The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 30, 1849, Image 3
r KY^'lHilfi *•» Wit V T ■ . - 1 March 20 t. «- Thiw bis fcecnW : 4 bhloWcti aa 16 ptpmiienj Modomießßt Isiifrfo&Madirahabe pobttd' h!3»i “f' kwolrwo, Ucjly*- bn-k, Y<& &}»«*:# l^; ia B £ ir , Ct, '? ll J. PetLkorSb h*. Eobhrfcifiomi lo ba M Maata tt Efciladej&blajj &«*■“ I «j Mr. My3«l4««MH^ o, M ,b * of Ao ;-h'■ 1 ! 'I ptaaajn^i p* at. AOcottnfi <roin lhallwb veisela haPOiorri Uiati pan &onx Califofna wi:b si 60,- oooEa goiij- j ; ;•! Jcs‘ ; i’- : 5 i j ” /if. ■ ,f M ilja Vu-ie, JVesidenl in llii city liui af terooon. ; } l ;:j : •; jfrj ; • r 1 ] jl '.sr iltyi**• fc ■ We have iiepsftmji Santa Fe to- the ruary. Cot j&mcmt to menu in Ihfe, jo! Ccd. feentoo’a loft acconou ieftjfinn • *° retije to ihe vailest tbe;drfp(h!of or Brty oupiaod kjnihg hit mulesJj -ii Wfctl6s|ley jaod wok mbejblfia. Here ho sifoij cnu.elpmtfto rdljei; ind to fe- 1 tarn; at a iftaiel yetf<&f : li!Otfcy;hot. ilbing soj Fre moat aUripjaj mr&<£<miifiis)cikeoi.j la sixsdays he arrived fit \ ’atH* ao3-thejliirfvivi(Ti ofly? party vere finally leUeirdiL; :p . ? . lr-f—: i ,» -1(| PmLßji&rßU, March 29—K 1C nirfietj ’csmnih : ‘ ; *inih' yeatertfoy, if anV thingjftkd nnuko3 i(> : .ilulter—wp note tales of westerttb|ah« ,'.• » prime tsiriie tyheat: at IDS, red h ßBc bn-ccfn,prime yrUowftt 53. iitjfljs al 5^ c Jf. ** ,L ! Uu&ku&fc Market. | !-j| | j.-u atuc* »-» Pj m. Flour4-tte ttfefcfeijfii heavier'than jeatfetday, and the small concession. 'Ssteatf -Streeilai *i 60ito $4 82' cetns; jje? - ljajfT®Jlr SSiy.JdiUs te 75 Hi '-ft;/ : . 1 1 ■' Coni been ma,de si $2 5g to s2fi2p|rblf {{ • i ‘t% ;- : f‘ !GrsiD-H&«e4<tf prims rtd Wheal at 9209 a io itocU. \ Frfindwmtprpora el 4SOM; primefyei* tH&a attest bashelt. pa 15•32025. •32025. HI : r ■% i ; . ' ' •'Whi»lf«^*|-Silhs : ji>bU_ai 33 cis pej goL GroCeH®r-Saiba ji£‘ißio r CpBee, jo ihaeitteai of 2000 bad»,[ai i : •£ , i b'■ * froviiioW—B*le*oMVeatero PoriiaiSllj ss£.' ;Lard. |o,bbls, Iki ctßi Hfatns, cents p^Stoij-i4>l 6*;p^i? t,tt 4^ *} i ‘* ; | i tew y<&RK MARKirr j■ < ;; •{ i i •i, -j£>. ; /Match 29—9, f. M. | :i|ftifc£|<i9 drift, wltia n gocfd East* 1 of jieeterd bt $5,25 (35|37i RpjbU.- \ '•>:£ i; i ' i 'Grain—<Gbro jb of Rye at 50b bu, Ip of i*|.; . , l . Wbiiidyf-SalainifcJOG |bb|s, ati.lSj lor Ohio. - j , OSfcgarat 4i(2siJ Coffee, t au« totfee extant of fcOQO Mo Uwea, 9 ; l! { meM’beefai prime Wepirn bbli j . ? ; ! : ,j j j CTNCIS§AIp <; MARKET. | ' '• !\ j MAreb' 2&—9 r. n. •Float-- i 4aleiotfKs3bt Iljat 1 ljat 50. the tnar tet is dollar. £'V> :i, f- GrccetWa— Orlikna at 4 }0 *St da. Sblesof Rio at 7JO4J cla. per lb.' ■ ‘ :j( ; ■nn,f.wy—■Them ft .good flrraand' for PiUs- bfaftds, per 1 Provisions —Sajis of fc«4* Latf ai 6i ctfl .per 1b.,. = £ j| _i , ri 7 mHE onderugncifiiitre tfreetbiworks ih ae cut or ElßT.'.ocii u 55£h Wof m ra^S^ tan “ i,!a “ l ! eolm “" ,1 itselftbiken3*e-sZFthba*inwcsted- ■ i SEOuS a. c o., . . , -t.H Tjid ,l. N Yark, o' PWs^ Al ;c Ihcliu.- Cratof W. Mo- EaVhli'eol,, o “gS.)*&« ji* Son ’| *™ °° ulM •’nfT™? ;&BSKTM’KNIGIIT, : ißcljlMUO' Adtttlisdbtor oflW. dcc’d Tec>d,»i>d Cor «le . A c !!f™ w !g u r l ? • . d> »i iiijuji * , a ll,M 2Sti A. hß 4 ncs*»5 11 ' 1 Te S oo4 */*" Orentes. ecu erpemtWsm. saaftuon. at fair . thjt offidfc . ■ < ■ mctucdtf ntoTilEfeclxi® IA>»D * It JoStorso*. *£fitt|ket tti citwa east df pijeviouJ to trill Sf ti l frbb)tam%*y *V**:o(>£aml?«. -Bauont, Neo- St?. we^r y. al CO& V S* 4 ■*; ™'- ‘OTsfffj bb t **l t\ iOic f,Caui ijne.Jolttec'd end for & FiaaisWCK * co-. ii ££*>* i : ’P' :• 4 cttiM;UU£id«<»d“i. ■ D^ffQ^O^oß,T t CO : V vpi & ■ rccM fca<] for »*ie al Kibfl InJiffilffiSr Dspol, Ijo 5 Wood *u I ■ iW% ■; jl JfjflW-Hfr.. laftpmg fftffl£«iunr Parij, for Xi£fcfcsU - Libcrtf at ,il .1 « *»■ i iVa . i"'^— i|V"* —■ . ftero ajidjor *alb by, jy^fm«S4 ? ■£ DAISELL ItCoj 1 lb&fcetisiiiu.forWhicf! the biyli* \ mz^vWr" i TLtb. 3lM.4^^RKl< No& Mackerel, ia , Jj| Saatj •&* 3fcgje3>y !;/ 8& w gAEfeAUfeH j ! landibjj uid | [B Wr AITSB^r 1 VQ9 4, Co ; I■* iochSß f ;i.j it! ll' ‘ii ; •£*•tk*A»-&3«kI»??one ;NOBOfSi received ptir • <HW«*teiOiaf4<lMM Ge£fik»i tot*itleby i? £Sb !; ' a co■ ■’ * prt« oU *”*«% by • tri£«jsinrfr-d»»jp(M; fork&ie by '■ ■ jrSfflftfgß-tlfasgfeSffi y?wtw.4.o>L; 1 11 noggß MSlas&(ES—llWfr) 1 S H Molts-' &*£s »E2s93r “surbkidge; Wilson* c* M imwlP £ M —— —“ - olm Moaopfc&eU Wbukay vi d • 1 ittuU DOaft-IijCOO lg Bolt pp.k, ludins w -• '3««si®sWcioSi4 fceedj ’*s; 12CJ T lf|jl I kJ Ido fttlMn 2dt>;Lardl'3l »ki fdodrApp*** i LAKDpJSiu kill. L*&! Oil, HWinS fnJM iu’CJ toffliDfcSfciiad «alfl3»y *.i . ~ ■__, v : • | _r 5 . 'j . ir|iAlsH6S&i)ESsi arr^rinfcTjj 1 -;|- £^fr r^ by :j j luC3 PiWtS 10 blif id prirde oltl4rj ri! 0 JoM fM&Sar Wie by : li a FAIIJn EdTOCR &Co ;, ( ij ntfbSt ,.■ j ;,> coracrimjpd wood «u j I 1 11 Souni is tiiMp il .1 it |W.”sVelj}‘o«!iaTß. JteAl receiVti bj ■il i,, > . \£;y •: ' .«j l UOPKtNS; t■ ", : ,•; ;,k :i-’ Apolloi <Ui »t : 1 eric* »aj»tiot cufti fud cknvuiad l •**&•**&!%„ i ■:. .“r^ i T : : iJRjJWAN & Ot)LWa.TBON; ; , i|j r! ~— KrtkTHS’iSNKATUS-rfc' 6“‘ H- pstSUis— ’ ;: 1 •p&siig-..'-- I ■ ~,-it. : ; ijii j; COMMERCIAL RROORD: - IMS r i 1 ALMAKAC. -]. bon l San BtAftCHli' , '\.Aie*. i i* ii»»»ojiiyj§ r ■«•••- "^SS7 i b'jV 65 Bund**,; s\ 'ass c 1 68 Hondky.,2 d W &« 87 ;; 3 5a 5 5M fia y 350 5 6 &>'thuriday/ r*r***< * d 4fl 4 c SO Friday, 7 ; i«v- ;—• -* ‘,5 47 4sß lo&ii Tb* • —•* m a g*. .quite acuup. the nrer it in obaCttWO considerable activity : t • .J.- ! ’ ftift comptrture jy UghUpKo'Wwiojkny.'caniidersJde, unoum trans pired ntay s:u*itf?ia,ia) u dbbhtlbsisiiilngfigUTet-of the From •tore niet weri tqlimilad lot* as in quality, !?•’’ '■ 1 j' ; cud quoth uaftU iaieaioaiy at hhl GRAlN—Pticea generally are -Witiwstsl change G*dd wßl bring; 50c. and , from tune. NVe itotoaale* 6t ;al 01k, ot rjno l»u Corn at 30, SaOitn Oat* at &-<*,from store. ' of 13 hhda */j0 Sugar in lot* at .-4}dsJe for f£f to i-t'jLe ohi. Salei-'if “6 hblc inolas tea at SB(c anb of SO bbla quality N O a, 2)e p gall. ofjßio coffae ar&-:»j{oiurlv effected at 7}S?li« Which are tie ru mg figures of the mark** • i ; BACON—SaI*-'? of \Veslern fur«>s. Baton to the cx tsai of 13 hbis at, for Shoulders 4| jHiOtniL and Hams ateic^fc-J LAHD—For Imrd. iUn* dentacd Hltitnted. and sales , m moderate iot*; arei regularly edited al tor and CSCfc fl> for leg : i ; IJUTTfeR4-The market is quiet, ’Siijj sales to a hm ited extent &} U’jiUSc for beat toll W b|lls, ami Itic for a ootmnan ahitle. flegular sales ifi litg Buitrt at -0 •Ste—as in fiuality. A small lot 'Sf hither on extra quality at t; J of £oo»l quality m S.VAI. ot Timothy. supplies aft vert light tOidi w«t ran rfi'ori no sale*. j&ICH of bu OILS—We quote sales of Unseal at Our, of Lard nt SCSBOc goU. and of Taiuier's /nl at sl7><JBl». p«r barrel. ?; DRIED FilblT—hale of.luO good quality Pra« cßes at 81,12. Bulek of 70 I»u Applet at boper bosbel. ; * t- . SHTPMEirfs of PRODUCE fIOM §UJCUXStsb —The a meant of dipped eastward, bn the Auburn and Rochester railroad, since Nov last up to Ist tnst t» as follows: Pork, B)» ! M3^27 Cheese, 4.424 Butter, 15,561 Wool, ' : 00,729 Flour, bbli !,wa Porfc.tos Uacot. . 17.*4J Bun*, Ifi.aTS Wool, Flouf! t>bH H,T« Whe«t,tei ITSJ3A I>ned J'ftm. -*4Ji.9tw TUc ambuotof Icfl M 'W«>Tern ltepot I' l liit Tanawanaa railroad. (Hiring £ii.->is«f IMK wm-h ‘iblUW*.—* 1 ; pork, lbs Bacon, Cheese. Bauer, i Wool. Flour, bblk Flpurj hbia WtaetUSbo Woolj bale* • • • 'r The gm»* amount oi treijrbt, rkoNtting principal! of Flbur &ud Wheat. i« stated at iil.fiTi.7TM B* The amount of flour ami Wheal left since the 1 Jan. up u» the present period, is afc (allow* Houti bbU • - \rae<i.i>u —lDeiaWrau ; ; Bo*?W, Murch *4. 1349 C6cton-4-Tie market is pretty; firm for Cotton. t>u t iteai the It lose of our report there but tittle doing, tha Pteanier’* advice* being Hourly /selected The pale** laat haVe been too ba&jk and for the week add Up IiiJOQ bglei at our q\ioted £rtfce» for the different gradfes, *CJUc atriitiy middling (ii# Mobile aid New Oridao*:»eiling dt B|c. G me*, at.-wluch pnce this gr/de ii generally held* nud SJn offered ■ j Airiyed aihca our last;— KnJtn New Orleans, bale* From Charleston, Krqm Sarairoah. ■ • •*•• • Prom Apalaihicola. ’ < Total, ,T(ie total receipts of Cotton ai' the diderem ports the country, from Sept 1. to latest date* at bales - Same time last year, The export* have been:— 4 ! " l-M I^4" .6-706,033 454JS* 4-16W3HI' i£».433 -/-•lSSfik) ica^sr To Dfeat Britain, Ftnnce \ , Other fortljn pom, tetfcis--►***• - todrtofchaati. f-, tmrre i«jj UMulv^-maad£mmost kin dir afid-prices ,fe main without change. Exported since oar Ust. j ; : :T6 iariurij port*, bales and £***<-• r Ujnce juiirr I, <. us4 'list TsicoAiTrsAnl—ST folding is ihr quantity Of boil 1 Iraniptified oref the didiretit R»I Roa‘l’* in Bchaylkilt coOoty, fw lie weekending Thursday even ing, Klarcfc 18} 1 Stt: \ % ; 1 : 1 Week. ; Total. MwitHm-jUiis. h. RR-. ;* U bgjjj Llule ScbuylAiil dd w , 01 . IdiUCrctlu , do XCS' ifr fcusus -i is .i-t&l s.| Mt Carbon aid Pt Carbon do 01 •4.J.6U& 1« —l.TAtaer* Journal. 4- < Dbt GobW M sister, March 24 *-!>oratv' tic GoodeHThe uma state pf7dullne»s **»««' thedommUifen men »aini the d>te fltour last .reports Jrdiher* uliioo busy with the* country cuMomerixo tUpSthe Urtffhou*** tram whittle they f r * w f^ e " pUd*i taithfpurehaw* oi January n. d Febhiary ha fitstlhand* 4tjin be for the ntav df &r expon, nllhcmgb there t* 4 for thfe Brecon market, the aetu-. ii sftpmante of the week hhv4 reached bowKl h.ifos hat inclined U> that Domestic Ct>«* Ida M'*»«*»*« ntateiially-rwin present pnfie« dt.rii.*, ihefrelahce the #eat«»n> that the prices wiltbe Btuuuoed ive do‘not doubt, j l -,. • , •. • The mirkfet remains jquietTgf woolen*, nUhjtujh «al«* Uvi been effected unbe adftgtee which has be-n here tofore The stock pre«”‘* unoiijfhe .market tfnibch reduced, aaicwr look dently » aa! animated busmet* at the ndsanced rale* .before tlia dlo»e of the • . Tie adyattce of 7*Blo per **Dt. added to th<- geitCJ-al aaKSfcfeJSaaLEasss s’ssu^.sste - .«*- .A* Utihg aVlbe dafo of mlr last r*port,.suU coutoues-diid ; fe4 saU»*‘«s« «afeeusd •xcejdrt choice lot* : *«" ffrtKid htqoiry tuid #ncea, we dunk, mat I^ rntoted feiaber than at thel eetmocucement Of the pei ;£>& although .the difference ji-ndUa proportion tothc :rifimeitdtrplnoon the otherf Wde pf the Atlantic. •■ i . ttocXi »i* Ifldnnnd, pnd >1 p. ■ dofbOT Mft IlM* tV «•». V"” 4 *. ~ *! flrt&M ooj » mflfllTfl »ppfl*r»non in rt-O ncflfl uncoinnijjniy li jhtfl’blilr B St packages. . iiaPOßiTsßi jilVBR.* WHEElilNG—PerfJo* Nsfoorir-CO bbl* fiemr, JM* , fcShera.'B&ker & Forsyth; Wbblaapple*, Orum Grew: •Wls leathbr, It Staff 4 cos 10tt bbl* ftpdr, flantl Litubay;:d bbli l bat Binith ft. |f£> ffdurTl c*k M sjts dry tipple*, oWliel attoaid, K* SS«o6l,St'iVHrfb«nSW ; i^T^rTNWATI—Per Clippitf No 2—»l* h&ds bacon, 2 tttnlttflj, 5 kWdflflr itin>,3y*l. md,fl. ownnr aymrti ftlt,tJt•finnan J Grier ed bft« cjCddle>iy Sarttl McKee ic ffiff.JraiSS? w ( t.Wjoo w.^sr.* St aWni’eVtoifl wS. w Blnsiuuni 4 ,!■ «-o«i. s£>rW , bi)l«l«il. at IrMl. jlinfli.n, Wflllinsford 4 flo; lfbU.henfti,owner eboard-w; , . i 1-etßiiliroai lObtil* b«A J«n«o*M<l|;a I, Hj”"i a p OQ'bl*' JftFndoflai coilUbblr* alcohol, J P 2# hltds baedn. Sell«to» 4 SicoU, JO do Duncan. ! • f. ■ t? ■ » ; 1 „ , «.,W LotnS-Prt Sorth; K»er~loSlc*k* bacon, Bel- S3»Sdi.>ra itoi-. A Gordon. • ‘ . w ; , ( As«rm<a.Ct«ilic*rß iq-fce trceUeacqof M'Lane' J; KtasJrSj. &dd *bo.-WpU«meoS It »• with pkaa ttje Ihaml talk, mf ticTtifi,eiste, <lwtlAru»gJoU«:»e««- fltfp6palfciit£ of Df. spe- J-out.uaVeting ajgtoi, Sir. Mpnros. Sc,m £'“f i ° teal mselveft frotq'hlm «>tanll lot ip sell on coqum* fod. I dstdj a Stitt bottled]in my oWn fojmly, tp “)* good effects f cari fylly tcwfv- The; balance I ibid t° : fcy customers, and fbond;tfB inquiry,‘that it garb very i general iatufacubrt ;*{ GsOxoaW-AjwXU-- Augusta. Camrtl-Co dh£6, July 3711844 : i Por »SJo a| the drag si6fs'of J. KIDD A Co. • i DdhlOi' '• „ ■ frt" brtnpita M the tjff&e of many ninan'x exl*t bnce. No tongue ean describe tbe miffefing* caused jiy tbis diMressingtltseajtf Itanfiuniam for bU «n -liotnin life. Whatever itCyiy be, and makes him feel fes tbppgh M would ratbeFtiot exist thorti endure »oeh jaiaeryTi Vet taetc sufft! flips ,afe produced' in the first blace bf derangement df+Se sjeftiack, and if thin were bet by uxiig p. A. Fabtfesujck’s Aniiijliiiouk: Pills, bowels •wottld be ctetuucd, the accumulation of (bile carried x>H arid a fpwfdy>nd sore talief obtained, r Prtpfwd taua 1 sold bytft A. PAHNKSJTOCIt & Co JeomerVt add wood, Cth and.wood sis. t 6cU3 [ ' \ii • ‘ sjr Wife baa beCn tioiiiHed.'with 4 violent edughlbr j*ixa r i'eteti yegri; so bailsjb hereough taauphy.t -6Un»r(ln, where 1 formerly lfodjj told fee P be thaCoitoinfptioo. -After-w* removed to tlus city Obtained &r beri timdfttd again, iliffeftnt mqdielacs, axi'fhA* wdro of Jto kifljwf Benefit u» Ufcr. Some two * koul., df Jim, M,8,- grtßsssii <i»« «*» 4 m Mt,:il Sctrai—iprtpdred iiy J. Vtf. Kelly. ur, Masi.iantttar sale by AjJAYNEB, Utad Peaut StanfNß.'76 Fosnft su «JtW t i : : .> i ’ ‘ PORT OP PITTSBURGH ARRIVED. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parlnnson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Caleb Cope. A. Mnrdock, Beaver. Reaver, Clark, Beaver Win Phillips, McPhtal. Kittanning. Messenger, No. 2, Woodward, Lotu*villr. N'oHh River. I*ean. St Loots. Tnscarora. Cin. Tankee, McKee, Zanesville. Goinet, Boyd, Zanesville. Zachary Taylor Lucas, Wheelmg. Ariadne. Grabill, Freeport. DEPARTED Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Balhc, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson,"’Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdoch, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Wm. Phillips, McPhiai, Kutanning. Louis McLiine Brownsville. Telegraph, Mo I*. Hazlep. Louisville Pans, Manilla, Si Louis. Vermont. Hazlelt, Wabash River. North America Cm. Genesee, . Cm. Umpire, Crooks. Cm. Jaa Nelson, Mooge, Wheeling. There were 10 feef 6 inches full iu the chain by pier mark, last evening at dusk, aud falling BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M. Brownsville Packets, 10 A. M . and 4 P M. Beaver Packets, 10A.M., and 4 P. M. Wabash —Ringgold. Nashville —Euphrates. Kittaning—Wni Phillips. Lafayette—Vermont. D Leech it co's. packet line —0 o'clock P. M. Tlifc steuinsr Dtadein, Capt. O’Neii. wa* advertised leave New Orleans ior Pill isburgh on thr 20th ij.nt. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS) Ac. KISCKI VKD THIS DAY, Carpeting and tut Cloth# Of the latest ami mull approved pallrrn*,. and ai (trice* In suit purchasers. ami cheap as r«:i he pur chased in any of 'he Eastern cme». comprising the fol lowing varieties tiers Royal V.-lvet Pi<«* Carpets; Aixmtnisiet t'arpciß, un\ war hail room' or veaj Tapestry do nbule*. Sup‘Royal Dru»»o> do Tapestry stair carpel,, Exuu sup .'1 ply do Brussel* do d> Superfine do do Chenille Rug*. Kxifa »up Ingram do Tufted do .Superfine do do Brussel* do Find do do Chcmile Door man, Common do do Tuned do do 4-4,3-1 A |Tttpe*lry Adelani do do Damask do Sheep mm do do 4-4, 3-4 A t twl'd Ve 12-4 Kmb’sed Piano coven neiiau do t>-4 do Tabic do 4-4,3-4 A | pnun do do 6-4 wool do do Cotton Ingram do 6-4 worsted and linen do do do Vcneiiun do Bras* Si air Rod* .*•4 fiollon Drugget. 10-4 woo. crumb cloth* 12-4'woolen Jo Stair 0-4 do Jo 6-4 table do Porkzj&s • Bacon, . Chceki',. Butted Wool. Flour, "bMI WheJH. B>* Dried 4 Ffurt, 1,353,726 2.459 1 JfAi 53.706 106,077 13.735 24.UU2 English Table Oil cloth*. Diaper do German do do do do Cryh s-4 Floor Oil cloths Snow Drop Napkins. 7-4 Jo do do i.'na*on Plush. yt-4 ' du dn do Purple do 5-4 do do Jo Maroon do 4-4 do Jo J<> Carpet Rinding, Slniet till Cloths, of newTramsp'nt Window Shade* TaSesuy patterns. cut 10 fit the above we are constant:)' receiving our Spring Stock ol Carpet*. Oil Cloth# and Steamboat Trimming*, to which wr invite the alirntion of all who wish lo fur nish their houses or striUut>oau. as we will l>e able lo oiler good* a* low aa tliry can he purchased m ihe Eyi. and oftlfe rtchesl and laiesi style* Call and ex amlue our Mock belure purchasing elsewhere Wore hovi*c, No “5 Foarth *t. mchiJ W. M'CLLNTOCK PRBBII PORK TEAS, Wholesale and mail, at the PEKIN TEA STORE. 70 Fourth street, near Wood. Pittsburgh —The #ub#cril>er having just returned fro in New York, i* now receiving a largr fall supply of fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the New York Pekin Ten Company*, selected wuh great care for retail sales. Our »»ock l»ring now heavy we are pre pared to supply Grocer#, Hotels. Steamboats and Fam ilies wub any ijuanuty and ai any price they may wish; puckru in }. 4 and 1 pound packages,, 6lb Un canis ters, 0 and 13 lb catty boxes, and ui half chesi* Retail Grocer# are invited to call, as we ran and will sell better Teas at lower prices than any other house m Pittsburgh Our stock of fine Young Hyson,Gunpowder, and Im perial Green, and Oolong Black Teas are the best in the American market. Lovering's double refined Loaf, Crashed, and Pal rented Sugar*, at retail, or by the barrel. COFFEES—Mocha. Old Gov. Java, Laguirn. St Do mingo and Rio Coffees, selected by the most expeurn eed coffee Broker m New York. declMLtwTS Tin Plate*. THE subscriber* beg uj rail the attention of Builder*, i Architect* and owner* 01 Buildings. n> the many I ad vamazes which these stales pos*«*ss over ail other I metallic substance* hitherto used for rooting, fee., as | they possess at once the Ughtnes* of iron, without its liability to rust, having now been tested for tevrrai yean in this particular, both in this country and in Eu rope. They are less liable to expansion and contrac tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com mon un plate*, iron, zinc, or any other metal now used for roofing, and consequently form a much better ami tighter roof; rcqamng far less frequent repairs, whilst the first cost is but a tnfie more. • »A fan npty. rU a| | irom 14 10 00 W. G., csn* ■taniiy on hand usd tor **lc by _ „ GEO. RMOEEWOOD fc CO.. 14 and 16 Braver *treel. New York. The patent n*hi for Uut article li&vuig been tecured for toe United Outlet, all parucs infringing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, will be protects* le( j oet3»-d4wl}'T ENGLISH ASDCLABSICAL ACADEMY. (Room* in the :U Presbyterian Church.) rpHK system of Instruction pursued in this Insutu i tion. will secure to tt» pnpti* a sound and tliorougb English and Classical education. also, every opportu nity l* embraced for Uir inculcation ol correct moral principles, and respectful. kind and amiable manners. The Pnncipai i» aided in these important duties bv gentlemen whose literary attainments eminently qual ify them to men ail reason#’* e expectations ot Uie Patrons of the School. When two or more pupils are from the same taiiuly. a liberal deduction will be made. Rev I) H Riddle. 1) D Mr iltebard Edwards. - A. T M’tiiil. L> D " Luke Loomis. Moll A. W Locum. " W. \V Wilson. Mr George Alhree. *■ Henrv W.lkeson Circulars can be obtained at the Book Store of Mr l.uke l>oomi*. No *9 Wood street, and also at Messrs S H Beeson A Co’s, No Market street luChlP.dSw PAPER HANGINGS. HE88&8. JAB - HOWARD dt CO ,No. H Wood &treeU 'TTTUI’LD call tbe attention of tlx put,lie to thou Yy present stork id Pitjirr Hanging*. which lor »«• nefy begot v of finish. durability nnd ehespner*. is un- ! iurra»«ed b’v any e«tabii*htnrnt m tlie l.itioti. j Beside* a "large and lull assortmrni o' paper of lixir . own msnularlurr.Uiey are now rereivme n .lireci ui>- ponulion of French and F.tißinh styles oi Paper Hang lag*, purrbased by Mr l.rvi Howard, anc <>| the firm, now in Europe, mnaisttng of Parisian manufacture.*' pieces Eoudon do s,u*i do Ul ihcu own uianufacluie ;Jiey have InO.OW) pieces \S’ali Paper, nn>l lU,OOO piece* S4Un Kiared Window Blinds, Ac .Messrs. James Howard A Co have spared neither expense nor isl.or in their endeavor* In uval the cast ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of man ufacture and variety of patient, and they are warrant ed m assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac ture, will be offered on term* as low as those of east ern raanufoetarer* and importers. meM7;dlf WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE* Ao. 41 Market ftrtn, Pa. THOSiAS PALMER, * T > KSPKCTFU LLV announces to his Inends andcus- JK, tomers, that he ha* had at no past period *o extern aiv«t a Stock a* he has at preaeuL He can offer to pur chasers, on vkut moderate term*, at tbe old establish ed Stand ou Market street, a‘most ever)' article In bis tine—including Counting-room. Bed-chamber, Dining room, Parlor and Hall Paper With Borders, Land scapes, Fire-boiirU Print*. Paper uud Transparem Window Shade*. Bonnet and Hinder*'Boards, Wri ting. Wrapping, snd Tea Paper, he u anuudantly sup plied, and requests country nwrebatiu ami housekeep er* to eall and examine in* Ran* and Tanners' Scraps taken in trade, at the highest pnee*. mchUl dAwtlror EXPRESS PACKET LIIK, FOR PHD-AnKJ-PtllA AND BALTIMORE, Exclusively for Passengers. 'Vs'.’Ysv —The Boau of Uas Lice will leave a* k>W° w,, T alOo'eioek at mghi. Ohio—Cant. A Craig, Monday iuithi,26th Keniocky—Capl H Tnahy, lue»nav, Louisiana —Capt J P Thompson. Wednetday 58s ill. Indiana —1’ Burkey, Thursday, a»ih. Ohio—A Crair, Friday. 30ih. Kentucky—H Truby, Saturday, M. Loaisiana—J P Thompson, Sunday, A (mil _ For puKaaec apply U> w 1 r H * ' *Mouongahcla Hon**, or D LEECH & Co, Canajßaain _ J. C. P. SMITH, Attorney' and Counsellor at Law, #T. LOl IS, MO. Will give particular attention to the collection of Clainu, and all money received, "hall be remitted without delay. ~ . .. flxmftKCEs —Hon. R Coulter, Supreme Bench, he., Messrs Lyon, Shorb 4 Co. St l/out*, Wood, Abbott A Co. Pbilod'a. J»o II Brown t 00. do; Mr Charles ii Welling, do; Eno, Mahoney it Co. New York, Chitten den. Bliss A Co. do; Bangher A Oremlortf. Baltimore, W F A A Murdoch, do; Love, Martin A Co. do; Mr John Falconer; Men*™ Lorenz, Sterling A Co. Pitts burgh; Foraythe A Co. doj Hampton, Smith A Co. do; Mr. L S Waterman, do. mcliaSidtlm Importer and Dealer tn Foreign and Dermatic Saddlery Hardware it Carriage Trimmingi, So, 133 Wood st., Pittsburgh, pa. IS now receiving bu Spring supply ot Good*, and invites the attention of Saddle r», Coachmokert and Merchant* to his stock. It has been bought upon the best terms from tlie l>e«t sources, and he therefore feels confident of being able to afford satisfaction to all who may favor hnn with a call. mchtf<:dOm JOHN KELLY A CO., (successors to Robb, Wine brener A Co., late Merchant Tailor*,) No. 103 CHESTNUT Street, obovp Third, Philadelphia, beg leave to inform their friends and patrons that they h.»c halved lb, laid SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS with a large assortment of New Style GOODS; comprising Cloths, Cssiiriieres, Vestings, he. of every description—all of which are of their own im- Donation, having been carefully selected in Pans, London, Ac. Er Strangers visiting Philadelphia, urr respectful ly invited to call and examine their extensive stock. nicbl3l:d6m MIRRING— A large Box. directed to W. R. Morphy, Pittsburgh- It was token by a «ray man from the store of W. R. Murphy, with directions to leave it at M'Kee's grocery store, corner of l*i and Wood streets, but was not delivered; and it i* supposed has been left by mistake at some other house. The drayman's face is known by the person wh» guve ami the box, hut hi* name and residence are not known. meh’Jb HUFFS AT GREAT BARGAISSI M’CORD A Co., wishing to close out their stock of Muffs and Viciortens for the season, will oaU the balance (embracing a good variety of Ltkx and Fitch, as well a* the more common articles,) at EAS TERN COST—to whten they would respectfully invite .the attention of purchasers. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS Call at corner Wood and fifth street*. ;al9 Foa, Puujluklphia t Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumber* and Fresh Peache*. put up in their own juice. Raisin#, ui -1 lb boxes. —Ail Dr. D. Jayne’* Family Medicines forssic. A. JAV.NKS. 1. CATttN, Principal uruxtru • R. T. LEECH, JR., A CABO. .LOCAL MATTERS. IEPORTKO FOX THB nmBSXOB DAILT GAZXTIX C«nrt of Stidoni. ' ATTEMPTED MURDER, II l TatraaDAt, March 29, JS4'.'. UORXtSG SXSSIOS. Present—Judge# Patton and Jones. Commonwealth vs Arthur Kenyon. Thu was the person who, a short time ago, stabbed his wife with a dirk knife in Allegheny city. David Anderson, Ajjirmtd —Was walking up Federal Street in Allegheny, when 1 rat t a young lady who said “yon hav'nibeen to aee tts since we went to our new boarding house." So 1 weot Kenyon kept lire boarding house. A short time lifter I in, 1 heard a very heavy knock at the door. Kenyon came to the door, and called for. Margaret Kenyon, and Margaret Co Hina, the maiden name of Mr*. Kenyon. Doe of the young ladies went down, bin was afraid to open the door* Mrs. Kenyon herself went down, and opened the door. As be came up stairs he said to me, Svho are you.” Mrs. Kenyon said, Kenyon l know you •Til send for a constable, and have you arrested’ He then threw Mrs. Kenyon down, and seemed to be striking her with something, which 1 did not see but allerwards found it to be a large dirk knife. 1 seized hold ofhim, and held him li’l some persona came to my assistance. He said, “I know Ive killed her, l wanted to kill her, and now I’ll go to the Mayor’s Office, or any place you want me to go.' 1 I did not prenouslv know Mrs Kenyon.— Had seen her husband about three years before.— Kenyon smelt a little of liquor, but was not drunk. .Mrs. Ktnyon, Sworn —This man came to the door, aud Mrs. Anderson and Jane McClelland were in the diuing room, and ( was in bed. I heard the knock and Miss McClelland came up, and ask" ed rae whether she should open the door. He c&mo up, and naked Anderson what he wanted. 1 knew his ugly disposition, and said that a con* stable should be sent for. He said “a constable* eh." and caught me by tbe wrist, threw’ roe down, and slabbed me in three places. His former treat ment of me was very cruel, he abused me both with tongue and hand. Have been separated from him throe year*. Saw him once about two years ago, since that lime. I came from Scotland, he came from England. Mr. Kenyon, who is a rather good looking man of about forty years of age. was asked what he had to say in his defence. He declined employing any counsel, and pleaded guilty. He made a speech which he delivered with much warmth and ener gy. as follow*- I do not mean to justify what 1 have done l have not *enl lor my baggage, and other effects which might have been of use to me in this trial. In a very short time after that woman was mar ried to me, she began visiting a hou-e of bad re pute, in’companv with a glass blower from Bay* ardstown. A short ume after this occurance. a former beau of hers, visited her, and she told me logo to work, as- that mao was going to spark her that afternoon. Tbe .landlady ofslhe house in , which l boarded came lo me afterwards, ami said that the man hnd been in with her all evening Afler that lime he was m.tbe habit of sleeping iq my bouse almost every night She m*ed to take the feath er bed off the mattress on which it was placed and put it in the dmmg room for him to lie on. leaving u« the Hialtruss only to sleep on. She was ire qoenily out late with b. m after night and would lie late the next morning, ?© 'hat when I would rise to go to my work, 1 would be obliged lo light the fire, myself, and go off to work, without ealfcig anything but bread and water. She would not wash my shirts for me. and frequently would have them all dirty at once, so that t was forced lo wear the same shirt for a long lime. Of coarse .we liv ed a cat’s, and dog’s life oiler this, and for the first Ume in my life. 1 then lost a day's work owing lo having got drunk After that she visited the lowest bouses in the city, &n«l kept company with the most disreputable persons in iu We lived very discontentedly together, and Vhe begau reg ularly to visit bouses of ill fame She ased to vtstf in particular, the house of hfts. Dounelaon oi AUex gbeny city. Mrv Itonnelson came U> me since 1 have been confined in jail, and ofiered to be a wtf ne»MB my behalf, but I refused ber, a* I scorn the evidence of sucb people. Tilings weal on from bad to worse, till we parted. She then sued me before Mayor Campbell of Allegheny. The May* or, however, told me to go to my work, that he knew the character of the family to which she bev Inneed. I then Lhmiclu it best lu k*yf town, god, went to Cincinnati, but then I heard that her con. duct had been as bad after l left as before. While in that town, *be sent a blackguard letter to me ) which uo decent woman would have ient. 1 then | thought that it was best to come up to see her Knowing that l would find her by inquiring in bouses of the worst repute, 1 went to Mrs. Donneb son's, and she told me where ray wife lived. 1 went to the house and looked All was dark I knocked, and beard people coming down stairs. When the door was opened I saw Anderson stand, rag trembling like a guilty wretch, as he is, beside my wife, who had only her night gown on. In fury, and desperation at her conduct, aud at the words which the used towards me, being some what intoxicated at the tune, l stabbed her. This is all 1 buve to say. Mr. Tyler, itoorn— Know Mr-> Kenyoo, never | beard any thing disrespectful said of her. If .Mr* i Kenyon had beeu a woman of bad character. I ! must have known it. as l was a police officer lor some lime in Allegheny. Mr. Raiuivlph, twoni —l never heard anyone but her husband speak against the character of Kenyon. Kenyon told me that be came there i that night to kill his wife; that be had done so aud : was satisfied. | jlfuj McClelland, swom —On the night ol the j attempted murder. I was in Mrs house, i Anderson mid l were together We were in the diuing room. Mt. .Simmon, tievrn— Have known Mr*. Ken yon for four or five yeara, and she boards with me at the present ume I have always been under the tmpreeaion that sbe bore the best of character The prisoner was remanded for sentence ull to-morrow morning Commonwealth vs. James McDonald and Mich ael McCJusky The prisoners were accused of stealing some pork off a butcher's stall- They were found guilty and sentenced to the bouse of refuge Black for Commonwealth, Burns and Snowden for defence. The case of the Commonwealth vs. Henry Julius was pending then the Court adjourned. aftekNoon notion. The jury in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Henry Julius, returned with a verdict of not guilty. Commonwealth vg. Brian Mayhew and James Brown-glndictmeol larceny. Plead not guilty. William Dunn , sworn—Am folhei-in-law to the prisoners. Lost between five “** hundred dollars in silver. When I made information before fiie Mayor, 1 had no suspicion that my sonwndaw look it. The prisoners gave up the money when they were arrested, and declared that they were drunk when the crime was committed. I went their bail, and the most fondly relations still sub aist between us. I told these young men that the money should be laid out for the advantage of my children. 1 considered myself only as acting for them. Mr. Tyler, nrortt— Was a police officer at the lime that the money was taken from Dunn. I went up with Mayhew to Hare’s Island, and got the money where it had been hidden under a board pile. Jlfr. Fergtuon, worn—The testimony of this witness was the same as that of the lasi. Attorney General Darragh for Commonwealth, Magraw and Snowden for defence. eommonvcllh va.John F. New.lL Indictment as,ttull sad battery committed on Mm- Butterfield. Thu was oae of tlio»e petty caae. which conaumo much time, and amount to nothing in-the end. It «ro,c from a balance of fifty cent, which Newell alleged Mrs. Butterfield 'owed him. A quarrel en.oed, and Newell pushed her out of hut ■hop. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty, and Newell was aentenced to pay the costa. A eras bill had bees filed in ibia cnee, and Newell had btought a amt again.! a .on of Mr.. Butterfield. Ho pleaded guilty, and a similar sentence wan im. posed upon him. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Bogue. Indictment larceny. The prisoner in this case was charged with stealing a pair of shoes from Jacob Felker. A plea of not guilty was entered, but was after wards withdrawn, and Bogun, who was a very young lad, of nine or tea years of age. was sen tenced to be sent to the house of refuge. Mayor’s Office, Aj-lrghxht, March 29tb.— The cells were all empty last night, though, had justice been done, they would have been fall, as many persoos were drunk and disorderly at the fire. . Diorama.—Our leaders will recollect that the exhibitions ot Williamson's magpifl«eot Diorama are rapidly drawing to a close. ... SuJcmt—Xbc “Clipper. No. 2," oa her lasi trip from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, brought up the body of a man pwmed Keever, who committed suicide under the following circumstances^He came on the boat at New Richmond, about twenty mile* above Cincinnati! and symptoms 111 his mental de rangement soon manifested themselves. He drew out a pair of scissors and stabbed three or four men severely, until it became necessary to Ue him. Afiyr a few hours his mind seemed to become less disordered, and be was unbound, in a short time, however, he began to threaten to cut bis throat with a rnior. and begged them to shoot him. When the boat had got about three miles above Wheeling, ho was talking to a young man, and suddenly jumped into the river. He never sank, but lay with his face under water and the back of his head above, and never made a struggle. He was taken out*in about three minutes, but life was extinct Sttli. <ccotk2L —No sooner were the engines ver in Allegheny, than flame* were discovered issuing from the stable in Exchange alloy, near the hotel, which Orr attempted to net on Are. The fire was subdned without much damage baviDg been done; but these two tires were undoubtedly the fruits of a diabolical plan which had been laid by some incendiary, in order to attract utleation to Allegheny city, thul he might escape detection in his attempt here. Fibe aoalx. —Last night, between the hours of nine and ten, a tire broke out in a stable near Esplanade street, m Allegheny city, belonging to James Parks, which was entirely rousumed. The hostler stales that there was no tire about the building, and that it must have been the work ol an ineendiary. Mayqk's Office, Pitrsßißf.H, March 29th.— Six cases appeared before the Mayor thui morning* They were all brought in for drunkenness, and, with the exception of one woman who paid her fine, were discharged. ixtcnilon of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. TO CONTRACTOR.* FUR ORAIH'ATION AND MASONRY PROPOSALS urn invited fOT the (jritduation ami Musonry <n the following described motions of ini* road—the sections averaging h mile in length — commencing m the town of I'umnerlaml Section* I, •J, 0,7, S ano HI, will be let. embracing conaiderablc n>ck work along the Potomac river Mud*, and the raa oonry c*f several bridge* on Se > Ut Al*<>, nil the wction* from 30 m 45. ine' f ••"pinj; section* 43 and 44,) beginning 2* mil- ■ .mberland. abooi a mile below ihc month i • nver, and lermina ting at the summit <■' ■■ i t.uuiaw. The work upon these »ectior« i» b< naming much rock exca vation* and two tunnels, each atiout 600 feet m lengtu, am] a none bndge of considerable sue The whole number of section* now to l>e let U *2O. In the course of the spring and rammer upward* oi 30 mom heavy •eetion* will be pm undei contract lieiween Oumber land and Three Fork* cre'k. The remaining secuona b< n those ether work beyond the lat ..I be let in the fpnajt of 1950. Rfkctttcatioxs of the work on the '2O »ectton« to be t. will be ready by the 33th of March current. Thee •ill be distributed from the company’* office* in Bal unions, Frederick, Harper'* Ferry. Cumberland and Wa*hmglon The 1*1000*0!* wil' be directed to the undctticned, ai No. 23 lIAN’UVKR ST., Baltimore. and will t>e received uuul SATURDAY*, the JP*th of April, inclusive Before making bid*, the line ihonld be thoroughly examined, and ibe reudenl Kngineens will t>r 111 uttenduarc ibrrcou. let give nilormauon. Tbe moot autiafaoiory lertiiuonmls wilt hr demanded. ThV puytnema will tie made in cull, reaemnfl llie u*aa! A) ji«( ■•phi. until tbe cotnpleufcn of tbe ronuaei. The roo«t energetic proaecotton of tbe work will be required. By order of the I’reaideni ami Direoior* BKNJ H. I.ATROBF., Chief Engineer :hL > £ocdlsp?U CLOTHING, United Btktei HULEMLK CLOTHIH6 WARK&OIiSK. LEWIS *, HAJCFOB-J»i No*. 2SJ AJID *5O PtUL ttUZKT, (Between Fulton street and Burling Slip,! NEW YORK, CLOTHING 13 TIH t'NITKD STATES it niH *rnrLB nr SHIRTS AND DRAWKIIs, We keep on eudJms variety [,«.) TUI MOST KI7SWVI Mx7*rf AlTfBIB." 0* OIL. CLOTHING I'UVKKKI) HATS In the World. .AIS AM) FASHIONABLE CLOTHINc Of all kind! LEWIS A HANFORD. No*. 'tS'J and iC»> Prari si N V OREM A HOPKINS, iLole Jobn M. (hem A Co ■ S. W CO MX* MaXIXT A3D Smart*. BALTIMORE. II T OULD inform Merchont* and Merchant Tailors W that they have fitted up the floor* over their Tai loring and Clothing department, for the tale t>7 the era! patronage bestowed upon them, in this department of their basinets. has induced them to enlarge their warehouse, to enable them to meet their increased trade. One of the partners who has had long experi ence in business, will devote his whole uue to pur chasing; and buyers may rely upon finding a large stock of whatever ts most desirable of European and American manufacture, that money can procure. New Cloth rooms will be opened on the Ist March. Entrance on Charles street. fet>a3-eod2m TANNERS' OIL. TANNERS'OIU ill ImiuLwne small Constantly on band, bleached and unbleach ed winter anti spring Sperm, Elephant and Whale Oil*. Also, iichi colored selected N \V Coast Whale Oil. suable for retailing PATKNT OIL FDR MACHINERY—The subsen era are now prepared to supply ‘Devlan's Patent Oil’ i any quantity, machinist*. manufacturer*. Ac . are rqoesird 10 call and examine the article. Certificates t tu efficacy and superiority over ail other oils, from CTernl of our most extensive raa/iuiaciurcp-, are m ut »««e*aiou ALLEN A NBKDLEB. Art*. ■fi and 'J3 south wharves, near Chestnut si.. feUIS-rodGm _ Philadelphia ~ 20 0 0 PBE fill) IK BLINDS B. J. WILLIAMS, No It* Noartt Sixth Snarr. PHILADELPHIA TrENITIAN BLIND AND WINDOW SHADE Y MANUFACTURER. lAwarded the first and Inch est .Medals at the New York. Baltimore and Philadel phia Exhibition!. for Uie superiority of hi* Blinds, with confirmed confidence in bi» manufacture,) askt the at- tention of purchasers to his assortment of 'JOUi Blinds of narrow and wide Mats, with fancy and plain Trim mint's, ol new style* and colors Ai*o, a large and general assortment of Transparent Window Shades, all ot which he will sell ai the low mi rush price* Old Blind* painted and trimmed to leek new DEALERS SUPPLIED on liberal term*. The citizen* of Allegheny county are respectfully invited to call before haying elsewhere —confident of pleating all. Open in the inchi't cod-Tm Notice to DagUirreoiypTirUit*. received, a small tuvoice of VoJGTLAEN DER*S qtICKWORKJNU INSTRIMENTS— new construction. These Instrument* possess great advantages over alt other* ever made, covering, a tl-3 mo Plate, reducing Uie time of siltiuc one-hall, aud producing a sharper. clearer and better defined pic ture. They, Iberetore. deserve the attention of all Ar tist* engaged or intending to engage in the business. Price for the Tube 8175. A general aaaorunent of Voigtlaender 1 * jusUy cele brated instrument*, of nil me*, a* well a* Daguerreo type Materials, at the lowe»t rate*. MR- PETEK SMITH. Cincinnati, Ohio, is our au thorised agent lor the sale ol tbo above Instrument*. a List ot Prices can be obtained by addressing, post pa,d . W. A F LANGKNHEIM, ’ Exchange, Philadelphia, Importer* of Daguerreotype Materials, and General Agents leu the sale of VoigUnender’* Opneal Inatru menu. marti;eod6m PHILADELPHIA IUAKSVAYIONtf, AT i/OWEST RATES.—Just received, Parts Fain of latest styles, Percussion Caps, Teeth Brushes German Slates and Pencil*, French Perfumery am Druggists articlei, with the most extensive variety o Fancy Good* in the city. Dealer* are invited to ui early examination before purchasing their supplies, a: the roods will be offered at the lowest importauoi rßle , WN. TILLER, Importer. jaU-dow©od No 1 Commerce *t, Phila. SHOT GUNS* RIFLES* PISTOLS. KDWAKD K. TyKON, No. 134 Norni Sxcoxo *T*xrr, PitiLansbntu, MANUFACTURER and Importer of double and single barrel Shot Guns, Rifles and Pistol*, Pow der Flasks, Shot Bags, Pouches, Ac. Ac. Also, six barrel Revolving Pistols, and material* for Gun Makers’ use. feblft-eod3w Caltformlw Rifles. RIFLES, same finish as the new model per £\J\J eiusion Lock Rifles, now used bv the United States Government. They are strong, well made, and serviceable Guns, ex*cUy the article lor the Califor nia Trade. manufactured and for sale by EDWARD K.TYRON, No 134 North Second street. Philadelphia. fotilft-eodSw C HANDLES— 50 bxs Mould Candles, in store and j uie by SAW HARBAUGH. mobtiU 53 water and ll>4 front a SOAP-100 lixs Cincinnati No 1 Soup, just rec'd and for sale by mchtEJ RAW HARBAUGH WINDOW glass—soo bxs assorted sixes, in tt and for sale by rach&J 8 AWHARBAUGI ROLL BUTTER—IO bbl* fresh, ju«t landing; lor 'al« by mchZJ 8 A_W HARBAUGH EGGS— 300 dox fresh Eggs, just rec'd mid for sale by mcu23 RAW HARBAUGH MESS AND PRIME PORK—4O bbU Me.* APr Pork; in store and for sale by I^LOUR— 100 bbl* Family Flour, jinn rec'd and < ,»ioby mehSl SAW HARBAUGI SALERATU9— 13 csks Cleveland Saleratus, for sal by mcbfcl WICK A M’CA.NDLESS YELLOW NAN'KKENS—O-c case best quality Lonsdale Nankeen*, just opened Wy marW __ SIUCKLCTT A WHITE, W wood «t tTNEN LUSTRES—Two case* plain, figured *nd I j fancy Plaids, bnghl color*, fust received by maria 911ACKLETT A WHITE ODE COLORED ALPACAS—7 cases low priced, medium and fine Alpacas, Cobargs and Cash ""SiS ,rW! ''"“ ll ” r 9HACKLKTT fc WHITH FRENCH MERINOS AT COST—Smith A Johnson 46 Market street will sell for the balance of the season at coat, their stock of French Merinos, compri sing the most choice colors. Now is your time to se cure bargains “s*™ YELVET RIBBO&P-Jusl received at ZeDuloo Kin sey's, 07 Market street, 30 pa colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted color*; 30 •* black “ u A “ embroidery' Gimp; 10 p* wide Plain, Ac deed LEVIATHON GOLD PENS, a magnificent a most excellent pen, being the first sent to th market; for sale by W W WILSON, taC comer market and 4th sti KID GLOVES—US dox Ladies super Kid Gloves, 10 mens white and blk •* 5 “ misses colored do decs P HEATON A Co TRANSPORTATION LINES, 1849. jgjg«gggi| PITTSBDEGB AND CLETKLASD ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OUIOCANALS. THE Proprietor* of this old established and popular daily line, consisting of SIXTEEN first claw Canal Boat*, owned by themselves and running in connec tion with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for Die transportation of freight and passenger*, on the opening of Canal navigation, to all points oo the Penn aylt anta Ohio and New York canals and the Lakes. E. M. FITCH A Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL A BROTHER, C. BIOWKLL, BIDWELL & BROTHER Forwarding BerthanU, BEAVER, PA.. Agents for ike Pittsburgh and Cleveland lane. lajl* Eng and Line via Bne, and for Hearn boats Bearer and Caleb Cope. Having purchased the targe and substantial Whorl Boat just built for the Monongahela Packets, have with the addition of a Warehouse, llic most ample ae- commodationa for receiving and forwarding, and pledge iheir utmoit attention, promptncM nnd despatch u> consignment* lo iheir care, and rely on their friend* for a trial. mart-dly B. A BRO. p; . ’ITTSBCRQH PORTABLE BOAT LINE gfeeUB49.Jß|| For the Transportation of Freight to atui from PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, N YORK, BOSTON. Ac. Tnrmm BofcXIPGK, Philadelphia. Turn: A O'Coirsoa, Pittsburgh. THIS old established Line being now in full opera* uon, the proprietor* arc prepared witn liieir u«ual eitunsive arrangements to forward merchandise, pro duce, Ac. to and from the above porta, on liberal terms, with the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar to their mode of transportation so obvious, when tran shipment on the way is avoided. All consignment* by and for this line received, char* ges paid, and forwarded in any required directions free of rnarge for commission, advancing or storage. No interest,'directly or indirectly, in steamboats. All communications promptly attended to on applica tion to the following agents: THOS BORBfDGEOT Market st, Philadelphia TAAfTE A O’CONNOR, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. O’CONNOR A Co, North st, Baltimore. inehM BOATMENS’ LINK. Q 1849. gSffitaZL For the Transportation of Merctmuaiae between PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA. A BALTIMORE. Goods shipped by this Line, are corned in four section Portable Boats. fpHE subscribers having made arrangements u case I of a want of Bute Trneks at Columbia, to Jiave their goods forwarded over the Railroad* in can; 10 as to avotd the detention that has heretofore occurred for the want of Tnieks. Shippers will find this to their advantage No charges made for receiving or ship ping, or for advancing charges. All goods forwarded with despatch, and on as reasonable terms as any. oth er Line JOHN PARREN A Co, corner of Canal and Liberty st, Pittsburgh. P K FRkTZ A Co. mch£4:dJm 386 Market st, Philadelphia. 1849. UNION LINE, ON TIIK PESS A AND OHIO CANALS. CRAWFORD * Ciuxbzblm, Clevelsmd, 0 ? u-..-.. ■ o.rm, iteavw. p«. i Pr °P” rpHIS Linf will lx- prepa cd on the opening ol navi- X gtiiian, lo transport freight anil Passengers irom PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND. to any point on tho Canal and Lake* The facilities of the Line are unsurpassed in number. i.urlhv and capacity of Boats, experience of captain*, and etfccieru-y of Agent* One Boai leave* Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, rpn i mtie in cunnecuvn with the steamer* LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN. Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line ol 6r«t class Steamers, Propeller* and Vessels on the Lake* Auimv-BG Park*, Beaver. Pa. Jesse Baldwin. Youngstown. Ohio M B Tailor, Warren. Cyrus Pmiii*», Ravenna. Wheeler A Co. Akron. Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland. O Sear* A Griffith. Bulfaio. N. Y. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Office, eor Water and Smithfield stt, Pittsburgh. mch2l:ly afeastt imgtaa. BINGHAMS’ TRANSPORTATION LINK Jons BIJICIIAK. \V« BiaoitsM. Conducted on strict Sabbath-keeping-principle*. rpHK Proprietor* ol this old established Line have X pul their stock 1:1 the moil complete order, and are thoroughly prepared to forward Prodace mid Merchan ciiTT to and from the Eastern clue* We treat that our long experience m the carrying im-ines*. und renious attention to the interests of ous i,imcM. will secure to u« a continuance and increase of the patronage billn-rin extended to Bingham * Line. Our arrangement* will enable u* to curry Freight with the utmost despatch, anil our price* »hail always be a* low a* the lowest charged by other respoaatble Line*. We have opened an office in No IcG Market street, between 4th and sth »t*. Phliuda, for (he convenience of shipper*. Produce and Merchandise will be received and for waided, East and West, without any charge for for warding, advancing freight, storage or commiaaion. Bills of Lading forwarded, and every direction promptly attended to. BINGHaMR a nnoir No Inland SSMarket ijraet, PfiVada. JAMES WILSON. Agent, No 122 North Howard street. Baltimore WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, m eh2l No 10 West street, New York Penniylvanla Oonal 4b Rail Road Rx preii|Fsit Packet Line, 1849. SBkSSk FROM PFTTSBUGH TO PHIDADELPHIA A UAL- ; TIMORK, (Exclusively for Passenger* ) THE public are respectfully informed that this Lane will commence running on the 19ili mst, and con tinue throughout the Season. The boats are new. and of a superior class, with en larged cabins, which will give greater comfort. The cars are the latest construction. A boat will always be in port, and travelers are re quested to call and examine them before engaging pas sage elsewhere. (Fare anly nine dollar* through ) One ofthe boats ol tin* Line will leave the landing (opposite U. 8. Hotel, corner of Penn street aud Canal, every night at tuce o’ clock Time 34 days For iiiformauojrj apply at the Office, Monongahela House, or to D LEECH A Co tnebl7 Canal Boom PENNSYLVANIA CABAL A R. ROADS, 1849 - M&Mk EXPRESS FAST PACKET LINK, raojt Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and Baltimore. (Exclusively for Passengers ) THE public are retpeetfu'ly informed that this Line will commence running on Monday, lUih March. The boats of this Line are of g superior clasv with enlarged cabins, which will give greater comfort to passengers A boat will always be in port, and travelers are re- , quested lo call and erunune them betore engaging pas- : sage by other routes They will leave the landing, op posite the U 8. Hotel, corner Penn street arul Canal, •every night at 9 o’clock. FARE—NINE DOLLARS THROUGH | Time —3$ Day*- | For information, apply at the office. Monongahela House, or to D. LEECH A Co, Canal Basin. u. The proprietors ol the above Line are now building an additional Line of Packets, us run a* above on or about Juno Ist, in connection with the Pennsyl- • vania Rul Road from Lewistowu to Philadelphia. At that urae a packet will leave every' morning and even ing Time through, day*. mchld “LAKETERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE, 1849. IN THK ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. Establttbcd in 1648. THE Proprietor of tbta well known Line of Canal Boat*, will be prepared on thoearltesi opening of .•anal navigation, to transport Passengers and Freight to all points on the Erie Extension. New York Canal* and the Lake*, running in connection with the favor jte steamboats HEAVER and CALEB COPE, between Pittsburgh and Beaver; Troy and Miohijran Lake Boot Line, on the New York Canal, and C. M. Reed * Line of Steamboats and Vetaela on the Lakes. C. M. REED, Propnelor, Lne, Pa AGENTS—Bidwell* Brother, Beaver W C Malan, Sharon. J E tt O Hull, Sharpsburg. Wick, Acber It Co, “ Wm Henry, Hamtowu. _mcnio fiOSi ate»iB49. For the transportation ofMenshandize, BETWEEN PIULaBeLNHA AND PITrSBURGH /I OODS carried on this Line arc not transhipped \T between Prttsburgh arui Philsdelphio, being car ried in four section Portable Boat* over land and wa icn—io shippers of merchandize requiring careful handling, this is of importance. No charge made for receiving or shipping, or for advancing charge*. All eoodii forwarded with dispatch, end on oa reasonable f.rm. Q « bv any other Line, terms mb) r JOHN M’FADEN A Co, Canal Basin. Penn st. Pittsburgh JAB M DAVI9 A Co. mart .297 Market A M Commerce *t, Pbiia. JOHN MePADEN"ACo, Forwardmgand Commis *jon .Merchants, Canal Basin, Penn si, Pittsburgh. i a MRS M DAVIS A Co, Flour Factori and Commas aion Merchant*. 227 Market and 54 Commerce street, 1 Philadelphia. wa £i ! Advance* made by either of ilia above on Hoar. I \V 00l arid other raerchantJUe consigned to them for sale 1849. HerehanU’ Tranaportatlon Line. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANADA RAIL ROADS, 8 A W HARBAUG TO nULADSLPHIt AST) B*.LTtMOH£- ritriE Canal* and Rail Roads being now open, and I in Rood order, we arc prepared to forward all kuidc of merchandise and produce to Philadelphia and Balumore, with promptness and despatch, and on as eood terms as any other line. 6 C ▲ McANULTY A Co., Canal Busin, Penn st. Pittsburgh. AsKirrs—CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia. mr‘J7 ROSE MORRILL A Co, Balumore. BBSS 1849.' KBRCHAKTIM WAV P&filOHT LINK. For Biairavtlle, Johnstown, HoUidayshurgh, and all intermediate places mHIB Line will continue to carry alt Way Goods X with their usual despatch, and ai fair rate* of freight. Aoatrra —C. A. M’ANULTY A Co. Pittsburgh. D U Wakefield, John'stown John Miller. HolUdaysborgh. Rimucu—James Jordon, Smith A Sinclair, Dr F Shoenberger, R Moore, John Parker, 8 F Von Bonn horst A Co, Wm Lehmor A Co, Jno M'Dnvm A Broa, Pituburgh; John Ivory, Snmit, MallioUan A Ray. Jno Graff A Co, Blairsville. mch37 if, tj «, THE light draagbl steamer LOYAL , fu7T!ZJN HANNA, will bo sold on reasonable MPCTntBM* terms, as she now lies at the wharf. ■■■■Baflfiß For terms, Ao_ inquire of J AS. KERB, Jr A Co, 36 Water su, mehSLdlm or OB- UILTENBEEGER, rjiHß rapid strides which Hydropathy has mode X unce its uitroducuou into ihi* country—the bril liant ajld astonishing curative effects oi eewd water ui chronic and acute diseases, whem employed oiler the method of the celebrated Prit»m£e,haTe removed from the mind of an Intelligent and discerning pubhc every panicle of doubt as toujeffieacy,. ftrulgajned it uni versa! favor. CoaridfTtSg the unsatisfactory results of rem«Be*-heretofore osedla the treatment of chronic eomplarnts, {complaints, too. which.are inrreastne w ery year,) U must be a natural wish to m Uje sucre** of a method hy which so many uhfortonato mfferer* will be freed uom their pains and SStfinpiUea. The tub sc liber having practised successfully ihi* method for tight years at his Hydropathic establish ment,-which has been considerably enlarged and im proved in all Us parts, and in every respect, i* now ready to receive and accommodate patient* who may choose to place themselves under his care. »ytl and sitotUeJ upon the left bank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth'd*the Big Beaver, t* well known for its refreshing and salubrious auOo«phcre, it* dO - quietness and scenery, com bming every requisite to Tender the sojourn of the in valid agreeable, and contributing not n little to re-cs tablmhimpaired health and physical strength. The establishment, tho firet sinned in the United States, contAiu* every thing, both for pleasure and comfort, calculated to insure a speedy and nappy ter mination of the ailment* of tho Patient. LINE, Agent*. Beaver. J. C. BI DWELL, Agent. Water street, Pittsburgh Person* wishing to avail themselves ot the advanta ges here offered, will please address the subscriber by letter. (postpaid.) stating n* near as possible the nature of their complaint*, in order to decide and ad vise i*u their fitne** :tnd curability by the Hydropathic treatment, and also what will Ik necessary for them to take along, for their especial acd personal use. EDWARD ACKER. M. D. Proprietor. Phil.psharr, Beaver county, Pa ll rrsaxhcci.—Re v’d. Killtkeliy, Armstrong; .D. Clark. Esq do: Hon. Thomas Henry. Beaver. Pa.; Dr. Barker, do; Prof Ch. Elliot. Pittsborgh. Pa, L. C. Perkins, E»q Ohio: Rev S. H. Sneed. New Albany: Rev. M. Alien. Princeton, N J; T 1.. Station, Ksq., New York; Dr. Ch. Winter, Pbilipsburg. Win. II Me- Connel. Eaq Pittsburgh; A. Uidwrll. Esq . do mch2o Printing Eitabllihmenl Removed. KENNEDY"? Prinucg Establishment has been re moved from Allegheny city, to Third (op posite the Post Office,) Pittsburgh, in th»/‘Franklni Place,’ (Stiigrrly's new building.) where every descrip tion orplnin and fancy letter pres* pnntlrtg will be ex ecuted in style, and ai pnee* equal to that of any other establishment East or West ‘Hie materials in the of fice are entirely new. and *«leetrd trom the best Type Founderies in the United States. "Die facility and ra pidity with which work c«n be executed mitu* estab lishment, n insured from the fact that it will be done on the latest and most improved machine Presses; and at rates equally os low as can be done in any of the Eastern cm**. mclitK-dlw TEN LOTA, 24 feet by I*o, situated on the higher ground, and fronting on the wide North Commons in the Buena Vista Extension. Terms 3700. cash JAMES ROBINSON. WM. O'H ROBINSON. mch'-ftrhm Office, Exchange Building*. St Clair st TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS—B*rrn A Jonsad.v, 46 Market street, ean sell yon hosiery cheaper than they can replace them—having boagbt them at a large package sale previous to the advance in pnee. They can sell you Straw Bonnets and Variety Goods as cneap as you can buy them of Eastern Jobbers.—. Come and see. rach23 THOJtAS XETMEDT, JO. JOB* * SAWTKa KENNEDY * SAWYER, LOOKING GLASS Manufacturer*, and wholesale dculers m foreign and domestic Variety Good*. Western merchants. Pedlars and others are invited to col) and examine the price* and quality of our stock, as with our present increased facilities in manal'actar mg and parchasing, we think we can offer a* great inducement* to buyers os any other house west of the Mountains. ;ao-ly KENNEDY A 3AWYER. corner Wood and Fourth street, are now receiving direct from first hands, a large stock of Fancy and vinety Good*, including Clocks of every variety, cold and silver Watches, Jewelry, French Print*. Comb*, nooks and Eyes, Gloves and Hosiery, Suspender*, Gun Caps, and all other articles m their line—all of which having been purchased personally of the manufacturers east, du ring the last winter, expressly for the Spring trade, win be sold wholesale at a small advance on cool. Constantly on hand, all deseriptioa*'of Looking Glass es, of onr own manufacturing, at eastern prices. _mh£J ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, Tuos. Bijwilajs. Jacob Docx. Smith & DowTiin*, r u J U Plummer, West Greenville FOR BALK. MISCELLANEOUS WATER CURS ESTABLISHMENT, PHILII'SBI'KG. Pa. FOR BA.LE, NEW HOODS, 1849. SAM’L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, EXCIUMDI Blll.rl.HgS has run rktuuxbp raox NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA And i* now receiving a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMBRBS AND VESTINGS, OF THE BEttT (JUALITY-AND LATEST STYLES, Which he i« prepared to moke loonier IN THE BEST MANNER And in the latest Fashion* mnrlO Head Quarters for Boots and Shoes, Corner of Fourth and Southfield »iren» I'lmBtSCH. I’a. mjTU TROTH A SCOTT having rorainenerti eft)it JiVli ih" general Boot and Shoe r>u«u>e*». r and retail, would rcsp«-c-itu|]*KgjjJ : ' inrue the attention of their fnend« and the pnt'«fTpS&*j erally, to their splendid uew stock, consisting of tnmU)' womens', hoys’, misses’ sod childrens wrar of every variety, suitable for the season, and al pnr**« to nit the times. A splendid article of home mode work, such as gentlemen’s fine Boots, ladies. misses and childrens fine work. I’lease ralL_ond egamine for yourselves. TROTH A SOOT, corner 4th ami Snmbficld «w N. B.—Troweling Trunk*, Carpet Bag*. Ac Ac , al ways ou band ana low far cash rUnm»y g-pnlil finfl ii to jbt-u tutrrcsl 10 giro ai a coll when viaiting the city. m h!4 so instrument to the purpose of ;i«cenahiuiß the specific gravity or value of gold, is now prepared io supply all whose business may require iu use. It is small, convenient. arul can be used without difficulty; a glance being sufficient to show the process. Persons contemplating going to California, would do wel) to call and examine ihc instrument, us it is in ev ery wuy calculated to protect them from fraud I>t ena bling ilicm at any unr to ascertain the vu:ue of tSbir racial Pnnled dirccuons and table* will be supplied gratu itously to purchasers. SAMUEL F.AKINB, Union street, mafl-Dn rear of John 11. McFaden's Jewelry store WHOLESALE SHOE WAHEHOLHE. H. CHILDS A CO., NO. 131 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH. WOULD respectfully invite the attention of mer chants visitiug this city to their very eiten*iv« stock of SPRING AxiD SUMMER GOODS., consisting m '1,300 CASKS OF BOOTS AND BHOKS, comprising every.varic.iy oi Men'#, Worn mV, Misses’ and Children* wear, of many new style*, and of supe rior quality, adapted io country and city unde A targe assortment of LADIES’, MISSES”, AND CHILDREN’S BONNETS, among which are FLORENCE BRAID. STRAW, TUSCAN LACK, RUTLAND, BIRDS K Y E FLORENCE, CHINA PEARL A LAWN, in great variety Alao, ARTIFICIAL FLOW ERS, MENS’, BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S PALM LEAF HATS—MEN’S LEGHORN, PANAMA AND CANTON IIATS. All ofwhich have been purchased direct from the manufacturers and importer*, uud selected wuh die utmost care, and which will be sold on *uch terms as to make it the interest of We*teru Merchant* to buy 'of us. li. CHILD'. A CO., i mehl6:dAw2m3 LU Wood street. \\: HOLESALE DRY GOODS—W> are now recei- VV ving a large stock of Spring ami Summer D.y Good*, sheeted with great care from Uic importers ami manufacturer*, iiul consisting of a tine -assortment of ali grades usual')’ kept by Dry Good* house*. wliicn we are prepared to wsil at suen prices as cannot fail to give siuiaiacuon to purchasers. City and country merchants are invited to give u* a call, and examine our stock and pnccsOtocioro pur chasing elsewhere SHACKI.EiT K. WHITE, UO’Wood si. two doors above Diamond oi.ey aichlfi H~O W'A a D'il OTEL, NEW YORK. FI9H, MIDDLETON A WHITE. bee leave u» an nounce to their friends and the put>ii<-. ihat they have assumed the management of the l&7<c>: ami com modious Hotel, corner of Broadway mid Maiden Lane, known n* the Howard Hotel. Having much impro ved the internal improved the internal arrangement efthe house, no pain* «tmll be spared on the part of the proprietors to give enure satisfaction to those who may favor u» with their mard-dfiw TjUTvITSh I’APF.R—Having the etrlmive agency |7 for the sale of’.lie Mill Grove Prinlirg Paper, IS. B. A C P. Markle, Proprietor*,) we will bp constantly supplied with all the different size* of superior quality, which we offer at the lowest regular prices. REYNOLDS ASHER, feb24 corner Penn and Irwin sts_ NOTICE, ri’HE undersigned having removed to Washington 1. city, will attend to (he prosecution of claims on the Government, and to, any law business before the Courts of the Distncu with which he maybe entrusted. ‘ deca-d3mis ANDREW WYLIE, Stu TJ.'~WDST, ~ Dentist. Comer ofKourth £ Decatur, between Market and Perry sueeta. sepii-dtyin INDIA RUBBER" receiving, 2 1 gross bottles of Robber Paste, a superior article, highly Important to persona that wish to keep their feet dry. It prevents the leather from crocking. and will lake a polish over it. For sale allhe lcd«a K^rDep oli No f 5 Wood street marS JA H PHILLIPS /'I ARBUTHNOT has commenced !"«««»«* Vj. large assortment of Fancy V ARIETY GOODS, consisting in-part of Artificials, Ribbon*, Laces, Ho «,IT. (i10v,,. Crape,, Cunl.ncv Netung,, Uc« Verb, Shawl., Police lUrrikerchrer.. genu cruv, euuhrm and cotton HuitUcrcluca, corderl Skirt., Sorting Silk. Thread., Billion.. Comb., Jewelry, Col lory, Ac. Ac. Country and city merchant. pecl/ully invited u> call and ejantrao hi. .met, No 84 Wood .treeu cornel of Lhoiaood alley. mch2Q i r,HJ SIV'fCKI-Ni. WEAVERS ANE I'KDI.AflSy | JlosiKtn—'■ K * W do,f,n bleached, unbleachoo, blk, | miaed and colored women * and men's cotton Hose. I Also, unbleached and mixed cotton half. Hose, Just I received direct from the Importers, and for sale at ua ! pri ';*’. b7 SHACKI.KTT A WHITE _ Imo COUNTRY MERCHANTS—W. R. Mumsjt has i I now open at his Wholesale Dry Goods Rooms, ( ! north east comer of 4tb and Market streets. Pittsburgh, 4 g full supply of fresh Spring Goods, mpladuig newest i £yle* of Pnois. Ginghams, Lawns, Ac.. and Invites an . elimination of his stock. Phurance to Wholesale Rooms front 4th street, i mctiSU T* Clerk WanUil. WANTED— A Young Man In a wholesale and re ta.l Dry Goods Store. Apply al Vi Market st. raehiShdtf _ __ WANTED, EY a Marned Man, a situation as Book Keeper, Clerk or Salesman, in a store or manufactory. Most respectable rcrereuces can be given. Address “A. U. C., 1 Gazelle office. mcht’tVdni* Patent Soda Ash< o*7-CASKB (Ula«s makers) Jas MuspruU A Sons’ £j f brand, rail rec’d per steamer Brooklyn, and for •ale by W A M MITCUELTREE, jelH No IfiO Liberty st MONUMENTS. IUAYK6 Marble Monanrenu, al my old stand on Wood street. Should any person want a Monu ment, I will sell at very reduced prices, between this and Ut Apnt, to save me labor of removing thorn to m> new stand at the head of Wood, on Liberty street, ai the comer of Irwin’s alley. martirtf EDMUND WILKINS. ' 080. WTSttSTB **COm INFORM their frihnd* and tha public lhatthey hav* no longer any connection with their late establish ment In Penn streei, known os the Pittsburgh Breweiw, having removed their entire business to the POINT UHEWERY, in Pitt jBxbQL ~ w myl&d rS HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, fa, TO COTTOH AMS gGOAE FLAITIBi PLANTATION IN nbtefiber ..offers for sale the extensive plantation In Ajkon iu, formerly belonging to and oc cap ted by the loio Governor Sent, of Maryland, and containing twvary cicbi hundred and eighty-three qqdahalfacrescfland. Thi* estate lies intbe counties ot Plumps and Crit leaden, tad is situated is Walnut Bend, os the Minis sippi rfver, twentT-fivr miles above'the town of Uelo no. it it said to &e the highest river load In that re gion of country. Its soil F* peculiarly adapted to the growth of cotton. Its improvements are on overseer's bouse, a horse-mill, several corn bouses, ana good quarters for servants. . Upwards or seven hundred acres of this Una have been cleared and are now cultivated. The rest of it m«v be easily cleared, (the most being already donaJ ana has less timber upon it, aod that chiefly of ash, which is readily sold at a well located wood yard, ra quantities of several thousand cords every year. This plantation is oue of great value, and presents a rare opportunity to the public. In the bonds of a good planter it may ne-easiiy mode of immense aoiAal pro m Its facilities of interooorse with New Orleans af ford a constant avenue for the disposal of its products. It u distant about fcco mtw from cineinnaQjflßO miles from the mouth of the Ohio, 740 miles oom New Orleans, This property will be divided into several porta, If desired. For lernu, *«., apply (port paid) to WILLIAM B. PBRINE, BalUiaor©, Maryland. Sin...** 5 Acres Coal Land for Sal*) < ® n the Monongahel* river, about Itmllea from Pituburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, in “V?, me { 11 atighborhood of Messrs. Lyon A Short), Herron’s purchase. This fine body of Coal will be sotd at the low price of 833 per aoro—one third in hanu, balance in fire equal annual payments, withooi interest. Title Indisputable. Location my good—cannot be satpaased. For farther particulars enquire of S. BALBL&Y, who has a draft oTnUnO" P««r- Boaideneeadtt, below Ferry, Mr. Adana* How. N. B- There ts another seam of coal on this treat, about CO feel above the lower, of excellent ouality. jyJßtdtf _ • a a COCSTBY Iftißii)l»oOS&BSSV'. MlO ACRKS OF GBOBND, situated near the Pittsburgh and Greensburgh Thrupiko, 34 "»»«■»» from the city, and adjoining the AUegheqy Cem etery, on which is erected a large and trait two story brick Dwelling House, together with stable#, carnage house, Ac. There is also on the premises a large variety of fruit trees, and a spring of unusual ex cellence contiguous to the dwelling. jsJ3 WM. YOUNG, 143 Liberty «t Valuable Bml EiUti (to Bale, riirjK Trustees of the Western Theological Sußlsuy JL having decided to sell. oa perpetnw lease, a por tion of their propertj ia Allegheny city, eflfer on very favorable terms, from 30 to SO Lots of different sizes. A warrantee title will be given. Aplanofthcl'ntscan be seen at No. 122 Wood street. For particulars, enquire of either of the undersigned Committee. JOHN T. LOGAN, ALEX. LAUGHUN, MALCOLM LEECH, & CHILDS, BAML. BAILEY. TO LET, MA highly eligible Basinets, Blare Room, tod three story Dwelling, near the Cent! Bridge, Federal street, Enquire of MORGAN JENKINS, near the premises For Solo* A SECOND HAND STEAM ENGINE, in good run ning order, 7| inch cylinder, 30 Inch stroke; bof ler 14 feet long, 30 inches in diameter; fly wheel tX cwt. Alto, one lino of thefts, ”23 feel long, 8$ twwh— in diameter, with drums: one upright tew. Enquire of mart rtf MATTHEW BSDTH, No. 40 High SLj | FOB BAXE. A FARM iltsete on the N. W. bsnk of the Ohio rir ei, nine miles helow Pittsburgh, ro T ' OS seres, late the property of John &L Hood, dtrffliwd, and known as “Safe Landing. 0 Reference to David Hood, on the premises: Wn. M. Davis, Allegheny, and the tmdersigned In tho city of Philadelphia, febl-gmeod CHARLES GILPIN. FABH FOE SAXE. IN Indiana Township. Allegheny county, 9 miles from Deer Crdek Lock, containing One Hundred ann Fifteen Acres end lilt perches, with the allow ance of 6 per cent for roads. There are Iron* 90 to 40 sere* of cleared land, a young Orchard, a Saw Min in running order, with dam and race complete, and an abundance of good timber on the premises. Also, a substantial Frame Dwelling House, 31 by S feet, with a Log Kitchen, and a well within 10 yards of the kitchen door Terms accommodating.. Persons wiehingto purchase, will please flake ap plication to DAVID HJNEHaht on the premises, or to W.AD. RINEHART/ No 29 Irwin street Valuable Baal Batata fbr Bala THE following property in the city of Pinsbvxh, and near the borough of Manchester, on (he Ohk> nver, is offered for sale on aecoxmaodmting teens: 3 Lots (being tub-division of Lot No .489 in the plan of the city of Pittsburgh,) having 90 feet front on So* venth street, by MO reet to Strawberry alley, near Grant street. 10 one acre Lou fronting on an Arenae, 60 (eel wide, running from Bearer road to the Ohio nrer, ad* joining Phillip*’* Oil Cloth Factory. For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JAMES O’HA&A. " «'• Bi ” " TO LET. MA GENTEEL three story dwelling House, on Second street, near Sawhlield street. Also, wonted, a situation for a good honest end com petent Clerk, nod onw for s smart lad about 17 yean of uffe, >n o warehouse or to learn a good trade. Aildrcx Box 3gi. Post Office, PiuiDflrgfa. nug7:3t ’ Lot oa Liberty Street tor Lease. UNK LOT, 42 feet trout on liberty street, by 110 feet to Bravery alley, nearly opposite West street, /gjidconveniemio the ilonangahela riser, will be lea* (4 fer a term of years. Enquire of CHARLES B SGULLYi or JAMES O’HARA, Burke’s Bail ding, 4th st. Valuable Property for Sale* IN TIIENINTH WARBOP PITTSBURGH.—Ser eraI Lot* on Baldwin sod Liberty streets, in the Oth Ward, 24 feet by 100. and adjacent the proposed depot of the Central Railroad. For terms inquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JAMES O’HARA, Barite’s Building, 4ih si TO JUST. juj FROM Ist of April next, anTtMOuaWo uhm, Hs*if to Rood tenant*, su comfortable two story Brick ™“ Sw *7 , ’' l "nT J ’and baekbnUd* situated on Robmton ana Crtlgstreet*, ABegh*- ny city. Enquire of SWEITCKB * ftraP, rasnixit/ Office Third st, opposite St Hotel STORE TP LET. MTO LET, for one or-morc years, the three sto ry Brick Building on Wood street, and adjoin ing the shop and store of Robert H. Hartley. The two upper stories have been fined up as a dwel ling house, and may be still so occupied if a i*psm*. mchghtf NEVILLE g- ORAfQ. FOR SALK, ON frvorable terms—A Lot of Ground on the south side of Penn street, near the Monongahela river, fronting sd feci on Penn street, and extending 110 feet in depth to an alley 20 ft wide; a most desirable loca tion either for private residences or for manufacturing purposes. Enquire of J SC&OONMAKEB A Co, fcbld No M Wood it Property in Allegheny Cltyfar Sal*. IMIE subscribers oiler for safe a number of eholea . Lou, situate m the Second fronting oa the Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire of \V. O'H. ROBINSON, A tty at Law, 8t Clair ft or of JA3 ROBINSON, on thepremiMi* myl":dAwtfT COUNTRY M COUNTRY SEAT TO LET—A two ticrf Brick Lw«lli»g, with S| acres highly improved Land, rituated in Oakland, to let from Ist April HARDY, JONES A Co, 44 Water street next. f MFOR RENT—For one to three fwm th'» first of April next, a large two storied brick Dwelling House, pleasantly situated on the bank o( the Obio river, adjoining the borough of Mannas] ter, with shoot four acres of land, out buildings, Emit trees, Ac. Ac. Apply to jas _ • JAMES A HUTCHI&JN ACo To Lot* EA LARGE and well finished Kaiwn aeeoad <llOl7, on the comer of Wood and Third nreets, above iho Exchange office of Wn y William*. Possession gi ven immediately. Inquire of )a3 BrciLLd A ROE, IM LibcrtT st For Rarity < In Allegheny city, a pleasant Dwelling Boss* niUn and large Garden, on the second bonkTadjoining ™ Geo. Uogg. For terms, inquire of Mr. Benj. Glyde on the premises, or mt his store, No 129 Wood street; or apply to ALEX. BBACEENRIDGE. fehtbMllm MTO LET—A large brick Dwelling Boose, satiable for two families, situated on Federal street, Allegheny, above Mr. Graves* atom. Apply to H. LEE. fe bffl Liberty at, opposite feh TWO HOUSES AHl> LOTS FOB BAXIB AA TWO hOTS on Beaver street, io the dry of Ifca Allegheny, above the opperCommoea,cn wnieh is erected a frame btuldlng, two stories high. winhi» for two small tenements. The lot* treeacn twenty feet in front by one hundred feet deep, And ran back to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on the pmj raises will pay a very handsome Interest on the invettj raent, and the property will be sold cheap for a »«h Apply to H. Sproal, Clerk’s office: U. B. or to novgB_ KAY 4 Oa THE subscriber offers for rant for the term of Ini one or mom yean, a large convenient well fin* ished two story Dwelling House, containing 9 room* and Kitchen. There Is a lot of around containing 1| acres of fine young fruit trees or every kind, stnblgy Ac., connected with the house. To any potion wish* ing a delightful residence within a few ninmn ride of the city, inis will be a rare chance.. For terms, which will be low to a good tenant, inquire of Bur. Jno. Wright, near ihs premises, of John Won, comer of Hand .ind Liberty streets, or of ocdS-tf THEO. F. WEIGHT. TEN ACRES OF LAND, situated in Peebles town* ship, on the MoDongahela, three miles from Pios liurgh—in lota to soit purchaser*. Pdf farther partic ular* apply to Henry Woods, 3d at, or to. A WASHINGTON; 4th, above gmithtLiif n m WAREHOUSE FOB SAEJU-Tta mbniiSa offers for tele the three story briek Wtmimm on Wood street, oocnpied by JL Tanner A Co. apl7 WaL WILSON, Jr. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON FOR SALE-—A Lot of Ground statue oa Penn ■rreet, between liny and Marbnry streets, the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards, haring a front of S 5 feet, and hr depth ISO feet, will bo roM on favorable terms. Titletmeiceptionablo. En • quire of C. Q. LOOMISydih at, near Wood. • oetSl-dif For Bole. A DESIRABLE Building Lot in Allegheny city, fa vorably located, in size about half an sere, and will be sold on'accommodation terms. Inquire or ft** J D WILUAMS, 110 wood st /sft» FOR RENT—A room In the second story, j?o. Bra 26 Wood street- j«w NEW PUBLICATIONS—Essay on ths the iJmoa olOhurqfeaad State: by Baptist W. Noel, M.A. i vqL 12aOr—SL55. An entire edition of this work weSjfoldin one day, on its publication in I/™*™* Lfeave* from Maryam Smith’s Joarnai, in the Pro vince of Massachusetts Bay—l67B-9.1 voi. I2me. 73c, Hoyt’s roem*.—Skeiches of Life and bjr Rev. Ralph Hoyt—new ed. enlarged—with ilmstta* uona- I2mo. 81,00. A Catechism of the Steam Engine, iilnstradre of the scientific principles upon which its operation depends, and the practical details of its structure, lo it* •gP» c ** uoa to miaes, mills, ei»«m navigation, sod rauways; with various suggestions of improvement: by J Bourne C. K- i voL lffmo. 76c. Cheever’s Lectures on the PiUrua’* Progress new ed. l2mo, Price reduced to §l,OO. The Cartons, a Family Piatnra. P*£ L . *„• _ . Franklin's Life, illustrated. Fans IV and V. Each J*““' ;br Pn>t ’fiSoraws!«S £* FlfiE ASD MABH<K «B<SUlti»eEr- Protection intniuifl Co* w. flflfUftrtt Conn. CHARTERED iji 184. Capital surplus vnis'D —The nndettijned, haring been nppointed ihe PTtMecUcHj Insurance Co., ■will lake risks iu4« sad on •Upmeoss on pwP* rt / iow riven wuUsket. hy «n»U TAYETTE BROWN. Office, Vo, 127 Wood crest ti rKSS AND PRJME POREMSbbU Mew tfl do M prune, lending from <tat BwHn for tele by ‘metis ft BMX7E,ISud SO wM4fj , , I 1. r '