The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 07, 1849, Image 1

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ARMSTRONG &CROZF.R, CoiniflUiioc Mer?haim
u>d Dealer* in Produce. NS. 22 Market wren
PittahoTf h;_ 1 - e ?’/
I ‘ ItAl*.
BUt*HFIELD & rIAYP, Wbole«alr denier* in Dry-
Good*. Groeerie*, Boo«», Phoy*. Ptiudiursh tnanu
factored article*, Ax., No 2to Liberty vtrecL . Pjtu
rubiucx BEAT*.
BRAUN Jt REITER, .* holctaarSCW Retail I)rng
ri«u t cornet of LU*clty and SfcXJlAir *treets. Puu
bnrffi, Pa. • __ u»ayl4
cclbxktsos, _ ■ B. * ieowx-
QROWN if CULBEHTSON, Whotfl'wlfl Groeeo.
I*l and Comreittiog Merchant*. No, 115, Liberty »t,
Fa. dcpll L
a. Fahnestock and n*-
• tail Dnig(n«u, ebtTier‘Wood attfldb at*. jyl _
B-GAL&Y H, SMITH, \vioies/do Grocer*, 1h or.d
20 Wood aireet Pittsburgh.' * / __
CA. MeANGLTT fc Co.. Kohrarding amf Com
• rotation Merchants, Canal tpain, Paulm^h^Pa.
vk. b. Ertiusit, ~ ITljces i. &ii«ftw t-
ENGLIBH A BENNETT, (law Rngl>*hi Gaßaeber
* Co.) Wholesale Oroecra, WBunksiOit ami For
warding Merchant*, and deoJe.ri.ip Produce and Pm*,
burgh Manuiaeiiiw, No. 37 Wood and
3d atreeu. Y • -octl
George COCHRAN, Conna«»ion and PnrWardinß
Merchant, No. 20 Wood bjitgh. myl7, (raoeeoor to Mnrpbr &l#oe,} Wool .Deal*
. er and Commission Merchant, for the sale of
AmeriemaWooten*, Liberty,opposite 6th s» febl7
wx. main, Bainraoio.
A. i. tCCESOa, ZDWAXD HXjOJJ, 1 nv: ’
D. c. x’CAKXOS.JOBSA. WABiqeis V
MEALGA Commi.*»toQ Mer*
cnaatt,4l' North-Wil&r it; AIC North Wharves,
t • _^no«3o>tf
raaiAH iactrr. ~ ~ 'hosictr r—s Et. jp
--- DfCXEf, JB,
TBAIAH DICKKY 4, Co- Wholesale Ginccts* Com-
I miuioa Merchant*, and dealer* to Prodooe, N0*.58
Wiier, and 107 From atreau, Pimbargfa. f»ovfl
TOHN WAIT, («ueee«or to Etraii & GebbarU
t| Wholesale Grocer ' ond Conutiiasion »Meicbant,
dealer in "Produce and Pittiburfrh Mttnnfaeturcs, ebr
ner of Liberty %nd_H«indJ«treeia, PftUbaryh Pa. jai»
JAMES 8 RIcGUIHIi) (late of tWEnn of A!*ro and
MeGuixe,) Merchant Pallor, 8L Charles Buildincs,
Thud street, near _ . .. _
JAMES A- HUTCHISON, A -Co.—Sucrewera to
Lewii Hntchiion A.Co-, Commission (tlerqaama,
end Agcntt of the St jwnu* Steam "Sugar Refinery.
No. 4» water and 93 frufli streets, Pißsbbnrh
JB. DILWORTII £ foo., WTiolesAle Grocers, Pro*
•I # duee and Ccmmiekiou Mercbalu*, «tul 4gcnu
for the Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y-, No yj Wood at,
Pittsburgh. _ _ ■ . ;
JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist- and deal
er in Dye Btnfls,Paiat&, Oils, .Vamiskes,Ac.,No.y3
Wood street one door South of Diamond Alley t Piu»-
burgh. )* n l
JAMF« KERR, iti'aC Co- (successor io .fu»eph G.
Davis,} Ship Chandler*,» water street. cr3l
1 OHN IL MEL LOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer
»| in Music ondMuaicpi. luztnuoouu, School Bools,
Paper, Slates, Steel Pena, Quills, Printer*' ntid
Stationary generally, No. SI Wood ft., Pittsburgh.
Jpp Rag* bought oritAken in trade. **pJ3
JBCHOONMAKER A Co- Wholesale Druggists,
* No. gt Wood
JOHN D. Auctioneer, comer Silt and Wood
itrenia, Pittsburgh. ocu-
JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Bookseller*, Printers
and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market su, Puw
burgh. * jed
JA R. FLOYD, (late J. Floyd A C 0..) Wholesale
_* Orocera, No. lWJAberty streeL *cps
JAMRyt DaLZELL, Wholesale Grocer. Cc’nuni**ion
Mei chant, and dealer in Pit/dude and Puuburgh
Manufactures. N 0.34 Water Pittsburgh. ;anl«i
TT* IER A JONES, Forwarding agd-Commission Mcr-
IV chants,Dealers in Produce andpiuaLurgh piaua
faetnrod artieles, Canal Ba*in. ne‘ar*flT»t d2l
Vesuvius Iron WoHu.
T EWJS, DALZELL-t Co-, manufdcturerv of all si-
I i gesßar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Ntul« of the best
quality» .Vfajeboose, 64 water aqd 103 front fee
janlS-., ; • .
T B WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward-
AJ* in* and CcmtaUriOß Merchant, Dealer ui Pitts
burgh Manniaetiiros and Produce, Nos. 31 Water *t.,
and oa Front r. . ys>
johs rau. iXa. u. aranj- ix. an*-
MeGlLl£ A Grocer* and Commis
sion Merchants, No. 124 Liberty *t-> Pittsburgh,
jsd • .
VfURPHY, WILSON A CO., (lato Jones, Murphy A
.LvJI Co.} in Dry Goods, No. in
Wood street, Pittsburgh. novttl_
xl At.l.gH, alu. static*, .wi. *. mafic*-
TLJ ALLEN A Co., Commission. and Forwarding
JLU.4 Merchants, Water and Front sis., botwren
Wood and Market sta. janti
wa. sm.Lita, c. w. Rtcxvrson.
Vf ILLER & RICKETSOX Wholesale Grocers and
IyJL Commission Merchants, No. 17(1, Pius*
Dargh, pa. jtmll
T^ - HOLMES A SON, No. 53 Mhrkpt «t-, seeoud
J-V , door from cemrr of Fourth, dealers m Fbreign
and Domestic Utile of Exchange, Depos
it, Bank Notes and Specie.
Collections mad on ail tbd pruicipal cities
throagbout the United States. ' Jccl7
EGBERT M.OOEE, Wholesale-Otwjex,
i DiAiUer, dealer In Produce, Pmabnrjh Mtguuae
tsres, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wine*
and Ldqtors, No. ULlbertr axreeu Qa hnu<J fl very
lam stock of superior old Moao&gohefn whi*k«y,
which will be sold low Cor cask. ft|>
BOpZST H 0815503, &AMCIU. ». KOflr.tSOJt.
T> ROBINSON 4 Co- Wholesale Grocer*, Produce
■ »- and CocumaatoaAlcrcbnaia, and peaitts in Pitts*
burgh Manufactures, No. ISO J-ibctty st, Pittsimrßh.
Pa. juilO
■'•'mnu** id v
Wholesale Grocers,
j\j Commission ana Farwarduig Merchant:*, dealer*
a Produce and. Pilisbarsh Manufeciures, Liberty si.
Ptmborgh, Pa. __
T>OBT. A, CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer>
XV Dealer Id Produce and Pitutburgh Maxtufaciarea,
No. M 4 Liberty m. ' jyl-
REYNOLDS A BHEE, ForwaHutgand Commission
Merehants, for iho Allegheny River Trade, deal
era in Groceries, Produce, Hmburgh Manufacture*
and Chloride of ■
Tl»higheatprices, in cash, paid at all timet for coao
try rags. Corner of Peun anu Irwin ata. /an:3
SMITH A JOHNSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers
in Millinery Goods, Laces, Hosiery :t«d Fancy
Articles, No 46 Market street, 3d coor- Third si,
Pittsburgh. t , - . aptM
a. c. juAcurn, im*. » wmu*.
OHACKLETT & WHITE, Wholesale Dealers ln-
D Foreign ml Domestic Dry Goods. N 0.119 W ood st.
Pittsburgh. leblrif
Q k \Y. HARBAGGH, Wool Merehanis, Dealers
o , in Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding
mil Commission Merchants, Ro. 53 Water *u, Pitts-
QMmii BAGALEY fc Co., Wholesale Grocers an«
O Produce deaier*,Nn. 223 Market street, between Glh
and flUt, North side; Philadelphia. nose
» oJjjStsT rnrsBiTHOU. ions xjciiolk, kakti^mj.
Sellers Js NTCOLS. Produce and General Com
i mission Merchants, No. 17'Liberty si., Pittsburgh.
Bperm, 1 anseed and Laird Oils.
o F. YON BONNHOBST, A Co_ Wliblesaic Oio*
O- cars, Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
Dealsrs in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Pro*
4see, have removed to their new warehouse,(old stand)
No. 35, comer of Front st and Chancery Lane...
ntrvv _
W. J. TOOTH. , T. 7. SCOTT
W. J. TaOTll.
TROTH A SCOTT.. Wholesale and Retail dealers id
Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags Ac., S. W.
o reef oMlh and Smithteld tto, Pittsburgh, Pa. _jh3_
mASSEY A BEST, Wholesale Grocers, and Commit
1 aion Merchants, and dealers in Produce. No. 36
Wood It, Pittsburgh. __ _ __
tasn ft. vna. ii*vu» wcxsiilbss.
HriCK A 7 M*CANDIEBS, (sueccssoritoL-A J.D
W Wick,) Wholesale Groeert, Forwarding and
Commission flferchaats, dealers in Iron, Nans, Glass,
Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactores generally,
»pr—r of Wood and WateT «Treela, Pitubtircn.
•air EffT HOW!EN i -Conitmuion and Fonvnrdin*
YY Merchant, No. 95 Freni st between Wood and
Market streets. »'cb24
WW. WALLACE, Mill stone and >Wi Puraish
• in* establishment, No. £44 Liberty sl, near the
' yV tyiCftOfjr~beaier in Watches, Jewelry,
W . BUrer Wore, Military Goods, A<„ No. 57 Mar
ket st .. t 10 ? 7
WR. MUtTPTrV, Wholesale and R*tiu! dealer in
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. north east
comer of Market and Fourth st*. _ j»ug2i_
w w Toons, iso. kT itfctrex.
TTTM. YOUNG A Co.—Dealers in leather hides, Ac.
W 143 Liberty ft
wiLSteicaiDl *' - _ ao ? T. >i‘cy»ru*os-
W WU ‘ * 4 ft. M'CUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, dea
.Mere l#Produce, Iron. Na»u, Glass, and Puts,
burgh Manufactures generally, t&i Liberty £ ,tu '
ffir* WWtEsgSrW^e.,Jewel?7.>t i ve> Ware.
W, wrfhaiitaryGoods, coroerof Aiaraetaod4ih
total Piniborgb) s. mjCfek.
fcarefallr repaired, ... . .1. ....
‘lirUdOAM BMETH, MannUctwer o{
W oolwd Linen,'Fringes for Dre4s**,Ar., _ewutg
Ski and colored Cotton Fringe* for >«!h and gingham
puuo!t Gimp, Mobafa, and Silk U » )«■" Fringes,
KoSwilHi.lll uni At .-.CIA », •
carCoNoCS Mnidgn Lane New^JlcPaJu
Fourth street, entrance on 4th near
dee6-dt£ - •
YoHiTB. TowN3ian), Dmerail uj aimjmjji,.
bonk, will hitr ennitaoUr oabaftd * »*-
KnmonofUo beau! freio-l
,ihp moot rcwoctble tonp>
knrintng orders, will tie promptly sfieflced to, and np
. gfodagb anielec they npnr r«sy ufroa *>* „ .
r Physicians Prescriptions will be an**
; neaUr prepared from the best mssefiaJa mtr.f tumrvf
ho day or nigfaL .
Also for safe, a Inrrfr stoek of frerh sf<4 vonA P«rfo
smrr.-' , jsn)
' AOKTIMkS to masufacture MbhuroenUi Banal
, \j Vanlis, Tombs, Head. Btones, Mann.! p»««fos, Geo-
tre and. of foreign aud dcaeibe mamVc, w
a rtgaiuhwl; fair price. ,
N. Bv;Drawing l for moasiacau, >r«slt.c, Ae.-iarsnsh
ed, of anydesenjmon. He a *tar< ttf yv'JU
patronage. , aig^-dif
‘ "
.rVPZBALMIO 9UBGEON, will aaecu u the treat
• 4, vj aentof .Disease* of the Ere..
Di r ;B. has .been engaged in this hfenci u <
eal arofotsioa for sixteen years, andfcu euwfbcitd au
establishmeot for the treatment of disease* of the rye
alone for aetind years.
1-, • ' Omcs and residence, comer of Sai.fiaiky •>. »~3
. . Btrawbeny aUey, Allegheny city. men)
■ st, near Wood—All quahUtlet of Often kaC
i Black Teas, done up in qOaiwr, half, and
VWpound pspkages. rearing froth 00 pis. ‘per pound
flAfl. IK A. JAYNSd. Art Tea Co.
lademndsnt Polled OfHce.
lO6 FoCrTH STREET.—fcaaroituiiy Man*
AY tram, AtDxsjua firm. Chief of police. Rn«w
Haan, j«lo-d3m
(IOLKMAN, HAILMaN ACO continue to muuu
j factore Small Iron. SpnngandAm Nr-.
