The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 04, 1849, Image 4

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CouthM ColJ*. A«ilunvU(o»ci''s‘ k -'•'«•
Cowuspufi#. 1Uo()d of Ktr.ii,-
« '* m £T>» 2< -hI Bretod, fAK-Unon »<
W ‘fbf Mc*r« lr»«or-i/a. Croup. Broken * «»«•
.„reuo.>.i*»re i > e rvo S2 IVi.iM
am) nillH>-eo»e« of the
Urea»inmn»iiig*; llie ct-*
fcctunl and care,
ever known rot any of . .
the auovo di^oa* 1 -•
DR. S WAY N E \*v 4
Oamponad Syrup of Wllrl
«Tki;, n eaic»nc u »o longer among..thlMfc r.t doubiml
H?hv It batpaaard rrom th«--..ltUCußundß <Uil>
UMehed upon tlir udi* of rxpcninetm a;t«d-i>ow *undt
iEEL to revottuon. and n beeominfc-O'Wte rjteuwVc-
Jywkul'uinft ai'Y preparation 4 cv,r
Jrodueed (ot th* reiiei ot Midcrin*
ULa» been inirednc-il rrrv p«ne^l^?:hro«i r |, i|, o
United SUIM njul there *rtf Ifcw town*, of
imftortnute bat what contain .orde .-returnable rvj.
deoee t»f in Z°°? ctWl * ,o . r PjK- f 'A 1 ' r « fc * to “‘*
■retemenU, and*of the value and rOmicKhr' ihr* nn-di-
proprihtn will rnavri a few of !ht tuner thou
lafld have been to him by*
Mien of the find men,w&o have
viMft oftnoral and joaUee* than u> err-,
tlfV to faeli, bPeaure » will do tuothp* a favor, and*
thaateWM no injuatiee t*nu»* ran-.
eloaivply that in aurptwing excellence. in- eainbiubed
hr lu inirirtaiP merit*. etui Ihc umjUe*ji»mible aothori
\£ of public opinion The uwiainafoou* relief it >*•
ford* and the toothing infiaence diffW* through the
Whole fnune by n* u*e.. render* it * ®d*t agreentne
remedy for the nlHieted
1 remember: „• ■
“When men, aciint from conretfidnpf* * l ‘" r ' l a ,
.almmnly u-Mimony w il>« “ ft,.”
l.ft, “ l '“ l 2; l 3S sv.neaon ol
wo,MW MM, .«« ,7«*yS,..i,n« ,0
«•»»<*. .CM oommoni.
"SIU.DTHK n^Mß^UrlW,!•*?£*■
9rnx Awmiß* huibeen <U tucotWu!
There never wan a r«»™> ni , utl(l 'ju l>r Swat ite'a
,o top''"” I "“iXvMcSSil.
Compound Syrop ( al ,he uie>rjem ile*hmrf«.
:ss;;s“™ ff*’" “> -
other medicine. crumra Co- UfftiVaAth, ls 4-.
rtoar Sir: 1 Uenly-Wdicyv your Com-
Dr. Rwaynfr- ,^, d t *j, efT y | |U bcßti-iSte' < Wean» of
poand Syryp of . ' -ht gradu
aaTUtf »r *”*• aUen with a eoflfch. utai
rrmedte* wlurli l haitrftcSdrne to. Mill
reauted n» «* C o*e exhibited aU.lftn\aympiom» o»
incrce'dnf W > n _ Ercrylhiaff Lined necna-d,
Co tnrtl ray complain* lbcre&ned MJrapid
» XJ*fBiSw « my*lf, irnvfi tfjT«U hope, of
lf At thia umc 1 wiu u> try
my recovery • i no itnlh- ihc )doai hap
yoilr l»T“' a rKt iiottle hod the Infect to looaen thft
pyie i ,tariS me and«by the
WwMfu‘ Cnr. «/ « ki***>'-
n. Sir 1 f«l «;l»J(.orsriuiuiJ« da?
” V(T7mv la the afllw',4 fcMfalW. 1(1 »«,,
2/!“ S d u«umoiiy-'>' r *™ r » f yf“’ s >
SlafWM S>y s » mr HiWtyaw«^o.l
rMOiwua t a r mflinHnatlon o( tb<
wa7 aecompnnted: a dwOenamg
Z'and Uaad,,a-
S? u st ’ of otfenalvatuoent frtnii,-lbe lunn. eape-,
b^rt t “ ar ol weadter, how PTC r lUgliL Al
SSI E SSS about my oo.uUuOa, hut wap pretty
ftnu J felt bo atari connump
toon convinced t k am j length was icarce-
Wtlminfton *’ ' h nrcviously.l ti»d brew preju
nr l m«M mullAn atiH-egmntt
diced agauial bub under-
UW *s| «toim* h u» the profediS? »d practice of
S&fand havrne nnptic.t
«■« of S“ SJf' rm " 6v '
oonaiderabte relief lblie sl>< -ake/,1 ‘frcqueuUy ar
red oflerutg du . aU *fieit with ihfc jfc.ttoanuncy wi
pleaaure _ •. *“
Ikabltn County, N.C.
(mforwnl Cannot— **»£' ■ ,|
United Stales and wne r«ru 01 "«£*• P
*■»*»« ‘Si h u3-Tc«v«rSrit.c dXjSv?
leen pui on. cuC Uefnotheir «u<r«
dreunttUncea. tn onW logi’- K . •. .•
ssSe-nSh . r .««»%. «•>» *
ss2T-wuto« »•«». rtK<*~i t?-«i2r.rSr
Stature; and a* further wcunij., liu- f£«r»U. of
M«vne will be added InneaHer. w»* a *o° dutuig i.
**fictitk>U* nouranw” by Medu.g lb* "»«“* ®< '•* “
ObSry lUimbo, >l*>r' ,uVj l! "
of Dr J*vr»yne, and be nr>i urceivou. V •
Principal Olfice, corner «i Kigluto-KH.; Race Me
TlloßN. id Martin ut, .S JON i '
A cor limul *>“' IVuu tir,. JtjHN P-i * **
KLL, Allegheny city. mid by ui. rdspecfo.ile .
radionre. —g--
SUNOUN WOUND? to discharge tlnitr putrid fltattrrv
■corocly* disease external or il.will rtfri
benefit 1 have osed u for tire laM.: *»Sr?o >f“ r * f V r
■UdueMu of me cheat. *»•* ******
and rerpomibility, nud 1 declare; jwio« hewend|jd
SSLttSTnW in one cu« ho* >'• Wf* 9 ,eU^1 vtd "
thepatient wu wnhin the ruach oftrfofttl mean*.
I Cave bad physician* learned ur*ihe'profe*.«ion. I
b*ve minUWM of the gospel, jodgee 'ftU.Uie hencu. p.-
,9 «ATISM_.t remove* immediately
tb« inflammation and swelling, when Oje pam*cea*e*.
* v-,
head*arhe of twelve yean, atundme* t»»d wfo> nad it
regular every week so that ’ } lw*e % KA.R
are helped with IHe aucreea. > • T ~
gCALDUKAD—We have cured £&*<? that actuary
~J? defied every thing known, a* well a»Jl>- --f!* f !
teen to twenty doctor*- One mail IoW u* he hud *»> •
SntOon b>* children withoa any be4ty«s when u i
boxes of Ointment cured them. .' . ,
TETTER—There t* nothin;; trotter^ the cure of
It u one of me best thing? the world for
Bt plL£S—Tbouiand* are yearly pit. «F l>y tlii* Oiflt
menu ll xxvxb fails vn giving rciiefffor tb*v File.
iry Around tho box ant directions, tof, oaing ki &i
-iaxsr’l QiMrtunlja* Scrofula , Uvtt Caftpjd ml, t-rynf'
lot Tout, UulUatn, Scald Utdd, £d?t *»*<*• S uu {P f ‘
Son Threat, Bronekiias, Ntrrous btfedfoM, Pams, IB'-
mstaftkM Spin*, ihad ackt, aukma,&uKnesi, Bfir ««,-
Burns, Corns, all Batata of Bu Sure X,«p'. ?•?*'
via kt , Swtiiing of lAe Lunbt, Suf a? W«i/mnruw,
BiUSyCold Fat. Croup, Su>tlUd or Broken Brian, Tooth
Bwus in ili Foes, if*. if<- . - . J
CJOLD FEET—Liver Complaint; m the Chf«t
and Bide, falling off of the hair, ot Oil; «b*r afrromflo
nie»cold fecL ?Tbia Chntmem m iheinVc remedy jlt
u a sure lign of diaeaae to have, cold-left. •
CORNS—Occasional use of tlie litiiifnenl wit. kl
way! kwru corn, from growing fdpge neejl uem
ba troubled wiOi them if they_u»fe »l ftefttontly
(to- Tin. thntinem i* good for any. R*fli of tlie l»orf\
or limb* when uidumed. In
*'£jSuTlON-N0 W.IIM bAw ij"
nfmt of JAMKS McALLLSTEK .< »*o,, «-,lh . p)-«
°“Fo73o*bymy A« in oil Ihs ond
>■““ U “ W '“"jillB uiAIiI.ISTER,
Pole Proprietor of
Pnncipil Uthcc, No •* NorUi TlKrtl street, Pftil
adelpbia. pRirK PKR
Aovrrts in Pnr«BL-aou—Braun A Rencr, «Tme< of
Liberty and St 0»u *l*l and L Wiieo*. Jr,- rort.ef of
Market si and the Diamond, « iM, , e s>V'? f 4 . lh p ? f
Smiihfield *ts; J ll Ca«»et, comerjorA>-fcbi»l»nd l»ii.i
and sold at the j» Smiibfieid
■ubd door from Second it; in Allpßfcepy-city by If P
Sehwaru and J Sargent; by J G gnaib, Dru«i< Mir
aiagbaa; 0 Negley. Ka*t Ihbertr, *'• C]
rSoort; i Alexander A Son, Monpivftahela Lit) , N
BbJSSui A Co, and J T Itogew, John
Pa; are wholesale .a^vju*
' a”affey<nmi>ENCfc li.'ai “BTtoNfc’s
A PEfTORANT is superior to allyatftrr r«ardie* lor
a^SSsfiS. lirsysa'to'ss 1 irsysa'to'ss
•u“s;x; pr.p-u- srsx
3&rr,™rf lo it a» of “
ltof 0..01 b>
hw.4 »l, b, DiV J.T»* .
TSSSImf •- /:
Dr. W. P. Inland’,
TAB. W. P. INLAND, ofibe Mrdi*iMAin«(f« bf Phil
adelphia, now offers io ths pobGcin* ludiun *££■
etable Prefmam Pla«ter,the qualities tU" which, aflrr
lon* and tried experience, ha* bcfn>»«t*f*clonly
tabUahed, To Oil women who ipu? Ae : afllu:ied Wjth
Prelaoa&a Uteria or Fallen Womb, lib JfreommeniD bi«
plSter, go.rmntecmg a.ur- cure bt ihc
ihort foaccor rotn two to 'tire if applied «(iih
eare Mwlreat-dißcarding all the
and explosive bandages so long in iis<, rins he f&ls
conscientious in stoirng, Inaarauab aa be ha. not failed
ease out of three hundred fifty three pa
““So f.f .nd IVn> BV««i •» Jl*f ». »>-
tended with pain, there is iba Plaslrr
in aflonfing relief or effecting a -fo t *ale by
L Wilcox, comer of Diumond it
Braun A miter, •* Liberty affd »W
prjgargent “ Federal si aa* Jhmaond, Aile*
u> C d Bira^g.
baa. fj- J
rxvHKVare not aware how fnghtfu&yliijunous it ifiu:
j£Ei3v eSto i. 1» . i««.
Which We call w*'", Dorificd of nil dclcleriios
j-oectyV I
(Tomier **A «»! Ae ■***■
The iwwi extraordinary M*d»e»ti* is tin Worl.l t
Tkt* txtraf. l u pmt *p IS Bottleo it it n
, u,tr cheeper, pit or enter. and rarrmnUd tv
•trior to awg told. It cm'-, ieilA*«S
trrartltu/. ruhtniag
or debilitating tk*
Patient. ,
The frost beauty and vurtunoritv of this Sarsaparilla
t>«-or all other ifaodlelnft* is. tJUt while It eradicate the «IL
f».c. It mvirormtav the body. It u one of tb* very best
Ever known , it net *aly purifies thn whole system. and
(tronrtheot lb* p«r*ofc. but it etaste# am pvrt out nek
ItovJ- a power possessed bf 00 other ctrtUeme. And |o
tub lira the grand wicrat ef tt* wwaderful (ueem. It La*
performed within ths Urt two yean, more than ltiO.Uw
-are* of same eases of disease; at least 15.1HX) wyfe
co□tuisrp'l incurable. It ks* raved the lire* of myre
Dun 10.000 children during ths two part
10,000 csms of General Dcbiliry and
want of HfTTooi EnercT-
l»r, Townsend's Survnparillk invigorate* the whole
,y.u;in permanently. To thora who bare lost their
muscular merry by the offsets of medietne or Indiscre
tion committed in vvatb, or tho exeasslt* iodutgeoe* of
t]»e pannoo*, and brought on a general physical prostra
tion of the nervous system, lassitude, want of ambition,
fainting sensations, premstnre decay and decline, hasten
ing toward* that fata) disease. Consumption, can be.en
tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sarsa
parilla is far superior to any
Inrigertulag Cordial,
As it rrnrsi and invigorates the system, rivr* activity
U. me liuilu. au.l strength to the mmrulsr syslem. In a
most extraordinary degree.
Conaamption Cared,
Uksisss and Strengthen. Csnnraylui (an be eartd.
Brvaehiui. Coiuvmptio*, Liver Ct'fplntnt Culde.
Catarrh, Cought. Atthma, Spxttxng of ttioea,
Sorcw in tAi Ctutt, Htene Flatk, Night
Sweats. Difficult or Prqfiut Czpecte
ration, Pam is the Sidi. B-e.. iati
been cm i ess Be twrtd.
ITe a Tork, April 2^^847,
01. T©vwbb*d—l rtCs baQeve that year Sanaa •-
rfll* hao been the means, u/ough Prortdenee, of saving
tay U£s. I have for several yean had a bad Cough. It
became won* and versa. At tart 1 raised large queatl
fia* of bed night 9tree U. cad was gtMily dvhilk
taleU arid reduced, and did sat expert to lies. I have
self hm( year SaraapntQa a than time, and there has
a weaibsrfel change beam straight in me, lam sow ahla
io valh dl em the ally. I raise ae bleed, sad By
•sufh Ins l«ft ma. Tea earn well hriggtee that I cm
thashfli fsftben results,
Tsoi sßsdulHmil,
T7EL EDSaKLL. tt^aihesta^rt
Female Medicine.
St. Tesrueod'eßtjaspaHlla Ua •evdrelga aid (needy
rate fW laainient Consumption, B&rraanms, Prolsnrai
Oieri. or Falling of tbs Womb, Ceatlveaeae, Ptlaa. Lea
eorrbosa, er WbJlaa, obstructed n,dittcQit-Uatisbrne
tlon, locoatlaense ef Crime, er iavelaatarv dlseharg*
thereof, mad for the raatnl pviutrmtiea of the syslAia -
so matter whether ins tasall af tmheramt cane* er esdaea.
produced by Irrafatarlty, Dlaaea er ee«!denL Notbiag
can be more inrprtsiaf than its iarlprmtisg effects
on the human frame. Parsecs aB wemmnau amd Imsd
tude. from taking it, at oaee baeese rohurt amd full, ef
energy onder Its Inlaonee. It Lmaadiately cousteracu
the nerrnlestseaeef the femmia frmine. wbieh is the great
cause of Bmrrenße**. it be expected sf ua, l«
emaes of so delicate e natnre, to azblbtt carttfleaUs of
core* performed bnt we cam msetire the afflicted, thai
boadrod* of eases have baa* reported to ua.
ef cases where families have been without children,
after using t few bottles ef this Invaluable asdlciwe,
have been blessed with iaa, healthy offiprtaj.
To Heiben mad Married I^adiee.
Thle Extract of Sarsaparilla has baa a expressly pre
pared in reference to femmia complaints. No female
who fine reason to suppose eh# is appreaehixf that
critical period, * The torn of Uft,~ should safiaei to
take it, at It is a ear tala preventive fox aay of the
Buaerotu end horrible diseases to which females are
mb)set at this time of life. This oertod «ey B« it-
U fad for srarrei fears Bf ueiag bus msdactsa. Ner
b it Idas valuable Tor those who an approaching wo
manhood, u it is calculated to asalxt mature, by quick
emiug the blood sad invirorating the system, fndeed,
Uu* medUiss is iuraluablh' fbr all the delicate discs
w* to whvob women are eubject.
H braco* the whtde vystetn, renew* permanently thv
io:ii:«t by removing Use impurities of tka
body, not *o far aUmulatihg as to produce *uh*equm.”
relaxation, which it tba ca>* of moat medicines uk<*.o fui
female weakness end disease. By ualcg a few bottle*.<>l
this medicine, many severe and painful surgical ojicr*
lions may be prevented.
Great Blruins to iTlotlirra and Chiliirrn.
I It IS the safest and noil effectual medicine for purify
tng the system, and relieving the sufferings attendant
upon ehrid hlnb ever discovered. It »tr*ngthen» tw»iu
the mother and child, prevent* pain and dt»eat- in
crease* end enriches the fbod, those whn haw u,r<| n
think it l* indispensable. It is highly useful l»>th b«fi»r*-
and after confinement, as it prevent* disease* attendni-i
upon ehildbirth—io Cortisone**. Pile*, Crumoi. t>wr||-
Ins of the Feet Devpondeney. Heartb im, Vomttinr,
P*tn in the Back nod Loin*. False Pain*. Hemorrhaue.
and in regulating the *ecr*U«i.* and equalizing the rtr
eulation it has co equal The great beauty .if tin*
medicine is. it is always safh, and ibe m«i«t <i«lic»ie u»»
fc most meceasftilly, vers few case* require any other
mod trice. In wime a little Castor Oil, or Barne.l*,-..
useful Eaetcue lathe open air, asd light food w»ti»
thu medicine, will ml* a> * ensure a aa/e and easy con
Kteaury usd flesllh.
' Ooacseiiea Chalk,'»nd * rarinty of preparstlon. *#bc
rally m nu. when applied to the face, v-ry »oon tpoil it
of iu benuiy. Thay elo.n thr porea of the thin, ahd
rbaek tha urculatioa. whinA when nature is not thwart
a.l by diMiit or powder, or' the Aid Inflamed by th*
alkali** used la »«>*(>«. heautificj iu own prt»ducu»n id
the “ human f.c* Divine.'' ** »rll a. in the rsrdeii •«(
rich and drhci»i*ly tinted and »arlrgatH flowers. A
frer artire and h«*!lby alrealatloa of th- fluid*. «r tfo
eouisinr <*f the pure, neb hU-d U> th* *itr-niitre. f n
that which paiatu lha eminirctDe* in the most **jyn.-
ilt« beauty. Ill* that which imparts tire ind-*frib*t*l«
shade* and fl.sftn* of lovol-tre** that tl! admire.-but
Done cse deteHbo This beauty is the effspnas of aa
tarr—not of powder or to op If U aot a free and
healthy elrealaiioa. there A«“ beauty, if the lady t*
fair as drivan sea*, tf she paint, and u«e eoemoUca.
i and the blood It thick, cold and Impure. »h« u not beau
tiful If ahe ba brown or yellow, and there i* pare sad
active blood, Itgtvaa a rleb bloom to the cheeka. aad a
brilliancy to thtir eyea that Is faaosstiag. \ 1
Thu is why the saathera. aad etpeetally the Bpaa
i«b ladicw. are so much admired. Ladi*» m the north
who take but little .aerei**, or ere confined is close
room*, or have .poUad their complexion by tbe appU
ealiOD of deleterious mixture*. If they wish W re
enia elasticity of step, buoyant spirit*, sparkling aye*
and beautiful complexion*, they ehould use Dr Town
send - . Sarsaparilla- Thousand* who have tned tt, are
more than saU.fiod. are delighted, l.adie* of eTery
stslioa crowd our ufllc* daily
Roller to the Ladle*.
Those mat imitate Dr. Townsend - * Sarsaparilla, hire
invariably coiled their stuff a wrsat Remedy for Ft
males, Ac_ Ac, and hare copied our bills and circular’
which rebus to the complaints of women, word for von
—other lurs who put up medicine, have, since ths
lurrru of Or. Towntced’a B*r**p«rtll* in eomplsum
incident to ftraal**. recoamendod their*, aitbougb prn
viously they did not. A aamber of these Mixture* Fill*.
Ac., are injurious to fnmalea, ** they aggravate dreeare
and undermine the constitution. Dr. Townsend'* is the
only and best remedy (or the numerous female eoo»
plaints—it rarely, if ever fails of effecting a permanent
cure. It ran be taken by the most delicate ferakics,
in any case, or by those expecting td become mothers,
with the greatest advantage*, a* It prepare* the system
and prevents pain or danger, aad itrengtheus both
mother and ehiU. Be caroflil to get the genuine.
Ncrefala Onre«l<
This certificate conclusively proves that this Sarsa
panila has perfect control over the most obstinste dl»
oases of the Blood. Three person* eared la one houss
is unprecedented.
Three Children.
Da ToWWSXHD— Dear Sin I have the pleasure to
inform you that three ef my children have beeu cured
of tire Hcrofula by the use of yeur excellent medicine.
They were efflictod very severely with bad Sores , b*v«
taken only four botllea. It took them away, for whieb
l feel myself under great obligation.
Yours, respectfully,
ISAAC W. CRAIN. lOfl Woo.tor st
Opinion* of Pbyalclaon.
f)r. Townsend u rnimost daily receiving orders from
Physicians iu different part* of the Union.
Tbti is U. certify that we, the undertigned. Physician*
of the Ciiy of Alban v, have In numerous cases prescrib
ed Dr Townsend's MarsaparillA aud belisve It to b*
one of Hie BW«t valuable prenaretioos in the market.
ft. P PULING. M. D.
• R. B. BRIOfiM. M. n
Albany, April 1.1611. p.K.ELMKNDORK.kI D
to the great succeas and muneuse sale of Dr
Towmeod's Sarsaparilla, a number of men who were
formerly our Agents, have commenced making Sarsapa
rilla Kxiraclt. Khiit*. Kitten, Extracts of Yeiiuw De<a.
fce. They Beoerally put it up in the same shaped -boi
tfoa, sod tome of theta have stole and copied oar silver
tisemeoi* —they are only worthless ImlUtious. and
Should be avoided.
Principal Office, I2fi FULTON Street. Bun Building.
N. y Kidding A Co, tl HUte street, Boston , Dyoit A
-Sods. UW North Hrcou,’ sireel, Philadelphia, H. B.
Hancn. UrugruU B*Uiii)«r« . I* M. Cohen. Cbarleslmi.
Wright A Cu„ II»1 Chartres Street. N U , lUi South
Pearl Street, Albany , end by all the pnonpal Drug
f „l, 3 „d Merchaiil* eeuerally throughout tire Dialed
KUie*. VVckl Indio ami the
N. ii.— I‘ereotiß iminirtng lor this mnbrme, slioulil
not be mdured to take any oibrr. pui up
SHrsuparilln*. iiml of eourec prefer selling ilirir own
D<> not Ire deceived by any—inquire for Dr Town
semi *, Biul inke no other, ttj” Krsm-mlrer Hie genu
ine ‘"Townae'id's *obi by the «ole ni'c-nts.
EL K. SKLLF.KH, C.rneral Whole*Hlo ft Ueimi Arnii,
No, j 7 Wood street, and D. M Aileg.lirny
City. jeJfi
For the Recoverv of Dormant nml iniprm>erly Wnii
held RKaL A*ND I'KRSONAI. KsTATK: u... .He,
lirnrenl and A rUltrnlloil of Oomnirmui, Tradunf. n 1
outer Debt*. Srtsunng Fiiiciile i/»r liivfuti<in« m Cf>-»
Uritum. Ireland, Linl .hr Colonnre liiul Ib-|*eii<if t,rre,
thereunto belouping. and Ni-eoHiiiiii!; iur tin- I'm
chaw or Sale oiihc -nine
KKFF.B a KN(TF. may be r»d i>« nppbcvlion frfe o
charge, (provided the imm-.-r ,c m- 1 tlint of jrier*
puriohliy,) to a |j*t u.*vanl» of (.».!«*
name* in which uncin.ined prop*’ny m -tnndtng
Alto, an index t*t our in.faxi .«<tvrri. '••ineni* winei
have app-: urr-d for the prou o<) y-ar» m vsrum. licit.-1
newapapiT*. oddrrawd to Heir* m i.nw’nnd ru-it <v
kin. tfonmiumratiori' by i-I't ar*- rr«|ue*icd L» l r
post-pa.d • BKNTHAM F.\H!A>U
•lr Broadway. New "i ork
. References u re, perm tiled to Hon Oiarie* |* hmy,
Judge Court of I'onmon Flea* New y ork.
Freeland, Stuart & Co
Ciia». t'artlidge A Co.
\V. AJ T Tap*cott.
O R. A. Rlekctt*. F-iq
Kdwnrd Schnnler. .Cincinnati, Ohio
A. Falcbiti, Eaq., President Patclmt Bank. Bnffulo
novVI-dCm _ * _ _ .
“ The Allegheny Cemetery,
AT the unfloai tnreUiiK of the Corporator*. h*-}.| on
the Slii inst, Iho foliowitiv peraon* were unam
mtrtixiy ro-cioelcu Manager* lor Urn enaaingyear:
y THOAtA» M. HOWE, Prcaident.
WILSON >Manager*.
J, Pwxx7, Jr., Secretary and Treumrer.
lie aimaol statement prescnled the affairs of the
Company in uvery prosperook eoiulltion. 'FUeir office
Jn iba city n No.» waterj»>n»eL _ jdia
*7VItkKN APri.F>-»1 hlila, axsortaif kinds, for. sale
|jr by uoaU ISAIAH DICKKV A Co
Li» m store and for Bile by
V deoß dec* ISAIAii OieSEY 4Co
Hl\\RR\ i._- i-iye-ij,4 nii'liuit for washing
• tia ‘ app ionlion for n
P a ’ r|l- It'cyar.. i,.-r obVri-l -it mJ<- hi the war.
I.o.:- v, No ,
• 1 : ’ d, «- CJ! .
i --c .t .1, '-u,i -i: .. pj,- ~j. •!■*>«(• %»!,<■
■ : It-l' ’’''l '*■' '-t'UAIi !||C !ju,i| Is>
Hrv "
• n,.. >• *! *ire s:l. Order. :e.,m nbron.
h l-AKIO .i[. , rH;rt'-,-ouA IV,
JT: N>’ itr U Put.burgh,
husurtitl & bona' Soda Aili.
re now ’.l>--,r Fn:. -to- »
1 .•l-'.f -.«w-v 11‘le Inri-e v-<-s«r... Vil the julii.i: .
1 ■- •'■'Vii'g arr-ve,! .
:or ‘ : >rmg r- •„ tar n,. vi ,; vu N.-.v ilr") ~^
: _ W \ M MrirHI.I.TKKK
MUL.NT WM,).}.' IRli'cil.J-For i-icatilnc w:i:
ai. I 'tam>. and i«-|>ro>lu<*t:« i|, r l>et>u:ifb' and duui-it
if-' >»l Ilf W W.ll • J U«i I'criVf.l 4:id ~>r who i
.:iif ui.d iriitii, i.. JOHN D .MOKOA.V
MR > \MI, II H \KTSIA.N l«nvmg *old hi* mirr
e-i .11 llic • .» i-anncrsltijt of foleniau, ilaiiman A
I’-o. in ihr rcm;i : i:if' jinrmcr*. ha* thi* dny retire.)
ir.i-n ’ |,r hrm February |y. Wfti n
I>H'IM»I Ki.H MANI KAl.rn.KV>. The uinl-r
• igiit-J, Agent .or ibr munuiuciurer-. hn* on bun.:
;i id i» ron»inn;:, i er ei v ii;g n full *ujipiy of the »niri<-*
iTindf in !’ its.-ii,:.ii amt v.cutiiv. wturfi hr offers !■ r
•a.r =n nia.iulatU’jirr* |-r,f. -t t.K« > i'OCMKA.N,
_ uO wood •:
j N 111 A Ul Uill.l! I*ASTK-"l sru'.s bl.u'ea India Hu -
1 ir-rl* i»-<- iin i ic r;i*-i-; aitiolr lor rendering n<u.i
a'l.l *!n»r< prib c" ) wairr ;>r(»ol, and 101 l as a piece i.i
inak-- it., in ,iii{- i \ ..u- lu wamr mr -J .<r .) mouths. ai..:
a r- Tirc: |.rrvi msir.r •;.,m;he ieau.rr rnickiiig
Hr, \1 ~i.d ior e in.- In.i.a H.ibbrr Drum. No
*: l’r w 'l I J A II 1’H11.1.1 !*<
I! " O K S -Cooper - 9ur K irHi 1 -,.
1 ••; , r .ai.d • t'riivrfluM' A”:iio«n\ I>rut-:i
>li f"r l . . l'r • i ...I Clnuera. Krr..- undo. Bell,,
I'f-i.-iic • i .rev . Jurisprudence, i,nivr* i'ii
I. c uir. Hin. • *,.,.. Broun-on Joint*. Mugenui, -
l-liy* N.- gai <m M, dir me*. Fan*' Ptmrmaroinina
11. -M..U r>. do on Diirn--«oM\ .unen, M,,.,-
KMinrt ,rn 1-1,-, l‘„ik-r on Si,>,tim'li Yeip.-m,
on »rrs,rt. I>U{. •r-.'ur on fteru*. Krnmer uu Ur.
i iuik on l'on«uii'i‘'.oii. I’miie*’ i*,»|> Med . Artiweti
F. inaies Si,-wan on t*ln!.iret», Re|f« In-moie*. Fer--.
ra on Blood. 1 m,,- ~ii Fhxbui*, Kllioteon'* Frueio -
!li«pr,'\ ireis' Sur.Abcn.alt,>* Work N Phillips',.
Scrofula,', Practice. Ucllmrd on i.'biitlrru.
\el|M-au. Midwticry. Kl>crbo'» TUempcuuus, Beil *
Anatomy. Clmrk on Kcmrnlc*, Aimiom>
i"n<n» r r .'II iWinentiniin, l ofidir. on iUnldrrii. Mil,.-* -
I'nn ol Suigec. I'hurehi.i'- Kr-nimlrs. llewee* »n
‘ ‘hiliire),. do on \i id wn t-r y , do on Female*. Duugll-i" •
do I'.c l.oi.aiV., Prim
ra * Mal-r M... . U airunN Prmciiee. Li<tun‘* Sure,
n . Dn.'ttuanii « I'l-o iio-. do Mntrria Medi. a, Millet
fli\. K«,.—riH:mi - Mid. Hurled on Krvi't-
Hop- on Hear > ..luml-ai o:i Frinalr*, FurriiMin *
hui«d. u .-On *; A naioiii\. William* ..n Keap>raion
ur,;an.. Adrr, ru.i...,e.0. Brain. Dur g.i-on'* new Rm.
The above, w.-. II (fiiera: »»»uriineiti of srnndar.l
Ff I lure*. I Nt.I.ISH :•» Wood
s . M Mli.l-l.tiW .r.e.l-d i.ii,.
: •ltjzz .ivj’ ";.v
.Sir , ,’W- V 1 n.c, v l umacr*. I.arou. he* Mu.
ir»n. e nn.l ne*|i-. u. »n\ loiliul tit ibe I-j»m »•„,
•rae la lor any i r ~i i'arri*<-. ii,> K gie* aad M
ronv \%,.i be pi.Mi.i'■! > I, eu
iitri.H».v> ..I K FHli.-r>on. K II I
l> Uairniu. I^. ( . i(,i Rub:.. F.*q < 1. .Man.;,, a
sFttki i> m\ Lr:rrh.R> patent
1)1 A l M M'loN .ob.died io’bi, rniir. -.
new arliclr ... HAILINI., tuadr Ol wrouglil n."'
bit r*. am) >oit ai.nea ie.l r,.,K, or w >re and r l i>r e.* v
Je.lgned mr lounge-, t let ie*. Balm
liirv Pu'-’h- <iMi.,o •. 4 e . n> |,r,ee • v at> lag Irou, .>0
Ul T ; W Ml. > u t-mr Ivan. It ,* -nude 11, pnnne *
1 ,:':v -he l V\ IMF ,.eH,.;f or n* v»i..j
oruainenial Jr,,< - n,--|llrr wnl, lln-Mirinriv b-v
l'r wider. are* .; »„).er.e.|e
in -r it* r,. v>- !--. , F-.r li. rll,.- r (•» r l.c-nla i - ..I
.:re.. \| \ H ■*! 1A 1.1. \ MKUTHKKv
Agrnlv mi P.lrnler.
'i'!.'. 1 * .Hni
A L ( 0II« L A Nil P l; K 1! S PI KI T S
l orner From no 1 Vine sticeta, Cineutnau, O.
(Ty - Ot >r. **<>•• I’ - t»bureu lor A loltol. Pure Sp.r
i:*. Raw or Hri- -d \\ i.. «key. w, ,i be promptly alien
drd to at lowi-.l i ..ukr! price. ixienli dl >
R""K<*Kl'VhD TTITsIjaY. ill lire liew Carpet Wurr
liouk-. N«> *•"> Fourth «trect —
Rjr h crnboNi-ud Pi iiio cover* j Plant Turkey red t 'i.i nti
(in •)(> T» ;, ,r do | Fl|J d do do do
Worvicii iio Co do do Border;'.e.
li.ur Dunni**. i Carpr: Bindmiy*,
< .ferl: mpr- *•;; j
Al.S‘ h— l "iiinpi iiotlnn Trait*paren: >hadi'«.
Hrriplu’’ View* do do
lurki«h d«i do do
('Wire*. do d-.‘ 'o
I>raprr-, t'!unr»» do Co
Moil, .I’*;t S'tws do do
l.and»<-j|re do do do
T tiotin t do do
i ‘nrd aiiil Tumi * Ru rr* and Smi*. Rack
Roi-r f-ktil*
Tire ;i'-ovr ( >U ihl< a co; '.lre r.rire«l und tirwm
n. d' i u-fr'mrr* -«'d tiio— u.-i«iit>iF. - o luriusb or i■
marT W MillNTot'K
i ll m.|.i,ireir> I'HI.MII M KIRK I'Kmd
t) , i'I.MKNT I'li*- Proprietor xtomJ
niKjrni ;*i•- pul...i- •' -it li<- ha- now lire -rlulhcljimi 'i
offer lirem u trein- wnret. » ;j wcul. b»:iuii!ul!y iuni
durably. a!i nrire • • 'siCruua. Knrthrn mid (ilaios* bi f,
Shiul<--. < irtintireii . M.i:' re. Ivory. Av . without rit«
figuring lire in in r--. ’lrnng thrin t* u«»*:ul ho
I’orp'iw \* I*if* rer ev iirev w<t<- iremr-’ i.rolicn.
and not ulfr-c n,i v Ireet. WHlrf of air
Tlw- t - «-im-nt i. . ot wrnSr.n-d in the wlren >l!i
jri’teil to a strum; ry Ire;*', or when imurer««-d in Imi
waii r Tire put r iiav* .or.g »m*-e b-ii tire. i.i-«*e«Ni'v
o: su'-li :i,i min- • in tin- thrir r ipn-latiiiUls will
|re tubs rranzrii * * .1 I* appired without heat mid cun
!,<- an'il I - -, a ru. . Tire •untmber has fully irsi.-.i
HU* nnirre I-o, by W H WILSON.
,corner market mid 4th ri*
, gbrnbltery, Krer*
Treei. Ao. Ac.
THK »ui*.crit»er offer, mr
»nle » large and .elect n«-
*«iruiieni ol Blum*, t-unia. 11
ing choice ever blooming, riuh'er and itaidei.
Knu*. ol th- vafi
il>• > . monthly hloxini’.g
l’Uol*.for illuming in yard.
Ac . ul reduced Jiricc-. i.r
1 ,uo*el*r 1 ri*-«. Curlin'.
I>t■ |. r Vi ie«. Kliuhar'-
MuJe Tree*, and oilier
p.miit, Ituii'iai nnd Kla«* ■ <
Ki...i» in a gtem Vann-.
u.| m line .-i.n.1i 1 11.11 -*.r
-.(inOK I'iilntillK UriW* I
in a, J j’l l!*l>nr c n Pr.«l Oflif ,of IHt ul our •tnml No
•j~ t>i4iiionil Mark"-'., \vm l.c • ui' luiij (Kicked U)>l tof
'X-irdril i»- dir*-> d
Order* lor Km. .lift'. Ir'i Will! W T K*nvii, Frun
rr.M CUir 0.. r J A M K-S WA K JMOl\
Maiu-lir.ler ,Nur»cr\
inch l£ d I inA w.n'S
BA i AIIM>T«AJK \ ni> I'r.i union ir orC U u«i.
, tm* U great advantage over many Ollier
Ouogh pn-jiarui.ui.- »■ It* plea-ani ta«tr permit. m„
t-r u.ed withou l mcn.ivemrnrr Hut H- v»lur I. j
■•on»t»‘U ... ti.■- «(>erdine»ii of n* < ur- We h«* >
knosv.i -omr ol the nn»M dr-peture cough*. urn
which timl been n.Mintrit -n for u rotmulrfable I'-nr..
01 Uine, yield uiinr.-t uiiittedialelv'to U» (>nwcr
111 .ill'll we:iili>-r «*• '*' have hud during Hi*' t
wml. f. every «.. - liable to tnk e cold. u«lo*a ( n • j ■
1 rull . ; ,:„e e»|,o*ure 10 thr mrlrmi-nr)
llir \uiMrf lilt.-.I :.n*lli<*'HH. uf H tilirk...,-
rrnlifn. win* !i a >i“.‘ k ri iin'ily l ,r * V®** l
tf \Vr has- n’j'i- ft’if i-eii>liraie.i of’ rurm* winch
linu j.erlormed 11.1.n\ ..l I» l.n-|| Uf from 111 ‘lk
rity u.;d the in-.r i.'-.n nood mid lit*">* uf “ ■
, r «vn)„, 111 •jinn mioiliiT ivut J 111 it • m vi>t
prepared mid i..r * 1 •• wh»dc*nb- nn.l f.f.l'i 15 *.
K • .1 • out* f m V. .mkl nn.i J*i:*i.l
vVoi.,l nmimli ... marlJ-.iA.w'*
Mnm.iß...i.i-r and denier m! km'li 01
jA Unmn.Ml , » HM-urgO. Pa . wuuld rci-perll.i-
I> mil "lie alien J I’nunlry Menliw*ll*. Ilolnl *»'..l
Si*-run 1.0.11 I‘..t r t ■ ■ j.>- rn, >rr :t Inrre and super tur a.-'.n
mem •,( I.M p< >P I I 11 1 It. A KS. among winch vrn. 1..
(ngilrt me* vir. Eagle. Regnlio. I ‘a*
ir'. 1 n .••ij..-. I N.irnih*, Star Brand. Minerva i.n.l
Jx.l :tr U. -i: 1.1 - . : 1.1 -.vlnfti will I*' - **>ld «» low *
. in i.,..i hi u :iii-f l.ou-t in ’lie i-.'Y
.ini.. , mi HauU and lor ««»i **. a 1:1 1}"'' 811,1
d*i.i k V,r».nm, Mi-'niiri ami Hue l.u:
Aleo. llu-ui.H. Culm and ('otnim.n I eal Tolmi
nii.tHi,; l on lu.n I mill lor •*!*• mivlilllm
L" Nr*H KI NH A FI.A.N.MJd*-K Minn* in
j invite, the .I'ieniton of buyer* to In* “lock of the
ul.ovr good* 1 of a, llir didr rent rjil .ill lien. auid U> tie ;i*
nmlirinkali e „« me We,.ji. and ai Hindi lower fine.-,
i.enniwe I 'ii.hi.-.. ai*o eon*l :iIIIiV 011 hand.
(; nll/ . uinl r*.lk .I-., 4 4 uni | Uo, lor Shrouding pur-
fionie mail*' AV ii.'e i laitnel* mu! Ie n«e V•. I'onUßnt’y
nn ii.iitd, at the lii.i ui cil.t corner ol h ourili nml Alar
krt *;rec!». Ir l*6
S'/IAOKLKTI' A WHITK. U‘J Wood utree!, arn nmv
reeelvuiß a irmb sirmlt n( DBA OOUOS, ofrerem
(iu reliant-. mul .lyk-s, jmUcrii.t. Ac, whicti ikey
will acil low lo the trade.
Merchfli.ta arc to call and examine ilirir
ftoyk and pneev _ fel;''
rpJIANSi'ARKNT SHADES—Ju»I received at.d for
x «Ue at W M’Cimtock'* new Carpet Woretnom,
No7&Fourili *l. u liuudtorac ataorinißm of ‘i'
renl Window Shades, BJ very reduced whi* h
we HiTJte the BUentnJM of tbo«e wuhniK io iarclie ar .
LARD-. 16 keav Lard, tel bbi» do, in more afld for
(&lc by fobU JAJ DALZELL
Hankers, Exchange Brokers,
AM' LUOlLfcfci i.N
.NOTKS. iIRAITS. ' iTIT.I NVF> «,u; ~ v] [ \-J K
i' *1 .LKi 'I B'N > li* ,: *. Non • ri-i \ ,p- J; ,, , .
I. >. i' lIA N* ■ F in. \.-.v p.
i'll-. No M ' »r' *' t
I>' N Fm K rr \ N Vl i »-'m C ' 1 V 'V,' l ' tU " K,:k '' '>•
I.M-n lJeJi.’Vite,
KSTKIta Kisus -
Kcnluei •-,
tilt : J \ nle* .
pur,-ha«e.| Kt the Intve.t r\:e*. ! y
, . N A M..\r
b. Mark, , ; .-ei
OK K IC|| a NGk >, r i,i .
N llol.MFs A Suns.
p1111. i p>l)r■ Kt,., p t
r J’HK -I -.M, Ih,„, M ~,
-..1 t., -., I'
:ln- mr d . •' .■>, , >.-• . ,
pa rue.b e. J..U ••• a* I. ... »
01 mnn.K, r.v w lx.-'.. ... m
* II 1 I l,c ,r ‘ ,-li irom Utri I • . ill In mu.. .
bi, a' i g every re, ll*ll,' ;o reader the ... \nV,-
Vui.d ugrerab-f, .-lnd I mid; .u:-.-u ...ji 1,:I
c i'iii i«-rl. i- xi.' u 'y iri.u i- ii . .-.I \ x m ii.ijip . ,i .
Prr*on- w.«hii»< u» .iva.! :1iri,..1 1.,* pJvhmi,,.
tfr» hi' fl - 011-'fi'll . MIII 1 1 I'M a J,I Ic< * I J,„ . u;,,, ~1 , r
!•) •••Urr .J'li-I -•..lift; i ~-:,i ,«
v.-i- .mi Hi' : -• j.jii i iiix.'.i ' „\
lake lor ih'-II .--I'eei.t' I»e,*i>„n; u-, '
l.l'V, AKI' \« Ul K. M |i Mioi.i e ,
I’ll ' I'-buit. li-nt...
K»»jSVN.»* Kid- ,1 K;; .1 ,- :. , Af,„-Ul»i;,' \ (I
I'alS.H*,; dt, 11..1, I II I*. He ~, \ I„
HaiKei. J ' Pro- I ml I, .nui p , J. .
F a n- I I'b... H-v > II >, e.-,) \,„ \d ~
Hr.. M \l Pr-d.'.-i.., \ J . I F
N' -t \ m*. Ul « ,•• • P: , \\ ||
' ' 1 F.-.j IV.:.bur, \ lUd.i-"- K* , . .b,
N F U S (l R k A \ |I P II I I.A Pill \
rums, nsximpx a mi vmiH'S.
~f Tin: in>T iiuuii isi.i in.-r-r.ii-
IN fill' Hi's niINMK
Head (tunrlrrs for Horn* a n«l Slioca.
N I'*-tv- T-.i-y I a
TO t A 1.1 KOKM A N s.
Y HF. 'MI.I Fit - ! ... '
* l upn >’ .1" -a ■ ..." e..
" 'pn .1 d .) r*
I M 808 I'LKs mid Wl.oic.iijc | u-u,Vi .,..
J Lhime.tu- Hardware. 1 lit.rr-, r Ac |*4y
VYi»od ttrecl. Blttehurrh tirr now n.. , |.i.-|iir. : ..
a recent.v uii|H>rled *ti»ck .if ltard.\-i'i- 1 ji-.-n
dier> ( urt>rn-er*' T0...* A<-. in oile; vr-. lti.i
duccineiit* to k\.-*:in M>-1 • l.;i . ... m In.,
the nuany ndvaiiingc* i.,d,.' onr ji.c.v.e... •« M. .
xr« I ,og il; A K' 11 tied Y we li* vi- u: . , 1,. •r n •• d .
on the very '•-«! lerm*
Tne lamor mernner* of me imn iii-mte it., ,r
utaction. respecliulr. ».)ni-|1 11 ril.. rrum n;. will, in 1 \
vi*ii th'» market • im-iii;
*|' M K rrr»te«; and iw»i *ur et\ ever nfl'ered .n •li ■<• 'T
1 iK-lorr - wnitr on the mo-i iippmv-il p mi* -
« r 'l fii..*; ia»Hion n!i > Kjmo apaup r a* ami ro.«>» A*o
rut: oikai* kolu 0 r in»**roN bi.inu. » i.avi
nr made 10 ouW o< *./-«. an-1 >u all pnr r «.
<xiumrv Murrlnum and miien* an- invited n ral: and
eiauiinr ;iip above (rn ;!, ■ni -'iv• • n> g;| i,r *m,j
WholP««ip or retail, ami » ..Uu deduction luaile l«<
wl»«»ic*nlr pur<*tia«ef l
A wnrmiVM.T
iindermrnrd ollrr- luf mir H »uper -ir ir'p
A. of l»r»«• k U'i I'Uii‘Uni:, madr l.y in- iv- am I’.r •*..
unproved marl).nr. lor vwiili'li I.*- lire ohlMii.--' r«
4:1.1 i<-e* 10 51 vr pun- im.-t-f» « * mtr nfuu 1 in:. ;i. 4.
Hire are .i|:d nih iruM v. ri •* m lit
er unil inilnhe Ir.* mm-'iirr <>f i!iui(|>4>-- limn mi . <..h
t ri«• k. KrPKirr Ih-I\ mid run i. »*
•ml murli more iluraMr ,n .-v-r\ . .1. .1 1.r,. »
hcmif Mllijerir.l in K ptr-mre 01 -vr rn I 101 l • .mil po.
Thri hevr f iv-m t;ir y
811. l •1W..1 j. .l .I I , ■. 1 . t , m, , 1 | (ir 11.
II. run*.if n(ii Jll 1. I.*l • 1 :i
14FKH N.~ AA AUK MAM I M'l t H !.|(S. '
Blrulni(U*ui |ii«ir Plt (aliurß)>,,}*«..
Wrarchuuse, :'wi. I .1"/, U.*»/ viral, i' lli.'ntr^h.
W I |,l, - 4 -Uy t-fp,. ■ 1.41..1 4 RCHV.I l,»„|
mrnt ■>( AV *■#, nl »>ur own liriiiioiii : t »r>- nn.l
»n |*r: ~| .juwJll \ VV lj.i|.-».1.r ,i,„) v ,\| 41
• nine for tfi> tn»r Iven u ■ - are dr (»• iin i ii.ij in .?|i
cheaper Until ha* eVr r 1.1 lore l.m p nil. rili> | i.e |>Ulr
\[~J~ r« «?nl hy mm I. a.T..rtipnnie.| he uir r *«h or
rUV refrr. n.‘f will Im pfl.llipl!r aUm.lrd (i. |
NhW i AKl’kf* Itnmeil n„. dm
llir jiiantilaeitintf
«lo .1o do <L »U|.r| l .
,}o do I* I ';i rp* >
do Briim-Ota, very rlir:.|i. ,||.
do »upei ,i„
4 4, l 4 and 3-f<A . >.r i,a,i
44. • i 4.lit 3-rJftSnritu.i.i j„
AH ol wfti.'li wirQ*, Mint ill a -iii.|., a.lVnnrr n.-.l
will rnHt uulfr Ii « low n» run l.r |. j, r |.| ii,,.. vi
" M '-UN riM’k. l-0,,111.'
coach making
i.< very Mirrii em-oura^a
""‘"O ink*- * i..r ■
" 107 '*• ~hi oi > • ir i on Ihe proper ly Jir now
~rru|iie«. in ftesvrT -ire-'i. , iiimni luir I j l.emdr ilie
I’i. rhy ten an Church I'rom Up Inin r j fwnr ii.-r in i l.r
iiiiir l,o»iliri« Dill a drr ,rr to plejer, t|r ] f off « 10 mci
• t 4 i,i rrceivr a tliarr ol |>uUl •<* |»ulion.i(fr
Now on hand and liiuhli-iik ' fl «*r«4» r. Itorlmwa y linj;.
< . o|.rn ami iop llusrfiic*. and rv--ry dr«i ri|.i.on nl
. 4frntj(r« mode lo nidri, from «evr,.iy five .'niiait 10
* Kitaonarm !*«-rwJ i JOHN SOUTH
,11 onougalte I a Houac Talloriug rfatal>-
WII.I.IA.MSj l>r:>|>«T mid T>n‘i>r l><- 1* ;n ini
J Inrui llie I'Uirm* or l*m»l>«irgli nm! «uhrr«. ik.iiue
i. now o|irnni(f al lII* rmnn* on Snmlilirl.i «irrri. un
.lr r Hie n hove Hole I. n la rv"' nn.l hr an nun a«»< ( runi'ni
nr I 'lulli», CnuMlllcrr*. >aliu». i>.U.. .uni nl hr r VV«|iiii:.,
I.u;r\»irr wirk »«r.-l| olln-r arlli'l.-* :o .ire rri | it>r. .I l'm
.fi'illrinrir’a wear. Hi* iron.U Ii ivr hrru rnrrfiuiy »r
-l".-trd, and afe nl Ihr newr«l nml rm>»i larliunii.hlr
In, a* well hi rW ■uprrior <|um .ty II,« cuuonp i.
may depc-nd iijmhi liavi-iq [heir rhulias landr up m a
niHitnrr wlm u cannni !»ii in unmiy ;Jic lu«u- oi .Ur
mn<t luilklwui*. ui<-'4;lv
Ku«l «ldr nl Up' Uu.lfiimil, wlirre Venilmli
Hlllnl* of ui. llir iliffpr-ni «,/.(•• null l ulon.
tfrr. krpt on hand or miiilr n> order arte
Up; luleM and moKl upl’fnveil la«h-
ioii».ai Un' uuiin- and on Ui<: 11104
reasonable icrui*
AI»o, ibe rticap !Jo«u»n roll or •.phi 111 Iml Transpa
rency and Paper Corunna oi nil (hr diilcmu mn' and
puUcrna, on band r i.d Vent
linn Uluid* panned over and rcpmird, or lakni in port
pmyairril lor n«w. K M WF-STCHVI'J.T. Pro pr
N. 13 All work done with the l.rxt nmtrna! nnd
w..rkman«bip, ami warrauled to pirate tin* nio»t lu'-
ndioui uu<lndl>
I' K 1 ' M JoSli'lrt'
J< 4(i -Mu<k. i *W"-1. ••*> - • '■• :>•«* I u,r
»T <•«*>• ll "" , ’"\ ’ " ''’' ' l '"" ,, » <'«im|>n
*,»« »l>« tl “’ '"' ' u, " f ‘ V ’ -A ' 'nn- i.i •<-
nireftart'""' * 1
V-r1.U.1 Kll'l'"''' • /--xu.... Kni
~)M.G7 M»il.-I '
14. p« roUif'l l(> l-Ko.i r,.|,.,,
* '«) • l>la«*k
« • rHitiryi Jur] '.imp in m wide Pliun.
wiirtf '”" ' JOHNSTON * STOCKTON | J “ ‘
Allrgbeny city, An# 10, IsAS.
ri'HK. MIPNIUHT SI N, • r.igr.naage- H 7 Fr.ii.-M
-1 !■ Hrriurr. iianaiairii Uy Wiry Mir*-ii' Ju*i i>-
uiveil and lor »u!c l.y
BOOKS. '-TSir. kc
.!• Ml ’N '• 1,.-*. or uc In «n
t:.j .. |.„ \V Nop . M A
• ■>'. i «. wot k
] V„ 1
-■.-wan rrnc »•«•>] irutu n.-- . ..
.1 I roui-l snil v»
Mi'P'klN-' i.l. • . U I r‘-', U - r - ul\ ' V
Sol, Acs. r for A. *
* -1 n<.r.:
vrt k.i«'vp Ku:t>
\ J! - T. « ;„> ,r.. „ KO.xl m.uumrnl.
-'f- Y" ‘ ,: - n -'- p . i,KS ‘"
.UW'i*' ’l'- •••’ ' Iw-o oVK!
•or,„ in-u:u<■ uf - ... so *,xf
r r ,U M ' • -- SP.‘ «m .. >rv, M
1 •> ’ : : \ K J ' IMI'KU, I fl MKi.ull!'
Mur i. A \\ :• , v . >(. ,
:m.< <-»:r.r • M- •.«.« M A U
••• •'■ >i lllir- ,mpr«l\ I ‘ > j"-| • :ijJ
ii 'k i i i:kh.
J . K'.M v i \l<\ I \ 1.,.- ..jT-.m.t
\ I •• • I ........ .! h.l ... ;,r
'“ r * ’’ •, •, . l.r-in* rl •
Vl •' ■ • -I '' r
\ J W \\ ~.,|ur.! .
< 1.1. Vrrliit;'* Plauot.
*.-Kf. i n m
M" H1..1 W.lll
J' *ll \ N Ml i.|.!i|(." ''
*•> .Mi, Hi i:/ I- I
vi -i «
Vo.-al Ktrrt liti
- '
it vr.i.i.uK,
!N is.
»:r \\ l \\ r ■ ..I . . ‘M> I (Nh ,* U ,\Khl-..N
* <■ •• Ml i 1 \\ , u|>: I' hi, I
<!••*•. I ! I t i
i: i A . ... •!<
K \M> l !•: i IM' U T lIM
111 w I.K aM’-I'IM
I. I : 'I > lHk‘ (
111 KKK <'o'*i KA>T K.XPItKSS
Mill > I Nl .H.
im.i !\imKl.. AM) 111
i A- I I K\
T 1 ;
«' u:l*v\ IM_ a
«iuii V-*.>s a in>l n\i
II \KMM \ A ■ 1
Paucuger aii'i l{r>nl(Uu« ORlec.
r ' '.'’ri..nm'd '.Vn'V '’.V T
dr»*,. I' • H „, , um , M>m 4, l( ,
ih** l J'“ • a'-. I" M.i'.i* ,i, In
land, Kmi-und. m a,..: , . I .
J"-iM A I(l Mil V« I.N,
kufi'f- •. . .1 <>• \ «rnl
f«'.’ KIIW. itrerl .|.w\r '... „w,
A.M) I'aIM.N ) I A ‘ K) 1.1 *.\i
J \ in;, iv, s
'* ■ .‘.X'-’xuv,
• I It ,A S|\ h
111!.' I -'•! |*l '| 1„ I,irl, I . I|
L’l \|JKII> !‘*l !'•>'* T-:i- N Hi ■>"
O mdr,
,110 1.7? „ |,l .nr- 11 I'-r 1. K'" I olj.-r Ai ,|(. |»_■.l . >
| 1., . . -I,>
' 'j 1 . 'X Su'!;':. 1 " ti. .. . •>..
;u 11.-r. ur»li }>•• • I *' i - I'
|,»i I. \ < 111 ai' n lac in r■ ■ I m,.n l.itudi,
(i k,»>* (jrilu' - •' !> •’ I w>’ 1 *< 1 >lll
111 • > 11. i.l.
|l> • Fni.i.ur* i (1 Li.-
| ,1 7XI" U , . I, :.-. V Jr,-. | ■
J H l l.n'i l), U,»i i I, It., i.i.iie-.
yy' Ml tN\\ " < AI.JI-MH\l \ Kill.l> Hi-- ...
.1 r- lli- r Mir* I' v •" I -"o:i. Hi- VI,
Kill'-I' l '- " .I’ll- ,1 '■!. «l Nl.MMll.. 1, i't. . »:. l
Jfr.-'.l !«> UK- «
!>* I ?oi•i.iVni'*.* rii- - 'u. i . k.u M,.,i
"""''-l.'di-d Jill 1.1H.N UAVI^
l' iiii.i' iilit l Hil Ij U 1 " 1 t -Mr... 1 V" ,
mrlr.H ' I A U PHll.l.U‘d
/ lAl.ll UIIMA »l Ii»:» » * Jii*:
(j -a... t
1-IMUM urll Ui.r.: \L- • 1t....... C' U11.m.,. lla*.. :t
w it! r r Tank*. c ..•111 l-J -m.- 1-a. 1.. Ml i.miioi,.. ;
L *.,l on - »rll. I do/ Ml i '•' • I!- ’ . lil.,oit-.l
i nil.I.M.- •! > d'» 1 '■ ' r-u.'- ...r k 1..' 1).- 1'!.,,
nirni'i Ou'fiM'it I-* l ' l ' ••I.m.i.t N.. .\\ ,>.«! •
mtl.Ji J A H PHH.I.IPs
pat ml UOIII Waalitri,
,iii<»>* •• 11 n.\ \ ••• a ~KTr, r 's
n)I .M: \l,,| k rl*l
r TMJK t'rotn G' - or«r I .j-»«-r....
1 k>u»i rrcprirlr.-- . : i.x.
OrricK. .vti.i/n >* [-■ 1
\lr IWrLE-s Mv l>rur Sir— VVj:., p-cuiti*- „• ■
I a,i.lfr.. iy„ ill (V ,y>, to H.<r .- •-
pn.rrw-Jlrnir.iouni.v.i,,,, • .
1 .air. \. m , .r.lir ■Untlilrr •. fa.
<•' "ix wmrf :ur:i-.t t . . ,
I urn ;n*r c'" t a»uinlff
rrr. test
'>’* Cfmm ' lfc< .'-V.
r. and uh'iiiiu fO^tmir
I'!*- roi:fi-f - m> r- uKcr un«lrr whhi uatncc ii*ry
afp'-sr— ■Mrmair. nn.l inrrcuc ute p^n
I f'dwiml i’ of t'hatlmn. Me-.-,u HriJge
''(••utni-i.-i county. N \ . huvc etflu-trd with rheu
"uii'ui in m\ Wfra*L (***• u and all over mv body. :or
> i'-.-iir., »o ilia: I could not «land. amt wm cared by
i- upplieauuii» of Dailey'* Magical Pa m Kitrarior
Dailey Sir—l cut my finger with u copper nail,
poisonous nature ot which caused tny nrm to swell
r ii«iil<-ruh!y, with constant shooting pains up to the
• m-aldcr A lurgr swell. rig taking place at the arm
wnb increasing pam. I became learf'ul o(thr Lock
j« * In this extremity your'l’nin Kxtractor win rc to nie. and winch 1 wus prevailed upon to
tr\ The oonscqoenre wu that K afforded me almost
•n-:*nl renef, am! in tliree jars ! was completely .-u
-red JOSEPH HARRISON, New A ork.
corner Broome and Sullivan su. Sept 3. ItM?.
Ntryit'K: II Dkt.LKt ts the invriitoroftbis tnvalu
nice remedy, ami never lui« ami never will communi
cate 10 nay living in m me s-erct of it* combination:
All Extractors, Uierejore. not made and nut up b
hint, are l.nue rouiiiene,:*
Paomijeroii'* DitroTs—4ls Broadway, New York;
•rV.Chcsitm: street. Phila.
JOHN' I) MORGAN. Lnicra! Depot; Dr U*M.
THORN. Agents mr Pnt-bureh
Jliiff-i/'t Anirrut! (-tiivauu: Curt-All.
Tnri* nutm.t., .p»v ;il . grease, poi.-evil,
sores, gn..*, iiml bruise* Pamphlets, eojiiaiinng cer
uhcate . oi tcspeeiau.r pa tn»\ be had on apnhuu
ncivlfs iilvi* Agent, I’nmburgh.
o ' puck |'tii*e, harking cough, general Weakness,* Sleep, variable appi-litc, irregular bowoD.
•.NI-I» Im-iwitii the shoulder bladr* behind
I faLt-tuLK ST*ieroMs i>7 C'oxhi wrno.t -»?oug)tmg
n-vtit tut.l day dabby uiu'Cies, general debility, great
shortnc;* ot breath on going up stairs, ascemllug a
hill, nr walking but a little last, pulse ulwavs above
one hundred, for weeks togetner. drenching .-old
*we»t» towards morning
* hir»rrhal Coiisuniptron e.nne* on like n ronimon
entsirh or cold, but about ihe period when that the*
< usually i* r i petted to subside, some ot the symp
tom* are aggravated The cough u more troubl--
Some, r*pertally when lying down. Then- is no fixed
pmu m the chest, hul difficult breathing, which is
worst on lying down. The uppearencr of the expec
toration. which i« copious, i* changed irom a thick
j e.low mucus, to a thinner substance It is very un
plra.uin U. the tmtient, and emits in unpleasant smell
when burned It is ot an uniform appearance, untTis
probnbli .i mixture oi pu« nnd muru*, as on
wiUi water part «inks and part swims This disease
ma> occur m any habit or at any age. and n charac
terised l.) the peculiarity of the rough
I'lle It:i In Ot t.iverwoi: elicits tile cute oi this in
s.dioii* di»e.i*e by expectoration, snoihs and heo * the
afle.-.e.] ,nogs Ii nev-r t;i;!s Wherever this tuedi
on- h:t* t.een t.etore tie pul am j h nl ), ceN
ihori...ehiv i.-sie,) un• ull complaint* of the Lungs and
l.«* j.rvv.l nse'i superior tn men! to an;, thing in use
N\ r mi i* in <->r hundreds oi testimonials from |-hy*i
c.U't*. thr pres,, clergy. and Unite who have been .-u
i-.l hut nl. we dr.ire i- to .-a'l the attrnnon i.i the :ii
dt. ted ami lor t Ire;r on n good they will tn n
Look mil lor coumrileil. ’ .Alway* observe ihe *ig
~-u« e. -t.eo Taylor. M D - ()n ,i, r engrnted label,
and prepared m u, c Wholesale Depot. 7l IWkiniin
♦ ireeuN, W y ~rk
soid in J’UUburgh b\ J [> Morgan :n Wood si, J
I'.iwii.e.i.l, 4.'> Market >t. H Smy»rr, cor Maikrt and
Id »l-, Henderson i Co, 5 liberty »l I’nce reduced
><• 91,5 b per bottle mart
DR* HRO'WBf, having been
to Mudy A irca’iiKvit of ho-o <-om|>iaun«.(iJurui*’ which he ha» ••nd mor** jiiil ha» cur.-J i„<tn pn>
Ucntß than ran rvrt tall to me lot of tui) private }>r*c
titio:'<*fi ain|i : y qitHlihr* tom to offer n*«uraii< r» ol
• ;wrily. prnnaurm. it ml «uti‘tiM'tory Mire ty oil arilicted
with *u- icitle di»ra«r». mui u.l tiii*e«»r« anting UiercJ
■ from
Dr Brown would inform those aliitcted wuh prtrau
di-e„«e« wi.i. t> hnve lieoome cttion..- by time or ayj
gravaied by the uae of any of ‘.hr coimuou nusUunis ot
the day Hint ’.heir complaints can be radically and thor
ough:! cured, he having given hla curefuf attention to
the rtenunent <i( sarh ri'gl. Hud succeeded in hundredl
n, insta. ee'm curing persons of mtlaimiiHtion of tha
nr. k oi tlie (-ladder, an-1 kindred diseases which often
re-u.i from u.ose cases where oilier* have consigned
them to hopeless despair, lie particularly Invites roch
u> hat- been long anJ unsuecesafatjy treated by others
then., and their cases trr.viril in u Parefoi. tKortviigTi and and investigation, which it >• impossible for tboa
.cared m gei.rTH' practice of medn ,nc u> give an
ie c, ass of discuiu*..
T y-H-im i cr Kui«iurr —Dr nrnv*u n.-o .nvitr* pei,
*Ol.- Ml'ir'ci IWu.u U. ra u- li.- I.n• pool |.uuc
iWNi'KIl* S
v-ry 'civ
N it I * 11 * * -
Kiiki u • rwi ~ Jlf lirown’* newly dtteovrr«d n-inr
.l. ,'..r Ki.runioiiMii i»a •pcrdy and certain retnrUi tot
i tiller and Private l'on*a!tiii«' Hoorn*. No &5 Dta
nn'"J nilry, P; ttahe rg li. Pa The l»t .m i« alwuyi at
ID" No cure no pat. decll).
HtiW Lx>l> rr LIKJK - Sand*. BnMoi ami Bull,
n.nn-Tiy put ilinr Sur«aparilla in unait bottle*
tio.dn a a tew ounce*, but unrr. Dr Towinciul't ha*
liriomr known, mid atuioil or ijuiie driven their htllc
conic* out of the market. they arc now pmiius their*
up in tunerr ’.Kittir* tour time.* a* much aa
nciorc i) How mucti profit d.d they Hlnke be.
lore ofi ui their MQalt iKittlr* 1 VVa* It iiournt’ Am!
*tncr t tmvc reilucr.l the i* il honeil to
pt. tend :in*v are ut eood a* they wr'* 1 L>r Town
-••u,: .-< rd h.irirßiiy awl dirty- gave a« much
a* nr rouM ntlcrd. li.t* umdc »rvrral nn
pfor.-iiic-.|t*. <inJ m dclrritiim d lo Itrcpiiji tnr •Mi-iiaHl
und> nmt will warrant that cacli Ikjliic ot hi*
>hi-ajiaf..ia .-iiiitain* morr tlian tour Utnc. ttir i|uanlt
>w..d 1.. K. 1-. >r! i-r«. «oir a<ri,t lor l“itt*liur*li. and
D furrv. Ali.-et.em t.-t f.-
P"l’rrmu dr' Aiuatid* Aitirrr for •;
Ci. ip 4 la Ro*c, lot 'iiaV'iik,
A.mmnle (,'rriun. do,
- w uprr[nir Koojtr.iin Porcelain Manila,
I ll rut t.,**, perfumed w;Ui i.avrnder, An*'e
lfrautiiol powdrr piitl*, «t all pailc rni,
t ifitMi**r>! toilet Urfe*. ro.n»,« ir«((r»ni ritra.-u
f-ii U.r hiuidkerchirt , n icuil |.a* and loud -.•!>• »u t
• tor prociil* '
Ihdinii ha.r 0.1,
Uear'* ml. in lancy or < nunuon wrappf 11, (i«.oe »eetil
Jo..r> r*oKp. Nymph S*ap, K«*r |.,p «a.vr.
Sin 1. *041». S»i.|n *oap, me* ttier w.tii a nuut v*n«ty
:it pdltuucl) -us 1 i>-i-f..ved, lor .alcln
U A KAHNK>Ti«'K A t t)
> >IO rnr dih A woo.l •:»
Pulmonary B*Jaao«.
UKKJi 4 CLTI.KK —l lerl it a duty {
tf'vf m my Irilo* oreaiuic*, to »uu»- Kjiiirihusg
Sn.n- I it i -1 ili' tinianm. nboal elrvru )>nr> ago.
u.e iiujipj ni wuu-li I Him pave an amount o’ I
haw Ii id •»*vrrnJ •«■»(*»* riini|>lMiili and miurk« a( my
InuilMiM- n «nr«. and in rvrry irt«tnin'e 1
Inivc U'* J '.hr tl.tUaio alone with eoinpletr and |«.Tirri
mii c e»* II h'i» plleclpil raliel ulnl rurr m a very lew
da\-. |i i- •; M .1110 iT'-iln-iiie 1 «lo nol know
Uiul >1 »r' rurr u liked roll!um|M.on, hut i liroeVß it
wn lie ii mun■. ra-i-i a |«rcveiiuvr, and prevention n
DrUrr ili.iu rurr, I do thcrelorr. Ini llir love of my fe|.
nir.i-'-it.' I'.'mnmi'LJ il.e u*<? o( Him Uai»aui.
*i •>" f«!i fuincmiiit'* l am ronfiilrnt that it
ii«t tw-’i in.- nirmi. ui j.rp.rrv rti* my Uir in ihi.» .lav.
Uottoii Jim** Itt. ’-tti. UI-LNJa.MIN
Ki.r !•> U A Fahnc»u>rk, A l s n. .-onit-t iir»i „ud
W.K..1 unJ ul»u rornrr wood and GtU (l4 |y
It A I'AiiKCNTiick, > A. D. Mcu n N Y. F4ty
tl. 1,. FaKNSjtoci, >Fmtbur*h.
It. \V. FkM«t3TtIC.J
Wholeitla Drag Store In the Cltr of
Sew York.
ri MIK underlined are uxienataely eajpjgt-d m iho
X V\ holcaule Urug Uuaincma at No. 49 John atrret, in
|hf etty of New Vort. and are prepared to aupply
Uiu«f>a!t nod ceantry nerebanu with Drug*, Paiuta,
•>l«, Uye-autfla, Foreign and Amnnciui I’ertumcry,
at a iv.or, A k Mander'a Chemieala, (of thorr own
m| oi '.anon) u. 4 ait other anictea tn Uicir line of
ooia, of a agpario u tow aa they can tw pur
•tiaaod tu tiua or aoy enuteni eity.
New Vork, Feblfl - RA. KAIINtJstToCK A.
U,li “ B i,v7>-TKHN U I*l nV'_' V " ikU
(Ultra at Ibe Uichange, Italdmore
1) t-.IM I'KII K\l I> The c-lmrer* liuvr Ore,, rrdu
, p.l on Uil u. or IriMit linJumore, Pills
oi Wheeling, junl it eurresimml m# ird.i.-l.mi
It* in.- Tli>• i-tuirse n»r n telegraph tl'-ipuiri to or
Irvin H.Hliiln.rr. |*mM>utgh alul \\* Heeling. it -ta rent*
lor Uu- liim .rii wot.U, uiul J ( rius lor eurh uddnioual
II / * No charge i« made for the addrr«* am] aiuna
( nil, ilir roni|ilrlioii oi the South Wriirrn Line oi
Tcirj-rui.ii 111 mi ,Mriii|ilii«, Trim., to Nrw Orleans, det
inue he* .-mi l*r lor wtirded lo Memphis by (hit route, urn]
mailed tor New Ortrmii , c |)
At'!IEM»N WoODWH’SK 4. JoH.N IVnoiiltotSK,
HAYIM* irusUuy asiociulrd tlirmarwrs logelne^
m |)nMm*r*htn, under the firm and style ol A A J
W.H»on.asK. lor the manufacture of TIN. OOPI’KR
AND i“ MKM P IKON \VA UK, mi ihr corner of Robin
-on >tro-i and !'"• * anal, in the |»t Ward, A l-LKi.Hk*?
liti. wliri e ’lvy are jirepiirr.l to furnish n> order rc’in:. all article* in ilimr Imr wuii
I'onnilry Primming*, ami Carpenter*’order* are *o
doted. ivinrh will rcciMTc immediate attention
Cay •>: Allegheny. Ob. 1, )H!t -slfim
Bacon Smoking.
HAVIM. ;u-.i completed the rebuilding of our *moko
we iur now prepared 10 receive meat,
u :„i ,inoki' it in Uir mo<l merchantable manner
n-e ure fitted with all the modern iiiiprove
i.,< .u». unit are capable oI roiiUnnuig JUU.UIU lb* cat U
KII-1K A. JONKs, Caua! UaMn
__uear Sorcmli »i
i 4 >v kHJNc.-.a DoL'ULK KKFTNKD'sficTAItSj-i'w
1 i bt>>» l-ovcring'* Uoublr KetiiW Loaf, Crushed and
r..iv. ru«d Su>ur*,;u*t rec'd arid lor tule ai lUc J’tki
J. j Stnr-, 7U t-unrtli »lrrel, b)
Rul.l. HL'TT'felU - lu tih(« iir»iu ij ami iw
salrby frbt* A KMS I KONU k CROZEK
CiLUVER SEF.D— W bbi* Clover Reed; 13 sacks do;
> t£ bags Psagbet, landing irom sunr Calab Com.
lot talc l <J lobU BAGALEY A SMITH
». I i.
• -.•p
«<-rofu!n or King'* Evil. Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta
neous Krupuo'u*, Pimple* or Putuule* on the Face.
Blotches, Bile*, Chronic Sore Ej**« Ring Worm or
Tetter, Scald Head. Enlargement and Pain of ihe
Boce» and JomU, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symp
toms, Sciatica or Lumbago, and Diseases anting
from an injudicious u*eof Mercury, AscltesorDrop
ay. Exposure or Imprudence tn Life. Also, Chronic
Conauiutional Disorders.
In thi* preparation are strongly concentrated all the
Medicinal properties of SAa'AfAKiu.*, combined with
the most effectual aids, the most salutary production*,
the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and
it has been so fully tested, not only by patient* them*
solves, but also by Physician*, that it has received
their unqualified recommendation and the approbation
of the public, and has established on is own merit* a
reputation for value and efficacy far superior to the
various compound* bearing the name of Sarsaparilla.
Di»easr» have been cured, mch as are not famished
in the record* of ume p«*t. and what it baa already
done for the thousands who have used it, it is capable
oi dome for the millions still suffering and struggling
with disease.. Jt punfie*. cleanses, and strengthens
me loumuin spruigi of bfe. end infuse* new vigorthro’-
out the whole annnal frame.
The following striking and, as will be seen, perma
nent cure of an inveterate case of Scrofula, commends
iue!r to all Mitularly alEirted:
Southport. Conn., Jan. t,
Messrs Samis: Gentlemen—Sympathy for ihd afflic
ted induce, me to inform you of the remarkable cure
effected by your SarsnpariHa m the case of ruf wife.
She was severely afflicted with the .erofula on differ
ent putt* oi the bodv; the gland* of the neck were
greuily enlarged and her limbs much swollen. After
suffering over a year iiul finding no relief from the
remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and be
low the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it
should be laid open, which was done, bat without any
permanent benefit. In thts situation we heard of, and
were induced to u<« Sands’ Sarsaparilla. The lir«t
botife produced a decided and favorable* effect, reliev
ing her more than uoy prescription she had ever la
irn, and before she had used sue bottle*, to the aston
ishment and delight of her friend*, the found her
hratth quite restored. It is now over a year since the
cure was effected, and her health remains good, show
ing the di*eu*e was thoroughly eradicated from the
system Our neighbors are all knowing to these
lac is, and tin 11k very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla.
Your* with respect, JULIUS PIKE.
Extract from u letter received from Mr. N. W. Har
ris, a gentleman well known in Louisa county, Va.:
••Gentlemen—l have cured a negro boy of mine with
) our Sarsaparilla, who was sltacked with Scrofula,
and oi a scrofulous family.
• Yours truly, N W HARRIS
• Fredericks Hall. Va., July 17, 1&4d."
Sa.vus' Sa*&* parilla.— lt seems almost unnecessary
to direct attention to an article so well known, and so
deservedly popular, as this preparation, hut patients
often who wish to use the extract oi Sarsaparilla, arc
induced to try Worthless compounds bearing the imine,
1-ui rontoiuing iiiUe or unite of the virtue of this valu
able root, und we think we cannot confer a greater
benefit on our reader, than lit directing their attention
to the advertisement of the Messrs. Sands in another
column. The bottle lm* recently been enlarged to bold
a quart, and those who wtsh a realty good article will
find < hi thi* all the medicinal voloe of the
root. experience of ihouriands has proved its el
ficacv in curing tbe various discuses for which it is
r- commended, and at the present lime, more than any
oilier, perhaps, is ihis medirme useful, tnpreparing the
system tor a change or seusou —Home Journal, Sept.
Prepared and sold wholesale and retail, by A. B- A
D SANDS, Druggists and Chemist*, 100 Fulton street,
corner oi William, New York. Sold also by Drug
gists generally throughout the United Stales and Cana
da* Price SI per Bottle; six Bottles for $3.
IHr For sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, by
B A FA ILNKBTOCK. A CO, corner of Wood and
Front »t». hlso. corner of Sixth and Wood su; by L.
V\ ILt’OX. Jr., corner of Smithfield and Fourth *t*.
snd also comer of Market st and the Diamond; also,
by EDUARD KKN DERICH, cor Mononga'la House
1 LLMaS.—The unprecedented success which haa
Ur tided the Use of the
-i all the various form* which irritation of ths lungs u<
suiu£*. has induced the proprietor again to call 'men
tion to this
rise ehangablc weailie.r which marks our fall Aid
winter mouths, is always a fruittiil source of
These. ,f neglected, are bat the precursors of that fall
COSUHFTIQN. _ nesurryer «
ibe l-ud! how shall we get clear of our coughs and
-, .I.* ii of vital importance to the public.
■Till l«* mund m uir tiiiiiM-ng I’anncra In proof of this
huvr from nine to nme published the certificates of
Juieii* of our l>e*t known i-Uiri-ns, who have experi
enced in curative power*. These, wltb a tua** ol tea
tiinouy irom all pari* of the country,—from
Mimstrr* of the Gospel. Ac . together with copious noj
from thr
»•■• iinv* embodied in pamphlet lorra, ami may be bad
<raii» «■: any ol our agent* throughout the .country.
barr tweti tl«e«l 11l this city
■ lirnuglioul the United State* ami Canada, and we eba
,cnar any man to point out a ' "
fal-T '• • •vr.'-..', cur^
•r-I hvt'ir. • 1 •)
•Ar iins jiVM.i£ ail i!ir 'VUIJ'J
' • with ilirr< - ln<'i-> lut u-*r t*»
n which, when taken according to directions, and be*
fore the lungs had bccouie fatally disorganized, u has
»vcr failed to
Why. then, need the afflicted hesitate* Why resort tff
the miserable nostrum.*, gotten up by un« own individ
uai* u let the assumed name of some c« -thr&led phy
itcian, and puffed into notoriety by certificate* c*. par
tons equally unknown* Whilst a medicine of
Is lo bn had, whose voucher* are at home, —ottr neigh
bor*, —many of whom it has
In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor as well the rich, wo haws
pot the pnee at
lust one half the u*uol cost of cough medicine*. it u
lor tale by our agent* tn nearty every town and village
over the west, who are prepared to rive foil informa
tion relative to tt. T. SALTpJt, Proprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
riuujrsßuaoti, bkavks co., ra.
DR KLAYaRD ACKER, takes tins means of re*
turning hi* thanks to his friend* tuid the public
lor the extensive patronage he ha* received, and of in*
■tinning them that he has lately erected a large and
well runsiruried building, for (tie exclusive purposes
lot anon, ut Phillipsburgh, Pa., on the Ohio nver, oppo
site tlie steamboat landing at Beaver, where he is ready
n> receive patients a* hoarders, and treat thorn on Hy
•iropnihic principles. In addition to his long expen*
cine, ami the great soccers which ha* heretofore at
tended In* treatment of pan cm* committed ts hi* care,
he ha* now the additional facilities afforded by an ex*
tensive building erected expressly for the purpose, con
taining commodious and airy rooms, and fitted up wuh
every nceesaary apparatus for bathing, and ddmuns*
wring the treatment to tbe utmost beueht and comfort
of thr patient. Phillipsburgh is a most delightful and
healthy village, easy of access by steamboats, amt af
fords fine and wholesome water Dr. Acker assures
tbo-e afflicted persons who isay place themselves un
der tu» rare, that every attention shall be paid lo their
comfort, and as an assurance of the subalanUul benefit*
lo t*e derived, he points with confidence to the hun
dreds who have been permanently cured at his estab
lishment The Wsirr-Cure leaves no injurious effects
behind, as i* too often thr case with those who have
been treated on the old nyalciu. It removes the dis
ease. invigorates the system, protects from the dangers
incident to changes of the weather, creates a naiural
and active appetite, and imparl* vigor (o the digestive
power*. Term* of Umimeui and boarding reasonable.
For further paruculais inquire at the establishment, or
address the proprietor at Philtipsbnrgb.
We have been mformed by Mrs. Rose of acute per
formed on b-r by Dr> Jayns's Alterative, which
frove* us supenoray over every other remedy of the
■nd. 3hc has beeu afflicted for the last sixteen yeafs
wnb ulceration* and enfoliauoa of Various bones,'du
ring which ume many pieces have been discharged from
the iruntai hone ol the cranium, from both tier anna,
wrist* and bauds, aud Irom both legs, and from the left
frir.orul bone, and from the right finee, besides painful
ulcers on other parts of her person, whUh have bullied
ih<- s k ill of a number of the most eminent physicians of
our cn>— during most of the time her sufferings have
been exciuiatmg and deplorable. About three month*
since sue was induced to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative,
winch has had an astonishingly happy effect upon her,
bv removing all poin aud swellings, and naming the
ulcer* to heal, while althe same time her general health
has become completely restored, »o that she now weighs
*6 il>« more tluut she thd before »hc commenced the us<
■H, tin* traly prepatien —(At Eve. Post.
*• or further iniontiniion, umuirc of Mrs- Rose, No. 128
Kilt.eri *t, Philadelphia.
For *aie m Pittsburgh, al the PEKIN TEA STORK,
T£ Fourth *l near Wood. jyfi
just received of Dr. Townwad** Sarsaparilla, the
most extraordinary medicine hi the world! Hil« Ki
ti act ts put up In quart bottles. Ills six times cheaper,
pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold, it
cure* disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or
debilitating the patient
Loot out rent IsuraTioita.—Unprincipled peraons have
copied our labels, and put up medicine in the same
shaped Ikjulo. See that each bottle has the written sig
naiure of S. P. Townsend.
1L K. SELLERS, Druggist, 57 Wood street, between
Third and Fourth, is Dr. Pownsend’s only wholesale
and retail agent tor Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine
article ran be Imd.
I). M. Curry has been appointed ihc tole agent for
Allegheny rily, of whom the genuine article can be
had. _ *£«. .
INlLS.—Scrap la in all iLs multiplied form*
whether in that of a mg'* Evil, enlargements o the
glands or bones. Goitre, White Swellings, Chronic
Rheumatism. Canser, diseases of the Skin or Spine,
orol Pulmonary Consumption, emanate'-from one
and the same cause, which i* a poisonous principle
more or less inherent in the human system. There*
forerun!ess this principle can be destroyed, no radi
cal cure can be effected, but if the principle epaa
which the disease depends, is removed, a core
must ol necessity follow, no matter under wbatlorm
the disease should manliest ilsell. This, therefore
is the reason why Jaf ex’* Altkrativi u to uui
vcrsally successful in removing so many malignant
disease*, it destroys the virus or principle from
which those diseases have their origin, by entering
into the circulation, and with the blood in conveyed
to the minutest fibre, removing every particle of
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No
d South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Sold st the Pekin 'Pea Store, No. 75 Fourth stroe
Pittsburgh mcha ,
NO. 8 MACKEREL—£6 bln u stem and for snle low
to «lo*n coastgtttmn&L Tnbl JAB
A ™ EATCl i rR!: . 1, IA, orilul.oi’ooho-.'.
XlMd geouin* Li»*r Pill, pr.par-J tad uid b, K SFX
Muftau' FacTOKT. Wtsfmorslaod u<., .
July l‘Jth, ’(
, l ' E ' S ff* P, ~ k,n9eofiui 7 U, 7 oo *^S^*airf^
to adw my huutbi. l«»usus, la £s*oe of y «ar justly
rv.ebraliJ Lir*p Priii [ !,»,* Jetci red duitw a. £jt
tdhcriug to Dsrt k< it’s axaiiu, -he » or * ar. L-Ui'
leu cv> »h*«d.' M.-l tl»* uloij fmuin.!
■ad auorks, ~udtd i„ ll.r du**, hart , uu k xolo oMivion suet
TourLn-pr I'IUL.. b«*i, oilcred to lh« imbUe, and, indeed.,
loxbd. 1 ' T r*f H ' rU ’ , ‘* r * sfflwtrd with Liver
“ u • ou ] m J hart tufftrrd much, miidotej
tuoiArut nhvsK-iAO*, la vhuft I paid tuaeh Uoorr; a«,,
„ pAf—k-J d**iL.
i , Jor <| l 'iu*s, sad finallygireo up .n mcuiablt.
'V ELL )our Utw PdU.aad SOON GOT
„r , 1 <eh u bow saffleitut to keep me
Iff month. y" ! *” * he ot! ' ,r »r®P ,o *“'- at Ita.!
lamp mad not “ *” ,U> I *ree xa,J
«h, bui ji>« »mSnf * l lbt ,to “!
for CJ ? year, i 7 a h ”* **** ‘ h '“ a 7
heard. smKmJil, »*•»« **»«r
diem# Tbvykaw sSit J 7T 4 J oB * wU aw
‘ oU,CT « “»•
“S? rSoi^u; 1 !
CAUTIU.V—a, 01 . L Mo*«u
-t Ji*
‘t Br - C **“S K ‘“ 'CmA o M Cra,,' au*^.,'
ThJ “"'""•"Henfe of Urn
Anm a, '*> U"! Amotioau
day, ami have hern 2; 01 me c . ommo “ rrmednr* of tha
physicians a* confirmed 7' ? P by “7 maßl disunguinhed
aii Balsam has cured *ndwl,tf ,^ ur * b,e- rbe Hungun
cold*, cough*, •pitting Of Mood, pam S tti» JST.2j
chest, irmaiion and soreness of L i. „ uui »ide aruj
dkfficaky te.u„ g . at
CM r,7 fi ’ 11,111 oUl ' :r rvkl '‘n.'.-, .ho,vine ihc un
rju.llvJ mrnu ot u,„ ,r*u, ,j ls aiuy t«
obtained ol the Agents, grauutouaiy
.. Tv ' I’ 1 ' 1 / ll ‘7“ 11 «;K A Co., con,*, ol
si and \V uod and Wood and dth at*. mare
r* ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known aodt*p
J>^ al ‘ r Clergyman ot the ProteaUQtWrUioduurhureh
The unucraigned having been afflicted during the past
wmtor with a disease ofute stomach, sometime* pro
ducing great paiu h, iae stomach for ten or twelve Uoirs
without iDtexmisaum, and after having tried various
mr W,lh . I '.- Ur etfecl > wu fornishoflfcvuh a home
S.ii J “^ e ! C ' ftrmUilUv c BaJwnu iSshe used ac
cording to the direction*, and found invariably thatihis
Sel7ind C fn US 7i lhe l *“ m 10 ****** m a,rec or min
utea, »n Ufteen or twenty mtnuteseverv nne*A»
sensation wasentirel) quieted. The umiiottw wuhhi
"-I'eiiever indication* of the approach of
painwete perceived, and tiio pain wo* thereby prevent
ed. He continued to u.e the medicine every evening
helm- 'V lhc ® few wedks
was so far testored, that the sufferer was rehev
ml from a large amount of oppreawve pain. From e x
be c l ma eonfideotly rccummemi D
D Jayne s Caruiiuauvc Balsam, as a satumxy medic m
for diseases ofihettomach and bowols. A SIUNND
l- i Allegheny city.ivoi
7? 4 7 e ' u * lluil “rgh at the PEKIN TEA BTOK
7ff rourth street, near Wood, and also at tneDru*
Store of II P SCHWARTZ, Federal street. A!le,h«,
IiKUCKRIfiIS, iuc,
RICK AND MOLASSES— 2U lierce* RiCP- 15 bLIi
Sugur Houw Molasies, (jjuimg thi, day 'irom'itr
t-iuef Juiuce Manlial!, and for »aie by
Round Church Rtuldings *
SUNDRIES- 5 hbd» Uacon Side.; -J7 bbl. No l LArd.
J hi do do; I ck Beeswax >3Salc» Feather* 3 e»t»
uinteng, 1 brig while Bean* :j Jo Fla x Seed, tt> * mv «
foratlaby ISAIAH DICKEY 4 Co. '
mcbzj From si
POTASH-* c*k« rer’il and fur «ule by ”
- mchsa 13" Liberty v,
DHV APPLES—IU) bath rac'd and for .ale by
T PKAOHKS—6O bu.h nn baud and lor tale! bv
±J mehS3 Wft R M’Cl/TCHEfJN
W A vC CH !;- S ~ A s P lc « ,,J ‘ d lo < of gold and «W
Waichc*. jum received and for laJe by
corner 4Ui and wood »l»
C^IyOCKS— Of every variety, for ule by
T GL, ,^ SSKSp ~ a 'plendiii Un of Looking
Xj Ola**c», al til vaneUe*, tor *aie by i
TKA-JO Iml, che«. Younj Hyeon; 10 do do Import
m rnid boo powder, 10 dodo Ooloup .nd 01t.1.n,
ou c«it) boxes various grades, lor iaJe l*y
- mcbga J_D WllXUilS
T U |ff\ B . U^, 1 ?V2 D KEELKRS-a) d»< W..«r
.nd d ° d ° Tub “ 4 ■*" <*» *~tani id wm,
■"U fat sale by _ mcbg JA H FLOYD
Poilw-siA Vtt> ■?&»£*:
ces, NelM, &c., by Leech’s Canal Line.
— mhso SHACKLKTr A WUITK 9fl wood >(
WA rCUES—GoId and silver of every de«cnpnorf.
and at regular Eastern prices, warranted! and
just opened by racbSJ W W WU.SON
AISLNB 10U bx* Raisins; 40 hf bx* do, for tile by
A A. MASON a Co, No 00 Mark at street, will open
. thi- duy. !60 p< > cwa Rman phijd ( iui^lnri> ul
is», let and 2octs per yard. mrhlO
OrNDRIES—T hbl* Flaxseed; ddo Eggs; 1 do roll
p Bulien at) doz Ztnc Wash Boarda, 20 bbls White
Beaus; It) sacks Feathers; C doz Hickory Broon* for
safe by leba* j D WILLIAMS
CtHKESFi— of) bxs for sale by ’’’
/IRKAM TARTAR—6OO lbs just reeM and for sale
_auihaa Island wood st*
SCORCHINUS— 7J hbis Scorching*, rec’d «nd for
- _'^. e . b L . t mghit WICK A M’LANDLESS
S SALTS—O ions in store and for sale by
DRIED PEACHES—SOO bash Ohio halves, for safe
DRIED APPLES— bu*h, a prime article,for sals
WHITE BEANS- On consignment, t>oobush.
GLASS— 140 bxs bi lu Glass, for safe by ,
BUTrER— p bbis fresh Roll Bauer, for sale
REFINED BORAX—a kgs Refined Borax, a>r tula
i ) mebtfi WICK A M^ANDLESS
SS. ALMONDS -JO bars Almonds, for sale by
*_ metea _ ______ “WICK A M’CANDLES
ALSPICK— 40 bags ALpiee, for safe by
tIHEESE —35U) lbs extra Cream; IUOU do Western
/ Reserve, for sale by ninhtEt J D WILLIAMS
LEMON SYRUP—IJ dot superior lesmou Syrup, on
hand and for sale by J KIDD St Co
BALSAM COPAVIA—KO lbs ou band and for safe
by mcbtM J KIDD.A Co
PISTOLS' Suitable for Catifornia service. Also,
Troy&oaies and Weights, Magtufying Glasses,
Ac., by _mch2S W W WILSON
BULK MEAT—ts casks Hama,in tweet pickle; 065
pieces Bulk Shoulders, Just reo’d and for sale by
PEA NUTS—sUSt Pea Nnu, just rac’d andfor si
_>>•_. __ mchgQ HARD Y, JONES A Co
PliA. NUTS—2S ska Pea Nuu, *u*i fec’d per ateain
er Telegraph No 2, and for aajo by
145 Liberty st
BEANjJ —is bbU ftn&il white, tor *ale t>?
meh27 J 3 DILWORTH fc Co
POTASH —A pure and choice article, alwvyt on
hand and for tale l>y
/ IARBONATE OK AM3IONIA—I ruk we’d and
\J fc-r tulqjfcy mcU*7 _ _ URAI’N & RETfKH_
l2 LIU reeM and for aale by s
9KKD—IuO I>M* )u*i rrf'd uid Tor *»-'e by
all wajr.r and 104 ftoni »l_
KOLL RUTTER—I! 1-bU prims Roll Batteri \>ui up
in cloth*, received end (or *ale by • .
SUUAB CURED HAMS—IO uerce*, a prim" emcie,
rec’d and for sale by S A 'V HARBALGH
GUTTA PERCHA—Lathe Band*,of Gnu* Perch*
jutl roc'd and tor sale by W W WILifON,
mch27 corner 4th and Marteim
BEANS— 1C bills white'Beans, in »-orc and for sale
by nifha? HARDY, JONES) A Co
LEMONS— IUS bit Union*, in store and f« sale by
_iaeh*7 _ _ ILAKDY, JONES A c 0 _
TITANTED—BarIey, Coro, Rye and Wheat, for
W Which the hut best market price in cash will be
paid by 8 4 IV U iftßhllGil,
mch'JO 56 watcf fcud lQd frontst
WOOL —ITie higlirst market price lq cash will bo
paid for the uidcreut grades of Wool hy
rochtfli » A W HARBAUCH
dr r*s Q«*fiu BuUdingt, 3d nmr tAs Pen ODtea.
000 insertion of IS tines, or 1ean,..*....... JO 60
'IVo insertions witliQulatteralions, M .. 0 16
Three "• •* *- I BO
One Week '• ilTlL...* I W
Two Weeks .... 2 60
Three •• -• .. *’*[ 300
One Month, •<. ****.,., 4 01)
Two '• - * ~..-6 00
Three •' « 7 *>
O' Longer idterLiementt In same prop o^ „
One at}uu o ,6 mouths, without alteration,
“ “ u. 4 ~ i. In 00
c h addition**! square for 6 months, .♦••••
One squire,6 months,renewable at P le * fn:B ' ®jj
Eachaddition*liqoareforlsmOßth»..»*«»«» Ijj
Two aqtum.6 months, re'wableat ple*~re, 30 00
Each additional squire, t» mouths, **•* ••••••
wtEKUT on -nr-wirtn-t i« » Altl »*P«S.
One square. 3 insertions, ••••••* J 1 oo
•' •' each additional 37
aosiseas c*ai»s.
Fite lines or lets, one y«r. ®
(, sir ni0n1b5,.............. ft DO
,4 one vesr,.daily weehjy, 10 00
„ ~ 44 f ii months " “ 00
icmnoWT* « tins.
For 10 Dues, or lets, One insertion, go 60
.. 44 ' 44 Two, “ ........ 07*
</ - TtrrM, " 1 00
Throe months, a 6St