! " . 1 !1 ! 1 ” 11 Til yiTTSBIlKtrli; Urkeit, kt.ttt . ; frlrinpngfe j/.. . : '{ : ;j • -t ■ ] *1 j .. ‘ ! 4s Duly G*zirsT*'- It pojiiiiliid •si Dtily it %9it3( ' *| l)oU*fcsTß*VVefklyip Fi\e#pUW»pet : Smiiuh; fhiSYesttjt it DoUtri pit dnnai,, ixridJ'p i | RKKaioAs. i i *nii «ti&chpil<«is to iSeNoitbAtner* ;< | ksjj Soft tMledigiilet j > i(titiMp'hi4, rWeired : ; i ■? ■'.••'l ‘: s i.‘; il»p- :'■■ ■ it i | | pnffofot Teleettipiac Heirs. Fdr.io^al' patters cee noxt page. i ! * 'm i I t I news of thb.late terrible i*| ! \ \ s-$e B&ishlip IndtajjwiU natdtallf :«* /• ? tdtis ftofsis reipocUh# jbeS singular people 1, i £>y,Wht)|i jfl Wga'-feSepted. - » . j ; ; j ifflpon»,M u j bidfi 1 ® \ -;/W;ittiid(Cofitt At ibhtlißiß { ; illiiiiloo4i.|jce©d{Jiii| ! -?X \Ma thioiiibai At an parijf ]i!‘ J dhffef;religious WaCheif 'j •’ iolthesjpibrmidablpqualities, byen* ;«1 SOi oh tiroes,; cany f I latgeJ, «t sfea§edsn the bead shav* 1 rilj2j*4 = i aid, temper thaa im. i.M jiri iiaelt T^e'ii^: ; [ invaded j i successor of the great Etnpcrrii I.[ bad grefl# defen dicghlni' . fl j toackiL? AfWr VB?ioasfbrtUtte*-f'at IL'|1 L '| 1 afldrwu^ j - 'ill flash, onejif bteitjcWp^^J ]! ij ai| tfojgtt|r and &» dbribg hit tdpg fc^n l^ ! all fcollCs JuSdftbiiiriSsb, j|e gradually .consolidated^ . . j ,|«|^^p|itfe^iate, jiifitt efficient reg 'i i ttfaf largefy odcared bf } jtSurepeaits, cblefl^. > ffeiqSii’J&d disciplined anid;li|j[h|y inimjetdd ih j $ i&is dpailti?b& anjiy became i 11 'and, ft&ch aga|dfl the Wiah ol Ibt ; the Beitish, i i adfrYcwgiffittnibi battle* df : Al | \ itnd &ibraoii,id|iD(sQg by ihetr-sd < lbp;BritWtsbittdrie»»aßd yrirt ! Jotfls* drfyftp i i bayonet Ailbit • ; ' )rilig3can| (bonded Jif Kbojeet | ffrdrii peraefcbted se^t,nutbbe*i" ! ■ tfwnt'kfealfa tnCffloa of touli,iaedd ' l , ; tp sghtiag bjin r and had id lb* | r^e iß)]tried tfi 50qcinboo, .of unuspaDf | t [ naliWe, tdad *t l %cißßt naaber toiar ,■ njeli. i|e Britain b'o^oyer^helfi^ ■ ' rmbst Ably: cojnktandwl, were wd. i | ; j.peape B] which Li* 1 - 1 I ''.ijW&ljerflf^ieg^erntaynt,a6da^eryseriouablow j : j j ' ti h>Y pdldtioal ehahged the riiklia bh»f9 1 pn.6 either a&mg or 1 ; whd botfiiripird dhero av ih's | *flh' i rdiitaal bate and j with them.; ,£qt it may serve \ t?(a? tbe hatiye of ladii), Wbeb ■ andf jconiinadUed is B i • jn*teh t '‘im?fiia wp grdilnd, for tbti hitherta, ibriaej ! Vi jkotej&ilL 1 ' !,- 1 ;'- h | : 1 jbe {iwhple' :B&rdsj a std instredtive : ;le4» nahoD tscdi, i ' |>able thejifjiirit sltould anidwte | * ; fJI ; *i * | a l d to wasWeekly distributed; t|in7agh‘ kh thp -ramifitatiaqh. Wi t-ociety. The: j 1 landlord! the hfdrdbant, the trader,; 1 , • {pstt ; OjjW-Gf spWces of dlieliliood aud Pf ; ’ V*B bpen cut off objector may ssy, 1 lhff ihb cadn:. Tbit is true, as tp the j > UibPa but whbt prevented the; / - [ Vents iberimvekaitral of capital ih such an enter* ', MtdUhe .dle, bill the ezpjtdmeni and oppo 1 tttidn by the' has rendered; ;'i.sbvttsbientln i|ich ehferpriseq .dtengreeabie ibd i dai4er^jk; r i ? J ] 4 ; li| ; . ) ! -.1 - 1, ' |By aud iait&ii of tkt Stnpu : • Wi3i4np| Jetfsy, to be GroVer* : i 1 : ? • ‘ l ' ! ! ]\ ■-\ utf thd lliifttd-fetjites for ihe' Eusteru Oiatrittol l\i • U • } j ‘ ijj (Sdbffiii vM. P«?weyi bf Flint; Michigan, (0 be Hf';kbcbiy«oi.a > Michigan, j !ih the'pticeupf Cbhrlea|G, Rascallfi whose lerro of ; nab{ Pipiretl. ir, ' vj sSiroijribairifS w itivY. 1 geos in ih^iNa^yj l Kbbinsoo, d«- ’ chagpd.' :j /» .-••■ ; ; ; *:• ;. •JPUgt Jesse Gay to be Chief |idahe'hfavy vGoin fia} Slst of October, dccasidaed by the resigns* ; tion bf JahisFarPb; jr. ; ■ ’Tk=^-A, ‘Bfevere 5 torn it db,.- or whirlwind I ' ed village* anti Kardstowij,Bpd : ' t aeiriy i dpWi» dwellings, ajuJ ppreading gen 1 fetaJ ki course. .Tbp.ddmagb to pro: pcrty is iiftPio. Have been terribie.and sornfc livbs ' wire lost' till pnrficulnrsiiiVe not yet been i hecefUiaid/? ; ( ► !;; l V; ij I LL • , - :i i i CiTT UwiU bp>Jen,by rtferente ] | ijiw6tMr6-&t6Kfobi& ;kt leojth jlieen tpjjointed, | 'iffi of Pcat Maitcr j fieeii'Wjicrffcd upoft totallydcaftoyeibjylfiro | jii n(jki.,:’i{Ko loß*i»e»fctitai«4'forty ittwurf’i !tliat- the prdceed fogs /ft the Sihhto brought out the tact that there had bedn : left the White Hoove, an HOgryjand pomewaa* excited correspondence bbtwihrn but* psvertrtn*nt and the Mexican Minis ter, Sf. de iaiKosasf tibcn Polk T » to the House of jieblfesenf.htfvds, Intimating to mat body that the grotpsjl w** tbereiy a diplomatic jtrifck, io* tended tercajote and!dec£ive the Alexicao govern- Ment jntd toti&ektiod of a treaty, which they would otherwise and by which our government tria nos t 4 be bound. 1 shall 1 refer to thisdisJTeitU length nexL” , lurespect loathe ecurespoodence therein refer. ; fed th as having tahbn {dace between the Mexican minister an this government relative to the proto col, jjj nfey |sy ihxft thd facts have been in my tef tomMafth£4j3Bl9. : Thai ofstW. Qetfs liy the bat and tberfirtt *£e,; oil ogtniftgj bajSpiyef, ifcat is b<£t jffliand ftd, Wsea plice'Mtio croaj&karei I at ibk 6f Rattia, ngewiral j£cf6pbaj£s?ar--ell tto Jbjjp&flff' tSfciEflgiandond F^i&c*arc moTethineverpiaea | r«l, add <^ol ; aid ! no alotm^ | biu be created tb&CWjU reach ui» guided a* it oqr [ {Joreromem evei-y «&Bt pour Iteltfcffl Hone atsl o Uia edactry, wijhoat any bepefiu Tbbkeeo- the pflblijo dteavlWlflaoon hive atUttleltii do Kiag Al&nsite’a whote duty wrxs ilesmeoliil bnt< to«&U a jbWrifbipft4j |n it!” Mr. Seeikary to : thfi 80tb lS49,wiH oonw -oat in on error, and ikbbrt, 1 Tull three if h6t aod with the great est'econbtay, OecfiruTTaylor’i Adminiitnuion win aotAi befpoo?, aad Treasury empty. The only York—ah amouot that will QeitberaJtrtQ the ianbt government Itfncli Wable torctraeocU , deal of curiosity has/been excited Or, wwn uehewi from CaU&rnta,•expected by Uas Chagres. Her cajsmn has be« ®wed to proceed to Panama, and wait ten days, and . then hurry home. Some houses are certain Pt receipts of coin, as tbeir letters, via New Ore teaoa, say uis waiting at Panama. The emigrat ing fever is not quite over, and one hundred and" thirty eight passengers left on Thursday. One man, who ooly went to see his friend off, got so excited tnai no paid his passage and started without even saying good bye to aoy one ashore.' Mr. Chase, theowneroftho ship Franklin, which was ran ashore In Boston harbor, has b -en bound over lor trial for barratry,and has engaged the most efflioeo* counsel, among whom is Rufus Choate.