-hfc' v- 1 ES r BUSINESS PARIjS-. RAJ STRONG ACHOZKR.t'limratssioii and Healers in Produce, iPh*. Market *wel Pituharcb- , '.- T»JsHjSSjJ * H*? 3 ’ifriiwl In Itry K tlood*, GroCrtlf- , Rnni, Sfar.r. i'nl'liurKh'mQnu hfwml >nlcW, J.C-, No £*) I Irt.-tiy. Krootf Wiu borjh .. >?- f-pvnumcK BBSI’N, GUJiIUK UKITW. BRAUN A REITER, Wholesale and Relaij Dnig irifti, comer of Liberty and St. <'ls»r street*, FUG burpn, Pa- • fuayjl. (XUnurQuia, M. *■ Bamtfii. DROWN * OJJUIKRTSON, WUt4««M fi andCouuui*<duu No. 145, Pittsburgh.' Pa. . __ _ BA. FAHNESTOCK ACo., WbolMulo and ,H«>- • tail contVt Wood and IUh«L« j V1 - B~ -GALKY Wholesale Grocer*. 48 and a) WoedjtUecl Pittsburgh. * CA. McANULTY A Co.. Forwarding and Ct»ra • mission Merchants, Canal Basin, riUsbuiglr Pa. incn2 ”w*rsr*JwM«i, ENGLISH & BENNETT, (late Eiiylbh, Gallagher Or Co ) WhokmJc Grocers, Commis-ion nfid for warding Mereliams, awl dealcW JO Produce aiul Uuta bor*h Manufaoiujc*, No. 37 Wood »i. f between VU and 3d street*. . - __ otiij GEOUGE COCHRAN, Commission nndForwarding Merchant, Nq./JO Wood three)- Pittsburgh. iUyl7 HI, EE. (successor to Murphy A Lee.). Wool Deal , «r and Commission Merchant, for the safir of American \Voolcils,' ‘Liberty, opposite 6lh «. -fcbl? ms. OMLD.jHnltimorc. a. j. Bvcasofc, guvrj.an-ngA.Ln, Upl.i.a- D. C. K’UHUIIN. JUIiN A. WIHML > r HGALD & BIJCKNUK. Totmcun Commission Mdf> ehftUtljdl North "Water si, A. 1»> North Philai- " ' _ ' nOvDU-lfj hjUaii njcxrti XoR*m dicist. in, . rIAIAIt DICKEY A Co-, Wholesale GroairM.Oo»r mission Merchants, and dealers in Produce, Nas.Sfi Water, end lU7 Front streets, Pittsburgh. • .noyd JOHN WATI\ (successor to EwalT A Wholesale (irorer mid fTintmi-viou Marcham. . dealer tn Produce and Pittsburgh Miminaeturii*,Cor ner of Liberty tflid Hand street*, Pittsburgh Pti^jsSC JAMES S MeGUIRK, llruc oftim linn of Aijteoiand McGuire,) Merchant Tailoj.4*t. Oiurl.-s, Bumltiigs ffiirdstreet, near Wood, Pittsburgh. . JAMES A. HUTCHISON, A Co.—t?crer»j*'nr< to Lewis 11utrhi«on '& Co., Commission MerPh*?o»j and Agents of the Sl LAuis Strom Sugar Retinrrr- No. 45 water and mi front sttrew, Pittshsiwh »an| , ' . JS. tOLVVOKTU A Co.. Wholesale Grocers Pro • duet uid CommiAHton Merchama, and Agents for the Hazard Powder 1. o', o: S- 1•, No JJ7 W'Ood su PiUahurgb. _ . _ JO** 1 011 N D. MORtLI/. Wholesale DrcsgilUand deaf •J cr in Dye Oils, Ac (No. 95 Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pitt*- borgh. _ _ „ - taUl if. A Co. tnuuceasof io U tl Davis 1 ) / ShipChaudlcra, 30 \V attr airrct. JOHN IL MKLLOR, Wboleule and ui Marne and Muhimit Instruments, School Paper, States, Steel Pms, Contis, Prunt-r*’tlards. and diniiouOry generally, No. si Wood at, Pmiborgß - Qj~ bought or takt-n iu trade. 'rplfi -7 SCHOONMAKER A Co.. Wholesale Dniggitlm l "V • No. t»4 Wood street, Ibusburgh. • ■ JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner Otli and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. _ _ J~QHNHTUN A STOCKTON, DooSiscllers, Pruiten and Paper Mauuurturrr*. No. 44 Market st.. i’jUv burgh- ■ , rrytM TbotD, aieuaan rtotb. JAK/FLOYD. (late J. Floyd A C 0..) Wholesale # r_Groeers, -No. IM i.iberty v strr»*. «eps JAMES' Wholesale Grocer, CetnmisAfoit Mercbam. an.l~dou.ur in Produce and Piu4nlft(b Mttnulaamrre.. No.Ul Water sc. Puts bar "f^ r IEK A'JONItt, Forwardiag nnil CooimDiiun Mer- IX chants. Dealers in Prodnce and llltsburgh uianu factored articles, Candl ftnciii, near ?th *1 dl!l Vcanvlua li ; on \Votkg.- . . ir ; LEWT9..DAI.EF.LL Ax'd.. inantiiiiCturerf of all kb zes Bar, Sheri, Boiler Iron and Nulls of Ihe best Warehouse, W water and 105 from st janlfr 1 : L" 8 WaTER-MA-N. Wiiolcmiie tifoerr, • ing and Coiantissiou Merchnuu Dealer in Pitts burgh Manufactures aud Pnxtuce. No>! 31 Water el., and fcl From ■ , j<7 JOII.S M'mi l- JgS. D. Bl’oru- USI.TXB &(IB’ McGILLS A Roe, Wholesale Ororers MAl’Com&l*- sioii Merchants, No. 194 Liberty ah, Pittsburgh. Ja6 . ; MURPHY, WILSON a CO., liaie Jones, Co.) Wholesale Dealers 111 Dry* Goods, No. 43 Wood itreqt, Pn|stiurgh. , . itoviti ■- »"■” AJ.r.i M.inrs, tfM. ■ Miiiriu . M ALLEN A Co~ Coumtiesion and Forwarding ■ Sierchants, Water and Front sta. betsyeon «o and Murkrt cl*. jaflfi w»r*auj£a, " “c. - u-; iiutfe»K£” MILLKK A RICKETS>.N. Wboiesiiie-Gcoctra'ajid Cout»i.-reun mcrt:nucL-, No. Uu, IJbetty'.su, RTU*- burgh, Pa. . )aifJ4 NllOUlhS A SON, No. 53 Market sc, second 9oor from comer m Funnli, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Hi change, Ceruhraursol Depha* u, Bank Noies and Si>c-'ie. ‘ " ,• • cuod op oil the principal cities throughout die nfutiii stair*. '• • dec):? ’.. EGBERT MOOUK. wiiolrsdo C/ioeei Dutiller, denier in Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac tures, aud all kinds of Foreign aud Domestic Wiilea and Liquor*, No. 11 Liberry street! On hand a Very large stock of superior old Monongdbrlx whiskey, which will be sold low for ccsh. aplSJjy . yrrqgßT EUaUrsoS. ~ b. itOßLisoa- ROBINSON A Co., Wholesale Grocer*, bim and CooumkMoii klerchams. and Df-cicrs in PpU burgh Manufactures,.No. l«o Liberiy 014 Pa. iauD) •DOBERT DALZELL. A Co. " Wholesale Grocers, Ti, Cum mission &nd Forwarding Mermaids, dealers m Produce aud Pittsburgh Manufactures. Liberty »L Pmsburgh, Pa. __ febtM T>OBT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale A, Dealer in Produce.and Pittsburgh Manufactures,*' No. 144 Liberty IL fy U_ L o. ii L aKitt:'. *I>EYTiOLDS A BHEE, Forwarding and Commission li Merchants,.for the Aliegheny River deal ers in Grocericsi Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures and Chloride of lUine. The highest jmcesj In cash, paid at ol) times for coop try ruga. Corner of Penn und Irwin iu. jaidSl' ; SMITH A JOHNSON, Wholesale and Re tail Deilers in MUiinery Goods, Laces. Hosiery nad Fancy Articlea,No. 40 Market street, 3d door above Third St, Pituburgh. apJg a. & aHAcaixrT, thus, a witcn. SHACKLETT A WHITE, kMiolcfale Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. 90 Wood st. Pittsburgh, feM7tf "aTw. UARBAUGH, Wool Merchants, Dealer* i in Flour ■»■«! Prodare generally, and Fofwudhig and Commisstou Merchants, No. 53 Water *U*itts. burgh. SUITS], BAGALEY A Grocers-und Produce dealers, No. 523 Market street, betwecu slii and ftfh, North side, Philadelpliia. navb 9. —r-r-amq rinSkCftSlL JOIIS SlOUUft, atABTLSAD. SELLERS A NICOLS. Produce mid General Godk mission Merchants, No. 17 Libeny si., Pittsburgh, feperm, Unset-I and Lard Oils. Q F. VON BONNUOBiJT, A Co”. Wholesale Gro- O* cen, ForUrauding and Commis.'ion Merchants, Dealers in PiUshurgb ami Wt-mern Pro dace, have removed lo.their new wareliouse,(old stand) No. 35, corner ofiFrodt fcv and Ctuulct-ry Lome. nov7 . . vr. I. TOOTH. ' ~~ ] f. V. scon. rpROTII A y.COTT. Wholesale und Retail dctuyijn A Boots. Shoes, Trunk*. Carpet Rags. Ac., 8. W. 0 rncr of 4th and smithfielu vts, Pituburgh, Pa ;a3 fTIASSEY A BEST, Wboleealo Grocers and Conrmis -1 non Merchants, and dealers in Produce. N 6: 35 Wood at, Pittsburgh. ■ ptiS3 jobs n. wtctT ‘“usvmjrtisßXJaa.; WICK A M?C AND LESS, (socceLHors io L-A J; D «ick,) Grocers, Porwardiitg and Comamniun Merchants, dealers tn Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yams, and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, »pr»*r of Wood and Walei -Ueets, Pittulmrsh. TTfKST BOWEN—Cominusion and 'Forwarding yy Merchant, No. 9V Front it. between Woodftnu Market streets. feWH_ WW. WALLACE, hLll stonr omkimtFufnjsh , ing establishment, No. 344 Lii»erty near the canal. _ _ tuarsy WW WILSON, licafcr in Watches, Jewelry. tiilver Ware, Miiuary Goods. No OT Mar ketsL WJL MURPHY, Wholesale and Retail dedlerin Foreign : and Domestic Dry Goods, north east corner of Markdl and Fourth sis. _ . augdl ESTABLISHED .IN 178(5 w*. to'use, ~ isu. m. Ifcos*. - WM. YOUNG A Co.—Dealer* in '••ather hide*, Ac. IJ3 jUj>«lysi._ . tpu x’CUTCaKOJL Kflßt. M'CirtCIUSOM- W*. rTaTCUTCU KON, WboloJiie Oroeert.dea |crg id produce,lron, N«il». Glass, and Pitta, boreh Manwtcture* generally, Ifcl Liberty *V£iu*- bargh. _ ft**. _ •* jr \v. WILSON, WuirfTen, Jevrr-lrj, Silver Ware, W • nnd Military Good*. cornci «n Markctand 4th ftreeta, Piiubargb, Pa* N» JL-■Waicbe* and Clock* carefully repaired. : z.~ WIIILCM 'S&&TH. Aiaaoluctumr of County »uld colored Linen, Frmffe*for Drewe*,’** i ana and colored CoUoa Fatißea for «Jk. and gingham Parasols. Gimp, Molinir, and Silk UuUmu t-pnges, made to orjler on the sheriesl notice. STuat,cOTßflfofMaiden Lone and Willmm,eniranrr No b& William •ircct, third Hour, our Abucr •utre t No4a-A!aldeii Lane Neiv York 1 M’ aThieW \V i LSONTFoitr alt ami MitiiatureFoin t«T. npom*, comer of Po»l Otfiee Allefr and Poorthetreet, entrance on Hlh near Markrt. deett-dtt : JOHN BL TOWNSEND, No. 45 Market three door» »bov* Third ft Jhta borghy'WiU hava constantly on hand a well * elected m* softmentef the-; best and irraiiest ilediCUie*. which he will fell on Uje mm reasonable term*. J'hyOcieiif •endia? oideni, will bo promptly attended to, aruisnjv plied with anifclejUiey may cety upon u g exntiiie. . / 1 byweieu* Prescription* will accurately and neatly prepared from the best raatennu, at aity hour of ha day or mcht. Al»o for *at«, alnrgeatoekof fre*t, and good feerfu mory. _ _ )ta4 MARBI-E WORKS ON UUKRTY sT, OPPOSITE THE HEA D (»K WOOD, Pm SIH7R(yH KDSIUKDWaKISS, CONTINUES to manufacture- MbaamenU. Dunn) Vanlts. Tomb*, Head Suw-t, Muniel Piece*, Ceil up and Tier Top* of forejyn ami dome«oo nnrrf.u M a regular aud fair price. N B— for “ono®*™*, t-.ulu,te. «d, -’of any deumpoon. 110 solicit* u iliare of p„bti- _ _ , »u«»-dif ~ ■ ” Robtrtif 9t. I).| /'VIT!LAI*MJC SL'KUFXJ.N. wiii e;i«-nd tn the Itci U mentof Di««w« of th« Kve. . Br. H. boa been enguged * n H* l * l^ 0, ' cb . ° f i h ?^°® d * eat profession for lixteen yeart, *nd an establishment for the treatment or dj-ense* of Hut eye corner of iu«~k, .. W, Strawberry alter, 'Allegheny etty. _ .. -.f'l'HL rfraa' PgKTW TEA BTOEE- No. 7& fourth q«Mlt.e..ornmto *nd Kg 'reae, done up In haff, end Oo*poun4 p«kBgem ranging fn»« -'•» 1 p“- »!»; Iv!t ATJAYNKt, Ag? ‘» r * ®. k i» ' Independent Police Ofllce* • • . NO. Ite.FOtiBTH STREET. —CoiiiHuUiiig.MACU- irate, AusmuJi Chief of I'oUee, Ecwr Uaetrx. , ~ THE PIWSBIjRGII MILT GAZETTE. C^RDS. DUtiL KMSfc: WORKS. CTOI.RMAN, HaILMAN A. CO rotiuim. 10 „iiuiu- J. torture Small Iron. Span* an.l Ain Blmtet sir.ri Plough, Fork und Hoe Steel, Rivet*. >jnke« m„) U t r,'{ Iron Nuti, ull *ne«, together with Coach and tjipu«- Spring*, hll Pal, Taper anti common A tie* Haring reduced trio price of Wrought Iron Nm, rnjrme builders and other* ustltg the anine, will Cod’ it U> their Hite real la give this new brunch of Pittsburgh manufacture* ihnr attention. ' Coach tTiiQn.iiiL'* and maleahlr iron oo liberal term* Warefrousr on Water and Fourth «ts. fe.bw-ti *c!«n sull. Pittsburgh; pa. "I/" ftNNhDY, CHILDS A CO , Manafactarrrs of very i\. superior 4-4 Sheeting*. Carpet Chain. Cotton Twush and Halting. ja3lMy IhtqnMna Sprluß, Axle, Steel and Iron Works. CtOLKMAN.' MAILMAN A Co, tnaoufarturar* <y > Coach anil Kitplic Spring*, Hammered Axles, Spring juni Plough Steel, Iron, A,-. Warehouse on vr ulir and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Also, dealer* tnj Coach Trimmings and Malleable Cn»ll&if*._ octla N' BUWCMASTER,; ALnxajLas—Otflee. Fourth at., third door above Southfield, south aide. Conveyancing of all kind* done with the greatest raVe and.lexal accuracy. ' Title* tgVHrai Estate examined, Ac. oci3o-Iy EA M. MITCHKLTBKE, Wholesale C.rocera ■ Rectifying Distillers, ami Wine and Lkjuo. bant*. Also, importer* of Soda Ash and Blear li ng Ander, No. 160 Liberty stteet, Pittsburgh, Pa. •ejrtS / • ~ HOUE LRiGUE FACTORY, HAMILTON STKWART, manutacturer of Heavy • Shirtings, Check*. Ac., Rebecca street, city o( Allegheny. _ aovlS-dly* K PETTIGREW jTco.7’ " rIL ■-- STEAM BOAT AGENTS . Orrtrs above M. Alum A Co. BwHESBW oct3l No. <2 Water *trceL INSURANCE. iKDEuaim. 'lTir Franihn Flff. Jnjurauce Cu. uf FhiLuidvhta. 1 vIRLCTORS.—CharIes N. Boncker, Thomas Hart, XJ iobiQ. \\ uguer. Samuel Oram, Jacob R. Smun, '■«« » Richards, Monlerut D Adolnho E. Ihjjie, Duvid S Brown, Motr>* Ptutersoh. . Cuaxlxs N. iU.scsKß. President Charles li, Bancker, Secretary Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town or country, at ra.lt:* a* low u» ur% consistent »mh security. To Company have reserved a large contingent Fund, wldcb with their Capital and Premium*, safely invest ed, afford ample protection to the assured. The tuueis ot the compaiiy, on Juuuary 1 at, IS4H, a* published agreeably to an net oi Assembly, were a* tolloWs, vin Mortgages ffl.W7.toP 41 Real Estate 94,?24 S 3 Temporary Loans • • yo.Wii si Sloess 51AU3 25 3B,SW T. 71 aiiu-*" their incorporation, a period of iy yeara, they b«Te paid upward* 01 oue miiliou four hundred thous and dollars, losses by tire, thereby nifordiu£ evidence cl the-advantage* or insurance, as well as thr nbiiity nnd disposition lo meet with prdtoptness all UabillUr* J. GARDINER COPFIN, Apent, Office N E comer Wood rituf 3d stt D£l*AW AUK MUTUAL I NS Ca AN CK CO. JOHN FINNEY, Jr., Afirai at Pittsburgh for lbs !>•!• Wuro Mutual Bafety lunurailcc Company of Fbiia adelpbia. Fin: Kinks upon bmidiuas anil merchandize of every description, and Murine IfUks upou hulls or cargoes of vessel*. taken upon the iiuim favorable terms. JE7“o3ic< tn the Warehouse of \V B. Holme* 4 Hro , No. J 7 Water, uear Market strrel, Pittsburgh. \V B.—'The success ol ibis Company since the estab lishment o| tae Agency in llns city, with the prvtnpt rx-ik ami liberality wuh which every cianu apoa Uieru lor loss has I men adjusted, fully warrant the agent in in vtutlg the confidence and patronage oi bis friends and ine community at to the .Delaware M b. Insu rance- Coaipooy, whilo it has tfce'addiumial advantages ua an institution among the most nourishing iaPltiladei piun -jivs having ua amplepaid-in capital, which by ibe .Ot>eratum oi its charter U constantly increasing, a.* yielding to each person insured hut due share ot Uic profits ol the company, without involving huu in any responsibility whatever, and iht-teior.- a* possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obuotiou* fea ture, aiui In most attractive torn nov4 FIRS AND MARXNE ISiSIHAKCE. r pHF Insurance Company of North America, tn rough X itr duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, oderv to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in tilts city and its vicinity, and tm shipment* by me Ca nal u«d Rivers. DIRECTORS AtllioT G Cotrin, Charles T») Bum’l'W. Jonci, Kiward Siunn John A. Brown, JuhnXVhiie. Tborais P. Cope, Jiaraael r. Smith, Samuel Brooks, 8. Anstiu Allibone, ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pre.it. HxjotT D. SHKBKicat>. See^y. This it the oldest Insurance Company to (be United Slates, having been chartered in 17m. Its charter is perpetual, and from its high standnig,lnn? experience, ample meant, end avoiding ail risk* of aa extra haz ardous character, it may be considered u offering am ple security to the public. W. IV .RiNtfei. At the Counting Koom-of Atwood, Joce* A. Co., Wa ter anil Fruut streets l*in*bt2r b 'h- ma>~s FtKJB AHlfllSfiiiteraatsajroK. miction nu&nuiee Co. of Hanford, Com. CHARTER Eft IN itgSL CAPITAL LL4IITKD—4S<3u,OOO —aJVD SURPLUS KUND.—The undeiaigned, having been. Appointed Agent of the Protection Insurance Co~, will take nafcs oa property in the city and vicinity, and tm shipment* brpanaifimd the riven and lakes. - r PAYETTE BROWN. meh*fcd*tw OtEec, No. 137 Wood *ireet_ I»j}k SUBSCRIBER has been appointed Agent pro loin of The luauraoee Company ofNonh America, and will lour Foucte* ud attend to Uie other fiu<due»a of the 'Agency, at the warehouse of Atwood, Jour* A Co- . apl 'i WAI, P JO.NE&. water hi FORWARDING & COMMISSION c. a. uasKXßnwiui, ; unaianj uni CHARLESB* DASESHOWKE 4b CO. TOBACCO CUM 1511K5UM MB HUH Aim, No. S 9 Soath Wharves, rail No. 117 Sooth Water M. PHILADELPHIA. ” BIvGS lo' inform the tn.de and dealer* generally, of Pittsburgh, that they hove made inch arrangement* with the Virginia nuuimac'.urer* and lice Grower* of the West, West Indie*, ami other place*, as will insnre a large and constant sanpiy of the following descrip tion* of Tobacco, wb'ifiO will be sold upon as accom modating terms** any other house m this cay or else where, and all good* ordered from them will be war rented equal to representation: Havainc, St. Domingo; Courts i Vara; Porto Rico; >SceJ l/caf to- Cubtq, Iguim; k. Florida; J bac«o; ALfc.O—Branch* celebrated Aromatic Stag Cayen dish, with a large assortment of ether popular brands, and qualities of pounds, s*, hs. li*, 16s and 3*!*, Lump; hi. 0, es and lbs Plug; Ladies' Twist; Virginia Twist. Ac., sweet and piaiu, ui whole and hau boxes, wood and nit. together with every variety of article belong tag to me trade. jelddly AHITPRODifCK. ~ HM Aft, RKKD & CO., (Successor* to Rent, lltutl A C 0.,) GUNEUAL. COMMISSION MEUCBASTB BOSTON, MASS. Particular attention pud to the sale of all Jtifida of Pro* ducc, aod liberal advance* made on consignment*. L. k. & Co. have leave to refer to— • Meura K. Robiaon A Co. 1 p , t . , “ McCjUi 1 Hot. ( 1 Heed, Parka A Co n Denver, “ Lawson k Covode- WeUaviUe, O. Doswell Marsh, Esq. SicubeimUe, O ft. Brady, Esq. \ W F Peterson, E*q 1 Mmn H Crangie k Co. f 'Vheettng, Va “ (fill k Stout, } 11 Rhodes A Ogieby, Bridgeport, O. ' decs?- JAwuieylOS n*»iv : ROBERT W. POINDEXTER. (Late of Pittsburgh, Pa.,) 1 OESEKJL COHUUSSION fIKBCBAST, No. S 3 Sou lb Water *t-» (between Cheinut A. Market.) . I’lilLA DELPIiIA. ffy Particular attention will Us given to sales of Flour and Produce; nn(l any purchase*.iu the Phila delphia market for western account, and any Produce or Merchandise sent to him through Ml. C. 11. Grant of Pittsburgh, will have attention there free of commit siou'for lei-eiving and fuiwajiliug. max7:dlf JOHN A. BIUW, ' PACKER OF PORK AND BEEF, Commiuion Merchant and forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST.,CINCINNATI, 01110 03“ Particular attention paid to the purchasing of of afty article of Produce in this market Also to the forwarding of Goods generally. Refer to ’ Messrs. John Swasey A Co, 1 ** Manic AdiockwelJ /Cincinnati, O. ft. C. Parkhnist, £aq. \ ;k i luppincou k Co. j ‘ X"'* l *™* > Pittsburgh, Pa. EngUab k Bennett, \ maretdftm OKOttOK CtfCHfilS; ' Coamuiloa tad Perwardlug Merchant. 50. 26 WOOD ST., rrtwtmnu CONTINUES to transact a general Commission busi ness, especially In Che purchase and sale of Ameri can Manufactures and Produce, and m receiving and jorwurding Goods consigned to fc, CMC . &% A “ , for the .Manufactures, he Will »* constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacinre at the towest .wholesale pnees. Orders and consignments solicited. .jp '• fcilrti. M. EGOUF, MERCHANDISE BROKER' and Commission Mer chant, No. 33 South Front street, Iseeond story.) Philadelphia. Uy Goods purchased, packed, insured, and shipped to order, wool, Floor, Gram, Dried Fruit and Cheese received on consignment and stor age, with insurance obtained. JUs-BIKNCEU We Ball fc-Son, Mr. H. Utgby, and Mjh Harvey Childs, Pittsburgh. _ feb-dam G EORQE A. "BERRY; *’ WHOLESALE) QROOKBS; FOBWRDIhU m COMMISSION HH&CHAM. AND DEALER IN Irbui Nails, Cotton Tarns db PlUsburgh Hsuufscturcs generally, no. m wqop mum, rrmnman, • p*. com K mi C sBi,on|TrSh ants For the sale of Produce,generally. ITy Liberal advances made ou.eonsigtusent*. __ Transportation to tbe Bast, POBSBV i COPWN, . * UOWXITIUI,.. 5 CommissioD aod Forwarding igtols. i 0. M. HARTON. Pltubnrghi will receipt Produce gomg lia*L • - febliHWm D. A C To and pedlars-swth a Johsros, 111 Market street, wishing to close their slpck of Vatiety Good* preVtoe* to ihetr removal, will 8 . i 1 ** w holcsale their stock of '.'orabsj Buttons. Nee die*, Threads, Pins, jewelry, Ac., at cost S. AJ. will tenjovfeonAprii . <Wj lo No Qp Mstkel sl mc*uf7 LARDOIL— 10 bbls pure winier gt/amod Lard Oil, ia store and lor sale by —.«*■>?? . . . Q BLACKBURN A Co D*" APPI.Fi*— 10 bbh best quality, for sale bf . , J“js J » DiLvVORTH ACo MACKEREL— 130 hbls No 3 Mackerel, m store and for sale by mbss BAWHARBAUGH WM TIUBUN. ATTORNEIVAT law, itutirr, Pa T 1 ril.L alao attend '.o colWuons and nh oihrr Ui- Tf aes« mi trusted to hint in Uutler and Arm*u.»n» enuuttex, Pa. Refer in J A.R. Floyd, Litany »t ( H /VV iv allwc, do' ; Jam*-* .Marsliail do . Piti«l*urri dl v Kay 4 Co . Wood *t ) T M. SWKITZKR. Atlnmcv at |.«w, U U, opposite St Charles lio'r], Pnfbiirffi w:'.* ntiend promptly to Collection*. in Wnehntf mil. t-V »• ami Ur«*n comities, Pa. , RFFF.R TO HlaeVstock, Bell ACo , » fiitirob A I'nrothrr*. -Piti'Mircli I) IV Mcmran, 3 »< t *d-v J- HKSRY. Attorney and tJiutnYilnr ut l.nw Jj* Cincinnati, Ohio. Collect ion* in Southern urn. and in Indiana, and in Kentucky. prompny ami '-i.r -fully attended io Comiiit*MOiier tor Hie Stale of tVnu • ylvAUio, tor laJung Deposition*, acknowledgment 4c. 4c. Rjepkx ti>— Hod. Win. Bell A Son, Curtiv Church A Win. May.. F.*«} . Wilim-k A buvi* uM iAMES F. KEHK, ATTORNEY AT law Othrc removed to Fourth street, between Southfield ar.J < • rnnt sired. ja3-(Lhn JABES lil XLob. J HaRBIMN J|W<i : DI'NLuP A SEWELL, attorney ai Law. Olft. on SmithtiHil. between 3d ami ith »t« JOHN H. RANKIN, Attorney nod Counsellor at Law tuul Commissioner lor the Slate ot FtimsylViuua it. Louts, Mo., (lute ol Puuburgb.) Ravzanxcts.—Pittsburgh. Hon W Forward. Hiunp »n A Millet, M'Caudle** A M'Clurr, John E Parke, lh»i*rll» A Semple. M’Cord A King. jcH.lv JOHN T. COCHRAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth sired. between Snmhfield and Oram. j a li'-ddi,, WM. C. FRIEND, TTORNEY AT LAW. I'onrtli Mr-, t. ~,-ar f.r v:t X\ T O H ROBJNMiN. Alton,, \«: Law I; , - re- V» • moved In* other io lUl* F.reliaitee Huildim?* *d Clair »t, next door to A id>-rrna.i aplTlv HATS.CAPS AND BONNETS. FASHION ABLE HATS. ~ 4THE- subscriber. in addition 10 hi» own maiultaeturm; ol Hat*. ha* made nrmnge Jff menu with Mr»r> IV-bee A Co- ithr fashionable halter* of the ntyofNew Aorli.) inrnree alar supply ol tuseitru boo Si'lk Hniv »n.l l.avn.,; •» I received a few eases. gentlemen mu be «uite,i with n very neb arid beautifu l bnt by calling at In. new Hat and Cap Store. SmithLeld street, .rcorni d«»or «onto 01 Fourth, where may be lourid u /treat vuriet) ol Hal. and C?Ip» of In* own tnaiiulacture, wholesale aj;d n - Uul Haut made to order on abort notice apaa JAMES AV|l.j*ON M M'COIID A CO.. Ms JOt (SaereaMra In M'Cord A Kinrl CWft Ksihloasblt UstUr'ii Corner of Wo&l tuui Fifth Street*. PARTICULAR atlrnUuii paid to our Retail Trade. Uemlemrii can relj u|>ori gening their He'- Caps from our establishment oi' the best >;* rxaut - md WOSKMAXXMU- ol' the LaTU3T STTLCa. and It! llie I.oWtser t* ulcus. Country Merchant*. porcha-mg by wnr>ie*»le. are respecttully invited to anil and eionmir our Stock »* we rail say with confidence that «• re C i,r>t. vt .i.iti and Ptttrt, tt will not sutler in a rotiipari.ou with n«v bou<c m P!)iiadrlph.u. f'■ 1" n HATS. CAW ANU MUFF>- Jfl subscriber is now receiving front ilicwiKC of New York. u cho.ee awirtm.-ni of Hat*, Cups and Muds, Ih tr-i fn.hion«, ui great van, ■ ty and very cheap, wholesale and trim! J .\M» WII.M»N. novl'J Smuhhrld «t v’d door south ot 4th T~=± . CALIFORNIA HATS—III <loz water prool I S California Hal*, just received nnd tor sale by M’C* *RD A Co, |el«7 corner sth and \S ood st« pj. SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1649. p*, Iff M'CORLI ACo will introduce on Sutur- , E March Ud. the Sf ring style of HAT"' Those in want of a neat and superior hat, are invited to call at corner ofhth and Wood sire* ts. ward IMPORTANT TO THK AFFLICTED. Dr. Hose's Ueletirutrd kemtdics. DR JACOB S ROSE, me discoverer and sole pro prietor of these raoel popular and beneficial med icines. anil also ll>o inventor of the celebrated in-tm weal for intlaa:i£ the Lunn», in cfleeunc a cure <,i Chrome diaeasm. was a student of mat cinmei.t j>li v». - cian. Doctor Physic, and is a graduate of the (j mve'r*i ty of Pcrnisy Ivmma, nnd for Uarr> year* store Un. been 4nsajred id the mvrsugauon oi disease, and (Ji<- uppli cation of remedies thereto. . 4j*lor, Ambrose white, Jacob M. Thomas, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, Wm Welsh; Frame* Hoiaens, Throogh the use of his in flaunt tube, in cor jterton with hi* Prophylaeuc Symp and other oi hi* r» wedir«. he baa gained an unparalelled eminence in curing those dreadfoJ and fatal maiadiev Tul-ercu lar t.'on 'sumption, Cancers, Scrofula. Rheumauimi. A>tbma, Fever and Ague, Fevers of ail kinds. Chroma Kryiipe laa, and ail those obstinate disease* peculiar t< i lrmafro Indeed every form of due»*» ••m'Oc* unde r thrt uw of his renwwliea, io whirn humaniry is heir — tot by the use of one compound onlv, for that is me ompatible vith Physiological Law, but bv the nse of hi* reme dies, adapted to and prescribed fur each pec ulmr form df disease. Dr. Ro*cVToaie Alterative Pills, when u sed are in variably acknowledged to be superior to &' 1 other, as s purgative or liver pilL, ibiuunorh as the y leave the bowels perfectly free from coslivcues*, a* al«o his" Golden Ptli« i* admitted by the fueulty to {so*«eas pecu liar properties adapted to female disease* . but !«mc a&Usfieu that a bare trial is sufliem nt to r*' abliah wusl has been said in of the most site ptieal The afflicted are f€vilcd lo rail upon <)ir ag-ni. nml procure tgratisl oneiif the Do. iot * pxii p„!r'.,. -iviiig a detailed account of each renieo y and ts .**pj>it. *i.>ui For sale by the fol owing agents, ».« well a* i.y most Druggists utrooghool the country J Hehoownakrr & Co. 31 Woo.] .ireet. rutshurgh J M Towuseml, druggist. 45 .Market »i las A Becklisiu, “• near thr 1’ ii ALeghcnv city. Jo* Itarkley, Darlington. Ben-er .-..ojuv . Pn Jiwo Kiiiott. Kimon Valley. T Adonis, (leaver, CIOUtiM, PAIN INTHKHIDK AND GUESTIN'. ' RKD' Having a lor tong tune i-e,, distressed ith a severo paiuin the side and cbr*t. hrcouipoiucd Uh a dry cough, I ura* mduced, upon ihr urgent so.i- citation of h friend, to Dr Taylor * llaJ*mu of Ijvrr wort, and I must say this mediciue has answered it* purposi admirably. My distress wh. pr.Kfueed bv * severe hurt, and wa* *o great that n was with dlificuily I eou>d swallow my food. Indeed. lam satisfied tlus disease mast have, terminated in «.'on«umpt.»n, or lotne fatal disease, had it uu; been cured by Uns yudnnnui medicine. To all who seek in prolong th.-ir live*, I would advise the use of Dr Taylor • IJai.xin of liver wort. J A.MGuW A\ 4go Dower) This medicine lacuitalea experioranon, reduce* fe- ver, restores strength, and mar l,e cotuudercd us:t*a pcrior preparation for ibe care 4>wl prevention oi nil disease* in ihe Chest aud Lungs, and siKiuld hr reson- ed to, even after these disease* Lure re*i*o-d the u> u ai remedies In the this old and vrrv rr •peetahle physician, this llafkam of L»*rwon hiir sc qojred an enviable reputation for u» vmui *. n* supr- or to that of the abumlauh unsirum* of uir H * r u the character unit pro&uy i>i it* <n v'nioi , L , unit of quurlrs mid ernpinc*. CONHUMFTION CURED -My *on nuvi ■ , t n \ l(> . lent cold, used to cough viu.eat.) rm-.ng , ( u sanur* «r thick putrid mHUrr, and finally hr >-uu.d no', turn over ID bed, from weak ue«v Hr uium'.-.ii-,I i-. rr v ..nip tom of confirmed consumption, t-m *ix \ , 3l i he bad beeu subject lo the asthma His phv«ir Mesir* Vermoulc A Anderson, said hr was ' ncurublc. und must soon die. Vet I was determined io try lJr Tay lor'* Balaam of Liverwort, andi as ii may ap pear, this medicine has fully required h.* nmltli t SHJI'HIA GALLON, 1 4 Norfolk street. Hold In Pittsburgh by J D Morg an, V-T Wood *t. J Townsend, 4f>MarKetst, II Hni) . rr , ror 'darkci mid 3d sts , Henderson A Co. U Liber- y,t J*nce reduced in kl At) per l»ottle ja3>'> Jayne* 1 Kxptetorant. B*l.lo*. Ooturnlußi .a eo ,u . Apr. 34. 11»4L DR. D. JAYNBB; Da*a Nia.—l bound to you and the aJlljct'hd to avail uysell of tin* op portuniTy of giving ;VhUrity io the extraordinary effects of youf rlxperloranf on inyscrlf Having been i.rilicicl for several ycurs with a acverr coagh, heciie leve.r and it* concomitant discuses, and seemed only doomed lo linger out a short but ntidersldr ri*ir nee. until thr fall of 1:£B, when, bfiiig morn wnr.) aimckrd mid bavuig resorted 1o alMniy lornirr rnn-iln-*, mnl the pre scriptions of two of Hit mvd lespeetnbie piiysiclniis m the neigbluirhood without •ienving nny benefit, or tin* consolation ol surviving hut a lew buy* or wrrki nl fanhrst—when the last gleam oi hope wa* aboui io vanish, l hail reeotumanded to me *, ..ui KjpeoCornn: - Mild btc»*ed by that Being who <(<*-* all inuig* mi me use of the meiujs—uud coiitrary in thr vxpeciaiion* nl my phystcimn* and friend - I vn* in n i* w da, • ia.*cd from my bed, Mild wa* » nui.lrd i.v Uic u»r of a liotiir. i<> attend to my business, enjoying .nice le-it.-r health ui*n 1 had.for ten year* previous Respectfully yutii«,<kr , Ja» \V Estii.i. For sale m Pittsburgh, at tlie |'i im Tea Store, 7'. Fourth street. mnrt9 NEW ARUAKOKNENT. DOCTOR B W. MOHR IS having rrrr-otlypureblU ed the Drug formerly owned by Huy« A Brockway, No 1 Cauiim-rcini Row. Libert' street. Pittsburgh, tabus Ihi* method of informing iu* friend* and the pubuc m grnernl. dial In* store will at all lUue* br sujipiied wilh jii rlleiifivc and general assoruaeut u> Drug*. Dye Suiil.*. I’muus ChN. Vaflilahe*, Perlliinrry, Coiognes, and imlred rvery ar- ticle railed tor in a dru* svor-, whiim will alwnys In sold a* U»w m a> nriy oih-r hou-r fci in- nry, wnole sale or retail Hopini' lo im-rii a limre of ihe pur«u*- puironage, notiimg »hnii be wuniinv i<> sivn entire »ai isfacuon to l»i*cu*lornrr* nov7-t»til l Hydropathy, or Lh« Water Care. Doctor benjamin w mokri** -mi ruum...*. to prnrlice tbe »i»lr „nrt pn|><n.ir r-meu) dviie.l Hydropathy or llte Waiei l.ure. and >tdr»ire«l will trrni diseases Allopathically ( u.*tnn<-»: r«-:« wnl ne ai tended to promptly N B.—Dr. Morns may be ron«u)ird m In* Drur Store, No a Commercial Row, Liberty *ir-«-t, durim business hours, or at hi* residence. .trwimmu and -ven uig. Penn street. 3 door* below Irwir. * alley novTupll Dr. DlcLsne In Tennoasee. 'f’HlS is to certify that I purchased one vml of Dr JL Worm Hpcnfic. some .two month* »r<> end rsve to a son of mine, some seven ye«r» old i*n ssspoons full, and altbougb in-- amouni may appear ama, vat 1 have no duubl bui tJirrc wns upwnrd* of rwo wouu pnssed from him, measuring oc. -I - -■” ViiSLljSXv. Rot*’a Creek. Cnrrol ro Dec 87. IM7 laiM Sellers- veraiiflgk-ln Georgia CoLCMars Jan. Utb, 1:HB Mr R V. Sellers —Your Vermifuge ban sold well, and ho* been higW Y spoken of by ail who hava used il. From the ouccr.s* attending the adimnwiraUnri of your Vrrnilfuge in every ruse | hove heard 01, I am confident I enn sell more during ibe coming season ihan 1 did last 1 will i-e giu.l m receive another sup ply of 4 or 6 grot. Yours, reprettu ly, j Extract iroin letter ) R- CARTER. Prepared and sold by H E. SEI.LKUft. 57 Wotul »t, and sold by druggisis gei m lMuimrgli sinl Al teghny ....... . S|| M( ILASSK.S- an l-Lis s jf Moias-ms, ju»i re . reived and fot sale by murd BROW N .V ( I. LBKRTSON Sl.-GAR— <>b hbd* pnmr »ui;..t nr .- crop. ju*t fern ved unit foi sale by ioaro HROU N A CI’LBKKTr*oN SOAP —5W hr* Pittsburgh inanufjrtured <*up, )U»i received and for sale by mard _ UR«»\V\ & i.’UI.RKRTSON FAMILY FLOUR—IM i»t>l* Parkinson’s superior Faipily Flour, ter tale by f*h« WICK A M'CANDLESa PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 3, 1849. LAW OFFICES. MEDICAL ('O-PARTNERSHIPS, Dissolution. r T'HE co-partnership heretofore rr.aimir hrt’a'een the 1 *ub«en{»er». in ih- name of Fnrml. Rney k i>>, v»« thi- dav dissolved bv mutual content Uco. Rbey wi:l mice ihe t)u»inr»* a I the concern, lot wuith |>ui ||«- auihoi 1/ed i.. u‘e la- name of the ft'Ul rORTKR R FRIEND, JAME-* WOOD, OKO KHKY February 7. I* 5 10. Co-P&rusersli I p. The base tin* day uasoi-uneJ ilicinsrlve* m in- .*• RHP.V. MATTIIENW A ro . far iJ.e r>urp.r«e o' tran-aniiitr a “me ml Orocrry. Commi««ioti u <i Fnrwnrrimc R.i«i'neß*. ru the *taml of t!ie late firm I'nr-iui. Khey A Co . where they wilt l>e pieneed to r. reive ihr i>m r iiante ul tiit- cuajoiurr* of taut house ami our ii-h-uJ., IiKO HfIKV. . i.Kvt Matthew*, FH.tuun T ]-}'.» WM EBBS. We take pleasure m r-< • •minenduif: lo the confidence <t tnir 11 i.-ti.l • ;iiJ tiMM- <•( I 'rit-ml. Rfiey It I'o . our • ui-o«-!“-iir» i,i ImsitirM, I; , \ Muulir w« A <'o. PORTER R FRIEND, fri.'i J AM Ks WOODS Ulmaol u I ion, r PMK rn-p.-t.iert|np lierrnunro existing between ibS 1 lUt-o-nt-'-r*. mi un' n:iui>’ of f-onuablt--. ourlc 4 C». .• thu .lay «tiA.»nis .-d m i.iuiual I'onwcL McsMtf ll.ltke .V Hnrilt-- Mill -cMn' ! ir bUMllr*.* of ibe* oon rrtn. i ir wImoK pur|>o«e they nre ni!'.hpri«eil to it*e lb® a tiiir ... N'ATH ANIKI. CONSTABLE. EDM I'M) Bt'RKK. THOMAS BAKNKS The umierngno.l have Un- day associated themselves in Un- name oi BI KKK A BARNES. for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safe*. Vault Door*. Ac. Ac . tit the stand of ihu late firm of Constable. Burke A t'.i , where llicv Will !-c pleased to receive llie pn t rottueq of llic eu*>timi«f * ol that houx- ami their (rietiUs. KWMCSD BERKK. TIIOMAS HARNK? 1.. renting mini the firm <»i ConMn'.’e finrU<r Ain, I wait ►im-ur.i p.rUMife recuiunjeinl Mre-t* Burke A Barne. to Hie i i.atiilem-e of mv fu- 1 ,.!-- ami llie public Fr'i W, \-l-j NATHaNIH, i t»\STA HI .K leMTiltf Dissolution. r pilK pati...-r*li p -a i-.i.< .-»a.uu im.!.-! M-* firm ot X M'VmJ A Kins, waa l-V mulUht < Mi.*ci.i .rt*vo!«ed •:»mt I4' either .r 11*. umii* the umu-- of llie linn for tlißl purpose Heine d<*-nou» to have nut busincß* H*»ei] with a* little liei jy u* p<»««ibl* we would ns .petllu:, y . ,*i, u.- v lln'*e a lrbird 10 rai 1 aatl *ralo t).. tr am .min. JOHN l> MVORO. II I) KJNU ro-Par(ner»hlp. JOHN I' MrtiKH navi.i- wa;-. :..m li«« i.mtlier Jam«- M « .ml. under me *ty.c ot M Cord A i'o.. wi 1 continue ilie lla M Cap unil !*ur l»u*me*« in nil aumu. t. rain ne». wliun-, a> a nil remit, at the oi.) »uin«!. .-iirnri . t Wivhl aiul it!* Htrr.-u*. whrra they •o'lri*. n coii’.atua'i.in 01 'Ji- paltorage tipermiy t*o -towed nr. the old fi nn JOHN D M CottH JAMES a MVORU IN' rcatau’ from the old and well kitowi firm ol M'Conl A K.uf i raoc re*pect!i!y reoommeiid to :lir -i-arouai;e 01 tin' puhii,- my Micee»*or». Meß»ra. M'corn A. IN. jin* H D KINO niiKOI.ITION. 'I’HK piirr’ier«lap ~f Ml KI H\ A I.KK Hhi.ilay * (1i»»oi\e«! liy tuuiuai con*etit Thr •>! the -atrlirm w,l i t.e .ettlmt II Leo. J K Ml KPHV. I’aiM.urgh. Jiut W. *•?-*»* H ITT. NtiTiCK Tii- u-d-r--c--'i w,|: ront.mie the \\ ..ol M1.,,,'., it ~i »-' r n-l ' Ili e SR, \\ (.olrtvluKhk at It. ti-unnr, trt.m U.e Lrm of Murphy A itrer.t [>li-n.«;ice m re.-ommenduu: Alt H I.ee lo tin* • ciuti.l.-iH-y oi my tr-,n..J- .ml U.e putmc n-to.otrh. J«n :flt. I'MP J K MLRPHV I>HK «uh«<-r ,t>et * imve thin rii.y ii.-omnied thrui --,-.*e io<.-ih<*r lot me purpose of traii»«ctiiu: a * lioicea.c ami reui ii Dr. Ckkml« ami omerry !>u*a.c*«. m No celt opposite Stvmih -trret. und. f llie ao ><* and firm of Bt"SHFIK»-DA HAVS Pituburun. Janun, ‘v l 1 N B—Our o'd cui lomem and the public ore uittted to irive utt • cnil ;o^> CO-PARTSKRBHIP T\rM n SrAIFK. and Capi. JA-MK9 ATKINSON Tf t.-iv,- onu-feil 11.1 c pan.-ier-iun. under U«r firm of Sun t A A m N>O.N uiul Will carry on die Tm. Copper, unil Sheet Iron Wat** muniifuctory A.'.. B:Hct*uua- :ng t). a!- iU brnnebe*. at ibe old c.aiul of H m H ,<•».?*, Pint itrvrt. wnr \V.o.' Part.rll.llr aiteut ton i-rvcii to tlcanuxiat work I’HK PARTNKriSHU’ «u Wm .V R Hat* i.acmj !»een <tie-olve.] l> v the death 01 one of the puruiet. tin' ,'i.-ir.ii.( Wm Ila y.» Jr ,ic.-eu»ed. m *..:<) t.f.i e<,ii-o.t.i.t ni Hide-. h-.-f Stun*. »>•:..Vc. I*. ...,.1 on the |.trmi*e. me | 'nli m.j fel.T-id JAM I.AUMfI.IN Adm:ru«*raU)r 1 «>ilr t iT.if.-n . Produ.-e mtii ( (irntnioion i.u«uieii*. ...) :.io;:.r,iJc«* ( ,;..u iti«: l.ru mj > I)ILW(>KT|I A Co J S DILWUIU H January I l-4fi / NO-P AIITNIuR.SH ip —Wm \ ouajt navi-ijr ihi* V_/ day a-«wiatetl wub hun, John R MTuitc ihe lc»* iner t.u*l nevs wt.-l bereattar be eebdueted tuidcr \Ka firm of \\ ui Vinin e A to wiCt.iA.ll YOCNO. J Nik. 1C M'tT'XR BOOK TRADE- K'V IIIKJKS —Lcctur it on Pugritn • Progress and iy the Life ard Three* of John lloiivsn, by the Kev Geo. U Chccver, D D. Wanderings oi a Pilgrim ut me Shadow of Mount H oi.. ; bv 4.e0 HChrev-f ll I> The Journal or the Piiarnns nt I’.rtnouui, inN'* Krg.aml. in ltt>f» Rrprmu d ’roni iJie ortgmai vo uiue, pnneipie* and person*, by George li l.'heevcr. D. D Hccond edition. ft->|.u*rn. w ib Mi. rr.- j<j to U» import ai d i t by Cuwnra H-r. nc r. I. L J h. Kyiand ai.li nou.ro Mr iion-r hi i preacher aud a roMipanioi; 1., John Bhrppar t— new eOi'ion. The al.ove.witti a isrge sirx*k of Theological, ills lurica;, Mcdicui and Sciviol for »a.c al >ow pr.c.-, b v I.I.LH>TI A KNGLIHH. TV Wood .1. mm f !..‘iwrri t:r. «i *r.d Gmmond alley A.MU'AI.IfbKM.I IN lct> -tlvj (.(. e/on .-111, a.] App->H!,J. ' n.;:.-g r-.-*ri u-id »u Ihcnbc mforninlxMi on Mi«- •i.i.irr; o: Vri..<-» will, uu iiv-rou, >.Mi*irh:.u!.* ~ .i j iua|>, U vul*. iktuo The 4,n.J-J-erker* Manual, hem- a pmrlu-a, sail »M.:r.,ti .vr gu.dr to a.; p.-; Mir., -iu.grai.nr n. me d f-gincs l.\ DTA'i.ted. Pmr o! lieoii.Q K «.g • t‘»d b*ge 1 vol, purer 'ljf No tes <.i Tr* v. . in I'aliiorm i. c.uupn.ing ibe prom mciu features ot Uir couutry, ui»o, itm joule from Kt*ri larat ciiworUu Al<> . m San Diego, t'ai. }■ roiu i..c olh mil -eports of Col Frcinont nm! Muj Kmory 1 voi. S-41 p age* *!»' Th r California (smile Bo ik, r..mpr>»iiig th • *»i no acco uul oi l pper i.'.u.i.xinu. and hi. Nairoi. •• 1.1 Hie Kip- uring hape.iK.on lo the Rocky Mourn*, ii*, Ac wij, 3 map* -1 voi, "vii, (>*|>er in ( Re v Baptist W N.o-i * W or a on the l'i ‘"A -fChurrh H HtJI'K.INS. ,n lt<ii,.lii,u». in. Ju-l received by I>O«>KV (Avar • Vanmron* .M Popery ) t>V' K-r • A•’itophon < Work*. Tarim* U.ni., 1 -.. i , \\ and, Na-ara ilisti.r, ..I Ki .nit ••u«ni. Lne a n.l Inin-, oi Phi.ii. lb" ry. K ■ . IG-..1 > Y.*111.. I‘h«.-i ... m me V'-op'r of M igo...- n,r.,p„., m-.i . r.ir.on ■" <M,dm rnn.i, Mcihom- of J K..W-U Hur1,,... Hart, e'hn.t.* alt. l/Y Ty*g. Hapti«m import amt in.ulr*. I'Uc Mid d.c Kifignoii' . voi* i l.ccrr * Uciu idmi.i Pllgruu • PfOgrt.*. > 'i.reve: r - W midriuig* nl n Pi.gtiui ill U»r Aip*. And. /non • Itoiur*‘.i.* i (Mistinrln,n Nlodrrn Ar . omplishmc in*: lui*i days of FJoha. Women of 'hr KevoJotion. I.) Mr* KI Id, Lite oi Pnllvk. for »al* t*> inorl-i KLl.iorr A ENGLISH . wood si nt.' MAN AfAGNFrns.M—Ha einim. in dl*i>iu*«i'>t> ■te iiKjt.iry, mg an sit-in,»i msh ow the utility ul ils upplir Jiuoit for the relic! <>' »ufl. -Ting, by W Newuhum. K*«, , nuinor ni -‘Thr leeiprisrai mduence Of Ihel) mid Mind, etc Toe |.ep i AO.k 0.. U.r .übjd'l pu'.lishrd F,.| sale |.y KI.LHrrTA K> GUSH, marl'd TV wixxl *t Lll'T. OF 1- KANKUN, |ilu<iu'«l if. . ourrr. nl pui.ifcatm i in ihe MK-ial loim, t>) Harper A Bro ther* \ew A <> ek Tin- f.iie nf Heiyonnii F v nm k lui. ron - iivitnc oi In* \ ulomograph) , arid u tin ri uu v- o' fi<« pul.'fc life *f,«l service*, by me Rev H. H usbngV \\ <tld; «pirmlidly emr eili»tt»d I.y rmmr rout cXipii«lte design*. i.vJoiiiiii i'ln ipman, ei.g raved in uie hi giic-t »i>Tc <>f mi Thr «uit. i, pruned mi ihe ocuvu ruriii, on *u i Uu.- paper, imm i.«,d mill logtb:.* tvpc H w-ili l*« ai l.riei mterviu* Fusch jiart will i.e rece.ved bye.i lire., munefl,m, iy after its puid icaiiun I'm' l'i ju*l i>''ccivod Mud Ini • a .*• h) JiJIf.NSTuN A STofKTHN. : ■< A’> rnrne r market mid .'hi «f* MAi A l 1. A \ SIII?*ri»K) Ol' KN(jIiAND-From the Ol Jnlll-A I! - W L. The Mieicry Air ia.id-r n.- tur ai by Jacoo Ab boil. w nil map anil engrnv mg* The Hi»lar> i,i Charles 'he Kir«t «'f f-jielnnd b- J" rob Abbou—elei»„„i r nvrt a * mtt > limpei » Life of Fmiikhn: splrru'KUv e»ul»*ll«*hed b> iiuinetiiu* rjijuuiu- desigii/.jg.No 1. 'ii> i-r.nt* f' l ’ ‘•e euinpleled in - number* Picutnal Hirtory of England up lo the rricn «>( »ce ID— <>e.,pirir in 4 vol», oriavo i:h«» illustia- JU»t Uy Apo.lo IJu ■ Idiugs, 4th »* Mai Al LA \ 1 UHrORYIiV K.NOI -AND Vo; II Chn.m-r- Pn sUiuuiotn Works. \ "l • 1> Franklin « 1 .tie ]i. usiraico—part* U ;unl 111 Thr Hi-uiry nl 111 ji in ha Ime>‘n rt had iniui bV Jacob AMn.ll I il-»'<d litle. map null iiUlilerO"* e-,c-0- t mff- Adler * (irnmtner and English Ihmoniiry. o-mv "iory »i Lime J,ih« tram the Krrorn of M i •<’ *- nr I. llluMrutrd Ai-ton. or the <'■ reir nf -, .-ol lee non nl Th"'l* and 1 ibae.rvotidn*, dnsigne.d lo d> Imen:- l.iie. ,\|i i l, 'd (he \S orid Hun's Kninanre of Yachting Arabian Niglus Kniertainnieni*, * irans'aßon, • pirr.didty iliustraird. 2 ▼«>!•. lam.v Just ret-erved by R IIOPKI.N: \ febJfcf A.polio Hall, 4th _** . NLVV iKjohi*— llistor> o( Murj’ of ft* ' nl * Hy Ja-ob Abbott; with eutravi ngs. Historv ol Sum i.Tlmrles the Pirn, ol England. B) 1 Ju«*ob Abbott, vv• th •• inv:up. History oj .Ui-jand-r die l.rrm By Jacob Al'bo tl. Hisiuiy ot IfaitJ'.il-r*l ilie CaiUiagiii lan Rv Jacob A i'bou, with iiigravuiil* Ilsreivcd mid lor rale by JOHNSTON A SI'OCKTON, feblO cor m * rkcl and flats Nf.VV IMXiKft- Orrgon and (.‘nlnori’ja in 184 ft; by J Omim Thornioii, late Ju.igc ol the Boprcioo Court of Oregon, and corresponding member °* lbe Atnerienn Institute With mi appundil', inftllHßng re cent mid authentic uncrrantion oil the rubjert ol the (»nI.D MLNI-a of Caluonila, and other valuable mai ler ol .nit-rest in the emigrant*, etc WP’Jj lllus.^'jatmiia and n mop In u»-<, volumes. . ILiphael; i, r page* of the hook nf lift* *t twenl T '’Y Alphonso do Lemarur.r, nuihorof the ‘'Hiotory • « «•« (•iromliau, or persoci Memoirs nf the Patnoi* o f »b« French Ilcvoiut).,n " ei- Ju»i received and for *k‘ e i y JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON, mi. nil comer-market nnd 3d » •» Map of PK> \<\ I.VANI A—Constructed from the County survey* nuiuorirod by ihe State, aud o U'- er original docomm • Revised and unproved lUidc.* ihe supervision ol Win L. Montr. ftvil I-jigtneer, upon data procured in each ' outny. undrr niiihonty of the 1-eijulaiore A lew copies-of rbi* larye end splemlid Map received Ihilday and lin aalc by Jf'HNftTC>N A STOCKTON. Booksellers, cor ma fket and 9d sta. HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTRL. LIGHT STRKET UALtI’hIOR R M F‘« < > *mi rurasTON. pm.eiusr'iiit.n THIS e«u»lilt»hinent lonff and widely known n« hem? one of the moit cnmmtKboua m the city ol Ualuinor.;, Ini- re.-emiy unrleraone verv eiten *ive alteration* n;jd mij.roeeriem.* An etiiin* new wtnr ha» be«n containinir niunerou* and iury spsnoicni,. d .-ll,n,:re liathim; room* rhe l.ndtei' depur'tne'it hn« al«o been eoniplelHy reonratured and fittn' i.p ;n a mo-; un.i|ue and benuti ftll MS le ||, in,-, Hie u it 11 j'■ C-- inrn I of! he llou-e haaj.ee.i u-.th a nine'.* eve on the part of the proprictorv, i»wnr,l« ;i.e ronifon and ptra-ure ..f tl.eit(iuc«l.,:ir.,r*l„,i| t|,e V ronfi.lendv „..*erlwill Chatlrmr- eompanaon with hpv Hotel in tho Timm wuinal ami luxurv wucn Mip m.fir-i affords. «<»rvr*d »ip m a •upfnor «m,.. whit* in u.<* way oi' Win.-*, *<•-, tl.ry *H, mil i,p Mupa-ml In l}>r |.m;irif-ior. !><•* 10 say. lhaf nolhm* Will bp Irri undone on HiPir pari, itrnl on liic pan of Uicir 10 retiilrr K,,« Hoi-, «-ur| y ili.r cmmnurd patrnuiiCP oi'ih.-ir friend* ami ti,- pnMi,* frnerallv Tliepriivr lor txjarvl twve «i •• < ! „ reduced to lb* followuig rair-.: i .ml’-u - (inliiinry. lieilUetnei, N. li.—Tim llaggai;- Wagon of the House will «l way* he found at tin* Cur and Steairbnu" Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hole:, tree “!.5 h ®D?r ‘ _ innyvhf RXCHASGR liO'TEL'i STjir Kul.-crii.cr having a*»uin-d the intinugr. '"'■ill of ihi* lone established and popular Hold, rc*peciful|y announ<v< lo Traveler* it net the Public general-)-, that fir win lx* at all times prepared to accommodate them m all dungs desirable in n well regulated ItmrL The Moose t« IMW being thoroughly repaired throughout m.d urw Kunmar- added. 1....1 no pain* will 1* spared to make tfij Exchange one of ihe vrrv hot |(oit‘U m the en»i- >ry Tne UlldrpiifTied rr»p.-r',:u;'«n: I' l! « a rontinuanrc of llir vrry liberal patronage she Hnu*e tin* h-reumre received. TIIUM AH OWHTON. fchlldtl |’rt»|>r nor 1. AM A RTI X K IIOiRE, COH.NKR OF KOL'STU *MI aHa \T artKiTT'. }*T rr«fir uclt M ill)' ‘.ill'- ritii-r ;irmnnin*r« Uin( lir h«« now 111. |«‘W nmt rirrllrnt Motel for ill* *i i'umiuiHi.;,i>n oi utivrirfv l-ontilcr*. lUO,t romf ° nablr amt Tli«* *ulnMTiU*T i* i!r'.«*rmin»J to ilc»nv«, aiul iherr fon* aoUciLk, a shnrr of putmr patronage. CMMU-dl) JAOOH 1101 <‘,H. |*ropr.-tnr ~ IOO'PKK CK N T NAV K D l OPPOSITION MOISK qUiE VIRGINIA IldTH.nn Bali.more •.-•-.•cl. near i ilte IVjxit. (*unit>"rlanil, i« now in complete orilcr for tbe reception mnl ari'orninmlaiit.ii oi ihr putmr. l*rf«on# 'ill it orcll nl raar and coffinifl, will do writ to patronize ihl» mali.ndinicni—they wilt find jfic Hisnil't*** ciran mill nire. nnd the Tallin a* ivrli Air mmlii-d i»« any in l‘umL>erl»iid, at twrniy-firr renw. guaranteed a* good an any that ran t>e had in the place. at any prire. or no char**. No marge lot transportation 01 tmirtagr 10 and Irom tin* car* jali-dam W A#HIN(«Tt 'N KVAN 1 * UNITKD RTATKS IIOT’EL, ctlXsxn »t iirr«-*is F'-i urn i mi r:rrt! »r« OPPOSITE lis.A ««.- I .:1 1»*it St;*i« P1,,1a- Jflpliia M POPE yiTOUKU.. tnarVu PruprirKif MISI'ELLANEOrS' P HKS II SPRING GOODS Shaeklfll k While, 1 \RY i.'K'li" JOHHER>, <*i W ..») ,:rrrs. VI vjf 1 ) , I \!-rr thnr A \lt.Rl lAN AMi l nßKll..\ l‘R l.ui'Hv now lli rrr I irnm hr-t Rri'ClVin* III h r o' lit-! fO<*d« .lofn't I'uvnr* iliry >vi. b>. • :i 10 ihfir mier t lo rxnminr tbri' «l»rk A Ju»t ,i I*riir .:x lr l>r-«* ticKvi*. FanrT |*rjn!», l i'unb*. Sunitti>*r J.nodv Whin- Irub Tailor Trimming■> am] |iro*-n m.rt :-icnrhr<l Shrrunc* »■*" JAMES W. WOODWELL, Modern u mi Antique Kurnitare, n .T r - v^'"!uvr ~u.-«. cou*ui-' • •*= !• '> ■'- -nd fu.'Ur- i» 0.. w • r, '*>d>- m t*prwigfie)d. Otsego ruuntv. N Y. and Tup pr- -ei.i -•!•<• i■• [i iui .\i . • in- -i. joi y•• urn nn n i.imape and machine shop in ihut place, iu. * manuinf '.or . ' « ••• '.l'p' • i -.1 -i |*- r-» .i'.J nm nu' "I'-r-'ii i! in my milliner in ,ue ttue 0! the a.* /'.on* i'iplc nr.iiw«l ,*■ ■ -f.-', | r's. c Pan7' 'ii-i.mc., KLUAH iLVtO.v" the «ioclr ii. •• : Eo; ;>■ efc.-:« N V Sept lfl I*4' ja4 rs . \I AM KACTCKFD TOBAlT<Wrhe'"subscriber •CtWsi *rvl label ‘ 1 wouhl (alt i]n: aucu'. v ( me ei:y trade and k To.Ut fabl.-v In.nW i **'*'• U “' ' u ' ' ,n * brai.ds**rob«rn%, Krepeh Manopuny 8p«I-'i «!• I>t»m. " '/ “ K,> * 0 * rnvr *•*•«•'* b *‘ r -« consignments di oti W.iaa «nu. Plush and lliu-pioUi GOTirti 'C.. Ifom maadtJi-.af0,., iic p.tunu d w ie,. at east in Mahogany Riv-km* Cha.rs, j *" , «» ««• r. , , 40 dor Parlor do bi» ftt Cw.lia* 4*. X ■■ F.nrj- JO . p”I'* 1 '* sspp.rt-pTnl.lp. I 1 1 l-*aiar;;nr. s*. 4 pan p.rr Tahirs. ;*! { ~ *' hll,be » u . &• IJmartdeio}, Dr. .-me Bureaux, I T.‘ } Ittnaiu and U. b Wardrobes: r i?eem«nc»©e..t, „ t, * rt ‘ * 6i*»on it. 120 marble lop Wuh Stands, “ *>»car Uurl as, 4 pair Ottomans. ! “ \ \ *■ F pair fancy Wort Mands: J ’’ arwtek , supr Is, A very large assortment of common chair* and other i , ~ * Uenry A James 3s. Is and ?*; [{immure too numerous to mention J °* LS WATERMAN ft 7" Steam Boatf i'uriti»lic«'on the shortest nopee. | Pitt I<aehftfc~^fr6>to~aaa'gim'n^py; — and on the most reasonable torm« rircii | riftaßCSaji. ra. Cbocolate, Cocoa, fte. lull.N W RIGHT A Co , are prepared to build Cotton W. Baker's American mid I'frn- n i 'hoi-omir. Proper- ) If u«»d \N oolen .Mac inn pry of every description, such fit Cornu. Orwt TsW-. Hrooa itoma 4c :a* Curding Machine*, t*piumn« Frames, Speeders rtM) mere ham* ami coimi inert. wn> would iiurciia.sc | IJrawiuc f mm.-s. Railway fleams. Warpers, Spoolers, A the t»e«t product* oi' Cv*«*it. irec [.urn adulteration. | Dmstnj Frames. Looms. Card(rtindera. t«. Wroaght more nutritious tann ir« oi coS. e. and m iiuulit)' uti-ur- I Iron Stia/iuiir tamed; all sizes of Cast Iron, Fullteeaitd passed, the »uh*.-i.1..T r»:c.tm»iei>ds Hi- above urttetr*. j Hungers of the iulest puttrrn*. slide and hand Ijdtbes. miiuuf'iPtnrc.l *iv hint-elf and sifl-n;— w.tli ins name nnd tool* of aii kituls i..is|inj*<. ui every description Hu »nd c«rn* Paste as delicate palatal'..-, iurm*hcd on-nnrt uotje.- Fau«rns made to order for unit sg ufiiy drillss fo r invai.d-. fi.j»aifvrnl-. mid .Mill Gearitir troll Rainm- hr StPiun Pipy for hetit superior to aiiv ntcer pr* pnrti'ions H:. innnufuctu in>;« rpiienl.v Orders ielt at the Warehouse oi J. ure atwayi on *?».■- t:t it v ij•*=*-■ t-:• '-v ihr most r«- Ai n rtri-et. wil' )im* prompt atten (ppi'tab!.' gr<~ eri i • th- pan rn u'o'. amt ny then agents. lll'»-».(iray Ami nr ito-UO'. James M Bunce A rev. Hanlon!, * 'mm. Hu»«rv A'l u rra .. New York. Grant A ttl«»rip. Flu.ade.pn.s. I': om.is V Hrui.dic- Bai 'auore. and Keiloyjr A Bpime;'.. Ctni’intali. Ohio WALTER HAKKR. IViretiester Mass aue.lt UAI.ALHY A > Ml Til. Ago P<tt »»!«■ I»v Wrought »nd C*»t Iron THE mibwrilx-r* tx-B »-uv» 10 iniorm ih* pu j>i• r- that (iL«t>iutisl)in dr»igti» lor lion Railing. Noth tor U->u'-•*- and ceuiciene* I’ef.on* wt*li.ri|* (f« proi-arc hand *<»(!>* patwrin Mill ]>!«*• *«r rh I mi'i damme anil /ncljfr for Railing will be lurmab-rd a! me »tion none*- ami m ia« n<-*t tuanm-r. w. in- rorn'-r o: Cnut ainl Reherea *lrrrl». Alir.gliei ) r.:c aurii dU A. LAMOYT A KM«X_ L««chlnc. Cupping anil Bleeding. KU NORRIS ,'a.r«K lo M K IVlaj.y ) . No S 3 KifUi betivrri. Wood anrt SiiHlli herd prr«h leerhc* rer-r-ivd menih'% - -Aimtnlanor alt bourn Reference, the ph . airiium I*l I‘lM.l>ij r*h, Aim gbrtiy am) liinnmgiiaiu 1 moo rbrrriaily rc<nniiri' ml to t k ie pu> *n‘ ii>*. lam . do# and «.i my former d* and pan mu Mr K 1- Norn, at ’r.:.g l liornoijli, v •.i-rjiruiriU .1 Wild lb« l.u nr»« ii’irl worthy of pal •nru(i’. Mauurarturcil Tnbaroo. |0 A I-*i -w ‘tO 23 J- M A IIuHT . I-J 1.1 do I‘r.i-r .V |larwm»i • 11 do <l» do • In •liilndn PfBl.A llnawl • SA 14 ■to J HoI iom-. ' H.t ■£l do do Win iMai'.ii ' :• U do T Wrv.lii * " - ' ■JT rin (i Andrrion - " 5* do I, T Ihuie * ** 3 do R Mik'Oh * 'J do Hairlill ■ Ja»l landing (mm iiruiirr ami packet* and for «s by IM.AI.IJ 111 I'kNOlU ‘ I. 41 nor ill water «t anil l«* rum!, wtinfvr*. je-jt riuiadr.iphi* Mani kai - riiui:i) roiiAi i - i >--vau.i his.jorr 73 nail Ira* ttdnir'i inj nipt mo • woe: .'>• urn 3A l,uwr«me Imltroi .'m ‘l3 (iei.iry A R..\.--r I-A h. • A* Dupont>4e In Karel - H» \1 *• | .r rx! Juai lumluir Irum -nno-r. uml »i • . HE \ 1,1) HI Oh s> or A 41 N M . . r .1 in >• myTl W. *i J. ll«i*U llinilfr., • t . Honk* ruled lii nn v pnlli'f n and immi'l .oh Uwitnilly Bock ■in mini hr r*. i»i old honks ••« I iliy or repaired lio»- Mini hit vr win k ill our 111 nr invllnl CtALF SKINS »J .l.u'nn.un.r hrnri. C*t( Hkln*. I very bn.- amrtr A Ir.W Joxnn* I'hlladiiloln Skin«. from thr* RiHiiulnrMry ol It >M I'lawlonl; I which the UlnUirm nl tMml maker* i* mvllril J >i■ received anil lor »uic by \V\Ol‘N(iA I’o, At 1V M 'M OLl.S'roCK' s.'So 7» l-'bunh ..rv. can Been a »|i|pndid variety of *up lln> ul \ri <rci ami Tapeitry Carpel*, ln>r*i *ivlr* Aim. ltru set*. J j>ly« nn.l sup ami fine Inaram Carpet*, of *u Btylc* and <lOftlltlc«. ami in con mu' linn chii alwny* h tnum) Tahir ijuen*, Crmlir*, lh*prr*. Dam«fkM' recti*, t »ii Cn-i ri« .U- Ac, lnnl.nl whi'ii w ru'l I i attention nf'in- |Mii.',< 'iuh'J-.' R HOPKINS, ...1.i our <•» ire Mom to f tt *.iu.s.r, w, «h. ii n.r mm u»r on w. o " - .n.l . u Aui! 4'.a l‘tr II i.IIANT. Wnf>lc*a.c t»r«>< ci, C.»j»a.n.Mori /, Forwarding Mcrcnujil. No 4|\\.«ni-« kj* BKLL ANL>llliASsi M. A FU/r«>N, Urli kid Brn<.« Fouler. Um re built anil c»H'inrne<-<l l'u«itu-« m hit uul >unj where !><• will be plenaed i<> tee Uu old ctutow null friend* Churr li. and ityli* of every «■/*•. Irom H W lU.WKI pounds, <-ajt from pnticm" of the tno.r npprov ed model*, and warrants! t» be ol Un* best mnlr-nnl- Mineral Water J’uinp*. Counters. Rnilimr Ao . inn ther with every v*r ety of lira** Cmtine*. it teijuir. turnod and ftinshrd m the neairst iuhiuict. A-K is the Mile proprietor of Uabwt'* Ann Am Tio* Mrr*U k> justly celebrated for the redm-uon (ricuon in muchincry The Boxes and Jompm.i.i can be Had of him at all time* _ juUOty PRINTING PAPER. rn HE «üb»cribcn. bavin? Hie exclusive Agenry I ' m!Hr* the Printing l'*p«r of n now and extent nape) n)it) in thi» vteumy, will l»e ni ail times wen *» pned w/ilh the different »uc» of paper o! cupcruir ijum tv, wbift h we offer at Uie lowest lecu.ar prices. Anv ii/n or .meaty will be roanufVinrrd to order» •ho» y .mUoe ‘ RKVNOI-DS 4 SHKK. .Hrt fim corner I*«mi and Irwu. .t*_ tWlAßlftftKß UWrriUNU-JttM rece,v..«l tor i.v 1 Wtliformn Expedition. a compete M*onjtn-ni or Gam Elastic Clothing, at price- ranfltnt: from to , iJH-SO for suit of coal, paui* and Iml b'*i .air nt Uie , India Rubber Depot. N" 5 Wood *t , ! ilreWl J a it I HIUI« JUST RECEIVED—Three more e( those *o »u»uy celebrated Hamburgh Piano*, u*ed conB, *"?>’ l I List, Thalhofg and other srr<«' perform***, together with a lame Maortmeat of rotowood anil mahogany, of my own manafoetnre. The above instrumentsare i warranted ta be perfect In every respect, and vrMI be ,O!d dMlo f ° r CMh No U 2 Wood it,2d door | MISCELLANEOUS., GREAT INVENTION-VALUABLE J I SCO VERY 1 Paixst StnißEn Js.ari.jrr lit, 1849. Palrvt erosa4cver eztennon 'l'abizt, Sofia, Bvreans, 800 l Cum, Writing DetJit- LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. rj'HK TABLES far sorpajungevery other m x. vennon ol the kind now extant. They can be ex truded rtom ten to twenty-fire feet, and when cloned uir leave* are all contained inside; lUoy are made to »!! «t*c» and shapes, and are admirably adapted lor Steamboat*. MotrU. and targe private families, form* tag wii'n r oa :d it complete centre table. Sill-AS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval uable particularly to those who wish to‘econo mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or sitting room, a* they can he opened and shut ui cttivemeneo, and when »Dut. the beading la enclos ed. A' great saving m room and renL All the tied «traj* wiirn r!o»ed form a beautiful piece of furniture :o> :■ pnrlor or sitting room. NUUK CASKS—A neat and useful arucle for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law offices counting room*, and outer mhee*, when opened a moelconvement bed stead. when closed a perfect Desk and Übrury alone i« Tfible *1.75 per day. A.i tiu**e articles tired no rrcouiuicndatton: the beamy ol me whole u. they arc warranted not to get <m’. oi repnn h will be tor your interest* to call and eimmi.e the article*. at the manufacturer'* sinre, No SJ 'l'ltird *irrrU Pittsburgh [n addition to the above advantages. they are proof arunat bug*. inch lb JAMES W WOODWEU. JUST RECEIVED, - t _ AND now opening, n splrndrd lot o Piano Forte*, from Uie celebrated firm • 1 © f"Trt ot Nunns A Clark. N. V. h oonsist* in ll*| I "part of me following* l hie ciesant Rwwood t>| octave. Piano. with carved moulding, lop and plinth, projecting from and carved couuc mhlru. l >itr rosewood Piuno, 01 octave, clrgani and plain, with Coleman'* celebrated AColian Attachment, a su perior instrument. One Rosewood 0 octave, round corner* and octagon leg*. One do do do i »ne ro*c wood Piano, square corner** and leg* The..- Jhano* have improvements tn the mechanism, m stringing and covering of the hammer*, possessed by no other* in tin* country, and are at once the be*l h< well a< tlir chriipe.t Pinuo* that can be bought. AI .St»—An elec am lot of Chickermg'* Pianos, from 7 to (> octave*. all Utr latest improvement*, lit reduced price. A I.Si*—One elegant rosewoodCuhtnet Grand Piano, 7 octave*, a new invention. iiENRV KLEBER, '••■•I *i AIJ W NVoodwell's,Bd Third »t JOHN H. .MKLLOR. (sole Agent for E3hßaß3H| Cine k oriug'a Piano Forte* for Western fTSTpaWlVuneylvanm.) No. SI Wood street, ' « • I ** 1 litsbureh. hn» received and nowopen tor «ulf. ihe lol'owing efegant assortment. direct from ine tnanutuctory. at Mr. l''btckenng's (Boston) prices, One Rosewood «cvon octave Piano Forte, carved in Ihe most rieeam n „d rich «t>l«* of Ixium XIV • carved seven octave, new and im i»ne ro.ewood -Piano, 0J octaves, new *ealr, ‘•in: carved, 0 I wo round corner*. f< octave, new scale. Die above am all from the manufactory of J Chick tnm’ B«.«ton. of the latest styles oi furmvire, and with Uie nrw and improved scale. ALSO OS KAMI AM* VOX UU LOW II Rosewood ti octnvn Piano*, from the manufactory oi H Worcester, New York, formerly of the firm of ?i‘ul«ri. Worcester A Durham n.sew.md rioetave. (tale A Co., N. Y I rosewood hf octave Piuno. made <*v Bacon A Ra ' - 'i New York I M ii.cujanv »i octave p.ano. made Baltimore, and le’i H.th me fn* «alr (■> ihe owner, tm , ash or m ex ciniriire ’or l , rt , *‘«iirgh mHiiufiirtures. nr grocerte* suit* iihic f„r a r uintry store price 8-JWi jadU MR ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAS N 1 - rin» cc rti/ies that immediately after : havii f nMc,.,icd mv hrothrr. who died of consumption , m Mnich. 1 —4*A. I wo* taken si- k with ihe lYniaumpUoo : nr Liver Comp.aim, and was reduced »o low with the . Jnca-c. ;hai tor foor years l was unable to attend to | n> - b,i.|.|c««. cither at home or abroad, being for the I tn...i ..me ronfi'-erj to my bed During the above per** ;ti**y f»'i «'onhil« , miy n»njr** i- ; orl or (hup, J had expended for medical attendance o mar'J . reeuinr I'hyuemm and medicines. io the amount o< 1 S-tod. wiinout receiving any benefit therefrom. In Ju.; l-l.j, 1 ccmnirm-'-d taking Dr Jayne's Mcdi ami have taken them more or le«« over since, urn! t>ri:rvi* mat it *vn«by nnrseverinc in their uae, thm I cun now truly my that 1 hare completely reeo*. v-r»-u my health. I t>euevu that Jayne s sanative I’iiit amt Llxpdctormit arc Uu bert lanniy medicine* now m Rnrf Ui Hla. kMoek, Hell A Co . J K Mnorrhead A r«> <; J* W«ni«r. John Irwin A &>ns t Puabtirfti: {» <' A J II 'Varner. SleuhenvtHr ltmlO Prnn Bl»chln« Sliop. ‘ J nWllillTMAN —.Majiuiariufrr of *ll A-- • ton mid woollen muctmicry, Allegheny g3Bi>H Tlir in-ifip unw 111 ru ! ! «Hd»u<cr«Rjßlop erwiom I dm prepared u. expense order* with di*paieh for nil kind* of inarhinrrv m my line »ueh a* willow*, pirk««r». «|>rrnd-r». card*. crindmg machines, runway*, drawing speeder*. uinionil*. loom*, woolen c ard*, .ion ..e ..r xricie. i«»r merr.ham or country work, mum*. }*■•*». A» . mile mid hand isthrs and tool* iu gen* rr«. A.I kind* or •baftiuK made lit ordrr. or plan* giv. rr for ir-nring fnrtone* or mill* ar reasonable Pharr*-. Kkkuh »«►—Kennedy. Child* A Co. Blnckstoex, Beil A Co., King, i’onnorh A Co.,Ja» a l.ray MA \\ lUTK A Hi, would respectfully inform , l«e (>n'i:)e Ihal they Have erected a «Hop Oil |.U'-<>ek '.eiwrrn Keilernl and Sandusky *ireet« They are now mrtk,,t* a:ul are prepared to receive orders lor evrrv il»*'Ti|iiiu» ni ve(u< its. tUtai uc*. Chariot'*, Bu rou< he*. Butixie*. I’lmdou*. Ac , if, which Irniii Uinr milk- ex pr n e i.e-r .:l Hie itianular 1 n re oi' Ihe above work, ■*' i :lie ri. -;.e v tin vr, tit** v frrl confident they are • -tai'icd dii w.ir* on me tno«i reasonable terms witi tpo.e wan'.ms inn t. m ihrir nne M..K DKi.ANY Fnyuig parumi.-ir aiit-uiiun in ifi«- *«.-lertion of matr f.n'-. uml having non-- l-i.i i '•mpvl. iU norkmni, thry »>•*»•• no lir• imiiuu in ••vr»frai::nif[ shnr work We llnT't'irr »u :hr .vimtion t>t' Hir pul.lir to ttu« matter N H Hi puirini,' Jour .n U..- heat nmniirr. and on the 1110.1 rpßMinal.il- Pr-fio*. jatSKtl yJI I’KK FRK.NCH UR* > A |)TU iTHS-W R M,-* i’ r"' l t m vile* the attention ol l.u« rr* to hi* exien«tvr u»*«irtiit«-m of above (ioorla, cmbrix-tni; every ijtiuiity up to very Chip, and ironi itir erirlTttlrd tnanufact.v -n«-« i.| trailer. )‘urciiu»iiig tlieae good* iruin the ,-(>n.iiu«»..in itiprrhaiita or agr-iila o( the manufurtu rrl», lir n i-'iuMrd to «rll them at the lom-ll pO*«lt<h> pwr* AI •«. olitp event and mvniMp Cloth*, vrrv i-nrapi wool dyed hi» d<», and French, Bnuah iin.l Amen mi C/f SMI MKKt-JB, black and t'aticy; talk and la.'i > .11 V K?* I') gentlemen'* til* pm-Uft Miimlli-rcii.i i*, i-.ut'k ami lum > Oravrtta, linen noekft l nii.-r»).ir!«, Dtawnr*. Sc- n! the north r.i»t .» In. ami Market airrrt, Komna up .tuira fchtfO ManoniahtU Livery Rttbli, Koiikiu' h »'a rrivTisoN h A « - -'««• atatiie on Ktr»t at, ruiiiunn thioutb i.iul »t. l.pto. rn WtKxl anil Stmthlirdd ctSiv "*■' ‘to ll "•'' r i l ' l, ' r Manonrthf’u Hou«, •m urw • trek oi |l<ir»x« anti nf !!..• i.ciri .jiiuim hml luirt.l •trio* llorwu Itrpi ut Uvr* rv , «li- 1..-M lunnii.-l _ iyWly i'll'A M Mu \ T *'l.(M'hS Having cono l mlrd u> *ei' IT .111 ..nr rni.ir .lorl ••iMrke'* Marine Tlmep.oro.. -V .....V .'ll. . 1.. «»:i il.t-11, m town |>ru-r» than lhe> U.- 1t.i.t.i.1 1.1 *ll, limit*- in I'liul.iugn ot - .cvilirfr. euu i.i i.r.l lltniiti lllr milt r.uuli.hert . ),,,,, I.n in.-..- .1... ki. wo ijave ihr ,nu| ;k ..on* im-bl hi ihr i-iiy Hull ni>.| are I*l.AkK \ riiiraniT m, uonU side ot dm Diamond PI rrsill null RTI'.KL WORKS AND -SPRING AND »\AI.K FACTORY. JON KH A <iCIOO, ? \ f A NI'KACTt.’KKR.S of and Mow .tec, 1 ITI ptouuH sleet. »trei ploußli wine*. ."oarli anit e Jipj ' i>«* »!'»mc«. fininincrril non ailr«. and dealers iu inaij Ir.ii.lr C'i*tin*», bre c ukmu lump*, and coach mmimnKs | teiicm 1 ' elli u**i ol and Kroul *u., Puunurrh, JUSTIN mil.—Another wi «f fu.au, lor llic liiiiiluimi »civicc, ,u»t H’CCivrU r nil t|,r !iili nut by Kiprrti, a ; ,r*t i-n ul I'urim-le l»«.M -coir* whlHi r.v- lu iiuvc, anil 101 «ai« )>y W W WILSON, ouucr 4m uni awrkti t ami ■ fSOTICK, Ru W I'l'l N DEXTER. Tilt. WiEXTKR. i ■ I r I-. <•>•!• !•, 11 si std Killo Pu * dej, .1, t r^ 1 .j.i.u'-Cfa Ulld es.is lor -a,c l,y leoC) J llll.'Si'HTH ft to, 117 wood ti ,)i 'ASKS ,u»; rrrriv, ,wr «ioamer» Ivtnhoc < aiu] si C.nuil, anu lor »<U« l*y U A M MI ICHKLTREE, monU 150 Liberty WM. YOLaO 4Co^' Dr.AI.KKs IN HUM.-* AND LKaTHEK, Morocco, sh..c l-iudm,;*. Ac NV 14:* Liberty «ir«et have JU *r irmvr.l Hu ir SVftINU STOCK 0/ roin ; P r,4,,ik “ lurtfr B«wmmrni ,ii ancle* in their luie to wlurh ilir attention of piruliaser* 1* invited. ol NOTICJO. ■ wn \ I.L p*r»on» i..dei>i«<l to the of WuJiara Me- A Ki.ißht.Jrceujed.tor «o Ui« |j»« nxu»» of W Me | Knmlu A. U>., aud Win McKmrut fc Son, aro uou£ed lor | ln without turthej delay, to irr KOBEUT M’KNIGHT. tip- | in«*M-«:iihn Adminmrator of W. McKmpKudec'd ARTISTS' MATERIALS—Ju»I rec’d and 6r *aie -40 yard* nmotoih Cauvaw, 'jn inch; "t I *•» *• " “ 31l •• Jtl •• •• .. -y <> ACURI, 10 do housework. One who thoroughly understands her business, nnd can give good rc lerencea.enn bear of a peroanenl situation. at fair wa«es, hy applying ai Uns oflice. melil4:ritf PAIUS URKEN—H> cans true.JaU rec’d and for sale by BA FAHN&BTOCK fc Co, roshas corner Ist and wood eta CHICK RHINO’S PIANOS. NKW COACH FACTORY, allaoiixm For California. .ft uaprmti •» i*ai «■ n t soda AaH 4;} « dr,* Cnniprruihic Tabes, of oil eolors, by mchll* J KIDD A Co WANTED, ,KIED APFl.Kjt—atMLbusli dried Apples, in store ' and for sale by roBiW 3 A W HARBAUGH DRY & VARIETY GOODS, H ttocK of DRY GOOPfrrili® prinuxpaJ fcmrt or £t»ch have lately been purcbaAed at the uitt Aw non Sales in Philadelphia and New York, *1 * tre mendous and unparalleled sacrifice! • * We have made such a large redßeUon from OBr reg ular prices that w« will now tell a large portion ol oar roods BELOW COST of importation. Tho earn* at tention of buyers is invited to rboiee tuffb colored rood* adapted to the Caittoroia Trade. LADIES DRESS COOPS. Plain and figured Canielian|Cßshmeres and delaines «iiks. alipnees, Very superior brochia fig'd Super cloak cloths, all eo- and watered blk «ilk«, lor*, Superior repannure silks, French merinos, all colors, blk and colored. Black bombazines, Soper black gloMy Orn do Cron* burred And striped Rlunsilk*, alpacas, Visetle and msnlilla silk*. Brocha fig’d and strip’d do, best quality. Jenny Lind plaids, Pure sntuis, blk and blue Victoria Lyonese cloths, blk wuw, very rich, Lamartine satin merinos, Goberg cloth*'And eaineli- Super silk warp aipaea an lustres, lustres', SHAWIA s^HAWLS 1 : Splendid plaid long shawls.] A few brocha long shawls, Splendid wkert shawls.; the finest wr have ever from N. York ancUuds.j brought to this market, great bargain*, I now to be sold at great Plain sind rinbroi d ihibet. bargain*. shawls, all colors I Superfine and common bro- Silk fringe. remarkably rtm square shawls; cheap, isupt-rc&racliansilk shawls GE.N'TLKM F.N B' GOODS French cloths from ih** celebrated "Johanv" manu factory For beauty of finish and permanence 01 wrar, these cloth* have no superior; a few pieces eAra fine jet black and olive ea»ton beaver* and other heavy cloth* tor over roau, iwilled Frencu cloths, manufac tured expressly lor cloak*, French and American caa siraere*. super west of England do, super French su nns for mimes, Use beat imported. I’lam and fancy velvet and caaluiiere vesting*, merino shirt* and draw ers. Italian cravats. linen, rumbnr and suit ttdku . ho siery and gloves. STABLE GOODS Irish linens, best long cloth shirung,muslins, blanch ed and brown muslin* of good quality, remarkably low, lickings, checks, domestic nnd imported ging hams, scarlet, yellow and white flannel*, a large lot very cheap, a large lot of white and crossbarred coun try flannels, cheap; brown and bleached Uarasfiy table linens and luble cloth*. Ruaaia and Scotch diapers and towellings, saliiictti. Kentucky jeans and tweed*. BLANK CT*. An usual large slock of blunket.s, direct from the manufacturer*, some of which are tho best ever exhi bited, all of which will be closed out at unparalleled low price*. In addition tho above enumerated good*, our stock comprises a Very large and complete assorime.nl of almost every article usually lound m u dry goods store, and a« they have been maiuly pur chased at the eaxrrn auction*, hence the late great re duction of price*. We are enabk-d and dele/niincd.to sell (hem otf at great bargains. Wholesale buyer*, country merchant*,tailor*, and the public generally arc respectfully invited to an ear ly examination. Bargain* shu.l be given. ALEXANDER A DAY. 75 Market *t, febj* N \V corner of the Diamond The largM, C'keaj>*st and mort fashionable StccJc of Goods. tuiaptfd to Gentlemen s bpnrtg ami bummer IVVir, ujust receiving at WH. DIGBY’S CHEAP CASH CLOTIUSU STORE, 1» LIBERTY STREET rpHE Proprietor of the above establishment woutd l respectfully inform his numerous customer', that he has just returned from the Eastern cities with the rac-t sp.cuciitj assortment oi goods in hi* line, that wai ever brought to this city, comprising all that is now fashionable, elegatii and Cheap in (.loth*. Cassimeres, Cashmerett*. Drap De Ete. and every - description of cotton, liucn and woollen Summer Stuffs; Shirts. <’ra vata, Hdkfs. friHpenders. Ac., of the newc«t styles which together »nh his very large aud lashtonnble »tock of ready.made Clothing, ne is prepared to offer a. hL* usual iow pr: •■•* Country Merchant*. lYiutraciors. utid *i! who pur chase largely. :.re particularly muted to rail and ex amine Mir 'lock, which .* dectdedly the largest a.,- 1 mo*! fustiionahir n tne city, aud great attention has been paid to get it up suitable to tue who’csalr trade. Order* in the Tailoring l.n- executed m the mod fnshionaMe manner. and that nothing may be wantinif to eosure the newest and be*: style of cutting Agen ■leroau who h.i* hud emit exper suer in tne 'Aaleru otic* hn* been added to the establishment. men'.’l.iUai jNEW (j uou s. H . PALMER, OFFERS FOR BALK At LoW PRICES. « fu aisortueiii of hTKAW AND MILLINK BY GOODS, oftiic taoii approved style* and pai ler.is, for the SFRiN'G OF le4' cousuung in par; uf— Fancy a’*d yiain E-.g.iM-. .un-i cm; and French Straw, F.oruiee, Kuilu.id. Pedal and other plain and fancy Bru.d; China. Rice. Joiiny Luid, laxip and Ro\ - ai Milan edge Bra.J po.VNETf Rich French Lace. Fancy mik: plain Gm>i-. A' - . Ac. Fancy Braid. Straw, (..imp, Le»honi, and other Mis ses - and lutft,,:* - HATS Panama. Manilla U 0:.., Pa.,iu Leaf, Straw and otrer Summer HA'i'>, tor men and boys. Bounce and Plain Ribbon*, Bonr.et Si.k*. Artificial F;ow«r*, Ac Ac Ac Straw Bonnet Warehouse, Va Market aireoL mcfilTii^vv •pyOliSE KEEPING ptX)Ps—W_ R. jUrarttr in aitout commencing hoowt keeping, to hi* usortneai of above Goods, such a* Quilts and Counterpanes, whHc and colored; Tickings and pillow-case Muslins; Shectuurs, from one to lurec yard* wide, Table Diapers and Tnh,e Cloths; Towelung, Towel* and N’apfcuu, Furniture Print* and ChinlXr*. Scnrkt Otl •Chimt. for curtain*. r*upcr pouted Chintz. for qi.;i s. Krr.broiilcrcd wi dew curtain Muslins, Striped *tt,l barred Bid BiaiiXeU, an qualities and sizes. A supply of these Good* is cunstittuly kept on hand, and will always be sold on uic most tuvoruuk- terms, . at north ca*t corner Ith and Mnrk’.-t «t* tchi!4 81 lIUI ui rui HOI UC I ‘| kU .8 111. ~t .1 1 • ' l *< - HhlrtLnc Hmilni anif ’trlahLtnena. 1T T R MITtPHY invite* the particular atirnuon of VV • those vs-auliug die above Good*, to his desirable stock, consisiiug ot die best mak*, from the most ap proved mannineiamrs. and tb« latter warranted pure flax —He ha* just received »n uddmoiia! supply, and is offering Whirling Muslin* ot a superior quality, al a vervjow pne** Also, tshecung and Ptliow-casc Muslins ; Dinpers and l'rn«h ; Tatile C.oLhs. Towel' «n>l Napkin* . B-aaiet'. Quill*. fnumiTpaitcs. nnd llou-ckeepitig Dry Gisodn generally LADIES - DRE»> goods-SueU a* Frond. Merinos, Parametuis. p.»m «r.«l mney IV 1.-nurs. t»ome new style* jo*t reccivcd;| Aipaca*. Ac. Ttic season t-eing tar aJvunecd. all these Good* will be -old at price* that can.ml !ai! to ptea*e {J y-HTmicsale Rooms up ;anls A. A. MAHON A- CO., x NO. fiO MaRKCT STREET. Will continue their treat semi-annual *n!e of DRY GOODS, for IM dayslonger. duniiK which ume their extensive whole suit Room* wiii be thrown open to their Retail Trade as heretofore. A. A M. A Co., knowing that they are •elltng Drv Goods of evcr>'Bidesert|>:ioii from ten to fif teen per rent ir** than rvrr before, do invite every person tn want of dry goods, or who may bn in want, to examine and purchase from our stock, at the lowe«t whotesa.c rales. Our gmat object in reducing stuck i* to mnke room for Spring Goial*. U kun our intemioit to exhibit in March the largest and the nrhesi slock of Dry Good* ever offered by any one House in America We shall continue the sate of our Blenched nnd Brown Mimtn*. Ticking* nnd other Dotnosuc Goods, nl our former low rates, notwithstanding the recent ad vance of lk per cent upon the same m eastern market*. fuba Bleached goods-a a. Mauri a Co. No i» Market atrecL have ;ii't reenved the following well known t<*amt* of Bleached Muslins, vix: 7-9 and 5-4 ‘James’ Stnam Milts,' h-4 Naumkeag Strain Mni*,' ‘Mason.’ H’okiutokri.’M'arhsle.' Dorchester.' Quui*- igamoitd.'‘(irufton A. 'I'lH.-burgh,' La«rrm-s. 'Bos nia Billow Case. ■ r;»rn«w orth.‘ Ac Ac. nil oi which, together with *t\ ics not berr nirnuoneil, will lx sold bv 'he piece <»r paezagr al K.astern priors Irt.ai _ UNMl RINKAIU.E FL ANNELS -W R Murpns in vites the nttenl.ci «! outers jo n.» slock ot >he above Goods. 0( aii tftr itiffrrcn! qlinilttes. «a,rt to be u 8 mithunkablr a* the W elsh, aud at much lower pri de* Genuine Welsh Flani.cs u;«o vuu'mnt'i on hand Gauze nnd ink do. 4 4 and 5-4 do. for >hroud uig rurp »C' Also, home mads White Flanxieii a d Lin-eyv n . •tunby mi hand, nl the north ea«i corner fFounh nqd Market streets m-. to GFVTr* - I’LITvK r.\>9E|,tj-3 ,i u » . iMfl'lr l , J do »<i* ilo.lo .to o h WtXM.KN OOvll'-* lu do* i'l.iiurcu'« wuui u i«t« i) do do ilo Cunt. 1 00 do common. llVitoi VV oob-i\ rnui ion*, assorted: IP do do with rings, dodo ladies Cash mere Ulovca. ass'd LEATHER lU'.LTm J» dor nlk Molkaktn Belts; so do do Morocco do. II do em'd do; ai ootiS At-ltlC LO.N Ki,NSKY‘$,6‘ markei m 1~ A Utfi'TK'M M 1 N< i.'kTaerDnir VriT., j Ip* col’ll fti's Velvet*. W gross bik Dai«e» t*ui lon*; ll do casUiliau do. I* il» rm u *u. IS do do Famn.te do, Ud.ll flec-v .i,k Ulovrs. « do b'k Jenny Lind Fringe, la do French nlk Ruches, reed tin* <ih\ ny - fuUl'OU’o, dec l J Fourth *1 NHVV ult. r7SifpEl.'«T?‘, Ac— tV R Murpn> Has ;u.i received uUu 01 e\v »:y'e browt, ur.d a hue UriU‘ll Ffuu*. irf\ bamls-mr. srnved s, la: • -te on er A Iso. on hand, a large na-o.Unrni o choice styles of Au.encan p-;.>i».m»t emor* • .now prices lilac* I'loin Na“ 1 * van.-u. r lo a.::»es—a .apply lil-C* A-pucc .Uj.j».y - il <n »wp.- rf.«o ;ai'.p ai o. aj .•»• 6 V ' ' ir "' tOU- OOtIOU to. O'lO Uo u< * ‘Ot*-. t*’» *J» biiicK vt’iiv togpiß' r w.iti u variety or' fimcy Uru*#©!* notiA. l>l»c» *.'•• cn.o*-<1 •! * aetu <->f coi’d uiul wa.w »>'* “.“''O'* '; v «* vc '’ l< *K Dcmc ri miJ ••itir i » "'ill Hwl it loi t cir miere»t 10 ri* •nunc thr-u -crmn i>i,rcliK»u.r , - ~ X' T ’*H'V it u M-itY- i do* g u t (-Kiel Lever VVaicu J> «, J ■' ,lf ' •; Do< ' •* * A ,»o. iroiii ftH.i and pen ,:n Cu*e*. Vest • bains, liovy (lUarLi elia;:.». I’m* Finger Ring* Kar R"*i* and r complete atMiimeni ol wusr .cve.iy, at j PI S ZKtil'l.O.N K)V-*KVrv «rr market*! CUJAT AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS—SS do* KHU ; ( ,*»ortrd noak Ta-scli, i *ro»s figurod sbk Bind- 5 do •*« luonitir do. i dodo drub coat do. 5 do drab overhaul button*, -lb do fine coat ballon*, l-'J lbs beet Italian sewing*; So dp do patent Thread; padding, can vass and ollici Tnxn'tmtgt, for tailor*’ u*e. coo*uutUy on band. UrcS F ii EATt)*N A Co GOODS—F U Esto*A Co. are cotuuaUy . »upoucd witu a large ami c ao.ee asMinriieat of ulk iruigeaand eirap., velvet ribbon* and bran *, la ee», edging* ana embroideries, glove* anu ftonery. geuU abuts, ru*P«ndor» and under garment*, Berlin Zephyr woolen yarn*. nredie*. pm*. button*. tapes, bobbin.', Ac. 'ad oi watch u»ey olerat the lowe.i ca*h price* u> merchant, and other*, at their new and cow tnodion. warehouse. «t. near marsei oo» •PSisHrsda ? UOSIEUY AND FANCY GOODS. Fll RATON * CO., Dealer* tn Trimming* and Hai>rrdu»hery, have removed from their old .mud to NO FOURTH STREET, 6 door* from Mai.' qavg) i'A>c\ Cassitnere*, bright figure* and very handsome good*, just opened by deeia SHACRLFTT A. WHITE VOL. .XVI. NO. m MISCELLANEOUS. Valent Graduated Galvanic Battery and Patmt Insulated Poles for Medical r*trf rt Vr tthttp—. THIS is the only instrument of the MM that buercr bc<m presented In this coon try or Europe tor «M -ieal purposes, and is the only one ever known to nts. by which tlxe galvanic fluid can be conveyed (0 the hs> man eye, the ear, the brain, or to any partoftho body, either externally or internally, in a dwflntp. ngjg ~rS 'u s * w,ti S nl “bocks or pain—with perfect Safety— and often with the happiest effect!.' This important apparatus is now highly approved of by many of the most eminent nhyaieuui* o* uiacoan* try and Europe, ic whom.the afflicted and other* whan tt may concern can be referred. Reference will also be given to many highly respectable ddtena, who ham betm cored by meant of ihiemoat valuable apparatus of tome of the most inveterate nervous disordere which coaid not be removed by any other known Among various others, ft has been proved to be ad mirably adapted fur the cure of the following «««*■—. viz: nervous headache and other diseases of the brain. It is with this app&ratas aloae that the operator can convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the eye, to restore sight- or cure arasutosas} to the ear to restore beating; to the tongue and other organa, to re store speech; and to the virions puts of the body, for the care of chronic rheumatism, asthma, ox tic doloureu, paralysis, or palsy, rout, eboreaor Bl Vito’s danco, epilepsy, weakness from spvaina, diseases peculiar to females, contraction of the lockjaw, etc. el 6 Rights for sarronnding counties of Western Pa- and privileges, with tfle instrument, taay be purchase,and also tested for the core ol diseases. Pull instructions will be given for the various chemi cals to be used for various diseases, and the best man ner for operating for the care of those diseases wfli no be fully explained to iho purchaser, and a pamphlet put Into his hand* expressly for these parnoses, care fully prepared by thepatentce. Enquire or ocU3-aly S WILLIAMS, Vine st, Pittsburgh. Reversible FUUring Cook* a FOR PURJFYING WATER, fl Wluoh reader* turbid water pure by ' removingall substances not soliible in /aBiM «■ tier. The croton water in N. York, ttffi/owwngflahbough clear and pure to the eye, yet ll passes an hour through this filtering cock, thowi a large deposit 'Sw • 4 fmpure substance*. worms, Ao. This is the case more or leu with all hydrant water. The Reversible Filierer is neat and durable, and is not attended with the in convenience incident to other Pilierers, art it is cleansed without being detached from the water pipe, by merely turning the key or haadk from one ude to the other. Ry this easy process, the course of water it changed, and all accumulations fc impure substance* are driven off almost instantly, without unacrewing the Filter. It also possesses the advantage of being a *top cook, and as such in many case? will be very convenient and economical. It can be attached wtiore there ta any pressure high or low to a oast, lank, tub, Ac. with ease. To be had of the »<>le Agent, W. W. WILSON, comer of Fourth and Market eta THE AREOMETEB* fTMIE sttenunn-of the public is respeetnuiy called to X the following rtrtincates: Ms 3. Estnro— Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer, I End the result proves your instrument correct; and recommend the use of it to those going to California, os the best method for ob taining the real value of Gold. Resp. yours, J. B DUNLEVV, Gold Beater. Pittsburgh, March 9, 1b49. PtTTSStmoH, March 7,1840. Ms. K*iivs—Dear Sir: Having examined the “Areo meter." manulaciured at your rooms, 1 do not hesitate to commend it to the u*e of those gentlemen who at* about remov mg to California in search of Gold. Ii gives n close approximation to the specific grtvi iv of metal*, and will certainly enable the adventurer 10 nacenain wueu his placer is yielding Gold matli! Yuurs, resp’y, JR. M'CLINTDCK. CLINTON PAPER BULL. r ril K CLINTON PAPER MILL, situated at Steubea. A villc. Ohio, having been enlarged and improved, and at a vrp' great expense addeonew and the most unproved kinaof machinery, is now prepared to man ufacture all kinds of Writing, Priming wrapping ary* Cotton Yarn Papers, Bonuel Boards, lie-, equal to any in the Eastern or Western country. The Q'tderug3e4_hat mg the Agency of the above MU!, will keep con*ia .Uy on hand a large supply of Uic different kind* of paper, and will have any «i« made u>-order at short notice. 8- C. HILL, ja-M) 8? Wood street TUBS AND CHURNS. Pine-nod Cedar Ware Sanofaetorp, No 87, coaxra Makkett un> FtrrH 9t»., Pwimmu. subscriber teejx* cooaLuniiy on hmwl, whole sale ami retail. very Sow for cash— Wash Tubs, i Barrel Churns, Hjid Tui-r 1 s»ia(f Churns, I Hr* 1 ' ' Hone , HaH Buanela, Ua. A.i owi'-r nuiiix Ware in hia tine made to order. j»£hll ) SAMUKL KHOEBEN. ' A FL'RTHEH REDT CTIOS. JA< SO.'*y* PATLNTBOOAABU— -1 10 5 tojia 3| cash currency, or 4 mo a. app'vd h<u«_ 5 ton* or upwards, dj do par. ti mos do. intereal ad* For Utc superior quality of Uus tinuia we refer to >ac glass and soap manufacturers of this city reoeraj* W &. H MITCHELTREE, ICO liberty at Diaphragm Filter, for Bvdrtat Wmter* a THIS is to certify that I hare op* | poimcJ Livingston, Hoggen & Co. • Agenu for the iota of -laflnfcpg’B Diaprahgm Filler, fo? the cij n ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. ■rfQPK JOHN GIBSON, Ageny for Waiter hi liihaoa, 319 Broadway, v n. Y. ®UBV« oeea'ui^ L 1 -, __ .. office of tae Novelty vV’orlcs for three mohthi, od trim?' and fee! perfectly satisfied that it i» a useful urvaatiQn.’ and we taJco pleasure tu recommending them as a »«- fu! nrtu iw to nil who iove pure water. Orders trill 'bi tnanifuliy received and promptly executed. __ocUU LIVINGSTON, ROGGEN & Co Advertliement. TflK -nb.rriber. m otfering for sale a handsome lot oi \miui a luniks. {.Vow York,) aua Chiokei i . 1 - ißdtum.i I‘.a;io-. would direct uUeitlion to the tii't -u.it :ii> is Uic only plane m the West where the . .trained* of these two maker* can be tried tide by Mile, and vvoerc, consequently, a correct idea, of theu 4 an. .tic .uu t»c formed. The subscriber beingfcuxiotts to tr *i their relative menu, and having for a number of year* performed upon the Piano* of Nunn* A Clark, tin* ludrmu, use fur tsu la*t twelve months, t‘Chidf crime Plano, in order to try it* durability ofld.fil&eu a* *:i nccotnpanyiaem to the voice. Thu Piano m »r now be seen ami examined at his roomg He (fcefs confident of hi* ability to give a competent and lelip bie opuuort ou the subject. A handsome lot of new piano* will be opened la h few day*. U. KI.kRKR dec# ___ At J W Woodwefl l * GREAT WESTERS QADDLK. HARNESS. TRUNK AND WHIP MAM O LF At-TIJRY The subscriber takes tlu# method o: informing bu friend* and the public in general that he has the largest stock of the following named arti cles of hi* own manufacture in this city—Saddles, Har n-.*. Trunk, and Whip*, all of which he will warrant u> be- made of me be*t material and bv the be*l mech anic* in Aiingtietiy comity. Being determined lb tell lus maaulacture* something lower than htu been here lofor. *old by any similar establishment in the city, he would invite persons ui need of the above uanjM article* to itu warehouse. No. 344 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also. Imtnl* made to order for machine ry. octOMy G. KEHBY. PITTSHIRGU FBHIALB INSTITUTE r IMIK Second Session of this Institution, under the X care of Mr and Mrs Goshguh, for the present academic year, wii: commence on the first of Februa ry next, in the same building*, No. 53 Liberty street Arrangement* have been made by which they will be nblo to furnish young ladies fucillties equal to any in the West, (or obtaining a thorough English, "Classi cal, and Ornamental education. A full course of Phi* ttsoplucal and Chemical Lecture* will be delivered during tb<* winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de nartmenu of Vocal and losuumemil Music, Modern Languages. Drawing and Painting, will each be under the care of u competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu pils, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see circular or apply to the Principals. jtLlO-drf L PHCLNLX PIKK BRICK a-—The aubsenben a's\nng been appointed sole Agents by the manafsererdrs, tor the. sale of the celebrated '‘rbajnii Bricks," are now prepared to fill order* for any quantity, at fcfl, cash, per l,tit*) For the construction cf furnace* of all Kind*, these uneks have been pronounced by com petent udgr* n» iMiing superior to all other fire brick* u.-iv u«c t; A \|’ANLLTY A Co, Canal Basin, jn U AM.-F ACTURKI) (XifHßCO— *tjL " i I.ninnnine fl( 35 do ALraoeau s*. <S in rut-iidi o. and l«. *0 do John Rue rer 3s 1$ do Ro (•■:«■* A st»<Kin s*. to o Henry A Jtmc* 6» *ud aa,. IU ! » Jon » sun 1.1 l». Warwick -uper li. '7 br* . .iff* t. • i k t.K ■* - iv »« i»mi!h ot Jiimn Muspi.att A &ous' Sod* A*n tor U>i* n.ufkci. stc now *».id wi*. continue to Ue isr ß eij -up. ,'ii. d wnti tn,* ccicbrawd bnntd, which they will sell *; iiir ;uot«i m*rKf-i i»*»ee for esah or approvcdoilifc I'ii'-y reier to the g>as* and soup manuiaotuters t ■m« city seuerailv respecting the quality W A M MITVHEGt KhJi. wi «rtO liberty »t iRUN FOUNDRY F"HSAU;- AsquU Iron Foun dry ,;ti u tlourishuig tow... nrttn Paneros, Ac all ready for busmca*. wt;l t*e sold or accomjuo- Uuti g i-rm., or cx<.iionse ur Itw or goods. I ii.- i«j'« iu ciceiicm ..,>ponumiy 10 3 yonaf iu M wan »ir ■». eapiiA lo cmainencr Uj non e ouudry 5&. uucm oi sCAJFtS A ATf 1- * Jet*. t l»t oeaj ood jireevQ Scklet) Cooklug Stovet, Qrau«. 4«, MAK sUALU WAI.UCK4CO, Hound Church ,-0r..-r UUm and Wood streets. o.uaf.ct«„ ~0-r ... -H.r I' Atiorin. t-.oor and Coc . : .1,.- ny Ciwung 3i„vc»; ro r iSooJ ' ' " * »«no«. mu, IWcccd «.i.. *c. Ac. To,, „„ Z?v ’ * ' . *' ' . tttit use, to til ol Wh.cn .'icy wouiu umio iho «I2uuoi. o '• Uc S'oerully ocitt-dtf IJA I K.N r .'UI.Ah I.AR6 extensive £ ui • W;ioll.w*io.c*,nbrt,icd m»u*. auv **•“• .o a. v-.tj»,4 ciiu* fll r» « cdiiitu. .i. 'n.-ionc*. dwillbnj*. publie u d l'.irar. U * e 4 *<*«**«*& \.»C Ununf hall Ua„icf.i» . amJeiuur*#,Globe* ssiuocs W ick*. Coimu«., Can*, I rußott-f. Oa» iron, .i.ic i.. four Infliu. 4U# I -l > V YL »’ljr'OX. 40 nurta , t —•— ■“»»«« n llardwtrt—Cheapcr man t£ Vap . I co : l “‘P»' l 'n.^,4Wl!oleMjo JL. Dcbier. in ll.idA.ie, i ui.cry end Saddi.ir^r >2> Weed .Beet. eMee Erflh. h„vc dTr,^? 1 cccap cud well .elected «u>ei o. Hcrdwcre. ICC decline c. price. are determined w sell corrwpoudia*lr low wno nave been m the hsbit if «£!ftJJ-“ # *255? lany reguc.ted io cull and look IhrLg^^iSJ?^ WC «u y *** WIU Jl* nulliona, suice ls4o, pronounce thi* article imam, ed lor durability ta th« construction of aHV(iyf, of Furnace*. Pncr SWS cab lor iostls oflQ «Tiu. J an teed rune month* use. Orders for a sccoo<Hi£aJi3 Bolivar JJncks wUi bceieentcd at «ao per StJilftTi? sued, without guarantee. A nock of the- first cn«)}^ do Socketdo; Axes, K »Vhpti. Bellows, Vices. fi>r sslq « *. br -a O' me luoei lavui I>. -01. l low t( • d' \ . ..« UAk &«n..5 tl»e eielusrve uu*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers