bt mm MPOUTED & TfcX*i£feAM^T| ffw the Plttibugh Gttt^el - .EHOIiE ISLAND ELECTION. - ~ j <■ Peoyidzxce, April fiiS'PrW.'. 9 The return* from this Sty, Kent nnd WaiUnj *oq, giya thafoltou-ihg 're»alht for Governor Whig, i&i . Democrat, - 2*65 * ?d to Correa resterta, tli» re luratfrii TJcmo- Mr. King, ia the East torn* indie There have beeti jtbree Democrats anil cue Whig eleoted to Cotigreav The Stale Legi«alore la doabllat, bat Iron! present apfearaocea it ii more laTorable to the WHgll than the Detnocreisj Haßßiidveg, April 0,:9 P.-M. Tbo Senate confirmed the following nomination* for President Judge* in Peonsylvamk, tobinmed by Governor Johnston: 92dDMrict—N.B. Eldred. • 23d Ehstricl —David F. Gordon. •; m v 24th District-—George Taylor. P-*. 11th District —William Jessup. 13th;District—Horace Wilson. 19th District—Daniel Burkm, PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PtnLADKLPtttA, April 5-4>. m. Flour—The market is heavier than yesterday, and the business done is at a slight decline; sales at 84 410*4 50 per bbi. Wheat.fa dull with sales of prime while al IOOOi -asies of prime red at 90c to the extent of WOO bn. ? ' Cotton—’The market is quiet pnd doll. •new ydrk Market. traps retort. New Yore, April 5. Flotw—We note sale* of 1000 bbls. of weSterfc at $4 S7OSS. ' Grain —Wheat is heavy; there is a'limited de mand for other grains. Thejmarkpt ii unchanged; of Ohio prime white wheat was inudo at 100 0103 c. • • . Provisions —The sales of pork werp ; to 'a loir ex tent; the market is improving. - • • , The -*«t*amer Niagara, with two/weeks later oew* is hourly expected. New Yore, April 6— r. m. Flour—The market with moderate business is in favor of the seller. The receipts to-day have beep large. Western brands are bejd at s4* s~(ass per'banhL ■ . Grain—The demandfor corn and wheat-is good, but the transactions are not large. .Prime red wheatixheld atlo3,whtl&t6uyera oderiOO. Corn There is a fair busmess being transacted' at 53c. for*pritne white. l-’ Provisions—Thebe is more movement m pork, but no .change In prices. Mess Pork is'; held at $lO 25j western prime nt SS 371’.. There is nothing dofgg in beef is heavy. Groceries are unchanged; the market is well supplied. Money‘Market easier; treasury notes Si; new IoaiUQL. - - BALTIMORE ’MARKET. Apfil M. Flourr-Tliero is no marked change from yesidri day t :bnt the market fa if any thing duller. We: note sales of Howard Street at $4 43—City Mills Is held, without buyers, at S 4 62. Wheat —Sales of prime red at AS cts. • OOOt—Sale* of jnme white at 44c;- do of prime yellow at 48c. ; Oats—Sale* nt 22 to 25 cts. bbls at 22 e.i*. Coffee—&lea of Rio at Ci to 7i. pptwpniyfct—Sales of Meas Pork at- fell. Sales of prime Bt S 9. Mess Beef at 513. Lard—Sales: •in bblsat:7lc.. Bacon—Hog round at &lc; Hams 71c. Barter • Sales at lQto 130Ujc. CoIUTO-rSales of Louisiana at 71 to fra. Seeds—Sales of Clover at S 3 stl per.lmruel. CINCINNATI MARKET.' Cikceixatj, April, s—p. u. Flour —The sales to day have been-to a fair ex tant,- inclodingl,300 bbls at S 3 37053 40 per bbJ. The market is dull, and prices are drooping. Wheat—Sales at .70075 c. . . * iAri—There is a good demand, and. the market is firmer, bat, jirices are unchanged. Groceries—l bear of very little doing in sugar to day. The receipts ore large, which caased a decline in prices. Sales bf prime at sjc. Coffee-Demand fair'and prices steady. Molasses —The market is dulL ' : Cheese—Sales of 1,325 boxes selected for ship ment, at 6jc. ' Whiskey—Safes at 15jc per gal.- TRANSPORTATION &.-C HTTSBUBSH ASP ILEVEUKU ■■■ LINE, 1 : OK. THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CaNALE mHE proprietors of ikf* old established and porttrar 1 daily cfost Canal Mm. owned Sv themselves and rtmnlnc In rormed 4ioa with.- tbe stoam boar* BEAVER AJVD CAJ<EB COPE, ate rn-rblpd to offer unequalled faciliuesfor the. transportation of freight and prwseitgerij ou the opening cf Canal navigation, to all paiaisoitthfi.Renti *9 frhtuAand Ohio and N.York canal* andtheLake*. * E. M. PITCH « Co,-Cleveland,' BIDWELL A BROTHER, Agents, Beaten.' J. C. BIDVVELL, Agent. Water stre-ej, Pitisbufgb; Rittb utghT -Beaw r ‘BIDWELL & BROTHER',’ forwarding Serthante, •' ' • BEAVER, PA., ' Agents for the Pittsburgh andCleveHand Ltits t Fait- Inirgb and Ens Line via Erie , und for team tpnt* Beaver and Caleb Cape. 7.Ha9ingpareha*ed the large and substantial Wharf Bo&l itut built for the Mooongahel*.Packets, nkv« «riiStae addition of a Warehouse, the ac commodations for receiving and fehvordtngj = and pledge their nunost attention, promptness and deroalch to their care, and rely on their .riertcii foratriaL mart-dly . B.;& bko^ 1 PITTSBURGH AifD l*l® R* sfejssa ms. Jg3L * Old Established ON'THE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. mHE Proprietor of this well known LsilS of. I; BoatVu now prepared to transport and Ftehpt to points on the Enc Ektansion, New •• Yotk Canal* and tap Lakes, upon ibe moil tavorple —^/unaruas'in the BEAVER and CA§ffi COPE, between I 'tijjbdfgh ' and BeaTtr, C M Reed’s Line of YT* ■ *mU on tht Lakes, and the Troy and Michigan Lake Soil Tdna <Jn the New York eojial. . • , .:m C. M. REED, Propnetor, Lriai 1 a Bid well A Brother, Agent*, Bearer. V ' W TMather, Agent at J Mesfcimenjs Passenger OfieeLMonongahela House, Pimburgru . . , • „ CONSIGNEE3—W C Mai an, Sharcm: H- Had. Shaipshanr, Smith A Downing, do; J B Plomrae", West Greenville; Wick, Aehre A Co, do; Wmllenry* Bangtownt Davis A Sotlon, Baflhlo; Barney, Gibb* A Co* SandttskT] jas A Armstrong, Detroit;. Kirkland A Newberry* fflmboygam hTClnre A William*. Mll kid: Knap, Murfey A Dnnon, Racine; John IL,Kirme, fCh/cago; A Wheeler A Co, New Yoric. J-p*;.. EXPRESS PACKET UBK, 'rOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, ' • Exclusively for PMseng-r-ts. j^jiutuni.h— 1 Tlia Boats of ibis Lin© will l" fl '• n» follows, nt 9 o’clock aI tuxbi - Wf 'Kenu!H Tniby, Wednesday. April 1 •• ' L £SSdS-c2p« J P Tboofron, TboUdsy 0. ' iftdUaß—P Barkey, Friday, 0. Cralr/SamnUy, 7. V, Konincky—HTroby. Sunday. S. 1 ■» „ n } t it.i<—J P Thompson, Monday, 9 j; , indittn#-rP Boney, Tae««iay, io. —-x Ohio—A Crmg. Wednesday, U. ■ :■ or DJ.EECH l«: L'«a»l If** 1 H, JR. IR. T-, LEECH), - •- > • . and Dealer in Forevg'n and UuSiorf Hardware t CaMiagt Tnm»ingi, •be*t terra*, from the bc*t fceU eonSdeni of being able » afford *««« Jg® n w i • •tt -wbo mrr favor him wtth » call .. W?2 J P n . ~ _ , ; TOBN:kBLLY 4 CO‘, < lwMM«or» w FiAt*^ v, «! ' V btaier-*a- Co.. Into iletcbjurt To{Jor*o .Jr, ■ -CHESTNUT Street, al*we TbW, Philadelphia.^ "iCTwe'to.iflfoim their friend* and bat wn* 1b il y»*y -fejcve*r«© Uich aPfUNG i gPMM;KB -iJPASHIQSSj with a luge ii»»ortmcoi of.Tie* »>“ ,v. ~ GOQP9jcomprising Cloth*, Castimereji. Vesting*- flc. ' ef«vety of wMcb ore of ibdir o»» H?- ’ dirtMloiu baring been carefully- icltcted fri' Paris, ' • * fcwdon; w. Phtladctphir/uxereapcJUml }vurnied,* 0 call and examine tlleit ei;eimVo (Lock. , , .. . jßW^rx^® lo _ . . ~i ~ .fißlpMUi* Patent lj(id« Aklt^ >' rfwtTß mbicfibcrß are now largely’supplied; with the r> 1- «N«rn .celebrated article, recently tcpdfaeA direct -/romibe jaannfacturert,(YiaNew Orleans) per «hlp* • ‘yXS'H’ GUddefli Caroline N*srpith I ',-and, Par West, r «MRh tbeT are prepared to *olt at- U* lowrit market ;, , S*-*—*" w-ts? , , iw> Liberty at ' ' M willine*'™ next mdtitli aiidiber ship. • roit (ri« BwWff 1 *) p« P 101 "’ * nil •,1-I.SStWingMSPPgI- • u-• u u “ Bueno YlMj "t \ J u ] it . ». ; Feu de Pnriv *‘ u tt ‘i d» Lyon. * , ' „ U (i»rfe Krunoon; ."?■*••• Col C Au*eljtne[ %' u liirufan irwMW* *>' fg*!»r ‘JfP !*“«. - *&£&?"* J»“ ■ ■*3CiflS3si-tH » l « Pf»oho«:_J«| taiti Tlh.-iuuli ««;pi^*gss c«, ”ji....« a r i ‘ -, - a^r” .- i,--m - , *i i COMMERCIAL RECORD. 1949 1 AliSf ABAC, f -gca-~l Son PJHL. } 4 V ti»ei- i kil 4 40'* 9«“ 5 44 0 25 3W. fi » 5 4t 0 97 5 39 0 2? 5 37' $59 5 36 2 36 & lUxbrday, 'ilSttiday, TLTatiday, ?4cW«UesdaJ, . ftiThpraday, PITTBBDR6-B, BOARD OP TRADE COMMITTEE FOR APRIL. f u%. kaxqmu,. t. s» cum iauno< l Omc^PirmcMßGAZErTr.'/ i- v Friday Mondng, AjiriiO, 1849. \ ■: Tho georral tone of tne market yesterday showe.Ltft (le.if coy variaUOQ it quotations. The wealher was /rery .plf&Mßt,and business generally was qm^ lirely. J ! ' ; FLOUR—The receipt* yetttertay were comparative ly tigt”- ahd vre heard of no large, transactions cither I'rbm Br»i Hands cr (too/ 1 glare. ’ of 150 this trow store in IoU at t3,75/f>« bbL for good Ohio brand* From 6X30 to fid,£o are about the rating figures tfbm Er#i baeda/ “GRAIN— Spfes of 3tXI ba Cora from More'ax ?Sc F li’u, and of S5O bu Outs ai 77 023 c ¥bu <uber Grim* .jib change. ♦ ..(l^OCEimS—We note •Sales to tb* exienl 01 ll ttiids pntiip ffO Sugar aX s)c, of 16 bbi* Molasse* at •43e, cash, and of GO bbl« at 555529 C. ca»h. and short time Sale* of Sugar hou*e Molasses at 40046 c ¥ g\tll. Sales of Rice in small lou by tierce at 4)0440 Sale! of Loaf Sugat, St. Loaia refined at 9010 c ¥ & coffee continues very firm, with regular sale* nt ♦)4ldc fij, wild &a improving tendency ml 0,5 P; M. . FHOVISIONS —The market is ‘generally without change Bacon continues quite brisk, and supDlies arr hart y equal to the demand. We quote sales Of good \Ve< ern cured in small 10-s by cask at, for Shoulders 434 , Sides fi, and Homs nt pSdJc Ftb Loose lore , <jf g ,od country cured Bacon at about a i<- lower Hum Cbe bovc fibres. For other articles under this head the , tarket is rather dull, frith do change from last re port ; *»< da ASU—Sales of 10 tons at 3|c, 4 rao<, and of id c.iiß of rather mi extra quality at 4c, time ; PR} METAL— We notice sales of 640 tona as ful lows 1 - 100 tons iron City, Mercer Co., at 620. 6 mas, 140 [Dus Licking aX s fraction under StU, C nios. and of 400 ton# Helm furnace ut S2G.SU, « mos. ' i’oAt—'Tbu wllawtng i# ihe quanUly oi Coal trans ported uvet Ihe different Railroads in Schuylkill coun ty for the week ending Thursday evsrtmiy, March'.M t“4S -s 1 Week. Mine 1011, and » H. R. R. 4,403 11 tmla Schuylkill R. R , 1,439 00 Mill Creek, do S2O 19 Mean! Carbon, do 2,339 Ob Bchqjikitl Velloy do 1,957 19 Mo Carbon & Ft Carbon do 2,122 18 Du Goon*.-—The following u ihe value of Foreign. 'Dry Goods which have passed into the hands of ira boners ami been warehoused daring the last week, ai &ewYork: Entered tor Withdrawn Faltered tor " Consumption • Warehousing ■Wool. *87,653 9,3&2 2G.C94 Cotton, 160,075 10.619 25.047 'SiJV/ 0i357 37.880 U9W Tlui. 83 ; SGy 4.407 Miscellaneous, 40331 15.244 ‘24.125 I»o*ortsof Nkw Yoax.—The value of tnerchandt»e .imported into this district, excepting mat se t to the ! warehouse, .and the amount of cash received dunng the week ending on the 30th last, in each of the four years, is as annexed: 164 d 1&47 lB4u Free Goods. 194.790 X 756 3-v,b9l *0.025 Dutiable Goods. 1d®7.370 1.709.409 1-3*U33 TVstal mdze, 8MM.169 7f&9e« 2^9-300 1,549,463 Soecie 30,651 310,950 4.039 21.632 Casli ree'd, 346,067 413.467 44u,95J 345.3 M The draft* on the Assistant Treasurer, for the week amount to 82121,765 04. Wusat aXD Fui'i-A Buffalo paper expresses ihe opmicu that too large expectations are formed of the stock of Wbeat and Flour at the different lake ports, awaiting the opening of navigation. It is conceded that the last crop was a.bonmifol One. and that there t a great part of it left in the country, but the road* an now »o bad as to prevent iu being carried to the lak ports, aud the aeCamnlnUon of the winter in those pen is not as great as seems to be imagined The stock Wheel and Flour is thus put down Wheat At Buffalo, any 15,000 bushel- Milwaukee, <40,000 Southport, *O-000 ‘Racine, :220,Q(*> Chicago, -626,000 lunleFort, • - -170.000 Michigan City, - • -60.000 1 1,1*90,000 bashek 117,000 obli The price of freight from Chicago lo Buffalo has o pAed al l'ijc y bu. ? Spirit of tike Domestic Ouket Ntw Orlkass, March 1341>- Sugar-The market baacomiDued without animation Ujd the aalea of the past three day» »um up 1700 hhds, making a total for the week of 3300 hhds. The market cloaca heavily at our quotations: 2*o*4 I Prime. -4*£4i Common, 3i»d| Choice, P4i Ti 3(04} | Clarified, 5 08* Receipts during the week 6338 hhds —Erports 5654 —The marketha* undergone no chance and the sales of ihe.week embrace 3500 bbls at 16019 c, the balk of the sates having been at IiSISc. - Receipts during the week, 8008 bbls— Exported. 1907 'Floor—The sale* of the part two days embrace 5500 bbb at for Ohio aod Indiana: £4-*i0d4,75 lor Jllinoia and St. Louia, and ssa*-V25 for tuner brand*.— To-day we only hear of the sale of 400 bbU Ohio. to amre at &4.20. Y , Receipts during the week, '£>.422 l>bl«—Kiporw, n. 900 bbla. , , Corn—The market is bare of »tock and iu con ** (juenee the tales of Thursday and Friday were cnnßu ed w> lbilAJ tacks, ai better prices, 07M sacks prune Yellow boring been sold at 46c To-doy the demand eeemn to be entirely tutpended and we hare not beard of a tale. ~ Receipts during the week 06.007 sacks—Lrports rl 6FO sacks. When' and we Becei sal— The market contione* very bare of stock, u have cot heard of a sale since our last iipu during the week 1691 sacks—Exports 3SO* The demand ha* beea steady, and as the 'slock » much reducedjprice* have advanced, and email lots are selling at l”i®18c. Receipts during the week 2|16 bbls—Exports too Pork —This article continual dtili at 110010,121 for Aleis,ond 8900,12 k for prime. Receipt* during lha week, 1?,«77 bbl*— Export* 1». •15)3 bbl*. ' , . Bulk Pork—There hare bean no sales during the pasi three day*. The last sale of prime Hog round was el lected at F I<* 6* Baeou—Transactions have continued limited at li<a 5c for Side*, aod 3Jo3|c for Shoulder*. To day 10 cask* prime Cincimtati Side* were sold at • Ham* meetwith steady sale at 5M?Oc for plain. O|ojctor baosed. and 0010 c for Cairva**ed and Sugar-cured. Receipts during the week. ISIS ea*k«, 361. tierces, and 403 bbl*-Export*, 4SLIO casks. ISO! uerce*, and 301 'The demand ha* fallen off within the last for ty-eight hours. ard bolder* art forced to store- "e quote prime s®«c far common to prime in bin* a.m uerce*. and 6*o®4e '*> keg*. ' M . hlll Receipts during the week. SUO6 uerces. 1(k»55 bbl*, and 1685 keg*—Exports, 3W2 tierce*. 8054 bbl*, and *4of) kegs Bed—The stock uon the increase, but thus P r, ‘ ce* have not Seen affected The last sale* of Mesa were at and of Prime at Prime Me** hs* been sold in wnall parcel* at Bls£® V tierce. coffee—The market has been very quiet, »ndih« >ales of the week do not exceed 7500 bag* at USCfe Holder* coßtinue very firm, though the stock in hrst hands eonsiata of bag*- , Rj ce Steady demand at 3|034c —t Picayune D. W. C: bidvsU, Cattle ttarfcete* BaLxmoßX. Apnl 35,1349 rani#—We have not much movement to uote. the market being In about the same condition a* at our k!i reanrfc™rhert wove 575 head offered, of which l£ "&> .old to dry •“! *» ; Philadelphia Price* ranged from 83 m 84 so hoof, equal to $6,00036,7$ t*«, averaging This transaction* have beea more active. W c quote from B&SD tp 3d. New market, 26, ba* been in fair request arned oor la*b and sales ef about 1000 bbl* at 106 c, wbid, H?",. ket bare except a parrel of 40d bbl* W hde-The« ha* been an active demand iduring Ue pm« wee*, which ha* been freely met by boM*rt,*iwi U» clodr 3900 bbl* good Northwest Coasb in P*** eU * l Mr, and 400 bbl* dark aad ground uer d 3t. c “sw** market, with a redused atock, firmiy. Whaie bonc-There has been more doing In thu »nicto i man for tome time past. We notice sale# of 15,000 »*. mostly Nonhw**t Coast, at 31c, and 4W®O 6* suppo sed wjbe at about the same price. Saixro’ Ursim.Coron _ , „ .... Sooth Pitufairgb, Feb. 3,184». My wife ho* been troubled with a violent eoxtgh for »ii or seven Yeats; to bod waj her coogh that phy»»* ciana (in Ohio, where I formerly lived,) told n» *o* ], P .i the Consumptida. After w« removed to tbu city 1 obtained for her, Umo and again, different medicine*, bnt they were of no kind of benefit to ber. Some two month* since, l purchased a bottle of yoor Cough By run, the us* of which has done her more good than any medicine she .haa ever taken. I have also used Sellers' Vermifuge in my familv withfine success • Bokubd M’tiarsru TUI* popular cough remedy is prepared and sold by H SELLERS* 57 Wood si ; and may be had of Drug gists generally,'in the two ctlie* and vicinity mhSl M'Law*’* Wot* VMMircofc— 1 rhe-popujarity which this medicine h#« acquired m Western Pennsylvania, is a sure guarantee or u* excellrnee. The following gentlemen, highly respectable citizens of Allegheny and Usage* counties, have used this Vermifuge in the.r families, and offer.the assurance of it» great medical Pr ° P Stratum, Fourth-st- Rood, Pittsburgh Mary J. Stratton Mary Stratton, Mary Untie. Beaver county. Sarah Hasbcrter, Manchester, naaM m , K&n« For**J* “toW ■»« »' JKIDDt ?'• «««ltoc. or «W S/crmiloje! & -Coo,lemon: Ti i» with plc».- U fi,“JA£mr certiflcMe, (ttilltr>i>r V> S S“” uto I baud tnis, my s«,rj, n «»« American Worm Hpe ,»l popotanty ° f “I; “ M. Mun.o.. Some dm. dtGc,) w 'Tf u, ”V„ Kxmsll lot to sell on conmii* ™ KiTmy own, >° to (ton 1 a«d *“jXTSSiiy. no bolonct I win u. good effects l ean tuuy »*? ; »hor n gave very Sty customera and found on mJWku general fatisfacuon. i u iy 27.184 A. Kris £tS.!!? «re '°< l iaDD 4 Co rnebt® as though would rather not eSi« n .°. g rfil misery Yet these suffering, are prwJnced ltT« place by derangement of the atomach, aftd «4W» met by using a A. FabnestockV AotLBHwM the bowel* would be cleansed, thn aecumulaium of bile, canted off, and a speedy and me relief obtaiiyd. .Prepared and told by a A. FAHNESTOCK ft. COy enrurist and wood, also comer oth and worn >& ... h‘~'U { i*’-'- .. 1 r r r>:.^ f»ORT }- jtRRIVED, Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parldosoa, Brovnisvillc. Camden, HendrictMU, McKeesport. Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, Beaver. Beaver, t-lark, Beaver WnJ Phillips, McPhiai.Rittnoning. Messenger. N'o. 2. Woodward. Louisville Genera, Wilkins, Nashville. Anadae. GrahiU, Brownsville. Arrow, Nelson, Wellvvillr. Zachary Taylor Lucas, Wheeling •fK Wtgbiman, Walhamsou Chrisler'a LanJioi .DEPARTED Michigan' No 2. Gilsou, Beaver. Baltic, Jacob*, Brownsville. Atlantic. Parkinson, Brownsville. "Caleb Cope, Murdoch. Beaver •Beaver. Clark. Beaver. WrnL Pnillipa. McPhial, Kiuamimg Louis M<*- Brownsville. Bnlhaht, Grace, Cia.- Diadem, Israel. 5l Louis Jits. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling R Wigblmah, Williamson. Beaver There wero r > leel 0 inches full in the i-hati' by pier mark, evening at dusk, and tailing BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY •*' Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M. Brownsville Packeta, B A. M., and 4 P. M Beaver Packets, 10 A. M- and 4 P M KiUaning—Wm Phillip*. St Louis—De Wilt Clinton St Louis—Brooklyn. *• —Robt Fulton. D Leech 4c co’b. packet line —H o’clock P. M. Thk splendid passenger pocket Cambria ha* been thoroughly repaired, arid i-t now receiving freight for St Lotus, tor which sue will leave on Saturday- A line chance for freight or passage We can assure the traveling public ibn' Capt. Ludlow and Jus ohli- Capt. Newell, will do all m men powtr to ip pleasant and agreeable ging clerk., rentier u in FINUNNATI-Per T. W S'-i>heri«--.Yi Us ;vrk suit*. K«*rr ft Joi*--. to Jo do. Knox .V -5 Jo Jo. J McDevm ft Ito. 91* cotum. KnnueJ} ft Child*. H hlitU bacon. W Uiiigltum. 12 di do. H Graff A co. "* do do Sellers A Nivob, 91' do <!«>. Flnrk A Thaw, lm do. time. ‘J c*k* bacon 2 kc* iard. S F Von Jiomi hurst ItXrereen Imie*. \V i»r«-i-r J bb!» molsn-cs, y Jo pecan*. 2 rihd» broken g.ii**. 0 l.tris eggs. Tho» Wrbb Per flipper No J—lb hx* Manh. J D Willumi*. lin bbU :ard, J McFaden A on, 4b tre* ham*. I! Gruff 4 co: 7 bbl* lanl oil, Tassey A Be«t, 22 hlid« bscon. *>4 bbU do, 6 do blue lick wn er, H Grail ft co. £2 »k* wool \V Barker. IVS bill* whiskey. R Moore, ill hful* bncon. J Hutchison ft co; 14 bbls egg- James Hiack. 10 ska ruga, T K Hope. ST. LOUIS—Per Wyoming . 1 bar. gold. C H Grant. 4 etk* hams. Sellers ft Ntcols, £j Ji Jo. Clark ft Thaw 51 do do, H (’.raff ft co. 30 tre» rtttX«**eJ. D I«*eeh i co, •>4 bbls lord oli. Boatman's line. 50 52* pork. J McFa dun ft co. 4- hhds sugar. Bngiiley A Small. .">0 to?* pig iron. Jas wood ft co 1 £ had* tor> 11 Jo eggs Ido beel ' Total. 44.62 J 19 25*14 01 87,62 a 19 24.W8 00 *1,3u7 00 45,723 00 UROWNSV ll.i.K—Per I. Mr'Lam— 1 i-oi iiwk-. A Miller, ini' pk|f> Jo. J »' Huiweli. U t>h.» in #trr». Oo Uealo; 3 pligt rnd*e. \\ lliouhnm. 100 lip r »pp!e«. :) do fiiicT, Wsurner: lift! app.*-* S I'huHant. iui t>o\c- 8112.383 1 Per Haiti.—to pkr* B-ker ft l-or*y;n. 25 Jo do n do tlo. same. 11 Ms class horsyth A Ihinran. do do. J Flack. 21 Jo d >. H Gniif A eo. to . l»hl« Jour. h>ey. 3$ do do. Spau'; :* pkg* mdse. 1) I.eedi A -o. Hi pc » mac hi lie rv .31 pkg- md*e Ha vs A Black N'ASHVII.LL-IW Gci-va IK Ms Ciiltnil. J lilnls iob. :«bc* maliicrs. .H) l.i» cutiou, l noi tiiJsr, G 2 Lgs teailiers. 4 bps cui-eug, 1 bb. beeswax. J W Bullrr A bro. 41 bps leather*. l 3 i-ol»ii. M Allen A co. 11 Jo do, J A Hutchison A co; J bi» cotum. C II Gram. ?5 do do. U bit* flaxseed. 26 bg» feather*. 30 do dried fruit, nObbUlard. 2 do grease. I Dickey A co, S csk* bees wax. A Oonlon. 9 hlids lob. J Munson. 1345 keg- - bbls lard. 11 Grad ft co; 32 bis bacon sides. 52 do ham- McFaden A co; -20 tons pip metal. Jas Wood A co Miami Cvnal— Naviumion t>> iwk I.a act —We see it stated in the Dayton Transcript of last Saturda). that the Miami aqueduct. ;ust above that place., will be completed probaMv on the i3’h i.nil events by the 12lh— when navigation between fisieinnau and the Lake- will be uninedialeh resumed We believe the canal is in prime order This promises a flour ishing business season m tin* thorruglifure.—;i‘in. Com WHOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE. 11. CIITLD9 &■ CO., NO 131 WOOD WTRKKT. PHTSBURGIt, WOULD respectfully tnrit.* Uir attention of mer chant* vuiung tiu? city to ineir very extensive nock of SPRING AND SI'M.MKR GOODS, conauung In port of 3,500 CASKS OF BOOTS AND SHOES, comprising every variety of Men *. Women's. Misses' and Children's weir, of many new styles, and of supe rior quality, adapted to country and city trade A large assortment of LADIES’i MISSEF’, AND CHILDREN'S B O N N E T 8 , among which are FLORENCE BRAID. STRAW, TUSCAN LACE, RUTLAND,BIRDS EVE FLORENCE, CHINA PEARL * LAWN, ui great variety Also, ARTIFICIAL FLOW* SES, MENS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S PAUM LEAF HATS—MEN'S LEGHORN, PANAMA AND CANTON HATS. AH of which have been purchased dtrrct from the manufacturers and importers, and selected wnh the almost care, and which will be sold on such terras a* to' make it the interest ©f Western Merchants to buy y( - U4 . H. CHILD:* A CO., mchlC:dftw2mS 131 Woo<i ~rM‘ Tin Plates. rpHEsubscribers begin call the attention ofßaildcrs. i Architects and owner* vi Building*, to the many advantage* which there plair* posses* over ail other metallic substance* hitherto used for roofing, ke . as they posses* at once the llghtne*. of mm, wuhoui nr liability lo n:*t, having row oven ,r#t-d me rev-ra. years in tin* particular, both in inu couutrv and in Ku rope They are lea* liable to expan.ion and contrac- Hon from sudden change ol me atmosphere, than com mon Un plate*, iron, enr, orany other metal now need Xbr roofing, and cori»eqnenH) lorm a much better and lighter roof; Teouiniig far ic*« frequent repair*, whilst •be fir*t cost is but a tnflr more A full supply, “i all sue*. from )* to ,-n W t. , con stantly on hand and lor *» l e by UKn B MoRKWiuiDA Oil. 14 and 16 Beaver .tree.:. New Yotk The paienl right ior this nnice having been secured for the tinted State*, a.i panic* infringing thereon, either by importation ot otherwise. i-e pro»ecu- y * oet»i-dAwl V T SEW HARDWARE HTOH.K SION OJ’ THE PLANK AND BAW. *o. 78 Wood atr««l, Pittsburgh. HUBER AND LaI'PMaN. Importer. aud dealer tn Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, n ail lU vanetie*. arc now prepared lo *ell a* l« w an< on as reasonable term* a* can be pefrehaaed ei»ewherr We wlicil our friend*, and the public generally, h cal! ahd examine our sioek. which consist* in pan c KNIVES ami FORKS. POCKET and PEN KMIVD SCISSORS, SHEARS. RAZORS. Hou*c Tnmmingi inch a* Locks. Latches. Hinge* and Serrw*. togeihe with every article u»ualiy kepi m Hardware Storei We invite the attention of Carpenter* and Mechanic generally to our assortment of too;*, which have bee selected with great eare, and whira we are deiermu efi to sell *0 as u> give satisfaction upfcdAw 1 WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE • /Vo. 47 Marirt sirrrt. Puuiwrgh. Fa. THOSAS PALMER, announces to hie iriends uml yu»- totnerH, mat he ha* had at no past period »o r , ten sive a Stork ai he hn* at preseni. Me earl ntlerio pur chasers. on viai moderate irrra*. at the nl<l e*lablun ed Stand on Market street, a most -very article In hn line—me I tiding Counting- n>om. Be.l-<naniber, Dining room, Parlor and Hall Paper With Border*, scape*. Fire-board Prints. Paper and Transparent Window Shades, Bonnet and Binder*'Board*. Wri ting- Wrapping, and Tea Paper, he i- abundantly sup plied, and requests country nftrrlianti end housek-ep ers weal) and examine hi* assortment Rags and Tauuer*' Scrap* taken in trad*, at the highest price*. _ inch-ii.dfcwllmT aliftT PROOF IRON. rrtHE undersigned have creeled work* in the cny of 1 1 New York, for the purpose of (ialvajiiimg nil aru c'tesoflron. Which .1 .a desirable u> PROTECT FROM RUST, such as Telegraph Wire, Boll*, ftoikes, Nails. Wire for Fences, anrfsny other article which may be required. For Hoop* for Cask*, nsa substitute for bale Rope; lor Clothe. Line*. Lightning Rods, and a host ol other application*, it will be found t-hesp and durab.e They would particularly call attention to the Oalvaiu te.d Wire for fences; it require* no paint, and will not rust- Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation oi which i. of so much importance., thai n will cotnmenu itself to the notice of all 'hose interrstrd UEO- U. NOREWOOD k CO.. Patentee., oct3o-dAwlyT 14 and 16 Beaver st. N York ' PORTORA INSTITUTE, *LLCOJ(E*T CITT, WILL be opened (D V.) lor the admission of young Gentlemen on Monday, the Wb day of April Trots, {payable m advance) per sc«*ioti ol •'» month* English. Classical and Matheinaucal depart mem English department . A limited number of boarder* will lie received For testimonials. roference* and additional informa tion, enonire of the Principal ’ \ WCOI* El .AND, A. B . Of Trinity College, Dublin, Bi-Hixar, and Queens Beholar from the Royal Bobool of KiuiukiHen Federal st. near Robinson st. apJ.dtt J. C. P. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor at low, B T LO I 18 MO. WiW give particular attention lo the cnliertion of Claim*, and all money received, »b«iil be re mi it. d without delay • p.rmvcia-Hon. R Coulter huprrene Bench. I a Mesars. Lyoo, Bhorb A Co 8t laiu»*. Wood. Abbott A Co Philad-a, Jno H Brown A Co do. Mr LharU. H Welling, do, Eno. Mahoney A l.<> .or * York i tuue-i -den. Bit** kCo ii«. Baugli* r A UrendotCf Ba titnme. W FA A Murdoch, do, Mar’uiAto do. Mr John P'nlconer. Mestr* Strrliiic A t o I itt*- burgh; Forsythe ACo do. Hampton. • * * V" <3 °' Mr L 8 Waterman, do imiiJ>*ilAn Mia«!NG— A la'B’ 1 directed to WR. Morphy Pltt*bur»b. It was token by o .:rsym*n from Uo storeofW.K Murphy, wnn dm-cuon. m_leu»c n at M Kre’s grocery ‘lore, corner at l*i and \y cmd *t eet, isVnown by the person *li* gave h,m the box. hut hi* name and residfnee are not known me ... WANTED— An experici.i-r-d Bulesntan in the Dry Good* bus,nr,* The be., o. requ.r- paicuwidN MOLABRKS bid* N O j.ut rrc'd siuJ for «*lr by rochVB CH GRANT SfNOfllKH— ta »k» Ciovrr .red, a ilo Timothy «<-ed a buckeu Uuuer. o .to ju«i d . by uirha-r C IKjHAM mju. ?6dol»*ia, a 5 do ll'xH, ju»: ('•< LASH—I6O t>»» bxUi, 7a uu .. . T t«ei*ivc»l and lor »n!r l.y • mchO S v VON IiONNHOHST A <•-> OCVTHK HNEATMS— Wdoxfor «!«• »*T <% mch«- . H F HONNIIORsr & to HOE&- ‘M do* rail tirfl tilnif. tm »ulc bo tnet,*? r* V VON BONNHORST A i o GREEN APPLES iObl.Ulniinr nrdfr mcba? J S DILWORI H A » o "TiOTATOES—Iw «k* Nr*bttfinoc?». U*J I>UU Blu--*, if foftttle- »p 3 ARMSTRONG ACROZEH OOPBR’SJsIngLASS, (in leaf and shred) (nr »tUe by- mc>3S BRAUN 4 REITER OIL LEMON—U tt>i warranted ft foraala t>y- *P> SAt/ERATUSANDJ*OOA ASH-IO bblt Jmw I*** 1 **** t *' a *%wnriß]u** For PtuLADHJ'aiA IMPORTS BY RIVER. fre*h, juil ree’duid R BSELLKK* LOCAL MATTERS. exported for m rrmimigH oailt sazcttx- Coart Sessions. M0&X15O SESSION. Present Judge* Patton, Kerr and Jones. Mr Magraw moved an arrest cf judgment in the case of" George Youogaon, who waa convicted ot a libel on William Skiilen. Mr. McCiodlex* moved lO quash the ment in the case of Alfred Boyd- Win. NL Gray, John Dicktou. James B. Herron, and Ldwin Fowler, who were indicted tor raising dead bo* dies m Allegheny. The Hod Charles Shuler nod Mr Darragh opposed the tnouou The ease was tbeu postponed. Commonwealth vs. Andrew M. Bdily, who was indicted lor pausing counterfeit money, (Allegheny l-iiv Scrip.; on several storekeepers. He bought articles of small value, and received good money an change. It was proved that the defendant pass ed the nole, but it did not clearly apjiear that he knew it to !*t counterfeit at the lime of uttering it Hi* previous character had been excellent, and he is a married man, with a wile and two children who reside in Butler. Btgham for Commonwealth Magraw for defence. A verdict ol not guilty was relumed. County to pay the costa oi the proaecu* t .on. Commonwealth vs. Adam Leyde. Leyde is ! about fourteen or fifteen yrtir* of nge, and was prosecuted by his father.'who alleged that he had stolen one dollar and ttxty-lwo vent* in silver fjom him. Flea not guilty This was a most astonish ing case, and all persons fell surprised that a {fib er should brine such a charge against his ton. — The jury returned with a verdict of not guilty, and the prisoner waa discharged. AFTERNOON SESSION Present —Judges Patton and Jone*. Commonwealth vs. Andrew Sunni*, indicted for'arson, committed tn firing the stable ol James Kearney. Plea, not guilty. After challenging every eit.zen n| PaUburgh or Allegheny, whose names were called as jurors, a jury consisting entirely of country men, wa* cm panneled, consisting of Franklin Wall. Mark Kobh, Henry Stottler, A. S. Ltddo, John G Irwin, Pavid Stoner, Alexander Armstrong. Moses Armstrong. Samuel Graham, David Onstoi, John Purdy and John Allan. Mr. Magraw then opened the case fo: the Com* monweallh. _ Jamss Kearney, stcopn —Resides in the Fifth Ward, near the Canal. Heard a noise; understood that somebody wanted in. Opened the door. Mr. Scott came in to gel a pair of shoes lor his wile* who had been burnt out that night. This was about three in the morning. Went up stairs; saw no sign-of fire The stable wan ihe in rear of the bouse. l'-*r*ona could gel to my stable irom O'Hara street Went to bed, had not beeo in more than an hour before 1 heard people crying fire fire, fire, and persons shook uiy door. Jumped out of bed and saw the tire. The two -tables back of my house were burnt, and the others were pulled down to save the surrounding house*. Told my wife that I would rather have all my furniture burnt than pulled to piece-. lhd not see Sumns that morning. A great number of percent were present thee My stable was burnt down. (The cross examination was chiefly directed to wards obtaining a clear exposition of the situation of the houses and alleys in the neighborhood, and would ol course, be ot no interest to the reader.; Hxarmnnlion in chief resumed —Was not in the stable from the afternoon previous lo the lire; there waa only one horse in it—lhat of Mr S. Woods, the surveyor The door ot the ►table entering from mv yard wa* not generally cllm'il I always entered from the yard. When horse* were brought, in. they entoe from O Kara -treel. A man could not have thrust hi* hand in through the chink* Had hay in the stable Could iwt reach up from the ground l<> the hav mow I sed to lift oft the boards Iroui the root to put in the bay. There was a ladder in the stable lor the purpo-e of goiog up to the hay mow. D would not take half a minute to go up. .S atnutl Kmnedy, xuvrw—Resides in the riLh Ward. Was in Seveolh street on the night cl ihe fire Was watchman aUWslty's Planing Machine Saw Andrew« tnat night toond hint under the step* ol the planing machine. Was aoro*» the street at the tune Asked him what be was .Lmg there. Said he wu wailing for n leliow there. Told turn br ought to be in bed. Swore he would go home. Went toward* the canol bridge. I did not see bun after that till next day at seven The planing machine wax near hi» la 2. Went %way from it. In abonl juty rainule* after that. McCartney » "table took e. The mghl was a very pleasant one. The .tep* of the planing machine were about a hun dre.i and dfty yards from his lather * h. u*c Kearney's stable wo about three and a halt •uares Irotn the planing machine This was lb*r’» bouse. lboilt hall' pant twelve o'clock Sometimes l>ov around plunmg machine; saw mute there \Yaiirr\Ktrk-p<ur\ek, »wi —lt w»a here «gre« J ihiil Ure testimony of the Joys, taken in Ihe prrv.ous tna!. might be read Saw Sun id ■ shorts after the fire broke oat Was «tnDdmg at the planing: machine steps. JJunm* went op along the .-anal. He haJ on a blue over coal and « cap. Had his trowser* in h;s bootn. This was a short time before Ihe second tire; it was about fifteen minute* before the second fire Could not be mWaken as to the ideality of Minima He wa* gum* toward* the horse market. A/>. Kmntdi, rtcalUd— Stmin* was dressed .o «n cr coat and cap. Rulfri Jokruon, sworn —Wm at the McCartney and Jordan lire. It was about three or four o'clock Belong to the Niagara Maw Andrew s'tnrn* Heard him shaking Thought there was K‘iinf to be a fuss- N'- body minded him Paw bun ro«s Washington street, and go toward. the canm Lost sight of hitu at Hcariwelt * stab e. ent ‘.'fi toward* the hrdge. Maw that Heartwell'* *tabk .vas just commencing to burn Ivan back Maw jobody but Stmma there The engine come there mmediaiely A* soon os 1 saw the lire I ran to he door I got the horte* out. Maw Sunma when we got the horse* out. Went up to a young man and said, there’* the man I. believe set it on tire Simms said that he got his hand burnt in taking the bor*e« out After a wlmc. being sur ptcioua of him, looked for him and could not nnd him. A short time alter tins, Kearney's «tnhle wa» •et o» tire. A man wculd have had time to go from Heariwell's stable to Kearney’s. Did no 1 before know him. Saw him afterwards in i«.l. He wore a three cornered cap. Know him by his voice, he kind of talks through bia noso,owing to a harelip Cross examined—Simms hod a red hnndkerehifi roand the hand which he said wa* burnt When I turned round toward* Heartwcii’a stnblo, »«»'*’ two person* on the bridge The .table was partly pulled down, partly bornl, and pul out by water thrown on it. Alter lleartw.ol* lire, did not Mimm* till l taw him m j*d Wn* lhr l,r "' '' give the alarm. Went from U.e Heartwell »tnW< to Kearney's Went as soon a. the alarm wa* given. Did not sen Muunis 'here There wore not many there when wc went Know nothing of Simms in connexion the Kenriioy fire Maid in the deposition prior to former trial that I saw Simms standing at a lire plug, hound out afterwards Dial there wa* »■» lire pl«B there May have said Hint when I turned round. I won ilereil were Minima hod gone to. I ,n ,l *' l rr« < dir« t Krmg a man named Tucker mi the bridge. Mimm. wi»* at Ihe Heartwell tire Am u nail uurter. work in (/rati Ac Lindsay* mill 'there was »<• 11 r *’ lfl the liable when l passed, that l km-wof Thought thiil or I the two persons l saw on the l*™ l ** went up the stierl. Ihi n«rt rrmonlirr saying th jhe person who ret the stable on tire run oil. Mm Mr.Mrans Sworn— Live in I'ikr slrr>-t llie Fifth Ward, near Mrs.l<Cochran. Wn.ui company with-Mrs. Watson aud Mr* Cochrnu. The int o had gone to the tire. The people all hud gone to the lire Thrre were only myself r.nd two other women at iha corner. Suw Mims coming up Liberty meet, uml croM over to Mulberry Alley, and go mto the stables. Stood there two or three minutes Mrs. Cochmne smd he's domg some thiDg wrong. He came out, nod went across tbi street. We then »aw the stable* nil in n blaze c fare. He crossed to a kind of open place He went into the stables,| we watched him, he came out and crossed the street, »t<x>d on hi* tip toes and looked, we tbenj looked over, for we knew that something was wrong, and saw the stable* on tire, cried tire; told old Mr. Donnell, now dead, to catch that fellow, for we were sure that be had set the stables on tire; spoke loud, went towards Simms, and he ran, and l did not see him again till l saw him m the Mayor's Office, had on d cap and a bloc overcoat, with pockets nl the aide; bin pantaloon* were up his bools; do not knowwheth er thtiy were in them or whether they were short, When Sunma went into the aiables, there wa* no appearance of any tire there; the other file was burning when 1 saw Simms come op. Cross Examined—The pas lights were lit. 'he persßn'liatr goingtowtirtfsthexiabtevosnot tab. slim; bad on a hue cool with side packets- bis pants were high «p on his hoots, and were Cgbt coiered and dirty; had seen S;mras beferr, but iiad )l known him. t-.ere in t> pas iarnp at the > ' rner Penn and O Hara. was i.inndtug there. :h.? mtic ;ntjpast lit, wviu down O’Uira *:ne!; acwac back alter having been m the »uible*. recognized his features, pa*red not i»r ir».i m< . tie had V“t hair, was not able to rec. gmze him when I ursi went to the Mayor's Office, was unable to ree«»tr» r|ir.e Simms among Ihe crowd when ! went there, when tie lin-t came in I knew him. but ■•ou.ilui nWear point blank that ilvas him. had on ail but bis coat m the Mqj’or's Office, the same as be bad the night oi ‘.tie fire; he bod cut a sort ofn greyish coal then, reman.zed ban when i»e pul on a blue coat with |K.t:ke:« it the ».dc; I was the first one who saw the stable <m tire, and we nil hollowed d.rectly after, wnen ne ran away, be came down Penn street towards bndec* d.d i»«-i a! iy t.tne alter the tire, mu! bet-m* 1 went lo ibe Mayor's i >rtt<?** remark eub«r l" Mrs t\«cbru.n or Mrs Wills*-'.! there went llie ;-*r«on »'U set le stable oil lire, <lj n..t recollect wht-ifcrr in** lire *>li place on ih" ttt'el'th cr thirteeiilli vil A pr I :a«t Ad people about .I wU told ibe M»V< r and k ad him brought up ou the *JTiIt ot Apri' hod it. unde living ucir mere then, m-'-dv cried are belure l did bt that tire, tins w.i* be ween lour and live i>V ; <•!.. T Mrs. Wataou first saw Si min*. Saul there com' fellow from lire tire, wtrV nl! oilier* tin* cu.rv M' He came run of Liberty ► rect nit-.' U'Haru ■•treet. Saw him tieffcre be to the blm L*«m.ili - »hop. Saw* him nl the steel factory. The steel actory on U’Hara street, Mrs. Wntson attrnct ;d my attention lo bmi Did noi know Sunm* .uen. Had seen huu on the street. Saw him next at the Mayor’s Office We weir sundimr on the dark ride of the sire el. ile pQhycd on the ride -the gas was on. He wore hi« cap m hi" bomb not pulled so very for over tm eyebrow-. He wore a blue coa' Had one hand in h'« pocket. Watched him irom the tunc wp tir-l -swlinn nil he went into the stable. Watched Im beennse we knew be was after some thing wrong. One »f the ladies uid that I shnnld go lo sec wtml he was up to; but I smd that 1 was afraid t.onld n<-! tell from the position m which we stood, which . f the stables he went into The hinld'T>R v; « mr» lull blaze worn we «nw it. The tr- ht<l i -"k«; out of the roof. He w*-nt down th out, on the same side he came tip. H.kl oti a pair ot lightish [laots. D;-] ivt Lefyre «ay they 'vote black Examination in cn.ef resumed —Did cot sjo voluntarily to the Mayor’s Office, an oflirer enme lor me. Tbe examinniiou of this witness w.v concluded, and ibe Court ad) inrned Coroner's lt*u' fst. — Ti;e ‘.'