— I he case u a rare one, and the penalty ratner se vere. r 3 The case of the Methodist Episcopal Church South v». the Methodist Episcopal Church i-* to i 16 • to lie courts of New York, and is looked to with much interest by the profession here, who say that the arguments and the decision are to stand long on the record, to guide those who may have such perplexing business to settle. As tne subject interests an important portion of tbe P*°P“ °*_*jTc United States, it will be most elabor ky the press in this city. rV* n? • bcrethqi Thomas McElrath, Esq., R u%™ n^,Qne ’ a * purchased the country seal of H- o. Cassatt, Esq., at Lancaster. Pennsylvania. — the taste and wealth of Mr. Cassatt have made it one of the most desirable residences of that garden of Pennsylvania—the hoiiseeosting above $19,000, with a corresponding liberality in its appurtenances of land. Mr. McElrath will spend tbe winters in New iork, nod tbp press retain one of its roost able members. C. FOREIGN NEWS FURTHER PARTICULARS BY THE STKTMSHIP CANADA. IMPORTANT EVENTS IN INDIA. The following ip taken from the London CUrom :le of the sth inst:— TQ£ SAKOmiUXT BATTLE OF CBILtANWALA, BOMBAT, rcBEVAET 3, lb!9. The intelligence by the present mail is of greater in'erest and importance than any which nas for years post been despatched from the shores of India. A most sanguinary conflict has taken ftlaee on the bank of the Jhelnm, nearly on tbe spot which formed the battle field of Alexander and Porns, and tbongh the British have come off vie. lorious, their triumph has been purchased byc recover ed. The Sikhs were beaten from their position* before dusk, with frightful carnage, and with the lota of twelve, guns, besides others which were spiked; hot tbeysoon rallied, and took up another position on the left bank of the nver, firing a salute in the evening, ds though claiming the victory. Our disastrous triumph was achieved on the I3ih of January. Lord Gough had origioally lutended to await the foil of Moultan before encountering Shere Singh; but the delay in the capture of that fortress having proved" greater than was anticipa ted, and there being rumors current that ChuUer Singh was on his way to joiu lus son with* large reinforcements, while long delay was ewdemly producing an injurious effect oa the ualive mind, bis lordshi psuddeoly altered his determination, and oa the 11th inst, Inspected the troops, amouuiing to about 22,000 men, with 125 or 130 guns, and gave the order for a move in advance of their de campment, which,- was aituatad-miawsy between tbe Jheium and tfaeChenab. Whether the decision to attack the ehemy was at all influenced by in strucuons frbtd the Governor General, we are un aware; but us Sir. H. Lawrence (who had com municated to Lord Dajhousie the uding» i f the capture of the town of Moulton,) arrived at the , commander-in-chief* camp from Lahore, just pre vious to the march of the army, it is quite possible such may have been tbe case. Tbe troop* march ed ou the morning of the 12th from Dinghee, in ihe direction of thoJhelum, and having halted here for the night, reamed their march next day,when they soon came in sight of lb« enemy They were now directed to form and sJvabre in order of battle Aboutll tf dock, am., ihe leading column come upon one of tbe enemy’s outposts, "a low bare'hill,’' and the heavy gnns were ordered for ward, ana soon cleared this place, the enemy re treating with their artillery. The Sikh army occu pied a long line, extending from their original positiou.called Moong.toa place bearing the name of Rutsuol or Aussoolnugger j the latter being a strong pjm, where ibe enemy’s magazines were established, and near which was a nairow gorge, well adapted for retreat IU case of di»n*ler Lord Gougb bad at first intended to thrqw all inn »lren£tb Ujion it, and thusturn ibe enemy's dank, according to tbe pfan usually adopted under suck iircum* stance*, in an evil h. ,30 N howr% efv he abandoned this course. Tho Sikh position was m«*u to be strong; the Jheium yan m their rear wnh n well constructed bridge wurefSTonO t«»mr oeatre was protected byflcliLwurks which had the one and Two t.YCXoru Oongb decided post poning ihg altacJc-unul next day; and as ibe troops were exhausted 111 but little time renfained to fight a bailie, onqucstiouably the deterimuatlon was a wise one A few shots, however, from the enemy's batteries, which Were within range, hap pened sow, to fall close lotheCommaoder-ui-Cbicf; and with a rashness which cannot be sufficiently deplored, bis lordship at once determined to engage the Sikhs without delay. He would hear no rro •soo —listen to no advice, and even, it is Mini, threatened to put acy one in nm-tt who should dare to offur bun counsel’ Abandoning the idea of attacking Russooi, iia resolved to endeavor to penetrate the centre of the enemy's position, and, accordingly, without making oyy preliminary re* connoisance, commenced a cannonade, which was answered by the enemy.and is said to have lasted between one and two hoars. Brigadier General Campbell, who commanded the division of infantry on oar right, was now directed to make a flank movement, and in obeying the order, exposed the flank of his own troops 10 a terrible oro*s lire from the Sikh batteries on his left, which had not been previously observed. The 3d and 4th brigades reached the Sikh gone*—the latter of the two lead* iag the way ■■and so tremhndoiA a lire then open ed upofl them that they were compelled to gtye way, her Majesty’s 2tih regimeot, in particular, sustaining severer loss than has ever befallen a British corps since the Caboul massacre. T;n» supported by artillery, retreat .was inevitable; and the native regiments, as well as ibe 21th, left numbers of dead and wounded upon the tit-id. On this occasion fell the brigadier commanding, Col. Pannycuick, Lieut. CoL Brookes, Major Hams, and numerous other officers. While this occurred ,on the right, Brigadier Hoggans brigade, on the left, carried every thing before it, gallantly storming the enemy’s batteries, anil spiking their guus. The brigade underColonei Mountain were sent against, the enemy's centre, bat after having seized and spiked a battery of Sikh gunr, they found the enemy's infantry close upon them, nad were con pelled to retire. la the meantime, jßigadiej Itodby, with Major General Sir W. Gilbert, as a leader, who was ou the extreme right of the infantry lines, moved for ward, and, lifter marching through h -dense jungle for some minutes, came upon the enemy’* infantry; the brigade opened their urn, bm the enemy were In such numbers that they easily ouftanked them, 2 companies of the 2d Earopean regiment were wheeled up, showed front and the whole charged, but had not gone ter when they found they were surrounded; ihey.fimraediately faced right übout. kept up some file firing and charged, rear rank in front: at this jnnetare, Hawe s battery came to the rescau, and having beaten off the enemy, their guns were Ufeep. While the infantry were thus highly distinguishing tbemeelves, and earning im perishable JaureJs. the cavalry on the extreme left, adder brigadier While, had made a daib'ng charge and contributed much to the defeat of the enemy, while the cavalry on tbe extreme right, consist ing of brigadier Pone’s force, with the Hlh light attached, having beau lakon is advance of their horse artillery (Lane's Chris tie’s, and Hoishe’s troop*) were directed to charge abody of Ibe enemy's cavalry, variously estimated at from 1000 to 500: instead of obeying the orders givefttheip, they faced about, and, in spite of thd enc?g©*e 'Arsthjfy era of tbetrcrwn «*id other officers ;fefrtfi£ : iftld (with*'Urn exception cf Vbedy of the 6th lancers, who were Allied) hod" made d Dinghee was spoken of; bat as this would have been 100 nnmistakeable an* acknowledgment of unsuccess, be re-solved at length to entrench himself where be was calling up Wheelers brigade, of abont 5,000 men. engaged io quelling disturbances id the Baree Doab, and summoning the 13th and 22d from Ramnugger. and her Majesty’s 53d from Lahore; sending back in exebangv*. the regiments that were disabled Lord Gough, having ordered that no letters should be rent from camp until the despatches were in readiness, wrote a brief notification to the Gover nor General, staling that the troops under Shere Singh had beeo entirely defeated and driven back at «veiy point, with the loss of many of their guns, and bad relinqmsbd all the positions in which they had been entrenched. The “ruse" was of no avail For three days silence was successfoliy maintained, when such a host of letters from officers appeared in all the newspapers, bearing so obviously the stamp of the highest authority, that tbe despatches when they do not arrive, will take a very aeoond ary place m the rank of documents. The baggage cattle had been under their burdens for more than thirty hours before sufficient leisure was found to attend to them. On the 17th two European lan cers who had been taken prisoners were returned to us; and the Sikh general of artillery, with his two sons and a couple of other men of note we said to have surrendered oo tbe 19th. LordGtf ford and Sir H. Lawrence quitted the camp Of Lord Oongh for that at the Governor General, an the 18th. A field work had been thrown up ob eJJL “^ or Tucker was to succed Mofor Etna. The Sikhs are said to have lost 3,000 men killed, and 4,000 wounded—our casualties befog rather less than a third of this. The enemy were busily engaged entrenching themselves: they are reported to be strong.; "The latest news from the camp of the armpfof the Pqnjaub is thus given by one of our corres pondeqta, in a letter received this morning:— The mound taken by our troops on the 13th, has been entrenched to tbe village ofChilliani, on the left, and to our camp on (be right. Entrenchments lor two regiment.*,’ right and left, and a battery iu tbe centre, have been thrown op on our right, fa cing the north. Four lancers, who went out oq the 45th, in search oflhe wounded, were surprised by the enemy. Twoof them-escoped, but the oth er two were made prisoners, and taken to the pre* sence ofSbere Singh, who treated them well, and sent them back on tbe 10th, with a vakeel to Lord Gough. Term* were proposed by Shere Bingb, which, however, could not be listened to. Tbe Commaiuier-in-Chief reviewed the troop* on the 19th, and in riding dowu tbe tine, expressed his satisfaction at the conduct of the troops in the no tion of tbe 13th. The Wounded are doing well, and no case has been heard of likely to terminate fatally, liahii Rux, who commanded the artillery -Peshawnr. escaped from the camp ofSbere Singh, accompanied by his soa; and u few other artillery men are said to have reached the British caujp. The weather has changed for the better. The rains nnd cold weather which prevailed after tbe act/bu oftfie Elth, had a tndst depressing effect on the spirits of the Sepoys, who were scarcely able to cook their food. The weather is now de lightful, with every prospeefof Us continuing. Partic oiars of Ue Lou of th« Floridian From d«-|»o*iUona of the survivors, taken by the authorities of the port oi H&rwick, is gathered an authentic detailortbe circumstances attending the chip’s low. Their names are Henry Hill. Epb raim Stock-bridge, (men of colo»j aa d WiUiam Harr Tbe Floridian was no American built ship. tons measorement, and about 11 yews old. With the exception of one or two seamen, most of the hands had versed in the ship under the command ol Whitmore, who had been trading all his life be tween Antwerp and New York. She wu charter ed for the conveyance of emigrants by MSegniers of Antwerp, and priorto her departure was lolly equipped tor the voyage. They sailed from Flush ing Bboul lour o’clock ou Toesday lost, having drop ped down the river on the previous Sunday. The exact number of passengers oq board was 160, of whom there were f Germany, and some of the superior passenger* bad a considerable amount of property about them. The crow, with Captain Whitmore, who bad In* wife on board, amounted to fourteen, the name* ol whom were William .Viley, ehtef .’ofiL., cur, (of New London), n swede name not known, second officer; JaiAas Wilson, stewurd; Richard* Fvrdi-’BtvJ CLatbw E«rr«t, re.ll-1— T Peter baits, Edward Woody, Charles Thnmn« - . BaliwiU, ahovcmcntloned sup , ’ The wuather, wften the Floridian phi to seit, was every thing that oouid be desired; U was quite cioar, aud iba wind was fair for the Downs. Another ship kept company with bvr—the-hirku Doyle, Cap tain Lane, bouad to Havana. (Tb'S vessel was lost on the Long Sands ibree hours oiler the Flori dian iiad struck ) The wiud continued fair until about L 2 o’clock at night, when it veered round to thefsoutb-west, with symptoms of bod weather. As the morning ot Wedoe«day advanced, the wind rose alarmingly, and the wa ran very high. At two o’clock. A. M. Captain Whitmore, (who had charge of the watch from twelve til|“four.) sighted, as be observed at the time, the Sooth Foreland light; and when the chief officer come up to relieve bun, and take charge of tjie next watch, oe ordered “about ship," and gave instrpetiona to the chief offi ccr to stand off the English coast until six o’clock, when all hands were called on deck, and the ves sel got round to her former tack. At this period there was a heavy fill of snow and ruin, and the gale having greatly increased, and the sea running tremendotiMy high, the fore and rn'ien top-sails were taken in and lbs foresail reefed. At twelve the main lopsa'l was taken in, and the ship bove4o vyith her head to the north-west by west That course waa continued. The secoqd mate, who had charge of the watch from eight to twelve, waa theo relieved by the chief mate. The snow and rain kept felling, and the weather did not moderate In the slightest degree. Alabont a quarter past three o’clock the ship struck a shoal, but so lightly that many of the crow were j unaware of the circumstance. Harry Hill was At 1 the wheel, the second mate was in charge of the watch at the moment, the* chief mate having gpt: him to take charge while he weal below to refer to hi* “Coast Pilot directory.” "All ha&dfc-a&ut ; •hip.” waa m-tantly cqlled, but almost inttaptljraP Jerward the ship again struck with a Ibjcq that’ startled every soul on board, and the veskedTreta* bled with the shock. The terrified emigrants in stantly rushed on deck, and, run about m frantic oonfusion. Tbo ship continued sinking the shoal, and Captain Wlutmore finding oy sounding the pumps,that she had bilged,signalled a bqrk,(which afterwards proved tri be the Doyle,) about three miles oft for assistance. The shrieks of the erai grants, rushing about and crowding the completely paralyzed the ship's crew. Captain Whitmore ordered tho men to force them to go be low, in order tha) some means of escape might be prepared for them, but it was in vain, for, as the man Hill stntes, “what could thirteen seamen do with one hundred and sixty frantic passengers?”— The captain finding, by the broken fragments that were coming up oh each side that the vessel was breaking up, directed the boats to be launched.— His intention was to take the passengers, to the bark lying off. Twc men, named Charles Barrett 1 and John Tillman, got into the first boat lowered, to bale out the water she had shipped. The par seogepa, however, got hold of her, gud wore haul ing tftc bout alon&stde to jump In; but Barret, ap prehensive of her being stovp ip, cal gway the painter and the boat driftedastern. The life boat, capable of containing about twenty persona, was then launched. Captain Whit more directing the men to stand by so as to pre vent too many getting loto her. He was the firm to enter with the intention Qf assisting his wife into the boat;the emigrants, however, conceiving that it was his intentio»‘to abaoddM them and the ves sel, rushed headlong over the quarterdeck ietothe best, ft was .aauntly she was c&psiieg, ( and all were dtwdedj ibeflaplafo tod tfie chief' mute who had gone to assist the paraeogerainto the boat, disappearing with the rest. Mrs. Whit more, who had been unnbfe from (he pressure to get in. was on the quarter-deck, and witnessed the fate of her husband. As the boat went down, a fearful scream rent the air. The sea was lashing the ship ori ml sideo. TuC burst Up her hatches, aad 'her.cargo bf'boxfcs, cases, &c£ was lashed about thd deck’s in all'dircclipas, breaking many of the passengers' legs, who, as they fell, were by the next sea washed overboard and lost. As a last resource, it wan resolved to cut away the m&ttl ***** "' Mn mail. The afou had heeled oVer 6a one aide, and it was ho|>ed‘ it would be the mean* of saving her; but qo axe* could be found. Tlfe rigfling aeparnted, with an idea that the masts, dot haviog the flpfcepoaiy slay, >vouid go over; but they held oh for half an hour afterwards when the ship went in two, and the main and mix masts, “going by the board,” fell with a loud crash. Many of ibe emigrants were crushed to death by I heir fall, and others were knocked overboard.— Hill, Hory, Stokebridge, with another seaman named Dawes, and four or five passengers, bad taken to*the foreriggmg. Previously they had pla ced several women am) children uqder the forecas tle and in the cook house, so ss to prevent their being crushed to death by the heavy flnaiihg mass es ou deck. The emigrants huddled together on the poop. Those in the forecastle, cook and round hooae, were speedily drowned by the sea sweeping them overboard. For some lime Mrs. Whitmore was observed m the centre of the group of unfor tunate creatures on the poop. Sha had her hands crossed on her bosom, and with her bead raised to heaven, appeared to be in deep prayer Some were in □ kneeling posjion earnestly praying, while other* were shouting for help to the bark at a distance. Their fate wus speedily sealed—a terrible sea rolled on to the wreck, aad at one swoop carried the entire poop overboard. At least from SO to 120 unhappy creatures were Upon it, and for a mo ment or in it floated like a raft. The next sea or so, however, urned over, aod the living mass was struggling in the agonies o£deatb. Several managed to regain the wreck, DUt were eventually Xvaahed away aod perished. Some thirty or forty, among whom ware several woman could be observed floating pqctioiw of the cargo as they .yf^ o Atleagthfrom exhattltioo, the j Wk cod weifa'drowned.: Before night had set in, r~ Wreck fiiid takes in two, and the part which rejuaiaed wai thefeow foremast, to which the Vara and others clusg. " *“* then’survivors, about 12 in number, coatin* ned in the rigging of the foremost, which, with the forepart oftHe veiu*el,was nit that remained of the wreck v ihe whole of the night, enduring the great est suffering. • There was no moderation in the vi» clence of the weather. The wa kept breaking over them, and the cold, being most intense, ren dered their condition the most painful. When Thursday morning broke, it was discovered that *ix of the pour fellows had died in the coarse of the oighL They had been frozen to death, and, their bodies were dangling rn the rigging. They conldsee vessels passing at a distance, bat they were too far off for .the crew* to observe their situ ation. Thursday night and the greater portion cf hriday passed away, yet no help came. Only four now remaineddhree sailors and one passenger; the other two were froren to death in the coarse of the preceding dny and night The sufferings of the surviving poor follows continued frighUol in the extreme, and their feelings and horror may be readily imagined when they found the third night setting in and death Ukely to overtake them, os in the care of their wretched companions. About seven o’clock, however, great was their joy at perceiving the approach of a. vessel, which proved to be her Majesty’s revenue euuer PetreL The crew belonging to her, by (be direction of the com manding officer, lowered ibeir boat, and pushed off to the spot, the heaving surf beating around the wreck in such a manner as to render the running oithe cutter along aide dangerous. After consid erable difficulties the poor follows were got off and taken oo board the revenue cruiser, -when every j ,* wss done for their comfort. They wore In a deplorable atate of exhaustion, and partly bereft of their tenses. Their hands and feet were severely frost bitteo, and how they escaped with their lives appears most remarkable. From accounts received from Brightlingseu, a small fishing village near Wiveahoe, we hear that a Colchester vessel lost five hands in a laudable at tempi to rescue some of the sufferers. The noble fellows saw the qaarter-deck harried away with the emigrants oq it. They immediately pushed off tutheir boat with n view of saving some of the drowning creatures, but had scarcely got a few strokes whea a heavy sea caught their craft, upset it, and the whole of the poor fellows met with a watery grave. It has been ascertained!that the vessel got on the oatside of the Long Sands;- they ere or the same desenphoo as the uoodwfo. The revenue cutters which have since arrived, report that not a vestige of the wreck remains. Jks yet none of the bodies nave been brought-ashore; a great number have been seen floating; most of them being naked, leads to the presumption that they had been previously picked up and stripped of their clothing. Mauy of the wreckers were seen In the vicinity of the wreck, alter the survivors had been taken off and with the exception of tome of the cargo that hajjbeen landed at Ramsgate and Margate, no other portion has been reported to the eas terns. The only .migranlsraved, Wilhelm Niero.havimt prnly recovered his eeoses-the mind or the poor fellow being deranged, when rescued, by the horri ble suffering be endured with three others, io the rigging ot the wreck—was enabled to mike the following statement to Mr. Oppenheim, the inter preterwUoyds agent of the port, who handed it i rl °/ A * *» • recollect, we sailed 100 of my countrymen, all emigrants A |? R v ,P ' °v 25,4 01 E'l’me'y. m the Floii! dian for New York; and stood out to «, from Hushing Honda on the 271 b. We bad very rough wea her, a succeaamn of sever, gale. a„d the greater part of the emigrant, wete down below I sick. Suddenly, on ihe evening of the 28ih, about five o’clock, we experienced a tremendousahock on 11 a general cry was beard—‘The ship’s od shore—we are all lost" l, and almost every one of the passen gers, rushed upou deck, when a scene of the great est horror and confusion ensaed. The ship con tinued stnklnghOn the sand very heavily, far b short lime, when she broke op In three pieces. A ter rible and heart-rending cry which I shall never for get, was uttered by aft,and the distress and screams of women and children who were on board, near ly over powered me m my efforts to effect my own preservation. 1 was qnite bewildered, and indeed 1 can scareiy remember what then look place, for my senses were almost gone. I can recollect that the greater part of the unfortunale'vrctrms were crowded on the after deck, whence unhap pily 1 had the misfortune lo see them washed away They ell met with a watery grav r . The sea that broke over us \ras terrible. 1 was Jett, with five otbeyt', the forepart of the ship, with a piece, of mast standing. We got up in tho rigging, where 1 kepi a* long as 1 could. My auf fertngs were very severe from the iiileosdcold and a sail, which was continually blowing atom my bead, seriously braised me. 1 managed to get higher into the rigging, and I saw four of my follow creatures fell the following morning. I supposed that they had d.ed from the cold. There were cow ouly four of us left and we continued in the riggiug. All Thursday night and Friday, we had given opour lives as lost, when about five o’clock oc Fnday evening, we perceived a boat making towards u*. It had put off from the Petrel reve nue cutter, sod by the humane and praise worthy eflorts of the crew we were miraculously saved the Ptlrek whidh land ed us in Harwich harbour, r Ears fceeir smee todrpd andfed by the kind ia&rfis trace of Mr aim j*i»YXfoyd> agfttf j am stiff auffezug tnjqob from th4«xposnre to cold, from not haring taxied any food mtf had any rest for"threw days and three nights." The poor fellow continues under the protection oflhc vice-consul, and has received every medical and other necessary attention. 11l Rorottxxtn, B A. Kill nomock A Co's Rolx-i*- cieW boa been of great service, From the stan-mmi of M>. Uodonbamer the reader can draw luo own in ference*. Farts are conclusive and cannot be Bain suyed: s ,„ Pvuasai, Term., April Htb. fol-t. Meaac*. B- A. f-ahuestock A Co.. Gentlemen—l was yen' Biacb afflicted with Rheumatism last summer, and being advised by Mr. Shaparri. I used your Rube fadent l»e (Java: it ghye me entire relief, and I hare oot been Wobbled with it since. „ .... Join* \V. Bodxsuxxu. Prepared anj sold by * B- A. FAHNESTOCK A Co., corner Ist and Wood; also, eprner 6tb and Wood «u tnchUO iLr.Vft thi Paom Moan—lf you wt*b to be tue ceaafu) in any undertaking, you mutt always ‘u»e the proper means.’ Therefore. (f yon have a cough, use BMcroiuaj ant} l*e wed, fpf it is the proper means. Hirve job Asthma pr dimeaiiy 01 breathing, uieo th* only efficient pp:nn* to oure you is to use Egpectorant, which will immediately overcome toe spurn which contract* th<~aTameicr of the tubes, and loosens and bring* up the mucus which clogs them up, ohd thus removes every obstruction to a free respi ration, while at the fame tune ail inflammation is subt ducd, and a eurs id certain to be effected, tlnve von Brmc!utU,S|.minj of Blood, Plaumy. or in fan in, PnJmoiiu, AlncQo... ihon m J.f.ir . KxpfcioraM and rcltet u icnani. and you will fisd thut you have ttsed thftßroper means. For safo in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 78 4th •treat neat Wood japl? ECOSOMT ts \V*aj*h,» and if Mr. Shields had but be«t»govetned by the above motto, he might have *a vedjn«ay and bimseif much physical suffering: but ”u ,O,,CT ’ Jkted A P nl 1 Glh, lsd? • -fi.® .. ** a re *P e l7-dAwS Uumsmenti In DenUstrr. STEARNS, late of Boston, is prepared to numalkclow luid m Bloc. Tom m v.h»/e aod „„„ of*eta,upQh Sueuou or Atmospheric Faction Plate.- ToontaoßKcnazo in nvo mimvtbs. where the nerve .« exposed. Office eud residence next door to the Mnv. or’s office, Fourth street, Pitisburgh ’ Rtru to—J. B. M’Fadden, f fl. Enion. , a | 9 f w,71 be *dpjforlcd for tf.fc offifce ofSheiiff subject lo tft OBminauWdf the IVlugand Anuuiasomr Convention mchillwClT oawu n ~‘s^!^J T 'r* Coptl W A C»aaudw will l*c tup o f Bheriff v , objeet to the nonuna- U BI,0 " e *2? ' Vhi F Countv Convention. matgidfciftFf. Booth Wage, Pmtnios, JSlSSfflfer- ~ ° f AUegb.n, cooaty Will urge Uwulaims oi WR J. MARKS, for a natmna- M**, 1 m *?V a ce , tho P«mmg County Oonvvnt en. Mr M. is * good Whig, nmi is ever way-vOu-mcmni . Y °“ WIU P lc “ c ,ta “ U ‘“ : I will be a SJTSSI. ,L .".'’"‘""'SS lh ' “f" l ' P~>ho»o». c V o’,,SSL M y."“‘^ , « *»“■»«&.« pi,,.. . .. . SAM’L PAHNEFTUCK Elizabeth township, March,BV, indo W* SKVttgfrft W. q., Uentlet, Oynrxand ros.dencc on Folirih *t, oppoute foe Pittsburgh Bunk[ Office *UrnWrfr tlQOr * f nlm 0 o’clo.-lt to 18 A M and from 9 o’clock tos P. M. sepU-ly -*iu.kj Vi t. • • - Rxuu.oca-ipuc*.- . ~rei Brown from Upper Canada, Minisler* of tho Oo»pcl of il.c Fo ciety of will hold religious uircunv* »i ... e M- P- street, Pittsouigo, tu.s (ThuMUay| oveniug at 7 oVil<4ck. The public are invited to *»• * cn(J - ' me his UARRIUD, On Wednesday evening, Jfcrth insl, by tbc - Rev Mr Fulton, Mr. Hnry Bats, Merchant, to Miss Masoa xsr, daughter of John M’tiuewao, R*q all of this city On the iStb Inst., by the Rev Mr Dejtip y, Mr J L Mlduisrou afPituburgh, ioMi*iM*»k J+as HauloY Allegheny- T . . „, , / \XAUC At:jD—l cask tor sale by the Rev Dr H-rnm, IJ luohttH BRaUN A REITER Mr. Tttos. R WiUT»ofihU city, to Mfk» F.uKiivr Has- -- -• Jrr.r l^. twos of PhUtidelpliia: J 1 M . \\J HITE GLCE-O bbls for sale by a, ... _ »V metufo BRAUN A REITER ik- iw.L ** . v ;P 1 ?. D » 1 IX)3J. SUPERIOR GOLD PENB; 320 do coin silver I D GbaV '°' “ J Table and Tea Splits. 0 dox parlor, office and J ™ >tpr ° fh ' , ‘S c oilier ClMka; to Jo, SolV, Lmpi “d u„ Fiuierul wilt leave (he residence of her husbuiid, on | Chandelier*; 15 aoz Gold and Silver Spectacles; open- Front, neat Market lime,.- t O .,n OrTOW atwnwon at J * n - •* ,,ki> ni„. ,k ~. / 'tORN MEA b—l6o bids ffcah Com Meal, ;ust reeM Her funeral wil. lake place Oustnornuig at 10 o’clk, and for sale by mchB7 J C BJDWELL kGo from the residence of Wm Uct, Penn street, Fifth Ward. The friend* of the family are respectfully m- ANDSODArASH —10 bbis Soda Axh; vtud 10 attend O 1 c*»k» Soda Ash; for sale by • •MWIU mchB7 J C BID WELL k Co HAMPTON, SMITH & QO* , ; DRY GOODS JOBBERS,' 80. S« WOOD >THESt, PITTSBVBOIf, ’ J'K r nave proven to oar trade, that we can eompeie directly with m* W|W ** ? '-«nds; AI«o. Laees, Fancy Nelia, Cambrics, Jaconets; Mull*. Swiss Boo* Muslins, Ac. Ladies and Genu’ Lisle and Silk Gloves; lioskin and Cotton Gloves; Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Ac. Every description of Variety Goods; 5“0 bales Brown Sheetings; < *° ne Brown Sbtrtingi and Drills; •° cases Bleached Shirtings; 75 bales Tickings. We shall keep up our Stock tluongboo’ I‘irrsouaan, March ifii, 1849. W jANDSOMK ENGLISH PRINTS -W. R. Mc»- jL±. put, at his Dtt Goods Hbum, northetut corner 4tn and Market sli, baa opened thia morning another lot of fine English Print*, of enure now atyles am! very handsome. Al*o—Cambric Lawns, of a very superior qnalily and new styles. He also invites auentioa m hi* as* Bortment of Embroidered Lawn», of various designs, lightand dark grounds, and told at lower pncet man Al»o—Embroidered Muslins, of different colon of embroidery, and at very low prices for quality—and a large assortment of Printed Xiwits and Bareges, from 12& els up-to first quality. t£7'\Vbolesalo Rooms up stairs, when dealers are invited to call and examine the stock. meh3o Essays and Edwin p. Whipple: •■I vola. Ithno. Dick's Works, including bis 10th Vo l -, ‘The Solar System.’ The 10 VoU. bound in s—sheep. Ditto, the v vok. bound in 2 and in .1. Stackhouse's History of the Bible, iuimlon, with fine taps and plates. Octavo. Hebrew Bible, new American edition. Borldlt'* Notes on the New Testament: 2 vola. 9vo. new edition. Macanlny's History, library style. For sale by R. HOPKINS, mch3t) Apollo Buildings, 4lh st APRIL —Just opening, a large and selected assort* mem of fine Watches and Jewelry, which will be sold as cheap a* In any other establishment iu this or the Eastern cities. Alro—A large loi of variety store Watches and Jew elry, at very low prices. Poll jewelled in karat Gold Levers, a* low as thirty-five dollars. W W WILSON, corner 4th aud market sis TO LET. MTIIK Dwelling House I now occupy, comer of Robinaoj ana Corny streets, Allegheny. The bouse is in complete repair, contains a ball, two large dining room mnd kitchen on first floor also, a large cellar kitchen. Five chamber* on second door, and two attic rooms. Rent moderate. Apply to the subscribers, at 110 Second street. mch2tfcd2w« WM. A. IRWIN. TALLOW —:fcl bbU prune Beef TaKow, to arrive and for sale by JC BIOWELL A Co, mchUO water at CLOVER SEED—66 Lush rec’d and for sale by W A R MCUTCHEON, mchtai lia_Liberty at POT A TOES—tio bbls Potatoes received, in atoreand for sale by L S WATERMAN, mch» ai water and 69 front st BEANS —30 bblt and 50 skn white Beans, just rer’d and for_sale by mcbtM L 8 WATERMAN LARD —IU bbls No 1 IAI V 5 kegs do doj in s ore and for sale by incbai Ltt WATERMAN BS AND Db’CrttETSr-(W dot Beaver Buckets; |0 JL do do Tubs, large; 5 do do Keertr*; in store and for sale by inchAi LB WATERMAN / IOOPER'S ISINGLASS, (m leaf and shred) for tale Vj by mchSS BRAUN A REITER ALCOHOL —l? bbls ju*l rec\l and ibr sale by mchas RESELLERS SUNDRIES —116 »ks Peaches; too bosh Chestnut*; per slearner Cambria, for aale by RHKY, Matthews a co, -57 water st BEANS, Ac —OO bbl* While Uean«; 69 do shelled Corn; for sale by • RHEY, MATTHEWS A Co lARD— fl kegs No 1 Lard; 1 bbl do do; for sale by j inch VS / RHEY, MATTHEWS ACo POTASH— 8 csks best quality, for sale by mchta RHEY. MATTHEWS A Co CIUTTON YARN—4o,oooib* assorted Nos C. Yam, j C Chain. Ae.; 160 bales Baiung; V 5 do Candle wick; for «oJe oi lowest market rates by web-ii RHEY, MATTHEWS A Co St GAR. Ae. —tils hhds fair to prime N O Sugar; ISO bbls assorted Nos Loaf Sugar; 42U do Atolaseeat. for sale by mhJSH RHEY, MATTHEWS ACo * TTTANTED—An experienced Salesman in the Dry YY Goods business. The beat of references requir ed. Apply to A A MASON A Co, PCMB 60 Market st PERCUSSION CAPS—I,SOI,OOO rib’d and split, for aale by rochga C AfiBUTHNOT COTl'ON— 6 cuk* whJtoyuwned »bj kim« GUM ELASTIC BUBPENI>EHB~«SO«J«rec\i and for lale by mcbffl C AXIBUTHNOT SEWING SlLK—eases blk and asaM, on spools _ rec’d and for sale by mcbS3 C ABBUTHNOT CASSIMERKS— S! casee black and fancy, for sale ejieap by_ mclitea C ABBUTHNOT SUGAR —17 hhd. N U Sugar, to close by . .mchs& C H GRANT \y€ OLAFFEJ?—W3 bids N O Molasses, ;ust rec’d and IVI for sale by _ mchai C H GRANT SUNDRIES —i'Jtks Clover seed; 8 do Timothy seed; » buckets Butler: 5 do Lard, just ree’d and for sale by c H GRANT Glass— iso bx* hxto-, 75 do ioxis; as do ioxH; ju»t received and for sale by mrh id 8 F VON BONN HORST 4 Co SCYTHE SNEATIIS-40 doz for sale by mchW_ 4F YON BONN HORST k Co HOl-S 1 —tfo doz cast steel plate, for sale by mehkS ' 8 F VON BONNIIORST k Co Ct lover and timothy seed-Fot sale by > mch29 S F VON BONNHQRST kCo BACON SIPES—S hbds now landing from steamer Cumberland; for sale by mchiffl ISAIAH DICKEY k Co, Front «i LARD— 87 bbl. No 1; 3 half do do; now landing from steamer Cumberland; for sale by mchgs ISAIAH DICKEY k Co li'EATHKRd —35 *k» now Lauding from simr Cum berlend; for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY k Co raeh'JS BEESWAX —1 csk now landing from simr Cumber _ land; for mle by mhJ> ACo PO*rATOKSv— 800 »ki and st>ls ill fine order «nehB7 J S DILWORTH A Co CILOV KR SEED—II) bbls Clover Seed i mctiX7 J « p,ILtVA»ftTH 4Co O j ha;f vbu for sale by O tpeh2e rfF VON BONN HORST ACo ' HERRING for sale by mchai 8 F VON BONNHORSTA Co t'XTRACT LOGWOOD—7O ease* just rac'd and for i sale by mhBfl 'B A FAHNESTOCK ACo NEW STOCK OF JEWELRY-Watches. Mili toil ood fancy Goods, just opening and for scirjt rek ular Lustern prices, by W ty WILSON, inch'id 4ft and Market sts BACON —6 uaskt'flacon Hams: ffi do Bacon Shoul der*. jusi received and for sale by mchB6 HARDY, JONES A Co ALCOHOL — 2U bbls AlcolToi, just tec'U per steamer Shenandoah, and for sale by J KIDD Co KEG BUTTER— BU kev» oonsicinnhiU ncha« _ V )•: . ...ftPOIELfI A ROE V>ACON— W» aro now receiving from smoke Louse ; AA 30,«»0-foS 'i untae Bhoul- J dfra. ' mchsts ‘ MOIIXSAROK DIAMOND SPARKS and Glazier*Diamonds— Five dua rec'd tuui for «Ie by W W WTI.gQN C NORN-76 bbls Com, landing iu>—_ ltmT p Uot No % J for sale by JtfiD***- HaUALEV A SMITH CNIN SOAP — JtKI bx« nrstore arid foi solo by j mchTi _ (SAG ALEy A SMITH Wiill’E BhlANsi—l2 libts in store and tor sale bv SAWHARBAUGH DREBBED SHEEP SKINS—A few doz rec’d and for sale by inchB4 _S-A W HARBAUGH Oats— 140 bush Oat*. uich2S J 9DIL WORTH A Co AI'PLEF-3Uo*k* Dried Applet, Instore. tuchtS J F A Co ERuOM.i— \WJ 4oz uoable tic Brooms, jnn landiav JJSDILWORTH A Co* lb* season. mchS3^3wi AUCTION SALES. By John D- Davl!*f Affiettoaear* Buggy and Hamas at Auction. Oo Saturday morning, 31st inst, at 11 o’clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth, its, will bo sold—l superior Boggy, nearly saw, ires axles, falling top, and front seat lor children. 1 sett Harness, nearly new. mcfcto JOHN D DAVIS, Auct Clothing StorS at Auction. On Saturday fhorulnf, 31st last, at 10 o’clock, at the •to re in Market street, uext door to the corner of 4th tt, will be sold without reserve, the-entire stock of fhshUraablrelaihing, comprising c choice arid season able assortment, among which wOl be found—Sack coats, frock, dress and business coats, Hanyyp*, over coats, cloaks, monkey jackets, fancy and bls» cassi* mere pants, satinet, tweed and jean do, vests of every style and quality, lamb's wool and canton HsnniO drawers and shirts, cravats, tcarfk and nocks, fine' shirts with linen bosoms, Ac. Also, tt cherry top counters, store fixtures, shelving, gas fixtures, Ac. The above offers a more than usual opportunity to dealers to replenish their stocks VVr ' mch ® _ JOHN D DAVIS, Auet Splendid Household Fniyiiiun at Auction. u nex t_ A £ ril **» « »o’clock, A.M., SM u lt » *"=S,ng of Hon Jnd.c IrWin, oo Common, k4Jolning the canal in Allegheny city, without reserve, his entire household Furaiiare consisting ot Mahogany sofas and chain; do divans, lounges and rocking chain: do centre, pier side tables; do bedsteads, wash stand with marble top, mahogany and cheny dressing bareans, French and and high post cherry bedsteads, cherry wardrobe, fan cy and common chain, 1 pair large French plate pier glasses, looking glasses, super candelabras and lus tres, mantel lamps, mantel ornaments, brands, in grain add straw carpeting, an elegant new tapestry carpet, saxon rugs, 'feather beds and bedding of tho choicest quality, French china dinner and tea setts, glass, crockery and gupenswaro, ivory handle and common knives and forks,window, Winds, cornices and curtains, elegant French mantel Clock and shade, runs 3 weeks, brass clocks, astral aod'hall lamps, su perior eooking novo and fixtures complete, bath tab ■nd fixtures, great variety of kitchen furniture, nten tits, etc. Philadelphia made garden engine, ana a va riety pf garden tools, Ac. Some of the above art entirely new. and all in ex cellent order. Terms at sale. “e* 27 JOHN D DAVIS. Auct. Administrator's look atA»t« property and attend the sale, as it is folly believed that no better bargain lor such property was ever offered ut Allegheny county. For farther information, inquire of tho- Assignee or Auctioneer, or pf Geo. F. Gfllmore, at his office on Gram street, Pittsburgh. , ..nAWZXANDKR MlT.T.vn A w* .• - 1 mchgftdlw AMUSEMENTS TBRAXBBii C. 8. PORTKH LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF MR. W H CRISP Glorious Bill—Anotherttgw PJ*y. FktoaT, Masco 30—First night ofthe splendid Dra ma of the RAKE’S PROGRESS Harvey Markham, a fuhioDjjbki «c*pograce—Mi. w h. Cmp. Tom RaheweU Mr. Prior. | Bam-• i-Mr -ftma. p ““f "LC ■ Mm Porter. Donee by • --Master Wood. To conclude with the fashionable peiiie eomedv. bv W. H. Ciiapj entitled ... V1«p.«.,. t’SEDUP; O*. “TBXU'b ItOTBTBO IS Tt. n Sir Chu. Coldstream, a gentleman who ibioki thi worW has “nolMag m it" Mr. W. H. Criao To-morTPw—La«i night of Mr. W. H. Cnip. „ HALL. PITTSBITBGH. TITADAME BISOACCtANTt.jprim» TV'm. Alu) _ from the principal Theatres oi July. a». tor Place Opera House, New York, and Philadelphia, beg* to announce to the ladles and gentlemen of PittaT burgh, that she will give a Grand Concert »'“ v ; «*“.<■” FRIDAY EVENINO, Much 30th, 184»—on which oceanon she will sing soma her favorve Oavaonos in English and Italian. B ' h " s"?' P le * ,u, « >l, XJnonStng ih.t she will be assisted by that diriaruithed Fhanwi Bnr i Voinlta-Illi J L. lUPl*TSh“‘iill some of his Descriptive Comle Scenes, which hare becti tectvwri with sach enthusiasm in New York BQston.it*. ’ SIGNOR BISCACCIANTI will perform two favorite Solos on the Violiscello. Programme-Part 1. 1. Introduction— Plano Forte Human. *■ Cavatina Madame Biscacctanti (from Linda) ItanaiTL 3 New Characteristic Song i r Hatto* “The Christmas Sleigh Rid* " (Po- U . „r>'7 C. E-Holfcuui, e«m.. j.L.a,rna. 4. Fontnayi—Yiohoeello—Signor Bo caccianti IhiwzrnL a Romanxa, from Gisvannad’Arco Madame Biscacdanii Yke»i tl Kftrntrie Son*—Mr. IL. Hatton. The l-Mle Teat Man,”* . .pirwrrr Au intermission of ten minutes Part 11. 1 Cavatina Madame Biscaeciontt, (from Lucia) • •••'. Doaumr !» New Pathetic Ballad—Mr. J. L. Hattoo. The Ballad of the Oy*. terman, (written by O.W. Holmes Eaq., Boston. Matts. J. L. Harrax 3. Solo Vrolincello—Signor Biscaeci* , *nti Rti.i »». 4. English Ballad—Written cxprt**- ly for Mndamr Biscucijmnu. by-j. L Hattim 5. Final.*—The Watk.ni^veuinn ■>. T St'a. ■ S r ! l “^l c4 ' S I''>»d«llßeMo.ioSlnre. s’S^' “S**;? 1 * Ho““- J-o.un. A SlmhoS, Bod’ Sl 'S™. “ d *' *>“' ““ U>° evening of perfonaxnce D»rj open «. r-Ooneenno comraencool 7| o'clock lE7" Hr J. I- Herron*. .ong, words end nmsio mnv be had si the door of the Hall, meh29 ” PHILO BALL, ■ ' Ltil Throe Dee,. 1 An esbibiuon ever,- afternoon it a, ondAi.™ p™’SX?JSrS£j u SZ i S2 SSHmp * wodwiku. Awy In Mexico, i — mchggaCl ,13 *" a w . ®*°- *• WhXßaoa. POEWiEDISB I COSHISSIPS BEECDANTB, ‘ h 1 Second street, —.gchgTMta* ST. LOWS, MCL a.a. oatST.' " —-—tap. sf«“. i kSSeSjkSoSSdttv . . mch-r . QBKIiItIVOOD GARDEIfB ' A OW OPEN, for sale of a large collection ■fA °* Greephouae Plants, of tbe-cboicest varieties. .*2l 4 14 *X? collecuon of (be fineslDahlias, and an unal Flower Planta, t»BI be ready to deliver in kji the i»t of May. f • BOUQUETS of the choicest FlOwera but ap at the shortest ootiee. •*' The Gardena will fcp Ypen ibr the general reception of visiters on lid day of April. Captain Vajihergun'* new steam boat, the Thoa. Scou, will commence running from the Point, foot o( Peon street. to the Qardena, the 2d day .of Abril meh27:d4t* J” VLfÜB~HAUEDSaNITBO(-S3L^' S ?4vBFCM£ BY AND SOAPS—Saponaceous l^ompoond; Beef Marrow, in potsj Compound Ox Marrow; Aromatic §oan; Boke Tooth Pastoi do Bev’a Greatei Mathmallow do Nympth BdAK Teaberry Tooth Washl Bapfl dp Jast received and flax aolphy BE SELLERS, tnch29 67 Wood it < AJACAULA.V’S UlsToar OVTJSSuESmCBE: iu lerN edition, conuinicg all the matter, verbatim el !^l*fe°h r VaU> * kootlon edition,*m belllihej with a porlralrsf the author—9 Vols. inane. sax A - - ‘ RE HOVAt; N^aSSSMISnSr O^09 ” 4 * Mam* A Co., Nd A v 60 Hatket street, ate noar opeala* Ai. PACKET. } The CLIPPER No. SdW^id ßmSrSL naL) 01 3 o'clock, end Now LUtoil l*aocf New ldibon it .o'clock, P. kl. (tankl.-icgb. durinjlho Lbu»ndGlc2riw A. JIL, M d otnoeo uSuX M. tkn. mnkm,.. conUnnnu. M oeoffen ud frc.jhl between Now taken indTW biafh, in olumor tmto «nd u leu rote. Ihnnbr an, other route. * j * * The proprietors o/thir L» e have the pleasure of in torming the puhlie that they have fitted op two first elsu Canal Boots, for tho occonmodatioa ofpassenaen and freight, to tun in eonneetien with the weir known ttmmen CALEB COPE and BEAYEIL'SeomSS ing, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh . and Cincin nati and other daily line* of steamers down the Ohla and Mississippi rivers. The proprietorrpledge them selves to spare no expense or Rouble to insure com fora safety and dispatch, and ask of the ttiMlo a than of thetr patronage. • * AUTHORIZED AGENTS G M.HARTON. I . . S. AW. HARQAUGH, ( ntMurih. R. HANNA. A Co. iMiLs.-k. mylLtf J, ILARHAUGn A Co. Lisbon. N 9??, C I E “' I H We » B “ k Clarke, mo* *«f» wU i. lc *T° tf I** 1 ** *i» aolicm-lbr Welltville pineta atly, at 9 o’clock la the nfontioir. ; £i.q I*4o. 4 k Sfs Yu . PITOBBTOfiR* BQOWVSViUB Daily Puukit Lis*. FEBRUARY FEBRUARY l.t, le.n LEAVE DAILY ATBA. &L,ANI>4 p. M. /fcTes- tt following nnt* boots oomplai* [ Ih||f||,f lf ff toe Une for the present teasom AT: LANTIC, CapL Jnnfni Porkinsort eseiBBaaBALTIC, Capl. A. Jacobs: and LOUIS M I LANK, Capt. K. Bennett' The boats are entirely new, and are fitted up without regard to expense. Ev| cry comfort that money can procaro has been provldei 1 The Boau will leave the Mnnengahela Wharf ft-m a the foot of Ross it Passengers will bo punctual el board, as the boots wili eemmly leave at the advar. tised honrs, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. janS^ PUtitargb LftnlivUlr Packet Lla«, FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. am Tho splentild new sieaaier ■ rrTTJa TELEGRAM! No. 1, Bailee. master. wililwt for abort BHmaflßutd intermediate ports on Thurs day, at 10 o’clock a. x. For freight or passage apply on boor Ao? to GEO PITTSBURGH ANO LOUISVILLE PaCRET LINK i nf n. The new end splendid fast passe*, i IL .. . get packet. JeSSOßaft TELEGRAPH No. a, ■HBnBS&BBMaspn, roasMr, will leave for Cinetn- •' nail and LonivrOlo oo Tuesday, the V7ih ihtt- at to • B^aDS^iSoTi 7 For freight or passage apply on BoaruT or to E. CrKlrlGi Np»‘.Ws Com. B«nr. '! marS-dfim v ? LoaUvfifc j ateamar ■■■; : For freight a puiaoe opPly on board, or 10 i -=**»- - ■ fu ™ olaC i FOB TENNESSEE RIYER, k The an* steamer yile. ■O^^Snfe’.ve FOR ST. Loins. k Tbe *pleildld*Btnaaer d.u°o' l .“g;;o n p S”i, h ,o' l “ ! «««- jPETTIGAKW *, c, Aff.nu • ‘ 52? S , T - l.ouis, O i day. PST fteifht or basin ?ply on board. “"^.‘s? ■”"*" tfaki 4«r • m ptU “* B "ifc* *r «o - ” a ™ P&ITIGKKW A, Co, Agti **»MABHVILLE. k The iplendid Reamer for >*-*4 iKefi4lh ini a! 10 pt,ft * 00 ,lu * «•■** roa Wabash biyer. tfw K The «pleadid cteuder JdMs& wor , on «hi» day, the 28thi B ak « 4PB FOR ST. LOUIE/ F-^ kl „ PM , £ , ¥^^ OTw T Cd ’- **** , ZgtZZ mass r& ~. j PACKET FOB MA3HYU.I c -SaftSM*- »*»!««■ mwc,, wtii i«... fot lbo - °- h2i iWflrkmtßßO - FOB LOUISVILLE. £*gag™™ •*.,^ »«2? bt 0t *““*• or to —-5=2 pEfnuBEW c'&V-. FOB ST. LOUIS, JBftfaa ssgjasfe* * ?4 day, the leUi, at A P°n* a&ifc&i nesday ahd Friday, at 10 *S»nd*y, Wed-i BUaro Whceliar Uerj WSSy*®* 1 * . lu^ 7 V js?*> »««day and Sa -,; The Consul wj£ land aniUiVi V ' Erery accomodation th«i e«nbt'SS?®*? l "* tort of p Oßl provided WUwrUtr .“*s° provided. Thai Kat erpiotioaa.. FovfcdSfcVui? 1 * 1 * fa*rd lev: , or id ,; Pasaaxe azmtv r ‘ M ■ , \ ■n>ftoTSSß^ ACKET - iRi ? lU ' ,r PM”i« »pplf On booid. ~„ , u£kh££S”'i' PARKKE SBURo ~ 5 . - B®PSSP ■i>« wo? ~i.«, "«™ h “7^* ri,t . « a™“ » . *r». toata j. ’°y our ri**J. c * Mltion u fktmSL .Si p?Skli 5?‘ 6,t “ VnSit? “’"■ M“ .' V«SSS * il ““' °5 Tio jaaioi \ ’ - ° " nl bandi-y^ - - ~~~ “™ 1 . mchffl 0 * 11 TV- 5 *«■* A. tit? *