The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 04, 1849, Image 1

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ARMSTRONG kO R O ZKtt,'& f Mt *on BlrrchaOt*
kuil D-alera in Pro«ior*,*?&f' 45J «u«s*-i
iMulmrjfh . [! 4 IW.I _
> n ... *'■ • - w Hat*.
Bl HItPIF.hD & HAVm m Dry
(.oods, <;rn''< , riei,Bonia.-H‘’OCj«, 1 ilt>burgb mami-
J«ciur«d arti<*!«-*, kc.. No. «tr«H Pm*-
} .ir»h ' ’ ) a5
[jKAI'N A KKITKE, Whojjfyßlh and Kolitii llruir
\y «*(♦, <-orn«r of iJberty arid I*J-. Clair sirttri.. Put*
u/afi. Pa. '' t .■ n.«y!4
rcu»trr**iN. -«■< r - ! .■. a. tfc-'WN. .
Brows ir “Whole wife J.Kvrrr'.
and rooumauOu l4i. IjO- riv »i
iMuourjtli. Pa. . . il .JII)
BA FAHNESTOCK ‘ivtiolrwde ond Re
• tail Druer»»l», corner fltli «t*. j>l
1 *_«»ALKY A BfJITH, \lr',faOfei»aJe,Gri>oe»», I: add
j) aj
J 1 A McAMTaTY A C«., Forwarding 'inJ Coin
\_/a mission Merchant*, cknal, PiUhbur*h Pa.
f • . ! uichtf
. wm. a. Knouau, i. Boacrr
1 ENGLISH, A B£NN>7TR flBts.EngltKh,*Gal)ttrher
!i tf Co.) Wholesale and Far
wtu-djitg Mrtcliunu, and dehisri]'ib Produce and Pittt-
Iturgh Maiiui&riures, No 37| : \V<ioa < »t, bet wee i. tM and
Udatreein. j. ocil
CSEnRGK COCHRAN, Cdmirtiiiion and Forwarding
X MrrolnutL No. VO WoolTatrtdii PtUitnjxgh myl7
HLKK. {aureeMor to MilfftW it Lee,) Wool Deal
. of and Cotnm«»*ioo Merchant, tor the aait of
American Woolen*, SUi at.. ieb>7
wm huw Buluraorc. ’ •:•
*. j arrawia, kuwaau ' J
i> c. M’caßiros, jobs a. whtfirea, J
HKAI.D X IIUCKNOfI. Tobacco Commission Mer
chants, <1 North Wairrrtj A. 10 North Wharves,
ghrlm . nov3U-il uicjtxT. '.vi: ftownrr dickbt. ik,
ISAIAH DICKKY A Co., Wjlolfcaale Lrocri*. font
uu*«tun Merchant*,and dealjMln PrixiurefNo* M>
Water, and 107 Prom mtvd
JOHN WaVP, l*uocc*»or. M'siiwali A ILrblitrt.)
Wholesale Grocer nude SnnfriiMiou Morrhani
dealer in Produce and Pitt*>lnjrgh:Alanut’*etiire., por
Her of liberty and Hand itrecH.-PlU'burßh Bn ja’J»>
JAMI> S MetiUlßh; (JWrOfflw itmoi Aigc and
McGuire.) Merchant Tailor, Bij'ol»arie» Ouilduif 1 1
Third ftreei. near Wood, . •
James a. nuircmsoN,-* Co—Succ«-or» u>
Lewis Huichisdn A Co.. Ciamnusion Merehnms.
and Agent* of the St. LotuißteUh Soger lle&neiy
No. 45 wtucr an«iv3 tront alreots, Pisubairph
-ant *•
JN. tiII,WORTH & Co., W.lH&Stale Grocetv PfO
• dorr aad Cocimfraion Mirfliaiiw. and Agent*
for the Hajard Powder Co. o< No- 27'Wood «.
lOHN D. MORGAN, »iul deal-
V er to DyeSiuiT»,}Nunu, OiL£ Vf£ni»Fic'. Ai> . Nn i>:J
Wood *tre«t, One dour South oCDiiUnoiul A H.-\. I’utf-
_ _ l l *'’!
JAMfcS'ICERK- Jr. k Co.,T«'aecev-''f t« J«‘-*e|>h G
Davis,' S-hij» Cluuullera, 30 . WAtiVT street »*r:il
JOHN H. MKLLOR, Wholmiajfr and Retail dealer
in Music and Musical Itufiru&lcqi*, Hcbool Bool*.
Puper, Slates. Steel Pena. QuiUf, PputerV thirds. ajul
Stationary generally,N<». hi I’ui'biirj'li.
Ral;» bought or taken lu yiU&S.
« No. 24 Wood aired. Pms&U;^|
| OilN D DAVIS, AucQoueer,dprner sth aii.l Wood
#1 sireru, Pittsburgh . *' woe 4
and Pup<*r Market at., P*»t>-
burgh. ' '
J 4 R. I’I.OYD, Hair J. pbriA Co ,| Wholesale
• lirort-M. No IJfc.' Liberty *>*yV «Ti
JAftIKS DAi./KJJ., Wholesale flaocer. Cft&wuMMi
Mcri'liam, ami dealer in Ptwjifcr ami Pilisburgn
Aiianunirtures No. 24 Water jiuiiii
Kltlß A JON ES, J'orwirilinf.Btftf Coramnsibn Mer
chants, Den lent in Product Jed Piiutiargh ihaicu
fti-iured article', Cana! Busin, Sear »th n. dal
Vckovlai Irrm-'Wjprka.
f EWIS, DALZKLL 4 Co .-tdanDfaeUirenol'-all u-
Jli zes Bar. Sheet, Boiler Nails of the beat
quality. \\, id water sn\if t<# from st
;aalk 1
LS WaTERALAN, Whousiit<l Uroctr, Forwwrd
, ing and Commission Meffthhai, Dealer in Pitta
burgh Manufactures aud Produce, Nos. 11l Water m
and 02 From »*.. »■ ' , «_ j 27
— —jji.
JUH.N X'UIU. ». Si'ClUtr. WAI.TKB?C'"»aiK
McOIIXS 4 BOR, Wholesale Unseen ud Coitinn-
Fion Merchant*. No. l*M tlOwTtf *u PiitriMirgli
_j«o j.
MURPHY, \Yll«&)N £ CU.„s(it&Jone*. Murphy A.
Co.) Wholea&Jo Dealer* in pry Ou<)>l>, No 4**
Wood *ireil, Puwburgli V. nov2!
w. nun, aicx " * m. a. man-*.
MjYLLKN ft Co . CoramiaffOK. and Forwarding
4 Meretmms, \V«ier aiiii' fcToui. m , Lkiwwu
id and MarLri »i». '* <u»d
'Vr-JI. KUX-OL,. ''.X. W ILICkhTAOS.
MtLLbIK * RJCKETSON, tj'bolesiUe UrOccr- and
Cotmmsuon Merc&aniv, N0.15b, i'itt#*
burgh. Pa. . junt4
"\T HOLMES 4. SON, No. &£jsjarUet »t., sccuud
i,l *do<y fr® n ' fumcT of ui Foreign
and DobimUc Bill* of Hic.«oi brpoa
•t, Bank Note* and Specie. lit S
.^lalc'a. "^iDa^flUca.
XV Distiller, dealer in Prwludfc-jsriftifrbnrsh Mahuiar
lure-v and all kind* of Foretgii and Domestic Wiac*
and Liquors. No. tl Liberty hand u very
large stock of superior old wtu*key,
winch wiii i>r »oid low for cash/ *uplo ly
S'Jskbt aohnvso.i. . ‘ajbii'u. h bobi.wis
T) ROBINSON ft Co.. WholetoieOrocers, I‘mducr
XV, and Commission iMrrchntflrqiidDealer* in H»n--
t-nrgii Manaiariure*. No. lM>.;tobtfiy *t., Piu-nurcn
P* _ • )tt»iu
IIOBEKT DALZELL 4 IVhulr*u!r Orueer*,
IL Connui>\um and Forwardiji Men'hnnt-v dealer*
In Producp and PnUbutgli Mfcfpa allure?, Liberty tl
i’tiutnugli. Pa. •: '*_ $ iettrt
JtV Dealer in Produce and Pltf»btf£gli Manufactures,
No 144 Liberty »i !C - jylii
L II HKTM>LI)&, • .j, 1 L. KHKtL
KEYNOLift & 3HER. Fon*s&iQg and Commission
Merchants, (orUSc Trade, deal
er* in Grocrrie*. Produce, PiJfc*fS!tgh Manufacture*
and Chloride or Lime. * 'N
The highest pricey in cash, najdrdi all uises for coon
uy rags. Comer of Penn and nu. jantO
OMITH 4, JOHNSON, Be tail .Dealer*
(kj >n Millinery Ooods; ftjaiery aad Kuncy
Article*,No. 4C Market »treei, IMj doOr above Third st,
Pittsburgh t~. ; -;., BpiK
a. c. ntaoLurr?, y- ;ruua. a. whits.
OILACKLfcTTT k WHITE, \Vi&len»le Dealer* in
Q Foreign and Domestic Dry Q>q<tth. No. 90 Wood hl
Pittsburgh. ts 1 ftblTU’
A W IIARBAUGH, Wo<sl Dealer*
J, ui Flour aiid Produce genc&tljj?. and Forwarding
and Couuiusuou Merchants, So. Water »t, Pitts,
burgh. _____ fl?r
SMITH, BAGALEY X Co., Grocer* an**
Produce dealer*, between stb
■ad hlh. North side, novti
r. uti.i.ans. riTTSßOhsii. iu.kyui.kd.
SKI.I .K.R.M X NiCOLHj Product And General Coin
iniisioa Merchants, No. 17 Liii&iy it , Pittsburgh
Sperm, Linseedaud Lard Oil*.
SF. VON BONNHORST, if*, Wholcudle Gro
, eers, Forwarding and Cdmiiupsiun Mert-hams,
Dealers in Pmalrurgh Western Pro
dace. have removed lo ibeir new warehouse,(oiil stand}
No. 35, comer of Froul su and C&mfcery Lane
nov7 L ■*'i
"*w t. troth ~ “ t r. kCOTX
fPROTH X SCUTT, Wholesale aigd ReuuJ dealer* in
X Boots, Shoes, Trunk*, Carpal Bags, kc., 8. W
o rner o( 4th and Smnbfield its£>it£*bur|rb, Fa. jail
rI'ASSKV k BEST, WbolcsaJelGricers and Commit
-1 *iou Merchants, and jC Produce No. 36
Wood *u, ruisbuTgh- _£_}}• pa£2
lUltB ». WtCl, " s-• ‘.DAVUI «*bAKUUCtS.
WICK & M’CANDLESS, i*)ictr<B»ors to L. k 1. D
Wick,) Wholesale Grocisr*£.Forwarding ami
Commission Merchant*. dealer* Matron, NaiU, Glass,
<a>u»* Yams, and Fmsburgn MknAiaeture* grin-rally,
ff’i*' t‘l Wood and Wain -irrcmj-Pittsburfn.
