The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 21, 1849, Image 4

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, . DR, SWA-toiKV
toarksß sveup of wild chekhv.
TKK OEi!*T HlfXpuT t'OH
Cou*untpl'cO, ()ough*. COIIU, Astlifna, Btftm l.iu.t. I. v
er Cmrdplnint, Spmmg Rlood, Difficulty o( Bream
mg, (tuh in ihr Side suti{ <h
llic. Jlenrt, inllttrum. .Croup. Brokiui *.'*»>i
rtilaiiotLi'orr lk i.ii,
ly. and oil DjscaAM.of ilir. 3'lirmn
/ ,l!re»*t and md-u ej '
r fcclual nnd i*urc
k V ever knowndorany 91
•» * thu above' tiiwru- •
try U •
.'■3>,r. SAVA.ynf.’s;:
Compouad Syrup of Wild Cherry!
* Thiii media** M n*> longer nmoiig u*«itr <•» .laubtini
aalny. away from the thoimmui* d 3 .iv
lasiichfrj upou {be tide of egpenrnetH, nmt oow
. higher in reputation, au-J u Jitfiomm-t more extmstvr.
ly used Uuuipuy other preparation ?f medicine ever
producrrl'for Ui<: reliefof imfferlnir mftn.
_>Sltba» been Ijarudiic-fed v,erY g’enentlly tbrotle!) ihr
Europe, aird liens are'fewimrii* ,w
intportange- butwbat coutjiliv *ome: , renmkablr evi
deuce of iu yood effect*, For proof ofn.e foregom'
BtUemeDtiuafldpftlif value roul ffllrncy of this mn.lT
cine, the prnprielot will insert u frwnf ifii- mnrr , h „„.
•and testimonial* vt huh huso luk-ji pre«-ni.*d him i.y
fnen of die fire-l rcn«:riahil|iy—hleii who hnvr i,..rCr
vietTß of moral resfio.imhiUtyiiod jurure limn i.>"-<-r
-tifyto laCl*, l»cenu}> !l wifi & another a favor n«U
themselves »o tn;j*u«-.f. Such testimony prow*
cluwveiy.ihat ih suntrijmcejcrcUcitcn is
♦ tiy it* IMOnvic on:tit*, and llift' Uhqor4tion:il»le nnlhurt
\y ol public opinion. The IpftamoEfouH relief it uf
(orda, mtj me EootlUng inflaepep diffused timinjb I’>-
whole frame by it*. u*.c, rcjiifcra i; a imret a.-neiti.-•
remedy for the afflict*!, 'v
j ~ Bfotrattmii!
»V6eii men, aeiirig. frOftt couM-innupn* uopiilti**.
voluntarily bear testimony to,Hie truth of a tlitti* or
jmjHeulnr-l'nct, «iohtc?unuMiy} being contrary m i!ie-r
worltUT imprest* and f»urpfl*iS4> coerce* conviction ■
it* truth, ami eonuncml* iuelfjn :i sprcmJ maimer i<,
universal credence.”—CFllojnta’* ftjor 3l BJaximn
Still Akotizxb Ccbe otr PcLMb.nai OonscMrrm.v:—
There never wn* a remedy that ka* been a* *urc<re«fui
in desperate case* of Gonktunpaoo, a* Dr. Swayns'*
CompoundsSyrap of WUd Cherry, It strengthens Uic
C yatcni t urn! appear* to heal - lie ulcCr»on the Imig*-.
creatiiu* new etui rich blood; povver possessed t»y i-.,-
other medicine. *
CjrKSTXtt Co . ApnlUAth, I*4*.
Dr. f+wrayne—Dear Sin l verily hebrve your Com
..pound .syrup of Wild Cherry bus been Ulo means o;
• saving mpltlc. I caught a severe cold, winch gradu
;idlygreswrorrotinfeiiued vfifli a «evi:rc. rough, n»a:
'•reiMsldd all dirt remedic* wln«k I bud recourse 10.
• I urrearing utlfil toy ease exmliitcl :dl the symptom-- .1
• Pulmonary Owixntnption. Everything I t/.cd •eciifti
to have 110 effect, turn my complaint memtscil romp-.i
iy Uuufriend*«u vied as inyueiC gave up all hope?
ray rcrovery. Ai uti* time i ’.vas rei ouuucudrd to u
•your invaluable luctiirine: l did 10 v/ilh the mnn ht--
■py rcsultai 'CkofirEl Lottie limllhc cflecl to loo*en tin
cough, caaaiue mo ib cipcpthniie freely; su.d by t ,
dno I had coed *ll boulevl wv» cr.urti* orc’l, m,d
now a* hearty a men as I ever wu« in pi 7 1./«, -i;.';
would behttMiy to rive any tnfprraouou my
rase, that tiuer nuaareih mit% derive the benefit I---
•which I am no grateful.' FprUie truth of the *v* V r
■taiement, I refer you to Peter. Hash, tfrocor. Won
Chrfter,Uk of whom 1 parclifljcd the medionic.
your*. ■ Jum Mouan.
: , fetsr-:
WonOaful Cure of a Methodist Minuter.
Dr- Swaync—Dear S', it I feel a debt of gratitude dse
tn you—and adat)* to ibe afflicted generally, to offr
ynybiunblc Ccatitn'orry 15 favotof your Compound Sy
rtpcfWild CUnrryl Some three yran einre 1 w 3.
violently attacked will) cold tied iniiammauon of L>.
Lungs, which was nueompdfiied with a disiirssm;-
couch, pain in the breast and head, n very consider*-
lie offansive-mnets from Uic lung*,
cmlJy nncti cuaagu 01 wcaHicr, imwever rligtiL A;
Btw I fell co alarm aboat my' cboditiou, but was prc:T
soon convinced dual wm rapidly going inlo conaump'
tiou. I giuw dully weaker, ftthl' at Irngth was scan c-
Jy to walk about, nr ipetfc>bov.- h whimper, id.
Wiu ibericerding wcaJoiessoftey lung*. During U.
time I bad uiwi yaKoiis prcparntioiu and piescripum.
but foand no relief—growiug »0 tlte.uui'- Wor*< j.
here | w:t* udvived ui.d tty a near fricad
Wilmiagtou to mako Inal of your Syiup of Will tn< 1
yv. I must coufos* that iitevicusly j bu-.l t-rn {.reja
tfn-eii ugalnrt patent mptlicmea, and I am still ujtn..,, contim; out o(.(be Uuml» of einpen- •. Inn n-i,|rr
ptmidingyour clanha to the peOfussum arid t.racn-.
luedir-inc, nnd having implicit faith in lb. , in,;,. n
friends, [ forthwith {Hjrcliased of Dr. Shaw,one uf you:
ageitb, a few houU*«, und coiiuflunccd il< use My tb*
e«»t was at dial time nftXlor month*' stSudiuc. c»i'
•eijnently tl wa« deeply acaatiL I ibund« however
Cun.Mtlcmidr relief from the tjse-of ihe Cr»t four or fiv.
LolUe.-, tlm bcincA public spanker, t •ucipi-n.i,-
luinptrd 10 prracli wdii my iflcroasiug '•irenrtt. a ..;
iherel) rtplunhl lho*« ve^elsliat had already u>gu •
Jo heal, in this way, uoubllu/a, ill; cure was,
Vetardrd. ja confni|U«mcc of adtiug thus mipnidcml/
/ had 10 use twelve or GiincnirtrUlcK before I was pm
Icctly reaiorcd. 1 have no tpidllion, 3 tmteh smaller
itunilrr of boulcs would have made me kouud. bp; i,,,
tin uln.v’e indincreiiou. Tim Syrup allayed the lev-r
tab built, took away the <lb4fla*jtliig couch, put n-:.i
lb tfie ditrharge of mailer fto>D tlie lui.e*. and -:,v -
them and the mttire »y*teaj good henllli. I have .1. r. -
rted otfunui' tbi* ccriifn-ati- ui\iil*'nnw, lor th-pur;.,,-.
of>' poffeeily wulished wil). il)e p-murcm-v m t:
runs, and now that i feel perfoctlv tved 1 cirh r k ...
pi mutin'. , . HJiV. J. I*.,.* _
Dublt.; roomy. N C.
I:ny>rta}U Uoutu3>t&-llsi‘<l.' AV.rx/,'
'J*hcic m frai one j.repii'ru li.iu of W'i;,: C:,n- •
nod ilia t is Jit. Sw*»3Ks, the fust vvr ou'ereJ :u i„.
palilic. which Ji.u* sold tftre".'',- ll.rouchoui
United Slate? ami .sonic panx'of Ibu-opr. mui *jj j,,.
pnrations caflcd by the i«mr of Wild, I‘berry b-, »•
hewn pm t)ut*iuce iU;a, under cover of .-inne.Ueircpii
viycum*tuace>», m oritur togtve currency t|,r-jr »aV»
By a hllle ab*crvau<-n, no jostm»h ii" d uii>t-iL>* lb
gUnudte front the talu', Kjicli Imt’.l- uf sb< f* n«n i'-.•
enveloped with a tK-ju..ful »tc* l l m eraiu' '. wiui in
likenh** oTWittiam I‘cnn thereon; oUu, l»r. Swnvn. •
sifnairmr. ■end a* further the portrait uf l»r
Swajinc wilt l>o added hereulter,'so as- to diMjnguin.
hli preparation frooi all others. Now, it i; wh* not i<>>
dip gTi=t cotuuvc properties uitu Jcitovm virtue* of Dr
Swavue'B Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, |ier*<m.
would not be endeavoring to give currency to
noslnuii*” by stcail»ff the iianui of \V>id
Cttenry. 'Kiroctubcr, alwuy* bear in mind llic iuuiu*
t>/ll)rJStvayiie, and l*e not deceived.
rripcipui Ofiice, comer of Htjhtfa and Race -Ucci-.
Philadelphia. , . . ;
Korlcuic whoimialAmd retail by OfiflKN k SNOW
DEN,!«or L‘d and Wood «u; D A PAIt.V&rfUCK
Co. cqr istauHVtiod, and dtb and Worvl Kt»; W.YI
TiltMarkel.n; S JONfS. Do [JL.-rtv *t; Jas
A JONES, cur Hand und IVjiu . J(JH\ MITCH
MDL, AUcgbutty city, and ly ill n-'prClSil.iC tl--:d.T- .:.
niOdiciii*-. ■' «1 :;l’l
/ 'iuNTAIMNt. No otn-r Si
\J H i»a* power to cau«c all HJTKKN f.\, '-i iKC -
JS«atuKl,T.Ot;s HVMOKrv SKfN tJSS».A<U-». I'<>!
SU.NOUS WOUNIJS to their (**jir.«J in «;.?;»
ami uic-ii heal* them.
Ui* rightly tenner! ALI«-itllAl.lN<a. mr tuer•• u
•elrcely ndisellse ct crna( or iritdnml. that U will i,»i
Peheht. I have u*eu I for thr, hi»l *ixtecn yeur» :ur
all diseases nflbc eln PL involving lire utmost ilanyr
and rctponMljnhy. a ini i tlerljLru before heaven .-i.; .:
mail, Uiui not in oitti <3l«e naa it {piled la betlefii win: a
iho pai.cni was- wiihuf the reach m mortal myan».
fc’uavt b3<l physician* Icontcd {ji me profession. I
have ministers of the cuspcl,* judtee* of the bench. at
defiren. lawyers, gentieiiieti of liuj h'urhpM erudition,
nmi mulutucgs of the poor u&e it in every vahtny or
vCuV, and there has been hut one voicti—one universal
) voirn saying—“M.A LUSTER, VOLR UINTMENT
IStit/XID:” .•
RHEL’MA'riS.W—h removes .jylmo't immediately
Uiejcflamraalioo ami When the paid ceaaes.
(Kdhd the tlirtUUionn around the box.)
IIIIAD-ACHE—The salve has oUred person* of tbr
heald-ache of twelve year* *tait«<B»t{. and who limi n
regftlar every ween so that TOtruUnx took plane. V.A K
arg.iielpcd with tilio surres*.
. sCA*<D HKAl^—We have cured; eit*e* that uriuafy
driicil every thing known, as tin* ability of In
t-rtj to tvremy dnetari. One malt told u« Ju- imdv,»*i»!
S’ WO on his eiilWrcn umkou any Jieiji-fU, • •.v. J oi|n !<■•.»
boxb* of (finirnent curd them.
TETTEib—There is aotlung l*eUt>r for tin: I' <,
Tetter. v
ilt’RNS—h is one of the best ihirtgs m the vvoi.d ;or
i’JLES—Thouiands ore yearly cured liy tin.- Ui:tt
merit- It .\kcrr (oil*.in pivins relief for tlin I'Unr
Uv - Around tbo box am directed* tor u«jih; .'4.1 < •
iisur*! Qinimtijor Scto/uUi, IdvtT Comphtiru.
ias,Ttiur, VJalLUim, Smid Head', sott Kgct, !/mny.
SvicTfiroat, J>u>nrhoai, Ktreoue jijjiriiom.. /’/»*»».», i>-.
case pf liit Uptne, Ifend actu. Ear tun: ,
ifurftj, Corn*. off flixiwe* nf Ike Skin, So't I~>pt. Pun
pin,' se i'lriilmfi Ihs Lwnhij. Sera, lUicitmaheii
Pile it, eofj Feet, Croup, Stcelltri or jiroken Rrcatt, 7uui-'i
aeA-fe Sgut in ihtFac*. apt. ip c.
COLb KEI-rr—Uver Complaint,‘'paia. ut u.e Cin-n
and t*idc, falling- off »: in: hair, or Uie other jecompa
ni<-etold lect. (‘l*lus •.Imunent »-lhe true remedy i jt
is n sure sign of diacase to have oofii
CORNS—Occasional sw of lib,- Utitiinent will al
wip keep con:» from pTOWins. Reopte neej iicver
l>— Uouliliui'u lth thetb if they use it frcqorjuiy.
Tin-Oljjiirtentis j*oo«1 for any part nf the l>o-h
oi litni.s when indunu d. In wlme oaset it si>oui<i ..
nppliid olien.
CACTtON—No OiDtrueni wnl be gemune unli-ss in<»
• name of JAMES Me A LLISTKR is wr.nen wuh u ii.-u
on tivury iubnl.
l-'or *de hy my Apenu in all the jlrinripnl t itics irno
lowiisin lire OurlcJ Stutes. •
JAMI 23 Mr AJ.UsTRn,
Sofe Proprietor of litc i»l*>»ve turdjnw
ICf* PrtncipaJ OtScc,.\'o tfc NorUiTlnrd street t’u,
or,NTB perbox.
Aram i* l , rrrsßLft(.ti~JJr»un,Jp: Rtiit-r, rornrr 01
ljl«s>i>' aiiil St Clair iu; and L VVUcox, Jr", roriiur t>i
Market Kt wid ilte Di--nm>iul. alio corner »l tii mu
Smith field »U; i JI Crust*!, corner of Walnut aat! Penn
rta. &tb ward; and pold at tlio botiknlorc in SmithtiiHU
syihfdoor fratfl Second rt: in Allegheny rity by II f*
Schwuru tunl J Sargent; by J G Smith, Ompgist, Mr
uungUam; D Nrglcy, Bust LibertVf H Rowland, M
Kcraport; J Alexander tc Son, Motiongnlselti City; rv
1 B Bowman <fc Co, ami J T Rouera, Browneville; John
Barkley, Beaver,’ ]*n; are wholesale ageDi#.
Jeha7-deodl7 .
ASTR Ii)KN CL Dial l)r 7AYft g's jyf.
S'£CTUBANTi* superior to *ll otter retnedin ft, r
Goughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. am! other Pa] mo
nary efiectimts, it (hat the tame persons who eoausstteed the
sa* of it ia their fnaihet tea years ego, still ]«cley it to ail
other fraeilifaoftbe kind; »ud where toy have Uceniadmd
to try.other they hate almost iuTariahly been
disappointed to receiving the brceGt which was reasonably
anticipated from the htch praise# bestoapid by the proprietory
ud hate retained io the ».ie of JaTKJU’Rxhctobjlkt, it
* tii*l has never tailed to reJleie (hem, and wkirh
prohahly never had Us ritual iu arrestingp<ibiiocarj<li«raMt
Prepared enjj by Ur b. Jayne I'bueeclpbn, «od sold on.
•sehoyby • Al,to. JAY NIM •'
deciiWiw;/ • n l-'ounh si |
Jjy. I*. InUmi’* Prtm(nm piaster.
R. W. j . INLAND, «ifuw Jlrifeii r.oi|.w bf j’li.i
iiidphta, ntrtvolfirrs to tin pub'Ec Itu Indian V.t
eiabirt FrcOihAn I*l«(rr, ilie i|uitU({e«i'of wl»i> h, n /j;,
ion<*4nd tried elnCrientt:, ha* bcen'antmartonlv r.
labliafeed. 'To aft womr.ii wb<{ be aiflii tr-d wiiii
IVulapxu* Uteri* ot Fallen Womb; he rrroiuuieJi.h In
plaster, fcuuraiiUK-hig a sure and Bjh&dy cure m u»
rhon dpacuof from two to tbi-.r wwrifc. if applied wnh
enre. tfud real—direardhiK ail the coiiuiJc-* uHtrUineni.
aod oX|x , n«iTn bundar;l > a«o (ituse. Thu he fee I•<
con.-wienUoDfl in Blaunr, majunoeii lias not jtulj-d
in o»b caws oot of dime hundrcdtHnl fmy-u.rcr i.n
Deni?;., <yr *
AivO far Rbtnmaniraand WeakaHgut or Back at
tended with pain, them ir nothing (Wfcxccl tins flaltrr
JD affording relief or u cord/ For Mile by
L Wilcox, e«mer of Diamond ami Market «t
Braun Sl Reiter, u Liberty and St/Clair sis
JJrJifcirßWt “ Federal r. aiSf Diamond, Alir
gbiny eity
Jacques A Cq, “ Denman auil Diamond Binning
bam- • 1 f\. ieJ
CtJMMQH PREPA-ttEDtoliAi^lc;
THEY arc not aware bow n ,* ir.
the skin—how coaj*c, how
low and unhealthy the skin appears after usiuk j«M*ir
pared chalk! Ilcsid&d it is injusiour, containing slurge
quantity of lead! • - V
We have prepared & beautiful vegetable arne!-,
which we cadi JONES’ SPANISH LILY WHITE. ii
ii perfectly ianoomt, -being purified o£ all deleterious
qualities; and it imparts to Uie skin a Ualural, healthy,
alabaster, clear, livine white; at the sajOc time tiftmji
ks a cosmetic mi the ikin, making It shA and oootlih.
Dr. James Anderson, l’mciical 1 Gbenost of Massa
chusetts, eaye: “After amUytiag Jowjs* SoanislCLiiy
While, 1 find itsfctsetijuji the most b?Mttifui andjiaw
j»L, and at ihTSJuOf ljihpioaocent white lever sow. 2
certainly can ronscinnliouidy recommend its use lo ail
! whose skin requires brauuiying,” iPwce, 25 cents a
box. Bold by War jACKßON.ighaNtirtym. msfc»
OOAp~i3o bis CutcinaaU Kotin Snap, for sail by
It? 'vick»;m£andle|s
an. towi»Wi«D'«
cuscrocres nrsipT or
Welder out Bleuiog of the 4*«.
Tlui niMl extraordinary Uedieuia ia the World I
Tku ttrtrcet U fat op in Qufirt BetUttu ii *>•’
KBtei cketptr, pintoutr, tad worrtuatd re
ptrior to tsU. It atru rhinl
vpwitlaf. pwiag, tUtmn*
or tie /
The great beauty and larmriority of tU* Sar**t>anlla
nvrr -01 ether medicine* la, that while It *r-a<tie*tet the di*-
, i»u. it nvitnratea the body. It b oa» of the very boat
p;-lt!?.'G AND BUMMKR MEmriKES
i’***' Wf'T'o . it net purifies the whole ijatrm, and
lhr perns bat it erttties new, btrre and r-icjt
t 100-f : n power potsaaoed by bo other mȣchir. Amt iu
tan lire t Hr- crand tecrat «f it* wonderful auemaa. lr ha*
(.•a-forir—l within the lost two year*, aor« than KIOOOO
' -re} ol *»vctc w«* of .dieeaM . at loaf} lfi,t)dn were
■ --ii.rdrr.-ii itn-urabin. It hoi eared the livd* <»f more
11211 Id Pis) children daring tha two put ahaxOns.
10,000 cttie* at General KkcUUliy and
warn o f Nervosa Energy.
Dr. Towoeend’i Sarsapsnlla iovigorstM the whole
•yt-t'-jn i-rrmanrotly. Tb tbute who last their
mowtolar eoerry by th* effept* of medicine or indiicre
t.-.n corainsutil m youth, or the eseasxleeisdulgenea uf
the pawi.ia*, and heaucht ou • jenerel phfrieil proatro
tiou oftb* Dsrrou* ay Me a. loxaltnde, want ofambibao
faulting teoaaliona, premature decay and dteline, harteo’-
in» townrdi that fetal duoaao, Canauioption. can b« an
tirely revturod by thli plouact reraedy. Thi» Sana,
parilla Is for *apen<T to any
Inviffarncin# Cordial,
A* it renews and n.WffoMto* the By.teui. girt, aetinty
ti- the bmha. and ►irensth 10 the muscular system, in «
run.t eitijurdinary ile^ren
Consumption £nrrd. ;
O.rwau .ind Strath**. Ooruwnpfin, Mm hf
%*. !■ Liter CntpUAnt. Cu'.ds
OalarrA, Ceiyhi, AstAeua, e r Hlatd.
So-twatn the Clut, Beene thuH. night
Sueott, Djfialt »r J t rofut Jgmct*
ra«e». Pcdn i* tic Siit, *-e., \five
bten arA e«a be t*rtd.
Am* York. JprQ aajj^tT.
Tc- rtsss»n_l rarilg heliev* that ya« s*r*-wa
rtHu 6»o b»aa the cir.uw, tirougk Provldaaee, of savtirf
uiy llfr. I hara f«r wvaral year* hod a bad Cough. It
, st sT> T ‘ # 7 a * nß *' At Lut I nltod Uypa uuaaii
i.r* ofWosd, had eight Cma, ami wax etcaUy dehflb
ii t*d *&i rodoeed. sad tid sot aspect to lire. I bar*
•*ly pud y»or BsruptriQa a chert lino, tad there Vo a
a waafftfrffci thong* boon Krenfbl is ffi*. lam cow ahl*
w waft rii erer th* city. 1 raiaa blood, oad my
eoßjh |«4 left as. Ton tu wall iuugtn* that 1 aua
iLashfrl fry thua rreslk.
Tear ehsdiaat Mrvest,
RPOTLI (3 Oatkatlxe-cL
Female Isacdltlae.
Or Townund'a fLrtaporiOxua Nrerdfi osd *b«oJ f
• ore far IrdpUnt Coaraapoofi. Bomnaeß*, PreUpro,
Utorl. ar PolJlnr of tba Womb, Coctlraaas*, PlJa* Lta
conhcm, or WUiaa, objiraatsd avidiflctlieHer-atro*-
uoi,. Ineuniicoceo o t Drtca, or Uraittnury dlsctuxr*
UHtotCond for tho pisnl preatraUea of lba sysua—
to matey whether tba res alt c/ishar*&i eagr* cr cnun
r* J-id by hregalortty. fllawv or aasldaot Nottia*
cao *)0 t'oro awpriiiif'ihaa (a InvlgoraUo* if M u
os ihn human frame. Persona afl woaknsn and rrara taking It, at *uca beeera* rob nil a*d (VJI
vc-.ry niJsr Uaiaffnanoa. It iamsdiatal* coantaxasu
thr a-yvulfieaseu of ih* fotsaJa frisu, which l* the [xa*t
r»tv:sgi ILrrenaoaa. It will am ba mxpeetud of us, ia
of sa d#ti?*ie a nature, to exhibit rtrtifieatai oi pe.ftrrmad but we ana aoxare tb* sJEiclek, iLd
i midrods case* hare bees reported to u*.‘ Then:sands
of in*o3 '• ter* fomlllca Jura bcoa arlthdnl eUldrau,
*<'-n t*»lng « Cow bonlre of tbia tanflaohle aedulea,
Xr.*e b-eu b!rseed With fica, hailthy offspriag.
Te Mothers and married Ladles.
This Extract of Bareap*z(Da hat boon czprcaly pr*>
pared In referene* to namla complaints. 'No faasle
»» retina t« suppose she h appraise hltf that
critical period, ** Tks t»rw of 10," should itfUet to
isle u, ns li t* a eortads prercntfre'ifor oar of ibs
umaercua nnd horribla difnso* to WEkb'frmalo* as*
vubjoct sl this tin oril/V This period asy As r*
Uytdfir tertrai years Ay nHmg tif* Nor
B it lea valuable for those who on approaching •»
maahood, ulib calc Ola Jed to aaa&t oatsrh, try quick
EDiuf» Oia blood sad Invigorating tha rfrrtetn, ItU«*d,
Uu.l tncdicise L Inraliabie ffar all delicate dire.
!-■ to woirfc wom*o are snbjeei.
It brerr: the whole ayvtecn, renew* pernuosutly the
1. . jr.l i*-r.irie*. by rrmoneg the lmpuriitet of ih«
body, cot so far atisnuLtiag a* to produce aqbscqueb'
relax*ti«.a. which 1* the care ofmObt medicine* taken foi
female weakness and dbesot. By using » few bottle* (ji
thin ro*Jirrae. macy osrera and ptinfol Burgieat op-r*
tiom may be prevented.
Gfrnt Rinsing to .Tloiheraand Children'.
• It it fa* tafesl and raert effectual medltiuefor purify
Imr ihe .* v-siem. and rehevisg the sufferiiut* attendant
U|inn et,Jd birth ever ditcovertd. it rtrengSheti* J-tli
the Rinthar end child, prevent* pah anJ dlsraoe. m
ar».l enricbc* th* food, those wbn hake used It
ii in ir.di'pec-slCe. It !■ highly useful (khli bef-ifc
su:i 3ll»r as it prerenl* <* atlendvnt
-'ijibi'-irtb—in CosiiveoreaTile*. <framn«, Suelb
tnr '>f' Ci-* I'-et. Deipoiuleocy, Meanbrim, Vdmhjng,
l*u;u »n '.hr Rock anil Lotnx, False Pol&n,[ni*morrhiu,'»;
-tud iu reuuiatieg the secretion* and th* Hr.
cu!:<ti<.n it has bo equal Th* great bdaaty uf ibis
mc.ficinr U. it is always ea/b, and the njusJ delicate use
It ro«*»t surersifnny, very few cases requite any other
medicine, ta setae a liUle Castor 03, or Hsgnhsia, u
u«e(uL Exercise in the opes air, aad light fooi with
this medidae, will otway* ensure a safe mid easy cob
Beauty and Health.
' Coanetica, Chalk, and a variety of preparaikina gen*,
rally in tin, nbia applied to the face, very thou fpoil it
of iu totality. Tb«jr cJo»o the pore* of the. don, and
ch«ek the circulation. which. when nature If boi thwart
ed br ill»ea»o or powder, or the »kia inflamed by the
alhnlla* aietl In total, betatifiee itj own production in
the - human face Divine," u well a* b the garden of
rn-li am! delicately datad and varte rated flower*. A
free, active and healthy circulation of the fluid*, or the
•ciirjine .if the pore, rieh blond to tb« eutrecnitir*. u
i'.-.m wtu -!i paint* the cuanteoinc* tu the niu»l •z<|um
♦itc iinaniy. Itto that which impart* the ladyacribsMe
Saihrj of lovcflnen that *ll admire, but
onne c»c deseriltn. Thi* Weauty-Ji tho offaprinr of «•- 7
tvre —urt cfyowdrr or aeap. Iftbertito tct k free and
healthy Hrcalatioa. there t* no beauty. If the lady u
fin a« dmes anow, tf the paint, aod uve eoameuca,
ss-l the blood 1> thick, cold end Impurvaba U &ot beae-
lifui if the bo brown or reflow, end there U pore end
artiTtf blood, it (tret a rich bloom to the cheek*, end a
bt ilLaniy Is their ry*a that to fascinating.
Tlita U why the rwthrrn, eud especially the Bpu
/■ft Udioa. aro *o much admirerl. Ladiettn the north
mv lake but tittle exercise, or ere confined in eloae
fnomi, itr hare spoiled theti* complexion by the appli
cation of drlctenoaa mixtures, if they with to re
rain elattietty of atop, buoyant spirit*, tjiarkllof eye*
and beautiful complexions, th*y should csa I>r Tow o .
•end's Sarsaparilla. Thousands who bivt tried it. are
nore (ban latinAed. are delighted. Ladies of errry
station. crowd our office daily.
Nofice to the Loilira.
Thoae tnat imrtaib Dr. Townsend’s Baraspariila. have
Inranably railed their (tuff a /cr ft
trialt*, 4c.. 4o_ and hare copied oar bilia anil circular'
which rcliU-t m the complaint* of women, wor f for wi, r .-
—other aicn who p«t up medicine, hare, aibee'tha gm‘
turewaa of Dr. Townsend's B*fsspurill» lu complaints
meuUut to recommended tbeira, although pro
rimikir thoy did not. A number oftheae Mixture, Pula,
tc . are injurious to females, aa they ammu disease,
and iiniirrcuee the constitution. Dr. Townsend's to the
-idy atni beat remedy far the numerous female coot
pinmu—it rarely. If errs fails of itfbcting a peraanem
< iu- It can bo taken fry the meat delicate females,
any case, or by thoaa expectfaj to become toother*,'
fill i lie zreurmi tdra&tAjtet, lx H prtparea thtpryatem
snd prer«ote pain or danger, and stmifrtheas both
: sou rbifrL Be earefcl to f*» the genome.
Mcrofnla pared.
Ti.-a terrific aw conclusively prove* that I lb/* Haraa
p»rilla b:u'ect control ovur the moat ollsttoain di*
*‘“« M „r the Blood. Three person* cored i# offa bouta
«» unprecedented
Three Children.
Da. To'r7»3*wu—Dear Rlr t l liaro the Yirtanra to
inform yon that three of my children harojbWa <rumd
•»f the tierofula by thn win of year excellent medfeior
Tlu y r.-ere alSicteil rary severely with bad fiirea . have
takrL utoy four tmttlea; it took them aw ijj. fuf wbi-«,
1 W.l tnyaelf under great obllyatioo. ■
Yoora, reapoettuily, '
ISAAC W CRAIN, IMjlVooattr ii.
‘ Opinion* of Pftyiltltai^
Dr. Townsend i* alnoit duly recefrjoff (Jrdcf* frnn
P !^y»*'*l an« in different parts of the Union.
Thu *» in certify thut we. the Phylinlaot
of tb# i -Hy ..f Albany, h**e In enmerou* eaa« preserib
"t f ,r Tnwnaeud't Sanaparllla. and believe it to be
one .if the in«*t ruluahln prepurstioiu id (helmulkeL
H. P. PUUNfI. bf. D.
J. vviiaON. M il).
AliioT.y.Apnl 1, lei 7. p. K. KLMKNDtiifty, M. D
.jr CAUTION. 1
to the preat auecea* and imnmuc tale of Dr
1 i.'i-n.l i Mareuparilla. a number nf'm«n who were
i"rtn*:r!y unr Ayi'iiU, have commenced makusr Buraa(>a
rilla Kxtr icia, Klixira, Hittpra. lirtructaijf Ydllow Doc*,
lTli.-j aeaeruily pm it up in the aas>« Ihipod b«-
tlca, and (ome of than ha*« atoit and coptoik ouy aduer
UtwinrtrU— they oro only worthlet* imiukkuu, and
ilii.aW bo-t»oi<ic!.
I‘rincHiai Office. IJf PULTON Street, Sufa R«lUlinc,
N f.; Rnldimr 4 Cu. B Htate itreet, BoeCoq; Dyott i
Port'.. 13d .North Bc< end it/eei. Phibdnlpijia ; H 8
llancn, Drtiffjrriit. KulUmore ; P M. Ctibeu. dharUiton
\Vn;bl A Co. 151 Chartrc* Hlreet, N; O _ lufi South
Htruet, Aibwfljr; and by oil tile pMnc>j,„J Dru?
?j'ia i: .anii MerciianL* yenerall)’ the
ls'l,.ln. Well llidlr t BCll the i'
N li-lVfvm. imjmrinc for ihia medirtm*. Myuud
not nc it.duord to tnkc any otbrtr i>r.i.frti-u put (1D
'*araapaTilia«. and of poorw pmlitr “elliiiiT ih.-tr own
lA. not i.o (Intel v.'d by any —ini|uire i.. f ’ Tjw,,.
I'-mljr.uud no other. ([ /“ Rofnetnborj the •can.
n* v ‘old by ibr tjol*- nceuu
R. (iforral Whojeanie 4 Rtitoil Atf-m
No and l) M. CURRY,] AMc K le/.y
' 7> ... __ I* j«s»l
T! i' i,V .'' r ' I’ofmnrtt wrui ImjiroijorJ-/ With-
KI M. AMMM--RSOVAI. PXfArft llirSo--
oiilTr 1 ! L’* t” 1 of t toip/iirroibl, Traditur. and
]' x .‘ '*' ~n,,y i‘ulonia liirluyt-iiuona in fftnni
. i j ". re .mil i.nd die Colr.itiru and Ib'lwndcn' ira
H,7.n , ‘Hr^u!T i r;., U,Ui '<>' Ulo Pur
I>l.l I.KI.Nt.j. niuy i.p tuuj on opplimiinn Tree of
l ± lnoiiV r u .,U, , h|l of „,ero
V 1 , a t-4 * l ‘■♦’•npriatru. up.Vard? of IMWU
.1... - 111*h tinrlnnonl pr.iiw.rtyt* Bian.lnur
Al«o, an ttiili-z io our Ml (m ...i, , .
~ , -., „. r , K . ~d verl..wninnu wi rh
at V Rrojulway. N.W y. cr b
H-(. r.arr. urporailir* to | lo „ 1i1,.,X ', v
Judfjr ( ourt of Cotmnon i*lo»ii. Now Yor), ' * ' *'•>
Stnari ft; t'o
•Cbn*. A Co.
‘ VV A J-T. TBp*rolL
(i K. A Kickciu, I;.,
Ktlward Kehrodor, Kaq . CtiiPinnati, Ohio
A * » , **| l Tto fc>,< ’ l ‘ n:t,Ucni ~ateW n Bunlr. B U fl ato
, Tito Allegheny Cemetery'
A I (he annual mreunr of li.c Cotteraiyra. n-u „„
ill* &Ui itrtu, the (oUotviiij persona n
moup y re-elected sJaarfr«*r« *> r £ eiwdi ,
JUU.N a.^r s » W&*
\sn.*a* m'-candlkrs.
jamks n. .
J Fisncv, Jt„ Soecelary ri»j Trram'
Ilw nnniinl itauanefll (irrjtuncd ii M .
CoinfUJijr in a very prrieperotii eoudliw
in tl«r city .l? Water «reei
**Y tint# ISAIAH Dl
-■ ->ICK kY a i:«
•/Vi 5 * -11X11,1 ei °ic mid fo r [; v ~*
dM» ia» (BAUD MCI ds»* Co
.for WMhinil
• 'r” 1 ' 1 ' ,m '■ vt,lrb ** l>*> made application
l—enl. nwy ate oUeteJ f„, ™ *
FEi p,,,T ’ B“*' 8 “*'‘ ct ’ No - m w»a
Adventurer* to California are invited io calf and *r
frniiie u,e.e LWe-avta,, mncluiie..
nin!l7'oi < T ;n, ' ll °'‘' '? r , ™ n <pprte<ion die liaeko,-
nidll . pr lioraoa, n-.-iplnntt elphly pound. eocfc ain't
I etdi a-.jin, in opetonon in h.lfan LiT Tber cntT!*
£ u j.oTrs:„ir“ s^^,'-
mream ui water, and ean U- the Zi , * Wli l
frl-WU P * RR '' B[ Harry, Scon & Co’s
— —No ltu Wood hi, Pittsburgh.
r rilK ” b "X.«V * A.*. •‘ -
I t»: the aboJe ThTpL n ,h W reM * v, “g c 'f Fall slock
Mfdiiilkin andbi vdi h ree V '**«‘K viz: the Juniata,
*•"! »al.„„„if!,J‘,le„ t rire 5 SiTlreV hi , l “ d '-'P h '“
»„ lVrr „, s ta e a,S;> p X-~ -»■
"„7, r , ~;» t'?J ' ,“ r " ""’ ‘’■•““'o' ana durSbl
... DrugpiM.
M_ . notice.
osi'm'd!’ 11 ~ak PMAN having sold hit inte
Cu -lo i r ™ of,, ll.,l„„„
$! -'«™ T ' ra “' ,nS ftfJStt
ie ?'i" ml? “" Iv “* * *«Wly Of Ihe,
1 “Murgh ami vicinity. which he offor* f. Dinnularturrr* price*. UfcX) COCHRAN,
v r ‘ -. SSI wood ii
] NIIIAKIIUUKK „,i.. i.0,,1,, |„dle Ru
* , , * a, * ,r - an '•ireUeiu article for rendering boo
i!lnV T.‘ [H ' rlcrlly waU:r I' ro “«- *>n*' "Ofl an a piece
•^ , ' r »P«> llc “ u »* Of thl< po«U l» BUfticieill
m , ,!^ ,n mi|H*rvioai to woier lor Jor :i mouth*. a;
1 i' Cn V.* t l ,frY viH»tivr irom the leather cracking
Ke.-d and n,r tan-«h ihr Imltn Rubber DepoC Nr
>oi«i j i ii i-n/i.Lii-s
W,F ,,e l' lsu,Jl, <x Co. of PhxladApk
1 ) Tni I ,^ o^ -Chft o IC * * N U4U,ckcf - Tliomo* Ua
;f,7"'“' U a S"7, Urant, Jacob R g mi
jn.U RirhuJi,, .Morderai D. l.ewi*; Adolpho
Hone. David fc. Drown. Morn* l'atUtrann P
r v_ r -’ . ,CiUBL» N. Bascku, PrrMdent
V a 1 . Secretary
on'e°Jrrv U r.‘ rt m V Cr mn,n,,,eo - JX-Tpeionl or limn
!"V„ r > ,l '* rr, P ,H,1 *<" Property 11, lownor roam
41 rait. u» low a* arc consistent vmh security
vJZ "TA ,y 3 .T e rC ‘f n '* a *«B« coauniem Ko
1 1 ,11 7 ,r Premium*. *atbly mvi
evl. Htinrd ample protection to the as.ured 1
n„Tr* aj r eU ° f . com P a ny; on January |»i |^y
f:^L n^i,ly 10 a “ Bc * A.iembly, «>• '
Mortgages »-
Real Kirtnte
Temporary ix^aui
( a .n, &c ..
• m. r liicir inoorponuion. n of IV year*. ihpy
"IT; W 1 u P w,l *‘* oi onr million lour hundred ihou*
'*! 1/ 0 f 1 0y hrr - IIM-rc °y •‘ffordmi; rvldence
« »<*_adv;ii!ii, S fl* ui m«u f unc-p. us uvll a» tbr nt.iluy
J 1" '”»|»om:joi 1 lu m-ri A.iti promptne** all h.luJtuc
J (-iAKDI.SKH L(*FFIN. A pent.
' fM'. roirer Wood mid W SL ,
1 UUKI’Vi. <H,.ASS .Manuluctarcm, unit \\ bole-ah
J J Jrairn .ii lnreisu and dutm-»ur Variety Good.
; Vr ‘ ,r '" M'-f-'hant.. Pr.tlur- nllt j other, are ~„ited 10
‘ ’* ' "A" 1 r * u “"’* ll,r *»*■•«••■- and ((utility o( our stock
' ° or ,l "‘ rr *‘ c ‘ l facilities in ntanufartui
1 x « jmi> iib’oii'. wr limit wr ran oder us srra!
■iioukiT, u “ : '" " “ l,w ' •<>»«
NKW GOODS, 1319.
jy lo s -' W VKH. corn.r Wood and Fount,
’ , ,°' Y d,;r. [ iron, Urn handi,
}'T " i '“"" "M Yarirl, Good.. „ lrlu j„
V'" ,' " gold and .ilvar Walcl.a-,
■1.0 H,,, Irr.iult 1',,,,,., rnud,., tianj, K ■
, ' , ' nr - < UJ, ‘ l Moni-ty. Mupetnjer*, Gun Can. and all
osarr nrut‘l.s4 m thcrr lino—all ( ,r which bavin? i, rr(l
puu-0H.r.l (.rrtonuny , br , n rmufar lurrr* r£t du
r::,P the laxi wmmm. .*|>re,.|y for the Hprtn r t fn de,
«.l, br M»,.l vsi,olr>aJ-am small advance 0.. com
t-oi.»Unily <>n hand, u.l .Icription. of laOokinr (Hax«
'•1. «•( <-ur uwn insnufMeturim;, at eastern pnre*. ni»r|
MklllOA I. U(I OKS- Coop.-r - Surgical bn-i\,
< upc.aml t do. l ruvcrbus' Anatomy, Drueu'n
yururri. Jerri. on Clmlrra. Kece undo K,ir
Mokes' Practice. Grey’s Jurisprudence. Uruves’ i'|,n
• r *V ‘ i>am '
b.uudeil .Midwifery,d«. on Woiaen, M„ a i
gotuerv on Prrguaiu y, Parker on Stomach Velp* BU
on hieaei. Dupai.quc <m Ficru*. Kr.uner on Far
l .*ri on p„p JUed . A«hw~M
J-ctna-.e*. Strwari mi t it.ldrrii. Bril *ln«iitiitr. |i,. r „,
!•* ‘' ,l k’ l '-'' 1'1.1t..-.,. lllholMJli’. J'ra. urr
:f VA r ,ir - * won*. Pb.u.p*-
M rtilul.u Jltt. , I ractice. Bcllard on Outdren
\rfpcnuS -M.dwHcry. kbcrlnf. Tkcrapcuur, Bh.-.
Auruor.iy tila.k on Female., Harmon , Anatomy
loupe, on [h.-locauons (ondir on Children Alillrr'.
Fro o: Sur P erv. Oturvh.lPs Female.
t.1.,:»1r. 11. do on MidTriirry. Joon Female*. Dmirltuoir,
'h: -io*of y, do Dirumiar), lawrchrr mi g,,‘p
ia • Mateita Med , \Vui«on> Practice, laalohV Sorer
ry, Ihunjiiar.iiS Framee. do Msienn We.bea Mjl| e V*
Physiology. Haiftsl.oibam-'. M,d Bariim oil Pcvrr,
Hops- oq (Iran, Columbia on Fctnalc*.
>urt;rry. Wißon J*Atiaioniy, Williams on Krsi.iraiorv
ed, , trir A !: c, ''' o,A '' '* o
\t H'" a i , ’C. Vr ; Wul * *K , * n 7 aJ *»*ortrociu of Stand:
•m*;4h til Book*-. nr d and (or sale low
n. ELLII/rr A ENGLISH, Tv Wood «t
_ fn "i7- between 4Ui nn<l Diamond »,
potter's Sermons. ' "
r J'HK Evangelical Economy Developed in u se r
1 or diirourse* «»n the Facts. In-llturion*, AfPiu
UJeclK and Final Rnulh ofu, r Oirtrliari S'
tnn: Uy Hev Tliomu* potter, Minm-r of the Met!
di*i Protestant Churrh
“ITje ituri-m l,a« lime hern current. that “fa,.-
rtraitgeruiati t.etion ” Tin- prr rnunr .t.y i ruc
S. iqiiuro m.-u. which vastly iranseHml. tu the u
yllout all the rreatjoi.i ul the uuuginauuii Nor
i. lr.-rertam. llu.l 'hr iepr»-**nl:iU<iM o, ;be event*
Marred History. and lb-- smicmeiu* of Tn
c.ay be drawn out ui imcli a manner, an to be, at |r»
equally atlructirr, interesting, and itnprrsiqve. w
the delu.raiions und detail* of fictitious or fabuk
iitcnmm- Tim has been the author's aim in thr
Discourse* P&B/ace.
tor »ate at Loot and Shoe Store of Troth A Scott,
corner of Foanfr and Southfield streets; S.Stoner*-
ciotniiig rst.-tbli-liiurnt. Wood meet, at the -tore of
Charles l.rai,;. Diamond alley; «t the drug store of W
llemlcr-..n, ac liberty street, »l«o at the Methodist
11 rotA.tant pnr-nimge. on sth street. Pittsburgh; and in
Allegheny nty at the drug store oi Dr. J Sarream,
and at ,»c parsonage, adjoining the Methodist Protes
tant Church. _> marJulgw®
liMUiowJ AUe y, Uin vm lIW and Smubjuhl Strut*
K M BIGKI.OW wnuM respectfully
bimrm |hc pubnc that at his Factory
i—lJit— of F aiuily Carnujrt**. UarouehLs Sf!«.
aud .lit kind* of fancy ('arnages, equal m e i£.
gaiirt: and ne*tnr,« to anv tound in tnr East Con
tru.-ts tor any number of Carriages, Buggies aad \V*.
will r>c promptly h‘ird
nil wori oi m® own manufacture will be warranted,
l o It Patterson. K 11. p.tu-.rson, K
I> (»u/taui. E*q , Robert Robb, Esq . C L. Magill A|.
Oermnn JAtce .■ , .!
TjLLLU, A I IhNTION is soiirtied to an entirely
X bow article of RAILING, made of Wrought iron
burs, and soft annealed rods, or wire, and expressly
ii.-signed tor oncloaing Cottage., Cemeteries, Raleo
-U. 1 uhl,c Grounds. Ae„ at* varying fmn fi»
cents to *„JH) use ronmnr foot It is made m pannel.
C. varum* length*. Si tu 4 feel lugh, with wroagbl iron
1» uieh square, ua intervening distance* of 6 to
Ibl ut. If desired, the punneJ* can be made of any
betglit, m roiiunuous spans of 50 to GO feet, with or
without posts. No extra charge for post*.
T he cbinparauve lightness, great strength and dura
biliiy oi thr VS IRK RAILING the beauty of it* varied
ornamental designs, loge.ther with tho extremely low Ut which II IS sold, are causing ,t to supersede
n.: «4u>l Iron Rarung wherever their eompnrative
mrin* liirvc been tested. For further parti'-ulur*. ad
, , Agents (or Patentee*.
Diamond alley, near Rnnuiiicld *t. nuaburch
--b‘Z>Mthti 5 ■
\ T| ';)' i4*-«>Kri—!-»-<’iurp<on Pilgrim'. I'rogre.. ftn d
XI U»« and Tunc* of John Uunyiin. hr ihc Kev
(>*•>. 11. Ch*:cvcr, H 0,
»i«“t, n a o irir;°i! , S' Sh ‘ Jo ' v
I nc* Journal of lltc I'ilsrmn nt Plrinoml New
I juiiiuid, n> lCan* lUpnmcd from the original volume
v%.ntli lii»lorunl and locai dluxiratioiu of providence
pr n.* ami pcr«on*. by Ocorge B Cherver U d'
second million.
U.pli.m, win, rewii-nre 10 ,1. ,m,0,,i mode.. ~
lx!ward Hecrhrr, D D
i.ifr mid (Jorrcnpondr.iK't* of John Foxier. edited b\
J II Hyland, >*Hh notice of Mr Fo*lrr a* a prenrhei
ami a companion. Icy John Shem.ard— new edition
The almve. will, a large slock 01 Theological, Hr.-
inrmal. Medical and School Book*, lor »alr al low
prices by KLLIOTT X KNGLISH.TW Wood *l
mart between liti «t and Diamond alley
RIXI'JVmVT ill's DaV, Hi the new Carpel War'.--
hoove, No 7h Fourth Ureol—
JUrli cUibo.Mfd Pmno cover* I Plain Turkry red Chum
do do Table do Fig d do do do
Wormed do do do do Bordering
Blur Unmanfc; I Carpet Binding**; "
i Irerii moreen |
A f'nnjn (kiilnc- Transparent Shade-
Scripture View do <lo
Turkish do <l,i <!<> do ,i 0
Drapery Ftune-s do do
Moonlight View* do do
Lailds<:a[>e do do do
Tliotinn jo do
Cord limeh, Holer, and SJhlx, Hack Pullie*
Rider Ki.d.
UV- tilmv* Oood* ihr nolirM ai»l urtvri
;> it-x, In wliiitli w <• invite ihr miciilioii of our irirndi
nd ru«u>mi:rK. ami thow wiMiing io tumuli or rr
Infuitb (trutn l.oau arid hou>-r
ii. wkl.u:omi'.'si i*hkmh;m FIKK I*KOOF
< -F.MI-liNT -The Proprietor would respectfully
li»fiu Hi? public that he ha* now ilic satisfaction to
»fler iheni a t'ennnt, which will weld, beautifully and
luraLly, Jill ar>K*lr« ofOlmtn, Karihcn and (Jlamware,
•hade*, Onminem*, Marble, Ivory, At’ , without dts
if!umiff them in the leant, renderm# them ns useful for
uiv purpose whatever n» they wr.ra before broken,
.ml not atfericil l»y heat, wutor or air.
riua Cement I* not weakened in the least when tub*
fclcd strung dry heat, or when imm.ct*ed :ji hot
vutfr. The public have lona since felt the iteccißtiy
f *u»:h an arttele, *nd in Jus ibair expectation* will
c fully renliied. a* it u applied without heat ami can
u#ed hy a child The subscriber ha? fully tested
thin article. For wile by W W WILSON,
_ ja2W comer market and 4th it*
FLANNELS—W." a. Muarin
in vita* liie attention of Payer* io his slock of the
al>ove goods, of all the different qualities, said u> be a*
unshrinkable a* the Welsh, and at much lower prices.
Genuine Welsh Flannels also constantly on hand.
Gauze und Silk do, 4-4 and 5-4 do, for Shrouding pur
_po»i'R. Abo.
lfom<* raaue White Flonnols and Lmsnys, constantly
on fraud, at the north east corner of Fourth and Mar
ket street*. _ fcbA.
ii o tv A a i> a o m ;
tMsil, MIDDLETON 4 WHITE, heg leave to an
uouibtc to their friends and the public, that they
Intve assumed the management of the large and com
modious Hotel, comer of Broadway and Maiden bon,
known as the Howard Hotel. Having mnch impro
ved the internal improved the internal arrangement
oi tltr house, no pains fball he spared on the part of
■he proprietors to give entire satisfaction to those who
may favor tjs With their patronage, marff-dffw
Ratsnt Soda iiST * “
’‘7 CASKS (Glass rosier*) Jas Muprau 4 Sons*
4v brand, just rec'd per steamer Brooklyn, and for
iaifr No 100 Libony ft
Mb riugen.
<* alTatm ©if (he
•n 'Tlietr office?
Tftr Jv Jos .«r r
*. BOLMKI 4~ioil
Bankers, £ichingc Brok.r.
ASD l9 *
£s£bi o, L »a..
BXCHANGK on New Yorlc, Philadelphia and Bal
iimorr; aiw, Cmcumatt, IxmisviUe, Sami Lou«. *?,d
New Urlnuir, eonsumiy for sate. u
BANKNOTES —Noies ou ail solvent banks m thr
Untied Stale, dt.coamed at the lowct rate.. All kuld.
;; d F 2 n 3,,d to**"c* n Gold and Silver Com bourtt
InXurrLVf I " ark "
jP ID Foreign mid Domestic Kachans*
Bank Notes, and Specie; '“
o, ‘ '‘'" lr u ‘" pn " c "’* 1 •»“>■ « ‘S.
c Th. bi E he.t ~ree,um ped for Forutp, „d tatal
““‘V t"«»iKue»or i'roducc, .kip-
P*q m*U On liberal term*. mciOJ
Ei. , « kxcua-*6b7 '
on hngland, Ireland. ami Scotland bought
any amoum at the Current Rate* of Fjehinre.
«i.o, DralU payable in any port of the Old
'Vi a i ItWU - the *6 to tl.r A Siertine,
BON fer? UPUOn or Jwcoum. by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, i-iiropean aim General Agent, office Sjj, «, onc
door weat of wood of! “
* uah ir—
il m f0rr.,,1 „d U.O..CC Bill, of ti. Win., i>r
jtf "T , N«*-* *"d Iloin, rom.f of
JO and >N 000 greets, dtrei-tly >pj»o«iie St Charlru Ho
- ... mi.yM-ully
Bank Notes
parchojrd at the lowest raira, by
■'Ti 3 - K.Uirkrt.irrii.
B «"“ O,lAMt4l '" Cb,rk. „„
Philadelphia, and
, , Unlumore,
Con«ta u!y f or sale by N. HOLM KM A SON'*
35 Market *l!
O! Tnni:y rollpjje. Dublin, ex-Sizar. and o U ren'»
SM.-1.0 ar irom the Royal School of KnniJkillcn
, r k* P .t.‘‘T ,ntono * tbe public that he will open,D V )
A?*’ 1 ’ ,or u "* i* u rp°*« oi imparting a
untl Ua>hu oJ and MaUit-tnalica] education lo vounr
St-ntfemcM Hie Principal trust. that, by urircmmmg
aueniion to the moral and intellectual improvement of
lu* pupil., he will mem a .hart- m public patronage.
A lew boarder* will be roceivcj. win. will have
, vantage oi studying each evening under (be ,mitir
d»*ir and permnal lupcn.iirndrnrc nf ibe Principal,
rtriet atJemiun being paid i 0 the heuitu. rotnibn and
moral, unwell an the liter»r> advntiramrm 0 | ilie pu-
Cl”* *‘ or B dditio«al information, inquire of \lr««n
KIIIoh A Kin'll.h. ‘ lr M
Ren renee kindlv permuted 10
Ki,' 1 ;; ■ w
Uev \\ _Prr.u»ti, Allegheny cny nmrr-dil
T I’STMiPKNKD, ihi* day, «„d for rule a. W Mr
"vl.'r!"! o .'' I ,’ Ti, ,„'« L
’. Pr ) na'id.omc style Hru.seli. Cnrprt*,
New *iyle extra «up II ply do
liign.m C arjN-i.. << comm,,,, Vrn m ('«„„n
Med’ni »up do do |;M do d* d»
. do ,lu i >-» do ,j„
{ on, "‘°" do do |iM Jo „o .;o
Cotton do <lo *■ 4 Colton (*
■M..W K_,l,» Vrl.ri IM,
importation Aximnt.trr Carpet* Tune.uv Bru«.eia
Carj>ei«, ml oi tiir rii'hrai and newest »iyle» lo wuu-ti
we mntr those lurm.h hoti.**, »iru, u u»«u
tl __ _ W MVUNTUCK
ei.M7,4JS» 41
m.T'.M M
1K..001 35
J-.MM :17
A ‘ ND LKA F TOB A (To.—
J’J HKALD.DU'KNOR A Co, II north water »t, and
1C N. wbarve*. Phtl’a, oder lor .ale on accommodating
vertn.t, tRfIJU pin* Manufactured Tobacco, eoim.un* of
pound*, hall pound*, i's e> *. IT.. Hi t, Is -, and ;fcp,
lamps 5 V. C ' “ I,d 3 ‘* P iu &; “Ml UP. Ladie*’ Twist m'
Whole and hall born.o! the following approved bond*
Janjr* II Grunt, Oaborii 4 Bi U( i
Grain A Will.ami, A raban.v.,
8 Jonex A Son, MlJonaM,
Web Mar 01.1, J Thomson,
Jumc« Tt>ou.u«. Jr. A IF ArimMead.
J Tboc.aj A Soti, Imudboni A Arth,»t£ad
J P l'o»tr«, J M Cobbs, ’
Gentry A, J A Clay,
M A Butler, C A Hull
Green Hull, Win Uuxv.on,
Frurl A Norwood, J s BlarkwoJj,
Nall. Page, Kr) «U»lir,
VV H Vaujrlian, t-lujunJ Henry
Poruuux tfubi.non, ftu.aHi * Hol.imon
Kemi. Hi>t»ni»(*n 4 C-u. llal~-v,
tt Metrall. John Ki,Urr,
J R0bi...,,,
Gray A Gray, U B Tun.. i
! K J»niir-.w!. wawu,
D M Hi ai.. i. -AI-So
liaTune l'c-bareo, and*.
Yura Jo J u
Oeiducgos Jo Jo
St Jajp» Jr C*oh« .|,i Jo
St Domingo Jo Jo •
i<jona A Guide* Jo j>aei fine,
May«villi Jo Jo
Kentucky »nn«. goules Jo
Virgin.* .u.table ,or m ln » Bft j rin( ,,{
apu.uh i, B r. iv-v >,d„, ,h,i N ■
Vm«i»» lid, .v~. ve* •
Scotch Mmid !»«,«■ .t,»l , ,ij ,i i „ u |i, ,\| r ,j
Tonquu Henna, Havana bu<; Otto Ro*e Hcrvaoioi
C.alnbrta L»ituonr,p; Puteni Cavend..., K.r.vei so U tik’
*■'' ±e r
rp,,. (
1 belorr—made on the m..*i np|ir„v.-d'K*«u;n'
»i«J n>o«i la*n,unableIa*n,unable Kmu-iu pHit*-fas amlcolut* Ai«.
or made to order of all «ue*, and si ail prx-ea.
Country Merchant* and oilier* are mvurd to call and
eiaui-ne the above for tbeoivlvea, a* all wit! I.r wild
wboeaaJa ar retail, and a liberal dedacboa made U,
wholesale purrhaiers.
HK «mler«,fned offer* for »n!r a lunerlnr arUrle
of unrk for buiidin*, made by hn Steam Pres*,
impiovod machine, lor which bo bus oi.nunr.d a naieni!
mid agree* to give purchaser* a writlrn guarantee that
01 r X *«■« stronger, and will resist Iroai and wei weaUi
- <uui imbibe lc»» moisture or dampne.* than any oib
rr brick, pow»»in* body ami .upenor lem.,
and much mure durable iti every re«i>eei, eacli
tieiJiif »ul<je<-ied lo t |He*»vre of K-veral ton*, and po»-
»c»»jur a liamJooine xitoolh surface and even edge*.
t& ~), ~,a* e a from e<jual in Hie t»c*i from t»nck.
liiey have siven Uie greair»i »uU*laoiion in all who
«»v.: pur.-hn«e,|. A kiln cm, |, c « P .en ai my work*, and
ai Uie (iiiciir orfu c
I hone Lavi njj »um»lind Ulemnelve* (or their hß.l.imrv
»d wuMiif f IO ,„ bnrl, or^ixr.oriJ™
id »©iid paving brick, can obtain them
Birmingham, June ltf,
TAKES thu method io inform bu inrnJ
anil the public m arge lhai hut Kuciory i
nowirr mil operation, on ihr we>u <u) a 0
the Diamond, Allegheny, where u. cou
slum supply of Blind*, of Tirioui color,
nnd quolitir*. ere ronclantly kepi on hand.
al*o, ai No & Wood *t, Pittsburgh, at J A.
U Phillip*' oil cloth
inner* made to order m ihe heat style
Blind* repaired at the aborted nouce.
N- B—Hi* Blind* will be put up wulmui any addi
tional expense. «o that they ran t>« removed m a tao
mrnt in ease of fire or lor wuahmx. nnd without the aid
screw driver. _ j) 1 -dl y&w) am] y S
qfkensware manufacturers, 1
Bln&lnEham,[H«ar PlUiburffh,)Pa.
Warehouse, Ao. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
IQTN WlLLcondamly keep on band a good asimrt
flv'oenl °* Ware; of our own manufacture, and
sufMjnorqiiaJuy W bolos-tlr mid countr) Met
chanu arr re-peetfully .iiv.trd to call and cX
amine for them*elve». a* wi arc determined to sell
iper than bu ever before been offered lo the pnb-
lE7*’ Orders sent br raeil, accompanied by UieeMb t
city refrrrncc. wil) be promptly *ucmJed 10. IcViA
NEW CARPKTS—"Received llm day direct ?toi
the manufacturer—
4ew »ryle Tape»try 3 ply Carnet*, extra super:
do do do do -<u|>er,
I" u l Hajuriß Carpet*,
do Very cheap, do
do notffrafoß> super do
4-4. 3-4 Yi-ncuan ,i Q
4-4,3-4 do ,j 0
II of which sold at- a small advinre, and
I guarantee a* low a* can be nurcha*,.d u , the east
rr ‘*> W M’CI.INTUCK, 7i Fourth «
FROM the eery liberal encourage!
aientine subscriber ha* received since
be has located himself tu Allegheny
Uig has induced him to take a lease,fora
of year*, on the property be now
occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the
Presbyterian Church. From the long experience tn the
above business and a doire (• please, he hope* to mer
it and rrerive a «h*re <*f public patronage.
Now on hand and fijusning lo order, Rockaway Bag
gie*, open and top Baggies, and every description of
t arrtages made to order, from seventy-five dollars U»
•ighlhnnaret laepO-dtf) JOHN SOUTH
OonoDgahela House Tailoring Estab
IfrA AO WILI.I AMJ4, Draper and Tailor, begs lo irf
farm the cuneiu o( Pittsburgh and others, ifail he
u now o|wiuiie ut bin rootus on Sinithheld siren .m
dcr the above lintel, a large ami beautiful assortment
t Cloths, Ca**iniore«, Satins, NUk*,amd other Vesting!
ogetber with such other articles a* am required fo
• ntleinen'* wear. His goods have been carefully *«,
and are of the newest and mo*l fasbionabli
tyle, aa well a* of superior quality His customer
iay depend upon having their clothe* nude up in i
tanner wlurh cannot (ail lo gratify the taste of th«
tost fastidious. tplMily
li where Vr»„,. n
of all the different , lxcfl ~,.! eniin.
kepi on baud or made to order sAe
W the late si and most approved Eastern ia*b«
• ious, at the shortest notice and on the moV
reasonable tenns.
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Tranent
rency and Paper Curtain* of all the different sires and
palloma, on baud and for sale low forcash. Old Ven»-
ttan Bluida painted over and repaired, or taken iu nan
payment for new. tt M WK3TKRVKLT hs pr
N ; D—All work done with the best material and
workmanship, and warranted to please the most ta*.
“•», aogitwiy
Allegheny city, Aug. 10, UJ4B. 1
1 sale at W M Cliniock's new Carpel Wtreroom!
No 76 Fourth st, u handsome assortment of Transpa
rent Window Shades, at very reduced prices, to which
w« invito the attention of those wishing to porchsae
_feb!4 W M»CI4NTOCK
LARD— 15 kegs Lard: 26 bbls do; In store and tor
sale by fcmfi JAB DALZKLL
liANNKRi 1 01L—26 bbls in store and tor sale by
S2IACKI.ETT A,WHITE, W Wood street, are now
receiving a fresh stock of DRY-GOODS, of recent
purchase, snd freab styles, patterns, Ac , which ihey
Will a—II In— In tk. MS. '
Merchants are requested to call and examine their
stock and prices. / e po '■
Sole Agency for Sann. 4 citrk’i Plena**
JUST RECEIVED and opeomg, *
BS^^| new lot of elrKaM Piano*, from the
I V & factory of Nann* A Clark*;
"... • * • " Y . eompnsmjr 6, dl and 7 onavct,
with important improvement*. boili m rarchanimi and
b >' «o-«** n .
AU.U A line selection of Cbtrkerintf'* Piano*, from
0 lo . ocutck H. KI.KBKK. t»ole Armt,
. _ Rt J W W'oodwrllV W Third *t
*' Is The above will be wild a. iimnurnriui.-r* j»ri•
re». wiiJiout any addition mr irncht or expense.*
ruarlil Journal and Chronicle copy
fieiripapem, nagatlnei end lUtltni,
Received at the Kj-iid 1 nj; Room oi ibc
iottug , Alrr&jitt}? I.i>ruiy <l3ui Mrrhifnei
I Fourth Wood W.. 1 Market
! Nkw to*K--ri>ur>rr A Knquirn. Tribune,
Kvemnj; Pc»m. Journal i i t'ouimercr.. Spirit oi the
nmr*. Srienuiu: Auienr.m
»*hilaumj*uu—.\orih am-i.<• in ami I S (.'a-pile,
* eniuylvamnn, Coiutui rcial 1..»t
" *«n.Nui.i.’»-im r ii Kl . IH . O< . I
B<»ro.N - Mining Journal. Au t».
KAhTIAiOKK -Amen.- v .
linruinati l>ou*»vi)i« Journal, Si Lom« Rp
publican N Orlcan* Pk-nvu-.p, N Orkan. Pri.r i‘ Uf
JjriKhHM -
dou Time v
,JS™' I :*'. 1 '” l UninWrluv-k.-v, pnmvh.
loom i Anvil, In-1.-cliv. Hum , Mrrrh»,.l> . 1.,n r 1l .
Luvinf A«c H o ,|, vu |, u".,.S,| |, m„,', Joiirnn!, Jnnm.i
o( tho Ir.ijiklm liißimnr, t’lvif Fjiginecrt'A Architect.'
Journal, lajihloh
Rhikwb- DuuiocraUr, American Whip i
Quantify. Kdmburgh, Westminster, North Un-nli
Room, open daily , Sunday.) tr o,n TJ o
A. M . until 10 «> clock F iM. Member, have* , b r on
Vilrge 01 introducing their irien.U, non-rc.idrni. m Hip
ciiy, wlio.wiil be entitled to wee admission Vnr
w timer A. Minib * Kurop.nnTimc4.l.<,»
Person* ilriiruijf to l.rcome member* will I- cp
ii with Urn |,i| („ nill , Torinfl _ ~
miiiual »ul.»iTipuon H 4. h atlvuncr. in.-lill ,xi
A SPI.KNiDJD ajuonnirm
m.d Ko«-wooil IWov ,v« ,\ u
V I 1 llr *'' matruincm* arc mad.- n >
.”’<l J’zjz:zvt “" J
t' HI.LMF., 11-i Wood street. ,
N R-Tliomi who d ,'“' r “V",”, F '" h ,
rrom'twS'' “ r '‘{V&
i.urph J H ” Cr ' lWl> piano* of Ham
ever talil in ih Urt * *** rr &nlrd hi («• superior lo any
ever mid in thm ■•o umr -. IKM .,| r F B
, "®W WmUMKWT.
{ *• ►«*>« nb«-r ha« l*ei«n •ppomieil Sole Agcui lor
1 il.«- >«!,• of CAKUAKT S IMFHnVKIi MI-?LiJI)K
-rtiarr u* \\ hue. o, Cmrnmui, The u«ui. e.»m..a.»
a»J r*t«m Lem* bin four octave*. Mm,,. M A W
T’ 111 ' U,r B r " rnU dcirc i.nd demand'
ihr «raJe o( thene i«*trumej»<« lo 4* and
sr r,
a;"::- r
" autilull) t.roiued and urmunenicd, rnidenui; Hal
ThcVneX 1 l‘ J " d ': XU . r ' M<, > ‘<-«rabl« arurle
n f H ~ * * <>w tnu '£ ,l "I’-hin the
and ai’n . * inu»ii':il instrument,
and ai ih* »amc imj.v u nn,.i r ;., lr „. o( '
».ue tor. comparative,n«r h’ki.KBKR?
, At J \V WooJwhV*
G'H*V"r* U ' M l •uUirrtber
entirelv ’ lru,n audior*air. un
I VK'f HlAVi'i'HiierL- 01 *' orl, ‘' '“lied ihe i'4B
cetsdilwly neai and rompm-i, and ‘m'‘f./re
room Uian u .mail ude ,al„ t . Th. u!,»e TlJr h -l '
luind a le.iin.i ~r .. ' n ‘ ll ' in
led maiiiki m„ .) H •* * i|wfiorit) trow (he cclcbra-
— 'h: . ai j w Woihlwimi-.
('flickering'* Plano*. ~
Ji '•r received ami mr Rule at
Iho late unproved »«-n(r 1,11 U,c ‘ w,, l'
I AK| a "‘ l "" * al< - l «w- 11 iccoud hand p
°‘soie , , J“»N H MKI.IdJK,'
Sole Ajceni tor t hiekenne . Pia„o« tor
Pcnii«ylvuniH, -| Wood iireei. nu,r-
MI sir BV HPtNKI HKRZ The U*. R*,.-
.A a i . uiiiiiim 'e iih an mtiodueuon ajid hi. lim.ii i-.
*W Kw„™j ,„
Vr . u S '*"" IIT/
'l'litarv Polka, by ||*„ ri Hen.
i •non- fnlka.
silver Hell Polka,
Ju-t rrenved mid for fc aie l,y
" lrl ‘ ll J <J»N H .MKJ.I.UR, wo „,
TtS;"''"' "'° pupulnr
rf", 1 """“"•KU.ii-i.lhxiwi tir.l ,‘- ajl4|
mtnu. «m nrtl l>) llirm-rlvp. all .l runnni*; in rt> i
l‘n , vr“! rL Ur M 7 m , l ’ ,,ui ‘ «KAVKR A*!) CAl7ji
iJp <r..„ , m 10 ° rtrf 10,
.!r»-^r.!*i*"u«v/*»*r«^'[ir" ruitrr '^ ,,n ihr
■' 11 ' or* • M|»l- ItllJ ILr
V- M FITVH A r n ruvcUn.]
biuw u.i. a Bfiirrm-.R.
J >• BIOWJU.I \f • ■
“ 3,V W 41.-1 Kc-1.,,,, li
bidwell a BROTHER.
Forwardin' flertlianla,
A <>,< Puui.u, K h .I,ut I'ln-rJ*,,.! and
fit’ SI ram (khUi Heaver aiui Colei ( \,y*
Haring jiu rclirmpd tftp Inrgp and .ut, Wbari
«,M\k U “ M udl rof . ,hp IViru. havr
WlUi ihr iwidiUciu VI a \Vaj»*iit»u«e. Ihr RUU.I HP- 1
nr."t»P <> lK UU,n ' ,0r r * rp,rM, K a, »l lorwhnluiil. IU1«1
plodffp ibnr Uimu,! atirniioii. ( ,r.„n,.i,.P.. H ..d
U> coiiMji.iliPnu l„ ihrir ran- unjfr.i 01l lr
marr-dl> H * HKli
KS4B - !
HKAVKK \M)< I.KVKI.ANU i.INK. c u U \VllF\
Uns, Ford.
... “ OI'KAN, Copt Waiter*
/\.Shor Ibr ulmivc Faciei* leave Braver every dav.
J I. muJay. ex<-r|.:r«l| and i rriVr i.r x\ morning ;.l
A ’ mV' l ' ,r > > .he Mail Slacr. tor
\k .mil l.levelaml, arriv,,,* at earl, of li„ -c marc
n <U ' , Ui,r lhr ParkcL ‘ le * vc
al»l M . jiiJ arrive at Beaver m uinr ; 0 ink.- tl.c
m0,...1.* .u-am! lor I*nu.i, U r K u
t l'Fl> .V I.KKFIN(,\\ U.l. W-.rren )
MUTa i l.i iR, .. ■ ' I'rof.m m
bkavkk and kkih packitt ijnh
Ml Hut'Olt ri< TUt LA«E I** rui.-TY Hul'K*
v*iu>: I'lM kn-- Pan.MiflvaMa, ( apt JrUnr»,
“ Tla.KCttAI-Ji, - Pollock
;■ I.A>« K«it - Tral.). '
Pkytu.via, *• Drown
“ “ FaU'Hios, •• m-,. rf
n * above ,ir«r and splendid Pa.M-rmer Packet. have
run,,,,1 1 * HK.AVI :k andjf.kik.
»Rd Will run regularly during the „raion Q „,. | K>llt
Imtirk Erie every morning at - o clock. nini one'l
i»# Denver ever) evening, immediate; y alter the am
v»/ ol U»e •immlxwH Michigan trnm Pntsbureii
l-out* arn new and comfortably fuinched. and
wm iun inrougn in ton. hour* Pn»»c?hi:er«. io anr
i - iu -**
i„ all porn «m trie UieVw bTpnn-uTrd 1 '
*t» Hie proprietor. ’
. »™>, PiKKSA Co. H..vrr
JOHN A UA CUHIiY, Aft Pm,1,u,«1,.
~ i .'i. r ° T V ,“ , ' r ".'"i .u
I J»« i llarriMJii. Buffalo N V
' '
m n,ld K ‘»K. Big Bend, Pa; I
" 1 > ‘ •' 1 luuil., Sliurp-l.urah Pa
W , .Malnn. Sharon, W; ' |
I) «' Maihrwi, Puiuaki, Pa.
2 New Ca«llr. Po, jyl
rijj ui i <|HSV
i Li;r,r , r” "VI"’'■*""»N-wsi^k, 1 "’ '■*" "» N-wsi^k,
X an.iarr | repand i 0 lorwurd px uee« ol all dr.
•cnpiloni daily, at the lowest rule*
J H. DIDWKLI. Arr.nt,
" airi .Ir.-. I Pittsburgh
»{ Souili . Imrlr, Ballimorr,
Ir.Lnd. dLK”
-"■“Waif*, upon the mo*: liberal , crm# , WlUl , hej ;
wu ,b tr ■T"' di, “ i! , -r"""»“■«> *»»«■ *°zz
:;sxv c:,' i%rs" u .rj r
Atialrh U,... w„U, „„y d rt «„uj,.V.l.lTsS .*,' * S
V\ it any Hu* frurlr«»ly, u* we dr/v »■»• nt .....
ff er " to -how thul they were d-ianW 4- hour,
Liverpool, whilst thou-amlt of others were a 1 1
month*, uuiii iluy could he sent m wime oU| • 11
cli jp rale, winch i«»« (rc<,u.-mty provrd thru Yothi" 1 U
We iiucid 10 perform our contract honorably ro.i
what i! n»uy. and nut a> la* w«s ihc ( > HM , | . u *'
w.U, olfu'rr., writ..
when ii suiicd their rortvnncnce ' m
U tall* drawn at Put-burgh for anv „nm r.,. m *, .
£10W» payable ai any ol the provmmal £L, Ik ‘ ..f'f
land, Ijlgluud, Scotland and Walra, 11 fc ‘
huropean nnd lieneml a»*»i '
*» bl Pinb «n» door '-alow VVolid;
T AKl> AND FKATlir.Ktt-? l.hl, \ D , , ,
±j So •-> do, 78 bag. Kafct hew, to VoV ft
>«_ _ »AIAHD|CK-EV| t r«rro,“ Bl 7
SII.K WAKP.ALPACAS- S.a ( |.,Vj;i, l '„. o ,r a«;
Marin ..reft, would n.vUc Uie at.enuon o!
and other* 10 thru choir r *io,-k ol Silk Wan.
.Mulittir I.unrci fin. j,J ''
now offering ai reduced purr*
/VN. HAND AND H,K HA Li) -lit P * „ fal , H ».„kf,
"f ( oiling. - l.uvmdcr do do, 1 Lavindrr
Ul«.,kru I J.. rr., m,,.J n„U,. , ,|„ Auu ,
do Tweed- l.iorv,. 1,11.0 k »i,d K old m.k, Ido
Caa«tmerc, I l.ulr Mur Mankri flonuiw, runaiaiif.l
durct from nianuiacturrr* and lor »xlr by the narkauf
or piece. dc- w MURPHY A I.nk li(,£,|A,
I?*™* AN&*l'Pi.K THRKK PLY CaRPI-Tm'
JLj Received tin* day, direct from tin- in.nuiacturer
a handsome assortment ol extra mper and *uie-r tl r "
ply imperial Carpel*, of new .1, |„„, n, waul! Wr ‘
the BtienUon of thou* wishing to laraUh i, ou . r ,
itenmlkouu Carpel wureroom, No )i> Kourih at i**, *
hnrjfh. __ dec-L'l W M cuNToi ’k'
BLAMKKI>-tt« |*« * Oral, li.ankom n, P . ltrilll/
of Cuiilurinu men are asked 10 this imu*le n
•re henry. ...d w,U l.c .old ,„w
_ 11 i,i:k 1
BLANKirr COATING An « W ',|, Urn V
Coatimr, for sale very low aa ll.e»ea»on 1. fa, «d
vanccd. Tfioee in warn of thia ari.rle will
«“». _ r " M7 i/’lm"
A BTIKICIAL 4 Jol „, - - j
A Market *l, would invite the attention ol deuU,.
and others to their extensive »toek of Prrnct f t
American artificial Flower*, which will beotfll.r'l,
eastern price*. , Bl
jrjLfivra AXI) llOSltaiV-Srauh A
\JT Market *t, would invite the attention or a..,, r ,
and other* to their choice stock ol Uajou * » u , '
Kid Clove*, and a great variety of menu©, *ilk I', < .’i
cotton Gloves. Also, to their extensive »u M *k
worsted, Cashmere, Alpaca, Vlgoma and Hiik »t„
Moravian and other styles of cotton llose- 1ob _~.
with every style of children 1 * Hose and gentlemens’
half Mow.
rrOLD-SPtC-rAOl.H^a l ,,, dorftrri do;
»U«r do. A large assortment constantly on
hand, and carefully fitted to any age. Concave con
vex, and cataract spectacle glass accurately adm«fj
to any vision reamred. u
Also, multiplying glasses for examining linen wool
minerals, hawk note*, Ac , just rer»d and tor iaJ e bv
J** corner of market and 4th »u
IMIK loli.iwtop trom £ Pomeroy, FVn., the
wet, known proprietor ortho Express, speak* for
tiMtlof the importance or the Pain Extractor to every
parent. '
_ Kirucss Office, Albany. Sept. l.
Aix Pai.ucy- Mv Dear Sir—With feeling of ao or-
Otnary p.cM-ure | ndiirv-,* you tn relation to me benefit
l nave reecivc4 from your invaluable Pttin Extractor
L-ttelr. my lutle danthter. <J years old, Lada pilr|,e f
o! iKiiltne wafer turned imo Let bosom; her screams
n-t-tc ctreaibot. so ibi a crowd instantly gathered be
on- tin- Lou v to learn tLe .•nu«c of the terrible *c reams.
I to,. u er clothe. n.undv,. H „d soon spread on your
'j .c. and -.he wa. earn«:J and laid upon a hed. She
]' JVU fvf c **? *. rr,,n u -f l»am«. ami says ‘•Mu, 1 feel
Indjth. and wj. mm (n swee( deep. She
\ a* »ca .levi u> a Mi<tpr Mom ihr tun of her shoulder
rhttM, and round under the
■* , I '* wiou.dcr and Lucius u was very deep,
rout tin* Ljs; h-nrr. -n>. complained only when it
wu. dresv.l The tore hauled rapidly, and there uno
conu j.tion oi I lie ntiiHc.p«.
" nh many wi-he-. m) dear sir, for your sucre*. 11
<»t 11,1 < mijl.ry arUcir,
1 mu • our., witlt respect.
■on, 'inlLoiißl i'.ra
tk T ‘ {?'“ r aiui NO MISTAKE'
The genuine DtiHr-y will ever produce the same m
«rve~ J !? OU ' frl 7ti a,,d Woll,, "«- r ooling cttc.M, t" e
severer rases of Hiuns, Scalds. Pii et ,
rhe t-tinnn-rteit«—i,o e alter under what name* ihev
ma> appear—altruy. irruhie. and increase 7
J. l-lwiuJ P Hollins, of Chatham, Melvin Brnl«e
< o m„ N . y . have been effl„-,ed wtth
niatuui m nr. reel, and all over mv hodv n.r
1) cure roil,all could not stand, and w£ <-«cd by
r app.n .s.unroi Dailey-. Magical Pm,,
llniic- u i KW'ARDP. HOLMES.
unilc. >, r I cat my anger with a copper nail
poi.-onou, nature of which caused my annm swdl
r.umcruM). will, <-oustujii shooting pains up to u,«
;!;'t ; r [lir place at t h C aMn .
p.t. wnii me r. .leing pain, J became team! of the Ixick
,.• « li. mu ■ Ttrcmny your Puin Extractor \r u re.
r, ; n"i’ " “‘ ol ! 1 w “ prevailed upon to
tr> J*’ ' oi.-cij icnce was [hat it afforded me almost
in.-lniit relief, and in three Jays 1 was completely cu
r '*‘! „ JOSEPH HARRISON, New York,
Mrnci:-H. Bim.iv I, ■.n , ..','n;S, B „?2f,, nraJu .
.ulc remedy, aud never has and never will eommuni
"™« n V" U,r °f it* combination!
A.I KxiracuiM, therciorr. not made and put up b
him. ur-base ount.-neita y *
I'ro.Jwuy, New York;
-»'* n, -mat itr-ot. I’hilu. '
Jteii-v’i A»,uuiaJmmr Vun-ML
Luri-s linnuirt, >u,ivi!i ~
i'nlli 1.,, 'w M “ 1 K fr,l * e - poli-eviL
; o1 i , iv.muK <<!■
U,u 4h «of rr»|*fc;a;ilc m »y I* hu.i on * rp i lra .
Agent, Piiuburffh.
vJ , ' ou,:h ' weakness,
r. vu.ijl.l- n;i|.«'U!*- t irregular bowels,
I milk . ' 't'» I r. Inf .Imulder blildr* |,rh li !
I ftVAI.LIBI.K STMrTOV)! „v .« /-_ i_
night am] <)»,-. !]«M.v m llv j P . ' V V ou f>b ln £
i.iii,»„u„„ i, ul „ liu f, " ,ll '"i'*
'.r«.7'r\ for wwk ’ •'"i»cr.,* b “oM
«wrai* luv, ar<!» mommy *
>;?"»«"H>ii;>ii '-urn,, „„ | lkc i
aLyrh or ro,.J. |.m nl.out ilic jktuh] when that di*.
f * '* • Ip'-rlcil io ulißjJq, *oj,ir of ihr syicp
tom* are. ag „,„vair.|. Ti- cough .• more uoibl-.
kome, c-pecjaliy when lying down. There ,* no fixed
pain ui die cheat, but difficult breathing, which m
«or»i nn lyi»)> down. Tnc. nppcureuce of the expec
toration, which is .-npiou., ,s changed from a tLck
> allow mucus, to a thinner substance! It u very un.
plcaaaiit to the jmii. ni, ui,.i aims an unpleasant snieli
ben burned It hor an uniform appearance, amn*
probably a uuxturr 01 pu* nml mucua. a* oo miiinirfit
wah water part «nk. a,,.- ;»ni; awtm'a. Thu dineale
mnr u< ■ w ill any habit or a! any age, and u charuc
,f L. r. > the peculiarity 0 ( u„. cough.
The ilaUmn „( :] le cure ofilu* m-
ViwTh i ‘7 •***«Un and heal* the
, , 'mi' Wlierrvcr tins iin-rli
!, ~ : V' •« h '* r •<' Wire,,. For fee
1 ari It ha- bcrti to-torr the pubrtc. mid Jiaa been
,ur0,,,1", of
ua- pr.iv. ,1 tl-. t| superior lu m.-ni u, uuv Him. 1,. .. «
•«»'« ' - .-...u.oSJu^S.pVym.
m wtl " I'ave boen cu
>ul all wc il.mii,. wn, ~a | | xltt oi tl.« ai
ll» led, 4 ini 1.. r iheir own go.*! they w U tf) - kl
I ta:
mr.-.Vv-wvJtk * VV U-'i-oi, T.i Urekman
y-ij 1.. pn..i. u ,y, i.y j n \i.ifiran sn ;
Ti.vo.ruu.y .Uarke, , tl H <„,.or. .or Marker and
msi mluie M Hf,or t " i '***
ferto 65, DIAMOND ALLEY,
few door, below Wood street
Si iu/<rket.
3 DU. BBOWn, having been
n <uiuil>- educated io tin- mrdica
and Wen Tor <OlllO uin(
EBHgK ’•*’•»*'■ private and dHi.-au* com|
!•«-ain- n.r which hiv opportunities
i,im ” }'-nrs asaiduounly drvoied
to Miuly 1 irr ~ M u, u .» ,-...,ip1,.„.... I Ja,i„ !! n -h lc h
imir- 11- ha* lr»l mop prartrre and na* rur-d more pa
t.iMit*- than can • ver Ml io Un- lot of any private prnc
blunter) amply qualifies mm 10 infer .1-.iitane-s of
»P'-pl .-. pe r m i-lu.-ory .Nirc to all utflictcd
Willi Jrui ivtc *ii"l a 1! di-.-aae* arising there)
lit Brown would inform Uu>«c alfticietj wnn priral*
ili-eme* which havr heonair chronic by time or *gj
1 rut hi**.! by ihc u»« any of the common noatroin* 0}
I H.e.lax thM tl--ti .:o»npliUnt>-rai] 1~-ni«lically a:i.l thcr
oiiithtv •• urrd. i.« hat.iig jji/en hi* careful attention to
. Ihe Lira tiiu-tn .-a-**, tinJ succeeded in hundred*
i 01 ufiiiici,-, ut cnruip- pertiuuA of ipttaoinaUou of the
. twrk .11 t nr t-f.ul.Jer and LinUrrd diseases which often
I f'-ult iroiu cures where others have consigned
them 1.1 iiofiel' -« despair Mo pnructilarly invites such
*“ Itsv- le-eti .cm* and unsurc-Wully treated by other*
to con.alt tnm when every caUHaetioa wifll.c given
U.eui, and ihrir rwei treated m a rareiul. thorough and
imciiif ent lOiinner, pomu-d out by a long experience
study. :«,j.l .ii.e-ugatiou. wfin-1, it t» impossible for tho*
cjlßßKeii in j*r,ie;a! practice 01 me.iien, e i 0 g JTc an
-r K.i. ture.- I>r Drown also invites per.
sons attuned w.m Hrri.m u, cad. he has panic,
ular attention (hi*
i.'ASCKH'i h;<o >■•„.-eu
MUiri aiwaju S. FF ». f’al.y, e W . speedily cured
Charge* veryslow.
N U Paiirno of ctih sez Hving at a distance, by
Mating ilie:r .lIS.-UM- HI vm-ilih,. e.viiig allthesyiupj
tom.. -• n, obtain n..-.ii.„,r, with d.rretions t»r u.c Uy
m W a r^c" < T UU,,VVNt M - U ’ ! , * , **> >“>*l ciic'lo*.
(Wu c No. W, Diniuond alley, opposite lh« ft arerly
HuKivxTisi: Dr Brown', newly .lurovrrnd rrnj
Ji :«i Krmiiii;;.m ,< a *p<*. t jy Hl ,d ~r flum rcinpt > y ,
Ibutra.Mu. Ii never luiD.
other MU Private Consulting Rooms. No.JSDi
inm.duilr), I'ui.ijyreM, Pa Tl.«i Donor,. «iway»
c 3" No r nrr no pay. decl».
Uo\\ Dop.S IT UkiK. Sands, Bristol and Bull,
■lur.nrrly pul SurM.pj.nlU m bottles
nmdii.g a lew.iMiiioe*. t-ut »in«-e Dr Townsend'* lias
•rroiiw luowii. 8.1.1 iilmo-t or >{uite driven Umu Utile
i.e,iir. oul ~1 In. iiibiLri. thry ure now putUng their*
“•'Vi * r, |‘ >r > '' o " ! ' ll *”ii‘< lyor limes as much as
•m tore Mow mud. prohi did iher make be-
Mrrol ol the.ran,..:: boitlrJ Was It hone.P And
»m. r.h.M have rrdurr.l thr .Irrnjrth l. it honest to
pr-irnd lilHl Uiry Krr- S a. tl.ry were! Dr. Town.
*»" J inifly-fave aj murtr
ui> uieiiii. a* nr cou d artord, liu.« mude several itn
nn.l iieiermoiril -o keep up the streuem
and tjui..!> and -.vil, warram iha; each botUe of hi#
Sur.apuiilta coiuauis niotr thuu Tour lime* thc ouan'i
ty ol Siii.upanUa and than any oth
er prrj'arunoii of Sarsapar:! l ,, market
.'h>l , l Im R. »: Selirr., -0,.- ugn,; mr Putsimnrh. and
D M ( urry, Alieghmy. Tri,|o
F ' Creuoi de’ Amanda Am- r«'. lor iliHrinj;
I rram u la Rose, tor *hav j y,
Aimonde iVrnm, do. Roni;c,oii pL.-rrU.;, -uiv.g
i-...ndcr, Anjl.-
Ueauhiu: powder jmifv ol all paTirnu;
imlet Imcna, cnnta:itnig irasrsm extract
!»■ '.ill I, „„
a. ic (or j<rrMri.t|.
!’••>. :*u, or Pli nrM* powiiei;
Indian ve f M*|.,r in.r o.i,
t < ’ l ' ,|; nf rr.inraon wrappers, (rare scent
Jour*' S«.ap; N vinpu Soap »ln»e Up »a!vr; -**-
.''hri,, Soda •pnp, loirnher with s crest ranetr
ol hue jirnuiurry >um rfor-J; or *«ir |.y
_ n *{ < ' rur (ith A WIKI.I *(S
PtxlmoaKry Balssjk.
ME.SSKS RKKD A CUTI.EH—I feel it a duty I
owe to .uy lellow creatures, to *iatc snmeihnur
morr rr«p<H-ini|' ymir V«t;cU«l.ic Pulmonary
Stm-e I hi.t urmi the Balsam, aln>ut eleven years aco,
tl.r happy effri t ol ulnch I gave an account 01, I
have bad .rv.-rul seven- roiuj.huuls and attacks tit my
luima, on.; n i. w day. «inr«:, nmt in evrrv insinm-e I
have uwtl tnr Hai.uui ntonn witii cotnidric and perfect
•urcesi h lu. rrt.-. icd .ri.n ~,,1 rurr * very few
llaye. It ■> crruuni. a solo me. i ,i 0 not know
that it <*ul i urc n lurd con#um,iu<in, but 1 believe it
will be i„ irnin \ c-.m-. « preventive, and pr.-venttnn is lh.i n cur. ,| do therrlore, i..t the love uT nit lei
low men enrnc.ll> iro.iu.n.iud the use ol this Dal.uin,
mail injlmonnry c.nnplnmu [ urn confideni that it
hus been iiir iiienn. ui pre.-rtviuß my lit- m tl„ a day.
Do.tmi June In, 4t> BKNJ AMIN PAKSONS.iI
For »n,e r.y BA I nbue.iock. A f<,. comer & r .t and
wood nini ulro corner wood and bth |a j #
B. A. Kau.mtx-c, l A. B. Hmx, N. V. City
B. U F*UJiiafroc», VPiltihurgh. 7
li. W. FAitsssroo, j
Whole«&le Drug Store la the CUy of
New York.
riTHK uudeo.s«cd are extensively engaged m the
A U holcsitle Dfdg hußiiteu at No. 40 John street, in
|he city of New \ork, mid are preparer! to sappry
Uni*ti*t. and country Merefcanu \yith Drug.,
I>U, Dycttaffa, Foraifn and American I'ernunens
hlauuer, A ea -er It Mender's Chemical*, (of their own
tarot nuoa) all other article* In their line ot busi
aete, of a iqjmio u low u they can be pur.
•haawl to thi* or ap> eaxtern cUj.
Now York, I'ehlß ». a. FAUJ4KSTOCK A f
sal/imokk. r ■ ism.iruii *m, wiibruso.
Ofilee at Ibr Eichange, Baltimore.
RI.DI i'KD II \n : -'no? cltuigco have redu
c'd dial! Mes-:■ *.e• io..r irnin llolmnore. Puiv
burgli or Wbeeimp, :iud ,i corre-(iomliii); reduction
nuule in) nil irle.jrnpii' .!«• «pnlehr* lor m ardrd iroui Bnf
hliuif r \\>H ol Pi l i.l •*. r j*b P.i.
Ksiks Thr . lon i lor alelegraph dc »pa irh in or
from Balnmnre Pnt'l'iirgli and \t‘h>**ii»i{. i. 4b cents
foi ll.r hi.l tin and l cents lot curb additional
[Jy* No • hari;e is made !nr the uddres* and etgnn-
Ik Mill ill- completion ol the Sotnh Western lane of
Trirpt.ipii ii.nii Meini-i*i», IciUi.ioNov Urimtu*, drs
paiciicm .4« I.c n*i » a.drd lo Mrii(aJus by Uiu route, and
mailed to. New i fries e • w te ) j
AfllKSi >N i m»DI H •(-Mi A JOHN WooDIfOU.SF.
| J AVISO m<- d») n.voumted lb-m»elve« Uweth/r
u> (Mtini I -Hip. linibr Ihn fmu und siyle ol A AJ
/Wm.ntioi nv, r.,f Hu: inaiiuta.dure ,i[ TIN, COPPER
‘AND SHF.ITr IKON WARE, on The comer of Robin
son .tier 1 und i. r 1 :n if, hi Ihe l«l V\ nfd, AUKdimv
tin, uh-te , art- ptcparcl io lurmsb lu on i cr
whole*:!and rvlnll. all nrtlcfes m u, cir | lf)r w| „;
Foundry Tiiinniings. attd Corpcmcrs' order* are so
licited. which «dl receive iiatur-dinlc attention.
City of Atlccncii), Fcl>. l, imv -dtiuf
Bacon Ainoklug,
HAVINti jusi cimiplrtad tbe «four ‘moke
hoo'e*. wc arv bow preparnJ to receive meat,
ami smoke. ■( in ihe inp-t ibcrchuniiible manner.
The hoti*es arr (tiled with all ihe modern improve
inenl". jiH nrr c ip-ablc of conlnimne Ittai.aai lb* cucb
KIER A JONES, Canal Ua*u,
ja-1 near SevciHji’ *t
bbli J.ovciuig’s amble Uefiiied Loaf, Crushed and
Pulveriicd Sugara, ju«t rneM and for vale at ihc Pekt
Tea Biore, TO Fourth itieet, by
novffl A JAYWRft
ROI.L BUTTER—lttbhls freth, yusi rec*d and-tor
•ale by ie1.17 ARMITTKONG A CROZKR
C* VIOVER SEED—IO bbla Clover Seed; B
i 06 bags Peaobea. landing from »tar Caleb Com!
for sale by NbU . BAGAUTV k BKTTu
Scrofula or Kirffc’s Kvil,, Ot>«tlualc Tula
neotu Krupttons, IHmplea or Fuutultt* dn the Farr
Blotches. Bile*. Chronic Sore Kye*. KmgWormor
Tflter. Scald ileud, emeni and Fain of ihr
Bone* and Joint.. Sfuhboml’locr., Syphilitic Symp
torn*, Sciatirn or Luiubugo, and Dmeaxc. arDtmg
frutn ut injudicious use of Mercury, A .cursor Drop
sy. Kxpo.urv or Imprudence in Life. Also, Chronic
Constitutional Disorders. ?»
In this preparation arc stmngly ronr.eniratcd all iW
Medicinal properties of Sabsacabii.i.i, conthinrd with
Ihe most effectual aids, the most *a!tt(ary prodtu tioiu*.
the most potent simples of the vegetable kjijcdom; and
It has been *0 fully tefled, not only by patients tbem
selyct, but also by Physician*, that •» iia< received
their unqualified recommendation und the njiprobauon
ofthe public: sud has cstablihbed on its own tnents a
reputation for value und efficacy fur superior 10 the
various compounds bearing the name of Harsufuirtlla.
Diseases have Wen cured, such as are not furnßhcd
m the records nf urnr past: and what u has slreddy
done for the thousands who have o«cd il. it Is capnblb
of doing for the million* still sailering and struggling 1
wrJ. disease. It purifies, cieansc-r. and Mom-then
ilw toumain springs of «.fr, and tn:u»e* new viiror thro’,
out the whole mutual frame.
The following »;nttng and. a- will be seen, perma cure of aii mveterate ra.c of *uo’uia, coi.imeads
ascii to all similarly ndtlctcd:
~ „ SotTitcitr. Conn.. Jnn I. I«4^.
Messrs. Saxtim OenUemeu-By.Bpathv t*r the n«II,c.
ud induces mr to inform you of the remartihb rme
effected by your Sarsapardla :n Urn ca.c of u-v w <V
She was sevendv articled with the scrolula on differ
rnt parts 01 tin-body; the irla-td* of the neck were
greatly enlarged and her limb* inach -wolb-,. a:i.t
suffering over a year nml findtng no rulirf f fo m Hie
remedies used, the disease attacked otic In- and be
!ow the knee supparated. Her physician advi«r.d n
should be Laid open, which wa* done, but wJihoni itnv
permanent benefit. ( In this Munition wc heard of. and
were indnerd to Tiac Sands* Sarsaparilla. The tir«:
bottle produced a decided and favorable effect. re!i-v
-ing her more man any prescription tthe had everm
ten, and before *he had used stj botdes, to the asion.
ishraetit mid delight of her friends, »hr foun.l her
health quite restored. It is now over a year «mer the
cure was effer e<l. nu.l her health remain? rood, show
mg the disease w«. thoroughly eradicated from t!m
system. Our neighbors are all knowing to the«e
lucis, and think very highly of Sand** Sarsaparilla*
Your* with respect, Jl'Ul'i PIK!..
Mtract ifoin a letter received from Mr N W liar
ru. a gentleman well known Jn county. V*
“t.omlemen -I have cured a n cg rD l >o y of mine with
your ParmpunlU. who attacked with Scrofula,
and of :i *erotuloii, |;»ni)iy.
“Yours truly, \ vf HARRIS.
“1-redencks Hull. Va , July 17, I*4*.*’
Sash*’ Saßsai*auiii.-li seem* almoM uitnece*tary 1
10 direct audition to an article so well known, iuid so
deservedly popular, a« this preparation, bin patients
ollon who wuh lo use the extract of Sui .apariii'a, are
induced in iry worthless < ompounds bearing ibe name,
but contiuunig little or none 01 the virtu- 01 this valu
able root, and wc think wc cannot coofet a Kreaicr
benefit on onr reader* than in directing their att.-mon
to the udverUsemcni of the .Mc«»ra. Sand* fn another
colamn The bottle ha* recently been enlarged to hold
a quart, and those who wish a really good nrvle w,||
find conermrated in thi* nil tho niediciusl value .11 the
root. The erpenenre of thou-nad* hit- proved ,i«
nrtu'y m curing the vurmu- discuses lor wln.-i, ,• ,J
t- eoiumeaded, and at the present Uuir mor • II 1
p., ,h» p .,h,. „„,i P r.,.ii;;.
(or * tbiur C e of o-nron |l omc J„ urna |, 0,,, f
r, P «! P^' l "" , ' 1 " »«J r.iail l.y u.f
l> >ANDC. Druggiau and t?heirui.t.i, HSi Fulton street
corner or W.lltam, New York Sold aUo by Drug*
gi*u generally throughout the Fniic.l Sun*, and i*ui,n
l’r*r* 6I per Bottle.. *ii Dottle* i„ r oj
iLr! or tale ill Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail l.v
p A FAfTNKSTOOK. A (’O, emner of Wood anil *t*. ul*o. corner of Sum and Wood m-; by I,
MILrtlX.Jf, corner of Smnhlield ni:J Fount,
< ‘ on, ' :f •' lr "’ i >ef «* and the Dianiondi also,
by KIMVARI) KKNDbKIOII, cor Moitongaia Hou*c
X L.U.M,S - The unprecedented auccert •viucli baa
I tended the u>e „i m«
n nil tlw vartou. bum* wln-lr irntatom of i|,r luog* ns
«u<ock. has imliti-eil tlie i*n«*or •i“,cn to - a‘i ,nco
tlOii to till*
woNDiatpi.T, fkkpa ration
Th« ehangabJe weather which mark* our fail and
winter month*, u aJway* • iVuiiAjl <oarc- «f
Cl.iU>S AND frtVtiHS.
ore but the preeur*o,» of that fell
The question..then, how ►.bail we nip lire drutxoyer in
Uje bud? how shall we ,;n »r our ,-va e ti* and
olda? in of vita] importance to the puM,c
wii! h* found id the (fins''l‘aiivrna jn proofof iku
»e hove (rum ome to Hum pul.|.*iird the orrti!ir>.-e« of
dozen* of our best friiown ntizonh. who huvf nprn.
enerd n« eurnuvr power*. Tlie-e, with a lua*. 01 ir*
from Oil I’lirif ut lUr lfolu
MJ'UK'AI. MK.N HF rnK nn?T
Minisirr- oi iLc &<• , witii •ojluju* no?
ice* ir*>m Ui<-
we ha v«- cmt-odicd in pamphlet i«»rm, and niiii- hejiad
giHli« i»i any of onr agent? ihr»u<lint<i itie rnufktry.
have Iveeu u*eU m this city.
throughout ibe United Stale* and Uanml.i, and we ,-ha
leugc tuiy man to point out & “
n which, when taken according lo direction?.! and |,.
fore ilie lungs had become family di»oreumv>-> ~ k
ever fulled to ' wa ' “ hs '
Why, then, need the afflicted hesitate? W },y eao n m
th " mi-rabl. no.trum. Rouen up by o»rim,li",d°
unis u ler the assumed name of some C e ifwa u-i nhv
lieian, and puffed mio notoriety by certificated c n/r’
sons equally uuktiowu? Whilst a medicine at ' K
Is to be had, whose vouchers are at home,—oak nairh.
bors, —many of whom it has < “ -
In order that this invaluable medicine , llß y 4 placed
within the reach ot the poor os well the rich. We have
pul the price at , wi uava
w* half Urn o.nnl non of ooa C |, mod!on,« „ „
or ulo by oar aanma in .marly ivory torn,. and
.vrrr i bn wn.r, w'.n „ e |>rn|r„od flVc f
ion rnlaUVo lo IL f. SAl.Tlfll, l-ri.prinror
Broadwry. Cincinnati. Uhio
DR. EDWARD At'KKR, ia£* , Uu mean. of re
turning hi* thanks to hi.« fricml* «,id the public
tor (hr t-xteiisjvc patrolmen be ban received and of m
tormutg thorn ihai bo ha* lately creeled nlnrrr and
«HI constructed building. for liie exclusive mi-tu*.....
lojeatw, at Pbillip.burgh, Pa., on the Ohio river. 0
»ue the steamboat landing at Beaver, where
to patients a> hoarder*, and treat them m. n v .
dropathic principle*. In addition to hi* lo t- Pj[re ;,
cjtce, tuid the great sureeni which ha.. hrrrmmre at.
tended him treatment of paUeut* committed i. | u . rilf ..
he ha* now the additional facilities afforded by an ex' building erected expressly for the purpose. con
taming commodious and airy rooms, and jilted U i> wuh
ever)- necessary apparatus tor bathing. nml
tenng the treatment to tbo utmost benefit and romum
wfihY P tni ,U u moat .WighuaJ and
healthy village, easy of acce*. by steamboat.. and u( .
ortls hue and wholesome water. Ur Acker nx.ure.
lho»o alllictcd persons who may place themselves tin.
dcr hi* care, that every attention .hull be pant t 0 their
comfort; and a* uu assurance olthc .uhrtuntiui benefits
to lie derived, he points with confidence to the hun
dreds who have twen penn&neutly cured at hi. I
'sbtncQL The Watar Cure leave* no injurious cricet* |
I«k>oi‘u-ii ihc oajc wuh Wiji) i,a-
I<pc:i treated on the old system. It remove* the du
ras«', invigorates the system. protects irom the damrer.
lurulent to chan*.* cm the weather, create* u naiura
and aetivc appetite. and impart- vtcor to Uir .W.'ivi
powrrs Tmn« of trruMuei.; am] l>..urditn; n~«M>n ,(><■
For farther partic-aiur« inquire at the, 01
t»iidrc»» th<-pioprielor til rlullip-hurirli
aufjil 6
" c hae* i,rnn mitinnwl by .M/k. Hose of »rur f n-,
murdoMh'-r bvDr* Jtynfi AlleratWe, wL b
«pt; owetrry oil*, rrmrdy\,f
«ind fciUpha* l«m afflicted for the lad.iru-en
w.JU MaatOSKS „ WMITK swkllinS ” n-"“j
WML uWr0i,,,,,. ... of I™*
miß umc m»ny piece hone born ilmnhamJ inn
Ow iionul boor ol Iho cranium, from 1,0,h h", m?
oim from both | rr , M ,| i,"
Auroral bona, and from the Hrht Ln~ i j ra t!
hMbfm hriU ’ Wll / ,C 14 lhr * a,n *‘ ume *»r.r Jfnmal 1* ahh
of linMml). .alnJb't^rSS
»»?ss,r «-■• L »*.*■■ >*
72 l ' tU,r I‘f:K,!,TEA l ‘ f:K,!,TEA
1) ?,? ’ S , A '^AHAiuUji
° Df - SAf-apanU,,. Q, c
mo t cXtraordmary medicine m the •world- Tbi. k».
lion input up m qoort bottle*. It i* SII uni.-* ch.-sncr
pleasainer, and warranted •uperior to any .old It
KwU^S , s. , p?„ , ~ n ‘ u,, »'O'
J&J °” T 7* - lfripn„r,|i|..J h „,
. i ‘ umJ “'cdi-nur ui the «nnir
nanped bottle. See lliul eaeh lunik ha* yin written *u».
noture of S. IV Townacnd. s
R. K. HKLLERS ti Drupewu/.? Wood -u.-n. kia-wn
Third and Frnnh. i* IV. Townfcii.!’* only whi>ksme
and retail agent for Pituhtirjch, of whom ihc rn mi.e
. Can be had.
D..M. Curry hus ln*rn appointed the »«!<• urem for
Allegheny city, of whom the ri-mj me article < «.. f. e
Utui ' . .H
l.\l»ti.— *Scrof- 4a rn ail 10 multiplied tortus
whether in that ol'aibj’i Km, enlargements o the
elandu or bone*, (»oitre, White Swellings, Chronic
Rheumatism, Canser, diseases of the Slim or bpine
orol Pulmonary omanale from one
aod the ume cause, which is a puisnnou* principle
more or less inherent in the human nysicni. Tberev
fore, ualcsa Qua principle can tie deairoyed, no radi*
cal cure can bo ellccied, bul ti Uitupriactple Upon
which the disease depends, is removed a core
mono! necessity loliow, no matter umier w’haitorm
tho disease should mantlest itaell. 'J'hta therel’
.. Ike' r<uon »ht J.t.f, ALTCHATrvE i» t 0 l?.
vermlly successful in removing so manv mil.™ !
disease*. It destroys the viw* or princmU B ?! 01
which those diseases have tbeir origin bi'entiL 0 ** 1
into Ibo circulation, nod with the n §
to tho mmntnt fibre, removing C S,
dweuelromthcayatem Preoacfii. i ?? f , liCi °*
8 “<««. t'kltadelphif ,d Jl lN “-
N 6. a bli in - ,tore lb 3 to} iuudVw
W sloso coiMfimsat. febl JASDALZELL |
Ulnis N O SBtfarj 100 baas prime
C? R»«I Coffee; 10 tierces Rice; lb k« Gray A Bro. 8
rwiM roimrco; lamlin* Uu* day from *tinr Mesacnror
No i and lor f a),: by _ JA R FLOYD,
__ inurlu _ Rgond Church Building
\ *'l' ’J-ASSKSt—au3 NbU prime N O Mnlaasei
•i * • m ■•ior«- 1 tor »al*i by
mi " *- RHEY, MATTHEWS 4Co
7l >T Kb.CKIVKD—juo !b*'!pow'd Liquorice Ball.
U a*>d lor »m)>: l>y mclitU KIDD A. Qo
pU KITO, TUBS AM) KEKLERfI— U> doz Bearer,
IJ BJrk-ty. m (lo do Tub., 5 do do Keeler*; ferule
*’> * F VO.N BONNHORST « Co,
'“ iU,w 35 from »t
UJ* PI O Uiirn, for Ills by
... _ _I.3_WATERMAN_
l> I I Fm rjuiiiurme overlaud companien, re-
A ciuvnl ycsieriJjiy and lyr sola J,y
GLNM.Nh SALAD OIL—On hand ant! for Hale by
J KIDD it Co
O l!’ I'i« prune while lluvaua Sugar:
M» iien-ps Klee; m bbU N 0 Molasses;
Ml bji IxnUoiih; 50 LiS Soap:
v-iHiis Kaijuns; 40 bis tol-ei Soap:
An.i rorsalo low. ENOLfStt ± BENNETT 'r
,Cbl? 37 wood st
( lIIKKSE— 4O l>x» Western Reserve, ia store cad for
\y sale by febfi* ROBT &Co
RN'k —lea Rico, rec’d and for Bale by
U* f'-VX—IV *arka Flax, rec’d and for tale by
EULKT’ORk—.u, pcs Unlit PorJ7iantiijir from ca
ival bout Medosu, and for sale by
_ mart JAMtS OALZELL.JI wmer ,t
CTARCII—Is lix» extra Starch, fir tale by
WHITh BiIAN'S-rtO hbls-tvhtte {leans.- for sale by
PilA NUTS—3t*l bush on hand and for sale low to
close consignment, !*y
SI ti AR—5O hbd» new crop, jott rec’d and for tale
1 ARl>—lo bbls No l Utnl, in : store and for sale by
BHooMs -So dor extra finish;
H) “ •• hearth; *
Sill Ran’ Al.K— Onlera iot Sluras’ celebrated Pas
')>• A.c, promptly executed by the umlemaned •
AgcoU torjhs m&nathcturen
■•£> litiln j» f Floor, landing &om itar Ar*
rowlniß nnd lor m*le by
J/l •« M K- vju |.},r* ,7, «,or~
S' b,,i * No l Mackerel;
k_T I'M* No a mackerel; 20 Uf do No 2 do:
" •“ 10 do Tanner* OU£
* do Alum, 3 do K SalL«; 3 do cbip'd Logwood
, l In du Nutmeg*; SO bx* No i wealed Herring, £
.•0 I'jt No'Jilortn; 6 «ln »c*nTed SoapJ
M' do No .1 t* rent'd do; 10 do No 4 do do
I bale Clo»r S , lu l>aca Java Ooflre;
50 lOids prune N o Sugar; ju.t rec’d and for tale
b ? ilccM 11RUWN A. CLLBKgTSON ■
/*AR— ;»8 bhd< prune N O Sugar, received per
klr »\e!»iern W orld and t*r.n Pike, tor *aift by
l>lCh- -44 Uerees prune Carolina Bite, arriving by
XV ucamrr Gen Pi*r, for sale by
O .««i (or sale by BURURIDUK, WILSON AC®
■ u.ulO i
—ltf btdn old Monongaheia Whiakey
TI copper disuUcd, for *aJ« by
'■' irin BURUItJDGE, WTLSOW & Co
STAR OANDLKS-*2O boxe» Star Candida. NoXias'
received and for *«le by
|>AISIN* So bt*M R Raisin*. ju*t rec»d and for
HM.ri Malaga Fig*, in stop* andfctaaiehv
A, ;*« (Mern. Buddings, 3d O.T«Sr L S* LY
Oor i.„.Ttron ul IS line*, or le,» ... “‘“mm
|V„ ,n,c.:,..0. «!lhoatalt«raUons ... *0 75
I here >< t, • •••••••• ww-
One Week '* ~ *** f S
Two Weft, • .. I, -Is!
Tli ref, .. .. „ —|“
vT 0 " "'""l.' 6 00
Three •• x 7 60
[Lf* l-onger advertisement* In wmo’prcporUC**
Onr.v<jaare,6 month*, without lUerafcan-.- 10 00
I? “ “ « 1® oo
Vach addition**! tqnare for 6 month*, ®
Ono aquare, 6 month*,renewable *1 ple**art, *0 Ott
“ '‘ln .. .. « « 20 00-
additional sqaarc for 12 month**#** •••• 10 00
Two aoiiarc*, 6 month*, rc’wableal pleasure, 30 00
Lach additional square, li month*, .#•• 8 00
One square. 3 locertion*, * $* «0
" each additional infection,«••• 37
Five line* nr leas, one year. .*••»«•*•••»»• 6 00
" '• *ir tr«jntb»....J. .*•••*..* 600
“ one year, daily Ar weekly, IQO*
•• <• *i* raonlha “ u ()0
ai>v*BTi*i!**«T* n.wavav »A9im*
Fur i'll line*, or lew,One jracrtuJo, *•••••••£0 fl,
Two, *• o
-* « Three,- “ .....••i 10u
Three month*, *••■•••• A •
9l* “ 00
- Twelf* •*
A S**™**' by **" ohtn»
KwtJtw Li*«p nil, prrpaml and »ohl by R
Mowtu* KACTuKy.Wtsttaorviuid Co. p-»
ar, c t- e ~ July 19th, HH7.
J” *■* L KIK cifduty toynaand UttaflicUd
mJijcestas u.sJd mr hambu ie*tnuai| u, utvr of to«hull*
k-braUi Li**r I hate drtvrred doing ao fur
adhcrmsfelhv, tokens taaxua.-be .urTmSl K*
k>-t Loch i*l Ji’V Ul,,Ui »*«*» Ipaid much
,* aiDch tuuuisdiuhl phnmkcd -w
I'CiV'? 1 *’ ’Lo ,;ns s*» finaJ tygmo bj, u iaauiabfe^la
v^L,!' *'
of pm., ib. »..i» ~.j ,>{ &* .
Id Um!.. k Fpu a I,L^L ,y “P Wna * for - •*
firms ■» w. u'l JniLi
,A. c- rrt'r “f S* 1 “ ,k *
f ss
them. Th.v lu.r *!,p«r«d*d *** Dn *, wbo -ojad
.■AUTIoiV—A. Ui.r. ,r. Pm . ,, J L
?r.“ LLKKS ' “• ■-JS'SirfjftJSS
„ b ' Br B'.rt, D 51 I'rt.T,
1 Nfl
T , tlß „ Great KnjlUli RaxaeUy.
H \ . l/ i.°.“S ll .’‘vh o, !i ! 'i A »il«na and ConsumpdonJ The
m Rl'-MEDYmr the cureoftht
1' ,, 'r , ’y rrpd , ’s‘ ortebnued l>r. Buchan, of
Imi’^ o .'!' a, QjlJ mirodaced into the United^tM
under Die immediate superintendence of tho iuvuntorJP
cnre‘o7 i }>.?m r ‘ 1 ' , '''* n ' :.“ cce9s of medtaine, in fj
. * . “ monary diseases, warrants the American
wficiUng lor ireaunenl the worn possible »•
.can be lound in the community— case* that seek
?!‘ *Vr n tn ? m any CJ common remedies if tho
ifi-s.cisa* L.T? “ * , T rn ?P l,y Use 0,051 ‘tmuixaißhod
(* tonfiniied and incurable. TboUanruri
-01 cases i! r« nft red ' cure ’ ,he 010,1 diwsersMe
? < t qaack noslrun b but a siaitdaraEag*
c 1 f * od established efficacy;
_,, h \ r .\ r ‘ Ulu : y 10 lhc Stales should be uppliod
,tMth Buchans Hunganan Balsam of life. noioSffl!
bul , miL UttU, r CO,, " l,mpUV ' 5 ofthe climate,
hu to be used a* a preventive medicine iu aJI eWo?
rteM* fn?*!*' blo " d ’ ,n «6c and
CII.M, u-niation uud soreness of tho: luiura, broehiUa.
dilhcouv oi breatmg. hc.-uc fever, uighl sweats, emaol
Fumptimu, containing a mans of Kugluh ami Amen
can ci raficate*, niid oihcr evidence, .hmruig the nn
c'|uailed tnerii* ot lius greaf Kngitvh Remedy, may bo
oi-iain.xJ m the AgotU-s gruyiiu>u*ly.
l-or *aie by B A FAHNhSiTOCK * Co. conwrof
m .utd »> ood and \\ ood wid Oth at*. naiB
L’ ROM the Rev ABA SHINN, a well known and pop
A ular Uergvmnn of Ute Frotcatant Msthodisf Chwea
1 be u:;iicr?rgnr.l ha'-ms been articled during the pail
xnnier'Mih i ,intense 01 the stomach, sometimes pro
ducing great p-im m the stomach for tepor iv/elvehours
without .ntcrmMcion, and after having tried variout
tcm-tlic* with li.ult. cffe. t, wt, farnUhivt with a botlla
et ur pjuyite’KUttiiiimauve DaLsam; TbU he used ac
cording to the direction*, and found invariably thatlhn
:o«*tl»e»ac -auaen the pain to abato in three o C four min
•Uc», -a- iu fiiictn or twenty uiinatrseverv aneasv
sensation wa* cuurely qnu led. The modic.oc wasaf
u-rware*uße<i whenever iudieaUonsol tho approach of
pain wereperec ved, and the pain waa thereby prevent-
He continued to use the medicine every evening
rutd somct.ims* in the morning, and in a fow weSu
ui-iMi was *0 far restored, that the aufferor was rolieT
cd iroin a large amoant of oppressive nun From eg
perwrner, iheretorc, ho can coafidently recommond D
Knr, Pnul.nrjh Iht H4K?
houmil Htrect, near Wood, and also at thoDrur
rMoreofH PaCHVVAHTZ, Federal street. AJtegSly
(ittUCIiRIES, &o.
I )ACo,N~3 rusk* sugar eurCd Homs;
. •* " “ Shoulder*} for rale by
tnuK* J D4VILUAMS, UP wood .1
riAi'iiN—M casks prime Kentucky cured Bacon—
±J I lum*. Hides und Hbooldrrs, just rcc’d and for sale
u > ,I,u,r JASI (gAi I UTCHIWN ft Co
El’I.K PORK—ftiti piece# assorted Fork; ht»i rec’d;
lor *alc l.y innrtl R ROBISON A Co
Ul‘, in .' K LAND—d bbb Roll Batter; ido
J> i-ard; M keg* do; just rec’d per «mr Beaver: for
»■“« ft y . . '“art H ROBISON ACo
BAFON SHOFI-DHRS—6OOO lbs on hand and for
l - Ajr i y muni TAS3EY k. BEST
/ tt/ITi)N —tiff Pale* for sale by
( rhky. Matthews a Co,
57 wuer aireot
SI 1. A K—W bhil* prime old crop; Leaf Banr
lor **U- t,y_ ipblQ EHEV, MATTHEWS* Co
1> . *Ulrar; OSJ l.tils N O Molaw*, receMnr per
>iirar:uk, \\ u»lui«*fioi» and Fort Pitt for tale
I,) A SMITH, 18 end 20 wo«l M
Eai.'u.N -m hhd» limn* anil SlwoMcm, bright ud
ory; js nrrcr.o Sagor cured Ham*, guparioMo my
cvrr udrrrj in tlu» market, just rec’d suid for tale by
oiori _ _ SELLERS ft NICOLS
lAKi>-~in bt.U, l> kcir*, lor *alr by
I iUITKK o bbl» Bolt baur.r, rec’d and for toleby
!.> rn.'hM WIOR ft M’CANBLBSS
1J ami Sitotiidcra; x* kog« Laid, landuifi from «Onr
c Cope; ror *ale by, BaGALEY ft SMITH,
lc H lv • and 2Q wood tt
,bi« jiu«i rec’d and for aaie by
- 5.1 wntcr 101 from at*
doth, for sale by
James dalzklL
J 8 Co