•,48k JIMAfIpTIC TELEGRAPH, r-..! tK .y ayiia> * F th « - glttitmrgh Dal if G*utt«. executive session. , WaamsoTow, March 20, ft p. x. violation taprihl three tiptisand : eopies of t 6 decision of the Supreme Court, relative to enugrajjt passengers, Wn» taken up, debated and . adopted.. The President,pro tempore of, the .Senate an nounced tho death cd"the Hon. Rudolpb'us Dlcken • Ma i nieinber of the /ate House o(;&epfesentalivc» of the'tfnitpd States, and recently'rt-elecied to that body from' Ohio. ! The customary resolutions relative to its were adopted, and he Trill bo interred to-morrow. An eloquenj efitogy upon his- li&afld character was pronounced in the Senate. . \ A nomination was seat in today for the Gover. norehip!crf Minesoto, in place of Mr. McGaughy, rejected- j Tie of the person anhounjed, has not yet made public. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PuitADiLPaia, March 20, G p. m. Flour—The market is very quiet/and the ten dency downward. Small sales are malic at for mer prides.' Grain-—The tnaVbct is unchanged, is in' demand, * > Groceries—The market is unaltered. Provisions —Market unchanged.- There is no change in other articles usually quo ted in the market, •!_ The Slock Market is unchanged.’^ ■ BALTIMORE MARKET. Mabcii 20, 6 p. T 4. Flour—Sales of 1500 bhls Howard street at st,- 67 per bbl. • Grain—Sales of Prime Rid Whe-at at 10301070 coats per ho, according to quality. .Sales of Prime While Corn at 4,5046 c, and of Yellow at 40c.— Sales of Gala at 27c. Sales in bbls nl 23Jc. ' NEW VUHK MAHKET. NOOH EEPOXT. . New Yohjc, Match 20,12 to. - Flour^The market is very ictjrvo and firm, with solos of 3000 bbb at $5 3'%2p M for Wes. tent brands. Graiii—Sales of Prime While Wheat at M 20114 cents perbn: of Prime Red at Solos of Prime .Whue Corn 0w53054c, and of Prime Yel low at 59c, to the extent of '4OOO qmi S Provisions—There is less movement in Pork, j market being heavy. Sales of§po bbls at pre vious prices. Sugar—Sales of2oo hbds OrUtahs at. &1054 Por to RicO siosjc. * Coffee—Sales of St. Domingo at;sJc. Wbißtey,—Sales in bbls at 23c-rtt decline. March 20—6 P. M. Cotton—Thero is no new feature to notice.— The licmattd is fair, and quotations steady. Flour—Sales of2ooo bbb at S 3 2505 50 per bbt Grain—Sales of 30,000 bu of Corn at, for White Me, Prime Yellow 56060 c. Safes' of Prime Red Wheal nl 1000103 c. Provisions—Tho market is heavy for Pork, but I hear dfw> sales. Lower offers would be accept ed. • ; t Lead;—Sales at $4 70 per 100.. ; Groceries—-Large quantities to -land.' Prices unchanged. Penney i T «nJa.Ca&al A .BairßoAtTfix. Packet £iae, SfeMßU B49Jß|tafc FROM mrSBUGU TO PHIDAfIIikPHIA &, BAL TIMORE, . • _ fKxclaaively for Passerfgcw.) rpHE public are respectfully Informed ihat ibis Line A wiu commence running on the ISIS intt, ami con unne throughout the Season. ' -■ The boats are new, and or a superior class, with en larged cabins whieh t 'mH gire greatter'eomfort. The cars are ilie latest construction. • A boat will always be in port, and-fravelera are re quested to call and examine (hem before engnving'paa aa*e elsewhere. > (Fare «nly*nine dollars through.) One of the boat* of this Lina will leave the ' nnrfi ’-e (opposite U. 8. Uotcl, corner of Peon Street and Canal, every night at nine o' clock .Time 5} day*. For infonn&Ubn. apply at the Office, Monohgahcln House, or m I>r.y.felK~v Co mehl7 • '{ Cana! Busin C&SAL |k : R. ROADS, MBUMS-Sfißt EXPRESS FAST PACXETjLINF, , FKOM / .. PtUrbnrghtq.Philtuielpkio ah&BaJlimore. IKxeltisbrfelf for PaesengKra.) THE-jboblie are respectfully informed that thin Line wi& conunonee jnnning an &lohdhy, l&ih March. ■ The boats of this Line are of a superior class,, with enlarged cabins* which will give greater comfort to passenger*. A boil will alwaya-be in port, and travelers ale re q nested-to call ftftd examine them before engaging pas sage by olbejf rentes. 1 They will leare the ianoins, op poslte the V.'&'Uotel,'eirucr FStui'dfedt and every Vright atSo'clook. : FABE—NINEDOLLARS TOROUGII. *■' . Time— 34 Days. . For information; apply at the oHh;&, .Moaongishela itpose.hr to / D- LEECH S; Co, Canal Hasin. N. B,—The proprietors of the abpve tin* are now building an additional Lino of Packets; to run as above on or about Jane Ist, in connection with the Pennsyl vania Bail Bead from Lewistown to Philadelphia. A( that time a packet will leave every morning and even tag. T)ine UtrSagh, aj days. • f mchlfl RRIfS ASD mcHIdAS LISE, 1849. :. :dKa IN THE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. Established in IS4DI: THE Proprietor of this well knowa’Line of Canal Bbsu. will be jrrepofed on the earliest opening; of canal navigation, to transport Passion jets and Freight to all potDtx-on the Erie Extension, New York Canals and ibc Lakes, ranging in connection'with the Givor tle steamboat* BEAVER and CALRRCOPB, between Pituborgh and Bearer; Troy and ADdbifton Lake Boot Line, on the Nesv York Canal, and M- Reed's Line of Steamboats and Vessels on the Lakes. C. M. REED, Proprietor* Erie, Pa. AGENTS—Bidweil A Brother, Bearer, i W C Malan, Sharon, i J E &. G liuil, Sharpsbnrg. Smith A Downing, ■ 3 B Pltunmer, West Greenville. Wick, richer A Co, f* . Wm Henry, Hanstowtk mchia HELI»JiCE _ POaTABI.E So AT LIKE, j|§|||g!* For the transportation of ilejrfcnaruLxe, BETWEETT PHILADELPHIA AM) PITTSBURGH. GOODS carried on this -line are. not transhipped between. PilUbnrgh anijPhiladnlphia, being car ried inibor section Ponable'Boata over land and wa ter.—to shippers of merchandize requiring careful handling, tins is or* importance. •No charge made for receiving or shipping, or for advancing charges. Ah goods forwarded with dispatch, dndoO os reasonable terms as by onyioiher Line. JOHN M-FADEN A Co, v Canal Basin, Penn *c. Pittsborgh \ JAR MDAVIS A Co. 227 AlarkettM Commerce st, Plula . JOHftMr-PADEN'A Co, Forwarding and Commi &• glon Merchants, Canal Basin, Penn ]*{, Piusburgh- JriMRS I& DAVIS A Co, Floor FoelprJ and Commis sion Merchants,2Z7 Market and St Commerce street, Philadelphia. . ' • marl ■ ILrAdvances made by either of on FJoar, Wool and other merchandize consigned to them for saK > - marl 3 HOKTMENTfI. I.HA-VEO Marble Monamesu, at my old staltd on Wood street. She old any person want a Mona* ment, I will sell at veiy reduced prices, between this and Ist April, to eve the labor of removing them 10 my new stand at the head of Wood,- on Liberty street, at the corner of Irwin's alley. _ marfrlf EDMUND WILKINS. wn. YOUNG i'fco., ‘ DEALERS IN HIDES ANP LEATHER, Morocco, Shoe Findings, At, No. 143 liberty streci, have jast received tbejr SPRING STOCK of .poods, com prising a large assortment of artirles-in their iibf. to which the atteation of purchasers it invited. BBmchld \ • WHOLESALE SHOE WAEpOL’SB. 11.' CHILDS * NO. 131 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, WOULD respectfully invite the. ailemJon of mer chants visilinrthixcity to tlilifverv extensive r.tock ofSPRINO AND SUMMER |R>OD», Con«J»n the manafoctanwaJuid importers, aadselecied w.ih the atmoet .core,'had which will be sold on each imw as to make.it ft* interest of Western Merchant* to buy of • , H CHILDS A fU, - mchlOalAwtfoS UI Wood street; B A. FAHNESTOCK A CO.’S Pt*Ctroomc Or Cough •Balaam Las a great advantage over many other Goagn.prepar«ioai, as Us pleosaat iaste penahf it to be tisoa without lneoavenieuee. Bat its value *« a Balsam cousisti In the- speeduiei* of itresro .We b tve knowaxoroe of the most desperate eougtis. «. tb* o( which had been running ..n foy a eoruidersbie length of Um«i Field almost immediately to its power. In sOCb weather *.» we have bad darin* the psr| winter; every one is hable to take etdd, utilvt* *--,i precautions urrused.- < • • Wet r«t and undue exposure !o tU' mdemcacy of the weather often lays ihs fdqiidaomi o( ■ tackier eoarh, which needs a quick remedy to.pmverit usnou* resaha. We have'nnmerous certificates of cures which it has performed 4 , many of which are from persons iri Hus eUv and the neighborhood, and they.* are > Md&cienl reference wftboat saying another word in tu fsvvr Prepared and far sale, wholesale abd retail, hr ii a FAHNESTOCK A Co, corner of Wflod and liuuH Wood and Oth its. jaarllbdAwrt ~~ S~ THB AHK(>METJ£B- ' “ - THE attention of the public is regpjfcuuny rolled to the-foUcnring certiucatcs: /, Mo. H. Estiss—Having letted amiantity Wtt - real valuo of Gold. Resp.jtouri, b . J.JB.DUNLIIV< Gold Beater Pittsburgh, March ft, IMP. «. _. k _ Pmsatiaair, March 7, lai3. ‘~* R o~Dear Sir Having examined the uArto swter, maaitiacbtrcd at your romni, Ido not hesiiate ;i lo lie u*.o ol ih(we gelit|emcn Who are okK>««movintf toCalifornitt hi sesichof Gold. *P? rQtllll * u,>n V> the xpeelfie travi ** enobhri lU adventurer to Mcenarn whefthiapiaeer.. v.rlrji..* Gold . martt ■ Yums, mp-y, J. R^tCUNTocK. ... - ; _ • THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PRICES CURRENT, Ahh«s—Doty SO pr. cent Pow-.-L— --044 Pearl* —6*o Scotching*-- 3404■ Salrrntu* ' . . 54 Soda Aah 3104| Ale-jver bbl- --.0,5003,50 Bristle*— Duty fiper.cent. Aro«)ricah--- >o— & Eagle fiou Ropb- ±-20x24 Bean*— per buahel. Small White- 70075 Coramotti. mix'd——o4B—t Bucket*—? dot Patdat Beaver - Beestrax—Duty 20jJr. ct Tel low 200— Blooms—? ton. — -S— 870 B&iler Lump*- - - - ; Brooms—p dor. Merchantable 1,25 ®lj37 Shaker 2^6^2,17 Barks —? cord. Chetnnt Oak 550 8000 Black Oak 484,20 Goal— Duty 00 per ct. At the river 5 <351 Prota wfgon —•—osj Cotton —Duty free. Te.nh. anil Alabama-•• -6 Qo} Chocolate—p Qj. Number !-•••• 10011 Cocoa, prepared •-- -. 20022 Caudles— Doty 20 per et. City dipped 93 — .Mould--* —010 J Pittsburgh Star 21 0 — Cincinnati do-021 Sperm. be&t brands- • -30 832 Castings—y & Foundry hoi. ware, su'd —33 Kimmctf do 21 Tea-kettles ? doz .. -£507 Wagon boxes ? 100 &• -$2 70 (bnmter.weighu ? *«(•••-40 Sad iron* ? ft uei4----4j&5 Cotton Yarns—p & Short reel— No. 5 to No. 10 10 •• 11 to 13-- 17 *• 14 Ifl Increasing 1 ctper lb toNo2o. 1/Ong reel F doz. No. 500 09 •* 600— 07 700 - 6|o “ SCO. 900, 1000 6 0 Covrrlet Yam ? B-- --200 Carpet Chain 200 Colton Twine 200 Candle Wick- —Ol6 Corfefe—Duty ‘.*o per cl Java, OM whim 13(314 Si. Domi«i?o 0 [.agtiayra- 9 0 Itio 7JO Ctopper—Duty 20 pr ct: pig bar and old S pro u old free. Braziers —•- •• —029 Sheathing —O2B Old • • ISolfl In cake and Ingots 10®20 Crirdaga—Duty 20 pr. crtt. Manilla —0 13 Whherope-- —0 ii Tarted •—• —0 10 Pack’!* yarn, fine---*—o 9 u common ——O 6 Kemp Bed Crds per doz— Extra long 3,000150 Long--—• - *—o*l37 Commorf Oi,G9 Plcngh Lines ••6701,00 Manilla Bed Cords—per doz. 40yd. d thread-- —03,50 SO A TO do 1,7502,Ef do Plough lines 0 87| Domestic*—per yard, i Brown Cotton —— 300 t do do 007 PeOH Shl'gs. A No. 1 0 7* Allegheny D’s —0 Allejg*y I) Plu Mill 0 6J Oregon D Union Mill - •—o— Penn Mill-•—0 7 Pittsburgh do Laurel D —O7l Savage • —O7l Powhatan [A —oo* Lonnae C —O6 Harrison 00 3- brown couou 9011 I Bleached do- .——••• -409 . d 0 d 0 7JOIU 4- Jo do— 710 a Brown drills- 7*o 9 Bledbhed— — 8010- | c Ticking* • • • -usi uess| although mainly confined lo regular general sales ’hat shown inotc activity than any previous week the season Tim fhrt is owing to tbcMonunuei] hoc of Uie river m conuectiou Witli Ule opening ot the iautvl. which has lent u new impetus lo aiiuoni eve" *ry branch of trade Operations on ihe canal are now gerilog fairly under way; quite a nutnberof hoati linvt for the east, nchly freighted with the vanoui 1 productions of the west, mod senrv* of other* arc neikiy awaiting their turn in the list of departure*; und as sooh ns time shall have permitted thmr rcturii well ireighted with die various articles produced in the east' eni.markets, we shall withes* all the acrivin and bus tle in our city market, which iucreaseu facilities or' trade cast aud west is so well calculated to bruig a* *bout. Our.grocers anil dry goods men will then have . been so amply supplied with all articles in their de . pertinents of trade that their western cuMoraers need make no delay in pushing forward ifacir orders, with full'ussurance of purchasing as good articles, uiid m bs Ipw rates ns can he hnd m any market west of the Tp -how tin- extent of the import* river of -otue of the prmcipul articles of commerce, we >ail.iait the following tnble which w<- compile Irnm our rctrular daily li3t> of import* Moftr. hid* do Har,<>u. hh'U do b'.-U. do bole* do tierce: Fork, hftd* do boxes do tierces ilo bill* • do * pcs- • I.ard bbl» do keg. Butter, bbls - • do lioxes do ,keg» 'do jar» Hemp, bis - • Cotton, t>L Tullow, bids ASHES—The market continues very quiet, and nc* much dorng excepting in Soda Ash. Oi which we note sale* in three lot* nt 47 casks nt 3|ti>3}c F carih and unw. Sales of l/e»t kind* arc effected at 4&4J, rn iuo •leraje quantities Oi other Ashrs, sale* have I*en to die flitent of same 3U to *25 uni* oi me price* quoted in above table Receipts ilurioe the week, numl>er route 000 bblx, mostly m ordinary quali'y We note sale# on lire wbnrl nt thiifTi, and from store al t-7}(3Sl 35 Al.H—Wc notice no new lenture nt Ibc market A regular fair busmets i* |.v our brewers at AAO Cash—-Bi in quality, eaak included. IJAtXJN—Ax shown in our import table, the recpiolf of bocM 10,,. ten ~au: 1011, «„ I |.„ iun „„„ or. .tuoi-eJ 0, cool 10U.0 oailtn. lumkew, boi 00, 10.rt.1, iiolioitb.inniliiiii, „ abuutaiH, .up[.£ " . ■*» .ooianlln, lo uL S' 2 t . I «l, SU-. s|, o„5 Ham, oi ?(r T ih, r , lblJJ * #Ulrb (ut , coruil cuivu.cd 0,7? ■»‘ l «le» ham boon regularly etfrdc-J m Liroin] ti.tr at £, • HULK FOUR- Reccpi. h,„. uen limited. ft «d w camreiWfi w* Uwimcuoh* m n, e imi.-U \VV mb l .iii'jw l^4. ( o*J,ry tluiiiir,,,,, 4c, iiogrouiid i,t'Utnity oi n»*gh bi n. g| HI.TTKIi -Ib-.cp.jihjrv. U.i, • 'nnpuraiiv.iy xml -o,,x. u. e mark,, ,/f.i1..,! dob. riaio. of fo. m.i| W ,|, JutStac r.,f ror.»r>u t £i l« l-.i W, n,Ar ..u. .A kr e <„ reu u i,i' i,»uteflß Aft l) TUBS Of K.VO.J urt>i, „« utA.it-• iL'fiupp*) l , wri*i *atr.* of -! V‘it < ''b» v< Vva il jtU to,le. tu* 3gl. HUi .fiyw ..U ftullt HUOIVUUHr fcet It 101/iK V.'.ft'fijfi ■ fixtwpu h*vt ifith. t-ai iu'Mj* fLc vul*i 01 (Lf ‘O+itoUiiiUii.-i H«. 'ouo y ,dir ot It fti. ll.J' -*.<) 1-- Ui; w < U>o> V t - ia.oii. Co /VJilM'-r • iiKU/*-' t* UA * G.< »,1 -< .• /.I.c, irti-.ujA 9} Q9t quiu'kiwri.r iu lyJ.'U COf'Fkal-rri .**)! u* mi.nt-t IH Uar t vypvt >*&M +*‘ w 44--vi Irani tbd wori* Jd tUtoiv? i'Ui •U-tdlßf bn iw £v* t-Sliur# tljt.'?ir t# Iv&'jit. V Il> • )fal»» ot bnuixr* .opj *l *7t y/ ic ■■To. maH i/I tc .-^ai.cd foi rorttfi pr««r oi «4 eriUhuc under ILi.- fierw.’ m.c uii.ii- IMiyjl Kilt IT qincaCAe-t »ov.udv- W arrive In r.*Cr. *iut tu. i. .« o wti ihu Uiur ket aeur ui no ,w»*- L-.iiU eonltrwd to texuiar i 045 cask 80 7 Chchineal i,*a 01.75 CrewnfTonar .35 0 Copperas- •- • .iUO a Glue 11 10 11 G»lU 400 50 Gum Arable so 0 70 “ Copili 38 0 50 .? TtagaeiaUi-- 3t 0 271 0 Slreltfte -15 0 1- u Atautie 01^5 TpeeaeVr 60 01.00 Jttlapf powdered ' so 0 ou Litharge*... 5(0 oj Liqiiojricto Raol 7 0 9* Liquorice Ball 10 0 20 LaeDye 25 0 23 Magnesia Carb-v• • -as 0 35 Madder, Umbro- • - -12 0 14 Madder, Common 0 Myrrh, Turkey 20 0 60 Oil ‘Vitriol 3JO 5 “ Castor- 1.40 01,50 “. Cassia 0,00 0X25 '» Closes - O2XO “• Lemon 3.00 03xt3 “ Pep'm’i 2.50 00,110 Opium, Turkey 4XO 04,23 Quinine 03,40 Rhubarb, root-•»- 38 0 30 Sal Amonac 15 & 20 Sal Soda 4* 0 5 Senna —i---15 0 20 Tartaric Acid --40 0 30 Vitriol, Blue 11 0 12 Dye 5 p. el. Camwood OJ Fustic— l‘--240 3 Logwood, cbrppe,).. 2JO 21 Featne re-duty 23 per. cL ad val. Kentucky 52 0 33 QlnoA-Pennsylvs.' 0 Fruit— Almonds shell'd-•• *3O 0 22 Soil 1C 0 17 Hard-- 11 0 \\ Curranu, Zame— 0 9 Filberts BJO 9 Groundnuts- 1.12 0 Fjg*, Smyrna IS 0 Jl7 Malaga 0 __ RoiainS, Muscat-... 0 _ Hunch 2,00 0 Bloom, old 0 _ Cranberries 32 0 Lemon*. Sicily hi 05X0 Oranges do---- 8325 ? 100 Peaches, dry, bu- • I,oft 01,10 Apples, dry ....55 q _ Apples. Green, bbl- 1,0001,25 Fire Brick—per M Bolivar- 025,00 Common is 0 Flour—Duty 20 per ceu. Rltra brands,— i —l76o fj Superfine :al«.-» from -mre base U-- ti con tmed to limited loi> at SiLUhd?s3.il? obi. p Stin sets. ‘ t if 6 10 6 it 5 13 « id i 14 5 t 5 FREIGHTS—Prom tlu* point to Bahinmre by the Eclipse tfvo day lint; for heavy gaods. SI .35. tor light. ?I.5U v 100 Return rates by .mu' h-ir tor h'-sw good*, for light, Sl./aip lt«i For Canal tpid river freights, m-r geocral.table. FlSH—Them has been a tmr dem*nd..lbr s ;tfl»Wmd'. with tegular sales to city consumers aUflfcprictf»*ijuo ted tn general table “ ?-■ *'• FEATHERS—Tin- jirr“3’*tii »u|'p[i-M m vtor-- nr- «juit»; attffirieot to ilir drmartcl. with rtrgidar ol western at 3J£?34v p & FRUITS —For correct quoi»tioii> o: ;in,> n-* under thi* head, see table nl'ov- FKKD^—The tupplie* or Brmt mu! Short* m- r..m pnriitively l.gtit w e note .. oi Hfi.u Ir--n. -li-ro al -arlOc. ami OI Short* m t*- t..i .-«« i-.,ntiti«: i,< wngbt GRAIN—Wr oh-erve no marx-,! ■ i.ant;- m ;-r, With *mall »n>s from -mre m.i> o—: i.“ir uip quounonv Wlimi R\- al W U .*><)«• f* l>u Sai>*» of J IWI i.u (>;»*•» rroi.i >iur»- m iiri.i-M! ,i.i« i.i ;~ji. •tort; >:,!»:» of lorn rTi- p l.u-«« 1 t.fUxTF.RIKS— I:% • r - m.i.i; .i.i.i-f U.I. . nn'..n ol N O r*Ui>Hf a f r>L-'*:nf) S .'|l. . ~l ini. liy Mid m. ibr r ummo.i !;• iihiuiiui ir ai 1 j.• t:ur at u. prim*- new rr-p .'»• pr inr. <•.*c V to -- SaW of .**l l.b:, \ 11 s ,1! ion It I m-v, Salfl.nl' Rjn rorfi-f! ;il Rf.-ipt- linvo )H-rn cunbo-il to limited lon toiu tin- inwi-i insrV'i*, .tml «tspplie» are rath- r litnii--d r note i>( r^ignr home rrioln*»o« at 40C1/-100 01 ii -ugni ui -ij H ll ' atni 01 Kit*’ hi m t;cree. and 4fr i-i t»i OLASS-'Vi- uoiirt n« cii.ti * u'lass. Kor correct <|iiutati-'ii> glas*. nff "ciivral Uii'ir, Sale- ol '‘oiinnun •«l-10* . ol • .\*tcrti -of i? at lair ft, I'V Urn »u.r HA'i —Regular »ak« Irom wayon at ?? .Via >-..*0 ** ton—Os *n ejuaiuy IRON AND N.\lL>—l-arye < ( u:.nt.i..-- <.i n,. w.n- OH* aru< Under Hu* ((••ml are !tuh; (.(upped t't the ditferi :i tower iiim*ri-i at i;u regniart-, quoted ruir«tn table. I.AKD—Thr market ’-nnMiM • •i.cuam Smi -*ie. linte be'-,, rocthtird to -inun-d lot- un'\ :*i. ior |.ti ; « .'*( and for key. ti/rOjr p ft 41IM Whiskey, hbls I.KATUV.R- There i- •« rc.-iilar .tea.ls d.-rt,»„.| tor all ttrllCiei lltt'lm t)ii- 1.. ml, Wl I; *on..' a.itl!.re UM New ) or» at.d Bai’.imof so.*\ *e<- .u at l|o4|r lb. ol batlcv malt at -HKtf-.V 4> bu. 47 Molasses, do 7tf7 do htf bbis TiJU Sugar, hhds -3U do loiaf. hblx fti Tobacco, Uhda IUU do bxs- iil :frci Wool, .ks .ad fit! Feather*, sks ’• lft! Soda A*h. cxks •• lOi tM/74 Alcohol. tibia• • • 104 . 403 Copper. logotA tons- - 191 374 Seeds, clov«r,*bl* •• 60 do nmolity. •• •• 11 I do rlux.«eeo. trc..- JO - do bids ll If? n goods, pkgs • • 5®7 (iluas, bxs • • • lfe! t»7 do lilt* bxx - - ••1017 OILS-- Linked i. hr;.l iinn. w.tn .ulmm moderate low attliK- V p |! Sale. ..i I .aril at .'Miami', tor mil and ~wmi ctct ‘lrani*'-1 Sm-- ot Taarirr * oil at «l?il Sin **■ J'Ui MKTAL The toilow.ny ;*• -p.r.-U: rWitJii. II R hard at gv? In do I*l. ut *_r ton* VeKUTin. at Alui, It mo‘, rn ion- I’m. -, *t (. mo* and Mah.-onit: t. i.n- m.t mad.- known | ft-Recninr h*»t (itm.l •»!»•• at lIUX.jJ »OaD A Nil CAM>I.K.>-*ft«eqti tir gi vni a* iJ/i- rulint hgnu- VINKOAK— .Su.Vf ol good ' "ler vinegar at -l-iiijc in bhl- AVHISKKY— Sule» ol reeidtc.i mi i«»t* ol jii i.» *0 bbjH at a* iri «tu&iji> AVOOI- A good leentu' i- mftnitr-ltd m !!>•• morkfi tmd quotation* arc yjvrfi u\ at a rate or *.>•'. to Y.Y tor the various gride* Itelall Prices In Hie Diamond market Wednesday Moruuig, Feb. 21 pek 10010 iMuituo 4 0 3 Beef, |*.t cult, p lb 7 0- |o.u, Ip l>u -j& ——Middling 10 5 iOniont, bll' pck •• •—012 J ——Corned- 1 O 5 Pudding Liter, fr lb 4 0— —Dried ~b 0 leijPork, botcoU 5 St — Quarter* —0 j Hogs 10U AWit— l‘Ui'Ch. •• 30 4 iparaaips, $r bunrli • 30 4 Batlef, fr»*h iinnl lb 1-020 Potaloei, | pi, —Ol2 Do do noil ■ - 010 IL-ilj. 0 - Do Apple,i)l 100 - , Hwtei |k pt. 0 - Bean* in bull, 4P pk —0 —u'-w, Ip pk . —ShPfi preen, Ip ql —&— I'eache*, ip pck —o — Ip head • • 30 3 Dried, £ cjt • • 5 0 G Carrol*,? bunch •• 30 4 .Pickle*, ip dm • —SIS Cucumber*, ip iloz. —o ■ Pcjr, in hull, ?pck— 0- Chicken*, lire, ? |>r —o ISaungei, ?lb • 7 0 3 jclraned- • .'11037 i Meal • • 00? CheioQti ?ut 100 |— Dried 0- Comraeal iirfed, bu 43 0— jTomrurj, lieef,green 15 0)d OherrlfK, fni •• —0- ' Dried • • 3110.37 Curs, (jracfi. ? do* — -0 'Turkey*.lire, each 0 I'urrniil*, upe, $> ijt -0- cleaned - Ut& ?b Uurki t |i?e, Ip piur -0 .Veal, be>t euU. ip lb -0 f.j -• rlraned 3705 U iStriia-beirrio — *■«*».? d<«- •• ... 12013 FISH Uee**, rleai}, each-- 310 Perrh, ? bunch - -0- ijt, —o .Salmon —0 llaiA«, fTxrli, /b' - -Htu.tkni • & Gth • -20 OM HfcmiUt, f 6 07 KJ.OLK- I4w**ri ...üb, «Mt> Wl,r*i.loolU U‘? <9 r ~i. ■,*, *»_. ,n„ -£* .... d, Tomato*, <► i |ik -rf~ ••-».. MfilUin- oacli ('little nftrkK. Ai i.tuiitnr, March in. Htjrt'.Af Jj,(. j tl , lllJtll|w| (ll | rlr ,t will. miuilllll •»>>!•-..ir * hi stan :*iv H»i mi — ,o. «n.i .... vv - *• "*"***•• • JjniiroveuK uu in i> r Mii.i r . M.. 0 trSXJSMtHf. itlmWicmr---x.-.-.iu ~,..1 td/Ct* wp(W Sj'UftM'r A'ur-tp.v.i-. . Xltoifcu. v 'V* w 72: .then. u„ ,„. rv „ *«k.Wv’ >W»f J*nd d v „, mM , lc m tjflia-. jPs»uriJ >n?&t JR*l«?.;rO—f JO. ft. F.MMm, F I/. &u>«. ,*i» j-- —: 29 O 30 37Jtf> . Ui3 £o3 55 IMff Metal—pr uin. C tnos. _ AlJeffheny. No. 1. Foandry Oau. Corn Barley • Mtilt, barley Glue— per B) Piusb. Common 110 13 Honey— Duty 30 per cent. Cuba per jral! 0 Wwiem comb n 8) I. J 21’ Ginseng— boty 3> Pf et Oloscncj--' 25 m? W H»y—per ton oi‘ 3*o ib» Tiaaouiy -.5009,00 Hides—Duty 5 per cr.itt. — Missouri —& PI Spanish 0 Ek». salted 0 -Do.JtippspersJun-• 1.00 01.G2 Green ® 4 Hemp— Duty 25 per cenL— Missouri & Ky Manilla? B> — Hops—Duty 30 per rent. First #p{. Ms- jo® l:* Xodl go—Duty 10 percent. Bencnl. Ib I JO 01. no Spanish 1.00 01.15 (Vtsmlla pa ®UW Iron—Duty 30 per cent Unr, Juniata 40 41 “ Common 3 0 3$ Sheet . s*o Boiler Plates g & Cl Plough wins* a\<3 „ ‘ . *l«b* 4 0 41 Russia Sheet q j?' Le»d—Duty per rent Missouri Pi K 410 _ B-tr'*'*••--••...,..44 0 41 Dif. sires Pipe per ft I*o ’aj B 0 fij Leather—Duty 20 nr -■ Sole, Baltimore- •- - ->| New York-- 1- 0 , a £ U, " i r d H 0 IS Slaughter ,19 0 ?, klrUn K 21 0 24 Harness, black 19 0 ■» Bridle-, black, pr dor _ **«!**• 3n«i 030.00 Russeti do : 18.1*1 042.00 I'pper finished- 20.00 ®«s.on Kips, finished -• •»4.00 006.00 Calf Skin do- • • 15.00 O*JO,OO Lace leather - 111,00 ® _ N. Kit*!nni* . SJO " 1. m kr»- >‘6> ~ 1. in roil 10 St Vi Cheese, W K 5*3 :.} *' cr-arn <>J® r Crack's. PitMt \V«fr i pr. bid. -.<2* 1,00 I>«. Butter • -—vS A “5 Potatoes—per bo»h Common • • • — i i t ; Neshanaocks p In M(2T7u i H*£»—Duty 5 per . --m. Country miied a*® _ Do {rood wtnia . & 4j ft Rife Ai& H Seeds—duty J.ufceedyOpc. Clover Timothy (it-l.ini Flaxseed j»s & Muslhrtl 3.50 & y.oo [ Spices—per lb. Cloves o 3i j C.uisia in Mats -• •. _ 0 35 I (ling-er 9 & jo Nutmegs i,as 0 i;tf, | Pepper ? 0 9 < Al«pice 0 pjj ! Snakexoot— per lb. I Virginia - 0 14 ' Scuecca 0 J So*p— Duty U 0 per eem J Pitulmwh No. 1 41® 4* i Cinemnau 4 0 41 ) Lumber -Iwy-JOp r £;,S™.7.'.V.V.'.'.V S U .n :: SX't ■■::::: S !J r?.-Tr no |t - %TXU! r l ‘ m ' l,ur E t ' .M»nuf«^l«re -|S,£^^ r ::...-:g ,g rom'n •> • i Arafru-aJ! bli.irr-- ■4P 4( i otn n - • 022.00 . Snmie _ *1 «• nr s ss! | f • S=^i^?fesl g c ,F"iv,„, ri .P W .„.... 0 ,„ j Rosin per hbl ••. 3.750 4.cu ! B*l*—Duty 80 per cent. Pitch-- 3.25 4? - : No 1. afiwi- 0 155 Tar. Allegheny & : ‘l, in •tore' 0 ijo “ N. Carolina 4.25 0 Tnb!e jloz. bo* 0 Turpentine, gall- (?) 0 63 Shot—l>uty2o per rent. Vartu«h. Copal- -175 4?bjyo Per keg 015.50 Sail*—Duty 30 p c-per p, * r ba S 6 000 - l-udies’Tvrist——lti+o l- Sptkes per E> 0 54 ; Plug in kega-~ *® t " Preased B*o 4 • P'o* m boi«-« 14 0 17 Rollin' Rivet* • 0 7 6Twt*t 50 ? 9*k«Un-per B) r'-Cnvendish 0 ft Pittsburgh - - 0 S ; 12» Lump m box - 0 ttt| Oil*—-per rnl 1 1 *« p " W 0 17 Lineped-.. --—ooo “ “ 12 0 14 1 L3rd, City - s® 150 I tUppcc 0 13 Sperm bleached 0 125 1 Cut * Dry ilb pup 0 25 “ Pnbleachrd - 0 IJO Tea-Duty toper cenL “ Kali - a 1 Imperial- 85 0 go Whale 75 0 10fi Gunpowder 45 0 70 Ttutnersper bbl 17,0001000 ' onn ß Hy«ea 30 0 80 Pcmchou* —5O 0 75 Tinplate—Duty 15 pr et i Banco Block 0 I X 0 10 5U Tallow—Duty ]u pr cent Rendered • 70- Uouch 0 4J Scar Grease - • :10 ;ij Vice*—per cor. Solid boxes 0 ifl Wince—Doty 40 pr rrm I, P Madeira- •• • 2,00 ut .;,t«j l. PTmentfe-••• 1.00 it \U) Ijsbon ••'75 0 I JU) Dry Malaga-—— 08 0 ;o Sweet 50 0 02 Paint*—per Lb Pru», Blue l.ampldack Spud, Uluuj.fi ljsl a Ctiforac Grcrtt ... ft " YHloxv No I >1 ST 35 *■ “ No a S 3 ft ss Brunswick Gre*n Ia O yM While I,easo Heavy-- —.... _ 0 FromLonmvillc to ill Dry Good* • Heavy To St. Uu,*. To Cleveland and F.rie. Dry < ?6 Broom*. do Uier«e, jo 75 •'orn, do jy lotion j 0 ,- A Chilled Rnff*r« j 0 Drutr* mid Medicines, do liw pry Hood*, do 1,00 Dried Fruit j„ 75 Flour, perbbl till 1.20 Fur* und Pclirte*, per 100 lh* | ,011 Featliom, ,| 0 s’yj Furniture. d 0 j | B , Gl.i**ware, jo 7 , Gl.v i. Window, per In «t 0 tireriPnnd dry fruit prr IOU lb* 75 Gin*r.ig, p er 109 j*.* so Groceries. d n uy Hardware, do 73 Hop*. jo Hemp. do 70 Hide*, (raw 75e, dry &275) do leather. j 0 pg Terad, in p dll in Lard and Lard Oil, do U* Oil, Cantor. • jo 75 Linseed Oil. j 0 75 Pori. per t-M do 0 Ki Ra*'*. per 100 lb*. ca Rope* and cordage, do 1111 Specie ,i n tK) Seed*. 70 Skin*. Deer and Buffalo, do 75 Tallow, d 0 (ii Tobacco, l-caf, r' k , 75 da Mamifacittrt'l, do 75 do 1)0 Woo! doOjS? Whukry, per bbi gg TO Tits lA9T VU MONOHHAItrLA H.ICI No I—Aatici. li«i: p- tt4 j nYJ Bacon, Butler, Lard, Cheese, Pork, Tobac co, Tallow, \v. Glo.**, and Whisky pr 100 lh« - Oa»* No 'J—Hemp. Fl» 1 111 bflie* w. C!b*» No 1— Dried Fruit Leather, Old Ra*«. Skina, Seed*, Wool, • - Cla*» No 4—Beeswax, KeathervFur*,(»insn'g, Hop*. Md*e. loo«e Flax _ Dlarine Insuraaes, Rate* of Insurance on cargoes of steam and keel 1,011 i« b-m Ihitsb'.rrh tn Wb*e!iair.Vo. J© { - to and irr-m Cinemnuu. O \& t " lo 1 4>ui«vil.e, Ky \a | - lo M. Ixiui», Mo ijaij *• “ to ltoonville.do ] 0 , d '• to liTriependenee 2 •• la Gatrna. 111. . •• “ to Memphis, Ten |»|i “ “ 10 N Grican. U»11 T'rom N 1 Tlrun.J*iu.?.<■ rjh 1 0)1 St la.ui* ... IJOU Charge* hy grvod Flat Boat. > to f?ew Orleuii* MONKV MARKFT T'*" local money in.-irk.-t fta. «. v ,-t undergone no iii-ii.- nbu uinm. (toil Jhr: ralr. -■! •• idm n,..- raider tli* to il«-rtin<- 'Hi'- liilmw mg. huwr \c r a/* ‘how r»o < j'«,m ..vi Bt VTS.. Rut Sfxi,*.. Kai r. N*w Vu* Philadelphia i - l j J*t l.oui* OAXK NuTfX Bl i :> . R/TT Kia.v. K*i Ohio. Indiana. Krnlurkr^- Virginia. ..do W tire Ti*'lar««ce. 1 on | t'o A- City oi.)f r*., 1 on l Not'"*. 1 l'ettlt«ylvnjuu Co | New X ork. • • Mart land, •• •• " - I New I irlvit.s. PORT OF PITTSBURGH AKRIVKIj. Michigan No., 2,1 »il*on. Beaver. Bailie. Jacobi, limwiK. die. Alluiilic. Parkinson. Bruwiisviiic. • 'lunden, Hendrickson. McK**e»|>or{. Caleb Co|k\ A. Murdock. Beaver. Beavrr. Clark. Beaver -i Wm Ph.ihpv MePhml. Kitlouutng. 7 New England No 2, Dean. Cm K Wigntman, Wnlliamsun Chrislera LandinS Brilliant. Graer. Cm. Zachary Taylor Luca.*, Wheeling DEPARTED Mul.gan No o, Giivm. BuLic, Jacob*. Brownsville. Atlantic. Parkinson, Jirowtwville. Camden. Hendrickson. MrKec*[>Gr< Caleb Cope, Murdocn. Benvcr. leaver. Clark, Beaver. Wm Pniilips, McPlrial, Kitiannmg Hibernia. No 2.- Klinefelter, Cm. St Cloud, (ftirmly. Si Loom. .1 <2- AJaius, . St Ixium There were !» (Vet (j niche* fall m t!y* rhaonc‘ bv pier mark, la*l evening m dusk, aud lulling BOATS LEAVING THIS DA\. Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M. Brownsville Packets. 10 A. M., and l P M. Beaver Packet*. 1U A. M . and 1 P M Si. Ixnii*—Kairmouai “ • - Su yi k i: i W abash — l ’olumbian. Lomsviiic— Hamburg. Wheeling Zachary Taylor. i, Shrubbery, Etci- Tr«ei, Ac* Ac. THE *ut>»crit>cr offer* fur «ai*- n lotr* *mi w*tect n«- • unui , inotiUily Momnmi* Plain*.for pjanting in \bM» Ac , in rrilimrd pficr« iiv llir tlo/mi, , film K ncii.ii tioowli i nr is (' u r r & n 11. (■tape Viura. Itliunurt). f» it r u Ii l.ary, Simile Tree*, and o i ii e r (•jaiiln, Duhima ami Flower Root* in a (,'retl variety— ai! ki hiu- romiiuou lor r'lmnp I'iamifig,Order* l»y mail to I’iitaburirt) l‘os; OiTirr, or l«in m our nand No Diamond Market, will be <’ur«-fully parked and sor> warded a* directed. Order* lor Bouijuel* Mi wnn W T Itown. Frailer er, Si. Clur JAMES WAKDROI’, Maurlicatei Nursery rnr h Ift'd 1 rnAcwJt'S CLOTHING, United SlMri WHOLESALE CLUTUINU WARKHOIiSK LKWIB* HANFORD. N..» '252 a.'o Piuxi. sraxKT, ll5e: vi-ru f'uiioa »trcet and Hurliiuj Slip,) NEW VORK, CLOTHING IS TUE l N I r K D dTATKf . 15 TUB ABTirLE O? SHIRTS AJfc'D DRAWERS, WV keep an '■i.d!t-»n vonriy l ‘ 8.1 fH► M«WT MTES*IVK MA 5T P All I RCM* OT OIL CLOTHING AS© eoVERK I) HATS In Ibe World. plain and fashionable clothino wf nil luihlj Lewis a Hanford. fi'D* Nos. 'JAJ and USC IVorl.ai. N V SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, EXCHANGE BrlLMXftl ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, ifaa Jtrirr Brrramn rao» NEW VDRK AND I’II lI.AI)KL NU A And u ni>« ri-rfiviiiß a fine asuciruncai oi' CLOTIES. CASSI3IEKKS AND VKSTIN6S, hi mi. HL-sT qi Ai,rr\ and i.atkst stvucs, U In !i Im i» prepared io maie id orJer IN THE BEST MANNER And i li l li c latest Fa•li » o n » H. mH* _ . . Iron nud Nalli. riMJE acting a* Annul* in lhi» my for X the Troy itoit Works, we now receiving «uppl‘rs •ml they wtill.e pleased to execute order* for IKON and NAILS, on we m»w favorable terms. ROBEKTBON k REPPEBT, Commission Mcrcbaau, LOCAL MATTERS. • &E£O&XKI> JF9&.X2UL-.CIZXSBSROB nsn.v/isTrt-yg^ Hinn Scqqql.—Pursuant 10, public notice, an adjourned meeting was held in the Public School Hoose of the Fourth Ward, ntyd in the absence of the chairman, Thomas Rakewell, Esq , was called upon to preside. Professor Stephens, chairman of a committee appointed fur that purpose, submitted the form of the following bill for the action of the meeting Mr. Smith then moved, that in the discussion of the bill before the meeting, no j>er‘on shall be nl. owed to speak more than ten minutes, or tu ice on the same subject. The first section was then read and adopted r» kdiows Be it Enacted— Isl—Tljni on the second Mon day of June, (it this law be adopted as herein after provided,) the School Directors of each Ward in the city ot Pittsburgh, shall select one of the said Directors, a* Controller of an institution lo be called the “Public High School of Pittsburgh,” and to be a body corporate by that name. Said Controllers shall assembto on the Wednesday succeeding their election, and at their first meetiDg shnll be divided into three clasres. The first cia*. shall serve for one year; the second class, for two years: the third class, lor three years; so that nt each subsequent election of Controllers, which shall take piace an nually. on the first Monday of the pert month after the regular election of School Directors, there shall be a third part o'" the whole numl>er ofCon trollers chosen to serve lor three-years, unless the term of service of such Controller as School Director, shall sooner expire, in which event, his terra of oltice as Controller, shall rI«*o expire, and the vacancy thus occurring, shull he lilted by an election of the Director*. of the Ward irom which said Controller was originally chosen. The secoud section, after several amendments, was adopted, as follows: — Second Szctihs.—P.e it enacted, That the Con trailers shall perform the following duties.—They shall purchase, creel, rent, or hire, a suitable build fog for said school. They shall receive in such school, such pupils resident in said city, ns are found, on exuitminiion, properly prepared, and sue to prosecute n thorough bun ness education in nrts or sciences, not generally taught in tire Ward Schools, *>r to qualify themselves tor employment as teaehern in such school-*. Snid f’l-ntrotlere ►hull also ezamltjp such persons an shall present them selves for learhvrH in any of tV p->blic schools of ■aid city, sud it, uj>on snid examination, fouud worthy. >-hall give rert:fii-ab*s of their qualification They shall ds«> appoint tin* ieucheru ot the --Public High School,” and fix and rcgnlnhe the course of study to he pursued in the said school. They shall determine what bocks of instruction shall be used in all the public schools of said city. The sen! Coutrollers shall nl«jo provide one school or when necessary, for the separate, education of the colored children, to be located in a suitable situ ation,.without reference lo the boundaries of the Ward. The following is the third section Be it Enac'ed —That all tho expenses incurred in providing for stud Public High School, shall be defrayed by an uniform assessment of the same, on all tho property ot the city, taxable for school purposes, the rate m be fixed annually by the Con trollers. The following substitute for the third seclirfn was then offered by Mr. Totten, and after eon sidrrable discussion, was adopted. Be it Enacted—That hereafter all cxj>ense* in curred by the pub''.- M-hoois, :in< 1 those ,unhor:a joint (inven tion nnauAily, on the first Monday of May. to dr lermiue the rale per coat, lobe us»ev-ej lor school purposes, nud. that -aid schools be entilled to the same proportions of the annual appropriation ot the Stale, as if this act find not passed. Pending ti.e diacusiuoo of this ameudaient. a motion was made, and carried, to ;td;..urn uulil Tbur-ditV rvcuifu next. The Fourth Section, which was not acJcd vj>ca, Is R* follow, * That the al-'Vr- law shall be -übni.Ued t<> h vole of the citizen*, at a ;:i! eicction. to be held on the first Tuesday "f Juno next nt which, ih-r»e m lavorol this law oiiail deposit tfo-ir ballots in favor ol d {’iib-c- High >chooi, and tho-e «..i;nj>t .1. shall vote for N*> I’ubl.c High Scht<<‘l. and tin- question I be determined bv a luajontv of tin- v.-tes poll ed. This elmii-ai shall b«- tield b\ the School Di rector* ot each Ward. J 1 1A RPEK. Secretary. r ty f’a(*cr- Copy. 1 uinng the durussmu winch ernu- d oa tiic adoption of me at«ivei»di. Mesar*.Smith,Rakewell. Bighutn, Christy, Hamilton, Be I, McCracken. Mc- CoUistcr, Stephens, Sherd!, Ltvincslcn, Totten, Haven-.. Cr.-m, Watson, ami several oth ers. whose names we d.d not learn, addressed the meeting It would be well if, on Thursday night: the ' ten minute rule ’ was more rigorously adhered to, as wdl a& that limiting each sjsrnker to ten minutes, since many of the sjieakers ro-e half a dozen of*time», and the meeting did not adjouru liil past 11 o clock. Ri jiglaky.—The grocery store of Mr. Moon, on Ohio street, in Allegheny town, was entered by some robber*, on Monday niglu. They effected their entrance hv knocking iu a (.and of the door, and succeeded m making thcr escape witli tar Ioom? ciiange whieii was in llie drawer. They also carried off some packages ol tea. The rob bers had «)een disturbed m their nefarious operntionss nr they would have takeD many articles ot value which werutn the store. Akotiiku —The dwelling nouse of .Mr Reynolds at the corner ol West and Find streets, Ird Ward, Allegheny city, was broken mto on the above mght, m all probability by the saute gang of roblters ■which entered Mr. Moon* grocery store. Two watcemen hearing a noise, repaired to the spot, when throe men burst out and run oil holly pur sued by Uio watch. Finding Jhetfieeiv e* closely pressed, one turned uround and threw a cabbage at one ol the watchmen. Shortly alter they threw away some crockery ware, meat, pies. Ate... which tnev were carrying, and made their escape. We iuler tnat they w- the -ame persons who broke into iin- grocery store, they drop{>ed a puclutge ot tea m tbetr tlight FrcJ. —There was an alarm of fire tn-On, ol nlxiit T 2 o’clock, winch was caused by a pot of varnish taking tire, in the cabinet ware room of Harbin A: Childs, m Smublield stree*. under the Fifth Pre«bytenan Church. The tire was extin guished i*-fi>re the arrival of the engines. When returning from the tire, the reel of the Vigilant fire company wa> overturned, without, however, ma terially injuring it Mayou s itrncn, Piri'iitßon, Marrb au Mayor Herron being onweil, Alderman Buck master attended to his luiMnc-s lor him. Seven persons tverr brought be fere him, at the mornit g watch returns, four of whom were committed, und lhre< discharged. Among the number, were two young lads, one ot nitom twelve. and the other sixteen cu seventeen years ot' ag** who had been arrested m Bailey, Brown A' Oo.'s iron Works. The only charge brought against them, was that of vagrancy, and as the poor fellow’s had no money, no home, und no work, they were discharged. Distinct Cot’itv. Feb _Uth.—Reiorc his honor Judge Hepburn. A verdict oi StU lor the plaintill was rendered this morning ui the cn-<» of Robert Mncready vs- Anne HteWart. Tbo onlv case tru-d to-day was Unit of Malcolm l„e«*c.h vs. Pitt township. This was an uction <»n the rase for two warrants on the Treasurer ol Pitt lownsnip, signed by the supervisors. The amount ot the claim is $221. Sawyer for plaintiff—Wil liams and Shinn for defendant. VIOUKNr A-SAfU ANll BATTEHy.— A gang Of drunken rowdies on Monday night made an tin pruvoked ultack on a gentleman, war the Munou gabcla House, whom tiiey beat very badly. They then rushed on tin old gentleman, u resident ot Bir mingham, named N. Baldwin, whom they shame fully abused Mr. Baldwin to day entered a com plaint, beiorn Squire Steel, agaiosltwo of bia assail ants, named Wm. Stiles and lh Lutz. Aksal'l.t akh Battery. —There were two canes of assnuii nud battery before Alderman Beckmas ter to-day In both instances defendnnte gave bmi tor their appearance. Mayor s t »mcK, Allegheny, March 20th. —Three drunkard* Were brought before the Mayor this morning. Two were committed to jail, and one, who paid his fine, was discharged. WiLUJUts.i’i’i Dioiuma of the Bombardment of Verti Cruz will be exhibited m Philo Hall ibis eve ning. When we have seen it, we will speak of Us merits. Thkatbe. —To-night Mr. Crisp will appear in Katharine and Petrticlno. (and the new fared of Slasher and Crasher. This is the first night of the re-engagement of this popular actor. Pwotje* Lsbus Scuail—Pronarcdby J. WVKeUy, William itTeet, N. Y~ and for won-by.; *. Jaynes. No 70 Fourth street Tbit will be founia delightful oru ele of beverage ui familie*, and particularly fur tick room*. ltAui'n BfutiiA,—A_n improved Chocolate prepara tion, bejng a ccmhinaiios of Cocoa ituy in accent, iu vigoreimg and palatable, highly recommended partic ularly fpr invalids. Prepared byW. Daker, Dorches ter! Mas*, and for sale by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin ea gtoye, No. TO FoorUx ctj UtohU DRY & VARIETY GOODS. Siucetb* Decdapemati ofths California GcUFgver, AIEXAXDEA * DAY, H No. ?s Masset Stsjcet. PmsOTEtm. A\E resolved on SELLING OFF their large stock of DRY GOODS—the principal port of winch have lately been purchased at the naass, Acc rues Sales in Philadelphia and New York, at a ire mradon* and unparalleled sacrifice! '> e have made »uch a largo reduction from oar rrg utar pnee* tliat we will now sell a large portion of our goods BELOW COST of importaiiou. The early at tention of buyers is invited to choice high colored goods adapted to the California Trade „. LADIES DRESS GOODS. Plain and figured Cornelian Cashmeres and de Ihines all prices, \ cry superior hroctua fig'd Super cloak cloths, all ro und watered hik silks, tors, "‘‘““V" dlk>. Frencl, menm.., .11 colors blk JU.tl colored, Block bombonneo, sopor block glow,- Oro dc Crou boned mod tinned Rlnn .like, olpoc, Viseite ant. manulla tilki. firocha figHJ and strip'd do, bc.t quality, Jenu> . * Pur« satins. Lilt and blue Victoria Lyonese cloths, hik ssuns, very neb, - Lamartine «un merino., Co berg cloth* and cameb >uprr sut warp alpaca an lustre, lustres; SHAWLS' SHAWLS." Splendid p.aid Inn* chawlsj A few brucha lone khnwio Splendid u-rkrn ahawla, the fiacat w«- have ever from N \ ork auction*, brought to tbi* market, ereat bargain*; I now lo be »old at rreat Plaiu ami crnbroi'd barraina, ►httwla, all colors. Supertine and common bro- Silk fringe, remarkably cha wjnare »hawl*- • beap; . _JSnper cornelian *ilk sbaw’.i (.KNTLfcME.NS’ GOODS French cloth* from the celebrated “johanr" manu factory For beauty of finish and permanence of wear, lb.-*-- cloths have no superior, a few piecei extra fine jet binclc and olive castor. beaver* and otherheavy Hollis ior over coals, twilled Preneh cloths, manufac lured expressly ior cloaks, French and American oae simerc*. «uper west of Kurland do, saper Freneh sa un* for vriu'irs, the best frnporiril. Plain and faney velvet and rnsbmrre vesting*, merino shirts and draw ers. Italian cravats, linen, cambnc ard silk hdkfi .ho. jiery and glove*. STAPLE GOODS. Irish linens, best long clotii shirting.muslins, bleach ed and brown muslins of good quality, remarkably low; tickings, checks, domestic and imported ging hams. scarlet. Yellow and white flannels, a large let very cheap; a large lot of white and crossbarTedetnm iry flannels, cheap; brown and bleached Bamsby table linens and table cloths, Russia and Scotch diapers and towelling*, "atinetts, Kentucky jeans and tweeds. BLANKETS. An usual large stock of blankets, direct from the some of which are the best ever exhi biird, all of which will be olosed out at unparalleled low prices. In addition to the above enumerated goods, our Mock comprises a very large and complete assortment of almost every article usually found in s dry good* store, and as they have been mainly par chased m the en,*em auctions, heuce the late great re ilucuon of oner* We are enabled and determined to •ell them on at great bargains. Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and tha public generally ore respectfully invited to an ear ly examination. Bargains shall be given. ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market it, N W comer of the Diamond A. A. MASON A CO., do MARKET STKKKT—Have received by re 1* erni impor'aUoiis the following Goods, viz; Six carto * Thibet Shnwis, of various qualities and color* Fifty dozen-‘Alexander's’’ best quality Kid Glove*. together with a good assortment of eol’d silk, Lisle thread, and • otlon Gloves, for spring trade. Rich standing, straight turnover Collars; cheap Col lars. :ukj pur embroidered Cuffs, from 50 eta to $1,23. jMnunimg Collars in great variety. Demi Lace VttU, t;:c : grcnicM assortment ever offered by us. French and English 4-4 Prints; Hoyle's Prints, small figures and ln*t colors' small plaid French Gingham*; British Furniture Chintz; white satin Damask Table Cloths; Linen Damask tt. ? and 10-6; Green Be rages; Gents black tiros de iClune Silk Cravats, 3a to 4ti inch, the be*! good* imported; Purse Twist; linen cambnc and linen cambric Hdkfs, from lo Sk,so; White Goods *u< h as Jacpneis, Layrns, Mull and Swiss Muslins’ figure-l and plain Laces, wiitte and eol’d Tarlatanes. Ac Ac We ur-in the daily receipt of NEW GOODS, nne *old on the most favorable terms; ni north easi corner lih and Market su. febSM BLEACHED GOODIE—A. a. Mason A Co, No 60 Market street, have ju*i received the following well known of Bleached Muslins, viz; ?-■? and 5-1 •James’ Steam Mills;' 5-4 Naumkcag Steam Mills;' “Mamn. ‘Pokanoket, ‘Carlisle,’Dorchester,''Quin*- igiunond,' Grnilon A,’ ‘Pittsburgh,’ 'Lawrence,' 'Bos ton PXow Case. Farnsworth,’ Ac. Ac, all of which, together with many styles not here mentioned, will be sold by UfC piece or package ai Eustcrn prices. fru'Jl r I yNSHRINKABLE FLANNELS-W R Murphy m- L 1 vue* me attention of buyers to Im Mock of the above Goods, oi ail the different qualities, said to be as unshrinkable a« ibe Welsh, and at much lower pri ce* Genome Welsh Flannels also constantly on hand Gauze and silk do, 4-4 and 5-4 do, for £hroud aP*". home made White Flannels aid Lin»ey», con • tanUy on hand, ai the north east corner of Fourth and Market street*. mart! 8 A TIN DAMASK— W M'Cluitock offers to purchas ers a very handsome uMonmem of rich satin Da masks for window curtain*. Also, French chintzes, buflo. linen, transparent shade*, Ac., at his carpet ware room, 75 Fourth t>: doe 9 MISKIS AND INIfANTS’ IVKAR—F U kTtos i Co. iiave added to their former business a de partment under charge of Mrs. Bigelow of Boston, for making in order in latest lnfanta’ Wear, Misses **«•*«, Honk* and Dresses, Ladies and Gents Dressing (•arnnuits embroidered or stomped for embroidery; kiutUmr. t-.ciunp. crotchet work,hemBUti:lung and mar king ii-atiy execaled. novS) GENTS, FI KNISIIING GOODS—Fine Shirts, witn * binding roilur*; merino, silk and wool Vesta; do do do Drawer?, ink, kid and wool Gloves; merino, roiton and vwl j llo«r; blk Italian crurau; fine Ze phyr S. art- dce.l _ F 11 EATON 4. Co DOMEKIIC VVtxU.i.KN5— Hlankcis. Flannels 1 wr«*d». Ca-sineus, M Cloth ami Cossimeie, by Uie piece or package, very low tor sale by n»v!.f GEO COCHRAN CASSI.MKKKS—J rases new style Fancy . La*»inirrf», bright figure* and Tcry handsome good-. ;u Market street. will sell lor the balance of the *ea*on ut cpd. their slock of J'rmch Merino*, rompn «.u;( ib«! iTio»; oboice colors Now 14 yourumetn»e. rurr Uarpmis decl3 \ • hi. VKTTiIUBONs-Jugi received ui Zcoulon Huji- V »cy>. f. 7 Market street, .ju j»* colored V'eivci RiM*on, assorted color*; •HJ • iiiiu-k * •• rinkroidery <»ioi[>, 10 pa wide Plain, &.<* LhVIATHON COL!) I’KNS, h mujtuificeiu and iao-.i -n-'-iirm pen, ihr first arm to tins market. i*.r ,:Ue liy ' W W WILSON jn/i rorner market and 4th ms KII) fi!,«>VK>—2s dot Ladies super Kid Glove*, 10 •• men* white and blk " 6 “ misses colored do - ’'■'iili.ik to vim Calnortm would do well to call ami esanti.m itnm Ai»c>. fine Wutcne.*. Jewelry, Silver 'Vnre. mii.ury uml buicy Goad*. for sale by mai l-’ \V W WILSON. 57 market st FHK.SH aKKIVaL— By Express this day. at W. M Oiiiitqck's Carpet Warehouse. No 75 Fourth n, the Richest Tsi.r.in. Pnitrrit* INGRAIN CARPETS, to which vre nivue ttic aiicutioii or pureharetr*. «nart2 YV MCLINTOCK B’ LACK ALPACAS AND LUSTRES— Vv\ K. Mrs phy invite* the attention of buyers to hts very full assortment uf the above, goods, embracing the various qaalltu* (row the lowest price to the finest. Also, Mohair Lustre., very glossy and of rich Pans Mk Also, u large luanriiuent of fancy Alpacas and Lus tres. rnnsistu.g o« < tiutii*t m>le. satin striped, sauii and fancy barred. Juniuik figured. Ac Mu/an..e Dlur I’nrmoito*—A few pieces of these desirable snd scar: >• goods oo bund—also. Mazarine blur Alpacas and Mouse de Lame?, at the north cost corner of Ftiuriu ami Murkel sis Wholesale Room* up sm.rs. febl3 1 >L.\ NkKT tA»ATI.NG Drab. Lavender, grey mix- JL) rd and b-ue. fur »«i e t»y the piece or package, at maoulm 1,1-rr. prices, by MURPHY A LEE. :>d> liberty n. opposite ath ('iLOl 11.t —I r»»e hiaek mixed hsnvy costimercs; 2 J do rw.-odv i.mcy eoiors, 1 do fancy cassunere or salr at-ninjiufaciurers prices, t^y MURPIT A LEE Canal Boat Furnltnre. II1 A VL on hand and for sale iow, Bank Frames, Maitra.ses, Pillows, Comforts, guilts, Sheets, Cushion's and Trimming* of all kinds, tm al4:d3t \VM. NOIILFk Tliird street. " MCPFS AT tIIIEAT BARGAINS! ~ M'tMIUJ a id . wishing to close out thexr stock of Mull* und Vicloricns tor the season, will sell the balsncc t-mbrac-mg a good variety of Ltrx and Fih-ii. as well a* the more common article*,) *t KAS TLKNjtOST-lo which they would respectfully tnvilc Ihc aiirjiunti of purchasers. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. Call at corner Wood and Fifth meet? NKW SPILING GOODS. AT DRY GOODS HOUSE OF W. R. MURPHY, North Kavt . ok.vkr 4rii ami* Mxaxrrns., PrrrsncßGU. PERSONS wanung Dry Goods will pleaso take no tice 'hat thr above house ha* commenced recei ving its NEW SPRING GOODS, and invite, thr roll* of regniur m.inaiers and buyer* generally Goods will he oil**rr*l ai low price*, and purchaser* will have a large m d rhciifr assortment to select from t'ouitiry .Merehunt* and other* urc invited to examine tb* u-.ortmentin Wholesale Rooms, up stturs. where n urge u-M>rm»citi of Print*, Gingham*, and good* generally are now opening mart) \'F.LLo\V NaNKEKNS—One cute"best"quility 1 loin-dale Nankeen*, just opened by marPJ SHACKLKTT A WHITE, 96 wood st LINF.N LLSTKiy—Twoca**;* plain, figured tnd* luaev I'.aid*, bright color*. fuM received by niarpi SHACKLETT A WHITE MODE COLORED AJ-PACASL—7 cases low priced, medium and hue Alpaca*, Coburgs and Cash* mrre*. jusi received by SHACKUTTT A WHITE E* ONNbTS* AND MILLINERY' GOODS-Shith A JujiNsoit, 40 Marset street, are now opeqing their stock of Spring Bonnots, Ribbons, Silks. Laces, Crepe Line. Ac Dealers and others are invited to call and examine them. i ntarl2 WHITF GOODS—Just received at Smith A~Joiis bom’s. 4rt Market *ireeu a full stock of White (rood*, comprising every vanety of Jaconet, Cambric and Swiss Muslin*; check, plaid and figM do, Buhop Lavro* und Book Muslins; Tarlatans, embroidered Muslin* lor curtain*, Ac.,' to which they would invito t „? ,lrrm °" °* dea{c ™ and others. marl'J BUST PROOF IROS, THE unde reigned havo erected works m the city of New ork, tor the purpose of Galvanizing all arti- Jroi V w “« h “ “»*ie»trahle to PROTF.CT FROM RUST, «uch a* Tclegroph Wire, Bolt*, Spikes, Nails, ”«e wr Fence*. amfany other article which way b« required. For Hoop* for Casks, osb substitute for Dole Rope; lor Clothes Lines. Lightning Rods; and a host of other applications, it will be found cheap and durable. .fJP , P anicalar fy call attention to the Galvani zed Wire for fences; it require* no paint, and will not rust. .Also to Spikes und Bolts, the preservation of which is of so macb importance, that it will commend itself to the notice of all those interested. GEO. U MORJvWOOP A CO., Patentee*, oet3o-dAwlyT -14 aud HI Beaver st, N York QEO. W. SMITH A CO*T INFORM their friends and the public ihailhey have no longer any connection with their late establish mrut In Penn street, known a* the Pittsburgh Brewery, buviu* removed their entire business to the POINT BKKWERV.in Piu »u«ci myl&d yR WOOLEN SOCKB—JOO pft for for sale by . fsblS ISAIAH DIQKEY A Co MISCELLANEOUS. Head (loarten for Boot* and Shoe*. Comer of Fourth and Southfield streets, ___ PmVaumH, P*. wfil* TROTH A SCOTT having commenced** SR « AS 9 the centfral Boot and Shoe business, Arltf r whole sale ana retaiLwould respectfully nmte tbe attention of their mends and the {mbits gen erally, to their splendid new stock, consistingof womens’. boys’, misses’ and childrens wear of every variety, suitable for the season, and at prices to suit the timea A* splendid article ofhome made work, such as gentlemen** fine Boots, ladies, misses and childrens fine work. Please call and examine far yourselves. TROTH A SCOTT, t corner 4th and Southfield su N. B.—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ac. Ac . al ways on hand and'low for cosh. Country merchants would find it to tbair interest to give ns a call when visiting the city. tflehli POINDEXTER, ROBERT W GEHERA < f“coamisBl3'N’ MKCHANT, No. 33 South Water si., (between Chesnul A Market, PHILADELPHIA. ’ ITT* Particular attention will be given to sales oi Flour and Produce; and any purchases in the Phila delphia market far western account, aud any Produce or Merchandise sent to htra through Mr. C. H. Grant of Pittsburgh, will have attcuuon there free of commis sion for receiving and forwarding. mar7:dtf THE IST APRIL. JOSEPH PRICE'S JOBBING SHOP.—To all per sons about to remove, anff wanting their stores or bonses repaired, counters, shelving, doors, windows, and hoisting wheels put up; carpenter work of all kinds done on short notice on reasonable terms; cabi net work mude to order and furniture neatly repaired and rornished on reasonable terms, on Fifth street, be tween Wood and Smithficld street, in the coffin ware* bouse of John Liggett, late of Wm. Trovillo, opposite the Allegheny Engine House. lebla-diAplst JOSEPH PRICE. TO CALIFORNIANS. AREOMETER. —The undersigned having adapted an mstrument to the purpose of ascertaining lb*- spectfic gravity or value at gold, is now prepared to supply all whose business may require its nse. Ilia small, convenient, and can be used without difficulty; a glance being sufficient to show tbe process. Persons contemplating going to Caufomia t would do well to call and examine tbe instrument, as it is in ev ety way calculated to protect them from fraud by ena bling them at any time to ascertain the value of their metal. Printed direction* and table* will be supplied graiU' Uou*ly to purchasers. SAMUEL F.AKIIfS, Union street, maO-Uii rear of John li. McFaden's Jewelry »tore JOHNA. SliAWr PACKKR OF PORK AND BEEF, Commission Herchant and Forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST., CINCINNATI, OHIO. &_/" Particular'attention paid to the purchasing of of any article of Produce io ihjj market. Alao to the forwarding of Good* generally. Refer to Messrs. John Swtuoy k Co.") “ Martin k Stock-well >Cincifinnh, t>. S. C. E»q. } Lippirtcott k Co. K'ier k Jonea, >Pitlsbaroh, Pa. English k Bennett, j nutr€:d6ct PAPER H ANGIHGB DEPOT, No. 18 Cortlandt area, New York, or*o*m tuiwuiun hotel. The Croton ISumfoetoiilOff Company’, (Organized onder the General Manatactonng Law of the Slate of Now York.) OFFER at wholesale, in quantities to suit purchas ers, at raanal&cturers’ lowest price*, for cash or approved credit— r*PEa HsHoiitas of every variety of style and price. Boanxa* io match. Fire Board Prints in great variety. Transparent Window Shades Oil Punted Window r-nadc*, ind Wide Window Curtmn Papers, Of the latest styles and superior finish, all of their own manufacture and importation. As their Stock is large and entirely new, they invite Merchant*, Book sellers, and Dealers in these articles, to call and exam ine their styles and prices whenever they vi*it the city, Country Merchant* can examine tais Stock from 6 o'clock in the morning till to o’clock in the evening. febtS-dlm PHILADELPHIA IMPORTATIONS, - AT LOWEST RATES.—Just received, Pari* Fans of latest styles, Percussion Caps, Teeth Brushes, German Slates and Pencils, French Perfumery and Druggists articles, with the most extensive variety o' Fancy Goods in the eity. Dealers are invited to an early examination before purchasing their supplies, a* the goods will be offered at the lowest importation rates. WM. TILLER, Importer, jall-dfiweod NO l_Conmteree «t, Phil r_ ColTer'i Patent Coneave Beater Ohornt BUTTER IN FIVR MINUTES!! WF. call the attention of the public to the article heading this advertisement, and invite the enter prising and curious to call and witness iu operation. All advertisements in relation to this invention, to the hundreds who have seen it tested, is supererogation. Ist. Thu Churn will produce Duller, gathering it in a mass, from sweet milt, in five to ten minutes! and from cream prepared, as families usually prepare it, in three to five minutes'. !M. The utility of this invention is apparent, as bet ter Butter can be produced from sweet milk, or cream, than cream soured in ilio utuaUjvay; nod by means of this churn, a little girl or hoy can perform, in five trr ten minutes, what ha* heretofore required the labor of a woman or man for one or two hours, and sometimes half a day. 3d. By simply turning a thumb screw, the whole in side dasher is taken out, leaving nothing but the butler and milk in the plain wooden box. 4th It is the cheapest chum ever invented, as the simplicity oi it» construction (though embodying a great pbilo»ophical principle) makes it but little to manufacture u. sth. It is a common-sense chum, as all will admit who will examine it. We uivite the public to call and witness its operation at our o&re in the Diamond, near the Black Bear Ta vern, Pittsburgh, and at J F. Beckham’s, Federal «t, Allegheny. CAMERON A PRICE marfrdlAwqmS OREM a HQPKINS, (Late John M. Oiem k Co.) 1 N. W coaaxa Mauxt aid Chahlks Strkots, BALTIMORE WOULD inform Merchants and Merchant Tailors, dial they have fitted up the floors over their Tai loring and Clothing department, for the sale by the .piece of Cloths, Cassuncres, Vestings, Tailors' Trim mings, and all articles adapted to \he trade. The lib eral patronage bestowed upon them, in this deportment of their business, has indacod them to enlarge their warehouse, to enable them fo meet their increased One of the partners who has had Icing experi ence in business, will devote his whola time to pur chasing; and buyers may rely upon finding a large stock ol whatever is most desimblo of European and American manufacture, that money can procure. New Cloth rooms will bo opened on the Ist March. Entrance bn Charles street. febtsPfcodirra Notice to Daguerreotype Artiste. JUST received, a *uutH invoice of VOIUTLAEN DER’S 14UICK WORKING INSTRUMENTS— new coiistrucuon. These Insirameut* possess great advantages over all others ever made, covering a -J.3 sizo Plate, reducing the time of tilting one-half, and produemg a sharper, clearer and belter dnfiued pic ture. They, therefore, deserve the attention of all Ar tist* engaged or intending to engage ui the business. Pnce for the Tube 3175. A general assortment of Voigtlaender's justly cele brated Instruments, of all eixe*. a* well as Daguerreo type MittenaJ*, at the lowest rate*. MR. PETER SMITH, Cincinnati. Ohio, •* our au thorised agent for the sale df the nl>ovt> Instrument*. A List of Prices can be obiaine*! by address-utg. post paid. W A F. LANgENHEIM. Exchange, Philadelphia. Imponen 01 Daguerreotype Material*, and General Agent* lor the *ale of Voigtlacmler* Optical Instru ment*. martiieotlOm Paper Usnglngs. HAVING purchased at three of the largest Facto ries in the East. 1 New ork, Philadelphia nn j B*l imorc. 1 h large «*»oninent of the newest and most improved style* of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, Ac-and made arrangement* by which I will be ena bled to procure ali new Pattern*, simultaneous with their appearance tu’he Eu<* rrn market, 1 would in vite the attention of those desiring to have their house* papered with the Intent style* of paper, to coll and examine my slock, before purchasing elsewhere. &I have now on the way from the East, cJO.OOO piece* of Gold, jiauti Glazed, and common Paper Hanging*, which I can self at pr.ee* ranging from Idj et» to S 2 piece rachls_ S C HILU K 7 wood m REMOVAL. —We -»ave removed ofir Book Store* from 5d Market street and 7? Wood »irert, to tiic house formerly occupied by Messrs. Wiliam Bell A Son, No. 7y Wood street, bet *reen Fourth aud Dnunotid alley mart KLUoTT A ENGLISH. GEORGE WKYMAS, .Manufacio'or and dealer in oil kinds of TOBACCO, SNUFFS AND CIGARS. AT hi* Old Stand, corner of Smuhhcld street and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. Pv. would rr-pectfui ly call ihs attention of Gountry Merchant.*, Hotel and Steamnoui Barkeepers, to and Hiipctior aesort metti of LMINJRTED CIGARS, amur.g which w.II be found the tallowing brands, viz; Engle. Regalia, Ca»- tellot, Principe, La Nonnas, Star Branc. .Minerva and Dollar Regalias, all of which will be sold as low as can be hod at any other ' >u.*e iu the city. Al*o. constantly on hand and for sale, a large and well selected stoii of Virginia, .Missouri.and Fine Cut Chewing Tobnero Also, Havana, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco, constantly on hand and for sole. uuv3:dGin PW.N PING PAFllß—Having tiie excfu»ivo agency for the sale of the. Mill Grove Ynuttivg Paper, (S. B. A C P Markle, Proprietors.) we will be constantly supplied with all tiur-diflcrent size* of saperio'r quality, wtuuh we offer at the lowest regular pace*. ’ REYNOLDS A SHEE, feb'Jt comer Penn and Irwin *t* NOTICE. rpHE undersigned having removed to Washington 1 city, will intend to the prosecution of claims ou the Government, and to-any law business before the Coons of the District, with which he may be entrusted _dee suitably rewarded by returning it to the Variety Store of mart KENNEDY A SAWYER. ‘ SHOT GUNS, KIFLRB,~PISTOLB. EDWARD K. TTBOS, No. 134 Noam Sbtoxs staxst, PuinxDrtt-ruix, Manufacturer and importer oi double and single barrel Shot Guns, Kiflcj- and Pistols, Pow der Flasks, Shot Bogs, Pouches, Ac Ac. Also, six barrel Revolving Pistols, and materials for Qon Makers' use. febld-codGw ‘ tassn'pullil TKAB, Wholesale and retail, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 70 Fourth, street, near Wood. Pittsburgh.—The subscriber having just returned from New York, is now receiving a large 101 l supply of fresh GREEN AND ULAUK TEAS, from the New York Pekin Tea Company, selected with grcatcarc for retail sales. Our stock being now heavy we are pre f>ared to supply Grocers, Hotels, Steamboats und Fatn- Llm with any quantity and at any price they may wish; packed In L I and 1 pound packages,'s lb. tin canis ters, 0 and 13 lb cutty boxes, and in half chests. Retail Grocer* are invited to call, as We eaa and will sell better Tea# at lower prices than any other bouse in Pittsburgh. Our stork of fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and hn penal Green, mid Oolong Black Tea* are the best in the American tnuikrt. levering’* double refined Crushed, nml Pul verized Sugar*, at retail, or by the barrel. COFFEES— Mocha, Old Gov. Java, Laguira, St. Do mingo and Rjo Coffees, •electrd by lire most experien ced coffee Broker mNew York. Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumbers and Onions, Fresh Peaches, pul up in their own juice. Malaga Raisins; in 3 lb boxes. N B.— All Dr. D. Javnc's Family Medicines for sale. dee9-dAwB A. JAVNE9. CaJifornla Illflea- Q/Yfl RIFLES, same finish as the new model per cusstou Lock Rides, now used br the United State* GoverninentT • They are stroeg, well Dade, and •umccoble Gun*,* exactly tbo article for the CaH&r nia Trade, manufactured and for sale br EDWARD K. TYRON. No 134 MOTCIx Second street, Philadelphia. feblfi-«043w w.,,i. «. . HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &° toikt, • MA highly eligible Basina** Sum Boon, and three story Dwelling* MW 4* Canal Bndfe, Brt ™ l mch!7:upi i near the premises ForSale* A SECOND HAND STEAM ENGlNE,lntfXK*Tim niag order, «j inch cylinder, 30 inch stroke?!?®!* ler 14 feet long, 36 inches in diameter; fly wbeftTa cWl A No. one lute of shafts, IS feet long, Si fawbfij in diameter, with drums; one upright saw. EttQW*®« roartaf MATTHEW SMITH, No. 46 High ft > * AF ARM situate on the N. W. bank of the OHo riv er, mite mile* below Pittsburgh, containing CS* lfttr the property of John lu. Hood, deceased, and known an ‘•Sale Landing. 3 ileXerrnce to David Hood, on the premises: Wo. M. Allegheny, and ihe undersigned in tne city of Philadelphia febl-thaeod CHARLES GILPIN. PLANTATION IN* ARK.KNSAS.-Tho nbsenber A otter* for caie the extensive plantation in Arkas f?fl_ rae belonging to and occupied by the late o{ Maryland, and containing twenty eight hundred and eighty-threat and a half acres of land. I hi* estate he* in the counties of I’hillipa and Crit tenden. and m situated in Walnut Bend, on the Missis sippi nver, twenty-five miles above the town of Hele na. It is said to be the highest river land in that re pon of country. iu soil is peculiarly adapted to the cTowtb of cotton. It* improvements arc an overseer's hoose, a horse-mill, *everal com houses, and good quarters for servants. * Upwards of seven hundred acres of this land have been cleared and are now cultivated. The rest of it raav be easily cleared, (the most being already donej and Ims less timber upon it, and that ohiefty of ash, which is readily sold at a well located wood yard, in quantities of several thousand ccnls every year. Thu plantation is one of great value, and presents a rare opportunity to the public. In the hands of a good planter it mpy he easily made of immense annual pro fit. It* larilmes of intercourse with Now Orleans afc ford a constant avenue for the disposal of Its product*. It i* distant about 800 miles from (Nncinnin.S9o miles from the mouth of the Ohio, and 740 mile* from .New Orleans. This property will.be divided into several parta,' If desired. For lennt, Jkc., apply (post paid) to WILLIAM B.PEHINE, Baltimore, Maryland. 905 Acres Coal Land for Sals* SITUATED on the MofconffabelariTer, about ISmilea from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above thinl Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Ltoq A Short), and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This one body or Goal will be sold at the low price of s33per sere emo third in hand, balance in five equal animal payments, without interest. Title indisputable. Treating very good— cannot bo surpassed. For ftrrther particulars enquire ot'S. RALSL&Y, who has a draft of said pro pel i - ' Residence 2d ft, below Ferry, Mr. Adams*Bow. N. U. There is another soam of coal on this tnat, abou' iki feet above the lower, of excellent Quality. _ gR COUH’fi* Y HKSIDKHCK FOU RES’I'. It) ' T (is* OF ' HOUND, aimated near the •'»! «.• :ensbargh Turnpike, 3| miles trmn the cn,, Via adjoin'iig the Allegheny Cem etery, on which i? erected c. ;irge and well antshed twe story' bnck Dwcllnig House, together with stables, carnage house, &c ThereL* also on the premises a Inree variety of 'rig; tree*, and a sprinp rftmusoa! ex cellence cnitiiguoup to the dwelling. ; WM. VOUNO, Is 3 Liberty >t Valuable Real Bitate ftr Sale* TITE Truatccs of the Western Theological Seminary having decided to sell. on perpetual lease, a por tion of tin.-ir properly m Allegheny city, offei on very favorable tonus, 3O to SU Lots or different A warrantee utiq will be Riven: Apian of tire lota can be »eeu at No. 12D Wood street. Por particulars, enquire of either of the undersigned Committee. JOHN T. LOGAN, ALEX. LAUGHUN, MALCOLM LEECH, H. CHILDS, febO-tf SAML. BAILEY. Valuable Real Estate for Bala* THE following property in the city of Pittsburgh, and uear the borough of .Manchester, on the Ohio < nver, i< offered for sale on accommodating terms 3 Lon (being sub-division of Lot No 469 in the plan of the city of Pittsburgh,) having,‘Jo feet fronton Se venth street, byS3u feet to Strawborry alley, near Grant street. 10 out acre Lott fronting on an Avenue, 60 feet ride, running from Beaver road,io the Ohio river, ad* awing rhiltipK’a Os ! Cloth Factory. For terms, enquire of CHARMS* B. SCULLY, or JAMES O’HARA, Bartel Building, 4th at Lot on Liberty Street for LeMtt ONE LOT,4’J fceifiont on Liberty street, by U£ feet io Brewery alley, nearly opposite Weit street, and convenient to the Monongahela river, will be l»«t -ed for r term of years. Enquire of CHARLES B SCULLY, or JAMES O’HARA, Burke's Bnildiny, 4th st. Valuable Property tor 8al«. IN THE NINTH \YARD OF FITTSBURGII.—Sev. enl Lou on Baldwin and Libcny street*, in tie b'b Whrd, 24 feel by; 100, and adjacent the proposed depot o:' the Central' Railroad, For terms inquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JAMESO-IiARA, inarll‘:U Barke's Building, 4tb it TO LET, MFROM Ist oil April next, qn reasonable terns, to good it-naimt six romkmaWo two story.JJricK Dwellings. with cellars; vuulu and back build ings. situated o.i Rnbin«c*u imtl Craig street*. Allegho ny city. Enquire oi - SWKJT2RR A REED, mar-:dtf Otiice Third st, opposjft St Charles Hctpl FOR SAXE. . ON frvornbte terms—A Lot of (.round on the sooth side oi Penn street, near the Monougahela river, tromiit- •*) luet ou !Vi, li-street, and extending 110 feet in depth io an alley 20 (1 wfllcj a most desirable Idea tion cither tor private residences or Tor manufactnrinr' purpo?r«. Enquire of J SCHOONMAKER & Co, No 24 Wood st M COUNTRY SEAT TO LET—A two story Brick Dwelling, with acres highly improved Land, rimmed in Oakland, to let from Ist April . , HARDY, JONES.R.CO, , _ .. ... . _ 44 Water street MFOR RENT—For one to three years, from the hrst of April non. a largo two stoned briek Dwelling ffoust*, pleasantly situated oitlbe b«"P ot the Ohio river, Rdjoirung the borough of Monthes] ter. with about four acres ofland, out buildings, fruit; trees, Ac. Ac. Apply to jas JAMES A HUTCEnSONtCo MA LARGE and well finished Room, second riory, on the corner of Wood and Third streets, nnnve the Mrrhange office of Wra H WiUliln*. given immediately. Inquire of J H -5 M’GILI.S A ROE, 104 Liberty st For Rent, 1 Min Allegheny city, a pleasant Dwelling House ami large Garden, oa the second bank.adjoining Gen. Hogg. For terms, inquire of Mr. Ben). Giydc 011 the premise*, oral ht# store, No 123 Wood street; or apply 10 AJ.EX. BRACKENHIDGE. fcb'J-Hltm MTO Ll-rr-A large imek Dwelling 1 House, suitable idr two families, situated ou Federal street, Allegheny, above Mr. Graves’ ROTS. Apply to 11. LEE, _ f c b-l Liberty at, opposite ith FOR SALE. SJX OUT LOTS?, fa the Reserve, back of Allegheny a.ul Mancii ester, No*. 19-1. life. IDO, 197, 22§ and •ill. containing about 10 acre# each. Alio, eleven contitu >u* 10l- 111 tb« Ninth Ward, 24 feet on Caraon street ; y )ai ir.ai hi depth to Patterson's line. Twj ol* on Liberty rtrecL 24 fc«rt by 100 to Spring alley. Iltc*e lots are m tfic 9th Warn, near tho lino of the sdi Ward. Inquire of WM. M. DARLINGTON. TWOnOCSKS AND LOTS FOR SALE M I'WO LOTS Oi. Beaver sireet, in the city of JusL Allfgftcny. above Hie upper Commons, on which i* erected a frame building, two stages high, sustubl* for two small tenement*. ’I he ,ot* are each twenty lect i.; from by one hundred fret deep, and run back to a street tort, :ct-t wide Thu building* on the pre. ini«C3 w id pay u very bundsomc interest on the invest' uicnt. .ibe »i l! be sold cheap for cosh. A;ij*-.'toH sproul.t.’lcrk’*office U.S.orto _ _?*' KaY ACo F’O ii ' \i KNT. for rt-i • r or lPrm ■fx couveniem well fin- -vo,\' • '-vtlb-i icu*e, cnmajrting b rooms nid i.-.y I**.. 1 t .ot of groti.id containing If m-:;* n; lui*- young irec* f cvcyy kind, stable, Ac., eoitncfcij with the dotisv To any personwish ;ng a .gnttal residence within a low minutes Tide o< ttir cay. tan. will be a rare chance. For terms, which wt:i oc low to* good tenant, inquire of Mr. Jno. \S r.- a urn me premises, of John Watt, corner U Hand a id I jherty BUect*,or of TKF.O. F. WRIGHT. Scotch Bottom Land for Salel H'r'N M RU'S OK I.aND, situated in Peebles town 1. *iup. ' a the Mono.,gabel 1. three miles from Pin*- burr’* h> 01*10 huh purchasers. For ftmher partic ular- vply to Henry Woods, :i*l »u or to A WASHINGTON, r.ovtrj-mf lih, above rimithfieln rt A ARfciiioiSL FuKSAIJ-I—The subscriber tur -ale the thre** story brick Warehouse i>n NS oo*l street, occupied by R. Tanner A Co. apn >yM. Jr. VALUABLE REAL Lt-FATFON PENN STREET FnRriALK—A I.m of Ground situate on Peon *lrcrt. l clcbraled Hazard. Rifle Powder, m'kegs, half J. krg*. quarter* and cons, for *ulc by J S DILWonTH A CV». 37w00d st ~ Yndepexirletki I*allce Olfice, VTO. U'-j FOURTH .STHELT —Commuting Magis i.l trait, Auuttt3Li> STEUh. Chief of Police, Roaxxx ILurt. jal6-d3m rrt() rt »I'NTRY MERCHANTS—Smith A Joemoa, 1 4H Market street, win r-ell yoo hosiery cheaper than the csn replace t'leni—having l>ought them at a large pu'.’koce sale previous to the advance iu pnce. rtf.ll sell you Straw bonneu and Vanety Goods a* cheap a* you can buy then: of Eastsru JohWrs.— Come and sen mcbls TANNERS’ OLL. 4 Aft ÜBLS. TANNERS’ OIL, in handsome mail 4UU barrel*. OlL—Coiuiaialy on hand, bleached and unbteSchJ r.l winter aad spring Sperm Elephant and Whale Oils! Ai*o, Lzht co.'orc.j selected N. W. Coast NVhalo Oil, suitable tor retailing. PaTl'-NT OIL Foil MACHINERY—The iuboeri ber* are now prepare*! to -upply 'Devlan’s Patent Oil* in any quantity: maeiunisu, manufacturers, Ac, ore request'd to cal I and examine the article. Certificates 0/ it* efficacy and superiority over ail other oils, from -everai of our roust extensive manufacturers, are in our po?*-*««un! ALLEN A NEEDLES, Agts, 22 and t O south wharves, near Chesuiut *L, febid-rodbiu Philadelphia. h x x:s«i, Bedford, Fn. ioiiv sivmiud, Ind7nnq, p», KING