The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 31, 1849, Image 3

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bkpobtkd *
For tb» PltUborgb P»Ur
Srßaißmua, *■ “■
pu«iwa T . Thiw jo***
ibuteoa mining, aniMw*!*' w , tGa . kre
U . perfect wreck; Tie <»?•“» <*i hi. «“•.*«
■rnimg th® VOOndCi
The row on the »IK»d
dee by • urge majority. Thu mitton will be
“ de/m’ taUdittg the n»d (ion Cinchutali tu
J „ ud, amount.will allow, lehTtng the balance
and locomotives *o that thia per
(jan at the rand will certainly be trial.
St. , Louis, March. 30, P. M.
A top! meeting wns held lut oveilng. 800-
Imiou were passed unanimously to subscribe hall
, m aiiTO of dollars to the St. Louis end Cincinnati
Bail Read.
Phuadeusia, March 30,1819.
Samuet Roaeborg i* reported to liaTe been »P
-pointed Post Muter, Pittsburgh, Vico Weller For
ward declined. .
PmtAMtwns, March 30—r. u.
Floor—Sales of Western el *4 «2.
Grain—Seles of prime white Wheat at 101 els.
Prune ted flSc—demand limited.
New York* Match 30.
soon extort.
Flour—'There is an i using demand, with;
wise el $S ISIOSS 31 per bbL
Grain—Holders of Wheal ate very firm, and
bnyers do not meet Item. Cora and other jndna
are in ateady demand at previous rates of
1000 bushels Rye at 59c per bushel. Prime Velio?®;
Corn at 57c, (or southern.
Cotton ia ateady with large sales. ' ;
Provisions—There ia lesi'movemeallthPork,
the market being heavy, svnh esle*of
tfN.O. Sugar t ip per: lb
F^beMo°i^Mari:« l ii becoming moieijrihgent,
March 3oj;9>. i.|
p laar There is no marked change ained yesier
day hut tho market is more active; western brands
are held at $518035 31. J. Tjt, •;
Grain— There are no sales of VheafcarbrthT of,
eoto; hot Corn la in good request; pmnoyeliour
isheld'at7scperbu. . ~
Whiskey— Sales in bbla at 22c per ghU ' i
Provisions—There is less doing, it) sPjrk, the
market being heavy. Thereis.a;good demand ftt
Lord. Sales of western cured hanjs ntijis per lb.
of MMyll md at UgOi.r ;i ■
The Stock Market ia dull, WUh a downward
tendency. Money tight, at 1 per cent per mouth.
March r*.to.
EToor—Salfca of2ooo S 3 sd^«r
Sales of prime red Wheal at • 'i
Cofffee-SaJea of Rio at 7}, to the. extent ofiSOO
M »w the article was fair.
Proviiimi*—Sales of mesa Pork ai |9, to thd ex
tent of 600 bhla. _ •
tOT»«fe«w—4Salea of 500 bbls, at 15c.. * •; •
There is no -change in other article* utaaQy.
spoken of • . f
The River rose 18 inches today.
FttO*TKX4a-—TheNew.OrieanißnUptnodhe j
19th instant, gives the fcDcmmgefcfacnl tow tale
Texas papers received by the
Pnrties were leaving Corpus Cbtihtl &r' El‘ P*s
so and the geld region. Tradera v ttj'd-_lnuns :ore
sdsoleavingibr tho SUo Gnrade. arc
aiw between tbe San
-waa murdered neat i%Tpis Cjhrisb
on the Ist inst JTbe names of the are
not ’gixeo.. ' ■■.• -ii* bi.jj-i •«._
The Btar Bays arrangements are
tbe establishing of s pack tnuls libisbfdweenthst
Shoe and El Paaso, st San D;cgo, »hich vvdl le.
fi™ tbs ethigrnnia from tnany vm uu? l^ 0 ? 1
incident to the pnrehasingand sttbdsggjd
and the cate and attention w the^:Safrs_
loornnl of the Gth “Mr.
Hanson, acting Postmnaler at Jdtfijso '£?“}L’??f
night beibre last with cbwiuhyd
only case we see noted radar wetjrrlt. -Texas CX
/ Ganetto statea tSitsSra.Cai|fi>rtfra
Company ergnnlaing inTrnviSijmvnii?, was, to
leave for El Peeso, on the l&hwisfcj- -
* Tha Hdlmea Coanty MiMU«|hriG?mMoy <d
Cbibmians, arrived at Corpus ehrfrtt On too 10th
instant i * -j- ;
Srumaira n. Novi Seomv-W Heiita* Col--
ooifl pubttahes U>e following enSkrf
QUA Combatand, Much 12,
mujoubted authority. . : ■ J.
■ TJwwhole people o»^tr
elly smrrihg. Ooe man, alter I “SISi ijSiSFS!?
Staid by In lho fell to making: *B'g“ I S-f ”
rpnWwaliog to- help
, (•; . ' -L -
* B^^P^SSSSr
WTfEtt-in; bbi.% ffgjgtffi&r
fnm bush Bearer aid fffT 2U rwfiAHB&UGII
nxchld ■ j - r *■'
ibTpcor sk§jtf
W “Lp ric ® m cuh ** ll ba iiarbauqh
' meh3S .. ..
■ ACON SIDES-5 Bid. uadi! ftpp «•**>“
T ARD-37 Militia H 3 *f”
Cl “ beri “ d ' 'isajAiiWket A_Co
UEATHESS-35 *k» SCKM?' * C«
r £or«aio by j*"
T*OTATO£&—2OO fid bfiii NeibalU*oek<, or
F bind and tot lilt by C StaRSEYA. BEST
iMihg? .. ~
• arthSff . --~ — ~
Y>S3SoSirNp£ ia »
JL tjTajto; formcKEYACftFgl" l
. . *l4. rsrSy-i points for tois by
TJUHE mad.Waief Proof DICKEV’ & Co
iALTS—2O bbl*
»;»eM7 _ !r
■pijOUß-ISS Mtt **
* i>? ' . ar l il.WoaTHfcCo
Thread, joiVrodcivcd iaxd for i*» 5X_ :
• i “ C
\JffiTor iala by • mcbSS-* r. 6 AftßVTffjL
SBWmO BlLK^Sc»M*6ll^ad>«’dcon
rec’d <uod far by ifcehte C AItEwTJ
jggfg 88 - 5 ss£»*siflfe&ag»
lUBAB-17 hhdiNO Agt*. to etwo by
KmohSS : 1 W< •• : CHOBANT
-31 [ILK PORK—IS,OOO IbV fall; Port.- I*** ll * P«<
T ABD olLt*l3 : l» w * Oil, landing to® * lr 0 3
J MSSf*“-' l i &r " l JAMESSALZK.I.
-tug* Oil, MtiTiog by
j 54 a voU, ocuto. Jjm r *"*^ t b | 10 I'KJN8,
: neh34 ; i AP<Jl°Es^gh.«^i l .4
TTilta-11 Ml* .«fo* c "*i '•'"•“j 1
\ (KUO " ' wunmru
*: \ 'll'- .
' 2m» 1
*fBXL. _ ' * ( ' s
3L garirday, .
l Sonday, j*-.
9 Mottday, : - t*ll~
3 Tto<sday. '
4 Wodnefaay; ;i »
•5 Thindsy. -
Friday, •
, OJTOS,Fnrsßir*Gu Gazette, J
Saturday Motwng/Blaxch 31, 1549 >
Weobserve new la tliemarket. No large
quotations have transpired in breadstuff* or provision*,
but in jibe way; of general sales a fair amount of bust
lies! dras donei
quantities continue to arrive, princi
pally designed' tor *hip&ent east: Sale* however, were
resorted to us oa the wharf at 94,00 P bbL Snl** frotu
store in regular dray load lots at 83,®®3,"5 F ht*l.
GRAIN—Sales of 300 bu* prime- yellow Com v **
y bo, and of a tot of mixed ai 33c 4? bu Sales of
bu Oats on the wharf at £sc, and of 100 bu-from ‘»ore
Sale* 70 ba Barley »t 30c bu io
: sales bf Wheat or Rye.
GROCERIES—We notice no marked change un er
this head. The market i* generally quiet, and wrmer
quotation* are fully rustained. ..
BACON—Regular sale* in. lo,s w *
Wertern and city cured al 4i* *± * nd Ci ' f “ '
aides and ham*. ...
of 13 bbu of . s ood »-t,olo of V. ....
ero n,nd.r.a .UK ? »> Solo, of W “•
leu si 6061 c .
BUTTER—Ia butler, we observe no change . a «
k„i to*, ».« limilrf 01.001 « lO^ l3 <« 10
rtnioo roll in bbl*. md 9*031 fo. V.g
CBEESE-rFonhor lim.tod »ole, oro ro|«>nod lo n.
for good WR,s*iCroom .1 70:ii »nd (iooboo >1
p ft-
DRIED BEEF—Sales of Western cured m regular
United lots ai 4* *>•
FEATHERS— We may quote thd market steady;
witH regular sales in moderate quantities at 33®34c ?
6. !
Fish—The market is generally quiet, and price* rc
main unchanged. Sale* of No 3 MnckareUt «,oi Ni
3 m'b&SO and of No l ai bbl. Sale* of Salmoi
at and of Herring at $C bbl.
WOOL—A sale of 60,000 Ibs.was effected yeslerda;
at iSa.77, making an average of aboat 3-lc per lb.
FLAXSEED—SaIe* of 90 b&ls at 95c per bush, fror
store* .
Tta Fust Paoncc*.—We learn that five boats, say*
the Philadelphia U &. Oazcue, tolly laden with good*
arrived here yesterday from Pittsburgh. They lielong
to ll»e Pennsylvania and Ohio line, end are the first
thtbugh the whole length of qar Stale line Uni season’
We ma} now calculate reasonably upon a large in
crease upon the already heavy business being done,
tor it will net now be confined to the sellers among our
merchants, for account oat of-the city
Lonsisxi Star* Bast.—The Attorney General of
Loaisiana t has instituted suit against the Stale Bank
fot a forfeiture of its charter, which it is alleged, was
violated by the did Board of Directors having declared
a dividend -when there were do profit* from which a
dividend could be legally declared, as wail a* by gene
ts! mismanagement, re*oluag in a deficiency of over
$230,000. The Charier has 30 year* to run yet.
*Tbe MAscuOEa No. 3 arrived on Thursday evening
hikving made excellent lime. r She leave* for Cutcin
uhti this day at 10 o'clock By the way, our thank,
are due the clerk of this fine steamer, Mr. A. Digram
for files of Cmcinuau paper*, in advance of the mail.
Bplrtt of tbc DonOtlc Hurkcti*
N*w, March 17.1549.
Cotton—'The market opened without animation, hut
liter purchaser* came forward, and the sales resulted
in 7000 bales taken principally for Europe. Pnei-»
have been the tame as yesterday, and weconttnue our
etiolation*: Inferior 41051, Ordinary L M to
Middling Good middling Mtddlingfair
Fair 7}2?7|; stock on hand and on shipboard not
»Aal Si and 19 Rat 3i, and ** *» —• sloc * oa
and on shipboard, not cleared, 74K& hhds.
Sugar—’The market has been dull and prices raUier
shies 4000 dhd*.
Market quiet but.prices firm; sales 400 Mm
■HTour— Marketqtriet;male* 300 bbls Ohio at l4O
choice Ldirila at 84,0 and 200-at—.
• Co rQ _JWe only hear of the ihle ot 700 »«cks wdtue
and yelliw at 43845 c; the advance m freight to England
160 half bill mess wete sold mOT-W. 150 iibb
Wss at 813-58, and 20 tes rnme mess at 816
Baeon— Sales 22 caks aides at sc. and i ohda.plain
light and pgrt field above the ma-Tket:
:*ale* 40-tea prime at fle, kig* at 0 9-lflc, and 130 at
SacaJpu-H. Marchdl
Cotton—Arrived since insMlljSSJ bla:dcar
;«j t pm« time 77eC bale*; oiißuid hales, arttami
35L678 same fimo last >ouon market dpnng
' ihe oast week ham been duU> owing, in a great measure
'to lie want of shipping and dmcolty in n cff°
i Sales for the week sum up 0533 bales. Holdcrs wera
i disposed to make some contfcasiou, which caused por
-1 eSS to oSrate at a declihi of ». and it. some &&es
cent. market haying closed in this tmscu
dS state. wC simply with tte above remarks art»ex
«xr last week’s quoiations to pood
6iWi; middling to good midfittg. CJwOJ; inlddUn^fair.
any change of con*equcne«f> tmuce; -JO tierces <»d at
2|, 50 do at S 3; 19 do inferiotsat 2MO, aad .a do *4-..
OktUe Strk«u.
March iSJ.
Cattle—Tile supply of W*«« *' ““ ' c * le *.? '£? r
wee futt, but the .lock wenjetber common.
. little more eenve. The lSenng» leeched oar bk»d.
of which 345 were .old 10 *r butcher. end wece
driven to Philadelphia Kicea ranged trim to
220 onthd end .vefkgr.ig
®iS(sl‘\Ve hove no <Wi« to note. We ~oo«,ta»
S^SOtoV B -
isrp<mTSbv bivkb.
CINCINNATI —Pet Uejnrnge, No. *-12 Kg* ho- j
sttttSSS ar» rlsr \
££ SS™ Jno Gpr lt. tJu 1
JW Townsend; 1 tmnkj-M Allen A co, l box i
H Mellon, .1 bbl egja, J Biick. _ ■- ,
ZANESVILLE—Per CbinsuJ —1 bblflour. I fld a B ®* ,
hlfbblpotk, 41 Cooley; ISBO bu bran, 300 bblr-tfeur, J ;
FBoy<J}l» do do, J McFaden A co; Malta fn “‘f9?} ur * b i
AcSotbers; fiflObbia floor, L 8 Waterman; 3 Mil* ®* ,
baeeo, »l«ah*ea. v r
WHEELING—Pei Zachary Taylor—L £* «£{*■>;; ■
Blmtham?74 aka wool. Batter A 2S3 btfc ,
HGraffieo; d ak» A apples, I Jordan; 3 bdl* wire,
TWnaend; 8 bbla appleaapples, J F Pcm; Wjbdls P?r
ner!s C Nili; ado do, DN white A C ®L 3 . ® X9 .2£" S ', <
pwttftf 63 bbia floor, oWpodward; 18 bbla »p#W. J •
SSi ® £?“» hbu egg., 1 cWW batter
ClNClNNATl—PerTitaeaiora—* tea bacon, \Vall- |
inj/ord iecnXdoT.aldi “ b a£{vHlr
AeUera A Nicola; 5 dd'-dos a bbda auger, 8 » W Har
liwll anvil. Craff A'Ltfldsay; 30 bblr baton. 0 Graff
”5; 100 bb\# whiskey, ? Park« A eo; <J.dn dg,
Patton in 8 hhda-iobac*», 3 bdla deer akras, PT Mot
jjani 9 do do, Lambert A Bhipton| 63 bbla d fruri, O aka
iodo, 2t»bU; 3 kgs, 1 btflard, I ack Bye, Carf & Ua) a
sriNFiaa Per Welfaville—e! bbla floor, Atf®t»tr® n B
v drozer. 5 bbla brandy.-50 do flour, D Leech-* co; ~-l
; do do, 37 aka tfrool, Clafte A Tbawj 133 bbUHjour, 13
JkSUcbo a C? Anahfft*; 92 bbla flour, 4 -dorian meal,
BpS bacon, E Hettfeton; 19 bbU flour.
■zLZjt. iM do do, 50 do opplea, aame] t bbl fl£s-. aeed. 1
I do butter. Blade A McCullough; IST jwa baerfn. 6 ah a
corrp 2 do p. M ii«,a]« MU, 6 bbllH^pr! 1 do bu
• coiijltfl «Pht biootna,-4jkp l*rd> ® H Smith, t -
th» Paora* Mama-—l/ you «ue
MM&i i'a anT uniicrtdcing, you muat the
*SSJ* lUreVoTAiUtma or difficulty oflrtuathing,
"rtSlffffSSSSlii u th. Pekin Tee &K, , **
ancet near Wood. •
AROran Crnmcxt* to the excellence.#- M’Lane'
y M!SS!j. Kidd A do.— Gentlemdb: It U«jth ple«-
ure 1 band thia, my cerUficata,- (tertifymg
rti popularity cfDr.jM’Laue’* AmenCani Bpf
fllfic,) to your uraTcUp* agent, Mr. Munrooi Some time
gjn) l received from Him a amall 10l to *ell»h coiumia
2m. I nafd m few boulea in my Own fnlrniy, to the
cood efleot* f can folly testify. Tito bdarifie 1 *dd to
L iaatomert, and fiwnd on taquinr, tint ver ?
Mnetal Gsoao< SUxwxtX.
do. Obio,luly 37,18^4,
For tale at the dru[g flora of J. RIDD4W.
ochlO ,
rrr Dnnnu t*. tbe bane of a iiten'i exlat*
«ince. No tongue can describe the suffering* caused
Sv stl. dt.rre.ring lt nnSt.ntuf,fer h . .up
Uon In life, wh.toret it m*r be, ,riid mikhe hint feel
uriiooghlie wooldritlhet not cxui then rnltdore riioh
Yet iheMihUffenng. MO produced ui the fir.l
SSbv derriigemehl of the riom»eh, end if thu were
Erlfbv' “imTJ. A- Frimerioekh Anli-Bllum. PUI.
So blwe'.^e“ li:i,t eleriAed.Uie .cetimul.tion of
rf .wwvVH o<L and a »pecdy*and aura relief obtained.
and *5 byß. A. FAHNESTOCK A Co
ooSftrilnd wood, ri.o comer dh «nd S»ood iu.
oeUB n ■ i;i
1 it, wife bu b«S iroohled wi* e wtil*nt. eon, h to
,niy to bad wa3 her coffga that pbyai
ft* pr aevts 7 where 1 formerly livedjjr lold me she
ci*n» |tn O®*®* AAer we to thia city
had the CftffJgSjJie ud again, diflerwit medicine*.
j Obtamedfor an g
fc-VrrftaUdrbott l - ofyfflr Congh 8y-
C V doflebor good dan
w p |t he n»e «>» cver utten. oiao uacd_
.e nt, 1
;S£^te?Sl« fa -“ 4 3?'- ““
- W. Kelly,-
3t,«s£3?iiS3fi2i^ a* «■*,
toonm. .1 ■* i-nrovdd prepara-,
. Baxxa’a innocent, in-,
tlon, being a com¥naiioa.o[Coc parue-,
vigorating and palatable, bigWy Dorcbe*-
ulatly for invalids, i Prepared bp W. W" p e km.
ter, Maaa., and flif.iale by AMYWWh. raf ht4
I'fea Store, No. T 6 Poorth »l •• j; *
Dll .a , o , BSwf“iL“ sslirsysis
mannfacturo and act Block Txtni [offij?*'” *p. p Z tJ^
of aeta,-uponßut,tlimor Atmoaphent fecuonP n
CCWt»a lIV* Mai!.
‘axpoeed. Offiersand re*id«nee:nnxt door u? Iho auy.-
SVoffiei, Fdurih »ira*K Pitabarah. .
BamVl. ft Jd’Fadittn, F fl- Eswn- . •
Michigan No, 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkiqaon, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson. McKeesport.
Caleb Cope, A Murdock, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Beaver
Wm Phillips, McPhial, Kittanning.
R Wightraan, Walliamson Chnsler's Landing
Isaac Newton, Hemphill Cin.
Pioneer. Forsyth, St. Louis.
Allegheny Clipper, Franklin.
Fort Pitt Miller, Franklin.
Chieftain, Peebles, McKeesport.
Hudson, Poe, Bridgeport
WellsvUle, Poe, Sunhsh.
5 39 6 *
1 5 37 6 2)
j. 6 30 235
Michigan No 2. Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville
Caleb Cope, Murdoch, Beaver.
Beaver. Clark, Beaver.
Wm. Phillips, McPhinl, Kittanmng
Louis McLane Brownsville.
Zachary Taylor Lucas, Wheeling
Ariailne. Grabill, Freeport.
Cinderella, Calhoun, St Louis.
Clipper No. '2. CriKiks, Cm.
Shenandoah, Bowman, Si Louis
There were 9 feet 6 inches full in the chane'
by pier mark, last evening at dusk, and lading.
Cincinnati Packets. 10 A. M.
Brownsville Packets, 10 A. M., and 4 P. M.
Beaver Packets, 10 A. M-, and 4 P. M.
Kittaning—Wra Phillip*
I ail'nyfrtle—Vermont-
“ Comet
Foe Philadelphia.
D Leech &co s. packet line—o o’clock P. M.
TjECEIVED Tins BAY. Carpeting and Oil Cloths
X.V of the latest and most approved patterns, and at
price* to suit purchaser*, and cheap a* can tie pur
chased in any of the Eastern cities. comprising the fol
lowing varieties
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
Aiimimsier Carpets; any sue hall rooms or vesj
Tape*try do I‘bulc*.
Sop Royal Brussels do Tapestry stmr carpets;
Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do
Boperfine do do Chemile Rugs;
Extra sup Ingrain do Tufted do
Superfine do do Brussels do
pi ne do do Chemile Door mats;
Common do da Tufted do do
4-4,3-4 k | Tapestry Adelaid do do
Damask do Sheep skin do do
4-4 3-4 & | twlM Ve- 12-4 Efltb’sed Piano covers
’ neuon do 6-4 do Table do
4-4,3-4 ft | plant do do *M wool do do
Cotton Ingrain do 6-4 worsted and linen do do
do Venetian do Brass Stair Rods
e-4 cotton Drugget; 16-1 wool crumb cloths
12-1 woolen oo Stair Linen
do do 6-4 table do
English Table Oil cloths; Diaper do
German do do do do Crash
g. 4 Floor Oil cloths; Bnow-Drop Napkins.
7-4 do do do Crimson Plush.
6_l do do do Purple do
5-4 do do do Maroon do
4-4 do do do Carpet Binding;
Sheet Oil Cloths, of newTransp’nt Window Shade
Tapestry patients, cut to fit
yTo the above we are constantly receiving our Spring
lock of Carpels, Oil Cloths and Steamboat Trimmings,
to which we invite the attention of all who wish to fur
nish their house* or steamboats, as we will be able to
offer goods as low as they can be purchased in the
East, and of the nebest and latest styles. Call and ex
amine our *tock before purchasing elsewhere. Ware
» house. No 75 Fourth »t- mehtO W. M^CLINTOCK.
Wholesale and retail, at the
PEKIN TEA STORE, TO Foorth street, near Wood.
Pittsburgh.—Tbe subscriber having ju*t returned
from New York. is now receiving a larye fait supply
of fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, trom tbe New
York Pekin Tea Company, selected with great care for
retail sales. Oar rock being now heavy we are pre
pared to anpply Grocers, Hotel*. Steamboat* and Faut
ilie* with any quantity and at any pnee they may
packed in J. t and l pound package*. 3 ib. un canis
term 6 and 13 lb catty boxes, and in half chest*.
Retail Grocer* are invited to call, a* we can and
will *ell better Teal at lower price* than any other
hou*e in Pittsburgh.
Our stock of fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and Im
perial Gteca, and Oolong Black Tea* are the beat in
the American market _ ,
Lovering** double refined I-oaf. Cntahed, and Pul
venzed Sugars, at retail, or by the barrel. '
COFFEES—Mocha. Old Gov Java. Laguira, St Do
mingo and Rio Coffee*, selected by the motl experien
ced coffee Broker iti New York
Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Plrkled Cucumber* and
Onion*, Fresh Peache*, pot up in their own juice.
Malaga Raisin*; in 3 tb boxes.
NTS.—AII Dr. D Jayne** Family Medicine* for sale.
decd-dAwS ’ A JAYNES
~ Tin Plata*.
THE*ub«enber* beg to call the attention of Builders,
Arehtjeet* and owner* of Building*, to the many
advantage* which these plate* posses* over ail other
metallic substance* hitherto used for roofing. Ac , as
they posses* at once the lightness of iron, without tt*
liabtmy to nisi, having now been tested for several
year* in thi* particular, both lu this country and m Eu
rope They are ies* liable to expansion ond contrac
tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com
mon tin plates, iron, zinc, or any other metal now used
for roofing. «»d consequently lorm a much better and
tighter root requiring far Je*» frequent repairs, whilst
the first cost is but a trifle more.
A full supply, of all sizes, from 16 to 30 W G., con
stantly on anno and for sale by
14 »n.l 16 Beaver street. Now York.
The patent nght (or this article having been secured
for the United’ States, all parties infringing thereon,
either by importation ot otherwise, will be pmsceo
tr<l • oct3o-dAwlyT
• * (Room* in tbe :td Presbyterian Cbureh.)
nn» srspyrv la nasiahan to be rmaun. t
TllK »y»ietn of Instruction pursued in thi* Institu-
UOU. will secufe to lU pupil* a sound and thorough
English and Classical education, also, every opportu
ne? is embraced fbr tbe inculcation of correct moral
principles, and reSpecllul. kind and atmaMe manners
■ The Principal lit aided in me* important dutte* bv
gentlemen wbore literary attainment* eminently qua,-
iifythemto men all reuse..ab e expectation* of the
I Patron* of the School.
1 When two or more pupil* are lioia the same lawny,
i a iibcrnl deduction will he mude
L CATO.N, Principal
Rev L) li Riddle. P G Mr RieUard FJwards,
- A. T Mxail. D D •■ Luke Lootm*.
Hon. A. W LAomt*. " W ' V 'l > * on-
Mr. (ieorge Aibree. “ B«ry V\ Ukeson
Circular* can &e obuiord ai the Book Siore 01 Mr
Luko'Looim#. VO. ri> Wood SireeL and »i*o at Meuri
R. Hi Beeson kflo n, No. sO .Markct street.
PAP'iER hangings
Xo. 82 Wopd Street
WOULD cell the attenlion of ib« public to then
present inel of Papef Hanging*, which for va
nity beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, 11 un
surpassed by any establishment »» the Union.
Beeids* a large end full assortment of paper ol their
own-manufacture, they ere now receivings direct im
pc nation of French end styles ofPapw Hang
iu««, purchased by Mr. L«m Howard, eno of the firm,
now in Kiirope. con«i»unc of
Parisian manufacture IOJJts) piece*.
London do 5000 130
Of their own manufactory they have 100,000 niece*
Wall Paper, and I‘4U» piece. »»Un glared Window
Howard it Co. have spared neither
expenee nor labor m their .endeavor* to rival the east
ern wall paper establishment*. both in i|QalUy of man
ufacture and*drictr of pattern, and they are warrant
ed in assuring fte public that they have succeeded
The whole nfiorunent. foreign, and home manufac
ture, will be offered on terms a* low as those of east
ern.manufacturers and importers meb27:du
No il Market strut, Pittsburgh, Pa,
REBPECTFULLY announces to bis friend* and cus
tomer*. that he ha* had at no past period so exten
sive a Stock as he ha. at present He can offer topur
cliQsers, onV*»t moderate term*, at the old establish
ed Stand on Market street, almost every aruele tn bu
line—including Coon ting-room, Bed-c bomber, Dining
room, Parlor and Hall Paper With Borders, Land
scapes, Fire-board Prints, Paper and Trantpareni
Window Shades, Bonnet and Binders’ Board*, Wri
ting Wrapping, and Tea Paper, he is abundantly sup
plied, and requests country merchants and housekeep
ers to call and examine his assortment.
Bags and Tanners’ Scraps taken m irmde, »t rise
highest prices. . mehSl:dkw3mr
■ Exclusively for Passengers.
.Fniwnina—The Boau of lfa»* Lane will leave
22b255£33® s follows, al 9 O’clock al night.
' otuo—Cape A Craig. Monday mphi, »th.
Kaulnctp-Capl HTroby, Tob«liyb Wlh.
Laaniana —Cap! J P Thommnn. Wcdnaada, 2311,.
Indiana—P Barkcy. Tburwla,, 29th.
Ohio—A Craig, Friday, 30ib.
Kentucky—HTruby, Saturday, 31.
Louisiana—J P Thump ton, Sunday, April 1
•For passage apply to , , ~ *
MonoQrahel* House,
or D LEECH k Co, Canal Basin
j. o. p. aniTU,
Attorney and Counsellor at Lav, j
• Will give particular attention to the collection of
Claim*, and all money recoived, ihall be remitted
without delay. _ ,
- Rcjee<2(C|9—Hon. E. Coulter, Sopreme Bench,P*,
Me**r». Lyon, Short, A Co. St. Lour* Wood, Abbott A
Co. Phllad’a, Jao II Brown A Co. oo; Mr. Chnrle* H
Welling, dot Eno, Mahooey A.Co. New York; Umten
2Co. A>i fcf t Orcndorff. Uw»i
XV F A A Murdoch, do; Lowe, Martin A Co. do, Mr
John Falconer; Mewra. Loreux. Sterling A l ' n _ Plt i*'
burgh; * Co. do; Hampton, Nmnh.ftjCo- do;
Sir L 9 Waterman, do. mchffl.dam
rt. T. LEECH, JR.,
Saddlery Hardware L Carriage Trimmlngi,
So. 133 Wood «u, Pltt.bnrg h, Po.
*T9 no* rbceioiog bu Sprint oipply orOood., *nd
1 i “ilt. Iho ouemion of So!dle r., (Soochmoker. .od
Merc hair to lb hi. nock, ll ho. been 1.00.hl "poo
ben lonon 'from ihe ben nmroen and he therefore
>el» confident of being able ro afford “fS" “
aJI who m«r f*YOf_him wiUt o mo hi?.d6m
JOHN (CKI LV k CO., (successors lt» Robb, Wine
brVn.T'k L l.» Merchant Toiler*,) No. ,U-J
CHESTNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, beg
leave u> inform their friends and P a *ro"J Q , I b ‘“."}?y
have received the latest SPRING AND BUMM fc-R
PASHIONS, with a targe assortment of New Style
GOODS; comprising Cloths, Caxiiraeres, Vesungs, *c.
•of every description-—all of which ar* of their own tm-
C nation. liavuig been carefally selected in 1 am,
wdon, Ac. . ,
ittnngeni vitiung Philadelphts, are respectful
ly invited to call and examine their extensive stock.
1881NG—A large Box. directed to VV. R. Morphy, |
Pmshorgh. It was taken by a drayman from the
store of yf. R- Murphy, with directions lo leave n at
M*Kee s s jroccry store, corner of Ist and Wood streets,
hot was hot delivered; and it is supposed has been lett
' by mistake at some other bouse, tjm* drayraan’i face
U known by the person whs gave him the box, but his
fi«m# and residence are not known. mehlP
M 9 CORD A CO., wishing to close out their stock of
Mufls and Victonens for the season, will sell
the balance (embracing a good variety of Ltlu and
Pitch, as well as the more common articles,) at EAS
TERN COST—to which they would respectfully invite
tie attention of porebajcra. NOW IH THE TIME
FOR BARGAINS. Coil at comer Wood and Fifth
itneU- Li _ - if* -
Coart of Quarter Seaalona.
FeidaT, Mach, 29,1549.
uoaxtfK} sxsatox.
Presool—Judges Pulton, Kerr and Jones.
Iq the cbm of the Commonwealth v* James
Brown, and Brian Mayhew. The jury returned
this morning, with a verdict of acqmttul.
Tbe first case taken up this morning was that of
the Commonwealth vs Loyd Coleman. Indict,
mod. assault and battery, pteferred on oath of
Patrick Bntler.
The jury relumed with a verdict of guilty.
The prisoner was setttenced to pay a fine of fifty
doiiors to the Commonwealth, and be imprison
ed for six months in the County jail.
gominouwMllh v. Michael Riley—lndictment,
larceny Information on oath of Catharine Ro
(IU Rdxru, nrvrn— Her pockel pu-keJ ■>'
one dollar and fifty cents, in the market house, that
the prisoner pushed.and huaUed her. and that »ho
aaw him hand a pocket book very like her own,
to another mail. Rile)' a* 05 » he accu*ed him
of stealing it, ofl'ered to give her two dollars and a
half, but refused to return the pocket book.
The jury returned with a verdict of guilty, and
Hiley was sentenced to restore the money stolen,
and be imprisoned for six month#.
Commonwealth vs Luke O'Brien {a young lad.)
He pleaded “guily," and was sentenced to an im
prisonment of three months, to pay a fine of fifty
dollars, and to enter into bonds to keep ibo peace.
Commonwealth vs William Crawford. Thu was
a Burety-efthcj peace case. The prosecutor was
the falbpr of the defendant. The trial was post
poned until the afternoon.
Commonwealth vs McCl&neo. Indictment,
malicious mischief Prosecutor Mrs. Parker.—
This case was settled du payment of the costs.and
the defendant was bound over to keep the peace.
A surety of the was first taken up.
Commonwealth vs. Jac& Redgaie. On oath of
Frederick Bleir, the complainant was seutenced
to pay the costs. Palmer lor complainant, Magraw.
for defendant.
Commonwealth vs. Beales Renter. Assault and
battery. Bill ignored, and prosecutor to pay tbe
Jolus after Henry
Commonwealth vs. Henry
Francis, and Henry Robinson. Indictment larceny
The prisoners were charged with stealing t»o
aorpet bags, of the value ot four dollars, from Wro.
E. Schmerl*. A verdict of-guilty of petit larceny”
was brought in against Robinson, and Julius was
, ncquttsd.
Commonwealth vs. Lindsay Lewis and James
McClintock. Indictment larceny, preferred on oath
of Roger Bell, prosecutor The prisoners were
accused of stealing goods from the store of Roger
Bell, dt Deer Creek. Alter the jury in this case
went out, the Court adjourned
The verdict m ihm case wiil be known this
[morning. No evidence whatever seemed to he
brought agamst McClinlock, and but UuUj against
At a public meeting, held in the Town Hall of
the City of Allegheny, on Thursday evening the
29th instant, >Q accordance with the request ol r
number of the ciuseiu. -for the pnrponc of adopt
ing some measures for the relief of the families of
those who suffered so dreadfully Wy the fire on
Monday lost,- bis Honor, the Msyor, was called
to the Chair, and Jobu Irwin, Jr, appointed Sec
After a brief statement, by the Chairman, of the
object for which the etlixeaa were convened, upon
motion ot Mr. Rbba, it was
fUtolvd, That a committee, consisting of two
persons from each ward of the citv, be. appointed
to solicit subscriptions for the rebel of the setter
era by the late calamitous lire. Messrs, w m. btrf>9
and David Smith for the Ist ward. Thomas-mith
and John Morrison for the 2d Ward, Robt. Camp
bed and James U Graham for the 3d W«d, i sod
Wm. Bi**e!l and James Park, Jr., for tho-Uh Ware,
were pot upon said committee.
On motion ot Rev. A. W. Black, u was
RcmUtJ, That a committee, consisting of one
pernio from each ward, be appointed to aet tn con
junction with the Mayor, in the distribuuou ol the
funds cohected by the former committee. Rev. Dr
Elliott, Messrs. R. H Davis. Wm Hell, Jr., and
John Patterson, were put upon said commute*.
On motion, ft was
j?-.,JW That those persons who have already
made collections for the object contemplated by
this meeting, be requested to pay ever the sums
so collected to lh« distributing committee.
<>n motion of Mr. Ebbs, it was
JZWwd, That the further erection ol wooden
buildings, in this city, la believed to be hazardous
to the lives and properties oltfae citireos
Jksofwtf, That the Councils be requested tu pass
such laws and regulations as, in their judgment,
will protect us from this growing evil
On motion, it was
lUaoi W. That the Secretary he iD*tnicte-l u>
publish the proceedings of this meeung in the pa*
Ders friendly to the cause, in Allegheny and PiU»-
burgh. J. RI'SH, Chairman
John l*win. Jr., Secretary.
rimorna Cos*. —James Clowes tt \txtn vs
William C. iMony. This wsi so act ion on the
case brought to recover damages for an attack
which a buck belonging lo Deuny, bad made on
the wife of complainant, severely injuring her. It
wsn proved on the part ol the plaintiff, that the
back had formerly made attacks no no less Uiac
three different persons, vi* —once on a pedlar,
once on a colored roan, aud once on a boy named
j John Henderson. Mr*. Clowes was knock ed
down, gored and trampled apoa by the mischuav
I ous besat, for a long lime. The referees, M«-*t ra.
’ Morrow, Bell, and McCalmont, gave a verdict of
ten dollar* in favor oftho plamUtl.
Mayoe'* Orvics, Pirrsstrauu, Marrb Wth.*
Four persons appeared this morning One who
was charged with locendiariam. wo« remanded
for further examination. Another, a drunkard pud
bis fine, discharged. The other* w ‘ :re
committed to jail.
Mstdb’s Omcx, March 30th.
Two prisoners, only, preoenled themselves tht*
morning, both accused of drunkenness. One ) -aid
his hoc, and the other was committed.
p lujrr .—a terrible fight occurred on Thursday,
in Alderman Morrow’s Office, between threo h nr
AmaxODi. They pulled each others hair, and tri»’d
the advantages resulting from a mutual scratebln g
of faces, for some time.
A-mcarriD StJictDA—On Wednesday, a mao.
wbo*e name we did not learn, attempted to com
ma suicide, by throwing himself into tbc canal, at
the bridge in Penn Street He was ukeo out of
the water in a very short timo, but life had ap par
ontly fled. He weta taken into a neighboring w -nry
house, and, owing to the kind attentions of Dc clor
Kern, kis life was preserved. He was drun't at
the time of committing the rash act.
Assault Aifo Batteht.— -Sherry Dravo V*” ftor “
day wax arrested and brought before Aldenman
Morrow, on a charge of beating his wife. Tb is i»
not the first time that ho has been guilty of a »> ms
ilar ofleoce, so he was committed to stand, his
Diorama.— To night is the last opportunity wiich
our citizens will have of aeeiOg Williamson s Dio
rama of the Bombardment of Vera Cruz.
Incskdiausm.—Josph Loason wai arrested, and
taken to the watch house, on Thursday night, on a
charge of incendiarism. We will give tbo. full
particulars of this case in a short lime, as w e do
not feel at liberty to publish them now.
Theatre.—To night Mr. Crisp ap|>earn in Mex
.under the Great. The Farce of Diamond eu'. Dia
mond will be also presented.
AnoTUEB Fin*.—At abont ten o’clock lost night
a fire broke out in Ankrim’s File Factory, sit uaied
at the corner of O’Hara Street and Sprung Alley,
between Penn and Liberty Streets. The engines
succeeded in extinguishing the flames beiare much
damage was done. We did not learn how tl >e fire
\4 ESS AND PRIME PORK—4O bids Mesa A Pnn
1Vi n S' *?« HAXBAUOtI
Fuiun-iw'bbli Family Flour, luit rer'ili for by n.chlO
SAI.EKATUb —13 ;.l. ultivolund SiJrirblur. 1 t-r i»lo
by_ mchltl WiCK4M'CANDL,KSS
YF.I.UIW NANIiKKNn—II-'' CMO ben 'I llflhl y
Lonsdale Nankeen*. ju*t opened ay
marlil SHACKLE A WHITE, M wol -d .1
fINEN LURTREB-Two eaM* plain. d ,m 1
L hmry Pl„d., b,„h, [TE
medium and &ne Alpacas, Coburg*
merest -ce.ved by sf| ACgT jgrr t UTB_
1 FRENCH MERINOS AT COST- -Stnitbi A. J. >hn.on
< <0 Market street, will «I 1 for the bsjanea of the
season at com, ihcir stock of Frenc h Merww.
ting the most choice eolore. Now i* your
care bargain* „—7—™—'
gCVI Zi R 1 BBON»—Justteeei- red ** ZeboJ on
try's,67 Market street, __ . ...
30 pa colored Velvet Ribbon, mMorted cole r*.
30 - black “ “ . “ .
8 “ embroidery Gimp; 10 *p* wide Plain, 4 tc.
I deefi : , - »
rTVAR—I3 bbls,Carolina Tar, just rce’dsndfct «de by
imehS3 * BflO v fVN A CULBUB'I SON
A. A. NAROIi * CO.,
tin MAKKV:r.HTItKlvf—Have received by re
cenl unporaimlis the foUevrvtig Goods, via:
Jjix canon* Thibet <b«wis. of various qnal'Ue* ana
colors. Fifty dnren “AlrxamletV' best quality Kid
Glove*, log'-ihei wuli a gnml a»u>rtinont ol col’d silk.
Li*le thread, and eotion Glove*, lor «nnng trade.
Rich standing. *10111:111 turnover Collar*; cheap Col-
Ur*. 31*' pair embroidered Cufl*, from 50 ct« toSLItt.
Mourning Collar* ft event variety. Demi 1-ace Veils,
the greatest assortment ever otfered by us. French
and English I l’rinu Hoyle's Prints, .small figures
and fast color*; «mali plaid French Ginghams; Bntisb
Furniture Chum, wtni* satin Damask Table Cloths;
Linen Dama.k, ft, H and to-A (jreen Borages, Genu
black Gro. do Uhmr r*iik Cravats, TJ to 4" inch, the
best goods impound. Purse Twist; linen cambric and
linen eatnbrio lldkls, from til t**; " hile Goods,
such as Jaconets, Lawn*. -Mull and Swiss
figured amt plain Laces, white and col’d Tarlatanes
Ac. he. t
We arc m the dally receipt of NEW GOODS, and
tnvtle the ulleution ol purchosars to our extensive
stork • fet'tl?
ST W 11. MURPHY'S- Just received, ail assort
/V mount
ULUVK>v-Ladies super lid, iigui uml dark color*;
men's do; goiilemrn'. Slid ladies Lisle; cotton uo;
■nifties lisle mid collnil.
ei,, lead, Idk, while, mixed,
nnd unbienrhed; men's do. ludie* *upct English Lisle,
spun and fine ,Hilk; Cnshmcrr, plain and ribbed; chil
dren * while and nil led cotton do
LACK* AND EDGINGS—Thread and bobbing edg
ings, Lisle ami Victomir do, ttwia* tnd Hackond do;
Lisle and Thread Lace*, Ac
Figured Netts, for cape* «*d cup*, new styles—■
arge assortment.
The plucc. norlli.<-a«i corner
■t*. Wholesale Room* up stair*
North Fan coilvbh 4th anu M*rritsT>.. Pmsßcnoti
PERSONS wanting Dry Goods will please mke no
nce that the above house ha* Commenced recei
ving it* NEW SPRIJgG GOODS, and invito* the calji
of regular customer* and buyers generally. Good?
will tie olfered at low price*, and purchaser* will havr
a large and choice assortment to »elecl from
jjy Couutry Merchants and other* afe invited lo
examine the assortment in Wholesale Kootnx. up stairs,
where * large assortment of Prim*. Gingham*, and
goods generally are now opening _ mart!
phy invites the auenuon 01 buyer* ujhi* very full
assortment of the nhovr good*, embracing ihe various
qusliue* from the lowest price tu the iincsi. Also,
Mohair Lustre*, very glossy and of neh Pari* blk.
Also, a large assortment oi fancy Alpaca* and Lue
tic*, consisting of changeable, satin striped, satin and
fancy barred, dutnask figured, Ac.
Murarine Rlue Parniettos—A few pieces or these
desirable and scarce good* on hand—at*o, Masanne
blue Alpaca* and Mouse de l-tunes. ai the north east
corner of Fourth and Market *t*.
Wholesale Rooms up stair*. __ _ ftH'l.t
Johsbov, 4t5 Marsel *ireei. arc now opening iheir
stock of Spring Bouneu, Ribbons. Silk*. Lacos, Crepe
Litre. Ac Dealers and other* are invited to call and
examine them. ™ ar Lv
WHITE GOODS— '•'*! received hi Hwmt A Jotm
son’s. 40 Mark- street, a lull *tock ol While
Goods, comprisin' • • variety of Jaconet. Cambric
and Swiss M«»». ca. plaid and fig'd do, Ituhop
Lawns and to. \ Muslins; Tarlafans. embroidered
Muslins fc . is, Ar ; to which they would invite
th* alien:.., l ovaier* and others marltl
A A. MASON A Co, No 00 Market street, have
# this day reaeivcd per “Fast Liue," 4 1 ?. ??£*
iag named goods, vu:—Satin striped, blk and bine blk,
nlain and printed Borages; all wool M. do Lames; em
broidered Thibet Shawls, blk, while and pawl dilk
Hose; spun silk do, kid, silk aud Lisle Thread Gloves;
Ltuen Bobia; cambric aud maslin Edgings; Boanet
Ribbons, embroidered muslui Capes, new patterns,
and nch goods. metua
-psOMKSTIC WOOLLENS Blankeu. Flannel*
| ) Tweeds. Cassinetts, M Cloth and Cassimcte, by
** Cm"»- tO OKIOO£IIRAN.
tYLANKKT COATING—Drai. ‘Lavender, grey mu
rS ed Bnd t< ue. 10. -a e by the piece or package, at
Sinufarturcr. price. 1. MfRFH V A LEE,
liberty »i opposite >th
Rxtensien of »h« Baltimore and Ohio
I}UOPO3AI> are invited for the (Iraduauou and
Masonry 9! the follown- desenbed mtuoih of
lhi» road—the section* averaging m muc ut length
commencing m thr town of CumtH-rland: Sections I,
*.« ? » audio. will be let, embracing considerable
roe* work along the Potomac riser bluffs, «»d the ma
•onry of several bridges «i Section Ist. Also, all Ibe
weiiona from 30 to «5, inclusive. texceptag sections *J
*nd *U beginning 2S mile* from Cumberland, obont a
mne below the month of Savage itself and lermlna
tmg at the summit of the moon tain. The work upon
tbe»e sections is heavy, containing much roek exca
vations and two tunnels. earn about ot» feet »' lenifin.
and ■ Stone brtdge of considerable «*c rbe wtioic
number of sections now to l*e let is 2U. In U»e course
ol the spring and summer apwnrds 01 -»u more he*')'
•cottons will be nut under contract between Cumber
land and Three Forks creek Tt»c remaining seeuoni
between those points..and .-(her work beyond thr .»i
ier will be let in the »prtn* »t I<>«
krKiriannM o( in* work on .hr SU sections to I
let. Will be ready be the fits or Marm carte.u rhe)
rtHlemieea »- ■ »»'
unuro. KrrA.ri.-k. H.rp.-. • l--.| I -ml.-r .i.J u..
Washington The Proposals vn' he directed to th.
and will i*« recrived unit. '•ATI. it P\ S 'be d“.h c
April, inclusive. llrli.rr making l»d‘ U»- li =‘C •*»'““
t>« thoroughly examined. and tr.c resident kftgn.rrr
will be in ailrndauee .hercou to jive utlortoatior
The mo«t saiiaiariory testimonials wii: l-e>
The payments w.U t.e made in rash
usual super edit un'n the ,-ompleiion o' the roo.rac
The most euerxd.e pro-eruuon 01 'he work w. ■ I
“• bESTh latrobk.
Chtri KJigie.ecr
nr i * piW
y„ V 5-; *vs a:*! fatal. nun.
iDcrwre'i Fulton and blip,
i \ i r k i) ** t a r k *
StIIUTS A»l> IllUUKll.-,
We Beep *l‘ '»«!•«■*»
ii*.i Tni m*«t «>’t*»*": l,u ' or *v
AM. 'j
lit ibe Wor.d
i’lJklN AND tl.OIHlNi..
Of ktra.
So*- **••> '■** ,v “ r! *'• N Y
John M Him* A Co 1
•d iy CDUU MAilrT AM' C.llAEUt* M’iakja,
Vnuiw*. ln
m. t*i,i* «.i the partner* who h«» had Iniijnpen
encem**. mil dcentr hu whole um* to put
chwmfc, and buyer. "'T "I™ , 6l ?J rmß a
•lock of whaiercr i. mo»l de«irab.<j of huropeari and
American manufacture. that money cat. procure
.Sew Oloth room* wtll be opened on the I*l Mnnh.
burun on Cb.r.o. .Irr.l JbtaO-n.Mm
4/VABULS TANNLRS oil., m band*ome amall
4UU barrel • . . .. .
OIL —Ooa.ianily on hand, bleached and unbleaoh
ed whaler and .pnn* Sperm, Klephan, and U hale
AI«o, li#tn colored .elected N \\ Loan Whale *>.•
•unable tor rctailmc . ,
PATKNT OIL FOR MAI lilM.H\-The «üb»rn
her* are now prepared to »upply •Derlan'a I a tout Oil
in any annuity, marhinuu, mtinufuemrcr*, Ac af
reqaeatod to call and examine the article. Crntiicaie
oflw effleoey and .upenonty oyer a I other oil.. Iron
Aeverai of our mod e*ton«ve manataclurer.. are u
r T»o.«o„. *u.o * sEKUi.fat, a«u,
Ti and ‘J3 «>uth wbarTev near Che»tnol at.,
frblA.oJQi. _ lbol..lrlpb,n
job"# FKKaillia BLINDS.
Na T* S'oriu Mini Sraxar, PHILADELPHIA
V MANUFACTURER. lAwardcd the fir.i and hijch
e. t Medal* at the New York, llaliunoreiind Philadel
phia tortftd .uprnomv of hi. Blind, wuh
confirmed confidence m hi. manufudurej wki * '
icnu mof i» hi. a»«ortineui of «W*> Wind,
o/na. «w ami w,d«, w.U, fancy a: d plan. Trim
mtnsrt, of new «tyk« and color. AUo, a laroc and
SSrii aMortmenl of Transparent Window Shade,
*JI of Wh«ch he Will Mil a", .he lowct rash price.
Old Blind, painted and .rimmed to look etjual lo new
ITT DEALERS SUPPLIED on liberal lenn..
The euiwna of Allc|heny county are re.pecifully
invited U) call before buying el»cwbero-*onfidrM ol
plTwu.ff all. Open m the evenings. meUyl. cs.dTm_
Notice to Dcgnerreotype ArU.ta.
Jitst •ecclved, a .mall Invoice of VOIUTLAEV
n.w coi£l'n.-CIU Tho.o hi.lrumnu (I»t
all other* ever made, covering a U-3
dll*inSa rldu'clng the ilm* of muii* one-haif. and
aiio Uaw, reducing “ heller defined ptc-
S 2?“ e T£r‘s>«SS^' ,,ew 11,0 ,utenuo w n tf*" Ar ‘
ti.ts engaged o\ mieuding U> engage m iba«*.
*”H fJSi Sfih »*lr of the above Instrument'
FJtrhnuge. Philadelphia,
Impaner, of h»,™
*«'»'■ f.r the *o)e of Vo. S U».nd«r I»«™
AT LOWEST received Pan. h.n
ul Uie.l .tvlea, PercuMiim Cup., reeth Bru.lie.
O™S.“ , liid French e "<°ZZ,
Drumnsis article., witn the mom tlimiorc vur«. i> c
r«"r'x^‘Ar.o i „ h b.for > . P i^‘A«,n K "he:"ii,T;.i,".,.
NO I Comiocror ... l'h.U
No. 134 Norm SauisD .TKtcr. Puii.AinartnA,
Tl *■ ANUFACTURER and ltnportrr <>f dou 4e and
MXo'bS.:'Hbo, Ciaos bUo. »». r.« 01., Fow.
Gun Maher.’ uk.
OallfornU KHU»*
Cif\f\ RIFLES, Mime fim*U a* the newjnodrl per
2UU Lock Rifles, now umi! hV United
State. Government They are .trwng, we ••.,
«mccable (iun.. exactly the article for the C ulifor
ua Trade, manufactured andtor •> Ty , toN
No 131 North Second street, Philadelphia.
feblf.-eoCOw _ _
C^K 3 " 40 "“ “ d A“w hamTJJi
W 51 waur *ud \(* fTQi
cj’OAP-'tno b*s Cincinnati No 1 9o»p.
PjorwUeby >i.chS3 SfcWfIABBALGH
W~ IN DOW ULA Si*-600 bl* assorted »{«•, in■» r «»
and (or sale by mckC23 8A VV HaRBAVGH _
L'EVIATUON UOhD - V’EN9, a magnificent an
moat excellent pen, beiug the “ Uu#
market; for aalc by WWW ILSON,
)a6 comer marten and4th sta
KID GLOVES—2S dot Ladies saper Kid Ulo-»e*i
10 “ mans while aod blk “
S “ misses colored do
decs _ F U BATON* Co
jR O^ BUT rJS°“‘ '"l h i'w»u°ol^
jSi 1849. fegga
THE Proprietor* ofthu old established Rod popular
daily line, consisting of SIXTEEN fcmciavs Canal
Boats. owned by themselves and ninnies m roiinec
uon with the steam boau BKAVF.R AaND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to ofTer unequalled facilities for
the transportation of freight and passengers, on the
opeiuits of Canal navigation, to allpomuou ibe Penn
»y I vania Ohio and New York canal* and life Lake*.
K M PITCH A Co, Cleveland.
Agents, Reaver.
J.C. BIDWELL, Agent,
mart Water street. Pittsburgh.
Forwarding merchants,
beaver, Pa..
Agents far the Pittsburgh and Clevelasul lane,
Erie an*i Michigan Line via Erie, and far steam
boats Beaver and Caleb Cope.
Having purchased Ihr large and substantial Wharf
Boat itist built for the Monongahria Packets, have
with the addition of a Warehouse, the matt ample ac-
commodations for receiving and forwarding, and
pledge their utmost attention, promptness and despatch
to consignments to their care, and rely ou ihetr friends
for a trial. morMly B. A BRO.
S&z&t 1549 WSS
injeportatum of Freight to and from
i, Phu.adki.phu, Baltimore, n
Thomas Bokbiook. Philadelphia.
Turns A O’Co.ihok, Pittsburgh.
rpMS* old established Line being now in foil opera
I uon, the proprietor* ore prepared wun their u«na
extensive irnuiremenw to forward pro
ducr Ac to and from the above port*, on liberal term*
with'the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar n
their mode of transportation so obvious, when Iran
shipment on the way is avoided.
All consignment* by and for this line received, char
res paid, and forwarded in any required directions fre
of charge for commission, advancing or storage.
No i.M directly or indirectly, in Meambonln.
All cotnmunicauons promptly attended to on applies
Uon 10 the following arenu:
THOS BORBIDGE U 79 Market st, Philadelphia
TAAFFK A O'CONNOR, CanaJ Basm, i ituburgh.
O'CONNOR A Co, North st, Baltimore. _meh2*
uoatugnh' like.
Ptrr the Tnii
1849. BSigL
For the Transportation of Merchandise £**£**"_.
Goods shipped by this Line, are earned in four
secuon Portable Boat*.
liHF. subscribers having made arrangement* m case
of a wanl of Slate Trucks at Columbia, to iia7e
ihnr goods forwarded over the Railroads in cars, so
ns to avoid the detention that has heretofore occurred
for the want of Truck*. Shippers will find this to their
advantage. Np charge* made for receiving or ship
! ping, itflof advancing charges. All good* forwarded
1 ,ih despatch, ami on as reasonable terms a* any oth-
corner of Canal and Liberty suPmsburgb.
P. K. FRETZ ft Co,
MS Market st, Philadelphia.
mr#m 1849, jgft.
CaawroU A CBiXUiU!i I Cleveland,O.) p ro p r . a
Jl U. Paata. - Beaver P* \
T'H1 S Line will Sr pr-*pii ed on the opening o' navi-
I 1,0.1, 10 trunapon frourtu mud Pnaacngera Iroa
PITTSBURGH aud CLEVELAND. 'o any poim or
the Canal aiul Luke*
'Hu* lucillliea of 'he Un' are un»orpa»w«l in munMT
quality r opacity Boat*, axpertence captain*
and efficiency ot Agent*
• ( h,r Boat leave* Pitubunrh and Cleveland daily. t**”
n 'nr hi ronuct liun wilii the ateamer*
between PiiliSurgti anil beaver, and a hue ol lirMcla*
Steamer*. Pr«»j>oler» and Ve*»el* on the Lake*.
Aosrm—R G Park*. Beaver. Pa
Jrtm Baldwin. oimgatowtt. Om>»
M B Taylor Warren.
CcW, I’rnu,**. Ravenna.
y\ i*r.lrr A Co. Akron.
Crawford k Chamberlin, Cleveland. O
<ear* A Uriffltn. Butfalo. N Y
Office, cor Water and Btnilhfield *u, Pittsburgh
mchSl-ly .
Jons Bis-kx* Tun. nisouA*.
W* UlftGllAtt. J*cu» Doci.
OiwJurirtl oil •tnctS»l>l>ath-kwpui£ pnncipten.
I'HF Proprietor* of ttu« old ealalmahpd l-Jue kave
put ihe-.r »n» k »•> m* rm~t complete Miler.iu<Utr
ihonKnrlii? pf-t>«T«-*l to forward Produce and Merciian-
to anil tfom lb* due*
\V r lrU ii that .Mir exponent •>. in<* carrymj:
! *li<! ancliMOt: U> tit 1 * iUl**rc*l* Ol Ctla
. _w_>. un'i u-. nir 1.1 u* a (onUnyMCr aiul incfraai*
mtirnr-.. nwnJrd u, B<*«bam * U.*- ;
(tur arr«n<f will «•«»!•••• u« iu carry l-frtirn.
»Hh tne utmtxt «J*«p*lch. and oar pnr«t «h«H »‘ w »' l
*, low a* trie iimnl chare*-*! b> oihrr r«..poa*iM*
‘\v' 1,,., ~p«n-.l ... .*<■* . . No !--■ M" 1 "
t.r«wpr;i Ub aaU Sib »u. l'hiiada, ior Hi* - coiireniaae*;
jv.iduce'end Merehandwe wiU t»- rreeireJ uruJ (“<■ I
w irded,lia»l and West, without any charge Mr lor
*-*rdixur. advancing freight, hmm* or comnuwion.
Iklli of Lading lorwatded, and every difecuon |
t "^dS.vo'"SSlf U . WM. BINGHAM,
No \<i xod ZTA Marker *tr«i, Philarta.
No l* North Howard »rceet. Baltimore
No 10 VW u *i reel. New York
Pennsylvania Canal A Rail Bond B*-
9 prcas.Faat
fbox! rrrrsßLGH to phidadelpuu & Bal
(Exclusively ft»r Parteuxerv)
THKpoMicar* respectfully informed that this Une
«riji eonnneuee running on tho 19th last, and con- .
una« liirnachout the Season.
The t>oio» are new. and of a superior elan, with rti
kir, chin.. wtacb will giv. Jtn-.i.r Tho
raj* are the laie*i construction
* !x>at will always l-e in port, and travelers are re
m»c.ied lo rail and examine them heiore engaging pa'-
***«!•/.*. n ,i,r dollars throufb 1 One ofthe boats or
ih,. lane wiv. lease the landing foppos.te U Hotel.
corner of Penn street and Cauai. ever) night al nine o
I Time 3* dav* For information, apply nt the
Motiongahela House. or to D LEECH * t'«
| - Canal lU»ui
1849. SSJSk
Fuubmtgh to Fhdadtlfhia and Baltimore.
I Exclusively for Passengers!
THK public are respeeifu'ly informed thal thw Uac
will commence runninK on Moni*r. March.
iTht bo*u of this Une are of » aupenor class, with
enlarged cabins, winch will give greater comfort u,
will ntvrsv* be m port, and traveler* are rc
, ,>e«ied lo call and examine ihero before eugacttiK pa*-
* by other route* They will leave the Undine, op
pooiie the V S Hold, earner Penn street and Uauat.
Time—at Day*. I
For mfarmauun, apply »' «*«• Nouongaheln •
u, D LEEr H A Co, Lanai Boatn.
v H—The proprietors of itie above Line are now
huildma an additional Lino of Packer*, to run as above |
af>oul June Ist. in connection with the Pcmwyl
rauta Rail Road from I«ewistown lo Philadelphia. Ai
ihal inw a packet will leave every aortun« and eve»-
Time through, 2* days. ~“ chia _-
Lake teaiß ASM Michigan link,
1849. ygwßE'
Established m 1848.
T'llE Proprietor of thi* well known Line of Can*!
' Boat*, will l»« prepared on the earliest opening of
CJUIW : navigation, to transport Passenger* and Freight
to all pomu on tbo Ene Extension, New Yotk Canal*
Hild me Lake*, running m connection with the favor
“o steamboat* BEAVERand CALEB.COPE, between
Husburgh and Beaver; Troy and Michigan Lake Boat
Line, on the New York Canal, and C. M. Reed i Line
of Steamboats and Vessel* on the Lake*-
C. M REED, Proprietor, brie, Pa
AGFNT9 —Bid well A Brother, Beaver.
W C Alalan, Sharon.
J BAG Hull, Sharpibnrg.
Smith A Downing, “
J B Hammer, We*l Greenville.
Wick, Acher A Co, “
Wm Henry, Hanstown. _ _mcnlo
belume poßtaulk iiofl 1 J-»we»
1849. &&&/&
G“!^, o n^rub™sU^L L I ! !;ui”pbi4 U pli>je«-
. Portable Boat* over land and wa*
“f £,cii3L requirinß
handling tin* l* of importance. No charge made for
0T shipping, or for advancing charge*. All
7ri>l fSrwLdeiwtth dispatch, and on a. readable
trrm. *» by any other M , pADBN * Co ,
Canal Ba*in, Penn *i, Pittsburgh
TORr t 427 Market A M Commerce »t, Phila.
JOHN MePADEN A Forwarding and Coroml*
sion Merchant*, Canal Basui, Penn *l, PitUburgh
JAMES M DAVIS A Co, Floor Factor* and ConmUa
mqh Merchants, IK7 Market and M Commerce meet,
Philadelphia. . . . .
ir?" Advance. made by either of the above on Hour,
Wool ami olber lnerchtmdtie couugned to them for
.ale *S5£!2
"Merchant? Tran«portmtloa Line*
to nm.isin.fflu axv baltimobs.
mHF. Canal* and Bail Road* beiac now open, aml
1 m food order, we aro prepared to forward oil
kind* of merchandise and prodace to Philadelphia and
Baltimore, with promptness and despatch, and on «
aood terms as any other Line.
* C A McANULTY A 00-,
Canal Basin, Penn at. Pitul-onrb.
AoKflTS —CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia
mrt7 ROSE MORRILL A 00, Baltimore ...
wav' aJShj™?- j
For BlairtTill*< Johnstown, liollid*T “
ail intermediate ., Wty Goods
rriUJ* Une will coutinu* to e-nrrr fajf fa , cs of |
X with thcif usual despatch, an
freight. TY A Co. Pittsburgh.
John MiUer- * smith A Sinclair, Dr F
Earßi®aa-J«®e«-» or J° n p a rker. SFVon Bonn
fthnenherger, B kCo j, lo At'Devin A Br«>K.
hom A Co, NVm MulhoUon A Rny. Jno
Puuburghi John W?.?’ - M mehii?
(iratT A Co, _
THE light draught iieunerLOt \l*
&l haNNA, will b« »old on-rea»<>naMe
ijfeftagsf torm-v a» »he oom tie* at the wharf.
For term*, of
KERB, Jf.«-00, 33 Water »L,
rapid, strides which Hydropathy ha* made
since iu introduction into this country—the bril
uuu and astonishing curative efl&cts ol coJd water m
ehfcuic and acute disease*, when employed after the
method of the celebrated Pneanitx, have rembved from
the mied of an intelligent and discerning public every
particle ofdoubt as to itt efficacy, and gained tt am-,
vertal favor. Considering the unsatistacton' result*
of remedies heretofore used in the treatment of chrome,
complaints, {complainu, too, which are increasing ev
ery year,) it most be a uatnral wish to see the success
of a method by which so many unfortunate sufferers
witl be freed from their pains and inurmiuea.
Tte subscriber having practised snccei*ruliv this
method for debt years at hi* Hydropathic establish.
: ment, winch ha* been considerably enlarged and im
proved .a all iu pans, and in every respect, is now
ready to receive and accommodate pationts who may
<-hoo»e m place themselves under hi* care, »atlt and
£hili|>»bur,:. situated npon the left bank ol the Ohio,
opposite ih>- mouth of the Big Beaver, is well known
for lt> refreshing and salubrious atmosphere, Its ae*
hghtlul <juictnc«» and charming natural scenory, com*
bimntt every requisite to render the sojourn of t"° Ul *
valid ngreeah.e, iu»d contributing not a little to re-es
tablish impaired health and physical strength.
The establishment, the first starred in the United
State*, eotitaiii. evrry thing, l«ith for pleasure and
comfon, calculated to insure a speedy and happy ter
mination ol the ailments of the Patient.
Persons wishing to avail themselves of the advanta
ges here ©lfered, will please address the subscriber
by inter, (post paid,) stating a* near as possible the
nature of their complaints, in order 10 decide and ad
vise on their fitness and curability by the Hydropathic
treatment, and also what will be necessary tor them to
lake along, for their especial and personal use.
HOWARD ACKER, W. D. Proprietor.
Philipsburg, Beaver county. Pa.
HartKKSCEa— Rey’d Killikelly, Armstrong; Y. D.
Clark, fc>q. do; Hon. Tbotuns Henry, Beaver, Dr.
Barker, do. Prof. Ch. Elliot. Pittsburgh, Pa ; L. C.
Perkins, F><| Ohio; Rev ? H. Sneed, New Albany,
Met M. Abcn. Pmieeion, N J.; T L- Station, Esq.,
Nrw York; Dr. Ch. Winter, Philipaburg; Me-
Connel l>q Pltuburgh; A Biowell, Esq , do.
Printing Kitmbllihmeat Removed.
KENNEDY’? Pnnung Establishment bos been re
moved from Allegheny city, to Third street, lop-
P»»it« the Post Office.) Pittsburgh, in the ‘Franklin
lacc,*(Singerl> '» new building.) where every descrip
tion of plain and fuuey lejtcr prei* priming will bo ex
ecuted in style, and nt prices equal to that of any other
L -e«iat)li*hment East or West. The material* in the of
fice are entirely new l , and .elected from the best Type
Founderies in '.he United Stale*. The facility and ra
pidity with which work enn be executed nttlus estab
lishment, is insured from the fnct that it will be done
on the latest and most improved machine Presses; and
at rate* equally as low a* can he done in any of the
Eastern eiUes- mchihhdlw _
TEN LOTS, 24 feet bjr I*o, situated on the higher
ground, and fronting on the wide Nonh Commons
in the Bucnn Vista Extension. Term* 8700. cash.
Will. O’ll. ROBINSON,
mcliAfcittn Office, Exchongo Building*, St Clair *t
40 Market street, can sell you bowery cheaper
than they can replace them—having bought them at a
tanre package sale previous to the advance in pnee.
They can sell you Straw Bonnet* and Variety Good*
a* cheap a* you can boy them of Eastern Jobber*.
Come and see.
THuaua ixvxkpt. in. „ R**- SAWTSB "
JOOKING GLASS Manufacturer*, and Wholesale
j dealers in foreign and domestic Variety Good*.
Western merchants. Pedlar* and other* are invited
to call and examine the price*and quality of our stock,
a* with our present increased facilities in manufactur
ing and purchasing, we think we can offer a* pea*
inducement* to buyer* a* any other house west of Iho
Mountains. jaS-ly
‘ " NBW GOODS, 1819.
KENNEDY A SAWYER, comer Wood and Fourth
street, are now receiving direct from fir*t hands,
a large stock of Poncv and Variety Good*, including
Clock* of every variety, gold and silver Watches,
Jewelry, French Prints, Comb*, Hook* and Eve*,
Gloves and Hosiery. Suspenders, Gun Cap*, and all
other article# trt their line—all of which having been
purchased -personally of the manufacturer* ea»t, du
ring the last winter, expressly lor the Spring trade,
will be sold wholesale at a small advance on co*L
Constantly on hand, all description* oCLooktng Glass
es, of our own manufacturing, at eastern prices. .Tibia
EXCHANGE 8C11.D1.108
has jtnrr axrraxuD rams
And is now receiving a fine ossortmealof
Which he is prepared to make to order
And in the latest Fashions
" Head Unkrtcrifor Boot* wd Shoe*.
Corner <»l FourU* and Sumhfield »ireew,
Ptmecaai*, Pa.
-.61- TROTH * SCOTT bavin? commenced *g]<»
Xl 3 ibe renera! Boot and Shoe bonne**. fcSll|
P|b! v»hoU«alc and mail, wou d respectfully T
me utenuon of their friend* and the pnbli? Ren*
eraiiy lo their splendid new *toek. co»f>i«linj of men*,
womens'. boys'. uusse* - aud children*, wear of every
variety, ruitnole for the season. and at price* to wit
ihr time* A splendid article of home made work.
»urh ». eeiitleiiien'* fme. Boot?, Indie*, imsse* and
.•hndrrn. hue work Please call and oxawino for
vourietve, TROTH A SCOTT.
corner 4ih and Stni'Jtfield »l»
S. B—TraerUtiß Trunks, Carpet Oag«.. Ac fcc , al
ways or hand and low for eaah
Couiury men-hama would fcnd it to their interest lo
five u* u e*<l when visiting the city. mhU
TO Californians.
1 >M irrKK..—rii«-uui3rr»u:noil liaeme adapted
•\ no iiutrumrm to the sux|>o»e oi M<*rriunnne ih
rrnvity or value ol Ri>ld. n now prepared to
supply »'l bo»ne«* may require r.e a»e. »* i*
•mall, eonvcuient. and ean be used without diff.eolty,
a alJtnrtr brine »off*cieni 10 *tiow the proersf*.
I’ertona contemplating gome >o v**Ji/orma, woui-I »t«'
wrl! to rail and examine ifio ui-lnimenu a* it i* ln Ck ''
rrv way calculated to protect them from fraud t>) rna
bltne them at any ume to ascertain lie value of their
direction* and table* wiil be supplied gratu
itoui>.} u> I ' urch y^^ i;EL £ A Ki\;t, Unton arreet,
rear of John H. Jewelry More
re<peclfully unite the attention of mer
c**nt« vi.iun* this city to their very exton*ive
«.ock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting
conipritmc every variety ol Men's 'A omen's, Mt**e»
and Oli.ldrcn 1 * wt«r. oi many new nyles, and of *upe
rior quality. adapted tu eountr> and city trade
A larfic assortment of LADIES’, MISSES’,
m great variety. Aieo, ARTIFICIAL FLOW
All ot which have been purchased direct from the
manufacturer* and importer*, and selected will. the
“unct care, and which will he .old on such term, aa
“ ,to— > °i "■"irJuu d,Tc’o. *'
mrUHWAwSmS 1 31 Wood street.
\ WHOLESALE DRV now rere».
V\ vum a large stock of Spring wtd Summer l) y
Good*, .elected with great care from tho importer* and
manufacturer». and rontisung of a fane assortment of
ail grades usually kept by Dry Goods houses, which
we are prepired u> »e!l at such pnees as cannot fail
uicive •aU'laelion to purchasers.
City and country merchant* are invited to give us a
enii anil e minima our stock and pnees before par*
, ehaiuug elsewhere. SUACKLEtTA WHITE
'Jil Wood sU two doors above Diamond alley
FISH, MIDDLETON a WHITE, beg leave to an
nounce to thetr.friends and the public, that they
have unjoined tho management of the .large and com
modious Hotel, earner of Broadway and Maiden Lane,
known a* the Howard Hotel. Having much Impro
ved the internal improved tho internal arrangement
of the house, no pains saall l>c .pared on the part of
the proprietors to give enure salisfacuon to those who
ma y f*v»r u« with theia patronage. mart-dSw
t Y RIMING Pa?Kß—Having the exclusive agency
£ for the sale of the Mill Grove Primirg Paper, (R.
U A C. P. Marklc, Proprietors.) wo wilt bo constantly
supplied with all tne different sixes of auperior quality,
which we offer at the lowest regular prices.
f e t,’d4 corner Penn and Irwin iu
rpHE undersigned having removed to Washington
J_ city, will attend to the prosecution of claims on
the Government, and to any law business before the
Courts of tho District, with whieb he may be entrusted.
deeS-damis ANDREW WYUE. 1 «■_
Denust Comer ofPonrth
and Decatur, between
Market and Ferry sueett. «<p3*<ilyin
TNDIA RUBBERTASTC-V-Jiui receMi*, * r®”
I bottle* ofßobber Paste* a superior article, f r
Important to persons that wish to keep that_* n . y .
It prevents the leather from crackiiMi *nuWber Depot,
poUsh over it For »alc at thd India Rubber Uep ft h
So 5 Wood street. mart
L. l.r*. n.»n T „. of K.-y
conutUni tu part of Artificial*, Jr ... Nfetumr*. Late
Mery, Glove*, Crape, Lo ‘ ,, *lS? rc hfehs gent* Cravats,
Veil*, Shawl*, Pongee H «*«« “ £» 8
gingham and cotton Handlrercme»*i , , Cut-
Sewing Silk, Dduoo*, roercbaDU are res
lery, Ac. Ac. examine hi» »iock, No t>l
Mctfully call £ d mthao
Wood •^«®7“*Wvgfo"AND-TEbLAM
rito S.l‘OCKlNJ» o(J(>xei(i l) , enc hed, unbleached, blk,
j Hoiasat * raell ', nu d mcii'a cotton !!o*e.
mixed and co «^ d wld m j X ed cotton half llo*e, Just
Sect fr®® ‘“P o ™"’ “ d ‘ or “*
usually low P rice ‘’ by BHACKLETT A WHITE
..,.wmLNTRV MERCHANTS —W. It Mwtn hoe
I Vlopoii »i hi* Wholesale Dry Good* Room*,
A corner of 4th twd Markeistieeis, Pittsburgh,
uo / liu ,n!y of freih Spring Goods, including newest
t “ lr , ofi’ruUA. Gingham*, Lawn?, Ac-, and Invites an
' cvwmiuat-oo 0( hit stock.
Bntrance to Wholesale Rooms from 4th street
TJTT'ANTKD —A Young Man in a wbele*aleadd re
yY lui Dry Goods Store. Apply at Marxet »t , _ *
BY a Married Man, a situation a* Book Keeper.
Clerk or Sale* tu an, in a store or manufactory-,
Most respectable rr rcreaccs can be given. Address
-A. B C ,*» Gawue office _ mcha>:d3t*
O'? CASKS (Glas* makers) Jo* Muspratl A Sons’
& / brand, lust rec’d per steamer Brooklyn, and for
Ja fe _ No ICO Liberty gp
I HAVE* Marble Monument*, at my old «taud on
Wood street. Should any person want t Moiiu
tneot, I will *«U at.very reduced price*. between this
am) Ist April, to save the labor of removing them to
my new stand at ibe head of Wood, on Liberty street,
at the comer of Irwin 1 * alley.
Gttbwev ssirriiJtccK,
INFORM their friends and the pubHc-tbatthey hava
no longer any connection wuh their lute establish*
men! in Penn street, known u the Pittsburgh Brewery,
having remoVed' their entire ■ bnainasa to the POINT
brewery, in Fla tfxtou fSSM y»
tooo¥tob ahd
ttTt a STATION IN ABIiNaA&-TOe cnbMnWr
PrftatoSbtto aSSS, **£***%:
~. forincrlT belonging to and occupied by
(Senior Kent, of Maryland, • n^ el ?‘ t
eight hundredand eighty-three “ d *H* CIS
This esiote he* tu the counties Ot .PhlHtpa ah ,
Un<™ ud i. mud I* W*fl Bmd,
sip"i rfv.r, twenly-Hvt mile* ibo™ the tenwtof Hew
n£ tti. said to it IhoMghen rtrer lend ta lb»t n
gion of country. Iw soil u peculiarly adapted
growth of eotton. Its improvements are aaovc/segrs
House, a horse-mill. several com houses, and gwo
quarter* for servants. , kav .
Upward* of seven hundred acre* of this land ha
been cleared and are now cultivated- The ®‘
may be easily cleared, (the most being already aonej
ana has less timber upon it, and that chiefly ot awn
which Is readily sold at a well located wood yard, to
quantities of several thousand cords every year.
Thu plantation is one of great valna, and present* a
rare opportunity u> the public. In the hands of a good
E lamer it may be easily made of immense annual pro*
t Us facilities of intercourse with New Orleans Sf
. ford a constant avenue for the disposal of its products.
It is distant about 800 miles from QncmnaUjsvO
miles from the mouth of the Ohio, and 7TO miles fro*
jßew Orleans.
property will be divided into several part*, If
For terms, 4e- apply (post paid) to
w jHjam b. ferine,
Baltimore, Maryland.
96A Acre* Coal Land for Baity
SITUATED on the Monongahela river, about 1$ miles •
from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, 1a
the immediate neighborhood of Metsre. Lyon A Short,
and Mr. John Herron’s purchase. This fine body of
Coal will be told at the low price of (03 per acre— ooB
third In hand, balance in five equal annnal payments,
without interest Title indisputable. Location very
good—cannot be surpassed. For farther particulars
enquire of S. BALSLEY, who has a draft of said pro
perty. Residence 2d it, below Ferry, Mr. Adams* Row.
N. U There U another scam of coal on this tract,'
about CO feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
jyii6:dtf SC. &
mio ACRES OP GROUND, situated niarthe
Pittsburgh and Greeasborgh Turnpike, 3) miles
from the city, and adjoining the Allegheny Cem
etery. on which is erected a large and well finished
two story brick Dwelling House, together with stables,
carriage house, Ac. There it also on tho premises a
large variety of fruit trees, and a spring of unusual ex
cellence contiguous to the dwelling.
ja!3 Wtt. YOUNG, 143 Liberty st
Patent Soda At&<
Valuable Real Estate fOT Sale*
TOE Trustee* of the Western Theological Seminary
having decided to sell, on perpetual lease, a pOl
uon of their property- in Allegheny city, offer on very
favorable terms, from 30 to SO Lou of different axes.
A warrantee title will be given. A plan of the lots can
be seen at No. 129 Wood street.
For particular*, enquire of either of the undersigned
Committee. JOHN T. LOGAN.
ftAMT. n ATT.KY.
MA highly eligible Business, Store Room, and
three story Dwelling, near the Canal Bridge,
Federal street, Allegheny. Enquire of
near the premises
For Sola.
ning order, 7J inch cylinder, 30 inch stroke, boi
ler 14 feet long, 30 inches in diameter; fly wheel 21
cwt. Alio, one line of shafts, 25 feet long, 2} Inches
in diameter, with drums; one upright saw. Enquire-of
aarfctf MATTHEW SMITH, No. 40 High st| j
A FARM situate on the N. W. hank of the Ohio riv
er, nine miles below Pittsburgh, containing 23*
acres, late the property of John At deceased,
and known as “Sole Landing.”
Reference to David Hood, on the premises: Wm M.
Davis, Allegheny, and the undersigned in the city of
Philadelphia. <eol-2meod CHARLES GILPIN. _
IN Indiana Township, Allegheny county, 3milr«
from Deer Creek Lock, containing One Randred
nnn Fifteon Aeres and Uli perches, with tho allow
ance of <$ per cent for roads. There are trom 30 to 40
acres of cleared land, a young Orchard, a Saw Mill la
running order, with dam and race complete, aqd an
abundance of good timber on the premises.
Also, a substantial Frame Dwelling House, 31 by 33
feet, with a Loe Kitchen, and a well within 10 yards
of the kitchen door. Terms accommodating.
Persons wishing to purchase, will please make ap
plication to DAVID RINEHART, on thepremisea,or
to W. & D. RINEHART,
No 25 Irwin street
TtlaabU Btal EiUU for Bale.
THE following property in tho city of Pittsburgh,
and near the borough of Manchester, on the Ohio
river, is offered for tale on accommodating terms
3 Lots (being »ab-«livision of Lot No .468 in the plan
of the city of Pittsburgh,) having 80 leet front on Se
venth street, by 840 feet to Strawberry alley, war
(.'rant street
10 one acre Lou fronting on an Avenue, 60 feet
wide, running from Beaver road to the Ohio tiver, ad
joining Phillips’s Oil Cloth Factory.
For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY,
febl-dtf Burke’s Bnilding, 4th »L
m AGENTEEL three Biorv dwelling House, on
Second street, near Smiuificld street Also,
wanted, a situation for s good honest andcom
peirnt Clerk, and one for a smart lad about 17 years
of aeo. in a warehouse or to learn a good trade.
Address Box iJ4, Post Office, Pittsburgh. mfg7Jt
MTHE Dwelling House 1 now occupy, comer
of Robinson and Correy streets, Allegheny. Tbs
bouse is in complete repair, contain* a hail, two
large parlors, dining room and kitchen on first floor
at»o. a large cellar kitchen. Five chambers on seeond
floor, and two attic rooms. Rent moderate. Apply
lo the subscribers at 110 Second street
raebflOtd’Jw* WM. A. IRWIN- 1
Lot on LltMrty Street forLe*M«
ONE LOT, 4JI feci from on "Liberty * treat, by UDfeet
to Brewery alley, nearly opposite Weil street,
end convenient to the Moaongehela river, will be lest
ed for a term of yean. Enquire of * __
Bnrkc’s Building, 4th H»
Valuable Property for Sale.
eral Lots on Baldwin and Libert)’ streets, in the
biti Ward. 24 feet l>y IUO. and adjacent the proposed
depot oi the Central Railroad. For terms inquire of
Burke's Building, 4th M
MFRO.M Ist of April next, on rehaonabia terms,
to good tenant*, six comfortable two story Brick
Dwellings, with cellars, vaults and back build
ing*. saoated on Robinson and Craig streets, AilcghO*
ay city. Enquire of SWEITZER A REED,
mar~:dtf Office Third st, opposite St Charles Hotel
MTO LET, for ohe or more yean, the three sto
ry Brick Building on Wood street, and adjoin
ing the shop and store of Robert IL Hartley.
The two upper stories have been fitted up u a (fond
ling house, and may bo still so occupied if a tenant
w-t-he*. tncW_ NEVILLE B. CRAIG
ON frvorable terms—A Lot of Ground on the sooth
side of Penn street, near the Monoogahela river,
fronting eO feet on Penn street, and extending 110 feet
in depth to an a'ley ‘JO ft wide; a most desirable loco*
lion either for private residences or for manufacturing
purposes. Enquire of J SCHOONMAKER A Co,
febl6_ No 84 Wood St
Property lx* Alleghany City for Btls.
mHK subscriber* oiler for sale a number of (Atoice
J_ Lots, situate in* the Second fronting on tb*
Common ground. on easy terms. Inquire of
W. O’H. ROBINSON, A«y at Law, St Clair st
or of JAB ROBINSON, on the premises.
my!7:dAvrtf T ;
Sr,a Brick Dwelling, with &| acres highly improved
““"■Laud, situated in Oakland, to let from Ist April
next. HARDY, JONES A Co,
feb2« 44 Water street
MFOR RENT—For one to three year*, from th*
fir»r of April nert, a large two stoned brick
Dwelling House, pleasantly situated on the bank
oi the Ohio river, adjoining the borough of Manehesj
ter. with about four acres of land, oat building*, fruit
trees, Ac. Ac. Apply to
To I»«t.
ml LARGE and weH finished Rflbm, second
story, on the comer of Wood and Third streets,
above the Exchange office of H William*.
Possession given immediately. Inquire of
_ ja4 M’GILLS A ROE, 1M liberty st
For Bsnt^
Min Allegheny city, a pleasant Dwelling House
and large Garden, on the secoud bank, enjoining
Geo. Hogg. For terms, inquire of Mr. Benj.
Glyde on the premises, or at his store, No 183 Wood
street; or apply to ALEX. BRACKRNBIDGE.
febas-dlm '
MTO LET—A large bnck Dwelling Hroi#'
suitable for two families, situated oa Federal
street, Allegheny, above Mr. Grave*’ more.
H ‘ L %k
Liberty »t, opposite
«JT TWO LOTS on Beaver street, in the CUT of
KS? Allegheny, above the upper on which
i, erected a frame building, two atone* high, suitable
for two small tenements. The lot* are each twenty
feet m front by one hundred feet deep, and ran back
to a street forty feet wide. The building* on the pro
mice* will pay a very handsome interest on the invest,
ment, and the property will be sold cheap for Bash.
Apply w H- Sproul, CleTk’s office} U. 8. or to
novg9 KAY A Co
ijjL the Bubscribcr offers for rent for the term of
l>rn one or more years, a large convenient well ftn
iihed two story Dwelling House, containing 8 rooms
and Kitchen. There is a lot of ground containing It
acres of fine young fruit tree* of every kind, stable,
Ac., connected with the hone. To any person wish*
ing a delightful residence within e few minutes ride of
the eiry, this will be e rare ehance. For terms, which
will be low to a good tenant, inquire of Mr. Jno.
Wright, near the premises, of John Wan, corner of
Hand and Liberty streets, or of
ecehMf. TKEO. F. WEIGHT.
Scotch Bottom Load for Bale*
TEN ACRES OP LAND, situated ia Peebles ttnrn
(faip, on the Monongahcla, three miles from Piois
barfh in lots; to suit pajchssert. For farther partic
ulars apply to Henry Woods, 3d ft, or to
4th, above Smithflela st
M WAREHOUSE FOR SALE.—Tho subscriber
offer* for sale the three story brick Warehouse
on Wood street, occupied by R. Tanner & Co.
»p!7 WM. WILSON, Jr.
FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn
street, between Hay and Mur bury streets, adjoining
the bouse and lot now oecnpied by Richard Edwards,
having a front of feet, and in depth 120 feet, wiU ba
•old on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En
quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, *th st, near Wood.
oeCQ-dtf '
For Bale.
A DESIRABLE Building Lot in Allegheny City, fa
vorably located, in sue about half an acre, and
will be sold on accommodating terms. Inquire of -
M FOR RENT—A room in the second story,
Ba 20 Wood street. jag
XTEW PUBLICATIONS—Essay on the the Union
Xi of Church and State: by Bepuat W. Noel, VL A
-1 vai; 15m0.—81.25. Au entire edition of this work
was told in one day, on its publication in London!
- -Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal, in,the Pro
.vtnee of Manachosetu 8ay—1673-0. 1 vol. ttmo. Toe.
Hoyt’s Poems.—Sketches of Life and Landscape, by
Rev. Ralph Hoyt—new ed. enlarged—with illustra
tions. 12m o. 81,00. , ...
A Catechism of the Steam Engine, lUotinsve of the
scientific principles upon w hich Ila ®P* ration .depends,
and the practical details of its structure, nTUS appuc
uoa to mines, mills, steam navigation, «jdßlWl.
with varioussuguefttinns of improvonent byJßounie
C. K. I vol. Iduio. "Ac . _
Cheever’s Lectures on ibe Pilgrim’*. ? fOgies*—new
ed.lrino, Pnce reduced to 81,00. w*
I The Caxturs, a Fatuity Picture. ftrti.; W-
Franklin’s Lite, illustrated. Part* IV4J» Each
Historic* by ProL Tyler—lSran., For sale
raeitur u EHOPKINS,iih n
{VI nrime, landing from star Beaver; for«*towr
mch» IUOAUBY 4 .
,r Jt; aiT,*3