The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 21, 1849, Image 1

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    B <= T =a : J: f.
ii , r . ..„ ~-w,,,.. . . IV
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. —; ........ . /|
TV *sd Dealer* m Produce, no., " dc( __ |
bnrjih. ____ -—r —; —*'
t-t “ - 6k*’B«e aitm:*.
pTa&’a.; ™.olr.*aM»d
—f —rr-^TwH^v,:
jt> nprt Cemmiamon
PtlUborgU. Pa. . . _ 14- - -- ‘ , a _
T» X KAUN¥MTOCK “' jyl "
jj . tail PmgpwWS cornet \>
• IJ-CAI-KY & SMITH, WfcdajHi Uroct'S '' ” lJ
p a Wood street PmubuTsn. . i . . ~
7TT"mcXwTlty ‘CM^SS^pfuSScfS'
C. Wian Merchant*, Canal r,u *
7 j.rßWsK«rtt- .
No. 37 Wood ».., bo,.oo„ »3 «,.d
3datrrela. -
iJinnv JONES t- Co- comnussiofi iu»d For--
hiv v? l r" ! h' 0 ' ,»7
From «u*o», Jit
-yy Baltimore.
D. r wV*X <fx,n?< - JOSS A- WAJCIBE, v u rr ,
J_ itusßi&a Mercbattto, and T „
Water,'and 107 P«mt streets, P^.»Sar^-_
TOIIN WATF, (BUCcep*or M*r.'bWt,
J Wholesale. Gioccr and Comro«» l »“ por .
dealer la
“ s ‘”-
ftttil creel, near WociLj*»Qr^ - r - - ;
ifnj f ;’■ - 1 ■ "
MI.WOIITH4.Co , \V'W>tt**l« Qtooor., l*to-
Pitlabcrgb. *-£>■ ——
fft -f- Rags bacftht or toi^ fn
T SCHOONMAKER 4 Co, "Wholes* l ® Uroepm
•I* No.sM Wood street, -
/TOHN D. WB, AuoUooefr.coloor oufooW’ood
< TOHNSTON 4 STOCKTON g ito J t«lw». «uj I ',
|}. udTaper Maffu£actaren>. E?b- 44 M*ie« at-,
burgh. '"'"
. Ao.". £ICBAJU>
J C#,|WW^
icnired article*. Canal BaaQy?tfarm_Bt u _ ™
ViittYtuPlton AV ork ». ...
-of -mtna r>> i .yin.l. fc. ol ail *»
jri«p 3*
jailiiy .' WarchoaMi, 51 ll6 trout <*•
w . T ppMAN WboteMiT'ur&ccr, Forward
. fox tod Comnustioa MertpuuiL Dc “ lcr . v ‘“ ‘
bnrgb Jaanokcuires ami Prodttc*, No*- 31 " :Uci '
afirf fl3rroat«-
■ '-»Jrriiux3 & o™=“* '
ML No. 10* Jjbenj si., l iu«bunll'
TTffiipHY, WUJMNiCuTIiio: J»“*. alurghy
V. IVI Cdt Viia'csn:c .Ilssir.rsi..i Dry (roods. Nod.
WoodSttM, Pitabojrgh. ... - -
ftTiw ai*ic*. wm. a. aum-t
-■■Jr iSfeN A Co-, Couunisuon ami
fas^ w r F " b js-’
WK. «H/
- w
■ . ~— T~~ r 7'i‘ c." I w.*BicKrrK)K.
)mgh,ga. •
XT HOLMES & M«* el »
J\ . 4#o*ftp» wnen«f. Foaifc, denleri
*» p^K“”'
ihaQUghfcU>tbe Unitedataie& * ; -
: ,*r»OBEBTMOORK, Wbobwaie Grocer,
'KsS&a. dealer m Produce,
GSiJtM&Jrind* of Foreign and Dom , * t ‘ c '' ““
«£d Liqsowi *WU Liberly'-’-etreel. Oa hand a «t
large* toe* of superior ofd r Menongaiiela vth
■wluch willbe told low forg-th- npi y
i,i i ~ “ tilfcO. B JHJBI .
t rr«! r :
ml fVymi«MQaMerchant*, ua«tDenier* in 11
uiiaaa.«. <& : ~ <"••'?"
R rmS.ilon anJ ForttanilW! Merohiu.u,
Ptol . U r = -h
A CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Owrr,
Tt°Str in Piodnco •nd'.J’ilW.insk Manufuwiir*.,
fc.H4U>.nny «■ i
StfStJtioTU Wket•‘'Ki. il *»' *>*"'
yjwfhatgh-* ■ * ■ -
- -S—— ■ ".■ '■*'*: mos. a wum
r-Jnsr<wtS£rr\. WlrtTE, Wholesale Dealers to
Pitaborgo. _
.■? 1 -kw HA Wool Merchant*, Ih-u cr»
- JSSltSSrfWon' tf*P> C*"«">- I "»-
hail— -t '‘ '
■ 1 . TT. •cord. I
WoodsuPiailrarßlx. . ; ; .... y r
- ■ "• —D.VID M’CANDUa*
fcfarfcri »wet>. • —L
f l 71 * 1 .. "i >i uiiuVLlailT I» Watties Jewelry,
•>*t KL ••.-,• •• :V- ■ : .i
'" u,er ",S,f
; VV’ ia tibeity «... _. ,__■ -^- Mrl . M’COlCttWl*'
' ,v«fc“ ,CD Wholesale (lrocer*,d«n-
W’Jc R. N»il*. Glw*. *ad ) rt “-
• lew -to JfifW rty «t »*»«*•
kwgkJlaflufastßref *> . <lecji r
I tied*, ElUabßTgtt»Fa. **• D dee4_
«ote*No«6MaJdea-L*4p New Yp«-. ».. u -- iit>
; -
' near Market.
No. tf Market «J.>ifiree door# above Tbi«j Vi w
barely wW hat* £©o*tjint!y an band a well «elecM
Medicine*, wluch, he
will aeU. oa n UiA-BuiEt.'reasouai>lo icnn«- Ptaywcian
Bending* order*, will c$ promptly auendt-<l to, nuu aup*
•llad with article* tbcry to*y rely upon a* genuine.
nyrShyaiciaOT'Frftstdpuon* wiu be accurately ana ]
sy2jw prepared lti>Bl-the:'.De*ua&Urials, ai any b*nr of
.*!*&» dockoftreih and good Perfa*
• -ST ;• • ■'. * .i»2L
• A?.
- THE fe?r ß sW£gg! j,<uu
eONTINtJES Monument*, Burial
■VadllijTdJnb»>fie*G EUjneS. Mamd Piece*, Cen
tre Bud and domestic marble, ut
*^ g ”» I yff.yinri 1 St f nioimSieau, yaiill i s lee. furnish
ed, of »ny deiHnptiffa. Htsolicits a share of pubhe
Patronage g D
|7VPTJIAI>MIC' attend to the treat
\J 'awn of-iDwealfei of the Efe- ;
- uris branch of themed*-
.calprafettioa for tlzteea ythm* and ba» conduct"*! ui>
•auioluhmeta for lift Wauneot of dUettae* oi the ey°
OnjSaa^i^na, l center of Bandmky « «nd
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. .
»«t* >* f* ound
Aft. tor-Pekin TTee Ce.
nofcKMAN, MAILMAN A CO. coouuu., w
ly lanture Small Iron. Spring anUjUn, Bh» t-J • ■•
Hlottjrh, Fork. and Hot- Steul, R«*«ut, a " 1 !' ‘ 1
Iron Nil*. «»»
Spring*, blf Fat Taper and common .Axle* N
Having reduced the price ot Vk roush b „ a
r..p.n< builder, and other* »M..«ihe ar ' r 'p^' l hl t ,
„ u» tb«ir int<Tr«i lo give Ud* new branch of P.ttn^ur .rr.
ioanutwwrc* tbrnr atwauon
tJoacfa mnumncv ami maleuMe ir> « ot
on Water and
,» r.>cr t ., ruxx»». •'**'» “ 1 “*■’
general a-wirtmutt of ibe who.cox«< *•• • . s y JJff
Uoitltß, os colurctl gio*s. *'"•*' * Vii»’-i-UJii
hesinsn7f..TfifTi ( pt Sbii.' r *■ ‘
1 r bknei>\ . .V '■* V c,"r, »
iv aapcrta, «-T C»<l«l l*- w *■ >»
Tyrme and
O^^rsFrf^ A,U,Bte«l *“ d lr °°
„„ rp uin -HAU.MAN A <’o, maAufartcrer. <ll
CSI a,',J Ifprinta. Allf.
Jjni.f awl Ploojb Mrel. Iron, 4a' Vk a rail pa.a o.
WiiJr and Kmni tireeir., I in-Nurgh. , . .
"£>!tr. mj Ooart Tnoimmg* an,i MallaaM.
Cash#**- 'nr r .1
■it' 'IU'CKMATrKU. AurnasA.l-Ofca... Four.h »l
. Uiinl door abov.e Siaiibbeld. eauili Md.-
boVayanamg of all 4iaJ» "bao -mb lb* praaa
onto and !«*■ #,!rar * r * ,
•r.llrs ir Real E»U»IS tianuiicil, ir.
[ir'.t .'i MITCUKLTRKB, Wbi.!,.,!.
i\ , R.rnfvme Uwulier*, ami Wine ami l.iqrn
Lrr.-luuu*- Ai««. lmhorirm Oi *o«ia A«l. uml HI-*. '
ig J’uwdef, No. .W. U.crty aired, HiUsb»r S »i. in.
"iioMK LEAGCE factory.
HAMILTON S’l'K'V AltT, tiiamilaeiuror -of Hem
Silirungv Ac . 11-lme-n *W<*d., rl j'
AiiC!?)'e«y_. . . . _ > i< nvl ‘ v ’ 3l J .
i STK A >1 BOAT AO fc. NT :
Urnra sSnvu M. A A i'
dSESBOB ndP.l No. •i'2 \V»i-t »'ic>i
J OHN FINNKV, Jr, Agent ui I’ltwliurgi. lor u.« iVU
aware .Mutual Saleiy Insurance Company <>i
adeiphiu. l'ir* Units upon buildings anu Wi‘ l ‘ B “, ’
of every description, aud Marine Risks upon .iul.f •>
cargoes ot vessel*, taken the most mvorai>.<
jr r- j,| the Ware homo of W. B. Holme - 4. Bto
No 37 Water, near Market mn-oU PutM-urg:. .
N. H - Th« Mifce#* °* Uub Compan* »mo« the
linlimrnt of ih.t Agem-y m lilt- City, with the promt
ne«» and liberality w«H» which every clar-ii -pon th«-i
for tos* hivi oceti adjusted. tuny warr-m. u.< a*eut -
inviting the cotih«lcn«e aud patronage m hi* mea-is :it
the 1-ouunUJiity at large u> the yclatt-ite
ranee Company, wh.m tt un* the addition*.-advrin »r
u.« an institution among tin- mo-t Jloun> m »
ptuu—as having an ample eapnnl. wav h »*»
mvrat.on nf tw ehnrwr u. constaouy increasing,
yielding U> each permn insured li.*-lue 'h»u- iW
profits o' the company, without Him in
rrsjßjnsiUiiny wfiKtt-ver. «mi Utercioro n- r* ?•
tin- Mutual principle •tiw/»u-4l of ever) ooOulinu«
tu/e. anti i-i ft' most ultinrtivr inrm.
rpHK Insurance Company m North AturrKa. ■ •
! iuilui\ authofir'-.tA«-!rtU the fuwiU-«-r oil. <
ntu periuiuiriit ,uid -m.ied
tiiiacity and it* vicm-hy, *»d mi *htpmeiu! t-> th
Hill itllti B'VCf:
Ambrose rule,
Jacob M Thomas,
Joia'i R N.-fl, I
Richard V> Wood,
Wm. Welsh,
Frames Uotkeiw,
S. Auaun AiUbonc,
Hkvxt D. &Kumt>, Sec’y , ,
Thw is Ihe oldest Insurance Company Mli.c liuicJ
Sialc*; bavin* bo«u chartered irt ITb-l li« it
perpetual, tuiuYrom its high <a»4wifi long eipern-.n
anloit. rliaiaiiai. it m»> tit *>■•» < »«■ :,t 'i“'
|,lo .wnniy to ibc imblic , ,■! t ,V Wa-
Ai lilt CotiiuAS Kmiin tif AtwooJ, J*iu.> * 'V ■ _’ 3
ler ami Front-Ucdi* IMuMirplt Uin,o _,
rnHF 61 BSCRIBFK fans t.eara itppouneU A*o,u pro
I trm oiiur Insurance <" Na"h America,
i &•* ""tevvgr^t.
Arthur O t'-o&iv.
W. Jones,
Edward Snuiu
John A. Brown,
John \ytmo,
TtIOOBM P t-ojw,
Satcuel F. SuuiU,
Samuel Brook',
%yi£ATKS R. DAS K.N HOW Wit™
cimiaissos sEßiiiAaTs,
L Supply Of Ibe WJuwi.« desenp
wb.ohmil Ur tolrl upon « «■ com
rfcodhtntK leniuu any other hoaws ui this nty oi clte
whi!? u»ul all *6oll* ordered trom them will Lrc war
rented ettual to repreaeaunoiu
l«iun, & Florida. > harco.
A l,SO—Branchs celcbraUMl Arownutr e«**S J-“ ve "'
A,,,, wtth a larffr oaturuaent ol other pupulur l-rnod.-.
£S',S&i - &»*.«•, & *3t
s,, AW ul lw. I’lußi L«H* -Tmi. »«{.•«» 1 “
*« -ftt-eet suui plain, m whole and "*'< hoi's. \mk 1
Jmi vrn. loaeUict wMli «='<
in* 10 the. inule. ,
I Produce, Communion ond * orn oril 111*
NO « Noom KUIIVO, ‘*», l iflLAUlJ.?[ilA
RisrmTO— John H. Br©wn*Go
Robert Steen A t • l |>i„ia<i<-.f(ita.
BarcrofU Braver It Co
Smith, Bagaiey A <io )
Allen A I'aitoU, Nrwr \ or*
Waiter# A Harvey, Baltimore.
Bagaley A Zenith, _ 1
Burbnuge,Wil»©u A Co l Pittsburgh-
Baiiey, lieown A Co. I
Kiel A Joue*, ) IAA , If
fry L.bej.l »k advance, oo
urt<irc«*. 51j . _ ■ c'uiju.ia«c«T.
And General Merchant#,
N ” US * ra, ' V * , “ P^i>E!. I’IIU. l ’IIU.
RFFKKF.NC’Kri-Heivry Grad A Co, PiuMmrga.
Rodger# A Sherlock, / t - ln «., mu ui
JS. Sonooley A Son. S
A. JL January. Mu) *vilie
Charles Basham. J» • l^<ui#vnl«.
Dutilb, ilumplire,,,A '>* »
Mercer, Bro. A tio. *laliaU.i
Re«d A Droßirr. )
uj.i-.ttv Du6lhfcOnoMu«ry-Nrw\«rk .
1, \ J 1 4 M , ft K K D & CO.,
(SorrrMoni tn’RerA. Himfi Co..| „
Particular allertAon p*ld to the aaieol a.l kind# of f ro '
duer, and liberal advances made on LotiMgume lit a
L R- A Co. have leave to retei to—
Mrssra R Roonon.A Co. I p{ lUlbutKh
“ McGill A Roe. S
• Rred, Parks A Co., Beaver,
•* Lnwsoh A Covode, WrlUvAlc, O.
Borvrell Marih, E#G- SteubenviWii, O
s. Brady, Ewi- \
WF Peteraon, E#q Uvheelius. V«
Uc:ars RCraagleACo i
•• tiillAhtont, )
* Rhode# A Oglefay, flodgevon, O.
. .
T. 11. CAVASAteH,
Receiving, Forwarding and lieoeriil Lommis
sion Jlcretanl,
CoaxtcnxL Stbuct, St I'Jm. Mo.
N B —Strict attention piuil to order* tor purghaMtig
in una market, and all bBU»«M v»n«#aa-«ci»
U«!ierr.BeeTit Pittsburgh, John M paden A to
dedSMlltin , ' —....-
Commitilon and Forwarding Merchant.
xo Si «r«n»»r, pittmukou,
CONTINUES u> transact a general Co«uu#era bust
fc&2«r».is3i £&
ani revpr.ottully solicited.
Iron, N»U», CoMdfc Y*m» * FlttrDurgti
Manafaetnrei ge'neroUjr,.
5„. ill wood vrttitKr. mTimivurh. PA
forwarding Merchant, Brovenavllle. I**u
particularly to the o) Ffoduce,
any utfonnatlrtn, apply ui FH’A.
For un*’«i»!e<rf Erodin'* *«nerally.
nj- Literal nJynnooi oft eo»j4«inwm»
, . .... . .
XriinipOriAlloii l© th.« Kft«f.
ITaHSBV & r.tiPUN,
mdws ' * ' 1.1. i ,
Commiuiofl and forwarding Agcnis.
r ~“% p Tr
8“"* CARD.
h-thM Me:
* • .. ren j |lrre i (second story,
Philadelphia D_ru v ' vool r , oolt (ilaio, »>«
inch 14 ‘
100 brs wa do
lUO ,** „ fft r*»Tc al t»»e Kpcr Waraboo;
Just received and for** g 0 HILL. wood
• mchl* . - - ••;■*'
ijAUs: 'bausii tfiesiii-Gw* l>‘ ud 1 q' ui i*2,
Jft, ihe Taper Warehouse of „■? woiH j
vv „2s" “* i !®!k«&oMjm«» 6 . :
OUMCA/.n>HOR-U« ■>! tor J,
\\ \i TlMl'.i.tN. •
attousey at law,
Vunbr. r.>
\\ »J«.<*r a.»«l \ni.
J A: R T..V.1 I
\V W Wnllar.
Mitr*h-u: «i<t
Jly Kav*l>.w
J|{ SWF.ITZK.R.'-' :>i !.*"• 01,1
, Cmpm>.*n 51. Chi.rlfH H<.V " ri '”
Mlll-il.) IO <*<• ■!e ,, ']Oi - '\
ami ii; •••!» cjuuUcr, i'a.
H-.irn B."’ .V <0 . ~)
i,4 (.'are.;;»••!*, 1
1) T. Mmsm'. \
TA j. HJ-.NKV. Aucir*xr\ ><•••! «
.Fj. uhm « ■••!••••'*•"*
rui-1 i-i Indiana, imil >i Kr ;'u< • 1
■JIJ!, 1 . :i Irildtv! In ' ’WI
ey!\ rui'U. >ii»r Injun* i
XV. .tv.
Rkkkb to- Hon Win IWI A »'" f;
Oar.nn-rv \\ m 1 la-.«. K.«i •
jn i-'i.Jju
JAJtn tn Nl.«i\ : "* Kh,! ”' ’
DLNI.OI’A sKWK!.!.. a!U‘f :1 ‘ 1 - a *- 111
| OHN H RANKIN urn .’
fj itini UonunmMni’'-* ,of Ul '" •" ‘ "
1... 1l M■ J "' ,M \
[I, M i ord.lL h:",«
i TJoKNKY AT l.\W, Vwl 1
■\ «iu!!ilirlil ami *• r.r.l.
- r WSI. < • FitIK.VHi
iUiNK.i AN..VW. I omm i-in-t'
Tl' O 11 Aiu.rn.-v m l.a.v
W - ltil .'•••* I>!< ftttw-r 11 till l-.l- I*’ l ' l '
ArSi£ s ;:=s" ; €:<t
:=;,s M"
rr-crlv.-.l H e.. a
»ml I'm* . Smiil.l.c.J
Fotiru. v.n»:rr h*«) :•
nn.; l\ip- -if in.- -
m: I
JAHiK- *A i ',.S*>N.
pß>hlo ta » b I V v Kit 'r • , "l J
(.V’-fi/r or '»«•< ' ’■'■*'•
i •.,[•.« in-m ••- i'
<>l l!
i • v l -■
in I'Ui’-j.i-'
- i-.M> *M> Ml !>' n,
(.1 V-W
,i: Ha'* ' *1“ "
.«i:tl -.-Ai’.
" ll.'-'V
r. ov 1
rr*. rAMP"RMA II V I
/ gCal.U'fV-i lln
Tuo»e .11 wir. ‘ irr '
r,, " r M'V'i d ‘Kh .* '>
r'lK" V:i :uut W o.*l -l-
M E D H: A L
llr. Kune's I'rlcbraleil Krmnhcs.
!>•»• ar IMi'i
■| hrmilTi .!••• <»■ I-'-
wun liui i'U»|>tl> •>! M
r>r Ha* ■«»»• ;
rtvt?<ul.VA6u.i!’h'.\yj;r» , oi *.i k.adjt,»:ureiuc
ula*. iu«dallUu#"* ul>slmai-
lnUrwd C»*r> MW “I u.nW u»' *
ln« »’hicli nmuaji»:> ■* "•if , ,
»l*r <»iC coiajwind ot»l>. I«T lit:U L" in. y»l»p»
, vvilJt }■** '"‘ l t °y :Ut: “J.
! the*. adui'Wil 10 mw ,l * cd * ut '•' " 1
I 1 of .li^eaw
l)r Hu--'* Tu::,.' A n«*rai.v«
vanm-17 “ Kmm -I *
[jO-vt J'LTI'-' I' •
J*ul- * t.j ■-!.*: i: > U,{-
Uar pn.pirJi'-* to !» <si.»-t
ii*n. .< !>arr «- r,
|, r .- r . n tli.- o; i-.-; -Irp:..-*..
‘ix- W .* :
ll H.-rmilr! • -<'l' * ‘-IJ 1
A K-„. jl «;p- ■ V.
4- .1
|.n, A
}■•• • <»■'
} ti ; l- .o » •
/ 1< M(. II r\lN As 11 < Ml > I 1 1
V. j hk;i • i t • - i ..
f*/- "1 ;-r:
wort, nail l “iu«; >uy Un* •«. *
I‘UrnoKh i.Unorul.iy My .h-irc- wa.* pf.-.lit
Urer- r.un.ui.a w.u -t, areal :luim wm w.. 1.
1 roti <1 »Wii .'i.v in, 100 U 1 I'l-'-a. I -mi »nii»t>«'U
niUM u:,vr lerifili... f•'m> on * .ill! j.l i-m o:
(Htal ill • ‘T.rl r. ''lf'-' 1 ' " 4 ■!• ’ ‘ ' .
rnedo-uic To .1! w|.o ;-f u , r ,
; v.. = ].l ~,v- »- AS «. IS.- rv
Thu nv.liciai' !:.«•.!I'l.lo* **!(»»*''“*r I'* ’• " '
/rr re-torci -li-vnl'a. nml mu\ *•«
iiiriTip. a-.1l laniK-. '
:U rci'n-U'-- in ».'• [ fa.n,, a ... 0..,-o-t .nfl v--r • '•
. u,.- K.« --‘a. -I i.r. •• r la. - ... •
.j.,. r c*. I a.; Ui,. .noli- rci.u’.aiioti n-i -’V
, n»- -i -.1 *
I’TKJN * l KKP M. - '
.ut-’ A Mm!
IWII i • : i •**., .!•
> f ihr d Ui IT) l>r I
. . <1 -irarig" -i» u u..iy >v
u;!y r< - <"«l ll.' I|r:»!!li
lit ;iiii« lli r .i* T I •'
XJiMUA c.ALI.u.VH N'Tio ■ •'i* l ' l
«-oi4 in »*.UK;.ur«h t.v J 1 "i
liMiukrlsi. H .H-Murkri ...of
«l» HciiUcr«>n &. to, «> Lalxrit) * • 111,1 r. tu ■-
ijl pr r i.oulc 1 J - ’
Jftyue*’Kipcr(oranl. v
r-.A lk*. roiiiiii''U*ii:i i u i*.Apr•-« I't*
V P JA'iNK* I*'-*' l S;J 1 1
I ,„.l ajiu-i-u i..- —'<••• ,l '
P .,,«i-w, “r.'i'srrfr'i'.sJrw
i,f ,cur«‘» 0.-mi-, *r ‘ ■< i» ir.i
2; d noioum.M.l -1-1 ~-«i •*
i't 'I’T r«-««'r****l 10 nil ill i t->rm-t reli-*'‘)i- • :■ pf’
.Uptf.m. u>- t.ui-1 rf*|>eruibi>-
, ..pini.ix.rlHKMl .viitmo: * A
f„iuolusiou nf‘■urvfiMur t'»*i ■» i-" ,
un|i»-i wnrii il.<- lt'ruiu <>i pi.»,v-m .«-ihh,
I hail rp«-oir.tnr.iil.-.l tn
anti |.irt.*r«l by mal &«•»'«* wlw n 1 Ul, " u '" 11
U.r co-rttiHV lu li.r «i|«P'- li.l'di- ..
Idv vby-i'-«ww »>>« "» ‘1 trw tin-,-. ...or
from my aud w >o> .--lablcil ny i»4 - "*« «*• a *
altncl u» my iju.iim*' ••ii|<>, »"ir>- -t “ J
I ».IWJ lor tr.l yniM „ ... .
Kn«i>c’U«»4 ) toir*. A' - . ( J *’ '
l-'or «..« m !*»tipi»wr K h, m l.m P-'-m 1 ‘ *
Fourth *np«-t.
DOCTOK H W.MOKRlHh arUtp t^Vxyurr^
rrt ill!- 1»m ?*u»re tormrriyNowiirdl‘>
Brot-kwav. No •-! Commernal K‘*w- «' r '
'."ko* ihi. method n»
I fri.-nrf- »»«■ PuWh* m """ n "
1 ireneru' rtii-'H •>! i»u. ■> ,
Yarni.b-*. I>rmm-rv. < h wn-- -
ZZ »t Vi.'i :’Vv
. *«>,, nr fUio Hoi’iii.. lo m • 1
. „,i,,„.. .tniii l.e waiilli.i! V-' vi'-P rmiii.
>. nniroimif. nn.lum. <•"" rj
UfarH.m Hi-‘ u-WIU--:- .
If •. «ly or ill- " a , *
) ,i, • " l ’- Kl a '
s,;'. n.. ■;“■■
j)r. DlcLane In TtmwMte
n to rrrtiiy that I |'ur< r «a< .
I tfeLaae** Worm Spr.-tlf. -««•• l"‘» -
*avc to a mu> wf »»»'*• ' l,fn ' ,r " r ’ "",,
■eajMCO-and oitbouf" lb- m.'t •*»’•<
l liav.- no doul.i i.ui :u't.) "m
rwo T*<*»*«> pn«-J f' u '" t.n.,
trom OM quarter ol «« »» c » *° fU V
Ron«*« Croek. Cnrrol co Trim . Deo iT«. I*-*' >■'-*
lViamiili* Jan. -HJi. 1 «•
Mr K K ?»rtl*r«- Vmir Veiimfiiflu l<»* '‘ ,|U w'ml
niul |ih< I.rrn u.iiK 7 ‘JH.kettol by ml
1L from the ijrrr,, uitr.udiiiK nn* mlmmiMi
.«„«» V'-ru>)iut;c i'll terry cn*« i 0l - 1
Lkirnt l run »nl more during >ho roinuiß
man I did la»l I will nc glsul i« trcHvr «*»ovh. r »u|>
lur hpm.s- N ours. .
1 r.l’ran ;roin irilrr 1 . \ i ■'
Pfrjmir.J Mil AOlil l<) KK. S l .1.1-Ml S, .i < t,< “ *1
Bfl U Uldl.V drupßinU .-1 l»iU-Uuf«U
.. _ • JU ~—
S || Mol.AJ’SK.'*-tai bhl- *II Molas«r«, jo“i **
. ,-n.-«*d ami mi tale tiy
• *i iui p> rnuiwN a -
O l (IAR W i>hd« primr jutjar, new '-rop. ju f *• rrl ' < *’
»c4»«l ■»< *»>* 1,1 UROWS K CULBERTSON
SOAP— la* I'jtiskiurrli mtuiwurinrcd M** l
«nd tnr *alr l.y
_ BKOWJS 4.m.lsKn'lNlN
TnAiilLY FLOOR—bbU Parknuwm‘» wprnot
* v ' aa ’‘*'■* &CK HANDLES*
-": T.X"^- ’’“" «•
•■'•'" ■'» ll " c I t . , ( ',i' l xK(i rt rnil-NU. r % %',''J '■ l .-«-’. -,.'M<-.1. •..m-;ii n.niiftrous and run.'
i.{<i.'< wmili ,UM - i-ailiui!; room
/•VV^riirV ’ j *'r'T\ ''l .•"”"il‘. ■. nn« u!*n completely
~h . . r J , ~, u m<>~ umijiw nmt I'rm'i- |
' 1 rri't'lif wiio.rt arm ijjPUteiU t*f the U«««
,ul ,: V ... .«•■'»< a -u*L'lp' -Vi- *’» Utrpnrl of
tul< u ' ' i„-i-'r,r.U ihr; nmt plm-tirr <»i
'.vu.< It uii-.onlu'.-uilv **>.<• n wilt
,f ! . . '. ... ... i with ;u*V Hoinl i" I"’ l , "i° | i.
f ■■!■:; r*.-.t •- 1 i.%1--vnv-r.o. U prn.,l W.u, c?cry -«!••
. i . ~v whioh o'*? lon-Vrt ftiiorN.
npii- ■'«. "r.*'*r *jylr;vcbihi m t&o "~‘V Wines, .to..
Y, ... :• •• proprietors Ui;.o say. tan: ’inthms
~ ..... OH tlicir piirt. ami cm* th- pur* oi their
r";.’; rt r-n.WthM Howl worth r the ro.mni.csl
. t, ..*n*U an.J the p*il.n.- grncru ly.
t yant have n!*o l-’t-n r»**tu■ <-*l to tic
<. o-Partn«rah!p.
" "» n -'S!
,«1 a ri ', ~t ol :.J.. arm
'1 I (i .- u' F.i>" v .V *'•* • *viicr" ini '
, V .-,n ill -i..lrn,’ l->it,,- "•
uJ.'S Ol ihriia. Khr-. A.*'-
"• K l ' Yhlrit.j: r v kh Nl)
jaMI--' v,oous_
, , i„'pr- rr ,*URC "'"H" ‘ '
',.'.'•1,. ol SorlccA
r>i luumM • AWfO
kl>v< Ml tU'RKI-'.
THOM S' 1 PA HN I’-'*-
I- ‘***,* tm ££
k, 'N a k'.-nm'l'v
*:•.[ I‘,!a
■ J' 1 -'
■ .vjth r.
ui -.V tin:
l>l*ioln t to**- t - r „. „ {
Co-F*rineraHll>« i> W'liKi' ->• " ll
: SMU lj' f ‘ . ... I*
* k-hik- i «<»; ■. Mr«‘i<
..... „, » „ mm;
r Ml Ki'in t
Pnrlikri>)U|i Nolle*'
Tl'ili.M KI.NM ’’
1 ‘
» : .\\\ vV.u '•>' »
j •■■■■ • . • !
‘ittXSKDV a KAWVKtt.
i„ .•*: k.:«l r l.umr.r ;ji« i'f * „Tn:iu(«riur
a, wr.n «-i' i‘rr-cai w - ;. ~n - ;i * prrtu
i.ifj [>ur . I.k*,i.< "I “ ■ ... of t!i<*
.M.UK'rtnc.!‘U> ‘-rr. k. -:-1 > - , n ••
... ... -i. ociiiLcti incut
ri.HK i-' a
1 ! V<~> t. !...•> 1 \ hURUIe *•>' •
11 1.1. - A. UAt-
U n‘|l •' ■' J ''
I *• Ilf". i'-U-- !•
I>« ill*-. ...
~«1' .1 J 5 :*« All. J rU ,, ol
rjiiw I’aKTNI.K-HH- -
.Ti'o.Wn. lUy- Jr
oi 11.0- I.' ‘;•
'“"j'nmV-'i’-ALi.HI.I V A.ii. "
‘ 'nni!- 1 '- '’.l«l'r’l "ITj JUI-WOR MI
un ' J< -- 1 j s MI.'M’RTM.
,o'.PAUTS KUS i ,, [ j" ,‘" K S
. f '."l\’!r\oui./A> «' rt "v. 11.1.1A'1 ua v>.
11 " ,,llou ' k JM, R Mrf M-
. I HI!.. :i- '■ -
"h.- 1 IS-.moC," m'.-.-’i-
i MAN M M.NKTIKM —Ur ••mi;
»lr ,• ■■) .I.ry. t.-i.m nn nil •ni|' 1 '•
.Ni’ .v .
..| [{<,.l, ~-'il Mint!.
ttM'* Y»«k- ru< lull- ut i'.ru.' K r:inkhn.yon
■‘yU,.l I’iiiipniiio. <:i.i:r.**-.l ''• : l»i />'■•-' j ’/
TIM %»uik •-* l-. ‘•■. : 7. , | r.. : " r r i «•;':*».<
pf rfiu*: f<*m i '■'« i"-* 1 ■/ ».’*■• •>!
I-.unpl. vJ «' ;;
ul tint'! im;' rvsii ■> K-n.ii pitil'' f * ' r"'" I - '
MV .1 I.AA ' ttl-TMU •’!
. /" 1
Ti.<* Ht*’'>ry .-I A'f
!„,u -a i:h in'
Tim- H
••n>r >:i 1 111 • 1 r. r \
-C- !U -
i t J.-lI.UV MIIMI.IO i.K \«r "■
*V L « iialiiH-r*' V*»»thiitiiou* Vo.
I'.iiiitllli * Lilr 1 ilu«;p>lr*l l>Kf!« ![ 1111*1 111
r ., Ilitu-try i>! Hnmiilui. lln- ' i*niiurmi »” J ni " l ‘
itr. 1 i'isrrrtT'i™
Ci! lilUSllxUHl -|'l
'< :< !i. nr ilic »irr* o' I .>>■ A ... ~
I l'.»f f , 11.. tl* '•>' >'• "l''
•>- \\ l.fl't
Huri ' Romutw (•! \ ;•< itM-ii
A I'litil Nlßlli‘ I . 1
l>it u.lidty i ;u-ir
Ju*l rrr*-i>. cl t
TkM.W I’.'JUKS- , <’* V-trvfcfl"-. •. ~
i> AM-H -.if .v- M--
11.-uir’, oi Kmr ''tmn-- l - I ’ l
liu-nli AUHnH. •‘"I • • >'*K' . . ,
H.jtoi, 111 \;r-Jir i\r <•(• ■-•. H> J Al-inMl,
w ,Ili r-ul :ivmy*
lli.u*iy <*l Itunmloil ill-* i'
A Mm.u, wuh cn-/raviiu^
Itr.ruiil Milim w I'i *l. ........
JullNi-TnN K I l»N
i. • < r murk-"
Vi Al*or <' Al.ll < >tt.\! A, OKKt.o\ ITAAS---
i\l |'n,m tj, r i ul r<t Hv > AaRU»»«» wnUiin IWrnj**
Lvr (*m»nt!t(itin*<»i snd f*iaii*liri»t. 1 ur-.atn l'V
j,., H MOfKl-S>. Apollo Imt-ilm#*. ' l
« 4 \l» or v
<tucuir.i*Tii# K-«-i‘ ....I impr->v..< »M«r
K ' T'ZV'Xr
.i„,» ..i"“ ,w '“‘•' ’it
A V«rqu~ ol tin- :»«■: *"J »p 11 .nMnl
\i„., „.rnvul till* «tn>- Wi«t lor *:Ur i»y
J BooVscUcr* cor uml'MM.*
Nrw nonKif -Oregon an<l Onli'omr. i.i t-Hj i*V 1
J •fhomwi. li»> JwJßeot
c„ or ,ol Cr"(tmi.«wi tr>rre«p»nfi:nff ».< in**'r ofiKc
Am.-noai. In&wir Will. ....
r-ni :*mi • ujljrntic unv.mmuon on thu ol tfie
iTI if,l) MINE!* of California, iift-l other vnlimblniimi*
lerof.niernnti>th«*ciirti/r..m*,clc. Uh 1 UiMttUlun*
"E.pKit " '.-""T &
I i^‘ J s6 N^T.'ssadSfiir
corner njw)wijy43d ,ta -
■ .I*' KH!'.''
L».VI M Vn iU-W<.
VVM 1.81i.'
v w’-TPVtnn.B' Www of lb "
. . . .. i iii. Ti,- mul Steamboa. La.idmc
1 ... .’oM -rfs imijb***? to Kitd from Use 1 i- ,;i ' l ■ xr •
w,|,ln n '- u » -*• - may-ill
of.l^r 5 r-
Mm ">■ r.M »»» « .ia.» «■*-
m.’inl'W ' I ' '• inn -1 u, nmb- 'lk Kl.'l.ui>rf« OUC Ot U>»
'll,-.: :•««* H. if
r.n\n \n m kkk.
Til* 'M AS
V-l ‘ t l : i r .°t!.-rr.U»lo r c
tiioma** uwsrt>\,
• £ . l-rfpr.r-fIT
.1,.». I- .v 1
r, H«irW.
lajiartink hoi'sk.,
r ... 1 Ml.- I*l'-
\ 111 \M I I ‘ "N'T 'HO'
,» .tewnmnc.l •*. ur-cfvr, an.! Uinr<*- :
. • ii • rt nl inij.lic p.r.ii'u
0r 1,,,,' JACOR HO' '■«*• I'r"! - ” !,u
(*}M*nsmoN lUR SK
riMIK V»KUIVA HOTia..on-Ha!l.mon- r.r««. »«■*'
1 the L'cpo'- Fuinbetlaiul, .* .«w
S 11. .Tl-l i'*T <• • 1 n V,
«»• -»"• ■.»" ."Ft-Zi 1
. mi* r**liit>‘ulimriit —ln' - • ' v,>l " nc
' i hmi me- nnd I hr. Tame u* « - rl. lur
lU;V in Fuml*rHmU n: i*.-,:cniv
- n • .»« any tlinl can l”' ha* l ibc
: .»f i.» rUa-' • !'“"" 1,,f
, ! ■ «>*.! from it;.- r:<r*
" * f.vans
rMK--r rr’CUTH KS* «TB.
Mnvii'ra!!:, *
1 ' 1 ‘ l*r-.|.nciiir
T:,:* -:'fun
. . ••’ I' :-!•«nth H«rtl
r-..- >'„*• V,-«.Ar
't II M.NU
warr* :.«*y
li;.rr** ,v t-e
1 ijrcr m*'»<rri <’ ‘> ]c orr\*
F i,.«-jr l’riul>. i .twinir' •'••'••• -umnt-
~,,..1. wv.itr
.... i:.,i \S '*ol
\\ y A K ll‘>-
•» .te
<h) • ‘V ;■
Mr. 1.0 :■ 1.--' »’ml iA. i-> •«- "
.(iDW in'- uuiiiy
,r ill.* tr <>• Mil:* i.Mt, l»y
Kit Dior -Til" I* uillmtin'*'
14 l Tin? uoh .vni» on t.ifl hul.jerl
|-, hl-l U’ITA K-NOI.IM*-
7v wocml »<
' I ' AM' '« K‘i"N
•oner n<p rK-i *>
UusM. it?' »•
j; | M >!'KIV- 1
A;-: !- H
V II K. SII '*PKl*« r. O O 1> s
SlintKlfU k White.
< re”. ''i"
, ,r.\ iitIISIK.KS. .
i ) - <*’ < r
, »\ \% n | oKKU>N i>K'i C.«‘‘»D'
"K. MU', reeuiiif 01 ou, ' u * .!!!!!
- - 1 .!-w.:>iis a law »hj f <
w.l! f.nd n to Thru 'tsni.f**
i. j-
.HldBS W. W'OOnWKI.I..
Ho dr r d uod Antique ffir l 1 1 nr e,
.1 and Ui&>!
qp,. A .
J C ,-u'T'V l’iano
•ki u'.i;. a;:«J
*- •;*( ~:i,r ]*V.»li- 4 |.atf rx C»t.
% •«• $> niarl'ie wj» i>iw»»*
- \V.-xntrot>rs. ~ •'^rtruiri ■•• 1 *'
m: , r i,ir top Wmili Siam**,
l jia,r Ouoma/i*.
- r.air fancy Wort
A • • rv lnrs»- ot common . ■ii')
i, n;ur too niuiM!f-»u» to muition
ir ’• s;c-\i't l-rau furni'liri! ,>i: :h-- •ltortr»i :i.»s.»ce.
■ H-k on the nio*i rtusotuMf icrm-
Chocolate* Cocoa, fcc.
W n. A -.-. Air-rwan amt VVmkH «•«««•.,.o«r. Prc->«r
, !>;,*«, l'o.-ou
fl’O S ,- an<l ca-MUtirrs. »•: o »uix<i
1 lii:•!•<■-. i'rc-.’4J.-(- o: ( r« • L, '
1 rtiOM-.ituinrif'U- Hnii i.-a or '•<>(?••*• '• f !*’
! nr..-r-a. me rt*connocu«t* ihr a-ovr- nniol. .
' iiiikmhwl 1 »" imiri-e 1. am* 'v:in St* name
! mV llTiuii tvom I’a-ie. ** d'a.-..;.-, |,^*u:»:c.
I a t, . uii wV. in any fl'iaiititV. I" 15 »»*♦>’**
I ... i in me ettrtcrn ciU« - -* ana ny men
,| ‘ l „, l "i|„,vv. i. - IV & CO.. Oi Jaiu* - M °
! T":\ <’ Mu~cVA Murr iy N* w \-rt.
;■ „ ... y -.t0r,.• l-Mla.lHr.b-ia;* V Hr.i■•<*:?' m'"
I ..n.t A Ja*nneil (‘iiiriniiiiii. 1 *"'»>
• WAt?fKH IIAKKR. ».*•„«.,m M*--
Far by aiijjJl HAUALM k ?*MI Hi. Ari»
Wronsbt and Cm! Iron Ralllup*
I -IMIK mlxcrmen- l*tr >«•»'«** '»">"* U,M
i 1 U,.-, u,. f o^,^
! .... I*.- SSt
>.ir ivrs Kaiii i:; « U ■ '*e m . n.-- ’ ~r rr .11
.. t A » 'lament a KV'\
K v, v, , ,;, Mr.'', rv.wr,-:, WfKMI h.,-1 Ffmtl
v!..u„ Kri-MM.r.-. u.r |.lo 1,1 l r A.Je
. ...< mu! wo.Wi) oi (muoiwco.
51n.nufnctnre*i Tobacco.
IV i! \ 'ii' >A H n >'.cr '■ : ,IJ ’
tO -ii i.. M A liuuc- - . •
I'l ii .!n A Hurwrx-r- " *
a....... <«• , •;
■i, ,V. do Prarl A. ' "
M iui J Kolmoon l ' > u
. r »T (•: do do " t
•ii .1.1 t!- AVm Unwaou *)
Vt ,l.i T Wrifttl « "
.p do 1} Au.lrwm " ..
9 do 1, T IfculeV s
5. ,iO K M..COII' “ ..
* ' y do Raid ill - ' , _ .
Jot’, tai-diiii from «ictiut«ir and m
jb , 131 HKAI.p. HI CKNOR A iV
<1 north w»i-r «t ...d Id norm^tmrvr.
M i tnlitdcipiua
At AM KACriKKf) tit > » J one#
M ASoltfrUlirt.i.r iun»J«».
Wdr.trt ".d *U|h nor tvrcctA* ,umpa
• J " KovXr -)• »*• -
,T„ Dupont ulr l.i Kurrl “ *>’
. "^^; P .u r i
. 1, ;i,mi!i.k Moan.-r. and tor irUfi >*V
• W - * lIHALU, IUMKNOK & Co,
in , Tt i‘hi!it.,.-!pViU _
u. dTX OUiuSS,~nook Btuder:
T |Tr R( ,|l cLiTHdr.! in Dm nhov*- haMtir-0.. rorner
• * . , _ n .- work ii- our Unr. xvuii ui-J
"wS HO"*-» »r I’>"'7 S .SS
iw.»k«nr ritimbrf or o.U boo WJ mi'
t.iaiv or repmrml. Names |'Ul m* t.ooa** "» P>‘ l -* l * .•
Then uni uave work. m our Um- ‘ nv, j^. 2|)M
(Zix *KLN»-J0
„,.Kc<l wlebj
' W. M. M'umVft.Ctf’b.' '.o
tm a-sia “i rjssysEfcfts
7• ‘. T, ~'i V L. 1( .„j Cra'hrs, SMminks. N<>-
r.v-ii-, Oil Cloth-.. a.' 1 &r* . lo mil *! "'lm h w, ‘
,i!.Miuon o! the put. .c» ‘ Jm
NOTICE. 18. .
T I AVISO .olAemrcHorerU.'-k i»i! iL tj * A ' , W“ l
[L .i vi. vs i.r clo-iiig'-ut ( 7‘ a J:' l U (> ' l [‘ l ''’i n , i„N m*u.--
1,1 11 101 • ,e i'- 1 • 1 ‘ * j {f , \ V - i'i'HNDKVIT.K.
!, " ,! '' r ’ i nil’. fulNlM'A I KR
t I |*iucl.uTitli, Auo W>.
(1 a. (.HA NT. Wholesale urJ' 1 ' j
1 / F», vvanW M'-rcliiuil.N' 1 ult i'i, ““.M
- Incntli. „f oven' «IM. fiornll)
Ohuroh. Si«:*unboui. and Debs o , ■ If ,„.i .mtirov
o, w,J «.una.. c. ta.™- “™”
-a model*. unit warranted t« &c lotr .
luniu.l anJ lmx*hed in the ‘***f ANTt-Arrai-
A F. j* Hw w* ,h reduction of
T«-> Micrxu *> IUMIy c«W,- omp o..unn
lißimn m inarlnm-f) Hie t»* * lailUv
t -»n \«- him oflinn at aliume*._
fIMIE Milj*.-nlmn* iinvnip U>- . 3l ,<feitensivc
A AdllMK U»e TuiUUiR rnptr I • lijnel , we U *up
puper mill in 'hi' vivinii r. r ~I'ujrwrnor qoail
mini with th* different *«v» (W»j«.r/*« «H ** olfor ni Uu. lo» «l S“ mdn »l
An, «u» "r ‘luul.iy wUI !•<[ "SJ", V k SHIiE,
•T - On?" rtnir'Knn »nJ lr vHh
I , nmalubbek 7.‘n-'^& re »f '
lor .mi of coax, pants ami !»*■ 1-or *
tiuim Rubber Depot, N"'>' v,KKl^y fcl jptnLUP^
1 fijsrHBOHVEW-Tljw
J tf ccrteUfauaTjlJimbutjU i together
1 List, Thalfccrg, .and odjei skJ| a mahogany,
with n ldrpi °Thf JSSjiartniuteAw are
1 ofmy ov*re manufacture. The a tgt ) .ha
I wanWtVta be /perfect in •wnr'WTO^JgjJg.
4 *** i VJS Ifi "WSbATit; 24' dm M*w
Pltlibnrgb A Boston Copp«r CMBP*®y.
rpHIH Company respectfully informs ihe _ r
jL particularly nil 4ralert and conswwr*
ui the form in which they prepare it, that U»eK’\*y,
me Works are now m Kaceerftt-cperation, ■ Da j~ J (
are now realty 10 mate contracts for the delivery ot
Ingot* to those who want in thia form; and a^so lcn^B
cake tor ihr purpose of rolling. „ mtt _ _<•
The Copper produced iron! the Motalto 51»oe
I.ake Superior, is ascertained to be much superior
ii,e ordinary copper in the markets,which i* ‘’““iS™
iroin <isio« containing foreign mineral substance*. in»
! iy pn,<r is perfectly pore, and is pot injured by life ptw-
I <-r«A ot smelting, and is therefore greatly to b« prefer*
ml lor hell racial, roiling, and many other purposes.
ii i» not the intention or wish of this Company
toVrret works for the manufacture of copper m the
vartoti * forms in which u i* wanted, they wit! he happy
lo make contracts for the delivery of it in the form ol
Incnis, tough naktf for rolling, <bc., to those who may
wi-li ;«* etnbark in the business.
Hereafter, all the copper obtained from their mines
wit! lie brought to Pittsburgh, and large stipolieaj&ay
l.e expected Letters addressed to C. G. ninsun or
Th.«jTs M. Mows, will meet with prompt attention.
iiiscll>-d:lui CHARLES AVERY, President. _
AND uow opening, ■ splended lot o
Piano Fortes, from the celebrated fcnn
BrTjngm of Nunns A Clark, N. Y. U con-i»t* in
J| © § 11 part of the following:
One elegant Uowwood octave Piano, with carved
moulding, top and plinth, projecting front and carved
C °(s!e rowwood Piano. BJ octave, elegant and plain,
w,it» rolmmn’« celebrated Attachment, a su
i*<nor instrument.
One Rosewood 6 octavo, round corners and octagon
Ices. One do do ,
One rosewood piano, square corner* and legs.
•m.-se Piano* have, improvement* in the mechanism,
in ..-.ringing and covering of the hammers, possessed
! iiv m> other* m this country, nnd are at once the best
1 a ; w. i a* the ebcapesl Pianos dial can be bought,
vl elegant lot of Chiefcenng’s Pianos, from
7 m‘roctave, pressing all Urn latest improvements,
‘ U Inelegant rosewood
- , Veuves, a new invention. HENB* hLLBER.
,»•!.!-»<■ At J W Woodwelt a, S 3 Third st
_ JOHN It. MKLLOIt, (sole Agent for
eir'gjwiTMrt.nnr'i Piano Forte* for Westeru
Pennsylvania,) No. *1 street,
J| * I |» Pittsburgh, ha* received and now open
lor -air, the allowing elegant assortment, direct from
Un-ina.iufaciory, ut Mr. Chickcring'* (Boston) prices,
Ihic Rosj. wood seven octave Piano Forte, carved in
ih<‘ most rlcgant and nrh style of Louis XIV
One KUsewcrod carved seven octave, .new and im
proved male .
One rosewood p-.ano, <H octave*. new scalo;
Oik “ curved, 6 “ u “
Two • round corners, * octave, new scale.
Two panne! “ C “ “ ♦
Th- ilhivc are si! from the manufactory of J.LtUC*
run*; of the latest styles of fanuture. and witt
tr,*: new an«' improved scale.
iuoos hash asd rossxu uiw 1
■I Romwuxl » o.iov, Pmnra, irom ttic nuurafaclory
o: H W orcester, New York, formerly ot the arm ol
Worcester A Durham.
•* rosewood doeuive, Gale A C«~ N \
l rosewood fi| octuve Piano, made by Bacon * ita
v-n. Ncvv \ork. , . ,
I Mahogany 6 octave Piauo, mode in Baltimore, and
t.- i -.vitil me \o% sale by the owner, for cash or in ex
,'iian«r "-r pittsr.urgh manufactures, or groceries sitUJ
,1.1, », » ri.untr) More. Pnce «W K»._
rf'HF. Filver Moon. My Home, my happy Home;
I Till Home where e’er the Heart i*;
Jenny bad Po-ka,
I na. •-;er. the aiiow ciad Ihiia,
K«.»a nmt Old Cue e Ned, Joanna rolu.
Oowhere the mut" are sleeping;
\S'i . you come to tuy mountain home;
Crave of Uoraparte.
No. ne'er can thy home'be mine;
(Mi S’UAiiina- (»<‘vd-Hye,
KjtipreA, Henrietta'" Walti; Ben Bolt;
J.>v»ihst we've tamed; Ailem Mavouioeett;
Lou.Aiaua Belle', Ethiopian Dance".
I a ••••*• edition of Hrxrsna Pusn Fo»tb IsrraryTOßi
wiui French and English Text, reduced to the fol.ow
me low price*, vir
Hiuiier’s.large work, containing «3 pagaa, »- W
.mall- - " “ " 1 “
BarroW. Piano forte Primer, *?
Bcrutii-' Method for Piano, » / ™
('.ircaMi » liuiuir Instructor, • Jr
|’a»*«ron'« Vocal Skdiool. '
RoliSo. kPiano Instructor, _ * "
Kor.aie by JOHN H. MKLI.OR.
jAVNK Tht" certifies, that immediately after
l having attended mv brother, who died of consumption
I i . March. l-54'J. i was taken sick with the ConMtmpUon
i o- 1 .vrr Complaint, and was reduced *o low with th<
disrnrc. that for four years 1 wu unable to »l» nd * £
t in y bu>. tiers, either at home or abroad, being for id*
mo.; mue confined lo my bed. During the above pen
o-l of time. I had expended for medical rtendnßCC °
femur Physician* and medicine", to the amount ol
tSi, without receiving any benefit j£
July. IKS. 1 eeromenced taking Dr Jayne» Weds*
p>ar», and have taken them more or less ever..autea,
and believe that it was by persevering m tk«r aae,
that I can now truly say that T have completely reec-.
'll my heruth. /believe mat JayncM>aimtlve Ptlb
Kxpeetersnt wre tWbevi fanrfly^aodteltteaitßWsi*
-I!'«:.• !<•- »'T
“’f reside in Spnmrfioid. Otsego county, «ad
r.afry ou a furnace and machine »Uop in Inal plac*i
nnd aiu m>t iuierc-ted in. any manner in *aleoflhe
miovn medicines and make tbU «*«o paton
CM Of tbo-A afflicted. BLUAH EATON.
Springfield, N. Y, Sept Jfl. WS.
woulilvall the attention of the city trade and
ilraier* c«’ne rally, to the following branda Tobacco*,
t m *mre and l<> arrive, whi«'h being cowugnraenla di
j tec; from manutaclurera, lm u enabled to sell at east
rrn Y ib R w rrrns ha«- 6*.
to 711 l •• Junie* Madison se;
-t j • l.amarunc s*;
i •• Mirabeau As,
•! | • I’wniu •» »:>•! K
! 1-, 1 • Ko'.-r:* •* • s *.
I - | Oscar Itun As,
i y | Johus A l/:wi« l«;
•, } *• Warwick. *upr is
4- i Henry A Jainu* £m, l s and
■pltt machine W»rk.a and Paundry.
: HTORcauti, ra.
JOHN WRIGHT it Co., ate prepared u> haild Cotton
anil Woolen Machinery ofeverv deseription, such
a* Citnlrn- Machine*. Spinning Framrv Speeders.
Hniwini! Frame*. Railway Head*. Warper*. Spooler.,
Dn-wuiK Frames. Looms. Card, Ac. W roucht
Iron saartuia turned; ml *'«* of Cost Iran, FuJlies»ud
Ha ircr' of m«* lalc*l patient*, slide and hand Lathi-*,
aml'toon m ail kind* Casting* of every d.-criptum
lorn.-lied on .iiort nourr. Puiiern* made 10 order for
1 MiiMA-irmc. Iron Hailing. Ate. Strum Pipe for lieni
i „, t Far lories. Caul Iron Window Saab and mney Cas
, - *ei»e rail) Order* left at the W arehouae of J.
P-Pine* A Co , Liberty street, -will hare prompt atlen-
U R< frr u> Blnckstock, Bell A Co.. J. K. Moorehead A
i'o <» K Warner. John Irwin At Pons, Pittsburgh ; 0
C A J li Warner, SieubcimUe. iant9
Penn Machine Shop.
HWH SHTM AN— Manufacturer of all kind* of rot
. ion and woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pa
Th*- i,t,i>v* work* being now in full and succeialui. op
r.Htiou I am |>r-i'ured to erecute orders with disnntcb
for itll tmd* o' inue.hutery '« my line, such o» willow.,
nick*'fs, ejirendcra. pard*,gnndmg machine*, railways,
. drawing fr«m**«. .p**rder«, throssils. loom*, woolen
' r-tni» dmilde. or migle, for merchant or country work,
hid :••■'.]*»*■ t *• AC c .iide and hand latnc* and tool* in gen
eral Vi kind* of «haninc made to order, or plan* giv
en tor Hearing lactone* or nulls at reasonable charge
Kv.kkk t.w-Kennedy,,Cluld. Ac Co . Blackstock, Bel!
ACo . King. Pennork At Co.. Jaa. A. Gray. _____
MA WHITE* CO., would re«pectrolly inform
. me public that u»ey have erected a shop on
! a.-ork between Federal and Sandusky .tn-.etv They
are now making and are prepared to receive order, for
every description 61 vehicles, Coaches, Chariot’., Bh
rout-he*. Buggie*. Phirton*. Ac., Ate., which from their
inn** irt the manufacturr ol the
nod*ihrTanhtte* U»y have, they feel coiifideul they are to do worr on the nio»t rea«>nabie term* wiui
those wauling artn-le* m their line.
Paying particular ulteiiuou to the selection of male
rn ./ and having none but competent workmen, they
haw* i„, he.itarioii in warranting their work We
1 'herefore H»k me aucnuoo of the public 10 this matter,
i v ii Kepniniig done m the best manner, am! on the
1 tnr.-t reuTOii.iiur Irrras
put invitrj* tue a nr quod ol buyer, to his ejten.ive
it»«ortnir..i ol above Goods, embracing every quality
up toverv hue, and from the celebrated mannfaeto
rvc* of Friaicc Purcbaatng these goods from tbo
ccmnn«.ton merchant* or agent* of the manniactu*
rer» he i> enabled to sell them at the lowest possible
i-riccs. Also, oltvo green and invisible green Cloths,
very cheap; wool dyed blk do; and French, Bnu.h
and American CASBIMKKES, black and fancy; blk
| and fancy satin VKSTINGS, gentleraen’i silk pocaet
ilandkerehicfs, black nnd fancy Cravau, Imcn nohket
UdkJa, Undershirts, Drawer*. Ac . at the north ea*t
comer ol 4th and Market street*.
Wholesale Rooms up «tmr*. f .
rfv ROBERT H. I’ATPERSON ha* opened
in the rear of the Monongahela Hotue,
wuh « cnurely new "f »“ r “‘ “*“**?“
,v M„ nunl.t) nndl.u-.l «yl«. Hor.e. k'Pl"
I ry in ttie best manner ffsni -T_
OTF.AM BOAT eonOndod !» «I 1
S*..!' „*,r ciiti:*- «tock of * >lanno Timepiece*,
w • o',v otfer to .oil mem atilower price* thaii they enn
i ►' i i iieni ai any house ui Piuabureh or elsewhere,
• tor wet Being the only established agent* here
t *, wo nave tho largesl and finest a**on
lOPitl in the city- Coll and sec.
Remember, we are not to bh undersold.
BLAKF. A CO., Market street,
oet-'fd entrance on north side of rhe Diamond
Jl l l-Siit. txv AXLE factory .
mAic jonkv xiHlt ». qtnoo,
ilu1 cjosbs JONBS A 0,0100,
Manufacturers -of spring and bu«te» udei.
plough steel, steel plough wings, coach, and elipj
uc springs, hammered Iron axles, and dealers in malj
lenbl* castings, fife engine lamps, and coach triramiaga
generally, corner of Rom and Front it*, Pittsburgh,
•f ndla RUBRER SHOES—Just receiTed, 3 cases
I'uct lined Over Shoes, a splendid article, superior
to any ever offered in this £ity, of which any quantiry
can be had si *bort and retaA,at tho
India Rubber Depot, No 5 wood street.
/ \aLIFOKMA OUTFITS—Ju.t reo’d at the ludia
li Rubber Depot, the following, goods: Gam Elasue
panw. Jockey Caps, Camp 1 Blankets, Life Preservers,
lit-izKings, Horse Covers, Drinking Cops, Tenu and
Tcul Floors, a splendid article, Beds, Pillows, Isthmus
Bug*. Haversacks,'• -Camcens, Pouched Long Boots
uno trnning Boots. The above goods lor sale nlNoo
Wood *u fnh!7 * J A. H PHILLLF&
CIANDLES— 100 bra Cincinnati Mottld'Candle*, on I
> ooiuifiunenUintlforsalo by; „ ''
__feba _• WICK. &.RPCANDLKaS
• So. »og—lu Kbony and ttorewood caw*» with or
-*ulioui Anula’ color*. For »ale by
(icc2i R HQPIONS. Apollo Bmldmga
IJ'UHT IN TIME-Another lot of Finole, saitabl© for
tlio California »ervice, )übi rcooived. ,
Xlio, toarrive on the Express, ajirat
a«d handy anteloof PoruM» OoM ! **l«iwfcich «
'."T s°“ "»»»f "S’" “W wwSW,,
comer ith and market «t» ,
‘■KTtt Cind a MACKERKU-lSObliU fotMto low t
.r^Sr'TT 1 '’!!!.- i««SJ)AUEu-
o"«f Ihf Hurra MMnraau ever brmsU
kru whirl, have broa bimU &0» **,
porters and MaoutaoturcrOi of the “WfKtiJ c h y ,
styles, and lower m price ion ,
U> which he mvites the attenuorv of those
steamboat* or hoose*, befbn? P«* -J
w UfC. The Moot consist* in par l ol the 10-iowm?
«hs Velvet do Ham colored,
sues s K*y**sr« *»•***
w£'X“ £ KlX"un n«->
4-1 |, |, | at 2-4 JCOL do Maw
M printed couon *«jip
Kxtm sup Chenille Rns.yc do
do do Tufted do i l '*-™ 1 ( ’ 3
Fine do do /larnlla HeniP
Witlon do do f"°"Xwd!£«
Cr.njon 6s'd 1-toh; ““P" Towelling
lS'-itnolh ** AIMMiIiBC""-
K£ '"do fo, oo«b nn< e , •TraHtfM-«“?" “ do"
a»' ssr*s*r“ for
jurss.»«. --
Ceurcd rainbow Damask* worsted and hne *\ b ._ Jt
blue, enmson, scarlet, ffrcoo, amiblaUt
Moreens; cotton Plu»he»ofoH color*,*c.«c. -
Al», (Wnebaw and Dnllinisi. for steamboat dret,
and all other cnmmtan necessary lor outlie
tn our line, to which the e«pecinl attention o< o'*""-’
,J uiviled \V. M'CLINTUCK'S Carpet Wareroom.
one door from Woodson #t.__ *■ 1 ~ -
SUlrtlnß HuiUm and Ifrlnli Line® 1 *
-it;- R. MURPHY invites the particular
W . thorc wanting the above Oood*, >" h'* .
utoi'k. ron*i*ting of the be«t Inako, from the
proved manufacturer*. and the latter warruii K
flax.—He ha« just received an additional R, ‘l P- ’
offering Shirting Mu-slin. of A eopenor quahtj. at a
nCTj ‘ w w***— »“*” *
Diaper* and Craeh;
Table Clolli*.ToweU wtd Napkin*.
Blanket*, Quilu, Counlepane*; and
Hou»ekoeplng Dry Uoodi P', l )' !rilJ ! y ;,, rino ,
i a nrrs’ dkf*S CrOODi^-Sucb w* + ™ Dch Mcrtn °*’
o»r, D. WB, e°™
-tt: ■ss™-; * i j“" «—«"
bn »old at price* that cannot faH to plcw-
JjCT Wholesale Room* up atatra. ]am
Ri A-. A. MASON *• CO.,
«n»t Goo; 1 * »'r„“7,J3,“' do™" “ cvory
leen per cent, less iliau ever t*etor,., . . ~
p.mon in wont of dry pood., or who -I ;
to examine mid purchase from oar «to< k, av Uie
"'•WtlTW'l'otyacl in reducinp Mock i. ,n
Ss,r «*-*
vonco of lo per com upon llm in on..l£ni mnr.c
p.^'BLkcKLU^j^w:aa^| 1 S «
s .sage:
Mazarnc Blue Parmettos and Alpaccas A few pea
of lh“e and dc-.ri*tr good* lowly receded-
Wholesale Room* upstairs, north east corn^of-lUi
and Market »is.
T-, n n fi’mLEMF-NVW. R. Hnm has recently
F°,« .apply of Gai.UcW, Fancy
CRAVATS including wmr very handsome. - •• >
black Italian Cravat*, several qualities, and including
streets. ;—*77 •
(j press,on Taesdny next, !.Rh tiw<t.-- ,
s. iJnigooa Rutoln; -Allen * 6 barrel,
Liol Befi* and Shoulder Strap*;
Bowie Knives, bras* mounted;
Sold Bags; Blow Pipe*; ... ,
Pocket Glasses lor oammine inuicra..,.
foij»«i« it Etutin pnecs, with uMium b
feblO cornec 4th and’roarkft
KS- new stylo British Prints; do American do,
block doth Shawl* r>»id lour do; neat *tyle M°“J£
de Laines; plain lend and drab do, m lb*; «J£ .
®iy of other scarce and desirable good*, worthy the.
ißeajde room, up -j&r
a jpod slock of desimbre goods,_*t low prices. jalo
TYICH DRESS GOODS, p<*r lonurn su-araer Kurapa.
X\, —A A Mason A Co, No 60 Market street. will
Soon this morning. Rich Dress Good* comprising tho
%g££Sftt» via: Satin plaid Memos, a new arti
cle, and the richest goods imported this season,
w«>l Plmdm high color* and choice mle», ml woo
Cashmeres and W* d« Lame* fine Cohort: and U >
nne Cloths, of any deecribahlts *h«»lc and color . at'"
sinped great variety. V! 1 --
MASON k Co, CO Market -tied.
. "rrcrived itnoihfr Inrpr invoic:
»(.<! Squnrc Shawl-, I.oußhi IS !■*•( ;«
prrv'uHinty re«cjved llii* seaMit. ,
P Our „loik of Sl.n*l. i. no* U» l«ra«« ** ■
nod pnrebneen may P"' '* '™“
ilu* dale Will b« -A per ccW lef? than al an>
ume. ... J
GENTS' CLOAK TASSKU*—« doz mohair Tas
sel*, assorted; :) do silk do do, 2 do do, I'
dodo Imdies Tassels, assorted, I do rul'd do do.
XVOOLF.N GOODS—!'» doz rluluren .■> woolen coat
-0 do do do Cap*; 4 do do common. Iddoz Woolen com
funs, assorted, lr. do do with nags; to do Indie* Uin
W LF. .'tf> doi Ink Moik»kin Belt.*; -H
I do do Morocco do. :t do cord do; »l
norjy ’S.G7market *t
LADIKS' TRIMMINGS—2doz blk Lncc J>tni NriK
3n* ool'd Silk Velvets; W gross blk j^ y , ,’i’"
lorn*; li do cosulluin do: l* do cni'd Klo*« do. Udo
do Famaim do; l> do* cold tleecy auk (.iotcs, t> do bik
decUJ _ :
lINF.N DIAPKRS—«M, 7-1 and »-4 Linen Tab 1
j Diaper, of common figured damn*!
fr op r.ucr„., Ai,o, “ttr.'l'wiutJ, 1
lcr,K ... 91) wood St
jail) .
WKLjhY KLANNKLS-W R Murphy hn* on bat
a full assortment of these durable Goods. ius
a full assortment of domestic unjbriiHtable do. "»d
fall assortment ot »rv;”t and vcllow, and spotted.
Christmas wear. , , .
Home KUmiri-- wmir, brown and harr-...
sujiply constantly nand _ !_. ' L
~a A MAS' >N k Co, No' so Market strdet. ha
A. just received the largest ui-roier of Linens ev
otfered by them, comprising twenty different mum
lo which they would uiviie the attention of whmen
or retail _
AT DJOIIVS, l-J° l.ihertv street,comprising Frein
Cloth*. Ca-Mim re» and Vestings, oi the new.
and mo»i lashionable ityle* importeJ.
Also u . <nre quantity of Rough and Ready id >r.k<
and Co'aungs, peculiarly adapted to the umes and l
**??land, the largest, best manufactured and im
! -AShionahlc stock of ready made Clothing “> Ui« c:
| AH orders in the Tailoring Ittar executed :ti the m
fnshionabic and ilumhlw manner
j\ just received a lot of uew slyie brown aud v.b'ie
B n ueh Print*, very huml«otne. arrived by lat-
CT Also. *ll hanu, a large a»*otun«tH ot choice »t, <es
of American Print*. last, colors amiiow prices.
Black Clolii Shawls, of various qa« .u<r
■ utt received.
Black Alpaocu.*. low priced arid line— a very i«i
«apply. md mjowpnee* for quality J al<l
LACK GOODS— Smith 1. Jukws, 4«* Market fired.
have receivedone d&rtoti of hue l.igtiih ikrejil
lace and odfin** five callous loom made do, len ■ nr
ton* count! do; one do or black *ilk hu-e, iwo rlo o.
black aadwluw fc'rench worked lace ••apes, one do ol
block chanulla v«tl«, together with a variety o( fun >
Brussel* nrtts: blar'c and colored silk* for veil*,
col’ll and while aiUb tfiueiou lot evening dtesnes
Dealers and other* will find « for their inlcreai to ej
amine them before p chasing. i* l —
VTBW JEWfcBRVSM doi jfoid pweui Lover \% etch
l\ es; J " •' detached “
l T “ silver " “ u
dccfi. Ui near. Wood sired.
* Scdl Coo icing Stove*. Grates. Amu
t» ( j WALLACE k. CO., Round Church,
JEWELRY, cnu.oins of told r»«d, .01 tud tab
J chain*, key*, seal*. pencils, finger nngs, hr si puts. . njommptovwltittaiujr; Cooking S*ovBi,fcnrwl|
studs, ear rutgs, bracelets, lechcu, buckles, slide-t, A« „ j tOTC , 0 t vanocn sires, and f
Also, silver combs, cart cajwts, fruit knives, durable*, • yriJtJ,, Hollow Ware, Ac. Ac. They «]*o
shield*, pencils, buckles, sltdev too.h i*ndear pick*. lllPllirr hueneu Range, winch has given «ch
Ac. _ vv \ ... prnrful sausiadion to <ho«e haring It m Use, lO all Cl
dec! • S 7 market St, cor 4th ,w rV would rc.peettuUy invito the attention of
CHANGEABLE SILK V ItUTKSr for ChrUunn* I’re- and the public generally. oct27-dtf
sent*.—W. R. Mcartir ha* on hand a tew very , TRVr sOLAK LARD extensive
hundsomo changcablc Silk tVnuie», vcry ‘“{jaW* (< * r p Cornelius A Co 1 * celebrated
Chrisuna* present*, which he is.ellnig at rcluirdpn- i “ , to all other* in use; adamadLa.
cc*. <ta«on^*4
new style Linen cambric Hdkfs, Ac. _ 6, c« * halls> a , ld lo uii olhct nS5# wllcrc * cheap
LA.CE GOOD*-™h‘te and black LnceCape». ernbd Itcht t*de«rable.
maslut do; white aud black lace l : »drr»teev<:v-Jo At , o ,Girandoles, liall Lanterns,Cam!eULnis,Globe*i '
Lace Berthas; black do Vetlj; plain French «or Wicks, Cluumiea Cans, Trimmers, Ac. AlJ,* .
Collars; trimmed and uainm ? d standing do; embuo«ius y a , chandeliers, from'one lo four lights. *
to match; ladies linen cambnft bdfcis; ffent* do do 00. lWi \y W WILSON, 40 market tifl '
ll . rdvT „^_ < . h ..p er
üb. mi re "‘Tln&TONA&'. r OUAX.WLLSOM ». epuW»>cn Md\aStonl»'
..te rm.! retail, by 1 ,U «|idH Dealer, in llardwareTtfuiltH and SoddimTSp ■
flc ___ a~-j .i.,i IS* Wood street, above FifUr, havenow ia store* verV ' '
! rtOAT ANI) CLOAK sj ch-ap and well selected stock of Unaware, imnonw'
L a»;»r«1 T““K 5 s™”. fi r »“' e a 0 1 doSrab alnee lie Jeciine a( irrirca in anaShStof .
•UJ(P 3do do mohair do, - dodo drab e ' s are determined To «ell cortespondihgiy low. Mctckanar
| overcoal buUousj 40do hue co *Lp£i?.. can- who have been m the habit of going East,artiiJarUca
, Italian do do patentT*hrv* i con^UuUiy larly rcqflostea to call' and look through our stock/a* .
I vus* and other Trimmings, *°r m , .. catoN Co \fo conbdcniiy behove tKeywil) ttve-theifdxpcncciJ
I on hand. deco ..—■■■ ■ ■ ■ oct4 • ~
ri'EEsFoooDs—FJi tutos a co. a rc cousinly- Biuok&* ,
JH supplied wilh a large and • . , '|JXPERiISNCEDjnd«it, ®tl'a trial of Oni* and d half
alk fringes and gimps, velvet Xj lnilliopa.swo ls4A|rtOUotuvce.ihis articie'ans’ai
ces, edging* and embroideries, • , ®”* r J^L ho pH-«d for tdiho consirucunaof a««od»of
pnuto, suspenders
Zephyr, woolen s?”*’A P f nihe lowuLcui uinopoiiths pfdcWfor.u.ktftond r 3
price* to merchant# -- trflhom'A fimqoklity
modious warehouse,ffilFounhjt,uear markM._rio2o_ now f oT6a!e w tfac C** -
TRtjnraOS, GOODS. i, UepiLtr _ • -gcnkingtbtf frog Worlds - .
“t— p a.TON A CO- Dealer* ia Trimmings ap,d «l{rwrri?, ft dor Spades and'Shos
- .. . : .
L*"® *“* •
■ * B °'* ■ ££ • - i^-p,—■y*bT»“-‘Si—■' in store and foraafe by :« ,i».> :
T^OUR3Sbbis7h^H*A)osK, l»doRpdo; ia JAdAHCTOTTSON ,
H XSWATEIaiAN, i Asts-BiUmisSissmijakar'RdfiiwyV
- ftfcSl *i>~ a«ray»fti«Hafromo i j. 4frff&ts;a&&9'{m«£>icrt
Aiso,*old pen and pencil Cases, Vest chains, heavy
oard chains, BreasfPtne, Fmjer Rias», Ear Kings
od a complete assortment of oiher jewelry, at
decS ZEUULON KINSEY'S, & market st
CO AIMS -- , ~ f ,.,j
Pai&ni Gutduaud Gabornc Battery and Patmt
X-iraW Poles farMdual andatkervttryoto,
miU* w the only inMrnraeot of the kind u»t juew
A been presented in this country or Shu°P® * or
ienl purpose*, uad-islhoonlyooeaToritnowTtto rn*n*
'bj i.vhicl) ihe galvanic: fluid can be conveyedto the pui
•man eye, tho ear, the brain, or lo any pwtof “ie DOOT»
etlhot eiieroaily or biteniaibf, lo A definite
ixubQUt 4>oek« or pain—with perfect
ond bilen.wah fl« happiest eSects. _ , »
. THi'* important apparatus is now highly approved, o«
=by id any of die most eminent phynielane Of this *-~Y~**
try andJSsropb* to whom tho arttintwi and other* who®
it may concern cun,be referred. Reference will el*®
t* dwiilo many highly respectable etu2en»,who have
Itwtj cored by means u{, thi* most valuable appanage
ot khuo of tSe most inveterate nervous disorder* whien
coo id >t)t bereaoved by fcuy other known iwnne. .
various others, it \as been proved to bo an*
mtrabiy aijptod for the cure eCthe following diSTM***
viz: nervottvbendsehe and other disease* of the brain.
It is with tins \ppanuns alone .thu tho operator a*o
contey the m VQe’Jc Said with east and safety to th«
rye* to restore or cureanAnroass} to the ear ®
restore hearing; tongaeand other otgnn*» J®"
siorfe speech: and to variotupaitsof the body,
the cure of chronic afifitn?* ttptslpaor
uc doloureax, gout* chorea or 8t-
Vitu'x dance, epilepsTf trout sprain*, *o®*
diidiHos peculiar to lcmalev^jj T^raC Q on c f tho.hmb**
locldaw, etc. etO' ,
Risihls for iurronndmg‘ county of-Western Pa- and
privileges, with the instrument* purchased, and
aisoicstcd for the cure of diseaseiu.
Full instructions wiUbegiTettlor<»»c Tar | daschemi
caUio be u«cd tor various disease»,.aMLihe bestmsn
ner for operating; for tho core of those <S*«i, es will al
so he fully ciplaiiwd to thepurchaaef, on* a pamphlet
polumohia care
full* prepared by the paicmce. BiQinro O'
1 oeilll-dly 1 WH.LIAM3. Vino at, Plnmanat.-
ReT.ralblo Fmortwr Coo*.
. FOR l'Ußii'USa WATER,
51 Which render. rarbld renter eiae try
■e-dK reinovlim ell mbnancoa not "I 1 *!” P
wafer. The croton water fa N. Yort,
das®SSarfai' h '>''i: h ’•'c” “ d “I 110 'JL-.RI
u pa.*n* on hoar Ftronah ini.
W2s®' fulenng coch. .hows «
.imparc »üb«ianccs, worms, an.
is the case more or Ices with al3 hydrunt wa^.
The Rifvrmt.ic Kilicrer is neat and durable, ano i*
not attended with the inconvenience incident to other
| the water pipe, hy merely lurefaa'“JTLiJaildM
1 from one .lie lo lb. olher By tfa« “£
nurse of wafer is changed, aufl aU acccfaelccoc.
mpure. .nVlunre. are torn off ? teo “
cuboul unscrewing tbc Filler. Il also
tdvar.Uure of being a. slap cock, and as SUW» to many
*. wSI be very ronvcuier. and economical. .
«e.y ; e,W
IniE CLINTON PAPER MILL, siiaatcdal Steuben*.
villc, Ohio. having been enlarged and improved,
mid ai a very great expense added ne« and the m«t
miDroYcd kind or machinery, is now prepared to man*
allure all ti:A* of Writing. PnnttnK, Wimpptiig and
ConL Vara Pape.s, Bonnet IWi, A*., eqoal to any
I-die K-ia:cjii or country.
The undersized having ** ArcncV of the
m.ii wtea rou-'iaitUy oh anna a large i apply of
liMSyr, »d -'1 h.v. mr .«
, uu l«o oni«r a. .hon noucc.
WANTED —A partner in lie Publishing buOBfM,
■ embracing Sier.-oiypmg. priming and Ujndra*,
... a c.ulilmilßCiil ««ll » frolaß.
*. ...mice; ».11. He «•« le
«-.i iiiWtfritv- dncmnproitusiug ui his principle*—wii
, . o£ ,r.;ro» the prumug department at
oil e,-l li’.ve • ,-ai.H.i el S3.K» U> SIMM; Tie w-
SSluoKn. .. .. pri-M in W.el.p*, Y*-, J"* »“ *
re-ißtivcd lo Pittsburgh or any other suitable place at
short fiotir* Fo: further particulars, flail Oh RflJ. R
ssr v i. 80..
x p done at short notice. fcuS-iP
tubs and churns.
Pine and Cedar Ware Hannfaetory,
N-i. 87, eosirea Mjibxbt x'ao Ftrra Sts~ PmsscMH.
ritHß Hub*cnber Weeps constantly oo hand, whoto*
1 .ale and retail, very low for cash—
Wtu-h Tuh*. | Barrel Chums,
Bath Tubs. .
Bnr*e Btfckew, 1 Halt Bushels, Ac.
A ",5- h .u> k ’"'" W *"
,I, lio it ton* ai ea*h currency T ot 4 tnofl. app’rd billa*
j ious or upward*. Ut do.por, 0 too* do, interest ad
j,.h For thewiperior qnaMy of this brand we refer to
IJ *l.» »«4 «o. P
‘H , J5O liberty *t
Diaphragm Ftltee, for Hydr.ot
* *si THIS i« to cerufy - that I haw y
X 1 points! Livingston, Roggen A Co.
.fi ■ solg Agents tor the sale of JennlngT*
i lhaprahgm Filter, for the a»s
f fiP r ; - tiesof rtltabargh end AHegoeny.
/SyggL ( pr Walter M Gibson, 343 Broadway,
*..l®T Oct, t0,1f48. .
We have been using one of the above article* ttt, tha
olfirr of tlic Nov?ttv Works for three months, on trial,
and seel perfectly satisfied that it is a useful invention,
and we m*e pleasure in recommending-themMua*e
fahirtirl* to all whn-lovcpare water. Orders will bo
thankful l v received and promptly ssxecutod.
i AdVertlssment*
TIVF. Rub*«?ril>oi. in offering lor sale a handsome lot
of Sunni A Clark’s, iNew York,) and.CUiflkor
inff < LUr-loiO Pianos, would direct attention to thO
tuci Unit hi* ;* the only plnec in the West whfeie the
ihimim. riA ..'the- two makers can be tried side by
-ui- n:nl wi:-f .|af mly, a correct idea of thetr
uunliii'p*- ■.!.» i• i * K»med ‘PticFnliscriber being anxious
to tt'«i wi'-ir ni.i'iv.* men is, and having fora number of
ye*»r» ncnofuicu a{«ni the Pianos olNoiuis 2%. Clark,
hie- ta.i.-n ir-tn u«f foi the last twelve mouths, a Chick*
c -tii', piano" in order to try its dnrabiluy and fitness
n*-»n »,'. («!,i.aiii itu-ut to ihe voice. This I’lanoraay
I,mv b« ►reii ,im) cramiiird at hii room*. He feels
ritihdcni of. hi" aluluy to give a-competent and relia
ble opittmii ou thr iiibiect-
A hajnLome hit of new Pianos will bc_ opened In a
k-w tlavs. H* KLfcBEB,
‘ _ At J }V_Woodweu]#___
... great western
L'FACTOHY —Thu subscriber takes this method
ol'infontuiiff lII* friends and itejmblic in general that
ii<j itRK the ma-o« moek of ih6 following named ani
,.jc, of hi- manufuLUiretiiLUnseUy—SaddlesUaj-
Trunk' und Whip*. aJI of which he will warrant
U> !>■• man-- i"' ihr material und by iho l»«d meeh-
RftK i m \n''«nc;i) cfUiuy Ucuig detunnined to sell
hi> munufacnire* *©rnething tower than has been bere
tnloro «»id by any -unilar establishment tu the city,
lie \vt>uid .nv;i- |nTM>n< iiucedoi the above named
article* 10 hi- w*rchmi«-. No ttf-l Liberty street, oj)po-
U u; wemli Also, butid* made to order for machino
ry. on3fM> 0. KERBY.
fpjjj.; Second Session of this Institution, under tha
1 c.aie m ,\Lr. and Mr*. Utwuoan, for the preseat
.usade.mi' - vrar will rotmtu-iicc on the lirsl of Februa
ry lien, in >tie »aine buddings. No. « Liberty street.
Arrmiyi niruui have Uxh inudo by which they will
bs able to i’uriii'h young ladic* fonlities equal W any
mlfw . West. ;or obtaining a thorough Kngttsh, Clasai
ni. and t>riuiiurmal.cducauon A fall coarse of Phi
:>**phir»! and Cuenucstf Lecture* will be delivered
djrtnic tae winter, uiu*iraied by up pa rams. Theda*
PHrtnn itU ol Vocal and limirumcatal Marie, Modorft.
4,a.nru.acfts, Dn.wing and Fainting, will each be undet
Tiit car«-w a competent I’totcsoor. By closa-atteuaoa
to Uii- moral ana witr-lb-cuml improvement of their pa
inis, the Friiseipnl* hop< to raent a continuation of tbo
‘ihcriti puttoiiagn tucy imvc tuuicru> enjoyed. For
tctui.i. *ee cir-u.c or apply to the Principals.
h»lnMti >-
-fSn<KMX.~FIUK HRiCKa^—The subscribers having
X been appouiiod e yic Agents by the manufacturers,
tor Ihr sale i.f the cc‘*'*ratrd “Phaoux Brick*,* are
now prepared arhii oiocrVjfor any quantity, at 621,
casii. per l,«t>J For the construction of furnaces of
a.,| kinds, ttnwi bricks have been r-inounced by cora
l>oieni judges u» being .-upci or to all other fire bricks
miw- ii. use. 0 A hi ANLLTV A.Co, Canal Basin.
i ray'JO
i\| ;o i ui.* Laiiiarii’ic As; S 6 do Mirabeau is; 23
d I’atmuu 5- ii d l*. VO do Joh;t Rucker is; If! do Re
-1,4,15 4. Atsson is; 4,» uo Henry & James 4* and w; 10
.11 Jon.-n L;.vm' 1-., J Jo War.vicksuperls; 7 bia
i ,-p ward •*<
li'tnr-e Toua • o», cint»ruoir*|C .'«mo of the tun'd favor
i.ruud- on lOiiMsiuncu., and will be sold low u»
1 cUss***, toy L g WATERMAN
;.\ipt>fn‘iU> inJUiCXFiiOhI THE iIANU FACTO* -
l! R.KRS —The subscribers, being the delusive tia
pjrfnr* Of J.immr Mespriit: A Son*’ soda Ash for iflia
uCirKcL, ate now und will conatsuo to be largely «op*
pß<;d With tin* Cr.r(> brand, winch they will sell
;if tlte ‘iwre-tmarkfi price for earth or apprevedbills.
The> iricr to in-. ?;a«a and »oap mauumeturers t
«“'" r ‘ Tt SjJS^feLTBEE.
r.ovl ltkl liberty st
dry in a aounmiim# twwn, wiih Pattern*, TooU,
tor , nit rnady t'nr hiißUinw*. wilrbe »old oa accommo*
dauag lerm>, or Jxoa or pood*.
■rur- offer* tui excellent oppcrtnmtv to s young m»A.
Willi small to commflnoo tiie Iron Pouadry ta»
siuess. Knquireof
if" l '