• roiifrr Jury in tne case ol Tcasdnle wl»o was tl• tii it dead m li.e house of Mr. Pittfirid, brought in a verdict yester day to the l.'liowtng etferi. •• U r e find th** deceased came !•' V. i .i.-hili by poisou introduced into the stomach, bet how.or by whom administered, we do o<>i know ' A poM moriem examination wa« mad*- bv ['r«. Trevor, Elliott, and MKennon, and no trace ol (•oi i*ou was perceivable in the stomach ol the dt-craa ed. Judging by the iilceratious. and the «vmptmiis generally, tnev concluded that he had died :r.>in lb*.* elleda of some acrid pviK.ii. It o> proper to add. howfever, that many if not mo»: of the jtiiv were of opinion that the too free iimi of ardent spirits alone, was the cause ol li.a <*»*-»in Nit the shadow of blame rv-ts on Pitti'ield. - 1 'mnighout the whole Ume of Teasdale's .lliu-ss, lie icnavrd in Ine kindest :iud mot idc- ti'Mini'- -nanrier and hud he been a bnihrr, ci a biend, Witii he luu! Iweu ac<iua'nte.| It.r niniivl'insvir’ be con id not have pind hir greater attention And now we a*k ad perron» who read the pnper« and who have seen ibe i.nk-rJ nn l i.* I'll.- ap- i.:--*-. v .1 !>( a «upcnor via**. with n,- n wtt. ifivc greairr cotuiort. The A ji\T«u !••• in' port, and traveler* are re _ , , . . i , t ■ .. u; Vtivia.iie them before eneacmg paa* un article whren uj>|MNtred in our column* cmi. P*'" -* 1 k- s r cerium.-the conduct of some ot llie loon! edo.-t* I notices—w■ t h»• xi epl .n unt *.| {[.•• Journal—whim .<! :n«>m eont<lineJ.n'«pivijtur ui giving the reports of ninny touifued rumor in thi* cafe, whether we pave clone right or wrong in withholding the publication of the particular* till wo con id come lo some detimle ccmcWjvuui us to the innocence or guiil Piith-M The pnpf-ra teemed with reports oi "arvtui lotml in "1 rasiUle * stomach" —"« thousand dollar bonJ against I’.:* field, winch Was 11 his pocket .I*--•* when lie went into Mr l’’s house, and whim was ni<*.s,nr.' and many other rrfMvi* equally aitinte, and tending to damn h.s ctuiractcr tu the «*\es •( tuo pufl c In pjejudf: ins to toako h.m appear in that IE >«t odious rhiirr.rter ; <ri, 1 ai l .• (,y ' f •(! ami man —a pviwvkh \\ , uvn- mi ihr jim nud w can t'.'tn!,cirol.ou»iy v<\ :1 .»! nt a :;ttV l! *-v ,icnc< nppeum.J y. hi.- n *»j 1 h\ :i> t y p tv l.^l’Uu: *d tottnrJ* |>r, v -is; 1”, 11 *r* J,l uu Ity ol might hu! |r, m"«t liroumrv nti•*< : ,,’n tn%*:*rd« *- The or»rni< r* •iin.ned un.'-oucM in ih#r m- r\ tu*- 'h.itt, ir..l lionJ existc-.l ■ , \ m!. ■ niag'natnn m 'i.i.r wbo rv]xirt<,; a. n. w*- n*k wn«t .-an N" m-.cic in P ti.-‘•! Ir.e injury .nil <Mcd on him Tr*<inn•!« hnw h lt-e rr|.ori*>'| m« gui.l. wh.- may never inr tr»tnii,.Ti at h.s ancx-i-!..i- no>l .1 noth t.g *'•*•_ nienla' Mgony whirh even tif i-««l mu must feel at having n.« r.n.n>* rm.rui-o-d u t>. >• dark «o fouls »ti«p.i *nJ ! avmir tt.iit Urged OH !fie puidie RUt. ill • r. >•' rr [ t-«i< ; v :i‘r.! !■>' l-v Vli-in* .-.-ui.l h.x' been done, i-Hnni-, be mvcrlioti . i ’.fie ir: proved ibe prop' e.y oi imr |*>m ion more ■troujiM’ than (tie re»ul:* of ibo prer-..t ;i>*;ue*!, and Hunk (bat ever)* candid muuJ tnu«i admit Uiai . l would have been Vwlter merely to mention the la* '*, without the addition* which the di*«a«ed appet trs of many who revel ia (lie HOSBIBiX mode to the,,.. Never vvm the atory i I the “tli.'ee !dvk rr.wv, m >re -trmigly cxempl fird in !!'• p-e~ nt .r <iitonv We k,i\< contended —we cvt v ' eon- lend. that till they have legal evidence of cu..l ed- itor* err oi »lt'ppiiiE bevi'i d the pale y| i.:.i.;i -r of fuel, uud (hit n’l ihe «iih«?nnei:! retractions 'hie i» I bey can make, w.n never Inai ihe wound ed heart i>( Ihe victim ol « *!nrulermo» repon Tfe Ptml lake* Ihn l.herty of rr« u« a *c« »uir* on the impropriety n( pubns.i.nir use *r>ee* - :t wlu."i Kenyon made, not m drfenor, but in in ( giiii at id gnevou* o«*nu!t wli'cti l.e made up m Ins wit*-, but w« - )>cg ieuve to ml Till lion the! tin. Court nave bun pcrm.aMon to »penk a i. that wo can sue no impropriety i" lep.>rl.p:j w l.*it W«' (id ve a oi c aided -i aP'ine n '. .111 >i 'eil U‘** pu!) to Sehevr tM< !»• w *imh a• Id • •'< ! mt>n • r a* In* would lo\ ll be stotn-rd In* vv,«i *t ngun, wiihotM rhvme or icaron P ot Ihuik-a lie i« tn»nnr. Thu may be the >ai mi we have to any that In* statement wan u ee*l 1 r>f Iy likol, well connected, and delivered 01 1 lyle wliieh I,>1 1 >•. If* Ihe supposition of hi'a Ul«nu.iv. ml lenvei in to conclude that h« »m moiiom«u».ae m tin* one pnrlienlar head nlmie il nl nil. The ,itne*»**«, it ia line, ftnvn hi* w u very good ImrniMer, bill all Mini vvr did wa» to mention I acts ■•U) whieh the gentleman d> *•* tvl always adhere -ond leavr our reader* to draw the.r own ■••-.oHii ion* Inmi tliem. UniTi.r. r..M'i * 1 - Willmm Morrow, who rr • idea in Penn aired. .*o|npliim»il Iwhire the Muyor yesterday, ul n jnilig ol young l.oii- who ate in the ol nmt.-yine hun nearly every night. Ttirv ciirai. tom il.row mud .it torn, mid knock over tie I mi.l barrels utindint helore lr» d>**’r l.ihn mid Sniiinel Hearn-, l.,|»n Uo>.. Abrnhnm l ior and Ilnil-.H.. me among the niimbei. Amou AVI Hutv-ni -A pami; bid 1 nine a Wood, vcileriUy Mitered eoiiipliiuit heson Iti* Mayor,.iKninal William Morrow, whom In- m .used severely bc.itiu,.. him With a eowhuh Hie night Maton* Orvu y. lb 1 rmt K.. 11, Aprd .''tn- F.igl.l men and lliree ot the gentler mix. nppriire belore the Mayor to dny Tie women weiVa of four, who paid their tine* Mayok * Umnt, ALUtnitm, April oth one gnte ot dniukenne-a beforu the Mayer t'io morniop. He wn» aent to jail for uair and twenty MAPAIXAN •** HlSTtiK'i UK I'.M.I.ANU-H" lcr‘« nliiion. iiii UK* m«:vr vt i' J'ini •■i iif-ratim, of \ ot| t a»J -j of un- I>>i.*!ou nlnimi. <*m hrllutird with a porlni.t ul U? author \ ui» m *•»«■ cotnpicK*. ?>(:«' \ «uf'i>lv oi »!«»v« ri i-ptvetl ami u>f *alc !»t JOHN li Y.l .i•* *K. mrhiM • i « '"tl »i TO UI.ASJ* MA.MKMTI :U.KS-t> . .i. hM.kv O. Gian rreeivrtl. in »tor? ami mi »•’ pj>) ajri * <;K() H MILTKNfiIM T\H!>SKI) M-KKl* ‘MilN!*--A few do* »<•« ■' ••• i / for .air liy TtjrbV* H& W MAIM \l Ml H ICHORS’ Km -3 bl.u i-e’a ..nil for to »i.:i armstrono*-* inu ROLL RUTTER-? ..bla Roll .Butter, ir.M.r from sinu Hearer and for »nlc I*y uichSi _9£ W JIARIIAI Mf PECAN NUTS—If bble fandUHf from *u»»* ;« tale bj oicb'Jl OKO C(>C jIRAN.J.'C wuq.i m CLOVER SKID-TOO balk tor**!* by nehtt ___ ROUT PAt.gKix * Co, Liberty it TRANSPORTATION LINES. PITTSBURGQ POBTABtgBgATLCTB 1849. W&Wt For tkf T'*r..nvrtation of Freight to and from PITTSBtRfiH. PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, N. YORK. BOSTON, Ac. Thomas RaaaiDOV, Philadelphia. Tsxrrr. ft o'Cox*toa. Pittsburgh. T'llltS oid established Line being now m full opera* uon, the proprietor* nre prepared with their usual ext.'iisive arrangement* to forward merchandise, pro* Jure, Ac to and ‘‘rum the above pons, on liberal terms, wtui the regularity, despstrh and «afety peculiar to th<‘ir mode of tpinsponaimn bo obvious, when trail* •.i. pine!.: on the any i> avoided. All • »iuignraent« by and for this line received, char* re* paid, and forwarded in any required directions free oi charge :«.r romrammii, advancing nr storage- N'> mu re*:. directly or indirectly, m steamboats. Ail i nnuniimentions promptly attended to on apphea* ti»>.i tr> inr in.iowiin; agents: « TUHIXeK‘J7h Market *t. Philadelphia ’ A O’CONNOR, Canal Ba*in, Pittsburgh. *R .V Cn. Nonn st. Baltimore. mchlM BOATMENS' LINE JSsI 15 49. BSS&.aa EaMgW&gSga 'uw^iw F«»* '! >’ Transportation ot Merciifumue between Pirjsut K«'H. PHILADELPHIA. A BALTIMORE. ►in|>!*rtl t.y tin* Line, are <:<trrie«i in four- section Portable: Boat* rpHL bavins made arrangements ui cate 1 oi > want «: Stale Truek* at Columbia, to have tliff nood* forwarded over the Railroads tu car*, »o u» n> Hviu'l th<' detention that bar heretofore occurred • <if the wa/it or Trunks. Shippers will find this to their advantage No charge* made lor receiving or ship- I r or ior ndvanriiig charge*. AU good* forwarded !i de*pa*.ch. Hud on »* reasonable term* a* any oth- JOHN PARRKN ir Co, c.-rnrr c>< Canal anil Liberty *t. Pittsburgh. p k. frktz ft co, 165 Market at. Philadelphia. 1549 - UiMION LINE, OS THE PKSK’A AND OHIO CANALS, i CtuwroKn !t CtuxacaLtN. Cleveland,O ) p , R ['ah,.-. Ben.rr. P. i r ™P r^ IMIIS Line will he prepa ed on the opening of navt j::,i ■ uii to transport ireiffhi and Passenger* from J’!Tl <|irßt;H and CLEVELAND, to any point on t!.- I' and Lake*. fi'- im-Uiue-. ,>i the Ijiio «rc unsurpassed m number, quj.j.y and rapacity of boats, experience of captain*, •fid el’firtrnrv of Agent*. (1u- bout ;ravr,ii Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily run n,n- " > .i!i:fern»n with me steamer? LAKE ERIE AND .MICHIGAN, I’-rtwen Pnftmrtfli and Brave-. mid a line of first elasa Propeller* and Vessels on the Lakes. Acium-—K U Park*. Pa Jr?** Baldwin. Youngstown, Ohio M U Taylor, Warren, “ Cyrus Premia*. Ravenna, “ Wheeler A Co. Akron, u Crnwford * Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0 • «.>ni« fc Griffith. Buffalo. N Y JOHN A CAL’fJ HEY, Agent, Office. cor Water and Stniihfield pis, Pittsburgh. m<ti2i ly is 49. £&Mk BINGH AMS’ TRANSPORTATION LINE pKOpairroas, J.*HV K.v.ha* Tuns. Flirtoin.M, JaCOB Dncv. Conduct-.*! on »mci Sabbath-keeping principle*. T’HK I’rmiretor* »f this old established Line have put th-;r -trx-k m the mod eottipirte order, and are thoroughly pr-i’iircl 10 forward Produce and Merchan oi„e I,nd trom the Eastern due* 'A - 'mi*t that our long experience in the carrying 1 ii-u—.*. and sculou* atlcntifti to the interest* 01 cu>- t.»m-rs wfl .-mre to ti* a continuance and increase ~| • nnber-o extended to Bingham'* Line. , nrrxirM-ni, will enable o* to carry Freight win tii- u'in.'-i -Wrutrh. and onr price* shall alway* • r «. ;tir low-*? charged by other responsible * u - I,**,. , Jt ,eiipd an m No ItSl Market street, '.rm --•! 4th and htn *t« Pluiada, for tl.c conveniaace * ami Merchandise will he received utld for warded. En«i h.ui Wen. without any charge for for wi"ding, advancing freight, storage, or commimott. 11,:;c ~1 [ adinc turwarded. and every direction iirnmp' V -•it-iided to. A,‘dr-., nr apply u> WM. BINGHAM, Canal lie-it. cor Liberty A Wayne ns, Pnubufjh. BINGHAMS A DOCK. No l-.t and i!7rt .Market street, Phi'aoa. JAMES WILSON. Agent, So l'-i North Howard street, Baltimore WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, No U) West stri-riL New York Ptamylvanla Canal A Rail Road Ex press.Faat Packet Line, _ KKt»M mT.-m t-H TU PHILADELPHIA & BAL- , ' TIMORE. i F.xctugiv ely for I'nssrngerv) ri MIF. put.iic nr- re»j«-<'tfuUy informed thn! tin* line I wn- • ••Minien-. - running on the 19iti inst, and eon- ■iTrOl'LD call the attention of the publte to their YY siopk of Paper Hangings, which lor va riety, beauty of finish, durability ami cheapness, i* un surpassed by any establishment >n the Union. Besides a large and foil assortment of paper of their own manufacture, they ore now receiving a direct im portation of French and Englislastyles of Paper liaug in*«. purchased by Mr. Levi Howard, ane of the firm, , now in Kurope, consisting of -.i :n.-n- _ , lh _ n t i Pnnsian manufacture, l«.tsOO pieces. ■■ioi;i,,.ihro,i«li.l On-oflh-bo.l. ofl ao do ... - ivi,. iciivc .);••. Riding loppo* « 6> j of their own manufacture they have 100,000 nieces corner of I'rmi street and Lanai, evety mght at tun. o i w ,j p aper ani j fjgjui piece* satin glazed Window ortu r Mo:'ongahcla House, or to D LthUl 4 to Messrs James Howard ft. Co. havo spared neither "ten l' * w expense nor labor In their endeavors to rival the east- KIsCFI’S POUT ABLE BOAT LlHgi 'em wtsll paper establishments both in quality of man _ . jBWWPgat utacture and variety of pattern! and they are warrant yrrv- -JTidmußifl E9HBn HBHUMd ‘ rd in assuring ih- public that they have saccecded. i The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac 1. r 'he Transportation of Freight to I turc, will be otfered on terms as low as those of east- T i» PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE A NEW YORK I ern macufaeturers and importers mch2?:dtf on the Canal being now resumed, the ‘ rupn. Proprietor* ofAhe nlxire Line rerpectnuly inform raTEKL'L for tho very libera! encouragement 1 ihe pub;.,- ’hat they are prepored to receive ana for- iI j hJlve reeet v e d for so many years, I have deter w itrrt Freight with despatch, and at lowest rate* roiued to enlarge my business considerably. Having They wou'd sue cart the attention of .htppera Eu - * competent Foreman, 1 wiU be enabled to ward -0 •.)»- uci that the Beats employed by them in j ort j c „ promptly, and do the work in oar usual transportation, them and commanded by , an j at p nct .», and ask tbe attention of mer ,-ipeneii-e.l raptattfi ' chant, and citizens totny large stock of UPHOLSTE r*hipp*-rs «»f M. ul .n Uo.k will hnd it advantageous Ky Bed*, hUtiriMes and Bedding, Cur io «b«p t > tui> l.' -e- ■»* 'be subscriber* have made ar« Materials Damasks and Moreens, Congees. Frin rangemeiit* m to have such freight for Baj. so r dcruiffs. Tassels Spill and Holler B hid* and i.more handed direct y t'om boats to cars thereby sa- rV ery article usually kept man establishment of the vi.ig »areboii»« ar-»tli»'g ,k. i kind. Order* respectfully solicited and promptly at- Freiglu to I’ .i:.'se.,.bia goes clear through in the , Wll<w to inaij N B.—Carpeu made and put down. No charge «s= !e. i,-'r. erivi.'r-hippingor advancing , ** WM. NOBLE. -bars-* KUiK A J-*NtA Proprietors -- * c'aiiai Ita*m, Seventh etrael. ... ~-t - vr< A *hnw t'tnei'i .*n. O; Jno Me- ! T EN LOTS ’ * 4 ‘ r *' t hy l '° 0,1 lhe heT t'«->''-iiii>re jn-?teel ACo pt.iladel- 1 ground, and fronting on ihe wide North Commons , ii. oueti ° : I'ninnibia mchUl ' i:i the Buena Vista Extension Terms STtKI, cash. ;.n,v 1-M0....A l otumma. ,ucu “_ • -JAMES ROBINSON, I W.M O’H. ROBINSON, ; - *o 1(1 i mch*J2rin Office. Exchange Building*. St Clair »t I !'-*>• . ..ln?ITOT„ riio COUNTRY MERCHANTS—Smith Ik Johsms, i £sSj2Qj£gSBgjS miraiailßren Market street, can sell you hosiery cheaper BK. A VKB PACKETS. than they enn replace them—having bought them at a I m-.mi-t Mi'IUuAN No ‘J—Capt liilsou. t large package sale previous to lhe advance in pnee. I.VKH KUU'. (Jordon. 1 They c«n m-U you tsiniw Bounds and Variety Goods 'l'lir.n r -r; -i .d wrp known Braverpack- a* cheap as you can buy them of Eastern Jobbers ! 1 ii.iv. <• uiui'iu-Cil mnk ihvir uoily iripi in : Oome aud icc. mch‘23 | :( • H'»v-r «ml it * u< to run between . . 1• 1 V ,-. u . u , : it. \ r . 'cui»ro <»unii< tbe seaton. a« : Tuoiaaa itn>bdt. JE. Joitn S*. MWTH ! KKNKEDY * BAWTEB, l! ; \ IM , . »,iv. ♦ Pji:*'Mir«n dtu'.y ai 8 " cLirlr. , j OOKINO »«LASS Manufaciurcra. and Wholesale vf ! ,, .... ]>,»., t n; ? I' M l.nkr- fc>i« dealer* in foreign and domeaur Variety j- , i'>ii I'xi.k A M., and l'ut*Ourgb We*iem inerclmnu,' Pediar* nud others are invin-»l S r ’ M to cad and rxaimne Uie price* in-' nunliry ol'our slock. run i" > nonociicn wr.h wi:h out (•rr»cril t,.rrca»ed facilities Hi inanufnciur i i■ >r, lor F.rie, mg and purcbaaing, we ihmk we ran o£Ter a* great 1 • PacKr’-s, inducement* io buyer* aa uny other bqpsc west ot me l»oi.L« tor i ieveiand, . Mountain*. ja3-ly <l i«-vr,andLiiieFreigbt R'. I'.** li I> : • ■t o. r p k i SEW UOUDS, 1849. .1 *'h‘i,,nu { T’KNNEDY 4 SAWYER, comer Wood #»U Fourth i. hiO‘ l* *r ’ '\ k street. are now receiving direct irotn first bands. j. .11 NA-A L ( * 11 M ; * ' fl 1" 'fw stock of Fancy and Variety Gooos, tnc.udmg "»**»» I ..r_n4_te L w»o &nmhfictdj»u__ ii clock< et - pTer7 vanety, gold and silver Watches, PENNSYLVANIA CiBIALA R. l Jewelry, French Print*. Combs. Hooks and Eye*. rfsl\G'oves and Hosiery. Suspenders, Gun Cap*, and all ]W IQ wTkW 1 Other articles In their of which having neeii I Ifla TO * I purchased personally of the manufacturer* east, du . . „ ut . kT ~ .p.LT i ink ’ ring the but winter. expressly ior tr.e Spring trade, h\PR»>MA>I l AC ivfcT LINK, will bV Mid wholesale at a small advance on cost, r, . n , ?/. . „„J ! Constantly on hand, fl descriptions of Looking Glass picn^u^ir'i to J ntsa<irJ}-hii. huuimort. . 1 f «, of otlt oVCn manufacturing. at eastern prices, mhtg) Tm-‘ i'uMk *r- U frM.rctiu .y nuo-mo! mn: this IjV« \\ ' iiOLKSA I.K DRY GOODS—We are now reeei ■tvi rnmmi runtiunr on .Mon.U). I*.:. Mnnth. VV vine a iuig* *u>ck oi‘ Spring and Sommer Diy r . ~. , . 0 f n supcuor cl«m, wtjih Goad*. selected wild great eaic fiom the importers and u wine'* wtii ptve greater euroiori no rnanuiactußrs. and ccusistmg of it hue "assortment ol -cr«" all grades usual.) kept by Dry Goods house*,’ which 1 \ i.'i.lii wi 'i\ wavs br m port, and traveler* are rto- «\»’are prepared to sell ai *u,*i> prices as cannot Coil coistnd lorn. 1 «-id r• i* them before engaging p 4- to give sanstacUon to purchasers. J ... *.v . I'ney wi.. Vave the lindiak, rip- ' City and country merchants are invited to give us a „ ■ .. n.»-.ei rnmer i'e-tin street Canal, pall, and examine our stock and prices before pur , r , . 1( ,, (.'■»— 4 * ' chasing elsewhere.. SHaCKLETT 4 HITE, 1 KAIII. MMI DOLLARS THROUGH. j W Wood si, two doors above Diamond alley ’J\th4 —-I| Days. I rochl9 • .rirrnfti.i •> appiy »; 'he office, Monongohela ! HOWARDUOTEL, , i n i) I.Ek.CH 4 Co, Canal Boain. NEW Y«RK. N II - I'l-.e i*r*>t»rirtors oi tnc above Line are now TrtjciH. MIDDLETON 4 WHITE- beg leave loan ' (rii , *.i ..jilit ~:iuc Lire «>f Pnckets, lonin as above ■ j* nounce to their friends and the public, that they 0., of ■ out j„nr : •!. m ■•oniieenon with the Pennsyl- have assumed tbe manaecmem of the large and com v•» Itm, H'> »d noin lAfWi«ti*wn t« Philadelphia. At modioua Hotel, corner of Broadway and Maiden Lane, ... a , 4 1-«,- >ei wi:| leave every morning and even- known »■ the Howard Hotel. Having much impm .■ . I'lni.' :..rouxb. -i dnv mohlO V ed the internal improved the internal arrangement nwi nfiTK PORTABLE BOAT LINE, of the bouse, no pains shall be spaaed on tbepart of un,i.iAn I to itii the proprietors to give enure satisfaction to those who C.mJrniA WlO ffvHfr? >-■ may favor «« wiih tbeir patronage. marfMisw ruitfrnhiiiiT iisffli ~ 1) lUnT'ING PAPKR—Havmg ibe exclusive agency l" , inr irnn»po rinunn ol Merchandise, A for the aale of the Mill Grove Pnnttrg Paper, (S. r.rrv' KEN pmi.AUKr.PHIA AND PITTSIIUUGH. . H. i C. P. Markle, Proprietors.) we wih be constantly / 1 nol)**’mrne t on tin* Line are not transhipped supplied with all the different sixes of superior quality, 4 T 1.,-wccm I’uubnreh nod Philadelphia, being car- I which wc offer at the lowest regular prices. nrd m four section Portable Boats over land and wo- [ RE\ MOLDS 4 9HKR, trr to sbippei* of roercliandiie requinag careful! ftb' comer Penn and Irwin »ts r'fi-lvufg or shipping, or tor advancing elarges. Alt | * r ..od« torwnnli-d wnb dispairh, and on os reasonable [ a* bv nnY other Li nr ■ ' T JOHN M'FADEN 4 Co, Canal Penn at. Pmsburgh 1 JAS M DAVIS 4 Co. | ?l tfi Muriel A M Commerce si. Phils. : Jiilf.N M.-FAUEN 4 C<». Forwarding and Coinnus- | sun. M r.-tiams, Canal Basin. Penn st. Pittsburgh. | JAMES M DAVIS A to. Flour Fnrtor. and Comrais- : , aRBUTUNUT has commenced to receive a Mr..'h,ma ;?7 M B O • i a ..d it Commerce street,. largo assortment of Fancy VARIETY GOODS, pbi's.lrtpin.i ! consuunguipanof Artificials, Ribbons, Laces.Ho ri - miuip !-y either ot the above on no r. , Mef _. Gloves, Crape, Leisse. Cambrics, Nettings, Lacp \\ CH.I and ..U,n en.-rvhan.ure constgneti to them lor Ve|llh p on geo Haudkerchief*, gents CravaU, : gingham and cotton Handkerchiefs, corded Skirts, .i i —ii i Sewing Silk, Threads, Buttons, Corabv Jewelry, Cut- JT~ '~'g to |(| < ‘ r " ll ‘'LS i lory, 4c. 4c. Country and rity merchant* are res " krli', MMianeQMbaiwtiss j uectfully invited to rail and examine bis stock. No 64 rrr limn •' Transportation Line. ; wood street, copier of Diamond alley. VIA KOA 8 ‘ j rp° trroCKING WEAVERS AND PEDLARS— . U„|| Rond- being now open, and; 1 Hosrtnt—*W» down bleaehed, uubleuched, blk, I ' ,n ?'i trr weave prepared to forward nil , mixed and colored women'* and mens cotton Hose. I , , produce to Plnladelphia nnd ■ Alto, unbleached and mixed cotton half Hose, jntt J. r "" , n " rr '..,'k p rom m D e». and despatch, and on m ! received direct from the importen. and lor sale at un -1 11 '' »,. r.i ..arti ne . usually low prices, by f VL'McANULTV/ICo., ; mohlll SIIArKI.ETT k WHITK Canal Basin. Penn at, PtUabutgh. j fT , O COUNTRY MERCHANTS—W R. MiwHr haa a .'iT' - I 'H A RI.FJ* HA ) NOR, Philadelphia. I 110 w open si ins W iiolcnale Dry Goods Rooms, R. iSI. MORKI LI. A t!o. Balnmore. __ ; t ,o rth eMt comer of 4tb and Market streets. Pittsbuigh. , n full supply ol <re*b Sprng Goods, mclnduig newest jr, j |ffT7?Sf‘£ i:lu,lfll !B style* of Prints. Ginglmnu, Ijswns, 4c., and tnvitea an atufloSTS' W.v'tfttKlOßT I.ISK. to NYUolesule Rooms Irom 4th rtreel For B«-i 1 r»viii e Johnstown. Hollidaysburgh. and mehiW ___ _ all interned.ate places - Clerk Wantsdi r|*H P* i nr will continue to carry all \\ ay Goods 'a r ANTED—A Young Man 111 a wholesale and r<- [ «;■.!, iu.r usual desputeb. and at fair rales of yy la ,i Dry Good*Store. Apply at 63 Market *t 1 r et s n 1 _ mehlHhdtf \ fSTv-' A. M‘A.M I.TN 4 Co, Pittsburgh. —• • - l> R Wakefield. Johnstown 1 "WTANTED* Joint Miller. HnUidaysburch. . OY a Mamrd Man. a situation a» Booa Keeper, ~.k KV. k , _Jmib. Jordon, Smith 4 Sinclair. Dr F JD Clctk 01 Salesman, in a store or manufactory oh\enber«er Parker, S F Von Bonn Most respectable rcrerences can be given. Address h..r-' Ain.v\ tn i.tbmer A Co, Jim M'Dfvitt 4 Bro*. -A B C.," Goiette office. mebdYdJt* pmsi ureli. John Ivory, Sumit, Mulhollun A Ray. Jl ’ o Patent Boda Aak. i.rnil fc Co.-Blair«viJle. _ O'? I-ASKS (Glass makers) Jas Muspratt 4 Sons' 'i?rtn''Q»Tv’' " ' Jsw # brand, inn rec'd per steamer Brooklyn, and for , TinSght draugb. steamer LOYAL | sale bT Kv 4 M «ITCHELTRF.E, d'"-' UANNAfwillbr soldon reasonable J»I8 No ICttLiberty st *he now lies si the whart oEOi W. SMITH * CO n rxSSSSBSa b*ofi«fro , >* c ' -. , ’ , :* ttl Siv al „ r . l TNFORM their fncoda and the public lhatthey bav« JAS. KERR, Jr * I no longer any connection with their late establisb* mch'Jl dim tl MILTI-.tNßv.ltur> roam In Penn stree-,known as the Pittsburgh Brewery, ~viv KPIMNU oooii**—A A. Maae* 4 Co., No bavin* removed their entire business to the POINT \ frfiMaikct street, or* now op«, ft, '‘S case* and uRKWK.RV. >r im> mvlHrd jrfl packa;;«w ol splendid SPRING tiOOWj-. wmpTUtng x A ji»vut * '* wi. p johKs. Lawns, Muslins,’ Brreaes. M-da Otaßbams, .-|j- A ni)V, JoNES 4 Co., (succesoors to Atwood, Prints, French <'mnl>i.>'*- irtnaral -tL Jonet A Co t Commission £Uld Forwarding >fet m.!.», phawis. Glows, liosiaty, and a gbncral anon- j ft »i cr » ln "Putaburgh Manufactured Gftoda, S* hJ? Pittsburgh, Pa, mchgjr T3&ANB—$O BETs aod &u aka sa&tto Dean*. Tust rac'd JJ «ttd for sale by mchS3 L S WATERMAN TTlfltl o< Good*. 0 A jeprL,woßTii * co .S’ '' 1 ' J '^ h '' MISCELLANEOUS. Oolver’a Patent CoaeaTe Beater Cnarnl IN FIVE AIINUTKS:', WK call the attention of the public <to the article headiogthio adveniw snout, and invite the enter prising and carious to coll and witness its operation. All advertisements iirrelatioaio this Invention, to the handled* who bate seen it tested, is snphrerogation. Ist. This Churn will produce Boner, gathering it la a mass, from sweet milk, in five to ten miumes! and from cream prepared, as families usually prepare it, in three to five nunhtea! 2d. The orility of thUinvenUon u apparent, as bet ter Bauer can bo produced from sweet milk, or cream, than cream so urea in thehtlual way; and by means or this churn, a little girl or boy can perform, in five or ten minutes, what has heretofore required the labor of a woman or mtin for one or two Jurors, and sometime* half a day. ■« .... 3d By simply turning a thumb setow. lbe whole in side dasher is taken out, leaving/tothing bm the butter and nuik in the plain Wooden box. 4th It t* the cheapest chum ever invented, u the simplicity of its construction (though cmbodvtng a great philosophical principle) makes It but Utile to manufacture it. sth It is a common-sense churn, as ail will admit who will exsraine it We invite ihe public to call and witness its operation at our otfiee in the Diamond, near the Black Bear Ta vern. Pittsburgh, and at J F. Beckham’*, Federal st. Alkghen,. CAUEHON A PRICE, marifcdlJcw3mB _ FRESH PURE TEAS, Wholesale and retail, at the PEKIN TKA STORE, 71) Fourth’ street, near Wood. Pittsburgh.—The subscriber having just returned from New York, is now receiving a large fall supply of fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from tho New York Pekin Tea Company, selected with great care for retail sales. Our stock being now heavy we are pre pared to supply Grocer*, Hotels, Steamboats and run [lies with any quantity and at any price they may wish; packed m J, ) and l pouud packages, 5 lb. tin canis ter*, 0 ami 13 lb catty boxes, and in half chests. Retail Grocers are invited to call, as we can and will »ell letter Teas at lower prices than any other house in Pittsburgh. Our stock of fine Young Hyson, Ganpowder, and Im perial Green, and Oolong Black Tea* are the best In , the Anencan market. Lovering's double refined Loaf, Crushed, and Pul venzr-d Sugars, at retail, or by '.lie barrel. COFFEES—Mocha, Old Gov. Java, Laguira, St. Do mingo and Rio Codecs, selected by the most experien ced coffee Broker inNew York Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumber* and Onions, Fresh Peaches, put up in their own }aiee Malaga Raisins; in 3 lb boxes. N. ri.—All Dr D Jayne’s Family Medicines for sale. deeS-dAwS A. JAVNES Newspapers, Ilagaslnei and Reviews, Received at the Reading Room of the ‘ Metis' Mereantue Library Institute," Foanh street, between Wood and Market street*. N«w Von—Coorier A Enquirer, Tribune, Herald, Evening Post, Journal of Commerce, Spirit of the Time*, Scientific American. PtnLsbKLruu—North American and U S. Gazette, Pennsylvanian, Commercial List. Waikjxgtoh— lntelligencer. Union. National Era Bosros—Mining Journal, Atlas. BxLTQtooE—American. Cincinnati Gazette, Louisville Journal, St. Louts Re publican, N. Orleans Picayune, N. Orleans Price Cur» rent. •WUmer ASnuth’s European Times,Lou- don Times. Maoaxctbs— Blackwood's, Knickerbocker, Plough, Loom A Anvil, Eclectic*, Hunt’s Merchant*’, Liuell’s Living Age. Horticulturist. Stillman** Journal, Journal of the Franklin Insulate; Civil Engineers'& Architects' Journal, London. Rk views —Democratic, American Whig, London Quarterly. Edinburgh, Westminster, North British. Room* open daily (except Sundays) from o'clock A. M . until 10 o'clock, P M. Members have the pri vilege of introducing their friend-, non-resident* of the city', who will be entitled to free admission for one month Person* desiring to become members will leave their name* with the Lil rtrisn. Terms—lnililioti, SI; annual *ub*enption S 4, in advance. » mcl>l4:dtm KNGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADEMY! (Room* in the 3d Presbyterian Church.) ran a cadent is designed to bu pbhssaitxvt, THE system of Instruction punned in thi* Institu tion, will secure to ill pupils a sound and thorough i English and Classical education; also, every opportu nity is embraced for the inculcation of correct moral principles, and respeclAil. kind and amiable manners. The Principal is aided in these Important duties bv gentlemeu whose litemry attainments eminently qual ify them to meet a!! reasonable expectations of the Patrons of the School. When two or more pupils are from the tame family, i a iiberal deduction will We made, i l L. CATON, Principal. Rev D. H. Riddle, DD. Mr. Richard Edward*, - A. T M’Gilt, D D. “ Luke Loomis. Hon A. W Loonui, “ W. W. Wilson, Mr. George Albrer, “ Henry WiUteaon. Circulars can be obtained at the Book Store of Mr. Luke Loomis, No W 9 Wood srteet, and also at Messrs. R H. Becaou A Co’s. No. “0 Market street. mchl9:d‘2w ■ PAPER HANGINGS. MESSRS. JAS. lIOW&R’D ft CO No. 83 Hood Street, Dentist Comer of Fourth and between sep2-dlyin Marltfet and Ferry sheets. INDIA RUBBER PASTE—Just receiving, S jtom Uoulei of Rubber Paste. a auperirtr article, highly Important to persons that wish to their feel dry. h prevent* the leather from Cracking, and will take a polish over it. For tile at tho India Rubber Depot, No A Wood street. mar ' J t II PHILLIPS LOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &* sPOAB PLABTCIUt . T) LA NT ATI ON IN ARKANSAS.—Tbo »4t*«n»er i o|er* for sale the extensive plantation In Altaa saa, formerly belonging <oaad ocwpietf byi tho i*t» Governor Kent, of Ataxy land, and eofftainlnjf twenty* . ouhthundred »nd«jgatTtihreQ*ad&JtaKaeic*9£lai)»> Thu estate lie* In U» eountks of PWIUpi tadjCTib , tendca. and is titaated Is Whinny Henri, CQthfl AnMi*- rippi river, twcaty-five mileh above the tovro of Hete- ; 'no. It i* said to bo the highest rrrek land in' tbit P on of country. lu soil u peculiarly* adapted to Un; 1 growth r-f cotton, its improvements are an OVOISOert < House, a horve-mUI, tovoral corn houses, and. JoOd ' quarter* for servants. - ■; Upwards of seven bandied aero* of this iaadhUTO been cleared and are now cultivated. "Bje fell Of it mav be easily cleared, (the most being already do&A|) ami but Icm timber upon it, and that chiefly of tsh* which U readily sold at a well located wood yard, in °*" ** ver, d thonsand'cotdi every Tear. This plantation ia one of great value, and presents a rare opponuiunr to the public. In thehanda of a good P, £ r l \ m .f)' **wi*T mads of trainee** annual pt> “* n« lacmues of intercourse wM, n tw Orleans af tore a constant avenue for the dlapdaal of its BroduetS. It is distant about ?C0 miles from Cincinnati,9Bo Sew tSSST moali thc olua ' w»d MO mile* from Wlji he divided into several para, tf For terms, fce., apply (po,, p*jd) to WttiAAM a PEHCfE, _ Baltimore, Maryland. MS Acrea Coal Land for Bala SITUATED on the Mouongahela river, about ISuDea from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Loek. ta the immediate neighborhood ofMeasrs. Lyon ft Short, and Sir. John Herron** purchase. This fins body of Coal will be sold at the low price of 833 per thirdin hand, balance in five equal *nnn»l payment*, without Interest. Title indisputable. Location very rood—cannot be surpassed. Tor Anther particulars enquire of 9. BALSLEV, who has a draft of taJd-pto* perty. Residence ad st. below Ferrv.Mr. Adams* N. 11, There is another seam of coal on this trust, abeot 60 feel above the lower, of excellent quality. jytJ6:dtf _ 8» fl. COCMTIiY UKSlfiSifCEr YOB BSIK Mil) ACRES OP GROUND, situated nearths Pittsburgh and Greensbareh Turnpike, from the city, and adjoining the Allegheny Cea etery, on which is erected a large and well umshfd two story bnck Dwelling House, together with stables, carriage house, ftc. There is also on ihe premises • lame variety of fruit trees, and a spring oftursJSUJ u< cellence contiguous to the dwelling.. * JiU3 WM. YOUNG, 143 Liberty si Valuable Real Eitatie for Sale* THE subscriber will sell, at private safe, that ralaa* Mr Property, on tne Fourth street rood, adjoining hi* presont residence, and give possession unmediato* ly There ire about TEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, in a high state of cultivation. The improvement* an i large mid well fi imbed brick DWELLING HOUSE, a superb Jtaru, and other out buildings. Adjoining the dwrliiug u a running Fountain and a good Pnasp, winch tarnishes a constant supply of excellent crater. There t* u variety of Fruit Trees and Shrubbery on the premises. If the above described property is sold soon, it wiU he rented for a tirao. Also, for soio, n large LOT, ou Pennsylvania Avenue, at the cod of the board walk, inquire of ap&d3m DAVnf BEELEB- Valuable Heal Hiuu ter Bala* THE Trustees of iho Wwtera Tbeologicil Seminary bavmj decided to soil. on perpetual lease. a dot* Uon of thru propeny in Allegheny city, offer on very favorable term*, from 1M to 50 Lot* of different *«t»1 A warrantee title will lie Riven. A plan of the lota can be *<en tu No. 129 Wood street. For particular*, enquire of either of tlie undenkM* Committee. JOUN T. LOGAN* "' ALEX. LAUGHUN, Malcolm leech. it cuilds, BAML. BAILEY. For Sale* A SECOND HAND STEAM ENGINE, in rood ow ning order, inch cylinder, 30 Inch stroke; b<rt» IcrH feet long, 38 inches In diameter; fly wheal U cwt. AUo; one line of shafts, 25" feet long, inehof' m diameiefc with drum*; one uptight saw. Ennoir*©/ marti:if MATTHEW SMITH, No. 48 High n| | POtt SALE. A FARM situate on the N. W. bank of the Ohio rtv er, nmo mile* below Pitttburghj containing 01 acre*, late the property of Joljn Itt.Hood, and known ns “Sate Landing.” Reference to David Hood, on tho premise*: Wm. M. Davis Allegheny, and the undersigned in tile city of Philadelphia, rebl-thneod CHARLES GILPIN. Valuable Heal Elitato tor Sola, THE following property in the city of Pittsburgh, and near the borough of Manchester, on the Onto river, is offered for sale on accommodating terms: S Lou {being sub-division of Lot No 4W in the of the city of Pittsburgh,} having 30 ieet front on’B*> venth street, by 340 feet to Strawberry alley, near Grant street. 10 one acre Loti framing on an Avenue, SO fm wide, ranmnif from Heaver road to (he Ohio nver, «d -joining Phillips’* Oil Cloth Factory. For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY. or JAMES O’HARA, Barke’s Balldlag, 4th SL TO LET. MTHh Dwelling House I now occupy, cornu of Robitisoj Bnd Coney streets, Aliegfieoy. The house t*in complete repair, contain* nhall,two large parlors, diningroom and kitchen on first BOOR nl»o, a largo cellar kitchen. Five chamber* on second floor, and two ante rooms. Rent moderate. Apply to the subscriber*, at HO Second street. _ mchSftdliW ' WM. A. IRWgf. Lot on Liberty Street for Lctu. ONK LOT, 4* feet front on Liberty street, by 110 6et to Brewery alley, nearly opposite Wert street anil Convenient to the rirer, will be teas ed for a term o( years. Enquire of CHARLES B SCULLY, or JAMES O’HARA, Borke’i BaildTny, 4th sL Valuable Property for h-M», IN THK NINTH WARD OP PITTSBURGH-Sev eral Lota on Baldwin and Liberty streets, in the' 9ih Ward, 'Jt feet by tuo, and adjacent lheprepoae4. depot oi tuo Central Railroad. For terms ioqtire cf CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JAMES OHARA, Burke's Boildiaf, 4th st MFROM Ist of April next, on reasonable tense, lo good tenant*, six comfortable two stotT Bride Dwellings, with cellars, vaults and back bolUx ings. situated on Rnbineon and Craig streets, All eg ho* ny city Enquire of SVVEITXEH tßßwn* ■aareidtf Ot&cc Third m, opposite St Chariea Hotal STORE TO LET< MTO LET, for out cx more years, the three no* ry Br*ck Building on Wood nireet, mil ■ ing the shoo and more of Roi«en H. Hanley. The two uj-per stories have been fitted up as a dwel* !mg houie, and may he atili to occupied if a tenant wmlim. mchthfrtf S EVILLK B. CRAIG FOR SAJ.B; ) ON »nrornW« ternin—A l-oi of Ground onthfisoftlh J side of Penn Mreet, near the Mononjrabeta riseri I (lonuim “0 feet on Pei.n itreet, and extending UOfeet ? in depih u> an n ley •jO ft wide: l*mo*t desirable toc*» i non either for priiraio re>'id«*a«!V'or for m«npfacntr<"ir , purpose* Fjiqiure of J SCUOONMAKER k Co, t i fehttf No 24 Wood at " ! Property in Allegheny City forgale* 1 tahucnben ofler tor ule a number of choice i X Lots, situate in the Second Wtru, fronting cm U» 5 Common ground. oa easy terms. Inquire of ■ 'V.'O*H ROBINSON, Any at Lav, 3t Clair at or of J AS ROBINSON, on the premises myl7rd£wt/T M COCNTRY HE <lT _ TO _ Llrt—A : iwo story Brick Dwelling with 5| acres highly improved Land, situated in Oakland. 10 let from Ist April next. HARDY, JONES A Co, feb2- 44 Winter meet MFOR RKXT—For one to three year*, frotnlSe ftmi of April next, a 'mb* two atoned brkk UweJiing House, plejjitntly situated on the back o- ihrOi.ii' nver. adjoining the borough of Manebet ter. wnh aoout lour ucre* ot land, out boildmga. frail tree*, Jtc. ftc. Appiy lo JAMES A HUTCHISON ft Co A LAROK ana V.e»l finished Room, second tegl story, ©" u>« cornet oj‘ Wood >ud Third meet*. above me hixchaiuso office of m U Willi taut Possession given urmedu.ely luquife of i*s _M ulLLa_4_RO£, iM Liberty ft mTO LKT—A iargf brick Dwelling suitable for iwo families, situated on Fedem l street. Allegheny, above Mr. Q raves’ store* Apply to H. LEE, febsß Liborty at opposite foh TWO HOUSES ASD LOTS gflß; Joih TWO LOTS on Beaver street, in tha ehy of gift Allegheny, above U\p appeMJoromoas, on which is erected a frame building, two sunies high* Suitable tor two small tenements. The ljtsaro each twenty feet in front by one hundred feet deep, and, ran tort to b street forry feet wide. The buildings on the pre mises will paj a very handsome interest on the invest mem, and the property will be sold cheap tor -mh Apply 10 H. Sprout, Clerk's office; U. 8. or to KAY ACo iegmp~ M TITE subscriber offers for rent for the rfna of one or more years, a large convenient well tin* i*hed two story Dwelling Home, containing 8 rooms and Kitchen. There ia a lot of ground containing 14 Here* of line young fruit trees of every kind, stable, Ac., connected vyith the house. To any person wish* iug a delightful residence within a few minutes ride of the city, this will be a rare chance. For terms, which will be low ton good tenant, inquire of Mr. Juo. Wright, near the premises, of John Watt, comer of Hand and Liberty streets, or of oei2S-tf THEO. F, WRIGHT. ScotcHßotiom Lftndfitrßali, TEN ACRES OF LAND, situated in Peebles tovD> strip, on the MoDOugakplst, three miles from Pins* burgh—in lots to suit purehisers. For farther partic ular* apply to Henry woods, 3d si, or to A WASHINGTON, 4th, above SgUiMwifl gi M WAREHOUSE FORSALE^—Thesubscriber offer* for the three story brieferWurehouin oa Wood meet, occupied by R.Titu»rdiCo. _tp!7 W&> WILSON, Jr. Valuable rbal estate ON PENN STREET FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground tilßalaaaft&a street, between Hay and Morbury streets., ftdifliaia| the. bonxe-and lot bow occupied by Richard Edouard*, having a front of feet, and in deptEl® ftOVWlll be will on favorable tcnna. Title unexceptionable; ;Eo • quire of C.O. LOOMIS, 4th it, neaiWdbd. nettfl-dtf For Bale* - A DESIRABLE Building Lot in Alleghany city, fa vorably located, in-Mae about half an Mn. end will he cold on accommodating term*. Inquire of _ feW_ J D WILLIAMS, UP wood W m FOR RENT—A room in the second story, No. j£Si,i!C Wood street jag) Paper Itanglsga* HAVING purchased at three ef the largest Facto* rtr« m the Earn, (N-w York, Philadelphia and Bmimore.j a l&rg’t assortment of the newest and improved style* of PAPER HANGING&BQRDERS, Ac ,ond made arrangement* by which I will be «m> hied to procure all new Pattern*, iimsitaD6oU with their appearance in the Eauern market, I would In vite the atteution t>f those desiring to have their house* papered with the latest style* of paper, toeOllaad examine iny Mock, liefore purchasing elsewhere. 1 have now on the way from -the East, 20,000 piece* of Gold, Satin Glared, and common Paper Hangings, which I can sell at pnees ranging from 12} eta to 99 ? piece. mchlS 3 0 HILL, 87 wood *t ESSAYS AND REVIEWS— By Edwin P. Whipple; 2 voU. l2mo. Dick's Work*, including hu 10th 'The Solar Syttem.’ The 10 Vol* bound in 6—aheep. Ditto, the 9 vols. bound in 2 and in 3 Stxefchnusc * History of the Bible, London, with fins map* and plate* Octavo Hebrew Btb.e, new Am,«r can edition. * * Burkitt s on the Testament: f VhJl* Bvp.» new edition.; #■ Macaulay * History, library style. Fjor sale by R. IIOPKDfS, mefahu Apollo Uijldinf*,'4th C n rpwa anuom-- £J®L=SSb*OEO B.MI£,TENBEHfIBB a» accent, J Forwanlin, Cqflmuwp%jwT. chant, ha* removed to No. S 7 Ffont, between ; 3V090 and~Bmithfield -• Bto>pr»tu> Powder, •i, (Chloride of LuaeJ'i 'tpHßiubseriber* h* Tfl rccealt/'leolredidtrdctfFMi I the. maimfantsrer*! a of -lhel abora ceJebmed article, «« V lowest waiket priee Tor - 'Mtkm I.*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers