The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 27, 1849, Image 2

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PHUiAdblphu bobtu
AdrenuenHjnU and snbscxiptiods tip-tlio NojihAhier
leanflia&gnted BanssGaxene, Philadelphia; received
*and forwardedfirdi&thU office; • >"
We havejhst learned that .Captib&n. BJ rm ihg/
IxatMbe ihl* (
.Doii&"tSfc toserv&es 'are no loajiftj needed!—
OapL E is ft’true and-honest Democrat and atifen
dad to the duties of bis office tifthfutWj- But, It
teem* that became he would-not Bov? ice kodd to
Taylor Whiggery, he was Selectees a tnaifii to
' 1 ; ' .
, Our reader* wCI be amused tot&ad the ahpve
Oocb the Pittsburgh Morning Post,.*, paper which
baa lor yeat? been the complaisant organ of the
moat proscriptive administration and the paoit pro-
scriptive,party which ever saw t&dshat'i;WhSn
'is recollected that almost every Jogle office is.the
connlry •has been filled by Locuficbs,. appointed
mortf frequently tot their partixaft-Beritces than for
anyfitseator indijvidnal mem, end ’that the ieaat
■ospjcidftiSf the of Whigger’y bai'beefr the
signal -tor IjfQtnqrimtp excision, wfthQju the aby re
' gardfbrmkrit,tried integrity, oc.aujj other reason
for sdeb whining a* the -abovi. wil*
only be looked upon as the efiatian of a, most piti*
folip[Ht-y _
a GtpL ft attended to the daiieiiof hist>ffic£faith
felly f 1 Who eve* heard tjtyhfaiawo admitted u *
recaan farnot turning ant a! W^igj ; by Janifii K*
Polk, wto; U the Post’s very 6ab» ideal Of atfcresr
dent? Bat what are the dttiies'ofhi* office i We
hare heordlt said that the officoU a riooc“^-
may bo dipt the Government ha» abolished the of
fiea as useless, and that it is Capt.
loha Birteingham has beeb the “vitfirn of
Feddral Of this, we jenow
nothing, ,: 'bot are inclined to beiiefe such>is the
case, li is hot in the Uaidre pj?; Loi?ofocmsm to
give nplnn office Which will inward a partisan,
it tnay be. The Spoils »ya
tern is ki the finhdahon of Us creeds the
gxab anihold-fesl party, which trains lesabighly
ihe«lory and welfare of the.coontrt, than the good
of theparty, and the emonnl of the spoils. But we
look far jbetter things from (he qenf administration.
If an o&ce id 01 no utility, it ,will be gives up,
bnogry expeetantvhhali be disappoint*
ed. •■i] S' j *
Bat feast inchlanguage lhebaseirljypotiray an.
tin paj&f the Port. Hftsi nctfjfeat jfeper always
held tbndoctrine that •'to •th^’rictora;, belong the
Bpahs?i!r fa" u not, as the legitimate fmil-w' that
d florin*, been for years the nektipieni of the Gov
ernmeni’advertiiing? Whatf-cjtber reason could!
be given that all ihe Government patronage baa
been afetctly confined to that t&psr l . .
'the iditor. also, professes to be a -Jifftitsmuin
Democrat. All modem Democrats pride them
aelvea :pn their Jeffersonian , Democracy.- Even
James it Polk, was a Jeffersonian Democrat! No
maueriwbat hne Locofbcoiom lakes—and .Jt is ns
changeable as the charaeleoq.rriUs all nmou pun
•'Jeffertpouo Democracy’'' b used lobe. Jeffer*
tet*ton v of American Industry.; fciow, Protection
la urtpsit"*-
But what wire Mr. Jxyrasos 5 * pinions in re.
lotion to removals andl appblntoaeoU ? if the
language of the Port in Teliilon to 'Mr. Birimfig
bamVremoval is justified by-ihe principle* of
Jeffersonian Democracy, then h*s'Cbe Locofoco
party been giving in open vidstioji oithein-through i
it> vbblo career—which it ncKdaabt has iit> great
er t»less degree. BuJ in thirpresehj ease, as in
deed 111 all its removals and' apfmiolmenta, there
ia to difficulty in showing Vuit-.lhe administration
ofGenmt Taylor is acting in’-*tiict accordance with
the-options and practice af'Mr;'JefieraoQ, which
we'UilUrprove by an exlmci of a letter Qtun that
great tnhn to “Elias Shipmao„l?sq., and other mem
ber* of the ComutUeq of'‘Merchants of New
Have is.*' These genritgpen'hsd anal
trench to "Mr. Jefferson in ridatioh'lo certain re*
morals and appointments. -Uis ijjply S(k dated*
“Wsi&mgtan, July I2j ItSQl',? hml>e the
taUowihg extract, as bearing opon Ihe
subject ~** > ■ f l<
KXbfl removal, as it is. called,.of-Mr. Goodrich,
forma .-another subject of compkinu Declarations
by myself in fovor of yxiZirtcri;
tioss lb harmony asdafiecttonla social intercourse,
and 1» respect for the etpuil rights of the. minority,
have; On'certain occasions, been quoted Sod ml»-
cottttnled into assurances iba|jhc tenure Of offices
wnafe be undisturbed. But .Mold conifer apply
soph: a construction? it indeed, rh the re
monstrance that we find' it; but it lead* (b the ex
planation* which, lhat'calta fori. .When ltd* cons
dered that daring the late ad btinirtrosop, those who
of a particular selcf politic* were ex
cluded from alJoffice;.when,bya ataady pursuit of
this measure, nearly the whole nfikfes of'the Uni
ted Stales were monopolised by that sect; when
the public sentiment at length declared ftsolfi and
LftittCopea the doors <5/ hoOftr and,confidents to
thosft..febose opinions thay-mpre approved, was it
to- bo- Jaagined that'thfeffibaopblyef.djico was
etßlufbe continued in the hands of the sninorityl
Doeft lit th«r «kafjttji«;tO'a*iert some
righk'ia tbo majority also? . IsUi political, vitoier*
onestb *»W m a proportionate jrifere iff IhOdirection I
of thft public affairs? Can; they not harmonize |n I
soeforr unletp ibey have every thing in their own
v .election*, call* for an-ndminfetrafora of go*,
reniment according with the ,oplnton#>f those
eieciMj iffcrtbe fulfilment Of that;• wilh/dispiace
tneros are necessary, with wham can they so justly
begiflVas with persons appofeted in the. iasimo
of an admingtrsiion. ftot for ita own .aid,,
bal fe career at the same' Ume their
aftecdMors, by whom they bad ftevitr been appro*
ved and who coaid' ftearccl* expect from them a
cordial'cooperation?- Mr. 'Goodrich via ooe of
these; "Was it propek for him lo place lomself in
ffffiffti^thnntknowiqgwhetherthoseklfoae agent
he fhu to be, wtmld have confidence in his agency?
CnaJho prefiarence of another to the sucsesaor to
Mr. ‘!Attsfia, be candidly called a removal of Mr.
GOOttfich? •*
participation a inattc? of right,
how ire vacancies to be obt&ibed? .'Those by death
arefow- By.reaignilxcn none. Can &ay outer
nediof regional he pnipottd? Thie V a
pautfkl ofiee. I But it is -mans pty duly and I mset
it as sudC 1 pfeeeed in the operation with delibera
tkmhnd Inquiry, that it may ! Aninn ; the •'best men
effect the pnrpoaei'oxjuiKiee and public
trinity with the least private'distress; that it may he
thrown, much aa pocsiblevon delinqaency, on
tjpprcasfoJr, ori iniolerance; on anli-revplmionary
The rcmohstmncedlamehlii a change in the
must prodm»a chatige in the sah
otdifiale la ether irords, that, it xfaonld be
necessary for all to think with
thecriacfoal? Baton whomdOea.ihis Onpntatfon
heart On iboae wt» bsve-.exeblded ffom office
of opinfen whfoh Uvashot thihra? cr on
have lkment ain-*
beantcetoai BuScientSntwdict half
tlfe febeiely frthn; the, right! »and tan bfossisgs of
wdf gDTcta£nenl;to proscribe, tbeih ftstliworthy of
llwoaW baVe'bam.tome;acirenm
ataro oTgreal relief had 4 found :* par.
tidbatfen cT dffieo in. ihe hlurfa oTJhc «aprity<-
Iwealfi gladly have left timeahd sccfcJtot tcVaise]
ihcntto their jutt time.
«3li;jbr'woinpt*rcoTrectichir i l
paxadore; but that done, nrtam with joy to that l
WatfStf fhmgitWhenthe onWgnertionscoaccndng
a candidate shall bei is be.ifooeatt ja be capable?
i» be foiihfol to the Conxtiiu&m? t
l feeder yon the
Here we have pure, nartfiUpd jpe*
mc^icy,a&dii most cleariy asyrtex*
of M vrIB give'the Whjg pafty ai loatt
to ahare of the- diractfea of
fmm which it has hfeha sojong^xclrided.
We would not have info? that all
the member* of .party manifest stuh
a ci?htemptible spirit % the Boar,
' fe to the removfil': at Birmingham.
t&ere are some that party, of too
tta&ly a spirit pet and .fanfe at tbelneung cot
of aheer political joatiee- rDf aunh, la CoLS.Di
Pmxdaoß, editor of the Nomstowa Blitter, who
hidi'bteti retaovod fiom ifaa'post.jof Ndvy Ageut f
laphEadelphia. la an a on the.-anbject is
thefoUowiag paragraph, from whfeh life editor of
ihfr'fiaia can bn* leasoa dn-gopd mithfiar* and
; mafey sense:— :y l
ft matter cf .coanc.'chfipges-in jlfficfel sts-
are taki&g place. It-ccmd not, ill-ought not
to ha otherwise. General Taylor owe* u to hiS
friends, to the party whichvriliced. hinl.. In power,
toioake hi* seleetioria .for ofe from among thiem:
Acooree wottU bcifea indirect insult to
vfao advocated his election,** u.^roold im>
fev 4 want of ooafidaace. ellh<r in ihe ktncamy of
{hife fricadsbip, cr lit' ufehr ctpahity to aasist m
SSliMfltf thcafibirt ofttoadmlnisifelipo. “To
Sn%rtora bfk*"g the « declaration which
SStfiinthadayol tkdr&it the doc
■'rHawwffSt in oar syprehentfeOi a acnofl; <ma then,
alStfeJtW.M «Trcct .No
* ud coKt .pprors, l«deeft by foe
bib oGdinupaaUiKMnCdcnM
'S-Kh'o«a"Ptfly fneoiia, (btii. would 5*
SStiHoaSsaa to yield, ti»: W*b«r \
Ibe jnMUer:Wlmidenuion of MUn
1 •jKKS. Ii would to ftbitod.tto,Uuu;
aediue mn ooila^'WidiMnißtrS
: 4
- MWaVto.W;4a-«tdimM dr
»eoh hew TOB&.:
’l =
.| l. ; 1, jNwri Yiiu^Mi^MS^rl
jTb*> leading speculation in finaadaijcircleijßat
.now, ia bow flinch coin we are to inipcxt
tope Mason,.fotthere are none fibwwhb doubt,
that another month will tee coin landed here
Find class sterling bills sell &11061, bad good have
•old at 104). a rate that will pay largely* The first
bill drawing New York. BroWn, Brothers
& Ctf., have also been large purchasers of produce
bills in New Orleans, at 103),.f0r which their jfe
per has been given, and tasted at lk pc* c *td- *
month, and brought here ti> be refold ¥ ® P* J c®nt
an operation which, uken Into connection with the |
profit op the sale of bills abroad, will pay roundly.
The import of speeje upon money thus, raise depots
castial borrowers to some trouble, but a very easy
money .market will follow. . |r
A. large iron manufacturing establishment is I
t{> be established at Hudson, the riref terminus of
the Hodton and Berkshire Thera is an
abundant deposit of iron pro to be reached through
VI, 184$r
: k «-medium oftbis road.jmd the piriies wboibave
taken bold of the place, pope to moke a rapid fee
tune. . In all probability, by the time the machinery
is in place, therd will lie a specific rate of duty
iron, and the rate advanced • enough to dot,
! bte the works tojjperate at a profit
\ People in New York are much M ekerci9cd’’just
now, to devise tneaas to enable ouf banking insti
tutions to go on under the new constitution, which
is rather stringent One bonk, the ha»
no - fears upon having bti9n granted for
the purpose of supplying-the city with pure water
forfeiting their charter*' which is-, perpetual, after
thirty years, should they-sell their- vfcter works, or
refuse to supply the city. The Groton has supers
ceded the Manhattan winter, but the charter is re*
tained. All the wate< works hjave been sold, all
the land sold, and all the pipes tajten up and burn*
ed, leaving nothing to represent {he “Company 1
bat a well, in which is h pump, worked by a man
with $l6OO a year salary. He stands ready to
pump and supply the City, bat h<s has lew eurtoin
•ert, and his labor sates the charter. If there
are any shrewder managers in Ibe 'banking line
than this, it is nqt generally known. .
The municipal election begins to attract much at*
tention, but the result is not a matter of mad doubt
With only a moderate eflbrt, the Whigs t»u sweep
thU city, and da the tax payers service. The Com
mon Council is tied now, and a n?°re wastefol and
idle government was ouver inflicted Upon the city.
The city government, hs at present organized, is
not equal to the want* of the City, and ontd we
have a revolution, no reforms can succeed, we
want a city legislating and seporate departments
fpr s dozen objects. • ■
Money is moderately easy, und stocks close very
, firm for all kinds. , »,
On ’Change not much animation—oooo Mle*
Cotton at full price*. All kinds of flour favor
of the buyer,and New Orleanaiseheap at su.
* Holders oi Wheat have come down, and 1300 will
boy choice Oanbsse Wheat, audloseobitf.«>f good
ouatiiy. New Clover Seed is anil would
1 sell at 70'Jtc.. All coarse grain* are « uU and
* drooping. Pork has taken a sudden start, and
, dosesmlll 12 for Mess,and $9 25 for Prime-
Lard 6106* for Common to good, and 5* for grease
aorta Ohio Whiskey at 23c, and dull c
Preatdant Taylor and ;W» Cabinet*
In every part of the Union, {he n«w Adminis
Ualion elicits expressions of tfonfideueojmd ap
probation. The N. 0. Bee, after announcing tl.e
names of ibe Cabinet, .goes on to say
This is a very able Council, and wilt we pro fatty
persuaded, give enure' satisfaction to thcicountry
Intellectually, rather than politically, it i«a strong
Cabinet. There is nuta member but has beep dis
tinguished etihhr by bis eloquence ami ability in
the'National LegislattiAs, or by pre-cmmeccemhu
profession. there is scarcely-a* ultra amongst
them, though they are fill of the school of polities
to which the Executive tiimsclf is attached.
Of the Secretary of State, John M. Cleytoo,.it ts
almost Buperdtiou* to speak. His voice has been
heard and his,influence has been felt in the Coun
cil* of the Nation for t-qoarter -of a eentflfy. He
takes rank with the most distinguished metnbereol
the U. a Senile- HO is an honest, liberal, high
minded statesman, of enlarged had comprehensive ,
Tiewa, practical rather than theoretical in his opm
aland conservative m,hls
ments, artenily devoifid toThtf
party well, but lovinglhis coubtry more.- Ho im
prudent, sagacious and wise, &! safe counsellor, of
profound integrity, of immense cipetteode, of
sound and stable judgment- Gep. Taylor.couU not
possibly have ucuferied the first office in his gtn
opon an abler and better man than John M. Glay.
Wjs. M. MkaxmTß, Secretary of the Treasury,,
is a gentleman hilheMO little known beyond the
Sphere of his profession. He Is comparatively a
young mao, but has already dltained the highest
public distinctions lb which it jama can aspire.
Ho stands at the head of the Philadelphia bur
Mr. Meredith. we are told, u v-lm
judgment of impregnable solidity, a sagacious,
acute and inquiring intellect, Vast erudition, and
•.» perfect familiarity with politics as a science,,
Wier than a mert;dontest of factious-’ He is
• said to be just and liberal tn-his political tenets,
and to be imbued Wrcfch that steady national, feel
ing which cbaracteriie* Geni Taylor Thai ho
will preside over his department with signal abil
ity, is not dopbted by any .ioformed
Geo. W. Crawford, Secretary of Wot is pmatt
of a vigorous and stored.tniad. He
tral tfmes beett chtwen Chief Magistrate of his
pAlive State, and bps been Ifao bigh-tqmded to
his great office," aa nefer to rail s reflection,
ev«r when Gemptfwas pobtMly opposed to
him. He is n Southern. man in- feeUng. and prim
'ciple, but held* no that'
fanaticism which marks the tenets of the fellow,
ers of Jahn C. Calhoun. He is a gentleman of
character -and talent, and will do the
eminent post for which he has been selected.
’ Of the Secretary- of the NAvy 1 , W. B; Prestooj
we caa only apeak, from his tteent display of
piwefl power and fascinating .‘eloquence in tiij
Halls of Conkresa. IJe wasa.rep«»eniai:ttf.oflM
Old Dominion- Whig übe«,be wu cho*m
by the an almost dem
ocratic district. Hi* popularity, h» talent, htattp
fluence as an orato.f, ( bent down opposition. He
made a single speech in the Boose at the laid
session, but it was ipslinct wOh genius, and glow
ing with patnoustn. He acquired, by this solita
ry effort, a noble reputation,-which, we feel cer
tain, bo will sustain a confidential adviser of
the Executive. . ' 4 ' 1 _
Thomas Ewing, feretory erf the Home Dos
paftmost, is an old'War horse, who haa tong fig- j
ured in the political arena. He is in re»
specie a representative Of the old party; divisions,
a strong minded, large beaded man, warm fate
feelings, bold in. their expression, experienced to
■politics, a statesman of v> a#* ll call “?’ *.«““•?-
ti Of no ordinary farce and corapreueniion; a
■pecirhen c? that brobd of gfaels, whb, in times
of ybre, feared not to beard the Lion of the
cOitage, and were not appal leu at his “wmced
wrath.” Mr. Ewinrbaa capably far any office,
and will perform the’ functions entrusted to niffl
with the vigor amHhrewdaeis that mark Ms un
derstanding- ’ ' ‘ :
• Tib office of Po>lffia»tar Qenbral ba* beenbes
towed upon Jacob Ccflsmer, of Vermont He. a
an embodiment'of the. steadyiloyalty sad staunch
political faith of the'-Green Mountain State. He
! served for many yen* in Congress, as hrepresent
| xative tram Vermont, and exhibited in ua public
career, abilities of ai very fair. flandard> gw* Mr
i tiefice and Indefatigable Industry* Mr-CoUamcr.
I is accused oCbeiogm'Free Soil man. . be is
in fevorofthe Wilraot Proviso,-{a nod*prtfeflbje.
, We are not acquainted wiitraby Nbrttl?mj>oM»
ffm, of either patty, .who does oot entortain ?£
cisely the »* irn » opinions. Mr. CciliGjer; io_hts
present position. hasionly toatteD<l y totltoJhwKias
that devolve upoo htoJs the fefead Of theFhid OAMfi
afad we will venturt we asserlioh, ihaljlhO
of his office will bo discharged with .4 tsottsanu
times more »al, public spirit, and regard to the |o
(•rests oftho commOniry, than were minitesied by
his penurious predecessor. , ‘
. The Attorney Genera), Beyerdy Johnson, o*
Maryland, is a statesman and a scholar, ilisUngaish*
Od by vast legal learning, gj&X reasoning powere,
s fertile snd weli balanced ihtellecL ::-Hotsenu
i oestly fitted! for the' station- conferred ;Upon him,
•ad his apppiuimenl reflects opoa'ibe dis-
nndjudgemenf ofthe Prerideht-'
With a Cabinet, representing the; various
of tin confederacy, ahd many oilhe shades
ofopioion Which diversify the lentimeuts even of
the same party—acting harmodfaosJy together tin
def the guidance a«d coairol-cfthe clear and beak
eigfes toWariU th? promotion jdThn best 4pd highest
interests of the people,the mmniaaaoc® ofa frater
nal spirit of bon«onl,theextiogol3hmentof section
al jeobtmei, and lhe tniugaifan of an extreme
party hostility— tlmt the Ad
mintoation willpiuVeefficiefaWducoesafaland pop
ular. It to only toCOutinue 4tf-the wraeapini in
which it comaincW/aod- $ a
nation a» the purest and highest reflecfioa oi ohr
republican insutotfoms that .tW country bai> wiu
neued since the days of WaihihgTon.
- Walt. Parkas—ln almost every brttechof bus
sines* in Pittsburgh, there increase of enter
prise, nod all improvement ip. homo tfipflbtecture,
which will toon place pur city an Jootipg
with any Giber in lite’countryj aa ufeli id articles
of general ujh tho varidoijjpttfcfr
tlonsofiromfor wWchsbeiajottlyiiimed.. lo the
Wall Paper line, "Messrs. Jaxes
have exhibited a very commendable spirit, having
despatched,one of the firm, Mr. lam HbWA#Djt£>
j Cegfarad ahd France, wbs.-haa spgnt i several
| : jaottdte, in ytleclthg' choice|iappie» dfpipera&r
importation, and lo perfecting 1 himself in the mtm
hfaflnre of ihe fine* qualified- Tbe-Messyi, Hot* •
fixds are now receiving thefr fore Ign'*appl;y t -which,
together wiih their fin e irtoctof home rhannfoctuje,
presents a great variety, boih-in styip’and price,
I Irom which’lo choose. 1 See advertisemfcoj.
> Alfltterifoxn
jog* conilnoe to beheld early V..
•> •President Taylor has takea:a pew .ittthePro-
Church; under-ibe {tenoral dire
[of the Bev.iMr. Pyce_. > J,; ''
Qfttwtv* Bliss is much indisposed from chills and
: ievars. . *
From the New York Commercial <Adreniier. |
in r'recent I
nambet ofthe ModeTAmerican Courier, of Phila
delphia if a remarkable production. The writer,
J 1 -% whore we recognise as oar friend
Mir John Carlin, connected by marriage with tbe
Stone, U from birth, and a
brilliant example of-wbal may be accomplished by
education for one entirely deprived of bearing and
speech. He is a resident of this city, and a painter
ofmu’rh moiiL Hui wife is ! also a deafroule ond
highly accomplished. They are both worthy mem
bers of an evangelical clfurrh, and the happy par
eats of three lovely and perfect children. -
Mr. Carlin resided eome years in France and
Italy-engaged in the slady of his profession, and
possesses a good knowledge of the French and
Italian language*, as well as of the English, which is
oilr vernacular, bat to him is involved in all the
difficulties of a foreign loogue. One of h * pieces
was included in the last distribution of painting* by
the art I'oion.—He is withal a poet
11l almost all instances, the nicely traced origin
o( event.* which have happened in lie
trilling, is indeed curious. To those who delight
iu historical researches it cannot tail to prove that
every event heard of was commenced, through
the instrumentality of man, by the Omnipotent Be
ing, with a view of gaining the desired end. How
strange, how wonderful is His wisdom, in selecting
person* and material objects for the means of be
ginning wbat|Ho deems most desirable loathe com
mon welfare of mankind. *>
On the authority of Benjamin West, the great
painter, the real origin of our glorious Revolution
and subseduen£*3ndependeiice was the old pal
ace of Bl with whose exceeding
ly homely- architecture the royal lover of fine arts
—the good natured, but weak minded
George lll—was so dissatisfied, that he express -d
a modest wish kj( having a new and more elegnnt
palace built But, alas! his iron chests were found
empty; aodcf course he was sorely grieved. His
chief adviser. Lord North, suggested—what?—a
plan to Impose heavy and oppressive taxes on the
colonists, that his weeping master might reap a
golden harvest for that grand purpose. The good
cing reluctantly consented; and the result —we all
know, and ought' to tkani. him and his hired emis
saries for the consummation of our permanent
freedom, power,land prosperity, unrivalled by any
jther nation! ,
Of the most remarkable revolutions the earth
bos known, the Reformation of the sixteenth cen
tury stands conspicuous tu the pages ol history
Tf-e more steady was its progress from its com
mencement, the foore formidable it appeared to the
Papal See.- Thousands of thousands of brave war
riors of both conflicting parlies perished on their
gory fields—millions of dollars were spent in sus
taining those horrible wars, and hundreds of thou
sands of martyrs were burnt, hung, and inhuman
ly butchered—yet, notwithstanding the gigantic
eilbrwof the Rinnan Church and her powerful
allies to suppress the growth of Protestantism, llie
ball of the Reformation rolled in thundering tri
umph- ovef the whole world! Its origin’—Who
began to push that ball onward, even without
knowing it^ real character'
On a sujmy day, inVhe commencement of the
sixteenth ceutury, an imposing procession ol Cor
pus Domini was seen crossing the spdeious piaxra
of the. Cathedral of Florence. Its pageantry, with
gold and Sihpr crosses glittering m the "Un, and
anthems ringing loudly and sweetly in the air. in
fused awe and deep veDeralum id the hearts ol the
kneeling faithful, while, standing bchiud them, oib
- era gazed with mule admiration at the gorgeous
spectacle. A little retired from the crowd stood a
man 6f majestic form, looking on the receding tram
with an abstracted expression, bespeaking a mind
wboiiy engrossed by some theme of a nature cvi
denlly diflereot from that ax which he was gating
Though plain, even slovenly in his apparel, his
haughty mien betrayed his noble birth, his head,
colossal in proportion to his body, was singularly
shaped, ana covered with thick black ciiris. Hi*
nose was remarkably crooked, and hia eyes black
and brilliant as a gazelle’s. There was m them, a
mysterious, dreamy light, that seemed to gluten
oat of the depths of genius.
Hia eyes now wandered from the pompous pro
cession to the noble cathedral, and rested on Us
magnificent dome—the master piece of Fitippo
Brnoelleseo; his soul, peuelralmg the eXquiMte
beauty and grandeur of ilx architecture, seeming
to dilate, threatening ti> burst from its osseous pris
on, and his ltp*-'moved in concert with the inner
(workings of hit mind. Slowly from the cupola he
*uxae4ij».isy«4ilo_lhe graceful, symmetrical cam
panile, or belfry, a work of CiiottoV, which, -in'ac
cordance with the custom of the old Italian archi
tect*, was detached a few yards from the cathedral;
Olul thence to the venerable baptistery, another de
tached building, admiring the sciog.-apbieal beau
th-» in the projections and cavities of the budd
At length tbfi holy men forming the procession
of Corpus Domipi disappeared within the cathedral;
•the crowd soan dispersed, except a few groups
stuuduig^herr.and there, appunmly engaged in
lively conversation on ditlVreot subject* interesting
to themselves. The folitsry being lurned again hi*
guze back to fbe lowering dome, to which his
strained eyes Were long nvetled, while higher
and higher on fiery wings hi* imagination .soared.
Lo! suddenly be darted over the piazza, harrying
himself home, with a smile of exultation playing
about his mouth.
The enthusiast soon reached his solitary room,
and locked the door, lo prevent intruMon. He
Opened his huge, much-thumbed portfolio, took oat
s large sheet of dark paper aod put it uu t board,
and naving trimmed his crayons, commenced trans
ferring to the paper the idea which struck his mind
while gazing at the dome, this idea —mark, it was
tbe ball of Uie Reformation thus pushed onW&rd.
Hour a tier hour paseud by. still be worked iores
saotiy, forgetting every thing bat that grand idea.
AxJast his Immortal work was achieved. He
dow stepped a few feet back, stood with his arms
folded on his breast, gazing on his production—he
smiled asmiioof triumph, and then sunk into a
chai(, Ahausted in mind and body. Beaming
throogb.the opened casement the last golden ray
Of the setting sun, os if in on endeavor to show its
approbation and admiration, rested—lingered on
the .rugged but majestic brow o! Michaxl Ajqklo!
That production of his sublime genian Was a
design of a dome for St. Peter’s, at Rome, which
be, efiet a long and assiduous application to the
rules of geometry and sciograpby. brought to ab*
solute perfection.
After some years of voluntary exile,'Michael
Angelo Buonarroti returned to Rome, ui compli
ance with the most affectionate entreaties of the
reigning Pontiff to complete the great picture tin
the-Sistice Chapel, which be left unfinished in lus
precipitate flight from the eternal city and the
tbunddn of the Vatican; he unfolded bis superb
designs before the wondering eyes of the now
gracious Pope and his ministers, who demanded
what designs they were.
w For a dome of Si. Peter s, which I Ad suspend
in tbe air," aasw«red the architect, standing erect
in alibis professional pnde.
‘-Mngnmco!’’ exclaimed Pope Julius 11., raising
.bis hands in admiration at toe exquisite symmetry
.ofthe cupola.'
“Magnificor r* -echoed bis mistress.
“Conte maestoso!” breathed the Pontiff.
“^i f monaignore,” answered tbe servile cardi*
Tbe longer they examined tbe plans, the more
they, sdfnired the beauty and boldness of the con*
cepUon*majee.y of size, and grandeur of height
pf the .come fox surpassing those of the Cathedral
of Florence; and they lavished praises on tbe gra»
.tilled architect —painter—sculptor.
“Yest thy name, my dear Buonarroti,” soul the
PohtiSpooking smilingly on him, “xAy nama vriU
never die. U will for ever abide in thy wondrous
dome, which slone will remind tbe unborn gene*
rations Of the sublimity of tby genius.”
For ihi» flattering compliment Michael Angelo
made a4ow obeisance to his noble patron, and ex
,’pfotgj; 4 hope Ibjtt. he would be allowed to cxe*
jedd this design, which found favor
: iu jus'Excellency's eyes.
PopdJulius, now tarmngto his cardinals, aaid—
«o«r Cathedral, old and dilapidated a« it appears,
mtfuh Ip the scandal of bur holy religiou, oeeds
reqovaijoa, enlarging, at d beautifying, with such a
dome 43 shown in lltese designs, eminently calcu
lated ttir awe and lifi the souls of the faithful up to
our blfikted Master, to whom it plddftfl Him lo
elect tub Vicar. You, beloved cardmafirf will have
Ibegoodaett lo attend to it at once, sparing noth
iug to fering into effect every thing relative to thin
Sxod p£am—Slop7“i would however preferSigfior
rfimatite Laxzun, roy apeoisl architect, to super*
intend fee erecting of the main body and transepts
of Onrdhurcb, according to his supenor judgment
and (site. Spe to that.”
Wellteward of tbe Pontiff’* energy and determi
nalfoh dTpuipote at any cost whatever, and ex*
txaVggfifitliberality to men of gecius, we need not
be anrprfocd nt bu soon exhausting his coffers by
meeting ell tbe expenses Incidental to the building
of iso Vul a temple.
WfilhLeoX ascended the Poclifienl throne, h«
pOITUdd ibe.kain o C oo ™ sdoplcd by his predeces
sor* with an abundanco of gold and silveriathe
hitherto coffers, obtained in a manser sin
golor fh.ipui.&lutt*, yet most fatal to the Papal po %•
er—thfi snle pf indulgences pronudgaicd with im
■aefiseFSpecCss by the Doininieulr Friars; and es
peclally the CtHoriotuTetrei. The great reformers,
MwtidXtithfirijMelacthoQ, Swingle, ami others,
rc#e tdjpniteii against that egregious act. *
*■: 4 The subsequent history is already
known; ;
Aa-BcPeter's was not completed til! the mid
dlfe ofjlbe ITtb it was not Michael Ange
lo’a'ippd foritUW to live to see what Lord Byron
saw, -flitlaufig (n His Childe Harold—
i-Tbe vast and wondrous dome,
•' jTo Wfiteh Dian’s temple was a cell.”
JMwftTAWT ntoM Cawada.—lt has been stated
tbki lH«re hhve been important dispatches receiv
ed jri Washington, by the British minister, teaching
Bfinira U Canada- A telegraphic dispatch from Mon
treal, March 20, 1619,rays:
'“This rebetUoo lossraMil passed the Upper House
off 1 1 Thursday, by a majority of lour. There was
great opposition & th Q bilL A protest wu ente^
ed by the minority.
MGrest anxiety « felt about the probable coarse
ofthe governor general A rumor ts currenttcvday
thst hdWill reserve tbo bill for Urn assent of the
nrepodring in from all parts of the
provinces—the tone of some cf which it reported
as being very violent Mony plans are proposed
if the Mil is sanctioned. . . . .
“Thfi mrUtipolfo is quiet eP present; and no
1 motitttePt will be made until the governor gener
“It Is stated that the minority Intend dropping tbo
repreientatiaii btll”
... Hauusbubao, March. 21, 1549.
Mr. Crabb, from the Committee on Banks, to
whom was referred the bill with House amend
ments, to re-charter the Commercial Bank of
Pennsylvania, reported it back with sundry amend
On motion of Mr. C. the amendments were la
ten up, considered and concurred in.
Mr. Forsyth, from the Committee on Banks, to
whom wo* referred the, biU-witii the House amend
ments, io extend the charter of the Farmers’ and
Drovers' Bank, of WuynesbQrgb, reported it back
with amendments.
Mr. Konigmacber .same committee) reported n
bill to extend ibe charter of the Cheater County
Bank. [Afterwards talyn up and passed—yeas 26,
nays 7.J
Mr, Ptmniwrbam. ('Corporations) reported the
bii! to incorporate the Silver Creek, Improvement
Company, with amendments Also, the bill to in
corporate the Penn MiQing and Smelling Comps* j
ny, with amendments
Mr. Crabb, on leave, presented a petition from
Philadelphia, for a law to aulhonre the Slate
Treasurer to refond relief issues in sums ot $5O
and upwards.
Mr. Konigmarher read in hia place, a bill to ex
tend North (Jueen street, Lancaster.
The bill to extend tbe chancery jurisdiction of
the several Courts of (bis Commonwealth. coining
np, oq third rcadiug.
Mr. Johnson moved to refer tbe bill to the Com
mittee on the Judiciary.
Alter considerable debate, in which Messrs-
King, Stine. Johnson and Konigmttcher, paftiuipa*
ted. tbe motion was agreed to.
The bill declaratory of the fourth section of the
act supplementary n> tbe charter of tbe Pennsyl
vania lvailrond tfoinpany, was again taken tip on
second reatliog.
Messrs. Stiue and Johnson advocated tbe bill,
and Mr. Danne ;Spenker>
Tlie bill declaratory of the fourth section of the
act supplementary to the charter of the Pennsylva
nia Railroad was taken np and parsed.
William McSberry, member elect from Adams
county, tin the place of Hon. James Cooper ' ojw
peered and took his seat.
Mr. Pearce offered a resolution requesting the
Committee on Bonks to enquire into the condition
of tbe Girard Bank, now applying for a reduction
ofils capital stock.
Considerable debate occurred on this resolution,
in which Messrs. R. Smith and Roberts staled its
object to be to affect stocks in Philadelphia. The
resolution was thereupon \ndrjimttly postponed—
yeas sb, nays 30.
On monoo ol Mr. George T. Thorne, tie State
Librarian was requested to furnish the titles efbooks
loaned to members and others during the lastthree
years, with the names ot the borrowers.
An ineffectual attempt was made by Mr. Little
to gel up the North Branch bill; but 20 voted for
(he motion.
Senate amendment* 10 the bill providing for the
more speedy collection of debts due bv defunct
corporations, were concurred m. So the bill has
passed. j
A lengthy report, called lor by the House, was :
sent in by tbe Auditor General, giving a tabular
statement of the expenditure* ol the Allegheny
Portage Raitroad,&c.
The supplement to the bill abolishing the District
mul Mayor- Courts ol Lancaster, pas-ed alter a
very lengthy and desultory diseussioo. Tbe salary
of Hon E. is by this bail raised to $2OOO.
A message was received from tbe Governor, re«
commending tbe passage of a joiut resolution, pro
viding tor the appomlmeut of a Commissioner to
cooler with Commissioners Iroui Maryland and
Delaware, in regard to the-boundary lines ol said
States and thisrilale, and 10 •rule the same.
North Hraruh CatiaL —The bill was taken up
ou motion of Mr. Little, and Mr. Pearce moved to
go inio Committee of the Whole for tbe porpose of
geueral amendment, winch was lost by a decided
The question was then lakru oq Mr. Ball’s sub
stitute, (small notes) aud it was earned —yeas-13,
nays 42.
Tbe bill was further progressed in before l o'clock
The Uoavs resumed the euDiideranoa of the
North Branch bill, when Mr. Schoonover proposed
an amendment providing that if the Governor can
borrow the sam Dedessary to complete the work,
that no small notes shall be issued. This was
negatived and the bill was ordered to be transcri
bed for a third reading, by ;i vole ol 43 to 42.
The rales wen* then dispensed with by a vote ol
3$ lo 20, and the bill came up for final passage. —
Uiiontbe vote being taken it stood, yeas 39, nays
40, so the bill w4j» finally negatived
The Speaket presented a memorial from the Se
lect und Common Councils of Pittsburgh, asking
that the water uut oi that city mar be made a hen
on real estate.
Petitions and reinoa*tranoes were presented.
litlh Efad I n I her. —By Mr. Best, to revive
and continue the act to incorporate the North
Branch Canal Company, and the supplement there
The bill supplementary to the act abolishing
the District and Mayors Court of Lancaster cour>
ty was read a second and third time and pas*-
Mr. Crebb submitted a joint reaoluUoo in refer
ence to promoting International Exchanges, (appro
priates $3OO to defray Mr. Vattemare’s expenses
in collecting and superintending tbe transmis
sion Of books to. New York.) which was read a
second and third time and passed. Yeas 14, naya
The bill to repeal tbe act to encourage the mine
ral resources of this Commonwealth,passed a flecocd
The vote negativing the bill providing for the
removal of the seat of justice in Sullivaa county,
was. reconsidered and a compromise bill inserted,
appointing J. Irish, of Schuylkill; Judge Jessup, of
Susquehanna, and John IL Broadhead. of rike,
Commissioner* to settle the question.
On motion ol Mr. Stutzroan, a special committee
was appointed to inquire into the expediency of
bringing tn a bill authorizing the Courts of Quar
ter Sessions lo change election dixlricts- Tbecon>'
miujy. are Messrs. Stutzinan, Roberts and Lucbeaf
The committee of Ways and Mean* reported ad
versely to raising the salaries of Associate Judge*
in Allegheny county; to changing the mode of cot-
IrctiDg taxes in East Hamphdl, Lancaster county;
to authorize disbursing officers on the public work*
to pay interest on (unpaid) check-rolls; to the - bill
supplementary to tbe revenue QCt.
Tlie committee oa Banks reported a subflß
tute :to- Senate bill re-chartering the Lancaster
Bank. ,
Mr. Eahlem&n's resolution m favor of bienm'sl
teutons was called up on second reading, and u£r£
definitely postponed.
The < reaercl School Bill was called up on secoq
reading, dincuued at great length, tbe principal
point being upon several different propositions Ip
retain a portion of the State taxes, in DOO-acceptiffg ’
school districts, for the benefit ofthe same, to built,
school bouses, &c., which wa* finally compromis
ed ;
Afternoon Setsum.—A motion to reconsider l&e
bill for the completion of the North Branch Ca&gl,
prevailed, but further action on tbe subject was post
poned for the present.
Tbe School Bill was considered and pssaafip'
Tbe bill to establish meridian lines was alljp
passed. r f
Correspondence of the North American.
WAZlftnaron, March 20, lM9y
The members of the Cabinet are beginning to fte
domiciled, aod by the next session of Congress,
will be prepared to extend the hospitalities of tbdr
stations in a becoming uod dignified manner. Mr,
Clayton is about to establish himsull in the
retideuc*- of Mr. Bucluinan. Mr. Meredith bfok
taken the Well known mansion of Mr. St.
Clark*, on President’s Square. Mr. Preston fifi*
succeeded Mr. Makon, nut only in offioe, bet in fc(s
household. Mr. Johnson lias beeu established flj,£
rtnglbe winter on Capitol HilJ, sad will do weljfic
keep himself above the atmosphere of the dRy.
Tbe other members have not yet located ibeity*
■elves. From these maybe inferred
that the new AdmiuifUrnuon wdl redeem *omB’of
the niggardly and two-pe'noy character of its pjo
decesaoT, to discharging al least the decencfof.if
not the civilities of official-life.
Mr. Buchanan, certainly maintained the crftlß
of his position m this respem, during hi* wbpl*
term of office, and with a degree of lionorable liber
ality; but none of hfo associates, except, perhaps,
Mr Mason, pretended even to observe the obliga
tion* of social intercourse. This mean and narrow
spirit of paraimohy, wo* not confined to tbo cglri*
net, lor (Ley wera-«a6ouraged by tbe example T-of
Mr President'Pblk, wbo»e household was Con
ducted on a mord. miserly scale than those ctfNu
hundred priVato gentleman m Washington.
generally believed that he saved lielween |6O tad
$7, r ijooo out of hi* salary, and that during all the
conflicts of party' he coosoled himself with the
reflection, that/boweitfr the oppotitlOu might de
nounce hi* they could not deprive
hinrtof these boardod gains. Tbe large salary
attached to tbC Presidency, wns granted expretely,
os (he debates show, that the fteccutive might
entdrtain generously the representative* of loteign
governments, the two Houses of
tender such other hospitality a* tbo obligation of
the station imposed. From the . time that hh en
tered the White House, until the last day tf his
(ertn, Mr. Polk devoted lumtelf with the keenness
of a iiioaey changer, to tbe profits growing <XU of
his position. He measurco the appetite* of hfo
official guests, and di»turbed no ancient vintage
with the visits of Ids purse. The •torte* df hi*
niggordly dealing# are as numerous in aIF the
circles af the metropolis as they are discreditable
to tbe Chief Magistracy, which be lowered by
chaffering with-provision dealer*. Ooe brriqtbe*
freer in feeling that the day oftmall things u-dver,
and that the high pl&ces-of government ajk-not
only filled with talent and integrity, but wiihgeo
deden of breeding* who have accepted offigg for
some other purpose than squeezing tlioteadjßi&l
Bbpendaoutoflhe-Treasury. InnxpDt^tr.
When'tbo Ben Franhlln reached Cargolltos;tore%
coive Gen. Taylor from the Frankfort committee, a
passenger leaned over the guard and accosted ft
colored gentleman rolling bnrreis on tbe wharf
boat—“say, mv man, did Gett Butler go up to
Frankfort on the occtuiop 61 Gen. Taylor's recep
tion there!” “No, massa.”. “Ah! why mji?” ifOtle
General wai. laid up rick.” “Sickh sorry
thkt; what’s the matter with trim'" a ß*rtf had,
masaa —got lhtprtjudu4 ,n —Louurill* Journal,
Ton Diplomatic Sinxiouitc Cass.—We - have
published the item from the New York Commercial
alleging against the American Charge to Stock*
holm, a disgraceful participation, under the sanction
ofhis official character in the smuggling of good*
into the Swedish port WStockholm. In the Daily
Journal, published at Lafayette, Indiana, (the
home residence of Mr. we tind the following I
explanation, lending to remove the stigma winch
otherwise attaches to him. The Journal says'
We have been shown a private letter trow Mr.
Ellsworth, dated at Stockholm, Octot-cr 30, 1 -4
from which we are permitted to make an et
tract that would seem to exculpate him eourely, and
fix upon another the reproach with which he stands
accused. The extract it substantially ui these
“He (says Mr. E., alluding lo a gentleman whose
name is purposely wilhbeldj had the impudence
to forward ail the purchases he made daring his
journey, fo my address; and to expect that I would
reclaim the some, free of duty' Such a collection
was never got together before; sweetmealea, silk
curtains, petticoat*, new linen, maps, and a go-cart ■
for children; earjwls, hams, dour, and perfumery,
contained in about twenty trunks and boxes. My
refusal to aid him, as he bad exjiecled. aroused Ins
avarice, and led him to employ ungentleroaoly lan
guage in a note he wrote lo me. My answer was
conceived and expressed with more feeling than
his own, and admitted of no reply. As soon as 1
received bin communication, l simply answered it
us follows:
“Sir With the assurance that your polite uote of
this morning has received all the consideration it so
eminently deserves, I am, &r_.
-*H. W. Ellsworth.’
“These few words threw him into a most violent
paMioa; and he is welcome to continue it at his
pleasure. My whole action in the matter was right;
anu I have therefore determined to let it stand, with
out any attempt at reconciliation. It is, in fact, a
good 'finale' to the siviesofdisagreeable interviews
1 have had with him.
“3f> much for petty quarrels, which, considering
the person whooftended me, are hardly worth aU
iuding to ”
The Washington letter ofMndependenl," in the
Philadelphia North American says:
The President bos directed the recal of Mr. H.
W. Ellsworth, us Charge d’Affairs at Stockholm,
upon the evidence of his participation in the affair
which has recently been the subject of so much
just and indignant comment in the press.
' From Yccatam.— fJefarn of the American Vol
unteers. —The ship Tennessee. CopL Walts, ar
rived at New Orleans on the 15th iu«t, from Si
las, with a detachment of 250 men of the Atneri
can volunteer regiment, which had been disband
ed. The New Orleans Della, of the 14th inst.,
The disbanding of the regiment, in the manner
in which it was done, is disgraceful to the authori
ties of Yucatan. The regiment left this city under
a solemn promise from Governor Barbacbano, that
each private should be paid eight dollars a month,
should receive a suit of clothes every lbre.e mqnlbs,
and, at the expiration of the term of service, 330
acres of land. The regiment was between three
and four months in service. During that lime,
they bad several jjevere engagements with the In
dians, and fronrTekax loTtbosuoo and Yalladelid,
drove the army before them, until they now have
possession of no portion of im|>ortance, except Bscs'
lar, near Belize, Honduras.
The rvgiment was besieged eight days in Tihc
■nco, and during that time was reduced to such an
extremity that officers and privates hod nothing to
eat but cats and dogs. In the several engagements,
the loss in killed was from sixty to seventy, end
from a hundred to a hundred and fifty were
wounded. Although 'continually suffering hard
ships, owing to the salubrity of the climate, but few
of the men fell by disease. After all this, the only
requital offered the men is the paltry sum of ten
dollars each. Barbacbano pleaded the poverty of
the treasury, and CoL White finding there was no
prospect of the stipulations entered into with the
regiment being fulfilled, at once requested that it
should be disbanded, wbicb was at once acceded
We regret to learn that LieuL Campbell, of OapL
Kelley’s company, and LieuL Gallagher, who
were wounded in the battle of tbe 25th December,
died of their wounds, the former on the 33d Janu
Thk Cholera. —We a re-sorry to perceive that,
as the weather grows warmer, tbe Cholera is on
the increase in the South. Tbe Louisville Jour
nal, of the 23d, says that the steam boats which
have arrived at that port from New Orleans in the
but lhem, fearing it might deter
passenger* from going down on sJth boats. The
Saladitt had two deaths frnn eholera, both deck
passengers, one of named Wilson, from
WbitevQte, Indiana, report that the
cholera was on the increase in New Orleans.
The Nashville Whig, of Tuesday, says “there
have! been severe! deaths from cholera since oar
last, but we aru a nab la toetate Lhs pnrticulsa.’'
Tbe Little Rook Gazette notices the arrival of
several companies at that place feoohd to Colilbr 1
ms, amoug them were the Knickerbocker Com*
pany.frora New York, numbering some 80“ men,
under command afCapt. Ebbets; a company from
Mississippi and Alabama, under command of Copt-
Smith; and a third numbering 30 or 40 men. A
company was organizing at Little Rock under CapL
McVicar, and another at Memphis, They go all
by way of Fort Smith, from which post a detach
ment of troops, under Major Bonneville, starts for
the same destination.
We find upon our table, a copy of a catalogue of
Green House Plants, shrubs, vines, aod creepers,
grown at the Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Nursery, by
W. i Jar. Murdoch. These gentlemen have,
probably, the most extensive nursery in this vicin
ity. We are promising ourself the pleasure of
a nan to it shortly, when we a hall probably have
something more to say.
U give* us much pleasure to observe that our
nurse it men are doing well this season, there being
an active demand for almost every thiog in their
line. This gives assurance of the growth of a love
for the beauties' of nature, and of increased atten
tion to the production of tine plants. We are glad
to see that ornamental trees, and shrub*, and Sow
ers are in demand. Tbe more our city and envi
ron* are adorned In ibis way The better. s
Tbe American, yesterday, treated its readers to’
an editorial article on the difficulties iu Canada—
As the editor is a native of her present Majesty’s
North American possessions, it may be presumed
he understands of what he writes.
A Washington letter in the New York Express
•tya-Tho State Department wfll send new in*
■tractions to the American Minister at in
season for tbe steamer of Wednesday Mr- Oily
toß'WiU prove as capable ip-hi* correspondence a*
in his Senatorial service, Mr. Buchanan used to
remark, that the correspondence of the State
Department was enough to keep tbe Secretary di
ligently employed eight boors a day every day
of the year, and this is but a small part of a Secre
tary’s labor.
. The Cabinet, however, are nil wuriringmeo, and
Ifaey all mean to honartbelr offices, end fulfil every,
rfcasoopble public expectation. I predicffbrcach and
all of tbem the most complete success, and Car tbe
wbete-Admlniatratioo, a success and brlliancy
which will distinguish it for all time to come.
M&nifut*, Dili/ fading, Contract*, fata BlaaAa,
u*hd stUA, übbia, cranruATxs, cnxnos
rpuaa, se. an..
printed »i tbe shortest notice, si low price*, at tbe
de& tiAccrra Omcs, Taias naasr.
Pasmvu Lotto* Stroaa.—Prepared by J. W. Kelly,
William street, N. Y n and for sale by A. Jaynes, No.
70 Fourth street This will ho found a deligntfdl arti
cle of beverage in foimlie*,aml particularly for sick
Rijus'a An Improved Chocolate prepara
tion, being a combmatioa of Cocoa am; Innocent, in
vigorating aad palatable, highly recommended partic
ularly fot invalid*. Prepared by W. Baker, Dorchew
ter, Mas*., and for tale by A. J AYNKS, at the Pekin
Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth st mclUt
SnsairriLTT. —Col. HUGH DUFF, of Ohio township,
will be supported fur the office of Sheriff, subject to the
nomination of the Whig and Aaiimasoiur Convention.
, Otno.
SitaXiwatW.—Copt W. A. Coasltos will be sup
ported for the office of Sheriff, subject to -she nomina
tion of the Anlimatomc and Whig County Convenuon.
inarPalAwifT Fjoutu W*ap, Prrrsßcaan.
PaorpoaoTASt —The Whigs of Allegheny county
will urge tbe claim* oi WM. J. MARKS, for a nomina-
Uoa 10 uil* office at the coming County Convention.
Mr. M. is a good Whig, and u every way competent
to discharge the duties of the office, and deserving a
nomination by the party A u-concav Covittt.
Mi. EorroK—You will itate that I will lie a
a&julidatftfor nomination for the office of Praihosoie
ry, before oar next Whig and Amiaaeouic County
Convention. Your*, Ac
fcaissbelli uwuahip, March, •&, 1B(U.
improvement! tn Denttatry.
PR. U. O. STEARNS, leio of Doston, is prepared to
manufacture and »et Bloc* Taara In whole end part*
of mu, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Plates.—
Tooriucn* cusxd ta riv* auurras, where the nerve is
•loosed. Office and residence next door to tlie May
orVi office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Rnraaro—J- B. M’Fadden, P. »{. Kama. i& l»
W« M* Wright, Bt. D n Dentist,
Oran and residence on Foorth sl,
gßSflHbre opposite the PiUsburgh Bank. Office
tfHHBflEh hours from S o'clock to IS A M-. and
from 8 o’clock tos P. M. sepl4«ly
Rnuoiow ifoTtcA—Nicholas and Margaret’Rrotyn,
from Upper Canada, Ministers of the Gospel of the So
ciety of Friends, will hold a religious meeting in die
South Cootaonja. E- Chareli, in the city of Aitegbe
gheuy, this, Tueadey ovening, at 7 o'clock The |ub-
Its m jspsral an united to atwod
OFKKR FOR SALK I>t piece or package, one of the large*t storki of SPRIXi. A vn «i'v\rm>
be found in oi.j cm«U*fanie„i bailor Wen,.and mt* .mall on coo . v?.lt WDRI
" ", bave P'o**" “> oor trade, that wo can compete directly with ihe Kasien. |toa«e\ and
iull\ ■‘wln , »i ail pjiwniaUou of oor stock liy other* who may have inou<lu of i,,,, , a re*pect
-o>aj be saved tint miit* and expense. In oar assortment w<l! be found 1 “'"1 they
ru.wat pieces Fngltsh. French, and American Print*;
U.UtiU do do do do Ginghams.
I I**l do Scotch, French and Araenean Lawn*:
-«0 do Utgaudies, Mu {ins, Ginghams, Ac.
do Bcreges, ‘faille de Eteinne*, Pasha Check* BraiiliAH" •
bu» Jo Plain and Fancy Linen Umgharn*,
500 do Mode, Black and Fancy Alpacas;
:M*i Jo Belgian and American Cloth*;
■AW do Newest style* Cassimere*;
•'<oo do Plain and fancy Batmens;
SM) do Jeans, Tweeds, Merino Cassimeres. Summer Cloth* A.
t'**i do Men’* Cotton sammer Wears;
Newest .ij lr« Velvet Riding Cords, Croton Cloth*.
Prap D'Kte. Cloths, ic.
Fancy Silk arid Marseille* Vcsunts, Iruh lanm*.
Brown Linen*. Brown Holland*. Padding*,
i'an\ a**. Bockrains, Crash Diapers, AC.
Apnni Checks. Sbiniug Stripes, Ac.
A ver) handsome variety ot newest xtyie* Bonne: and Cap K<‘-h*udi
Ai*o. Lace*, Fancy Netts, Cambric*. Jaconet*
Moll*. Swiss. Book Muslins. Ac
Ladies and Genu’ Lisle and Silk Rlovei
Hoskin and Colton Glove*;
Handkerchiefs. Suspenders, Ac.
Kvery description of Variety Goods;
500 bales Brown Sheetings;
100 do Fine Brown Shirting* and Drills;
cate* Bleached Shirtings;
75 bales Ticking*.
We *halt keep up onr Slock throujrhoui
Prmßi’Boit, March 93,1649.
No. 82 Woud Street,
WOULD call the attention of the publie to their
present nock of Paper Hangings, which for va
riety, beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, u un
surpassed by any establishment in the Union.
Besides a large and full assortment of paper of their
own manufacture, they are now receiving a direct im
portation of French and English stylet of Paper Hang
ings. purchased by Mr. Levi Howard, w« of the firm,
now in Europe, consisting of
Parisian manufacture, 10,000 pieces.
London do • do
Of thnir'own manufacture they have 100,000 pieces
Wall Paper, and 12X100 pieces satin glased Window
Blinds, 4c. *
H«rehanls* Transportation Lino.
rrtHE Canals and Rail Roads being now open, and
I in good order, we are prepared to forward all
kind a of merchandise and produce to Philadelphia and
Baltimore, with promptness and despatch, and ou os
good terms as any other Line.
Messrs. James Howard 4 Co. have spared neither
sxpense nor labor in ibeir endeavors to rival the east
ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of man
ufacture and variety of pattorn; and they are warrant
jd in assuring the public that they have succeeded.
The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac
ture, will be offered on terms as low as those of east
rrn manufacturers and importers. wch27:dlf
Canal Batin, Penn si, Pittsburgh.
Aosim—CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia.
ROSE MORRILL A Co, Baltimore.
For Blairsville. Johnstowu, Hollidayaburgh, and
alt intermediate places
THIS Line will continue to carnr all Way Ooods
with their usual despatch, and at fair rates of
Aatirrs—C. A. M’ANULTY 4 Co, Pittsburgh.
D U Wakefield, Johnstown
Jofin Miller. Hollidayiburgh.
Ravuuutcss—June* Jordon, Smith k Sinctair, Dr P
Shoenberger.E Moore, John Parker. 8P Von Sonn
bont & Co, wm Lehmer k Co, Jno M’Wvitt k Bros,
Pituburyh; John Ivory, Sumii. Mulbollan k Ray, Jto
Of ti t Co, Blalrsville. raehff
r. t. lYech, jrT,
Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domcstw
Saddlery Hardware k Carriage Trimmiogi,
pa Ho. 133 Wood at., Pittibarah, Pa.
T 8 now receiving hia Bpring sopply of Good*, and
I inviteodhe auenlion of dandle n, Coaehmakeri and
Merchant* ULius stock. It ha* been bought upon the
be«t temu, from the best aoareea, and he therefore
(eel* confident of being able lo afford saiisfiaction to
ail who may favor him with a call. _mo
j*a a. vgancarr.
No. ! fit) Second street,
mch37a!«in* _ _ ST. LOUIS, MO.
HARDY, JONES a Co, (successors to Atwood,
Jones A Co.) Commission and Forwarding Mer
chants, dealers iu Pittsburgh Mauufucmred Goods,
Pittsburgh, Pa
A RE NOW OPEN, tor tale ot a large collection
mill FlowerJPlanta, will be read)* to deirter in pots
the Ist of May.
UOUQUETSof the choicest Rowers pal up at the
shortest notice. ,
UIUHV>> tA*HvU. | ...
The Gardens will becpeafijrthegcucral reception
o/Tlcter*onthe2ddajr of ApliL
Captain- Vandergrin’t new, steam boat, the. Thos.
Scott, will commence running from thePontt. tool of
Peanfattgctj u> <ho Oatdent, thgßi day of April
MAGENTEEL three st iaf dwelling House, on
Second'street,, near gnathic Id street. Also,
aruttad, atitnaiioirforafond honest and com
petent Clerk, and ond forjs smart lad about 1? years
of age, in a ware homo or to learn a good trade.
Address Box 334, Port Office, Piunurrh. tarS7:3t
City dailies copy to amoant of 31 each.
mHE subscriber ho reoovedhta WholesaleOroce*
X ry Store to the eorner of Haneock street and Alio
rhenv Wharf, next door to the Perry Hoose.
New spring goods—a, a. siams a Co., no.
DO Market suret, are now opc&imr 40 cue* end
package* of tplendid SPRING GOODS, Comprising
Lawn*. Muslin*. Bareges, M. de Laines, Ginghams,
Pnnu, French Cam tines, Linen*, Ribbons. Laces,
Silks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general assort
ment of Goods. ach37
Jouioos, 46 Market street, wishing to olose their
stock of Variety Goods previous to their removal, will
sell at wholesale their stoek of Combs, Bonons, Nee
dles, Threads, Pius, Jewelry, Ac., at cost 8. AJ. will
remove on April 3d, to No 69 Market si mehS7
BEANS— 16 bbls white Beans, in store and (br aalo
by mcb27 HARDY, JONES A Co
LEMONS —105 bxs Lemons, in store and for sale by
PEA NUTS—S 3 sks Pea Nnts, tost red'd per steaxx
er Telegraph No 2, and for nue by
tnchg7 143 Liberty »t
POTATOES— SOO ska and tO bbls Neshennecka, o
band and for sale by
GREEN APPLES—tt bbl» Apple:*, la good order,
ree'd this day by stmr Pilot So 3, and for ante by
mebfl? JAR FLQYD
T?OUNDRY PIG IRON—*® tons Pig Iron, Marion
F Furnace, landing this day on the Allegheny wharf
■ad'ftjiwJfry mthg;- 3 fcRTLOYD
1 a No 3 do; for sale by
mcb37 ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, Front si
IMRE and Water Proof Mineral Paint, for sale by
S BALTS—SO bbls in ctOfK for sale by
DEERS hair—3 ska In store; for sale by
TjtLAX SEED—ICO bbla Just rec'd and fer tale fay
ttch37 53 water and'lo4. front «t
ROLL BUTTER—U bbla prime Roll Batter, pat up
In,cloths. received and u>f tale by
Mh»7 a^wnAaBAUQU
SUGAR CURED HaMS-U)'tierces, a mime article;
rac'd and for aide by BAY? BARBACGII
meh37 . . i >
GUTTA PERCHA-Uthe Bands, ef Gnua Pacha
Ja«t rac'd add fbr sale by W WWHSQJv >
Pth37 corner 4th and Market sis ■
F^OUE— 13S bbis Floor, G Walker*
landing and fbr-tale by t _ :
BEEN APPLES—JO bbUinfioflorfUi.
jj.CTCbg? . J3-WLWOF
eLOVfcB6EEP— 10 bbU Cltmr SefedJ
o cm _ ftfKLWQTmrfcpy
TJRODUCE, ire.—(o bbla dried Pe*cia»; 100 i«&a
X do Appier, lObbli RoB Bauen 10 do Lkrdj Uutd
la* from usurer Eaterpxisfi for ttio by.i ...
lB and gQ wood it
TJULR PORK fIAMB-300Cf lb*, in co*d"ortfevr for
■D rale by aoh37 BaQAI&VA SMITH
S SA.LT3—aa LIU prime Sails, in storm for sale by
♦ rocb<T 3 C UIDWELL A Co, waier at
CORN MEAL—IMbbU fresh ComMeU, just reC’d
end for sale by roch37 J C BIDWkI-T- ACo
? cask i Boda Ash; for rale by
ttchg7 j c PLDWELL A Co
DRY APPLES—IO bbU best unalinr, for tale by
mcttff J B DILwORTH A Co
TJEA&iB— 23 bbla small while, for rale by
4>_tncM7 J 8 Dn.WQjfru kCo
POTASH-* pure «nd choice ,i||do. .1*.,, on
hand and for sale by
fncbfl? BRAUN A BETTER >
\j iaeW -■• BRAUN fc RETrgK;^'
ALCOUOI— IS bbla recM and for aaU Inf'.
YTTANTED—BarIey, Com, Rye and Wheal, for
TV • which the highc*»t market price tn cash will be
jnchiO SB water and 104 front at
highest market price in cash will be
TT Pttd for ihe uiflersnt grades of Wool by '
mchao .8 A W HARBAUGH
MACKEREL— 10) bbl* No 3 Mackerel, m More and
for sale by mh2o _ SAW HARBAUGH
DRIED APPLKS—fiOQ bush dried Apples, in Store
and Tor »al« by meb‘Jß SAW HARBAUtiH
PARIS GREEN—IV cuts uue.rnureo’d and for
•ai. by U A FAHNESTOCK A Co,
tnchlU corner Island mood tu
BIIAD-0 half bbU for sale by
HIIBRING— a bbla for sale by '
Extract Loo\yopD r 7oc«M«i M , TecVl „ d for
•ale by mba) B A PAILNESTOCK* Co
and fancy Oood», just openio* and for tala at tec
uUr Eojteta prices, by YV \y WILSON
mchaa ...,., , awl Market »u
BACON-ecMli'BMoalUsu: ddo Bacon shoal
den, jiut tea«tye<\ am* for into by
BULKMHAT->-tflcjUka ia *weetplckJe; s&&
P**®*? Bnlk BJ*ottWex», jut rcoM ud form)* hv
met>2 ° UaRDV, JQNS94 C9 1
A&XSfoSi, b .S &';&'•#" "***' °'*‘ n "
>“** J KIDD * Co
Bjr.Johii D. D&tli, Auctioneer.
Splendid Household Fnmiiunt at Auction.
o» Thursday next, April sth, at lOo’ciock, AM.,
will l>e sold ol iho dwelling of Hon Judge Irwin, on
0»* East Co mm ou, adjoining tbe canal m Allegheny
city, without reserve, bis enure household Furniture
consisting of
Mahogany sofas and chairs;
do divans, lounge* and rocking chuir*;
do centre, pier aide tobies;
do bedsteads, wash stand with marble, top.
mahogany and cherry dressing bureaus, French and
nnd high, post cherry bedsteads, cherry wardrobe, fan
cy and common chain, 1 pair large French plule pier
glosses, looking glosses, super candelabra* and lus
tres, mantel lamps, mantel ornaments, brussei*, in
grain and st/aw carpeting, an elegant now tapestry
carpet, saxon rugs, feather bed* and bedding of the
choicest quality, French ehina dinner and tea sells,
glass, crockery and queensware, ivory handle and
common knives and forks, window blinds, cornices
and curtains, elegant French mantel clock and shade.
runs 3 weeks, brass clookt, astral and hall lamps, su
perior cooking stove and fixtures complete, bath tub
and fixtures, steal variety of kitchen fonmnre, men
sils, etc. Philadelphia made garden engine, and a vs
nety of garden tools, Am.
Bota* of the above sre entirely new, and all in ex
cellent order. Terras "at sale
tuch27 JOHN D DAVIS, Au. l.
Aif mi nut ra tort Sale.
This. Tuesday morning, 37th inst, at Id o'clock, wj
b<* sold by order of \V C Bovard and George Boegi
administrators of June* Lindicy, decenjcd, at In* lat
residence, slh street, above Sranhheld, can and hor
ses, feed chest, bureaus, fine tide tables, stand*, bed
stead*. beds and bedding, book case. a large collection
of valuable books, 1 silver watch, 2 cases pistols, kitch
en utensils, Ac. inch 37 JOHN D DAVIS, Anrt
Executori Sale , amtinttr/f.
Ou thu, Tuesday morning, at lu o’clock, at the store
of \V \V reams, in the Diamond, will be sold without
reserve, by order sf his executors, a ve-ry large stock
of dry goods, among which are—2oo yds while and
yellow colored Crape Lisle, 23 pcs colored bonnet
Lawns; 100 yds best Florence Silk; 300 do white and
colored Gros de Naples and barred Silks; 32 pieces
cashmeres and de Laines; 39 do Thread and
Edgings; 120 do Mantua and Satin Ribband*; 25 do
figured and plain Babbinetx; $S do cambric and barred
Muslins; 97 do black and colored Cambgica; English
and Fren*h merinos, alpacas, pnnu, red and white
flannels, together with the great variety usually found
in a larre retail store. Terms at sale.
mehkT JOHN D DAVIS. Auc;
Administrator'x Sals of Stacix.
On Thursday morning, April 12th, at 10 o'clock,
the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood at
Firth street*, will be sold without reserve, by order
Thomas Davidson and Joseph Pennoek, AdmintMr
tors of the estate of A. Horbach, deceased—
5 shares Pittsburgh and Greensbnrgb Turnpike Co
133} do Conemaugh Bridge Company.
owhST JOHN D. DAvIS, Auctioneer.
Blursville Recorder copy and send bill to Auctioneer.
AillgßSc’s Sale? by Auction.
Forty-five acres of excellent coai,—
with the privilege of another tract adjoining, and
about forty-two acres of land—on which are erected
9 or 10 dwelling houses, two coal nul Other
improvements for carrying on the coal business.
This extensive and very valuable property lies just
on the bank of the Monongtthela river, directly oppo
site the thriving borough of M'Keesport, in .Allegheny
county, and will be sold ail together.
It will be offered for sole at public auction, on MON
DAY, tbe second day of April next, ut It o'clock, A.
poaAilotuct-ULPittsburgh- ,
Severn j ywtreTitoe gfren'G* the ‘payment of the
purchase money. This property lie* together, in such
a position aatottfiord every facility far carrying on
the coal boit&euxn the least expensive and mast pro
fitable maimer. *
en>. b. Bontoos.
The coal it of the best quality. Time to take it oat
nnlhnited. Title indisputable. Much of the land suit
able for bufldinjf lots.
Capitalists wishing to make a safe and very profita
ble inrestment oa speculation, and persons wishing to
engage in the coal business, are invited Id look ax this
property and attend the sale, as it is fully believed that
no better bargain tor sueb property was ever offered
in Allegheny coooty. *
For farther information, inquire of the Assignee or
Auctioneer, or of Geo. F. Gulmore, at his otfice on
Grant street, Pittsburgh.
Assignee ofßoln. Sinclair.
johnd davis; abci
0.8. PORTER- -* —MAMAora.
Delation, in unison with »aUl«g &e Wind, will be
repeated. hypanleulei request. Another new Peiee!
CONSTANT NOVELTY* Ist night of My Poor Dog
Tray, in which the celebrated end highly trained Nep
tone-wiil appear.
Ttnwnar, Mutea f 7, will be presented
Sir Bernard Harleljrb ••••-, Mr. W. 11. Crisp.
Jeremy Diddler -Mr. W. H. Crisp
After which, for tbe first time, the celebrated and high
ly trained dog Neptune will appear in the drama of
The Maniac- - Mr. Wood I Shela- • -Mrs. Madison
CT'ln preparation, the Rake’s Progress, and many
other novelties.
Rrerf Bveßlag, and Wednesday and
Bmtordiy Afternoon.
lkff'fL WILLIAMSON, in returning his sincere thanks
Xu. tor the liberal patronage bestowed upon him by
the inhabitants of Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Ac. begs to
inform (hem that be will exhibit, as above, his NA
VERA CRUZ, by the forces under Pen Scou.-
T* prevent pressure at the doors, attendance will be
Sven at the HalT'every day from 10 to Li and ato 4,
r the sale of ticket*, and do more will be issued »h Tn
can be comfortably seated.
Tickets S 3 cent*— childreu half price. Doors opeu
at 7 o’clock—commence! at 7*. Wednesday and Sat
orday afternoon, doors open at 9, eommtnces at 2A
. J YelahtOM«-.»torarvwtwiih tie;Anas fa -Maiteb.
AT APOLLO HALL—On Monday end Tuesday
March V£and fi7—by the y
Assisted by McMfSj-NOABTfI and FARRELL *
Admmton Mcema-ttildrea.SO ceau. Ticket
muting a lady and gentleman. so C tg.
■jsjssasfassisi sa jsme
wo, ' ,, «* won as txoued from the
Jjf. t i^ l iigg. AND TCi V^AFKß3.- A H,
Newspapers can be
gel up in con.ruicn my: o. v.iri-Lurp nr
mrUM, WO „
soeno rare room, from U>. ST’
mehfifl WORK A fl£
me ft 2a ow>o«t© the Foot Ofice
A^T,E iSScAmNE?wIREROoS. I * ln,D ’ '
gheny cUv' -aa Aile-
B j ap *Sf'VMiQa i fß^n^y l
IHia Blinds can be removed with
out the aid of a screw driver.
Having purchased ih 0 «oek,
tools, aad wood of the cabinet es
thsuslnncntofßamsay A McClel
land,'l am. prepared to famish'
their, old customer*, as well os
the public allow*, with every thing in their line. ,
Agency, No hwood street, Pittlborgh.
- mcfaao . J. A. BROWN.
Will PtPIB VlßßilbtlSß f
iVa.47 Market street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Tj ESPECTFULLY annoaneeatohis friends andena-
Xl» tomers, that he has badatnOpost poriodsoexieu.
sive a Stock as ho has at present. He ctuiot&r to w
ewers, on vnv moderate terms, at tba old csiaby.h
«d Bland on Market street, almost every article/ ,'t;l
hne—lncluding Counting-room, Bed-chamber. F iZ.
room, Parlor and-Hall Paper. WitvDonW 1 «ff
scapes, Fire.board Pnnts, Pwr-and ly „ ; ,„aSnt
Wutdow Shades, Bonnet -and Binder*. 1 LW *.' p Wri
flag, Wnraping, and Ten Paper, he i* au%^ r
putd, and requests country me reheat* */\* hmut-kee£
fts to call and examino bis assortiaeaU'
' Rag? and TnnnerV Scrap* takey ln lru i r , al u*.
UfhM POCU. _ ■o/«J|:d£ur3.nT_ ■
rCTML JM ■ 1 ~« i Kgeuwtf'ely fbs Pasiengtr*.
of this Lane will leave
mmmmmQßlaiaSl a*'tbUoVrs, at U o’clock at night:
% j&SS&Sjt&t&Z&S&SL
CiaiahUy, 31.
p. Thompson, Sunday. April I.
to % W HUTCH,
:- *■ 3 MonongahcJa House.
.♦ -"or D LEECH A Co, Canal Baxbi
sp -‘ ArdtO®JlT WASTED. "
of Steel and
to undertake on Agency, for said ameles,by kenmc, .
8(ock in this city. Jtn established
eoaperion.among Manufacturers, Engineers. Maeßn
ists and other consumer*. would be prefarreA
by letter, eddreased t» "M. S.4F » Ap ?* r
name amt fufcramra, aAer whSh an
arranged for, if deemed detiEble?
uaexcVwd,£rfe , |S 1
dSfr jSMI jSfc.
mffiS well known line of splendid passenger Stewa-
I cr» is now composed of the largest, •wifwst, oek
finished and famished, and most powerful boats on iht
waters of the West. Every aceotnßJhdatioaaod o«»
fort that money can procure, has beetrproyiaed wr pa»-
tengers. The Liao has been In operation for five years
—has carried a million of people without the least itytt*
rv to their persons, ‘ftto boats will bo at the foot of
W ood street the day previous to staffing, for the recap*
u °u of freight and the entry of passengers on the regis*
ier. la aif eases the passage money mux be paid IB
The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain UemphiU, WIU
leave Pittsburgh every (Sunday morning al Iti o'clock]
WTiheUng every Sunday evening a( 10 F.
May ai, 1 a ••
The MONONGAHELA, CapL Stos*, will leave
burgh ever] - Monday morning at tl) o'clock; Wheeling
every Monday evening nt lt> r u.
The HJiIERN'IA No. 8, CapL J, tfi wvswTvs, will
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at to o'clock;
Wheeling every Tuesday evening at lOp. m.
The {JEW ENGLAND No. 8, CapL S. DasK, WIU •
leave Ihttsbureb every Wednesday morning alt(. < f
o’clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at li>p» H, ; «.
The BRILLIANT, CapL Gaact, will leave Pin*,
burgh every Thursday muming at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
every Thursday evening at 10 r. n.
The CLIPPER No. it, CapL Pa*a Duval., will leave
Puubargji every Kmlsy morning at lOo’elnck; Wh**»
ilng every Friday evening at 10 r. m. *
The MESSENGER No «. Oapl.WooDWaan, will leaf*
Pittsburgh every Uawtday moruing at 10 o’clMka
Wheelmi every Saturday evening at 10 r H. 1 ’
(v'U GLASGOW,) ' • ‘ J
leaves Pittsburgh daily, at© o’clock, A. M„ sal «'
rives at Glasgow, (moath of the Sandy and Beaver C*.
nal>) at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at U, SBttaalght
Leaves New LULon ul Oo’cJock,
tnp canal to the nver during the night,) and Glaurow
at U o'clock, A. W., and arrives at Pittsburgh at» y
M. —tbos making a continuous line .for carrying pas*.
senders and freight between New LisbonaadfiuiL
burgh, in shorter time aud at less rates ihaa by any
other route.
The proprietors of thin Lino have the plcasana of In
forming the public thui they have fined up two first dan
Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passengers and
freight, to ran in connection with thn well known i
steamer* CALEB COPE and BEAVER, aodconOMl* -
ing, ut Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and dnrttyl
nati and other daily lines of steamers down tbvOU*' '
and Mississippi rivers. The proprietor* pledge thaile
sclvch to spore no expense or trouble to Insure ceib'
tort, solely and dispatch, and «sk of the public a sh&li 1
of their patronage,
R- HANNA, A Co. > v-- .
Ttoyu-if j. harbauuh&co. {Nswlaxin.
NOTICE—The Mramer BKA VE& C. E. Clarke, mu
ter, rvlll leuve uWr thi» notice, fat WelUvtlle pnfleta
ally, cl U o'clock in the morning. &13
IBta. i'il'a [
Daily Packet Lim,
LEAVE DAILY AT BA. M-, AND « Jhjti ' .
t*. fallowing new boats cautoa < •
» Ml ■ I . i4r me bo? f° r 'bo preasM lensnn "\*T.
iiStegiTtS UANTIC, C*pt. James Parktasoei '
tSaSSEEaateBALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobi; and LGUIR
M'LANR Chjh lv llroncu. The boots are entirely
new, anil arc titled op without regard to expense Kyi
ery comfort that money cun procure uaa been ptovidfttl '
The Boats wilt leave ute Monougahela Wharf Boat*
the foot of Ros* st. Passengers will be puenul CO
board, as the boats will certainty leave at the advtTj
Used boars, 8 A. M. and 4 P. &1. }ta&
Pittsburgh A Louisville Packet Like, i
/ m^e, . », Tbe splendid new steamer
gawgafOT Haslep, master, will leave far abotw *
yga«uiiagißM«...t intermediate pons on lYriat!-
day, at ID o’clock a. K. *•■•••■'
For freight or passage apple on board, or to • t i
j. The new and splendid Cut jiaasoV. t
g “ p "" No. a.' '
BBuS&SESSBS Mason,master, will leave IW-Ciocln*
naii and Louisville on Tuesday, the 87Ut *r fIP
o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply oh bbardE/
, . ~UEO rt A -- ,
’••••-irj-rjBiettfcr PeVtftuawiilleave'LotiaMUiiahKfa# i
Oilcan a. oh arrival of TelegtaphNot.k, P&feMtNCki4t>''-
conro direct, and can have berths #ecuredib#e»l»Jitc*'.'*'
Sired. . wwatTv;
iLouUT»Ua and Bt. LonU /.
<atfoc&B« Geo. W. Wick*, muter, will .lyi/v*
iWliffflMllbr the above and intermediate p
ever}* TneuJay, at lOo’clock, a. m. 1
For freight or passage apply on beard, or to - . * .f’ i
& C. KllJe, No. 153 Com. Rr L-
rj Saturday, as 10 o’clock, p. m. r
For freight or postage apply on beard . or xe
eTC. kISo/nd ia <W-bow.'
Blae *» maai-jr, will Jear e for abom
■SSHBSHBBBand intermediate pom f a is tl*y r Ttle*J
day. ;
For freight or paaaago apply OQ boar A.
Tb * steamer , , •
■ jB&j&B Bowman m iJi# *-
knrffaffYWMßßbove and' intermediate port*' on We*
nesday at 10 o’clock. r j ;
For freight or prurr , apply on board, or to < i
ml =™ , PETTIGREW ft CO, Aru -.
foh st. u>'jlSanb KnssjufflTOVKHr—
/fVpa**’ iv The fine steamer
«£SSBWsfaknd intermediate pom oa ft£2?',
\he27lh io'4, at 10 o'clock, a. M. , "
Tor or passage apply oa board, or to
?2®*» PETTIGREW lyCßp^m'
w The splendid steamer- . •*’■»
Calhoun, master, will lecte Gw iW.
ffifflnpnnd intermedißtg pone'oh gaiuWa*'
the SMth inn, wlO o’clock, a. u; ’ 1 -' :
For freight or pusaje applyoa boinL-orMn 4
- inchg > p&rnoaßWvoi a«*
rfVW>*jy _ l Thespl£^j lllFleaflrtr _, ,
aster, -will
onWedaesdir-* packet for; nashviiie:" *■'
i — '
u»^u£^^,£? r J u^ ,u »
,<Ww-k Thatolendidnaw
r> • j „ Hamburg--f
“KwSIJvUiSJ ft? -mduLtß coiuuibt
roc frciglxv-br-pMttgc V £q)‘ , ■ , "? f
- - J^noSKafcL
I J™ UUt U I * v .'HEKLINO
f ,oe *T4ill steamer • f .*.■«/
uu. CON3UU : ; > f-
BrfUaiiWWlffilW A ebb 1 er, master, will leaWfCgaUli*
nesday aod lV /®f
~ *«»-
ELv„m *> PiomifatWitt.«*clf«tins BBfaf.rfPMiMo
.‘^i}yr f Oreer*», cor. Saitkflcid and Watef fa.
t . The fiiiostenaer . . . . .%. *'
£k Ln«is,zAwlet, i* >
\s?*£s“f -.poekei .from Fitunnrfh t fr
VIUSPnUbUrShC ’^ y
0 nd Hockingpon, ud lnto«neslata laaS**
-< r-, -,,, K The fine ateamer- ~ M * s
\,Rr:fZJ!i ■, 'vkllsville,''' J ' ; «
bib. iffirejSfflE&W* <me<cig<*Kn,'tiu
iuSntiiS yi W l^ ttclr.wbdj*
A. ls^i°f« T I / EG 5 lO3 ’ ys£S£*£v n, P* BX &r
f-• adapted «h* wyntm ai potato POPIU.
In BDCBI mai ic. Selector fretfi £<¥»,
rTQQeft.ftnd German composers, by Loweß Maw a: To
“Utfo JJAgci of cloeely printed music. coflUlfiuJf' JOB
exercises progressively arranged- Pric® 75 ceoli. ,
JUrt received, a. aunply oflhe above,. direct from tie
Publisher*, by xv JOHN Hi HELLOS,
' oichSß Blwoodst
1, corner et 4tb and Market *tt, Pittsburgh.-ka» v *i.
cetTcd bia brat supply of Spring nod gawmef-GoiA*,
and invito merchant* <• look at' Wt tloclc'fptjS,
l °»- .
Wholesale Rooms op attlr*—entrance fronMtit tit. 4
meti23 • =- ■'*
WAKSEQt : ~. ,\ ,' /
A BOY of 14 years of age, of good qualifisaLrtd
with* a a altaaaoa as aaautaet in atorw. %'ph'
a this oftee. aehSS 4R