound rdV .- Vns currency to th-r
would 1.01 1* endeavoring Wjge- y r o| , y uJ
“lictitiou* nostrum* by u Ult . lj4n „.
Cherry 'Remember. ol»M» hngQ
m l>r *4w .me. and bn not ddi-eiysß-
Pnncip'ii Ornrc. coriulr
i’hiladf'hbia .! ' k. PNfHV-
Kor »u'- wholesale. rcta»h», . ..<• ,-g-p{y C K
DKN cor Wand Wood «t«5 p A « sf
THORN 5.1 »t| ■lg'JrJ:, JOHN MlTCH
medicine “ .. ,
k‘ofMTi£ i M..-Rs skin :
SOSOUS Wt.l Ntew .H'« -r put. m n*
“ n u AU-HkAi4N«i. lot >«« ;■
•cnrcrij r ‘ \«■ uVs ior
K-n-hr I hnvr U»fd H »> r ,:Ml
*t~r££f2i i ',“-o“‘“r;4a „'»a
~,<1 „-,pi.K«un dy, a» „
lh “' "'ZhA. u'r '■». !, .(»»« ».*«> '
SKiilSirS s u» p“ f ““ u in
“ST« removes sllmo-l unmedl.lel y
„a ,b ' p :ui '" , ““'‘
p' rK '”°'
'a'S;- and AH.’EIS .11! KAPK
are helped wdh “*- r , , „„ a ,., ub1 ,,-
, 2SU.(*•
h. >nddA„ ,1 «. he had
"SsrriiSN- <?.
T 'bURN*-1i ~ ».r O-UMI he.> thi to. lb A-orlJ 'or
B I*l I.KSe-Thousands aje yeatiy ' hied h '
[&«ni It *»tv*a fait* u. giviuß f ** l ‘ ,df ’ ,r 1 »» j.
fD" ArouiiU Ihr U>l J ‘ frClu, “' { °' U * v '
lv.TrtU,. OUtttasn, AeaU W«i.l, Jv-■ 1' • V ' »
Sar* Threat, B* oncAita*. Nerroiu Kp,tt\Out rai is. u
.•>>."<. H.»d b ottom.
o.. Jr. /'„rm a.’i i>i*ra.*« «< .Stm. Jw r r !.«;“) V m
via fe. BwMing •/ »• >■ im*. **••»«. J*ien«uijb«n,
pSa,evld Ffrt. C'rcrup, «<r<Ur.t o' fi**
° f COLuKKKT-" 1 JN er'ootnpl a“ IL l ,Bin m U.f , ' ,,r * sl
*„dBW*N «»»* otf o« ib- i. a i‘,or I'-r
1 ”otdVrt trio.* Ou.unciit i* in- trse rtrnvdy I "
way*, keep ronw iroiu *>« r. ,
or lmill* when mwuu
"''[’Alj'rlldi- No Oinimstn flu t- anle.Mhe
war of JAM y" M-AI.UM lUK■> " »"A . I~n
"V.VIIX'.»!• A ( -- »■” ,h ' P ,in " ,P '' -"**
towua iii Ih. l adeJ S ‘“ I 'j AHI . S M,AUJUTEI.,
dole Prnpnc'd. ol uie a'".. m.ilKinr.
(P- Pnncipa l U*c«, So S- N"”d I 1 "" 1 ~rr' ‘' Hb "-
adelphia. CENTS PKH UUX
aukatb ?'™« r jr^r";:
?„*, r iLld T > H
at* slb ward; and «*M ui luo 000* p
nmgtiam, * Son. Moum.gaUela City; Pi
Kce.port; J-Me*™**'*' „ r0 B WM , V illr; Jol.n
‘a EVli>£iN‘ & ta»t rX-
A ~T;-roH ANT 1* .upenotU. an 3lh«r *«b«li*»
/i 1 E<-lU UroDchiti*. A»tl»B»», and other Pulmo-
CJougfc*, Cooiumptio , ktrww trio eottm«ne«d ih«
um ofilln ibnr frail'** **“ WimloonJ
Other r«B»edic»ofU.« kind, aa ~.r*r.ahJy b«n
u, try Other e \ tU cti whutb w« rtawoabi,
taamwmled in r«<*‘ fU, S by th»proprietor*,
aafacijoltd ffmathe h«h pr ",, j At ae»’ firaCTOAaXT, a*
ndbi*. reu.rt.ed u. the um '.f J*X"" f* #n<J
• wwdy that h»
“W ‘V/'V? end eoldon
Pwparedoeiy by Ur U. JAVSI^
*7 # ' -ri Fnarth »i
Dr. W.P. l»l«tul'» XlVbVnirl-
DR. W. I'. INLAND, ol the Med.. »i 1 "I*S« ° f.""
*delpUin. now »dtr» HI U>* pu l ’ l "' ini
eiaMt Prrmiam IWvr die quality* o'
lon* and tried r* r nßi»«,b« K/" * (ll
labusbcd To all •s-omruwho tuny !« an!iti.
to. or H-i-» “JT £
planer, guur.nteeins a ".re awl a|-ee*l) enr of from l.’o U> Ultra k V.
c»re .ml real—diraardiue all Hie u,untie
end cipennive Iratid.*™ «• '"“Si'i J*'* .LVI!,
conaeienluiua in aleui.J, i»”““ 1 ' “■ J" a‘ ‘ “
nr nee rare out of iSree l.uttdrl-d m* Sft) Uiree |>»-
““'llO lor Rheumaliarn .ml « e.k llren.l *r llaek, .1
tended mill pom, there 1a iwlhind ra e.eel Una I laeier
•in UTordll,, reliefer-dernili! V”"' , 5
L Wilcol. comer •>( Diamond and Martel «l
Hfnon X Reiter. • Liberty anil rit I c ')s* , w f u 1 , ~u
|>r J Federal si and Diatownd, Alle-
Jacqnc* & Co. “ Denman and Diamond Birom*
bam. *. _
THEV are Qt>l “ wu,p h " w tujuhott# U <* ,c
‘ihAkiU—i.o w ‘ uarM '- l,f,w tou fi t;.bo«xAllo.i.
cKttiilu, say*: w AAnr an«jyxu g beaallJ U uaJoalu
certainly can onriAcienUou y *SC ( Jlfi cent* ,
gO£P-l?» <«■
CTMTotsro o»
° ***«£ cmd BU~*V *f th. A f t.
vs- eitraordisarV; Xedieißc to the World 1
-y *; «" S I 8.1 U,., 11 i.n
Tb« exeat bisuty mod of this Ssrsaparilla
n,-«r all other medicloei la tr:'-' while it oradiestM the dis
.{ innznnitsS the body. It li uaa of the eery best
F.rrr krtnwx ;it DTt anlr par ** the whole system, and
,ir»nttlien» the person, burn r -else *», yvrs end rui
l i,.ed - a power pouessed by ab ether medretna. And is
i„.« hr* the grand secret eflu wanderthisttceesa l« ha«
|..-rf<>rrned within the last two yean, more than lOb.Onu
r.irc* of w-vere cases of disease; at least 15,000 were
cirasicirred incurable. It bas saved the lives of more
than HU*IO children daring the two past seasons.
10,000 ensti af Oaaeral DeblUty and
want of Kerroai Energy.
Dr. Tuwaseud'v Sarsaparilla Invigorates the whole
srvunn permanently. To those who hare loet their
luuwuUf «nervy by the effects of aedicioe nr Indiecrn
non coOiraiited In yenth. or the excetsive
me |iaUnmi. end brought on a general physical prostra
tiou oi the nervous system, lassitude, waat ef ambition,
fainting sensations, prematura decay and decline, hasten
lug towards that fata) disease, Consumption, can be en
tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Baraa
pirlila u far superior to any
lorijferailßg Cordial,
A* it renews and invigorates the sy*>em. gtvrs activity
p. t|,» iiiubt, and ttrength to the tnusrOlar piun, In s
n.o.i rUrsordintry degree.
Cotsaomptioa Cured.
Lfteease and Ceruamptsea can kt curtA.
flesneAitu. C'sxiSßaplioa, Liver Oomplmtnt. Ct’ldi.
Oatarrk, Oongkx, Atiktua. Spitting of biooa,
Sorcn&Jt in (Ae OAest, Bectu TluiX, fffki
Jwsats, DificuU gr Prof*** Xxptcto
rotieis, Feia sa ths ffuL, 4*-, km
im e*A its be cored.
IT*m rack, AprQ 88|^S4T.
Da TewKazxc—t tsrQy believe that yoar Sarupo
rUia ha« b«ea the means, through Providence, of serlag
iuy life. I have for Mvarelyetn had » bad Cough. It
btesme e sn* and wovoa. At l&st 1 raised larga quasu
tias cdtiwsi, had night Dvoaia. and vu graatly daWIU
islad on I reduced, tad did not aspect to Hvt 1 have
eajy c«si your SareapwCtk a rhtrt lima, end there k»
a woadMsfai ahaagehau wrmifhtLa me. lusßovsbU
to walk ail snr tha *4ty. I ralsa so bleed, end ny
•eegh lot UA me. Tea tu wall (ctagtae that l ass
ihankfii (h* than tenlta.
Tear a bed! sal servaai,
WX. RUBS ELL. tt Cathertte-st.
Fexsamia Hnllilie.
Dr. Tewasand’a CaruparlQaia a aaveraiga aad spaedy
core far tneiptanl OeaeampOen, Bamaseaa, Prolapsos
Ourt. ur Pall lag cf the Wemb, Oastiveatas, Ptlea Lea
ccrrtms, or Whiles, obstrueted er(difteuD-t!enstra»-
tion, iDsoatiaeuea ef OrihA er tavelaatarv disehasgo
thereof, and for the guara) prestredoo af tA* system—
m> mntier whether th* result ef inherent as use or caosea,
ptodueid by (rregularlty, (Orem er aeetdam. Notblag
eta b« more aurpridsf than its lavifaretlag effecu
on Ike human frame. Pare*as al weakness aad lawt
mJ«, hem takleg it, at ease haaene rebost aad full of
energy under Us luflueaea. It Immediately cosnterecu
vto herrelessneas ef tbs female frame, which U the greet
cause ot Birrs caeca. Il wifl i*l be axpeetad if as. U
ts*oi Of SO dalUat# s aatsre, la exhibit certificates of
cures performed bet we can eoare th# eflleted, taal
hvbdrodi of eases havo>eei reperted to ua Thousands
ef cun where famiUe* hart bees without ehildrea,
«CUi uslug a frw bo (tin af thk iavalaahl* aadlda*.
bate been blessed with fine, healthy offspring.
To Beihkn aßd Harried Ladies.
This E.vttae» of Barewrffia h» booa axpraniy pre
pared in reference to fommla oomplaints. Be female
who bas reason lo reppoeo she is appmshiag that
critical ported. - T*4 In tf H/V" should uagiret to
lake It, n tl is e certain preventive fot any ef Ue
nnoeroui and honibta disease* t* which fomalM are
subject at this time cT-hfe. This period ncy U it
laysd fir twvtrol yecrc by «s*a# t*ss tfsdieia*. Nor
to U le«* valuable for tfeon who are approaching
manhood a* It is calculated lo asrtzt astare, by quick
mine the blood and InvtgoraUß* th* system. IndeeJ,
tins ruedleine to iuvaluable far all tha dclieate direa
trl t n which vtmtß are rebjoel
It l>x»-!« tbo whole system, renew* permanently tb*
'-u-rclvs. by removing the impurities of the
body, not so fir rtimulatlixf as lo pre-iuco *ab«c*j'i'o‘
relaxaonn. which is the caw of most medtaaes takoc foi
female weakness and disease. By using a few boul**» ol
this tnvdiein*. many revere and painful surgical opera
tioos may be prevented.
Great Bteasiai t«-mother*mad Children.
It is the safest aad most effectual medicine for purify
ing the svitetn. and relieving the-aufforlngs atletxlaut
upon ebdd-binh ever dlaeovered. It strengthens l«.th
the mother and child, prevent* pain and rfiteavr in
(-T*a«e» and enriches the food, tbooe who have used u
think ni* indispensable. It is highly useful both before
snd after confinement, as it prevent* disease* atu-udaoi
upon childbirth—in Cagtrrene**, Pile*. Cramp*. Swell
ii- of the Pset Despondency. Hwtburu, Vomiung.
i'.iin In the Rack and Lob**, False Palo*. Hemorrhage
and •« regulating the secretion# and equalising the ere
ruialirin It has 10 equal Th# great beauty of this
tiicillsinr is, it i* alway* t*A. and tb* moat delleaie u»o
fi tnosi succresfolly. v**T few rare* require any olb-r
oedietne, in some a little Carter OIL or Uagneaiv »
ii«rfuL Eserelre tn th« op«o air.und hgbt food with
II.LS medicine, will alway, cl. are a safe aad easy con
Beamy aa4 Health.
