■\ I'M j -' ttffigOUHPSUlif 1 p iWiSSSISEf ■ “sfevblfcj'i' ' ol > Ul - .Vi i-,: 1 rd**UtoMtmdl’MW *?•<«»«► "<tfi i%: :■■• ■“ ~^uena-tmt •P«*!r - c »® TtJf'i.-a V.I.Y •■.’ evertmrrenteranyof Py-TH' ’ ' * *••' -” ' QKf above Oi»eM* ; ■•-f •livV'.'-'-f r•' ' ' l^is -nn';-‘B^ , A YNfc'Sf . - /1i ■: fc • v:C -‘. '‘-; üb° n 'p ' . tlcrominr.more extensive [JjK* s&{ iJ’Sa'S.S'S.y o'hV *" "'" rel w*™re SS ty ihreagh ,h. •%■*#*»• >"■“ *« fcwjown. «f -llmlod JKjiain *arr£ yeiuarlcnbli! evt vly ■' ).?.£•';■ • impenanea , ffcclv forpnxffoftin*, foregoing H. v: tlecc*s of ll* a j ne ajjd efficacy Of fliVmedi •;‘ ■*£?■■:-• MstenMi.ss »*»* f . j Jew 6f the mwi iimu «iW;W» S s?v3bc«j>rc*ctiie.J.t 0 l.m by ,• wind n^pec labilitywho bate W^r . 'ssss clunvcly,UiaUS» , 'f. ,i>r ‘* d eunflUeKtionai.fonuil«on t.y iu iamruw « W; moi ,t nf tv «• pofjjio opnitolu Tb lUffuicU tbroueb Uir lord*, amb ( tli ( e •oolhioj i,l ° mo « agreeable whole frame by M use, reide».ua m niwedy lor ib< afiUcted p-, “\Vt<Jn. nicn, aefing f«™ of aShtns, or voluntarily bear being contrary to ibe.r P artlCWiafaCti»n'Cb l e«tl«TW^i^ e^eJ , con nctton of wortdtyiatcfcita * B<l P ur ?Jif i’ir‘^'n»« rttll ra f nncr 10 itsuuttL,'nnd.commeoa*'J“ * vnnil Maiuns. umvtwia:6Kecnc:o. ,, -®^fl Tt piCATEa I ,WlAl> Cusmu?no!.>- Muf, ANctoM Ct*» that.hu* been as successful There never,was * FrZZlfutnpiiDft* «I* Swayne's m desperate 'chcnT f ' }\ sunken* the ikMßßOtmd syr»P ?o i.< o Steal on .y«ien,,ll»l WISSi blood: pbW.er po>«sKU by no eir-ating WJW.ana w other aw4iciuo* Cn*»m Co ..'April 231 b, W». .-I." ■ ! tvar Sir L Tcrily* bebevc your Com- ClieTfy hi*' the fweans of jouMd'Sjw.R* ;;;^ a /«»«» «wd«. saving lc Ut . I f dc d with »<.severe ihnt blly S -“ ri i e , W bichjl had reoo»r»oio, Mill ro * a,< - ,U, fSIMeM« exhibited •» 'he »yltipioie. 01 ,„etee~OJ“d> l Eecff'ldue I ItieO neu.eil h>ubiieiWri I V?bWW , L eompilUtUtnerea.t'ft rf> rapid to Uaveno c f cC i ,^ n ni myself, <sv« up alfhope* 6i ly ih ar toecd* R« was! rttwrametflleti u. ir^- my teruver?- I did aoWith Ihdtohntbou yoitr iuTO|tjaidoPt^ t knUtnhml effect loltooßcu tfir pyrt»tth».-^^ t^““K‘ al ij' roc iyj igj.by Ufe roceh-, m- W as *dn i 0 usßtifa, and B^&PttSftaaSo taiy uiformuuou reSfc^ung4y eroaril-be beppy ret3 a y derive theses«ht for tlral oltwr f , Forlbetruih mhove wh»dMM;UO *«»*“;• PetdJttßsh, GrOtar, V/6H as|g^#-trsssa« Ujiyoo-iipd l a ‘J*Jfnv LnfovotOf tour CotOpounJ By toy btunblo ir.smnoity renr« since 1 wa* nip 06-Wild ond inttainmaifon of the TlolcnU? with aidnirejoinp loax>. 'fflJJJ,™ behd, a aery.'eoniuderu blr3techaW>0 r 5 1 5? , 5^. n |i»f, hmre.ee ahdhb Al eial|*oe«h.*hdege eo my co.idilion, bel «o preny hral’l'Sire 4«Uye«ibi; h.lo ™<a«P *»i l^M Itea. 1 sri-d deite *e“ * t Pboee, a-feper, reel, ly able “ lunja dn> erntheercOeOrnK-aeaKiie ptcM n p o„„,, liter |had ined Vfldioa P . ltl ic aroree. Jen lidiYiuld.no «J ‘3 by ldsi , , rier .d it . lierYl •».«*"!? ■USjrJfJSrSmii ofAYild t:ii.-r -ry. I ">“* l a«J«lll •«»<■"' Ilirei ; «s«in»p«e»' g bal under. Ihore.cemmsisSSrS d» prdfeßian andpraeury tn standiug-yout cltuow tlie raying of mr me«hcb», Md lffSr. Shawrunc of yoo r friend*, I cnmittcdcedlt* oie. My d»- agcntMi.f«wJ>oUl“b. / a rj or 24,n»nlh*’ •ouulmg.eon- .. j foojld> however, seqncntlp f l U« ortho f»«t'f<wr or fire oonaitUimbfo wbof £r _ .. • ««eiiker, I frtqeenUy ai boutev Uui b*«Jff h P |jdni #4 ,rt i: -airßrujfh, aud tempted ® ibqt hn«i already *gun Uiereby rupmn44o*o_»« tie*,,- my fU „ pus prraily to heal{ ikthia »■!» «”£ { Oj j« nupruJemly. retarded. In ' £ b ,. (ore { wa * pc r . I had® use twelve or u ujoeh amaller feelfyTCstored. Uave»adc m- sOonil, but lor number ofhoule* w °ul'i alloyed the foyer- UartldreetatoMW®. . IU"Syx«P pul , ~„p iihhhbStilhdh h.*^ 5 , [rSi ihe lu.iga, and Pb”- to -thß diseharßC of rood tfoalth Stftvc deter them Mid the tor-Uie |tutjo«.' ml offering thu* c*ro pennaiuttn y ot the of being Pferfccfljr ' wil ro *' r “ Wil! cum, ami now Otat l feel l >enMU | llv .. j. V , pleasure. „ Dublin county! N. C. ! f " V MM* Iv ! /1 *S, 4 'Jtf ■ ■. ■' ‘■jt a Chat if I>r. SW*YN2'a l !areoU ihro-.tclioul Hie toed Wild Cher., B»v. paraUoni b T _ der COttr of *ome Jece|»:- vr riTenrt*iaiw**i w order » ;mi*iuk« uu- M!y vlillle ■"’'"“WS”* KdcKto of die «r»mje i‘ CCfmiiKrfttKn ibe U «. r ener-TiBS, wiih tt»<* wjlti abo. DrSwayn,'. likcueF*r>rKV»U»iuoieaa ? potuau 0/ Ur. Kup'.ntiiTO »od h» farih« « gn&'lvm <>« " Jd "> Sf-C., ,111 M lor bii.preiuJrauottfrom a ouier*- ft^H (Wr *ittue- of Dr. fh#pre»i'eurMirc propel * *"Vild ('terry, person* As«rayw * Corspouod J ,:^ c cuirrticy i<> lhe>r would n»i 1* *»***°' 5 * c n sm« of W ,;,l ‘•fi.Uilou* nputum* ** . u , uiU j 4 ibe naim <*««; I' *f£zss»~. ‘■“" >r ° !l^" ,u “ J " I rr.uuUJvOOl'FiN 4. SNOW- . F„r »l.- »M***-r. *» d " - J A FA ; IM-- < ' I ' ooK k . 1 DEN, cor M “"i,™ JSmi u.d Wood w. W.M , Co. cor IW car! W™*- "J.oSo 130 l,tony •-': ' TIioRN.M.MoHO « j ”a.“' 3 j„|IN MITCII- A JONISCcnr Hud on. J.ulrr- n. tT.Ii, A.nc«Sio»y City 5 etui &y *Ur«P < -' '***' <M ., M ~ ! jp«sH9StS®S! *”£ “ HcMr'um'i AIA-lICAUN... to 11 * i» « .lil«n*e <nt«Ti»al oriflUitnei. Utsu w > ll • >o * S2rSSr=£S£rS^ i huve had l*t“£*^£.Si3 Bie bench. al bedo mmuras of the K°*j* ’erudition, Men. -wyem RaiUcuieu ot- »hc o| end jmii , n-'*lc* of lJt V^ , 1 voter -one universal VHUH .OINTMENT B mSsmtAWiSl~»t MW» «■"»”: t mrnrd .' alri ' aSSSfiffa -a**-- • ‘^WACrii^Tblto^ TJ »ml T"~ r » f Y' «-*■ teaSS^^rsSKftti S3W»O« tns'elutdren wdhon any l>en ti boxes ofOmuaem curcJ uie®. • * ,»._ ,^. rc 0( Tfc.miK—TUcrc nollii»s tnnic >•'( «' 9‘ re Te B.UttNS-ll irons »"M l " M ““"IT’ ’" ,hc ' vml,i b ' “BVn-to. .n, vcnrly cnrrTl'y -11 ffTTtm fail* lu rtvinfiebe* for w« r “f .. ~ ’ ip-Around tho box are direction* •“*" it * ScmM'.*£» £g£. lot, TOUT, CMlCiatn. .Staid Htad, Sort £3f<*- V J i T iHla told Fat, Croup, Xunlielor Biok>* ircuti, Tool*. athr, A&a *« /*“> . n,,,. POl L> KKI'TT —1 .i*cr ilomplnini, pom in me '>' i JdS£, Wlins offofdte hair, or the -liter «reom P »; nle*coldVeet- <Tbi* Omime-d .» Ute Uue rcn.cd> , .1 • a c»r« *ien of disease 10 have Aid feci. &«S*£o«»“>*“ r •“ ,u v U, T"“ ; -keen corns front Rrowiafi- Penile need never “JSd with ihem ti iJict u»e u V. b7oi*lu»ent 1* good for Buy |<*tt 01 the body ln il should b- No Ointment will te gehtiine unV»« the 'Xc ALLWTER ■ ' wriUen with a pen , Acetitn in ill the principal cit.e* nne - omlc ‘ l^llUC 'j A MFSM«Ai'-LIBTHK. Sole I*roprie»f.of ‘he *h"* e medirinr IP- WmciH North Thud •««. « adclplila. ttSTS PER B‘»X. ; \ - -|»r." w > Rcnrr. ronirr 01 ... Aoixrs tit Y iwtßcaon—• < \wj c ox;Jr, comer 0* liberhr end Si Cleir ' le o{ 4lh au «i , - Merk* st frj l , h , e £SpSVn« of wStem - HmtUifveld »i*- t J H Ca f“ »?^^ k loJlS ; Proiibltrid , bib, fith word; and «>ld w tue uocjbsu”?-« . H P assssnKSisws e&elgag-- c Co»sbNCaw»?|!ltojßj^^‘ p^p*al|n commetiLed tbe r l.n,w, to» * 0 tl T Bt fel S. tho bo»edt »h£eh *u fcuou*bly S.. io it' wtocSSTilfSV“ «tt b ! ?' 0 *■>?• AVNEa . ;: : WFo “ nl !^- n. «r p llllmd*l P r^lO * n ® > T\B- w. V. INLAND, C?lbe Medical CoI| e 8* b! 1 ,ul " T/tcielpWi, aov. olTcr».UlMJi»f ulil) , s)U. Mm” »><• itJblc Premium Pluaf.JW qoullue.jor «&£>■. 1 “ J tong «"tl tri»<t eiryncnccjlnM been B ? u * f m^, T L y uril i, Sbßiiied- To all wonteS *bo, pay be affixed wiU* sj&fw vended witU pain, themtrnWua* w «X«1 »!J" y** I '-' , in affonlma idicfor eOedtoj a.corc. <Voj tile by * L Wilcox; corner of Diamond VitfeSr ■£ * > Jacso£B ££. « J>ctoan fcnd Diamond. Bimms b*9Uri,'.t. '• r 1 - ; £a»fiUky^f} « teauMii vegetable article, i»P«^^%?SSaSW»tti» a-juunnil, healthy, qualities and it WJgJHg. & t *« finie wtm« I%A- : . ; *ia|»aster, • mafcuiff it *?ft and unooih. >n*‘--a** J«««f-> > Dr. JameA Jeoes* Sgsniab Lily. mSiibewtUafaDdoatu.- •; se - i MEDICAL. SARSAPARILLA. oad BUermg •/**« Age. ex tTuardinar» .Amiieine «a U*a W..r‘.l! r.TJ. u n • «-« »•*■<" ■•'“•> -irior to ««r*o— Jt r emiit*f. pwwur. «*»«V pr IX* P*n-*t. Tijo great beauty and rujwlority of this Sarttptnlls s nil otiwr medicine* i*. U *' white h eradicates tb* *1«»- ej M U invigorate* the bod) Itl» one of ih« my b*»t SI-RING AND OTMrtE BEDICINEB E rtr known; it net Only gnr*«s the whole »m*m. sml strengthens the person, bnt it •fetes ««*, jw« and rtrfc Hood: a power piisseswd by ob other medteia*. And in ui« lies the grand sreret ofit* wonderibl row***. It ha* uniformed withi* the last two year*, more than KM.Qpfl -arel of totere case* of diaeaae; *t least lh.ooo -w*Te c»n*nlemt incurable. It has •*»«<! the lire* or more lh:in 10 000 childreo during the two put teasoc*. 10,000 CUN of Ocnertl Oebility and wont of Nmou Energy. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla bstgormtes the whole sy.tetn permanently. To thoae who has* lost thoir muNCßlar.enemr bytha tfseU of medicine or tudiaero t>-m committed in youth, or the eaeeasiso Indulgence of (he passions. and brought on a general physical prostra tion of the nanroui system, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting '.n.irinM, prematura doe ay and decline, luiwa ing towards that fktal dbaaso, Couusptron. can be en tirely restored by thia pleasant remedy. This Sarsa parilla u far superior to any Inriyomting Cordial, As it renew* and mrigorate* tbt system, glvas activity to the limb*, and strength to tba muscular sytiaa, la a ai»«t extraordinary degree. tionnamptioa Carrd. Oirsnte and Strength**. Oonswn in turn can It cnrtd. Pronekitu, Consumption, Liner Complaint. Voldi Catarrh, Cong he, Asthma, Spitting of Blooe, Sortneae ia Lis Olid, Htttxc Flnsh, lUgkt SntoU, Dit leaf! or Brefnsa Jtxp*do tation, Pant St til Sub. A*-, issi .littaisnll torsi. SPITTING BLOOD. ffto York, April SflAffT. Dm TsmuiXb-I rarQy bailors that year S snipe tiUa hwi boon the maaa*l through Providence, of taring my OIL IkaTOfot MTonlyoonbai a badCongL it boc&ma worse and weim At lut I rntead large quart!- tbauftiMd, had night »w«ua, and *u grtsaUy dtbili taiad and reduced, oi dMaol'azpoet u live. 1 ha*« only w>4 your Bsnopuifi* • *kert tlsu, and than km . wwaghtla mo. lamnowabta to watt tel ever ibo ohy. I fib* blood, ud ny aongh test left me. Ter. oaa w*ll ietagUa that I **a tkaskftJ for Item* ruelte. Tto stediMininH, T7IL EUBSBIX, tt Cttbsrfts tc Feaamls Beiiclsc. Dr. Tawoeand’a Sarsaparilla b 0 awraraijr tad speedy rare far laelobnt QuumptUm, Itwtnawi, rroUMnt Utoti or Falling eftho Womb, Ceattraaaaa, Pilaa, lea mtbma, or Whltos, obumrtod nrjdlflcnlrßansua*- tUo, Uwwotinecs* of Drtao, or tavplamurr dbeharga thereof, tad for tba raural pthrtntloa of the aystao- DO rnattas whatbu tha raaslt of tahoran eaua or cmnas, produced by Irrcgniarity, ffinn ar oaddanL Nothing no bo men sarpriteag thaa Itr tetixtrsdng aTaels aa tho houaa ffvao. Panaaa aB wonkaocs and tenf tadb from taking it, at eoae hatomo robust aad fuO of Btergy under la Inin a men. It ImnodinUfy eoußterscts tba isrraloMßtsiof tho baalo frame, whlek Is the r 9 f* itiM of Oerreoaua. It wiO Eat bo uMetsd of ua la tu«« «f so daJlcata a eatun. W oWblt euteieuao Cures performed but we aaa aarera the affletad, that huadradsofcaeei harabaaa raportod “• Bf uim wbsra (hmHlaa hart booa without children, iftax using a fbw bcnlaa of thb hare beaa biassed with tsa, hooltby offspring. To Hothera aad Married Ladles. TW« Extract of Sawmill* hM buaaxprtaab pr*- Dtred ia reference te Amate ccmpUlau. No female yho has reason to roppoao aha U »FP"«bJ* erltieal period, “Tks t«rw tfU/V «bould aogt««t to take U, as It U a certain proaeatira fbr uy « aumaroaa and horrible diseases to which fcmalas are subject at this time of Ufa. This aorted aay ht do- Upidfir ttotrol peart by ariaff » b U less Tteuabte /hr those »bo are approaching wo manhood. as it b calculated to eatert natno. by umek eebt tha blood aad iarbosattegtha system. Indeed, this medicine b inralnailo fcr all tba deieate dues set to whteh women are subject. It braces the whole system, renew* pemaoently the natural eaersiea. by remoriii* tho impurities of lb» bodr not so far stimulating os to produce *ubae*|u«n» rebsation, which is tho cat- of most medicines taken f..i femtee weakness and dbsasa. By using rfaw boulc ..l thb madidne, many uteri and painful surgical opera lions may be presented. Rrrstl Bleating to Jlotbersand Childrro. It is iha safrst and moat effoetMl tßodiaaotor puriry Imr the lystma. and rehestag tba soffemir* ancrnUui anon ehßd-birth eser dbeosered. It sirenrtbens L.tk the motlier and child, present* pain aad dboaas, in moon and rnricbertb* food, <ht»o who base used it think it ia bdispenaahle. It l* highly useful both before and aA»r eonfinemonV as it presents diseases aitembnt noon childbirth —la Cosureties*, PUcs. Cramp*, bwejv Ink of the Pest. Despondency. Heartburn Votnmntr. Pain in the Bach and Loin*, Falae Paw*. Hetnorrhaee. arid in regulating the «eroto aad eqealwing the ext eubtmfl it baa no equal The great beauty of Uis medicine is. it is alwayl «afr. «ad tha most dalicste u « most suceestfally, rwry few any other csedieian. In tome a little Caster Oil, or Magnesia, ij asefnL F.serelae In the open air. and light food with this medicine, will always ensure a aafa and easy con finement. Dctmi7 tnd Health. Cesßatfca. Chalk, and a variety of pvepuatkiM '»» _.i._ „ W h«n applied to tba fhen, very »oon npotl It 3J. taSj ThS. «l~ tk.poF~.ru.. tha circulation. which, when Batura U sot thwart- «Jr.aa*a or powdM. Of tba akin inflated bv thn JkVnr. atari in aoapa, b*autlfi« it* «wa production in - hiuxuui face Divine," a* well n»la the farden of rtrh and delicately tinted tfld r.nerate.l flowert. A f, e « neUrc and hoaithy cheeUlion ef tba Cuidt. or the -nar.iui of tba pur* rich blood to tke exirenittie. it that which paint. the' eountananea ia tha m.«t eitr beauty P It ia that which impart* the indescribable •bade. and flaahaa of fovatiuM ‘ b >» »'• uon „ C , B deMribfc Tbia haauty la the offering of «o healthy circulation, thara Uno beauty. u tba lady u fair aa drives anew. If ,be “ d and tba blood la thick, cold and t=pw.*he u wibeaa tlfal If ika ha brown or yellow, and thnre t. our. and uLra blood, it give* a rich bteoaw *b* ebaaka, and a brilliancy to thtir ayaa that U ~ . . Thb ia why tha awtham, and aapactaDy tha Span bh ladlelar. *o ouch admired. Ladies in U» north who take but liule esaretsa, or are confined tq cloee «r bar* tooUod their eomplenioo by the appU min elasdeity of step, buoyant mWta, *parh ■}'** •*” and beautifui complaxkna, they *bould ““ *m«r. Saraaparilla. Thouaanda who hart mod it, are rnure than .flirted, ■« delljbtcd. Lad*. of errry tui.on, crowd our oflea daily. Notice to the li«dtee. Those tnat Imitate I>r. Townaand’a Saraaparilla. h*v» turarably callad tbeir fluff a rr**l R*wudy for f t raal/a, dkc~ Ac-, and bara eopied our Will and circular* wmchrelatsa to the complaints of woman, »or l for «orf —»>tber man who put up medicine, have,*ince tba »ure«-M of Dr. Townaend'a Saraaparilla in complaint! incident to femalaa recommended theirs, although pre au.udy they did not A nambar of tbaaa Mtaturat P‘ik Sir ar- iftiuriou* to famalat aa tbay anrm-rat* disease and’undenniae tba eonadtudon. Dr. Towuaand « u the Oivlt and beet remady for tha aimeron* famale eom plaint—tl rarely, if over fatla of efftedof a permanent l-ure h can be taken by the moat delieato feoiaiM. in any cate, or by tboaa aapaetfatf I* become mother*. with the greatest advantagse, a* It pispurea tha «y*trm and prevent* pain or danfar, and *tr*ngtb«c« hot It* mother and child. Bo emfblte f*\ tha imaino. Ncrcfnla Cared. Thi* certificate concluairaly prove* that tbi* Saraa pariUa bat perfect control cm the ao« obetiuaie du eoiei of tha Blood. Three peraona cured ia one bouae ia uuprccodcntod. Three Children. Dl TovnaCKi>—Dear Sir: I bare tha pleasure to Inform you that three of my children have Wen cured of the Scrofula by the nee of your They were afflicted rery aaTorely with bad Sore . h. » a Uken ooly four bottlea ; it look them away, for whieb I feel tiryaetf under jyealobllfalien. Yoora, retpactfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wooater ei. Opioieoe of PhyaJcUw* Dr. Townaond m almost daily receiving order* from Pl.Yilcrina w different part* of the Union. fhu la to certify that we, tha underri*nod, Phyatciana hf tha City of Albany, have iu num.ro.. caae. cd br Towuseu.l'l Saraaparilla, and behave U to be I'^^ouNnrr;;'' J WILSON. M. n. K. a BRICOS. >l. D Albany, April I.IMI. F- B. ELMKNDORK. U. D CACTIOIf. tlwinff to the craat auccma and nntnrnae sale o« i r Towuseuil’a Saraaparilln. a number of men who »ere formerly our AccnU, have commenced uiakntf s *”*l’* rilla Kttraeta, ftisirt. Bluer*, Katraeta of Yellow Dora, ke. They B *wrally put it up in the name .taped bov tba, and aont* of them hava »tola and copied oar *d»«r tbemeuta—lhey are ooly worthies* tatluiiooa, ao.l aboulil be avoided. Principal Offlca, IS6 FULTON Street. Bio Buildio*. N V.- lUddini t Co.. B Mute atreet, Bo»ton , Dyou A Hod*!' IjW North* Second airtet, Philadelphia; S. fi Hence Drurgiit, CaJUmore. P. M. Cohen, Charleston . Wrirbt A 151 Cbartrv* Street, N. O.; 105 South Peart Slrcflt, Albany; and by *ll the pnuci;al Unir rL,t. and Merchant* ff.wiraUv tbroachout the l un-l Btaiea, Wc.t Indie* and tho Canada* N. 11.—Persons inquiring for this metlirme. ahoubl not i>e imluCod to Uakc any other. Dru K piai-« pm up Aaraapurilliu, u"d of P°d rße l‘ Tefer ibeir n»it. tky not be deceived by any—inquire for Dr Town triul'., and lake no other. ID" Remember the genu ine ••Town«ciiil> SnrnaparUUu” sold by the aolr artius. R K.SKI.LKRM. Getiural Wliole*ale A Hciai! A«cni. No 57 Wood street, mid D. M CURRY, AH«n:hciry ctfT. J rJ,i EBHOPBAS AGENCY, Tor the l>e«.very of Dormant and Improperly With held RKAI. AND ESTATK: the S-i llrmcnl -md A rldtraimit ol Coiibuerrinl.Traduu. nml other D-bi«; S.vjbrmc Patent* for Invention* u. t. r *-ai llrlfaiii. lrvloixl.iiud the t'oionfca and ]>n*ei:ilrnri' '* tberromo and Nriotintuig io; Ibe Pur rhu.e or Sttle «>f the niior. J KKFEUKNtiK muv *>« Lad on appbcntion free m charv, Iprovidod the motive l* uol U*Ht of in*Tr purioeity.) to n tjat comprising u 5 varda ol 15,'lAi nntnc* 111 which unclaimed property t* >tunding Abo. nn mdri to our ad’v«*tUeemcnt* wan U have appeared lor the past 50 year* in various l>nti»h nritftpapers, oddrr»«*'dlo llcm si Law nnd U' *' oI km. CotninuiucAlioiia by Idler arc refluc»b-d u * post-paid. BKNTHAM KAIUAN. W Urondwuy, New \ ork Reference* nr* pomuitcd lo Hou. Clmrle* I*. Dnly, judge Court ofOoramon Plc&*, New York. Freeland, Stuart A Co. Ch:u«. Cartlidgo R Co. W. kJ .T.Thpacou. H. IL A- Rickettx, K*q. Fdward Hchroder. Oincinnnu, Ohio. A- I’ntchm,President Patchin Hank, Buflalo. uovil-dflm Cemetery. AT !hc ancaal.iceeUJtfl of Uic Corporators, held on Use .Mb intUUie follotving persona were urtnm niutriy le-cwcted Mnuagcr* for the epaulng year; TllCwAlJ M. fIOW>, Preaniem, JOHN BIBSKfaL,; ) JICSSKCAROTIIKnS, I NATHANIEL UUUIFJ*. t&Unacera. WILSON MN3ANDLKSS, [ W ,Bt JOHN If. 9HOCTIIERCER, { JAMES R-WEEB, ) J: t^ifki fc Ji.,S* , cretary and Treasurer. . Tbo innual utatcmeni: presented the -affairs of the CbnpßAyiiraixerTprosperousoonditioit, -Thfurbinco inibe eiiy I* Water alre**t _ J«l2 eIItQOT Xl'Tl-i ii bol». nasorted iruida, for tale r by Ucou ISAIAH DICKEY fcCo trnnMKJrSrbxa m atom and for aaiebY . . ISAIAH DfOKEV *Co am&sss 1 MISCELLANEOUS. GOLD WASHEttS, HI'ABRV k«» invented a mar hum for wa.«lunff . (ii'lit, lor w!,i(-lj !u' bo* made application for a putnll. They air now o(fr;cd foi «ale at i!i- warr t:oa«e oi I'airy. icou A. Co , No 101 Wood *UL*ei. I'itirl-ursu. A<!v. lacr.-is to t'ai/u;:..:! ar*- i ’c<! :o phi! and • 'lhfj - arc *im\itc i»i )• or l . it»c ''ufk nl -i.;,.,: ;>,.uvl* cars. »:» n,«- in... o: one o' ,Ur t r m.-.rltuir. c: »•*»*. mat :-*o inn. Wil whm. Ui- ii.u.rra Homier i.u-in ..i tmiJ ot cutiii a >Hy. wul.oul lit- ioo or .. itnd *:.ui 1 |,ow, r. if fir-! fill Tii- O|-Tj:or-'...n wiii.ou: imoi,,. S!t t«> ihr wuw '> r to v.r-i. a;..- ■ m:-m.w ,m>ui -t.- tin ir m-aith. i'io-y m 1:1 t-ut » Mt. 4 : I'r, .i.'n.ir-.: ~t a oiiij'-4iijrd lij-Ciiih. will be ;<rciO|iUv tint-.I H I'ARKY, at I'wry. S.-u! & (Vs No lie: \\ ..,,,1 • IMi.l.ursb iUu*i>r&it&. Sous’ Ho<U Aih. r I ’ ill'. r.iu.«, r.t>< r- arr now rrrrivinp ih«*ir Full *ioi’k 1 i'! i..- ul..iv arlirtr. ihp-<- viz: :h- Juni..ti. -om ui.i l-l .1,-1. I.uvn,.- nmv.M :.i I’l.iluu. u •«! l«vn nim Hir Su pu*'!' tin lit win un-t • t|”-’ t«-.»: tliry arc. I'lcn-forr. prrj'a'Tii •r* Tltf}’ wil, fnvtvi- dfriiij; U.c vm 1-rnh.r via N«-w r-rl-an. U- .v M MITriIKI.THKK Mut.vr I AIW.V. rkli'iUj'-Vcr < wm ui>»<anj lump inlwr p!:iii\ Hn Hll'i M.ilHx. UII.I . -.ln a;..l illii ahU lu«4r- JOII.N D M«'H<■ \X [>ru<i:i-i imi retail, l>y MU SAMi. U. lIAKTMA.N l.avjm: w.l.i In* mirr fst in ibr «»o-porui‘ , t*iii[i oi I'lilini.tn. Miiilinnn A Ffl-ruMf\ l!i, !■»*•> IjiiMMil-Ki.M MAM I Airil KKS - T«r un.i.i •ix-nriJ. A'rfoc inr Ui«- iii.nuiiii.■Uift-r*. li*' on turn.! n>’irtc in ;ui.l i.i uuiy win-li lie i *•4..• « ; mi.i.iUM.-iuMjr* n i.r.O rOI'HUAN. MisaKl tii.h h l'.v« I»- It .n*>. liuhu Wnl» Imr mi ••irtHfi‘l i.n.i U- lor r<*ii.l<-iiu«j l-ot-i rxfriecttv wairr t’tuoi. and «oii ;ut u |»*rrr «j Ol'. <»nfc n jilir .11.. n■ I:u * i- »urtirt«*iU l :ik r tin in niiiM-rvimi* I- wnu-i mr 2 <.r :» iiioiiii... ft.. I. • I ~|. Item 111.- K-i.Oirr crackme. ii a' .1 '.*t ►air ill if.r India Kulibrr IV|>ol. No jam mu.i n s i,, , i<iui)i«-- ■■■>. I'riHl"* (>u JiMi't'. Ma«'' U-ii*- .S.-I.can ««.! Mr-.IK-.m-*. I’i.i.V . Mi.lwifn .100., W..i»i.-u Mon •vtii' tv 011 ;. . I’nrWri uji MAlini'!i in lJui>i'!i-si'<- m. I Jvt.nurr on Ku .•1.1l i'i.n>.iiinj''.HOi. Ci.-.lrC |‘h. Mr.l . A-liw.-'I 1 CiinuJcv **t«*w»ifl on Child« ]m*uiuip». Pr,-r l>uprevtrei»' Sur. Alwtn iih> ’* \\urk:«. I’iuliiju. i MTOlttin, Mot"ke»tlo*.h'i I'< »rMirr. M«*l ijfd on Childri» Vrlj.r7\j> Mi'!wi(rf\. Ktffltr* TBrn»|n*ulir*. Ucl 1 ‘oop.-i 1.11 t>!*ior»Uoiiv. I oinlir nn 1 lnidf-tn. Milho I'rtn (•. Mire*T). Chun::i - i i nnwr-. Ih-ivrr-- . ■ 'hmlt-tl.do oil Mldwilrn . iloOl. I r-i....1>i/ii«;.«oi J*li*' ilnli't V do l»l«-timftit\ lilWll'Mi'r 0.. l-'.l r |Vn m l .Vmnru Mr.i . \\ icl-u. - Cra. in-r, 1.,.i0n • ~ lltturlKtni « l'i idirr. do Mnl-mi Mnl.ru. .Mill** nn-o.lony Hnni.t-iilimii . Mol. Karilr'i ..u |r'> Hop.' on Hi-nrt ‘ imimlno I ••inulf. Vuinu-m '■llf'*'f\ \\ 11-on •>'" \iialnui\, William* cm K*-*fnci.ll» (if-ao». mine 0.1 I'fim. l>u- .• * new If. 1 nlirvoVr &<• ( Th«• i.l'ovr. will. a tr.i«M u M-mciil rr.-M •»' «.t • .■* i.i.i.n i rr a i.m.i isii. :o v» ~u.i It I<; K LOW 1 sl\KtiUliL3l \ St L H \T UKI „ . »- \: in. u m\ w „ o< ~ lh i>Pllv Wifi i-e Jifumpllv flilr.l Kw"**-..-"- IM'iiiirtwi. li II 1' D W:w 'UM. ! -t; . n«. .cr; H Vm, «’ !. M. • > Will ft RAIUXi. ii\ I.* iwri.N; 1)1 i:| !' A fll A I'M *.\ I- -.'ir Aril M. r- . ; l:«vv hr -1- nt KAll !M. ; «■' " • < >i:irs. un«l wi : uiiiirnL'O *•* \% ii*. .IrMj/liril tor iMtnrfrj-ff • » Viiit-lr. .r «. Ha] .1 ;..WL v. , it:u • . I.'f • n-' ’A *K » ii \ ! 1.1 \I •. I. ii.! a istiiirtn iw J.OWKLI. KI.KTCIIKK ALCOHOL A> U PEEK SPIRITS rr4"T Fm.’l :ill l Vijtf KAfrCl* ClrCl! '■ a l, O. PM^®sQjll@ -523331323? gRU». t t-L i SlMMl&ifrrfrfesi imu/ • iMiirTn^ I -•.vri'BßKiii TTV' l):>rj :rn..: !’ '’ri.i>rS!i for A-rolio'. Purr S|.,r .-.a. Raw or Bwcv..-.! U St.k. t, wul 1 - promptly a’.et. del m n 1 towe-t i'. irltF-i in/ lila-dl v T) M i.: Vr t> TTi'lV'da S', n in*- u>-* w K mm-*. N<' Kourm .;rcci - . I’lmi' Turk-. r.-J rim,u i m a .if .if W.IT-I- 1 a.) AIX Turk ,U 0 ri»iiw*» .lo Ur,|..T> I l..n r .‘ .lo klix-iKif 111 W'v* flo I Urt <lo T 1 .olfn. • 'lo li'.'rr. iilt.l Si I nr,l lii'it T R-. 1. . Ki iN 1 II I-. 1.1.1 .»\M ~ i Kl.iUi'l I IKK I’ltooK I, iTVLNT Tl-- I’n-iii.i i,M n orm >!•'• I'ul-iif ili -l lii - uf >ifcr thrui i* ■ K 'Vri-'. i.r'a'Hi'uH) himl ;, lrn ',l, ’;i r'.i«•! i’ll .-i;i Vji rilt» , 'i :ih<i i mnw»f. iim.lr- Ur,. Kory. A<- ml n<»i ut!> r-il Ky li' - nl or »rr •i• i!• il" 1 iii*i»*»iri»• •u* «'r% hr.n, oi«h-i. uMu»« >*•■<» <» »•**« r.ur-r Tin- I. ivr- »mi( »•*!» • 1 «llfh Ml. ,I'lirl -J»1 Ml Ui’- 111.-.’ wi I ;,,! i- i.-.l a.u.ou'. I. '3l uml rv I TU- -H-r (**• l-.tr -al- I y U U U'M.fO.N >rnanienl»l P1a»l«. Bhrnbh*ry, ' li■<!« Tree*, dfcc. t*r. TIIK -iH.-i nl.-' ..it- '* "<t • ;ik i. lar i' : »• I'tariV r. vj.i-1. :rjn:.r u kV..<.-., S it f .1 I. !-t>- Knot » m :i \ n iLf il (lfik-r« t.»r [l.)U.;a'-i- I'-n w.tii U I' . ",V; aif .urrl WaUI»K«M'. Nur-.-i, I> A KAIINKSTOCK .V »»> S or r.... K l: I>. I!al*ain U*. n K n*»l n.Uir-ue- «v-r mtmv ""^ l ' **/.*,?,"^ J ' ft*T,'*i, *" *'»'l = i>*'‘ wlnrh tiaii iwm ruiii.«uic " ‘ ,,f “ ‘ •'*' ‘ ■»■ •" •* ' '- 1 ' n( i.mr, >ii !ii a'nui*' nn«nrdi.«i' , i) m iy!’•> ' > ""l!' ''' tl 11l l 1 l 1,1 l,ll ‘ t> — I•' tfr.n .. i:ro-.tl:•' to lit' - i»' roneh. wliK'U f't* l -'*) "'uv'i.avf ' mttl tor .nir."'vliol*'»alf mol r' tail, l>V B A K.\ iI.N KAT* *<*K A r... .crMToMVrwd \V.k..i :i>iJ«l*n -t«. I UKOltliK WKYMAJN, Tcm A Oco! r i bI c FFB AXD CIGARS.^ is?; iy >i,r jiiefion -I l Vmiiiry Mrfhm.'-. U«'i“- au*l lJarfc«' ' ,p»f- 11 •“•'K I -' ;uu * a»*cf tiMtu .»f lAin»l( I KIH'M.AKS. nmm.* «ui-l. w..l l.nniU. va: Vm#*. Hrpa.in.laK I'nnnpr. I j No.iim*. M »r Hraml. ». :»:■ oi wfcicJi »Vi '••• ■;” ,l “"■* A I*o. i-i»n»,4<i'i\ ~ii t.uuil h-i.l (mi ..vn, .. I -u.. L ... Virui•»*.», 1 ..!*• ■ “■ A;«o, U Havu.i». >;ul.ii mill Ooiiitnoit I.'‘ if TH.iirre> roi.#CuillV on W*l n r:il icr •!»'.• i-.r-, . ..i-iti ITNSIIIUMiAIJI.I' H.ANM.I.? « Mur.n ulmjvc »'l ’!><• i!itJ*rriH i|u.«l ur*. »<'•• lu u»«hn*.ka!''« at lk«* U>ut,. n...l -u imim i->wer (irllUtUC Wrinli Hhnii#- 1 . :n**» roMi-ui'ii. > Uauzr andSi>kdo,4 4 and 'lo, h,r Muo. -ln-; pur tnad-* v\'l.,lr rit.ui.rl- an.l 1 V ‘'. f y"' on IntflU, util-" -imnnea/J purnn oi I '••urth nr.^.-r saw uoops. , , WHITE, !PJ Wood Hi wet, nr- >'->v S “ rS»(«”* ■“”* mn '-“’‘"VY SttoS.-SterJoW I '’- *■*"•»• *'- w “ rk ■Jock and ptiw»* - -- —- TK»N«I'XrKNT SHADES- Jo». rccennl *nd ta, KA | .UT *priii.iock , « VVureroom, TVS ' tc ° f “““* »M i:upSwf K ftfbl4 __. L A .s£y“ **■ u ’as' l u, ‘ Ss s&iSi.* EXCHANGE BROKERS, & c . *. DOIiBKS * SOBS, Bmkeri, Exchange Broker*, NOTH*. DRArr< Aa:{-;KI'ANi:K.'k.( J OI.r..SJi,VKR AM) HANK NOTH.- COI.T KmONSNoii-* "arul \r f - p!an rr. f>:«\ ul'ir in nil v |*art ol‘ l!ir I moit. colircie.l t»-i Uit- uiu>i :\|-(1 A.M .K nn Nm* l’mWil.-.j.i, „ A\K Nf>TKS -\m ''anV-m ih diiw oiwiicd :il Uia .owe.*, nit-. Ali mmt» •uid Anicr;i*n.i »..i-d mill Si:v»-r rr.i,, |vo U -t,i tilt. . N.i .W MiiiX-'t iU'-ci. i.riwr.-n im.Miii FOHJKItiS UXCIIANcfc. IJII.i.S nn Ki.fiamt. I rrlnm!. an,l Sfoilan.' l,oii*ht > i,nv uiiH-un: m wr turn*m Rain. „i A'-.'. !»:-< 'if :*.-<»• in un> Jilin of ll,e Old I o„„uir*. !fiT. J.l in XIiMV). ui Uir rule nr ft.'. 10 '.III- LSirrlme, wr. mu J.-.tu.-L,n: »■ di-toum. by JoSHI a Ri >UIN- I i.'Hl>'i.: «»•< iiiri'cu: otfi.-r ..ij, -t one ,|„..r ix-. woml. 0.-Umi KUAHEU * HAHM, ,A\Kl--Ua AND KXCMA NOT. BHIIKKRS dealer* ) in t xirriKii and L>nme*ui- Kill- rn l-.*,-!.u;i,;r, i>r- l.lnrilr' i»( 11. . Haul N,.1. • null', -u , :Ul mill \\ ood Mireri. direr;!) u|«|.<,itir Jm i 'n« ■i. IirKSTKItN KL’EkPS-- W 01,10 Indiana, Kentucky, Mix-«onfi. pnr.-n»--.i -.or ;,i* f ,; rale, l-y .N HoI.MKS A <OV». «rpl" Mtrrt. 1j11.1.S OK £ XOll ANO K *, r .U> . on > Ni'w\nrl, I'hilmlfljihin. and ItuUimf.re, ,if:i.i'vf„r»iil( by N .V SONS. »r|,i ; :ti Market *L MISCELLANEOUS. WAIKU CI'RK K.STABLISHMKHT, I'MM.II'SUI'HO, l‘A | 'll I' i n}» ,1 viii-lr* win./i Hvdroputl>\ !ih» minlr i.ini f i- oni'li. in; <• u T :i: iv«r . iIeCU of mi.l n.ilrr in I :i .i oci.l-- .li.ra.r, when rinpl.»-.,-.J ..m-i Un tie* -i; ~- . i.f„.e,, Innr r.-CTn.vr-l until •••■ ’>«• '"««•»« =“"« luil'l,,* eke.) »ariu >. il.-ul.l u, 1.. .1- .-111. ho. :m,l an,nr. I Tr'u ‘mi Tir""’? iVmV ■l a in,-Ihud !,> win, li -,i manv imlortmmlr -utlerei* Tl *iil--i riI.CT having |.f:ir!l.e.l Miri-. .•tollv itll' nrilio.l )nr rljjlil yr»r» :.l l, ( , |U dropn lb-<- r.iMlni»li ;irnx»-•! in nil H*. par’.*, :«n<l in ev.-ry re*,vovl. h no*' rlln.t-- M |il.,iT 111. ni'rlvf- UliJcf Ilia chi'-. -kill :iUil i*ll •! <t ?: ul|’. -itUßied U|KMI l Ilf left bail. HI I lie Ohio, o|i|H"<:.< uioiiin ni it, a Bur Beaver. i» w.,1 known for )!• reiru-luniT and -nlul-liou.' alniofphecr. ,i* dc i hi: u ijiii'-Uir,» unil rn ur mi ni: naiur.il >frnrf) roni l.mi'i-.r • very in render llie aojoiirn ol tf>e in x a'i-l e-n':■ r. -.ml mull.: u; m< uul u lillie In <e e« Uii- . '• unpaired h.mllini.l |,n. n<-ai *iren;Mli 'll..- .'.':.Mi«li,iir,n. tin- tn.i Marled in li.i- I'fined M. - '--tS Uni.:',, lu.il, lor (.tca-xUle and rmnm.i ulnlrd In m-ure :, >|.erdi »„j bap,., lei iim ai'inem* ni site Baiieni nr; lo avail .Nem.e.lvn oi ilie Silvanla i-r- lieie oci-ieil. Will |.,enT iiildtrn 11..- .|,h». ill.ef l > iriiei I,u.vi paid.) -laluiK ax ueur ar p....,!>;«• U.e unlwi - •( in. ir . ..uipiaiiil. ill ouUi In Jr, ulr in.l ad xI -« •• , • In-1 r till'll « and runitulnv l'\ llir 11\ drol'M'tin' Uk 3 I l»\\ AKl'.M'kni. M l> l‘i«.„ > riei..r ra>:.|a.<.aafj(. Ilravrr V I’., nm-nm-.m K r v .1 Iv'il.'.ll. AniMfMnr A D l-Jll 1.. .In M.m '!'1|..,.1 I. HrnrT 8e1.x,-, |', Ilf llr.lk I I. . I'-.,1 11, » llu.l rmo.iiiyl, I'a . I. «' 1V1*:... I- - 111.... Be. > II >,r„: V A ,•«!.> . \l \ , |*r; 1.• • \ I . T I - , I N. 1.. W 1>- ii, U... r riui.f.M.ur ►-. nn, II Mr l .... - I r....,xiii.-:,. A |l|.: V. 1..x 4 . du SAM’L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ST. I I.AIK STRKKT, PITTSBrUOU, M '> ii K K A \ I> Pin I- A I> I’ I. Kill A lUITIIS, l A SSI.REEKS AND VESTINCS. .if-' nu m."r qi ai.iri ash i.a n<r>» v\ u W 1.1.' II llr • [*f|> • "Vi !<! MjV r U> o««)r r in rin in *r m \nm k llc««l for Bools kud felloe* :. ■ TO < l t.I K«»K \I A INN. I.OUA2H, WiI.MOX A <O. 1 M r* .is 1 MO an.l W oir.i. - Ifcnier. I-.t-.*-. ami 1 |>. .in. ; r llardw-r-. full. rv. mi.MI.-.. . A.- . I’4W W ..ml rn . t rif.-I-urv’lt. nrr low luilv i-f.-i-ar.*«i w.lb n rri ,ni|..tri.-.l Sl.t.-k »r Mirjwitrr.i u.1.-n >aJ .l-f. < r* To..'- *<• . to ofli r .m sr-ai m :ii- ni.n.i ;i lvitf;:i*.-. h t<i out |Mc<kn ••or*, Mr* *r» l.wuiA h--irir.lV «* lirvr {iruili inri-li-'tl mu 1.1.1U1. *. ull ! |>un-lt»»r hit «.ur »;00*1 A Iforti lr*l liaii.U on >)..• *.-rv ..r*l t-riti' ~ •iinior .nrmi.rr* «>i I.rtn .Irvoir ili.-u w1...10 tiiirntioJi lo ».nir«. and I.iriim; ronlnlrul oi fjiviiix »*i 1-1 j<• l: .•*. rr-jtrvllul!\ a rn,i troll) :il 1 will. ii.j> vi.<; !U.« martin. itim-l v\ \i. i!\l t -t k j'lll <rf, U mule UU ihr npprovril Ka-l'Jri pian* mill ii.n.i i.irlnonaV i r llii Rl<-| npa Mr rim an<l roli't* A Inn I'HK i |>> Al* KIM.L, „r i!«»SruN HUM) o.i hand .1. mail.- .> i.rilrr ami al all |um r» ('oun!h M-rr burnt um! m vur I o rail and lur ... t 1j <■ *i*o»** 'of u‘! Will I.* «>ld Mifci*** .■■■ or r'm• l. ami i l.l.eri l dedurVoi: mads to ItfMCK FOR SALK. HMII i>|{*-r* i«*r tnir a tupeitnr arlirlr 1 i.' . i'c k ini liuiliiint;. mntJr by In- Si* am l*r«*»v mq.n . -1| iii.ir In nr lor wli*i-)i hr lih« <il>lnli.r.l a pair Hi mill r. Hi g, v - r |>ut <*lru««:M r ufillfii g u■ rinilrr lh«l Win ri''l*l IroS mill »»i wrillll- I *“**in,; creairr 1-o.ly «nii »u|«-r»>f 1-ilure more iinrafiV in rvrry rr-p.-. i ry.-h^.ri.k • r.-mc ..iiM.-r unU .v.-M * .1 t ni"l riju:il li> l Ire i.< -l Iron llnh- k [ilwen u.r Vl< ■ le-1 .im.iuOin.M ii. nl) who l 'l >iit it vi ne *n-1 ""l!i'ii| U;im ii i Km iiiiiii; liaifl Junr I.!. 1-4 BENNETT U BROTHER, ! i S'WAiil-' MAM l Al'l'l HKItS. Btr ml ttf( ha in yuenr I*l (labtirffli. | Pa. VV»rrr hritir, ,Ye. 1;)7, Hi m<i ntrrrl, I'llltburgh. vajgafA V. 11.1. krrpnn lismi 4 i( "oil a*<*ort- Jf&Ji i.c-.it m W.u, „i ..ur own and ttjfcy »upr ( -..r.|.iu,i. W l.nlmwlr uml , m <i>trY Mer run ill - hi- r. -|n-« iitilli .nviicd it. and ri r hchprr ilcihas I-Itf l.rforc l.ern oflcfc-l !» *t(ic pub i >r >r IrM at «n.r »i:nnl N> r* sen l-y niR I, acrimipamed I t :l,rri«lior will l~- prompily anenilnl i<> IplciS NI-.W >AKI‘KI> K- N-' i • n .r 1'1.p.-.iiy n ply Carpal., run* •nj-.-r, it,i ltru»*el», vrry rhrap. 4 I t 1 hut IV«-n.-lmii •t t. ■: ;I. 1.l Tpommnn >.‘.i COACH MAKING FROM Uir vrry h'-rj.i iSnOtS v rornl Uii* »iil.-«-.,1.rr ha- . ivrd -uirr oceumpi. in Be»*et -irn-t. nmnmhaicly to ..!<• the J'rcmyu-riait Church 1 Ci>"‘ tt"‘ I°*'K fXperif n<-,- m U.e al*ov>: 1.UH.11-VOI anJ » '!« nrr i- pletutr, li«- -t« liter ,i in.l rrcrisr ,i *ti*rr ot puld-r pntimi;i<. SiAwnn bund mu) fin *Juns u*ord« r, Kurkmay Uu*- *,<•» i.prn uiki U»p Bukr.cs, imd cvfry .I—< • puoti «l Carroif * nn-dc to ottW. from leventy-lite dmiari to a-rtii limitn,? |*cp.T-dif| JOtlN SOUTH. ItloiionKihrlft Home Tailoring (Caleb, llahmenl. IS \At”AY II .1.1 A Mr*. llraprr mid Tailor. I».*n ■ to mj lortn ilio • iu<i‘ii> of Pittsburgh nml mi.crv that lie i. now nii'U at In. rcMtm* on Smithlirl.i *ir-H, uti i|,.i t t„. ni.cv Hotel, a larpp and licmihiil assortment n: i i 'amuin-n-*. Sunn*. Silk*. and .itiir r Vmtnißs; ,„ K rtin r '* nil such Other articles u* are r.-i|itlrrd lor LM-iii i-tneu'i wi-ur. Hi* cooil* liiivc lirou carefully «r -nml nrr of llir in-wnl and ino«t lusli it.iinl.le ,ty*.-. n« well a» of superior ijualKy. Iln i-uniinncn mny upon )>nvinc tficti clnlhns rao.lr up in b inni,--r wiin-li cannot fail to grtuiiy the tutn- of the THE STAR OF THE WKST A VImMTIAN. BI.INDMAMKAi'roRY Wifl East ol '.he Diamond, m-hm* Vmiuar Blind* of all llir dldorrnt si?r« und color* kept on limui or inude lo order af\.» the latest and most approved Ka.trrn tush* * ion*,ai Uie shortest notice ami on the moo rrn.ouutile term*. Al<n, lUe cticap Boston roll or split Blind Trantpa* reucy and Paper Curtains ol all the dtlTco iii »i/r* iuid pftUetn*,on hand and for salo low for cash. Old Vein uait IJl'tnU* painted over and repaired, or taken in part -payment loi new. It M \V ICSTKK VHI,T, Pro‘pr N. U~iAM Work done with llie t.rst mnirrml and workmanship, and warranted to please the uu>«t ia»- Udiooa. ouglo-dly AUegheoy city, Ajtg. 10, _ TIfHMItINUaHTAUN: aFit{riinn&«-py Pkeden ka Bremer, uanilated by ifowm 1 ufi re ceived and for tale by • mefaSl JOHNSTON * STOCJCTON vfg\V l'l' ATlf »NS—E»*ay on ihe !!•«■ I'mon pf Ouirrii anil Slat** - U” Bapu»s " Nwl. M A. I voi Wi/ <• - ?IjJS. An -oiuon o: ihi* work w*« »pM .io nr i'a\ .on il* :>o - ' i ‘ I.rtiolo from Mairnri" Stnnh’« Journal, in 't>o l’ r «»* v;".re in >1 llxv 1 *»“"*I vf *i 1 vino .»• Rrv ’ IL'V —• • • t : **n - i»rj(-l--w:M ii.u-nrn uCli*__ l.lt'O *1 I* l ■ >rs ■vrti • > «rie!U.fir rr. -ri|*i»-« ir. .1.1 u. .1 li il* n, "'lll-1011 |-r •■il«. nii.l lit** [•racurii' d«*iai .o; :i* ►;ru<Mi>r*. i. • ' upi'-.-'a non lc> tnn.l**. nu !< ■ii'.im n-i v mati'"- i"' l r | ’ : ' • wilh virion* oi nu|»i.ivelum t: !•> J l<ouinc c. K. 1 »•«.: 1-J.OO “S'- Clirr-viT » L>-r;uri*« nil tnr I irr:m * l'rot n*o--n«-w ed. tv'mo. I’rn'c jniurrd io *|.ni Tlk Ciii-.n *. ;i l-.il.i . I* l*nM I. W. KnmWii.. 1 i-iu.'.rairil Par* IV and V Each Sole Agency for Sfunne Jt CUrk'i Pianos. . _ Jt >T KKiKI VI 1/ umi wv*rn.n«. •* «£*ing new <>! •>! r-.-;- .11l I' in.M Irillli Wic r- • I.ral-.i fnrlr.iv ni Nm'ii** I'lurk. II * f |I .N \ . roiniin-M'K oj »i.ti ' ..<t, nr.. • 11ii <hii'*»r'am mij* m r ’li fc * I'.'ili jh iiii'<*iiiiiu»iii mui ►ert I>T mi oitif-r* 11. KU'HKR. Ai;h':. nl J \\ WnOnWol *. -.1 Tliiril »t N I* "I’lm* win «ni»l m in iiiiilacliir< • • )•; or rijioiiKr*.’ r», with,.nl nnv i.d.1.:...n :or tfci inurlu Journn 1 :md I'liretm PIANOS. ' J „ A M’l ,KM)I I) nnwirim^i,! gIInV ill'tl Kom-wixvl I’laiuc. umi i»li-d Tli<-iie in*iruinfiit« nr. - mad.- <>( II 5* V | • llir Inl.-sl pallrfll and t>r*l male r.:»|« and wili l.e ‘-.ild low fur i-uhli !>v Hunk Nmr., K. ULL.MK. lit! Wood trreei, •Jd do«»r above l’i:11. N H •• T!uw xvho are in want oi' a cood iiHtniiiieni. ire re*{>ecl/ully mvimil lo riajmne ihcMt liriorr pur :ba»niH elrewlir re, a- il»« y can not lie c icrded i>y am u ilie rfttmiry, and wi!! he «nl<l lower limn any l.rourtii roui ii»e Kn«l. Ai«oju»t received. ia‘u jiwmu* »l Mum iuteli uiaiiuCi' Uire, warranted in lie rupcrior lo any -ver *old in lhi» ecmnirv. rx*itTJ F” B M4| I K'iil «rt ill* r iitn i.oen appointed Solr Af>*nl ter I ilir -u'r 1.1 l AHiIARr S IAirRIiVKP .MI'.WiUK CINS, n» rmiimi.n-iii’i-d innl :«jid ji'-rfretrd l.y Muich A Wki/, oi I'cit'iimau. Tnr u«ual coiupu*.* iinil fit'll iici.ii; liu; imir orioi' *. M.’a-r» M A W . hi ni'i'ortlsiwith ihr pp*ii»ral dr«ir** rind drinutid II .m' «• i if i.iii'-i '.hi- -• ■ :il- o: :lir»i* iiiMrium-ni* in 4J *uui Uiu* iii.il i - |> il |>rarii. :■ l.lr In |><rriunii uj.om t<< •■ in inn inuMi- wriiic-u fur ihf I’iuiio nr Ortrnn Tlir f 111-1 inf. lIIMI. Hit* heeil tnurti illipruveii l<) plat ill* Hie 1-inU >ll I lie I'l'iruiiniil ujinii ii '-n«l ifo-i Irani*- ■ uu:irll >' l'rnrwe.l mid ornnmenieil, rrmJi-tnu' uni mile n urn -I e.ev'um u.n<J nlt«*tn«i\ d> »ualile nrlie > Hie I'li.r i> pil mi Inw a< in tin ii s il wiili .ii t lie rc lie Ii ui i-vrn one in obtain n |wriVi" iiin*ienl iiislrnnirtii, iuir lor m riMhjiai a:.ve in||. ' II KI.KHI'H. A' J W Wood'vrll * GKI A I Mi Mt'Af. NoVK.l.n Mm •un-enu. I tin* i(*i received Ir..;ti Kti'o|" - noil Ini -ale. nn r illin* 1 - new in veil lion nl Pin no Forte, rMi led Hie I'.UI INhT PIANO KOKTR winch |wi*.*c«smi! more po;vi r and *«*'erlur*» tlmn the I'nmi. cir. upirs bill ni.r fount! u- mui'li room. and i* a much nirrrc «hn*vy nml handsome piiT«*;oi rurnuun* ii i« particularly dr»iru blr where llir IU\IUK Ot space l* mi object, belli* cj oectlitiflc neat aM.I rompnri and occupying no more room than a small side tain*. The subscriber tin' ia baud a ir«umoiiinl oi u» superiority from the ce|«brn* led pinout Mo*che!lr« in hi* own hand wmuitf.wjjn'h HIB\ be ,|„,,erlcd 11. Hl.liKUt, wtV? AIJ \V Wood w ell' « J I>T received and lor »ale »l in ui tti.ii'tu rer« price v. rßirr> ts nr w Piano Forte* I. It) :i hil 7 octave*, ot ihe mo«t • I “ I | " clrf.m paiicru* oi in rmlure, mid Vi itti ttlr .ate unproved *. •< o* JOHN 11 MKI.I.oH, *v»,e A Ot • Piano* to. \\,-*i. P. in..; ivsiik. >| \\ ih.il * : ten nur Nl-U Ml ■id 1 HYHK.NKI HKHZ I'h.- I.i-i 11... <.i >uUl»)< : ".ill .i.i .ill lu Jut lull Nil.! In . till. IV l-n. . . ■ l, I mini Mai. . In llt-Mi Hri.’ l|r;.|l lla-. .in, u»U .»l p i'--* :o .u u n( iKOIIf 'V..! i uorii a •». <iit. 1 M • • |„-’J »t t... •• i> ,\f . and hr.t var-e;y rveiod.-r*>l :n tin* c,iy A i-'ll Vf.I.T tor tti.-ii l,D,l.lmjt. i ~| ..... i hard •'lll Iklr-ll! 1> \ A 1 i • K h< ><i will |w- .old ul :i <mi!l ».i \ 4tu-r. p|i,l :i. 10-. v ik mu |,<- purrnu •, : tin- n.-l W Al fl.lN l'( H’ K. I .-..ii. it BOOKS “USIC, &c. «'iinc. I v Pro. Tv er -Ivhnii. For nale K HOPKINS 4Ui n. ;ici »•* .M A f. NKW lIV MT RUBIK NT. Chlckfring'i Plano*. *rrcnnl hsnd I'latt. ' , i*-•! k Krll I‘ulk im 'iffiml nml lor «*;<• i-i nirlil'l John II MRI.UIR, *>l wo«>.l Vocal Exercise* \Ni' Wllii uu urrnuipaimlirnl I»m :! I'i.ni link'-. 1«1 !Ur -•» unis ill t > 1; 1, H \r J>u|'t 1 111 rii»i|.*» in vofol iiioik' mint lihlixm. I'rru. u uml k.i-niiiui i-uiiipo-»-r*. I-) .Ma*on to Inrrr [n»f«*«j.: jirinirif muti.i. ■ ■•ntßilinit 'O6 e » i-fm- rr**»i a rruntfpil I't i«*i* 75 crnl« U, a -u| i<.y ill- jl'dvi', iliri-ri (rum ihe JOHN II MK.I.UIR. TRANSPORTATION. RKKI), PARKS A Co’s. PACKET LINK. 1848. K'.WKK \M)| I.r.VI.I.AND i.im: • » " AKHKN ( :irii. I- 'WALLOW, r-.fi" Kor.l. Ih :K A.N. i’;ijn \\ a' r■ • U'Kl tifrivr itn*im>C fi! I.PL.rr 1 :tht l tlir P-f Lr! . : i*ti v\\ mil’ \l . and an .vr ?l Ihuvi-t u< .mw i . >TI> A VkKI INI i'V Kl .1.. Wurtrn. ) *1 H lAVLOII, " V * HI’.iVKR AM) t-.RIK I’AfKhT I.iNK. Til l:«»l lill Til r«K LA R F IT li'Ml Ui'l IC* I’ai-liM I'k.ThsTl V*\;», > M l ' Jrtfnt-*: - " Tfcl.JuiUA Ml. l*o.io< », 1 m Kx;c. Tiut.y. “ l’r> tuMTX. “ Krovvn; •• f*«ycr. Tl>'* above in-a* and Aplcmlnl Pn'-civ-er I’arkru have mill n.imi-i li'iwr’i III'UKR AND.F.KIK ji.iI \» i iu'i rr-u mv ilum-j; u,e a*On - one Imiil ,'U, n.r .ti .imlvom .NlirliirfHH ft Jill I'llUburnll •u/li in vrv hour- in uny i....r m a I j. ■ «... ti.nl u..» -I Tirkrt. I-..-- .. • I.u.r ■ a.i i r pi... Uft-d l>y \IY r.D. I'iHV-* .V r«t t»*-»rrr Ji -UN A » .U i.HK\ Ai*i -■ r•:ii 1-..1 \\ ki,-r *.ul >.i..!!.«.• .. I< f l(. ft'—' l-.uli:.. \ \ i' M »«■/-;! l-.nr. |‘n »• r U .-a. <.f-- v .!.• IVi. M I - ;.. ...id ni. l Km: Hi* H< ml I’n, Hay .V I'liimi . Miarp*'.ur«U. fa. l\ C Muiaii,Sharon. fu, 1> r MathrW*. I*ula•«•. fa; B " CuimiliCQain. New I'n ;> 1 UIHKK A CO’S FAST UXPKUSB Kuß Cl UAI.TIMuKi; AN U TIU. KaSTKKN CITIFY fMHK Proprietor* ol lln» l.iue have |>ul on New Slock, _J and are prepared lo forward package. ol all de icriplloo* daily. «l llir lowrut rale* J C BIUWKIaU Aernt. Water »irt-rt. RuUINAON A HOKHM, orftl Dtl South Churlm *l, Uullitnore TIAB-NDKN A IX) * Pasa«ng«r Mod BemllUDC* Office. II A N KUK.N A Cu conimoe in prr*on« J¥W.lmni auv purl n(' Kurland, Ir-lnud. Sculiuml or ittaCwalr*. upon the im.M liberal irnn*, with thru ii.ual punriuuliiy ami attention Hi ilio wn.iu nnd com fort ol otnmiyni" Wr do not allow our pnaMMiger* in l*r robbed |.y llir «tvii-i!huc, .ramp* linn mid iln; port*. a. wr take chary of lliciu llic lunmcnl Utcy re port lltriu«el»r«, and me 10 their well being, ami ilc upairh them without any deicn'.iun by llic lir»l »lii|>« - \Vc «ny lln*. tcnrl«-«*!y. a« wr defy one ot our paawtt frr* lo <luo» lliui they were d.eiaiued 4» hour* by u» in luvrrpool. win I*l lliou-aml* ol oilier* were dr-imm-d mouth*. uiinl they could rent in uiiiiii old emit. ni a ehjp rale, which io«» frequently proved itieir codiu*. We in lend to perlorin our contract* honorably. ro»i whal >1 may. and nol art u« wnn the cane ln*t .canon, with ether ©dicer*.—who either perlonned not all, or when n *uiicd iheir convenience DraiK drawn at Pitlnhurgh lor any turn from XI to £lOOO, payul.le at any ol the provincial Dank* in Ire- I ami. England. Scotland ami NVnlea. JOSHCA ROBINSON, Buro|>eaa t*»ul General Agriiu f*bt Vi All (treat, on* door below Wood. ALLEGIIBNY VKNITUN IILIKD, ANDCABI.NKT WARKROOM J A HKIHVN w.tul.i m-i I ily lulorm Hic jiuMir, urn In M mlr «| ihr IhaiimH.l. Alt'* j«iuy .-.i). a i ......n •111 <H Vr in lla II Hini.li . \ <• tin II Mlllllrt« nri- llllllr lit nr If ID thr lir-1 «|, 1.-, u Jl[ ml. .1 ju..: 1.. any ut iti.- I uilril I» Him.l* . nit i.r rrmov.-.l t .1, Itiv iml of u vT.W iln-.. i n..il itl t.ir ’ 1 b1..1ii..-i.1.il K inn».i \ .y tl -i tb<* public m lartTf. willi rvn ) il.ni'-' n> Un-.f inn' Aemipv, No 0 Woo. I ‘if • • iU»|'um h inch-j’ J A »KO\VN SUNDRII'^ 1 — HkO packages hr.li TVif —Y My»«m Gunpowder and- Imperial; ;tuu bugs prime Green Km I'otlee, .'dl ilo I.Hi'iivm do, 10 do Old Java do; VA hag* luH.-k Hopper, 10 do Ihmenio, l.ki liial* iir«* crop N < > yrt I,hi* I'lantaiton Moluwr.; .'•II do Sugar House do ■'ll tierce* iresh Hi<*♦*; 150 hi * Hunch R *i*m» , Vti keg* Uedge A Hro. ft [wi-t 'i’nhiiccn. 10 • 11-lUs to “ Hiiwburgh ping I ‘>U l.j I-II o NS indow (jlnis, CA) do 10x IV do. UK) keg* :m*oftrd Nulls; IVcask* SiiWiHiik, >a«t pound* Ootton Y nru. assorted No*. Toueih-'f wiiii a t'uil and grurra) ri»»omiicni of urn r|r» in 'll* - t.mo-iv Hue. Oil liund* Mild for bale l«y J A K KI.oN D, Round t’liurrii Bunding*, inlild I routing on Ijbrrty, Wood mid Sum *i« ■TV; MIV.M.I S ('AI.IKuR.NIA KIIT.F.S Hie (01. W i;>g :tn rxtncl of a leiiei irnm me lion j. i: ',...11 l>n v i*. I S Jfpiialor, litlc Coiimrl tin- Ml- R.11.-iren. dated Till ol November. t-ir. an \ ad dre*«rd m ihe Ordnance otfie*- ••Tirr rid'-* whicn you ,»*utd hi the pcnnem I had the honor to command in Mfiao. ate wuiihv ui the hl K l>f«t roniineridiilioi) 1 douhi wl.ciin fu.n.any pie ces were ever i«»u. d Itoin any uthci Ordnance De partmrni *o pern ct m H.nr .onsirucii.m and cornu lion In accuracy id hfr they tire njual (o the lmc»i • porting ride* Picar ruuge I Hunk, cicccd* thru ol the old pattern inuskel. andtli- y le.« nllm hum lire. or want repair than nnv other «mail arm* I have >rrn W JKFKFRSON DAVIS .■jnofilic above Hide* ja»t rn civcd —lor salt ut ;lip Csliioniia (in tilting K*iaMi»aiii*-nt, .No Wrod »i. mrlcM U II PHU.I.IKS. Cl Al.l FORM I A Kt'HUKR GOODS--Ju*t received. / > Camp Blanket*. vu odirrr coat*; IV pra Kama, In pair* ncH I‘i'cd Mining Boot.; IVlMliniu* lings; a waicr Tank*, and IV irnllon* each, 50 ciinicru*. 1 cal'on curb, 1 dor llursskiu Money Uulu, i do oiled cambric do do The nimve good* lor *ale at the Cali mrinu Outfit.»fi F.«lnldi*hmcni, Nti.» Wood si. mr1.21 J * H PH11.1.1 PS palcDlUold Wailieri. 1» K.RSONs going to (’alllorni a can he furnished ivuh ihe pet Patented Gold NVnsher that hss ycl heeu unrodoccd In U»«‘ public Jhe weight i» only !£■ ih« . m.tl enn he packed ,n a trunk it nrcr-nry Aim. luMit Kick* and other Tool* used in California. Tlie ..i*,o ve wili he *uld Oil the most rrn*onahic lenii*. m hays k (.irrrY s, mchl7 _K‘> Market »t iIRRNcTf MKRINUS AT t 'UST-Srotih X Johnson I 4G M»rkel *lrec(. will soil lur the l>«lunre of the neaaon alcoai, » tork of French Mcnno*. eompn ikßg the Oltwt cha*co colon. Now is youruwo lose cure bargW . ... I7SuVKI'W»HON»— Jusueccivcd at Zchunm h'jn- V sey’k.tftMarkct «r«ei, 30 pa V-sifet Ribhon. waomd color*, 3U •* black “ * “ b u cmbrmdory Gimp, 10 pa wide FUui, Joed * MEDICAL. DALLEY’S IlifilCAlPAlS EXTRACTOR! riMIK :oii..wi«, c from Ueoree E. Pomeroy. F*<] . t!ic i 1 wr;j proprietor ofW Klpre**. iwi-.no'u .-vviManer of the Pain Kiir.ietor lo every Kxr*R»j* OrP!CH» l. Mk M>•l im r Sir—W Kit l-«:inu.-» •»« no or ; • i»u f , «.!.••-«« you in [c!:;NO'i l<> ’ll** ~ • vour'iiivnlna’' I ** t‘ a| “ ir.p ■. n }!!..,•; l( -r. (S vrap* hud a pitcher '•■•II a .uri,-.; turn acif U)»nm; hi*r nrreau*. ;i ... : fl v ,-rowii cu:l»Pt«’<l u ‘‘ >«• ;j>" .i-ti*- •. i; ii-,. cmi-c o'lii*: icrtiLi.c ;ni.- in-i ,• -u. t 'i-v.iil-r. ».id vaon .pread oil your id »h- w n* u«\,t Uul upo'i a !,f|r • --111 n.-f ami *a)'* ‘ M l - I ’■'* .. . ii'i . ;•« ■- v,u... ,n • wpr! "'•m ■row. ibr i..p oi her sl.Quhlet . ii-At. :m.i ri'Uiid uiuier the •[- i-; ii wii> very deep- :•! ’-••pr.- M «-i H k ,V'. MISTAKE' "r |‘r.Hlii'r llic s-uiie in -1 o.i .'tc rtlri-L m :ne • 1\ Ac ’• jr..-, Ul ..i, r wuiil name* llir) .1 >» av- irnii,;,-. nnii the pa.n To THE runuc I K.'war.l V ll.ilrll- s O' OtiiMaii,. \J, v ,i, JJr.il.'e, ‘•Jill a ' ml. . N . lx.": \ '*'*'• l , <->0 Willi fluii ■ !*•«'. *n nwr my |.<*»ly. iot ai-j-:.• him n* DaiJrv * Slairh'ar IViui K*H:u'iut KDU AUD IV HOI.MK.S. . >.i •I> ut 1115 fllijtrr will, a ,-<>pp f r mm 11- ' iiini 1"1 which rsuarj my nnu 10 nweil v<m i ini«uuit khooimg pnin* ii;i 10 ;jir 1 ’v*'• •'•v-II'm; luklitj; plate u: me iirni - e I'aui. I i»«i*nmc ftjßnuJoubr Lurk. »'r<-in,i) ) ini Kl’.ruiliir w.m u -111 • afil wlucli I wii* previuli-.; upon m .(tiriu'i' wk» Unit (t uflortieil nir ulnmo JOM-I'II iIAKKISUN, NVw \.,rV,', U fonirf Hnwiim- *.n! '■lll <\ ini >i«. Sepl 5 W- Mn'HT -H Dir.ikn 1- tiir inventor 01' thi« iuvalh. >ti t* renunlv. nun lievi 1 lia» ami imvrr win ‘•onniium ch'.c in nils ivh.i: m m Ihe sn-irl nl it* cumhmulion'. All \•r.lus 1 *. iln-- 'of, mil Hittile ujiil pul up li Inin, nr** !■:!■*«• rouni'T'rii.-. t’Mdeuirroß'a l> Ilrosd way. • New Sork, •itn'lir.iim; iiff.-i. Ciu..l. JOHN 1' ViiKI.AV f..'iina; Depot; l)r WM, HIOKN A ir ' u>r I'liL'liart’ti. li-iUtrif > A <"•/>.»/ (iali'amc Cute-AIL 1 •nr.-, humor*. «p -j ' 11. <|n 11 int, grp**' 1 , poll-evil smi*-- 1; ill' ■» unit Uru'-e* l’ltiliplilrl*. roiltalllim; <PI ulip* i" :al '<• p&rtm-. iiimv Up hail on app’irn mm t<» JI UIN |i MoKIiAN. ■ invl.'i *ll\I« Ai'Piil, l’ili«burgli • » !•; Kur .* Si 'ii>i.. ) /»'<• wit. •••• '• jaw I•• ■ ... try- The < i«n.r r«■!.<•!. i* >lr Mrri*M-’ of t‘< i.VSI'M PTION - O IJtin-W pui«e. lim-knnr i-mnh, eeueral weakness i.-'tif" -I'-'-p. v:tx.iii«i«* a 11••, iriffciilar bowel 1 pnin* i.. :.v. hji i.r «l..iiiiilrr I■ j 3 o<-- behind i>v< 1.1.1-h..> :-\vermis ur raMi \UT...’( - Coughing n-glu m..l ...is. i1..1• L<> iiiu '. Ips. generai debility, great ibnrtlir.-- m I lli on <o|Ui( U() Mails, necrndwig a ti.il, ur w.i Vine hut a utile last. pmse always above one hundred !>.| together, Jrenrhing: «ol*l iwphi- '.insuiit- diomiug CaiatTli.il <’..miitii|.iiori nwt on like n common catarrh ..r cold Out i*‘.mit ihe period when Ural dis ease uiuaMy i» expected in -ii! »ido. tome oi ihe symp tom* are Mgyr** .te.l The eoueh I* more trinthl-- tomr. nipeeta'ly when ly ms down Tfterr 1* no fixed pain ui the rhc-i. > ui diitirult breathing. winch 1* wore! 1)11 ivunr down fne appearenee of ihe expec toration. which <s copious. t« chanced from a thick Yellow 111 lieu* to a Hn.-ner • übi'unoe. It I* very un pleasant »> the patient, :rul emus rin unpleasant smell when binned Ii t« m an uuiiurtn iippcurHuce, artd'i* p:t>buhl) n mi x 1.1 re ~1 j.ii - - t n«i mucus. n.« oil wi’h wuiej pun -ink. .h|i] p.iit swim* This ili.-casc may nci ur m in - , habit in at any aj?e,. and 11 1 harae |rf;»rd hi '.lie per uh'st it r of the cout;h Tl.e I inn 1,111 ni (.1, er wort c.lfm* ihe cure ot thia in sidious ■) 1 v a-• 1.) .-I (irr-uiraiioii. *ooth* ami heal’ the U(1 • • iec| IIIr>u« Il Urv •; Ini'S \VhereVcr lhr« tllcdl .• u 1 e hj* tier,j n*rd. I=. e hear of n< nuccem For thir leei! ~ :■ r- *l h’l» ‘*rr 11 l.eloir tl C pUblir. and line been Ui.-ro. gb \ !• lor it 1 ! Coiniiimnis of the Ijung*. and !• n • ;■ -<>\ e.| 1 «i> (ler.urTh meni to any thing 111 u'r l\ •• ir'ii'tii £tv~ iiuml 1 e<|« oi testimonial* from phvsi r-titr-* Uir • Irruy. and tl.o«c who liave been ru red. blit r» 11 «r if- «10 ••1:1 the attention ol ihs nf- Iti. tr.l II ini for " own (|.||J they will try tl I .on t r>u* lo' r otini.-i er* ' Alwsv observe the »ig. Hiiu "In-,. f.iyi|ir M [) •' |.n n,e engraved Infod Hid |- f r|*.i r> .1 a : ii<- U liHi-nir |k--p<>i. 7: (tc'-kllmii ■ tree,! N~W Yml Sold in f*t.i»burc:i ‘ J D Morgan HI Wood «r J To-.Vi.-eii. 1 t:. Maifcn •. II Sin' •«-r r/.r Mafk-t nmt I |.-n.ler-..;i i. 1 ’.i, l.itiert) ‘l Price reduced U> 31 u»i j>er i.ou e mart SIKUICab * SHRUICAL UKKICU, I 05, IJIA, I IIUNO ALU- V, • ! BROWN, been in eimrai prncUcc, now coniine* In* uur 11:1011 to- ti<« treattuciit o( .iJ,d v 1 p'-rieiii-e peculiarly gualtfv him. II year* a'»)i!auu‘ly deroUsd in Hui'y .V tn-sttiir nt -I iliosn 1 ..inpla.iu,- .uurmj: which Cim- be u-t* hnd more practice and li;« cured more pa. u- nv« tiiaii can rwr bid ‘hr .01 of any private prac luionerj ojup'y gu.vif.e* him to riler a»««ram-ej of lin-i-dv [v-rm-iiie:-;. mid *n::-f irinry i-ore 10 nt! alflicted a-;-. .!h!i-.iU' di-e.i«,-<. ml::!. di*ra«i» armuig mere} i)r Urowit wi.ui.i inform those ntllidt.-d wih priv-iu d.'.r. ••• w’.i.rii have chronic ’’V bine or HgJ ft rav *a ,l |.\ the u*a of icny of the common nostrnm* of t;,c day, uiai me.r eoropnuul* call be radically and tbof. i iiieti. m- baring given JU« careful attention tc in-- itenuncn: oi sum mv*, and *uree«»ilcd mhuudrei'i o' itKtmiee* i» i-iir-.nf p*iron* of indaiatiiaiioii of Ut« iH'ct of (lie bladder. *e-t smdrrd di»«u*cs whicli otfet, rr.-c't iroru those ca.—-s where others have eon>.ipned them to impelc* l * despai* He pann-dlarlv invite* socb hnvr bren'lone and ini»'tee«***fu:!y treated by other* to oin-uit tim. when evrrv «.»U*fartiOH will luj ifiven tli.-m. uni ;:,r ir s*i • ';c ■ted hi a rare till, thorour Ii 11 lid IU! . T iUfiurr _Or Uh.wm m>o liivilm j». »on« u*Rh :-•«! Ik-Vi a '•he It a.- |>uid j>nri lx it> i aUfiiiimi l.t >«<- l.fa-t-. f AM Kils <;jlt !!!»«,«, Klw> »:ut.r«r» -..-iy low N » - t .. . .L«unor, t.j ► '»•!• *r U... . •.••'.•..K ah t:.r .yrji|.{ 'U.III*. cu-1 <.*.10... » . I. *::.«•«: ■ .»»• ut U».-, I.j a, i,ltr..i hk l iikdU.VM l> j'uiJ. KJtd ciicio*. i*ihr? No (>S. I> • .n 0;..: aiirv, w *ue lb* •» tvetly llou.. Huxi x» : «si - pr Itiown'. new!) di-movere.l rrme d -or iliieuumil'-ini- a speedy ami r. .min remedy for t»,l-ee and [‘nvate C<iu*ulii'tt( Hootii., No AS Dia mond :i;U*y IMi-Aurgn. I’:t The Dorter t* always at 11/' iV« cure no pay nuW D‘»l> ITl.ooK- rmiids, Ku»iol a.nJ Hull. lormerlv |*ui tm-ir Sarsaparilla hi *iu»li Udiirs holding a few ©tiirors. but since Dr. Tocvnseud's has heroine known, and almost or quite driven their little bottles out of the mark>l, they art- now putting ibeirs u|> in larger botue* containing tour tunes an much os bciore !luw much profit did ilicy make be* (ore otf of thru small bottlo? Win u honest? Ami •mcr they bare rt-duero the strength is u honest to pretend Uuu thev arc as good as they were? Dr. Town • tnml coinnieiircil Honestly thid lairly—gave os mucli medicine as lie could utford. bus mudn several un provenrcnis, and i* dcit-ruruird to krep up tbr strengiir and qunhi) mid wilt warraol that eaeb bottle ol bis Sarsaparilla contain* morr lluin tour limes the quiuii.i ly ot >nr*upnrilia and medical than tin) oili er preparation ol Sarsaparilla m me muikct. •ole ugcnt lor Pittsburgh. mid • rJd'J Sold by B. K Seilers, I) M Curry. Allegheny tiINK PiiKnMKRV- Cream Oe’ Amanda Ameie'. (or sbavluf. Cr'-aiu a it Hose, lor shaving, Almonde C-rciui Superbllt'. Rouge, oil I'lirt'cis.n stand*, tjriam si eir. bug*, pe. fumed w.ib [> vender, An*la lerre Aliei, HcauUlul powder parts, of all pMicrtl', l.mlro««rd lodei i-ortß, (oiuainiiiK irxgstnt eitrarts fot ibe lmnJi<«cli.cl . a semi hug ai.d '.a'lel soaps. «od able lor pi r*em«. Prraian. or Chinese (mwder; Iml> nn vegetal.ip li.vr oil. Bear's Oil, hi ism-) or common wrappers, iroie se.em- edj; Jones' Soap; Nyiupti Soap; Hose I.ip »a,ve. Sheil «oan, Soda vmp; lordlier With a great variety nf title p-rtmnei). iu t «ernved, tor sale l>v » a ra 11 n i-yrot k ato ' <".»t PUi k wvott «t* Pulmonary BalmOm MKSSUS KKKIIA CHiI.KK-l trrl it a duty L o**r 10 my 1.-llow creatures. 10 slate something moie rr-peelinit Voilf Vegftaole Pulmonary Balsam, Si I tir-l u*ed ibe IfaUiim, aUnit eleven years ago. me liapp\ erteet m winch 1 llien gave iui ucruunt 01, 1 hute tiad several -cvcrr complauils and attacks at my luiics. one H lew tiny* since, uod ill every instance I lui, e U-.. 1 iln* Ituwim alone witii anmpir.lr and prelect success li Ims efbi-ted rebel anJ cure, in u tew 111., I I. cure :i nxed » otisumpllpli, liUl I In*lievp II *.\.. I.e -.1 man , I a.ien a pro vcnll vd. and pre ve u lioli is 1.e... • .(..hi run*. I do therefore. Mr fie love ol my lei- n.w ... eurm.l.. leroniineud me use ol Hits Balsam, m all |'nlnoni.ii y i uiupminU I am eenlideul that it li.is been ;:»■- iii,*,iii-> ol presort mg my lite io ibis d.«y. Ho.tim June 111, 1» HKNJAMJN TAILVINS-tl l.y 1: A n.uu.-umk. y iv .oiner Ur«i :un ut'irr wiK.il am) lith. jal9 Fi»r wooll Hurt A I). A Faiixistuck, ) It. 1.. F*u.iurroc», >riu»burfjh. U. W. FaHSomc,.) Wboieulo Drag Store la the Oily df Mew York. fIMIK nmiersifßed are cxtenitvely enquired in the J, W holctale Drop buuncM at No. 4l) John ftreci, in the etty of New York, and are prepua-d to supply Drafrlut end country Merchant* with Fium*, Oli, lryr *ma*. Foreign and American l*eiiu»n«ry, Man :er, A •a'*ct 4 Mender’* Chemical*. |o{ Uieir own mpotiauoe) ojv. j rJi other aruclei in their ime 01 busi ee*», of a iqperio m low u they con be put •honed in tin* or «ut> eastern city. Now York, FchlS it A. FAUNKXTOCK 4 <’ AMKHICAN TKLKORAPI! COMPANY. tJAl.nil>’Kß, KITTWICKIHi ASO WUKKXJXH. WiytT.KN I.IMv Office at the Kxi--hangc« Baltimore. I ) KUL tT.l> II \Tl'.. s -The *•■tmtK— have It.i redu lv *-~l Sir.Mitf. toot ituin Umtiiiion*, Piti*- l>uraeit or Wbeelimr. .mil u oorre.pomJii.* notui lion aim' r, ;r »|ili.i- d-spaicn.- unwanted irmn Unl untore W >-«t oi I**i;-.*ur»it». l*a Katva - I'll.' r 11:1 fs >* lot a n-.rjrnph despatch to or from Hultimore, l , ni-imr K n im.l Wheeling. «s 4o rtm. lor iln* Urrl ten woiiU. :mU J I'cnw lor eai !i additional wi.nl rlrinje i* mail.' lor the address and tigna- tun 1 . ~, l jitd the < »itip>>-tion of the South Western Inne of Tclcfttni'li irmo j.lns I '-"’*. to Npw Orleans, des patches can Ur u.rw.n.i. Jio Memphis by Out route, and matted lor New * »r:*'!•>» lei 1 PAHTNKHSIIIP. ACIIKSON WttolHlul >KA JnH.N WOQUIfOIJSK. HA VI M• ini* otiy n* iH-iflmd theuisr.lve* tuR.-iher HI pi, mu-flop. undt I tin- bun and »tv]f of A. &. J WnOtnim'*- ; « r I 1 '*” inai.nfi.-Uitr nl TIN, CO I* l* Kit ANO slll-'KI'-IHON W.VKK-on Ute forncr of Kubm »<>ii ltrt-n and »**«* l m tins l»t Ward, A-LOOuhksy city, where ’in) •' 1 " prepared to furnish In order, wht»le»a*e ntni retiiit, aJI article* m their line with Ufuinplness Foundry Trimming*, and Carpenters’orders are *>- iint'-d winch will receive umiirdutic attention. fity of Allegheny, Feb 1, l-tf) —dtim Bacon Smoking. HA \ I NO just completed the rebuilding 01 our smoke bt»ti*e«, we are now prepared in rnrcive meat, unU *un»ke n m the niiet merchantable rummer. T»r uou**i» are lilted w ith all the modern improve ment*. and are capable of eoiuatmue hUO,OUU lb*, each. KIKRA. JON ES, Canal Uatnt, jal _ near Seventh *1 i \>V tJIIM. .'* UOUIJLK lIEKIMID SUUAHS--3J J j t>bl» l .ovennc** Double Refuted Loaf, Crushed and pulvrriTed Tatars, ;n*t recM and for cute al the Peki Tea Hlnrr, 70 Fourth slreit, by fU>V*JU t _ _____ i fooLL BUTTER—lOfcbln frenb, just rac'd *1 id lat lV gla by a0»l7 A KMSTKUN^fciJKOZBB SEH3>-lO bbls Clover £Wd,*!3 itcKi do, } ti bin Peaches, laadini froa etmr Caleb Cope; (ox till by fsbU fiAGAbET ASJJUfI MEDICAL IN QUART BQfTTLES. poR TUK ItKMOVAIsdfc. PEB3IAIIE&T C RK OFALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF TUK BI'OOD OR HABIT OF TUK SYSTEM, VIZt Si rivuiu or Kuiv’s Kvi!. Rheumatism. Obstinate Cuta- Knipuon*. Pimple* or Pu*tules on the Face, H otrhr*. Kile*, Chronic Sore Liyea, King Worm or T- nt-r, >calit Head. Knlnrscment nnd Pout or the Honrit'a'ini Joint*. Stubl>orn ulcers, Syphilitic Symp tom* Scutum or Lumbago. nnd lh*ea»e» nrUmg train nn mjudiciou* ur* ol' Mercury.AsciteAor Drop ► layiO-ture or Imprudence m I.Ut Al»o, Chronic Constitutional I>i»ortler«. In thi« nn-n-tration ore tnrotialy concentrated all the Mcdicma: properties of SAB'APaaihLa, combined with the most effectual tud*, the mo-Jt .alutary production*. Die most potent simple* ofibe vegetable kingdom, and .t low hem »o fully ir«wd, not only by patiauu them rnvri, hut aJ»o by Physician*, that it Im* received ibeir luiuualitird recoinmendnuon ami the approbation of the public. »»d bu* e*wblt*hed on I * own menu ft reputation lor value and rllicacy tar superior to the various compound-, bearing the name of Sarsaparilla- Disease* have Ijrcn cured, such as are not furnished in the re-oril« of luue past; nndwhol it ha* already done for the thousand*-who have used it, it l» capable of doing for the millions Mill sulteiuig rind struggling with di-ea»e It pun&r*, cleanse*, and strengthen* tin- inuin jm vnr'.ig• of ‘tie., and infu*es new vtgor thro 1 - oul the wtn-le .uiuiin. Irarait. ASi >TI<KK rUKJ-'.iiF SCROFULA. The follnu'iiif air tmg and. ns will bo seen, perina 'in cutr n‘ mi mveirrsir i aec of Scrotula, commend* I.'lt 50 Ml -nili:.l r > lithiricd M*--«r« :•*•<;.« i.emir.o. 'i Sympathy tor the alHic lisl iinluces me in iniunii you <>( ihe remarkable cure e dee led b) ,)otlr >ar«iiparilla liilliei'n«e of III)' Wife. She wh* severely nlfltcied with the scroftihi on differ ent ptirta of the Ikhlv: the rl.imls ot the neck were greatly enlarged and her liinhs much swollen. After luflertng over * year ami Undine no relief from the remedies used, Die disease attacked one leg. and be low the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it should lie laid open, which was done, |mt without any permanent benefit In this Mutation wr beard of, and were induced to use Sand*’ Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced u decided and favorable effect, reliev ing lict more than any pre*cripui>!t the had ever ta li en. nnd before 'be bad used -ii bottles, to the aston inhment'and delight o> nrr friends, she found her health quite restored. It is now over a year since the cure waa etfec rd. mid her itealili remain* good, show ing the disease ivm thoroughly eradicated from the syMem Our neighbors are all knowing to these lac,*, and ihiuit very highly ot Suiid.*' Sarsaparilla. \our» with respect, JULIUS PUCK. Kxtract irnw « Idler received trout Mr N. W. Har ris. a gentleman wril known in Louistt county. Va.t "Oviitlcmen—l have cured u negro hoy oi mine with your Sarsnpariba. who wu» attacked with Scrofula, nnd ul a scroiulouK fuiui-y ••Vouc* truly. N. 'V - HARRIS. ••Fredericks Mn'l. Vtt . July 57. ISla.” S*sdk' Sakb* rxßtt.t.* -ii -■•eiit* almost unneceaaary to direct attention lu nn article so well known, and *o dcM»rvedl y populai. a* this preparation, hut patient* oiicn who wish to use the extract ot Saraupunlln, are iuduced to uy worthies*compound* hearing the name, hut eonlnimng little oi none of the virtue ot ibis vatu able root, i nd we think we cannot comer a greater tx-neht on our render* than in directing their attention tn the tidvcrtiAi iiient of the Mesar* Sand* in another column The bottle has recently hern enlarged to hold a quart, and those who wi-li a really good article will (tail concentrated in thi« all the inedicutnl value of the root. The experience of thousand!. Im* proved IU-ef l.c"ic\ in curing the various dt*ea•«* lor which it I* r- commended, and at the present time more- limn any oinrr. perhaps. t> tlui medicine u»eful. in preparing the »j-tetri for a change of season Home Journal, Sept. I -t- I‘repared and will. wholesale and retail, hy’’ A. B. A fi SANDS, Druggist* and t’hecusu. ItM Fulton street, cnrticr nt William, New York. Sold also by Drug pisi< pencralJy throughout the United Stales and Cana da* Price $1 per lioylc; *u Battles for S 5 [ry- |',»r «u,- in PituburgU, wholesale and retail, by B *A FAH.NKSTtM'K. At i'll, corner of Wood and I’r.ini «i< . n.sij. corner of Si Xtli and Wood si»; hy L. W ll.i'tJr.. ri.iimr w Sunihfieid ami FVtunb *ts. und a.'o • oru-r »f Market *i tuid the Diamond; also, |.y Kli.W AIIIJ f KNDKRICH.vor Mounugrf’lu Hoase. • • '•S‘-:hn 1 SALTER'S uINStNQ PANACEA! •!•<> ’i Ili»r St 1 i'T.RINti WITH DISHASF.D A 1.l Nt-S The unprecedented *ucoc*« which ha* a.-i.nc.i the uee i.i tnc a a i Dir viinuiis lonns which irritation of the lungi utiii'.. bus uniuc. Q the proprietor ftgaui to call at iK'HlOil'l* WONIMKI-TT. I‘RRPA RATION. Phe f-linm;ui>l•* w-uthut wmcli marks oot fall md winlrr inonlh'. is nlcvsy-o a fruitful source of COlJ)* AND COUlilfc*. riiese. if ne;;lw«eil, are bat tlm precurmon of Ibtl destroyer, The question. thru, low shall we nip the destroyer U u.r huJ? how Khtul wc pet dear of our cough* and old*’ i* of vnat to th»- public. THK GREAT AM' ONLY RFAIFDY nhi i>r touu.l in the Umsciip Panacea. In proof of this wp liuvr from uiuu to time published thr certificate* of dozen* ot our Irtsi known citizens, who have experi r '■('<*<l n< curative pnwrri> These. with n moss of let utnouy iroui ail part* of the ruuntrv. —from MI.DICAL MEN OF TtlK. FIR3T STANDING, .M nuiri* ui liic Ac together with copioat noj u-..* iron the i ;n< Pl|»-i inn 'UMliie Inr Ibi jtH'RN.U.3 OF TIFF PAY we imve rmi'.in pnmphlei lortu, and may be hod £iuii'<M mi\ <>t onr agent* throughout the country. HUNDREDS OF HorrLKS havr been a*e«t in this city. THOUSANDS AND TUNS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United Staten and Camida. and we chi Iciiitn any uiun to point oat n SINGLE INSTANCE ii which, when taken according lo direetiont, and b< fore the luupt had become fatally disorganized, it hi over failed lo EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Wny, then, need ibe mfiicied hesitate? VV hy retort to the ini~*mMe nostrum*. gotten up byu-t* o»n individ ual* u lor the assumed name of some co -brateil pby tteian, and puiTed into notoriety by certificate, c, pot ion* equally unknown? Whilst & atedicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY U to be btui, whose voucher* are &l home,—OCT might bon, —many ot whom it hot SNATCITED FROM THE GRAVE Id order that tin* invaluable medicine may be placed within LU<? reach of the poor a* Well the rich, we have put Utc price at ONLY FIFTY CERTS, iu*t one half the usual cost of cough medicines, tt is (or sale by our agents m nearly every town and village over the west. who are prepared lo give full informa tion relative to ib T. SALTER, 1 Proprietor^ Broadway, Cincinnati, Qhto HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, rmLUrt #o sftii, ska van co., pa. DR EDWARD ACKKK. take* this means of re turning Ins thank* to hi* friend, and the public lor the rjip'inivf patronage he ho* received, ami of in forming them that lie has lately erected large and well constructed building, lor thr exclusive purposes ui hi* WATER CURE I>TA Itl.lSHAl ENT, nt hi* old lorn lion, at I’liillijxburjh. Pa., on the Ohio nver, oppo site the steamboat lauding at Beaver, whero he it ready to rrcnvc patient* at boarder*, and treat them on Hy dropathic principle.*. In addition to bis long experi ence. und the great anreeis which ha* heretofore at tended his treatment of patient* committed u lu* care, hr ha* now the additional faciiiues uAonlrd by an ex- tensive hmloing erected expressly tor die purpose, con taining commodious and airy room*, and titled up with every neecnary apparata* for bulbing, and ddruimt lenng the treatment lo the inmost tieneltl and eoui/ort of Ihe pauent. Fhillipfhorgh I, a most deiighu'ul mid healthy village, cony of urce«* by *tcambouu, and n/- tord* fine and wholesome water. Dr Acker a*«ure* those allliclcd persons who may place themselves un der hi* rare., thalevcry attention shall be paid lo their comfort; and a* an assurance oi the suhataiUial benefit* to be derived, he point* with confident-® lu the hun dred* who have been permanently cured at his estab lishment. The Water Cure leave* no injurious effect* behind, a* is too otlrn the ease with those who buve be-n treated on the old >) Hero. 1' remove* the dbu eitse, invigorate, the system, protects Jrutn the danger* incident to change- 01 the weather, creates a natural and active B|'j*etiie. and imparl* vigor to the digestive Kwers. Term, ot ireaiuieut and hoarding re«*onaUe. r further particulars uuimrr at the ealttl.lishiuoul, or uddress the propncuir at Ptnthpsburgh. uug'hhi OK. JAYNE’S ALTKKA fIVK We have been .uforroed by Mrs. Rose of a core per formed on her by Dr, Joyue'i Alterative, wbic prove* it* superiority over every outer rrmedy of Ui kind. She has been atUicted tor tho last sixteen year with N HERDSHri or W HITE SWELLINGS, uilrudr wiib ulcerations and enfolinuon of vannu* boues, di nug which tune many pieces have been discharged m>i die irontul hone ot the cruuiotn, frotn both her atm A. JJ. Hull, N, V tiny wrist* and hand*, and from both frotn the left ten.oral bone, aud from the right knee, besides paiQfnl aleei * oo other parts of her person, which have baffled the skill of a number of the meal eminent pbyiiciaaiof oar cjtv— during most of the tune her sutfenngs have been cxcruiaung and deplorable. About three months since she wm induced tp try Dr. Jayne’* Alterative, which ha* had an axumiilung!)' happy effect upon her, by removing all pain and swelling*, and causing u»e ulc*'* u> tir.aJ, while at the some lime her general br.alth lias become completely restored, so that she now wrigh* H ihs more than she uid before *he conuueuced the use of ibis truly valuatA. prcpatioo.—P?«l Eve. Porn. For further information, itwiuirc of Mis. Rose, No. 128 Fdliei t st, Philadelphia. For imic m Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, Ti fourth si near Jy5 DR- TOWNSENDS SARS A PARI LLA —3O dozen just received ol Dr. Townsend', Sarsaparilla, the most extraordinary medicine in the world! This F*x- U act is put up in quart bottles. Ills six tunes cheaper, pleasanter, and worrantod superior to any sold. It cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the paticnL Look out nut liar*Tiosa— Unprincipled persons have copied our laliels. and pul up medicine m thr same shaped houJe. See that each buttle has the written sig nature of S. I*. Townsend. R. K. BELLF.RS. Druggist, 57 Wood street, between Tlurd and Fcurth, i* Dr. rownsend's only wholesale and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine artirlr can be had. D. M. Curry hai been appointed the sole agent for Aitegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be had. SCROFULA AP'D SCROFULOUS SWELL INCiS.