The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 30, 1849, Image 1
ji s I -!!!| , l ESTABIiI|H^D' IN 1786. , BUSINESS 1 ?iu»tiurjh._ & .fic?ler< "a Dry tflGoodti Boot*, ieb£?», J*tltjJbur£frraami- Qeiurcd article*,Nci 523/«?>fbetty\sire«£ Piu*- jjW- ■ :r .. wt**»,; ? i i : 11 •<*«£ «*»*«* terra. . ttVRAIM *. JtEITKR. Wbo&Wb •WJReICI Drug i>«*w, tronW OfLiberty Wfll£*4v Ciklif;tuefct*. PnU* \ygg, Pa. , • h y •: A&\ '■ lift . iwayu • i ‘-cvvnnmaA, . f ?. ! a. uiiwn. £>RO\VN ? CVbVßtirtMtiJnTitXtftoteWTOt'ee*, JP> '»nd Comntiitidii Mcjrcha«ih,No. Hi, liberty Rt, jgtUborgh. Pa. ; • >•; ;i _flp3l (T - A. FAHNKETOCK. ilkd !>• Jja tail «t». < )yl j iSJfIALEY A SJifltH? £j so Wood tirott p&ulurgfcv**' _ V.;. A.. A. McANUtifa «|&2sfcra3jije *4 p» minion MefCliAU, v Pnubiifrgh Pa, k•• . i. J.-lijil %> ;2 i S** a *§ t. r»i itatfi TT ? tr* f-lyaina'ii. Ysafrrrr." LI9II fc He^RVCTJTi Co.) WholettlO Gjqet'l/* V*ndnlMHod tXUI tor r ilerchftni*,;»jul deeJ<WM9 FrtUace iWti Puu- Wft&t itjbctweeitvd and u., _| . ■ t .. ...}. onl : KO-k ini Fontardih* rrchant, Nfr, p t {t4»«fg?V>: myl? I.P.K, {iuccis4oi «<£ Wool Drai v nr and.CoimsiSiuomMtirtlianLi for Iheiaalt of ricati jgg|o>>»tftoia n. i'ebl7 t-g i>vK. ukilo, Kfcltntoriv, ; :’•*; • •' * S:tSSSsfflS^».£^4 *EAU) A DUCKtfDR, ‘ToWogo Cbil£mi«ioji Mer s? elanU, 41 NoriteWaUS^^lß Wt^vr*. —4*ll njcuTtJ.; ; T. 1 uinutt, js, : .4&IAU tDIGKQY A Co.| Wbp'tsaic ttnwcjts. Com tiiiuiou Merchant it) rnJdocejNoi.M *tr, anj 107 Ffotfl urgcfc.'^oo*B gift K OHN (Jftbbari,) ! j-'Wboltrißle kfld..WlamlxwOn Mflfe'bant, lajer in Produce anjd PitUbgtft&'MMAufatfißta*, cor* Libtriy-ani jutsi ' AMRsif Mcdiiißlv(i»ii«£&.- r ®&urf Aki-o ul Hctiuire,) Melcterfen TrtiJojffTfc cb'arlrt; UjuMing*, «geei, f t > U> 0 [l<ewu Holrhiien *& Pd-r Mcfthanu, fidAgent* of ibfc Bt KeStuTy. (vDJU waler and§2 'fijpnf ; |'B. Dtl.WOKrui, Pro- P *- dace, and wtatoliMloh laf«?bariW and. Agent* Sr lie Hazard PawdeS’ cs>. of!'?J-' V. 1: Noi; 27 Wood *i, tlSmbu/gla q. i. ITj-,1 ;" . ~ j John D* MoittAM;wEiSSfD>n®|i«.«wldeal §7 *r in DyoBtaflß,ft(tmli 1 No.W RfoW aueet, oneiiobf SobtAeJT-lKaniQnd Pm»* firgh. ■ •:;! : : s^janl ;haHEB JCE4r.Jr., u> Ji%epb (J. |p ®«Ti*,jSbt|> fillN It UEIXdJ, an^Heiajlde'alrr in Moaic and UdattaJ ki*irt&£fcnU, pirlioci JJoot*, ijfer, Stoic*, btrti CaaooanrgeneraJlj j ,RD.iil\v«Sut.j Ptyisbutlgli- bongiilOriiaJtcp ■• ; ,|ept3 I BCIIOONMAKER t V No. VI Wood attfeet; l*iUrtbrti gwloMib Driggiau, •OUN D. DAvIS, Aucilrfiie*t;ebrae» 6Ui ami Wood fct jftfertis •U-SS-fe * ;oed jadIINSTON A primer* Paper »U Piu*- 'Sotel FLOW, • i , ! “ » WOr-UU) VLoVU. FLOYD. (l*te J. A Col,) Wholesale l ..r, _ ; >ep6 Sg AMES D A LZfijLL,- Who 1 c • rare f* Cc i & tin** io n lUorrfaani, and aralei lAmteWuce.'ajW Pittsburgh tfVrthfacuircs. No. ■ JtuilS •IEHJt 6£rfmi*sloa Mcr- Poolers !ia Ptodncefimd PiHfliurgU'inanu tqrcd article*, C*ftfl3 Bai£h{jyftil?U).fH : dgl '£> BWW> DALZkLU A •<>» of all *i- ; pit lygi Bir, 3he«j bailor Irca-fcAd Trails of;tbe bed ability! Worehodre, W Hiiirom a. - ifaw T ; : :i, '•:•?: ■ VI. ■ | ii s wiSSC o it2K P.oiwiid. Jji* ing and Cowialjuooii Hei;c}Slli..Be«)ar »tt Pina tatrgn Wamifacuuc* and 2*rodaejft b Nos[ a Water u.. afriifct From ; ij. •' ; \ }f f& item ipoiu- 1 »*•.;». > iyliura *. son & ROFiiVh&l*M3o 6rdcafs>nd■ Cfliainia • PHI *ion filepehint»,;N£ iw.Libcriy’sii, S )B6 ! i ? ‘:. '. -HX .<?4 >* iK/fjURPUY, WILSON Jtbn;*, Murphy A JML.'Co.) Wboleshld trPodj, No. Atf Vwid sire*!, Piimtinrgh. r i ; ‘•; _r • ApvtS_ iie£ Xl'jtf if. smirt. V|t. iIXEN AlCd.* CommfasKra Ponrunliug . Jail- MejohawiC, ;WaUtr : . ftiid-.'Froiil joe., ItitwMn %oftd and Market gfa. ;- ’ . 1. » ;\3*n& j-irsu iuixkk, ]■T -; • :-..v;liT»'<auai&»u.s. TfrC ILLLUI A llrotflr* and JriL;Caninussian Murahaius; Piru tefor*. . :l ; - ; r. ;M*u Igr HOLiIKS k 86N|foii-££*lirUt eceoad i'S k door Crosk o? iu Foreign •Mdipomrsdc Bilik efPapOH- .NotfjraDd • ) i/Jjjfr* Cnlfcnaimi aiawi »d -wi-lilwi* ptiiudpain cn*rt lifdodr, JBwllHßUlier, detdetip Mauufae- U>>ra, tut* ail'kiodi & F*oreq‘ivfat)d, Ddtlirnic .Wmci No. tl >()n-8»a»d. ji very la.jfgb dock of ciiperibr ; oid »OJ*key, wUlBe wold lorW, , > apl*l7 ■~i{iitiriwataada. - t * !'-t‘.'raaardai *- li : ROBIN SUN & Unitxr*,s!fvZxt* £u awl CoßJmuOUKvJilirf l** ter* (A P'-a*- mwh Ma;>afa£taied. ptoil^O^l^rryFuSjwo^lu. ffriilßEltT UA d&v.*m, yLiOcnnmuiura dad f#gt^ariqatt' 4eaigr» SgKtodnce awl Plu^r^h. «c t«n4knn;h, Pa, , ; ; : ;. *K>!OBT. A. Xv’bealet in Produee dbd KKt»pri;k' Macotacturca. »t •; .; j : .. j*' L JV l * tn_ o. aarwotM,'- : ’ r i 1 Z-i ‘l-.v*'- •• ; \.t- L-«»a*. fIVIJYNULDS *nd Caotfiuaiion JaijMerchanta, fnrUjc ikfiigtenf Rrvelr Trarifc, (leal skh Grocerir*. : ProricOej fimmirgh ilanuihcmrr* kkdiChloride of idmt. ; i ,'£•■/' l ■ i' . /.Tile hiahedprictaj in eftsLoalg-ftt all tunes for coon !aJkh_ Corner ©rPerUi An»Sr«rln *B-,‘ . '}anS3 jiilTH ft JOHfisON, tvioSuii and ketkil Dealora O in Millinery aad/Fancy frhlelea, No. 46 Market «&«ei£ffifoor' ako»e 'ttiird at, Iftukburgb. a|«» uucUißii •'» i .t. £ Tuott-1, Warn. !fl UACKLKIT k WlllfKf. Deifler* In > iForctcn anti Domestic J)iy t£oo<i». No. 99 Wood *l. ttabnrjß. __ ; ; C.?:L .. K - r’V'w. I 4 m Flour dad;Pfoautfege!a£r*il>**ad:d Forwarding d> fVwntni««»nn i b(b± Sa ; Wller Bt- Flttl. bill, BA(IALKX *TcoTi>l3iC>l«?xaiu an d produce deatdni Nfl.fe3a%Jid; street, beiureni Itb ;BIU, North «4e, Fjitladfcty&itl* nw^ «; rrmotauh. V. | 'ftma-aiuiobt, ©EIXIiHS * JKICUL& alui general Com |d; Buuloa Merchant*, Nol if 'liberty as , FtluUurgh. ffrqrm, UttoeedahdilkrJ & F. VON V° , Wbolciile Gro ®k cere, Forwimhw anft Wcrvbanu, neueTS in PitobUrrh Wehfclac&itt* and;Weatturu Fro* Indt, barercißorfcd;loihi»ii fttfw.warehoU«ft,l«ld stand) ftoi corner of FrOril at^uufiEJl^iccry^-ane.: w. i. T*trta- • t. rTScott. k SCOTTy Retail dealer* in :-JL Boon, iihoef, Trnuju, (idrjet Bags, kt, t S. >V. uj> met ol 4Ux‘aaa Vife.rhubuftli, Fa. jn.l i SviS3KY k BEST, tVTaA.tJniitMere and <(o.MOi». (1 tion Merchant*, .Produce. No. US ffihod «t, ria»bufgiMi gi| J: .? ; ',p*s* I iKam’D! wx. i ; f i iTCA'swjti. j PliriCK k (*secc«Kxtßto J. D IffY WickJ Wholesale :Orj»dru, .pwwanlipg and fciefinuttibn Slcithjnii r ;dtaJtf»; in Irofi, Noils, Gian, fcotira Yam*, generally, pfWuod *ad PiiuQmrgn», L'IjTKST ’and PorWnrding :?ylr Wiped and IWaiket meat*, i ■ i :■ t TrW ■ ;-febs4 W. WAiLACK* and'flliU Furniab- J-W". ing Lil>crty,it, £ear (he, J _ , '__ r - J, ; _RartS^ | £ -r|?r W Witf.Viss. "Jewelry, •mW « SCrrr Afl-, No.S7 Mar ifieiV :• . now 1 R- MURFIiX. VVholestlßanii fictmi iiealertn IT%V • Foreign ands DonSetdr 'Dry Gdjxls, nemh east Sprier of Jdanreitiid l? >uga r*m. toojm, (“T.T : ; '•*!».! il Jpami .j iiITM. YOUNG A Co.—lfcUti* in Leather bide*, Acv| 3ff lUUbertypl.l i u'czrrcuxoa; : c M >*'*■* Ebit, M’cirtcuruß-i itg? AK. M»CUTGiII!ON> ; Orodcrsjde*-:! .W # * ten in Rrodace; tntf &»,<&**, and Plus-1 jSjnttfc Mkntriacifiril* £d|ierty'iit, Piua-i fitrocM, PiUsbnrgh,; Ptt-t add Clock*; ttattfiiflT repaired.: L T-3 »&*&s .{. : LkVr'ii.i.f/Tfti lyoi'EH,-ls£«lljieiure'r : .«f Ootion and; iticci, Ujuti Sg&ft over Abne* c AWy« Bfled Laid ►VU®6M%«JW xnajliniaittrePcin-; 0< eorjiiflr Kw Ofiw Afley and inuice pi»j4tyJtC»rUaA*L , •* »i wohim. ' r ■-. } *->.y,-; ;. / ■•:. ... ; fIPUN M. ToivliSEfsß, »te*,lil:t«i,A|xKlicc«ry, fv; No, is Markdv«LjUj*ci dMt^nbdyt^nlird'f l - Yiiu-. will h«Tetoh*iaiiiiV otihhnd nwfell *eleeicd **- *«D on (he: niofci r c PHywctaJi* fAdkduig order*, w, #nd iap4 * nicies dicy A« genuine. ,»dC( and :.s*Cljr preparedfriiihi be A iCftlcdaliirai any boflrof ■*)Jr day or mnl . ' i ’ E“ 10 for *ais, ; a l aigertiocSf Cid rood Perfn-; • * :, ,f t fJU*A • : • janl ; “SE, Ikt, ol'i'osr rK rm - *KDK?nS^sife? 81^,IUiH- NTIN Burial fcoft •”! P ', T ri?,‘ n 6 L I r i®? >9* ■looS.lic mirblc, »i -. a lrruiar oTid (in pnet ~ : Lei. or OBJ dejcnplioa, (Hj a 6f public Np«lr<iii»t» ■ - • : o' , K juige-diT f. ■ II- *i Robert*, I*. —; i'/ivPTIULMIp ““Al l»lk> Ueil. % nur°R.”iM I*en ! e! | sese | l t «ffi Ufdlfch et itenedil ta- eonOaeieil'ui £«U&eJu*nl <bl 1% IteUdW 01 cl 1i,,,, ■H >Untn CDr:Vr o( n «ui ■uanriMß, r?? PEKIN TtA SYUHIVNo tu Kouni, felto I - i $.• *• - „.._, - W ,•▼ mi rimitutui iwiy gazette. ___ f. CiRDS. uriiCEsjrEvvoaKs.", r'NOLKMAN, HaILMaN fc CO cbmimi* 1 6 mnnu taetdre Small ln>d. SpnngmiliU.A'xn ftufer PTough. Fork ainl libelled, ifijretn. Wro'i fiouNut*. all Mir*,:,taj;r|Lber irilli'Cdaciitijj.ii kljiiu-- Spring*, hlf Pal, TaDer ftitd'.boiiibioH Axt*-ii,: -•Having nsduedd:-Me |>rise of Wronqlif-. Jrbn Nut*, engine builder* and others a»mf the ttucfc; will tn»i Ifio their interest «• gibe thlp newtifidich itl'ilusbufi'h manufactures thqußHicnDoff. ’ i ? Foach iriaimipffs imil tnsleabte Irtjuon irrin* Xvarchnipe on Water And pobrtb sta. fc!K*u if I'klm ‘rfUaLV PITTBOUHIIfr a/ BNNKBY, OHIUOS JttO./MRn«fr«tusi»r« 01 very JV. snjWirior 4-,<l Sheetings,’ Cttrpel < 'trtlj h* IN.Mott Twine add Batting; . r'jn&M >• linqaeiu* A£Je) HteVl Irou COLKMAN. • HAIf.tUA?? A V-o, manis'qrturar* of Coach aiid f3ipUr Springs. llaninD-rod Allen, gbring and Piongh Jjllrel, droij, Ac. U’S/rhbuve nn Water end FumiJ ; ' • Also, dealers idj Coach Tnidiudigs lttallrable Qa*unx*._ _ t.:. \ omit Sj UUPKM A:STKIL Aiinaii*»— «i , Xn « third door sboyq SkmthtMri. south *ist. ofajl kinds dbnr with ilie greatest C&ro and legal tuiciiracy. ' r !, l> Beat EstalceXaziuiird, fee. E”‘ A*M WWeiitk GrocrT* i Hf'tirjmg Oislilter*, ajj.l Witie- «uui Liquo, bants. AlkO, Irabonehi oUF-Oda AMFiSiid Blendi ng Powder, Noi 1IU) Liberty sltedi, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' __ • ;-m i HO2l KLRAG tfjfi pACTOftV. HAMILTON STEWART, cnamimnturur of Heavy Shifting*. Cheek* 4ci, KfclrtctSa city of Allegheny. _ ’ m»v4redty» ■ t£e**tffiiic , iv £i co.. 1- r lL , . .IX 8T EA M ; . U O A T A gfc g N T S . t>mcE>aotK 11. AliA* fcCn. mMfIBW; octal 1 . No. pJAVater street LNSUrMeT H " INDEMNITY. Eta Fraidhti Ftft lusururiet Co. of irhitiilrlpkm. T \IRECTOI::?.—CIia/les Ji. fthnclter. 'f3i<inia* Hurl, AJ Tobias Wtigaciv&tuiidel (Jrmil, Jaiirti ft S«n,il., Utw. W Richard*. Mordecii li I-3Wi». ,4ilo|j>lio K. Bone, David S. lirowfl, Wwrrio ftalleuon/ ; buisutiN, It a Noi e«,,Preside m “:Charlf9 (i l!4/K’kpy I |Sei!fciar^. lO make. Insurailce, ,j»crjvctnnP" pt limited, On every description of prupcttj -in low (TOr fcoumry, ax met a* low m art* conmiiciitwiti, n-cttiily; •‘.To Compop) haVe rdsurrdd a large couteVetfni I’uiul. i*nicb wlih iU<*ii Capital and Premiums, invest ou, afford ample protection Q> the assured^ .The asset* ortlie oil Jaimury-TM, I as published agreeably rt> att act of lvere a« fellows, Vii; ■: •>; Mortgages*- Real tiauio ' Temporary Lena* <* Storks .%• . Cash,|4r.- n ; ; 7i .Since Uieir Period Of lU*)‘jeUr*, they bave pud upwardsbj'one million four baAtinsi thous : *l»d lo*ie*liy tire, ibefeby affording evidence tC the adyanUt'eftiol iiuuraaoj.j ax Well tvthl ability :*ad dixpOaiurm Utmeci wrtla prtiinntnes* ill lialnlme*. ; ; : • f j34IU)INEttcQFFi;f, Agerti, ' .- tna *l‘ < Hy yflicc. N t?|corßer t st» ; DEL*nlntivTiiki.is9DKtxCEco. • !TOHN FINNEf, Jr.,'Agedl «rl*iU*l>argk-lt>rtbii Del ! V aware ddelpbta. Fire jbski* apon building* and ibereluuulue Of every dcserlpiidn, anti Nanpe Kirk* (UuiiChulU or ; dOrgoes of takes kpofl the fSvonible Aimax. • 'i r J ft?“ Office In tbw Warehouse of \V. H. HtHOldl Jt Bro., ; no. 07 Water, nedr Market airceL iMiuuufeh. ■ - '.,N. B^—The *ucqe«*of ihtfjConip!uiy»ui{>e.>t£e miab- Jintonem Of the Agency in jUm.ciiy, «mifibrt'prv>in)>i itess atidbbenlitjrwiUl which <verj eliw&n(tt>u Uirio Ibr loss ■ tut been'.‘Odjuf ted,-futiy whrruu&he agent in • itiviiingrile c«ifldi*accimd paiiuhagC o(‘hi.y ffieiul* and jthjt eomnittnuy afclargu to jilic ln«u* .rtnicc Company, tfhlteit hai ihff tfdTantnyt-* an ample piid-ia capital. Which l-> uic •ofleraUon of iu tJbaner i»-|c<siiatatoiy utp>ca*iuv, a* iocaeh : per»pn msjired hi* due iliatc Oi the iptofil* at the cotupauy, without involving ihiiu id any FrtJpomibiJiTywhatovct, and tttcrrtbtp ai. : ‘p«M*»e!*Mi»i; [tile Momal picuicjp.le dxycawii of every obhotaoux tea hhrev and in iu tw»i attractive-Arm. ' uov l . Riak‘AaOJ 2AA&IIKKUtfIIIS&JBCK. .fflllß Ilißuranpe'AJotnpanybf North America, inrough ’ X lL * duly autbermt-itfAgdu, the riibM-rgbert.olicra UI dtakc permanent audiituiled Iniuraner on property. in .this cuv and iu Vicinity, and on fliipitu utV'hy UieCu 'itiil and ttiveps ' , 4 - • DtßEctoite. jv : Arthur G Codlit, - Charter daia’l W. Jones, ! ; Atilbro»c “V'hUe, &lward Smith ' Jocob M 'fiiyiita.'v John A. Brown, Uobti R jolut White, ; ‘ .Richard W.-. Wood, ■fhoma* P. Cope, •' Wm.Wekh, Samuel F. Hmuh* I'mtur* lluskeiii, Spmuel Hrodkf, " i S.AuumTAlliboiu-, AttTljUKu .Hkwt D. BaskitEßi), S«c»y. ' }.* : - . ‘.mil* ii the oldest ljiiartmpc Company iVlbtj United State*, haviiir bcefi chartered to AttfU fjj Conner 14 jjterpeiaalj and frofn. it*'bight Kahdßip, InnjfjExpcnnjce, ample means, aaS uToidui' ill tissi oi tut extra haz ahlotu charatrifTi be .bmiVidtiretl mu :pic aecurity to t&miUnV. • f YV R.-jONKs. •;: Al the'Coa&ttjiftltonm of Atvrbod,.Gta, \V*> urr arid From tifce.tajTtuibuiys. v_ j_ituyi rtfUiß tiUl&Cilj&KlC liu«,been appeihuctAieUt pro , ,1 lem.pfthe timi}«unj vf .Nogth America, mid mil ikano Ui tljc otfi&r bu*-mc»* of tlic; Agcvey, ui thp «l At vAM. A pß\@il^r&ioM|SSl(lN. :ei.W *vsJ*iiararxa2"*"' . l . ifejULL£)i fi. kfl' A c o. :; tSblcco oiftiimoji L S». Sd Boixt4 M'kixraeo; J fcfc; tta-'-r-t BEGB Jo la&tm.iin. afea <txoH-r- V naira rgb. litAltieej }»}t ft tad" >«.rk Ut*iif*vieu:t [.tkiihUie Vtrfiflik eaafluf&rtur>t* vslml ibkUGfov* »■ \V«-*C M e*t Urdiea, aniii>iKx [Fief*. will m—re ' i large gnd eortatant supplf bC 10*- »:;< libiu of Whou 'diii-fie ujkCj’ ha fnwn lUodoUng- terms as any other b<ki*e ui tbigeity or ri**-- where, and all gepdit f <Wiiere<l from thgtu trill be war- enied etfual to rhpre*eniatkni: ; Havana;' Sl IftjinSiifcwi ' -Canit.; Y • Ynru; Porttf Rico; 5 Pehn a., !-S*«W l.eai u>- Coba; < Igeilli; •• ft Florpia. j hkeco, . : Caven dish, witit ti large Dakonreejit ftf fthef poftaiat brand*, jiiid qualities oupaulul*, 5*.! S 4, 12k, Hi* aid y£», Lamp; St, G,e» 10* flag; LouicY .Tw.ifU Vienna Twut, ft*., iwtft ami plain, in wtuje iuu) balDuoxe*, wood amlilu. 6>grlbcfsvill;oVer| v'arnny Of aYucfc belong, taj; to Ui<} undo •.,• - . JelWly_ I. aaftxirt. xi swam •' ? ! rttoxiuiErsas. BAHHET.UKSBIT *«Aa»t.S:TBO\, • FLOUR FACTORS, Produce* viMumliilon aau Forljrbrdlng S K HA NT X , No. t 2 No«iii Wtusvits, *stoH» WatkbNt.. i = Philadelphia • R*r*s:tt>—John il< Browfc ft fco. \ J : , 6®B4jSipi. r ‘i^' ta * BAilh, BflgolrV ft Cal. J > . Allen P Put ton, NejoYork • W&iicn fc llnhev, : Baltimore ; Bflgkicnr ft Smith, . ' t BMtiridg*,\ViUonft To I -.1 : , , uSW, Brown ft u«k Pl^!' u, * b : Kfit 1 ftJdne*,' J *'.■ • IF?* Liberal eislrpilvance* *n roimgnnfrilH to our iodreit*. \ [,■?. ' \ : r j&trtlMily r. c. - ; quails text mbe w*ni«. ellmajcer, ECkv atiCw, r FLOUtt IfftCTOUS, . And Coutblikiott ifftrebania, ’ Nft'J3B<»hTU • - . ■ iMItLAiKLI'IIIA. kEFKRKNCKS.rII«hT6raf t«?o, Puubijrgh. Bodgex*;ft sWlock, r« . - B.Bchooiey ft Son, A» M. Juhuar) ~.May*vi<le : Cliarle* Baiham, Jr, lg>a:tT'!lc. Dutilh* Hurapbftsy» ft Co*. ) Mbreer, JJro* * Co. M'luJad'a : Re*d ft Brother, . \ • apLdlk > Dutilh ftCpusin*try, NcW York ;U Jtl.N, KJiIS B. k «•., A lisaeiiuuiui Keed.lßmlA I~'j. j Msejul ooHniuiuv mkHcii asts ! i .. boston, Mass. ; Particular aUelitfbn-paitl (C tin; ado of allAl'tu» of Pto • dace, told lib<ril : «dvanc** math: on.rtuissigtoaenu. ? I* R. ft Co. liivtj leave Id refer U>— Mkimni Hi : k6fti*oo ft Co; t fteei, Torkftft Co.&neuvrF'- * ft Covodcf Wt-lUCillOpO. iWiveil Bteu&OnViile, O. ft-iJfttdjrjKiri. : 1 . 4 Mt„« «>■#”!. v. “ CUI ft Btbtrtf J ' • » ** • Kliodo* ft Oglebfr, Brnlgc[«n,<). ; ' v, , ■• .i, ixiincxyiii At/un«, Ktttiviiig, Poreatdinj aid: (Jtnerai (famjßii v iWn nerebaiat, J: 'A « C<ißjas»cuL Brudrr, fet, l>ociir.-'J»W. N. n.A-Smei jfcilb&Uon piid u> erdrn in ibiV - liaanaj icU. ; Keierpnee at pmtburgli, JotoiM’FadeAft. Ca «, deceMlmii, . • ~ . i' ' ? CommU«loii*nd Po»-w»rding ««rchent. J : wt>:afl:Woau*i., 1 to: a gbnemi Cutr / 4hikuon baxif \jr neso, OipeCiiljJ- m and of ftraen cao JUahafactaKc* ui)d P(WnCe,:atnl m iritroivlng and .fomrnrtßax tidOan eonsigiitd td lib care. -‘'.‘iJ Agent for Ibe MafUiiaClot^sha wtllbo Cojn)iuml)'iupoliwJ with the principal attieletof i'fiuldirglt ManObehire at die ioffevt ivrUoJctortd pfieei,'! Ohlfra ami eOibigninnnia •rtr? ; ' 'GECRCE lA.;ft'Eßß'f, ! wHoiiKSABK OTaocjtJii*; FOEWRDIHB AUD COjHBUSSIOW KKKCIIA.IT, • AND UfeAftSß IN i'. . Iron, SfftUsc CoaonTV»m» ft. SUkafaDiarci s«s«raUy, lio. lo kroco vrciKT,; rrmbLacm rx. •■' 1 clLuk, " Porwbrdlfliftftftcrcbfciiti l>rtiwmirllU,Pa. Atlanda pameaSdly: to t£o totvOatilmg'.of Produce, :• For 4 n y infofraatloo, Jppl| tO ft CL'N CAN. water «i > .} ‘ ■ "etlfl ' MEackii, uapTHi£us ft.: Co., COMM '&S,!OJSL k MeRCH A N TS, { For'jlic saleofFrodiice genrrajly; | n- Biberal iftlviueea tfaadfl oh eOiuicionKni*. tiUH-dAtyUßlf :r ’ j ' ! • '■ i_ .TraOivorlatloa to tli«~lcaat. UBBSBV ft COJ^JtS,i; i 8 k*i> WII *.V 11. i. k, ;. f. j; I Commisiiiin and Forwnrtting 'ftfeents. : C. Ms llAK'itiNv.ttluhbigk, .Will >*olii| Ka«t. , . Ai!ipi-<lstoi • t:- ; l>. A r — remo.- • i v; m, egOLF, :■• : ]Lf P.BCIIANBISK iIKUKKK foththnnon Mer riT4 c h*nt, NttrJSijtooUt profit jlrrct, (peepnil rtor>\) [t Ptuladplp'hia. 'i pufcbatrtl. packfid, insured, rand to i,r4«r. Flbur,.-Cifimt, Dried r rrau and Cbe«*e received on eopsicnnifeul; ftbd dor* [. *J*T. w i«js*«iahce blii3ti»eil. : J jab-dam [ T D 1 htji* winler straftad-Lard Oil, Xj U«torß*ad{ W i tn iVfcy - ‘ ; |. meb» I JO BLACifiJIIJiN ft Co LAW JIFFICKS. , W.M TIMBMN. * ATTORSEY AT LAW, JitiUrr, Pa Wll.h alto titirml to (Killrcijoit* and allatln'rl.usi nea* pjimnded to turn 111 ll»,i!cr ami ArniMronf Countses. Pa. Rrfrr '« 1. A R. Floyd, I.ilx rty *t 1 W. \V. Wallupp, jo : Jninc* Marshal! d„ ' Pm.t.ureli dlv Kay k. Co. Woo,] m 1 ja.i? Jll SWKIT/FR. Alton,n | .„«• ..(Lop :w *t , a oj.poaitrM Charlr. H O ., : |*.i 1-1 r«t,, will al»o ntlf ml prompt!’. 10 Folic, t„,„. \V Fa t die and (iiecti dmiiuir*, p a RFFI.n Til Hlerltstock, Ucil AFo . ) nutrdi.A Farnthrr*, t 1'm.1.,it K ti 0 T blotpan. i *<*i:idly I.' J. HkNRY. Ailnriicy ami F-l!or at Law. Xj. C'mrmuati, Ohio < oUr, iu>«- o, SmiUicrn <>t»o. and m Indiana, uml in Kcmtirk-.. promptly ami »-arr fully ntlrndcd in. lOl Uie Slate 01 Perm aylvumu, for taking la*po*nii>n«. m kiiowirdi'mcm'', Ac. Sr. Rarkß m-ilmi. Win IL-li A Son. t'uiti*. Fimr,-li A Carothem, Wm. Hay*. K*>). " iH*-ek A I»av»* hisj i JAn&B V. KKKIi, Attorney at odi<-r r<*uiov.*d i.» Founu Street, betwppn SifiilhLrM uml (irutll Mfrel ja.T-42m iiuea In;slop. j loaaisoroiKuitu.. DLNT-Op A fiF.WF.I.I.. mtorurt nt Ijiw. ortn-r-on Sißithfirld. I'slwi-ra U 1 and 4ln »l*. JOHN H RANKIN. Ai'umn n... 1 Foaitacllor Ml l.nw and Cohinus<ionr-r inr ilm >t:u> 01 Pimui»> Iv.una 51. Ixiuis, Mo., (laic ot l*lttsl>ur“li i ftr.r>.H«\ctoi Pnul>uri:li Hfln \V For.u-ard, Hamp Son A Millr-r, M Candles* A M’Flurp, Jolm K Parke, BusolU A Scinplc. M’Ford A him? jeH:lv JOHN T. COCHRAN. VTTOfLN’KY AT I.AW, Fourth rtr«*i*l, lirtwrcn Snillhtirhl and tiranl. juli dl>tu IVIH. C. FltlKM), AT LAW. Fourth nrret. m-ar 1 .rant WO. II ItoHINSoN. Aucrnoy ni re « moved lux other m ilip Kiclinnge Buildings. St Flmt »t,. nell door in Aldertiian Johns. apITIy HATS. CAPS AN 1) BONNETS. PARIIIONABLIS lIATS. 4Tt{K suhn rißer, m addition to lu* own *** mainuiaciuring of llata. hat made arrange- JB mcnxs with Mrstrs ltoNcc A Fo., (the fasluonuLlt haiiort of the city of New York.) fora reg ular nuppty ofhiteztru fine Silk Hats, and having ju*t received u few caact, genili-mcn ran he tuned witli & Very rich and hrautifuMmt l,y ratling ni Ins new Hal anqt'ap Store, StmiiiLcld sirret. kn-oml door wmli of Fourth, where may Ik* found a great vnrtciy o 1 Huts uttd ('dp* bf hu own mnmiiarture, wliol.-mle and re tail. Hatt made to order on abort uoure aptM; J AM KS WILSON. M’CORD A. CO., umi, (Sorce«p>or» to M'Cor.l A King) Fkihlonablt HaUer>, I Conirr of W<mU niul Fifth Streets. PARTIIH’LAK altemion paid to our Retail Trade. (jentlrmen ran rely upon cettmg their Hair ami Caps ffoin out estaMislimrm of the Hta«T vatkruiji mid wohk ha .MU ftp, of the LirusT iTTUiei, and nt the Lowibt PBtrm. Country Mcrclianu, r*urehn*inc t>y wholesale, are respectfully inviird 10 cull ami examine our Siork. a. wo ran ray with eoniidrm-e that mi rTgiinls qv*LtT7 and PRiL-ir, it will not »utTcr ui a comparison with any hoqte in Philadelphia. « fel |7 4fUTS. F.NPS A.NI) .M V FKS—The. Mlhitcriher t» now reeeivmg from city ofNew York, achoice asuorutirrti of Hal*. Cops and Muff*, latest fashion*, in great varie ty and very olieup. wholesale and reiaii w JAMF-S WILSON. novl.l SnmliGcld m. -jJ d<>or south 01 4ih CALIFORNIA lIATS—it! doz watrr proof I tB California Hnt». just received uml for sale ry 4X& M’CnRUACo, lchs7 corner sih and Wood ns rS,SPUI2KO FASHIONS FOR 1840.”/^! IS M’CORD A Co. will introduce on Sotur- /Bf March Ud. the Spring style of HAT'S.W&. Tbo»e in want ot a neat and «upe.nor liat. are invited to roll aiTomet of i>m and Wood ureeu. mart! sl.o<?.C& 4l ' M Mil *3 RIJSIS) til 37 MEDICAL. IMPOyHTANT TO THE AFFLICTED/ Of. Hone's Celebrated Remedies. DR.JACUUS Rusk ihe discoverer and role pro prictbr 01 Uie.e mo-t jx.pulnr nml lx*ncficial med icine*, and uLo Hie luvnuoi of ihe i-eicl,ruled insiru iueut for intlaung the Lung.*, in effecting a cure of Chfonir disease*, wn* a student of ihat cimnriit phvsi diau. Doctor Physic, and i* a graduoieof tiie t iuvrrsi ly of Pemia) Ivnnta. and £t>r Unnv year* mice ho* been engaged it the mvcmcuuou ot disease, and the appli- CaUon.of remedies thereto. Through llic u>e of lit* inflating tube, in connection with lus prophylactic S\ run ami other of his remedies, he ha* ipkiucd an unparalclled rminence in curing diosc dreadful and fata! uiaiudie*. Tubercißar Con Butoption, Cancers, Scrofula. Rheumatism. Asthma. FeVcr and Ague. Fever* of ail kind*. Fhrotnc Krysipr lui, and all those obstmute disease* peculiar to fematev Indeed every form i*f di-cusc vuju*hr» under iho use Of hl« winch humaniiv 1* heir -uot by the Usd. of one compound only, for ihat 1* iccoiupuuMc wiXn Phyiioio-ieal but by Ui*um of bi»-ivii><- «Lv*. aulu|iu*l u> »»rd ,«/, racn peermar Titm of disease. Dr Row’s Tome Alterative Pill*, when usetlAre in variably itcknowledged 10 be *upcru»r to all other, as a pnnfaura or liver pill, inasiuucit a» they leave the Inivrcl* perfeclly fr*e iruin costiveuc»«; ns aD<> hi* G«i|dea Fill* is admitted t>\ iiic (acuity to po*-e.. |„- > u . Ilnr properties adapted to iritiab* di»s*as<,. t, u t t.« mg satis tied that a burr trial 1* »utfirie„l 10 „ hat UsM lirell Said ill the mind* of the mo-l -kefiln-ai Ttie Btiiil'led are mVlleU l„ cu.i 11*10,1 the JLgrnt. and procure Igliill-I one ot lue l*o, tor - pumph l-. gtw., K a detailed nn-uuiil 01 r„, U renirdt nn.l n- npplicu non For said bt the ml owm« uy.-nt-. a> wrli a* hy umst Draggisi* fbrouchiiut tin- . .uirurj J tsenoqumaier .\ Fo. i-t U iki.l ,trei 1. Puubtir-'h, J \i ToWn.end, iirupci't. ti .Mitrket -1 ' l>» A iiergluun. near the C U A'-rhe-i) ni-., in* Barkley. iJaf.ntUM, roimt-. Pk Jr.o ILJioti. En-mu V„i,e\ / Adaatv lle.iver r.orllLily Ciot’tJiiL pain in nn <ilik and nii^rir ; KKl>:— Hvviiik n Ivr ;.m K .Usir.-AAr,! Willi ii itUflTc i>u:ii in !b-- -iile unci nir.i. ~ , i,ni|.u 1 ,i...| With a dry COU)RI. I VV4> .lidur,-d. upon Uir ui|(riil >.>ii eilttt.oi. Ota fricnil. u> Dr Tayior. <>■; 1 w .,- r . wuru und 1 inu«' «ny ihn itiriimur Un> -ii>>wcr.-<l n. purpose oilmj-ttlily Mr di*ire«. wj. produ.Td !»■, a severe hurt, ami was so neat ihui U wa- » un dtitruiij I coil'd swallow n.) lik.hl lltclr. .], | mil auUsfir.l m.s diaeasr uin*l h.iv- ■ i or •oiiif fathl disease, bad n nix hern .'tired l-> Un« judicou* laAdicuie. To all who «»rk to prnt.iin; iheir ,ive s | would ad.viße the u-r ol Dr Taylor'* iuisuni of Ijvri wort JA.MI> OIftWAN. iLh liow.-r> This medicine lunmnir. ri|wru>ru:ioii, ie ver, resu/rv* sire und inuv l.e ron.i.lcrrd u« a su petiorprepomion l.rf the pure mid or *il dineasri in ll»r c.'he»l and l.ui.fv and -bould be re u>i i ed tn. even alter ll»e«p diseases Bave fe»p.ied the iiau al rrim*'.Jk« In the practice of tins old and very re »l*ertnldii jiliysi. mu. iln- Dui.uin m luverwoti l»n- m riuired no' eflvmlde reputation foY n.t vtrUies. u» .u[h nor lo Hint of the al.umlnnt ihmUoiil' oi the Uny. a* Win tile I'bararier und probity ol .l» inventor, lo tl>m of qunrk* und einpiru's CUNMUMITU'N ft KKD Mi -on ii:<vim;n tm |e||l eold, iivesj in rout;h vjol-ullt . rui»ini; .jupatiiir, ol tturk puthd muit-r. mid fmnlly he rould nul tarn over In lied, from wenkiir*.. He mnniiesii'd every symp tom of confirmed • t,ii*tiiiipiion Ir ,| l year* he had been io the n»UmiJ. Hi- pin «icm,.. !l|es,r> Vurtnoult ft Andcr-un, >ui>l he \vi,s inetiruhle. lind imiit kooh die. Yet I wa* de[emurv*d to try in Tay lor 1 * Liverwort, arid siranife as u may up pear. Um< rut-tiiciiie luo. mil, restored hi* hcalih. SOPHIA I»ALL«>N, 11 Norfolk street Isold In PiUshnrrh by J D Morgan, »’? Wood si , J Towntertd. 4f*Mar'itri n , || Sniy- r, cor Market and 3d fls ; Hroderson A t‘c». b Rlicrty si Price reduced lo 81-&0 per bottle jaiai Jaynes’ Expectorant. Sallm. roioini.iuna Apr 24, lell. DR. D. JAYNHS. Dkam Su:-1 (eel hound to you and tlte ulfltptecljruhiir. to avail inyseli of Un* op portunity of to tin- extraordinary edects of your RkhcMorani oninysclf Havinr i.«-.-n ntllu-ied for seveml >'<•“<* wuh a severe couch, hectic- lever aud in coiu'onmant diseases, und seemed nuiy doomed to linger out a shbri hut misemhie rxistenoe. until the fall of ItJU9. when, heme more severely ullueked. and having re&orin! to afi jny lormer n-iuetlies, i.nd the pre ■nftpUciit* of two ol the most resjH-c-iabic- physieiaiu in ftifi neight>orho<id w.thout denving any bcnriit, or the rOn»ohit»n of surviving hut a lew days or weeks at farthest—wbt-n the last ghtum of hope wan about to vanndi, l.haik recommended to me your K-ipeeiorunt— arid blessed by that living who does all thing* in Uie u« of ;hc n,.-j .s— uud contrary to the vjprcluUinis of my physki.ih. :.nU friends, I win in a few daya nused 11 Old my bed, un.: was enabled by tin- ux of a l.oUlc, to .•Ik ud to my husiuces, enjoy tug smev better health than J bad for ten y ears previous. Respectfully your*, Ac , J*a. W. EcTiu. For stylo in Pmahurgh, ut the IV-kui Tea Btorr, Ti Fourth «Deet. . martfif RKW ABUASOKIUKNT. T*\OCT()tt 11 W MORRIS having recently purebaa- A J ed lb® Drug More lonncrlv owuod by Mays ft Rrockwjiy, No v ('aimmercinl Row street. PilUtiurjTi. take* this method of loforming hia iricnd* and the public in general, that hi* store will at bll limes be supplied with an extensive and ecuorul assorUKent of Drug*. Dye Studs. Paints, l hi*. Vkrntuht*, Perfumery, Colognes, and indeed every nr licle. culled lot m a drug aton:, \vhn:b will ill way-he Ujid as low a* ui arty other house jji the city, whole, tule or;retail Hoping to mem a share ol the public patronage, nothing shall be wanting to give mure -at- to lit*customer*. u.-v7-upl 1 {Hydropathy, or the Mater Cure. DOCI'ORDKNJAMI.N 'V MORRIS, still coiiUnocß to pracUce the safe mid popnlur remedy called llydropitliy or the Water Cure, and ifde*ired will tmu (lipases Allopullneully. Ol>stmi<-;il cases wnl >it tcndei! to promiHly .N. D.—Dr •orri« may l«i r-onsiilicd at his Drug ytore, 2 Commercial Row. Liberty street, during lm*mc«i l lK>ur». oral In- resilience, innrn.iig und evrn- Ihgc I'vrift street, J doors below Irwm - alley novi -upM '.D r , Blebanc In Tennessee. 'i’HJS ia to certify that 1 j»urehn*ed one vial of Dr. t MoLane'i Worm Specific-, some two mouth* ago efitl rave U> a ion of imne.Vomc irvm ycAr* old. nso lessuOGfis full, uiul allbougli 'he amount may appear itoreTykrt I have no doubt but there wa» upward* of TBOOSAIH) wuKMI passed from hum lOeasunnn “ ~,C" “ u “v"H.".ufev. Rods’* Crock, Carrol co Trim . Dec IC. I*l7 -a24 S' ELLIiRs - VERMIKI UK IN CiFXJKDIA.- CuLCKHf-s. Jan. Mil. W 49 Mr K. R Seller* — Your Veriinfccgc has -olcl well. and ha. been Ingliy spoken ol by all who hav* u»rd it. Fruln the success attending the administration ol you r N'innifyige in every rw*c l have heard 01, I stu confided! 1 cun sell more during the coming season ■ hart 1 did last 1 will nr glnd to receive another -up ply of 4 Or figros* Your*. fr.prriiu*iy I Extract irom 1-tter I K 1 A l*. , . Prepared and sold by It K S>W.LF.KM uc U ood si, dhd Miliiby druggist! generally, in Pittsburgh and Al IORl»"V: _ j ““ S»I.:.MOI.ASJ»h>i~W M-U >1 M.-i-rve . )u»t >* •^t" 1 "'“iil.M.n I^KRTW,^ Sl'liAH «’ prime -ligsi. new crop. ju«t rem 8K.,» N •' CITLHKRTS(rt S~ llAp'—'y* hx» Pm*burgh ntanufaciurcd J ,,al ..nJ ,o, -ss; (tt . N 4 LBKRTS.IN ItAMU.V FLftLK - JVJ l*hk Parkinson’* superior Family Flour, tor «*k b« f c b43 WICK ft M’CANDLESS PITTSBUEGH?-FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 30, 1849. CO-PARTNERSHIPS. a\UE co-p»rlD«r«iup heretofore belweeiithe subscribers, ut the name cf FlffW, Hhev t Co . tsa* this day dissolved by mutual coHSfcm. tiro Khey will settle Uie business of the coneerti,'for whleb pur pose he is authorized to use the name of the fiyn POUTKR. R. FRIEND, JAMP» WOOD, Fcbiuiry 7, GEO.RHKY Co-Partnership. The *ub*ent>«tf« have this day assonaied themselves in ihe name of RHKY, MATTHEWS a <N> i tor the purpose of transacung a general Grocery, Corftnn sion and Forwarding Business at the stand of the late firm of Fnend. Khey St F« , where they will be pleased to rcertre the patronage of the customer* of that house and our rrirml*. GKO. RIIKN . February 7. Is 4». We take pleasure In recommending to the eonfidi-nee ,o( our inend* and th©*e ot Friend, Rhey A F-n. our suceessors in bustnow, Rhey. Matthews A C-o. PORTER R FRIEND, irl.ii J AMF-S WOfIPS Diaaolntlon. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between ihe sulmcriiiers, m ilia name of FonstAbic. Barke A Fo. 11 thi* dnv ilisaotved by mutual content. 51 casts Burke A Barne* will settle the business of the con cern. tor winch purpose they are authorised in use ibr name m ihe concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES The undersigned have thin day iaaoeiated themselves in the nalSe of BU RKE A UAKNfi, for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Froof Safes. Vault Door*, Ac. Ac., at ihe stand of the late firm of Constable. Burke A Fo . where they will l.e pleased to receive the pa tronage of the. eu*iouier* ol that house and their friends. EDMUND BURKK. THOMAS BARNES. In renting from the firm of Constable, Burke 4 F.o, I with sincere [flea«ttre rrcomniend Me*sr«. Burtc 4 Barne* in the confidence of my fnriid*and the public. Feb U. 1-vW. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. lefiKMtf THE partnership so Ipng ejusung under the firm ol M vord St King, was by mutual consent dissolved 011 lh«- l*t insl. Tl»e business will be closed at ihe old “land If ciihcr of us. using the nnme of the hnn lor that purpose. Being desirous to have out business closed with as tittle delay as possible, we would re spectfully request Ihose indebted to nail and settle lh«-ir accounts. JOHN If M’COKD, ja-j-t H D KING Co>Partn«rahip. JOHN D. M’CORD having askociated with him his jhiflthi-r Jaine* M'Cord. under the style of M'Cord A Fo . kill conunur tlie Hut, Cap and Fur business in nil it* various branches, wholesale aud retail, at ihe old stand, eorner of Woo*l and sih streels, -whrr* ihey tcln-u n continuation of the patronage so hberullT be suiwrd on die old hnn. JOHN 1) M'CORD jHi, JAMES S. M’CORD. IN renting from the old und well known firm of M'Cord k King. 1 mo«l reapeciflty recommend 10 ihe patronage of the public my euccessora, Messrs. M'eorif A cl. _ j.i2* [L D^KlNCi^ DISSOLUTION. r IHIK purioershtp of MURi’H Y 4 LEK 1# ihi* day X dusoivcd b\ mutual CausenL The basinets ot the iate firni will be settled II Lee. J R. MURPHY, Pittsburgh. Jan W. l«!> If LEE. NOTICE—Thr undersigned will continue ihe Wool bu«uie<* und mi end lo the sale of Woolen Good*, at Uic old stand. H. LEL. In retinug from the firm of Murphy 4 I-ee, 1 take great pleasure 111 recommemling Air. fl I»ee to the confidence of my mends und the public. Pills burgh. Jan Fb. |~4U. J. R- Ml RPIIN r FHK *ufi«rnbers have ih« day associated them- J. *civr» loguther lot the purpose of transacting a wholesale and reiaii Dry Goodv and Grocery business, ni No 2St» Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the siyie and firm of HUSHFIELD4 HAYS. I’utsliurgiu January I, N. U. —Our old cusiumeu and the palriu- are invited to 51VC u.« a rail Ja3 CO-PARTNERSHIP, WM. B. SCAIFK aud Capt JAMFSf ATJdNSON have cnirn-il 11110 imritirrship. under the linn of SCAIFK 4 ATKINSON, and will carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. A!«n. Hlncksmithing in all iu hr one he*, at the old siaud of Wm. B. Ss-xuic, First street, near Wood. Fari.ruUr altent.on given to steamboat work. ritllE PARTNERSHIP of W«.i R lUts havuig X been di.s-olve.l by Hie death of one ofthe pnrtnrrs. the inter**! of Wm llay». Jr . deceased, in said firm, eoii«isting of Hide*. iK-ather, Skins, (til, 4c., will be sold on (lie premise" on the l&th in*C fct)7-td JAMFj" LAUIHIIdN, Admini*U3ior. 11l A % k ibis day ««**nuaicil with me in the whole »aic titocety. Produce and Commission busine.*, my Mother Joseph, under the tirra of J S 1)11. WORTH Januarr 1. Ib4» CTO-PAKTNERSUIP— Wm. Young having this j day a.s*»»ciaird with him. John K. M'Cuuc, the lea ther business* wilt herrailer be conducted under the linu of Mm Young 4 Co. WILLIAM YOUNG. ):ins JNO iLMVTNF, BdDK TRADE- NK'V BOOKS—lectures on Pilgrim's Progress and the Life and Tunc* of John Hunyan, by the Rev (Vito. U. ChcOvcr, D D, ». YVamJcring* 01 a Pdgnm in the Shadow of Mount Ui hue, by Goo H Fheever D 1». Phe Journal of the Pilgrim* at Plrmoutb. in New Kn gland, in IfrJti Hepnuled Irom the original volume, wu h historical .md lu-al illustrations ol providrnre, principle* and persons, by George B t’hecver. I) U Sec ood edition It HpUMii, with rrlrrenro to H- unpon and mode*, l-v FxJ- card Beecher, l> *D • Life and Ci>rr-*pond«*nce nl John Foster, ediird by K Rylazid. with noue'e of Mr. Foster a* a nrcac&er zid a companion, by John Sheppard—new edition 1 tue siiovr, with a large stock of Theological. His >n- s t, Medical and School Book*, for smie si low J .I.LI* »T r 4 ENGLISH. 79 Wood .t. is ill i-ciween 4ui *t and Diamond alley ORI -GON AND CALIFORNIA IN By J H T iioniion. lute Judge oftfie Supreme Court o( 1 »r -rgori -- with mi Appendix, including recent and au ihrniir iiiforuiniion on the subject oltbc (joUi .Mine*. ■mi <»ih er vn’ii ibli-Mailer of ntiere*i u, ihe > mign< 11C wuii m ruerou- illustration* and a iu«p; '2 voU. t'Jmo •si ,7b The t.obl-Seeker- .Manual, bemg n praetiesi und ii-iiuc t .vc i-uide io m: peru>u* rmir rating to the gold egio.i*. i.y DT A nsieii. Prni of Geology, King’* Col ege la. -l veil, -Xae N,»ie- oi Travel n C alifornia, comprising the protn oent let tur- »oi the country, also, the route from Fort -eav-en worth. Mo . i■ ■ Kan Diego, Cal Front the nib mi i«-[H,ft* of Go I Fremcuii and .M*,. Kmory: I vol, (Uipu;M 'Si- 1 1-r t'aliioriua Lunle lloni, comprising the la-t «» tiled work, together With C*nl. Fleittom'* (ieogntphieal ace mill ofFpper California, aud hi- Narrative ol the Fup lonng Fxped.unu to the Rocky .Mountain*. Ac . wio ( •> map. l vol,-vo paper hne K rv Hupti-t W Work on lb- llmoit in ('hun-h and KUclr I vol. IJuio J in received by R HOPKINS. »nch'J2 Apollo Kutldlng*. 4th *t IILH»K> ltn( »KM' -Fslgar * Vnrtanoii. of Pop.-ry' I) Ny R.-v f ?«parry, Xenophon's Work*: Tsrifu-' \N <.fl s. I invrrsity' Ker-ono, by AVaylwcf; Nuluri.l Hi. trr r y nr Kjuhu-ra-ni, Lsio and Tnnra ol Philip lien rv; Li is-or Rev Henrv Venn; Proverb* ol Hie Peop e o' Ma goon, TheopSruiy, or mojutectanou of God n> (*hn*i Mrinotr* of J Fowt-ll Uuxtnn. Dart, Clinsi Is all, |.y Tyag, Hnpu-m, it* iu>|>ort and modes, The Mid dle Kit gefutn. 2 vols. ('heever's Lectures on Pilgrim’* Progre. **; Cheevcr's Wandering* of a Pilgrim in the Alps, A nderscin’* Domestic Constitution. Modern Ac c-omplii limcnts; Last day* of KJtahn: Women of ihe Htvolu. jon. by Mr* Kllot; lufc oi Pollok, for «ale I.y marls • ELLIOTT ft F.NULIrMI, 79 woo«J -i HI. ft I AN MA<iiNKTD<M—lu claim* to di*pa#»mn- Itb - incjuiry; Ix-utg an attempt to «how the utihty ol its ( .pplicatton lor the relief of •utirring; by W Newnh uin.; , author of “TUe renprocal rnfluenr* of lio> It and Mind,' 1 etc. Tlte br»t work on ihe lubjeri pubb* bed For sale by KLLIOTr ft ENGLiMIi, in xul2 79 wopd «i LI F r, F FRANKLIN, Illuairatcd—nr eour»e of p tiblieauon in tftp .oeuil form, by Harper ft Bro ther*, New York, Tlte Ufr of lienjairun Franklin, eon stsuii g of hi* Autobiography, and a narra ive of In* puhtr c life mid service*. I.y the Rev II lg- Weld, *plei ididly rml>«iili*heil by uamerouseinuixitr designs, by Ji »lm (f Chapmun, engmved in the highest ruylc of art The work is printed in the octavo form, on *u l-erfi ne paper, Irom bold and legible type. If will be com pJrtcd in eight pans, at 25 eenu cacli, and uwued at h -ief interval*, hutch part will be received byrx pre» i immediately afler tin publicauon I'arl lAt ju«t reee Ived and for salo by JOIINBTON ft STfH’.KTON, J corrtar market and 3d *t* MA' UFLAY’K HISTORY OF KNOLAND-From . ll ie accession of James ll—Vul I. The i llutory of Alexander tlia Great: by Jacob Ab bo’.t, w ttli map und engraving*. The j lu-tory oi Chorle* the Finn of England: by Ja c nb All bott—elegant engraving*. Harp er’* Life of Franklin: splendidly embellished oy auß ierou* exquisite detlgnaftfiNo 1, 25 rent* To he com pleted in H number*. PicK.nal History of Fhtglnnd, up to the reign of te 111-—complete m 4 vol*, octavo: 13WJ illuatra received by R HOPKINS, t- I * l Apollo Huilding*. 4th *t A/t A*‘Alil.A YT- UI«rf)RY OK KNGIJkND, Vet.. 1L s.»i Chalmers’ Po*ilmmou* Work*, Vol. 5 Frunklin's Life Illustrated--parts H and HI. The Hwtory of Hannibul the Corthnguitan by Jacob Abhoii. lllustraicd title, map and numerous engra ving*. Having «*iii our mure Hjook 10 c m wnu ft virw 10 clming our old liumiic**. wt t*y *t>- lirii lor linn liir iimruirngt: nl all our friend* and c'u«- iomrr». Ill) W I'(*IM»K.\TKR, Acton, nr the Circle of Life. A rolleeiitni of Tlio’i* i'I'INULX l I.K. and Dlxervilion*, de«tg»rd to delineate Life, .Man and IMtfd.urgh, Aug 4Ui. the World. * | A<ller’» (Jroinnii-r aiul Dictionary, ortnvo. Story of l.itiic Joim; rrom the >'rr.n«li of M f nell. Miuitralr.d Hart's Romance (p \»rliUii(? Arabian .Nights Kmenaimnrnm, Inuir* iran-lnnon, splendidly illustrated. Uvois IJuui. Just received by R HOPKINS, fc-'j*! Apollo Mall. 411* « NKW Hex »KS— History of Majytiuccn *>l Sroi« By Jueoli Alil.oti, with engraving*. Ili«u>rv of King Charles the F>r*t, of England. Uy J*cot> Abbott; with engraving* History of Alexander the t.iraL Uy Jacob Abbott, with engravings. History of Manmlml the Carthaginian My Ja'-oh A hhntt; wtih cngraviugs. Received ajid for sale hy JoHNSTO.N A STOCKTON. b'l'23 cor market and d»l* /T h.W HOOKS—Oregon and Oalitorni* in by -i v J yuinn Thornton, lair Judge of the Supreme *• °urt of Oregon, and corresponding member ot the J .mencan institute With ini appendix, includl Jig re '''‘in and aothrutic nuonnation on tlie «ulijrrl • >1 tit** COLD MINES oi Calitorma, nnd other valuabh ' mai ler of interest to ihe eniigrouu, etc With illustn wiona and • mart In taro volume*, l Raphael; or page* of the book of lite al twenty '■ by | Alphotue de Lcmarunc, author of the “History m lb® I Girondists, or IVraonnl Memoir* of the Patriots of ibe , French Revolution ’’ etr Just received and for talc JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, corner market and Uili Map of Pennsylvania—conmructrd irom to* County Survey* authorized I*y ibe State, nud oth er original document*. Rrviacd miid improved uiider the supervision of Win. F- Moms, Otsri! Engineer, o pon data procured m *urh county, under authority of the Legislature.. A *-w copie* m tin* large and epl« idid Map received this day and lor sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Diaaolntlon*., MTHIS esbiblishmeni long aud widely known a* being one of the mo*( couuuodioua 111 the city of Italuinore, ha* recently undergone very exten sive alteration* and improvements. An enure new wmg lia* been added, contain) ng numerous and airy sleeping apartment*, and cxieiutve bathing rooms. The Indies' dcpariment ha* also Ixteti completely reorganized nnd filled up in a ntos-i unique and bttaun ful style. In fart Liu’ whole arrangement of the House ha* l»een remodeled, with a single eye on the pun of the proprietor*, toward* the romfort and pleasure of their Guest*, and which they confidently a«*en will challenge . ompanwiu with any Hotel in tlie Union. Tlieir tabic will alwny* be supplied with every siib stamal and luxury which the market afford*. *»-rved up m a «npenor <u le; while in the way of Wines. 4<- , they will not be *tirpa*«ed. In conclusion the proprietors,beg 10 say, that nothing will be left undone on their pan, and on Uie part of their assistants, 10 render thi* Hotel worthy the continued pat/onaae of their friend* and ihe public generally 'Hie price* for tx>ard have al*o been reduced in ihe following rains: LEVI MATTHFAYS, WM. EBBS. N. B —The Baggage Wagon of the House will al wuy* be found at ihe Ciir niul Steamboat Landing*, winch will convey baggage to nnd fronJlbe Hotel, free of charge. may-Jtf coancß or rvnv *m> *r cuia »ih., fittsbi.'rou. p*. MThr Mil.M-nber having assumed the manage ment of thi* long esmblished nnd popular Hole!, respectfully announces to Travellur* and Hip Public generally, ihat he will be at nil times prepared to accommodate them m ail tilings desirable ill a well regulated Hotel. The House 1* now being thoroughly required ihroughoui. and new Furnitures added, and no pains will be spared lo make the Exchange one of the verv best Hotels in the country Tbv undersigned respectfully solicit* a contmunnee of the very liberal patronage the House ha* heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, Diaaolntlon* for the uecomitUMianoti 01 iravclrr*. Iroutdcr*, and the public generally Tlie hou*e nnd furniture are entirely new, aud no pains or expense have Iw-rn snared to render it one of Ihe most comfortable and pleasant Hotel* in urc city tvl, Tuutn J*rn£»cT. Pittsbcrgii. A large nml -plrndid aseortniriti of Pernunre. suitable tor SirumlKiat*. Hotels mid pnv mr ilwcl littrt, constantly or. band and made 10 order. 'Hie pre*«nl stock ou hand cannot he exceeded by any manufactory m Hie w -tern rouuiry Verson* wishing lo purrhnVe would do «r!l to eivr me n call, os lam determined my price* shall p.caee Pan of the Block conu«i» in TeteaTete; Hutlet Kla.jeie, lami* XIV Choirs, (.{uren Kliznhetfi chairs, Tra Poise; I'ruit Tables; Toilet Table*, l,oui* X V Comnunlcr, prrneli MabogfinV Bedsteads, Viann Siooln; l 4o «>in« wttli plush and llair-elolti covan; lit) Mahogany KiH'kint; Oliuirs, 4o dor Parlor do ■>l •• Fa..r> do 25 centre Table*; UU pair Divon«, 4 paw Tallies; 14 marble top Dressing Bureaus; 1 Wardrobe*. *» f*ccre-turir. mid Uo<*k r i»e*. •JU raartde lop Wu»h Stand*. 4 pad Uyouisn*; ft pair fancy Work Stand*; iTVery tai gr unwiun' ul Mmimm <iliw< »nd udnr turuwure too numerous 10 mention H~>- Steam Boats lurmthrd on tbc shortest ounce, and ou IhJ moal reasonable term* decJi Chocolate, Cocoa, Ac. \V Baker's Antenrmi and preneli Chocolate. Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Pis-tc. Broraa. Coma Shrll*. Ar IM> tnrrrtiiinu and ronsumei». who would purchase Uie beat products o< Cocoa, tree from adulteration, more nntntioD* than leu or coder, and in uuality uii*ur pused. the subscriber recommend* the above artb'lm. manufactured by httnself and stamped with In* name. Hu Broraa and Cocoa Paste, a* delicate, palatable, and salutary drink* tor invalids, convalescents, and others, are protiouurcd by ihc most etnincut phv.inan* •upenor u» any other preparation* Hi. matuii <rt\ire« • aruulwai* on «nie. in any quantity . by th* ino-i r*- ! ipceiabie rrocer* in the r««irrn eitie*. and by then i agent*. Hawes, l.rsy A eo . of Boston. Jame* M Jtunrr | A ro. Hnntord. i.oiin. liuwy A Murray New York, 1 (waul A Stone. Philadelphia, Thom a* V iirundnje HaJ luirnrr. and Krl.oqc & Bennett. tXm ntnati. I ’hin WaI.TKR BaKK.R, Dorehcstrr Mas* For «a!r by angdl IIAfiAI.KY A S.MITH, Agt* WroughPand Coat Iron Rolling. rrMJF. subscriber- beg leave to littorm the public tUal X they have obtained trom Ihr hast all the lair und , fashionable dr-iyn- iui Iron Railing. both lor house. tu<d eemricne. I'ei.on, wishing in procure hand- Mime paileru* win |• I• ■>.-*- call nnd examine. in.t judge for lhctll*r)vr« Railing will b»- tlirni*iled 01 Ihr short- i e*l notice, uinl in ibe b- -l inniiner. HI lUe corner u( . Craig and Ret.ecru street.. Allegheny nil ■ ujejy-dil A t.AAJO.Vf A KNOX _ ( LaachlnC) Cupping nnd Bleeding. ■ KU .MMIKIS. iSurcesMif to M K Delany I , >o 44 Mflh *ucet. between Wood and Smith- | field Fresh leeches received monthly —attendance all j hours Reference, the physicians r»( Pittsburgh. Aiie- I gbctiy ami Birmingham 1 I most c-herrluiy rreomiunid in the physician*, fam ilies and all in) former friends and pnuoii*. Mr K H Norn* us tu-mg thnroughl) ur<|iiiwtit>-d with the husi ue«s and wortb)*of patronage. _ rnam-ly M R DI'.I.A.NY _ Manafactureil Tobacco. 40 BXSl»enlry A Kov.irr's superior sweei . r > Ip*. ~xO ’S.i do At A Butler'* 'l* lu hi do Price A Harwood'* ' 4 •4t do do do '• " H. •£i do do Pearl A Hanvtmd " 4A 11. • 14 do J Rotniison ' " Id -47 hi do do * ” 4 ‘£l do do \Vm I>aw«on " 4 .1! do T Wrigl»i » " - - “ IP doti Anderson r< " *l do I. T Oude’s • * 4 do R Mneon's * “ U do RaudUi “ - lb Just landing litou *ienine r and jinrkrl*. and tor sale by HKAI.IY fU'CKNORAOo, 41 north water stand H 5 north wharves. jr‘J4 Philadelphia MANfh •ACTFKKBTitHACCO- UU l>X hf S sJoncf A Son * .upenor sweet b. lump* * 74 hult l.x* Webster l >:J -upenor sweet 4* lumps ;}6 •• l.uvvrenee I-ouht •• 4a " •• (cMiiry A Rov*'er •• 3* A4* “ ♦>o " Dupont idc In Kure) “ 4* 10 *• Melx-mJ lK» “ lxillier 4* A li* pl«g 1 - Just landing troin steamer, and for sale by > lIKALD. 11l CKNOU A Co, J 41 N wilier st and If* N wluirvr*, ' my-Ji Pliiiudclpli.a: _ AT. (iLUNSt Book Binders. J. B. DILMORTH BookaeUera, cor market and 3d its HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE Ladir*' Ordinary, (ientlrinen'* 81.75 per day \.M EXCHANGE HOTEL, LAMARTINE HOUSE, coxrotß or rofntTH and o&ant rriarr>. rn-ntßUHoit. 4sb, THE suhsrriber n-*j>eciftilly announer* that he ha/ How opened hi* new nnd excellent Hotel Tlie subscriber 1* determined lo deserve, and there* font solicits, a share of public i-s-rmiage. ocll4-Uly JAGOi. :i <i'Gll. _ 1 O 0 - F E' R C’ n * KAVEDI '' • HOUSE. :• Balfimorc street, near d. 1* now m complete order Thf. Virginia I'-i’i the Depot. Fu'-' for thr recrjH- i i u. .. »< .-oniiundalion of the. public. Persons in search of ease and comfort, will do well to patronize this c-Uiblishracni—they will find the chamber* clean and nice, and the Table ns well fur nished a* any in Cumberland, at twenty-five crnia, guaranteed as good as any that cun t>e had lit ibo place, at any price, or no charge. No charge for transportation of baggage to and from the cars. jalidSm WASHINGTON EVANS- UNITED STATES HOtTBL, CHBINI T ITT , BrrWKEt Form! AND FIFTH STS. OPPOSITE lute Bank of the United States, Phtia delphia M. IH)PE MITCHELL, inarttf « Proprietor MISCELLANEOUS- FRRJBH SPRING GOODS. KhnekleU k White, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, «ji Wood street, a»k the attention o( Merchant* to Oieir flock of AMERI CAN AND FOR EKIN' DRY GOODS.' now receiving direct from fir-t hand* Receiving regular supplies of first good* during the, season, and devoting u large sluire of their utleulion to Eastern Auruou *aie«, they can rorthdetitly ussurc buyers they will find it 10 ilietr interest to examine their stock Rikt received, large invoices of n*w style Dres* Good*. Fancy Pnnts. Fasnmert-*. Ftmhs, Sntnuier Good*. Lapp*. While Good*. Irish Ijnemt, Tailor*’ Tiimn-inc* and bruwit and blcuched Sheetings of vnn ou» brands mar!) JABIEB W. WOOD WELL, Sodero and Antique Fnrnilnre, WE are Mill sngUffcd in tin) above l.ustnr**, corner of Wood nnd'lTiitd street: 1 , Fill«biifi:li, where wr are prepared to do itny work in our line with des patch. We attend to uur work personally. and miti*- lacuon Will be given in regard to n» iicutnc** and du rubilny Blank Book* ruled lo any pattern and Iwiunil *ub ■tamiully. Hook* in number* or old book* bound e«ro- I'ull) or repaired Nuue* jiul un book, in gill l'*»trrs. Those that have work in our line are mvued u* call. Price* low mytShil jptALF SKINS— 3O dm kpiiuiiic French Calf Skin*, a \v very fine article. A few dozen* Philudrlolua Skins, Irom the manufactory of 11 M Crawford, to which the. attention of boot makes* is invited. Ju*t received and for sale by W Ol'Nti A Co. 143 litiertv *t A 'f W. M. - M'CU’NTuCK No. ifo Fourth street, can be iren a splendid variety of »up Royul Vel vet and Tapestry Carpet*. luie*t style* Al*o. Bni*- *eU, 3 ply* and *up and fine Ingram Carpet*. of «up ■tyle* and qualities; and in cmineciion ran always bn found Tabic Linens, Cro*hcs, Diuiier*. Damask*. Mo remm. Oil Cloth*. Ac. Ac., to all of winch wc call die attention of tin- public NOTICK. Cl II (JR A NT, Whole.*nle Gror<*r. Cnmun<«ion -ml j. I'orwHrJmc Merchant. No tlUnler-l uuli BKLL AND DRABS KOt'NDIIV . a. A FULTON, Bell and Uru*« Founder. lm« re ffi built and MMiiirtrtieed bu*tne*- qi ln> old »tund, lie will lie pleaned to sec his old cu-iow- qnd Iriendm. 4f Church,Sleiimbout. and BrlU ofevrry -i 2r , from 10 lo HI.DOO |>ound». pusi from pattern* of the mn-i ajtprov mode)*, ami warranted t« he of the be-t man-ruii* Mineral Water Purapa, Counter*. Kailmn. A<- , mo ther with every vnriei) oi Bra«s Ca«tin»«. ti required, lurnad ami hni-hed in the nrale-t innnncr. A F i» the sole proprietor ol Babbit's Amti-Attri tius Mrtai-, *n ju-tly rclcbrated lor the reduction of friction in machinery. The Boxes ami '.'ompn-iuon can he Inul of him at all lime*. ju'JO I y PRINTING PAPKH. THE nulmrnbcn l having the excluaive Agency for selling the Printing Paper of u new and extensive paper null in thu vicinity. will he at alt time* well sup plied with the differem sixe* of paper ot superior quali ty, which we offer at the lowest tegulur price*. Any me or quality will he manufactured n» order at eteort nonce. HKVNOLDSA BHF.K. JBJ4 hot corner Penn and Irwin *t* INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—Jnit received for the California Expedition, a complete a*»orunent of l»mn Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from lo for suit of coat, panwand hoi. For sale ut the India Rubber Dct>ot, No b Wood si. dec*) J A II PHILLIPS JUST RECEIVED—Three more of tho*e *o justly ceirbraled Hamburgh Piano-, used constantly by List, Thalberg and other great performers, together with a large Assortment ol rosewood and mahogany, of nry own manufacture. The above instrument* are warranted ta lx* perfect in every respect, and will he ■old low for cash. F BLUME, dcclS u No Ua Wood it, ltd door Iron 9th MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE I ISOOVERV' Patctt Sbcvmd Jahoaev Ist, IS4&. Patent mnyiever extension Tables, Sofas , Jlttnaus, Book Cases, WrUtng Desk*. r*r*...* J^‘KK. OF WROUGHT IRON rpiiE TABLES fiix iiupaaauig every other in- A venuon of the kind now extant- They can be ex tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when closeO ihe leaves are all contained Inside: they are made to all sue* and ahapea, and are admirably adapted Ibr Steamboat*. Hotels, and large private families, form ing when closed a complete centre talde. SOFA? AND BUREAUS—There articles are invtd uable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shui al convenience, and when shut, the bedding la encJov ed'. A great saving m room and rent All the bed steads when elosed form a beautiful piece uf fu-miiere for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASES—A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. \V RiTiNG DKSKR— Foi law office.*,counting rooms, nnd other offices, when opened a most convenient bed • trad. when closed a perfect Desk and Library atone is visible. All these article* nred no recommendation: the beamy or ibe whole is, ,hey are warranted not to get out ol repair l! will be for your interests to rail and examine (he article*, at ih« manufacturer'* store. No w;i Third street, Pittsburgh. In addmon to the alcove advantages, they axe proof against bugs tnrhiti JAMESW WOODWELL JUBT RECEIVED, AND now opening, a spleiuhtd lot o Piano Fonrs, from the celebrated firm of Nunns 4 Clark, N. Y It consist* in I I » I I "part of the following! One elegant Rosewood C| octave Ptano, with carved moulding, top and plinth, projecting from nnd carved gothic tablets. One rosewood Plano, fi| octave, elegant nnd plain, with Coleman'* celebrated -Eoltan Attachment, u su perior instrument. One Rosewood 6 octave, round corner* and octagon legs. One do do do One rosewood Piano, square eorner* and leg*. These Pmuo* hnyr iinprovcinrnts in the inrchninstii. m stringing und covering of Ihe hammers, possessed by no utiier* in ihi* country, and are at once llte br*t a* well a* the «lieupe»i pmuos that can be bought. AlX)—An elegani lot ot Ctuckeruig’i Puuion, from 7 to (j octaves, possessing all the latest improvements, at reduced prices. Al-BO—fine elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano, 7 octnves. a uew invention. HENRY KLKBER. febt-if At J W Wood well’s, t<3 Thin! »t CHICK.ERING’B PIANOS. (M JOHN H. MKLLOR, (sole Agent for Piano Fortes for Western Pennsylvania,) No. 81 Wood street. "•*1 "" Pittsburgh, has received and now open for sale, tlie lollowmg elegant nßsortraent, direct from die manufactory, at Mr. Ctuckering’s (Boston) prices, viz: One Rosewood seven octave Phuio Forte, carved in the most elegant ami rich style of {xmlt XIV. One Rosewood carved seven octave, new and im proved scale One rosewood Piano, til ociavet, new:*cale; One •* carved, (J •* “ Two “ ronud comers, 6 octave, new scale. Two u paiuicl “ 0 u “ The above are all from the manufactory of J Chick ennjc, Durton. of the latent *tyles of fumitarc, an«l with the new and improved ncale. n Roar wood t> octavo Pianos, from the manufactory of H Worcester, New York, formerly ot the firm of Stodnn, Worcester A Dorham. y rosewood 0 ottarc, Gale A Ctu, N. Y. I rosewood t>J octave Piano, made by Bacon A Ra ven, New York I Mahogany C octave Piano, made in Baltimore.. and led with ine fo* sale tiy tlie owner, for cash or in ex change tor Pittsburgh manufacture*. or groceries suit] utile tor a.,country store. Price &JOU. jaitt) MR. ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAV NR—This certifies, that immediately nfier having attended my brother, who died Of consumption in March. Ic4& 1 was.lakeu.siek with the Consumption or Idvrr Complaint, gqdkwas reduced so low with the disease, that tor (our l was unable to attend to my business, either at home or abroad, being tor the most time confined to my bed. During the above peri od of tune, ) had expended for medical attendance o regular Physicians and medicines, to the amount of 830 U, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, Lb4fi, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi cliico, and have taken them more or leas ever since, and believe that it was by persevering in their use, that I can now truly say thaf I have completely reeo-. vered my health. 1 believe that Jayne’s Sanative Pills and Expectorant artlbcbcsl family medicines uow m use. I reside m Springfield. Ouego eouniy, N. Y-, and carry on a furnace and machute shop in that plaoe, and um not interested in any manner u> me sule of the m«>ve mrdietnes. and make this ceni(u:aie tor tbr U-n -chi ot those ulhicli'd. ELIJAH KATUN Spriugficld. N V . Sept 16 I*4-'*. ju4 MAN UPACTUKill) TOBAUCO.-Thr subscriber would call the attention of the city trade tti.j dealer* generally, to the following brntols Tobacco*, in store and lo arrive, winch l» consigumems di rect from manufacturers, lie i* enabled to *ell si cum etn priees: lIEI i bxs R \V Crenshaw 7U j •• James Madison 6*; “I I '• Ixnsniw &«: ri j MiAibrau ‘SI 1 Putnam Kin! Is, 16 i “ Robert* A Si»«on hi, h j - Oscar Bur! Sa; li j " Johns A Iwwi« is; :t | “ Warwick. »upr l«; Hl> L “ Jlenry A James aadSx; ra«l L SWA TERM AN Maehio* Works ■»<! Feaadry. JOHN WRlOtrr aTS., we prepaid to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery of everv description, such a* Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders. Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers, Dressing Frame*. Looms. Card Grmdprs, Ac Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sixes of Cast Iron, Pulhes and Hangers of the latest patterns, slide find hand I.allies and tools of at! kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short notice Pattern* made lo order for Mall Gearing, Iron Railing, A«. Stegm Pipe for heni tny Factories. Cast Iron Window Saih ana fancy Cas tings generally Orders left at ibo Warehouse of J . Palmer A Co, Liocrty street, will finve prompt atten- Refer to Blarkstork. IM! 4 Co . J K. Mcxirehead ,t Co . t« E Warner John Irwin ft, Sons, P.ttshurgh . f» O k J H Warner, Steubenville. mnlf* Penn Uachlae B&opT HWIOHTMaN —Manufacturer ol all kind* of coi • ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pn The above work* being now in full and succetstul op eration. 1 am prepared to execute orders with disnuirh tor all kinds ol machinery in my line, such as willow*, pickers, spreader*, cards, grinding machines, railway ». drawing frames, speeder*. ihrossiU. loom-, woolen cards, double or mnvlc, for merchant or country work, niuies. jack *. Ac., ■ Ude and hand laihes and tools in gen eral All kinds oi shafting made lo order, or plans gtv ci) for ceanng laciones or nulls at reasonable charge. Kr:rkK to —Kennedy. Child* 4. <?<»., Blacksiock, Bell A Co . King, Punuock & Co.< Jus A,Gray. Hew coacu faclto&t, ~ ‘ AIXCOHR.tV. MA. WHITE A CO., would respectfully inform • the public that they have erected a shop on l-acovk, Iwiween Federal and Sandusky streeis. Thry are now making and are prepared ti receive order- for every description of v-hieks*, Coafihe*. Chariot’s. Bu roorhrv Buggies, Phmionv Ac., Jed-, which trom Un ir long experience in the manufacture of Uie above work, nmi the facilities they have, they fed! confident they are enabled jo do work on the most reasonable term* with those wanting article* in ibrir line. Paying particular ulieulum lo the selection of maie nai*. and having none hut competent workmen, they hov* no hesiinuon rn warrnntnij] Uigir work We therefore nsk the atietiiion of the public lo this matter N U Kepmnng done in the besUnajiner, and on the mo«t reasonable term*. ja-JU tf Cl PER FRENCH BROADCLOTHS—W R Mft- O rn T inv lie* the attention of bu jers to his extensive a**orwueut of above Good*. einbrnrmg evrry quuliiy up lo very fine, and from the celebrated manufacto ries ol France. Purchasing these gootls from the commission merchant* or agent* of the monufaciu rers, he i* enubte.d to sell them ai the lowest possible price*. Also, olive green and luvniblc green Cloths, very cheap; wool dyed blk do; and French, British and American CASsIMEKEB, block and fancy, blk and fancy satin VESTINGS, gentlemen's wlk parcel Handkerchief*, black and faney lira vats, linen pockn Hdkfs, Undershirt*, Drawer*, Ac., at the north east comer ol 4th and Market street*. Wholr-solc Rooms up ttaira. febiO nononskhtlA Livery Suable. * ROBERT H. PATrERSON ha* opened large stable on First si, running through | O \ to Second at, between Wood and Sinithfield **™“*"**t* • m Hie reiir of the House, with an rnusrly new stock of Hornes and Carnage* of iti.- best quuliiy and latest style*. Horses kept ut live ry in the be*t manner. jyifdly CARD. ROBERT W. POINDEXTER, tLalc of I’iilsliurgh, Pa..) GENERAL COIMUMIDII 91 ESCIIANT, No. 50 South Water M-, Ibetweett Chctuul A Market,) PHILADELPHIA. (0* Particular aitontlou will be given to *atc* of Flour and Produae; and any purchase* in the Phila delphia market for wcvtern account, and Any Produce or .Merchandise sent to him through Mr. C. H. Grant oi Pittsburgh, will have attention there free of comrais mqii for receiving and forwarding. mar7:dtf johnaTshaw, PACKER OF PORK AND BEEF, Comm Union Merchant and forwarder, NO 4 CANAL ST., CINCINNATI. OHIO 10* Particular attention paid to the purchasing of of uiy article of Produce in this market. Al*o to the forwarding of Goods generally. Refer to Mai-*ik. John Bwaxey k Co,T .Martin k Btockwell VCinciitnau, O. S. C Parkhurst, Ksq. j Lippiucott A Co. Kier A Jone*, VPitL-hnrgli, Pa hjigltsli A. Bennetl, J marf' df.m BOAT CLOCKS—Having Concluded t u -atII t' off our enure Block of Jurkc’* Marino Timepieces, we now oiler to sell them at lower price* than they run be houi'hi »i any liou-e in Pittsburgh or elsewhere, cast nr w-Aift Being the only established agent* here tor thc-e clock*, wo have the largest and liiic-t u.—ort meiit in ihe nty, Call and *«e. Remeuiber, tve are not to be undersold. BLAKE A CO , Market street <vt:»l ciilrnnrA- on north *ide of the Diamond mrsutßim stkkl work* and spring AND AXLE FACTORY. ““ CJIW J0»E 8 *(lI J IOG > ,0,n,M0,0U MANL'tMTURKRg of spring and blister meet. |ilou S li tu-rl, »teel plough wing,, coach and chi.j I.C spring". hammered iron ailce, and dealer* m raal leahk castings, 6m engine lamp*, and coach trimmingi geuerally, comer of Rom and FW «u , Piushnrgl, ... - ... . . leU> JUST IN TIME— Another lot of Pistols, tunable for Uic (.alilontia service, juttt received. Also, to arrive on ibo 1 Alb Inst.. by Express, ■ neat and handy article of Portable Gold «coJea, which ev ery gold miner ought to have; and for sale by W \V WILSON, corner 4lh aad market sis For California. THE celebrated Hazard Rifle Powder, in keg*', bull keg*, quarter* and can*, for «aJc i>y fcb!3 J H DILWORTH A Co, 3?wix»d «t Rluipratt'i Patent Soda Aib ■Hi'U') CASKS juat received per ueanier* Jvanhoe &\J & and St C’oud. and for *aJc I>y VV 4 M .Mrrc MKLTRKE. I®> Li)*ny »t . will. YOUNG 4 CO., DKALF.RS IN !!U»F> AND I.FATHER, Morocco, Shoe Findings, Ar .No I*3 Liberty street. have just their 9PRIN** SIX>CK 01 goods emu puunit a lame assortment *’< wiicle* 10 their line, to which ibr attention ofpßrehoaers u mvned. mehlff DRY & VARIETY GOODS. Since the Dcvr&rpataitoflh* Caltfomui GaUl bn<er, k I.RTA SDER * DAYi No. 75 Mahckt Sxsxkt, Fmaßunuo, TTAVK resolved oh SKI«LINO ' ar S<* rf nod- of OKY GOODS—the principal part of which have lately!been purchased at Iho !-»*** Arc nos Sal** ta Philadelphia amlNcn- \orli, at a tre mendous opd unparalleled sacrifice. We have made such a targe reduction Trow our rc R . ular price* that we will now sell a large portion m our good* BKU)WOO?*T of importation. The early at trntton of buyers is invited to choice high colored goods adapted lo the t'aiiuirma Trade. LADIES DRESS GOODS Plain andfigoredCamehao Cuhmgrea and de lauies uLks, , all price*, Very superior broehia lift'd Pnper cloak rioths, aU eo* and watered Idh silks, lor*, Superior repaginate <ifk», French merinos. alTeolor*, Idk and colored. Black iunnbaxine*,' T*uper black gio*»y tiro de Cron» .barred and striped Ithin #dks, alpaent. Yisettr and mantilla «tlk». Broeha tier'd and stup'd do, best quality,® Jcnuy I.tml planU. Pure snttDs, l>lk and blue Yieforia l.vbnewi cloths, bit semis. very rich, satin merinos Cobrrg eJolU* Mid rameli- Super Milk warp alpaca an lustres, lust rev; SHAWLS! SHAWLS” Splendid plaid long shawls.j A few brocbi long shawl*. Splendid terken shawU. »the finest, w have ever from N. York auction*, brought to lbt« marker, great bargains; I now to lx* sold at great Plain and embroi’d tfiibetl bargain*, * shawls, all color*, Superfine and common t»ro- Stlk fringe, remarlrthlyj eha square shawls; cheap; 'Super cuineiiaii«ilk jjinwls GKNTLKM ENS* GOODS French clotli* from the celebrated **Jobanv” manu factory. For lieahiy offimsli and permanence of wear, these cloths have no superior; a lew pieces extra fine jet black and olive euston beavers and other heavy cloths lor over noau, twilled French cloth.*, manufac tured expre»«ly for etonks. French and American ca»- simcres, super west of Rnsland do, super French *a : tins for veaUiic*. the ben imported. Plain and fancy velvet ami rashinere vesting*, merino shirts and draw ers. lialinn cruvnir, Unen, conibnc and silk ItdktV. ho siery mid glove*, f*TA Pf ,K GOODS. In*h linen*, l>e*i lon< cloth »biruii£.mu*lm«. bleach ed uu.l brown niuntui* or <ooji.tpiaijty. remarkably low, licking*. check*. dome*uc mid uaponcd ging bams Ararle*. yellow and while flannel*. a l a rye lot very cheap, a large lot of white and erootbarred coun try flannel*. cheap; brown uml bleached Bnrn»by table linen* and utble cloth*, ilu«£t*and J*ooich diaper* Und towelling*, satinetl*, Kentucky jean* und tweed*. BLANKKTtk An nsnnl large mock of blnnkcis, direct from >the jnajiutartnrrrs. «ouie of which nfr thfrtwwt ever exhi bited, nil of which will be closed out at unparalleled low price*, la addition to the aliove rnumcrsiH goods, our stock comprise* every l««T e uud complete assortment of utmost everynrueie usually found in a dry goods store, and as they have tpeeii mainly pur chased at the casern auctions, hence the hue great re daction of prices. We are enabled and determined to sell theui off at great bargains. Wholesale buyers, conniry merchants, tailor', and the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear ly examination. Bargains shall be given. ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market »t, felni N W corner of the Diamond The l&tgtsi, duaytst mul most ~Fas/tumahie &toc£ vf Good*, adajXed to Gentlemen's Spring and Summer Wear, is just receiving at WB. DIGBY’S CHEAP CASH CLOTHINB STORE, 130 LIBERTY STREET. THE Proprietor of the above establishment would respectfully inform hi* numerous customers, that lie has just returned from the Eastern ciuca with the most splendid assortment of goods in his line, dial was ever brought to this city, comprising all that is now fashionable, elegant aud Cheap in Cloths, Casuiineres, Cashmere its, Drop Do every description of cotton. liucn and woollen Summer Stuff*, Skirts, Cra »ul«, Hdki*. Suspenders, Ac., of lira newest styles; which, together with bis very large and fashionable stock of read) made Clothing, be prepared to offer at his usual low prices. Country' Merchants. Contractors, and sdl who pur chase largely, are particularly invited to call and ex amine the stock, which i* decidedly the largest and most fashionable in the city, and great attention has been paid to get it uprnitablo to the wholesale trade. Orders in the Tailoring Line executed in the most tashionable manner, and that nothing may be wattling 10 ensure the newest and t-est style of cutting Ayten tletuan who has bad great expem-ace in the Eastern cities. ha« been added lo the establishment. inchtM dTin nmv liouDS R. H. PALMER, OFFER.** FOR SALK. AT LOW PRICK*, a full assortment o'' STRAW A.\q MILLISK UY GOODS, ol Hie most approved «ivles and pat terns, for the SPRING OP t-ll), coh-huur in pan ot— Fan. r and’ plain Kng!i*l». Ainrrnim ami French Straw, Florence. Rutland, Pedal am) olb-f plain and fancy Braid; China. Rice. Jenny l.irid. l,i»op and Roy al Milan edge Braid BONNET*. Rirn French I-arc; Fancy iin.l plain Gimp. Ac. Ac. Fancy Uruid. Struw, Gimp. la-gliorn. and other Mis ses' and latum*' HATS Panama. Manilla, latghorn. Palui l,fi\ Stinw and other Summer HAT*, lor men atnl hot * Bonnet and Plant Riblmns. Bonnet Silks; Artificial Flowers, Ac. Ac. Ar Straw Bonnet Warehouse, P 5 Market Mrert mcftl7:d2w H*”'oUSE KEEPING GOODS— \Y. R Mwm in vttes the attention of house keeper* and U»<**c about commencing house keeping, to kt* assortment of BVOVYTIuoSa. snrlr ■— guilts and Counterpanes, while and colored; Tickings and pillow-case Muslins. Sheetim-*, from one to three yards v- d. , Table. diapers and Table Cloths. Towelling. Towel* and Napkin*. Furniture Prints and Cbiiuxe.s, Scarlet Oil (’hniW, lor curiamr; Super printed Chinti. for quilts; Embroidered window curuuti Stuped and barred lit il Blankets, all qualities and sire-. A supply of itie-c isiu.l, i* coostantL *r;n on hand, and will nisi', . !.<• sold on the most favorable terms; at north ea*t i unier 4th and Market «l.» < irbvl Shirting Al utilns and Irish Linens. ATT R. All RPin invite* the paru.-irinr attention of . VV , tho*e wanting thr above flood*. t«> h.* desirable slock, ronstsumr ot lire lieu malr.lrnm llir, tnu«t ap- S roved mtuiufacturer*. and th« Inner warranted pure ax —He hns just received an additional -upply, and is offering Shirting Muskas ol a superior quality ut.s very.low price. Also, Sheeting and Pillow-rose Muslint ; Diapers and ('rush . Table Cloth*. Towrii and Napkin* , Bi»n£p**, Quills, Coumerpaitr*, and Hotrsskccpiug Dry Good* gnu-rally 1. A OIKS' DRKSS «H >I>S Suck French Merinos, Paramount*. plain ami unity Dc l.tunr*, L-ome new Styles just received,) Alparti*. Ac. The ktanon being far advanced. all these Good* will he sold at pnrn that cannhl fnd lo plea—• fl_/“ Wholesale Room* up siutf*. >an!S A. MASON A CO.,' XTO. on MARKKA STRKKT, will continue. their great semi-annual tale ol DRS GOODS, Tor 31) liny* longer, during which time their extensive whole •ale Room* will be thrown Apen la their lleUul Trade u» heretofore A. A M A Co., knowing that they are selling Dry Goods of every description fromlen to fif teen per cent. leas than ever before, do tuvitc every person in want ot dry goods, or who tuny be in want, to examine tuid purchase from our stock, olthe lowest wholr«ale roles Our gteai object m reducing stork ic to make room for Spring Goods. it l-eing nor intention to exhibit in Mareh the largest nml the richest stock of Dry Dodd* ever oderr.l by any one house in America We .hull rmiumir the sale of our Bleached *pd Brown Muslins. Ticking* and other Domestic floods, at our foritirr low rale*, notwithstanding the recent ad vance oi lb per cent upon the same in eastern mar kola, febi! BLKA>'HKD (it-MlUrt—A A.. Mason It t'o, No GO Market street, have jtt«t received the pillowing well known brands of Bleached Muslins, viz: and b-4 'Junes' Steam Mills,' 5-4 Nniuiikcag Steam Mills;' ‘Mason/'l'okanokct,’ 'Carlisle,' Dorchester,’‘Quin*- igauiouil,' ‘Grafton A,' 'Pittsburgh,' 'Lawrence.' ‘Boa ton Pillow Case.’ ‘Famrworxh.’ ic. Ac., all of which, lore liter with many siylei not here tncniioned, will be sold by the piece or package at Kasiorn prices, felidl UNSIIRINKABLKFI.ANNKI.S- W R Murphy tn vtiri the nilciition of buyers lo h.s stock of the alxivr Hoods, ol nil the uulerrn! .pialtties, said to be u* unshrinkable a« the Welsh, ami nt muc h lower pri ces. Genuine Welsh Klaituel» nl«o constantly on hand. Guu/c and -ilk do. I 4 and i»-4 do, lor Shroud inp purpose* Alsi*. borne made White Flaiuini* and Linscy*. con stantly on hand, at Hie north cast corner of Fourth ami .Market atrruts. mart Gl-INTS' CIAJAK I'AS^Kl.S— 'i do* mohair Tas sels, assorted; :l do «ilk do do, ?do do fine do; lu -do do Indies Tuoi-cis, assorted, 1 do col'd do do. WOOLKN GOUDkl—-IU doz children's woolen coats; ti do do do Duos; 4 do do common; lU dor Woolen com forts, assorted, IF do do with ring*, 50 do ladies Ctudi lucre Giovcic asa'd. LKATHKk BKLTS—3O doi blk Molk«kln Belts;!‘JU do do Morocco do. 3 do col'd do; at nova market «t LADIKS' TKlMhflNGS—ddozldk Lace Demi Veils. 3fw col’d Bilk Velvets; iS) gross blk l)ni*ey Bal lons; 14 do coaldltan do; isdo col’d Flo** Ho; It! do do Fanliune do; t) doi col'd tieeoy *nk l.luvr., 6 do Wk Jenny Lind Fringe, It* do French «dk Ruches, ree d this day by F H KATON A Co, dect.3 Fourth si NEW BIMTtSiT PRINT*, &e--iV K/Murphy lias just received n lot of new style brown and while British Prints, very handsome, urrivnl by laic summ er Also, on hami, n large assortment of ultoire styles of ADtcru-an Prims, last colors and low prices Black Cloth Shawl*, of various nandur-* -:l ttipply just received ißank Alpaeeas, lot% priced nml fine—n very lull supply, and al low price* <|u:Uuy yain LACV.'riiKlbS- S«rrit A Maifcet street. httvc nsrerved one curion of fine F.ogliah».j luce tuid cilgint;-. live cintoiis loom made do, im car- Hits one do »t Mack *idt lace, two do ot black ami Wl.Ut I tem h worked Inc- cape., one do of black chaniilht veil., together with a variety ol tancy* nrti<; Mark and colored silk licit* for veils, col d and wlute silk illusion for evening drrssc* - Dealers ami othei - will hml it for 1 .eir interest u> cl amine them before piuvliasiiig. [alfi* NF.W J KtV KGK\ -• 1 do* gold patent iVvcr Wm.-h c «, t •• u (letor bed " I silver Also, gold-pen and pencil l'«***. Vr.t i-hai>i«. henry Guard ruaitis, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Kur Kings and a romplele assortment of oilier jewelry, at drefi ZKUUI.ON KINSKVS. <T7 markei si CyttAT AND CLOAK TRL\IMING?i-J5 do/'trenT* j assorted cloak Tassels; f> gross figured »dk Biud ing: 5 do do mohair do, "J do do drub rout do, a do dial, overcoat buttons; 40 Jo fine coat buttons; It!} lbs best Dalian sewingx; 5» do do pnieni ThrcuJ, padding.can vass and other Triiummgs, tor tailors'use. rousiantly ou baud. deci F II KATtiN A Co t’RESH H F-sfoß A Co are constantly supplied with a large, nml c hoice us,otiiu.-i.i ol mlk fringes and gimps, velvet riM..>n» and braids, la ces edgiugs and cmbro.derms gtovr, u „d ho »ier>, gent* shirt*, su«pender» and iui.hT ranin-nu, Ih-n,,, ZephyT. woolen yarn*, needle*, pm. •■uU.m*. ttnhbin.. Ac . all O' wlm n Ikry o(f< i it U,.- imtr-i <;a»tl airtruanis »nd ..met.; ii -.en- and cm mod— -I" OOL-. TIIIMMINUS. A - ,lu ».’A*iCV It H FA rON A Oil, Denier, m 'lrimmnij* and Hatwrilasherv. have removed :ium Ji.-jr übi .i,.n*t to N" 6'J b'IDKTH i. i<m»ts I* V Ai KKt«s*—o«*r. bniyn bgurr>- *:h! coimlvjuM of>«ncd by dccia 9IUCKLETT& WUITK VOL. XYI. NO. 200. MISCELLANEOUS. n GOAJJ’B Patent Graduated Galvanic Battery end Patent Insulated PeUa far Medical and outer yrnrpem. 'PHIS is ike only tmtniniem of the kind that users X been presented in this country or Europe fer men ical purposes, abd is the only one ever known fo man, by which the galvanic fluid can be conveyed to the ha maq eye, the ear, the brain, or to any pan of the body, 7 either externally or internally, In a definite genua •tream, witfegc* shocks or pain—with perfect safety— with the happiest effects. Tlii* important apparatus is now highly approved of y many of the most eminent physicians of coen ttntl Lorope, to whom thq .a&ieted and other* whom L^?L ro . Hoorn Cftn l> * referred. Reference will also be given to many highly res pee table citizens, who hay* been i ured by means of ihJsmost valuable epparmuu lban ,UTC l«r*tcii«v6Mdiwrtwfwhwh ooi b. ramorej b, uit oils, known Anmns wimon, oihm, 1, prora l U b. >d miralily adapted fur the ran of ite foUawinf dIMM* nr: «raj, teadaek. and oU »r diaoue, oftbo brain. It L, wild thi, .ppamu. ,I 0„„ llull ~, oper*tor can eoivary tho mopiruo «nld wuh cnXc >nd £fct» „ u„ eye, to restore night— or cure anuunosos; to the dor to restore bearing; lo the tongue and other onran*. to re store speech; anti-la the varioas pans ol the body, fer Uie euro of chronic rheumatism, asthma. ueonJjrla, or uc doloureux, paralysis, or palsy, goal ehorms or Bl YttuN dance, epllqny, wioktiees from spealaa toww* .diseases pecaunr to lemales, contraction of the lockjaw, ete. eto. Rights fer surrounding counties of Western Pa_ end privileges, with the instrument, rosy be purchased, and also tested For the core of diseases. Full lastruetion* will be given fer the varioas ehemi cals to Ik* used fer various disease*, and the best man ner for operating for the Cafe of those diseases will al so be fully explained to and a pampbUt Sui imo his hands expressly for these purposes, cm illy prepared by the naleniee. Enquire of ociu-dty S WILLIAMS, Vine at, Pimtboigh. lUfartlbls Filtering Cock, FOR PURIFYING WATER, fl Which turbid woierjntxe by re moving" *ll substances not aombie in water, ’rhe crofeawater in N. York, clear and pure to the eye, ret yXsly/H*"*when it passes an hoar through this Vj2s£r filtering eoek, shows a-large aepoeU ’’Saw impure substances, woans, Ac. is the cose more or less with all hydrant' water. The Reversible Filterer is neal aal durable, and is not atteuded with the .incouvtmence incident to other n is cleansed without being datsohod ttoa> the water pipe, by merely taming the key or hasdl* (Yom one side to the other. By tins eiiT process, the coarse of water la changed, and all accumulations fe tmpore substances are driven off almost instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. It also possetaea the advantage of being-a stop cock, and os inch inoiany ca*e* will be very convenient and pooaomicol. It cun be attached where there is any pressure high >r low to a cask, tank, tab, Ac. with ease. To be had if tbe sole Agent,- W. W. WILSON, ivtl? corner of Fourth and Market sts THE AREOffIETEBr THE attention of the public is reipdcuuiiy called to the following certificates; Mu. S. Rsxin*—Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer, i find uw result proves your instrument correct; and recommend the use of il u>Those going to California, as the best method for ob taining ine real value Of Gold. Resp. yours, J. B. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Pittsburgh, March 0, 1£49. Prmßtrssa, March 7,15H9. Mr. Esitrts—DearStn Uaving examined the "Areo meter, n manufactured at your rooms, Ido not hesitate to commend u to the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to Caltfernim in search of Gold. It rtves-a close approximation to the specific gravi ty of certainly enable the adventurer to ascertain when bis placer La yielding Gold, marlll Yours, resp*y, J. R. Jd’CLINTOCK. oLiirros paper mill. 1 MIR CLINTON PAPER MILL, situated at Steaben-i, viUe, Ohio, having been enlarged and •nil at a very great expense added new and the improved kindof machinery, is now prepared to man ufacture oil kinds of Writing, Printing, Wrapping and Cotton Yarn Papers, Bonnet Boards, Ac., equal to any in the Eastern or Western country. The undersigned having the Agency of the above Mill, will keep constantly on hand a large supply of the different kinds of Paper, and will have any »l«w made to order at short notice. 8. C. tfILL, ;a3O ; B 7 Wood street TUBS AND CHURNS fine anil Cedar Ware fi&nnfaetaiy, No. 8 7, roans Mxaxrr *m> Firra Sti- PirtnuosH. rjiliF. *ub*criber keeps constantly on hand, wbole- X "al o and retail, very low for cash— Wash Tubs, | Bath Tubs, Horse Buckets, | AH other kinds Ware in ja2s-dly JAB. ML'SI’RATr A BONB’ PATENT SODA A3H— -Ito i ton* 3) cash currency,or 4 mos. app'vd toU. i loti* or upwards, 3k do par. C mos do, Interest ad ded. For the superior quality ol this brand we refer to th<- gin.** atrd soap maimfacturcr* of this city general ly W A M MITCHELTREE, dec4 ICO liberty ft 4 Diaphragm Filter, far Ilydroat Wafer, b THIBU to certify that I have up- T pointed Livmgsum, Roggen A Co. Ageuts for the sale of Jenniag’s Patent Diaprahgm Filler, for the elg jra ties of Piuaburgu and Allegheny. JOHN GIBBON, Agent, CAR for Walter M Gib«m, 349 Broadway, n. y. O OcL 10, IMS. \ We have hern using one of tire aboYßmniclea at the office of the Novelty Works for^ qo trial, auknrct prrteclly sarufind U*«t it l«~& usb/oi invontioO, mid vr take pleasure in recommending them ta"a use ful article to oil who love pure water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. oei!9 LIVINGSTON, ROGGEN A Co AdTertlaement- TUB subscriber, in offering for sale a handsome lot oi Nunus A park’s, (New York,) and Chicker itie s (Boston,) Pianos, would direct attention to ths fact that his is the only place in the West where the |ii.*trumriu» of these two makers can be tried sid« by side, und where. consequenUy, a correct idea of their qualities c'a« be fonued. The subscriber being anxious to ir*t their relative merits, and having for u number of years (performed upon the Pianos of NunnsA CloJk bn.* laden into use ioi the lasi twelve months, a Cluck ering Piano, in order to try its durability and fitness a* an aeeompanyment lo the voice. This Piano may now be seen and examined jit his rooms, lie feels confident of his ability to give a competent and relia ble opinion on the subject. A handsome lot of new Pianos will b*. opened in a few day*. H. KLEBEK, . At J W Woodvrelixl GBBATWKSTKaS CADDLK, HARNESS, TRUNK AND WHITMAN O UFACTORY.—The subscriber fake* ihia mctVrwt oi informing bis friends and ibe public in reaermi that be has die largest sleek of the fallowing named arti cles oi tus ow'd manufacture in this city—Saddles,- Har ness, Trunks and Whips, all of which he will warrant to In; made of the best material and by file best mech anics in Allegheny county. Being detennined'to sell hu manufactures something lower than has been here tofore *oM by any similar establishment in the city, he would inrite persons in need of the above articles to bis warehouse, No. 244 Liberty sttoet, onpo site Seventh. Also,'band* made to order for maduno «T- ocOQ-ly O. KERBY. PIUSHBUaOR FBmXLKT INSTiTums THE Second Session of this Institution, n«<fc r Ihw care of Mr. end Mrs. Guenons, for the present academic year, will commence on the first of Februa ry neat, in the same building, No: S 3 liberty street. Arrangements have been made-by whieh they trill - able to furnish young ladies facilities equal to any ••ho West, for obtaining a thorough KngiSffi, Clust • ui, and Onameutal education. A fall coarse of PU- Usophical aud Chemical Lectores will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by Apparatus. The do paruaems of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modem Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be under the care of a competent Professor. By dose ui the moral and mielleciuatimprovement of their po-' mis, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of the liberal imirenage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see circular or apply to the Principals, jaao-dtf FIQvNIX FIRK BRICKS—The subscriber* hawing been appointed sole Agents by the mnnafacinrere,. tor die sale of the celebrated “rheenix Bricks,” are' now prepared to fill orders for - any quantity, at Tft ’ r fi*!h p ?l l,oW- or the conainjeuoa of foxnaeos or all Juitdic, these bricks have been pronounced by earn-- petem jodgea as being superior to ail other lire bricks' now in use. C A M’ANULTY A Co, Canal Ra.| n i my3u Vf ANUFACTUKKD TOBACCO— 1 IU. 'U I bxs Lamartine fit: 35d0 ilirabcnaAs; O’ do Puunau 5s and Is; 30 do Joan Rocket Ss; 1| do Bo- ‘ lien* A Sisaott sa; 45 do Henry A Jamea as ■Bd<" t i; 10 do Johns and Lewis’ Is} 3 do WBwick coper Ist 7bxs Steward 3s. ” ' These Tobaccos, embracing somo of the motlfaror ii<* brands, on consign mom, and will be sold low to clow, by deefl L S WATERMAN 'PATE'RTTabA ABU, 1M r< »r ri:i» di rkct from the manufacttu- KEKS—The subscribers. being the exclusive im porter! of James Mnspratt k Sons’ Soda Ash for this market, are now and will continue to be largely sup plied with this celebrated brand, whieh they mil sell ui ihc lowvst market pnee for oath or tpproveUbtlfa ■ They refer io the glass and soap manufacturers f Uu> city grncrully respecting the quality. W*M BHTCIIELTRBR, nnvl 160 liberty st T RON FOUNDRY FOR MALE.—A small IroaFoTn- L drv ui a nourishing lown, with Patterns, -Tools, Ac., all ready for business, will be sold on accoramo diiititg terms, or exchange for Iron or goods. This offer* an c xeellem opportunity to ayou&g with small capital to commence the Iron Foundry bu siness. Enquire of SCAIFE A ATKINSON.— deed, _ Ist near Wood fitmcDl Sestlea, Cooking Stove*, Qratea, dfci, ■ Marshall, WAIXACE A CO., Round Cbarebi i-omcr liberty and 'Wood streets, manufacture and oiler for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scales} oi the mom improved quality; Cooking Stoves, far wood amt ponl; Egg Stoves of various sizes, Parlor and common Grates, Hollow Ware, Ac. Ac. They abuf rnajiaisi iurr i6c Kitchen Range, which hu given sueU general satisfaction to those having it in use to all ol winch Hir) Would rc»|*ecifully invite thd attention of the nitwits and the public generally. oetfi7-dlf I PATENT SOLAR LARD LASlF£=An~'eiigmuvi assortment oi Cornelius A Co’s celebrated annul Ineture, uml superior to oil others in use; adapted id churches, steamboat*, factories dwellings, pabtie and private halls, and to all Other Uses where a cheap, ssfij ■nd brilliant light is desirable. Al*i>,Girandoles, Hall Lanterns,Candelabra*,Gh>b«sl Shadt—, Wicks, dualities, Cans, Trimmers, Ac. Also* (ins Chandelier*. from one to four lights. c Arrb _ W W WILSON, <6 market st, j Hardware—Cheaptr that* Evert L(K»AN, WHj»ON A CO., Importers and Wbolcaafa Dealers in liardvrare, tinier} and Saddlery, Nq 129 Wood street, above now m store a verj cheap and wrll selected stock of Hardware, uhportrq since the decline of prices in Europe, and which they ire determined to -ell correspondingly low. Mercboats who have been in the habit of going East, are partjen* la/ty requested to call and look throogb oar slock, mg we i oohdeutly believe they will save their expences} oet I ORIGINAL -BOLIVAR BRICKS? EX I'KKI KM:ED judge's on a tnal of one and a half million*, since !'HS. pronounce this article unaur* pasted tut durability in the construction of all ktodaof l-urnace. Price cash lor load* of 10 M, guan antreil nine tnooths uso. Orders far » second qualify Uoltvar Bricks will Unecafad si r»per M, if M de, ure»i. without ruarnnice. A Stock_ot the first quality now for »nl« .1 Uio -*l;»» * Wlurf. C£ M1Ua.u.,1., JSHAW MACLAKEN, ! . t f Kenstngion Iron Work* ’ o p.\ DI2». SHOVBIeH. Ac<—eodoz Spid ea and Shot veia; judo Manure »do Crain Shore!*; fifl ,TH do. Are*. Hatchets, Mattocks and Tick* Bctlooc, v « e **- Ac ’ ftff /^^wsSS U^ft,lreT *Pf i C®k by wrin OEO COCHBaNj 38 wood 14** ■•V >1) HUM y vrrj- l>:iti'lwinir | Barrel Churns, Staff Churns, | Half Bushels, Ac. his line made to order. SAMUEL KBQESKN. L REDUCTIOh. ~