The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 22, 1849, Image 2

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ki-*~isrm PimiBt«B Daily Cixrm Ts published
Weekly £hm Seven
ST" Weekly i. Two EolUtt (*I .nnam, imal,
rrT'AOvnraus are earnest!/ requested to hand in
hSr fsVoni before 6t. end ssfeariy intbodsy u
Moetieabl®- Advertisements not inserted for a speci
6*4 lime will invariably be charged until ordered oat
xkzxsr Commercial iutelligeocevDomefUc, Mar
keU,TUf<f .New*, Import*, MbnJjy Markets, Ac. toe
kifdMs®- ■.
idTeTU*etnem* andiobseriplion* to tho North Amer
lean andjpciied SuuesGazette; Philadelphia,received
tStd forwarfodfrom this office.
fkt next peg* for Ttlignphle Sew*.
Jpor Irncal Hettsra ado 'next page.
T’ho CkronieU of yesterday, a colamn
ofibaae, adffespect forbids pa 10 notice, except to
cOttecljjne among many miaatatetnent*. U charges
tail we ‘•borrowed, t “tabio of Account*
W’type” from that office. This is untrue. • As the
COmaunioners gave us notice to insert the table,
after it WM already pnblufhsd ralhreepnpert, and
at a lime very inconvenient to n», onr ibreman
being absent, and one of bufc hands in bad health,
wc sent our clerk to ti e Chronicle Office to hire
thb type, and although it vah offered to oa without
charge, in accordance with our direction* the
cl|rlr declined thus to receive it, and at the time
credited the Chronicle a fair price for it on our
Igjoks, where a balance ha* been standing against
it.ifor some months. Hadjwp expected we should
bfkve incurred any obligation* to the Chronicle
beyond that of a simple business transadion, we
should have suffered any inconvenience before we
should have to have ever hired its
‘ W*u. Papkx.—This ts the Benson of the year
vittren Housekeepers give the walls of their houses
. ainew dress, bright and clean.' Those who want
ycall paper, will find a choice.selection, both of
and foreign at the extensive
establishment of Mr. Thomas ’ Palmer, Market,
street. -The most fastidious cannot fail to be suit
ed at this establishment. Scca^vertisembnb
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette
Wasbirstun, March
, iTbe Supreme Court adjourned on Thursday.—
At this term, about sixty out oftwo hundred causes
hive been determined This state of the docket
infatuates an alarming increase of business or ruth,
er an alarming delay of justice, which as long agu
oS the signing of ChaU*, was recoguized
as equivalent to their denial*of it. The day before
Adjournment, a decision was given in ths Interest
ing case involving the question of the boundary
liflß between Missouri and lowa. The latter Stale
claims that the line of Its Southern boundary start*
at a j>aint in the Mississippi liver, called the De«
Moines Rapids. The Missouri people contend
that it commences at .the rapids in the river Des
Moines, fifteen bules farther North. The line ex*
tends Westward for more than three hundred
miles, so that the tract in -dispute contains some
four or five thousand square miles—perhaps ten
times as large as the principality of nil the Coburg*-
lowa has gained the cause, and if the decree of tbr
Court shall Covet the whole ground, amj. conclude
the controversy, will of course gain the territory,
large mid fertile enough to sustain half a million oi
inhabitants. Such a this, and suah a re
sult, will support a remark of,the acute and pro
found De Tocqueville, who,- remarking in bib “ Dc
jdocracy in America,' 1 upon the jurisdiction of our
Supreme Court, declares it id be a spectacle com
manding respect and admiration, when one Stair.
Pennsylvania for example,-with its two millions of
people, is summoned to appdaF at the bar of this
uHbunai, to answer to the suit of Ohio, perhajra
With her million and a half There is, in truth,
amsethuig of tho sublime in this profound submi?
s£)arof 4womiglity communities to the jaJgmem
cf a Court, whose power to execute its decrees ci
isji oqly in the confidence reposed in its wisdom
• apd purity.
: Before adjourning, the Court announced om
' ifioßt important rule, and oae.which will doubdr**
. pyodoce a sensation among-the bar. The rule *fe
dares that hernfler no advobako shall be permitted
to spook before the Court mote, than two boars iu
any tine case, and tbol no party shall be heard-wh*>
■L&]] not first haVe placed in lira hands of the Court
- u printed brief containing Iho aothorUifes and the
phinla relied on; add no other shall be referred to
ip the course of the argument This appears to
be a severe restriction upon the talkative qualities
of lawyers, proverbially the host loquacious specie*
of the whole genus homo. Blit it will be a Uselul
expedient Sir the dispatch Of business.
* I have indulged la no speculations Qpon tbe
course of the present ndraini#iroiion, in leaped to
the tariff! ' It is 100 early for that, bat it is feir to
that when such a njan as Mr. Meredith
was called from such a Static as Pennsylvania to
late Charge of the Financial[Department 0 f the
Government, the head of thdrtitiminisl ration must
have had in his inind the position of that State, and
tfte opinions and professions of her public,men, up
cn this great measure of governmental policy. 1
lave this day been shown a list of the twelve lurg*
ett rolling mills in the United Stales, among which
,ia the weQ known establishmeniofthe
ajfe Company, in Cumberland, Md., every one of
xfrbicb is now suspended. , The gentleman who
gave me this information, 1 nave long known os on
orient free trader, and have had many arguments
with him epon the necessity' bf protection to the.
manufacturers’ interests of the United Slates. He
nSw that no iron works can go on in the
United States without a return to the specific do*
ties oflStZ He is now interested i> the Mofliour
drorka. His eyes are opened... The immense for
eign importations have accumulated a vast stock
of iron on their hands, and they have suspeiided
ftjr ten days, and he now peredves that it is the on
ly hope and expectation of a lO the specific*
oTthe tarifT of 1842 that eaves lUem from an nidefi.
oite suspension. I .state these facts for the infer
motion pf tltose who choose io reflect epon them
They suggest their own comments.
Among the last arrivals here,' is that of the cele
brated Col. Jock Hayes, of the Texas Rangers, who
ftps gained the highest meed Of fame, a* an Indian
fishier, as tbp most gmllsnt and successful of the
Guerilla Chieftains, in the Waft.ofTerts with Mex
ico, and finally in the late War of the United Stale*
Upon the same Republic, and .who is os quaint,
qaiet, ahd modest ia his personal narralioos and
demeanor, os hois daring and adventurous in hi*
exploits. I consider it one of the marked spots in
thy owg humble career, that i have drunk still
horns of whiskey out of Undo-Sam’s canteen*, ur
dyr n Mosquit tree, in the ' enemy’s country, and
listened to his unaffected tales at
“Battles ago."
apd of onhoped for Micceas over desperate odds.
1 suppose Jack has come here U>settle his accounts
with old Peter Hagner, whom’he will doubtles*
find, os hundreds have before him, a more relentless
adversary than any red or Oliva colored foe, it has
yet been his fortuno to eaeoiiaier. Success to the
Colonel, however, wherever he. h. Jum eg.
WssnuiGTos, March IS; IM9.
-i take it for granted that the Senate will,aJ
journ .on Friday, of this week, 1 Another parcej ot
Dominations will be submiued tO-morrow morning
among which will be the officers provided by the
rtjyenue laws for California.' They are Collectors,
Surveyors, fisc., for San Francisco, tbs port of the
general collection district, aodßon Diego,and Mon
terey. (he two designated portVof delivery. Mr.
Chiller, of Ohio, who took iudf a leading part in
the delegation of that Slate id favor of the ooiqi
nation of Gen. Taylor at the Philadelphia Conven
.lion, seemed to stafid first hinting nutberous ooui
petiioa on Saturday^for but it is to
dhy reported that the appointment wtobe conferred
upon Charles 1+ Jones, of thii city, son of Waller
Jdnea, Esq., an eminent lawyer and formerly Do
tricl Attorney.
.It is not now|supposed that any important Dip*
lojnalic nomioationa will be,ma4e. It will proba
b!y have struck your readers thfcl after the Cabinet,
add lbs oSices created by laws of the past session.
AS in the. Home Deportment,' Minesota Territory,
and ihe Mexican Comrauafenvtbo appointment*
mhde have been of a very subordinate class- The
facts'probably results from t settled policy, which
will rule until after the adjournment of the Senate,
and until tittib shall havo tirOnghl about something
s lilco agreement between claimants.
There is one rale said to Jifive been adopted
vVhteti will not be received, wifri unnaitentu or
««n general approval by Whig -editor*. Thai a| j
ao i lo ooafcr apon nay of thern WEcc* located ai
W«ommuniUea where they reaitle. The report
--,,.1.1.1 Ihie role to* ton reaolveil iipoh in order to
ayqid aU appearanoo of uodoly influencing the
proia I mention it, aa one of 4be topica of daily
gossip, r-and oot because I believe that Gen. Tay
lor or fatfeabiaet hate tike* tnjfjneh uaittrir view
of the privilege, cof editors. • .'!•>'
While there exists the uncertainty lo'whicb 1
have above referred, concerning appointments to
lie the fete of one already made. 1$ equally
ambiguous. What is to be done with Haanegan is
aolyet clear, it is well known that Gen- Taylor
totally disapproves of (he appointment, ami like
rvqry other boaeal man and good citizen in the
'•ountry heartily despises ihe manner of conferring
l *- Bui the man was nominated and confirmed,
*nd however foully ti was done, it may be ques
tioned wbeUier there is uot an oblivion imposed
upon the present Executive to make the sol
•’ran act of bis predecessors, sanctioned os it was,
|Q form, by the Senate, the ultimate branch of the
appointing power. Perhaps the laitb and- observ
ance due to (he official acts of any tie ftuto gov
ernment require ilttslHanaegan shall be caniinis
sioned, and that be shall receive the outfit. If so,
let him receive the reward of treachery in money,
iu Judas did, but do not let him leave the country
in any capacity in which the nation will 1* reiqion
■ubfe for his acts.
I learn that some arlioa has lieen proposed in
the Senate for its own vindication in respect to this
matter. But sixteen Senators were present, a niun
!*er not competent to transact any bnaineM at all,
let alone any oLsuch a character as thiv >
The political wags bavo put into circulation a
good story, illustrative of the tenacity with which
Ex-Governor and Secretary Mnrey drags to tlie
hope of public employment. They nay 'that no
unoner'did lie fiod ihul Gen. Taylor would not in
vite him to remain in the cabinet, than he set him*
self About gathering up recommendations to be
made one of the Commissioners for the setUeincnr
of claim* against Mexico. 1’ really l*elfeve tlie
; *iory not to t>e altogether destituiu of found|Mioni
for I know some few of Marcy*s most.intimate
friends did expect tiiat (ran. Taylor would retain
him. The Governor is an aide man. but is per*
lisps the moat practiced and inveterate Hunker in
tlie United Slates. -Jtt.vira.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
New York, March 17.
A letter to Messrs. Howland dc an
nounces the arrival of the steamship, California,
at Acapulco, on the lltli of February, to leave the
iame day for Maxatlaa. Ail were well on board,
and the ship had made tire run Irom Panama—
tWO miles—in eight day?r. She will, at this rale,
reach San Francisco on the 23d, and he back to
Panama in time to give u* two month-* tutor dates
from the gold regtoa, by the Ist Of April.
There lias been u decided tell in exchange to.
day, foe the steamers whigh leave next week,
and first class bills have sold at 1071 t wtlh the
prospect of another decline early in the-'week, as
exchange is abundant Money is very dear, and
9 per cent lor No. 1, and 10 to 12 per annum tht
current rates.
The New York Custom House to-duyibti* been
in a stale sioiiiar to that iu which onr would liinl
a heat ofhornets, after their den had been ntirred
up; caused by a rej>ort that a Mayor Drady had
l>een appointed collector. As some of the office
iioidere have l>ecn there twenty years, and all so
long that they cuunot complaiu of instnnf removal,
their cltuai was very natural. Tho Custom House
has for long years ruled the political destiny cf
this city, and will Im: most thoroughly purgi-d v.-rj
soon. Its host of mercenaries—some lour hundred
in niimt-rr—wiU have a chance soon to attend t<>
llieir private business, and the place- lx? till.-illy
those who will uot interfere in all election*.
A now line of leiegT&pb. worked by tbe inntru
meots of Mr. Bain, will soon l.e pm up between
Bofcton and Washington, and be owned by Mr
M. Y. Dench, late of the ••Sun.” Judge Cram-h
has killed off the umno|>oliAla, and we shall soon
have free trade in telegraphs.
The new* from New ILuupidiire. received to-day.
makes it certain that Geo. Wilson and Mr. Tuck
.have been returned to tlie next Congress, an event
of no small importance. There is no mistaking
their position upon the great question of sunk vital
consequence to the north, that most come up Jar
disou*Moo and decision. Perhaps determined
but not reckles*, they will assert the nghpi of man
lixul and of home labor, until the CoiUent-is settled..
An establishment for the comfort of young fe
males employed down town, is now in Uu* lull tide
of successful experiment, and is*nofhiog le».-i than
a cheap eating house, with female suprriutendcal
sad waiters, and rccarc Irom ail male intrusion.
Here the large number of working giri» emphiyed
in pnsting offices, binderies,and fell the other trades
to which the quick minds and ready -hand* <>t
women can be adapted, dine and sup with
abandon of their brot hers at the various chap house*
near them. The business is coudncteil by the
wife known to members of the pre*»
os the bead of. bis profession, and a real step for
ward in the roarrii of improvement.
On ’change, not much that is new. Ashes have
risen to s6j for pots, and $7 for pearl*. Colton ho*
sold for shipment to the exieot of f>9oo hales. Flour
is a shade firmer; Common State $T> 37;; good 55.7),
favorite $0 f>2(, New Orleans S 3 J 2; fossf> 31. A
good deal of Wheal has been bought out that ha*
not been offered for the winter, 1000 busheh Oln«
$1 12}. Rye dnll, aud few sale* at Glo(i2 und
to amve. Bees Wax, 22c. Ih CU«v«-r Seed, a
good business at lie for old and Gjc ibr ncw, and
not a large supply. Tallow is out of market, hprfSi
the last price. No sales or quotations for Whiskey.
Pork is dull, and mesa can uot lie sold over $lO
prime S 9. '-Beef dull, and the same may be said
of Lard, 000 bbls taken at o}(3oi, the latter an ex
treme price. Id Pickled Meats dOO tierce* Win
chester Hams, 7c cash; 200,000 Jbn Shoulders and
Hams In dry salt sl£fGl<' 2000 gallons spring
lard G 3 da. C.
For the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Pennsylvania Avenue ought not to paved with
stones till the new embankments are thoroughly
settled. An expenditure for such a purpose, at this
time, would be a waste of money The work
would seUle and be lorn lo pieces, and require re
laying Within six months. A Plank Iload, with
a carriage way 20 10 2t feet wide, would cost les»
than the expense of relaying a stonr pavement,
and ondnre at least five year*. It would Kettle uni.
formly with .the embonkuiepu and preserve its lev
el—no grovelling or ebrbing would be necessary—
the necessity for mokiog ike «*xpen*ie of
the city, from the Canal' , Bti<fge to a point east of
Washington street'wos4 and the s«w'
er would be built by-lhe qwrtereof property, as the
same'll iihprovtfd-^whilo'the' plank* remain, the
property on both side* will be improved,- the side
walks fixed up, and'^'fitduddtioh for rUrb-»(ones.
and for supporting the arch of a paveinefil formed
A Plank Road wih be laid without turning of]
the travel while tl»« work is progressing. If a
stone payemeut is made, the travel will be turned
up Dinwiddle street, through swampy ground to
the Seventh sti road.
The people ought to move in the matter mime
diatcly.and by petitions to Connells, induce them
to adopt the plan of plonking, that proposals for
supplying the plank may be issued white nur IVmmklh
are here from the Allegheny, and who under con
tracts made now, would deliver the innWiul* du
ring the month of June at the farthest. < *
ippoumtxsrs BY tue nusmoenl
By and tenth the advut Htul commit of the Smote.
Charles W. Rockwell, of Connecticut, ir> b»-
CommuHiooer ot* Customs.
Allen A. Hall, of Tennessee, to be ol
tbo Treasury of the United States, in place of flan
iel Graham, resigsod.
ccsroM nou<x orncEx*.
Collector—James E. Norfleet, Edrnton, North
Carolina, vice Zizop Rawls, resigned. s
John Cross, Pnwcaluck, Rhode Inland, vice
George Brown, whose commission will expire on
the 19th March, I^l9.
Zubedee Ring, N*w York, vice Elijah K. Purdy,
wliose coaunision expired.
Mrs. Mary Christie, P. M. Rock Run,’Hartford
County, Maryland, vice John S. ChhtUe, resigned.
George Loyal, Navy Agent at Norfolk,from the
14th March, i&9, reappointed.
Williain Sloaoakcr, Navy Agent at Phil.-uW
phi*, from 15th day of March, 154 V, vice s, D
Patterson, who»commission will then.expire.
raojioTtoJin irr the juvt.
John C. Long, now a commander, tn be a Cap
lam m the Navy from Gth March, 1919. 10 fill »
vacancy occasioned by the death of Contain W. M
Theodoras Bailey, now a Lieutenant,lobe Com
mandarin Ihe navy from the tkh of March, 1519,
to .fit! the vacancy created by the promotion of
Commander John C. ixwig.
Charles Dcas, now u master, to be a rJeutr*nant
in the Navy from the oth March, 1649, to tiill the
vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Lieuton
out Theodoras "Bailey
Laan omenu.
Alfred Oowlea, to be Register of the J«ond Uf
t«ce at Chicago, Illinois, i Q the place of'Wiltiam
Jacksou, whose terra of office has expired.
Jesse K. Dubois.lo U
at Pafestme, tlimois, tn place of Wilhumi Wilson
whose term of office will expire On the 15(b just. ’
Matitew Gillespie, to be Register of die Land
Offiee at Edwardovifle, Illinois, in the place of Ja
col» Judy, whose term of office has expired.
Harry F. Brown, lo bo Register of the
Offiioe at Green Bay, Wisconsin, in the place if
Joel 3, Fisk, removed.
Joshua Taylor, Collector at Ocracoke. North
Carolina, vice Thomas J. Pasteur, whose'ccraim*
stoo expired.
Willis H. Arnold, Collector at Pearl. River,
Mississippi, vice RufusO. Pray, resigned.’
John CL Pro 4» Surveyor at Portsmoulb, New
Hampshire, viqe WtothropPidkering, wbOstfcom
mission expired.
James Hunter, Merchandise, at
Savannah, Georgia, nee Charles Stephens derea*.
From die N Y Tubune.
VsrifbleiVoyage of Stssncr Bsrtford.
. British Mail Steamer Trent, Capl. Morton,
arrived atithis port yesterday morning from St.
Thomas add Bermuda, whence she she sailed on
the lOtfe idst. She brings twenty passengers, six
teen of whom were from the steam propeller Hart
ford Capt. Lefevre, which left this port on the 16th
February, for San Francisco, via the Straits of
Magellan, and put into St. George’s, Burmuda, on
tbr.>-l(}i|'o*tanl,in disire**. Uu the23d alt. lal3o deg.
07 unn. N. king. G 7 deg. 30 mm. W. and N. El. she
lost hcr|bowspril. foremast, and lop of mizen, and
sprung the mainmast; her machinery giving way
at the same time. The Hartford look a pilot off
the west end of the Bermudas on Tuesday night,
2ath February, and during the gale of the four suc
ceeding days was driven 100 miles to ibe west
ward. On the wind changing she again made the
port as above staled. The Hartford, it will l* rer
elected, formerly plied on our waters, is about 300
tons burthen and about 140 feel long. She wai
built upon for the voyage lo California. She will
probably return to New York in a favorable sea
son, Passenger* and crew were all welL The fol
lowing Is a list ol the returned passengers by the
Trent; Thomas Andrews, A. A. Nicholson, W. A.
Sf’kf'Jf- B - Low *. Sam’l Kip, G L). Cleveland,
M. J. Vrfedenborgh, Ist Engineer; P. A, Binre, F.
K; aerk ’ R Pbelps, E. H. Snow, H. W.
Wright, G. J. Bliss.
Front' fifteen to twenty ol the passengers intend
conuuning their journey to California by wny of
New Orleans and Chogres, and a numlier 3f others
nro detained at Bermuda on account of freight
which they have in charge.
The following account of the voyage ol the
Hartford written by one of the passengers, will I*
read with much interest-
llameane tn t/u gv3j Stream—Terrible Ntght —
Drifting *n the Sea —Hope and diraypointment
~~A Tlarlor at lMist—iloruiitum of the •* Hartford"
—Voiee of the passengers.
Correspondence of the Tribune.
Messrs. Editors; On Tuesday, the 20th day of
February, the propeller |llartibrd. Ca|>t. Lefevre.
sailed from the port of New York, for San F rancit- |
co with f>6 among whom was the un
dortigncit. The tirst two or three days of our
passage seem at this time but a blank to (he writer,
as lie, in common with nearly >*v«ry passenger »n
board, lay prostrate under the dominion of that very
disagreeable malady, sea sickness. Oa the 23d,
though the sea was very rough, many of us had so
;iar recovered as to be able to lake the fresh air of
tile deck, (hi the afternoon of this day, as we
were approaching the eastern limit of the Gulf
Stream, we were forewarned by certain indications
in the heavens of one of those sadden squalls so
frequent in Ihnt inlitude. Our sails were promptly
fiirfeif and every precaution taken lo receive and
resist the shock At length it liore down upon us
With exceeding violence, but our vessel outrode
the storm with great credit to itself nnd *alisfac
lion to tho-e whose lives depended upon its
safely. But tlie horror* of the night which was
now lost settiuc in u)k>n us will be fully compre
hended only by those who, like nivselt, participated
. The Gr«.'squall seemed but a prelude to one of
the most terrible gales tiiat eyer swept the cheerless
feisoin of the Gulf Stream. The mgnt had already
closed iu upon us, und both sen and sky assumed a
maQtle ofintenre blncirness, relieved only by the
occasional and phosphorcseut flashes of fitful light
that danced upon the cop* ol the exploding waves.
The scene, so full i*f the terrible, partook ol the sufe
Eight o’efook, and the storm still increased in se-
verity. Those ol in who had venlured until this
(mu- to chug to the rigging upon deck were noliii
ed by the officer* of the \e«srl llmt our only safely
conMHieil m going ImjUiw —a timely notice, H>r
wareely had we descended the hatchway, Ik-Fkc
our vessel was violently thrown ti|toii her side and
a wave nf immense magnitude deluged her deck*
Six} immediately righted bcrself but was struck
by another sea, and thrown npou her other hesm.
All.became confusion m the cabins. Men, chairs
and every movable article were jostled from side
id side, uud imgled groans, nod prayer*, and impre.
i-ution* went up from that hot and fetid cabin. I air
ipg all this time tbc storm without wa* assuming
a stiil more terrible iorm. I had .stationed ray*Hl
ncur the main hatchway, and it was only by alert
ing my utmost -irength that I was able to keep ray
sell Irom bciog dashed agniusl (he side ol the vt-i
b«1. At this moineul 1 heard above ibe confusion
that reigned wilhiu. the hurricane tread ol tbc. storm
vfitbout, nnd uuiid the whistle ot the g.tle. mid llie
npgry roar of the wave*, there wns n nmrdi, and
the hurried tread ofieel U|»dn de<-k, and the cry,
‘Mu ax' An o.r! For Gt*/'* 'air, an a <ran like
electricity aJomr the main deck. 1 caught the cry
from the main hatsbway, and seut it with a stmlo
. rtin voice through the cabin, where the eclio rnug
firiui bp lo iip. Every Californian had one, and in an
iiistant a dozen were thurst np the halchwuy. Then
chmc the startlingbrV, "Site Las foundered’ We ate
capiizetll I Venit stnJtu g’ Co./ mercy ' —trier
cf f *~«*rrcy while ihe briute of the ocean, almost
-Wetiung h-.l,camc pouring from every avenue m
uj the cabin in :i torrent, h was n innmeiii of uu
speakablc, unimaginable Itorrurs I attempted u>
rdach the deck, but was lirrced back by a lurch of
(tie vessel, with very uitweleaxne precipitancy, b
uln# nt tills momeut that the clear voice of I'apt
Lfefevrr rang oulatsjve the din and i-oufusinn tiiat
rdigncd Within aud Witlmuf. "Theforemast ha > gone
bU the hoard. Clear the riggmg. Haul in more
cLUstbf the taunt sad. Steady
“Ay, ay. «ir,” responded the intrepid pilot at the
- wjheel, as he held tn bia brawny baud, as in a vice,
the friendly helm; trat at that moment down come
the raizefe lop-masi, with a crash, and fed directly
across the fever attached Ip the helm, rendering it
perfectly Useless; aud as if to till up tLe measure of
U|at night’s disasters, fbe rigging caught in the re
vhlving-wlreet ol the propeller, stopping the engine.
Examinations were made in the hold, and when
! We wer<* informed that the vessel was still sound
ra heajitilk, we look courage. It was whispered,
,‘lfshAcan but brave the force ol the sea* till morn
tug, there remains a forlorn hope of being rescued
by Mime passing vessel ” Bui even Uus seemed
very improbable, as the storm sail raged with uuu
.ba'ed fury, am! every wave dashed against
cflessly, oml submerged us ra the angry element.
And thus dismasted, und hopelessly disabled, we
watched through Ihe long—oh, how weary —hours
of that night of horrors, jostled, and tossed and rook
ed upon the angry wave*.
In consequence of the disabled condition of the
eftgiiic, the pump, wbicli is ordinarily kept in eon
slant notion by steam, had ceased to play. It
.therefore liecame necessary to work it by hand.
It wsa a great satisfaction to such of the passen
gers as were able, to assist the gallant seamen iu
tin* very laborious and important duty through
the ntgbL
Day at length dawned upon us, and wnh its first
gleam of light, we saw far away at the north-east
of u* the prim straight masts of a vessel, well de
fined against tho horizon. The gale, though wtue
wfeU subsided, still raged pitilessly, still *he was
firmldiug along with bare poles acres* oar track.
I*forc the wind. One poor teilow waved his
handkerchief in the wind,,ami shouted aloud lor
aid, but lus voice died away in the whistle of Ihe
gale and the signal was disregarded. They mud
have wen us, hut gave us no iud, and the flatter
mg hope that her appearance excited, speedily
died away. Forlorn, dejected, and nimnst hopeless,
wo looked abroad upon the desert waste of wave*
Wc looked, and naught but
“Thu sky and the sea—the sea and the sky,
Lav like a load on the weary eye."
We drifted all uight at the mercy of the waves,
and were still drifting. Our foremast and mizen
top mast with all their canvas* aud rigging were
i:one. Our maio lop mast wns sprung, and Ih*
engmo and rudder were disabled, but by the
'pratnpt and efficient labors of the officers and crew,
.hi ten o’clock on the morning of the 24th we were
refitted with teui|>omry sails, so that with aid of
-the diseotanglcd engine, we moved slowly lurwurd.
Thtigalc subsided before night, and a fresh breeze
sprung up- That night, woru out With anxiety mul
-fatigue, 1 slept soundly.
> On the 2f>th we Imd u flue day. and propitious
winds. On the 2Cth, which was Sunday, religious
services were held in the main cabin, conducted
by Rev. Mr. May, a Wesleyan Methodist clergy
man, and a fellow passenger. The services were
Very Hoh-mn and impressive He preached from
Matt. x. 110- Hi* rem-irk* were appropriate to the
o»'cn*ioii, and In* listener* updated very attentive
and. serious.
It had l>een thought advisabb* to put in at Rer
mudn as the nearest port, for repairs. Oay pm
greis to ibis |>ort. wus slow, tedious, and attended
with anxiety. The winds were adverse nil day
-on ihe 2*7lh, and especially through the night, when
wo were visited by a series of si|uall*. Who has
jiol heard of Bermuda yfiiaße* Our vessel, owing
particularly to her disabled condition, larixirrd xe
fiously, and boibg fearful of foundering open the
coral reefs that bound (lie Bermuda*, wo at mid
Bight laid to Uir the light of the morning.
At day break wo moved forward again, nod at
one o'clock F. M. the welcome cry “land ho’” sent
aihnllof rapture to every soul. Our anxious eye*
sought the dun vapor hue of terra firma in the dir
lance, and the shout that went up was the sponla
neons utterance of gratitude.
At tour o\:h>ck we had approached within about
g league of the islaud A flag was displayed
for a pilot, and m half nn hour n very intelligent
flegro catue to our assistance, fh our joy, we lit
Ue anticipated the John UUjnn raet; [hut was yet
in reserve lor Ui
We Imd no sooner received the pilot on bonrd,
ihan he bid tis stand olf, as we were within a lew
yard* oft bo hidden reels. Our Mils were prompt
ly hoisted, and a full (tend of steam applied, and
we made out again for the open sea. **
Night wa« again seUmg m upon un, when wn
onre more headed for the desired port, bat just
then we were struck by a furious gale, from the
North-east, and carried away again to sea. The
vngine tugged, ami toiled, and labored against it
incessantly all the night hnl m vain. At day-break
as we were los-mg aliout. we occasionally caught
from the foaming crests of the wave*, the same
dim outline of lund that so gladdcded our eyes the
day before. Long before night, we were.
“Alone, alone, all, all olone,
Alono on a wide, wide ees ,n
and with the melancholy pipings of a moat lurioti
And uniookedforgole, our eager hojies went down
agmu l
- And thus, l >f five full day*, and as many weary
nights, in our fearfully crippled coudtlion, were we
subjected anew to the (rani* of the mighty deep.
Thus, Memrs. Editors, it will be perceived that
dtir journey thus far ha* been attended with very
many of those phrasing incident* that render a sea
Voyage so seductive m unticipolion. - But it will
be a comnluUon to our many frieoda’in the States,
a* it is certainly s source of gratitude to us, to
know that we are uow permitted mercy
to look out this dear and tranquil Sabbath evening,
Upon rich and frugaul groves of orange and lemon,
bending under tbnr burden of ripe yellow flutt.
lam very truly, youra,
PBMBTLVABIA legislature*
HaSKUßuxoa, March 17, 1&49.
The Senate met at the usual hour, and after dis
posing of the ordinary basinets, the bill to extend
the charter of the Lancaster Bask was taken up
and passed.
Mr. Matthias, from the Committee on Corpora
tioha, reported the bill to incorporate the North
American Telegraph Company, with amendments.
Mr. Crabb, (Corposatious ) the bill incorporating
the Ladies’ Depository Society of Philadelphia.
The bill to incorporate the Passyunk Railroad
Company, was then taken up oa a third reading,
and passed.
The bill to limit the hours of labor in lactones
was then taken up, and after a long debate, was
passed. The bill limits operative* to 60 hours per
week, or its equivalent in labor.
After the opening business, the House took up
the bill in relatroa lo the Farmer’s and Drover's
Bank of Wayoeaberg, winch was passed.
The Senate re»luUop for adjourning sine die on
the 10th of April, was taken up aud passed—veas
73, nays fi.
The House concurred in the Senate’s amend
meals to numerous private bills.
FftOJl the Pact no.—The New York Courier of
Saturday says—Despatches received in this my
last evening, from Acapulco, announce the nmvsl
cf the steamship California, with W)0 passengers
on board, bound for the gold diggings, and ra a
Mate of almost intolerable suffering. Thirty per
sons, only three of whom were from the United,
Stales, had arrived from Mexico, and were wait
rag passage, but they were fell behind, and the
steamer departed to Mop next at Mazatlan.
In the second edition of the New Orleans Pieay
une. of JOlh inMant. evening, we have the follow
Arrival or the California at Acapulco*
We have been favored by a friend with the per
u*«l of a letter from Acapulco, via Vera Cruz, from
which we make the following extract*;
. AcapruM, Feb. 11, I*l9.
I he general impression is, from the various re
ports, accounts and information oUnmed along llua
coast, that we get all the good news from the gold
diggings, the bad being left f or our arrival. . From
authentic accounts, brought by the English frigate
Herald, to the 261 h November last, we learn that
•time persona were averaging from s3oao *lO per
day. but the majority, from sixty to ninety days
through, did not realize s|fj per day. Goods were
low, with a icw exceptions of some articles that
w«ie scarce.
During the wet reason, say the last lour months.
some_two to three thousand miner* had arrived at
San Francisco and Monterey, and such a scene ol
gambling, dissipation nnd fighting was never wit
nessed before. * • » <
Uur stoppage here was a great relief to me, and
a good bath, with a tine cup <>t chocolute, has made
me feel like a new man alter my crowded passage
lo this point Just think ot 1 6S cabin passenger* on
steamer lo Chagrrs, thrown into a Meerage, with
uot half the room allowed by a special act of Con*
grass in all case* ofetmgranior passenger ships. I
have never reen, read or herard of aught' to coin
pore to our situation —l was two nights ra ray
hammock with the sea heating over jhe vessel and
spray pouring on me all night, andziiany of my fel
low jmsjwngers lying m water two to three inches
deep Hog*, goats. c.»w., nnd wmie bull*, all on
deck with us—it really ,-mtuut lx- described. I
could write sheets on various subjects connected
with this voyage, but as many papers are repre
sented on board, you will sec long and interesting
MV I'd. rrapli i- itir Detroit Duly A*lvrjn*«r
Damage* by |fe« Flood-Farther Par-
Chicago, March 13.
Tho water in the river has fallen almuttwo feet,
and is rapidly suftsxting. The ice in the. North
Branch, which, it was feared, would break up du
ring the night, ami curry away the bridge over it,
•till remains-firm Tlie vessels nud the at
the light house still remaiu wedged together.
The tug lioad and bridge from the lock at Bridge
port. together with float,umlirs, fragments of
Garnii boats, and cake* ot ice, huvmg been added
lo the mass We ure entirely uirable to form any
thing like un accurate estimate of the damage
which has l>een ocnaiuoned, but thini; that given
yesterday u much too high.
The Mohegan, reported yesterday as lost, we
leans, escaped the jam, and is at the pier, having
sustained but little injury The Propeller Geiuraee
Chief, mentioned yesterday AT
injured, escaped with scarcely a snatch. The
steamer Globe, also mentioned us hariug been
damaged, escaped with only u few braises. The
wharves all nfong tlie river have sustained serious
uijury—thone of Jumes Feck dtCo. ud|C, Walker,
l>eing loraMip entirely.
We are nimble lo ascertain ihe exact number of
li\e« lost. There ure%;tnou* rumors in circula
tion, but we feel unwilling io give Omlii‘fort tin*
prove untrue.
A sou ot Mr. tooml s. wu*> loot at MadicoD si.
bridge, and James L M.lfent bad his leg badly
fractured, while on board his vessel. This is til
the posiuve loss of life, or injuries received—hut
fear the list must be largely increased when par
liculara are kaowu.
A gentleman who was MalioneJjrn the pier, m
forms us that a large number of the cauul boats
which were swept into Ihe Loke.bad individuals or
families on board. As wo write,' the Rochesier
cau be seen ra the distance, having several canal
boats in tow Tlie bridges over the Fox River at
F3gm, St. Gharle*, and Geneva, are gone, ibe mill
dam on the same nver at Yorkville and St.
(duirle* do. The bridges at Rockford aud Duon.
on Rock River, also re|>orted gone. Flank road
bridges over Des Flames gone. Doty 1 * still stand
rag, although water is passing over it.
The Menmer Glolw and Projxdlor Genesee Chief
have snrtained no material injury. The Ward and
Pacific remain ra a critical condition, the latter is
very badly injured. The following vessels are yet
wedged in the river opposite Fort Dearirarn, ull
more or less injured.
Should they break away during the night, they
must prove almost an entire loss, Whirlwind sunk.
Sc.umraon do, A. Harwood do; Europe, with cargo
of salt, do; Gen. Worth do; Propellor* (Jen. Taylor
and Ontario badly injured; Ward and Pacific steam
era do.
The following are also in tin- jam, but hare not
as yet sustained any material injury tn their hulls,
but hull* and upper works badly broken.
Woodbridge. I tica, Buckner. Vermont, Ibjar,
Mary. Leander The 11. Norton, Diamond and
Mubala total wrecks.
The vessels in the Lake have come lo anchor,
but have no rigging. The water is tailing. A great
many lives have been lost. Ix>-* estimated at
$250,000, and tears that it will be increased. No
maib* leave the city to night, all egress beiug stop
|»e<l by high waters.
P. $. The Mary i* now sinking.
1-rou -Mkxk.-o.—Tho New Orleans Pu-uyimc
Jja* Vera Cruz paf«rslo the 2SHh ofFebruary, and
papers from the capital to tbe 24 th.
The Arco Irm mentionalbe deynrturv of various
partie* of Americans from that city for California.
It makes no complaint against them, on the con
trary. it speaks yl tbe men composing them ui r-*-.
(M-eiahle und well disposed. Wc bojte no comp.:
nv may be so reckless as to iromiuit oxcesse* on
tiie route throogh Mexico, by winch (be Govern
raent of that country may l»c excited In interfere
With the travel.
The pronuucinmento of Col. Marquez sWa» a
complete übortiou. Ho was arrested at Pupotla
with one ofhis adherents. While on bin way ti
the capital, ns a prisoner, be was so lusec-ureiy
guarded that he made his esca|>c.
(fongress i* doing almost nothing. The citizens
ot Vera Cruz, Tampico, Matamorati arid oilier
trontier cities, are all claiuomu* for a reform ol
the tunfl". and a reduclioa ol duties; but Congress
is ddahiry.
- HoBJUBt.E TastiEDY— fitir.Ler, Xiiitu/e and I’on
Jlagratum —K leUer to the New York Tribune
dated Warren, Bradford county, (Pn„) March Jl
•‘I hove juat returned from the scene of a most
horrible tragedy which took place last night.—
A!<ou( tmduigbtMr. William Munumg, of tin* place,
saw a blaze uf light jn the direction of the house u|
Charles Cortieu, ooeol bts immediate nkighbcra.—
He at once gave the alarm and hastened Inward
iL He (band Loth bouse aud barn wrap|ied in dr
Vtmriog flames. It appear* that there were at the
time only three person* in the bouse, Mr. (forben
and his two sons, one .sowa and Ihe other thirteen
V«»r» of age. Judge of the horror of the bem-w
lent neighbor when be *aw that the room occupied
by the children had just fallen in, and on the straw
l»ed not yet consumed,lying umong tlw rums, were
the disfigured and scarcely recognizable remain*
of the two l>oy*, llicir limbs were already burnt 1..
ashes. The bony of the wretched (stlier Liy neat <
them, on bis back, lus body similarly mutilated )-y
the fire. It was too late to stop tbe rooflsgratfon.
As soon os possible tbe almost formless cinders
were removed. It could be seen that the father
had cut hi.* own throat alter firing (hr bouse
There is uo doubt m the mind ol the neigh
bors that he first killed the children or stunned them
by a blow on the head. He also tied up eighteen
head of cattle aud one none in the baru previous
lo setting it on fire.
‘‘The motive of tin* fearful crime i* thought to
have l>een a brutal ferocity by hatred ol hr*
muocent and aiiectionale wile. He had ofim
threatened her life, and last Thursday,’alarmed «l
Ins menaces, she escaped and went lo Uwegu.—
He then went and, on pretence that his wiie wa*
daugerously ill, persuaded his daughter, who bad
also fled from In* cruelly some months before, to
return to tbe house. There he confined her, treat
mg her like a fiend, till yesterday afternoon,
wtuto with difficulty she again escaped, lmme
diAtdy alter hr must have proceeded tocarry uut
horrible .purpose whoso renulll I have above
EutcTBKTJTT vs. Steam. have received a
pamphlet of sixteen pages, containing various in*
terpsting lacta relativo lo Professors Page’s electro
mugnetic engine, which was printed on a single
cylinder Napier press, ia the office of J. T. Tower*,
at Washington, whych press wt|* driven hy onp of
Professor Page s engines, at the rote’ of ] im
pressions per hour. Congress baa appropriated
$20,000 lo be expended in the perfection ol Uus
invention —Bah Sun.
Advantage* ok Railboaos.—U is supposed that
loe wealth created by the rise of property tbioujh
which railroads are made, is more than equal to the
actual cost of the road; that i*, the eost of the rail
road, a* to the whole* community, will be leas than
nothing. P. P. P. Degrand, in a speech on the
South Shore Railroad in Massachusetts, stated
that the actual rise ot land on its borders, caused
by the existence of the road, cannot be valued at
less than an average of V>o per acre, for a strip
two inilev wide on each -ide of it.
If we were to apply tins role jo the proposed
Auburn and Binghamptoa road, and the people
owning a strip ot land two miles oa each aide i>{ it
were to build the road themselves, they wmilJ real
ize more than four hundred per cent on their in
vestments. But we will suppose ibal the rise in the
value of this strip of land, created by the road to
Bmgbampton would l»e ooly-912 f>o per acre —one
fourth of what Mr. Degrand estimates the rise to
have been by the South Shore Railroad. A square
mile cuolainq six hundred and forty acres, and the
lour miles square 2000 acres. This rise ol Sl2 TiO
would create an additional value of $32,000 for
the whole distance Iwtweon Auburn and Bing-
Immpton Each tuile ol th«* railroad would there
fore create wealth to the amount of. $32,000
The whole cost of the road would be not
over 22,000
Showing a clear gain per mile of. 10,IK)0
Or for the whole distance 70 miles 700,000
This is placing the very lowest estimate upon
the probable rise in the vallie of (be land through
which it will run. At the estimate ol Mr. Degraud
—not a very wild mm—of a rise of sf<o per acre,
the clear profit to the land owners along the line
would be nearly 5300.000. Thus it will be seen
that a railroad from this city to Ilinghumplon will
in reality create property above its coat, of seven
hundred thousand dollars. This large sum would
lie made by the farmers along the route.
But this is not the only Advantage that would
l»e realised to the country through which it would
, run. Kvery town in which the road wilMte loca
ted would receive taxes on SI . r io,ooo or $200,000
ot Railroad property, to sny nothing of liip increase
ol the price oj all agricultural products, cheese,
butler, wood, Sec. So that the public would be
largely the gamers by the construction of such a
road, ns we nave already intimated, even if they
were to butld it nil themselves. Of this there can
be bo conjecture. The experience of every Rail
rood in the country proves that roads increase the
value Ol the land through which they ure made,
va-stly beyond their cost .—AlUnty A./rermer.
Mr. Mackay, an English barrister. has published
his travels in the United States. The ibllowmg
is an extract in relation U> the l>c&my of American
“There are two points m which it is relJuui equiii
led, never excelled—the dawn- chaslenesa and
delicacy of the Ibntiires, and the smallness and ex
quisite symmetry of the extremities. In the biter
respect .particularly, the American ladies arc singu
larly fortunate. I have seldom, seen one, delicate
ly brought up, who had not a line hand. The leel
are also generally very small and exquisitely mould
ed, particularly those of a Mnryland gttl; who, well
aware of her attractiveness, has a ihouxauJ little
coquettish ways of her own ot lemptinuiv exhibit
ing them. Thai in which the Ainerieun wotrnu
are most deficient is tumidness of figure. But it is
a mistake to «tip[H>BC that well-rounded forms are
not to be found in America. Whilst this is the char
acteristic of Knglisti beauty, it is not so prominent
a lealure in America. In New Kngland. m ihc
mountainous districts of Pennsylvania and Mary
land, and in the central valley ol Virginia, the female
form is. generally speaking, as well rounded and
develop'd aa it i* here; wbdsl'a New ICuglund com
plexion is, iu nm«- cases <mt ol'teu, a match lor nn'
English one. Tins, howevrr. cnnii'd Ik- said ofthe
American ladies us a Thcyure, m'the majon
ly of cases, over dclicale intd languid, a deled chic
fly »iipenuduced bv their want ol exercise. An
English girl will go through ns much nxerase m a
forenoon, without dreaming of fatigue, as an Ameri
can will iu a day, and be overcome by iheexertion.
It i» also true that American is more evanescent
than English beauty, particularly in Ihe south,where
it seems lo fade ere it has well bloomed. But il is
much more lasting in the north and northeast; a re
mark winch will npjdy lo ih<- whole region north of
the Potomac, and CUM of the i-al.e«, aud I have
known instances of Philadelphia Ix-anty as l->vcly
and enduring as any that our own hardy dnnaie
can produce.''
Tit* ScrtATTc stili. i> Sksslo.n —The Kvlra Ses
sion of (he Senate up|«rara to be 1 1 Lely yet lo con
umie for some days. U is urulrr-Uud Ihul the
Senate lias some nomination* bclore it, which,
owing to (lie r.isual thinness of attendance of tSeuj
lor*, it has not l>een <*onvemenf b> |>*«» upon, and
it i* probable that other nummalions ure yet to I*-
laid before that Imdy. The Senate moots bxlay ai
12 o'clock. lairl. <jf th- 1 9/It
We understand that the President of the 1 mled
Stato* availed hrmsolf, or Saturday, of the first
hour of Ir-iKurt* he has fouud siq<-«j bis inauguration,
to vi-Mt M<*<Jsiiii-j Madison, Adams, sod flumillou,
and pay his pcr-ounl i- , s|e*ct3 lo lbo*e ludi'er-
iV«// hurl, nl l \*th.
<7*kal l/i«D —The f'hjtlr TfJfyiayk «nv that n
l.iad of wood coiitainiiic ten .-*/»,/.« was brought mli
lhat viflagrlttst week ufam the plank road, drswu
by IWn horse-. It had lo Jw divided mlo ten twe
horse loads in distributing it about the village, altei
leavmg the plank road.
There is dew lor the* llow ret.
And honey for the l*ee,
And (tower* tor the wild bird,
And love mr yon and me '
Tli'-re are team tor the iminr.
And pleasure lor ih«- lew.
Hut let the world pns* nn, dm
There » love for me and vmi'
Tln-re is cure that wtlt not leave u*.
And pnnt that will not tier,’
Hill <>n our hearth iuialtered
Sits love, ‘tiween yon nnd me ’
thir love, it ae'er vi> reckoned,
\ et good U is and Iriir;
It’s hail lhe world to me, dear,
It’s all the world to von '
Manxjnix J'dls Idling, Cvsiiruets, IdSir Munis,
wurint, Ac. Ac ,
Printed n; the shortest noin-e. »t low price*, at the
deal G*xrrr« Orrtrjt, TnißO stbkkt
As<rTiißß«’a«Ttrn*m to th<- excellence of M
Messr* J Kuld ACo - Gentlemen if n wnli plea*-
ure I iitiml Hnv my certificate. nestll'yim* In Hie gclir
ral popnHiriiy of Ur M Lane * American Worm Spe
cihc.i to your iravclmg agent. Mr. Munroe Some lime
ago l received from Imn « small lot m sell on cniumi*
won. liLeil a lew U*u« hi iuv own family, to lire
go<*d cfleru I can fully tr.-.,fy |*he liHlam-r | i«,
iny co«ioni«rs nod found on inquiry, that it gave very
general «iiij«Ueuon. l.Koana Maawej !.
Augm-in. I'nrioll Co. Ohio. July 37. IMQ.
For «aJe ut Mm drug store of J MUD aCo
me mu
W. M. Wright, n, D. t Den Ult,
Orru-K sad residence on Fourth «:.
JHopposite U,C PiU-bun'ii Hank office
hours from U o’clock i„ |i /, M.. imd
*T I r | {om aodock 100 P. M sejilMy
Improvement! in Dentistry.
DR (j (i *• TF.ARNS. late of Ifo.ion. is prepared to
manufacture ami set Uuirn Term ui whole and parts
of «cji. upon Si)ct|un flr Alinu*pficrT> .•'u.'Uo;i I .ales
TiuniAciiKn.'uui in rivK him r*.*. Wlirrr Hie ireivc n
otposed (Ifluw and resilience nrii .Uxir 1,, i), r ,k|nv-
Of ■ nthce, Foul lb Street. I'lllet/U rc It.
HfcVKHr—J B M’Fadden, F: ft. F.uinu ,i-j
Sku.erC 1 vri.auL Cohuii Stbi r
Souiii Piiuburjrfi, F. ■> .■), )p<y
My wile has liern troubled with u violent rough no
•il or *c\en year*, so bad vrn,. her cough tiiat pbyu
umns fin i*Uio, where I loino-tly lived,) lold me *hr
had tlm After w« removed io this my
1 obinined for hci, time ami ngam, diflorem nir.lirin-w,
hut they were of no kind <»i l.eiicht m her Some two
months since. I porrhnsrd a bottle of your Cough Sy
rup, the u«e ol which ha. done her mom good thilii
any nn-.liemc she hnsever taken I Imve al«o u«rd
Sellers' VeninfU'.e .n mi family with hue sucre.«
ItrR.tAKU M (laksru
Tin* popu'ar cough rem.-dy i* prepared and sold l.y
R K SKI.I.KUS. .n Wosml ... and may be i,-„| 0 f Urng
gi«t* *» •icraliy. :n the two cities unit vicinity mh2l
Putn-nonoT*ai • -The Whig* ot Allegiieny county
Will ur :; - the nlfiim* of WM. J, MAtOfS. for » n.mima
lion to tin* office hi the riMimij t’ounty Couy'-mhoii
Mr M i« ■ good Whig, ami i* everi way compen ut
to discharge the duties <>i the otScr!. nail deserving n
noun nation by the party A incat ta»o\T\
Tiich-tl.iDlA.wl t»T
Snwirrsi.rT —Col UtM.II DFp'F of l lino iomi>hip,
will t>c supported 1.. r t!ie office of Sheriff, subject lo Htc
nominution of ihe Wing and Animmsonic Convention
rnehtMfwfitT (IIMO
SurairrAt.iT -Cnpt \V A ('lUßtum will letup
poned for the nthco ui bbonii, «üb,rc.-i to Hie niHiuna
lion of the A»Hinu*onie and Whir County Conv. ruttS
mars dAwtl T I'd until \V*iu, rirrsouaou '
Ma F.nrmu - Vnu will pieu.r stale ilial i will be a
candidate ior nominulion lor the office ol Protlnmoio
r y, l-elorc our nexitShif, nml Ani.inusome Comm
Convention \ .Mir-, Ac.
k'brnhetli io'* iof'ip, March. 33, I Mu
—The Boau ol Hus will leave
Ohio t.api Alrage. TliursdHy night, tftid.
Kentucky—t-upt H Truby, Friday tCJd.
luiuisiana— Capt J P Thompson, Saturday -.Mth
Indiana - P Burkey, Svmlny, vaili
For passage apply to WSCITII,
Monongslirla llou-e,
itieh'Al or U I.KKC(|Jt t'o Canol Ha*m
rjfKN I.OTB, icet l.y PW, situßtcd on Ui« higher
X ground, and irmiimg on the wide North Common*
i,, |in, Buena Vista Kxieosion Terms s7ooj cash
meb-'i -’m Office. Kirbangc Uuildiag*. si ('lair «t
Printing Kitabllahmtnt Utiuovetl.
KENNEDY** Priming E«tabb.|irocm hu, Iren re
moved from Allegheny city, iu Third eweel, (op.
P>«tß the Post Office,] Pittsburgh, iiulie ’Pranklm
luce.,' (Singerly's new building.) where every desertp
lion of pl»m •ml fancy Irtler press priming will be ci
ecntrd iu *1 ylr, and at Price* equal to that of nny other
establishment East or West The materials in ihe oi
(ice arp entirely new, and selected from the best Type
Foandene# »u tlje United Stale*. The facility and r *.
pidny with which work can he exiVuted'aFTtns eitab
hsiuuent, n insured from the lart that it will be done
on the latest and most improved machine Presses; and
at rate* equally a* low Ol can be done In any of the
EitMtern eihe*. _ n.rhti .tlw
TO LET, for one or more, the three «o
fi*H ry Unek Boiidutr on Wood iireet, and adjoin
lug the shop ai>4 HOre ol Robert II Hartley
The rwo upper Hone* have been bued op aa h dWel
lint home, and may ba still so occupied if a tenajit
wishes tnch»U NEVILLE B CRAJQ
IN Indiana Township, Allegheny eoariiy, 3 miles
from Ds«r Creek Lock, eoauintng One tfcadrvd
tun Flijecn Acres and llli perches, with the allow
snee of 6 per crut for ro»d* There are from 30 lo 40
acres of cleared land, a v opng Orchard, a Raw Milt in
running order, with dam and race complete, and an
abundance or good uraCor on the premised
Also, a subsiauual Frame Dwelling Ifoifse, 31 by 33
feet, with a 1 Kitchen, sad a welt wtihjin lo yards
of the kne lie>i door Terms accommodatihg
Person* lo plctde make ap
plication to DA FID RINEHART, on the Aremi«es, or
_ inch*-.* |w No 25 Irwin street
Thornton, late Judge of the Supreme Conn of Or
• gon -wiih aii Appendix; including recent and su
iliemic information ot ihr subject ofthe fjold Mines,
and other valuable mailer or interest to the < migrant,
with munerou* illustration* and a map; ‘J vols, l2mo
RI.TS. r
fhe (rotd-Seekcr* Manual; being a practical and
instrucuvr guide lo all persons eroigrstiug to the gold
region*: by DT Aimed. I'roi. of Ueoiogy, King's Col
lege, I-ondon 1 vot. pi«i>er. *J>.
Note* ot Travel id (’ii.iforma; comprising the prom
i'ient iraiurrs ol lb- rouuirv. also, the route from Fori
Leavenworth, Mo . lo S.-m [)i«go. Cal. From ihe otfi
<‘i.if reports oi Cot Fremont and Mai. Emory: 1 vol,
*10(1 pages -Ji.-.
Hie California tfuidr Book; comprising Ibe last na
med work, together with Col Fremont's Geographical
account of I'pper California, and bi< Narrative of Ibe
Exploring Expedition to ihe Rocky Mountains, Ac ,
*" 11 - *nap« • I vol. !*vo. paper. f>‘V
Rev Hapti-t W Noel** Work on ibe Union of Church
and Stale--j vol. I'Ano. SIJS
Jum received by R. HOPKINS.
_ nieh'A! Apollo Buildings, 4ih »t
hue bltfh MllJ lo|’u*l bn!.-cane seal chair*,
hair irs( «ota, llni»s»*il*, ** pi >• mi-rain Ami
carpels, hall pm! stair caipc.u. oil Hoili, Venetian
Mimls, narrow plats waaii, worn und dressing stands,
l-atiier bed?, matt/axse#, bedding, china,
glassware, parlor fire iron* and lenders rug*, table
cover*, hall and mantel lamp*, halh tuii* and pipes;
-kitchen uten»il> and mrniturc, Ate Jtc
Eitemlon of tbe Baltimore and Ohio
1) RIH'OHAI.S are invited fur the Graduation ami
Maapory of the following de*rnbrd sections of
iiu* rotatfidhe sections averaging a mile in length —
ruininriiniig in the lowu of I'utntjcrlaml: Sections 1,
U. <». 7, « am) 10, wtll be let. embracing considerable
r>'ck work along the Potomac river bluti*, awl the ma
• onry or .avcml bridge* on Section l*l. Alio, all the
nef.ioti' irnm rH) in |j, inclusive, (excelling ceriums 4.1
ami Uj l*egiunnnj ‘j?< iinic* (rom Cumberland, about a
milt below the mouth oi Savage uver. mid termina
ting at iht <llllllllll of the mountain. The work upon
there «e«-:ipn« i» heavy. containing much roek exca
vations and two tunnel*, each about 600 feel in length,
ami a stone 1-ndge of ronttileraiile sue. The whole
number of iM'ctioiis now to br let i* 2U. In the course
ol the spring ami »unmrr upward* of 30 more heavy
section* will l>e pm under eonlrooi between Cumber
land ami Three I nrlf creek The remaining section*
between ihrwe point*, and other work beyond the lat
ler. will be let m the «prmg of lsso.
Si itctru Ariov* oi the work on the 2U section* to be
let, will be ready by the 'doth of March current. They
tftU be diwrtbuird Ironi thn company’* offices in Bal
timore, Frederick. Harper's Ferry, Cumberland and
Washington Tin Proposals will be directed lo the
undersigned, nt No 23 HANO V KR ST., Baltimore,
ami will be received until SATURDAY, the tisth ol
April, inclusive. Before making bids, the line should
be thoroughly examined, and me resident Engineers
will be m alteinlnucc ihereou. to give information
The mo*! »ali*ftteior> le.umoimiia Will l>« deiuamlrd
The payments will be made m rash, men mg the
n*ual 20 per c ent, uni*® the completion of tbe runirart
Tbe miKt i nergetie prn«eruiion of the work will be
required R)’order o{ the President and Dircemr*
Chief Engineer
To the litmoTtt/Jc, the Judges of tiu Court of Irene*
red Qno'trr Sessions of the, /’race, in and for the.
C-uttnty of Allegheny.
T'Hl'. petition oi il of the township
X of 1 -ower Si Clair, hi me county aion**nid. hum
bl) shewrtli. that your petitioner halli pruvidetl him
*eli with material* lor the accoinmodaljon of tra
veler* mid oilier*. 3i liis listening house, in the
township »n)’re«aid. and pray* that your honor* will
lie plea.ed lo grant him a license lo kerp it Public
House ol Entertainment. And your petitioner, n* in
duty bound, will prny.
We, ilie subscriber*, cilu«n* of the township of
Shaler, ih> reruiy. that ilie at>ove petitioner i* of
good repute lor honesty and irruperunee, and is well
provideij wiili tiiui.r room and convenience* tor ibe
aceoininodalmn and lodging ol stranger* and travel
er*. and Uml "aid tavern 1* necessary
Ji‘ Koss. NS m t'he »*, U Rnlxirts.V J Hay. C Robin
son. 1! (Vnwitird, W Stilt, Jus Carter, John Cook,
Beniamin Hall, Juirn t .implicil, K Dunn, C Mailers, D
Uleihrow. mrhthl-dJt*
A A MASiN A Co. No Mi Market street, have
• tin* da) received per "Fast,'' the follow
ing named sOod*. vi/ **utin slnpcd, Irik and blue blk,
plain uinJ printed Bcrage*. alt wool M. dc (.Mine*; rju
l.roiilefed Thibet Shaw.*, Ink. white and p«n r l Silk
Ho<c, spun silk dn. kid. *ilk and l.i«le Thread (dove*;
1 .1 il - n liubirt, cambric umJ muxiu Edging*, Bonnet
Riblxxi*, embroidered mu*!iti Capes, new patient*,
and rich good* nichtU
CII.AKKI.A THAW rcsperiiully announce lo Uttir
1 cuouuuei« that (he IVntisy Ivmu* aud Ohio I,me
bn* lb is day delivered the hr»t lull boat load of goods
thal ha* arrived llu* ) car from Pbilada. . idcli'il
/ 1 i. ASS- 160 In * 3Xlo NJu*«; Mdo tuxiv do, tor sal*
\jr l-r ruch-'t* ItHF.V, \1 ATI'HKWS k. Go
1)1 »TASH n c<k » besl ipiMirty. for sule by
i.- iiTd rhky, Matthews l eo
/ Ri'lTilN \ SRN tu Jilni It,* assorted Nos, IW bales
V_/ Balin';, ‘i do I'audie Wick, t'utton Twuic and
• tir (M-t I', for sale by
inch.-.' RHKY. MATTHEWS k Co
I )FA NS - 44 bbl* while Benin, fur «Ble by
I>lG Mri'Alc-4.1 ton* No I Foundry JO do cold
Bloat, lor M.I.- by KIIFt ,MA ITHKWS 4. Co
RICJ'. -‘Jf- iicrce* prune, (or sale by
RAI-*! NS- I hi bf boxes M R Raisins,
100 nr •• Jo in store and for
rule low lucloie i on*ignmeni, i.y
It. h-j* JA.MKS a hmx:hisun k *•*»
BACi »N- »"• c*k * Bacon Sides, for *ale by
inch -.' J A_MFS AJJC'IXJHISO.N k Co
Ctt.iTTi IN - jO Imlr* Colton, |u*l rec'd and for tale by
_ / mcli.-J JAMES A Ub l'CillSoN kCo
SUGAR -15* I*lid* prime New Orleans; •> do Clarifi
ed; 30 bbls f'rushed and Powdered, for sale
I.y mchtt J D Wit,l,l AMS, 110 wood *t
Molasses--** i»i.M n o; m sugar timwe; 3 do
Golden Syrup, lor srfle by
mrli-ej J D WILLIAMS
CIOKJ Kt\- 76 tisgr prunr Rjo 16 Jo fancy do; 10 do
/ I..n<ua>ra do. lor ul>- by
r |’l''.A sn uali rhcti> Y 00115 lly*on, lt> do do Irapt-H
-JL M and imnpowder, 10 >io do Oolong and Chilian,
)o rally Itoie* various grade*, lor tale by
l««*> lb* superior Salcruus, llXni do
O Alum; frlti do Madder. 3U dox Bed Cords, 10 do
Hickory Broojts, lor sale by
">clr33 J U WIU.IA.MS
/ tHKI.-sF. JJt*i It-* extra Cream, 10MI do Western
L/ Uc'-rve. ici ««l.: by m. hyj J U WIU.IAMS
CIRKAM TAKTAR-CWI lI.S )U *t r e«=d and for *at e
mniitja corner l*i and wood »ts
k.f AN N A—HI) lbs small flake, ju»t rer’d and for sale
J.VI by me fa 33 U A FAH.NWTucKtCo
CHJtJPIiR'S IsI.NCI.ASS—if cases just ree'd and for
/ •ale by m«h33 IS A FAUN KSTOCK A Co
SAI.RKATI S—l I c«k s t lc vclantl Sale ram a, for lale
/ 1 I.ASS—ilbbi.s -j|o i.ler*. lor sale by
R‘»U. 11l ITF.R- - :.bis fresh Ron Duller, for sale
b> inch.-. 1 WICK A' M CANDf.KSS
KKMNKD IK'KAX —" kgs Krfmeii Borax, tor sale
nrrh33 _ *V|CK 4 M'CANDU>iS
8s .M.Mn.SJiS -3n bag. Almonds, tor
. nt.-h33 WICK A M'CANDI.KSS
bags Aispire, for iole by
CH«X'i)l,A'l'F.--U bx. Ctiocolule, lor sale by
tncir-j \\ U’K A M'CA.NDI.KSS
r I ’ A BI.R SAI. I'--1» t*x* supvnur Table Sail, in paprn
X for «ale by incli« W ICK A M'CANDLKSti
SCORCHINOS H bbl* Scorching*, for «aJo by
I)(.»TASH - io c*k» *u]icri(t[. ;u*i rm-'.l and for
bv im-1.33 N\ iCK A M'HANDU-S^
1 kLCKKTS- UfU.lur I‘iit.n, Huckett, for ..ib, by
*J) racii33 U'lfKi M'uA.NUI.KSS
I’I'BS— tSI doi ju r i r«-c d a.i I for tale bv
niclitt WH'K A MVANDI.F-^S
W' ICKINIs- '-nitj i.ales W.eking, f«- sal«'
moha W li:K A .'d'CA.N UI.KSS
CtI.oVUK SF.UI • ligJ i-u h lor sale by
1 kA ITUSti —I4tt bale* for *ule by
( ' kdl ND Nt I’S Jai f.ush lor sal.- by
SCkTHK S.NKA I I IS-.;ii do/ patenf S Sncatlu, fo
sale by lyebVJ WICK A M‘\'ANUI.KSS
DRV lIKKKIM.- |U(I bi« lur sale by
inel,'!/ kVICK A M’t’ANUl.fiSS
Raisins - inn ibrnmi; <u hi i.ndo, for .aie i,,
m 1i33 WICK A M CA.NUU^S
/t'***»~ Iv rHK Ugiit draught steamer LoVaI
HANNA, wifi be 'old on renionabp
, term*, it* she now lie* at the whnrt.
For u-rta*, Ac., inquire of
JAS KFHR, Jr A Co, .Ji Water st
■ncli3i dim ort« II .MILTKJ*JBF.RfiKR.
The jfe.j, un<l most FaiktonaLU
of (tootL, to Gattl-nncn'.s and
Smnmt r IVntr, i.» jttrt recrimhr at
r t , HK i’loprictor of the al«>ve csialdishmenl would
1 reeprctmlly Ititonu hi* riumerous customer*, Ibui
lie lias ju»f i. torneil from the bjisicru rttiea with the
most splendid ;monmem ol j n b M j tn<| ii, al Wa .
ever btotirht to this city, comprising n j| t j, at u „ ovv
tashmnuble, elegant and I'hrup in Cloih*, Cnsniuere*,
Cailnuevetu, Urnp Dc Par, ami every deacnpima ot
roibirt. liattn «nd woollen Huninfer Stud*, ShiriaTcr*
vats. Hdkls, Suapcmler'. Ac., Oi tho ueiveal' style*
which logctlici with h.- very ItiTgd and fasluonable
>ni' k of reftdv ffijidi- (Tothutf, hr i* prepared t«i ofli r
Cl Ilf- usual b>w prices
Country Mi-rehtini*. Contractors, .u.a all wfao por
chase largrfy. a,.i pnitirularly iiw.icd to call and ex
rimme lh«: k i<"'k, wii.eli i< decidedly the largest and
mo.t fa.liioimMe m me city, ami t>rcai miention has
been paid lo (ft u op suitable lo Ihc wholesale trade
< >nler» hi me. Tailoring line executed m ihe utusi
lushionnblr manner, and that nothing may I**- 'raining
to ensure the newest and ben style o« culling A gen
llenum '* bo ha' bud great rqicru iirc in the Kaslmi
r-ilie*. fin* t’cen adileil to the c-biblidjm-'n‘
/ IHROH :»i bi* Cre:iin Clieese, ju*t rte’d and lor
V_/ >nie by im ti'Jt • lIAKDV J(i,NF_SA tlo
BKANS-lti td.l. whue Hcon«, in s (of e and for .sir
l.i mcnit IJAIU»\. JtiNK* &Co
I AHD 'III. 3ii l»l.|* f'oiiklnig’s pure No I Laid Oil
j for ‘ale :ii t inr.mian price*, by
iurh ’1 SP.U.KRS A NICOI^S
-61. iiert-es A SvvHtV* prime S O Ham*,
,J " do ' lo do Urird Beef
For -ale by mchai SFJ.LKRS A NIOoI.m,.kk-7 i.ij. »« r„ tl , . gMj , nirlr
jo-t received uu.l tor sale by
T(IB hilßAu
IN I’lTr-JHUlUill OK AI.I,|.‘(iIIENV
Ai Hi- oi il,o Shoaf, Hc„ n ,„ rrti 01 „ from
o Mara ((reel
MM-.Ain will ~l| I-j-1,1 , jb. w
. ca-tor’ai Ib. of „, Jr |b , br „
noar lb- mn.k-i afford, frr a „j
cash only Will he sell.
‘.'fo':"'!”' bo .‘'‘ Wiol'-al- and
with lltl. Krtra froa. hi, wn.on, pa*,m(
thr.,d S h Ilia ruy ni0m,,,,.
Hr.idra. hr ha. , rrp „. Bv-
U.aad aial frevh Kaak., and ufrraoon !>.-
' e * { •lore »hali be attended to punctually
mceiSttttt ■» r
®y JoHa D. Davta, Atictlono«r<
, — Fine Fun.-m . -r Aiello IL
- -•'.c—T %'i:
bocan) chairs. 1. I r Teal*, n, 'jl‘|i
chairs, inurbi. n.;i rvaeh »t <-..i ~ -..i p lr r i-,i • ,*,••«
liy dnsasing buin.,l .vo.k • ... i.uhe,;,,.,
Tertmau blind 1. lentlc t ..-.i ~, ~1 1'
ding, splendid potior ci |. ..,ii| Ul
ders and hre iron*. farv, v , r.„, Bl iwyi 50,1 ehaim
lonkmt; iHa—-e*. elnnj aii.i iji *1 ~.M i'.«,kuii
•love, Franklin and co.-U <« .V.
tnfh'Jl JtMIN I) I> \ VIS. Auci
Superior Furniture, }lr,K> nid FedJm »
Corfrtiug, ,it Auctio-r.
On Friday next, Marrh v:.. min i. w .g, A. M , will
l-e sold without reoerve. n tl.e re»,.b ure ol James p
'l‘anncc. on Grant »trer 1 I— i -.,h1 and fib »t*.
Ail of hia splendid Fur i.’mur, umcl. it ■* Ikwti mu*e
only about ot»< y«ar, ami wide e*pu-.«iy 10 order,
rompri*!og-—1 pair Firm 1. pam minur*. gill iiamf, l
do walnut prvr table • m»i b’e Uip. m;e >lu cemre do do
do; one splendid |du*h lei- a tetr-. j Joj rosewood
rbairs, plush *eni. 1 rose wind r..-kin-.' chmr do do; l
upleudid secrciarv uu-l i*imk • a»,•/Ui.---u,g nml plain
bureaus; maiiogani -i>c. .'i..i.iv nml |.i.-*kla*; tabie*.
'id Night of the of MR. TV. If CRISP
Trutnipha rtt succcn* of Slasher and Crusher!
Titcb* 1 • *v. Maech SM, to connnrnre with
Curwin Mr. Crisp.
There«e - -Miss Porter
After which, received on it* former reprr-.*entation
with enthusiastic cheer*.
Slasher, (the indomiuble)
Rosu Mrs. Prior
To conclude with tho popular Furco of the
Michael Magnus Mr. Dunn.
.Msriette, with *ong Mir* Cruise. •
To-morrow—ilß CRISP will appear m lha celebrated
Drama of DELUSION.
On Wednesday Kvenlng, tlte 31 at Inat.
every Evening through the tceei, {except
Saturday,) t nil he erhihuni
WILLIAMSON'S Magnificent Naval omi Military
VERA CRUZ, by the I'uiieij Stale* forces, which has
bed exhibited ten week" in iltuivnnp* Panorama. N
York, and tliree week* m Albany. The Dionuua opem
wuh a ‘'©ruriK is tub Gulf of Albxico." Men-of-war,
Steamer*, Transport*, kc. are seen sailing along. The
roiling 01 the'oeeun. the graceful routiner of the vcbkols,
—upward* of 7ti 01 which arc seen, proceeding up
the Gull, mint they arrive opposite Ibc ray 01 Vera
Crux—make* thi* the most twaauful scene eveT de
puted in any Diorama.
Magnificent night scene! and arrival of ibe I'ni'ctl
Slate* brig Somera. on ike blockading *ervtee. The
Kaiglish Fngate Kndytmon is seen 10 arrive, casts an
chor and unfurl* her-nil* The Mexican brig Creole
■lip* through ilie blockade and moor* ctore u. ihn cel
ebrited an.l hitherto onprnrnaMf eastlr of San Juan
D’Ulloa. lueut. Parker, with llynson,-Roger*, nml C
men are seen to leave die Somers and proceed to the
Endymiort—night eome* and they row to Uic Creole—
tecure the crew, then set the ship on fire’
The drums heal to arras—but too lair! the gallant
Ainencaiu have done their duty 100 well, and the brig
*oon became enveloped in dairies, and finally blow*
np The *ionn then ;tn»e«, Avhich ended in the wreck
ol the iiniortuiiaie nml 111-taicd Somers, and the Jo»* of
those gallant spirit*, Hynson nnd half the crew The
next view .< the ARRIVAL OF GEN. SCi/JT, in the
steam prupellcr Miksnat-husett*. He is bred upon by
liie gun* ot the Castle —aliou are exchanged, nut hr
sueceed* in reconnoitermg the harbor.
Bhip* ol war, Transports Steamers and Gad Boat*
are nexi seen 19 arrive. Thr surf bouts arc ladnchejl.
and the landing of ibc iroop* commences; they are li).
r.l niM>n liy the Castle and ForW, but protected by tße
discliargu of tho broadside* of large vends; the) are
all landed in safety.
Tetnlir BomlmrdmciU from ibe Land Baiieries, «how
mg the ed'ect of the *hetl« ii|vt>n ibe city by day and
inght. The Conflagration hi t‘i<- City, the nii:!n prevt
on* to the surrender 1* the most awiuliy grind repre
■rlitation of the event ever attempted
Tine Thieu> part.
rcgtiucni* 01 regular* and volunteer* are seen defiled
and taking up their poMtiun* previous to the surrender
of liie colors and hoisting of (lie Amen can lltir, which
■ • taiuled on the entrance of GEN SCUTr and suite
mlu the etly.
The whole u the »vork 01 native artisis and artuaiu,
and u ilie large.i mechaiuc*l exhibition ever *cen ,n
the I nlird Stales Tire vessels nearest the «;«rUlnf"
are of great roagnimdc Tne soldier* nre larger fig
ure* Until are usually n-m in a Diorama. Hvciy thing
1* moving n* if gitled with blc.
Tlic New York Evening Mirror. n( Sufi of Noveml«cr.
my*- ‘ Tlie Dtornmn now exhibiting hi 3n> Broad
way. n one of ibe mo<! ingemou* and eriTaordinary
works of the knud over prorluced m either Europe or
America. Madrel’s Burtitujr Moscow wax fur Inferi
or 10 it, both in pipiona! and mechanical e«fecf; and
tbe Battle ni Bunk.-r Hill was but n specimen of }oar»
ney work compared witJi this manicr-pier.o of art; the
lOMilig of the »ru. the ntoiion of the ship*, the bur
ning Ol lb-- Orenle In the harbor of Vein Crux, tire sink
mg ol the Somers, the firing from the fort, the landing
of the troops, and all ibe prominent incidents of the
bombardment are no faithfully rcpreneniei!, that u is
difficult to convince ourselves of tbe non-reolur of the
Ticket* 2fi cem*—children half price. Door* open
at 7 o'clock— curtain ri*e» 71. 77
An exbtbiuon at 21 o'clock on Sumrday a/lernoon,
tor K-hooL aud Families. mcb2l:D
*«., for *aln; and all kinds of SEWING neatlv
executed oi M. R. HENDERSON'S
_ mcfiathtirtt* _No. I St. OlairjUreet.
X now opeu at tug Wholesale Dry Good" Hoorn*,
north east corner of-Ith and Market sueetn. Pittsburgh,
a full suLnly or iresh Spring Goods, including newest
style* of i ruiu. Gingham*, Lavvna, Ac., and Invite* an
examination of In* <tr><-k.
Kuiraiicc to Wholesale Rooms from Aik, *>j ci i
me hSO
Wx~*k r. P*®** Wanted.
AiVTHD—A Young Man in a wb«le*ale and rr.
mil Dry Good* More. Apply at 03 Market M.
« a Married Man, a imuuUoo aa Keeper,
Clerk or Salesman, in g *toto or maiiuinclory
.Mo*t respectable cau be jnvcii. Address
"A. B. C ,JJsaTcltc olficn. mch3o;d:it*
Administrators* Notice.
OTICK I. hereby giVen that Utter* of Ailministra
u T »<>n have been granted to the nndorttgned oa the
Ha ate of Andrew Sprout, late of Fasi Deer towiwhin,
Allegheny couuty, deceased. Alf person* havine
claim* against the estate of *atd deceased, will present
mem properly amiteniicated tor settlement: am l tho.e
mdebicd will nJrHue make immediate payment to
JOHN KENEDY > Administrator*.
mrlUjOtilCt •
/ ARBITHNOT has commenced to receive a
large «**orunent of Fancy VARII-rTV GOODS
consisting m pan of Artificial*. R.bbon.. Laces, Ho-'
Mery, Gloves, t rape, Ix'Kse, Cambne. Non,hits Lace
Veil., t-hawt*, Fongee Handkerchiefs, gen i* hravats
gingham and cotton Handkerchief., corded Skim*
>ewing SHk. Hirends, Buttons. Comb., J. wcln' Ouu
pecuull) invite d to rail and examine hi* noct No •>!
Wood street, corner of Diamond alloy. mchat)
i 01)o PKKSIII B Btf» Bs. ‘"
M A wilhahs,
No IV Niirvd Sum Sthkbt, I‘llll.AUßl PIKa
V MANUKACTURKR, (A»a«.d ,h-11™
* ;s™, '° ,k - »«<■■■«<— »nd Rh,i a f,i.
pl„. K. hilniioii,, lor Ihe .up-nomy of lu. lsiin.le, win,
ronhrmed confidence in hi* manufacture,) ask* the «t
-lemion of purchaser* to lus assortment of 300(1 Blinds
at narrow and wide Mat*, with fancy ana plain Trua
nunj's oi new style* and colon. Ako, a large and
itencral assortment of Transparent Wi.ntow Andes,
an of which tie will sell at me lowest n*h puces
Old Blind* painted nud truiuard to look equal to new
ITT UEALKRysUPI'LIKDo.t liberal term*.
The cuiicn* of Allegheny coutny are reapec-uuih
invited to call before buying elsewhere—confident of
pleasing all. Open in the cveumga. rin li3u eod‘{ ni
r |HIK rajiid snides which Hydropaihv haj
A smre ns miroductxm into this POHufry— die b r j|.
liHiit and a.toin.liing mrative ettecuoi ct»‘d water in
< liroute and acute when employed after the
method of the culcbrtvlctl I*rke*nUx, havo remove«l from
Hie mind of ’u* intrJbgcnt and dt.*corniir K public cvcrv
particle c; doubt a» to it* offioaey, and gained it o tu
versu! favor. Coioidenng the uusau-siaetory results
oi reiiicd.cji heretofore used in lfaetrepim,-moi chronic
cotnplainu, (romplamu, too, winch are increasimr «
rry year,) it man be a nutoral wish to *«re Utc rucce**
of |i metiKKl by which so many unfortunaio saieters
will l»e (rerd from their pun* and infirmtUßt
Tho Mihs-nhcr havi,,,; praoluoa luehWaU, ihl,
1,,0a,0a lor 1,, UyO|o|,avl,i c oiilli.lh
moiu, »hi-lr ha, howl enlarged iS iri.
prov-.l all io. PkrL,, rurj iu ovtrry ro,™*, ,73,.
roaffy R, r-crivy |,0,l acorumnoffmo jurlU.PI, ■’rkn !!
fea sss eCSssLssrt" =- »=
“Sf T'
Slate., coma-u, evr,jr\t,if(l ‘V’ bc l ' Ullc '|
rtmilcn, oalculaled lo ineurr a soetUv’’ “‘ l
miffallou of flic ailiuolu. of Iho J, ai,pr
h-”'olI-;S"l!Sl* , , a ‘ 1 U“'»>sl*ok’uflho nffvaola-
ft’ V! r l '*” 'ho .oh-„i»,,
l>> letter, alatinjt a* near aa |.'»*iMe ihe
nature oftfaetr Curuplatutq m ord-r ..i tel X lml Jl
vi*e an their fatness and curability by Hi,- livdrooailnr
•*> w>»» "rcessar;- forTb^M..
k along, foi_thru ‘‘'Pevial and personal uu,
EDWARD ACKER, JH. 1). Proprietor
rbiliprhurg, Deavcr M»unr> Pa.
i-| H V K f K *' c p“ RcT,J - Kilhkelly, Armstrong; V I>
lis/tJs^i 1 d “«'. Tlia *Vf' leaver. Pa, Dr
Darker, do; Pn»f. C- 1-4KTitt.burgb, Pu . I. t:
ti!: r *’. r V 1 ' « r ' v 3 L Sneed, NewAlbait),
Rev. M A t-rii, Pnureion, NJ ; TI. Slattern, b'sq.,
New York, Ur .Oh .Winter, Plnlipsburg; Wm II M<-
LARD OlL—io blit* pure wtnter Lard OH,
in store and for true !>y
tnclißU i> B*-AL*KBi;RN A Co
BY CANAL-'—We hav ju*t received a lot of new
style French Ginghara*, Pongee bilk Hdkls, Ln
Ces, Neils. Ac.., by Leech * (Vanal lane.
mli3U hIiACKJ.ETi' A WIHTK, 9*J Wf/gJ <4
WATUIKi* —Gold and silver jJ e.ety dewripuon,
and at regular KaMera prUei. warranted, ami
just opened by uicaA> W W WJL.SUN
WIIOJ.FiSAI.H UKV (i(M)US— Wr are now rcrei
viug a largo stock oj Sptu’g aud Summer Dry
(joods, selected W*Ui great cam from tbe mtponera atul
maiiufaclvrorv. ami eon*t*ung of a fine assortment of
all grade# usually kept by Drv Hood* home*, which
we are prepared to sell at soefa price* a* cannot fail
lo give satisfaction lo purchasers.
City and country merchants are invited Wtgive ut a
call, and examine our stock and puces before nor.
rliHMng ei»ewhere. SH ACKLICIT A WIIITR
tw Wood two door* above Diamond aJlev
| Nostiun-2000 down bleuchedj
trued and uolored wofoeu'* men's c- o tlon More ’
At*o, uubleßtlred and niixed half None nut
eeerved direct fma *e ißtporteca, and tor *ale a't an
vuatty low pncgSj by w
mabiV WtiiTE
This well known line Ol splendid pasaenter Steam.
era ■* now composed ol the larjeau .wulejtj, be.
hni.fietl and furnished, and mom powerful lK»au on tb«
wun r* of the Went Ev.-f) areoiniaodatioa and com.
!..u ibat mm.ey ran pr.v.rt;, lm, b ccn j.rovtded f or
sengrr*. Ihe Line ha* U-en in operaUon for five yi»r,
-ha* carried a miUion at ueopie xhßioat tbo lea« uuu*
ry 10 Ihnr I'er-oti*. The will be at fbe tooTa/
\S IX«J .tree 1 tie dav previous lo starting, for the reeen
o irrig.u and tl.e entry of paasengera on the ragi
advance »«« be p.J I,
momiiij .1 luo'rloel,
£) •=). Jf r 7 7 «l IP f. *.
“SK 11 "* -il hi« Pin,
n- I rr hkliin i 1 , S -*!, A ’ ,r* C J K ’ i ' r -
Tbo NEW ENGLAND No. i’w..
... 10. !, H-hreCnurvmr IVrtneM,, jJ 1 , "
, Tbe BRILLIANT, CTapt. G'Raoe, will leave Pin
"urgh every Thursday mornuir at llo’rinet- t«rv P , a *‘
every Thursday evening at 101. * Whoeh »l
CI 'iJ P1 ’ KR No. Oapi. Pta DpvaL wt)i le lve
J itisburgh every firiday morning atlOoVloek
linj every Friday evening at 10 r, «. i »Vbee-
C»plW«.dwAd, trill Ut*t«
rvrry Saturday mormnir si lo o'eSSk-
VW.ctflm, n| .u« r . M . oetoe *‘
****• JHfesKasafc
■fflßSim. • Bj3£yjjj2|g|
. „■ , RUMOV.)
Leave. P.tUhorgh daily at 9 o»cli*fc, A. M and ar
rive, m (,la*eow, (month 01 the Sandy >n d B nw oL
Leave* New Lisbon at G n’elock, p. ft!.,(tnaki*r Ut#
trip canal to the rtvex daring the mrtu iitd*««»»«!
ut 9 o’ciork, A. lil, and arrive, at Piutboreh dt S°P
M.— tun. making a cootmnou. line far rarn-iha nat
•eager* ami freight l.etwecn New Lwbot. andViuL
I'urßh, :n riiorur time and at lea. ram. than W anv
«uoef route. 1
The proprietor* of this Line have the pleasure afta.
forminw the public tint they hare fitted up two first el m
Canal Boats, for the accommodation of pauengrn and
freight, u> run in connection with the well know
.learner* CALEB COPK and BRAVER, and comuoi
mjt, at Ulasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Cinei*.
nati and other daily lines of steamer* down the (Thi*
and Mississippi rivers. The proprietor* pledge tyin
.eive* to .pare ao expense nr troabie to insure coin
fori, safety and di.patcb, and ask ol llre public a ahtia
of thetr patronage. "
B. AW. tlAßDAl'ffll. ( ‘MtaUfJ*
R HANNA, A 00. I , , .
myllitf J. ACo JNaWluafie^
NOTICE—The steamer WiA VEB, C. R. OUrke. Hu
ter, will Irave after thi. notice, lor YVcHsviHe puncta
allv, ai u o clock in the montiua. j-tu
IV4O. " - *
Dally Baokat JUlaa.
FEBRUARY l»t, t;Mf> FEBRUARY lr. t W „
, «'■»*' fit “ w b o*t* eompl.l,
UfeWjg’ ft J™' P 1 ?"*! Muon: ATj
iiiag; £?Essa
M l,nt c f . Ti IHu*a TV bo£u rn ,-nUrelf
now, and are Imed up Without ir fca ,j u . epeuae. E»|
cry comfort ll.u been provide!
Ihe Itouia will Icare he Wharf Boat a
Urn foot of Kos. it Fwciujer. will be punctual on
board, a* the boat* wilt certainly leave at the advar
used hours, 8 A M. and 4 P. M. Janß '
Pittsburgh A Lonlevllle Packet Line.
Th«* splendid new strainer
life V.Miff .. . tki-eukapi! no.iv .
wQw™ Ilaslrn. master, Will leave fci a bn«
intermediate-pom oa every Sat
urday, ai 10 o’clock.
For freight or passage apply on boarU, or to
E ;r h pU , :r t ,—‘
BHKBHIMaton, . r ~L ,
oVIocV frr" “» «Ui IoU-,’•! 10
’ ' • £„/£**•» o T pureg* ,pn ly ton Until,
to nu rtBHIIHiK. WILSON* Co lor
lir • i<*..nW I'cytniia will leave Louisville for New
Uflrai; « OM urrivul of THrjp-uph No £ Puscurera
<*w; «o uireet, and ran have berths see a red here ir do
LoulevtUe and SULotU. Packet Line.
IM * 9 * 1849.
K The hue fan lunninir passenger
tlearner ATI.ANTIS,
Oeo- VV. \\ icka, master, will leave
the above ui»<i intermediate port*
every Tueaday, at lyo’ciock, a. u.
For freight or pamre apply on board, or to
E. KINO, No. 153 Com.
regular Saturday packet fob st. votns
/mf***- k Tlio fine fajj nioninr yaewairr
•learner GEN. LANR, 9
_ifg*Sitnsx A. MePberxon, muter. w& leave for
—* fclt,iMl Wllha übovo and intrnsranle port* eve
ry Saturday, at IP o’clock, r. m.
For freijhl or pn*.«n;e nnply on board, or (o
K C. KING, No IS) Com. Ho-*
Apo* i» The fine cteamer
Marutta, mauler, for abore
mtennediaio ports on SaTurtfav
the Sllh lust, at (0 o’clock, a. M.
Eor freight or pauuge applyon board, or to
/rsd-we- jw Tlte splendid txeamor
Monday, tbe 2Gih tail, at 4 P M.
for freight or pasiage. apply on board.
PKT’hGREW A Agents
JeSBM will leave for the Abe**
HBHBiBB ai>d Wvnncdiaia poru thia daw JWed
netday) at U o'clock, r. m.
tj>r Irejthl n r passagCj oh hoard,
/rv-e- k l*be new and Itghi draught paaaen-
7 1 * 1 lea ** (ot the above am*
Th " r “ l * 7 n "’-
For freu;ht or pawxge a*f ty on board, or to
jfKSst** W Tbe splendid atcamer
master, will leave T mtevts
pOTts °*
1-1 ° r passa S« apply on board, or to
marJl PErriORRW A Co. Agta
d£ZJ£ u^DOf!plfiN, s,can,er
master, will leave for
SJS2“i* p ° n * ,, “
For freight or po**a«u tt ppiy to
K *'*e * p inning steamer
LfewUvfrtg . FAIHMOUNT,
' , ,lef< - tßiwter, will te#ve (br
tl.i* day. at 4 I!'cloek ab ° VO mterTncd,al ° I«m
For freight or ptusag* apply on boaro. m ar2o
k new iteanter W
„ “ambiirg,
master, will leave £* the-
'nteruredia.eporta an th,-.
"oowf 1 " °' P™*i;-,"ppl7 on l-00-,y „lo
_ rt.ri IGRF.W A Co, AgfJtt*
ft*-*"*-** The 'plcudid fast ranfliog steamer)
master, will ran as a r*fu
\V k J!! i.. packet between i’ixubtirfb and’
dav »Ar av, n? Fmsburvhfvery Mon
'V-Lccluig, and every HtmdaylbrWfith.
for tretgbt or paasage, apply on board, or lo
iT*k*i a 'Hie splendid fast rapniflff atcaracr
I n. .. ._a COLUMBIAN,
Deaa.marter.wjU leave for tlm
a nd uuermemaie ports thi* day
at 4 o clock, p. a. ’
For freight oi* passage apply on board, or to
__ mchw J NEWTON JONI-S, Agt
/ctgtnw* k The splendid fast running tl»a*aee
Wilitaraa, master, will leave for tho
and intermediate port* onthis
dajr, the |Cth, at 10 o’clock, A. AI.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
""•blu FcrnGKKW A Co, Agis
mu ST. LOCI 9
The Sleataer
£*9 »”• win leave o» Tfinr.
Day, ihe ISili »n»u, ai 10 o’cloak a u
_j;hTTi.^wSc23 t t^uM-
k Th* rwiA Mranur ■
t-.nluy, a'ctecx, a ra,pttstUejX*'*k» , *‘ l ** **
TJu'Coiumil will laud ai aJI V,
ftvery accoouxUiiou Ihatcankl perta
in and «a&ty of paueneeiaV?.? focUml for *2P*
Uoal ii alto provided “ P"""**** >Tk *
r - M &.*a«^aasjn<ft„
ff***v~ IV ”»* tmo aieaner
(outer, will hereafter vm « m
* or l*®*Rl*l or paitage apply on hoard- jiM
for marietta i*ARRKRi«Viu»,
Ami ilockißspart, and minnavtUiW landing*.
if%?«a~ w The fine steamer
[ft llifin? WKLLSVILLK,
JBm.wwS Poe, busier, will leave for U* above
every Teeeday, al Hka’afock, *.
•*• ror freight m ]ia»*uxe “PP I ? OD i*°»xd- dec37.l m
G 1 sxlOGlo**; do (j - . M
R i)o IlizH d<>, -jb do Uil’J do, 10 do 7x9 do; in xum,
ui»*i tof fule l.y taario 8 WATERMAN
SUNURIKS- .1 bill* *lax»«cii; do Em; 1 do*df-
Huti*’i; aidox tff* WBih Bo»rdi,«Sbi l ishu ( r
Uean»; 10 <twk» Fe«tbM*; « *loi Hickory n
Uj *»*_ _ jd ftujgjkr
L^tfUlTH— (jtuta drird Peach'.- mi k*. ■ . M
.T R»i»ui», CO doi Bordeaux anrroe. pui
TowSSiMS 1 ,