TETSBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO PITTSBURGH* *■ SATURDAY MOUNTING APRIL ", ißjg; JTj-Tlia Ptr«»OB«H Dallt G*2ETT* '» P J?a!s!{ Daily, Tn-Wcekly,antian£is of their conduct ia becoming sc evident, that we have no doubt the inlelhgen Whigs of Ohio, generally, who were Ibd away irom upright, though mistaken motives, will agva he found in their old ranka, warring apupat the tan* gible evils of Locofoco misrule- A statement was yesterday published in the U- Dion, from the New Hnven (Connecticut) Register “that Mr. Honnegan wa, aominalad by Pm*"' PolkaUhe urgent request of Mr. Clayton,the Pre mto of the Taylor Adutlntalratiotn" We are m formed that there ta not a word of truth in re statement. — Nat. hud. of HWnofaj- The above charge against Mr. Ct-ttToa, in', been going the rouudsof the Lopofoco ptraa, on., although we did not tor a moment credit it, yet a. are pleaaed to have aa authoritative denial. Mr CnaTlon would hardly gu lo Mr. Puls with any requcat, much lean with one requesting ihe ap pointroent or aa important officer at the iaat hour of hia admmtalration, and much leea still wuujj! ho make such a request /or inch an unscrupulous Locofoco els Hannegao. We may bow look for all sort* of iyuig rtimor* from the opposite party, for they have deliberately set -themselves to work to oppose the administra tion, right or wrong. L?t it manage never sc wue ly for the good ol the country, and conduct itself ever so leniently towards its political adversaries, it will meet from them only indiscriminate condem nation. This we should expect, and guard our selves accordingly. “The C*i.tpob.sla Whuj" istheuie of a.‘'Vt-3 paper proposed to be published in 3na f rniic>*< o. California, by James M. C&anx, K.«q , Edi: r and Proprietor of the Southerner, pohliabed s! Richmond, Va. Mr. Crane is well known ,as V ■ eble political writer, and, from hi* enterprise** character, will doubtless become in that nsw cour - try, a very useful and valuable citizen. His prac ticable knowledge and active midd will make bit journal one of much interest dvith all part# of tit country. The following extract from the prospectus, wil ghre oor readers who wish to subscribe alt ueedfc information : It is t«!ij>->wible upon the price of the pap* Tbe annual subscription, however, cannot be lew than $6 fjr tbe weekly paper. T.be name must a ways be accompanied with llie money. No per •od, however eminent, need cxper.l usi to send -i ,r u the paper until Hie subscription price in paid. Ah letters riiu*t be posl*pa:d. Advertising will be re<- olated'according to the price's of that country Persons wiahiug to Bolwribc or ndvertitc c.tii so by rending their names to Hon. W. U . h’’- • Col. M. Thomp-on, Washington; Hon. Hr •. Meieß and Gen. Adonunm (Jhamher, New i-i* JAM£S U. CRAM- Washington, April*-, 13^9- Double ISUetgei The Enquirer ofSaturdny aaya.iy autitanry, tlm! Geu. Cass “charged but ooe todeage, ind that for his attendance on the called seswwi of itu* Cass, it is well knowiuWc» eleoled to the Senate to serve out-the uneipired term of his own previous election—the vacant haring been crea ted by bis own resignation* to run the Presideo tisi race—bis place, in tho andbn ume, being fi led bra Gubernatorial appointment He a/nved m Washington a few days before the close ol me 30th Congress—but d.d not take his seat until J o'clock of the lm»t night of th; session—and when 12 o'clock came, he grave y informed the Senate that ine 30th Congress was ended, and retired. „ , .. ■ Tbequestion very naturally oem-e. wo) d‘d " n Cass see lit to oust Mr. Fitzgerald the-t* foil ihr~ fours of the session* And no other answer cvu-d be given, consistent with bis hn’iohal repii'Mfm for making dodble and treble charge*. - 1 ™” that he thereby, mloiided-to charge mileage l X both sessions —at in other, words to charge »«*!» $2OOO fir his three hours attendance thesasi night* ofihe 30lh Coogrest ill* name, during the part tbirty years, is frequently recorded upoft the nn lion’s account books, in connection witfctLr pub lic plunder 4 ' 1 more .offensive add unjustifiable than would have been d charge fof, douhle mileage.— And that it was his intention to have m*de n, no one who is familiar with his "extra charges'’ cun doubt- , Bnt, most fortnnateiy, the oiamntu given in lime, the treasury was saved $2OOO, and in one instance, Gen. Cas« was constrained to forego any extra compensation.— Cv l - Gaz. LsoiaLATivs Divoecej-—The Court of Appeals of the Stale of Kentucky has decided thdf d.vorces granted by act otybu Legislature are nncoosUM tiooal and void, so for as the rights of ptoperty are concerned, and that u wife w divorced, w,incut hefcootent. is, upon tbe death of the htjsbund, cn titled to dower in his lands and slaves, and to a distributable portion of his personal estate, as fully ns if no such act of divorce had been passed. As to the eflect of such a divorce upon therelations of the parties, aside from the rights of property, no* thing was decided. Thai question did not arise. The Franfort Commonwealth of. the 27th ulb mo contains a foil report of tbe cue, sod pro nounces An decision to be one of the most imptr- Uwl ever made by the supreme judiciattnbunal of the State. U will, of coarse, give rise to much litigation. The extent of tbe damages sustained in L0u,,., ana by the recent extraordinary rise of the nvers tpay be inferred from tbe annexed paragraph, ctv pied from tbe New Orleana. Courier of the ulln alt , . West Baton Rouge now offers a find 6eld for .rx plonug expeditions, as pretty Hue*i H*"""-' P 1 r ; Uh i. susceptible of being navigated, The w Orth . Sbenff, Blanchard, nothing daunled bythe dnnger ous currents, eddies and whirlpools of the nwb.l erevasaes, made a trip, be informs us, a few dn)r amce some twenty imteain n stiff, Ibrougb lhc bse t waters ol the parish. We understand that t..r - . tire levee extending front Captain D. r. Lain plantation to the False River Crevasse-some tree mii<»»—u washed away! Homxstbsd Extutmoit LS OKS-We were under the impression thnl .the- Home.tead emption Bill passed the i of Ohio, but it appears this la ROl ihe cate. The Warren Chronicle .ay. the bdl /oiled 3omo measure of ihia kind undoubtedly pus# before mnoy years. Appototaicnt* *»y ,tb« Preifocnt. Eph*aui G. Sti to which they were reduced, tltut '.i»ey wbre cOta|«;lle«i to eat tbe remains of two nj ilire ,# of ,tn« me of the party! I saw him tn Tao* list week. He said that he never wouiu 00 alUm ihj. Arlnm*ab river, to take ond bring man k ers to f e ibund with the Kiowa Indian* d-.aus refuse to cuntbly with thia r®M u * e xnedn ■we ortaej u, makl w« upon «■'“). ccveniy u. in , stolen from biro-by the In about the same nu.mxr diaos, in the mountains- c , „ Santa Ft—Ccl. Frtmonl and \ ' “LtfTj. o. <*«' “ Cahfir*i*-E**n, t .fa Du&itrf tv t remont t 1 arty. Mr J W. F.ilger arrived m Ibis city ycaterouy ~'n 'gamaFt tu company with Chpt. St^nun, VI.J oilier*, be I 'ft that town on the Hth c.CI-rbrua p,j; Cii’l- St. V rain hadohurge of the letters f n>! pop ‘ r(l - n -' snipped on another hoat which i >t » ni'i arriv.n!. uc have not yet been able to uvml :.u r ..! i.icm From Mr. Foljrer, boweveo. wr tniie' the .ntor'itation which follow*: i‘**i f temmu, • i wiio»e o.sasttous expedition we have, rt'ready given an imperfect and In some re«pe« t-< -rrnneouv account, left Santa Fe on the ,oiii nit. >n hi- way to Caiil'irain. Oflbe dreadful iii»a«er which Uriel him in the mountain*, we nave •,hi« account. The published letters from Col. Fremont and Ins friends left him ascending a moua tain mid wuhm five or six miles ol the summit But this elevation he never reached. A storm come up, wmch forced him toretrenl, and to seek shelter mthi? valiey below. Here, it is said, the snow drifted, and accumulated to the depth of 30 or 40 leet and the party lost all their animals, and and were compelled to leave their entire outli*.— The sflow covered the animals and every thtng Ise from view, and Col. F. and his parly were driv u to seek safety on the-sides of tno mountain. — n mis emergency. IFll Williams, a bardytnoun vneor . nod two others, volunleered to seek sue •or ircxu ttfe nearest and it was nr run?>*d thijj ttiey should return in twenty days.— Aslhev ftileil Udo so, hoWever. Col. Fremont md one c-r two others, resolved upon attempting o reacn Tuo«; and on the sixth' day from their eavmg camp, inoy overlook Williams and one ol :n« uO'i.pnntons. The other iMr. King.ol the Dis inel nl Columbra.) was represented to nave ded nf exposure and of hnnger, and in the extrem ity to wbioh they were driven,the salvors were lorcod to eat h pert ot his body. Col. Fremont made his way to Taos, obtained aid. provisions and horses, end then set out in search of bis party. But more than one third ol his men had. in the interval of his abseocc, died from exiKtsiiry and hunger; and one or two had ffivea out. and were leli to die, when he came up with them Ttu number who thus penshed i» stated at eleven, of wtom we have the names of ooly turee—Mr. Wise.of St. Louie connty. and Mr.Eing and Mr.Preuss, of the District ofOolum bia. Captain Catbc.art. ofthe English army, wai axnOug the survivors. We shall receive to day most probably, full accounts, nod it i* not necei •nry to co into lunber detatu ** h'emont lost hts whole outfit —his males, instrument* baggage. pud every.thiag else of value On his amvii a; Santa Fe. he wa. furnished with imrw** hv tiie Quartermaster, and wiin stores by ibe Coininisiary ultbe United Steles and alter re crumne hi* j>arty. he again set otl t ir Cahiorma taking tha couie pursued by Col. Coo*. m lM He uud bis party have suffered tembiy m this ei . ped.twn; and :t will be a warning toothers never ' to attempt soeh ajuarney m mid-winter. Lieut. Beale. I'mleil States Navy, was mm fortunate than Hoi Fremont. He prosecuted,m« jolirneV to Santa Fe and reached there withon much 'difli-juity. Mr. Folger left him at dworw on Calk's route to California, in excellent bea.th and Kr.t-u >u l!.'- bMtn sf J.i.nuary. t ul !, nog« nc rr, :..ere u;. 10 tlo lib of M*«uy wm.-h he r U; . . ■ ~ > : , er * a* Ssr. Bit*. \ae i'K\. came overland to • eru ' d,ui tber.'e La Xuiw.e m the learner t'-rra' \y««t.rn 1U met in Mexico ebon - 1.000 A awr ;cal , v Mexican', Englishmen, freiKuara. &>'■ ob tneir way in the coast, bound to Ca.iUrnu.- 'll!* latent letter state* that, alter a winter i>f the greater seventy, fiD- weather ha* set in, the mow tihd began to men.. aad many diggers had star.etf and were on* the eve cd s arang. tor ihe mifyr*. to recommence operations, and that tbe talus of goods baa. In consequence begaa to m- Tac firm J B. Ac Co., by %uo" ~MUcr I..':' ct'U oi»r l.'Ur , iturulrf.i in-m ;:te .S.mdw.ch LfofvK Tncre wvr«* about lev?-; ti)f « md .a Cd.Uorci.i, i-ioy to con. meoctf 'pt-raiiorb :a J:ie miiic* li.f iirotnenl i!:e wcatß'.r woul.l jicruiiL* Tae pries* ui provuirtn bad become more mo«)e -rale .i >j Hie 30ih ofiJanuary, m WUH selling at 510'per barrel; by Ho- bfrre: atSl’i- Fori, wa* dull at 539 ber •'iai' t-ee 1 coui«l icnrcriy be so'd. No unc w,, u.d giv«i S. I per b»l. tor it. A large amount of joodi wm *' n Q ounces of Califom.a gold, and of this t ,uOO ounces belong to Mr. Suw c rkrop. The reawn he put it on board thd Calypso wav that be could not find a conveyance for it direct ti the United States. Those who Uunk it strange that the gold doe* not rea«-.lithis country in larg er quantities, should lake this far.l into considcrn tioa. MtbLOS Cri.rua&— Hovey, in tin Magazine ck HorOcaillure lor Dec. speaking of *■ vi*it to tbepar dt-Mbfll N. Lancwonhy tUq , on Genesee Kiver. :u-«r Ri.-ciiester *ays: We have staled that Mr! Lnngworthy gives great uUf-onnn io tne cuilure of the melon. The kinds he ctiltivales are principally the ln»|»enal and for. Hi&ck Spanjh.but the grratest quantity of tbe l-»r mer, whi-li. though so fofo a variety, lhat, m the liiiitti'le of Boston, it will not come to perfection m the ordinary modes of culture, by Mr. Langwot thv's plnn. ripens nn immense crop. Ills moe?. H is b*.-iieveil, will not be ablo fo r«i*e a re** sjH'ctaH- show of horse* in the spring. Th*? '.-aptam came m with a small trxin. but ex penenCcd .great difficulty in traveling, from the depth of the mow and the condition of the iircoznr. He left ihe Fort on the 2Slh of Feimiary L and only learned the election of Prasident Taylor on bis ar rival at Fort Leavenworth. The winter hn» l>e*?n s*> severe Ihnt all communication with the settle rueutn was cutoff. — St Repub., March 30. Mil Milm AL Goodtilab. a Rocky Mountain trader ond Uaveler, arrived in.this city yesterday, fnm * u t Joseph. He ny» that the people along th.; u-Loic line of ourfrontter, are making preparations for nu early start across the Plains. Mr. Goodyear ha* traversed all tbe different routes lo Californio, R nd 1* fomihar with lio several road*. He reach, cd the B->cky Mountains in June lax?, remained until toe last of August, when ho returned to the Sui*' * if V the South Pas*, arriving in October lost. He intends starting, we learn. n*soon-»a the wvnlhurandpraasw.il permit,fur the Rocky Monn -tains and California, by Ibe ,way of Fort Keantev, which he thinks tbo bert and moat practicable t mSTLT&SU LItatSLATVOE. I Hjlmujbtxqh, April 2. HCIATX. ( DIED, 'I _ - ?n.td«nly. April «?th, at » Ofdoek, P. 31- SsJnrxn j Prom the Genesee Fanner , An*x*jiicg (iLbs, ‘ Wittß Fkscc—Mods of Makwo, Exrzs**. etc.— Tll « ,ri «»d* or k>«* fwait>, and firemen o< the rwo «- | Having iniely completed twenty lour rods of wire are .imicd 10 attend hi* fa oeral, from 'he residence j fence, and knowing that many farmer* intend build- *>f m« ta-ber. Tunnel fireet. oa Sunday me Pth instant. . mg such fence it i* found to answer a good purpose ai 2 o'c-wk, F M. i lam inclined to give a detailed account ot it, that >.■ R, n Te*a« of Cholera Joh* How-; Olliers may protH by my experience. up Bat'!vu:'.*o’ii;f T,»V U*icewe::. Kh • 01 c “'* In lh» iir*t p:«ce I would premise that this fence ciriiiau. a;r••— '“JJf J':''. J,* fore more expensive than ordinary lenee* upon ihe n . fi[> f nrairie»*and uioim'.am* in'" me Paf.nc farm. At each end of the fence I set a large Cedar m-rim post three feet m the ground, and brr.ee It tirni!,’ in Hut w.:: he «100.- He hath de.T's.l " »tnrr the direction ol me leucc. The brace is about »,.u nw.Ktit remmn. to * toi.d mniner. | fti ’ «„hc feo. ton*. tori * to a Urge stone placed armty in th. ground iwo pnuburgh. Apr., tj, isiv other cedar po*t» are placed at usietjual distances ■ ' , , between the out side po-'voo accountot ti e irreg- „ j. p OHrEK of Philadelphia- wu. teach u!ar ilc-rci: ~C liw ground. .All the nn-r jk-«h . ln Chares Ml. «!«>. are of hand .ron 1.- .nehe. *ide. ! mch 11,.. t and „ c , oek »«».«. «J placed one red apart. Intermediate posts are placed . between ine«c extending only t-i the lie ft wire i hafpa-t . t,.r and unde with ha'f-n.eh bind iron. AD ot these j pt-sla are punched ol holes for the wires to pn*s 1 , through. The long poets pas* through large flat ' : ■tour-s and are clenched on the under «ide. 1 nesei ! , • stones •».*• firmly bedded m the ground. The jam jt 1 should h- u.-tened in these stones by i>ourioa : _ Mr. Bull, from the Select Committe, to whom a . ClUnt | melted lead or brimstone. I ihe subject was referred, reporird in favor of a- 1 w rt , s U vrd arc Nos. 10 and 12, an.t 1 urn [ , dopltng Monaghan's machine lor taking the yeas , c 10 jj,j eul ih,c*e are the best sizes where n strung i and nays. 1 i;. nce t ,. ( u;red. In bunding. I commence bv run- i ’ Mr Myers moved to reconsider the vu'*’ oo the t ,t f , u>yer w . ft » through first, which i* i->nr )U - n t i,. rd nod uf No. 10 wire, and so alter On toot.on of Mr. Stubb*. the bill to extend the n , IUtK ~i r lw 0 ?;zeB ol the wire to the bottom.— charter of the Lancaster County Bank was taken „f t he reaiaimog lower wires apart up and amended in Committee ollhe NVbo'e,so a* are ,'S. 'i, \ |, 4 inches- Tno wires, afler passing to make its provisions similar to those ol the Mom- ;i, ( - lower poiit, are fastened firmly which l goruery County Bank bill. The bill passed Com- by j ia a-*ni»r them ihr. ugn a -trap ol wire and tuittee of the Whole, as amended, aud was read a col |, D g ,h,. ends. second and third time and passed finally, yets 00, j j t)Q - ( ihat 1 can describe the manner ol nay* 25. sirtuoinu the wires intelligibly, but I will try At On motion of Mr. Grove, the bill to extend the lbe U |,r, rr cn d ol the fenc •. urter the Wires have I charter Ofthe Hanover Snvmg Fund society was _ RIW ,,, r ,„ n in- post, t. »*y also pas> through a tjken up. read a second and third lime and pas* !,i a „i; ol the same width und height. Each wire is sed. • [h.-n t:i«-.-d through a roller l| inches in diameter Oo mut.on of Mr. John McKee, the bib to ex- an j | nng - -ne end lenai; - -.1 for a t.md the charter ofthe Fraokun Bank ol Washing- crHnk | K , ttr j , ; i the length end width of the ton was taken up in committee of the whole, and U ;vm these rollers. Alier each wife amended so as to make it similar to the Monigom- Mr , wnt;< t (, v turning the rollers, a pin i* po>»ed ery County Bank bn! The bill pawed committee ,- nroU g tlu . t', n nrd and rol..'r m the plank, which ns ameoded, and was read a second and third tune faJilrns |j n i»ly. The wires will contract some ondpassed—yens 47. nays 24. in c oUl vrea'her and shou.J not be drawn 100 t.gul, Ob tnotioa of Mr. Rol>erts. the b.d to rcchnrter finiL the Monougahcla Bank o! Brownsville wan taken , , n,,, f-xpenst*. ! cannot l-e ns dehrite ns I up and amended so as to make it similar to coubl w n 8 wMae Wlfe purchased wm* 100 the Montgomery County Bunk bill, read a second ma|| _ j »# V e used about 11U lbs. ol wire, costing •1 third time and passed finally yens d, nays Twenty iron pos's at •> een's each. Si 25; ‘ 20 sherl posts at U cent* each. SO Minis; 4 uett&r |K»ls SI, tnaku.j; SI; pamting Si—making an oiooutittif Tbo Speaker presented a remonstrance against any change in the manner of tn anajting the poblic schools, and the estaliahmenl cf a High School in ! Pittsburgh. ; The b’ll to incorporate the 3u*qnehanna River , and lint North and West Branca Telegraph Com pany was taken up and passed Mr. Matthias from the Committee on Corpora tions. rej«orted the bill to incorporate the Warren and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company with amend' meats. Mr. Komgmacher, (Banks) to wham ww referred tbe amendments of the House to the bill to incor porate the Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, reported them as commuted The Senate concurred in said amendments - Bills Passed. —An omnibus bill, authorizing the paving cf the Grays' Ferry Road, and extending the Sauthwark Railroad to League Island, and lor numerous othrr purposes A bill supplementary to the art t-j incorporate the Delaware County Insurance Company. UOi'SE 07 EKPRESKXTATTVfTS Rtporti pf Commuiees. —Mr. G. T. Thorne re ported the bill fir the prevention of vice and immorality, and unlawful gaming. w:ti> urnend- 27. On motion of Mr. Herring, the hill to extend the charter of the BnnU of Germantown, wantakeaup and passed finally, with an amendment limiting the I amount ot bans which mar be made to Director*. and providing that a relusai to pay its notes m gold and silvor. shall worn a forfeiture of it# char- The bill t.ir inc pnrl.ai restoration ol the capital jf the Bank of Pennsylvania, was taken up. on motion of Mr. Demi, an.! was read a second aud ihird lime and passed. • The tni. require* the bank to pny aboous of tour j>er cent on tue capital rtook reinstated.) TAttl.Vti TH«C STARCH ot'T OF. ’EM- tCOLDWATiIt s&KTCH. \ k’U’l of Jlers stood upon the end o( it per wh.cn ran cut int . the Hudson Hiver. m -me ol tne .ini' l town* near Alnauy. a few days as-> amusing themselves with b'tring stoner mu. the br'ad stream, each vtemg wth hi* neigDl>or in the endeavor U pitch a missile al the furthest di>- mine from the snore, warn a lalh nuged bu.l» Vermonter, direct Irom the H H« suddeti.y i made h- appearance n tne.r mnlM. and tor j awhile remained a qu.et observer of tceir move | inents. , . , He was a hruwnv. strong.looking \ankee. and was very decently clad Tne efibr* of the little I party bad Wen exhibited over and o'-er « Jin 1 when me Granger quietly picked up bn.! a bnc I wnirn luv near h.m ami giving it njerw it led m It- water a ! .« way beyond tbe line which bad as vet Wen rcac.cd by me iorcm»»t cl me crowd. I At the conr:u-ion oflhn teat, a bud -or.wo went up from n half dozen vj.-cr around hull 1 ii was n cold dear day «n October and the men deter-i oed not lo be out done, renewed the-r «l tcir.ple. but me Verrnoeler without •>> nc a »v -•nine to an,, cue. continued to p:t<-n tne petu-W In out into me stream, wnu.'. seem*d to annoy «*nv -i inem m a green jacket, the apparent sencer o .>e cang' who declared . he wuuidn i be beaten by u ‘ -e-er ne'u ml o the w.ods, no how - and -d-m* ’ up to '.he sfrangrr. ne determined lo tunUe h‘» *''• ’ quainiancr , -WLe« do von .-omc !rom. ..iqn.rec t bo on »*r .. Wi. i Lt..* t> n. jn l -» i>< ■U. nt ’« ■:» ‘i t .ev i- -ft* *-“i ! rc - v,* ,1 —r... Not ediackly. here— Du! up Jjau-.: .... 'woitnurO t;»« -it •*. i nei/m.; -« !> i tiruJ it*d ■! •’lou've • wre. ’na<» iwck ‘ * > ‘-Haw-kaw*" sboutwd *•'* “*-* irren , v«k«M :*e«hin« L-odr«i Mav " •> »!•>« 1 <,T '' ,l \ I viii Ui\»T i'* m .eJ. auo may k<• .irani cwii-i’j-i »: I<>“ .reseda .;aat»n , "« , "• j *v'» • n-.ve <• mm ckiii act.#** •'!*' r vrf riH i,y a w ,.,. w u» fr.;:.,*-* nwn •O i . lather J.iv and *'*'« uir a,ui uro 0,1 wi 1 represent the ijuanimv . I root* i <",fd tv* ; • wuic" - If i?** *. n into !:.«• other m every rer,*-. t. ri • • •Hu n «. ha veiled »..s» nud.turr. . t. i\ i..- li.r pr ‘ductmn i reprr.sr.J b\ u tmi- ; - Wtil tj-ja w yen m.iy uH bu? 1 Win del d a* lD , vrr inr.n- .o •.»«■•*» t. ’l nw.H.ibere ( {,, \v ;J " 1k,;.1 trte Erer-ti jacket opi lore, peri five 'h-M t*\ .i; !• d ; '--U '• v '-" Imo V vender :.i« .fen ai.d 5. .d"' !* ieroe.i ift- l-a-.u,. e . If- wr bet*. - a t»ew - ' -Bjl CO.l lei • -tun “ u, o I'nry, n v«i |.rai< c» ■ In™" ...4 the *-4 »>« k ** >y m wmirr IM I-U.r. «u*l«r** M Unk'MlT :M.r .... .o~ Ik. '• !li "‘ u i lIP 'tip I c. Uv*-cr-- «urT..'-i-r. nnd m the br«*«f" •Hmptarter _ 1 f - n v *' u m , „ v ,--r : •K n \ru swim leiier Jo' ''.g •en»m. the wh* * e 1 ‘ .? ,f ’ .luck m.i.l Kft-ci kcl-.md w.tbcu .. v - u - c-mp.rmed H 1 ~t* '■ hear 'urtier parley. the Vermonter -eiz-d me k" wmz , n s , bv .uJ »• * l»rc* “Xf **>*••' bv the nnpol t.,e .eck and me «•«' . K - ed py ..ve- mi-r.-.mf wlucb .mne remedy oi h.s i-'Jr.n. is- ioouiOiii. and r , „ prtJ , tng an ainiowl M.peri.uman »•« U•, r , ~r . i v „„., a .prey M»naC«c rj ‘dk over nend 1 'ie end <'f in- » 1 d o*>rtte , a ,j. ,| pre ki>u».*' ‘ h> >rlened *bools • tuny be >. I | te"n vard-.'-ut :i.t<» the llmlsun R.vcr n.r : • 1 ’vn .ll <• •• va-e». ; Lnidiey j p vrr.n- ' •••»' mr.« 1:1c 1 re**-d at u. it; - AKIX OH'MI \ Kr* i , l.aclMo tne shore a«‘d ed up tl.e bijnk U I };uh Un..? /,><• (rozen i’V im» Midden imd sivoiui.ur/ ro.d Ulh ~.v asr s. im.r. »rv. • ■><-»> i I •f | tune tbat ten-M'fd ' / ou V' l ™'*' ***- *•" , , „, c - ow .„ irr . 4 . ! wV »’ j 1 -woi.-i ,«.t -«»“ w.» »*«• --• j " i;; .. Mt m„. yet cnp’n ■ . t sr ,n r n "Wliy* You ye lo«t the bet ' ' * >i,mos. Apr.. •>:«. I-W ••l-Joi edrairkly. 1 didn t colkiinle on deuin it •. 1 , r h,j i"w '.mi u l”u..t iime— tell you 1 km. tltu it, and apnin i (i *-no cm . >c u.-ui» «v me •crufl and C«s seat of his over : ol ~.u r n-.p't .... t .u>d d.r use w **** I ■;«' | all,, an.l 1.0.4 him Him var.l,. !«««.. :ou> >!». i river than upon the first Inal j A;L B Cc ,.,: ,»r »<•!*.■. b ni.u, tor damtrurf i Again ;he bully returned, ant'd the shnuu of h>* , ( _ w „.»’\<,i-m.i -) ihr pt»coi i innlea, who «a,ioyed the sport iimnenM-.v. i.yu,n ,-mi*' o severe h-.'iai ic- and n.-irriy uoin •Third tune fmis." said the \ iinke.- ; ~,r ;, r ~u d ,, ...y nn.r ai.o K rvw Jr, a^- dfjd.«ud [•tripping olf hi* coni. . ';en -6ru it. I te! ',.^‘ ll nrf 'J r^j r Jd !" *! di- •«nri iio-k ye.” , . t'.mi--- • oi.. . v»i■ *.»*»!• .i-mmi'E mo '•-’"■hi. I iiph-'I '•Hold on 1 " Mud the a.most ftelnfied vi-tun— , if H. periou F u"' »i»o niih.wgi. ■' w b. :n.y -And . will d-u it—el Urv t.u ba-murrow -nor- p ,„._ u -v,,, ta, 1 »e.i .1 )r I , ■„• ,i"c.upr l.uml.uZ ti - 'lay '"ii w«k imluceJ “'-I .1 ap- Jk»U>4 lb« *»"»«>• brtwe.n lit iIV” "".’’.'“.'lrly "Z .'.“uj.'” teeth, wuich now chattered uke z mad badger r n| .« m>w riesr from i.miior or dan •take the money r ■]er cor , lef w , p 0 oriD and r l miiaiir:il ai». wpasCfti wunt try it on lu strnutrer* ngiu. I reck n yen wnnt he continued, and putting on a bmad grin of good j nftmor. be left the company to tbeir re-afleciionj j f7oiT of Our' t Union. 1)» M'Uaji* fsEH »m l*ux» HI fit* •« ,rrnt y, k „ Wfore h<* could be induce it u> oiler it to the put>- 1 hr .11 oorb a imniiiu a» i*> umkr it know n njl over Ibe , I poutlU y. the quark no >t'v %*o*jUs«l PtrraßCaou, March 20. 1 Si 9. [ tori-rv mca-. o. • To Messrs. M-llcr Jayn tn, J. V hiuige. JW. Baxter, 1 bo*. Ste«l. r un '; Joul , l(:oJy „ c „:otsm K .ue »uch School Directors. 2nd Ward. . c ,„ r , { >*niiori Convince !. however, of the real value rt.vriKMFx- We the undersigned respectlullY re- o( ,„ e c,ct»r and . :lue».-r.i l.v thr j.'aiu 4»etw« of tK.-vii.K-ir- n . ,j n nicx-tinc of - which would not permit Inn. :<• k-<*i> from hr quest your Hooorar.lt. Mourn.t uf;ji a n.r*n« |it«aervmc ibe citizen* of the Becond Ward. for the • . , , liu oflerad .i uv s»ince of cmt-tdering Ibu propriety of obtaining a rut.u »ic i|m| , jmi . tl „« known ah om if- (TPuiiftt. niece nf ground, and erecting a cnmraod.ouv on.l t;ill whr . r4at ,t ba. »rr„ u.rd. b»» proved ju »op.-n ' ~ ,•] , j «,.|„v I Home an the one now .c- t . ovl , „i, oUier rcrunhe* ev«r oifcrrd f« «« pi.r.U.s .u.lu.r fur liner henllh mid comfort. The Increasing .1 - ~i y lover nil.. ~, . rviu.r.no,, ir. mind for lou, It suSeiepl reason. wo Ihink. lor in. , »“]•» ~, me u „ „ . medial,, action. , , fc „ MaUhewa. I« )lU»Ui'e”>!' »r li».' -eH.. I.uac Jones, Johtl ofllie DormC. Pills, and I ...are yqu -l.ey have values Blnell. James M l.lmsiy, , |icr I!lolc BOod my family phv.,.-,.,, no. nrr A McFarland Henry bichhaum.' , Wo during winch tune hr wu. ... rrcuin- attm. Wm Armalrong. Henry ’W. Tim-. ... ba... I rh.nlr rX-.o ~e».e John MclViiliamv W» H Us... „ ~a„ H&ZSi, IPHfaeier. tM I .gelow, .k,e i,’.he Urairior. of | P Fahnestock, Vr ,n Wilaon. I mch26 I Kob’t Woods, Aaron rloyd. ; i J J Rn«es, JiVfilcox. Jr ! JnoCDav.ll. David McClelland. I T II llouiflats, N Bucliinas'er, John Andersen. OeorKe Fortune Marshsll i Bros, John M W B En?lisb. • Chas Barncll, John Herring. A Wilson, j Eliab Asper, T o? 1 "' 1 ' Wm Whllnker, A B Berger. James B Morrav, Jss Anderson I }°X, W Wooiwall K Wdkeson, ! jtooh Becher, W- I h*.r i Hugh Gallegher, David GarreU s F Voo Bonoborai, Calvin Adami. Js, J Burneu- ■ ,^ ry "' mss;. “hi,,. John Wilson. xena of the Second ” Bro * n r Th*rd and * the First the 9th in*L, at S.U cLiwlmU™ ' h' t y mreg.rd lo .» “M-"™ <" f‘> P =g“ , ”EP|^ to ” A y NEB p,,,.,. epW2t- Too* Stxcl, SCO 1 /. AGFIICULYUP * L. Si 6 3 ). Sum--* me fence was completed l '.sv*- had it hroken through once by an ox racing Wtm « hor»e roan. 1 have found thn me wire* break only where the rod* are looped tcirc'cr 1 havesiuee jo.netl then. l*v llaiten.mr the end*, layoff them U>- gather and w.nd.n« thru, t..r fur moi.r* with a ainnll w ire. Tins m the n.-nuer ot join mg them at lh«- Niagara ‘U.pen-ion hr.df The v.r> * ul tin* hr.ls- iir.• bVed m liii-erd wbieb 1-tm* n» uniecvimo and tinliab'y touffiers the A-t.-fie HtrcnEln of the Irncr. I lu.nl. m mtficicßl 1.. w.ioMniid nny ordinary pressure?* Wires ollbe name «. /-• «* ihe Mi-penn. n hrdge are earn ma n ed lo u lell-.oiud i •'•‘"I t- The ffre i! oh.rcuonu U.j. it'n -. n ihc in lids cl ninny po'-pie ;•» <<* betnj ;uv.v. •.• Til.* 1* Why l.kcd.a* 't .1 .es not mn the •;! me i.md- ■*}'•♦ In iMi'. hi'.-'fi 1 wuii'.l -IV ln*'t I h«r iii.s lenoe. became ihe w.ad* make in impreas.oi >l— .now banks torn) l.evde U —it oocup.e* no „p av .,._ c ,„i, l e «. than the j.aiQiinff'.l a g'Xid board fenre and aith-ugh iiiV.*'»*» folk.. bcantuudy WD«-ti me yrcuni! i* covered with sm-w and as to its •luraWitv :! wr- ‘ rJse* w. endure. surely v-c !• ncc« w:!' mat nn Affe. MVH’iN AI»AMS l.l*- I’ f 1 Kl.f. N 'l Lk*e I'll <;K A FT 1-N <» TilK I’K A K l.f l n.lrrli,!!. of New I rt stales lr-sl he !»»* ur-. .nr Vrrs I--" >'"'o a-o' \•id a hn.v. \ crip ifi'f i f t’in me nnihri ic >r ,. ( Tnfie *. ft.we.-rr ».)■•. ii.n. liii* [‘f#< 1..-t .i.iv.'.i.oi aiiv -.K-ar-,. •.» >< fmwi «o u »ioh niorr 1-r 1 i-jvr i ,}-» -r pi. ui il liie proee** nod re. li id mt.' I *.« uif an* pr ..!n<'e , no., e is >1 ' and . ’ i;,-K-..rau>'«. a- j M-.c.irrd pear. k in't m»jfriii/U I'i-rt* ,n iHe • i jo ruf U..MU ' :v* . dr, '■) *•' r»-’u red v '.Ho u»t. an-l • -.vr i'C ll • -■ h<- » H •■ i-.rrt- u iJ"r I iiu l -.! •». V'.' •T - ,)rfrv. I-U'i oc .nuuvol a ..a »».. W.!J| •• U» '•: won' !r«»' Bl .,U'i pjlick IIK-rr- I'n,-m»o>OTABi —Ti.r U hiJi.il An. ;h-:«y coutny ' w.*i u'gt '-li*' cliihim ■)( M/ M AIII. '• fur * nonj.ua -1 non 'O in• office at the cominp C 00.../ Convention. Mt M. H 3 rood and l* PVP-T aal competent :o .l,«< , hnrr«" , h'* Juiip* of the office, met deserving b uy On* i-.irty au.t«.nnt Cocjmr mch'A)dUtAwti*T _ » -Col DLTK. ol i 'luc. lowmiup, -* 1.. I.e »u| ;-orlrJ lor i;.., ofc<-e o! Sli.-rili, »ut |Pct Jo Ihc nomi'iaixm »iecl to tilt decision ul »piiiy»chii'i|T W Ihj a. d Antiraaeonic Convention for iiontiutitnc county ucko. CARTER CURTIS- Sum Ward. Putßbur*:. April 'i, IMU—dAwT SiiturpiLTT.—Ct|ii. W a. Ohhiios will lie »up ported lor the oilier of Sheriff. eubject to tha notaina lion of the Animwonic and Whi* County Convention. tuarSdiwtfT lantiTU \Va*o, I‘rnnrian. Mn. Furrow —You will please »late iftal I will be n candidate for t>omiuatjoo tor U»r office oi Proihonota rv. before oor next Wht* wJ AnumiLsoa'o itooniy CofTTcnuojt Your*,* o SAM’L PAILNESTUCK. ! tli7abctli uiwnthiji, March, itt, IS IK 1 i t, e lugctt and be«i lot of mahnpifoy | efor offered at public sale in lhi» city, will be held Bt j M’Kenna i Auction Rootxu thl» monunj. fct 10 u'olooli, i by o«talogfeo Pltvi.l* I.iv.in Sv». -.R Prepared tiV J N'-Kefiy. W l ;;,uin ,;r*r:. \ V . a id for ««l« :.y A • >o ' TIJ Focnb »!r»el Thu will hr -Oil'id a delightful e:.i of bo-,-train- ri fannUev ami particularly lor »ICI Bahik* Bkoma —Ail improved »'uuro!aie prepara tion !>r n* n-tm-r.au.,l. of fm-h* -mi iMioeeiiL »n -v,foru:i-c tv.,amble. h.fh v r-- .u.mrndedpartie .-m > i.ir m.-in-c* i»r«-pi.rr‘d l.v Ifctier. Dorcbea i'or. Wm.-i.id'ot .Kir :i A JA-S %K>, at the |*e*m T a Sis.'f. No. Til Fouru. .1 racbU \V. >5. Wrlfilil, M. U., Dentlat, ~ ’ (!i Witt. A. WARD, Dfniut, office hour* ;roin P till & By the preiident of the .United 1 l. JaMF> K. I'OLK. President oi vho I'uiied State* . o' America Uo hereby declare and make known, that | uul-!ir «ale» will lie held at ihe un*cniienu#»cd loud J otfieea in the Stair of MICHIGAN, nt tha period* here i inafter de*ignatr i. lo wii At thr laud oAk.' at the SAl't.T STF. MARIK for the “Lake Superior Die.nci," commencing on Monday, ill- >'UTiii day I»f June licit, lor the i l i»pi,ial of the *»• bici ltihai. putdic land* within itir :ollowiß* nam*d towi’»tii|*J nrd iracucnni township*. to wu p{ ilU h 0 f ike Awe line atui H«/ of Uu principal Meridian. Kmcuo; ill if>wn«hi|>» Uiiriy-sfiTci. n:n> n:r:v-eiglit toget',. ; -jc-.-.u i*ian.U of nwisd .'.ae.r-ir.. Vraf iii>t->'Ti.#hip» linny-eiiiM. thirty-iniie. ana fonv.o' -Aiigs '*'<”)• „„ Kr»ruoi:u. ujw :.*tup* airiy• m:»f unu lort) • ru, -» e iwnij 1.-rui-u i.wl 'o'*tinny.fi.t anti y-»‘i. ol mn*e i'va.|-lo.u. , j. t u< ■ :o a .»i>ip* t-i trn Ui r-e. Hi it*. / 'hirt -n'f, ami t.»wn*Jup uiriy.ii'* »u 1 el " ' h rneluiiiri: Kr.r'-«op* thirtt two and I tift ■. ilire* - . j Fractional -.ownatup* thirty-one. and vhifiv-iwn, and jwnnup* thirl)-three, thirty-four. ihiriy-hrf and tor »• wi, of ranee iwrul) -se»en. 7 Fiartional townahip* thtrty-t«o and ihirty-thrce. n.«l i-iw r»hip forty «:x oi ranee twenty-eight. Town«lnp» forty three and fen) -an. ot range twen >- l"nwi«iup» forty-three and ion »tx, of ranee Uuity it alu p Iff i v i of mu jo thirty -one. At ns k rt ui,. roiuineuritij* on Monday, die :irnie.-iiiQ dal of June next. loi the dl»po*ol of the ag •icu.t'iral puttie land* witlim 'lie following named ow is»..ip» and irocvoual townahip*. vu {\%,rth ufikt Hast Ltn< a».l Wtn of th' principal ol'lW *oulh *r>'’of At«lr llurt-.r , n :nw ilMlip fifH ■ Fiafi. |.-> *lilt'- <•!'. <• ' 'nn»e 1- .f> l«" K* 11.r.»f ■ " run** .h rvfi' Town--i " In I '-nne, MU' 'tur:!!!:!!: *'* .t onlw It. v*,r.o !r»:r. liip» n\i • n v<- aid *ll' * on I- H*> tt - 0 of rji /• rWn.j c .. n. -oop. irari,olml io'vn«hip« m .1,.! --.-r and a.imhvr on i«>«* R«>.B* .n*i,'r."i»nl*.c ft..)!' o( iQiny-urvcn Ji'’» l i. , *-n!r ..n Uf R*'..**'- *v 'mg*- iiuriv f!«tn TnmuM; h:',y mmi ir»ct“oij»no’ern»lup« »u:v ihr*- , x . v -»f.or on l«l>> Koi am. r rancf tmrr)-'• ne To«i.i4iip« .am -nui«v hm,*u*lnn> iwo ol r»ne«? w:y I .i-.v !i«ni!< t -m -ohvp oi r»i>te f«m onr To<*u*U I- 'O' 'or!V M*vni »■!■! >d"- luuß.ol wr ' io* ,'ta.iM ..ft- • un.l :».nr. o« !nan« lor To., i Krr ai.O U” \ r»nje lor •U»i. i. , k ■ a f>nirir**l on "ie il«v ol M»t ■# f-.lr: -4 -:*b » 'aod e m t?>«- »*f r» ifi o' 'i • tiiia'i * -.1 '(> prn\ i'i» lor ill* »ar «»‘ 'tr#ifan ' limin'-ncint on Mon- A .’ll-. Bi.o ' - I- o.inu .U\ o’ >"! - r.t Z • >Of ’.tir dl»[>o»*i Of Ihr I ;wju« wiu..n the ander-mentioned fraruoaai j v ‘Uh*. *r=l HVf cf tht jrrinapai j »i'«l twenty two, :n<* . in" Hewivti. uo Manaiiee river, ( 0~~l Hut no •*!«• «<*Hl f.r krp' ■wo •*••><•*» ii.• |'t ralr eiilr' O' \>i; adtnui'-d until inr <• x;»i rnlicji n- . ■lit*' V ol Wa-urnr-' U\ u« I• ini hash '»'>i .•»' >!:er of lb* Orner*i LunJ OOjcc Sotlce to Mlo«r» and Pre-Kmptloa A ' per»!»:• h. 1-4* m ;io»m*»h«p. by ur,«:ai nceu.ian- | i -nr u.'iir-il cmtincfid m • mrm’.oii iirdr.' alien irllt »f a or *r , rl „ Seer-tar <>' \Vnr lor t.,e ;iiif(*>ae i'. "o-', •. it. :uu. oc» > i)|>anV t, a uru.c or itm« - ac ,l \ 'Pi - .0.1 brmrr iKr !»’ ..t Marcn, *t*47. and »et h "i r n i <>’ Ut Man . I*l7. „i>o»e mentioned, f -I’liiotif'-'l ;o i*oter mol I'tiri h.-.M- the »aruc at foe If'ce *on -.a- term* and n• and to foe extern -»,-r.n •: . > ta.it art kttd im e»a, at any time before ... i,uJ "f nc routine,iceiuettt of die »ofo 0( i-rii. ii,J. ci. inninif ,'ro.i! of |>o**ei«U>n V . :u .1 Ot I'liiiyiiaiH'r wall 'lluisc term a, «. ar». iVi.ct<(lt.3 1-fiK Cit Ct-ii, su.-;eot . an- i/ratar) - of the Treasury. ami a'i .: u, me tnfhl of pte eruption to any <»1 . itmii embraced in till*'proclamation, , . .;jM|sh foe inHiClOlbO rttiitaetioti ’ I .i jreeiver. ar.d mni< payment tlicr- mr t,cable after leetogUm nonce. and i '•era* panry. awl enter us renter*; and where any «oeh !*•»»• (i or permits may expire before the any of »n)e. ih* nr .n?ed .o mo holder* thereof will be reirardrd n»r rvinii i!*»• lumla-COVercd thereby from entry un ,lt: i,i,y oiber right Ull the day of eale, when ih«) will • cUrr'-'l at puoiie axle a* mineral land* _ RIfMARD M. YUI'NCI, CoatniMionrr To the Public. Mineral lands" Inclniletl in the l . i: -• u - •'tiperoM, and from Hi-- ceoiog.rn < l.nr-i. ;of of
t he dounietl that oilier* SwIAUli. u not amitr varjable, wm be lound throughout tbi* wiiol>: •nnm fhi roaio.i • In Hsu of urn mine* sow woracO, copper is mopd ai«h*tpor«. and, in nfosv of the itaitvd coptwr Bl .Jete»Twld a srr*M«r trar eeota«e than any outer yet discovered m the world. Silver U also Tomid In eonaiderable quanini'**- Ail the necessary inainnals lor the contlrucuon ol furnace*, and mol lor inrelung. are found in abundance ,n the tramnd.n’.e neighborhood oflhe muirral The climate m ibe winter, tnougn cold, doe* not in* irrupt the operation* of the miner*; in fact, that s«a* ton i* considered the most favorable for their opera* The r>rn x im.ty of these in merul lands lo the shorn of lake Superior, on which «r» several safe andeiceltent lur..or*, and the water comrannicstion therefrom, bf die !■* “ J,r '‘l -1 Tie. Ittfceillur.il,, Rr«e, aji., tarnish means of ir!iH»porUß|{ the produc.s of ihcw ,hr principal market. o( tiic United State* at * l'i 'ik »im n,.p-'ui. trom the report* u> this office, thai the wcrt■ » iornl InmU urr of u fair quality. produ .• r.£ !t;' u-it il 01 «o\ , . M.p». .iiow.uk «■« .“-.liiic. .he in.nM mid olh«r valuable mioriintiiou rciat.ni; thereto, dci i >ed fiP & Co SOTIE. J, iqr ARRIVED ai the lower Allegheny Hmlje, L f „‘ n"tbo.'». lade., w.ih SCYTHE S.NEATHB, Oram Cradle*. Hey Ralfo., Cut* Steel Hoe*. Pueb Fork. torr m ouantitie* to «uit eeMamera. b ,p?:Li NATHAN imuVVN NOTICE. WHFRV"A M , «>y wife DtA-te* baib leflniy bed ami (ward, without any j»«t cm}*-: or proToeaiioo, 1 therefore hereby forewarn ail prraon* ifom UarborlM , her or tm-tim; her on my tfrour.t, a» 1 ara determined ; „ SIDES—S bbds now landing from sUsmer henceforth to payuodehia o> Iter eoutractme Cumberland; for sale by op 7-«3:*ts UKNNE IT LANL ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. Front at CfJTTOS —*6 bale* now landing, for *n’e hy -* — 37 l*tda No 1; 3 half do do; now landing from a p7 ISAIAH DICKER A Co, From »i , garner Cumberland} for rale by 1 aRD—?S bills No l, * d.. No d, iww landt.ij.lfcf moh-fo ' ISAIAH DICRKV kCo J, 7.1. br ?P 7 1-‘AIAII WCKh_Jto | , .EATHEBS— 3S .It. now l.nllai (rmi wot o.* 'OEEsWaX^ «•*»• ™3XfgpJSiß& • r ISAIAII muKEVAC. A) IS AIAM mt-ftht Ato j inebtft i“a"tMl-MIS' •** Inndin®, for *aie b-r j YARN—4Q,UOu It.* assorted No* C. Yarn, n _7 ISAIAII DICKEV A Co C Chain, Ac„ 160 bale* Batting; 23 do Candle wtcfc - . L. i,. .in,.- mrtalsbv I foT «i« aiioweat market rate* by G IN I S p t -" S ' >_ ' k ISAIAH UICEEY 4Co | meOffl HHEY, SIATTHEWB *Co VHOLSBALE DHT GOODS. A. A. MAMA k CO, COMMISSIONERS AND IMPORTERS, Cil MaBIKT St»xkt. Ark now opening the ui*»-t exien»iT« and varied assortment of s*pr»* g and hammer Goods ever exhibited in the Western country comprising upwards el Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased in enure packs* ce» from the manufacturer*. importer*. and large auc tion sales, by otio or thetirw residing in New York, who is I'oustant y seiut.r.g us thr newest and most fasaioßtthie goods. They name in part— li»* ca«rt rich Spring Vtr :a: •3n cases Mde Ltun&i j V 4 - Uwr.t and Madia* ; “ cotloo and linen : • hlrnrhed Muslins.all | Ginghams; grades. i lit' “ col’d Muslins; to shining Checks and I ‘ST *• Bipkas Cotton d >nieht!C <-i..rba.ua. | ades and summer Stuffs v&" - Br.iwi-Muv.ms; A.»o, case* and ptckages of Bonnets, Flowers, Ls . re«. Rii'hoi-.s, >r.s-. Shawls. Berrgcu. White Goods, ! Mil nery Arr.cies, C oiiis aa o- received for rn!»m* vW ton* rai iroad ,ro:i .an, iiAm-gheny river, 8 mile* above Entaimng A.*<- ! M :iu<« 4 mile* above Free poa. or t rode lit:.,'* Min' en.i Work*, between the Inland ami Su i NS .rm. The whole 10 oe delivered on the wharf at Put* 'iirnu ap? JSi 'IIUUSMAKKIU Co, aVwood «l_ BEb BLANKETS—! pa.ru Bed Blankets, se in W. six riiibon tx>uiid. receivedi uu« day ui euD»i" •m';,i fr-m the manufacturer, and for «* e I y i“p7 >1 LKK, Liberty m. opposite ith MACAt'LA VS ENGLAND— Cheap edition, in on* volume, fun hound lialfbound, and paper covers : I'nr-en in cei-u ami upward!* I A «>. HaiperP I, le rd:;;on ui 'i voU, a folWupply 1.0'.-.i.uC Hebrew and Eng'ith lexicon 01 the Old 1 Te«t unei:'; Ui.rd edition, revised, with large addition*, . .-.o Jim pul u»i.«-d 1-ot *u e l.y | ;>p7 R HOPKINS. Apol.o Uulldmg*, 4lh »t CASTOR 01L-:;i I'M* best i|ualny, for **le by ap; RHEY. MATTHEWS A Co SCORE Hi NGS, Ar IS c»k* primeScorching*; 0 do do Potash, lor sale by .ip; RHEY, MATTHEWS*. Co DRIED FRt rr-Ttt) i.a*h Peache*; Sf bg» Apple*; nr •ale to i ioir cuneignmenu by ap7 RHKY. MATTHEWS A Co DRY bg» now landing from »tnir Geneva, for sa.r by ISAIAH DICKEY A_Co_ DRY APPLES -- «k« now landing from«tmrGene va; for *ft!e bv h]'7 ISAIAH DICKEY AGo CtHEESE--* ox* tlnee t. .urge mid good, to arrive; / for *ale by ap' JSaIAH DiCKKS A^Co^ CUIABCIDKR— 10 t.tiJs pure Crab Cider, juat rec'd i kiid tor «a)e by DIUKD APPJ.KS—VU »k» dried Apple*. ju*t recei ved nn.! tor »a,c by up- ARMSTRONG 4CROZER IM.ULK—» i(• - Fb.ur. Hamilton’* brand, for sale < ijy ftp: ARMSTRONG A.CROZER B,\l ON—V C«fe* JU»' rrc'd and lor oale by up: ARMSTRONG 4: CROZER BITTI'U— V '•''!* fra»li ro I Holler, 10-day roc d anil for sa.e by ap7 ARMSTRONG &CROZER _ LARI) —V ki-st No l.jpst ree d and lor sale by up 7 ARMSTRONGfcCROZER JH ('A NFIF.I.D. ;late of Warren, Ohio,) C-oxxum*- , sion and Jorwar- mg Merchant, and wbolesalo dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, fauUer, I*oi and Pearl Anti nr.d Wrsieru Produce generally, Water ftireel, between SmillilieM and Wood, Pittsburgh ap3 SMITH A JOHNSON bare removed to (10 Market street between Fourth street and the Diamond, where ihrr are now ojwnuiK llieir'Spnns Goods. com pri*ii'(t a treat variet. ol .ensonaiile l)re»» Goods, Gloves, Hosiery,-I,acc t,ood». Embroideries, Straw Bonnets. UiM>ous. Ac. aps:d3t f REMOVAL. IX’M M HF.RSH Ima removed to No. 4fi Market W •irret, two door* from im o:.l Hand, where he ha-, n new stock of Good* in Jus line. apA:d)w il i!'\J • x' v-»r-\ c:>. on ONI'. THOUSAND DOZEN MCKX.KS. of superior . for *.tle „pi-Gj». SPANG fc CO. 1j K >KI.I.ERS, Druffuu No 67 Wood street, X. s«),p for Me »aie. ol [S’ Towr.send** Gen uine >or‘ujniri.ia. tin* ju*t rcreived VtO dozen ol ibis t.rv n: >pr:n? and SuinEer Medicine Put<-na*er« enould reeoiicct ilmi R V Sei.er* i- tele i..r |';ii*borfh, ard I* M Curry lor Allegheny ty aps (t AL! Ft >RN 1 A BJ.ANK.KTS—3 case* grey mixed' . lo nr ire about 30 Apnl. con»igned from the man ufaciorv !.nd im sale !n H LEE, / • j \ UOXI > NO l K' ’SiN ®OAP. for sale at l)U Ht'I'ECtTTON FACTORY WAREHOUSE. LOA FStgAH - V I >l* >u i.pf. HARDY. JONKS fc Co \\rooD i. m i.m> »•! ca; YY 1 v"". be »ui apj <. t ■•. H Mll.n -Sbr K'iFR. -T Front i)UILVVURTHtCo : :h<- ami p»rt» of ---fut-ri > r r*f rtn i* i »-i' ** Aat • •' Ui* S •» n ' 'l'iitiAi I Ih.i’v !«'». juat landing 1 ». ,1 , • a..- api J > UIL WORTH ft Co Ci 'FIT !- ai top* < '•»{.! i’KR .\ \i» K—'JS bag* Pepper, -IS do ,pi U ‘ ‘ J S JMLVVORTH ft Co_ TEA? - ten IkW'.Sftseat* V U, O P iirt Imperial Tea*, to arrive ap4 J S IitLWOHTH ft Co .•TVS I>T T» iB.V Vy ~|rt i*g* 0 twwt Tobacco. lan -0 dm? irom nni Muiiont »i>f'a and for muc bv lf o J I)AI.ZKLI- it r tr.udcd Tom | JONKV f'l Kl ! - K'ii r, 0 *"- 'jMNNMt- (.'ll.- ?'• .1 Oil. receiving 1 V. , '■)• afki JAMKi DAI.ZELI. \\ ' IM' >\ 01. A** SUi b»« “inn 130 do HUiV, 30 \\ .*•. r-i r.r .1 u.-d If.r *uiM,y »;>i "I VoMIONNHORSTiCo t'l .ATHI- H-< U 5» ih« nfla*, jim n-.-'i, «jiJ fo< -y n| 4 > F Vor[ BoNNItORST ACo 1 >UT V 1 uE^—«Ud »i* recM and for »alc by f a? t ~ TASSEY 4 BEST Claimant*. I \RIED"A IMM.ES- • (»J bbU on bund and f«/ *ale by J J Ui >! ’XfiSHEi’ 4 BK»T_ ImiLL iU‘ i'TEJi—l~ urn* rec-d and for »aie by t, *p* TASSEY 4 BEST LAHD— i 3 ice* on hand ond foriaie by o; l TASSEY 4. BEST LARD OIL—I 3 bbU No I Lanl Oil, for sale by ayt i’ASSKY 4 BEST tAHKKSK— to bxacrcam Chccue. ju»t rec’d and for j -air by ap4 _ H A RDV, JONES fc C 9 CIHI'.E,.K-»t/v vaa lauding and for »&!« by y apt ROUT DALSSELL, Liberty «l_ PEA HI. ASH—23 bbl* (meat son*. 10 arrive; for sale by apt ISAIAH DICKEY 4 Co, Front it ARMSTRONG ft CROZF.R REMOVAL. BICKLESI SICKLKBH Liberty *u oppoiue sth rner Marirt and Water ale 14 Aitr and 3 u. m rhe !>ime wif I irom tne j» H IMot Noti-4 bb!» C«rn bt,:» iVtirj! mnrke.l l). tM-lonftnj to } S» JILNWiK I M fc C Uune, Detv i^yrup. JaME* DAI.ZK.LL •Mi :!•• Hi.'* Pork, sn nore’ and tor »ph J X M KS- HA LZ ELL >ll 'ti i>.« |Ard «Ji.. tn I'.orr and for sale ‘James i>a;.^ei.l APPLES —(JO IIHI iu More: for »a!e by apt « DICKEY 4 Co 1) v' l’*i‘K*» -lv it« ,asi tec'd and lor wile by J) ajd AIIMSTRONU 4 CROZKR ( t BEEN APPLES— 3 bbi* :u*t irc'd and for *alr by \ j[ ARMSTRONG 4 CKUZKR LARI' —f> (ib.* l.nrd. 6 kee* do. ju«l rerM ar.d fur .air by n,.J cAt*2Kß_ K\ E ri.Oi ft -i>» * i )' r lor »* by 4 CROZER T>EACHE> AM' APPLES—I«I »t>» dried Pcache*. I J-. lo do received and lor iale by A u .,., ARMSTRI'.NO 4CROZER ..,,11 m Ti'l-.ll—t rac'd and for »alr by K # r a ‘ aRMSTRuM* 4 CROZER CyORS —jnbuab •liriied Corn, ju»l rec d by J * pj aR.MSTHONU & CROZF.R ™r -" / AIDER—CO bbl- rec ti and for »n!c by A MM STRONG 4 CROMER CIHFKSE- ‘.tXi m> W K Ohec*e. to arrive; for *aie , v J b CAN'EIEU). Water *l, 1 «■ between Mniihfield and Wood ■* * s\ No SCI.AH-U« UUti* priblr. N O Sugar, juit Ccrft*ON--3 baleaCottoo, to arri*e and for ia!e bjr dp3 IBAIAII DICKEY 4 Co, Front »l KOLL HOTTER —10 bblsih store and fornde by BOBT DALZELLiOo 1 Rectified whiskey—w bbU Rectified wiub key, for »-l< IT 'WESTON BOWEN, moil'll I>o front it C’tALABRJA LUiUoRiCE—I7B 1U» jail rec’diodfor j »flle by apd & K BEI,^ER3 I?EATHURa-P<* ski l’sathcrs to arrive and for iale < b£_. “P 3. 18AIAFT DICKEY k Co SUNDRIES —I calc Hceavrax; 1 bbl do; 8 aks Cin a£oki 13 do Flai Seed, 10 arrive and for iale bj a p3 ISAUU DICKEY 4 Co_ CASTOR OIL-1« bblj No l Custor Oil. ju*i ree’d and f(»r isle Vy “pd j KIDD 4 Co PRECIP. CARD. IRON—73 it.* ju»t rccM end for sale by ap3 J Kl DD ft Co_ PLASTERS— it) OOj Sircoatbeoiiu; a nor article, on hand anaior ;y.c p>* *p3_ J KIDD 4 Co i' OlJlNE—»3oi )u*t Tec*d and for *ale by JL ap3 J MDD ACo TOWDE POTASSIUM-73 o: juti rec’d an£ f«j «*le ,.y ap3 J UVDO fb Co Red PRtXIPITATU-iii .41»;a*t rcc’d and for iale i,y »p,t J KIDD 4 Co cpENNESSEE OROt’ND NITS —13 sneki Tenne#* _L «ee(if'iuj"l N>i •, » I’iiitm nnicle. ja«i received on c onttu luucnt and )• r »ulow by H CKO B MILTENBEBOFjR, *P - ’6 bl>H No l Laio; a do Nod.do, to arrive J , a d nj «p 7 MSAUR DJCKEY 4Co XTO '1 MA*'K K H EL— i3y bt>li No 3 Mackerel, in JN I*}?- I .* ■ SfcWIUEBAUOH Feathers— aw*R*« pr o^iiUnoß, jnitlandiniand for -ale by fit 4 Co xncbtS CILOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED—For .ale by j mchSS a F VON BOftN HORST kCo AUCTION SALES. B 7 Jtmci n*E«iuu, Aactlonecr. Sfarijf't Sale of 19 borr>. (W'i nn.i 3Zuut* Boole and . s 4o*.«oi At ■*/ - f* « On Monday i« u. A;>n noon, will b«- m»il •. unfe* v ~ i Sbenffof'r » co«n'\ c-».n [>ry Good*, and ilraie* 1'..... and logon. The ari:<'>» are in t •< ; r>rdrr eea. and ot"coil'- • wiil be 'iimn which are the unr«i an ( fered at public »« !c i' ' .>■ The broad cloth* •* Thi* arrangement c im mere ant tmlors o Some of the art; Me linen; heavy b'o*: rv -». 40 U' • i Hrr Kind cvrT *>l t *uper no«> d-: ■' French pan! t»ingnm*. •o. tumme ( ran.’ I ‘on it de X>to; cam » fockctbciktV »«- » p.ai-i Yicnnas,H'len iri ibis c>iv. llama** mere*; •upernne >’ lm<* mn«:m*, plaid n J did pnni.nl lawn? I »;i • mu.luu; J blpßcttcd tcu«luts; If *‘i : "' r " i.u.r mi'n Uwu. anp »him. ati«'iuOAs yj. .iifc-tm? woo. d)pd b.k Cloth. mi:u‘ Ip ioi iopu-:.- ■.< ydtrxuu and splendid quality l«on-0'i n rloiu ALS( O:ouce»ier Earl of Richmond • - • Duke of Buckingham Queen Eluabrlh t.ad> Anne--- Da nee by • Mi*l'r Wood f'o rnn- lode wnh in-- Miry dinma of valkntim-: t oK!»un Vaem.ne Mr Pitor Or-0.. Mr. Wood. IL/“ Monday rveiimij-W m b«- ihe Cele bris Cciordy of U)Nf>uj\ A>sIK.\NCE, which ha» been wmr mne in ;p-*r;i. m which MRS. '\ H CRI?*P will nj-pe*r. engaged for »U mghu only- ... ....... . ORE AT SATIOSAL PAIHTINO. Panorama of tbe Rattles In Mexico. MUST uOKGEOIS PAINTING IN THE COUN TRY—View. »i‘ ihe ci.icr o ( Mexico and Vent Crux!—Tbt* great Pajnuug which baa been universal ly admired by tbr Uiou»and* who raw it in the Ktut* cm cute*. a* die r>cb«»t and moM splendid in the coun try. will be exhibited at the ATHKN.'EL’M, fora few mghu only, commencing on Thursday ev-ning, Apri l i-ii—ior Uir benefit of tire Widow* and Orphan* dieri who fell m Mexico, and ©or disabled Volairaera. Ticke'» o( admtuiou, stf cent*; i.ed br theif parent*. free, exeiojively for co lored people. . Dtjor* open ' i-7 o'clock preoiwly. An ba&d oi ojuuc will perforin damn* the oiaioiuon a pa To the Honorable, tiu Jutigu of the Court of G*no\ ' rai Quarter Session* of du Peace, in atui for tko County cj AiUghouy. TUE petition 01 \V M’MASTERi*. of the town • hip of Pine, in the roonty aforesaid. humbly theweih, that your petitioner holb provided .'hirn *eif with material* for the accommodation of tra veler* and other*, at hi* dwelling bouse, in the township aforesaid. rui- 1 dai, iMay I, l&iO. Washing, Furl. Light.*. A,- , per session of five months, S73—one half payable in advance; the balance at the dote of the -e»«ion Those taking French lessons wul be charged Slfl ]>er lertion ejctr tt . Book* and Stationery furnished, when rrque-ted. at the espenie of the pupil ALL CLOTHING TO BE DISTINCTLY MARKED. Pupil* furm.h their own towels. It i* very desirable that all *houid be present on Hie first day of the session. For further particulars, enquire of the Principal, at Uk Academy, &r of Messrs. John Irwin A 800, No. 11 \\V.or strict, Pittsburgh. _ npfl:d2w Lota In Birmingham For Sale. THE subscriber offer* im sale four very desirable building I .ou, ettunte on C*i*ou stredl, between Craig and M'Kee atresia. tuthe Borough or Binning bam. These '.„u acc 514 feet in front, and luo ic Seminary, KKWICItLKY. Seiilon of this Insulation will ecu;- 1 manee onTrsanaT f tbe-|«of May. ) Turns—For Boarding aodToiuou, m an/or all ihe Eiijlish branches, B*l3,Wiper session of five months For further cucular* at Messrs. John Irwin A Sons, cdrflfcr-ftf Frcnt utid Ferry streets, or T. H. Nevm A Co., IfM LibQjty street. apAidlw \v*ran«A!f faiKss. PALMKn, HANNA A CO., BlSocecssora Hussey, Uanna A. Co.) ANKKRS, EXCHANGE DROKEKB, and Healers ia Foretcn atwl'Domestic EzcMtnge, Cerufirates SjUtX Notes, anil Specie—■ Fourth street, the llauk of PiUaburglu Current mo ney Wt depoiita—Sight Checks for *aie, and 1 coiwetkms mads on neluly all the ptbcipul poim* Is the : Uahea atates. The highest pieminm paid lor Foreign usd American Gold. Advances made on conitgzuMUU* of Produce, ship ped on liberal ’.cans. a l' a CLOTU BTOHB. RCiDINSON is opening the Urges; imponutum duect of CLOTHS, CASSLXIERKS, VESTINGS asd TRIMMINGS, ejpiessly for this market, which for richness and finish excel any. Post Buildings, corner Fifth and Wood stree>*. CHILLKD UOLLB. TUF, subscribers having purchased ihe aiciuaire ngbt of Harley's Patent, {lately renewed,) for the uranttiicrare of CHILLED SDLLS. Ac. «• to supply all orders at abort notice. , _ . Ad person* are forbid lurniUing ™ ■pfiidlxAwttor BOLLMaNH a garrison. Boarding Wanted, . TN a private family, for a Gen'Jenmu wid his Lady* I who will furnish bis room if .required. Locauca in First or Second Ward of this eity. Addre*. J. By, Box 51, Post office, and give name ami location,which wtl! be attended to- FOR. SALK. 4 FARM wuiftie on l bonier > Crock, m Robtajoir A iown»hip, iboat five mile* from Piu*burgh,cfta f'tminf eeo ocreo, wuh ibe ohowaxicc. Enquire 4f W. O’H BVfJINSON. Attorney it Lev, opOullm Exchange Batlilipjt, St Cloh it Wanted— seuo ib* Dw skio& tewhich the high e»t price to ca»fe wtf l bp driU by petig ‘ ' S&'v uarqaV^U STKAM BOATS. CIKCIHIifI dt PITTSBURGH •> \ i.i i >e fore ».• . High ' bniN ' • -L Every accommodation ana corn fan that mo.icy ran procure. bu been provided fnr p*»- senfrr* The L:ur iiu been in operation for fivo yo»I* ua« cariH a mi.bon of people without the leart mj»* r> 'o ihnr r*-r«m. The bo ail will be U lb« Q»* Of 'V onj mr d*f previous lo starting, for US teccp '■ nO. rrf.jj- aru] tr.e entry °f pasaenfee* on thor«»» u;. In n • in.«g the p**sug« money matt be pud lA a.ivonc- ■ I luuf'taek Ol ted daiiiiiak ta- SUNDAY PACKET. The ISWO .YI.UTuN, Captain HemohiU, jrxll ; Icivc I'iti.l.urgn rri-rv Suuday rooming at 10 o’olOOkj Whco.inc e . cry Sunday evening at ID P. X. Mayj. I-IT MONDAY PACKET. Tbe Ml>.N‘>.\i,AtlFJwK.Caj)i.BToa* | winie4ToPia» bnrrh every Mon.lay morning at 10 o’clock; Wh—ting every Monday evening al 10 f. K. TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIA No. 2, CapL 3. KUHOILTO, Will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday turning al 10 o*eloct; Wheeling every Tuesdof evening at 10 r. r. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 3, Capu 8. Diaa, will ave Pittsburgh every Wedne*day morning a\ 111 clock, Wheeling eTery Wednesday evening atlo*.«. THURSDAY PACKET. The BRIIAJAiVr, Capt Gnaat, will leave PIH»- urgh every' Thursday morning at 10o’clock; Wheeliag very Thursday evening at 10 r. R- FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIP PER No. 2, Capt. Pxxs Duval, will leave Pittsburgh every* Friday morning at 10o*tloek; Wh*e« Uo| every Friday evening at 10 r. R. SATURDAY PACKET* The MESSENGER No 3, CapiWoo&wau, will IAUTC Fituburgh every Saturday morning at 10 o’clock; Wlirelini every Saturday evening at 10 p. r. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINS OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, iJESt. 194 *- gteaM . ■«-.—*'* .pVta etaseow,) Leaves Piuabnrgh daily, at 9 o’clock, A. M., had at ■£ rives at Glasgow, (month of the Sandy and Beaver' Oa* , a nal,) al 3 o’cfoek, and New Lisbon at 11, «*mo night Leaves Ncvr Lisbon atC o’clock, P. &L, (making the trip canal to the river daring the sight,) and Glasgow at 9 o’clock, A. M-, and amvea at Pittsburgh at 3 P, gi. thus ?"»innff a continuous line (hr carry lnvpas •enger* and freight between New Lisbon and Pitts burgh, in shorter rime and at less rates than by any i other route. Tie proprietors of this Lino have the pleasure of in forminfi the pablic that they have fitted op two first elasa Cano] Boats, for the accommodation of passengers and freight,* to fan in connection with the well known steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and connect* log, at with the Pittsburgh and -Qnobv. nati and other daily lines of steamers down the Out and Mississippi rivers. Tbo proprietors pledge them.- selves to spore noezpeoreor trouble to insure con* fort, safety and dispatch, and ask of the publto a shale of Uretr patronage. AUTHORIZED AGENTS. f"”**”** faffijontco. NOTICE*—'Th« Rennet HEAVES,C. EttnarkOriua let, will leave after this notice, for paneta* ally; *^ Haakp, maatax, will laava for abo**. SHIBBSEBBaud intermediate perta on day, at 10 o’clock a. la. For freight or passage apply on board, or tft ' BU&BRIDGE, WILBON A CA. ap i GEO B MILTKNPBK6E>. PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET UNH run ~ tv The a«w and. splendid fsstpaiaen* *” ‘“'tELECRAFH No; % njSQEßsi&HtoMasoti, master, will leave for Cincm aati and Lomsrilla on TSni*day v the fob ia*U at 19 o'clock, A. M- For freight ot|>ai*agß apply on board, u BURBDJDGE, WILSON k. Co, or GEO B MILTENB BROKE. Louisville ud Bt* Louis ilM. ‘ 184©. H*f« REO ULAR TUESDAY PACKET ?0R BT. LOUIS l. The ftno ful miming' punsfe , jfr rtf amor ATLANTIS, iaCROSSRS Geo. W. Wieka, master, will lea** ■■HEsSsUSlac the above and Intermediate ' every Tqesday, at 10 o’clock, a. «- ,^3 Far Wight or pwuc apply on board, or to E. O. KING, No. 153. Can. Rot*. marS-d6ra Louisville. REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET FOR BT. LOUIS _ r _ Tbe fine fast ninain* passenger . steamer GEN. LANE, rgSigjfefij&A. McPherson, master, will leave for ■■SSESSSaBdie above and intermediate pons eve ry Saturday, at 10 o’clock, t. X. For freight or passage apply on board, or to E. C. KING, No 153 Com. B'— y*S3i* Mr llootu Mr Ox lev. Mr. ?ikor ■ Mr*. M»di#c Minn Porter Th ' .ptauUJ fr.* nmnmg inmn JjggE&X™"’ ■>» ar .J intermediate pom on Toe*- day, the lOih in*L at)^o'clock. For freight or apply on board, or to _»Pi JW BUTLER & BRO-, Agena . F oi BT. LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER. k kTbo that running Mima . PENNSYLVANIA, ijKSgxpSS R C Gray, master, wiU lean* and intennediaia porta on XM day next at 10 o’clock. A. M. ■. -u--- For freight or paasare apply on board or to ..... apT /NgWTQN JONES, Af% FOB CINCINNATI. The fioo steamer I /TTTiI WYOMING. IdSCgCgflK T Rogers, matter, wiU leave (or the ■HBSBSEOV above and intennednJb pons oalhia day, 7th ln»t, at 4 o’clock, r a. For freight or passage apply on board or to ap7 OSO B MILTKNBERGBJt,Agt .grrjh Th "’ p, 'lMSs^ tp *' to hrft»3gtTPgt Calwell. master, will leave as above nflUEßSaicii Priday, 6th lost, at 10 o’clock, a X- For freight or passage apply on board, or to ap& PETTIGREW A Co, Ayts k The splendid passenger packet i 11, f i a.CAMBRIA, Ladtow, master, will teav» tor the —w- intermediate pose on Baht nrday, 7th inst, at lOo’cloek, as. For freight or passage apply on boaxd. or to, aps Pt-aTiGRgW A Co, Agts • fek. The splendid new steamer > ft- if ‘|iff E. W.STEPHENS, naster, will leave for the aboVtf Intermediate pons ftn Friday^ at tOo’ctock. a. x. For freight or passage apply on board, or to apt J NEWTON JONES, Agt ' FOft STV Lours. k The gee fast rasninr steamer - ft. . ROBERT FULTON, Collier, matter, will leave Cor above tHSCfIEESUBajiii intermediate ports this day, 6th. For freight or passage applpoa Ward, or to apd PfcTTIGBEW A Co. Aft*. REGULAR ZANESVILLE PACKET. " ~ The fine Meaner JBNNYLYND, My bargb and Zaoeaviile —leaves Pittsburgh vrerjr Tnif*- day. For freight apply jo BAKER A PO&SYTO, A*t«, No 41 Wai.ru FOR ST LOUIS AND MrSSOUHTRTVEhI rv ZT^ l6 «pleat}id.siea®e» [fL i. r .J? DIADEM, IsraeL muter, will Itare for *&ore BBEBBSSIfiBand intermediate pom oh Wadoeadif 4th inti at lt> o’clock, *. u. For frcijjlji or pass**e apply an board, or to PETTIGREW A Co, A(to TtoDMdnuj* point direct to Independent, f-7 Regular Saturday Kr«niD« Faaket FOR CINCINNATI. jESfit "’■■•firs&ssr _R^aIIKO» And HockingjNWt, and interncdiato landing^ BkStSSaßaporu every Tuesday, at Wo'etoefc, a " ' 1 -~ipply on board. dacY*-i°y for Nashville i ' k The iplendid (teaser , EUPHRATES, dSHSffwa Celhoon, master, will leave ferahnr* RSUSSKiSBand intermediate pom oa this jav the ajth mat, at 10 e’olooh, a. a. ’ For freight or passage apply oa board, or to «P»3 PETTIGREW* Co-Ait. DISSOLUTION. • 1 • ri-IHK lira or HUSSEY. HANNA* Co. is this day J. dissolved, by J. ii. Hussey telling hU interest in tkesame. AH boameas connected with ihatnnwitt t>e settled l>y Us saccesaor*. Palmer, Hanna * Co. J. O. HUSSEY, JOSHUA HANNA. WBJ. K. HART. Ealmer having purchased the interest of j. o. Hat*eyThiL* «r»7r M » u « a***! , Uaan ® > ibo basinets will b»/ contWaad at the old stand, under tha style of PalvAr, ffanns A co - ' 'Waterman palmezl , JOSHUA fIANNA, wm. nuAgr. T)"Hauq nbv direct • A iron the manufacturers toNawYwL r ttiladel ptua acd Baltimore, a lam and well reledte/. a*sort oent of all the latest and inert ■lmproved s*//i«s6fsa tfn, rlaied and common PAPER con sisting c(— • 10,000 pieces of Parlor and FreOeoj “ Hall and Col* ,mn, IQjOBQ ** Dining-roaTj, chrusbef and often Paper—whieii i would party ff i«riy invite the aUentton of those having booses td/japer, t»eall't4Ul«XUßlns, at the Paper of S. C. HILL ap3 07 WOOflf ■» Ql r NDaiE&-3r i , bbl. N O-Motawe* O IWO3 Baep- a hoc ro^-nii <0 \tKt laxje lM*«keTtt 15 <> it g do ’.O “ u . 85 “ oar* Fla*** B*l 8 * 1 ‘ h ' '* <* „ * Bir- Coro Broonm la atm® and fex Ui.bT joun Watt, Lib.nr« FOR NASHVILLE. FOR LOUIS VILLE. FOR ST. I