ISBURGH GAZETTE: USHED BY WHITE. * CO PITTSBURG 111 , 2 MORNING, APRIL 3, iSijK ■ZB3 are earnestly requested to hind in before' 5 p. «- t )antf u early fathe day m Advertisement* not in*ei lei ftr a *P rt! ' J invariably be charged ontil oftlered out D*ji.T GiZim t* published /eekly, and Weekly—The Daily U annum: theTh-Weekl? i» Five Dollar? per Weekly taTwo Dollar* per annum, ttrvtii jnr Commercial InwLU£tnee,po4atlc, Jil*r New*, Import*, Money Aiarketa, Ac. e rtje* * i ; dHi'ADBLPBIA SOUTH AHSCHJOAN. AdVertitecnent* nniTMibacriptioit* to the North A m lean a&d'Uni.led State.* Gaiette. Philadelphia, receive aod forwarded from thi* office. IM most page for TcUgraphlo S«W*< Por Local natter* *«e next p»g«*' The Post, of yesterday, publishes the report oj the Committee appointed by the Board of Trade, in relation to the terrible explotionm Allegheny.— Ab we made every reasonable effort to obtain the report in lime for publication contemporaneously with our .neighbors, but wilbout buc«|sb, we dgj** 1 feel it to be either a duty or a privilege w now. Wi Cud no Guilt with the Committee, ever, as the copy was left with the Secretary ° the Board for publication. The condlu*t° n v 1 the Commltiee'arrive at, is summedpp 10 the following paragraph: ~_f lon in “It appears that machinery h« thc of the incrSTof was fiuifjr. gelded;-: Which steam raised until the »*. h result,as we wadof of any found »*.»» lkoo ‘"EgStaa, which may. or may combustible or'“P h * se *l nt which we think did not occur m similar cases, not in this. An over tasted boiler! 1. » not -rpri-nig, ttal u savotha snail expeaie of an nddtttonal tartar, or.nbKfrone, i«n will their live. »»<i P» There it no eicote, on land, where there | |T Do weighl to carry, for not alwnye having auf. Sntort taller, to make seam will, earw, and with out too great an application of heat. Accident* would hardly ever occnr under »pch circum. aitaace*, a« Utere would be no temptation to load down the «a£ety valve. TeJ PeBUDKT ISO OEM3LAI. StOTT —We «e , hippy to see Ihal the italemanl, winch w <S pnblish' , ed yesterday, from the Now York.Councr, put porting to give an oooount of a rupture between General Taylor and Generai-ScOtt, if contradicted. A letter from an aalhoralative source aaya that when General Scon called and asked Ibr the Pro aidant, he rail up hi. card, and received a me,- sage from him, that he was then in cubilrel coun.l, ■ and canid not we him immediately; but that if tin general would walk into hi. private parlor and wail a short tune, he would eicu.e himaOll to llio.e with him. and come down, to which General Scott repliedi that, a. hi. wa»ono merely of rourtr. re, he having no buitinea. to transact. he would not interrupt the President, presuming hi. lime wa. taken np by mattera of much more moment, but that he would seek somu other opportunity of rev mg him when more at leisure. In regard to Gen eral Scott', leaving the city so shoo afteiwards, wuhoot reeiug the President, it is .staled that h» duties called him to New York,land that durteg the time between hi. depnrtore and ha fart ventto, the Preaident. he had lilllo time to.bun.nlf to visit any ofae. . * General Soou, »i is said, exceedingly n?gret3tha any rumor of thi. «=rt should hsve beet, deemed Of sufficient importance to have been given lo the public, aa he has never felt, or complained ol any wont of courtesy towards him, on Urn part of ibe President Mcuitcuoi.r Occinutmct.—We leajn that Rev Mr.Bnrrougha, of the Philadelphia Methodist Epis copal Conference,who had joal completed hi. year San Ken. circuit, prior to hi. dhpartore lor Low fisreaee, paid a visit to hi. • wife's relative., near Sandy-Hill, in Woreealer connly, (Md,) where he met with Mr. Jamea Blard Biahop, between whom and the miniater an old grudge existed. An alters caxloA ensued, during which the latter drew a play toh-.wilh which hey had snnorf himaettjui I* staled, solely ibr seifdefence-nnd discharged t, UUngMi.BishoponlheßioL Mr. Burroughs mode no ntjompt to escape, and wna taken in charge by tbri proper authorities. ? '* *' A. Methodist Preadier carrying a loaded, pistol is a new thing under the ana, and the excuse that it was for self-defence does not mendjhe Jdatter. Wo crave no man's societywe have no refract for such an one, be b$ who lie ma> •arho carries deadly weapons about his.pereoa, in a tod oHaws and civilization. Scarcely a from violence would ever occur but for re. prebenaible and cowardly practice. Thk Cholera- — The Loailville Joamal of Wed ,l„ r km, has the following >Uce of Ihe ap proach of the Cholera- —The report, whirl, were received yeeterJay leave Rule doubt T.M tluadi.- eueviU BOOH make ita appearance The Ycrktotva which pawed up yesterday had erne dealha of cholera during her trip, aad (ho Albatron. At© or six. The disease had made tu appearance la nearlyevery town oa the Lower M»«ißaippi,and ilwiaincreaiingat New Orleade. A 1 Sl LoUi. ,i war very prevalent, and.ot Quincy, lit. five cale* occurred on the lSlh and proved fnaf A caw of cholera hna occnrred ai FronkS>rt. The >1.01.1 had. arrived Ihere liom Ihe Wabhah, and waa aid: he reached that pi*cft J The Secretary of tbe Treasury, MaaEottH, haa iaaued a aeries of instructions 10 collectors and other adieera of the cuslonjS, explaining the atlera lions in the warehousing system, introduced by ihe act ot Congress, March, 1849, and ihe modifica tions in this act of that of August, 1 SIC. The pe. riod of warehousing duliable goods noV cxlenda to two yeare, and goods remaining in public ware, bouses on the 30lh June next,-and on wbicbUbe duty bus not been paid, are inehlded,provided tjley have nol been in warehouse heyondbne year. The act new alao provides other important modißeauoa-s of enlrina of goods for drawback, file. ConatKT.—Our leader* will be delighted to gee, by advertisement i t the appropriate edema, that Madame Biacacciaati, assisted by Mr. Fallon, gad Signor Biacaociaall, will «itru another other charming concerts at Apollo Had, this evening.- Tke concert wee well attended lasi evening, by i large and moat respectable audience, who espresi ed their pleasure in the most enthusiastic A Review of e Report proposing a plea of edu. die fo, . Pittsburgh High SehoM, prepared and teed eta public meeting,by Professor lemoelSte pbena, of the Weiiern University, by Professor Chariot Elliott, oflbe some iprtinrtioo, bos been reesivad, and wo shall commence the publicilioo of it to-motrow. It will appearin two consecutive nUßtbera of out daily papfir. Aa the subject » one of much importance, we commend rt to the ecpceial attention of our citizens. , ComcsoncoT Eticrios.—The* general election in tboßtale of Connecticut, look place yesterday. It wma DO doubt an eaciting one. Aa reapecla the Coventor and other State ofllcern, there are ihree pirtiea io the field, ell having different caodldulet; to,ia two out oflbe three Whig Conjrealonal the Democrats end FreeSo,let, have to defeat the Whigs, by daiting on the -no candidates for Congress. Tha. diainem which U iittaa- attempted to give to the reppoaitma are thoaa lately represented by Messrs. James Dtlon and John A. Rockwell. p ormurrn u_lt seems ihe announcement orMr. Foawaan’a the Post-Office or line city wan premature. Skxum.'RoattronoH, Esq.. ia the ancceaathl applicant for the offlep, and wfi pre. namn will enter upon bia doliea immediately.- Mr* Soaebtu* ia aa old and respectable ciliien, and la <WnIl and favorably known, nnd will no donbt mako a good officer. Mr. Forward, it apreaumablfi, will receive from, the Government op appointment raoreamitnblo to hia namd and mer/ta. „ ■ Muuurrn Caana-The St. Utns papers aa. oonaen the dapartnre from that city of the steamer Sultana with a freight of slaieen hundred Ibna. She vaaferm Quincy, Illinois, nnd hound In Not Or ia.n. Tire articles composing her.cargo art pub. liahsd ns follows: Pork and brief 3|S6S bids; pickled beefand hams fioreos; bird liorees; lord IJOS3 bhlai flour 3*75 bhlai catilo head, and JdiUoual pork 570 lbs. Thii is rijd lo ho ihe Ur gest cargo whijth over came dost|n thi Missis. ... «ippl :Ji— Suvaav in ItornckV.-ThoLofiiaville Conner following .o 838?fose^ui. vofes of lbs emancipators, otherwise . P, dbnktltuliou 'must'’remain as 1 1: s- WorepettohearlkatMr. Large, oneof our re jjtoMlives.'al Harrisburg baa boon compelled : ; tar»tunihoiae,on accoont ofillness psbjß;«ipuaTox. - ' cihcrpohdeacß ofthe HiUlrargh titittuj. .• ; T Wjußkotb*, March 2S. I attended the President's reception uxUy- Nothing could bare been more agreeable. Tb° day -wai beautiful, and 1 suppose alxint on ® a 0 pred ladies and geollemm paid tbelf re,p f -bflivTeyiur. He (cceivea company wit ,uneflerted eordiulity, M charms « Q( 1 a ** Uf^ em wba njinroieb him, and immediately relieve* t of ,Im. emb.traaameut which- ***">' ‘' [ persona on the., Ural 0 1 remark cd mar. The manor. nl,lr contrast m (bay °[ .itfier Mr. Van Ira, o[ the rnnrna .» - pß> . "riTrmk?, a%an,«d. General Taylor's “".Xmff’.'-.p.nt which apvara to u,d L-outn h whom be may happen to -.HI. room him ihr Grand Signor, aalo.auor- and chance,, ( hut move, about among them, con- T Jj„g f.m.harly and plro,anlly. An elderly lad, i, tneaented u, h,m, “Madam, I am ccy glad lo you," .a the (Several's greeting. She aaya lo a young, though mailed daughter near her, my child. are you not going u. apeak .0 Gen. Thylnr. The General give, her uo opportunity to decline ■he inlervicw, lor he epproachea her, take, proha -I,ly both her hand., nnd aaya. "my dear, tam glad l„ see yon.'-and the "ray dear" Iron. the plain old gentleman, will, the fane wreathed in benevo. lent wrinkle., Stanly grey hair, and apeclaclea above h.a eyebrow*, 1. imprcaaei) on the yonng lady** heart for ber lifetime. .Having »ten enough to inform ray»*lfofthe ,iyle m which social a communication between He Prebidenl andtmi cooslimenu will be earned on for the neat lour year., I left the premia*., meeting on llm ihtealmld and on the way, many mute than 1 had left in the While Houae. Their w»- a protracted Cabinet CounciUo-day. lasting iron, lea till one o'clock. 1. is ...d thal one o, the tub,cel* cl drhberalion walthe prolyl rvgu. lalion 01 appoutunenl.. If *■ the reault w.U he known m a day or iwo. In the mean lime, there 1, some juat complaint that the work ot .nrnmg [jemoerata oulofollice dim. not proceed with dispatch which a*.requited by poBUc.l )»-«. »” J /propel exiieclntionaof their atlveraar.ea- llow ever. ihe work of preparation .agoing quietly on. I hear from Yanoua quartern that ptnayimportant Union ha, /!■„ agreed upon, and will probably lake place within a fonn.ghl. There are » good many an, „„u each day, ao that Ihe number ol stranger* in Ihe c,lv has not diimuiahed foi th. paat ten dap- T ,ry no where find more genial or delight ,| ,„d and .1 them political pro.pecls b. aa blight ,hc aky and atmoaphare, they mu.l be generally ...mlorlablo frame of mmd. Wareimnw, March 29, l»«> will .« telegraphed to norther., papers number at appointments. .aid » , u , Missouri. Ah UK gentlemen named are good NVlng*. hot whether the appointment, have ye • " „ „ I verv much Joubl. The u«„ actuaUy made,l lbe better opinion «■ Gonspieuou. Ta nephew of the fernon. David, lor Di.tnctAb Mr. Twitched, Foal Master. St.Lonia. Oek. Indian Agent, Santa Fe. , tzr^czt^zf: ly longer time. and a. tothal ° f b. j w „eh which deaenben the .urvt.ort. an 1 a».»g V i lives by oousuming tbe Uwh*** of irT'^r— .he other part relative to the death of o»e "nndred and thirty 1 V .k.-h ihev Wuuid ofvotim* have |»re intilee, upon 0| - Q() lwith»laod 'l'nTthet piaua.trol.jnet.on. U the comtetnea. of 2 wtoe »counat, 1 cannot but fear that d » »b -nil,,y true. Co,. Fretnon, * w, = aage over the mountainous region lying ITne-ee. " the Sacr«n«om, in IM3 and 1514, and his puny barely .scaped with tb.u bves, they did lose nearly all their animal.. . Thomas & fleynoUU, formerly Secretly -f U gallon, at Madrid, which appeared a few da,e !mce in a Charlerton paper, bmt been, and cent,a -u2 the subiect of much remnrh. The comma c cation relate.,,, the alleged 1 “ purchase of Cuba by the Dn.ted marked by verhtage. self concert, and a »h*u>- violation ol hi. faith, aa« dbpositmy mat in seme,, of the government- I. .. hard to make mach out of what the maa doe. say- 1 seems tha, Mr. Saunders vary earnestly 1,„ Secretary', recall, aad no doubt tor lbe be-t Ha wa» relieved from further •erviCC in "2° IMP- " s “V* lb “ Mr - ‘“ 6, '”' a ,T ! : m lh>- rfh- “ mat. a pro,. sitiou.o the Spanish government for the aegni.n t.on of Cal,a, Iml at the smite tune said. He had rhlne,aMr.Bneh.n,a,aud^no.«, : munirate with h,m upon the subject. \V bile San - j, r , wasawav from lbe umsioa a Frame, Ser rHary pat h,, finger ,n lbe |>m to pro,eel tha reels ol the railed Slates against some project of the British bondholders .0 tuber c «ba in pay ment of their bonds, amounting to • _ aad he .ays hi. measure. uere simple to ■ .united semiring ,11 After Uns taithfnl *««■£»“ dtsimssed from the iegalion. ,t «em, h « to letter writurg, and became a corre.,«n J en ° e the New York Herald, and is undoubtedly the autlror of the letter, to that journal from last summer and fall, relativ. to thu. busmen 11. rtate, tha, a, length, Mr. Saunders dtd g. mm. instructions from the governmentsudmad. an attempt to o t ,cn a negotiation wt . the Prune Mtnnder. on the subject, bn, faded tlterem. owing to bis 'P* 0 '*”" tß*r. I lll « language. ( About Ihe atnoupl of this person", alory o, la Mr. Sanndorr would, if be had the capacity, is concluded nay arrangement, no maUer o p poslereus or .relravagant. for thu re,, on Cob,, and the country waa saved from the i fticlioo oi h„ diplooiacy, uidy becauae lie a a the requiaile abduy io ret by bimrelf nor any Gcietil Rvualeacti. 4 The conduct of Hub Mr. Reynold* provoke* ihe remark ihal iho pasl atlmiuislraUon whb P" rt,tfU * lariy unfortunate ia iis diplomatic appointments. H would be bard lo name a gross*/ betrayal of trust confided, than t» afforded m 'hi* letter. Mr. Trial, ii wel! known, defied and diro ey* ed ha anpenors, and now one of ibe samonlaas ha. been caoght amuggliag. Truly the trio re. fiecl no credit upon ibeir patron. p s I learn that nos ooe of tha Misaoori ap po,..mania above m.i.tioued, ha,, been made, and tbal only two of them are comtemplaled. Jnwina. run Aasrv.-The following are the list of death, in the Army .ine« Jrenary:-Colone George cmghnm, inspector Uenernli Breve. L,cub Colonel Roger S. I),a, Poymaater, Major David Van Ness. 3.1 Artillery; Captain James M. Hill, Asai.laot Quartermaster, Captain W. M. D. MoKireack, Aa* siBtaQttiunriermi«ter;Brevet Major J*mt* • en rewe, Captain 21 Infantry; CapUin Agustu. L- Sheppard, tah Infantry; Captain Edward G EUioU, Assistant Qußrl«rma«er Brevet Captain John Clark, Find Lieutenant Sth Infantry; Second Lieut. Boialecl W. Armstrong,‘<W l*ragoona,Second Lieut. Richard H- Long. ink lafantry eleven «a all. The resignation* are but four,—Gen Taylor; Captwo Sewall L. Fremont, 3d Artillery, Second Lieut. Wil liam L-CfiUendeu, Ul Infantry ,Secosd Lieut Hen ry A. Ehninger, 4lh Artdlery. Rra.BAsEor Um« State Prisokss —The State prisoner* confined in tilmamham Jad, have been liberated by order of the Lord Lieutenant: SrErttn JO*Eru MkaKT, of the Iruh 7Vi4i<y. Walb Tuomab M*yh*a; of the Citizen*’ Cilub. and a contributor to tbo same journal Joseph oflbe Jnsh Felon. Patrick O’Hiooms, iho CbarbaL Thomas Blattikw Uawir, Secretary of the In*h Confederaiioo. Joaw Rea, of Be Hast OFPIOIAts. ArrOIXTMEXTB BT THE rUBIDEfT. fiy and ttrtlh tht advu* and cuiueiU of thi Stnait joasm Bates to be Maribal of lae UnitedStaus, for the District ot Texas. PROA SEW YORK.* ot the Piusnargh Gnlett*- N'kw York, March 29.1849. Whatwilh rainy weather, and an extreme pre»« •ure-npon the money market, the p“ l two have been duller than the same period fur a long tune. All kiuds of stocks have receded with a rush, and Treasurv notes, closed at 1071 and few buyers. Short paper given by leading houses for xterbng bills sells at 1 per ceul a month, and pro. Jure paper at 1 i per cent. The n w receipts of gold at Boston have bad no effect in breaking the general feeling of despondency, and all looks bloe enough. The pressure on the money market is caused by the demand from have drawn their deposits by law. and by the locking up of a iartre sum of money in sterling bills, which however will soon mature, and be paid in coin- The Waterloo from Liverpool, arrived this after noon with 1100 sovereigns, and we shall soon have an abundance from the same source. Competition on the North River, our great race course for steamboats, has reduced the fare to Alba ny to 2i*c, or a little over six miles of travelling upon the finest boats m the world for one cent, a rate that seems quite down to the living prie.e.— This chenpness stimulates travelling, and the large bohLs bring down people enough to fill a small town daily, such prices stop all business from go. iug east of Albany, and yields us larc*- profits upon trade, though the boat suffer. Over SI OO,OOO in California gold left the city to day for the mint, and came from Boston. Later advices from the Sandwich Islands place the re ceipts there at SS.'iO.OOO aud a letter from Valpa- rai*o, announce* the arrival on the 6lh of February of SI GO,OOO. The real “dust” i-* after all coming i|?wly and slowly, and a gooJ round sum will be here speedily. The nominations for the mavoratitv have been, un the part of the Whip, Wo. V. Brody, Ex-Mayor and on the part of the Lm-cfoco*, Myndert Van Schaike. a wealthy old Knickerbocker, with about as much democracy m hi* composition as there i» in the Lruke of Wellington, and no more. The citv * pods look more attractive to the “democracy, as the Post Office and Custom House fades Irorn their sight, and the light vrid be hotly contested.