Plough. Pork utid Hoc Steel. Rivets. Spike* »nil \\ ro t
Iron Nuts, all sites, together with Coach and
Spring*, hlf Pat, Taper and common Axle*
Hiving reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nut,
engine t.uilderrand others using the articlr. will |n,<i
it to thbir iruercst ta give thi* ncwbranch qf Pitts. >urcii
manufactures their attention.
< oaclt trimming* and maicable iron on libcrnl i-rm-
Warehouse on Water and Fourth «i». felivs* tt
1 r KINEDV, CHILDS & CO., Manufactutrrs o: very
fiiperinr 4-4 Sheetings, Carpet Cham. Cotton
■J wme-and Ratting. jaltO-iy
Duqhesae Spring* Axle, Steel and iron
COLEMAN, HAILMAN A Co. manuftirturem oi
Coach and Klipuc Springs,
Spring and Plough Steel. Iron, Ac. Warchou-e on
Water and Front *treets, riusbargh.
Also, dealers inj Coach Trimmings juwl Malleable
Castings. only
NBUCKMASTEIt, AbDEaaun —Office, Fotmli si.,
• third door above Smithiiold. south *nir.
Conveyancing of all kipds done with the greatest
enre audlegal accuracy.
Titles U: Real Estate Ac. ort3u-ly
'AM. MITCHELTREK, Wholesale Grocers
• Rectifying Distiller*, and Wine and Liqun.
Merchant*. Also, Importers of Soda Ash and Bleach
ing Powder, No. ICO LibeHy street, Pittsburgh, I'a.
HAMILTON STEWART, manufacturer of Hritvy
Skirtings, Checks, Ac., Rebecca street, city of
Allegheny. .novls-<IJ y*
Omu *bovk M. xux.i iu,
BHB3»tMBSaI oct3l N0.41i Water siren.
The Irrattidui Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia.
I DIRECTORS—CharIes N. Bancker, Thomas ilari.
I ) Tobias Wagner. Samuel Grant, Jacot< R. Sumii,
Gee. W Richards, Monlecui D. Lewi*. Adolpho E
Bone, Duvid S. Brown, Morris Patterson
CiutßLXs N. Bx->cxxa. Presidcm.
Charles O'. Bancker. Secretary.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description of property in town or country,
at rates as low us are consistent with security.
To Company have reserved a lane contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest
ed, afford ample protection to the assured.
The assets of tne company, on Jnnuary Ist, l**4W. a*
published agreeably to an net of Assembly, were as
fellows, viz;
Heal Estate-
Temporary Loans
Cash, Ac
Since their incorporation,* period of 19 years, they
have paid Upward* of one million four ImmJrpd thous
and loucs by fire, thereby affording evidence
r f the advantage* of insurance, as yell a* the ability
und disposition to meet with, promptness all liabilities
marl-dip Office N Ecorner Wood anq 3d si*
JOHN FTNNKY. Jr.. Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del
aware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phil
adelphia. Fire Utah, upon buildings and merchandise
ot every description, and Manna Risks upon hulls or
cargoes of ves.cJa, taken upon the most favorable
. terms.
{; r~ G£ce to the tVarehouse of W. B. Holme* A Bro ,
No. 3? Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N. B.—The success of this Company since the estab
lishment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt
ness and liberality with which every claim qpon them
for lom has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in
inviting the coniidenee and patronage of his friends and
the community at large to the Delaware AL S. Insu
rance Company, while it has the additional advantages
us auiusiiiciiou among the most flourishing m Philadel
phia—as haring un ample paid-in capital, which by the
operation of its charter is constantly increasing, as
yielding to each person insured hi* due share the
profits of »he company, without ui'olving bun in any
responsibility whatever, and therefore as posjes.'inc
the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious iru
lure, and in its most attractive form novt
T'HE Insurance Company of NorUi Amenca. in rough
its duly authorized Agent- the subscriber, odere to
make, permanent and limited Insurance on pro pen). in
this uny and its vicmny, and on shipment* by the Ca
nal and River*.
Arthur G Codin,
Sam’t \V. Jones,
Edward Smith
Jotm A Brown,
John Wfctoe.
Thomas P. Cope,
Samuel P. Smith,
Suinuel Brooks,
Cborlei T&ylqr,
Ambrose VVbiir.
Jat ob M. Tbonta-S
Jwf.n R. Ned'.
Kicliard 1) Wood,
Win. \VeJ»u,‘
Fnnuca Hoakens
Au*un AUibone,
ARTHUR li. COFFIN, l*re»'i.
[{few D. Bqxruib, Sec'y. _
Thu u lie oldest Insurance Company in the United
Suite*, having been chartered iu 1794. Its charter is
perpetual, ana from its high standing, long experience,
ample means,and avoiding*ail risl»of tui extra haz
ardous character, it may be considered as offering am
ple security to the public. W. P JONES.
At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones A Co., Wa
ter and Frout street* Pittsburgh. mnylj
>UIE A9D UAaUliriXfiPIUKtE. ~
Protection Unuranee Co. of Hanford, Coon.
J FCNlA—Tttu undersigned. haring been appoiuted
Agent of the Protection lai'uranee Co., will nr re n»i»
on property in the city and vicinity, and on shipment*
by canal, and the nver* and lahe*.
Office, No It:" Wood street
ri'HE SUBSCRIBER haa been appointed Aueiii pro
X tem. of (he insurance Company of Norm Ainer..u.
and will issue Policies and attend to the other Ou«me«*
of the Agency, at the warehouse of Atwooil, A
Co > apta WM. P.'JONKs water »i
e. s. DAMKnmiwaa, j. muauiomni.
CUAItLEbk- dAseshowkr CO.
No. 50 Wharves, No. 117 South Water n.
BEGS to tafurm the tnuiu and dealer* generally, of
Pittsburgh, that they* nave made such arrangements
with the Virginia manumeturers and the Growers of
Lite West, West Indies, Slid other places, as Will insure
a largo oAd constant supply of the following descrip
tion* of mibocco, whies will be sold upon as accora
modaungrtenns a* any other bouse m ini* city or else
where, and all goods ordered Irotn them will b« wur
renlcd equal to representation:
St. Domingo; - Conn.; ~l
• Yarn; Pom Rico; Penn‘a.; >3eed Leaf u»-
Culvi; Igrnnii ,A Florida; J banco,
Ai^SG—Branch's eelebnued Aromatic Stag Cavet>-
di*h, with a large oasorimdnt of ether popular brands,
ana qualities af pounds, sid es, 12s, 16s arid 22i, Lunip;
Jt, ft, r* and 10* Plug, Ladies' Twist; Virginia Twist,
i«.. sweet and plain, in whole Oitd half boxes, wood
and tin. together with every variety of article belong
tng to ine irade. jeKidty
(Successors to Reed, Hard A C 0..)
Parucular attention paid id the sale of all kinds of Pro
duce, and Liberal advances made on consignments.
, L U- A Co. have leave to refer to—
Messrs R. Robison A Co. i t. m , bnr »h
*■ MrtiiU & Roc, j rairtnu*"-
Reed, Parks A Co n Beaver,
** Lawson A Covode, Welimiie, O
Boswell Marsh, Esq. SteabenvtXle, O
8. Brady, Esq. ]
W F Peterson, Esq 1 . .
K Cronjie RCo ) «T»« «*F ■'■
*■ <>til A bloat, J
*• Rhodes A Bridgeport, O
dee27- dAwoaaylflS
(Late of Pittsburgh, Fa.,)
No 33 Sooth Water su, (between Chesnut A Market.)
P~/* Particular attention win be given to sale* of
Floor and Produce; and any purchase* in the Phila
delphia market for western account, and airy Produce
or Merchandise sent to Mm through Mr. C. 11. Grant
of Pittsburgh, will have attention there free ol coinnus-
MOn for receiving hod forwarding. mar'idif
CommiixioD Serchaat and forwarder,
TT7* ParticuUr auecuon paid fo the purehating of
of any article of Prodoed ln this market Also to the
forwardmg of Goods generally. Refer to
Messrs. John Swasey A Co.'i
u Mania A SjDckweli VCineionati, O.
H. C. Parkharst, Esq. j
Lippineoti A Co. "j
Kier A Jones, >PiUsbirrgh, Pa
Kngliafa A Bennett. 3 mar“:dCm
OKOHGB COCfflOiS. -- **
GominJasloa and Forwarding Scrchant.
so. 26 wood rmmntcH,
CtONTINITER toaransaht a general Commission bp *»-
/ ness, especially in the purchase andaale of Arae.'i
cau Mnnofuctures and Produce, aiul in receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned to hi* care. As Araujo r
the Munu/aciufr*, bo will bo eoriilantly supplicowft. l
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufactnro at the
itiwert woolesale prices. Orders Sad consignments
gro respectfully solicited. K)7
MERi:UANDIBEB»OKKK aiid'coraroiMion Mer
chant. N<» 33 Bouth Front street, (second story.) ;
Flilfadvipbia. |Lf"Goods purchased, packed, insured,
s/>4 suippvd to order. ;FJour, Grain, Dried
Fr«j« *»ao fheese rresivedon coueignraeni and •tor
age, with insurance obtXioed
■ (tggKSxacca—Wm. Beil A Hon, Mr. 11. IRgby, and
Air. Harvey Childs, PiUsqurgb. fobrdym _
pmiWKDiku Afiu coiiams™ beecumt,
DCAl.lill 1.-J
trmAf S»M»» 4 Pittsburgh
Hm«<M «**#*■ wiurtlix,
ft,, L<J w tun, »TM!ir> r MOWUWII, f*.
tfKUV&Ui IitUWHRUa *. CO.,
\rr tu*A« *?»
HSst-j*** l ** . ; - -■
foHtaiMls'/sfiV/eJwwiiVw 4b#!i. s&nM£r «ssr ■&
j »a>inL3>*M‘rv <nii* "“** J
“ ‘ifWWM* fe -
D -
WM Tl Mil LIN,
Hulirr, Pa
-\\ni.L .'.n and .i. n.i.rr
fY ne«* eninismd in i,itu in lluiier and Arm-irmig
rmji'tve*. P.a Ur»e r to
J A R Flovd. Liberty -t .
W \Y W'a.mre, do ,
Jsme« M<tr*>iiiil ' I'itut'Utcii
Kny A Cn . Wood .t ■ jin,:
I H >V' 111/H.K. Att.irnn »: ! .;i''v v iiili<''- I.J «i
*J » ..i-p..-itrH ,e. |i<> i:. '.url-V w..:»!m>
ui!e:;,t protnplb. t<> • oiirrtion. m \\ a.-i l r,*um''K,i;, ••‘.ir
and Green countie*, pn
it;*, k.toet, IteP A j
« niireti A Carmhers. .pm.i.nrrn
D T Morgan. S
•1' J HENRY. Au.mirs „.| ,-oui.i-e' ;*r nt I.««
-Tj. Cmeimiau, t ttun. t rm.'it im,« in Nnr.iir ru tHi m.
runl ir Indiana. and nt K<-:itui'it prompt:)' mid cure
Inliy uttcoded to t'otmiu**umef :t.r tne Stntr of I’etia
sylvanm. lor taking l)ri>o*iu*>ii», Bi , kiio%%’l**iSirtiieiit*.
Ac. ie
Refkr ro— Hon Wm FU-;: A Son. Curin. Church *
CarolhiTv Wtn I|ay«. 1->i| . U tiiors A Duvi* Kin
4 TTOFINT.Y AT Law iifh.-e rmiovr.l t., Fm.nh
ax ‘ircet, between Snuthfic d and Grant .fee;
JAMES tH'NU't*. * J II * KElSo* M l
Dl.’M.t •!' A Si;WKU.. nttomry hi [.aw. Other* ott
SmittihcM. between :id tmd 4th *:»
JOHN H RANKIN. Attorney audl'our.srrat Law
and t"i.mlitt-iir 'nr li.r State o: 8.-nn-> i; nmn
I-out-. Mo., Gale of Pittsburgh.!
Rkfkulm ks I‘uisMirvlr Hon 'V Forward Hump
on A M.ller. M'CnndleM A M Ciutr. Joltn 1. Parke.
A >eu,ple. M'Lord A King "'I t I >
i TfiiRNKY AT LAW. Fourth
A Simthlir'.d and ('.'rant
4 rruRNFV AT LAW, Fourth fir-et. near « .rant
A jii t-o I y
"\I r O (1 ROIMNStiN Attorney hi Law. hi* re-
YV » moved ln« otiire to the Krr>ian:re Bunding-. ML
Chair »t . nest door to A'd'-finm Jolms. aplTly
THE «üb«eriber. in addition to lu* own
manufacturing of Hal*. Has nuuie arrange- /g
with Messrs Bebee A Co., < the must
lasluofrti Me hatlrr* of'.he ct'.y of New York.) torn reg
ular <tip|*.y of his ritrn fine Silk Hut*, nnd having just
received u few ca»r«, gentlemen can he -uued will h
very rirfi and bcauuiu l hni by calling nt in* new Hhl
and Cup Store. KraithLeid street, sreomt door *omti ui
Fourth, where may be found u great vnrieiy c>niai«
attd Crtp« i>i his own nianuiacturo. wliinctiiie ami rr
lail llau made to order on »linrl none--
apii WII^ON
M’coiua *■ co. t /3iS±
JOB tSuroronn lu M't’mit 4 Kind t£Se5L
•*4 Fnalilottablc Matitri,
Conner of Wood izrtul Fifth Street*.
PARTICULAR atteni-on paid to our Retail Trade.
Gen*.emeu ran rrly u|>mt ref-nt ttfir Hut* and
Cap* from our K*tutdi»hmem ot the B»a suit HHI als and
womxA.ismr. of Uir utost *rifi.*». and m me lowest
iNiufltnr Merchants, f>are!ia*inc by wholesale, are
rmpeetiu.iy iiivile .! to «a.i and 'isiiimr our Slock, as
we can *nv with eoiiftdener that as regard* M.m
end J KICR. it wib not *uifer ut a comparison wu.’i any
house m I’hiiadr!|dua. febl7
4Ha’!'S. CAP?* AM) MUKFs-The -gsg.'
subscriber i* ru>w'rrceivmg from the W|B«g4
city oi New York, a choice »**onroi'ntT
of Hats. Caps and Muffs, latest fashions, in great varie
ty and vor\ cheap, wiiulrjmr and retail
novt3 SmjthfieiJ *1 "id door south of 4in
,—5. CALIFURNIA HATS-l- doz water proot
/ jg Caitlofiua Hat*, just received and fur ‘ale t>v
M'Ci ‘HD A Co
ieh*J7 r-ornet .bn und U ood «t.
/ a MVOKIt 4Co win tiuiortcrr on Satur- / g
March 3d me Spring «t'.le of HATS
Tlto-e in want of a neat ir,.l Mjjirrim hat. are mviiea
81.M7.439 41
94.7 M 63
•XI.UOL tfo
IKS-04 S 7
81.3*\4S)t1 71
Ur. Koie'i Cdebnitril Ktmrdiu.
DR.JACOHS Ku-K. in- d..,...erer and «oie pro
i -1:: •- and m-o In- it vrr..i-: «•: i r.rt.ra*ed
me lor intiuliuit in- 1...i«■ m a rurr M di-cit-rv tv a* n .*f that einmni: pu . •
I)..rtnf |*iiy-iC. and i» a g raduaie of tn- l nivct.i
tv of rrmi'v.vtiniu. ai.d lor rh.rty ) cars s.m e tin- :>rrn
Through the u*e oi u:« inflating tube. ~-i connect on
wiu» hi* Fropfiy iueljc Syrup and ot.vr i>i m» u rn-d.-*.
lie ha* gamed an unparalrdcd eminence in curing
IhO'c dreadful and latal maladies. Tubercular i'oh
oompuon, Cancer*, Scrofula. Rhcumaii-iii, a*:l.i:i;i
Fever and Ague Frvcr» of mi kind •. Chrome Kr>«ij>c.
ia». and nil those obstinate diseases pee altar to leniaic*.
indeed every form of dinru-e vaiii-n-* under the u*e
of tus winch humanity i» heir—not by the
u*r of one compound on.y. tor that :« ircnmpauMe
wiui Fhyuwogtcal Law. i m hy me use of lw« inn'-
dies, adupted to and prescribed for each pcru.iar lorm
Ur Rose'* Tome A tternt: ve Pi;;», wncti u»rd are ,n
-vanati!;. nek juiivled-ort to be «i|vniif to n,. oiher a*
n purgative: oriiver;.;. n a* ttiry le*»e tnr
hmvets perfect!) free rrom nn' ■ -net*. a»ii'«o!'i*
CsOiden i'ltle IS annulled b\ iniU) In [»>»«i-»*pr-u
-har properties adaptrO to i-nt.i.e iii>eii-i <. i ut
th&sa hare inm ■■ -v-nic>- i:i to r.t.tMi.h what
ha* hern stud in the inmd* o( tlw» most skeptical.
I'l.e afflicted are tnvivd to upon the mrd
procure ,Riai.») one .u h- 1-' irr - i<-.*nipi. •••-. it:>i. it
a detuned account cb • :»c.. i-inciiy m.d it* '
F.>r *aie tft Lit-* fo 1 tig-itt* n» w-l a- :•>- n>o»i
Draitci'i* throughout utc ’ "ir.i;'
J S lioouip.ti-r A i'.v vl w .c-1 -i;
J M Tuwfl-Wiil, ilrugst-i. to Mart'
la'u A iletkhr.m. - nmr in- I' <
J-,- Knr » , 11.11 .rtr.ct lie aver <
Jno i:;.iof K v
I Ad.irt -. lira
CM »i;«,M. TAIN IN Till. *HHK AM' i'lH>m
-1 RKD -Hwv/ivc « tor .one inw km .!..:rr.- ; d
witr-. a »«-v>:re p*:u
w. i; a Uiv roacn 1 w*. ....luced upon a- ure-i.: »., ~
.•.Ui;ci 01 n Irtciul. iu I>r T*. or • K- l..vr
purpus.* ncimtruldy My ai»uc« wai proou>--a f. .1
sever*- hurt, mid Was *0 great tbal 1: wa» »it tt.ibrn.'T
i cou d swallow my tood Indeed. lam »H'.i*hrJ ;n.*
disease must barr terinitiste«l in Fmutnopbou. or «uuir
fatal (li*ca»c. hail 11 not nern cured by Una,
medicnm To all who seek to prolong tbeii inc>, 1
would advise the use of Dr Tailor* Hmram of Ijvrr
won JAMU* OmVA.N. I2h Ho-aery
Tins medicine faci.Kntr* exprrioratinn. reduce* i<*.
ver, restore* "irei-pth. ami mn v !>•: eo-i«idered a* a su
perior preparation for iii« cure m.d j'fvennou or all
diseases in ilie Glx-.t and I.uitg*, aritl *'ion'd !>e reso.l
ed to, even arter in>-»<r disease* have rcni-i.-it 'He u*u
aj remedies. In the practice of this old and very re
spectable physician. iiu* Balsam of Liverwort ha* ac
quired an eiivtunir reputation for it.» virtue*, a* »upe
nor to ihnl of the abundant nostrum* of the day. a*
wa» the character and probity of 11* it.ventor to that
of qaackji and empmes.
CONSUMPTION tXRKD —My eon having a wo
lent Cold, need to cough vtuteoily. rniMiij,' » 01
thick putrid matter, and finally lie could not turn over
in bed, front wcakuc** He taaJiitc«ied «'.»rj *ymp
tom of confirtnpd consumption For *ix year* lie Hod
been »üb;eet to ihe asthma. Hi* physician*. Me»>r*
Vermouie A Anderson, ennl lie was incurable, and
mutt *o‘>'i die. Vet i was determined to try Hr Tn>
lor* Bsisam of Ijverwnri, unc strange a* it may up
pea/. ibu medicine hua fu.iy rrttored hi* health
SOPHIA GALLON. M Norfolk »trti*l.
£old In Pittsburgh l*> J D Morgan, Vi Wood si, J
Townsend. -lb .Market .1, II i*rny*rr. cor Market nod
3d *u , Hrnder»on A Co. 2 liberty »t. Price reduced
to 9UM> per txntle jaiffi
jaynai’ Expectorant.
BaLXM. Columtmwia to.. U . Apr. vM. Ml.
DR D JAVINKS: lM*a Six:- 1 feci bound to yu
and the-rtlhicted public, to avail »uy*i:lt of thi* up
ponunity ot giving publicity u» uv- extraordinary rjer,*
of ) our lixpeelornnt on my *ei: I! 4 vine n- ep atlii. :eil
lor teveni yrtn with a severe couirlu beetle lever
and it* cottocinr.anf iliseax-*. uml »>-rmed only doomed
to m.j>er out a snort hut ni.*e:»bir en.tenre. until tliir
fall of lrv'B. when, being more severely attacked, add
itavinp reported to all my former mu. dir*. and the pte
scriplioit* of two of the mo.l rc«pertt»! le pby.iria/t* in
tne neighborhood without drnv.ry any benefit. OT the
consolation of surviving blit a lew day* or week* at
turthrst—wtir» the last yjleain of hope wa*/aboui to
vanish, I had recommended in me yemr Kxpertornnt—
and bic**cd by that Being who doe* all thifig* in me
use of the means—and contrary to the expectations 01
my physicians and friend*, I was m n few days r»i*cd
from my bed..and win enabled by the use 01 a bottle, tn
attend to my bu*ines*, enjoying since betw health
1 had lor ten years previous.
Respectfully your*, Ac., Jaa. W. Kutiu.
For sale in Pittsburgh, at" the Pekin Tea !*torr, ry
Posirth street. manSi
ly sanatory, balsamic anil ionic prepepiPt of im«
Vinegar render it far sopenor 10 Cologne wairr for
tie ordinary pnrpoac* of ihe loilei, surpassing ih« at
trr in ns perfume. U prevents ami rt-tiovr* pimp.'*,
teller and asperity ol Uin »km, ii rcirrnhes ;tnd vrhiicm
the akin, rendering it soft ami ininoin It correct* tin:
clammy amt Inner taste of ihr mou'h imparting n fresh
and pleasant breath It elennses and whitens the
teeth, and hardens the gum* For ull tlic above pur
poses. it U u*ed with water m • ueh aropordon ns may
be found moat agrrenii.e. li, inhaling it and rubbing
it on the bympius, it will I'nnivr. headache. If applied
instantly to a born nr i>m,»c it will eventually prevent
mortification, ft correct vaulted uir, and guaranties
from contagion; it is thrreior* very useful for pariliing
and perftitning at.ortinent* For »»le by
K E SELLERS, Wholesale Druggist,
b 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh
J}r. UcLadc Id Teuneaaee.
rpillS i» to certify Hint I purclui»cd our vml of Dr.
| AicLsuft 1 * Wonn Specific, wmr two month* ago
,\ad gave to a aon of auuo. wime •rvrn year* old, two
XAapOOni foil, and although llir nronunt inay uppear
jjjj-- jtt ) taro no douTit but thru* wan upward* of
two tnouaaSO woaxa pa*«d from bun. mronuriiij
trom oce nuajtor of an Inch to two tncbw long.
Rose 1 * Creek. Carrol ro. Tenn . Dec 517. IM7 juU
CoLIXIlt*, J in. -Hi, Inin
Mr. R. B. Sellen;: —Your Vermifuge h»« .out well
and hn« ticca bigtt.7 •pofcon of by an wfo ''»»* u«*d
I) Prom tbO iltceeaj attending the adiiiinmrniion of
your Vennifcgo. In every ca*e 1 b*vr hoard of, I *m
conlident I Can sell more during tbr rununit on.on
tbaa l d|dJaft; -1 will be glad u> receive another .., P
ply offUIAMOM. Ypura, revprcUu'.y,
[Kjhrae&om l* rAHTMi
lff K E. SHIJ.KKS, 07 \\ oo<t .1,
«n<l •oldbydrugglmteoerally. m Fitußurgli n»d A 1
bighny. ' )*'**
1»» a v!atj|ai£ £r. nrr«*Jf. **» « muikwh
No Second MroH.
iu/>irrV !?r UIUlS,'iM(f
fj'ht-; i.4< removed bi» Whole**!'' ttrocc-
I e.v.u M..»rr <>i Hancock »trerl and Al e
rt..-;*, ...*> .i„,,r io ilm Perry Hoo**
/ .UiLiidit john y pf*.nnv
AT'iljj' uU g. e large a»d *cfecird a..0.t
;Lr.-. li fin*' vV«u iio« mid Jewelry, winch *' l
»OiUf a* In aify other cajabliahniont m ihl*
* , t V
jUaii.- uH Id van-iy a lore Walche. i'*-
fL'ty, very \»f> p/»rr., Fu.i jewelled H karat Held
'Jxvtj; a.- U *» fh.ri) U*r dollar*
cornat Alb and market tie
r i:<>-|'Krit)>'r*nip hrrc<siute -■li"'ine i Itir
1 »ul»n*nl<«‘i'. m linin'- c( Krn'inl. Rhry K t’n .
iv*. lh.< (lev .'•lil'V On [U.f-y
j an;v> \\ < »op
liK<> RHKV
Fcbiuan : 1 ri:*
j Thr *tii.«cnl.O[. hnvr thinJav »««)<•.air.l ilirntM It, n*
1 m -h- numr o» RHEV. MAI'niKUS A. Co. ior itir
f |>urt*o*r <*: irnncnruns it irrnrrm liro'-rr-j. <'orurai*<'Or.
j an<! ForwHMii.i» |lu<new. xt lh<- «ta'id ol'llieluW tit m
j.pi Fnen.l Rur.’Af.t wl.-r-tlir v vnU !*- pirn- ‘I lo
I o<* paironitirr nl llic citMontei* nl luai uomr
ami dtn fnemt« *il.O RIN-.N .
I 1.1'.V1 MATrUKU.',
i Fci-ruary>Nl»4a WM. Elms.
