The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 03, 1849, Image 3
BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH.' REPORTED <fc TELEGRAPHED For the Pittsburgh Diilly Wasuisotox, April 2-—lO Alexander Ram*ey, of Penßsylvnnia. k&* kc ro appointed Governor of MmesoW Temiory, tn place of < 'overnor Pennington who*bfU> declined ike ap- pointment. Rev. Robert Alien, of Xenlotltr, Um lei" *C pointed Post Office Agent for Ccbfjrmii- Oeneinl \fillson. of Mi«*>ori,'l»s leen sppoiut «d Navy Agent at San FmnciecQ- t <-• WasniNoros, April 2J, P-,!M Frnn.-ia A. Wells has been ■ppoinn-d PcJtf Mst ter at Stentenclle, Oluo. Dnr.d Powftr.'ttW dnaty. W P. Millard, Catena, IB- AtoOto M. Griffin, Natchex. :. New York, April* ' OrteaDa dates to the 30th havt? beeuredjajed- They state that Col. WebbVtlaUforniA e<f* waa broken np on the Rio Grande,J ac count of tb« Cholera. i The Cholera is increasing m New UitrSii?* New ChiLrj Ud the 25th nil., the low boat •.Defiii>c«ssjplodeil below this city, killing the first Engineer 4iul‘bred hands. SeTCral others were wounded. She had three stupa in tow, and was on her first trip. Harbisbuic, Apni2-*S-»' m.: The bill for the election of by ttie>eople. ptnel tin Honse Ucdsy, by « vole -<f to 2T) The people have triumphed. . - | - f CIBJuInEXTI, Henry E. Spencer has beea elected j&Jfor: of this city.' Ruffin, (Whig;) hns been Miir abnl by a large majority. lie i* id taTOEV'itiie annexation of Mill Creek township. •* ; Nsw Yoke., April 2,10 P. M Tbo Triune publishes a letter from - Mr Bid lack's family, contnulicLmg the report oT death. PHILADELPHIA MA.TUCEI‘. Puttjtußij'ittA/ 2' Markets unchanged. BALTIMORE : 2, I-O-P M-, Flour —TUe markei i« steady, but'rfl a. live, with sales of Howard street brands atl*. -431. to the extent of 500 bbU. Ciiy Mill-* Grain—Sales of Prime Red W heat at *f<o <4*.— Corn—Prime White 44r, Prime Yellow:«**».— Whiskey-*-Salea at 23cts in Mils. .• . Provisions—Sales o< Western Mew Pork aitSlO *75; do Mesa Beef SI3 87. Urd GttSl. • Ba.-on— bos round file. . Groceries— Sugar*—'The tmde >a buying spar ingly*. The market is yielding. Coftee-.-and Mo lasses are without change. ' ' NEW YORK MARKET, j! New 2. SOON ILEfOBt. ; { Flour —The market is firmer, wiil£sMsd brime demand, and a good shipping mnuiryJ-UJilh sAiea at S 5 06J055 25 per bbl. Grain—The market for When! bag >s|tKvnwai d tendency, with sales atllQjc tor prjhiH'whiie There is some inquiry for Corn for \ Rye is dully and price* are nominal > Whiskey—Prices are firm, and demand Tuir, with sales of Ohio at 22 eta per gal ; , Provisions —The market for Igurt’ia wiilmut change as regards prices dr demand. • * Groceries—There is an active demaixiribr bol prices ore unchanged. } . i Ledd—The demand is arrive, witb.iteady tations. v ' •/ Hemp—The market is active. Money Market is eaaipr — rfiifket Is si live, but prices are unchanged. • ; - The weather is pleasant And clear.- NEW- YORK MAKRET, New York, April Pi W A shea—Sales ol pot at sf> US, pearl 'at $7 per 100 lbs. * ' Cotton—The market i« heavy; life efcie* ;com prise 400 bales. Flour—The market i 4 heavier4h«n; yesterday, *T*d the business done is al a slight dechnej-^ales *of 1200 bbls. at $5 Iftf. '. Grain—The sales of Wheat inelttdd>2*lJJo baabels of Ohio at 10G cts. per bushel. Thera .A. some in quiry for Corn for shipping with shies of 5000 bu; at 52|. Provisions —Pork may be quoted-at'Si 0 50 for messi to the extent of 400 bhle. Whiskey—Market is chilli and no change iq prices. . • ' Groceries—Sales Porto Rteo Siraaniat s*’7&w ©o -an per xw ios; nitf rwtte baying freely, with sales of 500 bbls; of NiiW'Orleans at 27029 cl*, per gal. • , i Hemp—unchanged, and supply large. " Money Market —Sales of indiana-SSX'k at 63|; Illinois Bonds 10<H- » “CINCINNATI MaJNKw- CxscotSATtj April r. u. The River has fallen four ‘feet’ since Saturday. Floor—The sales have, been .Wry poderaie—' comprising only 400 bbla at S 3 4:1. 4 ■ "Whiskey—The demand fliir. with stdea in bbli. at 144015 c. " * T-’ . i Provisions—There ia a good demand tor Lard, ■nd prices unchanged. Salesoi bulk pork die. for aides. •’ Groceries—Receipt? large mid market for i*agar ia'dalt. _ —— Dreadful Effects of tor —will be seen by the following letter from.a highly re spectable gentleman that the consequences'of the late hurricane at Big Spring ih Kentucky we/e terrible. t ! > Toth* Editors of du Louuvtllc Jvuivtit. Bio SfBfNO, March, 21, 1549, Gentlemen. Our little village, iaisl-night, about fivo minutes to 9 o’clock, was the seen© of one of the most frightful calamities ever exi>enenet-3. A hnriicane, blowing trom a little soutaJjf west, pas sed over ns, leaving our town a solid maw of ruins. The inhabitants are now crowded into the few bodaes still standing; roost of the hoards are in frag ments; three persons killed; tbree-ur four severely vaut&ed and many slightly. Famibe* were turned out in rain and storm with nothing but their mgm clothes, and without a garment tor their little one*, tins morning, fowls oi every km* are lyiog scat tered over the fields entirety strippedoi their feath er- The distress and ruin must be seen to ue | believed; it cannot be desclbed. ‘Our houses are torn npjrom their foundations, and in one rase uns bottom floor was carried twentymo? thirty yards, the family still on it Truly, m lh« Midst o! Inn wo « * draU - "“'^'“^^■boakbi .1 iitth nrna Col. Frrsost.— (\.»egraph)c de bpatch, dated at St- Louis on Tburtday last, men tions the receipt sUfaal place of adV)cesfrom San U-Fe to the 26th of February, fro hr winch we are gratified to learn of the safely ol Colonel Fremont and most of his corps pf brave and-'hardy “dven- Hirers. Tho substance of the despatch is as- toi krwsJ—JVofc. Intel ' ,y _ Colonel Fremont had arrived at Santa re, on ins way to California, intnadingltoJnkeCooke's rente Ho lost eleven men in the Mountains, the notpei of only three of whom are given, vix. Mr. Wise of St. Louis, and Messrs. King anJ Preuas, tb< latter from this city. • . Col. Fremont did not reach the top of the Moui taint. He wan compelled to retire to the valley, where enow fell to the depth of about forty feet, covering op all but odliit and killing all bis miilea. leaving the valley, he took to the hills, ami aeot oat a party to'obtain relief giving a atatod period within which to return; but, fulling to do so, Colonel F. himself started alter them, overtook them 10 >ix days, proceeded to Taos, and dnalty the survivors were relieved. GoL Fremont waa furnished with u new outul by the United States quarter master pod commissary, by order of Major Beall, and, when last heard from, he waa at - , gettingon without difficulty,and waa expected to be in'Qahibriua in tlujfr days, j A wnoix family pa pers contain the accounl'of the Eo«* <>l a family by ihe breaking-up of tho;ico in the I>*« Moines river- Two families, named Frederick J*ud Cross, find ing their dwellings suddenly surrotmdcd by water, attempted to escape ib M canod 'he highland*. The canoe being sniall, Fredericlf and famdy left first, leaving Cross, his wife and* *wo children he hind on a log. Frederick and febi!/ reached the shore nearly frozen, and sent ainstn named Colvin back with tbe canoe to Cross; wd’ i H set oni lor the shore in the canoe. The c«ioe upset, and Col ▼in held the children in. Ins afftil*, hiiJdu’K.un to branches, and kept all afloat. They were m.ipeak iog distance of the people ou slfbrfe, l-nl no hssißt ance conld be rendered. ■ Croat and wife, after remaining, an hour and a halfla this situaUon, sunk. Ttie <bilJre?i (rota to death in Colvin’h arms. He held )b«-<r bodies until two o’clock; {five bout*) wb'tw - h-aring he too would perish, dropped them, ttifou wiw reteued at 6 o’clock. Death of a Ptiuusiifca. — >We tee a hcinoifncei in the New York papers that Daniel Appleton, tbe.j nenior partner ol ibj? publishing hou.-c of Appleton fic Co.. d;ed in that city, on ihe iai.i ultimo. He one ol the mo*t experienced bouktellera in New York, and bad for many yean been a great favorite with the authors doioghusiben with bun and all others who were personally acquainted with ilim. Having bee nuppnzed of hi* approaching disadotion for some months, he had accordingly cloaed up hit worldly fillers the hour of his departure With the composure 'of a GW Rialo,urlo«.-Tbe Rev. Uf. liuu.ol C, 0 cmn.l. ' has resigned ita offl=° ° f *• “ Episcopal Church, Son*, lor Ilia soiileinonl of lb« property question wi* *° lhe etard,; end Ita Rnv. Charles H. I‘..r»n. ; D. D„ »l Louisville, Kentucky, tar been bis .no cessor. Dr. Lana's resigonlion u (be resell of . some legal. .mpedimenl lo buy. ef&cienl action in • *o malter, he being « citlieb * Otavnnd Ita i i . slep m , la ten coder *■> advice .of counsel, to coimiussionea.' ; COMMERCIAL RECORD. 1549 I ALMOAC. I APRIL 1 I 31 ftararday, 1 Sonday, •j Monday, 3 Taeaday. 4 Wednesday, r, jT.or«l»)-. h Fnday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTISE POE' MARCIL 1 . IXiRXXZ. - BOBT.,BILL. C. ZUQ. Drnt-i, Prmstßon Gazsrrx. 1 Tur«day Morning. April 3. ISIS. > The market yesienJSy was generally quite nenre. ■na ta n general was, s fair amount .of business «&> dring Coosidrrable aeirvny prevailed along the whan, aild in the articles of Bacon and Hour, receipts were vejy larjje. ptnicnlaTly of the latter, of which some ‘2-jUO bhU were received, almost exclusively designed lor immediate shipment east. FLOCK—Notwithstanding the full receipts. »sle» from hr»( hands were quite limited, and ranged irom to -jO dii tr 1,1,! From store, sales are confined enlirels to ilic regular home demand, and the article 1 paucs ofi in limned lou at p RVC H.Ol'R— We note furdier sale* in limited iut< Receipts continue h ght CtiR.N MilAl.—Supplies of Corn Meal arc very ■ ihi, and sa e* an* hurrly worth reporting 'V> may quoic nominally (rod) »lorr at 4003nc 4? bu PROVISIONS—With the exception ot Bacon, whi. i, I has da,:luieil about j- since oar ln»t n-poiu wc notice | no v fehaiu{t' in the market. Ot Western --ured Haem, ut nlid» sale, have been Ui afair eitcu: at lor should ers. 4’, Aides 5). :i:i(J Hams ot l>jc V which ligurcs may be retied on as the present rult ng rates ot the market Considerable lot* of country Hncnn s*e le beginning to arrive, m bulk, and sales are *cnerajli i-led from store at about one quarter ol a cent below above quoted figure*. For Lard. th«- marKet as al, is dull, and sales have been m a binned way on it 31 to 030‘c for bbU and kegs iROOF.RIES—We note regular sales ol N O Sugar milled lou bv hhd at ¥ th. which are the mg figures ot' the market, for fair to prime. Sale# oi > molasses have also been confined io bunted lois &&&><; ¥ gal l R«o colle,-. owing ti a slight ad (ice. in the east has Siiffenrd considerably. and 7&3 mav nbw be quolbd as the ruling figure* Ollier ar •s this nead are the same a? at lasi i^uota iRIKIt l-'RI IT-The rantkei ~uiei. and ven few e transpiring In large quantities, l’ctcnc, ns-,, mnnd irom More over Sl.Od ¥ bu. limited «njc. have been made at 81. Id. Srn of dried Ap iO3S5e ¥ bu A>HEJ* —The market exhibit* no change refill; ,u,e» are reported to us at llir following rales Soda Ash 3f34c, Pearls »5c Salerslus :,J. Pou 4i and Scorch mgs at 3134 c l? tb Ol.Aßs*—Sales ol city brands Window glass s b> |» at 84, of 10 by V 2 at 84JO. ol 111 by l.- ■' 87 ¥ l»i Sales ol country brands S by 10. Stl.t&ir -SU.Jmi and 0 IdAjv 1-J at Bd.oir3S3.7jV i«ox. F.xruwto* or tu* Sraxuta \ ta.-iat* 17jc foliowm particulurr ol the explost-'n ol this ill-iated steame we -houiilhtvr published yesterday bui □ntortunare: it was thrown into the wrong letiet box ut front ol o> pdice. and' we failed in gattme u until yesterday ruor ing. out airknowledgeineiil* are du<- the »ccomment Uoc cterL of the Zachary Tavlor, lor this statement the accident Wm Rowe. kul«d Mr Web*. do do Rellingcr. do do J K Sturgeon do irvm St < imrtville. do Sharv. do do J R Spencer, do from Cmcinnaii Oiainberniaid, do do do Hacker, do from Steubenville do Samuel Nelson. do fireman do Mr Snider—both legs blown otT-died n about Hi Mr Jrshua r.vereil—rnissing—of Weliabir.-Rti Mr Washington K.vereU —missing--ol Wellsburgh- M nce luund Mr Fein Viny—mtssiag —ol We'lvburyh-• distu Mi Wm Rowe, jr.—slightly hart Mr R Bowles and lady—lady badly wounded Mr Lefar —badly scalded—from Cincinnati Mr Osterhouae —thigh amputated—recovery doubt Captnm Dawson—slightly wounded Mr. Win Dawson—badly wounded Mr. Kennedy. Clerk—badly scu’.ded Mr. Tayiot. Ertgiaeer badly scalded recovery doubtful. A t,ov—iiams unknown—mortally wounded —taken :o Mr Rouse- lev broken in two places Mrs Corn, of Wheeling—slightly wounded N!is„ Moore, of Steubenville— head slightly cut Mis* Coolv. do Unhurt D Nugem and S Sense, do •Hie steamer Zachary Taylor on her wav up Iron: Wheeling, arrived a: the scene or the accident shortly after it occurred, and rendered evm a*»i»t»nce to ih« The boat i« “ total loss, being literally blown u us No cause is assigned for the explosion PIvNNSN LVASIA CANAL » Or»nca. Ptmtarar-n 1 lilarcb, :ilst. Ib4o V No oi Boaiv cleared at this Office since Fnda March 23d. until Saturday evening. March 31st Al amount of Touftagr and Toll paid thereou during »« No Boat* Torfhagr. Toll* Friday . 5U S 6 1.432.091 &4 H i u[l L v o« 22 1,0^1,0111 TV? 01 %T&:± n i*g T\ieiula\ V 7 Vo 1.31?*,63? *W 31 Wc3ne«bav. *5, 17 W5.65U Ml 06 Th..r.d.y, », tl J.J"*® £ Friday :») 31 1,4.6*..« 74<J S“ irday/11, US U33.1M9 » O.Vfiti.9-4 56.461 -2 3.6fc?.9(W 7.640 2- Total, Repid previouslyldl Tola.!. 14tb u»‘W»l. 342 foilFTTww «.!• Rio JasMXO—The Rio Janeiro Mercantile Journal ol the 24th January contains an , un j relror>[H?cl ot the trade of that Ctty. during the ycai l-+r, irwm which we extract the allowing The import* oi the year hate been on an extensive >ra , e ihe market superabundantly the stock* enormous at the close ol the year. Tbe arri- of vessels from foreign countries were 915, with an aggregate tonnage of 210.49 tons. Of this number r CJ were American vessels, and 173 were British ve»- The arrival* from Bsltimore comprise 62 Amer- , iouii vessels 4i»d 4 German, fit cm New York 3j Amer ican vessels; from Philadelphia 12 American veusll The quantity of Flour imported was 244.P12 bjl * th,» nuamity 90JJ07 bbls were from Baltimore, fI,K4 hl>l« were Callego, and bbls wefe Hnxali Tbe departures from ibatport were l.liM vessels w ith an aggregate tonnage of 325,033 tons I The quantity of Coffee exported during die veer was. *1 71U.7U7 bogs—of which 729,7411 baga weie shipped to I ihe I 'nited States, and the rest to various ports in fcu •roue The shipments to the ports of the United States (were a. fellows; to Baiumore 213.452 bars, to Boston 44 1135 baas, to Charleston 24,423 bag*; to Mobile 5,tGO hoes and to Philadelphia 45,822 bag* The averse of the exports nf the last five year* to the several ports ot the I'nited Plates shows an increase t> Baltimore of bavs; to New Orleans of 55-329 bags; to Phils delphiao'i 10,352 bags: and a decresse n» Boston of P. : IC9 Mohite of 2.104 bag*, aad to New \orfc <>i I 4£© kegs BatriMoax. March 30, IMb Fuitl Tbe inspections of the week ending on Thursdav evening, compnee the following kind’ and Howard Street, City Mills. Faintly-- Susquehanna. 15,*> 411 Besides 324 bbls Rye Float, U hhds. 1144 bbls, and SO bif bbls Corn Meat—l American fwOTATI Si ha» —T!io C.Ktttt ol ,h, ZWI in.litti, n*l”. ut it*-, u,,r, ho., boon imported to tlml city, by r.ilro.d,, „01. and s loam boots, UMU bI.J- Vt*> bbl., and 1 Obi bo ,„ of Sugir During tbt .omc ponod lost vital itieic want ttaponaJ M.*U Hid., 7.1 M bbl-. IX* bole* 1 Tlte ripotts have barn V*» bbda-'* l ' hhdft. J SrEAfltrt Brilliant.—We are pleased to learn lhat ihe slight damage received by ihe rapav ot this steamer on her last up trip, bp thorough ly repaired, aad that she will positively leave for CincinnaU, oo Thursday next, her regular day of departure. Let all who may be going io that direc tion look lo thia fact, and call on Capt. Grace. Oattla Market*. New Yoax, March 20, At Market—Offered ab >ul 1,200 Beef Cattle, jWK) flou ihem remaiider from this State and die host,) 7i > c and Calves, and 1,500 Sheep and I^mbs Price.. Ac —BeefCaUic—The market f,r Beeves do mie the Week bn* been very firm, and price*, U any itut'Ci *bow, on the poorer qualities especially, a « eci ded advance on previous quotations. Soles at tro«» 39 down to *7. These figures m«y be considered the lair average, though a safe now e d then occurs above nud below The market close* doll, and about 200 un- Calves—Salt* at from $2O to 8300847,50 Sheep and I.amb*— Sales at S*A2S to — j job left over —{Ccmr A Kttq. Balthsußß, March 3(1, 1449 CaUie—‘The supply of Beevr* at the scale* on Mon day lost, wt* fair, but the stock was rather common, aod talc* a little m-re active The offerings reached U3U bead, of which 345 were sold to city butcher*, and -►*-5 were driven to Philadelphia. Prices ranged irom to *4,5(1 on the hoof, equal to 85088.2 s Oti, ami averaging 83,50 gross Hogs-AVe have no change to note e quoir Hum $5,50085,75 PuttaCiLvmA. March 29. lS4ti y nc , eg _|Coo offered, sale* at $7 to $9 f 100 lbs. a* in duality 45(i driven "tv New York. Cows and Calve*—34o »a market Sales »i $7 to 814 for Dry, 814 to $25 tor Springer*, ami 820 to B.G fur ofctrutl, ..It. ut M,bo to M * ll» «>■.- 125 «te“«ul Umb.-Tb.tht worn IWO brou s bl m, m.d made ot eioN,3> «“b. »■ m booltty • BEmirroE, March 29,-IMB I OXM ‘ Pnceo-Beef (JauU-B»ra, first qu»litv. SO. 50; second third 85J5;fmmh8W0 Working Oxen- DuU— B99, ?•?.' I Cows and Calves —823, 820. 83tl, $34. $O7 Sheep—s2,7s, 83. SOiU-oi.e lul void tot $5 . Swmo-5l end 0J Betyil C* aOil /1 Oluo’* 5 and 6 PaxaucH l-tunv Scoa*.—Prepared by J TV- Kehy. William street, N Y. t ahid for sale by A. Jayuea, No. 70 Fourth street This will be found a delightful aru cle of bevetago in families, and -particularly lor sick Biiui Bboha.—An improved Chocolate prepara tion, beiug a combmaucm of Coeoa nuti innocept m -1 vicomuug and palatable, highlv recommended parue nlarly tor Prepared W Bahor, Dorchee- Ul, Mass., and for sale by A JAYNE*, at (b* Peku Store, Ko-tO Fourth «t. ~ tsefel4 PORT OF PITTSBURG II.; LOC-A L MATTERS. ARRIVED. Michigan No., 2, Gtlaon, Beaver. Baltic. Jaix»ba, Brownsv lie. Allaiilic. Parkinson, Hr •wnsvdle. ('amden. Hendrirkvott. MrKet-spi.rl. ( iiJeli Cope. A. Murdock. Beav»-r Beaver. (.';ark, Beaver Wm Phillips. McPhial. KiUmming Tolegraph. No 2, Mason l/ u «v,tic Fbihp I.kuldridge Moore. Frr-den- i'own WeiLs\il!e, Poe, .Tiutinsh. Pilot No 2, Kurus. MaretlH Fort Pitt, Miller. Frank in. New England, No ‘2. Dean. (m J as. Nelson, Moore. Wheeling 42 0 VC 5 4t « V 7 IJI 6 2-1 5 37 « a 5 30 2 30 DEPARTED Mieingan No 2, Gilson, Beaver Bailie, Jacobs, Brownsville Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville Caleb Cope. Murdoch, Beaver Beaver, (’lark. P-eaver. Wm Phillips, McPhial. Kitianning Louis Mi Ltin* Brownavdie .Muttuiigaiiela. •'*l' me. i .m Cmdrrella. ('albutin, Louu . Allegiienv Belle, Hanna. Frnnki.n Wave. No 7 Gordon. Frankbn. Zachary Taylor Lucas, Wheeling fuall " W,l-»»■ i, Fret{>orl. There were 7 feel G itirlie* full m the > ban' by pier mark, lasi evening ut dusk, and tainnc BOATS LEA V IN' » THIS L>.\\ Brownsville Packet*, 10 A. M . und 4 P M leaver Packets, 10 A- M , and l P M '1 [>-uis —Diadem. Bnx'kiyn North River Cincinnati—Mt Vernon. Nashville—Euphrates KitUmng —Wm Phillip* D Leech if co'a. packet line—9 o cl.-ck P. M Tb- s»i lx,u.* H.-f the loHowmj pat'.iru.Hi* .'■! ", ateomero Dr Frron. m and t i-- Vw M.*-s«'Pp‘- wit! urticet < ropuMS,! li.-* ■ to have resulted ill eiiuer ill tenr-rdsi moriiin the stratiisr Kilwnrd Hsiev witn tne I'nfiai i,nil »rvrrsl ol the oitic.-r* a-J <-rsw ~i tt,s =*,, irom them we firu tliai »ii>‘ »n*»k io ai'>uii ir„ mn'ui' in the e«iili«iO' them. n>« wr have l',e lo'iowmu I'un.i* in r.-,.- tion to the aecidrilt U IIHII |.j*l livo. oil rtilif»ilJ mottling, the tmaranth w#» a-., c.nliiu- ;ur i .ver abm live mile* l>elow i lurk»Mlle. undei a irtisj-ra e head i tteont. W h«-n he I nrtli-e r« di*. ,n rred a boat dr«. radio and in order to avoid n .•n.n«-i-'r\. guvr ustinl „ai» With the be The api-enr to nuvr --er dl*reganted <» u<>t heurd b v Inc <»TTii-• t • oi -be ilr -re i„ ing boat, and K-.«-ir u.e luachim-rv n Ho- A .-on .1 l re ve reed, to •’ hange hr t • out »e at r i,e> k lie r u>* ;id" * the bow* M ihr Dr h ra->k lit-. *t i «<<• s w oi -J.e .nC'im *,dr HI the. him n-rar.l-o|-r>..«Ue i.v ,-ii;-»;t.n c,.. mi. hi ihe nnilier* tor several ter- iTtuuemiir i :;,e commenced fiiiing and tltere in, i\«r,f.\ -.n,r i,, r. IMPOIITB BY ttIVKR. WHKKI.I V;-l*n Za.-bHrv.iTm.or- 2 i-bi- w|, 4 t,x# candle- Baga.n A Snutii j.spn S* ILL. *■ tdse, J Orr A « IM INN KTI iVi Motionin' A « !•! >* K-I-A N:c. |i!,U I min* H A c>, V hi..!- -nunr U M.i fO . 6 !.Hl* Mir.! o.: Vu-.*\. Ri,.« A l-> DulzriiAvo tu t.b,. i,'>ui t JM.'l^hA Ijliuor J Bomirii. 1 •i him* ba<*orv : i.i* mola**f* ionium 1 I Jordan |»et Mitwi lua Vj ro. lb :>ln« i.eni# m * n-un* l k«*c i.r.l rtj <•»*» honis, Ik l bbl* dn 1) 1 li A •• *o >li> J Mrfrujiii A co. l.'l bhd» I t.bL >l< W '.i btJ» inim». I Jo tongues. J i»rier. b* ur« tiotn* 74 1.1. * ,i<j H (..mtf A c®. lt< e»k« b:u’.>-i M I/* ri*ji .V *or > »k* potato*-. W McMiU-luie;. :» l.u;« mack-m. i Jo inn,u»t. 4 Jo flour. •> I'kg* cr .rpr:. - * A ■•.. J < linn, i A <.• 1 : * egg*. R Hr!: I ■I n •I ' 0d" [itwr.l | i,<r.» o v.^ tigs ginacm: Hoiitic* A - o 3T I,tH Is- Per J 1 t'ntteW.> --.‘IT -sk* U.-uh J M-" . l.U*, Jo J.i Adam W- R ,. , ■> - Lamp W8::V tt»m, I'} b » Ji-ri -.kik. 4 J*. \ I4erj«rn ’.'i J< scrap iron. I.'oa. fl'ior** A co j ' * »ki'u (filial: Mg. >io Iriithrr*. V r:iil« 1 H ' il.lSt I'pf Rol-I PuJOii-* bo. <’ lD!n*cn. lUO hbd* sugar W A M Mil'tied. - '* >Jo !u Bmlifidge, Wiimii A Co. I'-ib tii"> iiima»*' - *. Haguey A SrniUi. I‘J liiid« boon. JMe l - sJcu \i# li' - ' - - " ini» Wailing ford A CO. lard on. See N.c;. A m-U wkuakev. J W Hmkri bn. It*' b\- bacon, t ark A Tba'w; •£', Jo Jo. M i.rart A <-.> I.AKAYKTTK IVI linl.uon. , c- r.k* a, • ••* con. Clark A Thaw. I 1 k*s na.:«. • -k* scrap*. Sp«-< A co, iS cak* bacon 4 *k * woo i.-n Cochran bb.s potatoes. ('ailiouii 16 *k* gju>r; c 1 i-ui i'-fi*.i:ii Bn' lil hbl- wni*kcy \YA M M.i--..-- MrGrew. Jo J Mct-aJcn A **~ V T^',' i. a. i-, -vpie*. A B«-rr> V bis wool. Clark A Thaw. M f>‘* ba.-ou, il si* apples. own cr. li bl>U Ilnur » apt Boc. J U-l* cgff'- Lambert A Shipion. 1W» l»t>is rora. A Vaokirt A co «: t.n.» apples. S do suodno*. ownri ut-oard bbts Hour, owner a board W ABASH —Per IruloMry -Ub bbia lurd. Spang A ci*. 1701 ham*. 1202 *iioulder», baton. Hardy A co 3J csk* dry peaches. I do beeswax. Murpbt. Uiisou A co. 9 hhd» lob. 2do sample*. L < Waterman, 109 csks bacon. 07 i!o 2249 hams. l< h BRIDGEPORT Per U f i;.v,iir-* *k* bran. Ur* nan. 40 sk* appic*. I bt,i nppies, J V Hanna. 251 hb.» flour. 7 sks wool. ' ‘'»r i A lh»w, Ml W-e flour, owner abcnr.l 4-32 >lo .to D l^- 1 ’■ A c-' 7--i do to J M> ( «■ • 2 bbl» green appie*. W 11 lu7 :,b.- D McEJrot KRKDERICKTOWN—Prr l*n. bl<'« flour. M ••rnff .V ct. >4 d< t7.9l9*j(i 813J«4 10 ENGLISH CLASSICAL AC A i Room* ii. J.e ltd J'rr»M lenaii i.hurra THU AC-tIJKMT IS t-r»H»T*b T*' h* rSK*A.aiNT t'Ht system (-1 Instruction par<urd .<> ihi* ln»Uui lion, will .••cure to U» pupi.c a and ihorougti English and Cla*«icft. education. uto. f«n opportu miy is embraced tor mt iiteim-aiior, oi corrm morai principles, and rr«peeUui. bind and smtabie manner* The Principal i* aided m ihr«e important *:u!.r« l,v gentlemen whose literary atiHtumetiu emiiirn:,y miai I ify them to a-ri a - ittwiu!' expectation* o' ibe | Pauons t\ 'h« School When two of more pupr* arr irom the *«mr family ■ liberal dcdurtio-' will be mndc Rev D H Riddle. D D Mr Richard Edward •' A.T M’Utll. D I) - Luke Loom*. Han A 'V Loom'*. ‘ W W \Vl!«m. Mr Oeorje “ H-nrv Wdiltrson Circular* can be obtained at the Book Htnrr o! Mr Loke I-oontu. No *# Wood «t»ri and ai Mmr» R H. Bwon A Co«. No -0 Market *ir<*ei in=bl9.dflw PAPER HANGINGS. HEBSRB. JAH. HOWARD A CO No. 82 ttoud Untl WOULD call Hie attention .»£ ttir puhl.' lo Hint pfeaehl tux-( ol Paper Han*irix« which l"t v« net,-, beauty ol, and . i.r«pn<--j. i.mi- Henite. a Unto »ml fu.. i->»f-nn.rrn o' ; aprr rx thrsr portal'on of Krciu h and i-.:icli»h *iy."« of Pap* r !mr«. purchased by .Mr Levi Howard .nr .»( the firm now in Europe rnnai.tmir ol ptroun manufacture in uui London do •'■<*<) do Or then o<* n manufacture >n rv nave H*i WXi piece. Wall Paper, and 12.1 WU piece* .atm glared Window Blind., Ac Bbls HU BM» W 325 2G2 00 . OO Mean Jamet Howard A l‘.o have .pared nenli*i ixpenae nor iaf>or m Uieir endeavor* lo rival the rwi rrn wall paper e«t*bli#hment*. both in ~ualily ol man jfacture and variety of pattern, and Ui*-y arc warrant rd in aaauring the public that they have aucceedcd The whole aaaortinent. foreign and home manufac lure, wtil be offered on term* a* low a* tho»e of ext ern manufacturer, and importeri inchtJT dtl WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE A"o 47 Marift Mrrst. Pittsburgh, i'j. THOMAS PAL&KH, RFSPKCTKILI.Y (LiinQumr.lohi. Irirnil* »nd<-ue. unarm, tnal be ha* hail at no past p*-riml -<• e j ,ive • Stock a* bo has at present. He can olfer to pur chasers, on vaar moderate terms, ai the onl establish ed Stand on Market *ireoi. -Vn.nst ■ very article hi Um line—including: Counting-room. Bed <liamiTr, Dinmt room, Parlor and Hull Paper Wi:n Border*. I«au<l •cape*, Kire-bourd Print*. Paper und Window Shade*. Bonnet and UimlrrC Boards. Wri ting.’ Wrapping. end Tea Paper, lie t« ahundui.t.y sup pliad, and reijueais country merchant* and huusrheep era to call and examine In* iissuftnintt Rag* and Tminrn Scrap* laae.i in trade, ai Hie highest pric*-« mciitfl .UAw:iin I KXPRERS PACKET LINK, FOR PHII.ADKI.PniA AVI) HALTIMOKK. Ohio—Capt A Craig Monday night, 28th. Kentucky—Capt H Truhy. J uesJay.dtflh Louisiana —Capt J P Thompson. Wednesday ‘.'“'b Indiana—P Barkcy, Thur»aay. ifirth Uhio —A Craig, Friday. :jlnh Kentucky—ll Truhy. Saturday, !I LottJ«taua—J P Thompson, Sunday, Apn: I For passage apply to 'A' Sl-TCH, Monniigahela Hou«e or I) LKKCH a Co, Canid Haem J. C. P. SMITH. Attorney and Councilor ul Law, ST I. U I I> . MO Will f"" particular attention m u,e re,,,.n «. 'laims, and all money reeeivcd, *lik:, l.e iriiniied srithoul delay. ~ RirillM-'n —Hon K Coulu r. Siipirmi llnirh la Maura. Lyon. Shorli ACo SI IU'UI* Wood. Ahl-Of. A Co Phllßd'a, jno H Brown ft Co do, Mr Chari** H Welling, do: Kno. Mahoney A Co .NrwWrk. * hiitei;- den Bits* A Co do, Baugher A Oiemlorlf Baltimore W PA A Murdoch, do. U». Martin ft Co do. Mr John Falconer, Messrs ix>reiu. Sterlme ft •_<• 1 in* hurrb, Forsythe ACo do, Hampton. Srniu, ft L.. do. Mr l s Waterman, do me it*-u„m R. T. LEECH, JR., Iruvoitrr and Draltr tn Forman and Saddlery Hardware i Carriage Trimming., No. 123 Wood at., Pltlaborgh, Pa. 1 S now receiving hi* Spring supply *f (.ood*. •»»«! I invites the attention of Saddle r*. Coachinalet a and Merchant* to hi* stock U luu l>~" nought upon the hc«t term*, from tho best source*, and he the refore i . i / i ~,1. t,i afford htiutariion to re * confident of being • *"« w " l,u,u m „ i t .r)nn„, ail who may favor him with a call. me«i. A CARD. j “; 1 y r CHESTNUT Street. above Tbir<l. Philadelphia, beg pr„„„ r r , * r «jsgjyss l itii£i SH^sr»::r :t.;; i2~». « K GOODS, Cloth, '•‘"''“ ‘f h w„ j£ of every deacrtpUnn-all ol which are of the r *n » portation, having been carefully »c e c London. A.c , ,-«,,>nfui ffT Stranfer. vnUin* Philadelphia arc re*( e ■ ly invited to call and e*atiun« thrtr ejtrnvivc * moh'Jd'dOm Mu.pralU 1 PatcntSoda Aih> THE *ub*crib*ra are now largely .upplietl with the above celebrated article, recently received direct from the EianUteeiuren, |.i« N>» Orleen.] per .»,p» Jane H Gtidden, Caroline Neaioith, and Mr "cm. which ihcy arc prepared to usl! n 1 the lowe-l maraei pner for «.u*h oi approved hi.l* _ v \V A M MTTCHELTRKE. ISO Liberty at N B —They will receive next month another ihtp mew (via phiiadelp'-ia) pci »bip Globe, and theoedor waid rcfttiar reppliea. ! Mt, 7V/-’. mVvmi-Connor earoe h> her. a*keu i her il' sli- «■«. willing to Jo something towards I bunding k church rf Lurelto. Said that he *m b 1 fur c-ousiii of I'.,shop i/C.-ntn-r, and that lus name Oincmnaii I’acketa, I l * A M Foa Philadku'hi*. iiing A < rui'-i li t.i« a. ,m J.- i mini A Mrt.rew . dr Joti-Iti A ** , oc k ton I 11. -:i ini' i. car Brov, ba<. m W Hi..-!,am It Jo J. .jll..- .1 \\ rf J Mown .1 \ [Joldridfr -VI 1 so U HiMtrnkdi I. OAT*>N,.Principal HtFKRK>ri3 REPORTED FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE. Court of Ranter Beaalona. Monday, Apr.. 2, ISI9 VOR.YISG HESSION. Paliun anJ Jotir«. John K.i/errald, coovictr.l last wwk oCan a.-auit mh] I'allerv, wu vrnteuceJ 10 pay a »»««? ol‘twenty live J. l ar' to tin* Conunon«’ralth to pay cosis "i pruM-.-ution and -land .vinm.Jleil until -eulrnce .9 ■ *<*mj-Urd « itti Commonwealth v%. hdward Connor. Indict nieni The del.-ndani was , harved with representing himvMl u a calhol.c [-nest, and a 'ull Wi.nn f>l B'** Hev « /Connor, aud tlieiehy oblmoiim »<i'-uey to build ■* I'AliiJi. .hurch in Loreltu. iKi/.’i.i/n Ihn-i. - Mrs Topler borrowed a dobar from me 10 give In 1 unimr —We prescut when Mrs. Top ! cr gav- the money t*> « minor He was cols I.', nnc money to bn:l<! i diur. li ;it Lorelto ,i ro*" tjounor had no au- h' t •h-ty 11 1 <"i m thorny to .oiled money irmn me H* is n..i n pne-t They are making preparations to build n •hur. h ai I/oretto The statement n| Connor, taken ‘'ft >re A.der man t>te*l at the time ot In- arrest was. then nrtered ;n evuli-nee An objection was raised to its re- ception, but was overruled. The confession was (nil and complete, admitting hi* having received money never intending to de vote it to building churches. A verdict o( guilty was rendered on the hrst in Jidmeiit. and Conner was sentenced to undergo an imprisonment ot one year in the Western Prn itentiarv. He was then tried on three other indictments, and acquitted Magellan aud Milclieh lor Com monwealth Marshall and McClowry for delenre Mr. Marshal! - speech was a very eloquent anil el !ecti\e one, but not -ave the prisoner, a?t h« was too e\ idenlly suillv Crnmnonweiilth va. Isaac McCann. Indictment burglary, committed on the house of John Camp beil, t t Lawienceville Plea, ‘not guilty " A verdict of guilty was brought in in this case, and the prisoner was remanded for sentence. Commonwealth vs (kenrge Kor*t nnd Anrm H. Forst Indictment larceny. 'l'he jur\ retnrneJ a verdict 01 not guilty in tins case Commonwealth v». William Bullet and Hans fsrnrih InJiclmenl larceny The jury brought In verdict o! guillv as to Butler, and not guilty os to Smith. Butler was sentenced to be imprisoned m the Western Penitentiary lor one year The case of the Commonwealth v>, John Lowe Wits then taken up, but w.v* not nnu.hed whnu the ,‘ourt adjourned. Wros.;. \ eslerdsy morning some ol the laiiit- ■ ntniiied accounts of a case o| suspected poisnu- mg, not only before the silting ol the coroners inquest, but even tarlore n post mortem ei niii'nntion had been held W|*>n the t«ody of the deceased James Teasdaw. ol Birmingham '< Ttus is .jf. ided.v wrong The local reporters ahouk* not jmuc.'e ou a rumor . i this k.ud vultures on their tillliy Carnage. The s.ckeumg details ol a scene Mich as they ailu.le to are aiwnvs laid soon enough be In re the pubW. without exhibiting the ludecent basic wh.vh they maude-l. The mind of the community should not t-e pu«oncd by the Imleriuty may leei. bel »re they have sutfic.cnl data to i:u upon. In this case they may («’ rutil or they limy be wrong, but n > mau can justly >)• Otde unto a v-erd.ct has l<rn rendered bi tin coroners inquest, win h n<»t !«• ti., Wedncs d«v afternoon The ends u just,. e are ircqoentlv defeaicd. and Uie minds ot pr vale .ndividual- weundeJ by the circuinUon of ret*-rls which altei a. 1 , luni out to l-r tnvolotis and nnlouuded. Mayors Orrat, PirmnK<;u, April 2nd -Sr uulortunaic wights .qq-eared la-lore the Mnyoi this morn,ng and wnat is somewhat singular a! had the same exmi-e to -'Her Kvery one wanle- to •-Tmi - t.-.ljv and p-un'e.l m terms the o<tu LL . t , -i , -- «>—••• mm. wmg sent to jail, and having their “roods and chattels" thrown into the street The Mayor, thinking tbttl the rag' which adorn*-! their pervius constituted th«_•:r sole >li>ck of n)o' trebles sent them all, wuh tbv excep tion of one wh mastered money enougli to fray bm line. t > ja. Matov ' Mivi.. Ai.UEiiiitr?v. April '2d— prnoiu w»*fe brouknt belon- ibe Mayor this morn ma- one clu-*' .1 w it. sw i: *n»« --n* v ’!• .Aroenv, and the i*i*i drunkenm-s* were comm'tleJ Ltf*Trjcssi v» !.ask —A ' jertnan residmc >r. Bir- mingham. ha* a daughter wnom he nnds it imp* l ** a-Pt-'tri coniro:. Mie |>ersisls m leaving the shelter of urr lather * rod in order to spend tier time m pia.-.-« wn . h '.‘;e should avoid. H*-r mother is *> i.l that she i« not expected to live.and yet t lie untec! ing girl wiiljDot remain with her yesterday the ueart broken father got a search warrant out and in com. puny with a police officer, visited a bouse where be suspected that she was. After a guod deal - I trouble she was j>er»uaded t<< accompany her tutber home, and we ho|*: that she will n-nvnn there Williamson's InoBAU*. — La*t ii ait tip bibition ot this b'orama tnr the Client ot me Bar ker Fund attracted a very largo audience. T>- uigbl is positively the last opportunity which out citizens will have of seeing it as the engagements of Mr VV prevent him trom staying any longer We have no doubt that Philo Hall will be crowded (.'-oauskßa Ivyi cu.-An inquest was yeslerday held on the body of James Ten*dale, who died at the House of a man named PiUhe.d The jury being unable to come to nny satisfactory eonclu • •ou adourned in meet again at two ■» clock, on Wednesday, when we ahall give a full report ol the proceeding? r, A MBU?'i --A colored man yesterday culled in the Mayor? Office, and complained U n man named Wilburn Lsrmer. With whom h»* had l»een gambling Livrmer won all the ready money he had about htn, aud then won h s coat A? soon as the victim felt the cold evening air he began to repent lus loohsh conduct, and come to the police to endeavor to recover hi? coa’. L*armer was however,tiol to l»e (mind A*s*i t.r usu Rapier if —John Sharp, the iu!»- uiou* street preacher, yesterday cumphttufcd before Alderman Parkinson, of William S’iecs, who, he alleged jhnd .-unlimited an assault p.nd battery on uutAiM.a.- Monr.i <;mjrr Fuji ParrEm-ES Janie* < iiblm W 37 -yesterday brought before the Mayor charged obln>omc nine dollar-* Irom the sleainbout H.pper, by representing him*elf a» lames t’umpbi 11, to whom it was due. and Inrging hi? name tu a receipt. He wu? tully commuted (tg -The house ol Mr. A Wcslei Almosi a Kittg.— man, nearly opposite the Mayor's office, m AHe glieuy town caught tire yealrrday afternoon, bu 1 whs put out licinri: nny alarm w.ts railed '1 ai ns Broken i *rKN —A trunk wn* broke open on the itcutner North River, yesterday, an uciuey. aml articles L> the amount of 'evenly hv. or eighty d..liars (lie property ot W. W ll.unpb ol New \..rk, taken therWrom The trunk wa in a slate r.-.m at li»« time ot the rubbery A'saci.t —Sitne rowdie? yesterday made a attack mi h poor tjermnil. who brst a lug nt 'hi buttle of L’erro t hirdo. He was beaten very bedlv The attack was made upon him tiearlv oppo.Mi Alderman Morrow's Office Unfortunately nen ot ttie police were present al the time. Samuel Taylor vesterday arrested bv Oil cer Olenn. i.barged with maliciously selling fire a brick shed, belonging to his employer Taylor resides near the six mile ferry Larceny —Elizabeth fiiret was yesterday e*"»n milted by the Mayor of Allegheny, to stand bi trial on u charge of stealing two shawls from Mr Kuox. The shawl? were found in her potseariet Theatric.—To-night Mr Booth appears .nßich ard the Third lANIWCAPF I'AI’FR j 1 set. a view iji ibr Hum.- m .Monterey, I “ ... . c'nrro LnrrUi. I , {inrun Vista I •* Fcrs da Fan*. 1 - Oui.*-dc bycti. 1 •• Onrde Fniicnii; '» t “ - i.oI C Auvergne; The ahovn j* imtnblf lor paperinjr large public rooms. Just r-. c d dneci from Fans, »nsl for sale at Ibe warehousd of aptf _ _ Hlbb ROLL BUTTER—7 bills Roll Bnitcr, JEBt l*ndinj from stmr Beaver and for a«lo by nehfcj 8 A W RtBKjWJGH DRY k VARIETY ROODS. CARPKTB. OIL CLOTHS! Ac, RKCKITKD TUI.' I LMV. O irpfuag at.>l ini oi the inie»t ruic mo.t approved pattern?. aud ni prior? li> 't)i' i>ur.'uu.u-i. a;o < heap m oa:: ft [•‘•r i't»u*ed .1; a i\ nj the 1.-i.ierti-“.u •ompmniK tli* iu> ••»»«»« VK/-.CU-. - Ultra Kt>>». V. >r: Tajwsl'V *‘uji Ko) at Hiu»»r. Ki-ra t \»> Kxtn iuf Sllj'i-ft i u ie<J •U. ■mne I K/or ilinl* Jo >!i> ‘kill J. 4 1 )-4 i I I -i Ihm.-t 4 4 J-4A j ■ ■! \ M.'l-ll | ..,n ,io r-4 »o. ,1„ 0-1 w<»r«l<*>] *. ■U. Hi ui» Stair K Hi-4 woo (Tumi rto>Hi< I'J J woo er, Jo Lilirli ft-1 •:>> •!.> i.-l i*i.ic Jo I'.njin-n rxM* - i>i; i >othv Di.iprr an <>• rniß n d.. ' J,. 7-4 do >l Oil . .th- r:jw-DfO|. N i fcrpei Miriitia* Tf *n-1> .!• imi'iw s>int<4*- •V-l .1-. <)•> ,1 4 1 .).« .i» ili i i,l C1..11,. T’H K •u. - '*cril''Ts having made arraneeraeMi 11 case oi h n mil ■»: Stale Trucks at C-olumbta, to nave tticif n«cal« forwarded over the Railroads u: cars, so as in n.'oid Hi*- attention that h&* heretofore occurred lur Ui*' wni !or Truck*. Stu|'J'er« will 6nd thu to their - 1 nnsl.sC'- .No cliarne* made lor receiving or slnp* pmi!. ot i«• f advancing cbori-c*. All good* forwarded i» .veil rutd on »« reasonable lerm* a« any otn |„nr JOHN FARRKN 4 Co. I'nrii'-r of Canal and l.iherty »t, Pituliurffh. P K FITFTZ It t o i;il tr j ltli 'iftS Market it. Philadelphia. Tupf.KV pa 1 1 «• 111 • • i. k .-I r ‘.i rj-r'i >i, in writ., i. » f m> ilf i; ..if. r u» , hm i.e puf. Kif Ka?:. Hud or ii.- i,nir.| and .h.r.i »:>',«•» <‘u'! nr--! m nitl.rn: ml' «Wk !,••!<.rr ptjr-‘h l- \\t »!»rwli' , r« Wan houw, No Kmirii. ii.rli-i «\\ MVI.INTOTK A. A. MASON & CO.. <i i . iirii- i* Tli *>ct s*lihw.i. of vanou* r.ualilir* ami c-oKH-i F.i'v doM >1 ' Ih-fI ijukiuv Kid tiiovr‘ loc'-lh'-r wuti ;i *ik>.l of t’i>. rt -i k. l,i«tr 'lirracl. ii’.ii rviimi (;!ovr«. lor spruiK im*!”- fta.mJ>ii/ ‘irmirhi lun.ovi-f I’ullar*, ' hi*HpC«il- Ur« MkJ pi. i rinnnu.Wod l utl< iron) 50 cti 10 SI .125 Mourning iV.aM in i-rrai vHro-iy Ltami La<-<> Vn.* ih<- |TT's-.«-»i n.mruneiu ever ofr-iM t>V u* Frrnrli •»:.*! V.nifi!«fi I 4 F’nnu; Hnyo- • ;I'nc.r- - n*,l tntuf* und !nM miini. pifinl Frcivn Oiimlinm*; Hrui»b POTiiUi'M- riiintx, wtttii: k»Uh b.inumk TuMr rio;l»« j.iiion Uiimuk. « ' mid 10.5. ilr-i-n Bi-mu'.,*. UnrlL liro* >l." Rhine Jink Ohyhh. W io 4u imh. 'fir Oc-t foo>l* li’.porurd. I‘ur«i- Twi‘l, Inn'll I’nnihnr mid ' n.-ll CMIHTI. Hdklv IM.IJI Of 1.. '#•*.s*l UllHrl.nml- M,| fi B* Jn. oori. |..|W!l> Mu:, rifid iw,i« Mu ftcjn-i unit |Mh, l.»!-r». .11, 1 41- Ai \\ c u ill the .Im-, m-.-i}.: '••• NKU -<•>' ii r ntiiMition of puff>ta«er» 'o out rltc'Mtv NEW SPRING GOODS. a i inn m>i »: <»r k. mi rthy. Nosr»i h**T Ini a>i> M»xn vr st* . I’n-mniß'. F;K'*"''t* w»'itrue hry i.oo<u win p -u»o i»kf ii vmp its SI.IV M’Rl.Ni* <•«« liif*. -mi .'ivm . in.- cm <»f rtcu »' euntoiurr* uiiJ f ir-rr* *-'in<n.> , - Hl h largr or>U r hoi £/- Cooniiv M-rrl.»T : u miJ oUirr, ur < min nm Hie es*orunrm 1:1 W hoi -Rikmih pood* prnrrii'!y ure now fipemilE DRY GOODS. SHACKLETT 4 WHITE. Dry Goods Jobbers* N-,i w WoonsTRKKT Would cm! ihe aiirni.. i,l Mrfi'liHjO* me;* «*- -to-* o. Domr.l Kru.ttfii DUN lit it 111?* |U.I f.-.Tivinp front m- Ii jM.rtrrt and Mai-.ulo inter*. ami whirl, Hi- > »; very 10" Ml-, i>*J ra.l. or ;i f .|Uo*rU rirdil Out «JO«*k i« ;oiv In'! ami roniiiirl-. ».*»«: "'fn «’■ i llid Ijlirnli.m »»l Mi v<’i* »« " - "f- *mi aA •i *UOm; .uduo-nirni ">r m-tetiai,:* nml- ;» r w r. Mt rimi\ - j ■ uu.s\> 1 I - 1 ,ir;- • do p-m.rm-'i • i 'liDMKin i.t.11. ' 'i.a'T-S \Nl> MX.IS'.' - I I f u>>' »■ - Sr:?* •>'• vy 111-: r H c. liortli .4.1 corner 4n R'i.l M.i. \Vt>o.r«ai.: R.K.IU. i.ji Main mchld HaNDM'M K RNUUSH I’KINTS -W K Mi. .-mT, »ihi» Dry I>«xla Hauw, n.mtieast <-ornr 4i‘i »iml Market »u. hm upend im» morning :mo tier ~t of line KngUnn Print*, of enure new >t) ,c* end eery Aj ■mil fir l.awtm. of * »rrv *ujv*rior <iua «:> . < H' >•••.'.:«-* aiumt.-in if r..- nr.mru! ..I I u. .r..,arrt<l U« «t varimj. o-m ,ilii iflij dii * < mullJ«, and *o «1 ••<«''' l ,:!l '* • HJ.Ai’K Al.t'A' AS AMI 1.1 -'rKK> A H ~UY "l\ '■ i't f M* v-r. %»-u>rin>*'i'l '*l ••m. ra. .n* the '.u ' Moftau I.u-u--« vpt ri«-» Man. a i«fv*r > A.p-cw uiij Lu-- trea p»r«i*uiik: oi cnaiufr*: *>■ «aun and lan. ) Kirr--'. Oiinx-k tnrurr.i . Mi.rar.3r Blur J'armosu**- .|p*.r«M'‘ »nJ ►c»t 1 r rood i.iu- A'.p*ea» an.l '* t ' t ’. fyo^Kfs _ AND MILi.LNKRV A K JoHSfcH. 4d Marvr? • um. art- >.<>w i.pcmne Uinr o« l'*-’*-.« H.I-1-ow. S.:k.- L..rr«. .T«pe l.U»e. Ac Dcalrn and »M.rr» arr .t-hpil »o roll and rjaxolne the® mnrlJ \\ fIUTE (X K)D>- - J u•:! a: S«.fH A. J -ka yy 4«oa.'K 46 Alaukei lUrri, a m.. «UK-k of « bmp Good. comi.u.>n K every varirtr of Jaconet, rwn'.ne l> and *U>ok Marina, Tur!*«M.nv rml-ronler-d aneiiit.iM oi« and nihrr* r i | y A MA>t>\A»;o. No 'W Mark-i t"P-l. ttave j ■r‘-‘ wt. ■: .'I pin- l •• w <>i II Mala uoilll DttMKvrn - w*»o;.i.K.N>-- ihe " r »> i-- L xjj- ■ --r . -v BUNKKI'CUAriM. l>r» . l-.T'-'-uo.-r :i'T rd HfHl 1. ur. .or •• -• *•• „ lurn-J,ru-r, 1.-. Mi KFin 4 I.Kf, 'Lj .ihrriv »1. opp«»ilr .'jUi N C «»p*p«r.. »“<* Rr-rivr.l »l tti> K*-•»<!ti C R<wlll 01 Ulc Yju’-t' V-rramtU i.Ur ary and Mecjiamc.* K..urlii •irrri. tweet Wood Marirt »Urri. .N*w Y«>n~o.unrr A hmiuifrr. r-mum-. Heram K.veiun* »'"*’• Journdi oi ‘ ommrrrr r* 01 Tiiii'-» Scien‘:6r American |’ii l u„).uw-Ni" , !i.inifnn 1 n *r.d l S l’cilll»Vl'a*om*. ,a. I.«t W »»ni*r.i.*i»—lntr.ncem-er I'mon. •NMtonn hro Homos- -Miiniig Journal. Avion :|r Journo. -m !-m.-Re puiiin-au!' N Oflean* I’.eayurie N Orlrun* Prior i‘ui- UvehW'p-" 1 ::mcr A >mith ■> Kiirr>f«*nii don fitnc' ... , M Pluck wood *,, 1 ouith. Loom 4 Aim.. l - V.«ci• l •. Him* * Mrr-hunt* 1..:-- • I rinK Ago lluHicu'.l'iri*'. Hiilimnn * Journal, Journa. ni u.e I , in» »n IuMUUt-. C,».« K.irm~' I' A Arr„un :• Journo*. .... . , Rkviiw- - UenuHT:»li<'. Ammoaii ttk.< l-nmlon (.quarter-.) Kdini>ur*b. \Ve.tmm«trr. Nor\Ji Kn;.»n Rooiu- imi> >u-*lh)*i from T» ocork \ M uutii 1" *> 'lock I’ M Member* l*a»r irir pn vilegr ol liiitodufiiig their fiei.d*, non re..dr ill* mme i'll), who wuj l>e ‘■nu’.'.cl i" lire »dtni««ion lor on* 1 IVr«*>n* Jesu.nrf 10 fn conic Tii.-m!-er» win .rav.- lUnr naiuri wiifi lin- 1..1 rimmi Term*—lmiiuon. >1 ani.uH rui.*' rr ( .1...n W in a.lvanee mci»N illm_ Uul AR‘>MATIi:K VINWiAR - The li.«li ,y nanatory l.;il«amn- and totm- pmj>*nie« ol iin - Vinegar >n <Jer' ,r tar .oprnnr to Catotne wain lo* me ordinary tni-po-* rr u..- u».in. .arpo-jt* Ihe «• irr in it* perfume It prevent* ami remove. pimple*. iPivr mid K-i-rniv ot lb«- •km. *1 roire*tio« and whiten* ,1 l^ui ~„iicriiir *t •nit uud Min>oth It •<n r*ct“ the meVumll.uiden. the cum. For ail llir •l.ovr| *1 1* U*rd with * u «uch oroporum. •»« mi.> he toumi tno«t agrertilil- »>• mnalmfi it a.i.i run. it mi tlic lemple*. il wi.; irlMvo hea.lnrJir l i*p|i..',l L.-umly t*» » '-urn or brut*-. .twin ev**i.iu».i•, t*<* i iiiorMfiralum It .•orr-n .-ttiuU-d air. ami uui cunuicmn; it i* therefore *erv u»riui i;x ol pcrfuin.titf apiirtrnriit" hm *‘*k !, T R K SKI.I.KRS. \Vii*.l.-*nk meuill Wood •'reft. I'nl«lmr((ii A CARD. / 1 KATKI l I. '>.r the v«iy nbrn.l cm our»r.-».-iii I tav-- fe--ei»M i*| m> nittuy jiuvp^Jri.-j Kon-mai,. 1 wi!l »>•' ••naM-.l "• ti ll ul l order* |irnmj>iij . and *i«* U** - '**ik .n our u»u:«i «ivle and ai lair ffioti. at"! a»k il»r nil'-iiiuni nl niff ,-I.MUU and . K. I.i V ...r«r -lork >•( V!' 11 <>! .S T I RY and lted», Hrdilmj;. < m ;a;-i M »tr tin i •, l>.iinu*»* a.vt Moreen*. I’orrm-c*. Fnm Unrdrniis*. S|iin ami Rniter H >ntl* ami nvry attic.e inuat.i in an mHHtili«hinrut or tin* kind Oftlrr* .fmcilcd and u‘ inulr.l lo N It -< mcn:il >ei« made and put down LOGAN, WILSON 4fc CO., I .M rOU TI It." ami Wln.loale Dealer* in For-ngr. and 1 Duine«tic Kaulwnre. i'iu!>-n-. Sadillrrv. . IUO, Wood street, I'liulmrirli. «rr now ftilly |>r-p»r*‘l with a rw.cmi, ,tn|...rird «w..'k ui Hardware. Cuil.-ry. Siui .llrrj i\irpei*’*'r»' Tp-.i*. Ar . m otf.-r very arcl in duiMMUrnl- Ui r:i n» m addition in .ft irfiran * h*Vinr«l>\ wc lICIVP «f»!a i-u-r-'iiv..; ,*>i 'aclinic*, and purchase uli uur i. - '-'" 1 ' IK'li: In*! 'nniil' on lli*- vrrv l-cUrrm* Tip minor* • n*r tirnylrvntr -h. ii wii.m visit tins market * i-uii. P . * >nJ .circrj A t.l fin. (Viucn.. .ml J.».liy. "luca v.i.l 1,. ml. ». lit nil/ »l»ri ..m1.1..1un.»l ... Ihi. or the R»*W(h i n.• • ; A '»<>- \ arcr .111 Ml vir.eiy «U'T'‘ " UK hc« utlU Jrw- Plr/, kt v«• rv k>« |.rvr> P«.< jewilrd 1- karat Go.d Imv.r., .i mu- Unity-ti.. J “ h ;” w wl |. foN . nK.nkJ cornet 4th and inarkei »t» OEEiIjiWOOD GAHDKNfi ARK NOW oPKN. i«.i »»>«' a ianfr c • 0i,, • 0 “ 0, ' ol Greenhouse choitrM vanfi.r- Al*o. a latffr ro.Jpcumi of the futcit Uah ia*. and an imal flowp u-tll 1* ready to deliver in fois ilie Ui of Ma> UOUyUKTS of the choicest Flower* p»n up at ‘honest notice . The Gardena mil be open tor the general reception ol viaitrn on the kd day ol Apn! tv.«. Captain Vanderfrill* new «tra.n boat, the lho» Scott, will commence running: Iron* 'tie lon on Fp.nn street, lo the Garden*. tic ‘Jd day ol ApnL meiiV7 d 4t # . ;*a K. TRfiTKAi a r rmMAS * Bonwan: VRtTMAN. PITTMAN <* C.U., mW.IRMNIi * COfflfllSSlM SERt'IUST! Second sir ST Lol ls. MO HB9IOVAI" THE aubeenber iiu* removed his '' no,c*a.e l.roc ry Wore to the corner ol Hancock street aa< Al. ' >! SS “ “ I'HF, MIDNIGHT sUN. a l'rrd.-r ka Bremer, unnsialed by Mary rfowiU. Jual r< ceWed and for sale by , . ibcMi JOHNSTON * STOCKTON PITTiBCHBBPOaTiIiKMAXUNK For th / Trajwroruuwm affreight to and from l’Htl .A L>KLI*H!A, BALTIMORE. > YORK. IWJSTON-Ac Thomij BoßWTvat Pbiiarfciphit T 4 *Fri.l OiVismo*. piii«t>urfli MU.- o J r-ialMiifc-J l.nn- now in fu.l op«ra tion ;br |>ri»pfi'*ti>'» n’'’ prrpafrd Willi tlicr u»uhl iirrnnc- iii'-m- »>• lorward iu«*Tcbandi*e. pro % c )■> um| ti:ih Uir oliov r port*, on Übcril term*, •n lor rr-ulaniv. and «*n*iy peculiar u> r.t moJr'p: intn*vriali>.n *o OKvious. wneti wan- coHMifnnir:!'* by an.i tot Un» line rfi-riTitd. clur .i*id In.t (.•rwafilrtJ m uiiv required dirreuotia chartfe sot rommiown. luWajuinij ox storage No in*»-f— i. iltrmly or milireciJy. id steamboat* Ali rumjnumc.nioinpTomptly attended to on applica on to Hi'* lolu'nmx agent! nu>s H«>KHI Wiff*> Market «t. Philadelphia TAAFFE A O’CONNOR. Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. u'CONNnK A I'o, North it. Baltimore mchtM I Jo .In do . .1 : uni Jo BOATMENS' LINK. Fur >!»' Transportation of KMI. I’HIUADKLPHU. k IULTiMURt; tiou.t* :.y ihi« I-mt. am carnfd in four- I’oruWc Boat-: IS-lU. UNION LINE, ON THK PKNS’A ASD OHIO CAHAM* ' rn*vrTt*RoAC«*MMEU!».Cle»eland.O i KIJ r*mk*. Ilcaver. P» I 1 TIHIS I iin- veil. r- juejia <*d on ihe opening of navi -1 inn-port freight and PaMrnger* from fnTC'BI in.H n.u! OUTvkLA.ND, to any P‘>ii»l on thr (’huh! uini I»aW«‘« •].j i n , i|,iifi oi thr Ijih* at' utt'urpos«ed in number, «11.1 rapHotv of Bool*. m pcricnee of captain*. l • rttf ii-iiry ■>! A iff m* , , , H.-j.i ,r3\--* Pin*t>ur*l» .c\''iau>i Oa*!? run u; , ..nii' Cli.m w:l!t iHr ♦ ''•amef- I.AKK KR]K ANU MICHIUAN I-*—!, mid ami a l.ue ot f.rr! claa* •mii r- ]Tu|»„.,r. i.rnl V*,.<••> on .!•« Uk< * A .istv •K <. J’nrW■ IW'i. Pa Baldwin Vuun#‘inwp Ohio M H I ayior. "'arrm. Cirn. Pfiiiio H»Trnn«. Whc.cicr Jt Co. Akron Orav.rr>id A ('hamU-rliu, Cleveland, O <inr< A Cniliih. Bollalo. N V JOHN A CAIMIHEY. Agent, itilnrr. rot Wi’.rr and r*mitlifield *n«. [’itulmrgh 1 ;• BINGHAMS’ TRANSPORTATION LINE , FRKSH PURE TEAM, I Wholesale and retail, at the ••hv It .vjhav Tiiik Bciaiiam. I DEKIN TEA STORE, 70 Fourth street, near Wood, vs m lliw.snsw. JaoibDmci. J 7 Pittsburgh —The subscriber having ju»i returned t'oaducted .*n *ii.. i nki.i.4' keeping pnn. »pi<* from New York, n now receiving a large fall supply I'HK PrOrnrior* • iln* ....1 established Line have j q( frrsh (>KK KN AM) BLACK ?EAS. trom the New [ put ilif.i «•.«•«* i• me inr*.i .-.,m;ilrie order, and are i y ori( ji,.),,,, y> B Company, selected with great care tor ,oi..upi.!-. prrmir.’*l to forward Produce and Mrtrhan j reta)i talr , ( >ur *'oek tiring now heavy we are pre i.cvfij .uni itcitn me 1 jvMern i-itiea , parrrt m »u]'t>;v Grocer*. Hotel*. Steiunlmai*and Fam- VC- iMKtitif’ •■i.r 'unit r v perienee .n the carry mg . wi;ll 81l) ■ cjuantity and at uny price they may vn*h, *.*.:!*■•*. and aiin.uon t»> Ute interest* oi eua- j >a ,.kr«i in * J und I pound package*. I* ib un cam*- ,in. r \ wiii ti'uk i-> u« a conn nuance and increase n *,,d.) ;j ;t ■ catty hoxe*. and lu half cheat*. ■ nr pntronaife luthcr'*'extended to Bingham « l.iue j Ketau Groeer* are invited to call, a* wr can and Uur .irriuitfcmc’ii, *>•• ■ 1 etviii.r ni to carrv t will l-ctter Tea* at lower prices than any other ,th •(-- uinio*' d-**| >lcn. and our price* alta 11 always Q(>U(U . in Pittsburgh ~ |. v» in- ii-*»— *. ennrirr.j t-v other re«i*oa*itjie ' <)ur 0 | tj nr young Hy«on, Gunpowder, tfnd lm Green. and Oolong Black Tea* nre the t*c*t tn S. ..• .>c>e-i«-.l nllur mNo ISi Mint-'. -««ei. me American market 1.-, .uid *;:i •:• I’:**. un the i.enveni«r«r ■ Lovcring’* doutde refined Loaf. Crushed, and I’uU li I*, . : vented nt retail, or by the barrel. •.<:...-r Ul.<! .Mcn-I.ill*.li»e V... 1 |.e received ■‘'idf-.r- _ COFFEES—Mocha. Old Gov Java. l,aguira. St Do :e.l. aim " >••*' withou' anv i-l.Htgi- lor tor ' mmjto and Rio Coffee*, selected by the m(*«l cipcii'll ■r r. Hdvaoy.nt uemt. • >< ■ .m.ini—iun. j er ,| .-oifrr Broker ru New York.. r.irw ai-ie-.. amt •'■■) direction Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumber* and i.tri.t ... Onion*, Fre*h Peache... put up in thotr own juice. u i 'ip|i., m W M HINMIA.M, ’ MitlttKi Rai*m<; in J ll> boxen. . cur 1., i-e r< . \ VS ame *t.v Pittsburgh N B-AllUr 0 Jayne’s Family Medicine* for aale. KiM.HA.MS A DOCK. UecV-dAwS AJAYNV^. V> !-1 .Hid «:» Market street. Phi «ila , FOR SALK, JAMK> WILSON. Agent. ! l>4 icel by l?li, situated on the higher \,. r.e; NorMi | 1 around, and fronting on the wide North Commons r *'' \ Afc lin the Buena Vista F.rtenuon Term* cash. .i li.-i N-. lb \S e». street. New v_ork JAMES ROBINSON. Ptnaiylvanla C«n*U A Rail Hoad Ki- WM O'H. ROBINSON. preia Fa«t Packet Line, meb:rtr.2m Office, Kxrhange Building*. St Clair «t ffC“ ■—to 1(V iiWßfa ! npo COUNTRY AIEKCHANTS—Smith A Joiimmji. rJYTT 10-4.’. »JTir 1 1 16 Market *ueet, cun .el! you hosiery cheaper SaallßMiiaAii r< "f H ™ than they c*u replace them—having bought them at a FK"M PfTTSBI'I.H TO PHI DA DELPHI A A BAL- 1 > Jfi;e [^ C k B jj o »„, e previous to the advance in price TIMORK. They can tell you Straw Bonnets and Variety Good* ,Hr r !u*ivei v lor Pus»c tirer* ) a* cheap a* you cau buy them of Eastern Jo liber* -..••are respectfully informed that tin* Line ■ ,; ome „. c . mcti‘23 u-. irr.iu<i.i a: life Se**» : - THOMAS KKHSIUT. ia. JOHN U OAWTtB l nr I„.in. *r- r --.v. and o' a *upenor e..... wnn e. • KENNEDY dt SAWYER," 14U M.Ia-.,wn,-h wr give Xrenter -Oinn.ri The i 0 , M.anufacturer*. and Wholesale V- .uc --onMrurtioii , ilr-sUcr« in foreign and domestic Variety Oood* .U,„hmv,.i .i.whv* be ;.i port, and traveler* are ir- * Wrswn uierchaut*. Pcdlura and others are invited c,ue*i-d *:i i*..d ’rxiimifte them be ion- engarme pas- l 0 rii | Ul< j e xuiume the price* and quality of oar stock. » ac - ,A i.. rr a > wnh our present i;vcr.-a*ed facilities in mnnufaelur ' i’Fu" •>< v r.; ne do!! nr* in roar h i One o! the bo»>» of ' , ||ff RU j p U ,-*ha*inc. w e think ver can offer u* great m,, 1..;.e W it icavc ait- landing K*ppo«iU- T S Motel. , .ud.ictmeuu to uuyets a.* wny other uou*e west of Ute eof’ier ol I'ci;*'. «trert and Cana; every night at nine o ■ yiountiuns. C ta^-ly clock Tune :U d»v» For mtoimotion. nppiyutthc < Moiioiiraheia House or to D eOODSt ]g49. a " a ‘ ‘ T’- FNNKDY A SAWYER, corner Wood and Fourth KfKR'S PORTABLE BOAT LINK, JV street, are now receiving direct from 6r»t handa, OB9B B&3& AAI li • a large , toe k 0 f Fane* and VAriety C.ooc*. inc.uduig , Clock* of --r. SYwcheft, BaMwamaa I JeWclry. French Pnnu, Como*. Hook* and Eves. ' Glove* and Hoaiery, Suwpendcn. Gun papa, and al. other article* tit their Itne—all of wntch having oecu purchased personally of the manufacturer* ea*L.da nng the la*t winter. expre*sly for -the trade, wul Ihs sold wholesale at a *mail advance on coat. Constantly on hand, all description* of Looking Gla*s •■r own nteoatern prices. miu23 .-i K.i»« .-ii 1.. for ih' Transportation of Preiglit to ! To PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE A NEW YORK 1 BE-INES3 on the Conni being now resumed. the 1 Proprietor* of the above Line respectfully Inform il.r public that they are prepared to receive and for ward Freight with despatch, and at lowest rate* They would also cajl the aUCUtion of shipper* East ward to the fset that the Boats employed by them in irnurportatioti, are owned by them and commanded by c ip<-rienced captains Shippers of .Meat m Bu.k will hni u advantageous to riup hy Uus June, aa the subscriber* Have made ar riaeemenu at Colombia xo have »urh freigh’ for Bat mu.>re Handed directly iroiu Loan u cars, ’thereby aa- ;nj "OTcbou<‘e tiandlj'-*,. I rficlii 10 Pn :ariclplna *oc* dear through muu ’".No charge mail-- :-t r* r.viu* fapppm&or aUvajicing AUKNTS—John A. snow. Cine:a .a«i, 0.; Jno. Mo « u: <rncti i *'o. Balumorc, Ja* Hire; & Co., Pmtadel t, Krwitii AThmn»p.U;gai!"« «»ch:M <,KI ’ ft M'HR \£SSt 1849 BF.AVttll PACKETS, fMrwnrr MICHIGAN No J— Cttju Ciil^or. I. AKKh KI H • ” Gordon. ( » a:id well known Ucavrf Pack- ; Head Quarters for Boots and Shoes. .r i omii.r need luak.tic Uieir da,,) mp* ; o , Corner oi FourU. and SauUifieM *■; reels, up,! »rr>m ll»»vi and «. . ronlir.ur u> n.n between iVrrfßCH.iu. Pa. Pi:;.-.urf*i and Henv.r rr*u..«.> Jum'.s U.c »es»oti, a* j « TROTH k SCOTT having commenced m. ii*< - * i Ist i the general Boot and Shoe tiu-inr**. AV[J M,ri].. ; pi Nn 2 .enve* Pituburmi daiy at '■> <> ciork. f and wou.d ierpr>:iu:.y f BfeL \ >t »i,<, Benvri at 2 nc.nci P M Lake F.rie mwie the attenuiHi ol ilieiT incad* wnJ Ihe punil • ?en- Heaver cu,.y Mju c.oi t A M., and PliUbUfßli erw .,y. tr> Oioir t.p;eiujul new rock, ccti.-i'lliu: of men.-.. t'i.r*c -'.miners will ru.: :n connection with , suitable lor the-aeasou. ami at prices to suit ' Ri.l’urk* r’ji'i' - ! Une. lor Kiiir; ;ime , -p.rndid article of home made work.! IV. l *>r .V l*r*fbi>i>:wellWarren Facact*. , uc i, erni.ciucn’s free 8001.-, ladies, mi«»r.* ami [ I .in-: Line or J-rruHit Boat* 'or ' leveland. . c | Ul dreits Unc wont. Please rail and examine lor i': irif & Co'» I'ittsnurift and Cleveland Line I rcigiil , y o ursetve* TROTH Aru'iiTl*. I corner Ath and sis Hi, |'aik« il».iy New t's-tle I'xekM* , y —« Trunk*. Carpet Bags. 4c 4r , ai- , ri.AHKK. PARKS * Co. Hravct Agents. ; wny , hand »ud low for cash | JOHN A CAL'-MKS . Agent. I’nulmrgh. j Country ujerehaitu would find it to their t’tereM to m ri,ll r or Waiei and MmUlfic.d sis j jp Te UJ tt cft ;i w lieu visiting the City in ht 4 P IC, N NVV LV ASIA i ANAL * 11. HOADS, j TO CALIFORNIANS. r A RKOMKTKR. —The uutiemgurd Having adopted Whv- JKSmTSfc IVJ Id (UU Aan instrument tn the purjw.e oi asccitaining ih- j C«X!L njj w 1 ! specific gravity or value of gold, is now prepared u> - _ , ..... : , U nn!v all Wti<*«e huaute** may requit- its use li is 1 K\l'RKl*> FAST lACKM DLNL- j sfllß !| y collVPn , en t and can lie used vriiftctul dtiiicuily. 1 ... , rß f7 i , ~ . ' o glanhe hem* sufficient u> show the process. Putjt>u*fh M rntiiuif-tynui nr.U tiauimoi- j p*r, ort* 0 rt* contemplating going to Cuiitornia. would do •Hu- usiveiy tor [*o‘»eueer» i I well to cull and examine me instrument, as it is m ev rpilK pu!'.:e «■ • respect tu'iy ininmird that thi« Line , Wlty calculated to protect them from traud by ena- J[ w i! 1 commence running on Monday. IPtli March • them at any lime in a» tne value o! thru The >.<..irs thi> are o( a superior -ms*, wmi ; m eniiirs-d cabin*. winch wul give greater cotntort to, p T ,nted directions and tables will be supplied graiu. PK>«i'<:ir*r« ; jtoualy to purchaser*. A.ticn wi:l u’wsys he in port, and travelers are re- , SA-MUEL KAKINS. L moo street, . i.'M' d;o e U : .1 mi examine u.em In;fore auguring pas- | _ , e „r ot John BMe l-'aden'• Jewelry store ‘ . ».v ..m.r n Itr. Ttu-v will leave the landing, op- ; - - --- '. ~,I „ rornei Penn sued and Cam.’ \lf HULLS ALK DRV <rOOT>>—" e are now rccei el l YY Via* a large stock ol Spring and Summer Dy . ycr> "‘a 1 " _\ i \y- tX)LLA R? THROUGH i t .nods, selected with great care from the importers and T.L. Ti Hjl-j ' manufacturers, and con.-isung of a tine as.ortmem d .. „ Tll a . ~,, a1 ,,,y HI Ihr othce, MononuHliela I er«“»e» usably kept hy Dry Good, house*, which „ V,’,! ' 'i. LK.Ki » * Co, . ,n»l Bjsiii | .r. ~rr,-.r-.( to —ll .1 .ucj pntf. > t cannot fiul -r,.,. ~r.lorieiors oi tlie shove Line are now Ito <' v <t -aii*.aeiutii to purr.ias u *, Mldit.rm-n lut.ri.' I‘ickeU. to run a* at>ave | thty and country merchants arc ti.vurd, t.. cn en- s "“’.l.' .1 !•» '*'■ « ■ onnecon W«b 'sllTcKl'i/n-'.i V H ITK.-""' ”, «.T'.'.«ry moruii.« ' » W ““ J *‘- '*• Jt "” •>»’' «'^y ~‘i) " ihrouKh.--ii da). _ mchtti . ,n, h,y KKLIANCR PORTABLSS BOAT LIME, mrrWKKN ANDPITTSBURtHI / i ftnus cnntej on thi» Une aw not transhipped (.T ticwren I’mshnrKh and Philadelphia, hentrf car ried in four .ectiou Portntiie Boats over land and wa i-T io tluppers «■' lucrcUanduo requiring careful nnmll.TiL'. tin* ts ol importance No t-harge made for t - .•!, hi -or -tupping. <>r lor advancing charges. Ah forwarded with di-pmeh. and on a* reasonable j .fiiii a» *.y any oth'-r I..n* . ; " ' JOHN M-FADEN& Co. 1 Canal Ba«m. Femi sl HtUahurgh 1 a JAfi M DAVIR A Co. marl $27 Market A W t'ommerce at. E’lulm j JOHN MeKADKN A th>.' Forwarding and Centrals ..on Mercnnni*, Canal Bhsm. I*enn si, Fmibargk. WM NOUI.F. J \MKS M MAVIS A IV Flout Fiirtor»nnd fomrai*- h Matin r»<l M l'onm»err«* «irrei, hhm ‘ ‘ innU it A.icni.-•«•!> maUr I V '•uh. ini Die ahovr on Flour, . , . , hr . ((...f.-lumli/c coimgm-d 10 them for I in* MS /'I ARKirniNcn-"hK* rotiimeru»d in receive a TVanVpirtSsrssr 3 c. .«** v ,a KUAIW ' i *»«>*••»-«« < r , U ' <',,,’ ,nM Run Kuail* Lour now open, and V «‘K Pb.wU. u <* e I C „M nr-,. we arc |.re P »rd to forward all ' "JS S»«fi, Jew2lr>-Cu i- W.,,,. ~, merchandise and Pro-lore, to Ph.lndelpU.a and , * S,, £;. Th - am , city merchant. aU re lu-unnr. w.i . P and despatch, and on as examine hi. stock. *« M k . t >o<l n in.- a* in) ol««-r y c i Wood street. corner oMunmondjilley Canal Ho«in. Penn »t. Pittsburgh. : rpo'S’ft'fCKiN** ■'WKaVFR: 4 A.Nf> PKDLaR 4 -- ABKTT*-'-|U-RM-a* RAVN'OR. Philadelphia. j HosiK*r-**» dorcn bleached. imb’eachcd. Ink, ~r* HOSKMOKRII.LA Co. Baltimore. railed and colored women » and men s cotton Ho .'* .. - • uniileached and muted cotton hall Mo*'. ;> g&rjmm is 19. MKltCll* NTS' WAV RREIQBT JLIHK. For Biairsville. Johnstown. Hollidnysburgh, apd rfso COUNTRY MERCHANTS—W R .Mtsfht bai ail intcniradiaie places now open al hit Wholesale Dry Good. Kootus, THIS l .me Will couti(Bi« 10 carry all Way flood* north east cornnr of 4lhind Market street*. Punhursh. wilt, thou usual despatch, ana at fair rate* of a /uli supply of fresh Spring Good*, including newest f mg hi ! «Tlei ofPrtnt* Ginffhama, Lawn*, Ac., and invite* an Ai.irrir-r A M'A!\*DI.TY 4, Co, Pittsburgh. ' examination of hi* slock. 1) 1) Wakefield. Johnstown Entrance to Wholesale Rooms from 4tn street. John Miller. Hollidaysborgh. .. ’ tnch'JO —Jamus Jordon. Smith & Sinclair. Dr F 1 W»»****^ Shoenberger. R Moor#. John Parker, S V Von R° l,n ' vtt aN'TPII) A-Vontiß Man in a whelr.saJe and rc hor.t .V Co. Wra Lehmer A Co, Jno M’DoviU A B»o*. VV ' , /ioo < ji ti> re Apply at G 2 Market »t I*iu»bunrli; John Ivory, Sumlt, Mulbollan A Ray. Jno * melPhrdtf fjrail A Co. Blatrsville. rnclrJ? ... j- WANTED* I . -»\v <■ Mat-nrcl Mai' a »ituaoon a* Rook Jtei-per. I jr-*- ft, iuNNi l *s.'iT*”ur<S ,, S-2i*i ; B c..n « s«ic'™.o .. «•»» ~ ! r - h - ri •-n snsisEr* Ji » i''. " ffwf “ • 1 Patent Bod* Alb. mrh -, I dlm «» O h' MH.TKNMKfcGF.R o*7 CASKS >&’.*-• taak«r«l Ja« Nnspratt * Sorts 1 ' _ mcu-l aim _or_u_« —-■ ~a -v; '> / bta .,d r-c'J nrr steamer Urooklvn. uui for SPRING UOOIW—A A \U%o**Ca., No ■ i4 »/ bv U W & M MJTCIIKLTttEE, j\ GO Market street, arr ™" r n r™*9 *»***• "‘ (1 “‘*.,7* No IGU Liueny „ tiackaKf of •plctuUd SPRINGiGOOUS, comprising Atrn w '4MtfA arn ' ~ Mu»n n» Ht-recr* M rte Lames, Gingham*. OKO. W. 3JI ITU A CO,, Pn.iu Frrnrh tajnbnes, Lm- "• Ribbons, Lure*,. ; TNKORM tjiatr fneuU* and the public tkatUiey bays Suk» simu Cloves Hosiery,-nd a general asaar'.- Xno longer any connection with their late establish '' ’ moha7 I nwm in Penn street, known as the P-tsborgh Breweiy -■ 1 1 1 .... having removed their euiire business to the POINT J 3 DLL WORTH 4Co BREWERY, in PUI itreec mylftd ytj OATS— MOVuih racJUS [UN LINES, . | wtTKHTciIiK BBTABLISIH3IEST, n PIULirSBURO, PA. ri sItK m'*‘d 'Hide* which Hydropathy has made I *n'ire *t» n.rroduri.o" into Una county —the bni ht,u and astonishing . u.nuve .-.tTecti ot cold water in chrome amt acute disease*. wHen employed after the -l,oiloflhe ceicbralcd Prietuiu,hav* removed from itic'niind of an inteUigeni.aiMUdiscenmig pobltc every 1. of doubt a* toil* efficacy, and niaed it om- favor Considering the unsatisfactory re.utta '• remedies heretofore used in ibetirannem of chrome •Minplaint* icomplaints, too, which are inrreaKiag r,- ‘ v vest 1 it moat be a nainral wish to see the sowceas It. bv "‘*° rr ” will be freed /ran thear pain* and Intimities. ssriM it/sse- r - proved in all it* part*, and in every respect, is now KS?w receive aSd ac^mmoda* p*ntni. who may choose in place themselves under hi* cafe, shill aud flX KufpTur<, Mailed upon the left bonk of the Olno, opposite the mouth of the Big Be*v*f» ia "•* for it* m.-c-him.' and salubrious atmosphere, it* te hghtful quietne*. and charming natoral scenery, com bining every requisite u< render the sojourn o, the in valid agreeuMe, and contributing not * lmJe to re-es lablisti impaired health ami physical strength The c«taMu>hineai. the first started in the l.nitefl States, contains eviy thing. both for pleasure anfl comfort, calculated to insure a sneedy and happy ter mination o' ihe ailments of the. patient. Persons wuntng in avail themselves ot the advanta ge* here r>|jcr-d. ‘wd; p*»a«e eddres* The subscriber hy letter. i(x>»l pilid.' listing as near a* possible the nature of their c»mpiainu. m order lo decide and ad j nse on their fitness and curability by the Hydropathic ' treatment, and also what will be m-cessarv for them to take along, for iheir especial and persona! use. EDWARD ACKER, M. D. Proprietor. Phtbpsburg. Beaver county Ph Killikeliy, Armstrong: Y D C ark Esq do. Hon. Thomas Henry, Beaver, Pa . Dr Burker. do. Prof Cb Elliot. Pittsburgh. Pa. L. C Perkins, Esq. Ohm, Rev. 9 H Sneed, New Albany; Rev M. Allen, Princeton, N J, T L Station. K*q . New York, Dr Ch. Wiutor, Phitipsborg; Wo. H. Mr- Connri H*q Pittsburg'i, A Hidwell, Esq .do raetefO Colver’a Patent Concars Beater Churn! BUTTER IN FIVE MINUTES!: . WF, call the attention of the public to the articlo heading this advertisement, and uiviie the outer priming and curious io call and witness it* operation. All advertisement* in relation to this invention, to the hundred* who have seen it tested, is supereroguuon. Ist. This Ohttrn'wilt produce Butter, gathering it in a ma«s. irom •vm milk, in five to ten minutes' and from cream prepared. »* families usually prepare it, m inree to hvc minutes' •Jd The utility of this tnvenuon is apparent, a* bet ter Butter erin be produced from sweet milk, or cream, than eream soured in the usual wnv; ued by means ol this clijrn. h iyii*- gir'i or bo. cun permrtn. in hve or ten iniuuu's. what ha* heretofore required tne labor of a woman or man I<>r one or two hours, and somelune* half a day 3d. B% •.mpiv turning a thumb screw, the whole in side dasnrr i* taken out. leaving nothing but the butter ar.d milk m u»*- plain wooden boi. 4th Ji is the cheapest churn ever invented, as the simplicity ol its construction (though embodying a great philosophical principle) makes it but little to manufacture it. Sih. It is n common-sense chum, a* all will admit who will examine it. We invite the public tocall and witness it* operation at oar ofiicc in the Diamond, near the Black Bear Ta vern. Pittsburgh, and at J. F. Beckham’s, Federal st, Allegheny. CAMERON A PRICE. taariEdl&wftmS v SAWHAJuGRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, HCUIHI BUILT> I > (- 8 , 'ST. CLAIR STREET) PITTSBURGH, ::a» jcst ucrriu* ruoK NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. I ;• now receiving * bur Ol ILOTUS, CASSI.REREB AMI VESTISBB, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST ?TYLES, Which be m prepared to icj order ; IN THE BEST MANNER I And in me IHe i i Ka 11 mn i mirllt KIKK fc JOM -v Proprietors C;u,t! Ru-.ii Seventh rtreeL MIN’ELLANEOLS. HOW A R D HOT K L , NEW YURK. FISH. MIDDLKTON A WHITE, beg leave to an nounce to tbnr friend* and the public, that nicy tuivn amumed ihe wooji»«nieni i.f the larn** and com tnodioui Hotel, corner ol Broadway mu! Maiden Lane, known ii the Howard Hotel Having touch impro ved the internal unproved the internal arrangement ollhr- House. no pair.* »hall he spared on the part ot' the proprietor* to give euure *aU*fartiou to tho»e who mny favor ui with their patronage. tiiar*»-diw VaPKR— Having the eiclnaive agency J 7 for the »ale of the Mill Grove Printing Paper, (S B. A C. P Markle. Proprietor*,) we wilt be coniluntiv luppUed with all the differrm »ue» ol »upnnor quaint which we offer at ihe loweat regular price*. RE\ MOLD* A SHKK. fcbtM corner IVmi uul lrwm *t» . BK: i,t:XT ' Denu*: Corner of Fourth r. *ma Md i>,.<. 3lur , between •* • ’ ~ irpii-dlyin Market and Perry sbeeu. INDI'A ROfcBKR PASTK—Jun rrreivin*. ti *tom bottles of Raht»er Pam*, a Minerior artu le. hitihly important to person* that with to keep their (ret dry it prevent* tne leather troni craekinjr. »»d l “ke a polish over it. For rale a; U*e Iwm Kukher -Depot. No 6 Wood street nuvr-‘ J A J I’S^ s'hxcklktta white L ? :.: SL\ LOTS, FAfiHS,Jcb_ TO COTTON ASD SUGAR'PLAIfEIi. PLANTATION in ARKANSAS^—Tbe sabwmber ofenftraaleUto extensive plantation ir.-A.rtun ■as, formerly belonging to and occupied by the late Governor Kent, of Maryland, and containing rwenty cighi hundred and eighty-three and a half aetei oflond. This estate lie* in the countio* of Phillips and Crit tenden. and is saua'ed ]q Walnut Bend, on the Hint*- nppi nvrr. twemy-Bwi* mile* above the town of Hele na. Itns *aid to be the highest river land it) that re gion of country It* soil is peculiarly adapted to the growth oi cotton tt* improvements *r« an overseer** house, a tiorse-nn 1 :. several corn houea and good quarters lor •ervants Upward* 01 m-tpii hundred acre* of tin* land hare been eleutr.i a;>d are now cultivated. The real of U mav be e»»i-v c eared, (the »o*t being already doooj “ h ‘* "** ,r ” upon u. and that duefty of aah, rc T UI > wd « • well located wood yard, la quanuuc of .everaj thousand cord* every year. nu* pißuutiioa m one of great value, and preaenta a mir,w^ nUnl 7 “ ; pub ' ic - ln Uichaiidfofajlod f nnter .. nay l,e eaatly made of tramenae annaal pro f«rr( ,t '' 141 u,UM of ‘“'•'•fcourse with New Orleans af ford a co .suuii avcnnf for the dupoaai of lu product*. *ho«t tnilnW OmaSS,®® New fmiw* ra ° oth ° f ° Q “'’ tad 740 oUea de^rr'd^ o** 0 **” 7 W ' U <i, ’ n<lc * l into aeveral part*, tf For trrmr. tee , apply to WiLUAM B. PKRINE, Baltimore, Maryland. »«6 Acre* Coal Land for Bala, SITLATUton the Monongahda river,about 16 wiles from Pittsburgh and n mile* above third hoc* in the immediate neighborhood of Me*#r*. Lyon A ghorb and Mr. John Herron'* purchase. This fine body or Coal will be «old at the lovr pnoe 0 f *33 per aero—one third in hand, balance in five equal annual payments, wiihoat interest. Tuie indisputable. Location very good —iaauoi be surpassed. For further particulars enquire »( 8. HALSLKV, who has a draft of said pro perty Residence 'id K, below Ferry, Mr. Adams' Bow. V H There m another seam of coal on this tract, about w feet alxive the lower, of excellent quality. jrifldif ___ S.& COUNTRY'OEISIDKHCK 808 TQfSf, MIO ac'RKS UK GROUND,' situated near th« Pittsburgh and Groensburph Turnpike, 3} miles ■roin ibe city, and adjoining the Allegheny Cem* eioty. on which i* ereoted-a large and well finished two story brick Dwelling House, together with stab lea, carnage hou«e, Ac. There is also on the premise* a large variety of fruit trees, and a spring of unusual ex cellence contiguous to the dwelling. jal3 WM. VUUNG, 143 Liberty « Valuable Real Estate tor Sale* T’HK subscriber will nr.' mi private sole, that vaina bi« Property, on tnc fourth street road, adjoining hi* present residence, ami give possession immediate ly There are about TEN ACRES OP CHOICE LAND, m a huh state of cultivation. The improvement* are s Uijr and well huishrd brick DWELLING HOUSE, n superb Barn.and oilier out buildings. Adjoining the dwelling i» a miming fountain and a good Pump, which furmshes a constant supply of excellent water. There i. a variety 01 fruit Trees and Shrubbery on the premises If the above described property is not •old -oun. it will he rented for a time Also, for sale, a Inrce LU 1\ on Pcunaylraoia Avenue, at the end of the board walk. Inquire of ap'Z-.d3m DAVID BEELER. Valuable Heal Estate for Bela THE Trustees of Use Western Theological Seminary having decided to soil, on perpetual lease, a por tion oi their property in Allegheny city, offer on very fsror.iiile term*. fu»in 30 to 50 Lou of different sizea A warrantee title will he given A plan of the lots ean he seen at No. IS Wood street. For particular*, enquire of either of the andereirnod Committee JOHN T. LOGAN, ALEX. LAUGHLm, MALCOLM LEECH, H. CHILDS, SAML. BAILEY. For Sale. A SECOND HAND STEAM ENGINE? In good run* mug order, *1 mrh cylinder, IS) inch stroke; boi ler 14 ie<-t long. 30 inches in diameter; fly wheel SI ewt. AI«o, one line of shafts. 25 feet long, Si inches in diameter, with dmtn.v one upright saw. Enquire of mar«:if__ _MATTHKW 4O High it| | , FOR SAXE. A FARM MiuaTe on the N. W. bank of the Ohio riv er, mite tnilo* below Pittsburgh, containing 290 acres. ,ate the property of John Al. Hood, deceased, sin! known a* ' Su!c Landing.” Reference to David Hood, on the premise*; Wm. M l>avi«. Allegheny, and the undersigned in tne eiiy of Philadelphia tebl-Sineod CHARLES GILPIN- Valuable Real Eatate for Solo* r IMiF. to.-owing property m the city of Pittsburgh, X und near the borough of Manchester, on the Ohio river, is offered lor eaJe on accommodating terms; 3 Lots ibeing sub-division of Lot No 449 is the plan of the city of 'Pittsburgh,) huvittg 20 leet front on Se venth street, by 240 jeet to Strawberry alley, near Grant street. 10 one acre Lou fronting on an Avenue, CO feet wide, lunmn* from Beaver road to the Ohio river, ad joining Pbiliipi't Oi Cloth Factory For term*, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JAMES O’HARA, Barke’i Building, 4ih il TO LET. MTIIF. Dwelling t|oa»e I now occupy, comer of Robtn»o.i an<l t'orrey mrccu, Allegheny. The Qou»e i' hi complete repair. contain* a halLtwo larce parlor*, dining room and kitchen on first Aoon n<»n. a large cell nr kite lien. Five chamber* on second tloor.und iwo niiir rooms Rent moderate. Apply 10 ttin •utiscrili'T*. ai 110 Second street rnchaudiiw* WM. A. IRWIN. Lot on Liberty Street for Lens*. ONE LOT. 42 feet front on Litxtrty street, by UO feet to Brewery alley. neatly opposite Weal (treat, and ronvfmrni to the Monoiiffahcla nter, will be ed for a term of year). Enquire of CHARLES II SCLXLY or JAMES O’HARA, Burke's Building ValnAble Properly /or Btl*i IN THK NINTH WARD OF PITTSBURGH —Ser rrai Lot* on Baldwin and .Liberty itree's in lit* Uin Ward, 'Jt feel hy lot), end adjacent ths proposed depot of >’ie Central Railroad Fox term* inquire of CHARLK3 B. SCULLY, or JAMES O'HARA, Rdrke’e Building, 4lh «t TO LB|. MFROM Ist of April next, on reasonable term*, to good tenant*, six comfortable two story Brick Dwelitiias, witli cellars, vnalts and back bniW ■tigs, situated on Robinson and Craig streets, Alleghe ny cuy. Enquire of SVVEIT&EE fc REED, Office Third *t, opposite 8l Charles Hotel STORE TO LET, JmA Tu LET. fur one or more y< at«, tho three (to* j-'IH n Urirk Building on Wood street, and adjoin iftr Fho" and store of Koi>ert H. Hartley. Ihe two upper sione* hnve been fitted up as a dwel ling bouse. and may be iuil 20 occupied if a tenant "■ 'net. nn-h±-uf NEVILLE B. CRAIG. FOIt SALE, (\N frvorabie ’erm«—A Loi of Ground on the tooth _/ «idr of Pcit'i «t;ee.. near the Monougmhcla rivet, tru.c -hi len on Per.ii street, and extending UO feet hi depth to an ft wide: a mof' lostrubie loca* lion c.llier tor pnvaie resid-m. ■« or for manufacturing Enquire of J SOUOON.M AJCER A Co, "•hid No tM Wood it Property In Allegheny City for suhsi.nber» oder fur tit' a utimber of choiea X Lo,*. sUuate m the Second fronting on lha Common ground, on easy '-.rms. Inquire of W O'H. ROBINSON, Airy at Law, Si Clair at or of J A S ROBINSON, on the premises. tuylLdAww T M COUNTRY SKAT TO LET—A two story Brick Dwelling, with 5j acrea highly unproved Laud, situated in Oakland. 10 let from Ist April next. hardy, jones a co, fend- <4 Water street «jt FOR RENT—For one lo ihree years, from the gjjlTfl first o; Aj>f 1 i.ext. a large two stoned brick ""irwc'.ii'r Huiiv pleasantly siiaated on the bank 01 the Onto nver. adjoining Uic borough of blanches ;cr wnn ahuui tour acre* 01 land, out buildups, fruit i :ree». A-' A c • App.y 10 JAMES A HUTCHISON ft Co M.\ LaRGV. and vreil finished Room, second story o ; tne comer of Wood and Third streets, ai>nve ihc hioiiAiiee office of dm H Williams. Possession given immediate:)*. Inquire of jai .M'GILLS AJttJE. IPj Liberty st MTU LKT— A iar;;e bnck Dwelling Hou*c, «uua:>,e lor two lajmlies, lUu&ted on Federal ♦treci, Allegheny, above Mr. Grarec’ cum. H. LEE. at. oppoctte sth jLibcrr TWO HOt'SES AND LOTS FOE SALS TWO L<>TS on lieuver street, in the eitT 'of Ktf? All-i?befiy. above the upper Commons, on which i> ort-eicd n irarac i.mlding, two stones high. tollable for two smsii tenements. The lots are each twenty feet in iron; by one hundred feel deep, and run bar! to « street lony feet wide. The buildings on the pre moc' will pay a very handsome interest on the invest meut. and ihe property will be sold cheap for cash. Apply to H .Sprout, Clerk's oflico; U. 8. or to . uuv*» KAY A Co " pou rest; TIIK subscriber offer* for rent for the term el J3.011* or more yearn, a large convenient weU fla iMi-d two story Dwelling House, containing 8 room* mil Kitchen There if a lot of ground containing If ffrc of hue young fnnt trees of every kind, stable, hr . ct.iwrrted with ttje house. To any perron wuh tag a Oeliev.iu! residence within a few minute* ride o( me '•itj, Uu* wiU be a rare chance For term*, which w..! t>>> low to a Rood tenant, inquire of Mr. Jno. Wright, near the premises, of John Wan, comer ol Hand .and Liberty streets, or of ocKr-if THEO. F. WRIGHT. ' Scotch Bottom Land for Sal*. rpEN Av'RKS i>F LAN D, situated in Peebles town- A -hip. on th<* Muuonirahela, three miles from Piu»- ~ l-ur^li—in lots to vuii purchasers. For further putie* ulsr* app;v to Hear) Woods, 3d »t, or to a Washington, 4(ii. above Southfield >! * WAREHOUSE FOR J*ALK.—Tha subscriber oift-r* lor sale ih<* taree story brick Warehouse ■“■ ™ ou Wood meet, occupied by R. Turner ft Co. a pl7 WM, WILSON, Jr. REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET FOR SALE—A Loi of Ground situate on Penn • iron, iw-iwecn Hay and Marbury streets. adjoining luc hou«r and lot uow occupied by Riebarq-Edwarda, h.iv.n-r o front of 'iCi feel, and in depth 120 feet, ani] be told on uvorable terms Title unexceptionable. Bo* .quire ol C. O. LOO.MIi, lib st, near Wood. DCIVt-iltf ?l ' ~ ~ For Sale* ’ ~ l DESIRABLE- Building lx»i in Allegheny city, fa vrunb’v U.cuicrt, in «ire about half an acre, will be *<).<! on ur-.-omtnodaunc term*. Inquire of tebd J P WiI.I.IAMS, 110 wood t) jjf>. Ki»K HKNT-A room ui the second story, No fig'-W Wornl «lrert la® Paper Hangings. HAVINI. purcitKed it brte ol the largest Pacto row mine ran. i.Nrw ork, Philadelphia and Bv unore ; » iurjfe a**ortmnu of ihe newest anti moat irapr-jvrd *ty e. o' I*A **KU HANGINGS, BOBBERS, Ac.. »nU tnude arrangements by which l will be ena bled to procure all uew Pauernt, ainmltameous whh their uppearance in ihe Ravern. market, I would in- Tite thr ulteuuon iho«r desirmg to hare their house* papered die latest slyies of paper, to call and examine my »tock, Wore purchasing elsewhere i have l ow- nil Ihe way from tha hast, at),000 pieces n, Go.d.Sami GUsed, and common Paper Hanirinra, w bit-n 1 can sen si price* ranging ftom t9| cts to 83 F piece. turbid * 0 HILL, K 7 wood St HUBT PROOF IROS. Tm. undersigned base erected w.-rks m the city of New \ ork, tor the purpose of Galvanizing all arti cles nt iron, which u is desirable to PROTECT FROM *\! , * a^ h ** 'Jclegrapb Wire. Boils, Spihea, Nails, U ire for Fences, and any other article which may he required For Hoops tor Ca,as. as ft substitute for bale ttoi»e; ior Clothes Llues. Lightning Rods, and a host of other oppHcatidna, it will be found cheap and durable, 'rhey would particularly call attention to ihe Galvani zed Wr« or fences; it requires no point, and will not rust. Also to Spikes and Bo lbs, ih- n-eservauoo of which i* of so much importance, ihwt ti will commend elf to ihe iiotiec or ail those interested, j GEO. B. MORF.WOOD ft CO., Patentees, ! cct3ft-dft.wlyT 11 and 18 Beaver it, N- York. ESSAYS AND REVIEWS—By Edwin P. Whipple. 2 vols, laa y • Dick s Works, meludfng hfs 10th VoL, ‘Toe Solar System ’ The 10 Vols bound in & sheep. Ditto, the 9 vols. bound m 2 and in £ Stackhouse’s History of the Bible, London, with &se maps and plates. Octavo. Hebrew Bibie,new American edition. Burkin’- Notes en the Now Testament ivoiatve., new edition '** Macaulay's History, library style. For sale by R HOPKINS, mchdo Apoiio Building itb