The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 26, 1849, Image 3

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    B|: Magnetic Telegraph;
juuuvAt o» tile bteahahip
. CANADA., = ■
'* St. Jon?. N II- Jlarcl)23
The Keamship Cumin, with Eorepeeh now' to 1
the 18th insLramvedni
Europenn-fend* Save fiacnuledtHOjlliiUhibly.,,
end have receded fully one per *en|ilm Srithin
the lea fci&ight, yet there bra hot .been the
reaction le Cotton. The «in .coalman ;
thoprice. ere firm. tfoee of
the" market, 4m thlj 2d Irut, -io
d, fc P Graia, tie'pnejes ere declining gnijMily, elf
■ fiom preMhOppeninmce', the hpudm hii not yet
beed reached.- ,t . <;■
From the
boatman fevateble. There is, also, n fair hucneM
going forverft'ln the prodace marhhte. Y
< On tbe Continent, price*, on are
■tendiif maiflWined. ■ l , j
The Mealjjnarket continues■ a«tiM,Andpricey
, are on ibe idvaoce. Daring jbe; wrtk ending
M«reh 2d, wu ,no advance in Ifceadftufli.-
Fair American Cotton not oitiy knflfoUfnpd it* ■
„ ground, bat Was a point higher! thin at; the time
the Americas aailed. '? The wiitai atnoailied to:
bale*.- 1" l !■ ..•
T6e disastrous account* frotn ifidij), abd the
ceWa by tbfl'KiagM* that there iyai a l&ige excess'
. of receipts o£P«too arjlfae prinapal.Bhipping port*;
•in America, the : corresponding' period .of last'
'; yekr, to dediacj' oae-fotinh
i pcnm4- j iFair; Upland* are {at
-s^-MoWny’ Orieac*, si& j , Th*s*le»Wuf
:the' week co&prisa 2220 bale* ’ ,
; The importation of, BreadstuOa froffl'thuTJnited
: 'ikstas daring tho hsij(bnnighl,:ha^'banrn&uiik
-1 ■:ftjy)«y- j i
> j.: |At Liverpool, on* the 9th in*u;
■ [ wti sold in vmhll quantities at,'-bi;l<&do7s2d.
'; Southern Fiber, 2Ss{2£G*W. Oanalf t 25
, 6A Philadelphia 3(’s 6do
25a 3d. £
Beat NojShem Yellow Cornj; 29*
(328 s ;6d jsir quarter. Cora jotted eit
l3sol4ape£bbL ’‘ijpiy ,
Pftnritiwfji.—' There U a frir badajnPg, forward
in Americas Provision*. The arrivals; of Bee/ are.
very three times a* great is at the
BBme time'|ast yeanFine qualities ibriogmg fiDl
prices, othA sort* an) to be hlul
aay 55057|jper tierce, for ordinary; Me*»
Bark *appcjt* its rate*. L*rd;is iafoir; detoand, a*
• sf 6d periewt CfceejfrfjHsteady, but
Batter has Receded from lstq iji
' aOme install be* 2s have been Scctptlj4*
Nava] stores are quiet, andtommaod fairer; pri
cat. ]
The tofidon Money market cofltinae* easy.—
Discount* oif the best paper rqngd frcip 2i(32i-per
cenl4 Caasob for money, the bwes^lt— highest
. ii|dyV) ltt^gi“,#ll i Bl|;
’ in glniriwg sales on acqouht'l%}< ' Amen,
can stock fjlly maintained their prices. ;
Oobflflpy fin""*** 1 refijrm cbt down
tbe espend&ues of tbc thillion*,
' 1»m been ejected by-lha ParSkmeq^:^
Tbe emigrant barque, Floridian, bsiiad s>r New
'-York, was Wrecked off the cowt of iftarwck, and
’ afl on were kat except ihreeu
« ," s ; : INDIA. ; i . I '
Another'murderou* conflict widt tlip Se^kh*,oC
oinxcdoa&e leftbahkof the^ivetAioht.'5 ,et W® cn
the army cn the Funjaub, under LW3 Gohgh, and
tie Bibb force undeifßaj&h struh*
gle, In which the British have to the loss of
rimety lhrW) officers and twb five hun
dred mcniiUed and wonodeil.
victory to tbe ziigtish but was
v the flight of ihtfßefijght.t&vajVy Eegl
rnenl, retreat —** yet
Jy.explain^—aTtwri eorp* of British dragoon*.'—
The;new#;iirom India, altogether, £ft of mdst
lxird Gough Jhas been sh
jwrceded .iy the "appointment of Noa
pier, who Wna to have proceeded, of
hostHhiesoa the 20th-uIL '
T; ;■ .riuscE. | :
’ 1 The Government ccnlinaei tojgiiier .euength,
and there W evidently* growing j£dpo*itibn.otl the;
part of Unpeople to cruab any aU«ap* « 1
, disorder. \Oa the Whole, tba r tif tranquil* |
tity are more favorable than tbeyjhaye bcca for tie
i- 1 • ■
4 EXECtjnvE. sESsiolf; \ ■-■
y] . . Wjiaaimrrort, l&ayitkbljfi *• k.
The Southern Telegraph is out ofurddr.'
TheSehaie adjourned sine didyesferdsy;
I£r. Fo&e offereda resohifiontft secrel session,
to IkeeSebt that
esnoparf?of the treaty between ibe JCfnilpd Stales
jtnd MexS». The resolntton to,and
U2d overrode! the mle. No cqnfciai aliens oc*
onrred ur to Thursday night. .
A riot'tonredjUtlis Toronto Kchse,' Several
pnzciflen|: indtvidnnla were dtsaiiid, Snd' othera
bsrnt in'effigy. A serious ouii*eafc ju appre
hended. ,i [.
c CtHcnraatt, March 64, JBiSHriS M-
The summer Rosco,-fiorw Sti'Luuis for Gn<an«
wfckafeU cargb, was 'urdk tiiee wles be*,
low Rising SaQ. She weal dotju hurricane
flccV -Up fives reported asjha’flDgSeeii lost*
5 NEW.'jyOHK MaRKCT- i
'-f Nsw Year* Mkid|34 tL
Flanj-*AU parties are ewaltinijjfl the Foreign
News, &ries ofWestern at $5 2^S5 r43l cents
perbbL i ■ 'j ! !? ' r p \ .
‘ Gnin4-Wheat aad Com ire lts*ty. £ . . •
Provisions—The market is heavy,; ana I hear of
no safea«Hower offers would W aeefcptejt
Sales of Treasury Notes at |
’ilartit 24—‘11 s»k.
news! has ‘tail yet been di
gcstedt bjl holdetslhave bec& ogkijxg*htgher pices.
Cotton!—There has been nothing done as yfct to
i indicate the efiTecl bf the firesigit news..!' **
f no feper Bailisre^
The afemmet« ; itows basi unsettled
■ tat produced more firmness inhoeims geacxaiiy.
Government loans,are heavy.,,- Sales
aryNotes at 109<; Qovgnuacgt'KXcs df^lOSl.
/TOUCH CANDY—2OO dot Friees d4uah toandjr; jnst
\j and for tala by ttch&y.-.rJlflPD fc.Co
Sips.U COMBS—A iheli, back,
«<rfnwnd dtaiahig Comb«.-dahk£d*t -f : .
JTEBPLON S7.Markejat .
TYRIED AFFLE3—dQO buh iaiSioni
!_/ • mchl7 i .-jIaRrLOVD *
L ABX£-S> fagslf o l l*arfi re’*t®*!S to* *»J= by
: ••' [
O boih-Ooverifeed;in now uri
ro r>iiy ;<4 h, E FLOYD
egg 1
BTr£TjsH_lS bMarruna Roll Baharr peek’d
- Biar.
' * and foi
A cJfiby ' i; tfttMB •.';' TAnSEy^bKtff
i YHrftVftß' bM^pcnat
1 V/ i» non «nd for «Uo.£r > ;
. nartO j , •••'>•. •■•.
T-.AaiKOnr—lohbl»paro tjtrf OiJ,
r J f' by : i 0
! "DACQN—€M»Ib*, bog reindi W tecelito* froo.
Jbi «aibrlot,BllCT*teii-«®» *
g JjWteSEO:o»Mfciiler, SO tat Bed Cordlj JO <lo
] .jpwu.LiiMS
MAPfNA—tOOlfea bmlU fUkc.Jurt jtc*4 aniHpt sale:
by; , v - «ttia3 B AFAUNESfOCg J
GOOreE«ISINGLAfiS-b «»eskmrKM T k»d tor 1
wJfl by B A F* WNrgTOClCfc'Co
jbbU a rood 'tiicle,
1 JU jofc rredWed ata for sale By <
■ acijfl ' t t NICOLS
U *
f■ ' • 1'••: BROWN *.CdJ^B&tTSON,
;j, .. acfoS ■ : -! ij ?•:•-; lillilbcrty n: ■
p •DIO &ON-UU wiu PijiiOT; (Bl.ek Fox PMtiice)
' . Jt.'aoWlihitof patbe AJleghsnjr-whar#ind|M«ilo
j'• .by: - r raeMS f ‘.--JfcRFLDYD
SS3P "tig^Bkur.
I ' 17T1) 5L0VE845 carlookLajUiaaad Genu ioJortd
; lv »04bl»ck.lLdGlovc*,Juge«M», jn« nteivti
'! f
!' rY*tt&3bbUlJiol; 2jsHf<w3tffiibj <5WuNd
«IJ/S,tow btadlnig: from -ftrfcffobjr ,
~*j ■ I&AIAH DIOSKY* Co; Frem u :
"IJACy&N BI£E3—Q hhd* mwili26iai man' iUamer .
.O-liaiiaii-fettoleby T < •
-«*fesg■••; •"■> • hBAtiapiogErftco :
bbli; fibig«,4ow; tiu&Uurf &om jitesi&er
JL#.Pftipniw«~fcf«sie hv 5 *'•»:■!
'■©TJ-' ailAytiiciEVkCo
1840 ' I ALMAWife, I 8«a
MARCH; I . ~. { rises.
24 Saturday,
25 Sunday, '
26 Monday, ’
27 TccMlay.'
29 WednesdAy,
.29, Thursday:
30 Friday,
■F. ICBSiZ. ROET. BSlL; 6 C. ttjo.
Omn Prrritftcat.u .Garxmt, >
Monday Morning,; if arch 20, 1649. f
The market on Samrday predated' nothing newer
interesting. 'An osaal, on the lasi difof the week, the
market generally was very quiet,' with: do material
change id quotation*. ,
FLOUR-Tbe receipts werebetureeit' 2509 in 300 U
bbl*, IroogM in, principally, iteanter Enterprise
from Zani*riJe. About 2500 liblswert’consigned to
the ennai TuKa, for shipment east, ; Soles‘amounting to
sctiae SCO bbli were effected onthe wharf on Friday
evening and Saturday morning j|t 83,60 bbl Sale*
of 150 bbln ftom ripra at * tbl.
GRAIN—Of Wheat and Rye, 4npplies.are Very lira
ited. abd we can only quote nominally at, for
GBOT7OC, and far Bye 45050 c Ira. of Barley
in limited lota at 48050 c P bn. ‘ Sale of 250 l>u Corn
at 35c b upland of 500 ba Oats in lota from store at
ySc-V but ;
. RYE FLOUR—Supplies are fight, with moderate
tales ouly of £M£? *bl-
CORN : Sr^AL— )Ve note sate* at 45050 c V bu.
UACON—Sale* of 1000 Cis Bacon at, Tor Shoulders
4i,Bideri‘s*,iand Hotas 6}o&ic ? &.
.IfAllß—Sales 20 bbls in lots at sic fi>. Regular
keg in limited lots at Go6£c P £j. •
J LTTERr-The season is dull for Batter, .and sales
are in small lota only at, for roll in bbls at 940114 for
common'.ta beat.
WINDOW GLASS—SaIes IDO bxs 10 country
brand#; at 9” box.
SERDS-Gf Clover seed there is a Jair supply m
market, with sales at 83,18083,25 from store! Of tim
othy, viefy hills is offered; S 3 P"bu is atoatthe nomi.
oafpric#. Sales of Flax seed from sxota at?Oo9sc
bushel r 1,
OlLS—Safe* of Litueed at 00c, of Lafd M 56000 c 9
gall, and Thauer's oil at $170819 F bbl,
SOAR AND CANDLDS-No dungs in quotation*
Sales: of-city and Cincinnati manufactured Rbsin
so?p, #t 4404|c. Sales of dipped eeodtea.ot 9c, Of
Mould at 104 e, of Star at 3lc Cj.
Groceries generally are-wiibom chaoge from I2st
quotations.. ,
New Yotx, March 19,1849.
At Market—looo Beef Caule, 1800 SOutoqrn, the re*
mhinder front ibis State and the EastK.lOO.-Cows and
Calves, and 1500 Sheep and Lambs*! Prices—Beef
Cattle—Beeves have been rather do# of sale daring
the weqk, but we cannot reduce the quotations of our
previous rtpnrl. Most of too Yransacuoa* ranged at
t'rbm 6to9e p Bj. A lot of 60 head Were taken by
khippers, who have the contract for supplying the Brit
ish Naval Station at Bermuda, From too appearance
of the yard we shoold estimate abomflOO left over un
disposed ot. Cows and Calyes—Sales at from gS|sfr
to S33S42AQ. Sheep and Lambs—Sales' at 83,25 to
the latter is a slight advance on the pri
ce* of lakt week, 200 leftover;
ST. LOUIS—-Per Shenandoah—'l boj. S Jones & co,*
bdli green hides, 24 dry do,,W Biyanu l box books
■Hay* A Black; 3 tkagioseng, 1 bbl dried fruit, 14 Übds
;l4iboxe* pork. 35 bbls 1 tre do, Alexander A Day; 17
bbls mess Doric, same; 10 bbls alcohol, R E Sellers; 14
do do, J Kidd A co; 17 sks potatoes, Mprgan Mason; 33
bbls do, Capt Bowman; 50hhds bacOn. 1500 badon
bntn«, <B bis deer skins, D Leech A e£ 63 bis cotton,
King, Pennock A co; 19 bgs rags, W Bingham.
-Per Ml Vernon—2o429 pcs bnlk pork. 10 csks hams 1
Bdo shoulders,-Sellers A Nieols, 41 pork, 19 sks
feathers, 3 bbls beeswax, W Bingham; 9 hbds bacon,
4 do lob, steamier Peru; 3 bbls hama and shoulder}.
CINCINNATI—Per Isaac; Newton—lo bxs soap, G
A-J H Shoeobcrger, 73 tres haftis, 5 hhds bocon sides, 5
do.shrraldcn, Sellers A Nieols} 2 bblrhams, D Leech
A co; 5 do do, Kier A Jones; 4 luta mdse, Wm Bingham
34 bgs feathers. D L*ech Adm 2 hlf pipes brandy, bl
cak ao, qr do wine, 1 pipe gin, V Fehl fr, 56 bbl* whis
key, Miller A Rickotson; 53 mulevT Cpster.
ZANESVILLE—Per Ente»ris6—sls bbls flour. Wm
Rinffh.m; 1015 do do, H Graf&74 kgs lard, 7 bhds hams
13 do shoulder*, 5 do jowls, 101 bbl* bud, 57 kgs do, H
GrolTAeo; 250 bbla flour. DLAech s co; boxes
starch, E Beaxelton;79 tacks dried apples, 4 do pea
ches, 3do rags, 1 do feathers, 3 bbls butter, 2do lard,
1 keg do.* 21 ao dried peaches, 4 do t seed, 2do flax
seed, 37 ska bran and shipstuff. • )
Livxa ptt.ta —No medicine ever earned for itself a
higher repntatlon in ao shorfU tlme, as has the Jutct
pSI, discovered and eompoatMed by Dr. -hTLana, of
Virginia- Ahhongh but a ih'qrt time eomp'arativeiy
before the public;it has already earned for itself a de*
!;ree of popularity hitherto unsurpassed- The demand
or them nsi* become immehsti. Mean*. Kidd A Co.,
the proprietor* of the medicine, who reside -in Pitts*
burgh, cornerof4tband Wood atxect*, are constantly
receiving order* which they it almost utterly im*
possible to supply. The ppphlarity 01 these rills is
not confined to may particular section of the country;
the demand being general, frock the North, South, Sail
■wd West The truth is, no disease is more common
In all quarter* of the United State* than that of the Li
ver. and these Pills are the,best remedy ever yet dis*
Cowed for Hepatic derangement. .For sale at th*
thug Store of feh2Q , J KiliflA Co ,
AnoTHxmCxssmcArs to theejceliCaco of ATLene 5
V ja«S? e j. Kidd & Co.—Gcntjetnen: Jt is with pleta*
on 1 hand this, mv certificaib,-(testifying lo the gone
ral popularity of Dr. SEl^sM’*'American Worm Sp*e
etfie,) to year tanattnr agent, Hr, Mttfltoc, JJcmßtsab
tgol recefrrita ftamhfci *«a»ltlo* m*-—n cn coaudla-
So. (used A/eVtboaks ihorrowjs fiunily. to U*
good efiseta lean fafiy tesjUY.. The rnjinoaiaol4 to
my customers* andJbund os utQairy, dtfct it gmv« very
general aadsftotloiL. ’GaoaaafiuxwzLt.
- Ankuatn, Carroll Ca Ohio, 8?, ISIfl. . .
For s&leUf (be drugstore of J. KIDD tc Co.
m- Diararst* is the hane : of many. a man’s exist*
ence. No tongue can describe the sufferings caused
by this distressing disease. It unfits man Cor hit tta*
tion in life* maybe, end makes him feel
as though he feoald rather not exist than endore such
misery. .Yet these sofferingi ate produced in thefirst
plaeefoy derangement of and if this were
met by using B. A. Fahnestock’s ASli-Bilious Pills,
the bowels would be cleansed, the: accumulation of
bile' carried off, and a speedy and safe relief obtained.
Prepared and sold by B.A- FAHNESTOCK * Co
corner Ist and wood, also corner 6th and wood sts.
octlS .
Mli&m’B Wohx Vnairco*.—Thojxjpalaritjf which!
I «fri« medicine hu acquired la 'Werazn PennsyiTunla,
jis a rare guarantee or its excellence. The following
gentlemen, highly respectable citizens of Allegheny
Sad Beater eountles, have used this Vermifuge in their
an d offer the assurance of (u great medical
James Stratum, Fourth *iL Road, Piiuburgh.
Harr 3. Stratton “
Mary Stratton, . u H
Mary Bark, Beaver county.
Ban<a Hasberger, Manchester, near Pitt
Margaret Lindsey, “ •*
lames Bark, Squirrel fliIL
Agnes Bark, “ ‘
For sale ai the drag store bf J KIDP A Co, CO Wood
“Ecosovt b WlU.m” and if Si/ Shields had but
goremed by the ahoye motto, ho might hare sa
ved money and himself much physical suffering) but
redd the following letter, dated April 16th, 1843:
Mr. Wm. Shields, a respectable farmer-of this vicin
ity, was taken ill; called Ea aDoethr who doctored
him for Dyspepsia &r onejjear, but he itjll cot worse.
Be then discharged his Dodtor and paid him thirty
dollars. He then got a rial of yoarVermifage, and
one box'of Sanative Pills, and by the use of these med
icines (costing only 60 con's) he discharged, he says,
at least one thousand worms, and id two weeks whs
so improved in health as to. attend to his business, and
has been in rood health ever since, and says Dr.
Jayne's .Vermifuge and Shqative nils have mode a
mmitd man of him. ;Wll B. DEAN, P. KL,
To Dr. D. Jayne, Phils. at Port WUliam.O.
! Portals in Pittsburgh afthc PEKIN TEA STOKE,
GFcdfch Street, near wood. feb!7-dftwS
EjrUntinrFaorea Mxloaa—lfytm wish 10 be rte
ccssfat la soy ondhTtakiiig. too must always ‘use the
5 roper me am.’ Therefore, if you hfiae a cough, me
am* and pe cured, tor it ii the proper
meth*. Have yon Asthm* or diffidnlty- of breathing,
then the only efficient means to edre you is to use
Jayne* Expectorant, which wilUmniedialehr orercome
the spasm which contracts; the diameter of the tabes,
and loosens and brings ap the maens which clogs them
< ap. mhd thru remores ererr obstruction to a free Zespi
ratuin, while at the same tune all inflammation Is sabg
daed. and a core Is certain to be effected. Ilare yon
BrotiehhitSpining of Blood, Pleurtdy, or in fact any
Pdlmbnory Affection, then use Jayne* Expectorant
and' relief is certain, and you wUhnnathat yoa hare
ased the proper means.
For tala in Pittabargh at the Pekin Tea Store, 73 4th
street near Wood. ianl7
‘tYEMOVAI*—We hare, removed out. Book Stores
IV from fi# Market street and: 78 Wood street, to the,
boose formerly occupied Ifjr Messfs. William Bell k
Bon, No. 79 Wood sum, between Fourth and Diamond
aUdy. > marS ELLIOTT * ENGLISH, >
SUNDRIES— 22 bbls No 1 Lard: 2 half do do; S kgs
,dodo:flbblsGrease; Rbhds Bacon;. 9 bbla ; Effg*j
M sacks Feathers; Ido Girueng;’iff tierces Flaxseed;
14 fbbl* do; 37 bogs do; d.bbls Beafis, small white; 5
begs do, to arrive—for sale by
mchts , ISAIAHDICKEY A Co, Front st
. fc^STi
G\ BOUND NUTS-20Q bash for sale br
r pch23 f . WICK * bPCANDLESS
SfcYTHE SNEATH3—3O doz patent S anesihs, Tor
sale by • mcha* i WICK i. M’CANDLESB
MESS AND PRIME PORK—39bbls jast rac'd and
for sole try mehlffi 8A )V HaRBAUGH
son*, Clyde. Bristol,Jßprtgne% fce,, fine and me
dißO, small and large patterns, test opened and jibr
sale br mchl9 "SHaCKLETT a WHITE
MOIASSE3— 400 bbli.plafltttfoj# Moitues;
10 do iurmr btfdM . do; Tor Ule by
r* OAF SUGAR—IOO bMs No 9 Goaf Sugary
Jj 74 di> No 6k 0 do. do
’*■* • 10 do-crmhed,’ do- do
by Bhll BHEY, MArlrtEWß* Co
TbEACHES—OTO bosh fcaJae*, fat rale by
BACON-9000 lb» Baebfl, hog round, in imoke bOun
.nd no- rwdy lor el. g WATEHUANi
: meblfl ' 31 water mad 63_frontet
Con,„...rrcM|.d,toMJ.t,y f<
fXAPER—IIO reams crown Wrasping Paperj
fe"" 1 c
“R aoiinndfor
nlom e ° n jj^‘X b JlPTCHlaONtCo„
c°'sgr a,b^, J A^ i^^l£p° by
by mcM3 J p WILLIAMS, IIP»««■■
Oi-iSSES—m bbl.NO; 10 Sojll IIoBK; 6do
...Cdlden Syrup; tor laleby .. . '
/COFFEE—7S bag* prime Bibj 16 do- fancy do; 10 do t
JB wilua*s
:J> ncV& *Co
iprifiwt<fwUty ( now land
U3-«jbrmcKEY fc Co
567 . 0
455 6 1 .
5 M 542
553 524 -
550 5 5
549 447
547 429
OatUe Bark*t.
Michigan No, 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacot», Brownsville. ,
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsvrlie.
Camden, Hfcndnokson, McKeesport.
Caleb Cope, A- Murdock, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Beaver
Wm Phillip*, McPbial,KiUatH)iOg.
Hibernia, No 2, Klinefelter, Cto.
Monongaheln, Stdne, Ctn.
Louis MeLaoe. Brownsville.
Telegraph,--No 2, Mason, LouisviU*.
Zachary Tkylor, Lucas, Wheeling.
Vermont, Haxlett, Wabash River.
Shenandoah, BoWmao, St l-^mi*
North America, ■, New Orleaaa.
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jaccps, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Caleb Cope, Mordoch, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Beaver.
Wm. Phillips, McPhuil, KiUanntng.
Lonis Mclkne Brownsville.
Dr. Franklin, Na 2, Hill, Cio.
Hail Colombia, Green, Cin.
Hamburg, Caldwell, Louisville.
R WightmUn, Wolliamson Chrisler’s Landing
Schuylkill, .Williams, St Lonis.
Messenger; No. 2, Woodward, Louisville.
Isaac Newion, Mempbill Cin.
There were 12 feet 6 inches fall in the cbanel
by pier mark, last evening at dusk, and at a stand
Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M.
Brownsville Packets, 10 A. pL, and 4P. M.
Beavet Packets, 10 A. M n and 4P. M.
Nashville I —Dolphin.
Wheeling—2 Taylor.
" . Ciflderella.
Thc rieaniSmt North America, on Saturday
afternoon, ran into, and somewhat injured the
Germantown, while she was lying at the wharf —
Captain Bougher has brought suit
Since writing the above, we learn that the mat*
ter has been compromised by the payment of ten
dollar*'damage on the part of the North America.
Msassnsx* No. 2.—This magnificent steam*
er left.our wharf on Saturday, with about four
handred tons of freight on board, and the largest
number of passengers that ever traveled on any
boat between this and-Cincinnati, at Any one time.
Pateto- Bscoixd Jurexbt Isl 1849.
Patent eros*itver extension Tables, Scfat, Bureaus,
Bool: Cam, Writing Dttlt.
THE TABLKS far surpassing every other in
vention of the kind now exuct. They can he ex
tended from tec to urecty-fivo feet, and when closed
the leaves-are 411 contained Inside; they are made to
all sizes and shape*, and are adaiirabnr adapted fer
Steamboats. Hotels, and large private families, fann
ing when closed a complete centre table.
SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval
uable, particularly to those who wish to econo
mise room, anfl convert a sleeping apartment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shut
at convenience, and when shut, the beading is enclos
ed. A great Saving, in room and rest All the bed
steads when closed mrm a beautiful piece of furniture
fer a parlor or rilling roost.
BOOK CASES— A neat and useful article for parlor
or drawing room.
WRITING DESKS—For law offices, coon ting rooms,
snd other offices; when opened a most convenient bed
stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library' stewe
is visible.
Ail these ariide» need no tecoamendarioa: the
beadtv of toe Whole Is, they are warranted not to get
out of repair. It will; be for your interests to call smd
examine thb azjieles, at the aanufeetuier’s store. No.
63 Third timet; PmsWtgh* In addition to the above
advantages, toty are proof against bugs.
PROPOSALS received at toe office of the
Pittsburgh Water Works, until Tuesday, 371 h
ittsu si 5 del oak, p. AL, for formshing Water Pipes as
follows, viz:
13S pipes 8-in. bore, weight eaeh 460 lbs.
100 - fi!“ “ “ “330“
300 “ 4;“
The S’i end O’* to be east on end in dry sand; toe 4*t
may be east otherwise —toe usual complements of
branches to be ; furnished at the same rate.
The 8 inch pipe* to be delivered in Aptil and May
next, and'the whole quenttty by the first day of inly.
Payments tebe in Bonds bearing hav
ing alyean tolnu.
fcsjing and delivering to be at the expense of the
Contractor. J. H. hTCLELLAND, Soph
QUNDRIES-tIOO packages fresh Teas—Y. Hyson,
O Ganpewder and Imperial;
300 begs pome Green Bio Coffee; so do Lagnyrk
do; lOdo Old Java do;
25 bags black Pepper; 10 do Pimento;
t£D hhds odw drop N O Bagar;
SQI bbla Plantation Molasses;
SO do Sugar House do
-30 Ucreestfreab Bice; ISO bxs Banch Baiamr;
ISO bzs manufactured Tobacco, various brands;
90 keirt Gedgo & Bro- t lirisiToberto; ■
10 & S Herds* “
to *,‘ Pittsburgh plug u
IS) bxȣcio Wiodow QUam Ado IQzlldo;'
3a) kegs assorted Naffi; 13-eatks Saleptto*;
Sooop6ond* Couch Yam, assorted No*T™t -*•'
Together with a fall and general assortmentof axti
clesin theGrtceiy line, on hands and for sale Inr •
I k B FLOYD, Hound Church BaUdihg*,
mai& ; Frwulhg On liberty, Wood and Six&
JT>, i been eminently •eceeisfal in the umi ande«D»
soifieof which were of great violence - aim
long w»nilin w. ■ Seven pains in the breast and ildea
hove yielded to its and many sufferers been
relieved.• Iu curative power* are undoubted, and at
tested by a large camber of certificates. It U .made
with great care, and from ingredients which are Wi
ly of great benefit inall pulmonary aflecßd^is.
The agent far this place will give youianVfilmanac'
grails, inwhiih you will find more amble'details. . . *
Prepared and told by B. A. FAHNESTOCK AJ&£
comer of First and Wood streets; also, eomcr'-Stitfp
and Wood sts. _ , mcfil&r ,»»*<■
latent Gold Waihor».'.'i’’i.vl^S|
PERSON'S going to California can be
the beat patented Gold Washer thtl-iihirtyerbeea
introduced to the pablic. The weight is-dllly 89 lb*n
and can he packed In a trunk if necessary. Also,
light Picks atfd other Tools used in California. The
above will be sold on the most reasonable terms, - at
meh(7 No Cl Market si
I HAVES Marble; Monuments, at my old stand on
Wood street. Should any person want a Monu
ment, I will shll at very reddeed pnees, between this
and Ist April, to save thd labor of removing them to
my new stand at tha head of Wood, on Liberty street,
at thb comer of Irwin’s alley.
L THE light draught steamer LOYAL
j HANNA, will be sold on reasonable
■|BSlaflmfit tortus. as she sow lies at the wharf
■BBBbBHI For terms, Ac., inquire of
; JAfl. KF.RR, Jr. A Co, 36 Water it.
-Shoe Findings* Ac., No. 143 Liberty street, have
just received their‘SPRING STOCK of goods, com
prising a large assortment of articles in their hue, to
whidh the attention,of purchasers is invited.
i LL persons indebted to the Estate of William Mc-
JK Knight, deceased, or to the late firms of W. Mc-
Knigbt A Co., and Wm. MeKnight A Son, axe notified
to pay, without further delay, to
mchl3uilm. Administrator of W. MeKnight, dop'd
A GIRL u> do Oas who thoroughly
. sndantaaris her batmen, tod eha give good re
foxebeet, can beat Of a permanent titaatioo, at fair
wagct, by applying at this office. 'menHrftf
tfunratifiPattnt Sod* Aab.
OAO CAdXS jaht received per iteamen Ivaohoe
£Aj 4/ and 8t CtoodL and for tale by
pch!3 . ; 160 Liberty at
WWTWII39ff,Tie» jast returned from the gut
. . era. eitie*. with a. luge end well (elected
dock of Goode in hia line, to which he recpeeifolly in
▼iiet the attention, Of hie caitomerc end the pnblic gen
erally—corner 4th end Mdrkct n. mch3o ,
i CalUioroli.
THE celebrated Hazard Rifle Powder, in kegs, hail
'kegs, quarters and cans, for sale by
foblS ■ J 5 DILWORTH A do. gTwood st
Independent Police Office*
"Vfo. 108 FOURTH BTREET.—Com mining Magie
-1“ trate, Alsmtan Stxzl. Chief of Poliee, Roust
Hades. ; ; jalfl-d2m
/~tREJIN APPLES—IOO bbl», a good variety, jost
VX refceivfrd and for sale by
/~WHN—4t saeke Corn, to-day. recM by
OFFICE RENT—In second story, No M Water
street. . ISAIAH DICKEY A Co,
. a~h!6 ‘ Front and water its
JEWKLfijf— A splendid assortment of - new _ ahd
-.fashionable patterns, Joct opening by
- tndhSO
aUININIi— 75 aUnoes rac’d and for sale br
mchSU, : BA PAENE3TOCK k. Co
COPPEItAS— 1W bblsjait rec'jlijdTo’r aafe by
mehgft ; B A FAHNESTOCK h Co
iPJCM— SO lbt Cow crop, lo»t rec’d sad lor talc by
comer lei and wood au
MOLASSES—» bblt New Orleans, ;ui landing
from gunr Mbnongahela; for sale by
I XjHITE BEANS—2O bbl« for tale by
VV mcbso i 8 P VON BONNHOEST A Co_
CORN BROOMS—I2S dot, various qoalltiet, fur tala
by mch2o ti P VON BONNHORBT ACo
TiOTATOES—ski ibis day rac'd and for sale by
BULK PORK—A nnal! lot, very goodjnst reo’d tad
for iale by nfchao ARMSTRONG A CROZER
BAGON-+-300 pi* city smoked, for sale by
mchaa ~ , ahmsthono a crozer
TJUTTKR—a btils Roll Bauer.jaat rac’d and for tale
j) by jmehafi ARMSTRONG A CROZER
1| ARD—EC keg* No 1, for tale by
APPLES— 95 sacks dried Applet, in store and for
sale br-> imcblfl L 8 WATERMAN
SEBD— AfoW bags prime Timothy Seed, for sale by
tPcitUr ; L 8 WATERMAN
tEA— SP.haJf chests Yonng Hyson: 10 do do Imperi
al and.Gbnpowder; 10 do do Oolong' and Cbolam
30 eaay bokcs various grade*, for sale by
: mcbJ3l j D WILLIAMS
BY-CANaU— iWe bare just received a lot of new
style French Ginghams, Pongee Silk Hdkfe, Le
eds, Nctu, ; Ac- LV Leech's Canal Line.
ItnbSD 1 StUCKLETr A WHITE. » wood st
’’ATCHES—iOoId and silver ef every description,
nnd*l regular Eastern prices, warranted, and
jpenelj) by ; mch2o w W WILSON
*j£> AISUiSr-lfli bza Raisins; 40 hf bxs do, for tale by
A ! A.A Go, No <lO Market street, wiQ open
,< ibl# day, ISO pieecs small plaid m
Ltl, lgj aiid 25 cfo per yard. mchlß
T\RY rikßßlffG—loO bxs for sale by
bbfobted fob thx fits salmon tun.? aszErrz,
Prom our California CorrvpendenL ''
Louisville, March 20 t IS&
Deer Sir—Our boat will leave Louisville In a
short lime, aod I ait down to commence the fins,
of the series of letters which I promised to write
you, although but little worthy of note has oectfr*
red among the " Pittsburgh California Comport^ 17 ,
since their departure from the 0 Smoky
The number now on board the Consignee amount!
to two hundred and forty men, and when all tfed
Pittsburghers who intend coming, have mustoda
at St. Joseph, we will exceed three hund/ed,
enough, in all conscience, to either fight or list
en all the North West Indians combined, from
the fountains of the Missouri to the Pacific 0*
Yon will have learned, of course, the particu
lars of the sinking of the Caroline by the Consignee,
ere this, and I refrain from mstrmg any comments
upon the subject, as 1 am sure that you will lay
the on the aide to which it justly belongs.
When we were within forty miles of CindDHV |
ti, we had quite a fight at a wood yard, originating,
it was said, from some improper conduct on lbs
port of its proprietor, to one of our company.—
Save a few cracked heads, and bloody noses, do-
damage vu done. i
When we reached Cincinnati, we had a merry
time of it. A great part of onr number west to the
Theatre, and the real enjoyed themselves quite
oi welt in other parts of the town.
Our trip from Pittsburgh to Louisville has beep
quite a pleasant one, and all the ootnpany are in
good health and spirits, longing to get a glimpse of
the rich prairies of the “For West,” and the cloud
capped summits of the Rocky Mountains.
' The captain and officers of the Consignee do*
serve credit for their attention to our wants; but 3
most close this letter, as we are about starting far
Sl Louis, whence I will write you again,
Yours truly,
Mayor's Offios, Pittsburgh, March ,24 th.--
Thirteen persons appeared this mearning, accused
of various offences. A poor fellow naflied John 1
Jonas, who appeared to be insane, and who was
Joond at a late hour wandering about the
Was discharged. He had thirty seven sovereigns
and an eagle in his possession, besides notes to a
considerable amount John MeClaren was bound
over for breaking into a house and threatening the
lives of its inmates wflh a knife.* Five colored
persons, headed by Fred fierr, a love smitten swstin
had been fighting in a house in Virgin alley j
the quarrel originated in a dispute as to whether
Fred or another gentleman was to be the happy
husband of a fair one, to the honor of whose hand
both made pretensions. ' They were sent to jail
for the purpose of cooling their pugnacious pro>
penalties. The remaining prisoners were all com
mitted to jail, with theexoeption of two, who paid
their fines.
Mayor’s Office, Prrrsnußou, March 25Ut —
Fourteen prisoners made their appearance this
morning. 'They had all been brought in for dmnk
Six paid their fines. The rest were com
Mayor’s Office, Alleghsiy, March 24th. —
Throe peraans appeared at the morning watch
returns, who had been brought in for disorderly
conduei. Their behaviour was Ibe more inex
cusable, sidee it was not caused by drunkenness.
They all paid their fines and were discharged.
Mayor's Officr, Allegheny, March, 251 h
Two eases before the Mayor this morning, one
brought in for vagrancy, and the other for drunk
enneu. They were both sentenced to twenty
four hours imprisonment. One, a woman, was so
violent, that the officers had to procure a wagon
to hanl her to jail
Borach of Promise of Marriage— Joseph.
Curd complained, on Salordny, before Alderman
Morrow, of Jane Ebbeta, who has- made several
promises to marry him at different times daring the
last two years, bat, to the present day, has obstin*
nlely refused to fulfil them. He had, he declared,
“presented to her several pair* of stocking*, combs,
rings, and other trinkets innumerable, and in addi
tion to ail, fend nursed her when sick, and psfd her
doctor’s bIQ when she got well, and yet the un*
grateful creature's marble heart never relented."
. fhe alderman told him that he ooQld not corns
pel Miss Jane to marry him, whereupon he sued
her for ten dollars, Up amount of the doctor’s bill
which Ke had pa&, but’his proceediags
j&9«aa‘dfbis fair Inamorata, sho came roondj£
give an overhauling, and He "rsa off,'andhas
'not been beard of since.
PannfCAi- .Ciumsi —The Criminal Calendar
for tba term of tho Court of Quarter Sessions which
commences sitting to-dey, is onutually large, em
bracing two murders, three cases of arson, six
rboTglarxea, thirty larcenies, three riots, ten assaults
with intent to kill, forty cases of sus-
and battery, one horse stealing, four ob
t&faf&g goods under false pretences, three malicious
ten sureties of the peace, and forty or
fifty tippling bouse cssea A sad catalogue of bu‘
crime, and besides not a complete one, as
many cases remain to be returned by the Mayor
and Magistrate.
Picx Pocxxrs About. —Mr. William 8. Bales had
his pocket book, containing one hundred and [sev
enty dollars, in len dollar notes, on the Exchange
Bank, stolen from him on Saturday. He had mux
gled with a crowd of persons who had collected
round some newsboys, al the foot of Irwin street,
and purchased some papers. The rogues had an.
doubtedly seen the contents of his pocket book,
when he took it out to pay for his purchases, and
profited by the discovery.
Nxw Pzxiomcal Owes.—A new Periodical
Office has been opened by Messrs. Work & Holmes,
in Mr. Singeriy’* new building, opposite the Post
Office. Prom the energy and business capacities
of these young gentlemeo, we are sure that they
will succeed. All the best Periodicals, and Eas*
tern Newspapers are kept by them, together with a
fine assortment of cheap publications, stationery,
music, &c. We refer our readers to the adver»
tisement, in another column, and advise them to
pay a visit to this establishment.
Fish Maxxxt.—The fish market on Saturday
was well supplied with fine fish, but they did not
at aU equal in point of sixe thoee of lost week.—
We then observed a pike which measured three
feet ten inches in length—a sturgeon, four feet snd
a half long, and a salmon two feet qod ten inches.
Muxomtous Arraox.—•A terrible fight took place
on Saturday night, in a doggery known as the A
merioon Star, near the Theatre. The bar keeper
who was pretty drunk, as well as all the other
combatants, received a Slow on the bead from a
poker, and bad his scull fractured.
Johh Rots, a country man who attends the
market, was yesterday cheated oat of tea hun
dred and fifty pounds of flour. The person who
pretended to buy It from him, staled that he would
go across the street and gel the money, so the flour
was placed on a dray and taken away, and the
countryman remained al bis stall m patient expeo
tatioa, whilst the rogue quietly decamped.
Robhxxt.—A country mao, who was stopping
at Mrs. Adams’ boarding house, corner of Union
and Liberty streets, while sleeping, had bis pocke*
book, containing thirty-five dollars in notes, taken
from the pocket of his pantaloons, the money ex
tracted, aad the book rammed.
AsaatrLT son Battert.—Three cases of assaolt
and battery, and one of malicious mischief, before
Alderman Parkinson, on Saturday.
Ssamcxo.—Washington McKelvey, who wak
convieted of the crime of participating in the late
Factory Riots, was sentenced, on Saturday, to six
mouth’s imprisonment, and to pay a fine of six butr
dred' dollars.
Picx Pocket.—A pocket book, containing nine
ty-five dollars, was token from a gentleman at the
Mosongahels Wharf, on Saturday morning.
MxajrausJL—Mr. Spencer will commence a se
ries of lectnres in Quincy Allegheny city, this
Muscat, Soaxx.—On this evening and Tuee>
day, the Bateman Family intend giving musical
soirees ot the Apollo Hall. The Misses Bateman
are quite yonng—the eldest not exceeding six
years of oge, and the youngest' being only
yet their performances are quite creditable. They
will be assisted by Messrs. Farrel and Noarth, the
formerof whom is a very skillful performer on the
CAUraa.-OA—A fine looking company from Car
lisle arrived here on Friday night, and depart, we
behave, this morning.
Diojuma—Williamson’s Diorama of the bom'
bardmeqt of Vera Crus will be exhibited at Philc
Hall this evening It attracts large audiences."
1849. ' llggl l .
Crawtou A CuAxeKKua, Gevelond, O l p_ nr i.
H. G. Parks. . Bearer, Pa. \
THIS Line will foe prep* ed on tho opening of navi
gation. to transport freight and passengers from
PITTSBURG’!! and CLEVELAND, to any point on
the Or" 1 and Lake*.
The facilities of the Line are unsurpassed in number,
quality and capacity of Boats, experience of captains,
ood efficiency of Agents.
. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
ning in connection with tho steamers
Between Pittsburgh.and Beawr, and n line of first class
'Steamers, Propellers and Veaaels on the Lake*.
AoKJrta—R G Parka, Beaver, Po.
Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio.
M B Taylor, Warren, “
Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna, “
Wheeler A Co, Akron, “
Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland, O
Sean A Griffith, Buffalo, N. Y.
Office, cor Water and Smithfield its, Pittsburgh.
Jobs BmonAM,
Wh. Bisqhax,
Conducted on strict Sabbath-keeping principles.
THE Proprietors of this old established Line have
put their stock in the most complete order, and are
thoroughly prepared to forward Prodace and Merchan
dise to and from the Eastern cities.
We trust that our long experience in the carrying
business, and zealous attenuon to the interests of eas
terners, will secure to us a continuance and increase
of the patronage hitherto extended to Bingham’s Line.
Our arrangement* will enable us to carry Freight
with the utmost despatch, and our prices shall always
.he as low as the lowest eharged by other responsible
We have opened an office in No 183 - Market street,
•between4th and sth sts, PbUada, for the convenience
of shippers.
Produce and MerehandUe will be received and for*
warded, East and Weft, without any charge for for
warding, advancing freight, storage or commission.
Bills of Lading forwarded, and every direction
promptly attended to.
Address, or apply to WM. BINGHAM, •
Canal Basin, cor Liberty A Wayne its, Pittsburgh.
No 183 and 876 Market street, Phi'aaa.
No L 22 North Howard street, Baltimore
No 10 West street. New York
Pehniylvania C anal ttallfiosd Ei-
packet Line,
, -On
(Exclusively for Passengers.)
ftyjg public ug respectfully informed that this Line
1 will commence miming on the 19th Inst, and con
tJnno throughout the Season.
The boat* are new, and of a superior class, with en
larged cabins, which will give greater comfort. The
ears are the latest construction.
A boat will always be In port, and travelers are re
quested to eall and examine them before engaging pas
•age elsewhere.
(Pare only nine dollars through.) One ofthe boats of
this L<lne will leave the landing (opposite U. S. Hotel,
corner of Penn street and CanaT every night at nine o’
clock Time 31 days. For information, apply at the
Office, Monoogahela House, or to D LEECH A Co
mcbl7 Canal Basin
Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
(Exclusively for Passengers.!
THE public are re»pecifu‘ly informed that this Line
will commence running on Monday, 19th March.
The boats of this Line are of a superior class. With
enlarged cabins, which will give greater comfort to
A boat will always be ih port, and travelers are re
quested to call and exam rtf them before engaging pas
aage by other routes. Tl sy will leave the landing, op
posite the U. 8. Hotel, co mer Penn street and Canal,
•very night atoo’elock. r
7lme-—3) Day*.
For information, apply at the office, Monongahela
Bouse, or to D. LEECH A-Co, Canal Basin.
N- B. —The proprietors of the above Line are now
building an additional Line of Packets, to ran as above
bn or about June Ist, in eonneetion with the Pennsyl
vania Rail Road from Lewis town to Philadelphia. At
that time a packet will leave every morning and even
ing. Time through, days. rochlQ
184 - JHat
Established m ISM.
'mHE Proprietor of this well known Line of Canal
-J[ Boats, will be prepared on theeuriiest opening of
tanal aaviganon, to transport Passengers ana Freight
to all patnu on the Erie Extension, New York Canals
Aral the Lakes, ranuing in connection with the favor
ite steamboats BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between
Pittsburgh-and Beaver; Troy and Michigan Lake Boat
{Jne, on the New York Canal, and C. M. Reed's Line
ef&teamboau and Vessels on the Lakes.
C. M. REED, Proprietor, Erie, Pa.
AGENTS— Bidwell A Brother, Beaver.
\V C Malan.Rharon.
' } liA G Hull, Sh^rpsburg
Samir A Downing, “
} B Ptnmmer, West Greenville.
Wick, Acher A Co, “
■ ffm Henry, Hartstown. mchlO
For ihe transportation of Merenaadue,
GOODS carried on this Line are ant transhipped
between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being car
ried in four teetion Portable Boats over land and wa*
ter.—to shippers of merchandise requiring carefhl
handling, this is of importance. No charge made for
receiving or shipping, or for advancing charges, Alt
gdods forwarded with dispatch, and on as reasonable
terms as by any other Line.
Canal Basie, Penn sl Pittsburgh
marl 227 Matket A 54 Commerce st, Philo.
JOHN MeFADEN A Co, Forwarding and Commit
ion Merchants, Canal Basin, Penn si, Pittsburgh.
JAMES M DAVIS A Co, Flour Factors and Commis
sion Merchants, 837 Market and 54 Commerce street,
Philadelphia. nail .
made by either of the aboveon Floor,
Wool and other merchandise consigned to them far
ulo. matU
To the Honotahi la, the Judge) of tAe Court of Gtne>
ml Quarter Sonant of the Peace, in and for the
County if Allegheny.
rpHE petition of a SANSBURY, of th« township
I of Lower 8u Clair, in lie county aforesaid, hntn
bTy sheweth, that Voor petitioner hath nrovided him
« 4( with material* tor the accommodation of tra*
and other*, at hi* dwelling house, in the
township aforesaid, and prays that your honor* will
be pleased U> grant him a license to keep a Public
House of Entertainment. And your petitioner, as la
duty bound, will pray.
We, the subscribers, citizens of the township of
Shaier, do certify, that the above petitioner 'la of
rood repute for honesty nod temperance, and is well
provided with house room and conveniences for the
accommodation and lodging of strangers and travel
er*. and that said tavern u necessary
i P Rosa, Wm Chess, II Roberts. 8 J Hay, C Robin
son, B Crawford. W Bilk. Jas Carter, John Cook,
Benjamin Hall, John Campbell, E Dunn, C Manors, D
BleUtrow. _ mch£i-d3t*
Oregon and California in iws-By J Q. i
Thornton, late Judge of the Supreme Court of Or- :
—with an AppentUx; including recent and au
thentic information on the «ab]ect ofthe Gold Mines,
and other vslushlo matter of interest to the emigrant,
with numerous iUutmiiona and a map; S vole, ISmo.
51,75, *
The Gold-Seekers Manual; being a practical and
instructive pride to all persons emigrating to the gold
regions: by D T Anatcd, Prof, of Geology, King’s Col-,
lege, London. I vol, paper. 2So.
Note* of Travel in Californio: comprising the prom
inent feature* of the country; also, the route from Fort
Leavenworth. Mo., to San Diego, Cal. From the offi
cial reports of Col. Fremont and Mai. Emory: 1 vol,
gOOpaee*. liSc.
The California Guide Book; comprising the last na
teed work, together with CoL Fremont’s Geographical
account or Upper California, and his Narrative of the
Exploring Expedition to tho Rocky Mountains, Ac ,
vith 9 map* —1 vol, Bvo, paper. 6’Jc.
i Rev. Baptist W Noel’s work on the Union of Church
i and State-—! vol. l«mo. $1,35.
| Just received by
| mehSS
IN Indiana Township, Allegheny county, 3 mile*
Tram Deer Creek Lock, containing One Hundred
ann Fifteen Acre* and 1111 perches, with the allow
ance of 6 per cent ioFtoads. There are from 30 to 40
aeres of cleared land, a young Orchard, a Saw Mill in
running order, with asm and race complete, and an
abundance of good timber on the premises.
Also, a substantial Frame Dwelling House, 31 by 33
feet, with a Log Kitchen, and a well within 10 yards
of the kltehen door. Terms accommodating.
Persons wishing to purchase, will please make ap
plication to DAVID RINEHART, on ihe premises, or
No 33 Irwin street
TIT HOLES ALB DRV GOODS—Wo are now recet-
VV Tins a largo atock of Spring and Sommer Dry
Goods, selected with great can from the importer* and
manufacturer*, and consisting of a fine assortment of
ail grade* usually kept by Dry Good* houses, which
we are prepared to sell at men price* a* cannot fail
to rive satisfaction to purchaser*.
City and country merchant* are invited to give u* a
call, and examine oor stock and prices before per*
chasing elsewhere. SHAOKLETT A WHITE,
99 Wood *i, iwo door* above Diamond alley
mehlS •
HostxtT—9ooo doren bleached, unbleached, blk,
mixed and colored women’s and men's cotton Hose.
Also, unbleached and mixed cotton half Hose, Jpil
received direct from the importers, and for sale at un
asually low prices, by _
now open st his Wholesale Dry Goods Rooms,
north east comer of 4th and Marketsueela. Pittsburgh,
a fttll supply of fresh Spring Goods, Including newest
styles of Pnnl*. Gingham*, Lawns, Ac., and Invite* an
examination of bis stock.
Entrance to Wholesale Rooms from 4lh street.
WANTED— A Yonng Mail in a wheleiaie and
tail Dtt Goods Store. Apply al 62 Market si
- achSftdu
T>Y a Married Mtut, a situation as Book Keeper,
n Clerk or Salesman, in a store or manufactory.
Moat respectable references can be given. Address
U A- B. C»" Gazette office. moh2o:d3t*
Patent Boda &ib>
Q 7 CASKS (Glass maker*) las Mupratl A Soni
<6 I brand, Just ree’d per steamer Brooklyn, and tc
sale by . W A M MiTCHELTRKE,
jnia No 100 Liberty si
ARTISTS’ MATERIALS-Just reo’d and for sale
-00 yards smooth Canvass, 37 Inch;
“ " « “
38 u
30 “
80 "
100 doz Cempretuble Tnbc*, of oil color*, by
xoehlO J ODD*Co
YK7RAPPINQ PAPER—IOOO team* assorted;
TV Cap do —OOO reams;
Post do —6OO u for sale by
T ABD OlL—lubbls best qttality. for sale by
No. 75 Misxxr Br.
HAVK resolved on SE
(took of DRY GOOI
which have lately been port
-non Sauts in Philadelphi*
mentions and unparalleled f
We hare made tneh a la
alar prices that we will no
foods BELOW COST of
tention of buyers is invit
good* adapted to the Califo
ladies dri
Plain and hrnred Cornelian
silks, ,
Very superior broehia fig’d
and watered blk silko,
Superior repormnre silks,
blk and colored,
Sapor block glossy Gro de
Rhin tilka,
Vuette and montillo tilka,
best quality,
Pitre satins, blk and bine
blk satins,
Lamartine tatin merinos,
Super ci)k warp alpaca
1 nitres;
Splendid plaid Ion; *hawl*,|
Splendid lerkeri riawla,
from N. York auction*,
great bargains; I
Plain and embroi'd thibetj
*ha-wl*, all color*;
ailfc fringe, remarkably
Tiros. Betobam,
Jacob Docx.
French cloths from the
factory. For beauty of finish and permanence of wear,
these cloths have no superior, a few pleeet extra fine
jet Tjlack and olive cattQn beavers and other heavy
cloths tor ovor coats, twilled French cloths, manufoc'
taxed expressly for cloaks, French and American cas*
simeres, enper west of England do, super French sa
tins for vestings, the best imported. Plain and fancy
velvet and cashmere vestings, merino shirts and draw
ers, Italian cravats, linen, cambric and silk bdkfs.ho*
siery and gloves.
Irish Linens, best long doth shirting, tansiins, bleach*
ed and brown mnslins of good quality, remarkably
low; tickings, checks, domestic and imported ging
hams, scarlet, yellow and white flannels, a large lot
very cheap; a large let of while and crossbarreaeoun
try ffsopwis, cheap; brown and bleached Barnsby table
linens and table cloths, Russia and Scotch diapers and
towellings, jeans and tweeds.
An usual- large stock of blankets, direct from the
manufacturers, some of which an the best ever exhi
bited, all of wlxich will be closed ont at unparalleled
low prices. In addition to the above enumerated
goods, oar stock comprises s very large and complete,
assortment of almost every article usually found iq a
dry goods store, and as iney have been mainly par
chased at the easern suctions, hence the lste greet re
duction of prices. We are enabled and determined to
sell them on st great bargains.
Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and
the pubUe generally are respectfully invited to an ear
ly examination. Bargains shall be given.
ALEXANDER A DAT, 75 Market st,
feb9 N W comer of the Diamond
NO. CO MARKET STREET—Have received by re
cent importations the following Goods, viz:
Six canons Thibet Shawls, of various qualities and
coldH. Fifty' dozen “Alexander’s” best guality Kid
Gloves, together with s good assortment of eoPa silk,
Lisle thread, and cotton Gloves, for spring trade.
Rieh standing, straight turnover Collars; cheap Col
lar*. 300 pair embroidered Cuffs, from SO cts to 91J25.
Mourning Collars in variety. Demi Lace Veils,
the greatest assortment ever offered by us. French
and English 4 4 Prints; Hoyle’s Prints, small figures
and fast colors; small plaid French Ginghams; British
Furniture Chintz; white satin Damask Table Cloths;
Linen Damask, 0, 8 and 10-5; Green Berares; Gents
block Gros do Rhine Bilk Cravats, 33 to 40 Inch, the
best goods imported; Purse Twist; linen cambric and
linen cambric Hdkfs, from 64 to 82,50; While Goods
sueb as Jaconets, Lawns, Mull and Swiss Muslins,
figured nnd plain Laces, white and col’d Tar is lanes,
Ac. Ac. j
We are in the daily receipt of NEW GOODS, ana
invite the attention of purchasers to our extensive
stock. feb37
vites the atiemtion of house keepers and those
about commencing house keeping, to nil assortment ol
shove Goods, suck is—
Quilts and Counterpanes, white and colored;
Tickings and pillow-case Muslins;
Sheetings, from one to three yards wide;
Table Diapers and Table Cloths;
Towelling, Towels and Napkins;
Furniture Prints and Chintzes;
Scarlet Oil Chintz, for curtains;
Super printed Chintz, for qailts;
Embroidered window curtain Mnslins;
Striped and barred u “
Bed Blankets, all qualities and sizes;
A supply of these Goods is constantly kept on hand,
and will always be sold on the most favorable terms;
at north east comer 4th and Market its. feb24
AT W. R. MURPHY'S—Just received, an assort
ment flf
GLOVES—Ladies super kid, light and dark colors;
men’s do; gentlemen’s and Ladies Lisle; cotton do;
misses lisle and cotton.
HOSIERY—LadIes cotton, lead, blk, white, mixed,
and unbleached: men’s do; ladies super English Lisle;
tpun aad fine silk; Cashmere, plain and riJ&ed; chil
dren’s white and mixed cotton da.
LACES AND EDGINGS—Thread and bobbing edg
ings; Lisle and Victorine do; Swiss utd Paekand do;
Lisle and Thread Laces, Ac.
Figured Nett*, for espaa and caps, new styles—a
large assortment.
The place, nonh-east corner 4th and Market
sts. Wholesale Room* up stairs. mehlD
Bleached goods— a. a. Mason a co, no co
Market street, have just rereived the following
well known brands of Bleached Muslins, viz:
7-9 and 5-4 ’James' Steam Mill*;'
9-4 'Naomkeag Steam Mtlls;’ •
‘Mason,’ ‘Pokanoket, 1 ‘Carlisle,' Dorchester,’ ‘Quins
igamond,l "Grafton A,’ ‘Pittsburgh,’ ‘Lawrence,’ ‘Bos
ton Pillow Case,’ ‘Ftornsworth.’-Ac. Act, all of which,
together with many styles not here mentioned, wif) ho
sold bjjMlifl piece or package at Eastern prices.
U vile* the aueuflon of buyers iqhi* stock or the
: •hartfCiwds. pf iUtha different qualules,; «atd -to be
as najd«iakihl*«*thhA\£aish, aMMtßaefc.lower pri
ces, Genuine Welsh Flannels also., constantly on
Geuxe and.ulk do, 44 and S 4 do, fox Shroud
ing purposes.
Also, hca»msdg“Wtita Manuels and Limeys, con*
standy on handset the north east earner ofFcunh and
Market " truufi
AA. HASON&C6, No 00 Market-street, bavei
*• thisday reeehren pet “Fast lino,” the followv
ing named goods, viz:—Satin .striped, blk and blae blk,
Elaia and primed Berates; all wool M. do Laioem em
roidered Thibet Shawls; blk, white and pearl Silk
Hose; spun silk do; kid, oik and Lisle Thread Gloves;
Linen Bobin; cambric and muslin Edgings; Bonnet
Ribbons, embroidered muslin Capes,, new patterns,
and rich goods. * mchgl
SATIN DAMASK^W'M’CliitoeliO&rs tojrarchas
er* m very handsome assortment of rich satin Da
mhsks for window certains. Also, French chintzes,
bods, linen, transparent shades, Ac., at bis carpet ware
room, 75 Fourth «L deefl
Co, have added to their former business a de
partment under charge of Mrs. Bigelow of Boston, for
making to Order in latest styles. Infants’ Wear, Misses
Sacks, cloaks and Dresses, Ladies and Genu Dressing
Garments embroidered or stamped for embroidery,
kqttitng, netting, crotchet worfcdtemsmehing and mar
king neatly executed. 00r.29
VJT standing collars: merino, silk and wool Yesis; do
do do Drawers; silk, kid and wool Gloves; merino,
cotton and wool 1 Hose; blk Italian cravats; fine Ze
phyr Scaria. deco F H EATON A Co
TXOMESTIC WOOLLENS— Blankets, Flannels
J I Tweeds, rtm— cloth and Cassimere, by
the piece or package, very low for sale by
FANCYCASSLUK&ES—Scasea new style Fancy
Caasimeres, bright figures and very handsome
goods, just opened by •
W Market street, will sell for the balance of the
season at cost, their stock of French Merinos, compri
sing the most choice color*. Now is your time to so
curcbargatna deel3
TfELVET BlßßoSS—Justreceived at
V soy’s, C 7 Market street.
30 pa colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted colors;
30 J black “ “
8 “ embroidery Gimp; 10 ps wide Plain, Ac.
LEVIATHON GOLD PENS, a magnificent 'and
most excellent oen. being the first sent to this
market; for sale by W W WILSON,
jaB ’ corner market and 4th su
RID GLOVES—2S dbxLadies super Kid Gloves;
10 “ mens white and blk u
3 x misses ooiored do
deed F H EATON A Co
CALIFORNIA PISTOLS—Just received, several
pairs of Navy and Dragoon Pistols. Persons in
tending to visit California would do weQ to coll and
examine them. Also, fine Watches, Jbwelry, Silver
Ware, military and fancy Goods; for tale by
‘'maria W W WILSON, S 7 market at
FRESH Express this dav, at W.
M’Ciintock’s Carpet Warehouse, No 75 Fourth *l,
the Richest Tapestry Patterns INGRAIN CARPETS,
to which we invite Uto attention of purchasers.
Apollo Boildlngt, 4th it
phy invites the attention of buyers to Ms very foil
assortment of the above goods, embracing the various
qualities from foe lowest price to the finest. Also,
Mohair Lustres, very glossyt and ol rich Paris blk.
Alto, a large assortment of fancy Alpacas and Lus
tres,- consisting of changeable, satin striped, satin and
foney barred, damask figured, Ac.
Mazarine Blue Pannettos—A few pieces of these
desirable and searec goods on hand—also, Mazarine
blue Alpacas and Mouse do Laines, at the north east
comer of Fourth gnd Market its.
Wholesale Rooms up stn'.rs. febt3
BLANKET COATING—Drab, Lavender, grey mix
ed and blue, for tale by the piece or package, at
manufacturers prices, by MURPHY A LEE,
jts liberty tt, opposite 6th
CLOTH8 —1 case black mixed heavy caiiimercsTa
do Tweeds, fancy colors; 1 do fancy* cassimere
lor sale at manufacturers prices, by
jaß MURPin A LEE
L* IWGOODS—A. A. Maaci.’i A Market
street, havo rereived—Linen Sheeting*, Linen
Damask, 0, 8 and 1(M, Linen Hollands, bleached and
brown Linen Table Cloths, Rnssia and Scotch Diapers,
Doylies Napkins, Ac., to which they invite the atten
tion of Durehosers. mchlfi
M7CORD A CO- wishing to close out tlteir stock of
Mull* and Vtotoriena for the season, will sell
the balance (embracing a good variety of List and
Fitch, as well as the more common articles,} at EAS
TERN COST—to which they would respectfully invito
the attention of purchaser*. NOW IS THE TIME
FOR BARGAINS- Cali at corner Wood and Fifth
street*. )aIO T
Norm Bast coamtadra atm Maara no. Prymniaii
PERSONS wanting Dry Goods will please take afb
lice that the above house has commenced recei
ving its NEW SPRING GOODS, and foritesfoacSu
of regular customers and buyers generally. Goods
will be offered at low prices, and purchasers will have
a large spd choice assortment to select from.
ID" Country Merchant* and others are invited lb
examine the assortment la Wholesale Room*, up stain,
where a largo assortment of Priau, Ginghams, and
goods generally are notr opening. mmA
VRLLOW NANKEEN ewe bestiality
X Lonsdale Nankeens, just opened hv
maria SHACKLfHt h , Wmrff so wood it
LUSTRES—Taro clues plain, figured and
fancy Plaids, bright colors, foot received by • v
ODE COLORED cases low priced,
IT| medium.and fine Alpacas, Coburg*asd Cash
meres, Just received by
Bonnets and miujneby goods—sjcto a
Joasscm, 46 Market street, are now opening their
«pek of Spring Bonnets, Bibbons, Silks, Laces, Crepe
Lisse, Ae. Dealers ana others era invited to eail oi)d
'“•*”* •’
WHITE GOODS—Jn»i received at B*rru feJenra
iqS’s, 48 Market street, a foil stock of White
uootu, compriitog every variety of Jaconet, Cambric
and Bwlss Muslins; check, plaid.and fig'ddo, Biahop
Lawn* and Book Muslinr, Tar Ulan*, embroidered
Mnilinafox curtain*, to which they would invite
: the aeration of dealer* andethen. maria
/ CaHfintia Gold Ftaer t ,
atTi' Pinmujtfiß,
r.i.iNfl OFP then- larye
IDS— the principal put of
rehmsed at the Ulfil Atrcv
ia and New York,, at a tre
rye redaction from oar rey
w tell a largo portion of oar
mportsiioo. The early at*
ed to choice high colored
mia Trade.
Cathmerea and de laines
ail pficea, '
Soper clou cloths, all co
French merino*, all colors,
Black bombazine*, '
Cros* barred and atriped
Brocha fif’d and strip’d do,
Jenny Lind plaids,
Victoria Lyonese doth*,
▼cry neb.
Cohere clouts and cameli
an lustres.
A few b roc ha long shawls,
the finest we have emt
brought to thl« market,
now to be sold at great
Superfine «nJ common bro*
cha square shawls:
Soper camellan silk shawls
lelcbrated “Johanv” mann*
fIIHB rapid.' strides -which Hydropathy has made
X «oee/ta imrodafctlOO into this country —the bril
iT«th yT>d‘tf effects oi cold water in
chronic and acme dUfagi when employed' after the
method of the celebrated Pneanitz, have removed from
the rsisd of an intelligent and discerning public every -
particle of doobt it* efficacy, nad gained'it um<
■veraal favor. Considering the tmsatistactorr results
of remedies hereto Core used in thatreannem of chronic
complaints, (complaints, too, which are increasing er
ery year.fTt must be a natural wish to see the success
of a method by which bo. many unfortunate sufferers
will be freed from their pains and infirmities.
. The subscriber having practised successfully this
method for eight yean at his Hydropathic establish
ment, which has been considerably enlarged and im
proved in all its parts, and breTery respect, is now_
ready to receive and accommodate patients who may
choose to placo themselves under his" core, skill and
Philipsbarg, situated upon the left bank of the Ohio,
opposite the month of the Big Beaver, is well known,
for its refreshing and salubrious atmosphere, its do-'
bghtfol quietness and charming natural scenery, com*
bitting every requisite to render the sojourn, of the in
valid agreeable. and contributing not a lido to re-es
tablish unpaired health and phyueal strength.
The establishment, the first started in the United
States, contains every thing, both tor pleasure and
comfort, calculated to insure a speedy and happy terJ
urination of the ailments of the Patient.
Persons wishing to avail themselves of the advanta
ges here offered, will please address the subscriber
by letter, (posl-paidj stating as near as possibte the
nature oftneir complaints, in order to decide and ad
vise on thetr fitness and eurability by the Hydropathic
treatment, and also what will be necessary tor them to
take along, for their especial and personal use.
EDJVARD ACKER, M. D. Proprietor.' .
Philipsburr, Beaver county, Pa.
Harasses.—Rov'd. Killikelly, Y. D.
Clark, Esq. do; Hen. Thomas Henry, Beaver,lPa* Z>r.
Barker, do; Prof. Ch. Elliot, Pittsburgh, LC.
Perkins,* Esq. Ohio; Rev. S. H. Sneed, New Albany;
Rev. JL Allen, Princeton, N. T. L. Station, Esq.,
New York; Dr. Ch. Winter, Philipsbarg; Wm. H. Mo-
Cbnnel, Esq. Pittsburgh; A. Bidwell, Esq., do. *
Printing BiUbUshmeni Hsmoved,
KENNEDY’S Printing Establishment has been re
moved from Allegheny city, to Third street, (op
posite the Post Office.) Pittsburgh, in the ‘Franklin
Place,’ (Sisgerly’s new building.) whore every descrip
tion of plain and fancy letter press printing will be ex
ecuted ua style, and at prices equal to thm of any other
establishment East or west. The materials in the of
fice are entirely new, and selected from the best Type
Fouaderies in the United Slates. The (aeiilty and ra
pidity with which work can bo.exeented at this estab
lishment, is insured from the fact that it will be done
on the latest and most improved machine Presses; and
at rates equally os low as ean be dona In any of the
Eastern cities. mchgfcdlw
TEN LOTS, SI feet by 170, situated oo the higher
ground, and fronting on the wide North Commons
to the BUena Vista Extension. Terms 5700, cash.
Buildings, 8« Clair at
mchgfcgrn Office, Ext
rpo COUNTRY MERCHANTS— Smith A'Jonasoa,
I 40 Market street, ou sell you hosiery cheeper
than they can replace them—having bought them at a
large package sale previous to the advance in price.
They can tell yoa Straw Bonneta and Variety Goods
at cheap os yon can buy them of Eastern Jobbers.—
Come and tec. mrhffl
OOEING GLASS ManafaetnteT*, and wholesale
dealers in foreign and domestic Variety Goods.
Western merchants, Pedlars and others arC invited
to call and examine the prices and quality of oar stock,
as with our present increased facilities In manufactur
ing and purchasing, we think we can offer as great
inducements to buyers as any other house west of the,*
Mountains. )03-ly
HEW GOODS, 1849.
TTTSNNEDY & SAWYER, corner Wood and Fourth
IV street, are now receiving direct from first hands,
a large stock of Fancy and variety Goods, including
Clocks of every variety, gold and silver Watches,
Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, Hooks abd Eyes,
Gloves . and Hosiery, Suspenders, Gun Caps, and all
other articles in their Une—all of which having been
purchased personally of the manufacturers east, du*
ring the last winter, expressly for the Spring trade,
will be sold wholesale at a small advance on eott.
Constantly on hand, all descriptions of Looking Glass
es, of our own manufacturing, at eastern prices. mh33
has ruar liiLLtu room
And Is now receiving a fine assortmeatof a
Which be is prepared to make toorder
And in the latest Fashions,
Hoad Ruarten for Boats and Shoes,
Corner of Fourth and Southfield streets,
Ptmauacß, Pa.
tf&Tn TROTH A SCOTT having commeneedf*f?l||
KlljJ the general Boot and Shoe business, hllfU
wholesale and retail, would respectfully r
uxvtte tne attention of their uleods and the publhgeu
erally, to their splendid new slock, consisting sf me ns,
womens’, boys’, misses’ and childrens wear of evertr
variety, suitable for the season, and at prices to soft
the time*. A splendid article ofhome made work,
such as gentlemen’s fine Boots, ladies, misses and
childrens fine work. Please oaU and' examine for
yourselves. TROTH 4 SCOTT,
comet 4th kndSmithfield sts
N. BL—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ac. Aci, al-.
ways an hand ana low for cash
OoumxYmerchants would find it to their Lb term to
give tts acali*iUugtfio ,,-tnchli .
to oliiiFWamiir
* REOMETEH.—The undersigned having adapted
J\ an instrument to the purpose of ascertaining the
ipeeifio gravity or vahmor gold, 1* now prepared to
supply all wbote fansiness may require its use.|lt U
*malt, convenient, and eon be oaed without difficulty;
a dance being aoacient to shop the process.
Perrons contemplating rofatg.toCalifoniia, would do
welt to *nit nymtii» iha instrument, a* it i* in ev
ery way calculated to protect tbem (ram fraud by ena
bling them at any time to ascertain the value of their
metal. '
Printed directions and tables will bo supplied gnu
itously to pnrebascr*.
SAMUEL BASINS, Union street,
rcarof John B-McPadcn** Jewelry store
Paper Hanging*.
EAYING purchased at three of the latest Facto
ries in the Gut, (New York, Philadelphia land
Bimmorßj) a largo assortment of the newest and most
improved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS,
Ac., and made arrangements by which 1 will be ena
bled to procure all uew Patterns, simultaneous with
their appearance in the Eastern market, I would in
vite the attention of those desiring to have their houses
papered with the latest styles of paper, to call and
examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere.
1 have now on the way from the Gut, 2Q£OO pieces
of Gold, Sadn Glazed, and common Paper Hangings,
which I-can soli at pnees ranging from. IS) ots to 63
piece. mchlS S C HILL, 87 wood «l
s. sTirnie, Bedford, Pa. losn xocattsan, Indiana, Pa
TTTHOLESALE GROCERS, Forwarding and Com-
YY miuion Merchants, and dealers In Produce and
Pittsburgh Manufactures, comer of the Diamond and
Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.
Hon. Jos. Morrison, > a,
Rich. S. Bliott. Esq. \ **• UmM -
Simon Drum. Esq., Greensbarghi
T. Gemmill it Co, Philadelphia.
J. Milllken ASons, Lewis town. Pa. - ]
Mnlhollan A Ray,JSairsville. '
i ap3wA»wfl:
(Lata of Pittsburgh, Pa-)
No. 83 South Water st, (between Chcsnut A Market.)
lE7“ Particular attention wilt be given to tales of
Floor and Produce; and any purchases is the Phiia
•delphia market for western account, and any Produce
or Merchandise sent to him through Mr. 0. IL Grant
of Pittsburgh, will have attention there free of commis
sion for receiving and forwarding. mai7;dtf
* JOBS A. shaw; ; ■
Commiuion flmbant and Forwarder,
Particular attention paid to the purchasing of
of any article of Produce in this market. Abo to the
forwarding of Goods generally. Refer to
Messrs. John Swasey A Co.)
u Martin A SlockweU >Cincinnati. O.
8.0. Parkhnrst, Esq. 3
Lippincou A Co. 'I
Kier A Jones, > Pittsburgh, Pa.
English A Bennett, J oarfltdfim
rpHE undersigned have erected works in the city of
1 New York, for the purpose of Galvanizing all arti
cles of Iron, which It is desirtble to PROTECT FROM
RUST, such as Telemph Wire, Bolls, Spikes, Nails,
Wire for Fences, and any other anielh wnlfch maybe
required. Fdr Hoops for Casks, as a substitute for bale
Rope; lor Clothes tinea. Lightning Rods, and a host of
Other applications, it will be found cheap and durable.'
They would particularly call attention to the Galvani
sed Wire for fences; it requires no paint, and will not
rust. Also to Spikes aqd Bolts, the preservation of
which is of so mach importance, that it will commend
itself to the notice of alf those interested. '
GEO. B. MORKWOOD A CO- Patentees,
•ctSO-dAwlyT 14 and 18 Beaver «t,N. York.
h o vnsraru wm; —s
Y7ISH, MIDDLETON A WHITE, beg leave loan*
J» nounce to their friends and the public, that they
have assumed the management of the lane tad com
modious Hotel, corner of Broadway and Maiden Lane,
known as the Howard Hotel. Having much*impro
ved the internal improved the Internal arrangement
of the house,'no spared on the part of
the proprietors to give entire satisfaction to those who
pay favor us with their patronage. mart-dSw
"D HINTING PAPER?—Having the exclusive agency
JC far the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Paper, (3.
B.AC.P. Markin, Proprietors,) we wilLpe constantly
supplied with all unSTliceren\ uses of superior quality,
which we offer at the lowest regular prices.
fobM and Irwin sts
1_ * NOTICE.
rpHE undersigned having removed to Washington
1 city, will attend to the prosecution of claims on
the Government, and to any law business before the
: Courts of the District, with which he may be entrusted.
decB-d3atis ANDREW WYLIE, Ja.
gary. PH- *>• HUMiT -
Dcmiti. CoraerofTuimb
f nr| Docaior, between
" * “ jepS-dlyin^
.Market and Ferry meets.
INDIA RUBBER PASTE—Just receiving, 3 grow
bottle* of Robber Paste, a superior article, highly
Important to persons that wish to keep (heir reel dry.
It prevents the leather from cracking, ahd will take a
polish over it. For sale at the India Robber Depot,
No 6 Wood street mart J A II PHILLIPS '
CARBUTHNOT has commenced to receive a
• large assortment of Fancy VARIETY GOODS,
coosistuf inpanef Artificials, Ribbons. Laces, Ho
siery, Gloves, Crape, Leisse, Cambrics, Nettings, Lace
Veils, Shawls, Pongee Handkerchiefs, gents Cravau,
gingham and eotton Handkerchiefs, carded Skirts,
Sewing Bilk, Threads, Buttons; Combs, Jewelry, Cut
' lery, Sc. Ac. Country and city merchants are rev
pectfolly invited to call and examine-his stock. No SI
Wood street, comer of Diamond alley. f achSP
Administrators’ Notice,
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administra
tion have been granted to the undersigned on the
Estate of Andrew Sproul, late of East Deer township,
Allegheny county, deceased. All persons having
SI aims against the estate of said deceased, will present
tem properly authenticated for settlement;, and lb ore
indebted willedeasejnake immsdu** psygient to
JOHN | Admmistroora.
TO liSVt .
M' A MiMy tHgibta BiuiMM) SW™
three rtorr Dwellfe M" Sf-SA Bltdp ’
’ near the preaiee» _-
aicff order, ~i inch cylinder, aftmch.strota, OOg. .
ler 14 foot long, 36 Inches in diameter, fly *T-. •
cwl AiWj o lint of.tmftk 23 fctt long, SJ lMirt
in diatneier, with droinsjoneopriKblsaw.. EoS®^ 0 ?
martaf MATTHEW SMITH, No- 40 Jfighst., I
POtt SALS. ' __
A FARM tiuiate on the N. W. bank of the Ohio nr*
er, nine miles below Pittsburgh, coatamnff_”
acres, late the property pfcrebn SL Hood,'deceased,
and known as “Sate Landing.”
Reference to David Hood, on the premises Wo. oL
Davis, Allegheny, and the undersigned hrtho eitT'Ot ' .
Philadelphia. feM-Smeod CHARLES jGiLPIN. " tu.
focBTTOS AKb aUGAti PLA'isl'fliEST ; i J
offers for sale the extensive plantation la Arkan
sas, formerly belonging to «nd occupied by the.lain :
Governor Kent, of Maryland, and containing twenty*
eight hundred and eighty-three aadahalf acres of land.
litis estate Uea in the counties ot Phillips and Crit
tenden, and is signaled in Walnut Bend, on the BOssi*
lippi river, twemy-Gve miles above the town of Hele- ' '
na. It is said to bo the highest river land in that re
gion of Country. lu soil is peculiarly adapted to the
growth of cotton. Ia improvements are an overseer’s
Souse, a horse-mill, several com booses, and good
quarters for servants. '
Upwards of seven hundred acres of this land have <’
been cleared and are now cultivated. The rest of it ’;
may be easily cleared, (the most being already done,)
ana has less timber upon it, and that chiefly of ash,
which is readily sold at a well located wood yard, in
- quantities of several thousand cords every year.
This plantation is one of great value, and presents a .
rare opportunity to tho public. In the nanda ofa rood
planter it may be easily made of immense,annualpro*
at. Its facilities of intercourse with New’ Orleans af
fords constant avenue for the disposal of Its products.
It is distant about 800 miles from CineumatkSßO
miles from the mouth of the Ohio, and ?40miles from
New Orleans. • *
ThU property will be divided into teveral ports, if
Baltimore, Marylluidr ‘
aOB Aerei Coal Land far Baler
SITUATED on the Moncngahcla river, about I8mile»
from Pittsburgh and 3pmet above third Loch, in
Jho iin mediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon AShorb,
ud MrtJohn Herron's purchase. 'Tbla fine body ct
Coal wil\ be sold at the low price 0£633 per acre—Ofib
third la hand, balance in five equal annual payments,
withoat interest Title indisputable. Location'very
good— cannot be sunmssed. For further particulars
enquire of S. BALSLF.Y, who hat a draft of saidnro
perty. ReaideneeSd »t, below Ferry,Mr. Adams*Row,
N. B. Thera is another icon of coal on this lract|
about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality,. ,
jySOrdtf • 8. tt
MIO ACRES OF GROUND, situated near the
Pittsburgh and Greeusburgh Turnpike, 3| miles
from the city, and adjoining the Allegheny Cera-'
etery, on whieh is erected a large and well finished
two story brick Dwelling House, together with stables,
carriage house. Ac. Tnore u also on the premises a
large variety of fruit trees, and a spring of unosaal ex
cellence contiguous to dweliiug.
join - WM. YOUNG, 143 Liberty4l
TaliuU* E«il Sitate for Sale.
rpHE Truaiee* of the Wesiara Theological Seminary
I having decided to tell, on perpetaxu letue, a por
tion of (Beir property m Allegheny city, offer on Tory
favorable terma from 30 to So Lota of different sUea,
A warrantee tiue vrill be given. A plan of the lota caa
be seen at No. 129 Wood street.
For particular*, enquire of either of the usdanignod
Committee. JOHN T. LOGAN,
Talubli Real EiUU for S»lti
THE following property in the dry of Pittsburgh,
and near the borough of Manchester, on the Ohio
nver, U offered for sole on accommodating terms:
3 Lou (being sub-division of Lot No 469 in the plan
of the city of Pittsburgh,) having 20 feet front oh
Tenth street, by MO feet to Strawberry alley, near
Grant street
-10 one sens-. Lou fronting on an Avenue, 00 feet
wide, running from Beaver rood to the Ohio river, ad*
'lining Phillips's Oil Cloth Factory.
For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. SCtJLLY,
Barked Building, 4th ft
ItOt ob Lfl>ert7 Street IbrLeui.,
ONE LOT*42 feet from on Liberty atrpevby UQfeei. -
to Brewery alley, nearly opposite - Weal street*_
and convementto the Mononffaheta river, trill be Jett* .
ed for a term of yean. Enquire of -
Jlarke’* pallrting, 4th-sL_
Valuable Property for Sale*
eraI Loti on Baldwin and liberty streets, in the
9th Ward. 81 feet*by 100, and adjacent the proposed
depot of the Central Railroad. For. terms inqmre of
Rnfldlny t 4thtt
jl_|l FROM Ist of April non, on reasonable terms, t
fgHi to good tenants, nx comfortable two story Brick
with cellars. Taolts ,an'd baok build- »•
tugs, situated on Robinson ana Craig streets, AQeghO* r
nyciiy. Fmuuireof SWEITZBR A REED,
tpar6.-dtf Office Third st, opposite St Charles Hotel. j
■hA TO LET, for one or more )cars,4hethree StO- "J
• ry Briek Bailding on Wood.strcet, and adjolni/l’ l '
"■ '■“ing the shop and store of-Robert H. Hauler. ;
The two upper stories bare been fitted up u t dwei-
Ung boose, and may be still so occupied If a "
wishes. 1 rqcfagbtf NEVILLES. CRAIG: ' “
ON frrorabla Lot of GroumLon the sooth. „v, »•
side of Penn street, near the Monongahela river, .
fronting 60 feet on Penn street, and extending. llOfeeVt
in depth to an alley *JO ft wide;
lion either for private residences or for
purposes. Enquire of J BCHGONMAKERA Co,- -.-": ;
kbit - ■ * ku«wmT«>.
Briek Dwelling, with 5J acres highly ?
'Land, situated in Oakland, to let from Ist
feb2* _ <4 Watcrstrcot 1
mFOR RENT—For one to three’years, ©fittSe - -~' 1
first of April next, a large two stoned* brink
. DwellingHouse,pleaiontlyaitnatedonthebtok ” <
ol the Ohio river, adjoining the borough of Manbhfls j 1
ter, with about four acres of land, out buildings, fruit
trees, Ac. Ac. Apply to *
To Let. ' *’
MA LARGE and well finished Room, teeonA,
riory, on the earner of Wood and Third
above the Exchange office of ttm 11 WUlitffi*.
Possession given immediately. Inquire of
jas MKSILLS A ROE, IM Liberty *t.
For . ..
AvA In Allegheny city, a pleasant Dwelling IIou*o;
&f?g| and large Garden, on toe second bank, adjoining ~ *
. "Geo. Hogg. For terms, inquire of Mr. Beaj.> \■■■
Glyde on the premises, or at his store, No (23 Wood; . .
street; or apply to ALEX. BRACKENRIDGR ~
feb23-dlm ~ (
ammjL TO LET—A large briclr Dwelling House.' )
p|H suitable for two families, situated on Federal t'
JlfijMtreei, Allegheny, above Mr.' Graves 1 store..;
Apply to H. LEE.
feb33 Liberty et. opposite fith' • •
Property- In Allegheny City foe SMeT , \
fJIHE subscribers ofler for sale a number of cboieo f-
Jl Lots, situate in the Second Ward, fronting on th*-i
Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire of
W. (yH. ROBINSON, Atty at Law, 8l Clair St
or of JAS ROBINSON, on the premise*.
my!7:dAwtfT .
i*A TWO LOTS on Beaver street, in the city of ,
Allegheny, above the ppoer Commons, im sMA; 1 ,
u erected a frame building, two stories high, suitable ' '
for two small tenements. The lots are each lWenrtn
feet in front by one hundred feet deep, aud run back,* -
to a street forty feet wide. Thebuildwgs on the 1
miset will pay a very handsome mu rest on the invest* !,* >
mem, and the property will be sold cheap lor cash.- '"I" ’
Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk's office; U. S. or to
novg9 • ' KAY ACo • "
r«KTcearK •—-rr,:.
AA THE subscriber offers for .real for the term.ol >
Era one or more years, a large convenient well fit
fined two story Dwelling House, eonuiniog 8 rooms , -
and Kitchen. There ia a lot oT ground containing It .
acres of fine young fruit trees of every tondTstabk, ►.
Ac.) connected with the house. < To any person wish—t . -
ing a delightful residence within o-few mutates ridootJ
the city, this will be a rare chance. Fortenns; which 1
will be low toe good tenant, inquire oFfitr.
Wright, near the premises, of John Watt, comer ot -
Hand and Liberty streets, or of ,
octas-tf THEO.F. WRIGHT* »'■>
Scotch Bottom liandfbrSsle.
fpEN ACRES OF LAND, situated in Peebles town*''-
X ship, on the Monongahela, three mile* from-PItUK'
burgh—ln lots to sail narehasera. For runher panic*
ultra apply to Henry Woods, 3d st. or to \-
a Washington; .2*.
4th, above Bmlthfiela«t‘- > >
M WAREHOUSE FoR3ALE—Tfce«rt)*erib«f'
offer* for sale die three iiory brick Warehouse
on Wood street, occupied by R. Tajincr ACc/' A
ttp!7 wk WILSON, Jr.
job HAi.R—a Lot of Ground situate on.Peun <
stredf, between Hay and Marbury itrwas, ’edibiclhg
the house and lot now occupied by Richard EdvVdf)''
haring a front of 23 feet, and in depth ;
sold on favorable terms. Title unejceptiooabla. Ei«.
quire of C. O. LOOMIS 4th st, near VVoddvW.
oeta-dtf / .... .> j, .
For Balo<
A DESIRABLE Building Lot in etty;-flr-> ■*
vorably located, in use about half an acfui- #a£ w
will be old on accommodating term*. Inquire of- i
febC J D >1
-A room tn tha socoQj'l^fJjNy:
UDEUnTT. '•*' *'*
The FremJdtn Fire Intutana Co. if FhflaB£Mt\tg; '
DIRECTORS.— Charles N.Banckei/.lbqmMafcrtj£‘‘
Tobiaa Wagner, Samuel Grant,. Jacbb.JLlBta4S«i<,
Geo.W Richard*, MordecaiD. Lewis;
Bone, David S. Brown, Morris Patterson. .
CnaaLxs N. Basel**, President.;!'
Charlea G. Bancker, Secretary. .
Continue to moke insurance, perpetual, of finuUjd*
on every description of property in town-Of Cooniry?- *
d rate* os low as are consistent with security.; 1 v _ k 7,}’’
.To Company have reserved a large eOntmaeatlPilfljSJ '
which with their Capital and Pre imams, loifcy
ed, afford ample Protection to the assured.
The assets of the company, on January Ist, 184® u
published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were £k
follows, vn: . 'T|
Mortgages $1,017,03 4!” 'J
Real Estate
Temporary Loans ' p&fiat 8S :t ?•*“
Stocks slA23'2S''
Cash, Ac. J*;eo4 37:\^^ *
Since their incorporation, a period of 19 years," liar I'’ 1 '’
have paid upwards ofoue mJJnoa
and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording; ferldencA**
Cfthe advantages of insurance, as well as’lhe'abUlir'." 1
and disposition to meet with promptness aUliabUidea.' ;;
marl-dly! Office N E corner Wood ana 3d
®W BOOKS—Lectures on Pilgrim** Progress ia4
ho Life usd Times of John Banyan; by the Bast
B. CheeTer, DD, 9 , ,4
nderings of a Pilgrim ia the Shadow oC Moant
Blanelby GeoßCheevcr. D. D. • --s/s'*
; The Journal of the Pilgrims at PiTmomfa, in New -
Kurland, in 1629. Reprinted from the original volume,
With historical and local illustrations of provident*,
principles and persons; by George B Cbeever,'D.D,
second edition. . O’ I
?. Bapiirm, with reference to Us Import nndmoaesj bjfi
Edward Beecher, D-D. * ' "*'*
- Life and Correspondence of John Foster; edded by c
J BRylond, with notice of Mr. Foster as a preacher*
and a'companion, by John
The above, with a large stock of l Tbeologle«i,,i|af.v
toxical. Medical and for_»adrttaftr-'
bricesV KLLIOTT A ENGUlf*}•-,
; joarJ between 4ttt st aad.Diainbfld'aUtry|~--
ARDWaRE PAPER-flO ream* fioe ; qjttSE&*
eonalanment; fbraale by . -.%/.*
SUNDRIES— 3 Jotote'
Batter, 20 dos Zinc WashEoardttj lA» W3Uf Whltß'\
Beans: 10 saeks Feathers; 0 do* Hickory BrhotfiAftfcL
MJ9 by ftbSS JOwHAjuStS^