MEDICAI;, cospodsd sraup op wurcrerp- : ___ FOB' i ' r '■ - erZSirtiM. CoU.s.A.tfcina, iSfdncliiliß, Lw* Co#ro6inf Blood, .Wfijc*,Hiy: of Breath*. ■ "MwSSsSSSbV^u WMuto, fC . Hsfcrt, laflutoun Croop. Brukeft Oill- ;,• wiiul til BkoW o( ihe'Both, ~ .UreutßiUllainssi dm mcMjsfc- • •< fee tail fend tpemy <rate 2 .' ':• >eWknowwfotKitrjfC‘"4 \ ;, 'i * iius above duse.*- •;*•■•. •; ; EKkeafflSw* or«xporU»eov«i4 now sued. ,I bS < SSS"4j gfn^^ IMI3W“ n" a •rtifowJJWM d ISSiStHstwta oontdn umJrenmkfMo-toi- SfSd 1« good effects. Foe proof p|the,ipiegtpog JS3i&l.>aof>llv«loo oeielfic.op’of to »S<tl- SeTlbe proprietormsen wfewpfthe rtjntv.lSoo .MtWniii'* 'oWo* l tavc b l'" pjosonodro hinrOr Saaofthelrßt who have luihfcr . ?£w% ofqiotal Tespoitsihiiur and jutffcc, (bun to W UfVtOiacUT. because «w.ll do-ai.otu*.a kVMrJMd ZlrZJ&*na injustice. Sach.icrti*itvr P*° v “ c ? n ; SSSSEW ««nehcf ■ byU»iatri&klfcmerit*, «md the V“P i ? ft P £,nal,, ’^“ t^.* tr cf bublic opinion. •'rhdjnQßiirnriou* *®*f f £ “ Sri*. *kd -Uio MOthlhß influence dnl «tou .framehy'lm uw, Tender, leayettwi ■ mnody tot lble afflicted. j * - - ' hekembeik ■■ • ■ . •Wteaitteo, trelnnwiltApsttegimopy 10 ■ «to . psKuroluhet, «“ l!b .“ : * , ‘??2.' l SEflSKooßfaion Of s@fe s lSs£l. m ja?sffiS “ ladetpenU It^rengihenßjthc OoapcamiBynip ofw> tfw«* on. the luSjjb, *» other medicine- ‘ Cax*Tt& Coo.Xpril 2Sb, 1949* • uwiiaWt'f M l .<lt'* hlbb Jrtdo csaaMa^^iifcsrfcs AxSis tirne'l W ifWttoinende/ki My I «*W towi the mo*i hRp- T°°*!?u7^niwfir«?l»auiChad thgfofo,Qt V»Ooo«ca the SS ot:u.o Aon SSiiJPI roforyoO to Feter ttttifc Groeer, Wen ■ SwS lkLof wtau l pprchsaoWie oledSoii.e-; ... ' 's&>*&>***■ opmi!olenii flm jjti-tiiieia I ssrssffsss^t^i b l®», SUSwS««Brt -w-cutlier, however plight. At ?*"( Sm oboui inr oon.Slfoii! but •(> p.reiiT fint 1 feifrto warm rapWiyKOftif into consuinp-. «xm convinced ol (eajth *m «i?cV- ? i °\i l » l S]JiM<rauS'penfr aUoVe ft whiter;-tad! ly •%, df »‘Ttons*- -Pufoa U*“ r** n?rrepamtioi»S had !f“ 6 ihd.Ume worM-vJuiu bai flmnfaw nfW7 r | u u Mcd ?R d f nr fridnil in here l*R* ndylsed P». S3frtp of-AVild^Jber-- *7• _} r .nt medictne*. awltaun'Ull agtunat dicoA^gßfat^P^ejl 1 . ©fcttrpcric*, 1 hut nnder- Ihoaooonuy QU ,j, e pfoieffion auti practice oi "SteJSS Si.d.piieteoi®wa.o *n„g of Mg modicinOj-wn Mvips. v . f {)f gUwvonc ofyonr "“SW&fSSSSa?onimrniieUlw w. M> •»»-; fiSJSSSS'befcro i was per* SSs SSSSt^StSSi !!dS*S«(afWS cmSco'O O® ll *** foMhepolpoM cruu u ( c.nermanener of the **t«ucu ,t cU j it wuh core, nad now than wci , , /is*; j. p. ioanas.- plen»arflf. .. „ Dublin-coanty, N-C. _• .j ' ■iSororton* Cffufian|-iv#r! ™b?£.*st!eh h£ been sold lafeWif thioiigbofil the ■ .TiTtnyriflnl o(\ *Wla-Uiarry uave Utli, ttndertovefot: feme deceptive order uiklvb ciirceuey idibeir enle* *wod tnUukfc the F.i«& ixml* ‘be funtfure u 3S§p3SS£®?i£' <ffß*aßSato«fp ■ m&asgf&ap Philadelphia- ?.•• f>SOW. Fbr f°*" wbole«s!e and. relit*u7 v*V“ \: ypu-roCK it A JONEi, car n*f> •O'J .•’=S" dSjr.'m KLL, Alteghwcmr, !u; '* ■ry-'-^ff >-“ tttOdtClMS- ; - MiTUITsTER’S QINTM ENT", SONoga WOUNWto dtw luir£-J llKtr jnjt-'ni and them. tip 4i xki: for there ra tSSt-lhiSsttUd it for d»e fciH-Jirtoeu r«*r* *>» ail riltrff— of the eheix. involving the utmost dancer , *** ■ tUIC TT C *-.«- : i: _ni 1 declare before Ueavdu ana SkSSSSSkSSAS oraiWENT removed rts>« imms'Vtto'r to* weUIM. |S»«c«k pr™nM>[ .he tteSf£)©flweivo T«tr* a w.l^adlt ES&sgfSS^ tjM defied rietf thing fcnowu. »i tuntoHrtoir doctors. On* mta-iod ha F^ l “ $3OOOO-hWthildrto withou t any hetieht.. Vtheaa fe«v, U^^SSi'SrLm <j the osue or ft U*obe of tao best thing* in ihe vr ® TiJ ,or ThnAanis are yearly ewM-bV J* gjfjipSwi. in giviC? rtUiftor the Pfles- m frr J Aroondthebox arc CircC,tioh> for u,u %^ r '4j* tiStfiQinmaafoT Ecnfula,Licv COrtpidint. £ry»‘P*- \ P . TtOcr, ChUUiin, Scald-Heat &,.■&»• i*«- &r«Tfct»«fc SrtflUAim, Xer&ui Paras, &<*- muafO* Bead ache, astksnailkafnm. Eat at**, Ihant,'C*rnt?aU Dittos* tfAd-SkUi Sanhph P"*- X’ iSwtßinK of the tamai\ &na ) lUiei**ri»J*u*,. rtiMj-ttfi PiaTCnur, Swelled + Br*k*u Breastj Tooth ; C^^yßCTi-S«r^Pplfcini,' thaCtwHt end SidA, ftllin# dffoftie baic.*MQe olfier accorapa-. TTW* Oiatmanlif tfecunc remedy) it U ?«aVf°ds Will «l- No ki*™ior miW il.« a«!li^S»MeAUJlSrKß*“.iml* :, i wili . peo | °\Vr%tZl*T. ACM■-> in;»!l Biifijiioou*' cide* SolciPropricun ofilbfr ibo*.*- UM? dj'eu»«. nVfjfnnctfalOffice, No *»(s{, I lul* ****4f- PRICE 25 CENTS '? ' m Pirnreraou-Urairi A : KeiUr, comer a . out«ts; ami L>Wtlcos: n Jr, comer of gmiihfijld au; J H Caawjl.'ciimfcr or-W^ llU ‘ SHSWdi V* at tie Si&JfioU IjftotboT iraßl Second w; in Ju? S^ramand 1 Sargent; bV J J>MU»,ttr. £tsfsjSj n Neflcy. n fe-TOSM 5 * , gj»»«ftspo J Alexander A Bon*Jifi>liodgahela Cur, a , fiKffPk jfcflfr and J’T Bote»T , Bro»MTflls; Join p»>*!<<»■• Bearer. Pa; an wbotcraJj agenu. A,' la.flap&f foalfeoUtfr rettwie»jte 1 ma pr eommteegd ’l% ' sagafess tilled to laliere them. as 4 whtri» 3TC Foarft ft ‘ D'afcTWr, Y. DILAND, ofTl»?M£al Con«jrt|Tf l»h£ I now offer* li the pb&bc _jlO.‘Fiettdam Plaster,- Uie qimtyttei of wlucfi, after iZZm tttodamerience, »i«lsftv£Otlly «*■ i-wnJiS5 fa nllwomeft'Who.'lSSiy be atOifiltd with SS!tSnI TTteria. or Fallen recomCtoda hi* »2 , SSdS*«ll2 , or efleedi* * caie* For rile by DrJiSvgent “ Federal Diatfofcji, Alle- Jaejj§**Z<>, “ Damam - Blmlnj- MmSgi ■ ■.' , tiktM utta I ff°2£S?f a l (JsJ^'i|i SlfftffiftnS^fteit«^at^U’i ! »r ,<; :~^ 1 j Tfci Extract it p*i **- B«t&i;il (J e* ektaU. /U*M*UK**i wefftaUd ft*- •frier t# «*y fald.'. jjt arj ftiljtat c«taiiiv, rickfaf&f’ • «r •; Pc-il'sZ. met beauty tad fopirlertty of crrt *D otherm "Urine* U, tbit while U eiradleatee ihedn “l VlEEt&lB&iß&£Sr r Erei kaotraj UWtaaJy pafifle* the w&olafyncinLSnd petwo, but IteTMUI a*d.ridl , lUodt a power powowad by bo vQat mpdiigna, AtiiUa Lilf tie* tbe-gnad item of it* ftiiaa, Wrfcrmed within tin lift 100,(0^ rare* of cave re eue* of dteM*e* at IggtliOdO WerS considered bearaVl& It ka*|fared Use live* of gore, .tiua itXDQachiidxeadwicc ti» twopeg wanm. 10,000 caael of OcttCMl DvbUltf aad •: vonwl Nw»«* Buttfl*. • Dy. Tovtuoaifi StniparfU* iarigettu* the whole *y*toia permanently* To tbo*a ww>/. k»te loot their raoJcular encrey by the effect# of aadieln* cr tod&ere . tiotf earamittetl la yeath, or lira eieeutre Indulgence of tbeitautaxu, and bfottjrh* oaafda*ralpliy«iealpH*tr»s tioa ofibe aarrooa *y*ttra. bftUoda, Waatof ambition, fainting censatioaa, prematnjndewty ina'def Hue, haatan inf lowordf tbat fktal dir* a# 9, Coruagotfoa. eanlf* pa orety xexlorad by this pUuiat xaaadjv, Thia partita i» tv •*psr»r to anj , lnfiporatidiCerdult Aa it renew* and inrigorataasha •yitria > (tTM adlvify to Uta limb*, aad *tren?tb tojthe musenlar lyiUo, Jii a moll aatraonlmary degree. t i i'otuiuaplmi Cartel. , ituanssand Strengthen. [Qinevoptim tan kt chrtd. Bronchitis, CnnsnoptinoilAver Gsonplfint. OoiSi. • Qctarrk, Coughs, jGtktßa, Spiuhigef Btosi, Sorcnttsin tkx Okut, Btetu Ftith, Night Sutats, DitLcnH cf PrefisJt Xs&sao ratio*, Fuw in iht Siix, 4*‘i **»• Jtun flttf «*» ll enrsd.' ". t . spitiwo BioW. . XasTork, April 2Safi«. Ox. Towrsxro—l isttij boUere tba S«rva»» - !m biu ibl *'»»"■ isnti|lt PraTlditct! of Hnut ay ti£k llm for Mnnlfuu had bad Cough. It bscaa* o«re» tsi versa. .At liat 1 raitad Urn mwpß d»« «ft£*«d, had right SntA aad vu'ffmifcr uad mi nitcod) ud dti ut to lira. 14i» •aly Bid y*a» BtinpcHttk a ihert RBa,*ai Ikm hm a ooadtivfil thanrabM* wtahghlto nta. iTamMrtahl* to walk 41 -*m toe rity. 1 rain *• kind, u 4 07 •ottgb >0 Uft n*. Ta* cu vail tnagime Utu J aat jfeaatt*/ Ur tom main. . Tow ebeditoUhJTWJ. •• / WtL B08BBLL.« CatbartaMt * - 4 taraferlitir>Uqt'Coanat>cloe,BuTjtt3«a, ProUMta Utari, or Falling of toe Woah, Cectimau, PCs*. L*v aorrhoa, or Whltaa, ebtatutod craJjaettb-Medltre** tiao, InqaotiEMfce of UrlaaAor loreCttatarr diseharfa thereof, dad foj*b* nsutl toottntiaa af toe ttomiuar wh*i9brthett«lfafUh*Teht«fim a eaaaae, prod Bead by Irregularity, tll*« w atddast. ITotWa* ; «n be mere ercyrixlM Ran lU larlfnradn* aflwr ' tt tba Sanaa hams. Parts ta sB Vaaknan aid ,Ua«* ta&vfrotfl taking Jt, at otik k*#«sft:rokts*t D fetfiediatato riMittwfl Uw aertelwacaef too ftstdl* &aaaf.vWeil*tW,frail • cans© ©t Baxxafl&au. UwO net bo #*wttad af us, id ««. c/ to * notera, to exljflni. pextlficua* if suras potfonndd but wo eta f»oxe ; tod aflicU«. thM hstdradrofeoaeibarobeas wp«tod.toaa. Thsaundi of -t«*f wbart fcafltoa bm baes-without tkflaraß, aAer ottax a Aw bottfoi.ef tola Ufaluble akditdat, have been-bleaed with laei ttoltoj dSijaie*. To «a4 : HtorrW l*»4U*. TUia Exmetef BiraparfQi'baa tool azpraolr pro pared la rafaiWea to ftn»l*;eoBiptofcßto.. BotoU ‘ wba. boa JM»j, to rtpppw *■ ■« »PP"»««X Ji .• fertrtcal portod,- - Ti« tor*, of IVk'LiSbbld to taka to o* it lo"* e«Ula :pmaaH*a to uy «f. ua namerou oad botriblo di*Btaaa to .;WhUli fcmalM •« übjoet at tbU'tlmo ofltf*.- TU* f®*® 4 «»»•**; Iswajhr tntrsl year* ij&rto/ ifai joadtotoa. .Nto U U lau nhubla for thorn vbo u> ippmehlftf «o> aanbood, aa «to eolMtotattbiaatot. **»*«. by snia loahg tba blood a*d larlfwailaff tba oyncm. Wind, thto medtotoa to faralraWb to all tba dallcaia dtoda mi to which wotaca *r* außjed, ; , • h brsen iha wbolo ayrtantj reniwi pormananilt tho nhiural eneryte*. by ratßOtifty thS trspexiUca V tba body, cot so far nloiatoti&c.aa to pfodae# \abnqaea' rotolitieo. whirls U the ca*a*fmn*S tdeCMtoea takn tOi fmbato weakneta asd dtosaaa. By **toa *fow botUa* ol tfiji anpy teTcre ud palaftu *orfieai opera idosii tnay ba prarentod. • * am* ni~ft»a t. raotkeraaD^ « Inr tba iritenv and roßavto* tba rtffartaya attaodaai □boa ehild-birtb erer iiseovond. It «tmyrtb«ni both th* mother tad child, pmjjt* paid and dUeaie, to ejuat bad esHdtoi tba ibtoQ thorn*who ban t»od It tlilnkltUindUpdtoaito.' It'ib'bifUy^Mdhllbothbrfbto and aftcrconfidaldast, a> if prsrcot*.diabase* attottttoy Boon Coadreaw Btes painps BvdP tM of. tba Feet, Deipoodebtr, Huttoim VoaltißS- Paia tn tba B*sk Ud Lotea.jP'btoa P#iW Bmmtbaw, awl to recalattog.tbo teertlioM aftd Oqdaltotof tba a* tuiatloQ ll bU;W> M«a} Tba tnadlctoala. Ufa alwaya«»flb *sd'tba nto«t doltoatouaa h moat aucceMlbßy, xerffe* anytabor nad ieißcv-to-jaurto a littlo-Caitor Mmfaaato, to tuwfol MerSaalniae opta air. aid Uhl fbodwitb Uito Kodidce, wfll alwayi enJlß** »:e*Jsaad oaoyear fiooneaL ? • ■( Benner ka& lleallfa* Come tic*, Chalk. and ararfmy at preparetia« t«w»- nl>r law*. »*•“ the lac* Tery -oc^epaau of ft. b..uiy Tb.r otoo Ita port, of Iho o>K »»d clioo\ Ho dreoltboo. »Meb. iboo o.tiuo U oo! tWo «3 by dioooH or Uio oklajgllupod W li» olkolioo sood fa ooopo, iuowo prodoetjonu lb. -hamoa fooo Dmoo.”?* »oU Bib bod dolUMOlydMod™*rafceftod * fiio. bitlyo bod beoltby ditoinlmi of IUO Coido. or UM tom& B oribo pore, riebblpad td tkborfromilUb, bi, ili»i whleh Mint* lie eoaateaanee in-the litebettutr. Hhttei topilu ik« Usie*ctibssbie Iksuin tod ttfttbfc* of lerelteeo tha* ell tAmil*, fc«t ™*«7*j£V >ff T i ‘fi£f£d t*^«—ttol ofykwdrr or M±f. he*kjiy circulation, no, k*»?tT* r «, “• j* &ir *. dmea enow, If aht r *m «««£«, udtio blood Jo lbioi. cold'tod dfliL If ahebehiwwa Etfr* blood. It |teea* rifiH «oom» 4* ■ brilliancy to (heir eyw thatU Tbteu why UW eontherft and *ipje»Dr ** B P*? Uk ladloe, are *o much f n ? rth who take but Utile or «»« to " cotioo of d.llloftoo. milt™, ?,,J 1 2LSSL enin eleitkity of flap, MdKai t 7* T * tia S. e y** Ed beeutifuLeolasjVxitt4:tli*T Mf w ttod'e SuMpetfK porathan MCiofimS, arrf. tfeUfhtoA ,U&i« oft •fvrj nation, crowd on* oOce«4"T- Hodce lxrtlie Ladiwu . * Thote tn*i Dr. :Teitta«i4S Smapartua, tow invariably tolled their ate** grt* famUffor F< 1,-Jrt' j-r St*n dad toTO.eojded eo-WH» end eJrenUr* wbleh nktMlo ibe emnplatele of Women, wewt ftrt won* J-othof men who pm upttedicine/haTts, *inca tbO ffwaJ of Dt. Town»«ntPe Sartaptrilu to coSiplabrt* incident to fejnalaa, roecmteeßded ibtira,eltbmighore Tiouriy they did hot A inaber of fhut Mixtarea PIUj. Ac, era to featlM, u thJT dUewe, tud underfflinc the ccctrittUitni. Dr.'PwaeotPr Uthe only and be*t renwdy fot the nntoertM ftmale coo plain la—it rerely, V OTerfeO* of dhe#ttf ■ p«m»n«a cure. U can l*e taken !*• Doet'driicaw ftinaiee, In any cnee, «r by thottf} ****&& »W aaDl«i, with ibe freest edeantw a. h the iyrtcm and proTenU pate or dinrer, and•rtrenitheM both Biutber and eklhl Bo candßte the fenotes. ' . Bcrofoln Cared. ' Tbl* certificate «melp«My pr«»Tt». &** ""P"*** p»rt!U hu perfect eonirftl’o'rar (hi met* obftinate iH» of tb« glued. Thrtfl pen<mJ eatad in d#» bow U unprecedented. • 1 Hired Cfclldr^a. o*. Tows ITKD—Dear Birr I ham Iha ptoMnrt tc tufona too that three «f mychfldfaa baTe *eaa eared ofllio Scrofula by th« M*«f yw ”£***2* They *era affietad yrtth bad Berta; taw taken only four bottle*} t* took them *wey, tot wMah I foe! myeelfhadarpeal-eblkeiioi. lO6 Wooatey-rt. QplaleM «f phylWjBUU _ Oj Townsend U almost daily rewiffof ordato from Physician* to different pine of t . . Thi» b to certify th«t wev the underaifßed, of the City of Albany, bay* in nttHWMS* e»e«pr»»«n eti Dr. T«T»nsd'i Bamparflla, *ndb«liexs it lo be of the bow AlumbUprc^tfoo^n^eßarkr-L J. VVICSOiI, H. D. . ’ d cA.icfioir; t : . ' . Owiur to-tha peat caeca* and'inunenaa ante ol ur. Tovncrnd'c ißampariUa, a »ombsrof men who were formerly oot Anenta. kaieeommaicodinaWnfSarcap*- nil* Extract*, Elixir*, lUttep, Extract* of YeUo» Docki ■tic. They laterally ln Uie **»• ilea, and same of them birr *tol* end copied otfrtdrarj Yemeni*—they are only >orthJe« linitatioCi, ..and aboold be afoided. ' , Albany, April 1,1847. , prineip«l Dffies, 1M FCLTOIt Street. Bun Boiliic*. •w y • Roddiug Buds Boston jPyott« 133 North Becujsd street ThlWolpbl»l ®- ®- liases. Druggist. BxlutSar*' l*. tj- Cohen, Charleston: •Wrisht ACo, 151 CUsrtw. 0.; IK South P«*ri Street, 'Albany; iidjiv *H the jirmcipil Drug iriiu and Merchants fineffcfly throughout lb* l aiud HUUA Wert Indies ai»4 tJwCaEwJ**. N, inquiring for -vkis medicine should net bo induced to tnkonny. othrfr. Druggists put ;up Sarsaparilla*, Asd of course prefer uilinx tkotrowu. Do not bo deceived by anyt—ulquil!® for Dr. Town send's. and take no other. jn?”.B«si*mber the genu ine “Townsend's Sarsaparilla,” flbld by the sold afiemi. R. E. SELLERS, General Wholesale 4 Retail Agent,. No. 57 Wood 6trcct, pud fp. Mi CURRY, Allegheny dry. f.- . t. " lag' 1 = For the Recovery of Dormant tad Improperly with held RKaT, AND PERSONAL ESTATEr the Set • Uemem and Arbitratfoti ofCoiiraertial, Trading, and other Debts: Securinrlt tents (or Irjycmiotikifl Great Britain. Ireland, and Um Coloryep And Dependencies thereunto belonging,-ami Negotiating for; the Pur* chase or Saio oiihciama. t ; _ REFERENCE ma/bo had oil cppUcatifin free of charge, (provided the motiy-i Is not that of mere durioaltyj to o List Comprising aoevorda-of 15,000 aarae*; Ln which tmcUjmert.propmy.i* rtandipg.. Also, an index io onr W.WO'AdvcrtiscroiC.pU wUcu have appeared for the past 60 year* in various British newspapers* addressed tb Heira'at Law aha njfctt of kin. Cotnratmiesuous-.bT letie? are requested to be post-paid. - RF.NTUAM FABIAN, ; t ; . '3B Broadway, New York. : Reference* are petatittri to Hon, Charles P ( Daly, ludgo CourtiofCommta Flew, NeivYork. Preeltad, Stuart 4 Go; Cha*. Cartudrfe A CtC ' W. k .. G. R. A. Rickous, Esq«r •• • • • Edward eehrodcr, lisd.iCinoinnaii.Omo.. A. Patchm, Esq., Preheat Rhtehin Bank,. Builaio. cortU-dflm j-; *, ■. >a- : ■ ■ TimlUealuaf CemitarD/. r “r A Ttho annual meeUbg df thd Corporator*, held od •A. the 6thhist*the toUowingipertons.wfcw nnanL mostly wellwttd Manttar# forOto wutanry'ean : ! 1 ! TUQiTAS M-. IJOWE; ftwddfflU. - jorotfßissralL. ■ < JESSECABOTBIQIS, t _ . . • 1 . NATHANIEL lIOUIESe . : .Man»er& WILSON RrCAWDLESS:.. slunM * tm - ' John Hi suoENBBRGEE,;: , . : , t= ! JA3tBS-B.SPEER»r. : ■* j. StaCTOj:**aStatw*iT.idid Twtaittr.j t : Tlm bis tn afore nail for ka!l«Vy dect - ISAIAH DICKEY ACo MISCELLANEOUS H 1 WiiHE&s. PARRt Juw invented a machine- for v&itung • Cdld, dt which be haa made appiicatiou for a patortL They axe now offered for eale at too warf boaie of Parry, Scot! A So. 103 Wood street, 1 PittothUßU. Adrenturersito r.alifontoa are uiTited ito call ami er oiatite tocae l&boz-aavjng u&cittoea. They are »imp:e to their conatracQon, easily :ran»poned on toe back o< malei or weighing eigbly poanda each, and ana be put in dpurandn u> half an hour. They can !.<■ 1 &l«d With proridou*/ It i» toe opinion of lfco*e who bare keen toe trial ol one of these machine* of smallest liza, that met* will waaii toe mineral from 160 Umbels of aand or eafto ia a d#y, without the losa of a pomelo of the mineral. They can be tccreoacd in sire and worked by water or mule power, if expedient The operators work without going into toe water or being expoaed to wet. und coawqnentlv w.thoQt en ffaitßeiiiuj tout health. They will require but a soiair stream uf water, and ban be used the whole seaaotu. and can be pulinto operation where L*vere is uot sufn eiem water to.»a»h to the usual way. Price of ema\icn sue 833. Orders froto abroad, ac eoihpanird by-ftash. will be promptly filled. . Nh.PAHRY, at Parry, teou A Co’*, felrfwi't, l_ _j No IU3 Wood si, T'kuhur^b. et Sons’ Sods Aih. I\HJi *ub*crtber< ute now receiring toctr Pali suvk , of too aboTe article, uircc vesseia, wix; the Jusiiuk. Metlalbon and Lydia-, having arnveit at I’biluiicJplnn and naliunore, and two more, toe Stephen BuUlwm and Leila. .Utorry expected; they are, tterrior'-, piepured to receive oalqrs 'Oicy will nu-mve during 1)10 win ter tind spring tregnlar supplies vin New Urleaut. hotl-I ■ : W Jr M MITCHhXTRKK MOUNT RA*U.E TRiPOU—Por cleaning wiit dovrs aai lump gliissen, plnte, bran*, Bri tannia, rtod other were. It rapidly takes out all spots and slain*, and repredueek the beautiful and durable lastre of new Ware. Just receired and lor «aJe, whole sale dm! retail, by JOHN D MORttAN, !*£i_ Druggist. NOTICE. MR. SAMI*. H IiARTMAN haring sold hi* inter est ia the co-partuenhip of llailman <k CO., to the rhmainrng partners, has this day retired from .tlie firm.' February 19,1M9-U" i pii IMHLHUH MANiipACIHIWSi. —The under- X( signed, Agent fdr Uie manufacturers, has on hand ami is cbosiautly receiving a full supply of the articles m6d< hi PitUlnngit-and viemity. which h« offers for sale at mauufrtctorers prices. REO COCHRAN. fetofO * ' 20 wood st INDIA RUBBER PASTE—I gross botUci lndtVßub ber Paste,.an excellent article for rendering boou and shoes perfectly Water proof, and soli a* a piece of cloth. Onn Application of this pa>ta tr sullicient to make them impervious to wuter for 'i or H months, ami a perfect pretentstire from toe leather cracking. • lioo'd and for rale at the India Rubber JV.*pot, No 3 Wood st, j febtn J t_H PHILLIPS^ Medical c o!o k s-coopsfi surgical incty, Copelajid’s dd; Onivcrlius' Anatomy. Drum's Burtfery.. FVtrls ort Cholera. Reese on do. Bell and Sloket’ l*ruc6te. Grey’s Jurisprudence. Graves’ Ctm. Lecture, Bfodie vdo, Brodie on Joints. Magendie's i’hys.. Neligin on Medicines, Paris’ Pharmacologia. HlondeU's .’indwifery. do on Diseases of Women, Mont gomery on Rrrunntiey. Parker on Storonch Velpenu oft Breast. Dupartfquc on Uterus, Kramer on Fair, Clark on Cotwumption. Coate*’ Pop. .Med . Ashwcll on Female*. Biewurt on Children, Beil’s Institutes, Perei- ra 0:1 Blood, Louis.on PlilhisU, KlUotson's Practtce, Dupreyireis’ i£>ur., Abernathy’s Works, Phillips’ 011 Serolula. Mackentohn's Practice, Belinrd on Children, Velpeau's MtiLwifery, FtoerUc’s Therapeutics, Bell’s Anatomy, Clark oh Females, IltvrriMm’s Anatomy, Cooper on Dislocations, Combe on Children, Miller's Snu. of . ChuccbilPs Fenuiles, Dewees on bn .Mu|wHery,do an Females, Dunglison'* Physiology, do Dtciionury, Lawrence oil Eye, Perei ra » Matciru MmL, Watson’s Practice, Lision'* Surge rv. Dungtison’s Practice, Jo Materia Medicu, .Miller's Pliysiology, RaiosbOthuni'H Mid., Bartlett on Fevers, Hope ou Heart, Cjolumbal un Females, Furgusou's Bytrgcry, Wilson's*Anatoruy, Wiliiamj on Respiratory Organs, Abcfcrumble ou Brmn, Dur glison’s new Rchi edifls, Jw. Ac. The abovft. with a general ussortmci’i of Slundard Medical Books, ree’u and 101 sale low. ELLIOTT A ENGLISH. 79 Wood m, • tonrT between Jth nud Diamond uv BIIiKLOW'S CAEEIABii 24S.UFiCT0Et, Diamond •Mry, Mmern Wood and StmthH.Ul Slrrrli. ■ ft—**! vij K, M. BhiElAtW would respectfully the public that at bis Factory coiiut nil times be fo aml a torge supply Barouches Bug gies, unit uil.kinds Of funcy Carnages, equal 111 ele gance and nestnog to any foand in the East Con irurts for any number of Carnages, Buggies and Wa gons, will bo. promptly filled. Ail work dt bis own mauufuctore will be wurranted. Ki:vkukm'E!,—Col. R- I > aiirrson, R. II Patterson, E I) Uauam, Esq.. Robert Kobh, Esq . C L. MagUl, Al derman Steel. y leb26-.’}m Wiߣ RAILING. SKCURKU by I.EITLKS PATENT. I PUBLIC ATTENTION is solicited to an enure now article of RAILING, minle of wrought in burs, and soft onttoalrd rods or wire, and t-xprcM designed for enclosing Cottuges, Cemeteries, Bale iet. Pabbe Giouhds. Ar , at prtees van’lng fnmi 51* cuts,to Sh.TOtbe nmanii; foot. It i« mude m pmmeis ol various tu •! fret high, with wrought iron post* 1$ inch nquafe, at itterveiiitig distances of 0 to ID feet. If deiured, toe panne!* can be made of Itctflu. m cooundous spans of 30 to do feet, with or without posts. No extra charge for po«t*. The CMtipftjative liglui t ess. great sirrnsto and dura bility of too %*|rß RAILING, the beamy of its varied ornamental iioMgira. together with tho extremely lo pnee at which >tos *o'<L are causing it to supersr the Cast Iron Dialing wherever their eomparuti menu have oecn Jested, t-or further pnrticnbirs. n droM marshall a BRoriiE'Rj l . Affrir.* for I'an-nlees. DidntOud alley, near Smnbheid st. Pittsburgh. frlJS’t-dUm LOWELL PLBTCnER, ;• pn’sirxcrrtsz «r ALCOHOL ASD PUEE SPIKITS Covnor Prom |4*d Vn.e streets, Cinrirtna’i, 0. ft~y» Order* fndn Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pure Spir iinTßawor Rectified Whiskey, will be promptly suen ieu to at lowest market pnce v mchlAidl^y T) fcXJEJV> DT{HS“ljAV : raTtlle uew Carpet Ware xv houao. No. 75 Fourth »treer — Rich embflAjed Piano cover* Plain Turkey red Ctunu do ' ’do Table do Fif'd do do do Worrted do do do do Bordering; Blue Damask; Carpel Binding*; Green morfeen I ALSO—Camps Gothics Transparent Shade*, <1; Scripture View; do do Turkish do do do Chine M» do dt> do j>rapefy Chines* do do Moonlight View* flo do “ Landscape do do do ~ “ T Gothic* rin do Cord and Tasselr, Rolrr# and Siai»- Roler Ends. The abdve Goods aie»f the .TKlhest mid newest siytea, to VWeh we uivtte van aT.entioti of our'neml« and customers, .and Ulo—l whAihr 10 furnish or re plenish steam boats and hou-e niar7 \V. M’CLINTOCK I "h. vVEIU/iuMK’s* PKKMIUiI FIEK FROOP »J » CKMKNT.- The I‘ropncior would respectfully inform tbipublic that hr bar now the satisfaction i* offer them a Cement, which will wrid, beauuiully and durably, all article* nt China, Karttien and Glassware, Shades, Qrnamebu, Marble, Ivory,. ire., without «li*- lifjurun item in ibe lcu*t; rendering them as usefui for any purpose whatever a» they wtrr before broken, and not altered fry beat, water or air Tbi* Ccftient id not weakened in the lra«t when sub jected in a sirona dry heal, or when immersed in hot water. The public have lone »incn fell the necessity of «ueli an article, and in tins their cipectatirsis will he fully readied, tu it is applied without heal and can be used bf a child. The subscriber has fully tested this article Po* sain by 'V W WILSON. j n <vy comer market and 4th sts O i, Shrubbery, Kaer- Treea, Ac. Ac. THE subscriber offers for *ale a large and »eicot a«- •orunentoi Plants, routaui uig choice ever blooming, viiietar, clomer and eardrn Rose*, of the fine*! varir- lie*, monthly blooming Plant* for planting in yards A<- . ul reduced price* l>> the do7e«, bne Knrliili (lookebJrriei, Currant*. «irn|>4 Vuiesj Rhubarb. Shrubbery, tfvorgreeus. Shads Tree*, and other |il*i.u, lJuiiuus und Flaw'er Root* in a grrut variety all in Cuu condition for Spring Vitinliug. OfiJrt* liy Jfficr, Of Id* a! o.if * So •ic caf(ull) packed jiiJ (or- warded ait directed. r _ „ Order* for Bouquet* left with W. r Mown, fruiter er Rt-Clijir *»reM JAMKR WAKDROP, nichlldlm&uai»H _ -Manchester Nursery BaTaHNESTOCK A CO.’S Pneumonic or Cough . Balsam hits n cteal advnniage over many ojlier Cough preparation*. a* iU pleasam taste prmm it to be tiled without inconvenience. Bui it* vtlnein a Balsam eonswUun the speediness of it* com. We have known »6rec of. the most de.perwlo cough*. some of which had been nuinmg .» for a con.tderabie length of time, yield almusi immediately to it* power. In such weather c* wc have hod daring the pan winter, every ope i» liable 10 lain cold, uwte*s great precaution* aroused. , . . Wet feet and unduc erpo*ure 10 the inclemency of the weather often la> a tli« foundation of a Hacking cougjh, vthieh need* a quick remedy to prevenr«rn»u* re We*hhVe numerous certificate* of cure* which u ha* performed, many of which are from person* «n »u» city and .the neighborhood, and they are a sufficient referened without saying another word in lu favor. Prepared and for «dc, wbolesaki nittl rctnl, by B A FAHNESTOCK & Co, corner of Wood and Ut and Wood aml tUh tut. marl.W4w> ÜBOBQfi WKTJUJf, Manufacturer and dealer in all kind, of TOBACCO, 9SVFFS AND CIGAJIS. AT hi* Old Stand, corner of Rnuthfiold utrecl and Diamond alley. Pittsburgh, Pm, would re-peclful ly call tho mention of Country Merchant*, Hotel and Heamboat Barkeepers, to u largo and iupenor a»*o[t' meat of IMPORTED CIGARS, among which will be found tho fplioUring brands, vie Ragle. Regflin, Caa lellos, I'iineipd, Lft Normal, Star Brand, Minerva and Dollar RiJgullas, dll of which will be sold as low ns esn be trod at iny other bouse in the eiry. Alto, eonitantly on hand nnd for »ale, a large and well selected stock of Virginia, Missouri, and Pine Cut Chewing Tobafceo. Also, Havana, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco, constantly on hand and for sale. noypidCm KLANNELS—W. R- Mugi-in invites the attention of buyers to hi* stock of the above goods, of all the different qualities, salt) to be as unshrinkable u the Weigh, and at much lower prices Genuine Welsh Plamiet* also constantly on hand. Gauze and Silt do, 4-4 and 5-4 do, for Shrouding pur* poses. .-/Mao, Home made White Flannels and Lun>ey», constantly on ha&d<4X ihrf north east corner of Fourth and Mar* k ct streets. * . > fEWGOODS, SiIACKLETT k WHITE W Wood street, are now receiving a fresh slack of DRY. GOGIHi, of recent purchase, snd fresh styles, patterns, Ac , which they wiU.selUow id the trade. / hJorcMats ato requested to cal) and examine their ■tack and brlces. febf fTtRAHSPARENT SHADES—Just received and for X lalaal W-M’Cliolock’s new Carpet VVhrerodm, No 73 Fourth >L a handsome assortment of Transput rortt-WMow Shades, nivery reduced prices, totvhiclf we it tvi j tke dUentiou of those k'egi Lard; ttbMadoj in store aad tot •ale by feoid JAR DALZIXt EXCHANGE BROKERS,' &«, V. HOLM-BS A SONS, Banker** Bxehingt Brokers* ASD DKAJ BttS U NOTES, DRAFT?, AC CE PTA NCKS, GOLD, SI L V FR AND BANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS.—Draft*. Note* ami Acceptance* payable in any part of toe Union, eollectod on the noil favorst.Le terms. EXCHANGE on New York. Phitad-dpiun and Rtl umore; also. Cincinnati. Lootsvii c. saint Lou,* and New trrleam. constantly for sale. IIANK NtrrKS.— Noun* on all solvent Uxui* m me Unilcd States dis*H»uni-d at the iaw>-*i nues. Al. kinds of Foreign and Amencan Gold and tjJvcr Coin boughl ami *nid UiSr-' No 53 ,'larket street, between Cd and 4th, Pittsburgh, Pa. oct2s II CSS BY, HANNA Ct, CO^ EXCHANGE BROKERS, and lieaJcra iJ tu Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Ceruficatestl Deposiie, Bank Note*, and Fpeets; Koarto attcct. ucai ly oppoiitc toe Bank of Pittsburgh. Current money recettnl on depostte Cliecx* for sale, ar.d c«n leenon* made on nearly ail-toe principal points in u,a United State* ' The highest premium paid for Foreign and Amancan Go'd. AdtancM rondo or coasigiunerm of Frodace, nhip* ped Ba«t. on liberal h-rmsl EchlA FOREIGN kiCHASGK."' BILLS on £u?tuiai. Ireland- mid Scoiliiid bought «ny umotun at die Carfxnt Raie* of Exchange. A!»o, Draft* pavibio in any parvhCibe Old Coustne*, from XI to £lOOO, U the rale of & to the £ Sterling, without liedardor or dlscmim. by JOSFiUA ROBIN SON, European ana Ueiiemi Agvnl, offii-e Sth « one door wext of wood. ocli&U ahLzn hujuui.l —rt i [KDWxtTD uin KJIAJIER *. BAHM, Bankers and exchange brokers dealer* in Forrirn «uid DoioojUc Hills of Exchange, Cer- Uhculr# of Dspoftite. Bank Note* and Coin, coiner of 3d arid Wood ureoirs directly opposite St Oltnrlr* Ho tel. _ mnyydty WE3TCKW j-Drsba- ' ~ Oluo, Kentucky, Miaeonn. Hank Notes; purchased at ihe lowest rales, by “* N. UOUMES A 80NS, *epl3 35 Market street. BILLS OF HJLCHASOftfi— Stria Checks on New York. Ptutadsiptua, and Baltimore, N. HOIJMH2?A SONS. 35 Market »U Constantly Cor sale fry tu*pl3 MISCELLANEOUS. W. COPKLAVO, A. B. OF Trinity College. Dublin, ex-Sitrar, and (Queen’s Scholar from the Royal School of Htmiskillen, respectfully inform* the public that he willopcntl) V l the PORTORA INSTITUTU IN A'LI.K(»HEN\ CITV, on Monday, Otb of April, for the purpose of imparting a sound Classical and Mathematical education 10 Vouiiff getitlernc-n The Principal trust* that, by unrcuuttinc attention to me inornl and intellectual improvement of his pufi.l«. in- will iDeiii a share of public patronage. A tew boarder* will be received, who will have tnc edTOiiUme oi «tu.lying each evening under the imme diate .amt pcnuuml •‘upenuiendence of the Principal; strict audition being paid u> the health, comlort and momis. u* well as the literary advancement of ihe pu pils. For additional niforination. inquire oi Messrs. V'Jlioit A English Kricroncc kindly permjHvd in Hi. Krv Dr Mcl.vanie. Bishop oi Ohio. ('in.-.nnat; Krv. Dr. Baird. New \ork. K«'. Dr Dyer. Rev. Dt Riddle, Rev Dr Upfold, Rrv. Dr Cooke, Kev Dr. Herron, Pittsburgh Rev. W Fresnm, Allegheny city marj-Jtf CAUPRTB, 4e. Jl>T OFKNKP, llu* day. ami Or sale ai VV .Me ('Unlock'* Carpel Wareroem, .So T 5 Fourth stree.. Very handsome style Brussels Carp**!*, New style extra sup 3 idy Super ingrain Carpel*; I 4-1 common Ven'm Carpets Med'nt *up do •do | :>-1 do do do Fine do I .’)-S do ilo d* Common do do * l do o>> do Coiton do do l e—l Cotion Carpet*. Al~*4< '--Kiln* sup Velvet Pile Cainei*. oi ihe lriie*i ifr.iHjriauon. Axnuuiilcr Curpvl*. Tnp<«iry Bru**ei« it aud newesl.j.i> .r», to w loch to fuim-di houses, hirani boa. Carpets, ail of llie richest \cv invite lltovc wishing I i. bcibr©—-mnij* on the raoal op pro Ted Eastern plan*— »nd most farduonable Kaetrinpaunn* and colors. Alio THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSTON BUND, on band or made to order of all sues,aad at al! prices. Country Merchant* and others are invited to cali and elan; nr the above for iliem*«*ivr«. n» all w.l! be *oid whol<-«a>e or rciaii.*nd a libera- decoction made to wholesale uorchascrs. _ arldly A •' KPTKRVFT/T BRICK FOR SALE. rp'HK umli-ropicd offer* lor sale a superior nrttcle 1 of brick far building. made by Ins Strum Press, unproved, for which he ha* obtained a patent, and agree* 10 fjvrtiurchasers a written jruarnni»f that they are *troujer. and will rc«.«l fro*t mid wet weatlr ■■i and .ujlnit- lex* moisture or dampness than any oth er i r:ci. powv*tUK ere'*trr Ixvly ami superior t-.-rture and ntunli more duraMr in every respect, eech brick Krill* «uiv«Mnl to a pressure of »*-V«traJ lOtl*, Wld jkw sea-ins a LamJ««mr smooth ami even edcr*. tiiny make a front equal to the best front iinck. . Tu«y have riven '.he great***! *n;j«uctt')t) to nit who luiv ;uircii.i*'-it a kiln eon f-.t ..veo tamy arorlu. ami specimen Li me t.arufr 0 Those; supplied iS<-m-*c!v « 'or :b<n: l *t;|l w.»innr iiot>ii*am.- -rtni: : -ok ot superb: n.= r.i : arit pevi 15: ..-ics, can obtain :h‘-m. j ISAAC I.KUJti tiunniijham. Jane MI AI.LEwuENY VKNi n.AN HUN U I'ACTUtIN JOH.V A. BROWN, tier» .':i ur > ' N. U~jl<« KiuuJ. init uf wnhot.; ..(•> a< ionnl rip-rrr, jil i. • > ca- beiemoxrd •* ‘ of i>- c m lur a...i w,Uj. >f a *ciew driver. BENNETT & BROTHER, (iFKK.NSW AHi' MAN V EAOTt*REKS , Birmingham. ;u«nr PUtatmrsti,] Pa. Warehouse, Mo, 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. WlLLconmiitlv keep on hand a good uh)H* mSgt/mem of Waiej o' our own manufacture, ond fuperiorqsality Wholesale ami country Me»- chant* arc rrapeciftilly invusd to call ami ei arame for tlieiujclvee. a-* w- ate deirrwnru m "ell cheaper thou haaeTcr before been offered to lb« pub |£j» Order* sent Ly mail, accompanied by the cash or citv reference, will be proroptlr attended to. febVS ■VJE\V CARPfcTh—Received llui day direct Irotn the manufacturer — New «ivle Tapcatry 3 ply Carpet*. c.itra mprr, do do do do *up«r, do do Uruxei* (Carpet do very clomp. do I do nrtfrtrfof* impel Ingrain do 4 4. ' I mid O-rtJitwvy Venetian do 4-4. 3-5 ami &-S. croaiir.,] do do At' oi whirh mid at a «mat! mdvnm;**, and wtil ruanuitec aa low a»-cau lie purcU»«cd hi die c d»t -cc-45 W Mh'LINT*>CK. 7h Fount, ,i CO ACH.MAKING FHOSf Ur very liberal encourage japTCrYB mm: the *uli*criber ha* received ■me* flJgWapijy hfwi locaicd hunaelf <Ji Allegheny, R 89559&» t „, , n il need h J3\ lo inKi* « lease.for a ol years, on the properly Ur now is lltim ■»'. imiiiMiulrlv fcr.ijc lh« Fr»n. Ihr lon* elpyneiiM in lb. •tmvr !,U.UI-.| uil a il, «m ■•flew, Ik Impe" W ■«' II ami receive * ebaic i.l public paironnye. Nmrou bum, anil Gni.bma lo order, Rodraway Huy »ira. opal, and lop Bo,*.as. and every deaetipiion ol Carria*aa made lo older rrem “•“‘rjfj'J?"*" '* tighthanam [•cpO-iliO JOHN SOUTH^ DJonongabtU Hotut Tailoring Bstab- Uihment. ISXXc WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, bega to to; form the uluuu 01' Pitt»burgh and others that bfl m now opening at kn» room* on Southfield Mreel, uo* •lcr ihr above Hotel, a largo and beautiful usaortmrnt of Cloth*, Caasunerea. Satin*, Silk*, and other Veatingii; together with «ueh other article* n* ure required for rtnUemen * wear. Hi* good* have been carefully **- lorlrd and are of the nrweal and u»»*l fa»hionabl© «tytr., a* well a* of superior quality. Hi* coMuntora taav depend upon having their clothe* nude up in a rammer which cannot fall 10 grtuify the la»te of the ifioat (R*tldio<iK- , optHily TUB STAB OP TUB WEST A VLNITIA.N BUN U MANUFACTORY WiU Ea»i *4dr. of ilie.Ummoml, where Vettiiiur ’Mjffa, Blind* ol ull the different uie* and colon kepi on hand or made to order arte the. luteal andruosi approved Kastcrn r**i» V ions, at Uic titoriest notice und on the mo* reasonable tenn*- _ m Also, the cheap Bouton roil or "put Blind Tnuiapa* rency and Paper Cortiwo* of ml tor different size* and pattern*, on hand and tor »aU) low famish. OKI Vcitl uau Blind* painted ovor and repaired, or taken in part' payment for new. UM Vt Ks*l KRV KLT. Fro'pr N. IJ — All work dooc with the best material and workmanilup, and warranted lo please the ntort fav tidioo*. „ auglo-dly Allegheny city. Auff- IP, IMS. PAPKII lIASOIVGH DEPOT, J\’o IS C art Lindt strut, Ntio lerL, orpoerra tbi wranaan uottru The Croton Dlanafaetnrlog, Company, (Organized under thoOcneral Mtuaiiaruiruig Law of the State of New York.) OFFKR nt wholesale, in quautiUos in suit ptiroha#- cm, nt manufacturer*' lowed price*, for ceth or approved eradlt— -I’apsi Hasotrso* of every rnnety of style pud price. lloaDinw to match. Fire Board Print* in great variety. Transparent Window Shade* Oil I*nutted Window Shade*, and Wide Window Curtain Papers Of the latest style* mid superior finUh, nil of their Own manufacture an* 1 *<»’"<»r»nt'ox!. a* rl ( f lr Stork h» inrae and entirely new, in- y invite Merchant*, llook •eilcr*. and Dealer# in the«e articles. indailaitd eintß ine their style* and price* whenever they visit the city, Country Merchant* ran eiamine uj* Stock from fl o’clock tn the morning till lb o'clock in tbo ovening. __ fob2C-dlm ; TIIK IST APRllj, JOSEPH PRICE'S JOBBING SHOP.-To all per ■on* about to remove, and wanting (heir store* dr house* repaired, counters, shelving, uoor», Window*, and hoisting wheel* pot ap; carpenter work of all kind* done on short iioiice on rca*on&btc terms; cabl* nci work made 10 order and furniture neatly.repaired and varnished on reocoitlLdo terms, oa Fifth street, be tween Wqod and SraitiiCeld rocel, in the coffin wan* home of John liggeu. Inte of Wm. Trovilto, opposite Lite Allegheny Engine House. fcbl’i-dlAplH Vi ' JOSEPH PRICE. CIUK&F GJNUHAMS—A. A. Maso-j A Co, have „ j very lam uunmeui of Ciughma*. at VH cefiu per yard. Those who with (pods of this kind would do well to call at No f>o Market st. inarfl KOWN UNEN TABLE CLOTHS-A. A. Uw A Co, do Market street, have in store a very 01- tensivo assortment of thesff goods, sires from o-4 lo 10-4—prices ranging from 37 j to Ba. mart HLDKS —TOO City Slaughter, sod Western HtdRS, on hand end for »ale by mchid WM. YOUNd A 00, 143 Liberty ft DnrED APPLES—pi bu*b dncd Apple*, just rcc’d and for sale by C Jl GRANT, . roclilO 41 water at C'IHAIN— A largo cable } Chain, four hundred and j aLxty feel in length, suliakla far ateatn boat*, in glare and forialo by racbia US WaTKRMaN. PE ACIIE* —‘AW bush dried Penelie*. in «tom ond for all* by _«ni-hl« L S WATERMAN RIO COFFKK— - JWO taf -j prune Rio CoSea, in wore add far aala by JAMES Dal/zkj.l -oicAl< J 4 w»i«i *t BOOKS fio. Sole Agency for Rnxrns 4b Clark'i Piano*. JTTST RF.CKTVKD and ope-fajr, a new lot of elegant Piano-, from the' SHOSTP*¥! celebrated factory of Nuun* A Clark. I**l 1* N. Y.. cotnptisinir f.. G* and 7 octave*, with important improvements, Loth >u raechantain and encnor. possessed by no other*. A I.SCV-A fine seiectioft of Chickerne's Pianos, from tl to 7 octnvej. H KLLIiLK. Soh; Accrti, M J. W Woodweli'*. <1 Third »t N. H Tlie above will be sole! at manufacturer* pn rev without any addition a>r Keigai oreipeuvc* ranrlh Journal and Cr.rfn.c.e coy. autl Reviews, Received at toe Heudisc Room 01 the • Young JSln’.t Ydocanult Library and M'chamcs Fourth street, betwee-. Wood and Marke* *:reets. New Ynzt —Couitri<k Kuqu.rcr. Trii**»■>»•.' ll'-rt*i«l. Fvemiic ro*t. Journal o' Coiomct'-c. SpiM ct the Time*. Scientific American. I’mLADKU-nu—\onh American and i. S. wit-tie, Peiinirlvuntim, I'cminema! List WumsiiTiis-Iturilw-nicer. X mon. Na..o■««; i>n Horros—Aiming Journal, Alla*. BsLr.voßi American Ciucmnnn (iaretto. Ixiuwville Journo! St. Imum Rr tun ictui, N. i trie an* l'uayune. N Oiteun, l‘n< r i i.r- l..v**rt>OL—W timer A Smith'/ KiirO|»ss»:iTiiiie»J.<n>- Jou Tnue*. Maoazixo— IR-irVwmsl'i, Knickerbocker. i’loupn. Loom Jc Anvil, Kcaiu. , jlurV* Merchant*', i.iiteii'* Li»inr*As--.;i„r>*i. Si I limn it'* Joi'-na!, J nurna! of tlie Franklin Ins'iiut-; Civil F.rtgtnerrC i Architect*' Journal, London, Rxvikw*— Democrat..’, American I .mulnn CjuartCTly, FdinburuV 've.'rrinMer. North lir» ! i*n. Room* open tliui) ir.£c?u: tru.idaj-I 'rum ?; <> cioa A. M . until 10 o'clock. P Nl imve the r ri- Tj'.cge nr introducin'; tit*-1r ti .end- r<on• rc«i<Jetr* ot the city. who.will be 10 tree aonik*oou mr mte month Perion* desiring u> heroine member* will l««ve their limner with the ir:n -.*:i. Term* Ji'it.uo.i, -1} annual subscription *-t :: Mlvuncr. !tichj4*illm riANOS. A HPI.KN UtU tfiortm. a: traay ai.J Jtu.-icw<KHt I'.ano-, ju«i ft., uiied Tbe»e Instrument* tre made n f 11*1 I * the latest pattern nail be-it imucrials and will l«e sold low for cash by F. BLI'MF. Hi Web,! ctn-i. id daoruhovc Filth. N. ll.—Tho»e who arc m want of a good instrument, are respectfully Invited te examine tbe«e before pur chasing eisrwhere. as they cannot be excelled by iuiv in ihe country, und will be sold lower than uity brought from the float. Alsojtm received, twopianos of Ham bnrglt itmniifacuire, warranted lo be superior lo any ever sold m thi* country. octtTl F B. SEW IXSTRXfIIKIST. T'UE subscriber has been appointed Agem io; 1 the Pule of CARMARrS IMPROVED MF.LODF.- ONS, u*. manufactured and ami perfected by .Messrs. March tt While, of Ciueiinutli The nn’u: curupnr* nud extent beinc tiui four octave-. Messrs. M AW, itt accordance with tbc general desire mid demand, hare ex ti-uiled the -< air of theiic iu*triiincit» n. +J and overt & octaves, thus umlint it prnctictinir to pcrtnftu ujKiii them on) luume wiiiti'u lor .!•" i' in organ. Tbo extenor. him*. lum been imuT. unprSv . 4 by plar lug the bodv of ir»e i. Htruiueiii upon n can; iron frame benoufully kud/i'U and imminent'-. 1, re..Ucrmß nnt onre a tiiO'l r.i-jnm uml t!ii”iD«'l desirable article The price u pul *o low as K> bring it within the reach of every one to obituu u perfect uiu-icm instrument, nml, at the mine tunc, it m»«t rwgunt piece c ium>- ttue lur a comparative mile. H KI*KUKR, Al J W Woo.lwrll’* /'iRViAT vfrsli'Ai'. N r oVF:i.TV-n.-’Vit.M-Vihci VJT ban mM received Trots Eurc>[>e. an>i Tor sale, uji entirely ww invrtmoiioi Piano Foiic, i ruled the ('AM IN KT PJANO FuRTR. whjch poi«'"-H.e more power and than the M(unre ruuio, un apirs Lull one lounli an much room, and ).» a much more slio-.vj nnd bniidxnmt- pieci\of furniture It i» particularly desira ble where tlie savins of np*t*e is im objrm, Ikmur d feeding!) ucat and compact, and occupying uo inoie room tlmn n »«nnl! side table. The subscriber has in hand a le*uu>oinal o' iu vupcnority from Hie crlcbra led piamri. Mosrhriles. ni lw« uwn Kind wrumc.wlu. h may Ur tnspc-iiv; H. Kl.Kllkß. oouH A 1 J W \V.»od.vcU'» Clilrkerlug'it Plano*. J l >T ret > i. ’•d nM for »nle al man fmvi rm ll*| 11 H rifl ,,„ p«- rtn* o' fiinu’urr, find with AIMJ oil hantJ m.J lot »alr low. .! wroi-.l limikl I'la.-i- JOHN II .MKIJ.UR, rin iD* Wenrrn oiarr f*olr .Agnu !ii£ f'li.rkrim. I’rnnuyWniua, >1 WVkhJ mren N’KW ML-SiO UV Hr-NJU UEHZ-T'.*! I.«*l Kfwr orSummrr. wnU an n,iu»Jurt...ti tu.<l vn ruilion* fur thr )’inm> KnrTi'. :i« j>-ru>IIV-tl 111 >iU h3< rmiccrtr iu ihr l.n.h-d Sifcir-v. He 4* ll«n, Military I‘olkn. I.y Hi'nti 11. t'oOur rolkn. “ Silver Bel\ Polka. Jtifl received and for »nlc by JOHN H .MKUU'R, woo«l »l TRANSPORTATION. JM. saga PITTSIiUiIGa AM) I'LEI t LAM) Li Mi. TUK <>i i:;i* r«t»' popular drily con<i>:i <>: i lirti Canid Rmil*, nwjird Uv liiriii'. ivc- and ruiuimff iU rouoce* non wild lUeairoin . u«\. J.KAVKK AND CALBB CUPK, arr ensilin' 10 oiler une«}unh*il faeilHi#* firr the notion til irncti; mid jmM*mron«| on Uic w tiu. ur, :r. a:, po;nir on Ur •• » Ohio anJ .Nrw \ •>) A ia '•and tit— l.afcc* M FITUi a t;.». ci •veiand. i;iiavku. i jbi'MUik. Hrarrr J. C. Uimvi i-U Affnul. mart ■a.- I• - ... ;I. • .ji*li BIDWELL & BROTHER, . jiorwariiiue UlerflliinU, | *>JiaTe been lone aid «Us»u*«*«t«Sy treaty by othen lit'iv i'D p » li© cotwuU h*ni, tfhcu <rery »ati»feettOß-will be given a „ f.„ , n;,, >,..1.1 „« / / r,; • ih.wi, and tLeir eaM* wentriJ in a earefiilj thorough and Ag<nt‘ for i«e r«t*U'eh «»J l £««"•' pointed out by a loT* er^neuc-e Jir.iver aih! C "ifb { '»/*' mpty, and inve*iisiinoc, whirli h lauapojmble rnr tiios Hnvinr jiurohawd (be i»rge and • •ib-aa.iuu 1 Winn ; w ,ia?ed ’ia «c*nera! prwroee of Kiodietnff to Rive *n <UM fuu- lur Ui« \»i>nott{(iL4i• •» wan •Jrf a-Jdi: or h\\ arrnouae. th>* tr.o«( nTny'r- *•' T£7“H<mua r.r Rupture —Ui. lirown n:«-o invi-a pe: r coirolodx'ioii 'nr and !fr\\ rtiu.ri;., u-.i M-rTTartiteied with Heroin to otW.. 14 Lr ha* paid panic pT.-et •-!> -<r c,n. promp--.c- an-. 'ir- ; ,n .!. It . iUt ., ltl „i, t«> U.ih for * trim mi'M-dly i 1 A i'Ki* ■ v lifl mu. l’i «. r*a|«j. c.e . emc i REED, PARKS 4. lio>*. PACREi' LIKE. \ *-r, i- ' I my n wc. Uflice No. Go Inntnotrl aJlrr, opposite th« '• aveny Ilfuxe KflKcsutniK Dr. iiiowu'- newty discovered reme dy for Khettmatnuii i- a speedy and remedy lur tUui jiiuntul*. li never fail*. I'Ace and Private Comuilutig Ruopt*, No 65 Dia mond aliev, Pittsburgh. P* Tue iHieiot 11 aivvuys ai home. |CV* No cure ho pay- Jecll. HOW IHH’.S IT LtM'K -Sands, Hrumi; and Dull. loriiirfly put ih*ir Xii«np.irillo in siaali bottle* holding s few ounce*, hut wnco L»r. Townsend* has liccotqp known, and nmiost or quite driven their little I'UtlW am (.1 the market, they an how putting iherr* tip in larger bottle* containtrig four ume* a* much as before. Query? How much probl did they make be i.ue otf o? tbeir small bottle*' Wan It honest? Ami mice ibry have reduced ihc strength w it honest to l>r< tend titSi they are as good a* they wen:? Dr. Town •eml conimeurrd honestly and tauiy-igave a* tuu.-h iin-.hcnn-- as he could afford, ban made -.cvciii uu provcmc.u, and it determined to keep up the simirtii un.l quality sod will m arrant that each bottle o: ru» Shrvipor/l i contain* more than four titties thequauit ty <>: rurvtpuri.i.i and medical qualmc*, thilii any oth • t preparation of Sarsaparilla in the market r-out t \ li K Sellers. sole agent lur Pm.iiurvli, mid I). M iur r), A l«bcJiy.' lelilV F'IWK pkkklihkuy t?rea:;. de‘ MuittdH . lor thawing. Crraiu a K Rn*c. tut eii.iVir.j, Almond' t'rrnai, do, Kiegarn *. e-.t I’lgn, pciiumrd w.ii, Uviiiirt, Ang!* tone Mm-i. iteatmiul powder pad*, of all pattern*; I tntii-svnl if,lei L>nie», >oiitaiiii:iK rlul. tl lot ihc. aandke-ch.ei; n Seoul bag »i-<1 to.-e; nap*, suit able lot press nt». Persian. in t?bin«t«c powden Indian v.-g-laMr ha r c I, IWar'sit.l Hi .sney oi yoiuinou wrappei » t■ - cdj. Jooen' Soap; Nymph Soap; Raw Lip «a've. sbNl *oan; Sadi *oap[ together wth a (r**at ranctT of f*m* perturaery: just jecolvcd; for 'al - hr £5 AFA UNhsT* K. K ftt cor rtth A true.. •. • f:r«AVKR ano ri.K\ n wm ink. u warren Ojuiai I’m" kci— A i,t i\\ . i ji>> J-'v.'u. in' i \ r \V - / \NK of vfie nlwvrtt PnefcC* ir;l :r liravsi mny 04 J, * J (Sunday* clrvpli-iJ, ii;;U art.».• »«• y • at Wurrtii. wh-rr ihry rotmrri with tt.- Mm' for Airuu tut a urnvun m eavn or dm*** pia<-c» oeiiifo uti'tiL Uin- o' li**‘ r.i<’ *et» .euv • 'Viutrn at j I* .M .uml ornvr nt l>c>iv--r in turn- u« Ini*- ili«* nuv.>miK stsontboat tor i*n<*.t-nr^b• 'corK* A I.KFFIM.WI.I.L, V. Hirrn. } .. (li , rm M BTAYI.OR, - \ l,u|l rk 15KAVKK AND KKII. I*Ai.'KKT LINK niaoruu t<> tux i-xxs is vohit h«k *a s bus! Paekvi—Purast uta.’ii*, l'apt Ji-ffnc,. •* *• *• Pollock, I,ai.k Kata, ’• Trui»y, - “ Pvttosix, *• liruw’i, , “ - F*xauo*t, *• Payor. Th<* above nrwand Hpieridu] Pawnccr Packet* t)J vr cocmirenort! twiwoon BKAVKR ANDtKKIK. »nd wit run mtuiarJy during rw reason—uuc ik>#i leaving Eric every ntornmg al H oViwL and otic ku\ - tar Beaver every ■•rrmii;. tninjedintely utter the itrn vui ot the sieambost Miciugan from PiiiHburgh. r>.» boat* at-- n«-'V and 'omioriuliiy rurin.-l.».‘d, and Wij< ion ihrrtorh m ion> h«ur» pisrenger* 10 »nv point on ih<- l.akr*. o' ui Niagara I - ".,1a. will find Unr route tli* - ioo»i •- .i.iJ c t;*«iliuoui, Ticket* B«<pty>nir 10 th< proprietor* • RKED. PARKS A 10, iU-avn JOHN A (’AIGHFA .A*’ IMuburph. cor Water and SirmhlietJ -It. l*S: Jo* L llurn*on, Butluio. N .1->f Re d. Km*. Pn l' Greenville, Pa; MFurituui tuM fuiiy, Bin Hr ml l't Ha)* A Plumb, Sharp,btirrli. P .. W C Mbiiui, Sliaron. Pa. i) C Matbctr*. Pula*Xi, I’a. R W Cunningham. New Os*flr. Pn ;• t UUKKK & 00*9 FAST KXPRKSS FOR iTMBKRI.AND, B.U.TIMOKr, AM) INK F.ASTF.RN CITII-S. TUK Propnoton of till* Lifir NrW Moca. and nrr juapared to torwae*! or «i' ur- Kni'tlon* ilarlY. at tho lowm rato* i C. BIDWKLL, A?cnl, Walor tlrrct. I’ilitKnrijh . Rt)B!NSON * KOKHrf. (toCll ir.> jvf.ulh Churn - * *l, Boil.ruorp. ILVKNDF.N A CO* paiMDtrer and Itemltlntie* Oflßo*. ILAaUUHN A CO. cooiiuuo to Ww# pcrwci* JHSjyfroni any part Drr'jiKland, Ir-land Scotiimd »r ttlKWnlc*. upon thn mo-i 'ilvrpl tcrutt, with rh,*ir aauai punctuaUiy and mu-iuna io the want-uiul r<<m> tort of ointuii'rniitK We do r.ur.j'iit^ctiscriyo b«* robbed by tlio •mcdim* « rbnr lnfe«t Uie »eu porit. at )v<- uiic of lltetn Uic Dioiuont Du-) io port ibciuaeivt-n. ruul tec to their w- 1 hrinr, and dr (patch Uiern wni.oui nny dclcnliun !■» ili>- l,r»i ati;p« Wit tay thi* frarietsly. a* defy one of our [>«u»en {cn> to »)utw dial they were t'eUuncd -Is hour* S■ y u» in jvrrpool, w]ul»t thoutandt of other* wrr,- dnained (nontht, until they could hobem m 6omo old etaA, at a chip raic, whutU 100 frerjumtly proved th'ar coiliua. We intend 10 perform our comraft. honorahly, ro«r what it may. and not act an Was the cam lain >nj«on, tritli ellrer ofjiccni,— who mUiet pcriormcd not al l , ot when it suited thefr conreiiiencfl. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh fur aivy sum from Al in £lOOO, payable at any of the provincial Kauksiu Ire land Kurland, SeoUatiiJ and wales. . ’ * JOSHUA ROBINSON. European and General A«ent. f e ht Filth street, Otis door below Wood. lAKD AND FI'IATIIKRS—7 bl>U No 1 Lard; t! do iNo do, l«ag» Feathers, to arrive, for »&lo by A,f4 _ IBAIAII Co. fVnnt rt QILK WARP ALPACAS-—Smith (c Johnson. 4e Matkot rircet. would invite the nlientiua of dealers and other* to their choice slock of SitV Wtim Alparn<,' Mohair Lusucr and line Boiuba/iacs, which Ut<-y arc now offering at reduced prioos._ febt) ON HAND AND For SAX.F.— U* p» ilran }llaii’nej Coaling; a j>» Lavmder do do; 1 cu»o Lavmdef Blankets l'do grey mixed Cloth; I do Army Hniht ‘J do TNvceds- brown. Mack iuid gold mix, 1 do fancy CiiMimorcsj I bale blue Blanket Coating; rotmgnrd direct from manufacturers and for «n!e bv th'*.pncsaee 01 pi«CO. dec*! MURPHY t liberty #t__ fTXTRAAf’D SUPhK IH KKF. Pt.Y CARVfif*— jjj Received Ibis day, direct from ih« mßnutocturcr*,’ a handsome assortment of extra mper and super three ply imperial Carpow.of new Myles, to imuoli we a-k the sttenuon of thoao wi.lutn; iurm*h hou.«A, or ue&mboats. Carpetwareroom, No 75 Fourth si. Pna.- *ic3l__ W M'CUNTOCK I > LAMfJvrS-dW pci Drub Bmrikels. ihc iilieuiiou JJ of Calirornia men are naked to this article, ns ihVy are heavy, and-wlli be sold low to clore consigunicui fcbl7 II l-81-. I ANKET COATING —Au aasorunept of Blanket Coating, for solo very low os the season i» far ad--. Yuiccd. •»•">»' Hu. gun,. fublT » U* i RTTFICIAL FLOWERS—Smith A Johm-oit, -JO A Market »t, would Invito the attention of drulen iid other, to then elicit,ivn atgeh of Krench »od. America FlowetA which will hootteted at ectern price,. _ \ 52* GLOVES 1 -ANI) HOSIERY—Smith A J#fcn*oo, 4d Market at, would invnc tlie attention of detiera and others to their choice Mock o( liajou’s superior Kid Gloves and a great. variety of manno, nik and cnMon Gloves AHo, to their ejtenaiTe Hook of worsted Cashmere, Alpaca, Vigonl.i and Bilk Hose; Moravian and other styles of eoimn-H0.,-tocher with every style of children s lio»c and gentlemens half lloaa- __ 7*l 6LD"Rt > ECTACLES—»iIvtr do; Steel do; German \T Silver do. A assortment ronMnnily on hL,d and carefully fitted io any age. Concave, con vex, and cataract spectacle glass arcuruiely ndjunird to any vision reuuircd. , Also hinUiplyinff ?l»w* tor cramming Imrn, wool, ouneraJs, bank tune*, Ac , iu»t rechl and lor sale by W W W U-SON, Jfc 3 - cercer of muxktt asd <tfi stv MEDICAL. GALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIKBJTBACTBR! a ’HE I'nllnwim,' from Oeotyo E. Poffleroy. F-?q • i!*< wvi; known proprietor 01 ihfi Ecprcs*w»l , <' '•>« ittelf o! L-.e importance of ihe -Paiu Eiuoctor t<> evr ry Kirussa Orrtc*. A'.’-^ry-^'T l 1 Ms. Mr D«u Sir—With of nr ilwui? |>:ro*ur' - I address you in relation io the I bnvc r.-rriv-'.I irntn vnor mvaluah.e i’an Kxtrs*'*»nr l>aiej r. my little cUueinrr. 0 year* old. uiii ; ‘ os i.oilinc water turned into h*TT bosoni; »**f ' rrr ' wore <W a>i’V i. «<> tcit a crowd instantly pothered Ik lore tin- iioo«o to ie i:n iur cau«e oftb© teriibie .<rrt uit-* I tore b**r clothes asunder. mid booh sprea-' o.t >ou( salve, o:ci «hc was curled rutd laid upon a wa*«ooii Tf!ie”.;>! t'rom her pains, uul <3} > »’ as ifl ronld rind wa« soon :n *■’ Wa* Kraidfl to n i> >trr from U:f top of over retire than half her client. mul reunU i.'hr arm* (hi 1 “*• *Jiouldr r and breu*: it wa» > t v ' i '' l yet from tf>r tir»t hour, ‘.to rornplatned »' ' wo* ilrc**r«l The «»re hmded r-« :>i i- "•» pontrtcnuii of tin* mc«e><. With mnr.v wi-ur*, niy ocar Mr. ,ui >uuf -.J lh- •mle ol Uiif u:;rl.:v orticir. I .it jour*. wiili rrspeui. OKU. K l’tOn-'.P>*Y THE TEST and NO MISTAKE' T»->; epituim* n-tKoy. will everj>r*xl«re 'nr «:iuir i • •‘inmatipotr* r<*ll. w-d ronlhiiu, rootm" oaeel, .n;-t ■npYr-rr* l oiiM-” ot L>ur: f?calds, I'ilcm-Vo. Tire ( ouiitr r teit , “ no »• alter under vvliat utUnr« they iUrt\ ii>npar—niwiiv* irritate, and inereanc the pam. TO THE PUBLIC 1. K«!\v.tnl I*. Holies, of Chatham. Meivm Bridge, i’uuu'v. N. Y • have l*ccn cdlirtrd mthrlu-u -mtu-m m ic, h’reu«L fret, anti all over my body, for »• iyrar*, so that ! could not *Und, m*d wan cored )>y i t Buiilu aimii* of Dailey's Magical I’sm Extractor., * r EDWARD K HOLMES. Dailey: Sir—l cut my finger with a copper nail, poivonou* nature ofwbieb caused mynnn to «wrll i r /fuldcratoly, with oousiant BhooiUig pain* dp to tlie rboukw A large *w©lling taking place at die arm jit. villi increasing pain, i beeame feurfuloftiie Lock jaw. |ii tht« extremity your Pain Extractor wu re corn.nciidetl to me. and which 1 was prevailed upon to try The consequence wu* that n nabrded me airanut truaum relief, ami in three duv* i was completely cu red. JOSEPH HARRISON, N-w York, comer Hrooitic and Sullivan jt*, Sept 8. I*4s. NOTICE—H. D*u.ev i* the inventor of this invalu able remeay ; uml never !ia* and never will communi cate to any living m u> the secret of it* combination 1 All Extractor*, therefore, not mad© and pot op b bun. are base ccmuicrfeiu. Paoi-RiKToa’* Dawn - *—-415 Broadwny, New York; ttii Chestnut street. Phila. JOHN U MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. WM, THORN. Agents lor Pittsburgh. IkUlry'i AntmaJ Galvantc Cun-All, Cure* humor*, sptLvui, quiuor, grease, poll-evil, *orc*. Bail*, ami bruise*. Pomphiet*, containing cer tificate* of respectable parties, may be bml on npplies , uon to JOHN D MORGAN'. Agent, Pittsburgh. norlj-dIvLS Ol’K.iriAL r-YMPTOMS OF CONHUMFTION-- O tjinck pui'c. !m.eking rough. geneml tvi'afcnr-*. rv*i'r*a sleep,- variable appuuir, irregniar bowels, pain* between lap shoulder blade* behind. Ixfai.uhlx nr Fojocmptio*—Coughing tiLghi bnil day. dabby nujciea, general debility, greet shorme'* of breath on guiug up stain, uscending a hill, or walking but a liulc fhsl, uulse always' above one hundred, for week* logeuier; drenching rold • toward* morning. Catarrhal Consumption come* on like a common catarrh or cold, hut about ihe period when ilmt div ea«e usually ia ei|H*e»e«l u> sabMde. souid ot th» symp toms arv aggravated. Th* cough ts more trouble some. especially when lying down There mno tiled pain in the che*i.' but ditbculi breathing, which i* worst on lying down. Tho appearrnce of theexp«3- toration, which i* copious, is changed from a linck yellow miKm, to u ininoer substance. It is very un pleasant to the patient, und emit* uu uupleasanl smell when burned It 1* of an nnifonn appearance, amlY* probably a iinxiure of pus and mucus, as on mirtagpi wnh wnter purt sinkf and pan swims This disease mny occur in auy or at any age, mid u rhortio tensed by the peculiarity of the eough. The Ha'sum ot Liverwort effects the cure of tin* tu •id ous disease by expertorntion. sooths and heats the adi-etetl .lings It never tun* Wherever tin* medi cine u«s been used, we hear of ns i-uecee*. For thir teen ’.nr, it has been be/ure tf-.«* public, and has bent tUorouHl.n ichlci! for ail complaints of the Lung*, and tin* proved jt»t*ll superior in nient to nny llnog in use. \Y r imylii c>ve Ituudrvds of lesiitnonii.U (roin pOy>i emps, the pre.*, jrlergy. and tuorc who have been cu red, but all we dourfl in to mil the intention oi uis uf llictod. und for their own good they wilt try it Look out for counterfeits ' Always observe tne sig nature, “ucu. Taylor. M D.*V on the engraved label, and prepared at Ure Wholesale Depot. 7:1 Ileek man street, N'‘ w Y uft. ' told m Pittsburgh by J D Morgan MU YVood si; J Townsend, 1i Mai Hot si; cor Market unu W *ts; jirudorsort ft Co, 5 Liberty at Price reduced to 41,50 per bottle. man: mBDICAL ft SUaaiCAEr^FKlOiil, sj\No. 85,'DIAMOND ALLM , fcw door* below Wood nuori, to 1 . « DH- BaowtI ) barui< been affiflLgjfctSrQaojy educated lo the medico proferaiou. u:td been lor loino lime ui penerui practice, now confine* iteASK»SMS&»fp3 id* attention to the treatment o( BtggSSSSriPar (how [irtnir aivd delicme roixij a\ plaints ior which i»u upportumue* jjfjgftffiSnSSWWl tt nd experience peculiarly rjualif* him. li year* nKsnUionriy devoted toAtrtiitaont of tho«j f i:ompltuiiu,,iliinh* which Urae he bar hod more prac-ure and has cured more pa. lieaw than ewi ever fall to the tot of any private prae* titioncr) amply qtmliflp* huh to oiler a*«urnnees of cO-rV’-. per'Ußtieni, mid aatiffiirti'ey ejrr to a!! n‘"ti~.rtJ with d-iiirau- ar.d td! rtucancs arising there* *Dr fjrowr. would Inform tho« afflicted wuh pnTnu di«e»»a» winch have, heroine chronic by time or agj ar ivaied by the u*« of any of the eemmon nostrum* of the my, Uuu their complaint* cm be radically and tlior* oufhiy cured, he banns pvntbw parcfttl attention to ihmrcauncni of auch ca-ret, and wceceded in handmli . KU : of iantanec* hi curin’ p*t»pb» of tnaammatirm of the ; "TVu\W • .’•! on*lt 01 mo Judder. ah-lTunilrcd di-tctucs wt|ieli often I [ r>-su!* •' --«*e« yrheroUMKcft IrtVo-WwltfUaAJ Pulmonary DaUan.. MFjtSRS. REED A CUTLKB-I toel n * duty i owe io my fellow creature*, to «l*-tr •ometlunx m«-ie r,iApreime your Vegeublo Pulmonary Balaam. Sim < I fir«t oeed the llnlsatn. about eleven ) ear* ago, the Uuppy ciTei l of which I then gave an uccmini ot. | ijovn mid several severe complaint* and attark* a: my luius, one n few days since, and in every inuanee 1 Ua,d usut ihn Haluun slouo whli complulc ntid perfect «ii. i cs* li bn* effected rdief and cure in a wry lew J:m, It i* rprtninly a sale medicine. Ido not know liia: il will < urr a hxctl cousumptioii, but 1 believe u win be ill many paeon a preventive, and prevention is better limn cure; 1 do therefore, for the Jovo of my fel low mco. eurm-sily reeorumeuu llm u»e of thin BuJuun. m all pulmtmury complaint*. I am confident that it ha* been the mean* oi preserving my life to this day. Boston June lf>, Mt- BENJAMIN I For sale by H A FahneMock. k Co, corner ftrM nnu tvooil and al-o corner wood and Cth. juiv (1 A. F*b*£3tuck,) A. U. IlcrUn N. Y*. Cujr 11. Fau-rarocx, M’ilUbffrgh. G. W. Fauat*TOC,J VVholes&le Drug Store In ibe Oltycf Blew York* rt'llF. undersigned ore extensively engaged in Uie X Wholesiteuniß bosiucts at No. 411 John street, in Vic city of New York, end CIO prepared to supply Dnicaistt end coentry metebents wuh Drugs, Feints, V) u, Dyc-ctulls, Fbraifu end American I’utfumery, dan icr, fVre*ef k Mender's Chemicals, (of their own ml oi'.atioitj ail other enlcles in their lino of buai oeta. of a (Cperto es low a* they can bo pur» chastxi in this or any eastern eitjr. Now York, FeblO B A.FAIINIWTOCK& r AIHKHICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY aaLTßsoae, mTssmtou im ' WESTF.RN LINIv Oflt«e aitlio Exchange, Baltimore. *I>KDUOKD RATES.—TIie charge!! have been redu- X\< ced on all Measagca 10 or from Baltimore, JNtu burch or Wlicbliatf, and a corresponding rctlncuon inode on nil lelegrapltic de*pulctic» forwurded from Ual timoro West of I’mulnirKli, Fa. Thu charge lor a telegraph despatch to or from Baltimore, IhtluliUTgh and Wheeling, is 40 cents for the first ten words, and 3 cents for each additional word. No charge li made tor the address and signa lunv LTiitil tho completion of the South Western Lino of Telegraph from Memphis, Term., to New Orleans, des patches can be. forwarded to Memphis by tills route, ami mailed lor New Orleans. tell PAB.TNEBBUIP. AKHKSON WOUDHOUSHA JOHN ft j a VINO this day aaioclated themselve*. logelhet |~l .in partnership, under the firm and style of A, A J. Wounuvtav, for ibe manufacture of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IKON WARE, un (he corner of Robut m»ii street and the Canal, tn the Int Ward, AiXKaitsnrr citt, where ‘hoy are prepared to furnish to order, wi,oWale and Yetail, all arucles tu their hue with promptness. Foundry Trimmings, and Cnrpcoters' orders ore io lirltctl wiiich will receive immediate attention. City of Allegheny, Feb- I, lt*49.—dOm " Bacon Hnioking. HAVING JODI completed the rebuilding of our smoke houses, we are now preparod to rrccivo and smoke it tn the mast merchantable mruuier. Tito houses are fitted with all tho modern improve mortis, and arc capable of containing 300,000 lbs. each. fiIKK A JONES, Canal Basin, ■ a 4 J near Beyeiitb^st I oVKßlScrrt DOUULK REFINKO BUGAife-MSi | j bbl* Lovering’# Double Refined Loaf, Crushed and FuiveritudSogfifStlftrii TecM «utd for sale ai the Hefci, Tea ijtdre, TOroanh atfett, hy tAWt J wrj) . . a Jaynes ROLL HUl’rEß—io bbl# fresh, Tost redd and. for saldby i‘cbi7 AHfiiaTHONG t CROZKIt CILOVER BKED—Id bills Clover Seedj D #ackk dtd J 63 digs Peaches, TtJUiIAC from atmr CtiebtXobd. .for sal* by ÜbU BAUALEY * SMITH MEDICAL IN QUART BOTTLES. KOR. THE REBIOVAL * PERMANENT C( RE OF ALL DISEASES MUSISO PEOBI AN IBI'CRE STATE OP THE BLOOD OH HABIT OP THE SYSTKSI, VIZt 'J.-rofu' i cr King'* Kvil, Rheumatism, ObMhiale Cuut neous F.nrptions. Pimple* or Pustules mo the Face. Hlotcbcs. biles. Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Sonia Head, Enlargement ami Pam of the Uones and Joint*. Stubborn Ulcers, Sjrphilitte Symp lon* Scmticu or Lumbago, und Disease* arising from an mjudicioua useofMercury, AscitcsorDrop sy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life. Also, Chrome Constitutional Disorder*. * . In thi* preparation arc strongly coneeulrtUCa all Ute Meilicum' properties of Sa.u«aJ'aeiij.4, combined with u»e mo*t elfectunl aids, the most salutary production* the most poirnt simples of-lhe vegetable Kingdom; and it ha* born so fuilv tested, not only by potiefflta them* selves, but also by Physicians, that it has received their u n.|i:;ifid! recommendation und the approbation ot tne public, and lias established on iai own merit* a reputation lor value amLelfifiacy far superior to uift various compound* bearing the name of Bo»apt\ru|®- Ih*rasc* hat e i,rcn cured, such as are not furmilmd in the records of time pafh and whnt it baa already done for the thousands wturhave used it, it la capabla of doing lor the millions rull suffering and struggling with disease. It purifies. and ttrtngtbao* the fountain spring* of hfr. and infu»ea newvigorthto’* out the wliole timmal frame. ANOTHKR CL'RK OF SCROFULA. The followine •inking and. a* will be seen, perma nent cure ot an inveterate case of Scrofola, commend* iiielf to ail Afflicted; Sdrniporr. Coun., Jnu. I, IS4S. Messrs SaSO*- Oemlemen—Sympathy for the afflic ted induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure edenied >«y y«»iu SHr«npanlia m the ea*e of my wife. She was severely afflicted witli the scrofula on differ ent part* ftr-th- body: the gland* of the tieok were greatly rniarßcd and her limb* much swollen. After sufl.jring over a year and finding no relief from the remedies used, the attacked one leg, and be low the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it »liouid f>c laid open, which was done, but wiihout any p&rtnancni benefit. In this situation we heard of, and were induced to ase Sands' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more than any proscription ihe had everto- Ken t and before «ho had used six bottles, to the nalon* isiunciu and delight oi her friend*, she found her health ijuite restored. It u now over a year since the cure ws« cffecTd. and her health remains good, show ing tbe disease wa< thoroughly eradicated from the jy.trtn Out neighbors are aU knowing to these [nets, nnd thing very highly of Sands’ Sarsaparilla. Your* with respect, JULIUS PlKE r.x*ruci from -j letter received from Mr. N. W. Hat* ni>. n geiulcma.'i well known in Louutl county, • (ieniiciue.r—l have curru a negro boy of mine with ybur Sur-upuriila. who wah attacked with and oi :> siTofulou* fiucih'. - Your* truly, N. W. HARRIS. , ’ l ' Frederick*, Va., July 17, IMS.” Sah&apahilla.—lt eeemsaltnost unnecesßary io direct c.ucnuon to uu urtirlc so well known, and 10 dc»erv«-diy popular, as ibis preparation, but patients oft«;n wi.o wish to ssu the, extract of Sarsaparilla, are induced to try worthies*compound* bearing name, Put cuniaiuiug Jitlio or upne of the virtue oi this vain ■ipir rooi, mid we thiiii wo cannot comer n greater benefit on our render* than in directing their attention to the advertisement of tne Messrt. Sands in another column The bottle ha* recently been enlarged to bold a cjuurt. and those who wish n really good article will cot ■e-ntrated in ail Uie meiltcioal value of the roivt. The experience of thousand* has proved ttsef fii-acv in curing varum* dudascs for wbicjl It in r- •-oiiimenUr'i. toi! r.i the present time more thau any oilier. ]x:ritap«.: > thi-, nieiiu-iiie in preparing the rysiem-fot a change of season.—Home JournaL Sept-. FecptlTcd nnd sold, wholeeale and retnii, by A. D. ft. D SANDS, Druggists and ChemiKis, 100 .Fulton corner of Wiilmm, New York. Sola also by Drug i;t*U generally tiirougboulthe Failed Staten and Cana do* Price SI per Botiic, six Battle* for S - If;7*For note iu Pittnnurgb. wbolesalo ami retail, by R i\ FAItNKSTwCK, A CO-, corner of Wood anff From •!- . ;ii*o. corner of Sixth and Wood sU; byL. Wll.CtlX. Jr., corner of SmithfieM and Fourth' M*. :uid oi-o corner of Market *l and the Diamond; also, I.y KDWAKIJ FKSDERICILcor Mooortgana Hoasa. fefcO-.'im BALTER'S iNSENG PANACEA! TNI fhwSi-i zvi vvnisu KSEA^D 1. kUNOS—The unprecedented sUOCW vLIoKH®* t’.eudcd tl.u ure of.Uie _ GINSENG PANACEA n ai; ihe vi-.nous iorm* which irritation of tho longs a*- sun.L-*, lux* induced the proprietor agaiu to call attan tl.'tl to this V, oNDFRFL’L PREPARATION. T’iv caongautu wcoibur whica mark* oat fall and * inter month*, tv nlwavs a fruitful source of COLDS AND CGuUfIS. ... _ , I'-witV t:v huitfto ptecarsOr* of tliaUalT i-feruver. S ‘ 4 ' ' 4t . I lrr qirr-!.l..iii, ’hiin. how shall wn ntp tbr ;l.r i'od' how -ball we ret clear of OUT CoUghl;>J}ff f »ids‘‘ i» of vttai imporumc.* ;o the public. •: f. j-,; THF. HRKAT AND ONLY REMEDVcd; . . w.l, found in the Ginseng Panacea, ia this ; n e have IVnin time to trine puhiuthod tho CCflifldwc* of oi oor best known ritueiu, !wbo utty*experi- , .m et it* enroll ve power* These. sfrUh-a 01OS* of Le* uio *,iv sll pari* ol the nountry,-r-irom ...SDICAL MK.N OF niK FIRST STANDING, , M :iii*mr v <* dir Gospel. Ac , togetliejl with copioas aoj JiH KNAI.S or TliK DAT we have rmbodiod m pamphlet fond, and* may be ba4 rratis of aty of onr aceni* throngboui the country. HUNDRED!* OF BOTTLES have Pcmi in thi« ciry THOUKANIW AND TENS OF THOUSANDS ;hrougboufthe I'uited Stale* uud Canada, and we ch* lrn« mr/iuan to potut out a • SVSQVF, INSTANCE n which, when taken Bccordine to direction*, and be f'To thb lungx had become finally disorgaruxcrl, it ha# ever toiled to EFFECT A PERFECT Cniß W:iV. then, aSieted hesitate? 'V hy resort to the tnWratJc nostrums, xonea up by a:;. ova unlivid aalsu IfVlJiu assumed name of sumo eo «f>ntied phy sKi&n, and pulled into notoriety by Certificate) c. per sons euually tutknownl WkilM a mndieme of UNPAIiALLELKD EFFICACY . uto i>c hod, whose vouchers are at home,—oar oaighy bnrx,—mans' of whom tl has • NAiVHKD PROM TIIKUIt AVR. I. order vital this invaluable medicine may be placed w.ih.u the nsvh of the poor a* wcli tho rich, wa have pui 'lie price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, ,u/■: one half the u»ual com of cough mediciucw mi !,», -aie by out nirvi.n in nearly every town and village ,i/i*t ihe wo. who are pr-nurvd to give full infonsa • i.n rctauvr to i; T SALTER, Proprietor, Isroad way, Cincinnati, Ohio. HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, rtm.Lii'*Bc*o.ii. tuuivaa co- pa. I vR. HDWARD aCKER, takes Dus means of re- J / hi* thank* to his frienfi* and the public lor Un; cktrnwve patrtinngv he has received, and of in lortuia* them that he has lately erected a large and well cotuiirueied budding, tor the exclusive purpose* of bts WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT,, at hts obi iocanoiuai Phillipsburgh, Pa., on the Obio nVer,oppo •nc the Steamboat laiulutg at Beaver, where he is'ready to rrcetue pauenu as boarders, and treat them qu Hy iirnpathic pruictples. la addition to his long expert '•mm, and the great success which ho* heretofore ot ic mled his .treatment of paUcnU committed is hi* cam, be ba, now dm uddutonal facihties afforded by on ex tensive building crewed express!>• for the purpose, con lamihg commodious timl rooms, audfitted up with '-very necessary appuntiu* tor balhutg, and ddrmois lenng the treatment to the. utmost 1-encfil tutd comlort >if the* paueut. l’lul!ip»l>un;h i* a most and im'thy vihmre, easy of ucce«* by stcruaboais, and af liirds tine and whotcMimc water. Dr. Acker assures those alfiicletl persons who may place themselves un der h:s care, that every attention shall be paid to their comfort; and as an assurance of the substantial beuefits to be derived, he points with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently cured at hi* <;*ULb- The Water Cure leavus no injurious effects l>elund,as is 100 often the case with those who have been treated on the old system. It removes the dis ease, invigorates the system, protects from the dafigerg incident to changes of the weather, creates' a notaral and active appetite, and import* vigor u> the digestive fowen.. Terms ot treatment and boarding reasonable. or further pnrut-ulnr* itmuiro at the establtshmetU, or addres* th<* proprietor at rhillipsburgh. auirtlJ t)K. ALTEHATIVK. We tsavr tre'-n informed i>y Mrs Rone of a cure pet (nnnt jnu o<-r l>v Dn Jnyuc's AJtcratlve, which prove* us supenomy over every other remedy of the Kind. She hit# been ufllietrd tor tho luM slxtoen year* wIthNECKOSEtor WIUTK SWELLINGS, attended with ulceration* and mtoltatlcm of variant boner du ring Wblelt rimr* ran ny nicer a have burn discharged from the mmlni hour, ot the cranium, from both Let antis, wrists nod hands and from buih lcga,4ad from the left femora] bone, and Irom the right kurn. beside* ulcers on other parts of her person, which have baified the skill ot a number of'the most cjnisejit physicians of our ctl,—during most of Qto lime her sdffcrings have been excruiat.tig and deplorable. Alrout three mffnths s.ttce hhc vns induced to try HtJayno’s Altcraave, which ha# had aa aotoamlungiy happy effect apou her, by removing al! pain rbo swelltags, and cau*iug the oiccts to heal, wlulc ntthe same time iicrgenerat health ha* become completely restored, so that she now weigh* 25 lbs more than the did before sha commenced the use of this truly valuable prepauon,—{!eai Evd,Tost. 1 or further infnnaauou.uinuire ef uin. Rose, No, IS9 Filbert si, Fhlladclphta. For sale in Pktsf.argb, w the PEKIN TEA STORE, F? Fourth au near Wood. jyS DR TOWNSEND’S SARhaVaJULLA-—6O dozen just received of Dr. Townsend's Jtar*«parilla, tho most extraordinary medicine imho world! Thl* Ex it act is put up ia quart bottles. It i* six tuoea cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. Jl cure* disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or. debilitating thc'patienL Look out ran Isaranon.—Uaprincipicd persona have copied our labels, and put up medicine ia (he some shaped bottle. See that each bottle has the'written sig nature of 8. I\ Townsend. R. E. SELLERS, Druggist. 57 Wood street, between Third and Fenrth, i» Dr. Townsend**’ only wboleaula Bud retail agent for Ihusburgh, of whom the genniho article esn be had. D. M. Carry has been appointed the solo agent fox AUegbeny eily, o( whom the genome a rude con be hail. . ap4 SLKOKULAAMj .'C&urULOt'S ‘s.wL'l.L lNGS.—brrot' la in all Us multiplied form*’ whether in lhat of Aing-'s Kvil, enUrgetnenti o the' f -Sands or bones, Goitre, \V hite Swellings, Cnronic- Uicunwtism, Causer, diseases of the Skin or or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate frost one andUie same cause, wblco is a poisonous principle more or leas inherent in tho human system. fore, onlcca this principle can trpdcotrojedj'ijo raiij* cal core can be eflected, but if the principle Upon which the disease depends, is removed, ft cttrft must of necessity follow, no matter nnder.vHatlona the discos* should manifest itself. Tfus,.therefore is the roaaon whv Jatiuj’s AltintArivq l# so ant, vumlly successful tn removing so many malignant diseases, ft destroys tho vims or priQCiplc'from ■Cluco those diseases have enterin'* into the circulation, and with the blood »*conveyed to the minutest removing everyliarttcla ol disease from tho sytieaf: 'Pfcpansd iiid voldat SO. ! U South Third Street, Philadelphia. . Sold »t the I’ekh) Fourthgtreo; Tnubmgfa . . ’ •>»•<»• " ,; meh3l j'M’tiJil hiAtKUfiEU—“Uhls in wore and for sale low ! i\ ; iftcjfyerpjadniMrt.?'/ > fcbi* /AS 114 ItVJ-Vi 1 : MEDICAL ’ * Vith«aTtgfcalgn3<xPytru* Aud|%a«i iim flHi* *?.£ H B£L. J; ifr B. £. tnicmai' toadd tor humbia testtmcaym &TWcf rourjwiU* , L«tr Pills. I lure deter Hd doing to for ywri, adbcriag 'o U»v> Crockett's mitim,.* 4 !* «» p» ar* right, Uiearwto»*wjy Mori or the ouny nrrparatiocj of eapnc* .2JLulsadodt?H» toakiatooMitwoto** yoor Liter fiil»howb«oH altered to U>« p«j>}l<«**4» . c . T , t I beber* they will ‘•nmtt thm alV’ M J|fe .T” m rtpradnt than to be r’hiWbsm bRBeW-wrftt jJnt toapiaiat from ny youth; hare sadhred much] eop*oy«* t many uairxnl phyvlciaes, whoa l paid moeh mobey, h»te hat noelt bfojJ; fcrto ren»<'edatJ^AyticSretl-oLtdritO delta; ’• wliruied i or * Luei, and tuulW giren up «* ®2J!Jihx rt “| •-: lefts-” 1 «... mdueed to try four Lir*rMh,andSOONOOT tj tVKLLj Ooebot oPwiiieh bau«ssatfc«»ltokk*g®*ol*** ;.o{ pjiia m iS« *4<U.«Dtl alt the other syopUwnSjJoi at l***. 1 . la osouthi Tour pnit In*l»d<b«be«ealharfiel*rer«*d: beist nilil, but gnpioj or girmc touch tir-kn«w at tb« itota ■eh, tmt five aeauch relief I h*r« kept then in my ricre i fot fl er 7 ;rvi;‘ wtJ headred* of tontf 2nd'hit* v*f*t I heard a »ug a cnapbut niicjrd by aay «p* ha* used i i them. They kart inprreeded almost e»ery other piU In tbit ' | neighborhood, tod in • ihart time will bsaah them til. earnestly ronmmesd them to all [xfjoas oteilioc piypue, •, , whether for Lirer Complaint or Diilloa* T e3t> ilderthea (hr'Mperkir toCaftae] orthvßlttePCQ. Bnptet- . • folly yowu JL3IOWUJ. CAUTION—As there aw other Pill* before the WsSUo ‘ CtUJED Liter PtD*, pemw who want the GENUINE should 1 ask for and take soother than thoM prepared aadcejd by R K.SBLLER3, No 57 JFbod-st between Third tad FonttY * (tfceU. " • i ” So(d by Pr. CissU, Fifth tf'srd, D M toiui .Ultghaaj «ity, .**' ' - , ' Great EhgUlta Eemedy. TjtOß Coughs, Colds, tAsthmn and Consumption! Tift J? GREAT AND OixL Y. REMEDY lor the core of tb* above diseases, ts (tie HUNGARIAN BALBAIT OP - • J LIFT, tfecoeered by ihtj celebrated Dr. Dncban, «t London, KuglHiul, aud lutredQced into the (Jailed Bt&lna amler Ute uam«'Uiuo uuneriniendenco of the inrentorJß The extrndrdiottry sucocas of this tocflicmei ia.tS’. cure of i’ulmofrory warranu the. Amaricun Agent in wUeitmgfoftrtifimennie wriref pbtribte en~ » ■es ihateaii be Amuul i« tto fc«k relief in vuiii from nay of the common retaedles of the dsy, und have been gi'rdupbjthotaott'distiUJpjiabcd < phyaiciauaojicoufrnttedandmcßmblo. pie aa liolsam has cared, and will cure, the most desperate ofcasefc It ts noqnuck noatram, bat d standara Eng- | <r- « Qhh mediciite, of known and .<■ ~ £»«y family In the United States' should be supplied > ' with Bitchan* Hungarian of lifof not only to. > >.i counthyapi tire cousumpdya teodencic* of the climate. T btn to be ueea ai a prerentire ntedicino tu all easeiT'bf'" 1 coltU> ooagba; spitting of blood* pain io thoaidoand . i chesty irritation and soreness of the Inngs, brOcliitl#,. difEculry of brcatinjN hectic fever, night sweats. caabH ’ ation.tOidrcacmldßpility, arthina, muncw* t wfloopim ja cough ali'icraap. . ’ Sold in large bottles, at Sl'per bottle, with ftiP diroo-’ • \ dons for the restoration of heafth. .. .»< • t Pamphlets, containing a mass of English oml Axnrrt can certificates, And* other %tdeime, showiHg tho\ni - ‘ equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may ba obtained of. the Agsuu. unuuitously. For ’sale by B A FAjINESTOCK & Co,, coroof ul st anri.\V,jOti and Wood qnd 6th st*. rn^iip, DR. JAYNE S GARffIIKATIVia PALS AM ; L'HQAiUie B*v ASAJsIJINN, a well known anrfpoj) A* Bfhr Cter«{Yman of the ProteirtantMethodist Church ‘ The uo'irrsijuedhsrvmr been otßicteddnnug tiopast vinxi mih a discare of the stopuich, mmaiigitu pro ducinggn-nipnin In the 1 stomach for tea or twelve hour* without hilermissiOT,and aucrrbwiuf tried ration*. _ remedies with little eUcci, whs furnished with a btotUa ofDt D Jayne’* Uaralnau re Balaam. This ho used *c-' cording lotLe directions, add-found invariably ittauhia' medicine enticed the pain b abate in three or four min utes, atrt in fifteen ortwenty mtnmteiererT* uutaasy ♦ sendatioti was entirely quietjul. The medicine. ffM «• , / lerwanhtused whenever indications of the approach Of paintwete perceived, andthepaid wasthereby prareiiv «L He'uniinaedio.ttie the medicine every eressn and aomeumes m the morning, and«n a few "xrtqkt health wuw far restored.that tfte.uiuferer was relfcj eO fpom n. large amount of oppressive pain. From ?i pcrifocc, therefore, lie can confidently recommend D r 0 Jayne l * Carminative Uttismn, as a salutary medtt-in foi of the stomach aad bowels. A dJHN'ND AJleibenr city.fyai-' Fortaisin Futshtaghat thoPEfUIiTEA. STOH /tffFoarm street, near Wood, and also aitheUVug HioroofH KSCHWinT2;-Fedvrat *tee.t. A»e*a«e* UKODiSJUKS, Sc casks sngKrcunstUaffiii; J “ *- “ Shoulders; for sale by diart J JDWIIXrAMS, nOwood *1 •l>ACysf—H casks' prlrab Kentucky ctifedTfacoh— ll HamvSWesand 3lmalder«,ji»tw , d|UKiforaak»v by mar 7 JAMBS A HUTCHISON h Co BULK PORK-USOpiece* assorted Pork: just’recM! lor sale by utdr6 R ROBISON ACo ■> f UTTER AND LAND-0 bbls 1 Roll Butter?-a do Lacd? Bk&ado;. iu*tre«'d per shut Rea vector • by.;. R ROBlgQN.fc Co ACON'sHOULDKRS—SOtii lbs on hand and' for Aaifety- ' ‘ *ti*rG ’ TASSRY BEST' l torroV-SStfaeTfor salifby : - r pyu. RiiEy, atATTHEwa fc co„ 1 j 57 water street SUGAR— 4U hhds nrmie old erop; Mbbl* Loaf Sugar, 1 forraleby febiO RWEY, MATTHEWS ACo .O’. SUGAR ANITMOLASSRS— Sfi hitdsN.'O , I|> Sugar; Ca 3 Dbls N U Molasses,receiving per Uaa£ierl« sarandk, Washington and Fan PiU? wr »ale v •* IryJ -na» BAGALEV &, SAUTiI, Id and 3> wood gt -., , SACON—&) hbda Hams and Shoulders, bright .and , ~ dry; U 3 tierces Sugar eured Hams, superior laVn? in tliismbrltet, just ree’d and fbmte by. ' . mdr» . ■- , . SELLERS A NiCOLS. I' ARJ>—it) bbls, 6 itess, for sale by . , •jLu' mtirT_ S F YON BONN HttRST A? Co BT?fT£R»— 5 tools Roll Batten fec’d’anS j metm WICKA M'UaNDLESS , , BULK PORK AND LARD—tditSf pounds Warns add Shoulders, Ti kegs from stmr C L’ope; fat sain by BAUaLKX £• SMfTUj :• I Icplj IS and SO wood si • CitflWßifcS—so hUds N O Sug"a»; "160 bigs prune TJ RfayCogeenoWKSaa Btir»a.inJtea Gray. A Twist Tobacco; landing this day from stmr hip ssenger Nd S, and for sale by JAR FXAJYD," - ituarld ■ Roand Church tfolldjng „ . N' O .\Jo;^tS.SKS—SCO bbl« prime N O hlaltcse* • in Motr, tor sate by marts RIIKV. MATTHEWS A Co JUST REi’KIVKD— IW lbs pow'd ljqaorice Bull, and for sale l(y tochTJ J KIDDAUq . Buckets, tubs and keelkrs—4i> doz Beaver. Buctct*, V 3 do do TuV*i 5 do do Keelers, lot *«lc ' • SF VOtt BONN HORST £-Co, v m {rotu»t, . LAILD— Li bb{* jom rov'd and fur sale by , itl SAW IIARJuAUGIf, 1 "S mcblß _ 53 water HU frofaH»l» MOLAgSES-7U bbls N O iUotassea, foraale by • 1 - BMl* > TjlSl'OLa-fc'oi boiiforum overland companies, re, X cr-ivcd yenterday and for We by ‘ - *<a»is w w wilson. ;, /*> fcJNULNE SALAD OH/—On hand and by ~ ( IjT febdo J KIDD ACo SUNDIUES TO ARHJVE- ‘ ‘ )0 bxa prime while Havana Sugar, Id tierce* "Rice; 113 bbl* N O Mblhaxf*, -iObx*i*ynons} SU-bxa Sosih , ~, , t< 50 bxa Raiiim: 40 bxa told Soap; Aftd tor sale low! ENGLISH-* UKNNETttV- -j flabl7 __ . 37 wood.M /''IIIEESE"— I>O bxa \Vcstera Reserve, in store apu lor *aie by fcb» " ROBT DALZELL £ C*x- .- T>ICE —10 tes Rice, rec'd and for sale by xi mchl4 WICK k WCAN'DI OLAX-iS sacks Flsuu rec’d and for saleby [ T ' WehM WICK * MMIaXIDL] B"' ULKP~t>Rk-<Ui pci Balk tml boat Mcdoga, and for sale by JAMES UALZKLL, 21 mari _ STARCH— for saJoby V-t'-’ »MlO • 8 V VON? BONNHORSy *.^l WHITE BK.aNS~2O bbls'while Hearts, rnulU 8 P VON BONNHORfiT? AcCtt^ PEA NUTS — yuu tnjsh on haadruidtor sale low to close consignment, I >j • KbU BROWN it CULBERTSON SUUAR— s£> hhds new crop,- jdW'itteU'Aiid loMlli _ by fob!* BROWN ACDIiBEATSQN ... J LAflO— lubtils No 1 LanLin.sforc a&d, for sdlo-by foblO . S.&W.HARBAWVf BROOMS— tioz extra uusiuv anOSuhT '* 10 •* •*“ hearth; • f . 10 •* •* cloth, for sale by ’" ,VI * fobs* innm.MAMiVi SiiniAS' ALE—Orders for ShtroV cetebrateq Fak^* 1 ily AJe, promptly etCeinrd by thd unAerkigtaft? * BOtiERTBON & REBtfEKT'r- y,.> atari CfcdlOt - • AgcoUfortha nac if " wt BT ef4 -"* FLOUR— 25 bbls 3 P Floor, loading from ! stair r Ai b V, rowllne and for tale by ‘ v ■ r ■ ; man! . . JAMES ' F/OUR— 2u> hblV ta store. "• : f*, marf i SfDUAWORtn *<3o«_ SUNDRIES— 5 bbta No l Mafjterel; ■ * I > yo bbls No U nyickcrpl; 20 hi do No U do; : - fcO “ “ 4 “ 10 doTaiir<r»,OiJi . . & do Alum; 3 do 1' Holm; 3 do cbip’d LogwjWd. 1 hl’do Nutmeg*; 50 iix» No 1 tcaicil HoriWfr i-J 60 bx» Nod dotloi sdo Bconwd > 'V I 10 do No 3 Press'd do; 10 do No 4 do do • • j : ' l bale Cloves; 10 bags Java Coflijej 60 hhda prime N O abgxr; just Tfcc’d ana by decU BROWN fc CULOBRTBON_* OUGAR-3CB OSuxar, rdeeired pec O Weslera World alid <r£n ffike, x itmrlO BURBiUOGE, WXLSON&Co RIOB— 44 tieroca pri oic’.CaiaHfi*, RiVY Anty^i; < aieoraer Gen PiXe; for saldor’’' c marlO BtJRBRIDGR, WIWON %Ot» SUGAR HOUSE MOI,ASSES-il»bMs S Mj&f* »««; fof sale by' BURBRIDGE, - marlO _ ..,. j,. t. ■•Qm a a WHISKEY— Id bbls old copper distiHcd, fbr.*ale by rc'~{ \ marlO BUnuiUDOE, WILSO?f APpl* STAR GANDLK9— SO boxes Star Caudios, NO 4; jus - received and lor sale by .•.'■V. »*/'_-?•, I mart BROWN* CULBERTSON, j RAISINS— 50 bxs M R Raisins, ju«t vale by mart BROWN i CULBERTSON > rf Flos— 10 bxa Malaga Pigskin * tofe Wd kiitie by" mart B RU WN. X C ULBEKt&OPi • PITTSBURGH GAZET-Te/J PUm.ISJiKD DAliiY, TIU-WEEKLY AVragOTT At c/itGaxauß%nldmci y 3dtL,.iu&ttli4fOSttg!ln.i ■ . RATES OF One insertion,of. VSlidcb, or Two infeerxioai withoataUemiQiu,.#,«*••••• 0 75 Three “ u •*. * *«—••*•**: ios • .... One Week Two Weeks u - > •*••••*«•*,? One Month. Two *' Three “■ ETiJor4er »dTWiisement* in nog Une square,6" ina»tfo r %tthbot,attcr3Upß>*.t, , '**'•. \% "** ; ~ . |u. taeh uidihoaa*f«qoata lor 6 mbnth»,»»»rv Ono W Eaeii adiitionaisqnarc for 12 month* - * ■ Two ,Eathaadilloiuil errjare,6 roooUw, •*•*•** *' mm o» «..»!.«' « ■>""* One eqoare. S inaertioßs, •»■•*** *•***..*** rrS V ««ch 3 dditfoi.l W ' N near****, pWlin.** l«i«, one a ,« • .« jir•••’Vi » n « 000 Jew, duly * w « ckl />*-■'h V' six month* " . m . . , >o° !_„,*« i* **ktt*» *W»*. r ' J ~ .. v W V’TJire®, ‘ f ‘ flb „ *4 ' I'ISCO BOBtbl/ «mi wn *-k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers