BY.. MAGNETIC TELEGRAM UEPdIiTBD fc TELECSiiFIIKD Por tbe Pittsburgh Dalif Gaxette. EXECUTIVE. SESSK«. WAiHctaTrai, 21,1519. Ex-Governor Pennington, of'Ni,!., has been nominated Governor of Minesotn. > Spicer baa been appointed Postmaster al Dnytoft£ U Tbe President, Senate, and Head* of Lepart menis, 'attended tbe funeral of Mf.Jjickenron, to* day. , The debate on the protocol will bo.Continued to morrow.' •> It te atznortain when Uje Senoie-vtftl ndjonVn. CmcLTtATt, March'2lf-I0 p. u, The St. Lanin papers are filled- WitJfaccotints Of the Real freihel in tbe Illinois River’, At Peora itte waiet whs higher thbn at the freshet of ISI4. Nearly sill the towns and landtags on each side of tbe, rive* were mandated. At Peru, Beecher Sc Brewster's warehouse gnvo wny/.afrd the wholb boildmgj.containing 20,000 bushel* df wheat, was totally destroyed. The whole coos: on l»oth sides of tbe river is submerged to the dcpthoflO orp2 &et, * " "the Cumberland river » also ve^yfij'gh— hearly oat of iu.banka. The Wabash has been very high, but is falling. All the ! ' still inun dated. PHILADELPHIA MAi- G p. m. Flow— Tbe demand is much Ifeastfian it was, bnt’lbenlis np chaflge in prices. SnlA 500 bbb at prayioaa rates. The weather being winy all day, checked transactions. Grain—Wheal and Corn are inactive mjuerl at fattratte* Sales Prime Red Whenl'at I0l(8l05e; forMixcd, same rates. Com scarwTand wanted. Cotton—There is no marked change from yes terday, tyut the market is, if nnyhtitig v more active. Sales of Upland at 7|oBc, to the-ewent of2oo We*. | *; Whialiey—Sales in bbla at23c pier gaL NEW VOK.K MARKET. tlouri—The market with moderate' bnsinesi is io tarof of the buyer. The sales 10-day did not exceed 3500 bbls. Graitp—Wheal is dulJ, but Cora is in active re* qoest, with sales cf 60,000 bushelstif'prime while and ydk>w, at 6305 i for white, atfd 59(562 lor yellow.; . t . Provisions^There is more movement in Pork, but bo-change in prices. Lard is- active, with sales at {HO6J. Cot!ou —The market has been active ,to-day, with aa£es of2ooo hale* at former prices. ; Sogafc—Sales of 5000 hfads. Urbans at fH(2SI. Sales of-Porlo Rico at 3|o6j to (bo extent of 5000 hhd*. ' , r Lead-p Sales of 1000 Pig at $4 "75. Stocks —There is mote activity an upward tendency. BALTIMORE MARK : FTI\ Baltimore, Matcir2l, fi p. m. Flonpr-There is no marked change from yester day. but the market is if anything duller. The receipts hre temporally light. Sales .'of 600 bbli.-ot city mills at $4 75;' Howard street ‘in-held without buyers at $1 75. Gr&ln-f-There is less doing in Corn, and the market has a downward tendency. Sales of prime white Csrn at 45c; prune yellow at 49.[0' 49; Oats 26028. ; . *■ VKSTIHGS! V^STIHOBII GENT'S, call ami tee the choicest variety ever otter ed; and Camclin Cravau, at prices you can't leave CLOTH STORE, Post Hniillin as, corner Fifth and'Wood -ats. mcnlfluli w A A. MASON 4. Co, No CO Market Bjrfcei, wiii open • this day, ISO pieces small platU-Xiinghtms, at tS|)li| and 25cIs per yard. , mehlC CORNr-10l bars jo«t'tec ,, d and for tncSlC SF VON BONNHORST 4 Co FEATHERS —36 sack* for sale by’ . mchtC S F VON BONNHORST _*• Co RYE FLOUR—l5l»bls for sale l>y JmfeklG ‘ SFVONBONNHORSTACo PIO IRON—I2S tons Pig Iron, (Black jpox Furnace)' now'landing on the Allegheny wharf and lor sale fry_. ■ tnchlG. j fig R FLOYD •TT kales Ist sort. Eastern Hops, in ll sure ana for sale by BROWN 4 CULBERTSON. • -HtHibcrty iPANNpRS’ OlL—tu l>bl» Tanriprs’ pir. in store and J. for sale hr mbld BROWN 4 GUT jIKRTBON Exeentor'i Noticed A J4. persons indebted to the fetal* of \Vtn..\V. Feojms, deceased, are repaired to : nlafce payment to the undersigned; and those having -claims sgainsi the same) will present them for smUetpAift. ♦ pAM’L ROBINSON, Executor. CATHARINE W. MURDOCH.'Executrix: GREEN ARPLES—IIk) bbls, a good ;rarietV, just received mnd for tale by »eht7 ARMSTRO^ /~XO&N-*-42*&£j£s Corn, uwlay ree’4 by \J mcto7 ARMSTRONG A CROZER SUNDRIES —IW> packages fresh Teag--Y. Hyson. Gunpbwder and Imperial; , XX) rags prime Green fiio Coffee; .'©•do I-at:uyra do; 11) do Old Jam do; ' 25 bags black Pepper, 10 do Pimento; 160 hfcds new crop N O Sugar; SOt hbls Plantation Molasses; SO uo Sugar House 9do ' 30 tierces fresh Rice; 100 bis Buncif Raisim; ISO bfcs manufactured Tobacco, various brands; "iO kegs Uedre A Bra. 6 twist Tobacco; 10 M S Herds’ “ - * ■ . 10 “ Pittsburgh plug a ■ ’ 100 bxs Bxlo Window Glass; .00 do 10x12 do; 300 tegs assorted'Nails; 12 casks’.SflJeroin*! 0000 mands Cotton Y sro, assorted. Nos. Together with a fall and genera) assottment of arti cles in the Grocery line, on nondl and lor sale by JtR FLOYD, Sound uhurHi Boitdiags, mhW ’ Frontingoo Liberty, Wood and Sixth *t*Q NOTICE. ALL,persons indebted to the KstateNo/William Me- Knight, deceased, or to the late final of W. Me- Knight A) Co-,,and tVm. MeKhigblh.Sohi arc notified to pay, wlihoOt furtiier delay, to ROUKRTM'KNICHT, mebUfcdlnt Administrator of \V. MeKftigbt, dcc’d /YFFICE TO RENT—In second siort, JVo SC .Water l_J street. 1 ISAIAH DFdtvEY 4. Co, mehlfl Fropt and water »(« WtV. WILSON, has just returned from the East • era cities with a large aird.'trcll selected clock of (ioodsan Uis lute, to which he 1 rrspeetAilly in vites the)mention of his customers and lift* public gen ernily--cpraep4th and Market au. • ' mrjifa) KWELRY—A splendid of new and fashidnablo patterns, just openingl»y' mchS) W\U WILSON PI*TBBCOo*i tec tl an'd iornulc by 1 _B A-FAMP4PjrfOC.K & Co MOLASSES —50 bbW New ja»l landim; from Bior fur. tA mch S F VON UONNHOKSTA Co WHITE BEANS— : JD bbl» (or tale U mcliSO • S F VON BONPIIIOBST ACo CIORN'BB4&OMS ias dox, v»nouAimaliu«iA,k»r Rale iby J rochao 8 FVON HONNIJOHST A<* POTATOES— 1«U ak» tbi* day for naic’ i,v mcfrAJ_ _ ARMSTRONG* CJtOZKR f iuXiC PORK—A muainot. very rec'd and jy for talebyjnrhlH) ARMSTRONG A OROZER BACON— 300 pc# city smoked, for sale by radtao i ARMSTRONG A CROZRR BUTTER— y bbls Roll bailor, just retM ami for sale oy. mcbJt> ARMSTRONG A CKOZKII LAR Hr-bo k««* No I, tor »te by : mUR—'•*> 1.t.1x Phillips’, citra Family r j s Uil.tomni t ,3 c. . K " 9 ’i _5 pruno Roll Witter, jost landing. R^ri R J 8 DII.SVtIIITII i r.o I*/mTt: kcj.' pore If In* I-Piul, 1 " *55? * n,i “' e B b UOWN i CIILKKRTSON s-rs4Tiis"J i»l ■ teffiiin Table cioil,*, Kumi« and S..M. Diaper., DoyUeiN*pkln.v&c , » whirl, ihry mviir tioa of purchasers, „ l„.. At Wi R. ‘MURPHY'S —Just received. a» a.«M»rt- GLOVEb—Ladies super kid. light «lid dafk rolor*; men's das gentlemen's and ladies fJ*.le. cotion . mines Gkle aiW cotton. . . , _ , HOSIERY—LadIes cotton, lead, bllr, •p’, and onWCoehed; men’* do; ladies »uper Lisle, tputi and'fiae Silk; Cashmere. plain ■d*l- ribbed, cJnl siren's wftile and mixed coium d® .. InACKS AND KDUINGS—‘Thread edg inn U*Je and Victonne do, Swisi tyhlFackoiid do, Lule aattTbread l.Bces, Ac RgUrt4Nert«, tor capes and eapr, style*—* large assortment. * ~ lO*TUe place, north-east corner 4th ami Mart-t stt Wliilcusle Rooms up stairs. utrhPJ - fC~ A FAHNESTOCK A CfFS tough lW*a>n b“* K raiincJUly successful in Uteancil and uih .is n,rbVJ T? Patont Gold Wmlkw. TARRSONa going to California can be toriualied with J?4llsri»Mit Patented Gold Washer tliat ha* yet brn. iotrod Owing to the constant hard rain -which fell throoj;ii out ihe day. yesterday, the market was generally vert statrnani, and little wo* done in the w»y of sides. H.OLR—Tlie receipt* yesterday amounted to about 1««) I'M* Ohio brands, nearly all of which was design ed tor immediate shipment east, without touching our market. Sale* Irani first hands then were hardy Wonli reporting; 53,50 bbl is about the ruling figure Rcgnlnr sales from store in dray load lots at S-kGvii s'i,7ti bbl GRAlN—Receipts lielng light, the supply m al 1 kind* is very limited, particularly of Wheal and Rt e. the funner ol which we may quote nominally m rtHxi 7U>-. the latter at 45c ba. Moderate -ales oi Barley from store at 45®4-e, of Corn at Tic and of Oat.“ ;» 2- O:M' |,u HORN MEAL—The sapplics arc hcht, and demand moderate, at 4595Vc fr bu, accoidmg t» qunlny UVE FLUUR—Wc note regular limited sate- ft.mi Here at 80,1 $ bbl CiROCT.RIES—Tito market throughout remain* very quid, witii no materially change in au) artich- Bn* gar and Molasfcs continue in fair requtst nt for Sugar (J-to 5) fftr common to prime. Rrn coiree i* lirtu at ?J 97|0 & PROVISION!*—SaIes of bacon al 4)94), sj. and »;) for-Shooltlrrs, Sides, and Hams Palus oi Uud in bl*l« al s|, in kegs at fio6)c $7 tt). Bale- of good bhl butter at 1U912, m keg at lh CHEISE—SaIes of good common W R atß)9s)c. and of cream at 7c 4* ftj. Spirit of the Domeitlc SlarlteU. iVlinif— The sale* of the week make a total of 47- 51)0 bate.. at, for Inferior, 4jfi/SJ. Ordinary, 5) £?(',, I, iU lo .MiJdliiie, {, -Mid* idlmv fair, l air. :)6X7| Sugar —The market lias been finu without however bcitnj active and (hr sales ot the pa P | three .Inyv are contain! to 1500 hinU . making tin- tnial oi the week 42W bbds. The letter description* are frarw, and »t advance oar quotation*, Inferior. 2Jio3{; Dommoii. :J| #3|; Fair, 4&l}, I’miw. 4)94), Choice 5375). Clari%tit's— We quote interior l.'Viilflc, fair ITiiU’-c. prime lajif Receipts daring the week 4571 hkl*—exports 208» barrels. P Ftour—Tlie market lias continued quiet and the sales ol the week do not exceed Hi.lkiu bsls. Price- have gmtn way and are teeble at tor Ohio, ano good muni ru 4:ic. UUd yellow, delivered alongside; at 46c, KMW whites Rod yellow, and 4t*Jfl yellow at 45c. Receipts dunni; the week 001>~1 sack-, - export- IN, ‘JO l ««ek*. , Wheat—The price has advanc ed, and some large sale- have been made to arrive aiosc. A lot of f'J"O is also reportrd to have been sold at fle<- Bscon —The iratiincuon- contmue limited, and the stock ample Sales 4l«4). for old. m.d 3c for new Sides; new Shoulders 54«34c liams are iti *ir:uh de mand at rij£7c for plain, and 7)«J-lUc tor bug!,. Stock in tim hands 50,0011 bng* Arrived dmuiK tint week 15.200 hair*. Rice —Demand steady at UjSdJc. la>cij. had fallen 5 niche*,, nod there were then ‘J feet wo ler on the fall* It i* alxo falling al*ovc, though the Intr rise at Pittsburgh ha* not yet tiecn felt hare. The weather is clear and pleasant Flour mid Grain—We quote“'ale« nt sn.R3&s4 in lots; retail sales at 94.125. Wheat I* very scarce, and a good article commands 77c. Good receipts oi com at the met, and we hear ol sale* oi ist*J hushrl* in bulk it 22ii>24e; light sales from stores at 270:tui Sales of Oats in sack* at 20925 c. Mackerel—Wc hear of no chance in prices, ami quote a sale of 250 bbl* No3llalnVr at 54/J194.75 per bbl. light tales of No. 2 at 96.50&7.5U; ajnl No t at 910. Provision*. Ac.—Donne the week we Imve heard «f »:*trs of 4,4iNi hi.U pork as orders for plattuiuon* at 9V. Isi lor MO, uhd 810 lor mess. Sale* oi bacon from stores in ca-k* at 5Jc for clear tides, (or liatu*, dnd re for bagged hams. Light sale* of lard at 5|96c, and u ssle of Icy bbl* head Inrd at s)<. Oils—>V'e quote linseed oil at M<9GUc ¥ gall, castor oii 51.45; spenn oil tanner'* oil SI6DSIH t* bhl; lard oil advanced to SH9G3c gall. Ilidtw— Ijgbt sales of dry Mis.sourt at 7JBS)c. Com mon. from the country, sell at prices ranging ftotn 5 to 7|c, dry salted fve quota at (!|97c, green und given salted from 3) to 4tc. —[Jour. Nliy Yoax, March Hi, Istil, Flour—ln FJour there is no to note, the «ales arc iiJiOti bl>is at Sd r 37i£16 l tor good, and pure Genesee is steady at 93. ih S'AKI for Jersey. firaiu—Corn is not plenty, and is without change Small sales at,s3c Djt white, SC tor yellow Southern.— Rye is Cl#tEto and dull, Oau are ;£&4oc Provision*—• Pork is fsJf74?§9 for prime, for Mess. Lard is HiiKH- Cut meats are a* reMenluv, Ashes—Pots are scarce at Pcarfp arc dull. Whiskey is '£l2'£\i , and nonuna) The stock market resumed us buoyancy to-da*.. uml all .icrcnptiens improved, Treasury Noie» |U!»1 lad?, 111. ikOng Island 25J. 'Hie Money market continues rather simu'e-u Freights—Engagements ot Corn to Li vvrpooi •at ••id ; (G4CROZRR The steamer Diadem. Getty, Master, was advertised to leave "New Orleans tor Pittsburgh direct, on tin- 10Ui Seu.k»»‘ *Oiooh Sibut —“The best medicine Hrer Used." Ccnlrevillft, Uallta Co.. U-, Feb. ‘37, IMH. Mr. R. K. Seller*—When purchasing drug* lasl fall, I obtained in my oaxortiOfem some of pour much valu ed Cough Syrup, which has not only been beneficial in my own family, but ail who harp purchased it of uie. recotmuefid it to be the best medicine for coughs, colds and bronchial affections, ever used in their tarn- Hies. 7 Yours, 4c. J. J. JOUNSON jExuact from letter.) Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 5? Wood «i. gold by Druggists generally in the two cities and vi cinity. marS M'Lxsx’x'WiAu* VfcKatrvtret—The popularity which this medicine hfis acquired m Western, Feaiisylvania, is a stye guarantee of iu excellence.' 'Hie following gentlemen, highly respectable cituerts of Allegheny and Beaver counties, have used tins Vermifuge m ihei r bundles, an d offer the assurance of its great medical properties. James Stratton, Fourth-si. Road, Pittsburgh Mary J. Stratton “ Mary Siratioh, '■ Mary Burk', Beaver county. Sarah Husbctgcr, Manchester, near Pitt Margaret Lindsey, “ James Burk, Squirrel Hill. Agnes Burk, “ For sale at the drag store of J KIDD A Co, 60 Wood st. r marC KLD ULOVto—5 carious Ladira and Gents colored and black JCkJ Gloves, large sue*, jusi received by Leech’* Caitol i-me, and for tale by roclttO ' MIACKLKTTfc WHITE lAKI>— iw bblt No I. 1} bulf do; 5 kg* do; C bbls No j 2, now lauding from atrar Uolplan, lor file by nicirAi IrtAlAll DICKKV t 00, From -i BACON »!])»*-« hiids now landingTrora' • learner Dolphin; for iale by mebi) I.uiATlibKsc3aJ socks oi prime .iualu>~i.u» land -1 ide from iteamor Dolphin, tor rale hy inch*-* JSAIAIfDICKKY 4 rj, BHA.NS —C 5 bags, now landing Irom steamer Dolphin, for sale by ' inrhtfO ISAIAH lUCKEV A Co At.r. person* indrffled to the Estate of John Hague, deceased, ar* requested u> mate pay Went i<» eith er of the undersigned, mid Uiotn leaving claim* against Uie -.owe will prevent them for settlement. JOILY GRAHAM ), rochpdCl if CHILDS. S Lldi-utor., Ijio'l'ASli— io casks prime Potash, lor sate ty mchU WICK A MtIANDLESH SCORCH I NGN—n bl>!s Scotcbiurv rac'd and lot _talejjy mrh!4 _W|t*K 4 MOANDf.KMS ASTIC VARNISH—On hand and Tor unlr by LTL mart j KilW 4C4 NITRIC kTHKH—juu lbs on hand and lor sale by , ~ J KIDD 4Co —** No'l Lani,"i half ifodofs kr. O do do; 6 bbls Crease, 0 hhds Bacon; a libis Eggs, i? *5 r , , * alt “ l,; 1 to. Dmseng; JOin-reci Fluxed, U bU* do; J 7 bags do; C bbl* B-aita, tmall white; .1 bags do, lo unite— for sain by ‘"‘‘•■ ls ISAIAH DICKF.Y 4 Coy Front « New GOODS h- H. PALMEIt, OF>hRS FOR SALK. AT LOW PRICES a full • 'l'onT.." ° f “ T “ A W »SO MILLISK.- |u».- Klor-n r e, Roiled fancy Braid; Lhma. Hu e. Jenny Lind 1-oou u,..i u,.v ol Milan edge Braid BONNET*. ’ 9 '“ ,l1 lU,> Rich French l-are; Fancy ami plain (itmp, Ac. Ac Fancy Braid, Straw, Oimp, Leghorn, and m 1.,, it, sihg every otlx-r m- I vention of the kind how extant. They can be*i tmided from ten to twenty-live feet, and when clAsed the leaven are all contained inside; they arc made, to all sizes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large private families, form iii,r when dlosed a complete centre .table. SOFAB AND BUHKAUH—Thesa article* arc inya!- ‘ unblr particularly to Ihose who Wish to econo mise room. and convert a sleeping apartment into n parlor or dlimgjooni, as they can bo opened ond shut at convenience, and when shut, Iho bedding is ejtolo«. ed. A great saving in room and rent. All the bed . Itrads When closed lord B beautiful pteca of turuiture for ■ parlor or silting mom. 1 BOOK OASES—A neaf and useful article for parlor or drawing room. W lUTINo DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms, and other office*; 1 when openrd a most convenient bed stead, when closed a pertcci Desk and Library alone is visible. All Uietr nrudes nretl no recominendaiioa: the peuuty of the whole is, they arc warranted not to .gel nui oi repair It will be for your iqtrresbi to call hnd cxajiinte the articles, at the manufacturer 1 * More, No tel Third street, Filuborgfa In addition lo the above adeastagei, they are proof againit hart. • '• tnchlfi JAMES W WOODWELV f. 9 r, J) C 7 G In f» 5 ft 11 OM G 12 6 2 CM 60 6 U 5 30 0 15 There were 10 feet 0 inches full {in ihe channel by pier mark, last evening nt dusk, and r, f: A LUPOUS— IVr Pilot No 7-11 Id-K liiit:.i II kg* lard. 4 Mdx «eed. \V llotne-* A ,-n. 7 JU ,~k* c»i-i .Kluvlo* A- .-Worn; 6 j t.r.l* lard. 241 pi * tmik pork. 2 *ks leaihers. t bill* iic<-i.. I- lih.U 1.a.-on, 1) T Mi>rg:i:> A ro; 21 bbl* |v>;,it. Ilmw.l-.MI.MK floor JSD.hvrni,. t* :,M.* i« ltll , (M .«. Wui Smith; 9“ *k« .ur i. S F Von |b,n u hoi*i 'M.|.-. notaioi-*. l;il-»-*. Ttl.M* .on-, l»; ,|„ \h lloswnrth. M tig- corn. W do onl* J Donald mn. ■> *k * oni«. l,‘ V Collin*, 2 t»oi:i!o.-. MMiilm.-er New Oat.CAXs. March U>. 1-49 7. xNFSVILUv-P.t 2nno.mii w m B,„g Intu. Ik*i bbu flour. I. *S Writernmn.’! hful* ml. J S Lblwcrih. Il 1.1.i* flal-rrd. .1 C Hidwel! 1 r; j,, tlour j MeFatlen. luu *k* ** lie»t. D Ix-.-. li A ro. .» t.l.u ti„„ t 7 do tlnx-i-ed. 15 Jo l>--sri*. 7 do bird :r> *x. irini. r, , M « butu-f, JAR Flo\d. I hill!* Imran ti*k« r9l i. - ,| 0 H»yd U r a "’ ’* A rn ' Per Jr-nii) l,unl-.ii*i bhl* flour. Binrh.un. ,7«1 do 120 bbl* pork-. 12 do Muw. l box drug*. I) l.ot-Hi A r,,' BXI bid* flour. H Gr-.1l A- « - N'KW ORLEANS - P«r New UorM-l-rsa* *o.l i a*h. \* A M.M iti-lietir-—. 4 I’i |.bi« mom,**.-, \(i!i.-r A Ricke|*«.|.. ;y do do, Im ut.-, M nip. | bn.i. Wilson A Co; 122 lilid* -in-ar. Hagaley A Smith CINtTNN ATI-Per New No„. lrr ,. lump*. 2 t.x* m.Ur Hunt'-r A I unm’. - ir.-« ham* K ({rare A ro: 116 bbU momor- I" Mid* *ugni r|| (iranl, 17 l»*« 1.-ud. 2 bbi* lard ci T-iafle A oConnor .11 hhd* *ugar. Metrrr A Kobimon. -t trr- ur n*. Omni A MrOrKw; 81 bbl* .l \lrFaden A ro, .VI tdl* lanl ml. :rr bx* men:. - t.g. woo* 7v hi* u.-inp. M i ; r »il A co; 5 r*k« l»a< oii. Clark A Tlnw 25 bbl* od. 21 r*k. bacon. Wallmgiord A <•&.. 4M.-* .-irg*. |)T Mown SS.ISSI *|M‘i-ir. Jouc* Per 111 d ua:i I - -50 bid - limit - Se-rer*A Ntroi*. 17 do do. Henry Grail. 1 d.. do. C M.-i nil-, . 5 hi, * „ in-k- v Jo* Jofdn..: .Vi .1,. do A Dun. ; m .VidodoJs H*>n»'-|t. ,>| t-;-' rnitfa,! I!.Id- h.inw king A iVuiKM k IW t-h * nroia**.-*, Joh'i l-.u lon. 1 1.0 x" W B Fim.hild BKII* .KPt )KT— l‘.-r M„» m»ur O ruin A Mi «*r«-w, A', bs;* , uiton -, Hnraii-vA sm.m IS bbl* apple*. PnlUtri. aidod., I) i wrl-crl, !< *k . bug* Reynold* A Sh.-r. Is>» bbl* flour 2do Kr.-. 1, F. || r ,, relton WHEKI.INfr- Per Za. lo.rv Tavioi- 1 r.« kl :,v *,„*.■ 1 l*hl« lard. Ido butlrr II (,i all ro 74 ku- ixrd do bullet ,'jo «k< pen. he*. •»'. bid* flour linker A Per' *>lh. I' bid. nppie*. Urum A M.-i.r-w 77 bhl* flour I M.ern|ij. M bx* rlo.*-. J Khod.-* b»*l-wool U Hn--- h.-un. 11 hilly s < Hill ST. 1.111 iii— Per lirniiiiinowii - -;t~ bx« meal Clark A Thaw, i L,x u.d*e DIK-r.i, ai-.t.1. «-h.»k*->. Millet A Ri»:kei!*oii, 27 bdl* sadd-r irrr* S Mct'iurkan. r. i -k -verap -iron. 10 <>.e Br.sSleA.-o; r?J hhd* Tnatf.- A mV*n..or HU Id.U lard. Itn k-.-* d... U ... H || o i,.„-« .s ..... •_> ,-sk* l.xm. I bbl Inrd. Biuviiatn. 6* drt Imlr*. U niter Hr-, ant. I ht S Sinn ID* Dr«fK»>ai* i« the bane oi many a man's exist ence. No longue, can describe ihe *uffering« caused by this distressing di«ea*e It uiiliL* man for his nia lion nt Ine. whatever d maybe, a-.d makes him feci ns though he would rather uoi cii*l than endure such misery. Vet these tuUrnngs are produced in the hr*t place by derangement of the stomaeU, and if this were met by u-ing B A Fahnestock's Anu-BilMiin. PdU. the bowels .vould be rieaiiJH-d. ine accumulation of bile earned otf. and a speedy und «urc rebel obtained. Prepared and sold by H. A FAHNESTOCK A. Co comer I*l and wood, also cornrr bill and wood Ms oott* I.IVKR I‘U.IA- No medicine ever ennw.l tor .Kell % higher rrpuuiuon in *o ►lion a nine, a* an* u.e Ijver Pill, discovered and compounded by Dr. M'Luuc. oi Virginia. Although but a *hori turn: i-oiuparauvrly betore the public, it has already eantrd for itself a de gree of popularity hitherto unsurpassed The demand (or theta has become trmuensc. Messrs Kidd A tl»e proprietors of the medicine, who reside in Pm.*- burgh,.corner of-4lli and Wood streeis, are constantly receiving order* which they hud it nimnsi utterly im possible to supply. The popult-rity ot Pill* i> not confined lo any particular sccnor of the country, the demand being general, from ihr North. :*outh. En-u and West. The truth is, no disease it more cowmen in alt quartern Of the Ununi State- than tbui of the Li vrr And these Pill* arc the l.c*t rnueoy ev.-r jet dis covered lot llcpHUc derangctucnl. For sale si the Drug Store of feMO J KIDD 4 Co no. 131 Wood sTRF.i-rr. PiTrsßLßtiii. WOL'I.O-r*-ppecii»illy invite Die of iiii«t chants VMitlng this .-ny to their very .-xt.--.iv-- «tnek SPUINt; AND SF.MM KH «.i H >J»> r-r,n-ing m pttrl ni 3,500 CASES OF BOOTS AND SHOES, comprising every variety of M-n «. \S oni-n'c. Mirn-. ami Children's we»r, ol many new styles, and of supe rior ijUßlity, adapted to country ami i-ity trade A large assortment of LADIES’, MISSES', AND CHILDREN’S B O N N K T S , amoiu; which are FLORENCE BRAID, STRAW, TUSCAN. LACE, RUTLAND, BIRDS EYE FLORENCE, CHINA PEARL 4 LAW N, tn great vau-ty Also. ARTIFICIAL FLOW* ,EUS| MENS’, BOYS’ AND CHILDREN'S PALM LEAK HATS- MEN’S LEGHORN, PANAMA AND CANTON HATS. All ol which have been purctia»«-*l direct irom iho manufacturers and importer., mid .elected with thr utmost rare, ami winch will !m- sold mi such terms u* to make it Uie uitcrert ot Wc-tem Mrrt-liaiiis to buy of u*. II CJUI.I» 4 CO , mchltitd&wSiiiS 131 Wood street. A FAHNKS*niCK 4 CO'S I’lt.msomror Cougn • Itulram nu« a great s.lvaiuaer nv.-r many oihrr Cough.preparations, a* It* (.lea.ant ta.le (lernutv it to be uiud without mr.-nvein-lice But iu value a* u Balsam rolWl.t- in tiie .pee.lme.s ol it,- cur. We h 4 ve known wmt of uie mo-i desperate Vougb«. r.oin- ol wlneli had be-n running n tor 11 r.(,ii»i.lerati'e lr it^in ol lime, \ le.ld almost immediately to it. |«,w-r In :< nuDon- tire uned Wt-lfrei und undue .itMieirre 10 the inclemency ill lire weather often- lay v the loumlaiion ot a bacsn.K eougli, winch needs a qun-.k irm-ily to p (event iction. re>uha. We have numerous cernfir-atei of cure* winch it haa pedorme'K many »f winch »r- (rum per-ons in this city and the neighborhood, and they are n *tifficiem relereiure without saying anotlirr wnr.) in tt> ruvor Prepared ami lor sale wholesale and n-i.ul, by ll A FAIfNF.-TOCK 4 Co. rorm rol W.wd am! I.tainl Wood and nth il< inari:’. .Iks-* rpilK u.tenimn of the jmb! 1 uie following rnrtibcMi. LSAIAff inCKRY A Ce M> S Exalt* ■! » ,-jant.r, of l.obl weighed (,y )o,ir 1 r.-i ci (lie re-n n j.. „v. . lo thbrC going to 1 Vilornia, a- tt.c t.ot (~, 0 i laming'he real value of <{idd Re«n Mmr- J B Dl Nl.LV'i D...d Heal. , Pyid.ussh, March a |-ty I’tTiavt r.-.u M if i. 7. i -p» M* F.**t.*»«-- J>*r Sii hnvi-ig . inmined the " A r». ui*-ie r." nmiiulaetuf.-d ill > oor n,om». I do noi I,- .on' lo romiiiend ii to the u«e ol ilio»<- g>-ntle in, ~ -ahou. atMiul r< movi.i,- to (hiluornin m .. at' h ..i ( 11 give.* a clo»e approxmia'ion m ihr t m ry of metnL, and Will er.nainlv enable t'n- vem u , i.j aveartam When hi- placet n yield,..g ( m-rix Vourit, rc»p‘y I HAVE « Marble Monnmeni., at my >.i.| umJ .... \Vo«h! street Should ony prr«on want :i Moriu tnrirt, I wilt m-II ai very rr.lnce.l (inm, hetwrrn tlna and lal April, to save the lnb..i m removing ibern ». my new «land al til.- hrud ol Wood on Libert) Min i. at the corner of Irwin’s alb ) maru tl KDMFN’D WILKINS Dealers in hidcs and leather, ,\jnfnen». Slice Finding*. 4c ,No 14-1 Libert) -nr.-rt, have just rtiftetvrd li.eif HI’ICINO HftHlK of good., cnn. prising M largr assortment rif tUM.-Irs . h e,r which the alteulun) ol purr b;i«e[. m j.iviir.l ir.eblS INDIA RUBBER LIFE HOAT- Ju-i received, l India Ruble)/ Life Boat. ID lect long, .a u«-iul urt. c'le (of persona going to t alHurinn, loi *ale al tin- |.. dia RobWr Depot, No b Wood »t I’XTRA Holme, A N„ J J l!f a 4 Flout. ju«l tcc'.l und for »»le |,y mcjiir. S A \V If A ft HA l il. 11 b* a superior bland-. Window f.lq.s, T jam rnccivcd and for sale by .rnthld *A W HARIIALI.iI JARD-XUkeg*. Urd. vrrv likml lor -ale. by , ,nrhl7 ARMSTRUM. 4 CRoZKH 1)OT'ATOl:S- l&l.nck, jii*l 1 :itiding' lrom.te„ mrr Isaac Ncwioit mid tor sale hv inchl? ARMSTMIiND 4 fROZER MFISS AND PRIME PfIHK W bln- ju.l rr.- d am) lor vale by tuchlft S 4 W lIA RHA l (ill BUIE AND DRANHE PHIN I> Ten cnee. Robe son's, lily je. RrtsUd, Sprague’", Ac , hue urn! me dmio. small and large pullcrti*, )o*l opened and Ini «a»e by SIIAEKLirTr A WHITJ. UKATHKHS- HI sack* prime, for sale by JT mchHl RfIEY, MA ITHKH S A i'o f J'AH— fgj bbls NoitJi t'aroliiia, frr »nle by 1 «ehJ» HHF.V, HAITJIEWS A c’« SL’fIAR -x-jj hhrl* fair In iifime. for solr by tnehl!i RUEV. Al ATFHEWS A O. MOLASSES t.«) plantation Mul»»»r*, 10 dn tuaur hoo*c do, lor >ule by "‘ cli l a KHEV, MA ITIIKU S 4 K. J OAF HliiiAß—lfjii bids No - Sugar, J T 1 do No A(i do do pEACH I>...'j(W bush halves, tor .nlr by ch,U . KHEV. MA’ITIIEW S A Co EACUN— W*JO lbs Bacon, h«7 round .moke 1.0.i.e and now ready tor sale by’ L S WATERMAN. 31 water ami CIS from *1 (^OktN— 'JU) l>u»h t oni, rr«*'d and for aaic I »y >. ? Tr _ w# . , . waterman PARER— 110 teams crown Wrapping I'aprr, 35 do toedioui Jo do« by ' acU9 L a watc-rmaw -PORT OF PITTSBURGH. . AIIRI7ED. Michigan No., 2, Gilwn, Beaver. Bailie, Jacobs, Brownsville. Allanuc, Parkinson, Brownsville. Canitjen, Hendncicson, McKeesj»orL Caleb Cope, A. Murdo«*k, lienver. Bea.ver. (ilark, Heaver Wm Phillips, McPhuj.Killanniog, Messenger, No. 2. Woodward, Cmdeniln. Cajhottn, Weehng Maralta, I^ouisvite. Jenny*{nnd, Galligher. /an«*BVi|ie Jas. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling DEPARTED Michigan No 2. Gilson, Reaver. Baltic, Jaooiis, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brown-ville. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport Ctileb Cope, Murdoch, Beaver. Beaver, Cirirk, Beaver. Wm. PhUlip*. McPhial, Kitlanmnjr. New England, No 2, Dean C.n Pdor, No 2, Kants, Gallipoli* Jas Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. /achdry Taylor, Luca*, Wheeling R Wighimnn, Wallitunson Chr,slur’s Land-eg IDhemra. No 2. Klinefelter. Cin. Si (yloud, Oormly, St 1/ottis New World, Chamberlain. Cincinnati. boats leaving this imv Cincinnati Fnrhets, 10 A. M Brownsville PuekeK 10 A. M.. and M Beaver Packets, 10 A. and 4 !’ M St. Lotita—Kairmount. Schoylkills Wubash—Coluntliinn. Ixiuisvilie—Hamburg. Wheeling—Cinderella. IMPORTS BY 111 VRR. WHOLKSILE SUOE WABKIIOLSE. H. CHILDS 4 CO., TUB A it BO MKT KB J. K MM.IN I’fh K MOSIBIKSTS, WM. YOIIG A. CO., J A. II PMIM.Ips n B' do crushed do do j' or ~ l lle uy tdl'W UHKY, MA'rriJEWS ACo ~ LOCAL MATTERS.— RETORTED FOR TDX FITTSBCRGII DAILY OAIETTE. Agbji cbrctAL Cor* v entiox.— Notwithstanding the mclemeDcy of the weather and the extremely baJ elate of the roads, the Agricultural lion held yesterday was very respectably ollen ded, and n warm mlerest was manifested in ihe proceeilipgv A couMiliili.qi and byelnwH for n ( ’-ounty Agricultural Society were adopted, and Ihe lotlowmg were elected r.tli.-er* l;ll N< vetnlwr next, when another elect,on w : i; take President—lion. Waller Forward. Vi.-r President*—Wm. Marlm, ol Reserve John (-henev. of Hoss. cl Pine Jrtcnb MeCabe, of Fav»-tle Ue.-or«ling Serrelary—Andersen, oi -Üb,o. ' '"rresfh..|idmg Sec y —A. W. Marks, ol Preble-* Treasurer—Wm. Kichbaum. Mnuagera—Wm. Morrmon. of Ohm lohn Murdoch. Jr. Peel>h*s. John Boyle, Indiana, John Mc-Oluskv. Robinson Erasmus'Cooper. Ros« lohn F. Garrard. Fayette lohn H* rron. Jr, Pine. John Scott, Ross. James Williams, We*l beer P.en|.:J\elly, Wilkins. J-'hn V. Rowland. Cj-pcr Jst Clair Paul A. Way Ohio. Wc are rn|iicsted by the Secretaries of ihe (Jon ventw-n to stale that the Report of the pro ceedings will iml Ik* ready lor publi.-nlum till to- L- ‘Foro f’-oi nty Convkni'io*.—Pursuant to noticr-, the l/oeolocos held a meeting in tho Court Hou*o. (or the purposr of nppointmi; ilelegatcs to meet m Piitsboreh. on the 4th of July, and nominate a Lanai (.oiuinisaiouer. 11. S. Magraw, was ded to the chair, an*l Gen. John M liavi*. Cnpt. J. D While, Jo*qj»h Ralston. Jitnies Whittaker. Turbetl, and Ht orv Snowden, were el-ctcd Vu-e President*. Mr. J,»hn S. Hnmilton. James rhornbitrgh, aud I>r K. L). i iazxaui. a* ted as See relane*. Alter offering the nsiutl obi.ition* m the shrine ol -Bunkuin, the meeting appointed the following delegate*—Andrew Burke, S. W. Blank, James H Sawyer, John I). Miller, acid Oinrle-i Kent Mayor’s i'vfu.-k, Pmsaißoir, Man-b VI Ki\c persons appeared the Mayor to day, two o( whom pmd their tines, and the other* were •ent to jail tor twenty tour hour*. Une of those who paid the (ine, wm n country mnn who had -‘never got drunk in lowu before, and did not know why, lor doing *o. he should he compelled lo p«ty one dollar and twenty live cents." It wa* lucky lor him Hint the watchman found him. as he was lying druuk m a gutter, ihe water rising rapidly around him, as it ws* raining in torrents, fUld m a short time be would have been drowned. Mayor’s Office, Alleobesy. March 2l*l—No prisoners before the Mayor this morning. Williamson's magnificent Diorama ot ihe Born b.irdment of Vera Cru/, was exhibited laslVvenmg, in Philo Hall. The various scenes and ooeurren* '•«■* in ihe Gulf are ably depicted, by good scenery and model* of all the vessel* m the squadrons t-t Commodore* Connor mid Perry. The Bombard* nv-nt from C«pt. Anlirk’s Nava! Battery, and de structi<>«o|' a great purl ol the city, by the bursting ol ihe sht-IIH, and the eutnuK-'- oi ihe army into tie < irand Pla/a, arc bc.iutifn! *cene*. ami reflect great credit up. ni llic artist and designer Wc hope he will I** well encouraged lor having n> abb portray cd one of the greatest i-u-iil* of fitodern tune*, ihe - spttirc <>( one id tin s(roitge*t fortresses m ihe worhl * Mortimer Dlvwu'mk was yeUerduy brought liclbre Aid. Steel, on a charge of bor*e steal n*.— 1 >. li. f'uni];»gham, of Ro«s Township, i- the pro- editor, and assert* that IninwiJdie rode the L«>r>e to Venango county, and gold hun iliere. He was committed to aland Ins trial ui the next Court of 'Quarter Sessions Dunwiddu- i« only nppuu-üby Iwtween I't and 14 y.-nre nfage. Dtrißicr Cot tn, March 'M*i -Bct-ir- In* honor Judce Hepburn. A verdict ol 5'271,02 wa* lhi«; inormnc rendered in lavorol tho plamtiil. >n the can- o('M v* l'-ll lowu.*h. A.*sait.i am, Baitery.— Patrick Mearn* l*ecn abused and beaten by Martin ltufly, hail h-ni arrested and taken l*e|bre ttie Mayor on Wedttc day iiiornutg. Tue.iire.— Mr. t'riiy> again appear* tc. night m the Drama ol ihe ‘Orphan of Geneva," and the larce <,{ “Slasher and fiaaher,''jihe jierliirms rices will conclude with tbe farce of «be -Angel of Ihe Attic." Shieis.—A laJy rvmJmg m W'asliuigtuu slreri. compluiit. J yerlerday beUre llie Mayor, against an inmnle id a neightx>nr.g bouse (ur xtrfi|.ng ‘tun men - hb>rt-. and lift; */'■ .ls from u strninl.unt. rtt*u»j I.immn Si ~*ll. Prepared by J \V Ke.i«. Wuuani -i'tn \ y and lor aide by A. Ja.ur-. .V' Tn I nunii *trrei Tin, wnl be lound a »n. fir nl beverage 11 minute*. ami particular.)' lor ... * H* Run's Hriiu* —An improved Cluk-oiulc ptepitru bon. I'C.iik u roiulimviuii of < o. on i<«: mm,. eut. ,n TiK-uaM.s ami palaUMe. highly rv.o.iuu.mU.! pan-- niai ly lor invalid* Prepar'd b\ W lUkrr Donm-- i-f. Ma..,.m1i., ( ml, i, y A J.W.Mi, m the Pek... Tea Store, .No TO Fourth *t iu^Ml CUIAIN- A large eahlc | Cbtun, four luymlrrd ami ' Mil) l<*«-t ui ‘ength. »nitntde ii,r ilmiii r.oa!/. m More und Jim .i.b- t-y m.-hltr I. S\\A I I ItM A S 1) I -ACM K> aiu Iru* ,lnr.‘ I'l-arlir-.m «U»f and Un • a!*’-;. m-nIU I. S W \ PF-KM A\ \l‘l’l.Ks. - !ij sack* , lII, MI App,e«, m -lore ami mi -.■t'- by in.-l.iy I, > WATERMAN C HKD-A irw I,ri . (irimr T'lm/tliy S. r.l i.,r -Kir i-> O mi nIV I, S d ATI'.KM 11 Artists - matkkials i u .i f .t -mi i«.r **.. •**> vards *iuno«ti I'.invasß •£". u.c'l. ■3\ ' - ' .*i - lf> dn/ t',mipr«-**il..e Tub / ion.ll I ANDY-AM.lui Fare* Cough »\.mh . . re. ,l ami tor ,air by uulil'J J K'DIG ''' ctIMRS—A great vai.ety ol -In-,1. bn. 11 »ido and drenauig Corrib*. on Kami ui inrbl? ZF.BCLON KINSF.Y S. iT Mnrkn • IkUIKD APPLES -MJU h«Mi dried Apple-. m t ami lor Bale b> rocht? UKKI.dIM 1A Rff-.-i k-g. No I 1.m.1, ... Mi.r- and ir.r-air b, j m.-tiir j f, K H."'| D CIV IV KK SFKD- d**> I. u *li I'm -er Seed. *t.,i <' and nu -,.r ... inrhl. J A it fU-'t l>_ 1 ) ill COFFEE- auj baa* prime 11m I oifr*. ... .’me it ami i«r «ab- U; J OIKS 11W.Z1'.1.1. im-111T Jl w.m > *i DKI F.l> Al* ri.liS-- -J *ark« dried Apple, m »n*re and lor :iie J>y JAM KS I> A 1./. KI .1. ST A Iti H - tfi i, |* No I Sliinli. I and) nr mid lor sale 1.-, rnrblT JAMh> DM.ZFI'L II HI lD A ri‘USs v: 1.1. u br.l v. on r-«»«i**(iu f - i.,r .ale n, J SCMOII.N.M \ h FK. ACo m. i,C. H v\ noil U WANTED, AI./IKI, in d(7 lioiiirwi.rli |l:ir «v|io ihn rough )' ii ml I* r * Imi - 1 h li<- r bu*.m«». urn! rnn ijive good rr irrrnm, nu licur nf a permanent *uuan >n. nt Imr wage*, by applying at tbm olhi-e. inrliM'itsf HI aaprall'i Patent Soda Aalt •WM CASKS jiiit receivrd per "loumcra Ivanhn, *mt' ’ and Si 1 'loud, and lor *ale bV \V A M MITCHF-I.TKF.I -melil 1 |fiu • l W'H A Pl'l.Ni, I'A IM:tt Uhk> rram« anroried, Cap do - yiMJ ri-iin«; l*o-t d«, .you fo r Rale by IT J vrn<>ONMAKKR * «’n / 1 HI .A riNK Ol Cooper* larntlM*.- U Id "•> l I hy iucl.l7 J SCUUONMAKF.H A C.. I.'KA l’llKlts IWa, lb« prime Kentucky, lor »»>. by T *«*»f7 C H (,KANT, 41 wumr »i Window i.i.ass—tiki i.oxr* »iiu, iwdoiou* •TUdolUin TftdoTili; for *ale by trim- S F VON ill )NNHOIt>T A Car. CMKAF GINOiIAMS—A. A Mitaou ACo hove a very large tt ..nri me ui ol (iingtiniQ*. ai Hi n** 4101 yard. Tboic wlm -*i>h good* ol uu* kind would do well to call ai No Ui Market »i m.irv 1 kRoWN UNf'.N TAUI.i; Cl.irnis - A A Mmo" I> A t’o.'Hl .Market .ireoi. have in -mr- a very * « tenaive iinaortinent ol i(te«n gooda, m ir\ from r**4 lU-1 pure* ranging Ironi r| lo tnurV H" TUF-H-TlXJ'Cny' Slaughter, ainTsVe-ieiu Flint Hide*, on hand and for . ale hi n.elilWM YIH V. A Co ltd Inherit *' J\KIFD AITI.KS b| l.u-h dried Apple*. J"-' r - A ) and in. yele b, c H (.KAN T, im hli 11 wai.-r *i CII.AIUFIKDSYitI F- -ti Clnnbed Swap, luu > dmg from »imr Sduiylk ill «nd for «ule low hy Ih'bia JAM KS DAI-ZFI.I- wnter «i NC TAK - I" bi-l. Noitli Cmolu.i. Tur, ... *ir-f . and lor sale by nmbli JAS U.M.ZI.U. I>K»'FKK-H b:i,*« pepper, lor Rale hy mridi WiOK A M’CAN Hl.f^S F n.OU|<-d.i bid* *iiperfinr Kye Flour, m itme nml lor tale by nirhld I, S WATKRMAN IKON • PJO ion* Iron, asßorird, mr *«le hy me hi.'l I, s WATF.HM AN XT AlldS—4*jj keg* Nu.i* and Spike*. a*»oried, lor 1> Rale by rnrl.P! I.SWATK^KMAN STKF.I. — A general a«»orUiieni ol Cn«l. Slo'iir. Kin* •«aji li!i*ler, (terainn, Si.niip, and A M. Steel, (or *alr by u ehl I I.SWATKKMAN JINSKF.I) (111,-li bl.l. l.maccd Oil, mi Riorr and J for »ale by SA IV llAltllAl'ljll lAIII) —H bid* No 1 LnrrJ, !> keg* do doj jum ree d J »«d for sale by muni KKOVVN A CUI-Bl'-RTSON Wl N DOW "til,ASrt- Compn*inff all »be *itcs geno rally ruade. and warranted good qaality, ,eo>t liaiilbuor *alr in ounnliUe* lo Bull pureliaeera, by * * ROBKRTSON A BEPFIiKT, ‘ taarKhdiut No Lu 9 Socond nreet < TRANSPORTATION- LINES. “Ro* LINE^ UN Til 1C PKJTSM AND OHIO CANALS. rs '«T"--l'A ' HAJSHKKUVinrvHa.'J.D ) |fc„«. !•» 1 1 ,o ‘ ,r * T'""',-" - »«*** X ~n<-r i. ti> • r-i;..; >(1 fi tr*- 1 f ti! am! r- ironi KrTII :.. .t C1.1.V KLAND. to urn pm-u on 1 ui'iliiii ■, :(„• |j„, . ir r niir | r rp**rr**nr-r m cnpinni-. • !l ' ■ I'f -• "f*' 1 mid l\--\--:;.n.J -bi-ty. Min I.AKi; I.KII \M) MICMU.AN. ■ -1 P-av-r r.d-.lurmn'-' 'l-llOrr,. profi r- ..I i»i lllf Lakei Ai.k , i rs •• R (i r.-ir-r. Pa J-«‘e Ha. -n-i-. Voii’irvtowi:. (>hi.< Wi, i ( r„, « vrv l'r. -■ ii —. Knt.'HP.n. Ci.mioM * « ii-im'if i cii. t ’ir v r!:in.l O St nr* A 4 .-.41 |; u .i N Y T JOHN A.CAl : <:HKY,A|frni. 1 i;7m c rnr Water a :,i 5in....!,i ~! -i«. piunbarrh. I, h * _ , *jrHLV HM-KIJ-H- BINGIIAHS* TUAJiSPORTATIOH LINE .lon.V Hl-miIAM. Till!- ill ATI AM. % 'Vm PuS.hia.M. .t!ior.iuytii ? pr.-parrti u» rorward'pri>»Lu-r uml MrrrLu.i- Jf 11> -u■ ■ inmi im- K4».i«-rn riuc* bUM-ic*. aml /t.'llnu* Sllli'lltlOU l-l tile .rtl.-rc'-t* Ol <* II r luinrr-*, .*ui oviirr in un a coniinuam-r „„J ~,<-r--:«.e rt; Hi«• p:im>nn» Huh. fin fxU'itil<-«l iu Line. (>tir arra-ieeiuri i. will rnnlili- u« to r.trr. Fr.-igtu wuli i!i<. nun.... it, *ji;,i,.|| mid our pne-'-t •lui.l aiwny. be a* low m- iti.- :,>we«l elinrued by oilier ri-^poH*il..r ' Vr l‘tj. -tpei" !aa urtu-c ,ii No I-: Mhn.. i -: reel P'oSm-/ n „J \|,-n. . vr.l !.. r . u a rW. F.,i>t ii ,1.1 \\ i.TMimui at.wl.arc-- lor tor warding. ml va .e-un; m-igl'i. -totni’r .*r i-oriimui’.in'i. A*W» f ipp ytn H.\| t 'nnnl H t -i cor I. I--! • ,S \V»i v n «- *i». I*iUi>ln(r« h UrS'i.llAMS it I KICK. No I-:: a -id -i76 Market utrrct, Phumia J.\ \IK.H WILSON. N • T.*.’ NntUt Howard Mrret. Ilnl'tunni.: WILLIAM TYSON. Atnu. Ni> ]l> \\ i-o ?trri*t. New Nor* Pen nay 1 HU lh-* lamiing (uppO«:ti- r S Hole;, eorner of -t iuid Canal, mt;M nt mre n elo--k Pun- !J dny«. For information, apply hi ih«- i >ilit-e. .Mo.Kuic.ilu iii llourc. or to D LKKCH A C-> Canal n.i*tn PESNkI LVANIA i ANAL A. It. I^OADS, i \ i* \ \..» t.e ,n purl, ami irav.-.ef. »>• re. • aye bi i.lli* r roulr, | .c. will 1-ht--.tit-luridmv op jMiMtr tin- I. S. Holrl. • ii-iht p- wi mrrrl ami Tamil every iuv at ilie omee Momt-u'nlir.a ilou<>r tu n u.n n \ riu ., u N M The propriemr* m uvi l.u,e »re nu'.v Kin I.; it".’ n m :i‘!ditiomi! f.t-.r <•' I" k.-i- in run «4 Ht*ove v Urn: Hum!’u ■- I n'r 1 *i'ri j*M'a‘ # \- i In; -.ii.- a par Ur I vr,<, 1.-.,w - i -r. -mmiuiy .ami i’ / Time thrnticli Vl >l.-ii • m.-iild I.AItK ERIE AM) MICUHiAN LINK, in iiu; i•:1111: r.xn• '.**u>n * anal F-ti.-.:..|m,. ... |:J,; 'j’MP 1V... -->r m :,i.« w-.: Iciumi: l.m- of C.hi:«. <- ' v ' >0 irnmpnri l , ,r«rn»n» .mil I n i,tr in »l- pomf- ui, Lrie Kill*.i N'.-w 'lurk (" uih!» un ! : •• !,.•«-* niiitiinc in romii-riiim w.:ii the t.ivi,r -i- -i.-aiti-.nm* iII.WLR m.d t' AI .KH Tnl T.. l»-nvn-n I'.ii-i u■t. .1 lb turn. 1,1.,- and Mu liijran UA- limit 1.. N--a no funni, -in-l T M Keei! - Unv '• '> Ui;i:n. Prupt'.-i,.r. Lne Pa At.l VI a r.,.:n-.l A. Ilrmner. IJeiiv. r U - M iinn , Siiitron .1 KA t. 'Hut!. Sharpshurc s :t A Downing. J II Plummer. Wc.«t Lrrrnviue Wi.-i. V- iu-r A Co, Win tm i.lti KEI.IANCF. POHTABLK BOAT LINK, ‘ s t>. M&Mk For iii« 4m*k-(»orii»iuuk ol .McroJiouuirc. between Philadelphia and rrrreurßrtii G'KJDS curried on iln* Line aro noi transhipped between Piu.slm.nrli tm M .in - Nnrscr) J KIDD A ‘ LOWELL FLKTCIIKn, -ll.til IlflL JSID PURE SPIRITS ITT” Drdrr* from Iruburgh for Alcohol. Pure -iw ‘'» . Raw or Krcittnd \\ lu»key, will be promptly ! - n Jed m »l lmvr.| mmU-t price. mrlrli .il v CLOTHING, a r ihr l> I) I I eil StHci WHOI.KSAIiK CLOTIIIHIi WABEflOlj&g. LEWIS A HANFORD, N.u i'ji »*IH Viy> PIUK' HIREKT. I Hrt\\«c;i Fulton t ;<■•* t and Putlni- Slip) <’ LOT lIIIVH I NITI |i ST ' ll SIIIHTS AN!) DIUWKII' We k.-p mi . n.l.r— v.....) t 'to.-t ri 1 kMi I’cNisnm in, Ol L I'LOTIIING '■« i V h. KK \) II AT •> In Ur*- World I’l.M . 'M'l ASIIIiiNMII.K CMirillNi. Ol a I kind* 1.1.W1S A lIAM lIIU' l-h* .I’jiuJtii'-v No* V-'id nnd T-*, I'rnr! fl, N \ SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ks c ii a% <; p: r. r•l d i s ST. CLAIR KTHKKT, PITTSBURGH, m>i it-vr m i i-k’iMi mu* N !•: W 1 (IRK A \ l> I* II I I. A DELPHI A Ami i« t-o.v : V i ni; l> lint’ .a.mairusrul ol CLOTHS, CASSIMEIiES m VBBTIN6S, ur THE DFFT (}!’ AI.ITS AN D I.AII'ST STY (.KS. 'Vi.irh 1,,- i- prr jiun-il lo maiM' U> ortirj INI UK HL>“I MANNLU Au il i n i Ii «■ Ia (e » I I" n »nt o n s HARDWARE PAPER -JO ream* line PjouliiT on ' for wale by b!7 J HCIRiONMAKEK A «.'*» LAKI> OIL— |ck coaipriw!* a very* large and complete .-i.ooinni-ni of nlmost every article usually found in a • co«kI« «iore. and as they have l*eeo mainly pur i iia.*rd at thr- en*rni suction*, hence the late great re duction of once* We are enabled and determined to -cii ihpin oil at great hargam*. Wholesale buyer*, country merchants, tailors, and the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear i> cmiTunaiiou. Bargain* *hall he given. ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market st, l " 1 " N W corner of the Diamond A. A. MASON A CO., v<* ‘MI MARKKr STREET—Have received by re j,l cent ini|»oi'auoii* tlie following Goods, viz: >ll carton* Thibet Shawls, of various qualities and '■obiM Fifty dozen "Alexander’s" best quality Kid f .!"Vf* together with a good assortment of col’u silk, I. *ic UirruiJ. and cotton Glove*, for spring trade. Ifirh "landing, -uaight turnover Collars; cheap Col nr-,. .M*i pair embroidered Cuffs, from 50 eta to f 1,25. Mourning ColiiT- m greai variety. Demi Lace Veils, inr grruicst assortment ever offered by us. French ir I English <1 4 Prints; Hoyle's Print*, small figures an-l ia*t color*, -mall plaid French Ginghams; British Kurniiure Chintz. wlme *«un Damask Tabic Cloths; Linen Damask, il. » and lb-5; (freen Beragu#; Gents tna. k Grin de Rhine Silk Cravats, 3*.* to 40 inch, the ' »•*: good* imported; Purse Twist; linen cambric and • n:«*.n cambric Hdkis, Irom <4 in $2.50, While Goods *u* li a* Jm-ytirts, Lawns, Mull and Swiss Muslins' figurrMl.>lli Wi»uM,KN>- Ulanteih, Flann.-l* I / 1 tv,-r >i*. i 'n.Miirits, i-\ i loili and Ca.*simeii'. by JoMN M \ln \ A r,. Frol. M I';:!,!. ;m po or jim kage. eery low lor sale by m-vl- (,Kf) COTHRAN l*Ass|.M KRh2*--'J ia.*e« new *iyle Fancy 1 i a»».riiiT—bright figure* and very liandsdnie I'OOil*. jii *1 op.-uvd by dee I a SHACKI.brrr 4. WIIITK I 'M AT FOdT—Smith 4 Johnson I'j Mirk.-i *trr«*t. wilt «e|| tor the balance of the *■ ,i..iii (•■>«;. t l«rai jtix-k of I’n neli Meriiios. eonipri •iii. ’to nio.l etioirr color Now i« your lime to «r -■ u-'' !■arc-tin* deel'l \l .1. \I r UIUUuNn -J u ,i received at ZeDulon Kui «;7 Market -Ufei. I" -olorcd Vcivi-i Rjt'bon, assorted colors; t, Shrubbery, Kver- Trtu, dte. &.c. TUI’. »«,..< I i I'M O/I.T- '.if • air an.l : a •ol meol ui I’nuil- ' t Kun'O.l .'li- ' ..... I.immi i I.:norn •m{ I’-a.i’* ‘or |>i.i r>'.‘..a in A . . ..1 •• .111. ril |-l .. r- I > ..tap- Vi n». Run*, u; "•..01. 'i'r-r.' ~„l T . . , I • « I' • r.*«. r K. ..:• in a nrrril vhmov :■ 1 1 in tin.- roml.lion MM IhVlAlllitN (iULD PKNS. a magmliccut and j Itio.i-I. eilrnt ]>vn, being ihr hr«t sent to iln* ) sr> corner market and 4ib »t« Kll) 1. Id »VKS -‘AA dor l.ndirs super Kid filoves, 1" men* white and blk “ j •• misses colored do •lrV. FHKATUN A Co Cl Al .ll-1 >KN l A Ju»i received, several i .it Navy and Dragoon Pistols Persons m t- i.i. ig in w».i I'.iiiturni't would do well lo call and t- a.*irui .<■ itie-lu. Ai*o. line Wmches, Jewelry-, Silver \N ire. military and fnney Goods; for sale by J W W WILSON, 57 market st AKKIVAI.— By Kipresa (his duy, at \V. M iVimoek s Oarpci Warehouse. No 75 Fourth st, K.i-ii-*: rupenry Pnii.-rn. INGRAIN CARPETS, to win. |i wr itiv.ii: in- uti.-nlion ol puicbasers. •"‘•rlJ w M CLINTOCK I>l. k« -K ALPACAS AND I.I‘STRHS \\T K.Mb*. > pus ti-viii * the munition oi buyers to his very full»ment of ibe above good*, embracing ihe various • ( unluies from the lowest price to the finest. Also, Mohair Lusirc*. very glossy, and of rich Pans blk. Ais*», a “tree iii*r>titnci>i of fancy Alpacns and Lns ir-« consisting U | Hianfrcaide. •atm »tnped, saun and Uiu-i barn-d. unina-k bgiirvd, 4c • Mtanrioc Ulttc ParniaUos—A few pieces of these •itni'i- n-ni *cnr<-c goo*!** on hand—aNo, Matanne A.pacas .tnd Mo.i*c dc l.nmc». at the north east 1 ort.i f ot Fmiru and Market *t«. Who.i mi- .locmt up sta r* febW c, or ii-M i.i our Mund No r.u-;iM'> puck eil anil lor - I>!.A N KK”! COA nNJJ— l)rnt>, I.a'.'«mlef, jtc y mil* ] ) •••! iu»t lor Krtlr l>v the picrr i*r package, al iiiunutnc turr r * prrvr*. by MFRPHY * LF f £ . lib*Ttv «t. oppomtc ilh Cl.i't lIS- -I . p»«c ii'ark mixed h«nv^c&»*im«rcs; 3 >;o J\\ um v color*, l do tnncy eriMitncre li \ i n . wishing u> close out their stock of Muifi and Victorious tor the season, will tel) ihc balance irinltranog a good variety of Ltlti and K'KiU.a* well “* the more common articles,) at EAS TERN COST—to which they would respectfully invite Hy fUicunmi or purchasers NOW IS THE TIME MiR BARGAINS. Cull al corner Wood and FTflh ‘ireets. jalO AT DRY GOODS HOUSE OF W. R. MUBPHY, Nohtii Hast cur.vkk Jpi aan Majuktict.', PrrramriUH. I)EKSONS wanting Dry Goods will please lake ho lier llinl the nliovc house has commenced recei- VI-...- It. NEW SPRING GOODS, mid invites the calls • ' i>';nlar cu»iom«-f* and buyers generally, Goode •Ait l !••• iitlrt- *1 in n>w prt.'rs, and purchasers will Ij^ve• . :ir u "' .i'iil I'ltou-r a*«<>Mmcni lu select from NEW I (-KK, \'* t.I.DW NA.NKKEf^S—Dnc cate be«i quality I Ahi-ill. l<- Nniikrrn*. |U»I oprnOi by m:.ii-: miaikleti' a wmiti-; iw wood >t I INI'N LUSTRES Two casr* plain, figured m<| \i lam '• l'iar-1* hriclit cnlors. fust received by SHAOKLFrrT A WHITE Ml lUK ( 'Ol .Djl ED ALPACAS- - 7 rasr * low priced, . medium nud tmr Alpaca*. Coburg*and Cash mcr-r-rciv-.l by murl-J SHACKI.CTT_A_WHITF. I >i»N\KT> AND MILLINERY GOODS—S*»ti!“a I) JotlV-n.v 4o Markri »u cot, arc now opening their •n-ek oi spring Itounrbv Kihhons, Silks, Lacos, Crepe I.Ac lk.-ul< r* and olhrrs arc uiTitrd to call and ■ laumic ihrm marls W! 111 n. t.oOHS—Juti iceeivcd al Sumt A John- TY Kira's, 4» Mnrkrt a lull stock of White Good-. ciinipnsinc ryrry variety of Jaconet, Cambnc umi Swi«« Muslins, chuck, plaid and figkl do. Bishop I,owns and Kook Muslins, Tariaian• have made such a large redaction frera our reg ular price* that we wdi now sell a large portion of our roods BELOW COST of importation. The early at '.rt: Son of buyer* \t invited to choice high colored h’ ooo * adapted to the California Trade. LADIES DRESS GOODS. Plain amt figured Camelian Cashmere* and delaines oil price*. Super cloak cloths, all co lor*. French merino*, all color*, Black bombazine*, . Cross barred and striped alpaca*, Brocha fig'd and strip’d do, Jenny Lied plaid*, Victoria l.yoncsc cloths, ▼cry rich, Cobcrg cloth* and cameli on lustres. V<*ry superior tiroclun fig'd ami watered Mk gilki, Superior repnnnarc ailkß, Mk and colored, Su)*r Mack <*los«y Oro de ni.ui silks, Vi»»-ue ami manulln mUtt, I-e*t quality. I’uti- «aim*. and Mue Mk sriin*, Lamuriine -atin mennb*, super silk warp alpaca lustres; Plain and'rtubrniM thibetl STAPLE GOODS. Tuwfbing. Towels and Napkins. Furniture Prints and Chintzes, Seariei Oft Chintz, for curtains; Suprr printed Chintz, for quilts; KiiiDroniered window curtain Mu*lm< >iiiped and barred •• *• Bed Blankets, ail qualities and size*; embroidery (bmp. 10 ps wide Plain. 4c. W W WILSON. Aiufipir- a lT!e Canal Boat Fnrnlture. NEW SPRING*GOODS. |) /' i oumrv Merchants ami others are invilrd to \ .tnini. U;r x->ur uue- ill in Wbolrtalr Room*, up is small, convenient, and can be used without difficulty; a glance being sufficient to show the process. rerun* contemplating going to California, would do well to call and examine the instrument, as it is in ev ery ofay calculated to protect them from fraud by ena bling them at any time to ascertain the value oi their metal. Prini**!! dtreriionft and lableswilLpc supplied grain itously io purchaser*. SAAIUEI, EAKINB. Union eircel, man-iin rear of John B. McFaden'» Jewelry »torr JOHH A. SHAW, PACKKR OF PORK-AND BKEF. Commission Merchant and Forwarder, NO 4 OANAf.tfT, CINCINNATI. OHIO IP* Particular attention paid 10 the porcha«in K m of any article of Produce in thin market. AI»o to the forwarding of Goods generally. Refer to Me«*r*. John Swasey A Co, - ) Marun A Stockwcll >Cincinnau. O S C. Parkhnm, Esq. ) Lippmcort fc.Co. Kier A Jond; ["Pittsburgh, Pa FjigUsh A Bennett, ) marP:dCtn PAPER HANGINGS DEPOT, No. IS Cortlaruti street, New York , OPPOSITE TUB WBXTKBH ROTIL The Croton flonnfbetarlng Company, (Organised under the General Manufacturing Law of the State of New \'ork.f OFFER at wholesale, in quantities to suit purchas er*, at maauiacturers' lowest prices, for cash or approved cr :du— Papzrß of every variety of style and pnee Bourns to match. Fire Board PnnUin great raritty. Transparent Window Shades. Oti Painted Window Shades, and Wide Window Curtain Papers, Of the latest siyie* and auperior finish, all of their own manufacture and importation. As their Slock is laree and entirely new. they invite Merchant*, Book sellers, and Dealers in these article*, to call and exam ine their styles and prices whenever they visit the city, Country Merchants can examine this Stock from 6 o'clock in the morning till 10 o’clock in the evening. feh26-dlm PHILADELPHIA IMPORTATiOSBT AT LOWEST RATES.—Juat received, Pan* Fans of latest styles. Percussion Cap*, Teeth Brashes, German Slates and Pencils, French Perfumery ami DraßlP*** articles, with the most extensive variety o Fancy Goods in the city, fcalers are invited to an early examination before Purchasing their supplies’as the goods will be offered at the lowest importation rate*. WM. TILLER, Importer, jall-dflweod No 1 Commerce «t, Phiia. ColTer’a Patent Codobtc Beater Churn! BUTTER IN FIVE MINUTES'!., WE call tie atlenuon of the public to the article heading this advertisement. and invite the enter prising and curious to call and witness iu operation. All ffaverusemenu in relation to this invention, to the hundredi who have seen it tested, t» supererogation. lit. Thu Churn will produce Butter, gathering it in a tna«», from sweet milk, in five to ten rainuies! and from cream prepared, as families usually propare it, in. t&ree to five minutes! Ihl. The utility of thi* invention is apparent, as bet ter Butter run be ntoduced from rweetmilk, or cream, than ereau soured in the usnal way, and by means of this churn, a little girl or boy can perform, in five or ten minute*, what has hoirtoiore required the labor o( a woman or man for one or two hours,' and sometime* half a day. •’U. By *imply fuming a thumb screw, the whole in side dasher is taken ont, leaving nothing Lot the baiter and milk in the plain wooden box. 4th It i* the cheapest chum ever Invented, as the •duplicity o( its coimructton (ihough embodying n great philosophical principle) makes it hut Imfe to manufiicture it. sth. Jt is a common-sense rhuru, as all will admit who will examine it We invite the public local) and witness its operation at our office in the Diamond, near the Black Bear Ta vern. Pittsburgh, and at J F. Beckham’s, Federal Allegheny CAMERON A PRICE. mar9:4lAw3mH OREM a HOPKINS, (Late John M. Oiera ' N. W. cotuixa Mji.esn asm 0 [tables Street*. BALTIMORE. W’OULD inform Merchant*and Merchant Tailors, that they have fitted up the floors over their Tai loring and Clothing department, for the sale br the piece of Cloths, Cassimere*. Vestings, Tailors’ Trim mings, and all articles adapted to th« unde. The lib eral patronage bestowed upon them, in this department of their business, has induced them tr» enlarge their warehouse, to enable them to meet their Increased trade. One of the partners who bos had long experi ence in business, wall devote his whole time to pur chasing; and boyers may rely upon finding a large stork of whatever is most desirable of European and American manufacture, that money can procure. New Cloth rooms will be opened ou tho Ist March. Entrance on Charles street. felnS-eodthn '"Notice to Dagaerreotypef'Xrtiatfc JUST received, a small invoice of VOJGTLAKN DER’S QI’tCKWORKLNG INSTRUMENTS— new construction. These Instruments possess great advantages over all others over made, covering a 2-3 size Plate, reducing the tirao of sitting one-half, and producing a sharper, clearer and better defined pie ture. They, therefore, draerve the attention ondl Ar tisu engaged or intending to engage in the business. Price for the TulicSl'S. A general assortment o[ VoigtlaenderN juotly cele brated Instruments, of all tues, as well as Daguerreo type Material*, at the lowest rate*. AIR PETER SMITU, Cincinnati, Ohio, is our au thorised ugrut ior Hie sale.of the above Instruments. A Lutot Prices mn be obtained by addressing. post paid. W A F LANGENHHM, Exchange, Philadelphia, Importers m Daguerreotype Materials, and. General Agent* ior die sale of Vpigdaender’s Optical Jnstru mn,,u mßTd^odfttn Paper Hangings, HAVING purchased at three of Uie largest Facto ries in the East, I Now York, Philadelphia and Balumore.) a large assortment of the newest and most improved styles of PAPER H ANUI.NGS, BORDERS, Ac., and made arrangements by which 1 will be ena bled to procure all new Patterns, fttmuilaneoua with their appearance in the Eastern market, i would in vite the attention of those desiring to have their house* papered with the latest stylet ot paper, to call and examine my stock, bofore purchasing elsewhere. Ri have now on the way from the East, 20,000 pieces of (iold. Satin Glazed, and common Paper Hangings, winch I can soil at pnees ranging from 121 cts to 82 F P>*£c mehlji S C HILL, i»7 wood si REMOVAL. — We have removed our Book Stores from 50 Market street and 79 Wood street, to the house formerly occupied by Messrs. William Bell A Son. No. 79 Wood street, between Fourth and Diamond alley muz ELLIOTT A ENGLISH. GEORGE WBYMAS, Manufacturer and dealer m all "kind* of TOBACCO, SWirFPS AHD CIGARS. AT hi* Old Stand, corner of Southfield »tr«t and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa-„would respectful ly caJi tha attention ot Country Merchant*, Hole! and Steamboat Barkeeper*, to a largo and superior aaaon ment of IMPORTED CIGARS, among which will bn found the following huuida, viz: Eagle. Retail*, Caa tello*. f niiCipe. l.a Norum*, Star Brand, Minerva and Dollar Regain*, ail of which will be sold a* low is can be had at any other houne In the cuy Also, cimoumly on bund and for sale, n !are, ami well selected slock of Virginia, Missouri, and Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Also, Havana, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco cohstiuilly ou hand and for sale. nov:i:d6m PRINTING PAPf'R—Having the exclusive ageucy (or ibo sole ol ,h« Mill Grove Printing Paper (S B AC P. JUarklc, Proprietors,) w« will be constantly supplied wtih all the different sixes of superior Quality which we offer at the lowest regular prices. RKt NOLDS A BHEE, >eh*»4 comer Peint and Irwin »ta NOTICE. riMlh undersigned having removed to Washington I city, will attend to the prosecution of claims on the Government, and to any taw business before the Di,mc ‘’ ” ith w . t “' b b ' ™*r b. entru.led _decB-d3mis ANDREW WYLIE. Jr gar/ "TmrTsvTnrsnrr' Dentist. Corner of Fourth and Decatur, between Market and Ferry meets. sepS-dlyin TNDIA RUBBER receiving, S gross -L bottle* of Rubber Paste, a superior article, highly important to persons that wish to keep their feet dry. It preveuu the.leather from cracking, and will take a oolish over it For sale at the India Rubber Depot, s_\ V _ 0 5 >J ,"_ irecL innj-5 J t H PHILLIPS PITKSK LOST—A Bead Purse, of blue ground, con taining City Scrip and Silver, was yesterday lost somewhere between the comer of 4th and Wood »u. and Washington and Wylie streets, via Liberty, Se venth and Webster sis. The hndet will bo suitably rewarded by returning it to the Variety Store of mar 3 KENNEDY A SAWYER. SHOT GUNS, IUPLKSjTISmS.' EDWARD K. TYKON, No 1.11 Nogrti Sacoxn rnutsr, Paiianau*uu Manufacturer and importer of douuic’ana single barrel Shot Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Pow der Flasks. Shot Bags, Pouches, Ac. Ac. Also, Six barrel Revolving Pistols, and material* for Gun Makers' u*c. Usbltf-eodlw KBEHH PURE TEAS. Wholesale and retail, at the PF.KIN TEA STORK, ?l> Fourth street, near Wood, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber having just returned from New » ork, is now receiving a large fall supply ® f GRKF.N AND BLACK TEAS, from the New York Pekin Tea Company, selected with great care for retail sales. Our slock being now heavy we are pre pared to supply Grocers, Hotels, Steamboats and Fam ilies with any quantity and at any price they may wish; packed in J, | and 1 pound packages, 6 lb. tin canis ters, 0 and 13 lb catry boxes, and in half chest*. Retail Grocers are invited to call, as we can and will sell better Teas at lower prices than any other bouse in Pittsburgh. Our stockoffinc Young Hyson,Gaspowder,and im perial Green, and Oolong Black Teas are the best in ihe American market. Leveling's doable refined Loaf, Crushed, and Pul verized Sugars, at retail, orby the barrel. COFFEES—Mocha, Old Gov. Java, Lagmra, St. Do mingo and Rio Coffees, selected liy the most expeuen ced coffee Broket in New York. Sweet Spiced Chocolate, I’lcklcd Coe umber* and Onions, Fresh l’eaches, pat up in ihetr own juice Malaga Raising in a lb bout*. Ntf —All Or D- Jayne’* Family Medicines for sale. dec9-d£w3 a. JAVNES CAltOcnUii'|EUlle»,~ 900 RlFLl ' :s ',“ , ;°J;s“ h “ ii*mad •CUU ruirioii LockßUlu, now UKrd h-jAdTn.. - i »«“* Imowu. The, oroMron,, woffle ",£3 Mmcenblo Oun*. elacily lio utido lor lhTc3i"c,r. rua frmde, manufactured sod Oat «»h by r fc«owb‘w Nonll S "°° d ™22S2it jmfiSJLQIS. J'ARMS, &c TO LET* A highly eligible Business, Store Room, and B=g three story Dwelling, near the Canal Bridge, *«* Al>c*Uy EaS?3Sj^ NSi near the premise* mchlT-upl For 8al«* A SECOND hand STEAM ENGINE, in good rtin ntng order, ?{ iuch cylinder, 30 inch stroke; boi ler u feet long, 3Cinehct in diameter; fly wheel 21 owt. Al*o, one line of shafts, 25 fret long, SJ inch** in diameter, with drums; one upright taw. Enquire of marcnf MATTHEW SMItH, No. 40 High st , A FARM situate on the N. W. bonk of the Ohio nv er. nine mile* below Pittsburgh- couuuning 291 acre*, late the property of John Ju, Hood, deceased, and k nown a* “Safe Landing.” Reference to David Hood, on the premises: Wb. M. Davt*. Allegheny, and tho undersigned in tire city of 1 hiladelphi*, febl-Smeod • CHA&LB& GILPIN- To ct>TT^rAltiD - s« a£a~t»Zr£OTKHs7 PLANTATION IN ARKANSAS—i-nm subscriber offer* for sale the extensive plantation in Aikan •a*, formerly belonging to and oeespied by the late woveruor Kent, of Maryland, and containing twenty eictubandred and eighty-three and a half acres of land. *.“‘* e * u I t * He* tn the counties ol Phillips and Crit ndl^L“d situated in Walnut Bend, oa the Misso *tppt oyer, twenre-five miles above the town of HeUs !V‘il a,d to h ' bo h i? he « river land in that re- Slrtwih UntT^r ' i u s°ift» peculiarly adapted to the ‘“provemenu are an overseer's *?> *■»* '““"‘“'-l »er« of ibis lud h»»o been cleared and ore now cultivated. The rest of it mav be easily cleared, (the most being already done,) and has lest umber upon it, and that chiefly of Bah,- whteh it readily sold at a well located wood yard. In quantities of several thousand cords every rear Thu plantation isone ofgreat value, and presents a rare opportunity to the public. In the Wdi of a rood planter it may be easily mode of immense annual tro fit. lu raetliues of intercourse with New Orleans af ford a constant avenue for the disposal of lu products. It is distant about SOU miles from ggp miles from tho mouth of the Ohio, sod 740 "iifi gum New Orleans, This property will be divided Into several parts, if desired. For terms, Ac., apply (post paid) to f WILLIAM R PBBINE, Dal timore, Mary lasd. 346 Aem Coal Land for Sal*. CrrUATEDon the Monongaheliuriver, about lflmlle* O from Pittsburgh and 3 «»!*■ aba to third !*>»*, la ihe immediate neighborhood of Messra. Lyon A Short), "bud Mr. John Herron’* purchase. This find body of Obai will be sold at the low price 0f833 per acre—one third in hand, balance in five equal annual payment*, without interest. Title indisputable. Location Tory good—cannot be surpassed. For further particular* enquire of 3., who has a draft of saldpre -perty. Residence Lfd si,below Ferry,ilr. Adams’Row. N. B. There is another seam of coal on thla trial, about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent Quality. jy*:dtf , S.R cwbtr¥~ &KBiDMHfcs^oa“BSSr: M.IO ACRES OP GROUND, situated near the. Pittsburgh and Greensburgh Turnpike, 3} miles from the city, and adjoining the Allegheny Cess* etery, on which is erected & large and well finished two story brick Dwelling House, together with stables, carriage bouse. Ae. There w also on the premises a large variety of fruit trees, and u spring of unusual ex cellence contiguous to the dwelling. ) n *3 WM YOUNG, 143 Liberty st Valuable Real Bitats far Sat*. THE Trustees of the Western Theological Seminary having decided to sell. on perpetual lease, a por tion of their property in Allegheny city, offer on very favorable terms, from 30 to 50 Lots of different ■<». A warrantee title will be given. A plan of the lota can be seen at No. 129 Wood street. For particular*, enquire of either of the oodenimed Committee. JOHN T. LOGAN, ALEX. LADOHUN, MALCOLM LEECH. H. CHILDS, 3 A ML. BAILEY. Valuable Beal ElteU tar Bala*. THE following property in the city of Pittsburgh, and rresr the borongh of Manchester, on the Ohio river, i« offered for sate on accommodating terms: 3 I/ou (bong mb-diviaion of Let No 4GB in the plan of the city of Viunbargh,) having t» feet front on Se venth stroet, by sio feet to Strawberry alley, near Grant street- 10 one acre Lots fronting on an Avenue, 60 feet nde, running from Beeper rood to the Ohio nver, ad* titling Phillip*’* Oil Cloth Factory. For term*, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JAMES O’HARA, Burke’s Building, 4th at. febl-dtf > Lot on Liberty Street far LetM> ONE LOT, 4a feel from on Liberty street. by.UO feet u> Brewery alley, nearly opposite West street, and convenjent to the Monoogahela river, will be leas* ed for a term of years. Enquire of ■ CHARLES B SCULLY, or JAMES O’HARA, febG-tS _ Burke's Bail ding, 4th H ValnabLs Property for Sole. TNTHK NINTH WARD OF PITTSBURGH—Sev- X eral Lou on Baldwin and Liberty street*, in. the Oib Ward, 84 feel by-IUO, and adjacent the proposed depot of the Central Railroad. For temu Inquire of CHARLES B- SCULLY, ot James O’Hara, Burke’* Building, 4th at TO LET. MFROM Ist ofApril next, on reasonable terms, io good icryints, six comfortable two stoxT Brick Dwelling with cellar*. vaults and back bnild »>{:*. situated on Robtnaoa and Cnuz streets, Allerba nyciijr. Enquire of SWETTZER £ REED, m*rii:dri Office Third st, opposite St Charles Hof) FOR SALE, ON frvorable terms—A Lot of Ground on th*aottth side of Penn street, near the Monongabel* river, fronting WJ feet on Peira street, and extending UO feet in depth to nu alley SS) ft wide; a most desirable lth*a tion either for private residence* or for manufaetnrinr purposes. Enquire of J HCHOON&LUCER A Co, Jeblti No 84 Wood st M COUNTRY SEAT TO LET—A two story Brick Dwelling, with 5} acres highly improved Land, sitnated in Oakland, to let from Ist April neiu HARDY, JONES A Cd 7 . /eh* ... _ <4Water stroat MPOR RENT—For one to three &m of April next, a large iwoistojfed brick Dwelling'flnuse, pleasantly arattedoathobuk of the Ohio river, adjoining the borough of .Mutohei! ier v with_ about four acres of land, out buildings, Irw trees, Ac, Ac. Apply to •« 3n5 JAMES A HUTCOiaON A Go To L«b , M. A LARGE and well • finished Room, sceotul story, on the comer of Wood rad Third streets, above tbe Exchange office of Wta U William* Possession given immediately. Inquire of J"5 MXHLLS A RUE, M Liberty, at For Rent, Mlu Allegheny city, a pleasant Dwelling (loose and largo Garden, on tiie second bonk, adjoining Geo. Hogg. For terms, inquire of Mr. Benj- Ulyde on the premises, or at his store, No 183 Wood street; or apply to ALEX. BRAGHKNRIDGE. fcbtta-dlm * MTO LRT—A largo brick Dwelling Haase, suitable Cor two families, situated on Federal street, Allegheny, above Air. Graves' store. AijpJyjo * IL LEV a. LEE,' " Liberfy_»t,_oppotita sih TWO HOOSKB AND LOTS FOR BAJUB MTWO LOTS on Beayer meet, in the city ©f Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on Anieh is erected a frame building, two stories high, stu tibia for two small tenements. The lota are each twenty font in front by one hundred feet deep, and run bora to s street forty feet wide. The buildings on the pre mises will pay a very handsome interest on the invest meat, and the property will be sold cheap for eaih. Apply To H. Sprout, Clerk's office; U. S. or to uovffl KAY A Co r, 27w00d »t — lndependent Office. NO. IQS FOURTH Magia irate, Aidwuur Stxxl. Chief of Police, Roaur lUovs. jaXS-dOai I~'o COUNTRY MERCUANTS—Sxmt A Joasacm, 46 Market street, can tell yon hosiery cheaper than they can replace them—hating bought them at a large package sale previout to the advance in pnee. Thev can sell you straw Bonnets and Variety Gooda a* cheap aa you can buy them of Eastern Jobber*.— Come and see, jmchlS TASSERS* OIL. 400T.5, TANNERS’ OIL, in bandsomo small OU^~Constantly on band, bleached and unbleach ed winter and sprtng Sperm, Elephant and Whale Out! Also, light colored selected N. W. Coast Whale Oil suilaole for retailing. ’ PATENT OIL FOB MACHINERY—The subscri bers are nt>|v prepared to supply ‘Dorian's Patent 02' in any quantity; machinists, manufacturer*, A" are requested locall and examine the article. Certificates of Us efficacy and superiority over all other ails* from several of Our most extensive manufacturers! ■ ;> our pout.uon ALI.KN A N IiEDLES, A«u. ■a »od 21 *oiuk wholes, near il. _ foblkeodCoi \ . H. a uss, Bedford, ' • ■ - Ki Stfi TirHOLEBALK GROCERS, Forwarding and Com pTV T7U »* l °J l Merchant!, and dealer* in Produce and Pittsbarxb Maiiofaciure#, corner of ibe Diamond and Diamond alley, Pitubnrgh. mna RCTnsEtam-Dr. P. Shoenbergcr, ) „ v v Richard Bard, 8 < PKb&vglu Hon. Joa. Morrison, > c , , Rich. 3. Elliott, ESq. $ “• Simon Dram, Esq., Greens bunrh' T. Uemmill k Co., Philadelphia. J- MUliken k Sons, Lewiitowa, Pa.* J Reamer. > ’ Hon. Win. J. Dougherty. fßedfiwdJ ~ -x J « lalb<>ll * n * ®»n p~‘* md,lli TAS3EV A BfgT A PRL.ES ID bbls Rn**et Apple*. ja*t rac'd and fer XI. sale by mchld. TABS EVA BEST T Lard, on hand and Hot ule by •M,SS>‘J6 . TASBEV& BE9T I . i * C® b«« prtac Penoa. Cidfenced \J is flora anil for sale Gy • GOTTON—1 7, bales nour landing frdbi RCTUner JQ Adams; for sale by- ISAIAH mCKEV A Co, • otaftg , , Froatw ARD-4 bbU No 1; l do No'S, new landing jfrbaa I steamer J Q Adams; for tala bT m*xLi ISAIAH XnGSSg&Qp J A: BELOYP