_ Cosmetic*. Chalk. uul * .ariatyef preparation. gan**
‘ rally >a use. -hen applied to the he*. rtr7 .00B.poi! u
of it. breoir. They eloee the pore. of the *ktn. end
check lb* etre oleiion. which, when natttre l. not thwart
ed hr or pow-iet, or the .kin Inflamed by the
alkajtr* u*ed m soap*. beautifies lu own prodoetiee «n
tf.« *h««*nfw. Dirine," *J -dl u'm the rardes e»
nth .0/1 d.tieaiely unted and rarlagiiad M»«n A
ire- .rtt.e and health* circulation of the fluid*, or the of the pure, rieh blood to the extremities. i.
ti-.H w hieli paint. the countenance in the mo.t
*lte l.eautr ltt» that Which Impart, the Indescribable
eharle. and flash*. of lorelinee. that all bci
none r.a de.enba. Thi. >**>•»/ '• <h« offapnny of «■
n,r/- n otofpoW«f oriaap. If u tot a free and
healthy eirealetloa, there lino beauty. If the lady >•
fair a. drirea (new, if ah. paint, and uae coameuea
and the Mood ta thick, cold and Impart, aba la not beau
tiful f f .he be brown or yellow, and there ie pure and
entire blood. It (fi»oa ■ Tick bloom to the cheek*. and a
brilliancy to tbelT eye* that U fascinating.
Thu ia why the southern, and especially the span
j,rt ladiM, art »o much admired. Ladle* la the north
eho take hoi -little axereue, or are eontaed in cJoie
rr.ome or hare .polled their complexion by the appli
cation of deletanou* mixture*. if they wtah u> re elasticity of «t*p. buoyant .piritt. .parkUn* eye.
Ind b-auufui eotnpleldona, they ebonld » D« Town
trad • Sarsaparilla- Thouaaad. who bare tried It, are
m..r- than aatufied. are delighted. Udie. of erery
• rrowd our offlee daily
t« the Ladifa.
Tln-*- mat inutate Dr. Townsend'. Sareaparill*. bar.
t-uart.blT etiled their »tulf a /r“* Remedy f° r *'•
runirr. Ac, ta, and hare oopieo our bilia anil circular
* hirh relate* to the eotaplainU of woman, wor I for »©»•
-other we a who put Up medicine, hare. since the (re*’
■urce*< of Dr. Towarend'. Sarsaparilla in complaint*
thri-l.ot u* featalaa. recommended their*, tllboafb pro
vuxuly they did not. A nember oftbeee Mixture*. Pillv
A are injurious to femeiea, aa they aggravate dues*.,
sari -nilrrraice the eooftitnlloa. Dr. Townsend •is the
edv and best remedy for the namareu* female com
plaint*—it rarely. If erer fall* of afllktlM a permanent
rurr it cen be taken by the mom delicate female*.
*'i spy <-»,«, or by tboee expecting to hcois* mother*,
attlf the greatest advantage#, a* U prepare, the .y.tero
sn.l ir.fcuu pail or danger, end ronofthen. both
.-' a od ehiltL Be earefallo get the genuine.
flcrofnla Oh red.
tbu rertifleate conclusively proves that this Ser.a
panlL ha* perfect control orer the moat absolute Ji»
«a-a of the Blood. Tfaroo pertotu cured in ooe ho»»*
u unprecedented.
Three Children.
[)x_ Dear Slri 1 hare the pleasure lo
'inform rou that three ef my children have been cured
iK tbr Hereful* by the at* at your excellent medicmr
they were afflicted *Ol7 severely with bad Bora* . hav.
taken only four bottle. ; it took them aw.y, for -tieb
1 fee! mywrlf under (treat obligation.
Tour*, respectfully,
ISAAC w. CRAIN, 106 Wooaurtt.
Opinion* of PhyilciMe.
. Dr Townsend i« alidosi daily receiving order* fron
Ph>»-cian. in different part, of the Union.
Tint i» to certify that we. the undwtigned. Phyaielan*
fifth- City of Albany, have to numerou* eaae* preaertb-
Id Dr Towu*e»d'» BaraapariU*. and beliere it to t*
ur .-f -tie mo« Taluable preparation, in the market.
Albany. April’ 1. IW7 V E. ELMENDORF. M. I)
Owing to ibe crest xurcraa and Immen.o .ale of Dr-
To* nirn-l'i Sanapanlla. a tmmher of men »bo wet#
fortc*f’y '-nr Acrnu. hire eotntaetcrd makinr Baraapa
nil* K urarti. Illtur*, Bitten, Eitrecl. nf Veil© l * Doea,
to. 'I liry (euereily pul it up in the same ihaped b«>i-
Jr*. and -ouieof tbrol hare stole and copied oar adrrr
ti.rmrnta —they are only wortblet. Imiutlona, and
iHnutd ha arouied.
Prmripal Offlee, l‘J6 FULTON Slrart, Sun Buildine.
fj. V llrddinf At Co. H. Htate itreet, Boston . Dyott A
Sou* CHS .North Hneviid street. Fh-ladelphia , 8. 8.
Drnpgut. Balttm-re . P. it Cohen, Charleston :
tV-i-i.i A: Cd 101 Chartre* Street. N n lOi B»»uth
I't-xrl ytr-rt, All-i'i' 1 > "“'I by nil Ike | Mb-ipal Drur
r „,. 1 Mrrrhaou feurrally throngb-dl u.-
Wt ~r« VV-«l In-lie* "lid tbr f!»n«d»*
N H—Person* iiujuirltig for thu medirinr. ahmild
not i»c induced w take ntiy oiiin I>rii(-Ki«i. pm u p
Saraai>aril!aft. and of course prefer •••llujr their own
Ik-not l-e deceived by any—latjuire for Dr Town
keniTm mid luke no other. Koaiembtif the genu
ui« "Townwend 1 * Snraapunlln,” wl)! by the *ob- agent.
K. tIriKLLKKS. firnerm Wholesale A ttrtui! Arimii,
N->. &T Wood strcrl. nnd D. M- i't : RRV. Allegheny
city. jestl
For tbr Rrrovery of Dormant nnd Improperly With,
dement and A rltitmunn 01 Conim-rcinl,Trailing, nnd
oilier Di-Uu; Srcunnjt Patent* for I iivwntiou* m tircui
Dmn.ll. lieltui-I, and lii- Colonlr* olid [Vpondrnrie*
thereunto bcioiiE-iu'. ami N'-potiatimt t*»r the Pur
(llih-K' or Safe of tbr »mnr
REFERENCE may I*tac3 on npp 1 rsuon (rrn
.charge, lprornl«il tlic motive i» not tint <'( me
curio-tty ,j 10 a I.iat ronipn.iius u.*vur*t« of li.uwi
[uunce in winch uncltunxil property ip • taiiflliii'.
Ai*o, iul uidmwour |(>,UUi h<lvrcL*«tinrrii» wtiirb
hiTfl uppcnrwJ.for Ujc pan 'At year* m variou« llnii»h
n.-wppstperH, nddroafced to He[r«>t Luw and next "I
km. Communications I>t loiter arc requited *«* be
poal-panl. HENfI(aM PARIAN,
'll UrcMulway, New York
- Rrtfrrervona are pennt'ted to Hpu . CUvles I*. Daly
Judije Court of Common Plm», N<fw York.
Freeland. Stuart ft Co
ChM CartltdcQ fc Co. /
\v A J T. Tnpscou. (
(j/IL A. tticketu. K.*q
Uiiward sclirodcr, E»‘j •' .ineiftn&n. Ohio
A. Patrlun, K*q l’rc-olmt I'turliln Hank,
nov*i-dtsm _ _
Tl»«~AM'efft»«ny Cemetery'. '
AT :lie annual mrrlim: of ihn Corporator*. held c
tfer Mh lint., Unt foilovrfiii' oef«ons were mum
ttiooaiV ic-cKfCted Mnnareri forthe enaaing year:
® 0 V THOMAS H HOVVK, Preaidcnt.
j, FikjoiV, Jr., Secretary Mid Treaimrrr
;. The annViil statement pntwrnmd the affairs of tu*
C<tmpMi7 ui a very prosperous condition T»M?tr oflica
iJi the cilfW No. 37 Water *lf*ei jsW
WkKKS APIS.t—I4 litiU, assorted kiml' tor sale
\X by unci' ISAIAH DICKER A Co
T-iisgKSK—tun bit ui .tore and for aaieby
baeinvciiud a machine for washing
, Itold, ior which be ha* made application lor a
patent. They are now offered for sale ui the ware
house of Parry s.-ott A i’y . No Itll Wood «»«rt
Adventurers in eVifurTi.u urn invited to ca:l and ex
amine ihrsr luOor- r >v u.c machines T*.cy are
m their cor.«tr.iei.on. rj-. y '.raniporird o; i me buck of
uiuio or Ur«-». wi-mor. pou..iK r .v h. at-l
ran nc pu! .0 op-muon in U:l i„, ur Tb-> can be
bi «d with proven.:;*. Jl i* 'he op'mon »f liuiK- wito
i.avr ttic ir’ii m oni- 0! tln-.f mu in net of smubr-i
jnze, U»ai ;»o me,. u-,;t xvaao U»e nunt-rai from ld»
bin-hef* m_*an.i or runii in a (Jay. wvi-nu: Wic lom of a
particle of itie .rn' .-ia,. fjirycan be increased m size
and worked t.v water or.J&ule power, if expedi<-«'
H.-operator* ww* wiiitOai going into the water or
being expo-rd to •» e>. *mt t-cnii.tty without en
duinrcnui: ib-.r a; lb. They wi:, require but u imai:
»ucoin ot waier. and tan be u»e.t the wboic *en»on,
;uid ctm be pm operation w hr re there n not lufft
.l’rn eoi *m:t..< •' «i/e *33 Order* from abroad, a--
coinpaiued I.;- i-i-n wu, hr promptly tui-n
H I’AIUIV, at Pam . >cotri fo -.
No jOa »t. Pittsburgh 4. Aah.
r r«lH *ut>«cnlicrs are now receiving their Kail «tock
A 01 Ujr article, three vcMelv vir the Juniata
Mrila.iinu iiml 1.v.1i i. having arrived at Philadelphia
nml Baltimore, a,,u two more. the Stephen Ha,dvriii n.l
i-ei;a. i>!iouly ripened, they are. therefore, prepared
to receive order* Tlicy w:!i receive tlurim,' th'- vern
ier ami vpruig rl»nia.r Mipplie* via New l>rf. an*
nov > : < W .V M MITOIf.I.TRKK
MOUNT KAI.I.K TRIPOLI—Tor ricimlng win
dow.niid glttur*. .liver plate, lira-., Ilri
tamiia. and other ware, h rupidl, take* out nil -pot
tmd ria.iiv i produce* ia«. heautuul m j durri l ;!--
iu»:re of new ware J aid received and tor «»•>•. wlu> t
due and retm.. i > JuHN I> MORk. \N.
J*£l Dnivt,-:
MR SA.MI,. IJ IURTMAN having bu im»r-
«•«! Mi ilk* r(* |*aruieri>lii[> m v'oVinan. Mailman A.
'> • <nr remaining partners. tm* :n<« da>
iMe i.rn: Frtiruaty 111. I?<y-U
Mill mam — The under
.»4Jn> >!. Att-i.- li.r Un- inairtMatlurrr'. Ims on hanc
uml is roisHnni ) i< a uni »upply ofutr ajtidc*
moile in Piiuimii’ii ai-ii vir.mi® which be nifer* lot
• air n' !ii:imuacuirei» i-n 0... t‘, LU IOCHKAN
_ \*G wood »l
Sbi.A Kt BH KU I'A !»Tlv—i *ro»« hottir* Indoi Kui»-
. I'Ct n i • ••■r.i'-nl urlx'tc lor rrndt-rillK bool*
nil *boc» j**i k-ot i > wuirr prooi. mid >nii as a prere 01
PUi. Ui>»* npiilii-ri<> i or lln< px»lo i* -ul&cienl in
mkr itirin mt|•> i \ i.i U . 10 wn <•! n-r or I mouth*, u - j.l
pt’rircl j>ri-Ti*i.i.«itvf iroiu ihr iraU.n ctui'k mg
a’ mr India Kul.b-r iVnoi. No a
J A h iMUu.irs
Rm 'il and ~-i
Wahhl -i.
MKDIC.M. IlmiKMVt- Sur-K-u-u: l*r*.,.
Oopel-,.1- d„ t'ruvrnim Anatomy. Drum
>uriter>. I’rtri l .m Llmiru. Re *c cm: do. ltr-ii ut..!
Stoker Prarti. u.o. Graved t'l.n
l.eetlirf*. Um-il.p • do. Urod.c Oil Jo,"U. Mnßrlld,,'-
Phy* . Np.icuh h i .MrH.i-’nr*. Pum Phurrowologia
Blundell . \liii v. 11ri \, do on llmca*. * ~l W omen. M 0.,;
COinetV on Pip«"a'it . . Parker oil Stomach Velpeua
on Rreart. Übi-u.-Quc on l irru». Kramer on Kai.
dark oil i.'on-uiiijoion. I'oair* Pop .Mrd . A*hwci.
1 Females. Stcwnr on I'tuiiiren. Perei
rn on Klotx!, l.imn on PUlluxi* r.,,ioi*on * Practice.
Ihiprevtmr' Sur. Ai'ernalhy’* Work*, Piuliipe on
Scroiuia. Maukenidsn » Practice. Brilurd on Children,
Velpeau* Slidwtfrty. Kberlie i Thruipeunea. Bell*»
Anatomy, ('tarn on Females, Harmon* Anatomy.
Cooper on lh*io lition*. Comlie on Children. Miilrr'*
' Prin ot Suiuery. Courchill'* t-eimOe* llrwct* ou
1 Children, do u» Midwitery. do on I'rtnal'-- l>uuj;ii*oii «
Phynoluf, do [r.eiiwiiary, Lawrence on fc.) u,
m'i .Mnteirm M- d . \\ »i«ou‘* Practice i.mtm s j*unjr
rv. Dun|{!iron'* Pi notice. do Materia Mcdica. Miiler’a
Rhuul oUiom s Mid. Bariieu ou Fever*.
Tlope oif lV“f t-otuiniia; on Females. Furcu&ons
Suryeri. Wikoii I'Auntoniy, IViinara* on Reapirtuory
Organs. Al'errrocubie on Hrain. Dui giison » new Rem
edie*-. Ac Ac
«i-,n « unipra, n»iotuu.-ni ot Standi/d
f r. <- il and loi «alr lOtt
The above. *
.Urilical Book l
K1.1.1i-ri'l I.MiI.ISM. 7U U ood «i.
IxMwren 4ll> ami UiuiiionU at
Diamond .IHry '■t"-'" »'«>J .''m.iAtidd
jte». anil all kind* i>i lanry rnrri.«*rv mua. m r
ranee and nciii.r** *• am inund .n iir Kati
iraei? lor any nuinixi (if I'jrririf*.
tuna, wr t>e {>rotn|d:> lined
All wrl nr li » i>\vn mfinulMC\uri*--vii' >..• an,.
Kk>ih**o> i*o l K P:uier*on. II H I’aUrr-o- S
D lniii uu. Hol.L. h>q . I- t. a
SK.C.'I KI 1) in I.hTf KR> i’ATKNr
PL Hi .H. A l"l l-.NTION i- to cilcil 10 -i, mtuoi)
i.ew uiiir • KAtIJNu, imulr oi wrought inn
t>nr». mu.'. toA amscuatfd n»4t», i»r wr<\ am!
draigmnt for (*nrie».np Cotuce*. I'riiifrnN, Kaiou
ni«», I‘ut’hr i.ioimJ* Ar , tu |inr« van >ng inim 5U
reiiiN u» vi»- rui.ii.nt nuit It » tiiitlr ,11 pai.tir!*
oi'v u riou« ■ t i.i.. *1 4 ir«*; ur„a ? i,t iron
IJ ,r- irrv'-ni:■£ ■•• • • <■
ncl*l)i. .1 i-«.,.-auu* Of :>«I tt. Ml Icr wiih «.r
min of ibr \\ I Ht. of h< v-mr,:
ii<* l'a»i I f-ii. Kai ui* *
m.ak.'U \u. a urujiii it*
'?"• - ;-r r
t 'nnicr From and Vice «;recu, Ctp- nna i, O.
r.i' Rnwor Rrr'.ihed U t>e ,>»r.riipUv u'lVn
d«l u» nt lowe»l niarkri yttr* r ,c il&dly
TJKiT.IVHJTHJS Dan »: \ar ..--.v Carpet" Waro
J\ h<*i;-r Nn *'i KourUi «:reet—
Rirh >*inl>o-«p I Piano rovtN Horn Turkey red Chir ' ;
do dr. I aM* dr. )if <1 do do d.
\\ or«n-il do d" >!u i do Bordering,
H'ue nmm*k, ; ( nrp.-i Uimim**.
lliorrr-r 1 i—</Oih.i'» Trannj.BteT Snad.-*
>rn f .iur, Vi*w> da do
Turk'.l, ,lo do do
Chn.. .. .1.. do do
[>r*F»-r\ I'liinrx do do
MiH'.arai Vtr-wj do do
1 «r »fa. do do do
I t o.linr. do do
l ord and Roirr* and >iul*. Rark I’u .ir
Rnlrr l.i U.
•H.r- <.onn. »' p O' llir r.i l.e*l and nrwf
ttyir. to W!J,. l. we ih- our rr - .
ll' ht.J.i i *- .!« KRKMII M KIKK Hl'**}
. CKMKNT -TUr I’ropriciof would
inlorni iw |inl> u* ib»l be b»* iiow ib* •wu«Mi' - ’iori to
ntfrr ibrm a Omrm, whteh « ill »•**.<( b«atu(>luli> anj
durably, *ll artutle* oi'Cbiua KortloM ami filaaawarr,
Shade. Ornnmrnt*. Marble, Ivoty. A.v. without di«-
fifunnr ißfin n ihe f»*l. frmlrnnc them u» u»*-fu
:uif purpo*r wlniW'Vtf n.* they wt« li'-lorr tr.ikm
and nut utTec rd I y t»r*t. water ot air
Tin*, C.-m-m i* not weakened in the l***i wh'-n »«!•
Jrctcri tc n «lrr*'ip dry heat. ot whm iiumer.ed iii not
wnirr The p«t*• n* have h>ng *in«;e frit me iier--»*ity
of •udi an nmde. »nd in tin* their ripcrtulitm. »'i.i
!jp iul;y it t« applied without heal find ran
t.ruwil!.-, .1 ... .1 The «üb.»,Tiber ha* tub) tcted
Uit* article V..i ««te by W H WILSON.
romerlnarkei »mt 4m *i*
Mauofarturrr uod dealer in ail Kind, of
AT will Siaiul, c orner of Smitbiield .tract and
Diamond ai'.-i i'iii«hurgh. Pn . would rr.pectful
:y cxii Dir attrition of Country Merchant*. Ho<«l and
Steamboat Boikrrprr*. in u large and .upermr aa»ort
utptii . r IMPORTF.D UIitARS: among which will be
.uniuJ ;b* follow■.ug brand*. viz. Fugle, Regatta, Ca»-
irlio* I nnfijo . I.a Norma*, Star Brand, Minerva and
Dollar Rrga'iH*. n.l ol which will be .old a. low u
ran be bad nl any other hou.e in the city
Al*o coiiMuinty on hand and 'or *alr. a large and
well .elected *toek ol Virrimu, Mmeoari. and Fu-e ' ui
Chewing Tolnirco.
AJ*o, Havana, ('aba and Common Leaf Tobacco,
> nnsiaiuly on hand and lor ini'- nov3:d6m
iVSSA’is AND REVIEWS -By Kdwin P Wh.ppi
j U vol» liimo
llirkN VVcirW*. including 1..* 10th Vot , The So ar
SyMeui’ TbrlOVul* hound in U .beep Ditto be
<i vol*. Uouml ui 'i ami in G
Mui'kbnu«< « !ii»tor> ol the London, w.l.
Oiap* Slid piulr* U'TaVo
Hebrew Hii'ie. new American edition.
Hurk.lC* Non *mi ll.r New Tc*tamvDi 51 -vo .
at w edition
Macaulay's History, library style
For .air by K HOPKINS
mcii.Hi _ ApntfoUuildmg.. 4ih •
HrHDLKSALK DRY GOODS- We art now rr.-r,
vmg n Dirge *to<-k of Spring and Mummer I" }
(ipodi. -rirrm-l A,it, great car- In.m the importer* .•.ml
manufneturei* nml «*ciiM»ti/n oi u bum a«»onmcr,i o'
nil grade* u*u.u:> Kept by Dry (mod* house*, w In. h
( itv mid riiuislry incri-hant* are mviled to give u* >i
mh, and examine our murk mid price. befor-i-ur
riu.*...K rIM-wb-re SHACKLKTT A Will I 1..
DU \S nod at. I wo door* aImTC Diamond a I ry
'pi COUNTRY MERCHANT*- Smith 4. J.h..i*'o.
1 Irt Market «ir»ei. ean .ell you bMicry > b*-
illiiij limy ran replttre them—hating bought then. -•
iitrjr pnirkmrr •ile'iireviou. In Jbe advance in pnr<‘
They ran »fii >on Miraw Itonnru and S anet> i..n«d>-
asriirup »«)».. cun buy them oi M«*lern r«
'l'llCOl NTR\ %IKR( HAST.- U It Mim" ••
A now open ut lb* Whole.aJe Hryt«uod» llr. • n.•
urtr’Ti run /'OMi.'t ol 4th a ad Market alfret*. I , »l.«uun;i.
i lu,l n-pply i i'ir< ‘|i Sprint Good., including new ■ *
Ilj.e. ofl'r.m, (jiiiri.iim« l.awm Ar., and ti«vnr. u
Utnrainai.on ui hi. urn r
Kmranr.e uj Wbokunle Room* from 4tb atreei
' I: vue, the asirnljnu ol h,iy.-r« to 1... *lnr« m
ai otr good. <.i n.i ibr ilidereni i|ualtne«. «a»d to he u*
U-.»nn.ika». •• g- l-e \\ r in .1 at much lower pfirr «
Oruuiue W Fhimir.* »i kU . o ,uiaiUly on l.mxl
tinu/e am! >. .* Jn, t 4 and S-4 <lo, lor Mh roudlll|! pn r •
po*e* Also
Hume madr \S i,ite Flannel* and I jn»ey* ron.tuntl)
ou baud, at lb' imrlh ca*t of Fourth and Mar
kr.t alireu. (rl>s
S/I Al-Kl.iri'r A WIIJTK ‘j'f W'ood street, arc now
rrCeivmg . fre»b »tork of DRY IiOOUM. ol m r-m.
purebafc. *iuj tre.h itylea, pattern, .v «iu. n im-y
will .ell iowno the tnule
Mcrcbant* are reciue*tcd to call and ciunune thnr
•lock and puce*. % •_ feb*'
riSRANSPARKNT SIIADKS—Ju*( reeelved nrrt for
1 -Ole at \V M'CltaUKtk’* new Carpel W urrroom .
No Tu Fourll» a bandaorne unMirtnient ol Tra»i.p«-
rent Window Shade*, at very reduced price, to wbtrh
»c invite the atienlion of iho.e J.*'
1 O DOZ RITHRtOR GULD PKNS; lio do coin *ilvr»
i/i Table and Tea Spoons, ti doz parlor, office and
other Clocks U> dor aborted Solar Lamps and U«»
ChudUicn. lid.. <I«W “".t S " I 'h?l^'"^,Vl 1 , 0 K , ‘'
Rig .ad for sale by - mchiC ,'' W WILSON
SUGAR, Ac -kli hhd* fair to prime N O Sugar, l*
bbla assorted No. Loa/ Sugar; 4W do
for sale by mhffl RHEY, MATTHEWS *C*
Banker., TE xchluge Broker.,
ANJ»HA\K N<iTi:s.
rnU.F.i.TION>-I>ra;n. N»;r. s,;:d A'-r-;.iau.
|>a> atiir ;n ui.y par: o’' the Crum «'ol fnir,| ua • ,r mnn
favorablo trnu* s
KXCMANOF. on Nrir V.irw iniiad-iw,,,, U J if»!
timofr. al*o. Cffifli'-Mi.:. I.oui-vi. r- >a M | m
Nrw orient.*. comtuaOv for ►nV
I)A\K VOTK* - Vn.-» on
(.’mini HtaUi* diarounird :ii ’.he ’omy*: rut'
01 Fon-isr. and American Irold and \rrn‘on- i.oucbi
and »010
Office No. SS .Market street, between 3d m 4m
Piuaborjrh. Pa p -£j
BILLS oil KnjUnrt. Ire.and. him! Soot,;.r„‘ 1 .« e t lt
an)' .iiommi hi me Current Rmr« of Kj hatter.
Alm. I>rnn.» pavuhir in anv pnn ot thr oid C.4ntries
from £1 to il«K), at lbu rate oi Su ’.r> u,.- i. > rroot,
wimnni deduction or «fll*. tir Jli-'Flt'A ILOUIN
SU.N, K.iropr;.:. H’t.i Lein ml A<erU. other 60' M one
door We»l of w.vsj
&LUCN IB*XXI.] ! IliWu- ka ujk
IiRAMKH dt RA H9|,
in Porriijii ami Lomcfc rn l-jtflimn'... (Vf.
tilicaie. of Deponiti-. Hunk Note* midlo;-, .-..r,.rr of
Ud mu] \\ 00. l '••.met*, direct: y opj>o<ii>. St i •tia J ~•« H,,.
tel tn .v—dlv
VV Ohio,
M t> <miri
Uhii« No;r»
purebaved at Ihe inwr.t rnir« i v
N Iliil.MF-H A *UNS*.
**‘l ,l ’l ' X. Mi ti., t nreel.
Bills of kxcii anoe- check. 0I
New Wt.
Philadelphia. and
Conatantlv for rale by N HOI.MKS 4 StiNS
»"Pl3 34 .Market at.
fI’HK mpul .tud*. which Hydropiitny |,a* made
X mice ii* mtrodi ction into this country - Inc L»r»l-
I.unt amt a«toM-Miiit ■ iirutivc riiert> or cold water m
chronic ami aeuir ilinra«r». when employed arier Urn
mctliod of tl.e mebrnied l’rie.niu, nave removed iroiu
the mu d or on inic.liurnt and dim; public every
parnele •>! d.-übl r>* in ,i» eflieocv. ami gained ,i Ullj
vertai favor Gnn-idt rim: thr ui.eMiManory ir. u ;-.«
i.l retneUie-i heretofore uvrd in li.r itrutuirm t ,j ,
eoiuplaj.iLv leoinpiumi*. to.- winch are iucrc a .u. t rv
cry venr.) n i11.1.l be h naiu.a. w-mb to rer l„e r..
1.1 I. lIII'IIIW bv, ... m.„:i nnlo.mnatc .urferet
win be rrerd troio their pltiuv and inQrniltir.
Trc -üb-I'llbrr tI'IVHIK pr.iCU.cit «ucee..lUii\ ||||.
method i.h ■:litbl )fur« at im H>drop:tihi. eMunn.h
merit. which Jia« l-eeu e.nlarrci and im
proved m n.l n. pat{\_an>l mevr.-v re«pec l is now
r-ailv in rec-ivc -iml ar rolnmoduir pa'tcni. who rnnv
rliou.e ;n place tl.em-elvei under hi* care. •k.H and
PUilipnbtirir. Mtuulid Upon the left bunk o( the i|| M n
opposite the mouth n: me Lit(: Heaver, i. weft known
for its refrrslunir and »a!ubriou* atmoiphere iuje
llßhtful quirtne** and nntura. .emery, com
bliMiurc very requi»itr to render the rojourn ot me in
valid serceub e, ami nintrlbuung nor a bale to re-e.-
uibli.h impaired hi kith mid ph) »ioml .trengrih
The e»«hmeut, the Br»t *tnr?ed in the I niied
Stale*, cortian.a every mine, both lur plea.Qie and
rnmlorl, calculated to iinurr a i(ir-Ji and bappy ter
mnisUon or the Milmcnl* ol thr pauen:
Pcr*on» wi.hnu to avail ihem»elve« ot the hdvanta
Cr* hcreoriered. will plea»e »4drraj> m« .übatiitier
l) letter. ipo*t ptud.l «u»ting •« near a. po*.*ibjr ibe
nature ottne.r compiamM. in order lt> deride and ad
vi»e i.n Ihei r htr.' •« and eUrabl;llr b> ibe 11\drp|>utllie
Ifrutini-nl unit u-.o whin teiif be nece..arv tor m-in to
laar a.oinr (nr their r«prcmt and per.onai u.c
Ff>'\ AK I) Al*K KH .M L) Proprietor
Ph, iji.biir |*,,., Pa
Rmt.kO.rv Rev'.i'U. Arm.iron.- \ [r
t * vik K.q do Mon TtmlhH* H- 111 \ Heaver Pa |)r
Baik-r. do Pm. r:, I L.ot Pitt.i.ur l .i. Pa I. f
per*,!.-, h• , K- v, S H, l
K. , M All'll. Prior•• .ort, N J . J l. M..U00 .
\ l .v'iot»,l>. I'll \S., net pin .;-»i U fr \V n. II M-
Conor' !':,iili.iiri. A llmwe' p.., do
liut'K ir» anil \\ u
n.s ;i*m n>:n mnsi. rtim
S Y W VOR K AND P II I I. A 11 J'. t. Plt l A
cloths. cmiDEm m
oi niKat>Tqi.vLin a.m» Lu^rsm.ix
t\ I. ii 1. oe iv t .
is no m \t asm- r
Head Ruarlrr, for Boota and Shoe*.
•: I i-u.'i. i.l d .'iti.'uhr .1 • *
P . •< .. P*
I' Hi 'I 11 A ‘ > [’l ha ' - - . mm-... ■i.
»ui-:- a* ee-iU'ii.':. * l-.u-* Ibnjt., .j-rm..e.
cbilt) r> •- * I| •• -v. v , a einitirie -„r
A . ..... ive, TKI I I II A Si'llTV
- ~ -, r r 4 A,-.! s.t.imhnV
N U T-..V- -e r V. C upe. Uau.. Ar Ac
■ TO <'AI.IKOH!iriA!C*.
RKi <M iTt'B l‘r • u"i.trr•,i-1ir"! r..
ifu- *r a •• \*.ur n’ jc«..|
I M I't iR I'KHm am! no e« > e I v-aler. m Foreitr” and
i [hunroir Hai d ware. I'ul.ri. ■»addl. rV.A «• , 15)0.
rinetit* 'o Weatern Mrrehauii
•I.f man. advama/e* fliilhv in. I Jit e.l« rr*.or • Mn
»r« A Krr.nedv »e b«vr efr*i,y re n.ed uni
on the Trry .a«t term..
The .uuior meinPer. «»i the brmuevnie iftr.i whu.e
allentiiMi to *alr». and leeloi* conbdeat ui giving *ai
i.fariiun, rewoerilui.') .uncii a call irom uiiwhnmav
v>»it tbil market tueb^d
’I * ll}'. r'»i *nd be«i vanei. ever ntlrred m ib.*City
J bi-inr* made r>n the mn*i Ka*tern p<ana -
* .d m." i ,nr>a: .e L.mi.-.n |««i,ern* mid rotor ♦ Al*..
Tilt • I. I.a I' ROLL, ni iinsniN BLIND, on
or nimlr I. nr,urn: a ,tr. aud hi all price*
Count!. Mercbmu* and other* are invited to c*" and
A vi ESTLH Vhl.T
T’HF. Qmler.ivned offer, tor *aie a «Bpen*>r artn-le
of brick mr building, made by hi. S'eain i're«*.
improved machine, lor which be ha. ohlained a patent,
mid agree, to give purchaser* a wnuen guarantee that
they ate .trottger, and will re*i*i fro«l arid wet weath
er and imbibe If.. moi*turr or duiipne*. than nitv olli-
i-t tiricli. }x».ea«iog greater body and .upertor triture
and ruurli more duralde in rverv re«pe<-i. earn t.rir*
bamg .objected to a pte.nure oi several univ ami ]•*■«
they make a iront e^ u m t.< tin be«i trout tjo rlt
They have given the grralr*: .a li»lacUOTl tuall Who
have purrtia.c-d A kiln <• t,:i i,e .th ni ui> work*, and
*periineii al :t>r (i.i/ette otln e
bavinp *uppned lli'-in-elv-. tot llietr building.,
and willing tijmJ•■•me iront inn l m -uprnur hard
and *in.*i p.ivnt? Mn'k . mi obtnm im
l>A kf (iKHiU.
Hirmingliniii. Jum- fj, |-l~ u
vifkfNewark m\ni fa«,*it.hkks.
Blrmluglt.ui it ear Pittsburgh,, Pa,
Wrarthuuxr, An. LI7, Wood street, ! J i/ttlAirgJ\.
VW) |.l, ron-iit'.i'v i eep mi h*n,j a guod a»*ort
me lit of W aje, »| our own m*nulacmre. and
*upr* •. r rjua; • . \S l.oleau'e and ,'rtuulf, Met
i-liam* an r-*;iecitull) .nvaedlo call and rl
cheaper IIiQU ha. ever bcinre been offered In flic pub
10* Oidera »«ni hr mail, accompanied by the cash nr
e.ty reference, will he promptly attended uj. (eb'dS
NKW CAKrLTS- Received ilu. day direc; Iront
liie manufacliircr -
.Sew »t) ie Tape*lr> II ply Carpet*, rum .uper,
d" do do do 'uper?
do do Dru».r|. Carpet.:
do HruasrSn. very ebrap, do
do riutrcofok* *uper Ingruiii do
< 4, .-4 ami 5-R liruvy Vene'inn ,10
4-4.'1-t mid b-’pcomuiAA do do
Mi Ol Wh.ei. wifi.Obi at a *mu:l advance, and
u Mt L.^nH-K^^^r
PNOM vtie very i.bcmj mcouraga
tur n the «übM>nl.>T hn. rereiv.-d "trice
Mpar '•• "-""••'7'
Jhk i* Vf u tm oi*. no the property he now
vrcupiea, in Ucttver -'met. •mtncihaicij be.„l.- the
r'ceabYtcnanChun.ii From the lung cipenrnce in the
*l.Ave bua.neaarutd s dr-ifc la please, be >.o|h-. io rncr
•t afij receive a »lu»rc ot public piUtonuge
Now on Band and limaluuß to order, Rocsaway Bug
ru * open and lop Bugßir*. and every dccnpooii of
, aeea mnili 1 to order. f rom .cvettty five dollar* to
• MhlhunaMl faemi-dtfl JOHN SOUTH
9loD«ngabela llouia Tallorln* Katab
3 *AAC WILLIAMS, I>rnp*r nnd Tailor, beg* *> inj
T form the utireim o<‘ Pittsburgh and othera. iKal b«
i- now npenine at hi* room, on Sui<Ui6rld .iron, un
der the above Hotel, a large nnd beautiful aaaoruneni
ot Cloth*. Ca*»imere». Satin*. Silk., and other Veaungt;
together with *ueh other article* »* arc required for
gentlemen’* wrar Hi* good, have been carefully »e-
Ircied. nnd are of-the newel and iiimi fa.hionable
»ty|e it* well a* of .uperior quality Hi* cu»tomer.
may depend upon having thoir clmhe* made up in a
manner which cannot taii to grauiy the mate of the
iiia.i laxiiiliouß. tptNily
tub star of tub west
, vlnitian blind manUFAtrroitv
F.a.t *ide.of tin* iJtatnorid. where Ventuan
lllinds ot alt the different »ur* and color*
are kept on haud or tmule tu order afle
Uie lalc»l and mo»t approved Flaaieru n»ah«
totiA- at the -uortcat unltee and on the mos
rr-a*oliable term*.
Al»o the cheap Bo.tefn roll or .pin Ulind Traitapa
rriirv and I’apet Curtuma of all the different .i*e* uiid
patterns, on hand and for «ale low lorcn.h Old Vetu
}..... lilmda pointed over and*r«:pairrd, or taken in pan
pay men, 10. ».*• » M 'VI&TKJiVki.T, r re pr.
' jj_All work done wuh the be«t material and
vrorkmouahip, and warranted to please Uie uioai la*.
'.J.00. , „ , a „ “» IM ‘r
Allegheny city, Ang. 18, IS«._
THE MfDNIGUTSUN. a Pilgrimeae—By Fredert
ka Brarner, tronalated by Alary Howin re
ceived and for sole by
BOOKS '* USIC, &*>,
"XTKW K>*ny on u»e U.e I'mon
..- TliufCn ayo mjt jt Bapti«t W Noe 1 . M A
| vo. l-’n.o An ennrr ed,s.on of ihi* »oik
w - i..l • one da.. on :l* ;>u .!<•*'ion m Loudon'
■ini MHrcftr** 1 Journal- in <•’* Pr°*
1 viu. I-Jjiio Toe.
o: 1.,,., nn-. I.:i;icl*eaPe. *'V
V.- M i.*-., • n».
H")*; ' !'• •!<*» - •*■
R'-'. K-'i Hi-: - i■*“v e.
Pr*e - n-doced *•> Si on
mo- -. a Kuril,\ r.u-.uee. IhC I '~c
ml 1. - '.'h.sirflted IV and V Kaoh
Tacitu*' Hi* ti
t, y n rir.*( i: IM’I’KINK -I'li *;
Sole Agenr y for Knnui * Clark’* Ftawo*.
m Jl -»T lUa KIV>.I* mid o(**-i,»in!. a
"I*l pN V, coinpri‘iT.rf «1 “"d •
wiih iniiKiitai.: nrprm mi'-nt-. :mn ;a n.ei :i «r.i»ui ftiid
rltrnfl' I • v in'o'^pf*.
A I - A fi. r .. lion ul i'.i.i krn'>g • I’mirnm
li !i> 7 o.'h)>, II K I.KKKK •*«>■'■ At'-nt.
n' J \V Wnodwril’* "H Third «i.
*\ It Tin- al-ovr wi I lie ni matiulae'.urr i • I>ri* h:iV ..•I'l.iiOTi .ir ireiirht or «-
marl" Jt.urili.. anil i:i:r?Ni Ir <•<»»*)
A '•FI.! \ PH'
p:i”> '• Kf.-riT;.c>d I'lum-v jml u,.
Tl.- j;.*:rulii<!rit« lire made of
I I * | I * ilit- ;.nie*t [piilirru »ud lien materials
and will v,,,.! tow iar ,-n»»i t -,
I' BLI'.MK. tl’J Wood ttreet.
t!d door above Firth.
.N I! 'Dio— \rno nee nt whm <>l a jinx! in«iruroenl,
art- r' .pr.-miiiy ifcvurd lo riuiutne the*e before pur*
I'liß'im.’ <■ i*t»acre.a» they iimtio: l>c ricHled by any
in the i-oi.M ry, aii'l w.t! br :n»'»r lhim any brourhl
from tin' Kuvi Alkojum rereived. two piano* ol Hrun-
Uurjfit niamimctuf. wurrmieil in tie *upern>r to any
ever M»ul in Du. .-ountr) neitft F B
T!lE*ub«cnh*rl.« been appointed Sole Agent lor
thebaic or <‘A k 11A It I' IMi'ltlAl.P MKI.oDK-
U.NS. u« uianu!*r;iirr-il v,.i ami |«»*rn*< - in] ivy
Murni A While. of CtneiiuiuU Tlt« u*unl coinpum
and eiteitt being but iour octave- Mrs*r» M k \V ,
in arronianrr wilh Hinp’'"<rral do«tre mid demand,
have >■ xtended lie • cafe oi Uie-r instruments to 4 ( and
even 5 nm«te t , ;>iu* mnL.- g i! |■ rita*it<‘&!■•** in perform
upon llietn .iiiv mu*ir written lor tt.o t nuio or Orguu.
The r xterinr. himi, iia* t.c-i-n mu. ti improved liy placing
the. body or nm ii.Mruiti-o i upon n i tint iron Irame
heaii'ifnliv 'in'- .1 r.iil to uaini-nii-ii rendering ll ut
••inrun-) il.-ni»M«- arnc'r
Til*- I- cm ... ..*-\ II- t.rir.F .1 vmliin tlir r**HCtl
*»t \ 1 v ot— i<- oil]., p a p*rf*-p-i muon'iii unminirni,
4'ill >< m<- »#n*«- i.;i.i i« in- ; <• - uain |.ir-fr of tunii
luir h.r , C 11.,. iru: -- :r.M H KI.KHKH.
A i J \\ Woodwcii ■
GUKAT Ml'Hai. \i M'M - lur
!r.« ;ii*: rr. ■ ,/ri: i r.llll hi. n.|ir. fijul lor ->ai*-. nil
eiiliii-11 ur a ..... • M .11 riaim I i.rir, i-aiicil Un- I'All-
I\ FT I’IA V l li >K r 1.. wlueh n.0.p.-uiij more power
and '•urninf.i than Ur tenure i'ihjio, occupies hut one
ii.ur'.ii *« Inin i: room, and ,* a u.ui'li more sbowy and
luu.ltmiir piece'nf rurnitur*- li i» particularly desira
ble where mr saving oi *|iu«-c i» an object, belli; ex
cced.ngiy neat and cotripn, t mol t.c-eup)ing no more
room Ui«n a atrial I aide tatiir Tim subscriber boa in
band a testimonial oi ,u aupcm.ri:) (roni the ceicliia
led pianist. .\lo<• in in- ii uund WTUinr.winch
nit) l>r inspected li. KLRBfcIR,
oetd? A l . J \V Woodwell's
J l 'jaT received 'ind lor «ale nl min-
Dlui tuTPT* |inro. [Hiutm-i new piano
lot • |> UII.I IK t,n-rs. 01 the mo*l
11*1 | * rleg.uu pmiurns «n -uriiimre, and with
the riip impiovp.i >i »ip.
i’rmn' : vant «, -1 U otMj Mrert
VF" .Ml-n H- HKNKI NKKZ I' La.t Rose
.i V O' II 'll- I i li nil . I Kill I • .III! mid I" 1 .it ant V u
i • 'o' .- >•■ i io Kin ip. ** pertnnued hi tn tut
'Oncer l M.V. (,> |l. t... Hru
M i I- ~. ' .11. r. M-i -
Jun fr,-ri.»u :ii.,l lor ih i * L ,
11.' 111 : JOHN If MH.I.IIR. -I wood
V \ll '•t ){. I 1 .1 .i i|l ih. iviiii an »pi'otnpaniuir ni lor the
J\ I'nui-no ■■<■, ,i.i ipipj io 'in.- nr.,':i ot jm vair pup, *.
Frr nr li ami <iciman
large page. o
Ju»: reveiv* .1 a
publishers, kj
IMS. ,iisa
ItF.WtH \M) > 1 F vn A\|l I.ISF.v.i WA K K KNt
i i"ii J'sc »r\ ■ - W M .1.1 *\\ i.ipi K"rJ.
i-l J AN C ,p: U i'irr.
■ -r■. - \ i *■» r;\.,u i w-.rm /
.1 II IA.I.iiK \ rri'l'fi
hr.- f
~f lU’t.vrl rv i
• 4 'ii
- tt» u.« I I.
>.ou: all) ,
f'H-.S ii<orniH. »nu !<1 ill
A < . .U|ipl»r.i rf>:
Ul UK K A. CO'S KANT UlHllbg*
M»R n'Mtihßl.A.M*. BAI.TiMHRK, aSO THR
f j'HK J' ot iht. have put on N>w Stock,
1 <|,U «<■ cr-i'Bfeo to lofwuid p(u.-kacc» ol all da
.rnpilon. v3«i'< at ibr lowi-«t rale*
J i UIUWKi.U Aafiu.
VSulrr.urrs l-.U.l.ufßb
cwnJl 91 S-ath CWlf. Mjttunnrr
haknukn a cm.
and llcinttlanco Otßca.
HANUDL.N A 0> cnn-oiiur m bring prraon*
lCCTV lrol>l * J ,ufl lUig'ami. I r-ijtfi.l Srotlaml of
JBHmK* W.».«•», upn't Uip iuo*l si!»*• ru’ «uh Uifil! pu'u-miiniv iu<<l nli'iiumi to ifn* warn* and cdm
fort nl emm.i:r*inl* U r do not mm* our
tir rotiU-d i,> iiif »mi - il m« - ump. infrat the *«•&•
port*. u« \»f tua- ■ i.-trv'** i*! tb'-m Uir mommi u, cv f ,..
port tllem.rlv.-. ;n..l - r IO Ihfir U'l-:. mil dff
tin tn witlfoi ai.v lr> tj*i* tir.i —
V\ r«) I.H* tt-ut < »»i\ *■ Wr ‘lffy mif 01 our pa».rn
eff» ft •.«»'* wm; tii<-y wrr ili-ininnl |- hnur« l.v u* in
[jffrpooi. win .1 :u.tu-.i-id« «.! otlK-i • \vi-i,- Jiiainrit
montli«, ut.-ii tlw-v • ou:.l l‘f -i-nt in *omp 01. l oran. at a
cn 2 p r»ir. wh.i-h n-o iifi,u- >.:.\ |><i tin n coifnu
IV' iiilfiin i‘<-ii“ftti our nii r:*i-1-» honorut>I| . coat
what H u»*j aoJ "i-i jft a« »;i* u..- .-n.r la-U «eaaun,
Wlttl rtll»-r Officer* wt«n r'.lirr pflKirtned not all, of
wbi-ri it • uited ifirit i iinvfmfjTi'f
I»ratv> drawn at f\ti*bur*h tor nnv nun from £1 to
iJOOii. payable at »n> of tlo iirov.,„i*i band . n Ire
land, Kjtgiaiui, Scotland and VVaic.
Jt i? H l A KuHIVSON, ‘
European and (.cupiul Agent,
f*M Ptfth ctreet one door inlnwWmd.
andlaulnet v\ akkkoom
J A UHIIU'N wi.uiJ
lly iiiJurm i,r put in , Dial u«*
on nan,i *i Ini »tnnd on Die
» -i iulp oi' Hu- Diamond. Alir
• *'' l y • l»s u i-riiiljili-lf B».<ui
ml 01 V- ml.tin ll.iml*. al»o Vr
JU..I 1.. any m Dir Cnitril Muir-.
up Uliml* i'iiii l*p .rn.ov. .1 wiUi
i.l 111.- ui>l .D a MffW tlntr-r
laving |iurctnikr«] iim utork,
•'a. uml wood of Die cftbftiri ea
i.»lu.miit or fluiiituy A M’Uiel
mi I am prepared to tumuli
-mu .DU i:ii>inairr<. a* well a<
Din pubitf -it WDI' *•'••! ) Uuim in Hint luir
AepiK., No a W t/o<l mn i, l’nuoun:li
mrt.-Ji J A BROWN
SI NDRIE* - I"" Jtnrliiier* Hf.i, Tea. V Hyson
(•unpowder and liri|>t*tm!,
jug* prime t.r-rn Km t'olfec, 50 do Lagoyru
ilo. 1U do Old Java >!>•
•J." bag* black IU do !*■ meiUo,
150 hbds new crop N O Sugar,
Jut bbls Plantation Mnla.scs,
50 do Sugar Hou.r Jo
JtHirrce* fresh Ricr; |s>thx* Hunch Raisms,
lJjli tii» ranoulßCtund Tobiiern, various brand*.
yt‘ keg* Gcilse A Liio it twist Tobacco;
10 S Herd*
10 - Piusbu'rfh plug
150 bx« *Ulli Window Ciln**; 50 do IOxVJ do.
null kegs assorted Nml<. Jv nsk« Mulcraiua,
50UU pound* l.'otlon Varn, a-soried No*.
Together with a ml; ami ifenerul assortment of nrti
,•!<•« ui ihe llrof'iv Imr, on l.aud* aim lor «ulu by
J A U FLOYD Hound I'hunli,
niliJti T'oimng on Liberty. Nt irod and Sixth «is
•\lV7fi I'M .S'S i*ALIF* iRMA KIILF-S-The i„(.
V\ lowini: i« an r unci f.l a l»*n.• r troiu ihe lion.
Jnlrr-oil l'*vi* f * Srmiiur ..tic fidonel of Urn Mi«-
„,,i|>pi KitleiiiMii, dtU'-d TUi of November, 1 -47. and ad
dre*«edto the Ordnance ..(hr.
■ Tim rilW -.vlnrh you .«*ittvt m me regiment 1 had
me iiomtr lo comm uid in Mel mn, nrn worthy oi Hie
tiigiiU'i imniinendu’iiiM i d-iul.t whethr» n« many pm
et» were ri er i««u- d from n»v other Ordnance De
puruneu! *o perfect in th<-,r cmMiudiru und condi
tion. lit uucurary lire they am c4u.1l to the finest
.porting r:l1e« I'li. ir tuner [ ilink. rirced* that oi
Hie old pattern mu«|ei. a.el dmv 'e«. often mi.s fire,
ot want repair Ilian nnv other -mail ami* I have kcii
u*cd in irrvlrr "
[Htgncd,! Jl>'» KKSON DAVIS.
nu of llie aimvr Killr* ,||.! r> c> ivrit —lor sale at ill*
I'atiiornia Ouifiung L»uibu.lmit ui. No 5 W rod si.
mc tuH J A U PHjLUPS.
CIALIFURNIA RI'HHKR MX»I *r— Ju.t received.
j ;t> Camp Blankets, -’ll offioci rosu, l j pr* l'ami,
[. pairs nett lined Mining ilcruis I.' Iftbmuv Bags, :i
waier Tank*, B and t!j gallon* each, SO eanirrtw. (
rnPon each; l do* Boriskin Money Delia, l do oiled
cambric do do The above good* for «ale ai ihe Lali
mrsnn Outhiing Establishment, No 6 Woihl »i.
• mc h24 _ JA U I’HILLi I*l*
IJKRSONS going 10 California run be furnished with
the net Patented tiold Washer lha} has yet barn
introduced lo the public The weight .» only £■ H.. ,
and call be packed lit n trunk u necessary Also.
liehl I’irlia and other 'fool* u«ed in fltllfornin. The
ui.ova will be ‘old on the moM reasonable lerui*, ut
meti 17 N .°_ (n _!l r ! lrkc . l
X 1 4C Market street, will .rl> mr the balance of the
Season at cost, tb«r stock of French Merniot, compri
sing the most choice colors. Now is your lima lo »e
-eure barrams
KLYtfr RIUBUNS—Just received at Hin
sey’si 0* Market streeL
3U ps colored Velvet Ribbofi. auorted colors}
.. rotary Otenp; IdfiiVtfli ffam,-fca.
deod .
itrat’Ve of Ihr
- Tri-.. • wh,--h it* operation depends.
ni. i t*-, n.v ea'i'-ii. :i"'d rnilwirvEt
..fp«' ion* ai unproeenipr.i: ov J Boom*
mr." IVitrirn'* Prr>irree> -new
CblrLerlng l * Planoi.
in.: mi »n . on I «p.-ori,l hand Pi»n-
Ji'MN 11 MkLU>H.
or i r„. t-r „g . INanot lot W ".ten.
Vocal F.aerriae*
uni*. ''••in frmn Italian,
oriipowir*. i'i Lowrll .M&iuii Tti
roiila.niiin lllft
arr n » t*i) i’nre 7j crlil*
ol Uir ttl-ovr, Jurr 1 tfoin llie
itrr nverv d»>
r*i 1t.0n:,n 5 a'
in*- .Mai a-ayr.
em* W irr-n da.
F K \Mi I It! h I’M'KFT I INK
-3. H • f. u.' ..v I • Jelf-iec
I if,' l‘o,iocK,
Lni 1 a,. I'd. i.
Kvi * Broil i.
•r» •- .! 1' »• » •• > !mtf
- -Tre . r.l. \ M.K IMI.I Kll
U.c> IS--. :c-r.
I *. or .<> *N «ar» I j • »
Ml- an.: . h.. c !>,; B-i. ■: 1 ».
W 'I i
I- | Mi- .--.V. f y ~f c, f-,.
H V\ • u- mam. N.w Cu.-.f l*a I
Patent Gold Washers,
CJ-tHK looowmc irnt '•* ■' - ■ ‘'*" T " 1 *
I i t -V f>7TT<-» \ --|»*V **••
MH.Dtu.KA M |i,-.r-'.\i" -.Ud*n
dinaty pVa-ur- I ,uK.. ■ -. oa ui r- . . i'n Ur
-1 bav-r fct-civi-d • • u* ' ! A:
nij uu;*- ilruur • ■
wiii'-r '.urn,-.'
were UteatUU »«> i.n.i*. • i *"
1 tore ber r IntJirt a* j : -Irr
►atvc. an J »n*- ii ;i • • . i -1-- :
naiiwi i ir.irvi-.t i. in lo
an H l roui.l 1.i..0.i
\i-a • M-ii'iie l •« ~ •• r '
niff Itlflfr l.'.a .rr - n- *• -i,
Ihr *»!*• Ol *.lt. » in. •
Tlie grnuinr l>:u;r
iiamaneon* ir.i'-i tuu »i.o:..i:i(* i o ■!. ns* - ifrc *. oi ’.he
severe*! t-atr» oi Bur l ,a. Sculd*. }'it*-«. 4.r
Tbr A!ouiiierteits— t.o i 1 Hiicr uitdrr ivlm; nanin tnrv
may aniwar—am nyr irniair. nn<l uicrcu.-n- me piun,
I. Kdward I 1 Jlninir*. of I'lmUiam. Melvin Bridge,
Columlua couniv. N V . have hrrri rlhrctcil w idi rh- u
maiurti in m*. aren*t. let'-, and all ov>*i m; Body, mr
i iyear«, so 1f..1 r I counl not timid, mid wm rurrd l,v
r applirotmn* of Da.lri h Ma;urnJ l*mn Kitr.nuor
Ilniiry . Sir—l cut ray Itngrr a,Ui a copper nail,
poiaonou > nuturr of which routed my artu io uvrll
c < nsiderably. with comunt shooting pHin* up to the
thoaldrr A iurge KWei .ng lining piui'e iti u, c arm-
with iiicreatiug p«m 1 became irarfui oi th*- 1.0, w
javr. in itn« euremity your Pam Kxini'-tnr w- n i re
com.Ttemled to me, and winch I w:i» prevane<l upon to
try. The wm ibal 11 afforded me aimon
mitsnt reiier. in,.: in three day* I wa.«
corner Brooroe mid Sullivan tt*. Sept e.
NtjTIKK' - !l.'Uxi.uii :t me mveuior of Hint mvniu
able remedy mid never tun and never will portmiunl
rule to any .ivmg in in the morel ol il* combiiutuon
All 1 .1 1rn,-*.or*. therr-lore. not made und put up !■
httn. urr t-axe counierrem.
PnoptuETns's DKnn-t—US Broadway, New York,
*.215 Che-tnu! nrret. J’hiia.
JOHN li MORI.AN. l»rnefni Depot; Dr WM.
THORN. Agent, mr Biii.i-urvli
J)ailey ,t AmnuU Ojlvaiiit Ciut'-AH,
Cures humor*. »paiin. iiuii'.nr. grente. poll-*-vi!.
koree, gall*.* l'uui l 'iil,-u, conlaimiit' ier
uhcau-' of re*peci*tl>:e piutje*. in t-, hr hud on uppin u
tion to Ji UiN D MORUAN.
novls-dl>is Ageni. Bitlehartth.
•4ui<*k pul**-, liaclmg coUi*li, general weakne*-,.
retilet* sieep. vunnitle appetite, irregular buivno
pains between the .boulder hiadrs tiehind
IWT*i.UBi.E •'TiipTOM.-i nr CossfAtrrtor* - roughing
mghl and day. tlabby mu«cle'. general detuhiy, gmii
ihortne.s «t breath on gmag up tutirt. ascending >t
Bill, or walking but a little fiwt. pulse nlwuy« atiove
one hundred, tor wrrk- toxeltter d enrhifig fold
.rrewtii towurd. nionnne
rotarrhn. Consumption enme« on lik- a common
catarrh or cold, hut about ihr period when that ill*,
rate uruafly .« expected n> «ui'»ide. »ome «i ihe »yntp
toin. are aggruvaied The eough is more iroubi--
■omr, e«paciaFly when tying down. There ■« no hied
pain inuhe durst, but dimculi t-rcaiiung. winch is
worst on lying down The appcarence ot' the expec
toration, which i» copious, i* changed from n thick
yellow mucus, to a minuet subi'once It u very uu
pteasiuil to the palieut, and emit* an uni>lrasani smeil
when burned It is oi ait uniform uppearajice, andjs
probably a mixture ol pus and mucus, a* on mixing),!
with water part sink* and part rwim« This di-en.e
Tin) occur in any habit or at any nge. and u eharue
lenaod by the peculiarity of the cough
The Haltiaui of Liverwort effects ihc cure of thu in
sidious disease by i-ipecioralion. <ooth« and lichl* the
atfrcied iuiigs Ittuver i:ui. Wherever thuruedi
■ Hie hai been u*e>l we hear of ii« «uc,:**** For tlur
teen ) e« r« it has been before It • pullin', and ha. hern
thoroughly lested tor ill complumis ot the I.unit*, and
ha* proved ilsr.i auprfior in merit to any ilunc in »'e
We in.gbt give hundred* ol i•-«timol1lata Irorn phy.i
etan* the pre.». r-lerry and thn*e who h«vr cu
red, tint aii »e Je*ir*- ~ to , i , iin- aiicntinn ot the :ii
llietrd, and lor their own uimd they will ■r v it
Lookout lor coumrric,:. .-Mwa) * ob-erve ihr .-u:.
nntuic. ", 7li lot. M t»." no ihe cnv.ruved ia.‘,ei'
and prepared at the W i.«-r*4ie Lb-pot T:i llrrliii.m
sQeeL New k ni tr
Sold in Pittsburgh hv*J U Morgan l» 1 Wood j*i, J
Towu.end, 4.i Mark rt HSmi*rr. cm Mark*-! ai,«i
Jd it*. Ile.nderioii A t'o. bl.ilieri) »l F’ffe l'-du,-*d
to ftl jo per liollie nnuV
BA FAIINILSToCK A CO "S I’i.euinonic or Cmig'i
v Bulanin bn« n great ndvan'nge n.-cr many oiher
Cough |»r*-parjilion. n- it,, p camni ’.u«ie permit. to
be u»*id without iliciuivenienee Hul ri* v-jlu*- n» u
Balsam ron»t«i • m '.hr «|>eedirw**v of it. rn rc W e have
knoiv>« "orne of the nio.t Jr.peruir t-ough*. Mime m
wh,e)vVad been running ~n for a con.iderabie length
Ol ume. > icld almost i turned lute I v to n* po w- r
In .uch woallter a* we have had during the past
wintrr, every one i* hnb*r to lake coid. unless great
precKution* are used
Wet fert and undue exposure in the mnsni'iirr of
the wrntber often i«y«llie loundnlion ol a tiackuig
tOUgli. wmcb reed« a ytin k f*-fliedy to prevail! serton.
Wc nnve tiumerou* certificates (,| cures which I
tin* performed, utany ot who-h air from per«o>i* m ihi
iiiv n:jd the n' ghl-nihu'Ht an,l they utr il autflc.ei
f^,,. w i' :in u ' »jyi,*g ..--I'llier WunJ ,n mvoi
Pfrpuf*-,| mi,* ;i-r nl* who*esii>e bud ieln<l.t*y B .
I'A H\ F>Tt ’i k A Co , orri'r o' W «w».i ami t.'na
VYiwc; a;,J *i . rn-id - ,llw.
Hi i\V IX*KS IT I imk - -rsMiids, Brouo, ami Bui
tumlim' ft lew ounce.. l*u; •>*!. - l)r lownsctid » li-j
hutUo cia'. ><i ::i• • ms'S'i. il«*y are now puiunK Uicir*
uji in .ifV'-r rniThimiiit ruur tune* «» muc h «.■«
ry' M«'* murli profit did Mirv niakr i.e.
■.ire »;f o; !u«*ir ‘•TTinil loi’.i-.' \\ n> n huiir»r Aci.l
k, 'h-y navi* feituerJ ;li»* nr*u{th i» ;i Kj
nrr'c it.! ;!i .1! ic.r r »rp n« a- ilie) vifif.' Ur I «i\v.
•c".: nciummcYc! :>one«ti)’ «n<l t*in ) tfurr &» inu< h
,] r fc... M-ver»i ~
ov-rmr-ii. u-Ki .< 10 U) > :ne .itei.r
remain* ntor* uiitn lour ijtnra uif nnwi
.•■ ''nr*Rpar:'tn itid mr.i.'-ai jun.iUi* fiimi an. 01.
ae*: • l„* P.n»!.u(f It
Jh*;.i R i: Sr rT
H M i 'urrv A ’rein
* o:'•mn lie AU -■ "in -
Crr •«. ~i K,.*. • -.v
Hr<tu'.(dl powJer pmlt, <•! i.i pnurrn-.
h in: 1,. ,r; Vlr<. frtV. Ri-.l /'*■'"!• • * T ><«
fot til- l.
'tcrcf’ c: , n *i.i ,i, -if -i
!*••(»•» t ur >»»*•<■ pow.lrr
li,«. Ui.r o.
» 1. .r: **.ir V
.'omitu’n vcrsi'p*" l •-f
Nvmrh *))•)•, Ho-r L.p
Sbrlt «n*p, Ulg<'tbrr Will M i<rr ». v«,
11 U A i'A ll N b>"Ft * K A <'t>
n»l« cor rtitt A -
Pulmonary HaUa&>. »
MKXSHS KKfcD * OUTL.KR— 1 b-ci it a »iut> 1
U*' U» '■<> loiow creature*, 10 mate .nineinot*
mote r'--|wiMiiitf your Vegetable Pulmonary
I lir«i u«ed (ha Balaam, about eleven >riu* aco,
the uappv «• (In-1 oi wtucll 1 then pave an acniunl »»i‘ I
Dave bail li-vi-rm ftevere cOlliplajMl. ami al'.n.'U *1 my
!unjc». one a frtjr »!«>’* »w»ee, uml ui ever) m»Uiin- 1
ha\r u»pil inr ilai«anj alone with rompbir ami prib-r-;
•U'Ttt« It hu* eltrcletl rebel anil cure m u v.rv u w
li in rcfiaiujy a »ale mciln'ine Idu noi kn.M
ibal il »i.; cure a liacil consuinpuoi), bu; I Ixlievi it
will be in man) ra*-* a preventive, unj pi \. ni.-.n •
beller Ui/in cure; Ido therefore, lor Die ,u\r oi n.) n .
low men, earnenUy recuiomeuo ilie- u»> o: iiio Km.-ui.
ui ml pulmonary complaint* l un cunmlrni ihai u
ha* been the mean* oi piorrviug my (in- to unr • : t>.
Bo«uin June 10, : 4d UKNHMIN IW K«i »N' , I
For «»le by B A F»hne*lovi. A l u. l uinn lu-l ..ikl
wood Mini ulmi roni'-r wood mul Ktfi
A U Mtll N A '
it A. Fiiinstoc*, »
U. Kauhotix*, V I'uial-urtfti
li. W. Famhmtuc, j
Wboleuli Drug Store In the City
New York.
TMIF. underlined are extensively engaged in t lie
V\ holetmlt* l)ni£ buairuss at No. 40 Jcl n »ur<i, in
the eiljr of New Vork, and are prepared to ruppfy
Druavuu and coaniry Merchant* with Drue*, l*anu»,
t>n, ltye-*laJJa, Fortin and American EVhimrjjr,
klmtcer, A*a»ar A Mender’* ChomicuU, loi'ihcir own
mfoi .guort) an»' ill other article* in their line oi bun*
aew, of a aoperio t;jali;jr tu Inw ai they can be pur*
abated iu tlua or anv enatem city.
New Vorh, FebW H A. V AHNESTUCK k *'
(’ IIATKFIiL lotthe very liberal encouragement l
JT have received for *o many year*, i have deter
luiued 10 enlarge my business ronrtderatdy Having
engaged a i'oin|'etent Forrtnrui. I will be rnabled io
till ail order* promptly, and do Uie work in our u«ual
style and al fair price*, and n*k the aiieniion ol mer
chant* and ctuxens io iny large stork ofCPHOLSTF-
Kk HOODS and Bed?. Muttrasse* anti Bedding. Cut
Uu.i Materials, Damasks and Moreen*, Conner*, Frin
ges. Bordering*. Tassels. Split and Roller* mid
every arucle usually kepi in un establishment ol Un
kind Orders respertiuliy solicited and promptly at
tended to
N H - -Carpet* made and put down
Ofllcc at the Exchange, Baltimore.
■f > EDUCED RATES —The charge* have Im*eu redu-
J.U red on nil Message* lo or from Baltimore, Pm*-
l»uri(h nr Wheeling, and u corresponding reduction
muJr on Bit icleuraphtc despatches forwarded iroin Bal
timore 'Vr«t ot Pittsburgh. Pa.
Rates—The chattr Inr a telegraph despalrii lo or
from llulumorr, Pittsburgh and Wheeling. i« 4b cents
lor the first ten wtmls,' and 3 renin for euch additional
IL/' '■•large i» made for the address and signa
Until ;ln* completion of the Eomh Western l.utr o(
Telegraph from Memphis. Tenn n to New Orleans, dm
paichea can *o forwarded lo Memphis by this route, and
mailed tor New Orleans. lell
HAVING tins dny us«ocialed llirinkelvr* together
in partnership. undt r the firm and style oi A. AJ.
Woobitoiax, for the manufacture of TIN, CUPPER
AND SHKKT-IKON NVARR on tlio corner of Hnh.n
-on .treel :tnd llie Cana!, in the l»t Wur.}, AU-KuiitcAt
oiTT, whore they are pn-p.ued io lunu«h n> order,
wholesale and mail, all article* in their line wtui
Ruundry I'ninuiing*, nml Carpenters' order* are so
licited, winch will receive immediate iiU.-nlioiL
City of Allegheny, Fen. I, 1“I'J — dfim
Paper Hanging*.
HAVING purchased ot *hrtc or iho large*! Faeio
ne« in the East, i New A out, Philadelphia and
Baltimore.) a large assortment oi ilie newest and most
unproved styles of PA PER HA Nt>INGS, BORDERS,
Ac- aud made arrangement* by which 1 will Lie ena
bled lo procure dll new Pattern*, simultaneous with
ilieu appearance in the Ea* ern market, | would in*
vile the attention of those desiring to have iheit houses
papered with the latest style* of paper, to call and
ciojuuie ui> stock, bciore purchasing elsewhere
1 have now on On- way iroin the East. 80,000 pieces
of Gold, Sauti Glared, and common Paper Hanrunn
which 1 can sell at uncos ranging from IB| ots lo
piece. mchlo S C HILL, t<7 wood st
’Bacon Smoking,
HAVING just completed the reballdingofour smoke
houw*. we are now prepared to receive meat,
and smoke it in the most mefchaumble manner
The houses ore fitted win, all the modern improTe
inenis, aud arc capable of containing U(ki,ooo lb* each
KIKR fc JONES, Canal Boam,
J**. . near Seventh st
bbla Lorering's Doable Refined Loaf, Crualtod and
Pulverized Sugar*, ju*i rec’d and for sale at the Peki
Tea Store, 70 Fourth street, by
ROLL BUTTER—IO bbl* fte«h, jtitt recM and for
sale by kbl 7 ARMSfTRONG k CKOZER
COTTON Yarn—4o,ooo Iba assorted Nos. C. Tara,
Baniagi ttdo'Can&a *ntk,
for tale al lowest mirkdt rate! by
mafiSS RHEY, hUTTHSWa A Co ,
. - • v, i- >;i >i
S< roJu!n -r Kin* 1 * Kvil, Rheumatism. Obminatr Cuts*
neou* | ruj'iion*. Pimple* or Pustule* on the Face.
iPct- if- Hue*. L'nromc Sore Kye*. Ring Worm or
Teller. >vuM Hcmt. F.'durgemerff and Pain of the
Bor.r- >.-'l Joint*. StublKim tllcrr*, Syp&iliuc Symp
lon*. -• inlira or Lumbugo, and Diseases ommg
iroai n iii;U<licioui> use of Mercury, Ascites or Drop
«v, Kii>o«ure or Imprudence in Life AUo. Chrome
Constitutional Pnonler*.
In tin. j.reparation urr mongly coucentrated all the
MednuniF properties of SsR-'ai'skilla, combined with
the ino»i otlcolunl aids, the most salutary production*,
the mo'i potent simple* ofihe vegetable kingdom; and
ii ha, $o fully tented, uoi ouly by patient.'* them-
t,ut aUo by Physicians, that It ha* received
'lioir unqualified recommendation and the approbation
of Hie pui lir. and has established on ra own merit* a
repmniion mr value and efficacy far superior to the
variou* rnmpouiid* bearing the name 01 Sarsaparilla.
Disuse* nave been cured, such as are not famished
in tbr rri-ordiof time pasfriand what it baa already
dune for me thousand* wbo nave u*cd It, it t* capable
or dome mr the nul.iou* mill sutlenng and struggling
with diwaae 1; purifies, cleanse*, and strengthen*
inr 'ouiithin spring* ot hfe. and infuses new vigor thro'*
out ttie w uOle animal frama.
I iie following striking and, q* will be seen, pertna
nei:t i urr of an inveterate ruse of Scrofula, commends
il«rli t,i ;■ 1 1 Mtiinar;)' nllbeted:
Sot rneoat. Conn., Jan 1. IS4?.
M--s-r* Sum-* CrniJrnirn-Sympathy for the afflic
ted iiului >•* me to iniorin >ou m the remarkable cure
< peeled l»y yuur Sarsaparilla m the case of my wife
Mi, w;i• <evi rely utllnurd with the •orofuU on differ
put t'lirti oi tfu-lmd’.. ihr g! and * of the neck were
greatly nnariyert ami lirr liinh, much swollen. Alter
<urteriiig over u \enr and finding no relief from the
retnedie- u-nl. the <lr<eiirr attacked one teg. and be
low the kucr -uppuratrd Her physician *dvi«ed it
should be laid open which wn done., but without any
nrrnimieni Irem-tit In ihi* situation we heard ul. m,l
were induced lo u.«e funds' Sarsaparilla ThrJwM
bottle puJurrd a decided and favorable rllecL reliev
mg her morn than any prescription she had ever la-
Ken, and before she had used mi bottles, lo lho aston
ishment and dnigtil of her triends, she found her
health quite refuted It is now over a year since the
cure was etfec cd. and her health remains good,show
ing die diMiase was thoroughly eradicated from the
*y»icm. Our neighbors are ail knowing to these
iacU, ami think very' highly of bands’ Sarsaparilla
Your* wah respect, JULiUs PiKK.
F.ttruci from a tetter received from Mr. N. W Kar
in. a gentleman well known 'in I,otu*a county, Va.:
••tientleraen—i nave cured a negro boy of nunc with
your Sarsaparilla, tvho was attacked with Scrofula,
and of a scrofulou* family.
•‘Yours truly, N W HARRIS
•Fredericks llali, Yn , July 17. I'M? '* •
HasoV Ksn.asPAEU.iJ*.— It seems almost unnecessary
to ditert auemion to uu article so well known, and so
dcervrOly popular, n* this preparation, but patients
mien who with lo use me extract of Sarsaparilla, are
induced to t;y w nrniir-t compound* lira ring the name,
but conminin*' .i»:1e or none ol the Virtue ot this valu
ator rooi. and we ttuuk we raunot comer a greater
t>ciu-iii on uur reader* than in directing ibrir aitenuon
io lie mlvrrti*rmrui of the Messrs. Sands in another
column Tne huttje ha * reor it tl > been enlarged to hold
a qua,t, and t!u)*e wnu wish a really good article will
lied con, emraicd in line aii the inediciual value ol the
root I‘lie ripenrucr ol ihuii»anil« ha* proved itt el
t,< ucv in • urine ’he various disease* for which it ■«
r. coiniDended, and ntlhe present urne mure than any
olbrr. pritinp-. ibis medicine u*eluL, ih preparing the
■ y-vieui lor a riiaurr oi season. — Home Journal, Sept
Prepared and sold, wholesale anil retail, by A B A
D SANDS. Druggists and Chemist's, 100 Fulton street.
i»nu-r of William, Mew York Sold also by Drug
p'sts generally throughout the Dinted States and Cuna
d;i- I’m rSt pei Hultle, mill Baltics lor 8-a
JL/"For *a:r in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, by
II A KaHNKSTuCK, A CO., corner of Wood and
From «i». also, comer of Sixth and Wood sis, by L.
Ull.iiiX. Jr . corner or Smiltifield and Fourth *t*.
nod al-o I'unxr of Market *1 mid the Diamond, also.
I v FDWARD FF.N DKRII’H. cor .Vfono-iga'la Hou*c
-I'm niii~l >1 FFF.RI.Mi WITH DISEASED
i 1 1 m;** -Tr.t- uiiprcceds'iited »ucces* which haa
U:< variou • I«>rin? u rua'ifm o|' ;)ir lun** &:
iiiutii'ril ’Jii 1 propnriciT ngimi to call *Uei
wusih.rful preparation.
I :«• ri.hnirnl.’f wv;i:!:**r which tmtrk* our fall and*r iin.Miu, i« «:iv3n a fruitful *our<v of
folds and ron.Hs
nrrVrlrd. nre t-iil Lae precursor* of that fell
The gurjeLon, 'Jjtu k lunv stiall v- tup the destroyer in
u.r itii,r bow shull we get clear of our cough* and
i».u»' .. oi vi;:L unp-irtaner to tnc public
«rif hr l.iuild 111 lb** Ginseng Panacea In proofof ihi*
n v have Irani umc to Umc published the certificate* of
di***-** 01 our known eitixen*.■who have eipen
.•i.i-etl 1;* cursLvr powers. These, with a in as* of te»
irom a., part* of the country —from _
medical men ok rtn*. hr?t standing,
Munster* oi the (»o«pe!, Ac . together with copious nos I
,1 e* ;r»m the I
»r iinv nuknliro ui pampblet form, and may b« had
/mil* oi an> «*i our accnt* throughout the country.
h,.,e been u»od in ;hit city.
.i.'L.uynmii me United State* ami Canada, and we ck«
<■man to [Hum out a ~
•i w>iu'u, warn laltrn according 10 direction*. and be*
f .rr •.i i. luiiet had h«*ccrtne fatally disorganized. a !iu
e v :• r failed to
Wav th-n. nerd me nttiirtrd hesitate! Why resort to
tnr nn- rabic nostrum*. rotten up liy uns o*n individ
ual* u ler tin: assumed name of ion« oA ii*r»tod phjr.
h.'iuh and puffed into notoriety by certi&cato* c. par
ton* equally ultkllowll , Whiial a medicine o<
i< to be bad. whose voucher* are al bcane,—oar neigh
bor*.—many of wtwoi a has
11l order lhai llut invaluable medicine may be placed
w.thin ihe reach of me poor a* well the neb, we bay*
pci ibe pnee at
iu«d otic hall the usual coal of cough medicine*, nta
lor ..«> l.y our agents in nearly every town and village
over the wr«i. who are prepared 10 give full tnforaa
.inii relative to it *i. SALTER, Proprietor,
Broadway. Cmcitmau, Ohio.
i-KuauraDtanni, bkavur co, p*
I\K ED'VaHD ACKER, take* ihu means of re»
mining Ui* iliuiik* to hi* mend* and the public
tnr tho eiteii»ivr patronage lie has received, and of in iin* m ilmi he hu* lately erected a large and
ri. .-iniv-rueicd building. lor Hie exclusive purpose*
i.i* water cere f-stauushmknt, aihi* old
‘ i .i>< mioii, ai I’hil’ipvburyh, Ha .on Hie Otuo river, oppo
y | -»i if [tie •irimU'f'ul lunding al Heaver, where be i* ready
I 1.. re.-nvr- paiienu *• boarder*, ami treat them on H>-
1 iiriipiiihn- pnneipl<-« In addition ip bin luug cxpori
o* I
iid Hu- v’rtiiu -utcrr* winch ha* heretofore at
tended hi« treatment uf’patients I'oiiumui'ii u lu» cara.
hr lui< now the additional ineiiitirs udorded by an eJ
in.-nv* builoing erected expressly tor the purpose, con
taining'commodious and wry room*, and titled up with
rrrrY necessary apparatus for bathing, and dduuiu*-
ii'rinif the treatment to ibe utmost benefit and comfort
r>( tin- patient PliillipiOurnh is & most delightful ami
•irtltliT village, easy ut access by steamboats, and ni
tord* tine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker ussufe*
tiio**e ntflietrd persons wlu> may place themselves un
der lun care. Hint every allenboii shall be paid to their
cOmtorl. and us an assurance of the substantial benefits
to be derived, be points with confidence to the hun
dred- who have been permanently currd at his estab
lishment The Water t'ure lenvss no injurious edecu
behind, a« is 100 otlrn the case with those who have
been lrented oh the old system, ft removes the dis
tK>r invigorate* the »> «tein, protect* irum the dangers
modeni 10 change* of the weather, creates n natural
and actrvr appeUtr. and impart* vigor to the digestive
power- Term* ut treatment and boarding reasonable.
I'ur lurther particulars uiuuirc at the c-tablishment, or
sdoresi- uie proprietor at rhillipsburgh.
VV r have Le*-li .nforinrd by Mr*. Ro*e of acurr per*
an mr.l mi iic( i.;Dr. j*ync’i Alterative, winch
jiriivc* ■ i.* over every tuber remedy ot‘ the
k ml ?*ne h-i * ifrn urti.cied for the last tureen rear*
w 'ii N' htIKUSKt' or W MITK SWKLLINGS, attended
w.Hi ulceration* and enfoli.Hion of various bones, Ou
uc wli.'-ti tmie many |m-ci*hitvc been discharged from
inc .romai Kouc oi the craruom, from both her aims,
wf.M-* "n*J ami flora both leg*,aad from the loft
i>*.i »ru: mid irmn ihr. right kuce, beside* painfnl
uireiaon nih-T pans o( her person, which have baffled
um »km oi a number of the most eminent phymnsnsof
c»ur cii*-during most of the time her suffering* have
been and deplorable. About three months
► nice she wt« induced to try Dr. Jayne’* Alterative,
winch ba* had an astonishingly happy effect upon her,
i,>- inmiviii* all pain ana swelling, and causing ibe
uiccrm to hral, while at the same time hergeneral health
ha# become completely restored, so that she now weighs
ifi Ij* more tuA she (lid before abe commenced the o*e
of tin* truly valuable prepalion.—lrlat tve Post
ror lurthei information,inquire of Mr* Ro»e No l»
1' ilbei i st, Philadelphia.
i;»r «le .0 iTtlsliurgli, u ihc I’EKIN TEA STORE,
T 1 f u'trll) si. near Wool. | ? ,
Dr townsknlts sarsaparilla.—aoToSTn
just received of Dr. Town«end’« Sarsaparilla, llitf
mo*t extraordinary raeriirtne in the world' Thu Kx
b act is put up In (juart boulr*. it t> six time* cheaper
pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It
cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or
debilitating the patient.
Looi our n»* iMnnoM—Unprincipled persons have
copied our labels, and put Up racdieino m the same
shaped Ixntlc, See that each bottle has the written iir
naiureui S. R Towusond. *
R. Iv SKI.LKRS, Drugjrist. 57 Wood street, between
Third and Fcurih, >* Dr. Townsend’s only wholesale
and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the eenuine
article can be had.
l>. ,M. Curry ham been appointed U» sole agent for
Allegheny city, of whom me genu me article can be
hnJ v.— a«4
INGS.—Scrop la in ail its multiplied forma
whether in that of Aing's fcltrtl, enlargements o the
fflauda or bones, Whito Swellings. Cnroiuc
Rheumatism, Cower, diseases of the Skin or Spine,
orof Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one
and the same cause, which is a poisonous principle
more or less inherent in ibo human system. There*
fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi
cal cure can be oflecteid, bat if the pnnciplo upon
which tbe disease depends, is removed, • care
roast o( necessity follow, no mattor under wbatlorm
the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore
is the reason why Jatbk’s Altkrativ e is so uni
rersally successful in removing so many malignant
diseases. It destroys the virus or principle from
whien those diseases have their origin, by entering
into the circulation, and wuli the blood it conveyed
to the minutest fibre, remnving every particle of
dtseaie from the system. Prepared and told *t Wo
tf Sooth Third Street, Philadelphia.
Sold nt tbe Pekin Tea Store, No. 72 Fourth stree
Pittsburgh _ nich3l
NO. 9 «=—— - ’76 bUin wore tad for nJe lew
to «lom oonrigniacnt febi n*r f yijw.»
M P T> i r a\,
ILgd ganmo* Liver P,iL,prepared *#4^4,^
MoU(*' Kii-niEr. Wato»r«J»Bj U p. >
Hr. R. S. StLtts:—&.»**** oMdtf oqy*,Ma<|
induce* la* tiUdd toy nu»Ulr u-mmony in favor of four jurtW
celebrated tutor Pills. 1 bix dctarrad-domg *e for yean,
adhering lo Da») Crocketts m*um, ~b* *ur* you *r* right*
'hen go ahead.” Mwr of ths away preparation* of *»{.,**«)
»Dd quzeki,t3ude4 t“ u>« »hie», bar* took into o6U«mtitw«
ToafLiverTill* SuttmaoiTitd lo th* public, and. mde*d
1 brim* uicy will theta ail," a* they art just -whal
too tcpcneul Item b« I hat* beta afflicted with L,v, f
Lump.iiint Lea m j jovh, empluysd
toauj funi.vnt j.h\i-ctaut, -Thorn 1 paid touch money; hart
u».t muto blood; t>**6 tutn.itd pad phyipju4 akadtUo dealt
. ■J,*!'? Jur *' 1 Di,J i ftaslfy |itnj up u ineorsM*. R
'odut»d to i j> >t ur Liter 11IU, aad SOON OO l
; IJ.U uw hot af whjcj, lioow luitcicot to trap uicclm
% £*‘ u U»« od. auJ *l| n-< other is upturn*. for at |«*.t
* » uur Pun art a-ao th* bettcalharitr 1 rt»r n^.|
. R b “' ’ 601 griping or j.,m« much ttckaeu at ib« ttom
u ' t ... r.1,,1 T ha— kepi them in me Kora
?'i 7 »f*” ; “ IJ h —l-O ol bo,L,«J hav. a,-,
a ™ T. ' : «■ t-J b, any an, »h. hi,"!."
' aa ho— >uper—d--.fa>maat .eery other pill m Ihi,
r-onopepd rhea, ■ „ ,11-™,. r*J£TrfL,
whether fee liaopia,,, „ Billion. A Km£ *|££’
(JaUTIuN—Aj lh*„ art Mb*, PUJ, befcn
CaLLXD Liter PilU,penou a >, au ttaniUi*ujMu|ri>y v
a*k far aod tak«oooih«r thta tho»* DrenanJ
EShXhKRV,., 5;
Sold b, Dr Ca«.,L, C.llh IKard, D HI Cr.»,, Ul^heny
1 1 .
Fi.n G "*.‘ “»*•<*>> Uom.ay.
U < K o .s' d i’ A> . tJ,,ua alld Ootuumpiioo: The
ORf-AT A.N U o.N L.'i RK.MPIDV for the ettfe of iha
° ,r e * i *bnu'd Dr. Bucliau, of
Sci ?' ttnd the United Stale*
The ?x\rS ‘ aSC ol the inwator#
eare or " y l Wvr ** v{ lU “ raetltctue, mi?
A/ent ,V«Lcu *'•**'*'> wnrrnau the A^nencai,
relief in vain frZX, V 1 ‘ , t uM 'niumt> caeca that *eak
day and have i.r. 0 ll "' Pom ®°n retuedtr* of the
physician# <u confiKda!
an Uaia&m ha- cared r * ji *‘ Thp l ' un ß un ’
wSuStSe' MPPli«l
COW., cough,, .pti'upg ““ “ '•f 1 ' “
Sou ui lorje bottle., .1 II per lolUe, with foil J.t.c-
Uons lor ihc oi heaJUL “ 8C
h co,,Ul ";"'l! ‘ Ep,l„|, ,„ a Aarr ,
e«h cemhcalca, uid Olli.-t cpMdce, ,h„« w i 7 e„-
rqualjch tuonu of ihje £ iem I jiylioi Heiti-lj' may lot
obtained of Ihc n • .itiutouihly *
tor Min by U A t AHM-aTOOK A Co., comet of
*l and \\ uotl ami \\ ood a..J -ith at*. marS
L the Her ASA SjII.NN, a wellkitnwn audpop
A . r a o, * r tfr fvmaij of (lie P:oir*tani.Meihodi‘( Churcn
The undersigned havt:;. hceuaHuctedduriagthenaiii
smtci wiili i Ji.i-a, c oiiiu- sioiiinch, tuauuijuc* pro-
Juitng great pain m ih«- tiomach fox tenor twelve hour*
without *,|r-r having tried various
t /n C^ it 6 ? Wlll ‘ ** K,e wasfumialied with a Uinite
01 iir- Jayrio 1 i<al r .ain. Thu he a*od a. •
cordmji W the direction*, -,uJ niund mvarmhly Uutift.i
medicine ctoacdihe pain ti anau, u, three or lour uiui
uiea, and in hueen or iwn.i, ivmuu-*f verv uneiiT
sentauon was entirely quoted The medicine wat a/-
a °* o<l w tcnetci mdicationsof the apptoachof
ptJ.nwcepercetvH.uud the pun nn thereby prevent
• tie conunaed to use ibe medwimQ every evening
and aoiueumca mthe umming, ,u,d m, . tow week.
Health waa«o far restored, that ib* sufferer was rel.ev
eu irom a large amountoppressive pam. Frou; ei
n ?f° cp > ll \ rlef °f r - *>* «■*.:» confidently recommend D
r, ? y “!* L w / n h«•*“»« WnJsam, mi a aaluury tnedloi..
lor di*e*»e« of;he»U'uia, , aud bowels ’ A SIUNND
**}* 111 m the Pt!K?N TKA.
*. rourih street, near 'Wood, and algo at thcDoiv
Store oftl rsemVAKTL Federal «u«t. Allegiw!'
T)I0K AVD MOI.ArJ^tS—BO nereet Rice; IS Libia
Xl/ Sugar House Molasses, landing ttiu day from sir
l hief Justice .Marshall, ami for tale by
met).] Round Church Hmldina*' -
O hhda Bacon Sides; 87 bob No I
Q 3 hi do do, I rsk Ber*wax; 35*k* Feathers, Ucak*
Innseug, I bug white Beans, 3 do FUi Seed, lo arrive
“>f » B,C ISAIAH DICKKY A l o,
uieh'ii Ftom at
POTASH— 8 cski Fotssh, ree d and lor snlf* t>)
W A R M'CU TCI! 1'.0.N,
. wchtri Ua Liberty «i
APULKS llsJ Ouan rec’d and ior sale by
Dry prach ks--3o iiush on hand niui for sale by
*plf.idid lot of gold and «ilver
W ate he*. >u*i received mid for sale by
_ _ corner 4th and wood *l*
C BLOCKS—Of every variety, for s&Je by
LtiOklNfj M.ASSI.S—A splendid lot or Lo&ing
Oluases, ol ui. variene*. for sale by
I*»c tcCi _K A \V 'ST.R
a'KA-- aihiiJi chests Young Hyson; lo do do lmpert‘
at and tiunpowder: 10 do do Ootong un d Chulan,
do euuy boxes various r radca, for »ai« by
mct> ~ ’ JJ> Wn.LiAAIS
f I ’ , B L’CK I rrs AND KEEL ERR—bod« Beaver
X ItuekeU; HI do do I'uha: sdo do Keeler#, in store
and for sale by mctrfl J R FLOYD
CAN AL' —Wr have just received u loi of new
style French Wingham*. Pongee Silk Hdkft l.a
«*»> Vein, Ac., by Ixwdrt Canal
mng» SH ACK.LKTT A. WHITE. *> wood ».
IirATCHKS —Ifold and silver of every dnoripUnn
ff und at regular Eastern pricn. warranted, and
ju*t opened by mchSO W W H'll^Q.V
"1 ) AI SlNS—loo bx* Hrusiu*; 40 M tun do, ii»r sale by
A A MASON A Co. No ft Market m'reel, will open
-rA-f '*»'* day, 150 piece* "mail piaui Uinglmms, M
IV4, lf< and 35 d» per yard uiclilf*
OT'NDKIKS—3 bid* Flaxseed, 2do Egg«; I do roll
k_» Buiter; 20 do* Zinc Wa»h Board*, 20 bbl« Whno
ll) *ack* Feather*, C dor Hickory- Broonu, for
•ate by feb:* j D \yn.LIAMS
CIHEESK- 3d bx* for salo by
inch!* 8 F VON BONNHORsT A. Co
CREAM TARTAR—COO lb* jam rcc’d and tor nalo
uinh£i corner lit and wood »u
QCURCHINUS —73 l>L>la Scorchtar*, rec’d and for
hUUChUIhS, Ac.
S BALTS—2 tom* in »iore and for sale by
PEACHES— 500 bu»b Ohio halve*, for »ai«
XJ roeh'-M M’WILLS 4 ROE
DRIED APPLES—Soubunli, a prime article, for *ala
WHITE BEANS—-On consignment, SOU bush.
G 1 KARS— UObx* SxlO Glar», for sale by
I - mchii__ WICK k M’CANDLKSS
1) OH. bbi# irrsh Roll Bulier, for salo
±\ by mch« WICK k .M’CANDLESS
REFINED BORAX—a ken Refined Borax, lor h»1«
by rorhZ.’ WICK k M’CANDLKSS
O S. ALMONDS— M bag* Almond*, lor sale by
Q. tnch23 _ WICK k M’CANDLESS
ALSPIOK— -40 Wag* Alepice, for tale by
C’IHEESE— 3500 lbs exira Cream. 1000 do Western
J Reserve, lor sale by inch*! JL» WILLIAMS
LEMON SV RL’P—LS dor lupmor l/cmon Syrup, an
for *aJo by rncluhi J KIDD 4Co
BALSAM COPAVIA—ISO lb* oil hand and lor sale
br mch2o J KIDD 4 Co
PISTOLS' Suitable lor Caluorniu service. Alio,
Troy Seale* and Weights. Magnifying Glame*
ky , by mcMs_ W VV WILSON
Bt- LK MEAT —l5 ca«ks Hums, in *wevt pickle; VGS
piece* Hulk Sluiulder*, just rcc'd and for sale by
lacinjti HARDY. JONES 4 Co
PEA NUTS- ?0 sk« Pc« Nuu, just rccHl ftiiiTlorV*
r >> mchg) hardy, jones a Co
PKA N'Li TS—25 *k* Pea Nuu, ju*t rec'd per sienui
er Telegraph .No 2, and lor sale by
,n . o^ 7 _ _ US Liberty »l
bbla small white, for sale by
POTASH —A pureand choice article, always o*i
hand and for talo by
brain a REITF.U
/_for sale by __meh;j7_ jittAUN A REITER
ALCOHOL— Li! bbl* rec'd and for sale by
_mchy7 _ URAL' N A RKITER
FLAX SEED—IOO bbls jmt rec’d and t'qr *a!e by
. ; Zkl waterjmd 104 front *l
EOLLUirrtEft-u bbL prime Roll Roller, put np
in cloth*, received and lor sale by
SUUAR CURED IIAMS—IO Uercea, a prime aruclc,
rec'd and for kale by S&WHARUALUH
Gy U l'f A PKRCHA—Lathe Band*, oi Guita Perch*
r 4B«t rec'd and for talc by \V W WILSON,
mchd? corner 4th and Market rt* l
BEANS— 10 bbl* white Beans, ui store amffor ssla
by _ mch27 If AttOY, JONES ACo
LEMON'S— IUS bs« Lemons, iq *torc uitd for aaJe by
rochS? __ HARDY, Co
XITANTKD—BarIey, Corn, Rye and Wheal, ter
YV which the lugtieM market pnee in cash wilt be
paid by S A \V HAIUJAUOH,
» water and 101 from t\
WOOL— The hi(fh.-«i market price in cash will be
paid lor the duTercm grade* of Wool by
AiUu U UAttu Uuitdintr, 3 Aw U« Post OflUu.
Uno mutirlumof lijitu-i, or Je«a, 50
Two ia«crUoDi wiibouUUeratioo .......... 0 7>
Three ‘ • • .♦•••• * ***
Hoc Week •• ”.’l I
Two Wec-ki - •
'''*<*« " • * " - SJJ
One Muotb, - fg
. ; " • : T5O
O’ linger advertisement* in nme } y yj,
One square,6 tnoulbi, without a|ierat»oO>*** {|U
“ U “ •• “ '*'* Jliu
Each addilionasl aqu-ire lor 6 uiudim> *'* jq yy
One •qtiare,6 months renewable pl*" or '+y yy
“ U *' " 10 00
BUchaddiUoiul*qnarcrorl3«o«"”** eagarof M yy
Two oquare*,6 months. g yy
Each additional
TUKI .t OH TBI*W*»* tT gQ
One «Qu‘aie. 3 iiuerttofl*. • •V-TrtioaV.
•* ” eicb «Witi*oaJ
Ki*e Unet or le*«, o ll * l J®**'
... 6 00
............ 6 00
„ ace I«', 10 00
.1 ail moollw “ " 00
** W ““ T »"»»•
ro, *u.a*,--J-Sl.—:?“• S
.1 « Tbrit, «
M . ii. n Ttow «•••••«« 10