WKiT BOWEN—Coni aii*4oa~? land Korwardinv
Merchant, No VO Freni |t_ : Btlween Wood and
Market streets. ’-fe_ IfebiW
W\V Mill se>a<&fcml Mill Furnish
, u»g eaUblisiuurnU No. -ft4J>4beny st, war Hie
rnnai I i narl!S
W~ VV \VlLik)N,Ltealer in
, Siteer Ware, Military Odw, No. I>7 Mmr
st ' ' § iDot7
WR MURPlJY.Whoiesafc.Sd Retail rttulcr m
« Foreign and Domestic north east
corner of Market and Fourth *l*, hngiil
wi. Touno, ’ P 5" Jso. a. m'coji*.
firjL YOUNG A Co.—DealeHii* leather hidea,&e.
yy_ 143 Liberty tf. _£ ,4nMy
V.’* SI’CCTCItJIM.t. £ ‘ jtU>Wt. M’CPTCfISOH-
Wi K. M’CUTCHEON, wjuiftsale Grocer*, dea
, ier» tn Produce. Iron, Baifii,UlftJs, add Pitu.
burgh Manu/acrnre* generally £lS3;L»t>eny *t, Pitu
l«nb. __ f. ■■£ . „ «*?**
•11 r vV VVll>£>N. WstehV»‘JrsecTry, Si!vrr''Vare,
W , and Military Good*, cofciftipr Market-and 4ih
vtrvet*. Prttsborgh, l*tu N. 8.-fwJ&fhe# aiufClocka
carefully repaired. _ ; . .
rMfl’lLManiLlitotilier o? Cotton and
W colored Lineli, Fringe* fi£ J*ewmg
Rtik and colored Cotton FrmgejPfOfciilk and gingham
Parasol*. Gimp, Mohair, andjFllS? Bullion Fringes,
made to order on the »herte*t
Stook, comer of Maiden LanejhtEgVVilham, entrance
No ei William meet, third flocO,,fyer Abnetfc Ely*’
tlnre. No 65 Maiden Lane NewjoPjfgr L l> I<l
M - ATmE\V*VVIL.SON 1 Fort«lt£id Mmiatd'rrpßm
ter. Room*, corner of ©iiW>ffu.e Allly and
Fourth street, entrance on 4th jjlarkvl. »'•
_decd-dl£ v : i _
JOHN M. TOWNS EX Dni|gittaad Apothecary,
No. 45 Market *L, three dot-tadCSwe Third: »t Pitts
burgh, will have constantly on well selected a*-
aonmentofthe Uc*t and (rcshciC iifdicine*, which he
willl *ell on the moat retaonaiQe.iejTn*, Physicians
■ending order*, will be prompt!* iM&nded to, and aup-
anidle* they may rel J'utsxi aa geimlno.
m>U7~ “hyaictan* Prescriptions «iU|t>e accurately and
ÜBftuY prepared from the beat m&ctnUi 1 ., at any hear of
he day or night. ;• "51
Altto Cor safe, a large Block of.tln&h and good Perfu
««ry. . k 7\ _jaal_
‘ KliM™^ D l kgSg bK< '"
CONTINUES to mannfaetnr* Burial
YaulU, Tombs, Head Htonei,, Pieces, l^n
tro and Picrlkip* of foreign at* <sS&e,ti C marble, at
a regular and nor price. : v V
N. B—Drawiug* for raomm*ehacsaiilu, ic furnish
ed, of any description. lie so&cid&i ahara «rf public
patronage. si :>?. . angi-dtf
11. T. of' — '
OITHALMIC to the treat
metil of Diseases of the Kyis. *£
Dr. R ha* bceil unpaged in thi* b£ncb of tht medi
cal profession for sixteen years,iktal'li*n eunducted au
establishment fur the treottnentSif grease* Olue eyt
stone lor scvaral years. j; £
.Omni and residence, com# of ftandutky it and
Strawberry alley, Allegheny eiSy. $?•• ;
arakiH ,-r.nb
«L, near Wood— All q6jtfg}Ms of Onw!ii and
Block Teas, done halt, and
Oue poand pwkagea, ranging ttoeEfiO ca. "Wr wnmd
•l-M. j T y a. JAVNBd, Ait. g> Pekin Ten <'o
lndependent 1
XTO. 108 FOOkTU STREEt|-*fcmcutttng. M«ei«
XI u*w, AumuMii 9t*h. C4k±>{ Police, Ro#b*t
lu * c *- $ £• iuW3n
• 3 «•
{ HM.K.MAN lIA 11..M.\N'4 *.’() rotilmoi’ m tUHIIU-
V/ iairuie lr<>u. Spring and Am Sm,..
I'iouv-lt. I’m It Hoe ste*(, Riv- u. Spike, »„J \\ f „ i
Iron Su’., u.i *!?«•• u.rHhfr «,i|, Cna.-tr u„d
Spun;;-. kli Cat, I ii;-rr .tmi r-ommon Ann*.
Haviiii' reduced the prim 01 Wrought Iron Sol-.
p»kui*‘ Mu-ler• and nth*'r < ueiup lar af.i - ')•* »vd. i,nd
u lo thfir im-re.t ;« eive rhl* neu .d'p.n., „i K li
umnufn'-lU''.. iln-.r iiilpiitnil)
< o:tc>i imninnwe and malran;- i >,4, rV)I trrNl .
t\ ur-111 •!,«»• on \\ ni-t ami Founa ••• i-rot u
KL.NMM « niI.US An» . MmitiM.-ioivr. ■
»it( *««r 4 1 ~licptnt*’Carp-t r t.«n lot'im
I •* kip and Hulling . ,;ttx|v
Duqueanc Spring, Aile, Meet «ml Iron
CUIJ.KM A N MAILMAN ACo mv-uf*. ; Ul m. ,
> 1 «»!»<• U and 1.nj.1.c Sprite*. Haim.mi-.J Ain,
"(nu.p and Clou*!. S'.-el | ro’.. A • Wni.J,OL*e Or.
V» n-rr m.d Froic w.. •.. I'ln-bur-ti
A »o. d«-.1.:j mj 1 \>*i-fi Tritirminr • a ,d Mi-i.-aiir
Cavllllk. ooilv
Bl CK.MAsTKR, AUhKahtk.-*—office. Fourth »i ,
1.1 • third dooir nbov r Hii.ilhtie d "Ontli -Me
Cogveyani mg or u!! kinds done wtih ihr greaiee:
rare and legal HC- crac]
Tules i»i Rea! F-*Ui!e ••i.ifnmcd. An. n< i.jtM y
W ft M MITCHKI.TRF.Fx Wb..|e*ik- iJroecr.
• Krctilyiru.' ln»uiler*, and \V me »ad Lupm,
Mrr. fuui'e Ai*o. Imimn.T* ol‘ Sodu A«h hml Hlch. ii
i’if I‘owder, No. lt>o rt> street. I'niMAiff-U, Fa
_ _ _ '
HAMILTON ATHWART.JTmruifaeiore'r m Heavy
Shirting*. Checks, A.-, R.hecen nfCel city 01'
Ali-shem. itiw.l3-.ii) •
k FBTTiettEW A CO.,
Orru.E abovh M. At-uEfl A Co,
BWmMH ocEll ,\(>. 4a V\ aim xircni
Tht r>,li.lh 11 Firr ]/IMUIV;cc ( Vi. 0/ !%iui , a
1 iJKKCroIL'*- Chart..* N U»oc«-,. m,,.,,
J_/ lolnilk \\ Hgli", . Sb.UW.-; liianl j... tin t> :ll
t.pp U R.yl.HlJf M,.Dd«.i«i I) 1.,. A-.-, I
Hofir. Uuvid > bruwn. .M.,rr;- 1
Ciu hut'N I>a>t >xh f*i-v ip, ,
«;t.arL-* t; Han.-A..,. >r,-rt-ix f>
Conimii*. to make ij-Hurunfc i>-rj-piua' or nrti-d
on ctciy dc.or.puon ol j>roj»ot\ m luiurni.mmit,'
fts ,uw "f' - lOiiSlHtrm with erturm
To Compuny hs%p rp*cr% ed a larjr contihs n.i Fund,
which WiUi thinr V'a|n;nl and I’r-miuni'. mvp*:
cd, uUonl ample nroleciion to tlic n.nirtd
The asset* ol tlic coinpanf, on Jaiiuurvl-d j —i*j „•
puMi.thcd aftcpainy 10 an *ri 01 A*m-jnoly; were at
loUow s, vit; '
Real K-iate
IVmporurv.l .>ai
Ctt'h, Ac
S.i). e Incir Illforj>ox 1 Loll. H pPt.od m )C:ir*. lliPl
limvp [.aid iipsrHfd* c.i on.- injl ,on lour hundred vimu
ut..: dn.iAi ,u'n> r.j li,-.., iDeretiv* ntlording PViilmn -
1 ■ Ur Hi! vur '.ages lira'll--. 10 \v..,l ai the 1.1,1 MV
a -.I tl.-jiv-dui'i to in.-p! w.;:i.i>miu|>lJip*" ad<ntie*~
niarl-dlv (nTtce N K rotftpr Wood add t.t -u
Jt IHN n,\ NKt . Jr Ap.-nl nr lMi*ntirv!r Idi it>.< Ik-, •
.*w*ip Musuai r>auiy Inniri *»«•*• c oui|.mf ... I'
aOc.'pJi.a Fir- Ki»k> u.m. ami nlcj< uun.n/r
01 »vni •!«»«-■ ipbon. und Marini- Rj.'ke upun l.n.i-.• r
carint-« v. -.i-l- :i.r 1 up..;i Un- nio-l .11 \i.taim
l>fll.-p in ll.p War-I,ou*.- or W II UmOlf* A Hro .
No :»? Wilier r. ii.-ar NUirKpl *trrct, I’ill'MirtJll.
N II The »nco-»« «»r Hu. l,'o(ii|tany »u,ee tlip clttli
uaJuiicul 01 ilip A*>-iut in this cny. wnu lirt- prouipi
oe-i* and ill-era.nv wuli wiudh every c .aim upon innn
lor lov* tise item adjured, liiti) warrumilie ajtr-ni in
tliv rilin' ItiP c.niLdr-uu- pnlrotuu;< ol hi* IWpiiU' and
Hit- 1 Oiiunun.;, ai iriryr 10 the Ue. aware.t} S ln-u
-rtincc Comptuiy. %vi.ilr 11 liu* the adiiUi.niai Udvitniiipi-*
an nivliiutn.:! aniong the tnoat floun*h ,, ij£ in I’.ulini-:-
phio— oa having an nuiple i-aid-m eaptin; tdcu n i-t mr
operauon ol it* diarrer m i-onsiam.) mcreaxing. as
yielding u> each p-r»on m»arrd . In. dur ?aare 01 iln
prohUor u*e poiupaii). va iltoul involving Imn in any
mpoiiHibiJil) t*hu»ever. and llirTrlor- a- p..**p-.t- : -
tlin AtulUnl prinripie diveali-d of eve. . ul/.ioi iui|. l<-;«.
lure, and 111 lie mimi aiirni-nve i.,nn m-v 1
riMIF. liwuranre Company of Nurui Atm-nca. inroucn
.1. Ur duly uuihorupi) Ay-iii. the -ul..< riiYr nr!, r- n<
make pernianpiit and luniird— ~n j-rarp-1 . m
thi.-cln and in viernuv m.a on »h.pmp.ii* ti rm c,
rial and It.vcr*
Arthur C'-Otf.••. Char:.‘« Tn|!ivr.
Sam ; W Jon--. Amltro»r v|'fnn.
F>|-*t»rd Siu.U: Jicoli .M 'iSinrnii*
J.n.;i A Jlro-.v 11. J..:,,i H N-ff.
John \\ K.i hnnl U Nkm..:,
Tliumua 1* Cojw, \v >u v\n*h.
Saiuuel F Snolli, } iaiiJ.-' Iln-'k-ii*.
Samuel Brook-, S An-11'1 Ait.'
, ARTHUR «. i-oFFIN', i*re* 1
Hb.vbl f>. Sh masaii. Sec y
This ii the oldest Ineurance t'ompanr in the La.led
Slates, having Leen elmrirreo in ISJ4. liachanei .<
prrpr.tuul. and Crotn ti* high kiundu.d. .on* e JfK-ri-rii-e.
ample meaiifi, and irvoiditig al, ri*i* 01 an ciira iiar
ardou* diameter, it may he ruiwi'lrr-.: a* atfermy nin
pie security 10 the putitie. \V. F Jw.NKs*
A( Room ol AAwood. Jouea L l o . V\ n
froteeiioa Insnrantt Co, of iluriroru. Conn,
Cl A PITA L. 1.l SI IT K 1 -£JUU.<Ani — AMJ
> h L 1 N D.—'Plie U'lilei tinned, inivmp b--cit d|>i>oir! xi
Ayr 111 Ol Uir I'roltctioti lin>uH>m'r (. u . •* i. 1,. k «
on protxnr in bAO vicinity. u.,«: ~•!
•>y ennai. an«i the rivers anil takr.>-
Va \ ktti iißow n
> )mi's;. .No I'.'T W ixm: -i, r I
'l’ll K Kliij.K ni.
1 !Mlt »•! tin* lnMin.,.. -
mul '.vi-! lisii- l\;Ui .<• i-i 1
e. a DAstexnow'S'jc, j »k.>*Lih. *..%»
Toaiccu cuaiaisijOJi mkhcmts,
No. 6V South \VBkn/c v >. iNo II? Souui VVan-r *t
BEOS 10 luiorm Uxc a.,J dcalcrh m
Pittsburgh, thuiUicy „,,*«« made <uch i:tanf met.:*
with the Virginia ana the |iniw* r> <»r
the Went. \l e*t Indies, *J,,> Jth«T bluer*, a* Will uia*irr
■ large sJld cOUslaiU KuppiV ill thr tblnrvriQg iWrpp-
Ljoikul Tobacco, which'W in !-e told UJIOII «• aei-ofii
modaiing term* a> an) ou»e« hoti»r n.thu eitj' or rise
wbem, nnd all goods ordered ironi iheiit will hr- war
rented equal to representation
Havana; 2*L Domingo; Conn , i
Vara, Porto Rico, Tcnn a ; ’.Seed l.cui u>-
Culni, Iguini, A F'urnJ.t, ) bin 0...
ALSO —Branch’* celr-brated Aromatic Slb£ Ouwii
dish. wiili h lurgd a«»orUi»ciii oHwther popular !<l>.
and (juaiiue* t*i )*>uud?, i», pt. 12*, |i>. and icj- Lump,
i», U,-t and IU« P.inj, Luilic‘s T».M, Yliyili.k T"i«-I.
Ae., sweet Uod plain, in "hole .tnd hail' ,«utc wood
■id Uii. toKCtio t voiu* ever, tktirii u! arl<; r h ,:mik
tag u> toe i rade.
LT a A ft, KKtU 1 t: u.,
i Snvccasor» to Kr-fd. Ilut'l A i u l
hos'lu.V Ma»>
Particular attention paid to iln- ,ulc ol a.i »m.o »i pro
(luce, and hberql advance* inflde ur, < ouMgnii.e,,i«
L R. A Co bate leave to.rrter to -•
Measta R Ryb.mi, ACo / „ , ,
lilK,, J h
Herd, Pan» x Co , {leave:
" {.avi-poi. A • uvode, WrluviHi 11
tiokwei'. Malidl, Esq *trubel.>l..r. o
s. Brad). |
W K Prler*oil, E»q 1 .... „ ..
Neaara R Crangie ACo [ VN h * r * ,n < r v "
•• lull A »u>ut. ;
Rhode* A Ugieh). Hn.lgr port, O
der27 dA wtHa) lt»S
(LalO ol PltVoliurgb, 1*3.,)
tIENKK.H (MlllsKlOS hfcSCllm,
No lid Soul!) Vk tuer at., (between CUo-mu A Mur»-i
(LPuriu ulai attention win 1..- t-, v .*«, in , u *<• <u
Flour and Produce, and tn; purriianr* m :a<- ptnia
delphta market for wet tern urcoDDt, und nny Produce
or Aleri Laudne a-ut m nun u.rou<h Mr. 0. If (.ran:
of PlUaburgh, will have intention mere tree ol <-«innii*-
tton lor receiving and lorwunlttig. tunr* dti
Commission Jlercbant auti Porwafdrr,
Particular nUrunni: jtnuj n.- pureiniMti*
of any uriicir of J’roducr >n u.i\ inuikrt A i.. u
lorwardjujj oi (ioixli (jenrrull) H'-in 10
McMri Jobu i*wosey 4 Co i
•• MAjUH & Slo«-fcw i’ll M'uirlurtfatl. O
S. C. pßjkhurnL IWq. )
Ijppiiirotl A. Co t
Hitr 4 Jouca, I' J‘uL«buli(h, Fa
Kilglilh 4 Bcntirit, 3 mar- Jfim
Commlitlon and Forwarding merchant.
R<> ‘Jfi worm st.,,
to traA»act a general CoitmiMiou l>u»i •
J nesrt, ripee.iall y in ihe purr hone aiul »Hlr. of Ameri
can Mairufocinre* and Produce, and 111 /ernviiiK and
forwarding Oix>Ua consigned it> in* «-urr A * Aii’-m fot
the Alauiiiaeiurea. tie wil. be. etnwianily »upfdird vriiii
the prnulip&i aruclea of Paluburpti Manufacture ut the
lowest wholesale pncrA. Order- and cuiWtfninem*
arc rrajieeUuUy ►olnued. iy7
MKRiiMIASotsE UKOKF.K andVomntiMn... Mn
<• Ininl. ."Si* ll'i Son til From «! r-* i»r< on-I .inr) I
I’bllndrtjdua • (J/'fitmds pßtCb&Srd. pad Kell. n -.irrd,
and atiipped u> order Wool. Flour, ln-d
Pniiland I'berto rereived on <-on*i*jminit mi .1 -i..i
uee, witß iiiauraoi'M obtained.
K«KH*fe«ci»— Wm lir.ll 4 Son, Mr. H . fcml
Mr Harfrep Child*. Pm>d.urgii Irt.l.iin
Iron | tfalla, Cotton Yuma A Plttaburgti
UtnpfKotai'ti generally
j»4 ]M worn* rrtstt, prmrn.Mii. r*
; For the aaleol Produce genctully.
in- liberal advnt»cea mode on con»ijputirni«
Transportation to ilteltaii.
Co mJD ission ”a mi Yorwurdi'og Aunls.
ti M UABTON. Kuluburjli. *iJI rri-eipl I'roducr
gn\iig Haft. fVrhia-dtoi M |:
mu M&CHANT?* AND I'KDJ.AHtf —tfemn 4.
1 Jotutso*. 4«i Market *irc«‘i vtri»lu»K l*> nlo>r thru
Mock of Variety o<xm!i prr/jou* lo Lhr.r r-fmot-aJ will
at wUle»eJt«tctr atocH pf Com'.*, Be'tui,. N«;
dir., rtirrdilfc. I’tio.JrwcJrf, i-r , ■! S A J will
i ■ uiovr-on April vd. to NotW Market »t. »ri?
LAKDIoII.- iO I.IIU purr winter ••irrunr.l Laid Oil,
in alnrr and l»r sale by
mcbtfn () HI ATKBI'HN k ( o
DRY AI*PLKS I" l>e« ijMaliiy. rt>r '«!< try
m<sh37 J > Dll. WORTH A Co
‘Vf ACRJjfREL—L6O bl.l» So 3 Mackerel, at (tore and
J.YI fonalc Uy mh3B 6k W HARBAfGU
hntiM. Pa
TXT'IU. ai»n nti'-nd u» rnji<--u«m« and «:i ou.t ;
TT ne»» u> him in R«t»r t «n.| i.m*.,,,,,,?
.-..mi,- Pa R.-W to u<
JAR K'ord. I .te.rrr y n \
U W WnlUrr do I
J.HD-. ,
,I.V twiy A I •<> I , -
T I! 1.1 IZKl! AIIMM-v |
t-* ‘l i .« I l '*'’*** * url
hkker r.,
/.!»<•'»‘took, in; Ain, ,
* i‘tiur> nA. I .irmiiriv. *j> ,
I' I 'I nfU «\
L' \ HI.VR\. Aiuirit'-, B"d
-lj. l '>:w'mnnn . (>|nn I'nii.-c , i
fuJ.l !HVl)i!r,l Id r«.>nilJil»*tnllrr U.' li. '•••(• • ■ I'.-mii
m:v«i 1,1. tor lakitt* J> *;h"*ji,on•. »r u ■M,'v-ril l rni« r.; •
RvrKi- T.'-Hon Writ B»v! A. Snr- i ur-.j- i nur.liA
tv Win lUy*. K«i \Vi".4
A TTORVI-'V AT I,AW Orti. r.-iii. v, .1 1., Inur:!,
JTI -'rr*ft. l; lll.i! l, l 1.1 •If. -I
J AMM IH ftlwn- i Humvil I
T\INI.OI- .V SKWKI.L ntu»f..-v n< !..<•*• i
A 7 Stnuitl»fld. !,rr««ii W at. A Hi. si-
JOHNH KAN KIN Alton..- 1 . lot I.* w.
>t. Mo . nuir ui l*ii!arcji i
Rkr> u.—-I'msliurKN Mo;. \\ I'orNSHt.i. Muinj.
•on A .Mi.irf. M ri.iii,... A M f.urr, J uil „ L i> ltrk ,
A MVor»i A kn.s
XinllitUMl niul i.raia
.U'I.AU Four'h .'fffi iiM'i.nir
'll’ " H Kt»!il\M»N Ailont. y fit I i„. ,r
i I • !>••• > --rt ti. • tirfir- In Hir F.l i-iimiar Hu;Mi-'i; ..
C a.i '! n it «toor in AM'-rmai. Joint- -
4THK «ut>* hi mlUiiior u> n < mvn
mart it tar luring 01 Hat.-, n:i« mail.- urrumjr £9
mrtil* Willi M-w* IA-'i-oc H. t o , im--
fiU'Kionnl't’- itottnw ol lur iii\ ol ,Nrvs \jii, i tit
ular *u|>j.i> ur Inn citu. boo >.,k Hui«. a i>si i :tt t-i,. ,u-i
vt.Ty fn-b aiul liPttui.m Mint liv ruiiiiu u; tn« i . w (U:
uml t 'nji Mori- Sim:-,t.r ,i mi-pi. n;i.l .lorn „.uiti o>
honrtli. wij.-tr ijibt in- mum) «gr>?ni vnm-iv m»
lirlJ ul 1u« own maiiaiin larr. w Inn*-»«.>• uuj
tail. Alai.- made to onlur on n.•
_ap‘S J A>l KS U I I.SnN
RI'CORO A. C 0., jnp|.
JV iMiepc—or- to MV-onl A. Kiriei fliffl
Fa. hi on able
(.'urrif' of lit**./ iiii.i }-'it!/ X'r «•*,».
IJARTh'n.AH arfmioi. i-Hitl in our Krtini Trail.-
1.-rillomt-ii i- K;t tr:-, upon erUmi (!;« ir Uol« i.>.]
t ’up- Hum uur •-«?!*! .nhitiPM n; tin- «,m *s* t >-it m . ,i iii
woKastANSH 1 .-*. »i tb«* LAint-nirs nt"l h- i:,r .»
t’ourrt Mr-Ti - li*!i «, pvrrlmaior !>v wtinV... grr
-tii: \ .nrn.-.l in mu, mu) rxiin.irtr out ,<v i -i
-,i .1 .-rm l ■, w;,; not >ullri in t . uMipa r -•>. u . ,
~n_ o' \,-w \„-t. H.-1i.0,-.- ..--ortiuru:
Ol M.U -. I Up» a Oil Mll tf*. ’ L'.P . I ta-linir,*. ,r, rr J- . n
V J AM»> \\ II ,M Cl.
1 l,x : ! Sm.rhti.--.! -i. ..1 ,: v -or -oi.ih "• 4•
'■ I'nrili-r ,vn liml W HO.I -'.
/ « M ' < I K 1> A t-i, ml; r ,.- / g
. Mar. h’-.i. iii.- >pn,. <
l uo-.' 11l v« UIIt o! a nr.ii am! nip.-ru-r Imt. arc invnc.i
lo '■mi ul corner ui Mil Mini \V.<rwi mrn'n ’ li.nri
Sl>4?.4.fc- 41
*4>_M *ci
VAWH -.i
51,5va as
3*.iw 'i:
* i ,:w* 4th! : i
Ur. Host's t clrbriitril Kriunlits.
. l»n. LK.rUM^-M
oblic»ic nr mitr-ili*-.
In- tm* gn-in-d :m u'i|inrni' - ..<*ii .-m,,''-
IJio-* - <1 r•-u• 1 fi); Kii<! Ihlni mill»<1 if. 1 li 1 • (
4>utn|i(nin. I'mn'pr', S'Tuiiim Hiii-uiiin'l-.itc. ,\-!fi... .
la*, unil Ml. lluiv- :rn*• r- • ;»••• I: . iei N „ V.
I lulled c vr| j lor mn< ilt »»*:t v in-. n<i. r i •
oi In- reiniMlif*. lo wn.cji mimaiui) ,* tii-n - i.o; \ u,,-
usc nt our riilDpuiiml .mi) 'm ihs! ,i,- uiijm'
U ’" l i-h. i, p-.-u !B i j*.r_
l>r Ko‘«-*« Intnr A!i<*rai:v** Piiw, inni uyj ii,-in.
vnriuMy armiow iriliri-il in [ir *up'-nrtr in *ii niii- f. iik
•’ I)tr.i i :4.|.i,.„u-.1.M;-M it.
< oixj.'mnv oi .V'tilt
M, m.pliou' •.}/• ' . • U*T.: J v
J T-rii<Miiinu»t r A > ii '*4 \\ o-m ►
J .M To r: -<• ij. 1. muyi.-i. U \,Wf
I r-u A Ur. kr.nn. .m, ;i „ |- (
Ju« llurki'-y. Uni In tvr;
J-*. ft 'ir.r Yj-i u., V- . .
1' Adnim. lir-h i • '
/ «»u;n. r MS IS THI SIl'K AM» 011*1 i i
V.' KKI) - M.Vi ic « • a
wilJi a Jr\ • '>Uk!*i, I wri
. U|.U' i!,«- .Ifi'-
won. ano I mu*!
j'iirp«.»« a>:m:rai.
»'OUi«I u<Svj»r l!ir iiw 01 [Jr 1 . i.r« Koi-iith nr l.i
w «f- J A.\H> <i« >U A \ 1 |ic.'a f r
J"h.* tru' !nci .ila’.r • r i factor iii.on, r- lu<’'
vrf. tp-Mrir*"* •tir’.i'lh a.Miuiv i ;-d n» 4
dl'.faw.!' 11. !!»• I'tir-l Mild i..d -uoul.l U-- r« ••
Ir» ■-V'-ii hi'i-r l!'*f ili-n-i n* v f r • «.o f -J i;,.. i
■i r*-m-cJir« 111 TUr pm- n.
»p*»ci«hi«* ptiVM< ian. ;li.« Hi ««■
I'USsCMI'rilA t l Kr.i) \|i
i•*.ll i-cm), ii v*t,.--i,r .
thick pcltl.-l rnd.lri. ami I.
ill lird. Hum Ill'll. hi- 11, 1., '
Vrmi(i.i!i: A AiHl*r.-»i- a- m. ■... ursl ir a
inuil KKiii ill-. ' l J w *. il-i- iiii.ii'-'i ut if \ jir ’I -11’% Ba,«ulli 01 l.i vrranr
MJPHiA ij .A 1.1. i*\ . II V.rioik -i|.--t
■•ioi.l in t-, .1 DMiifkau ki Wumi .i J
To*,i*--iid. Ii Mark. ; , H j»ui > -,-f i-.,r Mi,r kr - . ■,.]
!M *l* . A Co. t* l-itirr! y»t Pin e r-ilu cl
K> »1-V* p-r li.ltlf jail.
Jitynii 1 Kiprrdirani.
*•» !•»£'» ii-iiiim-iaitii <-o II Apr Jt ]*ll
1 \ R l) 1/kAK SIK-1 la-.-, l-ou.ld l„ \ 11 11
x.) 111,11 ;m- Ill'll! 1--0 pu!- !• . til a 1 .11; 111 m !)n* ~p-purtnoil
purtnoil v •,(' .in' pu ’-i.rr .to ’iir a- jttr .mrtl imv r|J,-.-fe
( tlllrol.l 1.1-:i u‘ -i.r. -c :.*f t*u: ji > a .!* - ~r w-• k « Ml
vhni*fi. I nail ri-oi.initn-inlrJ lo in-- ),-ui I .ij'r- .ni i-i-
uni] |ii.-.-r.| |., ilin;; wlm du.-. ... iiimj;* ... ii,.-
u*r u! il.r iiirniii -ii hi! i .in Irm , In tin* 1 11-« ii a
Ka*l-*--U11..> )■«.). Al . J4l V, J
For *a.r i.i Piu>i-uikn ai m >■ P- »..i I-a <i-.i- -.-j
l ourui Mrrri nMf'JU
ROI Akn.MATH'K \ I \ K<. A K - Tli-- u.ic-.
Iy »Hinuor> l.niaaniii and i.. ..prn- <-i. ; <-, .. r,..
Yliiayar rri.itrr it mr auprjiur to t'olngir w»:, i
tie-* ordinary purport. til me loiici, »urpo»«.ui- :m . ,
ii:r m it* fx-r!uiii- It j»rrvi-m- ami r'limvi-. pimp --•
iiiiln miJ urp-ni) o: ttir *kia. i; reirrmir- « :nini<
tlie «km, rcnderitur it--mi ami n-m.-m p . ~i r*-t-u :a»-
i-lnminy ami litticr tu-ur ol mr liimiiu nnparii ,c a :(r*h
amt pku.ant brrutli |i i-.can**-* am! wi,,;.-i>.
Vr'-.IH, nail Uurdr». lur pun. ) ( , r a.I Hir a'-ovi- pur
po»r«. ni* u»rd tvi ili will-- 1 n .ui a pr-ipi-r lion a* ma j
i.r luUll'l lltoal <1 tf Ir--ii ll i • I>> -li I. a.. ui- .ii.<- lul>‘.||.||
.1 llli tlir IrmpW. .1 Win irinu vr li.-mIH.-i.r Ii app-ied
lll»lKml)' 'LI H 1011, or Imii*. ll Will rv - I, lU ■ ■ , jir- ■ > 1-1
inoiiiLcaiiOi' It ' i-rrr. : vitini'-d i,.r a-i-l j-imni,
rtllU rcililHgnlli; -I I* t l|r --rioTt- vrr> i,
and pr rf iilili i-t a pn r'iii«->,i. |-i, -,nr
H K M.U.I-.H' U a.
im i.ji W m. '
i* m fi-riit;. i;.h.i I pun t-a--i in..- w, oi |ir
J. 'Vufiii r*p»-- ,in —.ii..- :-*.i m. mj|» ;tfc .,»
and W » *©<■ •*< » , *'*>'* •’ v ' " .•’■■ir* -. .i :w„
MUMpOOnt full, anil in'limtirN Hir Mim-uni ni . . hpj.- Mf
largo, yol I luivc mi iloutil till! til- rr %» a. c,. waul . ■>/
rwD roooaaKl- wi-hota pi»»*rd [nun lum. in.-a-uii.. f
»ooi oee quarter m an m< N u> two- mclir. ionr
Hono 1 * Imrrul rci Trim . lh-.- -j7. 1-17 •'•I
O .•nuam.* Jan -i- l-lt»
Mr K P >.-ili-r- liml Vriiniiuiri: In.. I cvr .
ami 1,.L» ;,I r,. b*|?tl y -pukru rM I- . ! Wu.i ..'lav *u - .-i|
n From Il.r Siici -.* ai'.»• rutini’ l.*n- a-linmi* l ii.i.u ni
vli a i \’--i un In je 111 «*>rry i-il-e I Imvr hraril I .111
roiltlilrlit | rill ,ri! more du-illi: to- - I-I
11.111 | (Jld last. I Will l-r HMl*> l" tVI r, .r j ,„|l|*T -up
ply ol 1 or 6 rrojk our., r* •pei’im '
.Kxitm-i iron; Irtn-i ! H i‘ A K I I.H
Prepared und m»IiI l-y K!’ SF.I.I.P.K** w-m- 1
mni ■old l-y u--m ral!t in PitUl.u rje!> a ,\-
ltgl:li> >*'-•
;aa. a. 1 KAiaiA.s u t rimuJi dm b
Vrw>n> M"
TUU'. »ur>MTu<»f lit* tfin.-vi.! : • \\
fV .Slotr 10 lII'- lOtlirr (H III! k •If-'-l ‘••’•I V '
»»»*ny VV bu'li '» J I door lo im»* I’r ■' v I louse
mch'/7:dtf J"HM' I'UU.'i
PKIL r - .-tr ruia •<•.'•<-1.-1 «*«*•"
men! oi One Wno-hr* <n..» wi.»«-n wi'l
bn told m cne<*i> ** "ii' -’I" - •-"iwlili-inti'-i'i •'! 'i"‘
or liic Eastern niir-
A »o--A iant<i «>i »i v Jt ,. iv .tor- Waioi.r. and J'w
plry. at very lo«r proe* 1u i I'-weded l w karat l, “ l 1
LeTert. a» low «• Uur'yfi •' r
actum comer 4Ui and market #tt
N <• I
il . . ’ 1 *' I T'i' «llh*. m.'-t • J>« . • i.t-.: • .
! Vftw
A FFI. 11'TK L).
v Hi':
l)r. McL*n« lit Trnurmtt.
t>l«nolut lon.
• in; - !icfr»<«C'ir<-
Tt: : £'
l'< if 1 I » I- 1 i
J AMI - ’A i.«>!
i. * ' > K IH >
F. * :mr. - 1 ~4 -
..i, ''■ i’ r '‘l‘ r >'*:or«. '4wntii» ih~ ri-mt'on ;«n«J pl»‘»*ur« ol
■i:nl m 'w 'W firm m«l wlii, ,i liiry r«,nfiUfiW. Will
|. ■ i •jiynr-ni'i :iu>, . i r . 'iif rt)i<*n
. f '• w. _*ui’7>l>pd wniu pvcr) «üb
-.u*- -tin! uxu-r wrjfli • hik rk **t nfford*.
• •* -iij.-ririf .1 « iuif hi way <»r Witip*.
■I :< r |»f of>l :• •
«.l ■ » K‘ IV ’i
\\ \t un:**
'•u ,u..l mu-.- ~i 1. ~ivjC ß iifv Ar. .«ii '
VoKri.H nVimM'
jwihw o» >i>>
|:..rk. a ll.n
! ■ . K*CM»»UK HOtEt,
»l»vi\li|;iKKl ■ ••KtKK vn * si’ »t (.1 *l5 *m, PimurßOH. r*.
TMi»Ma> H\HN»> I P?} i “'‘ huvi;./ ihr nuinare-
I 'h.* lone '•.•ah ; i«hH and popular Hot'*'.
, n . 'v,., | Jv**‘ r ' ii n iinr nc<*« to Trnvr)!«r< and mo
- • | e ' '" r:|l, v «H"' wii: l.r m aji nmr« prepared
~, ’ "iiotum iiirm m a.; tiuiij*< dr«iraMe in a woll
Hti-k » r "-' ll >"*'! Unit* Im.- 11,.,;;.. irt.iv iliorooclily
.. > . n ■ r*":*- ■’ •i.rnuiMu.m nr«- pur'itu• • n«iil<*d. and no
~,c. : imi i-’a .. i'r *i<«r-i| ’-i mnßo Kirtmiier imp oi the
: wn- :ij . ~0 u, .., ,
I ►••• uinl. r-nr i«*il .piriiuny •nliciia a rormnumiee
i ol ia- v.-r-. ..••rra. pHifdiuci-tin Uu«~. na« borrtolorc
I' T " ! flHiM\< i.U <T»»N.
j :t Propr cior
, II vr« ,<F n.F«rn ,JU i. R * *TT fTKKhT* P fT'iirH.JII
Mriih Mii)-.-ri-,rr r.-ip-.-Ha-v a „a,i.,iH-r. Uml
; ' "i”- 111* new a:nl 1.-iM Mul.-I
" ' * H- - .nriiiii-laiiciii nl I!iivi'i,-t. |.<*nriWv
~.i j i-'O'* 'i » Dk li<iu*omid i u run it rr
■ • r ' - run! HO pain, or r lin->* i.rm
... -l-sro.l tn cen.lrr ~ „„. of u,.. .•Miu-ofii.t.,- ard
r | (.•.•JI..UU Hot-u ,n i:„-
i n mi. r ..I HI Iv K K
I 11'i• M: 1;l r.K
th<>m v- i; \>;-n
1)1 mnluiliiii
•• l-i i• i*x !'• • r.i.v
•XHi.J > .mi... r us. u
m*' n, | .‘'“.V ,!!, irr 1 !<•• ‘ul.-c' •• r , .1- • rmm.-il ;o rv<*. inti there
. . , . [ 'i’i • r<> 'i ll v,i• Ij 11 • c.i j' U ■n- jiiiirnniuri*.
•i-1 - h - u < i«' 1 1 ’! ’ N ! I M'i • J - 1 1 ! n ' 1 * • J\ l 'i 'lt H< >l't» H l'rr>|irir*if>r
' ‘ II '|. KIN.. ' IU <1 PKK(’KNT H A V E D I
nl'l'ixi rin.S Houst:.
Co-Pnrtaerktil|>. 1 VjRIiJMA lU'Th I. mi Kiilmnot.- *ir--er, near
J< 111 N|l MV' 'H I' MiVihi -d rr:V ■.< i‘ lv .'nil! !»• i •».!. i-Ji.' 'V ,r, ,• „u.p I te or Jr r
J 'ililr • M l/n-v - ~..J i »•; 1 i>mm<- latmn n< tin- -Ml Mir.
\ . Ml! 1 ‘‘Milimi t ..»* H»* < «... | .11 j ; >■ .*>-a-ell eii*.-imn roniior'. wil! .if>w]|
Hi: .1* v iin.Hi- ||»|l. ||. . «>.'« , 1 U ! : r ■ ' ' 'lll- f-trfli.KMiir; I - m-v »'H' h-i.l U;e
• IMVr.I on C. 1.: ( .| 'J('M'• !' Mii>K ! 1 I imi»mu k. i- am I'na lif lull in Hit?
ihZ~ j \ |- * m , 111( () ii- 1 ■ H ' »»'V j>r.. or n<» rharc' No '■hare" t.>r
, •. ■ - |in''-i mi ( .i gHf to noil rrnin tho nir«
IN r.-.i. I * j .; *lv*ii WASHINGTON KVA N S
1 V ••..(•.! A K mt • I-:.- j VMTKI) STATKS IIOTKL,
**' 111 '
- fr• ni]> ir ,\|i urn , ,s i.m
ilf l.ill, vs. . |.<- .. II |
J*i.. *.• J w 1-4’*
, , ~ Miitfklrll k Wliitf.
nK\ D- 'tiHHI HS. >*i .i rr ,i uir
•• • •Wn ihr.r Morn i>( A.MKKI
'kS V M« h iKI.H iS 1»U \ rr-.nv.r^
'JK Ml HfllN 1 K
■ i ]--■ !
Mr H I ..
:v ii l lil turn Ht |.|> A ll \ -
JniIUHTV ] |— t »
IIT , „ *%***?****""-. • JAMKS \V. WOODWKLL,
'„ : .vf' :\ 'Udmi a dc( Auii q o e Fiirnilurp,
AUl'v'iA F- : | 11l I ■ Kriii.i:
’| ’H i I•\Kl\ K l{ ' 11 < 1
.1 \MI ' I \i •. 111. i \ \ ■„
f IH-rAHT.NKh.iIIJI 1 v\ ... .
V. .!-« > h-m.- ..... •• v. .. .n. ,|. H \i
' t H I i i r I *'ir
I\i • K %l > I . .
<.-»• Cl.rt .--r. b ll
1.i•" It \ 1 N*. I. i'll ■it
• A. , 1 : 1
| jRK.MN .Wii i\H .H >j \
uv ~r I {>,,.-r i\
r.X,'.cjr.;.ir :i
w 'i ~ l vo
A |>- / if-.-ip-. ....
• <-ni(i i.iimoi't « tv. h’ * \V
«'»m. hx Mr. K. 1.,
I "‘* M - J.1.1.1u lT h »-..Ni .1.1 -| i
••• \l!
i-i.'.h.ita i.\.i ,-11
JI 'IfS-h i N S -Ti ,i ‘K |n\.
A< .M 1..\ - HI- I . l}{ \ Ml I \ I
* ! I.- H mi.i "" " ' 1
- •> J. :>■*" ■*.) ' I r‘
ja i \ i r .a -in- i .
4 1 k.'ni - 1.1 r- I
I'll- M.
1 U Kook- H.
H.-.ur k ' .• ''l..
Ji 'll N- I n\ A - 1 . n K |\ ,N
N»' W !«>(.»,> « »r-jr*.-. I'umon
i i'lio rit i ’ ,il-* .)
\\ i>h i.i: ip[w.
M>U> i.'HHi-in**. 4 -
lr io( i ff-M in 11|>' > , int ’m ill* r'i
* I hull."- ilr !.'-ni'ii • i. ii nil r m •ii
.\ ' I s'loS. ,«n.f irmii^Wla
.r ,f -1 .M mi i»U Junr .i.mrc.'.i, mi I'm m, 'at t!,.- 1 WANTED,
, I Ctr . , Vi .. V*, ~<wl «l A *»* HI. in Oo Ihiuhwhu ii-,.
<V «1 ft• •• I -HI,, V 'C-V> J* >1'-i 1 41 Utidrouijl* htt bußCic-o. i;ul
-t .1,- It, \<l ui-k- ■ j , ] ' ll u( * ‘ ‘ I!• rl f 1 . o " -I'' t' y" V- J- ■ 'tl”'*'*- *>* Im-' 'titf-*' '
.lluinrur'jr’,,'o' ii ii".' * * inn:.Y air l?.'. ryYii* in" 'i- TUait., r • tf t. :i< |..T»ortnrf it'Cnlh-rl 1\ HI Ill> A PPLE.S— oK' n,»l. o,,'d klole
L,*r ‘lulu ir al,vv•. :> r• rn.» „rf«- n mi ir.ti.l ■*• ~n,i rosewood «u<i nifttmfnny. ■ 1./ «:id fi,t >nl«- i-y m« :.«*»» > A *VhvKOAtGH
11,1, .. ,i i... |"i nix nwu 1 i,<- iiiMruinciUs arc j . . u . ‘ ' -*
... | taU No ui ArfromWi j come, ut enrt wood «,
Al’ Hf I’| \ N *'i I .’- W! \
- :r. • I- I '• lIT "TRKKT BALTIMORE
• ’«> Tim* Tftrsffni’r F/i.*ruiru*s.
t-jiaii..»iin,em Ion? ut«! widely known a*
ini i jyilfl ,u f i* in«- mo*; curaruodio.n in tl>e ory of
1,11 b;i- t/-. undrr(?nnc very extra
■ b .* '" “ '•fit.ii'i* arM i!n(-ruv>-ni<’i)t* An entire nfw
, " 1 'v t - . i- hr--, bdili-.1, i-'.niaini: ? numeroot and airy
*'••• .''Hi; apartment*. ari ,; ei:et,*ive Imlhm? room*
I ‘nr di-f« a r:in:‘ui ai«") been completely
*••l’ii;a >i-l 4i|i] i; urd uji ,n u mo—. umijui and l«-aun
• ; . -i- •• - In -a •: * u>„v<i r: v trenieni of ihe Moose
r :: - rH i"rnl-'i*,| -* n, a *nr!.' ev »n the port of
:nr* utt 10 «ay. OiaJ nothing
if ,’*n. amJ ou ihe pan o(' tficir
H-'i'-i w-irtt y thr command
'ri'-rvi* «:ii| ih< |/ut«hc
■nr hoard hovr- al«o ti«rcn r<*«iucrd to <hr
| L-'i.l-r■ l lr.J;,.ary
«' .75 per «Jay
• i,Ofl
*' I"'' Wiaoii •>( ihe Houne will nl
1 hi »r ici.l St**n>l>o»; L«fi'lim.'V
h .vtl: rinnv,- li:ti*K*4{r in anil froD lf>»- Holrl. tree
••mt <! »ma;> nuHru *M' r:rrn *r3
OW*«>>|TK ;i.>- Uu (mil'll I’hiln
Il! >r - i: I'rnpniMrtr
CI»o< olulf, Cocoa, Jtc
»••••• ‘iii.". 'l!'"'
vv . r».h lh.r.-M ..M Mum
auv: tl 11A1.A1.l V A v\|j VH a«k
Wrought n nil ('mat Iron K<Ullug.
Leeching, Cupping and Ulecdlnc.
Kli N‘ - Kli! - in M R lH,„y v
. No .*.» (V: . in Hnvi IVooJ nn.l
|J ) rr.h rlvni'* rr r.vil mm, ;n .V H tie 111 l It II -<• Hi'l
Keier-n*-.. uii» o' Puwi.u: ch. A.u*-
v a-ij Birni. a: m.
Manurnclureii Tobnrro.
HIM I* Ht'rKNoH ft r, I ,''
U _ i ".-t
; i KM' rmlKVii-ai ; , ( ,i *> ju.irt
liu t ■”
»\ rI Jl
11l *! I« HI NllH * i~n
II N «»rr. .1 S «• ||a, v,
W . A. .1. i; r. K. \ v Book Hinder*
" paltr-r-t CJ..I Ix.un.l »uli
imi. r i » u» miun.l rui<*»
/ IAI.I " JCI N Frrm li Calf a
\.' :» A t\v Fml.-tilrllihia
- liom ill** mat.iiiH. ~M OI II .M Cl,lwinrij. u>
aiul ...» L I . ’° l "‘w UH.N(V* Co, UM
•r' » 1 1 > M.rriV «l
prrrsiu k.,iii ? tkkl »..rks ,m, s ,. rixu
AHlicriiKklls ,
' ul \ wi.i-u .i( K<>)« I Vrl- cu«Ung«. lire rn* J
‘ A “° lUu *' ueueniJly, corner t>! |J,., ril ) Fnu'i '1 ‘.'.'".""‘T
<»t tup | p, ,u rr.n.i , 1 .n,uurirh,
1 «a |.f ! . IrtiA
, Duni-..k». Mo- ' T LST IN TIMK-Ai.oOu-r o)
... ..I O lhrn l ].|«riM...r,v,rr ;u«! rr-nv, ,] lof
IHItfV-* ! AUo, in 4! |.i l.lprr,. ,
NOT l('K. * «riO iru.-lr 01 l*oriui.,c I.oM tiai.-* «-1,,-1. .•»
■r .U.-IC U, l || (,„*>•. With | r, > «“«'• ' R>..l 1.-f *ll.c i, s
M.- , W W W ILSII\
• rorn.-i 4th Uii.l m,,rk. i
.1 (in- hicriMi «'itr|n*t>
■ IIV.':::
Hi' n h
IMi |‘l i!MiK\ n K
; l II I,HAN 1 W
'■ MKM. Bk'aVC KOVXIVIO i, n , **“■ *•*•
& "• 2(hi ’2S$ Fzrz&'z,,?:'*'-
1-r' > f irom In i WM. 4 CO.,
:l.- in.-t -mu'- , 7 IN HIDK3 AND I.EATIiKR, Mororr,
•• '“••I mnirfini. ji/ -"ho- Pindini.'*. Sr .N„ 1U l itx-riv *t r
Kniltne Ar toe- [ J««' T-Kri*«t ih-ir Sf'Hl N<i .HTOCK 7
i"" ' " <" ,;rM ' '* ” I f*ri»»wir * larRP J«.ormi. m„< a ruc| r „ „, cir ‘ /
'l'-' I ■'»* 1 ■ •’ 'll*- neu'-t hunnei iv» im-li :lir «ltei,t,on purt-L.,wri is ,iiv„-rf ‘
l Al- 11,. wI. ..P.J- Avri-Amu- P»fh 15 K ~,VUe<l
! r-i>.\Ui»i -i, ,• i "(Jir.l ■.r j|. nMmtuin of “
i- 'ii.ii i in.‘-m •!'. Pie llflv* utwl mnfv»«i'u>n I , Tl AOTICK.
i-~ 1 r
; PRINTING PAPKR. ; Km*!"* '-•« , and \V m MeKnirttiCl", , f
.<r l'| ’!>*• ti'- t* n<• • 'iic i ftp iit u'ive Arrin'v foi ' lo without forilu-r ilnav, m ' “ 1,1 r '
I 1 •• •>< ; hohkbtmknigiit
i-l-r ~|.I H. t! p V!' On ai h.j linin' vvr i «up- i m.tilj.llm Adminiiir.ior pl \V. IMcKnoil.l Oro,)
- i a r »^ matkri * ls - j “'-
.. 'irlllUl 10 “SS ‘ a; l.ldl,
ftl.’i M iks a. SHKK, I ui „ a " ■'
uut ii«in «t» i 20 i. .. „ ;;
T “ k '*‘ «' oil I-Iltof. I>.
mcn,J J hi l»l>A Co
-Ju«i n*<-'
i-i-mpic'ie a*
I Mih HI KHI K >'l.< >nn
1 1 I'llllilfnm I, t," ' Him u
uRi.Ar i.NVF«\n.i\ _ v ali abli. i iscuvbrv
P*l*»T SkchUO J*sVA*t lilt. I>U)
Patent uunisum TaSLs. .Sfojt, Bti'rauj.
)Pr«ui£ Daif.
H<HK TiBI Ki F ,' V 1 mON
' | **“* »A**I.JCS far "uriiajuing -very olh-r m
a. mention ot the kind now n'nm The r ran he n
irom ten to twenrv-tiv* r-et. »»d wtten clowd
the leave* are ail contained ins.-ie, ih-.y are made in
ail sizes and shapes, and *, e luiap'-.l 'or
.■Mcamhoau-. Dote'. ,nj large private Pin,lilrs. term
mg w hen cwr) a cpnt ( ,)eie centra tah'e
SOFAS AND article, are „,v»i.
unbir. parti ••oiarty to nm who wi«h to ecame
room. Mid convert « s.eepmg apartment mm *
parior or -iling ns the, , :hn p* «,rw. :ir JV.d .hut
at conveiitencr and when *.mi. -,-,e l-dj,' / i- .
cd A trroi »avin.< m room m-d rem ' \ ime he.l
-stead* wne:i >• 0.-d iomti a beanti'h' j-ir -« o! furniture
for a parlor or sitting room
HOOK CASK:*—A nrt*t and u»,-fu ai .»cie mr pnnor
or drawing ro-.m
HHI ri.Vii Dh.SK' For law mri-r*. .•inr'uuig rooms,
and other .dfier*. when nren-d a most convenient bed
• lead. who. no-cd a perf-et !>.* and Library alone
Ail •* a.iic,--« need no recoui'iicndiiurxi ihc
beauty .>■ tli •* i 4 .ttify are warranted not t-> jet
out ot rep.itr be tor your mim-.'-n, m'! amt
ezainii c r'je article, at tin: manufacturer * « -ire. No
*3 Third street, Pittsburgh In addition to the above
advantage*. uiey arc proof against bog*
mchJti J A AIKS W Wi n)DW KLI.
AND now opening, a spleuded ,ot o
Piano Fortea, from me ceie.iirated firm
'Niinus A t:)ark, N Y h coit«i.«ui in
11*1 I ■ part of the following-
One elrgnnt Rose w ood octave Ptano. w,ih cn-red
moulding, top and plinth, projecting front and carved
gotnte tablet*.
One ro*ewood Piano, octave, eieg*m and p:Bm
with Coleman', celebrated --Eoltan Attachment, n »u
-pertot inatrumeni
Oi.e Rosewood (3 octave, round rnrner* and octagon
leg* One do no do
fine ro»ewood Piano, square corners and leg.
Them- Piano* have improvements.:', uie met nam-m.
m -triaging and covering of the hammer., pn«.r.*cd
i-y no oilier* m t>.im country, and nrr m mice the !-e»i
a., weil as the cheapest Piano* that can b- bough:
A LSO— An elegant lot of Chicneriig* J'la-.oa, irom
” ll> rt octaves, po-.»e««itjg all ilie latest improvement*,
ill reduced pru;«-a
ALSU—One cl'-gu/il rojewmul fa' iucl Grati-i Piatto.
7 octaves, a urw invention HKN’RY k’LKHKR.
_ "••’t if _ At J W WoodweilN.’tJ Third at
JOHN H MKLI.OK, i;o!c Agent for
rhickertng's Piano Forte* lor Wem-m
rrfWlPri,„»ylvHi„*.| No. -I Wood «irect,
* * 1 • Putaliuri’ti. ha* received aii.J r;«>w open
or *a.e ft,,- ioiJowing c!cgn,it assortment, direct from
Jic manu. acuity, nt Mr rhicaering * (Hoston) price*,
Or- Ro.pwood .enn m-tave P.nno Forte, carved in
the rno- eiegant an.l riel. .ty,e of J^ UI « XIV
*'“••• •“ d ™-
Otic roae-.vood Piano. CJ o- uve., n rw *<•„>.
1 "a carved, ri - -■
.* wn round corner*, d octave. n.-w »,-a:c.
P wo pnntu-l rt
The above arc ai, trotn tftc manufactory m J Chic *•
cr:ii|'. o( ilie latest style* of i'urmmr* ami with
ihc new and improvrd »calc
'ii «r W °‘ ><1 oc,nv '* Pianos, from the inunufactory
ot H W orcester, .New York, formerly oi th-unit oi
*'iie!«ri. U iifa-iirr 4 Durham
t! tiortavr- f, a le A Co, N
1 nnnvuoj f>J -i.-tss • I’i-i.ih, m«-lc be pV Ra
vcn. New Yni * ‘
*l 1 u,f ..r<ti mutm.'iu tijr- or giocmc- suit
ablejnr s ountr-. .tore Hr,,-- S.flm ~,-jo
M B | ,bvV A, l K '' T " N ' VKR-riKH-ATKTo UB
JArNr. - rtin. rt-inhc*. >!im mnurdiateit att-r
nuvn.g alien,led iny brotn.-r «r„, am a-,<„,
m I.T-I N- I
■>r Livr. . nniplnn.t. , v ,. (m i a , r ,i , ow „
1 *'».« I ... ,n.M iu
n, on,, ~ n, ,o, lllr
-us Him n-iitimd to in) t-r -1 l<ur,nr ttie above peri
o </. lull- 'la- -ij-emir-1 for mr,| - . n 1 attendanee o
Wri”lik " i: "" *'‘' l m lb- "mount oi
***’ r* w*™>K any benefit ili-r-from. in
iu > 1 ' 46 - 1 couimenccd taking Dr Javnc'. M-d.-
n; f; * ,ul uavr lateu inem more or i e *, ever since,
and W.rvc that it l.y per* m the,ruse!
. -I. i « iii. i-->'a ,ru,> *a> that I have completc-v rceo
vered nn n-al.h |,-v -that Jhynr'. JiallV c Pt.r,
and r.ijTccio/aut are ihc f.r.t lamin’ nirdicinr* now
i>i ih'.r aiviiiioii
I--V i-ll n r i.iltwl-sl. V HMUfi*
(.: -;r» *\ \ |i* br-««
'• fr *li l.inri,. Tail.if.
'• i' SJirrtmtf* o! »»i.
I in Spnii*t>-iJ. lliM't'o ci-ua!T N V. nr,J 4 l
in ' 8 'df,« •« mi..! m&riime *fioi> , , pi*/. ,
i. .1 uni out ii,irr. -tr.i in ut;y marr-r i !tM . , I
';;r* *«*«.«*• «w*w«» >*->-». iir.
,WJ * r ttOj, .r,| hI.IJAIi i. i',-
>[•( I.K lit J. N \ S'-p: lli ~1 -r I. .11 A '
»• \« ri.Kf:i» rußAt .
Kil I >1 ■ • -I
I - ' I ~!■>,
\ t «-milr.
l pi i !>r» H i f**
< ' Jaiuo .\U.l..nri
-I i
Pitt Machine Work* »ud Psandry. * wn, *■.,*<■<,
f'iTTMii min. r* * Ca*:»orretiv .
Dre»«[ig Fnpie-. Loom-, i.arii Grinler*. Ac 'Vroushi ’ *’• l “*
ro„ MiaAjff luriin.l, an | ton , ■ <•»*«•> ’
Ha:i«er* of ihf utr.i i. ; ,!trrn« v. , M - ~
,n„ „r„i; 1 ™r., Y. m'.'""' '
tUrillMK'fl OH t.Kiri IS-lff .in. I . ' ‘
'ln. Inn. «
'"‘l lin lOM-*. I U»i Iron W.:i. I - >u.mi nuil :m.i /i'
• rf.-. „• .
i;« Iffir y ,) nj . ,
r.i inr-1 .v L(« m
K‘-O B.»rk«ifn-. ' \ i st j
'• R " artier. Join irw r i
' Aj II Hjjncr r
Penn' Machine Siiou "" ?( fc! W (i Uoi) S .
I'rriir vsst *«"? -***«» Ussss:j> t T “SV~S
'.iT"* ’ f ’ aru ' v •* J pia.i- y.r, a iairt am) b*re::in
Wuu.m straw. K.ufcn-c Ks }v j *.;i2
eSrta.J. v ,-i. ..i. |C. j- • la-v K...
4 'li a .-■:<* lira J U«..V\HT«
Rn-.i Fr-m h !.«>••
• A \l„.t
I -in... V H:..
.j-rr «,i. rv I'.ira*. a**.
-raw - c unmet. »pr«drr», throna:*.
ar'l«. ooii: .e or« t tor weri-Mii.T or ~„U j. . f
mu " «. ,V.. . ~iOp hii.l toii.U iaujc* urirj , n -»
crn ‘ A.i t;.iU> ill lUailtln »rd f , OI . ’ '
f " K»r ircarms 'nr;on.'« ..r mi,,.. ar rp . (<(1 . \
Km. *.»»•<,. ch.:,:,'...11 '
_ n n.<c i ‘‘iiimPk A- i 'o, Jn» a 1 '
NK W CO>..CII FACTOR*, 1-j'-Uu.' ,' I “ , ■
MAi-t.rwz.NT v ‘[| , !•- .
A WHITE* CO. «•«,«,„ , MfM . cIJuM , . u - i:., ' r kVv
.up that ts.-> ( *vp i L r::: : 5 *"
I.*, oilf I‘ciwecu fedri*; nmt .;jcp .
, m * ks !>' «>“' <*re pr.-;i*,cU k- leCr .iv,
. evrry rir.p-nptio i nr vpiur|r«. iV...
l’u> in* |iniiiru:nr aurimoi i 0 thr *^^<-i, 0!1 0 i n- t
n«.v utiil imvinit imnr !>u; oomprirn: win,,, '.“/.'V
’ Um '* ' io hc«iiaitou in wurriHUM:; un<ir wc.rk \V,-
iiii-i’ iotf ihc niicmio.i iii ihf iiiii.'i ..» ~ '
N>> Hr|.a,r.,u: linnr m Ulr u-m W!V? “V,' V f
m«-»i rv.i>miiti.i< irrin*. ’‘ ‘ .V*'
«p.i> v-ry S„-.
; 0 *' f * ,,cr I urruH-tiiß , Jo , n
I n-ThVTrnu" Or . ,ISCUU ' : " lhe tnvwJ'J.
i , ‘ nr '** Al *°' «reen aoid mvuit.U/fJci,, 1
! v.ry rhcp; woo, ,l y , d „ lt <J O . H „ d y * h J* ft
’ a, ‘* Amor,can <A>MMKRK.h. attd
ami ranry V KSTI.Nusv «-ni.rm a » , . IU reran
Matti Urn iit;.. l,.«ck ami !V,cf Ciav.i, ,\ 1 ! C
UrtkU. I iwW'lur'*. I)rn»-rr. iV „ V k "
| corner or lm and Mnrkri *>rv.*u. ' 11 e * f ‘
I iioic»aie Hunmi up itajr* i,•!. '()
NononcahaU LlTprySiable
•ftKonforr ‘‘•'TrSEso.? 1
'c;;n':,: n
i i n<* ri'iir oi Uir Mononc«h-!a Moum
nn '"' w of Horae, and Parrm-, of
[ Uir IH..i M ua.,.>4HMll»|eM alylct. Horae* kep- „? ~V P
: runu.rbriim.iuHT __ j>'»t!l'y
OTLAM »'>ATiA>CK^‘H„;; n(f concluded .r ■
oil our enure aiSck orttirkr « Mamie Time-...-,., »
we now ofler u» M!.l them at rower chi,'
i-e l-.usut a , 1.0 u.- Pmaliurifti or r,.,« '
■ ;"*; | ~f " r ‘ l |{r,n 1 [ ll ‘- <*'y esii.Uu.t.rd Hr.
,r ' r ‘ ‘‘ K ‘ I , V "" I,i,v " lar k*e-l and fim-1 M..ort.
i loejii Hi Uir Cl!)-. Cali and M -r
j R. im-iniMfr. We are „oi lo n. undersold
ni.A K F’ A rn . Mnrkci .Ten
' n,r;,lK ‘ r "h *'•!'• ■>! d,r Ununoud
a« \ r>» J? uf
r .> t'li JfT»-
Kor California.
I'owJ,-, ... k „„ ,
. X l-'Hv .|USfI«-n K.xj I-;,;,. Inf h , n 1"
, , lr|,n J * mi.WOHTH A Co y-v.,. r
i "innif-ion <nd “ ' n n ' n 1 w <’ii[ , i
U .J' "* !
<*i fade an! ? rl '
»■>«!. U». ar-■-
ft s,
‘ liuri it,
Job[i« A | 1(
H'-nrj' A Jnrnf* s#.' !« und
narc jiron,,. i, [,
wijo U.i.ruii^my
si n&thf Dertiavement oftk* CaliforniairoU Frvet,
Vr> T 5 Mams* Stwutt. Pirnwcmm,
HAVE resolved on SELLING OFF tUeir lar««
stock of DRY GOODS—Ihe principal par: oj
I *v:i.ct> Qjtvr .atc:y a purchased a* 0»p LAftoa Ar<-
t:>>% *. . i Philadelphia and Vorl. ai <* trc
! ni’-iKlou. n">t unparalleled sacrifice!
j We n*ve mail* - «tich a large reduction from our raff*
I uur pncc< that wr wul dfcvr «ci> wjarge portion of oui
I koo<U l< ir*T or iniportnlion Tbe eay *V ftl *
| t«raiion buyer* i* ;nviicti to choice high colored
. pood* aj.ipvd • o the riaittornta Trade.
Plant and tifur*dCam?liui){Cs»hinerea and de laiuei
*n It *. all price*.
Vi-7) •up-rto; b roc in* fie V;Super cloak doth*, all -<*iv
and water..! !,!k -ilk*. lor*.
Superior r.-;>-.rtiiurt- »ilV>. , !' w *tiPh merino*. all color*.
h!k and <‘Oii>rc«i. 'ltiurk bomhaiures.
Super black glo<sy Gr«de''ro«». burred aitd striped
_ Rfcm silks. atpacas.
V.«ette and raanulU *ilk»..!lroch* fig'd and «trip'd do.
best quality. Ijenny Lind plaids.
Pure »ottn». b'k and Idee Victoria Lyonese clotat,
l>lk «*uni». very nch.
»auii mertr.oi. Co'»crg rioth* and canirli-
Supcr silk wurp a.paca an lustre*,
sp ciidiil pm..l m,h .» «, \ ••••*• :To<*ha lone shawls.
Splendid lrrkcn ;.'n f. .e«t nave ever
irom .\ t ork 'aucuons. brought to ih:s market.
Kr*.*nt tiareni'iH, I now in be «oM at grrox
Plain and rinbroi d thibet, hargmns.
•hawit. color*. [Superfine and eonunonbro-
Silk iri'<ce. remarkably i cha equate shawls:
rh ”"P' 'Super carariiuri silk shawls
l renrb c nth* irmti titp celebrated 'Johanv" manu
factory l m iicau') of finish and tiermanerice of wear,
("Oili* have i ; n superior, a tew pieces extra fine
jei back and ui.vr cit«ton U uver< snd other fccety
elotl)< for over coat*. iwuled J' ciotix*. maiiu'w
turrd eiprcssiy lor cloak* v f neb and American c;i*-
sitncrc*. -up' r wrest of Kn r , : ,d do. -uper French sn
tut- lor vc«ii'KT*. tl.c lie«i i. :.-.rt'd. Plain and fancy
ve, vet and ra»hme rr ve«ii[,--- merino ihirti* and drusv*
er*. Italian cri.vw*. linen. .tm.ncßnil Mlk/Udk f* . !»•
* r.\ n.i: r,oon<
Ir.»b 'irt«• i:* Se.t;onj**- di tdeanh
ril and brown mii*un« •>' c>od <iuixliiy, remarkably
low. tie'ntic* cnecif*. ,'i-,ui>-«tic and imported (ttitx
>mm». «cni;ei. ye.inw and vvrmc fla-:»eis, a large lot
very cheap, a lot of white and ■•roa*J»s'rod cotn*
ttannet*. cheap, brown and bleached llarrmby table
linen* anil tat.le e.nth*. Ru**i i and Scotch diaper* and
t'lwelling*. «at:c.rti* Kentucky teana and tweeits
An naunl large *iocJt oi blanket*.£ir*ct from the
manufacturers, »om* of which are the be*[ ever exhi
bited, a!! of tvliicli wi" be rio»ed out h! tinparallelwi
low price- In addition t« liie above ctiunier'U>".i
good*, out *loeit com|»n*e* a vrrv latvw and eotnptcte
ae*ortment of almo«i every article usually ;ound in a
dry good* *lore. an-.i as '.oey have bren mai.ity pur
i:ha*ed at the cuaerti uucuon*. liecee the late great re.
duction oi price* We are enabled and driermtned to
*cl! them oil ut great bargain*
WhonMN'r buyer*, country merchanta, tauora. tnd
rnr put-fic I'encrm.y are re«pccuu ly invited to art ear
ly riaihimiiiun. HnrtaiiM »h'i;l b* given
ALF.XaNDKK i DAV. Ti Market *t.
N W comer of the Diomoad
Rf.t.’l .1 V F.L> I'll I** JLA\ . Carpeting and Oil’riotiis
"I Ui>- ;.iic«t ind nio-t approved pattern*, and at
pn. .•* m porei..)« ai.d runup «• can lie pur
cti»*ci| in a. •,• ..I me Ka*iern ciue*. comprising the fol
lowing vnriciic*-
Extra Koyal Ve.vei P.,r ''.irp<Mi
AiXmiunir * Carpe;.; nn\ *a< nail room* or vc*J
Tapritry • do tibulc*.
>*ii|i Kojai Itrusicl* >lo Tape«iry •lajr carpeUj
F-ktra *up .» piy Uo Hru**r.» do do
Oiemuo Ruga,
Tufted ilo
r* ,b> jo
b-ltr.i sup ingrain do
Hru**eM do
t’beimle Door mita.
Turtrd do do
Ini' d.i do
I’oniQlOM do do
4-4. d-4 A | Tapestry
Duma-k do
4 I,‘Mi | iwl d V>
Slu-ep «kiu do do
I:M r'jt>(»Nr<l Piano rover*
'Hd • do Table do
<>•4 wool do do
<•—l wor»l«-d and uneudodo
Ur»<*k Mur Hod*
i.eunn " do
l 4. d-4 A | jihiin do do
Colton Ingram do
do \ CTietmn do
“•4 c*.i;oi. Drugget.
I*4-4 vvuo fii
h-l do ,i.i
English Tnljle ( b, or):
l'>.| woo rrumb cloiltl
l.irii II
" ‘ arx' I»u.
: l.i A I fu:,s)i .it Window Miftde.
.1 ... I.
:-4 .1,,
b-l .1.
4 1-. i-
.i.'ration ..I a i woo wi»h to |'ut
- ail) .•oaiv a- w<- w..l be aide to
ii l’i*» ca.i be J , dn'lin*ed i a Hie
"* *1 11 i*d 'iie«i -15 le» Call and ex
iireOß-niff-i«ewhere \Tnre
■n. i.v l W. M OUNTOCK.
T*Ae I^2'gfct, (. -mu r/tu.*r F/uhionaiJe
■it (m>wj, miaptril to Gt'Ulenwn’s spring arui
>ummrr D'rttr. ij rtreivinp at
r |’HE I’nipri'-in'of ift* ai/<ivr r*tabli«hmrnt *ouid
| 1 re«f>> > , uu!;y :• form hi*
|h* ha« ; u*i •eMir-.-'l irora iii« Kiisium cine* wjih me
mo*: •|ikTi<i -<t a-*ormt>-m of' #ck«i* m m* imo, thnl win
rv* - tiroujni in if>i* ‘ a.t that >* now
r.-8*:.l aia! n i ioms, Cd*«iiterpi>,
■’l3i' D«- \.it *nd »rr-ry dewnption of
t' Shirt*, <>•«
jf of !t><»
-s Pk >.
.\ r:■ fi«* a • !•' o w .k., .v< A,
A. A. MASOX dfc CO.,
O fin MaKKKT r* I'KKKT--Huve received by r'
a.N ceil’. mpopnimn. in- iiu,nw,M; (iono*.. vie
?*ix carton* I nil*’ Shaw ». «,( vnriuua i|uaniir? and
ro;or» Klfly <l»i: H •.Vrlu:.,irt'* Wat <piu;ity Kid
li»>v(v, u-nrtli'-f wi.o a .«'-onnn n: of co-'d nix.
Li-lr thread. a,..! cotton (■ ow. t«vr »pn.ui trade
Rich * and,nt[. *trrt;i;ht turnover Collar*. . heap Cnl
nrt 'Wu p«if rmbroiiltred Cud*, (roin 60 i-u to
! .Motirmtitc Co mr* ir, emit v;.n- ’f Demi U(Voi
■me ii*»*ir:iin »: rwr oil-ted b> u- trench
.nid!i*:t 1 i I'm,:*. Hc,yu . Prmi., vuall figure*
an<J*in«f co.or*. «inm pond french Linza-iini.. 1 <rlll*:<
i furniture Chintz. white ruiin l).iji.a>x I'a'im Cloth*,
t Linen Ihuttiiaa. li, - unil 10-6, (.rceii K Lent*
i bmekCiro* dr Rhine >i.» t‘r«v»n. :L1 to 4*i inch, the
J be*: good* imported. I'ur»« Twist, i;nrn cambric end
jin n cambric Hdku. from t;J to *s 3fi. Winn- (>ou0«,
| Mich as Jamnei*. Lawn*. Mmi ami r»wi*« Nlu«ltr>«
! figured nnd l.acc*. wlme etui oo.M Tarintajtos’
j Ac hr. .
j AW are in the daily receipt of NKW fiOODi - . and
I I’svtic ihr mieimni; oi |'tirrhn»er« io our rxinnuvi*
,«iork fch27
Nohtk K»*t c.'S.skk 4th t.-vu ,\f*kJtirr «t»., I’i rr^iM.kok
>\s wan’,,it- Pry ooodc wtii pii*a*n lake no*
ifin: 111' il'mvr Hoot- !,„• eontmrnCfit recei-
ving 111 M.'V >l'R!\j; mill mva-* ti,. rail*
lilt rccuar c,i .vmn* mid iiu)er* Knii-rail v fiOtida
j win loi odf-re i| m .civv pric*;* jni r-' n a*c r* Win have
j t; /“ i oii' ;i i .Mcn"i:i i* *i nl oiner* an*. iitTited lo
| i' ram 'i 1 * ; a-- « ««or:iji<'.'t ,n \\ u»>•:«]<• Rooms, up *:mra.
, iv'irr- .1 :»il— ol and
i Kii.xl. C'.it *- J y nre now opcnim’ mart#
Dry Goode Jobbers.
Nil ;/y \\ t>< )l) ?* T RKLT-- \\ ouid cml ill it alien lion
n; Mfii linnu to Uicir iarije nock of ltomceiic
■tiid I-mi'iijn PRY (i<K.iI)S, ju*t receiving from ih« Im
porter* »r.d .Mamita'-turer*. and which liter wiU *cll
at very low rate* for cn»h or approved credit.
Our *tock i« now lull and complete. ami well worth
she niicmioii of buyer*. u» we are determined to *ei:
at *ucn eitreuiel) low price* a* cannot fail to make a
n «trui:g imlucctTfui for raerehani* to make, a with
*** me tCJI
HOl'Sb: KKKFIN'f} ti<H)|.t«kZ'\v K Mrai-uv _ in
riif* die atifiition or hou*<- litepcrA and lho*r
nl.oul ctmuiiriu ihr hon*c kev-puii'. lo hi? .n*orttncnt of
above I rood*. *ucll ft»~
and «’outiirt|> iPM-«, white and colored
lii-k.itr. and pillow e n .r Mu*!,:,.
Sheeting*, from one to Hirer vaid* >vule.
Table Pmprr* ami Tubm i'. •. tlt -,
I owe i ,hr. Towei< aad N m'k o •
Kuriiilui'- i*riu:« m.,1 Cli •it. , ->
SujK-r i.r;nie>l t'tiitii.' tor qimu.
l.inliroijr I B || IV I iliiw nirum Mil* < .*.
anil tv, i « on ’lie »no«t tsvoia>dr tr nti*.
li oorth moi ■ Cl, nod Slarket «|* Irte.M
Hhlrtlne Miiillm and Irish Linens.
U' K 'll It pm ivvi’e. me particular mirir.tnn of
• ’OO'C w mr. U;e above t.ooda, to hi* .lemrnhie
♦lock, fooM.MiiC or the I’M make, from the most ap
proved in.»it it•-lurec*. *n>| t',« letter warranted pure
dn* He hae.n-’ [••eived an addi Ilona. .ttpp I y. and i*
orfermc lahirnnf Mn«ni:« oi a rupcrior ijuaoiy, at a
»erv low price A.*o,
>liccu .c a.n! Rdlow-ca.»c Nlu*!in»
l*. ; „.er. .vi,t Cr:,«h.
1'..: .*• C <nh«. Towc'. an<l Napk.-t*
H’ii:ikc|.. (.Jiult*. ('ounie rpane.. n •
f lou*r* k eep jv |) rj . (too.!* gr nr run
I. API l.S> PR Lit a i [w_». u . a Krrik fi M-r,n»>«,
Parainetto*. pou.i arid laitcy I»e Lam”* uome new
:e« ju*l received, i A !pa •a*. A”
I he 'fit v>'i t ” nc fur ud vnttsea). nil tne.e flood* w :.
ne «md at i'rire. m il caitma mil to plca.c.,
IT/” '\ hn.easle Room* uii »t:ura. jan 13
A. A. 3I7\«uS“ A~ CO.,
Vd fd> MAUkKI' r*rßl.m-. .•onnr.uc tlieir
X* Ijretil »enu unruiul «.t,e of I*K\ C»<'<>Pr*, 'or ji
da) « lon-er. ihir,’i« « iiteh time iUe..r rtini.ivr -vno.e
sale Room« wi b be throw :i o(>r ■ ;n tlior Rchul lin jr
a* l>rr-to<ore A k Nl A C«> . hue-.* ~« Uut ihcv are
Aetiim: Lit y yiood• ie v :>r de*v *ij '.oi; from lea to lii
;>*r .. win.i o’, drr or woo t,- wane
rruut'.tit; »toci * fo make room
Uut rir.»i o-.c I
lor »f»riiu( ii oi*
Mnrr'i liu- mill ’.ln* r.rtJP'
lUentioß toexMimm
*; of I>ry Good*
houM! in America.
We ■■mi'iini' 'n* &a:e pf oar JJleacitr.l a..,
Urotvn Mukini‘, Tic>ciok» wid other Dumuatic Good*,
at our kimttr iow taiee, uoiwiUuiaiitUojj Uic recent ad-'
suttee of per cc;:t upon the »&ue in eastern market*
YOL. XVI. NO. 204.
OOAD 4 8
Paieru O-rtuiaAUil Lialvanie BaZZay
1 PoUt for Jfiedical anA ether pwnostx,
Tms is the only iastttmem of the kind that Wore?
t-ecu p-e*eniej uj Qua country or Europe fbr taad
jc»i pur;x>*cs, and w the ooly one ever known to fw»«,
.>) « c •.«<■ fluid pan be conveyedtothe ha
'naj. m-. the ear, the brain, or to any pan of Ike body,
ether or internally, i u a definite rent}*
and often wnh (he bapptjst effects. *w*T
bv manv ,f^lt^ pp . !Usdua 15 now approved of
trv Lmi , eminent physician* of this eern
wttoni afflicted and other* whom
hr "" IWmncTiiu iS
b5/n corij bf'm' u S h 'r rriMcublo who h.OO
mean* of this most valuable apparatus
ei!id not l?re nervous dioordertvrJK
bturne; u> u,.
>‘*' c .poechi ud lo u,„ *„»«, Mm of uTKfr £
f of Tronic,
doloureu,. pnnlru.. «, p<u„,
iK-ouliar lo female., comrwiiloo „f „ICtr
lockjaw, etc. etc _
RjirtU? tor surrounding counties of Western P» and
privilege*, with thi instrument, may be nurebaJ?
also tested tor the cure of diseases. ■
i-'tui instruction# wii! begive.-i for the various ehetui
c *!« tn l»r used for various diseases, and the Ae« man.
ner tor ojvrauug for thocure of those diseases will al.
*° !>e miry npt.uncd lo the purchaser, and a pamphlet *
put into hi* hand* expressly for these purposes, cur*,
luily preiiared by me patentee. Enquire of
or tin-dty * WILLIAMS, Vine at, Pittsburgh.
Reversible Filtering Cock.
J 1 Which renders turbid water pure by
vjgrgb removing all substance* not soluble in
water. The crown water in N. York,
■reUiSm/lhjJJalUiough clear and pure lo tho eye, yet
it passes an hoar through toil
filtering cork, chows a large deposit
xsgrr impure substance*. worms, Ac. This
tuhe cose more or irs* with all hydrant water.
The Reversion Fiiteini i« neat and durable, and is
not attended wtih Uic mcouvaiuencr incident to other
Ftherer*. as it i« elnan-rd without being detached frots
the water pipe, by mere.\ turning the key or
from ono side to the other By this easy process, the
coijne of water is changrd, and all aecuauUdoai fo
impure substanoc* are driven off almost instsnlly,
without unscrewmg tlte Filter. It also p«f fwi Urn
mi vantage of being n stop coek, and as such. In many
coses wilt be very convenient and economical.
l i ‘•an hr attached where there is any pressure high
or low tea ca.k, tank, tub, Ac. with ease. To bo hud
of the sole Agent, W. W. WILSON,
corner of Fonnh and Market sts
| Hr. attention of the public is respectiuiiy called to
A the following certihculos:
Ms S. bum—Havtng tested « quantity of Gold
weighed by your Areometnr, Iliad the result prove*
>our instrument correct, and recommend the use of it
to those going to California, as the best method for ob
aaming the real value of Gold. Resp. yours,
J. B UL NLKv k, Golu Beater.
Pittsburgh, March 9, IMP.
PiTTsncaan, March 7,1849.
'll KAnva— DcnrSir Having examined the “Areo
metet. manufactured at your rooms, Ido not hesitate
to commend it to the use of those gentlemen whn are
about removing to California ui search of Gold.
li give* s close approximation to the Specific grmrl
ty of inctaU, and will crnmnly enable the adventurer
to asrrrtiim when tu* plarcr Is yielding Gold.
marU Yours, resp'y, J. R. M’CLINTOCK
T'HE CLIN TOM PAPER MILL, situated at Steuben*
X villr. Ohio, having been enlarged and improved,
and at a very great expense added new and the mbit
improved kind ot machinery, i* now prepared lo man
ufacture all kinds of Writing. Printing, wrapping and
Cotton 1 arn Papery Bonnet Boards, Ac., equal to any
in the Eastern or Western country.
Hie undersigned ha«mg the Agency of the above
M'H. will seep ron-unuy on hand a largo supply of
ihe dinVrrrm kinds of Paper, and will have any size
mad* to order at short notice. S, C. HILL
__ in Wood street
Pint nml Udar Wart manufactory, '
V ■ ' »«'“« M.e.ct ...» Firm Srt, rrniirn.
i tff k.-ep* constantly on hand, whole-
A *am an.l re urn, very low for cash
run*. . j Barrel Chums,
Rath ruSv Maff Churns,
Hor*e IJurirt,, | Haif Bushels, Ac.
A.. in Ik r i :n*t» U a:c ;:i hi* line made to order
.•1C >.ur Spr.itif
n; Trimnii i>e
if .o .> ton* Jj c.«*h currency.or 4 rao». app*vd tflllj.
j 'on* «r upwards. HI do par. 0 mos do, interest ad
u«... ( r or th.: superior quality oi this brand we refer to
, sr,;, “ a,ld Ku *l» nianufarturrr* of this city general
' iccl ICO liberty st
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water.
mu THIS is to certify that I have ap-
I pointed Livingston, Hoggen A (30.
UL* lor the sale of Jemung*s
Dtaprahgm Filter, for ihe cC
JM tieiof Piiteburgh and Aliegbeuy
JOM.N (iIBSO.N, Agent,
f ( tt 'A alter .M Gibson, 349 Broadway,
Othie an,l t en u,U! ,‘V- o ''f u ' l ' ,p a,,ov,s arueJ «* at the
dice of the Novc.ty H ork» tor mrce months, on trial.
i< ce. prrtcrir. -au-hed utn: .t i* * u» c fu, mvenuon,
iinn w* late pleasure m recommending them as a use
iJlnnsh''*- 10 wb i° iw T r * ,ur,! T aler be
tmuiKiki... r . ceived and promptly executed.
.paied to ode;
• I ai; who pur
i*u I and ex-
I * u ' , ‘ Cf!, ' rr •“ ’fcnaj 'nr ve a naudsome lot
1 0. Nun;.- \ I .;,n - .'New VofK.) and Clucter
!! ' ' 'wi-io.O l, wou:d ilire. - aiteuooo lo U>e
n J)‘ l ; ;!,r i:i the U'esi where me
- * A „ mnkeri rar V tried fide by
»*•«* ■ pi idea of Uiejr
,V* ?,K l :,jrUIC bei^aniioa,
ve »r. 7r'^ r r all , V 0 K " !nto - V' M I,<lvlil S a number of
ih..- me o, Nuuoi A Ciart,
cm* £ 1., U '' " ,a ’ ! I ' ,, ' , ‘ :vc a Chick
canic r.a.u>. uiurcerto iry k* durability aod SuicM
.•»._4a aceompwi,,ucm mu.e v,. ; r e . To.* rtmj.o mar
rli'n.i'' Ki ‘‘ r r,{ a[ n ‘> room* He teclt
n.» ai-u.iy w. ipve a competent atid relia.
handsome .oi o,
Je. t»
ri t.te Kasier.i
iaao« vriii he opened in a
A: J W WootlweJl’t
Sl'S?*,‘ *' •'* AVD WHIP MAN
1> n '• , ‘ i*' 5 “*;.*.:r,i/er lake* Uus method
’ «V ‘,V -urif*-w Ul S c '»cral U»*t
*■ .im kui ..v -Mowing umned axu
'"" ‘ " •“* 1 ») Suddie*, Ear*
•v/ui'n lie wUj warrant
i'id oy uir fic*i rneca
determined to Bell
,tf lf> tin* been
: esiui>.i»ai»iem in the city
>1 ..I Il,r above n«m>j
* tv<i V> f,A I,merry ■treci, opoo*
" A, '° io order (or machine-
1 arrjt'Tir^-r’. 0 ’ * '‘* U,OUO '‘- <««>« Um
uTJem'r U ar • lor tt.e preaent
r>- nnt m the «amc bui.dutgH. No. W l.meny .treeL*'
"^.4™; r y utn K
tsaszsz.'SK. i *2s
Oil-.'"o,r"lO,„ri '"■■''"•'-■■“a, uaj.rovr.iur,,, „f u, clr “
pi■ me nnri,,aU lu.f.r mm, a Conuiiuation 01' U»r
a, ,u,. y havr h,,1.«0 rujoyrJ. P „
jaSWtf *' Pr, ' lci l’*la.
T->» « R K B Hie kmi. Ht^SSnSSS
4u, ",'a'r 'ff",',' b J u " '«ai'uriciurr?i
,J ", r vrlrlmin-J ■|l|,r l . n!r Dnck , „ '
, .„ii T n “ J ‘ y 'P , * nu 'y, « *«!
1 v,,;/ ~1 , or me ct>n.«iruriioii at furnace* aJ
J.'lifeVn ’ nrk “ naVf bccM P fo ‘“*«»ccd by com.
nf.w „■ 1 1,1 all oilier fire brick*
1 A M AM'I.TV A Co,Ca»,U ihS“
Yf AM Fai TI KeV, f-ngHcuZ
tssrr u ~ '•• ’ <•
•»™" ofllie no,, favor
- ■»> ■
5',,,,;.?, j '-i'.'"''-. i-»H*r raclur.vr ,m
-ma"Er,. Uisz.XzviZXz’ff* , A * h ‘r
i-r^r rr' r '*™
Tory ,r,„ „ ,i.
thi* rtt> getierajy re*pccuiig i„ c q ua i a y * *
1«*0 liberty 11
I T; •■•■•l'NlttviW »*U;-4 *in nil I roil Fonj>.
, . /■ , 10w,,. wuji I'auemm, Tool*,
n * I ' r 1 for Iro.i or food*,
w, ,'V,n., CM a " CJr ' : ’ en ' “PP‘> r *«n»r w a y Oo ji* man
11 Mn *' r! M’‘ Ul ‘••'mneiifc lie Iron Kotuulrr tru.
-'inr**. of -*uury ou.
I Si'*lra t Cooking Hlovci, 6rat®», W c
M' r";'/ '" ■' L ';V' *. 01 ■ H "”"’
I • fi r ,r * I * J Scales.
Aftwh l •,<•)• Wll u• <1 , UU. V 10
UJC and tt.r pni>m:'iilly ‘ C “It?.- 0 ? , of
I UAW.rt.iK*... -! Corn* lU * *l£, P^‘i A " C ? len « v *
fncturr bml ... nil mlirri in u T***? ***>»*•
I cOurciic». ‘tcniiltiimu. ,uii>|i.. ***’ a 'W l ®
| «ml r>ri:'.a»n .* .ioH.rai.ic 1 hea F’>
I Al*o,ljii.iml.»i.-v llj., La„ U .’ri,..i , Kl)l . e , a K r . .
f“*r ?*’•
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I ' H»I’ll v»»lT—Ctir*,,,, t “ -
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