\\V i;,k- p Va.urifHj-. n.*n«iii!j- to the eoitfiJn
■ i our uml tya-nd, Rbry A t'o ■’
lurrf.kni. .• i huilJir**, sllhrw* A t o
ic "J _
r rilK cm i>.trtrif*r«lntt iic-rrurnrv *-xi«Untf t.erwyc-n ’.l»e
J mil'Kit.'.it*. it. itir numr of t'otirtmole. Boric A
tn . ihi» Jay ,'ctl iif mui'iai .'o;:»ea:. Mr*i > >-
lltirki- A U.irur. wn. »cr'.-i:ir tiu*me«« of Uic oon-
.•••ii,. i..r wii.cli I'uriio*'- UtfV #m* authona-d to u»<* the
„ au ,r o' , on,-ent NaTHAMKI, CONSTABLE
Tii'- n»vr thi* day BMOciat.'d ihei»»r'vo»
111 Tilt- I.nmr (.' HL KKK A BARNF.S. for the pur|*oai*
m iiißiiunw'turmtf Fur I’rooi Safe*, Vault IVtor*. A<*
A,-. HI Mir «:hm.l oi th • Ittir linn in' <'nr*ial>le Burke
A <\» where they win hr iiirfi.ed io rreeive tfir i»u•
i: msce .*1 the ru-toHiet« ol'Uiui house und tu-ir friends
r.n\n/\n ufrk'k.
• tlrrt, llflw»'«:l
Hum*- * li> I'u* r until)'
I> I. S< I
fPH K parmcrali p
X M'< <>n| ,V Kim:. ‘-va* i>y 1
in: in- I*l •... The I'U.iik..
that jiurji<*««* It”iiik '•> >' »«« ■ur buvi'«*»»
dnaol with bh iill> a» |ioMil'lr w* would rn
■pretlti.iv r«-our*l lbo«C U) i-aU und '•rttio
thru account, J‘*HN l> MVoßjl.
H D 19*1*
Co-Partner* hip.
JOHN l- M'CORD barm* tww.ewd wjiL mu,h.«
l>r»i)i«*r Jamr> M'Conl. under lire style of >l't ord
4 Co., w;, the lint, Cap ami Fur bo*ine»» in
ai; it» various bninchc*. wholesale uud retail, nl 'hf
t»id .land corner ol Wood and Sth Mree!-*. wher* l!”"
.'-li'-U a oonumintion of the pturonatfe to liberally b
tmwnl on me old Unit JOHN H M'CORP
;r*> JAMF> » M'lXiß!)
IN r-'irinp from the old wild wc.> known fi'ia ol
M ■ ..r.| 4 Km|t. I ii*o*i r.'hr-ef.i ly recommend to
the f,.v ■ oinujo ol die public jny nuctrwn. Meur*
M i‘or'l .\ ■ -> jutT - 11 U K!N(.»
'‘l-'HK pufi-r.itm of Ml KFH S A I.FK :*<».•* !
X di«*o.vrd by uiu'uh' content The l.u»ne.*o>
Ui-hriu vvlli he .etHe.i H l.rc J R MtßPin
I’.ri{h. Jan 3t> 1 --Jt» H L.KK
NUTIi’K-Thr ut.jcr.T--d w.ll ronUime 'llf "i'll
!>uiit>c». and attend to me ■*«:.• ol Vi Good*. :>■
the old Itanrf H LLII.
In retiring from th- tirm oi Mui|>tiyA L»— Jnrko
confidence ol my triend* and thr pubnr
1 "i:i«l► ureti. Jnu 'ai. X-4i» J K MIRPIO
ri’HK *ui>M*rit»er* nn»a ilus dm a.-nemted ihcra-
X .eive» together lor the <>: truu.acUntf a
wnoirnic mail Dry Good* ahd t.-rr-ry '>unufm .
at No -vii liberty. opposite Sct-mii »irtet, under use
.tvl- ami hrin ol Bl'sf HKI KLD 4 HAYS
Vit's'urgli. January 1.1‘••10
N B —Our o-d eusiotner* and ti"- pubfte are invited
to give u* a ra.! :ȣ
YY hiit'Mt'H mtopir'aminr. under ti.r turn o-
AH 1.4 ATKINjm *,\ a;
r mu! Stirri Iron \\ arc inaruim*u>r)
stand ol Wm H Scn-?r. I :r-t ‘-reel \\ ,»*d
1. ’irrtl ill.«.«*lVrd ! •. li.
e . ..err.: oi \\ n. U.» v - t
*rt.l.U;i£ ol H idee, I lie
on It*.- premi«e* o.i v.- ' ,n-t
;.7 ul JAM» 1.. M I'lll.lN \.lri;.ni.:rar.*r
A i'o
Jinum l 1-0
/ day BA.oemted witn turn, lobn R MVune. tnc '<;»•
tii-r t'U.l.’er.e win lirreaitrr It conducted m-d-r
urcn of YV mi Young A to WILLIAM \Ut\i,
JMi M Mil M.
HVV BOOKS —Lecture* on IMjnm i Frogre*. at
lY me Lite and TlUse* of John Uuu • an, t>y ;ne H
t.eo Ciierver, U I).
VVafldennir* »f ft Pii*rim in the Shadow of Mourn
t.y t.eo B 00-rv-r U D
The Journal ol the IMgrim* h; l*.i mourn. ..•< N--w
.i< KVtr K»|.>in-*-.i iroin llie *•» uitie
wlUt histones- and --e*, i i0..; a .,i». , i-i
pr:nf »jf *- * a:- l (.e.jri;<* B<"h« - r»er l> II
Second edition
Itn; :i«m w.h re'-f-v
Kd xml !!»•-<• fir l) !>
J K K>°»nd «rh'f;n:.. e V I 1.
and a i'Ampnni<>u. t ) Joh i soep|>uf !-
KI.LU'Tf A KM.I.I'll
/ vRH.DN ANJ) «' A 1.1 !"■ 'il M N IN 1-0- H
I I Tt.orntn-: ,air Judge .»: to- -uytem- Cm.::
I'lir Ma:iui>: !>r ; - t t practical « ini
end- !I. id p- -on. em./ratmg m the god
(-fioiii by U I A’.*!' - *!. Prtu ci Gcoiogy. k.ngt Co l
.f. Lor;«:o» 1 vf. . ( , 26-
N<itr* oi Travel in Canioruia. comp'.Mt-g ii.c protn
• if ill I'J'jrr. • ;ir couaU), <n*«i, :j.r ruu'.r f r rUd Puri
ej», report* of Cui Fremont uii! Mi| Km nr) | \ ol .
■?<»' pagr*. git.
Th-Caufornm Guide 80-k. i ...npn*Hi£ ;.V ; *»i •,«
tned work, together wuh t'n, Fremont * iimcr-ipinra.
Kip:oring Exped-uon :»» m* Rocky Mountain-., A< .
with 2 map*—l vol. nvo, paper J;-,
Rev. Bupu*t NS' Nr>p| , IN i.r» mi ij»e l fljur.-ti
and State—l vol, CJuin $| -jj
Ju*t rrmrnl oy
|>OOKS: BOOKS"-- l*>!tni X Vru:4t,..n« «>t IVj.erv
1) by Rev C Sparry* Work*. Tania.
Works; L ? niver*ny Scru-r-. b\ Wuyiaud. Nntmn.
H.etory oi Emhu»ia.iu, U'm und imje. o( H- .
t>, Li.'e of Rev Henry Vejyi, Fro.v r rrn» ..J ttir I'cop •
oi Mngcx.n. Theopltaiiyv or orti.i •••'ation o' God n, Memoir* of >Tutvr', Burton Bart. i:m i«i x»
.in, I.y Tyag; import and mode*. The Mol
din kingdom. 2 VOIS/ ‘.HireveC* lecture* on Pilgrim *
Pcogfe*t. ('lip-vtjf'a VN'audrruigt ot n Pilgrim in 'lie
Ap«. Andersonf Domestic < onsutution. Modern An
romplUlimenUp (.ast day* of EJiMih. NVomrn of me
Revolution. by'-Mf* Kile; of Poflok; lor sale by
notria ELLIOTT A ENGLISH. TV wood *t
UL'.MAN MAGNETISM—It» claim* to di«pa.«m<i
aic inquiry; being an nn-mpi to ihnw the nti’ii)
01 iu application for the relief o' snilering. bNY
Newnhtuo, Kaq.. autliot of “The reciprocal mriuen-e
of HutTy ami Miud." etc The be»t work on the subjegi
published. For sale by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH,
marl’-i 79 wood
I IFF. OF FRANKLIN. Illustrated—ln wiiw of
j publication in the tux-tnl form, t«y Harper A IJrO
tlier«. New York, The Ufe of Benjamin Franklin. e«n
*i*t;i>i: of In* Autobiography, and a narrative ci in.
public life and wrrvires, by Iho Rev M. Hasiurg* NVr.J.
«piemi.d : y embellished by immerou*eiqiu*ite dement,
by John o Chapman, engraved in me highest m.. 01
art The work 1* printed iu the octavo torm. on iu
jierfiiie paper, from bold and lerihlc type It wiii ne
completed m eight part*, ul 25 cent* each and u*ued
ai hnfcf interval* Kach part will bo received bvrx
jifr.* immediately after it* publicntian Pan !■" ~u*t
received and for *Ble by
.026 comer market and .Id <t<
Uie »cre«*;on of Jamne II —Vol 1
The Hiaiory of Alexander the real by Jacob Ab
bott. with map and encravtugr
The Hi»torv of Charle* the Ftr«t of England by Ja
cob Abbott— rnsrnvingH
Harper'* Life of Franklin: splendidly embellished
by nomertm* eiqui»it« design* ijNo I 23 rent* To
1 v eompieicd in - number*
Pictorial History 01 England, up to the r«ign of
t*v .'ge 111 —cnmplrir iu 4 vol*, octavo FJUU unwira;
just received by R HOPKINS,
febh Apollo Building*, 4ih *t
iVI fha tner. pfi.thumr.u* NSork*, Vm. 6
Franklin's I.He lnu.'ruied -pari* II mil 111
The HiMor> uf Hanuihui the Carihugmim. by Jacob
Abbott lilu«tr«iied u'.ic, map and uuincrou* rngru-
Adier'* (•rmr.inef and Enit!i»li lJictmnnrj. octavo
S.ory <M L.ttle John -rruii me French iif M I•J* «
neil •lllunnuc.l
Acton, or ih>-t ircle ol I .;ie A coiiei t.on ol Tlio't*
and I )n*Cf vutio.i*. dou- to >!• n-ieul:- 1.1I1: Man and
til** NN orbl
Hart's Koriancr ol N
Arabian Nigl.U hjilrri.-uiiiuei.ti. i.nnc • Ir au-ln l.on,
spleinliniy <l. v *<• ■ • !2in<'
Ja»t received by UHOPKIN'*,
_ fcbSi Apollo Hall. Kb *t
ENV Hbitci \ of Maty ot Sc.oi*
By Jacob Abbott, with engraving*.
History nl King Char!-* the First, ot England H)
Jacob Abbott, with eugrnviaf*
Hutory ot Aleiand-r the Grout By Jacob Abbott,
with engraving*.
History of Hannibal the t m Uiugn-i.m I'V Ja.oh
Abbott; will, engravntg*.
Received and for *nt- tiy
fcicfl cor market and
\TKW lUJOKH—Oregon and Oaliioruia -.u 1M?, by
LN J Thornton, laic Judge of the Supreme
Court of Oregon, and corresponding member of the
American institute With nu appendix, including rr
eent and autlieiiuc information on the sal.jeet of the
GOLD MIN la ol t'ulnoruia, mid other valuable mai
ler of interest to the emigrant*, eti Willi i.'uMtulinn.*
and a Juan, hi two votuuie*.
Rnphantf or pages of tse book of me at twenty by
Aiplmiuc dc Leronrunr. author of (Im • 11 1»;r»ry of the
Girondist*, or IVr*onal Memoir* of the. Patriot* of the
I’fench Revolution, ’ nr Ju*t received and lor sale
tncltl I corner market and fid »t*
\,l A f OF I‘F.N N-N I, V AN I A - Coti*tructrU from the
1»1 County Survey* authonre.t ny the Slate, and utn
ci original docutnmu Htrwil and improved under
'he tuporvision of N\ m. F. Mort i». Ci vil Kngiuner, u|«m
<Uto procured hi each county, under authority ct the
A lew coplr* uf tin* lufg- and ipleudid
tin* day and (or sale, by
Bookseller*, t<ft market and3d»u
n<Kj.-r--N rj»«' f’.iinu extension Tablet. Sojtu, Bureau*,
MTll;> -brnc,- •»..* a.-rf "• .«!.•!> kn.i'vii &• W CW.t. Writing De*U
"* " : ; h " m °'V; • u-.vkrof wrought iron.
..i M!inr<*. n.<* r-'-t-n. . u. .!■ -cui.i. v ' r : TABLBB far surpassing every other in
"‘° “ 1 h*’* A .-.r.ion of the kind now eiiaai They can be ex*
••! trout nio twenty-live feet and when closed
t:i-i--hv». :»r-aii rmiiained intide: iftey are made to
%.:»!»<*« n>-.d and are acrairably adapted tor
•u. »i\*ir* L, ... ' ii, »,• mc utn>vni«. Homia, and large privaio families, fonD
• 1 • ' ..i** v» ii*. -• ,» * r:i e .I- l-ie m!‘< hr'i , ,o»nJ » complete centre table,
the i™,. ~jl - : S.>! A-AMUtI/KKAUjy-’JV,* article* aretnvaL
Ht-.J ", ° r ' r,,r * 1 rm "'" 1 !>.»-a».irc <■. [.iirui uiaiiy ip those who wish to econo
rlinAriiyt*-* n"" ' " l, ' v '?i '' '' '' ’ ' l l* Pri ,ni " rool, i. Hud convert n *ice|>nij{ apartment into a
Their •• - ' W ' -1 ' :,lIV I ‘ l ull , ( .irl.ii or *i:iin* room. n« uicv can be opened and shni
uam» - >v ; • 1 y f, ~,,r * > onvi i.enrc. mid when *mu, the beddiux is enclos
ir> nil ' . ! . u 1 ur ' xvl:irl . l o-'vi-.. ».ivi<,j> ,a room find rent All the bed
• V-v wi*'* 1 " "'" ' ' ' v, ", r 111 !l '' w *’ V ' ' V '' ' '.vnrn r,<inrd form a beautiful piece of fanuture
" ' *" 1 - l ’ r • , ' f f ! > s * r '. io: a parlor or • mini? room.
n .iiMoti i> e pnt:>rieior« !>*•< vp V tlmi |U)' i'A* i KS—A neai and useful article for parlor
I* leit a.,don -o, : their part. undo.. t..e pa.', o' :i;.-ir . or or ,
I'l'moi" 1 - '* '*( •*' '*"• r l "' < w " r ' l ' 1,11 "i-.’iuued ](ITIV • UKSKS— For iow office*, counting rooms.
he'l**l l- '” • A ' ll "" t .'"’ ' < *” K ’ rn /' un.l oihrr otfu-i-i, when opened a moalconvemenl bed
fo!’|,,wii*r^< r'i* , i ' r ' * r ' lli,v ’ ° l "'" *i> ad. wi,.-„ a perfect Desk and Library alone
f'ert’ ' *'' ' #t..o |.er Ja\ ,\U lhe»e artirics need no recommendation: the
M u‘ o >.• ''ll . J brauiv ofthc whole i«. they are warranted not to get
' ' , , f <*' f,( '“ r H'-u <r * ' 1 mr nr rrp iir n will l.e for your interesta to call and
a) s t»v iiund m it,-.- l ar a:Meium.-u _ - > rainii e the nriirie*. :u the manufacturer's «tore. No.
which wi,l conv'-v and from »,r linn-: ir-e i*iiL»oursb. In uddiUon to the above
_ ina>..t • nl ] va „[;, er<- t.,ev arc proof agninat bor«.
i»**J '.iv 1t,.:. AM) now opening, a splended lot o
rcspertni‘ vmi . -I, v • ...i. «n.l me i j}Am l'iano Fortes, from the celebrated firm
Public J-Iteriury' -uni ~• « -vV ,1 n’-' Mnr« <eo 1 H of Nuun* A Clark, N. V. It consuls tu
to accommodate ui-iri .. .i ’:iiih*» de*:;iibic m n we[. i • • * f I " pert ol the foilowing:
regu.uied Tbe -.u- •.h<in>a.»»hiv 1 Rosewood f,j octave Piano, with carved
repaired thrnuvhnui I- added a-. 1 ,;o | maul iniK. lop ami pinr.a, projecting front and carved
vrrv pen Hnie ~ , ;; u '*" I t)n> rn*rts'oo.l Piano. octave, elegant and plant,
The amler-u-r-«t—ri-u 'v .1. .1 cfi.mi’uaace l w.tti fo‘einfln'* celebrated .Kolian Aliachment, a su-
reo'.iv.sil 0 ' TMu.V
I'oiun• ;e Burke 4 C"
Me-rr Hurk i- A
I IMAHTIVV m.lMi i witiiU’ißnn.wjunri* torwr* and kp».
t - ' K Hi> l T„,«, hatTMinprovpraci.u m the met bantam.
*7 M * t >ll “ Ka m " 1 l ' rr * r: lin »;rmtrim; ruid i‘ovrrirhf pi the liamroere, poa»e*aeil
ftsrw ,Y _ ‘“'’V' ' '* 11 * j ».J ou.rr* m im« coumf). and are al once the beat
1 _ hn- oprii•• I hi* '.r-A .M •• *< •. Ho r, j w ,., ; R .
i '’ r •' . Hrr,,nun * Kll,, ’ <,: ' " ’°" r , I Al.-n- V rirgant lot of t'hu- Pianos, from
Vr *->(*'* nah*™!! ' ! " *' r *” lM |>o«i*e»*in){ a'i the laical improvement*,
•jiarrii to rr ,i<«r .. oi •* »i ttir mo. •nm ii. ~,r •' 1-1 | \ | >ii i_!<>nr rieitaiii roaewood Cabinet Grand Piano,
P 'Vl;T‘, t . i‘. .1 rv ~ • ?"■'«'« a„owu,vri»t,o«. HKNRY KLEBF.R,
' i Thinl ~
ortH-d'v JA' i'Hiluli.ii I- j CHICKEUISO’B PIANOS.
n I in. Inr ltd « It', i tin- i'U ; "
NA I'IIANII I. i «»N>T\r.l.K
1 1)0 PKK KN T !l AVK it : ! _ „.»», JOHN M MKLLOR, <»olc Agent for
ol'l'iisiTfoN 1 t”liirkerui|c'* Piano Forte* for Western
rjIHK ViKHIM >. HOTKL. on Hk <«<.-••-r nmr |Y(|iIPtR Pennsylvania,) No. fcfl Wood street,
l iti* I'uri! -i i-iiii n. -in. *-<• ,if.vr |»I « I «■ Pntstiurgh. has received and now open
for the rr--cf'!i in n---••i.i’i i. , .• ‘-f'-i.- iiir iuilowmj» decant assortment, direct from
Person* i <>r n-i.i < i i.i.- i.. •-* i • -in \y : : lll '‘ mnmi'nriory. u Mr. Chickennff's (Boston) price*.
to patronize U»i« e«tm..o;it»t'"' i wi t. -I I V!l -
riiamiuyt ci'iui trio -.r— un.; In - - w f -oi j I me R.mj- wo.*l *>vm octave Pimm Forte. carved in
m«lir<t an any t'uin 1.-r ! » >-il *: tw Mvft \ *• ; Uir nio-o 'V/ant and rich Style of Lom* XI V
euaramee.l U 4 a* «i-, ■ .in :-r inu! n i|i>- i * ►«»•* w u .-l carved writ octave. new and im
uii-znonat-onnfi.acenKc t.. n.l -mi :tic ,-nr- j *'"* ro-ewood Piano. 0* octavea, new »calr,
U A'lll.Nf.TliN KYW* | <>'•■' carved,d
I'MTKD STATUS HOTEL, j p.nntr o'”** 0 '”**'I'* 1 '* l”"™' "t" "***'
/\PWimtV T 'J’*'• XVieV'Vir.i,. j ‘l'Hi.uve are ai from the manufactory of J Chick
-o*l T v I'.'iVi .Invf(i:LL *
, p-.i.ire*or "" •*"' in *proved scale '
I AL"n-i1 a«ND <.M 101 BtLl LOW
. - - i 3 Ko*rwu.wj rt octave Piano*. froin Uie manufactory
MISCE LI iA N KOI’S- ; " >rn " ly u " fi ™ ° f
: i -J r-.-w. od fi (Uie ft Co., N Y.
PUKBH Hl*lt I <> Ci OOD S . j 1 o-rw.**! r.< octave Piano, made by Bacon h Ra-
MIUfMfU i. liilf. j , M,| ln |. lnv b octave P IB o. made in Baltimore, and
1 \KV «.30DSJnBhKH> '•* ".■>.< ...the ... Wlth m . ,v>. . Illc >, y u»e owner, for ca.h or in ex
1 / »uemi<irt ■■'j'""r 1 " "' K • iu: 'i;r lor I'in-i.urijli maiiufaciure•. or rrocerio* *mr!
DfO :>nw j for » ronntry »iorr Price U-TOC j»3O
I a ftf S'* -M. ui)iii)Uk-M < without receiving any tx-nefit therefrom. In
WOODWKLL, * | S i. I nmuncad ’.aim* Dr J.ynet Medi-
Modtrß It Qlj AIIl!C| U f r U rnitnrc, >•.!!«•». and pwr min, Lli<*m more or le«* ever »incc,
>r,.n .1 VT 'm' | > *‘ r * everm ? in their u*e,
.reiv«i ic 1
Wv \ n ihi> -..i.t.z ! h ' "
■Hlh fi- o:ir <>l it-.- part"-'- * 0 ' ,njl-u ~f
" Dii.woH rii
> bn.w on rn
it lbi»'klN<
Ai-O-.u Mu. d-og *. 4- j.
fountain hotel. < invention-valuable hsoovehy'.
Lit. Hr ' t R f. K r B \ ! T I 'I " R f P*T«xr srrcstu JaxtrsiT Ist, I^4®
J' ( ) \v - fuN' j i >»<* Rosewood (i ucuve, routul corners and oclutfon
l'rt»(*V r'r.r I >L’S » >i.t» jJo <Io do
R—pivuic rrfo'..r ..I fir.' go»<f .lurin* me ; \1 H KJ.U AH KaTO.N’H CERTIFICATE TO DR
I'j'on anil rtr\ oiiiiir * i*re<* «nar- me r mi ! i»i JA\ NK Ttn« errtifie*. Dial immediately afteT
w Aufii,i:i Mii-t Ui'i -H • o 'i - ««.nr» I rv. ( y"em]ed mr brother, wno died of ennaumptiou
''UT rr« v wi:. h.
ju«i :»r t , ,-voice, of u»* .i-ir |>r-.» i «iiw**<• mat lor four yturj iwm gn»h| e to attend to
11 < m*it . Fniicr l* r i i i * .v n • oiti' ir • i 00.. .-uni'u, » ; ii.'. ■•ti* Mu. Miner at home or abroad, beins; for the
I ...oil* I\V> '•> to-. •*. I'i'i 1,:,*.* In, or. : rim-r '..u;r ; .fi .>«<J u> ni y on! During the above pen*
TnminmiM *..!•;.» >■ .1 •« ■ • ~r. m, L << • • -in 1 i..i <>: -.rev 1 bml expended for medical attendance o
out ir. "•*“ ir l'liy«.ciH.u* »:td medicine*, to tbe amount of
r.-vtt iv-
U.U*-. MV <
rc» r.t-.««•.
•rti rTn k >' • .
Fr-nrt. Mh!.oi«
i() w‘m I 1
ii" K.
•»<> dnl I'ji o;
:U> ‘ Fa/:'-;
•iS reb'.r' Ta ‘'l**
-."I pair fh-rt,:!-;
Kl marine i<»p I/r
- W '
:fn Riiuliir lop W P
4 p.-uf Oiornanv
!*pwf{»nri W.Tk > a
A re r? :*r/jc a*-(ir*<urr*! :>•
WtVsr." /■
4 I
Chocolate. < »<-<>«. &
W U.kri'. Aim • V : \ <
-1 r,...v« . i! ..m I . ..
' WAin-K H\M‘K U.f.-nr.i-', 'i II Ali A Lt. A >N!i i 11 \
Wrought nttil ( ail Irou Itnllinu.
1 Ihrv ftavr ' • •••> .. >• I
Or in* m.i R>
V I \ \;- >N r A kV • V
Leeching. Cupping and Bleeding
KU .VlKklv .« u Tr t .ut 1.. >1 K* u
, No 56J-.IU* i«-iwr»" \\ mxj ~-
6*-Id Pr«-*ll ler-l»e« r-'-no! m0..-.1.
hour* Kelerruee, U.*- . »-> -*i;- •*:
Kbeuy mul
Norm r« lirintf
iir.i i»rul o;
V !i I'I'I.ANI
n«narai'lnrt<l Tohnrio.
j O MM.nU)' A
K> iV. do M itu-.W .
19 **■»:<■ A JUr«THKI * •
VI il.-i ■t■ ■ do 1
■*' ill* 'ln I’m-. A ) lur »* oi«J
U do J lU.' i.
.T Rl {].. do
'SI >!«J do W iti
tl .lo T \\ cent’s
r do t» A, n ’ *OI.
•J do t. '!'
5 A. K MHi-ott i
u Knii- ~i
Ju -1 i a suit ic ir«'ii ‘i'-sui. • n 1 j.iir i> • • v
|>y lIKAI.’. 1 HI > KM’H A
41 north -v itr tm » I'• ori, »r.
‘ t v.u-» i:ir attention at buyer* lo hi* extensive
!i«.nnti-i.; ■»; above Woods. embracing every quality
I.JI !.| vrr\ tin*. Hint Iroin the oeirbralcd manufiirio
-1 ,M l: “‘ u ' r I'urrnaMiig these goo*!* front the
. omiin*«:on meri-hm.:* nr ngei.i* of the manufuetu
' : r ' l !l ’ • r ' l 'hem at inn lowest possible
A ‘ l' f ive green ami invisible green Cloth*.
vt‘ r > ,neu|>. wool dyed Mk Jo, and Trench. Bna»h
•i.iii Amerp'ufi ( A?SI.MhRhJ<. black and fancy, i>!K
.1 'a. i . • i n W:si I M.S tretiiicmen’* lilk poexe;
jUn-tker-n.. :i * and laru-y Cravat*, linen
si-. I :u!c[-.nris. Drawer*, Ac., at the north /n»t
ori.c; l.n uml Marne! turret*,
u .• H > .m- up stair* fet»2o
nionousahola Livery Stable.
re letter |.« *T\ H‘ 'UKKT H I’ATTKR*O.N hu opened
. ram.•< n-t<> *»•* *rgc siAhn- on Fim »t. running through
IIKAI.iI Dl'” “ A . ( 1 ?"\ 10 rsr,,|>rM{ <l - i'C!\vern Wood and j*mithfif)d
<|N .vvrmv iiA i.atoi mr MonotigaheU Houne,
j] vv .1. .i-i i.ii.ii-it m.-w «u>. « oi Horse* and Carnage* of
X «LKMN,"b«ok Binder.. ' “ r''.,' , 7 a r ,^\ ,i maHnVf‘ i, *' , ‘ *' > H<>r ' c> kc P» “<
WK sM.I eniint;.--' . th- trbove hi.-. e*. ror.-r . i )>'*»/
or W oorl and Th M nreet*. l*nM>: ret- w bn- II A>l Hi i\ I t’l.t 'CK S—Hnvtne concluded to te.ll
vve are prr,»itrrd U> do nny work i-i »>*it n»e «in d*-*- O **d wr cn'iie tiuck ol Kirhc's Marine Timepiece*,
pitU'ii. W•• alirnd 10 our work prr»on;Ciy »nJ ; we i.ow ode. in ie.l 'hern ut lower pficej than they fan
facuon will be given in regaecl lo its nenin*-*« .•«..* <!u- '•'* ’"‘"d'H m .mv ho.i-e in Puuburgn or eUcwherc,
rabmty , ” r " rM tuc omy eitnhlished agent* here
liUuk UiKtk* ruled lo any pattern and br.nnd «•> r >* : for mete clock*, we have ute largest and fine*! assort
►tnnUaliy Book* in number* or old book* bnuml rnr.. , mn.i in mr nty. Caii and »ee.
fuily or repaired. Name* put on boo** m iriiietirr* t Hr member, wc ore homo he undersold.
Those that have work m our one are ,'i vneo n. cu.i . HI,A KK A CO , Market street,
Pnom low tnv*t::i ocOO ‘•ntrance 0., nonh »nle of the Dramond
MaM'F.ul lHr TUI I v V..
\ Mm . mpem '
bx- W-'h-v. II •- ...... .... .
Jus! .ancli ,c 'mm
£z? : i
Wuiu, from the manufactory of H M Cr..w.«.r.f 10 . hkJ _ c J( ,
which the attention of boot iriuker. i» mvitnl Just JONEa A omnn
recced and for aa>-b> W VOi; | yr ANi:FA.rn;KKRS 5 bh.ter ate..,
,e ~ . ... - i«X pioiiyn steel. steel plough w;!i(r». coach and ein>J
AT W. M. M'li.lNTiM'Kl* No 7 -> t-owriti s'trct, uc hammered iron axle*, and dealer* in mal*
can Im- been a *pieiril.d van*-' > of »up Hoy*. V of- ; leuide castings, fire engine lamp*, and roach tnintnmga
vei and Tapcmry Gatpcts. Intest *tvAUo. liru*- , R-nerailv,corner of K«-. and From »u.. Ptiisburnn
sels, :) pl\s and »up nnd fine l'isrnoi t.arjieis, o: »up ' p* f e i,o 1
stylet and oualilie*, ami m i'tin."MMi'i; rim rway. i.p .... . . *
found 'l,i.,r 1 uni i« Cm*’'-* '*• f)iun * * .Mo-t T t r> T I N 11 ML— Another .ot of Pistol*, tunable for
reens. Un ( mtii*. tcS. &.«• , iu “II oi » ni. h •*, r:. the : 0 Uk L' i ,i,i,.n.u lerv.rr jum rtceivcil.
ntie.iuoh ..t ;iir W-* v "‘ 0,1 ll,p *3tU rnau ny hspreaa, a neat
%’M’rfrH! and I.n.idt article 0 i i ortaMc t.old 'cates, which er
,riVIVJ, , 4 , h.; w ,st win . g*> (1 mini t linve. and for »slp li>-
mine it. Ki' W l V| i| v l M.H For California.
iuk i'i'iM.'i.x ri-.K
Au? I ti.lM -
/I H l. U A NT. m.r Urn.:, i, O*niio>-..<vi
V.V. Vnr*-*rdme M'-icnauf. No 41 Whim.: •4*l.' JU uapratt’s Patent Soda Aah
UKLL AiVl) »HAHh KOtNDUN. Wl'lO '• xr ' K " ,rr ' ,vr ‘ l l ltr »‘eamer» Iv&nhoe
A A Ft’l ,T< IN. Be»l and Rem* Founder. L-«- rr -A/ — 1 nnd >t I'.oud and loi sale by
hum nnd rominriireii l.u.iu.-** *i h.» o.d -m ■■•!. " Ul MI rCHELTREE,
Where fte Will he pleased to *ee in. n.d c .l in. lilt IGO Liberty *|
cr. nn.l WM. TOCIB* CO.,
Cnurrii.!. .»>itl » l • Ul ' ’ 1 v |:\ 1 .KR.s IN Ml DF> AN D LEATItFB
„. .......»i» o’ ; • 1) f. ........... u.s. .ouiiS^'nSS
to! moilrls uii.l warn,Mini lw 1 * . ... r-..;,Fed iheir M'K INt i JtTOCK Of ITOOd*' ,•!
Miiiefa VS mer I ump*. •• ' • 1.., n larae .if »ornnr, ; i m aniclna iq tb eu | mr to
A F »* the sole propfn'-tor nt Wauji.i * Ayr-Aii* _ .
ti«w Mirru..iw 'uiKiy '»r ~1P ''' .NOTICE.
friction m .nio-Mti. rv riie lioxe- i'‘-d ""‘I"”. 4 1.1. [>er»on» mdet-icd tu me Ent*ui 0 f Wijj,ani .Me
can lie had t»i Imn »i i* : nun •• j.i.'-i *V h --iicbt. <irceu»r«i. u r 10 the late finn» \V Me
hiu.nting paper. _ w,‘u v ;““wS"r d«ia^ hl * Mtl6r6
T ,,E •uli.entjef hnvinc '•l>| p ‘lVv’vniv 1 , K()BKRT M'KNIUHT,
1 x'llinf Uie t .uHing "* cr , ‘ ; ;- mr. \rr um i! < ‘ii.i .11 ni A dim .u. i raior of WMe Kruubt, dec'd
n*ed r w?tn tli'rlitfrfiM'in' l’ I '!'* 1 »' 4 K I'! 4—Ju*i roe’d nnd for safe
ty Winch «e offer u: the 'OW .1 !•-. ti .ir Ir. 1» j.i ) ard* rinooth I'uiivaas, t£7 tnch;
” 3:: : : s:
mi Hill corner | r . i rt J i. •' i .*< '• <V "
TNDIA RI'BHIW cumilsu T * l - “ foil "j-aoJsc.
J. iUlihiriun l-.xped.inm. « 1 ■ *. ...
Gam Klosiic C.oilmu. P r,rt ‘ ‘ t- u WAWTKU,
tor suit oi roai, |uhi« Hint ip i i.lKt. to do bonsework. t»xe who thoroughiy
India Rubber Depot, No 5 " 004 " • Jt pmi.l 1 1*> undervaite. her t*u«mr«*. and ran good re«
drrStl * ._ ' '''rein r». fin hear ot * primaneiil titaouon. at latr
T L-T Khi' hrci mote nt 'tms- ;-i»t >• w_a Ct „ oy applvn.g at «h;« -rhcc tatUr dlf
J celebrated Hamburgh Piano*. > y \RUU) ; AHM.ES—Son h..»b dried Apples, in .tote
' D *“■ *" »«“
oimv owumsiiui.ruif'. The above matruiiKins are T) A |tis UREKN-1P can* ufiie,Ja« rac’d and for
warranted I .a*be pertc t e.-rr «»• H H A FAHNESTOCK A COv
•old low for cash , _ Zh n i, lK mebtil comer Rt and wood *l,
I taw itouiffwisswiMa |
•ryi rt>lli|>i *l*l Y
IHV. I w«« ia«»n «i«vk with ihr Con»umptioo
o- l tiri-t r'oßi(i':unt. and w*« reduced mi !ow wiUi ihe
S [■ rti>g&e!<l, frisepn roomy. N V., and
> <)-. a* and margins »hop in ibai pi&ee,
im 'i.-n in any manner in mo *#Jo of ihe
■ * »i- no.i rmike ilu* cerubmie lor vbc hen
•’»'»«• n.m i d ELIJAH KATON
•I nn&r.d. \ i . Sept 16 1«4- tad
\ 1 /Nl I-At II UI.H TOBACCO—The tubacnt/or
iTj >1 '•.■*. Hi*’ • irniii.u o! Hie city trade and
t.-s »-i - w .no i»>; lowing brand* Tobacco*,
i • " a::»f !•. -wr.v-- which hcjiti; contianraenu rti-
.< i : I.* K W i r- nl.»w
• i Umc« MaUi»ou ;>•
♦VJ • l.amftr.inf
:i i - \!:rn*w iu
< *
\ . i Kuvi'.ASi.miii in,
> | • O*o.r lion i,.
« I - J-nr.. * Utn. iv
t ( Wurwirk. »upt Is,
J* I A Jnme» a», l» arul
1 I. > watkrman
Pill 2lachtn« Work* and Peundry.
Ji *H.N ii'«. ur-prepared to build Colton
ami U«i.' -i Machinery oreverv description, »uch
n» fanlt-c Mnr hi iic*. Spirminc Frame*. Speeder*.
! h ti« .• • f-vine*. Rru.'-vay Head*. Warper*, Spooler*,
U-r»‘Mi| I‘r .iur. [,oom». l ord (»riuder». Ike WroQgni
Imi". >iiß-i,iiu iu!;iril; a:i me* ol Cast Iron. Puilic* and
H • 1 'n- . iir*i pnttern*. slide and Hand Lailics,
l - ’ ' •’ •> s'-i'U u’ every description
■' !io;?<-e Patterns made to order for
M.:. t.c-nr I- It-.. 1 K.n:nie. Ac Sicnra Pipe tor hcat
;! -> •• i ».*t Iron i nt»\r Saab ami fancy Ca*-
order* .e:t aiflfcr Warehouse of J.
*’ - 1 • ■ A '-■ I-l*er‘y -nr-tt, wiSAave prompt atten*
n" I'-i-ar-
l«- ’ :<• H iirk *u«-». iir .ACo . J K MoortrheaJ k
'•' '• > "_■' 'f, Joint Ir'vi'i A Sous, I’.twiiuixti • U.
• a i Jl \\ .I’-it. nviiir lanlif
Pmn Nachlnc Shop.
H" l'*H I'M AN—.Majmuciurrr mail ktnd* o( coi
• l "‘' 1 '»ooi.rn maofiwiery, Allegheny fiiy, Pa
1 • 1 "■ now in full nitd «apce««fu) op-
!**• r, ‘‘* '» orC'j* with di* patch
iniirhmrn in my lutr. .uch m wijlow*.
'*‘T* •F‘r , ’ ; »der«, ranU. jrinilinjf machine*. raiiwov*.
truinr-, »|»rrjirr«, loom.-. wooiVu
-’.i. '."it- it- • •• wtic.r. ter nierrhan; or country work,
... Vi *..tlr »u.l tiarnl luiur« and tooi« in i!eit
\ - iN <■: »/i»iti tii* miulr to order, or j'iann giv.
H' -ur i.ti- onrf ..I at reruoiinlt.r rli»r<e.
K»» i..- Kr,.„ Pl h . Oit.ti. ACo . Hlack*U>cK. Ur.l
| k.i.t I'nnui-k A r.o . Ju». A (true
\| ' lIIT'I-. A i'h. would r-«p-r!ful!v inform
** • * 1 ** * * '.nat ;lihave erected u »Bcji* on
. -rn F-dcti,. am i s*'iUu«lcy »tr-n». Tbry
iuhmui; nml arc prepared to receive order* lor
••n-ripi.oii or \ I'oarlir*, Chariot’*, Un
*. i’hrvi.m., Ac . Ac , which from their
ip- r.. .1. .■ ,:i iiir miwuif/ictu re of the above work!,
r lac, -o'* ihr) i;ave. u»ey irelconfident they ore
•’’ 1 w,, i’W on Hie inoai reasonable term* with
articir* in Ihetr im«.
I -) mi; t'liriii'inar mifiitiun to thr »c!«*ction of motfi-
1 -• •• 'p 'ion'-!'Ui (’oroprtrni workmen, thry
' ilvr i o*l m wsrruntuij: th<*ir work We
r,. f *..» ||,p -umin.n 0 c p U t,{jc to tbio mmi-r
S It !<• |* Ooii*' i:< Uio lw»t rummer. aiui on ino
f fMl i: II Jiard Ride I'owdcr, tu kiißn, hall
j k-H,' innrii 1 1 umi ouii», (or tale t>)
■•' l l J S IJII.WORTH & Co, V?wood >i
H A .to?fe7f DRY GOODS— the principal part ..r
wkucb have lately been parchw dulli lie umu A».-
•non Salu In Philadelphia and * ork - 11 lrr ‘
mendou* and unparalleled aaciiace-
Wo have made such • larjp! redaction in»'« cvr
ular price* thm we will now %t\. a ># r V' e PJ rll “ .
rood* UKI,oW COST of importation. r i, e eß >
UinUon of Buyer* is u.snted to choice high tolured
■roods adapted 10 the California Trade.
Plain and figured CaJDeiian r Co»hmen*a and «e i«i»
si!k«. . «H price*.
Very superior broch>» fig’djSuper cloak clouia, a *•
and watered hik »dJcs, ' lor*.
Superior reparmure sifks,jFreiuli merino*. “‘1vo«« >
blk and colored, liiack bombasine*,
Super black glossy (iro de Cross barred and mripeo
Rhin silks, alpaca*.
Viaetie and mantilla silk*. Urocha fig'd and strip « no,
best quality. Jeuoy Lmd plaida,
Pure saun*. blk and blue Victoria l.yonese c>ol*4,
blk wdna, very rich.
Lamartine satin merino*, Cohere cloth* and cwueii-
Super silk warp alpaca an lustres,
Splendid plaid lonic shawla, A few I’tocha-lone shawl*.
Splendid terken' shawls, the finest wr have ever
from N- York auctions, to this market.
(Treat bargains; now to bo sold at Steal
Plain and embroi'd thibet barpiiua,
shawl*, all colors. Superfine and common bro-
Silk frinqe, remarkably cha square »hawU;
cheap, Super cornelian sdk shawls
GtrvrLK.hrF.NS’ goods
French cloth* from the celebrated "Johanv’’ manu
factory. For beauty of finwh and permanence
these cloth* have no superior; a few piecei eltru fine
jel black anil olive ration heaver* and other heavy
cloth* (or ovor couu, twilled French cloth*, manufac
tured expressly for ck>ak*. French and American rn»-
simerca, auper we«t of En*iand do, super French mi-
Un* for vr*inig«, the l>eat imported. Plain and fancy
velvet and cashmere vesting*, merino *hirt* and draw
er*. lialinn cravats, linen, cambric and ailt bdkf* . ho
siery and glove*. 1
Irish linen*, best long cloth shirting, muslins, bleach
ed and brown muslin* of good quniuv remarkably
low, licking*, check*, domestic nod imported ging
ham*, scanet, yellow and v/nite flannels. o large lot
very cheap, u ,nrge lot of whin- ami rro«sborred coon-
Try flannels, cheap; brown and blenched Barnsby table
Uucni and ta*-'- '-ioih«. Ru**i j aud Scotch dia|iera and
towellingI*, 1 *, anunett*, Kentucky jeans and tweed*
An usual large cto«.K of blanket*, direct from the
manutaclurers, some of which am th’e best ever exhi
bited, all of which will be cto»edont at unparalleled
low price*. In addition to the above enumerated
good,', our stock comprise* u very large and complete
assortment of almost every article usually lound in a
dry good* store, and a* they have been mainly pur
chased at the easern auctions, hence the late great re
duction of prices. We are enabled and determined to
sell them oa at great bargain*.
Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailor*, and
the public generally are respectfolly invited u> an ear
ly examination. Bargain* shell be given.
ALEXANDRR A DAY. 75 Market si,
febB N W corner of the Diamond
RECEIVED THIS DAY. Cnrpeung and Oil Clouts
of the latest and must approved patterns, and at
pnee* to suit purchaser*, *. U cheap a» can be pur
chased in any of the Eastern cities, comprising the lol
lowing van-ties: —
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpet*.
Aixmitusier Carpet*; any »iru hail room* or ves*
Tapestry do i.baie*
Sup Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair carpets;
Extra tup 3p y do Brussels Ho do
Superfine dr do Chenille Rugs;
Extra »up Ingram do Tufted do
Superfine do do Brussels do
Fine <lo do Chemile Doormats;
Common do do Tufted do do
4-4,3-4 A | Tapestry Adelai- 1 do do
Damask do Sheep skin do do
4_4, | twi'd Ve- ia-4 Emb’sed Piano covers
neuaji de t>-4 do Table do
4-4.3-4 A | plain do do fi-4 wool do do
Cotton Ingram do <M worsted and linendodo
do Venetian do Bran Stair Rod*
-•4 cotton Drugget, ltl—4 woo; crumb cloths
13-4 woolen do Stair Linen .
(M do do 6-1 table do
English Table Oil cloths; Diaper do
German do do do do Crash
S-4 Floor Oi! cloths; Snow-Drop Napkins;
7-4 Jo oo do Crimson P;ush,
(V 4 do do do Purple do
5-t do do do Maroon do
4-4 do do do C i rpe - Binding,
Sneet oa c«:hs, of ncwTransp'm Window Similes
Tapestry patts-m*. cut to fit
| £Tu ihr ab«v<* w<- at-- constantly rr- r ■ .iic ou r Soi ng
Block of Carpet*. • m Ciotu* and Su-um;-»tt Trimmiyg*.
n »It ineir houws o. strnrtb’Oais :«* we wi.i t-e a’.du io
Otlet *ood* as low as they can he purni.u.fd n tin*
East, and of t;tr n<-hrsl and latest s’yle# Call and ex
amine our »u>ck before piirrhaiing c.sewliere M arc
house. No 75 Fotfth -t tnc'h.l \V. M'CLINTfK.'K.
'JTtr (ShsajHt't -iH'i most h'a.<'iu» table Storx
, of Goo-it. adaptrA to Gentlemen .• Spring and
n Summer Wear, u just rreettnng at
THE Proprietor of the above establishment would
respectfully inform hi* numerous customer*, that
he ha* ju*t returned from the Eastern cities with the
most splendid assortment of good* in his line, that was
ever brought to this city, comprising all that is now
fashionable, elegant and Cheap in cloth*. Oossimere*,
Caahuierett*. Drup De Etc. and evety description oi
cotton, liuen and woollen Summer >iulf*; Shirts, Cra
▼ aw, Hdkf*. Suspenders, Ac., ot the newest «tyle»;
which together with hi* very large and liutuonable
• to-k of ready-made Clothiug, he i* prepared to oiler
at hu usual low prices.
Country Merchant*. Contractors, and all who pur
chase largely, ure particularly turned to cud and ex
amine th- s),«-k. which i« decidedly the largest and
most iashionabir in tile city, and cre-at atienurn hu»
been paid to get it up suium.e to u»e wlio cssle trade
Order* in tnc Tailoring line executed in the nm-t
fashionable manner, an.) thnt nothing may be W3iilnig
I to ensure the newest and best style ot cutting A e*n
; tlemaa wm» lias had great riper eric-- m the Eastern
■ cities, has been added to the establishment,
tuohiil d:i,n
ai*onnimt of STRAW AND MILLINK
RV UOODB', of the mo« approved atyle* and pai
te nta, for the SPRING OF 1?4», con»t*img m pan of—
Fancy and plain English. American, and French
Straw; Florence. Rutland, Pedal and other plain and
fancy BraiU. Chino. Rice,Jenny Lind, and Roy
al Milan edge Braid BONNI-rTS.
Rich French Lace;
Fancy and plain Gimp. Ac. Ac.
Fancy Braid. Straw. Gimp, Leghorn, and other Mt
and HATS
Lcxbnrn, Palm Leal, Straw and
oihdr Summer HATS, lor men and boy*
Bonnn mid Plant Riblxjiu,
Uoiir.ei Stlkv,
Artihnal Flowfr*. Ac Ac Ac
Straw Bonnet Warehouse, t)3 Market street
niehl? d2w
V'o 00 MARKET STREET Have receive,t by ie-
X* cent importation* Uie t'oliowmg Goods, vit:
s>u carton* Thibet Shaw-*. «f v»nnu« qualities and
colors. Fifty doien “ AlexandrrV' beet quality Kid
Glove*. together with a good assortment of col’J ‘ilk,
Li«le thread, and rottoti Uinvcs. ‘or spring trade.
Rich standing, struma; turnover Collar*, cheap Col
lars. 300 pair enUiroiuersii Guff*. trom 50 ot» to g', .23.
Mourning Collars i- ineat variety D-mi I>ace Vent,
the greatest a**n. imeut ever otlered uy u* French
and English 4 4 Prints, Moyle* Print*, small figures
and last color*. Frriirli Ginghams; British
Furniture t'hinti. tvluit- »atin Unmask Table Cloths,
l.iiieti Damask, r. S .-Mid U*-5. Green Benges, Genu
black Ciro* de Rtune Silk Crnvai*. Ifc; u> 40 inch, the
bc»i good* imported. Pur*e Twistt ltneu cambric and
linen cambric Hdkts, irom t»i to 52.50, White Goods,
such as Jaconets, Lawn.*. Mull and Swiss Muslin*
figured and plain ..ace*, white and col'd Tarlatanes'
Ac Ac.
We nrr m the dally receipt of NKW GOODS, and
invite ihe attention of purchasers to our eitensive
North East coßxxa4rii a>d Maii *tst* . Pmnscswi.
PERSONS wanting Dry Goods will tiieusn tale :*>-
lice that the above house ha* comincuetd reen
vmg tu NEW SPRING GUODS, and luvues the call*
of retfu ar ttusiomors and euyri« jmernlS* Good*
will be odered ul low price*, a id |'urclia»cr* wi,l li ivc
a inrge »-nt cho'oe a*«ortment to a-iec' trntn.
Country Merchant* a,.d oilier* are mv.trd to
examine the assortment tn " holesnle Room*, up *tau».
where a large assortment of Prim*. Gingham*. anti
good* generally are now opening mar#
Dr)' Goods Jobbers,
■V’O 95 WOOD STREET—WouId cull ihe attention
X* oi Merehanu to their Inrp- »;oclt of Domestic
and Foreign DRY U< >ODS, just receiving from the Im
porter* ajid Manilla, inters, and which thev will »eli
at very .low rates for cash or approved credit.
Oar stock is now full nod complete, and well worth
the attention ofhuyer*. as we are determined to »eh
at «ucb extremely low prices us cannot fail to make tt
a strong inducement for ine*chanu to make a hill wi.h
us iaeb3l
vites ihe attention of house keeper* and those
about commencing bouse keeping, to hi* a»sortnieut oi
above Goods. such as—
Quilt* and Counterpanes, white and colored.
Tickings and pillow-case Mu.un*,
Sheetings, from one to three vanl* wide;
Table Diapers and Table Cloth*.
Towelling, Towels and Napkin*.
Furniture Print* and t'hmtr-*.
Scarlet Oil Chintz, tor eurw**,
Super printed Cinnu, tor qudt*-
Embroidered wt dow curtain Muslins.
Striped and burred
Red Blanket*. n l : qusiitie* nnd me*.
A Supply oi ine»e G«od» ,* .Miasiam.j kept on n;«r d
and win alway* ho on the n.o-i Uvornt.le t-rms;
at north rn*i corner I'H and Mnrk-l «1« ‘''’l’’!
* giTirtln« - Muajlna aad Irish Linens.
WR MLIiPHH invite* the particular uttrultoi’ of
ih'osa wanting me above Goods, to hi* demrame
•lock,* consisting of the l>e«t tnukr. from the most ap
proved manufacturers. and th* latter wanuuied purr
flax —He hnsjust received an aiidiuonal supp.y. Iml ,s
offering Shirting Musluts o< a superior quality, al a
very.low price- Also,
r*heettng and 1 lllow .
Diaper* and Crash:
Table Cloth*, Towel* and Napkins ,
Blanket*. Quilts, Counterpanes, and
Housekeeping Dry Goods generally
LADIES’ DRESS GOODS—Hue has FVench Mena-*.
Paromettoa, piasa and fhney Do Lain**, (some new
stylet just received;) Alpacas, Ac.
The seaoon being far advanced, all these Goods will
be sold at prices that cannoi fail to plrnse.
[J^Wholesale Rooms up stair*. JQuIS
XTO. «0 MARKET STREET, will continue u.-.r
JAj great semi-annual sale of DRY GOODS, lor 10
days longer, during whirh time ib«»r extensive whole
sale Rooms will be thrown open to their Retail Trade
a* heretofore A A M. ACo , knowing that they are
selling Dry Goods of every description from ten to til
teen pet cent leas.than ever before, do invite every
person in want of dry good*, or who may be in want,
to exanttnc and purchase (join out Hock, at the lowest
wholesale rales.
Our great object in reducing stock i* to make room
for Spring flood*, n being oar intention to exhibit in
March the largrsi nnd the richest stock of Dry Goods
ever offered by any one bouse in America.
We shall continue the sale of our Bteaehed and
Brown Musitns, Tickings and other Domestic Goods,
at our former low rates, notwithstanding the receui ad
vance of 13 pet cent upon th« same tn cMWramark’cu
VOL. XVT. NO. 207.
Patent </rutivaUif Galpanxe Battery and Pmmi
hi.iulasd Poles for Medical and other varpUMt.
r l' , Mls i< rhr- .pstrumeni of the kind tin useTtf
J. i.rrn presentetf in this country or &tropa fiirsed
icnt pu'iH.-rj i« the only ons ever known 10 ntt,
u\ winch me gai vnmr Quid can he conveyed to iha hv»
man e, the ear. the a; am, or to any part of the body,
either rxi-*r:i.illy nr internally, In a defiWbo raUA
ttr-nn. w.i i.nut shock* or pant—with perfect safety—*
and un*- i s ilt tbe happiest edeeu.
rii>» iinnor.iiit apparulus is uow highly anrovod of
uv m«.:i oi the most ctameoi physieuuis Ofmis COOO
try nnd h-mop*, to wtom tho oi&icted and others whom
it may coacc-n can ; e ictrrred. Reference will alxo
t.e given in many highly rcspeetablecillxetta, who have currad by means of thisraoat valuable apparatus
oi Min;.- of the most inveterate nervous disorder* which
couui not t-e removed by any other known means.
Among v ari»u« others it has been proved to bo ad*
mintbly udapir.j :or the cure of the following diseases,
viz.- »ervou* hradacne nmt other disea*oj oftbe brtJo.
It is with Uu* apparatus alone that the operator can
convey the tnagn.-t'c fluid with ease and safety to tho
cy-r, to restore »ight„ or care amaurosas; to the eaf to
restore hearing; to tnr tongue und other organa, to re
store speech; ami to the various parts ol the body, tor
the cure of chrome rh'-uinaiisra. asthma, neuralgia, or
tic doloureux, paralysis, or palsy, rout, chorea or Bk.
Vitu's dam-f. epilepsy.'veoknea* from sprains, tone
diseases peculiar to icitmles, contraction of the flmba,
lockjaw, etc. etc
Rignts for/trrroundtftg counoe* of Western Pa- and
privileges, with die insinsment, may be purchased,and
also tested tor the cure ot diseases.
Full instruction* will be grvea for the various chemf
c al* in hd used tor venous diseases, and the beat alaft
ner for (.perming forthe cureof-Uidsediaease^will al
so be fully -ip! *n'-'<! to the purchaser, and a pamphlet
put into ins hand* expressly for ihese purposea. eaxe
lully prrpu/.-d by tin* patentee Enquire of
ncil.wiy S WILLIAMS, Vino at, Pittsburgh^
Rtvirolbls Filtering Cook,
for unumßo WATER,
; W!,:cb reuders turbid water pure by
removing all substances not soluble in
/JirfSwg. v, ,i-j. The croton water in N. York,*
KrgC.u.nvough clear atid pure to the eye, yot
aV\aSv-/^* wl, en »t passes an hoar through utio
\\7rflhenng cook, shoWB a large depoalt
impure ,abstanees. worma, Ae. X%lfl
is the ease mnr>- or less with ail hydrant water.
Tim Revcrsib'.c Fillcrcr i* neat and durable, and ts
not utin.drd wnh lim inronvamenee incident to othox
Fvlterer*. as it is cleansed w.lhout being detached frotP
the water pip*. t>y merely turutng tho key of handl*
from tmr tmle to the other By this easy process, the
course of water i* changed, and oil accumuiadons to
impure «üb«tunc-s arc driven of aimtrat instantly,
without unscrewing the Filter, it also possesses the
advantage of a stop cock, and as such in nan?
case* will be very convenient and economical.
It Can be citanhed whero there is any pressure high
or ie ii cuax, u;ik, tah, Ac. vrilh ea*e To be had
of the «,.‘e Agent. W. W WILSON,
O»’U7 mirnei of Fourth and Market ati
I’HK artentioii ot me public is respecuutiy called to
trio [oiiowiiiß certineaie*:
Mjt S Ksitv*—JUvirg tested a aaar.Uty of'Oold
weighed by your Areometer, I find the reaultprove*
your ui.-trument norrern and recommend the art of it
to tn»-<- eoii.y to Oa iforma. as Uie beat method for ob
•tojiuiii! me rcaJ value of Gold Resp your*.
J. 1J DUNLEVY, Uoia Beater.
Pittsburgh, Much !*, Ic4‘.<.
Ptrtaatmaa, March 7, 1840-
Mil Eaxi.N’—DearSir: Havutg dxomined the “Areo
meter. - manufactured at your rooms, Ido not hesitate
to eouimend u *.u ti.c use of those gentlemen who are
about rcmoviag to California in »earch of Gold.
It <iv.-, * v o«c upi.roximulion to the specific gravi
ly o' ineta:... d will certmnly enable the adventure!
to ascertain hts placer is yieiding Gold
marl*- Yours, respy, J. R. MoJLINTOCK.
liHE CLINT"N PAPER MILL, situated at Steuben*
vtllc. Ohio. Navt-ig beru enlarged and unproved,
and at a very great ' addea new ojid (he moat
improved kind of mitchiaery. is now prepared to man
ufacture nil kinds of Writing. Punting, wrapping end
Cotton Yarn Pnp-rs. Bounet Boards, Ac., equal to any
in the Ihi-ierit o r Western country.
The undersigned having the Agency of the abova
Mill, wiii keep constantly on hand a large supply of
the different kinds of Paper, and wui have any siXft
made to order at short notice. S. C, HILL,
Pine uuil Cedar Ware BaniiJaetory,
No 97, counts \Ukkkt ».vd Fifth Sib.. PrraaoME.
T'HK »u!i*nnu«r ieep* coiuiiantif on hand, wholo
!>«;>•. ;i:ii reuul, very low for cash—
, Half Uuihel*. fee.
>’')• r Ware :n hi* line mode 10 order.
IJ 1 hi J ini * .;| '-oh i urrc»-:y,or 4 mos. app’vd Wlla.
5 inns i.r ' i J do pnr, C ium do. mtereal ad
j»« 1 For in- superior juaiiiy iW this brand we refer to
ih"* sliwi und toup manuii'.ia/<*M of itus city general*
dec! _ JSC liberty at
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Watar>
n Till;-n to certify that 1 bare ap*
F pointed Livingston, Iloggen A Co.
Agent* tor the sale of Jaoning**
l>mprn!ient Filter, for the eij
jrt ue* of !*uinburgh and Allegheny.
y£3&S JOHN CitßdON, Agent,
Ktpc-g<j> /or Waiter M Uibeon, 319 Broadway,
BT * OcL 10,1313.
We have t,een using one of the alxjve article* at the
oft or of .•■•* Noveity Works tor three montha, 00 trial,
and leci perfectly satiated uiut it is a useful invention,
old w.- lake j-iemure in recommending them a* a ujo
:\il nriicl>* to all who love pure water. Order* will b«
laankliiilv received and promptly executed.
oi-.iu I.IVINt.SrnN. ROGOEXfcCo
Ad verlliement.
IMIE suhsrnhvi. m ndernut tor sale a handsome lot
. of Nunn* A C.ark's, (Ntw Y'ork.) anJ Cbicket
ings tßoston., Piuiio», vvou.d direct attention to the
iiu-l thus ni* t* the only place in the West where the
instrument* of ibi s'*- iwo maser* can be fried side by
sidr. wnere. ronvsqurnily, a correct idea of their
qunhue * '■an i>r innncd. 'l'iie subscriber being angi/ips
to te*i their relative merits, urul nuvinc for a number of
yvtirs pvnoraicd upon uc Pianos of Nunns A Clark,
tin* in u«e (oi the last twelve months, a Chick
rn.ig F,.ino. in order to try its durability and fitneu
as an ncrompaii) ment to tlirr voice. Thu Pluto may
now be seen umi al to* rooms Ho feel*,
confident of lus ability to giTc a roinpeient and relia
ble opinion on tnc subject.
A :iaiul»ouie lot of new Pianos will be opened in a
few day*. IL KLEBER,
dec# At J W WoodwelP*
UFaCTOK\ Tne suusenber takes thu method
oi informing tus rrirrui* and ilie public io general that
ne ha* tnc iarc-'i -lock of yir following named ani*
cle* of hit own m.inii.uct..r- ,-i wti* city— Saddles, Har»
ne**. Trunk* mid Whip* of whim be will warrant
to hr innd>- of th- (»••»: maii'nal and by the best meek*
ames in Allegheny eouniy Being determined to tell
m» manufacture* som-tnntg .ower man has been here
loiort: so.u uy any -imiiar e«talih*hmen( in the city,
nr inviu* j*-r-ons in nrrd of thr above named
article* :q Ins wurehousr No 244 Liberty street, oppo
«ite Seventh. A No. baim* made ui order for machine
r> octkMv o. KEKBY.
r PHK ssecoinl Session <>i im, Usuiuitort, under the
JL care oi Mr. and Mr*, inr the present
luudrmw yrar. wi>. l oinni-nci' o;i ihe first of Februa
ry nt xi, in tnr *;un«*». No. 3d Liberty'street.
Arrangements have been made by wßicfi they will
he nb> io furtusli young la.tie* fuctliUet equal to any
m: the West, tor obtaining n English, Classi
cm, and Urnamentr.i education A full course of Phi
.isoj'iucui and Cntnn.ctii Lectures w.ll be delivered
during Hie Viter, illustrated |.y «ippaj*ius. ThCOD
partments of Vocal ami Instrumental Music, Modern
Language*. Drawing and Painting, will each be under
the care of’a <4tmpetem Proßssnr. By close attet. ton
to the moral nrul uiutllectual improvement of their po
pili, tnc ITui-ijuiU hope to merit a ronennadun of the
.ib-ral patronnge they nave lu’..erto enjoyed. For
tef.n.«. see circular or apply to the Principals.
PHtE.NIX FlfeL ItHICKS—The subscribers having
been appointed *ole Agmu by Uie manufacturer*,
lor th sale m inn cr.ctifii.eii "Pliomux Bricks,” are
iow prepure.l .o h.l order* for arty qusnUiy, at 821,
c:toii. per i.i*Xi Fc.r the oiiMrucuon of furnacos of
a.! inn's these brick* nace been pronnanfied by cim
peiem judgeaa* being »up*jiiar to «n oUier fire bricks
now in u-*e. C A M A.NULTY JtUo t CauaJ Basin.
tl! 1 .'lll
Ma.m 'f \‘M h i.Ti”FiißACt'o—
• u I bti l.amnrtine 64: 3oda Mirnbcan 6s; 23
uc Puttuun ai.u j<; -.u n<> John llucser ii, Id do Ro
t-eru.V. >i.--on i*. •, <> Henri A James 5s and bs; 10
In jnh » sun ,vj i*. Joo VVarwtck super 1*; 7 bxs
Steward -j.
< n, roinrai-inf »ome of the most favor*
< and will b« sold low to
j-.-j LsW.ATkK.MAN
Thn-r |
KFI4S i’-*- *ub*«.ni>cr*, being uie exuiaaiva im
,.orier» oi J»mti W.i-j.rjt. .Y <on*'Soda A*h for this
nmr*et. ar- now nmj «, i to be largely wp
p.ied wiiii tn.* . - tufuti.e l-i uni, wnich liiey will sell
dt tiic io*-*t nisfkrt pr , cosh or approvcdhtUg
They refer to uie mas* tiul aoap manutactorers f
.las c.ty gei.«roi.y rcapccui.g the quality.
T KON rUL'VDKY I oit >aLE.-A .mail Iron Foun-
X or\ ju s ii.>un*luog town, with Pnucrus, Tools,
,\c.. n.: r-.».(y business, wui be sold on occommo
■l all eg term*, or ex euaiige lor Iron or gouda.
'fhi> oiler* an ext- i.-ni ojiportuiuiy to a young
with «mnl! eupitii! to comtuence Uie iron Poandry bu-
luiquire oi
oftklnff -Stove* £e. '
“ i. x. i u . Round Church,
_ _ I nmi \S U«1 .i.eeta, manafacturi
shJ orff inr «•»!•• ri.ttionu. Moor ami Couuter Scale*,
■>. .<i- •!.<>'. . ;ii(.rn v i J iju j-.i l > , C«x>km K for Wood
'•••' ' ••‘“nous mu, iVloraad
icimn*'' (.ra-cv llnugw v\ are, &c. They alu
limi.ui... lure .m- K.irUc. lUtia-.. which ha* rfr t n such
l ’" cru l" ino,r - h ’ v >"? l * ia a**, to all of
AM. 4 ,1- w.m..! f . I"J..> liivae ihe attnouon of ii* in— —■' l’; 1 _“• x'-i.'-raiij- ocrt?-dif
IJAH..M KiMii r.tnn
1 ■: ... . *. tW, cdU«M«| BlAl.u
..cun- .mi . U p. r.n,i„»„ „, ht „ ,4«Z"
ph.... ....J u, ... wn
and brii.iAjil iigUl w dCMraWr. °
Mall Umeni..r»niWabra* l GlobM
r»huJe,. W irk*. Eftimtiie,,, Trimmer*. AeT *W
(m Chandelier*. Irom nur u> -our Al*o,
. «W » IL- ,ua,_« „,„ ket ~
lUrdwart—Che*|>er lliaa Kverl
1 , <J |»"' V U,l -f‘ UNkv °; Im.Kmcr.and Whole**)®
I—< in llartlwnrr . utlrryftJid *•_
•f w,a,
..»e d. .•).• <■ .»f|« m Karope, and winch ifter
" delcr,c ; , ' ro ,ra ‘■‘‘•wpogdinfly low. Merchant
* l '° oa»- w tli ... me !.*.»u 01 jrolu B East, are paroeo
t mrlv 'o r,!t a„d |«v,* i%TOU^h „
Kti.'ve tlie/ wiJi save timir cXpeace*.
t’XPi-.RIKNUFJJ judge*, on a Inal of one and a half
jmi non*. <ii!.v i-46, this article annir*
pai»cd lor dufaU.ity in the consrhjeuon of all kind*of
Funwes. Price «3.73 cash rit load* oHO U guarj
anted nine rtumih* aw. Orders lot a iecoud quality
Bolivar Bricks wn, u*- r-xecavJ at jyu per M, if *o de»
•ireil. without guarantee. A dock o< ike fitfil quality
i« now lur *ait a; m- .. rehouse. ‘Siuan's Wharf;* c*.
umi Ba*iu. by J sILA W M ACLAIIEN,
•spGnf Remington Iron Work*
Q PAULS, s*ll* >V, Ac —iOdwXiifiWie* and tfho-
O veiv 4D no i ■'! *I,'JO doClraifi shofel*; 50
do dn; Air- Hu-iieu. Mattocks, Md Picks
Bellow*. Victs, Ac i tot »«ie at manufacturer* price* 1
by oovia AIEQ COCIULAN.afI wood n
87 Wood i treat
Itarrcl Chums,
| MaiT (.hum*,
. Ui near Wood street.