- With a moderate efiort the Whigs can carry lb< city, but it t* very doubtful whether they make it Quite a stir has been created here by an occur reoce that will he a warning to other*, that may be tempted in n similar way. Ten days nine*, a gen tleman. attended bv a youthful bride, arrived at a fashionable liotel from Baltimore. After a week had elapsed, the bill was presented, and the geu tleroan lound to be oat of cash, even to his last shilling, though the next mail was sure to bring him a remiUance. This lasted a day or two, wheo he disappeared, leaving hi* bride without the least information. The unfortunate woman after two days of frantic grief, told her tale to the landlord saying, that after a short acquaintance. she had been married secretly, Bga.usl her parent's eoiiseot and ■ ante to New York, her husband representing himself ns a merchant here Lio-t night u cabman was sent (Of the lady to intend her husband, who bad “-fallen and dangerous y wounded h.m»e!l The landlord very property refused permission lor the lady to go. unless he culd be told her destina tion. This the cabman retuaed. and drove oti, though not before a waiter had been put on the track. The cabman soon reached b.s employer, who sent him back again with less success, for the landlord himself traced the cab. and brought the gentleman buck to b,s house When the lady was told of the trick her husband hud played npon her, all her feelings toward* bun changed, and they met and parted in silence The geulleman wa* hustled on: of the house, mid the lady has return ed to her triends, with the warmest feelings ol bei youth, blighted by the arts of a villain. Had the landlord not given her protection she would bavt soon found a' l home" and have been (.laced upor a career, than which death is desirable. Mich is i litte episode in a bridal lour to New \ork. Cotton has sold to the extent of 4000 bales hii export aod prices firm Flour ta down and slat* baa aold as low as $5,12*, ami from that to $,..3T tor very good brands. Corn is cheaper, though the supplies are small, llolde. -of wheal are lets bni and 121 V: would buy the l«esi sample* Lard i firm, and the sales quite large, good ana < m kegs. Pork is dull, am! $10,821 the pnee < mess Plain uaw*. and sugar cured V inpickU A good deal ol Bacon ta also rolling ol &c for u‘>d dies, bone in, aoJ ''>t tor clean. C. Rai-es or P^TAf;r---'Tne rate* of a odtfied bv the A.t of Curgrew ol the 3d Marti nil under the late treaty roncluded by Oremt Bf mi. are thus authentically.«lnted ut the PoMtJtfu Washington Theconrt*-nm« and eomi-lete chi ter of the auteiaent. wdl render its \xr«-r uable for riJcrence The inland po*t;»«e for 300 roiie* and under 0 cent, an ounce. f..r ball an ounce and irv it Zi ceuts. . The .id md lor greater d.*<«- «*•« 3t>o miles u 20 cent- an -nn. c, ID ••enu *»r j hall ounce and utuler. Tbe wli.'lr by w r.riii.h A" l '"'*" mart »w«wer'. inmi •»» '.'«*•» «■» • . is 4s cents an i>uo«, 2i ceuU k»r a »iui;le hall oumw or t e^*- The United States inland po»tnge, whatever mav be the distance, on letters wjnt by th** Uritmli «'<•»* leers to foreign countries, oibcr thnn tlreat llrttsin or Ireland, is 10 cents an ounce. ;> «nu the s.ugle half ounce. The postage by the Am-ncan *teamrr* to for eign countne*, other than Greul Hntam and Ire land, ou letters to bo sent »hr.*u*li the Br-tpdi mail, is cent* an utincr-r-vi *cnt* u.e '•»*«'* half ounc- To and by Bremen Irom lac p.'H. ami lac rr verte. 4S rent. «i» oou.-e .-ei.u the e i:u « eooce The miand postage to be added. To and from Havana -'» cents an ounce; lij cgr’Vng'e- . from Chagres 40 cents an ouucr. JO ctf. from Panama fiO cents aa ounce. 30 ct* To and from other place* on the Pnnhv, 3d cl# an ounce <0 cents single To and from the Wet Indies {cicept llavann and islands in the Gulf of Mexico. JO «.eui' \» cents single, with inland postage. Any fractional excess over on ounce i# alway* to be regarded as an ounce. The above postage may prepaid or not, at the opliOH of the sender, except to tore gn « oun tries other than Great Hr,lam or Ireland. and where tue letters pas* through the Bremen |*x office, m most cases, the whole postage m«» he prepaid, or they may go unpaid—<S*e tablet, Exhibit D. Senate 1> >cuuicnl. Executive No. J-\ llOtb Congress. Jd session A- wxage of ') cent* i» charged on letters and packets brought 'Clothe I'mied Stale* in suy pri vate ship or vesvil, or carried from one port there.a lo another, if they arr Id lx delnored at lb*. post office where the same shall arrive, and two cents arc added to tne rates of postage if destined lo be conveyed by post, and post mas ters are lo receive one cent for every letter or packet received by them to be conveyed by any mnvatet ship or vessel beyond sea. or lruoi any port to another in the United States. Oue cent is to be added lo the rate of each way letter. Way letter* are those brought to the post, office by the post ndera, and other camera of the mail, whose duty is to receive them, when presented more than one mile from a poet office Th-re is charged upon letter* and other matter delivered from steamboats. except newspaper* pamphlets, magaxine*, and periodicals, the ■ ame rates as if they had been transmuted by mail Drop I titters, or letters planed in any post office for delivery there, are charged two cents each Advertised letters are charged with the costs of advertising, which is not to exceed four ceuls for each letter, in addition to the regular yo»la«e Not more than two cents to be pard to the letter oarners employed m cdies forthe delivery ol lei lera, or lor receiving them to be deposited in the post office. Newspapers are conveyed from one pul office 10 another hi the .ami- Suite for one coni, and any d,stnnce nut more ilinn 10U mtlea. al the same rale, anJ al 1 i ccnl for anv creator distance. ' 'on quartet's portage la always lo la- |>a,d in advance by Iboae wbo receive nuwepapera by poat Tbe acn post age on newrpaper. la three ceota caob. with the above rnrea added when Irenaported in land Nawipapera may be mailed or delivered at any poat office in the United Suture to or from Xireat Sr,bun or Ireland, on the payment of two cenu Letter camera emplnved m cue,, are not in receive more than half a cent for the delivery of new.pap.ra The portage on new.p.per, am rent Irom the offiee of publication 1. required to be nre-oaid; and the whole postage on new.pupers ,n in '2nd, when they a™ 10 '“"'f" Mu "* '"'l’.nd bills, circulars, and advertiwmenU, not exceeding one .heel, arc subject to three cent, pottage each, whatever the d.alnnce, (inland,) lo h. prepaid. Tbe tea poalvge un price currenl. i. three cent., with inland portage added when an UanalKUled. Tim law mahea no dl.tiaction nl hand bill., cireulara. ndvcrtleeloeut.', or price cor rants, when regulaung tlie aoma to be paid lo tna letter camera ol cine*. Newspapers are dehued in thelf-th secUon oi the act approved March 3d, 1843 When they exceed two sheets i,i a superticies oi I .«>0 w|Uure inches, they are to be charged with the .ame rates of postage as llint no magazines and pawphieU- Ail pamphlets, magaxices, periodicals. and every other luad of printed or other matter, (except news papers.) are charged at the rnte of 2j cents per £>py, of no greater w«igfc »•>»» f)oe , ounr *’ aa<l ooe cent additional for each additions' ounce, any fractional excess of not less than half a*. -vW being regvded M ouor *- The “* I 1 on each pamphlet i| :hrec cents, with the above rates added, when tiaosporlaj -nlaud. There is to be oaid on pamphlets sent lo or r*na*/ed front ureal Britain And Ireland, one cent for each i>u>.cj or (Vnntional eaoej*- LeUer camera employed in cities'are no* » reucife more than half a cent for Ciiapuum aa School Mx-TriEx-Th, Wap Do portmci,! havo appoioW Chapl.m. aad School Mnamto, Sao Fr.nciKO and Monterey m Cali foraia, Sant. F» and H Pa»o m New Mexico, lor Fort Laramie, on the frogoa route, for Fort Hear nay, 320 mils. above Fort Leavenworth, ud fbr dfioen other mdiury poats. The thomed ten additional Chaplains and School Mar ten. They are allowed $lO a month, and four ra tions a day, and mutt teach Iba ehddren of officers tad oi enlisted men. importance of 'iino trade IT CiN ALL XX DIVEHTXD A>o BBOOGHT TJlßOmi! Ohio and Pannsylrsnla Rail Hoad. The important* of the trade of the Stale at Umo The Speaker presented a from the | U known :o New York and Bosun, bnl i* n.l ge„. of L “» d B*?t , , against the passage of tbe bill lor the sale o' »n« | eraily nppreeratc.l in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Williamsport and Elmira Railroad. Alao, a hsl or . All her produce goes lo Ibe Lake, Ibence lo New j awards of damages on Ike aeverai lines of canal York and Boston. or to Uie uhio near where ,1 dr I ““d ™lroad mode since tbs la.l annual report, and , . ~f . ~ . ' tor which appropriation* w»l! be required- Kelerrea ; vide?, going through Pittsburgh, \> bedbmr or to . fk . .... j. n .. 1 ° tt 8 to tbe appropriate Committee?. Ne w Orleans. The bill relative to the publication ot the accounts , The i.» well -supplied with North and South of the Supervisor od the pu* he work? was reported ' coarm,,n-. conned,ng tbe River and tb. back from tbe Finance Co,nmitree. I r , , , , v The Judiciary Committee reported the Lake, and rhe cnrreet of trade .. plainly nbibrled ; wu „ llh rocomro emlnt,on iba, they be negator in the fuel ihiu Cincinnati in 1848 received by the ' Miania canal 91,631 barrel* of floor, wnile she . exjKjrled by the Mate canal 27,837 barrel*. I Thus New York can draw from tins remote point, on the very edge of the great river, over one fourth of this valuable staple. Every Other point in 1 >lno is more favorably located as to the New York market than i* Cincinnati. Ohio now contains about two millions of inhab itants—was in 1&40 the nr*t wheat State to the I'inon, and now produces 30 millions bu shels annually—ha* a Taxable list ot s4u .123 excluding bulking and other corporate capital She looks with confidence upon the coining census of 1830 to prove her the Oral agricultural State in the I‘nion. The exports oi Ohio that reach tb ’ Kiver come under ihe umnediale notice of many of the citizens of PitUb rryh, aud need not now be mentioned, but experts by the Lake, all of which may be cut olfl.y the Rail Road and brougblto Pittsburgh. can be conceived by the following exhibit ports m IM7, obtained from authentic sources. ' Tons Value Frnm ri.rvclaml. Ohio Canal. *206,245 *9.244.253 .. jtumludkv. Two Kail Komis, 114.1*1 4J43.UM Moan, Plank Road irom > 34,2 M 1290.263 Asldaoii County. \ •• J'o.rtli>. Maumee Cana., 110,363 'J.435,493 473,145 S-JUKUSI ! The import* from the aiove ports tor the same year were Sl'J.'k'fc.GM. nnd the Tonage ol ilie ves sels owned, 534.006. There are other important poinla upon the Luke shore of which no statistics can be obtained. But enough 11 here exhibited to prove the easiness of Ohic. » exports, ami li.e prac tical question at one« arises, ran this trade U: di verted and brought through Pittsburgh' It isouiy necessary Ui prove that from nut point m Ohio to the city of New \orklhe route through Puisbunch and Philadelphia is shorter. speedier and safer,and the demonstral' ui will be complete, that all Ohio wd! export and '".port throughl litnt route. Oil the question uf d'Manee let U 9 lake two ex ernes. Cincinuali aud Cleveland, and one mi|>or lUltowii in the interior. Mn-'dlou. olid tne lolfow iC exh.b t ot d,slßnees n conclusive evidence Ct.' limit, to Co ambus ‘* l t’ou.ii'bo' - Cleveland I'lrVr.alid ' Buifulo k' l { Bull ui- 1 • Albany *-'[• Nrw\o.W M-< r\i>. ijuaii to Columbus ('otumlxiH •• Mt Veruon Mt Vrcnur. * Wooster Woo-itT •* Plltsbutgh Pltl»bn ig li '• Phllad«fl|»>..n PhtL ‘ New YtifK la tav>-r ot Pill-tjur-h. fVve' .0.l 10 New \ot{. m a'^vr CleveUntl t ' Mt Vernon Mt Vrriiiio ' Pittsburgh Pittsburgh ‘ NVw York In is-.-r ol Pittsburgh Mam | .iu t*> Cleveland rie.cijnv* • Pt)tftiP> Mo*»iUon to Pittsburgh Pllt»i urgn " Ptidi»i)ei|.l. a Plulj. NrW Yoft In lavor o'. Piit*Kur^ii Th<« titßiiiiu-c!. ihr .ua»! lo ‘be present water eoniiminwiilion ot I.»l' '»'”1 '-rie cnnal. U ' -hio l*v the <Wu>uiU. Cleveland and Columbus Rati Ko-ul.umJ'-vH-r IVnu«\U-n-» »»d i ihio Ron.l through Mawohon, ••'»*'• f -Vo From I >' to M< Vermin whirl. -- on u>«* >:,.0 ai..l I Von*y‘..air:i K.ti! Load, a is u-w ,-unatMi. Mig Tlu- .U-tanre by the- new Pennsylvania t uitr 1«10K I.:!v nod materially shorter »•* . ,n Ohm t mav be prudent to consider whether «1 .„t mtneT New York, Ifcutfon i>r any tide water .-ity . n.t ever it no a communication with ,r»-« J wi.«...-e Let u* GOttcaim all the great de. oil tie Lantern ntiet to be now *«rc»jnipU»hed, and ttie me |» uf the C ruled State* would Hand ihor. Boston by tier extreme eastern position hn« great er Julnnre |j reset* aoy portion of the tcrl.ic West than her r.eal neighbor. New York. N*iw Writ would have her Rail Road up the River to Albany, ber Rail Road and thence to Bulfaio, and her Road through Btnghainpton to Dunkirl . then.-e the Lake shore through Kne ounty i" Cleveland. Sandusky.and onward to St. J»' •|»h« Chic go nndOaleno—eooliuQ >us iron rail' from New 'i orK to the Misanppi. Ph’ladripli.a w.m .! have ber great Centr'd Road | to Pittsburgh, there the Ohio and Penn ! sylvanm Road which piiurr through dirretly west ! ward t» MmislieM, where it split* tnto two Roads, one l<eanng slightly Northward to Chicago and (3a!ena. rciichiotf the Mississippi at that point,wuh mites leas than can New York. The other trunk lioe indexing slightly Southward,passes ihroavh Indianapolts to St Ix>ui» at a distance lees than can be reached from Baltimore through Wbeek ; iag. S'euiienville and Guiirobua. Baltimore, lastly, having come In th* mots tit of Ct-eat river aod turning the earner of Pennsylvania arrives lately at Wheeling There she bean the whistle i'l the Lioomouve from dteubcoville aa it turns the point at cross creek. I? 1 mile* al»ove on Ha way to Uricksville. Cotmnhuaaod St. Lou.s’ Sipph the hnW fnuu Cro«* creel to Wbec ! mg, ami Cinc.unati is connected with Wheeling by 2t>4 uul©*. Columbus by 17 f i. Tbu« tn any possible contingency, >hr whole of Ulno i» id shorter communication with Philadel phia. through Pittsburgh. than to any other Atlan tic city. Tlio question oi -distance duplet of that of time, unless the curve* ami gradients of the shorter Hue are more object,.maMe, —as the Balti more route* to Wneelmg .* the only one that even approximates tbe Pennsylvania road, in the <b» lance to the great west, a ttmijuruon with Bah more only, n the sl>ove qualities,!* *ui|i>->eiil In the report ol me Baltimore and utiw Road lor hh is Uu» etatrnieot — When ihe reconstruction now under t mlrari •» completed, there wdl remain but two places on the road where the curves are of less rnd.-os man fIUU led. the cost of making the change art these place* is estimated at W1,f»77 t >o the *ubjecl Ol grade*, the l jtjvertor of V irginia, i* his Message of December, 1948, transcribe* the following Irom a letter of Mr Latrobe, the Chief Engineer of the Baltimore Road —"Tbe highest grade heret.ilbre used upon any leading hoe is about 94 (Vet per mile But this is certainly roucb wtlhiit me capacity oi the [x>comotive as now im proved. nnd hi crowing the Allegheny, west of Cumberland. I ihmk it more than probable that a grade ol upwards of IDO feel -say 1 L. leel — may l»« adopted The l , ..iltHiiore Road thns shown to have curves under '<oo leet radio*, and grades of over ) DO teel wbih* llm centra] Pennsylvania Rood wilt have no grade over hi feet, and no curve near so abrupt as dOO (ret. it is ceit&iaiy entitled to all its claim* from short distance, and something njore ** lo tune of transit. rheupneas, and satelv. * The cost of tran*t»ort»iion by Pittsburgh to New , York, compared with the present route through Butlul'i. <■ imrly tested i>y taking au interior mwn m Ohio —Massillon, in Stark county, upon the (Muo Canal, Afi miles from Cleveland. This cmnuy, by the census tables, Is found to be tbe first in wheal production in Ohio, and the sixth m ti,- Union in Ibl7 d shipped bv the canal, nearly one and a half indium bushels, being b> fur (he mates! ship meot in wheal of any point m (be Union. Flour from this poiot by Ibc Ohio Canal, Lake Fine Canal and Hudson River, it thrice reahlppe.l, earned through bv water, and costs upon an average, over SI 40 per barrel. The Western from Boston to Albany—2ol ti)tseQ Jong—vmrny* (lour Jor -70 cents per barrel, through- Qrudc* upon lhat road occtt? as high aa SI feet jler mile, and the co.i< used is brought from Phitadelpbia, at a cost of 29 rents per bushel. The coal of construct mg that mad was $Ol,lOO per mile, or more than double the cost ol the Central Fenotylvan,n Road. R it fair lo count upon no greater rale* k.r trails* porlalum through 'Pennsylvania, making the cost from Massillon lo New York, S2| cents per barrel. Thus ( would mi vc at the rule of f< 7 rcni« per barrel, m tronsftnrtaliou; together with n saving ui jijtfen days in time of transit, a saving <>i Umji ance across the Lake, and u saving u| v»mter storage, with the interest on dead capital iinruig the frozen half of the year. Who is prepared to say ihut the trade of Ohio and the Stales we-(ward of |I, i* not aliotil to be diverted nu>< (*onrc<i through Pennsylvania 1 To prevent llu* r*mlt, it is only neoejaury to prevent the eoortruevon of the Ohio andTenmiyWania fUliroaq; o,ml‘ur tbi* end is called out the secret hot alaioxi Ondltke effort* of the New York and New England interest. Even m Ohio, this interest exhibit* m«'»t ntrr.iigiy i among the otficc-holding and noo-producing clauses. Lu l/w *uc"j»afu] vompLtion of the Pennsyl vania HaaJ and ita cotUtnicbon lurm,gi» depend tbe Agricultural interests of a gheat Btaie. PiUsliurgh may look westward ujtan thin louln to a region needing her manufactures, of more ibtn double ]ha( which she now supplies, lx-t the maantocturcn oi lake the road to tbe State line, tfbd too agrfcuUariAls of Ohio will pat* it westward with more than equal zeal. • AN OHIOAN. jyoosTKß, Ohio, Mnrch 28,1849. Rev. Dx. Samuel Mimnu—Wp l-grp f r om ibe Evangelist that tbe Board of Directors of the Princeton Theological Seminary) instead of fully accepting Dr. Miller's resignation, bgve resolved to continue him in tbe office be ho so-loog and ao abiy held, and to relieve hun from the more onerous duties attached lo it, by appointing, i colleague.— Professor Addujon ASeiaMer wo* appointed* to this plnce, and to the place which will vacate that of Hebrew Proleaaor, another person will be appointed. PB2KSYLVAHIA , ABGiaJLATURK- Wtitaiswmm, Mafch V 2 ed —The bill for the establishment of a new me- , ndtnn line; the bill pro idtng for appeal* fwm jasti ces of the peace: and the joint resolution proposing j an amendment to the Constitution, providing for* the election of a Lieut. Gov. ; The Select Committee to whom the subiect had been referred, reported a bill granting the consent , of the State to the purcha>e of certain lands by the j General Government, for the establishment of a ' percussion cap factory, adjacent to the Frankford j Arsenal The bill was considered and juisvd. . Mr. savery, from the Committee < n Corporation*. , reported the bill for the rencwnl ol the charter 01 | the Delaware and Schuylkill ('anal Company, tor < a penod <JI two years, with a recommendation that ( it be negatived. , A joint resolution, offered by Mr. Crabb, extend* . mg the term fixed for the closing of tbe session, was 1 laid on the table. The Senate then passed the bill rechartennc the Honesdale Hank. AFTERNOON SESSION. The bill rechartering the Farmer's Hank of Bucks Co. waa takes up and passed. The bill urovidieg for the sale of the William**- port and Elmira Railroad, waa slso passed. HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES. The private calendar wus again under consider atiun, when a Urge number of bills were passod. afternoon session. The eonsideruton of the militia bill occupied the House in the first part of the afternoon session, Mr. MeCalmont s substitute was negatived, and the bill passed finally. The appropriation bill wa« then taken up and discussed until the hour of adjournment. Hajuushtrgh, March *2*', 1 511*. «KNA TR. On motion of Mr. Johnson, the Senate went into Executive Session and unniumouMy confirmed the nomination of John K Khen as Associate Judge of the Court of fk-mmoa Pleas ol the County ut I^ehigb. The bill supplementary in the uct relative to lu natics mid habitual drunkard-, to the punishment of Aldermen and Justices ol the Pesce, deeds ol assignment. \t „waf read n third lime and p«s sed. Mr Slreeii r moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill for the sale ot the Williamsport and Elmira Railroad was jm.—ed, which motion lies On motion of Mr. King the lull relating to the chancery jurisdiction of the several! kmrts ol the Commonwealth was taken up. and after some di* cussion, winch w«» participated in by Metope King, John-on and Brooke, it was panted. The bill fur the protection ot miners, mechanics and laborers, iu counties ot' the Common/ wealth, wa> taketr up on second reading, and after beiug discussed by Messrs. Small, Matthias Over field, Siny»er, t’rnbb and King, it was amended and then read a second and third time mid passed iin the metioii ol Mr Brooke. itie bill to restrict ibe sale of mxicitting liquors in Chester County, was taken up, and debated at great lenglt) by Messrs Hugus, Brook**. K mg. Potteiger. Lawrence 1 Bmall. Bmvser, Uverfield and Forsyth till the hour ot adjournment Mr Bloom moved to reconsider the vote on the bt’l lo erect the Dew county "I Monogahela, which was ngred to. Mr Swart2wHder moved that the further con sideraluui of the bill be indefinitely postponed which was agreed to. Yeas .V». nays ,‘U, Oil motion of Mr Kegely, the bill declaratory oflbe lourth *ect on of an act supplementary to the charter of the Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny, was taken up and passed ill Committee ot ihe Whole. The bid being on second reading, was discussed by Messrs. Coryn, K. R. Smith nud Bid dle, and after having been read a second and third time, passed finally—yeas Jib, nay* iy Mr Wm. Evsn« moved that the rule* lx* sur* jieoded lor the purj*ose of considering the new county of Penu. A division was called, and the House refused lo suspend the roles—ayes f 2 nays 4 2 The Speaker iud before the House a communi cation from the Auditor I General, staling that he had selifed the claims ot (be Bon. Kills Iwwrs » >:i mohv.n of Mr liiule, the bill to r.mipieie the North Brandi Canal was taken up <-n Hurd rend: us Mr. W slier* moved lli-M I lie House resoi ve ’(«• I into n <V>mmiti.* ot the. Whole, tor the punn -e ct .•.iii-lder:itg n «ui«atii-i-e wli-ili-l.e urtc-J and which pm de» lor ttie uegirti.,:,on ot a loan !*e uing interest at *lx per rml per anni'in Mr Schoonover moved to umeud (he motion, so ’lhal Ugj* flutiM go mio (Wwiiirr ot the Whole , for tbe purpose of considering an amendment pro viding for a loan, at «*x percent interest of SI ,600 - 000 to complete the North Branch (ktnaf and avcid the Schuylkill Inclined Plane, and for the sale of that part of the Columbia Kadruad used by tbe Beading fladroud Company, for a Mini net less than $2OO (MJO. The amendment was negatived—yea*, l.'r, oays The question rvcwruig ou tho m»>tiou of Mr Walters, Mf- W. ipntce iu In rot of hi* molum. Mr M**«k odered lo amend the motion w w W consider an amendment lo the lull providiac that the que.iiinn oi ilie completion of the North HrancL shall be -übmitied t" the j-oopir. w*i *-h was not agreed U> —>o.i* l", nav* <4. The motiou ot Mr. Walton- wm turn nng.itned —jvr» M , nnv« The previous question was then caiied and the rad sustained Th«- mam question ’nung ou the tins' pa.-sago ol the b-11, the yras were 4. not« 4“'— so the Imi was lost. The amendments of the Senate to the genera! election biU were taken up and considered until the House adjoornod. F-o d> ike K<Utonal lntrll\g <m. Wasiu.suto!!, March 24, 1^46 Gentlemen It hn* been stated m some quarters that, “notwiutandiag the A'ltaou letter, and the pretended pledges of Gen Taylor, to leave oil ques tions of legislation rotirr’y to (.ongreasdir wanfbnnd persoualiy urging members of Congress lo pus Mr Walker » amendment through. attached os it ws* to the Appropriation Hill. The tint movement ot the last friend ot the Wiimot I'rvvirs), lifter he had arrived nt <>ur nation » capital, was to give his personal intluem r 1" n measure the eiTeet of which wa* lo extend slavery." 1 do not pretend to know the grounds or the au thorny on which tins statement is made, hut I think it due to General Taylor to give to the public the tacts winch lire withm my knowledge relating lo the subject In the mornng of the Ad of Mart. h. (the last day of the late sessu'D oft oiigreosj t »eneral Taylor M f. Cluyluu, the present Secretary ul dtuUi, and Mr. Ewing, now Secretary of the Interior, severally called my allenliou lo the necessity ol having some form of civil government for California established before Congress should adjourn Neither of there gentlemen indicated any plan whatever, or expres sed any opinion on the question of the rxteosiuD of slavery within the territory. Whal General Taylor did say on the subject was, that he desired to sabstitnte the role of law and order for the bnwte knife and revolver* I repaired to the Capitol, in company with Mr Kwmg, and thcro I procured a copy ol Mr Walker's amendment, which 1 had : uot before rc-»J 1 immediately prepurrd what 1 contemplated as nn amendment <<f Mr Walker’s a meudiuunt, or os a substitute fur it Afterwards I found Mr Webster's proposed amendment, and 1 discovered Hint K contained all the provisions 1 had contemplated. very tersely expressed, l look Mr. Wi b-ler s nrurndmcDt, and, having shown it to Mr Kwiiig, who leA the whole subject to my oiyii judgment, I vjaited in,\uy plumbers ot the House of Kcpreseututtve*, and urged the adoption of it. Mr Vmton.pln Innnn of the eoinrnillee id wnys and Means, soon informed me that the commits U>e would report the umendnirnt with noma slight modifications, to which 1 did not object. I spent the residue of the day in Urging the adoption of the amendment t.fthc tfommillee on Ways and Means upon members of the Muting Vytiou it hno l*ccn adopted there. I returned lo the Senate Chamber, ami exerted myall to procare the assent of the Senata to the amendment, and t insisted that no different provision ought to pass I continued my efforts until the decided l j disagree to the amendment <.-f fb* Cnnumtlee of Ways and Means of the House it i« well known that the whole design of a government for ('alitor* hiD fulled by reason of that disagreement. I am. very respectfully, Your bumble servant, WILLIAM H,. SjKWaKU —+Ni - - - API,* u > V »«S*IFI 0r..--The PropiwioK ol dill gresi Rieitii' irie Inn inc-tVrd httmUed* ol certificate* sllr.i -lU< the r in-tirucr ot the medicine They extrncl Hie followint' Htuoag hundreds'*' LouipvtLLt:. April Hi. InK M . !• J kiild A Co- Omlirrocn J‘hi» i» lo .-rtinv ilial * c till J <•( mine wu» atfbeieii with 'Vipr»*.» l f j,o ruf* d vsruju" k'lni* ot »no uJUunuaori .1 llipm, out vim »u eUeci. i then purclidxoi ■ vial *t M l.sues celebrated Vcrmiluge. iirom Sunil Venn wiac. druggl-t. of our niy.i »m) ulirr giving n lull d0,.-, ■he child uisrharyi-d u uill quart u( worms The health' of ibe child Jlh|lN>ird mi mediate' y I Would lecoui ineiiil Or M’Lane'* Vrrmiloge lo ilia public, as one of ihe un)*t safe and rlh’ctuoi remedies for worn: *.0./ i., u»e * 1' 'V n tH, MtTirß*n\. t U i *l*lo me bjufj si6ic ui w. n. Wright, n. D m Dentist, —-Hfiv •>* , rica and reatdenre nn Fourth st . JKh9| opjionn- the PiUahiirgli Hack Ofti.'.- -j. WJI. A. WARD, Dentist, Penn street, 3 dooi* shove Hand it Ulhi e hours tiom 9 till j. ImprovemcnU In Dentistry. DB Ci7i4. uTKAUNS, laps df *» prepnrau m majiufsclOK and set BlouK Tsarn 111 Whole ami po:i< D( sets, upon tiueoon or Aunuaphene Huctum - - Tootbscuxcvsbd I* rtv* niitUTO.*, where Die nerve i« **po*ed. office and residence neat |!our lo Hie May or'ii office. Fourth street, Puubnrg’i JifcrxSTV —J- B M'Faddaii. F U Katon jnlfl diVtd, 1 On fluidity! at 6 o’clock, P M| .Vi*' Cssounx Btxsli Hdi friends and the friend* of the family tie respect folly invited to attend her funers! this morning (Tues day) at 10 O’clock, from the residence of her brother .ln-law, Th«m*» MiUcr, Penn sued, above (,artuol\ alley, and proceed lo the Allegheny • emriery On the Sith ull, Hs-vish Dxwaon. wife ot Fotet It Templeton, aged ft 4XI HAMPTON, SMITH, & CO DRY GOODS JOBDi; R S, NO. 54 WOOD BTRBETs PITTSBURGH, ( * 'R liy ii,eoe or package, our of the targeal atock* 01 >PIU.Ni> AND SI M.M I.R l»i ‘mDS, io V / i-uml ,n any Ea»t or Writ, and at a.< *toall advance on <-o«t *• ** ill i-e otte.ej .»>»(,«« f. ‘U- .. ~i ,l . aV '' l' fov, ‘" to <>u* trade. y,at wr can compete directly with l tie p »'ten, Hou-r* in.l \* oi<u an examination ul our «tock by other* wro may ha'-* '.liousti' •’v*’"' In-' mat -r mved ti,rt time an( j expense In our a**oru«rui wnl be I Hnehah, French, and American Print* -MW) .In So 4o 3 do (Tm*tia» 1 ol' ‘i° f^' l>lc h. French and American l-awn*. ■n.'. . &lu«lina, Gtnrtain*. Ac M do Horcge*, Todie de Elemnea, PMha Check*. Braul'an:* , 1 ° and Fancy Lmru Gingham*, ' o .° * lode - Ri»ek and Fancy Alpar**. i° and American Cloth*. 7 V’ J;"'®*' *tvle. (Uaainwre*, V.w, | , a,ri n " d ; ancy Sannelt*; i.i i * i? ana ' r wr, * d *i Merino Oaaaimere*. Summer Cloths Ac * / " •'* eil °*toa Scunner Wear*: i/ WC r^..V^ ,r * ' f * Vet Riding Cord*. Croton O'otli* D'ap IJ hrr, Cloth*, Ac. Fancy s.;k in.! Mar*-.i,| e « Vetting*. Iron linen.. Hrown Linen*, R rowil Holland*. Padding*, r a ~va*«. Bucfcrsu.,., Cra.h Uaper*. Ac Apron Cnee It«. Shirting Stripe*, Ac. A v c rv haiuUome variety ot uewr.t »tyle* Bonnet and Cap B-:*' a.J A-., Lace*, fancy Nett*. Centime*. jaconet* i AU.I.. Swim. Book Mmlm* a c I Ladic and lie,,u* Li.le and Silk Gio*ei, Movlui ami t-otton Glove*; , Handkercbiei*. Su»pen,lera, Ac . I’.vcry description of Variety Good*. I SOU bate* Brown Sheeting*; * I ""I *• *7?' “™"" »nd Dr.ll.v’ i -5 ra*e* Bleached Snirting*. 1 7J l>a)e* Ticking*. ; We aboil keep up our Stock tlirouehou I I’lTT'.si aoH. March £t, 1-49. PITTSBURIiII A.ID CLEVELAND LINE, ON THF. PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. fPHK Proprietor* oi'ihi* old established uid popular A Uuny !mr. eoiiM*tinu m SI XTKKN fir** elms* Canal I’-ouH, c.wiind ay iriemwrlves and running in ronnee *'/>!' wub the ream hn.ita BRAVER AND CALK.B COKIv are ••niMfd tn offer unequalled factlilie* for Ui<* irari»j>oruiNon <*i freight land ptnmenger*. on the >*l'Oir> ,l U m Chubl mivigaiinn, to all point* ou the Penti " ivuma and Ohio and N York canaia and the Lake* K M FITCH & Co. Cleveland. Bl DWELL k BROTHER, Agent-*. Beaver. J. C. BIDWEI.L. Agent. Water «iree(. Pittsburgh D. W C. BIOU^KUi SIDWELL & BROTHER Porwuriliu? Jltrcluinl*. iikavkr. Pa.. Apriit* f>’ tin- audClei‘t!an/i Line, Pint i uii’/ t'rii- Line via lirtf, and fur steam boats UnAtf.r and Crunb L'oye. Hdving pu rchtiu-d ll>'-large and substantial Wharf Soul just I'lilil lor lU<- Motion*uiifl* J'n<-«e1«, have with Uir addition of a Warehouse, tbr uiuxi ample ar < oiDuicKla(H>n» lor rn -iving und forwarding. aiul plrdgc lUcir lutui't itli'iuiou, promptness and ilcxpaU'b to cotmgnitu-m* to Uirir --art-, and r»*ly on liieir friftid* lor a .mil. inafJ-.Uv H. A BltO PITTSBURGH AND ERIE LINE. is4f). jSaaL l lid Fj.tal.ti.tK d I,inn UN TIiKKIUK F.XTENSIUN CANAL. rpHF. Propriru.i ot tin* wt.i known Line of CoitaJ 1 lloiil*. i. now prcputed to tramport Pa.tcntrr* mid Fu-igtu to all |>«iut» on the Extension, Now tone Canal* and the Lakes, upon tn<- most luvorablc term * and « ill. dr*p*trh Tlu* l.nn- run* m co.Jiier.uvm with lUr steam Goals BKAVKH and l AI.KB COPE, between Pittsburgh ami I>e»irt C ,M Reeds Lille of steam bouts and vrh vr -iintn.' I,nlr», and the Troy and Michigan Lake Bont I a in- <»., me New \ ork canal l\ SI RKF.U. Proprietor. Ene. Pa Uidwrll A Hroihrf. Agent*. Heaver VV T Mather. Agent at J Moskiuien's Pa*»niger Office. Moui>ii<»hcl:i Hou.-e. Pittsburgh. CONSIGNEES \V C MaUn. Sharon; J FAS Hull, Sttorp-burg, Smith A Dowiiuik, do. J H Plummer, Wr*t Greenville, Wn’.k, Actir» A t'o,d.i Win Henry, Harutown. Duvi* A Solum. Buffalo. Bsmrv. Gibbs A Co; SoiuJu*k >, Ja* A Armstrong, Detroit. Kirkland A Newberry. Shrlojytan, M’Clure A Wil lama, Mitwau- Itie. Kruip, Muflev A Dutton. Karim , Joim H Kiuzie, Chirni’ic A Wheeler A Co. New_York «pU PORTOKA INSTITUTE, * UJI.IH KN v cm. WILL, hr Opm. d (D V I tor the adiiumon of young GetiUeuien on Monday, the Utn day ot April Tsuils. (paj able in advanrri per wwion of 6 month*. English, Classical mild MelOsmaticaJ deparl meQi • • S-’4 Kiigliah drpar'mrii! *H> A limited nuinhrf ol hoarder* will hr r-X'-tved fo- ir«i:mmuni*, rrt'rrencr* tint! additional niWmn bon, enquire ol thr Pnncipal W. COPELAND. A B. lit Ttii.ll> College. Dublin. Ki-Sitaf. and Lfueen'* Scbnlai Horn me tt<>> al s.nool ut I t deful -I. near lti.toesou .1 apC.dll CHILLED ROLLS. I’HK »ul.*rnhrr< having p.i'etiascd the exclusive rmlii «f ILiM-c Pnirnt. timely renewed,) tor the mu>iiii ir lire Ol 1 lIII.LLD Rt>LLS. Ar . are prepared ,i. »uj*;* v all order* nt *tn>ri notice ,i .jm.ntrmK on Pnirnt I,i.i in'*whn T TOLLMANS a GARRISON JR CAN F'IF.LD, nate ol Warren. Ohio,j Coausu . Mon and Forward, iik Merehaitl, and wholesale dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, (toiler, Pat anil Pearl A*li aud Western Produce generally. Water between hrmilihetd and Wood. Pittaburgh. apli pur bale. A FARM •aume on Chartier's Creek, .u Robinson iowa«hi4>, about live mile* iroin Piiuburgh,con uuiung ill) acre*, with the allowance. Bnmura of W (Dl RuHLNSuV. Attorney at La*. sp3 dim F.irtiajige Rmiduig*. St Clair st HICKOKY Nl TS--J hb!s ree’d and for iale oy ap3 AR.Vi<TRONU A CROZEBg POT ATOKA- -IOU *k» Neskannoekii 1W» libU Blues .iorsnie op-'l ARMSTRONG A CROZKH B 1 TTF.R- lt» *«t* j u*t ree d and lor «*b: by spa ARMSTRONG A CttOZF.R i lIKKN API*l»- -d« last ree d and for sale by lAKI 1 '■ lit/, I.jj-u, 6 kex* do. ;u*t rec'J and for j ~.o I.y npd ARMSTRONG A OROZER_ Ki K FbOt K -Id bbl* Rye Flour, for »ale by upv ARMSTRONG A C ROZER 1)F.A<* MKS AMI APPLES—IdO «ks dried Peaches, X Ml do do An<tr rceen e,l and for sale Oy SP.-1 A RMSTR* >NtJ A CROZER ROLL 81/ITEH—I I'lii JU»I rec'J and lor sale by ap3 ARMSTRONG A CROZER eIOR4V-iUbu.ll ihelled t'orn. ju«t re'e d by j sp.l ARMSTRONG A CROZER VINFAJAK - 10 Ill'll UW .ale by sjkl ARMSTRONG A CROZER CIDER —SO I'ln. fee d and for *a:e by aru AR.MS I RUNG A CROZER --•joubx- \k' R t’Uce.e, 10 arrlre; • for rale J H CANFIELD. Water *t, between smutifield and Wood No Si*.AU-lix) Uu(i> prime N O Supar. ju«i , ,aiiJiu< irutu > i amcr Rol»i Fallon am) lor Kale :.y W k M .MITCMKL'I RKK. a(U )'•<> UtMiiy »t_ i U’TTU.N-'O bales Cotton u> arrive and fur .a'e by \j d t .i ISAIAH DH'KI'.VJi Co. Front at _ lARD bbl* No 1 Lard; 3 «io No U do, to arrive i aj vii lor «u.r by «p 3 IHAIAIt MCKEY ACo tH. \'-J! >k» Feather*, to arrive anJ (or Mile i.) :ipd 13AIAH DH KBY A Co_ StNI>RH>-l .-*« Beeswax. I bbl uo, -* *k* Gut ,»nr; 1J vln Fls 1 SeeJ. to arrive and for sale by np.l _ IS.MAHI DICKKV A Co (IA3TOR DiL li) bbl* Nil I Castor Oil. iU »t reed j and lot »*ir by *pd J KIDD A Co FRKCIP ( ARB t RUN - <ale by aplJ PIJISTKRS--:* dot Strengthening Plaster*, a »upe nor arUele. on imnd and lor *aJo by apt j KIDD A Co lODINE- ?i vi ju'i ire ,i B nd ior sale by aj»3 J KIDD t Co lODIDE POTASSIUM -71 or just rrc'<t and for Mile by afdl J KIDD* Oo^ RED PRKCUMTA TE M Ibsjust rec'd and tor *ale t>y npd i KIDD A Co 'I'KNNEHmek GROUND MTS-13 »ack* Trnnr»- 1 ter'irniind Nui«, a prime H»n'lr. ;n*i received on conaietitneoi snd for *nle tow l>v OKU ti MII.TF\Bf.RGEH. • |.-j *7 Front st MACAILA\ A hlSToin OF ENGLAND- Har *peC» iiililiMi. tine j«6j*er—N»» 1; price *1 cent* Jti»i received and for 'ale by (U'KTAIN r\PK*l--SUOO piece* of Rainbow win j Juir cartan> l*uper. ui’» itTlr*; ‘JIXXI piece* jJahi (jicru do, at *(>•-’ 3 C HI! Lj J \tooa «t CtoilN -cu ok » i'i'-n .d Mure and for Ule by i SAW lIAUUAI’OU, SIGAII 10 Uid« Sugar. ju*l rcc'd and lor sole by ap'J S \.W HA RB A (,'G U MOI.AS3E2* -3b bids N O iu store and for .ale b> 0 A W HARUAUGH IJLO**H —Hu bbli Flour, juat reed and fur »ale by _ SAW HARBAt'GU ~~ lARD— laird ui bbl* and kera, in*; lamlinrt and for j tale apd !» t TV HAIUIAyOH MINERAL WATER CoHK3—a bale* just recM and tor tale »y 5 1£ 3KLLKH3, y>fi , 17 wood *t__ HLI’E VlTHoL—l ,-*k JU-I rec’d and for «alr by ap« R^KSI-ILLKRS ltA I.AIIRIA UUUORICK—I73 lbs ju»l rec'dand for rj .Die l.y apv RESELL^. Hul l) SARSAPARILLA ' ',■'■} )-.•• re-'dand lor •aln l.y w • R »• SET*.I.KKS__ d kli. i.K«M>fc- -11 U-« wm nutted ire*h.>u»t ree’d and {) Air rule by a|«l R •• SF.LLKH.S_ SUNDRIES- •»*» bid* N O Moinare*, |.,,i«r> |>Hrun. boy rounrf in !.!.:* !ai«<e Ni 11 "• a al ii) i SuliAOrd .j H u,u h tak»crd Oil; lib dole" new Corn Broom*; in «u»re and fo* nicli.ll JOHN WATT, liberty »t rpHR partner'luf> heroiofore c n«Un(j between Nathaft l Mathew, and A II Mor»e, w»< diMglvcd on the l*i day of January. A D iSr. by mmnil co:i*eut U .viATMKWs, m e|,-tl ,i:m .A »i MORSE. J KIDD A Iki j vAI.iKORNIA HI.ANKKrs I ra*c* Rroy mixed, V/ io anive about tUI April, ron.igued from the man ufactory and lor .ale by H LRE, incb.Tl _ I ul-erty m, opposite sth D KCTIFIKD WHISKEY-CO bbl* Redifed \Wi»- IX koy, for rile by WKS'i’yN UIiW’EN, mcbfll tto from at W —3s! bt u jirnrir Deaf Tal'ow, to arrive and 1 formleby J C BIDWELL A Co, incb.lti - water *t CtHJVEK sKElk—Cd l-u«i> rcr’J and lor aale by , 'WAR M'CUTCHFXjt!. Uteb‘£) _ Lul Lilierty «t i POTATOES - 'JU. b', t* I‘olatoe* received, in ttoreatid ’ ,o, by L S WATERMAN, inch2U 31 vruu*r and CJ front at BEANS— dll bbl. and ft!) ak* while Beana, Jo*l rec’d and fur sale by ittrhS L S WATERMAN lARU H) bbl* Nu I l.atd; £i kei t ut *'Ore i amt n»r sale by nmU:»* * S WATERMAN. f'H.'Bs ANU lit) ,)oi Beaver Ducket*; 10 X do do Tui», Uiyr; 6 do dv Keeler*; tn aiore t(td frftiiie!>y mchtia t. S WATERMAN , CTOOPER'S ,1,1 leai'und Mired) fox »al* j by incb'A BRAL.N A R^I^ER By John D* Davis, Aaetloa«ar< On Thursday morning, Apnl A, at 10 o'clock, al UtO; Cummemil Sale* Room, corner of Wood and FiftSh •treetn.Sriil *>e sold without reserve, for cash curren* ry—An extensive aasomseul of seasonable staple and fanry Dry (toods Ato'clock, Groceries, Qurensware. Funtilure, Ac. A large and general assortment of new and second hand household furniture, embracing mahogany sofas, choirs, tables, bedsteads, work and wash stands, dres sing and common bateaus, 8 day and 30 hoar clocks, looking glasses, veiutisn and transparent window blmds, feather beds, mattrasses, mantel and aairml lamps, carpeting, Ac. Alsu, a quantity of kitchen utonsils, cooking Moves, knives and forks, Ac. plough*. ; shove)*, hoci. manure forks, amt garden ulcmul* 11 his Vu manufactured tobacco. Ready made clothing, hardware, cutlery, gold and silver watches, with a variety of staple and fancy good* in loi* lo suit purchasers The subAcnher l-effs h-avr to announce in the buyer* of book* of Pittshorgli and vicinity, that he u now re reiving s large and very valuable collection of choice and splendid English books, embracing many of the best and most de»iruble productions of the British Press, including works on Architecture, Heraldry, Theology. History. Antiquities. Poetry, the Drama and other branche* of Literature Also, a nurober-of beau tiful Poctn*al wort*, highly embellished with fine line and mexsoum etigr i vmgs, plain and colored —the ; whole forming the most choice and uon* ever offered in tki* city. They will be sold on Thursday, Friday and Satur day evenings, lith 13th and Mth of Aunl mat, at the Commercial Sale. Room*, corner oi wood and Fifth street* Catalogue* can be obtained ou application, (pot paid} prior to the tale. * ap3 JOHN D DAVIS. Auctioneer On Thursday afternoon, April slh, at o'clock, i ihe Commercial Sales Rooms, will be told—'ll) Iwxi fresh l.emonr ap3 JOHN D DAVIS. Auct Spanuk Izaf Tobacco as Auction. \ On Thursday afternoon, April St It, al -I o’clock, the I'omraereia! Sales Room*, will he *old—C ha! Spanish Lest Tobacco ap3 _ JOHN D DAVIS, Auci ‘2O balti brown Mujhn , 4'c-. oi Auction. On Wednesday raormug, April 4th, at 10 o'clock, al the Commercial S.*le* Rooms, corner ot Wood and Fnth streets, wilt be »old— 13 bales brown muslins, IV laches wide; 7 do do do 37 do l'J k*g» nails and brads, assorted; ID bit cavendish tobacco. 0 bbls herring; Vdo s b molasses; Id dozen gruiu, canal and devonshtre shovels; S do spades, ma nure and pitch terks Also, IU cases super silk hats mch3l JOHN D DAVIS, Auct Sfderuiui HouachoLl Fnmtiurt at Auction. Uu Thursday next, April 6th. at lOo'clock, A. M , wilt be sold at the dwelling ol Hon Judge Irwut, on the adjoining the canal in Allegheny city, without reaerve, his entire household Furutlu ronslMtßg Ol Mahogany sofas and chairs, do divans, lounges and rocking; do centre, pier «ide tables; do t>ed»icada, wash stand wait tnarble top, mahogany and cherry dressing bureau*, F'rcnch and and high post chciry bedsteads, chorry wardrobe, fan cy ana common chairs, 1 pair large French plate pter glasses, looking glasses, super randelabras and lus tre*. mantel lamps, mantel ornsmem*. brusxU, in grain Bnd»trawcsrpetuig.sii elegsiit new tapestry carpel, taxon ruga. leather beds and bedding .of the cho.ccst quality, F'reuch china (tinner and tea sella. gia>*. crockery and qeecnsware. ivory hanllo and common knives and lurks, window blinds, cornices and cQnauta, elegnm French mantel clock and shade, runs 3 week*, bra** clocks, astral and hall lamps, su perior cooking stove and fixtures complete, bath tab and fixtures, great variety of kilehen ramunre, nten slis, etc. Phuadelphi a made garden engine, and a va riety of gardeu tools, Ac. Some of the above are entirely ndw, aud ali in cellsnt ardor Term* ot sale AdmtnmrfUor'sjMU of On Thursday morning, Apm UOlJi, at i« »w.wL the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood i Fifth streets, will be sold without reserve, bv orde. Thomas Davidson and Joseph Peonook, Adnunist tora of the estate ol A. Horbaeh. deceased— 5 *hare* Pitt*bnr|*b and Turnpike Co IXtk do Conemaogh Bndte Company. mcli-T JOHN D. DAVIS, AocOoaeor. Blsirivifie Recorder copy and send lull ip Auctioneer ARMSTRONG A CROZER C. 3. PORTER- Ftr.t appearance ef the dislutguiaked Traredta MR. BOOTH. \ Who 1* engaged for 3 nights. Tceddxt, Artu. ft—To commeace with RICHARD lU. Duke ofOH)ace*ter Earl of Richmond Duke of Buckingham queen Elizabeth Mr*. Mad^or Dance - -by the Master* VCUJ. To conclude with the laughable farce of THAT RASCAi JACK. Rascal Jack Mr. J. Duns n~7- To aorrow evemug. the celebrated Tragedi wi;t appear. _ _ _ _ „ APOLLO HALL, PITTSBURGH, MADAME BISCACOIANTI. (Prlma Donoa Asso* luta,) from the principal Tlieetre* 0/ Hily, A»- tor Place Opera House, New York, and Philadelphia, faa*'he pleasure to anuottcce that iu consequence of Uie great tucress of her two first concerts, she will Bve TWO MORE GRAND CONCERTS, In the aboee all. on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, April 3d and 4th, IS49 —previou* to her departure West Mr J L. Hatton will introduce tone entirely new •ong*. and Signor Biocacciami will perform some ad n./red Solo* on the Viohnoclka. PROGRAMME FOR TUESDAY EV.NO, APRIL 3 Part 1. 1 «)verture-- , ‘Wtlliam Tel!, Io Rosstat. 0 Cavatina (by request)—Madame Bucmcciantj, DostzeiT:. 3 Two German Song*—l “She t« mine,*’ Oorecb- man. 2. •'Tho Journey S<wtg. or Fancy's Dream.’’ - • !\Jcj.Dti4*ou*r. < Fantatia—ViolmcfLo —Signor Bt*eacriann. (Nor* urn) Baua.Ni :> Tni. -Soprano. Baritone, and Violtncello —"The 7i tbt ;u»t rcc'd and for J KIDD A Co Melodte» of many lands,’' (Plano FcjM scconi paniment) arranged by J. L. Hatton 6 Sung Mi J I. Hatton—‘ Luynj Rosamomlc." * u IIM ...'.. John Pabs* Ait .i.termiaaion of ten minute*. Part ll* 1 Cavatina Madame tuom Kroant) Vksdi - Dr.crit'tive Sccn>-Mr J Hatton, “The Sing ing hU<tgi, ot tlie Lesson of Faprenston," J W Rob 3 S<dQ VioDucello—Signor Biscaocianti -Bellini. V Cbglish Ballad—Madirac Biscacciantl, “Napeli uine,’* A Lol 5 Finale Iby tleaire—Mr J L Hatton, ‘The Wat kins’ Evening Party,” J- L. Hattor, Ticims 60 emu each; to be bad at the Muaie Store*, the Mouoiigahcla House, Johnston A Stockton's Book Store, and at the door on the evening of performance. Doors open at?—Concert to commence at 6 o'clock. ITT* AddM'uD seats will be provided P - Mr j 1.. IfaTroy* souc, words and music may beltud at Mr. J. H. MeJlor's Mnsic Store, 81 Wood *t. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON PHILO RALL, Benefit of the Parker Fund.—Monday night, at the request of several families, Mr. Wil liamoon ha* detrrmmed to remain two motnaLOSOBO, wttb hi* DIORAMA OB TUB BOMBARDMENT OF VERA CRUX M w ater and 104 front at On Monday mgbithe proceed* will ba for Vita fund raised for Mr* widow of the brave gal lant LieaL PAkMUL of PiUabgrgh, who.Detfbnaed one of t&3 most daring deeds ever cecuntod ut hiatnry. by burning the Mexican Brig CTaoie, .when moored clove to iqe va*M9 9*. s i- XPIIUoa, wilhiu mage of 300 piece* of canuoa. Tutiday oight is positively the last night hero, as the Diorama will be shipped on Wedncsqaj itu Cineu*. null. A gentleman well acquaint tiilluho sahjeet, has kindly offered 10 tkue two evenings. Tickets 25 '=Doora open al 7—commence* at ~1- Free Iff*; suspended. ana HEW HARDWARE gTOBS, SION OF THE PLANE AND SAW, Wo. 7 8 Wood alrael, Piuihargh. HUBER AND LAUFMaN. impartara anu dealer* m Foreign and DomcatJ4 HARDWARE, in all iu vanetiea, am prepared 10 sell as low and on lento* as can be purchased elixjwhero. Wu koucu our fkieads, and the public generally, to call and examine our stock, whicn consists m naaof KNIVES and FORK 3, POCKET and PEN KNIVES. 3CISSORS, BHEAR3, RAZORS, *tit’h a* Lucks. Latches, Hinges and 9WWt, together with every orttde usually kepi la Ibuoware Storea We invite the attention or'Carpenters and Mechanic* generally to our *tauxua?hl ol Tools, which have been selected with and which we are determin ed to ipß, <A ICiQ give saiisfhction. ap2ulAwT r»7'|—mTL e EBMOfAI. DiJULTEKREROER 3. R AGENT, 1 ™* l “ - **Forwafdl% qtd Comm'*non Mer chant, has removed 10 No 8? Front, betwern Wood ami Smtthfield «tr«el* »pd NOTICK MuapratU’ Bleaching Powder, (Chloride of Luna.) rr*HK subscnlmn hare recoqtl’f » cc ** Tcd (direct from I the manufacturervl h of the above celebrated article, whiq* «heg will rell at tho lowest ,„..toprtcc ft, wo « ‘{yrM^IIELTREU, MACAULAY'H HIFTORY OF ENULAND—Bnt> Ur’* edition, contammg all the maUer, verbatim M tiisraum. of Vols. t and 2 of the London edition, cm belnihcd with a portrait of Iho Wthor—S Vols. in oile. Pnce. complex fOc. A W«® *upr!y of ihe above re* cetvod and for »fv® JOHN II MELLOR, ■* SI wood it ’» a. tukht w*. r. MMtia tVARDY, JONK3 A Co., (succeesors to Atwood, o. Jones A Co ) (Vxamtsnon and Forwarding Mer chants, dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, I'mshorgb, Pa rech27 DRESSED’ SHEEP SKINS—A few doz tecM for aajetky mehi» 3 AWUARBAUGH rpoAIL , AW* , MANOPACTURERS T « <sk*Broken I Glatt received, m store and for sate b\ apl GEO B MILTENBERGEB mch93:d*wfcw4tS AUCTION SALES. At 7 o’clock JOHN 1) UAVh*. Aud Lemons aS Auction. JOHN D DAVIS, Aa< FOH ST LOUIS AND .*13300111 RIVER. h The splendid steamer > [FTT-A DIADKM, Israel, master, will leave -; &r ■■■WaHlbnd ibicnneditie porn on '.VoJne.d.y 4th mat, at 10 o’clock, a u For freight or passage apply on .b0r.,4. or . . rtSTTIQ'xliW* & Co, Agu , The Diadem is going direct lo .ndeoetidenr* mr* Masaoaa | R - - AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE. Mr. J L. Houon and Si<nor Buc*ccian;i,(Piano Forte and Violiucel- STEAM BOATS. CISOCnAYI * PITTSBURGH D A I L v PACKET LINE. ri’HIS well known line of splendid passenger Steam 1 i-r. fs now couipoard of the lorgeawswiftesi*boa ti.,,.ned nad furniahed. and most powerful boots on the ,„r* c: the \\>»t F.verv accommodation and com turt that uicrncy can proeaxe. has been provided for pa*- • A'lic Line has been in operation for five years no* rumed a million of people without the least tiyu rr i,. iheir persons. The boau will be at the foot of W.khi .trret the day previous to stoning, for the reeep* '•»> i ui rrei#nt and the entry of poaceogen ou U» regis i'-r |q ail eases the passage mouey must be paid m .Jvaiire SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, wdl lesvr I‘uubargh every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Wh.