The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 27, 1849, Image 3

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    -r~v xfiiißtiKAPfl.l COMMERCIAL Rf
*Tw-fcoaSlmb 1 , ~_._rr“
° r **>• ifttt.btggh D „i r c„,u«. 1 | Ar '” A “ AC -
PbREKJISf news; ,
•'•uaTßHtt Pi&Ticmim ry vub
PntLADßLren, "Merck Jft>*-4 1. m.
RtfriSLA. . *
The Imperial Guards, 52,000 strong,-Tefl St. Pc
tertSurgb for the frontiers, to keep in, check (be dir
effected Pole*. The Schleswig Hditein refugees
ere refused admittance' into Russian ForU. unless
aider the Danish Flag- The Cttar has determined,
if possible, to prevent a recurrence of the scenes
tf lasi year with Prussia- Strong hspe*j6f (lie ex-
Übliihmcol of {iiendly relations with'Dcntaark are
expressed by .the King at the opening of.ihe Print*
aian Chambers’. , *.
; The German population of the Somh finding
that 4he insurgents were carrying deuaicuon in
•Very quarte/ycaHed on the Prusaiarm. now oc«o>
pjiag Cronaladi and Hermsindt for aid*- -Severn]
aerioos baltiehfcave taken pta&. The Jhsurgeats
are shout strong, bttt art* split with di- 1
visions. It is .difficult to ascertain the state I
aAhe war. . . ■
• The Austrians are stiD purtulflg bojtiiities with
Hungary, bat hr© not, unmindful of iiaimn affairs.
have totktehed a body of troops-infb Ferrara,
•pitad lbecityif*and levied a cuntribulionupon the
citizen*, whidli iuia been given to the'Pope.
The and a Republican
Government grtaMiibed. , : ,
leghorn, FJfljjrence end central ludy'baye formed
Republics. The grand Doko proidstregmiut then?
ftsw governments and calls upon the European
powers not tOurecognU© them.
has been elected Vice-President of thfl Republic of
Home. "? t ' :
It i» con&dejuly stated that Spiu(| i*,-about to
Mod 10,000 efeit to aid in restoring- ibV Pope, who
hM also anked iid from, Austria. * ' .
The saw* fitiifi Turin represents every thing in
a disiurbed stajp. Genoa seem? fipe.'fiar a Repub
lican GovernnjeaL Altogether, tbe.elaruenfo of
discord were Scarcely even more rife m, Italy than
al thapresenlrpotneot
E * Mdfch lOtb^lSlb.
A .decline o£.one- farthiug per pound h&a been
experienced ofifCotlon. Tbere is a jduil'fiemand
for the last ei|ht days, attributable to the wmt a
India,, and beftyy receipt* from Aiderica. The
quotations are-rfoir upland 4f; far, Mobile 4|;
fldr Orleans soles for the first 50,000
■acond Now on liand'iwooo. of
which Are American. ; d
Gxim American white Wheat 6eioao 7* 2d
red. Wimtf 0s to.fla 6J. ' • V
Soutiiem 25s . .
is a fair trade s
rrivalsofßeef;sofßeef; teeblethe amountoiThejiji&tjperiod,
last year. Good quolThe* bring fair Giber
obtained on ejUy terras, 65
to 70a for ordinary. Fme Mess Pork iut test quo-'
tationt, but is let* firm. Lurd has declined Gd per!
owt| «nle*at~%s34*. Butler odd Cbeeio have
declined 101 • dd. bun 19 aotive.Vith anjupward
leqdenoy. Cotton and other markets, a* on Sdtur
dsf repurts.
Sr. Loci*, March 26,1 9.
Intelligence flora Sants Fe. to the 2d of'Jsnuary,
haabeea received at Independence. Thq fßep(il
(kin of that dale domains letters from
represent the winter as being very severed FVe
tffiut in passing through the mountain gorges, lost
iSB mules in-one night He was then le&riu foci
and cane to the .Conclusion that it was impossible
to proceed any farther, and dispatched thrte men
to Ktk a settlement and succor. They not* 1 Return,
log in-twenty days, Fremont started far Taos,
distant 350 mile*, wbcre be arrived in nine days.
Major Beale immediately A ptarjy of
dragoons—wuh niules and .provisions tp’ifelieve
Fremont’rparty.'; Fremont though mnch eajqcinted
accompanied the expedition.
The suffering of the party isrepresented&sgreali
even to the extremity of feeding upon eaeft-'otber*
Green, who brings the news left Santa "ieKeveral
days after the publication of tho letter. He re potto
that all of Fremont’s‘party have perishedEexcCpt
ibe-Cokrael, who is badly frost bitten. •_>'
Onr correspondent at Indepeneeace expresses
doubts about the authenticity of the news. We
do not see with what reason. . v*
The Banking Ifcuse of Neiabet <fc Go., yrk* rtb
bed latiiugfaL The vault Was entered antsffo.oQo
The ntramera t)r. Frankifo and Aramanth-cade
IncoEaion ax the month of the Hlioois river,‘‘sifflr
isg the latter. Lpas estimated at
lnsutaaee. fIA
The steamer A-Lamartine was burnt jHterday.
opposite Balh, Xiliimis, aDd was to tall y flKtjcy e’d.
Hexbooks were saved—no lives lost. Tire
■eager* took refqje on West Point lalancki^
'-■ HawusanaQ, Marfifi 26.
The new County project was defeated in the
Legislature tc-day by a tie vote—
-33. Another triumph tor old Ailegbeny-eowtjty.
LotJtsnti*, Mart^26y;
There wciadesinicuve fire'm this city’-yesto/*
da?,Four warehouses partlydestroyed.! .fie lo>,
if hkxvy, hut mosUy covered by insnranee-.' .v
PHttA.OE.P’HU, March -
lodge Sane Colly com milled Tom Hainan the
charge of Government Jewels.'.^
Mr. Bidlack, Clituge d T Again to BcgotSydfcd on
the Cth of January last. •*,
March "
, Flour— Ho tdor*.are anxious to sell, but ;t>iiyeVs
do titt appear. Western brands are held!at $4,75
" ~ •
of prime red Wheat at 102
ett, the extent of bosbds. tJom*j3alea
cf prime yellow at 33 cu per bushel. V; .'"
in bbts ax 19 to 22 omjii per
W&iu. j ’ '
Money—Treasury Notes 108* —new Ice trill.
flotlr— Private letters are leas
oerfas if weaker, With a decline of Cl ceaM.per
tenet - - ' .
Grain— I The market for Wheat baa a downward
tendency, bat Cant U steady. There
no sales worthy of report. .•"& ;
Ccttcp— Tbe'&reigo news is aot-yet
ior fobtert are Willing to take lower price*. £ ' ,
. floviaioxu— is leas movement in yorli
«sd the market heavy. The market for Bfcpf Is
Lard haf declined a quarter of a fc|iit.-r
•ftj ffayfri are dal), and declining. *. r ' |
Baltimore MARKET. If.i.’i
MiU 26-4‘p.‘M. ;
floOT—There Ij no merkeJ change
4*y,t>atitbiiniike»u if «W Ibiag duller..-
- fZn ;r.. There 1. temljmg io Corn,and thejiiar
ItH W, downward tendency. ' The .op&V «f
Wbeal good. andratberpreraing on the roortei
SelraorriHme When el 51 30 por hlttbet.JCnra
uA/U aiS2; do rale. ofH«il bd.
of hum Fellow .1 krl to fi7c- ■ 1
WbStey—Salrafof IOObWt el 22e. 1 :
pf port are to C Imf ex
tent, bet lb. mtrketi. a hide earirr, w«h Wto. of
MOttdl It pre-riook prices. Prime beef a Mil U
(S. *»t,*fl* Of SO.OOBjlba. ofj graaao Imrd ■w-
Si ; MARKET. .
' Cdrcocun, March 26—0-i l-$t- ■
, FhaailSale.of#obbl»nt S 3 50U> ST&Sprt
btlp. -Rneeg on the decline—heavy receipt*. ■■■•_
Wh*i*y— Sales at 14i to HI- The recoils of
Wmalreyare large." , mr n '’ 4
'• PitTviafoos—Sales of 200 bbls of Mesa Pdri sfll
Lard—Sales of 1200 bbls at 6i cant^l
.fcolk Meat—ttales of SO.OOO tbs of Bulk Sides «*
. 4 oeuis. j -S T ;
JOHN IfELLV & CO., (mecenon to Robb,-Wine*
•£renef t :Co„ Uic Merchant Tailor*,) No. |M
CHESTNUT* Street above Third, Philadelphia, bug
lews'* to inforth the/r, frienda ud patron* that they
haws received the l*ie*t SPRING AND SUMMER
FASHIONS, With a 'luge aaaorunent of Neve Style
GOODS; eompriainjf ClolEa, Caniraertv, Vetting*, fee.
of eVery deaerijitidn—dll of which are of their own im-
I poriiilotu. banhg bedn ehrefnfly releoied m Pari*,
London, «e.
. (J7* Stranger* viailing Philadelphia, are respectful
ly invited to call a£d dzomiae their extensive stock.
tpchgljdOm-! _ *_ __
f “ emit AJtn jSAUISB IMSI/nANCE."
f foittllOD lnsafanee Co. of Hanford, Coon,
V/-FUND.— The Undersigned, having been appointed
- Ageht ofuie Prbieftticiti Intorahce Co , will take risks
• in the city and vicinity, and da shipment*
■ bv chnah And ibc river* and lake*. •
* bar* AJmonds. for adtobV-. j A/f:
~ rfi™ TVICK k. : J**»-
bx* SXIO Glass, for sale by ‘
rtctjg WIQK A MK?AMPhS*3
bills fresh Bob Butlerl* far«al<*;'
Jifrr nwtss . M’cANDyras •
B' EFlfikp BORAX-4 kn fesfaed Borax, 'fl&iale''
Hby j;. jpch32 WICK t-iKAND^S _>
Ihaexira Cream-, i#S) do tfcrtorai
-‘C»r «aite« j
- ; T EMOMB YBUP-4& d*» JW&enof Lembu Hytdffoff,
far niMpJ PCt»<s J gtPPftffo .
rtAT.qiM COPAVIA—ISO lbs 00 hand juidi'aljrJoJef;
s 3Sby ; : mehyg - jjfopffftgo t ‘
■,\KJ .aichao
{St sale by ■r- ’-j-
/IfiGAAi TABTAH(-6flO lbs just res’d
V/hy rB A FAHNESTOCK A'dfr. *
mtfrai corn*; Ist and w*
rTTbliiT '«r'd and tor
lO ShlCtfr mchU WICK t :
rijfiyUQqtHS' OlL—tb bbls Tanner*’ Otl/in ataraaskdi
“JL l *M*4lofey rabid JTBPWN A CULPBBXSti^^
4$ ' « .. v
it iatonlay,
'■S Sondsy,
'Hi SloDday,
27 Tnetday.
24 Wednemdar,
IS) Thursday,
30 Friday,
committee for march.
v. Lobes*. ;robt. bzx4. A zcc.
Qrrurc, Pmsbcson CAzrrrt >
7\ir»day Morning,March 27, IS3& \
The wesiht-r yesterday was eejtl and windy, i.m m
a generSl way, htmnett was quite ilively/
The nver during the day lhe rise wnh
ahom 15 f>rt water in ans btauitss tilong the
wharf was more lively than we 6aVo xyilnesseil (oi'
: many days Some eight or ten byaiu Werii juaj in trom -
below. Ihetr errw* werr bmity in reliemtg
tbvm of th*ir heavy burthens, and whsrf Uier-;
.ally crtntßed - will, quantities of Dacan. ;Pork, Flour.
Tobav.-o. Ae . aii prewntiogone of bc
llTttV Mid W«ln.
n.Ot T R— nie terr.pu were quite full, but sa
•thequajiUlfco..-ale », t h « m .-, was .mail, and w c ’
heard of lubnej only t! <►
from More vverr confined to small hi* only
>t i;i/53(3at.:u v bbi
(iRMN-Uc notice no change m ihe ar
rival. are light, and we hr ar 0 . ,»* -ale. to ot}v laree
OROCERIES-By reenni adviee* ironi New Or|euu»,
we leam iliere wti, :m ImprovemAiu in Sugar ao«l Mr
lassea, wnfl sale? ohMola**** at a slight advance Thu
Las caused; rather an .mproved feeling ln Dur markei,
i without however, at yet, soy idv*m-e We m«y quote
these orucTea very firm, wiU. of common X Q
sugar St 4J( of fair si 4|t941, and of pntnc ai
fc. Sales of N O Molnsws at 2Sc, and Sugarhotiv* at
40«4ae The supjiliei of Coffee ire rather Jimued
-yrith tale* Of Rio at 7±@Z\r Sales ol It! Casks Hice,
|n lots ut 4|c lh. No change m other articles under
this head. '
J e»OVIMOS»~Oi- j»J rared
h & lair .iippl, m ib. m&rkct. bni .iU.. y.iierda, w. r .
robbn.,l u>;iol. oi 500 i,. IH0U) lli, 5t.0,.1u.„
■Side* &*. and limn, * ft. |.„j „ ruic ' t, w ild nie, oulv .1 s]itt! W «l. f O ,
tbli ami kegs *
; BLTTF.R--Bescipi. l,r. b..u ft,!,,. ,„J
fire liom.d Beid „,|i id bU.;„ he u b
•Orie .1 13e, bul w. beve be»id oi ~0 ote , , aK .
V*b Sale, of good k.g „ Vft
. l -TOESB.-STe rai. mbderai. ,it!e, s^,|
«R el oi Or.ain oi ,„ w c.i th .„ „ „, r
P ft. 1
. !>RU ' D PRI:, r - ol -to Abide, 'bji '.b
Bales ol Pe.ebes in anali lm, „ si.ubaifi.lln.-
dcconling to quaSiy.
, SODA ASl{l—Sales ol in.s.ks aib(e, oi.e bill e.,1,
find ooe half*. aud of 10 cask s at j;, 4 moi
; FLAX BEED— Sales oi 9(i bids m uj e aterWk- per
: Chief ivVrtcv BlacityiSne sieata.
tr. the Chief Justice Marshall, will leave our whai'
this evening for St Lou,V We take plenum m r-c
-cmmcnoing her to u.e pubhr. ft, a boat of
Superior accommodationK. ami possessing i very larg
imi «le*w.t esbio, well lurm-iied m evefy tbing ne
pessary to the comfort of travellers a d with officers
whose urbanity of manners wil» im.ure to passengers
ft corufonable ami flelighiiul pa-Uat-c q.parlitular
lj- call the attention of •‘fiold Humeri ‘io ; the -‘-I'hiei
Justico Marshft!!. -l*t bccauw of her film largfl calm
because of her speed, being remarkatriy fui. and
because of her strength', which will safe
passage no mailer what the dirficultie* «i storm, flotni
dnrt-wix>d, Ic., may bv. ami ilus lasi is not die inaM
C&nsiderauoh when a boat u rrowilcd iV* advise all
who may be going down the river to her a coil at
any rate and like Harry Clay s mouth, the -speak
fill herself" >'
. ar « baiikuig insututipn* m fois or any
Otber State thathave bcea condacu><Tsrith irroatef nru
den.e uid, « 00. „ „ 0 „d eradiuon P ™.
foe above named Bank. If timre be any b«ak in the
SJwe that ha* used it* capital for foe benefit W foe ba
ratheMh<“ for use of ilk own
idbckholdersi tfo, u fo e Bank. Its stockholder* ar«-
timtiej louder* instead of money borrowers
Dn foe »t»i of January lasi, the condition aj the
Birik, *» ivpoued u the Auditor of State, by for El
r veil Mar4l *- fous staled in the a S
Iteposit*. ..
Ihie the State.
■ hie to Banks.
To pay tins, for Bank has
In coin knd ».ghi resources,. .si&-,737 Ot-
Btll» of exchange. .... 3i.-j,orjo :r
It ha* its capital.
adii other resoorees to foe amount of over SIUfoOUU
y\e therefore concur with foe Examiner, that "thi-
Bank nina sound fiondinoii " »
Spirit of the Oomeatlo OUrkeU.
Nxw OaLt*.n, J larch u, 1549
,I 8o ,n V ket hß * b**" active, and the sales
reach eOQ hhds at hrm price*. say fair
change. Sales GOO bftl* at 17#19k
rtour—We oaly hear of the sale of 500 bbl. Ohio
■ujm yesterday and not previously repaned at 94 40
jitr-ZrS? 01 ? 1 * Sale. 60) sacks Mixed at
•wc; 'OO Mixed at 4le, and 2406 prime Yellow at 45c -
Also I*oo sack* diseased at 20c
Pork— 450 bbls Mess were sold at $lO l»bl.
ca*k C °'i Shoulder* were sold at 3|e, and TV
Lard-Sieodv demand. Sale* *5O Mils prime at Or.
“.V"** , at at s|c, and 12a tierces at
Whiskey.— 67 bbls were told at 17«,
Coffee-We have been favored with the perusal 01
letters irom New \oTk dated on the 3d tn*t. which
states that >be stock at that port wan reduced 10 tUAOu
.£'l lal ** lulzulei Pbta there was no stock, and that
at Bstumore there were only 16.000 bans The last
cargo sale at New York was effected at 71-c In our
market mere is a stetdy demand, and 50CV ban were
»dld at some 400 bogs bringing »fc
Ci.vcixsati, March 23, IflU
Flour—The market was very qoiel to day., and the
1 b * * cre confined to a few small parcel* nt- S 3 ?o
i n £ uion *”' V '' hear of further Miles to day of 90
bb i*i: 0 L . 1 , C0^nlr y ats * c * 130 dd atOJejaw tre»
and 30 obis steam rendered head at Sic: 60 do No a ar
6ic;ffldogooddoats*e. Nothing done In Meats
Whukey—A fine demand at cliehJly lower prices.—
??*, e ‘?f «*bbJafrum landing, 42 do from river,
♦*o 0° Wi *2Ao from railroad, 91 do do at Lfic; 90 do from
rtvar, 83 do from wagon. 84 do ilo al 15|c, 21) do dn at
Groceries—bunr comiooet to move off fr***ly at
lull prices. To-day CUhhds fair «o!d at 4Jc; :3 do at
saroe; 37 do prime at Sq nnd 5i do at s|«. A sale nt
CQ,boxes common White Havana at Bc. Of Coffee 75
PBfa tair RlO 7c. Nothing done iu Molasses
beyond a retail business. Tha country trade are buv
ing.freely of Groceries.
Cheese— Sales of GOO boxes prime selected.for ship
ment, UW do do, 2UO do do at o|c P
Rg Iron—Bales <m 15 tons Ohio nrer hut blast ui Sty
•n^f. kets “®* le * 01 ,ja doZcn Cincinnati factory at
Raisin*—Sale* of 100 boxes at 51.70
Candles—Sales of 100 txixes Bienne at 20c
St. Locra, March 14 1649
-.5Jf a ‘ p iTiy^. <y ” lUAap otu last nominal quotation of
SIOO to 81 OS Urn, for good to prime dew-rotted.—
None has been offered.
j Etire I >' Our bominal quota
* 100 ■»* wr UPPM Mloea, odd $3,
0533,75 for Lower Mines. ;
iloor—Transactions have been idolUy of a retail
character Sales on Monday of 242 bbls \YUky on
board boat at 84,42*; 120 bbls Warsaw at and
ci * olce country, brands in lot* at
s4a2|@BL2s. \ ssterdsy and to day tales have etim
mei up from 300 to 400 bbls enuauy brands in lots to
.bakers at & bbl We hear of no soles of
an 'mills.
! Grain—Wicitt—Market without change. Receipts I
heaty. Soles Of upwards of au»Q bushels in lots, in- 1
fenttr to prime. *i.b range of from Oh io Mo; choice 11-
>lihol* at 82d£f3c;'Choice Miatouri river at S3®BSc 9
busheL Com—A jot of 12D0 sacks pure white waa to
■*P®y 0 on Monday at 24c, and another or
1-pjweki taken by a miller yesterday at 27c 4? ha.
We-buole 25c as about the market rale. We hear of
.10 Hupping demaod. Oats—ln fair tequest at ss&3oc
I' nB. Barley— Lfemnod good Sale dt u small lot of
C5c. we qiiote the range for oittUnary to prime
M ® to 75c {r bu . Rye— Sale of 72 unck* fair, nt 50«*
V HQ.—(Union-
■ a kcosoKT and if Mr. Shield* had hut
*“y governed-by the above motto, he might have *t
veuvtnoney. and hiftiself mdeh physical suffering; but
lollowln* letter, dateff April iOlh, 1848:
ajt.Wa. Sbihltu, a respectable farther of ibid vicin
iiy,:Vas tsieu Ul;:called .in a Doctoti who doetored
Wat'fbr one year, but b« HU! rot worse.
He-4hen diieharged his Doctor and paid Eiiii thirty
douars. He then>,got. a vial of your Vertnifnge, and
dnebox ofSinauve Pills, and by the Q*« of these mad
ieiofcs (eorung only SO cent*) be discharged, he says.
* l l?“ t ,.9?®j l hoh**s4 worms, and in two we«s was
•0 iciproVed tn health as to attend 10 his burinds*, and
« I ‘ n 4?°* ever since, and says t>r.
Jayh®** Vormifhge and Sdnative Pills hove made a
sottfd mapofhtm; WM. B. DEAN. P. M.,
Jf° to. n.jMyt*, Phils. at Port Wtlllain, a
Rot sals in Pittsburgh &l the PEKIN TF.A STORE,
flFourth street, cnar Wood. febl7-dAws
, Js^lNC— & Box, directed to W. B- Morpb'y,
/FpittAarclf- ft vu ukert by a drayman from lie
.'loriofW.B- Marphy, wiih directlbta w U*»k U*i
MiUfec’k Bfbeery *tore r con*cTttf t»t tod Wood
l>Dt uol deUrertd; and it l« «oppoied has been l*U
byaUtaa*t«jmd«hFfboM«. £f,®
UkilowQ by thepmoa whM4T« box, bni hi#
nans'! end residence ana not known. roeqgO
t rtDOZ. BUEEBIOH COLD PKN3i» do com .lire;
I—' Table and Tea Bpoooa 0 doz piulor, oflibe aud
olhet'ciocL«; Hi doa auorted Sol»rL*mp« and Su
Chnbdaliera; 19 flo« Cold aod aileer Bpecijcleal open
lit*! and Uj; gciefay (nch2lL ff ffWIIjON
,SY AI’PLF.S-100 bu.h fill tale by : i
): cfiiie . » pvo,VBONSHQBBfr»op
/S;OABS—KufcoHavana; *OOO half gp*a. tot **}■
V’>7 'pwi* . 9 F VON ©ONNBOEST *Cf
portof pmm«w
Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Bert ver
Haitu-, Jacobs, RrownsvtUe.
All.iiitir. Parkinson. Hrownsv lilt*
‘4Unden. flrndriukaon, -McKresporl
Caleb f'.ipfo A. Murdock. Heaver
Bonver. Clark, Bcavur
Wm Phillips, MoPhiai, KjUanmng
Louis MrLane. Brownsville
Niagara. Cox. St Louj*.
Now England, No 2, Dean, Cui
Savanna. - St Luoi*.
Cinderella, (Taihoun, Wheeimg
Weilsnlie, Poe, Sunfith.
Michigan No 2. GiU>n. Beaver.
BaJiic, Jarolis, BfOTirnjrvilJe.
AUanUc. Parkinson, Brownsville
Caleb Cope, Murdoch. Beaver
Beuver, Clark, Beaver.
M =PW»I. Kiuannh,*
Louis McLanc Brownsville
Moaongahek, «tooe, Cin
C,nde n| l,,G*ulh°ua,Wba,.|„, g
WelLsvi Ilf, Fou, Snnfiah.
f.nlf n .r, M , —s Z«flk.v„l.
Unum.iiu,—,—_ Sl
46?' n iu'
1 sfi 6 1
6 M i-I
2»> 3 5
5 4‘> • 4 47
547 450
Them were ff f. e , r. , uH e, full , hr
by pier mark, let, evoi, „ „ nJ niio( .
CiridnnuU Tank-els, I u A. M
Brownsville Paeketi. 10A. H., anj 4 P. M
Beaver PacteH. 10 A M , anfl 1 P M
V' abash—-RmftßoM.
Kiimuiiig—Wm Phillips.
Fox PatLAiieu’Hjs
D Leech fc otf a. packet Une— 9 o clixk P M.
CINCINNATI—per Hiherti.a No 2 r i ( - Dv
73 sk* potaiorii, WMcKrr 02 t>hl» hams -Viler* A
Nicols. .55 bb!* ham*. 5 I,til. bird, !h *, drum A Me.
Vl"* ; D i, trr< h^ V G 4, J H Shor,merger, w iio «Jo
" * R Met uirheou. 25 libtl. bacon. ,'J bt|. hnni. a
. bxs mdso. H (Imfil A oo: 53 M.;. ford. 12 d, afoohe'' 0
hxsmilse, I) eo, d.-.k. ,ir\ brri H Bn.c v
Milt UlolSS.r. : j,!, bmOlO. W Mcl'hlh' 4',,-wL. I ,
cm. \\ allu.-etoidrik l,a -
l*ei \ ermoM •20 kgs .;tu»ac<* .i.n., -JO i li% u m ,
U l-eri h A co. tit t-«ki> h«m» Ofo! net bu k nnrk •>’;
hh.H hunts, i'fork. 'A Tl.atv, )4 hint* ir.b J McFi,<ir i V
co: 41 do do. Tantfe A UTonnur 70 bhfo i>
Beil; irj do do. W A M Mm h. ltrc- Ji*) ,k , •?, R
Wni iHer. ’’ a ‘ ue *'
Per Havsnua-hbd. hue,,, A Joh«s. 7U bbl,
mofosses, l. hhd? sugar, C H forant; 100 bis emton
King, Penaock k. eo. Jie l.bls hams, J n o tirirr 7 lus
A 0” bacou sides. JMcV^,
A eo, 1J head caiilc. owner aboard
Per Mobooirehelo-- ...k. am, 1 p h u ,i ~,,
wluakev. H A M hl.irbeltree, 10 !,1,1, aleohol BA
Fahneaiock A eoi So bhd. b.con Seller. 1 Nieola
few, W M 9 In, ~ork Clark A
rau b J> e bb iite?'' h '’' baeon. H Oraff A eo. X
H;?*bleoo.MOObeeHed hare,, ill do do, ks bbl. aleo
hot, 3 hx* mdse. D leeech A co
skin*, W B Holmes A bro, tiS «k« wheat Milfor v
l3 bbls ford. 5 i?cs tms J
Ifotighbn A co, fll dry hides, 23 id. .fort skin*. A Bee
enL7G r ' Otlon. Ihacksinne. Bell A c > <l-J4i
pork, H Uroff A co; *ks pouuoes. J A For«yUi * r s<i
20,30 d - Jfl ° McFaden, 57 bt. t. meat
Clark A. Thnw: 27 bbl* ntoia**e* 1 ! fc j,a m , r o- u ,
10? bbl* whiskey, R Wat*..,,
I*OI.ISV’ILLK—Pei No \! I bo\ Jil k
feathers, Clsrk A Thnw, jtj ,-,k-. Wood .v Huclio -
cak. 1.0.00 A " Kimti lde.k. H F|.„| ;
Id* furs. \\ it Holme* A bra: Iv M, . olli.n * k. . r .
lot. For«vih A rt>.-Al do do liu c-ik* .a • .i' K a-i
bOI, haiaa, H PratfA eo t. \ i tl „ w „
12 horses, R P»u«r»on. I find, tob. Ilnrd.t,di, ,t in ,
\V B Holmes ,k hrq. u '
OALI.IPOIJS-IVr Poo. No -.'-wim,!. ,«
bdls trees. 5 bbt* bacon. - d , ; ur( j. L) T Morvan a ,
13a bbls flour. 5 hhd* 10b (5 bbl* c seed, 43 do oat* i Ho
com, ISC. bdl*. 75 do 7 brooms, J > Dilworth A o. t"«
uksrorn. 25 do oai*. Rhode* Afonrn. 5« hhfo „ fl rk
>H» pcs hac-on. 75 bbl* com. Bncslct A Smith l-Ji ,k,, D A co: 2-.' bbfo Hat seed. i'h„rcb Co
i"’ 1 ’ J,, ° ' “bbl. apple. J
tVebb" ' b Jl ber'ea. J I'amier A r,. l ~ do
: BRIDGEPORT—Pet Weti.enle—l, ,k. 1. r ,„ H„
Don. SO bbb. Hoar. II leeeliAeo, lUI Iran iree. J d
Dilivonli A CO. 371 flour, I lark A Thaw. « ke.'uai'.
lor, .Ido lard.,CM l,k|, j„„ MePadeli cb
,srean,.pap. r RrtraiOM," A co; :r7 bbl, flour Ja,
11 h “‘'? l >.- T bbl> dour W RureLam Si ,l„
,7 > L tf M -‘ W| >- M.I. are Roberwi. 1 Rep
pert. 14 bbls apples, (j Re.! '
i S P^r r»ndfrellt—fo* d. wool. \V Bini
ham; 1. hl.d.-ob. 9 kg,, hlf b:-i butter. P l>-ech A co
m ie \ ri T' alv ;1 kc " iar,! J D»>worfo A co
-13 Igs lard, H Tirnff A co( I I-vs lismai, W A R Me
Cmcheon i 7 roll* learner W Bmeham, hhu tl mr
Orum A Mc(«re*v d hhd» hacou .s a \n Harhanirh'
133 sk* com, Donald.on Harhaugh.
L.\ FAVETn; la.-I'er 755 h-uns -755
shoulder, bulk pork St.s-.c A c „, | <f . M .u rnofoss'e.. to
c*k» mdse, 100 bx» 4) hli do -5 qr dn. Miih-r A R,ck
eison; li, hbds sugar. J Painter A co: 100 bhl, wh.«kev
" A Al Muclieltrcn.
*279.550 00
• <2i470 «7
12.2TJ8 »I
1,4(0 14
-8055.059 <>
° AV ’ Cnr P ctl '>k “nd Oil Oofos
oi the latest aad most approved pattern*, and m
i prices to sun purchasers, and cheap a , CWI u . S af .
| chased in any of foe Astern ciUe*. comprisms foe foi
| lowing vaneue* - r ™
, Extra Royai Velvet Pile Oarpui*.
AtxinitUster Carpets, any si/e hail room, or ves
Tapestry • do Lbuie*.
9op Boyai Brussel* do Tapctry .uir c.rpet-
Extra sup Si»Jy do Brp« w ,s u 0 ‘ lo '
. Superfine do do Chesult- Rug*
«4pf* *ap Ingrain do Tufted do
Superfine do do Protect* dd
Fine do do Chemite Door lusts
Common do do Tufled do do'
4-4,3-4 A »Tape*uy Adeie..! *do do
Damask do Sheep .mii dt. do
4-4, 3-4 A | twl d Ve- f.M Eiul, *cd Piano covers
~ “ . , «*« do Table do
4-4,3*4 A | plain do do d-4 wooi do do
Cojwo luerei.r do iM „ or „ rJ Jo
do Vnneti.-ui do Bra** S.air R..U*
--4 cotton DniEgct, tfl-4 woo. crum!. .•L.ins
12-4 woolen uo Siair l.iucn
■6-4 do do d-4 (ante do
English Table Oil doir.*, Uisp-r do
German do do c.u do t’is-.i
8-4 Floor Oil Cloths, Snovr-Dtop Napsn.,
7-4 do do do Crimson Plush
»-4 do do do Purple do
5-4 do do do Maroon do
4*4 do do do Carpet Binding,
Sheet Oil Uotiu. of newTrausp’m Window Mhades
tapestry patterns, cut to fit
KTo the abftvc we are constantly receiving onrSrnmr
Stock of Carpets, (nt Cloths nna bteumboatTriramuir*
to which we tnrtie foe attention of all who wish i 0 fir’
nUh foeir bouses or iteamboaii, as we will l»e able to
offer goodsa* low osthey can be purchased )U foe
East, and afthe nchemt andJatest styles Call and ex
amine oar Stock before porchssmg e.snwbere Ware
hOQSB, No7sFoanh >t mch23 VV. M'CU.NTOCK.
84 IT7
• 200.CU0 OH
• 0o
N t ?frJ’Y 7 !. UC &F 0: ' !i —$ as *l r un Uie thp Union
«f Church aodSuic: by Baptist W Noel, M A
l y°l Lt 00.—51.25. An enure ediuon of this work
W*l sold m,one flay., on il* publication in London'
Leaves from Margaret Smith'* Journal, in ihc Pro
vince of Massachusetts Bay—lC7So. 1 vol lifino :;*•
Hoyt*. PoeBU.-Sk«iehe» of Life and Landscape, by
Rev. Ralph Hoyt-new cd. enlarged—wiU, ilJoatja
uoos. J2mo. SI,OO.
A Calrdiunj of the Steam Engine. illustrative oi*th«*
scientific principle* upon which u* operainu depend*
and Ihe practical detail* o/ it* Btructure. in it* appliea-
Uoa to mines, mill*, steam navigation, ami railway*
mt J? T a r, otts suggestion* ol miprovemeni by J Bourne
C.-E- 1 vol. ISauo. 75c
Cberver’s Lecture* ou tiie Pilgnni’* Progress - new
ed. li’tno, Price n-duced 10*1.00.
The Caxiun*. a Family Picture. Part 1 i-,,-
Franklin’* Lne, illuatralod. Pan* IV and V Each
U 6.
Tacitus’ Histones, by Prof. Tyler—lkrno. For .ale
by meh:i4 K HOPKINS.^th_»i.
Whitneys California' rifles -The TbiT
lowing uon extract of a letter from the Hon
jeueraon Lavw, V. 8- Senator, late Colonel of the Ml*-
slsaippi Riflemen, dated 7th of November, 1547, and ad
dressed to the Ordnanee otfiee:-
‘■Tbe rifles which you issued uj the regiment I had
the honor to.command in Mexico, are worthy of the
highest commendation. I donbt whether as many pie
ces were ever iiaord from any other Ordnance W
panment to perfect in their construction and rondj.
UOQ. In accuracy of fire they are equal io ihe ftnci
•porting nflds. Their range, I ihink, exceed* that r.i
the old pauepn musket, and they ie*» <>(\e« mu* br<-
or want repair than any other small arm* I ban. « reM
used in service.”
30 of the above Hides juai received—for >alu at the
California Outfiung Establishin'-m, No S WVo.I ,t
f tachPl J 4 II PHILLIPS
J 3$ Camp Blankets; 20 officer coat*, !.’pr« Panu
18 pans nett lined Mining Boot*, lv IsUuno* Bnr«; :|
waiter Tanks, 5 and 12 gallon* each, 50 euntecii*. >
gallon each:- 1 doz Buukskiu Money ilch«; | j 0 oiled
cambric do go, The above goods for sale at the Cali
fornia Outfiting Establishment, No 5 Wood *t
Patent Gold Washers.
PERSONS going to Caitforiua can be furnished with
the beat Patented Gold Washer that has yei been
introduced in the pobiic. The weight is only ta ibu:.
and etc be packed m a trunk if necessary. Also!
light Picks ahdother Tool* used in California. The
abtive Will be sold on the most reasonable terra*, ut
JIA Y 8 A GETTY I **,’
mcbl7_ -V - . _ „No 6! Market_>t
M'CORD A CO., wuhmg to close out their stock of
Muff* had Vielorieim for the season, wtU sell
aiance (embracing a good variety of Lvsx and
FVrcu, a* well p* the more common articles,) at EAS
TERN COJfT—to which they would respectfully invite
the'attention, of purchaser*. NOW 18 THE TIME
FOR bARISALNS. Cali ui corner Wood and Fifth
»u*et*. jal!<
INFORM their friends and the pobiic that they have
no Jaiigerajiy connection witti their late e«tablish
ment la Peii/tstreel, known as the Pittsburgh Brewery
baring removed their entire basiaes* to the POINT
BREWERY, 10 Ptu street. inylbid v f»
I HAVE 0 Marble Monumenu, at my old stand on
• Wood siroeu Should any person wool a Mnno
ment, ( will dell at very reduced prices, between this
and laf April, to save Uus labor of removing them \o
my hew stand at the head of Wood, on liberty street
at the Comer of Irwin’s alley. 1
.. mtrihtf WILKINS.
' " fVr lAL£.
• K THE light draught steamer LOYAL
JLxmJR HANNA, wilibr sold oa reasonable
tetiPs, as she flow lie* at the « harf.
HHBSIHI For term*. Ac., inquire of
JAS. KERB, Jr A Co. Water st
aeMlnllni orG B*i MIt*TENHERCEK
J J- Shoe Fitußnga, Ae ; , No. 143 Liberty street, have
just' received their. SPRING OTOCK of goods com
!*rge gasortment of ariiclea in their line, to
wuien the attention of porcliasnrs i* invuedJ
rachlfl *
**«Ro»od to the Estate of William Me
KtUflhKdrceased, or to the lute firm* of W. Me -
KMghl A Co H and VVu. MeKnigbt A Son, arc notified
to pay, without further
tnchlldlm_ AdaunisUauir of W. McKmght, dec’d
zi( c AaKB fust received per steamers ivanhoa
and St Cloud, and for sate by
• w a m mitcheltbef;
-“Sr 1 * .... I(oLiberty .t
°"° wb “ ik»rou»hiy
*uDrn«o9. her Wljneei, end e«a n»e eooi
‘r™m the East
f T. • j£ n * -citica, with a large and well selected
whiiiina,.t© whigh hr letnect/aliT in-
Um MATTEftL..,,.
Ileart-ILendlng Accident—P|„..i. 0 „ of
a! about- balfpsut ten o'clock the ? IOW8 * urs ’ u « lit 10 °u Saturday, was neat baek to
houses in Allegheny city near the Dmrnond were ! ociniup ' frnm whence she cum.-, by the Gear
a en a* ii by an earthquake, »o<j a fearful ex- >aor ' ferhaps, the cheapest
plosion Wm ,i-ard Those woo happened tol* in nd < l a w "‘ UiI ‘ who wou&tcoly be a
I>e street nt the lime. mw the trauin and ratiers P er P ctu, l nu.sauce, and have cost the county Inr
of Mr. hifos cotton batting manufacirvr tJvm" more lQ ?'■* month* for jail ire*, 'ban the price of
all directions, and ,n about two minutes her P aB,aj ? e • 1
etter the explosion, flames were discovered burst- .^* e nex! ' QjtotDf * r was discharged. I
»o« forth from that budding. All the neighbors ADdrew Harper tr.mi made h.* m the May- |
nished w- the spot. wbtfii the most fearful shrieks. OT ' Andrew •* always just on the point of grttivg
»ud serrauia ui agony were heard to issue from the W *’ btU unfo,t w»‘a'«!)r, at that prcc-e point of'
factory, which was now, owmg to the combustible , Ume ’ aru ” i <*n& &ru into jati. He has at
nature of the interior, one mass of flames. The i differonl Umejl Passed to understand every trade
door* and wuidowj were 'lnstantly forced open. I ** W 0 Thls doming he was a carpenter;
when the fuii extent of the hornbte calamity which ■ tbe UDm ® el * ,PT - 8 ? e ntieman who was going to
| had hup [! .. tUH j,was presented tp view. The toiler j bDlld “ iWU *' hatl employed him as a bricklayer
bad bu ml. and *c;uu*rcj death and destruction | a * 8 “ 1, h ® wa * a sh oemaker f but the oo
around The p,>or sufferers were begging for belni ! ,yccrtnin lhl °* tt,at ''»n lx? ascertained about him
and thus. tftareM the door were instantly earned ! ? 8 COBdr,ne ‘ l *« He was sem to jail
UUl ' ‘ ,U{ 140 rjp,ti WH, ‘ ,lt( * progress cf the flames, M
lhai it was found impossible to reach tunny, who . KETIV! -Then? is probably no part
'»y writhing t .„ th. flour, unable to ass.M them. 1, 1 ! [? Where ,h '* n ' arr *° fr «‘ of Uie
selves, and stitfeTiog Imuli under their wounds, and We'harr tJl ‘* Lj, V “ D(i vic.mty
the veilainiy 0 , l)le hornb.e j eall , wJuch nWBIU .j /“ re P ret,e ‘ 1 lhat w * bad not a sprint
them Ti»e body ui Wm. Bell was cut nearly >h v -Tw °' MkKT% n w '*h pn
>«•». V., f" V b ,L *”<■ I- W = ‘ova to
<'■“ »»• gI«J u, l,av r l„„,, ,„J „.„ h S ‘“f fe dr '" anJ “ tar >l>' I*l«m angungc
lir ' A* lla «*»<•• iii.-rr. Uk pray..,. ,„J ***** lo >“*> ■> ■^d
*o,„ w.». I,„,h e d ~ lleZ
d«",. »»J »|] w„, „„ „, e ro „ „ ol - . •”« ■ “•'«'»« >“
•X*" >< . N. bo«, ,o w««. V * “’• ' I* » '
= n g m... »r,r quickly on [he spot, bn, „ e „,
«bl« to rxlmgm.h u,- dame, tlll <evou
1,1,™. t„ ,l, f ground When ,»e reached the
•pol. »«,. dead bodis. burned „j lm||llp|eil ni u
mo., shocking manner, were being taken Iron, the
rum, au,l several others, we understood, had been
» .eaJ, remove,l Jo-t u th „ moment, „ ehi
fell severciv „g , „„„ A | rtK „^ r
The wounded were lymg ,u M, Camp
bell , 1..,u.e, w„„ sr vcral physic, an, watttng upon
them. llMfJeoJ wrnr taken t,> van nj, ~|a . e „ a#
they werr ruinovuJ j>uin ihr rum,., nuJ tLe m ,,<,
contradictory report, were m circulate,, * a lw the
number ol billed and wounded.
Some deelnred that they had seen five dead
bod.ea dug uul. ruber, non, „i eleven and .be
orowd was so dense tod increasing so rap,dig
thru we deemed ,1 wiser 1., re.uru sad gel ibe true
statement ol t6e facts when the multitude bad dts
pursed Kre go,n, however, we observed the
botler w I, tel, had been dnven by the foree ot the
explosion to a considerable distance, and lay with
both ends blown „„[. and almost dlled with what
wemed to tre mud
Uim-On returning to the scene of the late
disastrous „re will, several who
had lute it tn tlw factory at the tune, and used every
precaution to obtain correct tnlcrmal.on. The loss
ol hie was much less than at first supposed. The
dead '.die of James Fite end Jatighlcr Miss
Staley and Wilharn Bell, only, were touud, though
ol course, it is bltely that several others, who are
tn.ssmg perished tn ibe llames Flvi persons are
bedlt bunted and scalded., bough „ thought that
th»*y will all retxivrr.
U "' "element of the to,. „ corroborated by
the Mayor,,l Allegheny, wbuae wool carding eslab
Itahmenl was in ibe same building as Fife’s Cotton
hactory and who therelure. independent ol hut
office, led every means of obtaining correct in
farmali,„i. Several providential escapes were
made at the tone of [he exp.oston, Mrs Fife was
m the third story ol me building at the lime, aad
found herself t„ the street, wtthout. aa she de
clared. any knowledge olThe means by which .he
was conveyed there. Mr Gardener, and s son of
the Mayor w ere in the .ante place, whea-the roof
fed in, 1 which it did In the second slory, a, soon as
the boiler pas-ed tl,rough m bet they managed to
creep out and jumping to the ground, escaped with
but JiUir* injury.
Ibe engineer, tec believe.escaped unhurt We
has*! beard, though we will not vouch l.„ th,.
truth of the report, and hope tnnt it i„ false, that
last week the boiler wa. v, leak-/ ihnl i, was with
great difficulty thtot steam could be ™ sed and
there lore s twenty-five pound wetaht wa- placed
on the valve We trust that Ihc coroner will ,n
quire into the trnlh of in:, rumor, and let juance
be iiou«*
The f..!ljwrg houses were burned. r.fc s Cot
ton Factory; including Mr. Kush* Wool Carding
establishment, and Mr. Jru.m Lvon * picture fiome
ifu.-c.iry. Mr Fite* dwelling house—a h-'use .if
Mr. Mathias MeGunniglc, two of Mrs. McGuttm
gle. tuid two others, belonging, we believe, to the
same penw... Doctor* Dale. Bell, Klhot, R eP d
Mrtwry, and other- were promptly on the spot, and
rendered eterv a-nu-ianec m tneir power to the
iinf'rlunair -urterer-
TUe rnnw, oi ,l„ VkSm , u , .i,,.' f righll - ul ~n W
fully will be interred ,1„, nueniag ,1 rn „ c ; wL
Mr. Murray Whue and M,. Oliver. of Allegheny
city, together uith Mr. M.lltews o„,l Mr I’all.r
-on, 01 l*'“*lfurgh. h« .e fc.ndlv ronwuk-d to i utn „h
he *r>e* and carnage,, grate The funpi.l cortege
will proceed to Mount I n,on Cemelery
t ourt of iiuarter geaalona.
Mo>Dav, Mnrcb26, l&«.
The lime of the Court wa* principally occup.ed
this morning with transecting the usual Orphan's
Court business, and L-rming a Grand Jury
Th.* following gentlemen c.oosiilute the Gran.*
John M.jor, Forem»o, Pomr Robl Dun
□p. Jaoob Kmsler, Darfd L Andtraon. Jacob Sic*
Icr. 1,00 I Mi lion Henry R Siollcr. Rob'l MrO».
dv, The, Hay,, Goo Linear. Ja, Paltnraon. Hugh
Ronrland Lyman Wilmanh. Gro Ellioll. William
Bllchalodt. Bob'! He.ning, Alex Ninuak
A an rely or Ihe peace caw, Fleming on
oalh of Waller Fora ard, Jr. »», ihen lal.en up.
and Fleming wn« bound over in U,c , u ,„ r „e |,„ O .
dred dollars
aXTERnook sxtaio.v
Imbe care 01 Andreur Oiflen-lnemnauoi,. a».
•anil and ballery-NoHe Pro, on paymenl ol •.•,1.,
Daniel Agnew aurely of Ibe peace care, wax
aenteoced to pay the < osta.
Thomaa Lewia, the peace, on oalh of
Sarah Lewia, discharged—County lo pay the cone
The next oaao we. that of Jaa Coop, who wai
indicted for keeping seven malieioue dog, The
defendant. Mated tint he made fan l,vmg off Ihe
dogs using them to haul coal ..ut of the pit The
oai*e wa?. continued.
Thomas Welch was iftj.oirj (or an n*»d<:;t anJ
buttery «-n Mr. Stevenson, Canal Comradur Th«
cu-r w„ „ very trifling one. Welch },uJ been
rmplnyed l.v StflvcQson, and worknd for him l.'<
day«, wncu he wa* discharged without having
been paid, Mr. Stevenson having interred him to
the Commonwealth lor paymenl. Not hkmg lo
make such an application, hr came back end told
Mr 8. that be Would abnw him what an irishman
was made lor. He tbeu took hold of S . but did
not strike, or even attempt to strike him. Mr
Stephenson had explained that the workmen were
to be paid by an appropriation Jrom the Slate.—
The jury found Welch guilty, but recommended
him to m*rry—sentence deterred.
John F.lzgarlaod, mdictfd for an assault aud
battery on Oliver Create, was then brought for
Oliver Crease Kxnmined-Mrs. Fu«ar]«nd
struck me with a broom aud threw a brick at me
I then called her a dumued Irish bitch, when Mr*,
hitignrlaod rushed iotward, caught me by the
throat threw mo over u bread irnv, and slaock me
several times. ’
Cynthia Bell Flammed—Crease did not strike
Mrs- Htzgariand; she threw n broom, and a brick a*
him. v
Ann Elizabeth Keith •‘worn—
The Grand Jury thru returned ao indictment
preferred on oalh by John T and Leiiim Hutchin
son, agninsl the Carrol family, ignoramus—prose
cutors lo puy costs, and aland commilled until the
sentence was complied with.
Mrs. Keith Examined—This witnessa* testimo
ny merely corroborated tl.nt nf the la-t.
Messrs. McClure, Brooks and Kennedy for de
fence—Glenn for Commonwealth
Judge Puftun delivered a charge against the de
The jury in tht* esse were out when the Court
adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock
Maxok'b Orvit t. March 2fdh.—
Three culprits made ttirir appearance this mortis
ing, all charged with that most common of oli'ences,
dronkeiiscsH. One wan sent to jail for ten dny<
and the other* tor boors each.
Labcssy ■ fwo colored meo were brought be-
Wp the Mayor this morning, charged with larceny.
Sufficient evidence not appearing epmotl them to
warraot their Qommmal, they were discharged
Baroun F*.Mn.y.—The Bateman Family apaeor
ogam They had a crowded sudientfe last,
•vejiinf, and fave grtat wtiafacuoa.
.9 mcE » P'Ttsb’ iujh, March 2bth.—
At tie oonrio* watefc relnrn*. two men auJ *
man were brought in. M» Little, who bad * lit.
tie child of about ten month* o!d to her arm*, and
UlLLUatao.Vs LhaaaMA Fbtln Hall ,
to be mghlly crowded by hundreds ol persons, cs.
ger to seethe mint benulthtl represenlaltou ever
exhibited ~f the b-mbardmeulol t era Crnz. The
burning of the ,uv. and the ol the artille
ry,added to the music oft, brass hand and the beam
ty of the scenery render Huso, popular a place of
amusement, tbn, a, any ,„ r „ r j
Ulghl. Who are tillable ]j procure seat.
t-sHrrns...---U e call ibe attention ol our resd
era b, the adVerltsenieel ,1 Mr M Cbnloet, in an
other commit Mr M Chnlock ha. the 1.,,,* u.
sonment ol earpelmg ,„ ~„| nH ,
hottet keepers, sad s'l who are filling up .team, to give I,on a call „ th.-y w.l| fi„d up,
itir.r aiiVdula^r.
Perth* Tran-rpoTtasujn of Freight to and from
I Th»m** B )IBUK?K Philn4elphi«
1 rr »uia .< . jAAtrr. 4 O'Coah*.*, Pituborgh
PHIS «M *-iab!uitf J l«rmg now in fall opera-
J.«e,i«xe,| arm, their usual
. Xl to io rward ineret.imdise, pro
w.^h' >t C *° “i' a lroul .’ ~e ulrov,? P u "»< *>n liberal terra*,
wiih ihe rrifttJaniy. despatch ami safety peculiar to
XVoS,°i ° .Oobv.ou., tvben tran
•Uip-n-ut oi. me wiijr is avoided
/Vil roiiiif-nißCMik l«jr uml lor Him lu.c received char
f:T', *'''** •« *»V f*tjuin*d direction, free
ol t-harge lor con.mM,.„n. advancing or sn, fa „ r
No mtere-L di/rcUv or inilirrctlj. i„ .temnl.oai.
TUV?^ 8 M“‘« llalwlelphi*
.wov«r>i V ft-* «*>.». nJ-qk
s»’*X).V\OR L i o.Aoril. »t, Kultinn.rr mrli'.M
UOATMKXS' L>l.\l£.
jSSaif? .1849. BBSS .an
'* --'KntidMe 1>'‘- - '
Good* thipped Lv ihn June. are carried in four-
T,,., . . section Portable Boau.
HKsol.*cril»er» having made arrangement* ia ca»e
Ot a want of Stale Truck, at Columbia, VhVee
inctr food* (orwurded over the Railroad, m cur. , 0
ftfr'lh! w- J ! br t e ‘ eft^ 0n tba ‘ heretofore occurred
n\ T T Stopper, w,U Ood thl. to U»,f
nmJ ‘ f } charge, nude to. receiving or ahip.
pmg. or lor advancing charge., All good* forwarded
it depmeb, uud on a* reasonable term. a. any oth
'rljn* .. JOHN FaRRKN A Cfc.
■•orner of Ouiaj and Liberty »t, Pitubunrh
l> K MIKTZA. re,
,l 'W Murki l ' Philadelphia.
CKAWroau A CiiAaißEßi.:-*. t levetand o > „
R U. Pare* Beaver p„ Propr*..
J Hl>* l,i:r :*• ~c 01 , (i,,.
r*Vh «;rs:Ku
the Cttaal a/ifl
Hu: ru. iljtic* oi ihr Linr ar- un»urp»>.»ril mi number.
Oje Boftl len\r* Pituburjjti and Clrveinntl daily run
titiy&n coqnerUMii vruh thr «ir ame'*.
lake krik and michtoax
Urswrrn Pjtuimrjr!. and Bc«v, r. ami a ,meo. fir«lc;a.»
. leaner*. 1 '•')>«t<er« aiul Ve*»r’,.. on the Lake*
Aootv-R (.i Park*. Bcav-i. p a
J****e Baldwin. \ umite»[ OW ri ohm
M li Tajtor. Warren* ' ••
1 yru« l*i-m 1 »>•, Ravenna.
Wheeler A Co. Akron. u
Crow inrri ft Chamber I 'o. Olewlnud, O
*r.»r- i (Jnffiih (iuA.-io N v
.. John a cacuhey, Agent/
sis, fttts&aigb.
Juu, Bijuh,«. i b,
."«• •*"»»»• .'.™» D.wx
t onrfu. le J on «irif B»t>i' Hi. r, r ,„-i,.u,
r*mil* i>. 1 Acfi.ii.g pniicit'icw
I lit. I ronrintii* ~( d,* ,x l4 j M-iabu*neii Line have
l put iheir uoct in ihe nm-i ~„uip ei« order, ai-d s-r
ihoroaghly pr-|»«red u, icrword Fruduir and Nr-ieln.n
tli*e in and itom ihe Hs-irrn *• m- *
tVe trust ;bai cur .mu; , »-. rirr.r r ~, -H r nurviDC
basioeaa. and /eatoni nit. :;:.o,i n,ierr*u ofeus
lomers, will secure io u* a n „j .nrreaae
of the hiilicrn ei'cmled Binghsn, « Line
Our arrsnsemeiiis wilt us u, curry Freight
wuh ihe utinnsl deapaieh and our price* stia'l aiwiv*
GnVs 10 * l “ e '°'*”' cnul l fA *•> «»*•<' r-spo-ssibte
VN c have opened an office in No Wj Market street,
between 4lh and Sih »u Phua-is. lor the cunvunience
of .ti ppers
P-od«iee and Mercli<indi«« will be received and or
\» ur.lcd. Hast and \\ t »t. witboui any charje tor lor
w*rdlng, ndvaiu-mg freight, storage or commission
D..l* o' I eiLnit lorwnrdcd, and every direeuon
promptly auended to.
Address or aj.piv u, WM. BINGHAM,
ts-.a. basin. i of l.ib.rty L U sis, Putshargh.
No t--l and •/)« Market street, Phnada.
V. tv! N<.t:h lluwaro street Bahimoro
niflivi _ No iti \\>st *trcei. New Vnrk
Pennsylvania Csaal.fc Roadßi*
pres*.Fast Packet Line,
from prrrsßuuH to Philadelphia abal-
iKiclusivelv for Passenger".)
rPHE public are respectfully informed that this Luw
1 wilt commence running on the i#th mst, and con
tinue throughout the Beneon
The bost* are new. and of • superior els**, with ei,-
larged cabins, wlurh will give rotofon 11,«
cart are the tutr-i cwi<trui'tion '
A boat will «iw«) t t<e in port. and intvrler* art- re
quested lo call and examine them l.eiore emrarUn mv
aage eUetrhere.
(Fare only nine dollar, through ) Our of the boau of
this Lane will Iruve the I aiding (opposite U. B Hoiel
comer of Penn meet and Carial, every night ai iuA: o''
clock Time 3J day* for information, apply at the
Office, Monongahela l'oa«e, or lo D LEECH A Co
Canal Raaui
Pitubargii io Phuathdphia and liahitnarr
t (Kipiuwvoly for )
I Up. public are rrkptcHu i> tniormcj ihftMbU Line
i wjH .ommenee running on .Monday. t«th March
IBe honU o/lbt* l.inrufpol n »u|>«nof , a**, xvnh
enlarged culnus, wlii.-h will give ijreulrr eoniluri n>
A bom will n'wsy. l,c in [Kin, ami i.av«-irr« are re
cjurMed to mul rmmiuf them before ciiyaping pa«.
"“** by'Other route*. They will leave Uio landing, on
poaite Hie L S. lintel, corner |Vtm »treet and Ofcuui
every night ut 0 o'clock
Ttmt —'l> Dayt
For information, apply m the oficr, Mononeaiiela
Hoow, or to I>. LEECH A r O , (? ftnal n£. ln
-N 11. The proprietors of the above Line are now
Irundinr an additional I Jne of Racket*, to run above
.m or about June tat, in connection with the Penn.yl
vama Kail Road from LewUtown t„ Philadelphta At
mat tiure a packet will leave every morning ami even
mfl. fimc through, *’* dujr*. mchl«
, Keinhlulied in le4d.
1 w fo Prietor of this wt-U known Line of Canal
A Hont*, will be prepnro‘l on the eurlica; opening of
canal navigation, to unnuport Pmeengeri nml Freight
to all poimi ou thn Erie Kxtenuon, Nuw Yotk I’annU
and tile Lake*, running in connection with the fuvnr
-1!« HcuiQbottU LEAVER and CALEB CORK between
rititburgli and Beaver, Troy and Michigan t.akr Itoai
iJne, on the New York Tunal. and C. M. Reed’* Line
of Steam boan and Vraarla on the Loire*
M HEED. Proprietor. Eiie, Pa
AGENTS- -Bidwell 4 Brother, Uravrr
'V C Malan, Sharon.
J K A <1 Hull, Sbarpaburg
Pmitb A Downing,
1 B Plarann r, WoM Greenville
Wick, Acher A Co,
Win Henry, Hamiuwn. uicM6
1849. jfjp l
n.l -..i... Ct tf*n*lrt>rtauon n( Merehandiie,
OOJJS carried on ihi« Line art uoi transhipped
between PUtaburgh and Philadelphia, being ear
neo tn four section Portable Doan over land and we
ter--io ihippers of merchandize requiring eareftil
handling, ihu u of importance. No eharae mads for
or •kipping, or (or advancing eEan?e». All
.good forwarded with diapatrb. and on a» reaaoualu
term* at by any oilier Lino.
CnnaJ Basin, Penn si. Pittsburgh
B * r * yJ7 Market A 54 Commerce »i r Philn
. WcFADKIJJ Co, and Commi-*-
•lon Merchant*, Canal Banin. |v,n, n iVt-barfc-t)
- -JAMES M DAVIS A 00, Flour F»<i..r* and Comic*.
«?*} Market and 54 Commerce meet,
made by cither of the above on Flour,
wooi dM oOm maichindne coruigned to theta for
’ ami
I Mi' i UPJEIY (
«SE5S3^&‘3te fli,w -
H,vf° Stair?. PirriBLEUH.
* on SELLING OFF rf retr !anrc
o DRY GOODS—the principS p
«o.t s A h “» s e n , porch **^t lu the *-**«* Arc
Ull |moilS* \~t'* n,,d , N * w Vork a ire
-1,. * “ sacrifice;
alar pnc l,r ** redo< ‘ l:o,l {rom °or rrr
sood» BELOW i'iot MS{I a iar S c £? rUon of oar
i “ sh '■' o!or ' d
v ":/x:": I ';:,'r d r l “ 8 ' d 3 f *"
o, ia ntLu lor*.
' I'lk ».d reta™d," ‘ uk *'lj''”»'kni«J*no., oil talon,
s~ issra ,
V ‘S , ',^S.? I *"“ I! " ‘" k '' and Wip'd do.
™ ”'" 1
£3tSit, i &S?- *T2.S."
Plain a ini enrbror d i!u!„-tl l!ar?f' f °' d " l Brcat
„ , oram.BntesSS
French r.iuhs from the celebrant - i~k., -
factory For bcary^J.t*" o/T.,'
liiftr c'oths have no superior; * few Dierei e*.rT*«-
>*} .lack an.t olive canon beaver* «d other btfvv
coih-. lor over cnau, twilled French elotht mLn«£7
•urcd expressly for Coat,, and Amen™ c£ I
U'Tl** ? r Kn^la,,d do - ““Per French «.
UIH lor ve.uric,. the I,cm imported. Plain and fancy
velvet and onshruere vesting#, merino shirt* and draw* '
<- *r> '“ h " n , rravau i 1 '«*»». cambric and silk |
I■■ uli linene i.en long cloth shining. muslins, bleach
f* • ind * Jtow, ‘ rau* inn of Rood quality, remarkably
mv rhdeks, domestic und imported ring*
hiuim. *catlei. vellow and white flannel*. « | tn i |fi
very clump, u large lot of white and cro^rredVoan
it) flajinel*. rhenp: brown and bleached Bar.isby table
n.enji and table cioths, Kansu and Scotch diapers and
towrll l figs, euttnetw. Kentucky icon* and tweeds
An usual large stock of blanket*, direct from the
onimilaoturerj. »ome of which are the best ever exhi
bncl, „n of wlru-h be clrr-rd «, Ulll „ r ,i lcte j
low price*. In sdiliiron to the above enumerated
0 ‘»rße and complete
u**onuioni ol utmost every article usually round in *
dry goods store, and as the, have been mainly pur
rtinned nl Ue eaxern ea<uoim, hence the late great rc .
uciioii of pricer We ur* enabled and determined 10
sell them off at great bargain*
Wholr.ale buyer, c-orimr, racrcb.r.l, r.rlor., und
tim public generally are respectfully invited to an ear
ly examination. Hantatn* shall be riven
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market »t
N W corner of the Diamond 1
„ A. A. MASON A CO..
VO *■ MARKET STREET-Have received by re-
J. l-r ni impor'auon* the followfenc Goods, via
r„?!J ‘'"a'’"- f>rbr:r Sbnrr., ..non.
.Obir, fifty doicn -Air-iandir's" bert quality Kid
L 'i/r'l ,'° E !' h ", W '' h ' '™‘* o?eolrj .Uk
n' ; fm »Ptin* unfa.
' •trrtirrhr urrnov,. Coii.n cheap Col-
Mour.l, P r'll'" COff *’ f "”» ®«* U SlftS.
,';,d Ess jr;:r.u“ a, as
l-urnitare Chmu. white satin Damaak Table Cloths;
id g.'m dc kJ’ ” “Jd"’;?' O'"!
mack Oros de Rhino Si,k l.ravau. a* to 40 inch ibe
uV'r, ffood r Twist; huen cambric imd
hnen cambric lidki*. frosts n* to «tUO; While Ocwds
fiv C U r e “.\, a, ; 0t? ":' , L “ VV,u Mull 8,,d Muslins,
ngurej and |«am Ucr», wn.u and vot’d Tarlaianes.
Weaie in the duily arcnptoi NEW GOODS, and
lock U ' C P Uf flmser. to our exienuve
rrol.SE KE F. PIN o *7,00 W” R." Me a "i^
LA vacs ihe of house keeper* aad those
■out commencuiß house keepmy. to hi- a- sortmeoc ot
t-ovc Goods, such a*—
guilts and Couatcrpsnes, white and < oloied
lickings and pillow-case Muslim
Sheeimß*. from one to three yards’ wide
I able Diaper* and Table Cloths
(Welling. Towels and Napkins,
1-irrnituf Prims and Chintzes;
scarlet Oil Ctnoiz. for rurtaiu*
Super pnntod Chintz, for qnilu,’
Hunt*roidered w icdow curtain Musi.ns
striped mid barred ...
tied Blankets, all qualities and size*;
A »opplv of these Good* is constantly kept on hand
‘e« W ,‘h VCn> ’' t><f '°, ul ou lhe rao»t favorable ierm* :
jionh cast corner 4ih and Market iu Yelidd
A'memof MURP »V received. a H
i^. 0 !? 9-L "i* c ‘ * upcr kld ’ ond dark
i«n » do, gentlemen» and ladies Lisle; cotton do
isses lisle and coiton. ’ , - wuon aw -
»n!t OS M n \“i 4<llf ' C(,,ton ' l<rod ’ blk - mixed
and unbleached; raru'. do, ladies super
spun and fine SUk. Co.hmcre. pi.n, rilbed chU*
dren ■ white and mixed cotiondo ’ '
LACES AND KDGINGS-Thread and bobbing ede
s”“-•"d &.
,ra^rß,,r^; P “' u r r ■ > ; ,, " “
Noaru East cuasna 4tu ax® Mitunm., Prmatraan.
PERSONS Dry’ Uootfy will please lake no
tice Uiat the above house hks commenced recei
ving us NEW SPRING GOODS, and inntes the calls
or regular cusiomer* and Duyers generally. Goods
will tie offered at low prices, and pa re baser* will have
a large aud choice assorunenl to select from
fT7- Country Merchants and others tn invited to
r i amine the assortment in Wholesale Rooms, op stairs,
whe<e a large assortment of Priau, Ginghams, and
goods generally'are now openly. marv
TTEIiLOW .NANKEENS—One css* boi quality
X Lonsdale Nankeens,just opened by
maria BHACKLETT A WHITE, 06 wood .1
LINEN LUSTRES—Tno eases plain, figured snd
fancy Plaids, bright colon, hut received by
MOT)E COLORED ALPACAS—7 eases lowprieed,
ruedinm and fine Alpacas, C-oborgs and Cash
meres, just received b>
X> JodJtaos, 46 Marsei «treet,.are now opening their
•lock of Spring Bonnets, Ribbons, Mika, Laces, Crepe
Line, Ae. Dealers and otherr sre invited to call and
examine them. ’ martt
WIHTeGOUFs— /ust received at Saira - A Jana-
SOS's. 46 Market street, a foil stock of White
C.oorti, comprising every variety of Jainnet, Cambne
and Swin Mu-lin*; eherk. plaid and fix’d do, Bishop
l-iwns and Book Muslins; Tarlatans, embroidered
Mo«hns for curtain*. Ac , to which they would invite
the attention of dealer* and others. marts
Psikvt Sn cmiti'Js.vtakt Ist, 1849.
PJ!*rtt rraiWeivr rafmsum Table*, Sofat, Bureau*,
800 l Case*, Writing Dnbt.
r|'Kll£ TABLES fsr surpassing every other in
x. vr„iion ot me kind now eitant They can be ex
tended tTom ten io tweti'y-five feet, and when closed
leave, arc all contained inside; ih-y are made to
ill him and shapes, antt are admirably adapted for
Steamboats. Hotel*, and Urge private families, farm,
ing when c.oied a complete centre table
SOFAS AND BUREAUS—fbesc articles are inrol
■ahlc, particularly to tbosd who wish to econo
mise room, aai cuuven a sleeping aponment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shnT
ai convenience, and when shut, the bedding is enclos
ed, a great saving in room and renL All the bed
steads when closed lonn a beauufcl piece of furnilure
for .parlor or sitting room.
BOOK CASES—A neat and useful article for oarlor
or drawing room. r
WRITING DEBK& For law offices, counting rooms/
and Other offices; when opened a most convenient bed-
S e v"iib7e hene:o,<d * P * r " e,Deakw,d Library alone
All these articles need no recommendation; the
besuty of the whole is, they are warranted hot to xet
out ol repair, h will be fur your interests to call and
ciamijie the article*, at the manufacturer’! store No
, lhud * lfccl - Pittsburgh. in addition to the above
advamages, they are ptoof against bugs.
P Wholesale an 1 retail, at the
EhJN TEA STORE, 7b Fourth sireet, near Wood,
I iiuburgh —The subscriber having just returned
from is now receiving a large foil supply
v W GR £ EN AND BLACK TEAS. from the f&Z
* ork 1 ektn Tea Company, selected with great care for
retail sales. Our rock being now heavy wo arc pre
pared to supply Grocers. Hotels, Steamboats and Fua
tiles with any quantity and at any prfeo they maT wish;
packeo in 1, J and l pound packages, S ib. tin raaiik
ter*, 6 and KJ lb ca«y boxex, and inhalfehests.
Retail Grocer* arr invited to call, a* w« can and
will sell belter Tea* ut lower prices than any other
house in Pittsburgh
Our stock of fine Voting and Im
perial Green, and Oolong BlacFl’eas are tbe best m
the American market.
Lovcrmg’s double refined Loaf, Chuhed. and l*nl
veriwd Boxar*. at retail, or by the barrel.
COFFEE*—Mocha, Old Gov. Java. Laxuira, 8l Do
raingo aud Rio Coffees, selected by ihhttSireitHiiien.
ced codec Broker in New York. ’* J
Sweet Spieed Chocolate, Plekkd Cocumben and
Oiuou*, Fresh Peaches, put up in their owu juice.
Malaga Raisins; m 3 ib boxes. 1
*—h- U 4,4 UV*CI,
D Jayiic’i Funily Medicine. foriaJv.
< l* , ’* n, ** d T *“
I HLsubac riber* beg to call the attention of Builders,''
X Architect* and owners of Buildings, to the maht
advantage* which these plates possess over ail other
metallic substance, hitherto used for roofing, Ac us
they posses* at oqce the lightnes* of iron, without 4u
liability to rust, having now been Tested for several
years tn this particular, both in this country and in Eu
rope. They are less liable to expansion and contrac
tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com
mon tin plates, tronj xinc, or any other metal now uril
for roofing, and consequently form a much better and
tighter roof; requiring far less frequent repairs, whilst
the first cost i* but a trifle more.
A full supply, n< all sixes, from 10 to 30 W. G cen
stautly on nntxl and for sale by n
H and 16 Beaver street, New York
The patent nght for this article having been secured
for me United States, slj parties infringing thereon
either by imporuuon or otherwise, will be prosecu-’
led oet3B-dAwlrT
PROPOSALS will be received at iho office of th«
Pnuburgh Water Work*, until TsmEV27th
>■ M . Airai.hlng W.te, “
135 pipes 8 in. bore, weight each 460ibs
ICO ** 0 " *• “ •• 3>jo “ '
•• « 190 “
The B’s and «’» to be e4*i on end in dry sand: the 4’.
may be cost otherwise—-the usual eotnnfaman, r
branches to be furnished at the same rmio. P * menU of
The 8 inch pipe* to be delivered in Anri I ana
next, and the whole«uantity by the firs? day ?f*]2f/
Paymem. i. be in Hoods bearing intereij .i Si ;
mt 20 year* to ruu. ® wrest,and hav-
Testing and delivering to be at the MT —.. / ,
.ontr-.elor. j „ “P«nw »< ibe ,
raehakdw [
P CX‘ r ' t,k T '— v
'“ <,b a T,groK';.^. c ‘ , ' r " ; • *«-«».
.£ Sh*£ iiwcrepTo
fiM bbl. PUntsUon M o J.m£ '
5o Jo Snpr Hou»- • ’
zz uo House do
Bunch Ksiiiui.
I» bxi manufactured Tobacco, sartoo* brands. .
“ > * Bro. 6 iw,« tob.rcc.l 1
10 8 Herds l “ •* •• i
10 '* Pittsburgh plug
150 »« B*lo Window Glass; 60 do 10*12 do;
cjw!** B * Wails; 12 cash* Saleratat;
5000 pounds Cotton Yarn, assorted Nos.
together with a fall and general assortment q ( 4rtl .
f*e« in the Grocery line, on hands and for sale by
J ft K FLOYD, Round Church Buildings,
tnhlO Fronting on LibcrtT, Wood ami B>ith sU
Per Callfbrala.
'PljEMijbjiud Huud Rifle Powder. tobn, h*u
snanen asdcans, far tale by
>M» JBBiwOBXHt OVjJTwoed „
H«HK rap >J sin'dea which Hy:'o- Jfi iSt> k..
1 incr ». introduction into thi*
liom and astonishing curative effect* bn '
chronic and acatadiaeases. when ler^ n
method ortho celebrated Prieanua.hnve retr>«*«f r 11,0
the irnud of an intelligent and discerning now C * n>m
particle of doubt a* to its efficacy, i>«u?l^ ne J^ i . <rr *7
rcraal favor. Considering the unsatisfactory itSu
of remedies heretofore used in the trearwem
complamu, (complaint*, 100, which ttrc u.crtuai.7
ery year.) it must be a natural wi.h to see tho
of a meurud by which so many umortunate uitTW**..
will be freed from their pain* and infirmities ***
The subscriber having practised sueeewftiijv thi.
method for eight tear* at hi* Hydropathic establish
mem, which has been considerably enlarged and
proeed m all it* parts, and in every respect, is now
ready to receive and accommodate patient* who may
ehoo*« i.i place theouelve* under his care, skill and
, experience
rtulip«.hurg. Mtnnied apon the left bank of the Ohio,
! opposite the mouth of the Big Beaver, is well known
I i w\ re^reftlun S *nd «alabrioos atmosphere, it* de
. nghual quietness and charming natural scenery, eom
| every requisite to render the sojoarn of the in
j valid agreeah.e, and contributing not a little lo re-cs
: taMuh impaired health aud physical strength.
[ The establishment, the fir,, started in the United
States, contain* every ihiug, both for pie a* ore and
i comidrt, calculated to insure a speedy and happy ter*
J mmauon oi tne silinenu of the PatienL
Person* wuhmg lo avail themselves of the advanla
! gr, here offrfred, please address the subscriber
by letter. |po*t-paid,) stating a* near a* possible the
natme of their complamu, in order to decide and ad*
j vise on their fitness and curability by the ilydiopalhic
treatment, and,also what will be nece.sary for them to
take along, for their especial and personal u*e
J EDWARD ACKER, M. D. Proprietor
Philipsbarg. Beaver county Pa.
I ri?rb ,, i? E|,C u I *'Ti R *' r ’i. KUUke,, y« Armstrong! Y. D.
’ o 7' lv *?' do: Thoma* Henry. Beaver Pa •Dr
Barker, do; Proi Ch. Elliot. Pituburgh. Pa.; L C
LE?vT‘ °d U ' KaV - S - 11 Snwd - Albany;
SC v J ' p f u,ceio '>* >J: TL, Sutton, Esq,
I?” ,7’ Dr-Ch. Winter, Philipsbure; Wa H Me*
I c<>o || | e j- h^ < 4- Pmsbargb, A. Bidweil, E*q_, q 0
Printing EiUbllibment Removed.
p^nn ,» E»“Wi*luiiem hu been rc
pSTio the V«[f, e,he S y c L l > • *«* »wet, (op-
K" *. «*„ Po% ' PuubiuKh, iu the ‘Frtuikliu
uon of Dlaaf and f new buiidwg,) where everydescrip
tr d **?*** ,eM ® r PKAa Printing will bo ox
e-übluhn./wti!!? 'K*‘ “ !*"“ oldlcr
l!u.n, b ' Jo »" 1,1 *“!' «' Uw
— •• —. mchAfcdiw
ihlt>*H M * rkel "‘[ eet i Can sell yon hosiery cheaper
l V m —having booght ihemoTa
l**e package sale prenoai to ihe advance in price.
Thev CM tell you Straw Bonnets nnd Variety Goods
uebup u you cun be, them of Eastern Jobbers -
me. .mehsa
™°““k£3hkdy * bawybh” ” wt “
“V 8 ? u ““<»«t»rers, nnd Wholesale
We.T ln L "bd domestic Variety Goods.
tO eM?ed m 'e rCb, "“’e P " 1 ?*" *" d ° U " l ' » Umtsd
is examine the prices and quality ofone stock,
as wnh oor present increased facilities in numufaclur
35ue™.J,“ r ' h !;““ 8, emit offer as great
CE" *» »"V «*« bouse weriofthe
«EW BOODS, 1849.
|\ V 4 LAWYER, corner Wood and Fourth
b mrecr from hrst bands,
IW? "'‘■•“a? ami Variety Goods, including
Jewelry «‘lvcr Watche®
uiZlVl 2 C ** Hook, and Eyes^
and Hosiery, Saapender., Gun Capa and all
other article, in their line-all of which
nn-^**? d P erwn » l| y o< manufaciorera cLi, du
expreaaly for the Spring trade,
will he told wholc.aie al a »mal| advance on co.L
ConMantly on hand, all description, of Looking Gla.*-
,of oar own eastern price.. mh23
, bai jc*t ucTcvnm ntov
And i. now receiving a hue aawmmeat of
Which he » prepared to make to order
And in ihe latc.t Fashion*
Hewd Maarten for Boot, and Bhovi! —
| lorner of Fourth end Smithfield ureeu,
ffflll} * SCOTThaving commenced’wifi >
W[l lh * re”*™' Boot and Shoe btuinew, JE|[ J
' f^ w bole*aie and reiail, would rcpectfullvv ILS
invite me attention of their friend, and the pabli • .VjT
crmUy, to their .plendld new .lock, conautinyefmeii*
women.’, boy.’ mhiet’ and children. wear of every
variety, suitable for the .eaaon, and at price. w Au
the umet. Afpifendid article of home made work
*£?u “ *? ntJemBl !'» Boot* ladies raiuea and
children, fine work. Please call and examine for
) ounelve*. TROTH A SCOTL
v D _ , corner 4th and Southfield *u
4. »<-
give r. rT eS?^ h r^,re‘i i ° am* -
A GEOMETER.—The undersigned having adapted
-{V* 11 latlnnuai * purpose of ascertainingV
or tralaa of gold, is now prepared to
•upply all whose business may require ju use It i,
small, couvement, and can he used without difficulty;
a fiance being sufficient to show the process
let«,,u contemplating going to California, woold do
well to call and examine the instrument, as it is in ev
ery way calculated to protect them from fraud by enn-
Mum lbern at any time to ascertain the value of their
Primed directions and tables will be supplied gratu
itously u> purchasers. vv 8
. . HA KINS, Unftn street,
m*6-l m rear of John B. McFaden’s Jewelry more
IPB “ G ‘^ iD sSMEKGOOIi, ss;
L'ichirdreoVZ.."""/*' ° r Women', iSSf;
and Children** wear, of many new stylet, and ofsuDe
rior quality, adapted lo country and city trade. P
A large assortment of LADIES’, BUSSES
in lieu variety. Aleo, ARTIFICIAL FLOW-’
"!?' 7 1 "' 11 h ?I“ b * ea P“'ehued direct faun lh ,.
' * ::,l la Ponm*. aod »elected m 5 the
WHOLESALE DRY GOODS—We are now recei-
YV vine a large stock of Spring and Sommer if v
Gooda selected with great care from the importers an I
mannfactarera and consisting of a tine awonmem o'
;‘V‘ de * anMU 7 k< »\, b r Drv Good, boo
we are prepared to sell at .uclt price. cxSmoffe
to S? TB satisfaction to purchasera
CUT nod country merchanti ,re Inritod io rive at »
ejll, and or amino oar .took ood pricer-before m,
ooh“ W “’ d ,W ° 11 ,bo " DUmond alley
H o aVahd HOTELS “
__ . NEW YORK.
F nouoce to Iheir friend, mid iK J>2fa mil ihj v
Ear, warned Die „f | *
modioo. Hoiclcorner of Broadway ud iSLSfaaT
known as the Howard Hotel Hawn* «TT , '
srait £s,^s
the proprietors to giro entire satisfaction lo*
m«y favor ns with their patronage mutdsw
reb ”. comer Penn _and_lnrt£V,
r |’ HK anderilried SSrtaf Te d Wmki.— ,
X. cuy, wdl attend to the proaecnrinn n r *r^ a^to 1
toe Gorernmem, aad to any la»f bn.;,? of
Court* of the DUtriet, with Jhiej, k„ , !i We ?* before ihe
bR - “- ifrar,
BP 'flgtyy ”«“'*«■ Comer orKoimJ,
‘” d * r^ K^l ™r"
«o 6 mart J * H PHILLIPS
(] ARBUTHNOT aa* commenced to receive &
™i.,m7;L“ M . ru ? 0 ? 1 °C Fan °r variety goods,
-j.— n ,£ m P* rl °f Artificial*, Ribbon*. Laces. Ho
v'S2£“- °«P*. L*Ui«,Cim,brfc., Sulim,.,Uoc
Fon *®« Handkerchief*, feuU Crsvai*,
s»i£!lf ia cn? d^?otuJn Hondkerchief*. corded Skir.4,
Jwwtnf Silk, Thread*, Button*. Comb*. Jewelry, Cui
liV.Vuni*®' Count O' »nd etty merchant* are re»-
peeuatly inn led to call and examine hi* stock, N, »4
comer o f Diamond alley. me hi)
Xtlml 111 * trator* 1 Jfotice, “
jyjOTICK i* hereby given that Letters of Administr*-
A" don have been (ranted to the underajjfhed on il>e
fcatuto of Andrew Sproal, late of East Deer township,
Allegheny eoanty, deceased. All persons bavin*
claim*agaimt the estate ofoaid deceased, will preseat
them properly antheaiicatea for settlement; and tho>e
indebted will please make immediate payment to
fn Hwlmmy 1 j Administrator*.
I Homk*t—Booo down bleached, unbleached, blk,
mixed and eotared women'* and men** cotton floae
Alto, unbleached and mixed cotton half How, jute
received direct from the importer*, and tor sale at an*
nasally low price*, by
rachtO ""
now open at his Wholesale Dry Goods Rooms,
north east corner of 4th an-J Market streets, Pitubureh,
s full supply of fresh Spring Goods, including* newest
styles of Prints. Ginghams, Lawns, Ac., and Invites an
esnmmation of his stock.
Entrance to Wholesale Rooms from 4th street
, Clerk Wanted.
i \f ANTED—A Young Wan in a wholesale and re-
T T tail Dry Goods Store. Apply at 62 Market si
BY a Married Man, a sitttatmn as Book Keeper
Clerk or Salesman, ut a store or manufactorr’
Most respectable references can be given. Address'
“A. 8./i-" Gasene office. mchgfcdlfl*
Patent Sod* Ash. i
■27 r , AS “; lcl " , “‘i«") Jaa Mtteprat*. t 8o,„>
. ‘ )“« '«"> p«f ittajoer Brooklyn and for
— , i2 No mo uw&.. 1
D E i 100 bxi for h, '
TO coi'foram St)OAk PLA»infej,
1 IN ARKANSAS.—IIia sabeenher
A oifef* for raie the extenaiee piaptalioa ULArkan
***** formerly belonging to and occupied by fhe i«*p
I l*o?ernor lieni. of Maryland, end containing twenty*
nghi hundred and eighty* three usik halfaere* oflaEd.
I IJii* estate be* ia fop conntiv.* o! Phillips and Crit
tenden. &u«t t« auuaicd in Walnut Bond, oa the Minis*
•ipp! nrcr. twenty-fixo miles above the town af ilclo*
na. It is uni to Sr the highest river land in th« «*■
pon of country. ] w uni a peculiarly adapted to the
‘ ;f . c<moa lu improvements are snovenesr*
C °™ ho “” s - “ d tOod
h, “' lr ' d acre. of this land baTo
mrboo.ot "V'”? '“"i’MoA The reat of il
and has I.\« ) mo,t already done,)
wWh u.\ , tlnib 7 l u l ,on «u>d that chiefly ofnS,
J ,h' ‘ "S"' 1 -o-x r-mrS
This plaiHAuon ! cord ,* ****? year.
nueopporunity lo th.. r.ntf reat i V:U^ e V an<l P re *« nu *
planter i! mav L.> pa , c " j n the hands of> food
ht it, facilities nf?\‘ v “ Bje of immense annual pro
to.-d a eo!nst*n .^ mi '- rco “ w *t*h Ne* Ortean* of-
It i* dutant °X ,t? P^CU,
mile* from ti c mono, „7?L m Al cs fro ™ Cindttman, 890
Now Orleaiu ttlh of 0hl »> and 740 mUeTioa
ir'2;j P, ° p "' l >-« -tttridod lmo wrera] R
For tonal, ic, apply (pon pjyj M
O inn PilWbnrffK wd 3S’ Cla K rIVCT ’* boB ‘ l
uc immediate neiffbborbood afxt** 0 ™ P“ rd in
*nd Mr John Herron*. ZS.? & Short,
fo»J will be .old a, Z & h |£- /g* fine body 3
lam! in hand, balance in fivl f,? ° , i®*®P er Mre —oaa
without interest Title payments,
good—ouiriot be P F ,?, S’ oe * Uo “ very
enquire of S. BALSLEY, who hai - fU f lil . er particular*
pony. Residence itd «t, below Ferrv m. »? f pro-
N. 11 Thnre i. •**!«««, Ho*,
aboci 60 feci above the lower, of excellent 0 l ™ t *
J7**dif ’ “ ceUent quality.
5i PiK.burjD «ad GrMiubuish TWlti,
s^ar 1 '' 5 --
' ,U3 ™ Vgujio, 143 Litany „
i»ror*bU> term*, from 30 to & Lotf. of differentJS7
oo^s" 01 *"' -"■*" asrrrj&gsr -^*
Malcolm leech?
h. GUILDS, ’
MbSS£ SS?* -
Dear ihe premiaea
C»t Also, one £*'*««; U? Wheels fl
n diameter, with u^*^ 1 ons> J* *“*>«•
matthkw siSfFteate 1 :; «
A p ,„.. p OR SALE.
r A KAI sitaale on tbo \y banfc «v. -
cr, nine milee-below PiinhnSf OUGHT
«nd known a, -gut l.LdLg - W ' H °“ 1 > d '“*Wl.
• T \- ij- '’OB BALEL ‘
sss* em *Sr
running ordnr, wub J am * ®* w M 'H In
.buad. , ,« < „ good u ,” n jg£j“. “d «n
p™^‘ , ™ ;° or ' T "“* "cmlur^uS;. 10 y,rt *„ - £vro“l®Ktor
. " tD N^lfe?V
Ormm street! y * 4 ° fce ‘ 10 Cowberry alloy, near
f ° r , ' n “*' '"I”'" of uhai(les b. scollt’
febt-dtr "'Ja.'Jeso’iiaha,
- -. „._ Hurkc’a Building, 4tb at
0 10 Brewery »>reee b r UOfeel.
end conecnteal lo 'he > i.»,n«»boTSJJ,
e.d for a term of year*. Foiquirt n■* * ' WIJ * ** ®**“
fcM ' ti ’ Kotie’s ilhtL
TN THB SSTS'fvf -~
Wrivlr^", 0 ,", 1 e”d L d“ , " 1> ' U "“ S Tn
depot oi tbe Central Hanrond
_**;**____ *
try City, turruire of S WFI 17. . a
Third oppo JeljciSSfe-'—
r. Tnl STORE TO LET. ~ ‘
mg the shop and Mors of Robert 11 H.miLT -
The two upper stones have hcen fi-i-rf JI IL H *f“ B X* ,
fronting S) feet on , Jf >n^ hola «*«♦
m depth to an a ley i f, 'JslKaduf 110 feet
uon either for private ru-id-neV. durable loca
p“TbVo “k"-* i™i6.S&BS^"«,..
M. COUNTKY siTvi H) T ” ~
?r ££H a,3lp
.E.” 1 rr 01 '“ d ' °“W£ *3l ■
MA LARGE and well finished Room. ......
•lory, on dio comer of Wood and iS
above the Excitant c office of it mil WBRnmn '
roaKWonpvo. OMcduiely Inquireof V “ U * nu - .
-!- , . »■ LI I.L.- A RUE, , 91 Ut)mv „
Ml. ... , For Hont, '
..lUri'-'r! * P I ““«A1 LaetUnjr Hoaao „
nK ... f,n ra . bor !erm*, inquire of Mi Beef
Gbde on the preonea, oral h„ aim, Nol&WdS'
“TebK-Zr “ AtKX BoStonS®--;
JUkU™., AJlcshcny, a»ov e Mr.
_^ fe “ Q Liberty st. >
Ifm?**??* * n Allegheny city for 8&la. 1
MIF. sabwnbers Oder. (or saJe « number oKJriea
. Lou, innate ir. ihc Second Ur* rTrZ. 101 ?*
°* aa S ~d ’ 0,1 •** tJ?£l Inoli/rof ,nf oa tu -
W. O’H. ROBINSON, Atty «f aw «, rU (. -
TWO Hour
i-L' > woTofS £°TS FOR BAt®
m Allegheny,t£ Cil ?ufc
is erected a rrame bmldiae, ofu? 1 ?? 0a T%,*
for two small tenements. The lota ar* niilabl*
feet in treat by o„c hundred AWT
to a street forty { ect w •*,' ®*
raises wnl pay ayrrv on pT9*
- * a: Co -
ij THp , K£at.
la on« ‘ abBCn,,cr offer* lor reui /or the lena frr
»•oir* °„ l r KC convenl “‘ *dl fiu
and TU c •* lB Hoii-e, coniauun* fl mnw.
ni>r#>an/’K *' b crc •* a lot oi ground conuiniiur 11
acre* of fine young fruu tree* ui every frind/Tffifrj
j£»J w ,he b °««- To any penoa^Sfi
~8 .'**lipjitful residence •.vubiii a few rid*nf
iril be T‘L W , lil lc a rar c chance. For lernu, ShJefc
1 a sood ‘e'laiu, mqaire ofMr Jni
near iho prwnuea, of John Wan, corner??
Hand and Liberty gtreeu, or of S raer cr
T Scotch Bottom Land for Sale! —
A o ß i^m K LANO ' * ,lua 'ed io Feeble* uno*
•tup, on the Monoairuiiei.-i. tareo mile* &oni Pin*.
„ ~ a Washington.
_ _ - ■Hb. ttliuvo
Mw/fSKiioraE roßSAUsz.Tfi=E=a=;
•®"5; wJSS
~17 Wood slrcci, occapied by it Tenner» Co!
•pH w»i- wosom, i,.
T ruß - A Lot of Ground situate od Penn
•licet, between Hay octl Marljury street*. aUiolnlrt*
tie hon.euJ lot „o* occupied tip nich.S'EchiiS?
h .,‘ g ® fr °al of Oj fool, mid in depth 720 feet, wjiS.
told on favorable tehmi. Title onexfnrtionorte™?
«°sW.f C ' ° LOOM,S ’ * "™Wooi
for Halo.
A DURABLE BukMijrjf Loi .a AllertienT eUt fk.
vorably Scaled, tn *n« about ha/Tan acre I JS*-
**'• be «olil on acoonun.nlruinv' lean* lilcmlreSi*^--»
(.1.0 j u witu*,..
Ag. FOR RKNT—A room in ibe second I.XZ™ it' “
Egw Wwhl .irwi «ccond HOifyUp.
I El “ n *‘ on or
| TO
P Matonry oi «ni
Una road—the section* nverafu./*,? ? ecUo « Of
commencing in the town ofpJL. , °, m length—
li, 6. ?, 8 and 10, will t« jo t hS£
rock work along the Potom-n •" ra< l sn ?* CQl t*tderahle
•onry ofeeveraf bridge,“nU V d **"£
sections from 3U to 4jfmeiasivc *!«* UL i A 1m > » !l ih«
Q nh !>Cr Bcclln;l ' "<’»iokL > u' aif^tn^i 0
"I Uie .prteg eaa repp.,,, U p wat j, *7 ,„ r n dHt-MWIO
» .ft be .iUp/SS?®/“jPmJWT
l»»4 uni Three fork, c( _ c v T^-l b e^a Cumber
betvree,, ,h„,e poieu, e„J oU,er.~J n ? 1, ' ,,, *fl! il l?“
“■• Will be lelir u,e ,p, ul g oi".M I »JW«'IU*T*I-
Spinttcanosi ot the work on ik" ,*»' ?••••..*,, •
let. will b e ready-by tho 23ih Hi \ h "? *£>»
will be diet rib med h£? fh^^ Nlarch corrent “Her
titnore,KredevSk an F’»nfltee»ia'Baf-
Waabmrton.- The rmy„ Csatexlaod and
underaigned at SuS? * lil . be dieted to- the
and will he r»51; **?' HANGVJSII ST. Baftiaefe.
ApriL licSiff T ’\t T Qnui sATL '* OA I%
be ranking bid*. lbelinn3iouls
bTKl ex J " n,ned? »"** »"« ie«drat ; Ko tin SS
Tv,.‘ n eftendaßce therroo. to.give UifciaaOon
ntfiM satisfactory temmaolaU wiil bo daajnd«iL
wUI he nmle VI cash,
Si®** 20 per cent, until the completion rfrtfl-coatrSlf
trie moat energetic prosecution of the -WBTls.,toill*tM
required. By order of the Preaklcat .and-DlMai/SS 4 "