. §4; ;i w -7 ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS/CARDS. A RMSTBONO A CommiMion Merchant* jf\_ and Dealen in Produce,. No.. lfcl Market tireel Piluliufpb. _____ ileci" «. VYo’surraji. _ w/rsAii. BUBHFIELDA !lAYft,'W&olesale dealert in Dry Good*, Groce lie*, BodU/Sboet, Piiiaburjjh roanu- Laiymßd brtidei, Ac., N&i&O) Liberty street, Puis bafykj ' J •■. ( , - ; .ja3 VuDttica ;V**> ebase 8 «jtk*. BRAUN.& REITER, Wwgeaale and Retail Drup ciaUi corner of Liberty ; tS& <&. Clair ureeit. Pm?- btwgft, Pa. t-: ~J*. inayU ' COUUT9O!*, • X. B. aH»W3. rjROWN { CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocer*, mJ and Commission Merthinu,No. 145, Lii-erty at, Pituhrirftb; Pa.- ; r.y BA. Wholesale iml Rt w Uil.Dniggiata, corttfer Wood-and Ctfa »u._ jyl^ B— OXLEY A iiMiTHi-'lvWleJalc Grocer*, la and a? Wood ttreet Pitt»btfrgsL . Cl A. McANULTY A Coi ?orwarding ai*i Com* J t mission Merchants, Gafal Bnaid, Pittsburgh Pa. _ . ’ ,|L __ *neh* w*i‘a. xsrfuin,' "riutn t. BassEtt.'" ENGLISH a BfiNNETT/rOate fcngliah, Ukllagber A Co.) Wholesale Gftisrrs, Gbmmaaion and For wartuhg Merchant*, aiid 'dAiU«* in Produce and Pitu tmrgli Stttnulacttirei, .Wood iu, between *id and ■3d ttreetti ’ ; '_ •, * ! ocii • GEORGE COCllJlAlVvGhx&ißission and Forwarding Merchant, No- W Wojtddftcet. Vitubnrgh. mylv TT XEE, iMccesjorio-i'liShy, & Lee*) Wool Deal- j II . 1 c< mini Exeunt, jor ilib aala- ofl American Wpolcaa, .liter# , 7 " • ' a. >.accxiioE, rmvAto.biiuj, ltn.ii.jV TT Mer- XI efiaau, 41 North TCi&MtttL Jt Id North V/harres Phil a. nOvSO-tf iuuu hic*»r. —notttin DtciKT, jb, I&Al/lK DICKEY Vl^-Wholesale Uroce-f*. Com* tniuioß Merchants, ejuwloiiersin Prodacfi, No«. 50 Water, aod 107 Front sttes<*£pUubur* u. nova JOHN W.VPIV (KoeeesiOt 'to Ewali ,A (febbart,) '■ Wholesale Grocer -and, Contmissjon Merchant, dealer in • Produce and PitJWHjrgb-Manufactures, cor pAroMJbeny andJlandjilrtft», Pittsburgh Pm. ja’JC McGOTßßrjliStf ii<* firm °f Aigeo and McGuire,) Merchant TulbT t St diaries KutlJmg*. rbtird mret near Wood^^riJUnaryh. JAhfttft a. HUTCHISGiij*“* Co.-l-SttcceyMr* 1® Lewis Ilntchttoa A Cthj Commission Merchants, ami Agents of the St Lafili Steam. Sugar Refinery. Nd.:4swamr ando2 IroiiMtreifitt, Pittsburgh. JS. DILWORTU & Grocers, Pro* « tluee and Coianilttipfr Herdhluju, 'and Agents for the Hazard Powder CtjLpf.'N. YNo. S 7 Wood »t Pittsburgh. . ‘ }a9 JOHN D. MORGAN, Whblethle Druggist, and deal er u> Dye Staffs, PauttiriMla, Varmshes»Ac., Nor lid Wood street,oar doof Spporhl; Diamond Alley, Pitts* burgh. - ,v lo- • • janl JAflEsHKlliftß, Jr., & to Joseph G. Parts,) Ship street o«3l J quri li. mellob, mi Retail dealer in Music asdUtudctl. IhOnimCats, School Books, Paper, piajes, Steel PcnjuXldU]*, Printers’Cards, aud Stationary' generally, st, Pittsburgh. Qy Rags bonght or taktefrtit trade. sepis J . SCH6ONMAKER A HJiVholeLiie Druggi.'is, » No. a Wood street,JflrtWttrgh. _ 1 OHN Dl DAVIS, AuCtiflafiCf, corner hih and; Wood Streets, Piusbnrgh. r S • __ octt JOHNSTON ASTOCKTON. Booksellers, Printer* and Paper 44 Market st, Puts* burgh. jeC JOtlK TLOTD, ■ < i. : • RJCHaBB VLnTD. JAR.PLGYD, (lata-»*{• Rhyd.k Co.J Wholesale • Grocers, No. lWLibeyty : ffleet sepi T Ah IKS ty&fdirfJeilrocer, Crtnjnuuuon «/ Merchant, and d&al«r>.uCProduce sad Pittsburgh Mamuacmres. No-114 Waiferyft, Pittsburgh jaiiltJ 77 l£Ek JONES, Commission Mer* Xv ehmnt*, JJoalers in produce and Pittsburgh inanii lectured articles, Canal Bortacfiear?lh st -dai : • VeßTi-rina , lss>j£;\Vcir I* EWIS, DaI.ZF.LI. Ar ©tall hi* I J je* Bar, Sheet, BoilCFutm..and Nails of the beat quality. Warehouse, 54 VfstCj^indlo5'front''at. ' s; W-ATEKSIAN, Grocei, Fvtw.nl ■ ing and Dealer hi Pitta* burgh manufactures and Pjtodnde, Net. 3L Writer st, amffri front st • - • • j 27 toassrotu. * jst d..wsuraa c. &ok' McGILLS k ROE, WholcuUs Grocers and Commie* ■ttwt Merchants, No. UK'Liberty st, Pittsburgh. lad v lk/TIIRPHY, WILSON & <3o|(taw Joues, Murphy Aj IVX Co.) Wholesale Dry Goods, No. 4d Wood suest, > r ’ tiov4{ m. sij.kjk 4i.ki. niMarift f • • ws. t xibo. " M ALLEN A Co., Co'tnpnhCion and Forwarding 9 Merchants, Water; Front su., between >d and Market its. ) . jat>6_ wa. . • c. w. atcKcnos. Tlf H.l -KB A RICKUTBQJff-AVholesale Grocers and JjX CommlssLOß 0(1.170, Pius* burgh. Pa. .• .. >aal4 - N HOLMES it 50N,:50?45 * doori&om earner of.Focrlh, doal£ro,4u.Foreign Domestic Bills of Krrithj.^;oftKpqg*' ,« n —t- »• •-TTT fT,r ■ »*-« pnndtpat * croes Yarowghhut the Diuiod Staidt’ J • dfce!7 - Rectifying JUL Difiilkr.-4caicr.ln Manuue turet aai aliiind* ef PojiWrfß ;an(l DomestieWine* On hand * »orr larae slcct of superior OM'-Meiiaagahela whiskey, which wjil be sold low for club. '. ajdStly ■ »Oi*W tOKSSOX. VV?- (UMBEL & KoCjrSOS. D ROBINSON A CD-Wholesale Grocer*, Produce ,iV* and ComnuMtortAlereiSalns. and Dealers in.Vias- I'orgn M*nttfactwe*jNalBftS4L , crty »l, Pitwtiujgb. **• ' • r!;; -> jjfnlu IjOßfcißT ACb\-, Wholesale Grocer*, Xv Commission and Fenra?cmg Merchants, dealer* id Produce and Pittsburgh ftiahfctacmres,,Liberty »u FUtsburgb, Pa. . 7TT. 1 fc&l T>OBT. A. CUNNINGHAMS Whoimafc QrOcer,- XV Dealer m Produce anti -Pittsburgh Maiiufictare*, No. l^iLiberty »i -; "]\. ' . / jyig .. I- O. ECTJcma, .'J"* - * i. 1- oin "lIEYNOLDS A SIfEE, Foicaihlifii and Awmmminf XX Heircliants, for the Allegheny fiivfcr Trade, deal* trr*ln Groceries, Produco,:ViHasibazjrb Manuiaetnres and Chldridfe df Line. *nie highest pTtcejb in. eahhi&*JtLaij4l times fcreoon try rag*. its. jaa£3 MI Til A JOHNSON, Wh*yak and He tail Dealers 5 Ijv Millinery Goods, La*wr*.'Hoaicry aad fancy Articles,No. 46 Market sirec£ SU door above H&rd at, Pittsburgh. : ■y- ' ' apa UUMU.II, . ' lb Wuul. O HACKLETT A Dealen lu O Foreign'and Domeauo Ju&tfedds. No. 99 Wood «l Puts burgh. I fcbirtf O L W. HARBAUGH; Morchttrus, Dealer* Oa iti Flour and Produce .generally, and PorwCrdxng and Commission Merchants,, &.*. S 3 Water suj Pills*. O MlTii, BAGALEY A CdluVYJioleanla Grocer* >3 Produce dealers, No. iSß&hrkci street, between sth bnd Ml North side, phiiadetffhk-. nove f. iir, ,lit i rinSBcME. [Jmis jricttoia, makylahv. A NICOLSL. Produce and Generui Cora -13 mission Merchants, Nb-f7'Xsberty si., Pittsburgh. Fperro, linseed and Lard Oils. 1 ’ • * ■ §F. VON Co., Whojewle Gro « cers, Forwarding JUerchanu, aierain Pittsburgh Manfc/ijcjufes and Westerh Pro duce, have removed to their ns* Warehouse,(old stand] No.3S, corner of Front sl anUjOuhneery Lane. . “I? IUJ. I . w. 7. tsotu. -• T.r.usn. WROTH A SCOTT. W'botejjaje'-and Retail dealers in X Boots, £hoe*. Trunks, ■ Cartel Bags, Ac., it. W. u rner of iih and Scuthfle|d flmburgbypa. Ja3 * TTtASSEY A BEST, WholesaleOroceti and Coiamis- X *ion Merchants, andddiJets’: in Pnnlhee. No. 36 wood at, Pittsburgh. f . >_ paffl . iuuti n. wict- •'• 1 n*yin tccttmLXss. WICK AM'CaNDLESS* (erccessor.loL-AJ.D. Wick,) Wholessie GroceJ*, Forwarding and ijotsnuarion Merchants, dealer* .in Iron,Natl»,Gtasa, « •. dot? WB. MURFHY, « Foreign and Dome*#*** Qry Goods, bocUl cul comer of Market and Fonnit~»t». v _ - uitgSl ' w*. TCCae, , ..* v ;«o. a' ■•ccwa - ' •UfM. YOUNG ft Co—DeaUe'rfin lekiher biiu, fta. YV 143 Liberty * •■£•>?s * ,*ufl-ly - H'r ’■•'A'jS'J wrr.jrcuTOUOW M’CCTCHSOS. I ' . __ Wi 8.-M’COTCHEdfiiißSetfnl. Onicm-de*. . lers in Predate, ItDiViVaJl*, Otu«, aitdPrtU. bargb Manufacture* fencfra&d&S Liberty ft, Piiu burah. * ’o dae9 Tfifr—tvrwjisosrwiEsts, ljwasrjSiß&’jws; YY m aodAMlitary Goodf,*ccr£ei of Market ojuUUi streets, Pitubnrgti, Pa. N. atckei and Clock* carefully repaired.- . •) dee# rif.iJam.KMlTH-Aiafraikcrnrer of Cotton and V f colored Linen, Fringe AkjPres«ea,£e.; Sewing Silk andoolorcd Cottou Fnrisea tor silk and gingham 'Parasol*. Gimp, Mohair* wUk SplUon l'nngcs, ' jnufa to brfeT outlie ahartessiioi/jEe.’ f i fltox*, comer of MaidaajiijW rißd'William.entraace NoSS William urirtl, thirdilofcii over Abner at Ely*’ store, Wo 8S MflidcnXaae STork- jyfO Ma’lth'HW wiLj>QN..PortnhtaDd^lliiUmrei > iun-1 ter. Rooms, cornet i&Fflat-Office Alloy! *od ■Fourth street, entrance on llfitrtar Market . , fleca-dn: ' J - ' 1 TOHNM. TOWHSEN^WrgJislodd Apothecary, U No. iS Market at* threddfwipibove Third M,J*ius \ borghfSdll have cooximiulydnfl^Mds«ll aelectrd a*« '•onmemef iAe bcalandftfcSfl«gt'*,Medicine*, which be ; 'vul seU on the most reaadhiblfj terms. Physicians t will he pnurfptfyjatiended to, and sop* 1 articles they may ks genoiiici. | wUT’ rhyneiaoa PreiertpUafc* will.be Aceotately aud. osauv prepared from the best tttfeiial*. at any hoot of dojr.or nlihL T 5“ 7 ■ . * «... * llr S* stock ireih aedf oodi’erfa • "£QL , : janl - I marble woaKa on übWv nt\ opposite \ THE HPJ>DOPWOOro&rrSBbRUII.. .KiSS"*"’ S'* 4 , SlSti Miuikl Piece,, Cen- J*-fr.?¥» MWftjw, vaults, 4c. filrniih'- ed, of any description. a ihare of public patronage , \ v . l ■ » _fC of pttv • - an**-dl/ B. TTBSbiSGTSfnK; — : /■VPTHALMIC SURGEON,.*Hj attend u> ibaireat \J mat of Disease* of Uie iW . * Dr. R. hubeenennged la-tKUbraiieh of tWoedt* eunrofe«*jon K)T*liteeßTtgrt, |iad UB» conducted an Mtutuhme&f for tbif treaunew 6f di«ea»e* of iheeje •lona for imra) yeara. * * ..CUtta and resident*, coif] of ftanduaky « and pQaybtrry alley, AUeghanyMtr- * - «tui TKA 77 KBl! St, near of Qreen and ■■Hi £Uek Teaa, done ttprto quarter, tatf, and oaepoui pickant; ranfint Cwk fio-cu. 'perpooad *t6& Jyj. .ATjAYWEfcafi fotPekinTeaCo.; 1 Independent pSuc# Ott««> ; ftfQ- 108 FOURTH STRWtT--~Comouui»* M«ii il .otte. Aidxuiid Saw-' of PoUrt, Rouoi ptfM . ; U '■ • . Jw** 3 * - * CARDS, DIHIEBSE WORKS. /"IOLKMAN, HaJLMAN it CO, coqtihne lo mana- V facture Small Iron. Spring and Am Bliaier Steel Plough. Fork und.Ho< Sleet. Rivet*. Spfkes'fcnd Wro'J Iron Nui*. *ll wie*, wrth Coach and Klinue Spring*, blf Pal, Taper and common Aales. r Having reduced the price oi Wrought iron Nuu engine builder* and olber* osibg the anicto.jwjH find il lo their interest IB give this new branch of Pittsburgh manufactures their ntlentiou. _• 6 Coaefa trimmings and malealile iron on liberal terms. Warefaoote qn Water and Fourth m«, irbltu if pICNS.SIUjL/ PITTSBURGH, PA. KENNEDY, CHILDS A CO., Manufarlnrers of vrry superior 4-4 Sheeting*, Carpet Chain, Cotton M wine and Batting; ja&My Doquesne Spring, Axle, Steel and Iron Works. (IOLKMAN, ’ MAILMAN A Co, manafactursm of J Coach, and lolipiic Spring*, Hammered Axles, Spring and Ploogli Steel, Iron, Ac. Warehouse on Water and fr'ron! street*, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers ui{ Coach Trimming* and Malleable Casimgs. _ octid ALOHEXa.i—Offic?, Fourth »t * third door above Southfield, routh side. ' iimveynneiog o/all kinds done with the greatest care mud fcgai ueeorafcy. Titles to Real Estate ciniuuicd, Ac. _ ocCBMy WA &L \S r hol«’alT\irt>cer» • Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquo Merchants. Also, Importers of Soda Ash and Bleach ing Powder, No. l£u Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa - sepSl . lIOfIB LIBAOCB PACTORI. HAMILTON STEWART, manufacturer of Heavy Shirtings, Checks, Ac , Rebecca street, city of Allegheny. ■ __ nov lAdl y* ■**s*z~ ». PETTiaakw a co., 9 ’ r , I ? AM BOAT HUNTS ■ Officsabovk M. Aixas A Co. . OP*3l No. 42 Water street. INSURANCE. ' INDEMNITY. Thf Franklin Fire Jiuuranec Co. uf TCbartes N. Uancker. Thome* Hart. Tobias Signer. Samuel Gram. Jacob it smidi, Ge*. >V Richards, Jtlordeoai D. Adolum. F. Boric, Duvid S. Brown. Morris Pattenxm. *, .. .. t’tusLKs N. BiSCkkjt, President. • Charles C. Banckcr, Secretary Continue to make insurance, perpeiua! or limited, on every description of property in town or country, ** * ottr as ftte con *'®ieni with security To Company have reserved a large continuent Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invent ed. Adord ample protection to the assured. The assets ol the company, on January Ist, Is4u, as published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were as follows, vix; Mortgages $1,W7,433 41 * Real Estate W,7«4 83 Temporarv Leant Pn,uu( 85 9l°«*s • - • 51.&53 25 Cash, Ac. - - -. 38,604 37 SL3£M92 71 Since thoir Incorporation, a pencil of U> years, they have paid upwmrds-of one million four hundred thou*- und dollars, la«se.s by fire, thereby affording evidence t-f the advantages of insurance, us well a* the ability and diaposldoh to uuret with promptness all liubllilio.. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, ntarl-dly Office N Eeorner Wood ana 3d sis DELAW AXLE MCTU A. LIS fcURABiC B CO. JOHN FLNIiKV, Jlr.,Agcni m Pittsburgh tor the Del- Aware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phil adelphia. Fire Rial® upon baildinjri and tucrcbandize ot every deudripuofi. and Marine Risk* upon hulls or cargoes of vussel*. taken upon the mot favorable ternu. , IL F Office in tho Warehouse of W. B. Hblmri A Bro., No’S7 Water, uear Market stroll. Pittsburgh. , N. B-—Tke success of this Company irnce the estab lishment of the Agency in Bus.city, with the prompt ness.and liberality with which every uaim npon them for Itf»s has been adjusted, hilly warrant the agent in inviting ths eoufideuoe and patronage of his frieudj and .lire Cooununity at large to the Delaware hL 3. Insu rance Company, while it has the additional advantages as an institution among me must fionrtshmg tu Philadel jutia—as having on ample paid-in capital,, which by the operation of its charter is constantly increasing, as yielding to each person insured his due shore of the profita of the company, without involving him in any responsibility Whatever, and timeiore as possessing the Mutaai pritictpledivesled of every obnoiious lea tttre>;and in its most auracuve form. iiov4 FIBJ3 AND BIARINK I&'gI'RARCEi rpHE Insurance Company of North America, through 'X its duly adibomed Agent, the iah«cnbe.r, odere to make permanent and limited Insurance ou property, ui this dity and its victhity, and on shipments by the Co ital and Rivers. / DIRECTOR}*. Arthur O Coffin, Charles Taylor, 3am!l Nv. Jones, Ambrose White, Edward Shiith’ Jocdb M.Thomas, John A. Browft, John R.,Neff. Uohn White, RrttfttM D. Wood, ThoOtos P. Cope, Wm Welsh, Samuel P. Sm\th, Fraifles Hoakeos, SaznceJ Brooks, *< Atnfln AJllbone, ARTHUR lftAßisK "in* Ura sce7' Froteetioa Ifimaoee Cu. ol Burtlord, Conn. - CHARTERED JN less. CAPITAL LOJITEE*—S4OU,OWx-ANi> SURPLUS RUND.— ' The aaderatgited, h&tirtg been appointed Agent oftlw Ph>teem» lnaoriu>lTr I'o.. will m*e ruki on property w tiie rilj mild viciuLy. tuid on shipment by canal, mud the nvermcud toko*. FAYHTTE BROWN. mchtt.dih* Odice. No. UJ7 Wood strerl SUbyOjUHt£k bu been appointed Agem j'fo J. tern, of (he Insurance Company of North America, puid 'tfill issne Policies! a*d attend Ic the other Losrniyu* Oftlte Agency.- at the wareftousc at Atwood. Jonr» a. fo- WM P.JLINfcIS. water kI. FORWARDING k COMISSIUN C. t D*a*SHOWKi j. aiin iui tAitt. CHABLE6 B. DANEKHOWER4 CO. ' TUBjLCCO COSIEIKSOS SEBCEAMTS, No. ® South Wharves, No. U 7 Sooth Waier »u ! PHJLAid-XPHiA l| IEGS to inform the Imoc and dealers generally, of 44 iHilaborgh; that they hues made such arrangements with the Virginia manaraeiarer* and the Growers of Ihe West, West Indies, ami other places, u will insure a large and constant supply ot' the following descrip lions of Tobacco, which wIU be iold upon as accom modating terms as any other house in this city or else where, ami all goods ordered from them wilt |ni war rented equal to representation: Havana; St.' Domingo; Coiul; i Vtmi; 'Potto Him; Penn’a.; >S«ed Leaf to- Caba; Igh'ini; & Florida, 3 bacco; ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag* Caven dish, with a large assortment of ether popular brand*, and qbaliues of pounds, 6s. b», 12*. 10* and7Js, Lump; &*, 0, es and Hi* Phig; ladies' TwisL Virginia Twist sweet aud plain, in whole and naif boxes, wood and un, together with every vuriiay of article belong tug to)the trade; jeltkily ■wooL^PLoimAsijpSobiicK. . liltiAN, KfiEß & CO., (Successors to Heed. H«m A C©„j aENEHAiicommsaioa 3ikh.chants BOSTON, MASS Particular attention paid to the sale of all Mod* of Pro duce, and liberal advance* made on conttgumenu. l~ B. A Co. have leave u> refer u>— Messrs R--Hobiton ACo > , . McGIU 4. Ho*. | "‘“•’“'lk ‘ Reed, Parks A Co., Beaver; M Lawson A Covode, WeJUviUe, O. Boswell Marsh, E*n fer receiving and forwardinf. marT dtf =—=. JOHIf A. BIIA W, PACKfciR OF FORK 4NO BKKF, Commiision Blerebani and forwarder, JiO. 4CANAL.BI’.. CINCINNATI. OHIO Cv Particular attention paiillu the purchasing of otauy article of Produce in ilaAmarkn Also to the forwarding ofGoods generally.fitcfer t.» Messrs. John Swasey Jt CB t • u Martin A BtockwSl SCincnmau, O. B. C. Phrkharst, Esq. ) JUpptneoh A Co. » Kier A Jones, >Piutburgh, Pa. tJgush A Bcasert, } marfrdCm " . ufcoROK COCHRAN; Commiidob tnd Forwarding Sferebant. |tONTINUEo to tr»itx*ot a gcndrai Commission bosi- V/ «»p«!uUly lu the purchase and safe of Antun can Msnafartarea and Produce, suid in rciemng arid forwarding Goods eoojugned to tils care. As Agent for the Maaulactu/es, ha will be constantly supplied with •*“ J>» “'f 1 , "“*■=• «f Munhllnra » tin lowest whoieiale price*. Onlets and consignments are respectfully solicited. ■ ‘ ' " CARO. ~ ~ M.EGOLP * •Rif hud*oool mission Mcr chjuil, Wo. 35 gknith Prom itrect, (aedond story,! Philadelphia. [p-Cood* purchased, parked insured, and slapped to order, Wool, Floor, Ofarn lined Frmt and Cheese received on consignment and stor age, with tnspVanrc obtained. : JUreMßcits—Wnt felt A: Son, m*. h. n lrtv and -Mr Harvey Child., fm.tnrgli M GEORGE A. BERRY; WBOLEjIALg OnocKllS,’ FORWRMMi ARi) MKHCUINT, I A- ' -AND DEALER JN IrODp Nalls* Cotton Yarns & Pl(tsbareb UkunfaDtarcs jgoncrally, HO. 10 - WOOD BTBgCT, PHTSBUHm,- r*. ■ MKKCKn, BUOTliferiS * co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. PHILADELPHIA, - ' Fbr the saleof Predace generally fry Liberat fldvaoccs made oh eonugniheiUA. jaat-dJfewGmT ; - Transportation tcj the Bast. DORSET & COP US, BibyiiiflUi, Commiision Bid Forwarding igenls. G. M. HAIPFON, Pittsburgh, will rcceiflt Produce going East ■ I [ febltMttu D.IC, rpO M KHCII ANTS^*AND..IJEDLAIIS.—Sstnir 4 X Joumoh, 48 Market streets wishing to close u»e»r stock of Vstietv Gobdl previous to llreu reboovnl, wall *cli at wholesale their Stock of Comb*. Umions. Nee. die*, Thread*, Puis, jewelry. Ac., at cosL *B.l J will rsmoTb on A|lril U> No (ill Market »t. mcli'J7 LAftD L>t)J« pure winter strained Lard Oil, in aiore and for sale by . J_ _ wthgp « Q BLACKfetfoN ACo DRY APPLts—io bl>l* l**t quality, for *ale by _ocbW _ J 8 DILWORTH ACo \f bbU No 3 Mackerel, in store and ML fot sal*by -mbSS IkWHAftBAUGH MW OFFICES. WM. TIMBI.IN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ButUr, Pa WILL also attend to rolWuon* and alt other bu*i-, ness entrusted to him in Hmier and Armstron* counties, Pa Refer to J. A R. Flpyd. I.iherty *t ) XV. w Wallace.. ,1., James Mar«hHil .l 0 > Piit*bureh J JUT Kay * C„. Wood, t ) j ftll7 Jit. SWEITZIiR, Auornev hi office ;sd Piu»bur*h. T- Morgan. \ •cl'Mly J. HENRY, auorney amt Councilor at Law, J* Cincinnati, Oluo, Cidleoiton« in Southern Ohio, nnd in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. C-otunu»*ionrr for the State of Penn sylvania, for taking i>*poiituiu«, nrknowledrments, Ac. Ac. Repks to— Hon Win. Bell A Son, Curtis. Church A Cnrother*, Wm Huy*. E»q.. Willot k A Ihivt*. *23 F. KERR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office removed to Fourth street, between Southfield and (Inmi «trert ja3-d3m JAJI£ S DCSU>P, J >|jt KlUmm SRWKLt. DUNUJP A SKWRIL attorney ut Law, offices on Smuhfield, between 3d and 4th it* JOHN H RANKIN, Attornry and Counsellor at Law and Coratnie.-iouer for Uie State <>i Pi'iuinyiviiiiia 3t Louis, Mo.. Bate ol Pittsburgh.) Kefxkknck*.— Pitlsburghr Hon W Forward. Hnmp- Um A Millor. ATCaiulles* A \TCIun-. John F. Parke. Blsselis A tSrmple. APCord A King. ie|4 Iv JOUST. COCHRAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, between Suiithlield and Grant japJ-dflm WM. C. FRIEND, AT LAW, Fourth mwi. r»**ar (.rnm W *->- H KoBINSON, Auuntey iu l.nw. liax rt- . . movrti lu* oiice to the Kietiajige St Cl»ir »t., ncjtt iloor to Akiermitu Johns »j>|7:y HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS FASHIONABLE HATS. Hh THE aubornber. in addition u> hn own JBB manufacturing of Mata, haa made arrant;*- fil with Mf»in BeWe A Co.. fashionable hnttera of the cur of New York.) lorsrcf t»lar supply of hi* extra fine Silk Hat«. and having pm received a few rase*. gentlemen ran be suited w,th n very rich and beann/u'hnt by railing m lua new Hat and Onp Store, Snmbheld street, second door <»uth ot fourth, where may he foand n great variety of Hats and CfUis of hi* own manufacture, wholesale nnd re tail. Hats made to order on short notice ttraa JAMES WILSON n, M 'CORD dt CO., A (Saccesiors to M'Cord A King) {BBS Fashionable Uittcr;i,< Comer of Wood atui Jrtfih Slrtas. PARTICULAR mieoiiou paid to our Retail Trade. Gentle turn can rely upohyrriung thru- (lata and Caps from out esiabiiahmeui oi the bett MATOtut.« and woHiaamtHir, ot Uie LAtKsi erut nnd at the lowest prices. Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully uivuvd to uail and examine our Slock, a* we can say with confidence that as reganu yc*UTT and price, it will not ruder in a comparison with any home in Philadelphia. Ichl? A HATS, CAPS AN U MilKPs-Thr subscriber is now receiving Irom theCSiS of New York, a choice a>-*ortmoi.t of Hats. Cups and Mntfs, latest fashions, in great varie • ty and very cheap, wholesale and rctml JAMES WILSON, _r.ovl3 Smnhfield rt. -id do<.r south ol hh rnh CALIFORNIA HATS—dot water prooi I m California Hat*, just rrce.ved and lor »aie lv M'Ci iRD A Co. ieb2? corner 6th and Wood «t« p*,SPRING FASHIONS FORIMU. MB M’CORD A Co. will introduce on smur- M «S*HdayjAlarch 3d, the Spring sryle ./i HATS ■!& Those in want of a neat and superior tint, are mvued to call at corner of 6th and Wood strrrt* mart MEDICAL. IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED, Dr. Bose's Celebrated Bemedies. DR. JACOB S Ruse, the discoverer and *oie pro prietor of these raixt popular and beneficial n., .1 icines, and also the mvetitor of the rei*hri»ted mstru ment for inflating the Lung*. student ot that riiun<-»i tiiiysi- clam Doctor Physic, and is a graduate ol th>- I'm verm ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirty years since n%« i.eru engaged in the investigation of Oi«en»r and n.r appli cation of remedies ihereio- Throogh the use of bis inflating tul*e. m connection wall his Prophylactic Syrup and other ot m. rmi'tlir* be has gained an unparalelled eminence m ruling thoae dreadful nnd ratal innladic*. Tubercular Cmi sumpuou, Canctr*, !*crothla, Rheumatism. A«thtna Fever and Ague, Fevers oi ail kinds. Chrome F.rvsip*- laa, andaiithose obstinate dtoeaae* peculiar i» trirsaic* Indeed• very form of disease vmu.hci under me u-r of Aia/gjryejUcs.to which humanity is hair—no. *-r witftyfiyiuuiwical Law. km _ by tlir’nw or"'m,’’“•'mi'' dteSj adapted to and prescribed for each necu..*, . of dmeuanv - fni Dr. Tonic Alterative Pills, wh* i. used are in variably kckliowlrdgrd to be rojvenor to ft jj other as » purgative or liver pili. inasmuch as they i.-av,-in* boweb Perfectly free from coslivrt.eas, m also hi. Golden Pill* it summed oy the tarul'y io j*o«.r». pecu liar properties adapt-d to trmaJc dueu-c. i-ui i em-( satisfied that a bare utal is soihciem u> c»tat.:i-u what has been mud in the minds ot the most skeptical The afflicted are mvued to call upon the agrm. and procure igratisi one o: m.j liortor. pamphlei*. B iv,ne a detailed account of each remedy ami its application For sale by the fol'owing agrm*,. as wr»l a* t»y mo»t Druggists throughout ihr country J Schootiomker A Co. 24 U ood itree;, Pi-.i.i-urgii. J M Townsend, druggi.t. U Murket *t Lea A Beckham. •• near the 1’ u .Minthenj Jo»lUrliley. Dartiugton. iieavcr counts. Pa Jno Elliott, Ennon T Adam*, lic.avcr, •- novliMliy / IOULH, PAIN IN' THK .**lol'. AND OIKSI Tl RKD'—Hu vine » <«*r lon# uni* 1 Irrrn distressed with a severe pu.n ui ibr hide and eh-«i, accompanied with a dr> rough. I wt* induced, upon the oigem ..o.i citation ol a tnend. to Ur TnyiorN Balsam or Liver wort, and I mini nay this medi'cinr tia» answered n< porpots admirably My di*tre..« was produced l>v a sever* htm. mid will *o great Until wn> with difficulty 1 coaid swallow in>- tood. indeed, I am t.-iusfaed tiu* disease mast have irrmunie<] m t 'smrotnpuon. or «r>mc fatal dlsrthc, had it tio\ liceli cured hv Un« judicious medicine To alt who seek lo prolong toe.r lives, I would advise toe use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam or Liver wort. JAJIK.S OOW'AN. <2O Bowery Ttaii medicine facilitate* eipertoralion. reduce* fe ver, restore* strength, and tnav be considered u » a su perior preparation lor the cure and prevention of all disease* m the Chest and Lungs, ami should be re-nit ed to, even alb r thr.e diseases Harp renncd the usu al remedies. In the practice of thi« oi (hut ul ihe abundant nostrum* of tin- day, in* was the character and probity of it. inventor. 10 that of quack* ami empiric* CONSUMPTION CURKD—My .on harm, :, vio lent cold, used to cough violently, rM.iiiy quamnies ui thick puind roatuir, and tin ally hr. could notiurnovet in lied, irotu Weaknr»* He munife*ted evrry symp tom of confirnicd consumption. For «n year, he had been subject to the asthma. Hi. physician*, .Mea*r». >erraoule k Anderson, »uid he wn incurable, and (Dual aiKin die, Vet 1 wa* determined to try I>r Tay lor’s Balsam of Liverwort, and strange us it may ap pear, tin. medicine ha. fully restored Ins health , ~ _ SOPHIA GALLON, H Norfolk street. Sold In Pmabargh by J D Morgan, UU Wood .t, J Townsend, -15 Market «t; H Stnywr, eor Market and Ud »U'; Henderson A Co, 3 Liberty si. Price reduced Ui 61JD pe t bojtle j d*ynei’ Expectorant. S&Lem, Columbiana co . (>.. Apr. ‘.'l. I»~II. DR. D. JAYNRM: Da.* Sim— I led hound to you aud the ulllicted public. to avail niy.ni o| this op portunity of giving publicity tv the eatrnordinary effects or your Kxpeetjomm on uij self. Having tieen afflicted for several year* with B severe cough, hrenc n-ver and It* concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to imger out a snort hut miserable existence, unul the fall oT when, being more severely attacked, and having resorted io all my former remedies, und the pre scriptions of two ol the most respectable physician* in the neighborhood without deriving any benehl, or the consolation of surviving but a few days or Week* at farthest—when the last gleaiu of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended io me your Expectorant aud bloused by that Being who doc* all things in the use ot the rocane—and contrary to the expectation* of my physician* und iriends.l was in a lew day* raised liom my bed, and was enabled by the use of a boule. ui attend to my business, enjoying since better health than I had for ten years previous Respectfully yours. Ac , J*» \\- ILtii.l I-or sale in Pittsburgh, at the I'rkm Tea store, 7tf Fourth street. nmrAi TkOUSSHL’S AKOMATICK VI.NKUAU -The high- LV> ly sanatory, balsamic and tonic properue* <>i this Vmagar render u far superior to Cologne waici for the ordinary purposes of the loitei, surpassing the I• t ter ui n» perfume. It prevents and remove-pimples, letter and u>p*niy ol the tkiu, it refreshes and whiten* the skin, rendering it soft and smooth It correct* ihe clammy and bluer taste of ihe mouth, imparling a tresh and pleasant hreuih It cleanses arid wnitcn* the teeth, and harden* the gums For all ibe strove pur poses, It is a«cd with wniet in »aeh proportion a* may be found must agreeable By inhaling it and rubbing it on the temples, it will removr headache It applied instantly to a born or bnusr, it will eventually prevent mortification Ii correct vitiated air, und guaranties from contagion; it i* therefore very u*eful for punning and perfuming apartment*. For sale by S E SELLER*, Wholesale Druggni, mehSl ' «»7 Woe • son oi mine, tome k-vmi year* old, two teaspoons fall, «nd although the amount may appear targe, j4i 1 have no doubt bat there was upward* of rwo fSOC&iiro WOHllfl passed from him. measuring Yon rmaTter of an inch to two moho* lontr. • O W HOLLIDAY Roiu*t < 'took. Carrol co Term.. Deo S 7, |«-17 ja:M SELLERS’ VERMIFUGE IN GEORGIA.— CuLUtturs, Jair. 6Ui, 1610 Mr R K teller*:—Your Vermifuge ho* sold well, sad has bi'dn higliy spoken of by all who have u»ed it. Kfom the lucecs* attending the administration ot your Vermifuge in every case * have heard of, 1 am confident Lean will more during the coming season than I did list. I will oe glad to receive another sup ply of 4 or i gross Yonra, respecf/nUy, [Extract from letter.! R- CARTER. Prepared and sold by K- & SELLERS, 57 Wood si, and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and At teghny. ja'it! sas'k. ttiTisih k. r nrtwa’ c*o a. fcontssos YKATUAS, PITTMAN * CO., PORVVAHDI.KI k tuamssill.t HEBI'IUm, N’o I fit? Second »ii« e I. iDciivrr doiii’ st U'Uls, Mu REUOVAL. THE lubicriber lias removed bis Wholesale Groce ry Store to the corner of Hancock street and Alle gheny I 'Whairf; next door to the Perry Jlouse. lfaCh¥7:d_U JOH.NJ;' PBRIfI. APRIL— Jaslopening, a large ail'd selected assort meat of fine Watches and Jewelry, which will be sold os cheap as In any other establishment ui tbia or the Eastern cities Also—A large lot of variety store Watches and Jew elry, a) vert low prices Full jewelled 15 karat Gala Levers, as low at thirty-five dollars W W WILSON, m€&K> corner Ith and market at* PITTSBURGH. MORNING, APRIL 5, 1849. f'OPARTNERSHIPS. IMIE co-pßrlner»hi|> bert-tofore existing between the subscriber*, in the name of Krirnd, Rhey k r o . waa this dny dissolved by mutual consent t.eu Hhey will settle the liu»ine*s of the concert-, tor wlnco pur pose he is auilurued to use the name oi ihe f.tm PCiRTKR R FRIEND, JAMES WOOL), Februarv 7. IH4'» (itX) KHU^ The subscriber* have tin* day uMocieicd ihemsc! ves in th-» name ot RHFV. M ATTHK.WS A Cu . for ill* purpose of transacting a {renrrnt Urorrrv. Conimis!>toi, amt Forwardm* Business, at Ho* »i;md ol the luu* firm, oi Frtc.nd. Khey ACo . where ilte) w ill be piem-nd to receive the piitronnge ol the cu-nmier* of tiiat house und ourlriemK f.Kft RIJF.Y. February T. I~4V> We take plrnsurc lit recommending io the coufidnice oi our mends and those ot Fticml, Rbey A t'o . our successor* in bu-i’x >*. Rliry. Matthesv* A Co. fPHKro- partnership heretoiore e % i*Uitg b»-twe*rt 'be 1. subscribers, in the name of Constalilc, J3urVc A Co . n tin* day dissolved ny mutual conaent. Mesars. Burke A Hnriie. will settle the business oi Hi* con cern. tor winch pnrposr they are Dulhori-» >l t" u»e the name oi the concent. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, F.DMFND IH'RKK, THOMAS BARNR* The utldersiKUed have this day MssOciuted tin ui.eivc* m the name oi BLRKF. A BARNES, forth- purjutse ol manuinriuung Fire Proof Safes. Vault lv»or« Ac Ac. al the slain! of lit* lut- lirm of Constable. Burke A t'o . w lie re Ibe y will lie plen seil to receive the pl inuinge Ol tiir cu-tomci- ol thin houise and their Irienib F.liMl Nl) FI Uh'K. THOMASUAKNES In ictirine from the firm <»t t onstn'de. Burke A t'o. I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke 4 Barnes to the coohdnice ol an Ineitds and H-c piito-'J. Feb !». 1-ltf NATHANIEL CONSTABLE trl>lO-dl( r l ’HE partnersh p «« lum e*«*(ig under the hrtn ot X Mford A kmg. 'Vis |.y muini.l consent dissolved on the Ist lust Tin- IniMlie. . w,:! |-e Closed at the old stand ty either oi ua. ii-ihi the name ot uie firm tor that purpooe Bemp ilrnma* to have our bll«*nea* clojed with as little de;a\ n* po-*ibl«- we would rc apeotluliy r4«fuest those indebted to cal! ami -ett'e their account" JoMND M’CORD. Co-Partnership. JOHN D M't'Ußi) bavins a*»ocnted w.tft irr Ma brother Jaitie* M'Cord. under Ui- •tvb- ■- M Cord iA t'o . will conlinu- the Hnt, Cap and Fur business in all it* varum* branches, wholesale aud l-uul, >u the old stand, corner of Wood and Mb street*, where they solicit • continuation ol the p lUuuagc so liberally be stowed un the old hrui JOHN D M VOltP )a2i JAMKH 8 M'CORD IN retiring from.the old and well known firm of M'Cord A. Ring. 1 most rc»p«- pmp.»*r of iranaactmc a whole»u.r aiui retail Dry mid (irorery at No ifc.ni liberty. ojijm«nr M-vrtiUi »irrvt. under the it) le and firm of HI k HA \ S Piuatiurjrh, January 1.1-4 ti N II —< Itj r old ras tome tt mul thr pul 'ie nrr inviie.l CO-PARTNERSHIP. jaucq w wfinnwri t aoitr ■ « a 5 T.?i q "«F«“’i lore, SCAIi-E A A nn.l w-il; furry on ih.' Tin. Tmiu> SriKat. i*nT">CEOiL • turn! oi 'Cm B Scntfe. Pirn street. near NV.*o,I n>naMe for ftteamboat*. Particular attention s.vcn u> *teambua: work I -- I Intel* and pri irate dwri octS I bn**. con»i*ni y on nun.l «r.d larule to order. atllK PARTNERSHIP ~f \Vy„ A r h.t* M,vmr i rUp P" - ’ Ol -* •uxt 01. hand cannot be exceeded by 1 tiren .lis.olvrrt : \ iht dead, ~| o-,.- ~fi r, partner* j i«»nu:a<-tnry m Mi* western country Person* lb- intereM oi Wm H*v«- Jr dec, a-r.!. , n tmu I lfl l , '‘ rPhl '* r would vee!) to rive me n call, , otmMin* H.«h- I.c ; »k ,i. e LAI t.HI.IV AJun .i-lrul.ir 1 «>»•• a I’etr, Buffet Ija.jeie, 1 U . V ... ... , Iniui.* XIN * hairv li«c.-n Hixabcih chair*; HANK ’.ht* ilnr a»»oriairJ wuh u.- dm \s u»«ir. ; I‘c:i i‘ov*r Fruit Tnt.le< • I .roccrv. Pro.l uand l'omm.-*.on hua.no**. T0,;,. t Tan!-* XV Fommoder nr.- ‘.,oU.rr J0..T1.,u-.dcr.i- hrm o; J s WI.WORTH 1 Tcnci. .M.H.., B u„y Bedsteads, P,an« ' '* , , ■* Dll." Ofn 11. st» »<»iHk wuti i’lusti and Hair-cloth oorars; January 5O Mahogany UocXin* Chairs; Wm Vouiw I.U,ir.tr tin. -Indus Puriw d» day assoemn-d with him, John R. M'Cunr. the le*. - Fancy do :|!, f tiusme*- vvll. Jirrraflcr br conducted ui.u.-r ntc 23 ernw* Tab'es: linn oi W m Vcrnni; 4. Co WILLIAM NiM'N'C, ®< pair Divan*. 4 pair pior Table*; JNO R xrci~NP. lb marbie top Dresun* Bureau*. » - W artlmbem, » Secretaries and Book caaea; BOOK TRADE. _ ... _ <• pair fancy Work Stand*; •V KVV BCHiKx-LeTiure* ...1 pXr,o7, nrr; A vr ° n * Villta ’>niof common chair* and other .It i,/ urp , ' ruf rim * i ioh-m . r ar ni|ur«! too uuracioiis to mention - The Jou.uai <>; the Pilgrims m P.i muu'li . N*w I VV Baker'* Amcnc-ni and French lli.R-olaie, Prrpar h.r-ir'a-iJ. Ml l«a.t Kepiimert ii..o, me t„ u , llt . ■ '' o ' ''k-oi.. I'rteoa Paste. Kroaa. t'ocoa Shell*. Ac. with ln«lori.’a and .i .-a' , j*u H non. c i * ‘ ,,H r chant* anJ ci>ii*oincr*. who would purchase principle* and (vrw.iu. [,, i.corvc lUV.vr. Up l * '.n<-hr *i produet, o| t. 0,-oRj tree trmn adulierauon, second rdiiiftii | m..rc uuintiou? man irn ot cotfrr. and utuuaiuy unmir- Bnj.b*m. with refereiiee to ii* napoM and niode* r. *enber rreommend* the above articles, lalw-rd litre lie [ i) |i niaii j'• ;i re.t '.v hiio-c.f «ml alaaijreil wilft hi* nntne. I.i>- and l oiresj.opniec.r. ; ,n J,. tt .. | , IVi . rl j,| ril Bi* H*..n»a_i:nl i <»« o.i Pusir *< delicoic, palatahlo. i JK H> lund. r* iti no .it oi Mr I 0... i „ phi-r ! * ** *••<** V drm».» mr invalids, coavaieacrnu, and i and a companion, t.v Jo. .. Sheppard ..e-.s ed, ...n I nm-r- are (irtnnnun-rd .•> uie mo*l rinineut physician* , c al, " v, ‘- ' v,| h mr.e sioci ,n Tli- n.;y ••m-r pr. piirniion* lII* muuuiai-’.urr- | prti es 1,-. KI.MOTr 4; FNt.l.rsjl : a ’"'' -«*teri . me.' and by thou i warJ hei ween lih m ninl 1i.,.in,. ■, , I Ul ''' :■ ti n we«. i.ruy ieo.ol Bo sum. James M Bunce I OR,-0 R ,-; :t;(lN AM) FAI.IFi'RM t IN !*(. ip j w t.im; a Mone. Pa.mdcij.hm. VmimaVv BaJ- ! V/ Ibormon. late Judtf- ... u,r r.. ur , „. Ul , . ... Ke!,.,..* A lleunett. Cmcirmwi, . »hio I CKon-wiih an Appcndir, m re. r -.i . IIMtIMI ; W AI.TKH BAKER, D»rche*ier Maai I ihcv.ic information on the «it,,r. < ol'm.- i.„.J M. je. ’ Km mV l,y augM BAHALFV A. SMITH. Acts »nr| oilier valuable mailer ul mirres'io n.e • ... . . , _ . __ —— ~il. [ltuiirauon. n,i,l . .di - r.,,,," "* ,ro “ $1,73 ' I ' ro , Tlth *ub*< t iter-r * leave lo uilnmi the public that The (.old-Seeker* MuuoaP be, nf a nru • 1 ib-v hav- ..blamed ir«u die Khul aJUhe lute and insiruelivr rn.de to all prr*on« ruu K ra.,.. g m' ; ,r ... .• e lron Railmy. both lot hou.e. rr*c, or, «■ bv DT An*. ,i. Pror or (Jen h, - - r.,' 1 rr "'- ,pne * ler*.n,« wiahtu to procure hand 1,-Re. U.ndon l vui. -v M . ’ ' , *«'o>e pal,, nnwi P--»»r e U ) ail j eisnune. and jud^e "Note* of Travel t'a.Rurnm „ . j "’ r iIM «''» lurm.hed al the «hon mem leaiure* o. the eouatry a|... n e ~ „ ' !?' *'■ ,{le “« corner ol | cml reports or Cot. Fremont and NUi Pjnui 1... JU A I.A.MUN 1 a KNOX | aOO page. Hi- I Leeching. Cupping and Bleeding. 1 The California (Juide Book; conipri-me !>.,• • UT B NuRRIS iSucce*»or to M. R. Delauyl— ine.l work, together with Col Ft-iiicni * ir,.’ • ~-i, *V • N<> 33 Fifih ureei. between NVood and Smith aeeimni of Upper Calu'orum. and In. Narrai.v'e Vriue lJ Fr r ‘b leeches received monthly—attendance all Exploring Fdtpestitioa lo Uie Hock) MuunUi s v ~our* Reference, toe pliyitciatis of PitUlmrgh.Alie wim 2 map*—l vol. evo. paper in, •• - l gi.eny and Birmingham. [ Rev Baptui W Noel'* vVork on i;»-l' Ci.i-rc l. 1 umd cheerta.iy r. commend to the. phyxicioc*. faro and Stale—l ml, U*mo g| 25 i: ' o ' n ‘> lornier friends and patron.*, Mr K H. Ju*t received by r ||i>phi\-, Norn* a* b-.tir thoroughly ae«|Uatnicd with the bu*i inehta A.nvlo li.nidmv« 4m .t :|,|J ' l »rtby of patrotaßr. — - - -- 1 •" *« lv W R DKI.ANY. R‘?v K o 1 ! 1 . ,0Ks F*Uar . Vanii.cm. «,| pnperv Menufactured Tobaeco. NVorlil T* ' > P ,,,r ’-. X-nophon • NNork*, Tun:..* SO U\ > l .enir v A Rc, >-lei* superior *wer I 5 Ips, Works, l.mvrr.ii) Sei-on.. I-, V\ a >.»nd. Natu.a. 'lO a., do M A Buti.-r'- •• ;|, - 111*tor) ... Lt,1,, U », a .,„. l.Me i MOe.ol Pm.,,. 11. 4, In I.! ,iu Pin .• A Harwood's - .. •• hi’m' 1 "" OI K -m Mr '" ) ' p ""- Fn.veii,* of ti,,- IV..pie ' -. * n - rr " , ‘ i '*t M do j “ |fls •• “**• **' "K. Bapti»m. ,u ui.jHjfi unJ ni.Mle*. J'bn >n.i j. bi do ,|.) •• ~h ille K.iigdotn, 2 voU i l.rrvrr * l,e r ture. on I'miiimi. £1 do do Wm Dawson *• •• 5 •• I CRH'.,. (t | l TV,ir'.\t, m ir r " , i . H'mimm u.i' it j u TWn«i. " " - Alps AndetMin * Do.ur.ui- I i.n.fna.i.i, Modem \. .'{j do .. Anderson - •• - •• i'Oiiipll*hme;iU, l-nsi dny* of ►Ji-, l :i o' th- u .*„ | T Bade'* •- •* u Hr volution, by Mr* KJlei, Ijle m Polluk. lor sale i,i a do R Macon * • '•* - marls KI.LKnT A F.N«iU-!l. :u wood *i :i du Ratrnil *• •• n, - HCMa.N MAiiNhrriSM—?i* cVun. I-. 1i,... Ju ' u cem /.icsmer and packet*, and for «ale uir i mi( u. r), '.r mi' h,i niiei.it'i ,0 .bow me ~t! HKAI.II. BUCK NOR h Co. oi in application lor the rriiM a . t, ; i 'll nonh wnli-r >1 iml l« HQith whanrea, Newnhatu leu . mm,or r>. 'l'l.e ui ii.ioou • nilu,-n- r ' Fhiladeipiua of Body ami Mind,' -ic The be.. .v,,,k 0.. lie M,r.,e'. i 1 \l ANI I ACTFRKI) I'tmACOO-ail bx hf S *Jonea publislie.l Kim lu.r l.y KI.I.IOTT A K.V i 1.1 Sll/ t XvA A.s sujieno r sweet lb lump* marls 7., v ,. (> od'*! ! '•'< i.« t.*» Websi. i utd superior sweets* lump* - .. j .w> Lawrence s* 25 t.entry A Rov**er • J* AAs " V*> Ihiponi ido lu Eure) " &• " 10 McLmi 6s “ 2i Lawrence Lotticr " 5»’AC* pltig Just landing fioiti *icam> r. and for *nle by HF.At.I). IU CKNOR A Co. 41 N vs airr st and In.N wharves, I’lnladelphin LIFE OF FRANK!.IN. liiuMiaic'.j 11. i our eni put.li.-Mion ,1, 11,0 ,o, n) . | () liar I- r A Rlu ibcis. New 1 ork , Tin- Lite of Bn,, mini l 'runi;.,i , r,-,. siMmg ot hi* Aolol.niftrn ( 'h)', u.nl B narrative >.i In. public Inn and services, b) me Kev H iU-.i.ir* Wed. ■ plendidi) embellished li> nuincrou, cnj.n >ii. dcsnrif. by John (. Chapman, engruvex! in Hi* fuuiie-iMi ■>, o: an 'Che work i. panted hi ib* u , uvi, «>riu on mi perfine paper, trum bold mid legible ry !><* Ii " ill l.e completed in eight part*. at rent* enr-li. and i-»ocd ai briel iiiicrvai* Kadi part mi: l-e received h> ex press imi-i.-diHiely slier iin publication f'ari l-i jiui received uml lor sale t>> JOHNSTON' A yTtiCKT'»N J *'■£•* cornor ni.irket and fd m MAC A L'LA V S OF ENGLAND-from me M. i-CSM.HI of James II • Vol 1 The HtaUiry oi Alexander il.e Great. by Jui'nb Ah boll, with map and engraving* The History of Charles tbe First of England !<■• Jn cob Abbott—elegant engraving*. Harper's Li/c of Franklin «piendi.li - , embellished by numcruu* eitjuisite de»ij;n«.jj.\o l vtf cent* To i‘c completed in * numoers Pictorial Hi«tory of England,, up to the men -.1 (»«,. 'ft Hl—complete m4vol«, octavo i;l'w limura- just received by n nOPKINS, fal KlNii in-31 \v. A J. d'LKXN, Book illnderl *"■ " M, ‘ l r 1 • -i•* i» ihr »!■«> • r I'linni***, corner l-i Uy-I awl Tirol itrreu, Pm-hwrpli, wh**re wi HVr hmJh «u> worfcmour line wuh de«- I'Mi.-u. \\ >• attend inir work personally, ami •aun* tiirtioti will hr I'lvfi in to it* neatness and du* rahi'ity Blank Book« ruled u* any pattern and hound snb -JnMifuly. B>K>k« i:i numbers or old books bound enre tuiiy ut rcpairr.l. Names pul on books in tfUletters. Tho“t; lina iinvc wofk in our tine are invited lo call. PiH-r* low _ _ myithtf / IALF SKIN':*—.'JO dm fteouine French Cal/ Skins, a \J 'fry 6n** nni'-lc. A few dozens Philadelphia Skins, from me manufactory of H M Cmwforo. lo winph ihr aii-'iinon of bool makers ■■ invited. Just n-nvrd and lor »ak by \V VOUNW & Co, i r '~ 1411 liberty st A T 'V fl. .'1 ’CLINT< >ok'S,” No. fsTouxUi street, fan bo seen ■ splendid variety of sup Royal Vel vet amt Tapestry Carpets, lalcsi styles Also, Brus sels. 1 p!)« m»| *up and hue Ingram Carpels, of sup «>)!■• iu.. Mo rr.*n«. Oil i \nihv fce Itc., vo all 01 wlucb we call the intention nf :nr pui.iic. auptfcj 9 NOTICK. “ HAVING *o!d ottr enure Mock to C H O&A2R, wrth a view to clo -mR our old bur.nev*. we hereby 10- In'ii for hurt liy: pa'rontiite <•( nil our mend* wnd caa ‘"ra-f RO W PUINUb^XTKR, I'nuburth, Aur -tin, le-J". Cl H. GRANT. Wholesale lirocer. rominntniun and _ F'irwi.rriiiis MrrK.ua No 41 Water si. an IV "UKLI. ANI) BRASS A A FI.'LTON, Bell ami liras* Founder, has re built ami commenced business at hi* old (Land, where be will be pleased to sec his old custom ers and fpeuds Church, Steamboat. and Belts of every size, from 10 to Kuxfti pounds, ensi from patterns of the most approv ed models, and warranted to be oi the best materials Mineral Water Pumps,Counters, Railing, Ac , toge* User with every \ ar ety of Brass Oustings, if required, turn-id luid finished in the neatest manner. A F i« the-nle proprietor of U«*mt : s AKTi-Atth]- tiov no jusii) uslebrated for die reduction of Inenon id mnriuticry The Boxes and Componition can or (mil of ii.itt ,-u nil times jaSttly. fpflF. subscribers having the delusive Agency for J. selling the Fruiting paper of n new and extensive puper mill tn this vicinity . will lie at all Umc» well sup plied with the d life rant %j«ci of paper of superior quali ty. which we odcr at tlis lowest regular prices. Any use or onu.in w ill be manufactured to order at suort not,,.- REYNOLD:* A SMKK, jr- Cin comer Penn and Irwin sts INDIA RUBBER ULoTHfNG-Just received for the I'slilortua I;x)w«liiuui, a complete assortment of Gum Uwnc Clothing. at price*. ranging from t&NJ to 9U.tf> loi >un ot ! oat, panlsund hut. For sule otlhe India Rubber IVpol. ’hn i Wood st. deevn JAM PHILLIPS Jl ?*T RECEIVED Three more of those so lumtty celebrated Hamburg]. Puuw*. used constantly by List, Thalberg and other greut performers together » oh « large assortment ol rosewood ana mahogany, of my own manufacture The above instruments are warranted ta be perfect in every respect, and will be sold low for cash F RX-UME, decis No LU Wood m 24 door iron «h HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIOHT STRFIET BALTIMORE P>*.o ajvd TBmnm, PKOPBUTOBS. MTHIS eetaliliehunmil tong and widely known as being Hue of the most commodious in the city of Bahiranre, ha* recently undergone very exten sive at tern lion* and improvement*. An enure new wing ha* been Hdde.d. containing numerous and airy * M ‘'T lu a itiinrtinema. and extensive bulbing rooms. I’tw l.udiei' department ha* also been completely rrurnimued and fitted un ia a’moM unique and beauti ju! «t) le In fart tlie whole arrangement of the Rouse ha* ln->-jt r.-inoiJei, g, with a single eye on the pan of ihe proprietor* leword* the ponifort and.pleasure of tiie.r tme.i., and which they nmfidenlly ussert will • linUcin'r «-<»iiipur:MMi with any Hotel in the Union. fin ir inMe will always lie *upplietl with every ntb •lamal ami lururv which the market atfont*. served up m a xiiperior «tvle. while m the way of Wines. Ac., will not i»r -urpn»*ed. In rnnclu-nni ihe proprietor* beg to say, that nothing will pc >j| iinjon.- on thetr part, ami on the part oftbcir u• -I-tiuit*. to render ihi* Hotel worthy the continued paironain- »t tin-ir friend* and the public generally. Ihe price* ior board have al*o been reduced to the inn.'Wiri* rate*: Lathe*' i irdmary, *1,75 per day. L-mietneu * •> 1,50 N K- Thr Baggage Wagon of the House will al vva) * be lound hi ibe Oar and Steamboat Landings, which will convey tutggagejto and from-tbe Hotel, free ■>» charge. J _ raaytttf KICHASGfE HOffiL, COLVKR or KKVM AND BT. CLAIB ITS., rtTTSBCRaH, TA.. M i'll.: subscriber haviug n«*uned the manage ment of ihi* long e«tabli*hed and popular Hotel, r*-«pertfullv announces to Travellors and the l üblie generally, that he will be at all times prepared in accoimuoduir them m all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House m m>w being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, ana no pain* will lie spared to make the, Fix change one of the W, ‘Q’ best Hotel* m ihe country. Hie undersigned respectfully solicits a contmaance oi Uic v. i) iiuersi jmuotiage the House ha* heretofore revived THOMAS OWSTON: frlAdtr _ Ptoprjrtor LAMARTINE HOUSE, coknkr or ».irsTii and cRAtT struct*, pimaoicn. MTHK xubneribnr respectfully announces that lie lir* now opened hi- new and excellent Hotel lor the accommodation ol traveler*, hoarder*, and ihe public xeimiaily The hou«e and lurntlure arc enure.y new. and no pains or expense have been spared in mti.lrr it one ot ihe most comlortahle and pl.'a-ntit Hotel* m the city fiie iiiliscribci u deicruuncd u> deserve, and there lute x*ilii-ik. it -Imre of public patronage. f c»i -l V-dl> JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor 1 U O' P R H U E NT S A V ED I OPPOSITION HOUSE. r pilV. VIRGINIA HOTEL, on Baltimore street, near I the Depot I'untixrlaad, is now m complete order tot the reception and accommodation of the pahlic. Person- m »cnrch of ease and comfort, will do well in piiiftniuc ihjx establishment—they will find the i-ti iititir-f. drati nnrt nice, and the Table a* well fur nixiied ii* imv m ('nmberltnd, at twenty-five cents, rnarmiißi-d ai good a* any that can be bad in the place, m any price, or no charge. No charge for transportation of baggage to and from the cars. MlVdtfm WASHINGTON EVANS. UNITED BTAf ES HtfffeL, “ niiasMrsT h at ims rnvtTU ant> nrrn m. 01‘POslTK. lute Uank of the United State*, Phila delpsi.a M POPE MITCHELL. Proprietor MISCELLANEOUS FRESH SPRING GOODS & DRV 1/IHiOS JOBBERS, 09 Wood street, ask the aitoni.on nf Merchant* to their «iock of AMERI i'aS WDPOUKJGN DRY GOODS, now receiving direct irrnn hr-i hand* ricriMvinc treniar supplies of firm good* during the »«hMjn. ami devoting a large share of iheir attention io Eastern Auction «alc*. iney ran confidently a«*orn ■•Wt* will snd it to their interest to examine thri- .look Ju»t received. large invoice* of new style Dress f»i>od». Fancy Print*, Cnoimerc*. Oloihs, Summer Good*. l.arc,*. I\ h>ir Good*, Irish Linen*. Tailor*' Trimming* arid brou end lileached Sheeting* of van ntj* brand* marl THE POINDEXTER. POINTING PAPER- MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT J TSTCOVERY' Pat*st SjtcuxKp J*jnj*BT Ist. 1549 raUjtfjTQu-uper extension ZTafcUs, oofar, Burtons, ■Boot Qaffi, Writing iMh. VVBOUGUT IRON. rpHE TABLKS far surpassing every other in jl of the kin J now extant. They can L>e ex tended from tea.to iwenty-Qve feot, and when clo*cd the leaves are ail contained inside; (hey are made to au sizes and ahapeg, and axe adoutnbiy adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and Urge private families, form <&!sLdJLCo®‘Ptew Centre table. AND BUREAUS—Thrte articles are inval uable, panicalarly to'Those who wish 10 econo mise room, and cooven • sleeping apartment hito a parlor or sitting room, they can br opened and «boi Kl convenience, and when abut, the l>ed(bng is euclos cd. A great saving in room and rent AH th-bed head* when closed form n beauilfol piece of furniture for a parlor or siutngroatn. BOOK. CASES—A ucul and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WRJTINfj DESKS—For law office*, counting room*, and other offices; when opened a stostconveiticni bed •lead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. All these article* need no recommendation ihe beauty of the whole is, they arc warranted not to get out of repair It will be for your interests to call and examine ihe articles, at the manufacturer'* ‘tore, No. S 3 Third street, Pittsburgh. 11l addition to the above advantages, they are proof against bur* mcUlO JAMES W WOODWELJ. JtJST EBOEIVBD, AND now opening, & splended lot o Piano Fonc*, from the celebrated firm of Nunns A Clark, N. V. It consults in ■ I ■ I I • part of the following: One elegant Rosewood di octave Piano, with carved moulding, top and plinth, projecting trout and curved gothic tablets. One rosewood I’tatio, t>J octave, elegant and plain, with Coleman'* celebrated .Koliiui Attachment, a »u -perior instrument. One Roiewood fi octave, ronnd corner* and octagon legs. One do ito do One rosewood Piano, square corners and legs These Plano* have improvements in the mechanism, tn stringing nnd covering of the hammer*. posseswd by no outer* in tfti* country, and are at once the best as well as the cheapest Piano* that can be bought. ALJKI—An elegant lot of Cbickeruig'n Piano*, from ? to 6 octaves, pot>*e*«ing all the latest improvements, at reduced price*. ALBO—One elegant rosewood Cabinet (irand Piano, 7 octave*, a uew-mvention. HENRY KLEBER, fet>l «f At J W Wood well’s, 83 Third si CHIOKKIUBG’B PIANOS. JOHN H. MKLLOR, (sole Agent for Piano Fortes for Western Pennsylvania,) No. 81 Wood street, f* " 1* Pittsburgh, ha* received and now open for sale, the following elegant assortment, direct from vij!l!. annfaClory ’ “ * lr ' dttdtenng's (Boston) prices, One Rosewood seven octavo Piano Forte, carved in r.“°» el *** nl * ,ld r ‘cb style of Louts XIV. time Rosewood carved seven octave, new and im proved scale (hie rosewood Piano, bj octaves, new scale, One “ carved. 6 “ u .. Two “ round corners, 6 octa», new seals. Two “ pajuicl “ o •• The above are all from the manufactory of J Chick* enng, Boston, of the latest styles 0/ furniture, and with the new and improved scale. suso os q*5D sun for «*i.» low 3 Rosewood 0 octave Pianos, from the manufactory of H \\ orccster, New York, formerly of the firm of Stodari, \\ orcester A Durham. 2 rosewood tj octave. Gale A C«t, N. Y l rosewood flj octave Piano, made by Bacon A Ra ven, New York l Mahogany 6 octave Piano, made in Baltimore, anJ leu with me lot sale by the owner, for ea»h or in ex change for Pittsburgh manufactures, or groceries suit; able for a country store Price ©no. ;a3O MIL ELIJAH ETON’S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAiNK.—This certifies, that immediately after caving attended my brother, who died of consumption in March. 18*2. t was taken tick wiUi the Consumption or Laver Complaint, and wtu reduced m> low with ibe disease, that for four years I was unable to attend to m> buxine**, either at home or »broad, being for the most ume confined to my bed. During ibe above pert od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o regular Physicians and medicines, to the amount of ©U), without receiving any benefit therefrom In July. 1»45, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne’* Medi cines, and have lakcn them more or less ever since and believe that it was by persevering m their use that I can now truly say that 1 have completely rfico-! vered my health. I believe that Jayne’s Banauve PtftJ and Expectorant are the bcsuamily medicines now in I reside In Springfield, Otsego county. and carry on a furnace and machine shop in that place, and am not interested in any manner in me sale of the’ above medicines, and make tins eerufieoie n»r the l*en cfii of ihose attUcted. ELIJAH EATON Springfieid, N. Y , Scpu IC_ 18«._ Manufactured ToBACC<>HThi'‘s.n..7n'bi'r would call the attention of the cuy trade and dealers generally, to the following brands Tobacco# in store and to arrive, -which being consignments di rect from manufacturer*, he u enabled to sell at east ern pnees: 130 # bxs R\V Crenshaw ss; 7U I " James Madison &<; SI I “ Lamartine £«; 33 I u Mhabeau 3*j 23 » - Putnam Ssandls; L 3 f “ Roberts A Sisson ss; •> I “ Oscar Burl s*, # 4 ** Jahiu A Lewi* it; SI 1 ' Warwick, sopr la; *S I u Henry A James s*, is and 9s: _ f *^? l LS WATERMAN Pitt Hwchtne Works f nd Paundry. _ nmaeßon, ti. » re P'Wml “> bmld Cofton U urf Woolen Machinery ofeverr deacripuon, such .« Cortina Machines, Mpinmjie Frames, Speeder, Draorta; Framea, Railway Hea&, Warpna, S™W Dressing Frames, Lnoms. Cart Grinders, ic \frpunlu Iron Sl.Afl.na fumed; all sue. of Ca,, I„a, Pall.e. 5 Hankers of the laid pauerus, slide and hand Lathes and amis of ad kinds. Casun,. of every de,annum "'“'■“'J uu -fari nonce Pauerus made lo order for Mill Gearing, Iro.. Ra.line, le. Slaam Pip.. ~r h a„ lug Facuirles, Ca.l Iron Window Sash and fane r Cas p"f,‘ *77." r , , (lrdcr ' lon «' me IVarehnu se of J non * ' L,l '"' y “I" »ave pnoap. auan- R'/" Bell 1C..; t Moortho.d 4 t«ut*envtlle. iaHhi Penn Sachin*) tihon. H WICJIITMAX Muialacmrer utatl kind, of col * ion and woollen madunetT, Allegheny cur Pa W ° rk# nOW u ‘ wAucAS o P i p F p * r ! d 10 CICCU,e o rter* wit* dispHiri, lor all kind* of tuachuiery m my line. »uoh a., willow*, picker*. *preader*, card*, grinding machine*, railway* frame*, .peeden, throsuia, loom,, card*, double or angle. lor merchaui or roumry work C*'**nk/'n k /' u f " V ld,! ? ,,d ha,,d and looi* m gen-' eraJ All kind* 01 .turung made lo order, or plan. tie. en (or gearing factories or m.lla n reasonable charge k. T cZ*Ki!'^? e ' ine ‘ ! y LSI ,iW : * °°- «‘aek*iock, l£u * King. Pennock 4 Co., Ja*. A. Gray »*W COACH PiCTttaY, Aixsoirtt-TT. \f * C,J -} respectfully inform j-*, uI,U( L at wey have erected a thon on leOcock, between Federal and Sondusk y »treeis Thev are now making and are prepared to receive order* for even description of vehicle*. Coache*. Chariot’*. Ba rouelie*. Buggies Phonons, Ac.. A* . wliich from their lon* experience in the manufacture of the above work *. .h| hC t ', aC ‘, mC * l^ ey h Y*' ,crl ‘•onftdetii they are enabled to do work on the iuoh. readable term* w.S lho*e wanting article* m their line lU ~i!f r ' nR i P , artiColar ■ n * n,i ® n t 0 wWt.on of mate rial*, and having none but competent workmen they hava uo hesitation 111 warranting their work We Ulf J t ? re B uk ' h * at>cnuon of U.e public to tin. matter N. U. Repairing done in the beat manner uud on ih mosi reasonable term a jn-jutf CUPER FRENCH BROADCLOTHS—W. Jl"mctT O CMt invite* the attention of buyer* to hi* exit-naive aMortment of above Good*, embracing even- uuahtv up to very fine, and from the celebrated roanufaeiA “ F '““ p*"*™* iW ,00a, £ rerT , h e "l‘.°rn“>,'i r H k “ n “ of lb. uailu, 1™ . d 10 »ell them ... ibc powble pnee. AUo. oil,, croon ond mvuible orcenClolh. voycho.p: wool dyod I,lk do; ail Frfnch Bnb.h l.™ CASSIMERES, block * nd VHSTIMOS, centlcntcn’i „lk p’otJe, Hdki^TifdcSh’n'‘iT'" 1 f ““ er Ur,v *“- '■»»” P°ck. Hdkfs, Lnder.hin,. ltraweri, Ac., at the north on., corner ol 4th and .Market street*. nanft ea#l Wholesale Rooms up atair. feb*>o RtibEKT h. patteßson ha, opened oL S T. BUIh i C ftn PlrKl *'■ nlnn ,'lK throo.h L 1?\ bol-w.0,, Wood nndßnmhCrld at*.. In the rear of the Monomrahela Hnn.e wtth an enurcly now .lock of Homo. an“.ma£,“f fv MIT y ,nd l *“' 1 Hon., kom rt T„°. ryjn the beat manner. lyfclly OIEAM BOAT CLOCKS—Having corn-laded lo sell w»^ ff w OU fr UnUre u°l k af ®' k «’»AUnUc Timepiece, £ , i them al P ric « they can be bought ui any house tn Pittsburg or elsewhere for U.°J»T| Bt 'lr Bn "? U ‘® ® nl r «6iabfi«heH here’ for these clocks, we have the large,t and finest ukii ntent in the city. Call and see Remember, we nrejiol to_be andersold. BLAKE A CO., .Market meet, ocOO north *ide of ihe Diamond Pi Ii'SBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY aAAC ‘ w, *'™*> r oriaa. JOSES * 4UIGQ, Qri ®*' VrANm'ACTUREIW of »pn»« and .lister ,teel. ifi plough «te*l, etc cl plough wings, eooeh ai.d uo hammered iron ajcle», and m mal* 1 cable cuunp, ire engine lamp., and coem mmnunn gcnenuly. corner ofKoss and Front »u>. PiustMinrh. ti (ebJ % JUST IN TIME —Another lot of PUtoL, suitable for the California >ervicc. just received Alao, 10 arrive ou the 13th met. by Expreaa, a ueai and bandy article of Portable bold *cale«. which ev ery fold uuner ought to have, And for rate by w W WILSON, corner 4th and market sis For California. 1’ Hl' celebrated Hazunl Hide Powder, in ke*» hall kegs, quarters and caus, for sale by ’ frb!3 J S DiLWORTU A CV». ai M asprat t’» Patent Soda Aah <909 CA * h f ir 1“' "“"mer, I.jubo, and St Cloud, and lor sale by WkM MTTCHELTREE, ' mch * 3 __ 160 Liberty it WB. YOUNG *. CO., DEALERS IN HIDES AND LEATHER, Morocco Shoe Findings, Ac , N«. 143 Liberty street, have joat received their SPRING STOCK of goodJ' com pnstng a largo assortment of ancles in u, eir line to which the attention of purchasers is invited ’ mchlS NOTICE. ALL pet.on, indebted to the Eelnle of Wtllinnt Me- Kmgfit,decen.«d, ora the lnte finn. of W. flic ttnighti Ck., end Win Mcknight A Son. .to notified to pay, without further delay, to ~ .. , ROBERT M KNIGHT. mehl34lm Admini*trator,of \V. McKntght, dec’ll A RTISTS' MATERIALS—Just rcc’d and for sale— A 60 yards smooth Canvas*, S 7 inch, •JO u - *« 30 - 30 - *• “ 3ft .. “0 ‘‘ •' >• 4-j .. UK) doz Compressible Tubes, of oi! colors by chl9 _• J IflPt) kCo WANTED, A GIRL to do hoosewotk. One who thoroughly understands her business, and can give good re ferences, can bear of a permanent sinuuon. at fair wjq'es, by applying st this office. rocklAdtf DRITiII APPLKS—SOO tittslt dried Apple,, „„„ _ and for sale by mcb'Jfl SAW HaRBaUoH PARIS GREEN—IO cans irao-frat reotd and for ■ala by BA FAHNESTOCK A Co rnahM earner lit and wood su DRY & VARIETY GOODS. Since the Development of the CaUfomitaGold Fever, kI.fiIAMDER * X)AT, No. 76 Maajuct Stusi. Pirrsicßfiii, HAVE resolved dn SELLrNG OFF their large stock of DRY GOODS—*hc principal pan of which have lately been pnrthased M the iazob Ate- Tfos Biles in Philadelphia and Nryv fork, a; a tre mendous ami unparalleled sacrificed We have, made such a largo reduction from our trg uiat price* that we will now sell a large portion of our good* BELOW iDST of importation The enrly nt motion of buyer* is Invited to choice high colored goods adapted tn the Caiifaroia Trade. IJUHEX DRESS GOODS. Plain and figured Caoirltan Cashmere* and delaines _ silks, all prides. Very i-uperior brochia fig'd Super cloak clolhs, all co ond watered blk silks, lor*. Superior reparmure *ilk«. French merino*, all colors, blk nnd colored, Black hotubaune*, Super black glossy Urode Cross barred and striped Jlhiu silks, ulpacHK. Visette and mantilla silks. Bruch a fig’d aud strip'd do. best qnaliiy, Jenny land plaids, Pure satins, blk and blue Victoria l.yoiteae cloib?. blk setma, very nrh, l-amurtinc satin (urruio*, Coberg cloth* and cameti- Supor silk warp alpaca an lustre*, lustres; shawls: shawls Splendid plaid long sluiivla,j A tew l>rf good quality, remarkably low. tickings, checks, uomi:*ti<’ and imported ging ham*. scarlet, veliow and white flannel*. a large lot very' cheap; a large lot of white and cro**barTt-d coun try flannels, cheap; brown nnd bleached Ba/usby tanle linens and table cloths. Russi i andßcotcb diapers and towellings, s&tineus, Kentunky jeans and tweeds. BLANKETS An usual large stock of blanket*. .Greet from the manufacturers. «ome of which am the best ever exhi bited. all of which will be cloned out at unfiaruileled low prices. In addition to (he above enumerated goods, our slock comprises a very large and complete assortment ol almost every article usually found in a drygoods store, and as they have been mainly pur chased at the easerti auctions, hence the late great re duction of pneea. We are enabled and determined to sell them ou at great bargains. Wholesale buyers, country merchants, '.ailors, and the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear ly examination. Bargain* shall be given. ALEXANDER A DAY. 75 Market st, leb£ N W comer of the Diamond CARPETS, OIL CLOTHSi Ac. RECEIVED THUS DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloth* of the latest and mo«t approved 'pattern*, uud at price* to sun purcha*er>, anti cheap as can be pur chased in any of the Eastern cities, comprising th* fol lowing vanetie* Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpet*; Aixminisler Carpet*; any sise-hatl room* or ve*J Tapestry do -tibule*. Sup Royal Brussel* do Tape*try stair carpet*; Extra sup 3 ply do Rnissola do do Superfine ao do Chenille Ktigi, Extra sup Ingrain do Tufted do Superfine do do Bru**el« do Fine . - do do Cbecmle Door mats; do Tufted 4-4,3-4 A | Tapestry Adetanl do do Damask do Sheep rkin do do 4-4. 3-4 A { twl’d Ve- IsM Kmb’sed Plano cover* iiriian do (s—l tlo- Table da 4-4, 3-4 A | plain do do d-4 wool do do Cotiou Ingrain do (5-1 wor«icd and linen dodo do Venetian do lira*! Suur Bods M cotton Drugget, W-4 woolen do lti-4 woo; crumb clo(h* Stair I,men . English Table cm cloth}, Diupcr do German do on do do C>a*h S-4 Floor Oil cloth*; Bnnw-Drnp Napkins, 7-4 do do do Crimson Piu«h; (s—l do do do Purple do 5-4 do do do Maroon do 4-4 do do do Carpet Binding; , Sheet Oil Cloth*. 6t ne«Tran*p’'ii Window Shade* Tapestry pattern*. cut to tit | It© the above w* are constantly receiving onr Spring Stock of Carpet*. Oil Cloth* and £tr amt-nut Trimmings, in which we invite the auodtTbn of all who wi*h lo f„r -n «h i* 'C*t house* or slrunitioai*, u* we will t>r able so otfer good* ns low a* they can lie purchased in the Ea>i. and of the richest and Isles! style* Call and ex amine our stock before parcha.siue elsewhere. Wnre- Fourth a. iiicliSM W. MCLINToCX. The. Largest, Cheapest and most Fashionable Stock of Goods, adapted to Gentlemen's Spring and Summer Wear, xs just at WM. DIGBY’B CHEAP CASH CLOTHING STORE, 136 LIBERTY STREET. THE Proprietor of ihe abovu establishmen* would respectfully inform his uumerstn customer*, that he ha* just returned front the Eastern cities with the most spletfdrd uwnmens of good* in hi* line, , Drop De Eti, and every description of cotton, liaen mid woollen Sumina Stuffs; Shirt*, Ora vats Hdkfs. Suspender*, Ac- o( tha newest styles; which , together with hi* very' large and fashionable stock of ready-made Clothing, he is prepared to offer at his usual low price*. Country Merchant*. Contractors and all who pur chase largely, are particularly invited to call and er amine the stock, which i* decidedly the targe*! and most fashionable m the city, and great attention has been paid to get n up suitable to tnc wholesale trade. Order* m ihe Tailoring line eircuied in the mo*t fashionable wanner, and ihai nothing may be wanting in m»#rc tin* newest and best style ofculting. A gen ileuuiii who ha* bad great experience m the Eastern cine*, ha« l-ecn added to the extabllsbuieuL inch'll .d.im NEW GOODS R. H. PALMER, OFFERS FOB BALE, AT LOW PRICKS, a full assortment of STRAW ASD 311L1.1NK* RT GOODS, of the most approved style* mid pat tern*, for the SPRLNG OF 1849, consisting in purl of— Fancy and plain English, American. mid French Straw; Florence, Rutland, Pedal and' other plain and fancy Ortud. Chinn. Ru e Jenny Emd, l,oop and Roy al Milan edge Braid BONNETS. Rich French Lace; Fancy and plain Gimp, «tc. Ac. Fancy Braid, Straw. Gimp, Leghorn, and other Mis ses' and Infant*' BATS. Panama, Manilla, Leghorn, Palm I«eaf, Straw and other Summer HATS, for men and boyd. Bonnet and Plain Ribbon*; Bonnet Silks; Artificial Flowers, Ac. Ac. Ac. Straw Bonnet Warehouse, U 5 Market street. mohl7rd!2w A. A. MASON A CO., NO. 60 MARKET STRUCT—Have received by re cent importations the followntg Goods, vu: Six carton* Thibet Shawl*, of various qualities and colors. Filly dozen ••Alexander'*" best quality Kid Gloves, togethef wuh a good assortment or col’a *ilk, Lisle Uireod. and cotton Gloves, lor spring trade. Rich standing, straight turnover Collars; cheap Col lars 300 pair embroidered Cuffs, from 60 ct* lo 5t.33. Mourning Collar* in great variety Demi Lace Veils, the greatest assortment ever offered by u». French and English 14 Print*. Hoyle's Prints, small figures and fast color*; small plaid French Gingham*; British Furniture Chintz; white saun Damask Table Cloths, Linen Damask, 6, 8 and 10-6; Green Borages; Gen is black Gros do Rhine Silk Cravats, 32 to 40 inch, (he best goods imported; Purse Twist; linen cambric nnd linen cambric Hdkfs. from 6$ n> 82.5 ft White Goods, such as Jaconets, Lawns, Mull and Swiss Musbn* figured and plain Lace*, white and col 5 d Tarlataiws’ Ac. Ac. i We are in the daily receipt of NEW GOODS, and invito the attention of purchasers to our extensive •look fcbg7 NEW SPRING GOODS. AT DRY GOODS HOUSE OF W R. MURPHY Nokth East coaxia 4nt axt MaUktstb., PtrrsßCton. PERSONS wanun* Dry Goods will please take no tice that the nhove house hns commenced recei ving itriNEW SPRING OOUDS, and invite* the colls of recular customers and buyers «enerallY. Good* will be offered at low price*, and purchasers wo! have a lartre and choice assortment to select from. Country Merchants n«d others are invited to el. name liie ujoamtul m Wholesale Room*, up »iair«, where a latae assortment of Pnuta, Gingham*. and goodi generally are now opening. mart) DRY GOODS. BHACKLETT4 WHITE. Dry Goodu Jobber*. VO W " OODSTREET—WouId call the attention ±y of Merchant* to their large nook of Dome-tie and Foreign DR\ GOODS, juii receiving from the !m -porter* and Manufacturer*, and which they will *ell at very low rate* ior cash or approved credit. Our stock i« now full and eompietc. and well worth the attention ofhoyera, n» we are determined to *cii at tnch extremely low prices m cannot fail to make ft a atroog indueeme.it for merchant* to make a bill with a* mch:ji JJOU9E KEEPING GOODS—W K MrifiT iu- viies 'lie attention of house keeper* ami those about commenetn* house keeping, to hu atsorunrai of above such us— Quilt* and white and colored; Tickings and pulow-cmn? Muciuim sh«*iing», from o»«* in Uin-- < srd* \v «, Table Diaper* nmi ToMe • Towelnnj, Towei* and Napkin*, Furniture. Prints iuid Chimse*- Scarlet Oil Chintz. for cupbuu; Super primed Cbmu. lor quilt*. Embroidered m dow curtain Muslins; Atilped and barred bed Hmnicts, an quai;UC!> and sues; A tuppi) of uie.ee Good* it coimimi'.iy kept on band, and wi-i always be ‘old on the most uvorabic terms, ai north «-nme new styles mat received;) Alpaca*. Ac. The season being far advanced, all there Goods will be told at prices that cannot tail to please. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. janlS A. A. MASON * CO., ~~ NO. CO iIARKET STREET, will continue their great semi-annual sole of DRY GOODS, for 30 dayslonger, during which time their extensive whole sole Rooms will l.e thrown open to their Retail Trade u heretofore. A A M. A Co., knowing that they are telling Dry Goods of every description from ten to fif -1 teen per cent. less than ever before, do innte every person in want of dry goods, or who may be in warn to examine and pUrcuasA from our stock, at the lowest wholesale rales. Our great object in reducing stock n to make room for Spring Good*, it being our intention to exhibit in Marrh the largest and the richest stock of Dry Goods ever offered by any one house in America. We shall continue the' sale of oar Bleached and Brown Muslims Tickings and other Domestic Goods at our ferae' low rates, notwithstanding tho recent ad’ T “Sh? W CCBI aP ° Q *** **® a m eiu,ern m«ike§ VOL. XVI. NO. MISCELLANEOUS. GOAD’S Patent Graduated Galvante Battery and Pott. Insulated Poles for Medical and other wraam - THIS h the only instrument of the kind that haj ever been presented in thiswountry or Europe for nod ical purpo«ea. and is the only one ever known lo man, by vrhiep the galraiur fluid can be conveyed to the hfl man eye. the car, the brain, or to any part of thn Body, cither externally or internally, in a* definite genuO *irr*in, withoal *hi.efc« or pain—with perfect aatety— Bn ," often witlt the hnppic*t effects, This important apparatus is now highly approved of 01 most eminent physicians of thda eonn .. L nd ''■ <,ro P'b l«> whom the alfficted and others whom ™ COU< ‘ eruc,ut Preferred. Kefereuee will alao 1,,* _*; a '*>*>*>' highly respectable citizens, who have nluinw i I’ 1 means of this most vaJunhte apparatus ° "test inveterate nervous disonien whieh other known roeana. mirublv l,cen proved to be ad v.*- uJrw ' K Crt C or >h '* enr ® of the following dlieaaes, wlfb m!!. ad o result nrovtos your uutrumeiu correct; and recommend the use of It lo those going to Cniifnmin. as the best method for ob taining the real value of Gcid. Uesp. yours, J- B DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Pituburgh. Mmcl P, l"4ft. „ . FiTTsavaou. March 7,1515. Mb. F.*zmj—Dear Fir Having examined the “Areo meter.” manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate to eommeud it to ibe use of those gontiemen who axa at>out temovinf to California in search of Gold. it gives a close approximation to the specific gravi ty of mentis, and will certainly enable Ihe adventurer to ascertain when his placer is yielding Gold marly Yours, J IL H’CLINTOCK. CLINTON PAPER MILL. Turn CLINTON PAPER MILL, situated at Slcuben ville, Ohio, having been enlarged and improved, and at a very great expense added uew and the most improved kind of machinery, ta now prepared to mon ufucturo all kinds of Writing, Printing, Wrapping and Cotton \ arn Papers, Bonnet Boards, Ac,, equal to any in the Eosieruor Western coiumy. undersigned hi. t rr the Agency of the above MilL will keep constantly on ha.*ul a large supply of the different kinds of Paper, and will have any site made to order at short no'.cc. 8 C. HILL, __ *7 Wood street ..tubs and churns. Pint ami Cellar IVart Sanutatlory, S:,, 8 , 1 ' “ ,! ™* sc, I'rrCßC.au. ’I’HE subscnlrer keep* constantly on hand, wholn- X sale and retail, very low for cash— tt?l‘ Tubs. j Barrel Chums, Bulb Tulrt. jiuiT Churns, Horn* Buckets, | Half Ituidiels, Ac. .Mi ftth<-r kind* Ware in ht» line made to order _ja3s-dly SAMUEL KROESKN. A Ft’RTHER REDUOTIOL ~ JAB. ,M ÜBPRATT A SONS' PaTKNTBUDA AAil— -1 to 6 ton* 3f cu*h currency, or 4 mo*. appS-d bills. 6 tons or upwards, do par. 6 moado, interest ad it l. 1- or the »uj>crn>i quaiiiy of this brand wc refer to Lie glass and soap atanu/tretnrers of this city generol ‘y- ' w A .M MITCHKLTREE, . dec4 . I*so liberty st Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. a THIBis to certify that 1 have op- I potmed LivtAston,.Hoggcn A Co. Agents for the sole of Jenning's ttaprabgm Filter, for the cls JgL , ties of Pittsburgh oad Ajlegheay ' JOHN GIBSON, Agent, M Gibson, 349 Broadway, .yr u Oct. 10, ld4a e g7® r n “'lS. w f aoolir o articles at the office of the Novelty tVorks for three months, on trial, and fed perfectly satisfied that it is a useful invention and. we take pleasure in recommending them as a ose ful article wall who love pure water. ,Order* will be utankfuliy received mid promptly executed ««DL LIVINGBTJIN, ROGGEN A Co TAdvertlacment. . HE subscriber, m offering for *alc a handsome lot of Nunn* A Clark'i, {New York,) and Chicker rac. .b^“ n,) r 4, 1 ” WO " l<, 'Bren attention to the fact that lint is the only p.'ace in thr West where the m.trumeiu. ot these two maker* tan be tried side by side and where, consequently, a correct idea of their C ®“ H 0 lonncd ' Tb « M»».*crib«r being anxious to ,est their retHijve ments, hikl having for a number of year, performed upon the Pianos oi Nunns A Clark ho* taden uuo use fm tla; last twelve months, a Chtck etuigFu.no. m order to try tu ilurabiiuy and fitnes* m an accompany mcm to tfi© voice. This Piano may now be seen and eraihim-d at (us rooms He feel, confident ol hts abilny to give a competent and relia bfc opinion on tiie subjccL tot Ani'° a * lftl ° f ,KfW Pinao% w!l «P«h«i m a & H. KLEBER, At J W Wood well's GREAT WESTERN “ ' r * so vrH,p M*N KJ lr AC I\>K j rlio «üb*cribi-r take* Uiis method <>( mtorrauig hi* inend* aud ihe putdir ui general that he ha* the largest stock of the foiiownie named aro clc* ot his own manufacture in tin* r.iyi.CE $l. nrss, Trunk* and \t hip*, all of which he will warrant to be-made oi the i»e*t material and by the be*t meeh anifain Allegheny county. Bong determined m sell his mauufucturc* something liKi+r thun ha* been here tofore sold by any suntiar ostaliiishnient in Urn ciiv he would invite person* in need of ihe al>ovc untold articles to hi* warehoa*®. No. 241 Liberty streeL -I. S.v.nUi. band. maj. urdcr ! n- »ly u. KEHBV. Slui T L nIJ V GH VBMACB ISSTITOTe X care of Mr. and Mrs. Gusitoici, for the present academic year, will commence on the first of f^ebrua ryA^^ e hu ' Mia^No - » Libeny *i recL Arrangcmem* have been m.tde by W uiev will in tile West, lor Obiauungu thorough Engiuh Classn cal, and Urnaineutal educauonl A I'm I course of Phi lisophical and Chemical Lecture* w,l| Teflvered during the ivmter, iJlujimted by apparatus Th-d? n.run.iu. .f Voc.l Mc^cni •“!■‘■«.ru.„, w.l, enrh b. under ja&Ldtf lrc war or apply to the Prineiptrit. pHCENLX FIRE'BRIC'Ka—The Vubscniß-r. uiVmi fS the* Soi, ‘ Affenu '•) ine manui'acturer*, tor the sole ot the ceiei.ruiert •• Phoriux Bnrz* •■ now prepared to fill „n!er* :or any .ju-.imtv « sui cash, per 1.000. For the ri.R.irue-ion ‘ Sll Kind*, these brick* have n«-ii pr...mu, V V petent judge* n. bri'ig tupenoi n> .>:ner tuf nrickli r " m myST~ C A M*ANI;LT\ s C„. Caiuii Man u fa oti/r ku f OsSkvi Y~ '•'Ubi* Lamartine ft 34 Jo M,rabcno ss, a uo mtman&s s..d U, » do John Ruccer 5« bert.A Stvton !»: to -*o Henrv A Jam,. i, * . do John, -u.o towns' 3 rto VVnrwu-k i. Steward *!s. * ’ ' bl * Fhe*e 1 otncfO.. riubrar mg .oni* or i;,,. , no , t mvo its brtn.U, on eon*ignmoi,L sml «vi . :.f «)!,]* ,ow °io cioM,ny -Jr.'. l.l*WtrKH« A \ PATK.NT SODA amh, ■ t FKmi *-*ll. WA.M.-F.UTV. A KbIL.. rbe lutmcfinef*, tn-mg the eierunvr tln . poner. of James Musp.an A Sons’ Sods \,l, , or ,1" market, are now and will ronnimr m t„- tn * Phetl wot, ih., celebrated at the lowest niaxsct oricp w .... 1 M?l * Uns city generally respecting the quality VV A M MITCUELTKEt. — *'»o iibeny si d.„ u-n.; i.. „^.Z, 1 Ms Oder* an m.-e..c0l u ,„yl, . . win, ftirtM • ..,,, ■ „ y / 141 3 >°uau man sines., • -cc u.e 1n,.. Foundry eu- jp co " oca street. Scales, Cooking Stotti ‘Oraul'T: ■ tuic Oder for ta>e Hnifnrni, Flo, o >l !?.t UU^ cturt m Uie must unproved ,«u.,.uy, C00k,,.* -..uvra^T o ****! and Cb«:, >u.» rt , ul various 5 UVv *j *o' wood common Unite*. Mis How W*r c ’ i,.***"*' l J irlor nuuiuiaciurc U.e K,u i.eu Kai- c *•*« geuera. .au.iai uo.i lo .no*. „ 4¥l 11 * cn gi veu meb which they wdu.d rc.pecifu, v i l !t‘L'!, U ‘- u ‘ e ' to ail °* the citizens and tne pm. tic general * v ■‘ llc, 'Oa U oi P-' rE-VT soLAitxiu’rlx Jfs^r^- r Miorawtii uf Comeuas & , f le,rt4V ®s lactare, and superior to a.. oih«. i» .. **? Ui4 ' ,u * churclic*. itemutiouu. factr.r-e, * ’ to private halts, and to nil other o .' c - bl,c “ otl and Imdiam light u de*r’i»>V wncrc * cheap, a fe Gas Clandehets, 12) Wood street, above Fifth ‘Jldd^erJ'lr J' 1 iNo cheap and well selected -tock oi n’ i m sto !® a Ter Y since the decline uf pncea m * , * r ‘ lwßre j imported are determined to sell ~n r r-.n ro Pc, and which they wl» b.vr. h“ b T> l.rly io caJl | o ,.w .V's.. K ? ,t ' ?■«!«- oci4 ” Wl ‘> save their expences. BiucKKr °“ * trial o i oat and • half nal**rt r~, T* prorjounc« thla article iuuor> IL, d °rabiUty h» tho construction of all kiodjof S-T Pr,c ® &a,?a eniti to, load* of 10 M, goarf Q |*i ne t* 0Qlh ! Uj *- Orders for a second quality Bolivar Bneki will be executed « t 820 per AI, if to dr *l „ *3 taoot Ifuarantte. A stock- of the firtt quality ’* tt® w fbraale at the warehou*-, -gloib’s WhanL’ Ca* Q*l Ba*m, by J bHA t? MACLAttEN, ___ _ Kensington Iron Wort* CPAXftX SIIUVfcXS) 4c.—jo doi Spulec and Sho- O vet»i 40 do .Manure Fork*; in do Oraui Sftorri*; fio do Socket do; Aie», Hueben, .MaUocta cad Picks, Bellow*, Vices, for_**le at mcnulac tare r* prices, by noviß CJX>COCifBAN, i* wood ■(