—Scro(‘ la in all iu moUiplicd ftrai whether in that of rt»ng’« Evil, colorgententt o the glands or bones, Goitre, White Swelling*. Chronic Rheumatism, Ganser, dteeaxes of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Coosuruption, emanate (iom one and the same cau*e, which ta a powonoua prineipie more or Icb* inherent in the human system. There* fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, oo radi cal cure can bo cllected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a cure must ol necessity lollow, no matter under wbatlorm the disease should manifest itsell. This, therefore t. the reason why Jstse’9 Ai.tfrititb jt oo nni versatlv succesafaf ia removing so many malignant disease*, u destroys the virus or principle t?om wbieo th s -e diseases have tbcir.oriain,by entering jptn the areuloDon, and with the blood it convoyed to the minutest tibre, removing every particle of disease from the •yiteia. Prepared and told al No 8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at thePpkin Tea, Store, No. 7t Fourth atree Piusbflfjb ' toehffl A JAVM** 1 MACKEREL—79 blatn store oiUbrssli low tenloMoonngUMU. fcbl A '““ATCUEll.prfcn.rt b/it.orttOjl.adontjlrn gjg c a,mm L..W fill, pt.paml taAaaUkj U tiKL WertnmtUad Co- p*. > ’{ M ' R E . a ium » sauce* im 10.J.J ®y bttubta IwJnwijrto Cmjf ofrowmiK Ur P.lb. J *>••« dclc'irrd doia* ta (ar l**J .Jhrnin*ni>. M i r.<k*iiS«M4«, **t arartrti’ rrjs^ws^arsnaJsEi cKiri-iT-y r. U K»>< Wa.ricrctf toUwtwkilo, Ud.ts4«* Wi " " , 'J" ill ";“ r ''’* u.w«il” •* tU«» U, b. Ihm km totted wkk trrrr - I r, jottKj bat* toamd tatpltjid nan,' .«n,U*al to .hum 1 F»id~» Q riTi^. T r^iT. «L yud .. ..r »i«i,wd luuil* (tic. , p u . ’ VVKLL 1-^rPiU^udSOONOOT ' bLL '«*•*»« »r »kW>uft<«» ta as«« n ( to k f *p o#eU4f •!‘ UE . “ ~0, » n * M * or f.mr taurh tiekn,* tt Ik. ttott-* f h ’ bul «?* “* “•«* I tut. kept them m my Ban *' “ r ' Je * r, < *° ld buadrtrfi g f bom, ud h»n Dn.r mi.fttJ by uxj 00. vbo tui UMd *Jn**»t enry otter pd) ra tiu lo . »*iort üb, will biteTluK S nrunU) r-.wum.uj ,hcm to kJ| *4* U? * r C °* E^l;uol or B*nkw» AffeeticS Tcm CAUTK>N--Aj then in otter Pill* be (bn tte pa»U C.UAB Lmr uk for uni take oo other thrnjthan .oI»Tu ESBLLEKB, No J 7 »W«. Sot ritfttßT, Conn.. Jan K 1 PANACEA COSUMITION. HFIUCAL ,*•“ Dr t'-rd, DIICiu,, in<|l»aj - 1 -- ■ - *f3 „ Great KagUth R«a«a r . <J“ea*cs, u Use HUNGARIAN OP LII E, discovered by tho celebrated Dr. Baehan, of London, England, and introduced into the United State* anoer the immediate superintendence of the inventors the eiuaordinary tnceeu of this medicine, in i 2 cure of Pulmonary diseases, Warrants the awt™*a Atfeat in soliciting for treatment the worst poaaible es !Jn.3^ Cmn bfl , fonnd ,n the community—coses that leak relief in vaui from any of the common remedies of th* day, and have been given up by the moat distinguished m Baluuu h.. curei, uul wi ou™, tta mou. aewoma o( mu*., .midEjßS li.h medu-.uw of kuowa uul o.tobtiohodefficacy, w T S““ <’" h “l 3 »Ka obould wlffi Boeboo'. Hungarian BiU.am of Lila, 1101 oSt lo counteract Iho conaompuye Kndenclen of iho elimilo, bol lo be naed a. . prevcmiTo medicine lo all eemT ol cold*, cough*, *pitung of blood, pain in the aide and elio.l, imloooo aod aoreuoa. of sie laugc, bUmbHU, difficult ol breauug, hecuc foyer, nigbl awcua, emaol auon and general debililjr, ailhma, maueorTwlognina cough and croup. Sold in large bottles, at ft per bottle, with foil direc tions for the restoration of health. Pamphlet*, containing a mui of English and Ameri can certificates, and other evidence, showing the an equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be obtained ot the Agents, gratniiqnsly Pur sole by U A FAHNESTOCK k Ua, comer ol st and Wood and Wood and 6th sta. mart DU*JAVA!ICS CARaiHATIVKBAIiSAJi I,'ROM the Hcv ASA SHINN,a well knowhaad pop •T ular Clergyman a/ the Protestant Me thodirt Church The undersigned haying been afflicted duringthope»i whitor with a disease ofthe itoatach, sometime* pro ducing grew pain iu the atomachfor tenor twelve hour* without intermission, and after haying tried various remedies with little effect, was furnished with a bottll oiDrD Jayne's Carminative Baisatm Tbisho uaedac cording to the directions, and found invariably that this medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four min ute*, and in fifteen or twenty niiaoieaevery uneasy sensnuon was entirely quieted. The medicine wasa/- terwurdsused whenever Indicatiousof the approach of painwere perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed. lie continued to use the mediclno every evening' and sometime* in the morning, and in a few week* health wa* *o far restored, that the sufferer was reiiov cdfr® lll * large amount of oppreasive pain. Prom eX perieoce. therefore, ho can confidently recommend U D Jayne'* Carminative Balsam, as a salutary medtcui fni diseases of thestomaeh and bowels. \pJHINND For sale in I'ttuburgh st the 7* Fourth street, near Wood, and also ailhoftniK Store of H P SCHWARTZ, Pilerelwreei. AUe*Wv GROCERIES, &c Rice and molasses-so uerwM&M, is\m> Sugar Home Afolaaiea, landing thu day from »tr Ourf Ju»uco Maiai>ail, and for sale by AM JfcRFLDYD, rncbsi Ronnd Church Baildinifa Q I'NDKIES—6 bbda Bacon Side*; S7bbl*Nol Lard; O 3hr do do; l cak Bceawaxi 3S»fci Feather*; 3 cite Guucng; 1 bag while Beam; 3 do Flax Seed* to arrival for rale by ISAIAH DICKEY:* Co, “ •' Prom'st POTASH —V e»ka I'ouuii, rec’d ud for W * R &PCUTCHBON, - IG3 Liberty u DRY APPLK9—IOO bath recHJ usd for tale by web*» W fc R M'COTCHKON- T\ltY PEACHES—*) buib oo band and for «afo by ±J WiRM’CUTCHEON WA TO Ufa— A tpteudid lot of fold and silver W'atclie*, ju»t received nod for sale by KENNEDY A SAWYER, comer4fh aud wood st» / BLOCKS*—-Of every variety, for sale by V. mch2l KENNEDY A SA\VYER L LOOKING GLASSES—A splendid-lot ofLooktn* (■lasses, ol all varieties, for sale by mcjnQ KENNEDY A SAWYER rpfcA—2o half ehesu Yooni Hyson: 10do do Inrpm* X ol and Guupowder, 10 do do Oolong and nfriian -3u cauy boxes various grades, for isle by mchat J p VVTLLiAMS I’Ums, BUCKETS AND KEELERS—CQ 4qi Beaver . Baekeut 10 do do Tubs: ff dodo KeedemioL store and lor sale by mch*3 J fc B FLQYD B' CANAU—We h»ve jsut reeejr«]-a lob Of t» sljrle French Uinchsms, Pongee Sillt lldkls. JL»- cen, Netts, 4c., by Leech’* Condi Line, tnhao SHACKLETTAWiaTE, WWoodft WATCHES— Gold and silver of evei^.desectption. and at regular Eastern prices, warranted,Tad just opened by mcha> W W \V(LSON RAISINS —100 bn Raisins; 40 hf bxs it*, for sole by mchW _ _ WICK A ATQANDL^SB A A. BLASON A Co, No GO Market street. wfQbuen • thi* day, ldtl pieces »hi*ll pt*ld lyi, le*i and c& ets per yard. 'inehlfl Sundries —a bbis Fioxseefo 2do Erx*; ido roil Butter, 20 doz Zinc Wash Boards, VO bbls White Beans; 10 sacks Feathers; OdozUiekoTT Brooma, fo» sale by fobtto J D WILLIAMS Cl llEhip. —3O bx* for sale by ——— j rachsw 3 F VON BONN HORST ACe Cl REAM TARTAR—COO lbs just reoAl ktid'for sals J by BA FAHNESTOCK A Oo; _ mn U 22 corner i«t and wood at» bbls Seorclilua, rac'd and for »ale by mchu WICK AMCANDLE33 S SALTS—2 tons in store ami tor sale by • mch*4 ROUT DALZELL ACo DRIED PEACHES—SOO baiU Ohio halve*, for sal* mchU4 MKJILLB A ROE DRJF.D APPLES—dou bush, a prime article, for cola mctoJM jKHLLq A 808 WHITE BEANS—On consignment,oobush. melisM v - M'GILLS A ROE GL.A33 —140 bxs SxlO Glass, for tatoby mebaa WICK A M>CANDLBB3 T)OLL BUTrER-9 bbls fresh Roll Bauer, for Vale Xi by mchJa WICKA M’CANDLESs REFINED borax—s kg* Refined Borax, for sol* by rncma WICK A M'CANDIsESS Cj S. AIAIONDS —M bags Almondiffoi itlehy mcbW WICK A M’OANDLEgS ALSPiCE— 40 bags AUpiee, for ■ mchW WICK A MnIaNDLESS CUEfeSE —&U) lbs extra Cream, IUQOLdo Weftsr* Reserve, for isle by mch'Jf LEMON SYRUP—I 4 doz superior Lemon Syrup, on band and for sale by mchSS i KIDD &Co BALSAM CQPAVLA—IfiG Ui» on hand and for MJe by mcteM J KIDD * Co PISTOLS' Suitable for California terrica. Also, Troy Scales and Weintea, Magnify to* Glasses. Ac ,by mchß M W W WILSON BULK meat—lS casks Huu, in sweet pickle; viS piece* Bulk Shoulders, Just ree’d nod for tale by m C n» HARDY, JQNKB&CO PKA N UTS—9O aka Pea Nou, jut reeNi "aad for it by mchtt HARDY, JONES & Co I)EA NUTS-—‘-}5 liu I’ea.NaU, jut rec’d per ilea® erTeicgrmpb No 2, end fox uJe by BROWN & CULBERTSON, • 145 Liberty »i B&A NS—vS lib l* uD&iF white, rarnle hy mch27 J S DILWOkTU * ©» POTA3!f~*A pure end choice anicle, altr*yi on baud and for »A)e by _ * mch27 BRAUN A REITER CIARBONATK OF AiUIONIA—I eotk r«’d um! /Jot uUe l>y _ meh«7 BRAUN A BETTER ALCOHOL— bbJs rec*d and (at *ale memo JLE3TER 1. - 'LAX SKKD—luo blila jtut rccM sod for ■*-'* by i a A. W IiAKBAUOH, 63 and Ittt front «t ROLL BUTTER-11 bbli Drin» Rail Baner, pat ap m cloih», receivedanillor»lJfil»y_ „ mch 27 9 rWHABBAUOH SUOAR CURED HAMS— vueia; rec'd and for »ale by S t W HARBAUOH mchiO GUTTA PEIICHA—Lathe GatUPorehl ,a.i ree’d and for ..It by Ww WILSON, mcha7 corner 40> and Market m. EKANS— to bbi. white Ikaa*, in «lpre-and Cm ul« by neb27 A Co IKMONH— 103 bx» Lemon., in »tor* noil for laic by J tnchx7 _ HARPY, JONES JlCo WANTED —Barley, Com, RT«- and Wheal, tor which the higher! marke! price In cash will be naiJ by « A W HARBAUOa mrtu.'d » water and lfii Croat H Wool,— The lug he*! market price Inteahyrtll ba liaid fur ike UUfcrent-grade. of Wool by xucim a a w harUaPoii PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PUHUSHKD DAILY, THI-WREKLT fc WEEKLY M i/u Oat nii Buildinfj, 3d (*., aw Ur PcalOEa. RATKU OP ADVRRTIBIKO. One insertion of It tines. or leas 1 «* a# ' v .«*».fO 90 T»« nueruoM withooUltcmioes,,*.. 0 79 Three " " I » One Week " •* . M ,' 190 Two Week. " " .......... * Hitee S 00. Two “ « 6 00 Three 11 <>* M ** < ***f 4 O* Longer idTßrtiaementj la note Ono sqaan,6 months, without alteration-,;: J* " *» |2 44 “ " « . ,•(••• 15 w Each addilionail square for 6 ®o»U>i, «•••*• jjj One months,renewableM* ** **j j» Two sqaare,, (-month.,re’«rsbJ#»t **•*««. 30 00 Each addiuonal «iuare,£ oP<rt"r •'•••••?* • w weekly oa l» tatiaa. One square. 3 insertion.. “ « .« each additional insertion,***#***# 37 grn.M e*M»i ; Kit. line, or 1e.., one ,»«. 6 00 <• rii months,••••**•*•**•*• oUU „ on. J«e, d«U, «i weelUj, 10 00 „ .i .. .i, nionlbn " ... ‘‘ 00 ' umv>nu» n *«»» «)»•■ »'of S>tines, » .i Two, *.*..-*. 0 7* „ i 4 Tbs—, ‘‘ £xmz»— •4 <W « 44 tfhr** mouths, Mu „ w ft |Q “!*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers