THE iITTSBUBGH sApn!& l£u£uan£p by ■i '.v S)AT rtA&GEfc39. IS>9; hlrt p*#** , '- SSS- Si Weekly 1, Two DolUii. pit wtiOMt !»«“» RORtn A *ft c ,t N / V frriT»rilmn*nu *nd fat)»eriplJ<»i)< \$ tin* J»<»riU Arorr -BtiwGue«f, |Mb! a dWfU,r«c.v c J fortrfcnied from this offing- • ; ; - ; ■ &exi tot T*l%fcr«pMe K«w*. 9or fltoexl H*tl*r®;**« next page. P..r&isns.—We (Me t4rd> abo: Eallrofislboth of whioh e.W»orti|} ; ujtbee*peciai .UcnnrAl of the s>ei:pie cf Inis- cby. , ■ Oni & «tt the aubject ottbe extibshn pf (bo Bar tinma ioad from Cumberiatti to tlleidonpneaheU ’ river. iill is now beyond Q'l lj Cecil oh thai .tbe Dt* rectotrefthal road are respired to prosecute them -etlterwiso westward Wild ill' poaiWte dfepatoh. fenlWWery fa* JM» WiUiiaiervaiie •*?“• “* '. whiali 'of tbe Locomotive: wilj Be. beard the banlaM “to Monougohela, (it or naar .Sa.bon lime Aerildlßi oi Unibirdd, “f tbn | Ohio? s '"pie people of Wtibb>gh-.hM.!d loot upon this &£ a certain occanim* .prepare w •« acco&ingly- To fluicf. w.U. . nete.Vwdb (be Bawmoro «ad,-ÜB*">g (be SLed.onmoremdeibeWp.^lbe.aad ' article is aietlbt of a correspondent C&llania and OhioHrM, u?.«p 'ahead ol (bo tbi. city, m Ihetr My- and _,ohacr,,. □T From (ho Ohio State line ip Mansfield d n Xdnced beyond dodlHelbaflbeinionoy will b, «* T p« road for .be rails-: Tlfcdj. LlLen. Use Dire«okf .bbjWy*n,. and . Ob| Kailroad, from p«ing X c.ty *.*“* IX Of .bom one hundred abd *ty ■*>**.«£ thftXOminK wasooj but the-wuflt. protnp a . X. wroon by tbiaebt-t Voaafity K»«* aiibadribe a. lees. » gi.ieMwAtfogh.ny and Mr cMudisU give a liberal aubsdrj,«icn,.ni>d zina lake «pek*4t®** ®'.l'" “f*-: ißri Work will go on, at-once.and; all dispnlea an isn- wu > i- rwi ’ ■ fdt -proaperuy of our iSg pB>“| <-»•»* danger. But let ua* delay st-bltlea longer- and >bf ■* virtX now wilbid our r«nb will bo M»- (XreT The people olTQhifi mb*. t “ v > l * Ul,ro!ul «Xxio„. wUb tb. ftfjMlW? * JTT eion They are noi in a nioodto bo tnlledwob, rtd any hesitation #» ,}°“ ‘ h “ diene, entity. We bay. talked ao .touch here, add beve done* MB*. 4t nol A v^. ‘ rebanoe ! gX. and they bailor Pure; and dWO do not tioduL it they will go elaeWbore. . Oor Baltimore 4.WN.W York Heals iteboSb iiinbdHeld, coo,end ii With tu, for both; the -.mdaej add (be trade of OM Adelay on Our, far} w® gi« <*» decided adyanuge ebiot, and w« ’ h »“ gl3 to lament ottrilSUj WbeS it; la;wo late- eyer iulend. : U> a« jn regaid b. a est m<>tlme m-\V,uh jigioa, and have had mlerrfewivHtli funeral Tar Hoi and all the membera «ft»» Uahmet. Tile jrindneaa, aimplleUs'i'ald inanity of the manneW a the President, are nniveejaily lSenie» ol la an the member* of UmicdMoet: are apnhen of iVginllemeh of pleasant Ttmhhers, _eaay dddre*. kalmdjtry end detmltonith-, pah l * tamcn &y .re canSoui abd who; reganl iheir own rcpolation rod OaMhondf ol their conn try, jnore than pa*j: Tlhey. will thyreiore proceed yjjfoear. mid prudent: diaftihtmanpa m .Se wort, ofremovala and many ehao. «ja will take placdlntil-thn ckiwt °' > lle fiMal iyear which enda on the thirtielffoMone peiL k that time they *m.'be feadjr to all the office, 01 ithii country with uten.whiSwjH worthily ducharge their dntieai mid tier tocoiodotparty.which haa a ■ itaaively enjoyed We enipltimenta. and homea o I'ofilce for the laal twenty years* c-utnot complain « :foe Whigs at last iiave th.Ur turn- ’■ Riot is TotMirta—TS-* Courier *nt HertM ihivo tie following by;iel4l-»i* : „ „ . Tosfilito, March 23*1919. ' Th» the>yment ofjhe 'extra rebels of 18$ end $S>» ® , oils riot in Torontb.l U& Mwch 22d, Messrs. Baldwin* Blake? add Mackenzie ware • efflffv’ Thetl were earned throogh «;of tho : lw° were iten ‘ lothe number:o£»°nw 1b°““f' 1 !?'« poceeried to Iho.-hown Of wH Mr. Mackenzie wftselopplngY,vboro b'a effigy yvai : burned, aid the haute otfaitod wdl) «'°““ 1 "“1°“ -:«W rf w!re iml ooi ■ The tots Ugilt hi JheWdlty were put.oni Ti«i..honKorMTMoa ;, gomezy, which iaailiiafod hearly wet £ taeJce<£ and the wiadowstnueh' damaged. . ■ -. TrtS, Kin of the;.Hod. 3, H. .Ptlne\ « «*«''>’• : bmSk, .«J on being conjeyed -to the Dr. Randolph, tM senfientetf, bow-e wm> ■*«“ ed by the mob. übdallgltly damaged. | h 'J™” donee ol Mt. Brown, of the. Globe, wait abo in jored. ' “ArrzaHtto to Ths Igwhnn Ninja* or Cml.; cm"—Writer, oneducitioo no*-a-days, in »«•>- uizai tiie goventmenl of children, havc miich to c, obont“oppealltlgui their(award nature. The doctrine wto pntctichlly rilmniated m Seimol • • , Tm Stock or a hawMSroo ino Mih.To.ntn moCotzrarrv hasinst bijen tahen u,., mainly by ; oapUabat. of Mew York; tily.: y„k Tribune, which addM-Thi, Company, cail£l • - the Phenix Mihiog nod Mnouiheurnog Cofopa^ own, about M,OWncr&oflh. fineK mtne,.Hand. * in tbe Cumberland Diktricl.: 'lffo cherfcred by the State of Virginia, and Maryland, with the cptml of 12,200,D00. The abdrea'ere *lOO eoob, and the . company i» entirely oi. of The ***£. m d Ohio Railroad,wilf-nlli throogb a part 01 im> ' ; company’alaodi.TWe!oa4aoo’» l “P rc « re *‘’*|' win bo completed to the htntla of the company by October or November.'when the company wtU commence uumng- -i f , . . Tbi CHDU»a>-TH» : tk” i fn | diaeaae ia, again —ring in Ne* o»tasn,i«tnd la grndunlly dealing ; np m riveia., We etpect U> remain en . tireiy exempt torn: iti revest our *'« i thoritie. onghtdo tlke>me|Uate men, o re. 10 rtn ’ defitaviaa-aa,«ldttni!eiU;KW i >^ ahtmld bolhoronghly 4enned, unmcdtotely, noduf deen appointedloviaijevoeV Une^lleyno.ipn . nrort oveyy ani,ailce, in orderdomi removir 'A ibjlfUhl boghl nfoe gaged—at lenataofbMniSentenlaahouldbe made Ihju a amtable-one eoi) be wtenred tbn moment ! o disease breaks oat-' ' OoBOTI —pw wmceit m but jo* tnmm frf ErUiiy evinini, Wards nn opportunity which hot l'a»lybcouffc of homing mnsm ofjtbe veiy highest‘ordar. i tbO™* Bt«caccur*b If a Mliroof Boston, and. top crusted a «» uon wherever aho bis sf peered. Mr. Hatioj » sdea'quite eekbrntod; and, from whal wo have fiom time to lime rtad ofittepeKormaucn,. wifi coam bale his fan share to thp nmasement of the ncd, WB We ;COTfsilJ iocnfaowoi them Usthe pttfeUo patK!OAg«» lint EOOfc TAHI.E. Goo it's Lsor’t ffaoa, for April, come, td us, lib , m predecessors; far the year is49,wii&sis nricopal engrnvtngi,, and « page, otmnitor.- 4nq«od : .he aum he, contninsihe of pho-ot reni.og tHie'of o paLphleVjtul rsalleJ, and for snip by Wbfk&Bolaaea. ; . ! rafaa*hai been Wyeml on the farm of«eo. 2 !£nfaLo stolen fafata*. *» amca FOREIGN NEWS. BViTtIB ITEAtf IawOiShJJA- We'exe indebted to the NdW York Herald ®f Saturday, for the following '.excellent syoopsi* pf th* nev?a brought by the Canada. H was. received by ihd Herald by express and telegraph, '{ton Heli fax, The news is up to March 10. > oojatixcuL akd nnAsCiAilJ*rxujfflP» < ' E - • The’terrible account* from the «*' of War toJn disunited with the decided'toae of deflap c « assumed by Russia, and the ntiUode lh ® ~.**•*_ erldedtlyprenaring to also®* to the w » f ; J r m baly, Autlria, jTc, bah cabae.!#" v»e«y fc<= 48. ud.Ua operand Injotlimidy tj»o 0» thcbounfry. Bui treJo, Meaiy, aid pnoc. far 100.1 vrrv aauafaclory. Tip fanAa, indSr Till lallueica odLuaiSytoUai! to =i?'?r "”2 ated ioahulerablv and hare receded fully one pet S 3 tgSS&i ***■ *“ S™ BytoB „Tba ierva ibal, donng tb'*. tioe, IbOTgh it caaaol ba •».d ibal American ridcka ta« vaubanbaa nalTMi the dighieat labrlfaa ■ y Inbotton there i» less buameM doing than wjn b the' list strainer left, and a fidlmgpff in price* hni Sloped. Tbta, hOWe*»r, did noiQpcur uftlto stwedV. The sale* continued lAfg«y»n d Pf ,c *? ere very firm up to the close of market on Ufo id Ttter© is a greater degree of iullnesk and gk^P l io the grain trade throughout all the Sets, tbho there has been tbr a tong pefiod. irtce* continue to droop, and from present appearance* ■under (he pressure of heavy arrivals from abroad, tbd bottom has not yelteen reached. • . . jKfom the manufacturing difOricu, the accounts coptinlie favorable: there is also a fair business go ink forward in the produce markets l “ e cohti- ahd prices, od the whole, afe tußif itained; a , ' ... The meal market continue# aoiiv*, and prices afe ok, the ndvaoce.! , V. . •••!■ iinnng the wyek ending March i.lair A.menitan cotton not only maintained its grocnfl, but was « point higher than wheh the America sailed.:; Tfct Ules amounted to 50,170 bale* Ttnsdisastrcua ac counts from India, ifid the n«w« by. the Niagara that there was a large excess of lh< teceipU iM cot tpn at the principal shipping ports in'Amcruin.dver the, corresponding period ia-l year.gUve a dectd.-d check to tne market In the early pari of the last tt-cek, and since then, the demand has l ean jeon trucied to the supply ott&e immediate wants ofcon sumers, which has enuh&d prices to decline one quarter of a penny per pound. Fair upland*’ are , bow .quoted at4l; Mobile 51; and Oneauaoj. sale! k for \U week balbs. » .The importation Of breaddnffs Irdm -OJted * Stoles, daring the last fortnight, haH been unusual ly large. Prices for all description* have in favor oflhe buyer. There is alarge Supply of wbeaj and‘flour, Indian corn hhd ideal iiuthc mnrket. and large quantities are bejng warehoused. 1 «trhji»e* are made merely to supply immediate Wants. The** 1 remarks will apply;to all the leading corn markets throughout the kingdom. ■’ <■ At Liverpool, on the 9lh, tphttSSM? w» «old in .mall quantities at, C». lOd.ifJ. Id.. fiottr 35a. 9d a 26. | Western'canata 2- a. a Ms. M, Philadelphia and Baltimore,24*. 64. oJ2.>s..T* bank account*, Which indicates,* change * a lh ' fboney markets, and that the. demand for bnM.oc forftie conltneati* increasing. t)ome*ii«*ccuritie> ha«e been ou tbd decline; uWirtf to Knmpean at fairs, and the bad news from ltufo; but fcoasoi*. it will b« seen, sullaUnd at thd htch hgufr .The bank shares of the French bauk,haVe U*en pushed up enoftriouriy during thfc last lufthtghUaad now that politics in Taitahav* Wovime _more set tled, the fears which were at one urne fob for the maintenance of public cwluliaVe subsided. Ibe rise in French bonk shares i> no>« ll £ n . fw,n 1 • 700 to 2,600 franc*. ’ • , 1 The London money market .cortfcnHfts easy Discounts of best psper noge.lrom *t». «•* li e ' cent. Consols for money* lowest 9U . highest :md dosmg account, closing,. 911. higher and doamir 925. American *locl»lully oiajr.tam their prices. It wee-expected tbid when riip dews oi the ri!>e of t'. S. 6 per rents to 104 nj*ehed .New Yorlc. that there;would have been ac>rrt:«pouh differential duties.*** m* ve *" el ‘ - could compete upon equal ter I ™* Wifh ;Engit>nd. Fraace addnrvt Jier well known liferfraj and friend iy disposttind a* an earueHof hertefldenvor to doallinber power (b reconyile.'‘lb«|inleresis. of French commerce and nitljraliod with tht princi pies of perfe,vt reciprocity invoked by .the English govemtnentl i,Greece declares her Cbminenie free, except for coasting trade, and no r4strir«ioa* there contemplaUldt Hcnover avoids an'utfdicit answer; but Hunibory; Bremen and Hollarfd- afl declare for (re# trade.. : ;T.& Portuguewe evade ncj answer by referring tbe 'H'Se to tko fiscal aalUoatie*. Prussia promises ptffecX reciprocity; and' ituisia asks for, reciprocity when she will'also concede equal ad- i vantages, reserving iho coasting Trade- Sardinia,, Sweden and Norway are generaß/favorable, aod j the cabinet 1 of Washington promi** an an- . sweT to thorpoints submitted by s>. Crampton on J the 16lh of Jaa..'lmO.; That this will be sail* I foctory Mft assurance.Jeov’jns u-no rea -on to'ilouhh Tbo ilebiW on tfo Kish law has nrvvenUd'thA nnvigatkmL|n)v« htfng rorawl in 111. early pirt of thglweOki but tho subjvut stood lor discusithtl Inst night, »h«n was to moye-the «cpml rdndmg ;of In- hill naiioi'llt. snif-wREda sro Eoi of ura. Tbs frightfol wreck of on emigrant ha. taken place on our Coast, off lUrWjeb. The bark Ffaridiao.OfMO lomuE. U. WStlßmore, master , from Aniwer,, fa, -New Yort. lbo pro|mny or Meaara. El D. Horlbut dc Ooj gartered by a Gorman company taconvey emigrants, was -h ol ‘y,| lost on the: 23th nlt.and nil on Board perUhod.—. The mastqr -and crew, except men, logo* her with 126 paassngem, were drowned. 126 green hides, 125 cttic* glaw, anil varidus ether articles from the Wreck, were carried into|Mnrgate on the ■ltb insL Other articles tdsu reached; Ramsgate oo the same day. ' / OUif Buttts IN EfiDU* The defaiflaof the lalrr-warhkfc inielligeace from ladiu are replete with mbre theft ordinary interest? bat we eta-'at present Duke but brief allusion la tbs subject.: The Bombay Teleftraphsays aoolber raurderooseonflicl wilh the Sikh* baa oecerred.on Ihe leA bank of the river Iheitfm, near, 03 aoniß my, the. identical ..spat -which,'. 2,001 years ago, formed the battle held of-A.lei«f)der dnd Poros.— Thai scene, rioh in c) auric aesoctatfana, has, been Urn nrensi of a fierce and prottnifed struggle be. tween the army of the Pttnjanb, .onder Lord Gough, and the Kldt forces, under Rajah Shlrere Singh— h straggle ih which (he British have lo deplore the Ids. of al least 93 officers, and 2soo men tolled and wounded, 4 guna taptuied an*4 or 5 regimental colors takeh by theenemy, Thestraggle lerminn. tine in victory, was disgfaced by,- the flight of the Bengal caya'ry reginifi’ot, and Ibe retreat is tts vtl scarcely Mlia&cLonly explained of two BnUlh corns of druooos—a struggle which left the con tending to**? so weak and shade red, that it was doubtful which bad thttaincd 'tbc greatest injury from the Conflict, and wjjich yielded so few of the badges of trinmphfor tire victors, that their oppos o*ol* looks new poaitkion add fired a *» ,uto » B honor ot‘i£B leroioatioo» Though' master ol the deld, our UurtJ* «re drenched wuh blood, and it htlbc utriverakl opinion that two more such vic tories would, b©; virtual ruin. No attempt is tnade by ths English press to disguise the fact that the new* (rtim India is of the most disastrous char acter. Lord Go Ugh has been promptly sapseeded in the command by Sir Charles Napier, who was to have proceeded «b the sceao of hostilities on the 20tb u!l AP7AIRS l?t FRANCE. The French Government continue* to gather streagth, and thero is evidently a growing dtsp*». - ulion on the part of tho nation Vo rrush auy at* tempt at public disorder. Upon the whole, the prospects Of tranquillity are more lavorable thau they have-.bcen danng the past year. The labor* of the 'Assembly-have ceased to be of any interest —they have beeh chieily occupied in pushing the electoral laws. As anhvidence of the strength of the government,!! may be mentioned that nn at tempt to censuri the minister for calling out the troops on the 2&th January, was deieated by the large majority of 2W. Public-attention seems to be divided l»etwce» the intrigues of the various parties respecting the election ucd the proceedings of the High t'-ourt at Bourges. Barbes and Louis Blanc, with other Slate prttoDersj have been transferred to Bonrges, which is Strongly protected by troops. The count* of accusation against the prisoners have been pub lished, sit'd recapitulated, and sll the ads of the accord 6n the memorable 4th and 10th of May last, on which latter day, it will be remembered. 1 Borbes ottd Louis Blanc invaded the National A*- ibly, fcod sticceedcd for a few hours in seining the government. There can be no doubt' that the guilt of most of the prisoners wjll be clem ly established; -and it is supjoaed to “be the inten-. lion of governinent. should any of the prisoner* be. senteneihl to transportation. to -*cnd them to the Marque tin* Islands. The trutls commenced on the 7th instant, when the court wasconstiluled; and such was the inte rest excited, that reporter* trom the Hutted Slates attended to tube {totes. The celebrated Vidocq is one of tlie witnesses, os also Lamartine, Arago, Marrnst and about two hundred other*. h is thought that the trial will elicit fOttJft cilnous facts relating to the provisional governfrient Of lost year An interesting debate took place in the Aurm* , bly on the Sib, with reference to the altitude to ne ' taken t)V France in relation to Rome and Tuscany, and which is.llte cause of much uneasiness nt nrc sent, ill which Lamartine, Uroum. Helhuy*. Le* [ dru Rollin, Genera! Cavotguacj aud others, took b*v© a report o< the tirM day's proceaJiug! lal tsl" Ihe pri!*onrr* lor |>i/lilicai olTimiit* Boarger. but there were wo i-us« eiieiteJ ol ge ertil iQlere*t. a*9orcd that ibe French l*ivrnm»cut h rtd to withdraw thetroops from the i-»liuul Otahejie. . , The umrfnige ol ireneral Cavaignnc with M#u- Baudin, widow ol the former Receiver General and bttnker„of that unine. is talked ul in the fashion able Mrtle-t ol Paci*. Mad. lbiudta possess** private fortune which i*> estimated at three tm'lu of franca. ;mNTmK* rAL ITTKI.U'iKXCE- The continental uewawill !*• read with more than ordinary interest, and i* in tatt* «v IS they have proceeded through the ironOer and Will no doubt lake such a positiou «> tu he obie to keep id check the directed Poles, on toe Pruramn frontier. support the imperialist* mine Hungarian strugg'c and assume wen an altitude kh ,hall pl&iuly indicate the intention ot lue t rar to control a* much as possible any disposition to revive the scene, whmn so unhappily occurred durtng the last year A•• Russian note lias appeared, m wh cu tnc ' -ar declare* hi* resolution of adhering firmly to the treaty of lfl&, and if any attempt is made to m* fnntfb them, hr shall decree a oriit. The entrance of 10.000 Russian* into Austrian TraOnvlvama.-only evidences the disposition ot the Czar, who assuredly will not consent to any change m tfee territorial districts 1.1 Italy. unless with the enttTe ooosajnt of Austria. The armistice ot Malmo will cea«e alter the -t th March, antf the Kinc of Prussia declare* that he will no longer he bound by it. • The Danes are ready to resume hostilities, and are concentrating large lotcea at Kulding. It >» very doubtful. however, whether the be l.gcrent, will again come to blows We cannot doutt but tM the Danish right to the Duchies will l.e mam taitfe-d inviolate. u , Hussm ha* retuaed to admit the Jschnr.sw.g- 01 steih vessels into her ports, unless under the l'am* i [lag. The King of Prussia iq-ened the ’.hamber* on Ibe-tf-ith alt The royal *p*e-b no per licUUr lecture. , . tha A-iftlnaa war m Hungary I'u* proormled a-iti: v.irtHb'o mcct'ji

The German population timling «»■«? m»ur,:enU carrying destruction in every quarter. '-aip on tIV Rusaiaaft, uho now occupy <.rou*tadt and lie batik. have laten place—one in the ite.ghborhood of 1 'tilati. lasting two “ v ’■ with considerable slaughter and line Imperialists seem lo have had Ihe aa.ant.jr lbpo’l' have bein oirculaled that m one engage,, cal bem h,d leg. ibol oil ; but H'e !aal report ta mat hr had let! Transylvania tor Hungary Thr insurgent troops aniouiu to UO.OOiI turn. 4 1 " "!’ ““"V dtsoious. It i. JnSci.h lo ascertain pe progress of Hr Wfr. me termination of which erm, ttilMO be Very remote. 4 Whilst A linn a la pressing on Ihe war in Huo tjarv .hr i. not unin.hJfol of Italian a'ln'm -She hn. marched a body hi troop. I'errors, and seized upon Ih. city and levied a nor upon .lie eitisrn.of'JOO 000 scuddi, which .he handed o'er of Tuscany complete, Ihe re pubic- ha. bed., proclaimed .1 Igrehora. t .otence. and aiatnlrnl Italian re,,toe ha- hern »m«l j union with Iho Homans. The .-rand Mule la protested iy.,u.ul.i. rev.-luuon and ha. noleealed all the power, of Bnrope to nrfu.e to recoguis. the new, nulhortly. which he Jeclare. to la= a ■ Intion ol the conatilulion, agreed to by all partle. Inst year, committed by e factioo. minority. The Prince of Cameo ho. been elected \ .re President of the Republic of Romo. .The Pope, after halnog belwcco abdication and soliciting foreign interrenlion, ha. now. at 1. »'d. 7n api.lic.tmn m; nnd n n>, conn deutly stated that Spam .. about to send a d,i »«■« of 10.000 men hi aid in restoring his Holmes.. I*e latest intelligence bom Italy slates thal the Roman Ministry had cou.mumeai.-d lo me as semhly that a join! mtrrvonuoa cl Austria - pa'C and Nobles is annottoccd. h ranee had »™ what 1 part to late. Piedmont ha ' terveno m Tuacany. to hinder eivd war. and i.p : pots the Austrian intervention. ■ It aenmsprebnble lliel Naples on me south, and ' Auatrla on Ihe side of the Pope, will overrun me ' Papal Slate., but still the question ol const,tnt.ennl ■ government al Rome and Florence can scarcely 1 be settled at the point of the bayonet ' The relation* of Sardinia ami AuiW add further 3 difficulties 1,1 the general confusion which prevail. from the trot of the Alpr lo the Meditera- IXnn Tuna all ■» m a dtatraeted Kale, while senon aeem. npe for some republican nioveinenl. and ahonelhcr, the eiemenla of diaorder were acaroeiy ever more rife in Italy than at that Inc it pi only the iimet Kl.tode oi France and the pemtefnl edbrta of Kngl.nd prevent Iheae combustible mntenala from bunding mlo a latest intelligence from Vienna ia m ihe (lb Inal. All at the capital agreed in thinking that many auch'victones ga tbe Analrntnawou at Ohlm would, ere long bring Ihe Magyar, or the gate, oi Vienna. Corre.pondencr at i*e Piltaburgh (iaieite Obloand Pennaylvelate Retlroed. Mr. Edith, -The people through itu, range '« counliee—viz Columbiana. SUrk. Wayne, lln-h lend and Crawford, wiah lo know whal your eil.e and county are going to do lo fecund their effort, lo the cdnnlntetion of thin road Unr ,üb,cr,pl.on .re now in a mete of forward,,., lo warrant ai immediate location and letUng ol the road, and wr are ioformed that oor WeKernJlhreclora conlem pUle an immediate commencement ol the work. Will yonr people meke lb ” n ’“ d lo lh " llb "’ SU “ ■line! Wo have all alone, amre Ihe mail waa pro jected, boon assured that yon would, yel now we think your efforts are falling short of ours.- We think that BO railroad in ihe Union oilers such inducements lo capitalists and business men as this Ohio and Pennsylvania Bead When it shall be completed lo Mansfield, in Richland county it will connect with the Cleveland and Cincinnati Hailrond now under contrail, and when enlendcd through the rich region, nr the West, to Fort Wayne, in Indian, an. to Chichgo, in Illinois, where it will intersect the Che cage and Galena Railroad, now construe ting, orm, jog an unbroken line of railroad from the fiend Mmis, on the Mississippi, to Ph , lnd C l|.h.n ou t ihe sea board, wo feel confident thnl its business in freight and Iravel will exceed that of any rail road m the world-passing, as it will, thro"«b the heart of the great agricultural legion* ol he V est, on the great dividing range o! counties be twetn the waters of the river and lakes, avoid ing all the hills and deep valleys of Ihe large stream, north and south uf us, It must receive a large share of the business and travel of both of these great thoroughfares It will open b ' Great West a market at Philadelphia, 300 miles nearer than our preseut market New or market not cloned to us mx month* ol the year y ice in the Lake*—olutructed and delaffld Vf shi&ng from coal lo lake, from lake to canal aaain, and then to steamboat on the .North Hi or, With tho other annoyance ol oomroiMionn and •torasre at every place of transfer. Onr wheat, eoritbeef, cloverseed, pork, bulter, and the thorn sand other articles of doniesbc produce, have long enough suffered these delays nnd inconveniences. and Tour people are nil anxiously looking forward m StetimVwben our millions ol produce shall find ready and s rapid mean, of getting lo the “ thought and believed ihal your peopb would he th advance of u. in pressing forward bn. w. » *£ Two Urge propeller* will l- run on a “I" mg rapidly loth.* recuon oflhe coualry,which bm reoantly vu a wddernc**- From ito Baltimore A tn» Baltimore and Ot&lo Railroad. The determination of the President and Directors lo posh on ibis great work with vigor to the Oh>o{ river, has Iwen hailed with mocb satisfaction by this community Thus road has. from various difficrl liea and discouragements, so long languished and havered by tin- way, that many of our moat intelli gent citizen* have tong entertained apprehension* and serious doubts, whether il would ever advance beyond its present terminus at Cumberlaad—in w.hich i-si»c the prospects of oar beautiful city would W indeed m>>st gloomy. But this subject Do longer admits of a rational doubt. Proposals 1 are now luMcd for the immediate construction of a large port*.mi of the rood including the most diffi cult sections west of Cumberland; and it is under stood that it is the design of the Board, that early in the next spring, the whole distance from Cum berland lo the Mononrabela nver shall be plaeed under contnni. In the meantime, the most diffi cult part* in the mountain region, beyond Cumber land. will U- Ur advanced towards completion.— As the road progresses the revenue will increase, ■ uid when it rea<-hes the Monongaheia an immense accession of both travel and transportation must mevilcb'y lake place, ns it will there connect with the slack wuter navigation of that river within 30 or 40 miles of Brownsville, to which point there is good steamboat navigation. As soon as the road reaches the Monongaheia, Baltimore is placed in ilroad and water communication with the great 'ey of the Mississippi—ft large portion of whose ch product* mail then tx* emptied into her lap. ll is unnecessary now to speculate upon the amount of prodme and the number of passen ger* which must !*■ attracted to this road ns *ooa a* this point i* reached, but of thts we mav be fis sured, that whatever it mav be it will be ineonaid ernble compared with that overwhelming amount ofboth which this road must command as soon as it reaches the ' 'hio river. From the Monongabela to the Ohio nver the distance is but sixty miles, over a section ol country affording a route <*l'com- ! pnrnlively cnnstruolion, as it will very soon i aher leaving the former river fall into ranee of] s«ime ol i!,e tributary streams of the (*hio. We have now a moral certainty that the extension ol the loud is to be immediately commenced snd prosecuted w ith energy and vigor. Aatnthesbd ity of the company to carry on this gTeat work to 119 desired terminus on the 1 )bto there canitQl now he h rua«<>i):tb'o doubt- The financial means pla ced wilhm tl:*- soolrul ol'lbe company by the im provements m the value of our public securities, rendering iivndahhi on very advantageous terms the Maryland houd* held bv them, inwonneiion with the large and increasing nett revenue ot the road considerably exceeding last year ball n mib ; hon of d-'liars. furnish «n undoubted guarantee thnl ' there wi.l t>e no lack ol means for the prosecution I of ihe v. oi I- 'iider thr*«* cifcMimlancos who cun now doubt, that in n irw ve*w the elirill whi*lle uf our locoiwu-vim wtli bo beard reverbalitig along the benoltful Unts of the Ohio, and when ibm ■bull t >« vrbal man.whojreflectj lor one moment What realm Miuilar wort* have done for our »«*ler cities, cat over estimate it# importance to us. Baltimore wi! then take that high rank in our l i"on to which her nature advantage*- «o justly entitle her. and whi.'ii uotli.' * but herowu supinenes* aod apathy have -o long withheld tromjher. Rousing up from her lonif s’erp, like a strung man refreshed ha ?lun.l*e r >be will resolve that where nature has i'h-ni -<• ' • luntilul it would be the height ul'm ernlituile h detny longer to avail herself ol her ad vatitage* i inr ctv then, has truly great cause of contmitolat on nt the prospect which is opening l.rnro her All the sign* of the tiroes indicate the appton.-h .1 nol unparalleled commercial i-r'sifnt\ I >r her m»d that her march mii't uow be rap-.Hv .mu.ird And the stockholder* of this .•onipum w b<> have *o long fed on the unsubatan tial fare oj m-pe deferred" may now reasonably indulge n» C. tmdent execution Hint more the net nrolit* or irsemi** i f the road n uow sufficient to pav them an annual dividend of six per cent., they I wiil sium when it shad be no longer neceMary to d.vert th - ’und tram them to the purpose nl the construe:: n of the amply reimbursed by large dividend*for the vexatious delays they have experienced | |1 hope 1 shall n-i be understood a. objecting this application of the revenue, so far from It 1 MU decidedly ot the opinion that the true interest .>• ihe stockholders was promoted there -1 bv Hum ever opposed some of them may mav hii‘e been to lbt2 meusure. 1 doubt noU but ihnt a lew \rsr* nenoc, when this road i» crnnple led and wt I'.olbmore and this Company shall be * gather,nt t*e rvh m.its of western_ trade and truv * ;i that -t* Will be admitted by all. la jus ‘ lice to thuM* uow at the head of this Campany 1 Will shv Mist whatever dissatisfaction may have been tell I v some a- to thcr management hereto I’ ibre all n-w unite in awarding the present \ rrs,- " dent and Sectors the meed of approbation tor lht . j,adopted bv them tor some months r | ,a » l 'MQf-e the uh.»*e W..» written. 1 hav« wen ihol tbr revenue ol ib.t Toiuj-nnv l«»m lr*n*rn»u..n. ,exclu«;vr ~ ibr y« Mail Tor u,.- la.l moiub.vru' U|.wuntn ol SIOu.OOO. l-arse a-' thu amount it. U muM. fn«n U»e immen** travel an.l u..i«*f«ortbt.on ....won ibe road,be much I '' I ' re ~“' STiWre Later from Mexico* \V«- uv- rr<-<*i v«* J our hies ol the Monitor K«*|»ub Ui-iin.p, fr.'ui U.e eilvi-t Mexico, to Uv ‘JlOi n! I, lm *l, r!n , , bl ,. c J«y» later lhau provous «J': A psrtinan ol Santa Anf.n had presented a coon tcf n laaV. rrl n-Mnin.'f to the one roceu »*J t»v >■* |-tcv.. inly. which w)u r- S»„l» w lt. um' "«l plarv i ,f to* the Republic Ibe doc ument w-»» returned u >t» uttibor lor revision.: considered as couched ;n unparliamentary | language. , , . ; The Mm'Crr of War and M«nne hod issued a , circular to the army, m rriatmn i»* the cholera | pvinp ordura resprHinK the dre*« l*d». quarter*. , Sec, of the m>ops, and the usual advice with re- • earii to c.eao.iocsa i-rati j» m lood. and labor. . . , | . On the VMh u'liino. the t.rovernor c tUie federal Piatnct.riavnip received information that at several innathere were numbers of armed toreiguera, or* dered a renter of them u. be prepared, wben it ap peared thrv roowled ■<{ one hundred and seven teen 1 Americans. two women included,whojmrseDi ed their passport*, stirned by a Mexican consol tn lh© I’nited Mate*. They declared their object to be to travel ,vrnu the country to Maxatlan, their ultima)'- destination the gold regions of Cal ifornia H Tbc Monitor doea not state that tpfff were 'moisted in any way. or that any impedi ments were ..ppoeed to their traversing the coun try Thcv mu«t go artmrd t f » protecrtbemaelvei and their proper!-, from tfte nttmefous bands of rob ber* and Indiana that idlest various portions of (be ' route nnd urtrrm.oabl* trouble to their own couiurvincn f the account* in the Mexican newt- iinpera an- n relied on 1 A journal ,n 7..celecae «»ya that the adherent, ' „l Santa Anna declare, that on the 13th of next I Jane he w.ll occupy the Presidential chair for the | tilth linir* Hi* trien,t» arc Iwlievcd to be the oler- i n,,. i nil. v-iiturs of cotton, Ihe agricu'turists and anil w«‘b » portion «>f the Natioaftl (guard and ad }hn disroulciided officeseekers. It l# g«| ihat Santa Anno, among other reforms, is in f«vor of u'UishW prohibitory dories in favor of domestic cotti.u. and iho loterstion of all religion* , B ►ever* Ipnrti ol the Keptjbbc. Tbe journal in que# , lon the Ziv-ateosn —nipreasesj the charitabla hope that all iraiton and miscreants who seek Sauta Anna's return may be beamed down •ode*, lirjisied —fV (>. l4tA. Curir-ef-ondcni ol th« Baltimore Patriot WasHisrrraw, March 22, 1 549 The tfij.iicil aod emphatic letter ofMr. Webster, which vou K«v* already publisned. reladv* to tbe very queer and ‘ disreputable” eppOiatmenU by Mr }’..ik of Mr. Manneimn as Minister in Prusiia,does | ttmi hoD.xrabb Se-uaujr Irgh credii.and 1 know Urn ; i c hug been i.ersonully iwnphmenied lor the high ly proper mural, and dignified stand he has taken oil the subject , . i» M I nm verv credit.!) informed, that Mr. rolk u sured n of his own politico! party, ou Ihe evening otthe 3J of March, while at Ihe Lapitoi, IbnUhe considered hi* lunctions as PrOidenl would be at anei'dAl-ioclook that uigbt—that he would wail a lew Tmnutea »Ut«-r 12 odock, v) as lomabe ,t sure that midnight had actusJlv arrived, and ( would then sign no bdK and transact no more business but would retire from the t-apitol aud go home. It is mn her stated, that Mr. Senator Uan negnn rep-ned, informally, this determination ol Mr Presides Lolk, all through the SeaaLe Cham- Ur on tbe uighl of the ?d of March—that ever-lo he-rememtfcred night—and yet at aloul 6 o’clock on the on! morning, the 4lhof March, and only a l„w Senators present, Mr. Polk sent to the Senate the nomination ol Mr. Hannegan as Minister to Berlin and me Senate —that .s, the Senator* wko were glunoo.iv confirmed said nomina tion' **Tc*l it not in Hath' Publish it not in tbe streets ol A»kahiu Mr. Webster I* right—it was a “disreputable ' pr<*ceduri' u" mailer who countenanced or recomj menJeJ I'OTnvaf. Illinois RtVKtt. —If all wb Lear in relation lo Uu» stream be tnt«. there wm h**ver known such - . " ' »n nmouol of ...llering und lon of !»o|*n).u has . KN e'” Ewsl I. Utah ««!.« lha fW *«- **•, *»d - »«, , iwioK‘ f.n •ultfroin the Hood. Prom boat* in yesterday, Wr up „„ sucuoiior Aimotphene Suction Plate* Icarfi that the wut«T at Peoria, on Monday u:.« IV t.k.'tiuciiii rt aKt. is mu mm-ra*. where ihen „,„„.hip, M.reV to. IM» two or three places trom the mouth lo Peona. on EU*“fo r) — - the north side of the river, but which arc uuder | „ Wright, BX. P M OejsUat, water. Ou the south side, ll is even worse, Utd | (JfVic* and residence on Fourth it. , with the exception of Havana, Pekin, and one or . ' opposite the Pittsburgh Uunk. Office j I two other point* the wholo coast is submerged, lo i {ffflHjSflL hour* from » o’clock to la A M.. and I the depth, in many placet, of S and 10 leete The [ from 4 o’clock to 4 »cpU*ly water at Peoria, on the morning of the 1 Jtb, was • *"•* " ‘ up to the curb stones on Front street, and rising R UJ otous Nrmca.—Nicholas and Margaret Urown slowly. At Peru, the previous day, It bad com- , , U»pe4 Canada, Minister* ol Die Go«pcl of the So raeaced falling. The dimers ol (he Prarie Bird re- of p ncn d*, will hold religious meeungs m ihe port Peoria Lake still froien over, and navigation ■ ‘ ' ( . hurcb y, t \\i street, Pittsburgh, Uus (TUursdayl closed at that point. Tho bridge ncroaa the river ; w> ’ , clocb The public are invited to at waa in great danger of being carried away, by ! u,oni,,ff “ mchtfl) heavy mna*eß of lloaling ico and the strong cur- , tend. renL The steamers Pride of the West, Superb,. , mmm DIED, HI Highlander, Tamerlane, were at Peoria, the two —wheeling, Va, on the 27th mat ' M* lT - Wlfc *« fanner waiting to go further up. The Highlander George I. Ilolnies. vna taking in a cargo for N«w Orleans. The Mary „ ef funcrm i will take plarc il»> at n r[k Wane, at a point below, waa loading for Pittsburgh. frinn lbe rr..dciiec of Wm Jack, Peun street, l iitl. The river from Peorm to the mouth Waa namg rap- w . The fnendj 5f the mmuy are .e.pccifutly m *!iy, all the wayldown.—SY Uuu R*y the ground to the top of the wails, aud mortised I perhaps ioto cross piece* trom the top of the wa » i Tbesa platforms would-nccoramodair Irom twelve ito sixteen common hive*. In the day tune a J 1 ** doors were fastened open, but as won as were in at evening thev were closed. H* ll Y Ir ( ] morning they were sga.a thrown JJ 1 II J ! ' j little prisoners let If-rth to their toil. ' n , I , ; the doors are to be kept locked, except w » n u> “ I cess is wanted to the hive. . 1 Bv the means al*eve stated the miller wa* kept completely from the hives. He would often be seen coining round in the evening, and knocking in vain for admittance. Ooe morning, indeed, l believe a few millers were found m the house, when the doors had been closed at to<> late an boar n the evening previous. Hit ‘hey had evidently found themselves entirely in the dark, and had done no mischief. It i* obvious that the house, with H» internal arrangement, could be of any *»*«-* tl “ u common sense would dictate. —iY. 1 • rarwer NEWBPArKRi —Tlie following,from tho Liverpool Mercury, ts not inapplicable to many persons in this part ofthe world, and to such we recommend its careful perusal: Every subscriber thinks the paper is printed lor his special benefit, and if there is noilnng m it that suits him, it must be stopped—it is good for uolhing- Somc people look over the .deaths and marriage-, and actually oomplam of the editor it but few peo ple in his vicinity have been so fortunate as UJget married the previoas week,or so unfortunate as to die An editor should have such thing* in his pa per whether they occur or not. Just as many sub scribers as an editor may have, just m many dtller enl tastes ha* lie to consult. (>ne wants stones and iioetry; another abhors all tins. The pohucian wants notliiug but |>olilic4. One must have some thing smart; another something sound One likes anecdotes, fun and frolic; and the next door neigh bor wonders thnl a man of rente will put *ueh suifl iq a paper. We only wish that every man, wo. man and child who reads a paper, were compelled but one single month to edit one. They wouoi find ’ that it IS not ({line *o> easy a mailer as they at hf»t , supposed it to be. Oiai ceS " HKilts —it h nol generally known that a lineal descendant ol 'rtoffiy Chaucer, the “bilter of English poetry,” came near being King of England. It happened in ibis wise. The poet bad only one son, Thomas. who had only jj tie child Aliev Chancer, who murru-d for the third t*ime*]43o. William de la Pole, Eurl. aud alter, ward* lHike of Suflblk. who wm attainted aud be headed in ÜbO. By him aha bad three children, the eldest of whom. John de la Pole, Luke ol Buf Ibllt,' married the Pnnccss Elizabeth Plantagenel, sister of Edward IV., by whom be had a igrrocroua family, the eldest of whom, John da la Pole, was declared by Richard 111. heir apparent to the throne, m the event ol tne Prmceigif Wile* dying without tM»e. »n that lor some tune, ns Ham* Nicholas rr mark*, there was n great probability of the poet s great great grandson succeeding to the Crown Blit the Earl of Lincoln. ,for sum ho had been ere aled in his lather’s lileliiur> was killed in lb« not verv glorious bottle »f Stoke in l+h", ami m his person the family ol the poet became extiuct—a fate singular to mv,which has attended tbetamnhes of all the treat English poet*. -PhuaJaiphta hi*v trig liutlrttn Ma. Werstxb Cony ksKl> —The Washington' correspondent ol the Springfield Republican men- Uons the following amusing incident Mr boole was addressing the Senate, when Mr Webster asked leave l>' interrupt him a moment Mr Foote turned towards Mr. W wtto was *il ling directly behind him. and addressed him. <*» nearly as I ran re collect in the following nn-a -The honorable Senator from Massachusetts, the dt»iiOgiK«hed Senator ik.iii Mav>«cbtiselt*. the sUtesnmn, the orator the -cbolar. lie- philosopher — the loece of a deceased Wife, we have stnied there was an eilort making in the British Parliament to ivrn’ue Tb« Hon. S. Worth y ,b. prescut probib lion* w.-re entirely inoperative. !■ rotn a summary > i information taken from only live districts -n England, in less than three months, it appeared that nt marriages ascertained to have taken place in the districts alluded 10. between par ties witfi.n the prohibited degree*, one thousand ■ three nundred and sixty-four have been contracted nee Lord LyndlnirW* act; aod nt these upwards ! oCnme ten hs lui .e been contracted with a Jeccar I ee the mother of Matthew Henry. And bow different would l« tbe world’s estimate of men, if they were judged less by their origin, and mure by their destiny. There is one pride of family highly commendable —there ta another pride offAmily metlablv conlempuble. To]tfu Editor of the Pittsburgh GaafUt. The Inna of life at the fire on Monday, in Alle* gbeny, ha' cast a glootu over the whole neighbor* hood. It war awful to think of, and still was be yond the reach of human power to prevent If the whole city bad been destroyed, a single life saved from the consuming flames would have more than compensated for tt all. 1 wish however to bear witness to the noble ex I erttonaof our firemen, on* and oRSot the manner in which they performed their duty Where all did #o welt, no fault can be found, but 1 was particu arly impressed with the heroism of the members ofibe ParamcfT, as they worked at the, the fountain head, and from which came the only'ef fective and never failing stream. Nobly did they work, and nobly did they earn and receive the praise of every person cognizant of their situation Had they ceased, much more property mu* have been destroyed, nnd irerhapa more lives lost, and therefore it i» 'hat 1 communicate this for your naoer to give them that credit which is so justly their due. A.tO.MAvr*. “Ecuvohv ta W axLTH," and if Mr Shields had bul been governed by the shove motto, be might have «a red money tml himself much physical suffering; but read the following leticr, dated April Ittih, l&t- Mr Win Shields, n respectable farmer of this virm ‘ wu. taken ill, called in a Doctor who doctored him for Dyspepsia mr one year, but he still got wor-e Hr then uisenarged his Doctor and paid turn Uitny dollar. He then got a vial ol your Vermifuge, and ofS...m,vf Pill*. »nd I.) Ihe o.e of [ho,. me.l tellies icosting unly 50 cenlst lie discharged, hems. • I iasst one thousand worm*, and in two werk» was .o unproved m heullh as to attend io his*. m»l has b«cn in good health ever since, and sa)» Dr VemufuKE and Sanative FslU have made a iomid man of him. WM if fiKAN. P M . To Dr D. Jayne. Ptula. al I'ort \N llliam. O [.'or sale in Ptuabuigh at the PKKIN TKA' STOKK, oFoufth street, near Wood frbl7-dA»S HAMPTON, SMITH & CO., t> R Y GOODS JOBBERS, SO. 54 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, (iTf I T SALK \rr ksStws; US', : »V'., hi'J "‘ *" r "'■ bl '“ h ”r i “,:f, L° c.o d.r«llY » i>h >»' K.-...., -d ,-.p. r ,. \ h*v-. |wo% rr; to our trade, tial . £ho may have iQou«ut o: gem?. Ij.i ;«• they «»lt tuid they fu..y Mtueit an rioinumtion of our stock oy otun* •* / .1 ’ may lie »avr.t that time anil expense. In our aaaoruocn m.uoo piece* KapluU. French, anil American Print* •AUtti ao do do ‘l° , l,m*. do Scotch. French end American lawn*. Mm do OrKai»die*;Mu*lina, . Lace*. Fancy Nnu, Cambric*. Jaco. Mull*, hwiii. Book Muslin*. Ac 1 ].adit** amt Cent*’ Li*le and Sill tiiovr., I I lowk ■ n ajid Cotton (ilovr*; I Hnndkr-trtnei*. Suspender*. Ac. l I’.very description of Vanety Good*; I Mm bale* Brown Sliceiing*; j HHI do Fine Brown Shirting* nnd Drill*. | To ra«e* Bleached Shirting*; | T..* Tirkin**. Wr »hall keep up our Stock throughout | l’i rrsßt hoh, March ti, low. • amusements. "theatric. ,3 j>( irtVR Masasm. MK V II fRISP IN 3 POPULAR CHARACTERS ■splendid Kiiienamment' Thik*«*aT. Mawii a»-Tbe performance im'hly un«*re«nng Drama, entitled H*4 IVRKCK ASHURK. •V‘ rP ; Mi*» Cruise. with Sh»W«i>«ere'» Comedy. in 7ac«, oP ro con, Rirlß i NU pmiaiß) lrtru,h 0 . .. Mr Dunn, c.ruuuo , Mim porter I produce THE RAKES with dncetferi. .1 IS postponed utl to-morrow evening, when, | MR CRISP will api*ear. APOLLO H ALL, PITTSBURGH. MADAME msCACCIANTUPnmn Donna A**o- from the principal Theatre* ot h«Uy. A*- n.r r‘Bl- Opera House. New S ork, ami Philadelphia. m iinnourmo to the ladle* and eeutlemen or Pill*- t.unrh, that *he will mve Mall, on FBIDAV EVENING. March JOtli. i*-t« on winch occ**ioil ahe will •<*>* aome ol ~,, lavnri i* lfci»»n»oi in KntflMb and llalinn. Madtmir B Ha* freat pleasure in announcing Ural •He will be a-.uieil bv ibat di«lin*m*he(l Piam«t and Vocalift-MR J 1. HATTON—who will introduce mate ol In* IV-rnpuvr I’omie Scene*. which lave been received with *nch eii!hii«ia*»u m New\ork, Boston *•• SUIN' *K BI**CAiU'IANTI will periorm two mv«>riio Solo* on the Violineeilo Proframme—rart i> I Introduction— Piano Fort* Hcmmei. •> Cavaunn Madame Bi»cacri*nU, ' (from Linda) Dowzrrrr I New Characteristic Song J L. Harrow ••The Chn«tn»a* Sleigh Hide,” (Po et:! by i’ F. Hoffman, K*s > J - Hattos i Fonta»ia—Violmcello -Signor Hi*- f.n latltl *, Rotnflntn. from (iiovanna d'Arco— Madmne Bisraecianu • Kr e„!rie Sohc— Mr J L Hatton ••The Liitle Fa*t Man," Br.rwrrr An uticrniM-ion of ten minute* Part 11. [ | Cavatina Madame Ktacacctaiiu. 1 ((rum Lucial • • Dosirrrri. I t i New Pathetic Ballad —Mr J 1. Illation The Ballad ol ihe l)> * tennan, (wntten by O W Holme K»<] , Bo»ton. Ma«s l Solo Viol'mcello— Signor Bi«r*rr, anu A Kn«!i»b B«li»d~\V«mrn cipress- U (or Muitunif Biscay.anti, by J 1. Hatton, j Knai.t-Thr Watkins' Kventni: Party Mr J I. Hntton J '» R« E ,-lVitt* V'c-U. each. * Wad Ibe Music Store.. ll&'Monor.intW'la House Johnston *. Siorkinn » RooW diorc and .like door on the evenm* of P rr«nrm»ncr. I)oor« open Ist • -Concert to commence at . I o clock. IT r Mr J l. Hatto*** *0111;. word* and music may H.;g .1 the door .»< ih« lull. . PHILO HALL, I, t i ( Throe D » jr a . Am exhibition rv.T' iftemoon at **• "“ U . vtn , ,n * ai -t o tloc-k—s>aiurdav mgbt positively the last. MU \vn I J AMS' i*'c BOMBARDMK.VT t>l vn-ii v i’|||7 l,v riir loror* under lien Scott. V ’ur. *-iirr ut thr dooM, attendance will b* nvJal \hr Hill --vet? day Uom 10 to 12 and tSAo A. mMhe sale »| uckri*. and no "‘ore will t" tasted than can :.r comfortably -rated r , r[ ... rrnl^iUtUliru bail price Door* open a- Vo c :©e7-commence. .1 5!* Kvamngs “> I m Vbr u *ntec’i« who «ervrd with the Atmy »> Mexico, V munirci* mcha».d3l | rang _ r ICFT WITH TUB SUBSCRIBER, «o» I . Mond.v, 11M. day of March, UMV. one yrev Marr. Saddle und "llrtJle —about ten year, of ago, blind o. die right rye. Said Mare u supposed to hare been sndertfor hired ant of a livery stable: a* the man wen ,0 MtltoW. I.IVT, *»'■'"«»" 0 * , b ;"* buerr a«d bs« " hern heard of Hr got a dark bay LoS. T ;*ib -to WH,e mark, on and a new buggy vnOi patent leather tor The .aid man »» about aix feel liigti.dark complexion, and Java lu« name a* » DOU.ARS KF-' V ARD will be given for the re turn o' ih* home, bugry and thiei. Th. rantr i> r«.|..-.te.l ,o row. fnm.rJ uiH pro., preporiv. P .y ....I >*»« b-r »«•!. °< Lj- ili«t>o»rj ruc'il for 4*l* by ( l -‘ iaß>KKl ’ \\ A R mci tcheoN. l4a Liberty *t j vii i aTi 1 1--k riu !,! ;* Potato** received. in aiore and 1 > t,v [. s WATERMAN, *- U 1 water and 68 front *l_ ~L'. v< m• m and 40 «k« white Bean*. ju*t rrc'd Hald if “in t,v mrb!9 LB* WATERMAN I ARB- 111 I'M. Mo 1 L*nt 1 j ahd mr »ale by mebifl) I. A " ATfcRMA.N r*'n-uS AM) BUCKETS—*» doa BuckcU, 10 1 ♦j.R.T.M, ■•*«**• *> 'r,^ LASS ' ' AU'OHUL-W UU jus( rec’d and for •*»« by mehSa _ R K i?KI,I ' I '' K3 - ll<> «k« l*enrht«»; IUO t>«»h Chcatnuli; W 1 nirumer C-imbni, f«r *nle *>y ‘ RIIKV. MA'ITHKWS i f-o, 57 water «1 Ui ;A Vv A-i «' I.t.u VVbiit: Beall*. Mdo .lielleJ “ .!"h'Ju **"’ ' r l ° WC '‘ * UarkC RHKY, MATTQEWS At o « i | cab. Ac -215 hl»fl» lair lo prime N O Suear; 1-0 bt>l« aborted No* !-<»«' Buenr; 4‘JO Jo Mola*«e*, „ale by mhft RHF.Y. MA'ITHKWS ACo ti r aNT ED— Ah e xpeftenerd m ibc Dry W Co*ml» hoAiMCAA The l»c»t ol rrierencr* requir- J ’ Aooli u, A A MASON A Co. P^T'’ N SKEIN C(rrro.N-«cu« while, aaaorled and blue „C..V C d f„, -^ a » BUTHNOT i'ltm KI.ASTIC ? [ J for wile by _ metis* h--- ------- Ct KWINIi SIEK-U <-a*e» Uik and a«*'d u Oa *pool*— 0 rerM»i»dtoiaal*l»y me hit- CARBITHNOT c-vEij^-’.jas- u "' rtsa*®?: N 111 ' '""c'lj GRANT l' l N DRIK* 4 —l2 »k* ('lover »ved. 2do Timothy »ecd> N , bucket* Httiter: 5 do Lard, ju»i rec'd ami for *alo by tnctiSh C H GRANT / i LASS- IVi bi. exlw, 7j do 10x12; 25 do 10x14; ju»: \ I tecrived and inr »mle by mrhv’n 8 V VON BONNHORST A Co i iCYTHK SNEATHS do* for naif by S mrh2- 8 V VoN BONNIIOKBT A Co HOKB 20 do* caal »lecl plate, for sale by .nchy, S F VON BONN HORST A Co / 1 LOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED —For tale by (j mrM» 8 F VON BONN HORST A Co BACON SIDES—S hhd« now iaiidiiiK irom steamer Cumberland; for »nle by mPh .> ISAIAH DICKEY A la, 1-roni *t IARD-27 bbl* No ), d hail dod«i npw Undipufrum » .teanicr Cumberland; for aaW by mc b»' 18AJAH DICKEY A Co I'KATHKHS—U 5 »k* now laudin* from »tnir Cura * berland, lor aolc by ISAIAH DICKER ACo BEESWAX—1 c»k now landing Irom «nu Cumber land; to* *a»e by mlt2- JSALAH IHOKKY A co_ FuTATOK-S —'AW »k» miJ iO l>bln ow tiami null lor milt- I')' / tRKF.N AJM'I.Kj* -Wl'l'l* iii kooJ ordrr, r-JL., i” Vor.Nbin PIG IKON— ami ion* Pig Iron. Mnrtipi and for talc by. J * * L * u * u lARD—-JW) l.bL N« l. it* good iliipomg order; UP do J lnoliaT***’ '" r ** IS AI AH DICKEY A Co, From *1 ( 111 UK ami Wmer Proot Mineral Paint, for tale by i mVlIa" ISAIAH DiCKHY ACo , , u> | -r> •*) |,ii| ( ui store, for *al«* by ISAIAH DICKEY 4 Co DEKRS » k » 111 Mor,,: for* l ' l ® by b Sr IS.UAH DICKEY ft Co Ft- bbt* Flour, O Walker* brpnd, just landing and for *ule by ’ 3C b j 7 .■ * DILWORTH kCo GRKKN APPLES—4I bbln iu fine order. r„rhsr7 J S DILWORTH k Co CH.OV F.R SEED—Ib l>bl» Closer Seed. > inch*? J S MLWfttRTH *o* SHAD— 0 half bbl* lor sale by uichal S F YON BONNHORST k Co HFHRINO—" bbls for sale by t roehiSi 3 F VON BONNHORSTACo 1 iXTRACT LOGWOOD—7O ease* ju*i r«\l and for jPj «alc by rabtaJ n A FAHNESTOCK ACo NEW STOCK OF JKWKLRY—WaIcay*, Military and fmiry Good*. m*i owning and for sale al reg ular Koaietw, by WAY WILSO/'f, metric v corner 4llt and Market »i« >N--t’ ruki Baron liam*. ado Uacou Sboul der*, iu»t recetireil and tor sale by pc itt) HAW)Y, JONES A Co 00.m.i.r0 t rip R AUCTION SALES. By Jotui D. Davit, Anetlonacr. Clothing Store at Auction. On Thursday morrtl»(f, 31« t in.L, •( 10 o’clock, at ihe .tore in Market street, next door to the corner of 4th • l will be lold witnout reserve, the enure slock of fashionable clothing. comprising a choice and season al,l,. assortment. among which will be found—Sack coau, frock, dress and business coals, hangups, over coats, cloak*, monkey jackets, fancy and black eaut* mere pants, satinet, tweed and jean do, vest* of every style and quality, lamb's wool and canton flannel drawers and shirts, cr&vau, scarfs and slocks, fine ibirts with linen bosomy *r. Aleo.'! cherry lop eoanters, store fixtures, shelving, gas fixtures, Ac. The above oilers a more than usual opportunity to dealers to replenish their stocks me ha JOHN D DAVIS, Anct Splendid IloustJwld Furniture at Auctton. On Thursday next, April Oth, at 10 o’clock, A. M . will be sold at the dwelling ol Hon Judge Irwin, on the Hast Common, adjoining the canal in Allegheny city, withoai reserve, hi* entire household Furniture consisting ol Mahogany sofn» and chairs; do divans, louogea and rocking chaus; do centra, pier side tables; do bedsteads, wash stand with marble top. . mahogany and cherry dressing bureaus, French and and high post cherry bedstead*, cherry wardrobe, fan cy and common chairs, I pair large French plate pier glasses, looking glasses, super enndelabras and ius irrd, mauiel lumps, manic! ornaments, bruueli, in* grain and straw carpeting, on elegant new tnpestry carpet, saxoti rugs, feather beds and bedding of the choicest quality, French china dinner and tea sett*, glass, crockery and caeeusware, ivory handle and common knives and forks, window blinds, cornices and curtains, elegant French mantel clock and shade, runs 3 week s, bras* clot k*. astral and ball lamps, su perior cooking stove and fixture, complete, bath tub and fixtures, great variety of kitchen nimiture, uten sils, etc PtnTadnlphi a rnede garden engine, and « va riety of garden tools, Ac. Some of ihe above am entirely new, and alt in ex cellent order. Terms at sale. inch 27 • JOHN D DAVIS, Auct. Administrator t Sale of Stacks- On Thursday morning, Aj>ril llitii, at 10 o'clock, the Commercial Auction Rooms, comer of Wood i Firth Street*, will be sold without reserve, by orde Thomas Duvidson and Joseph Pennock, Adifiimsi iuuuju ■■ • -r" j tors of the estate of A Hotbnch. deceased— U ultnres Pittsburgh mui Orcensburgh Turnpike C\ 1331 do Conrmaugh Bridge Company. mcb27 JOHN I>. DAVIS, Auctioneer. J l. llanos Blairsville Recorder copy and send bill lo Auclie Assignee’* S«le, bjr Auetlon. Forty kivk acres ok excellent goal— with the privilege of nnotber tract adjoining, ami about lorty iwo acre* oi land—on which areiereetcd •) or 10 dwelling house*, two coal rail roads, iM other improvement* for carrying on the coat business. Tlu» extensive and very valuable-property iliesjost on tlie bank of the Mouangaheln river, directly op po me the thriving borough of M’Keesport, m Allegheny county, and will be sold all together. It will be odered lor sale at public auction, on MON DAY, the aeeond day of April next, at U o'clock, A. M . at tlie New Court House, in Pituburgh. Several year* lime given lor lb« paymeht of the pureha«e money. Thi» property lie* together, in aueh a position a« to afford every fanlity for cartying on the coai business in the least expensive and most pro fitable inanucr The coal is of the be»l quality. Time to Uke it out on imited Title indisputable Murli of the land suit able tor building loti. t'apitaltsta wi.hing 10 make a «afe and very profita ble investment on .peeulanou. ami persons wishing 10 engage m inc coal business. ire invited to look at tni* property and attend the sale. a* it is fully believed that •io better bargain lor such property was ever offered in Allegheny county. Kor luriber lulormauou, inquire of the Assignee or Auctioneer, or oi Geo. F. Gfllmore, at Jiu office on Grant urtet. Pituburgh. JIT..- Alexander millkr, A»*rnee of Robt Sinclair. John d Davis. aoci PAPER HANGINGS. • MESSRS. JAS. HOWARD A CO.* to. 82 Wood Stwet, WOULD colt the mention of the pubtic uTtheir of Paper Hanging*, which for ra ndy, beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, u un surt'a«»od by any establishment in the Union. Ucsidei a large and full assortment of paper of their own manufacture, they axe now receiving a direct im portation of French and English styles of Paper Hong !n*», purchased by Mr. Leri Howard, ene of the firm, now in Europe, consisting of Parisian manufacture, 10,000 pieces, Londou do 5,000 do Of their own manufacture they hare 100.000 pieces Wall Paper, and 14,000 pieces satin glaxed Window Blinds, Ac , . Messrs. James Howard A Co. have spared neither expense nor labor in their eudeavors U> rival the east ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of man ufacture and randy of pattern; and they are warrant ed in assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment, toreign and home manafac 'tare, will be offered on terms as low as those of east ern manufacturer* and importers. mch27:du J. C. P. SMITHS Attoraey and Counwllor at Law, »T. LOUIS, MO. Will rive particular attention to the eoljeption of Claim*, and all money received, ihall be-remmed without delay. „ _ . _ HxrKKKiicn —Hon. R. Coulter, Supreme Bench, Pa , Merer* Lyon, Short. A Co. St Lout*; Wood, AbboU k Co. Philad’a, Jao H Brown A Co. do; Mr. Charles H Welling, do. Kao, Mahoney A Co. New York; Crntten den Blm A Co. do; Baugher A Oreudorff, Baltimore; W F A A Murdoch, do; Love, Martin k Co. do; Mr. John Falconer; Loreni, Sterling ft Co. Pitts* burgh, Knr*ythe ft Co. do; Hampton, Smith ft Co do; Mr LS Waterman, do. nigh2s:dSm R. T. LEECB, JR., Importer ami Dealtr in Formica and DomfJtu Saddlery Hardware i Carriage Trimmings, No, 133 Wood •»., PltUbarih, Pa. IS now receiving lua Spring supply of Good*, and invite* the auenuon of Saddle rs, Coachmaker* and Merchant* to In* stock. It ha* been bought upou the beat lerm*. from the l>e*t source*, and he therefore feel* ronhdrnt of l*eing able to utford satu/action to all who may uvor him with a call. me Uil7:dGm jo* L laATtCAi*. a. » rrmren. qso. a. Roatirao; YRATMAS, PITTMAN * CO., FOBWIRDUIO k COfIfIISSION BBBCH4HTI k. a. Hanoi. wa r. jo sis. KAILDY, JONES ft Co_ (successors to Atwood, Jone* A Co > Commission and Forwarding Mer chant*, dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, Piit»buryh,_Pa : _ __ * ____mcM7 GRBEHWOOD GARDENS ARE NOW OPEN, for mle of a large collection of Greenhouse Plants, of the choicest vanede*. Also, a large collection of (he fine*! Dahlias, and an nual Flower Plants, will be ready ur'dcliver in |>oia the I*l of May BOUQUETS of the choicest Flowers pul Up at the shortest notice. The Garden* will be open for the general reception of visiter* on the 2d day ol April. Captain VandergrifT* new steam boat, the Tfcoa. Scou, will commence running from the Point, Coot oi Penn street, to the Gardens, the 2d day of April" 1 mehS7:d«t« _ JULIUS HAUKL'S AND ROUSSEL'S PERFUME RY AND SOAPS-Sapontceoui Componod; -•* Beef Marrow, in pot«; Compound Ox Mnoaw. Aromatic Vinegar, West End Extract; Amandine Soap; R ___ S 3 Wood at MACAULAY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND—Uul le.r’s edition, oontauung all lae maHe>, verhatitn et literatim, of Yols. I fttpl ‘j otf Lgindon edition, em bellished with a po/truit or the author—3 Yols. tn one. Price, complete, A large supply of the above re ceived and for sale by JOHN H MKLLOR, ruohtjs 81 wood l\ I'IIK subscriber has removed ht* WbdloaaTe Groc^. ry Store to the corner ol'Hanccpk aOeul and Alle gtuny next door to the Pixry House. mch*J7:du JOHN F. PERRY. >TEW SPRANG) A.-Mason A CoT,"n^ I of t ®'l ch «r“ nbne *> LiUeitt, Ribbons, Lacev Silks, shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, atin n general assort tnent oi Good*. mch*7 TASSKY A BEST TO iNU PKbLaßs'-?»iti. » Jotugoa.« Market itreut, wishing to olo*e their 9* y*nety Goods previous to their removal, will sell at wholesale their stock of Comb*, Button*. Nee dles, Threads, Pin*, Jewelry, Ac., at cost. S-ft J- will remove on April Sd, to No 69 Market at. mehX7 ALCOHOL —20 bblj AlgoUol, just iccM per ateosu! Shenandoah, ant) for sale by rachao . J KIPP A Co KEG BUTTER—2O kegs on consignment. wch» M'GIU-S ft ROB BACON— We me nov recemng fnta naoka koa»e 30,000 iU. choloe Mam*; 40,0(W lb* prime Sboui dti*. mcWM M*GILLS & ROE DIAMOND sharks and Ulaaier* Dia““f d ( rn F,T,: ""‘“"blS'aLbvlsmitii W“S £A ”"'' 3 ““ '” 9 AW HARB”I*OH y *SHKKI* SKINS—A few doxi®c»d and . . * awh^uavgh o A^i" ,I, '” hO * U 4 a PILWORTH * Co : D«J -’J4- JOO *k< Uried Apple*, In More. A _ iaDILWOKTOftCtt l.^' VXAIJC ACIIV-1 cast H»r sale by ) »iu*» URAUN^RUTra If? HITEULL’E—3bW» lor tale by V\ mchtt BRaln k HHTKB 'KAM BOATS . CIKCINHATI * PITTSBURGH ittea jfifc JSt DAIL V PACKET LINE. Shills well known tine of splendid ers ... now composed of the i.bcd and tarnished, and moat powerfulbotta oh the water, of the West Every accommodamn and com i<«rt that money ran procure, haa been provided f r P Th. Lino hu boon in cpor*uo» fo, I*"* —has carried a million of people without . rr K Uni, po„ono Tbo U.U will bo f "' Wood street the day previous to starting, for in* ire p tion of freight and the entry of passenger, on the ««»* t«f In all cases the passage money must o* P* 10 m SUNDAY PACKE#. The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill*, will lease Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 tfslscki Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 t. U- Msy £), 1»t7.. The .MoNli burgh every ! every Monda Thg HIBERNIA No. 4, Capt. J. KLtsaraLTia, Will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 r. x. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW POLAND No. 2, Capt. S. Das a, will •sve Pittsburgh every* Wednesday morning at II ’clock, Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 10 1. ■ THURSDAY PACKET. mch23td4wAw4tJ The BRILLIANT, Capt. Oases, will leave PUu urgh every Thursday morning at 10 o’clock; Wbeehag very Thursday evening at !0 r. *- The CLIPPER No. SfCapt. Pass DtrvsL, will leave Pittsburgh every .Friday morning at lOo'cloek; Whee ltu| every Friday evening at HI r. B. SATURDAY PACKET. The MESSENGER No 4, CaptAVouswaao, wilt leave Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at 10 ofeloek; Wbeeltns every Saturday evening at 10 r. v. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY UNK OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS*. ijQ 1,4 - Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o’clock, A M., and ar rives at Glasgow, (mouth of the Sandy and Beavdr Ca oal,) at 3 o'eiock, and New Lisbon at 11, same night. leaves New Lisbon at 8 o'clock, P. &L, (making iha trip canal to the river during the night,) and Glasgow *t 9 o’clock, A M., and artlves at Pittsburgh a« 3 P. (bos making a eottunuous line for carrying pas sengers and freight between New Lisbon and Pitts burgh, tn shorter time and at less rates than by any other route. .... ~ The proprietors of this Ijne have the pleasure or In forming the public that they have filled up two fint clan Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passengers add freight, to run in connection with the well knows steamer* CALEB COPH and BEAVKB, and connect lrt* at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Qinela natt and other daily line, of steameis down tbo Ohio and Mississippi river*. The proprietors pledge them selves to spore no expense or trouble to insure coth fort, safety and dispaten, and ask of the puhlievi chart ol tbetr P %tn>Q J{pi l j oai2El) AOKf the above and intermediate porti* eery Tuesday, at 10 o’clock. *. «. For freteht or passage apply on O7 ta ‘ E. C. KING, No. IS3 Com. Row. UaUvUU. REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET FOB ST.'LOU'j w. Tba fine fait runoms puaep i fP*. . A steamer GEN. LANE, HfiftoflSß A- McPherson, master, will ter re („ above and nuermeoiate por ]U eve ry Saturday, at 10 o’clock, t. *■ For rr eight or passage apply on board, or Vjj EC. KING, No 163 Cor , go— Louisville FOB WABASH RIVEB . The splendid steam'.» VERMONT, taKffiflßLa* llazleu, Burner, wi ,j i eave M *bove BBMHEBfiMBihia day, at 4 o’eio ck. r. m. Forjreigbi passage apply SHENANDOAH, master, will leave for the a- MBHHEGRHHBbove and intermediate porta on Wed nesday at 10 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board, or to meh® PETTIGREW A Co, Agt» *H)ITNASnVIQ:E; Me* k The splendid steamer ■ 1U . HAIL COLUMBIA, •giltggwoft Green, master, will lauve rot above' intermediate posts on. Wednesday 21st lost at 10 o'clock, a. a. For freight or passage apply on board, or to m*ri*> PETTIGREW A Co, Agts REGULAR PACKET FOR NASHVILLE k The fine light draaght steamer lPt yjisTm? . DOLPHIN, master, will ibave for above WHBBHMiaiid intermediate portsoi* OLst inst, at 4 o'clock, r. m. For freight or past age, apply lo jnchSj J\V BUTLER A 880. Ager^ FOR LOUISVILLE. ffyi [r ■ w The splendid uow steamer i HAMBURG, t WtßtsffSa. CaldweiL master, will le*v,e Ibc tfiv ■UHEBBaabove and intermediate pe ext oa Aif day, at, 10 o'clock, a. h. For freight or pauv 0 apply on board, M , . ’ PKTTIUIIgW a Co, Agaau FOR ST. LOUTS .Sfcir» . k The splendid f>,st running steamar fiCrfTT ft BCIILYLKILL, ygggpfflß Williams, mauer, wlllleavo Cor the ■BftMßßaßßßabove and intermediate porta on thia day, the 18th, at 10 o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to _ _ PETTIGREW ACo»Agta PITTSBURGH A WHEELING PACKET. . • , . The swift steamer i CONSUL, U(SSs6SB«t Webber, master, wilt leave regalariv BgjßggjsSßßfor Wheeling, every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock precisely. BLeave Wheeling every Tuesday. Thursday and g«. “rday. at 7 o'clock, a m, P«c«el) The Coiisbl trill land at all the intermediate porta**— Rtery accomodation that can be orocarerf for the com fort and safety of passengers has been provided. Tb*. boat IS also provided with a self-acting safety guard to rr,ro"o p! °‘ ,o “ - feb4 At w. Greer’s, cor. BmithEcld and Wfter its REGULAR WHEELING PACKET. The fine steamer . ZAHARY TAYLOR. gfeggttflg Locas, master. will hereafter rauaa « ■MBBlfißrepUar packet from. J»iiubde*h to d« b wld'Vrid? lll *^ ,U ‘ bUrBheVery Mond *T> Wwbws £or freight or passage apply on beard. ja24 / r ?R MARIETTA, PARKERSBURG. And Hockingport, and Intermediate landings. iftfu *tw & ne vtaamet [lt- n r, Jf WELL3VILLE, ' muter, will leave for th