‘elmg every Sunday evening at 10 F. la. May mi, 1547. MONDAY PACKET. The MoNONOAHELa, Cap;. Bros a, will leave Pitta buigli every Monday morning at 10 o'clock; \Vhoeiinf every Monday evening at 10 r. it. TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIA Na % Ctpt. J. Kusctutcb, will leave rmsburgh every Tueaday morning at 10 o'etock; Wheeling every Tnesdagr evening at lb p. m. WEDNESDAY PACKET, The NEW ENGLAND No. S, Cape S. Dxair, wtR ave aPmsburgh every Wednesday montiag'at 1# clock, Wheeling every' Wednesday evening al Utr ■ THURSDAY PACKET. The BRIIXtANT, CapL Oaxcs, will leavd Pitta bnrgh every Thursday moruiug atlOo'cloct; WhoeUag every Tharsday evening at 10 p. kb PHLDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. 8, CapL Pj3» Duval, krtl) leavo Puubnrgh every Friday morning at lOo’clock; Whcc* ling every* Friday evening at 10 p. n. BATUKDAY PACKET. The MESSENGER No a, Capt\Vounw*aa,wUl leave Pnisbnrgb every Saturday morning at 10 o’clock, Wheelini every Saturday eveaing at H) P. u. . NEAV LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINK OK CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, Leave* Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o’clock, A. M , and or vesat Glasgow, (mouth of the Sandy aud Beaver Co il,) at 3 o'clock, and New lusbon at 11, same night. Leave* New Lisbon at Oo'clock, P. M . (making tha trip canal to the river during the night,) and Glasgow at 9 o'clock. A. M., aud arrives at Pitubitrgh at 3 P. M.-ohus making a continnou* lute for carryutguas sengers and freight between New Lisbon and Pin*, burgh, in shorter tune and at less rates ihanby any other route. • The propnetors of this Line have the pleasure of tn tormutg the public that they have fitted up two first claai Cana! Boats, for the accommodation of passengers aud freight, lo run tu connecdou with the well know* steamers CAI.EBCOPE and BEAVER, and conneat ing, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Cincin nati and other daily lines of steamer* down the Olds sn4 Mississippi rivers. The proprietor pledge them selves to spare no expense or trouble to insure coa fort, safety and disputco, aud ask of the public a of lltcir patronage. AUTHORIZED AGENTS. « M. HARTGN, ,UW. HARBAUGH, \ R. HANNA. A Cd. i u *. tylLtf J A Co. | Now Lisbon NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, CE. Clarke, ma* ter, wilt leave after this noliee, for Weilsvifle panetu oily, si 9 o'clock ut the morning 1844. " " 184 Q PITTBBUEGH A BHOWBBVILLB Dally Psokst Lius. FEBRUARY Id, iedfl FEBRUARY la*, tfi«9 LEAVE DAILY ATS A. M n AND 4 P.M. j. The following new boats coapista I ’. .hnV Ue llW! for lhc P«*wtt teasotu Al j efifcfjfffflg LANTIO, Cupt James ParhinsoM BSSHBaB»BBALTtC, Capt A Jacobs; and LOUIS M’LANE, Cupt. K Bennett. Tbt boats am enuraly new, and are fitted up without regard to expense. Evl ery comfort that money can procure has been provide! | The Boats wtU leave the Mcnongahetn Wharf Boat s the foot of Ross st. Passengers will be panalaal e& board, as tho boat* will' certainly leave at the adrurj used hoars, BA. M and 4 P. M. )an3l Pittsburgh b LooltTilU FMkit Lini-. FOB CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE, The iplendid new Mauser . ICTT. A TELEORAPtf No. 4. idpSnfßgj Hailco. mauler, will leavs ka aßo*o ■BBBBHIHBaDd intermediate pajtt on Tim*-, day, at 10 o'clock a. M. For freight or paaaage applv oq board, or to * BUBBRIDGE, WILSON k Co UEO BAULTBNBERGER PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LIN l* The new end tpiendid fast puaeti* 1&55» **’ P " C No a, ÜBBfiCCSSBBMason, jnwtßi.will leave tea Clnein nan end Louisville on Thursday, the sth tneL, el 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, to A Co, or opo B MILTENHERUER. L«aUvlU« and St. lioala Packet Lena. IW. IBM. RKUULAR TUESDAY I*ACKHT FOR St. LOUIS iimi - k. 'Hie fine fas! lanniiur passeerc ■ fCVTTIJa steamer ATLANTIS/ UaSfflRWB Oeo- W. Wicks, mau*j, will learn tlie above and hmnnedia** iwm* every Tuesday, nt lOo’clock. A- a. For freight or passage apply o» board, or to & C KJNQ. No. liO Com. Row- LootaviUo RKGTJLA R BATSBDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUTS Th« fine fut run nine puuutr , Bfc steamer OEN. LANE, awSHStfSK A. MoPheraon. muter, will leave for ■BSBBBHtnBtha «bov« (ad intermediate ports eve* ry Saturday, at 10 o'clock, r. m. For freight or passage apply on board, or to E C. KING, No 153 Com. Row. marS-dCm Louisville ta F?ffs&sssSL ,f “ k “ Jv T** steamer LAaMnjr ~ MT- VERNON, <Cto*Q>rfga Kottnu, muter, wilt lonve for Cineio ami intermediate lvuCnas on g«- iun\ay evening, 31st inst, at 7 o’clock, r. *. Kor freight or passage, apply o«, boarfl. or to »p!3 GKO B Agt FOR NASHVILLE k The splendid steamer l_PvTier-ig EUPHRATES, IggeggsaCalboon. master, will leave tor above ■HHBaBIIsftd imenaediale pons on this day the Ssith inn. at 10 o'clock, a. u. For freight or passage apply on board, or to «PJ3 PETTIGREW A Co, Ago FOR ST. LOUIS. k The splendid and swift steamer 1)12 WI TT CLINTON, lggsggW|tDevinny, muter, will leave for the and all intermediate ports on. *V ednAdav, at 4 o’clock, r. *_ For freight or passage apply on board, or to »P 3 JONES, A*C FOR .MEMPHIS. iMO* The ipiaad'd new steamer ytb&Gsl w STEPHENS* master, will lea re U. i> , intermediate ports op Wedne*. day. at 10 o’clock, a a. Fo» freight or passage apply on board or »o __«P* J NEWTON JUNES, Art FOR ST LOUIS h. TU* ijilendid f» ean , er I Hr 1, .f.Jfr „ bb'joklyn, Mrant Btin.RMittr. WlJ i te . ve for ■ttßßamsnd intern* ediato ou Tue*d»y, ti 10 o'clock, A M. For freight of passage apply on board, or 10 Pi* 3 J NEWTON JONEBy Ags REGULAR WHEELING PACKET. k. The fine steamer Lfh ■ ZACHARY TAYLOR, lgggg|fcLocas, master, will hereafter r*» n a packet from PfttahKgfc to ■ b,, ® h For freight or passage apply on heart. Jaa* FO® MARIETTA, PARKERSBURG, ~~ Hocktnjport, and lnwrmediatß landtag*, dfh&naw Dl. The fine steamer UksfecJa „ WELLSVILLE, —SCfirePK Poe, master-will leave for the above avary Tuesday, at 10 o’clock, i. a. r°r Irelgtu or passage apply on board. dee® 4m HOTIOB. ' I'HE partnership of the subscribers hiving cjjkred, 4 ‘ wm dissolved on the 31st of March Tha boaise** of tb« late firm will be settled by J. Shea, who U a>» thorised to use the name of the firm in the setdemuat of ihe business J shea, Pittsburgh, April *, ISO. J. M- PENNOCI- The subscriber will continue the Dry floods boat*- ties* at the old stand, aml would respectfully solicit a fouunuance, of the patronage bestowed on the late, hnn. J, SHEA. la roaring from ifae late hnn. of Shea I would moat' cheerfully rervnmeul my toeeeuort» ths patronage of my frier' 4 .* apfrd3t DiftSOLCTn». rpHR firmoftiUSSEY, HANNAACo. U tin* day X disaolvetL by J. Q Hussey aellin*hi» lateral io the *OBl6. All hn»lnrv«. eo Bit CC led with the firm Will be settled by the successors, Palmer.-HaimaA Co. J. C HUSSBYr JOSHUA, HANNA. \VM K.HART. COPARTNERSHIP Waterman Palmer having purchased th* interest of J <1 Hustey in the firm of Hussey, Hanna ACo , ihn business will be coolinged at the old (laud, under the style of Palmer, Bantus A co. waterman Palmer, JOSHUA HANNA. ■p2 WM. K. HART. PAPER HANtilNtiß—l am now receiving, direct from the manufacturers ta New York, Philadel phia aod Baltimore, a and well •elected assort ment of all the lateit and stoat tin pro trod styles ol sa tin. glased and common PAPER HANGINGS, col liding of— t£,Ouo pieces of Parlor and Fresco: 10,000 Hall and Column; 10,01X1 “ Dining-room chamber and' ©<£«« Paper—which I would particularly inrilc the aiteunout of those having hooter to paper, io call and examine. st the Paper Warehouse of & C. HILL *P® gj wood si PALMBB, HANNA * COe -rv tX&SSf™ o** 0 ** tor Hussey, Hanna A US-) , T>ANKERS, EXCHANGE BBOKER& *nd «■»*« A>ih Foreign and Domestic Exchange of Depoaitc, Rank Notej, and Specie—Fg®** Mr***, nearly opposite ibo Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney received on depome—Sight Cheeks feraaie. urj \ doUeciiou made on nearly all ike principal P° in '*» is the United States. The highest premium paid for Foteif 11 * a ® Gold. Advance* made on consigiimenu of, *hip. ped Bast, on Liberal term*- . *P3 TEN DOLLARS BBWABJH ■‘YTT’HKRF.AS, some person or PtrioM ha.tiug broken W into the ©dice of the Allegheny Ccreetery, on tho night of the aid ofida/cb. and stolen thurefrum a Stir veyor’t Compass and a case ©f Lhavnng; Instrument*— the above reward will he riven upon c*>nv«n«a of Ui» aaid person or persona The Compart can be eaaijy idenu&od, from its bciog w! »i u “*2“ » Surveyor's Cross Compass, made by Pike of New York. The drawing tnstrumcifU were of " R London make JOHN CHISLETT. Offiee ofihe Comeiory, Apvil »—da _ STLBBATUB AND SODA ASH—lb bbls Soda a»w l 7 carta Soda Ash; fox aai* by mckS? SSM J C BID WELL ACo | J.M. PKNBfOpK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers