ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. " A. IJRuZP.JM'oimntajuii) Merchants abd wi Produce, No. 23. Martel «i«C »ii'*liurj;li {• * • ,j ecg t. p, - • i ~ * HAYS, Wh n l„,„[,. '«„J, ‘ Oo|>ds, Onwrrie*. Hoot*, >W,, PUtsbUwl, maim laciurcd article*. 4c., No. ill) Ijberty street, pm*. * ,ar S*' ias 7KCUF.«UC* Ja*rs, fcBHUtK srrfka "IIKALN 4 REITF.R, Wholesale and Retail &n»g- r J F l *.?' ‘' ornrr °n.iUny and SI. Clair mreet*, Pm*- h3“»J . rnayU roij»k»ums, “ t BRovr* 4* «PLBERTfiON, Wholesale liufcm, Sf s**° < L ' on ! mlBll "> n Merchant*. No. 14* liberty «t., • , deaily. BA. Wholesale ami Kc rAnii l>niggi»u, corner Wood amtfflijU jyl B-rtAUJY k SMITH, Whoheato Grocers, Wand flMVood Hfrri I'nwbnrgh. , Cl A. McANLT.TY 4 Co., Fc iwarding - and Com. J • uns»ioil Merchant*, Canal Hdsln,;P»lUburgh Pa, _ _ X'-l - twth:l was. a. KNdUSI. new f., BESIttR. X'NGLISK 4 HKNNBrr, (late English, Gallagher -T*i Sf Co.) Wholesale Grocer*, ComnuMKion and For* warding Merchants, and dcal<?a in Prbdoce and pm*, burgh Manufacture-, No. 37 Wood *b, betweeu 2d and 34 str«eu. 7 ocll r /'t EORtiE COCHRAN, Commimipn aJld Forwardin Merchant, No. 2» WoodsireeL PilUburgb. myl HLEK, (iuevessor to Murphy &. Lee.y\Vool Dea • er and CommiAsion Metchmu, 7fof'“jhe sale i American Wboieiu, liberty, opposite. CUT it.- fobtT wji. hxa.{.d, Kaluraore. *- >■ BTntXDR, rDWAKU HKAJ.P, » 5. . D. C. M’CAiIMPS, )OHa A. 'Vi»nr» | J t IWSUIR. HEAJJ) fl: BCCKNOR, Tobacco Couunls'ioti filer • chants, 4L North Wmer si, 110 North Wharves, Phtla* * '•nov3o.U'_ tUUB DMmn, BOfIEBT »iqt*T. JJU TBAIAII DICKEY h. Co., Wholesale-GroCrra, Oom- JL mission Merchants, and dealers in Produce, No*. 56 VYatgr, anti 107 Front streets, Pittsburgh.’ > nostf JOHN WA.Tr, l*ueee%xor lo Ewalfc A liebbarlj Wholesale Grocer Bud Commission Msscbant, dealer in Produce atul Pittsburgh Manufactures, cor ner ol {.ibruy and Hand streets, Pittsburgh Po. jad«; JAMES S MdlllllK, (late of die firm of Aigeo and McGuire,) Mcrrhum Tailor, St- Charfei Builduig*. Tbird street, iloaf Wood, Pituhhrjh. JAMES A. HUTCHISON, A Co.— to Lewu Haichinon A Co, Commission ’Merchant*, and Agents of the Sl Lotus Steam SugaY Itehnery. No. 45 water and W front itrceu, Pittsburgh. JS. DILWOUTH & 00, Wholesale Grocer*. Pro • duee and Commission Merchants, and Agents for the liazard Powder Co. of N. Y, No 27 Wood »t, Pittsburgh. _ ' JOHN D. MORGAN. YVholßialc Druggist, and deal er in Dye Studs, Paiuu, Oils, Varnish**, Ac.. No;b,U Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pitts burgh. _ i . jaul JAMES KtRK.Jr , A Co., (sncccsror U) Joseph G. Davis,) ship (jliandlers, 3S Water street • or:R JOHN H. MI-UXOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Music and Musical Instruments, School Boots, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens. UuiUs, Primers' Cords, and Stmiouary generally,No. dlNVoodst.,JPitt*burgii. |U~r~ Rag* bought or taken in trade. . seplS JSCHOONMAkER A Co.. Wholesale. Druggists, » No. 21 Wood street. Pittsburgh. *• 1 OHN D- DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer Sill and Wood • I streets, Pittsburgh. ____ '■ ectS JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Books* Rets, Prfntir* and Pupcr Miumfaetarcrs, No. 44 Market at, Pitts burgh. ir# John ruita. JA R. FLOYD,* (ioie J, Fiord A C 0,,) Wliolt-wftlc • Urocers, No lthi Liberty a tie cl. ‘ sc.pi JAMES LA IkZKI.L, Wholesale (iroeef, tjcmralu-ion Merchant, and dealer in Produre and'iPmsburub Manufactures. ,No. 24 Water *t., Pirtstrafgli. )anllF KIER A JONES, Forwarding and Commission Mer chants, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh inauu- Lctured articles, Cauu! Busin, ucar7ih •(. i da VesuTlas Iron AVbrkli • LEWIS, DaLZIXL a Co..manufacturers of aU si tea Bur, Sheet, Boucr Iron and Nall* of the bet quality. Warehouse, 54 water ahd IUS (touj si. LS WATERMAN, Wholesale Utoce*, Forward* « inr and Commission Merchant, Dealer in Pitts burgh Manufacture* and Produce, Nos; 31 Water jt, and ITJ From ji»7 Joan aToux. jab. d. araiix.., .. wxLXSB c. kor. McOILLS A ROK, Wholesale GrOCert hid! Commis sion Merchants, No. 11H Liberty .st, Pittsburgh juli , MURPHY, WILSON A Co_ time Jones, Murphy A- Co.) Wholesale Dealer* ui Dry Goods, No. 4a Wood atrest, Pittsburgh. ; nov2i M. ALLEN, _ AI.KI MMICB, Wil. fcTKTMICX. M ALLEN A Co., Commisainn find Forwurding 9 Merchants, Wuier mid Front beewren -d and sis. r jand wa. lqixiat, c. w. sSxktson. MILLER A RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, No. 170, PitU •borgb/Pa. jaa!4 N HOLMES A SON, No. 55 Market |,C, sticuad ■ door irotd corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign ■ud DeiDßSiia tolls <»f Krrh&ng*..Certificates of Depot* it, Bank Notes n«d specie. IC/“ Collection* mad on all Uio principal fcities thaoughom Hu* United States. dojd7 "13 OBKRT MOORE. Wholesale GrocefvfifrCtifying Xv ihtulisrv dralvrllPPioJuce, fuuhiir^hrUnimi^^ lures, and alt kinds of Foreign and Wind* end Liquor*, Nd. 11 Liberty wirrct Oil hand a very large atork oi nupenor old Mopongahelii whisker, which will be sold low forcash. . ',apld:ly . aoaEKr aoniMoa. ’ - - Wwl-o. j». aoutxa**. R ROBINSON A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Produce « and Commission Mercimjita,auiDealeisin Pitts burgh Manufactures, No. ISO Liberty Bt, Pittsburgh. He- 1 ••' l,< 1 ‘ janio' lyOililKT DALZELL A Co., Wholesale* Grocers, fX Commission and Forwarding Merchant*, dealers in Produce end .Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty *L Pittsburgh, Pa. . ' iobd4 KOBT. a. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale tirooer, Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, No. 144 Ijberty st . jyl2 L. o. sjtYru>ua> 1. d- sh*k.. KEYNOLDSA SHKK, Forwarding sndCaiamissiot) Merchant*; for tlie Allegheny River Trade, deal ers in Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures sod Chloride of Lime. The highest pricey in cash, paid at all time* for coun try rags. Corner 01 Penn and Irwin su. jams SMITH A JOHNSON, Whotcenje afid Retail Dealers in Millinery Goods, I-aCes, Hosiery ttad Fuucy Articles, No. 4y Market street, So door shore Third si, Pittsburgh. spat . a c. soackijrt, , Titos. b< whitz. QHACKLCTT A WHITE, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. 90 Wood si Puuburgii. ( 1’ : . V fcblTtf A~\V. 11 AURA UGH, Wool Merchifl&i Dealers • iq Flour ami Produce generally,*and Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. S 3 Watdf st., Fitts, burgh. \ OMITfi, BAGALEY A Co., Wholesale Grocers afld O Produce dealers, No. Z£S Market street, between Oth sad 6th, North side, Philadelphia.. novh r. otutns; rrrrißcaGH. lomi JUCiins^suHTU*jrii. SELLERS a NICoLSj Produce and General Com mission Merchants, No. L 7 Liberty st, Pittsburgh. Sperm, linseed and Lurd Oils. ' > i SF. VON BONNUORST, A Co., Wholesale Gro « cers, Forwarding: and Commission AlerchauU, Dealers in Piusburgh Manufactures and ‘Western Pro duce, have removed to their new'tr&rehoa*e,{old stand; No. ds, corner of Front st and ChAncery Lane. nov7 w. t. TXOTII. J»>. scorr. : fItROTH A SCOTT. Wliolecaie and Resultdealers in JL Boots, Shoes, Tranks, Carpet Si W. o rner of tiiiandJUntlhfield sti, Pittsburgh,' Pa. ;u3 _ fTTASSEY A BEST, Wholesale Grocers ahd Goramis- X sion Merchanu, and dealers in Protlhce- No. tJS Wood ft, Pittsburgh. '/ ~ pakS JUUJI D. WICK, ’ DIVID JPCA.YDLES*-, WICK A aPCANDIESS, A J.D- Wick.) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding sad Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nails, Glass, Gotten Varna, and Piusburgh Manufactures generally, ♦oraeT of Wood and Water -trcdßt Piusburgh. WEST BOWEN—Cowmtkyloa and Merchant, No. 90 Front it .between Wood and Market street*. " ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ febS4 WW. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Famish « ing establishment, No.' kH-Lib'eny st, near the canal. . . • • ■ ' tnaclS T|r W WlksON.slteoiit mWofote,. Kwclrr, If , Silver Ware, Military Goods, 57 Mar ket ft , «. ■ . j. nov7 WIL MURPHY,'Wholesale and Retail dealer in » Foreign niul Domestic Dry Goods,north, east corner of Market and Fourth tts. * sug*il ~W»swso7 ~ fjtO.JL.H'CIJK*. TXTTa. YOUNG A Co.—Dealers In leather hides, Ac. W 143 Liberty st ' janariy. vs. it'etneu son. ii)ST._iiISO‘icUKJS WA R. M’CUTCIIEON, Wholesale Grsr»r*,dea • lers in Produce, Iron, Nails*Glass,-.and Pina, burgh Manufactures generally, tik ; Liberty? st, PUts- . . - dceS WUVWiidjoN, SVatehes,'Jew3ry7SiVer Ware, • ami Military Goods, earner of Market and 4tb streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. —WaleheS nnd Clocks carefully repaired. ' dec4 XXfinjAM .SMITH, Muuiiiactuier of Cotton aiid ff colored Linen, Fringes tor Dreraes, Ac.; Sowing Silk and colored Cotton Fringes for silk and gingham Parasol*. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Balboa Frutgen, made to-order oil the sbartesritotlhe. Stow, comer of Maiden Lane and William, entrance No US william street, third fioor, ovdr Abner A Elys’ ' store, Nc W Maiden Lane Now York.’ ; lylO _ ftAaPItTeCV■ w IE36N, PortroUjutdQ&idhsrel’ain “"A ter. Rooim, comer of-Poat-Ofbfn Alley and roanhvucct, entrance on 4th near Market j decC-dtl J°‘/ N M. TOWNSRVbVDruggist . W , ~ 1 Market SU, three doom alwvo Third st Pius tiargh, wUI haveeoßsUtitly on hand a Weliselwtcd as •orimemoftlifi best and freshest Metßcioes; which he - °ii aic taDl ' reasonable tenas. "Phy*ieia4» Iro i Wdl bc promptly attended tor, and sap ifc- for .»fe, . lup nock 0 f Itch M d food jferfo- JIAKBLK WuHKSONLUJEaTV +r oiwi-TirK TI,E tre and Pier Top* of foreign and Sonjc»tic marble «i * regular and fair price. ’ ** N. ed, of an y description. . Jle solicit. a .bare ‘of po wic Peonage- i_ ■ :-1 ‘ . ingfl-dif U* T. Roberta, - i~vrTIULMIC SORGEONkßritlaueadtoUte treat* \J oent of Diseases of ibe Eve. •• • *; - : l>r. R. ha* been engaged ialhiabraneh of/the eai profession for sixteen yean, andba. eenduciedian establishment for the treatment of-dlseoscs pf thfc gyj alone tor sevartil year*- __ : ' Omcz and residence, 1 corner of Strawberry alley, Allegheny tny. fggsa pskiiir tea store; *u near Wood-All qua mi tit ■■ali Blaei ‘Tear, done np ra qs——— , one pound packages, rauemg -from Ob cu. -per ponitd »USU. jyj A.JAYNKb, AgL for Pekin;Tea Co. Indenehftent Police Office, ■\TO. IDS K>OKTH STREET.—Commiu&tg Magi*, ll trite, Ainmtan SnkL. Chief of Police, Botnrri uaaci. ■ : P WW3ra . I 1 ' ‘ ■"l ttliilfil MILT GAZETTE. CARDS. DIQTKSNK WORKS. / lOI.K.MaN, IJAILMAN A I'O ••ouiini!'- :o 11,11 m \y larture fm»;l Iron. Spr. ng and Am Hover Ploucli. Fork an.! Hor Stmrt. Hivn- S|nk.-« »»d \\ m i Iron Niils. *l. tuxes, member wim ytoacli and l.„pim ?»princ«, bir Pat. Taper uni romtnAn Ask- Maviofl reiiurr.i ihe pno- of \\ roui;i.: lion ,Nu - v engine builder* nml ntk*r< utm# t!..* arm will tin,! 11 10 lii. ir intercut lu give ih„ „,«• i.ram-ii of P.u-i.urj;li muiuWcilirrt their uurnlion. Con. h rnmniiniM atiJ maieatdr mm <.n .:.r;a: Hnrebmue on \\ iti r r ami Fourtli -u tri.:<n :i PKRiftl MILL., PITTSRUHUH, PA. .cim.r)> ka> MH-. u ; .ri.n-ts «.i v.j\ upenor 4-4 r-ii«rtjii<«. I'a-pi-: ft,am. foiion 'i wm>-and Hailing m.'M-K Soquein* BprlnL’i A xte, Steel aud Iron Works. CIOI.KMAN, ' HAII.MAN A fn. m:iiiutai-lui«?r« m ) (.'oii'li and Kiipu.- Sprn-pv. Humnrrr.l Spring and Plough Si-el. lrm., W ar. lion-'- on Water ».m FroM WeeK I»HM ur ..|: Alto, drukn m* Coach Timm. i«. Hint M-ilk*!-0 Cagtuiys. ootl’i NiIFCKMASTF.R, AUo; inker. Fourth , • third door übore Stniihlield, ««>tnh rule Cotr. rytuiciap of all kind* done WIUI the grr&ir*i care s.,d legal artrorr.ry Title tf Real Estate riatnmed, A«\ nc*3»My \ir ,t m Mrrrnrj.TfiKK, Wholesale (i r((r^r i W . Kertifyinp Dfdblut*, and Wine. and |.i<|uo. Merchant*. Also. lmnortiTP®!' SodaAsli and Blendi ng Ptrwdor, No. ICO Libtfriy siren, Pittsburgh, Pu. •endl' nOME LKAXjIC’E factory. tm HAMILTON STEWART, mamilaciiirtT or Heavy Shirting*, Checks, Ac., Rebecca ulreet nty ot Allegheny. _ _ navl&.ily« -i-.-tt*- a PETTIGREW db CO., tfl? r,.. Jy STKA.M BOAT AGENTS «BSErflttggt ornca abovr M. Aiazs A Co. ■MMBMpB octal No. All Water street. INSURANCE. _ . IKDEMSITV. Co. of rhilaMw. 1 ) • < - llarlc * N- aer. Thomas I Inn "'ojc«««r. Suinml t.nuit. J;uoi. R >ll.llll’ \V Kiebanlr, Mordeciu i> |_r-,v., VomnL.i l’ Bone. David S. liiown, Morn** ... Cn*u.Ea N. l'r-Mdc..: l-liar.e*u. UajicJicr. Secretary, Conti quo to lo&Jce insurance, |>«-rpen, : ,i „ r - c j an evniy doscripiion of property u, town <-r country' M ratas as low oa are eonduteul with security. io hare re»cr»eil-u Jarjr conuiitfiu Fund, wbiob wui ibejt Capital and I‘roinmms, safety etl A,*“ or< A * m P le ’J , foiecliou to the p«sured. The nsMStJi oj (jic company, on Jaunury Ut. i+ri a* fellows x t J, » rc<sabl >‘ 10 a, ‘ of A»»cu.lWy, were a- Mortgage* Keaf K/taie Temporary Lomu Slock* Caai, Ac. a . SIJ*.49BTI Since their mcorporatiou, a period 01 19>ear«, they have jmid upward* 01 <me udihou lour hundred thou -1 and dollar*, luasbr by fire, thereby affording evidence i cl the advantage* ot insurance, a* wei! a- the ahiuiy and disposition Ujjpeet with protnptnej* al. liabilities. J? OAHDLNfcIB V.OKKIN. Arens raarldly _ ufl.ce-,\ Eeoroer Wood umfnd -tv DKLAWAH.E MCtOAL INSDRA NCB CO. T OtlN FEVNKV. Jr . Agent et Ibtuburidi tor urn !>;- t# aware Afntual Safety Insurance Company or' I'lw::!- ndciphia Fire upon boildin?* *mJ merchandize oi every dcserijilum. and Marine link- upon i,u.i. <>i ranfOcy «| vessel*. taken a|n>:i tue mn»i luvo-nKr tents*. IE?" Office in the Wnn-bou-e o. \V H Holme* A Bro . No .17 V\ airr,'near Market rtreet. I’ai.buryi. *'> R — 'The RUPL-emn of tin* Ccinpuny si’i. v Hie r-tali luhroent tif the Agency in; tins city, with the pmniul* new and liberality with wni.rh every claim u) «a them lor los* ha* been adjusted, (ulty warrant the agent in Inviting thr coubdenue and patronage 01 bw tneju)« and the community at large to the Deianarr Al a insu rance Company, wluie it ha* the additional ndvnuLnpe* a* an institution among the tuott Uoun-dune mPlnJudd pnia—a* having an ample paid-in capital, whit h by the opereuon of its charter i& consinnity incriuuuiv u» yielding to each person Uunired lu» uue share oi tnc profit* of the company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, and theretom a. iK>**es*mi' the Mutual principle diveshjd of ev.-r) obiioiiou* iV»I ture. and in it* mostattractive term nov-t FUtK ASO il ARUCK IASLUAACK, a'HK Insurance Compauy ol North America, innmgh it* duly uuihomed Agent, the «.ue*cnh«-i. oiler- to mukc permanent und tunned lu-uranre o;i property in this city and its vicinity, and .on shiimtruu t,, tin- fa llal and Hlvrnt. I‘IRFJTOR?. Anhur« Coffin, Charley Tayior Sanrl W. Jones, Ambrose While. ErcnAko ?u>tu Edwirni Sami. j fct .yi, a M . Tliomj*, John A. Drawn, John E. Ned, Jobii Wtute. Ki' imrtl D. Wood, Thoutor P. Cope, H m VV el.di, a*mud F. dnuih, Frame* 110-keit* Samael Brooks., S. Au»ii» AlliU.iir, ARTHUR 0. COITI.N, I‘im. H Hirer D. Sbsusbv. Scc’> . This is the oldest ln»ur«*ute Company in the United Staler, having been chartered m )7W.' )u charter is perpettMf. anafrotti ilsbigb l standing, lOug experience, ofciple meins, ami avoiding all risks of an extra httx araonx character, u map be coasiderrd as offariiot am ple security to the public. W. P. JONES. At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones 4. Co. W 4. ? tcr and Prom strpcu Pittsburgh: ojajs PiBLK IASCIIA-VCE. Protection Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. CHARTERED IN 1&25. CAPITAL* LIMITED—S3GO,IX)O—aND SURPLUS FUND.—The undersigned, having bean appointed Agent efthe Protection Insurance Co . Will laic ri-k» on propnrty in lUwoiry and ncmiiy. and on alupnienu by canal, utid the river* and flakes. . KAVirrrE brown, mchaCidiir Ofliee. No. 137 Wood atrret T‘HK SUBtCKIBIJi has been appointed pro tern, oulie luSurtutce Company ol North America, and wif! issue I'oLieies and atletid in the <>ih<*t l>u,inc-.<> ot Uic Ageiii;)-, at the wurebuuse nf Aiw ood. Jone<- X FORWARDING &COMMIBSION .K. Dl-SnmOWKH, * KUSiUm >1 CHAaL£B E. DANEKHOWEK <t CO. TOBACCO COBIIBJSSOS BEIiCU.IMTS, No. 59 South Wharves, m.dNo. 117 South WWr«i PHILaLHLPHIa. BEGS to iuform the (moo nnd dealer* general!). oi Pittsburgh, that they have intuit *»rh nrrmigriuents with the Virginia mamnacturer* and Ui« (.ruiviT- of the West, West Indies. 6nC other places. »■ will insure a targe and constant supply' of the following dc»enp uons of Tobacco, which wilt lie sold upon as lu-com modating te jins as any other bouse in ibis city or else where, und ull goods ordered from them wtl. he war rented equal to representation: Havana; Ht Domingo; Conn.; i Yarn; Porto Rico; Penn’a.; >S«eil Leaf to- Cnbn; Igmui, Jt Florida; j Imreo; ALJtO—Branch'-* celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with u largo assortment of ether popular brand*, and qualities of pounds, 6s. «*, 12s, 16* and Lump) 6s, G, d* and l()s Plog; Ladies- i wist, Virginia Twnu, fce 'rweet and'pltun, in whole and hall ooms. wood mm tin. together With every variety oi arUr.<* be!i>:i|»- mg to the trade jeli-ii. W OOL, FLOUR AHDPUODL'C'E. LY.ffiifi, KEtU k CO., (Succeuors to Beed, Hurd GESKUAL COMMTSSIOJSTM EROIIA NTS boston, Mass Particular attention paid 10 the sale at all kind* of }’m ilucc, and Liberal advance*made on consijpuinrnt.*. L K. k Co. Liare leave to refer to— Messrs 1L Robison it Co. U, , McGill A. Roe, {ruubnrsb. Reed, Parks & Co., Reaver^ “ Lawson k CoVode. Wrllmik. O Roswell Marsh, Esq Kieut.cnvd.c, O S. Brady, Esq. ] W F Pciersort, Esq 1 . v , ~ „ Met. K Crancle 4. C» f " I, '‘ ,|ln *■ v * u Gill k Stout, J “ Rhodes k Ogleby, Bridgeport, (). decH7-dfcwlnaylCS _ ROBERT W. POINDEXTER. (Late of Pittsburgh, Pa..) ' GEKEBAL COntaiSSlUJi SIiRCIIAJiT, No. XI soutti Water *L, CUcniiui A Market,) Fill LA DELPHI A r Particular attention wilt be given in talex of .Float and Produce, anil any. purcba.cs in the Piui*. delpUia market for weitern dreount, und any Produce oFftiercliamlDc Mint IA biro .iQroagh Mr C. 11. (.ram of Puisburgb. will liave aUedtion taere free of romioin »ion for receiving. anil forwarding. mar 7 dif : J<>HS A. HilAU', PACKER of fork and bkff. Commission Herebant Mid forwarder, . no* 4 Canal st., Cincinnati, onto. ILr Particular attention paid 10 the purchasing of of any article of Produce in thi# market, Aim to llie forwarding of Good* generally. Refer to Messra. John Swtuey A Co,") “ Martin A Btockwel! VOinetnnati. O. 8. C. Parkhnriit, E»q. S Lippineott A Co. Klcr AJoneit, J-Pitubarrh, Pa. fjgllati A Bennett, .) mnr^dCin GMonoE~cocrmrtf; — ' Oorntniiiiott and Forwarding Ucrohant. , No. SC WOOD riTTSBCIlwli, CONTINUES to trau*act n general Couaniaeion huai* eapeewlly in the jurciuua and sale „( Anien can Manufacture* and Produce, and m receiving and forvardiujj Uwdacouwgncd Jo ln« cure. A* Actul for Uic Mftiiuin.tures, lie will h® constantly supplied wiili Ihe principal articles of riuifliuri'b Mumifa.-inrc at (In-, lowest wholesale prices. Orders and cOiuusmitruu are rcsporifuHy solicited. ,4,7 CARD. M. EGOLF, "\^TfcBCfiiANDlS>K UROKfcH and Commission .Mm IVJ. chant. No. 36 South Frp.ul Street. Imcoik! «ior).| Philadelphia,..,m“(S»od* p9reba?<-d,parked. insured, and nlupped to order. Wool, Flour, Gram. Lined Fruit aud Cheese received on consignment nud siur ng®, with insurnnce obtained. KiFßfixxnß—Wtujlei! A.Son, Air. H „„j Mr. Harvey Cbtld.% rtttalimgh. fch’ GEORGE A. BERfCY, WHOLESALE GROCEUS, 'OBWRJURS ABD CO.WIBSIUN JIKKI lIAM, AND dealer in Iron* Natls, Ootfon Y»rna dt Pittsburgh UsnofKtitnrci generally, no. .10 wood ETBtrt' prmßt’Kbii, pa. —ifEteESErBuoTHKR* A do.,' COM MISSION.MERC HANTS, pimSbEiruil Tot the aafe of Produce genemlJy, > Liberal advance* made on consigium fig4-4to»flmT . ; Trft*«*pft**»** on to the Emu , DOBSB.Y & COPUJI, , i ■■ aao va i.villi, / Commission and Forwarding Agents. G. M. lIAHToN, Vittobargh, ‘wifi receipt Procure going.Kagt. febllfrjto f D. ftC. TO MEIICUANTS AND PKDLAKS ~tf*mt * J9u»*on,4Q Market AliH't.SFishJng to dote their Mock o/Variety Good* previwri to tbeit removal, *ifl sell at wholesale tfaeix mock of Combs, lltntoij*, N«e dies. Threads, Prng, Jewelryj AC-, at cost. 8 AJ. will • remove o a April yd. to Mo <B Market si. n)ehk7 LAUD Ollr-iu tibia pore winter strained LardAnl, in store and lor sale by 1 - mc b*> , • O,m«ACKP»JKN'& Cn T\RYJLPPJJ£g— lQbbls best quality, for laleby,. XJ _ DILWORTH ;* Co X)T ACKEHZL—I6O bb)i No 3 Mackerel, in stare and illforsaUbj mbitf SkW HARDAUGH 'it-. s LAW OFFICES. H'.M. TIMBLIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler. Pa ■linLL »:*0 ntVmJ U» rotlectj.H- n .,d s': ,vh-r YY ne-rytriHtrd luUiro Ku!!-t an.: \ JAR Floyd, Lib-ny <t ) "• "• 'VC , ,|o JuHu« Mar.!,-,;: do Ka\ A Co . Y\ orvl .-t ; T H <\VF!TZKR. Mmrnev *. . H . v „ Sl »/, m iWe* Ho -> h. n’l-r>.| protnpMv m iV|*r ~o„. \ Vtl 'f'-nrfuni.M. h *n.n. u , A™;'" J . 1,1 -MO. Alinrney ,ui,i CouiM- lor k;l.w. Jj. t-.ucu, HUH. 11l >olllJl'T: I III I '] nr' prompt:. Hmlm.r *.*lvam<t, |„r Ukntg Dcpo».in,iii», a. inou .rd^m- kxrKß To-M0... ty m [fc;; a. «* OJl> Curl)*. Church A rar-.U.rrs Win Huy*, Unlock A Dav.. :,vi ' J AMIS S F. KEKIC Arr< >RN 1 VI 1. A W t Mice removed f ill Mreei. between Stiiohtic.J ami Oiini »Uc<m jaj-dtlru I’fc.o*!*. .• iuitauo!Tsrwin.] 1 \l M.O)‘ A SKWELL. attorney u: Law. (ifficr* on xj Snmhtieid. 1-fjwcn :ld : IM ,I Ith m* JOHN H RANKIN, Attorney ami OotiiMeilor ul |,mvv and Commicaiom-r tor the Mate «n IVmi-uvurn# ?l Loul*. Mo . irate or > Rwmxi kj..- I’lti-i.urrh: Hen \Y Forward. Hump lon A Miller. M Candle*. A. MViure. John K J’nrio. Oi«»elU A Srinji.t- M Coni A Km*. (el 4 l\ JOHN T. COCUIIAjr, A TToR.NF.'i AT LAW, Fourth .srret. l-iwrcn J\. SnutlilieiJ and Oram ,aLMf»tn WM. C. Fllliosi), A TTORNT.Y AT IAU . Fourth .tr.-et imri.rum A ’ jal -ol\ \V «* II KuWN>uN. Aitorm-v at Law. 1,:,* re- TT - in«i\. , d !iu io <iie Buikl.iiif-.H. *■ ‘-"t • nclldoor m Aiderinuit Johns, ll|'l7.y HATS. ('APS AND BONNETS. FASHIONABLE HATS. **» TMK .*ul>»erit>rr. m Bddition in hi* own ' jEfi manainciuriiig of Hat', ha* made with Mrsvr* * c O .. (: j, r r'i*4nonitli> batter* of the coy of N-w York ' i«»i h umf oMnamrn n-ir Mai. l.avms; lU >t very rn )i and 1 cautifu ':m: i-v **:,t‘mi; j: :u« u,-*.v I’-i -amt fi.;' >:or>-. Sill.:!-(.<■ i<! *!!••. ; or,.| .t,*,,.- -mKu',,! ■*:nl Cd|iK ri h.~ rwi mam:•.i.-'ii- muj'rr. _ »P~ JAMCS WILSON 4ffl’COßL> & CO.. -s-v in MVord A Kmc) ffiKl Puhlon.liH lUltrr'a.iW C’yrn-r of li'w.; <?,>./ l',f;h Sfrrr’s PARTICULAR attrn:.,.-, m o yr Jt-- a ,I Tr-.'.lr Ueuimmen mill r.-H uj.o, rdimj -‘.rir H-»u ami Cm** troiu our <•■itnldt.fiiu.-nt <•( ■.!..• B>«-r v.*rifK:«i* i.-.i in l!ir iktt ,*i ti t>. amt at ilirimvtsr nucKx. Coumry NlVrcluuiU. ).y wli(>!/><»3lr arc rcßpeclludy iiiiiiml to mill uml .•lainmr „,.r Story; „< Wr r; , ;i ..iv \vi; li r mat i,« re*aril* or*/.rrT ttini pkii k. i: win not suiter mi a i'Oju|ia , i*.o:i wn a 'V bon.<- Di l‘nn.i.l.-.:.| la. - I, si: a I HATS. «*\HS AND MUFI > -rnr^-BWBs. •of Hut.. «•„;*« an.) Muff*. |,, n ■•rra' va.^T amt very <-hr a ;> wtio!r-n)r ; ,ii<l r.-'.tr JAMJ.S WILSON. Scmdifi. d .jo<ir «outn ■■! -Jth n*> caliuuknia hats-iv .j.,j »iw L i-,..,i MVi'KIIA Co ‘*••><7 cornrr 6iu am: U , -u r>»PRI HO fashions'FOlL Ih4 0. r**, JJB -'UVIIKDA Co vri). imrmlu.-r ~J |1I(. / g Marrii ad. uir Spr,. * .tyn- m HATS Inore in want oi a unit and -.ipcrior liat. arc i.uued u> cutl ai ronirr of Jth hiui Hoo.l Btr.-rt*. marj »t.«7.43P 41 k: thi.lHl| ?>?» GI.WJ Si n?>U4 3? M E D I C AL IMPORTANT TO T!!F. AKFLICTKLI. Dr. How's Cflrliralnl RrmnHr*. DH. JAKOB .< 80... l.„ , UI J ... .. pfirtorot U)V»<- pui|iu. ir and |.fi,-ti,-, a ... j. H im-., mid nlm. tin- hirr'iior a -n, ...n| ,ii.rr«.. iiirni ior mtiatinjj the Ltillit •, in edn-tiui; a lurrr.i cian. IKtctor I'Jiy-n', and acr muuir ~i i),,. < t) of Pcun«ylvamu. anil tor thirty ; . a , s na rngaprd Ui the mv.-.turaiioii i« «l<.r av . 0 „,! i|.r U noli. ration of reranlie* tin rrto ’ Tirmuirh ihr u»c ut lm- mllanng tui r, in conneciion with hut Propli' mci.i Svrur* h>- rmu.-mr lie Qai gained an unparalriied rima.-i, -r m r„n<ie tliV*e dreadlut and mtui malam.-., Tul-rn ui«r I'oiC samptton, Cam-er*, Serotuia. RUruratitum. A'tmnn Fever and Agv-. . ,i„i-. , i,ro„„ Kr,' la*, and all tho»e d..r;i « r « pr,- ur ~, . t . aii , Indeed every fofn> ■>! di*ea*e vani.ti-. mtdrr the ol his remrdir*.to wbieh liuinanity i* t,r:r -,mt t.y t(,r UMJ of one curapouml oniv, tor .. inrouipaiililr with Phr*u>Jogx al leaw. m,t l v ti.,- u .<- m m- ,rmr die*, adapted to and pre-eiKW ; UI rjrh i^,- uli:4T ronn of ai»r**r. Dr. Roar’* Tom- Ah-rauve PC... warn u.-ed »,r variably acicnowicd*. d mtc *-;•< nor u. a.: oilier a* a purgauee. or liver pill, »na«much a* tber the UonlrM ;rrr ‘•‘••Vyenea., H« „1.„ luJ liar properue* adapt'!.i .<■ di»r.r,.rx l.u *l!ri'im fcall.*fieil tint) a L-.< ir mu. i. r.ti*»*l<*'t V.-Ual li.v. ih-hi nuil m tlir nil .n. <.i mr im.-i ... ( , The attlieird are mvitr.) , c e . al i urH , n l{lo ai{clll ail 4, procure (gr-lbM O:o- ..I Uir 1h.<;1.-,r . iwltipii.ei,. x ;',x.. l r a detailed accuum or cur ir< mody am! ant< n a, (om Forsnlelis a . IVr ■ J Pruccw. Uiroum.m.: ih-- • <.u;dr) J »r liootnnakrr A Ijv a 4 \\ <nid »ir- - 1’.1t.1. un- - J MTmvn.rnj drujrj; V, Maine: •: - I -T! A Ue-.-itlum. I • ;.l 1.-l'll A ''•fllf'i \ i- j| v J.*. Ilnrkl<-v D:,r:.i<i*to(. < rum . !•- J ... I-.,.,..., V,.„ v •• ' I A.1.101V l;-avr< / ’im i.ll fain i.n mik hi»k am- chi>j ( i Vy KKL> -ll«vu Mnts Ullte ■ ~r i, wiiJi it M-vrre i>hiu i-i u,.' «).le am' «n. , v< w-ilii i ||-V i-ifugii, 1 vvu* >:»<*hi rii u;- oiuuon »j| a tr;cn>l, :i. pr 1,,-. (M . Jl ,'»i |. ~-t Wori. ami | IIIU-: vi)' a,!* mrtiirilK- 1,.j« Hi'gtYrf...! 1,. purpos.« ailmirnlj;)- M, i:n;rr« wa. pri-lu, /-.! |,< « hurt n*pii ivm \rini n wuk wall t lirf*i i' ( ,;r I COU (I »wu::u w 11, \ loij-1 I -1r.,1 I !,r, I illmuiit tiavr* ir ruiiiiai» • • ,:i I 'o;i mi mpi,.,,, or “oini* (Mai ii<f-rn«e. iiail it t,oi irri, curiO i.j un> aiir« ioti« niciliPinr To n.i \vh>t !><rc* U> Uifir i'tn 1 wnui.i ;idV!<p 11,< u.rvi Uf Tu> OI . liH.vim o( Ijvrr. wo «- JA.MK> IrliU A.N. l=t: llowrrr Hill IlirdlClllP t.|. rljw. rrilui .,., vrr, rrtiorrt htre-'ctM. nml mnv !.•• .'onsMcrcd n*a«u perjor preparation n,r nuf m.d prvt mtn.n 01 an dlseas. < ;i) in- fl.r.' a-; ' l.ui--., jnd *fmu 1 :•• re... i. a. rnin-dev in i„r pm. m a,,d vrv r«-- ■ p-.-tuMc |.fi)-*n urn l>i.- tin -arn i.i L,v. f;vr.r, quircl »n ruviu :,e reputation iur i;« v.rtu--. n , • nor 1o that of ili>‘ anuiul.-wif nt i;ic .i.i) *. Win Iti- rharai-irr unit prm,.-y ruor to \:,a » O.N>L'Mriiw.N C l KKI) -My .on i inV; . r ~ ru icni i-oi,!, u«*-d lo i'uuj!; \ m.'Ttiy. raiunc . « Shirk. pu:uti tontn-r ni.ii,.;- y :,.'r (nl , ,| !,ol:a-.,iv. in from .v-;,» i,-as H>- «-.,•>) . ~np ioni of» eonnriiied ronauiEpt.o.: for *.x y-oit u- :•« l»-rn anl.iro.t lo tile iMuiim. 11,. ( .n>»innn. \|. VtnrmuT A Anderson. .hM i.r wax „ v urat,,.-. ,n IUUM *oon die. Y-t i wa* drtrrtnined to iry l): 'J a , iof* Ma;*ajil of Liverwort. .tranre n. if n«y .in pear. Una on,’, has (ut!y rcMore.l iu« ne» u, CAI.LO.N H NorioU .If—- Sold In Pitl»i.urrn 1 y J 1) M-fraii,' ft.; .i . J Tow imp nd. Mnrk-l <( , H . r. r„r Vimin IWkls; A 1 n. J Im-fy p lirr r .,luP.-d r>rr jayned’ Kippclortm. f'oiun,-...i <■„ «». /..or si. IMt T* vR n. J A Nl> * * J fo i.o,iii.| you J -J al >‘* Ui«* altt.Cfe,] poM'.e l<* nv ul my .p,j nt ih,« op portunity of jiving pulllirny to u.- -cri.oni.oarv -ife, t « of ) oux Expectorant on In, se ; ! 11 . 1,.-. ,| afh,-l-.| lor severni »r;if» with '-00-h, i-v- r ami lU cOtn-blUiUl/'l tlmca*.-.. u u .J -- r-rto d o„.y doomed to miifpr out ;i gtinrf f■ uI iihu-iilik > xi-imc- ua;,> ii,,- f»ll Ol l-ilb, When, in„rr ». vt-i n‘:n,-k>-i| ai,,j huvmi: resorted lo ai) lay lorn., i J., . ; ,.,d ,p ( . *cnptioil» Of l'#n nf mr mo«i re-p-rul.e ],i, , til- neigiftiOriuVixl »»|I|H,I,' i)>- r. . ,i.j. Hjiy '.<• or l»l. or i;cm»olaiion of l»u! a i> m» or w , k, m lortli—l—whpo liic la-i rl,-«iii o; w:i* m, | liltJ r>-roinillPl,ilr<l Vo ii.p you l | .J[pr< li.fp mul l.yUui btuni; who ,l<x-a mi n,ii,*« in it,.- u»r oi Uip rnraiia—ub-I nonf'ary lo [hr «z|>C'’i>ii,on> oi i«i> pi, > ainl incmlp. I «ha n, 4 iV-a d;ii i from my i>p,|. nmJ w,i» 1 , ;i, r «[ ~ ~,,,, . lillrml lo III)- l.iiMur (• .-i,jO-, .1,1; 0.-nrr |jp u .:|, man I had for Ipii ycvira pr^viou« Kc-pp- tiully imm. hr , j 4S w r.-tn 1. for sale in l*ittal,u/|'h, at il»«; I’rkm Ten >;mt. KourUi mn r 'j NRW ARRANGKSIKAfT. DOl TOR II \\ M ( lR It |s> Imvtiif rm mi > |>n rr tin •- rd Uie Drujt Mon- lonn-r.y „w„«i i.y Hay. A Hfockway, No -4 l>»miiu rf,.n. Ko», n / »ir.-pi, PllUlmritfi, ukrs Uni n.,l i»o,| ol rnformmir to. trinnis nad the p.i1.i,11 tr.-irm,!, ;i,nt ni« Morr will ni ail time* t,p aupplint with ,m eki,-ii-,vr ~i„| eeneral ujH.nn.rni «i Urui;.. l)y r. I’.khu. < »it«. VonilpttPA, IVrJumery., I;. >, ami m.l. p,! -y. i y ur liclc caRcJ lor in a il/up »!or<-. wtmji will a way - !.- Bold ns ui ul uny olln-r iiou.p Jp t!.•- nr, w'noli-- »nte or retmi Hoping u, in-!.; si,an m u,,- pairOnptre, l<oUitni( »hn>, be u, yivr n>lari,<in to liurunomro Dov7-:t|>t l Ilydropalhy, or llir Water Cure. ¥ kOt.truß UK.NJA.MIN M< >H Kl> «n , 1/ to jiru.'urp llli- oif- nml |*Opi.l;»r riiOrP.l > in. 0.1 iTydropolliy or Dm Wu.cri'm, a.,-I if am ir-at alipcssok AllopuDiinull). f>i,»l,u. 1, , n», < ... ~1. Icmird lx, i)roiu|.llr N .Mortu may l-« i-oiMiiiird hi in* ltru{ .•tfnr#. No V CommpreiaJ Row sirr-i ilur,!.)' liUMn-sk iionr* of hi in* r.-'nl-nti-. rtmriii/)i: mn) nru if-ii, i’enn ulrr.-t, .1 ili.or- 1..-low liwh, • ;,!i. y n»v7(*j,Jt Dr. JdcLtne In Tcnotuu. I‘HIS u to eerufy that I purrhnsrd mjr v,.»| m Dr kicLann’ti Worm sonii' two inonihs h<o •ml to • »oii ol tamp, miiiip eevrn >rnr. ol,!. two isaspocDa fall, ami afihoincti (he aaioum may appear large, yet I liave no doul.t hut U.-re ua« npwardi of two TBOCUITD wobms pM«»xil from him. mcik-surini) *ron» oae qaarter oi UA liirti to two inchea lour. (» W HOLUDAV. Roaei Oiwk. Carrol re Tenn . lire tf7, 1--17 jaJ4 LNIiKOKtiIA - Ci'l.lmblv Jan ‘•Hi, J“IW Mr K lv Mellrrs.. -Vour Vcnnifugr lian *r»ld wrtl. and ha* been liigtly ujioken m t>y ail who bar# u«rd it. From the »uccrte attending the mlrrunisirnuoii 01 your Vcratifuirb in . vory , n.-r J have lirnnl of. I am confident 1 can sell more during '.hr coming «ra«on than I did la«t 1 will i-p gln.l to receive umitliei sup ply of 4 or fl grosa \ nur«, respectfully. 1 ill tract from inter , k t A RTF.R Prepared and, »old by U. K_ SKU.HK.m. j 7 W<>od ,t, and »old by druggiats n, I’msburgti nnd Al Icffhny jlt^{ Sll. l-M* S H Molasses, just re • reived and for sale l.y nurtl UKoU N A cn.BKiITSON Sl'tiAR —CH hbd* prime itew crop, just tecci veil and lor «a;<- tj} marG SOAP— ft) )'i» Pmsbarph niAuuiuciured >«ap, jum received mid for rale by m#r6 _ * BROWN A CULBERTSON lA MILV FLOUR—I 93 i>bit P*tkm*on’* raperior Firmly Floor, for file by fcb3 WICK A M'CANDLESS PITTSBURGH. MONDAY APRIL C\ IS4D. r PHE co- partm*rt hip heretoforr rsur.iic l.rtwrrn fli* 1. -uturrib*?*. in natn** of Fuenri. Rpry 4 i’« , ■*•9* I hi- <t.-y dissolved by mutual’ <>m-m Kl*ey will *»uie oi* bu>mc*s of thr roittvcn. li-r w U.oh pur po-c l.'- 43 Huiiior- -ed to u»e th-* mime of hr firm PORTr.R H FKIKND, jaMw wood, CUU RHI'Y. The Un i r Him dnv a*»«»-ia!.-d ilr«“TTi«-.'vri m me Mimr oi RHEV, MATTHEWS h. C*> . tor the pu:;»n*r oi :ran«n<*tiug n general f.rorrr,. r'ofiunmtoa an-! For-sarding Bnsines*. at the iLaml oi the inu- brra nt Fr.eini. Rhey 4 Co., where Hut y will be pleased to r'-.i-ivr the patronage ol liio customers of ;li:d house and nur inrud. ‘ , LEO RIIFY. MMIF co partnership heretofore exinUng between Ihe 1 subscriber*. in the name of Fonatable, Burke A <”t«. i« ilih day Oi«so(veil i,y mujunt '-onaent. Mesira Ktir«f A Ifnriif« will nettle llic hu-inr.* ol tin- con i ' 'u lor which parpo«e they nrr iMiiliori«rd to n*r tin mum- ,-■ the t-tfitreni. NATIIANIF.T. ruNS I AIU.K Tin- undersigned hove this liny n««ociiiied ihenwlve* in Hi'linin'of BTRKK & HAHJNKS. tor toe purpose of mniiiimriuring Fire I’root Safes. Vault lkn<r«. i>- Ae . ai the «lnnd of tlie lute firm of fonsiable. Hurls' A l‘o . where lliey will be pleased lo receive tlie pn» Irnnage oi Hu- rii.miner* of llini house and iiieir frienti-. I.IJMINH Bl KKE. THOMAS HAUNTS. In re:mm ironi the Grin oi CouMnbb-. Burke A To . 1 vviiji *mrrre p.i-usure recommend Alr«*r«. Hurl- A Harne» to ilie eonlidrnrr oi mv fri'ml* nnd tlie puhi.e i>t> I>. l“l:' NATHANIEL CONSTABLE i.-M:i-i!tf HPHK pnntier*lup so lone easting under tin- firm »t J. M Ford A king. wiu* i,y muliu.l .cii-rni ili.-olred mi the I*.l Mist. The Iniour *» wd 1 ’••• cm- >-i| m m>- old Hand Ig- cither of us, using lII' I rtnni:- of six- hrm for •Hint purpose Heme desirous to'here our buar.icva r io«i-tl with .as little delay an possible.. we would re *peettul)y renue«t those mdcbied to call ami -rule their ui-rouiits. JOHN D M't'OßD, Co-Partn«r«hlp. JOHN I) M'OORU having njwociated wuh Inin hit broihrr J awe* MVord, under the style of M't’.ortl A 1 *<>.. Will conm.ue Hie Hal. C&{> n.ij Fur busineas in ail it* viinou- Lmneiu-s who|e»aii: nud retail, at the old -t.-i’ul. i-ornei oi Wooii nml Oth streets. wher« tli -y 'i. i'-.l n continuation of the patronage so hheraJly he t-owed on Uir oul hrm JUHNU M i'OKI' ju* JAMW 5 M’I’ORD IN muring iron, tiie old nnd well known firm ol M't'nrd A Ki-g. I ino-tt respectilly rraouunrml to ih-' piironaee ol tlie paftlic my »ucce*e«>ra. ilrurv ,\f eor.l A C«. iius? H U KlN<i MMli: pn r. ner-liip ot Ml IU'H \ A l.F.i: .. tins .In •• 1 dissolved I,)- mmual cuiuciii 'Hie hUMim-s ol tin ..lie 111 m wit. I.e M 11.r,| H | j-e J R Ml'Ki’HV. iVtt-lmreli. .1 nn Is-IV. H I.Klv Ni’l’lvK The u*’ tie t< i ii"t! w ,i: ronioiue ihe Woo i n-i-es. and aneu.t to Hie sale o; 1.0vd., »l Ui- u,j || |.KK lit rcming from ihe | I(IN MurphvA l/r. ImU - rti' pleasure In rec.innietuiiM: >| r || Ur i„ u.r ennfitleiire ofm> triond* mid Hir puiuo -I‘iiuhurgh. Jail fu. IMU. J K MI RPHV THK Mitwrilier* have Hus iU> iu-n. liiein •rjve„ logeiher lor the purpoM' of ;rainn.Mwe * " lude-a.c I mail Hry I food • ami i.u*m-«». *: No'. K .’ii l.!l rnv,nji|u)«nr Seventh viiee'. uml r me « : > furi. of BI SHFIKJ.U A HAV> !’-11«r.urei, Januan I. N 11 • --* ’ni uni i U'Uilllrij and the pub.o' are-runted onit'u-.riul. Tir.M H SCAIUK ami Capt. JA.Mt-S ATKINSON ty tiHvr entered miu |<ariurr<hin. under tin- hrm oi SC AI KU A ATKINSON, and wit! carrv on the 'ini Copper uml Sire; Iron \\ are nianuiamor-. i.i \\ in K Kir*t 'Heel in-nr \\ <«>.i 'j’HC f AKTNKR'IIII' dU»■ \ R j (o> „. IVll . c iii' 1 inte re*■ oi tVm Hay*. Jr. Ueira-ci m. 1,,.! «-o-i*,*;.ri S ~l Hide. . I.rall,< ~ >k .. l J„, A ' x, , • r. J AMPS LAL’t.HLIN. Arinumiuator J HWI. .li., dj) ssnonaied wi.u me n uiewfrale. 01. !.|..*i,er Je«rpli. under the turoni J S A 1 * J ?>. DILU OK I li. January 1. l*-4fl CVO-PARTN SIHSIIIP Win. Y ouru luvmr I day ni.em-ijied unit tnin Jo,in R M i urn-. ih«!- -i -lh' r t.|i*|in‘>* will liereuiter Uo romlur'ed muter Ml* firm <»r Win Yooiijt A Co WIU.Ia.M HUNG, JNti K Nl'Ct m; "V; EW BUCKS Lecture.' uo I' « Procro** wid J.l tile Ini,- amt Time, of John lJuiryin; bv the Er» H Cbeevrr. D l> WmmVnng* oi s Piigrim m t) ir Shadow ol Mp Unl Btmir, , Tur Jounfkl nf the Pilrrmu at Fit mouth, ,n Hew oi IVA* Repniilfd from ihr origin »i vi. nine. 'Villi to-loricif .lli.l .CM-*! 1 lustration* of prnvule-ier pr-r>. ami p<f,|>»», [., C.eorge li Cacrvei [I 1> Bupu-m w.ui feicf'.o-e u> u> onpori an J inode*, l-t iru ifeeoher, li li l.iic uml c orreipo-i.Jenr' of John Foster , i J h H>, with notice of Mr Forirr us a preai m-r •Wil a i onipiuiioa. uv John Sheppard—new edit.r>ii The i»:.ov', wilh J large «locir r>l Theo.ogi. a, ||„ ion-if. Medical and School Hooii. for . H .r a: .ow i»n.-. f.-. Ki.i.urrr i km.mmi w „..-j ~v* r ' kwrcn iin •! and I'minon*' * ~*r ANDaUHiRMA IN H, j u flinrnum. Jtulgr «)• !«e Snj.r*-:i.r Tourl *.* i )r • <uh all Appcmlii. in. iiiiluijj r-, r-i ipil au liit'iilii u.i ll»r or uie C.t .d M,v.. a.ui uiQrr ».. uiniirr <>i iiu.-r.-t; m . nH <fa .,* >IJ ] * "j 1 ii:iw.fuiion» an*! a m-p; volt. l-Jino Inr (~i .i-S'-'-lrr* Manual, hr. 115 fl p; »-.,t in aiJ :><■(»,>n« rmiL'ru'iiie lin- ti. : f r t'1» l*y U T AnMni. I'foi. oflieciogv. km* 1 to. ■‘"Jl• • I«omlnn i vui, paucr air .**«<<•■ Iravr in < « iioinm. i’ompr!«n< pioiti lurm fra-nr.-. nt th>- rouoiry: «:»«. i!„ 1.. Sun U,.- Kn . i: „! i'|wru ni IWI Krrjiinn: a n<i >i aj . Kmorr 1 air ’ iiir ( nljfnrni.i (»unlr Jlo'.k. u,- <,i iri-.. f>r k . tov-riiirf wnh J.-,..,,,,,,,, . .i, ;«rr"un: i,' l |>p«'r Un.iloniyi. ami u,< .Virnr.v wi 'in h.xpkirm. I!i j*f ilmoii U> Uie Kocky Mout.iuu.-, A r ni'n map- I rol. -vo, paprr Jur R*-* Jlnpti-t \v .Wl, Work on n.r U11...11 .■) C'.ur. 1, v ! 1 v.,!. IV,no. Si.nj. Ju«! rnvivr (I ' y * Variation* OI I'oppf) 1/ »-v U-v ( Sparry; Xmopfion * Woikt, Tnnlai' -of*-., 1 ivrrmy Srr»fiu>. |,y Win \„ ;il , n | 1 r •' Lilran.l Imx-.oi J’b. v Ilnv . 1.. .• 11 K.-v ll< „t. Vfim. I* 1’.0p,.- o' Mjcrcxnt. Hicopuai ~ or mai.i .•,la;mii <•< »,<.<! ..i Mnnmnoi'J Kuwn. Uuj'Dn, l;,ri, rim. *“> U j liwptlMll. iU llllporl II ml Hlotl> . Il|P>iil .! • k"<iMoiii. •l »«!., < , l.«pv.-r . l.rclum. i'Hrr,,,.'. / • kccvrr « Wand. tiap ol b tio- Alpv Ancpr»oii * Doiiwwc < orisUlUUuit; Modem Ai- La«t day* of Mjibo; Wom-n .»( u.- R>- vulntiou l.\ Mr* Kllai: l.,r c or' Pnllok ior >nlr by "' arl * KU.ltrrP A KNI.I.ISU ‘ir woo.! m HI MAN MAONKTI>bM—Iw claim* lo >’ii|>a»»ion air rnjiiif)', Uinjc an tuiemjn lo show ilm u:.M, o! i'« :i t tiV:i'.,on lor ih<* rnHnf of «orirrnnf |.> V, .Nr w ~ihi in. F.mj . Aulhor (il •• riir rrr ~,rx i in (furtic-r Holly aaij Mi nil “no Tlir i.r.i ~,, MM . pubimlie.l For fn l« by K1.1.K/IT .V KM.I.ISH :» wuuj'm JIFF OF KUAN KLIN, lUtmmtr.l- i„ ', of 1 pun ir niton in uio MM'iul lonn, l>y Hurprr * Uio in'-t*. ,\rw tork.Tur Lite of Benjamin Frunklm. mn ii'Mn; of Inn Autoinocraphy. nmJ a nur ruuve n( lii. pul.n.- lro uml uTvntei, by lltr Kev H Ha.imn* WrlJ, •l >ir t il-il. , ••nil.e.ltrlieil l> f nuuir ruui r xipiMUr Jr I'l J<>li 't I i I'tiupuiua. ruurnvr.l in l|n- Im-tio.i .[yl,- at: I;,, work h limited m ilu- wtnvo lorni. on >u p'-rb'i'. j n|t«.i. tfom hold and rrifibir typr. Ii will !«• < <l in nitjlii part*, ai *Jd rnrh, nntl i«*uml »' br.rf oilrrvnl* j, pn M wUI Irrnri* \.)r\. I'Ti" iii»iri*iUiui-ty uilvr tU publication Fart J«< ,iu>! p-i'r.,v. a aod lor ,i,,r I.) JolfNsTnN A !«TtVKTo,N. 'rumor m.iikr-t mu' . j«j «i< MACAI I.AVs msTUKV or FNM.AMr Imm lltr iii'it».,oii ol J amri 11 - Vnl I 1 lio Hi«U.ry n| Ale x mulct iLc liirat: by Jacob A !»• i.oii, wuu mnp tm.l cnitrnvinif* llir Ht.ror) oiOmrlci ibe l**t r«t of Knnlait.l 1-, Jit rob Abbott rlrp:uil entrrnyinjfa. Ilaiprf t l.iir of Frankim. -plrndi.b) .•inbeM.-liri! '•> uumrr.m* ,Wig n ».g|No j. rent-. To '• c '•omplriril in s number* Firioriiil History oi Fjißlnml. up lo lit"* friKll 111 <.*. »kf«- 111 iMli]i:<' |r hi A vol«, in'ln vri |JMI itm-ira Jii-i rr.-nvr.ll.y |( Uni'KINS, ,rl>l ’ Apollo UntUlinji-, 41Ji «1 V 1 Ar , A 1 I-A"* > w* four of K.MjI.A \ I). \ Ht. II i'dj'iiht* l'(i'!iiuiii(ii,i Work-, Vol 3 1 rai.klmV (.Hr lilu«trulr,l part- II nn.l 111. I in- lii-tory of Himnibtil uir t lnnhitgiiiitii'- uy J.n ob At'lioll lnu-lniirtl ml.- innp anil niinirrotii rin;i) \ .iij* Aib. r • (.rainnirr noil F.nelub l>iriioiiary ocinto S'.or> ol l.itil. Jniij, , l|r f,,,.. i, ,M t; j,. a nil l llluMruiei) A.-loii. or 'll*' i j \ |rrm.n ol k:i.l ( »•.»*• r•. hlion*. d.--it; it*-.| |.,lr, Mmi uml m* W'orlrt H:m'« Ronisnr* *>i VacbUnr Ariihinii Nictiu Knir* rtaininr-rm. I.mie'* !t3Ji«laiioii »j«l«*n<iid!y illu«»raif*l. avolv CJiuo JuM r**i'i*ivrtl f.y BOOKS—Hi«tory oi Mary Queen ol Scot*. By Jacob Abbor. tvtth cncravms*. Hisiory of Kin* ClmrlfK ihp Pir«i. «>t Knjr'uin! Bv Jacob Abbott: with cni'ravtnr Hutory 01 Alexander the (ireat. By Jncob Abbott, w ’iili engraving* iltkigry of Hannibal ihe Carthaginian B) Jacob Abbott; vrtth RfiMvnJ and for *ali? by NFW BOOKS—Orrgpi and Cttiilornm in I bp J Quinn Thornton, late Judge of the .Huprrmp < ourl of Oregon, and corresponding (RdOhfr <■'. the American institute. Wuh an appendix, iiirjuiung re eeni nnd authentic information on tho aulrject i>r' ttir OOLD MINKS of Calilonua, and other valuable mat ter oi inlercal to ilie emigniiita, ctr With illustrations and a map. In iw o volumes. Raphael; or pages of the book of life at twent) l.y Aipbonae de Lnnnrtine, aathor of the “Hutnry of the (•iron.iuta, or IVraotml Memoir* of the Patriot* of the French Revolution." etc. Ju»t received and for *aJo JOHNSTON A.STOCKTON, corner market and -id iu MAI* OF PKNNSYI.V AN I A—Constructed from the County Surveys autliorued hy the State, and oth er original documeuU llevi«»-J and improved under the supi-iviMon oi Wm. K. Morns. Civil Kugi titer, upon data procured in each comity, under authority of the legislators A tear copies of this large ami splendid Map received tbt* day and for sole hy JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. Booksellers, cor market and 3d sis BROWN k CI'I.BKRTSON CaPARTNERSHIPS. Dissolution. Frbnnrv 7 t-M*. Co-Partnership, I.KVT MATI'HFWS, WM. EUBS. IVi-ranr, 7.1-4t> " r •* plea- un* m recommending to tlie coufidence «»*r r irteutl* it ml n...»r oi Frwml. Rhey A »'o . our it, | unites,, Rhry. Matthew* A To PtIRTKR R FRIKND, JA.MKS WdiiDS Dlssolutlon- F.DMrND HFRKI.. THOMAS BARN US. UlnolndoAt n n KiMi IMSSOI.ITION Cy-PAnTKKUSIUP, BOOK TRADE- H lIOj’KJV?v ... A |K>iio Build. R HOt’k’lV-. A|w...o((h: tilt -I JOHNSTON A STOCKToN. cor market si.<l ~»i* HOTELS POCKTAIN lIOTRI*. L 1 •' H T s r K F. K r U A I. TIMORE known «s ***»*■ «d U>emo*: i-ommodu/u* in the < ity ol l.a'tnnr.r.-. hn* r-. eiii.y undergone very exten «ive B.'-rntioM* b kI improvements. An entire new wing hue lu-i-n added, i-oiituniing numerous and airy ***r>i' l:i i end exiemjve bathing rooms e ..3«fie« «t» pamnem has a:>o been romnlrtdy reor(t.i»ii/,t-ii nml l iu-d up i.i a mo.-t unjQue and Ueauti ,u 'l ' Di l# -' : lEc win >ie iirrungement of the House has -*-• it rvtnotlrjrd. with a lungie eye i.ii the pan of in pmpneior- •■*w:ird» u,e cuinmrt and piej.-ure of tiwyr hur,L S ana wtni-li t1,.-y co.-ddeniiy ns*.-it will cilia , wiib m,j- Hotel in the Tmon J he.r will dwa"- hr vupt-necl with every *ut»- Manm! luxury wbu-h the market uflonU. served superior *tyle ; while ihe way of U me*. Ac . ibev wtf, IMJI bo aur|m«W. In boMi-luai/iii u.r proprietor l - heg m «av. that nothing will be- <f! oitdom- on Ibejr fciri. i.jui on tRe par; of their a«u:n r>-uc!,-' thi« Hotel worn v the continued pafronatre ,rf their fn-n.l* and the p„M:'c generally 1 The pncin torhcmnl have also been reduced to the : foihrwuig rules: luidie;,' Onlci:a ry, ?l .75 per day BeiiUr, .. , . * ’V"' "'amnsmf the Hou»c will nl wnr*i t-e fnuml «• the fnr and Steambot. Landings, winch wih convey Imggagt- u» and front the Hotel, free °i‘:“ >r ? r . _ mariif KXCUANUE n'OTKL, cog.Ngtt nr I-I..NN *m> <r. ( i Aik srs., rirrsßrnfifi. rt. 53Q In.- iui -.i-rd.i-r having u««nmed the mnttSgc- U 1 ",,; of Ihi, long r*tnhli*|i'<i nnd popular Hotfl, rripeeiiii.h n,i non Meet lo Travellaric slid the I uln ic geurrhliy. ihnt nc wiil he nt nil uroet prepared to neeoinClio,]r*te ihroi tu ml ihingA desirable in n well n-i;u.Hied llnud Tt,c llinise i, now being thdfou'hly n-piuf. . ilimuy Imui. nnd new f'uri.itnrd nclded, and jio pai.i- u,. ,>e «ni:r-d to moke the F.xrbaiicA one of the V'-rv 1,.-.i I lon-1 * m u,,. einiuirv The liuclersigded rr-|>erifu.iy a CoiUMiuaitre Of me very -near-the Holi-ihaS her.-loiorc rt ' * • ‘ Tlh t.V iHVSTttN. Prunremr LA MARTIXR lIOUBK, coasvK or r-'-rnTT >\u csnsvr srKKßts, Tin-*rcic,.;i JfaA niK .ul.senl.t-r tevpreuuiiy announce* that Jr"W be lik. now op*-in-.I h.- i.ew and riiv!l.-ni ! loiei ami ili.i pun’;, -r ~-ra " v “ Tl..- 1. 7n* 'i'nrmnm‘ an- fn-irr-ij u.-w. nmt r,n pine, t.r expei,Mj Nave l-eeu Bjmn-il to render u ai-.- m- i,- o *i , ouuoriaMc and JilelLsnni llcite.N m the e.iy 1 ho subscriber n den-miinrd ;n ile.erve, nml then-- fore so.n-ii*. a -hure of public j'lfrounir'. oc-IM-dly _ JAFOII llomil. Fropneior t 0 O'p I-', V. I* K N T 8 A V K D 1 MFi’MSITION HOI'SH THF.VriUiIMA Itl i TKIJ on Badimore sirrot. near the IX-pou t iiiuPerlnm'. is rn.-.v m i-mnplrte'nrdrr N»r the ree pilOn uml uecon.litoA.ilim of the public. Der„»- » .n scnrrli of ense n-i.l romfnn. will do well ic (m>r.mi7r il.l* r-mhii'lrnient they will find Hie chirni ew* eiea„ i,,,d n..-e. nnd the'l'aiite as well fur gunrniiiccd ns co*d n- any tcial run be had in Ihe place, ni any pr.Cr, nr no chargr No eliargc tor Uun»|.oriat,oii ni baggage io and from the enr«. _ U'AHHINfiTO.N EVANS VXITKI) STATES HOTEL, cuvsvr-T st s k-twvkx rot’Riit uni rtrrH »tk OlM’twiTi: In;-. Bank id ihe Tuned Stute*. Flhlr. IHiiil M l’tJl'i: MiTVIIKI.I., __Frnprte'.or : MISrELLANEOrS' FRKSH S PU I Hi (I tl OO D S MinctvirU i Whitr, 1\ UN <.Chips JOimKRS. -m U ,V,| .;r,.. u , r f mteniinn m .ntek ni \MI KI V'N ANH TttKTK.N DK\ i.ooljs, fr ..m,. c dlreel from fir.l liniiiJ. Reef,vmg regular -upptiei ni f. ' ».*>.)• d lIT .:i[| lllf aca-ou. :mj .leveling a large -i.ur.- the. r miei.turn to Kn,|er < Aliciii.n the i i n■■ r nt.lnU ■i»| y a-,ure buve-t ,), f> Wl | t „| M l(1 ,|, r i, Mil.-res, ... examine th'i' stork Just frenved. |, r ge mv.rne* oi „rw .p.le Dre*. finnet-am-y Fin.,, • .i..iiner. - foili* Summer Hc...d., Tier,. Urn..- HI- I, I „e ns. TU , I.K . ' JAMES \V. WOOD WELL, Modern nnd Ani iq u p Pu r dit dr t , ____ :1 •' • ■wSlai H»v.« uuc«. rniiMU.,..i . -n*'- •' (••'•tKKfr I‘m-Krsiin. T.-Ir a IY-.r. Mori.-: Hat}-'. . Lou,- XIV . i...... . , :,..r Tr. P<mw I , u „ Tt.l’f M-l. I ,‘IUIr. \\ r.yliuiiodt r I'.r t~ ii MaJiopan . li* vis p-*;.,, Sil m>l.« Willi F;u*Ji a;id Hair c.olh CUT.rc *’ R.,ri ;; . r n.M.r. * in .1../ Psr'or :*» •• Faivv M (.-*r U-.wi! . I > i u.p Ou -’A ir'in'i*-*. - 'tf ■fl> u-itrh'" USx), St-*r 4 p.T.r pyr i'nh'r, U.Tk »•••.,Ht A trrr »rge luriKlui'- '.o<. iii-fii> ’ u.. [W 1:0 and on'.ln' mo*: rru.<.!,*• Chocolate, Cocoa, Jfcc. W llakcr’. Airwricu., ina Krrucn I'lioro.ate, Prepar- I’mih. Cocoa Panic. Brnna I'oooi Juo. , I'*>!•..1 '*>!•.. r.-iiam* anJ rn„.uiiirrn. -vi,., would purchase uic :•• • * r ariailf rutioit, ■' ‘T ' <'tl" und m .joaltty uu.ui • •innr.-iuN (hr aiioVi: arijc.r*. •ml »tnin ( u-.l witf»iu-i Hume Oc . (Kj-luMr. 0.-. .l.iJ <1 .luiik I!!-- - » = • '•> thru I «C'-'ua. t,r A ■ K.,,-.,. Jamr. ,\J Wud.t : A.-> Uxnmr.l. 1.. - H,A N-w i Uta l ,, ii '"1-rph.H., K*.-1 Mitt.Tf ami A K--.i-.-tt <'-m ... aa;., Uu o H It KAkKK. IXij. i.r.irr Mum I _l-‘r»r »*lr b\ a..* ii K.\<- \l.» V A «Ml HI. Attn j Wrought and t «•< Irou llnilins. m,-- ;l.r pukilr U.m I • r ! Mj.rm-ur- liaml '.ltit'lr ;.,i.t ,uJi;c m- Oil- .■■l R. .in • A Wl- .V r.M a la Mont * kni i\ ti I nif. Cupping anil Blredlnc. KH MiHKI- .«, lf 10 .M K |V;jiii > ) ■ Nn &;» I ui.i I '-iwerii W oi»J nitij SmiUi iKJC J rr*>i I i.-* r. r, m,in I, 1 ) -:i Ilf n.! .1 n. <• u f ' I in<» •: 'i'-h' ' '■'••‘nmrnfml to tlir jvliysicati* nuti .ll. <nt r* ‘ imv :-inner tnrn.i* ac * [juii.v*. M» K II | :i«)rtiui>ti>> ■-u-«{U4iuit'«i Witu t, .• t.u , ' . | nc " l'4'nflilj u, |.uUui h l/.'. - | ' r - 1 ' MR TUI. V\Y Dlinurariiireil Tobnrro. IV ■■■■■'> a K.nvtrf, .u|w -*w; i 1!' hr ill. I’ri»*i- A . VI .1.. ilo d.> ■ i|, V- tlo ilu I’r.i r A lf..i \ i. • I ' .to J Iti.l-i ' II « i: i.r ,lo ,{ 0 •• •SI (In do Wm 11.-v-mi •• •• II J.. T\\ i.tlu . - • • 'J' (In I■ A n.lcimui :< «1.» r . s .1.1 It M.wo ~ •• » - 'J >io Km- ;.(l •• - ii, - IUv.W.R Hl'l'HNuk A i;o. r •II .....Hi Wall. till. ill |(i north wl.iwv.-a, VII t.x Mam i a i' n ri.u rnii.\iv ( A x»'' • -‘'l*;' >' !■> !mti| 7.’< li 'ii i I'U W itM mmv nor »wrci't* 1 imi'n IWV I,ri *v rr Tir«> l.niln r ijj •• ■Jj linmyA U<>v«’<t ' 'l* A, Sf " Duf....: ,4 Kiif.-; •• •• l'» VI. 1., cl M 1..1 IV ;■ nrr- t,n:!ir-r !>-A *<* j>lu« ji. : It .... HI - I„ r ( , v lII.AI 11. HI CKM'K A «•, ■U N « id !•> N hi,:.. ty. A. J. UI.KNN, Uvok Kinder*. W' Wood an! Pi r.t i r*rM-f.ur<ii. Wr nr,' r- <1 ti. >li> inv won in our line vvub u« palHi \\ »- Htt.-nd lo our work |>»-ruumll > . a-i.l >n< tilunk Hook * I llif.l M,\ |>!,lTn. T»I<1 I.OU'l.i « )t K • injiiian;,* Kooksi or i>M >-n«»fc4 l.ound ritrp • ful'v rir rt-pnirtol N«m>*« foil <m l>m>k« in i[Hl 1.-llcf Hiofl- Hint liuvc Work 111 our Inn- w-i iixvKr.l lo Cull I’ni-r. ,ow inVJIMI (tAI.F SKINS-.W 001 «.'|||||;|>' iicuxfx (‘air Skin., u J v«-i> lin-* ario-u- A irw du/riis PhKadelulna Skin., |i, .in n,- _m mm fa. i.»r, of II M iViwford. lo W \OLM.A l’o, U ’* rrcrivil him for ini'-by l-kljiherty «i A I M i I .IN H>'hn. No 7j l-nuriU nirrei, ran In- »n n u »|lc rniui Yitru-t) ot mi|i Ruynl Vel V>-1 ami Tn|i«-.i>> l‘ar|>. t>. l:i|e.t Al«O.Brt>«- »<•!«.'Jpl - in.-< miji mill In;.-• lm:rnm Carpel*. oi sup u ni i|iinliii»«. uuii in . iiiini-.-iuiii . ;ui atwnv* It unin.i T«l-ir l.ior, .. fr.i.i,, ~ Di« ( .«-rv Mo- f'-M*, liu i',.,iu» ,\ . A NOTICK. J .,,'d our ~ " Kn u I‘oiM't..vri.ii! I ll!’. I'OIMM.XTLR. luirj»Ji, Aim 4u,. |-l- / * II MIAN'T \S lin'i*inie C>r. l'nmm>.«inn V_/. Forwarding .Meirhuni. No. 41 IVnicrM. kml'.' BKLIi AND lIIIANB FOUNDRY’ A Fl He., ami lira** Founder. lids re- I• mlr uiiil ■-<>i■ iiii•-iin il l■ w»:fi-r- < ui |m nit! «inm) 'vncrc lir will be pleased io *ec !m o!Uru»iom -1;• r«- and frii-nd* Charrli. Ktrumlioat. find IMU nt’irv**rv >*i/.e, lr>»tn in In IUdJU pound-.rn»l trnm pniirrin* oi ttir imxt approv ed model*, ami wnrruiilnl t<* I>e nr llu* lir»r innirrinJ* .Shite rut Wuirr Pump-.. < 'uunti r*. Kmlnw. A thcr with pvt)- vnr rtv <>' Mr;i«K v.'.i*ttru;«, i turnoct iuW , finnh»-«l m ill* if-un-.t iniuirr, A K i* the ««t* propn-ii?r oi lUunu tt Aim-Arm:- Ttox Mkim. ii«:i\ reu-i.uir.l i<»; tnc fiturtjon of friction in mai-iiiiicr) Tti'- Hmn a.ul >mpo»ition PRINTING PAPER. r I I HK *ut.»i- rib.- r* h:tvi ■ - - ill- i j <-!ii»lv>- Apenrr for X *ellui* (lir Vniitiiu: l*.«pri nl 4 :,ra .vwl eitcmivr paper mu. m uut vu-muy, i> i.■ In- ni a.i tune» well oup piiri! wiilj tlie different mzr* of paper of «up> nor quiui i) wbicn -*e offer ;*t Uie miveai repninr prim. Any M/f or quality wu] l*e nmmitacliirrd to order at »hori muice REY.NOi.DS A SHKK, jar* fim corner Pmui nod Irwin «i« INDIA RUBBKK ClAmilNU— received loruie hzprdmuu. u complete a-sorunem of limn Klnsiii- Clmhun;. hi price* ratieim; from 96.30 i© SUhSO (or «uil of emu. paitir and lial. For wile hi Iho India Rubber Depot, No 3 Wood *t. dertiu J A II PHILLIPS J FST RF.CKIVKI>~Hirer i.v>rr of iho-e »o jn«Uy retet.ruled Hoinhurgli Finmx uned ' on*i«iuly by I,im. Tbalb.-rg and oiker creai pertoimrr*, together a large assortment of rosewood and mahogany, of my own muuuiuriiue. The aliove instruments are wartatited m be perfen in every respeet, and will be io)d law for caah F IILUME, dec lb No Its Wood ii, 'AI door from 6th (.RF.AT INVENTION!— VALUABLE I IrkoVERY' Pat-kit Sktceki J*m, a rt Jw, ratrirt rross-Uvfi cxirnnwi Tobies , Hojas, lutrrj m, iiooi (.'aj&j, Dcsls. maK tabiVo*' iVßouinT iron ’j'Ui, lABLKB far Burptiasmg every other in* a. ot the kind now extant. They van be eg. trndrd irom ten to twenty-Gve feet, and when closed thf kave* aw nil contained matde; they aro made 10 all stxrs and *hnpea, am i arc adnurabiy adapted for Mrambont*. Hotel*. ancj large pnvatr Amities, font!- wiieu clo>ed a complete centre i .i.u SOFAS ANI> BORRAFS-Tk,™ jowl- ,™ ...I ua ).e. partii ularly in those who wish u» econo mic room, and convert a sleeping sport incut into a pur.or nr *mmg room, a* they can be opened ami .hut ai convenience, and when shut, the bedding is enclo*- «l. A great aaving in room and rent AHthebed «irad. when rlo«ed torn a beautiful piece of furniture tor a parlor or ouhtit room. HOOK CASI-X—X oeal and one fa i ior parlor or drawing room. ' V For law office*, count me rooms, and other otnee*: when opened a moM convenient tied • lead, when rfact « perfect and Llbr:iry al<3 ,„. i* visible. - ' All these article* need no recommendation; the twnuiy of the whole i*. they are warranted not 10 get ouiot repair. It will be i„ r vour interests to call nod examine the article*, at the manufacturer'* *tnre No KJ Third atreet, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above advatnnges. they are proof against bue«, JAJtiKH VV WOOIUVEU.. JUST REORIVBD, AND now Opening, a spknded loto Pt»bo Fortes, from far celebrated lirnt I B 4b Pll<« Nunns A Clark. N. V. Ii u. • I*l jMpartofthe following- Oil*' elegant Iluse-wood fl} ootnve Piano, wiih onrvrrt moulding, top and plinth, projecting front mid carved gothic tablet*. One rosewood Piano, i>J octave, elegant nml plain wuh Coleman * cetebraicd Aioiinu Alta. hmrm, a su perior iitAirumcm. line Rom-wooil G octave, round corner* and octagon legs One do do do i >ne rosewood Pinno. square corner* and kg*. 1 h>>!- i’lanos have improvement* in the mechanism, m strin.riiiß it ml covering of the hninmcrs, po*scA|ied by iju other* a tnu romiir), and arcai oncetli--best a* well 3 « the rheapest Pt.nio* that can be bootrht A I ,SU— A r? elegant lot of Chieknnrg’s Piano*, ifnm / to U «elave«. |u>*se*Miii’ nil the iute*t improvciiicin/. at red need price*. „ -One rlegant rosewood Cabinet nmmlPidJ • -favc.. a uew invention. iIEN'KV KU-IHKK. At J \V Wood well’s, m Third si CHICKKHINO’B PIANOS. —JOHN H MKLLOR, (sole Agcnl (oi Chickenng* Piano Forte* for Wextori: |T # I , llf>»«*)ivania.) No. ta Wood street * “ ll *bur*h, ha» received and now open •<r sale, inr following ckaaoi assortment. direct from ic manmactory. at Sir. Cuickering’s (Boston) price*. One Rosewood seven octave Piano Forte, carved TJ no o e rKaiu **» d r,e h style of Louu XIV. nte Koscwood carved seven octave, new and ir proved seale i >ne rosewood Piano, GJ octave*, new scale; J 'ne " carved. 6 “ “ ,J,"° •• round corners, 8 octave, new scali rwo - pamiel 0 I he auove are ail jrora the manufactory of J ('hick, erm*. Bostun. of the l-ttesi style* of furniture, amltritli Urr- new and unproved soahr. *.uw» ns H*an a-sn roa halk u»w ii fi octavo i*iano«, from tno manufaetorv o( M Worcester. New York, founeily of the firm of >i'»diifi. W orccstet A Durham, tMuvwnoJhoeuvr. fiulrir.i, N Y i 1 '•*e■-% oo.J lIJ ( Pmno. made »\ Itneon 4 Ra ve* New Vi*r» n 11 "* ,livr Piano, made m llaJinnore. and Htm- torn ii.unif) *inrr Priee Kr ° < ’ Cr ) a;p) CKRTintATKTt. DR JA’i.NK.- This cerufie*. that uuiiiedmtcly nftcr .uvivc attended my brother, who died of ■ Mar<-|,._|-4 | wnstasen sirk wnh il,e rouauntpt^un o Mvrr i rnnplmni. aiid*wa.« reduerd so low w h)i tW. disease, that lor four year. I w u . to auead to rn! 7 U,<f^, a * ilo , ult ‘ af ‘’ t ' ,oaJ - for the ii turn i oiihned io m> in-o During ihe above peri od lift me | had expended f ()r nir ji rH , aaendahee « »n*i n '*! rl,ln< t‘* the amount of *-««>. wi hout r.ceumg any benefit therefrom. In Ju t. IM.i. I commenced taking Dr. Javi-.c’*Jklcdi i-.iick. and nave taken Uient more or less ever suice, mid Lie neve that tt was by persevering m their u.*e, l!ul 1 ■ truly say fa*, ) have completely,reeo-. v - r ; l ‘ ra V fl(, “ | fa. 1 bcheve mot Jayne's Sananve pdi» ’• id r.xpeciorHni are the ben lamtly mediciues now m I reside in Otsego roomy. N. V.. and '•;>rn on a fur-nve and mai-hine shop in thal'plare. ", H,,i l, ' l 1 l in any manner in toe »rud «>i the mxv.-e mrdtrmrs. «>,.t make this rcm&iinie i»r tin- hen rfn .*! !<•"«• ELIJAH KATuN, N \ . r—pi. 10 1-4- ja t M.V N l KAt’TURKD T<ißAt‘C<> —The wouni rail (lie atieniioi) 01 me my u»dr a „d dealer* nviieruJly, ip iiu- following L-raml. Toja-rn* in stoic nud to arrive, which hem* erniMsmnent* do rr« . troiii manufacturer*, In- ]• enabled to «-tl at , u .t er-i pnee* 1 i Ins R\V Ci'eashaw 711 1 ” James Madi&on -1 < " Lamartine 6i '"I I - Mtraheau TM • Putnam a«’«nd I* 1i i - Kol.en« A s«, H i " <>»car Bun in, « I " Johns ft Lewis i«. • i Warwick, supr l», I Henry ft James s*. 1« and -a ,eh •' L S WaTK.R^LAN •IrrrdrU fljf - I'.iri i>l • nrl B.»ak rates ir.rr-nn ■ ba i r« am) otncr i.v >honr«i notice drcli Put ttaclilne Works and Foundry. _ rrmscßGTt. r*.. J°Zld W\?'| lUI v' <k k I ' <> ' "V'W’-d U> build Conun Wool™ M.ohuiery ofoTorv do.cnpupn, ,uci. " e "<“”S «“>■»■*.™ F ra m.^ P g :«S Dr.u-.ut Ra.lwuy U«3u, Wurp.m,ifcolc" preurna b ramr.. Loom,, Card Gnudor,. ito \trouut, .... Sliafi.i.i turnrd, .11 ,1,0, ore.,, |,o„. |. ulJ , c , „,,d Hunycr. u. .bo 1,.,,, pat,ora.. and hand 1u.1.r, im, o. ,1 k,„d. | ...m of cvcry i riirurU on short notice. I uienit made to order tor . l.:t Irraniig Iron Railuic. 4e. Strata I'tpc tor b-m. ini{ J- a< torir'», t a„i Iron \\indow Sash and failry r a «. i. .j- Krin-rn y Ordrr« left m the Wnrci..»u*e of J. ii"n ,< '" 1 4 ' ° ' * trcrl - Wl!1 tore prompt alien- K.frr 10 Bril * Co.. J K »loorri,r..l A :-iV u H.... P«nu Alachlive Show. " H.M r.MAN—Maiiufactiurr of mT; kind. of rot •mnrtunrry. Allrgbrny my. I's. oVrimnT '"■!"» <aoco.„L, op „ u T 1 '*"' 1 •"‘or. with iWlot, no ><L‘uicl. OI mariuurry mmy Ime. such w,IW» ~,,.,1. ,i , 1 , • n, rn*M.... Itfniii., vroolrn . . r 0». ''" or *i-*!c.!or tnefrhimi or r.,«,„rv work. iti A<* . » “(.• and Imn.i lathy,,,nil toot*, m kci:- rnn a.i knxf« ol *tnU’.jit* mulo to onlnr, or ihuiia .'iv. A ‘ " K " l « JVnno.-k A t 0.. Jxs A sew coach Factory, AM.KOIIE?IT. / un,. k , ~11:* V ' h<>y . ,WV, ‘ * 'hop OH i-uro. iw rrn hc.trrai ami >aridu,k y .trrri« •|*| l< . v an mov uu k ;.ii* u„d „rr prcparrO u. rp.-nvc or.lrr. for , ' , vrh.rl.-., Co.n-i,r«. Cliantn’.. |»n -1 ‘ Ac,. u rr.>i,i U,r,r ■>"t 0,-'f .;mr h, maimrurmryoMi,.. al.ovwo.x I .11 . if t K-t. Hip• tllry huvr. t*i*-y f'rr! .•onh.lrtu :r. r u!'.*-.”x. 1 ' r , 1 V l ‘!r' A u ?. r f r <-a>onablc l. r.uA’iu J'avt.M; nttriuion i,i t, r P t, ol| ~f n1N1 ,.. L 'UI l<J ' U,,rU ' nl tJ.-*v 37^. 1 *«>nair ’• ja-i>ir SJI J'l'K I'RKNi'M HROAIK'I.(/riIS— \V. R ,M, H. V mi mviir« Iho nttruiiim 01 l>u)rr*io htseiinuiv >i»*ojimeni of above (.oods, cniljrncuig every uualny U|> to vrf V fine, mill troin llie rpJrl.ruled manufart.v i* * o rfHUi'C i urclmaiug ifiean good* troin Uio laerctaul. or „, r , V " ,1 lowcn |,o„||,| r !™'V'; sr ?'"'“V l ""“‘lr rrrw, 0„,h,. 'rry rnesp,; „„d French Brm*h and American CASSIMKRES, black and Uncy ,1k ami fancy *uti» VKSTI gmUcnien » *,ik iL t ,, JUndkerrlnc* black and fancy Cravat*,,, Lockoi 11,1 kls, Lmler*birt», Drawer*. Jkr m i>.- „ orl t, , or„r, o, ,„J Marlrl ''' ““ " liolesalo Room* op siaim. Ittonongahela Livery Stable. o'sl'rT i' ?r Wl * ,,r ««.n»niii!w U.rouuh uZI • ~r,r vn an,J •«« >'i« , r*:,r of the Monooaaltfln House ‘ ' ! ' 1 " u . n l> Horses and Carnuijv* of 1 V :,M > “ IIJ *»«"«* «»yW. Horses kept au/ve m JV *|l T 11.A.M BOAT (‘LOCKS—Haruttj con.-lodril i 0 ° od «»« «uUre*ioeUoi Kirke's Mamie T.n.epieee "• now oner to sell them «t lower prices tliun Uirv ~„ii l*r- Louche tit any house u, |*,a«burel. or rU.-wher.- c.i»t or WI-M D-lIIJ tint only fstuhlt-lird M«rnu lirrr tor these clocks, we W the Wjfcsl and tint-t rii' tn in the city. Call itnd *ce. Krmcmhcr, we arc not to be undersold. BLAKK A CO . Market street, oet fli nuranee on north aide ot the Uientond PIT’IBUURGH HTKEL WORKM AND *PRINr; AM) A X LK FACTORY ISAAC JOSSIX, _ _ JONES Jt *uioo, Ti J AiNLI-'Airruu-IHS 01 spring and blister steel, ill plough steel. steel plough win**, coach Wll j r |j P i m: Aimiw, hammered iron axles, and denier, b, ma ft leahlv castings, fire. engine lump*, and coach tnmmiogi generally, corner of Ross and From «> , Pittsburgh* ~a febfl^ I l t>T IN TIME - Another loi of PisuiD. suitable for tf the Cali forma >r r vice, just received Al-o. 10 uruvr on the 15th m«i.. by Express .v„1 liiiitdy article of Portable Gold '‘cafes, wind, ev « ty «m.i innirr oughl lo bare, and for saJe by ~ w vv Wilson. 1 corner lib and market m rcr. l.raied Hazard Rifle Powder, in kec* ► J keg., quarters und cans, lor sale bv ’ .••-bi3 J a DIL WORTH A C O , -JTwood ,t M uipralPi Patent Soda Aih •)f)0 CA! *“ ;“>■ sleajuers Iranhor and M Cloud, and fpr attic by . w * M JIITOHELTRKE. _- , - nfh, - J . 100 Liberty »t WM. YOUNG Jt CO.. DEALERS l«N MiUES AND LF-AThVr \\, XTr . „ Shoe Finding,. Ac X«: U3lll .revived tb-.r SPRING STOCK of ££!' n ' (irifing a large assortment of article* m it ' V, "mp!!ls“ Ueal,on ° (p,,rcbn9 <^ 9 I* invited. A,, SOTICE. L K n i^hf' T ,nde ? ed , °' lhe Kaiate c.r' Me- A d '‘ e ?S d ’ o,,oa »“ la * e firm, of W .Me "oB°,,i *"■ “ ,iS ' d -•"■Mi- AKTIST3- MATEEIALS-Jn., rac'd and lor sale — £ yard, smooth Canvaet, **7 ineb, f! “ “ 30 - 30 .. - w .< in •* >• <i .. 100 dor Compressible Tube*, or oil colors, by ... ,a _cfil9 J KIDD A Co WANTED, A GIRL to do housework. One who thoroughly **• understands her business, and can give gooti re ference., can hear of a permanent sitoadoa, at lair wage., by applying at ibis office. inohMfoif DRIFT) APPLES—SOObn.b dnrd Apples, in .lore mid for sale by mchSU SAW HaRJJAI'GH PARIS OREEN—IS con. true, lust raeM and for .aJeby B A FAHNESTOCK A Co, tnchM cornet In and wood n> MISCELLANEOUS. For California. DRY & VARIETY GOODS. SmertJu DcVr-iopenent of the Califaniia Gold Fn*r, Vo. 75 MIBfBT STKJUfT. Pim iSSW. HAVE rtsolvr*l OH SELLING OFF thcr large m.oL u( DRY GOODS »hr principal pan of which Imre lately been pare baaed ut ll>« LAS6K Art'- no* Sii.tH m I’luUdciphia and New ork, ai a trr inendou- and unparalleled KieriGcc' AVr hare mule aurft a I a rye redaction front our reg ular price* Uiai we will now wl 1 a targe portion of our good* RF.I.IhTV i’lW |' of importation. The carle at trntion of buyers i* in rued to choice high colored good* adapted to 'h- California Trade I,AT>IKS DRF.SS GIK>DS. ■[ Flam and Bgured C&nieiia!t|Cafthmeref and dc laanel Very superior brochia fig'd Sapor cloak cloth.*, ail co and watered l»lk *iik», lor*. Suj*erit*r repannurr *ilk*. French m-*niiD*. all color*, hit fim! lUKck bucitmzineis Super Wack gU»n»jr tiro dr 0ro*« barred nul *triped Jbu.i -i'k». alpaca*. 'kf.lßroch- " ajid ninnutla *ilb», Broeh:t lig'it and imp'd dt». qunJuy. Jrtmy [.itnj plajd«. I’virr -ji.n*. Mk and Mu«* Vlctonn t.yonr»« rloiiu>> Mb very nch,. I^uuarluir- -nun in»*niu>«, I'otirn: dorh« and eameli .ilk warp alpara an loatrir*. lit*! fr SHAWLS' SHAWIJS” Splfi.tul plaij Ion? »htiwl«> A Cow lirocbn lon< «liawl*, SplrniL.i irrkru *ii«wU,j ihejim-rt w have evrr iroin N \ orfc auriion»,l hrooffu to thi* market. u fr.-m l.arr win«: I now lo ho toUl at great rlain ami emhroi il thibol. t>axenni«, • liuwk. all rolor*, • jSiiprrfine mtdeotnmon hro - itW Cnngr, remarkably] i-iia square »hnwln; rl*eup, eHineliati sill: rliawLi C;KN*T[.KMFAS’ GOODS French cloth* irmn me celebrated "Johany" utaoii* factory 1-or beauty ol Uni»h and permanence of war, u ciotli* have no «upenor; a few piece* extra Urn* mt black ami olive caatou beaver* ami oliifr heavy ;or over coin-. Piece h clothe, wxanftc. lurej expressly for clonk*. French iuml American cn«- •imerrn.«up«r w«i ..i Ifm-land do, super Freo h sa uii* ror vesting*, u.r iic*i imported. Plmn tod Ouacy velvet nml cnsuincr* vn*tine*. menno shirt* and drivv nrs, Italian cravats, linen, lainbnc und silk hd tf* ho. *,.jr> au.t glove* STWLK GOODS. !n«h lnifiiv Im-«i long cJoili slurtnif.innulln*. bledd,. r.) Hi;.l • io-.vh muGm* of rjunJity. remarkably U'W. licking*. clre.cis. iloruestir and jmpo'lcd gjug li nti- 'l ari'-:, lt-llow and wimp (i;i»inpU, a large lot v:Tjr . ;ip; n large lot of while and Iry ilumsou, e/ivup, brown and blenched Uarnsby table linen* and table rloilt*, Russtl ami Scotch dtaprr* and towelling*, sa'uuctt*, Kentucky jrnn* and tweeds. BLANKETS An u*unl large stock ot blanket*, direct from the manuiuciarers, some of winch are the best ever nitii bned, all of winch will he Hosed out at uufKtmlleled low prices. In addition to the above enumerated pood*, our stock comprise* a very large and complete assortment of almost every article usually found in u dry good* store, and tut Uiey have been mainly pur chased at the casern aucuous, hence the late great re ducuou of price*. We are enabled and determined to sell them off at great bargain*. Wholesale buyer*, country merchant*, tailor*, and the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear ly examination. Bargain* shall bo given. ALKX.A.NDKR A DAY, 75 .Market *t, N W corner of the Diamond The largest, Cheapest ami most Fashionable stoci oj Uoo>i. 1, atlaptal to Gentlemen's Spring ajul Summer Wear, u just rrteiving at Ml/n. DIOBY’S CHEAP CASH CLOTHING STORE, ! HI J.IBKRTT STRUCT 'PIIK Proprietor of the al*ove establishment would 1 rv*pci'tfnlly mtorni l.n numerous customer*, that he !ia» just returned Irani the Kaslern cities wnji the ti)o*i ►pi-iuiid a»»orunrnt <.f good* in hi* tine, tiial was ••ver btongjn to tin* oity. comprising all that i» now i;i*hi<)iiub;.\ elegant and Cheap in Cloths, Cassittmres, t’n-tirrirrctt*. Drtip I>c Ktc. and every description of cot,cm. burn amt woollen Summer Stuffs; Sliirta, Cra vat.*' Hdki*. Su*peuders. Ac., of t!m newest style*; which, loictner with his very large and fashionable stock of r-.-aih-mide Clothing, lie i* prepared to otfur at hn usual low priep*. Country Merchant*. Contractor*. and all who pur chase largely. Bre particularly invited u> call nhd ex amine the stock, which t* decidedly the largest and 1110*1fu-monaM*- in the city, and great attention ha* been paid to get n up suitable to tne wholesale-, trade. Order* in tne Tailoring line executed in thd mom fashionable manner, and that nothing may be wpnung u» ensure the newest and best stylo of cutting K gen l lemon who ba* nad great experience in the Ha.*tcrn * me*, ha* been added to the establishment meh2l dtfm NEW GOODS. H . PALMER, OFFKES FOR SALK, AT LOW PRICK.'*, a full assortment of STRAW AND MIULjISR RY GOODS, of the most approved styles idid pat tern* lor the SPK l.\G tIK consisting m pari of— -1 anr\ :i..d p,am Kcglish, American, and French J*traw, florencc. Rutland. Pedal and other plain and lane) timid, China. Rice. Jenny Lind, f/>op curd Roy al Miia.i edge Braid BO.NNfTTS Rich I'rcricb l»acc; Fancy and plain (innp. Ac. Ac. , Fancy Braid. !*iruw. Gimp, Leghorn, and oiisr Mu se*’ and Infants’ HATS. Panama. Manilbi. I^cgnor - !. Paltn Leaf, Straw and other Hummer HATH, for men and boys. Bonnet and Plain Ribbons: Bonnet Silks, AruhciaJ Flowers. Ac. Ac Ac Straw Bonnet V\ arcaousc. uf> .Market -trett. inchlT.dtßv • HOL’SK KKEPI.NG G<'«rt)S— W R Mtntfut m rues :ho attention of bou«c keeper* and tho*« a'-mit commencing house keeptng. to his aisorttnent 01 above Good*, such a»— and Counterpanes, white and entered, ’1 ickutg* and pillow-CH*c Muslin*. tHbegunsfa, front one to tlir*o yiu<l* wide; , Table Diapers and Table doling • Towelling. Towel* and Napkins; furniture Print* and Chintzes, Hcarlet Oil Chintz, for curiam*. Super printed Chxmz. lor <|iuit*. Embroidered window curiam Muslin*; Striped and barred *• •» Bed Blanket*, all goalitic* nnd »ivcv A «oppJv of these Good* i* eonmntlv kept on hand, and wilt a wav* :>c »old 011 the men invorablf lcnns; hi north east corner -Jni and Market *l*. fcbtH (thirling Mualkna and Irish Lin(ut> YV 'H- BI’BY nivue* ihc nartteuiar atidhtion of > » « iiio»<- wanting ihe above Good*. io hi* desirable »n>cx. .-••iiMniii;* of the lie.t mak--, from the ap proved and (ha latter warranted pure tlnj —Hr- ha« iii*i rci-eived nil additional scpplj. and is oflrriov Murimg -Musiuis of a superior quality, at a ▼ery.low price. At»o. . Surritnq mid i':l!oiv-ca»c .Mu«lin«; Diaper* and Crash ; Table Coth*. Tn\vel« and Najikui. . Uiankris. , and Housekeeping Dry Good. R«:,-ieially. I.Al)llv>’ DRKSS Sui-b a* French Merinos, Parametios, placi and f.iuey lh- Inune*. i«runu new »tj -<•» ..u*l received,) Alpacas. Ae. The .entail being far advanced, ail these Oor»ls will be «o»d :■( price* Ural I'aimol laii lo please. Room, up mux*. >:iiiL'» A. A. MASON * CO., No. on sTREi-rr, win , -00111416 ihnr great •emi-uunual sale of DRV ftOODtT for 30 .lays longer, during which lime ihnr eitmisiVe whole -ale Rooms will be thrown open to their Retail T.ade a* hcrciofnre A. A M. A 1a,., kiiowiiigthatlhcyare •'-Ibinr Drv Good* ol every description from te-i to fif lecn |>cr ernt. less than ever before, do invije. every person in waul of drv goods, or who may be jn wunt. O r-xamine and purchase from our «tocli. at lift.- lowest fhir ere«i oiijeci m reducing stock is ui mak-’ room ior Spruiu <<ood». ii fo-iiig our inteation io cunitm m M n. ii in-- iarve-l nn-.l lire n.-Jie«l .lock of Dry t»oods We .Ira!: rormiMieghe ««xje of our Rlrar-iird and Drown Mii<ltr *. Ticking* n'til oilier Uornesur (.nods, m our former low rule*, iiotwulisiamlm* tnc recent nd vliner 01 1 j per cent upon the -amc m eastern huukeus. iebd IkI.KAt'HKI) GOODS—A. A. Mnson \ No 60 Jj Market street, hnve .ui*t received the following well known brands of U’eaehed Muslins, rir: T-; nnd 6-4 ‘James' Steam Mills;' 6-4 ‘Naumkeag Steam MiUN’ ‘Mawm,' 'Pokar.okct,’ -Carlisle.' Dorcbe«:cf.'-Quins, igainotul,' -Grafton A,' Tiiuburrlt,’ -|lo ston Pillow Case,' ‘Farnsworth.’ Ac. Ac., al! pi whivjt,' together with many styles not here mentioned, will he sold by the piece or package ui Eastern prices febt'l TTNSHRINK’AHLK FLAN.NKI.S —w"ftAfurptir vites the altenlion ol buy er* loin* »tofk of ihc Siiove Goods, ol Hll U.e chtlrrciu qui.klie-, sjud to fo, n» un-hthikalMc n» ipr WcDh. and al much fower pn .•ev tjs-nume We!,li l lanneU also con4nmly oii hand, and m,» do. 4 4 mid 3-4 do,’ for Shroud mg pnrpo-es. AU». home made White Flannels and Lnneyi, con siantly on nnud. m Hit north eu«i cornet cflfoimh and .Matkvi sirect*. jaar« / 'bMV t'U»AK I'ASSKl^i—y doi mohair Tas- VJ set*, a- -‘'ru-.1, .J do silk do do, do do lijie do; Jl) do do I .ud..s 1 awn., a.**.,tied, 1 do eol'd do do. W«»Gl .I.N m.jds—io doi i-hildren's xvool'-n roui* r. dodo do taps; 4 do do common; Itidot Wmdcn rotn forts, assorted; lo do do with hurts 60 do ladies Cash mere tilovr*, aas d LKA> niER HKLTS-30 doz blk Molkskiii Re It-; SO do do Morocco do, 3 do colM do- at ZEBtI|A)N KJNKI-W ’S, 07 njhrkei -i 1 ADIKS’ TRI^IMING blk Late Veils. Xj JO5 eol’d Silk Velvets; SO C m*s blk Dfosey Mui tons. H do castlllmn do; lr do eol’d Floss do. is oo do Kantaaie do; 9 doi col d 11.-ecy silk Gloves. 0 do blk Jenny Lind Fringe, Df do French *tlk Rm-li.-s, re< : j “ a y fiy F H EATON A Co, declJ Fourth st NEW BRITISH PRINTS. Ar -W R. Murphy has just received a lot of new style brown mid white British Print*, very handsome, arrived by lute su-hiu cr. Also, on bamU a large assortment of chou-e styles of American Prmu, fast colors nudfow nru-c*. Black Cloth Slmwls, of vanoui qnaJitic-—u -upp'y just received Black Alpacca*. low priced .nud fine-—a very full supply, and at low pr-cr* for quality. ‘ jaiO lAPE'<}4.»OD»— smith * Jmt.vwis. id Market street. j bare received one canon of but English thread lace and edgings Iterations loom made do. ten car u>ns cotiuu do. one do of black silk lace; iwo do of biack mid wiutr FrciM'h worked luce capes; one do of black <• bm:t;lhi veil*, i.'griber with vaneQ- of fancy Brussel* neiiK. block and colored silk neiLs for veils, eol’d and while suk liJu-aon lor evening dresses.— Denier* and otheis wit] find it for I'.ictT tnurvst to ex amine -hciu fo-jorc purchasing, j»-£4 fcW JLH LgJIV—-1 oor gojd patrnl Lever H atch i.y cs, I •• •• detached - l '• tilvcr •• u AI«o 50 n pen and pencil Coses, Ve»i chains,hcavy, in,*. Brenni Puts, Finger Kings, I-«r Ring* and a comp,tie n-a<>]intent of n.her jewelry, at ZEBI'LON MNitrVS «7nu.ik. /*DAT AND CLOAK TRI.MMINOS il .foi e-tn* \Aassoned cloak Ta—l*; 6 gTO«* figured -ilk ftmd ing. 6 do do mohair do. V do do drab coat do. j do dran overcoat bntton*r 4t»do tine coal buttoiu; PJ| lbs Italian sewings^do do do puient Turend, padduig.can. other tor tuiion' use, ronsnintly on hand ilcci F II EAIXJ.N A t o tXRESH GOQDt?—F H Fjirofr A Co. aro cfnjetanJy supbltcd With a Urge and .-lioicc. assoTtmeut of silk fringes and gimp*, velvet ribbon* and hrnid*, la ceo, edgings iuid emhrotdcncti, gloves and hosiery, gents slnrt.v suspenders and under jrametitv Berlin Zephyr, woofen yarn*, needles, puia, button*, tape*, bobbins. all ol which they Oder attOc Jowesi caab prices to merchants and other*; at their new and com tnodiou* Xvareh«-»usr^ftlJ , 'ouitl» st, near market. nntS> fRTMM INOS, HOSIKUY AND - FANCY GOODS. FH F.ATON A CO. Dealer* in Trimming* and . Ha!*-rd*»tiery, have j-emovefl f ro m iflcir old stal'd fo N’o d'J MH.RTH STRES-TT, B door* from Mjt-kc. ,tr r t _ _Uov2> i,'ANi*V CASrillKlKttEs—Scttseauofv style Faucy JC Cassjcirres, bright figure* and very hwidaome goads, just opened by ***& SHACKLETTA WHITE VOL. XVI. NO. 202; MISCELLANEOUS. Paint Graduated Galvanic Battery and P*tM& lnaulaitd Bales foe Medical and other ■■»"»«*«» it the only Internment of the kind i£un a*e*er , . < ‘ ril Patented in this country or Europe far b '' *• only odo ever known to mas, m 0° “"J c»n bo eon Toyed to dteho «is^Tsvwssrp& by Su n T r^ r . t u l m pp . ar * t ? sunow w»*y m™™* o{ try Sd sw£ PhyticSua o?&i*«Dan. it may '^!° n * MfoCtedand Other* Whom be™ c « £m, Referent* will 'mlao hc/u cared y r^?* Ct * b,e citizolU » haTO of tome of mjn2S£^LSi # ®«»'Talnabl^ ippMUoi could not be remo£!j nerrpnt disorder* whi*h Amoa* vanou*SeJl h'{£?£L knoWn J iaB L a. mir.klyid.pirt for“K„ SSS 5 ? R™"” 1 “J* ' i ' vi.t nenroo. headache .ad ll t. with this coo Toy ih« ”MooUe»oidmiai^is,^ d 0 oyo, u, om mjhl, „re am£s£? ,?£? remote hwnng; lo So tonyae and oSar Ut*.? ..ore «peeeh: and to dm v.riou. STSi? for dm care of dmmlc rhenmarUm, amW, „ no dolonreux, pmlym, or Dairy, c kor«.„£ Vmr> dance, epllepay, rreainaa. ££ difofoe. pecollfo 10 comrnclioatof ißlmbm lockjaw, etc. eto. Ritrhw for tarreandinj eonntie* of Western p*_ ■«< with the instrument, may be porehaietL and al*o tested for the cure of diseases. ’ Full instructions will be riven for ihovarioui chami cau to l«j used for various diseases, and the bc« man nrr for operating for the cure of those disease* will al to be tutlv explained to-the purchaser, and a pamphlot put into In* haudft expressly for these purposes, care fuUy prepared by the patentee. Enquire of _o.-tl.Vhy a WILLIAMS, Vine_it,_Plttsbor^L_ Oereratble Ptltnlne Coeki as FURFURIFYING WATER, Jj j "Which renders turbid water onto by /j5f.5K removing all substances not soluble is /WaSSft water. 'Hie croton water is N. York, clear and pure to the eye, ret 'tvv22s«p w whcn it passes an hoar through this filtering cock, shows a largo deposit impure substances, worms, kt. Thu i* the ens*- more or less with all hydrant water. The Keversiblo Filterer is neat and durable, and Is not attended with the inconvenience Incident toother l Merer i, *« it is cleansed without being detached from the writer pipe, by merely turning the atfy or handle from one side to the other. By this eafcy process, the course of water is changed, and all sfansiaisilmw fo impure substances are driven off almpyt Instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. It also p«—the advantage of being a stop edek, and a* such in many cases will be very convenient and economical. It ran bo attached where there is any pressure high or low to a caas, tank, tub, Ac. with easo. To be had 01 the sole Agent, W. \Y. WILSON, _lK^l7^ 17 corner of Fourth and Market sts THE ABEOSBTEBt f I II *K attention of the public is respecuuiiy called to X the following certificates: Mr. S. Faus*—Having ttsted a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer, I find the result proves your instrument correct; and recommend the use of It to those going to California, as the best method for ob taining the real value of Gold. Reap. your*. „ , , », L -f-B DUNLEto; Gold Beater. I iitsburgli, March 8, ItiJfl. "* Pjrrsmntcn, March 7, 1849. ‘M*- Faxi-vs—Dear Sin Haring examined the meter,” raamifaclared at your rooms, 1 do not b*«lf i to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to California in search of Gold. It gives a close approximation to the specific grari ty of metals, and will certainly enable the adventurer tu ascertain wherWds placer is yielding Gold, marld YodTs, rejp’y, J. R. M'CUNTOCK. I CLISTOB PAPKH MILL. rfK CLLNTON PAPER MILL, situated at Stenbaa* viJle, Ohio, having been enlarged and improved and at a very groat expense added new andthe moat improved kina of machinery, ia now prepared to man* ofaeturo all kinds of Writing, Ptinaag, Wrapping and *" #ol J on ? * rn P a P* r N Bonnet Boards, <fcc_ equal to any in the K&stcmor Western coon try. .™ e undersigned having the Agency of the above anil, will t«?rp constantly on hand a large supply of the different kindsof Paper, and’will have any alze mode 10 order at short notice. 8. C. HILL, OTWoodnroet T ÜBS AND CHURNS. Fine and Cedar Ware flannlaetory, it'V.fJ’ Itnoim. I'“L subscriber keeps constantly on hand, wholo- X sale and retail, very low for coxh— Wa*h Tubs. ( Barrel Churns, Both Tubs. Staff Char ns, Hor«r Buckets, | Half Bushel*. kc. AM other kinds Ware In his line made to order _ ioai-dly SAMUEL KROKSEN A FURTHKH REDUOTIOa: JAS. MCSPRATT A SONS’ PATENTSODA ASH— lto 5 tons :i| cash currency,or 4 mo*. app*vd Hills. 5 tons or upwards, 3J do par, 0 mos do, interest ad ded - for tne superior quality of this brand we refer to the glass and soap manufacturers of this city rcnerml **• . | Wk M MITCHELTafiE, _ dec * 160 liberty el Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. «p THIS is to certify that I bare ap -1 pointed Li ring* ton, Hogget! & Cfc. Agent* for the sola of Jenninr’i Diaprahgm Filter, for the ci- Jfi ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny «OHN UIBSON, Agent, WgCf for^V alter M Uibaon, 319 Broadway, W Oct. ta 1548. We hare been using one of the above article* at the ?*T« or the* Noveltr forxhree mcntbi, oo^ial. and foel perfectly satwfied that tu» a useful invention, sod wr lane pleasure in recommending them a* a o*e ui article to all who love pure water. Order* will b« ihanafuUy received and promptly executed. I? 110 UVINOitTON. BOGOKN i Co Advertisement* TMIE subscriber, m odorm* for sale a handsome kit of Nunns 4 Uark's, i.Vew York,) and Chicker r«?i I l^ lan£^*, 7 ouJd “Hendon io the rnri Ihm hi* is ihe only place in the West where tha m-trnmem. of.hce two makers can be tned .[£ bv sidc. nnd where. consequently, a correct idea of their Tho «obscriber beinganrl«». ” l , h<s ‘s rttla “ vc men “» *? d ‘‘“Tin. for ammSr of year* pcrformeil upon the Pianos of Nunns & Clark has Udert imo use for the last twelve months, a Chick’ enns Piano, m order to try its durability and fitneu as an aceompanyment to the voice. Thu Plano mav now be seen and examined at his rooms He feels conhdem of his ability to give a competent and relia ble opinion on Ihe subject * “ A handsome lot of new Pianos will be opened la a .wV' ft H KUSBER - defU * At J W Woodwe?|*,_ GREAT WESTERS S A “’S4 A i ? ' N 'S 3 ’ T ? u ‘>i £ A - N 'P war man. V Lj-ACIORi —The subsenber takes ihi* method of informing hi* friend* and tfio public in general that he bin* the largest stock of the following MwJdaru! cl. * ofhu own manufacture u> tbi* city~Saddles, liar m r.' fl X T kSa “ 01 which be wSKiSS " ‘\ f I? ru .' r material and by the best mech iinics iii Allegheny county. Being determined to sell nf^ 1 * “m k tUrc4 * on ‘ eU ' ,,, S !ow «7 than has beenhemi. otore *oTd by any similaretlablishmeul in the cirv lie would invite persona m need of the above nometJ an.cles to lus warehouse, No. 5>41 Überty Rnxuvmt *llO JK-venth. Also, bands made to order for mwlSKl r> ' ociOMy a KERBY. M*HF , S? D ?? a - FB “Ax.® uisTTtntiTO IsrSM^Ts, 01 lhUl tmder the X care of Mr. and Mrs, Ookuoict, for the nresent c ”‘ r y ' h lir ' Wl)1 foramcoco ou the first of Abru r> next, in ihr same building*, No. 59 Liberty street. Arrangement* have been made by which*theTwiil iSI wo T' >' ouu » lad ‘ ca faediue* equal to any in the H est. ior obtaining a thorough E&cluh Pi..., rr ' d r, ,io "- “■ra.™ S'™: 1 fjnicai and Chemical Lectnrca will be delivrrod SSJS; ? te- y, l ;fiS jsS5 tberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed For ™iffdif ,rci “ ar or appiy 10 Uia ftwc, p3i?- P* BRJCKB—The sobseribera Daring „• bent appointed sole Agent* by the manufacturers 1”ow LtTrc* ll “'f bra V pr« pared to hll orders for any quannty, at fc»l ash. per !,«*». For the constnicuoii of furnaces of ni-iei l ! ,lck, l,ave brc " pronounced by com petent judges ;u being superior to ail other fire bricks rnyM 0 ' ° A ANUL ' rV 4 C 0 -Canal BasiT MA Ni: F AOTL'RED foßßEdll * Hi J bis l-amamneßTlsdoMintbeauSs: M uo ruimai* os and l*j Wdp ttacker Os; 16 do eS berts A >u*ou OS, 4o do Henry A Junes &s aud er 10 BfoiSrt bV' d U " U *‘ 3<JoWarw,ek » n P«ri., 7 b** These Tobaccos, embracing some of the most * brands on coirsignmern, ami will be sold low to osc. i.y decs _l s waterman PATKRf SODA' T LkS •n. D,R h‘ CT r RO> THK manufactu. I RERB -rbe subsenbera. being the exclusive , m . oi James Muspratt it Sons' Sod* A.h for Uu* market, are now and will continue to be largely mo plied with this celebrated brand, which they will **n at the lowest for ea.h or approvedbtli*. Tney reier lo the gloss and soap mannfaotarers f Uu* ciiy generally respecting the quality W A M MITCIfELT&EE, n V . . JGU liberty it ] R( F<B NDRY FOR KALE-—A smaUiron Foun- X dr> in it flounshing town, with Patterns, Tool. Ar , .11 b. „u onTc’coSSi dating term*, or exchange tor Iron or goods. This odors an excellent opportunttv- to a yourur m.n with Sinai, capital lo commence the Iran Foundrvfo? fines*. J-Jiquircof “^7 . SCAIFE 4 ATKLNgQff.— - d 6 _ 3 * l near Wood aireetß Scale*, Cooklny ar«t«W~Sr J * Marshall, Wallace* ob, SSSf r?' , ' oni cr ijb.-riv and Wood itrccti r ,, C ( - hurcfa » mm offer for rale Platform, Floor and rVii^ ail s lctUr ® of the most improved quality; Cookum BO ami r<) Et;e Wove* of various awe/'S for Wo *® common Grate*, Hollow Ware, ior *nd manufacture the KncJ.e.i Range? „ 7 M*® jrrneral mutfactron lo ihowfiVlnr h Ilf? ?lTttn ~lch wtuch they would respectfully invite th **?*• * n of tue cuixeii. and the public ** Patent soLXßaA&TSn^rr 22^ r Corned* laciure, and superior to air . rMe ? ® ann * churches, ateaxnWu, dwelling 10 drr <i».e of pncee rf 2! rd .^* re,^ n P ,ned am determined to sell correrrw.,,,!? o *?' ,* w hicl» they who have been in the OW ' M* rcl »*a» Ur!y requested io call and loo£ tkm P ,rUc o- T^3SER& , 4Js£ ! f 3Emsrß HieKa?- E -ffr SRs^fi.'sa- «Mr TSS&Sp^’f anieed tune rnontiunse. Orders fora\£e™,?*!*®*4 Hohvar Bnclu will be egoested sired, without guarantee. A slock 4rf; X? c* *• do« l* now formic at the warehanyp < gUUity ""4 ,s lll«S*®, Cv Sr auks, £l* 40 do Manure fi»rE?»K Safer?* Bho b7 •«« .*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers