lIEDIO Aix* ftIBPOUND BvltCP OF WiliD CfliiHEl'. nrs 6*l±l ■ . in ffi Sdi imJ Mtoart rilpuMion o( rTirllcsrt,!" o ”''" 01 ' C UrfAcnCm,- ? “itutloßjßort!Throat,Ne{«rjM.Bebiii- -1 ,y *aS nil Disease* of. me throaH ' tDiimtWJf* , •t . detail and. itjewy edre > > . Viiownlbr aijy of ;i Ihd abate aiifcda* :,• Srua’cHftryt r.arflweO aMiUhi ua« of trow ,li>i.t, teWr m repatatfoniaral ihjlt any othrt ptqtmttar <* sro-dlctac ;ics.t rnOiwdSl Ibb iMirforbomniaJmao.; • , . -f ; 11 bten Inlrtstuced «ajy*ia«!ial|y Uiroapb m. UnifW Suits *nd Europe, •'«.««» ”» fr* Unwin ~i imndmnce Stttwbal cotnnifr «ofo<* wmnrkalila-pv.- rifip/\haproi>n etor wll ttl-ihi* mant lln.«- aawfleatipmnialk ‘which towl bteft pt&cntcd lotion by. first keapretaWhtfr—ttten who hare Ui/jh. c. oQncjai responsibility nitd juiUee, than to o r iI«V & facU- bfcl»0« it will,do MOLtnjr a. faVor,; aod Uwt*elte* uo'iivdftice.] S*eb ferttatay- |inwe»;c*«.- Wahtpruißs«*eeilence la t»»iab!tßh<-l br Lis inirirttiimdriis, and thb anlho..- 1* d polUe bpinion. Thd Utrtantajreotu relief tt *i (ordkond ibe tothra? mflssw* diffused through ttm Rate* by «* A'.nuwi atfreeaid.' v J&S/&3SE&L JSSSW*. 252 rf-SSS^S; •? oih#r medicine. . . April ejih, |SI» J? SK I trrrlly believe fom Com D di W»W Qifcnt ha* IxjisOie itieafts r.i pourid s y™ !^fv|csoffht fc. 4-rtrecdld, which gjari., wfth a[ setpre ci.orlu- th .t 1 h** tteoun* u>. mil re^i^SflSraSwM^«9*,l - A * «« p e »wSs{£%* l xri ? • e - wh -' ;; “KkiJs *» >“>!?• "f 'y Hi**., At this i?tn« two* recommended lo try raScS S W i? *W» the montlm,. n^TvXjSeESboUleh£difo-eftctid Wathe S/bmbuJiSlr InfsVat'of f||rConipoMa°Sf r skg*2S!«E& ISRSfiSS. |f w iK La® s.b\“b%ror«=oms.moa «ith « Ul.ttt*i s iS paintlVfbo bfentl triMt, **myeiW.fro4 • fflSiTo ”« -- W advisediwd^seiSutUlM hf-. a dear foAnd ),» id make trial Ryw confer that bad been aTcOt detriiuii patent «m »uU He S cdt oflhe hand* oljcmpttric*, but oud,|t . aaimV io andpradloepi mSlhic T and'havSw ftW» UM* Winff of rty **ff tfhaw.ona of yob r i'iSt i SMS* jXbineMif »-• My 11’- “B r SM3&. fhfftb osn OlleehSoftie* ibefore 1 wn« |wir- J rti l f-?»n nooue*boßy a much smallw n'SiLVrfbSits roooliJ ban load? jpt «oli«J,but bn SSfefbStention- .*h.Sl*P»U»jtJ lb. *W,- übSra Sk away the Pi>ltc«imef ou s b, put a stop to ffiftebatte of matter utia S ay, plefaure. .. _ .-I"' - . ERiliUuieoulAy, N. C. .; t :• ; ~ jbmdtMi Caution— ‘ j ■ sssts. JSul J whSb has boon' y the name of Wild Ikherry-hai-' «rA^4fSS^?*iE^ESSg£^i£ , SS^S.‘l' wfth eofffavinß, with tll- S, onviuiam Perut U-ACIIK—The aalvd hu aoryd penoaa hf the headache of twelve yeAra; maidinff, iind who bad »» rMrftaT esermyoek so that vonujinktook nlaee. KAli -2BffiSsusßscilß,ta* AfSlfiflN THK FACI'. a cofeil that aeiuaJly dolled every thing known. wdll M the ability of bi teelt u> twenty -doctors. One man told u« be baftepeni Sjoj on his cnildrvn vnlhott nnjr beileht, whean if.v boKesofOinunealeored'them. .'• •UgTTEß—There Is nfathfng hettc* for the otue oi TC j|jußNS— lt is one of the best thing* in the world for U WLES—Thousand! are ieafiy coifed by thlaOißt. metal. U «*T?*a tails in girtngrtllt/i/oT l|w Piles.. £j* Around tbs box Ure dlrertloia, for using M‘Al er the other aefioinpu ' ni»«old febti YThis Ointment is the-inie remedy ) n i* asare sieTfordueaseW havrfcnlfffect. 'CORN&^-Cecaslooal'osa of ithß.'pintment sntlst wivs koepeorM from groWinfr Tipple need,-never M droubled with them it they toe (l/p;qaenUy^ IKK This Ointment is good for any pari of Hit body oyjuahs.wlicn friflaroedJ In some case* it should i.t -“ffITWN-lio Oiotmerd will he jjtirulne unless tsw niiao of J AM&3 McALUSTKS is Written with a ju-n Agent* trial! ihe.pjincipal cities ao.i r“' U ' , “ Ed ItiiALUItTRR, •Vf ’ Bole l*ropt)eujr of.Uie hhovc medfMnr 4T Principal gtfiee 4 NoM3Njonh.Third str«-cr, Pii.l ?hl “' PRICE ftSCENTSEF-ariojC. Aoxats n» Pmsßcssn—Dratlib A.Rmier, comer oi Ut*rty awl St Clair st*;' and || Wihrox, Jr, corner oi Mcyket *t aniLibo OiamodW, also fihrne* of 4th nud Smilhfield sos J H CutitU corner of-Walout and Penn ward;, and sold at ibo bookstore in Smturadu «i. )d door fr<«m; jtriAlicgJlCfiy city by H P Bcftwan* and J,£arscru; bv J,G StttUh, Drampai, Htr mlAirtuun; Ul»ertr» jTI Rowfand, Me- KwSora i Alexauicra Son, City; S It Bowman A Co, andJLT RoceJs, Wowiwvillt'j Johu Batkley. Heaves, Pa; fte Whol^stle.;.ligefils. . ■ ,' 'J «: STRONtI KVffitttwJruSL-BOaV,UJ Kk * Al- P£ITruBANT is *ap*nar.U> al|;«thet r»medic* for Bro»ebUi>,Afthaiuaal cUier Pulmo uSf eEetiims.isUat th* nm? p* ; only bj Dr U. Jayn* sewrhy £AYN^ TI rOUtlh st &r. W. P. Inland's Pr«mtnm plaster. TTh». W. P. INLAND, oi Oro Medical College bf PUii- P~j adelpfaia, now offers i<> ih« pnlilif bw Indian Veg etable Premium Plwier, ihe qualities if which, after tried errienrnrt!, hiui been -aaßa/actoruy rs toMithed. womenwhni mdjf| Us afflicted with -■ - PrtUpsm Uliria or Fallen Womb, be rreowmemls ht« pltfstex, guaranteeing a sure and speedy (be ,3iu?r( ipace of from two to thee weeks, if applied with cafe and real—-discarding ait Die countless Insiriuacnu anti,eipefujvfc bandage#to tonkin uie. Tlu« be feel* conjcietniouam slating, inairanch o£he has not failed in'One case oat of three (hundred and fifty-three pa U< JSso far Rheamnuwn and Weak 1 !! feast or Bart, at (•tided with pain, there it nhlhidf tfefcXMri-tbit Piaster ... in; (Wording relief or ttiroN Poiaaleby [SWllcbx, comer of*l)iataonlN>«’ USINu fOO|inOSrRftI>AIt&DDIUiK. ITIJIEY aro iio l i i *frt«i®w frightftUfyinjuriauatl is to I (heflin-^idW coarse, lioW rough, bow tallow, jvb iow'»nd onhcSdUiT using prepur pared chaikJ Beside* id* uuunnatyEumauunf' a Imps ,a \ [>-, f.rc«» Aaii.rson/FrtclifMu-CSi.iniiil of Atom ctSeiu, ««y« : “A(i« oiiiiijiiiij U| r WhflsJ find itpoiwwefiUifi nwrt aflfi.nfila .oaoumauuWAU J r t ° ll DB. TOW»WS»’» t coarotoro aifslfr ov S ARSAP ABIUL A. Wonder add JZbSfiV «/ <** Aft- Tba most estraonUsary Jdedlemc ia the World I I*4u Extract it pal op in s**rt Bottlu: il i* it lines e ktoptr, plotmitri aad tearraaUi n' ptrior to Oof ttld. II w* viii*«t . , Bsmtfia#, pargtac, tick**i*£ ir dtkihtm*# Eli Pctirti. Th* fdv«i beauty ami superiority of lhi*9arsar>fHlla oSrv mcdleiae* U, thai while it esadicalas tno' 4i»- ease. U IsYtrorataa the body. Ilia on* of th* rcry.iiret SPRING ASP S7UHEK MEDICIKKS - Hvar kotnrn; ti net *nhr pa rid 8* ihs'wbdle iy»t«m,;and ■tren/thesl the penop, bat it efiatss Mtte,mtre aa&YieS Itoadi: aipdwrr pqsrtwed by bo other medißtie. Add ia lots l» cue grand wentof its wenderbilsuccnss. U hn« fe system, fives pcUvlty to the limlis, end .trVnjrth to Uie muieulas systaoi lit • tUOkl esoaordmary degrea. tonmnptiqa Cored. KjUtute and Strtngtiru. Oamumptie* iae is tarsi. Brtnuk&it, Oensateptiaii, Asesr Cemptaiat, Oddi OaUtrk, Cnjfkt, Atikma, uf tnook, Sartattt ia tk» Okui, Stem Fhuk, ffifkt ■ Sisrats, £MU«tt at Prtfota SnKia 1 retina, Poin ia tbs Siis, *«vs bssn had Ms ti emrsi. . sriTTIRO BLOOD. Mm rook, JprtiSSSUM. . Da.TwwmgWE>—T verity bedev that yssrefifuta rule kmlmn the ohms, urosfh herliweasf eavtag ayßft., 1 have for vvsralyears bed a bad Cocgh- It Hstaavuw and vwn. At lam 1 retsad larp* ireantv tl*i *flfißWd, had atafcl SwwatA end waa (tesoy ftabdw Utd Bfl ridstid, And M net expect to Ure. I bavs only upidywor SaidapasQa a then dm a, end than he* a wnadrsfri ahangwheeawteagbtln ma. lamaeoakls to waflrtll ever th* «ity. 1 rain a* blood, and nr tboyhljM UA me. Tea can wall tmagiae tharl ksi 11itil~fil ftn thin rtrslti T am ebedtat'nrWnt, WM.EJ7ISILL>«B Oathartht-n. Fcaaslalledletao, Or. Tdwnnttd’* BmaparidabaaOvarslge aaddMedy sure (hr latip(*Bt Cuasxxipaea, Rairesnese, Prolapses Uteri; cd Faulng of the Wnthb, Ceettvenen, TO**, Loot vnbmh, or WnitM, cb*lia«t*d tlazt, of Uritw, or baveiaiary dinhargs thereof, and for th* kaseril p*d«tratieu ef th* «yrt*«— co matter wb*th*rtho neibef tnherent eats* or eatusr. prodaead by irrefghiity, tQnew er aaddsnt. Muthfog can b« - more' asrpHtdag tboa It* (avtgoraring effects oa iho human Ctanio. Pdneas aS waaknee* aad-lasSJ tada, from taking It si wsce b*aom* rahust snd full »l aeargy ahdar ft* Infnnee. lt immodlataly vunjasact. |b« suryaloseaaavf the fMmskfkaae, ssklsli I* taov ot Qamsßee*. It srifi d*t be erpectod, u taso* of t* dalieatd. a saisr*,;to exhibit certtfleaU* pi core* perfumed bat we tad 'Atsan the aflleiad. tiai Jbc&dreiaof case* have been reported to a. TbWuends •f cases,whom fantUlM hare been withost aWldrea. tftvr tid&x a few be tiler ef thia invmlaeVU swßdm, have baonblosaed lnn, healthy offspring. *TA Hotkm nd BXcrrftcd LagM. TbU Sxtreet afSanawarilU has b*oa expmariy pss ptswl in reference to female coaplalata. No tamale trhti has reason to ijppco* sh* la appvoa«bl*g that •riticai period. - Tis tarn af Ufa" *ho«td asglest to take it, as U is a Mtnia ptwmulv* (bf any . et Ut* ftomerona and: bertttllb glvesea.W whitih ftmaljl in auhjwt -at this time eniTe. This period e*f W* d*- Uftdflir ttvtral flsri by aA*f tMr msdiems. No It it Wiralaabl* (hr iburr who are approaching W» taanhood, u It is calm Is sad W assist nature, by.miek esiog th* blood ahd inrigocatlng th* systam. Indeed. iM.ll«t». |( UynlnabM (hr all tit dallestar discs re.-- to which woman are subject. ; it btaea ibo whole *ysttfs, renews permanently tbs m&iural. cneretea, removiOg the iapuriUoi tL» body, rhtao fs» riifnalatiag as to predoc* tubseqaen' relaza doB, which ia the ease of most medicines taken foi fdaal* weeks ess *nd disease. By Bting a few bodies W this medlcin*, ma af seven and painftl surgical open lions may be prevented. Great Blessingr u Klottierw and Oblldrvn. i ll b th* safest asri mewt effectual medicinpfpr purify lag th* system, and rvUavingthe soffarimr* ebon chad-binh «vvr discovered. It both In* mother and ‘ehfld, prOvehts |aln add dteeMA ie> mum pod enrich Oath* (bod, those who hare Used ii think lt bhtghty usefel boih bvfnrr anrtafta*consnemtet, a* llprtrenu di*»asre attan-Jsni opoa cUHbirtb—la Caetlveadss, FH**, Cramps, B*efi- Isf-'i/ tfi" Pevt. Duvopdeicy, Ilvartbam, Vomlung. Pain in Jke B«k Add lAlnd. Phiio Pains, llentorewga and in ifegulathig tlie seerttreds and eqosUaisg die csbtioa ,11 has to 1 eqnal Th* great beauty at 4lds medicltte Is, ll b alWxys ulk Old th* taort doUcata aan ft otost vsfoOyj vary few eases require any other medUiUaf hi srme e little Castor Oil, or MagndSia, is iHefal..' fciercbe in the opeu air, and tight food, wtih thb msdlriae, wiQ Always ensure a mfa and easy eo» BoedMRA. ; *-••-!. ' v,. . ! _ r«.u ltl ssra.'S.” of preparation* gene fbUy th im, when applied to tb* Ikes. nry aocs apod it »r iu beamy. Thar eloM tbs pons of the «kin, and cheek tit* elfcolatiba. which. When saufrsJ* ootUkvan e.l by tlioMso or powder, or the skin lafljuncd w, tfa" alUlict ued in aoapa. baaßtiflea it* own prodneijan in the *• hctnan Uca DiTine." ca wail a* in Uia garden of rv* isd delicatslp tiatod and racieriled fiowfit*. A rtrn, active and healthy dreoUlfoa of tkb J!BldJt(hr the rourtiß* of the para, rich blood to the .exirenabM, »• IhaiwhmH paiauthe countenance in the jnoeAhlaDi' . aite bfiiif. It ts that which Impart* the inc'*»cr»baftk bhadta and lUahA of lorelikeas that all a.imi}e, bat aaaa cas ) prptkata pels or deagar, sad etrcnifthetta Ixiib mother end child. Bo csfefklto got the gsi>aiao. Scrofula Cared. Tbia certificate concltuiraiy prove* thatl.'thb B*r*a partita ks* perfect cooitoloto# tkostoei obstinate di» eaarh of the Blood. Three pcfeoci coiwd. In ons i* unprscedested. ! Thrw Cblldrwn. Da. Totnryzao—Dear Sir I 1 have the plearare to inform yoa that three of tty ekUdrea Kara been cored of tbo rfeyofula by the oae of year szcsUant taedieinn. They' wen aißictsd vary aerarcly with bad Bora* ; t hare taken ohly four bottle*; H tseik them sway, for wiilcb 1 fre! ntyaelf oedar great obUgntlan. Yottra, racpcctfbDy, ISAA6 WjCaAllt, 100 Wooster*. • Opinions of Hr. Towiwatui k* Blmo*t deify recetrtag order*, from different part* riftka Onloa. •! Thia Uto certify that wo, th« anderalYned, Phykjeirt* of th* City of Albany, here tn Bamnrouaca*e* pijeaertb ed Dr. T**wn*'!n*r* SaraapariSa. sad! beliirt iti'to be our of the mJ J. WIUiON. M. D. ; H-R BHU7.fIB, H Di Albany, April I. IBTJ. I’. K ELy.ENDOBK>:J* D CADTIOB Owing'.to the gr«at tocoua paf, | mr nird ; pyott A.,, Bon*, IK North Sec-upd strict, Philadelphia } 'fi. -S V Jbncc, DrUCßi*». Bail tmure; F. M. Cobeo, t'tnulMton : Wrirht A Co, 151 Chwtr** ,Sttect.N. 0.. lf>S;ifoutb ’P«-arl Krinrt, Albany, and Mr all the priori Drag gi.;» msq ilerobaau generally throughout i|».* jfi'r.ted NVeit ludics and the C&nailu. N B Persons inqnirlnK for this medicine, should WIJ>C m.fuce.l lo taknany other. l>rugj;ista, p Ut ap SStrsaparilia*, and tf course prefer «mlUna their own. Po.nol b<* tlccciTctl by anyi—inquire lor I)r> Tnwn arul lako no other, fc/” n«ncml»er tlic-eenu c„T"Wri«nd't SartaparilfaT” sold l«y the »ol« oitcnu. 2* General VVUolejnlc \ llcuul-A K eni, No. 57 Wood, street, and D. M- CUiUtV, AlleghSoy at - , - EUUOPBAB AOEBTCT, ; Pr ? . l ? e i5 B * <,vw t o( »>®™ahi Impr operly* With, held BKAI. AND PKRSONALIUT/KTR: r*i- Uemcnt iuid Arhitrntlonof Oommcrcir J,Tmillhr. and • l'nirfos forlnT crition.i i>< it^at lintatn, lreland, and Uie ar'.d TV-pci*ilenf*|c tbereamo lielorupiif tout S> K m,u linß , of Up. [*ur • ebaae br Bale ofthr .nmc " K pKFBUENrr. rn», l*), w i „„ anHiicßiioii ft-o of fl;' liT,’‘T’t' f'. U "“I" TC ' » nol 11.. U i.f ratre curio.,Uy.t I. a I.L-I r.mipri'iiit; u „„nr.l. ill' IS.i*,' Afio, » oot l*n« »W.k hav. ipMfitol for ttu p-„, jm 15. V'*;'' d “ "f"> •' No no.l .lon or - “ I'T louor or. . io-|oc«Ofi i" lo ■ BENrifASt eabian.' m f. „L •' lSl •Briadwky. New York iL^oi^^Tot. , V "■ pcttimte.l to : l!c,n. Olir.rl.-c I* Duly. B , r ? (Nianritiii I'lcos, \cw York 1F.f.1.n.1. f,,„. rl ACo. IS’L-PV^fifi"*^- .\ v *l- r.T,,>MU. . 1 U- A ..Rirketuj Rjiq. ’ i F.vl, CihcmfiaU, Otto. '• • A - 1 -tidtmi, K«j. t president I’atehin Bank, ‘Buffalo __ i«o v4-dC« , ~ ••• a ■ ’• , c TheTillegheny Comalery. if A * Jhaanaual meettnc of the Corporators, -,l'Hd nn ■*» »bd Sth mtt. the neraoM Arern , unnni mu«r iy re-olaeied Mtutaort for u»« entuiuc yes r. John JBSsfEOAiHrrHr.nH, 1 1 - ; »J »« nletn.■ nt pre.-a-nted affatrtf of- the '«^xm®r-,Tffi l ir^, Tu a- sr „a T to?r.i. b L£a H DlCKV^ijlt bxtta store tjid f orsale by V v to* i dickev *Co .MISCELLANEOUS. - ■ ‘ ‘ GOLD WAfREBS. *1 | I’AHRV has Invented a machine for wnsbmg AX* Gold,for which he baa made application for a potent; They arc now oflercd for sale at the ware boußu Of Parry, Scolt A Co., No. HO Wood street, I’Uutmfph.' Adv»«rfluTt:rs to ralifornia ore invued toroilondex antine lhc«- labor-saving machine*. 'Fhcy are simple in ihcidrotifiniction, rvily transported on the iiack of (miles V horses, \reicltme etghiy raeli. an,l run l»iit:jn operation in half an aour. They can be fiin-.d mr.ii movi-iou*. It i» the opinion of those who the inui oi one of (here marhinev of smallest size, tlbl two met. wii! wash (be minern! fr«»m IhU buekelf of>and or earth in a duy, wtliioui the !<,=, oi a purticlf. orino mineral They ran be inercased in nze i ' ’ , . a.i u\ ,u,:,CU>ril ,11 ,|£C ami worked by water or mute power, if expedient The work without going Inin the water or l*clng to wet, and eonsrouenlly without en doligrahv' llieir health. They will require but a email *irrarit r M water, nnd ran Ire used the whole •chsoii ami cat) bri pul into operation where there i* not sudi-' cmqi wsiicr to wash ui th« usual way. I’rietfofsmallest «tvr Orders from abroad, or roßipaified by rssh. will Ire promptly lilted • , 1 1-• I'ARRV. at Parry, Srott A iV«, (eUu.)ii |itj \V*oo«i st, I'iUsliutf'h. Auspratt A Boos* goda Ash. rs sr.- now reerivmg their Fall sioek . «>fU*r aJ*ov.: krUclr, three vessels, rn: the Juntaut. Aifdnllit.ii uiid I.ydui, hnviug arrived ni | , ltiln,lelptun . nml Hafuitipre. and Hvo mure, the Stephen Haidwin nnd expected; they ure. therelnrr. prepared to riy-eivi: order*, lliry will receive during the win ter ahiv-pring regular supplies via New Orb-nns l v A M MITCHF.I.TREE MOt NT KAOI.R TRli'ol.l—|?or cleaniug win* dowh and Inmp glnsres, silver pintr, brass, Un iu(ima,;nnU othe* warn. U 104,idly ukr» out nit ■Uhl rtmns; aod reproduces the beuumul nnd Jumble lustre of new ware. J„*t received »nd Uu mic, whole sale und retail, by JOHN U MORGAN. . _ Druggist. NOTICE, MK. SAML. 11. lIARTAIAN having -old h.« inter «-M in the fl ti.''lttf,ttOH MANLPACTiritKS -The uuder sifrned.iAp-nt tor the tnnnul'nrmrers, he* on hnnd urtd it boiisuuttly receiving u lull supply of the articles nmdc in PUliburch nnd vicinity, ovlue.h lie olfers lor •ale at manufacturers prices. GKO COCHRAN, . febtfu: *Jti wood st INDIA RL'RMKIU‘ASTK-1 gross V->tUr» india Ruu (•ef I’nste. an execllent article for rendering t-ool* and shoes perfectly water proof, and soft as n piece of doll., tips -application ot this paMu is ««<&cient to make them impervious to wntrr for or :i montiis. am! :i perffet prev-ntfllee from the leather rracking Roc'jj nt»l for sate ui tlie Imim Rubber Ifr-pot. No !> l\,’ fcbffl _Jkll Hi/I.UI-S.^ MKDICAL Do u K A-—Coopr r's Surgical bicty, t’o|*ciimd'r iU>, t’ruvcrlm*' Anatomy. Drum's Mtrgi't).' Ferris on Choiera. Reese nu do, Hell mol C*U)kes' lTnci., Grey s Jur.sprudence. l,raves’ Clin Lreiurrs, Hrodir's do, Brodie oil Jiunls, hlagrndie's Rhys < Nrhgan ou Medicines, I'uns' I’bnriiinrologta, Hini>.l<-;s Midwifery, do on Disrav- of Women. Moni gomt f> on Frepmncj . I'nrkrr on Stcunnch Velpeau on Hr-'aft, ihipareque on l ierus. Rrimu r on F-ir, ('lurk viii (hiiwumpunn, Conir* I'op M-,| . A-liwell 011 Fviualr*. ;»icwiin ou Children, Hell * Instuuics, JVrn ra ou HlorxL on Flithm-s KlliououV Rrnetier, DupT't) iri , Abernathy * Works, I’hiliips' on r’ervtula. Markenuwii's Practice, Hellnrd on Children, Vcjpeku't Midwifery. Kberlics Thrrupeulic.s. liell's An,Homy, Chirk on Females, Harrison's Amuoiuy, (.Uiojrer on Dislocations. Condie on Children, Miller’s Pr;n. of .«urgery ; Churchill** Female*. iX-wevs-on Cloblfen, do on Midwifery, do on Females, ihingtison's Phy«ifdo*y, do Dirtienury, Lnwrenee on Kye prrei rh * Mateirn Med . W:it»ou’» l*rncuee, l.monT Surge ry. iJungiiMiii't Practice, do Mutenu Medico. AUllcr's Physiology. Rninsbothum** Mid . Hnrtleit on Fevers, Hope otr Heart. on Females. Furgnson * Snrv'ery.-Wilson's'Anatnmy. Williams on Respiratory Orgn/is. Ahererombio on Urtim, Durguson's new Ren,- Ac. Tlu* above., with n general nseorunriit of Standard MeCtiinl Hooks, rrr’d nnd (or sale low F.t.uorr a kngmsh, 7d wo«i *l. unt7 kiwrni Uli and Hiamimd ny litmurs UUKIAIiK DAkUKACTURV, Uttu rcn H’ikv/ <4>,■ / Stut!)\f)-i.l Strict*. wX. « KM HIGF.I.nW would te,p.-,uui.y 1 nform it -i puhl.c ihul id b;M‘iteiorv Ct'--. ilnd-ail kind* of taney t'drrtag'-*. equat 1:1 cir stnnriS itnil ncaitiefs to any found In ihe Cjist. t'on ipk t-.ior nn'. iiuml-er of Carrihges, llurgie* aad W». •nii..,n,iiic jiromptly lifted. All \vot» fii ins own raaunfaeiurr will l,e warranted. Kt-.XVRXJtutia- (*4>l. K. Patter-on. R. H Putietson. K 1) trttinMi, Fjq Roi-ert Robb, breq . C 1. Magill. Al dfTtnin Steel • . fell’jn- .11l WtfttilAlLl.NG SKCI'RhD »V U-nTKKS PaTK.VT IjLIUJt! AITKNTIGN i. colintcd 10 an entire); (Jew article nf RAll.lNti, mmle of wrought troi biU' jui -1 -oft uTtnealed rod«. or wire, and vxpre—l; 4 feci lugk, m;ii wrouglu iroi po*ls.3t square, at intervening distances of fi ;■ 10 leci If ilesired, the ptiturel- c'an l>e made of tin; neirid. m ronmiuou* span-of So to Co wiUufut posts. No extra charge lor po-i«. ThC cuuipnruiiTc lu;nuiC-“- great sifiißtli and dura biluy.of the WIRI-; KAIUNt., the l.cau:> ot ns vitriv 1 omnotenui dr,u;ua, togeihrr with the extreme:) lo» priro, at which it L* toid. are causing H to sup'-rsed Hu- Otur Iron Rawing aliTtn-t thru rotnparatl nirnts niiii: l-c< o tr«ird For further particular- a>l dfp** MARSHALS. .V IIRI iTIMIRS. A+tenlsfoi I'nlr nl- r«. LOWELL FLETCHER, .- JsaTtrrxfTraxß «‘F :11, Cl) II (I I, AND PURE SIMLA'S fSqntr From no 1 Vmc «trrcts, Cincinna'i, O. ftiilHifH f.- f«iu! J//* Orders I'rnin I*ni^taunet* lor Aleoliol, Furr Spit itjt. f&iw or Kertilied \S In »k*:y, wul t»« prompty alien e (in .1o do T.( imnir* do do Cold ond Ta««rl». and S.m» Hark iVlir Hour Fjulj ■)>ji above (.00(1* )ir ol ihr and new* f■ *, ir-. u> *A-iiirb inviir ihn niirnuon 0/ our I'riem nnd rn«inmris and tu««r wMung 10 furriuli or r plcnf-h »|noni I>ohI« and j*mi«r«. VV M't’UNTlirK O' \\ u.i.VuMh" t'KF.MH'M FIEF. I*lo mf . CF.M FNT'Tii*- I'ropri'-uir wouhl roapoouul'y Intorm tb- lliot h<* tin• now tlir «nii»iarii©n in offer (i t>tn*ru, which will wr|«l. l.enniifuJlr nn«] ilurukly, nil aru« l.*» of Chinn. Farthen uml |n. 4ivli nn article, and »n ihw ihntr rijwißljMi* will l<- lu3Jy fr;ilirri|. n»* it i« applied without heat and cun ' l.y a child. Tbc nul>««ritM*r ha* lull)- tested \hi* article. For fair by W W WILSON. enrner market and 4th ft* i, Shrnbbery, Bv«r Trees, Ac. Ac. T|IK subscriber offer* It r>( i'lnnl*, roatnm- cliok’-i ever blooming, Tmrjuj;, duller and gurdi-n K«»rk, of llir. ftnc»i vunr iiri, inonilily blooming I' planting in yimla ftc , ui teilured price* l*\ iln- dozen, fine ); ng 11 «li (•(»o*H>erTH-«. Curran l» lirajii- Vinr«. Rhubarb. >* }i r u li Imry, Kveryr**nn*. Sfiudr Trrr-«, ond ulhir iilmit-. [>u)tijH« mid Flower K*>«U in a rreal variety— -1 nil in fine riimlitioii for Spring Planting Order* ny fier. or I'-ii at our »uwid No >e ruri-lulty parked and lor- tvnril<-«l a* directed I inlch* for Iloui|urti ictt with W T Uown, Prune r.T. &. Clair ‘ir* * t. JaMKS W Altmtoi’, mCMi'dlinfcw'j;** Mrn.rheeler NutMsry BAiFAUNKMTOCK AilO’ri I'ji-umonic or o;ugli , llalsarn bus a gri-nt ndvuntJU!'- ovr-r umuy citii.-f Cough prcimnuion*. itx plrusnm ta»t<- permits nto be iiAfid without nieniivi-iiirocr Hut u, value as h IlnUam con*i-u> in tb*' speorlin«rs» of itsrun- We have known pome of the mo«t ilr«pimtr rnußlia, widif nl wlnfh had been running •.« for sthe n.ui.dution of u haekuift c such, U-hi- lineedfi u ijuit k remedy to prnrent strums t r. nil*. :•« have numerous reruheates of cures which 11 has tic riorttoed, mnny of w-hu-li are from perron* hi ihi* city an- 4 lh '' 0.-iglilrf>rh«od, mid they are n mff.. inn ...isrsno' without «ayini{ umnlior in im favor Vrepnre.'i ''»■! for sale, wholesale and retail, by H A FAHNIis'I OCK A Co, corner »MVood "!"• l»lo'id Wood audbi.'* »t*- marFMAwJ* 7 WKYMAK, MAnuf»en.‘rcr imd dealer In nil kinds of TiOUACCO. SNUFFS AND CIGAIIS. AT hi* In.l Stand, corner of Pmithlield street and [Jharaoii-1 4lloy, Ibiuburirh, I’u .would renpeetful ly ej(tl tlm atlenunn ol Cmmlry Merchant*. Hotel and Hlenpiiioat It*rkeeper*, lo a large and superior as-on menC or 1M l’t iItTKU Ol(i Alts, anio.ig which will be foutiS the billowing brand*, vir. l-4igle, Reguiia, < a* tclloi, Principe. I at Normas. Star Brand, Mmervu u:ul IViliyr Kegaiuis. all of winch will be sold a.s low ss can ia* bail at any other hou*e in the city Al**K eonsiontiy on band and for sale, a large and wi-lb— ?|eoi»*d «tnek of Virginia, Missouri, and fine tlut Chey/t *sp Tobaeeo , Also, Havnms. Cubs and Common Tobaeeo on Imnri ami for «%ie. m>v3..lCm T T NSJMUNKABI.IC Ft.ANNKU** —W' K Mwainv U invites the mtemion of buyers in his slock of the oboye irortil*, of all thr different qualities, said lo be os anriwinaub'o n« the Welsh, and at much tower pnec» tirnuin® Welsh nnnnel* also eoustaiitly on band (fiituke ami s*tlk do. 4-4 and 6-4 do, tnr Shrouding por mrulr Wfctf* FlannH* and constantly on U,u»i ui Uj«: north east <-orner of Fourth an«l krl iurt-l*. N'HW GOODS. Sn inT 4. WIMTK, tw Wotwl ntif'cl, are now irxeiviV a frenh *«oc|[ o{ UKY recent tmrebtt«r,M' < > lrp*h style*, P oU ' ,rn '. &«• , winch they will .ctl tow to Uin irttdf. »frrrbittit* are rwjuwutiJ to rail ami ciuuimc tbetf (■iwi aJtd pticcfl. _ [°_ W .. . mfcAiSSHARBNt SItADKS—Jn»t rer«i«d and lot 1 >«afc nl W M’Clmtock’i »*w Carpet Warworn, rfo ja Fourth rl, n humlsoote ajwrtiMni of Trnnapa renf Window HbaiW, «•« very reduced prices, to which L hef» Lard, U uhl* do, In uptc a*d for fellS JA3 PALZSX EXCHANGE BROKERS, fc. I> HOLHKB * 8018, Banker*; Exchange Broker*. ivn Sir.'v— 9 NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPT ANCRsGOLD.SILVER AND BANK ' COLLECTIONS. —Drafts, Notes and Acceptances payable in any part of the Union, collected on the most favorable term*. EXCHANGE on New York. Philadelphia ami Bal timore; also, Cincinnati. Imuisvtlle, Saint Louis nnd New Orleans, constantly lor sale. BANK NOTES -Notes on nil solvent bank* in me 'mtrd Males diacoutilrd at the lowest rale- All kinds 1 Foreign and American Gold and Stiver Com tmueht nd AUt'-c No &5 Market street, between I*l and 4th. ’iu»biirrh. Pa. ort-.f. HUSSICr, lIANNA A CO., BANKKR.-s, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealer* in Foreign ami Dome-tie, 1 Wtificamsof Dcpo-Ur, Hunk Ndlrs, and K{rectr; I'inirth street nrar \tf opposite ine Rank of Puuburrh t'uftn-i money received on drpo-ite • Sight ('hecks (or sale, and col- lections made on nearly all the principal points in tb* Umlcil Ftaica The highcM premium pud for Foreign and American Gold. Advance* made on consignment* of Produoe, ship ped East, on libera! trrtn* mchlfi 'FOBJCIGfI iLXCIIANGK. BILI> on England, Ireland, and Fr„t!»nd bought nity amount at die Current Rates t>( Faehaugr. Also, lirofU parable in any part of the old Coutario*, from £1 to XlOUi, at tlm rule o( Bit to the X Sterling, without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON. European auu Genotal Agent, o*ce slh si one door west of wood. octlmt *LL*N XEABHa l ' IEL.WA.hI. OAK* KIIABKIi * RAIIM, Bankers and exchange brokers,dealer* in Foreign and Domestic Bill* ol Exchange. Cer tificates ot D*pn-i(t-, Hank Note* and Com. corner of 3d and Wowl ftrceis, diteelly op|M»tic St Cbarlr* Ho tel • ntuVJ-dly Fiiatos- Kenturky, ■Mixuiin, N-.ICI purchased nl the lowest rales, by N HdLMKH 4. HdftS, X. Murk-i Mr^rl. *1 11L.1.H OK KXOllANOk■■■r*iriu rt,.-. k- on 1) Nrw York. i‘hi)i«.li , tpluft. nn«l (ln)ttnjorr, Con«amlr for *aio i.y N. ft. SON?*. ®cp!3 3f> Market ■!. MISCELLANEOUS. W-COPKLASD, A. B. t OU Trinity College. Dublin, rx-Siisu, and tjiic. n'« Srludur Irnm ihe Koyal School ol iiiinirkilleii, r--»|k-<'iiiilly uiiornu the public thut Ire will open 11> VI the PoKTOfIA INSTITUTE IN Al.LKCilll'-Vi on Monday, tfiu of'April, lor tlx- purpnao of iiiipnrliiiq a «>upd >'ln«*n';il and Mnllicuialiciii education lo young ;n-i.llr»t»e.i The Principal ir«*l* tbul, l-v unrcroiiiiii* anmtio.i t.ithe iiu>r>i; •tml inirHermal nnproveuimi of in* pupil*. h>- will mr-ru a *l»arr nt pairnr pntnniiii;r. A lew "boarder* will t>e received, who will have ilie »d Vttiitiiß'- ol *tuil vine each evening u ndrr lb<‘ imme diate and prrM.ii'.il Miperitiicndriire "I Uie Pruu'ipiii; rlricl attention Ix-mc paid li) tlir l.r.illli, i-oi:ilori ;md moral*, a* well a* the literary ndvanreinenl of (lie pu pil* lor ndJmntial infnriufilion, ii.i|uiru ol Mu«*r«. KJlioii h Kngti*li Reierenre kindly permuted m Hi Ilrv l>r. Me Hvanii-. It..lmp cl (>hio. C.ncmnalL Hev Dr. Hiiird. New \ork. Hex l>r Dyer, Hev Dr Kiddie, Rev l>r l piold, Rer Dr I'ooke. Kcv i>r Herron, l'UM.ureb. K*'v W pte * ion, Allegheny rny iiiur>du' CARPKTN, *r, JI’ST OITNFD. tin* day. Hinl i. r « Ml \V Me I’linltH-k * Carpet Wun'ioem, No Fourth rirrel. Very liand-omr >l)te Hru»»ei« Ciupeu, Nt-w *ty |e ex trn »up .1 |-iy do Super ingrinit farjwtx; | 1-1 romrnno Vt-n'm t’i*r|i*-t* .Me.l'm-Up do do IV 4 do ill. do forum.:. do do t-il do .In 2 folio.. do do | --I t'.irprlH t t'nrjH-1- ] Lim*-. !. lo fu :m»U h»u *c«. Loan W .M VLINTui'K Ai.S«* I'.lln *up Vet*, import* non A Hammer C-llpel*, a*l ol the riche*! w« mvit. UlO.e «M»h|ii|t n Ac, fcbSi. f FMIF iprateM met hr«t variety rver offered m lh;» c'tT I liofwr—itmdr on ibe mmi appinvrd Fa«tern plan«- aml rnoxt farhxmati Ic FiiHlrtn pattrin* and m«W». Aim TJIK HIFAP KOLU nr Bunm.N OUNU, on lian.l or m adr in oriir r o’ all mei' . and ul a M (Will) Mt ii'l>ti<' «r.d orhriv nr- nr.lcd in rati ait. l rj-iunnr tiir nl-ovr t»r ihem*r!vr' in nil w.ll !>r «<*ld wholesale nr r> i«.t, #!>■!.« l;|p?r,(« loi w»ir n arlirlr lof lifirk u.r lihiiJii*-:. u»:i»lr l>) In- iim Jiul nur( i. avv r nirti f iinrani*''’ ttaS l lhr v ar>- •' r on?i r. mill v> i;i fi .•! :io-; :iin‘ 'vri wi-alh >*t I'ficli. sriraur Uhl) urn! »uj*»*rn»r i^xiur* *r»ing a limul-inu.- iitMMiili ''.u .ii i- mill nm ritijf* rfpvrinirii *1 iit*' * r- Thu<«- luivir.x tir m Btrmmgtumi. Ju».- W. I -4- n AIJJSGMKNV Vkmtian ui.iM) l \rn»K\ UltOU A. .1 .i lill'Kl. c L .,nf d • I;. N i! H.« I. BENNETT & BROTHER VIFKF N> W ARK M A M-K A' TL IU :K> Birmingham [near I*l ttibnreh,| l*a. Warehtnise, An. 1.17, W<»nl slrrrf, rtflahurt'h «9rvW11.1..-on>umiv b m> lMua r »i Rtrnl nl W*ie, o' oiii ..<*n nniiuloin:. uii-J ftupci >or<]uali!) 'Vtiol» ««l»-emi ••ouuir, Mri cheaper Limn h«f cvr ' !•. oiU rvllo 'tie [D“ •teif-'r* n-nt I.V ina.l,ecr<4..|»er: r.l *.» ibr real, ll til*- muiinfarturrf- N<-w ly firm (in A« .In .1.. .t.i do .In l rto nr Wrote* » U( -| In,-it. l-l. i 4 l aLi-Ii ivtflj*" tnl.l *• a -in-l!' Livum will yuaraiß.-r o» in**- »« fim t.«- m ll.r rani —r*.JS_ W Mll.lNllH JVnirl), l, CO Ac H MAKING FRtiM the very I'-.crnl rnrouraga ■aMI.JIIUW . men! the «ui.*r'-'» r Ms terr.vrd * ~<•* of year*. on il«- property hr nit* wmpiff, tn Denver street, unim-d. ne< / !.<•» . Jr the l*re*i»ytrnanChurrii. From the lo«K expensive r< U«r above** and it \a please, h* hum * to >uei ll and receive a share of public p.Uionng*- Now on hand and finishing to oqD f. Rwkawxy Hui gie*. open aril top linage* and every de*cr ptmr >i( Oamunmailcin order, from *«veniy-fivc dollars to • honarrt |«*p3-lif| JOHN SOUTH HonoDgahaU llouaa Tailoring K*ub llahment. ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper und Tailor. »**•«» to ini form the riuirn* of lMuburgh ami other*, Uw>l hr !• now upoimii' at lua ioi>m» on Himihfield street, un der !h« abovr 1 loir I, u large n. <1 beautiful n**nr liiirnl of Cloth*. Cu*«im<*rr». Sntm*. m.l*. uml oih-r Vr.iitir*. together With «u«-ii other urlioi-* :•« ■>rr. required fo» gentlemen’* w'nt. Hi* good* li»o l—rii carefull;. Wt-UV< o' unn Wind* painted nvrr and rrpmrc.i, or in part payment for new K M \\ KSThKVKLT, Fra’pr. N U--AII mi# done with the lw*t imitcrml and workmanship, and warranted t«i pleimr. the most lu*- tidioai auglthdly Allegheny city, Abb 10, IM* PAr K R II A N U I.NUH DEPOT, No. 19 i'ortlaudt strut, Nrw I’wvfc, opronTT* TTfr wwikk. 1 * inrrct.. The Crotou MannfaelKring Company, (Orgauucd under the | inarm! MuiiuraciuruiK Law of the Si air of Near York ) (\FFKR at -A-lmle.M.le. in ,|u;'iiniie-. to «uii pun liii* / ert, ul nmfuilmiiurern'.iowcKl prirrs, tor ra»h oi approved credit— I'tru HsaotJia* nl every variety of -tylr and pner Boruku* to niatrh Fire Hoard Print* in jrrenl variety Transparent Window Shade* till Painted Window Shade*, and Woln Window I'.urOiii P«p<:f, Ilf tlie latijal style* ale! superior hairh. i l'-i then own mnnuliK-ture and importation At thi ifSi i . fartfe and entirely new, they utviie Merrhaat*. Ilmik seller*, and Dealer* 111 there article*, to ~,11 Bl,d el Hill inn llirtr styles and |>nc«'« whenever Utev visit the my, Country Merehnni* ean i *Bmuie tin* Sinek from « o’clock in the morning till in «.'clock m ihr eveinttg _ fehSU-d l ni THK i»T APRIL JOSF.i’H FRICK’S JtUJIHNfi SIMM* -T.. all per sons almiil to reuiovr, ami wntiUitß llieir store* nr In.use* repaired, counter*, slielvm};, doors, Window*, and hoisuiiß wheel* pul up; car|>eiurr work of all kind* done on short notice on rcasonnlde term*, ruin net woik made to order and lurnilure neatly repaired and varnished on reasonable trriu*, an I’lfDi ,treri. 1 - tween Wood nod Siniihiudit street, m ibe cudin wore house of John late of Win Trovillo, opposite the Allegheny Kngine House labl-J-«ltAplst Jf iSKPH PRJCK. CtHKAF (HNIiHAMS A.A-Ma.ouA tU> have a > very large asaontnom of (nintiiQin*, at Hfj rents per yard Those who wish goods of Uiu kind would do well ui cull at No OALZI ILL, mchl7 iM w jfttcr n BOOKS. «USIC, &c. Sole Agency for Stums * Clark's Plano*. JUST RECEIVED and opening, n lot of elegant Ptanoa, from the celebrated factory of Namu A Clurk, • | ■ f I• N. Y., comprising 6. GJ and 7 octaves, with important improvements, both in mechanism and extenor, possessed by no others. ALSO —A fine election of Cbickering's Piano*, from C lo 7 ociaves. H. KLEBKR, Sole Agent. at J W WoodwrllN, rdl Third n ,N- B. The above will be sold at rannufaeiTirrr- pn cm, mthool any addmon for freight or expense* raarlu Journal luid Chronicle ropy Hewipaperi, nagastnee and Reviews, Received at the Rending Room oi ibe ‘ Voting Ainu' Merranluc library and Mcdtantn Fourth a tree!, be I wren Wood and M Uriel sirerts Niw Voai'-Courirt A Enquirer, Tribum:. Ilnabl, Evening l*o*i. J<.urmil <•( ih.iumete*-, Spun ot the Tlnira, Scientific Aincrieau. PuiLahelmiu—North American and 1' S tmietie, I'cinisylvaiiian, I'oiiunefcißl l.:«i -IniHliecmiri. 1 mon. National Kfa 'Mining Journal, A,lu» 11a C.TI - Vm-■ m mn t'uicinimn <>Hrciie. (.otiisville Journal *»( laiui-Rp publienii, N. t 'ileans Picayune, N Oilcans I‘rn c i ur I.iverpooi.—Wilmor A Smith’s European Ti tries. I.or doll 'nuieo bLiBA7II«K»- niackwood’a, Knickerbocker, I'loueh Ix>om A Anvil, Mrleenc. HunC* Merchants', I.itn d • Living Age. Uurtip'iilnifMl, SilUmati'a Journal, J«*u rim < of the Frunklin Inaiilule, Civil Engineer* ’ A Architect*' Journal, Ij>diloii RufUiWa- UeintH-ratip- American Whig, Id>nOun tjuarterly. Edinburgh. Westminster, North Bntirh RoOlU* iilien daily |eircpl Sundays) truiu ?l <’ clock A. M., unit) 10 o'clock, M. Me tut tent have the pri vilcge of introducing their friend*. non-residents or ihe nljr, who .Will be untitled to tree uilimeMOti for one month / Persons dramng to become inifniber* will leave thru hutne* with rnrian. Tdrin«—liiintioe »1, annual »uh„ l«hed These limrumelll■ are lliudr n{ ■ I * • 1 ■ ihe«t patient and hr«i m«irriu|* and will be sold low lor rash hy K’BLU.MK ll'J Wood siren. •Al door above I'iiiM N B - Thoa- who are in want of n coon iri«!rum< til. are respectfully imiinl lo examine ihese l.rnur our chasing rhrwhurc.iii they rannnl herxeedrd l>y my in li»e eoamry, un,| will )»• , m .l lower ili’-i an\ l>rr«<«•'n: from the East ASnjUrt received, two piano, ol Ham burgh munnluetnre! NMirniiiUd lo i~- superior to mi} ever » iii Hu* eountry. oerJ) I’ It NKW INSTULMK.NI ri’HK subscriber lint t.ern appointed So‘e Ae ellr ier J. the talc id I'AKIUHTs J.MPRttV KM M1.1.01U ONSI ;«» inillliiiai'lueed mill and pcrire:--il t• y Me.-i. Mmeli A While, ol I’iririnnnti The u*o*i eoinp.iss and extent bemx but mur ocuve., M.*a«r* M A \S . in nrcordiuicc with the (general de.ire fid demtnd. hove r ilended the „•(" lliese ins I r u Uie in , lo A | amt oven 6 octaves, thus making ii prucin ut>;e io (irnorni upon them airy iuu,ir w rill, ri |«r trie I IMHO or I lii;aii The exterior. nl«*». hn? been mueh improved liy placing the l>ndy of itie insiruuu in upon h riot iron frame heuulilully hronred and nrltmneiilril. rcndrring Hill oner ft most elegant ami exirema'v dr*iratp|e arlierr Tho price i. put low i<« in bnng u wntim Hie reaeh 01 every one to nl-lam h peflect inu«iruf inslrume'it; and, ul lli« 'nine iinic. u tnasi elegant piren o( fiirm tui« lor a roiiipiira'.ive trille H KI.KUJ'R, Al J W iVootlweii’s / t RKA P .Ml >l«‘Aii XuVKI.TT fTir BanseTiU. r V..T has _\> I C UtTE. w Inch j*o«?e«*uig more power and rweirtneo, ihun the tiyuarc rnttin. orru pie« hut 01. e fmirUi a* nnn li room, mid i« a mucit more aliowy and bniul*»me pieiw'nr tuniitiife Ii n panirularly bir Where the UIVUI,; of Space I, 31, object, brii.g rx erethiik I) n*'at and coinpuct. uml occupy me no uioti rooilillmil a Him!' »ide table Tin- •nn»en|.rr tia. ,n hand a IcAtnmimnl ol its »upe nority trow tlir ceiebra- Ird pmilisl. ,\JU, Sole Agei.t tor I'hicktennr • l'lamn tor \Vp 'i>-r:i I‘t:in»y!vaniu,-1 Winx! rireci iimr" N EW mi >U* Itv HF.NRI HKKZ -The l-a.t K.~e of Suwmi r. w iin am nuroitueinin and tin lUarn v» riauons for ihe l'mn« Sd'ie. h> perloimcd m hI: )ii p oururt* in ihr l.i,,ii-d Sj.iie. t> 1 1 1• 1r 1 llrrr Muiiury l*o;kn by iji un lb 1/ « runic I'nllis Ju-t received and tor f-ile by meia:i J( >l|N il MKI.I.uR, -1 wm.l »t TRANSPORTATION. 13-U). S=^ PITTS lit it(! U A .til) CLUVtUJiD LISE. H'liv: I’fopr,. t..|. ~nl , .u,!.,,,| 1 r,| and popular A ‘l»i y inn-, roiietoinn' <0 .i iiren hr»i rla%s 13ml non .%••••. me ste ,111 i.oV. Itl AV|;il"\N|i'i-ALKIf I'lU’l. lo Oiler unequalled luemll. .lor lllP- |r:ii'-|Kii:.|iilll| 1.l tie.gill 111,.1 pu».( llgeril, on lli e 01 1 nt'.ti n.ivivbioMi to nil poinl* «m llje Peini- V. M Mil'll A Ml. i l.f, in ;nl HI Ir\V I'.l .1. A HKirriM .H. Agent, lira v. 1 j c innwri,!.. \v m BIS. ' W I'ef -.reel, h1;.|..,r,„ BIDWELL i BROTHER. Fonvarilin; s! rrrliauls. 1:1 W! It r*A Afiiti /!<• il.r l\/i ..' .<« ,!>•(•< 11 s’ 11 e I* ‘I I • !«■«■« .1 ll'- 'll ,• 1 to. I ,I||..l|Ml|,l Wiis I ' Ftonl ll* I built I«*f 111* Mol'iPl'tsll'l* I'U'k-l'. I. j> r Wllb I In’ a'liMmii "t a 'V a>c|iou*c. llm i„„,| auip.c er.niModaifpi* i.*r rrp--isnii* and min jmiii,’ a..J «•>' * l<- "V -:i 1. A UK'' IlKKl), PA KliJ* A U'». PACKHT I.IKK ISIS. IiKAVIH SN 11 <' I I. V I t.AMi I IN V . . U UIKI.N I »*M. kr| »\\ H.f 1 >\\ < lj.l 11. J < H * \ S 1 U M u! Uir ».'•«»» r f*.- kc' • •Vr Hr ivi w*r ft <1» . urt ru. wli- 1 f Hu i : mmi itr Ma •. Alar >•* Ini Akll-ll anil I .II . » lll( .11 •**. li (.1 It.r- r (.lam i>rli»ri- n.c li' I Uir nl . «<• k rl. Ira V- i\ 11 fr il ilai l \ , »t i P M , iml mivr al IO »**-i m linn- !■> lakr ii.r lUu. unit; • traililioui l(il l‘ii!-l-n fe li lliri.xA Kl.f- \\ ifrr-i. / •« urA \A »K. \ ’ r * HI AVI II AND * HI) I‘M Jirr I.INK • «nm I'.i. krl rtvunnsu I >||| JrlJfira. r> n. k I.*n i.■ ir. r- u i-> PatTnxu * Kriiuru, K*l4Wli>\, TUr ■!»<»*' nr w anjK|Ul ainl w'.. inn r*n Him I'< .Kiruii; Uir »ra»«iii «>>-r |...ul >r a f III)' I’.rit- rrr t V morn 111 e Bt ** li'rWk . a;r| ciiir lr n v iß* H**n«rr ri{riv rvrtmtf, illliliralliilr I y jllri Uir itu val ul iUr -iramtMiai Mn-lugnii Hunt I’i;t»'■ u•- I. Ti . Iman trr «rw rui.l r.nnlVmifl.'v turin-linl, *...1 wilt mu ilinxi'.'U mi fntty hour*. I’m-tmn-f • m air, I'lUtr I ill- IIIII"! .' rJ(*r.||liiHl» thrum'll •' |i.ifl» on Ilir Ijikr rii'i 1.. )• < «><- u>• •' l>\ n(>pj > •>■ r. U> llir (irupficlnf < . h i:t:u. parks a <•■>. ii- >v. r J'lllSA rAl'um.A . Asl I’ll.' ini ft; li. cor Wuii-r and >iinil.Ur..i >ix Ja. I' Hin ii*nn, lluduio. N V «' M Ker<|. I'.rir. P* C i: \N jrk.l.rvrnvulr, I'a, M } uriaml uinl Kmir. lii* Hr ml. I*», 1 1»vi \ Plumb, rtiiaf|'«i.iir)(li, Pa, i' Ma;»n. >tinfoii. Pa, 1) <’ MaUn-wv. Puimki Pn, K W 1. uniiinulmiß, New Caxilr, Pa I UIUKK A CO’fl FAST Kxi’RKSS fuK ■ VfIhhKI.ANP. HAI.TIMoKi i itik.h JMir. IV,. r r;r:,»r. of li,— l.u- l»U> |l mi .... o' r 11'lion - .Hu ), nt ;lir iiiwi ti rn'.i ' J r nmWKI.I.. Ai'i'ii - . W»ut «src , ri. K'llUNstiN A. liuKii.M. fwtill W South I'hiif'i-' »i. I'ltlamriro 'II.VKNIiKN A (•■>« Ptuenctr unit Remittance Offlce. ffjC lIANKPI'.N A ('ft roimnut* in liroie I' arl “• Kjiki:tiid. Ireland .Hrouiuul r : JUmCW(Stf. upon uii* inu-i !ii»-rui icn»* wmi m.-ir U«liai )>ii»’'*Uliilil \ mid nllettlimi to ihr »r:ii'!« nnil i nry. tori r>l rrtnimtrmii’i U itn not allow uyr |mirr> -n hr rnhh.-d l.y me “•A'Kollimj M>neip< ih:it mio-i u,e *r.f poll*. u« *•«: Li»r rhiwge nf tin in tin- moim-nt limy r<-- pofl •.ti'-lllx lv *. mill -•••• tit Unit well 1., inq. lynddr. •naieh ihrm without uny driruli'nt ht :iie hr»t ;)np, _ \\v *u> llim Irm h , -*l>, n* We t|rl> oil,-. (,t „„f bit* to »liow il.jl iii«*y w« ri: t- hour* !,> y. m iJVOfJMKiI. whiM lhnu*«inN of other* Wirr deiuiitrd inuti'.li*. until limy could he *rnt m >.111),' ( ,|,| rr nt. :n n cii£p mm. Mtneh too frwjuvntiy proved their ooifiti. \VY uin n.l in periorm nut roinrm K imnoruhly, rn.i what U mav imt n* wm the ra«e ln«t *.-a*on, wuh other orfiotrn,- - who eitlirr performed not mi. or Wh' il 't rutted ih. ir rniiv.-meiire pra/U ilnwn ni Pin-hurßh for any «nm from to XHUU. paynMr at-mv rtf'thr provincial Hunkn 111 lru> | nn d, fcugluid, Scotland and Water. JOSHUA HOHINSON. Kumpeah amt tienornl Ai-rni, fehl *'■'<**> ttroct one door h«low Wood; lAUP AND FKATIIKU*-* hhi. Soiled, •.•do 1 ,No - do. ''"ft* Kcathon, to mrive. hit »ulr hy fettU IHAJAM DMTKKV A Ho. irom 11 S" •H'.V'"waKl* AJ.I'ACAS -Smith - A - j l Tluiio”lii Market •in-el wmihl nivltr the ut<<-n• 1 r>n m d-ahn mill otin i« n* Hint ■■linin' nook ol SiU Wivrp Alpaca*. Mylnilf l.u-irr.jt mid lino Ikmthnrnirv which they are nowolTerinit at reduced prior* (>!•<• ON HASP A\l> hull SAI.K -1 u p. .trm. itiKii'k-i t'oalniK. - ]•« I.hvim.lci do dn, 1 m... I.avnider fpi.ikit-. I do I;rey iinxrd Uloth; l dn Army Cloth, ,1,, jniTil', hriiwn, Mart; and gold mix; tdolunry 'n**itti< - f' *• * h*tle him* Blanket I'oßinig, eon»ienrd ii'irrrt Jiuni iiittiiw'iM'lurrr* and lor «nl<- hy thr parKuer or Jiirrr di'i 'Ai MI'RI'IH A I.KK lilmrty tt ItATKA ANI>"I l-KK TUHKK IM.V fA|{|'K|>_l 'j Ki'crivril Una day, direct from thr ui«nulaciutrr», a it*»rnl«**ni*' rxiri. «up«r and *up*ir thrrr pi y linpr rial < 'll 1 prt« .01 nrw «lvlr«, lit wlurh vvr n*k ihr attention of tlioac wi*lnui« to inrni*li liouar* or «irainl«>»t» wiir.-ritoin, No7.*i Fourth «c F.n,. _ dr.-JI W M ill.lNTin’K Bl.ANhirrs —;<*i pc* t»fali Bmnkrla Tin- iiUrn|„tu ol Caliluiina "iru arr u*krd m thin article, at thry bravy. and will hr ~<>hl low to Ho»r ('onai^niin-iit frhl7 It LKK BUINKKT CUATINi. -An amortnient of [ilankri Coating, *“*• vrry low a* theaenikOii i« |ur iuj viwiretl Th«**« "> wa, >* °l tin* aft.tlr will set bar pain* frb ’ 7 H I.KK AKTIFUMAL FI.oWKKJS—Stimt, 4 Jobn«ti.», ii, Market al, would invite the attention ol ilraior* ami other* l« ll>c»f rxten»ivi- stork of Frenrh ami American artificial Flower*, wliirh will |« otfert-J at ntUdi prrrea & ■ln--/? GtUIVKS'ANn m»MKKI —Smith 4 Johonoii. tb T Market invar Uie aurmion <>( d—t»ii»«r3o, yieVl do; German | y,ivcr do. A lorre assortment eonwanihy on hum), "arid carefully fitted lo any agr (toncavc, con vex, and cataract spectacle glass accurately adjusted loany »UM'n required. A.l»o muluptyiug glasses for examining linen, wool, mineraJs, bank notes, Ac , just re<“d and foi saia by W W WILSON, ja3 corner of market and iih eta MEDICAL. DAILBY’S IJOICAi PIIS BITBiCTOK! THE following from George E- iNjinetoy’i wtdl known proprietor of the Elprow, apeak* lof iioelfofihe importance of the Pain Extractor to every pawn. Hirst** Orrici, Alhnny, Sept l Mr. Daixot M>- prnr ?tr—With frelwß* of no or dinary }.ir,i.ut.' I Ri ( .ru yoiirtnvaiuabl* l*am Krtrartor my lii;> .i.iuchter. l> vears old, hnJ u pliehet of Untimr wilier tuttii'tl mu> her lionoim her *rxeam* wore dreactiui. .«■> ihai i . rowd umlaut!) gathered t>o forc the hoa*r to Va-n hk . au•«) irutn her paint, and *xiy* “Mil* l lc«‘l a* i! 1 could htugii. «:i» toon in awrrt nleep >he wt< wn .1..1 ;« a • '*fier irotri the top of her “.boulder otrer mnrr ii.mi her i-he«i, and round under the arm* t»n -h-iii .le t .out hr«ti*i it wn« very drep. yet t topi th.- !■'*: rhe complained only when it tv*« ,lrr*«e*l T'.- -i.j.- l.ealril rnptjly, and there i« no i niitrariiiiii ol thr i • •' U ilh inn'i\ M i► 11 i'rnr «ir, fur your anrrra- m 1 >■ ii vnura. With rrapTri, <.I-U • K I'OMF.ROV tin: test a,/ j\'n Mrs take Inr prnuiM* l»ullf. %vil' <*v<*r |>riKlui*r llirsanirm.- p-Ih-I. and 'OHibiue, roolmi; rdrri. m Uie t>< Hutu* Sr.iM-. IV.-«.fcr IV I'uinilrrlrit- norattri undrr wtiul l|>.-v iii;«\ *t|>t* f *-it ,- to tiiic rvHi.iv 1. J i!\» ,irnlley’x Matfiral I'nm Cmaru.r KI»VaRJi l*. HOI .M UK. . - I rut in) fmgrr wnii a rn|i|>rr nuil, n»<- ol wlnrh muwJ my »nn to «wrll f* l < lnre m the arm- ; ii(. with iti> i i-n •mg pain, I lieriiM h*arful oltln* Ixx-k. jiw |n ttn- i-imi-intiy your Pain Kximrtor w*» rr rt>m.Qi ■•U-il !•' me nml wlneh I wa» prevuiled upon to tr) Tin- n>u »'i|ite nre w«> that it nQortlrii me alniaHi in*tnnt relief ami m three day* I wn» ru red. JUDI TH HARRISWN, New \ <»rk. rrnirr Proninr ami Sullivan »U, Sept n I'M*. NOTH K! II 1 lai t'the inventor ol lint inv»lu nl.i. feo.eily. mill h-vrr h:i* ami never will romnium- fair in iin% itnit ni in tli' <•! il« romlHiintion! All I .urm-ior*. tßfr»*ir»r»* > not made and put up l> linn, /it** ronin.' rtnii l‘KiirM»Ti>K'< Broadway, Nrw York; •ilMHir*Miut «tfr< I. I'lilla UHIN tt SK i|!i..\N, Cirn-ral IVpol; Dr WM. THOKN. Aifnt* -..r HirM-urgl, u * Aiinriiil I lair ante Cure-All, I'ur.'s tniumi*. 111>>f. grraM*. poM-cv,), knr>'». *;ii:i*. mrl l»rul‘iutipliicl*, roiiliunii’e rcr lilii' me - 01 ii'fc(>«Ti ii-.i (l.irtit ». may l«* Pad pit nppltr a rum to JOHN l). MoRi.AN, novt.'nllvi* ArcM, l‘iit*l>urgh. Km TUPOBT, Conn., JttH. 1. 1 ,Me*«rs S*x:>« Sympathy tpr the afflie- Iril induce* me in iiitonii s i>u <>[ inc retnurVaide rurc erfrcie-d by your Sarsaparilla jn the raw. uf my wilt* She wa« nevcirly HtlliMed null the tcro.ula on ditier ml part* of the body; the elun.l* of the neelc were 1 prratiy enlarged mul her lnnli« mueh *wo!Um Alter Millermp ovrr a \--nr ami (Hiding no reiicl from llio rrinedief nurd. the 41‘raw aiiacked our let;, uml he |«w ihr Intfr suppurated H<*r physician ndvi«rd it thouM !«• laid open, whirh wa* done, hut without any rvntunrui benefit In Un* «miatioi> we heard of, ami were induerd in use Surula' Sarsaparilla. The tr«l produced u iW.deil mul tnvorahic effect, rrlicv iiik hi-t more than any prescription «lio had ever ta ken, ami lir'nre she had used *u bottles. to the asion isbmrot uml delight or ner friend*. *lic found mr health ijuiie restored. Ii is now over a year mure the i-un- wa* etfervd. uml h«r health rerntim* pood, show ing the was inoraugblr eradicated from Use sv«t«*if *>ur ncntlibnr* are nil knowing to ihme taru, hml thinH very lii?lil> or Samis' JiMrsapitni'a ■%'(»« r« with rmipeei, /VI.Us IMKK J-'iirHi i imm :i Inter received from .Hlr N- 'V. Har ris. a Ki-nOtnnn welt known in l.oui«a county. Vh : -i .mile nn n I Have rnrrU n negro boy of mi tin with your Sat'.npnriiia. who wn* ulfookej with Scrofu lIV won,. „,.l hcnl. |I,. ] ' N IV HARRIS I’ -i. vrt uiU \\ h«-r»v,-r i’.t:« men- * ' - . . .. orKfiAi. syMiTusift or consi’Mitiun kj Mil" l |>nl-- i..n's'r ; rough. prnrrnl wmknr* |.«nf I .'frr.'i il..' .|i(,[|'|t.'i 'll n)r« l.rhllld hm i >m.r ~y «*oisi —Coughing lurlii ■l ul't.i'. niu*Hr», rrnrinl ilrhiliiy, yrcM • I'Oftl.i •* o' ;•r r u II nil *r«n uu up Muir*, litrnndtng a hi!:, nr walking but a I■.i.■ - t;i-t, puisc always nhovi ni r* hundred, lor wrrli* together. drenching ioh .tr'il* toward* luormns t'litnrritM t'on*niii|‘ii.>n Minn nn like a roraicon nitarrli nr pool, Imt uinmt n.>* jo* rind when that dtr rnr u»nn.:y .* ripened in muiic. or' thr ayiup* lout* »r** n-ttrrnvi’inl inr rnugli i* more trim!-! •- ii.inr, .*«|>rrially win hI) ...g down Tnrrr i» no hied ['•tin in tin rUr*: t>ut ttr(ln*uTt I• renthing, which i« \vnr«l ori lying ilown The of the cxpr*- lorauon, whirl. i* i-opioun. la changed from a thick ) rilow inucu*. to it 'iHxluncr. Il vrrjr un |.lra*n )■. ’o tin* pm*. ns mi'l emit" ait unpleasant urne-ll wliru ii fur il i, i* nr an uniform appearance, and*t« l-ful.H !v 11 Miiinif l»n« ar-d morn*. n« on tniiiiigju wih wao*r pur; «.”.k* an.t purl I’.vim* 'Hun dumme riiav oi-' iu nr any Inbit ft at any ugr. anil t* chartic tcri«r\ il.** .nmrity ot tin* rough Tii*- 11 ii no* iii n( l.r.rrwnr l etlecu* the rnr>' of iln« m lltiifiHia til V lr .r alt r .imp. 41 tit* of i)ir I,u II7«, :tn Wf tmr.ltt !• .-<• Ini .lrr.t« in u .union,ul l * I loll! |il;> » n«'i‘ Ul'-prr' - :.uil U.ih' wijn liS vr lieni .• i r> i! (■ ul ;».!•■•• • .« t.j . .1 Hi'- ntlrnlion ; ( Uie » •' • ill. >• will u>- ;l Alwn; • nh«<*TV(* iii<* ill ilir rm.riiv.nJ l«l>. li»*j»oi Tt Hn km. 1.0/k ou! J..r T:i' ••r M !> »»•' r>rtf-»r.-ti '‘i ’> ii-v roiil in I’iUiO.ufi- Town—n.l. I . Mai. J h M.-r.-nn 'll Wood »t, J II Sin*er. -or Mailfrl .vtd I r-:-rl) M I'rur reduced tit 1\ jwr l—uio nBDIOA L. * KIKUICAL OKKICU, UN.. 03, DIAMOND Al.LK’i Irw tmlow WoCkI »UrCl, ninrkri. DR.' BROWB, biTinit t«*ra r*-r,u. u >• eduemnd w> the rncdiea frof'-.-Mon. and I.fen for wine tint* in general |>rin urr. now confine* lII* all* Ilium |<> Ihfl treatment of l)io«f p' arid d'disatr eamj p.timli .* r *» : i». -it l:i« op|*PrtuniUii*ly devoted i* * i>| i no-- nij'a i n I «.|.ln r i in; vvflieb *;uuf k tr> iiiti'- 5.c tin* luil nmiv j»r•• .in V'-r Im'l l‘> liv- ii»t of liny pnvau- pm til mr.i'iv ijtiarilor** ),u.i 10 oflrr «P'rl), |- riiiioiri.i. ami » m • in' *<»f y <«'' Ilf iliott! wonii| inform U»ow* alflirirci with priT/nt wiin-'i 'i.ivr iKH'inrm rtiromr l«y turn- or ag} i ,• :i><- iik nf «i>y of llir I'ommoTi .io*irimi* oi ihr iuv Uihl iii<*ir <-oiiipiuir uratiiH-in 1.1 -u. !< i-firi. nnal •urcrrtlrd ut liu>wlrr<|| a! »| mtluinmulioii of lfi« ,W ,Lr | .Ililr i utnl k indn-d ili*Cß*ra whirb oltuil rr*o't from UMir.r »lirr«* uMirra bavr r.•o«-r.Wu:M trr*H u • Ill'll wla.-ii rvrrv ■nlialurlmv »ifl lir fiven Hum. an>l Uini n •• • frr mr.j m n . air Kil. ili.« rough auii i.'iri.i»: muiMirr out !•)'a long -ijirnrnrr MUtl) . .unl in -Ur ilion. » ’nrli il i» im|W>**rblr Inr iLn< r ngian >1 m r.-.i.rn: (.rararr of itifnJn-u.r luifivc mi Olir rim- t»l iIL-o-a«r. JJ /'llrf Lt Ui.jHitrr -Ih Br«>»p • I*o 10Tllr J P«M. :■ Iflii'lrtl w nil Urmia l.i r<*U. 8‘ hr hn« paid |*nrvr. ,i :* t •«llr*ii,wi itl»r-i>r. i'ANi'l K" kDo ru-'J • t r llKi'U', S| U 1U..1 nnJ r.iflo*. Uii m «* 1 1»* - hi Hi v 'Vii » iicw » ill n-n *p i«st r«-nu ll, tni thu-iimuli-iii in a Nl-'-'-dv wul «-«- rm.-n rr hi-mlt im |U«I II 11 r* V•* I SIU ..m. ■. i* No H,a -i iirrl- I' i I i*o l*' l w.i .• al\»nvi ul m.iml m!''y 1' u r n- <-u/r.... ( .*r »l Uuil IX |■ u: Hi- ii ni »mftll • ii■ iitl.:»!<>* i>ui><'r>. l-til *mrf |)r Townir i*l‘k Ii t« '■••ruiir Liui»i> :< ml ii.uionl oi <;uitf rinvrn fiirir till « r-*»n!<•« old •>! ;u<'imi k-1. Hir \ arc now |ml[iii|t iU«*ti « i>l< >u >ait*>'r i-• i;:i• • < oiiiumiiii: lout tour* a- mnrn »■ I!• i n nun'll |>roh! .‘nl they HtHkR • \S .i» it Aml W' t li:in ~>■ ) l.rivr rr-in.'• <1 lh<- i* ll lit.: r>l In fir*'l<*ml h nllu-VHN :i- I*oo.l S' Uiri *'rtr' [)f Town incis.i-i.-- •• i>• n'u •! lih* iiiii'lc »*-vrral .hi |.mv r hi. • a i• i'> riui»*-il 10 k> *p up llic »ir«*Ki; <• ■: l>fi jm i *ti.m ..i 11 «npn min in ilic m.i i k .■! "v •: i.-. U i: >. ...-f. 11 M > nny. A -rfh-.., LMIKK I’KllKUlKliy f Mrrmu dr' AiiiaiuJi Aim-re , for thitiiif; n 1 i |ln*r. i<>f <*-ur.r l>" •til I-vl fomi •! wHil.* vr llder . Ac*!* 1!<-nit :u. p.u:., nf I 'mi.oi'ctl in.U*i i-ii.i. i <■ for *!-. n..mJL«:Tc liiri , -t *<•. • Jarr«' '■*«!'. N vn.|.l. >n* |., K/wr i.-p -lire; M-rll Hndn ..«p, ion* inrf Willi a *fCiU of line pi'iii'itiery. jd-t rrn* vr.l, mr »nlu •>y li A !• A MM STH K k CO nvli". .'Hi •'•tii A n'lUhl «l« AMI TIIF I'nlmoaary Baliaa.. MI-ISS RS KKI.M A ( t'll.KK-1 1.-cl il & duty I |iri:iNii( }mir Wei-tal-ln l’liliuminry lial*:iiti >.nrr- l tj;-- ii-ill uii* BnUaiu. ei»-vfii )-nr« ago. llir hupi'i . it. .•! oi wliicti I lll'-n };■«»•• an ai'r-nuill f«l. 1 lin vr •••vpfi - I’nmiit.iinn amt VI 11 k i 1i rv ilnv* «inr«, mill in J-V'-ry insLincr I liavi' ii.ri' !!>>• 11:«l• »tn Hl»>nn willi roin|ilt l«- *n.| ' l Mm ,t •A'rM i turrit i-mi«iiin|>iioii. MU | l>i':irv<' '* i\ frf rii niniiv ''i-' - - n prrTriiuvc, aa-1 ( r.-vi :iuon tvcitet It; 1:1 '-life-. I >t«> llirflof. . lur Hi. If»• • it; \ mull I'.imptlUtiU 1 UUI 'C r, 11.. I , I l«;U i( lihi l.rrii t.M 1 1- «»l m> Mi.- Im tin y. JlO’iloii Jim*. !«.. 11. ISK.NJAMIN I\\KS<>NM. ; I For Muir i* > 1* A 1 k. .V \ o, I'oinri hr*i uu l‘m»l>ur*h. (i. \V. FAMSDrriir, ) WboUtnle Drag Store la the City of New York. riMIK undereignrd arc oxtaumvciy cngeirnd in the 1 \V Uolcauln Drag buaineva at No. 41 John auret, m (no city o l New Volk, and am prepared to aunpiv Unite* l * end eetrtry ueretianu wiihjtrag*. I'nim*, I>>U, Uye-*to£}a, F*>r*;fb and American I’eriumrry, llnn-.'er, iVs*“«l A Marnier 1 * Chemical*, (of their own iQ{-ot;«u<>&} ail other article* in ibeir line oi oeu, oi a nuperio .quality a* low u they can be pur abated in thia or iuiy caatern elty. Now York. Keb|s B A. FAUNKSTOCk k l' AMKIIICAN TKLKCIIAPn COMPANY IIALT IM< *U a. *>o \VIIKKI.iaiI wtyrut.N i. Oftlee at the Kicliriirc. Ilaltlmore. Kl |i| rri> It A !'(•>* Tlir i li.nti'* rrdu ~ .1 I>( | v; ,Mr--iir' « in <>r innu Hslinriorr, J*.iu l.iuvh or \\ Invlifi*. tunl a I'nirrejmiulmg reduction mailt- vm J. <1 111 >iii Hal llllioti- Wetl ol I'ltl-I'UTS I *, l’>». K*tm-Ti>- rloino- lor aitl'gmpli dr*pulcli to nt froui Hulliinoie. I'ltl-lnin." mol W liri liitjt, u -Ui rein* for llir tu»l irii wind*. Mint J rrnl.t lor rnch additional word. U./* No rlnrgr i* made tor the addicr* and iigmi- Until ihc- r o t ihe Sntiili \Vr»iern of Telegraph irom Menipin*, iVnu . to New t Irlrnin, des pair hr* nuke lot wu rded lo Mnmpbi* by tin* route, and malted lor New l *»lrun»_ »ll PAftTN KU.HIIIPi ACHF>»>N " iMHiIUU SK 1 JOHN WOODHOHSII UAVINI. lln*du> n*‘<>ciatrd Qicuur lv--i together in uii.h r tire firm anil style oi A. A J. VVonl>H*-«<*. 'Or ill-- limnmanure of TIN, COI'PHK AN l> H l Kl : r IK' IH ; on ihc corner of Uolnn •on *lrecl uuil 111*- * ill, m llie |M Ward, A I.LIUIIKXY rrrt, where mey an* prepared lo funnali |n nriirj, wliole-ale nii'l retml, nil articles ui ihcir line «*nli pr«»npuie»« Foundry Trimming*, anil rarpenters' order* are «o limed. which will receive nntnediate attention. Oily ol Allegheny, Feb l, — JGm Bacon Smoking. HA VINO iu*i ronipletclUic rebuilding of our smoke hour***. oe uie now prepared to rernre meat, und ainoke n m tin* »w»l merchantable manner Tlie house. arc laird wiili all the modern naprovr ineilt*. nnd i*■ c 1 '«|>«%Me of cnulitliung :jt)Q l ig)U lbs each KIK&kJONKM, Canal Ra»iu J»* near Seventh *( JuVK!UiWM*Ot:UU-; ltKFl\KI> HlXiAKS—'.>*• j 1.1.1* l/«vffm K \ IXiuMf Krtmnl I.oaJ, CruaWd an.l I'ulvet izoil ju*l rre‘J ami l«.f %ale hi the JVfci Tea Stoic, ?bu fi***h. ju«t rerHl and lui wleby _ 1r1.17 A RM*TKON<, & CROZKR_ CILOVER 9EK&-10 bbl* Clover Pe«d; ISiiebdai J 05 bag* Paachoa, Uadinj from attar CaJob dope* (or ttle by fcbU BAOALfiY fc SMITH MEDICAL. IN QUART BOTTLES. If ( in TIIE RKMOVAL * PBRMABEAt JiVk OF DISEASES ARISING FROM Alt IWPtrRK STATE OF THE BLOOD OH flAttlT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZi Hrro;u| 3 or K»,« :. Kvil. KhemnAtb-nu Ol.iiinaTf Cot»* nroo* Kniptious, Vtfnplea or Pustule* on itw Itii/ti’lir•. Bile*, Chrome Son* Ky««‘. R‘»« I* iirr Scald Head, KiilitfKetnenl anti " : " n °< Itone. ami Joint*, Stubborn IVrrv Syphtllt.f* Symp inm, Srinnrn ©r t.limLai'o. ami Dnea««' nri«inc j rmn an ni,i.di<'i(iu« u*e Ol .Mercury, A*K il^«Mlro|- , v . in- or Unjirudcnce in Life Al»o, Chrome l'c*av:i'.nM.>ical Disorder® In itii. |• rr-;inraiion nr*’ *iron«ly conreniratod n.l the .Med.eim.* oropcriif* of Siß>.*t*AiU.UA. combined with l|ir .no-v . rteclua! a».U, Hip mo*t *»l«tnry production*, the iiin-i I.t anciplpy ol the vegetable kingdom; »»« u Iran I*. .-II *o lolly if»ipil. not only l.v polieut* Unsio *flTf*. but hJ'O I.V that ll htt« received their im<|un,iiir.l r.T.mniitfmlriiion ami fnor to lb* virurtia compound* beurim* the name. of rfnmapurilla. Di*en*r« have l-r,m eurrd. *ucli a* are not furnftned in imp r*-fonl.* of time |>H«t: mid what it ha» aJrr*dv .loiip lor ihp ihnn«nmU who have Hard lU U t* capable of doing lor Wie uul.iun* Mill «ndemi? uii.l ■♦truitglmK wtth >liw;y.f || punfif*, eleaufc-.. nnd alrengthen* the ioiiiiiixiii »pr ug, of 'ife. and i n fuse* nrw vigor thro'- oul the whole ainr,ml frame ANOTHER Cl RF.oF SCROFULA. Tin: following *;riknn: mid. «» will be »vrn. permn inn run- of an iiivnemir t-uw of Scrofula. eotumeiid* ihcll to nil airfiiUry .uHteie.i: ••Frederick. il&tl. Vn., July IT. 1«4- - SiSif- S*H.H*r*atu-i.— It »ic»naulnia.*i unneec*»«ry io dirrc t ailfiiUon to an aruc le ao w.-ll known, and *o do»crvrilly a* Una pteparaimn, hot pnticnw often wtio wmii to u*o thu pxirupt oi arc miluprd to try wonlilf»v compounds l-eartne Uio name, i.ui l oiUaiitui*: iittie or none of the virtue of thi* vnlu nblr rooi. nud we Uuuk irr canuot confer ft crenlfr l.enelil on our feuder- than m dirrri::ip 110-ir MteirUoti lo the adrer.*ejitrni of tun Mrvsr*. rtr*nd« In another column The l.ottk ha* recently been enlarged lo hold u tjuar.. nnd '.lioi-e who a reall> g«>od Hruele will liiid courenfrß’.p'l in !ui* nil the mc di- iiial value of the root Til*' 'tperirncr re tm* prnveil ill ef lieV iri > urim; ii.e va:mu« linear*- lor whirhui* r* e l .ititß,*iwied. and u! : fte pn*«ont l.ine in*.:e limn ftu)’ oincr. j- f'. ip*. i* tin* im n*-fui. m prepiinng the *y -ten, fot * rliiing* l of **-:i»on. —Home Journal, Sept. 1 - fr-piir-. 1 end Boot •.vtiole-iilr. and retail, hy A 11. A J) e..i u.-r oi . miu, New \ oik S/hl nl-o l.v T>rur gi»t- eeii* i Ji;v ihroueaoui the l T n.te.l Millie* aud t'niin da* I’i i**e <1 i- r Houle, ni Itanlc, lor io {L7* I' ,,r ' a,r l*iU*.l>urgh, wiiole*aie und retail, by B A IAII .N !•'-*' I'tM.’K, A i‘t i. corner of W ood iutd I'pHU *i* .iUo. corner oi Sixth and Wood s|i, hy |„ \N ILi"t t \ . J f . corner ol Stnuhficlil ami Four-di *u. and ai**> nirurr of Mark-i *i and the Itiumnnd: aU», l.v r.IA\AKU l-T.MtKKIt 11. ror Mooo.i *a la llouie. MNSENG PANACEA! I'ct ild »i; SI.I'IT.KIM. WITH Id^K^SKU 1.1 M.> flic Ullplrerruillle.l «UCCC'n which llttl llel.ded U,r U-e ..( ll.e 11»■ i■ t| lijrfrJ >N—W bhd* Hams amt Shoulders, bright and dry; !» Ucri-ea Sugar cured Ham*, superior lo any ever offered hi Uus market, jum rer'd anu for sale by r , mar'- , SKI.LKRSA NICOLA n mr.on- i.'rm» .;r„mioii of Ihc lung* *•- - - - ——•— i,a. i,,^—d .1,..u> can »ii«n- | WnMir.Kl l I. PREPARATION. ]'>ie r'lxi'Ki'l-ir n'o'iirr -a.mask* cur foil and wttlli-r inimlb- is alwuj • n lunttul •“We of I'nUi'. ASH t HI ». ![-i mow. if iu'fc r lrrw*nr-- Mit the of that fell llrvlroyrr, Tl e ijuf-u.iri, then. r,e*- mf tne ilestrover m ;i.e i.mi* hew -|,.i!| r»-t ,-ieu.- el our csiugh* and oi'ioii"' - to •- jr>:i. THE GREAT \M) cNI.k REMEDY Wrii I.e (iimul 111 Utr i.iii- nr; l*.inacca In proafof Uiia tvc have from tim»- t" UlH** |»uldi«lird Xire certificate* of ,tn7'*n> oi our li«»l kiw»wu cUutci,-, who have ejpen rnrr.l i iiralii’- |mhv»t» The-..- with n Uia** Of tra ""\H Ul-M. mV-N «»! INK EtKST ?*T\NDIN<., M |. oi :l,e < I 'l.rr With c«pu»i»» nejj mr ftiive riulu»dicd m ivuitphl’-i inrui. »nd mmv be bad ,•1311. „i mi) oi nor at’riii* throughout the country. THOUSANDS AM) TENS <»F THOUSANDS throughout lii<" United State* and «'.innda. *i ml w eba ifimr air, uuin lo point out n SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when iHU* n according to dtrrriion*. and be fiir- tin* lung* hnii become (til all y divirgHintr-d n baa *»rf (titled lO KFFKUT A I'KRFKUT CURE. Wbv. UmtK need tlic alllieied liCMtnie' Why re«ort lo ine ini***rabie nostrum*, rotten up ny uii. own individ ual* it let Ui'" a«7u(ii**d iiunu* ot Mnnr e« xhraiod phy iieimt. and pulled mio notoriety by certificate. r. per mit* equally unknown*’ WinJti n medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY i« to lx hml. *'liux voucher* tire ui ltomr,—our n«igb bor»,--inuii) of w hom u Im* SWIVMI.D FKuM THEGRAVE. In order that tlu« invaluable incl.ciii.- may I*e placed eriUltit the reach of tin’ poor a* well the rich, we have pot the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, |uM oni* imli tlir iikuml MMi ol r-ongh medicine*,. it ia foi sale t.y mif agent* iii Mitarly>f*very town and vil'age ov. r ill- w.--t. who are prepared to give lull inform* ■.ion rt-i.iure to it. ' 1 SALTER, Proprietor, ttroadwu >, Cim-miuiu. t Huo HYDROPATHIC KSTABLISIIMKMT, I*li:U..C*Bl. BOM. UK* VKH 1 11 , p«. DR EDWARD ACKER. take* thi* mi-inu of re luming Im thank* to In* friend* and u,e public tor the p*tcu«i»c patrnmtee h>- ha* r>‘crivcd, aud of m lormni}; llirin lm* late!/ erretrd a lance nnd well Pon.«trurtrd hDildfhj;. lor the exelitßlve purpiutra * WATER CDHK E>TAHI.IM|MJ--NT. at hi« old location, at I’lHinpHlMtrtjU. Fu., on tnu Dato oppo «ite Uie nearat-oai landtii" at iieavcr, lx- u ready in receive patients ns boarder*, and treat them on Hy dropathic principles. In addition to hi* hmt; ejt|>eri enee. and tlto great Miceers which hu.< liorr lnl'ore ul- Jit* treatment of puuenu coDino'.ttii t* In* care, lie liaa now the addjuonul (acilitics titfonled i-y an ci len.ivo huiluttte erected >:jcprea>iy lot tlir nur|>oke. con taining connnoditm* and airy room*, and luted up with cTcrv nrcesiary apparniu* for liautia/. and ddiuuii*- tenug the trcuuuent u» the uitno*i i.,-iieht and coiiubrt of the i-ntiem. I’llillapsliur-li t.* a mo-t sir- and healthy villaen, easy of accoaa hy steamboat*, ami af ford* fine and wtujioome water Dr Acker nssur'-* llnt*r atllictcd prr*oiii« who may place inemse vi:h un der tu* ram, taat every nitnuioii »huu lo- pmd m ifimr corn lort, and a* an n>»uran«t«* or the *nli*;iui;ial i-eu. fit* to l«e derived, lie potllU witn cnnftiic.ner to the |mn dri-d* who have l-mi permaiiertt'y cun-U at In* r*t;. I: *hment The Water l!art ieav»-nn injiinou* eff-e’.« i uni)’ iraj>: iih filr»fm •IKR *l-(l lOilCl »C»|>", »lf«' hclmnl, n« in 100 often the ca»r with th>>*c wno Itnve r-ce-i treated on lit-- old ry-li m It remove* tlm di*. ca«e. Sivtt'oruic* tnc *ysipnt. protect* irom the. danger* incident io changes of the weather, crrati « a imturul and :;eijve appetite, and imparl* vigor io the du>r«iivt imw’o Term* of trcaimcnt and lumnJi ug reanonable. For furtlmr particular* imjOtre at tin-enal>li»nrticnt. or •nlrfre*. iv proprietor at |*h!liip*'‘urcb. HUt,’*.*-"! UK. JAk NI •f' AS.n-HAnVE. Wc have heei! 'ntortii’**! I’V .Mr*. Ko*c of a cure per •oimed on her hv Ur« JaytM’i Altera(iT«, wuit-h prove* :* *u|H-tioru>-ov« r every tnhrr remedy of the kind Sh*fc«* Ix’crt mil cted ’or ;nc lu*i siru-en years w-ih .Nf-rKOjfvMoT WHITE W ELI,I NtfS, altcitded Wißs ulcrration* and rnro: atiott of vannu* hours, du ring which urn-’ many have heen il-ocharged from the itonul hour or the ermmin, Irom both her arm*, wrists and hand*, and lr( mi both legs, nnd from the icT femora] bone, and imm tfcr. nglit knee, pnuifnl ulm « on other part* of her person, which ham hntllod the*k;llof anumherof ihe most cmin-iu pb-, »-i mita of our c ty—dtiting njn«t «f the Hmc her suiTrritigs have been cicnitaitng nml deplorable About three months *"iec she ws* trulueed to try Dr. J.tyne'* Altrpstive which lu* had an astonishingly happy „Q,,ct upon her, i-y r-mov ng n i' pain ami swifllirip*, and rnusing the uie«i. ui heal, while aulie same time h-r Rcncrat hcaliti has becxiMCcompletely re«orrd,«t> that she now weigh* lb* more than she slid before she commenced llto ux of thi* truly valuahh prrptumu.—(Nti Eve. l*o»t. for funhrr inforinniioit, .niiuirc of Sin Kox No. US FilUeit m, FlUiadrlphia. Foi sale in, at the PEKIN TEA FTORK, 7* ho*irth si. near Woo.l. }> j A 11. llo:x, N. k Cuy I \R TOWNSENDS ~sod«xm 1/ (u*t received of Dr. Towii*end\ Sur*ap:ifillu. the most exiraordpiary medmne in the world! Thu ki t-ari is pm upijMiuurtbouJes. tl is »x time* cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold It cure* disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the lialieiil. Look *xtt rou itursTtorta.—Unprincipled persons have eopKd our tatiels, and pul up incnle ha* the written *u t nature of S. P. Townsend. R. K. Drugewt, 5? Weod street. IN-iween Third and Fcunh, is 1 »r. Towtucnd » only wholesale and retail agent fot l*m»biirgl», of whom th*- rename article can he bad I). M AJurry has been nppollited the sole agent for Allegheny city, of whmu titr gmitmc arurie can be had. AI'T* M'lUJMH.Oi'h MVKt.I. O INILS.—Scn.F U in all it* multiplied form* whether in that ol Atnjj * Evil, cnlargemenla « the glanda or bsiaca, lioilre. While Swelling*, f urtynit Hheumalwin.Ljnaer, drunaat-B «»» Die sktn or Spine, orol IStlmosary tronauinplton, ntuanalo Irom one and the same eause, whicn i* a pmaonou* principle more or lean inbcnsul tu the human *y*Unu. I here* fore, unlen thi- principle can be deslroyed, no radi cal cure can be elleetmi, bold the pnuetplo upon whrrh the di«ea*e depend*, ■■ removed, a core must of necwstlTfollow. no matter under whailarn 'the disease should tuamlMl tUell I his. themfore is the reason whv J»r«r. a At.T».K*Tivt is so tiui veraaily *ucce**Jul so removing •«> uunj malignant dieeasc*. It destroys the virus of principk from whim those diseases have lUoir origin, by cnlcnog into the circulation, and with the blood to convMy«-d to the minutest fibre, removing every particle of disease from Lite system. Prepared and not;! at No. # South Third Street, Philadelphia A JAYVFN Sold at the Pefcto Tea Store, No. ?* Fourthslree. Pittsburgh mch3l N febl JASOALZKLL SALTER'S i.INFF.Mi PANACEA ci n it>: J..I.RNAI-< OF THE DAY 111-' N DK b I »S 111" Ifirrn.l'S MEDICAL by the migiaalaad only true a rx4 gramas Liter rili, prtpartd isdd my humble twtinwayiu favor of jour justly trkbnird Liver Pills. 1 hav* deterred doing »• for yon, adhcricg loDury Crockett's buib, “be sura you ar« ngbt, theft go abrad.” M«t of Mm many prajaraliofi* **f «*|uma aud uttarti, budrd t.i the dm, hire soak into obJnrkai siaea tour Liver Pi.U *.««« Wyth-tsas, to whoa 1 paid much mosey; Wve lost taoch blood; been rum (led asd physicked absostto dealt; nlivaW iuf C times, aod lioaJly rum ui> a* mfufable. tu I Sk»-7 1 »u induced to try your Lirrr ftlit, a ad glHJft GOT WELL. (hM bus of whw-h iioun jufieuai to keeps** clear of pam in the ail the other iy to plums, for at lea--* 1 L tanuthv V.our Vilu are also the be steal hart* I ever used; brief mihl, cot or girin* much Mrknvse at *b« Itow arh, but five me uooh relief ] bar* kept ■>>»"» is tftj atsrs for t> er i jrjr*, suld hondreds of bmn, and Her* Deter iManl * 'lug'r Mdu|>LiLt utured by any uoc who has used (htta. Tliey hate rope reeded almost every other pill tn Ihis neighborhood, u.d to a •hurt time wtU UaUh them all. “ » . - ——« ’ ~M«« WIU MOUII WHIM ,u. rarurally recommend them to all wtsuas uevdusg ph)sM, whether (or Liter t lunplaitil or Btltioui dfleetKrtu. Iron eider theta mreoperior luCaloowl ur (he Blue Pill. Respect fully your-v j L Mottlt CAUTION—As there are oth«F pith before the Mbits reu tD Liver Fills, person* who want ih*imrvin ttr asi for and Uke Mother then those prepared and sold he R EiSELLKtW, No 57 (Food it betwei Third and Fourth Hold by Dr. CaastL, Fifth Ward, D M C-okiv, AUcrb«&v .. ><* f Great English Reuedy.; troughs. Colds, Asthma aud Cousmunuou' Tbs . GREAT AND UNLY REMEDY lor tbecuraof the al MCinne o« eonhnned snd inrurahlr Tho lliutgun* an HiU*iun lieu eared, aiul will vsre, the etoul demsrstS oi caAca. It uno quack nostrum, but a atamlanl Gu lirah medifine, oi known aud established rihcitcy. Kverv family in tho United State a ihopld he sunplipd with Huchan'a Baliam oi litfe, uut tmly U» eounlriKCi the eunnmipuve teudraicirt of the cllmais, but to he Used as a preventive medicine m all caaeaot colds, roughs, M»iiun; «« blood, pain in the side and rbesl, uriwlton and sorenrts of the lungs, brochitis, duiii-uliy of hrraliiig, liccue fever, night sweats, emaci ation mid general drhiluy, asthma, mllneiixa, whooping eoueh uinl i roup. fluid in large l*oule», at.Rl per UrUle, with foil diroe- Ihihs. for the re-torntion ol health. Putuphlets. (-(uii.-uning a inass of English and Amin 'an rertiliruio, und other evidence, showing the on •(Lnallrd merits of thu great English Itrmrdy, may bo >li*mi>rd of tint Ajjont.v gmtuitonsdy. A For sule by D A KAJI.NKS IfHIK A Co., corner of it and Wood and Wood nm! (Hh sis. nard DR.JAYKEH CAHJniSATIVK BALSAS M BOM the (lev AHA SJUNN. a vrr.ll known and pop P ular Otergyraunof Um ProuslfcOl*Mc||(odutChurch Tbr undersigned having been afflieied during thepftit winter with u disease oi the noniach, sometimes pen* during greiu p-un in the stomach for tenor twelve hours without intermission, and after having tried tariota remedies with little effect, was furnished with a bout* of Dr U Jayne’s Carmmstivp Halsaiu. This ho used ae* cording t<> the d'reetuin*, und luunJ invariably thattbia medicine raus«s| the pain ,<■ übste in three or four min utes, and <:: fiitecn or twetlty fninut<**ev«ry uneasy sensation was murcly quieted. The medicine was af* lerwitnlsnscd whenever indlstttippsof the approach of pain were, perceived, and the pain was tkcf«4y pfpvpKt* ■ d Met ontitiurd to use the medicine every evening and sometime* in the morning, and m a few week* nenlth was *o lor restored, that the sufferer was rehov ed iriun a large amount of oppressive pain. Prom eg perietire. therefore, he ean eunhdcnlly recommend D D JajTHe : « Cunmusavc Holsam, us a salutary medlcin 'for diseases ofihcstouiorh ka,,' A BHINND Allegheny ouy,jyd4 . For sole in Pittsburgh at the I'F.KIN TEA »Tofi TV Fourth street, nmif WiVsj, and also at ihefrrur Store of H P 3CH VVARTX, Federal street, Alleghuay IiKOEERIEJS, kc. I) A CON--Cl cask* sugar cured Hams, II :i " 11 Sithulders: for tale by mitPJ J D WILLIAMS, |IO wood s[ BACON'— H casks prime Kentucky cared llucon— Hums, Sides and Shoulders, just rac’d and for sale l;y _ _ id it r 7 JAMES A HLTCIIISOiV ACo BULK I*oKK—UUtlpieces assorted Pork; jnsl reo'd; lor sale f>y mart! R ROBISON A_C6 p UTTU-R AND LANI>—2 bid* Roll llutter; 3do I > 1 j»rdj 9 kegs do; just rac'd per suur Reaver; for rale by mart! K UOlil&ON A Co IIACON SHOULDERS—Soou lb* on bond and for B stile by mur« TASSFTi* k. BEST C(OTToN---5 bales for «ale by ' lUIKY, MaTPUFAVS A Co, i’eblh 57 water street St <>AK-V3 bbls N O Molasses, receiving per -te.ioirrr Saranak. W ashington and Fort Pitt; for sale f> bin- LAt. A LEV A SMITH, Itand fll wood st 1j innrs- S JOMKHORSTA Co "111 rrtfft ~ btil» Roll Duller, rrc'd oudTor iaj« by I> mrhU YVJOK A M^ANIJEESia Bulk pork and laud— idjmu pounds llama and .shoulders, :ci kog* Laid, landing from lUar 0 i fope, for rule by BA«A LEY A SMITH, frbl2 Id and 20 wood st HNDHIKS— S) hhds N O Sugar; JUi bags prime O Rio Coffee; HI urrees Rie«; 10 kgs Gray A Bra. 6 Twist Tuhnectr, landing tbn day from »rtnr Messenger No - and for rale by J A K FLOVI), mqriti - Round Cbureb Building NO Mul.AaSEfi—‘.*oo bhf* prims N O Molasse* . in «(ore, lor »alc by marl? KiIEY, MAtrilKWa k Co Jl ** I’ Hl.t' El V Ki>- |tx> lb* pow*d luquorice Ball, Mini tor *«lr I.) mcbl'J J KIDD A; Co I iFCKI-rrs, TFJW AND KEELERS—4O dox Bearer J ) Ifu' trt. >,a jo (Jo Tub*, £do do Keelers: for isle by s F VON bONNHOKST A Co, niarlo Uft front >t IARD -li hl-l* ju*t rec'ri and for »ale by i H K W UA&bAUGII, "“"b l6 S 3 wuittr ll>4 front sts MOLASSF.S— so bbi* N O Molasw*. for safe by marl*) L a WATKRAIAN PiK'rtUa* - For t’altforuia overland companies, re ceived yesterday and lor sale by tVbtfi W \V W(IJtON_ / t ENFINK aALA D OIL—On hand snd lor «nle by MX telr.M JKJDD4.C© Tt)-AHRIVK— “ O in bi» prime while Havana Sugar; I" Mrrre* Rice, l|j bln* N 0 Molasses; tu bis Ixmoiu; htl bx* Soap; if bxx Rat«in*, -Ui bx* tot.ct Soap; Ami for sale k>w ENIiUISH h. BKNNVtTP, h bl 7 wood st CtIIKKSK— xio l>i» Wrsteru Rcaeive, in store and lor* / *nl«-by icbia KOBT DAL/.EXLArOo UDIF*— 10 tea Rjc«. rec'il and lor wde by iitehH WICK A M’EaNDLESS L > LAX—hi sack* Flux, rcc'd and for sale hr v melrt-I WICK A M’CANDLESS I >bLK I*l iRK—.II3 pc* Bulk I’nrk, landing From ca- X) "ul t*o«t Medoxa, aud tor «n!e by mari JAMtis DAt,ZKl,l>,'it water *t rARCH —l5 br» extra Siurch, for sale by O inurlo s F VON UtJ.VNHORST ft Co U r HITE BEANS—•dd bbi* while Deaua, for sale by marln s F Vo,\ HONNHoKST ft Co I)KA NCI'S--boo iiusit on hnnd uml lor m*l«x low lo dose COllAlgllUtCllt, bj icbM HKOVVN A CULKERTSON hhd* new crop, ju*r n-c’tl and for sale p by id,U HUOVAN A t.L’I.UKR'AoN IAKI) —|M bbir No 1 Lard, i r, *iom and for sale by J febin Hi W lIARBAUOII BKi >OMS- -6n ilos extra quality aud liniah; lo '■ " hearth; cloth, lor Rale by J D WILLIAMS SIURAS' ALF.-drden fox shtra*’ celebrated Fam ily Ale. promptly rxeruied by the undersigned. KOUKKTSON ft RKJ’PKKT, murlO iIBk Agruu for the manufacturer* l?LfH’R —tt6 bhl« S F Flour, landing fiorn *tmr Ar- A/ rowline and lor sole by “Jl r V ... __ JA.MI-S DALZELL 1 -Ul ft—«*Bl bid* in >lore. J a DII.WORTH A Co SI NDRIJ'«S— S bbi* No t Mackerel; 3b bbU No i mackerel, hi' do No 2 do; *’** “ “ 3 “ lb iloTanner* Cil^ 5 do A Inm; 3 do K Salt*; 3 do chipM logwood 1 hfdo Nultnegv; 50 bxa Not scaled Hnrnng, i*> l*X« No 2 do do: 5 do aecnied Soap;! 10 do No 3 Preva’a do, lit do No 4 do do 1 .ale Clove; Hi bag* JavuColfcc; Ob hhd* prune N O Sugar; jn*t ree'd and for *ole by dfcH BROWN ft CYiLBKKTSON Sl'i» AR— fflkf hhd* primn N O Sugar, received jny Western World and ticn I’ikr,to( sale by BI RHRIDGR YVH.SONftCo KICK —-tl tn-rcc* prime (Carolina ILi-e, arriving hy •iciuucr tico Dike; for sale by inarto BURBRIDfIF* WILSON ft^o SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES—IU* bbi* SII Molaa *c*i for tale by BUR BRIDGE. WILSON ft Co marlU WHISKEY- -H> bbi* old Alotiongaheta Wbukr.) cop|«;r disulled, for sale by mtulO HUHHKIDGK, 'VIISON ft Co* STAR CANDLES—dn loxe* Star Candles, No ft, ju« received and lor *a>c by mard BROWN ft CULBERTSON EAISINs —50 bx* M R Uaixina, jo*t rvo'd and lor sale by mar« BROW Nft CULBERTSON IAKJS- 10 bx» Malaga Fig*, in store and. for aati by f mart* BROWN A CULBERTSON PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, l-l BUSHED DAILY. TK|. WEEKLY ft WEEKLY 4i fit <.**««* Buildingi, 3 d n. mar ikt Pott Qtif* KATUft OF One insertion nl 12Iib«», nr 1ea5,..,,...... W) fi() 'rwn-inwrtion* w»lbmn3lteraiioof,.., # . #- ,. # iq l' l ' t “, I. I 00 One Week " " ••••.*..,. | fig I'i*ii Week* *' **...*11.1 S tS) Thrre - - j (10 One .Month, " 40U ,wu “ *' Hr*!*.!. 6 Three •* 1 W iT Longer sdverltßenreat* to nm« proportioa. On*t aquare.ti utouthe, without alteration,-.- j 0 00 Larh additionaul aquare for b mouth*, ...... 600 “ It •' 10 DO One «qaare,6 month*.renewable al ploaaore. Id t)0 ■' "l* *' •• to 00 £arh adilttmaaisquare for 12 month*—•• •••• 10 00 'Pwo aqaares,6 monlha, re'wabletu pleasure, 50 00 Each additional square, 6 months, .......... 8 00 VZIKLT Oft THt-WKSKLT IX DAIIiT Oar* square. 3 insertion* *j(| '£o each adiliLonal 37 kUIIVKM CAftU*. t . Five line* or leta, one year. ■ti Dioalbs, ‘ one year, daily fie weekly, 1(5 09 an month* " " dq tntißiinuiiT* i* vtutr ' For 2(> hoe*, or H-sa.-One ioaertixiD, .••*....£€? 5j ’* ° “ 3,r°' ", ••••••«* 07* r. *« lJ rM5 * ‘ . IOU - « M . mmt ftiiy 6 OO '...’fir 00