THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. BY WHITE * fr> i ■; , SATOEi&Y MofeG> VUB.CH »» lMfcj aoRTH amkrioas. P andtobocnpuona to tlieNorth Afeer i,« EduSKfiUte.OWene, Philadelphia, received ISd f«“ *«* ofi “V_J_L • ■■: ■■ ■Ta Wmwstt Djlilt GixUrrt - Is. pahliihod . J|* Tv,.v<3 r »kty l and Weekly.—The 'Sail?.is Bdven ttaeojo^theTri-Weekiy u Fife Collars per ffi/M? r theWeckly U3wik»«mhm, ntictly _ ._; S. —L_ | : nTAorttram are earnestly hand in 42r favors before 6 >. »l, and as eailk iniheday as orietieableit Adveniieinems not inserted -ftwa 'lrt tine wffll invariably be charged until briefed ont ljo» u-t^rConuneMallntelligence JSomisile,Mar* lets, lmports, Money JaarttiU, fcc. see Uirtfpage.'*-; : '•• *«• jujU far TelegrmpMciNaws, •iFor lineal Blatters see next page, - AtaJcrfjpmx. —The formation of fin agricultural; , eociety mjthit county, is an era in the farming' , interests,^ ol which we trait wUI bedaied a steady, advance jh the moat ennobling and delightful! of all; ' in order to this end,.; it will bp ne* cesary 'or those who have been; ebargedj with.; ‘ ihcafe'inifffcaU, as the officers find managers jof the ; society, to use extraordinary eflbtts io lifej ! health, viyor, and steady growth to in ojgnniaatiofi ' which tX;only yet’ in its embryo state/ Without litis, the previous Seed committed tf tb«}r care wiH tiever vSgetate. It will penah, -it wjf perish itie cherished hopes and pleasant antici^s* ' tidju of&boed wbn have looked move ment wSh much! interest. If thi* se&etf baa h hWppy and a flourishing ftiturfc officers will merit tie lasting grati tude ofitbe tanning interests of the community. Bttt end ‘til ere roust be effort, early, pen - Tering>and earnest effort. It will am do to tohi the banSb, to talfc about it occasionally, and leave tt to ea& for itself. We shall oevar haVe a society worth anything,in this way, roao&sor* should have »<& earfy meeting, and lay dowh; their plans for lhe and appoint an active denttnl coin* tarry Wem out Tbeyshoirid mkc early measti&aito extend the memberaiiipof the society, kid Uu£b 'increase it* funds and Its influence. ;.-Ii they h&end toynave an exhibition >tbe cooiihg Qdttitati, tkey sh6uld give early potict, that iljoee whoosh to compete for prises; ritiy hdve time to pfeppre themselves for the contest . We throw oai these remarks from: the warmth of our fylacbment t 0 agricultural ’pumnilSj and Onr exceeding desire toVce the standard of good ihfm* Ing rslxod in feta section, to that, pcrfectioji. to euseeptiblo. of thb resolution of the convention in lavs* of an agricultural paper.. We think such a pap£r ought, und we hope wiU,;«ucceed. -But in the time, we shall giye an amount of agricultural matter, weekly, which in the aggregate wiH amount toaboat the usual quantity in a month ly publication. And we again invite those who have toy thing of interest to conimtimcaie, to send ti lo ta. It is scarcely fair to complain dt .the wont&f an organ for tbeintcrchaoge of ideas, whetp.ode is offered which Circulates amuag thousands of fottners. | . ' w£ Lave bdan much pleased with the pjeriisal Of ad£ Introductory lecture on Mijuicipal i bare, to the Student* of Washington CollBge ) QQ iGb December, 1848, bv Jbhn Landoa Oow, Esq. author is evidebtjy inaiter of hi* 6ub* j«ct,;§ldch he treat* with clesraess and precision, ia aajlw and Rowing style. He ijomplauUv.and jniily, that no proviSiouiaa bee* rsade iu School* for the study of fcl least •the principle* of Municipal'iLaw; and fhat ereifitt. oOT.Dih Schools and Colleges it has been j werlobked, except inj lh« special Law ofthe Universities , This o{numon IwiltdppeSr thd more reprehensible, when] we re > ‘ih itfi* country every citizen is a *over •j‘«gn£ Jan lS4y, > xi a general meeting of tije Assoclatiou it was, -- “As the sense' of the Young Men’s 1 Mercantile Library Aaaocistiqh of Cincinnati that HunU’MdrchaniV Commercial Re view has, I from its commencement, tilled an unpor- Mnt and Widely extended field 'of usetolcuras; that Ae sound [judgment and unwearied industry of its Sitnr.Frefemsn Hunt, Esq-Vhave contributed large ly toward elevating the standard of mercantile ed featioh tfafengbont the tooupiry; and that this Aiwo- JteUontakb* great’ pleasure* ip commending the Merchants’ Magazine to gpferal’ciTculatibn, and rpec^&fsupport of the Musiness commUDity. \l WoLLuaroax Ann Ehmisa Rallaoad A Meeting of citizens of liycobiihg coonty Was held St Williamsport on the’lltb ttnst-, to fake into the adoptiaQr.df-meaatirt'Sjfor c °° l ' pleUng the Williamsport j.fthd Elmira Railroad. report liy a cobl'miUee. with a dnit s(m bill to* tbo .salc of the road, 5 so os to put it ibio the bands of a freeifrom the {.ltmbanaaSments of the prysiral corporation. An Address Wa» adopted showing die great importance if the wuA as a connecting link between tbe New ••York and'Pennsylvania • It is rumored at Washiogtap.that the President’s [answer in reply to Mr. Wotofer’s resolution call* ;&g tor the Instructions of our Minister to England %ith regird to Navigation! shows that Mr. .IjanCrott has gone beyondj hhr authority. As the ‘■ffliuer is under the *e*l ,nf secrecy, nothing is obomtivo respecting it; the'probability! however i f*lhat the rumor is true. , - i -f Th* We received 1 yesterday momtng, •March SCaa important fetter from Washington, dated Mdroh 9. Where 14* tbir untortdbate wan (dertr heejn all this « «l e« if>y«B» ? j i,j ' • -- - ■ ** - !lbffeUpair«l>«s; -granting divorce®. . j -r..- ' .cord ini Mimtrml JUfliMfl w*» h VilUpa. Ito bM, / l * The BoMoa, C OOl tolMerediii _i„ ! ( *' spK ied KSii ife 4&rf?Ft(iufafto/t Gas#**- j, v |tj|B ifA'll X>V r ; Tjf v I Bot fevr natfoftj inthethiitnrjf of lie woridiave l 1 jtccopied a position ao, painfully conspicuous, as l ho* been attained by Ireland for several year* p*at- T for centuries, iflideed, the ha* exhftjited tbe *ln?o- Jn* anomaly of d civilized country ih possession of | fcfl the conducive to the and 1 ferealaem of a \ieople, but Which have been cither ’»© neglected orjobused, as jo rcdoce',tbe great maw •of the population to a condition bur little removed from absolute beggary. Their cup pf m&ery, how* lever, became fall to overdosing in;l8l6, upon the failure of ihe jingle crop . ; on whicli their very ex f istence depended, when famine and its accom panying minirier. pestilepce, iwept them off the. face of the eaifh in ,handi*ds and thousands! The: purest and holiest sympathies of out nature have, been aroused jn every Umd that has received in telligence of ajcalaraity so' dirdful; tfut in none have those feelings been more powerfully excited than among the inhabitants of our own happy and highly favored country. Hence has arisen a desire 10 investigate the causes which bate produced tail melancholy catastrophe, and which, notwithstand ing all that has been said and wrdtea on the sub ject, wr. firmly in genera! but imperfectly understood by the majority of our. citizens. To enter into o full detail of those causes, would require a treafcse instead of the i-pice that is usually afforded to aa article to the column* of a daily paper- Such a lash ih the province of lh<\ historian, and to him we leave iU Onr present design is aunply to take a rapid glance at a few of the prominent im pressions in .I relation td this tnqraeoumS-sublet, which have been stamped upon our by the occurrences'that have taken place within the penod of oiir own experience, during the last twenty yeari. The idea which hai hitherto been most prevail among ua, ajid which baa been: industriously pro pagated by b cerium class of Irish politicians who aflect to consider themselves alone a% worthy ot the appellation of the “friends el Ireland.’ i* that all the misfortunes of that unhappy country are to be attributed solely and exclusively to the tyranny, oppression land raisgovertiiueift of England.-. If this view should happen to be only partially trde—■ if it should Appear after cool and candid investiga tion, that the Irish people tbemselvesahad sOjue agency in fcontributiug to the misery Whieh bas been gradually accumulating j ori their devoted beads; we cannot but regard sbeh psdudo mends is ihe wortl enemies df'heir country. To convince a people lh'ht there is a necessity for reform ul the course they have been ppwuipg is tbo first step towards effecting such a• reformation.. But who could expect any improvement upon a pcpple who uniformly told by those whose opinions thfey regard as alone worthy of attefiUoa, that they a£e the “finest. the beat, and the bravest” nation in existence, and that the evils which sur round theorare but the natural fruits of the -un dying rancour and hostility of their implacable enemy? England? Thai England has an over whelming icalalogue of crime, which, 'dating- the course ofiages she has perpetrated against jlter sister notion, to answer for. few will be disposed to deny. s“he admission of this fact, however, is 1 no justification for the people of Ireland either in : wasting tileir energies in the pursuit of visidhary ! and unattainable objects; or in refraining .from l making speb practicable efforts as were opCn Ic- I them, to ameliorate their,own condition. Ac one 1 period of tbfctr history, it is trde. nil the exertions they could have made agaihst the power»and hostility df England, would have availed them nothing. Bui during the period to which we have desired to;confine ourselves iQ this article, a mark ed change had taken place inn lie course of policy pursaed tfy England to Iceland. • After years of arduous siroggle for CothoGc Emancipation, on the part of its greitt champion. O’Connell, assisted by the liberal minded among the Protestants of the North, the bill, at length passed the British Parliament under a tory ad mimstralibn,' and opposed to the desire of the party in power; a* was candidly admitted by it-* ladders. Sir Rolieft Peel and the Duke of Weliingiodj Who acknowfodged they were obliged, unwillingly lr> : yield to lhe outward pressure—the force ofeir cumatanees. This defeat of the ancient bigdtry ■ and intolerance of England, is of itself sufficient : evidencc'iof the power which Ireland now wielded, and which, if only judiciously exercised mljbt hafe berm productive oflheihost beneficial results id lhe idngdom at large. Unfortunately far hw own famfe and for the welfare of the country, the life of O'6oooell w» prolonged after the cob sum mation ol Ijis great Work. Worshipped as hfe Wu by a people, whole emancipation he had wrested from a pdAerful party, he held in hur hood-at that moment me futare destinies af his countiV. for i or vM evil. His word was now a . great besy of his countrymen; and had ha been aaUafiedjio proceed in the; moderate course of! tpreHng for such reforms as were conceded by the liberal p&rly of the Protestant* to be requisite, sup parted &3 he would hive been by them, be might have grfne forward, graduhlly dealing twayione poHlicoVigrievaucd after another, and eradicating: fhe viefoos and iiJolent habits which had been; ixMirett. by tp^fl^pltf-4hea*aelvesv-«oiil eleVated “bis country to-thai prouditnk among yto the earth, to which, from the natural advantages it paaesse*, it U so well qualified to Was cot the career fa had marked out Ihr himself! Whether it wu that after his sucres* in ; carryi&A Emancipation at one time to hopisiex, he considered that nothiag was inprarticable which be might henceforth undertake; or —which is more' propaUlb—whether for the purpose ot‘retaining’ the popularity be had acquired, he determined >■' engage: io the pursuit of what he was wth.loo. BDrewdia politicianjjaod too well informed:a rouru not to know was a chimenCal object, and ouy *fn«: possible to fa attained, "but which, on thht very} account, would fa the means of keeping him coo-, stonily before the people, engaged tn a peroemul struggle, for what he termed thetr rights and pr.j vilegesf Whatever motive may have led him tij take unfortunale step, the agitationjfor Ihq Hepealfof the Union was commenced, and to tho pursuit‘of ibis “baseless fabric of a vmioh, lh»« snbstahtial good of the country was sacrificed. [ Whatever were the oifonces mrotUed t in lor-' ffler by England against Ireland it- would be doing Injustice to the leader* of the Adrauustra' troo, whether Whig or Tory, in our own time, tri de6y that they teem to have been actuated by a sincereidesire to do justice to Ireland, at least si far ds they believed they ooold clearly thai way. That they may have often been mistaken iij their vfewa, as to ibo course fast adapted-to pro 4 mote ijtal object, is not at oil nnltkely; but that their itftention was jjood. will not admit of k doubt From whatever cause it may have arisen, r-ehangd had tafao place tn tbe( rmr* of policy pursued by the British Government towards Ireland. Whe* thef this change may be''attributed to the progresi pf tbaljtpirit of enlarged liberality which has fa«d gradually and regularly ranking its way.tnto the public jmod, since the ooramentement of tty pre sent efcntury; or induced by the -baser mtJfive of i feelingjof self interest, which oi length had taught the English that the poverty aod degradation of Ireland, Instead ot advancing the interesN of Eng-' land, Only recoiled upon her own header wn* grotmded upon the dread of the growing power of Ireland, whose enmity wai no longer to be despis ed, is jbreigtuo our present purpose to inquire.-r Whatover was the motive which prompted the i changfc, U was evident that an altered policy pre vailed! If, at such a period, idatead of the rorefl fcate clamor for the Repeal, of the Union which was raised; by O'Connell,and echoed by who (billed in hi* train—which incontinently de prived him'of bis Northern auxiliaries, whore aid bad been so serviceable :in the battle oi Cntbollr Emancipation—advantage had been taken of iH« powejr which had been gained-by the recent vicip ry, add by concentrating b® moral susslon of dll the enlightened and liberal spirit* of the cooniry upon .the acknowledged grievance* that remained to fa (redressed, what benefits might not. have rie suited to Ireland' How (different, at the present . momfeot, might have been her coadition' A strange fatality would seem to hang over the destinies of Ireland. Noisoooer does she begin to free herselftrom the oppression of her apetenl nn emiei, than she is agaio prostrated by the Stolidity of her present friends. From the co'nimenc-eme'nt of tb& agitation for the Repeal of the Union mby be dated the commencement of the -decline and foil” bf Ireland from the elevated position she bkd so recently attained. Hef patriotic representatives, InStedd of carrying the moral power into Parlia menti which had gained EmanctpaUon, and by its meads redreasfflg the political grievances whijrh remained, contented themselves with empty spout inns On the subject of Rep-eal in die Corn Exchange of Ddbiin—exciting bOpe« in the public ntfrifl which they themselves could scarcely have bfan so nid as to expect ever to.-aee gratified, and whi*h. even;it gratified, would, lb nil human pjobalnh y, have!tended roach more to the injury tfan the lui vsge of Ireland beraelf. ■ Then came the “physical force’ demonstration, accompanied, it Umieflty tbe declaration of aCon nClLlhat “ao polillcii reform i. worth tbc ahcddlng of hpman blood." Yol (dill hi. tbdaund. coaupu-; I ed tube mustered, tmd'notwithslandmg.bln avow- J cd objection to the shedding of blood, lie out pot ■ ■ hesitate to , reclaim the • victories which; might |U« , achieved by the noble armies which - hi.** wdrd 1 could call into existent*. That so riflleukraj a proceeding a* a rebellion was ever comtemplated by him, is out of the question. Hl* qhly Object was an attempt Ur Intimidate by display: But i“ l9 lessens upon pJtyrical /twe* pr<>ducen thCir.natUral result* notwithstanding.; when he said* by ttnfch-' catiqn,'to tho British government, “she whnt I could do if I Would n a aomfar of fiery afal enthiisiv asild young men, actually believed, ihat,iwilh adch. a rabble at hi* heels, fa would be powerful eiyjaghi to overturn the and.tbe con sequence wo* the recent abortive rebellion, jtbr. whifeh so many tire, at the present tirari, endurittgi the fanalty of exile or Imprisonment/ It i* needles* to dwell longer op'the RicUpcholy subject Of one thing fecl tonvratled, that if the people of Ireland fad done their doty to their country, they would have found themselves in n condition which Would have enabled them to sustain, io a very diflerjent manner, the jreasuft of that! calamity by which; in the Frovidenjco of God, and! in. common with many other countries, they were visited. Oftbe rMeneratioa and.vUjUpate el evaiion of the geneicwand’ warm-hearted people of Iceland, / bowfever, we catmot despatf. Ipor su wring* have beep intense —havo tora' uniHfra/ 1 * are they ydt’ehded'. 'But tte.end F tU comb. The very ordafal through wbldb they;orti ndW passing, iaopening up a bright vista into totu rirylo him whoae propheuc viidoo canpiejrce thro the sumranding darkness. The {fagfron the Ufo of an individoal purtfiel tho atmos hcillh mid bfe ur lUomogd* M.. * p ■»■■■ i UEUIBLATCRE. jJ ; IfiitouatfEon, March 19,1S1&, l : •* r '* ‘ »L\AT T. TbejotfrTialbf Saturday wa»rr id and approved. The, Speaker Laid beiore the Senate a detailed statement of the Wardens ol the Eastern Peni tentiary. ihuWiag the expenses incurred for the snppoh of convicts} ihe annua! statement of the Swatara jlmlficad Company, and a memorial trotn the foanl of Tradd of Pittsburgh, aikine an ap ! propriatsou taken up and I read a second and third time, and passed. rtaJ} tn place. —For the more effectual pre* ventjbnof Urea m llie citiea of this Commonwealth, a fufthqr supplement to the act to incorporate the Philadelphia and Westchester Turnpike Hoad Compaty. I The bUMo eotourage manufacturing, mining, meobahicaijind chemical operations in this Com/ moiiwealUi beingbn second reading, it was amend ed by jfirovtding that no such company shall go into operation niuil 5() per cent. of the capital shall be i paid in. The bill was referred to a Select Com mittee lo soamerfd it ns to make it apply to Com* padies; for the manufacture *of silk, wool, cotton, fia4. apd iron, which was agreed to. The. bill Supplementary to the act relatmg to re fenince am) arbitrations, was taken up and passed. Tbb Ibrlbtfr aupplement to the act to incorporate the Philadelphia wul West Chester Turnpike Road Cotopfmy, and the bill authorizing the < 'omrotsaioo erdorUie District of Southwark to erect water works, were patted. The bill allowing bills of ex fptton aqd wntß «( error in criminal ease*. was •jßcttd. The bill to prevent the ot aitleibv Ibcotnolive road .care along these jjprtfvemfeOU, Was passed. r \ • 1|0C« O? EEPEE^FfTTATWE? *?Th6 Speaker laid before the H»umj a oommui . Pftarce moved to amend the motion by in serting, id lieu thereof, tbit 200 copies nf the said dbiutnunlcatinasbe printed. Mr. RJR. Smith moved to amend, by .tnkuiar H cut an.l inserting that the further consideration °| the ihbjert be postponed xintii Saturday next, and tbat'tbe.Clerk be instnictqd to inform the Board ol Canal Cqmmissiontrs that the House oi Represen- rdqmre an aaawed to the Resoluuon q-ass* dd March 9th) on or bef|rre tbai day. which was agreed to The resolution as amended was a* greed to. : , I, Mr. Swarixwelder ofTired a resolution culbna on Ihe Casual Board for ajtranscnpt of the bid* in lor fufmsbing ropes for the Inclined Plane, which 'in mdtion of Mr. Meet, the Caual Board were i‘ked for u tebort relative to the different route- SurVerei for avoiding the Inclined PUoe Laid ov.y. , The jCouinnliee id Why* and Mean* reported inviirably to the bill to abolish the Board ot Rev*- pod Commissioner-, .Vc : A large uuml-er -if rrpom were made trom the Blabdmg Committee*—tum-ug Iheur cue Jor the more speedy collection ,|f mdit.a hues hroiu the Committee on Banks, Mr Laird made a report in regurd to ttie Bhnk cl i Camber-burr. puJCne Its rr-oharier. litib ‘The bill,Jo Uolilalr me .toll* of debts neaih-t conxirations supplement tc inct incorporating the Monougahela Naru? 1 ixmipany.' The -bill W prohibit corporation* lrv*lfl t sefip Was discussed until the hour o( .».ij«>uri .MbAn'vurtTMiw. r a* Mimr-rut litaujc—U hu«been said in letter* from W laO that Mr. s appomtuienl was 'U at the last nsemrn? by some leadim: Wtmr jjrtnate, aod il had been intimated m pf » * rDl ’*' man ,a- N. York, hasjbeea shown us, to enal.c u to B%) .-fee had mithintj t>> do with it: Wa-vidsgtox, March 12. IS 19 •M* J'EaaSta. I have received yoar letter t cerUin ttiat no nomination, ot iu.v a ad- would be real ly the Senate alter that hour Watn l nenrd. the next day lh»: Mr. Hanne*s« auj j'jjttu aonmiaiod ton Koreurn M.«*i’« and that tj.e noiionalion bad been i-ontirrued : «t »m e eor Uoibrl-'l it say*an that lha J r> iS' * v *' f , Du,mi:nl inroUfb the who!, ni th-- ->n *d Sntui d-V and SstcmUv i». K M. *..d 1" -nl day tehl I r>u-Sunday ineruJig wucii '•:»■ Si-mtc W 4» l<>- "■_ 1 break-:* u]i. and l had hear : a <"•»»£ “ !!V * uc ' uunmioliuß. 1 look upon this nomination, under the ctrenm alanee*. as one of the most disreputable proceedings recorded in the history of the Go vcronie&t I am with much rcsp*-ct your ob t serv t I'ANIKL WEUbTUL Orfirur. Lajiorj—Tub Protoc ;0.-W e. uL Jr Allowing iromthe correspondence of ire A > fcspriuj'' . Tht Secretary of Stale has Hern compelled lo *hnt out everybody irom l *l e I*epj«itio«i?i, «‘x. r-j.i foreign Minister i up>-u official business for tb« u- xl three dayand baa so noted m wnUan to v.-ner- The rj|ba*on ;;.ven i» great pressure in lb** loreign cu>rrv4poodefle»-ot me l*>pnria»*«i. Wont mmivr* of obvious pronely, Mr Bu-hanan tell all »«« <-or ft»«ponden- r oMte ltepnrtment of Bute I-t it.e thouth past to ais successor. All tin* labor ihorr fijrc. with all of the prej-ul aud pressing bosiurs* 6( the Department real' upon Mr laytnn lb»- peoph’ who believe care*, ot Stnir a ln-d oi ro-‘*. Vnotd come In a different ' on- ;J lh**v ‘ 'u!) gee the Secretary do* be r>*u* bennies, lirenkta»t* J„ r |y\ leaven for h.a office and does run .return U-l In arid 11 P. M. Une meal a day and au 'h*' S- the pnee ul personal gl.«rt ami olfko.l utrsi tieas now Thv Senate will bo longer in session than w»« m irttauppow.l- The "Mei"'.in I’rjtucn'," recently ao elaborately discussed :n the House. ol Represcii tauves, l» to become the subject ofd»ncu*eioo, with doom- So much lor bunding negotiation* Bndseit-sunuimpuonof power Prudent men nave all ufonß feared that this “Protocol’ would involve Ihe cjpuotry into difficulty, ami it »ceais to have poramenced at the very start ol the new Admmis trnndu. The qaemon to be considered. t*. whether ihe “ProtneoP i» or is not a part of the Mexican TreWy, and the" practical importance of »uch a question every one can appre* ml© »“ “ mouietu frti. TaWir’b Bexfv.m.e*'R —A Wash-og- ton letter writer tells the kdiowuig atory ol Ocu Taylor A, venerable while headed man, lUb years old. having loitered up to the white house, eariv in the -morning, had the good fortune to moci the soldier President* almost at the threshold The centeno i .riAIV introduced himscll . U)ld l.»en, Tayhir that he j wad feeble, and that hi* blood was alrnoitl dried up in ttis vein*, for the snow of one hundred and hv wirfler* aod the effects of baird service in »hc war. ol oircouplry hud left him but a •hort.renmaot ta« * vetfing of h-a lodk and wcnUul l>te Gei. Uylur, moped by the paUiarcha! ynua and«wi hci& uf the mau.ahoolt huu warmly bv the hand and said “ Well grandfather,i am glad tn *e‘" J *«» that you mive n . good min ol eoffeo lor br«Mi»U**t. **'*d com* u l’ i dure with me bclor* you »m leui. ' mJ I- wt«n t‘-e old man. rWdef than th«. re ; publ.i «w. my mi !✓.«« ol t.eo;.:*, bv th.riv years, wmit.with a grnlcfil heart, along his way. Tai Kaojrtnit GuAtuitAN.—Th.’» i« ih« title ol a new paper slarted at Kuuesviilc. lotlawolnmre Ctiintyf lowu, by Orson Hyde, the tirat num.ter ol 'wbicb w* have just received- Th«* paper is e yofcd to the ioteresU of the Mo.nnOQs—u large .number of whom arc located in lh«l section o i« Stile- ll will also. <>f course, find it* way to ev»*ry Mdnnon aetiloment tn the Union. . „ , The Guardian has intelligence imm the r-alt ‘Lrike aeUlemenl I" the i Ith of 0.-iober U !''J U " teXUml Panlol Browm, I-Jra H. Allon, and Hon drisnn Cox. *«« murdered hy tlie Indian!, m the CidlfaTOld mountain!, on Ihe 117th Judo laat- They P-fto main company to .enreh on. a new road mountain! Judamir froon >l'n l-L j frnvctlled, they were murdered on the Ih JL ar jW Whe “ lbe "T 1 name up on the 19lh of Joiy, they SiX Vei-a*** a ’ ort o ° llw mbnntaln aide 2sb liiver, which Uie Indiana did not happen to find : Mr! Browitt « 2nd Sergeam of comply E, ol ,hp Mormon Battalion, and reiuictcd b/all who tare, him More. AUca aad Coxa], ■d belonged to laid Battalion.—Si. Zeaw tup u»i 'b^n. agricultural. SEWISDIOATIOKS IS AGB.ICCL— TUBE. nr ox. a. i. itAU>wiJt,.or wimchestss, ya. Messrj. Editors of tht Plough, Ij»n and Asxml The indications I have drawn from the practical (acts which h.Wf passed under my personal obser vation, since my attention-has been directed to the subject of agriculture, differs so materially from the received opinions at'the present day. that I have been mduced to submit them lor your considera tion, under the liope and erpectation Inal yc-u or some one equally qualified, will correct them if ■they should prove'to be erroneous. With this view, 1 shall state them in distinct, substantive proposi tion! isL It is not true that any flant which the far- mer is interested in cultivating, denves it* prtne.- pei nutriment from the earbotuc add ga* of the atmosphere. Although air is indispensable to vege table os well as to animal life, it is equally true that no animal can live without food, and no plant exist in an impoverished soil without manure at the root. 2d. That the only food of plants known to the practical farmer is manure, or the residue of putre faction. Neither water, oil. carbon, phlogiston, nor the sulphates, nitrates, muriates, carbonates, silicates, phosphates of soda and potash; uor the carbonates, sulphates, phosphates of ammonia, lime magnesia; nor acids, nor alkalies, have ever been proved in be the aliment of plants, unconnected with die putnUed substances which may contain 3d. It is not true that different vegetable matters, during their growth, extract different fertilising salts from tm* earth. Kor land* exhausted by continued cuiuvntinu iu erne kind will not produce a autre remunerative orffp uf any other kind. 11l It i* nut true) that lands under cultivation cannot l»- made 10 preserve their natural fertility without manure: on the contrary, lauds naturally poor may Ihi made exceedingly fertile without the addition ol uiauufc, of any kind whatever. jlh. There is no natural disintegration of the soil m a state ol rt»jn se. and u formation of alkalies, uti le** its surface be covered with some substance* other. Exhausted land*, whii h remaiu uaci ered. never improve in fertility by rest. litli. The residue of the decomposition oi v«g«-i.v ble substances, or the “ash of plant*, ‘ is not man ure. Nor cun manutV be mode m any substance, without the nid of the putrefactive process. “th. That the analytical investigation* of learned chemist*. totally disregarding the vital principle of life, have not promoted the interest of agriculture. On the contrary, diverting the attention <>t agricul turists from careful ob«ervnt on* of the operations of nature,and the inductive reasonings drawn there from, tiave been decidedly injurious to its best m lflge?ls. Bth. That shade is die grant fertilizing agent; the putrefactive fermentation cannot i produced with out,it and consequently no manures can be made, and no fertility imparted lo ihc earth, in any man ner, independent of its influence. yth That the earth itra'f'« capable ot being con vened into the bc«t manure, t*> cfleci this 11 is only necessary that it should l-e densely -haded. That ir, it should be located favorably t. r ihe generation ot ihc putrefactive termeotntma. Huh. That the fertility imparted to ihe soil i« more permanent. when produced by *had< [him irom Uie apphcation ol auv manure wba llih That every j.n.ticle i>l carih, n? u >s natu rai-v ivustnuted. cont.\»na a portion ol ihe fertilizing principle The stirlace carlo, <>r mould i-ten'll red earth u>eli i aused by shade, and out the resi due o| vegetable dcCf'mposil-oo 12th. The Jiliereuce .n the tt-riil.iy ol ttu: soil, in our native lore*! laud*, arise* solely Irom the Circumstance ot the surface toil iieing more .»r leas densely shaded Pi t winch have no leave? anti white and red oak. which part with their* -o reluc laotiv, never lea\i*. Hie stirtare *•> fertile ms those iretra which drop their leaves with the first lr--'t- Vttti Many I'.am? Jo impart more Wtiluy t>> ..,r nl ibuu ibey rxlf««*t Irom it dunng tbnr growth. —not iu >HTrm«Mit«,' but by ibeir tuaJ* | 4ih Tlir D«mni|r->i''.ui..l Uir. rei.oratiou u! wmi win iatm* uppe*r» to **» t*»w —Thai *•-111*' (liaiila, nkc nonic otL-uiai* • • but utile ibwJ. lUr-r Uiiive beat uu ;».« |.'Ore.*t *01'« F.verv piuctiv&l tanner knw**'» U»*it 1 additional terti be given to the »oU, lb«*y Ji*njipf* ils natural infinity by niiviuirn* mail® o •i, rui H- attcra [iu ju» aod : T-.f.'tiisli ;ae .Ji •'very Urmei „,,. V (.Tt.'-xr rvrry *** v 1 * h “ ,h "*■ w aUc u , uluva-r ia V i*. .*»•»*» Uir fH-rl*ction of ««n . n.inrr. 1 moil .11' tt'.. U-li«\o Unit Iht**.- f >r-i*o»ilKJ ranv l-r uSni.ii.inil'. uuvtsuH-d by fft.'U, |»r> 'v •icll r»- .'l «*viTY niim‘nllur . ..... * cr-vH. t K. T BAUIWIN LOTTAUK KItNUIHG. Mran. Kr" ioe.' In your {>ap«r or U>«- l'Sh .081 I nrln - nr. irt.oe on CoJUtfr * »uh wri! W•;r*. 1. y iu«- attention ol aJi Who - these iMisUwui rrsulenoM. uod one ;» entitled to'newspaper rfimmentane*. T»*t* * Ih- always combined with utility afcuod lb< mera restuencee. a» well ** u> other f>lace» ih* mailer of n-ocioe, wc, even .n the present day, cf .mprovemeot. often wiineas nnserablß' ddkets. which throw other things, which. ond*dk>lber *-ir cumnttnw*. would I-* 1 e-*-ffnnt m their tli»d. ent rr |y into the track ground, and show a strange coo mmglmg oi l*-auiv m i:»e one hand, and, grossd< fortuity on u>«- Thus, a Urge hi> use. -locale near the wayside, wuh u clumsy lencc. and i>o end cf a hoe trough recclung tbroneh lo sepal t iron) lh* public road, exhibits al>’DC*» i« nuviakcii of every Uuu* l»*!auliPn .n.d itncrciUir.g - Th.ngs were *.uiiy -'I ,“ -nt u the pmjcctff m ii-l The one idea •••etn«P* hr -c N*cn embodied ot tivu “grcai -iiul f.e -»ad a! me i.ilurr* *fr .-'fgoXltli 0 'I Another « -*eo whrrv small b-•»»■«« or rotegc*. are erecird i ncur tae wnvaulr bv .urronndmg mem with ten I cm u)ogeth*-r too he*' y -u to the sire ! vi bu.l'iing*. and tbe,r prox.ui.ty (•• the way i •uie. What * nnsernt.:.- voniraAt u. a Deal, snog • dwelling.ofoor or one and hail -lorv u 4 live or v;x Sect lenee. win large p*.*iw ami Beavv ixxirds or .t umy W rhr« |rrev..i’ Proportwu is an ;iii|njrt.uil .•..naiderti.-i. ,i. ai. u utter*, around dwellings, ami u> give beauty, it should be care I'uttv .turned. Tbe lUt.iiv ol vim leuces i* Ve' lu l” - tested Tuev m*»v .in*wer i good purpose or n.ey may tll , Uh , uut.v -■! tin* new tbiugi i>( lt*e a«e, prt've w i r.' te.iurr Y'-t ourselves, we «-ousidrr tnecu IDl.y *ofttiy • ' (risl li they wo. sn»**» hi* 4f i V its Wt u.»- * rilers nxpi*i«. U-e-r min- Utii'iion win !••• 4 vr-tnd «■ Inveineut mil mil', m l!,r conoiilv t>ul ib toe ts*HUIV “t tin* l.irnt S- >s*te(ul- \* t light wt*<» wo! not admire them Ksprciallv .te-iUhd iwttages Wl.Ul a be*lltlTul pe-rAQ.e tli-v nm-t et tnt JuH the tta.og b. make every other thing sb-»w oil to inivantage and at tIM mine preem 4** orny i - a;l w min. it mi all ‘tu.l .* w.iiKitt. A ciiT*B|sHid*nt ol lie J a nUn r v niimpcr Ol A' ten s Agriculturist make* lire estimated co*t of » plain wire lenee vent, per rod Ha refers to N-- II w.r* a* « which, in <*ur opi« ion, i> lot. -mail ll larger and CU TOnrre hc.iei wire is used the expense v." N* increased Hot Allowing it Ui ro.l fifty, Mrtcnty live. 01 even one hundred m-ut* a rod. te.w much cheaper it will b«, than a greal proportion of the lonces now lo bo found arnur.C Voltages wlm li »re drcenliy en cloved. How -;nich m->re beautiful it mast be. ! Irom d* very, wo lr»Tt it for each read* cr U-. decut'- Yours,. uul\ j U ii.uau Hmcort ! Ki.mwi.v- j rtn . Ibiu—/te.troi- ‘•".''iT-arer. The Kkm - i r or Charcoal. o« Flcwxs. — The lubowiaic exira.-i cannot fa.l to h«- interesting to the InUDut siid’i lit- . liemuM. as well «* l<> every l»dy Wh > ha* a r> -obtiah m her garden. or a.(lower pot .n n*r parlor li i» from the Pan# 1 iumcoltural Keview' of )‘H\ la»t. translated by Judge Meigt, ol New Yorl l.’.r (lie Farmer*' Hub nflbe Ameri ,:*■ liiAlil'i'* nhe experiment* deaenbfld were made bv liol-rl Ber»ud». who snvs. ■•Aboui « year ago l luuite a bunjiun J*»f a rose b>i»li ot lusgnitioriil growth and toil of bud*. I wailed for them in blow, at. I expected rose* »or> lliy of *ueh « noble plant **ud t I the praise* bos lowed upon it by the vender At length,.When it liliK)ii.r*d charconl likewise in large auanlities upon my petunias, and found that both tae White und ilip Molei riowers wer«- equally *»-n«lb!ft to its acl'on. It nlwny* gave great vigor lo the red or violet colorsnl the flower*. aud the while petunias beiMine veined with red or violet tints; the violets become covered with irregular epola of a bluish or almo»l block tiut. Many persons who admired them thought that they were new varieties from the seed. Yellow flowers are ms I lmve proved) inseo«iMe to the influence oftbe charcoal.” Mi.nRjOTA Tcbritorv. —The hi!! for the organi sation of this Territory ha* liecome a law. fit pro •vision# arc liberal ami toe appropriations ample. An soon as we nan find time to collect ami arrange the geographical, topographical and statistical Items within our command, we design to notice some what ia detail this El iiorado of the ncrth. For, notwithstanding it# northern position, Minesola is destined to be a great Slate. It will embrace by far the most romantio portion of the Upper Mississippi, (all above latitude 43 30.) And n [jinnee at tile map is autßcienl to convince any citizen oflowa, that it has many advantages over tin* Stale. There is another thing which should not be lost sight Minesota will oommenee her cureer as a Whig Territory, and a liberal State Constitution may be excreted! This being seemed,'capital will flow theie, and the Inexhaustible water power, the ex tensive pine forests, and tbo copper, 1 the Teed and 'the iron which abound there, will soon attract an emigration which will make Mineaota worth a do zeu California*, in all the elements winch combine u> make a State—civilization, morality, lulrlbgeace —patriotism, intrinsic wealth.—Zoom t'uy lUjxrr* ur. ; ‘-Minelliuitoai Items* Han.StepheolL Chase, of Fryburg, Mctoc, for meify President of the State has started for California, to make it his permanent residence. The Hon. Janies T. Morebead. <’f Kv- '* a to stand as a candidate to repr* •vot Kt-MU-n auaty in the Stale Convention to revise ! .ii- < oi.- Oo Monday, Wm. Abhott was re-eU*< "d May‘- f of A large majority of the Coinm-m Coua- cil are also Whig. , The New London Chronicle giv* * tt «• ’**'•' s»i • 1 a family named Denyer, const**m*.’ 01 * ul "* r ' mother, foar sons and two daughier* M>m»* ■•* w now live in that city, the aggregate »>t which i* 2357 lbs. Hon. John Y. Mason, late Secretary of the Navy . al>out to resume the practice c»i law at lvu 1, iond. Va. Mr W C Bond.ot' the Observatory at Cnmbnoae, claims to have invented the irn-trument nmuieti.' sidereal clock, lor which Congress hn* nnpropnmed $lO,OOO to Prof. Locke, of i.’mcinnao lie* U ai he invented and made n drawing oi it list »umm* r. that he showed ittoMr. Bur'i* mid Mr Se.nv • Walker, and that the lalter went to Cmciin.-ti .nut commonicated it to Prof Locke. Dr. Baird is about to lecture on European Boston The steamer Courier, running between New Or »ans and Mobile, struck a snag on the Bth mat., nd sunk. The passer er* and crow were saved.a* roll a* most of tbo freight. The boat was insured jr $4,000, one third of its value. Carrol and Thomas Henderson, convicted at the Sessions lor Pickens district. S. L. of the tnurderol Robert Wilson, were execoled ou Friday week at Pickens Court House. Henderson, under the gal lowa, denied having anything to do with the trans action. and .was sustained in his statement by his brother Carrol. Com. Perry is now hi Washington. A bill providing for the gradual redemption ol the p«bbc debt of Virginia, was unanimously ordered lo its engrossment on Monday la»t,m the House of Delegates. A female, dressed in the costume of a French Count, was arrested m Boston a few nighu since- She bad been to a masquerade and had partaken rather freely of champagne. A meeting has been bold Bnd resolutions adopted in Charles co., Md.. 10 snwaio the address ot the Southern members of Congress, and their firm ad herence (o slaver)'. The Colnmhus (Ohio) Standard, the organ of the Free Soil party, bas been suspended for want of patronage. The ladies of Greenfield. Mass., had an inaugu ration supper on Tuesday last, from which all the Opposite sox were excluded. Two negroes belonging to J B Thomas, of Ceo trevillo, Md., were poisoned last week, by eating a root, which they mistook for radish. Ivdivtoual LiAßturr. —The following concise act, concerning the liability of stockholders in bank! has been passed by the Legislature of Massacbu setts, and is uow a law An Act concerning Stockholders in Banks. Be U enatlui fr . a*fottotor Sett. 1 The holders of slock in any bank, at the time when *urh bank shall stop payment, shall be liable, .n tbr-ir individual capacities, tor tho pay mrnt and redemption o( all bills which uiay hay been issued by such bank, and which shall retuai unpaid, in proportion lo the stock they muv respo. lively hold at the lioie aforesaid. - U any stockholder in a bank, having rei triable caose to behave that such Iwnk is abot to stop payment, shall transfer his •hsiev, or any part thereof U, any |*r*o» by cur|>orat.on. with in tent to escape irum (he lability created by the preceding section. «uch transfer «hal. be deemed void, and ot uo effect so laras respects the babil.ty aforesaid Ski X If a stockholder in rtuy bank, hs'iug rru- snnable cause U believe suc-h bank to be insolvent, stiall, within wx months the expiration a the charier Ht said bank transfer his share., ~r any part Uierenf. with intent to avoid the liability cree led t’V the thirty first section ot the thirty >< xlh chup ter ot the Heviaed Statutes, such transfer »hnli be deemed Mini, and 01 no effect, ao far respect» Ml-.i 1.-iblllty Kuk’i* 'i fur Lowkk Mwotrt.— • ipp IfoOl Lite moiilli ot Ked r.ver to New Ursa os w«« n- high wl»en the Al«x. Scott passed up as it was e'er known to be before, and ao>**kniewbnl leas of Mature than (iul.alh ot troth. though poaaeaMcg. perhaps. a* much phv *trrufth. So thi* village wrestler* thought, j when • ut ot sport. be look up a whole handfui of j Wem awl d.«*hcd lh«m'>«» Hie ground. [ uring » religious mwah Zrdmi.ati was converted and -,«ned the Methods chun-h. One evening. while MU t.i» way from i-lani meeting t.e wa* .weailcd bv liaii i do7.en ot bn toriuer ahoutmg •\,»w '/cd has become a rbriatian and cannot littii i«,t » give luui ft sound thrashing. •Hi hi a moment.' ioierj*.*eti Zed forth, an arm a* long »» » rail,'l know a cunutian can not tun; 1 belong to a denomination who Mieve lu falling from grace—and." ••uiflmued the new convert. punting h.* foot more lirtuly on the eartn. aad lowrfirc up like a giant in the moonlight, bra ■nil tailing ruck to so angle ot forty 6v» degree* “if iahouM f.o: tr im grace." hero he lowered hi* voice u a tone of .nnnoii* solemnity. and advancing three pu»f* towards hr* retreating .i**.wianl». “ I 1 titould tall from grace » r*< i* to yvn The acainp* ovnrawed by doubt <>l Urn «antt* lenevrranrr. decamped will) precaution, leaving] Zed. a* A|kil-n let! I' gwi. hi* wav re jlHOIlg. JOB PRIUTIHC. HI LI- HI Al»*. t ARifS. CIKtILAK- A/.»r»»/'*f' [IJL l,i ii’n\ CaiUtaeLi, ii!a <• i >,>(.*• lies. Ac lr . piniic.l ki ill* 'tio-n-.i r *1 low 1-1... »: in .le-jy t»*rat I « "M .. * rmitinmi I'RUitik I {**•** Prepared t.y J W Kcllv. Wiliam *ifrc N V mol i«»* •*!•' !•> A Ja\ne» N.. hi.urth oreci Tin* wih lie round a delightful *ru nr of bcvctaire hi inmilirr. and particular) u«; m a lUK*B»* An .inpiuvrd Chocolate prepare vi£or»nnf and palatable Highly recommended peril'- ulaitr for mv.ilid* Prepm-nt by W Baker Don bel ief M«»» , and for *#ir t.) A JaYNKS, at the t’efcui Tea No 70 Fburth »: racblt Hi [>-*• ImtiricL Couoii SThi r* Soutn Pittsburgh. Feb I 1-tti M) vtiic >ia* Lee it troubled Kim a violent cough Mr til or seven year* *o bud w*. her cough that phy*i ci*n* tia tltwo. wnan. | former'y nved.y told me «lic hail the t'on»un»pnon Alter we removed to this city l obtained ioi her. time and again, different medicine*, hut they were of nn kind of henefo ro her Some iwo montb* aince I purchased a bottle of yoor Coogh Sy rup, the u*r winrh ha* done her more good than any medicine .he ha* ever taken. I have alto used Seller* Vermifuge In my family with hue aurceu. ihfUNAMb M'Ubxatk. Thi* popular cough remedy i/preparcd and sold by R K SKLLFK? 4 37 Wood *<, and may be had of Drug gnu generally in the two cities and vicinity mhlM PauruoftOTAut --i The Wlug* of Allegheny county will urge the c- ..uny of IVH. J MARK.*}, for a iiommu l.on io uu* ulhc*- at the conung County Convention. Mr M. il » go«>«i Wthig. and m everv way c-omsreient i« discharge the dupe* of the offtce, and deserving a liomitialiou by the parly AU.KSUKNT I‘r.cvTt inrtlJU d3tAwll*T Stiaairraun -Ctol Hl-t.H DUFF, of Ohio tow n.hip, will be Bup|"*ried f<>( the office of Sheriff, subject to the nomination -»l die Wing and Anumasonic Convention. mehklwflti’ t>H,u S»jgatTV*i*rv - Oupt. W |a. Cuarltok will be .up nnrted for the other) of Sheriff, subject to the tii>n of the Ai'iimttMnnic und W h»e iNmntv Convenuc.ii marif-dAwtfT Kuurm Ward, Frmatiaoii. NJ* EDfToa- -Vdu will please state dint I wiU be a • umlidate for nomihauon lof the office of I’rolhnnoio |lf|bre our ne'it V\ big ami Aniimasonir Cminiy *....vr-ntiou \ mill*. Ac • ' ,,,T | HAM’t.PAHNKHTCt'K tiijiahrth towiujnp, March, ai, istt improwdto* In Denttatry. Dll U O S l F./yRNS, late of Uo«lon. i« prepared lr n..,. u |j>oi»n- »nJ Hu.-'. T.rr„ >n »h»k ""-' l-'" . upon Sudipnor Atmnsphem- SuiMinu Plate* TimTUiCHgiTaKbil.V V7V* *i«i~riu. where the u. rv** n • xooeed Uthn« a»d rcmdeitfc licit door to the May n » « olher. Fourth Street. HtiiaburgU Rkr*a ri--J U M’Faddou,J-‘ H Knu»n j*iu \V. JI. Wright) n. D., Denttat, ornc* and residence on Fourtli »! , jKSsSZ) o|ipO*He the PilUhtirgh Hank. Office hours from V o’clock to I'd A M . and Try The Anniversary of Hie Ladies' Tract Society of%«*li««l ” Lllb " b '""" ,h ' B ' v Aild-w Ulorl'. fhurcb, Sandwty sired, Allegheny, on Monday even ing, thoCCth. at half pwt 7 o'clock Speakers engo ged to addre* tint meeuug The public und Udic* tn- Ttted to attend m mchU .-t MAR.RIKD, e«y- W TU«"cwru>»<. J y F *“"|r W«.». kr *« E B.IW, Lyuon Jo*' r ' r _ lt STOCKTuN. comer Third and Market *t« Joamal. Chronicle-, Post and Airwrneaii copy. TornpUtt siecUon* ratin' m,«:khold«T. of.he Washington and Pituborgh I T..rnMke Road Company, will meet at Harriott*- .111, „ Monday, Mt ol Apnl, (o, U>. ourpo.. Of ting on« President- five Manager*, and Trcaiu ’“'llAHMAK DENNY. Pro.A Waatiugwn Raporter aopy 3t and oharge Gax HAMPTON, SMITH & CO., DRY GOODS JOBBERS. SO. 54 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH ( )'7 K i H F V R SAI K l,> ,11 '' cr 0f f' ucka - r vv ° n: ; o!!'.-olii v 1 M .... E .w„„ ***** w 111 ij ».r wired ibat urn.* and f i;H*n*f In oar assortment will ■“ ,au ' ; ‘- liUSk'|"''ce« French, and American TriDU; ‘ilion do Mi do Boregrs. Toiile de KleJQne*> Pa»bu (.-becks. Brail '«■* v» ion do Plain aud Faucy Linen Gingham-*, W»> do Mode. Biack and Fancy Alpacas, sou do Belgian and American CloUu; •jtsi do Newest styles Cassimere*; ■ttr.i do Plain and fancy Satinctu. SrtJ do Jeans,Tweeds, Mertno Casstnierr*. Summer ( iv’h* 4 £ l.iU> do Men * Cotton Summer Wean*, Newest styles Velvet Hiding Cord*. Croton Cloths, Drap D'Kie. Cloths. Ac. Fancy Silk and Marseilles Vesting*, Irish Linens; Brown ljnen«. Brown Hollands, Paddings, Canvas*. Buckram*. Crash Dinprrv Ac Apron Checks, Slurung Stripes. Ac. . . A very handsome variety «i newest style* Bonnet and Cup Hd>’ »nd», Also. Luce*. Fancv Netu, Cambrics. Jneonots. Mulls. Swiss Book Mu.(ms, Ac Ijtdics and Lents' Lisle and Bilk (siove*. Hoskin and Cotton (Moves; Handkerchiefs. Suspenders, Ac. Kvery description of Variety flood*, 500 hales Brown Sheeting*, 100 do Fine Brown Shirting* and Drills, 75 cases Bleached Shirtings; 75 boles Tickings. We sbaH keep up our Stock throuitu**ui the season. PtTtsßi-aou, .March ‘Ah 1549. PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LUKK 184t>. For tke Transportation of Freight to and fmfy PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, N Spring Clothing at A uft ton. YORK, BOSTON. Ac. Uu Monday morning. ttlth mat, at 10 o clock, - THOMA 6 Boauiuaa, Philadelphia. Commercial Sale* Rooms, corner ol Wood and r. Txarra A O'Cossoa. Pittsburgh -urru. will l>r sold on a ciedil of 9u day* on «H »ui 111| IS old established Line bemg now in full opera- ,>wr Sion, t large luvoicr of fashionable spring dot lion, the proprietors arc prepared with their usual , nf consisting ol tKJ pair* cassimere punts. CD “° > ai extensive arrangement* lo r« rward merchandise, pro- . to ra , wa „ rf : M shipment on the way is avoided fancy summer ve»t», ra»itncre and sni'uott vest*, lui' All consignments by and for this lino rrceivisd. ehar- B mn». blue merrtmac and hickory shirt*. Ac Ac ge# paid, mid forwarded in any required directions free mcb24 JOHN DDAViS. Auct of charge for commission, advancing or storage. -•••’• No interest, directly or Indirectly, m steamboats Itnidon Bools, by Ktialogue, from a Pnvatr l air a All cummaiiicatioiui promptly atieuded to on applies*- — scarce, rare and valuable lion to the following iieem*: J o be sold on Miiurday evening, at Uie Commercial THOS- BORBIIHiE UTs* Market-*!, I htladelphia 4* a | e 4 Rooms, among which will be found--Oondorcel TAAFTK A O'CONNOR, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. lonlhcMlllfl . Anihoi. . Clascal Dictionary. Mi 11...... O’CONNOR A Co, Nonh st, Baltimore mrhJ4 Dictionary of Classical Auuquiucs Bcln.l'er ♦ ,K«the BOATMENS' LINK. . tic and Philosophical 1.-iirrs, Schiller'. Histone* and 'Dramas; Schlegei t DTamanc 1 iierature *ml the I’m iy4U. aaa .an nieie works; Bishop Berkley s complete worts. Kant’s -For Ibe Transportation'of Mescuaiioi-e i><-twi-en \lrtnphy steal work*; l*>cke« KMayt, Millengen » Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, a Baltimore H,«u>ry of Duelling; Goethe* baost, m by Kew. car- Goods shipped by thi* Line, nre earned in four- lyle.* German Romance; Doctrine's of H-amen Pin lection Portable Boais. |,,sopoy, by Jos Pnesuy, Locke * rrenu-eoriGovern mHEßubscribers bavinc made arrangements ia case ' roent His.ory or England, 4 voir. 6vo; lateraiure oi 1 oft want of Mate Tracks ut Columbia, to have Europe by Hallem, TW« I * History of Greece; Ma their goods forwarded over the Railroad* in cars, *c gendie's Physiology; Michelets History ol Franco, as to avoid Iho detention ibat has heretofore occurred ?bak«peare, 7 vols, 6vo; Bo*coe , Lite ol Lorenat de for the want of Track*. Shippers will Rod this to their Medici; Oakely's History of the Saracens; Lanri * Hi*-, advantage No charges made for receiving or ship- tory of Painting; Dante's Visions; \\ ork* ot ‘h»r.e» pins, orTor advancing charges All goods forwarded Lmnb; Minstrelsy, ancient and nuuhra; Men «omen with despair!,, and on a. reasonable terms oa any om- and Books; Palestine, with 71 *tee( plates. Plutarch'* . . * JOHN FkRREN A Ce. ' Live*. l-ord Jeffrey’s Essays; Milton'* Poetical work* corner of Canal and Libciiy st, Pittsburgh V vol*. s*o, History of Germany; limit's H.siory ol P K FRETZ A Co, the Revoiuiiou, together with many other rare and 'tCS Market st, Philadelphia vainable work* for which *ee catalogues, which «’ - ~ - ready for distribution. mchVH XT K\V PIBLICATM*XS- K*»ay on the the Unjon ll of Church and Sute: Ijt Bapu*t \V No*!. M. A l vol I‘Jbio. 01,55. An entire edmnn of tins work «a. in one day, on iu publication fn London 1 ’ Monday ariernoon. atiUi nut at 3 o'clock, at the l.e»\r«. irom Margate! Smith * Journal, in the Pro* Commercial Sales Room*, corner pi Wood ond Filth vince oi Mmsaehusetu Buy ir»T“ t>. ivol. libito .5c vnll be uld ta keg* najl* aod.bjad*. assorted. 10 Hoyi'i Poetn* —Sketrbr* oi lute and by [jjs Cincinnati »©*p. 4 half chest* Oonpowder and \ Re* Ralph Hoyt-new cd enlarged—with illostr*. {j a «u*ar douse molasies; 15 do herring and non* tamo 011*' thad. 6 bi* cavemluh tobacco; madder, snuff. dtc \ Catechism of the '‘ream Kiiginr. illustrative ot the i„ r !iit JOHN DtIAVIS. Autt incnuiir principle* upon which iu nperanon depend*, ith'j Hie practical it* ll'u-'.-r- ... .!• upp'i. tiu* U) nnue>. mill-. -IPJ.HI navigat and railway*. Witt. vanou* iiur*e..i<»n, .11 Mii|iinvrm'iii by J Uourm: C K I vol. l-bif *•'« ibeevrr - * on me Y nt'ini . Pro’ NuVKI.TV' NOVELTY"' The Dream ul Sea SUslrer and C runner. in full ljdp of *uecr»i S*rcai>*i, Maech 21. the iirriDnsaiirc will com t. .• iuri:. e wnti ihc celebrated Drama ofthe \\J 1111‘Nt. ■> S k AIJFOR.NIA RIH.ES-The foi DREAM AT SKA. or THE SMUGGLERS’UAV K w low. llf • * Ell Pitract of * letter irom the Hon t J.wiwood, a yoaog Gherman - Mr Cn*p Davi* l s Senator, late l n.oi.ri oi_ tire Mi* Dane*, by Waiter Wood '.•*ipb‘ Kirteitiru. (LiieUTllii •! November. N..«»d »>• A , tcf wUlch wR] t* repeated, (in consequence of me dre*wd m the Ordnance ottjpe - e,ithu»m»Uc reception wtth which it i* nightly honored ’The rtn«* wh.-b you »auMl to the rririrocni I had SLASHER AMD CRASHER the honor in rouimniid in Mriteo. are wonhy oi the «, lit , hrr . (v ne indotniliblr t - Mr Crisp h. R I e«i ,-onoeailatmn t doaM whetherj.* man) imp t ' f a.mer, tlhe heroic) Mr. Dunn. :<>J ~b.< U- It II CrKP will »pp.«r parirarnt »o ppfl-n io their r«n»m»eiton and roml. ii 7- new piece- nre in relioar-al, and veil i~» 1„ .... ilt.y *'« >'!“*' ,"‘7.1» produp.J.n.p«cdr «"c^>‘'“'> •Dortiint rifle. n>pi 1 ranee I think, exceed, dial of r. - - lt>« old paiiPin rnu/ket. and itiey ie •- often im»« fire. MUSICAL BOIIIRRi or want fpr**ir than m%\ oiher -mall arm* I hare .pen * T APoLLO UALL—On Motulii) and Tuesday a«ed 1 n «eprire J\. Evening*, Mureh 'A3 and 27—by the ; Signed. ’ i F.FFKRSON DAVIS • BATEMAN FAMILY. "El ot 1 fi* aSiv>' Kiftp. ju*t rrerTved—lfti nala at 'he Assisted by Me.ira NOARTH and PARllhl.L r#rii»rniai>iitlimp'>( Mo A Weod ti Misses Kale and Ellen will sum a number or Uieir Ji II PHILLIPS mo«i popular piece*, and appear In full costume Mr. Bateman will eree bit very «tnkirt“ IMITA „ tJR ®* T BAU«AISBI TIONB OF FORREST MaCREADY. and other cele- MIU. PRoPF.Wn AND FARM FuR SALK - The ~f ltleU performer* ..ib.cribpf oiirr* lor *air me larm on whim ne Adiunwon W rent* —efiildfen 3u ceiii*. Ttcke'.a ad uo«r fp»«de«. (OuUinuia .tlh urrea of laud, aitoaied 01 a indy and nntleman, SO el*. metdW:«Uft the Mule 01 Oh.» and pan roumy - -* 5 - - .. .. nniipa'i a l oliiiiibiana ( Omit). ui.u ilkiul Mirgh and Cleveland Railroad runa thtourfa , VERA CRUZ, by the United Sulea forces, which haa Uua Litm. Pot iurihcr liUonuaiiou, cajl on Uiaa«l>*]be»yj catubiici ten we?A* Panorama, •etihar ea tko premkaea CALIIFCOPE.' and three weeEkth AjSb&v. *ftnlfioranta opeui< meha4:wi>t*S with a ••SS va* ts the Out* «v Maxico/’ Men-of-war. l.v pro! Tv'er i-Jl.lo For «alr H HOPKINS. 4th ►! n n r A T H, Rf)AIV c, Steamer*, Transport*, *e . are sceti »aihu* Wong. Tbe ,? R ., £ T J" AR k A » 81 i , ■ roiliu# ot the ocean, the jrrucctui motion of the veasrl*, 1 1 ARM 1 «'K - \l.l-.IT-«ub»i nbct. wi«lung to n - _ uf)WariJl , ;y 0 ( which are seen proceeding up x otflt' « f'l, c.or ta.l ■'!>' 'A/ra »« , the (iulU unut they amve opposite the city oi Vera now Xflfx !• < W i.u i'- in _ [Dtxkt ., t j lt , the moei beaotifal scene ever dc tbr county « « u .ml MW- ulOtov. *il «... «* . Ih„ rftmx writ or UWI.TM S. (in I.V V.rth i«u rf .iir H *S ' 7 ■ 1 SPLKNDID DAY VIEW OF THE CITY, mwereek r!.-»«■ n a . ' .v - Kid Katlrnnd run* [y l:l|oa j Parker with Ifyrisou, Rogers, and d through tin* lam. I»f '•.•'l • r pai.i u »r'. *PP‘y to |||rj( urr P;i leave the Somers and pr>>eeeil to tbn the n» »r on . Kndymion—nigra comes and they fow to the t.rroie — mehtM *«■*-* juft.l ,1 , r , „ rt . the crew, then set the .hip on fire’ farm for Kale, The diutu* beat to arms— but to., late’ the gnlimit SJTI' \TFO m Wii fei » sn>l Plum Township*. on the Anicrtrans have done their duly too welt. and the brig water* of niv.t t wrier nine* boni Put- »o«ni came enveloped in tiaraes, and finally Mow* 'lurch <-oniu f i'« n-..r . fitt> acre* -.’i o: which t« up The Morin then arise*, which ended .it the wreck 1...|'*,,.1 ~in,i~.t.' V iinte.l'h.r luniirshu- oi he uulortunstr and ill-fated Socuer«, and ttir lo«* of 1 " i. o t lr, c . , „„J'v>rv oi th..*e c»n*ni aptnw. Hyoson and half in.- crew The ”„«*rTu.t Tree and M.rul.Vert a beautiful r.ame new >.ew ,»the ARRIVAL OF OKN. SCt»TT. ,i. .tie | i'ounce ar d out bunding* al’ .-id *ul»«tnr.ti a! propeller Massachusetts He i» Mod upon by Term* t he»o snd'ari'oiimiodai.nK rue gun* o ( the t'astio —rbol* are exchanged, but lie Kr.f w»f\r-«'nr« unotv u, ti.r uii.p r... »r.l on the i f mi in rreounoiternt* the harbor. m.»r» 1 ' mriibl \* iin«> \\*t CONNKH. i-dupa *■«• w*r. Transport*. and dun Hohi* »on» lue.l Mno • c thsoi- It* l-ttiitin* UatT*. t di»rbarge oi the broad*ides ol large vessel*, tne\ »r< water Tank*, d am! 12 gallon* -«-h. ,*A> eaniepn.. { a ;| iumfrd m sutety. •ai On -AC l|. | Oil/ Un.-k.klU Motiej lleM,. hlooito! TUG SECOND PART. tmlifK do no The nl-ofr gooil. tor »«le At the t’ni:- T-rritn Hotuburdllienl Iron the l !mr tit Ihe in the Cuv. the mu in pr-v i ... —.- . „„ . 1(1 t j, c surrender ia the raofl awfulrt - grand trpie .tain.ii ol tb- event ever utiaiupteri THE TUIRD PART. K.\ THANCK OF THF. VICTOKIOI.'S A.MKRICAN tor I.NTUTHK GRAND-PLAZA. The var.oun r, vuiii-nl* ol regular* and volunteer* up-- seen drilled snil taking up their |>OMUon* previous to the tarrender 11 .i i \ h.K -*1 kl l AAr ini ia i»r *air i \ oi .ur cinot * and hcnsting ot the Amenrnn Hig. which mch.'l KOHf UM./K.1.1. A 1 o I.itens -i «altiled on me entrance ot OKN SCCHT and suite I pant* j u *i .. *«,«.• IT .i.- I -I-- Kul.t-r l»p|N.i V.iW«hl .1 ‘ r ’ lu. L.J . j 4 H 1’M11.1.1 l* v , I)K.r \N MT> 11 M • ii< .m-b.M (.MU'ih'HßaN |£i' h '4 ' R'llH D\l /I II A i'o J’Ur wlmir i» tbe Work «n unlive a runts and nrtMon.v * Inf * &it4 M 1.11.1 SA KOI' oi .o it. both in ptclnctal and turchamcal etlen, ami Hi.- Baltic oi Bunker Hill waj but a specimen o< jour* B l “ITER AN L> I.A Bl> 111 km* »nd net wuik compared with thm nmstet-piece oi an. ifte tnelrrl M(• i1 .1.S ARt M. m-sHig of the sea, the mplipu of the *hipa, ihe bur- Ml 11 .ASSKS-- V„> ill* (’ It i.i a non Moi**-c« i.n't: oi tbe Creole in llir harbor or" Vera Cm/, the »uik im htM M'till.l.S A ROE nu' oi the Somers, the timnr lYom the fori, ihr landing l ue ;r(.«. ami all the prominent im idenii oi the VIRGINIA l'\\ Is r I'OB Al.Ct > — 10 «ir« oeilires u.iiibanlnienv an* •« faithful!? represented. tb; t, rU nd, ,uat rrc d iiiHi.'l M't.ll.LS A KoK , din.. uii u* .-mivui re i>ur*e lee* of ihe noti-rralit tUNCINNATI SOAP UHMi. ia.nluiß mid lor *il< , U) lnr b-.‘l MT.ILLSAHOH Tirk«Mi>£> rent* - Hitldrtn half pi»oor« upi . _ i> riock cumhiii risp» 7|. Ht'l.K HOKK•-».'».(*« H" 1 Hulk I'ork. lau.lin* p<*r All nh.b.uon al V| o'clock on Saturday alWnnc cantl t>oui I m l'- Sum. ami t»r *n!r ny toi S'-liuul* and f'anuliea iu<*hdi -It tnrhdl JAMKS IIAI.ZHU ..M wotff «l I ’ g . , i MjntF'* « obi* I'lovi Seed, v do Timothy do CARPETS?, OIL CLOTHSt Ac. 1 n | ilo lluiifi •.> do Lard. 41 .kidned AppUs laT 1 > KCF.IVKI) TUIB DAY, Carpotimr and Oil t'lolh* , pck i.inrfint; iroiu niiju Zncl. J'»> lor. mid X V of the latest and mod approved patterns amt m i«r i,% mi-i.iM N 7 JAMKs D.M.ZF.1.1. price, to sun purchaser*. iuul chcop a* can hr pur , , ~ chased in any ol the EoMern cirtes. comprising tin-fol 1A Itli i>lL —lt St>l» l,«ril *>,J Itinling tiom ml J lowing v noetic* -- j Marshall. h.idler *nir t>> Kjl?a Royal Velvet File Carpet*, tnrhlM • I A.MKB l)A 1.Zt.1.L AixinmidT Carpet*, «nv «llr boll tooni'm v(» ri> »VS Kk»»' Oil, -• 'ii bid * Tun nr M Oil. hi r, Vine l>\ ■ 1 #P C » I ' } do tlbulcs. 1 .-aiiui Kiid lor rule bv ' Su ‘‘ Ko>«l Hrus.vU do Tapestry stair carpet*, X | JAMK.S DAI-ZKU. • K.ora «np d ply do Brunei, do do 1 spßaperltne do do CneJOlle Ruga; uM’IRiTS TV IU’KNI'VNK-U 1 l*k- «uprtior cured and cauv»«sed A \ pltuQ do do Ih>4 wool do do Ham* 'u«i n c d mid 1..1 »ule I. • j Coiioti Ingrain do worsted and linen do do BROWN A CBUIKRTBoN. 1 do Venetian do lira** Stair Hod* 115 Jjberiv »t ~-A coiion Drugget; t(H wool crumb cloth* - • P.-4 woolen do Stair Linen BtWTHK.JNNr.ATHB rf. dor Nupermi > Bn. «lli> I n-t do do tt-4 table do wiili Item -crew mb*. m .lore and Jor » *]«'*’' 1 Km'liOi Tuble Otl rloths; Diaper d>. me nit HIU»V\ N A (TJ.BF.RTBON . ~c nnu„ do do do’ do Crush ~J l'ii •'( In I , .1, fievnaiwl V.Uratu.. m*«totc !* * loof * >t> cloths ' Hnow Drop Napkins S and tor N».rd., JlllOtVN At l I.BKRTBON !' | • d nnd nr .me l.y | 4.4 j 0 do do Carpel Hindtuc. 1 un-trJJ HHUd N A t'l I.HKHI>«>N Sheet Oil Cloth*. of new'Ctausp'nt Window :*ii*dc* (1 AN DI.KS ■»> . • .M..»U_ ) |-u..JJ/-- j 'jj N*" l i*”™; '.“I, con'-Hnil, ini; »dr Kpi .n, \_j »aie l>) ; fiom «t Btock ot Carpet*, Oil Cloths and Steumboui rnmmmgs meh'.'t - . . _ 110 whicn we invite the attention of all who wi«h u> fur- Sn kv 111(1 1.1. rim nmaii No I Boap. juM' rcc'd aud 1 ni»h their bouse* or ttoomhdais, a* \ve wifi he able 10 , 1 . mc-hlEt SA W HaRHaI'CH orfer good. a. low os they tan l»« purchH»ed m 1 be 'L.*‘ -7 Ka>i, and oftfy richest and Inte.t siyles Call aud n \A 'IN L>t >W (.I.A>B-Mkl l>l* 1 ‘ '\ aTr ‘ amine our .lock before purchasing elsewhere Wis W n ,,d n.r nul. by ~.rii£l >AWHAIt U A U. H ' r i IOU «, N 0 75 Koanh .1. mchtfJ V MXJMNTnCK Unl.L BITTER ID Un.f.MK, .or .air! A.OGAN, WlltBOR * CO., I.i m. UvSi '' u lIAKIIAI (111 | MPOKTF.RS and Wholesale Dealer* in Fomruml . , •. rr ,.., 1 Domestic Hardware. Cutlery. Saddlery, Ac **U, nm .1-/ I"-" hr* 'V* l ll ri» ' Wood.treei. Pittsburgh. are now fully prepared w>U, Ci “A. W HAniIAU.H ;ji r , ccntlv impon( . d ,wck of Hnrdwaa. Cutlery. SaU AM' I‘KI.Mf. »'UKK 4i' Mu,M«a Prime Ulcry. Ca'rp duertnmi. to Western Merchants, a* in addiUon to »* w "•'■u.AU.a L E I’IATR- u*' bill* »■ nmity Flour, ju«i rer_d amt for purchase all aud t.ennan compose**, by Ixiwell Muon: TC by inrha*.* IVU'KtM’i \Nl>l.h»s latte pafp* of cn»dy printed music, containing IUC ‘ progressively arranged. Price 76 cents. SB- ALMONDS- tfi baps Almond* mr .hI. ■ j u *t received, a supply of/lhe above, direct from the „.J»ct.« . WICK AM p J h ' JOHN U. MKLLOR, ALSPP K—-Ul tin*. Altptee, to. este t>y mch£l 3lwqod,i »«l"‘ qvi COUNTRY yi.UCtiA.NTO-W H Mu,,,,,. CIHEKSE— TMO iL» • »iru Crraui. loui do We.iarn L corner of 4th and Market »U, Pittsburgh, ha. re / Reserve" for sale by mctuß Jl) WILLIAMS ceived his hrst IOPP*T of 3f>rut« ami Suinmn Good*. ’ and i iTUrt merchant* l* lock at b.» itork Price. Cl REAM TARTAR-«J»* lb* just ree’d and for »alo j low .by BA FAHNESTOCK A 00, Wholesale Rooms op stain—entrance from 4ih it mnhw corner l»t and wood «ta | mchs3 mch2W-- , '»Jfw4tS AUCTION "SALES. By John D. Davli, Auctioneer. JOHN D DAVIS, Ai G-nxmes at Auction. AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE. 1 STEAM BOATS. = "iISCISSATI * PITTSBURGH igft SS&L ILTIv packet line. ' r-urr. Ti.r IJi.ruaA been m operation foi Ave /W* -hLc.rr.cii a million of people without the rv to their per-on* I'hc boa» will he * Wood street :nr .1.! previous to t.un (II trr tv u. au.l li.r entry ot passenger* on the reruk irr. In LiL. tnc r a*Lgc money must b* pot* to ■dvancc. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC MWTtiN. t-apiam HeraphUL, Wdl leave Pitwhursh rv ry Suudny morning at too'eioe*; Wnwiiiig evrrv Su..d»y evening at 10 r M. May *>. IMl.' SON DAY PACKET. Thr MoN(*NtiAHFJ.A.(':il»t Srons, will le*V* ftp burgh every .Momln • morning m lu o'clock; Avb«lia§ every Monday rvn ig :*t to r a. TUESDAY PACKET. The HI BKK.NIA No. 4 Copt. J. KLfitCTXtra, will •are Pittsburgh every Tuesday raoniiiuj »l 10 o’clock; Vhrei.iijc rv n Tu- «daf rvemng iu 10 r.fc. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW KNGI-A.ND No. 4 Capt. A Dl*h, wtll •ave Pittsburgh . .rry Wednesday morntag al l* i locli, Whrrl'pjj every Wednesday evening ttlOt. ■ THURSDAY PACKET. The BRILLIANT Capt. Gases, will »*»*• Pitta* buigl. every Thur*.i -.v morning ai Itfo’cloci; Wheeh*| every Thur-dav < * i:»c ut HI e a. FRIDAY PACKET. ,r ci.iPPKK No - i Capt Peas Duvst, will leave .burgh every l-.iiay to o'clock; Wbes rvr r\ I r.dny r veiling at 1U r. M. SATMIDAY PACKET. The No 2. t'api.Wooowaamwill leaye Pittsburgh every M«iwMa\ morning ul 10 'o'clock; Wheeling every Sirnrday evening at 10 p. ■. . NFW' LISBON AM» PITTSBURGH DALLY LINE OF CANAL ANDKCKAM PACKETS, gfejgga Ij-jv.-. Pitt>huir i* daily, at t» o'clock, A. M , ami or nve,.i t;iH»R«.w. I mouth ©fthr Sandy and Beaver C»- n.i ) at•> v■ i.K-k. Nrw Ltsbou at 11, tune night. |.e»vei- .N- a 1.--; on at B o'clock, P. M-, (making (ba r „,.«l to .hr river during the ii.ghuand GUrgOV at u o'clock. A. M.and at Pittsburgh at a V M -- thus making u eodtinunus tine for carrying paa iencer. and irei«i:i lieiwef.i New Liibon and Pltu burgh, in snorter unir ami n't Ice* T*te* than by tuiy ° ThVpr.»|'iir:»fs «>i tbu Line have the pleasure ol in huming tbo public that ihey have dued up two first claw Canal Boai-. for tin accommodation of pas-scagef HM tre.caL la iuh mi .‘ouuccuon with the well known *iean.. f- C.ALLB t'OPE and UKA VEIL and connect* inr. it iiiwuw with the Pittsburgh and Cincin nati and »iu»ei ,j*i.v nite.s oi steamers down the Ohio ni,,4 yh.MvHi'ipi r;< .-r* The propnotora plouisVille on Sunday,, the Isth ItioU, tl to o'clo. k A M For freight or pusfage apply oo board, lo BUR BRIDGE WILSON A Co, or t;KO B MILTENBERGER. itt- Steamer Pry Hum will leave I j»nivville for New Orlcaoi on nrrival of Telegraph No 4 Pa**enget* ( can co direct, and cm. have beniissecured here U do sired. mart? »' Loutavllle a&d St. Louts Packet Line. 18441. 18*0. RF.OULARTUKSDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS _, The fia© last tuiuiiug paa*engtr . (T' r *' . fa »irun>*r ATLANTIS, U|figfa£j& Geo. W. Wicks, roaster, will leave the above and intermediate port* every Tuesday, at 10 o’clock. *. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to E. L KINO, No, 153 Com. Row. warS-dGm LooLvUU rfoulak Saturday packet FOfiT st. lotto _ The fine fast ruuiiinjr paiaedfer , itcanier OEN. LANfc A. Me Phcnon. inasttt. will leave for jjJgSSSSjSSSthe above aiid mtenoeatnte ports ere- Samrcny. *t H) o’clock, r. M. For t'reignt or passage apply on board,.nr u> FI C. KINO, No 153 Com. Row, !‘,th mrt. at 10 o’clock, a. M y,.i ireigbl or paasaee apply on board, or to mar-j PEITIOREAV A Co, Agts for wabash river. . . The .ptendid steamer ■L ", RINGGOLD, Cope, master, wilHeave as above on Monday, the 2thi> tost, at 4 P. M. tor irein or pusugc. apply on board. mchVM PfcJI'riGREAV A Co., AgeDU. Ft»R ST LOITS AND ILLINOIS RIVER. ix Tb« new and light draught passen ■ |t? per hieamer I.AMARTI.NE, Uaneaa, master, will leave tor the above hod porta on Thursday next, •-’•.M in*t. m (■ . lock, P M. For itciu'lii or panuife apply on board, or to mcli-'t GKO B .MILTENBERGER, Agl FUR NASHVILLE. . Tlie .plcudul .learner HAIL COLUMBIA, Oicen inn.ter, will leave lor above ■HSSHSSBsiuid inirruiediaie port, ou Wedausday V or rrcicbl or pn».!it;r apply on or lo innrAi r'KTTIOKEW A Co. Avis uwii lar packet for Nashville . .. The hue draught steamer • iu ~ DOLPHIN. Ha ileu. master, will leuve for ebeve lUicrmeiLaie |Hiria on Wednesday lh. ;*l.l m-i A 1 I c.Ylock P. M 1 iii.'hW l ’ ' ' J>l J A HRO- Agen»_ !•'«»K I.oUWVILI.K Tb<* Ti t running steamer irt". ** SCHUYLKILL, i yoipfflifjjSl William*, master, wfllleate-for tb« ■BBSBksflinijove and intermediate port •on tki® d»V. lh«- Ifiilj at H» o'clock, A. M < I'or I" lelo or iMst-awr apply on board, or 10 me u l n PETTIGREW A Co. Agfe prn>miHi»H a wheeling packet. , The swift steamer , CONSUL, kffiSgfftfSft \N ebbrr, master, wui leave regularly ■■OHEBSt&ißfor Wheeling, every Mon Jay, M'da nevday and Friday, at 10 o'clock precisely. QLea vc \Y beeline every Tared**, Thnraday *ad 8a tnrtlay. at 7 o'clock, a ID, precisely. The Lon‘ci will land at all Uie Kver) neroniodation thru can be procured for b.e coca fort ami • of nasicngers ha* bee - * provided. XW boat i» al n < rovnied with a sjlfiucung safety guard la lelA At W . Greer's, ear. Smitlitield aud Wafer itv Rl.t.ljl.AK WHEELING PACKET/ ’ _ n.e fine steamer • fL" t? ,J> ZACHAftY TAYLOR master, will Aereailar r fl - k . . ; ■EaßßSSßOreenlar packet tram pw / P/T.'.j'Vn'/r""' p " l ” l "” fh ‘'"> For trriffb’ or apply on Uoarj. ja^| MVK MAHiKrTA, PAHKF/camrwf. tic above -•"«"W. 3*SBa»aS&‘ KV? 0 ■“*•■»»»-» m’*""' unil '''* J " y '«*»■■ 51° 'to Keeler. m J*" _ - - ' I . nchgj J 4 U KIAJVP M HM SSI * i - ai uercSTilee IMUu Uuef JiSlIJ H W*” M»lwct, lomline Ui< Jar fa»» LluefJu.bc. ~,r \ y „ . „ jtß FWI 0. H' . Round Carr. Bulldlnjr S L llf ? , * l,1 " 1 > Uaer.n Sul-.«i Md* Nu 1 Lky \v i II .M Cirri:MKufj, «i I \ItV API I.»-S_ |(iu |.U<)| rcc'd >u»d fot »ale by XJ met VS! \VU .vrCUTCHEjQN DRV i*L \ m '*-an t-u*fi on head and for ui'‘ aii* WAR M*CVTCUKONS \xr.vnJH» A .pirmlid lot of gold Ud «£l*»or Tf \Vairitr-« , U ,J received and for *al« KfclNN EJ>Y A SAWYBB, mruei comer 4tb and wood r& (IiJ)CKS i»i rvt*r\ >ancry, for «»lc by , inrb-.-i KENNEDY YES Li.»OklNt. GLASSES— A rplentfid lot of t nfaUvaneuei, tor sale by KENNEDY t SAWYER