fir H'S^As'.^tetSißJnawsstj.j.sß THE PITTSBURGH n M “' i . IK. iw • rhiJEpifce* ■**%s&; .•‘ j • : - ; ; 1 : ***&*¥s*?”* '. WOT ioeW Statters eee srertpaga. , I t I 8 bill few yeeia aince the protection of Amer. jean industry wasaleading doctrine o( the Demo, critic potty tor thinjstate. It Wad fetnwiH «M' by Idemocrau'c pettntyn, Leguda tittMi iprea tlbs, and Conventiopa. r All the leading membeo of ithe party in thia city Wstejopori chso pionatn ita livor. Bot now ujo .&rt,,the organ of the party iojittacity, lays down aitjn totiotn.iti iho Locotoco; dOdb-tjOlhe doclrinenf jPrptcction ia%n' driaceroric, iljtjnae to i the whole people, and there tore it cannot Bland.'’ j 11” - I "We place' ihie on record Cot fitldte.cornment, «* we have no d'otiht.&om the auentica now imbed to the introdaction’pf m anufaciunjjg-ettabiiebtnit da into the Southern fatalea, there Wilt. tje one united feeling on iiho subject before .years.; The PcSl deniesthal there la any dratresa ia fUmr ; nfeotoring; districts, and nmong.Watfotacthreta.--- All are klthw on the subject ir'derivedfrod t ® teatinwnffclXhe press, located iu*ueitdiifßri*..-. e know, alad, that moat ertraordiptjry, 0° ht '*T are imported, <*#<«■« itaplo mwofeetures of this * aa ff*i V ' ri ifta*™ not bo th. case, were the nutnttfecmriug Into eslsof thjia oonntty in a ...We were shbwn, on Satnrday, st-thi chtpet atofo of , Mr. M'CSntock, the commoner ‘"T*“ carpeting Imported from EfghpA |wWh ho sta tot he bad seen for ;? om. yeaLts. ; liflieae' goods are spchSu eome mto d>- . Ctcorejetition with home and wnh£ * ~.We.n prod acts, it ia aisarwen-iahwdrah® Zm tta eriatenee of die Ttriffof « the ma- Ojicin'tnt&s imoreata or .the cotmtiy reoetred an tapana’isa extraordinary, ns'.tbe; pterion* nnd deprettion was qktked. SumVjAWP Beayzx CA-'iAi-.—t'VVe learn that this Canatiabioyrin good order da Nkw Uabor\ Omo/iS wiO [a a few dniirely fished to thoWeatera Tenninui, on-the Ohio Canal. hare Already artiVed, with the pirtnlucu of the coudtie* on this lib*. and qoanuilba of goods aie seing, shipped & New Lisboa, to C° from thence to Siajk,Wayne, parroil, and olhW counties of Ohiof Aaadon aa ihb lacatirtfy completed,a heavy Wnonnt of trade will be diverted: to this city, tba? formerly wont the lake icirte. #0 would ckll {he aaenfton -Of mer* cbaatsand shippers to IhU njeW improvement, as it will open np fecultiea for tridp very Important to ibiadty. i / \ lrnaiv<j Carpet' Rooms of Mr ! McCliotock, on f&ttftti Street, and were qrnli agreeably surprised arlheieavyatokk and pen* wiTietlea ofttyle* of Clipeti, in tho establishment.'; Kvcry tbttg, from the fiieal tapestry, to tile tjjo|t;ordltiarp,oan be " found in these rooms, soiled ito nil tastes, <>™a the most‘fastidious,’had at jaintotf every imaginable priced The perfection th sTteh velvet tapestry earned have Van hrought, is;.urprtslng r dnd it is wrmiSn visit to Mr. McClintodt's room to see them* • _ ' ; ; ; ; Posnasrr Haws.—We had the gratiOenJioa, on Saturday morning, of laying ibefbre : our.waders, Foreign Intelligenoo by thefCanads,' ode dty in advance of sU'the press bfthe city. ; The dispatch was also tKe most aatibfarddry; and bast written evcr ttceived in the Wrist. ;fi came front .a gentle man i}{ enterprise and spirit; who is Consummating arrangements to supply! tee 'Western and we hipe bpfbre.manyeWeeUs) W announce to oer readme the ebmptelion Of li^atraiigemedls- FsSnvMmnco.—Thb: Niw prlcgns press him j received powepapers ficn( the cil? of Meiicb to. | the n4th bitimo. They ooriplaidts j aguinht Santa Anns, wjiosti jjunnt:. |s as tjm . nliylSiS cry with ail “'f B ! smwfcted tof, a design Sto +etu)n fa j ’ ‘uftpftVlUj Will embark. 9 ■ •: ’t’* 1, * Tbe;G&feinmck'4iift [uapirl to'Congrdw - whoever information ]may cboi received, in order. tbaybe taken for' the pre» • ervefon Of order and tnuupuUty ■ “P Qeneral aapia-Anna reinni to tha re . pubftciitris shouidpreviemfily his determination to do furnish ed with a. copy of the*ej reiolQtfoni Tfa* Government shall!lake especial ctue tobjjtag this decree to the knowUidge «f General'. SaatoAnha.'’; | i ' •, Tjk* UsnxbDisr Cmica il*an*Eßihr CJjjonos. — Wcftem Baltimore! Annual Cdtiferenee of tho Episcopal Cliurph, &e first in rots* ijngfhfl* unanimously passed- d resolution aathorr •yiny and recammeo (batthe property question in 4ispßto'b<|lwoen tho ffhrtherpi and, Southern bmAohes of the Church, be tubm iUSd tohibitnuion; Should the other Annbali.Cor feiehces-'follow the and' it seemi be generally expected 'thf£tbey wfllj the cohitiintijah U difficulty will be . watered. The South,jharfcrg made preparattoss to a suit to; estajdiib ttieir claim, Will bavii Iflctirredaome expen»«9,;bal probably these . wjH;be made a matter of arra agent eat,, ahQold ani + amidable 1 adjustment 6f the other difficulty be agrdbd upon. f EXTaXcicDnuaT iaiiiooHj axd oa •CB^UOit— •£. Frenchman, indnijed, aseen de&Crora'NeW Qrteaneioo -lie 1 Ulr. inst, in a bn)« his head dojwntvirdv.&id numerous *‘Black rope? he rose abotV a mile, When the! baioon and pr*- cipflaied hiniltotheeajth.fedaj a distance of 7000 feel!) thelßeejeays,olhtr «iy several has* dreds and, what is more eatdhislu&g, bo was not thaleastlojoHd- He nwdij&mitaculou# escape CrooA dcath tb a rose bdsb lit ihe garden, where be Landed. The wind being' strong, wad in a measure keptup:ia'inchft manner as to bre|kihafall. ; Mr. V. Wni yery composed, and ex daßaedj on rising fiton) itote btifch, and picking up 4 nan that he Uia Cali; “Ay,- ay, sstwr,this ia’d very sweetipot.” ! Mss. or Fikawni*— Th*f original manuscript copy of tjiis sacred docu* meat has always been' in :tjii> | poaaeasipß of H- Cl thb .first a newspaper in tifrUniled States, Who lately died [u Philadel*, phi#. The sejdof then inPfcila* detpjna, Mr- 1 CUypooje printed tß c address, and haring begged the favtor of Gen. Washington, he waA permitted to retain thfftnanusiinpu'Tbe whole of tie address is in Weihingtirtt’s odro bfcnd writing, erA the, iQteriiheatiods. that 2£r. C. is no mofe, this farewell address Should be purchased by theftjnited Sidles. ! '. .. j \ A : “** • The Han. a Rcprescntatmi in Iterate Conj teas fromj Indiana, and who was nom inafodbythe Whigs: <jf tijalffitate; as their candF daw fb» Governor, Has determined to decline this ootmtuttion, in order to chbply with the reqnest of of hia own be a candidate for redaction to Congresi '■■■if •fan Whig State Central of Indiana is With the pdwetio heleot another cahdi* Governor, ao.S will meet on IheiUlU lust W that, purposed ‘.i Fvotrrt TojC*UFOMrurr-fJK -Igniter (Mexico) cottaliiilhe flowing,! may;be ofiiaterest to aoifle afoul ejtirena who.rohlemjjintc. emigrating to [\ Vj '] [i <The proprietor of lbe coach lines in the - Mexican repbbUc, in Couaeqnencq of the enigra*. 'tioirto the Cfcliftrnias)and 'hi the: knowledge! of ti»*e person} whom the -follawinj nmjr mtertirt, maie# known.. .II *':‘J .} ■ he.has e stein Uije running; froap thoportcf Vera pntt: U» thetity 6i Gnadala jajr%'(oapual|of the Suita Of:'Jaliico., iitualed at oboit 300 nmes ftonirSail, ;.BUd and 350 from Mefatlan, both harbors in-ttys Faciiid ocean, at the United SiitwrUsimete ortho regular touch, and w&»iwDjnetasfal!;flaiiod*tt*o to putinto. 1 ®| !! ' " jarfiie about da A. the 4 p!j hricd'ioconti nUo.priehaU perijonalahri EctoVeraCt Jftfjjt forlittl(| ice between Vera CrSizjui3 Goadala -1800 miUk, take* etoyea bud amotjhiOfcOst iafsl3{£so.' ’' acr it is itadfcoisesy dec, to be jnue to and .rmjro [reason [an m Vefti CrQr, resulting that those u the state-eari make Dje joomey us to Saa£piaslnistxt&sir otf seventeen | more orjeaM&Sn SIGO. ' Whig* d ofoilr P^nsjjA*®- the; eaid a hdy at ji> itoo well gardea.- ± U»j <£»*«“> L^ to i i*m. n —l*v. , if Good I .-cinJOnijr:® , “Jj.lhßo wißjbitomo’ rtftfc.tiia: tel food washisgtos.’ . { , ! ydrtijpoadeneo ef the Ptttsbwgh o*tcti«- j«f. Wianrcibroa, March j Hon.'EndolphnsDickinson,ofOhlor died al hi* j lodgings in this city, this morning. He bed been.® \ member ©fthe last Congreaajkfcd had been ek® l ** j to the next. He was a whig,a worthy gentleman, a reliable hod hejd many prominent public-elation* la .Osio} toviahicb S^f’ be h removed from which, be was a native Tbe*e ‘circmnstinceaj jn the history ;0 Hf/Kckmton were narrated to the SeMte y Chase, in a feeling and appropriate manner He saU it wap the first time that n member of the other House had died s. the, ot,Goverument while the Sensle was bolding s apedai EseouUve Session', sad tt «med propef thst rime ecuou timnid be taken i» rrgard t(,it. Upon Ins mptmu, r the Senate adjourned for the dny, and resolved to ' attend 'his funeral, the ceretnoniee of (wbjch, wtu take place to-morrow, in the Hall of the HoaaS Keprosentalivet. ,\ . The Senate occupied itself for an bdar U>day in, diacuaaing a motion to print 10,000 copies of the . opiniona of the Sapremc CouO ia the ease* from New York and Maasachßasetta, cdnceroing ,lbe taxes on alien paasengera. Benton *nd otbera oppofced the motion, because it waa ba&inesa which, in their opinion, could not properiy be transacted in ExecoUve Session. Mr. Wibsier, Mr- Seward, and aome other*, advocated the prfathSg, becau»e the decision waa of great interost th all the Sfatei upon the tea board. It waa necessary to print am distribute the documents now, beciuso the laiure of New York and Ma*»cbua*etta were aiill in session, and wen proposing to tike some option Upon the subject. Tbe printing .was ordered— -92 to 17. Tbe capital was full of, interesting news yester day, which baa no doifot rpached yon by the lightning line. i Hon. Edward McGauchey, of Indiana, who had been nominated for Governor of Mlnesota territory,, Wtia Rejected—ayes 20, does 25. The vote was of 1 a strictly party character. The democrats all yotiOg | against the confirmation, on political groundll Mr. McGanchy was a whig member -of the 29th Con gress, and voted against the declaration of War against Mexico, in company with ihirteeo other ! whlgs. It i* speaking With great moderation, to gay that such a decision, apon npb grounds, is an instance of partisan bitterness afld bigotry '.hardly paralleled m oar history, and be an example of the policy which the denJbcraUc majority of the Senate intend to jmrsufe;on the subject of appointments.. The dap of retribution Will sooner or laler be held remhr«les?iy to their lips. If the whigs who conscientibasly opposed the war, are to be thus nstraci red; the democrats who favored it may prepare themealves for a re* taluilion of the outrage.' J The important nominations-for the Board of Commissioners, to settle claims against- Mexico, were confirmed. This is a gratifying resalt Tbe board will immediately proceed.; to. business; It is reported that the nomination of Mr. Collier,ofQhio, i £o be Collector at San •Franciscd. has been-already i made, though it does not appdat quite certain.^ 1 . It i& slated that tbe Secretary ofStale transmitted j to tbe Senate a communication m answw to the I resolution submitted by Mr. Webster,' enquiring i what foundation there was for the current state- I meals that Mr.Baocrofthad proposed to tbe British i Government a reciprocal treaty throwing lie ctoast- I mg trade of each country open 10 lhe of both. The answer is reported Id be, that nO evi dence is to be found in the State Department} that Mr. B. has made such proposal, and ilia! uo in structions have beeaJwaed conferring Open him any authority to make it- w >> k , Mr. Benton offered' a resoiotioh caliingjopon the Preeidant for additional information upodlbe mat ter of the protocol, 'll items that his opinion is .lhai the late President witbUeid a great apal of • information concerning Uiis document. His pro cessed object is, to ascertain conclusively, whether ; tbe protocol is or is’not a binding article of the j treaty; and If i! be, to tnbe thenecesiary-roeasurrs •for the execution of It; A debate.of some length is i expected upon the subject. Mrt Beotommay con I W me several days,nnd three art- nllotteif to Koote. !If these calcnlatifins are *eU based, !we may : reasonably ekpeetibjtt tbe ieision will only close wiUx.lho month, 1 _ jJciotja. -giver running as nsotL /This « iahyays • gjeal count with New York, abd dccotaplihed mare agreeably than at present, hs-there i» a Spirit, of speculation exlstingitmong a& classes 'that needs the presence poontry merchant*.; and the adrantages of tbeir business to flevelope if folly. The opinion, prevails very generally that , we are to have another importation of specie, and that bills of exchange hare been purchased for this object, that will be sentby tile steam ir from Boston, tomorrow. • "Bills have sold a$ lo\k ns Of premiam. and sucb;a thing 19 very natural- Should the current of coin tn tbis>way, even in a very • it would give a great, impulse to business.-'' > 1 Tie town talk joat now uj the rebuffouf travel ling city govemmentgot lastweek ai Albany, frota 1 the member* of the Assembly. We have ! always; for Aldermen and. Assists a set «l|Pa&l Pry s' who are famous for attending to the .business of every body sad every thing bat their own. Leal week they posted oiff to Albany to lobby, but they were greeted wuh r ; a resolution of inquiry,i asking how muoh money it cost New York city ahnually to lobby. A motioh'was also made, dfreefinglbat large choirs should be placed for them.-in front of the Speaker’s desk r and various otbir iviliiies i shown them,* to demonstrate the impertinence of ; their attempt to legislate. The.whole pbisde came■ home suddenly, called a meeting’of the pais- ; ed indignation resolutions, and .thee adjourned Jo' the “tea room,” and gorged theqiselvee lathe ex teat pf their several 'Capacities, Which or& lafgefrotn ; long practice. The difference between ah Alder.; man in Pittsburgh apd NetdjYeirk, is jU*t equal to the difference between gazing at the forlorn walls! of the “Old Court House,” for hours, and eating an. elegant champagne supper in the ladies ordinary : at the Moaongahaia House. The pay Is the same in both cities. - , The air can be navigated.. To a certain extent. th(« can be done, as'was shown to-day on 'Change < by the worldngs of a machine,© wuedby Messrs. Porter and Robjohd,/ which .propelled Usetf round the rotunda, to the -and wonder of a large crowd. is A balloon, made of oiled silk, shaped like a chrywlit, only Sharper at either end. A frame work of wood is placed round this, to which is soi{>ended a steam engine, a sa loon for passengers, and freigif room.. The pro* petling power Is tdto wheels, resembling the sails of a windmill, revolving toward* each Other, and placed just under tbe'bmloon, anil over Ihe passes* ger saloon. The steering apparatus js & fod or tail, which acts npon ;the air like .i* rudder upon the : water. In the soil air of the rotunda iof the Ex change, the machine was *udeeisftil,sdt for at steer- ’ iog and concerned, but-whelher it can be navigated ia a gale of wind, rttriaihs to be seen. It was certainly a cuilmily to serf this “termi wagon" moving round to of k miniature high pressure engine,' that mtlde as' nalurul a' chdqgb, choogb, aartfne could have on the Missis sippi. ; ) . I On ’Change a fiur .busies*. .Cotton, sells freely at joQ prices, acd bolder* look for a rise upon the next steamer’s JI6WI, now abbbt duel flopr is rather doll, and State brands may be-quoted $5 37*(356 12| for ehminon to pure brands. No sales of Wheal. Rye dull at pfe, and Bsriey 65c. Corn has sold at 5300 7c for all kinds of Southern. Pork is dull, and bMhing bdt ‘‘bragging 3 ’ keeps it up. Sales of Mess ai SltT 50(3$10 75,‘and Prime at Lard is dull,land the tales are olGjin bbls. No movement in pickled or dry,salted-meats. Money is quite abundant, end choice paper scarce. Common 3(2*12 pef ceftt. The country merchants, now that the riveris open; vrfil soon swarm in our ttreels,.aad NfcwYork, in onb week, be at the height of business. ' c. Tax Liar or A;RjrerMgrr.-~Preaident Bona parte has granted * pension to ; a With live children, whose easels an interesting one. j She is the widow of the only man. in the Fyrileer regi ment who wm not .killed in the reirent Jfrojji "Mos cow. One day Capti Jumonfiler eame fry afipflonee to Nspoleon the cfriyalkif Marahal Nby had his corps. Napoleon ordered him. tonriolfl regi ment. An hour or two Noboldoirpcr ceived Captain JumonitierstanCiog uear aholmer, whose singular dress attracled fhe Emperdr’a no tice;.his head was covercd With a sort of Qossack bonnet, and instead of hisinnifonn, a;torn vest, which scarcely covered his shoulders. - Tho cap tain and soldier Napo laoa calledto him in a note of impatience* antnll .humor, “What are-you doing there? have yon not rejoined yoor segtmeut, andtalmb your place at the bead of;your cojjjpknyr “Sire,T have not lost an iCstant in obeying your orders.” , . “Whal do you Say? nfau don’t understand “Sire, t*m with- my fcgimenl.” ; “Yoor regiment? 3 *, • ' H Yes,Sire; the regiment of Fosileer* of the Impe rial Guard.” • j \ ' “Butwhere iailtheol’ * * . Then a koarso voice cried*— “Pitscut,tny Emperorf’ : i The voice wma that of the soldier neir JbrnonL tier, and the widowiuccored by Luoia NapoleonJ , is the widow of Ihio Soldier. ftota; the Cleveland Herald- VLo6d Chicago—Lwter and Au lbentlo> i Mf.J.iF.W«rftCTof|ihiB city iefl Chicago on s«* inrday, the 17th; instafit, and reaching Detroit m time fcrdhe Arrftwv arrived here last evening. He furnishes turvilh iome interesting facta in re ference (o the gieaf fldod. It that, during the past winter mow has fallen on the prairie* to a depth unparalleled in the reco!leciioh,of the oldest inhabitants. About the 6lh ahesyy rain commenced which caused the aaow to diaiftpeat rapidly and the streams to rise. On the iwh the De* Plaines riverwas very mnch swollen, Qvemia its banka, filled Mai Lake and flooded an urea on the prairie of fifteen mites square. The Water Continued to rise reach ed the canal and Chicago river, both of which were entirely deluged, *nd;tbe current down the river became strong had rapid. On Saturdsyjthe ice and flood wood collected at a packing housfc two miles from Chicago, dammed up thelwater to a great depth and increased im« menseiy the extent of the ioumlation. On Monday this dam broke, away, and the vast amouul of mat ter collected swept down the channel of the river with great violence.. Striking the Randolph street baidge it bore ft off with vessels and canal boats below. The text bridge carried away waa the Wellai street bridge, then the Clark street bridge, and a large adjonnt of shipping and canal boat*.— This mass of floating material was burled together at a point neaf the piers, in a confused jam where' the shipping abstained its principal injury. Canal boats Were carried down the current so rapidly and hurled inlo the jam- with such violence that they passed entirety under, were broken in pieces, and wentiinto IheiLabe. Vessels kept breaking away from time to t}me,and going into-the Lake; but the jam Was net cleared until Friday the -ifiib. The injuries tn the, different vessels and steamers are at a low. estimate as follows: Bleaihboat Ward damaged $3OO do rfcific do 300 do Globe do Propeller General Taylor bow stove in and one wheel none *£'•' do Ontario do Bark' Utica. do Brig! Ashland do do ! Europe went out to the end of the pier do 3000 Bne Marv, Went out to the end of the pier ftflSki..... ™ « Wont, " Jj® Scamfooa, “ , ««« Schr. A. Harwood, a Excehior. “ l*®®'; “ Orlander, high and dry, bow stove in, 1,100 a WallOa, (iniured) sank, mast and bul warks gone, Woofthridge, •* Diamond, went under the jam and baraft out belew, swept uj tho deck and immediately sunk 2,000 “ Wllliim, Hager *>o - Vermont,.* 300 ■' Bodmer,.. *jjj Some thirty canal boats were destroyed, valued at SI ,00Q®52,000, the major part worm the latter Pn The fas* sustained by me city in bridges alone is $*01000; and the entire amount of the loss sus tained by 4ood at Chicaga cannot be less than $115,000. . •We are'bappy to be able to contradict the rumor ofihe, loss, of lift. Fortunately the only Personal injury kn<*wn to have taken place was that ot fl man who Jiad bis leg broken. The flodd on the prairie most have been enor mbur, Mri Goodwin, Canal Superintendent, stated that a steamer drawing only 5 feet water could have proceeded directly from Chicago toSt Loots. Mr. Ogden, the President of the Chicago and Galena Rail Road Company, proceeded by the cars to tfail D« Plaints, then look a yawl boat, and made a circuit of 15 miles back to Chicago, over the prairlp. , . , The Illinois River is said to be seven feet above •high wafer mark at Peoria. Brewsters brick warehouse, filled with floor and grain, bsa been destroyed, and twenty other buildings have been carried off. A GLASCE AT MADRID, Translated from “La Crooica.” of New York, for the National lolethgencer. Madrid, January 19,1849. The (fcrort cf Spain ia aUhis lime one of the most brilliant and entertaining of any in Europe. No ibiog> Wanting,neither agreeable walk*numerotu theatres*: varied company, nor in tiae the number leas reunions, where an intercourse may be enjoy- I fed with ibis at ouce cultivated, courteous, and Üb* I feral socfety, that so mucli surprises strangers ae» costometi to the ceremonious affability of the Log lish-or tile ridicoloos affectation of the French. Kevet baa Madrid in wiater been more lively and bletsani' than now. A mild, almost Spring-time temperature—the sun shining through the greater part of the day*—the peace and repose that *o happily ‘we enjoy, giv* an equal zest to the plea ,-aurw oCthe rich and those of the poor. and lend a •hew charm tq.lheir diversions. Especially the ar-. win onlus chtads the nun gTiciunl of hi, Sumnr l*!™. destroys! , Ahd nevertheless he is quickly consul ed; in (hiol»ing of the coining bulyday oi the next - Sqnday ia which he wtil make up for the post and thfe present. For the grindee of Spam, for the man of rank, > for the banker, for auy of these aristocrats of the f da}’, it is a matter of indifference whether it is cold . or warm. Let the rain pour or the thunder ralt'e, be haa, when going to the theatre or the balhhis swift carriages hermetically closed, lined with lura, and furni»m*d with the rofteal ensbions He has also benrticcol chimneys to this dressing room rich carpets to his saloons, nod thick curtain* to his bed room. * And'at the banquet, the feast, add the ball. the wc*nea appear clad with rich and light gauze ortrantparent drapery, the tame la the month of January as in that of July; and (hey carry flowers in tbelt hands, as if the field produced them, and nor tbft artificial warmth of the stove; and they display their fair shoulders stripped, and their rqaoded arms bare, as if the thermometer were at ninety’degrees of F&renbeit. Thus the rigors of thjj acdson affect cot the rich, so far as their plea, sores late concerned; but still tbe; desire to te« thw resplendent sun, and are delighted with the blandoreathof the zephyr, and inhale with rap torq tils breeze that sometimes reminds us of the beautiful mornings of April year it seems as if the youthful fair and fote were engaged in an aggravated struggle, contending desperately for tbe triumph. Never has ihgre been to many or such magnificent balls, and never has there sprung up against them so many ind such in conquerable obstacle*. First, tbe mourning of the Court came to interrupt the plea - sures hardly commenced; then tbe events at Rome; afterwards implacable Death hurled his cruel shaft in the midst of those who laughed and danced, striking among others a lady full of youth and pro mise. - And, if it is necessary to cite another in stance; we may mention the Coantess of Campo Alegre, who, at first through the just and noble motives of friendship and a regard for misfortune, and slate then through indisposition, has not been able to. open.the doors of her auii for some lime past to those that are so anxioasto ester. At tpe beginning of the season it was related as a great marvel that every day of the week there might‘be a party. ere two or three everyday—*ll brilliant and all thronged. On Sun days, die CouQteas of Montijo and the Senora de Osorio' receive company; on Mondays, tbe Mar chionCSs do Legarda and the Minister of tbe United States: on Tuesdays, the Countesses of Casa-Bhyona aqd of Campo-AJgere; on Wednesdays, the routs in; the Royal Palace will, it seems, hereafter take ptkee 6n Thursdays, social parties in the Palace of Qbeet\' Chrislioo; on Fridays, the some in the house* of the Senora de Berez Seoane, Princess Caring Countess of Torrealta, and Mrs. Stopford, aqd otf Saturdays, the Minister of France and Mr. Daniel-Weisveiller will alternate with the Senora dd • Sofo, mother of the Marquis dc Eapeja. All this wilbont mentioning the fiae concerts of Messrs. Mora find Madrazo, where the amateurs of good music :may find every thing that can be wished for. Danbing, therefore, is all the rage In Madrid, having reached its extreme point, notwithstanding it yetwants a month of the Carnival. day we were told of a certain remark, made by abeautifol young lady very well known m good society, that shows at ooce the phrenxy that has taken possession of the young, rhey were speaking of some of those obstacles that had bindeftd more than one ball party this winter. “IT(bate u£not a bail on Friday night," exclaimed the person to whom we allude, in a semi tragical tone, “i doaHTmow what will become of me.;’ J-'tos Texas. —By the steamship Portland arri ved atlNew Orleans on the lith from Galveston, the P&ayuae bos dates from that city on tbe 9th inst ; The achooner Spray, Capt. Sawyer, arrived at Galveston on tho Bth iast. from the Brazos, bring ing thej melancholy intelligence that the cholera has amorafin a virulent lorm at Brownsville—the num ber of deaths being eight or or ten per day, oat of a population of nbont seven bundled, Dr Stephen Smith knd Mr. P. Violet:, of Galveston, are report ed as among the victims. CoL Louis. P. Cook and bis wile are also dead. At an election for city officers, oa Monday, the sth inffL, H. Stewart Esq., editor ’of the Civilian, was elected Mayor. 'CoUHays, who has arrived,from San Antonio, informs the editor of the Galvestoa News, (hat Gen. Worth will leave San Antonio on the l&b of Abril, for the Paso del Norte and the heed sealer Gila. It is probably Gen. Worth will prbceed tho Whole way to California. He will take mjder his escort and protect ail emigrants for the gold aiggios, who may choose to accompany his command- Emigrants from (ho States ahonld rendezvous it. Son Antonio on or before the 15th of April ndxt; from Galveston to San Antonio is a plea* ant journey of five or six days. Mules and hor se* can be procure in Texas at reasonable pri. ces. ; TublCboiska on tb* Ru> CJ&AfIDX— We pub lish wkh pain saya tbe Picayune, tbe following extract from' a letter dated Brazos, February 28, 1849:.! 1 should bqve started for the upper country long ere thik, but fear of tbe cholera, which is raging in BroWssvilband along the line of the Rio Grande at. a frightful rate. Eighty deaths are reported to hive occurred daring two day*in thihtUitown of,Brownsville of 800 populaUOß. DFFICIAL. Arpourmsm sr tas PRxmpprr. By and xnth the advit* aud content cf the SmaU George Evans, of Maine; Caleb B. Smith, of In diana, and Robert T. Paine, of North Carolina, to be Commissioner under the act of the Congress of the United Stales, of the 3d of March, 1849, enti tled “An act to carry into effect certain stipulations of the treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico of the 2d day of-Feb ruary, 1848. WUUam Carey Jones, of Louisiana, to be Secreta ry to the Board of Commissioners appointed under the said act Charles K. Smith, of Ohio, to be Secretary of the Territory of Minesota. Aaron Goodrich, of Tennessee, to be Chief Jot- ind Daiid Cooper, of Penasylvama, and Ben- Jamia B. Meeker, of Kentucky, to be Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States for said Territory. *• Henry L Moss, of Minesota, to be Attorney of the United Stales for said Territory. Joshua L. Taylor, of Minesota, to be Marshal of the United Stntes for said Territory. James G. Cambell,of Louisiana, to be Judge of the District Court of the United States for the west ern district ofloutsiana. . Henry Boyce, of Louisiana, te be Attorney ofthe United Stales for the said district John E. King, of Louisiana, to be Marshal of the United States for said.district. William B. Scott, of Louisiana, to be Marshal of tbo United States for the eastern district of Lou isiana. *- Thomas C. Perkins, of Connecticut,.to be Attor ney of the United Stales for the district of Connec ticut, ia the place of Johnathan Stoddard. Gales Seaton, of the district of Columbia, to be Secretary* of the Legation of the United States to the Federal Government of Germany. CUSTOM HOUSE OFFICERS—COLLECTORS. Richard C. Holmes, Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, vice Robert B. Risley, whose commission expired. John S. Rhea, Brasos Santiago, Texas. New office. Edwin Rose, Sag llarbar, New York, vice Abel Huntingdon, whose commission expued. James Collier, San Francisco, California. New office. SURVRTORS. Wiliam B. Norris, Philadelphia, vice John Davis, 'hose commission expired. Gordoa Forbes, Yeocomieo, Virginia, reappoint- ed. Robert Bntler, Smithfield, Virginia, reappointed. Timothy Coggahall, Newport, R. 1. Ephriam Hutchison, Concord, N. H. Joseph J. Pitfman. Huntsville, Ala. Samuel C. Cook, New Brunswick, N. J. Thomas B. Bigger, (reappointed,) Richmond Vi Edwin Boyle. Annapolis. Md. Appointments by the Postmaster General. James McDerraol, Postmaster, Washington. Pa. vice J. D- Leek William H. Hammond, Postmaster, Berlin, Wor cester county, Maryland, vice C. M. Williams. Correspondence ofthe Baltimore Patriot Washihqtoh, March Id, 1319. There have*been statements made, in some of the newspapers, that the new Postmaster General bad decided that he would not appoint any editors to office. These statements will turn out, I think, lo be unfounded in fad. What Judge Collamer designs, no doubt, is, that he will give lo no editor an office, unless said editor gives up his editorial station —that is, that no man shall be a public officer aad at the same lime an editor of a news- paper That editor* of newspaper* will be appointed to office# of honor and trust by the new admiostnmon, there i# no room to doubt. A case in point ha* al ready occurred. AUen A. Hall,Esq. ofTeaoessee, editor of the Nashville Whig, aud formerly Charge des Affair* to Venezuela, has been appointed, by General Taylor, Register of the Treasury, and the appointment, os I leara, has been confirmed by the Seaate. Mr. Hall has been a Whig editor for many year#, and a moil able and jadicioos one. Having been once associated with him in the editorial manage ment of a daily paper, 1 may be presumed to know something of his ability, wisdom and efficiency. AsHt politician of ripe judgment and long ex perience, the new administration will find to Mr. Hall a very superior man. He never makes mis- Wm.s6arcy Jones, Esq., formerly editor of the New Orfceans Bulletin, has been appointed secre tary to the Board ot Commissioners to- adjust the claims againtf Mexico. Mr. Jone»-will ably dis charge the important duties of the station. He is the aoa-io4aw of Senator Beaton, and probably has - received bis appointment through CoL Bentuo s in fluence: Mr. Jones was formerly a Whig, bat ol late has token no active part to puttie*. H«* has been thought to be of the same polities of OoU tteo- j ton, except that he preferred tbo election of Taylor to that of Cass. . Charles Lee Jones, E*q., of Washington Cay, son of Gen. Walter Jones, the great lawyer, and nephew of Gen. Roger Jones, the, Adjutant Gene nflctftAe Apnj, has received thA leicSiS this important office with great force, and it was thought they wwatd be successful; but they were not A variety of circumstances rendered Geo. Bradford a very suitable gentleman .for the station; but, inasmuch os it had been conferred upon anoth l er, the worthy services may be required I in some other public station of os much honor and , I responsibility. | The statement* in some of the newspapers that Gen. Brady had gone home to Chaxnbershurg m a pet, because be did not receive the appointment of Second Auditor ot the Treasury, are. I apprehend, ell •‘leather and prunella.'’ 1 met Gen. Brady to day, and be assured me that hit confidence in the wisdom of Geo. Taylor and the punty of all the Cabinet officers, was os unshaken as ever, and that whether an honorable appointment should be too* deredlo him or not, be would be as ready to stand by this Whig Administration in its endeavors to carry out its great principles, *■ he was ‘earnest and sincere m his efforts to bnog about its ad vent. POTOMAC. PKKNSYLVAJUA LKGIBLATOaE. Hauisßrsn, March 20 ■XX&TX. PeUlioos ami remoostraoces were presented. Mr. Ires moved that the vole takes ye*to day negativing the bill to allow bills of exception and writ* o( error in criminal case*, be reconsider ed. The motion ,-Get over. The further supplement to the act to incorporate the Philadelphia and Heading R. R. Go., was taken up on third reading and passed. On moron of Mr. Brooke the bill regulating the carrying of passenger* on the Philadelphia and Co lumbia Railroad, was taken up for consideration in committee of the whole. Mr. Brooke then moved a substitute for the bill, “authorizing the Canal Commissioners to enter into contract for carrying passenger* over the Philadel phia and Columbia Railroad for the term of 3 yean,' which was agreed to. Several amendments were offered to the substi* lute, some of which were agreed to. The committee then rose and reported progress, when the bill, together with the amendments, were ordered to be printed. The bill relating to private acts of Assembly wag taken up. [lt requires the tax. imposed by law on private acts of Assembly to be paid within six months after the passage of the act, or (be bfll be comes Dull and void. After some discussion, in which Messrs. McCas lin, Small, King, Brawley, Overfield and Forsyth, the bill pasted second reading. The further supplement to the act relative to the Pennsylvania Lonatic Asylnm, was passed Committee of the Whole, and then referred ta tbo Committee on Finance. - The bill in reference to Chancery joiladieiiof, jp the several courts of this Commonwealth was pass-' ed. A message was received from the Governor,gi]g getting that the Legislature should take so inn no tice of the natives of Pennsylvania who haff dis tinguished themselves as officers in the Mexican war. Referred to a select committee. hocss or RvratszOTATivgi. The private calendar wad taken bp m the Houye this morning and numerous bills passed first read ing. Ths Akbul Locomotive Stabtxd,—An exhi bition of the mode! of Porter & Robjohn’a Aerial Locomotive was made yesterday,afiernoon in the Exchange, and was perfectly sacoeasfuL The float, or spindle shaped balloon, made of goldbeat er’s skin, was about 10 feet long, to which was sus pended a steam engine in miniature, weighing—fire, water, and all complete—abontSori lbs. standing its diminutive size, the engine turned the light paddle wheels of the machine with eaae, sod kept in motion as long aa the water lasted. The reader was set to fly the balloon In a circle. It was started from the eastern door of the Rotunds, and wenlnp steadily, propelled by the engine, ian regular gyration to the roof—uiakiug two full cir cles on its way. Here, a weight having been at* tached it descended in a spiral, following the eel of the rudder, and landed safely. This experiment wes repealed a second time with a Uk6 result, and so far as flying in a quiet atmosphere goes, the. locomotive may be considered successful. It re mains to be seen whether a large machine similar ly constructed, tkould safely resist the violent coma motions'of the open air. There was a large num ber of persona present yesterday, who testified, by a hearty applause,'tfeeir opinion of the exhibition.— N. Y. Tubum A Mesa Man.—An example for members of Congress in charging mtleage. The-SucketStale fe prolific in originality. “Talk about mean men* why there’s that Bill Thompson, he's the meanest man I aver hearn on." (Bill was a constable there;) “why don’t yon think be bad an execution against me, for a little incite/ of groceries, and he eaae oat and levelled on my old ’omen's docks, and he wanted me to drive them up and ketch them for himself—and he’d chase them round the house and round the house, and every time he’d ketch a dock, he’d sit down'and ring its head off and cfoiw rmle- Og*." < ;• BnnuTF*t,TT.—Col. HUGH DUFF, of Ohio fownihm Will be inpportrd for the office of Sheriff, subject to the aonuQtnon of the Whig and Antimosotuo Convention mchHrwttT ' BnnjT»ai.rT. —Cspt. W. A. Ctuurnn will be iiip poitedfor the office of SheniLnibJeet to the noixina uou of the Antlmasour end whig OOouy Convention metfrdAwtfT Kieaxawiao, Firsbum*. Diviwtta iubi. la Massachusetts, tbe'Honse^ofßepresenUtivcs, on Saturday « rotfcf 114 loSl. bill making a plurality of vales elect Preside** ll " Electors, and also Congressmen on the second trt® • The bill was very thoroughly discussed, having been warmly Opposed, not only in the Legialat***® bat by a portion of the Boston Press. The Aim* thinks its passage is demanded by public the Advertiser and Courier deem it uncalled and inexpedient. The Senate of Michigan, on the Slh inst.. passed a bill, authorizing the citv of Detroit to subscn for $lOO,OOO stock in the Detroit, Romeo and ron Huron Railroad Co., and to »*sue bonds for same. The rush ofice which took place in the Mautnee river on the Sth insh brought down the remains ot the steamer Ohio, which had for ten year* laid be vum! the reach of the highest floqd- Mr. Wickliffe, late charge d’affair* ot lhe United Stole* near the oourt ofTarin, and Mrs. wiekltfle, now in Washington. The ciusens of Mobile are taking steps to pro cure the charter of n new banking institution, to be located in that city. Fires —the barn of Jos. Carr of Bangor was rt cently burned and loss sustained to the amount o* $2600. Fourmen have been arrested as the per petrators ol the deed, which is stated to have been consummated under the excitement of fun. The Cincinnati Organ and Messenger sajrs, that a member of a Division of the Sons ofTemperonce of that city, was recently expelled for marrying his mother-in-low A bill providing for the gradnal redemption of the public debt ofVirginia, was unanimously order ed to its engrossment on Moiuluy last in Ibe House ol Delegates. Now Usrof Gtm-CoTTox. —It is said that gun cotton whicb, when twisted,burns slowly, haabeeo successfully applied to tbe propulsion of small car nagea, peahtons, Bath chair*, CCc. Professor Broeklesby, of Trinity College. Conn, has been appointed Inspector of Steamboats, in place of Professor Jackson, resigned. John Mack and Ignaco Decareau were killed at Montreal, Ca., on the 10th instant, by eiplo siou of a steam boiler. Two I’ S. revenue cotter*, each of 155 tons, are to be launched at Philadelphia some time next month. •iThe Franklin Railroad, near Hagerstown, Mi. is to bejsold at sbentl'a sale. on the 10th of April. The Montreal Transcript "aystbat a horse named Fly was lately trotted from Corn wail to Montreal a'dislance of ninety mile", iu six hoars and fifteen minutes, excluding stop*. From llic Fanner and Mechanic gngsr Owing of Batter. Persona who put up keg buterlor their own use, or for a distant markfet, usually salt their butter very high. This high salting necessarily detracts from its quality, injures its ready sale, and reduces its price If we can modify, this excess of salt by us ing more palateable substances, of equal efficacy, as preservatives, it will be an improvement. Chem ists tell us that sugar is one of these substances; and experience gives us the same inJiirmaiiom— Who is uot tamiliar with sugar-cured hams' It pork can be cured with sugar, why may uot butter be so preserved also? is a common-sense inquiry. Experience has shown that it may. Dr. James An dereou, the celebrated agriculturist (whose treatise oq the management of the dairy, particularly with rehpect to the makius and curing of batter, is still the highest and best uuthonty on the subject,) found, from some years'tnal of it, that the following named composition —the properties of which we believe were discovered oy his amiable lady —were far preferable to sail alone, as it not only preserves the butler more effectually from all taint and rancidity, but makes it also look better and sweeter, richer, and more marrowy, than por tions of the same butter cured with common salt. Composition: Take of sugar one part, of nitre one part, and of the best Spanish great anil tor root salt) two part*. Beat the whole into a fine powder, mix them well together, ao<J put them by ( for nae. The Doctor continues.-—“Of this composition one ounce should be put to every sixteen ounces ofbut ter; mix this salt thoroughly with the butter os soon as it has been freed from the,milk, and put it. with* out loss of time, down into the vewel prepared to receive it. pressing it •acloae as to leave no air holes or any kind of cavltiea within IL Smooth the surface, and tfjrou exp«M?l it will be above a da? or two before ydS can add more, cover it VP cfose with a piece of clean linen, and above that a piece of wetted parchment, or for want of that, line linen that has been dipped in melted butter, exactly fitted to th* edge of the vessel all around, so as to exclude the air as much os possible, without the assistance of any watery brine; when more- butter is to be added, these coverings are to be taken off, and the batter applied close above the former, pressing. it down andsmoothicg it aV-before, and «000 till the vessel bo full ‘When it is quite fall lei the two cover* bo spread over it with the greatest care, and let a little melted batter be poured all around the over the whole, and the cover be used aawlr tirfe* -maittcloae shut till ais opened for uso. If all this years T cannof le!l, ,^tTTlD'VrT?fen J ff oldond in every respect as sweet and os sound as it was when only a month old. • **U deserves to be remarked, that butter cared in i this manner does not taste well till it has stood at least a fortnight oiler being salted; but aAer that period has elapsed, it eats with a rich marrowy m«i» that ho other batter ever aeqaires; and U tastes so ’ Uulo of salt, that a person Who baa been accustomed to eat better cured with common sail only, would not imagine it had got one-fourth part of the salt uecessary to preserve it." Il is to be hoped that shine of our farmers, on resdifig the above will follow’lua directions. The composition meutioned is. we have understood, moch used ia Gosheo.'Orange county. Now York, a plaee famous for its sopurb butler. Great care should be taken to get the purest salt and sugar— That known through the country as the “ground olom’’ is the best salt. The sugar should be of the purest while—either the loaf or the “fallen loaf" JOB PaiBTISG.^ BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Mantfiau, BHU Lading , Contract*, Lxv* Blands, ajjm ULLft, LOBKU, CttTtnCATU, CHKCXS, roucixa, Ac. Ac. Printed st the shortest notice, at low prices, at the <le&) Gurm Orrtcx, Tbian run Da. ML* nr usxd nu Pill* iu his practice several years before he could be induced to offer it to the pub lic m such s manner as to make it known all over the ooontry, the quack remedies so frequently advertised and forced upon die public by means of forged certifi cate* and a system of puffing, preventing frequently regutnr and learned physicians, such aa Dr. hi’Lone undoubtedly is. from entering the lisle against such competitors. Convinced, however, of the real value ■ of his mediciue. and irflncuced by the plain dictates of duty, which would not permit lum to keep from hu fellow-creatures so powerful a means of preserving them from suffering, hs finally offered it for sale. Since that time U has become known all over the U. States; and wherever it has been tried, has proved its superi ty over all other remedies ever offered <§r diseases of the liver. In fact, the prescriptions of physicians are no longer required incases of liver complaint All that Is necessary, is for the padtnthp purchase and use Dr. M’Lane’s Liver Pills, to secure a restoration to health. Read this: “J. Kidd A Co.— Please let me have two boxes more of Dr. M’Lone's Liver Pills. My wife has used two boxes of the Doctor's Pills, and l assure you. they have done her more good than my family physician baa for two years, during whieh.time be wus in regular urfeu dance. These two (rafts I thhtk will effect a cure. JAMKS JONES. Wilkins tp„ Allegheny co. March 10, 1347. For sale at the Drug store of PxxMirn Liston Suosa.—Prepared by J. W. Koily, William street, N. Y_ and for sale by A. Jaynes, No. 70 Fourth street This will be found a delightful arti cle of beverage in families, and particularly lor sick rooms Buni Biokjl.—An improved Chocolate prepare, tion, being a combination of Cocoa nut; innocent, In vigorating and palatable, highly recommended partic ularly for invalids, .prepored by W. Baker, Dorche*- ter, Mass., and for tale by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth si taehld Skuas' Imtxkiai. Covoa Syatrr. South Pittsburgh, Feb. 3, 1349. My wife has been troubled with a violent eough for six or seven yews; so bad w» her cough that physi cians (in Ohio, where I foimerly lived,) told me she had the Consumption. AAer we removed to this city 1 obtained for her, time and again, different medicines, bet they were of no kind of beaefit to her. Some two months since, I purchased a bottle of your Cough Py rep, the use of wbieh has dona her more good than any medicine she has ever taken. I have also used Sellers' Vermifuge in my family.with fine success. BuaiUan M’Gassrß. This popular cough remedy U prepared and sold by R E SELLERS. 57 Wood si, and may be hod of Drug gists generally, ui the two cities and vicinity mh2l Prothonotoxt.— The Whig* of Allegheny county will urge the claims of WM.J. MARKS, for a nomina tion to this office at the coming County Convention. Mr. M. is a good Whig, and is every way competent to discharge the duties of the office, and deserving a Dominadou by the party. ALUtottzicr Coujrrr. ipch£Q:d3tAw i t*T M* Enrroa;—You will please state that I will be a candidate for nomination for the affine of Protboaota ry, before our next Whig and Aotiinasonic County Convention. Yours, Ac., SAM’L FAHNESTOCK. Elizabeth township, March,22,1819. Improvements in Dentistry. DR- O. O. STEARNS, late of Boston, i» prepared to manufacture and set Bum Turrit to whine and paru of rets, upon Suetiou or Atmospheric Suction Plates. ToemuetttevaxD in vita surras, wheru the nerve is exposed. Office and residence next door to the May or's office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Kama to —J- B. H’Fadden, F. IL Eaton. jets* W. M. Wright, UK. D., DsaUsti n_ i —fc. Orra and residence oa Fourth tt, BQdBSw opposite the Pittsburgh Bank. Office UrlWkM hours from 9 o’clock to 19 A 3L, and IJ fUr fjoTO g o’clock toS P.M. <epl4*ly , Ip* The Anniversary of the Ladies’ Traci Society of Allegheny, wilt be held m tljo Rfcv. Aftd'w Black'* Obnrcb, Sandusky itrept, Allegheny, on Monday evoo iug, the STStb, at half post 7 o’clock. Speakers enga ged to address the meeting. The public and ladies In. vited to attend. mcbi.*4-gt An Exhibition Or nu Foanoux LrrraoxT Socrrrv or Jssnaaoji C«LLSoa, will be held in Providence llall, on Thure d.r, March 20lh, at QI.P.hL - Old Franklins and tho. public generally are respeet flally Invited U» attend. S'uxvrioa roa Dncusstos— Is orror m judgment a per subject'qftDOral ?M- BARNETT, JCem Canoushurg, F«b-?7j 3 49-’ A 9 HICKS, J foWS-wWMIdCT JfBW t.PMBBtRY BBPOBIUB. A NKW DEPOSITORY OF CHEAP *JJBUQA n. TION9 hu been opened on Third street, copo uie the Poll office, where may be fonnd a S«*iw tortment of the popular Lite ramie of the day. The pro* pneton hare made the mo»t ample arrangement ft procuring all new work* a* *oon as issued from the Pf MAGAZINF3 AND NEWSPAPERS —AU the most valuable Magarines and Weekly Newspaper can be , at their counter by the tingle number or by up year , STATIONARY.—Letter and cap paper, pen* and in abort, every thine in the tlationary hue ana of the best quality, for sale cheap. . MUSIC.—A large assortment of the most approved Piano Forte tnu*ie, bound and otherwise- This music >i pronounced by the most distinguished professors to be the best collection ever offered for sale In the \\ est The United State* Odd Fellow* 1 Directory for IM9, got up in eouvenient style. Without particulu firing Anther, we respectfully re« ancst a visit to our store room, from the public. WORK k HOLMES. Third street, 5 tnehSfl opposite the Post Office VKHXTIAN BLISD, CT WARERtJOM. A. BROWN would respect r inform tlio public, that he \t on hand at nis stand on ihe cidr of the Diamoud, Alle y city, a complete nssort*- ,of Venitlan Blinds; also Vc \ Shutters are made to or tho best stylo, warranted j to any in the United States Blinds can be rtnipved wuh tho aid of a screw driver, ing purchased tb e stock, , ana wood of the cabinet or* jhment of Ramsay A M’Clei* I am prepared to furnish r old cos tamers, as well as >very thing in thsix line. •et, Pittsburgh. J°A. BROWN. F on E ?rass.ap P^ t ’“' r n" Si,BE ' FOB FHILJUJ QelollvelJ for P.tsenscn. -The Boos. oftbu Lino will If«« follow., •! » o’clock »i mjht. Ohio—CopeA GimshMonilay nl ? l ‘ t ’ **■ SSKToSjSi."”4‘ r ' ‘ Kenmekl-=WTnibT.i*« mri J> r ’3* , LcoUiniia—J T Thompson, Sund.y, April P For posoojo »PPly «■ Uononraholo Hooio, or D LF.KCU A C0.C00.: Basin _ mch2fl -- “ AGENT WANTED- , CkNE OPTHE FIRST Mauofacwrers of Steel ua | FUe, in England, U in warn of a'roipeciablo party undertake an" Agency for said articles, by keeping a Stock in this city. An established House, haring a ooon.xion moms lta ' !,c, iriSS A» I „u .nd oil.; container prefemd bv letier. addressed ts "M. 8. tr -. H lll omce, *r* nltne and reference, after which an u * B " ,e £ n 'Ti JS inenced for, if deemed desirable. N. B. None need opplAo. ...h .. .1 fir. ' a. gaeo. TOUN KELLY' h. CO., (neccason to Kobb, Wine saasr^s o(V.en- d..cnpum-*ll of which .re of their own im wiSnhL°.Sboon carefully .elected m P.H., vi.iliiig Philadelpb.., .re re.peclf.l ly uretied to call and examine thetr extemreo .lock tnch'JG-dSni _ ■ \ "imu iiiD MABraii IHBUB.AHCE. froteetion Ininiance Co. of Hanford, Conn. /-'IAPITAL SURPLUS ( , pUN D —The ondernifned, bavin* been appointed Arem of ihe Protection Inaorsnce Co., will *«*”**• onproperty in the city and Tiemity, and on ahipmenu Cy canal, and the fixer, and BBOWN . Offiee, No. I*7 Wood afreet. MISSING —A large Box, directed to W. R. Morphy, Pin.bargh- It wa» token by a drayman from the .tore of W R- Morphy, with direcuon* to kove it at MTCee’* grocery store, corner of let ood 'Vood •trecif, but •«*» not delivered: and ft it enppoeed has been left by mistake at unit otter hddia.' The drayman • »“• >t known by the person wh» jaw him the box, bot hi* name and reeidenee are not known. WASTED. A BOY of U yean of age, of good qualification*, wiehet « .itnatioo a* assistant m a etore. Apply u llu. oSu*. mehaanßl 1 Cl DOZ. BUPKBIOR GOLD PKSS; *>do raw 1Z Tnli'f md Te. Spoon. « do. p.rlor, oSco and Other Clock*; 10 doxaasorted Solar Lamp* and Ga*™ is Jo. Gold .nd SIITC, iog jnd for .ale by mchZfi WWWILBQ«_ W~ ANTED-Barley, Corn, Rye and Wheat,. f °[ wh,ch a. S3 water and 1M from ti WOOL— The lughrai market price inea*hwill be paid for ihe different graded of Wool by tneltiia 8 4'V HAJUJALGH MACKEREL— ISO bbl. No 3 Mackerel, in .tore and for wlehT ®hse_ BAW HLARBAUGH, Dried bttih dried Applet, in .tore and for .ale by mchSS SkW HARBAUOH P _ AIUB GREKN—I9 caai true. jn*t rec’d and for .ale by BA FAHNESTOCK A Co, me hi» coroer l«t and wood «t» _<S half bbU for sale br B F VOW BONNIIOR9T & Co CTjSch*' HERBING —B bbls for ' _ •Seh26 S F VON BONN HORST & Co^ TJXTHACT EOOWOOn-m c wa jm recM tar mb® flAFAimfcgrocK4ca JKWELBY—WiIctoa, MlUuirr alar b) mchSA BUUKMRAT— Veasfcs Hans, io awed pieklr; 905 pieces Balk Shoulders, jui rec’d indm sale br rochiß HARDV. JONKa k. Co PKA NUTS—feO abs Pes Nats.iust ree’d sod for sal hy inch'*? HARDY, JONES & Co ALCOHOL —:*o bbl* Alcohol, jo«t tcc'd per Header Shenandoah, and for sale by mrh'.’fl LKMON SYRUP —l4 dux aoperior Lemon Syrup, on hand and for saie by mcb£j J KIDD ACo BA LS AM CUP A VIA—I4O Ui» on band and lor sale by mcha i KIDD A Co CUEE9E —30 bit for axle by meK26 a F VON BONNHORST A Co DRY APPLES—IOO buah for aale by mchao S F VON BONNHORST A Co DRY PEACHES—-JOO bo ah for tale by mch-tf S F VON_ BONNHORST A Co TTLNEGAR—9S bbls pure eider, for sale by T me htO SEVON BONN HORST ACo (HOARS— 10J30CI Havana; 8.000 half Span, for salt J by mehlifl 3 F VON BONNHORST A Co BAPTISMAL PANTS—Just ree'd and for sale at the India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood st __jmchSM J A H PHILLIPS PECAN NUTS—II bbls landing from stmr Parts, for sale by mchai GEO COCHRAN, 26 wood *t_ CLOVER SEED—2OO busk tor sale by tnchM ROOT DALZELL A Co, Liberty st KOLL BUTTER—IO bbls in store and for sale by mehil ROBT DALZELL A Co S SALTS—9 ions in'store and for sale by • rachM ROBT DALZELL ACo DRIED PEACHES—6OO bush Ohio halves, tor sale. wch34 _ M'GILLS A ROg DRIED APPLES—3OO bush, a prime article, for sals mchSl M’GILLS A ROE WHITE BEANS—On consignment,2oobush. nicbai M’GILLS A ROE BUTTER AND LARD—In kegs and barrels. mch'Jl M'GILLS A R( MOLASSES —350 bbls Plantation Molasses. mcbfil M'GILLS A ROE YIRGINIA TWIST TOBACCO—IO irs ‘Gedges’ brand, just rach-H M'GIU.9 A ROE /'CINCINNATI SOAP—IOO bxs landing and for sale V/ by mchat M'GILLS A ROE BULK PORK—IS,OOO lbs Balk Pork, loading per canal boat Uncle Sam, and for sale oy mch«4 JAMES DALZELL, «4 water st SUNDRIES— fl bbls Clover Seed; 3 do Timothy do; 1 do Batter, 3do Lard; 41 sks dried Applet; IST Ss Bulk Pork, landing from stmr Zacb Taylor; and • sale by . mchfll JAMES Dai.Xrl.lj LARD OIL—I 3 kbit Lard Oil, landing from str C J Marshall, and for sale by rach24 ___ JAMES DALZELL J KIDD A Co TANNERS' OlL—iii bbla Tanner* Oil, arriving by ciutal and (or sale by _ mch‘2l SPIRITS TURPkJ'mNK—IO bbl» in prime order, jnct rac’d; for tale by B A FAHNESTwK & Co mcba4 comer let and wood tu MACAULAY’S ENGLAND—WeII bound is theep s volt, ocuvo. Jut received by B UOPKINB, BajUUflgt, 4th «t HAW8 —ll cekt superior cored end coovueed Ilust, just rac'd sod for sole by BROWN A CULBERTSON, 143 liberty n SCYTHE SNKATHS—2Sdox superior 8- Fnrnthn with best screw nibs, in store and for saJo by mchifl BROWN A CULBERTSON SALERATUB— 3 cake Cleveland Soleratas, id store and (orsale by . BROWN & CULBERTSON mchlO rR»10 bbls Carolina'Tar, just rec'd and for sale by ntcha - BROWN 4. CULBERTSON CANDLES— 60 bxs'Moald Candles, in sfore and for sale by SAW HARBAUGH, mchiid 51 waur and 104 front st SOAP— 100 bxs Cincinnati No 1 Soap, jail ree’d and fat sale by mchZJ 9 A W HARBAUGH WINDOW GLASS—6OO bxs assorted sizes, in store and for sale l>y rocbiQ S&W HARBAUGH KOLL BUTTER—IO bbls fresh, ]asf landing; lor sale ■ by mchta SAW HARBAUGH t'CGS—3OO tluz fresh Efcgs, jnsl ree’d and for sale by Jj mch23 SAW HARBAUGH MESS' AND PRIME PORK—4O bbls Meu A Prime Pork; in store and for sale by _ jnebOl SAW HARBAUGH 17LOUR— 100 bbls Family . sale by inehO ALKHATim—I3 Ctk* de\ H 5 t>jr mehS- W' Gt LASS—I4O bx» Bxlo Ulmi, for tale by T rachtM WICK A M’CANDLESS I >ol.l. NUTTER—Sbbliftoifc 801 l Butter. ferula L by mpbiSl WICK A M > OAWi)LPaa REFINUpBOBAX-tf k« KeWed riorox, for Ule by mebai WICK A M»<a SS. ALMONDS— fi) ban Atmopdi, for tale bv . «ctog WICK A M’CAffDLra? A LSPtCE-40 bait* AUpice, for tale by A mcbfla WICK A MXJANDLE9S CiIKESB-3501 lb* extra CroAjßi loco <lo Wemn R «° r,fC ' ‘or «Mo by mcha J D WILLIAMS CREAM TARTAR—€OO Iba but rac’d aad tor tale by b a Fahnestock & co, m™ l ” eomer lat and wood ata IRCHlNofe—73 -bbta Stomhlaw, mnff ««il ft lie by mctQ4 WICK AftPCANPt-R«a fITANNKRS 1 OIL—IU blits THineri’ Oil, b non u 4 1 for t*|o b? mhlfl BROWN fc CULBgRTSOfI F CTTASH-lo culiprune Potasb, foruSeVy 'WICK 4 M-CAHDLSS9 By Jobs D. D»vlt| AaetloMVi Assign***! Balt, t»jr Auction. FORTY-FIVE ACRES OF KXCFJ.I.ENT COAL— with the privilege of mother tract adjoining, pnd about forty •!<*<> acre* of land—on which are erected 9 or 10 dwelling homes, two coal rail roadt. an! other Improvements for carrying on the coal business. This exten*ive and very valuable property lie* just on the bonk of the Monongshels river, directly oppo site the thriving borough of NrKeesport, in Allegheny county. sod will be told all to*etber. It will be offered for *sle si public auction. on MON DAY the second day of April next, at U o’clock, A. M_ at the New Conn House, in Pittsburgh. Several yean time given for the payment of the purchase money. This property lies together, m soeb a position a* to afford every facility for carrying on the eoal business ut the least expensive and most pro- 1 fitahlc maimer. ! The coal is of the best quality. Time to take it out nnlhniied Title indisputable. Much of the land nut* able for building lot*. Capitalists wishing to make s safe and very profita ble investment on speculation, and persons wishing u» en-mco in the eoal bßainen. are invited to look at UUI oropetty and attend the sale, a* it i« fully believod that no u-urr bargain fqr such properly was ever offered in Allegheny county ... . . For further information, inquire of the Assignee or Auctioneer, or of teo. F. Gillmore, at his office on U..n. .W, Puutor*!. aLbiander mLL£ .^ Assignee of Bobu Sinclair. JOHN D DAVIS, Auet Furniture Car at Auction* On Monday afternoon, 86th imt. at Commercial Asia* Room*, corner of W®** *"J USu, will'be told, a substantial Furniture Car, ■’"K 1 JOHN D DAVIS, Aacu SI: over 8100, a large invoice of cloth lax, consisting of 26 pain «anwe « A w- Alio casstmere dm 08 do striped “*Htendo; vy linen drill da; 60 do taper black satinett do; « do finer canimere do; 84 do extra fine black do do, 60 extra finished tweed coat*; « fancy *amnieT vests; ea**imero and tatine tt real*; no* tou, bta. m.nbu. -x Groceries at Auction. On Monday afternoon, 86th in«t at 3o'clock,*lthe Commercial Sale* Boom*, corner of Wood ahd Finn *u. will be *<• Id—lB ken nail* and brads, awortad, W bx* Cincinnati soap; 4 half che*t* Gunpowder ana r H tea; 3 bbl* sugar house mol****«: 15 do hemng ana •had; 6 bxa cavsndiih tobacco; madder, snoff* mch33 JOHN D DAVIS, Aact r fl PORTF.R-- - - **-M*]UBo. MR. W V CRISP IN 2 CHARACTERS. Another new Peiee. Slasher and Crasher, more and more successful. Mnvniv Mascb 85. will be presented *• _ THE DESERVE, OB THE POINT OP HONOR Dwinet, the Deserter Mr* Cn*P- Chevalier de 81. Franc • • * Mr. Oxley* Borth _ Mis* Porter. SLASHER AND CRASHER Received on each representation with increased ap probation. Slasher, (the heroiel Mr* Cr»P- Crasher, (the indomitable)* i -Mr. warn. Dance, by Master Wood. *“ B, *mAMONBCOTIMoND F “” “ Dick Trap, .liner . Too Trick, .wicr. Ml.GUra&td. Charlotte, with a song MusCrmie. Delosion will bo immediately repeated. Mr. W. H. Crisp will appear to-monow evening PHILO HALL, Every Bwonlnff/wd Wodnaaday and Saturdas’ AfUraoon. MR WILLIAMSON, in retnnung his sincere thanks for the liberal pattonage bestowed upon him by the inhabitants of Pittsburgh. Allegheny, ben to inform them that he will exhibit, as ■hgyjh Ms ] NA* TIONAL DIORAMA of tho BOMBARDMENT OF VERACRUZ, by the ibices under Gen. Scott- Ta prevent pressure at the door*,, attendance will bo riven at the Hall every day from 10 to ls * * nd ?!? *1 for the sale of ticket*, and no moro will bo issued thaft can be comfortably seated. Jin . n '' Tickets 25 cents—children half pnee. <W at 7 o'clock—commences at 7|. Wednesday and Sat urday afternoon, doors open at 2. commences at 2| 1 Volunteers who served with the Army In Mexico, „„ mehaikdlw nVSIOAL SOIREE, AT APOLLO HALL—On Monday and Tuesday Evenings, March 28 and 87—by the BATEMAN FAMILY. Assisted by Messrs. NOARTH and FARRELL., Misses F* ,w and Ellen will ting a number of theil most popular pieces, and appear In foil costume. hlr win give nis very striking DOTA TIONS OP FORREST, MACREADY, and other cdfr* brated performers. . _ . . . Admission 30 cents—children 20 cents. Tickets ad mining a lady and gentleman, fiQ^cta : __m«hSfcda^ PITTSBURGH POBTABLEITOATLD® A. BALTIMORE, N. YOBETBOSTONjAc. TtBUTM BsnnwL Philadelphia. TumAO’Cowon, Pinabureh. THIS old established Lfrte bain# now in fall opera don, tho proprietor* are prepared with their usual extensive arrangement! to forward merchandise, pro dace, Ac. to ana from the there portion liberal terms, with the regularity, -despatch and safety peculiar to ih«i T mode of transportation ao otmous, when.tran- * a mended to on lien it,Philadelphia. - O’CONNOR, Canal Basin, Pitutaugh* (yCQNWOR A Co, North it, Baltimore. tacnX BoiTßEaß'tiiiK. For the Transportation of Merenaamse OTiween PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, A BALTIMORE. Good* shipped by this Line, ere carried in Cnu •ecoon Portable Boat*. 3^ HE subscriber* hiring made arrangements ia ease . of ■ warn of State Traehs at Coinmbit, to hare elr goods forwarded orer the Railroad* in cars, oo as to avoid the detention that has heretofore ©conned for the want of Tracks, Shippers will And this to their advantage. No charge*made for recetring or ship ping, or for advancing charges. All goods forwarded with despatch, and on as reasonable terms as any oth er Line. JOHN FARREN A Co, comer of Canal and Liberty ft, Pittabarah. , HP. K. FRCTZ A Co! 369 Market ft, Philadelphia, tj~ WTrrnT2spT»,“-'r ©«u*Mih ba*mrtartt»_ \ ■■ D lßSaW,»jßml h & o '' J KIDD It Co CARPETB, OIL OLOTHIi fee, EGEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths XV of the latest sad most approved patterns, and at priees to sail purchasers, ana cheap as can be par* chased in any ofihe Eastern does, comprisuar the fol lowing varieties:— ' Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets; ' ' Aixmhuster Carpets; any size hall rooms or ves Tapestry do tibules. Sap Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair earpets; Extra sap 3 ply do BrusseUrdo do Superfine do do Chexaile Ran; Extra sap Ingrain do Tufted do Superfine do do Brussels do Fine do do Chenille Door mats; Common. do do Tofted ds do 4-4,3-4 k. | Tapestry Adelaid do do Damask do Sheep skin do do 4-4, 3-4 A | twl’d Vo- 19-4 Emb'sed Piano covers neuan do 6-4 do Table do 4-4,3-4 A | plain do do 6-4 Wool do do Couoo Ingrain do 6-4 worsted and linendo do do Venetian do Brass Stair Rods M cotton Drugget; lfl-4 wool crumb cloths 19-4 woolen do Stair Linen 8-4 do do 6-4 table do EngUshTable Oil cloths; Diaper do German do do do do Crash B-4 Floor Oil cloths; Snow-Drop Napkins; 7*4 do do do Crimson Flash: 6-4 do do do Purple do »-4 do do do Maroon do £? „, do 40 Carpet Binding: Sheet OU Cloths, of newTransp’nt Window Shades Tapestry patterns, cat to fit |,CF°Jk® •*>•▼« we are constantly receiving rurSprinx Stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths and SteSbb^TriaSinri to which we invite the attention of all who wisStofor* nish their bouses or steamboats; as we will beible to offer goods as low as they can be purchased da the' East, and of the richest ami latest styles. Call dnd ex amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Ware house, No 75 Fourth tt. mehSJ W. M'CLINtyCK. NEW~PUBLICATIONS— Essay on ihe the [Uaiou •f Church and State: by Baptist W. NoeLEM. a 1 voi. ifcno.—Bl,2s. An entire edition oi" tMsjwork was sold in one day, on its publicationin London! Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal, in tin Pro vince of Massachusetts 8ay—1679-9. 1 voL 12m)> 73- Hoyt’s Poems.—Sketches bf Life and Landscape. hv Rev. Ralph Hoyt—new ed. enlarged—with iUostra do ns. i2mo. BLOO. ; A Catechism of the Steam Engine,illostrativelof the scientific principles upon whieh its operation debends, and the practical details of its structure, to its a»nlie2 tioa to taiaet, mills, steam navigation, and runravai with variopssuggestions of improvetnemj by JBoorne C. Ea-I voL tamo.- T3C. f JAMES DAl.ypM, The Cantons, a Family Picture. Part L l&a Life, illustrated. Pans IV end V. ’ Each Tacitus’ Histories; by Pro t Tyler-12rao. For tale b _£ mchat BHQPKINMihsu WH3nPNKrs CALIFORNIA Kmj&Pfbatoi: lowdM is an extract of a letter from the Hon. jeoersou Dam, U. 8. Senator, late Colonel of the Mfe.- ass * highest ecmnumdaJioiL* lloobt whether as ce? wsre sver issued from any other Ordnance De partment so perfect la their construction and condi uoa. In accoracy of fire they are equal to the finest ipornog rifles. Their range, I think exceeds thatoi the old.pattern musket, and they lesj cAonmiu tare, SUSta'SKtei™ “ 7 “ Il ‘" “V 1 K« r Cahiornia Ousting Establishment No A Wood u. JAB PHILLIPS. nAUFGRNtA RUBBER GOODS-Jost received, VJ •« Camp Blankets: SO officer coats; IfipnPvur, ia pairs nett uned Mialag; Boots; IS Isthmus Bag*; 3 water Tanks, « and IS gallons each: 60 canteens, 4 gallon each; 1 dot Bnekskln Money Belts; 1 do oiled cambric do do. The above roods for sale at the Call umua Outfit!ag Establishment, No 6 Wood st acfaS4 J A H PHILLIPS Logan, welson * cd., TMPOSTERS and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and JL Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlen, AC-v4 s W» Woodstreet, Pittsburgh, are wfw f*liy jaSpared With a recently imported stock of Hardwusf?Ctttlcij, Sad dlery, Carpenter** Tc6lifte4‘o>'offef yerygrtil ta dupemeyu\q Wrt\e«r Merthaau, as in uimtlon to the ediiny had by our predecessors, Mes srs. Logan 'A Kennedy, we have greatly increased our tacilinea, and purchase all our goods from first hands on the very ben terms. The junior members of the firm devote their whole attention to sales, and feeling confident of giving sat isfaction, respectfully solicit a call from all who may visit this market. * Vocal : AND SOLFEGG IOS, with a* aecttapanimeoi fbr the Pian-fcme, adapted to VM Waits of private pupils, or classes in yoeli’fousib. Selected from ItaPsr? Freacfi and German composers, by Lowell Mkaon-ra fhrge'pagei of cldsclv pnaled music, eontMnina 'int exerewas progressively arranged. Price 73 * “ pply •*“ Debts _ l eeivea Ms first supply of Spring and Sommer Good! uivltes merchants t* Jook at stock. Price* Roojp up tulre-enaanc* fram 4th sl AMUSEMENTS. QchSfc&m CUCIBSATI * PITTSBURGH ML D A I L v PACKET LINE. mm 3 well known line of splendid passenger »eaa- I ers is now composed of the finithed and famished, and most powerful boat*, on the waters of the West. Every accommodation ant eca, fort that money can procure, has •engers. The Lino ha* been In operation far Waj yean —has carried a million of people without the rr to their persona. The boats will be si fooj of Wood street the day previous to staruog, for the recep tion Of freight and the entry of paiaenger* on the regis ter. in all cates the passage money must be paid la advance. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Ilemshill, will leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at IB o’clock; Wheeling every Sunday evening a; 10 r. K. May », 1847. MONDAY PACKET. The MONONGAHELA, Capt. Stou, will !*ave Pitta* burgh every Monday morning at 10 o’clock; Wheeling every Monday evening at 10 r. M. TUESDAY PACKET. The WIRRRNIA No. 2, Capt X Kuxsmxxa, will • - leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock; Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 a. H. -WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 8, Capt. 8. Du**, will Leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning n 16 o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 10r. ■ THURSDAY PACKET. The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gmocs, will leave Pitta* >orgh every Thursday morning as 10 O'clock; Wheeling svery Thursday evening at 10 r. M. FRIDAY PACKET. .. Y The CLIPPER Ne. 8, Capt Pisa Pbyac4 will tear* Pittsburgh every Friday mnmiiig at 10o’clock; TVbu* lint every Friday evening at 10 r.ttu SATURDAY PACKET. The MESSENGER No 0, CaptiWeonwsxxk will lejtv* Pittsburgh every Saturday morning al 10 o'clock; Wheetlßi every Saturday evening at 10 r. U. NEW LISBON AND MITOBUEOH DAILY USB . OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETB, (TU UlaSdOW,} Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at» o’clock, A. 1&> and ar ires at Glasgow, (month ortho Sandy tad Beaver Ca> ial,i at 3 o’clock, and New Lisbon ax lLiiab ugkL Leaves New Lisbon at 8 o’clock, P. KL, (making lb* txis eanal to the riTer during the night,) and GUon aiOo’clock, A. &L,aad arrive* at Pittsburgh at fry.. m, thui making a-coarinuoas line tor earryingpu* sengets and freight between New Usboa and Pitt*, burgh, In shorter time and at less rate* than by uy rente. ■ The proprietor* of this Line hare the pleasure Of In* forming the public thai'Urey hove fitted up two first ala» Canal Bo*t»i for the accommodation of passengers ana freight, to run in connection with tho well knosr* stmuners CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and connect ing, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Cittern? nml and other doily lines of steamfcn down : taa CW* and Mississippi rivers. The proprietors pledge thhSfr selves to spare noexpensoor trouble to insure CfW'* Tort, safety and dispatch, and ask ofthe public U aoata of e “>" m, "^j HO g BEDAOENTB . 8. * W^ttSlßjiOGU, nyll.lf jSSuSuAjoniCo. {Nwli*aa. NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, <X E. Clarkei®**- ter, will leave aDer th,U notice, for WeUipiile muttpfe ally, at 0 o’clock in the morning. felS'.t 1840* - - PITTIBCEQH ft BROWIBmUI Dally PMkit Uu. FEBRUARY Ist, ISifl FEBRUARY In, 134# [ RAVE DAILY AT6 A. BUAKP4P.iI The following newbotl* nompkia ft taefUne for Hut precenl fedvntAta -■gfflVflffflß LaStIC, Capt June* PaxkfauOrt HimMyTOl" ~ CapuA. Jacob*} and MUM M’LAJiB, Capt. R Bennett. The boatt MwTand are fitted up wiiboat regard l© expense. E»1 err eoxnfon that money can procure has b«eo prcrrtwr| So Boat, will leave 4e MOTongahcUWbarf Boa* « the foot of Rosa at* Passengers will he panctaal « board, as the boats will certainly, leave a* the adfat) ‘ honra, 8 A. M. and 4 P. hL fopP- Plttshorgh it lionlrrille Paehet LlttiT FOB CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. . fc The splendid new steamer I , TELEGRAPH No. b i ihiii‘fnr[M Haslep, maater, will leave for above intermediate ports on Wednes day. at 10 o’clock a. *. * *" *** « P Co. otcha GKO B MILTENBEBOEB. PITTSBURGH AND UJUISVILLBPACKET LINE ri 11 Ml tk. The new and splendid festpsnen j£j w plc No. a, master, will leave: for Clrieia nJtisiidLouuTille on Tuesday, the 87th< iast, L at Ul «'“ k ’ A “• GEO B MILTENBBRGER. Steamer Peytona will leave LoairriUe for New siretL - Xioulsyllle and BLlenls Paeltat Uasj 18Mw ll«v« j*«« jsyoy«« oSw. VnSZaSS’, will to»l» «3ißSSbfor the sbevrami every Tne*Uy, at 10 o'clock. a. Ail, 1 !’;-' ' REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOOS niia t. The fine bat rnnainjr paam&nr iidLA -teamer GEN. LANE, <fewcH3flß A. McPherson, master. win lej*e Car ■RB&SBnBtha above ud Intermediate poita ere -17 Satardav, at 10 o’clock, p. h. For freight or passage apply oa board, or to EC. KING, NoISS Com. Soif. marS-dfla _ _ Looisrille FOR BT. LOUIS AND WISSOURIRIYER. k Tbo fine steamer I fL,.-Ja PARIS. - gwamfi Maratta, master, will leave Gw above ■■BBRBSSBBanH lotetmediata pom en Mfl&diY. the 27th iiut, at 10 o’clock, a. k. * k For freight or passage apply oa board, or to matg PErnOREYfc&Co, Aft FOR NASHVILLE ' " /Mu- k The splendid steamer LiVln-cny EUPHRATES, hffiaCWfflflß Calhoun, masier, will leave tot above. —AtfTWWvnd imermedlate porta on Sttsudar the 84th lost, at lOo’clodk, A.X. For freight or paasagp apply on board, or to * mehtS ’ FETTIQREW A On, FOR WABASH RIVER. .*asar POR ST. LOOTS AND ILLINOIS RIVES. k . The newani light drenght paatea f If niT (* r ueamhy LAMARTINE, Dmota, will leave for the abote an^ F md& h ’ ° r FOR NASHVILLE. iv The splendid atcamer -Jb&s|l» Oranii mm! u.,c For freight or passage apply on board, er to PETTIGREW A Go, Ago REGULAR PACKET FOR VAHmm.ia? T1 " a “ Uj &»r““. . eamMjftttH Hariotu master, will leave ms*** luteraediale porta on V/edneedav the 81stUut, aid o’clock, v. a. wneeoay For freight or passage, apply to . ' /WfiClLEßfeßun. spmi. for LomavnnV ~~ “ a .-The splendid new itnas, Ur l- rniT HAMBURG, Jncaaifli,Caldwell, master, /will leave for the mttmrfiwpom m ihi. WHEELING ANDBUNFXSB PACKEf. . Ike splendid feet rtnudne steamti UjsotMffl p „ cindehrujaT* Calhoun, master, will runasa.rCgv m«C Jn,iT;i.t t ?- t . e L be g“° “»r FOR BT. LOWS. \ Mm* a The splendid fast nms2iigs*Aamar -item du, - 4 f 5^ hl or . WXISBUSGH A WHEELING PACKET. ipgrta 1 jv Tho swiftmoamer iMhr). A>W. Greer’s, cor. fimlthffrJd and m, i REGULAR WHEELING gACKErT ■ itwqiti il Tbefiaamuier i. . For frdjrliJorpaaMge oa b«ud. ■" «*»• «■ rot ftelgluoi tMag , qtoaa, wracErs and SS™~ 1 Ejdleu; 10dodoTublfJSPc- 50 <to« »»«» ‘williirihUdv tnmta *"™ , “!«a wti Gar mJ?by _ JARFLOYtt . Bound C hnr BnlMinn T Bmoo Side* r bbliNo UatJ ■, Gia«i»r?fc? l “ k BetewMn aSiklFtsUuf* 3Mis bo* wim. Bean* ito FIM Seed, to arriys; ISAIAH HICKEY *Go, CES3 Fioalrt P«asb_ 2 co, »-- >SS i jS j«jasa > “ Bring ualibcnyw pwitwiMiM. T|BYPEACHES-<S>bashoah*sd and for JL/_jaeh23 EIfCOTCHEOW TKTATCUES-.A nten&d lot of told «ad «Qvtr ff W«ickes,jiui received sod for stlobr KENNEDY * SAWYERjki wmerith and wood ttg ’• /'ILCCKB—Of every T»ri«T, Cat tale by \J nckp PJffIBPY * BAWYBI LOOKING GLASSES—a tpteOdU lot of cuts isXiSßY fc HWYS& l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers