The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 04, 1849, Image 3
For tlie PtUy Cuvette. ! April 3, 1540. CONNECTICUT ELECTION. The returns, so tafi tire ftry incomplete They thow a Democmiib ; i 3— 9 r.K. There are Lhrec-dftoocffibi elected to Congress, ro Car at beard. . for* Governor. The Legislature will be i ' , > MARKET. PlMLkbniHt*. A|)rii 3—9 M Moor—Sales of Sidcfcf) this Western et $1 62. Grain—Safes of^&jje; red Wheat at 95, and "White at 100 pit* bushel.- Corn—The market is heavy—Sales of prifefi yellow at 56 eta. maH^risiunsettlbd. Money Markrt—of Treasury Notea Los~ N«w Loan 110*.: Moifeyh* easldr.and the weathm er is tine. ‘ j ' •' | i! ■ April 3,i0 P. M. i r lour— -There isjhof chhnge since vaster da[y. If any thibf , jibe market -is more active of 12,00 bbi M ! S4?44@sf 50. Uity Mills held at S-l 62. C&ftifaJS2 37|. Rye Floor is htJßgt $3: $O. ; Ora in—Safe* prime«red Wheat at 92(295(2101 per bushel; Corn, pales.ofWhile pt 44—prime yel low at 46(350 to tlichexlem of ) 0,080 bushel* Oala, 22025. Rye _s£ ‘ ' , NRW 1 April 3—12 m. Flour—The mftrfijKjjii heavier than yesterday, and the business ad&fk, at a sliilu decline. We sole sales at $5 ■' Gnm-The, martin,, Wheal baa a downward tendency. et *1,05. Lej-n—ihere “ dMI atlJ pru-ra are advancing. rtovuaqne —T&e'rnarfcut/Is without chige, both regards prices and demand. Lead—The demandjn moderate and prices are unchanged. - , . Tobacco—The delnarrd is active. (Cotton—Tbd market is inactive. Price, if any thing, are in faVoT of buyers. Money Maikop—--T2i«re,« a belter feeliug m the markH todays Stock*were ac-uve. NEW .Y43RIC Market. April 3—9 p. m. I trlour—The isle*-fa day have been fair- Ohio rS 13 eta. * . ‘ Grain—There is ifouiryJor Corn for stripping Sales of 10,000 bbsltelfeat 57* Wheat is dull; sales of 1,400 bushels at previousrraies. Groceries—The iuafkei is unchanged, both as regards pcsea aod Provisions—MestfPorVis held .'at SlO 50- Prime 59 75 eta. • \’ r • v ; - Whlstoy—Tbe dwnSod is fair and prioea un. nbanged. .- a Lard—Sales in tills at 0| els. ‘ Lead—The ietnici' i, active, with sales at 5 ■ " Tobacco— DumaM^Ood'«nd pjiees nnchangei]. Collon—Trnasaclioal belted, and prices aa last quoted. - A • Money Marteii-Sljoka an, dik Sales Trcaa nry Notes at 108 j; Ohio C'mi 1011. The market ts easier. ' CINCINNATI-/ MARKET.' ■ C&tdnioiTi, Aj>Hl 3—9 p. m. Flour—The market; heavier, than yesterday, and the business at‘a slight 4eclihe, with sales of 1000 bbls. at $3 37|&€i43R Grain—There is a gtSod inqutfy for Wheat for nulling purposes, wits: shies -at 70^j75c. Groceries— Mnjfti#'unchanged *oth as to pnees tqd demand. \ » Whiskey— in barrels at 14*0! 5c per gaL - : v - ? Freights—Flour. iaShippe'd to Orleans at 33 eta. per obi, Whiskey, 50 etA'per bbL Pork, 45 cents per barrel. ' t ' '' Prom the Pajinot Ales' Britannia to care tor bar off tpnng! She has fuibcd thereat-Indies by a most flagrant breach of faitp. ,She bade them era&nci pate their slaves—shii jatonnsed.Ma recompense, u> protect them ogahyst*bpmpetitiQn. Unwillingly they consented. u?ord, and gave a preference to' their rivals, the alfive-boldera. it was an accursed det# atjd will she repent Canada suflera in manner with the West In dies. Thousands hava&eefl*mduded tocotne here, andera direct and pledge of assistance mid support. That BtUEport£b suddenly withdrawn. The lumheret is former disheartened. English manufaoturer^ i -tbe;most ; selfish of man kind—having, by grinding the poor mnn iato the very dnst, ovcMappuea'thcir own market, arc oovetoua of engrossing ihb nxarkeU of the world!— They* they hope ilown upon England fhm myriads of rained is reign aitiScera,. wKom alie would thin under* aell. » ' * in England, evil,counsels fire in the ascendant. Canada is leA to depend upon herself—Canadian loyalists have to confined they may with repub licanism and aided by the mother omnlrv—nay, chilled mdiderence. What marvel then, that ibosrf'jfjjon "whom the grievance ' jnestes moat sorely—tfttiiA who are a second time threatened with the terffotm W 1337—should cast about for aid against * Impending infliction— shoald look southward of kindred blood, who, however djfleringAfrjtfeslions of public poli cy—are at least English— English (a name, in lan guage, in history, in even more *o thaiu it will own. What boph tor tho British of Lower Canada, who rind that Ve of the Upper Province, instead ofaiding.lhem?ffgfimst the foreigner—are <*>ly> by in parliament, —aiding to rivet tighter and firmer sbakles that were once to nearly farced uponibeln: ~ There are other from whence this word ‘•annexatiou" has beettneord- In newspapers— at public tneeungs—ln *be streets—the same sou ad ts echoed day by day $6 *t:auada ; West, and the eoctal meeting has beefcrevadedby the uoasualto. pic. From Snh. MrL-utcHOLT Occuaffcncs —We learn that Rev. Mr.Burrough*, of the FftHadeiphia Methodise Epis copal conference, who Kid-just completed his year's labor on Kent circuit, -to hi* departure for con ference paid a visit to hl*. vrilq’s relatives near San* dy Hdl, in Worcester where- he onfortonaie ly met with fi'Mr.BisNjfx.who issaid to have had an old grudge against KJihi: and who immediately jodulgcd in themfist.idsClUbg languoge toward him, threatening personal running his hood in Ids fsee and placing bufi£efTin a posture as if about striking him, Mr. implored him repeated ly to let him alone, him (hat he wished no controversy with nun. ? “ Finally Mr. Bishop tesi£lhe store Where they had mat, threatening venges**cfi against the preacher. Subsequently Mr, Btabcgy is’ represented aa having waylaid Mr. commenced aa attack upon him, when the fetter drew a pUtofe—with which he bad armed as he stales, solely for •elfdefenco—and it, aimingatodeofhis limbs, but coaienls entered the region of the abdomen,tend produced death in a short time. Mr. Burroiufhsiaunediotely surrender ed himself to the civil authorities, and will await the judicial decision of w. case. He is represented 4 *! B worthy and estimable clergyman, and (he oc» c vrrenco gives his tneods the greatest gj tof With regard to Mr. Bishop, we have no father mfo.*Vt ation, and. give foregoing siatemeni upj on we deem to aogd authority, without vt for its entire f^OrreclneM. New You* City ArftsjKJ-—From the report of tbe Comptroller of New Vo£k that the sum paid for the support of oomtnoScbools doriog the past year wa* SS4O/XH,3%. . The market fees a. mounted to $36,632. receipts tor itseoaes granted to keepers of hjclfatind stages meat shops and junk sbops u (tOd to pawnbrokers and second hand dealers wcf% $16,633.25, and far tav ern end excite licehse*-400,92; The amount received from the of streets daring the year for manure andfgaibage sold was $16,344 - The Coroner's fees 56400. The killing of jogs, aud cartage, cost the \jxpenses on the oLaeqaies of Colonels add chandler were 58951.25; the medals fot*t}w} New York volonteera 53D94; their “receptiu ri£. $1205, the reception of Henry Clay, $1475; ssb*hff Mr-Caaa $1431; obsequies of Jtltyl-Quincy .Julias, 2690, gold box for Fred’k sl2s; expenses of lea room, carnage biro; relish ments for committees and contingent expends-of Common Council 5&570; cleaning tt's 145,534;pf Lho fife department, $24,192; of printing anil $29,963. Botnn Ex>lo»iox—Xlirtarj Differ /tnJ no do /•.'«• gtnrert.-— Our readers w&remembetf an account in the Scientific American -short time'ago about the (ixpios‘oa of a locomi/tivfi.pA the Boston and Provi de, oce Railroad, by wiiicfert««!tjgineer,i,ucma Com. lost hu life, a cotafoutee of eight expenen «»d ei'gineew were exhmiae into the onuses o! the expfosiou, who reported, that ia tbclr up.rnon “lue exploaiQtt ufek place from overheating tie boiler in consequent _ 0 & Want 0 f water” It seemathat tie same sobjgijiAbtd been referred by the Boston Society pTCHfa kegtneera to a commit jee, iu order that u, e ro#tter *t Iso- 0n the 6lh **“*»s Jhe committee reported bo, fore the society. ;; » ' i r 7, he reportofthiacotnsfttse Is signed by Wm. P Parroi'tj and tke conclukW arrived m j« totally * Jitferen ' lhe . re P or V?tf ‘another committee '' It says th.« ‘ tb« tt iV%>o B a;io the water being low. * Q d the w3i local Jbelow the surface of tb, * water ? ans wps occasioned' by the 'mder beating the jmddi® portion of the t tubes, ibusgn’tng Water a vphe ruidal lo>m.‘' Jj ' it further sayatb Ut ah wd engineer at the moment of explosion putbU hwxrip (be steam wbistlr, that die slight ogitauoDOl theTWoter reduced the sphe roidal.form of water il idto highly explosive cesnr. The ultimate c.xteie'ja.tbps held to result from what is called the amberoid property of water, and the primary cause Ofthis is held to be Incru sta tion in the boiler.—Xfew’i Y%rk ScUntiJk Amtn- l’ " THE ITTSBTJRGH GAZETTE PRICES h CURRENT, Ashes.—Duty 2fi p r . cent. ( Pow Pearl* __o<> Scorching!--'. 3104 Saieratu* Soda Aih 1 . :... • - ti.502d.50 BrlstlW—Duty 5 pei cent. Atnenchn* Q _ . Batting—per fli ft** 1 ® :r • 6011-. Bean*-p?r btuheL ■ Small White *‘70075 Common &. mir Buckets—^doz. Potent P,?50-- - BeeSwux—DntySOpr.ct ; Yellow- ~.i.. 200— Bloom>-p tod. Blooms— —.. *B—o7o Boiler Lump* 9700!. dox Merchantable 1,2$ 01JJ7 Shaker* !&2502£7 Barks—? ford. ‘ Cliesnut Oak 5500G00 ■ Blnek Oak. -.-••4(34,50 ! Coal—Daty ,*tu per «. At the fiver 5 05} j From wagon 05$ -Cot^Olfc— Duty tree Tenn. ajml Alabama • • - Chocolate—? to. Nurabef 1 1001! Cocoa, prepared 200U3 Candles—Duty *2O per cl. City dipped 90— Mould • • . —01 OJ Pittsburgh Star ’2l 0— Cincinnati do o*2l Sperm. be»t brand*- - -30 0:t! Castings—p & • Foundry hoi. ware, a*’d—@3 ’ Furnace do ‘2| Tea keltic* ? do* SSO? Wagon boles 100 B- ft 70 Counter weights ? *«t- •• -40 Sad irons ? lb net4 —4}06 Cotton Yirni b Short reel— No. 5 to No. It* “ 11 to 13 “ 14 Borax, refined ib 0 gj •Bwtojrr. Peru zjo 02.73 J do • Copavia • 3«» 0 371 iJrmmone 4 0 6 Camphor, refined 40 0 45 Chionde Lime, cask 60 7 Cochineal 155 01.75 Cream Tartar 25 0 27 Cfeppera* I*o 2 Glue 11*0 13 galli 400 so ant Arabic 50 0 to : u Copal % 0 » Tnufacinth - 31 0 37* ; u Shellac 15 0 lr u Mastic @1.25 Ipecac yo @um Jalap, powdered • M) 0 W litharge C>\-3 fifqaoncr R*oi ~ & 9 Ldquorice Ball IS <3 '.’ll LiacDyr 25 I a 2" Magnesia Carb • • - • 25 & .>5 Madder. L’rabro • i‘i 4? H Madder, Common 0 Myrrh, Turkey - 2(1 St in Oil Vitriol ‘.Hit 5 *• Castor 1.411 * Cassia -3,«> @3.25 u Cloves ’•2.25 @2.50 “ Jjemon ,T.i»l @3.25 " Pep'm't a. 5» @3.un 04.25 Quinine- —03,4 U Fthnborb, ; Vooi *H lit 50 Sal Amoaae •• - HI St •_»» Sal Soda 4j 4? 5 Senna - • • 15 43 2ti Tartaric Acid 40 O So Vitriol, Blue u fit jy Dye Wood—Duty 6 p n. Camwodd 5J@ Kuaiir 3 Loirwood. chipped • • a| Fe*th«r*-duty 25 per cl Kentucky Ohio A. Pennsytva Fruit— Almond* shell'd--•-'jo 0 ti sort H & I 7 {l *rd 11 <a M Currant*, Zante •-. a y Filbert* y Groundnut* • • • - • 1.12 0 _ Fig*. Smyrna 15 & 17 Malabo & Kanina, .Muscat- • • & Bunch £t» 0 Hlponj, old _ Q _ <”ranbcmca B'i & - Lemons, Sicily hi 03.50 Orange* do -- waft $» u* Peaches. dry. bu 1 .lirt 01.1•> Apple*, dry • 511 0 hj Apple*, Green. bbl 1.H001.25 Fire Ilrlok- per M Boltvnr frjAUO Common 15 0— Flour-Duty 20 per cen. Krtra brumis,— 3,76© Superfine :i,fiio37O Fine 03.26 Rye Flour 3,18® - hlf. Oils 0 Buckwheat, hulled pß>—o ij u hlf bed*.— • none. F»«d—per bushel. Bran—— r 0 y Shorts 14018 Flab—duty on fore'n cau’i 20 per cent. Mackerel. No. I 11.500 No 1, hlf bbl* 0 9 No. 2, 9,50 0 _ No a, hlf. bbl*. ... - 0 _ No. 3. 0(1,00 No. 1, kitt* 0 _ Herring, No 1 06,00 No ‘J 0 Salmon, No. I, old- 0 New ISJDO 19 Shad —0 Cod, per drum —• 4 250t.6u Faro— Red For, No 1 Muskrat •16 17 liicreaulnff 1 ct per lb to No at Long reef t* Ho* No. 500 <&* 07 ■HQ “ >l*). 900. XIOO - 6 Q Coverlet Yam i> lb- • • Cdrpri Chain Si»«S9 Coudii Twine ti»® Candle Wick —OlO Coffee—Duiy *JU per ri Java. Old while ••• •lvftM St* Doming 0 Laguayra— d 0 Kin - 7J» *• Copper—Duty SOpr et pi ? bar end old 6 pr ct: old tn-e. Braziers - Sheathing —dWe Old 18019 In cake and Incou-• ■Wf&za Cords^o—Dutya) pr. con. Manilla —0 13 While rope- - —0 u Tarred ——o at Pack’g yarn, fine - 0 9 “ common——-—0 y Hemp Bed Crds per doz— Extra long • 3,0003,50 Long- —01L37 Common —■ Plough Li net 8701, go Manilla Bed Conln —per doz 40 yd. d thread- —OO£O 90 i. 30 do 1,7601,03 do Plough linen 0 67J Dome at lea—per yard | Brown Cotion • -• 300 1 do 'do • * 007 Penn Shl'g* A No l - 0 7$ Allegheny D's —0 AUeg’y D Pin Mill 0 H* Oregon D Union Mill — o— Penh Mill- — 0 7 Pittsburgh do laurel o- - Karroos -~9H Mink SaVsge —DftrrHkin per G> ---14 PowUatan j-A -• Qlaaa— Lonnac C — l •—4#6 Black Boole* Harrison—-- ■■ ■ • —po Quart per gros s 4W.HO 5-4 brown cotton »©ll pint. do ®?,l)0 LBleaebed do i&V M&d'a wme,s,fito gal- e?y,uO do do. ■• • “iitflo Claret per kto«s ••• • OU,Od [ do do ■ Window Glass, per box Brown drill* 7*® VI Cuybmnd* Bleached——— wlO a 1 Bxlo net, | cTicking* •• ioxia-~ I Hamilton oU>* lixla | Lancaster— — •• —013! pmrni do . tuxl4 10 | Brown** A C. A • ••—otB* 16x84 10 50015 Melhnens 14* Country brands No l superior 016* quo iis® XSO Colored Cambrics —-4l®a lnxia-- • •J.' Fancy Prints-—— • Gunpowder- -Duty aupr Fall River Bine- _—-& a eetn. Mernmac o\u fFFO 5.25 FaU R. Blue Orange *&Vi\ Eagle. 6* lb* •• - Vofk Treks- I*H Do. dor 1 lb earn*!'#- Drag!—per *6 - • • Alum A»*f®uda-' ' Arrow Hoot Aquafortis— FFFX< do •■ r 6>4,0U •H 017 Kaftie do in paper*- 470,00 —4 Rork pvwd.rr • • • -3.515 £73,00 - It 0 SO Grain—[Aity 20 percrm, -0 IS Wheal- -704 T - - .lO »II R/fe -£>4s COMMERCIAL RECORD. !=r'.s= —" : ' J " " '■ . FI.OI'K —B> rcirrrn.-.- < -ot.j imj.ori .11*.i 1,- PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRAOB t 'wn tbm ihe rfcnpi, »f wrri, h a v bren m . COMMITTEE FOR APRIL. UK Marshall. T-s. O.AAKX ;xt> sumrox l o i on the wbart m ?.'Uti.j-*:uiti p- !»I<l **m™ more }l3\r t.ecn lo a Uir rrlent in llif rrcuiar h mvr jtra«l»; at price a rtiwunj a- oril;n>; to iruiu f: ! Cl* it. $.'1,75 p- |.t,| : FISH—The ma/kd rcmamt i,uni. but lortnei •;«»«» ( Uoiis are toil, »u»t«u>cJ W- i.otiT regular *aW.i Jtnmed iot> ai the following mime h;-ui.'t >a;iti-.n SI-, REVIEW OF THB PITTSBURGH MARKET, nia TUB W"XK* WRUNG J fill 3. mess in almost every i ant change has taken place in quotations The wea' Iher for the most part has' been quite pleasant foT out door operation*, and bunncss in a general way ho* been quite lively The river ha* been, and mlhk’OJitimie* .n splendid boating order for ail claoo* of steamers. and business in that qu&rier has been quite brisk, although receipt* in some respect- hnva fniien jbor' of those of rr*»- pre :eilmg week. » We give ibc tat-uiar •Ikienu.-M o( «l.r rr- ceipt* liv river 01 sortie 01 ihr pniifipii mtirlra 01 tirde. , ?b7r; : Suvar. hlul -V— j MnlasiM**. t>b)• • 1 Cotton, bale* Flour. l>bla Whirkc). do Bacon, tilul< do irc<> • 'ifi; | Woo!, ak» 4t>6 do bbU io(i : Potai-i-r, Mils 411 do pc* 40W i ,to. V - Uo bxa • - •• 16.1 I'lg mec&l, (on* jAI Pork, pea lIGITV Ccro, bbl« |n6 do pckl'J,c*k* 10 [ do »k* ■>> do obli 4-1 WTeai, *k* 111 Lard, bbU ' - 170 | Green apple, bids 600 The ahipmeniii Irora ttu* poiui cut by die Penn*yi- Ttttua canal, have been heavy The following 11 a list of some ol die leading artic.e* of eoivnerce which have bee a shipped u> the eastern m&rkru by i)il-< hnc Of roinmuDication. aiio die amoiitiU pfißWiig wen P*asis-> Fla«t Aniirni Wm. Flour. bbl« .-20416 Dry Good*. b» '.HOOrdMI Bacon, Be s?6icX»l Hardware. 13»»*5-4 Beef and pork, bbl» yy4" Queenaware UTOiai Tobadco. Els Grooenc, 4746U4 BaUer “ Z»I4 Cotfee, T.'ldtU Lard. - •••<&««' Fish. Ih-JOO feathers. - i'lai- Copper. ' -IKK! Wool. - 41W71 Nail* >IXO Cotton, ' ll7(Q Pig Metal, - a ££>.’ Hats i Shi— IS. 4415-M Pig Copper ft* 2 VKrr.i Tin, -Jiia- T allow. • • 27444 Drug-. '-HI The taken from the Col'-ctur • t«>oks. Will show U,e uuml'CT ci Uoulj cleared trocn iti-’ on:' - - from the 'J3d to the bill Marrh. mcluwve, al:o Mis a mount 01 tonnage and loilr, during the same.period - No Boon TO.I- 1.43241011 *921 S 4 UMilill* 727 01 646.607 4W: 26 1.3l a JiSr SHI 31 SHSAAI> S-l (16 ÜbtihSO rt*ib l* 4 - 1 74s l.lSkWb 4:u* 'jt> FViday 2d. Snludday 24. -M Monday, 20. 11 Tuesday, iVednesbay. £z 17 Thursday, 2b, '£i Friday, mi, H Saturday 41, 26 S6 4C3»iV T 64*> IK Total, 111 Rept’d previouslylO! I7j»ltf,p?6 ?i:t.i«M ID Total, 14tmc lUt, W 2 It will be seen b> reicreice k> the iorf-goinv naus ies, that a heavy business ha.* been doing, botli t y t. 'Sr and canal, and iraiu the present fine Msjr ul the •iver and the lew rules of irenjht, oar nett »-▼ tnl)i irill show larger rc«alt» quite a lively bu*mc* ! iLio been done on tbs Mor.nugshelrt slack watei im pfovecneni, and ib<- • aliipnacni*- c*»i si»l w*«i oi mai line, have been quite heavy ASHES—The receipts oi tuc various l.iul- have been comparatively light, hut n judi'd from the tieadi nessof price*, we may infer tliol the! present supplies are altogether adequate to the deiniml For correct quotation* of all smells under thi« head, see genera 1 table. ALE—No further change has iu ihe pri :cs of Ale, tud wa continue to quoin si pdju to 85.51 i or eoiDuion Ui best, cask included. APPLES—The receipts ot tireen Apple* by river have been to s fair extent duriuu the week, and owing to the advanced stage of the ,r*«otv gntxi ,|ua)mes have been reaililv packed up along Diet wharf at sdvnu ced prices Considerable rjoantities hn»e been di-po sed of fmnrfiroi hands at p bid, Hi cordmg to quality LACON—A* shown by our table of re- eipu. th* Bf nvals of Bacon from the west, have* been large, arid notwithstanding lire henvy amounts ba»«mg ensi. our market is well supplied. Owrsq t» ipe ab-.tndani'c of supplies, the article hqj partially decbhrd The in nr kci has sliown no very heavy truneu> uons. Imi sales in a general way hare benu quite brisk-u the follow mg quoted rates, for \Vestern mid city, cured Should era 4£o4|. Sides and ilutas the lower figures being the present ruling price. Consulrraide tots of gooa country Bacon, in uu k. are tteiruming to arrive, and sales are generally ellccied from store at a Jc lower tliaa the above quoted figure* BUTTHB—The receipts of Butter have been light, aud with smalt »upplie« in store, we onbee limited sales only, at, for roll m bids lOifl'ii. and for kce BWsi—as in quality BROOMS—We notice no change ,n price- There is a brisk demand for sll'kmda at full" quoted rate- NEW II All DWA E 1C STORK SIGN OK THE FLANK AND SAW. No. 7 H Wood street, Pittsburgh. HI HKR AND LAL'PMAN, importer* ami dealers u. Foretgn and Domestic HARDWARE, ui ail tu varieties. are now prepared lo sell a* low and on a* reasonable terms ascun be purchasedeiscwlie.rc •We solicit our fricmls, and the public generally, to call mid examine our stork, which consul* in part or KMVKSanrf FORKS, PUi.’KKT and PEN KM V KS. . , PCISSOftS. SHEARS. RAZORS, House Truninm** , . . COTTON- Receipt* during ih- «'«i bnre j *»• h C7wLVXot*!-7 ’ MuipraUi’ Bleaching Puwder, ts: sft sgsuxrssrvi < t hr sis*- ...» G*c antbe prr*etit rnhtiff f>Kti»r ' wnh 1, ? i‘' ,« Hnrrmi.i * ‘be irnmuueturrrs 1 a fre.b -oppl. "I the above cirrroN yarn*.Hraanns *- *■'■>. ■■••>'«•■>! rll ,„ >p »d*«T . » «•>».<*»■> *»« *>" «« ■' = ,lon. „r ~ ‘ ; RBtQVAL* | - ' «£»*«.,«* DIUKD KRt‘lT—< oiisideroblr qoanime* m ; B. MILTEXUKRUUR! Vf ACalXa\ S oh KNTSI.ANI)- Dm arrive I,y nor, and supplier am large.- We .mb' *- ny jjjgjggliLflirtiSfcas. * n a . j i»-l ler’s rdim.ii .•..i.'.iijuh, nil U.*- iniiH'-f verbatim . hitnca in quotations ' We ijoote peaches at SM**® _ Forwarding and Conumssion Mer* *1 literatim. oi Yoi. I «:ni - J ui tl<»• L<iiidoii ••diU«n. cm SUViphu. Larae .|aemUtie» from atbre could not l-e j c }, tt „t. has removed to *,>„ s 7 Front, between Wood l-cllfsl.rd with „ poiiran of the • whor-if v «>!i» m one dis(o»ed of ui over SI.W bui Sales oi AtO bn Ap- arnl £tmihfi*l<J »treeii ' :i pv Knee. complete, Stii large «uj»ply ot tfoc above re pies at M)osic ip »,« J Z-Znvixvu' "till vv pT, TT-'' 1 ' ~ cetvrd and for-ale by JOHN H MIEM-OR. DRIED BEEK-We note «de. of (tofd iiunhiv wcM 1 B ' 4 w"fl RBAI'U ern and city cured fromsMore at hc fc TTICKORY NUTg—3 bbli recoil auilYbr aale by T° wl * ASs * MAM fACTLKRRS-6 c&tf Broken DBL'GS AND MEDICINFJh—Our dealers are begin IT. gp3 A RMSTRONO A CROzf'R A 0I*« received, in store and for sale by ’ I niflg to reeeiraiheir yupplie*, arid w* give cot* ap9 GEO B MILTENB^RGER RI.CKE'I'B ANLTC.BS—There are Uu supplies m the market, with sales of Pntcni lleavi-i Bucket* irom store ot BU,2fi. and •( Tub* at £•< do/. CHEESE-Tfir arrival* hare lec» :iml mijh pliea are umiirtl We continue m .|iir<ie e'lmmon W Rats|itfs|c, Cream at 7c. ami at -J.r [>cr pound. CRACKERS-No ••himj'’ pm at quotations in tat')' - AJTD BATES OF nABIHK ISSCBAKCK, FREIGHTS, Ac. l £•' * Z ' M | **»g ««t.l-pr .on. 6 mo*. Bariev • - ~ * No. I Voumir- - , Ma.lL barley •• e<*3 r%i t ■■ L- or _ ” _ < Glnc |ici tb Haiisui, IEL-ji Piiinb Common ••• II 0 11 .\o l Fottnd'- t Hoß SOpt'ci,! ■ ■ Forcr a ; Onlia prr tall ■ ■ —l if - , Tcuue.. „ « IVMifrn romh p &1. 0 BO 1 l! rrrr( OlnMUg—Uiiv ai ft. rl ; Foundry '. - •'•"T"* -® » . Fo*,. a Hoyr-pr, ,o„ of BOOH Ik. - ; M0h0,,,,,, T »S«5* •• ••• i Foundry ft. .. Hide*—Duty 5 per cent Force i) 0 & —® h pi.. t ,r wpam.ti •* 0 .. ! Plaster I’p S" - i' ProVlYlon. 1)0 ®l.(W I Baron Hum.. ... iw & 4 Shoulder.. . . j Hemp—Duty •• H01e,.. iSSWtfSS? - ! „ ? w*,, is’s. 'i m l>«. frl-IS ■■ - I ... rJ-,! 1,, d I-. 1 Manilla •• • U.O W l .IXI l he,.,,.. \\- K- t,'jt M : Duty 30 per rrni. ' ,-f ,.\jf ; . 4 » 4| f’r«r11 1 .,,,,. U '»,' r , Common .... 3at 3J pr Mu . . ..Si; in u S7'--,, &*«® -* Do Butler . - -jfe !:i - Boiler I lam, n 6? t* Potatoes - inr t u-l. I ttds Hid 4j Common • - . win*. • ..444? i N'-.hanr.o.k.,, t, ; , U-iffTu ' .Hab, . 4 & 4J R«B»—lmty i.rr ir-,,; 1 oU*»ia Sheri . ft ] j : (V’liury |„ lir ,i. '{■ 4 . Lead-Duty Wprrorni . I>* rood wlmr . «y i, |.Mj*«oun JV 4J&- .. lticrfi*pf r fi> ' ! ~7' • • I| d 11 H •• • 4*tf 4} Uif F.pei.ffii I,*# j.m Hreda- <hnv l.m-rrd **u 1. r 1 Sh 7' • f» if 6i I'.uvrr -. I -i>ir I Leather-Duty ‘.Hi pr , n T.mothv . a- m IfKilr. Bail.more -.-I & & Mas d 4' New\ork is 4? |y , .MonarJ . '2.60 St 'III. | Damnced • • 14 fi? 1- fcpice* —.,-r tb Siauf-hirr • • Is it '*} Chivr.. •> & j, ! v'l & u iWkim M..u .. st ■ Harness I,luck iy Q . .. v 0 j„ , Undies Mark, pr do/.. Nutmeg. I '35 10 1 s ; !-nle« • - :«i.U) IVpper- • . ? 4r~tf Rusrett do 3ti.rtlfil4o.uo Aiep.rr Q joi : fpper fiiiMhed 23.1X1 „ «, Kipn.Rm.lied 24,rt» daC.OO V.rZr '' P t ‘ Call Skin dn ■» tfauoo *![£ ' “ * U L n' let!, 0 ‘ So.p- Duiv » • No ' ujg'o _ ?»*•»«, k •>* • . 1l«» *1 INo 2 I'.-rdi.r fcS.OO 0 _ ‘KteTl 1 -', is i- ** »3i#s£' “ i “ 0 » ‘rr, : 1.-*.-- >4 .• ;.i ■ % i* : &•;,-. i !«. t.omtnon . 1 [ * w no., ,| - -145! „ |JS g >;j' ESJ3CS5 ,WO SSii i| S si; 4 c -'"’ I Its : K "J” BavaJ Store*— Duty 2fi<- Rosin per bbl .. X7S& 4,rtj Balt— Duty 20 per cent Pitch —*- XSS O '• ■■ O I^3 Tar, Allegheny ® ” l.m store O I„K) •• N Carolina 4.23 0 ’Table iloa boi 0 Turpentine, fall- 60 (2> t>6 Shot—Duty 50 per cent Varnish. Copal U 76 0 2.1X1 , >er ®13,£0 Nalls—Duty 30 n e —per ! Prr ba * IJ7J kr K . 100 lb., [canine nail. ' per 6 1 cent advance perTb ] ! "• a llP <Mf * 0 0 ;» 10®*J0d Jamau 3503 3.76 Tobacco-- ,kt 6-[lopcr >0 9d *• 400® 1 01 otf lor cash for mamiCd 6® 7(1 •• • -4SO® ; Tobac-O ] Duiy in j,r n. 5u - 475® - Ci*arl.eaf 10 fi 4(1 Q 6 00 Maiiufldiio 4 0 7 3<J - ... e.oo® l.niiie«‘Twm H>l»> ]- Julies per Bi 0 Si Plug in he#* »® i> " Pressed 64® *1 Plug in Ixixcs n 0 it Boiler Rivets _ ® 7 HTVisi- 6® 7 Oaknm—per ft CnvendisJt -- • ii Pittsburgh —0 $ ;U* Dump mh. 1 a lt'j - 0 (Si - 0 ,TT| 10 0 14 o -a a a a u Oil*—per fni j * ' PJ S> i? Lm»ec<t—.— m>o ' I<u '■ --NO N Lanl, City - SfiOtin . snuff 14 0 ii Olive 1 s<| Rap|'«-» > - 0 13 Sperm Mea-bed O 1,-Ji -Cm h Irry f It. pap 0 2i L'ublcacned 0 I,yo , . T«*--Duty iß)per ;ctit. Fall -0 I ImpcnaJ fib 0 Whale TS O jtx} liunpowdcr \b O 7u Tanner* per bbl 17-OOOIP.OO OU ’'K Hyspii 30 O «© Poucbon* • i 0 3 per lb Tlnplata Duly lo pr n Pru*. Blur 7(1 O no Baiiea Block ... 0.. LanipMack iJ3 7 J X ... a jo in ?*j.nd \VhM.L< •• IJO V T»lloW l)u:\Hfpr c <*m Clifoinc Urrru • ITU 0 la Rendered ••• 7 0 Yellow No 133 0 ;tt Roush & 4| No :! 25 & 'f* ‘ Soon Grea*e - J 0 ;u Bmii*wiok (irecii P.’ 0 yri Vle«»—prr i.,«x While Lead, dr> 6J Solid hoxe» 0 in •• Oil. pure kef -l.Oi 0 i.cyj' .Winea-Duty 4o pr rm.- u N“ I 0 l‘Vi L P MadrirH • • 0 a.oy Red Lead - LPTeocntle ii«i a j -3 „ Yellow Ochre -- 'j]tS :i Lisbon - 7j Ven. Red 4{3 It Dry Malarju- - 0 7u Verdign*- 3U 0 > Pweei ab 0 6-j j and 3, Herring and CodS-iiTo: * druru. | FEATHhßj'—of ifood wriirtn J-ratn«-r' i: nt i «tore. in lot* 01 at) 10 louu'&s ai b ( HOII- t- or •'urr*-< l 01 ►, • , Rni*in» m<l inr various am.-ir. .miin :ti^» KK.itl*— Ihr o\ Br;>a Ha** l.crn i-i n tn.r . k 1 irni lii'i Styrt« ha< <■ rai><<* m_•■</« !\ We : w idr r:*it(C<- 01 I.' 'olnc p iiu. ui l-> I <.R*W-i:kJF>-. T!.- i„v- J>SJ«I Willi lho»r (ll Ulf yrr»;BU- W'.. l(nW 1 lU-.' biiti nr<« tia* 'K-ru doi-'j; .d !' i:iU '«l'• Nt'SuLHr :n . NuMwir. **Uv H rime a u,- F i-»;. Wf i,.-Uit d I ikuto .■ Ilii* mark,•: vjuiv- ai v& wu, *aic» Su'-* &i j-.- f. cu.-n % nI , -ii/ltM- H> lor i-.iuiiii'j" ( » l>'-»i >. e- ..I |<,>l, . OK.\JN-T'-< mark,-I mam,.,.a* • i .j.nrlr.r. | Ohd »ale» I,a ,-r bren >'iibr>-’)' . online,! to jnuir l ~r. « Hie fivllow-i i>r;rr* from .lore \\ h.-m ‘u a''t R. .• Barley 3lv (‘orn ii. and i»«i, ~r -j-2» u* p •... Receipts hare been '.i|Cbt. and vrt m.r beard .o mj j fif *1 hand *o iin I.irf nmou:: 1 ’ (.LASS— I‘lie mark cl u ate oil yai muiier » • ; Fur price* of an kintU Window yin.*,. • * HOPS—Fit common in i.rii von-. \* u ; p< irom «icr«- at iniri:!, p to l<, i»a, in fii* irln .p H Regular '4.e» or g,*od i> ,n at 8.-..10. roi coiiitiMd- ui 5? in V iau I.AHb-Our ...j urn! | t key u toJtip- v & I.UMHKK mb •• ~un-d. V down tLe \ ,r,-;r n > . byt receipt, »r»or oi »iiu: w»- unucij.aip.i T: io mark el. * tin .ale* at • ,oc*'*i,<jii. t.KA!)-\V~ U:* \ r li*i! 10, «i;.e j til ,1*; llir week lmre l.nnl mrUirr nd.m.rr I'.; iiiihi ; be pooled »; 4(. ami Boi at 4i wnn *m«i. »a)e* PIOMKTM. Tin.' feempt. /rom ihe Allegheny are ernn.y .-bon of n.- la»i y„ r , »tr>ck Tile sule. of 'hr i week roriipro - i’\r i .i;.»wimr ime Jmi ion* Hem.nek '«i S2A. 4 and n mo* a loud m |U) ion* Mnl...n i*K metal aunir i -ui .i,< • ,iy «*i. taken a » n ~p« n C mo* Srlr* of Pine !,l, in .mm: b.i* I m 6 mo* - MAI.T-Tl.e ir.ulai r„., pm •■* from -'ore in, Hnr >'ll>—Receipt. bare '.pen 1,/;.- ! - ij* ( — . f . father llTUllr.' We ~unt. M l>h Pur.) ,\:t.n t»r v ira’l, and Tanner ••' «l7d fin i.'. KACjSF- Rr.ifoiar l.ft n./.d mb' ..r u- V lb Mr /cod r.r.xi tiiijrtl MJAF AND CASDU-" -*air. »i .no rily manuf*rm;ed H-»n. at 4 J 2'4l- . ■'.<! V# r.• f Hire) >on|i at ]Qf<- ft> Salr, e/l ,-,ly ao<l ' I 1, a•. 4c|.|k-.! at M/tut'J ai 11>| ai»l oi St*i jt .'!>• ; ,rr V|NKi;aK • Malt* i>i I I.lrr v.nrjar -n..r. t'uir j’ -J ii'J. V K a!i in l;*.K WIUSKKV j ‘•a.r ut rccil.-! a' 1- l-i an<l i«l- ft hi j m Übl. WOOlr -Tti, .uoiart . oniumca v-ry turn at loru.-r < ( uniatlo;i» A *af«- oI IVHMI toa w:i* km i u.i V-Fr to.*W fr* to For comet juotHtjou* oi as: .ipi> ■! •timnrrs r.l 111 1h• !i• l «( tfetirtal ‘ JU u/’jii itk w uryr*eii>wn •• - • 0 liMii'-r* util] iJniverr’ |tk o- HuniMirp 2 Hftnk. VV* ) , ie ,i. utR i Mrri'l.ant- B« - v rinn *t.ur/ “ I'Urn-vs fe Mprh« *Bk V ,J" • I Us n( Snail, I'.rr.l.nn- 2 (p-iMnor: p«.t Blarylanci. . . . . )|k- pur ■ *>"»*»:• • I HiiimVAO R l(S< r.p l<i *• oc* Ilk | e.iml,rri,.Q.t tik <»■ A'lr ■VN r>: Uf.iru li in .. | fiiirtuy ■ | Hr rf Noir* • . *• Fur Bk of .Maryland •• «* «!>• P U;i Jo « Fanner-' A. M-chame* •• ■ ity A County tp t Bk Kf.l-rik • Ohio. I ’rr (1 r i ;»• » i:<» lu “ Mian* Bk . .ind Uram-he* !J lUd-riw.wn Hi - •• M.him r.MM-um Mn-ri'Hk--- ••• l MPMl.eilV.ilr r u.ip'-er- I’k I S: ilij “ npsnnlik - - “• NUriftlin ... •> |U i' \\>. mi inirr Nrur, *• .Mldilkaa. '\n-.niiai. B*J,k* • • •• iU mS' i ai 1 • - lailu'iiiiu* do *• Mk 1.1 K.vri Hu.trii CtrcJrvilie . •• M rmi |,i - Co- a Z->hrw lie f Ut s M.-, t, v in i Pulnnru U Uroudn Trrrll')-, -7(. Vl a r \l-I «'!• M.iw'e 4 _ >.• m ». . Mi-»iMnn - • i. Canada*. Cattle Market. : San,lurk, • .. • • 5 ALLcaiiKm, 4{>i i. 2, I?4V (ieauj:, • nl hu,' andNm.i HI.KI (' \TTI.K-- I'ommuf. ' f n'Y iTT*'J“ V V'" , . i k»rißiid . . ); Ciold *. Hpet-.le V Blue. than lU<> »iHvmK i.«eii clirred in U..* yard *..i Mo iduv - X-mu ••• •• Nkpoimi. ... . ;mi 8p..! .pi ilrty weir rradiii taken at sii fc* I'm tt)> u-i- DaYton •• Hueur. i liflY jtl uece..d uwality at »Jk.ul SA **• !«' ft* *?:r r ’ ‘ »'* * J” r>o fl * lU ...... Pranklin Bk r..;«i.,Luk “ l-.aglr, new Idlin MiM.S— A limited wr.n o • I**' Cli.i; rotlir *• !>o«U(wii/>. SfiariiAft 18 on No Sti.-ri, wire ufl'ercl l.nkr Kre • - - BoP-nr.ot 15. Ml - - - rtcio;.k • J - ... “ .S.-rm,!,. •• - 1-1 LnncOAirr 1U Ouiiif** a Hi) Hamilton j 3 Fie*-MfkA.l : oii--• • 17 -d 3O Trn'ililirr- • • 7h- Farin'i* [J k I'ajticn —-50 Ten Huilden • "mi Urban# 50 ;Loaird'nr« 4 .V) ttentnekf. 1 Exehaag*. Bk of Keniorky IJNrwVc-rS J pm Ilk of Loui-7i!lp *• Philadelphia Jpn»i Norhern Bk Krntu’kjr •* Ba'um''rf —• • Jprui Mew York~ouy Bank*, par H’l» • i iIoNKV MARKJ-:r The only c Nailer w,- nolnr m ihc m.inr". Krl, u that 'he ratpj oi currency dcrouiii- hn-.r ..1 vaticed a Jc »inro our fu*t rimin' Hu- , imuf .* conhncil u» Virtpma. Ohio. K'nturkv an.l Mi>>oun 1>«l: k note* The loiiowmy a i' idr romc.r,) rarr^ StLi.iTf'* R.» i r New 'i .JrV , Baltimore, * pm I C.r.nmia: » Uuuv.ll. I j Si 1 ,001 iiwk Ni/n> * llui'. ; Kat* 1, d.« I Co A t:.iv ..r I • Keilrf • • I Pecmayivania «.. • iVwVm " Mai v Ism! Ufl-am Beviv. K*r; | Indiana, Kenioniy, Virginia. do Wheelitu' Krgular uie* PORT OF PITTSRFKOH AHRlVt|> No.. Gn-on, leaver r.nlt.r, Jacob*. r.rowri.Vii;.' AiiniiliC, Kr-.n n.\ ,[. r ' .uhOcii, Hnidr,. ic-on. M, Keofixii Caiet. I'opr. A. Muul.rn-k lieavvr Beaver. Clark. Oenvi r Wm I’biihps, Mel’h.u!, K.n.uiu.n, Jenny Lmd. '.'.an*-->v., A -. ZacKary Tayior Lu,«*. W/.eHni,- R Wig/hlman, WallianiMin Chri-iet'. LamJieu HwDlmrg. Caldwell 1 r>tjj«v 1: 1 «• U; W.u CimiiHi. I v v .i:, M -v. St L«. . <ive. .V, j, 1 «.irilon Frankun ■V:.'.-:i-iiv !>llr Haun.» DEPARTKD l-g&WJo f* ... oi No . < )'„■ t> H . ll.iAi n*\ Atidtili.-, I'.irkm-.m, I'.; ,u n-. ,• ■ a:H. t Murd.K.i,. r-..wr Kpbwt l ..u-L. IVuVrr. U'm Philiip*. Mcph-4.. K lumi m laiih* Melvin** I{ff«vn*vi!.p H Ni. K luht.-il.t i n N rtb Kiirf I if,ll) >i L,ui- I.upbratr* t ‘.illkumi N' iHl T, c Poe. .^unlikh ( -.til*-! i;, v d. Zaue«vi||o. Pbu;p lAH.lJnd£t* MiKire. Kreder K.»r; Pitt. M.ber KrtnU m U* Nelenn, Moore, U':iee..:i A ' Theft- wera 7 icci o mchc lull , tj r by pter mark !a?( erecnik at diirl. end IV >ATM Lt A VLV iTH I.' JiA \ Hr-, wiuviiie Pa, kel». 1 0 A M Jm ! | p M Beaver Packet*. !o A M an-l 1 I’ M -Dihdem. Hr. .oL:yn C.iK-iuunti—Mi Veriioii. 'Of Hi.. u '• .<i 10f ltill K.llumnfc- Wn, 1'1,,,, l' U.,:ni' HATKS UF IUSFOIiNT. K A <>l i>t.*»'OUNT-»;iMCK» i IKiij/%''* K. HOL.2IKS * B(J.NB, Exchuice Broker*, .No Bft Mr ilrt nr. * • o i-Ml'nii Pemuylvanla. Indiana. Uiok «»I'P n-i.urjri: ---Par Btate In AJlranrim • IJ I'.kCUaMJC BaJU - • -I’af S 4te>rr:li Alcuh A. Man Bank par, Virginia. Bka.oi iTi.iadctph.a -Par'Ujchnnsr Bk »l Vn ]| (■.r :rr<] hunk • Par Pa rmer» L* n| \i Hank oMmiinaniown pur Hk. mme Vaiiey - *• •‘lieitrr foonty- |»,.r Ilk ol " < u • I*:' r,M A. M Kk kS uri-: | Moineonx-r)'Co, pn, ■ do Mortuntowu I • N jnr.on.[.'-iinnd par N. W iWk Va , 1 -oiuinbi* li!i,’t«- Co pa' do tVelltbnn; >i H») iCMnwn K.uik ••• pnf do Paraer«l>unc- —~ ITfinrr*’ Hr Keadiiifi pn; : Teun«M««. Kiwncrdlk Burk* <Vi par Bk. of Trim.'»irc S Farmer*. Il k Laura* f pur Far. 4, Mcrch’t* Bk ••*;ri Co Bk • pur Plantcrt' Bk. Lane .«iff 15k jiai UuJOlißk.-* - " I r-thtr* Bank ---HI ftliiaOurl. lu • ;n*r Buur Bk o.'ALaaoun 'i vVa.i, ri<!i,n ifk 1 North Carolina. Oeityatni rr li Kk • • I Ilk of Cane Fear--- i Cti.ijnfirr*!>urir M Mcrch’a Bk.. Newber.) ■'i,*«[urnriiinCo. Hr :t State Bank -2 lyr.itd Co Hunk, • - Booth Carolina. Lx--* - C.’rnPdn Uk •< Moidi-io-yn ... i iu ( nnrlraiori-• • 2 -‘ r,T: *“■ •’ iV.m,..•••• ...: Ur -2 Bnrtv,.K«ir ManmJ'r. ?n d ‘-i 1 in 1 if T 1 ai.-ibna • .. (j jf ; Wool per b • cuprre>-;ii Full Mno-! /if I M00d.... . at :: 1 ft? •> i ami Connno’i ll* a? •'? ru». ‘ -} 5 Whlikey -|>-r E all..n Rertified Raw Moiuiurahria Zinc—per b Of in >l8 !' • ut u«d Freights p,-r jr Dry Heavy ♦ To 1.0 C., *>& l-Jfdiu I>rv Coodi Hrnv\ . . I'roinl.i.uitvi'ir Drv Heavy To Si. la.o, Dry I i'nmN 3 gi H cav )‘ 40 id To Cleveland and Kri*- Dry (.o<k)«. gf _ Hravy -St - Drv (~>-..-1. 1 dow 11; I'n-Kluer. .V,- i u ,,. Tn Nn«hvi!.r Dr) st o-, H To W'i.rr„» K " i)ry ..o.>d. . r a Lit ‘"'r-Cx “ - • iv 0 -jo •J I>t\ < gj M ',"V Mrm \ (iim»l. .. &»»af & i . 4 ' *a*L 1M UlU.,*i,i Av.r*. F..i am mi Butn-r auj Itaeon, ’ Bert Bnllp.l .j, liilip ropr # „,l R H ggtng <io TO IW.' Ji 'l'’ -r- i ■== do .'j*. K»ur„ . {NK.mJ j 0 I»r; t.nod- j 0 | ,a| l ~„: *, ;j M-; 'Mi i -.hj lur. unJ ~ p c , , Uj ISs , y,, h»*U<cr.. ~0 , j« i.oo ina*Rwiii r . ,i„ * ‘la»*. \\ in.low, p,- r i.i «n O <»reen and dry fnm per |>hi lb. 7.4 Ginseng. per nnj :■ 75 1 Groceries. do mi Hardware, do 75 Hops. j 0 ' Hemp, ,i 0 7n Hide*. irnw ?6r; drr fits} .in leather, j., 1; , pi h '» ,; n n, l.nrU and Lari Oil, J„ cs (M.0i.,0' j 0 ?5 ni'twed 0,1, 110 7- fork. perbbl do 0 17.; *“P*- parWOlh. i>j Rope* and cord***, jo Dti -I’"'" .in » »#m*. Derr and Buffalo, do 75 Tohnofi' Ira/ .. ~!l ilami/aeturad. 7-1 ''Hcri, Un no '' ool > j , 0 V\lu*irv, peri-Kiibj .£ r-' TUX tATT <•:* SIACI WkTtß C!r... No 1 - A*h> > Pm Phil Nv; Hncou. Ilutu-t, I.hmJ Cher.r. Pork. <•« 1 «';{.** W I,as*, nnd \S n.*k\ pr 100 ;b* ~ Cijuii No 2— if.'mp. K’ttX Claas.No 3 Dr..d Fruit ~ Leather. tn.j R nr ». Skm«. Srnt. _ Class No 4 —Beeswax. Feathers. Furs g, Hop., i<)<i*f I'm _ Marine Insurance. Kate* of Insurance on rnigrr. of Pm Pmstnirgti to \Vt,rr. mt .v 0 J 0 | ui Niid tonn OuircnMi.u j » , i^'Ui«v I, lr. K, ,/* j :: : •*» u*., lo fWKir;» . ril. I ■ lolndriH-num.T a jyoj ■ : '.r.'Cn,r", ' "»'« in Mi nrp.i... Irt, 1 ar ! J !‘s!| ,w,i li. S«!W Of tr an. \ ‘'mciniif.. Packel-.. i-J A K.-k I'Hii.A;.Kt.n,i ;•*»■ une-T o .-ioi-k V. M MATTERS. REROUTED FOR TITS NTTSM.’RGH DAILY (IAZCTTE. Court of (Quarter Sessions. Fuiday. Aprd 3rd, 11*49. Hfi*** l m—!uJ|fc# Hatton and Joues. Ibe tirsl ca*r taken u|i thia morning, was that oilin' (. oinmonweallli v* jobn Lewis, indicted lor u I,if, *Miy committed at the late lire at the point.— Tli* "dry brought in n verdict of not guilty. < ■ommonwcnlth vs Henry Mast. Mast was in ‘Seted lor (lie larceny of some varnish, a looking gla*'.. aud other articles of value. The proseci in i appearing, be wa* discharged. t omuioQwcaitii r? Sherry Duval This was a surety ol the peace case, and L>nval was bound 1 ominonwe.iUb vs Janies Williams, Ann Wil limns, and (our ether-* The pri-onera, three male and Hirer '••mal.*. were indicted for larcenv Th« prcsn ic. .( „.ji np}>'iiß the\ were discharged l*re*ei,t. JuJces Hutton and Kerr f ojuu.ouu-calih . v Kr.-dctidi Ivwees. Indi n»»-ni l.,rcenv Thu jury relumed a verdict 1 o.iiin. ti'Aert.ili vs. Lydia Johnson Indicimc arsauil «r.| hutiery. The iiiry bruiiylit in a ven l<i k'uiltv r— ■ -niii,ending her In the mercy ol 1 ouumuiwenllh v«. Aun Lampbtdl. Indicted 10. ih a , .'iiiiiiaiii M-oid The examination of th< w iur«»es m ih.s, caused n great deal amusement The jury had not returned when Hie Court ad nn.ej I'i'Thc r Locrt A|.r< 1 3d -Present Judgi l.our.i- mid Hepburn 1 he tirst case uken up was that ol the A* -itiic.;,- ol Warrick Martin vs Hull Jc Speer - ('ie mrv ill ihi'* can- tiroiiirhl in h verdict ot ihre hitnCfed rni'i one dollars mid seveuty three cei in lavor ot the piuuil't! subject to ihe opiuion the t oiirl on ihe point* reserved- Courtney I plaintiff. Kuhn fir defendant Matthew 11. Locun el. nl vs. Samuel W. M Lrinm.s. This was an action of ejectment, and w not concluded when the Court adjourned. Mayor's Office, Pm>Btttoit, April 3rd—Four men one w<.man were brought before the M«t. r -.his morning,charged with drunkenness.— lire Annum was sent to ja;l for thirty day*. She i* aiwavs dritrk. nnd n so great an annoyance to her husband, thal he had her arrested. Two of the balance were committed, and the rest discharged Mayor? Office, AlI/wjhevy, April 3d.—Four prisoners appeared before the mayor Ibis morning charged with drunkenness ami disorderly condui Two wore fined ten doi’srv each, and in default payment were committed for ten dav* One wi sent toja.l lor five day? and a? >t wi t.i« first offence, win discharged Wn iron that our long experience in the carrying >u*i:ie*a, and zealous attention lo the interest* of rtu tomcrs. wili secure to u» a continuance anil increase if the pmronage hitherto extended lo Bn»chnnt'« Line. <>or arrangement* will enable- ui to rariy Freight I with the uimo*t despatch. and our price* sbail alw.ii t be as low »« the lowest charged by utner responsible reriTit imp-.nan,>d> in,in Franc.;, are some mo «pl»*r.«bd trev - i.sttrri.e, exceeding anv thing ev er' vr,'ii in this itv !t is difficult to con ee v* Ihm ws 1 con.d carried to such per'o*ti.'>n Urea* .rurm**«r> of oiir citizens called t > M-f :hr«o '*>nu’ii'ul works of art. yesterday, and we understand t*»ev can be »e«n any time to day. I-’-r t ntLbajcs --Severn! children were lost th- bustie and • illusion of moving day and thi -'C ..nan L.l constant employment. «'-iHONrn« IiVitKST —The i.-rooer* lory will tnec! 1..1* evrn.iiif at two o • ioek, ia the .May r'a ''dice, Anegjiea> - ity to nold an imjuesl uj«»n James Tensja r We w iurti.»h an account of it« pr>s-eed'ncs t- marrow iteming. ■i! !•; |K«rt t. :n tne Iro •■K'' -'fA h Mtj \ i '.itrA, n very r< »p»*ciat. e eit:*en. .i cl sudden! v on Monday tn> -rr me He was n :n- a.C ~t w.isb'iig tuni*e!t. whei be tell l ack dead Apoj.Vtv «'«> the ra-ise I)( lii« mourntu, oevurrent <• M’Ki'l Al. NuTl K -f Mctu';e*rs r,. rt btojuesne Division nr earnest \ n-i|ur'tc 1 In meet u t the Hall, corner c i hirJ and Wood st this murmur al mne u clock Mr the {.urjvse u f Mimdiug the tuneral ol Brc ■v*. IKK I'tAKt'. Mrini-rm c*('otbet b.> ,91,'un ari XV A In Id PA PKR WARE 11 OUK U ,\u il Mtirlft strrrt. {‘uixi-urgh, f’j. THOMAS PALMKR, | ) l .M’htTU LI.Y inrmume i l*i hi « Uifi lit a:nl ru* ■■ - !**• n-—-i. r Hr *«• .uMdr? :i f z -<! . 1 «... '.Mart! • .; r ,V: .7Vx. r^.^rj.r'^vr •"• <• -“‘I . .• ‘ ••mi K* i. |i .nil' .f. room. |-h: -i „• H.x • W.;:, •'/“l'*. V.f l-r.ii .. i' S ". ~ud T i u'lupii Ten. '♦ !'••••• ••• ; ;t," r. Hoar. U. \V|j. K ' ‘ * >n "' • .ird J., ... f, liUf.l if ir».lr M Or. lIKnSI iIA W fm r •I. c. P. MMITH, Jllorof) and Counsellor al, >T l.u l I > .Mu -.Par-." u ai mi.-uuon in me <-u..rcti<iu o l recused, •liuli l»e tennltf. • Hon l< lon irr ?u prru,r B*„rn. Pn . -n.-M. \ Co Si Lnui*. N'.'ood. Atd»mi A Ji o H Hrnwn A C-. do: .Mr Charier H ... K >.> >UA . <> Sf'vr \ ork. Chjnsn • H..».\ t o «!.. liAuchrr A OrrmloMf Baitiniotr I- A A Mur«!...-ut.lo L.o.e, Martin ACo do. Mi •fJJK-r. 1-OH-ri/. Sterling A i«, p,u» ' tirH'fUOr A * o do, Smith A Co do M- !.>«mrni,.in 1«. ntrnS? d2m R. T. LEECH, JR., i-ujH/rtrt and Dmlm m t'u’f tfrn and Domestic Saddlery Hardware i farrjnge Trimmings, No. 133 Wood ■(., Pittsburgh, P», now reviving hi- Spring »u|> ef Oyo<K .ml in % ilea Uif attention o( Saddle r». Coachtnakcr» :«nd Merrhani* to hi» «tocK It ha* been bought upon the •r,( irrilK trum ihr f.e»l «ouri'ra, «ivl he tin-more ic.r. ... nrintf ~!■ .. vr> aJor-l asiMtaruoti to \ CARD, J i'H.\ KKI.IA A <•<) i'iiwn'i t - r < . i*ucr,..«. ( - t.» Hoi.i., Winr ur \!rr- n„ n < luwOfvl No. |W « -i: liirrt. I*l.i ailnpui™. b*c 'V*'” rrr.ani U.r .HVr.i > I’Rl.Nf • an") SL'MMFR hA> 111( •N >. w,;n u »rg<- n-Kor»mf(i! o! N*wS[vk --nj’r.- ~ Voiinc*. *, Lor.rton, At ;nc IViilnrt'-iphn hit rr«pcctful rxiumi!,; ilnir cx■ Dmvi' wirli'iS" •■'w.i Mn.pralli' Patent Soda Ash. :S<M iirr now iurjc.y «U|l|)lK-U Wllh ll|f .nl.rm.-.l Kfi.fir. rrcei.lly rrcnvc! Uirrct <irer», iviu New (>rl*an») prr»hij>» •' ' Nr«mn>i. ami Far mh a; uie loweti ruarkrt Jmn- H li.i.Mr,,. « nrt, l;i . Win- I. Ill*'y 4Tr prepafil K, pri.-f* ror cu.fl n appiovrtl W *. M MITCHF.I.TREE, !*) Liberty *i N M—Titer wi:l i»*cpive n/-n momli another »hlp m**ni .mi (’hilwtlriphia) per »hip Llobe, u;ul Ihrucclor rr-: u,.tf Mippiri ap* I andscal’j: i'.apkr i I --t. a . • Hit lirill.r 01 .Mcuitrn •, 1 ... Orro (,nr-l< . ‘ • tluenu Vi»tu. 1 • Fn« .le {'n ri«, I l‘hn<r dr Lyon. I “ <iar<!r Frannnii, 1 “ <ol C Auvergne; 7h<- above i«i »i' l >iii-lr lor papering large public nxim. Jn«: rrc il <:.r*:ct irim Puna, hihl for aalc-ai 'hr wan-hon** i>i «pV , SC HILL HI JTkK 7 i.t-L Roll liuitrr, ,u*i landing S A \0 HARR\UGII IJKi.'a N NI.TS—II bI -i- landing trom *utir-Farns for *n,rf.y in.'hVl LK<I COCHKaNjW wood m / HR _ ror’«nle by m- i.vj UOHT DaLZKLL A <*<i. Libcnv « It uI.L HI.TTKR lit bbjftin More ami lor «nle by »" nOUT DaLZKLL A Co W A TM > --fiouil ll>» I>or Skins, for winch Ihr bich f T |>rir<* m cash will hr puli) hv s A W HARH.VI UH 1 HA< Kl. Hill. -160 bbla No J Mackerel U i -r n..j fair i v S A \V H A RHA IXill L L\Ti! I- R>_>ii ip, j, r m- | iii,jot* 1.. - landing and A i*.r «„.c by S»■ V(iN lIUNNItOKST A Co / U.nVKK AND TIM < inn sKLD-For , a \ e hv .V I,UQ - N _ SKVnMii.NSHOIISrtCi. 1 S|[»|>—, ntxl< now lnndin« (i,.m "learner 1) l UltlJfCflnmt, lof sue <.y ' ISAIAH OICKKV A r„, From «t 1 AHl>- 4 /7 hi,j* No 1. Uhnlidodn. now landing from Aj firanirr iluuihnl.ind; lor sub- by . n,rh ISAIAH DIPKKY A Co L’bATIIt.HV .Ki •». now landing horn <Mmr Cum A l«Tlancl. ~,r fale b> isAIA H DJC|»KV ACo / n T' 'N "i a UN— IIMMi It.. »»».irted No. c Yarn, /• J 1 * ll ““' k> . 16*i n,iic« Dulling, Ji ito Candle wick! 'or imc «; li.wr«; marge’ iun-» by KHKY, MA7THKWSA Nl hAll, A, *l6 hloU fair in prime N o Sugar; l*-l) bbi« a-orird No* Loaf Sugar; do Moia-tra, ■or »alc b> mhif- RHEY. MATTHEWS ACu lY r ANTKH~Aii Ciprrnrnred in iho Dry _T " bu*",e»i» The b-siof reicrruer* reijuir 'd *V |,lT *** AAMASuNiCo . n ' U '~ . _mi Markrt .i J n.lflNMuN CAPS rib J nml *,,1,1 | OI X “a.rby nirli I .’- C A 1(111 Tll.Nc H VJ"I.ASSF> |,,.u N o Mo.-j.m-*, j„.| ,r. d an«l ii.r .-i-1.-hv mrh*.- C II GUAM' S‘,Y' K '? r, 12 •»««. .Jo ...d hv Cl * '"lo Lnrd.jun rec'd and i'mi »«;r /j Lass-- V.J rernvi-d ar-.l mr ~,r > »■' Vn.N MUNNHivftsr K CCYTHRSNEATH:- :u>d..r for »alr bv k. mrhsr K Vt A Co H i 1t,,, ' ***' lflr »#le by A - Ui .. J- s 'JNJIONNHOKST A Co G R S« Lo " "> order" mch/7 JSDILWOBTHACo TRANSPORTATIOiN LINES. PITTSBURGH PORTABLE} BOAT LIKE fc«MB49 .WBISSI For th* Transportation of Freight to and from PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE N YORK. BOSTON. Ac Tnosus Hjruu-uk. Phila-V■ ptn* T**rrv ,'i o - C«*aNi>a. Piii.hcreb rimis old p.t.bti.Ni'd 1.,c- r.:' ~,,. A Mon. the proprietor* tire prepared witn the-- u>nal exieiiMive arrangement* to forward merchandise nro duce Ac io and from the above nor:*, o.t liberal term., wntb luc regularity, despatch :.r,d «aietv pecu-iar io 4heir mode ol trausponan-m so obvious, when ini ■hipment or, the way w avoided All consignments by and for this Ime received, chsr r »• Miy required directions free of charge for coimm*aio n , ad vancin'" nr storage No interest, directly or indirectly. In .teAnbnais All conununicauonspromptty attended to on applica tion io the following agent* ““ M""- ->■ ri’ilud-lcihm O UINNOU 4 Co, Morlli BOATMKKS’ LIU. lS4!>. eg^a^n PITWBLIU.H, FHILAUKIphia. A BAJ.TI.MORK Goo<i» shipped t.y Uu. Ijnr. are rnmcj n, loui 1, u ., . *ecUon t’oriuUir Bonu eubscnNrrs havrn* made arrant,r„-m. ~ c... ol a wini o: JWTnirk. m ,'oiumt.n. lo i,»v« mcir rorwardcd „vcr u.r R«>iroaJ* ~, t )r . to a* 1 o uvoid ihe drlenUon that )in« her.-i.iiur*- u.-curnrii lot thr want ofTruoki. Muppen w.u and t j„ U)Ul _., advantage So charge* made i„r n . r ..| Vll! „' l , ( cr for advancing charge.. All goods with despatch, and n:i r*-a.o!inl.i.* ifrin« n» m- nti lj, ’ f '<>HN KaRKKN ifi'i " ' co/TKr ol I Hiiai and l.n-ert; »i, l*i;r,t.u, a | l V K F'RKTZ A i o, *•« Maikrl -f'hiindeiphiH ■tag* 1849. UNION LINK, ON THE PENN’A AND OHIO CANALS. Cjuwtobd A Cleveland, O ) ... RO. Paul Braver. Pi \ 1 T0 P r • I'HJS Line will lif prepo cd on the opening of navi gation. lo transport I'reighl and Pa*«etiarr» from PITTSBURGH ami CLEV PR.AND. lo any pomi on ilif CnnaJ ami Lake* The incilmv* 01' ilif Line arc iin»urp>««»',t m nuinbrr quality ami capnciiv oi H-miv aiperifnre nt captains ami irlfiricnpy oi Agent. Oju* Bolt leave* ritlstuirgli ami ('lcvp.limd ib:i mug in with the gie«mpr« LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN Between Pittsburgh ami Beaver, and ■> inn- oi uni clast Steamers, Propeller* and VpMtii on \iu- !.«»**. Aokwts-«-R G Park*. Beaver, Pn 'Je«»e Baldwin. Youngstown, Ohio M B Taylor. Warren: Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna, Wheeler A Co. Akron, Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland, O Scan A Griffith. Buffalo. N V JOHN A CAUGHEY. Agent, Office, cor \\ ater and Smithfield sis, Pittsburgh. mcli'.Mly BINGHAMS' TRANSPORTATION LINE Johs Bisoham, Thu*. Btsokak. Wm. Bihokah. Jacob Don. Conducted on sinct Sabbath-keeping principle. THE Proprietors ol' this old established Line have pul their flock tn Uie mu>i complex ord- r. and are thoroughly prepared to forward Produce and .Merchan dise to and from the Eaatern cities We have opened an office in No [*>3 Market s»eet, between lih and Sih «t«, JMn.sda, for the convcDiHct of sh’ppers l'*nduce and Merchandise will he received and for warded, East and West, without any charge tor tor warding, advancing freight, ■torture or comuustion. Hilts of tailing forwarded, and every direction promptly attended io. Address, or apply to WM BINGHaM, Cann Basin, cor Liberty A Wayne »is. Pitubunrh. BiNGHAMS A 1)<)i:K, No land *76 Murkei street. Pbi-ada. JAMES WILSON. Agent. No ItM North Howard *treet. Baltimore WILLIAM nsnN. Agent. nieh'.’l No 10 West streei. New \‘i»rk Penmylranla Canal * Rati Road El press.Faat Packet Line, 1849. iPI 1 FBb.M PnTSBL’IiH TO PHIDADELPHIA A BAL TIMORE. (Exclusively for Passengers ) THE public are respectfully informed that thj* Line wit. commence runnmg on the 19th mat, and con unufe inroughoul me treason The boats are new. and ol a superior clat«, who m laiifcd cabm*. wmnti will pvr greater comfort The c«r» are ilie ihlcm coiiiiructiou A bout whl u)wa> *heii! port. and ttavrlers hi-- ie quested to cal 1 and examine them before eng’iglug pas sage elsewnrre. I Fare anly nine doi!*r« through l t ine or the of this l.ine will icase the landing (Opposite L S Hole!, corner of Penn «irci-t and every n.ghl at u’ clock Time lit day< For miorjiiutiori. app.v at me Office. Monong&hclu House, or u> D LEECH A i'o mehlT fnmiJ Bi.mii KIEH’B For the Transportation of Freight to TO PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE A NEW YORK TYUSINKSS on the Canal being now resumed, the X> FtOpTielOfaoniHs-anoTo Llm terpoutfelly inform the public that they are prepared to receive and for ward Freight with despatch, and at lowest rates Tboy would also call the attention of shipper" Ka»l ward to the fact that the Boots employed by them m . transportation, are owned by them and commanded hy : experienced captains j Shippers ol Meat in Hulk will hnd it advantageous j to ship by this Line, as the rubsenbers have made :.r- I rangemeots «i Colombia to have such freigh* for Hal umore nanded directly from boats ta car-*.' thereby sa ving warehouse bandit-g Freight to Philadelphia *«»« clear through m uir boats No charge made for recnving shipping ur advam-.iig ; charges KIKR A JON KB Proprietor*. Canal Basin, Seventh «ireri , AO ENTS—John A Shaw. Cincinnati, O, Jno Me- ! CuKoogh ACo Baltimore; Jos Steel A Co., Philadel phia; Francis A Thotnar, Columbia. rnchdi j Jsig, 1841). BRAVER PACKETS. £:ramer MICHIGAN No -J~ Capt lolmui I.AKKKRIF • Gordon r PHK a!>ove rr-i-ulnr xnd known Upavrr J*i>ok- X oil, have rommi-nc c! mnk their ri*:!*, trip* >0 Fiiiihurgh and Braver reemajiy dunn* the srspun. n» follow* Mirniftiiti No 2 >»vn Pmihurut daily it i> n clock A M , and Braver »i ? ncn.k. p M t. u ke Kr:c .cave. Beaver daily ui c o clock A 11., arid l^t«t>urch at I o'clock, I* M. These Mrnmrr* run in roanenien with K l» Park* Frprr** Pnekrt Ijne. for Kn. , Taylor A I-erfimicwri!'* Warren Packet*. I mna Line ot Freight Boat* tor • lerelam): Clarke A Co'- Ptuvi.urgh and UcvciuM Lute Freifht Boat* * R <. Park* .Imlv New Ca«i|e Park^. IM.AR.KK. PARK!- * (to R„vn, JOHN A CAL'I.HKV, Ac-n Fm.t.uriii mcl»3l cor Wnirr xn<l '-nnioC'- -1 »-> PKNRsYLVARIA CAR At. A K. KOAU-i, is-ii). L fK OM Puttbu rgh to Philadelyhui arui lUtlanui «•-. i KxciuaiYcly for l'niv«cru:rr« i THK public nrc rrtpecuu'.y miorinnl -mi: ou, Line will commence on Mor.tluv n*th March The Ixmis of lhi« |,ine am of a •uprnm I'la*-. v* ( ;ii enlarged cabin*, which will give greater comion io pai»cnccM A bool will always be m port, anJ traveler* nrr re- t i) uc tied 'o roll aml rj amine them brio re engnji 115 p-,«. 1 •upu by oilier route* They will leave ihe Inndtjvj op- I po«ite lire I,' A Hold, corner I'riin eireet and I every ruglit 111 'J o'ri ck KaHK—NINK DOU.ARi THROUOH Tuue — Days. For information, apply *uhe office, Mononenhela 1 House, or to 1) LI'KCH A Co, Cana) N !l —The proprietor* of the oboe-- Line are now i huildin? nn additional Line of Packcu. 10 ran n* nl.ove on nr .ilmiui June Im, in conneenorvwnih the i*r:irn\ 1- I vamn Hail Hoad from J.ewmown to Philadelphia A: ' ihat lime a packet will leave every moroma ami ■ me Time through, 2$ d*y« mcin'i ! RELIANCE PORTABLE; BOAT LINE,' 1849, j Tor the transportation ot .Vlercbomtuc i BETWF.KN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSbUTU.H GOODS carried on ihn Line are not iramaoncu between Pittsburgh »mi Philadelphia. |.e ;m : car. i ried in four section Portable Hon:* over i.tmj mid wa ter—to shipper* of rarrehandir- rr.,umiis rnremi handling, this lx of importance No rhanje mn le (or receiving or shippmc, or for advancing*.-* All i good* forwarded with ' run-** by any other Lino. JOHN M'FaDEN 4. a.. Canai Baud. Penn »t, Pituhurirli jas m Davis a i> marl 227 Market k 5-1 Commerce »t. Phila JOHN MeKADF.N k Co, Forwarding anil Comnus on Merchant*, Canal Ba*in, Penn nt. Pittsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS A. Co. Flour Fivrimiiuid Cormni*- M«>n Merchant*. *£!7 Market ami 61 Commerce »tree' J'hiin.lriphri. marl JET'Advance* made by cither m' iljp ntmve o-. Fiom \N onl and other niPtchandize coi]M*ned to them lor m^rl'l IS-U). Merchant.’ TrampowlTlon Line. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL* KAIL HOADS Tt> PHILiDKLPIU* *M) BfcLTtMI'RK THE Canal* and Rail R,.n<U i>« lnir , low <jpc . tit rood order, we arc prepared to lor«;,r'd a,l kmu*_oi inerchandmc and produce to i , hiUdc.r*m« and Uallininre. with promptnrM ami de»putrh ... good terms a* any other l.iuc UA McANULTY * To, (•anal BftMn. «l t'lUsliurvh ItAVMm, * mr-J7 HUSK MOHHII.I. Ilnlumo^ 184<l. MKUCHANTS- WAY PtlfilUHT LINK fur JoLn.iown, Honuloy»t.ur«b ami all lineniiadiaiK place* 5 ’ 'IMUM Lmr will continue to carry all W.v Aaai»Tt V A M’ANUI.TY k C.o Punbutah l> H WakcflcM. Jol.nnown S John Miller. Ilolhday.l.ursli HarE«i!uK»--Jarne« Jonlon, Smith A Minelaii L>t F m,' .Va7'* C, J 1 John **«*«, S F Von Uonn ,,ii * I*r.,"’ h* hUH,f * r °- JwM-Dfrini Hr<». !. ,4W,: ‘£:.'Z?: Jn " FOR BALK. For terra*. A.- ,i., iUl ir ~< .„, ~ JAt* KKHU. I- .v t\, ,»i vv nl „ *1 uiehUl >ll hi n> n H WH. T K-N N WV Hl’HlSti A A M,J, mi Market .u«wi, arr mow <ip«MHn K , |"“k»<r. „i »|>li>ruli<i Sl 1 HINli f,r>< c „„ ' ! Uawiu. Muilirm. M tlr l.aine*. I rinu, Fioneh Cambrirt, Lin»ni. RiM>nu», 1 8tlk», Shawl*. Glovpi, Houery, and a getienu ment o 1 Ooo<l« meh«7 OATS—Titi bush O*U. roc h* 0 II IiIUN I TUOAa* *«SKPT )K JOHN M UWT». KENNEDY * SAWYER, OOKING (.LASS Munuincturrr*. and SVholmnle deuler* m tor* icr<. n-.d d0me.,,,. Variety Good? " -aieru merchant*. Pedlar* ami other* me invited to cail and examine the prices and quality ot oar Mock, a* wuh our prmenl increased tscilitie* in mnnut&i tur 'tig and purrhamng, we think we can offer a* great inducement* to buyer* as any other house w e *t of the .Mountains. -nMy KF.NNKDY & SA'S KR. corner Wood and Fourth »ire--i. i,re now tsj e.vui* dirrcc from first bur i*. u i a ru»- »:ocit of Fancy and v*nei>- Owns, inc ml 'g Curri.-. ol rr-rv variety. gofd and silver \Vu;rlie», Jewciry rr< . •& Print*. Comi;*, Hook? naid». G:ovr. nn.l tloairry. Gun Capa, mul all other article* in ib-ir line—utiul whuh having r.een purchnarrt pcrsoruLiy or Uic manufacturer* en*i,du rtneibe iu.t svmier. eipre*»ly tor u.e Spring trade:, sold wUo.ifHie at u mh.i.i advance on co«t 1 onauinti) on nand, ad de‘cnptious of Looking Glitaa ea. of cur own n.itn..i»rm (l r e ceMrrn pn.-e». mh2J VY lio .KSAI.EDin GOOD**—\V r uf r .„, w rf r«, v;i*l!aUti f .ioc»ol !*prm K and >„ m .n<T I).* Good», ic.fni'J wiilt great <-aic irom \u- mi -oner, Ml d niiuiuiacturer;. IUuJ cO' .»ung of a h-.r an-oi’ujei.s of aS [trades kept by bry Good* m-use*' wi cu wt * r '' P«P*«U to sell at „ucn price, as eau lu .;"ai. to tfive satiM.ieUon to purchaser*. City uuu country merchant* am nv.tcJ to , V e 0 , a ea;;. wid ( .ciainiue nur *tock and prior* actorc ~urc liating 311 tCKLKTP* WJJITK Wood «t, two doors above Diamond a o'\V A It D a'o T EL " NKW VuRK UJDDI.CToN iWIitTF. hcg leave loan- A. noumr u> ihc-r iiktiiJa and the public. that tiny hHve iw. U in cl | the ru-iuinmnn 0 | u.c lar* c aud com mod.ou. H.nrl. corner ol Urondway and Maiden l.aoe. known us the Howard Uoici. Having mm-t, j„ irro V-.I tnr interna. improved .he rntr,,.,.! t.rranirrmem .. ttl,r housr. no puios • hall u« spared „„ ,h r part of I- iprir or* o v'iv' rnurc *au*l*ctjou to those who - - '‘‘ yor “• taarfi-daw if 4 C r‘" C \l kl <H i‘ V ' ' Orovc I’ruHi: * I’upcr, (S. H « ( F Markle, PropneiornJ we wii, i, e constantly *jp|.lird with all Uic different ■uti of superior quality* which w r offer at the lowest regular pricel^ ll , h ... REYNOLD.* ic 3HKK. - n<; * corner Penn and Irwm 'ifti ilnpmch uud on m rca*onaU< uTTSTt, IVntiM Corner ofFounh ■*** no'itJ-Jlyui M*rkr! un<l Perry nuceis | T NU( A RL BIiKU PASTF~Jii»: rurnving, “grots ; 1 Uolllei. of HbliKt Past.-, a ru,..-T,or urnrlr, Ij.ghly 1 important to persons that wt*ji 'o keep tneir reel dry i ll prevents the leaihe«Jrom crocking. ai»l wul tak: a ! Poll»h over u. For sale ai the India Rusher t>rp.»i. , No 5 Wood street ,nnrj JAH_PMIUJPS Cl A RBlTIlNt) T K.i* rnmnirnccd to receive a larfe a«*f«r'iner.i oi'Faa> y VaKJKTY'fJtioDS, ' consisting in part of AM.hru l *, Riirhcnu Liters. jlo ••cry, Gloves. Crap*. Lmsse I'.mi’rirs. Nettings, Ijtce I Veils. Shawls, Pongee Handkerchief*. pent* Cravats, : >{ineliam nnd c-uu-i Handkerchiefs. corded Skins, i Pillc, Threads, Button*. Combs, Jewelry, Cut ! lery. Ac .\r Country ind city merchant* are rpv | pectnilly invited to rail and cumm* hi* stock. No t?-| | Worn! street, c'-rncr qMhamond alley mrhJS) " 'T'O STOCKING WKAVKRS AND PKDLAR-S— -1 I Husjxbt—“iKKi dozen blenched. unbleached, blk, Buxeil ami r.iiorrd women * and men'* cotton llutr, Alto, u!• iiiracned ami mixed eotton half Hose. Juit rceeired direct from lhr importer*. and lor Hale at up. tnchm * SHACKI.BTT A WJIITK M’i • i’i >1 N rRY MKRCHA.NTS—W. R. Mcrpht has 1 now open at hi* Wholesale Dry Goods Rooms, uorn e«»i rorticr of 4th and Market street.. Pittsburgh, a lull »upp.y ol iresh spring Goods, including newest «ylr» '»f prims (nnglmros, Lawns, Ac., and invttps an efnininai.on oi In* stock. XJLT ANTF.D— A Young Man in a whrlesale and re i Tf tail Dry Uqoda Store Apply at tJ I .* Market n raehittidtt HY » Matnlii Man. a *ituaiion *« Book Keeper, Clerk or snlr*mAU, in a store or miuuitaclorv. ( Mon 'ftprrtnMr rererence* can be given. Aiidrc»a “A U 1' (iHr.eile otßee. mebVSVdltr* P«UDt Sods Aab. f ») CASKS !(.;»*• maker*) Jtu Mucpratt K Som' ** I l.ranii. ;n»i tec <1 per sleamet Brooklyn, and for "Tie by \\ 4 M MITCIfELTRKE, old No IWI Libeny »t INFORM ir n-iiO* mid the public iSat they tiava i X I.l’ lonc«f *** ••onneetmn wtlh their title nuMub. muni tn Pmn »ir>-e , n , ihr Pittsburgh UrcWery,- hnvjn* tn^irifniir.: t.tmnrM lo the POINT UKKWKKV .n m« « r r rl mflP:6 A A ilAKttl vm| i| * B ® T 4 Lionel * r ° ’ ‘ BU «ce«or* Xo’ Atwood,- w .a* , Co 1 c * mmi,, won and Porwardioff M er . #£SZti{sL'- M PrtUbttrsh Man ß faenr£joi4 1 fl DIL'WORTH k Co IuiiSbELLAiNEUL'ci Colrer’i Patent CoDcare Heater Cnnrof HI.TTFR IN KfVK MIMW TI / ' r K eal) the attention of the punhr to the article * f heading lbi« advertisement. and mviic >b- aider prums and eufioc* to call and witness its operation AU advertisements tu relation to thi* Invention, to tbr hundreds who have wen it tnstrd. i» Kupercrogfeuon. Ist. Thu Churn will produce Butter, gathering » in a mass, from sweet milk, in hvc to len minute*! and from err am prepared, as families usually prepare it, in three to fire minutes! kd. The utility of this invention is apparent, as bet ter Butter can be produced from sweet imik, orcream, than cream soured i/t the usual way; and by means ol this chum, a little gul or boy can perform, in fire or ini minutes, what has heretofore required the labor of a woman or man for one or two hours, ami sometimes half rr day. 3d Bt sunply turning a thumb screw, the whole in side dasher Is taken out, leaving nothing but the butter Hi.J milk in the plain wooden box. ' 4;ii It i* ihe cheapest churn ever invented, as the miipiiniy ci it» construction (thongli embodying u grcai philosophical principle) mokes -U but iiutp in uisuuiscture n. bth i’. I'U conunon churn, as ail will admit c invite the pubiie tocall aud witness its operation at our ntfice in the Diamond, near the Black Bear Ta vern. Pittsburgh, and m J F Beckham**, Federal ft, A.'egheuy CAMERON A PRICK ui mV-dlAwftmS FRK 8 11 PUIkK TE AB| W hu.csaic and reliuJ, ai tho T_)EKI.N TEA iS It) RE. 7u Fourth street, near Wood. ± l‘m*iMirgh I’hc subscriber having just returneu irein New \ ork, is now rweivut a large fall supply <•! ire»h GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, irotn the New * ork Pekin fra Company, selected wall great care for rriiui sales. Our slack being now heavy we are pre pared 10 supply Grocer*, Hoteis, Steamboat* and Fiun ■ lic will, any quauuiy and at any price they may wiah; backed in f, 1 iuid 1 pound packages, iit un canis ters, o mid 13 lb call) boxes and iu half cheat*. K-uu: Grocer, uic invited to cull, os we can and w:.. *H. belter Teas at lower price* than any other tioufe ,ti Pittsburgh Our Mo-k of fine Voung Hyson, Gunpowder, hut! Im perial orecn, and Uoitmg Black Teas are the besi in Uie Amerioar, market levering’, double refined Loaf, Crashed, and Pul- V riwlf-Vo reuul, ° f b F tbc barr « L Old Gov. Java, Lagrnra. «t Do b™°u" S";i; I voV''k d * T ““ Sweet Spited Chocolate. Pickled Cucumbers and up '" •- >— L'L* A »s u ' u - ' ,ay, “'‘ K ““! r Sewipsper*, Magatlnei and Reviews, K«-."ive<t .it the Readirp Room of the ' ‘ ‘ niH U Mertunnir Lthra-rr an 4 MfrJuimcs Fourth street between Wood and Market street* Nnv yoas—Courier A Enquirer, Tribune, Her*ld. Evening rohi Journal of Commerce, Spirit of the 1 ini' «. :.-nsfie American I'n't-AbKLruiA Norih American and U S. GareUe. rennsylvanian, t •ommercia' List W ABtiiaGTON—intelligencer. Lmon, Nations! Era Boares—Muting Journal, Atlas. BaXtimokx—American. Cincinnati Gawite, LouisviNeJournaJ, St Louis Re publican. N Orleans Picayune, N Orleans Price Cur rent. Li vo&rooL—yyilmer.A SmiUt's EuropeanTtmcs.l-on don runes k MauaxOes—Black wood'*. Knickerbocker, Plough. Loom A Anvil, Ecleci «, Hum’* Merchants’. Litte'l! « Living Age., Horticulturist. StllimanN Journal Journa. ofthe Franklin Ins.itute, Civil Engineers’ A Architects’ Journal, I guidon KKV;»w>-i>nit,craui', American Whig. London Edinburgh, Westminster. North British. Roomi orwii daily (except Sunday.) from 7j o’clock A. M . uiiin I li n c ock. P M Memoer. have tint pri vilege of introducing their friend., non-resident* ol the city, who :J be entitled to free admission lor one momh l‘er*orj« desiring to beromo member* will lenve txcir names with the Lil ntnnn. Terms-Inititton. St, mitiun; subscription S 4. in advance. mrhM.dtm ORPHAN’S COURT SALE. B' viriue of an order of the Orphan’s Court of Al legheny County, the undersigned will expose at i public sale on the premises, on the (ourteenib day or April ‘i » clock. P M.. tfi'- foiiowmg descrilmd REAL FiSTATL. winch was the property of Uie late Jam-* Woods, deceasetfeof Allegheny city, to wtu Ail that '•ertuin Lot or flwe of giouud situate in the city of Allegheny, beingXot No *9. in George Lcdlie.’s pian. [which plan is recorded iu Uie Recorder’s office ol Allegheny county, m Deed book Vql. 61,) beginning on the northwardly s-de of Carrol! at reel, at the corner of Lot No Ml; ihence extending m front on said Cur rob .treet. wssrwardly. twenty feet to the corner of an a, ey. x :i >ii i-m northwardly, preserving th* same width along said allev one hundred feet to Jeffer»on street being the. lot «turn conveyed to said Woods by George Lcdtie and wife, on the ’,7Uj day of June, A D. IM3—-upon which it erected a convenient two story Bnek Dwelling house, jiV-atly finished and in good re pair—with other improvement*. The lerms wi,l be mude known on the day ofmle. Any intorrnntioii wi>; be given. m relation lo the abovj property, by ippiirauuu u. me un«lerM*ned. W O LKSLIK. Adnuni*traiot. JOHN D. Davis, Auctioneer. rnch'2l dlawts-w PAPER HANGINGS. MESSRS. JAB. HOWARD C, CO Jo. 53 Worn! Street. WOULD can the attention of the public 10 iheir present *to<:k of Caper llnnpines, which for va riny, beauty of 6tii«h.d-jrabihty and cheapness, is un • urpn.sed by any estaMmluneni m the Union. Iteei.le* a iarce and lull asvmmeni of paper of their own manufacture. Uicy arc now receiving a direct im portation of French and English elyle* oi Paper Hani'- me«. purchased ly Mr. Leri Howard, ene of the firm, now m Europe, consisting of I’arisian manufacture, London do 1 ti.1)00 pieces 5.000 do Ml ilicir own uianuhtciure they have 100.000 piece* Wall Paper, and 12u0o pieces saun glared Window Hand*. Ac Messrs James Howurd A Co. have spared neither expense nor labor in their endeavor* to rival the east rrn wall papei eainblishmeni*. both in quality of man ufacture and vunety or patiern; and they are warrant ed in a««urinr the puhn ■ that they have succeeded The whole assortment. foreign and home manufac ture. will be offered on lent;* a* low as those of east ern manufacturers and importer* roch27:dtf A CARD. I. for the very ,d>tru! enrouragement l VX k»>e receivcd for *o many», I have deter mined io eniuf SC my coiuid.-rabir. Having encaged a competent Foreman. Iwtli be enabled io 611 all order, promptly. and do the work m our usual «t>lc and M fair price*, ami ink !hc attention 01 met chanu and cuuem n> my large stock of CPHOLSTK* K\ U.kiHM and Bed*. M-.Mrra<.*e, and lidding, Our t*l-1 Matprim*. lUma.-ks u»d Mon-- *. Cormce* Pnn ge*. Bordering-.. ra —U. Mpi.r and Ro.ler IJ in da. and e'er) artieie u*un ly kept man e*tut>li»hment of the u-mieil u?"* fe ' r<,ci:u: ‘ 3 ' io|l, ' l ted and promptly at- N It— Carpet* made nr.d put down \N M. NOBLE FOR SALK, ' ’ r jPhN LOTS. feet by l*tl, *iiuuu>d on the tugh«r I (round, ami 'routing on the wide North Common* in th- Buena Vista Extension. Term* S? 00, ea«h - JAMKS ROBINSON. W.M. O H. ROBINSON. Exchange Building*. St Clair *t r PO COI NTKV MKRCHdiNTS—Smith'A: A .Market »trett. can «e!l yoa hosiery cheaper tha>rU»*y oan r-.plnre them—having bonght them at a mrgr package ■ *;<* prcvi<>y« m ij r advance in price. Ilf) mu kci! you SirTiw Bonnet* n-d Vanity Good* a# cheap ,i» )ju cim buy t.v.-m o’ K.i«:crn JoM.rr* Lome and mclitSJ NEW GOODS, 1849, Kmrnin e to Wholesale Rooms from 4tb street Clerk Wanted. WASTED, OKO. \V SMITH * CO., t IlOl'mjpS, FARMS, &c 1 ! i K«"I, of M.trtad. opd coSSfnS, £l*? ■ r]-' l ; , :i”' i ,r" d ™i • ks22.sss *, i ti.. ,n “S' o 0 ”""'* ol and Crh T ‘!. H , “' u "' d >» "'.lam Band, o„ U» £ta£. Ihi hI. .ud r S‘r t ,l'” ? * l> °" **“ “o™ oMtofc ,' ,aJ ° W *be highest river land In that *•_ £' 1 ‘ coon,, T r - It* soil is peculiarly adapted to th« ! SSS^s- 1 &" and tiu i tn } mabeTuoSJV Ul * already doaej ~ readUy °i«£ hi It. fanlitu. of irnTreiorea CSTi“" S!“* ford a oop.t.m avenno ft, Up Jon,°l!js“ ** l> it di.lanl abom HX) nilr,T„' X U ■’'“■“'i s xsszur n ° a * ° u *• »£, - Sa?c de*ircd Pro ' ' UI l»to „ For tenos, 4e., appip (post paid} to Ja4-d3m* WILLIAM B. PERINE, ■ —•— Baltimore, Maryland. ! Coal will be told at the fino ***** « third in hand, balance in sJL” 0 ® P** acre-one without interest. Tide mdu D m«M Payment*, good— cannot -b« surpassed. P p or b jOCalio ? *«7 enquire of 9. QaLSLEY, who hZ *j£V party. Residence *1 si. below K c ?rv s?*.?* N. B. There M another seam 0 f H ° W * 1 al>OVe iOWCr ’ ° f '«SLl q^Jinr !“'■ COVKTRY HKSU>KNCK~POR SSWtT M io acres ok ground, Pittsburgh and Green-buigh Tttninike,SffiiS from the city, and adjoining the AllcafeSSa! ciery, on which m erected a iv*e and v4ll two «tory bnck Dwelling House, together wtth stables, carriage house. Ac. There it also on the premise* a 'ar»e variety of fruit trees, and a spring of umiinal »*. ceilence contiguous to the dwelling, * -J a _ 13 l WM. V'OUNo, l43JJberty u r _,.. B®»1 Estate for Sale. P» K .üb.cnber wdl seU. at private .ale, that value. ,/£ *'* , P«rtj-, on me Fourths, trrei road, adjointur lr I'h-rt," rc * , K C,,< ‘.?.’J l v n ' i Rive J&*»e“ion immediate r- Ihera are aboutlfcN ACRES OFCHOICELAND, in a nijfb .late of cultivation. The improvement' are a ££L B rbnL We ****** bnck DWELLING HOUSE, OUteT ° UI AdjOiNß* the _ h , Hj"? * rnnmoff Founimn am] a rood Pump, S? .h= A,e “" e ' a ‘*° ** - ‘P** 3ol DAVID BEELER. _ VaiT rru(F*T aia * ble , K,l »te ror Sal*. faroraLic „i A ' <e fe«H a * C,t T' °® Br °n very A warrantee uijV wifi ft ° ,<J L ' ou different size* br seen at No. 129 A I* 4 " 1 of o*a lA&ffssgr** ALEX- LaUGHLIW Ma LCOLAI LKECIL H. SAftIL._BAJLEY. A For Sole. _ SKCO.\D H*!U> STEAM ENuINE, I.—a oiJif order, 7) inch cylinder, SO incf S 3 ,7 dUm.ler « CW. Also, one Ime of shall*. *5 feet lou,/2* ftehes in diameter) with drums; one tipnahl saw MATTHEW S.filla',^” , FOil SALK. 1 “»*. Dt^^/uLVi, 0 D “' ,ld Hoxl. »« iho premi,tv Wm. M. j,.Y‘; Ailcghenj. and ite undesigned inutecitv of Huladdpp,,. ch/hles wiiS 0 ' rTi, l r , l a * bU lU,IJ '«■*»*•' for S.U: T H nn,f« W L“ S K Prop<sny la Cecity of Pitttbunrh nvcr f boro .° Rh o( Ma »ebe»ier, on die ofk> a /J,!«°,i d for , ou accommodating term* 3 *ub-divuion of 1-ni So 4GB in lha n\ati SilS by ■ MO & « w 10 one acre Lou fronting on an Areima in Imi * Ter '“ ! ‘ For fern*, enqmrc of CHARLES B. BCOLLY or JAMES O’HARA, ' Uurice'g Bniiaing, 4th n. TO LET- ' , sKsr^ 10 Iho •obrerib.r., M 110 Second .tree,. PP T WM. A . IRXVJN. /'\st^i t j?r t ih lh % rtT Btrect for JLcm«. ( I , fret front on Libenv Mreet, bvllOfret CHARLES b scull y. or JAMES O’HARA, Burke’* Building, 4th *t, TN THE NINTH WARD^lrM^l'^BU^ifr—Scv tessigssaK CHARLES B. SCULLY, or James ohara, BnrtcN Building, 4th pt TO ■ Mm »SS‘Y **' " f A P rtl ”"*■°» mu.nablc iotu. m ’. "' 1 com/imablo two atory Brick Si.’d Tr*!* ‘MS S otic. Third ,h „ pposlte S. ChtSSd, . STORE TO LETi “ r ’ K3 ss ■srgar d„ s hou.a, „d ms) . ? I 0 J -N'FVILLE r ckaio _ .., , roii Mu, i—SwssssSajT* J No W Woodn I” “■B'»»ya'i r ror 5.!.,' KmßaKm • »•»«££" COUNTRY SEvi-~t~rK-~r-l* , ~ • Load, .Hunted ,„ O.kl.ud ,o |„ "miinjrt v,,„. UARJjy, JON ts t Co r '“ M‘ r -n nr-T- r - .« Warnr n^,, * 7*7~ F ° r < ”" l “ “■■>« yea..7(f5?5. ow=:",.s I "I 0 ™ 1 “■* ■ , &ss*i o sasss!' *1 •« iw; l*? .. ...JAMES A HUTemjONACc M A Laßi,. .„d well f,,, a A„d Itoon, Kcond . r> ■ u >s unrucr o, Wood and Third ttfeeta abovr din idrl..,, „Bi„ of * m JJ WIJIiSJ Po,.r,siongiven iminrduudv iiiouim ' VUII,U,I A "A- • -- A RUE, ll>l Libnny .1 (b — Übony oppo«i^ith I * OTB Poa jg. r;TT V"' I ’“7 •« 1« ererVil ?.V ‘ , '" e u *',’ cr 4 ■OllJltlOlM. Oil whicK ■or *wa U ' E>u * ,<Jj 'S, >'vo •(ones huK *,ui*bl« ;•«; ‘r r uc,,, ; m ' 7 h ~ iott £5» lo a *ucet 7 >rrv hl, ' u ‘ deep, and roa bar! :m«os wi Lj a -! l rv W h “ 1 I i rh " buil ‘ ,,n *» on pre '.‘V ” a > 3 VCr / *»«naiMMu. OO UiO iQTGAi Al'L -1, if {' ro J’ en !>«■ »*U cheap iot esah. A| p., o H ?prou., Clerk * o.i, ce , V. S. orio KAY A Co ' ' P’OBTHEW. «3 * HL offer* for re,a for the tens of Dr ,n °rf ycur*. a Urge convenient well fin sii d two story liweumg Hou'c. containing 5 room* anJ kitchen. There u a lot of gr—.d containing"! acre* o G .5 young fruit tree* of . rrv kind, Katie, Ac., connected with the aou* To ary pcr»on wi*£ t ig a utUgutlm residence wnimi u few minute* ride of Jie cit), liu* wuJ i>c 0 rare cli-uicc. Fortermi, which W| t ; JO (I > W l 0 a RCH *j tenant, inqnire of Mr. Jno h Tl? > " inc f,rrmi4C ’’ 01 Wau, corner fc , naud and Lmerty streets, or of 01 i—s-tf TMKO F WRJOHT. St Be deoteh Bottom lp»ntl for Sole. * rpKN ACKKS OF LAND. Mtuetod in I'ecOle* town. ± »mp. on i;ie AJour»ni il .,.r:s. tnrcc Puu- m loisiu >ui: t>urcuaarr«. For forUior panic alnrs apply 10 Henry WwoJs, ad *l, or 10 a Washington, 4th. aliove Bmuhheld at WAHKHOIttE For SAi.£“rhc rabacriUer JttlL 0 ~‘ ,or ,aI,! tl,re ® *tory bnek Warehouse ou Wood street, occupied by R TonnerACo »P l 7 _ WM. WH-Mpy j r ' V A »Vn A ?H\? lF - <U * EfrrAl • os FENN STREET V POR SALh—A Lot of <» jund situate o» Pena Mrert. belWce-i Hay ami .Uarbury Sirota, adioiiun. IDC bouse ami lot now oc. l.y Richard having a from nr -Mi feet, and m depth ISO feet, will be aoid on favorable urnw Title uneieeptionable Fn <,U ' r . C rm itf ° LOUAIJS ' ** al > near Wood!^ For Sale. * DESIRABLE nuiltlm/ Lol in Allegheny ntv r n /V vorai :y located, in «:re aboat half an icn, 71 . „j i&* wL R ?,*Tr A,n " u “ . jaia Paper Uanrlne., TTAVI.NG jmrehaved at ,hrce of ih c , p JIL nes in the East, (New York lcto T Baltimore.) a large miomneniof £i J?* ,,pl„ of FAPEH HA.NGIX/^BOMiSS Ac., ai,d made arrangements by which I w)ii'£r‘ HS ' bled lo procure all new “tea 1 wUI be ena *«r appearance tu vuc the atlrouon of those deainngu* hivethS* k? *"* papered with the Uieit .tv, , u » v « melr house* “,r”'«*tS.XU.rSSJK? -f muc . B.VST PROOF IRO*; /I’HE undersigned ha% e erected work, m 't i New > ork, lorthe parpo«e of Gnlvnm l 1 ?.■/Jf lron ' wb,rh " >* demabloto FROTFcf (S»OM RbSF, sucn*« Teleernpb Wire umJr J K P* *7°, Wire for Fence*, and any other required. For Moon, for CaakL «?. ». b * h W * wt’lcl an,i "■ “rwnSSLTf E S 3 3 voT, S REVIEWS —Bf Edmn P. Whjpple: ™° rk ®. including hu 10th VoJ- *Th e am... »”s”b„uls' o 10 s v .°‘; u , :r au,s_ri, “ p - ' io 4“'X a c. Hi, B,bto - *» Hebrew Bible, new American edition. Burkin'* Notes on the New Testament; 8 voia. Rvo„ new edition n Macaulay 4 *. History, library atyJe • F mraao . IL HOPKINS, : "ISp r «^i ?ris*M